msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-17 14:27:33+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n" "Language: zh_HK\n" "Project-Id-Version:\n" msgctxt "response type" msgid "Dynamic" msgstr "動態" msgid "Block Patterns" msgstr "區塊版面配置" msgid "copied!" msgstr "已完成複製!" msgid "Business URL" msgstr "企業網址" msgid "Page on front" msgstr "首頁頁面" msgid "Show on front" msgstr "顯示於首頁" msgid "Linked products" msgstr "連結商品" msgctxt "podcast topic selector" msgid "None" msgstr "無" msgid "Frequency" msgstr "頻率" msgid "The refund amount is not valid for charge ID: %1$s" msgstr "此收費 ID 的退款金額無效 :%1$s" msgid "A refund cannot be found for order: %1$s" msgstr "找不到此筆訂單的退款:%1$s" msgid "coffee" msgstr "咖啡" msgid "Invalid number passed. Number %1$s needs to be larger than %2$s" msgstr "無效號碼已通過。 號碼 %1$s 需大於 %2$s" msgid "Stock Status" msgstr "庫存狀態" msgid "Please enter a valid number" msgstr "請輸入有效號碼" msgid "Free shipping requires" msgstr "如果要免運費的話需要..." msgid "Site Tools" msgstr "網站工具" msgid "Provide feedback" msgstr "提供意見反饋" msgctxt "single horizontal line" msgid "Row" msgstr "橫列排列" msgctxt "Generic label for block inserter button" msgid "Add block" msgstr "新增區塊" msgctxt "directly add the only allowed block" msgid "Add %s" msgstr "新增 [%s] 區塊" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Semi Bold" msgstr "半粗體" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Bold" msgstr "粗體" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Extra Bold" msgstr "特粗體" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Black" msgstr "超粗體" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Extra Light" msgstr "特細體" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Light" msgstr "細體" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Regular" msgstr "標準" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Medium" msgstr "中型" msgctxt "font style" msgid "Regular" msgstr "標準" msgctxt "font style" msgid "Italic" msgstr "斜體" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Thin" msgstr "超細體" msgctxt "Relative to parent font size (em)" msgid "ems" msgstr "em" msgctxt "Relative to root font size (rem)" msgid "rems" msgstr "rem" msgctxt "Alignment option" msgid "None" msgstr "不指定" msgctxt "Block vertical alignment setting label" msgid "Change vertical alignment" msgstr "變更垂直對齊方式" msgctxt "Block vertical alignment setting" msgid "Align bottom" msgstr "靠下對齊" msgctxt "Block vertical alignment setting" msgid "Align top" msgstr "靠上對齊" msgctxt "Block vertical alignment setting" msgid "Align middle" msgstr "置中對齊" msgctxt "Indicates this palette is created by the user." msgid "Custom" msgstr "自訂" msgctxt "Indicates this palette comes from the theme." msgid "Custom" msgstr "自訂" msgctxt "Indicates this palette comes from WordPress." msgid "Default" msgstr "預設" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Convert to link" msgstr "轉換為連結" msgctxt "Indicates this palette comes from the theme." msgid "Theme" msgstr "佈景主題" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Group" msgstr "組成群組" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Stack" msgstr "直行排列" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Try again" msgstr "重試" msgid "%d block added." msgid_plural "%d blocks added." msgstr[0] "%d 個區塊已新增。" msgid "Copied %d block to clipboard." msgid_plural "Copied %d blocks to clipboard." msgstr[0] "%d 個區塊已複製到剪貼簿。" msgid "Moved %d block to clipboard." msgid_plural "Moved %d blocks to clipboard." msgstr[0] "%d 個區塊已移動到剪貼簿。" msgid "Unlock" msgstr "解除鎖定" msgid "Deposit ID" msgstr "存款 id" msgid "Deposit date" msgstr "存款日期" msgid "Deposit status" msgstr "存款狀態" msgid "Deposit Id" msgstr "存款 id" msgid "Deposit" msgstr "存款" msgid "Withdrawal" msgstr "提款" msgid "Bank account" msgstr "銀行戶口" msgid "Dispute Id" msgstr "爭議 ID" msgid "Reason" msgstr "原因" msgid "Disputed on" msgstr "提出爭議時間:" msgid "Respond by" msgstr "回應者:" msgid "Reader fee" msgstr "讀卡機費用" msgid "Loan dispersement" msgstr "貸款發放" msgid "Loan repayment" msgstr "貸款償還" msgid "Customer Currency" msgstr "客戶貨幣" msgid "Deposit Currency" msgstr "存款貨幣" msgid "Net" msgstr "淨額" msgid "Risk level" msgstr "風險等級" msgid "Charge" msgstr "扣款" msgid "Payment failure refund" msgstr "付款失敗退款" msgid "Payment refund" msgstr "付款退款" msgid "Refund failure" msgstr "退款失敗" msgid "Dispute" msgstr "爭議" msgid "Dispute reversal" msgstr "逆轉爭議" msgid "All your site's content, themes, plugins, users and settings." msgstr "所有網站內容、佈景主題、外掛程式、使用者和設定" msgid "Stats at your fingertips" msgstr "動動你的指尖即可掌握最新狀態。" msgid "Watch engagement happening" msgstr "觀看進行中的互動。" msgid "Read posts, even offline" msgstr "即使離線也能閱讀文章。" msgid "Rich mobile publishing" msgstr "豐富的行動發佈功能。" msgid "Domain transfer" msgstr "域名移轉" msgid "Site redirect" msgstr "網站重新導向" msgid "Registered domain" msgstr "已註冊的網域" msgid "Order amount too small" msgstr "訂單金額太小" msgid "" "By placing this order, you agree to our [terms] and understand our " "[privacy_policy]." msgstr "確認此訂單代表您同意[terms]且瞭解[privacy_policy]。" msgid "Local Pickup" msgstr "到店自取" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the invite for %s…." msgstr "刪除 %s 的邀請時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "Error: The payment could not be captured because the requested capture " "amount is greater than the amount you can capture for this charge." msgstr "錯誤:無法獲取款項,因為要求獲取的金額大於你可從此筆費用中獲取的金額。" msgid "Please enter a valid phone number, whose length is less than 20." msgstr "請輸入有效的電話號碼,長度不能超過 20 個字元。" msgid "A valid shipping address is required for Afterpay payments." msgstr "若使用 Afterpay 付款,請提供有效的送件地址。" msgid "WooPay button locations" msgstr "WooPay 按鈕位置" msgid "The date when the payment intent was created." msgstr "付款意願的建立日期。" msgid "Invalid data provided." msgstr "無效的資料。" msgid "Search images" msgstr "搜尋圖片" msgid "Media uploads" msgstr "媒體上載" msgid "The requested order (ID %d) was not found." msgstr "找不到要求的訂單 (ID %d)。" msgid "The class %1$s is not a subclass of %2$s" msgstr "類別 %1$s 不是 %2$s 的子類別" msgid "The %1$s method is not available in the current payment state (%2$s)." msgstr "目前付款狀態 (%2$s) 不適用 %1$s 方法。" msgid "" "Your store has subscriptions using %6$s Stripe Billing functionality for " "payment processing. Due to the %1$soff-site billing engine%3$s these " "subscriptions use,%4$s they will continue to renew even after you deactivate " "%6$s%5$s." msgstr "" "你的商店有方案可使用 %6$s Stripe Billing 功能處理付款。 由於這些方案使用%1$s" "站外計費引擎%3$s,%4$s即使你停用 %6$s%5$s 仍會續訂。" msgid "" "If you do not want these subscriptions to continue to be billed, you should " "%1$scancel these subscriptions%2$s prior to deactivating %3$s." msgstr "如果你不希望繼續支付這些方案的費用,請%1$s取消方案%2$s再停用 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your store has subscriptions using %5$s Stripe Billing functionality for " "payment processing. Due to the %1$soff-site billing engine%2$s these " "subscriptions use,%3$s they will continue to renew even after you deactivate " "%6$s%4$s." msgstr "" "你的商店有方案可使用 %5$s Stripe Billing 功能處理付款。 由於這些方案使用%1$s" "站外計費引擎%2$s,%3$s即使你停用 %6$s%4$s 仍會續訂。" msgid "Klarna" msgstr "Klarna" msgid "The payment process could not be completed." msgstr "無法完成付款流程。" msgid "Charge object associated with this payment intention." msgstr "與此付款意願相關的收費物件。" msgid "The status of the payment intent." msgstr "付款意願狀態。" msgid "The customer id of the intent" msgstr "此意願的顧客 ID" msgid "ID for the payment intent." msgstr "付款意願 ID。" msgid "Email associated with the link." msgstr "與此連結相關的電子郵件。" msgid "Link details for the payment method." msgstr "付款方法的連結詳細資料。" msgid "Last 4 digits of the SEPA Debit." msgstr "SEPA 簽帳金融卡後 4 碼" msgid "SEPA Debit details for the payment method." msgstr "付款方法的 SEPA 簽帳金融卡詳細資料。" msgid "Expiration year of the card." msgstr "卡片到期年份。" msgid "Expiration month of the card." msgstr "銀行卡到期月份。" msgid "Last 4 digits of the card." msgstr "銀行卡後 4 個數字。" msgid "Brand of the card." msgstr "银行卡品牌。" msgid "Card details for the payment method." msgstr "付款方法的卡片詳細資料。" msgid "Phone number associated with the billing details." msgstr "帳單詳細資料相關電話號碼。" msgid "Name associated with the billing details." msgstr "帳單詳細資料相關姓名。" msgid "Email associated with the billing details." msgstr "帳單詳細資料相關電子郵件地址。" msgid "State of the billing address." msgstr "帳單地址狀態。" msgid "Line 2 of the billing address." msgstr "第 2 行帳單地址。" msgid "Line 1 of the billing address." msgstr "第 1 行帳單地址。" msgid "Country of the billing address." msgstr "帳單地址的國家/地區。" msgid "City of the billing address." msgstr "帳單地址的城市。" msgid "Address associated with the billing details." msgstr "帳單詳細資料相關地址。" msgid "Billing details for the payment method." msgstr "付款方法的帳單詳細資料。" msgid "Product catalog" msgstr "產品目錄" msgid "Shop Now" msgstr "立即選購" msgid "Onboarding field data could not be retrieved" msgstr "無法獲取上崗現場數據。" msgid "styles" msgstr "樣式" msgid "Create subscription product" msgstr "建立訂閱產品" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions migrated from Stripe Billing to on-site billing." msgstr "由Stripe Billing遷移到現場計費的訂閱數量。" msgid "The number of subscriptions using Stripe Billing" msgstr "使用Stripe Billing的訂閱數量" msgid "" "Whether there is a Stripe Billing off-site to on-site billing migration in " "progress." msgstr "有冇進行中嘅Stripe Billing離線到網上帳單遷移?" msgid "If Stripe Billing is enabled." msgstr "如果啟用了Stripe Billing。" msgid "No valid payment method was selected." msgstr "未選取有效的付款。" msgid "Invalid saved payment method (token) ID." msgstr "已儲存付款方法 (令牌) ID 為無效。" msgid "WooPayments is not used during checkout." msgstr "結帳時未使用 WooPayments。" msgid "" "This tool will migrate all Stripe Billing subscriptions to tokenized " "subscriptions with WooPayments.%1$sNumber of Stripe Billing subscriptions " "found: %2$d" msgstr "" "此工具會使用 WooPayments,將所有 Stripe Billing 訂閱移轉為權杖化訂閱。%1$s找" "到的 Stripe Billing 訂閱數:%2$d" msgid "Migration in progress" msgstr "移轉處理中" msgid "Migrate Stripe Billing subscriptions" msgstr "移轉 Stripe Billing 訂閱" msgid "Kind" msgstr "類型" msgid "Coming soon" msgstr "即將推出" msgid "Link type is required" msgstr "連結類型為必填" msgid "The status of the deposit" msgstr "存款狀態" msgid "A unique identifier for the deposit." msgstr "存款獨特識別碼。" msgid "Deposit date of transaction" msgstr "交易存款日期" msgid "Fraud risk level." msgstr "欺詐風險水平。" msgid "" "The identifier of the WooCommerce order associated with this transaction." msgstr "與此交易相關的WooCommerce訂單的識別符。" msgid "Net amount." msgstr "淨金額。" msgid "Customer country." msgstr "客戶國家" msgid "Customer email." msgstr "客戶電郵。" msgid "Customer name." msgstr "顧客姓名。" msgid "Customer details." msgstr "顧客詳細資料。" msgid "Transaction fees." msgstr "交易手續費。" msgid "The currency of the store." msgstr "商店使用的幣別。" msgid "The exchange rate of the transaction." msgstr "交易匯率。" msgid "The amount of the transaction." msgstr "交易金額。" msgid "The currency of the transaction." msgstr "交易幣別。" msgid "The type of the transaction." msgstr "交易類型。" msgid "The payment method ID used to create the transaction type." msgstr "用於建立交易類型的付款方式 ID。" msgid "" "Specifies whether the payment method used was a card (Visa, Mastercard, " "etc.) or an Alternative Payment Method (APM) or Local Payment Method (LPM) " "(iDEAL, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.)." msgstr "" "指明使用的付款方式為信用卡 (Visa、Mastercard 等)、其他付款方式 (APM),或當地" "付款方式 (LPM),(iDEAL、Apple Pay、Google Pay 等)。" msgid "Indicates whether the transaction was made online or offline." msgstr "請表明是網路或實體交易。" msgid "A unique source id for each transaction." msgstr "每筆交易的唯一來源 ID。" msgid "A unique identifier for each transaction based on its transaction type." msgstr "每個交易的唯一識別碼 (依交易類型而異)。" msgid "The date and time when the transaction was created." msgstr "交易的建立日期與時間。" msgid "Direction on which to sort." msgstr "排序依據指示。" msgid "Field on which to sort." msgstr "排序依據欄位。" msgid "Page size." msgstr "頁面大小。" msgid "Page number." msgstr "頁碼。" msgid "Include timezone into date filtering." msgstr "將時區納入日期篩選。" msgid "Match filter for the transactions." msgstr "選擇交易適合的篩選條件。" msgid "Filter transactions where type is a specific value." msgstr "篩選條件類型為特定金額的交易。" msgid "Filter transactions based on the payment method used." msgstr "依據使用的付款方式篩選交易。" msgid "Filter transactions based on the customer email." msgstr "依據顧客電子郵件篩選交易。" msgid "Filter transactions based on the associated deposit ID." msgstr "依據相關的訂金 ID 篩選交易。" msgid "Filter transactions based on the associated order ID." msgstr "依據相關的訂單 ID 篩選交易。" msgid "Filter transactions between these dates." msgstr "篩選此期間的交易。" msgid "Filter transactions after this date." msgstr "篩選此日期之後的交易。" msgid "Filter transactions before this date." msgstr "篩選此日期之前的交易。" msgid "Stripe Link email ending in %s" msgstr "結尾為 %s 的 Stripe Link 電子郵件" msgid "" "If the exchange rate meta data is missing, update the order with the " "suggested exchange rate. Once the rate is updated, you can then use the " "Import historical data tool under Analytics > Settings to correct analytical " "data." msgstr "" "如果缺少匯率元數據,請使用建議的匯率更新訂單。 一旦匯率更新完成,您可以在分" "析 > 設定下使用匯入歷史資料工具來修正分析資料。" msgid "" "This subscription has been successfully migrated to a WooPayments tokenized " "subscription." msgstr "此訂閱已經成功遷移到 WooPayments 的 tokenized 訂閱。" msgid "" "We're not able to process this payment due to the order ID mismatch. Please " "try again later." msgstr "由於訂單 ID 不符,我們無法處理這筆付款。 請稍後再試。" msgid "" "Payments made simple — including WooPay, a new express checkout feature.

\n" "\t\t\t\tBy using %1$s you agree to be bound by our Terms of " "Service (including WooPay merchant terms) and acknowledge that you have read our " "Privacy Policy" msgstr "" "輕鬆付款:你可使用 WooPay 這項全新的快速結帳功能。

使用 %1$s 即表示" "你同意遵守我們的服務條款 (包括 WooPay " "商家條款) ,並確認已詳閱我們的" "隱私權政策" msgid "Error: Invalid Japanese phone number: " msgstr "錯誤:無效的日本電話號碼:" msgid "Access discounted shipping rates with DHL and USPS." msgstr "取得 DHL 和 USPS 的折扣運費。" msgid "Discounted rates" msgstr "折扣費率" msgid "Pick up an order, then just pay, print, package and post." msgstr "挑選訂單,然後付款、列印、包裝並寄出。" msgid "Print at home" msgstr "在家列印" msgid "No need to wonder where that stampbook went." msgstr "不必思考郵票冊到底去哪裡了。" msgid "Buy postage when you need it" msgstr "在需要時購買郵票" msgid "WooCommerce Tax" msgstr "WooCommerce 101" msgid "Could not access filesystem" msgstr "無法讀取檔案系統。" msgid "Contact our Happiness Engineers" msgstr "聯絡我們的 Happiness Engineer" msgid "Ascending." msgstr "順序" msgid "Descending." msgstr "倒序" msgid "" "Transfer your %3$s connection from %2$s to this site " "%1$s. %2$s will be disconnected " "from %3$s." msgstr "" "請將你的 %3$s 連結從 %2$s 轉移至此網站 (%1$s)。%2$s 會與 %3$s 中斷連結。" msgid "%s Safe Mode" msgstr "%s 安全模式" msgid "Safe Mode has been deactivated and %s is fully functional." msgstr "安全模式已停用,%s 已完整啟用。" msgid "%s connection successfully transferred" msgstr "已成功轉移 %s 連結" msgid "" "The version of Jetpack installed is too old to be used with %1$s. %1$s has " "been disabled. Please deactivate or update Jetpack." msgstr "" "安裝的 Jetpack 版本太舊,無法用於 %1$s。%1$s 已停用。 請停用或更新 Jetpack。" msgid "Yes, deactivate %s" msgstr "是,停用 %s" msgid "Are you sure you want to deactivate %s?" msgstr "確定要停用 %s?" msgid "" "By deactivating the %1$s%6$s%2$s plugin, your store will switch to using the " "subscriptions functionality %1$sbuilt into %5$s%2$s. %1$s%3$sLearn more.%4$s" "%2$s" msgstr "" "停用 %1$s%6$s%2$s 外掛程式,會使得貴商店改為使用 %1$s%5$s 內建%2$s的訂閱功" "能。 %1$s%3$s深入瞭解。%4$s%2$s" msgid "Help us make improvements to %s" msgstr "協助我們改善 %s" msgid "You’re now eligible to receive Instant Deposits with %s" msgstr "你現在符合資格透過 %s 接收即時匯款" msgid "To add new currencies to your store, please finish setting up %s." msgstr "若要在商店新增幣別,請完成 %s 設定。" msgid "" "Risk filtering is only available for orders processed using credit cards " "with %s." msgstr "風險篩選功能僅適用於使用信用卡透過 %s 處理的訂單。" msgid "" "A refund of %1$s was unsuccessful using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "" "使用 %2$s 處理的一筆 %1$s 退款未成功 (%3$s)。" msgid "This tool will clear the account cached values used in %s." msgstr "此工具將清除 %s 使用的帳號快取值。" msgid "Clear %s account cache" msgstr "清除 %s 帳號快取值" msgid "" "The %1$s version you have installed is not compatible with %2$s for a " "Norwegian business. Please update %1$s to version 7.5 or above. You can do " "that via the the plugins page." msgstr "" "你安裝的 %1$s 版本與挪威企業適用的 %2$s 不相容。 請將 %1$s 更新至 7.5 或更新" "版本。 你可以透過外掛程式頁面完成更新。" msgid "" "A capture of %1$s failed to complete using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "未能使用 %2$s 完成一筆 %1$s 請款 (%3$s)。" msgid "" "A payment of %1$s was successfully captured using %2$s (" "%3$s)." msgstr "已使用 %2$s 成功完成一筆 %1$s 請款 (%3$s)。" msgid "" "A payment of %1$s was started using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "" "已使用 %2$s 開始支付一筆 %1$s 付款 (%3$s)。" msgid "" "A payment of %1$s was authorized using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "已使用 %2$s 授權一筆 %1$s 付款 (%3$s)。" msgid "A payment of %1$s failed using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "未能使用 %2$s 完成一筆 %1$s 付款 (%3$s)。" msgid "" "A payment of %1$s was successfully charged using %2$s (" "%3$s)." msgstr "已使用 %2$s 成功收取 %1$s 付款 (%3$s)。" msgid "" "%1$s requires WordPress %2$s or greater (you are using " "%3$s)." msgstr "" "需要 WordPress %2$s 或更高版本才能使用 %1$s (目前使用的版本" "是 %3$s)。" msgid "" "%1$s requires %2$s %3$s or greater to be installed (you are " "using %4$s)." msgstr "" "需要安裝 %2$s %3$s 或更高版本才能使用 %1$s (目前使用的版本" "是 %4$s)。" msgid "" "%1$s requires %2$s to be enabled. Please remove the " "woocommerce_admin_disabled filter to use %1$s." msgstr "" "需要 %2$s 才能啟用 %1$s。 請移除 woocommerce_admin_disabled 篩選" "條件以使用 %1$s。" msgid "" "Update %1$s (recommended) or manually re-install " "a previous version of %2$s." msgstr "" "請更新 %1$s (建議) 或手動重新安裝舊版 " "%2$s。" msgid "" "%1$s %2$s requires %3$s %4$s or greater to be installed " "(you are using %5$s). " msgstr "" "需要安裝 %3$s %4$s 或更高版本才能使用 %1$s %2$s (目前使用的" "版本是 %5$s)。" msgid "%1$s requires %2$s to be installed and active." msgstr "需要安裝並啟用 %2$s 才能使用 %1$s。" msgid "" "Express checkouts are enabled. To use Apple Pay, please use a live %s " "account." msgstr "已啟用快速結帳。 若要使用 Apple Pay,請使用正式的 %s 帳號。" msgid "A %s payment method was not provided" msgstr "未提供 %s 付款方式" msgid "" "A refund of %1$s was successfully processed using %2$s. Reason: %3$s. (" "%4$s)" msgstr "已使用 %2$s 成功處理了一筆 %1$s 退款。 原因:%3$s。(%4$s)" msgid "" "A refund of %1$s was successfully processed using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "已使用 %2$s 成功處理了一筆 %1$s 退款 (%3$s)。" msgid "Respond to %d active disputes" msgstr "回應 %d 個進行中的爭議" msgid "If %s express checkouts should be enabled." msgstr "是否應啟用 %s 快速結帳。" msgid "%s bank account descriptor to be displayed in customers' bank accounts." msgstr "顯示在顧客銀行帳號的 %s 銀行帳號描述元。" msgid "%s Subscriptions feature flag setting." msgstr "%s 訂閱功能旗標設定。" msgid "%s Multi-Currency feature flag setting." msgstr "%s 多幣別功能旗標設定。" msgid "%s test mode setting." msgstr "%s 測試模式設定。" msgid "If %s \"Saved cards\" should be enabled." msgstr "是否應啟用 %s 的「儲存信用卡」功能。" msgid "If %s manual capture of charges should be enabled." msgstr "是否應啟用 %s 人工請款。" msgid "If %s should be enabled." msgstr "是否應啟用 %s。" msgid "" "All transactions are simulated. Customers can't make real purchases through " "%s." msgstr "所有交易皆模擬進行。 顧客無法透過 %s 實際購買。" msgid "This represents the fee %s collects for the transaction." msgstr "這表示 %s 針對此交易收取的手續費。" msgid "" "The selected currency is not available for the country set in your %s " "account." msgstr "所選貨幣無法用於你的 %s 帳號設定的國家/地區。" msgid "Enable customers to pick their own amount (“Pay what you want”)" msgstr "讓客戶能夠選擇自己的金額 (「隨你付」)。" msgid "Charge items" msgstr "收費項目" msgid "Order meta items" msgstr "訂單 meta 項目" msgid "Store items" msgstr "商店商品" msgid "New exchange rate:" msgstr "新的匯率:" msgid "Suggested exchange rate: " msgstr "建議匯率:" msgid "" "Enter a new exchange rate and then click the Update button for the order." msgstr "請輸入新的匯率,然後按一下訂單的「更新」按鈕。" msgid "" "This tool's intended use is to add or update the Multi-Currency exchange " "rate for the order if it is missing." msgstr "此工具的預計用途為在訂單遺漏多種幣別匯率時,用於新增或更新相關資訊。" msgid "Charge Currency" msgstr "收費幣別" msgid "Charge Exchange Rate" msgstr "收費匯率" msgid "Stripe Exchange Rate" msgstr "Stripe 匯率" msgid "Multi-Currency Exchange Rate" msgstr "多種幣別匯率" msgid "Intent Currency" msgstr "意向幣別" msgid "Intent ID" msgstr "意向 ID" msgid "Payment Method Title" msgstr "付款方法標題" msgid "Payment Method ID" msgstr "付款方式 ID" msgid "Order Default Currency" msgstr "訂單預設幣別" msgid "Order Currency" msgstr "訂單幣別" msgid "Multi-Currency Meta Helper" msgstr "多種幣別 meta 小幫手" msgid "The exchange rate has been updated:
From: %1$s
To: %2$s" msgstr "匯率已更新:
新的匯率:%2$s" msgid "Multi-Currency Meta Helper has been enabled" msgstr "已啟用多種幣別 meta 小幫手" msgid "Multi-Currency Meta Helper has been disabled" msgstr "已停用多種幣別 meta 小幫手" msgid "" "This tool can be used to fix meta data on orders related to Multi-Currency " "conversion rates." msgstr "此工具可用於修正與多種幣別匯率相關的訂單中繼資料。" msgid "Enable/Disable Multi-Currency Meta Helper" msgstr "啟用/停用多種幣別 meta 小幫手" msgid "Bank cannot process" msgstr "銀行無法處理" msgid "Subscription canceled" msgstr "已取消訂閱" msgid "Transaction unauthorized" msgstr "交易未經授權" msgid "" "The %1$s version you have installed is not compatible with %2$s for a Czech " "Republic business. Please update %1$s to version 7.8 or above (you are using " "%3$s). You can do that via the the plugins page." msgstr "" "你安裝的 %1$s 版本與捷克共和國企業適用的 %2$s 不相容。 請將 %1$s 更新至 7.8 " "或較新版本 (目前使用 %3$s 版)。 你可以透過外掛程式頁面完成更新。" msgid "" "The %1$s version you have installed is not compatible with %2$s for a " "Swedish business. Please update %1$s to version 7.8 or above (you are using " "%3$s). You can do that via the the plugins page." msgstr "" "你安裝的 %1$s 版本與瑞典企業適用的 %2$s 不相容。 請將 %1$s 更新至 7.8 或較新" "版本 (目前使用 %3$s 版)。 你可以透過外掛程式頁面完成更新。" msgid "" "The %1$s version you have installed is not compatible with %2$s for a " "Hungarian business. Please update %1$s to version 7.8 or above (you are " "using %3$s). You can do that via the the plugins page." msgstr "" "你安裝的 %1$s 版本與匈牙利企業適用的 %2$s 不相容。 請將 %1$s 更新至 7.8 或較" "新版本 (目前使用 %3$s 版)。 你可以透過外掛程式頁面完成更新。" msgid "By %1$s – %2$s left to respond" msgstr "期限:%1$s – 回應時間剩下 %2$s" msgid "Last week to respond to %d of the disputes" msgstr "剩最後一週的時間回應 %d 個爭議" msgid "Final day to respond to %d of the disputes" msgstr "剩最後一天的時間回應 %d 個爭議" msgid "Respond to %1$d active disputes for a total of %2$s" msgstr "回應 %1$d 個進行中的爭議 (共 %2$s 個)" msgid "Respond today by %s" msgstr "今天 %s 前回應" msgid "Respond to a dispute for %s" msgstr "回應 %s 的爭議" msgid "Respond to a dispute for %s – Last day" msgstr "回應 %s 的爭議 – 最後一天" msgid "Search Media:" msgstr "搜尋媒體" msgid "Patterns" msgstr "區塊版面配置" msgid "" "Existing subscribers will need to pay for their next renewal manually, after " "which automatic payments will resume. You will also no longer have access to " "the %1$s%3$sadvanced features%4$s%2$s of WooCommerce Subscriptions." msgstr "" "現有訂閱者必須手動支付下一期續訂費用,之後才會恢復自動付款。 你也無法再存取 " "WooCommerce Subscriptions 的%1$s%3$s進階功能%4$s%2$s。" msgid "Add manually" msgstr "手動新增" msgid "Payfast" msgstr "PayFast" msgid "WCPay woopay order status sync" msgstr "WCPay WooPay 訂單狀態同步" msgid "" "The payment for this order was held for review by your risk filtering and " "manually approved." msgstr "此訂單的付款遭到風險篩選功能保留待審核,並已手動核准。" msgid "" "Payment has been disputed for %1$s with reason \"%2$s\". Response due by " "%3$s." msgstr "%1$s 的付款有爭議,理由為「%2$s」。 回應期限為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Icelandic Króna does not accept decimals. Please update your currency number " "of decimals to 0 or select a different currency. %1$sVisit settings%2$s" msgstr "" "冰島克朗不接受小數金額。 請將你貨幣金額的小數更新為 0,或選取其他貨幣。 %1$s" "造訪設定%2$s" msgid "Subscription type" msgstr "訂閱類型" msgid "Akismet stats" msgstr "Akismet 統計" msgid "WooPay request is not signed correctly." msgstr "WooPay 要求未正確簽署。" msgid "" "The payment for this order was done in person and has bypassed your risk " "filtering." msgstr "此訂單為親自收款,並已略過你的風險篩選。" msgid "" "The payment for this order was held for review by your risk filtering. The " "authorization for the charge appears to have failed." msgstr "你的風險篩選功能已將此訂單的付款扣留送審。 付款驗證似乎失敗了。" msgid "" "The payment for this order was held for review by your risk filtering. The " "authorization for the charge appears to have expired." msgstr "你的風險篩選功能已將此訂單的付款扣留送審。 付款驗證似乎過期了。" msgid "" "The payment for this order has not yet been passed to the fraud and risk " "filters to determine its outcome status." msgstr "此訂單的付款尚未傳送至詐騙和風險篩選,故無法判斷結果狀態。" msgid "No account settings provided" msgstr "未提供帳號設定" msgid "" "%1$s is not a valid redirect URL. Use a URL in the allowed_redirect_hosts " "filter." msgstr "" "%1$s 不是有效的重新導向 URL。 請使用 allowed_redirect_hosts 篩選條件中的 " "URL。" msgid "Governmental unit" msgstr "政府單位:" msgid "Public partnership" msgstr "公共夥伴關係" msgid "Incorporated non-profit" msgstr "非公司化非牟利" msgid "Unincorporated non-profit" msgstr "非公司化非牟利" msgid "Public company" msgstr "上市公司" msgid "Proprietary company" msgstr "獨資公司" msgid "Sole trader" msgstr "個體經營" msgid "Unincorporated association" msgstr "非公司協會" msgid "Sole proprietorship" msgstr "獨資企業" msgid "Private company" msgstr "私人公司" msgid "Private partnership" msgstr "私人合夥" msgid "Sole establishment" msgstr "獨資公司" msgid "Public corporation" msgstr "公營公司" msgid "Private corporation" msgstr "私人公司" msgid "Jetpack Logo" msgstr "Jetpack 標誌" msgid "Shop now" msgstr "立即選購" msgid "Wow your shoppers" msgstr "讓顧客驚嘆" msgid "%d left in stock" msgstr "庫存剩 %d 件" msgid "Browse styles" msgstr "瀏覽樣式" msgid "Recently updated" msgstr "最近更新" msgid "An error occurred." msgstr "發生錯誤。" msgid "Financial services" msgstr "金融服務" msgid "Retail" msgstr "零售" msgid "manage" msgstr "管理" msgid "insurance" msgstr "保險" msgid "install" msgstr "安裝" msgid "building" msgstr "建築物" msgid "education" msgstr "教育" msgid "services" msgstr "服務" msgid "owner" msgstr "擁有者" msgid "consulting" msgstr "諮詢" msgid "food and drink" msgstr "食物與飲料" msgid "ebook" msgstr "電子書" msgid "order" msgstr "訂單" msgid "software" msgstr "軟體" msgid "Creating" msgstr "正在建立..." msgid "Run your store from anywhere" msgstr "隨時隨地都能經營你的商店" msgid "Marketing automation" msgstr "自動化行銷" msgid "Get help!" msgstr "取得協助" msgid "Latest Backups" msgstr "最近備份" msgid "View detailed stats" msgstr "檢視詳細統計資料" msgid "Could not persist order to database table \"%s\"." msgstr "無法讓訂單存留至資料庫表格「%s」。" msgid "Could not create order in posts table." msgstr "無法在文章表格中建立訂單。" msgid "Order status changed by bulk edit." msgstr "大量編輯已變更訂單狀態。" msgid "" "The %1$s plugin has been deactivated as the latest improvements are now " "included with the %2$s plugin." msgstr "已停用 %1$s 外掛程式,因為 %2$s 外掛程式現在包含最新的改進功能。" msgid "Batch %1$d (%2$d orders) completed in %3$d seconds" msgstr "已於 %3$d 秒內完成第 %1$d 批次 (%2$d 筆訂單)" msgid "" "With WooCommerce Payments, you can securely accept major cards, Apple Pay, " "and payments in over 100 currencies – with no setup costs or monthly fees – " "and you can now accept in-person payments with the Woo mobile app." msgstr "" "使用 WooCommerce Payments,您可以安全地接受主要銀行卡、Apple Pay 和 100 多種" "貨幣的付款——無需設置成本或月費——現在您可以使用 Woo 移動應用程式接受面對面的付" "款。" msgid "" "With WooCommerce Payments, you can securely accept major cards, Apple Pay, " "and payments in over 100 currencies. Track cash flow and manage recurring " "revenue directly from your store’s dashboard - with no setup costs or " "monthly fees." msgstr "" "WooCommerce Payments 可讓你安全地接受主流信用卡、Apple Pay 和 100 多種貨幣的" "付款。 直接透過商店控制台追蹤收入及管理定期營收,不必支付設定費用或月費。" msgid "Filter by attribute" msgstr "依屬性篩選" msgid "Finish set up" msgstr "完成設定" msgid "%s order status changed." msgid_plural "%s order statuses changed." msgstr[0] "%s 筆訂單狀態已變更。" msgid "Navigate to the previous view" msgstr "導覽至上一個檢視" msgid "Subscription management" msgstr "訂閱管理" msgid "Database access" msgstr "資料庫存取" msgid "Back to home" msgstr "返回主頁" msgid "Current" msgstr "目前版本" msgid "Notify the author of follow-up replies via email." msgstr "通過電子郵件通知作者後續回復" msgid "Compare plans ›" msgstr "比較各種方案 ›" msgid "%1$s for %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "%2$s 的 %1$s 即將到期." msgid "A list of people who are subscribed to your blog via email only." msgstr "僅透過電子郵件訂閱網誌的讀者清單" msgid "A list of people currently following your site." msgstr "目前關注網站的讀者清單" msgid "Topics started" msgstr "已發怖主題" msgid "Replies created" msgstr "回覆已建立" msgid "" "We detected and prevented an attempt to pay for a duplicate order. If this " "was a mistake and you wish to try again, please create a new order." msgstr "" "我們偵測到並阻止了為重複訂單付款的行為。 如果這是誤判且你想再次嘗試付款,請建" "立新的訂單。" msgid "" "WooCommerce Payments: detected and deleted order ID %d, which has duplicate " "cart content with this order." msgstr "" "WooCommerce Payments:已偵測到並刪除 ID 為 %d 的訂單,其購物車內容與此訂單重" "複。" msgid "Recent weeks" msgstr "最近幾星期" msgid "Shipment Tracking" msgstr "貨件追蹤" msgid "Currency From parameter is required" msgstr "必須提供貨幣來源參數" msgid "" "The customer must authorize this payment via a notification sent to them by " "the bank which issued their card. The authorization must be completed before " "%1$s at %2$s, when the charge will be attempted." msgstr "" "客戶必須透過發卡銀行傳送給他們的通知來授權此付款。 授權必須在 %1$s%2$s 之前完" "成,屆時將嘗試扣款。" msgid "With the following message: %s" msgstr "含以下訊息:%s" msgid "" "For recurring payment greater than mandate amount or INR 15000, payment was " "not approved by the card holder." msgstr "持卡人未核准大於授權金額或 INR 15000 的定期付款。" msgid "" "The customer's bank could not send pre-debit notification for the payment." msgstr "客戶的銀行無法傳送該筆付款的預先扣除通知。" msgid "By checking out" msgstr "結帳前請確認下列事項:" msgid "%s Subscription ID" msgstr "%s 訂閱編號" msgid "Advanced." msgstr "進階設定" msgid "Secure." msgstr "保護" msgid "Stop %s subscription" msgstr "停止訂閱 %s。" msgid "" "Reduce cart abandonment and create a frictionless checkout experience with " "Link by Stripe. Link autofills your customer’s payment and shipping details, " "so they can check out in just six seconds with the Link optimized experience." msgstr "" "Link by Stripe 能夠減少購物車放棄率並創造流暢的結帳體驗。 Link 會自動填寫你客" "戶的付款和運送詳細資料,讓他們 6 秒內完成結帳,感受 Link 最佳化體驗。" msgid "Increase conversion at checkout" msgstr "提高結帳的轉換率" msgid "Kyiv" msgstr "基輔" msgid "Unable to pass %s if not using multisite." msgstr "如果不是使用多站網路,便無法傳遞 %s。" msgid "Stripe Link email %s" msgstr "Stripe 連結電子郵件 %s" msgid "Facebook:" msgstr "Facebook" msgid "" "Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be " "correctly configured to send emails. Get support for " "resetting your password." msgstr "" "錯誤: 無法傳送電子郵件。這個網站並未正確設定,導致無法寄件。" "進一步瞭解如何重設密碼。" msgid "" "Error: There is no account with that username or email " "address." msgstr "錯誤: 找不到符合指定使用者名稱或電子郵件地址的帳戶。" msgid "" "Enable HTTPS on your checkout pages to display all available payment methods " "and protect your customers data." msgstr "在結帳頁面上啟用 HTTPS,顯示所有可用的付款方式,同時保護客戶資料。" msgid "Enable secure checkout" msgstr "啟用安全結帳" msgid "" "Express checkout does not support products without prices! Please add a " "price to product #%d" msgstr "未貼價格標籤的商品,不得選擇快速結帳選項! 請為你的商品 #%d 新增價格" msgid "Monthly anchor for deposit scheduling when interval is set to monthly" msgstr "間隔設為每月時,用於進行存款時間安排的每月錨點" msgid "Weekly anchor for deposit scheduling when interval is set to weekly" msgstr "間隔設為每週時,用於進行存款時間安排的每週錨點" msgid "An interval for deposit scheduling." msgstr "存款時間安排的間隔。" msgid "Embed of %s." msgstr "%s 的嵌入內容。" msgid "PDF embed" msgstr "PDF 嵌入內容" msgid "Captions" msgstr "無障礙字幕" msgid "Descriptions" msgstr "內容說明" msgctxt "site" msgid "Public" msgstr "公開網站" msgid "Make money from your website." msgstr "從你的網站賺取營收" msgid "Share to my Tumblr blog:" msgstr "發佈到我的 Tumblr 網誌:" msgid "Cancel payment" msgstr "取消付款" msgid "Unable to determine payment success." msgstr "無法判斷付款是否成功。" msgid "This order does not require payment!" msgstr "此訂單不需要付款!" msgid "Invalid order!" msgstr "無效的訂單!" msgid "Shipping (%s)" msgstr "運送方式 (%s)" msgid "1GB Storage Space" msgstr "1GB 儲存空間" msgid "" "Embed image galleries, presentations, and spreadsheets. With 1 GB of storage " "space, you’ll be able to upload and share them effortlessly with all your " "friends, followers, and potential customers." msgstr "" "提供 1 GB 儲存空間,讓你輕鬆上載相片、存入圖庫,也能儲存簡報和試算表等檔案," "分享給朋友、追蹤者和未來的顧客。" msgid "" "No matter the size of your budget, has a plan that’s right for " "you. Create a free website and get access to professional themes, 1 GB of " "storage space, community support, and more." msgstr "" "不論預算是多是少,都能在 找到最適合你的方案。即使選擇最平易近人" "的免費方案,也能享有專業佈景主題、1GB 儲存空間、社群平台支援工具等服務。" msgid "1 GB Storage Space" msgstr "1 GB 儲存空間" msgid "Fee details:" msgstr "費用詳細資訊:" msgid "Whether a theme uses block-based templates." msgstr "佈景主題是否使用支援區塊的範本。" msgid "Go to checkout" msgstr "前往結帳" msgid "Highest" msgstr "最高" msgid "In transit" msgstr "在途" msgid "Elevated" msgstr "已提高" msgid "Show a thumbnail image where available." msgstr "顯示可用的縮圖圖片" msgid "Upgrade plan" msgstr "升級方案" msgid "Date range" msgstr "日期範圍" msgid "%s Active Installations" msgstr "啟用安裝數: %s" msgctxt "Active plugin installations" msgid "Less Than 10" msgstr "小於 10" msgid "More Details" msgstr "更多詳細資料" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Cannot Install" msgstr "無法安裝" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Active" msgstr "已啟用" msgid "Postal code of the billing address." msgstr "帳單地址郵遞區號。" msgid "" "Reach 500 million customers and over 20 million businesses across the " "European Union." msgstr "在歐盟境內有 5 億客戶和超過 2,000 萬間公司使用。" msgid "" "Expand your business with giropay — Germany’s second most popular payment " "system." msgstr "透過 Giropay 擴展你的業務,這是德國第二熱門的付款系統。" msgid "" "Let your customers pay with major credit and debit cards without leaving " "your store." msgstr "讓客戶不必離開你的商店,就能使用主流信用卡和扣帳卡付款。" msgid "enabled" msgstr "啟用" msgid "Enable in your store" msgstr "在您的商店中啟用" msgid "Przelewy24 (P24)" msgstr "Przelewy24 (P24)" msgid "Multibanco" msgstr "Multibanco" msgid "giropay" msgstr "Giropay" msgid "EPS" msgstr "EPS" msgid "" "When enabled, payment error logs will be saved to WooCommerce > Status > " "Logs." msgstr "啟用後,付款錯誤記錄會儲存至「WooCommerce」>「狀態」>「記錄」。" msgid "Learn more." msgstr "深入瞭解。" msgid "" "Please check the logs for more details on this issue. Debug log must " "be enabled under Advanced settings to see recorded logs." msgstr "" "請查看記錄檔,深入瞭解此問題。 必須在進階設定下啟用偵" "錯記錄檔才能查看記錄檔。" msgid "Express checkouts:" msgstr "快速結帳:" msgid "Billed annually" msgstr "以年計費" msgid "Store logo to display to WooPay customers." msgstr "向 WooPay 顧客顯示的商店標誌。" msgid "Your cart is currently empty!" msgstr "你的購物車現在是空的!" msgid "International card fee: %1$s%%" msgstr "國際銀行卡費用:%1$s%%" msgid "Foreign exchange fee: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgstr "外匯費用:%1$s%% + %2$s" msgid "Foreign exchange fee: %1$s%%" msgstr "外匯費用:%1$s%%" msgid "Subscription transaction fee: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgstr "訂閱交易費用: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgid "Subscription transaction fee: %1$s%%" msgstr "訂閱交易費用:%1$s%%" msgid "Net deposit: %s" msgstr "存款淨額:%s" msgid "Base fee: capped at %2$s" msgstr "基本費用:上限為 %2$s" msgid "Base fee: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgstr "基本費用:%1$s%% + %2$s" msgid "Base fee: %1$s%%" msgstr "基本費用:%1$s%%" msgid "International card fee: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgstr "國際銀行卡費用:%1$s%% + %2$s" msgid "Failed to update Account locale. " msgstr "更新帳號地區失敗。" msgid "Paid with" msgstr "支付方法:" msgid "Affirm" msgstr "Affirm" msgid "Afterpay" msgstr "Afterpay" msgid "Add tax rates" msgstr "新增稅率" msgid "Get more sales" msgstr "創造更多銷量" msgid "Personalize your store" msgstr "個人化您的商店" msgid "Response to %s" msgstr "〈%s〉的留言" msgid "Limit results to those matching a pattern (slug)." msgstr "將結果限定為符合區塊版面配置代稱的項目。" msgid "Please type your comment text." msgstr "請輸入留言內容。" msgid "" "Media — A list of URLs for media files the user " "uploads." msgstr "媒體 — 由使用者上載的全部媒體的網址清單。" msgid "" "Community Events Location — The IP Address of the " "user, which populates the Upcoming Community Events dashboard widget with " "relevant information." msgstr "" "社群活動位置 — 使用者用於即將舉辦的社群活動顯示相關資" "訊的 IP 位址 (顯示於控制台小工具)。" msgid "" "Note: Since this tool only gathers data from WordPress and participating " "plugins, you may need to do more to comply with export requests. For " "example, you should also send the requester some of the data collected from " "or stored with the 3rd party services your organization uses." msgstr "" "注意: 由於這個工具僅會收集 WordPress 及符合規範的外掛的資料,因此網站管理員有" "可能需要完成更多工作才能符合匯出要求。舉例來說,網站管理員也應該將組織使用的" "第三方服務收集或儲存的資料傳送給申請者。" msgid "" "Privacy Laws around the world require businesses and online services to " "provide an export of some of the data they collect about an individual, and " "to deliver that export on request. The rights those laws enshrine are " "sometimes called the \"Right of Data Portability\". It allows individuals to " "obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different " "services. It allows them to move, copy or transfer personal data easily from " "one IT environment to another." msgstr "" "全世界許多隱私權相關法律會要求企業或線上服務提供匯出已收集使用者個人資料的功" "能,並依照要求傳送這些資料給使用者;這些法律賦予的權利有時候稱為「資料可攜" "權」,能讓使用者在不同服務間依照需求獲得並重複使用他們的個人資料,並能輕易讓" "這些個人資料從某個 IT 環境移動、複製或傳輸至另一個環境。" msgid "" "Note: As this tool only gathers data from WordPress and participating " "plugins, you may need to do more to comply with erasure requests. For " "example, you are also responsible for ensuring that data collected by or " "stored with the 3rd party services your organization uses gets deleted." msgstr "" "注意: 由於這個工具僅會收集 WordPress 及符合規範的外掛的資料,因此網站管理員有" "可能需要完成更多工作才能符合清除要求。舉例來說,網站管理員也要負責確保刪除由" "組織使用的第三方服務收集或儲存的資料。" msgid "This screen is where you manage requests to erase personal data." msgstr "這個畫面可以讓網站管理員管理清除使用者個人資料的要求。" msgid "Settings save failed." msgstr "設定儲存失敗。" msgid "" "Howdy ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "Someone with administrator capabilities recently requested to have the\n" "administration email address changed on this site:\n" "###SITEURL###\n" "\n" "To confirm this change, please click on the following link:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n" "take this action.\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "###USERNAME### 你好,\n" "\n" "某位具備網站管理員權限的使用者,最近要求變更這個網站的網站管理員電子郵件地" "址:\n" "###SITEURL###\n" "\n" "如需確認這項變更,請點擊以下連結:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "如果不想進行變更操作,可以直接忽略並刪除這封電子郵件。\n" "\n" "這封電子郵件已傳送至 ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "敬祝安好,\n" "《###SITENAME###》網站管理員\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "" "Application passwords grant access to the %2$s site on the " "network as you have Super Admin rights." msgid_plural "" "Application passwords grant access to all %2$s sites on the " "network as you have Super Admin rights." msgstr[0] "" "應用程式密碼會將存取權授予多站網路中你有多站網路管理員權限的" "全部 %2$s 個網站。" msgid "" "This will grant access to the %2$s site on the network as " "you have Super Admin rights." msgid_plural "" "This will grant access to all %2$s sites on the network as " "you have Super Admin rights." msgstr[0] "" "這項操作會將存取權授予多站網路中你有多站網路管理員權限的全" "部 %2$s 個網站。" msgid "The password cannot be a space or all spaces." msgstr "密碼不能包含空格或全是空格。" msgid "Ancestor blocks." msgstr "上層區塊。" msgid "GitHub project" msgstr "Github 專案" msgid "" "If you find a bug within WooCommerce core you can create a ticket via GitHub issues. Ensure you read the contribution guide prior to submitting your report. To help us solve " "your issue, please be as descriptive as possible and include your system status report." msgstr "" "如果您發現 WooCommerce 核心錯誤的話您可以建立一個支援單 Github 問題回報。請確認您在傳送報告前已經看過 貢獻指" "南。 為了要幫我們解決您的問題,請儘可能詳細說明並且附上您的 系統狀態報表。" msgid "" "This means that the table is probably in an inconsistent state. It's " "recommended to run a new regeneration process or to resume the aborted " "process (Status - Tools - Regenerate the product attributes lookup table/" "Resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration) before enabling the " "table usage." msgstr "" "這表示該表格可能處於不一致狀態。 啟用表格使用情況前,建議先執行新的重新產生流" "程,或繼續中止的流程 (「狀態」-「工具」-「重新產生產品屬性查詢表/繼續重新產生" "產品屬性查詢表」)。" msgid "" "WARNING: The product attributes lookup table regeneration process was " "aborted." msgstr "警告:產品屬性查詢表重新產生流程已中止。" msgid "Product attributes lookup table regeneration process has been resumed." msgstr "已繼續重新產生產品屬性查詢表的流程。" msgid "" "This tool will resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration at " "the point in which it was aborted (%1$s products were already processed)." msgstr "" "此工具會從流程中止的位置,繼續重新產生產品屬性查詢表 (已處理 %1$s 個產品)。" msgid "Resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration" msgstr "繼續重新產生產品屬性查詢表" msgid "Product attributes lookup table regeneration process has been aborted." msgstr "重新產生產品屬性查詢表的流程已中止。" msgid "" "This tool will abort the regenerate product attributes lookup table " "regeneration. After this is done the process can be either started over, or " "resumed to continue where it stopped." msgstr "" "此工具會中止重新產生產品屬性查詢表的流程。 中止流程後,你可以重新開始流程或從" "中止的位置繼續。" msgid "Abort the product attributes lookup table regeneration" msgstr "中止重新產生產品屬性查詢表" msgid "The quantity added to the cart must be a multiple of %s" msgstr "可放入購物車的商品數量必須是 %s 的倍數" msgid "The maximum quantity that can be added to the cart is %s" msgstr "可放入購物車的數量上限:%s" msgid "The minimum quantity that can be added to the cart is %s" msgstr "可放入購物車的數量下限:%s" msgid "The maximum quantity that can be added to the cart." msgstr "可放入購物車的數量上限。" msgid "The minimum quantity that can be added to the cart." msgstr "可放入購物車的數量下限。" msgid "If the quantity in the cart is editable or fixed." msgstr "購物車中的商品數量是可編輯還是固定的。" msgid "" "The amount that quantities increment by. Quantity must be an multiple of " "this value." msgstr "數量遞增的數額。 數量必須是該值的倍數。" msgid "The maximum quantity allowed in the cart for this line item." msgstr "可在購物車放入此項目的數量上限。" msgid "The minimum quantity allowed in the cart for this line item." msgstr "可在購物車放入此項目的數量下限。" msgid "" "How the quantity of this item should be controlled, for example, any limits " "in place." msgstr "控制此商品數量的方法,例如設定限制。" msgid "Quantity of this item to add to the cart." msgstr "可在購物車放入此商品的數量。" msgid "The %s payment gateway is not available." msgstr "%s 付款閘道無法使用。" msgid "Save big with WooCommerce Payments" msgstr "透過 WooCommerce Payments 省更多" msgid "" "Save up to $800 in fees by managing transactions with WooCommerce Payments. " "With WooCommerce Payments, you can securely accept major cards, Apple Pay, " "and payments in over 100 currencies." msgstr "" "使用 WooCommerce Payments 管理交易,最多可節省 $800 的手續費。 使用 " "WooCommerce Payments 就能安全地接受主流卡片、Apple Pay 和 100 多種幣別的付" "款。" msgid "" "Changing platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but it is " "easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and orders to " "WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this process." msgstr "" "更換平台看似困難重重,但將商品、顧客和訂單轉移到 WooCommerce 比想像中容易許" "多。 本文將協助你完成轉移程序。" msgid "How to Migrate from Magento to WooCommerce" msgstr "如何從 Magento 轉移到 WooCommerce" msgid "Dismiss the gateway" msgstr "關閉此閘道" msgid "" "Accept credit cards and other popular payment methods with %1$sWooCommerce " "Payments%2$s" msgstr "使用 %1$sWooCommerce Payments%2$s 接受信用卡付款和其他熱門付款方式" msgid "Task is not a subclass of `Task`" msgstr "此任務不是「任務」子類別" msgid "Please provide a valid promo note name." msgstr "請提供有效的優惠代碼名稱。" msgid "" "The status of the coupon. Should always be draft, published, or pending " "review" msgstr "優惠券狀態。 應一律為草稿、已發表或待審中" msgid "Number of employees of the store." msgstr "商店員工人數" msgid "" "The database version for WooCommerce. This should be the same as your " "WooCommerce version." msgstr "WooCommerce 資料庫版本。 此版本應與你的 WooCommerce 版本相同。" msgid "" "When creating an account, send the new user a link to set their password" msgstr "建立帳戶時,向新使用者傳送密碼設定連結" msgid "Shop country/region" msgstr "商店國家/地區" msgid "" "To start growing your business, head over to, where you'll find the most popular WooCommerce extensions." msgstr "" "若要開始拓展業務,請前往 查看最熱門的 " "WooCommerce 擴充功能。" msgid "" "Oh no! We're having trouble connecting to the extensions catalog right now." msgstr "糟糕! 目前無法連線至擴充功能目錄。" msgid "Our request to the search API got a malformed response." msgstr "搜尋 API 的要求收到錯誤回應。" msgid "Our request to the featured API got a malformed response." msgstr "精選 API 的要求收到錯誤回應。" msgid "Our request to the featured API got error code %d." msgstr "精選 API 的要求收到錯誤代碼 %d。" msgid "" "We encountered an SSL error. Please ensure your site supports TLS version " "1.2 or above." msgstr "發生 SSL 錯誤。 請確認你的網站支援 TLS 1.2 或更新版本。" msgid "Baden-Württemberg" msgstr "巴登-符騰堡" msgid "2 minutes" msgstr "2 分鐘" msgid "A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address." msgstr "我們會將設定新密碼的連結傳送至你的電子郵件地址。" msgid "If this is a default attribute" msgstr "是否為預設屬性" msgid "" "Report table data is being rebuilt. Please allow some time for data to fully " "populate." msgstr "正在重新生成報表表數據。請留出一些時間讓數據完全填充。" msgid "%1$d item in cart, total price of %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$d items in cart, total price of %2$s" msgstr[0] "購物車中有 %1$d 件商品,總金額為 %2$s" msgid "" "An import is already in progress. Please allow the previous import to " "complete before beginning a new one." msgstr "匯入已在進行中。在開始新的匯入之前,請先完成之前的匯入。" msgid "" "Files that may contain %1$sstore analytics%2$s reports were found in your " "uploads directory - we recommend assessing and deleting any such files." msgstr "" "我們在你的上載目錄中找到包含%1$s商店分析%2$s報告的檔案,建議你評估並刪除這類" "檔案。" msgid "Potentially unsecured files were found in your uploads directory" msgstr "我們在你的上載目錄中找到可能不安全的檔案" msgid "" "Woohoo, %1$s was your record day for sales! Net sales was %2$s beating the " "previous record of %3$s set on %4$s." msgstr "" "耶呼,%1$s是您的銷售記錄天!淨銷售額是%2$s,超過了%4$s創下的%3$s先前記錄。" msgid "Add store details" msgstr "新增商店詳細資料" msgid "%1$1sExplore our docs%2$2s for more information, or just get started!" msgstr "%1$1s探索我們的文件%2$2s以瞭解更多資訊,或直接開始使用!" msgid "Level up your email marketing with %1$sMailPoet%2$s" msgstr "%1$sMailPoet%2$s 讓你的電子郵件行銷活動升級" msgid "Enhance speed and security with %1$sJetpack%2$s" msgstr "以 %1$sJetpack%2$s 強化速度與安全性" msgid "Get automated sales tax with %1$sWooCommerce Tax%2$s" msgstr "以 %1$sWooCommerce Tax%2$s 自動處理銷售稅" msgid "Print shipping labels with %1$sWooCommerce Shipping%2$s" msgstr "使用 %1$sWooCommerce Shipping%2$s 列印郵寄標籤" msgid "" "Create on-brand store campaigns, fast email promotions and customer " "retargeting with Creative Mail." msgstr "" "使用 Creative Mail 建立符合品牌形象的商店行銷活動、快速電子郵件促銷和客戶再行" "銷活動。" msgid "Creative Mail for WooCommerce" msgstr "Creative Mail for WooCommerce" msgid "" "Send targeted campaigns, recover abandoned carts and much more with " "Mailchimp." msgstr "" "使用 Mailchimp 針對廣告受眾傳送行銷活動傳單,以及購物車未結商品通知等等。" msgid "" "Create and send purchase follow-up emails, newsletters, and promotional " "campaigns straight from your dashboard." msgstr "直接從控制台建立並傳送購買後續追蹤電子郵件、電子報和行銷活動。" msgid "" "Reach more shoppers and drive sales for your store. Integrate with Google to " "list your products for free and launch paid ad campaigns." msgstr "" "觸及更多消費者,並刺激商店銷售額。 與 Google 整合即可免費刊登你的產品,並推出" "付費廣告活動。" msgid "MailPoet" msgstr "MailPoet" msgid "Drive sales with %1$sGoogle Listings and Ads%2$s" msgstr "利用 %1$sGoogle Listings 和 Google Ads%2$s 刺激銷售" msgid "Reach out to customers" msgstr "與顧客聯絡" msgid "Get the basics" msgstr "取得基本功能" msgid "Grow your store" msgstr "讓你的商店成長茁壯" msgid "" "The Eway extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments " "directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party " "site to make payment." msgstr "" "使用 WooCommerce 的 eWAY 延伸模組,便能直接在商店中收取信用卡付款,不需要將顧" "客重新導向至第三方網站進行付款。" msgid "Eway" msgstr "Eway" msgid "" "You're only one step away from getting paid. Verify your business details to " "start managing transactions with WooCommerce Payments." msgstr "" "只要再完成一個步驟,就能開始收款。 驗證企業詳細資料以便開始透過 WooCommerce " "Payments 管理交易。" msgid "" "Good news! WooCommerce Services and Jetpack can automate your sales tax " "calculations for you." msgstr "好消息! WooCommerce 服務和 Jetpack 可自動為你計算營業稅。" msgid "Set your store location and configure tax rate settings." msgstr "設定你的商店地點及稅率設定。" msgid "" "Your store address is required to set the origin country for shipping, " "currencies, and payment options." msgstr "你需要提供商店地址才能為運送、貨幣和付款選項設定原產國家/地區。" msgid "Set your store location and where you'll ship to." msgstr "設定你的商店地點和送貨目的地。" msgid "Store details" msgstr "商店詳細資料" msgid "Set up shipping" msgstr "設定運費" msgid "Purchase & install now" msgstr "立即購買並安裝" msgid "Good choice! You chose to add %1$s and %2$s to your store." msgstr "選得好! 你選擇將 %1$s 和 %2$s 新增至商店。" msgid "Add %s to my store" msgstr "新增 %s 到我的商店" msgid "1 minute per product" msgstr "每件商品 1 分鐘" msgid "" "Start by adding the first product to your store. You can add your products " "manually, via CSV, or import them from another service." msgstr "" "第一步,在商店新增第一項產品。 你可以手動新增產品、透過 CSV 新增,或從其他服" "務匯入產品。" msgid "Choose payment providers and enable payment methods at checkout." msgstr "在結帳時選擇支付服務提供者並啟用付款方式。" msgid "Add my products" msgstr "新增我的商品" msgid "" "Add recommended marketing tools to reach new customers and grow your business" msgstr "新增建議的行銷工具,藉以接觸新顧客並拓展你的業務" msgid "Set up marketing tools" msgstr "設定行銷工具" msgid "Add your logo, create a homepage, and start designing your store." msgstr "新增標誌、建立首頁並開始設計你的商店。" msgid "Task list ID does not exist" msgstr "工作清單 ID 不存在" msgid "Task list ID already exists" msgstr "工作清單 ID 已存在" msgid "Things to do next" msgstr "後續步驟" msgid "Let's go" msgstr "我們開始吧" msgid "Personalize my store" msgstr "為商店增添個人風格" msgid "Order tax" msgstr "訂單稅" msgid "Shipping tax" msgstr "運費稅" msgid "Product / Variation title" msgstr "商品 / 變體標題" msgid "Products sold" msgstr "已售產品" msgid "Gross sales." msgstr "總銷售額。" msgid "Gross sales" msgstr "金額" msgid "Tax code" msgstr "稅務代碼" msgid "Customer type" msgstr "客戶類別" msgid "Net sales." msgstr "銷售淨額。" msgid "Total Net sales of all items sold." msgstr "銷售的所有商品的總淨銷售額。" msgid "Discounted orders" msgstr "折扣訂單" msgid "Total sales." msgstr "總銷售額。" msgid "Product title" msgstr "商品標題" msgid "N. Revenue (formatted)" msgstr "淨收益 (已格式化)" msgid "" "The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Upgrader install failed." msgstr "無法安裝要求的外掛程式「%s」。 升級程式安裝失敗。" msgid "Sorry, that task list was not found" msgstr "抱歉,找不到該工作清單" msgid "Sorry, no task with that ID was found." msgstr "抱歉,找不到該 ID 的任務。" msgid "Sorry, no snoozeable task with that ID was found." msgstr "抱歉,找不到該 ID 的可延遲任務。" msgid "Sorry, no dismissable task with that ID was found." msgstr "抱歉,找不到該 ID 的可解除任務。" msgid "List of extended deprecated tasks from the client side filter." msgstr "來自用戶端篩選器的過時任務擴充清單。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to hide task lists." msgstr "抱歉,你不能隱藏工作清單。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to snooze onboarding tasks." msgstr "抱歉,你無權延遲上線任務。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to retrieve onboarding tasks." msgstr "抱歉,你無權擷取上線任務。" msgid "Optional parameter to query specific task list." msgstr "用於查詢特定任務清單的參數 (選用)。" msgid "Time period to snooze the task." msgstr "任務延遲時間。" msgid "Store email address." msgstr "商店電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "Whether or not this store agreed to receiving marketing contents from " "" msgstr "此商店是否同意接收 行銷內容。" msgid "Top products - Items sold" msgstr "熱門產品 - 已售商品" msgid "Items sold" msgstr "已售物品" msgid "Net sales" msgstr "淨銷售額" msgid "Amount discounted" msgstr "折扣金額" msgid "Top categories - Items sold" msgstr "熱門類別 - 已售出商品" msgid "" "Whether to consider GMT post dates when limiting response by published or " "modified date." msgstr "依發表或修改日期限制回應時,是否考慮格林威治標準時間 (GMT) 文章日期。" msgid "" "Limit response to resources modified before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限制為指定 ISO8601 相容日期以前修改的資源。" msgid "" "Limit response to resources modified after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限制為指定 ISO8601 相容日期之後修改的資源。" msgid "Platform version to track." msgstr "要追蹤的平台版本。" msgid "Platform to track." msgstr "要追蹤的平台。" msgid "Sorry, you post telemetry data." msgstr "抱歉,你已發佈遙測資料。" msgid "" "This is an order notification sent to customers containing order details " "after an order is placed on-hold from Pending, Cancelled or Failed order " "status." msgstr "" "這是寄送給客戶的訂單通知,包括因待確認、取消或下單失敗而被擱置的訂單的詳細資" "料。" msgid "" "Use `array_key_exists` to check for meta_data on WC_Shipping_Rate to get the " "correct result." msgstr "" "使用 `array_key_exists` 檢查 WC_Shipping_Rate 上的 meta_data,以獲得正確的結" "果。" msgid "" "Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products " "you’ve recently viewed" msgstr "你已檢視過的產品:例如,我們會運用此資訊來顯示你近來瀏覽過的產品。" msgid "This is where you can browse products in this store." msgstr "你可以在這裡瀏覽本商店的商品。" msgid "There was an error generating your API Key." msgstr "產生你的 API 金鑰時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "Sorry, could not find anything. Try searching again using a different term." msgstr "抱歉,找不到任何內容。 請使用其他字詞再次嘗試搜尋。" msgid "ZIP Code" msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "Search for extensions" msgstr "搜尋擴充功能" msgid "" "Grow your business with hundreds of free and paid WooCommerce extensions." msgstr "透過數百個免費和付費 WooCommerce 擴充功能,拓展你的業務。" msgid "Browse categories" msgstr "瀏覽分類" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected shipping?" msgstr "你確定要移除選取的運送項目嗎?" msgid "Browse Categories" msgstr "瀏覽分類" msgid "My Subscriptions %s" msgstr "我的訂閱 %s" msgid "Developed by %s" msgstr "由 %s 開發" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected fees?" msgstr "你確定要移除選取的費用嗎?" msgid "Promoted" msgstr "已升級" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to process remote URLs." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有處理遠端網址的權限。" msgid "Change Permalink Structure" msgstr "變更永久連結結構" msgid "This is the receipt for your order #%s:" msgstr "這是您的訂單 #%s 的收據:" msgid "Types:" msgstr "樣式" msgid "" "An avatar is an image that can be associated with a user across multiple " "websites. In this area, you can choose to display avatars of users who " "interact with the site." msgstr "" "個人頭像就是跨網站與使用者能產生關聯的圖片。網站管理員可以在這裡選取使用者與" "網站互動時要顯示的個人頭像。" msgid "" "The database server could be connected to (which means your username and " "password is okay) but the %s database could not be selected." msgstr "" "可以連線至資料庫伺服器,代表目前的使用者名稱及密碼正確無誤,但無法選取 %s 資" "料庫。" msgid "Cannot select database" msgstr "無法選取資料庫" msgid "" "Sorry, the video at the supplied URL cannot be loaded. Please check that the " "URL is for a supported video file (%s) or stream (e.g. YouTube and Vimeo)." msgstr "" "很抱歉,系統無法根據提供的網址載入視訊。請確認目標網址的內容為系統支援的視訊" "檔案 (%s) 或串流 (例如 YouTube 及 Vimeo)。" msgid "" "That video cannot be found. Check your media library and " "make sure it was not deleted." msgstr "" "系統找不到這個視訊檔。請檢查這個網站的 [媒體庫] 並確認視訊" "檔並未遭到刪除。" msgid "" "That file cannot be found. Check your media library and " "make sure it was not deleted." msgstr "" "系統找不到這個檔案。請檢查這個網站的 [媒體庫] 並確認檔案並" "未遭到刪除。" msgid "" "That image cannot be found. Check your media library and " "make sure it was not deleted." msgstr "" "系統找不到這張圖片。請檢查這個網站的 [媒體庫] 並確認圖片並" "未遭到刪除。" msgid "" "That audio file cannot be found. Check your media library " "and make sure it was not deleted." msgstr "" "系統找不到這個音訊檔。請檢查這個網站的 [媒體庫] 並確認音訊" "檔並未遭到刪除。" msgid "Username is not editable." msgstr "使用者名稱無法變更。" msgid "" "You cannot use that email address to signup. There are problems with them " "blocking some emails from WordPress. Please use another email provider." msgstr "" "無法使用這個電子郵件地址註冊。系統遇到的問題是這個電子郵件服務提供商會封鎖來" "自這個 WordPress 網站的電子郵件,請改用其他電子郵件服務供應商。" msgid "A title on that page cannot be found." msgstr "找不到這個頁面的標題。" msgid "File does not exist?" msgstr "檔案是否不存在?" msgid "You cannot remove users." msgstr "目前的登入身分沒有移除使用者的權限。" msgid "After your Privacy Policy page is set, you should edit it." msgstr "透過系統功能建立隱私權政策頁面後,請進行必要的內容編輯。" msgid "Where your data is sent" msgstr "這個網站會將使用者資料傳送至何處" msgid "" "Some data that describes the error your site encountered has been put " "together." msgstr "說明這個網站遇到的問題的資料已整合在一起。" msgid "An attempt was made, but your site could not be updated automatically." msgstr "系統已進行嘗試,但是這個網站無法自動更新。" msgid "" "The update cannot be installed because some files could not be copied. This " "is usually due to inconsistent file permissions." msgstr "" "由於無法複製某些檔案,因此無法安裝更新。這個狀況通常是由不正確的檔案權限所造" "成。" msgid "This post is being backed up in your browser, just in case." msgstr "正在瀏覽器中備份這篇內容,以防萬一。" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "PB" msgstr "PB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "EB" msgstr "EB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "ZB" msgstr "ZB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "YB" msgstr "YB" msgid "Copy “%s” URL to clipboard" msgstr "複製〈%s〉的網址至剪貼簿" msgid "User URL may not be longer than 100 characters." msgstr "使用者網址不得超過 100 個字元。" msgid "" "File %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s with no " "alternative available." msgstr "" "從 %2$s 版開始,檔案 %1$s 已淘汰不用且不提供替代檔案。" msgid "" "File %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s " "instead." msgstr "從 %2$s 版開始,檔案 %1$s 已淘汰不用,請改用 %3$s。" msgid "" "Function %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s " "instead." msgstr "從 %2$s 版開始,%1$s 函式已淘汰不用,請改用 %3$s。" msgid "VAT Invoice" msgstr "增值稅發票" msgid "Determines whether the pattern is visible in inserter." msgstr "判斷插入器中區塊版面配置是否可見。" msgctxt "color scheme" msgid "Light" msgstr "淺色" msgctxt "color scheme" msgid "Dark" msgstr "深色" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Active" msgstr "啟用:" msgid "" "New receipt emails are sent to customers when a new order is paid for with a " "card reader." msgstr "當使用讀卡器支付新訂單時,會向客戶發送新的收據電子郵件。" msgid "Your {site_title} Receipt" msgstr "您的 {site_title} 收據" msgid "Your receipt for order: #{order_number}" msgstr "您的訂單收據:#{order_number}" msgid "New receipt" msgstr "新收據" msgid "" "You shall refund this payment in the same application where the payment was " "made." msgstr "您應在付款的同一申請中退還這筆款項。" msgid "Custom message to display to WooPay customers." msgstr "向 WooPay 客戶顯示的自定義訊息。" msgid "If WooPay should be enabled." msgstr "如果應該啟用 WooPay。" msgid "Country or type parameter was missing" msgstr "缺少國家或類型參數" msgid "There was an error accessing document %1$s. %2$s" msgstr "訪問文檔 %1$s 時出錯。 %2$s" msgid "The pattern keywords." msgstr "區塊版面配置關鍵字。" msgid "The pattern category slugs." msgstr "區塊版面配置的分類代稱。" msgid "Block types that the pattern is intended to be used with." msgstr "區塊版面配置依需要使用的區塊類型。" msgid "The pattern viewport width for inserter preview." msgstr "插入器預覽的區塊版面配置檢視區寬度。" msgid "The pattern detailed description." msgstr "區塊版面配置的詳細內容說明。" msgid "The pattern name." msgstr "區塊版面配置名稱。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view the registered block patterns." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有檢視已註冊的區塊版面配置的權限。" msgid "The category label, in human readable format." msgstr "以人類可辨識的格式撰寫分類標籤。" msgid "The category name." msgstr "分類名稱。" msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to view the registered block pattern categories." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有檢視已註冊的區塊版面配置分類的權限。" msgid "" "Adding an RSS feed to this site’s homepage is not supported, as it could " "lead to a loop that slows down your site. Try using another block, like the " "Latest Posts block, to list posts from the site." msgstr "" "由於將 RSS 資訊提供新增至網站首頁會導致執行迴圈並拖慢網站速度,因此不支援新" "增 RSS 資訊提供至這個網站的首頁。請嘗試使用其他區塊 (例如[最新文章] 區塊) 來列出網站文章。" msgid "(%s website link, opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(「%s」的網站連結,在新分頁中開啟)" msgid "(%s author archive, opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(「%s」的作者彙整頁面,在新分頁中開啟)" msgid "Edit your site" msgstr "編輯網站" msgid "Inquiry: Under review" msgstr "調查:審查中" msgid "Inquiry: Closed" msgstr "調查:已結案" msgid "Needs response" msgstr "需要回應" msgid "Under review" msgstr "審查中" msgid "Charge refunded" msgstr "已退還扣款" msgid "Won" msgstr "勝出" msgid "Lost" msgstr "失敗" msgid "Inquiry: Needs response" msgstr "調查:需要回應" msgid "Plenty of Storage" msgstr "充裕的儲存空間" msgid "Use Site Editor" msgstr "使用網站編輯器" msgid "" "The Customizer allows you to preview changes to your site before publishing " "them. You can navigate to different pages on your site within the preview. " "Edit shortcuts are shown for some editable elements. The Customizer is " "intended for use with non-block themes." msgstr "" "外觀自訂器讓網站管理員能在發佈網站前預覽變更,還可以在進行預覽時瀏覽網站的不" "同頁面。某些可編輯元素會顯示編輯捷徑。外觀自訂器適用於與非區塊佈景主題 (傳統" "佈景主題) 搭配使用。" msgid "Transfer connection" msgstr "轉移連接" msgid "Transfer your connection" msgstr "轉移您的連接" msgid "Safe Mode" msgstr "安全模式" msgid "Safe Mode activated" msgstr "已啟動安全模式" msgid "Intent id was not included for payment complete status change." msgstr "付款完成狀態變更未包含用途 ID。" msgid "Your capital loan has been approved!" msgstr "你的資本貸款申請已獲准!" msgid "Powered by WooCommerce" msgstr "WooCommerce 技術支援" msgid "Error: Invalid address format!" msgstr "錯誤:無效的地址格式!" msgid "Error: Invalid phone number: " msgstr "錯誤:無效的電話號碼:" msgid "Error: Invalid email address: " msgstr "錯誤:無效的電子郵件地址:" msgid "Capital Loans" msgstr "資本貸款" msgid "Preview a printed receipt" msgstr "預覽列印收據" msgid "Estimated" msgstr "預計" msgid "" "Could not register file \"%s\" as a block pattern (\"Title\" field missing)" msgstr "無法將檔案 %s 註冊為區塊版面配置 (缺少 [標題] 欄位設定)" msgid "" "Could not register file \"%1$s\" as a block pattern (invalid slug \"%2$s\")" msgstr "無法將檔案 %1$s 註冊為區塊版面配置 (無效的代稱 %2$s)" msgid "" "Could not register file \"%s\" as a block pattern (\"Slug\" field missing)" msgstr "無法將檔案 %s 註冊為區塊版面配置 (缺少 [代稱] 欄位設定)" msgid "Thuringia" msgstr "圖林根" msgid "Schleswig-Holstein" msgstr "石勒蘇益格-荷爾斯泰因" msgid "Saxony-Anhalt" msgstr "薩克森-安哈特" msgid "Saxony" msgstr "薩克森" msgid "Saarland" msgstr "薩爾" msgid "Rhineland-Palatinate" msgstr "萊茵蘭-伐爾茲" msgid "North Rhine-Westphalia" msgstr "北萊茵-威斯伐倫" msgid "Lower Saxony" msgstr "下薩克森" msgid "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" msgstr "梅克倫堡-前波美拉尼亞" msgid "Hesse" msgstr "黑森" msgid "Hamburg" msgstr "漢堡" msgid "Bremen" msgstr "不來梅" msgid "Brandenburg" msgstr "布蘭登堡" msgid "Bavaria" msgstr "巴伐利亞" msgid "Reference" msgstr "參考" msgid "Hide comments" msgstr "隱藏留言" msgid "Product SKU" msgstr "商品貨號" msgid "" "Enrich your posts and pages with video or audio. Upload plenty of media, " "directly to your site — the Pro Plan has 50 GB storage." msgstr "" "用影片和音訊讓你的文章和頁面內容更加豐富。專業版方案提供 200 GB 儲存空間,可" "讓你直接上載大量媒體到自己的網站。" msgid "Webfont font weight must be a properly formatted string or integer." msgstr "網頁字型的字型粗細必須是正確格式的字串或整數。" msgid "Each webfont src must be a non-empty string." msgstr "每個網頁字型的 src 都必須是非空白字串。" msgid "Webfont src must be a non-empty string or an array of strings." msgstr "網頁字型的 src 必須是非空白字串或字串陣列。" msgid "Webfont font family must be a non-empty string." msgstr "網頁字型的字型系列必須是非空白字串。" msgid "Continue editing" msgstr "繼續編輯" msgctxt "View options to switch between" msgid "View" msgstr "檢視" msgid "50 GB storage space" msgstr "3 GB 儲存空間" msgid "The provided state (%1$s) is not valid. Must be one of: %2$s" msgstr "提供的州別 (%1$s) 無效。須為以下任一項:%2$s" msgid "Email me a link" msgstr "給我發電子郵件鏈接" msgctxt "Scan Product Feature" msgid "One-click fixes for most issues" msgstr "單鍵修復多數問題" msgctxt "Scan Product Feature" msgid "Automated daily scanning" msgstr "每日自動掃瞄" msgctxt "Anti-Spam Product Feature" msgid "Advanced stats" msgstr "進階統計資料" msgid "View Details" msgstr "查看詳情" msgid "Learn about block themes" msgstr "進一步了解區塊佈景主題" msgid "" "There is a new kind of WordPress theme, called a block theme, that lets you " "build the site you’ve always wanted — with blocks and styles." msgstr "" "全新推出的 WordPress 區塊佈景主題,能讓使用者使用區塊及樣式依據需求建置網站。" msgid "Discover a new way to build your site." msgstr "深入了解建置網站的全新方式" msgid "Edit styles" msgstr "編輯樣式" msgid "" "Tweak your site, or give it a whole new look! Get creative — how about " "a new color palette or font?" msgstr "調整網站或賦予全新外觀!使用全新調色盤或字型發揮無限創意!" msgid "Switch up your site’s look & feel with Styles" msgstr "使用 [樣式] 功能變更網站的外觀與風格" msgid "" "Configure your site’s logo, header, menus, and more in the Customizer." msgstr "在外觀自訂器中設定網站標誌、頁首、選單等項目。" msgid "Open site editor" msgstr "開啟網站編輯器" msgid "" "Design everything on your site — from the header down to the footer, " "all using blocks and patterns." msgstr "上從頁首、下至頁尾,整個網站都可以使用區塊及區塊版面配置設計任何項目。" msgid "Customize your entire site with block themes" msgstr "使用區塊佈景主題自訂整個網站" msgid "Add a new page" msgstr "新增頁面" msgid "" "Block patterns are pre-configured block layouts. Use them to get inspired or " "create new pages in a flash." msgstr "" "區塊版面配置是預先設計好的區塊外觀樣式。使用區塊版面配置取得靈感或在極短時間" "內建立全新頁面。" msgid "Author rich content with blocks and patterns" msgstr "使用區塊及區塊版面配置創作豐富的內容" msgid "Learn more about the %s version." msgstr "進一步了解 %s 版" msgid "Hi there, " msgstr "你好:" msgid "Browse All" msgstr "瀏覽全部" msgid "here" msgstr "這裡" msgid "Loading time" msgstr "讀取時間" msgctxt "Affects all sites in a Multisite network." msgid "Global" msgstr "全域" msgid "Assign License" msgstr "分配許可證" msgid "The ID of the page that should display the latest posts" msgstr "要顯示最新文章頁面的頁面 ID" msgid "%1$s invited you to follow %2$s " msgstr "%1$s邀請你關注%2$s" msgctxt "label for formatting JSON" msgid "Minify" msgstr "Minify" msgctxt "Text displayed when there is no information" msgid "None" msgstr "無" msgid "Collaboration" msgstr "協同合作" msgid "Choose your site" msgstr "選擇你的網站?" msgid "Block style name must not contain any spaces." msgstr "區塊樣式名稱不能包含任何空格。" msgid "" "Many of Jetpack’s core features make use of the cloud. In " "order to make sure everything works correctly, Jetpack requires you to " "connect a free account. If you don’t already have an account " "you can easily create one during the connection process." msgstr "" "Jetpack 的許多核心功能皆會使用 雲端。為了確保所有功能順利運作," "Jetpack 需要你連結一個 (免費的) 帳戶。如果你還沒有帳戶,可以在" "連線程序期間輕鬆建立帳戶。" msgid "Searches" msgstr "搜尋" msgid "%sk" msgstr "%sk" msgctxt "hash before subscription number" msgid "#%s" msgstr "#%s" msgid "" "There was a problem creating your subscription. %1$s doesn't meet the " "%2$sminimum recurring amount%3$s this payment method can process." msgstr "" "創建訂閱時出現問題。 %1$s 未達到此付款方式可以處理的 %2$s 最低經常性金" "額%3$s。" msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed verification attempts." msgstr "您已超過允許的驗證嘗試次數。" msgid "" "Microdeposit transfers failed. Please check the account, institution and " "transit numbers." msgstr "小額存款轉賬失敗。請檢查賬戶、機構和中轉號碼。" msgid "The customer's bank account could not be located." msgstr "無法找到客戶的銀行帳戶。" msgid "The customer's account has insufficient funds to cover this payment." msgstr "客戶的賬戶沒有足夠的資金來支付這筆款項。" msgid "" "The customer has notified their bank that this payment was unauthorized." msgstr "客戶已通知銀行此付款未經授權。" msgid "The customer's bank account has been closed." msgstr "顧客的銀行帳號已註銷。" msgid "Redeem" msgstr "兌換" msgid "" "The server cannot process the image. This can happen if the server is busy " "or does not have enough resources to complete the task. Uploading a smaller " "image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2560 pixels." msgstr "" "伺服器無法處理圖片。如果伺服器正忙或沒有足夠的資來源來完成任務,則可能會發生" "這種情況。上載較小的圖片可能會有所説明。建議的最大大小為 2560 像素。" msgid "Plugin File Editor" msgstr "外掛檔案編輯器" msgid "HTML title for the template, transformed for display." msgstr "範本的 HTML 標題,已轉換以進行顯示。" msgid "Title for the template, as it exists in the database." msgstr "範本的標題,因為它存在於資料庫中。" msgid "Version of the content block format used by the template." msgstr "範本使用的內容區塊格式的版本。" msgid "Content for the template, as it exists in the database." msgstr "範本的內容,因為它存在於資料庫中。" msgid "Source of a customized template" msgstr "自訂範本的來源" msgid "Type of template." msgstr "範本類型。" msgid "More than %s" msgstr "超過 %s" msgid "Up to %s" msgstr "最高 %s" msgid "%s (I'm just getting started)" msgstr "%s (我剛開始創業)" msgid "%s+" msgstr "%s+" msgid "What's your current annual revenue?" msgstr "目前的年收益為何?" msgid "Could not sanitize the %1$s option. Error code: %2$s" msgstr "無法清理 [%1$s] 選項。錯誤代碼: %2$s" msgid "%1$s only accepts a non-empty path string, received %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 僅接受非空白的路徑,但目前收到的是 %2$s。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有上載這個檔案類型的權限。" msgid "" "However, you can still activate this theme, and use the " "Site Editor to customize it." msgstr "但你仍可啟用此佈景主題,並使用網站編輯器進行自訂。" msgid "This theme doesn't support Customizer." msgstr "這個佈景主題不支援外觀自訂器。" msgid "WooCommerce Marketplace" msgstr "WooCommerce 市集" msgid "Sell" msgstr "出售" msgid "Etsy" msgstr "Etsy" msgid "eBay" msgstr "eBay" msgid "BigCommerce" msgstr "BigCommerce" msgid "Shopify" msgstr "Shopify" msgid "Yes, on another platform and in person at physical stores and/or events" msgstr "是的,我還在其他平台銷售,另外也在實體商店和/或活動中親自銷售" msgid "Yes, in person at physical stores and/or events" msgstr "是的,在實體商店和/或活動中親自銷售" msgid "Yes, I own a different store powered by WooCommerce" msgstr "是的,我擁有另一家由 WooCommerce 支援的商店" msgid "Yes, on another platform" msgstr "是的,我還在其他平台銷售" msgid "1-10" msgstr "1-10" msgid "" "The type of object originally represented, such as \"category\", \"post\", " "or \"attachment\"." msgstr "物件初始表示類型,例如 category、post 或 attachment。" msgid "Order review" msgstr "订单评价后" msgid "Product Brands" msgstr "品牌" msgid "Shop by Brand" msgstr "依品牌進行搜尋" msgid "New In Store" msgstr "新上商品" msgid "On Sale Now" msgstr "現在出售" msgid "Best Selling Products" msgstr "最暢銷商品" msgid "On Sale Products" msgstr "特價商品" msgid "Popular Products" msgstr "熱銷商品" msgid "We Recommend" msgstr "推荐产品" msgid "View your shopping cart" msgstr "查看您的購物車" msgid "Looking for more options?" msgstr "寻找更多選項?" msgid "General Layout" msgstr "通用佈局" msgid "Alternate button text color" msgstr "取代按钮上的文字颜色" msgid "Alternate button background color" msgstr "取代按钮背景颜色" msgid "Customize the look & feel of your website footer." msgstr "自訂的外觀與感覺你網站頁腳。" msgid "Link / accent color" msgstr "超链接 / 强调色" msgid "Enjoying %s?" msgstr "喜欢 %s?" msgid "Collapse child menu" msgstr "收合子選單" msgid "Expand child menu" msgstr "展開子選單" msgid "Widgets added here will appear in column %1$d of footer row %2$d." msgstr "此處添加的窗口小部件將顯示在頁尾行 %2$d 的列 %1$d 中。" msgid "Footer Row %1$d - Column %2$d" msgstr "頁腳行 %1$d - 列 %2$d" msgid "Widgets added here will appear in column %1$d of the footer." msgstr "此處添加的窗口小部件將顯示在頁尾的 %1$d 列中。" msgid "Below Header" msgstr "頁首下方" msgid "Handheld Menu" msgstr "移动设备菜单" msgid "" "Error processing your request. Please try refreshing the page. Contact us if " "you continue to have issues." msgstr "處理您的請求時出錯。請嘗試刷新頁面。如果您需要協助,請聯繫我們。" msgid "" "Limit result set to users matching at least one specific capability " "provided. Accepts csv list or single capability." msgstr "" "將結果集限制為與至少提供的一個特定功能匹配的使用者。接受 csv 清單或單個功能。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to filter users by capability." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有依據權限篩選使用者的權限。" msgid "" "If this is a development website you can set the environment type accordingly to enable application passwords." msgstr "" "如果這是開發網站,請設定對應的環境類型以" "啟用應用程式密碼。" msgid "" "The application password feature requires HTTPS, which is not enabled on " "this site." msgstr "應用程式密碼功能需要 HTTPS 連線,但這個網站並未啟用 HTTPS 連線。" msgid "Address line 2 (optional)" msgstr "地址行 2 (選填)" msgctxt "product name shown in menu" msgid "Search" msgstr "搜尋" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Template Part" msgstr "範本組件" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Template Parts" msgstr "範本組件" msgctxt "file type group" msgid "Video" msgstr "影片" msgctxt "file type group" msgid "Audio" msgstr "音訊" msgid "Navigation menus that can be inserted into your site." msgstr "可以插入至這個網站的導覽選單。" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Navigation Menu" msgstr "導覽選單" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Navigation Menus" msgstr "導覽選單" msgid "Global styles to include in themes." msgstr "要納入佈景主題的全域樣式。" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Global Styles" msgstr "全域樣式" msgid "" "\"%1$s\" style should not be enqueued together with the new widgets editor " "(%2$s or %3$s)." msgstr "%1$s 樣式不應該與新式小工具編輯器 (%2$s 或 %3$s) 一同佇列。" msgid "" "\"%1$s\" script should not be enqueued together with the new widgets editor " "(%2$s or %3$s)." msgstr "%1$s 指令碼不應該與新式小工具編輯器 (%2$s 或 %3$s) 一同佇列。" msgid "REST namespace route for the taxonomy." msgstr "分類的 REST 命名空間路由。" msgid "" "Whether to make the post type available for selection in navigation menus." msgstr "是否在導覽選單中提供內容類型以供選取。" msgid "Whether to generate a default UI for managing this post type." msgstr "是否管理此文章類型的產生" msgid "The visibility settings for the post type." msgstr "文章類型的可見性設定。" msgid "REST route's namespace for the post type." msgstr "REST 路由的發佈類型命名空間。" msgid "Please add a city" msgstr "請新增城市" msgid "Please select a country / region" msgstr "請選擇國家/地區" msgid "Please add an address" msgstr "請新增地址" msgid "Salto" msgstr "薩爾塔" msgid "La Guaira (Vargas)" msgstr "拉瓜伊拉 (瓦爾加斯州)" msgid "Treinta y Tres" msgstr "三十三人省" msgid "Tacuarembó" msgstr "塔誇倫博" msgid "Soriano" msgstr "索里亞諾" msgid "Rocha" msgstr "羅恰" msgid "Rivera" msgstr "Rivers" msgid "Paysandú" msgstr "派桑杜" msgid "Maldonado" msgstr "馬爾多納多" msgid "Lavalleja" msgstr "拉瓦耶哈" msgid "Flores" msgstr "弗洛里斯" msgid "Durazno" msgstr "杜拉斯諾" msgid "Colonia" msgstr "科洛尼亞" msgid "Cerro Largo" msgstr "塞羅拉古" msgid "Canelones" msgstr "卡內洛內斯" msgid "Artigas" msgstr "阿蒂加斯" msgid "Chernivtsi Oblast" msgstr "切爾諾夫策州" msgid "Chernihiv Oblast" msgstr "切爾尼戈夫州" msgid "Cherkasy Oblast" msgstr "切爾卡瑟州" msgid "Khmelnytskyi Oblast" msgstr "赫梅利尼茨基州" msgid "Kherson Oblast" msgstr "赫爾松州" msgid "Kharkiv Oblast" msgstr "哈爾科夫州" msgid "Ternopil Oblast" msgstr "捷爾諾波爾州" msgid "Sumy Oblast" msgstr "蘇梅州" msgid "Rivne Oblast" msgstr "羅夫諾州" msgid "Poltava Oblast" msgstr "波爾塔瓦州" msgid "Odessa Oblast" msgstr "敖德薩州" msgid "Mykolaiv Oblast" msgstr "尼古拉耶夫州" msgid "Lviv Oblast" msgstr "利沃夫州" msgid "Luhansk Oblast" msgstr "盧甘斯克州" msgid "Kirovohrad Oblast" msgstr "基洛沃格勒州" msgid "Kyiv Oblast" msgstr "基輔州" msgid "Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast" msgstr "伊瓦諾-福蘭基夫斯克州" msgid "Zaporizhzhia Oblast" msgstr "扎波羅熱州" msgid "Zakarpattia Oblast" msgstr "外喀爾巴阡州" msgid "Zhytomyr Oblast" msgstr "日托米爾州" msgid "Donetsk Oblast" msgstr "頓內次克州" msgid "Dnipropetrovsk Oblast" msgstr "第聶伯羅彼得羅夫斯克州" msgid "La Unión" msgstr "拉烏尼翁" msgid "Volyn Oblast" msgstr "沃倫州" msgid "Vinnytsia Oblast" msgstr "文尼察州" msgid "Usulután" msgstr "烏蘇盧坦" msgid "San Vicente" msgstr "聖維森特" msgid "San Salvador" msgstr "薩爾瓦多" msgid "Sonsonate" msgstr "松索納特" msgid "San Miguel" msgstr "聖米格爾" msgid "Santa Ana" msgstr "聖塔安娜" msgid "Morazán" msgstr "莫拉桑" msgid "Cuscatlán" msgstr "庫斯卡蘭" msgid "Chalatenango" msgstr "查拉特南戈" msgid "Cabañas" msgstr "卡瓦尼亞斯" msgid "Ahuachapán" msgstr "阿瓦查潘" msgid "Ngöbe-Buglé" msgstr "恩戈貝布格雷" msgid "Guna Yala" msgstr "庫納雅拉" msgid "Emberá" msgstr "安貝拉" msgid "West Panamá" msgstr "西巴拿馬" msgid "Panamá" msgstr "巴拿馬" msgid "Veraguas" msgstr "貝拉瓜斯" msgid "Los Santos" msgstr "洛聖都" msgid "Herrera" msgstr "埃雷拉" msgid "Darién" msgstr "達連" msgid "Chiriquí" msgstr "奇里基" msgid "Coclé" msgstr "科克萊" msgid "Bocas del Toro" msgstr "博卡斯德爾托羅" msgid "Río San Juan" msgstr "里奧聖胡安" msgid "Rivas" msgstr "錫瓦斯省" msgid "Nueva Segovia" msgstr "新塞哥維亞" msgid "Matagalpa" msgstr "馬塔加爾帕" msgid "Masaya" msgstr "馬薩亞" msgid "Madriz" msgstr "馬德里" msgid "Jinotega" msgstr "希諾特加" msgid "Estelí" msgstr "埃斯特利" msgid "Chontales" msgstr "瓊塔萊斯" msgid "Chinandega" msgstr "奇南德加" msgid "Carazo" msgstr "卡拉索" msgid "Boaco" msgstr "博阿科" msgid "Atlántico Sur" msgstr "南加勒比海岸自治區" msgid "Atlántico Norte" msgstr "北大西洋自治區" msgid "Tehran (تهران)" msgstr "德黑蘭 (تهران)" msgid "Khuzestan (خوزستان)" msgstr "胡齊斯坦 (خوزستان)" msgid "Yoro" msgstr "約羅" msgid "Valle" msgstr "瓦勒" msgid "Santa Bárbara" msgstr "聖塔芭芭拉" msgid "Olancho" msgstr "奧蘭喬" msgid "Ocotepeque" msgstr "奧科特佩克" msgid "Lempira" msgstr "倫皮拉" msgid "Intibucá" msgstr "因蒂布卡" msgid "Gracias a Dios" msgstr "格拉夏斯迪歐斯角" msgid "Francisco Morazán" msgstr "莫拉桑" msgid "El Paraíso" msgstr "埃爾帕拉伊索" msgid "Cortés" msgstr "科爾特斯" msgid "Copán" msgstr "科潘" msgid "Comayagua" msgstr "科馬亞瓜" msgid "Colón" msgstr "科隆" msgid "Choluteca" msgstr "喬盧特卡" msgid "Bay Islands" msgstr "海灣群島" msgid "Atlántida" msgstr "阿特蘭蒂達" msgid "Zamora-Chinchipe" msgstr "薩莫拉欽奇佩" msgid "Tungurahua" msgstr "通古拉瓦" msgid "Sucumbíos" msgstr "蘇昆比奧斯" msgid "Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas" msgstr "聖多明各 - 德洛斯查奇拉斯" msgid "Santa Elena" msgstr "聖埃倫娜" msgid "Pichincha" msgstr "皮欽查" msgid "Pastaza" msgstr "帕斯塔薩" msgid "Orellana" msgstr "奧雷亞納" msgid "Napo" msgstr "納波" msgid "Morona-Santiago" msgstr "莫羅納 - 聖地亞哥" msgid "Manabí" msgstr "馬納比" msgid "Loja" msgstr "洛哈" msgid "Imbabura" msgstr "因巴布拉" msgid "Guayas" msgstr "瓜亞斯" msgid "Galápagos" msgstr "加拉巴" msgid "Esmeraldas" msgstr "埃斯梅拉達斯" msgid "El Oro" msgstr "埃爾奧羅" msgid "Cotopaxi" msgstr "科托帕希" msgid "Chimborazo" msgstr "欽博拉索" msgid "Carchi" msgstr "卡爾奇" msgid "Cañar" msgstr "卡尼亞爾" msgid "Azuay" msgstr "阿蘇艾" msgid "Yuma" msgstr "尤馬" msgid "Valdesia" msgstr "瓦爾德西亞" msgid "Ozama" msgstr "奧薩馬" msgid "Higüamo" msgstr "伊瓜莫" msgid "Enriquillo" msgstr "恩里基略" msgid "El Valle" msgstr "埃爾巴列" msgid "Cibao Sur" msgstr "Cibao Sur" msgid "Cibao Norte" msgstr "Cibao Norte" msgid "Cibao Noroeste" msgstr "Cibao Noroeste" msgid "Cibao Nordeste" msgstr "Cibao Nordeste" msgid "San José" msgstr "聖荷西" msgid "Puntarenas" msgstr "蓬塔雷納斯" msgid "Limón" msgstr "利蒙" msgid "Heredia" msgstr "埃雷迪亞" msgid "Guanacaste" msgstr "瓜納卡斯特" msgid "Cartago" msgstr "卡塔哥" msgid "Alajuela" msgstr "阿拉胡埃拉" msgid "Tolima" msgstr "科利馬" msgid "Vichada" msgstr "比查達" msgid "Vaupés" msgstr "沃佩斯" msgid "Valle del Cauca" msgstr "考卡山谷" msgid "San Andrés & Providencia" msgstr "聖安德列斯 - 普羅維登西亞" msgid "Huila" msgstr "Huíla" msgid "Santander" msgstr "桑坦德" msgid "Risaralda" msgstr "里薩拉爾達" msgid "Quindío" msgstr "金迪奧" msgid "Putumayo" msgstr "普圖馬約" msgid "Norte de Santander" msgstr "北桑坦德" msgid "Nariño" msgstr "納里尼奧" msgid "Magdalena" msgstr "馬格達萊納" msgid "La Guajira" msgstr "瓜希拉" msgid "Guaviare" msgstr "瓜維亞雷" msgid "Guainía" msgstr "瓜伊尼亞" msgid "Capital District" msgstr "首府區" msgid "Cundinamarca" msgstr "昆迪納馬卡" msgid "Chocó" msgstr "喬科" msgid "Cesar" msgstr "塞薩爾" msgid "Cauca" msgstr "考卡" msgid "Casanare" msgstr "卡薩納雷" msgid "Caquetá" msgstr "卡克塔" msgid "Caldas" msgstr "卡爾達斯" msgid "Boyacá" msgstr "博亞卡" msgid "Atlántico" msgstr "大西洋省" msgid "Arauca" msgstr "阿勞卡" msgid "Antioquia" msgstr "安提奧基亞" msgid "Valparaíso" msgstr "瓦爾帕萊索" msgid "Tarapacá" msgstr "塔拉帕卡" msgid "Región Metropolitana de Santiago" msgstr "聖地亞哥首都大區" msgid "Ñuble" msgstr "紐布萊省" msgid "Maule" msgstr "毛萊" msgid "Magallanes" msgstr "麥哲倫" msgid "Los Ríos" msgstr "河大區" msgid "Los Lagos" msgstr "洛斯拉戈斯" msgid "Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins" msgstr "奥伊金斯" msgid "Coquimbo" msgstr "科金博" msgid "Biobío" msgstr "比奧比奧" msgid "Atacama" msgstr "阿他加馬沙漠" msgid "La Araucanía" msgstr "阿勞坎尼亞" msgid "Arica y Parinacota" msgstr "阿里卡和帕里納科塔" msgid "Antofagasta" msgstr "安托法加斯塔" msgid "Aisén del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo" msgstr "艾森" msgid "Vlorë" msgstr "夫羅勒" msgid "Tirana" msgstr "地拉那" msgid "Shkodër" msgstr "斯庫台" msgid "Lezhë" msgstr "列澤" msgid "Kukës" msgstr "庫克斯" msgid "Korçë" msgstr "科爾察" msgid "Gjirokastër" msgstr "吉諾卡斯特" msgid "Fier" msgstr "非夏爾" msgid "Elbasan" msgstr "愛爾巴桑" msgid "Durrës" msgstr "都拉斯" msgid "Dibër" msgstr "第巴爾州" msgid "Berat" msgstr "培拉特" msgid "Licensing" msgstr "授權" msgid "Yes, deactivate WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgstr "是,停止 WooCommerce 訂閱" msgid "Product ID is required" msgstr "產品 ID 為必填項" msgid "Price ID is required" msgstr "價格 ID 為必填項" msgid "Address country and line 1 are required." msgstr "地址國家/地區和第 1 行為必填項。" msgid "Are you sure you want to deactivate WooCommerce Subscriptions?" msgstr "您確定要停止 WooCommerce 訂閱嗎?" msgid "" "Unable to generate renewal order for subscription to record the incoming " "\"invoice.payment_failed\" event." msgstr "無法為訂閱生成續訂訂單以記錄傳入的「invoice.payment_failed」事件。" msgid "WCPay subscription renewal attempt %d failed." msgid_plural "WCPay subscription renewal attempt %d failed." msgstr[0] "WCPay 續訂嘗試 %d 失敗。" msgid "" "Unable to generate renewal order for subscription on the \"invoice.paid\" " "event." msgstr "無法為「invoice.paid」事件的訂閱生成續訂訂單。" msgid "Cannot find subscription for the incoming \"invoice.paid\" event." msgstr "找不到傳入的「invoice.paid」事件的訂閱。" msgid "Cannot find subscription to handle the \"invoice.upcoming\" event." msgstr "找不到處理「invoice.upcoming」事件的訂閱。" msgid "Next automatic payment scheduled for %s." msgstr "為 %s 安排下一次自動付款。" msgid "Unable to set subscription item ID meta for WCPay subscription item %s." msgstr "無法為 WCPay 訂閱項目 %s 設置訂閱項目 ID 元。" msgid "" "The subscription's next payment date has been updated to match WCPay server." msgstr "訂閱的下一個付款日期已更新以匹配 WCPay 伺服器。" msgid "" "We've successfully collected payment for your subscription using your new " "payment method." msgstr "我們已使用您的新付款方式成功收取您的訂閱費用。" msgid "" "There was a problem creating your subscription. Please try again or contact " "us for assistance." msgstr "創建訂閱時出現問題。 請重試或聯繫我們尋求幫助。" msgid "" "Your subscription's last renewal failed payment. Please update your payment " "details so we can reattempt payment." msgstr "上次續訂付款失敗。 請更新您的付款詳細信息,以便我們重新嘗試付款。" msgid "Update and retry payment" msgstr "更新並重試付款" msgid "Coupon - %s" msgstr "優惠券 - %s" msgid "Update payment details" msgstr "更新付款詳情" msgid "" "%1$sThere was an issue saving your variations!%2$s A subscription product's " "billing period cannot be longer than one year. We have updated one or more " "of this product's variations to renew every %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$s儲存您的變體時出現問題!%2$s 訂閱產品的計費周期不能超過一年。 我們已更新" "此產品的一個或多個變體,以每 %3$s 續訂一次。" msgid "" "%1$sThere was an issue saving your product!%2$s A subscription product's " "billing period cannot be longer than one year. We have updated this product " "to renew every %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$s儲存您的產品時出現問題!%2$s 訂閱產品的計費周期不能超過一年。 我們已更新" "此產品以每 %3$s 續訂一次。" msgid "The WCPay invoice items do not match WC subscription items." msgstr "WCPay 發票項目與 WC 訂閱項目不匹配" msgid "The payment info couldn't be added to the order." msgstr "無法將付款資料添加到訂單中。" msgid "Currency Switcher Widget" msgstr "貨幣切換器小工具" msgid "TOTAL" msgstr "總計" msgid "SUBTOTAL" msgstr "小計" msgid "Account Type" msgstr "帳戶類型" msgid "AMOUNT PAID" msgstr "付款金額" msgid "AID" msgstr "AID" msgid "Payment authentication requested email" msgstr "要求付款驗證的電子郵件" msgid "Failed subscription renewal SCA authentication" msgstr "續訂 SCA 驗證失敗" msgctxt "an email notification" msgid "Enable/disable" msgstr "啟用/停用" msgid "" "We couldn’t verify the postal code in your billing address. Make sure the " "information is current with your card issuing bank and try again." msgstr "" "我們無法驗證您帳單郵寄地址中的郵政編碼。請確保您的發卡銀行的資料是最新的,然" "後重試。" msgid "The selected payment method requires a total amount of at least %s." msgstr "所選的付款方式需要至少 %s 的總金額。" msgid "" "The payment request button is not supported in %s because some required " "fields couldn't be verified. Please proceed to the checkout page and try " "again." msgstr "" "由於部分必填欄位無法驗證,因此%s境內不支援「付款要求」按鈕。 請繼續前往結帳頁" "面並再試一次。" msgid "Connected to WPCOM" msgstr "連接到 WPCOM" msgid "" "There was a duplicate attempt to initiate account setup. Please wait a few " "seconds and try again." msgstr "重複嘗試啟動帳戶設置。 請等待幾秒鐘,然後重試。" msgid "" "Next we’ll ask you to share a few details about your business to create your " "account." msgstr "接下來我們會請你分享一些有關貴公司的詳細資訊,以便建立你的帳號。" msgid "Intent creation failed with the following message: %s" msgstr "建立意圖失敗,錯誤訊息:%s" msgid "Failed to update Stripe account. " msgstr "更新 Stripe 帳號失敗。" msgid "" "This payment is not captured yet. To cancel this order, please go to 'Order " "Actions' > 'Cancel authorization'. To proceed with a refund, please go to " "'Order Actions' > 'Capture charge' to charge the payment card, and then " "trigger a refund via the 'Refund' button." msgstr "" "尚未收取這筆付款。 如要取消此訂單,請前往「訂單操作」>「取消授權」。 如要繼續" "處理退款,請前往「訂單操作」>「收取扣款」以向付款卡收費,再透過「退款」按鈕觸" "發退款。" msgid "" "Payment method is changed to: Credit card ending in %1$s." msgstr "付款方式已變更為尾碼為 %1$s 的信用卡。" msgid "" "A payment of %1$s failed to complete because of too many " "failed transactions. A rate limiter was enabled for the user to prevent more " "attempts temporarily." msgstr "" "由於失敗的交易太多,%1$s 的付款未能完成。 為用戶啟用了匯率限" "制器以暫時阻止更多嘗試。" msgid "" "We couldn’t verify the postal code in the billing address. If the issue " "persists, suggest the customer to reach out to the card issuing bank." msgstr "" "我們無法驗證帳單郵寄地址中的郵政編碼。 如果問題仍然存在,建議客戶聯絡發卡銀" "行。" msgid "A payment of %1$s failed. %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 的付款失敗。 %2$s" msgid "%1$s. See dispute overview for more details." msgstr "%1$s。 詳情請參閱糾紛概述。" msgid "Saved cards" msgstr "儲存的卡片" msgid "Enable payment via saved cards" msgstr "啟用以儲存卡片付款" msgid "Payment dispute funds have been withdrawn" msgstr "付款糾紛資金已被提取" msgid "Payment dispute funds have been reinstated" msgstr "付款糾紛資金已恢復" msgid "Payment dispute has been updated" msgstr "付款糾紛已更新" msgid "" "A CSS hex color value representing the secondary branding color for this " "account." msgstr "代表此帳號次要品牌顏色的 CSS hex 色彩值。" msgid "" "A CSS hex color value representing the primary branding color for this " "account." msgstr "代表此帳號主要品牌顏色的 CSS hex 色彩值。" msgid "An icon for the account." msgstr "帳號的圖示。" msgid "A logo id for the account that will be used in Checkout" msgstr "用於結帳的帳號標誌 ID" msgid "A publicly available phone number to call with support issues." msgstr "針對支援問題可撥打的公開電話號碼。" msgid "A publicly available email address for sending support issues to." msgstr "發送支援問題的公開電子郵件地址。" msgid "A publicly available mailing address for sending support issues to." msgstr "發送支援問題的公開郵寄地址。" msgid "The business’s publicly available website." msgstr "企業的公開網站。" msgid "The customer-facing business name." msgstr "對客戶顯示的企業名稱。" msgid "Payment cannot be captured for partially or fully refunded orders." msgstr "對於部分或全部退款的訂單,無法獲取付款。" msgid "WooCommerce In-Person Payments" msgstr "WooCommerce 面對面付款" msgid "Invalid payment intent" msgstr "付款意圖無效" msgid "Menu item moved to the top" msgstr "選單項目已移至頂端。" msgid "Menu item removed" msgstr "選單項目已移除。" msgid "Max connections number" msgstr "連線數上限" msgid "Max allowed packet size" msgstr "允許的封包大小上限" msgid "Set up multiple currencies" msgstr "設定多種貨幣" msgid "Card Readers" msgstr "讀卡機" msgid "Error: Please fill the required fields." msgstr "錯誤: 請填寫必填欄位。" msgid "Please log into the site." msgstr "請登錄網站。" msgid "The support you need,
whenever you need it" msgstr "需要支援時,
我們隨時提供協助" msgid "" "“ has allowed me to present my content in an attractive way. " "It’s given me a platform to reach thousands of people. I’ve been able to " "communicate, bond, and connect. With my WordPress.​com site, I feel " "like a professional.”" msgstr "" "「 讓我以最引人入勝的方式呈現內容,這個平台讓我得以觸及成千上萬" "的使用者,讓我能夠與使用者相互溝通、聯繫並建立關係。我的 網站," "讓我的專業形象大大加分。」" msgid "" "Learn how to describe the purpose of the image%3$s. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative." msgstr "" "進一步了解如何撰寫圖片說明文字%3$s。如果圖片僅為裝" "飾目的、與實際內容無甚相關時,這個欄位可留空。" msgid "All domains" msgstr "所有網域" msgid "Site icon." msgstr "網站圖示。" msgid "Theme File Editor" msgstr "佈景主題檔案編輯器" msgid "View documentation" msgstr "查看文件" msgid "" "In the Info tab, you will find all the details about the configuration of " "your WordPress site, server, and database. There is also an export feature " "that allows you to copy all of the information about your site to the " "clipboard, to help solve problems on your site when obtaining support." msgstr "" "在 [網站狀態資訊] 分頁中,會顯示這個 WordPress 網站的組態、伺服器及資料庫的全" "部詳細資訊,同時也提供讓網站管理員可以複製網站資訊至剪貼簿的匯出功能,讓網站" "需要技術支援時,能提供必要的資訊解決問題。" msgid "" "In the Status tab, you can see critical information about your WordPress " "configuration, along with anything else that requires your attention." msgstr "" "在 [網站狀態] 分頁中,網站管理員可以檢視這個 WordPress 網站的組態的關鍵資訊," "以及需要注意的其他相關資訊。" msgid "" "This screen allows you to obtain a health diagnosis of your site, and " "displays an overall rating of the status of your installation." msgstr "" "這個畫面可以讓網站管理員取得這個網站的狀態診斷資料,並顯示這個網站狀態的整體" "評等。" msgid "" "This screen includes suggestions to help you write your own privacy policy. " "However, it is your responsibility to use these resources correctly, to " "provide the information required by your privacy policy, and to keep this " "information current and accurate." msgstr "" "這個畫面包含協助網站管理員撰寫網站專屬隱私權政策的建議。請注意,網站管理員有" "責任正確使用這些資源,以提供這個網站的隱私權政策所需的‪資訊,並確保資訊的時效" "性及正確性。" msgid "" "The Privacy screen lets you either build a new privacy-policy page or choose " "one you already have to show." msgstr "" "[隱私權] 畫面能讓網站管理員建立新的隱私權政策頁面,或選取並使用這個網站已有的" "隱私權政策頁面。" msgid "" "The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into " "your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need " "help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title." msgstr "" "[控制台] 是使用者每次登入網站後會看見的第一個畫面,這個畫面能讓使用者找到 " "WordPress 網站的全部工具。如需取得協助,請點擊任何頁面標題上方的 [使用說明] " "分頁。" msgid "Welcome to your WordPress Dashboard!" msgstr "歡迎使用 WordPress 控制台!" msgid "The Open Graph image link of the %1$s or %2$s element from the URL." msgstr "%1$s的\"打開圖形\"圖像連結,或從URL %2$s元素。" msgid "The content of the %s element from the URL." msgstr "%s元素的內容來自URL。" msgid "The favicon image link of the %s element from the URL." msgstr "來自 URL 的%s元素的圖示圖像連結。" msgid "The menu cannot be deleted." msgstr "無法刪除選單。" msgid "Menus do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "選單不支援丟進垃圾桶。將「%s」設定為刪除。" msgid "" "The database ID of the original object this menu item represents, for " "example the ID for posts or the term_id for categories." msgstr "此選單項表示的原始物件的資料庫ID,例如,文章的ID或類別的term_id。" msgid "The url is required when using a custom menu item type." msgstr "使用自訂選單項類型時,URL 是必需的。" msgid "The title is required when using a custom menu item type." msgstr "使用自訂選單項類型時,標題是必需的。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view menu items." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有檢視選單項目的權限。" msgid "The date when the block was last updated." msgstr "區塊最後更新的日期。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this global style." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有檢視這個全域樣式的權限。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this global style." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有編輯這個全域樣式的權限。" msgid "Retired" msgstr "退休" msgid "Visit theme site for %s" msgstr "訪問佈景主題 %s 的網站" msgid "" "The WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin requires a more recent version of " "WordPress and has been paused. Please update WordPress to continue enjoying " "WooCommerce Blocks." msgstr "" "WooCommerce Blocks 功能外掛程式已暫停,需要較新版本的 WordPress 才能運作。請" "更新 WordPress 以便繼續使用 WooCommerce Blocks。" msgid "Sorry, this order requires a shipping option." msgstr "抱歉,這筆訂單需要運送選項。" msgid "%s cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart." msgstr "無法購買「%s」。請將其從你的購物車中移除。" msgid "Returns number of products with each stock status." msgstr "傳回各庫存狀態的商品數量。" msgid "If true, calculates stock counts for products in the collection." msgstr "如果為「True」,則計算該系列中的商品庫存數。" msgid "Search products…" msgstr "搜尋商品…" msgid "Locations outside all other zones" msgstr "所有其他區域以外的位置" msgctxt "media items" msgid "Unattached" msgstr "尚無關聯內容" msgid "" "Individual posts may override these settings. Changes here will only be " "applied to new posts." msgstr "" "這些設定可於編輯內容時個別設定,內容中的獨立設定值會優先於這裡的全域設定。如" "果變更這裡的設定,僅會套用至變更後的新文章。" msgid "The application ID must be a UUID." msgstr "應用程式 ID 必須是 UUID。" msgid "You should back up your existing %s file." msgstr "多站網路管理員應該備份現有的 %s 檔案。" msgid "You should back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files." msgstr "多站網路管理員應該備份現有的 %1$s 及 %2$s 檔案。" msgid "" "Error: This email address is already registered. Log in with this address or choose another one." msgstr "" "錯誤: 這個電子郵件地址已被使用。請使用這個電子郵件地址登入或其他電子郵件地址登入。" msgid "" "Your website appears to use Basic Authentication, which is not currently " "compatible with application passwords." msgstr "這個網站使用基本驗證,這種驗證方式與應用程式密碼不相容。" msgid "Auto-renew on" msgstr "自動續訂 (開啟)" msgid "Auto-renew off" msgstr "自動續訂 (關閉)" msgid "Download Export" msgstr "下載匯出" msgid "%s submenu" msgstr "[%s] 的子選單" msgid "Welcome to the family!" msgstr "歡迎成為
大家庭的一份子!" msgid "No courses found." msgstr "為搜尋到課程。" msgid "Search courses" msgstr "搜索課程" msgid "All courses" msgstr "所有課程" msgid "View course" msgstr "檢視課程" msgid "Edit course" msgstr "編輯課程" msgid "Add New course" msgstr "增加新課程" msgctxt "Add New on Toolbar" msgid "Course" msgstr "課程" msgctxt "Admin Menu text" msgid "Courses" msgstr "課程" msgid "Google Drive" msgstr "Google雲端硬碟" msgid "Delete this domain" msgstr "刪除此網域" msgid "WooPay" msgstr "WooPay" msgid "Low" msgstr "低" msgid "High" msgstr "高" msgid "Severity" msgstr "重要性" msgid "/month, billed yearly" msgstr "按月計費,每年結帳一次" msgid "Start learning" msgstr "開始學習" msgid "" "Learn the fundamentals from our bite-sized video course — you'll be up and " "running in just nine minutes." msgstr "" "我們提供多支簡短教學影片,教會你各種基礎知識;只要短短 9 分鐘,你就能開始寫出" "精彩網誌。" msgid "Blog like an expert from day one" msgstr "第一次寫網誌就上手" msgid "Emails sent to" msgstr "電子郵件已傳送至" msgid "WooCommerce Shipment Tracking" msgstr "WooCommerce Shipment Tracking" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to export templates and template parts." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身份沒有匯出範本及範本組件的權限。" msgid "Whether a template is a custom template." msgstr "範本是否為自訂範本。" msgid "The ID for the author of the template." msgstr "範本作者的ID。" msgid "Zip Export not supported." msgstr "不支援匯出成 ZIP 格式。" msgid "Payment Information" msgstr "付款資訊" msgid "" "A credit card used to renew your subscription has expired or is about to " "expire before the next renewal on %s." msgstr "用以續訂各項服務的信用卡已到期,或即將於下次續訂 (%s) 前到期" msgid "" "A credit card used to renew your subscription has expired or is going to " "expire before the next renewal on %s." msgstr "用以續訂各項服務的信用卡已到期,或即將於下次續訂 (%s) 前到期" msgid "The DNS record has been updated." msgstr "DNS 記錄已刪除。" msgid "Edit record" msgstr "編輯記錄" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Link in Bio" msgstr "作者簡介" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Single Page" msgstr "單一頁面" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Name (optional)" msgstr "名稱(可選)" msgctxt "" "Placeholder shown when entering the subdomain part of a new DNS record" msgid "Enter subdomain" msgstr "輸入子網域 (選填)" msgctxt "DNS record" msgid "Name (optional)" msgstr "名稱(可選)" msgid "Add a new DNS record" msgstr "新增 DNS 記錄" msgid "The DNS record has not been disabled." msgstr "DNS 記錄尚未刪除。" msgid "The DNS record has been enabled." msgstr "DNS 記錄已刪除。" msgid "The DNS record has been disabled." msgstr "DNS 記錄已刪除。" msgid "%1$s: %2$s️" msgstr "%1$s:%2$s" msgid "Edit Navigation Menu" msgstr "編輯導覽選單" msgid "Navigation Menus list" msgstr "導覽選單清單" msgid "Navigation Menus list navigation" msgstr "導覽選單清單導覽" msgid "Filter Navigation Menu list" msgstr "篩選導覽選單清單" msgid "Uploaded to this Navigation Menu" msgstr "已關聯至這個導覽選單" msgid "Insert into Navigation Menu" msgstr "插入至導覽選單" msgid "Navigation Menu archives" msgstr "導覽選單彙整" msgid "No Navigation Menu found in Trash." msgstr "在回收桶中找不到符合條件的導覽選單。" msgid "No Navigation Menu found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的導覽選單。" msgid "Parent Navigation Menu:" msgstr "上層導覽選單:" msgid "Search Navigation Menus" msgstr "搜尋導覽選單" msgid "Add New Navigation Menu" msgstr "新增導覽選單" msgid "Title for the global styles variation, as it exists in the database." msgstr "全域樣式變體的標題,因為它存在於資料庫中。" msgid "Error when decoding a JSON file at path %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "解碼位於路徑 %1$s 的 JSON 檔案時發生錯誤: %2$s" msgid "File %s doesn't exist!" msgstr "檔案 %s 不存在!" msgid "Title of the global styles variation." msgstr "全域樣式變體的標題。" msgid "Global settings." msgstr "全域設定。" msgid "Global styles." msgstr "全域樣式。" msgid "ID of global styles config." msgstr "全域樣式配置的ID。" msgid "No global styles config exist with that id." msgstr "不存在具有該 ID 的全域樣式配置。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access the global styles on this site." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有存取這個網站全域樣式的權限。" msgid "The theme identifier" msgstr "主題標識碼" msgid "%s Avatar" msgstr "「%s」的個人頭像" msgid "Pending activation" msgstr "等待啟動" msgid "Verifying" msgstr "確認中" msgid "License Key" msgstr "授權碼" msgid "Set yourself up for blogging success" msgstr "掌握讓網誌大獲成功的關鍵" msgid "Upskill and save hours" msgstr "提升操作技能與效率" msgid "Familiarize yourself with WordPress" msgstr "熟悉 WordPress" msgid "Learn the basics of blogging" msgstr "學習部落格寫作基本功" msgid "Save yourself hours." msgstr "省下你的寶貴時間。" msgid "Watch five videos." msgstr "觀看 5 段影片。" msgid "Post type to get the templates for." msgstr "要獲取其範本的文章類型。" msgid "Limit to the specified template part area." msgstr "限制為指定的範本部件區域。" msgid "Only site administrators can upgrade to access security scanning." msgstr "僅限網站管理員有權升級至每日掃瞄服務功能。" msgid "Static pages" msgstr "靜態頁面" msgid "%1$s — %2$s" msgstr "%1$s at %2$s" msgid "Save %s" msgstr "儲存 %s" msgid "social" msgstr "社交網路服務" msgid "User avatar" msgstr "使用者頭像" msgid "Your %1$s purchase will renew automatically in %2$d day." msgid_plural "Your %1$s purchase will renew automatically in %2$d days." msgstr[0] "你的 %1$s 購買項目將於 %2$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan subscription for %2$s expired on %3$s. Your site will remain " "as-is for a few more days — and all your content will remain, safe and " "secure — but you'll lose access to some important features unless you " "renew:" msgstr "" "你的 %2$s %1$s 訂閱方案將於 %3$s到期。你的網站會在到期後幾個小時內維持原狀," "並確保所有內容安全無虞,但除非續訂,否則你將無法使用部分重要功能:" msgid "View Schedule" msgstr "查看計畫" msgid "View Backups" msgstr "檢視備份項目" msgid "Monthly Stats" msgstr "每月統計" msgid "" "Use with a site you already started. A free domain for one year is included " "with all annual plans." msgstr "使用你已開始經營的網站。所有方案皆隨附一年免費網域。" msgctxt "The title of a blog dedicated to general topics, news and updates" msgid "General" msgstr "一般" msgctxt "Share the post on social networks" msgid "Share" msgstr "共享" msgctxt "label before the title of the previous post" msgid "Previous:" msgstr "上一篇:" msgctxt "label before the title of the next post" msgid "Next:" msgstr "下一篇:" msgid "Powered by Jetpack" msgstr "由Jetpack提供支持" msgid "Jetpack CDN" msgstr "Jetpack CRM" msgid "Upload a video" msgstr "上載影片" msgid "Blog name" msgstr "博客名稱" msgid "Build" msgstr "Build" msgid "View comment" msgstr "查看評論" msgid "No subscription found" msgstr "找不到約期授權" msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "取消" msgid "Disconnect this account" msgstr "中斷連結這個帳號" msgid "Akismet privacy notice" msgstr "Akismet 隱私權聲明" msgid "All systems functional." msgstr "所有系統均正常運作。" msgid "Enabled." msgstr "已啟用。" msgid "" "Akismet encountered a problem with a previous SSL request and disabled it " "temporarily. It will begin using SSL for requests again shortly." msgstr "" "Akismet 遇到先前 SSL 請求所造成的問題,這會造成 Akismet 的暫時停用。Akismet " "將在馬上重新透過 SSL 協定進行要求。" msgid "" "Your Web server cannot make SSL requests; contact your Web host and ask them " "to add support for SSL requests." msgstr "" "這個網站的網站伺服器無法進行 SSL 請求,請聯絡主機服務商並要求它加入對 SSL 請" "求的支援。" msgid "Detailed stats" msgstr "詳細統計資料" msgid "%s false positive" msgid_plural "%s false positives" msgstr[0] "%s 誤報" msgid "%s missed spam" msgid_plural "%s missed spam" msgstr[0] "%s 遺漏的垃圾評論" msgid "Inbox" msgstr "收件匣" msgid "Mark as spam" msgstr "標記為垃圾" msgid "Site ID" msgstr "網站 ID" msgid "" "Update the table directly upon product changes, instead of scheduling a " "deferred update." msgstr "在產品變更時直接更新表格,而不是排程延遲更新。" msgid "Direct updates" msgstr "直接更新" msgid "Use the product attributes lookup table for catalog filtering." msgstr "使用產品屬性查詢表進行型錄篩選。" msgid "Enable table usage" msgstr "啟用表格使用情況" msgid "" "These settings are not available while the lookup table regeneration is in " "progress." msgstr "系統重新產生查詢表期間,這些設定無法使用。" msgid "Product attributes lookup table" msgstr "產品屬性查詢表" msgid "Filling in progress (%d)" msgstr "填寫中 (%d)" msgid "" "Select a product to regenerate the data for, or leave empty for a full table " "regeneration:" msgstr "選取要重新產生資料的產品,或保留空白以重新產生整個表格:" msgid "Product attributes lookup table data is regenerating" msgstr "正在重新產生產品屬性查詢表資料" msgid "" "This tool will regenerate the product attributes lookup table data from " "existing product(s) data. This process may take a while." msgstr "" "此工具將從現有產品資料重新產生產品屬性查詢表資料。 此程序可能須花費一段時間。" msgid "Regenerate the product attributes lookup table" msgstr "重新產生產品屬性查詢表" msgid "" "WooCommerce Blocks development mode requires the %1$s constant to be defined " "and true in your %2$s file. Otherwise you are loading the blocks package " "from WooCommerce core." msgstr "" "WooCommerce Blocks %1$s開發模式需要在你的檔案中定義常數並設定為 True%2$s。否" "則你將從 WooCommerce 核心載入 Blocks 套件。" msgid "To set your password, visit the following address: " msgstr "如要設定密碼,請造訪以下網址:" msgid "Click here to set your new password." msgstr "按一下此處以設定新密碼。" msgid "billing address" msgstr "帳單地址" msgid "State/County" msgstr "縣 / 市" msgid "Country/Region" msgstr "國家/地區" msgid "shipping address" msgstr "運送地址" msgid "There was a problem with the provided %s:" msgstr "提供的 %s 有問題:" msgid "Sorry, we do not allow orders from the provided country (%s)" msgstr "很抱歉,我們不允許從此國家/地區送出的訂單 (%s)" msgid "Sorry, we do not ship orders to the provided country (%s)" msgstr "很抱歉,訂單運送目的地不可為此國家/地區 (%s)" msgid "" "The provided email address (%s) is not valid—please provide a valid email " "address" msgstr "此電子郵件地址 (%s) 無效 — 請提供有效的電子郵件地址" msgid "There was an error with an item in your cart." msgstr "購物車中某個商品發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There are not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantities in your cart." msgstr "「%s」庫存不足。請減少購物車中的數量。" msgid "" "There is not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantity in your cart." msgstr "「%s」庫存不足。請減少購物車中的數量。" msgid "" "There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 of each can be purchased. Please " "reduce the quantities in your cart." msgstr "購物車中的「%s」數量過多。每個商品限購 1 件。請減少購物車中的數量。" msgid "" "There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 can be purchased. Please reduce " "the quantity in your cart." msgstr "購物車中的「%s」數量過多。限購 1 件。請減少購物車中的數量。" msgid "%s cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your cart." msgstr "無法購買「%s」。請從購物車中移除這些商品。" msgid "" "%s are out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your " "cart." msgstr "「%s」缺貨,故無法購買。請從購物車中移除這些商品。" msgid "" "%s is out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart." msgstr "「%s」缺貨,故無法購買。請從購物車中移除此商品。" msgid "Whether to create a new user account as part of order processing." msgstr "是否在處理訂單的同時,建立新的使用者帳戶。" msgid "List of required payment gateway features to process the order." msgstr "處理訂單所用的必要付款閘道功能清單。" msgid "The rate at which tax is applied." msgstr "徵收稅金的稅率。" msgid "List of cart fees." msgstr "購物車費用清單。" msgid "" "True if the cart meets the criteria for showing shipping costs, and rates " "have been calculated and included in the totals." msgstr "" "如果購物車符合顯示運費的條件,且已計算費率並包含在總金額中,則為 True。" msgid "Whether the product is visible in the catalog" msgstr "商品是否顯示在目錄中" msgid "Optionally, how the metadata value should be displayed to the user." msgstr "可選項目,應如何向使用者顯示中繼資料值。" msgid "Current set billing address for the customer." msgstr "顧客目前設定的帳單地址。" msgid "Value of the metadata." msgstr "中繼資料值。" msgid "Name of the metadata." msgstr "中繼資料名稱。" msgid "Metadata related to the cart item" msgstr "與購物車商品相關的中繼資料" msgid "Total tax amount for this fee." msgstr "此費用的總稅額。" msgid "Total amount for this fee." msgstr "此費用的總金額。" msgid "Fee total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "使用貨幣最小單位的費用總額。" msgid "Unique identifier for the fee within the cart." msgstr "購物車內費用的唯一識別碼。" msgid "The discount type for the coupon (e.g. percentage or fixed amount)" msgstr "優惠券的折扣類型 (例如:百分比或固定金額)" msgid "The coupon's unique code." msgstr "優惠券的唯一代碼。" msgid "The provided phone number is not valid" msgstr "提供的電話號碼無效" msgid "The provided email address is not valid" msgstr "提供的電子郵件地址無效" msgid "The provided postcode / ZIP is not valid" msgstr "提供的郵遞區號無效" msgid "Invalid country code provided. Must be one of: %s" msgstr "提供的國家/地區代碼無效。須為以下任一項:%s" msgid "" "An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in " "before proceeding." msgstr "已有帳戶使用你的電子郵件地址註冊了。請先登入再繼續操作。" msgid "Unable to create order" msgstr "無法建立訂單。" msgid "Additional data to pass to the extension" msgstr "其他要傳送至擴充功能的資料" msgid "" "Extension's name - this will be used to ensure the data in the request is " "routed appropriately." msgstr "擴充功能名稱 - 這會用於確保要求的資料正確轉送。" msgid "Credit / Debit Card" msgstr "信用卡/借記卡" msgid "Invalid path provided." msgstr "提供的路徑無效。" msgid "Integration \"%s\" is not registered." msgstr "未註冊整合功能「%s」。" msgid "\"%s\" is already registered." msgstr "已註冊「%s」。" msgid "Integration registry requires an identifier." msgstr "註冊整合功能需提供識別碼。" msgid "Extension data registered by %s" msgstr "%s 註冊的擴充功能資料" msgid "Block name is required." msgstr "必須提供區塊名稱。" msgid "" "Script with handle %s had a dependency on itself which has been removed. " "This is an indicator that your JS code has a circular dependency that can " "cause bugs." msgstr "" "含有控制代碼 %s 的指令碼具有相依性,並且已經移除。此指標指出你的 JS 代碼具有" "循環相依性,可能會造成錯誤。" msgid "Recently Viewed Products list" msgstr "最近查看過的商品" msgid "Products by Rating list" msgstr "好評商品清單" msgid "(includes %1$s estimated for %2$s)" msgstr "(包含 %2$s 預估的 %1$s)" msgid "" "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to " "hierarchical taxonomies only." msgstr "限制指派給特定上層項的資源結果集。僅適用階層式分類法。" msgid "" "Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical " "taxonomies only." msgstr "依特定數量的項目來位移結果集。僅適用階層式分類法。" msgid "" "City name, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of WooCommerce " "5.3, 'cities' should be used instead." msgstr "" "城市名稱,不支援多個值。自 WooCommerce 5.3 起被取代,應改為使用「城市」。" msgid "" "Postcode/ZIP, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of " "WooCommerce 5.3, 'postcodes' should be used instead." msgstr "" "郵遞區號,不支援多個值。自 WooCommerce 5.3 起被取代,應改為使用「郵遞區號」。" msgid "List of city names. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3." msgstr "城市名稱清單。在 WooCommerce 5.3 中推出。" msgid "List of postcodes / ZIPs. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3." msgstr "郵遞區號清單。在 WooCommerce 5.3 中推出。" msgid "Low Stock amount for the variation." msgstr "此款式庫存不足。" msgid "Low Stock amount for the product." msgstr "此產品庫存不足。" msgid "Coupon item ID is readonly." msgstr "優惠券項目 ID 為唯讀。" msgid "When true, refunded items are restocked." msgstr "若為 true,退款商品會重新補貨。" msgid "Amount that will be refunded for this tax." msgstr "本稅種的退稅金額。" msgid "Amount that will be refunded for this line item (excluding taxes)." msgstr "本細項的退款金額 (不含稅)。" msgid "There was an error calling %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "呼叫 %1$s 時發生錯誤:%2$s" msgid "Meta value for UI display." msgstr "UI 顯示的中繼值。" msgid "Meta key for UI display." msgstr "UI 顯示的中繼鍵。" msgid "Parent product name if the product is a variation." msgstr "商品為變化版本時的上層商品名稱。" msgid "IPN email notifications" msgstr "IPN 電子郵件通知" msgid "" "Take payments in person via BACS. More commonly known as direct bank/wire " "transfer." msgstr "透過 BACS 親自收款。更常見的說法是銀行/轉帳/電匯。" msgid "I don't know how to get a date from a %s" msgstr "我不知道怎麼從 %s 取得日期" msgid "The slug for the resource." msgstr "資源的代稱。" msgid "Tax class slug is invalid" msgstr "稅率類別代稱無效" msgid "Set password" msgstr "設定密碼" msgid "A link to a product." msgstr "產品的連結。" msgid "Product Link" msgstr "產品連結" msgid "A link to a product tag." msgstr "產品標籤的連結。" msgid "Product Tag Link" msgstr "產品標籤連結" msgid "A link to a product category." msgstr "產品類別的連結。" msgid "Shipping Phone Number" msgstr "送貨電話號碼" msgid "Billing Phone Number" msgstr "帳單電話號碼" msgid "Product Category Link" msgstr "產品類別連結" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "Refund and Returns Policy" msgstr "退款和退貨政策" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "refund_returns" msgstr "refund_returns" msgid "" "Please choose product options by visiting " "%2$s." msgstr "請前往 %2$s 選擇產品選項。" msgid "" "This password reset key is for a different user account. Please log out and " "try again." msgstr "此密碼重設鍵適用於不同的使用者帳戶。請登出,然後再試一次。" msgid "" "%1$s could not be served using the Force Download method. A redirect will be " "used instead." msgstr "無法使用「強制下載」處理 %1$s。 將改用重新導向。" msgid "" "%1$s could not be served using the X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile method. A " "Force Download will be used instead." msgstr "無法使用「X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile」處理 %1$s。將改用「強制下載」。" msgid "" "Coupon usage limit has been reached. Please try again after some time, or " "contact us for help." msgstr "已達到優惠券使用限制。請稍後再試一次,或與我們聯絡尋求協助。" msgid "" "Coupon usage limit has been reached. If you were using this coupon just now " "but order was not complete, you can retry or cancel the order by going to " "the my account page." msgstr "" "已達到優惠券使用限制。如果你剛剛使用了此優惠券,但訂單尚未完成,可以前往我的帳戶頁面重試或取消訂單。" msgid "Parish" msgstr "教區" msgid "Town / City / Post Office" msgstr "城鎮/城市/郵局" msgid "Department" msgstr "部門" msgid "'%s' is not a valid country code." msgstr "「%s」並非有效的國家/地區代碼。" msgid "" "The selected product isn't a variation of %2$s, please choose product " "options by visiting %2$s." msgstr "" "所選產品並非「%2$s」的款式,請前往 %2$s " "選擇產品。" msgid "" "Your store is configured to serve digital products using \"Redirect only\" " "method. This method is deprecated, please switch to a " "different method instead.
If you use a remote server for " "downloadable files (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3), you may " "optionally wish to \"allow using redirects as a last resort\". Enabling that " "and/or selecting any of the other options will make this notice go away." msgstr "" "你的商店已設定為使用「只重新導向」方法提供數位產品。此方式已過時,請改用其他方式。
如果你使用遠端伺服器下載可下載的檔案 (例" "如 Google Drive、Dropbox、Amazon S3),可選擇「允許使用重新導向做為最後手" "段」。啟用該選項和/或選取任何其他選項將使此通知消失。" msgid "Generated at" msgstr "生成於" msgid "This section shows information about this status report." msgstr "此區段顯示這份狀態報告的相關資訊。" msgid "Status report information" msgstr "狀態報告資訊" msgid "Page does not contain the %1$s shortcode or the %2$s block." msgstr "頁面不包含 %1$s 短代碼或 %2$s 區塊。" msgid "Page does not contain the %s shortcode." msgstr "頁面不包含%s短碼。" msgid "%1$s at %2$s %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 於 %2$s %3$s" msgid "" "With the release of WooCommerce 4.0, these reports are being replaced. There " "is a new and better Analytics section available for users running WordPress " "5.3+. Head on over to the WooCommerce Analytics or " "learn more about the new experience in the WooCommerce Analytics documentation." msgstr "" "隨着 WooCommerce 4.0 的發佈,這些報告將被替換。我們為運行 WordPress 5.3+ 的用" "戶提供全新和更好的“分析”部分。前往 WooCommerce Analytics 或通過 WooCommerce Analytics 文檔詳細了解全新體" "驗。" msgid "Start selling" msgstr "開始銷售" msgid "" "You're almost there! Once you complete store setup you can start receiving " "orders." msgstr "快完成了! 完成商店設定步驟後即可開始收到訂單。" msgid "" "Postcodes containing wildcards (e.g. CB23*) or fully numeric ranges (e.g. " "90210...99000) are also supported. Please see the shipping " "zones documentation for more " "information." msgstr "" "也支援包含萬用字元 (例如CB23*) 或完整數字範圍 (例如 90210…99000) 的郵遞區號。如需詳細資訊,請參閱送貨區域文件。" msgid "Additional tax class \"%1$s\" couldn't be saved. %2$s." msgstr "無法儲存額外稅率類別「%1$s」。%2$s。" msgid "" "If the \"Force Downloads\" or \"X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile\" download " "method is selected but does not work, the system will use the \"Redirect\" " "method as a last resort. See this guide for more " "details." msgstr "" "如果選取「強制下載」或「X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile」下載方式但無效,系統最終" "會採用「重新導向」。如需詳細資訊,請參閱本指南。" msgid "Allow using redirect mode (insecure) as a last resort" msgstr "允許使用重新導向模式 (不安全) 做為最後手段" msgid "" "Receive email notifications with additional guidance to complete the basic " "store setup and helpful insights" msgstr "接收電子郵件通知,取得其他指南完成基本商店設定,並獲得實用的深入分析" msgid "Enable email insights" msgstr "取得電子郵件深入分析" msgid "Store management insights" msgstr "商店管理深入分析" msgid "" "Email notifications sent from WooCommerce are listed below. Click on an " "email to configure it.
%s" msgstr "" "以下是由 WooCommerce 寄送的電子郵件通知,請點選一個電子郵件來設定它。
%s" msgid "" "To ensure your store’s notifications arrive in your and your " "customers’ inboxes, we recommend connecting your email address to your " "domain and setting up a dedicated SMTP server. If something doesn’t " "seem to be sending correctly, install the WP Mail Logging " "Plugin or check the Email FAQ page." msgstr "" "為確保貴商店的通知送達你本人和顧客的收件匣,建議你連結電子郵件地址與網域,並" "設定專用的 SMTP 伺服器。如有內容未正確傳送,請安裝 WP 郵件記" "錄外掛程式或查看電子郵件常見問題頁面。" msgid "We strongly recommend creating a backup of your site before updating." msgstr "強烈建議你更新前先建立網站備份。" msgid "Are you sure you're ready?" msgstr "確定準備好了嗎?" msgid "" "We have created a sample draft Refund and Returns Policy page for you. " "Please have a look and update it to fit your store." msgstr "" "我們已為你建立退款和退貨政策的範例草稿頁面。請查看該頁面並視貴店需求加以更" "新。" msgid "" "Setup a Refund and Returns Policy page to boost your store's credibility." msgstr "設定退款和退貨政策頁面,提高商店可信度。" msgid "" "When variation stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. The " "default value for all variations can be set in the product Inventory tab. " "The shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory." msgstr "" "當款式庫存達到此數量時,系統將以電子郵件通知你. The default value for all " "variations can be set in the product Inventory tab. The shop default value " "can be set in Settings >「產品」>「庫存」。" msgid "Parent product's threshold (%d)" msgstr "上層產品門檻 (%d)" msgid "" "When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. It is " "possible to define different values for each variation individually. The " "shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory." msgstr "" "當款式庫存達到此數量時,系統將以電子郵件通知你. It is possible to define " "different values for each variation individually. The shop default value can " "be set in Settings >「產品」>「庫存」。" msgid "To edit this order change the status back to \"Pending payment\"" msgstr "修改變更此一訂單狀態回到 \"待處理\"" msgid "Store-wide threshold (%d)" msgstr "全店門檻 (%d)" msgid "Download %d ID" msgstr "下載 %d 網址 " msgid "Search for a page…" msgstr "搜尋頁面…" msgid "Change status to cancelled" msgstr "變更狀態為已取消" msgid "%1$s (ID: %2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (ID:%2$s)" msgid "Onboarding is maintained in WooCommerce Admin." msgstr "新手設定需在 WooCommerce Admin 中進行管理。" msgid "WooCommerce Setup" msgstr "WooCommerce 設定" msgid "" "Securely accept cards in your store. See payments, track cash flow into your " "bank account, and stay on top of disputes – right from your dashboard." msgstr "" "在商店安全接受卡片付款。直接從控制台查看付款、追蹤銀行帳戶的現金流量、即時掌" "握爭議帳款。" msgid "" "Payments made simple, with no monthly fees — exclusively for " "WooCommerce stores." msgstr "付款變得簡單,不需支付月費,而且專為 WooCommerce 商店獨家提供。" msgid "" "Print discounted USPS and DHL labels straight from your WooCommerce " "dashboard and save on shipping." msgstr "直接從 WooCommerce 儀表板列印優惠 USPS 和 DHL 標籤,節省郵寄費用。" msgid "Save time and money with WooCommerce Shipping" msgstr "使用 WooCommerce Shipping,省時又省錢" msgid "WooCommerce Shipping" msgstr "WooCommerce Shipping" msgid "Delta Amacuro" msgstr "阿馬庫羅三角洲" msgid "Federal Dependencies" msgstr "聯邦屬地" msgid "Zulia" msgstr "蘇利亞" msgid "Yaracuy" msgstr "亞拉奎" msgid "Trujillo" msgstr "特魯希略" msgid "Táchira" msgstr "塔奇拉" msgid "Sucre" msgstr "蘇克雷" msgid "Portuguesa" msgstr "葡萄牙薩" msgid "Nueva Esparta" msgstr "新埃斯帕塔" msgid "Monagas" msgstr "莫納加斯" msgid "Miranda" msgstr "米蘭達" msgid "Mérida" msgstr "梅里達" msgid "Lara" msgstr "拉臘" msgid "Guárico" msgstr "瓜里科" msgid "Falcón" msgstr "法爾孔市" msgid "Cojedes" msgstr "科赫德斯" msgid "Carabobo" msgstr "卡拉博博" msgid "Bolívar" msgstr "玻利瓦爾" msgid "Barinas" msgstr "巴里納斯" msgid "Aragua" msgstr "阿拉瓜" msgid "Apure" msgstr "阿普雷" msgid "Anzoátegui" msgstr "安索阿德吉" msgctxt "district" msgid "Vojvodina" msgstr "佛伊弗迪納" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kosovo-Metohija" msgstr "科索沃 - 梅托希亞" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kosovo-Pomoravlje" msgstr "科索沃 - 波莫拉夫列" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kosovska Mitrovica" msgstr "科索沃米特羅維察" msgctxt "district" msgid "Prizren" msgstr "普里茲倫" msgctxt "district" msgid "Peć" msgstr "佩奇" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kosovo" msgstr "科索沃" msgctxt "district" msgid "Zlatibor" msgstr "茲拉蒂博爾" msgctxt "district" msgid "Zaječar" msgstr "扎耶查爾" msgctxt "district" msgid "West Bačka" msgstr "西巴奇卡" msgctxt "district" msgid "Toplica" msgstr "托普利卡" msgctxt "district" msgid "Šumadija" msgstr "舒馬迪亞" msgctxt "district" msgid "Srem" msgstr "斯雷姆" msgctxt "district" msgid "South Banat" msgstr "南巴納特" msgctxt "district" msgid "South Bačka" msgstr "南巴奇卡" msgctxt "district" msgid "Raška" msgstr "拉什卡" msgctxt "district" msgid "Rasina" msgstr "拉辛那" msgctxt "district" msgid "Pomoravlje" msgstr "波莫拉夫列" msgctxt "district" msgid "Pirot" msgstr "皮羅特" msgctxt "district" msgid "Pčinja" msgstr "普奇尼亞" msgctxt "district" msgid "North Banat" msgstr "北巴納特" msgctxt "district" msgid "North Bačka" msgstr "北巴奇卡" msgctxt "district" msgid "Nišava" msgstr "尼什" msgctxt "district" msgid "Morava" msgstr "摩拉瓦河" msgctxt "district" msgid "Mačva" msgstr "馬切萬" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kolubara" msgstr "克魯巴拉河" msgctxt "district" msgid "Jablanica" msgstr "亞布拉尼察" msgctxt "district" msgid "Danube" msgstr "多瑙河" msgctxt "district" msgid "Central Banat" msgstr "中巴納特" msgctxt "district" msgid "Braničevo" msgstr "布蘭尼切佛德" msgctxt "district" msgid "Bor" msgstr "博爾" msgctxt "district" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "貝爾格萊德" msgid "Saint Catherine" msgstr "聖凱瑟琳" msgid "Manchester" msgstr "曼徹斯特" msgid "Saint Elizabeth" msgstr "聖伊麗莎白" msgid "Westmoreland" msgstr "威斯特摩蘭" msgid "Hanover" msgstr "漢諾威" msgid "Saint James" msgstr "聖詹姆斯" msgid "Trelawny" msgstr "特里洛尼" msgid "Saint Ann" msgstr "聖安" msgid "Saint Mary" msgstr "聖瑪麗" msgid "Portland" msgstr "波特蘭" msgid "Saint Thomas" msgstr "聖托馬斯" msgid "Saint Andrew" msgstr "聖安德魯" msgid "Kingston" msgstr "京士頓" msgid "Odisha" msgstr "奧里薩邦" msgid "Ladakh" msgstr "拉達克" msgid "Csongrád-Csanád" msgstr "瓊格拉德" msgid "Zacapa" msgstr "薩卡巴" msgid "Totonicapán" msgstr "托托尼卡潘" msgid "Suchitepéquez" msgstr "蘇奇特比科茲" msgid "Sololá" msgstr "索羅拉" msgid "Santa Rosa" msgstr "聖羅沙" msgid "San Marcos" msgstr "聖馬可" msgid "Sacatepéquez" msgstr "沙卡德貝格" msgid "Retalhuleu" msgstr "雷塔盧洛" msgid "Quiché" msgstr "奇切" msgid "Quetzaltenango" msgstr "克薩爾特南戈" msgid "Petén" msgstr "貝旦" msgid "Jutiapa" msgstr "賀底亞巴" msgid "Jalapa" msgstr "雅拉帕" msgid "Izabal" msgstr "沙巴爾" msgid "Huehuetenango" msgstr "維維特南戈" msgid "Escuintla" msgstr "埃斯昆特拉" msgid "El Progreso" msgstr "普羅格里索" msgid "Chiquimula" msgstr "奇基穆拉" msgid "Chimaltenango" msgstr "奇馬特南戈" msgid "Baja Verapaz" msgstr "下維拉巴斯" msgid "Alta Verapaz" msgstr "上維拉巴斯" msgid "San José de Ocoa" msgstr "奧科阿河畔聖何塞" msgid "Monseñor Nouel" msgstr "主教·瑙黎省" msgid "Hato Mayor" msgstr "阿托馬約" msgid "Monte Plata" msgstr "蒙特普拉塔" msgid "Valverde" msgstr "巴爾韋德" msgid "Santiago Rodríguez" msgstr "聖地牙哥羅德里格斯省" msgid "Sánchez Ramírez" msgstr "桑切斯拉米雷斯省" msgid "San Pedro de Macorís" msgstr "聖佩德羅-德馬科里斯" msgid "San Cristóbal" msgstr "聖克里斯托瓦爾" msgid "Samaná" msgstr "山美納" msgid "Hermanas Mirabal" msgstr "米拉貝姐妹省" msgid "Puerto Plata" msgstr "普拉塔港" msgid "Peravia" msgstr "佩拉維亞省" msgid "Pedernales" msgstr "佩德納萊斯" msgid "Monte Cristi" msgstr "蒙特克里斯蒂" msgid "María Trinidad Sánchez" msgstr "瑪麗亞特立尼達桑切斯" msgid "La Vega" msgstr "拉維加" msgid "La Romana" msgstr "拉羅瑪納" msgid "La Altagracia" msgstr "聖母省" msgid "Independencia" msgstr "獨立省" msgid "Espaillat" msgstr "艾斯派亞省" msgid "El Seibo" msgstr "賽堡省" msgid "Elías Piña" msgstr "艾利斯皮亞省" msgid "Duarte" msgstr "杜華德省" msgid "Dajabón" msgstr "達哈翁省" msgid "Barahona" msgstr "巴拉奧納省" msgid "Baoruco" msgstr "巴奧魯可省" msgid "Azua" msgstr "阿蘇阿省" msgid "Donga" msgstr "湯加" msgid "Distrito Nacional" msgstr "國家特區" msgid "Zou" msgstr "祖省" msgid "Ouémé" msgstr "韋梅省" msgid "Mono" msgstr "莫諾省" msgid "Littoral" msgstr "濱海省" msgid "Kouffo" msgstr "庫福省" msgid "Collines" msgstr "丘陵省" msgid "Borgou" msgstr "博爾古省" msgid "Atlantique" msgstr "大西洋省" msgid "Atakora" msgstr "阿塔科拉省" msgid "Alibori" msgstr "阿黎博里省" msgid "By clicking \"Get started\", you agree to our %1$sTerms of Service%2$s" msgstr "按一下「開始使用」,即表示你同意我們的%1$s服務條款%2$s" msgid "" "Securely accept credit and debit cards on your site. Manage transactions " "without leaving your WordPress dashboard. Only with WooCommerce " "Payments." msgstr "" "在網站安全地接受信用卡和轉帳卡。不用離開 WordPress 儀表板就能管理交易。只適用" "於 WooCommerce Payments。" msgid "" "Online courses are a great solution for any business that can teach a new " "skill. Since courses don’t require physical product development or shipping, " "they’re affordable, fast to create, and can generate passive income for " "years to come. In this article, we provide you more information about " "selling courses using WooCommerce." msgstr "" "對任何企業而言,線上課程都是學習新技能的絕佳解決方案。課程不需要開發貨運送實" "體商品,因此價格實惠、可快速建立,並可在數年內持續產生被動收入。在本文中,我" "們會提供更多關於使用 WooCommerce 銷售課程的資訊。" msgid "Do you want to sell online courses?" msgstr "您想銷售線上課程嗎?" msgid "Monitor your sales and high performing products with the Woo app." msgstr "使用 Woo 應用程式監控你的銷售額和高銷售額商品。" msgid "Track your store performance on mobile" msgstr "使用行動裝置追蹤你的商店績效" msgid "" "Notes are unavailable because the \"admin-note\" data store cannot be loaded." msgstr "無法載入「管理員備註」資料存放區,因此無法查看備註。" msgid "" "Look for orders, customer info, and process refunds in one click with the " "Woo app." msgstr "使用 Woo 應用程式,按一下就能尋找訂單、客戶資訊並處理退款。" msgid "Manage your orders on the go" msgstr "隨時隨地管理你的訂單" msgid "" "Uh oh... There was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce Shipping & " "Tax install. Please try again." msgstr "" "噢噢,不好了… 安裝 Jetpack 和 WooCommerce Shipping & Tax 時發生問題。請再試一" "次。" msgid "" "We noticed that there was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce " "Shipping & Tax install. Please try again and enjoy all the advantages of " "having the plugins connected to your store! Sorry for the inconvenience. The " "\"Jetpack\" and \"WooCommerce Shipping & Tax\" plugins will be installed & " "activated for free." msgstr "" "我們發現安裝 Jetpack 和 WooCommerce Shipping & Tax 時發生問題。請再試一次,然" "後享受將外掛程式連結至商店所帶來的一切優勢! 造成不便,我們深感抱歉。" "「Jetpack」和「WooCommerce Shipping & Tax」外掛程式會免費安裝及啟用。" msgid "You're invited to share your experience" msgstr "你已受邀分享體驗" msgid "Edit and create new products from your mobile devices with the Woo app" msgstr "透過你的行動裝置,使用 Woo 應用程式編輯及建立新商品" msgid "Edit products on the move" msgstr "隨時隨地編輯商品" msgid "" "You want your product catalog and images to look great and align with your " "brand. This guide will give you all the tips you need to get your products " "looking great in your store." msgstr "" "你會希望產品目錄和圖片精美動人,並且符合品牌精神。本指南將提供你所需的一切秘" "訣,讓商店產品看起來光彩奪目。" msgid "How to customize your product catalog" msgstr "如何自訂產品目錄" msgid "Visit the theme marketplace" msgstr "造訪佈景主題市集" msgid "" "Check out the themes that are compatible with WooCommerce and choose one " "aligned with your brand and business needs." msgstr "瀏覽與 WooCommerce 相容的佈景主題,然後挑選符合品牌及商業需求的樣式。" msgid "Choosing a theme?" msgstr "想要選擇佈景主題嗎?" msgid "" "There are three ways to add your products: you can create products " "manually, import them at once via CSV file, or migrate them " "from another service.

" msgstr "" "新增產品的方法有三種:你可以手動建立產品、以 CSV 檔案一次匯入,或從其他服務移轉過來

" msgid "" "Nice one; you've created a WooCommerce store! Now it's time to add your " "first product and get ready to start selling.%s" msgstr "" "Nice one;你已建立了 WooCommerce 商店! 現在該新增第一項產品,開始銷售。%s" msgid "Setup Wizard" msgstr "設定精靈" msgid "Adds the new WooCommerce settings UI." msgstr "新增全新的 WooCommerce 設定 UI。" msgid "" "Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees " "(custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and " "inventory in one place." msgstr "" "以單一低費率方式安全地接受信用卡和轉帳卡付款,不收取額外費用 (可自訂費率)。可" "在線上與實體店面中銷售,並在單一位置追蹤銷售狀況和存貨。" msgid "" "Enable PayU’s exclusive plugin for WooCommerce to start accepting payments " "in 100+ payment methods available in India including credit cards, debit " "cards, UPI, & more!" msgstr "" "啟用 PayU 的 WooCommerce 專屬外掛程式,開始收取印度超過 100 種付款方式的款" "項,包括信用卡、簽帳金融卡和 UPI 等!" msgid "PayU for WooCommerce" msgstr "WooCommerce 專屬 PayU" msgid "" "The official Razorpay extension for WooCommerce allows you to accept credit " "cards, debit cards, netbanking, wallet, and UPI payments." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 官方 Razorpay 擴充功能可讓你接受信用卡、簽帳金融卡、網路銀行、錢" "包和 UPI 付款。" msgid "Razorpay" msgstr "Razorpay" msgid "" "Manage transactions without leaving your WordPress Dashboard. Only with " "WooCommerce Payments." msgstr "不用離開 WordPress 儀表板就能管理交易。只適用於 WooCommerce Payments。" msgid "Take payments via bank transfer." msgstr "透過銀行轉帳收款。" msgid "Take payments in cash upon delivery." msgstr "貨到時收取現金款項。" msgid "" "Safe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal " "account." msgstr "使用信用卡或客戶的 PayPal 帳戶進行安全且可靠的付款。" msgid "PayPal Payments" msgstr "PayPal 付款" msgid "" "Accept credit and debit cards, offline (cash or bank transfer) and logged-in " "payments with money in Mercado Pago. Safe and secure payments with the " "leading payment processor in LATAM." msgstr "" "使用 Mercado Pago 接受信用卡和簽帳金融卡、離線 (現金或銀行轉帳) 和登入帳戶以" "現金支付。拉丁美洲最大支付處理商,為你的付款安全把關。" msgid "Mercado Pago Checkout Pro & Custom" msgstr "Mercado Pago Checkout Pro & Custom" msgid "" "Effortless payments by Mollie: Offer global and local payment methods, get " "onboarded in minutes, and supported in your language." msgstr "" "透過 Mollie 輕鬆付款:提供全球和當地付款方式,申請僅需幾分鐘,還可獲得使用本" "地語言的支援服務。" msgid "Mollie" msgstr "手機" msgid "Klarna Payments" msgstr "Klarna 付款" msgid "" "Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit " "card numbers, no passwords, no worries." msgstr "" "選擇你希望的付款方式,然後選擇立即付款、稍後付款或分期付款。不需信用卡號,不" "需密碼,安全無虞。" msgid "Klarna Checkout" msgstr "Klarna 結帳" msgid "" "Paystack helps African merchants accept one-time and recurring payments " "online with a modern, safe, and secure payment gateway." msgstr "" "Paystack 利用安全可靠的現代化支付閘道,幫助非洲商家在線上接受一次性和定期付" "款。" msgid "Paystack" msgstr "Paystack" msgid "" "Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, " "and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay." msgstr "" "接受超過 135 種貨幣的轉帳卡和信用卡、支付寶等付款方式,以及 Apple Pay 的單鍵" "快速結帳功能。" msgid "" "If you need to enable or disable the extended task lists, please click on " "the button below." msgstr "如需啟用或停用擴充的工作清單,請按一下下方按鈕。" msgid "Extended task List" msgstr "擴充的工作清單" msgid "" "If you need to enable or disable the task lists, please click on the button " "below." msgstr "如需啟用或停用工作清單,請按一下下方按鈕。" msgid "" "The item ID %1$s attempted to register using an invalid option. The " "arguments `menuId` and `parent` are not allowed for add_setting_item()" msgstr "" "項目 ID %1$s 嘗試使用無效選項註冊。引數「menuId」和「parent」不適用於 " "add_setting_item()" msgid "" "You have attempted to register a duplicate item with WooCommerce Navigation: " "%1$s" msgstr "你嘗試在 WooCommerce Navigation 註冊重複的項目:%1$s" msgid "WooCommerce Home" msgstr "WooCommerce 首頁" msgid "%1$s %2$sUpdate WordPress to enable the new navigation%3$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s更新 WordPress 即可啟用全新導覽功能%3$s" msgid "Adds the new WooCommerce navigation experience to the dashboard" msgstr "為控制台加入全新 WooCommerce 導覽體驗" msgid "Favorite item not found" msgstr "找不到最愛項目" msgid "Favorite already exists" msgstr "最愛項目已存在" msgid "Utilities" msgstr "公用程式" msgid "How easy was it to add a product attribute?" msgstr "新增產品屬性有多簡單?" msgid "How easy was it to update your settings?" msgstr "更新設定簡單嗎?" msgid "How easy was it to import products?" msgstr "匯入產品有多簡單?" msgid "How easy was it to add a product tag?" msgstr "新增產品標籤有多簡單?" msgid "How easy was it to add product category?" msgstr "新增產品分類有多簡單?" msgid "How easy was it to use search?" msgstr "使用搜尋功能有多簡單?" msgid "" "This tool will reset the cached values used in WooCommerce Analytics. If " "numbers still look off, try %1$sReimporting Historical Data%2$s." msgstr "" "此工具將重設 WooCommerce Analytics 中使用的快取值。如果數字仍然不正確,請嘗" "試%1$s重新匯入歷史資料%2$s。" msgid "Enables WooCommerce Analytics" msgstr "啟用 WooCommerce Analytics" msgid "Number of variation items sold." msgstr "售出款式項目數量。" msgid "Variations Sold" msgstr "售出的款式" msgid "Limit result set to variations not in the specified categories." msgstr "將結果集限定在未指定類別中的變化。" msgid "Limit result set to variations in the specified categories." msgstr "將結果集限定在指定類別中的變化。" msgid "" "Limit result set to variations that don't include the specified attributes." msgstr "將結果集限定在不含指定屬性的變化。" msgid "Limit result set to variations that include the specified attributes." msgstr "將結果集限定在包含指定屬性的變化。" msgid "Add additional piece of info about each variation to the report." msgstr "將各變化的其他資訊新增到報告中。" msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified parent product(s)." msgstr "將結果集限定在沒有指定上層產品的項目。" msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified parent product(s)." msgstr "將結果集限定在有指定上層產品的項目。" msgid "Number of product items sold." msgstr "售出產品項目數量。" msgid "Limit result set to orders that have the specified customer_type" msgstr "將結果集限定在包含指定 customer_type 的訂單" msgid "Alias for customer_type (deprecated)." msgstr "customer_type 的別名 (已過時)。" msgid "" "Limit result set to orders that don't include products with the specified " "attributes." msgstr "將結果集限定在不含指定屬性商品的訂單。" msgid "" "Limit result set to orders that include products with the specified " "attributes." msgstr "將結果集限定在包含指定屬性商品的訂單。" msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified variation(s) " "assigned." msgstr "將結果集限定在未獲派指定變化的項目。" msgid "" "Limit result set to items that have the specified variation(s) assigned." msgstr "將結果集限定在已獲派指定變化的項目。" msgid "Net total revenue (formatted)." msgstr "淨收益總額 (已格式化)。" msgid "Export ID." msgstr "匯出 ID。" msgid "Export status." msgstr "匯出狀態。" msgid "Stats about variations." msgstr "變化的統計資料。" msgid "Variations detailed reports." msgstr "變化詳細報告。" msgid "Search by similar product name, sku, or attribute value." msgstr "依類似商品名稱、SKU 或屬性值搜尋。" msgid "Limit result set to products that are low or out of stock. (Deprecated)" msgstr "將結果集限定在庫存不足或沒有庫存的產品。(已過時)" msgid "" "The date the last order for this product was placed, in the site's timezone." msgstr "上一份訂購此商品的訂單日期 (網站時區)。" msgid "Slug identifier for the resource." msgstr "資源唯一識別碼。" msgid "Search by similar attribute name." msgstr "依相似屬性名稱搜尋。" msgid "Homepage created" msgstr "已建立首頁" msgid "Sorry, creating the product with template failed." msgstr "很抱歉,使用範本建立產品失敗。" msgid "Product template name." msgstr "產品範本名稱。" msgid "Source of note." msgstr "備註來源。" msgid "Please provide an array of IDs through the noteIds param." msgstr "請透過 NoteIDS 參數提供一組 ID。" msgid "Invalid user_id provided" msgstr "提供的使用者 ID 無效" msgid "No product attribute with that slug was found." msgstr "找不到使用該代稱的產品屬性。" msgid "Unable to update UPE appearance values at this time." msgstr "目前無法更新 UPE 外觀數值。" msgid "" "Test mode: use the test VISA card 4242424242424242 with any " "expiry date and CVC. Other payment methods may redirect to a Stripe test " "page to authorize payment. More test card numbers are listed here." msgstr "" "測試模式:使用測試 VISA 卡 4242424242424242 並輸入任何有效日" "期和 CVC。 其他付款方式會重新導向至 Stripe 測試頁面以授權付款。 更多測試卡號" "列於此處。" msgid "" "Payments made simple, with no monthly fees - designed exclusively for " "WooCommerce stores. Accept credit cards, debit cards, and other popular " "payment methods." msgstr "" "付款更簡單且不設月費 - 專為 WooCommerce 商店設計。接受信用卡、銀行卡和其他熱" "門的付款方法。" msgid "Popular payment methods" msgstr "熱門付款方法" msgid "UPE payment failed: %s" msgstr "UPE 付款失敗:%s" msgid "You will be redirected to Sofort." msgstr "系統會將你重新導向至 Sofort。" msgid "" "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing %s " "and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank " "to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with " "those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the " "terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be " "claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was " "debited." msgstr "" "提供 IBAN 並確認這筆付款,即表示你授權 %s 和 Stripe (我們的付款服務供應商) 傳" "送指示至你的銀行,要求對方根據這些指示從你的戶口扣款。 根據你與銀行協議中的條" "款及細則,你有權要求銀行退款。 退款申請須在你的戶口扣款日起計 8 星期內提出。" msgid "Mandate Information." msgstr "授權資料。" msgid "SEPA Direct Debit" msgstr "SEPA 直接付款" msgid "" "Share your feedback in this 2 minute survey about how we can make the " "process of accepting payments more useful for your store." msgstr "" "請填寫這份 2 分鐘的意見調查分享你的意見,讓我們知道如何為你的商店提供更實用的" "接受付款流程。" msgid "credit" msgstr "信用" msgid "debit" msgstr "扣帳" msgid "prepaid" msgstr "預付" msgid "%1$s %2$s card" msgstr "%1$s %2$s卡" msgid "" "We detected a temporary issue with your account. Please try and connect your " "Stripe account." msgstr "我們檢測到您的帳戶存有暫時性問題。 請嘗試連接您的 Stripe 帳戶。" msgid "Enable on your store" msgstr "在商店中啟用" msgid "Select your preferred currency for shopping and payments." msgstr "選擇你偏好用於購物及付款的貨幣。" msgid "Boost your sales by accepting new payment methods" msgstr "接受新的付款方式以提高銷售額" msgid "Default currency" msgstr "預設貨幣" msgid "" "Accept payments in multiple currencies. Prices are converted based on " "exchange rates and rounding rules. Learn more" msgstr "" "接受多種貨幣的付款。 價格是根據匯率和四捨五入規則進行換算。 深" "入了解" msgid "Enabled currencies" msgstr "可用貨幣" msgid "" "Boost your international sales by allowing your customers to shop and pay in " "their local currency." msgstr "允許客戶使用當地貨幣消費及付款,提升你的國際銷售額。" msgid "Set up now" msgstr "立即設定" msgctxt "Settings tab label" msgid "Multi-currency" msgstr "多種貨幣" msgid "" "We noticed you're visiting from %1$s. We've updated our prices to %2$s for " "your shopping convenience. Use %3$s instead." msgstr "" "我們發現你是從%1$s造訪本商店。 因此已將價格更新為 %2$s,方便繼續購物。 改" "用 %3$s。" msgid "Sell worldwide in multiple currencies" msgstr "使用多種貨幣在全球銷售" msgid "Let your customers switch between your enabled currencies" msgstr "讓客戶切換你允許使用的貨幣" msgid "Display currency symbols" msgstr "顯示貨幣符號" msgid "Display flags in supported devices" msgstr "在支援的裝置中顯示標記" msgid "" "The store currency was recently changed. The following currencies are set to " "manual rates and may need updates: %s" msgstr "商店貨幣最近已變更。 以下貨幣已設定為手動匯率,因此可能需要更新:%s" msgid "" "Almost there!\n" "\n" "Your order has already been created, the only thing that still needs to be " "done is for you to authorize the payment with your bank." msgstr "快完成了! 你的訂單已建立完成,最後一步只要授權銀行付款即可。" msgctxt "In admin renewal failed email" msgid "" "The automatic recurring payment for order %1$s from %2$s has failed. The " "customer was sent an email requesting authentication of payment. If the " "customer does not authenticate the payment, they will be requested by email " "again %3$s." msgstr "" "%2$s 的訂單 %1$s 無法完成自動定期付款。 系統已向顧客發送一封要求付款授權的電" "子郵件。 如果顧客未授權付款,系統會%3$s重新發送電子郵件要求。" msgid "Authorize the payment »" msgstr "授權付款 »" msgctxt "In failed renewal authentication email" msgid "" "The automatic payment to renew your subscription with %1$s has failed. To " "reactivate the subscription, please login and authorize the renewal from " "your account page: %2$s" msgstr "" "%1$s 的續訂自動付款失敗。 如要重新啟用訂購,請登入並從帳號頁面中授權續訂:" "%2$s" msgid "Payment authorization needed for renewal of order {order_number}" msgstr "更新訂單 {order_number} 需要支付授權。" msgid "" "Payment authorization needed for renewal of {site_title} order {order_number}" msgstr "更新 {site_title} 訂單 {order_number} 需要付款授權。" msgid "" "Sent to a customer when a renewal fails because the transaction requires an " "SCA verification. The email contains renewal order information and payment " "links." msgstr "" "於續訂失敗 (由於交易須進行 SCA 驗證) 時發送給顧客。 該電子郵件包含續訂訂單資" "訊和付款連結。" msgid "Failed Subscription Renewal SCA Authentication" msgstr "續訂 SCA 驗證失敗" msgid "" "[{site_title}] Automatic payment failed for {order_number}. Customer asked " "to authenticate payment and will be notified again {retry_time}" msgstr "" "[{site_title}] 之自動繳費失敗 {order_number}。客戶需授權付款,並將再次被通知 " "{retry_time}" msgid "Automatic renewal payment failed due to authentication required" msgstr "由於必須驗證,自動續訂付款失敗" msgid "" "Payment authentication requested emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when " "an attempt to automatically process a subscription renewal payment fails " "because the transaction requires an SCA verification, the customer is " "requested to authenticate the payment, and a retry rule has been applied to " "notify the customer again within a certain time period." msgstr "" "系統嘗試自動處理續訂付款失敗時 (由於交易須進行 SCA 驗證),就會發送要求付款驗" "證的電子郵件給選定收件者。該顧客必須驗證付款;系統也已套用重試規則,並將於特" "定期限內再次通知顧客。" msgid "SEPA IBAN" msgstr "SEPA IBAN" msgid "" "To complete your transaction with **the selected payment method**, you must " "log in or create an account with our site." msgstr "你必須登入或在我們的網站建立帳戶,才能使用**所選的付款方式**完成交易。" msgid "SEPA IBAN ending in %s" msgstr "尾碼為 %s 的 SEPA IBAN" msgid "Payment Authentication Requested Email" msgstr "要求付款驗證的電子郵件" msgid "The refund amount is not valid." msgstr "退款金額無效。" msgid "Unsupported currency:" msgstr "不支援的貨幣:" msgid "Payments accepted on checkout" msgstr "已於結帳時接受付款" msgid "Size of the button displayed for Express Checkouts" msgstr "快速結帳顯示的按鈕大小" msgid "Select the size of the button." msgstr "選擇按鈕大小。" msgid "Select where you would like to display the button." msgstr "選擇要顯示按鈕的位置。" msgid "Only icon" msgstr "僅圖示" msgid "Button theme" msgstr "按鈕主題" msgid "Button height" msgstr "按鈕高度" msgid "Custom button label" msgstr "自訂按鈕標籤" msgid "Button locations" msgstr "按鈕位置" msgid "" "If enabled, users will be able to pay using Apple Pay, Google Pay or the " "Payment Request API if supported by the browser." msgstr "" "啟用後,使用者就可以使用 Apple Pay、Google Pay 或 Payment Request API (瀏覽器" "支援的話) 付款。" msgid "Could not find order via intent ID: %1$s" msgstr "無法透過以下意向 ID 找到訂單:%1$s" msgid "Determines if the UPE feature flag is enabled." msgstr "決定是否啟用 UPE 功能標記。" msgid "Credit card / debit card" msgstr "信用卡/扣帳卡" msgid "Payment request buttons" msgstr "付款要求按鈕" msgid "1-click checkout button types." msgstr "一鍵結帳按鈕類型。" msgid "1-click checkout button sizes." msgstr "一鍵結帳按鈕大小。" msgid "1-click checkout button themes." msgstr "一鍵結帳按鈕主題。" msgid "Express checkout locations that should be enabled." msgstr "應啟用的快速結帳位置。" msgid "" "Payment method IDs that should be enabled. Other methods will be disabled." msgstr "應啟用付款方式 ID。 其他方式將會停用。" msgid "Payment capture failed to complete with the following message: %s" msgstr "無法完成收費,並顯示以下訊息:%s" msgid "Unexpected server error" msgstr "未預期的伺服器錯誤" msgid "All payment methods" msgstr "所有付款方式" msgid "The payment cannot be captured" msgstr "無法收取付款" msgid "Order not found" msgstr "找不到訂單" msgid "" "Refunding manually requires reimbursing your customer offline via cash, " "check, etc. The refund amounts entered here will only be used to balance " "your analytics." msgstr "" "手動退款需要透過現金、支票等離線方式給予客戶補償。 在此處輸入的退款金額只會用" "於結算你的分析資料。" msgid "Archive Title" msgstr "彙整標題" msgid "Cancelling…" msgstr "正在取消…" msgid "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last month. Here's to the " "next one!" msgid_plural "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last %1$d months. Here's to " "the next %1$d!" msgstr[0] "" "很榮幸從 %1$d 個月前開始,我們為你的網站合作夥伴;新的月份即將展開!" msgid "You're all set to keep accessing these benefits for another two years!" msgstr "你可以在未來一年繼續享有這些優點!" msgid "You're all set to keep accessing these benefits for another month!" msgstr "你可以在未來一年繼續享有這些優點!" msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal on %2$s." msgstr "我們將於 %2$s 向你收取此次續訂的費用:%1$s。" msgid "Average order value" msgstr "平均訂單值" msgid "Gross Sales" msgstr "金額" msgid "member" msgid_plural "members" msgstr[0] "成員" msgid "read" msgstr "閱讀" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Remark" msgstr "備註" msgid "Last Backup" msgstr "最後一次備份" msgid "Total paid" msgstr "總支出" msgctxt "unit of time" msgid "day" msgid_plural "days" msgstr[0] "天" msgctxt "unit of time" msgid "week" msgid_plural "weeks" msgstr[0] "週" msgctxt "unit of time" msgid "month" msgid_plural "months" msgstr[0] "月" msgid "Names" msgstr "名稱" msgid "Report copyright infringement" msgstr "回報版權侵權" msgid "Why are you reporting this?" msgstr "你為什麼報告這個?" msgid "Integrations" msgstr "整合" msgid "Connection error" msgstr "連線錯誤" msgctxt "blog page count" msgid "%s page" msgid_plural "%s pages" msgstr[0] "%s 頁面" msgctxt "blog post count" msgid "%s post" msgid_plural "%s posts" msgstr[0] "%s 貼文" msgctxt "blog user count" msgid "%s member" msgid_plural "%s members" msgstr[0] "%s 成員" msgid "Product ID" msgstr "商品編號" msgid "View supported browsers" msgstr "檢視受支援的瀏覽器" msgid "Cookie check failed" msgstr "Cookie 檢查失敗" msgid "" "Block \"%1$s\" is declaring %2$s support in %3$s file under %4$s. %2$s " "support is now declared under %5$s." msgstr "" "區塊 %1$s 宣告在 %4$s 下的 %3$s 檔案中的 %2$s 支援。%2$s 支援目前宣告於 %5$s " "下。" msgid "Type / to choose a block" msgstr "輸入斜線 (/) 以選取區塊" msgid "" "The domain %1$s, mapped to the site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The domain %1$s, mapped to the site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d days." msgstr[0] "「%2$s」網站的 %1$s 網域將會於 %3$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "Error: User registration is currently not allowed." msgstr "錯誤: 目前不開放使用者註冊。" msgid "Error: The passwords do not match." msgstr "錯誤: 密碼不相符。" msgid "" "Error: Your password reset link has expired. Please request " "a new link below." msgstr "錯誤: 密碼重設連結已過期。請在下方要求新的連結。" msgid "" "Error: Your password reset link appears to be invalid. " "Please request a new link below." msgstr "錯誤: 密碼重設連結無效。請在下方要求新的連結。" msgid "" "The list of scopes where the variation is applicable. When not provided, it " "assumes all available scopes." msgstr "適用於區塊變化的範圍清單。如果不提供範圍清單,便會假設適用於全部範圍。" msgid "The initial values for attributes." msgstr "屬性的初始值。" msgid "Indicates whether the current variation is the default one." msgstr "指定目前的區塊變化是否為預設區塊。" msgid "A detailed variation description." msgstr "區塊變化的詳細說明。" msgid "A human-readable variation title." msgstr "人類可讀的區塊變化標題。" msgid "The unique and machine-readable name." msgstr "唯一且機器可讀的名稱。" msgid "Block variations." msgstr "區塊變化。" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Social links with a shared background color" msgstr "共用背景色彩的社交網路服務連結" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Standard" msgstr "標準" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Small image and title" msgstr "小型圖片及標題" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Offset" msgstr "位移" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Image at left" msgstr "圖片位於左側" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Large title" msgstr "大型標題" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Grid" msgstr "格狀顯示" msgid "" "Brand your blog with a custom .blog domain name, and remove all WordPress." "com advertising. Receive additional storage space and customer support via " "email." msgstr "" "使用自訂的 .blog 網域名稱不僅能打造你的網誌品牌,更會移除所有 " "廣告。此外,你還可獲得額外儲存空間和電子郵件支援。" msgid "" "This image cannot be processed by the web server. Convert it to JPEG or PNG " "before uploading." msgstr "網頁伺服器無法處理這張圖片。上載前請將它轉換為 JEPG 或 PNG。" msgid "%s plugin deactivated during WordPress upgrade." msgstr "WordPress 更新期間停用了 %s 外掛。" msgid "%1$s %2$s was deactivated due to incompatibility with WordPress %3$s." msgstr "由於與 WordPress %3$s 不相容,因此停用了 %1$s %2$s。" msgid "" "%1$s %2$s was deactivated due to incompatibility with WordPress %3$s, please " "upgrade to %1$s %4$s or later." msgstr "" "由於與 WordPress %3$s 不相容,因此停用了 %1$s %2$s,請升級至 %1$s %4$s 或更新" "版本。" msgid "Stripe Customer ID cannot be empty" msgstr "合作夥伴客戶ID不能為空" msgid "" "You've already verified {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} for:{{br /}}{{strong}}" "{{a}}%(domain)s{{/a}}{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "您已驗證了 {{br /}}{{strong}}{{a}}%(domain)s{{/a}}{{/strong}} 的 " "{{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "Boost" msgstr "促進" msgid "Do you need help?" msgstr "有需要協助的地方嗎?" msgid "Detach blocks from template part" msgstr "從範本組件分離區塊" msgid "Object Type" msgstr "物件類型" msgid "Something went wrong:" msgstr "出了問題:" msgid "Term not found" msgstr "找不到使用者" msgid "Comment not found" msgstr "沒有回覆" msgid "Object not found" msgstr "找不到物體" msgid "You are not allowed to perform this action." msgstr "您不能執行此操作。" msgid "Change settings" msgstr "變更設定" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Recommended" msgstr "幾何" msgid "" "Shorter load times can lead to happier readers, more page views,
and " "— if you’re running a store — improved sales." msgstr "" "網站更快載入,讀者更加滿意,網頁瀏覽次數也會隨之上升;
如果你正在經營網" "路商店,還能提升銷售業績。" msgid "We take privacy and transparency very seriously" msgstr "我們非常注重隱私權及資訊透明度" msgid "A widget containing a block." msgstr "包含區塊的小工具。" msgctxt "navigation link block description" msgid "A link to a page." msgstr "頁面的連結。" msgctxt "navigation link block description" msgid "A link to a post." msgstr "文章的連結。" msgctxt "navigation link block title" msgid "Page Link" msgstr "頁面連結" msgctxt "navigation link block title" msgid "Post Link" msgstr "文章連結" msgid "GD supported file formats" msgstr "GD 支援的檔案格式" msgid "Unique identifier for the attachment." msgstr "附件的唯一識別碼。" msgid "The file URL has been copied to your clipboard" msgstr "檔案 URL 已複製到你的剪貼簿" msgid "" "No free option. Any site requires a paid plan at %1$s%2$s (%3$s%4$s) a " "month, minimum." msgstr "" "未提供免費選項。架設任何網站都必須使用付費方案,每月至少 %1$s%2$s (%3$s" "%4$s)。" msgid "Toggle extra menu items" msgstr "開啟/關閉額外的選單項目" msgid "Site Health - %s" msgstr "網站狀態 - %s" msgid "" "Your site’s health is looking good, but there is still one thing you " "can do to improve its performance and security." msgstr "" "這個網站的網站狀態良好,但仍有需要網站管理員執行、可改善效能及安全性的項目。" msgid "" "Your site has a critical issue that should be addressed as soon as possible " "to improve its performance and security." msgstr "這個網站有需要盡快解決的重大問題,解決後便能提升網站效能及安全性。" msgid "" "Internet Explorer does not give you the best WordPress experience. Switch to " "Microsoft Edge, or another more modern browser to get the most from your " "site." msgstr "" "Internet Explorer 無法讓使用者有最佳的 WordPress 體驗。請切換至 Microsoft " "Edge,或其他更新式的瀏覽器,以便從這個網站獲得最佳體驗。" msgid "%s update available" msgid_plural "%s updates available" msgstr[0] "已有 %s 項更新可供安裝" msgid "Security Settings" msgstr "安全設定" msgid "Performance Settings" msgstr "效能設定" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Live Preview %s" msgstr "即時預覽 %s" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Customize %s" msgstr "自訂 %s" msgctxt "theme" msgid "View Theme Details for %s" msgstr "檢視 %s 佈景主題的詳細資料" msgid "List of menu items selected for deletion:" msgstr "已選取的選單項目刪除清單:" msgid "Remove Selected Items" msgstr "移除已選取的項目" msgid "Bulk Select" msgstr "批次選取" msgid "Deleted menu item: %s." msgstr "已刪除的選單項目: %s。" msgid "item %s" msgstr "[%s] 項目" msgid "FAQs" msgstr "常見問題集" msgid "Help Center" msgstr "幫助中心" msgid "New visitors" msgstr "新訪客" msgid "GUID for the post, as it exists in the database." msgstr "文章儲存於資料庫中的 GUID 資料。" msgctxt "navigation link block description" msgid "A link to a category." msgstr "分類的連結。" msgctxt "navigation link block description" msgid "A link to a tag." msgstr "標籤的連結。" msgctxt "navigation link block title" msgid "Tag Link" msgstr "標籤連結" msgid "Whether items must be assigned all or any of the specified terms." msgstr "分類法詞彙項目是否必須指派給全部或任何指定的分類法詞彙。" msgctxt "navigation link block title" msgid "Category Link" msgstr "分類連結" msgid "Sort collection by post attribute." msgstr "依文章屬性為集合進行排序。" msgid "The terms assigned to the post in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "已指派至屬於〈%s〉分類法的文章的分類法詞彙。" msgid "The order of the post in relation to other posts." msgstr "文章與其他文章的相對順序。" msgid "HTML title for the post, transformed for display." msgstr "文章用於轉換為顯示用途的 HTML 格式標題。" msgid "The title for the post." msgstr "文章的標題。" msgid "The ID for the parent of the post." msgstr "上層文章的 ID。" msgid "Type of post." msgstr "內容的類型。" msgid "A named status for the post." msgstr "文章的命名狀態。" msgid "URL to the post." msgstr "文章的網址。" msgid "Limit result set to users who have published posts." msgstr "將結果集限定為曾發佈過文章的使用者。" msgid "The calendar block is hidden because there are no published posts." msgstr "由於目前尚無已發佈的文章,因此隱藏 [月曆] 區塊。" msgid "Download for free" msgstr "免費下載" msgid "" "Please activate the Link Manager plugin to use the link " "manager." msgstr "如需使用連結管理程式,請啟用 Link Manager 外掛。" msgid "%1$s or %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 或 %2$s" msgid "" "Error: Unknown username. Check again or try your email " "address." msgstr "" "錯誤: 未知的使用者名稱。請再檢查一次或改用電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "Error: Unknown email address. Check again or try your " "username." msgstr "" "錯誤: 未知的電子郵件地址。請再檢查一次或改用使用者名稱。" msgid "" "Error: The username %s is not registered " "on this site. If you are unsure of your username, try your email address " "instead." msgstr "" "錯誤: 使用者名稱「%s」並未在這個網站上註" "冊。如果不確定使用者名稱,請改用電子郵件地址。" msgid "Unable to encode the personal data for export. Error: %s" msgstr "無法為匯出的使用者個人資料進行編碼。錯誤: %s" msgid "The %s post meta must be an array." msgstr "%s 文章中繼資料必須是陣列。" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Uploaded" msgstr "已上載版本" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Replace current with uploaded" msgstr "使用已上載版本取代現有版本" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Uploaded" msgstr "已上載版本" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Current" msgstr "目前版本" msgid "Unable to determine" msgstr "無法判斷" msgid "ImageMagick supported file formats" msgstr "ImageMagick 支援的檔案格式" msgid "Imagick version" msgstr "Imagick 版本" msgid "Child theme of %s" msgstr "%s 的子佈景主題" msgid "Install Theme" msgstr "安裝佈景主題" msgid "Qostanay" msgstr "庫斯塔奈" msgid "Nuuk" msgstr "努克" msgid "" "Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search, helps your visitors " "instantly find the right content – right when they need it." msgstr "" "功能無比強大,更可依照需求自訂功能。Jetpack 搜尋,讓訪客立即找到最需要的內" "容。" msgid "GET STARTED" msgstr "開始使用" msgid "The date the comment was published, as GMT." msgstr "以 GMT 格式顯示留言的發佈日期。" msgid "Sort collection by user attribute." msgstr "依使用者屬性為集合進行排序。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the revision unique to its type." msgstr "內容修訂識別碼由英數字元組成,在其所屬的型別中必須是唯一的項目。" msgid "The date the revision was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "以 GMT 格式顯示內容修訂的最後修改日期。" msgid "The date the revision was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "以這個網站的時區顯示內容修訂的最後修改日期。" msgid "GUID for the revision, as it exists in the database." msgstr "內容修訂儲存於資料庫中的 GUID 資料。" msgid "The ID for the author of the revision." msgstr "內容修訂的作者 ID。" msgid "The date the revision was published, in the site's timezone." msgstr "以這個網站的時區顯示內容修訂的發佈日期。" msgid "Unique identifier for the revision." msgstr "內容修訂的唯一識別碼。" msgid "Sort collection by comment attribute." msgstr "依留言屬性來排序集合。" msgid "The ID for the parent of the revision." msgstr "上層內容修訂的 ID。" msgid "Type of the comment." msgstr "留言的類型。" msgid "URL to the comment." msgstr "留言的網址。" msgid "The date the comment was published, in the site's timezone." msgstr "以這個網站的時區顯示留言的發佈日期。" msgid "HTML content for the comment, transformed for display." msgstr "留言用於轉換為顯示用途的 HTML 格式內容。" msgid "Content for the comment, as it exists in the database." msgstr "留言儲存於資料庫中的內容資料。" msgid "The content for the comment." msgstr "留言的內容。" msgid "The ID for the parent of the autosave." msgstr "上層自動儲存的 ID。" msgid "Unique identifier for the comment." msgstr "留言的唯一識別碼。" msgid "The ID for the autosave." msgstr "自動儲存的 ID。" msgid "Share this event" msgstr "分享此活動" msgid "All " msgstr "所有 " msgid "" "Use this field to add your billing information (eg. business address) before " "printing." msgstr "在此欄位中新增帳單資訊 (例如:增值稅編號、營業地址)。" msgid "See all themes" msgstr "查看所有佈景主題" msgid "Activating plugin" msgstr "啟用外掛" msgid "Available for:" msgstr "可使用於:" msgid "We guard your site.
You run your business." msgstr "我們守護你的網站,
讓你專心經營事業。" msgid "Safer. Faster.
More traffic." msgstr "更安全, 更快速,
更多流量。" msgctxt "bulk action" msgid "Add Site" msgid_plural "Add Sites" msgstr[0] "新增網誌" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "完成設定" msgid "Open menu" msgstr "開啟選單" msgid "(Home link, opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(首頁連結,在新分頁中開啟)" msgctxt "I understand" msgid "Got it" msgstr "明白了" msgctxt "tagline for news and updates" msgid "What's new?" msgstr "最新內容" msgid "Missing attachment info." msgstr "遺失附件 ID" msgid "%d order" msgid_plural "%d orders" msgstr[0] "%d 訂單" msgid "View Docs" msgstr "檢視文件" msgid "View Calendar" msgstr "查看日曆" msgid "View Admin" msgstr "後台" msgid "You are about to remove your renewal from the cart" msgstr "你即將從購物車移除方案" msgid "You are about to remove your domain renewal from the cart" msgstr "你即將從購物車移除網域" msgid "You are about to remove your plan renewal from the cart" msgstr "你即將從購物車移除方案" msgctxt "plugin version number used in admin notice" msgid "3.1" msgstr "3.1" msgid "" "Total tax on shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null response " "will be sent." msgstr "運費總稅額。如果尚未計算運費,將傳送 Null 回應。" msgid "" "Total price of shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null " "response will be sent." msgstr "運費總計。如果尚未計算運費,將傳送 Null 回應。" msgctxt "The place order button text while resubscribing to a subscription" msgid "Resubscribe" msgstr "重新訂閱" msgid "Subscriptions." msgstr "訂閱" msgid "Subscriptions Mode" msgstr "訂閱模式" msgid "live" msgstr "live" msgctxt "Jetpack plan name" msgid "Complete" msgstr "完成" msgid "View loan details" msgstr "查看貸款詳細資訊" msgid "" "Adding Google Workspace to the domain you’re using at is fast " "and easy. Start using your personalized services today." msgstr "" "將 G Suite 加到你在 使用的自定網域名稱,就能快速享用多種專屬雲" "端服務。" msgid " and Google. Better together." msgstr "WordPress + Google,強強聯手,大大好用。" msgid "" "What does Google Workspace get you? Business email powered by Gmail, secure " "cloud storage that makes collaboration easy, and documents, spreadsheets, " "and presentations that help you get work done faster. Increase your " "efficiency with Google Workspace." msgstr "" "G Suite 提供多種功能,任君選用;包括以 Gmail 為基礎的企業用電子郵件服務、可輕" "鬆協同作業的安全雲端儲存空間,更有雲端文件、試算表和簡報製作服務可用。G " "Suite 和 WordPress 結合,大大提升你的工作效率。" msgid "Disallowed Comment Keys" msgstr "禁止使用的留言關鍵字" msgid "Block HTML:" msgstr "區塊 HTML:" msgctxt "CMP banner" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "深入了解" msgid "" "This content has not been translated to %1$s yet. You can read the " "original version in English or you might like to try a " "Google Translate version of the page." msgstr "" "此內容尚未翻譯成%1$s。建議閱讀英文原版,或是嘗試" "使用 Google Translate 翻譯頁面內容。" msgid "Follow us" msgstr "關注我們" msgid "" "The Footer template defines a page area that typically contains site " "credits, social links, or any other combination of blocks." msgstr "" "[頁尾] 範本定義的頁面區域,通常會包含網站版權宣告、社交網路服務連結或其他多個" "區塊的組合。" msgid "" "The Header template defines a page area that typically contains a title, " "logo, and main navigation." msgstr "[頁首] 範本定義的頁面區域,通常會包含標題、標誌及主要導覽列。" msgid "" "General templates often perform a specific role like displaying post " "content, and are not tied to any particular area." msgstr "" "[一般] 範本通常用於執行指定角色,例如顯示文章內容,且不會與特定區域產生關聯。" msgid "Unencoded instance settings, if supported." msgstr "未編碼的執行個體設定 (取決於是否支援)。" msgid "Cryptographic hash of the instance settings." msgstr "執行個體設定的加密編譯雜湊值。" msgid "Whether the widget supports multiple instances" msgstr "小工具是否支援多個執行個體。" msgid "Base64 encoded representation of the instance settings." msgstr "經過 Base64 編碼的執行個體設定表示方式。" msgid "Mailboxes" msgstr "郵箱" msgid "Invalid request parameters" msgstr "無效的請求參數" msgid "This content is password protected." msgstr "此內容受到密碼保護。" msgid "A link to a post format" msgstr "可前往文章格式的連結" msgid "Theme file exists." msgstr "佈景主題檔案已存在。" msgid "Source of template" msgstr "範本的原始程式碼" msgid "Empty template: %s" msgstr "空白範本: %s" msgid "License:" msgstr "許可證:" msgid "Site:" msgstr "網站:" msgid "Empty cart" msgstr "空購物車" msgid "Product with the ID (%d) cannot be found." msgstr "找不到該 ID (%d) 的產品。" msgid "Unable to find shipping method for address." msgstr "無法找到地址的送貨方式。" msgid "Your domain has been verified with Apple Pay!" msgstr "您的域名已通過Apple Pay驗証!" msgid "Unable to copy domain association file to domain root." msgstr "無法將域關聯文件復制到頂層目錄." msgid "Unable to create domain association folder to domain root." msgstr "無法建立域根目錄域關聯文件夾。" msgid "" "Enter the height you would like the button to be in pixels. Width will " "always be 100%." msgstr "輸入按鈕的高度,以像素(px)為單位。寬度將為100%。" msgid "Light-Outline" msgstr "光 - 帶外框" msgid "Select the button theme you would like to show." msgstr "選擇要顯示的按鈕樣式。" msgid "Leave a review" msgstr "留下評論" msgctxt "Adverb (as in \"Pay annually\")" msgid "Annually" msgstr "每年" msgctxt "Adverb (as in \"Pay monthly\")" msgid "Monthly" msgstr "每月" msgid "Get it on" msgstr "Get it on" msgid "Cannot preview a widget that does not extend WP_Widget." msgstr "無法預覽尚未擴充 WP_Widget 的小工具。" msgid "Serialized widget form data to encode into instance settings." msgstr "將小工具表單資料序列化以編碼至執行個體設定。" msgid "Current instance settings of the widget." msgstr "目前的小工具執行個體設定。" msgid "" "URL-encoded form data from the widget admin form. Used to update a widget " "that does not support instance. Write only." msgstr "" "小工具管理表單的 URL 編碼型式資料。這項資料用於更新不支援執行個體的小工具。僅" "能寫入。" msgid "Instance settings of the widget, if supported." msgstr "小工具執行個體設定 (取決於是否支援)。" msgid "The type of the widget. Corresponds to ID in widget-types endpoint." msgstr "小工具的類型。這會與 widget-types 端點的 ID 進行對應。" msgid "The provided instance is invalid. Must contain raw OR encoded and hash." msgstr "提供的執行個體無效。必須包含未經處理的資料或編碼的資料及雜湊值。" msgid "The provided instance is malformed." msgstr "提供的執行個體格式錯誤。" msgid "Widget type does not support raw instances." msgstr "小工具類型不支援未經處理的執行個體。" msgid "Cannot set instance on a widget that does not extend WP_Widget." msgstr "無法設定尚未擴充 WP_Widget 的小工具執行個體。" msgid "Template part has been deleted or is unavailable: %s" msgstr "已刪除或無法使用的範本組件: %s" msgid "The provided widget type (id_base) cannot be updated." msgstr "提供的小工具類型 (id_base) 無法更新。" msgid "Widget type (id_base) is required." msgstr "小工具類型 (id_base) 為必要項目。" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Theme" msgstr "佈景主題" msgid "Free domain with an annual plan" msgstr "方案的免費網域" msgid "Base fee" msgstr "基本費用" msgid "YAML" msgstr "YAML" msgid "" "\"%1$s\" is not a supported wp_template_part area value and has been added " "as \"%2$s\"." msgstr "" "%1$s 不是受支援的 wp_template_part 區域設定值,系統已將 %2$s 加入設定值。" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Taxonomy" msgstr "分類法" msgid "The cron event list could not be saved." msgstr "Cron 事件清單無法儲存。" msgid "A plugin prevented the hook from being cleared." msgstr "外掛阻止了清除勾點。" msgid "A plugin prevented the event from being unscheduled." msgstr "外掛阻止了未排程事件。" msgid "A plugin prevented the event from being rescheduled." msgstr "外掛阻止了重新排程事件。" msgid "Event schedule does not exist." msgstr "事件排程不存在。" msgid "A plugin disallowed this event." msgstr "外掛不允許這個事件。" msgid "A duplicate event already exists." msgstr "重複事件已存在。" msgid "A plugin prevented the event from being scheduled." msgstr "外掛阻止了排程事件。" msgid "Event timestamp must be a valid Unix timestamp." msgstr "事件時間戳記必須是有效的 Unix 時間戳記。" msgid "Enter your new password below or generate one." msgstr "請在下方輸入或產生新密碼。" msgid "" "One additional year of domain registration included in annual paid plans." msgstr "付費方案包含額外一年的網域註冊" msgid "SSL verification failed." msgstr "SSL 驗證失敗" msgid "HTTPS request failed." msgstr "HTTPS請求失敗。" msgid "The confirmation key has expired for this personal data request." msgstr "這個使用者個人資料要求的確認金鑰已過期。" msgid "The confirmation key is invalid for this personal data request." msgstr "這個使用者個人資料要求的確認金鑰無效。" msgid "The confirmation key is missing from this personal data request." msgstr "這個使用者個人資料要求的確認金鑰已遺漏。" msgid "This personal data request has expired." msgstr "這個使用者個人資料要求已過期。" msgid "Invalid request status." msgstr "無效的要求狀態。" msgid "Password reset links sent to %s user." msgid_plural "Password reset links sent to %s users." msgstr[0] "密碼重設連結已發送給 %s 位使用者。" msgid "Password reset link sent." msgstr "密碼重設連結已發送。" msgid "" "Send %s a link to reset their password. This will not change their password, " "nor will it force a change." msgstr "" "將連結發送給 %s 以重置密碼。這不會變更使用者密碼,亦不會強制其修改密碼。" msgid "Send Reset Link" msgstr "發送重設連結" msgid "Send password reset" msgstr "傳送密碼重設連結" msgid "Assigned" msgstr "分配" msgid "Unassigned" msgstr "未分配" msgid "We back up your site. You run your business." msgstr "有我們守護網站,你只需用心經營即可。" msgid "" "Store downtime means lost sales. One-click restores get you back online " "quickly if something goes wrong." msgstr "網站無法運作,就會錯失商機。若發生錯誤,按一下還原就能立即重新上線。" msgid "Protect your WooCommerce Store with Jetpack Backup." msgstr "使用 Jetpack 備份,保護你的 WooCommerce 商店。" msgid "" "This is Anne from Jetpack and I was just notified that your subscription " "renewal for %s didn’t go through. This is most likely because the card we " "have on file is expired." msgstr "" "我是 的 Anne,剛才收到通知,你的 %s 訂閱並未續約成功。這很可能" "是因為我們記錄中的信用卡已經到期。" msgid "Site URLs could not be switched to HTTPS." msgstr "網站網址無法切換至 HTTPS。" msgid "Site URLs switched to HTTPS." msgstr "網站網址已切換至 HTTPS。" msgid "It looks like HTTPS is not supported for your website at this point." msgstr "這個網站目前似乎不支援 HTTPS。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update this site to HTTPS." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有將這個網站更新至 HTTPS 的權限。" msgid "" "The setting for %1$s is currently configured as 0, this could cause some " "problems when trying to upload files through plugin or theme features that " "rely on various upload methods. It is recommended to configure this setting " "to a fixed value, ideally matching the value of %2$s, as some upload methods " "read the value 0 as either unlimited, or disabled." msgstr "" "目前 %1$s 的設定值設定為 0,這會造成透過依賴各種上載方法的外掛或佈景主題上載" "檔案時的問題。建議將這項設定變更為固定值,最佳方式是與 %2$s 的設定值保持一" "致,因為某些上載方法讀取到設定值為 0 的話,會造成沒有上載上限或停用上載功能。" msgid "Talk to your web host about supporting HTTPS for your website." msgstr "請與網站主機商聯絡,討論關於這個網站的 HTTPS 支援。" msgid "Update your site to use HTTPS" msgstr "更新這個網站以使用 HTTPS" msgid "" "However, your WordPress Address is currently controlled by a PHP constant " "and therefore cannot be updated. You need to edit your %1$s and remove or " "update the definitions of %2$s and %3$s." msgstr "" "但是這個網站的 [WordPress 位址] 目前由 PHP 常數控制,因此無法更新。網站管理員" "必須編輯這個網站的 %1$s,然後移除或更新 %2$s 及 %3$s 的定義。" msgid "HTTPS is already supported for your website." msgstr "這個網站已支援 HTTPS。" msgid "" "Your WordPress Address and Site " "Address are not set up to use HTTPS." msgstr "" "這個網站的 [WordPress 位址] 及 [網站位" "址] 並未設定為 HTTPS。" msgid "" "You are accessing this website using HTTPS, but your WordPress Address and Site Address are not set " "up to use HTTPS by default." msgstr "" "目前你正以 HTTPS 存取這個網站,但這個網站的 [WordPress 位址" "] 及 [網站位址] 卻仍為預設值,並未設定為 HTTPS。" msgid "Your Site Address is not set up to use HTTPS." msgstr "這個網站的 [網站位址] 並未設定為 HTTPS。" msgid "Invalid request ID when processing personal data to erase." msgstr "用於處理清除使用者個人資料的要求 ID 無效。" msgid "Invalid request ID when merging personal data to export." msgstr "用於合併匯出使用者個人資料的要求 ID 無效。" msgid "Unable to archive the personal data export file (HTML format)." msgstr "無法壓縮使用者個人資料匯出檔 (HTML 格式)。" msgid "Unable to archive the personal data export file (JSON format)." msgstr "無法壓縮使用者個人資料匯出檔 (JSON 格式)。" msgid "Unable to open personal data export (HTML report) for writing." msgstr "無法開啟使用者個人資料匯出檔 (HTML 報告) 進行資料寫入。" msgid "Unable to create personal data export folder." msgstr "無法建立使用者個人資料匯出資料夾。" msgid "Request added successfully." msgstr "要求已成功新增。" msgid "Invalid personal data action." msgstr "無效的使用者個人資料操作。" msgid "Unable to initiate confirmation for personal data request." msgstr "無法為使用者個人資料要求初始化資訊。" msgid "Invalid personal data request." msgstr "無效的使用者個人資料要求。" msgid "Send personal data export confirmation email." msgstr "發出個人資料匯出的確認電子郵件。" msgid "" "This tool helps site owners comply with local laws and regulations by " "exporting known data for a given user in a .zip file." msgstr "" "這個工具能將提出要求的使用者的現有資料以 ZIP 檔案格式匯出,藉以協助網站擁有者" "遵守當地法律及法規。" msgid "" "Many plugins may collect or store personal data either in the WordPress " "database or remotely. Any Export Personal Data request should include data " "from plugins as well." msgstr "" "許多外掛會利用 WordPress 資料庫或遠端方式,進行使用者個人資料的收集或儲存。任" "何使用者個人資料匯出要求,都應該包含外掛收集的資料。" msgid "" "If you are not sure, check the plugin documentation or contact the plugin " "author to see if the plugin collects data and if it supports the Data " "Exporter tool. This information may be available in the Privacy Policy Guide." msgstr "" "如果網站管理員不確定實際狀況,請查閱外掛相關文件或聯絡外掛開發者,以便了解外" "掛是否收集資料及是否支援資料匯出程式。這項資訊可能會在 [隱私權" "政策指南] 中提供。" msgid "" "Comments — For user comments, Email Address, IP " "Address, User Agent (Browser/OS), Date/Time, Comment Content, and Content " "URL." msgstr "" "留言 — 使用者發佈的留言、電子郵件地址、IP 位址、使用者" "代理程式 (瀏覽器/作業系統)、日期/時間、留言內容及內容網址。" msgid "" "This screen is where you manage requests for an export of personal data." msgstr "這個畫面可以讓網站管理員管理匯出使用者個人資料的要求。" msgid "Send personal data erasure confirmation email." msgstr "傳送使用者個人資料清除確認電子郵件" msgid "Confirmation email" msgstr "確認電子郵件" msgid "" "This tool helps site owners comply with local laws and regulations by " "deleting or anonymizing known data for a given user." msgstr "" "這個工具能刪除或匿名化處理提出要求的使用者的現有資料,藉以協助網站擁有者遵守" "當地法律及法規。" msgid "" "Many plugins may collect or store personal data either in the WordPress " "database or remotely. Any Erase Personal Data request should delete data " "from plugins as well." msgstr "" "許多外掛會利用 WordPress 資料庫或遠端方式,進行使用者個人資料的收集或儲存。任" "何使用者個人資料清除要求,都應該刪除外掛收集的資料。" msgid "Plugin Data" msgstr "外掛資料" msgid "" "If you are not sure, check the plugin documentation or contact the plugin " "author to see if the plugin collects data and if it supports the Data Eraser " "tool. This information may be available in the Privacy Policy " "Guide." msgstr "" "如果網站管理員不確定實際狀況,請查閱外掛相關文件或聯絡外掛開發者,以便了解外" "掛是否收集資料及是否支援資料清除程式。這項資訊可能會在 [隱私權" "政策指南] 中提供。" msgid "" "Media — A list of URLs for all media file uploads " "made by the user." msgstr "媒體 — 由使用者上載的全部媒體的網址清單。" msgid "" "Session Tokens — User login information, IP " "Addresses, Expiration Date, User Agent (Browser/OS), and Last Login." msgstr "" "工作階段權杖 — 使用者登入資訊、IP 位址、工作階段到期" "日、使用者代理程式 (瀏覽器/作業系統) 及最後登入時間" msgid "" "Community Events Location — The IP Address of the " "user which is used for the Upcoming Community Events shown in the dashboard " "widget." msgstr "" "社群活動位置 — 使用者用於即將舉辦的社群活動的 IP 位址 " "(顯示於控制台小工具)。" msgid "" "Profile Information — user email address, username, " "display name, nickname, first name, last name, description/bio, and " "registration date." msgstr "" "個人資料相關資訊 — 使用者電子郵件地址、使用者名稱、顯" "示名稱、暱稱、姓氏、名字、自傳資訊及帳戶註冊日期。" msgid "Default Data" msgstr "預設資料" msgid "" "The tool associates data stored in WordPress with a supplied email address, " "including profile data and comments." msgstr "" "這個工具透過提供的電子郵件地址,將儲存於 WordPress 網站資料庫的資料進行關聯," "包含使用者個人資料及留言。" msgid "Create a new Privacy Policy page" msgstr "建立新的私隱政策頁面" msgid "Policies" msgstr "政策內容" msgid "The Privacy Settings require JavaScript." msgstr "隱私權政策設定需要 JavaScript。" msgctxt "Privacy Settings" msgid "Policy Guide" msgstr "政策指南" msgctxt "Privacy Settings" msgid "Settings" msgstr "設定" msgid "Copy suggested policy text to clipboard" msgstr "複製私隱政策內容到剪貼簿" msgid "Opt out" msgstr "選項退出" msgid "" "The %1$s parameter must be an array. To pass arbitrary data to scripts, use " "the %2$s function instead." msgstr "%1$s 參數必須是一個數組。 要將任意數據傳遞給腳本,請改用 %2$s 函數。" msgid "A password reset link was emailed to %s." msgstr "密碼重設連結已透過電子郵件傳送給「%s」。" msgid "Cannot send password reset, permission denied." msgstr "無法傳送密碼重設連結,權限遭拒。" msgid "Cannot introspect application password." msgstr "無法自主檢查應用程式密碼。" msgid "" "The authenticated application password can only be introspected for the " "current user." msgstr "已驗證的應用程式密碼僅能由目前的使用者自主檢查。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this application password." msgstr "抱歉,您不能刪除此應用程式密碼。" msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete application passwords for this user." msgstr "抱歉,您不能刪除該用戶的應用程式密碼。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this application password." msgstr "抱歉,您不能編輯此應用程式密碼。" msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to create application passwords for this user." msgstr "抱歉,您不能為此用戶建立應用程式密碼。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read this application password." msgstr "抱歉,您不允許閱讀此應用程式密碼。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to list application passwords for this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不允許列出此使用者的應用程式密碼。" msgid "Each application name should be unique." msgstr "應用程式名稱必須是唯一名稱。" msgid "Template Part Area" msgstr "範本組件區域" msgid "Template Part Areas" msgstr "範本組件區域" msgid "Where the template part is intended for use (header, footer, etc.)" msgstr "需要使用範本組件的位置 (例如頁首、頁尾等)" msgid "Human-readable name identifying the widget type." msgstr "用於識別小工具類型的人類可讀名稱。" msgid "Unique slug identifying the widget type." msgstr "識別小工具類型的唯一代稱。" msgid "The widget type id." msgstr "小工具類型 ID。" msgid "" "As a percentage of the image, the height to crop the image to. DEPRECATED: " "Use `modifiers` instead." msgstr "" "用於裁剪圖片的高度 (以佔用圖片的百分比計算)。已淘汰不用,請改用 modifiers。" msgid "" "As a percentage of the image, the width to crop the image to. DEPRECATED: " "Use `modifiers` instead." msgstr "" "用於裁剪圖片的寬度 (以佔用圖片的百分比計算)。已淘汰不用,請改用 modifiers。" msgid "" "As a percentage of the image, the y position to start the crop from. " "DEPRECATED: Use `modifiers` instead." msgstr "" "用於裁剪圖片的 Y 軸起始位置 (以佔用圖片的百分比計算)。已淘汰不用,請改用 " "modifiers。" msgid "" "As a percentage of the image, the x position to start the crop from. " "DEPRECATED: Use `modifiers` instead." msgstr "" "用於裁剪圖片的 X 軸起始位置 (以佔用圖片的百分比計算)。已淘汰不用,請改用 " "modifiers。" msgid "" "The amount to rotate the image clockwise in degrees. DEPRECATED: Use " "`modifiers` instead." msgstr "以度為單位,用於順時針方向旋轉圖片。已淘汰不用,請改用 modifiers。" msgid "Height of the crop as a percentage of the image height." msgstr "用於裁剪圖片的高度 (以佔用圖片高度的百分比計算)。" msgid "Width of the crop as a percentage of the image width." msgstr "用於裁剪圖片的寬度 (以佔用圖片寬度的百分比計算)。" msgid "" "Vertical position from the top to begin the crop as a percentage of the " "image height." msgstr "從頂端開始裁剪的垂直位置 (以佔用圖片高度的百分比計算)。" msgid "" "Horizontal position from the left to begin the crop as a percentage of the " "image width." msgstr "從左側開始裁剪的水平位置 (以佔用圖片寬度的百分比計算)。" msgid "Crop arguments." msgstr "裁剪引數。" msgid "Crop type." msgstr "裁剪類型。" msgid "Angle to rotate clockwise in degrees." msgstr "以度為單位,順時針方向旋轉的設定值。" msgid "Rotation arguments." msgstr "旋轉引數。" msgid "Rotation type." msgstr "旋轉樣式" msgid "Rotation" msgstr "旋轉" msgid "Image edit." msgstr "圖像編輯" msgid "Array of image edits." msgstr "圖片編輯陣列。" msgid "A named status for the theme." msgstr "佈景主題的命名狀態。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view the active theme." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許檢視啟用的佈景主題。" msgid "Theme not found." msgstr "找不到佈景主題。" msgid "Extremely likely" msgstr "非常有可能" msgid "%1$s is not %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 不是 %2$s." msgid "Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress." msgstr "進一步瞭解 WordPress 中的偵錯方式" msgid "Identifier" msgstr "識別" msgid "Session" msgstr "工作階段" msgid "Cloudflare" msgstr "国外CDN加速服务" msgid "" "Limit result set to items with specific terms assigned in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "將結果集限定為在 [%s] 分類法中使用指派指定分類法詞彙的項目。" msgid "Whether to include child terms in the terms limiting the result set." msgstr "是否在限制結果集的分類法詞彙中包含子分類法詞彙。" msgid "Term IDs." msgstr "分類法詞彙 ID。" msgid "Perform an advanced term query." msgstr "執行進階分類法詞彙查詢。" msgid "Term ID Taxonomy Query" msgstr "分類法詞彙 ID 分類法查詢" msgid "Match terms with the listed IDs." msgstr "將分類法詞彙與列出的 ID 進行比對。" msgid "Term ID List" msgstr "分類法詞彙 ID 清單" msgid "Limit response to posts modified before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限定為在符合 ISO8601 日期時間格式規範前發佈的文章。" msgid "Limit response to posts modified after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限定為在符合 ISO8601 日期時間格式規範後發佈的文章。" msgid "Monthly Price" msgstr "月費" msgid "It looks like the response did not come from this site." msgstr "回應並非來自這個網站。" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Want more events? Help organize the next one!" msgstr "想參加更多活動?協助社群舉辦活動" msgid "Google Listings & Ads" msgstr "Google Listings 和 Google Ads" msgid "" "This is Anne from Jetpack and I was just notified that your plan and domain " "renewals for %1$s didn’t go through. This is most likely because the card we " "have on file is expired." msgstr "" "我是 的 Anne,剛才收到通知,你的 %1$s 方案和網域並未成功續訂。" "這很可能是因為我們記錄中的信用卡已經到期。" msgid "Unable to retrieve body from response at this URL." msgstr "無法從這個網址的回應擷取內文。" msgid "URL not found. Response returned a non-200 status code for this URL." msgstr "找不到網址。回應傳回這個網址的非 200 狀態碼。" msgid "Invalid URL" msgstr "無效的網址" msgid "The contents of the %s element from the URL." msgstr "%s元素的內容來自URL。" msgid "The URL to process." msgstr "需要處理的網址。" msgctxt "label for previous post link" msgid "Previous" msgstr "上一篇" msgctxt "label for next post link" msgid "Next" msgstr "下一篇" msgid "Limit results to those matching a keyword ID." msgstr "將結果限定為符合關鍵字 ID 的結果。" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Block pattern category \"%s\" not found." msgstr "找不到區塊版面配置分類 [%s]。" msgid "Revoke License" msgstr "吊銷許可證" msgid "Revoked" msgstr "撤銷" msgid "Issued on" msgstr "頒發時間" msgid "Portal" msgstr "門戶" msgctxt "Mark all items as seen" msgid "Mark all as seen" msgstr "全部標為已讀" msgid "No valid event name or type." msgstr "無有效的事件名稱或類型。" msgid "Account settings" msgstr "帳戶設定" msgid "Account Information" msgstr "帳戶資訊" msgid "Interface settings" msgstr "介面設定" msgid "Limit results to those matching a category ID." msgstr "將結果限定為符合分類 ID 的結果。" msgid "" "The preferred width of the viewport when previewing a pattern, in pixels." msgstr "預覽區塊版面配置時的檢視區慣用寬度 (單位為 px)。" msgid "A description of the pattern." msgstr "區塊版面配置的內容說明。" msgid "The pattern's keywords." msgstr "區塊版面配置關鍵字。" msgid "The pattern's category slugs." msgstr "區塊版面配置的分類代稱。" msgid "The pattern content." msgstr "區塊版面配置的內容。" msgid "The pattern title, in human readable format." msgstr "以人類可辨識的格式撰寫區塊版面配置標題。" msgid "The pattern ID." msgstr "區塊版面配置 ID。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to browse the local block pattern directory." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有瀏覽本機區塊版面配置目錄的權限。" msgid "[block rendering halted]" msgstr "(區塊轉譯已停止)" msgid "Current Selection" msgstr "當前選擇" msgid "PHP Update Recommended" msgstr "PHP 執行環境建議更新" msgid "What is your cancellation policy?" msgstr "取消政策詳情為何?" msgid "What is your refund policy?" msgstr "貴專案的贊助退款政策是什麼?" msgid "Frequently asked questions" msgstr "常見問題" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Video" msgstr "影片" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Love" msgstr "愛" msgid "Product Price" msgstr "商品價格" msgid "Customer ID" msgstr "會員編號" msgid "Order id" msgstr "訂單編號" msgid "Status of template." msgstr "範本狀態。" msgid "Description of template." msgstr "範本內容說明。" msgid "Title of template." msgstr "範本標題。" msgid "Content of template." msgstr "範本內容。" msgid "Theme identifier for the template." msgstr "範本的佈景主題識別碼。" msgid "Unique slug identifying the template." msgstr "識別範本的唯一代稱。" msgid "ID of template." msgstr "範本 ID。" msgid "Limit to the specified post id." msgstr "限制為指定文章 ID。" msgid "The template has already been deleted." msgstr "範本已刪除。" msgid "Templates based on theme files can't be removed." msgstr "使用佈景主題檔案的範本無法刪除。" msgid "No templates exist with that id." msgstr "指定 ID 的範本不存在。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access the templates on this site." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有在這個網站存取範本的權限。" msgid "The id of a template" msgstr "範本 ID。" msgid "No theme is defined for this template." msgstr "這個範本尚未定義佈景主題。" msgid "Private Site" msgstr "私人網站" msgid "Plugin deactivated." msgstr "外掛已停用。" msgid "Plugin activated." msgstr "外掛已啟用。" msgid "Glossary" msgstr "詞彙表" msgid "Use a domain I own" msgstr "使用我擁有的網域名稱" msgid "Create a post" msgstr "建立帖子" msgid "Connecting to server" msgstr "連接到服務器" msgid "Y-m-d" msgstr "年/月/日" msgid "Backup in progress" msgstr "正在進行備份" msgid "Bench" msgstr "長凳" msgid "Webinars" msgstr "線上演講" msgid "Video tutorials" msgstr "影片教學" msgid "More Resources" msgstr "更多資源" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s. " "Update your payment information so you don't lose out on your paid features!" msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s 即將到期且將於 %(expiry)s 從你的網站上移除。請在到期前續訂," "已免失去已購功能!" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s – " "update your payment information so you don't lose out on your paid features! " "You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are " "scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s 將於 %(expiry)s 到期並自你的網站中移除。請在到期前儘速續約," "以免失去已購功能。另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "You purchased %(purchaseName)s with credits. Please update your payment " "information before your plan expires %(expiry)s so that you don't lose out " "on your paid features!" msgstr "" "你曾用積點購買 %(purchaseName)s。請在方案到期日 (%(expiry)s) 前新增信用卡資" "料,以免失去已購功能!" msgid "" "You purchased %(purchaseName)s with credits – please update your payment " "information before your plan expires %(expiry)s so that you don't lose out " "on your paid features! You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this " "site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "你曾使用點數購買 %(purchaseName)s;請在方案到期日 %(expiry)s 前新增信用卡資" "料,以免失去已購功能。另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "Thank you." msgstr "感謝你。" msgid "Account ID:" msgstr "帳戶ID:" msgid "Your Account" msgstr "你的帳戶" msgid "Domain Transfer" msgstr "域名移轉" msgid "Submit for review" msgstr "提交審核" msgid "Select a language" msgstr "選擇一種語言" msgid "" "We’ve got a full backup of your site, and will continue to create backups " "automatically in real time." msgstr "我們會完整備份你的網站,並且每天持續自動建立備份。" msgid "" "Your website appears to use Basic Authentication, which is not currently " "compatible with Application Passwords." msgstr "這個網站使用基本驗證,這種驗證方式與應用程式密碼不相容。" msgid "Flash Sale" msgstr "秒殺" msgid "Version of block API." msgstr "區塊 API 的版本。" msgid "This password reset request originated from the IP address %s." msgstr "此密碼重置請求來源自 IP 位址%s。" msgid "If this was a mistake, ignore this email and nothing will happen." msgstr "如果你未曾提出相關要求,請忽略這封電子郵件,不會產生任何變更。" msgid "Evening" msgstr "傍晚" msgid "Afternoon" msgstr "下午" msgid "Morning" msgstr "上午" msgid "Google analytics integration" msgstr "整合 Google Analytics" msgid "{{icon/}} Real-time automated backups (unlimited storage)" msgstr "{{icon/}} 每日自動備份 (無限的儲存空間)" msgid "{{icon/}} Real-time automated malware scanning" msgstr "{{icon/}} 每日自動掃描惡意軟體" msgid "Edit site" msgstr "編輯網站" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Front Page" msgstr "靜態首頁" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Index" msgstr "索引" msgid "Required to create an Application Password, but not to update the user." msgstr "這是建立應用程式密碼的必填項目,但這項設定不會變更使用者個人資料。" msgid "Your new password for %s is:" msgstr "[%s] 的應用程式密碼:" msgid "← Go to Users" msgstr "← 前往 [使用者]" msgid "← Go to Tags" msgstr "← 返回標籤" msgid "← Go to library" msgstr "← 回到媒體庫" msgid "Submit a review" msgstr "發佈評論" msgid "Store ID" msgstr "門市編號" msgid "" "" "authentication-not-working" msgstr "" "" "authentication-not-working" msgid "Go to Plugin Installer" msgstr "前往 [安裝外掛]" msgid "Go to Importers" msgstr "前往 [匯入程式]" msgid "Go to Theme Installer" msgstr "前往 [安裝佈景主題]" msgid "" "This file is only loaded for backward compatibility with SimplePie 1.2.x. " "Please consider switching to a recent SimplePie version." msgstr "" "此檔案只是為了向後相容 SimplePie 1.2.x 而載入。請考慮切換至最新的 SimplePie " "版本。" msgid "← Go to editor" msgstr "← 前往編輯器" msgid "" "Site Health Status — Informs you of any potential " "issues that should be addressed to improve the performance or security of " "your website." msgstr "" "網站狀態 — 這項功能會通知網站管理員需要進行處理的潛在" "問題,藉以改善網站的效能或安全性。" msgid "Advanced search" msgstr "進階搜索" msgid "{{strong}}13GB{{/strong}} storage space" msgstr "{{strong}}13GB{{/strong}} 儲存空間" msgid "{{strong}}3GB{{/strong}} storage space" msgstr "{{strong}}13GB{{/strong}} 儲存空間" msgid "Authorization header" msgstr "授權標頭" msgid "Learn how to configure the Authorization header." msgstr "進一步了解如何設定授權標頭" msgid "Flush permalinks" msgstr "重新整理固定連結" msgid "The authorization header is invalid" msgstr "無效的授權標頭" msgid "The authorization header is missing" msgstr "缺少授權標頭" msgid "The Authorization header is working as expected" msgstr "授權標頭如預期般正常執行" msgid "The Site Health check for %1$s has been replaced with %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 的 [網站狀態] 檢查已由 %2$s 取代。" msgid "%1$s must be a multiple of %2$s." msgstr "%1$s必須是一個%2$s。" msgid "%1$s must contain at most %2$s property." msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at most %2$s properties." msgstr[0] "%1$s最多必須包含%2$s屬性。" msgid "%1$s must contain at least %2$s property." msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at least %2$s properties." msgstr[0] "%1$s必須至少包含%2$s屬性。" msgid "No route was found matching the URL and request method." msgstr "找不到與網址及要求方式相符的路由。" msgid "The handler for the route is invalid." msgstr "此路由的管理權無效。" msgid "%s matches more than one of the expected formats." msgstr "%s 符合多個預期的格式。" msgid "%1$s matches %2$l, but should match only one." msgstr "%1$s與%2$l匹配,但應僅符合一個。" msgid "%1$s is not a valid %2$l." msgstr "%1$s不是有效的 %2$l。" msgid "%1$s does not match the expected format. Reason: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s與預期格式不匹配。原因:%2$s" msgid "%1$s is not a valid %2$s. Reason: %3$s" msgstr "%1$s不是有效的%2$s。原因:%3$s" msgid "UPGRADE NOW" msgstr "立即升級" msgid "%s failed while writing image to stream." msgstr "%s圖片串流時失敗。" msgid "Used as:" msgstr "使用為:" msgid "Copy URL to clipboard" msgstr "複製網址至剪貼簿" msgid "" "If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the " "reset email." msgstr "" "如果你提出密碼重設要求,你目前進行連線的 IP 位址會顯示於密碼重設電子郵件中。" msgid "Type the password again." msgstr "請再次輸入密碼。" msgid "Generate password" msgstr "產生密碼" msgid "" "Be sure to save this in a safe location. You will not be able to retrieve it." msgstr "請務必將應用程式密碼儲存於安全位置,這個密碼不會再次顯示。" msgid "" "Application passwords grant access to the %2$s site in this " "installation that you have permissions on." msgid_plural "" "Application passwords grant access to all %2$s sites in " "this installation that you have permissions on." msgstr[0] "" "應用程式密碼會將存取權授予多站網路中你有相關權限的全部 %2$s " "個網站。" msgid "" "Application passwords allow authentication via non-interactive systems, such " "as XML-RPC or the REST API, without providing your actual password. " "Application passwords can be easily revoked. They cannot be used for " "traditional logins to your website." msgstr "" "應用程式密碼讓非互動式系統如 XML-RPC 或 REST API,可在不須提供個人密碼的狀況" "下進行驗證,並可隨時撤銷。這個網站的傳統登入方式無法使用應用程式密碼。" msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "應用程式密碼" msgid "Type the new password again." msgstr "請再次輸入新密碼。" msgid "Set New Password" msgstr "設定新密碼" msgid "Current Header Video" msgstr "目前的頁首影片" msgid "The IP address the application password was last used by." msgstr "上次使用的應用程式密碼的 IP 位址。" msgid "The GMT date the application password was last used." msgstr "上次使用應用程式密碼的 GMT 日期。" msgid "The GMT date the application password was created." msgstr "建立應用程式密碼的 GMT 日期。" msgid "The generated password. Only available after adding an application." msgstr "生成的密碼。僅在加入應用程式後可用。" msgid "The name of the application password." msgstr "應用程式密碼的名稱。" msgid "" "A UUID provided by the application to uniquely identify it. It is " "recommended to use an UUID v5 with the URL or DNS namespace." msgstr "" "由應用程式提供、用於進行唯一識別的 UUID。建議使用含有網址或 DNS 命名空間的 " "UUID v5。" msgid "The unique identifier for the application password." msgstr "應用程式密碼的唯一標識碼。" msgid "Application password not found." msgstr "找不到應用程式密碼。" msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage application passwords for this user." msgstr "抱歉,不允許您管理此使用者的應用程式密碼。" msgid "Could not delete application passwords." msgstr "無法刪除應用程式密碼。" msgid "Could not delete application password." msgstr "無法刪除應用程式密碼。" msgid "Could not find an application password with that id." msgstr "找不到具有該 ID 的應用程式密碼。" msgid "Could not save application password." msgstr "無法儲存應用程式密碼。" msgid "An application name is required to create an application password." msgstr "建立應用程式密碼需要應用程式名稱。" msgid "" "You will be returned to the WordPress Dashboard, and no changes will be made." msgstr "你將會返回 WordPress 控制台,並且不會產生任何變更。" msgid "Revoke all application passwords" msgstr "撤銷全部應用程式密碼" msgid "Revoke \"%s\"" msgstr "撤銷 [%s]" msgid "Last IP" msgstr "最後使用 IP 位址" msgid "Last Used" msgstr "最後使用時間" msgid "No, I do not approve of this connection" msgstr "否,不核准這個連線" msgid "" "You will be given a password to manually enter into the application in " "question." msgstr "你將會取得需要手動輸入的應用程式密碼。" msgid "You will be sent to %s" msgstr "你將會重新導向至 %s" msgid "Yes, I approve of this connection" msgstr "是,核准這個連線" msgid "New Application Password Name" msgstr "請輸入應用程式密碼名稱" msgid "" "This will grant access to the %2$s site in this " "installation that you have permissions on." msgid_plural "" "This will grant access to all %2$s sites in this " "installation that you have permissions on." msgstr[0] "" "這項操作會將存取權授予多站網路中你有相關權限的全部 %2$s 個網" "站。" msgid "" "Would you like to give this application access to your account? You should " "only do this if you trust the application in question." msgstr "" "是否要授予這個應用程式存取你的帳戶的權限?僅有在信任這個應用程式時,才進行這" "項操作。" msgid "" "Would you like to give the application identifying itself as %s access to " "your account? You should only do this if you trust the application in " "question." msgstr "" "是否要授予名為 [%s] 的應用程式存取你的帳戶的權限?僅有在信任這個應用程式時," "才進行這項操作。" msgid "" "Application passwords are not available for your account. Please contact the " "site administrator for assistance." msgstr "目前登入的帳號無法使用應用程式密碼。請聯絡網站管理者以取得協助。" msgid "Application passwords are not available." msgstr "無法使用應用程式密碼。" msgid "An application would like to connect to your account." msgstr "有個應用程式想要連線至你的帳戶。" msgid "Cannot Authorize Application" msgstr "無法授權應用程式" msgid "The Authorize Application request is not allowed." msgstr "目前的登入身分沒有授權應用程式要求的權限。" msgid "Authorize Application" msgstr "授權應用程式" msgid "The provided password is an invalid application password." msgstr "提供的密碼是無效的應用程式密碼。" msgid "Unable to open personal data export file (archive) for writing." msgstr "無法開啟使用者個人資料匯出檔 (壓縮檔) 進行資料寫入。" msgid "Unable to open personal data export file (JSON report) for writing." msgstr "無法開啟使用者個人資料匯出檔 (JSON 報告) 進行資料寫入。" msgid "Unable to protect personal data export folder from browsing." msgstr "無法保護使用者個人資料匯出資料夾不受瀏覽。" msgid "Invalid email address when generating personal data export file." msgstr "用於產生使用者個人資料匯出檔的電子郵件地址無效。" msgid "Invalid request ID when generating personal data export file." msgstr "用於產生使用者個人資料匯出檔的要求 ID 無效。" msgid "Unable to generate personal data export file. ZipArchive not available." msgstr "無法產生使用者個人資料匯出檔。無法使用 ZipArchive。" msgid "%d request deleted successfully." msgid_plural "%d requests deleted successfully." msgstr[0] "%d 個要求已成功刪除。" msgid "%d request failed to delete." msgid_plural "%d requests failed to delete." msgstr[0] "%d 個要求無法刪除。" msgid "%d request marked as complete." msgid_plural "%d requests marked as complete." msgstr[0] "%d 個要求已標示為完成。" msgid "%d confirmation request re-sent successfully." msgid_plural "%d confirmation requests re-sent successfully." msgstr[0] "%d 個確認要求已成功重新傳送。" msgid "%d confirmation request failed to resend." msgid_plural "%d confirmation requests failed to resend." msgstr[0] "%d 個確認要求無法重新傳送。" msgid "Mark requests as completed" msgstr "標示要求為完成" msgid "Next steps" msgstr "下一步" msgid "Erase personal data" msgstr "清除個人資料" msgid "Mark export request for “%s” as completed." msgstr "標示 %s 的匯出要求為完成。" msgid "Unable to create new list." msgstr "無法建立新的清單。" msgid "" "HTML containing an action to direct the user to where they can resolve the " "issue." msgstr "HTML 包含將使用者引導到可以解決問題的地方的操作。" msgid "" "A more descriptive explanation of what the test looks for, and why it is " "important for the user." msgstr "更描述性地說明測試的內容,以及為什麼測試對使用者很重要。" msgid "The category this test is grouped in." msgstr "此測試分群組到的類別。" msgid "The status of the test." msgstr "測試的狀態。" msgid "A label describing the test." msgstr "描述測試的標籤。" msgid "The name of the test being run." msgstr "正在運行的測試的名稱。" msgid "Directory sizes could not be returned." msgstr "無法返回目錄大小。" msgctxt "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is set to hours" msgid "Hours" msgstr "小時" msgctxt "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is set to days" msgid "Days" msgstr "天" msgctxt "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is set to months" msgid "Months" msgstr "月" msgctxt "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is set to years" msgid "Years" msgstr "年" msgctxt "" "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is determined automatically" msgid "Automatic" msgstr "自動" msgid "" "Automatic scanning and one-click fixes keep your site one step ahead of " "security threats and malware." msgstr "自動掃瞄、單鍵修正功能,讓網站免於各種資安威脅。" msgid "Security, performance, and marketing tools made for WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 專屬的資安、效能、行銷工具" msgid "Some screen elements can be shown or hidden by using the checkboxes." msgstr "使用核取方塊可以顯示或隱藏某些畫面元素。" msgid "Screen elements" msgstr "畫面元素" msgctxt "email \"From\" field" msgid "Site Admin" msgstr "網站管理員" msgid "You need to pass an array of post formats." msgstr "您需要傳遞一系列文章格式。" msgid "Classic Dark" msgstr "經典暗黑" msgid "Discount for first month" msgstr "首年折扣" msgid "" "Note that even when set to discourage search engines, your site is still " "visible on the web and not all search engines adhere to this directive." msgstr "" "請注意,即使這個網站設定為阻擋搜尋引擎進行檢索,這個網站仍會在網路上公開顯示" "網站內容,且並非全部搜尋引擎均會遵守這項設定的要求。" msgid "" "You can choose whether or not your site will be crawled by robots, ping " "services, and spiders. If you want those services to ignore your site, click " "the checkbox next to “Discourage search engines from indexing this " "site” and click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen." msgstr "" "您可以選擇您的網站是否會被機器人,ping服務和蜘蛛抓取。如果您希望這些服務忽略" "您的網站,請點擊「阻止搜尋引擎將此網站編入索引」旁邊的複選框,然後點擊螢幕底" "部的儲存變更按鈕。" msgid "- %1$s (from version %2$s to %3$s)" msgstr "- %1$s (從 %2$s 更新至 %3$s)" msgid "" "We'll pay the registration fees for your new domain when you choose an " "annual plan during the next step." msgstr "在下一個步驟裡選取任一付費方案,第一年的新網域費用就由我們負擔。" msgid "Get a free one-year domain registration with any paid annual plan." msgstr "訂購任何付費方案,均享一年免費新網域名稱。" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this item?" msgstr "您確定要移除這個項目嗎?" msgid "" "You can transfer this domain connection to any administrator on this site. " "If the user you want to transfer is not currently an administrator, please " "{{a}}add them to the site first{{/a}}." msgstr "" "你可以將此網域轉移給此網站上的任一位管理員。如果要轉移的目標使用者目前並非管" "理員,請先將{{a}}他們加入網站{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Do you want to transfer the domain connection of {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} to {{strong}}%(selectedUserDisplay)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "" "你是否要將 {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} 的擁有權轉移給 " "{{strong}}%(selectedUserDisplay)s{{/strong}}?" msgid "" "Do you want to transfer domain connection of {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} to site {{strong}}%(targetSiteTitle)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "" "是否要將 {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} 轉移至 " "{{strong}}%(targetSiteTitle)s{{/strong}} 網站?" msgid "Jetpack Scan will edit the affected file or directory." msgstr "Jetpack 掃瞄會刪除受影響的檔案或目錄。" msgid "List created successfully." msgstr "列表更新成功!" msgctxt "date" msgid "Start: %s" msgstr "起始: %s" msgctxt "due date" msgid "by %s" msgstr "由%s撰寫" msgctxt "start date" msgid "from %s" msgstr "從 %s" msgctxt "duration between two dates" msgid "from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "從%1$s到 %2$s" msgid "Hi there!" msgstr "你好!" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to comment on this post." msgstr "抱歉,您不能對此文章發佈評論。" msgid "" "When you forward a domain name to your site, you take the first step to " "secure your brand at an affordable price — starting at only %s." msgstr "" "當你將網域名稱轉移至網站時,就踏出了以實惠價格保護自己品牌的第一步。最低價只" "要 %s。" msgid "Google Analytics support" msgstr "支援 Google Analytics" msgid "6 GB storage space" msgstr "6 GB 儲存空間" msgid "13 GB storage space" msgstr "13 GB 儲存空間" msgid "Open Search" msgstr "開啟搜尋" msgid "Renewal" msgstr "續訂" msgid "Class name" msgstr "類別名稱。" msgid "The sidebar the widget belongs to." msgstr "小工具所屬的資訊欄。" msgid "The sidebar to return widgets for." msgstr "傳回小工具的資訊欄。" msgid "The requested widget is invalid." msgstr "要求的小工具無效。" msgid "No widget was found with that id." msgstr "找不到使用這個 ID 的小工具。" msgid "Invalid widget type." msgstr "無效的小工具類型。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage widgets on this site." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有在這個網站上管理小工具的權限。" msgid "" "Whether to force removal of the widget, or move it to the inactive sidebar." msgstr "是否強制移除小工具或將小工具移至未使用的資訊欄。" msgid "" "HTML content to append to the sidebar title when displayed. Default is a " "closing h2 element." msgstr "顯示時在資訊欄標題後面加上的 HTML 內容。預設值為 h2 結尾元素。" msgid "" "HTML content to prepend to the sidebar title when displayed. Default is an " "opening h2 element." msgstr "顯示時在資訊欄標題前面加上的 HTML 內容。預設值為 h2 起始元素。" msgid "" "HTML content to append to each widget's HTML output when assigned to this " "sidebar. Default is a closing list item element." msgstr "" "指派至這個資訊欄時,在每個小工具的 HTML 輸出後面加上的 HTML 內容。預設值為清" "單項目結尾元素。" msgid "" "HTML content to prepend to each widget's HTML output when assigned to this " "sidebar. Default is an opening list item element." msgstr "" "指派至這個資訊欄時,在每個小工具的 HTML 輸出前面加上的 HTML 內容。預設值為清" "單項目起始元素。" msgid "Extra CSS class to assign to the sidebar in the Widgets interface." msgstr "在 [小工具] 介面中指派至資訊欄的額外 CSS 類別。" msgid "No sidebar exists with that id." msgstr "使用這個 ID 的資訊欄不存在。" msgid "The requested route does not support batch requests." msgstr "請求的路由不支援批處理請求。" msgid "Could not parse the path." msgstr "無法解析路徑。" msgid "Sponsored Post" msgstr "贊助文章" msgid "Please take a moment to review the details." msgstr "請抽空檢閱這些詳情。" msgid "Please select a payment method" msgstr "請選擇付款方式" msgid "Subscription #" msgstr "訂閱#" msgid "Update WordPress" msgstr "升級 WordPress" msgid "Activate WooCommerce" msgstr "啟用 WooCommerce" msgid "Install WooCommerce" msgstr "安裝 WooCommerce" msgid "Save payment information to my account for future purchases." msgstr "將付款資訊儲存到我的帳戶,以便之後購物使用。" msgid "Enable/disable" msgstr "啟用/停用" msgid "Invalid payment method. Please input a new card number." msgstr "付款方式無效。請輸入新的卡號。" msgid "Deposits" msgstr "存款" msgid "YouTube Poster" msgstr "YouTube 海報" msgid "Security, performance, and growth tools for WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 專屬的資安、效能、行銷工具" msgid "Please enter your private key." msgstr "請輸入您的私鑰。" msgid "Payment Methods" msgstr "付款方式" msgid "You are not allowed to execute this action." msgstr "權限不足,您不允許執行此操作。" msgid "Invalid Input" msgstr "無效輸入" msgid "" "Warning! You are running version %s of WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin code " "but your database has been upgraded to Subscriptions version 2.0. This will " "cause major problems on your store." msgstr "" "警告!您正在運行版本%s的商店 訂閱外掛程式代碼,但您的資料庫已升級到訂閱版本 " "2.0。這將導致您的商店出現重大問題。" msgid "Quit nagging me (but don't enable automatic payments)" msgstr "停止提醒我 (但不要開啟自動付款)" msgid "" "%1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions is inactive.%2$s The %3$sWooCommerce plugin" "%4$s must be active for WooCommerce Subscriptions to work. Please " "%5$sinstall & activate WooCommerce »%6$s" msgstr "" "%1$sWooCommerce 訂閱處於非活動狀態.%2$s %3$sWooCommerce 外掛程式%4$s 必須處於" "活動狀態才能使 WooCommerce 訂閱工作。請 %5$sinstall & 啟動 WooCommerce " "»%6$s" msgid "%srd" msgstr "%srd" msgid "%snd" msgstr "%snd" msgid "%sst" msgstr "%s" msgid "%sth" msgstr "%sth" msgctxt "post status label including post count" msgid "Pending Cancellation (%s)" msgid_plural "Pending Cancellation (%s)" msgstr[0] "掛起的取消 (%s) " msgctxt "post status label including post count" msgid "Active (%s)" msgid_plural "Active (%s)" msgstr[0] "啟用 (%s)" msgctxt "post status label including post count" msgid "Expired (%s)" msgid_plural "Expired (%s)" msgstr[0] "過期的 (%s) " msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Parent Subscriptions" msgstr "主訂閱" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "No Subscriptions found in trash" msgstr "在回收桶中找不到訂閱" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "View Subscription" msgstr "查看訂閱" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "New Subscription" msgstr "新的訂閱" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Edit Subscription" msgstr "編輯訂閱" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Add New Subscription" msgstr "新增訂閱" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Add Subscription" msgstr "添加訂閱" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "End Date" msgstr "結束日期" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Cancelled Date" msgstr "取消日期" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Trial End" msgstr "試用結束" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Start Date" msgstr "開始日期" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Pending Cancellation" msgstr "待取消" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "On hold" msgstr "擱置" msgctxt "Error message while creating a subscription" msgid "Invalid subscription customer_id." msgstr "訂閱customer_id無效。" msgctxt "Error message while creating a subscription" msgid "" "Invalid date. The date must be a string and of the format: \"Y-m-d H:i:s\"." msgstr "失效日期。日期必須是字符串,格式為:\"Y-m-d H:i:s\"。" msgid "You have added a variation of this product to the cart already." msgstr "您已經將此產品的可變式選項添加到購物車中。" msgid "You have an active subscription to this product already." msgstr "您已經有效訂閱此產品。" msgid "Are you sure you want remove this item from your subscription?" msgstr "您確定要從訂閱中刪除此品項嗎?" msgctxt "date on subscription updates list. Will be localized" msgid "l jS \\o\\f F Y, h:ia" msgstr "l jS \\o\\f F Y, h:ia" msgctxt "customer subscription table header" msgid "End date" msgstr "結束日期" msgctxt "customer subscription table header" msgid "Last order date" msgstr "最後一筆訂單" msgctxt "customer subscription table header" msgid "Start date" msgstr "開始日期" msgctxt "pay for a subscription" msgid "Pay" msgstr "付款" msgid "%1$s for %2$d item" msgid_plural "%1$s for %2$d items" msgstr[0] "%1$s 於 %2$d 項目" msgid "Related orders" msgstr "相關訂單" msgid "You have reached the end of subscriptions. Go to the %sfirst page%s." msgstr "您已達到訂閱結束。請回到%s第一頁%s。" msgctxt "view a subscription" msgid "View" msgstr "檢視" msgctxt "Used in data attribute. Escaped" msgid "Total" msgstr "總計" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Next Payment" msgstr "下次付款" msgid "Want to renew early via the checkout? Click %shere.%s" msgstr "想通過結帳提前續訂?按一下 %s這裡.%s" msgctxt "subscription number in email table. (eg: #106)" msgid "#%s" msgstr "#%s" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "End date" msgstr "結束日期" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Start date" msgstr "開始日期" msgctxt "subscription ID table heading" msgid "ID" msgstr "編號" msgctxt "Used as end date for an indefinite subscription" msgid "When Cancelled" msgstr "取消時" msgctxt "in plain emails for subscription information" msgid "Subscription: %s" msgstr "訂閱:%s" msgid "Order date: %s" msgstr "訂單日期:%s" msgid "Order number: %s" msgstr "訂單號碼:%s" msgid "View your subscription: %s" msgstr "查看你的會員方案: %s" msgctxt "in plain emails for subscription information" msgid "View Subscription: %s" msgstr "查看訂閱:%s" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Date Suspended" msgstr "暫停日期" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "End Date" msgstr "結束日期" msgctxt "Used in email notification" msgid "Subscription %1$s#%2$s%3$s" msgstr "訂閱%1$s#%2$s%3$s" msgctxt "Used in email notification" msgid "%1$sOrder #%3$s%2$s (%4$s)" msgstr "%1$s訂單#%3$s%2$s (%4$s)" msgid "Pay Now »" msgstr "立即付款 »" msgid "" "Just to let you know — we've received your subscription renewal order #" "%s, and it is now being processed:" msgstr "" "只是為了讓您知道 — 我們已收到您的訂閱續訂訂單 #%s,目前正在處理中:" msgid "-" msgstr "-" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "End of Prepaid Term" msgstr "預付期限結束" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Last Order Date" msgstr "最後訂單日期" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Price" msgstr "定價" msgid "" "A subscription belonging to %1$s has been cancelled. Their subscription's " "details are as follows:" msgstr "訂閱計劃%1$s 已被取消,認購具體情况如下:" msgid "The renewal order is as follows:" msgstr "續訂訂單如下:" msgctxt "In customer renewal invoice email" msgid "" "The automatic recurring payment for order #%d from %s has failed. The " "payment will be retried %3$s." msgstr "來自 %s 的訂單 #%d 的自動定期付款失敗。付款將重試 %3$s。" msgid "Payment Method: %s" msgstr "付款方式: %s" msgctxt "text on button on checkout page" msgid "Add payment method" msgstr "新增付款方式" msgctxt "text on button on checkout page" msgid "Change payment method" msgstr "變更付款方式" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Totals" msgstr "全部" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Quantity" msgstr "數量" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Product" msgstr "產品" msgid "" "There are no shipping methods available. Please double check your address, " "or contact us if you need any help." msgstr "" "沒有可用的運送方式. 請再重覆檢查你的地址是否正確. 或連絡我們以取得協助." msgid "Shipping costs will be calculated once you have provided your address." msgstr "一旦你輸入地址之後將會算出運送費用." msgctxt "Subscription Length dropdown's description in pricing fields" msgid "" "Automatically expire the subscription after this length of time. This length " "is in addition to any free trial or amount of time provided before a " "synchronised first renewal date." msgstr "" "在這段時間後自動使訂閱到期。此長度是在同步的第一個續訂日期之前提供的任何免費" "試用或時間量之外的長度。" msgid "" "An error has occurred while processing a recent subscription related event. " "For steps on how to fix the affected subscription and to learn more about " "the possible causes of this error, please read our guide %1$shere%2$s." msgid_plural "" "An error has occurred while processing recent subscription related events. " "For steps on how to fix the affected subscriptions and to learn more about " "the possible causes of this error, please read our guide %1$shere%2$s." msgstr[0] "" "處理最近的訂閱相關事件時出錯。有關如何修復受影響的訂閱以及瞭解有關此錯誤可能" "原因的詳細資訊的步驟,請閱讀我們的指南 %1$s這裡%2$s。" msgid "Shipping Tax:" msgstr "運送稅金:" msgctxt "Trial period dropdown's description in pricing fields" msgid "" "An optional period of time to wait before charging the first recurring " "payment. Any sign up fee will still be charged at the outset of the " "subscription. %s" msgstr "" "在收取第一次定期付款之前等待的可選時間段。任何註冊費用仍將在訂閱開始時收" "取。%s" msgctxt "example number of days / weeks / months" msgid "e.g. 3" msgstr "例如 3" msgctxt "" "Edit product screen, between the Billing Period and Subscription Length " "dropdowns" msgid "for" msgstr "對於" msgid "Subscription Price (%s)" msgstr "訂閱價格 (%s)" msgctxt "no trial period" msgid "no" msgstr "否" msgctxt "" "Used in the trial period dropdown. Number is in text field. 0, 2+ will need " "plural, 1 will need singular." msgid "year" msgid_plural "years" msgstr[0] "年" msgctxt "" "Used in the trial period dropdown. Number is in text field. 0, 2+ will need " "plural, 1 will need singular." msgid "month" msgid_plural "months" msgstr[0] "月" msgctxt "" "Used in the trial period dropdown. Number is in text field. 0, 2+ will need " "plural, 1 will need singular." msgid "week" msgid_plural "weeks" msgstr[0] "週" msgctxt "" "Used in the trial period dropdown. Number is in text field. 0, 2+ will need " "plural, 1 will need singular." msgid "day" msgid_plural "days" msgstr[0] "天" msgctxt "period interval with ordinal number (e.g. \"every 2nd\"" msgid "every %s" msgstr "每%s" msgctxt "period interval (eg \"$10 _every_ 2 weeks\")" msgid "every" msgstr "每" msgctxt "Subscription lengths. e.g. \"For 1 year...\"" msgid "1 year" msgstr "1 年" msgctxt "Subscription lengths. e.g. \"For 1 week...\"" msgid "1 week" msgstr "1 週" msgctxt "Subscription length" msgid "Never expire" msgstr "永不到期" msgctxt "Subscription lengths. e.g. \"For 1 day...\"" msgid "1 day" msgstr "1 天" msgctxt "Subscription billing period." msgid "week" msgid_plural "%s weeks" msgstr[0] "%s個星期" msgctxt "Subscription billing period." msgid "month" msgid_plural "%s months" msgstr[0] "%s個月" msgctxt "Subscription billing period." msgid "year" msgid_plural "%s years" msgstr[0] "%s年" msgctxt "Subscription billing period." msgid "day" msgid_plural "%s days" msgstr[0] "%s天" msgctxt "" "Used in subscription post title. \"Subscription renewal order - \"" msgid "%b %d, %Y @ %I:%M %p" msgstr "%b %d, %Y @ %I:%M %p" msgid "HH" msgstr "HH" msgctxt "wcs_get_human_time_diff" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s on %4$s %5$s every %6$s year" msgstr "%1$s %2$s 然後 %3$s 對 %4$s %5$s 每 %6$s 年" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s on %4$s %5$s each year" msgstr "%1$s %2$s 然後 %3$s 在 %4$s %5$s 每一年" msgid "YYYY-MM-DD" msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD" msgid "First renewal: %s" msgstr "第一次續約:%s" msgctxt "includes tax" msgid "(includes %s)" msgstr "(包括 %s)" msgctxt "shipping method price" msgid "Free" msgstr "免費" msgid "Update Error" msgstr "更新錯誤" msgctxt "text on submit button" msgid "Update Database" msgstr "更新資料庫" msgid "" "Before we send you on your way, we need to update your database to the " "newest version. If you do not have a recent backup of your site, %snow is " "the time to create one%s." msgstr "" "在我們向您發送之前,我們需要將您的資料庫更新到最新版本。如果您沒有網站的最近" "備份,則 %s現在是建立一個%s 的時候了。" msgid "The WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin has been updated!" msgstr "WooCommerce 訂閱外掛程式已經更新!" msgid "WooCommerce Subscriptions Update" msgstr "商店訂閱更新" msgid "" "Subscriptions 2.1 now passes the renewal order's total, making it possible " "to add a fee or discount to the renewal order with simple one-liners like %s" "$order->add_fee()%s or %s$order->add_coupon()%s." msgstr "" "訂閱 2.1 現在通過續訂訂單的總數,因此可以使用簡單的單行線如 %s$order-" ">add_fee()%s or %s$order->add_coupon()%s 向續訂訂單添加費用或折扣。" msgid "" "Want the details of a specific subscription? Get %s/wp-json/wc/v1/" "subscriptions//%s." msgstr "想要特定訂閱的詳細資訊? Get %s/wp-json/wc/v1/subscriptions//%s." msgid "" "Want to list all the subscriptions on a site? Get %s/wp-json/wc/v1/" "subscriptions%s." msgstr "想要列出網站上的所有訂閱?獲取 %s/wp-json/wc/v1/subscriptions%s." msgid "" "To apply a specific rule based on certain conditions, like high value orders " "or an infrequent renewal schedule, you can use the retry specific " "%s'wcs_get_retry_rule'%s filter. This provides the ID of the renewal order " "for the failed payment, which can be used to find information about the " "products, subscription and totals to which the failed payment relates." msgstr "" "要基於特定條件(如高價值訂單或不頻繁的續訂計畫)應用特定規則,可以使用重試特" "定 %s'wcs_get_retry_rule'%s的篩選器。這將提供失敗付款的續訂訂單的 ID,可用於" "查找有關失敗付款相關的產品、訂閱和總計的資訊。" msgid "" "With the %s'wcs_default_retry_rules'%s filter, you can define a set of " "default rules to apply to all failed payments in your store." msgstr "" "使用 %s'wcs_default_retry_rules'%s的篩選器,您可以定義一組預設規則以應用於商" "店中的所有失敗付款。" msgctxt "learn more link to subscription emails documentation" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "深入了解" msgid "" "These emails can be enabled, disabled and customised under the %sWooCommerce " "> Settings > Emails%s administration screen." msgstr "" "這些電子郵件可以在 %sWooCommerce > Settings > Emails%s 管理螢幕下啟用、禁用和" "自訂。" msgctxt "learn more link to failed payment retry documentation" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "深入了解" msgctxt "learn more link to subscription reports documentation" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "深入了解" msgid "View Reports" msgstr "檢視報表" msgctxt "short for documents" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "使用說明" msgid "" "Version 2.1 introduces some great new features requested by store managers " "just like you (and possibly even by %syou%s)." msgstr "" "版本 2.1 引入了一些像您一樣的商店經理請求的一些出色的新功能(甚至可能由 %s" "你%s)。" msgid "" "Want to list all the subscriptions on a site? Get" "subscriptions/%s. Want the details of a specific subscription? Get %s/wc-api/" "v2/subscriptions//%s." msgstr "" "想要列出網站上的所有訂閱? Get 想要" "特定訂閱的詳細資訊?獲取 %s/wc-api/v2/subscriptions//%s." msgid "" "Developers can also now use all the familiar WordPress functions, like " "%sget_posts()%s, to query or modify subscription data." msgstr "" "開發人員現在還可以使用所有熟悉的 WordPress 函數如 %sget_posts()%s來查詢或修改" "訂閱資料。" msgid "New %sshop_subscription%s Post Type" msgstr "新 %sshop_subscription%s 文章類型" msgid "" "It was already possible to change a subscription's next payment date, but " "some store managers wanted to provide a customer with an extended free trial " "or add an extra month to the expiration date. Now you can change all of " "these dates from the %sEdit Subscription%s screen." msgstr "" "已經可以更改訂閱的下一個付款日期,但一些商店經理希望為客戶提供延長的免費試用" "版,或者為到期日期新增額外的一個月。現在,您可以在 %s編輯訂閱%s 螢幕中更改所" "有這些日期。" msgid "" "For a store manager to change a subscription from automatic to manual " "renewal payments (or manual to automatic) with Subscriptions v1.5, the " "database needed to be modified directly. Subscriptions now provides a way " "for payment gateways to allow you to change that from the new %sEdit " "Subscription%s interface." msgstr "" "對於商店經理使用訂閱 v1.5 將訂閱從自動續訂付款更改為手動續訂付款(或手動續訂" "付款),需要直接修改資料庫。訂閱現在為支付閘道提供了一種方法,允許您從新的 %s" "編輯訂閱%s 介面更改該介面。" msgctxt "h3 on the About Subscriptions page for this new feature" msgid "Change Payment Method" msgstr "變更付款方式" msgid "%sLearn more »%s" msgstr "%s了解更多%s" msgid "" "By default, adding new files to an existing subscription product will " "automatically provide active subscribers with access to the new files. " "However, now you can enable a %snew content dripping setting%s to provide " "subscribers with access to new files only after the next renewal payment." msgstr "" "預設情況下,將新檔新增到現有訂閱產品將自動為活動訂閱者提供對新檔的存取權限。" "但是,現在您可以啟用 %s新的內容滴落設置%s,以便僅在下次續訂付款後向訂閱者提供" "對新檔的存取權限。" msgid "Learn more about the new %sView Subscription page%s." msgstr "詳細瞭解新的 %s查看訂閱頁%s。" msgid "" "Your customers can now view the full details of a subscription, including " "line items, billing and shipping address, billing schedule and renewal " "orders, from a special %sMy Account > View Subscription%s page." msgstr "" "您的客戶現在可以查看訂閱,包括行項的全部詳情,計費和送貨位址、 帳單排程和更新" "的訂單,從特殊 %s周峰帳戶 > 查看訂閱 %s 資訊。" msgid "" "The new interface is also built on the existing %sEdit Order%s screen. If " "you've ever modified an order, you already know how to modify a subscription." msgstr "" "新介面還構建在現有 %s編輯訂單%s 螢幕上。如果您曾經修改過訂單,您已經知道如何" "修改訂閱。" msgid "" "%1$sAdd a subscription%2$s now or %3$slearn more%4$s about the new interface." msgstr "%1$s 增加訂閱 %2$s 現在或 %3$s 看更多 %4$s 關於新介面。" msgctxt "short for documents" msgid "Docs" msgstr "文件" msgid "" "Version %1$s brings some new improvements requested by store managers just " "like you (and possibly even by %2$syou%3$s)." msgstr "" "版本 %1$s 帶來了一些新的改進要求商店經理,就像您一樣 (甚至可能由 %2$s" "您%3$s)." msgid "" "%1$sWarning!%2$s It appears that you have downgraded %1$sWooCommerce " "Subscriptions%2$s from %3$s to %4$s. Downgrading the plugin in this way may " "cause issues. Please update to %3$s or higher, or %5$sopen a new support " "ticket%6$s for further assistance. %7$sLearn more »%8$s" msgstr "" "%1$s警告!%2$s 似乎您已降級 %1$sWooCommerce 訂閱%2$s 從 %3$s 降級到 %4$s。請" "更新至 %3$s 或更高版本,或 %5$s打開新的支援票證%6$s 以獲得進一步説明。%7$s 瞭" "解更多 »%8$s" msgctxt "Repair message that gets sent to front end." msgid " %d other subscription was checked and did not need any repairs." msgid_plural "" "%d other subscriptions were checked and did not need any repairs." msgstr[0] " %d 其他訂閱已選中,不需要任何維修。" msgctxt "Repair message that gets sent to front end." msgid "" "Repaired %d subscriptions with incorrect dates, line tax data or missing " "customer notes." msgstr "修復了日期錯誤、週期稅資料或缺少客戶注釋的 %d 訂閱。" msgid "" "Subscription suspended by Database repair script. This subscription was " "suspended via PayPal." msgstr "由資料庫修復腳本暫停的訂閱。此訂閱通過 PayPal 暫停。" msgid "WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgstr "WooCommerce 訂閱" msgid "Subscription Items" msgstr "續約項目" msgid "Recurring Total" msgstr "定期課金" msgid "Created Date" msgstr "建立日期" msgid "Renewal Payment Retry" msgstr "續訂付款重試" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Custom Retry Rule" msgstr "自定義重試規則" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Custom Raw Retry Rule" msgstr "自定義原始重試規則" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Custom Retry Rule Class" msgstr "自定義重試規則類" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Custom Retry Rules" msgstr "自定義重試規則" msgid "Retry Failed Payments" msgstr "再試行失敗決済" msgid "IPN subscription payment failure." msgstr "IPN 訂閱付款失敗。" msgid "IPN subscription sign up completed." msgstr "IPN 訂閱註冊完成。" msgctxt "no information about something" msgid "N/A" msgstr "不提供" msgctxt "used in api error message if there is no long message" msgid "Unknown error" msgstr "未知的錯誤" msgctxt "used in api error message if there is no severity code from PayPal" msgid "Error" msgstr "錯誤" msgid "SKU: %s" msgstr "商品型號: %s" msgid "Total Discount" msgstr "總折扣" msgctxt "data sent to paypal" msgid "Orders with %s" msgstr "包含%s的訂單" msgid "Open a ticket" msgstr "開啟工單" msgid "" "%1$sPayPal Reference Transactions are not enabled on your account%2$s. If " "you wish to use PayPal Reference Transactions with Subscriptions, please " "contact PayPal and request they %3$senable PayPal Reference Transactions%4$s " "on your account. %5$sCheck PayPal Account%6$s %3$sLearn more %7$s" msgstr "" "%1$sPayPal 參考交易未在您的帳戶上啟用%2$s。如果您希望使用 PayPal 參考交易與訂" "閱, 請聯繫 PayPal 並請求他們 %3$s的 PayPal 參考交易%4$s 在您的帳戶.%5$s檢查" "貝寶帳戶%6$s %3$s瞭解更多 %7$s" msgid "" "PayPal is inactive for subscription transactions. Please %1$sset up the " "PayPal IPN%2$s and %3$senter your API credentials%4$s to enable PayPal for " "Subscriptions." msgstr "" "PayPal 處於訂閱交易的非活動狀態。請 %1$s設定PayPal IPN%2$s 和 %3$s 輸入您的 " "API 憑據%4$s,以啟用 PayPal 訂閱。" msgctxt "" "used in User Agent data sent to PayPal to help identify where a payment came " "from" msgid "WooCommerce Subscriptions PayPal" msgstr "WooCommerce Subscriptions PayPal" msgctxt "" "hash before the order number. Used as a character to remove from the actual " "order number" msgid "#" msgstr "#" msgid "PayPal payment approved (ID: %s)" msgstr "PayPal payment approved (ID: %s)" msgid "Your {blogname} renewal order receipt from {order_date}" msgstr "您的 {blogname} 續訂訂單接收從 {order_date}" msgid "" "[{site_title}] Automatic payment failed for {order_number}, retry scheduled " "to run {retry_time}" msgstr "" "[{site_title}] {order_number}的自動付款失敗,重新重試計畫運行 {retry_time}" msgid "[{blogname}] Subscription Switched ({order_number}) - {order_date}" msgstr "[{blogname}] 訂閱已切換 ({order_number}) - {order_date}" msgid "" "[{blogname}] New subscription renewal order ({order_number}) - {order_date}" msgstr "[{blogname}] 新的訂閱續訂順序 ({order_number}) - {order_date}" msgid "" "This controls the main heading contained within the email notification. " "Leave blank to use the default heading: %s." msgstr "用來設置郵件通知的主要標題,留空代表使用預設標題: %s。" msgid "Subscription Expired" msgstr "訂閱已過期" msgid "Invoice for renewal order {order_number}" msgstr "續訂訂單 {order_number}編號的發票" msgid "Invoice for renewal order {order_number} from {order_date}" msgstr "從 {order_date} 起續訂訂單 {order_number}的發票" msgid "Automatic payment failed for order {order_number}" msgstr "訂單{order_number}的自動付款失敗" msgid "Automatic payment failed for {order_number}, we will retry {retry_time}" msgstr "{order_number}的自動付款失敗,我們將重試{retry_time}" msgid "" "Your {blogname} subscription change from {order_date} is complete - download " "your files" msgstr "您的 {blogname} 訂閱更改從 {order_date} 已完成 - 下載您的檔" msgid "Your {blogname} subscription change from {order_date} is complete" msgstr "您的 {blogname} 訂閱更改從{order_date}已完成" msgctxt "Default email heading for email with downloadable files in it" msgid "Your subscription renewal order is complete - download your files" msgstr "您的續約訂單更新已經完成-可下載您的檔案" msgctxt "email type" msgid "Multipart" msgstr "多種格式" msgctxt "email type" msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" msgctxt "email type" msgid "Plain text" msgstr "純文字" msgctxt "text, html or multipart" msgid "Email type" msgstr "電子郵件類型" msgid "" "This controls the main heading contained within the email notification. " "Leave blank to use the default heading: %s." msgstr "這將控制電子郵件通知中包含的主標題。將其留空以使用默認標題:%s。" msgctxt "" "Name the setting that controls the main heading contained within the email " "notification" msgid "Email Heading" msgstr "電子郵件主旨" msgid "" "This controls the email subject line. Leave blank to use the default " "subject: %s." msgstr "這控制電子郵件標題行。將其留空以使用預設標題:%s。" msgctxt "an email notification" msgid "Enable/Disable" msgstr "啟用/停用" msgctxt "of an email" msgid "Subject" msgstr "標題" msgctxt "of an email" msgid "Recipient(s)" msgstr "收件者" msgid "Your early renewal order was successful." msgstr "您的提前續訂令是成功的。" msgid "Pay now" msgstr "立即付款" msgid "" "Allow customers to bypass the checkout and renew their subscription early " "from their %1$sMy Account > View Subscription%2$s page. %3$sLearn more.%4$s" msgstr "" "允許客戶繞過結帳,並提前從他們的 %1$s我的帳戶更新其訂閱 > 查看訂閱%2$s 頁" "面。%3$s 瞭解更多.%4$s" msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why subscription status changed" msgid "Customer requested to renew early:" msgstr "客戶要求提前續訂:" msgctxt "Notice displayed to user confirming their action." msgid "Your subscription has been cancelled." msgstr "你的訂閱已刪除。" msgid "Today!" msgstr "今天!" msgctxt "input field placeholder for day field for annual subscriptions" msgid "Day" msgstr "日" msgid "Last day of the month" msgstr "當月最後一天" msgctxt "there's a number immediately in front of this text" msgid "days prior to Renewal Day" msgstr "續訂日前幾天" msgid "Synchronisation" msgstr "同步" msgctxt "used in order notes" msgid "Customer switched from: %1$s to %2$s." msgstr "客戶從切換: 從 %1$s 到 %2$s.。" msgid "Synchronise renewals" msgstr "同步續訂" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Switched" msgstr "交換的" msgctxt "a switch type" msgid "Crossgrade" msgstr "切換等級" msgctxt "a switch type" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "升級" msgctxt "a switch type" msgid "Downgrade" msgstr "降級" msgid "Upgrade or Downgrade" msgstr "升級或降級" msgctxt "when to prorate signup fee when switching" msgid "Always" msgstr "總是" msgctxt "when to allow a setting" msgid "Never" msgstr "從未" msgid "" "%1$s Complete payment on %2$sOrder %3$s%4$s to be able to change your " "subscription." msgstr "%1$s 完成付款 %2$s訂單 %3$s%4$s,以便更改您的訂閱。" msgid "every %s" msgstr "每%s" msgid "%1$s on the %2$s day of every %3$s month" msgstr "每%3$s個月的%2$s日 %1$s" msgid "%1$s now, and " msgstr "%1$s 現在,和 " msgctxt "An order type" msgid "Subscription Switch" msgstr "訂閱切換" msgctxt "An order type" msgid "Subscription Renewal" msgstr "訂閱續訂" msgctxt "An order type" msgid "Original" msgstr "原始尺寸" msgid "Parent Order" msgstr "上層訂單" msgid "Resubscribe Order" msgstr "重新訂閱訂單" msgid "Renewal Order" msgstr "續訂" msgctxt "used in a select box" msgid "%1$s-%2$s" msgstr "%1$s-%2$s" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "On-hold" msgstr "暫停" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Failed" msgstr "失敗" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Pending" msgstr "待處理" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Expired" msgstr "已到期" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "取消" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Active" msgstr "已啟用" msgid "Failed to process failed payment on subscription for order #%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "付款失敗 #%1$s: %2$s" msgid "Failed to set subscription as expired for order #%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "無法將訂閱 #%1$s: %2$s 設置為訂單過期" msgid "Failed to activate subscription status for order #%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "無法啟動訂單 #%1$s: %2$s的訂閱狀態" msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why subscription status changed" msgid "Subscription renewal payment due:" msgstr "訂閱續訂付款到期:" msgid "Active for unlimited payments" msgstr "主動支付無限付款" msgid "Active for %d payment" msgid_plural "Active for %d payments" msgstr[0] "主動支付%d" msgid "Unlimited payments" msgstr "無限支付" msgid "Active for x payments" msgstr "啟用 x 付款" msgid "Renewal % discount" msgstr "續約 % 折扣" msgid "Sorry, the \"%1$s\" coupon is only valid for renewals." msgstr "抱歉,\"%1$s\"優惠券只可以用在續約會員資格。" msgid "Sorry, this coupon is only valid for subscription products." msgstr "對不起,此優惠券只適用於訂閱產品。" msgid "Recurring Product % Discount" msgstr "經常性產品%折扣" msgid "Recurring Product Discount" msgstr "經常性產品折扣" msgid "Sign Up Fee % Discount" msgstr "註冊費 % 折扣" msgid "Sign Up Fee Discount" msgstr "註冊費折扣" msgid "Error %d: Unable to create order. Please try again." msgstr "錯誤 %d: 無法產生訂單. 請再試一次." msgctxt "the page title of the add payment method form" msgid "Add payment method" msgstr "新增付款方式" msgctxt "the page title of the change payment method form" msgid "Change payment method" msgstr "變更付款方式" msgid "Payment method added." msgstr "已新增付款方式。" msgid "Choose a new payment method.%s" msgstr "選擇新的付款條件%s" msgid " Next payment is due %s." msgstr " 下一次付款應支付 %s。" msgid "" "A subscription has been removed from your cart. Products and subscriptions " "can not be purchased at the same time." msgstr "訂閱已從您的購物車中刪除。產品和訂閱不能同時購買。" msgid "" "A subscription has been removed from your cart. Due to payment gateway " "restrictions, different subscription products can not be purchased at the " "same time." msgstr "" "訂閱已從您的購物車中刪除。由於支付閘道的限制,無法同時購買不同的訂閱產品。" msgid "" "A subscription renewal has been removed from your cart. Multiple " "subscriptions can not be purchased at the same time." msgstr "加入會員方案已從購物車中刪除,產品和會員方案不能同時購買。" msgid "now" msgstr "現在" msgid "Please enter a valid postcode/ZIP." msgstr "請輸入有效的郵遞區號。" msgctxt "appears in an error message if date is wrong format" msgid "Invalid %s date. The date must be of the format: \"Y-m-d H:i:s\"." msgstr "%s日期無效。日期必須是格式:\"Y-m-d H:i:s\"。" msgid "" "The \"all\" value for $order_type parameter is deprecated. It was a " "misnomer, as it did not return resubscribe orders. It was also inconsistent " "with order type values accepted by wcs_get_subscription_orders(). Use " "array( \"parent\", \"renewal\", \"switch\" ) to maintain previous behaviour, " "or \"any\" to receive all order types, including switch and resubscribe." msgstr "" "$order_type 參數的\"全部\"值已棄用。這是一個錯誤的名稱,因為它沒有返回重新訂" "閱訂單。它還與wcs_get_subscription_orders()接受的訂單類型值不一致。使用陣列" "( \"parent\", \"renewal\", \"switch\" )來保持以前的行為,或使用\"任意\"接收所" "有訂單類型,包括交換器和重新訂閱。" msgid "Subscription #%d: " msgstr "定期購入 #%d: " msgctxt "original denotes there is no date to display" msgid "-" msgstr "-" msgid "Status set to %s." msgstr "狀態設置為%s。" msgid "" "Invalid switch type \"%s\". Switch must be one of: \"upgrade\", \"downgrade" "\" or \"crossgrade\"." msgstr "不正確切換類型\"%s\"。交換器必須是\"升級\"、\"降級\"或\"跨級\"之一。" msgid "" "Subscription locked to Manual Renewal while the store is in staging mode. " "Live payment method: %s" msgstr "在商店處於暫存模式時,訂閱鎖定為手動續訂。即時支付方式:%s" msgid "staging" msgstr "分段" msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why subscription status changed" msgid "Subscription renewal payment retry:" msgstr "訂閱續訂付款重試:" msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why order status changed" msgid "Subscription renewal payment retry:" msgstr "訂閱續訂付款重試:" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Renewal Payment Retry" msgstr "續訂付款重試" msgid "You cannot remove an item that does not exist. " msgstr "不能刪除不存在的專案。" msgid "" "You have successfully removed \"%1$s\" from your subscription. %2$sUndo?%3$s" msgstr "從您的訂閱,您已成功刪除”%1$s”。%2$s 復原? %3$s" msgctxt "used in order note" msgid "Customer removed \"%1$s\" (Product ID: #%2$d) via the My Account page." msgstr "客戶通過\"我的帳戶\"頁面刪除了\"%1$s\"(產品識別碼:#%2$d)。" msgctxt "hash before subscription ID" msgid "Subscription #%d does not exist." msgstr "訂閱 #%d 不存在。" msgid "" "Endpoint for the My Account → Change Subscription Payment Method page" msgstr "我的帳戶的終結點 →更改訂閱付款條件\"頁" msgid "Endpoint for the My Account → View Subscription page" msgstr "我的帳戶 的終結點 →查看訂閱\"頁" msgid "Endpoint for the My Account → Subscriptions page" msgstr "我的帳戶 →訂閱頁的終結點" msgid "My Subscription" msgstr "我的訂閱" msgctxt "hash before order number" msgid "Subscription #%s" msgstr "訂閱#%s" msgid "" "Invalid update type: %s. Post update types supported are \"add\" or \"delete" "\". Updates are done on post meta directly." msgstr "" "無效更新類型:%s.文章更新類型支援為\"新增\"或\"刪除\"。更新直接在後元上完成。" msgid "" "Error saving Subscriptions endpoints: %1$sSubscriptions%2$s, %1$sView " "subscription%2$s and %1$sSubscription payment method%2$s cannot be the same. " "The changes have been reverted." msgstr "" "錯誤保存訂閱終結點:%1$s訂閱%2$s、%1$s查看訂閱%2$s 和 %1$s 訂閱付款條件%2$s 不" "能相同。更改已還原。" msgid "" "Would you like to update your subscriptions to use this new payment method - " "%1$s?%2$sYes%4$s | %3$sNo%4$s" msgstr "是否更新訂閱以使用此新付款條件 - %1$s?%2$s是%4$s |%3$s否%4$s" msgid "" "The deleted payment method was used for automatic subscription payments. To " "avoid failed renewal payments in future the subscriptions using this payment " "method have been updated to use your %1$s. To change the payment method of " "individual subscriptions go to your %2$sMy Account > Subscriptions%3$s page." msgstr "" "已刪除的付款條件用於自動訂閱付款。為了避免將來續訂付款失敗,使用此付款條件的" "訂閱已更新為使用 %1$s。要更改單個訂閱的付款條件,請轉到您的 %2$s我的帳戶 > 訂" "閱%3$s 頁面。" msgid "" "Allow customers to turn on and off automatic renewals from their View " "Subscription page." msgstr "允許客戶從其 查看訂閱頁面 打開和關閉自動續訂。" msgid "Do not limit" msgstr "不要限制" msgid "Customer resubscribed in order #%s" msgstr "按訂單重新訂閱的客戶 #%s" msgid "new related order methods in WCS_Related_Order_Store" msgstr "WCS_Related_Order_Store 中的新相關訂單方法" msgid "Cannot create subscription: %s." msgstr "無法建立訂閱:%s。" msgctxt "API response confirming order note deleted from a subscription" msgid "Permanently deleted subscription note" msgstr "永久刪除訂閱備註" msgctxt "API error message when editing the order failed" msgid "Edit subscription failed with error: %s" msgstr "編輯訂閱失敗,錯誤:%s" msgid "Removed line item meta data." msgstr "已刪除週期項中繼資料。" msgid "Removed line items data." msgstr "已刪除週期專案資料。" msgid "Updating subscription dates errored with message: %s" msgstr "更新訂閱日期錯誤消息:%s" msgid "%s renewal income in this period" msgstr "%s 同期的續訂收入百分比" msgid "%s retry attempts failed" msgstr "%s重試嘗試失敗" msgid "%s renewal orders" msgstr "%s 的續訂訂單" msgid "%s renewal revenue recovered" msgstr "已恢復%s的續訂收入" msgid "Cancellations" msgstr "取消人數" msgid "Last 7 Days" msgstr "最近7天" msgid "Last Month" msgstr "上個月" msgid "%s switch revenue in this period" msgstr "%s 期間的百分比切換收入" msgid "%s renewal revenue in this period" msgstr "%s 同期的續訂收入百分比" msgid "The average line total on all orders for this product line item." msgstr "此產品系列物料的所有訂單的平均週期總計。" msgid "The average line total for this product on each subscription." msgstr "每個訂閱上此產品的平均週期總和。" msgid "Average Recurring Line Total %s" msgstr "平均訂閱週期總計 %s" msgid "Active Subscriptions %s" msgstr "活躍的用戶 %s" msgid "Active Subscriptions" msgstr "啟用訂閱" msgid "Total Subscribers" msgstr "全購読者" msgctxt "X axis label on retention rate graph" msgid "Number of months after sign-up" msgstr "註冊後的月數" msgctxt "X axis label on retention rate graph" msgid "Number of weeks after sign-up" msgstr "註冊後的周數" msgctxt "X axis label on retention rate graph" msgid "Number of days after sign-up" msgstr "註冊後的天數" msgctxt "Whether the Report Cache has been enabled" msgid "Report Cache Enabled" msgstr "報告緩存已啟用" msgid "Timezone:" msgstr "時區:" msgid "Payment:" msgstr "付款" msgid "Recurring:" msgstr "訂閱:" msgid "Billing Period" msgstr "付款週期" msgid "Retry Date" msgstr "再試行日付" msgctxt "post date" msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s A" msgstr "Y-m-d H:i:s" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Total" msgstr "總計" msgid "Error updating some information: %s" msgstr "更新某些訊息時出錯:%s" msgctxt "hash before order number" msgid "#%s" msgstr "#%s" msgctxt "subscription note after linking to a parent order" msgid "Subscription linked to parent order %s via admin." msgstr "通過管理員鏈接到主訂單%s的訂閱。" msgid "Customer's notes about the order" msgstr "有關此訂單的顧客備註" msgid "Customer Provided Note" msgstr "顧客備註" msgctxt "" "The gateway ID displayed on the Edit Subscriptions screen when editing " "payment method." msgid "Gateway ID: [%s]" msgstr "網關ID:[%s]" msgid "Select an order…" msgstr "選擇一張訂單 …" msgid "Parent order:" msgstr "上層訂單:" msgid "Parent order: " msgstr "上層訂單: " msgctxt "edit subscription header" msgid "Subscription #%s details" msgstr "訂閱 #%s 詳情" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Resubscribe Order" msgstr "重新訂閱訂單" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Resubscribed Subscription" msgstr "重新訂閱訂閱" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Parent Order" msgstr "上層訂單" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Renewal Order" msgstr "續訂" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Initial Subscription" msgstr "初始訂閱" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Subscription" msgstr "訂購" msgid "" "Find new gateways that %1$ssupport automatic subscription payments%2$s in " "the official %3$sWooCommerce Marketplace%4$s." msgstr "在官方 %3$s 商店 市場 %4$s中找到 %1$s 支持自動訂閱付款 %2$s 的新網關。" msgid "" "%1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions Installed%2$s – %3$sYou're ready to " "start selling subscriptions!%4$s" msgstr "%1$sWooCommerce 訂閱 安裝%2$s –%3$s 你準備開始銷售訂閱!%4$s" msgid "We can't find a subscription with ID #%d. Perhaps it was deleted?" msgstr "我們找不到ID#%d的訂閱。也許它被刪除了?" msgctxt "there's a number immediately in front of this text" msgid "suspensions per billing period." msgstr "每個結算週期暫停。" msgctxt "options section heading" msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "雜項" msgctxt "option section heading" msgid "Renewals" msgstr "續訂" msgid "" "When a subscription is activated, either manually or after a successful " "purchase, new users will be assigned this role." msgstr "手動或成功購買後激活訂閱時,將為新用戶分配此角色。" msgid "Subscriber Default Role" msgstr "訂戶默認角色" msgid "Place Order Button Text" msgstr "下訂單按鈕文字" msgid "Sign up now" msgstr "立即註冊" msgid "Add to Cart Button Text" msgstr "添加到購物車按鈕文字" msgid "Search Subscriptions" msgstr "搜尋訂閱" msgid "Active subscriber?" msgstr "活躍用戶?" msgctxt "" "used in admin pointer script params in javascript as price pointer content" msgid "" "%1$sSet a Price%2$s%3$sSubscription prices are a little different to other " "product prices. For a subscription, you can set a billing period, length, " "sign-up fee and free trial.%4$s" msgstr "" "%1$s設定價格%2$s%3$s訂閱價格與其他產品價格略有不同。對於訂閱,您可以設置結算" "週期,長度,註冊費和免費試用。%4$s" msgctxt "" "used in admin pointer script params in javascript as type pointer content" msgid "" "%1$sChoose Subscription%2$s%3$sThe WooCommerce Subscriptions extension adds " "two new subscription product types - %4$sSimple subscription%5$s and " "%6$sVariable subscription%7$s.%8$s" msgstr "" "%1$s選擇訂閱%2$s%3$s The WooCommerce訂閱擴展程序添加了兩種新的訂閱產品類型 - " "%4$s簡易訂閱%5$s和%6$s可變式訂閱%7$s。%8$s" msgid "" "Warning: Deleting a user will also delete the user's subscriptions. The " "user's orders will remain but be reassigned to the 'Guest' user.\n" "\n" "Do you want to continue to delete this user and any associated subscriptions?" msgstr "" "警告:刪除用戶也將刪除用戶的訂閱。用戶的訂單將保留,但會重新分配給\"訪客\"用" "戶。\n" "\n" "是否要繼續刪除此用戶和任何關聯的訂閱?" msgid "" "You are deleting a subscription item. You will also need to manually cancel " "and trash the subscription on the Manage Subscriptions screen." msgstr "您正在刪除訂閱項目。您還需要在\"管理訂閱\"屏幕上手動取消和刪除訂閱。" msgid "" "WARNING: Bad things are about to happen!\n" "\n" "The payment gateway used to purchase this subscription does not support " "modifying a subscription's details.\n" "\n" "Changes to the billing period, recurring discount, recurring tax or " "recurring total may not be reflected in the amount charged by the payment " "gateway." msgstr "" "警告:糟糕的事情即將發生!\n" "\n" "用於購買此訂閱的支付網關不支持修改訂閱的詳細信息。\n" "\n" "結算週期,經常性折扣,經常性稅費或經常性總額的變化可能不會反映在支付網關收取" "的金額中。" msgid "" "You are about to trash one or more orders which contain a subscription.\n" "\n" "Trashing the orders will also trash the subscriptions purchased with these " "orders." msgstr "" "您即將刪除包含訂閱的一個或多個訂單。\n" "\n" "刪除訂單也會破壞使用這些訂單購買的訂閱。" msgid "Delete all variations without a subscription" msgstr "無需訂閱即可刪除所有變體" msgid "" "Enter a new interval as a single number (e.g. to charge every 2nd month, " "enter 2):" msgstr "輸入新的間隔作為單個數字(例如,每隔2個月收費,輸入2):" msgid "Enter a new length (e.g. 5):" msgstr "輸入新的長度(例如5):" msgid "Enter the new period, either day, week, month or year:" msgstr "輸入新的期間,日,週,月或年:" msgid "" "Trashing this order will also trash the subscriptions purchased with the " "order." msgstr "刪除此訂單也會刪除隨訂單購買的訂閱。" msgid "" "Unable to change subscription status to \"%s\". Please assign a customer to " "the subscription to activate it." msgstr "無法將訂閱狀態更改為\"%s\"。請指定客戶訂閱以激活它。" msgid "Free trial period" msgstr "免費試用期" msgid "Free trial length" msgstr "免費試用期間" msgid "Subscription billing interval" msgstr "訂閱結算間隔" msgid "Subscription sign-up fee" msgstr "訂購簽約金" msgid "Subscription pricing" msgstr "訂閱價格" msgid "" "Shipping for subscription products is normally charged on the initial order " "and all renewal orders. Enable this to only charge shipping once on the " "initial order. Note: for this setting to be enabled the subscription must " "not have a free trial or a synced renewal date." msgstr "" "訂購產品的運費通常按初始訂單和所有續訂訂單收取。啟用此選項僅在初始訂單上收取" "一次運費。注意:要啟用此設置,訂閱不得具有免費試用版或同步續訂日期。" msgid "One time shipping" msgstr "一次性發貨" msgid "Subscription Trial Period" msgstr "訂閱試用期" msgid "" "Optionally include an amount to be charged at the outset of the " "subscription. The sign-up fee will be charged immediately, even if the " "product has a free trial or the payment dates are synced." msgstr "" "可選地包括在訂閱開始時收取的金額。即使產品有免費試用或付款日期已同步,也會立" "即收取註冊費。" msgid "Sign-up fee (%s)" msgstr "註冊費(%s)" msgctxt "example price" msgid "e.g. 9.90" msgstr "例如9.90" msgid "" "Automatically expire the subscription after this length of time. This length " "is in addition to any free trial or amount of time provided before a " "synchronised first renewal date." msgstr "" "在這段時間後自動使訂閱到期。此長度是在同步的第一個續訂日期之前提供的任何免費" "試用或時間量之外的長度。" msgid "Expire after" msgstr "期限過後" msgid "Subscription period" msgstr "訂閱期限" msgid "Subscription interval" msgstr "訂閱間隔" msgctxt "example price" msgid "e.g. 5.90" msgstr "例如5.90" msgid "Subscription price (%s)" msgstr "訂閱價格 (%s)" msgctxt "Trial period field tooltip on Edit Product administration screen" msgid "" "An optional period of time to wait before charging the first recurring " "payment. Any sign up fee will still be charged at the outset of the " "subscription. %s" msgstr "" "在收取第一次定期付款之前等待的可選時間段。任何註冊費用仍將在訂閱開始時收" "取。%s" msgid "Choose the subscription price, billing interval and period." msgstr "選擇訂閱價格,結算間隔和期間。" msgid "Variable subscription" msgstr "可變式訂閱" msgid "Simple subscription" msgstr "簡易訂閱" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Country / State" msgstr "國家 / 州" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "PayPal Reference Transactions Enabled" msgstr "PayPal參考交易已啟用" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Other" msgstr "其他" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Active Product Key" msgstr "有效產品密鑰" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "WooCommerce Account Connected" msgstr "WooCommerce帳戶已連接" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Subscription Statuses" msgstr "訂閱狀態" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Subscriptions Template Theme Overrides" msgstr "訂閱模板主題覆蓋" msgctxt "refers to live site" msgid "Live" msgstr "線上" msgctxt "refers to staging site" msgid "Staging" msgstr "分期" msgctxt "Live or Staging, Label on WooCommerce -> System Status page" msgid "Subscriptions Mode" msgstr "訂閱模式" msgid "Store Setup" msgstr "商店設置" msgid "Search for a customer…" msgstr "搜索顧客…" msgctxt "used in \"Subscription scheduled for \"" msgid "M j, Y @ G:i" msgstr "Y 年 n 月 j 日 H:i:s" msgid "Subscription scheduled for: %1$s." msgstr "訂閱週期:%1$s。" msgctxt "used in post updated messages" msgid "Subscription restored to revision from %s" msgstr "訂閱從%s恢復到修訂版" msgid "Subscription updated." msgstr "訂閱方案已更新." msgid "Via %s" msgstr "透過 %s" msgid "%d item" msgid_plural "%d items" msgstr[0] "%d 個品項" msgctxt "meaning billing address" msgid "Billing:" msgstr "結算:" msgid "Suspend" msgstr "暫停" msgctxt "number of orders linked to a subscription" msgid "Orders" msgstr "訂單" msgid "Last Order Date" msgstr "最後訂單日期" msgid "Trial End" msgstr "試用結束" msgctxt "Used in order note. Reason why status changed." msgid "Subscription status changed by bulk edit:" msgstr "批量修改更改了訂閱狀態:" msgctxt "an action on a subscription" msgid "Put on-hold" msgstr "擱置" msgctxt "an action on a subscription" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" msgctxt "an action on a subscription" msgid "Activate" msgstr "啟用" msgid "Related Orders" msgstr "相關訂單" msgctxt "meta box title" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "執行排程" msgctxt "meta box title" msgid "Subscription Data" msgstr "訂閱日期" msgid "Server address" msgstr "伺服器位址" msgid "Port number" msgstr "連接埠號碼" msgid "Credential type" msgstr "憑證類型" msgid "Private key" msgstr "私鑰" msgid "Expert support to help you get started with your site." msgstr "我們提供專家支援,協助你開始建立自己的網站。" msgid "24/7 live chat support to help you get started with your site." msgstr "我們提供 24 小時全年無休的即時聊天支援,協助你開始建立自己的網站。" msgid "Email & 24/7 Live Chat Support" msgstr "電子郵件與 24 小時全年無休的即時聊天支援" msgid "Use password" msgstr "使用密碼" msgid "Cancel domain" msgstr "取消網域" msgid "Pay with Paypal" msgstr "使用 PayPal 支付" msgid "" "Build a free website on Choose the best all-in-one solution " "for building your site on the platform that powers %s%% of the web." msgstr "" "透過 建立免費網站。 在支援 %s%% 個網站的強大平台上,選用最出色" "的全方位解決方案打造專屬網站。" msgid "Google Calendar" msgstr "Google行事曆" msgctxt "Premium domain is not available for registration" msgid "Restricted" msgstr "受限" msgid "Patterns list" msgstr "區塊版面配置清單" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Writing" msgstr "寫作" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Work" msgstr "工作" msgctxt "topic" msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Wine" msgstr "葡萄酒" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Wellness" msgstr "保健" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Weddings" msgstr "婚禮" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Travel" msgstr "旅遊" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Television" msgstr "電視" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Technology" msgstr "科技" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Sports" msgstr "運動" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Social Media" msgstr "社交媒體" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Sewing" msgstr "縫紉" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Science" msgstr "科學" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Religion" msgstr "宗教信仰" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Relationships" msgstr "關係" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Recipes" msgstr "食譜" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Reading" msgstr "閱讀" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Publishing" msgstr "出版" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Politics" msgstr "政治" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Poetry" msgstr "詩" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Photography" msgstr "攝影" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Pets" msgstr "寵物" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Parenting" msgstr "育兒" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Outdoors" msgstr "戶外" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Nature" msgstr "自然" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Music" msgstr "音樂" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Movies" msgstr "電影" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Military" msgstr "軍事" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Mental Health" msgstr "心理衛生" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Media" msgstr "媒體" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Literature" msgstr "文學" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Lifestyle" msgstr "生活風格" msgctxt "topic" msgid "LGBTQ" msgstr "LGBTQ" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Language" msgstr "語言" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Kids" msgstr "孩子們" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Journalism" msgstr "新聞業" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Internet" msgstr "網際網路" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Inspiration" msgstr "靈感" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Identity" msgstr "身分" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Humor" msgstr "幽默" msgctxt "topic" msgid "History" msgstr "歷史紀錄" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Health" msgstr "健康" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Gardening" msgstr "園藝" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Gaming" msgstr "玩遊戲" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Food" msgstr "美食" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Fitness" msgstr "健身" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Finance" msgstr "金融" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Fiction" msgstr "小說" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Fashion" msgstr "時尚" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Farming" msgstr "農事" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Family" msgstr "家庭" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Environment" msgstr "環境" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Entertainment" msgstr "娛樂" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Education" msgstr "教育" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Ecommerce" msgstr "電子商務" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Drawing" msgstr "繪畫" msgctxt "topic" msgid "DIY" msgstr "DIY" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Design" msgstr "設計" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Current Events" msgstr "目前活動" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Culture" msgstr "文化" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Crafts" msgstr "手工藝" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Community" msgstr "社群" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Cooking" msgstr "烹飪" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Comics" msgstr "漫畫" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Cars" msgstr "汽車" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Camping" msgstr "露營" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Business" msgstr "商務" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Books" msgstr "書籍" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Blogging" msgstr "網誌" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Beer" msgstr "啤酒" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Beauty" msgstr "美妝" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Baking" msgstr "烘焙" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Authors" msgstr "作者" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Art" msgstr "藝術" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Architecture" msgstr "建築" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Animals" msgstr "動物" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Adventure" msgstr "冒險" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Advice" msgstr "建議" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Activism" msgstr "激進主義" msgid "" "Your installation of the WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin is incomplete. " "Please run %1$s within the %2$s directory." msgstr "" "你的 WooCommerce 區塊功能外掛程式安裝作業尚未完成。請在 %2$s 目錄內執行 " "%1$s。" msgid "Invalid coupons were removed from the cart: \"%s\"" msgstr "已從購物車移除無效的優惠券:「%s」" msgid "Cannot create order from empty cart." msgstr "購物車是空的,無法建立訂單。" msgid "No matching variation found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的子類選項。" msgid "Missing variation data for variable product." msgstr "遺漏變化商品的子類選項資料。" msgid "Invalid value posted for %1$s. Allowed values: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 收到無效的值。允許的值:%2$s" msgid ""%s" is not available for purchase." msgstr "無法購買 "%s"。" msgid "The \"%1$s\" coupon has been removed from your cart: %2$s" msgstr "「%1$s」優惠券已從你的購物車移除:%2$s" msgid "" "\"%s\" has already been applied and cannot be used in conjunction with other " "coupons." msgstr "已使用「%s」,無法與其他優惠券一起使用。" msgid "This product cannot be added to the cart." msgstr "此商品無法加入購物車。" msgid "Coupon code \"%s\" has already been applied." msgstr "已使用優惠券代碼「%s」。" msgid "\"%s\" is an invalid coupon code." msgstr "「%s」是無效的優惠券代碼。" msgid "Unable to retrieve cart." msgstr "無法擷取購物車。" msgid "Cart item is invalid." msgstr "購物車商品無效。" msgid "Number of objects (posts of any type) assigned to the term." msgstr "分派到此字詞的物件 (任何類型的文章) 數目。" msgid "Parent term ID, if applicable." msgstr "上層系字詞 ID (若適用)。" msgid "Term description." msgstr "分類法詞彙的內容說明。" msgid "String based identifier for the term." msgstr "字詞的字串識別碼。" msgid "Add to cart URL." msgstr "加入購物車 URL。" msgid "Button description." msgstr "按鈕描述。" msgid "Add to cart button parameters." msgstr "「加入購物車」按鈕參數。" msgid "" "Is the product stock backordered? This will also return false if backorder " "notifications are turned off." msgstr "商品庫存是否不足? 如果關閉缺貨通知,也會傳回 False。" msgid "Is the product in stock?" msgstr "商品有庫存嗎?" msgid "Is the product purchasable?" msgstr "商品可以購買嗎?" msgid "" "Does the product have additional options before it can be added to the cart?" msgstr "商品在加入購物車前是否需選取額外選項?" msgid "The assigned attribute." msgstr "指派的屬性。" msgid "List of variation attributes." msgstr "變化版本屬性清單。" msgid "List of variation IDs, if applicable." msgstr "商品子類選項 ID 清單 (若適用)。" msgid "The term slug." msgstr "詞彙代稱。" msgid "The term name." msgstr "詞彙名稱。" msgid "The term ID, or 0 if the attribute is not a global attribute." msgstr "詞彙 ID,若屬性非全域屬性則為 0。" msgid "List of assigned attribute terms." msgstr "指派的屬性詞彙清單。" msgid "True if this attribute is used by product variations." msgstr "若此屬性由商品變化版本使用,則為 True。" msgid "The attribute taxonomy, or null if the attribute is not taxonomy based." msgstr "屬性分類法,若屬性未依據分類法則為空值。" msgid "The attribute name." msgstr "屬性名稱。" msgid "The attribute ID, or 0 if the attribute is not taxonomy based." msgstr "屬性 ID,若屬性未依據分類法則為 0。" msgid "Tag link" msgstr "標籤連結" msgid "Tag slug" msgstr "標籤代稱" msgid "Tag ID" msgstr "標籤 ID" msgid "List of tags, if applicable." msgstr "標籤清單 (如適用)。" msgid "Category link" msgstr "類別連結" msgid "Category slug" msgstr "類別代稱" msgid "Category name" msgstr "類別名稱" msgid "List of categories, if applicable." msgstr "類別清單 (如適用)。" msgid "Amount of reviews that the product has." msgstr "產品的評論數。" msgid "Price string formatted as HTML." msgstr "價格字串格式設定為 HTML。" msgid "Price data provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "價格資料 (依貨幣最小單位提供)。" msgid "Is the product on sale?" msgstr "商品在特價嗎?" msgid "Product variation attributes, if applicable." msgstr "商品變化項目屬性 (如適用)。" msgid "ID of the parent product, if applicable." msgstr "上層商品 ID (若適用)。" msgid "Image of the product that the review belongs to." msgstr "評論所屬產品的圖片。" msgid "Permalink of the product that the review belongs to." msgstr "評論所屬產品的永久連結。" msgid "Name of the product that the review belongs to." msgstr "評論所屬產品的名稱。" msgid "" "The date the review was created, in the site's timezone in human-readable " "format." msgstr "評論建立日期 (以網站所在時區和人類可閱讀的格式顯示)。" msgid "Returns number of products with each average rating." msgstr "傳回各平均評分的商品數目。" msgid "Returns number of products within attribute terms." msgstr "傳回屬性字詞相符的產品數量。" msgid "Max price found in collection of products." msgstr "在商品集合中找到的最高價格。" msgid "Min price found in collection of products." msgstr "在商品集合中找到的最低價格。" msgid "" "Min and max prices found in collection of products, provided using the " "smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "產品集合中的最低和最高價格 (依貨幣最小單位提供)。" msgid "Category URL." msgstr "分類網址。" msgid "Number of reviews for products in this category." msgstr "此分類的商品評論數目。" msgid "Category image." msgstr "分類圖片。" msgid "Number of terms in the attribute taxonomy." msgstr "屬性分類法的詞彙數量。" msgid "Attribute type." msgstr "屬性類型。" msgid "If this attribute has term archive pages." msgstr "如果此屬性具有字詞彙整頁面。" msgid "How terms in this attribute are sorted by default." msgstr "此屬性的字詞預設排序方式。" msgid "The attribute taxonomy name." msgstr "屬性分類法名稱。" msgid "Thumbnail sizes for responsive images." msgstr "回應式圖片的縮圖大小。" msgid "Thumbnail srcset for responsive images." msgstr "回應式圖片的縮圖 srcset 屬性。" msgid "Thumbnail URL." msgstr "縮圖網址。" msgid "Full size image URL." msgstr "全尺寸圖片網址。" msgid "Error message" msgstr "錯誤訊息" msgid "Error code" msgstr "錯誤代碼" msgid "" "A URL to redirect the customer after checkout. This could be, for example, a " "link to the payment processors website." msgstr "結帳後重新導向顧客的 URL, 可以是付款處理方網站的連結。" msgid "An array of data being returned from the payment gateway." msgstr "付款閘道傳回的資料陣列。" msgid "" "Status of the payment returned by the gateway. One of success, pending, " "failure, error." msgstr "閘道傳回的付款狀態。成功、待處理、失敗或錯誤。" msgid "Result of payment processing, or false if not yet processed." msgstr "付款處理結果;如果尚未處理則為 False。" msgid "The ID of the payment method being used to process the payment." msgstr "用於處理付款的付款方式 ID。" msgid "Customer ID if registered. Will return 0 for guests." msgstr "顧客 ID (如註冊)。將為訪客傳回 0。" msgid "Note added to the order by the customer during checkout." msgstr "結帳時顧客為訂單新增的備註。" msgid "" "Order key used to check validity or protect access to certain order data." msgstr "訂單金鑰,用於檢查有效性或保護特定訂單資料的存取權限。" msgid "Order status. Payment providers will update this value after payment." msgstr "訂單狀態。支付服務提供者將在付款後更新此值。" msgid "The order ID to process during checkout." msgstr "結帳時需處理的訂單 ID。" msgid "" "True if this is the rate currently selected by the customer for the cart." msgstr "如果這是顧客為購物車目前選取的費率,則為 True。" msgid "Meta data attached to the shipping rate." msgstr "運費附加的中繼資料。" msgid "Instance ID of the shipping method that provided the rate." msgstr "運費送貨方式的執行個體 ID。" msgid "ID of the shipping method that provided the rate." msgstr "運費送貨方式 ID。" msgid "" "Taxes applied to this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "此貨運費率適用稅金 (依貨幣最小單位提供)。" msgid "Price of this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "此運費金額 (依貨幣最小單位提供)。" msgid "Delivery time estimate text, e.g. 3-5 business days." msgstr "預計送達時間文字,例如:3 到 5 個工作日。" msgid "Description of the shipping rate, e.g. Dispatched via USPS." msgstr "運費說明,例如:透過 USPS 派送。" msgid "Name of the shipping rate, e.g. Express shipping." msgstr "運費名稱,例如:快捷送貨。" msgid "ID of the shipping rate." msgstr "運費 ID。" msgid "List of shipping rates." msgstr "運費清單。" msgid "Quantity of the item in the current package." msgstr "目前包裹中此商品的數量。" msgid "Name of the item." msgstr "商品名稱。" msgid "List of cart items the returned shipping rates apply to." msgstr "傳回運費適用的購物車商品清單。" msgid "Shipping destination address." msgstr "送貨目的地地址。" msgid "Name of the package." msgstr "包裹名稱。" msgid "The ID of the package the shipping rates belong to." msgstr "運費所屬包裹 ID。" msgid "" "List of cart item errors, for example, items in the cart which are out of " "stock." msgstr "購物車商品錯誤清單,例如:購物車中的商品已缺貨。" msgid "The amount of tax charged." msgstr "收取的稅額。" msgid "The name of the tax." msgstr "稅金名稱。" msgid "Lines of taxes applied to items and shipping." msgstr "商品和運費應付稅項。" msgid "Total tax applied to items and shipping." msgstr "商品和運費應付總稅額。" msgid "Total price the customer will pay." msgstr "顧客將支付的總金額。" msgid "Total tax removed due to discount from applied coupons." msgstr "使用優惠券折扣而扣減的總稅額。" msgid "Total discount from applied coupons." msgstr "已用優惠券的總折扣。" msgid "Total tax on fees." msgstr "費用總稅額。" msgid "Total price of any applied fees." msgstr "所有適用費用總額。" msgid "Total tax on items in the cart." msgstr "購物車商品總稅額。" msgid "Total price of items in the cart." msgstr "購物車商品總金額。" msgid "Cart total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "購物車總金額 (依貨幣最小單位提供)。" msgid "" "True if the cart needs shipping. False for carts with only digital goods or " "stores with no shipping methods set-up." msgstr "" "如果購物車商品需要運送,則為「是」。購物車中只有數位商品或商店未設定運送方" "式,則為「否」。" msgid "" "True if the cart needs payment. False for carts with only free products and " "no shipping costs." msgstr "" "如果購物車商品需要付款,則為 True。如果購物車內只有免費商品且免運費,則為 " "False。" msgid "Total weight (in grams) of all products in the cart." msgstr "購物車中所有商品的總重量 (以公克為單位)。" msgid "Number of items in the cart." msgstr "購物車中的項目數目。" msgid "List of cart items." msgstr "購物車項目清單。" msgid "List of available shipping rates for the cart." msgstr "購物車可用的運費清單。" msgid "Current set shipping address for the customer." msgstr "顧客目前設定的送貨地址。" msgid "List of applied cart coupons." msgstr "已用於購物車的優惠券清單。" msgid "Line total tax." msgstr "品項稅金總額。" msgid "" "Line total (the price of the product after coupon discounts have been " "applied)." msgstr "品項總計 (使用優惠券折扣後的產品價格)。" msgid "Line subtotal tax." msgstr "品項稅金小計。" msgid "" "Line subtotal (the price of the product before coupon discounts have been " "applied)." msgstr "品項小計 (使用優惠券折扣前的產品價格)。" msgid "Item total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "商品總金額 (依貨幣最小單位提供)。" msgid "Decimal precision of the returned prices." msgstr "傳回價格的小數位數。" msgid "" "Raw unrounded product prices used in calculations. Provided using a higher " "unit of precision than the currency." msgstr "計算時使用的原始產品價格 (未四捨五入)。使用比貨幣更準確的位數提供。" msgid "Price amount." msgstr "價格金額。" msgid "Price range, if applicable." msgstr "價格範圍 (如適用)。" msgid "Sale product price, if applicable." msgstr "特價商品價格 (如適用)。" msgid "Regular product price." msgstr "一般商品價格。" msgid "" "Price data for the product in the current line item, including or excluding " "taxes based on the \"display prices during cart and checkout\" setting. " "Provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "" "現售商品項目的價格資料,金額會依「在購物車和結帳時顯示價格」設定包含或不含稅" "金。依貨幣最小單位提供。" msgid "" "If true, only one item of this product is allowed for purchase in a single " "order." msgstr "如果為 True,每筆訂單限購一個此商品。" msgid "True if the product is on backorder." msgstr "如果商品缺貨,則為 True。" msgid "True if backorders are allowed past stock availability." msgstr "如果允許無庫存可下單,則為 True。" msgid "Stock keeping unit, if applicable." msgstr "庫存單位 (如適用)。" msgid "Quantity left in stock if stock is low, or null if not applicable." msgstr "庫存不足時顯示庫存剩餘數量;若不適用則為 Null。" msgid "Product full description in HTML format." msgstr "HTML 格式的商品完整說明。" msgid "Product short description in HTML format." msgstr "HTML 格式的商品簡短說明。" msgid "Total tax removed due to discount applied by this coupon." msgstr "使用此優惠券而扣減的總稅額。" msgid "The coupons unique code." msgstr "優惠券唯一代碼。" msgid "Total discount applied by this coupon." msgstr "此優惠券的總折扣。" msgid "Total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "總金額 (依貨幣最小單位提供)。" msgid "%1$s requires an instance of %2$s or %3$s for the address" msgstr "%1$s 需要該地址提供 %2$s 或 %3$s" msgid "Country/Region code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format." msgstr "國家/地區 (格式為 ISO 3166-1 二位字母代碼)。" msgid "State/County code, or name of the state, county, province, or district." msgstr "州/郡代碼,或州、郡、省或鄉鎮市 (區) 的名稱。" msgid "Apartment, suite, etc." msgstr "公寓、套房等" msgid "" "Price prefix for the currency which can be used to format returned prices." msgstr "貨幣的價格前綴,可用於格式化傳回的價格。" msgid "" "Thousand separator for the currency which can be used to format returned " "prices." msgstr "貨幣的千位分隔符,可用於格式化傳回的價格。" msgid "" "Decimal separator for the currency which can be used to format returned " "prices." msgstr "貨幣的小數點,可用於格式化傳回的價格。" msgid "" "Currency minor unit (number of digits after the decimal separator) for " "returned prices." msgstr "傳回價格的貨幣小數位數 (小數點後的位數)。" msgid "" "Currency symbol for the currency which can be used to format returned prices." msgstr "貨幣的貨幣符號,可用於格式化傳回的價格。" msgid "Limit result set to products with a certain average rating." msgstr "將結果集限制在具有特定平均評分的商品。" msgid "Currency code (in ISO format) for returned prices." msgstr "傳回價格的貨幣代碼 (ISO 格式)。" msgid "Determines if hidden or visible catalog products are shown." msgstr "判斷是否顯示隱藏或可見的目錄產品。" msgid "" "The logical relationship between attributes when filtering across multiple " "at once." msgstr "一次使用多個條件篩選時,各屬性之間的邏輯關係。" msgid "Operator to compare product attribute terms." msgstr "由操作者比較產品屬性詞彙。" msgid "" "List of attribute slug(s). If a term ID is provided, this will be ignored." msgstr "屬性代稱清單。如果提供字詞 ID,此項目會被略過。" msgid "List of attribute term IDs." msgstr "屬性字詞 ID 清單。" msgid "Attribute taxonomy name." msgstr "屬性分類法名稱。" msgid "Limit result set to products with selected global attributes." msgstr "將結果集限制在具有所選全域屬性的商品。" msgid "" "Limit result set to products based on a maximum price, provided using the " "smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "根據最高價格 (依貨幣最小單位提供) 限定商品結果集。" msgid "" "Limit result set to products based on a minimum price, provided using the " "smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "根據最低價格 (依貨幣最小單位提供) 限定商品結果集。" msgid "Operator to compare product tags." msgstr "比較商品標籤的運算子。" msgid "" "When limiting response using after/before, which date column to compare " "against." msgstr "使用之後/之前限制回應時,用以比較的日期欄。" msgid "Operator to compare product category terms." msgstr "由操作者比較產品目錄詞彙。" msgid "" "Limit response to resources created before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限制在於指定 ISO8601 相容日期之前建立的資源。" msgid "" "Limit response to resources created after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限制在指定 ISO8601 相容日期之後建立的資源。" msgid "Limit result set to reviews from specific product IDs." msgstr "將結果集限定為特定商品 ID 的評論。" msgid "Limit result set to reviews from specific category IDs." msgstr "將結果集限定為特定類別 ID 的評論。" msgid "If true, calculates rating counts for products in the collection." msgstr "如果為「是」,則計算集合中商品的評分數。" msgid "Taxonomy name." msgstr "分類法名稱。" msgid "" "If requested, calculates attribute term counts for products in the " "collection." msgstr "如有要求,則計算集合中商品的屬性字詞計數。" msgid "" "If true, calculates the minimum and maximum product prices for the " "collection." msgstr "如果為「是」,則計算集合中商品價格的最低金額和最高金額。" msgid "Invalid category ID." msgstr "分類 ID 無效。" msgid "Attribute does not exist." msgstr "屬性不存在。" msgid "Unique identifier for the attribute." msgstr "屬性的唯一識別碼。" msgid "Invalid attribute ID." msgstr "無效的屬性 ID。" msgid "No payment method provided." msgstr "未提供付款方式。" msgid "Invalid payment result received from payment method." msgstr "付款方式傳送的付款結果無效。" msgid "Data to pass through to the payment method when processing payment." msgstr "處理付款時要傳送到付款方式的資料。" msgid "ISO code for the country of the address being shipped to." msgstr "送貨地址所在國家/地區的 ISO 代碼。" msgid "Zip or Postcode of the address being shipped to." msgstr "送貨地址的郵遞區號。" msgid "" "ISO code, or name, for the state, province, or district of the address being " "shipped to." msgstr "送貨地址所在州、省或鄉鎮市 (區) 的 ISO 代碼或名稱。" msgid "City of the address being shipped to." msgstr "送貨地址的城市。" msgid "Second line of the address being shipped to." msgstr "送貨地址的第二行。" msgid "First line of the address being shipped to." msgstr "送貨地址的第一行。" msgid "New quantity of the item in the cart." msgstr "購物車中商品的更新數量。" msgid "Unique identifier (key) for the cart item to update." msgstr "要更新的購物車商品唯一識別碼 (金鑰)。" msgid "The chosen rate ID for the package." msgstr "包裹選取的費率 ID。" msgid "Cart item no longer exists or is invalid." msgstr "購物車商品已不存在或無效。" msgid "Unique identifier (key) for the cart item." msgstr "購物車商品的唯一識別碼 (金鑰)。" msgid "Coupon cannot be removed because it is not already applied to the cart." msgstr "無法移除優惠券,因為優惠券尚未用於購物車。" msgid "Invalid coupon code." msgstr "優惠券代碼無效。" msgid "Cart item does not exist." msgstr "購物車項目不存在。" msgid "Unique identifier for the item within the cart." msgstr "購物車內項目的唯一識別碼。" msgid "Coupon does not exist in the cart." msgstr "購物車中沒有優惠券。" msgid "Quantity of this item in the cart." msgstr "購物車中此項目的數量。" msgid "Unique identifier for the coupon within the cart." msgstr "購物車內優惠券的唯一識別碼。" msgid "Cannot create an existing cart item." msgstr "無法建立現有的購物車項目。" msgid "Variation attribute value." msgstr "子類選項屬性值。" msgid "Variation attribute name." msgstr "子類選項屬性名稱。" msgid "Chosen attributes (for variations)." msgstr "選擇的屬性 (適用於子類選項)。" msgid "The cart item product or variation ID." msgstr "購物車項目商品或子類選項 ID。" msgid "If true, empty terms will not be returned." msgstr "如果為 True,不會傳回空白字詞。" msgid "Sort by term property." msgstr "依字詞屬性排序。" msgid "Sort ascending or descending." msgstr "遞增或遞減排序。" msgid "" "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Defaults to no limit " "if left blank." msgstr "結果集內要傳回的商品數上限。如果保留空白,則預設為無限制。" msgid "Method not implemented" msgstr "未執行方法" msgid "" "WooCommerce %1$s table creation failed. Does the %2$s user have CREATE " "privileges on the %3$s database?" msgstr "" "WooCommerce %1$s 資料表建立失敗。%2$s 使用者是否擁有 %3$s 資料庫的 CREATE 權" "限?" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Draft" msgstr "草稿" msgid "" "WooCommerce Blocks development mode requires files to be built. From the " "plugin directory, run %1$s to install dependencies, %2$s to build the files " "or %3$s to build the files and watch for changes." msgstr "" "WooCommerce Blocks 開發模式需要組建檔案。請從外掛程式目錄執行 %1$s 安裝相依" "性;執行 %2$s 組建檔案;若要組建檔案並監視變更,請執行 %3$s。" msgid "Go to category" msgstr "前往分類" msgid "List of categories with their product counts" msgstr "分類清單 (含商品數量)" msgid "%d product" msgid_plural "%d products" msgstr[0] "%d 個產品" msgid "List of categories" msgstr "分類清單" msgid "Product on sale" msgstr "特價商品" msgid "Contact Forms" msgstr "聯絡表單" msgid "Ad network" msgstr "廣告聯盟" msgid "Customer Relationship Management" msgstr "客戶關係管理" msgid "Net Sales" msgstr "淨銷售額" msgid "Biscay" msgstr "比斯開" msgid "Alexandria" msgstr "亞歷山德里亞" msgid "Suez" msgstr "蘇伊士" msgid "North Sinai" msgstr "北西奈" msgid "Al Sharqia" msgstr "東部省" msgid "Sohag" msgstr "索哈傑" msgid "Port Said" msgstr "塞得港" msgid "Matrouh" msgstr "馬特魯" msgid "Monufia" msgstr "米努夫" msgid "Minya" msgstr "明亞" msgid "Luxor" msgstr "路克索" msgid "Qena" msgstr "基納" msgid "Kafr el-Sheikh" msgstr "謝赫村" msgid "Qalyubia" msgstr "蓋盧比尤" msgid "South Sinai" msgstr "南西奈" msgid "Ismailia" msgstr "伊斯梅利亞" msgid "Giza" msgstr "吉薩" msgid "Gharbia" msgstr "西部省" msgid "Faiyum" msgstr "法尤姆" msgid "Damietta" msgstr "杜姆亞特" msgid "Dakahlia" msgstr "代蓋赫利耶" msgid "Beni Suef" msgstr "拜尼蘇威夫" msgid "Beheira" msgstr "布海拉" msgid "Red Sea" msgstr "紅海" msgid "Asyut" msgstr "艾斯尤特" msgid "Aswan" msgstr "亞斯文" msgid "Report table data is being deleted." msgstr "正在刪除報告表格資料。" msgid "[{site_title}]: Your {report_name} Report download is ready" msgstr "[{site_title}]:你的{report_name}報告已可供下載" msgid "Your Report Download" msgstr "你的報告下載檔案" msgid "" "Current page retrieval should be called on or after the `current_screen` " "hook." msgstr "應在「current_screen」hook 或之後呼叫目前頁面擷取。" msgid "Renew Subscription" msgstr "續訂" msgid "" "Your subscription expired on %s. Get a new subscription to continue " "receiving updates and access to support." msgstr "你的訂閱已於 %s到期。取得新的訂閱以繼續接收更新並獲得支援。" msgid "%s subscription expired" msgstr "%s 訂閱已到期" msgid "" "Your subscription expires in %d days. Enable autorenew to avoid losing " "updates and access to support." msgstr "你的訂閱將在 %d 天後到期。啟用自動續訂,以繼續接收更新並獲得支援。" msgid "%s subscription expiring soon" msgstr "%s 訂閱即將到期" msgid "Connect to get important product notifications and updates." msgstr "連結以接收重要的產品通知和更新。" msgid "Connect to" msgstr "連結至" msgid "" "WooCommerce Subscriptions allows you to introduce a variety of subscriptions " "for physical or virtual products and services. Create product-of-the-month " "clubs, weekly service subscriptions or even yearly software billing " "packages. Add sign-up fees, offer free trials, or set expiration periods." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 訂閱可讓你推出各種實體或虛擬商品和服務的訂閱。建立每月商品俱樂" "部、每週服務訂閱,甚至是年度軟體收費方案。新增註冊費、提供免費試用,或設定有" "效期限。" msgid "Do you need more info about WooCommerce Subscriptions?" msgstr "需深入瞭解 WooCommerce 訂閱嗎?" msgid "Try the new way to get paid" msgstr "嘗試付款新方法" msgid "Activate usage tracking" msgstr "啟用使用情況追蹤" msgid "Help WooCommerce improve with usage tracking" msgstr "透過使用方式追蹤功能協助改善 WooCommerce" msgid "" "Gathering usage data allows us to improve WooCommerce. Your store will be " "considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, or " "determine if an improvement makes sense. You can always visit the " "%1$sSettings%3$s and choose to stop sharing data. %2$sRead more%3$s about " "what data we collect." msgstr "" "收集使用情況資料可以協助我們改善 WooCommerce。你的商店會是我們的參考依據,協" "助我們評估新功能、判斷更新項目的品質,或評判改善項目是否見效。你隨時可以造" "訪%1$s「設定」%3$s,選擇停止分享資料%2$s閱讀更多內容%3$s,瞭解我們會收集哪些" "資料。" msgid "Test checkout" msgstr "測試結帳功能" msgid "Don't forget to test your checkout" msgstr "別忘了測試你的結帳功能" msgid "" "Make sure that your checkout is working properly before you launch your " "store. Go through your checkout process in its entirety: from adding a " "product to your cart, choosing a shipping location, and making a payment." msgstr "" "推出商店前,請先確定你的結帳功能可正常運作。請完成完整的結帳程序:即從新增商" "品至購物車開始,到選擇貨運地點並完成付款。" msgid "Get real-time order alerts anywhere" msgstr "隨時隨地收到訂單即時提醒" msgid "" "Get notifications about store activity, including new orders and product " "reviews directly on your mobile devices with the Woo app." msgstr "" "使用 Woo 應用程式,就能直接在行動裝置上收到關於商店活動的通知,包括新訂單和商" "品評論。" msgid "Personalize homepage" msgstr "為首頁增添個人風格" msgid "Personalize your store's homepage" msgstr "為商店的首頁增添個人風格" msgid "" "The homepage is one of the most important entry points in your store. When " "done right it can lead to higher conversions and engagement. Don't forget to " "personalize the homepage that we created for your store during the " "onboarding." msgstr "" "首頁是商店最重要的入口。如果設計得當,可以帶來更高的轉換率和互動次數。我們在" "新手入門教學時為你的商店建立了首頁,別忘了前往修改,展現自己的個人風格。" msgid "Review your orders" msgstr "檢閱訂單" msgid "" "Another order milestone! Take a look at your Orders Report to review your " "orders to date." msgstr "另一個訂單里程碑!查看「訂單報告」,檢閱迄今的訂單。" msgid "" "You've hit the 10 orders milestone! Look at you go. Browse some WooCommerce " "success stories for inspiration." msgstr "" "你已經達到 10 筆訂單的里程碑!太棒了。瀏覽 WooCommerce 成功案例,從中獲得啟" "發。" msgid "" "Congratulations on getting your first order! Now is a great time to learn " "how to manage your orders." msgstr "恭喜你收到第一筆訂單! 現在正是學習如何管理訂單的好時機。" msgid "Congratulations on processing %s orders!" msgstr "你正在處理 %s 筆訂單,恭喜!" msgid "First order received" msgstr "收到第一筆訂單" msgid "" "Starting a fashion website is exciting but it may seem overwhelming as well. " "In this article, we'll walk you through the setup process, teach you to " "create successful product listings, and show you how to market to your ideal " "audience." msgstr "" "建立時尚網站雖令人興奮,卻也似乎讓人頭疼。本文將引導你完成設定程序、教你建立" "成功的商品清單,並展示如何向適合的廣告受眾行銷。" msgid "Start your online clothing store" msgstr "開始經營你的線上服飾店" msgid "" "Take payments with the provider that’s right for you - choose from 100+ " "payment gateways for WooCommerce." msgstr "" "透過適合你的供應商收取付款 — WooCommerce 有超過 100 種付款途徑可供選擇。" msgid "Start accepting payments on your store!" msgstr "開始在商店上接受付款!" msgid "New sales record!" msgstr "創下新的銷售記錄!" msgid "Install Woo mobile app" msgstr "安裝 Woo 行動應用程式" msgid "" "Install the WooCommerce mobile app to manage orders, receive sales " "notifications, and view key metrics — wherever you are." msgstr "" "只要安裝 WooCommerce 行動應用程式,不論身在何處皆可管理訂單、接收銷售通知及" "檢視關鍵指標。" msgid "" "Changing eCommerce platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but " "it is easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and " "orders to WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this " "process." msgstr "" "更換電子商務平台似乎困難重重,但將商品、顧客和訂單轉移到 WooCommerce 比想像中" "容易許多。本文將協助你完成轉移程序。" msgid "Do you want to migrate from Shopify to WooCommerce?" msgstr "要從 Shopify 移轉到 WooCommerce 嗎?" msgid "Ready to launch your store?" msgstr "準備好推出你的商店了嗎?" msgid "" "To make sure you never get that sinking \"what did I forget\" feeling, we've " "put together the essential pre-launch checklist." msgstr "" "為確保你永遠不用經歷「我到底忘了什麼」的沈重感受,我們製作了重要的推出前檢查" "清單。" msgid "Thanks for your feedback" msgstr "感謝你的回饋" msgid "Share feedback" msgstr "分享意見回饋" msgid "" "Now that you’ve chosen us as a partner, our goal is to make sure we're " "providing the right tools to meet your needs. We're looking forward to " "having your feedback on the store setup experience so we can improve it in " "the future." msgstr "" "既然你選擇與我們合作,我們的目標是確保提供合適的工具來滿足你的需求。我們期待" "收到你對商店設定的意見回饋,以便我們之後進行改善。" msgid "Watch tutorial" msgstr "觀看教學課程" msgid "" "This video tutorial will help you go through the process of adding your " "first product in WooCommerce." msgstr "本教學視訊可協助你在 WooCommerce 新增首件商品。" msgid "Do you need help with adding your first product?" msgstr "需協助新增第一件商品嗎?" msgid "Collect and validate EU VAT numbers at checkout" msgstr "結帳時收集並驗證歐盟增值稅號" msgid "" "If your store is based in the EU, we recommend using the EU VAT Number " "extension in addition to automated taxes. It provides your checkout with a " "field to collect and validate a customer's EU VAT number, if they have one." msgstr "" "如果你的商店位於歐盟,建議除了使用自動計算稅額外,另外使用歐盟增值稅號擴充功" "能。該功能會在結帳畫面提供一個欄位,用於收集和驗證顧客的歐盟增值稅號 (如有)。" msgid "" "With our blocks, you can select and display products, categories, filters, " "and more virtually anywhere on your site — no need to use shortcodes or edit " "lines of code. Learn more about how to use each one of them." msgstr "" "我們的區塊可讓你選取商品、類別、篩選器等項目並顯示在網站幾乎所有位置,不需使" "用短代碼或編輯程式碼。深入瞭解如何使用各個區塊。" msgid "Customize your online store with WooCommerce blocks" msgstr "透過 WooCommerce 區塊自訂你的線上商店" msgid "Remove legacy coupon menu" msgstr "移除舊版優惠券選單" msgid "" "Coupons can now be managed from Marketing > Coupons. Click the button below " "to remove the legacy WooCommerce > Coupons menu item." msgstr "" "你現在可從「行銷」>「優惠券」管理優惠券。按一下下方按鈕,即可刪除舊版" "「WooCommerce」>「優惠券」選單項目。" msgid "Coupon management has moved!" msgstr "管理優惠券的地方搬家了!" msgid "The admin note action label prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註動作標籤屬性不可為空白。" msgid "The admin note action name prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註動作名稱屬性不可為空白。" msgid "The admin note layout has a wrong prop value." msgstr "管理員備註版面配置有個 Prop 值不正確。" msgid "The admin note date prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註日期屬性不可為空白。" msgid "The admin note source prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註來源屬性不可為空白。" msgid "The admin note status prop (%s) is not one of the supported statuses." msgstr "管理員備註狀態屬性 (%s) 不是支援的狀態。" msgid "The admin note status prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註狀態屬性不可為空白。" msgid "The admin note content_data prop must be an instance of stdClass." msgstr "管理員備註 content_data 屬性必須為 stdClass 的執行個體。" msgid "The admin note content prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註內容屬性不可為空白。" msgid "The admin note title prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註標題屬性不可為空白。" msgid "The admin note locale prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註地區設定屬性不可為空白。" msgid "The admin note type prop (%s) is not one of the supported types." msgstr "管理員備註類型屬性 (%s) 不是支援的類型。" msgid "The admin note type prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註類型屬性不可為空白。" msgid "The admin note name prop cannot be empty." msgstr "管理員備註名稱屬性不可為空白。" msgid "Invalid admin note" msgstr "無效的管理備註" msgid "Default Date Range" msgstr "預設日期範圍" msgid "Statuses that require extra action on behalf of the store admin." msgstr "需要代表商店管理員採取額外動作的狀態。" msgid "Actionable order statuses" msgstr "可採取動作的訂單狀態" msgid "Statuses that should not be included when calculating report totals." msgstr "計算報告總數時不應包含在內的狀態。" msgid "Excluded report order statuses" msgstr "排除的報告訂單狀態" msgid "Settings for WooCommerce admin reporting." msgstr "WooCommerce 管理員報告設定。" msgid "Profile Setup Wizard" msgstr "個人資料設定精靈" msgid "WooCommerce Onboarding" msgstr "WooCommerce 新手" msgid "Customizable products" msgstr "可自訂的商品" msgid "Bookings" msgstr "預訂" msgid "Physical products" msgstr "實體產品" msgid "Education and learning" msgstr "教育和學習" msgid "CBD and other hemp-derived products" msgstr "CBD 和其他大麻衍生產品" msgid "Home, furniture, and garden" msgstr "住家、家具和花園" msgid "Electronics and computers" msgstr "電子用品和電腦" msgid "Fashion, apparel, and accessories" msgstr "時尚、服飾和配件" msgid "Analytics cache cleared." msgstr "已清除分析快取。" msgid "Clear analytics cache" msgstr "清除分析快取" msgid "A zip file of the theme to be uploaded." msgstr "要上載的佈景主題 zip 檔案。" msgid "Uploaded theme." msgstr "已上載佈景主題。" msgid "Theme installation status." msgstr "佈景主題安裝狀態。" msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified rate ID(s) assigned." msgstr "將結果集限定在已獲派指定費率 ID 的項目。" msgid "Search by similar tax code." msgstr "依類似的稅碼搜尋。" msgid "Product attributes." msgstr "產品屬性。" msgid "%s must contain 2 valid dates." msgstr "%s 必須包含 2 個有效日期。" msgid "%s must contain 2 numbers." msgstr "%s 必須包含 2 個數字。" msgid "Sorry, fetching tax data failed." msgstr "抱歉,擷取稅金資料失敗。" msgid "%1$s is not a numerically indexed array." msgstr "%1$s 不是以數字編列索引的陣列。" msgid "" "Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the " "taxes taxonomy." msgstr "將結果集限定在稅金分類法中所有獲派指定字詞的項目。" msgid "Amount of tax codes." msgstr "稅碼金額。" msgid "Limit result set to items assigned one or more tax rates." msgstr "將結果集限定在獲派一個或多個稅率的項目。" msgid "State." msgstr "州。" msgid "Number of %s products." msgstr "%s產品數目。" msgid "Number of low stock products." msgstr "庫存不足產品的數目。" msgid "Shipping tax." msgstr "貨運稅。" msgid "Order tax." msgstr "訂單稅。" msgid "Total tax." msgstr "稅金總計。" msgid "Product / Variation" msgstr "產品/子項" msgid "Limit result set to items assigned a stock report type." msgstr "將結果集限定在獲派庫存報告類型的項目。" msgid "Manage stock." msgstr "管理庫存。" msgid "Stock status." msgstr "庫存狀態。" msgid "Products sold." msgstr "售出的產品。" msgid "Items sold." msgstr "售出的項目。" msgid "Total of returns." msgstr "退款總計。" msgid "Number of products." msgstr "商品數目。" msgid "Total of taxes." msgstr "稅金總計。" msgid "Total of shipping." msgstr "運費總計。" msgid "Limit result to items with specified variation ids." msgstr "將結果限定在具有指定子項 ID 的項目。" msgid "Human readable segment label, either product or variation name." msgstr "人類看得懂的市場區隔標籤,可以是產品或子項名稱。" msgid "%s (Deleted)" msgstr "%s (已刪除)" msgid "Add additional piece of info about each product to the report." msgstr "將每個產品的其他資訊新增到報告中。" msgid "Limit result to items with specified product ids." msgstr "將結果限定在具有指定產品 ID 的項目。" msgid "Limit result to items from the specified categories." msgstr "將結果限定在指定分類的項目。" msgid "Product variations IDs." msgstr "產品子項 ID。" msgid "Product category IDs." msgstr "產品分類 ID。" msgid "Product inventory threshold for low stock." msgstr "庫存不足的產品庫存門檻。" msgid "Product inventory quantity." msgstr "產品庫存數量。" msgid "Product inventory status." msgstr "產品庫存狀態。" msgid "Product link." msgstr "產品連結。" msgid "Product image." msgstr "產品圖片。" msgid "Number of orders product appeared in." msgstr "產品出現在其中的訂單數量。" msgid "Limit response to specific report stats. Allowed values: %s." msgstr "將回應限定在特定報告統計資料。允許的值:%s。" msgid "There was an issue loading the report endpoints" msgstr "載入報告端點時發生問題" msgid "" "Value of the stat. Returns null if the stat does not exist or cannot be " "loaded." msgstr "統計資料值。如果統計資料不存在或無法載入,將傳回 Null。" msgid "Format of the stat." msgstr "統計資料格式。" msgid "Human readable label for the stat." msgstr "人類看得懂的統計資料標籤。" msgid "The specific chart this stat referrers to." msgstr "這份統計資料引用的具體圖表。" msgid "Average items per order" msgstr "每筆訂單的平均項目數量" msgid "A list of stats to query must be provided." msgstr "你必須提供要查詢的統計資料清單。" msgid "Number of distinct products sold." msgstr "售出的不同產品數量。" msgid "Sorry, fetching performance indicators failed." msgstr "抱歉,擷取績效指標失敗。" msgid "Total distinct customers." msgstr "不重複顧客總數。" msgid "Unique coupons count." msgstr "不重複的優惠券數量。" msgid "Amount discounted by coupons." msgstr "優惠券折扣金額。" msgid "N. Revenue" msgstr "淨收益" msgid "Product(s)" msgstr "產品" msgid "Limit result set to specific types of refunds." msgstr "將結果集限定在退款類型。" msgid "Limit result set to returning or new customers." msgstr "將結果集限定為老顧客或新顧客。" msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified tax rate(s) assigned." msgstr "將結果集限定在未獲派指定稅率的項目。" msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified tax rate(s) assigned." msgstr "將結果集限定在已獲派指定稅率的項目。" msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified coupon(s) assigned." msgstr "將結果集限定在未獲派指定優惠券的項目。" msgid "Order customer information." msgstr "訂單顧客資訊。" msgid "List of order coupons." msgstr "訂單優惠券清單。" msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified coupon(s) assigned." msgstr "將結果集限定在已獲派指定優惠券的項目。" msgid "List of order product IDs, names, quantities." msgstr "訂單產品 ID、名稱、數量清單。" msgid "Returning or new customer." msgstr "老顧客或新顧客。" msgid "Net total revenue." msgstr "淨收益總額。" msgid "Date the order was created, as GMT." msgstr "訂單建立日期 (以 GMT 格式顯示)。" msgid "Date the order was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "訂單建立日期 (以網站時區顯示)。" msgid "All pending and in-progress import actions have been cancelled." msgstr "所有待處理和進行中的匯入作業均已取消。" msgid "Number of items sold." msgstr "售出項目數量。" msgid "Skip importing existing order data." msgstr "略過現有訂單資料的匯入作業。" msgid "Number of days to import." msgstr "匯入所需天數。" msgid "Sorry, there is no export with that ID." msgstr "抱歉,該 ID 沒有匯出內容。" msgid "Your report file is being generated." msgstr "正在產生你的報告檔案。" msgid "There is no data to export for the given request." msgstr "指定的要求沒有資料可匯出。" msgid "Export download URL." msgstr "匯出下載網址。" msgid "Percentage complete." msgstr "完成百分比。" msgid "Regenerate data message." msgstr "重新產生資料訊息。" msgid "Regeneration status." msgstr "重新產生狀態。" msgid "When true, email a link to download the export to the requesting user." msgstr "如果為真,請透過電子郵件傳送匯出下載連結給提出要求的使用者。" msgid "Parameters to pass on to the exported report." msgstr "傳至匯出報告的參數。" msgid "Sorry, fetching downloads data failed." msgstr "抱歉,擷取下載資料失敗。" msgid "Limit response to objects that don't have the specified customer ids." msgstr "將回應限定在沒有指定顧客 ID 的物件。" msgid "Limit response to objects that have the specified customer ids." msgstr "將回應限定在有指定顧客 ID 的物件。" msgid "Number of downloads." msgstr "下載次數。" msgid "Order #" msgstr "訂單號碼" msgid "Limit response to objects that don't have a specified ip address." msgstr "將回應限定在沒有指定 IP 位址的物件。" msgid "Limit response to objects that have a specified ip address." msgstr "將回應限定在有指定 IP 位址的物件。" msgid "Limit response to objects that don't have the specified user ids." msgstr "將回應限定在沒有指定使用者 ID 的物件。" msgid "Limit response to objects that have the specified user ids." msgstr "將回應限定在有指定使用者 ID 的物件。" msgid "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order ids." msgstr "將結果集限定在沒有指定訂單 ID 的項目。" msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified order ids." msgstr "將結果集限定在有指定訂單 ID 的項目。" msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified product(s) assigned." msgstr "將結果集限定在未獲派指定產品的項目。" msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified product(s) assigned." msgstr "將結果集限定在已獲派指定產品的項目。" msgid "" "Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, " "or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: " "products, orders, username, ip_address." msgstr "" "說明結果集的所有條件是否皆應為真,或者只要任一條件符合即足夠。比對會影響以下" "參數:products, orders, username, ip_address." msgid "IP address for the downloader." msgstr "下載程式的 IP 位址。" msgid "User name of the downloader." msgstr "下載程式的使用者名稱。" msgid "User ID for the downloader." msgstr "下載程式的使用者 ID。" msgid "The date of the download, as GMT." msgstr "下載的日期 (以 GMT 格式顯示)。" msgid "The date of the download, in the site's timezone." msgstr "下載的日期 (以網站時區顯示)。" msgid "Order Number." msgstr "訂單號碼。" msgid "ID." msgstr "ID。" msgid "Average AOV per customer." msgstr "每個顧客的平均 AOV。" msgid "Average total spend per customer." msgstr "每位顧客的消費總額。" msgid "Average number of orders." msgstr "平均訂單數量。" msgid "Number of customers." msgstr "顧客人數。" msgid "AOV" msgstr "AOV" msgid "Last Active" msgstr "上次啟用的" msgid "Limit result to items with specified customer ids." msgstr "將結果限定在具有指定顧客 ID 的項目。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with last order after (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "" "將回應限定在指定 ISO8601 合規日期時間之後 (或當時) 發佈最後一筆訂單的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with last order before (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "" "將回應限定在指定 ISO8601 合規日期時間之前 (或當時) 發佈最後一筆訂單的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an average order spend between two given " "numbers." msgstr "將回應限定在訂單消費平均金額介於兩個指定數字之間的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an average order spend less than or equal to " "given number." msgstr "將回應限定在訂單消費平均金額小於或等於指定數字的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an average order spend greater than or equal " "to given number." msgstr "將回應限定在訂單消費平均金額大於或等於指定數字的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with a total order spend between two given numbers." msgstr "將回應限定在訂單消費總額介於兩個指定數字之間的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with a total order spend less than or equal to " "given number." msgstr "將回應限定在訂單消費總額小於或等於指定數字的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with a total order spend greater than or equal to " "given number." msgstr "將回應限定在訂單消費總額大於或等於指定數字的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an order count between two given integers." msgstr "將回應限定在訂單計數介於兩個指定整數之間的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an order count less than or equal to given " "integer." msgstr "將回應限定在訂單計數小於或等於指定整數的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an order count greater than or equal to given " "integer." msgstr "將回應限定在訂單計數大於或等於指定整數的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects last active between two given ISO8601 compliant " "datetime." msgstr "將回應限定在上次啟用時間介於兩個指定的 ISO8601 合規日期的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects last active after (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "" "將回應限定在上次啟用時間為指定 ISO8601 合規日期時間之後 (或當時) 的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects last active before (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "" "將回應限定在上次啟用時間為指定 ISO8601 合規日期時間之前 (或當時) 的物件。" msgid "Limit response to objects excluding emails." msgstr "將回應限定在排除電子郵件的物件。" msgid "Limit response to objects including emails." msgstr "將回應限定在包含電子郵件的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects with a customer field containing the search term. " "Searches the field provided by `searchby`." msgstr "將回應限定在顧客欄位包含搜尋字詞的物件。搜尋「searchby」提供的欄位。" msgid "" "Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, " "or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: " "status_is, status_is_not, product_includes, product_excludes, " "coupon_includes, coupon_excludes, customer, categories" msgstr "" "說明結果集的所有條件是否皆應為真,或者只要任一條件符合即足夠。比對會影響以下" "參數:status_is、status_is_not、product_includes、product_excludes、" "coupon_includes、coupon_excludes、customer、categories" msgid "" "Limit response to resources with orders published before a given ISO8601 " "compliant date." msgstr "將回應限定在在指定 ISO8601 合規日期之前發佈訂單的資源。" msgid "" "Limit response to resources with orders published after a given ISO8601 " "compliant date." msgstr "將回應限定在在指定 ISO8601 合規日期之後發佈訂單的資源。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects registered after (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant " "datetime." msgstr "將回應限定在指定 ISO8601 合規日期時間之後 (或當時) 註冊的物件。" msgid "" "Limit response to objects registered before (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "將回應限定在指定 ISO8601 合規日期時間之前 (或當時) 註冊的物件。" msgid "Avg order value." msgstr "平均訂單金額。" msgid "Total spend." msgstr "消費總額。" msgid "Order count." msgstr "訂單計數。" msgid "Date last active GMT." msgstr "上次啟用的日期 (GMT)。" msgid "Date last active." msgstr "上次啟用的日期。" msgid "Date registered GMT." msgstr "註冊日期 (GMT)。" msgid "Date registered." msgstr "註冊日期。" msgid "Region." msgstr "區域。" msgid "City." msgstr "城市。" msgid "Country / Region." msgstr "國家/地區。" msgid "Username." msgstr "使用者名稱" msgid "User ID." msgstr "使用者 ID。" msgid "" "product_includes parameter need to specify exactly one product when " "segmenting by variation." msgstr "依子項進行市場區隔時,product_includes 參數需要指定一種產品。" msgid "Limit stats fields to the specified items." msgstr "將統計資料欄位限定在指定項目。" msgid "Segment the response by additional constraint." msgstr "依其他條件約束為回應進行市場區隔。" msgid "The date the report end, as GMT." msgstr "報告結束日期 (以 GMT 格式顯示)。" msgid "The date the report end, in the site's timezone." msgstr "報告結束日期 (以網站時區顯示)。" msgid "The date the report start, as GMT." msgstr "報告開始日期 (以 GMT 格式顯示)。" msgid "The date the report start, in the site's timezone." msgstr "報告開始日期 (以網站時區顯示)。" msgid "Number of discounted orders." msgstr "折扣訂單數量。" msgid "Number of coupons." msgstr "優惠券數量。" msgid "Type of interval." msgstr "間隔類型。" msgid "Reports data grouped by intervals." msgstr "依時間間隔為報告資料分組。" msgid "Totals data." msgstr "資料總數。" msgid "Interval subtotals." msgstr "間隔小計。" msgid "Segment identificator." msgstr "市場區隔識別碼。" msgid "Reports data grouped by segment condition." msgstr "依市場區隔條件為報告資料分組。" msgid "(Deleted)" msgstr "(已刪除)" msgid "Add additional piece of info about each coupon to the report." msgstr "將每個優惠券的其他資訊新增到報告中。" msgid "Coupon discount type." msgstr "優惠券折扣類型。" msgid "Coupon expiration date in GMT." msgstr "優惠券到期日 (GMT)。" msgid "Coupon expiration date." msgstr "優惠券到期日。" msgid "Coupon creation date in GMT." msgstr "優惠券建立日期 (GMT)。" msgid "Limit result set to coupons assigned specific coupon IDs." msgstr "將結果集限定在已獲派特定優惠券 ID 的優惠券。" msgid "Coupon creation date." msgstr "優惠券建立日期。" msgid "Coupon ID." msgstr "優惠券 ID。" msgid "API path." msgstr "API 路徑。" msgid "Net discount amount." msgstr "淨折扣金額。" msgid "Customers detailed reports." msgstr "顧客詳細報告。" msgid "Stats about product downloads." msgstr "產品下載統計資料。" msgid "Product download files detailed reports." msgstr "產品下載檔案詳細報告。" msgid "Product downloads detailed reports." msgstr "產品下載詳細報告。" msgid "Stats about taxes." msgstr "稅金統計資料。" msgid "Taxes detailed reports." msgstr "稅金詳細報告。" msgid "Stats about coupons." msgstr "優惠券統計資料。" msgid "Coupons detailed reports." msgstr "優惠券詳細報告。" msgid "Stats about product categories." msgstr "產品分類統計資料。" msgid "Product categories detailed reports." msgstr "產品分類詳細報告。" msgid "Stats about products." msgstr "產品統計資料。" msgid "Products detailed reports." msgstr "產品詳細報告。" msgid "Stats about orders." msgstr "訂單統計資料。" msgid "Stats about revenue." msgstr "收益統計資料。" msgid "" "Batch endpoint for getting specific performance indicators from `stats` " "endpoints." msgstr "從「統計資料」端點取得特定績效指標的批次端點。" msgid "Net Revenue" msgstr "淨收益" msgid "Add additional piece of info about each category to the report." msgstr "將各類別的其他資訊新增到報告中。" msgid "Sorry, fetching revenue data failed." msgstr "抱歉,擷取收益資料失敗。" msgid "" "Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the " "categories taxonomy." msgstr "將結果集限定在類別分類法中所有獲派指定字詞的項目。" msgid "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order status." msgstr "將結果集限定在沒有指定訂單狀態的項目。" msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified order status." msgstr "將結果集限定在有指定訂單狀態的項目。" msgid "Amount of items sold." msgstr "售出的項目金額。" msgid "Invalid response from data store." msgstr "資料存放區的無效回應。" msgid "Product parent name." msgstr "產品上層項名稱。" msgid "Search by similar product name or sku." msgstr "依類似產品名稱或 SKU 搜尋。" msgid "Time interval to use for buckets in the returned data." msgstr "傳回的資料中用於貯體的時間間隔。" msgid "Number of orders." msgstr "訂單數目。" msgid "Action that should be completed to connect Jetpack." msgstr "連結 Jetpack 應該完成的動作。" msgid "Plugin status." msgstr "外掛程式狀態。" msgid "Plugin slug." msgstr "外掛程式代稱。" msgid "Plugin name." msgstr "外掛程式名稱。" msgid "There was an error communicating with the WooCommerce Payments plugin." msgstr "與 WooCommerce Payments 外掛程式通訊時發生錯誤。" msgid "There was an error connecting to Square." msgstr "連結到 Square 時發生錯誤。" msgid "There was an error connecting to Please try again." msgstr "連結到 時發生錯誤。請再試一次。" msgid "There was an error loading the Helper API." msgstr "載入 Helper API 時發生錯誤。" msgid "Jetpack is not installed or active." msgstr "未安裝或未使用 Jetpack。" msgid "There was a problem activating some of the requested plugins." msgstr "啟用部分要求的外掛程式時發生問題。" msgid "Plugins were successfully activated." msgstr "已成功啟用外掛程式。" msgid "The requested plugin `%s` could not be activated." msgstr "無法啟用要求的外掛程式「%s」。" msgid "The requested plugin `%s`. is not yet installed." msgstr "尚未安裝要求的外掛程式「%s」。" msgid "There was a problem installing some of the requested plugins." msgstr "安裝部分要求的外掛程式時發生問題。" msgid "Plugins were successfully installed." msgstr "已成功安裝外掛程式。" msgid "The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed." msgstr "無法安裝要求的外掛程式「%s」。" msgid "" "The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Plugin API call failed." msgstr "無法安裝要求的外掛程式「%s」。外掛程式 API 呼叫失敗。" msgid "Plugins must be a non-empty array." msgstr "外掛程式必須是非空白陣列。" msgid "Limit result set to orders matching part of an order number." msgstr "將結果集限定在符合部分訂單號碼的訂單。" msgid "Array of options with associated values." msgstr "具有關聯值的選項陣列。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot manage these options." msgstr "抱歉,你無法管理這些選項。" msgid "You must supply an array of options and values." msgstr "你必須提供一組選項和數值陣列。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot view these options." msgstr "抱歉,你無法檢視這些選項。" msgid "You must supply an array of options." msgstr "你必須提供一組選項陣列。" msgid "Theme status." msgstr "佈景主題狀態。" msgid "Theme slug." msgstr "佈景主題代稱。" msgid "The requested theme could not be activated." msgstr "無法啟用要求的佈景主題。" msgid "Invalid theme %s." msgstr "無效的佈景主題 %s。" msgid "The requested theme `%s` could not be installed." msgstr "無法安裝要求的佈景主題「%s」。" msgid "The requested theme `%s` could not be installed. Theme API call failed." msgstr "無法安裝要求的佈景主題「%s」。佈景主題 API 呼叫失敗。" msgid "Invalid theme." msgstr "無效的佈景主題。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot manage themes." msgstr "抱歉,你無法管理佈景主題。" msgid "New Products" msgstr "新商品" msgid "On Sale" msgstr "特價中" msgid "Fan Favorites" msgstr "粉絲最愛" msgid "New In" msgstr "新品" msgid "Shop by Category" msgstr "依分類購物" msgid "Sorry, the sample products data file was not found." msgstr "抱歉,找不到樣本產品資料檔案。" msgid "Go shopping" msgstr "前往購物" msgid "Write a short welcome message here" msgstr "在這裡寫一段簡短的歡迎訊息" msgid "Welcome to the store" msgstr "歡迎光臨" msgid "" "Whether or not the store was connected to during the " "extension flow." msgstr "商店是否已在擴充流程期間連結到。" msgid "Whether or not this store was setup for a client." msgstr "是否為客戶設定了此商店。" msgid "Selected store theme." msgstr "選擇的商店佈景主題。" msgid "Extra business extensions to install." msgstr "要安裝的額外商務擴充功能。" msgid "Name of other platform used to sell (not listed)." msgstr "其他銷售平台名稱 (未列出)。" msgid "Name of other platform used to sell." msgstr "用於銷售的其他平台名稱。" msgid "Current annual revenue of the store." msgstr "目前商店的年收益。" msgid "Other places the store is selling products." msgstr "商店銷售產品的其他地方。" msgid "Number of products to be added." msgstr "要新增的產品數量。" msgid "Types of products sold." msgstr "售出的產品類型。" msgid "Industry." msgstr "產業。" msgid "Whether or not the profile was skipped." msgstr "是否略過個人檔案。" msgid "Whether or not the profile was completed." msgstr "個人資料是否已完成。" msgid "Onboarding profile data has been updated." msgstr "已更新新手個人資料。" msgid "Registers whether the note is deleted or not" msgstr "記錄備註是否刪除" msgid "The image of the note, if any." msgstr "備註的圖片 (如有)。" msgid "The layout of the note (e.g. banner, thumbnail, plain)." msgstr "備註版面配置 (例如橫幅、縮圖、純文字)。" msgid "An array of actions, if any, for the note." msgstr "適用於備註的一組動作陣列 (如有)。" msgid "Whether or not a user can request to be reminded about the note." msgstr "使用者是否可要求備註通知。" msgid "Date after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any (GMT)." msgstr "到期後應向使用者提醒備註的日期 (如有) (GMT)。" msgid "Date after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any." msgstr "到期後應向使用者提醒備註的日期 (如有)。" msgid "Date the note was created (GMT)." msgstr "備註的建立日期 (GMT)。" msgid "Date the note was created." msgstr "備註的建立日期。" msgid "Source of the note." msgstr "備註來源。" msgid "The status of the note (e.g. unactioned, actioned)." msgstr "備註的狀態 (例如未採取動作、已採取動作)。" msgid "Content data for the note. JSON string. Available for re-localization." msgstr "備註的內容資料。JSON 字串。可用於重新當地語系化。" msgid "Content of the note." msgstr "備註內容。" msgid "Title of the note." msgstr "備註標題。" msgid "Locale used for the note title and content." msgstr "用於備註標題和內容的地區設定。" msgid "The type of the note (e.g. error, warning, etc.)." msgstr "備註類型 (例如錯誤、警告等等)。" msgid "Name of the note." msgstr "備註名稱。" msgid "ID of the note record." msgstr "備註記錄的 ID。" msgid "Status of note." msgstr "備註狀態。" msgid "Type of note." msgstr "備註類型。" msgid "Sorry, there is no note with that ID." msgstr "抱歉,該 ID 沒有任何備註。" msgid "Sorry, there is no resource with that ID." msgstr "抱歉,該 ID 沒有資源。" msgid "Unique ID for the Note Action." msgstr "備註動作的唯一 ID。" msgid "Unique ID for the Note." msgstr "備註的唯一 ID。" msgid "The plugin could not be activated." msgstr "無法啟用外掛程式。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot manage plugins." msgstr "抱歉,你無法管理外掛程式。" msgid "Invalid plugin." msgstr "無效的外掛程式。" msgid "Table cell value." msgstr "表格儲存格值。" msgid "Table cell display." msgstr "表格儲存格顯示。" msgid "Table rows." msgstr "表格列。" msgid "Table column header." msgstr "表格欄標頭。" msgid "Table headers." msgstr "表格標頭。" msgid "Displayed title for the leaderboard." msgstr "排行榜顯示的標題。" msgid "Leaderboard ID." msgstr "排行榜 ID。" msgid "URL query to persist across links." msgstr "在連結之間保存的網址查詢。" msgid "Top Customers - Total Spend" msgstr "最大顧客 - 消費總額" msgid "Top Coupons - Number of Orders" msgstr "熱門優惠券 - 訂單數量" msgid "Total Spend" msgstr "消費總額" msgid "An endpoint used for searching download logs for a specific IP address." msgstr "用於在下載記錄中搜尋特定 IP 位址的端點。" msgid "IP address." msgstr "IP 位址。" msgid "" "A partial IP address can be passed and matching results will be returned." msgstr "可以傳送部分 IP 位址,並傳回相符結果。" msgid "Invalid request. Please pass the match parameter." msgstr "無效的要求。請傳送比對參數。" msgid "Limit results to coupons with codes matching a given string." msgstr "將結果限定在代碼符合指定字串的優惠券。" msgid "Extensions" msgstr "擴充功能" msgid "Download your %1$s Report: %2$s" msgstr "下載%1$s報告:%2$s" msgid "Download your %s Report" msgstr "下載%s報告" msgid "Edit Product" msgstr "編輯產品" msgid "Edit Coupon" msgstr "編輯優惠券" msgid "Edit Order" msgstr "編輯訂單" msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific slug." msgstr "透過特定動態網址設定商品的限制結果。" msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific code." msgstr "透過特定代碼設定資源的限制結果。" msgid "Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific user IDs." msgstr "將結果集限制為指派給特定使用者 ID 的評論。" msgid "Limit result set to webhooks assigned a specific status." msgstr "Limit result set to webhooks assigned a specific status." msgid "" "Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "給定 ISO8601 相容日期之前,限制已發行資源的回應。" msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific tag ID." msgstr "透過特定標記設定商品的限制結果。" msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific type." msgstr "透過特定類型設定商品的限制結果。" msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific status." msgstr "透過特定狀態指派商品的限制結果。" msgid "Featured product." msgstr "特色商品。" msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific product." msgstr "設定指派特定商品訂單的限制結果。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot update resource." msgstr "抱歉,你無權更新此資源。" msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific customer." msgstr "設定指派特定客戶訂單的限制結果。" msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific status." msgstr "設定指派特定狀態訂單的限制結果。" msgid "Customers do not support trashing." msgstr "客戶不支援銷毀。" msgid "Invalid resource id." msgstr "Invalid resource id." msgid "The resource cannot be deleted." msgstr "資源無法刪除。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this resource." msgstr "抱歉,你並沒擁有編輯此資源的權限。" msgid "You do not have permission to create tax rates" msgstr "你沒有建立稅率的權限" msgid "You do not have permission to read this %s" msgstr "您沒有權限讀取這個%s" msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "預設資料" msgid "You do not have permission to create products" msgstr "您沒有權限建立商品" msgid "You do not have permission to create this customer" msgstr "您沒有權限建立這個顧客" msgid "Account details" msgstr "帳戶詳細資料" msgid "Billing Address" msgstr "帳單地址" msgid "The ID for the resource." msgstr "資源 ID。" msgid "On hold (%s)" msgid_plural "On hold (%s)" msgstr[0] "擱置 (%s)" msgid "Coupons" msgstr "優惠券" msgid "WordPress version" msgstr "WordPress 版本" msgid "Invalid product ID" msgstr "產品編號無效" msgid "Parent category" msgstr "上層分類" msgid "Database prefix" msgstr "資料庫前綴" msgid "New product" msgstr "新商品" msgid "Parent %s" msgstr "上層 %s" msgid "Please re-enter your password." msgstr "請再次輸入您的密碼。" msgid "Backorders?" msgstr "延期出貨?" msgid "State code" msgstr "州碼" msgid "Currency position" msgstr "貨幣符號位置" msgid "Product categories" msgstr "商品分類" msgid "Coupon code" msgstr "優惠券編號" msgid "Address line 2" msgstr "地址第 2 行" msgid "Currency" msgstr "貨幣" msgid "Remove this image" msgstr "移除這張圖片" msgid "You do not have permission to edit Webhooks" msgstr "你沒有編輯網頁鉤子的權限" msgid "Product name" msgstr "商品名稱" msgid "You may also like…" msgstr "您可能也喜歡…" msgid "" "Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review." msgstr "只有註冊並且購買過商品的顧客才能撰寫評價。" msgid "Your review" msgstr "您的評價" msgid "Very poor" msgstr "很差" msgid "Not that bad" msgstr "不錯" msgid "Perfect" msgstr "完美" msgid "Rate…" msgstr "評分…" msgid "%1$s review for %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s reviews for %2$s" msgstr[0] "%2$s 共有 %1$s 則評價" msgid "Awaiting product image" msgstr "等待加入商品圖像" msgid "Next (arrow right)" msgstr "下一個 (方向鍵右)" msgid "Previous (arrow left)" msgstr "前一個 (方向鍵左)" msgid "Zoom in/out" msgstr "放大/縮小" msgid "Be the first to review “%s”" msgstr "搶先評價 “%s”" msgid "Your rating" msgstr "您的評分" msgid "Add a review" msgstr "新增評價" msgid "There are no reviews yet." msgstr "目前沒有評價。" msgid "verified owner" msgstr "已購買" msgid "Your review is awaiting approval" msgstr "您的評價目前等待審核中" msgid "Related products" msgstr "相關商品" msgid "%s customer review" msgid_plural "%s customer reviews" msgstr[0] "%s 則顧客評價" msgid "Toggle fullscreen" msgstr "切換全屏" msgid "Close (Esc)" msgstr "關 (Esc)" msgid "Search products…" msgstr "搜尋商品…" msgid "Order again" msgstr "再次訂貨" msgid "Track" msgstr "追蹤" msgid "Email you used during checkout." msgstr "您在結帳時所輸入的電子郵件信箱" msgid "Billing email" msgstr "帳單寄送電子郵件地址" msgid "Found in your order confirmation email." msgstr "您可以在確認訂單的郵件裡找到訂單編號" msgid "" "To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press " "the \"Track\" button. This was given to you on your receipt and in the " "confirmation email you should have received." msgstr "" "要追蹤您的訂單請在下方的區塊中輸入您的訂單號碼並按下 \"追蹤\" 按鈕。 這個號碼" "在給你的訂購確認信件中會有" msgid "This product is currently out of stock and unavailable." msgstr "此商品目前已售完無法訂購" msgid "Order #%1$s was placed on %2$s and is currently %3$s." msgstr "訂單 #%1$s 存放在 %2$s 並且目前 %3$s。" msgid "Order updates" msgstr "訂單已更新" msgid "%1$s ending in %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 的結尾為 %2$s" msgid "%1$s for %2$s item" msgid_plural "%1$s for %2$s items" msgstr[0] "%1$s 共有 %2$s 件商品" msgid "No saved methods found." msgstr "找不到已儲存的付款方式。" msgid "No order has been made yet." msgstr "目前還沒有訂單" msgid "Recent orders" msgstr "近期訂單" msgid "%s download remaining" msgid_plural "%s downloads remaining" msgstr[0] "可下載 %s 次" msgid "Available downloads" msgstr "可用的下載" msgid "You have not set up this type of address yet." msgstr "您還沒設定這種類型的地址。" msgid "The following addresses will be used on the checkout page by default." msgstr "下列的地址將會在您結帳時自動使用,但您還是可以在結帳時修改成其它地址。" msgid "" "A password reset email has been sent to the email address on file for your " "account, but may take several minutes to show up in your inbox. Please wait " "at least 10 minutes before attempting another reset." msgstr "" "重設密碼的 email 已經寄送到您帳戶登記的 email 信箱,但可能需要幾分鐘的時間才" "會在您信箱的收件匣中顯示出來。再次嘗試重設之前,請至少等待 10 分鐘。" msgid "Password reset email has been sent." msgstr "已送出重設密碼的電子郵件" msgid "Re-enter new password" msgstr "再一次輸入新密碼" msgid "Enter a new password below." msgstr "在下面輸入新的密碼。" msgid "" "This will be how your name will be displayed in the account section and in " "reviews" msgstr "你的名稱在帳戶區段和評論中看起來就像這樣" msgid "Save address" msgstr "儲存地址" msgid "New password (leave blank to leave unchanged)" msgstr "新的密碼 (不更改請留空)" msgid "Current password (leave blank to leave unchanged)" msgstr "目前的密碼 (不更改請留空)" msgid "Password change" msgstr "變更密碼" msgid "" "New payment methods can only be added during checkout. Please contact us if " "you require assistance." msgstr "新的支付方式只能在結帳時加入。若您需要協助,請連絡我們。" msgid "No downloads available yet." msgstr "尚無可下載的檔案" msgid "" "From your account dashboard you can view your recent " "orders, manage your shipping and billing addresses, " "and edit your password and account details." msgstr "" "在您的帳號資訊主頁中,您可以查看 最近的訂單,管理您的 " " 運送和帳單地址編輯您的密碼和帳戶詳" "細資訊。" msgid "Browse products" msgstr "瀏覽產品" msgid "" "From your account dashboard you can view your recent " "orders, manage your billing address, and edit your password and account details." msgstr "" "在你的帳戶控制台裡,你可以檢視近期的訂單、管理你的收貨地址編輯密碼和帳戶詳細資訊。" msgid "Hello %1$s (not %1$s? Log out)" msgstr "您好 %1$s (不是 %1$s? 登出)" msgid "Sale!" msgstr "促銷中!" msgctxt "with first and last result" msgid "Showing %1$d–%2$d of %3$d result" msgid_plural "Showing %1$d–%2$d of %3$d results" msgstr[0] "顯示第 %1$d 至 %2$d 項結果,共 %3$d 項" msgid "%s quantity" msgstr "%s 數量" msgid "No products were found matching your selection." msgstr "找不到符合您選擇的商品" msgid "View order: %s" msgstr "查看訂單: %s" msgid "Click here to reset your password" msgstr "按這裡重設您的密碼" msgid "Customer details" msgstr "顧客資訊" msgid "Showing all %d result" msgid_plural "Showing all %d results" msgstr[0] "顯示所有 %d 個結果" msgid "Showing the single result" msgstr "顯示單一結果" msgid "Shop order" msgstr "商店訂單" msgid "[Order #%1$s] (%2$s)" msgstr "[訂單 #%1$s] (%2$s)" msgid "[Order #%s]" msgstr "[訂單 #%s]" msgid "" "If you didn't make this request, just ignore this email. If you'd like to " "proceed:" msgstr "如果你未曾提出此要求,請忽略此電子郵件。若想繼續進行:" msgid "Billing address" msgstr "帳單地址" msgid "Someone has requested a new password for the following account on %s:" msgstr "某人已索取以下 %s 帳戶的新密碼:" msgid "" "Your order on %s has been refunded. There are more details below for your " "reference:" msgstr "你在 %s 的訂單已完成退款。以下提供更多詳細資料供你參考:" msgid "" "Your order on %s has been partially refunded. There are more details below " "for your reference:" msgstr "你在 %s 的訂單已完成部分退款。以下提供更多詳細資料供你參考:" msgid "" "Just to let you know — we've received your order #%s, and it is now " "being processed:" msgstr "特此通知,我們已收到你的訂單 (編號 %s),且現在正在處理中:" msgid "As a reminder, here are your order details:" msgstr "提醒你,以下是你的訂單詳細資料:" msgid "The following note has been added to your order:" msgstr "你的訂單新增了下列備註:" msgid "" "Thanks for creating an account on %1$s. Your username is %2$s. You can " "access your account area to view orders, change your password, and more at: " "%3$s" msgstr "" "感謝你在 %1$s 建立帳戶。你的使用者名稱為 %2$s。你可以存取帳戶區域以檢視訂單、" "變更密碼以及執行更多操作:%3$s" msgid "Pay for this order" msgstr "支付這筆訂單" msgid "Here are the details of your order placed on %s:" msgstr "以下是你於 %s 提交的訂單之詳細資料:" msgid "" "An order has been created for you on %1$s. Your invoice is below, with a " "link to make payment when you’re ready: %2$s" msgstr "" "已於 %1$s 為你建立訂單。下方為你的購物明細,其中包含你準備就緒時可前往付款的" "連結:%2$s" msgid "We have finished processing your order." msgstr "你的訂單已處理完畢。" msgid "You’ve received the following order from %s:" msgstr "你已收到下列來自 %s 的訂單:" msgid "Payment for order #%1$s from %2$s has failed. The order was as follows:" msgstr "訂單#%1$s由%2$s所訂的付款失敗。訂單內容如下:" msgid "" "Notification to let you know — order #%1$s belonging to %2$s has been " "cancelled:" msgstr "謹此通知 %2$s 的訂單 (訂單編號 %1$s) 已取消:" msgid "Price:" msgstr "定價" msgid "" "Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/" "merchant has declined your transaction. Please attempt your purchase again." msgstr "" "很不幸的您的訂單因爲發起銀行/商人拒絕了您的交易而無法被處理,請試著再購買一" "次。" msgid "Thank you. Your order has been received." msgstr "謝謝,我們已經收到您的訂單。" msgid "Max price" msgstr "最高價格" msgid "Min price" msgstr "最低價格" msgid "Update totals" msgstr "更新總計" msgid "" "Since your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please " "ensure you click the %1$sUpdate Totals%2$s button before placing your order. " "You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so." msgstr "" "由於你的瀏覽器不支援 JavaScript,或是 JavaScript 已停用,請務必先按一" "下%1$s「更新總額」%2$s按鈕,再送出你的訂單。若未完成上述步驟,你可能會被收取" "比上方顯示金額更高的費用。" msgid "" "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. " "Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate " "arrangements." msgstr "" "很抱歉, 似乎沒有您的所在縣市可用的付款方式,如果需要協助或者其他替代方案請聯" "絡我們客服人員。" msgid "Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods." msgstr "請先填完上列表格後就會看到可用的付款方式。" msgid "Ship to a different address?" msgstr "運送到不同的地址?" msgid "" "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your " "location. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make " "alternate arrangements." msgstr "" "很抱歉, 似乎沒有您的所在位置可用的付款方式。 如果需要協助或者其他替代方案請聯" "絡我們客服人員。" msgid "Order number:" msgstr "訂單號碼:" msgid "" "If you have shopped with us before, please enter your details below. If you " "are a new customer, please proceed to the Billing section." msgstr "" "如果你曾向我們購買商品,請在下方輸入你的詳細資料。如果您是新的顧客,請前往" "「帳單」區段。" msgid "If you have a coupon code, please apply it below." msgstr "如果你有優惠券代碼,請在下方套用。" msgid "Returning customer?" msgstr "老顧客?" msgid "Click here to enter your code" msgstr "按此輸入您的優惠碼" msgid "Have a coupon?" msgstr "有優惠券嗎?" msgid "You must be logged in to checkout." msgstr "您必須登入才可結帳。" msgid "Create an account?" msgstr "建立帳戶?" msgid "Billing & Shipping" msgstr "帳單和運送" msgid "Return to cart" msgstr "回到購物車" msgid "" "There are some issues with the items in your cart. Please go back to the " "cart page and resolve these issues before checking out." msgstr "你的購物車項目發生一些問題,請在結帳前回到購物車頁面並解決這些問題。" msgid "Calculate shipping" msgstr "計算運費" msgid "Proceed to checkout" msgstr "前往結帳" msgid "No products in the cart." msgstr "購物車內無任何商品" msgid "You may be interested in…" msgstr "您可能對此有興趣…" msgid "(estimated for %s)" msgstr "(估計值為 %s) " msgid "Cart totals" msgstr "購物車總計" msgid "Enter a different address" msgstr "輸入其他地址" msgid "No shipping options were found for %s." msgstr "找不到 %s 的運送選項。" msgid "" "There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has " "been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help." msgstr "" "沒有可用的送貨選項。請確認輸入正確的地址,如果需要任何協助,請與我們聯絡。" msgid "Enter your address to view shipping options." msgstr "輸入你的地址以檢視運送選項。" msgid "Application authentication request" msgstr "應用程式授權請求" msgid "Coupon:" msgstr "優惠券:" msgid "Shipping costs are calculated during checkout." msgstr "運送費用會在結帳時計入。" msgid "Shipping options will be updated during checkout." msgstr "運送選項會在結帳時更新。" msgid "Shipping to %s." msgstr "運送至 %s。" msgid "Change address" msgstr "變更地址" msgid "" "To connect to %1$s you need to be logged in. Log in to your store below, or " "cancel and return to %1$s" msgstr "" "若要連結到 %1$s 您必須先登入,請在下面登入到您的商店,或者 " "取消並返回到%1$s" msgid "This will give \"%1$s\" %2$s access which will allow it to:" msgstr "這會容許 \"%1$s\" %2$s 存取。" msgid "%s would like to connect to your store" msgstr "%s 想連結到你的商店" msgid "Missing the WooCommerce %s package" msgstr "遺漏 WooCommerce %s 套件" msgid "Not enough units of %s are available in stock to fulfil this order." msgstr "庫存中的 %s 數量不足,故無法完成這筆訂單。" msgid ""%s" is out of stock and cannot be purchased." msgstr "「%s」缺貨,故無法購買。" msgid "" "Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce " "from GitHub, %1$splease refer to this document%2$s to set up your " "development environment." msgstr "" "你的 WooCommerce 安裝作業尚未完成。如果你是透過 GitHub 安裝 WooCommerce,%1$s" "請參閱此文件%2$s 設定開發環境。" msgid "" "Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce " "from GitHub, please refer to this document to set up your development " "environment:" "WooCommerce-development-environment" msgstr "" "你的 WooCommerce 安裝作業尚未完成。如果你是透過 GitHub 安裝 WooCommerce,請參" "閱此文件設定開發環境。" "set-up-WooCommerce-development-environment" msgid "A list of your store's top-rated products." msgstr "最受好評的商品清單。" msgid "Recent Product Reviews" msgstr "近期商品評價" msgid "Display a list of recent reviews from your store." msgstr "顯示商店的最新評論清單。" msgid "Top rated products" msgstr "最受好評商品" msgid "Number of reviews to show" msgstr "顯示的評價數量" msgid "Recent reviews" msgstr "近期評價" msgid "Display a list of a customer's recently viewed products." msgstr "顯示客戶近期瀏覽的商品清單。" msgid "Filter Products by Rating" msgstr "依評價篩選商品" msgid "Display a list of star ratings to filter products in your store." msgstr "顯示一份依星評篩選您商店商品的清單。" msgid "Recently Viewed Products" msgstr "最近查看過的商品" msgid "A list of your store's products." msgstr "您商店商品的清單。" msgid "Product Tag Cloud" msgstr "商品標籤雲" msgid "A cloud of your most used product tags." msgstr "最常使用的商品標籤雲。" msgid "Product Search" msgstr "商品搜尋" msgid "Show hidden products" msgstr "顯示隱藏商品" msgid "Hide free products" msgstr "隱藏免費商品" msgid "DESC" msgstr "降序排列" msgid "ASC" msgstr "升序掛列" msgctxt "Sorting order" msgid "Order" msgstr "排序" msgid "On-sale products" msgstr "特價商品" msgid "Number of products to show" msgstr "顯示的商品數量" msgid "Maximum depth" msgstr "深度上限" msgid "Hide empty categories" msgstr "隱藏空白分類" msgid "Only show children of the current category" msgstr "只顯示目前分類的子分類" msgid "Show product counts" msgstr "顯示商品計數" msgid "Product Categories" msgstr "商品分類" msgid "Filter Products by Price" msgstr "依價格篩選商品" msgid "Display a slider to filter products in your store by price." msgstr "顯示一個滑桿,用來依價格篩選商店中的商品。" msgid "Category order" msgstr "分類排序" msgid "A list or dropdown of product categories." msgstr "商品分類的排列或下拉式清單。" msgid "Any %s" msgstr "任何 %s" msgid "Filter by price" msgstr "由價格篩選" msgid "OR" msgstr "或者" msgid "Filter Products by Attribute" msgstr "依屬性篩選商品" msgid "AND" msgstr "以及" msgid "Query type" msgstr "查詢類型" msgid "Attribute" msgstr "屬性" msgid "Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store." msgstr "顯示屬性清單,用來篩選商店中的商品。" msgid "Active Product Filters" msgstr "啟用商品篩選" msgid "Display a list of active product filters." msgstr "顯示啟用的商品篩選清單。" msgid "Display the customer shopping cart." msgstr "顯示客戶購物車。" msgid "Min %s" msgstr "最小 %s" msgid "Hide if cart is empty" msgstr "隱藏空的購物車" msgid "Please enter an account password." msgstr "請輸入一個帳戶密碼" msgid "Remove filter" msgstr "移除篩選條件" msgid "" "An account is already registered with that username. Please choose another." msgstr "已有帳戶註冊此使用者名稱。請換一個名字。" msgid "Please enter a valid account username." msgstr "請輸入有效的使用者名稱。" msgid "" "An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in." msgstr "" "已經有帳戶以你的電子郵件地址註冊了。請登" "入。" msgid "Rated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer rating" msgid_plural "Rated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer ratings" msgstr[0] "評分 %1$s / 5,已有 %2$s 位顧客進行評分" msgid "Your cart is currently empty." msgstr "您的購物車裡還沒有任何商品。" msgid "Order fully refunded" msgstr "訂單已全額退款" msgctxt "min_price" msgid "From:" msgstr "來自:" msgid "Choose an option" msgstr "請選取一個選項" msgid "Update country / region" msgstr "更新國家/地區或區域" msgid "terms and conditions" msgstr "條款與條件" msgctxt "breadcrumb" msgid "Home" msgstr "首頁" msgid "Reviews (%d)" msgstr "評價 (%d)" msgid "Sort by price: high to low" msgstr "依價格排序:高至低" msgid "Sort by price: low to high" msgstr "依價格排序:低至高" msgid "Sort by average rating" msgstr "依平均評分" msgid "Sort by popularity" msgstr "依熱銷度" msgid "Default sorting" msgstr "預設排序" msgid " – Page %s" msgstr " – 第 %s 頁" msgid "Place order" msgstr "下單購買" msgid "Sort by latest" msgstr "依最新項目排序" msgid "privacy policy" msgstr "隱私權政策" msgid "Checkout is not available whilst your cart is empty." msgstr "無法結帳,購物車是空的" msgid "Error getting remote image %s." msgstr "遠端圖檔讀取錯誤 %s" msgid "Invalid URL %s." msgstr "無效的網址 %s 。" msgid "Stock levels increased:" msgstr "庫存量已增加:" msgid "Unable to restore stock for item %s." msgstr "無法還原商品 %s 的庫存。" msgid "Stock levels reduced:" msgstr "庫存量已減少:" msgid "Unable to reduce stock for item %s." msgstr "無法減少商品 %s 的庫存。" msgid "Invalid image: %s" msgstr "無效圖片:%s" msgid "Shop only" msgstr "只出現在商店" msgid "Shop and search results" msgstr "出現在商店與搜尋結果" msgctxt "slug" msgid "uncategorized" msgstr "uncategorized" msgid "Simple product" msgstr "簡單商品" msgid "Variable product" msgstr "可變商品" msgid "External/Affiliate product" msgstr "外部/加盟商品" msgid "Grouped product" msgstr "組合商品" msgid "" "%1$s should not be called before the %2$s, %3$s and %4$s actions have " "finished." msgstr "在 %2$s、%3$s 和 %4$s 操作完成之前,不應呼叫 %1$s。" msgid "Unpaid order cancelled - time limit reached." msgstr "未付款訂單已取消 - 付款期限已過。" msgid "" "Order status set to refunded. To return funds to the customer you will need " "to issue a refund through your payment gateway." msgstr "訂單狀態設為已退款。若要退還款項給客戶,你需要透過付款閘道核發退款。" msgid "Item #%1$s stock increased from %2$s to %3$s." msgstr "商品 #%1$s 庫存由 %2$s 恢復到 %3$s。" msgid "Order fully refunded." msgstr "訂單已全額退費。" msgid "The payment gateway for this order does not support automatic refunds." msgstr "這訂單竹旳支付方法不支援自動退款。" msgid "The payment gateway for this order does not exist." msgstr "這支付方式在此訂單不適用。" msgid "Invalid refund amount." msgstr "不正確的退款金額。" msgctxt "Price range: from-to" msgid "%1$s – %2$s" msgstr "%1$s – %2$s" msgid "Fixed product discount" msgstr "固定的商品折扣" msgid "Fixed cart discount" msgstr "固定的購物車折扣" msgid "This function should not be called before woocommerce_init." msgstr "此功能不應該在 woocommerce_init 之前呼叫。" msgid "%s in stock" msgstr "%s 件庫存" msgid "(can be backordered)" msgstr "(允許無庫存下單)" msgid "Only %s left in stock" msgstr "庫存只剩 %s" msgid "The class %1$s provided by %2$s filter must implement %3$s." msgstr "%2$s 篩選條件提供的 %1$s 類別必須實作 %3$s。" msgid "%1$s should not be called before the %2$s action." msgstr "執行 %2$s 動作前不應呼叫 %1$s。" msgid "Diners" msgstr "大來" msgid "Visa" msgstr "Visa" msgid "Zambian kwacha" msgstr "尚比亞克瓦查" msgid "Yemeni rial" msgstr "也門里亞爾" msgid "CFP franc" msgstr "太平洋法郎" msgid "West African CFA franc" msgstr "西非法郎" msgid "South African rand" msgstr "南非蘭特" msgid "United States (US) dollar" msgstr "美元" msgid "East Caribbean dollar" msgstr "東加勒比元" msgid "Central African CFA franc" msgstr "中非法郎" msgid "Samoan tālā" msgstr "薩摩亞 tālā" msgid "Vanuatu vatu" msgstr "瓦努阿图瓦图" msgid "Vietnamese đồng" msgstr "越南 đồng" msgid "Venezuelan bolívar" msgstr "Venezuelan bolívar" msgid "Uzbekistani som" msgstr "烏茲別克斯坦索姆" msgid "Uruguayan peso" msgstr "烏拉圭比索" msgid "Ugandan shilling" msgstr "烏干達先令" msgid "Tanzanian shilling" msgstr "坦桑尼亞先令" msgid "New Taiwan dollar" msgstr "新臺幣" msgid "Trinidad and Tobago dollar" msgstr "特立尼達和多巴哥元" msgid "Tongan paʻanga" msgstr "湯加 paʻanga" msgid "Tunisian dinar" msgstr "突尼斯第納爾" msgid "Turkmenistan manat" msgstr "土庫曼斯坦馬納特" msgid "Tajikistani somoni" msgstr "塔吉克斯坦索莫尼" msgid "Ukrainian hryvnia" msgstr "Ukrainian Hryvnia" msgid "Turkish lira" msgstr "新土耳其里拉" msgid "Thai baht" msgstr "泰銖" msgid "Bolívar soberano" msgstr "委內瑞拉玻利瓦" msgid "Swazi lilangeni" msgstr "斯威士蘭里蘭吉尼" msgid "Syrian pound" msgstr "敘利亞鎊" msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe dobra" msgstr "São Tomé and Príncipe dobra" msgid "South Sudanese pound" msgstr "南蘇丹鎊" msgid "Surinamese dollar" msgstr "蘇利南元" msgid "Somali shilling" msgstr "索馬利亞先令" msgid "Sierra Leonean leone" msgstr "塞拉利昂利昂" msgid "Saint Helena pound" msgstr "聖赫勒拿磅" msgid "Sudanese pound" msgstr "蘇丹鎊" msgid "Seychellois rupee" msgstr "塞席爾盧比" msgid "Solomon Islands dollar" msgstr "所羅門群島元" msgid "Rwandan franc" msgstr "盧旺達法郎" msgid "Serbian dinar" msgstr "塞爾維亞第納爾" msgid "Qatari riyal" msgstr "卡達里亞爾" msgid "Paraguayan guaraní" msgstr "巴拉圭 guaraní" msgid "Transnistrian ruble" msgstr "德涅斯特河沿岸盧布" msgid "Saudi riyal" msgstr "Saudi Riyal" msgid "Swedish krona" msgstr "瑞典克朗" msgid "Singapore dollar" msgstr "新加坡元" msgid "Russian ruble" msgstr "俄羅斯盧布" msgid "Romanian leu" msgstr "羅馬尼亞列伊" msgid "Polish złoty" msgstr "波蘭茲羅提" msgid "Papua New Guinean kina" msgstr "巴布亞新幾內亞基納" msgid "Panamanian balboa" msgstr "巴拿馬巴波亞" msgid "Omani rial" msgstr "阿曼里亞爾" msgid "Nepalese rupee" msgstr "尼泊爾盧比" msgid "Nicaraguan córdoba" msgstr "尼加拉瓜 córdoba" msgid "Namibian dollar" msgstr "納米比亞元" msgid "Mozambican metical" msgstr "莫桑比克梅蒂卡爾" msgid "Malawian kwacha" msgstr "馬拉威克瓦查" msgid "Maldivian rufiyaa" msgstr "馬爾地夫拉菲亞" msgid "Mauritian rupee" msgstr "模里西斯盧比" msgid "Mauritanian ouguiya" msgstr "毛里塔尼亞烏吉亞" msgid "Macanese pataca" msgstr "澳元" msgid "Mongolian tögrög" msgstr "蒙古圖格里克" msgid "Burmese kyat" msgstr "缅元" msgid "Macedonian denar" msgstr "馬其頓代納爾" msgid "Malagasy ariary" msgstr "馬達加斯加阿里亞里" msgid "Pakistani rupee" msgstr "Pakistani Rupee" msgid "Philippine peso" msgstr "菲律賓披索" msgid "New Zealand dollar" msgstr "紐西蘭元" msgid "Norwegian krone" msgstr "挪威克朗" msgid "Nigerian naira" msgstr "奈及利亞奈拉" msgid "Mexican peso" msgstr "墨西哥披索" msgid "Malaysian ringgit" msgstr "馬來西亞令吉" msgid "Sol" msgstr "秘魯新索爾幣" msgid "Iranian toman" msgstr "伊朗托曼" msgid "North Korean won" msgstr "韓圜" msgid "Moldovan leu" msgstr "摩爾多瓦列伊" msgid "Moroccan dirham" msgstr "摩洛哥迪拉姆" msgid "Libyan dinar" msgstr "利比亞第納爾" msgid "Lesotho loti" msgstr "萊索托洛蒂" msgid "Liberian dollar" msgstr "利比里亚元" msgid "Sri Lankan rupee" msgstr "斯里蘭卡盧比" msgid "Lebanese pound" msgstr "黎巴嫩镑" msgid "Kazakhstani tenge" msgstr "哈萨克斯坦腾格" msgid "Cayman Islands dollar" msgstr "開曼群島元" msgid "Kuwaiti dinar" msgstr "科威特第納爾" msgid "Comorian franc" msgstr "葛摩法郎" msgid "Cambodian riel" msgstr "柬埔寨瑞爾" msgid "Kyrgyzstani som" msgstr "吉爾吉斯斯坦索姆" msgid "Jordanian dinar" msgstr "約旦第納爾" msgid "Jamaican dollar" msgstr "牙買加元" msgid "Jersey pound" msgstr "澤西島鎊" msgid "Icelandic króna" msgstr "冰島克朗" msgid "Iranian rial" msgstr "伊朗里亞爾" msgid "Iraqi dinar" msgstr "伊拉克第納爾" msgid "Manx pound" msgstr "曼島鎊" msgid "Israeli new shekel" msgstr "以色列新謝克爾" msgid "Kenyan shilling" msgstr "Kenyan shilling" msgid "South Korean won" msgstr "韓圓" msgid "Lao kip" msgstr "Lao Kip" msgid "Indian rupee" msgstr "印度盧比" msgid "Indonesian rupiah" msgstr "印尼盾" msgid "Hungarian forint" msgstr "匈牙利福林" msgid "Haitian gourde" msgstr "海地古德" msgid "Honduran lempira" msgstr "宏都拉斯倫皮拉" msgid "Guyanese dollar" msgstr "圭亞那元" msgid "Guatemalan quetzal" msgstr "瓜地馬拉格查爾" msgid "Guinean franc" msgstr "幾內亞法郎" msgid "Gambian dalasi" msgstr "甘比亞達拉西" msgid "Gibraltar pound" msgstr "直布羅陀鎊" msgid "Ghana cedi" msgstr "迦納塞地" msgid "Guernsey pound" msgstr "根西島鎊" msgid "Georgian lari" msgstr "格魯吉亞拉里" msgid "Falkland Islands pound" msgstr "福克蘭群島磅" msgid "Fijian dollar" msgstr "斐濟元" msgid "Euro" msgstr "歐元" msgid "Ethiopian birr" msgstr "衣索比亞比爾" msgid "Eritrean nakfa" msgstr "厄立特里亞納克法" msgid "Algerian dinar" msgstr "阿爾及利亞第納爾" msgid "Djiboutian franc" msgstr "吉布提法郎" msgid "Cape Verdean escudo" msgstr "佛得角埃斯庫多" msgid "Cuban peso" msgstr "古巴比索" msgid "Cuban convertible peso" msgstr "古巴可兑换比索" msgid "Costa Rican colón" msgstr "哥斯達黎加科朗" msgid "Egyptian pound" msgstr "Egyptian Pound" msgid "Pound sterling" msgstr "英鎊" msgid "Croatian kuna" msgstr "克羅埃西亞庫納" msgid "Hong Kong dollar" msgstr "港幣" msgid "Dominican peso" msgstr "多明尼加比索" msgid "Danish krone" msgstr "丹麥克朗" msgid "Czech koruna" msgstr "捷克克朗" msgid "Belarusian ruble (old)" msgstr "Belarusian ruble (old)" msgid "Congolese franc" msgstr "剛果法郎" msgid "Belize dollar" msgstr "伯利兹元" msgid "Belarusian ruble" msgstr "白俄羅斯盧布" msgid "Botswana pula" msgstr "波札那普拉" msgid "Bhutanese ngultrum" msgstr "不丹努爾特魯姆" msgid "Bitcoin" msgstr "比特幣" msgid "Bahamian dollar" msgstr "巴哈馬元" msgid "Bolivian boliviano" msgstr "玻利維亞諾" msgid "Brunei dollar" msgstr "文莱元" msgid "Bermudian dollar" msgstr "百慕達元" msgid "Burundian franc" msgstr "布隆迪法郎" msgid "Bahraini dinar" msgstr "巴林第納爾" msgid "Barbadian dollar" msgstr "巴巴多斯元" msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark" msgstr "波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那可兌換馬克" msgid "Azerbaijani manat" msgstr "阿塞拜疆馬納特" msgid "Swiss franc" msgstr "瑞士法郎" msgid "Colombian peso" msgstr "哥倫比亞披索" msgid "Chinese yuan" msgstr "人民幣" msgid "Chilean peso" msgstr "智利披索" msgid "Canadian dollar" msgstr "加幣" msgid "Bulgarian lev" msgstr "保加利亞列弗" msgid "Brazilian real" msgstr "巴西雷亞爾" msgid "Bangladeshi taka" msgstr "Bangladeshi Taka" msgid "Aruban florin" msgstr "阿魯巴弗羅林" msgid "Angolan kwanza" msgstr "安哥拉寬扎" msgid "Netherlands Antillean guilder" msgstr "荷蘭安的列斯盾" msgid "Armenian dram" msgstr "亞美尼亞德拉姆" msgid "Albanian lek" msgstr "阿爾巴尼亞列克" msgid "Afghan afghani" msgstr "阿富汗阿富汗尼" msgid "Australian dollar" msgstr "澳幣" msgid "Argentine peso" msgstr "Argentine Peso" msgid "United Arab Emirates dirham" msgstr "阿拉伯聯合大公國迪拉姆" msgid "action_args should not be overwritten when calling wc_get_template." msgstr "呼叫 wc_get_template 時不應覆寫 action_args。" msgid "%s does not exist." msgstr "%s 不存在。" msgid "Invalid products in request body." msgstr "要求本文中的商品無效。" msgid "Missing products in request body." msgstr "要求本文中遺漏商品。" msgid "Server requirements not met, missing requirement(s): %s." msgstr "不符合伺服器需求,未達成的需求為:%s。" msgid "Unknown product filename." msgstr "未知的商品檔案名稱。" msgid "Could not find unpacked path." msgstr "找不到解壓縮路徑。" msgid "Could not find download path." msgstr "找不到下載路徑。" msgid "Could not find download url for the product." msgstr "找不到該商品的下載 URL。" msgctxt "shipping packages" msgid "Shipping %d" msgstr "運送 %d" msgid "Continue shopping" msgstr "繼續購物" msgid "%s has been added to your cart." msgid_plural "%s have been added to your cart." msgstr[0] "%s 已加入您的購物車" msgid "[Remove]" msgstr "[移除]" msgid "Free shipping coupon" msgstr "免運費優惠券" msgid "Could not find product package." msgstr "找不到商品包裝。" msgid "Missing product subscription" msgstr "遺漏產品訂閱" msgid "Failed to retrieve product info from" msgstr "無法從 擷取商品資訊" msgctxt "shipping packages" msgid "Shipping" msgstr "運送方式" msgid "Please, provide an attribute name." msgstr "請提供屬性名稱。" msgid "" "Sorry, the order could not be found. Please contact us if you are having " "difficulty finding your order details." msgstr "抱歉,找不到該筆訂單。若無法順利找到你的訂單詳細資料,請聯絡我們。" msgid "Could not update the attribute." msgstr "無法更新該屬性。" msgctxt "edit-address-slug" msgid "shipping" msgstr "shipping" msgctxt "edit-address-slug" msgid "billing" msgstr "billing" msgid "This product is protected and cannot be purchased." msgstr "此項商品被鎖定無法購買" msgid "" "This key is invalid or has already been used. Please reset your password " "again if needed." msgstr "重設金鑰已失效或被佔用中。如有需要,請再次重設密碼。" msgid "Please enter a valid order ID" msgstr "請輸入正確的訂單編號" msgid "Invalid username or email." msgstr "使用者名稱或電子郵件無效。" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to log out? Confirm and log out" msgstr "您確定要登出嗎?確認並登出" msgid "Your password has been reset successfully." msgstr "你的密碼已於最近成功重置。" msgid "" "The order totals have been updated. Please confirm your order by pressing " "the \"Place order\" button at the bottom of the page." msgstr "訂單已經更新完成. 請按下頁面底部的[下單購買]按鈕來確認訂單." msgid "" "Sorry, \"%s\" is no longer in stock so this order cannot be paid for. We " "apologize for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "抱歉,「%s」已無存貨,因此無法支付此訂單。造成不便,敬請見諒。" msgid "" "This order’s status is “%s”—it cannot be paid for. " "Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "" "此訂單’s 狀態為 “%s”—it 無法付款,請連絡我們以提供協" "調。" msgid "" "This order cannot be paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "該訂單無法支付。若需要協助請聯絡我們。" msgid "" "You are paying for a guest order. Please continue with payment only if you " "recognize this order." msgstr "你正在支付訪客訂單。除非你能認出這張訂單,否則不要繼續付款程序。" msgid "Please log in to your account below to continue to the payment form." msgstr "請於下方登入您的帳戶以完成結帳。" msgid "Optional cost for local pickup." msgstr "對於本地運輸的可選性費用" msgid "" "Allow customers to pick up orders themselves. By default, when using local " "pickup store base taxes will apply regardless of customer address." msgstr "" "允許客戶自行挑選訂單。 依預設,當使用本地取貨時,無論客戶地址為何,都會套用基" "本稅金。" msgid "Shipping costs updated." msgstr "運費更新完成。" msgid "Sorry, this order is invalid and cannot be paid for." msgstr "抱歉,這張訂單無效無法付款" msgid "Local pickup (legacy)" msgstr "到店自取 (傳統)" msgid "What ZIP/post codes are available for local pickup?" msgstr "什麼郵遞區號可以使用自取?" msgid "Local pickup" msgstr "到店自取" msgid "" "Separate codes with a comma. Accepts wildcards, e.g. P* will " "match a postcode of PE30. Also accepts a pattern, e.g. NG1___ " "would match NG1 1AA but not NG10 1AA" msgstr "" "用逗號(,)分隔編號。 可接受萬用字元, 像是 P* 將可包括PE30的郵遞區" "號。 也接受樣式。 像是 NG1___ 將可以包括h NG1 1AA 但不包括 NG10 " "1AA" msgid "What ZIP/post codes are available for local delivery?" msgstr "什麼郵遞區號可以使用本地運送?" msgid "Allowed ZIP/post codes" msgstr "允許的郵遞區號" msgid "" "What fee do you want to charge for local delivery, disregarded if you choose " "free. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "你想收取的本地運送費用, 如果選擇免費則無視。 留白以關閉選項。" msgid "Delivery fee" msgstr "運送費用" msgid "Fixed amount per product" msgstr "按照每個商品的固定價格" msgid "Percentage of cart total" msgstr "購物車總數百分比" msgid "Fixed amount" msgstr "固定數量" msgid "How to calculate delivery charges" msgstr "如何計算運送費用" msgid "Fee type" msgstr "費用類型" msgid "Local delivery" msgstr "本地運送" msgid "Local delivery (legacy)" msgstr "本地運送 (舊版)" msgid "International flat rate (legacy)" msgstr "國際單一費率 (舊版)" msgid "Free shipping (legacy)" msgstr "免費運送 (舊版)" msgid "Excluding selected countries" msgstr "排除選取的國家" msgid "Selected countries" msgstr "選取的國家" msgid "" "Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents%] | Per cost type (order, class, " "or item)" msgstr "選項名稱 | 額外費用 [+- 百分比%] | 每筆費用類型 (訂單, 等級, 或項目)" msgid "Method availability" msgstr "是否可用" msgid "" "One per line: Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents] | Per cost type " "(order, class, or item) Example: Priority mail | 6.95 [+ 0.2%] | " "order." msgstr "" "每一列格式: 選項名稱 | 額外費用t [+- 百分比] | 每一費用形式 (訂單, 級別, 或項" "目) 例如:: 快捷郵件 | 6.95 [+ 0.2%] | 訂單." msgid "" "These rates are extra shipping options with additional costs (based on the " "flat rate)." msgstr "這些是額外收費的運送選項 (基於單一費率)" msgid "Specific countries" msgstr "特定國家" msgid "Once disabled, this legacy method will no longer be available." msgstr "一但停用後,傳統的運送方式將會被取消。" msgid "Additional rates" msgstr "額外的費率" msgid "Select some countries" msgstr "選擇一些國家" msgid "All allowed countries" msgstr "所有允許的國家" msgid "Availability" msgstr "是否可用" msgid "Specific Countries" msgstr "特定國家" msgid "" "Supports the following placeholders: [qty] = number of items, " "[cost] = cost of items, [fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=" "\"20\"] = Percentage based fee." msgstr "" "支援下列的標記符號: [qty] = 數量, [cost] = 價格, " "[fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=\"20\"] = 百分比基底的費用" msgid "" "This method is deprecated in 2.6.0 and will be removed in future versions - " "we recommend disabling it and instead setting up a new rate within your Shipping zones." msgstr "" "此設定在 2.6.0 已被棄用並在未來版本中將會完全移除 - 我們建議您關閉它並在 運送區域 中增加新的運送方式來取代目前的設定。" msgid "Flat rate (legacy)" msgstr "單一費率 (舊版)" msgid "" "If checked, free shipping would be available based on pre-discount order " "amount." msgstr "如果勾選這個選項,我們會根據折扣前的訂單金額提供免運服務。" msgid "" "Users will need to spend this amount to get free shipping (if enabled above)." msgstr "消費者可以獲得免運費的最低消費金額 (如果上面有啟用)" msgid "Apply minimum order rule before coupon discount" msgstr "在使用優惠券折扣前套用最低訂單金額規則" msgid "Coupons discounts" msgstr "優惠券折扣" msgid "" "Free shipping is a special method which can be triggered with coupons and " "minimum spends." msgstr "免費運送是特殊方法,可以由優惠券和最低消費金額觸發。" msgid "Per order: Charge shipping for the most expensive shipping class" msgstr "每一訂單: 收取最貴的運送類別費用" msgid "Per class: Charge shipping for each shipping class individually" msgstr "每一分級:收取每個運送類別的費用" msgid "Calculation type" msgstr "計算方式" msgid "No shipping class cost" msgstr "無運送類別費用" msgid "\"%s\" shipping class cost" msgstr "\"%s\" 運送類別費用" msgid "" "These costs can optionally be added based on the product " "shipping class." msgstr "這些是基於商品運送類別可加選的費用" msgid "Free shipping" msgstr "免費運送" msgid "" "Use [qty] for the number of items,
[cost] for " "the total cost of items, and [fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=\"20\" " "max_fee=\"\"] for percentage based fees." msgstr "" "使用 [qty] 作為商品項目的數量,
[cost] 為商品" "項目的總費用,並使用 [fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=\"20\" max_fee=\"\"] 作為基於百分比的費用。" msgid "Shipping class costs" msgstr "運送類別費用" msgid "Method title" msgstr "方案標題" msgid "Enter a cost (excl. tax) or sum, e.g. 10.00 * [qty]." msgstr "輸入一個價格 (不含稅) 或 總計, 像是 10.00 * [qty]。" msgid "Lets you charge a fixed rate for shipping." msgstr "讓您收取固定的運送費用。" msgid "Flat rate" msgstr "單一費率" msgid "Shipping is disabled." msgstr "運送方式已停用。" msgid "Taxonomy does not exist." msgstr "分類法不存在。" msgid "Default product category cannot be deleted." msgstr "無法刪除預設產品分類。" msgid "An identifier for the group this setting belongs to." msgstr "此設定所屬的群組識別碼。" msgid "Attributes totals." msgstr "屬性總數。" msgid "Tags totals." msgstr "標籤總數。" msgid "Categories totals." msgstr "分類總數。" msgid "Cannot set attributes due to invalid parent product." msgstr "由於上層產品無效,因此無法設定屬性。" msgid "Reviews totals." msgstr "評論總數。" msgid "Coupons totals." msgstr "優惠券總數。" msgid "Customers totals." msgstr "客戶總數。" msgid "Products totals." msgstr "產品總數。" msgid "Orders totals." msgstr "訂單總數。" msgid "Amount of reviews." msgstr "評論數。" msgid "Review type name." msgstr "評論類型名稱。" msgid "Amount of products." msgstr "商品數。" msgid "Product type name." msgstr "商品類型名稱。" msgid "Amount of orders." msgstr "訂單數。" msgid "Order status name." msgstr "訂單狀態名稱。" msgid "Amount of customers." msgstr "客戶數。" msgid "Customer type name." msgstr "客戶類型名稱。" msgid "Non-paying customer" msgstr "非付費客戶" msgid "Paying customer" msgstr "付費客戶" msgid "Amount of coupons." msgstr "優惠券數。" msgid "Coupon type name." msgstr "優惠券類型名稱。" msgid "Variation status." msgstr "變化版本狀態。" msgid "Limit result set to products with specified stock status." msgstr "限定結果為具特庫存狀態的商品。" msgid "Invalid review ID." msgstr "無效的評論 ID。" msgid "Controls the stock status of the product." msgstr "控制產品的庫存狀態。" msgid "Limit result set to that from a specific author email." msgstr "將結果集限制為來自特定作者電子郵件。" msgid "Ensure result set excludes reviews assigned to specific user IDs." msgstr "確保結果集排除指派給特定使用者 ID 的評論。" msgid "Avatar URLs for the object reviewer." msgstr "物件評論者的大頭貼 URL。" msgid "The object has already been trashed." msgstr "物件已經被丟棄。" msgid "Status of the review." msgstr "評論狀態。" msgid "Unique identifier for the product that the review belongs to." msgstr "評論所屬商品的唯一識別碼。" msgid "The object cannot be deleted." msgstr "物件無法刪除。" msgid "The object does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "物件不支援移至垃圾桶功能。設定「%s」以刪除。" msgid "Updating review failed." msgstr "更新評論失敗。" msgid "Updating review status failed." msgstr "更新評論狀態失敗。" msgid "Product review field exceeds maximum length allowed." msgstr "商品評論欄位超過最大字元數限制。" msgid "Invalid review content." msgstr "無效的評論內容。" msgid "Unique identifier for the product." msgstr "產品唯一識別碼。" msgid "Cannot create existing product review." msgstr "無法建立既有的商品評論。" msgid "" "Limit response to reviews published before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限制為指定 ISO8601 相容日期之前發佈的評論。" msgid "Supported features for this payment gateway." msgstr "此付款閘道的支援功能。" msgid "Limit result set to orders which have specific statuses." msgstr "限制特定狀態訂單設定的結果。" msgid "" "If true, this note will be attributed to the current user. If false, the " "note will be attributed to the system." msgstr "" "其值為 true 時,此備註將歸於目前的使用者。其值為 false 時,此備註將歸於系統。" msgid "Order note author." msgstr "訂單備註作者。" msgid "Full name of currency." msgstr "貨幣完整名稱。" msgid "There are no currencies matching these parameters." msgstr "無貨幣符合這些參數。" msgid "ISO4217 currency code." msgstr "ISO4217 貨幣代碼。" msgid "Data resource description." msgstr "資料資源說明。" msgid "Data resource ID." msgstr "資料資源 ID。" msgid "List of supported currencies." msgstr "支援貨幣清單。" msgid "List of supported states in a given country." msgstr "指定國家/地區支援的州/省清單。" msgid "List of supported continents, countries, and states." msgstr "支援的洲、國家/地區及州/省清單。" msgid "The unit weights are defined in for this country." msgstr "針對此國家/地區定義的單位重量。" msgid "Thousands separator for displayed prices in this country." msgstr "此國家/地區顯示價格中的千位分隔符號。" msgid "Full name of state." msgstr "州/省完整名稱。" msgid "List of states in this country." msgstr "此國家/地區的州/省清單。" msgid "Number of decimal points shown in displayed prices for this country." msgstr "此國家/地區顯示價格中使用的小數位數。" msgid "Full name of country." msgstr "國家/地區完整名稱。" msgid "The unit lengths are defined in for this country." msgstr "針對此國家/地區定義的單位長度。" msgid "Decimal separator for displayed prices for this country." msgstr "此國家/地區顯示價格中的小數分隔符號。" msgid "Currency symbol position for this country." msgstr "此國家/地區的貨幣符號位置。" msgid "Default ISO4127 alpha-3 currency code for the country." msgstr "此國家/地區的預設 ISO4127 alpha-3 貨幣代碼。" msgid "ISO3166 alpha-2 country code." msgstr "ISO3166 alpha-2 國家/地區代碼。" msgid "List of countries on this continent." msgstr "此洲上的國家/地區清單。" msgid "List of delete resources." msgstr "已刪除資源清單。" msgid "List of updated resources." msgstr "已更新資源清單。" msgid "Full name of continent." msgstr "洲完整名稱。" msgid "There are no locations matching these parameters." msgstr "無地點符合這些參數。" msgid "2 character continent code." msgstr "2 字元洲碼。" msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "Terms and conditions" msgstr "服務條款" msgid "The date the webhook was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "webhook上次修改的日期,以格林威治標準時間(GMT)顯示。" msgid "The date the webhook was created, as GMT." msgstr "webhook 創建日期,以格林威治標準時間(GMT)顯示。" msgid "The date the webhook delivery was logged, as GMT." msgstr "Webhook所傳送的日期已紀錄,以格林威治標準時間(GMT)顯示。" msgid "List of created resources." msgstr "已建立資源清單。" msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "My account" msgstr "我的帳戶" msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "Checkout" msgstr "結帳" msgid "Terms in the product visibility taxonomy." msgstr "商品可見性的具體分類方法。 " msgid "WooCommerce pages." msgstr "WooCommerce 頁面" msgid "Hide errors from visitors?" msgstr "隱藏訪客的錯誤?" msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "Cart" msgstr "購物車" msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "Shop base" msgstr "商店起點" msgid "cURL installed but unable to retrieve version." msgstr "已安裝 cURL 但無法擷取版本。" msgid "Total post count." msgstr "文章總數。" msgid "Number of decimals." msgstr "小數位數。" msgid "Decimal separator." msgstr "小數點符號。" msgid "Thousand separator." msgstr "千位分隔符。" msgid "Taxonomy terms for product/order statuses." msgstr "產品/訂單狀態的分類字詞。" msgid "Geolocation enabled?" msgstr "已啟用地理位置?" msgid "Currency symbol." msgstr "貨幣符號" msgid "SSL forced?" msgstr "強制 SSL ?" msgid "REST API enabled?" msgstr "你的網站是否啟用 REST API?" msgid "Parent theme author URL." msgstr "父佈景作者網址。" msgid "Parent theme version." msgstr "父佈景版本。" msgid "Parent theme name." msgstr "父佈景名稱。" msgid "Template overrides." msgstr "覆蓋樣板。" msgid "Does this theme have outdated templates?" msgstr "此主題有過時的樣版?" msgid "Does the theme have a woocommerce.php file?" msgstr "此主題有 woocommerce.php 檔案?" msgid "Does the theme declare WooCommerce support?" msgstr "此主題宣稱支援 WooCommerce ?" msgid "Settings." msgstr "設定" msgid "Security." msgstr "安全性" msgid "Currency position." msgstr "貨幣符號位置。" msgid "Currency." msgstr "貨幣" msgid "Active plugins." msgstr "啟用的外掛。" msgid "MaxMind GeoIP database." msgstr "MaxMind GeoIP 資料庫。" msgid "Is this theme a child theme?" msgstr "這個主題是子主題嗎?" msgid "Theme author URL." msgstr "主題作者的網址。" msgid "Latest version of theme." msgstr "主題的最新版本。" msgid "Theme version." msgstr "主題版本。" msgid "Theme name." msgstr "主題名稱。" msgid "Database tables." msgstr "資料庫表單。" msgid "Dropins & MU plugins." msgstr "Dropin 和必備外掛。" msgid "Inactive plugins." msgstr "閒置外掛。" msgid "WC database version." msgstr "WC 資料庫版本。" msgid "Remote GET response." msgstr "遠端 Get 回應。" msgid "Remote GET successful?" msgstr "遠端 GET 成功?" msgid "Remote POST response." msgstr "遠端 POST 回應。" msgid "Remote POST successful?" msgstr "遠程發佈成功?" msgid "Is mbstring enabled?" msgstr "是否啟用了mbstring?" msgid "Is GZip enabled?" msgstr "啟用了GZip嗎?" msgid "Is DomDocument class enabled?" msgstr "是否啟用了DomDocument?" msgid "Is SoapClient class enabled?" msgstr "是否啟用SoapClient?" msgid "Is fsockopen/cURL enabled?" msgstr "是否啟用fsockopen/cURL?" msgid "Database prefix." msgstr "資料庫前置詞" msgid "Database." msgstr "資料庫" msgid "MySQL version string." msgstr "MySQL 版本字串。" msgid "MySQL version." msgstr "MySQL 版本。" msgid "Max upload size." msgstr "最大檔案上傳大小。" msgid "PHP max input vars." msgstr "PHP 最大輸入變數。" msgid "Default timezone." msgstr "預設時區。" msgid "PHP max execution time." msgstr "PHP 最長執行時間。" msgid "Theme." msgstr "佈景主題。" msgid "PHP version." msgstr "PHP 版本" msgid "PHP post max size." msgstr "PHP 單次上載檔案大小總計上限" msgid "cURL version." msgstr "cURL 版本" msgid "Server info." msgstr "主機資訊。" msgid "Home URL." msgstr "首頁網址" msgid "There was an error calling this tool. There is no callback present." msgstr "呼叫此工具時出錯。沒有回應存在。" msgid "WordPress language." msgstr "WordPress 語系。" msgid "Are WordPress cron jobs enabled?" msgstr "已啟用 WordPress 的定期排程?" msgid "Is WordPress debug mode active?" msgstr "是否已啟用 WordPress 的除錯模式?" msgid "WordPress memory limit." msgstr "WordPress 記憶體限制。" msgid "Is WordPress multisite?" msgstr "是否為 WordPress 多站點?" msgid "WordPress version." msgstr "WordPress 版本" msgid "Is log directory writable?" msgstr "記錄檔目錄是否可寫入 ?" msgid "Log directory." msgstr "記錄檔目錄" msgid "WooCommerce version." msgstr "WooCommerce 版本" msgid "Environment." msgstr "主機環境" msgid "Tool ran." msgstr "工具已運行。" msgid "There was an error calling %s" msgstr "在呼叫 %s 時發生錯誤" msgid "Verifying database... One or more tables are still missing: " msgstr "正在驗證資料庫…仍缺少一或多個資料表:" msgid "Database verified successfully." msgstr "資料庫驗證成功。" msgid "You need WooCommerce 4.2 or newer to run this tool." msgstr "你需要 WooCommerce 4.2 或更新版本才能執行此工具。" msgid "" "The active version of WooCommerce does not support template cache clearing." msgstr "WooCommerce 現用版本不支援範本快取清除。" msgid "Template cache cleared." msgstr "已清除範本快取。" msgid "Database upgrade routine has been scheduled to run in the background." msgstr "資料庫升級常式已排程在背景中執行。" msgid "Thumbnail regeneration has been scheduled to run in the background." msgstr "縮圖重新產生作業已排程於背景中執行。" msgid "All missing WooCommerce pages successfully installed" msgstr "已成功安裝所有消失的WooCommerce頁面" msgid "Tax rates successfully deleted" msgstr "稅率已成功刪除。" msgid "%d permissions deleted" msgstr "已刪除的 %d 權限" msgid "Deleted all active sessions, and %d saved carts." msgstr "已刪除所有作用中的工作階段及 %d 個已儲存的購物車。" msgid "%d orphaned variations deleted" msgstr "已刪除 %d 個孤立的變化類型" msgid "Tool return message." msgstr "工具回傳訊息。" msgid "Did the tool run successfully?" msgstr "工具是否成功運行?" msgid "Tool description." msgstr "工具描述。" msgid "Terms successfully recounted" msgstr "項目已成功重新計算" msgid "Roles successfully reset" msgstr "角色已成功重設" msgid "%d transients rows cleared" msgstr "%d 列暫存已清除" msgid "Product transients cleared" msgstr "商品暫存已清除" msgid "Lookup tables are regenerating" msgstr "正在重新產生查閱表格" msgid "What running the tool will do." msgstr "運行該工具將會做什麼。" msgid "Tool name." msgstr "工具名稱。" msgid "A unique identifier for the tool." msgstr "工具的單一識別碼。" msgid "Invalid tool ID." msgstr "無效的工具編號。" msgid "Verify if all base database tables are present." msgstr "驗證所有基底資料庫資料表是否皆存在。" msgid "Verify database" msgstr "驗證資料庫" msgid "Verify base database tables" msgstr "驗證基底資料庫資料表" msgid "" "This tool will update your WooCommerce database to the latest version. " "Please ensure you make sufficient backups before proceeding." msgstr "" "此工具會將你的 WooCommerce 資料庫更新至最新版本。請確定已完成必要的備份,再繼" "續進行。" msgid "" "This will regenerate all shop thumbnails to match your theme and/or image " "settings." msgstr "這將會重新產生全部的商店縮圖,以配合你的佈景主題及/或圖片設定。" msgid "Regenerate shop thumbnails" msgstr "重新生成店鋪縮圖" msgid "" "This option will delete ALL of your tax rates, use with caution. This action " "cannot be reversed." msgstr "此選項會刪除你所有的稅率,請小心使用。此動作無法復原。" msgid "Delete tax rates" msgstr "刪除稅率" msgid "" "This tool will install all the missing WooCommerce pages. Pages already " "defined and set up will not be replaced." msgstr "" "這個工具將會安裝所有缺少的 WooCommerce 頁面,所有已經定義的頁面及設定將被取" "代。" msgid "Delete WooCommerce tax rates" msgstr "刪除所有 WooCommerce 稅率" msgid "" "This tool will delete all customer session data from the database, including " "current carts and saved carts in the database." msgstr "" "這個工具會清除資料庫中所有顧客工作階段資料,包括目前使用的購物車和資料庫中儲" "存的購物車。" msgid "Create default WooCommerce pages" msgstr "建立預設 WooCommerce 頁面" msgid "This tool will empty the template cache." msgstr "此工具將清空範本快取。" msgid "Clear template cache" msgstr "清除範本快取" msgid "Clear customer sessions" msgstr "清除客戶工作階段" msgid "" "This tool will reset the admin, customer and shop_manager roles to default. " "Use this if your users cannot access all of the WooCommerce admin pages." msgstr "" "這個工具將會重設管理者, 顧客以及商店管理員的角色為預設值。如果你的使用者無法" "存取 WooCommerce 管理頁面時使用它" msgid "" "This tool will recount product terms - useful when changing your settings in " "a way which hides products from the catalog." msgstr "" "這個工具將會重新計算商品項目數量 - 這在你變更在型錄隱藏商品的設定之後很有用" msgid "Term counts" msgstr "項目數量" msgid "" "This tool will regenerate product lookup table data. This process may take a " "while." msgstr "此工具會重新產生產品查閱表格資料。此程序可能須花費一段時間。" msgid "" "This tool will delete expired download permissions and permissions with 0 " "remaining downloads." msgstr "此工具將刪除已過期的下載權限以及 0 個剩餘下載項目的權限。" msgid "Product lookup tables" msgstr "產品查閱表格" msgid "Clean up download permissions" msgstr "清除下載權限" msgid "Used-up download permissions" msgstr "用盡下載權限" msgid "This tool will delete all variations which have no parent." msgstr "此工具會刪除所有沒有上層的變化類型。" msgid "Delete orphaned variations" msgstr "刪除孤立的變化" msgid "Orphaned variations" msgstr "孤立的變化 " msgid "This tool will clear ALL expired transients from WordPress." msgstr "這個工具將會清除所有 WordPress 過期的暫存" msgid "WooCommerce transients" msgstr "WooCommerce 暫存值" msgid "Expired transients" msgstr "過期的暫存" msgid "This tool will clear the product/shop transients cache." msgstr "這個工具將會清除商品/商店暫存快取" msgid "Clear transients" msgstr "清除暫存" msgid "Shipping zones do not support trashing." msgstr "運送區域不支援刪除。" msgid "" "Resource cannot be created. Check to make sure 'order' and 'name' are " "present." msgstr "資源無法建立。檢查以確保 '訂單' 和 '名稱' 存在。" msgid "Unique ID for the instance." msgstr "執行個體的單一編號。" msgid "Shipping method settings." msgstr "運送方式設定" msgid "Shipping method enabled status." msgstr "運送方式啟用狀態。" msgid "Shipping method sort order." msgstr "運送方式排序。" msgid "Shipping method customer facing title." msgstr "客戶所見的運送方式標題。" msgid "Shipping method instance ID." msgstr "運送方式的實例編號。" msgid "Shipping methods do not support trashing." msgstr "運送方式並不支援清除。" msgid "Resource cannot be created." msgstr "無法建立資源。" msgid "" "The \"locations not covered by your other zones\" zone cannot be updated." msgstr "無法更新「其他區域未涵蓋的位置」區域。" msgid "Unique ID for the zone." msgstr "區域的單一編號。" msgid "Shipping zone location type." msgstr "運送區域位置類型。" msgid "Shipping zone location code." msgstr "運送區域位置代碼。" msgid "Unique ID for the resource." msgstr "資源的單一編號。" msgid "Method ID." msgstr "方法的編號。" msgid "No setting groups have been registered." msgstr "尚未註冊任何設定群組。" msgid "Shipping method description." msgstr "運送方式描述。" msgid "Shipping method title." msgstr "運送方式標題。" msgid "IDs for settings sub groups." msgstr "子群組設定的編號。" msgid "ID of parent grouping." msgstr "父項群組的編號。" msgid "A unique identifier that can be used to link settings together." msgstr "單一識別碼可將設定值連結在一起。" msgid "" "Array of options (key value pairs) for inputs such as select, multiselect, " "and radio buttons." msgstr "用於諸如選擇,多重選擇和單選按鈕等輸入的選項(鍵值對)數組。" msgid "Define if the variation is visible on the product's page." msgstr "定義產品頁是否顯示變化類型。" msgid "Settings group ID." msgstr "設定群組編號。" msgid "Invalid setting." msgstr "無效的設定。" msgid "Invalid setting group." msgstr "無效的設定群組。" msgid "Parent product does not match current variation." msgstr "上層產品不符合目前的變化版本。" msgid "Limit result set to products based on a maximum price." msgstr "透過最高價格設定產品的限制結果。" msgid "Limit result set to products based on a minimum price." msgstr "透過最低價格設定產品的限制結果。" msgid "Variation description." msgstr "變化類型說明。" msgid "Limit result set to products in stock or out of stock." msgstr "將結果限於庫存或缺貨產品。" msgid "Limit result set to products on sale." msgstr "限定結果為特價商品。" msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific tax class." msgstr "將結果集限制為具有特定稅務類別的產品。" msgid "" "Limit result set to products with a specific attribute. Use the taxonomy " "name/attribute slug." msgstr "透過特定屬性設定產品的限制結果。使用分類名稱/屬性代稱。" msgid "" "Limit result set to products with specific SKU(s). Use commas to separate." msgstr "將結果集限制為具有特定 SKU 的產品。以逗號分隔。" msgid "Limit result set to featured products." msgstr "將結果限於特色商品。" msgid "End date of sale price, as GMT." msgstr "折扣價的結束日期,使用 GMT 格式。" msgid "End date of sale price, in the site's timezone." msgstr "折扣價的結束日期,以網站的時區顯示。" msgid "List of variations IDs." msgstr "變化編號清單。" msgid "List of up-sell products IDs." msgstr "進階銷售商品 ID 清單。" msgid "The date the product was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "最後修改產品的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the product was created, as GMT." msgstr "建立產品的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "Start date of sale price, as GMT." msgstr "折扣價格的開始日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "Start date of sale price, in the site's timezone." msgstr "折扣價的開始日期,以網站的時區顯示。" msgid "The date the review was created, as GMT." msgstr "評價的建立日期,以格林威治標準時間(GMT)顯示。" msgid "Additional help text shown to the user about the setting." msgstr "關於設定的附加協助說明文字。" msgid "The date the image was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "最後修改圖片的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the image was created, as GMT." msgstr "建立圖片的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "Placeholder text to be displayed in text inputs." msgstr "要顯示在文字輸入的預留位置文字。" msgid "Type of setting." msgstr "設定類型。" msgid "A human readable description for the setting used in interfaces." msgstr "簡單易讀的說明,關於介面中所使用的設定。" msgid "Default value for the setting." msgstr "設定的預設值。" msgid "Setting value." msgstr "設定值。" msgid "A human readable label for the setting used in interfaces." msgstr "用於界面設定上的一組可供人閱讀的標籤。" msgid "Payment gateway settings." msgstr "付款閘道設定。" msgid "Payment gateway method description." msgstr "付款閘道方式說明。" msgid "Payment gateway method title." msgstr "付款閘道方式標題。" msgid "Payment gateway enabled status." msgstr "付款閘道方式已啟用狀態。" msgid "The date the order was completed, as GMT." msgstr "完成訂單的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the order was paid, as GMT." msgstr "訂單已付款的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "Payment gateway sort order." msgstr "付款閘道方式排序順序。" msgid "Payment gateway description on checkout." msgstr "結帳時,付款閘道的說明。" msgid "Payment gateway title on checkout." msgstr "結帳時,付款閘道的標題。" msgid "Payment gateway ID." msgstr "付款閘道編號。" msgid "An invalid setting value was passed." msgstr "傳遞了無效的設定值。" msgid "Shipping instance ID." msgstr "運送方式的實例編號。" msgid "When true, the payment gateway API is used to generate the refund." msgstr "如果正確,付款閘道 API 可用於處理退款。" msgid "The date the order was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "訂單上次修改的日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "The date the order was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "訂單建立日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "If the payment was refunded via the API." msgstr "如果是透過 API 退款。" msgid "The date the order refund was created, as GMT." msgstr "建立訂單退款的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "User ID of user who created the refund." msgstr "使用者退款後的使用者編號。" msgid "Limit result to customers or internal notes." msgstr "限制客戶或內部記錄的結果。" msgid "" "If true, the note will be shown to customers and they will be notified. If " "false, the note will be for admin reference only." msgstr "" "其值為 true 時,將會向顧客顯示備註,顧客便會收到通知。其值為 false 時,備註將" "僅供管理員參考。" msgid "Order total formatted for locale" msgstr "根據地區設定調整訂單總額的格式" msgid "Name of the customer for the order" msgstr "訂單的顧客姓名" msgid "The date the order note was created, as GMT." msgstr "訂單備註的建立日期,以 GMT 標準時間為準。" msgid "Order Status" msgstr "訂單狀態" msgid "URL to edit the order" msgstr "可前往編輯訂單的 URL" msgid "Blog id of the record on the multisite." msgstr "多站點上記錄的網誌 ID。" msgid "Is the customer a paying customer?" msgstr "顧客是付款中的顧客嗎?" msgid "The date the customer was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "客戶上次修改的日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "The date the customer was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "客戶建立日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Customer role." msgstr "顧客角色。" msgid "Download ID." msgstr "下載 ID。" msgid "The date when download access expires, as GMT." msgstr "下載權限到期時的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the coupon expires, as GMT." msgstr "折價券到期的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the coupon expires, in the site's timezone." msgstr "折價券到期的日期,以網站的時區顯示。" msgid "Meta data." msgstr "中繼資料。" msgid "Meta ID." msgstr "元編號。" msgid "The date the coupon was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "最後修改折價券的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the coupon was created, as GMT." msgstr "建立折價券的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the webhook was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "The date the webhook was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgid "The date the webhook was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "The date the webhook was created, in the site's timezone." msgid "" "Secret key used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in " "the request headers. This will default to a MD5 hash from the current user's " "ID|username if not provided." msgstr "" "密鑰用於產生已傳送 Webhook 的雜湊,並會於要求頁首中提供。如未提供,則會預設為" "目前使用者 ID|使用者名稱的 MD5 雜湊。" msgid "The URL where the webhook payload is delivered." msgstr "The URL where the webhook payload is delivered." msgid "WooCommerce action names associated with the webhook." msgstr "WooCommerce action names associated with the webhook." msgid "Webhook event." msgstr "Webhook event." msgid "Webhook resource." msgstr "Webhook resource." msgid "Webhook status." msgstr "Webhook status." msgid "A friendly name for the webhook." msgstr "A friendly name for the webhook." msgid "" "Webhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://." msgstr "" "Webhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://." msgid "Webhook status must be valid." msgstr "Webhook 狀態必須為有效。" msgid "Webhook delivery URL." msgstr "網絡掛鉤輸送網址。" msgid "Webhook topic." msgstr "網絡掛鉤主旨。" msgid "The date the webhook delivery was logged, in the site's timezone." msgstr "The date the webhook delivery was logged, in the site's timezone." msgid "Invalid ID." msgstr "無效的 ID。" msgid "The response body from the receiving server." msgstr "The response body from the receiving server." msgid "Array of the response headers from the receiving server." msgstr "Array of the response headers from the receiving server." msgid "The HTTP response message from the receiving server." msgstr "The HTTP response message from the receiving server." msgid "The HTTP response code from the receiving server." msgstr "The HTTP response code from the receiving server." msgid "Request body." msgstr "Request body." msgid "Request headers." msgstr "Request headers." msgid "The URL where the webhook was delivered." msgstr "The URL where the webhook was delivered." msgid "" "A friendly summary of the response including the HTTP response code, " "message, and body." msgstr "" "A friendly summary of the response including the HTTP response code, " "message, and body." msgid "Unique identifier for the webhook." msgstr "網絡掛鉤的唯一識別碼。" msgid "Sort by tax class." msgstr "依稅率類別。" msgid "Indicates the order that will appear in queries." msgstr "表示出現在查詢中的順序。" msgid "The delivery duration, in seconds." msgstr "The delivery duration, in seconds." msgid "Invalid webhook ID." msgstr "無效的網絡掛鉤編號。" msgid "Whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping." msgstr "此稅率是否也套用至運送。" msgid "Whether or not this is a compound rate." msgstr "這個是否為複合稅率。" msgid "Tax priority." msgstr "稅率優先排序。" msgid "Postcode / ZIP." msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "Country ISO 3166 code." msgstr "國家 ISO 3166 代碼。" msgid "Tax class name." msgstr "稅金類別名稱。" msgid "Tax rate name." msgstr "稅率名稱。" msgid "Unique slug for the resource." msgstr "資源的單一代稱。" msgid "List of top sellers products." msgstr "列出最熱銷商品。" msgid "List of sales reports." msgstr "列出銷售報表。" msgid "Total number of purchases." msgstr "購買總數。" msgid "State code." msgstr "洲代碼。" msgid "" "Return sales for a specific end date, the date need to be in the %s format." msgstr "特定結束日期的銷貨退回,日期必須為 %s 格式。" msgid "" "Return sales for a specific start date, the date need to be in the %s format." msgstr "特定開始日期的銷貨退回,日期必須為 %s 格式。" msgid "Totals." msgstr "全部" msgid "Report period." msgstr "報表期間。" msgid "Group type." msgstr "群組類型。" msgid "Total of coupons used." msgstr "總折價券使用數。" msgid "Total of refunded orders." msgstr "總退款訂單。" msgid "Total charged for shipping." msgstr "總運送金額。" msgid "Total charged for taxes." msgstr "總支付稅金。" msgid "Total of items purchased." msgstr "總購買項目。" msgid "Total of orders placed." msgstr "總訂單數。" msgid "Average net daily sales." msgstr "每日平均淨銷售額。" msgid "Net sales in the period." msgstr "期間內的淨銷售額。" msgid "Gross sales in the period." msgstr "期間內的總銷售額。" msgid "" "Limit result set to products with a specific attribute term ID (required an " "assigned attribute)." msgstr "透過特定詞彙設定商品的限制結果 (需要指派屬性)。" msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific attribute." msgstr "透過特定屬性設定商品的限制結果。" msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific shipping class ID." msgstr "透過特定運送類別設定商品的限制結果。" msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific category ID." msgstr "透過特定類別設定商品的限制結果。" msgid "Menu order, used to custom sort products." msgstr "功能表順序,用來自訂排序商品。" msgid "List of grouped products ID." msgstr "同組商品 ID 清單。" msgid "Variation image data." msgstr "變數圖片資料。" msgid "Variation height (%s)." msgstr "變數高量 (%s)。" msgid "Variation width (%s)." msgstr "變數寬度 (%s)。" msgid "Variation length (%s)." msgstr "變數長度 (%s)。" msgid "Variation dimensions." msgstr "變數尺寸。" msgid "Variation weight (%s)." msgstr "變數重量 (%s)。" msgid "Shows if the variation is on backordered." msgstr "顯示變數是否可預訂。" msgid "" "Controls whether or not the variation is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of " "stock\" on the frontend." msgstr "控制變數是否在前端列為「存貨」或「無存貨」。" msgid "Stock management at variation level." msgstr "變數等級的存貨管理。" msgid "If the variation is downloadable." msgstr "變數是否可下載。" msgid "If the variation is virtual." msgstr "是否為實際變數。" msgid "If the variation is visible." msgstr "若商品規格為可見。" msgid "Shows if the variation can be bought." msgstr "顯示變數是否可以購買。" msgid "Shows if the variation is on sale." msgstr "顯示變數是否在特價促銷。" msgid "Variation sale price." msgstr "變數特價價格。" msgid "Variation regular price." msgstr "變數一般價格。" msgid "Current variation price." msgstr "目前變數價格。" msgid "Variation URL." msgstr "變數 URL。" msgid "The date the variation was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "變數上次修改的日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Selected attribute term name." msgstr "選取的屬性詞彙名稱。" msgid "Variation ID." msgstr "變數 ID。" msgid "List of variations." msgstr "變數清單。" msgid "The date the variation was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "變數建立日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Defaults variation attributes." msgstr "預設變數屬性。" msgid "List of available term names of the attribute." msgstr "屬性的可用詞彙名稱清單。" msgid "Define if the attribute can be used as variation." msgstr "定義是否可將屬性當做變數使用。" msgid "" "Define if the attribute is visible on the \"Additional information\" tab in " "the product's page." msgstr "定義是否可以在商品頁的「其他資訊」索引標籤中看見屬性。" msgid "Attribute position." msgstr "屬性位置。" msgid "Image position. 0 means that the image is featured." msgstr "圖片位置。 0 代表此圖為特色圖片。" msgid "List of attributes." msgstr "屬性清單。" msgid "List of images." msgstr "圖片清單。" msgid "Tag slug." msgstr "標籤動態網址。" msgid "Tag ID." msgstr "標籤 ID。" msgid "List of tags." msgstr "標籤清單。" msgid "Category ID." msgstr "類別 ID。" msgid "List of categories." msgstr "類別清單。" msgid "Optional note to send the customer after purchase." msgstr "可選要在購買之後寄送備註給客戶。" msgid "Product parent ID." msgstr "商品父項 ID。" msgid "List of cross-sell products IDs." msgstr "橫向銷售商品 ID 清單。" msgid "List of upsell products IDs." msgstr "向上銷售商品編號清單。" msgid "List of related products IDs." msgstr "相關商品 ID 清單。" msgid "Amount of reviews that the product have." msgstr "商品的評價數。" msgid "Reviews average rating." msgstr "平均評價分數。" msgid "Allow reviews." msgstr "允許評價。" msgid "Shipping class ID." msgstr "運送類別編號。" msgid "Shipping class slug." msgstr "配送類別動態網址。" msgid "Shows whether or not the product shipping is taxable." msgstr "顯示商品運送是否含稅。" msgid "Shows if the product need to be shipped." msgstr "顯示商品是否需要運送。" msgid "Product height (%s)." msgstr "商品高度 (%s)。" msgid "Product width (%s)." msgstr "商品寬度 (%s)。" msgid "Product length (%s)." msgstr "商品長度 (%s)。" msgid "Product dimensions." msgstr "商品尺寸。" msgid "Product weight (%s)." msgstr "商品重量 (%s)。" msgid "Allow one item to be bought in a single order." msgstr "允許單一訂單中只購買一項商品。" msgid "Shows if the product is on backordered." msgstr "顯示商品是否可預訂。" msgid "Stock management at product level." msgstr "商品等級的存貨管理。" msgid "Shows if backorders are allowed." msgstr "顯示是否允許預訂。" msgid "Product external button text. Only for external products." msgstr "商品外部按鈕文字。 僅供外部商品使用。" msgid "If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed." msgstr "如果管理存貨,此項目可控制是否允許預訂。" msgid "Stock quantity." msgstr "存貨數量。" msgid "Tax status." msgstr "稅金狀態。" msgid "Tax class." msgstr "稅率類別" msgid "Number of days until access to downloadable files expires." msgstr "在過期前還有多少天數可下載檔案。" msgid "Download type, this controls the schema on the front-end." msgstr "下載類型,這會控制前端的結構描述。" msgid "Product external URL. Only for external products." msgstr "商品外部 URL。 僅供外部商品使用。" msgid "Number of times downloadable files can be downloaded after purchase." msgstr "購買後檔案可下載的次數。" msgid "If the product is downloadable." msgstr "如果商品為可下載。" msgid "If the product is virtual." msgstr "是否為實際商品。" msgid "List of downloadable files." msgstr "可下載商品清單。" msgid "Amount of sales." msgstr "拍賣數量。" msgid "Shows if the product can be bought." msgstr "顯示商品是否可以購買。" msgid "Shows if the product is on sale." msgstr "顯示商品是否在特價促銷。" msgid "Price formatted in HTML." msgstr "HTML 格式的價格。" msgid "End date of sale price." msgstr "特價結束日期。" msgid "Start date of sale price." msgstr "拍賣價格開始日期。" msgid "Product regular price." msgstr "商品一般價格。" msgid "File ID." msgstr "檔案 ID。" msgid "Current product price." msgstr "目前商品價格。" msgid "Product short description." msgstr "商品簡短描述。" msgid "Unique identifier." msgstr "唯一識別碼。" msgid "Product description." msgstr "商品描述。" msgid "Catalog visibility." msgstr "目錄能見度。" msgid "Product status (post status)." msgstr "商品狀態 (文章狀態)。" msgid "Product type." msgstr "商品類型。" msgid "The date the product was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "商品上次修改的日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "The date the product was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "商品建立日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Product URL." msgstr "商品 URL。" msgid "Product slug." msgstr "商品動態網址" msgid "The %s has already been deleted." msgstr "%s 已刪除。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete %s." msgstr "抱歉,您無法刪除 %s。" msgid "" "To manipulate product variations you should use the /products/<" "product_id>/variations/<id> endpoint." msgstr "" "您應該使用 /products/<product_id>/variations/<id> 端點來操作商品" "的變化類型。" msgid "#%s is an invalid image ID." msgstr "#%s是一個無效的影像ID。" msgid "Shipping class name." msgstr "運送類別名稱。" msgid "Shows if the reviewer bought the product or not." msgstr "顯示檢閱者是否購買商品。" msgid "The product review cannot be deleted." msgstr "商品評價不能被刪除。" msgid "The content of the review." msgstr "評價的內容。" msgid "Reviewer email." msgstr "評價者電子郵件。" msgid "Reviewer name." msgstr "評價者姓名。" msgid "Review rating (0 to 5)." msgstr "檢閱評分 (0 到 5)。" msgid "The date the review was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "圖片檢閱日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Email of the reviewer." msgstr "評論者的電子郵件。" msgid "Name of the reviewer." msgstr "評論者名稱。" msgid "The product review does not support trashing." msgstr "商品評價無法刪除" msgid "Invalid product review ID." msgstr "無效的商品評價編號。" msgid "Updating product review failed." msgstr "更新商品評價失敗。" msgid "Creating product review failed." msgstr "建立商品評價失敗。 " msgid "Invalid product ID." msgstr "無效的商品ID" msgid "Review content." msgstr "評論內容。" msgid "Unique identifier for the variation." msgstr "為可變的獨特辦識。" msgid "Unique identifier for the variable product." msgstr "為可變的獨特辦識商品。" msgid "Image alternative text." msgstr "圖片替代文字" msgid "Image name." msgstr "圖片名稱。" msgid "The date the image was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "圖片上次修改的日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Image data." msgstr "圖片資訊" msgid "The date the image was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "圖片建立日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Image ID." msgstr "圖片編號。" msgid "Category archive display type." msgstr "類別封存顯示類型。" msgid "Unique identifier for the attribute of the terms." msgstr "字詞屬性的單一識別碼。" msgid "Menu order, used to custom sort the resource." msgstr "功能表順序,用來自訂排序資源。" msgid "Enable/Disable attribute archives." msgstr "啟用/停用屬性封存。" msgid "Default sort order." msgstr "預設排序順序。" msgid "Type of attribute." msgstr "屬性類型。" msgid "Attribute name." msgstr "屬性名稱" msgid "Name for the resource." msgstr "資源的名稱。" msgid "Refund total." msgstr "退款總額" msgid "Refund reason." msgstr "退款原因" msgid "List of refunds." msgstr "退款清單。" msgid "Discount total tax." msgstr "折扣稅金總計。" msgid "Discount total." msgstr "折扣總計。" msgid "Coupons line data." msgstr "折價券行資料。" msgid "Tax status of fee." msgstr "費用的稅金狀態。" msgid "Tax class of fee." msgstr "費用的稅金類別。" msgid "Fee name." msgstr "費用名稱。" msgid "Fee lines data." msgstr "費用行資料。" msgid "Shipping method ID." msgstr "運送方式編號。" msgid "Shipping method name." msgstr "運送方式名稱。" msgid "Shipping lines data." msgstr "運送行資料。" msgid "Shipping tax total." msgstr "運送稅額總計。" msgid "Tax total (not including shipping taxes)." msgstr "稅金總計 (不包含運送稅金)。" msgid "Show if is a compound tax rate." msgstr "顯示是否為複合稅金。" msgid "Tax rate label." msgstr "稅率標籤。" msgid "Tax rate code." msgstr "稅率代碼。" msgid "Tax lines data." msgstr "稅金行資料。" msgid "MD5 hash of cart items to ensure orders are not modified." msgstr "購物車項目 MD5 雜湊,確保訂單未被修改。" msgid "The date the order was paid, in the site's timezone." msgstr "訂單上次付款的日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "The date the order was completed, in the site's timezone." msgstr "訂單完成日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Note left by customer during checkout." msgstr "結帳時客戶留下的備註。" msgid "Shows where the order was created." msgstr "顯示訂單建立位置。" msgid "User agent of the customer." msgstr "客戶的使用者代理人。" msgid "Customer's IP address." msgstr "客戶的IP地址" msgid "Unique transaction ID." msgstr "唯一的交易編號。" msgid "" "Define if the order is paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce " "stock items." msgstr "定義訂單是否已付款。 會將狀態設為處理中,並降低存貨。" msgid "Shipping address." msgstr "運送地址" msgid "Payment method title." msgstr "付款方法標題。" msgid "Payment method ID." msgstr "付款方法 ID。" msgid "Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format." msgstr " ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式的國家/地區代碼。" msgid "Sum of all taxes." msgstr "所有稅金總數。" msgid "Grand total." msgstr "總計。" msgid "Sum of line item taxes only." msgstr "僅限行項目稅金總數。" msgid "The date the order was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "最後修改訂單的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the order was created, as GMT." msgstr "建立訂單的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "Billing address." msgstr "帳單地址。" msgid "Total shipping tax amount for the order." msgstr "訂單的運送稅金總數。" msgid "Total shipping amount for the order." msgstr "訂單運送費用總計。" msgid "Total discount tax amount for the order." msgstr "訂單的折扣稅金總數。" msgid "Total discount amount for the order." msgstr "訂單的折扣總數。" msgid "User ID who owns the order. 0 for guests." msgstr "擁有訂單的使用者 ID。 0 表示訪客。" msgid "Version of WooCommerce which last updated the order." msgstr "最後更新訂單的 WooCommerce 版本。" msgid "True the prices included tax during checkout." msgstr "如果結帳時價格含稅則會顯示。" msgid "Currency the order was created with, in ISO format." msgstr "訂單建立時所用的貨幣格式,用ISO格式。" msgid "Line taxes." msgstr "行稅金。" msgid "Meta value." msgstr "Meta value." msgid "Meta key." msgstr "Meta key." msgid "Order status." msgstr "訂單狀態。" msgid "Parent order ID." msgstr "上層訂單編號。" msgid "Fee name is required." msgstr "必須提供費用名稱。" msgid "Product ID or SKU is required." msgstr "商品編號或貨貨是必須的" msgid "Number of decimal points to use in each resource." msgstr "Number of decimal points to use in each resource." msgid "Meta label." msgstr "Meta label." msgid "Line item meta data." msgstr "行項目中繼資料。" msgid "Tax subtotal." msgstr "稅金小計。" msgid "Tax total." msgstr "稅金總計。" msgid "Line total tax (after discounts)." msgstr "行稅金總計 (折扣之後)。" msgid "Line total (after discounts)." msgstr "行總計 (折扣之後)。" msgid "Tax rate ID." msgstr "稅率編號" msgid "Order number." msgstr "訂單號碼。" msgid "Line subtotal tax (before discounts)." msgstr "行稅金總計 (折扣之前)。" msgid "Line subtotal (before discounts)." msgstr "行總計 (折扣之前)。" msgid "Tax class of product." msgstr "商品的稅金類別。" msgid "Quantity ordered." msgstr "訂購數量。" msgid "Variation ID, if applicable." msgstr "變數 ID,如果適用。" msgid "Product price." msgstr "商品價格。" msgid "Line items data." msgstr "行項目資料。" msgid "Product name." msgstr "商品名稱。" msgid "Item ID." msgstr "項目 ID。" msgid "Reason for refund." msgstr "申請原因。" msgid "Refund amount." msgstr "退款金額。" msgid "The date the order refund was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "訂單退款建立日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Product SKU." msgstr "商品貨號" msgid "Order is invalid" msgstr "訂單無效。" msgid "" "Shows/define if the note is only for reference or for the customer (the user " "will be notified)." msgstr "顯示/定義備註是否僅供參照或供客戶使用 (會通知客戶)。" msgid "Order note." msgstr "訂單備註。" msgid "The date the order note was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "訂單備註建立日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Webhooks do not support trashing." msgstr "Webhooks do not support trashing." msgid "The %s cannot be deleted." msgstr "The %s cannot be deleted." msgid "Order note content." msgstr "訂單備註的內容" msgid "The order ID." msgstr "訂單編號" msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific email." msgstr "透過特定電子郵件設定資源的限制結果。" msgid "Invalid order ID." msgstr "無效的訂單編號。" msgid "List of shipping address data." msgstr "送貨地址列表" msgid "Postal code." msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "ISO code of the country." msgstr "國家 ISO 編號。" msgid "ISO code or name of the state, province or district." msgstr "ISO 代碼或州、省或地區名稱。" msgid "City name." msgstr "城市名稱。" msgid "Address line 2." msgstr "次欄地址" msgid "Address line 1." msgstr "首欄地址" msgid "Company name." msgstr "公司名稱。" msgid "Phone number." msgstr "電話號碼。" msgid "The date of the customer last order, as GMT." msgstr "客戶上一筆訂單的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "List of billing address data." msgstr "帳單地址列表" msgid "Total amount spent." msgstr "花費總金額。" msgid "Quantity of orders made by the customer." msgstr "客戶下訂的數量。" msgid "The date the customer was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "最後修改客戶的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the customer was created, as GMT." msgstr "建立客戶的日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "Last order ID." msgstr "上個訂單編號." msgid "Last order data." msgstr "上個訂單日期." msgid "Customer password." msgstr "客戶密碼。" msgid "Customer login name." msgstr "客戶登入名字。" msgid "Customer last name." msgstr "客戶姓氏。" msgid "Customer first name." msgstr "客戶名字。" msgid "File URL." msgstr "檔案網址" msgid "ID to reassign posts to." msgstr "重新指派文章的編號。" msgid "New user password." msgstr "新使用者密碼" msgid "New user username." msgstr "新使用者名稱" msgid "New user email address." msgstr "新使用者電子郵件地址。" msgid "Download ID (MD5)." msgstr "下載編號 (MD5)。" msgid "File details." msgstr "檔案詳情。" msgid "The date when download access expires, in the site's timezone." msgstr "下載截止日期, 以網站的時區為基凖。" msgid "Number of downloads remaining." msgstr "可下載次數。" msgid "Order key." msgstr "訂單金鑰。" msgid "Downloadable file name." msgstr "檔案下載名稱。" msgid "Downloadable product ID." msgstr "下載商品編號。" msgid "Download file URL." msgstr "檔案下載網址" msgid "List of user IDs (or guest email addresses) that have used the coupon." msgstr "已使用過折價券的使用者編號(或來賓電子郵件地址)列表。" msgid "List of email addresses that can use this coupon." msgstr "可以使用此優惠券的電子郵件地址列表。" msgid "Maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon." msgstr "使用折價券的最大訂單價格。" msgid "" "Minimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before coupon applies." msgstr "購物車中需要多少訂單價格才能使用折價券。" msgid "" "If true, this coupon will not be applied to items that have sale prices." msgstr "如果是,該折價券將不能用於折扣價的商品。" msgid "" "If true and if the free shipping method requires a coupon, this coupon will " "enable free shipping." msgstr "如果是,而且免運費需要一張折價券,此張折價券將給予免運費。" msgid "List of category IDs the coupon does not apply to." msgstr "不可使用折價券的類別 ID 清單。" msgid "List of category IDs the coupon applies to." msgstr "可使用折價券的類別 ID 清單。" msgid "Max number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to." msgstr "購物車中的項目最多可以使用幾張折價券。" msgid "How many times the coupon can be used in total." msgstr "總共可以使用多少次折價券。" msgid "How many times the coupon can be used per customer." msgstr "每位客戶可以使用折價券的次數。" msgid "List of product IDs the coupon cannot be used on." msgstr "無法使用折價券的商品 ID 清單。" msgid "List of product IDs the coupon can be used on." msgstr "可以使用折價券的商品 ID 清單。" msgid "" "If true, the coupon can only be used individually. Other applied coupons " "will be removed from the cart." msgstr "如果是,這張折價券就只能單獨使用。購物車裡若有其它折價券就會被移除。" msgid "" "The amount of discount. Should always be numeric, even if setting a " "percentage." msgstr "折扣金額。應均設為數字,或是設置為百分比的數字。" msgid "UTC DateTime when the coupon expires." msgstr "折價券到期時使用 UTC 日期時間。" msgid "Number of times the coupon has been used already." msgstr "折價券已使用的次數。" msgid "Determines the type of discount that will be applied." msgstr "決定要套用的折扣類型。" msgid "Coupon description." msgstr "折價券描述。" msgid "The date the coupon was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "折價券上次修改的日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "The date the coupon was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "折價券建立日期,使用網站時區。" msgid "Coupon code." msgstr "優惠券編號" msgid "ID is invalid." msgstr "ID 為無效" msgid "Cannot create existing %s." msgstr "Cannot create existing %s." msgid "Unique identifier for the resource." msgstr "資源唯一識別碼。" msgid "" "The class attached to the \"woocommerce_queue_class\" does not implement the " "WC_Queue_Interface interface. The default %s class will be used instead." msgstr "" "附加到「woocommerce_queue_class」的類別並未實作 WC_Queue_Interface 介面。將改" "用預設的 %s 類別。" msgid "This function should not be called before plugins_loaded." msgstr "此功能不應該在 plugins_loaded 之前呼叫。" msgid "eCheck ending in %1$s" msgstr "結尾為 %1$s 的電子支票" msgid "This method should not be called before plugins_loaded." msgstr "此方法的呼叫不應早於 plugins_loaded。" msgid "Visit %s admin area:" msgstr "造訪 %s 管理區域:" msgid "You have received the following WooCommerce log message:" msgid_plural "You have received the following WooCommerce log messages:" msgstr[0] "你收到下列 WooCommerce 紀錄訊息:" msgid "%1$s ending in %2$s (expires %3$s/%4$s)" msgstr "%1$s 的結尾為 %2$s (到期日為 %3$s/%4$s)" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log message" msgid_plural "[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log messages" msgstr[0] "[%1$s] %2$s:%3$s WooCommerce 紀錄訊息" msgid "You do not have permission to read the tax classes count" msgstr "您沒有讀取稅率類別數量的權限" msgid "Could not delete the tax class" msgstr "無法刪除此一稅率類別" msgid "You do not have permission to create tax classes" msgstr "你沒有建立稅率類別的權限" msgid "You do not have permission to read tax classes" msgstr "你沒有讀取稅率類別的權限" msgid "You do not have permission to read the taxes count" msgstr "您沒有讀取稅率數量的權限" msgid "Could not delete the tax rate" msgstr "無法刪除此一稅率" msgid "Standard rate" msgstr "標準費率" msgid "A tax rate with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "找不到此一商品編號的稅率" msgid "Could not delete the shipping class" msgstr "無法刪除此一商品運送類別" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product shipping classes" msgstr "你沒有刪除商品運送類別的權限" msgid "Could not edit the shipping class" msgstr "無法編輯此一商品運送類別" msgid "You do not have permission to edit product shipping classes" msgstr "你沒有編輯商品運送類別的權限" msgid "Product shipping class parent is invalid" msgstr "上層商品運送類別無效" msgid "You do not have permission to create product shipping classes" msgstr "你沒有建立商品運送類別的權限" msgid "A product shipping class with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "找不到商品的運送類別及所提供的編號" msgid "Invalid product shipping class ID" msgstr "無效的商品運送類別編號" msgid "You do not have permission to read product shipping classes" msgstr "你沒有讀取商品運送類別的權限" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product attribute terms" msgstr "你沒有刪除商品屬性項目的權限" msgid "A product attribute term with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "找不到有所提供商品屬性項目編號的商品" msgid "Could not delete the tag" msgstr "無法刪除此一標籤" msgid "You do not have permission to read product attribute terms" msgstr "你沒有讀取商品屬性項目的權限" msgid "Could not edit the tag" msgstr "無法編輯此一標籤" msgid "You do not have permission to edit product tags" msgstr "你沒有編輯商品標籤的權限" msgid "You do not have permission to create product tags" msgstr "你沒有建立商品標籤的權限" msgid "A product tag with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "找不到有所提供商品標籤編號的商品" msgid "Invalid product tag ID" msgstr "無效的商品標籤編號" msgid "Could not delete the category" msgstr "無法刪除此一分類" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product category" msgstr "你沒有刪除商品分類的權限" msgid "Could not edit the category" msgstr "無法編輯此一分類" msgid "You do not have permission to read product tags" msgstr "你沒有讀取商品標籤的權限" msgid "Consumer Secret is invalid." msgstr "客戶密碼無效。" msgid "You do not have permission to edit product categories" msgstr "你沒有編輯商品分類的權限" msgid "Product category parent is invalid" msgstr "上層商品分類無效" msgid "You do not have permission to create product categories" msgstr "你沒有建立商品分類的權限" msgid "Invalid webhook delivery." msgstr "無效的網絡掛鉤派送。" msgid "Webhook topic must be valid." msgstr "網絡掛鉤主旨必須有效。" msgid "Invalid webhook delivery ID." msgstr "無效的網絡掛鉤派送編號。" msgid "" "Webhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://" msgstr "網頁連結派送網址必須為以 http:// 或 https:// 開頭的有效網址" msgid "Webhook topic is required and must be valid." msgstr "網絡掛鉤主旨為必填必須有效。" msgid "Invalid product SKU" msgstr "無效的商品貨號" msgid "You do not have permission to read the webhooks count" msgstr "您沒有權限讀取網頁連結數量" msgid "No %1$s found with the ID equal to %2$s" msgstr "找不到 %1$s 有 ID 等於 %2$s" msgid "Could not delete the attribute" msgstr "無法刪除商品屬性" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product attributes" msgstr "您沒有刪除商品屬性的權限" msgid "Could not edit the attribute" msgstr "無法編輯商品屬性" msgid "You do not have permission to edit product attributes" msgstr "您沒有編輯商品屬性的權限" msgid "You do not have permission to create product attributes" msgstr "您沒有新增商品屬性的權限" msgid "" "Invalid product attribute order_by type - the product attribute order_by " "type must be any of these: %s" msgstr "" "無效的商品屬性 order_by type - 此商品屬性 order_by type 必須為下列其中之一: " "%s" msgid "" "Invalid product attribute type - the product attribute type must be any of " "these: %s" msgstr "無效的商品屬性類型 - 商品屬性類型必須為下列其中之一: %s" msgid "Slug \"%s\" is already in use. Change it, please." msgstr "網址編號 \"%s\" 已經用過了。 請換別的" msgid "" "Slug \"%s\" is not allowed because it is a reserved term. Change it, please." msgstr "不允許用網址編號 \"%s\" 因為它是保留項目。 請換別的" msgid "Slug \"%s\" is too long (28 characters max). Shorten it, please." msgstr "網址編號 \"%s\" 太長了 (最多 28 字)。 請改短一點。" msgid "The SKU already exists on another product." msgstr "此貨號已有其它商品使用" msgid "A product attribute with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "找不到所提供商品編號的商品屬性" msgid "Invalid product attribute ID" msgstr "無效的商品屬性 ID" msgid "You do not have permission to read product attributes" msgstr "您沒有讀取商品屬性的權限" msgid "A product category with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "找不到有此商品編號的商品分類" msgid "Invalid product category ID" msgstr "無效的商品分類編號" msgid "You do not have permission to read product categories" msgstr "您沒有權限建立商品分類" msgid "Invalid product type - the product type must be any of these: %s" msgstr "無效的商品類型 - 商品類型必須為下列其中之一:%s" msgid "The order refund ID provided is not associated with the order." msgstr "所提供的訂單退費代號與訂單無關聯。" msgid "" "An error occurred while attempting to create the refund using the payment " "gateway API." msgstr "嘗試使用付款閘道 API 建立退款時發生錯誤。" msgid "Cannot create order refund, please try again." msgstr "無法建立訂單退款,請再試一次。" msgid "Refund amount must be positive." msgstr "退費金額必須為正值。" msgid "Invalid order refund ID." msgstr "無效的訂單退費編號。" msgid "Refund amount is required." msgstr "需要退費金額。" msgid "You do not have permission to create order refunds" msgstr "您沒有權限建立訂單袞款" msgid "An order refund with the provided ID could not be found." msgstr "找不到有此商品編號的訂單退費。" msgid "Permanently deleted order note" msgstr "永久刪除訂單備註" msgid "This order note cannot be deleted" msgstr "此訂單備註無法刪除" msgid "Cannot create order note, please try again." msgstr "無法建立訂單備註,請再試一次。" msgid "The order note ID provided is not associated with the order" msgstr "所提供的訂單備註編號與訂單無關聯" msgid "Order note is required" msgstr "需要訂單備註" msgid "You do not have permission to create order notes" msgstr "您沒有權限建立訂單備註" msgid "An order note with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "找不到有此商品編號的訂單備註" msgid "Cannot update coupon, try again." msgstr "無法更新折價券,再試一次。" msgid "Coupon code is required." msgstr "需要提供折價券代碼。" msgid "Cannot update fee, try again." msgstr "無法更新費用,再試一次。" msgid "Fee tax class is required when fee is taxable." msgstr "費用需支付稅金時,費用稅金類別為必填。" msgid "Invalid order note ID" msgstr "無效的訂單備註編號" msgid "Coupon discount total must be a positive amount." msgstr "優惠券折扣總額必須為正值。" msgid "Cannot update shipping method, try again." msgstr "無法更新運送方法,再試一次。" msgid "Shipping method ID is required." msgstr "運送方法 ID 為必填。" msgid "Shipping total must be a positive amount." msgstr "運送總數必須是正數。" msgid "Cannot create line item, try again." msgstr "無法建立行項目,再試一次。" msgid "Product quantity is required." msgstr "商品數量為必填。" msgid "Product quantity must be a positive float." msgstr "商品數量必須是正浮動數。" msgid "Product is invalid." msgstr "商品無效。" msgid "Fee title is required" msgstr "需要費用標題" msgid "The product variation is invalid" msgstr "此商品變化類型無效" msgid "Order item ID provided is not associated with order." msgstr "提供的訂單項目 ID 與訂單不相關。" msgid "Product ID provided does not match this line item" msgstr "所提供的商品編號不符合此一表列項目" msgid "Product ID or SKU is required" msgstr "需要商品編號或貨號" msgid "Provided order currency is invalid." msgstr "所提供的訂單幣別無效。" msgid "Payment method ID and title are required" msgstr "需要付款方式編號及標題" msgid "This resource cannot be created." msgstr "此資源無法被建立。" msgid "Unable to accept more than %s items for this request." msgstr "此要求無法接受多於 %s 個項目。" msgid "Cannot create order: %s" msgstr "無法建立訂單 %s" msgid "Invalid customer email" msgstr "無效的顧客電子郵件" msgid "No %1$s data specified to create/edit %1$s" msgstr "未指定 %1$s 資料用以產生/編輯 %1$s" msgid "No %1$s data specified to edit %1$s" msgstr "未指定 %1$s 資料用以編輯 %1$s" msgid "Failed to update coupon" msgstr "更新優惠券失敗" msgid "Invalid coupon type - the coupon type must be any of these: %s" msgstr "無效的優惠券型式 - 優惠券型式必須為下列其中之一 %s" msgid "No %1$s data specified to create %1$s" msgstr "未指定 %1$s 資料用以產生 %1$s" msgid "Unsupported request method" msgstr "不支援的請求方式" msgid "Invalid authentication method" msgstr "無效的驗證方式" msgid "Permanently deleted %s" msgstr "永久刪除%s" msgid "This %s cannot be deleted" msgstr "無法刪除這個 %s" msgid "The customer cannot be deleted" msgstr "無法刪除這個顧客" msgid "Permanently deleted customer" msgstr "永久刪除顧客" msgid "Invalid %s" msgstr "無效的 %s" msgid "Invalid %s ID" msgstr "無效的 %s ID" msgid "You do not have permission to read the products count" msgstr "您沒有權限讀取此一商品數量" msgid "You do not have permission to read the orders count" msgstr "您沒有權限讀取此一訂單數量" msgid "JSONP support is disabled on this site" msgstr "此網站不支援 JSONP" msgid "You do not have permission to read this customer" msgstr "您沒有權限讀取此一顧客資料" msgid "Invalid customer" msgstr "無效的顧客" msgid "Invalid customer ID" msgstr "無效的顧客號碼" msgid "You do not have permission to read the customers count" msgstr "您沒有權限讀取顧客數量" msgid "You do not have permission to read the coupons count" msgstr "您沒有權限讀取優惠券數量" msgid "Product properties should not be accessed directly." msgstr "商品屬性不能被直接訪問。" msgid "Customer ID is invalid." msgstr "客戶 ID 無效。" msgid "The coupon code cannot be empty." msgstr "折價券代碼不能為空白。" msgid "Consumer secret is missing." msgstr "缺少消費者密鑰。" msgid "Consumer key is missing." msgstr "缺少消費者金鑰。" msgid "The coupon code already exists" msgstr "此優惠編號已經存在" msgid "Invalid coupon ID" msgstr "無效的優惠券編號" msgid "API user is invalid" msgstr "API 使用者無效" msgid "%s parameter is missing" msgstr "遺失參數 %s" msgid "Variation #%1$s of %2$s" msgstr "#%1$s 的變化類型 %2$s" msgid "" "The location that the MaxMind database should be stored. By default, the " "integration will automatically save the database here." msgstr "" "MaxMind 資料庫應儲存的位置。根據預設,整合工具會自動將資料庫儲存在此處。" msgid "Database File Path" msgstr "資料庫檔案路徑" msgid "" "The key that will be used when dealing with MaxMind Geolocation services. " "You can read how to generate one in MaxMind Geolocation " "Integration documentation." msgstr "" "此金鑰將用於處理 MaxMind 地理位置服務。參閱 MaxMind 地理位置" "整合文件,即可瞭解如何產生此金鑰。" msgid "MaxMind License Key" msgstr "MaxMind 授權金鑰" msgid "" "An integration for utilizing MaxMind to do Geolocation lookups. Please note " "that this integration will only do country lookups." msgstr "" "運用 MaxMind 進行地理位置查閱的整合工具。請注意,此整合工具只能執行國家/地區" "查閱。" msgid "MaxMind Geolocation" msgstr "MaxMind 地理位置" msgid "Failed to download the MaxMind database." msgstr "無法下載 MaxMind 資料庫。" msgid "" "The MaxMind license key is invalid. If you have recently created this key, " "you may need to wait for it to become active." msgstr "MaxMind 授權金鑰無效。若你最近曾建立此金鑰,可能需要等待金鑰生效。" msgid "Missing MaxMind Reader library!" msgstr "Missing MaxMind Reader 庫!" msgid "Unable to use image \"%s\"." msgstr "無法使用圖片 \"%s\"。" msgid "No matching product exists to update." msgstr "沒找到要更新的商品。" msgid "A product with this SKU already exists." msgstr "商品的 SKU 已被使用。" msgid "A product with this ID already exists." msgstr "商品的編號已被使用。" msgid "SKU %s" msgstr "SKU %s" msgid "ID %d" msgstr "編號 %d" msgid "Not able to attach \"%s\"." msgstr "無法附加 \"%s\"。" msgid "" "Variation cannot be imported: Missing parent ID or parent does not exist yet." msgstr "無法匯入可變商品:父編號或父商品不存在。" msgid "" "Variation cannot be imported: Parent product cannot be a product variation" msgstr "無法匯入變化版本:上層產品不能做為產品的變化版本" msgid "Sandbox API signature" msgstr "Sandbox API signature" msgid "Invalid product ID %d." msgstr "不合法的商品編號 %d。" msgid "Invalid product type." msgstr "不合法的商品類型。" msgid "Sandbox API password" msgstr "Sandbox API password" msgid "Sandbox API username" msgstr "Sandbox API username" msgid "Live API signature" msgstr "Live API signature" msgid "Live API password" msgstr "Live API password" msgid "Live API username" msgstr "Live API username" msgid "" "Enter your PayPal API credentials to process refunds via PayPal. Learn how " "to access your PayPal API Credentials." msgstr "" "輸入您的 PAyPal API 憑證來處理 PayPal 退費,想知道如何取得您的 PayPal API 憑" "證請看這裡。" msgid "Get your API credentials from PayPal." msgstr "從 PayPal 取得您的 API 憑證" msgid "" "Optionally enter the URL to a 150x50px image displayed as your logo in the " "upper left corner of the PayPal checkout pages." msgstr "" "可選擇性的輸入一個 150 x 50px 的圖像網址 (URL) 當作您的 Logo,顯示於 PayPal " "結帳頁面的左上角。" msgid "API credentials" msgstr "API 憑證" msgid "Image url" msgstr "圖片網址" msgid "" "Choose whether you wish to capture funds immediately or authorize payment " "only." msgstr "選擇您是否要立即取得現金或是只有授權付款" msgid "Capture" msgstr "取得" msgid "Payment action" msgstr "付款動作" msgid "" "PayPal verifies addresses therefore this setting can cause errors (we " "recommend keeping it disabled)." msgstr "PayPal 會驗證地址所以此選項可能會造成錯誤 (我們建議關閉它)。" msgid "" "Enable \"address_override\" to prevent address information from being " "changed." msgstr "啓用 \"替換地址\" 來避免地址資訊被變更" msgid "" "PayPal allows us to send one address. If you are using PayPal for shipping " "labels you may prefer to send the shipping address rather than billing. " "Turning this option off may prevent PayPal Seller protection from applying." msgstr "" "PayPal 只允許一個運送地址。如果你使用 PayPal 的郵寄標籤,那麼你可能會想要配送" "到運送地址,而不是帳單地址。關閉此選項可能會導致無法實施 PayPal 賣家保護措" "施。" msgid "Address override" msgstr "替換地址" msgid "Send shipping details to PayPal instead of billing." msgstr "寄送出貨單給 PayPal 而非帳單。" msgid "" "Please enter a prefix for your invoice numbers. If you use your PayPal " "account for multiple stores ensure this prefix is unique as PayPal will not " "allow orders with the same invoice number." msgstr "" "請設定你發票號碼的前置字元,如果你用 PayPal 帳戶在許多不同網站收款的話,請確" "認前置字元沒有重覆,因為 PayPal 不允許使用相同的發票號碼。" msgid "Invoice prefix" msgstr "發票前綴" msgid "" "Optionally enable \"Payment Data Transfer\" (Profile > Profile and Settings " "> My Selling Tools > Website Preferences) and then copy your identity token " "here. This will allow payments to be verified without the need for PayPal " "IPN." msgstr "" "選擇性啟用 \"Payment Data Transfer\" (個人資料 -> 我的個人檔案 -> 我的銷售工" "具 -> 網站喜好設定) 並複製您的授權碼到這裡。這將允許付款不需經過 PayPal IPN " "的確認。" msgid "PayPal identity token" msgstr "PayPal 確認標記" msgid "" "If your main PayPal email differs from the PayPal email entered above, input " "your main receiver email for your PayPal account here. This is used to " "validate IPN requests." msgstr "" "如果您主要的 PayPal 電子郵件與上面輸入的 PayPal 電子郵件不同時,請在此輸入您 " "PayPal 的主要收款電子郵件帳戶。這是用於確認 IPN 請求" msgid "" "Send notifications when an IPN is received from PayPal indicating refunds, " "chargebacks and cancellations." msgstr "當收到 PayPal 的退款、退單和取消 IPN 時,傳送通知。" msgid "Receiver email" msgstr "收件人電子郵件" msgid "" "Log PayPal events, such as IPN requests, inside %s Note: this may log " "personal information. We recommend using this for debugging purposes only " "and deleting the logs when finished." msgstr "" "在 %s 附註中記錄 PayPal 事件,例如 IPN 請求:這可能會記錄個人資訊。我們建議僅" "將此用於偵錯目的,並在完成時予以刪除。" msgid "Enable IPN email notifications" msgstr "啟用 IPN 電子郵件通知" msgid "" "PayPal sandbox can be used to test payments. Sign up for a developer account." msgstr "" "PayPal 沙盒可用於測試付款流程。立即註冊成為 開發人員帳戶。" msgid "Enable logging" msgstr "啓用記錄" msgid "Debug log" msgstr "除錯記錄" msgid "Advanced options" msgstr "進階選項" msgid "Enable PayPal sandbox" msgstr "啓用 PayPal 沙盒" msgid "PayPal sandbox" msgstr "PayPal 沙盒" msgid "" "Please enter your PayPal email address; this is needed in order to take " "payment." msgstr "請輸入您的 PayPal 電子郵件信箱,繼續進行結帳手續" msgid "PayPal email" msgstr "PayPal 電子郵件" msgid "" "Pay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don't have a PayPal " "account." msgstr "透過 PayPal 付款; 就算沒有 PayPal 帳戶也可以使用信用卡付款" msgid "This controls the description which the user sees during checkout." msgstr "此項目控制使用者在結帳時會看到的說明" msgid "Enable PayPal Standard" msgstr "啓用 PayPal 標準" msgid "PDT payment completed" msgstr "PDT 付款已完成" msgid "Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (amt %s)." msgstr "確認失敗:PayPal 付款數量不符 (數量 %s)" msgid "Shipping via %s" msgstr "使用 %s 運送" msgid "" "Order #%1$s has had a reversal cancelled. Please check the status of payment " "and update the order status accordingly here: %2$s" msgstr "訂單 #%1$s 已被反悔取消。請檢查付款狀態並更新這裡:%2$s對應的訂單狀態" msgid "Reversal cancelled for order #%s" msgstr "因反悔取消訂單 #%s" msgid "" "Order #%1$s has been marked on-hold due to a reversal - PayPal reason code: " "%2$s" msgstr "訂單 #%1$s 因反悔而被標記為擱置 - PayPal 原因編號:%2$s" msgid "Payment for order %s reversed" msgstr "訂單 #%s 的支付已逆轉" msgid "Order #%1$s has been marked as refunded - PayPal reason code: %2$s" msgstr "訂單 #%1$s 被標記為已退款 - PayPal 原因編號:%2$s" msgid "Payment for order %s refunded" msgstr "訂單 %s 的付款已退回" msgid "" "Order #%s has been marked paid by PayPal IPN, but was previously cancelled. " "Admin handling required." msgstr "" "訂單 #%s 已由 PayPal IPN 標記為已付款,但先前已取消該訂單,需要管理員處理。" msgid "Payment for cancelled order %s received" msgstr "收到取消訂單 %s 的請求" msgid "" "Payment authorized. Change payment status to processing or complete to " "capture funds." msgstr "已授權付款。更改付款狀態為 處理中 或者 已完成 以獲取款項。" msgid "Payment %s via IPN." msgstr "透過 IPN 支付款項 %s。" msgid "Payment pending (%s)." msgstr "付款處理中: %s" msgid "IPN payment completed" msgstr "IPN 付費完成" msgid "" "Validation error: PayPal IPN response from a different email address (%s)." msgstr "驗證錯誤: PayPal IPN 回應不同電郵地址 (%s)。" msgid "Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (gross %s)." msgstr "驗證錯誤: PayPal 數量不符合 (總計 %s)。" msgid "Validation error: PayPal currencies do not match (code %s)." msgstr "確認失敗:PayPal 付款幣別不符 (編號 %s)" msgid "" "Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a " "receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. Log into your PayPal " "account to view transaction details." msgstr "" "感謝你完成付款。你的交易已經完成,購買收據已經透過電子郵件傳送給你。登入 " "PayPal 帳戶即可查看交易詳細資訊。" msgid "Payment of %1$s was captured - Auth ID: %2$s, Transaction ID: %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 的款項已取得 - 驗證編號: %2$s,交易編號: %3$s" msgid "Payment could not be captured - Auth ID: %1$s, Status: %2$s" msgstr "無法獲取款項 - 授權 ID:%1$s,狀態:%2$s" msgid "Refunded %1$s - Refund ID: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 已退款 - 退款代號:%2$s" msgid "Refund failed." msgstr "退款失敗。" msgid "Payment could not be captured: %s" msgstr "無法獲取款項:%s" msgid "PayPal Standard does not support your store currency." msgstr "PayPal 標準版不支援你商店的貨幣。" msgid "" "SANDBOX ENABLED. You can use sandbox testing accounts only. See the PayPal Sandbox Testing Guide for more details." msgstr "" "SANDBOX ENABLED. You can use sandbox testing accounts only. See the PayPal Sandbox Testing Guide for more details." msgid "Gateway disabled" msgstr "付款方法已停用" msgid "What is PayPal?" msgstr "什麼是 PayPal?" msgid "PayPal acceptance mark" msgstr "歡迎使用 PayPal 標記" msgid "" "PayPal Standard redirects customers to PayPal to enter their payment " "information." msgstr "" "PayPal 網站付款標準版會將顧客重新導向至 PayPal,讓他們在那裡輸入自己的付款資" "訊。" msgid "%1$s (#%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s(%2$s)" msgid "Other locations" msgstr "其他地點" msgid "Any "%1$s" method" msgstr "任何「%1$s」方式" msgid "Proceed to PayPal" msgstr "前往 PayPal 付款" msgid "Payment to be made upon delivery." msgstr "貨到付款。" msgid "Accept COD if the order is virtual" msgstr "若訂單為虛擬則接受貨到付款" msgid "Accept for virtual orders" msgstr "接受虛擬訂單" msgid "Select shipping methods" msgstr "選擇運送方式" msgid "" "If COD is only available for certain methods, set it up here. Leave blank to " "enable for all methods." msgstr "如果貨到付款只適用於特定方法請在這裡設定,留空代表適用全部。" msgid "Enable for shipping methods" msgstr "啟用運送方式" msgid "Instructions that will be added to the thank you page." msgstr "會被加在感謝頁面的指示。" msgid "Pay with cash upon delivery." msgstr "收到貨時以現金付款。" msgid "Payment method description that the customer will see on your website." msgstr "顧客會在您的網站上看到的付款方式說明" msgctxt "Check payment method" msgid "Awaiting check payment" msgstr "支票付款待兌現" msgid "Have your customers pay with cash (or by other means) upon delivery." msgstr "讓你的顧客在收到貨物的時候以現金 (或其他方式) 付款。" msgid "Enable cash on delivery" msgstr "啟用貨到付款" msgid "Card code" msgstr "卡號" msgid "MM / YY" msgstr "月 / 年" msgid "Expiry (MM/YY)" msgstr "到期日 (MM/YY)" msgid "" "Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / " "County, Store Postcode." msgstr "請將付款支票寄送到商店地址。" msgid "Enable check payments" msgstr "啓用支票付款" msgid "" "Take payments in person via checks. This offline gateway can also be useful " "to test purchases." msgstr "透過支票親自收款。這個離線閘道亦可用於測試購買項目,相當實用。" msgid "Branch code" msgstr "分行編號" msgid "Account details:" msgstr "帳戶詳細資料" msgid "Branch sort" msgstr "分行流水號" msgid "Bank code" msgstr "銀行編號" msgid "IFSC" msgstr "IFSC" msgid "Bank transit number" msgstr "銀行交易編號" msgid "BSB" msgstr "BSB" msgid "Awaiting BACS payment" msgstr "等待銀行轉帳付款中" msgid "BIC" msgstr "BIC" msgid "Our bank details" msgstr "我們的銀行戶口資訊" msgid "Remove selected account(s)" msgstr "刪除選擇的帳戶" msgid "Sort code" msgstr "排序編號" msgid "Instructions that will be added to the thank you page and emails." msgstr "會加到感謝購買頁面及電子郵件的指示" msgid "Instructions" msgstr "指示" msgid "" "Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID " "as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds " "have cleared in our account." msgstr "" "將您的款項直接匯入我們的銀行戶口。點選您的訂單號碼會有付款說明。您的訂單在還" "沒有確認收到款項之前不會發貨。" msgid "Payment method description that the customer will see on your checkout." msgstr "當顧客在結帳的時候將會看到的付款方式說明" msgid "Enable bank transfer" msgstr "啓用銀行轉帳" msgid "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout." msgstr "控制使用者在結帳時所看到的標題。" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this template file?" msgstr "您確定要刪除這個範本檔案嗎?" msgid "Direct bank transfer" msgstr "銀行直接轉帳" msgid "" "To override and edit this email template copy %1$s to your theme folder: " "%2$s." msgstr "要覆蓋並編輯此電子郵件樣板,將 %1$s 複製到您的主題資料夾: %2$s。" msgid "Hide template" msgstr "隱藏範本" msgid "View template" msgstr "查看範本" msgid "File was not found." msgstr "找不到檔案。" msgid "Copy file to theme" msgstr "複製檔案到佈景主題" msgid "" "This template has been overridden by your theme and can be found in: %s." msgstr "可由此發現此範本已被你的佈景主題改寫:%s。" msgid "Return to emails" msgstr "返回到電子郵件" msgid "Delete template file" msgstr "刪除範本檔案" msgid "Plain text template" msgstr "純文字範本" msgid "HTML template" msgstr "HTML 範本" msgid "Template file deleted from theme." msgstr "範本檔自佈景主題中刪除" msgid "Template file copied to theme." msgstr "範本檔複製到佈景主題" msgid "Could not write to template file." msgstr "無法寫入範本檔" msgid "Multipart" msgstr "多種格式" msgid "" "New order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when a new order is " "received." msgstr "新訂單郵件將會在收到新訂單時寄送給清單中的收件人" msgid "Congratulations on the sale." msgstr "恭喜銷售成功。" msgid "New Order: #{order_number}" msgstr "新訂單:#{order_number}" msgid "[{site_title}]: New order #{order_number}" msgstr "[{site_title}]:新訂單 #{order_number}" msgid "" "Hopefully they’ll be back. Read more about troubleshooting failed payments." msgstr "" "但願他們會回來查看。深入瞭解疑難排解付款失敗問題的相關資訊。" msgid "Order Failed: #{order_number}" msgstr "失敗的訂單:#{order_number}" msgid "[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has failed" msgstr "[{site_title}]:訂單 #{order_number} 已失敗" msgid "" "Failed order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been " "marked failed (if they were previously pending or on-hold)." msgstr "" "當系統將訂單標記為失敗 (先前狀態為待確認或保留時),訂單失敗通知會以電子郵件傳" "送給設定的收件人。" msgid "Password Reset Request" msgstr "密碼重設請求" msgid "" "Customer \"reset password\" emails are sent when customers reset their " "passwords." msgstr "當顧客重設他們的密碼時將會寄送顧客 \"重設密碼\" 電子郵件" msgid "Password Reset Request for {site_title}" msgstr "Password Reset Request for {site_title}" msgid "Partial refund email heading" msgstr "部份退款電子郵件標題" msgid "Full refund email heading" msgstr "全額退款電子郵件標題" msgid "Partial refund subject" msgstr "部份退款主旨" msgid "Full refund subject" msgstr "全額退款主旨" msgid "We hope to see you again soon." msgstr "希望很快能再見到你。" msgid "Order Refunded: {order_number}" msgstr "已退款的訂單:{order_number}" msgid "Partial Refund: Order {order_number}" msgstr "已部分退款:訂單 {order_number}" msgid "Your {site_title} order #{order_number} has been refunded" msgstr "您在 {site_title} 的訂單 #{order_number} 已完成退款" msgid "" "Order refunded emails are sent to customers when their orders are refunded." msgstr "訂單退款郵件將會在訂單標記為退款時寄送給顧客。" msgid "Your {site_title} order #{order_number} has been partially refunded" msgstr "您在 {site_title} 的訂單 #{order_number} 已部份退款" msgid "" "This is an order notification sent to customers containing order details " "after payment." msgstr "這是完成結帳後寄給顧客含有訂單明細的通知信" msgid "We look forward to fulfilling your order soon." msgstr "期待能夠履行你的訂單。" msgid "Thank you for your order" msgstr "感謝你的訂購。" msgid "Your {site_title} order has been received!" msgstr "已收到你的 {site_title} 訂單!" msgid "Order on-hold" msgstr "擱置的訂單" msgid "A note has been added to your order" msgstr "您的訂單添加了一筆備註" msgid "Note added to your {site_title} order from {order_date}" msgstr "您在 {site_title} 於 {order_date} 訂購的附加備註" msgid "Customer note emails are sent when you add a note to an order." msgstr "當你新增一個備註事項到訂單時,將以電子郵件寄送備註事項給顧客。" msgid "We look forward to seeing you soon." msgstr "期待很快能再見到你。" msgid "Welcome to {site_title}" msgstr "歡迎加入 {site_title} 的會員" msgid "" "Customer \"new account\" emails are sent to the customer when a customer " "signs up via checkout or account pages." msgstr "" "當有顧客利用結帳或帳戶頁面註冊時,將會傳送 \"註冊新帳戶\" 電子郵件給顧客" msgid "Your {site_title} account has been created!" msgstr "已建立你的 {site_title} 帳戶!" msgid "Subject (paid)" msgstr "主旨 (已付款)" msgid "Email heading (paid)" msgstr "電子郵件標題(已付款)" msgid "" "Customer invoice emails can be sent to customers containing their order " "information and payment links." msgstr "顧客發票郵件可以寄送訂購詳細清單及付款連結給顧客" msgid "Your invoice for order #{order_number}" msgstr "訂單 #{order_number} 的單據" msgid "Invoice for order #{order_number}" msgstr "訂單 #{order_number} 的購物明細" msgid "Your latest {site_title} invoice" msgstr "你最新的 {site_title} 購物明細" msgid "Invoice for order #{order_number} on {site_title}" msgstr "{site_title} 上訂單 #{order_number} 的購物明細" msgid "Thanks for using {site_url}!" msgstr "感謝你使用 {site_url}!" msgid "Customer invoice / Order details" msgstr "客戶發票 / 訂單明細" msgid "" "Order complete emails are sent to customers when their orders are marked " "completed and usually indicate that their orders have been shipped." msgstr "" "當訂單被標示為完成時將會寄送訂單完成電子郵件給顧客,通常用來知會訂單已出貨" msgid "Thanks for shopping with us" msgstr "感謝你的惠顧" msgid "Your {site_title} order is now complete" msgstr "你的 {site_title} 訂單現已完成" msgid "Choose which format of email to send." msgstr "選擇電子郵件的傳送格式。" msgid "Email type" msgstr "電子郵件類型" msgid "Email heading" msgstr "電子郵件標題" msgid "Enter recipients (comma separated) for this email. Defaults to %s." msgstr "輸入郵件收件人 (多人可用英文逗點隔開) ,預設為%s。" msgid "Text to appear below the main email content." msgstr "顯示在主要電子郵件內容下方的文字。" msgid "Additional content" msgstr "其他內容" msgid "Enable this email notification" msgstr "啟用此電子郵件通知" msgid "Enable/Disable" msgstr "啓用/停用" msgid "Order Cancelled: #{order_number}" msgstr "已取消的訂單:#{order_number}" msgid "Thanks for reading." msgstr "感謝你閱讀。" msgid "[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has been cancelled" msgstr "[{site_title}]:Order #{order_number} 已取消" msgid "" "Cancelled order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been " "marked cancelled (if they were previously processing or on-hold)." msgstr "" "當訂單被標記為取消時訂單取消郵件將會寄送至選定清單中的收件人(如果先前為處理" "中或擱置時)" msgid "Invalid webhook." msgstr "無效的 webhook。" msgid "" "Invalid product type: passed ID does not correspond to a product variation." msgstr "無效的商品類型:傳遞的 ID 與商品版本不符。" msgid "Invalid customer query." msgstr "不合法的客戶查詢。" msgid "Invalid payment token." msgstr "無效的 Payment token。" msgid "Invalid or missing payment token fields." msgstr "無效或遺漏 Payment token 欄位。" msgid "Invalid product." msgstr "無效的商品。" msgid "" "Optionally add some text for the terms checkbox that customers must accept." msgstr "另可選擇為顧客須接受的條款核取方塊新增一段文字。" msgid "Invalid download log: not found." msgstr "無效的下載記錄:找不到。" msgid "Invalid download log: no ID." msgstr "無效的下載記錄:無 ID。" msgid "Unable to insert download log entry in database." msgstr "無法在資料庫中插入下載記錄項目。" msgid "Invalid customer." msgstr "無效的顧客。" msgid "Invalid coupon." msgstr "無效的優待券。" msgid "Invalid download." msgstr "無效的下載。" msgid "Invalid order item." msgstr "無效的訂單項目。" msgid "Order – %s" msgstr "訂單 – %s" msgid "No page set" msgstr "未設定任何頁面" msgid "Highlight required fields with an asterisk" msgstr "用星號標出必填欄位" msgid "%s field" msgstr "%s 欄位" msgid "" "These options let you change the appearance of the WooCommerce checkout." msgstr "你可以使用這些選項來改變 WooCommerce 結帳頁面的外觀。" msgid "I have read and agree to the website %s" msgstr "我已閱讀並同意網站的 %s" msgid "Images will display using the aspect ratio in which they were uploaded" msgstr "圖片將依照上傳時的外觀比例顯示" msgid "Image size used for products in the catalog." msgstr "用於目錄的產品圖片大小。" msgid "Images will be cropped to a custom aspect ratio" msgstr "圖片將裁切為自訂外觀比例" msgid "Images will be cropped into a square" msgstr "圖片將裁切為正方形" msgid "1:1" msgstr "1:1" msgid "Thumbnail cropping" msgstr "縮圖裁剪" msgid "" "Image size used for the main image on single product pages. These images " "will remain uncropped." msgstr "用於單一產品頁面上主要圖片的圖片大小。這些圖片不會裁切。" msgid "Main image width" msgstr "主要圖像寬度" msgid "" "After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you Regenerate Thumbnails." msgstr "" "發佈變更之後,在你重新產生縮圖之前,可能" "不會顯示新的圖片大小。" msgid "Product Images" msgstr "商品圖片" msgid "" "After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you " "regenerate thumbnails. You can do this from the tools section in WooCommerce or by using a plugin such as Regenerate Thumbnails." msgstr "" "發佈變更之後,在你重新產生縮圖之前,可能不會顯示新的圖片大小。你可以使用 WooCommerce 中的工具區,或使用重新產生縮圖這類外掛程式來完成此操作。" msgid "" "After publishing your changes, new image sizes will be generated " "automatically." msgstr "發佈變更之後,新的圖片大小將會自動產生。" msgid "How many rows of products should be shown per page?" msgstr "每頁要顯示多少列產品?" msgid "Rows per page" msgstr "每頁行數" msgid "How many products should be shown per row?" msgstr "每列要顯示多少項產品?" msgid "Products per row" msgstr "每列產品數" msgid "How should products be sorted in the catalog by default?" msgstr "產品在目錄中的預設排序方式為何?" msgid "Choose what to display on product category pages." msgstr "選擇要在產品類別頁面顯示的內容。" msgid "Category display" msgstr "類別顯示" msgid "Show subcategories & products" msgstr "顯示子類別和商品" msgid "Show categories & products" msgstr "顯示類別和商品" msgid "Default product sorting" msgstr "預設商品排序" msgid "Show subcategories" msgstr "顯示子分類" msgid "Show products" msgstr "顯示商品" msgid "Choose what to display on the main shop page." msgstr "選擇要在主要購物頁面顯示的內容。" msgid "Product Catalog" msgstr "產品目錄" msgid "" "If enabled, this text will be shown site-wide. You can use it to show events " "or promotions to visitors!" msgstr "" "啟用後,此文字會顯示為與網站同寬。你可以使用這項功能向訪客顯示活動或促銷內" "容!" msgid "Shop page display" msgstr "商店頁面顯示" msgid "Store notice" msgstr "商店通知" msgid "" "This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be " "fulfilled." msgstr "這是一個測試用的範例網站 — 沒有任何訂單會被實現。" msgid "Store Notice" msgstr "商店通知" msgid "Sort by price (desc)" msgstr "依價格排序 (高至低)" msgid "Sort by price (asc)" msgstr "依價格排序 (低至高)" msgid "Sort by most recent" msgstr "依最近新增" msgid "Popularity (sales)" msgstr "熱銷度 (銷售量)" msgid "Default sorting (custom ordering + name)" msgstr "預設排序 (自訂順序 + 名稱)" msgid "The maximum allowed setting is %d" msgstr "允許的最大設定值為 %d" msgid "The minimum allowed setting is %d" msgstr "允許的最小設定值為 %d" msgid "%1$d update functions completed. Database version is %2$s" msgstr "已完成 %1$d 項更新功能。資料庫版本為 %2$s" msgid "Updating database" msgstr "正在更新資料庫" msgid "Found %1$d updates (%2$s)" msgstr "已找到 %1$d 項更新 (%2$s)" msgid "No updates required. Database version is %s" msgstr "無須進行更新。資料庫版本為 %s" msgid "Output just the id when the operation is successful." msgstr "操作成功時,只輸出編號。" msgid "Render response in a particular format." msgstr "將回應轉譯為特定格式。" msgid "Get the value of an individual field." msgstr "取得單獨欄位的數值。" msgid "Limit response to specific fields. Defaults to all fields." msgstr "限制特定欄位的回應。所有欄位的預設值。" msgid "Zone ID." msgstr "區域 ID。" msgid "" "Make sure to include the --user flag with an account that has permissions " "for this action." msgstr "請確定以具有此動作權限的帳戶包含 --user 旗標。" msgid "No schema title found for %s, skipping REST command registration." msgstr "找不到 %s 的模式名稱,跳過 REST 指令註冊。" msgid "Attribute ID." msgstr "屬性 ID。" msgid "Refund ID." msgstr "退款編號" msgid "Order ID." msgstr "訂單編號。" msgid "Product ID." msgstr "商品編號" msgid "Customer ID." msgstr "顧客 ID。" msgid "Instance ID." msgstr "執行個體 ID。" msgid "" "Or you can download a pre-built version of the plugin from the repository or by visiting the releases " "page in the GitHub repository." msgstr "" "或者你可以從 存放庫下載預先建立的外掛程式" "版本,或者造訪 GitHub 存放庫中的版本頁面。" msgid "Error: Delivery URL returned response code: %s" msgstr "錯誤: 派送網址回傳編號 %s" msgid "Error: Delivery URL cannot be reached: %s" msgstr "錯誤: 派送網址 %s 無法連上" msgid "%1$s in %2$s on line %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 於 %2$s 在 %3$s 線上" msgid "%s and %d other region" msgid_plural "%s and %d other regions" msgstr[0] "%s 和 %d 個其他區域" msgid "Tax class already exists" msgstr "稅率類別已經存在" msgid "" "WooCommerce API. Use a consumer key in the username field and a consumer " "secret in the password field." msgstr "" "WooCommerce API。在使用者名稱欄位輸入消費者金鑰以及在密碼欄位輸入消費者密鑰。" msgid "Invalid field" msgstr "無效的欄位" msgid "Tax class slug already exists" msgstr "稅級代稱已存在" msgid "Tax class requires a valid name" msgstr "稅級須為有效的名稱" msgid "Customer matched zone \"%s\"" msgstr "客戶符合的區域「%s」" msgid "Unknown request method." msgstr "不明的請求方法。" msgid "The API key provided does not have write permissions." msgstr "提供的 API 金鑰沒有寫入權限。" msgid "The API key provided does not have read permissions." msgstr "提供的 API 金鑰沒有讀取權限。" msgid "Invalid nonce - nonce has already been used." msgstr "無效的亂數 - 亂數已使用過。" msgid "Invalid timestamp." msgstr "無效的時間戳記。" msgid "Invalid signature - provided signature does not match." msgstr "無效的簽名 - 提供的簽名不一致。" msgid "Invalid signature - signature method is invalid." msgstr "無效的簽名 - 簽名方式無效。" msgid "Cancelled product image regeneration job." msgstr "取消產品圖像重新生成。" msgid "Completed product image regeneration job." msgstr "已完成產品圖片重新產生工作。" msgid "Regenerating images for attachment ID: %s" msgstr "重新產生圖片的附件 ID:%s" msgid "Missing OAuth parameter %s" msgid_plural "Missing OAuth parameters %s" msgstr[0] "缺少 OAuth 參數 %s" msgid "Invalid signature - failed to sort parameters." msgstr "無效的簽名 - 參數排序失敗。" msgid "Consumer key is invalid." msgstr "客戶金鑰無效。" msgid "Consumer secret is invalid." msgstr "消費者密鑰無效" msgid "Select options for “%s”" msgstr "選取「%s」選項" msgid "Add “%s” to your cart" msgstr "將「%s」加入購物車" msgid "View products in the “%s” group" msgstr "檢視「%s」群組中的產品" msgid "Buy “%s”" msgstr "購買「%s」" msgid "External products cannot be backordered." msgstr "外部商品不能預訂。" msgid "External products cannot be stock managed." msgstr "外部商品不能管理庫存。" msgid "Orders (page %d)" msgstr "訂單 (第 %d 頁)" msgid "Pay for order" msgstr "前往付款" msgid "" "Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more details." msgstr "" "請參閱 PayPal 隱私權政策以取得更多詳細資料。" msgid "" "We accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your " "data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or " "support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information." msgstr "" "我們接受透過 PayPal 付款。處理付款時,會將你的部分資料傳送給 PayPal,包括處理" "或支援付款所需的資訊 (例如購買總金額和帳單資訊)。" msgid "" "In this subsection you should list which third party payment processors " "you’re using to take payments on your store since these may handle customer " "data. We’ve included PayPal as an example, but you should remove this if " "you’re not using PayPal." msgstr "" "你應該在此次區段中列出你的商店用來接受付款的第三方付款處理單位,因為這些單位" "可能會涉及客戶資料處理。我們已將 PayPal 加入做為範例,但如果你並未使用 " "PayPal,請移除此項目。" msgid "" "We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and " "store services to you; for example --" msgstr "我們會與協助我們提供你訂單和商店服務的第三方共用資訊;例如:" msgid "" "In this section you should list who you’re sharing data with, and for what " "purpose. This could include, but may not be limited to, analytics, " "marketing, payment gateways, shipping providers, and third party embeds." msgstr "" "你應在此區段中列出你共用資訊的對象與目的。這可能包括但不限於分析、行銷、付款" "閘道、貨運供應商及第三方嵌入項目。" msgid "" "Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill orders, " "process refunds and support you." msgstr "我們的團隊成員可存取此資訊以協助履行訂單、處理退款和為你提供支援。" msgid "What we share with others" msgstr "我們與他人共用的項目" msgid "" "Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping " "information." msgstr "你的姓名、電子郵件地址以及帳單和運送資料等客戶資訊。" msgid "" "Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where " "it should be sent, and" msgstr "購買項目、時間和傳送目的地等訂購資訊,以及" msgid "" "Members of our team have access to the information you provide us. For " "example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:" msgstr "" "我們的團隊成員可存取你提供給我們的資料。例如,管理員和商店經理均可存取以下資" "料:" msgid "Who on our team has access" msgstr "擁有存取權的團隊成員" msgid "We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them." msgstr "如果你選擇留下留言和評論,我們也會儲存這些內容。" msgid "" "We generally store information about you for as long as we need the " "information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not " "legally required to continue to keep it. For example, we will store order " "information for XXX years for tax and accounting purposes. This includes " "your name, email address and billing and shipping addresses." msgstr "" "我們通常只會在出於收集和使用的目的而需要這些資訊時,才會儲存有關你的資訊,在" "法律上我們並不需要繼續保留這些資訊。例如,我們會為了稅務和會計目的而儲存訂單" "資訊 XXX 年。這包括你的姓名、電子郵件地址以及帳單和運送地址。" msgid "" "If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone " "number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders." msgstr "" "如果你建立帳戶,我們將會儲存你的姓名、地址、電子郵件和電話號碼,以便在日後用" "於訂單自動填入結帳資訊。" msgid "Send you marketing messages, if you choose to receive them" msgstr "傳送行銷訊息給你 (如果你已同意接收)" msgid "Improve our store offerings" msgstr "改善商店優惠內容" msgid "Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxes" msgstr "遵循法律義務,例如計算稅額" msgid "Set up your account for our store" msgstr "開設你在我們商店的帳戶" msgid "Process payments and prevent fraud" msgstr "處理付款和防範詐騙" msgid "Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaints" msgstr "回覆你的申請,包括退款要求或客訴。" msgid "Send you information about your account and order" msgstr "將帳戶和訂單相關資訊傳送給你" msgid "" "When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including " "your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, " "credit card/payment details and optional account information like username " "and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:" msgstr "" "當你向我們購買產品時,我們會要求你提供一些資訊,包括你的姓名、帳單地址、運送" "地址、電子郵件地址、電話號碼、信用卡/付款詳細資料以及選填的帳戶資訊 (例如使用" "者名稱和密碼)。我們會將這個資訊用於以下的用途,例如:" msgid "" "Note: you may want to further detail your cookie policy, and link to that " "section from here." msgstr "附註:你可能想要進一步瞭解 Cookie 政策,請從這裡連結至該區段。" msgid "" "We’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing " "our site." msgstr "我們也會使用 Cookie 來追蹤你在瀏覽我們網站時的購物車內容。" msgid "" "Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, " "estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!" msgstr "" "運送地址:舉例來說,我們會要求你輸入運送地址,以便在你下訂單前估算運費,然後" "將訂單傳送給你!" msgid "" "Location, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like " "estimating taxes and shipping" msgstr "位置、IP 位址和瀏覽器類型:我們會利用此資訊來估算稅額和運費" msgid "While you visit our site, we’ll track:" msgstr "在你造訪我們的網站時,我們會追蹤以下項目:" msgid "What we collect and store" msgstr "我們收集和儲存的內容" msgid "" "We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store." msgstr "你在我們商店中進行結帳的過程中,我們會收集你的相關資訊。" msgid "" "This sample language includes the basics around what personal data your " "store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access " "to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional " "plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. " "We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to " "disclose on your privacy policy." msgstr "" "此範例語言包括你的商店可能正在收集、儲存和共用哪些個人資料以及誰可以存取該資" "料等基本資訊。視啟用的設定以及使用的外掛程式而定,你的商店所分享的具體資訊內" "容可能會有所不同。我們建議你決定在隱私權政策中揭露哪些資訊前,請先諮詢律師。" msgid "Token" msgstr "代碼" msgid "Payment Tokens" msgstr "付款代碼" msgid "Access granted" msgstr "已授予存取權" msgid "Download count" msgstr "下載計數" msgid "WooCommerce Customer Orders" msgstr "WooCommerce 客戶的訂單" msgid "WooCommerce Customer Data" msgstr "WooCommerce 顧客資料" msgid "User’s WooCommerce payment tokens data." msgstr "使用者的 WooCommerce 付款權杖資料。" msgid "WooCommerce Customer Payment Tokens" msgstr "WooCommerce 顧客付款代碼" msgid "WooCommerce Customer Downloads" msgstr "WooCommerce 客戶下載項目" msgid "Shipping Address" msgstr "運送地址" msgid "Payer PayPal address" msgstr "付款人 PayPal 地址" msgid "Payer last name" msgstr "付款人姓氏" msgid "Payer first name" msgstr "付款人名字" msgid "Browser User Agent" msgstr "瀏覽器使用者代理程式" msgid "Items Purchased" msgstr "已購買的項目" msgid "Download ID" msgstr "下載 ID" msgid "Order ID" msgstr "訂單編號" msgid "Order Date" msgstr "訂購日期" msgid "User’s WooCommerce access to purchased downloads data." msgstr "使用者的 WooCommerce 已購買下載項目資料存取權。" msgid "Access to Purchased Downloads" msgstr "存取已購買的下載項目" msgid "Purchased Downloads" msgstr "已購買的下載項目" msgid "User’s WooCommerce purchased downloads data." msgstr "使用者的 WooCommerce 已購買下載項目資料。" msgid "User’s WooCommerce orders data." msgstr "使用者的 WooCommerce 訂單資料。" msgid "Removed payment token \"%d\"" msgstr "已移除的付款代碼「%d」" msgid "Customer download permissions have been retained." msgstr "已保留客戶下載權限。" msgid "Removed access to downloadable files." msgstr "已移除可下載檔案的存取權限。" msgid "Personal data within order %s has been retained." msgstr "已保留 %s 訂單中的個人資料。" msgid "Personal data removed." msgstr "個人資料已移除。" msgid "Customer Data" msgstr "顧客資料" msgid "User’s WooCommerce customer data." msgstr "使用者的 WooCommerce 顧客資料。" msgid "Removed personal data from order %s." msgstr "已移除 %s 訂單的個人資料。" msgid "Removed customer \"%s\"" msgstr "已移除客戶「%s」" msgid "Shipping Address 1" msgstr "運送地址 1" msgid "Billing Address 1" msgstr "帳單地址 1" msgid "Shipping State" msgstr "運送州" msgid "Shipping Postal/Zip Code" msgstr "運送地郵遞區號" msgid "Shipping City" msgstr "運送城市" msgid "Shipping Last Name" msgstr "收件人姓氏" msgid "Shipping First Name" msgstr "收件人名字" msgid "Billing State" msgstr "帳單寄送州" msgid "Billing Postal/Zip Code" msgstr "帳單寄送地郵遞區號" msgid "Billing City" msgstr "帳單寄送城市" msgid "Billing Company" msgstr "帳單收件公司" msgid "Billing Last Name" msgstr "帳單收件人姓氏" msgid "Billing First Name" msgstr "帳單收件人名字" msgid "Shipping Address 2" msgstr "運送地址2" msgid "Billing Address 2" msgstr "帳單地址2" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Failed" msgstr "失敗" msgid "Shipping Country / Region" msgstr "運送國家/地區或區域" msgid "Billing Country / Region" msgstr "帳單寄送國家/地區或區域" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Refunded" msgstr "已退費" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "取消" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Completed" msgstr "完成" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "On hold" msgstr "擱置" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Processing" msgstr "處理中" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Pending payment" msgstr "等待付款中" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s not updated" msgstr "未更新%s" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s not added" msgstr "未新增%s" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s updated" msgstr "已更新%s" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s added" msgstr "已新增%s" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s deleted" msgstr "%s已刪除" msgid "" "This is where you can add new coupons that customers can use in your store." msgstr "在此可新增給顧客在商店用的優惠券。" msgid "Coupons list" msgstr "優惠券列表" msgid "Coupons navigation" msgstr "折價券導覽" msgid "Filter coupons" msgstr "篩選優惠券" msgid "Orders list" msgstr "訂單列表" msgid "Orders navigation" msgstr "訂單導覽" msgid "Filter orders" msgstr "篩選訂單" msgid "Parent coupon" msgstr "上層優惠券" msgid "Search coupons" msgstr "搜尋優惠券" msgid "View coupon" msgstr "查看優惠券" msgid "New coupon" msgstr "新優惠券" msgid "Add new coupon" msgstr "新增優惠券" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Coupons" msgstr "優惠券" msgid "This is where store orders are stored." msgstr "商店訂單儲存在此。" msgid "Parent orders" msgstr "上層訂單" msgid "Products navigation" msgstr "商品導覽" msgid "Filter products" msgstr "篩選商品" msgid "Uploaded to this product" msgstr "已上傳至此商品" msgid "Insert into product" msgstr "插入商品" msgid "Products list" msgstr "商品列表" msgctxt "shop_order post type singular name" msgid "Order" msgstr "訂單" msgid "Add new order" msgstr "新增訂單" msgid "Use as product image" msgstr "當作商品圖片" msgid "Remove product image" msgstr "刪除商品圖片" msgid "Set product image" msgstr "設定商品圖片" msgid "No products found in trash" msgstr "垃圾桶裡找不到商品" msgid "Add order" msgstr "新增訂單" msgid "No products found" msgstr "找不到商品" msgctxt "Product Attribute" msgid "Product %s" msgstr "商品 %s" msgid "No "%s" found" msgstr "找不到 "%s"" msgid "View product" msgstr "查看商品" msgid "Add new product" msgstr "新增商品" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Products" msgstr "商品" msgid "Parent %s:" msgstr "上層 %s:" msgid "New shipping class Name" msgstr "新運送類別名稱" msgid "← Back to \"%s\" attributes" msgstr "← 返回「%s」屬性" msgid "Product shipping classes" msgstr "商品運送類別" msgid "Add new tag" msgstr "新增標籤" msgid "Update tag" msgstr "更新標籤" msgid "All tags" msgstr "所有標籤" msgid "Search tags" msgstr "搜尋標籤" msgid "Add new shipping class" msgstr "新增運送類別" msgid "Update shipping class" msgstr "更新運送類別" msgid "Edit shipping class" msgstr "編輯運送類別" msgid "Parent shipping class:" msgstr "上層運送類別:" msgid "Parent shipping class" msgstr "上層運送類別" msgid "All shipping classes" msgstr "所有運送類別" msgid "Search shipping classes" msgstr "搜尋運送類別" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Shipping classes" msgstr "運送類別" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Tags" msgstr "標籤" msgid "Edit category" msgstr "編輯分類" msgid "Parent category:" msgstr "上層分類:" msgid "Refund – %s" msgstr "退費 – %s" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Categories" msgstr "分類" msgctxt "Taxonomy name" msgid "Product visibility" msgstr "產品能見度" msgctxt "Taxonomy name" msgid "Product type" msgstr "產品類型" msgid "Error during status transition." msgstr "狀態轉換期間發生錯誤。" msgid "Update status event failed." msgstr "更新狀態事件失敗。" msgid "Payment complete event failed." msgstr "付款完成事件失敗。" msgid "%1$s was called with an invalid level \"%2$s\"." msgstr "使用無效的層級「%2$s」呼叫 %1$s。" msgid "The provided handler %1$s does not implement %2$s." msgstr "提供的處理器 %1$s 尚未實作 %2$s。" msgid "Order status set to %s." msgstr "訂單狀態設置為 %s。" msgid "Invalid variation ID" msgstr "無效的變化類型編號" msgid "Invalid tax class" msgstr "無效的稅金類別" msgid "Invalid product" msgstr "無效的商品" msgid "(includes %s)" msgstr "(包括 %s)" msgid "Order status changed from %1$s to %2$s." msgstr "訂單狀態由 %1$s 變更為 %2$s。" msgid "Backordered" msgstr "延期出貨" msgid "" "%1$s was installed but could not be activated. Please " "activate it manually by clicking here." msgstr "%1$s 已安裝但無法啟用。 請點擊此處手動啟用。" msgid "" "%1$s could not be installed (%2$s). Please install it " "manually by clicking here." msgstr "%1$s 無法安裝 (%2$s)。請點擊此處轉為手動安裝。" msgid "Visit premium customer support" msgstr "訪問高級客戶支援" msgid "Premium support" msgstr "進階支援" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Shop manager" msgstr "商店經理" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Customer" msgstr "客戶" msgid "Please enter a stronger password." msgstr "請輸入一個複雜一點的密碼" msgid "API docs" msgstr "API 文件" msgid "View WooCommerce API docs" msgstr "查看 WooCommerce API 說明文件" msgid "View WooCommerce documentation" msgstr "查看 WooCommerce 說明文件" msgid "View WooCommerce settings" msgstr "查看 WooCommerce 設定" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "my-account" msgstr "my-account" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "checkout" msgstr "checkout" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "cart" msgstr "cart" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "shop" msgstr "shop" msgid "Docs" msgstr "文件" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "My account" msgstr "我的帳戶" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "Checkout" msgstr "結帳" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "Cart" msgstr "購物車" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "Shop" msgstr "商店" msgid "Visit community forums" msgstr "造訪社群論壇" msgid "Zero rate" msgstr "零稅率" msgid "Reduced rate" msgstr "優惠稅率" msgid "Every 15 Days" msgstr "每 15 天" msgid "" "Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart." msgstr "請先選取任一商品項選再加商品進購物車" msgid "" "Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination." msgstr "抱歉,此商品已下架,請選擇不同的組合" msgid "" "Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different " "combination." msgstr "很抱歉,沒有商品符合您的選擇,請重新選擇其他組合。" msgid "Error processing checkout. Please try again." msgstr "處理結帳時發生錯誤,請再試一遍" msgid "Please select a rating" msgstr "請選擇評分" msgid "" "Your account was created successfully. Your login details have been sent to " "your email address." msgstr "您的帳戶已成功建立。您的登入詳細資料已傳送至您的電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "Your account was created successfully and a password has been sent to your " "email address." msgstr "您的帳戶已成功建立,且密碼已傳送至您的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Please choose a product to add to your cart…" msgstr "請選擇一個商品加入您的購物車…" msgid "" "Please choose the quantity of items you wish to add to your cart…" msgstr "請選擇您想要加入購物車的商品數量…" msgid "" "Your order can no longer be cancelled. Please contact us if you need " "assistance." msgstr "您的訂單已經無法取消。如果您需要任何協助,請聯絡客服人員。" msgid "Your order was cancelled." msgstr "您的訂單已取消。" msgid "Order cancelled by customer." msgstr "顧客已取消訂單。" msgid "Cart updated." msgstr "購物車已更新" msgid "Unable to add payment method to your account." msgstr "無法為你的帳戶新增付款方式。" msgid "Payment method successfully added." msgstr "成功新增付款方式。" msgid "This payment method was successfully set as your default." msgstr "此付款方式已作為預設。" msgid "Payment method deleted." msgstr "已刪除付款方式。" msgctxt "Item name in quotes" msgid "“%s”" msgstr "“%s”" msgid "You can only have 1 %s in your cart." msgstr "您的購物車只能有 1 項 %s。" msgid "%s removed." msgstr "[%s] 已移除。" msgid "Invalid payment gateway." msgstr "無效的付款閘道。" msgid "" "You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please " "wait for %d second." msgid_plural "" "You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please " "wait for %d seconds." msgstr[0] "你剛才新增了一種付款方式,無法馬上新增另一種。請等候 %d 秒再新增。" msgid "Account details changed successfully." msgstr "已成功更改帳戶的詳細資料。" msgid "Your current password is incorrect." msgstr "您目前的密碼不正確" msgid "Display name cannot be changed to email address due to privacy concern." msgstr "為保護隱私,顯示名稱不得變更為電子郵件地址。" msgid "Display name" msgstr "顯示名稱" msgid "New passwords do not match." msgstr "新密碼不符合" msgid "Please enter your current password." msgstr "請輸入您目前的密碼" msgid "Please fill out all password fields." msgstr "請輸入所有的密碼欄位" msgid "Address changed successfully." msgstr "成功更改地址。" msgid "Please enter a valid postcode / ZIP." msgstr "請輸入有效的郵遞區號。" msgid "Rated %s out of 5" msgstr "評分 %s / 5" msgid "Please enter a valid Eircode." msgstr "請輸入有效的 Eircode。" msgid "Shipping methods" msgstr "運送方式" msgid "Shipping zones" msgstr "運送區域" msgid "Error: %s" msgstr "錯誤: %s" msgid "Customer" msgstr "顧客" msgid "Shipping method" msgstr "運送方式" msgid "Load billing address" msgstr "載入帳單地址" msgid "Payment method:" msgstr "付款方式:" msgid "Automated Taxes" msgstr "自動計算稅額" msgid "Yes please" msgstr "是的,麻煩你!" msgid "Shipping" msgid_plural "Shipping %d" msgstr[0] "運送方式" msgid "Address line 1" msgstr "地址第 1 行" msgid "Your settings have been saved." msgstr "你的設定已經被儲存。" msgid "Customers" msgstr "顧客" msgid "%s order restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s orders restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 訂單從垃圾桶回復。" msgid "%s order moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s orders moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 訂單已移到垃圾桶。" msgid "Soria" msgstr "索里亞" msgid "Burgos" msgstr "布哥斯" msgid "South Korea" msgstr "韓國" msgid "Cádiz" msgstr "卡地斯" msgid "%1$s is low in stock. There are %2$d left." msgstr "%1$s 目前為低庫存。剩餘 %2$d 件。" msgid "%1$s units of %2$s have been backordered in order #%3$s." msgstr "%1$s 單位的 %2$s 已經被延後交貨在訂單 #%3$s。" msgid "Product backorder" msgstr "商品延期出貨單" msgid "%s is out of stock." msgstr "%s 沒有庫存。" msgid "Product out of stock" msgstr "商品已無售完" msgid "Go to shop" msgstr "前往商店" msgid "Product low in stock" msgstr "商品庫存量低" msgid "No file defined" msgstr "沒有指定檔案" msgid "This is not your download link." msgstr "這不是您的下載連結。" msgid "Log in to Download Files" msgstr "登入下載檔案" msgid "Sorry, this download has expired" msgstr "很抱歉, 此下載已經逾期。" msgid "Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file" msgstr "很抱歉, 您已經達到此檔案的下載上限" msgid "You must be logged in to download files." msgstr "您必須登入才可下載檔案。" msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to selected products." msgstr "抱歉,此折價券不適用所選擇的產品。" msgid "Invalid order." msgstr "無效的訂單。" msgid "Invalid download link." msgstr "無效的下載連結。" msgctxt "display name" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "Invalid permission ID." msgstr "無效的權限ID。" msgid "Invalid data store." msgstr "無效的資料儲存。" msgid "Invalid billing email address" msgstr "無效的帳單電子郵件。" msgid "Please enter a coupon code." msgstr "請輸入一個優惠編號。" msgid "Coupon does not exist!" msgstr "優惠券不存在!" msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not valid for sale items." msgstr "很抱歉,此優惠券不適用於特價商品。" msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the categories: %s." msgstr "抱歉, 這個優惠券不能用於分類: %s。" msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the products: %s." msgstr "抱歉, 這個優惠券不能用於商品: %s。" msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to your cart contents." msgstr "抱歉,此優惠券不適用於您購物車中的商品" msgid "The maximum spend for this coupon is %s." msgstr "此一優惠券的最低消費額為 %s" msgid "The minimum spend for this coupon is %s." msgstr "此優惠券的最低消費額爲 %s。" msgid "This coupon has expired." msgstr "此優惠券已經過期了" msgid "Coupon usage limit has been reached." msgstr "已到達優惠券使用次數限制。" msgid "" "Sorry, coupon \"%s\" has already been applied and cannot be used in " "conjunction with other coupons." msgstr "很抱歉,已經使用優惠券 \"%s\" 所以無法再與其他優惠券一起使用。" msgid "" "Sorry, it seems the coupon \"%s\" is not yours - it has now been removed " "from your order." msgstr "抱歉, 該優惠券 \"%s\" 似乎不是您的 - 已經由您的訂單中移除。" msgid "" "Sorry, it seems the coupon \"%s\" is invalid - it has now been removed from " "your order." msgstr "抱歉, 該優惠券 \"%s\" 似乎無效 - 已經由您的訂單中移除。" msgid "Invalid discount amount" msgstr "無效的折扣金額" msgid "Invalid email address restriction" msgstr "無效的電郵地址限制" msgid "Coupon \"%s\" does not exist!" msgstr "優惠卷 \"%s\" 不存在!" msgid "Coupon is not valid." msgstr "無效的優惠券" msgid "Coupon code removed successfully." msgstr "優惠編號已成功移除" msgid "Coupon code applied successfully." msgstr "優惠編號使用成功" msgid "Municipality / District" msgstr "自治區 / 行政區" msgid "House number and street name" msgstr "門牌號碼與街道名稱" msgid "Invalid discount type" msgstr "無效的折扣類型" msgid "Eircode" msgstr "Eircode" msgid "ZIP" msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "State / Zone" msgstr "縣/區" msgid "Municipality" msgstr "市" msgid "Prefecture" msgstr "縣" msgid "Town / District" msgstr "鄉鎮/區域" msgid "Canton" msgstr "郡" msgid "Suburb" msgstr "郊區" msgid "Town / City" msgstr "鄉鎮市" msgid "Region" msgstr "區域" msgid "District" msgstr "區" msgid "Company name" msgstr "公司名稱" msgid "Postcode" msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "Town / Village" msgstr "鎮/村" msgid "Apartment, suite, unit, etc." msgstr "公寓、套房、單位等" msgid "Apartment, suite, unit, etc. (optional)" msgstr "公寓、套房、單元等(選填)" msgid "(ex. tax)" msgstr "(免稅)" msgid "(ex. VAT)" msgstr "(不含稅)" msgid "(incl. tax)" msgstr "(含稅)" msgid "(incl. VAT)" msgstr "(含稅)" msgid "the" msgstr "此" msgid "Please rate the product." msgstr "請爲商品評分。" msgid "VAT" msgstr "附加稅 (VAT)" msgid "" "Sorry, your session has expired. Return " "to shop" msgstr "" "抱歉, 你的連線已逾期。返回商店。" msgid "We were unable to process your order, please try again." msgstr "我們無法訖理您的訂單。 請再試一次。" msgid "" "No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or " "contact us if you need any help." msgstr "" "沒有運送方式被選中。請仔細檢查您的地址,或者如果您需要任何幫助,請聯繫我們。" msgid "" "Unfortunately we do not ship %s. Please enter an " "alternative shipping address." msgstr "" "很不幸的 我們不提供運送到 %s。 的服務,請輸入其他的運送地址" msgid "" "Please read and accept the terms and conditions to proceed with your order." msgstr "請詳閱並接受條款與條件,以繼續處理你的訂單。" msgid "Please enter an address to continue." msgstr "請填寫地址進行下一步。" msgid "%1$s is not valid. Please enter one of the following: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s無效,請輸入下列其中之一:%2$s" msgid "%s is not a valid postcode / ZIP." msgstr "%s 不是有效的郵遞區號。" msgid "%s is not a valid phone number." msgstr "%s不是一個有效的電話號嗎。" msgid "" "%1$s is not valid. You can look up the correct Eircode here." msgstr "" "%1$s 無效。你可以在這裡尋找正確的 " "Eircode。" msgctxt "checkout-validation" msgid "Billing %s" msgstr "帳單 %s" msgid "Unserializing instances of this class is forbidden." msgstr "禁止取消序列化這個類別的執行個體。" msgid "Cloning is forbidden." msgstr "禁止複製。" msgid "Create account password" msgstr "建立帳戶密碼" msgid "The cart has been filled with the items from your previous order." msgstr "購物車已經匯入您上次訂單的商品。" msgid "Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery." msgstr "" "您的訂單的備註,例如:運送時的特殊需求,或是你要開立三聯式發票的統編及抬頭請" "在此輸入" msgid "Account username" msgstr "帳戶使用者名稱" msgid "Order notes" msgstr "訂單備註" msgctxt "checkout-validation" msgid "Shipping %s" msgstr "運送 %s" msgid "" "%d item from your previous order is currently unavailable and could not be " "added to your cart." msgid_plural "" "%d items from your previous order are currently unavailable and could not be " "added to your cart." msgstr[0] "您上一張訂單中有 %d 物品目前已無法購買並且無法加入購物車。" msgid "" "%1$s has been removed from your cart because it has since been modified. You " "can add it back to your cart here." msgstr "" "%1$s 已修改,因此已從你的購物車中移除。你可以在這裡將它" "重新放入購物車。" msgid "" "%s has been removed from your cart because it can no longer be purchased. " "Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "因為 %s 已經下架所以從您的購物車移除,如果需要協助請連絡客服人員" msgid "" "You cannot add that amount to the cart — we have %1$s in stock and you " "already have %2$s in your cart." msgstr "" "您的不能選購這樣的數量 — 我們的庫存只有 %1$s 個,但是你下了 %2$s 個的訂" "單。" msgid "" "You cannot add that amount of "%1$s" to the cart because there is " "not enough stock (%2$s remaining)." msgstr "您無法購買 "%1$s" 的數量,庫存量不足。(還剩 %2$s 個)" msgid "" "You cannot add "%s" to the cart because the product is out of " "stock." msgstr "您無法購買 "%s" ,此商品已無庫存。" msgid "Invalid value posted for %s" msgstr "%s 收到無效的值 " msgid "You cannot add another \"%s\" to your cart." msgstr "您不能加入另一個 \"%s\" 到購物車。" msgid "View cart" msgstr "查看購物車 " msgid "Please choose product options…" msgstr "請選擇商品選項…" msgid "%s is a required field" msgid_plural "%s are required fields" msgstr[0] "%s 為必要欄位" msgid "Sorry, this product cannot be purchased." msgstr "抱歉,不能選購此一商品" msgid "" "Sorry, we do not have enough \"%1$s\" in stock to fulfill your order (%2$s " "available). We apologize for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "" "很抱歉,我們的「%1$s」庫存不足,無法履行你的訂單 (可供應的數量為 %2$s)。造成" "不便,敬請見諒。" msgid "" "Sorry, \"%s\" is not in stock. Please edit your cart and try again. We " "apologize for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "" "很抱歉,\"%s\" 已無庫存。請修正購物車並再嘗試一次。我們對您的任何不便感到抱" "歉。" msgid "Get cart should not be called before the wp_loaded action." msgstr "不應該在 wp_loaded 動作之前取得購物車" msgid "An item which is no longer available was removed from your cart." msgstr "有一個已經下架的商品已經從您的購物車移除了" msgid "Fee has already been added." msgstr "費用已新增。" msgid "" "In order for database caching to work with WooCommerce you " "must add %1$s to the \"Ignored Query Strings\" option in W3 " "Total Cache settings." msgstr "" "為確保 資料庫快取 在 WooCommerce 運作正常,你必須新增 %1$s " "到 \"Ignored Query Strings\" 選項, 在 W3 Total Cache 的設" "定。" msgid "Invalid nonce verification" msgstr "無效的亂數驗證" msgid "" "An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to send the " "consumer data" msgstr "送出請求時發生了錯誤,當時我們無法傳送顧客資料" msgid "The callback_url needs to be over SSL" msgstr "callback_url 回覆網址必須使用 SSL 連線" msgid "The %s is not a valid URL" msgstr "%s 不是一個有效的網址" msgid "Invalid scope %s" msgstr "無效的範圍 %s" msgid "View and manage products" msgstr "查看及管理商品" msgid "View and manage orders and sales reports" msgstr "查看及管理訂單與銷售報表" msgid "" "API Key generated successfully. Make sure to copy your new keys now as the " "secret key will be hidden once you leave this page." msgstr "" "API 金鑰成功產生了。請複製您的新金鑰並將它視同秘密金鑰,一旦離開本頁面它將被" "隱藏。" msgid "View and manage customers" msgstr "查看及管理顧客" msgid "View and manage coupons" msgstr "查看及管理優惠券" msgid "Create products" msgstr "新增商品" msgid "Create orders" msgstr "新增訂單" msgid "Create customers" msgstr "新增顧客" msgid "Create coupons" msgstr "新增優惠券" msgid "Create webhooks" msgstr "新增網頁連結" msgid "View orders and sales reports" msgstr "查看訂單及銷售報表" msgid "View customers" msgstr "查看顧客" msgid "View coupons" msgstr "查看優惠券" msgid "The Rest API is unavailable." msgstr "無法使用 Rest API。" msgid "API Key updated successfully." msgstr "API Key 已成功更新" msgid "Permissions is missing." msgstr "缺少權限" msgid "User is missing." msgstr "缺少使用者" msgid "Description is missing." msgstr "缺少說明" msgid "You do not have permission to assign API Keys to the selected user." msgstr "您無權將API密鑰分配給所選用戶。" msgid "Error processing refund. Please try again." msgstr "處理退款時發生錯誤。請再試一次。" msgid "Invalid refund amount" msgstr "無效的退費金額" msgid "Stock: %d" msgstr "庫存:%d" msgid "Order not editable" msgstr "順序不可編輯" msgid "Deleted %1$s and adjusted stock (%2$s)" msgstr "已刪除 %1$s 並調整庫存 (%2$s)" msgid "Invalid items" msgstr "無效項目" msgid "%s fee" msgstr "%s 費用" msgid "Invalid order" msgstr "無效的訂單" msgid "Return to shop" msgstr "回到商店" msgid "Sorry, your session has expired." msgstr "很抱歉,,您的連線已經逾期。" msgid "Coupon has been removed." msgstr "優惠券已移除" msgid "Sorry there was a problem removing this coupon." msgstr "抱歉在移除優惠券時發生了問題" msgid "Added line items: %s" msgstr "新增項目:%s" msgid "%s is a variable product parent and cannot be added." msgstr "%s 是子類商品上層,因此無法新增。" msgid "" "Variations (and their attributes) that do not have prices will not be shown " "in your store." msgstr "未標示價格的商品變化項目 (及其屬性) 將不會顯示在你的商店中。" msgid "%d variation does not have a price." msgid_plural "%d variations do not have prices." msgstr[0] "%d 個商品變化項目沒有標示價格。" msgid "Adjusted stock: %s" msgstr "已調整庫存:%s" msgid "This will change the stock status of all variations." msgstr "此操作會變更所有變化版本的庫存狀態。" msgid "Learn how to upgrade" msgstr "瞭解如何升級" msgid "" "Your store's uploads directory is browsable via the web. We strongly recommend configuring your web server to " "prevent directory indexing." msgstr "" "你可以透過網頁瀏覽商店的上載目錄。我們強烈建議你設定網頁伺服器以避免目錄建立索引。" msgid "Learn more about templates" msgstr "瞭解更多關於樣板" msgid "WooCommerce database update" msgstr "WooCommerce 資料庫更新" msgid "View affected templates" msgstr "檢視受影響的範本" msgid "" "If you copied over a template file to change something, then you will need " "to copy the new version of the template and apply your changes again." msgstr "" "若你為了變更部分內容而複製了範本檔案,則你需要複製範本的新版本再重新套用變" "更。" msgid "" "Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact " "your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce " "version." msgstr "" "將佈景主題更新至最新版本。如果沒有可用的更新,請聯絡你的佈景主題作者,詢問與" "最新 WooCommerce 版本的相容性。" msgid "" "Your theme (%s) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce " "template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are " "compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:" msgstr "" "你的佈景主題 (%s) 包含一些已過時的 WooCommerce 範本檔案副本。你可能需要更新這些檔案以確保與 WooCommerce 的最新版本相容。修正此問題" "的建議方式:" msgid "" "Your store does not appear to be using a secure connection. We highly " "recommend serving your entire website over an HTTPS connection to help keep " "customer data secure. Learn more here." msgstr "" "你的商店似乎沒有使用安全的連線。強烈建議你為整個網站使用 HTTPS 連線,這麼做有" "助於保護顧客資料安全無虞。需深入瞭解請按這裡。" msgid "" "Thumbnail regeneration is running in the background. Depending on the amount " "of images in your store this may take a while." msgstr "" "縮圖重新產生作業正在背景中執行。視商店中的圖片數量而定,這可能需要一段時間才" "能完成。" msgid "Cancel thumbnail regeneration" msgstr "取消重新生成縮圖" msgid "" "Note: WP CRON has been disabled on your install which may prevent this " "update from completing." msgstr "請注意:已在你安裝的版本上停用 WP CRON,可能無法完成此更新。" msgid "" "Product display, sorting, and reports may not be accurate until this " "finishes. It will take a few minutes and this notice will disappear when " "complete." msgstr "" "直到更新結束為止,產品顯示、排序和報告可能都不正確。這需要幾分鐘的時間,工作" "完成後就不會再顯示此通知。" msgid "WooCommerce is updating product data in the background" msgstr "WooCommerce 正在背景更新產品資料" msgid "View progress →" msgstr "檢視進度 →" msgid "" "Customers will not be able to purchase physical goods from your store until " "a shipping method is available." msgstr "在有運送方法之前,客戶無法從您的商店購買實體商品。" msgid "" "Shipping is currently enabled, but you have not added any shipping methods " "to your shipping zones." msgstr "目前已啟用運送功能,但您尚未在運送區域中新增任何運送方式。" msgid "Add shipping methods & zones" msgstr "新增運送方式及區域" msgid "" "You must enter a valid license key on the MaxMind " "integration settings page in order to use the geolocation service. If " "you do not need geolocation for shipping or taxes, you should change the " "default customer location on the general settings page." msgstr "" "你必須在 MaxMind 整合設定頁面上輸入有效的授權金鑰,才能" "使用地理位置服務。如果不需要地理位置來運送或繳稅,則應在一般" "設定頁面上變更預設的顧客位置。" msgid "" "Legacy shipping methods (flat rate, international flat rate, local pickup " "and delivery, and free shipping) are deprecated but will continue to work as " "normal for now. They will be removed in future versions of " "WooCommerce. We recommend disabling these and setting up new rates " "within shipping zones as soon as possible." msgstr "" "舊式運送方法 (均一價、國際均一價、當地取貨和寄送以及免費運送) 已被取代,但目" "前可以繼續正常使用。 未來的 WooCommerce 版本中將不會出現這些方法。 我們建議停用這些方法,並儘快在運送區域中設定新費率。" msgid "Learn more about shipping zones" msgstr "瞭解更多運送區域相關資訊" msgid "Setup shipping zones" msgstr "設定運送區域" msgid "Geolocation has not been configured." msgstr "尚未設定地理位置。" msgid "" "a group of regions that can be assigned different shipping methods and rates." msgstr "地區群組可被賦予不同的運輸方式及對應稅金。" msgid "New:" msgstr "新訊:" msgid "Skip setup" msgstr "跳過設定" msgid "Run the Setup Wizard" msgstr "返回設定精靈" msgid "" "Welcome to WooCommerce – You‘re almost ready to " "start selling :)" msgstr "" "歡迎來到 WooCommerce – 您快要準備好開始銷售了 :)" msgid "" "One or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some " "features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s." msgstr "" "缺少一或多個 WooCommerce 所需資料表,某些功能可能無法正常運作。缺少資料表:" "%1$s。" msgid "" "One or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some " "features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s. Check again." msgstr "" "缺少一或多個 WooCommerce 所需資料表,某些功能可能無法正常運作。缺少資料表:" "%1$s。請再檢查一次。" msgid "Stock qty" msgstr "庫存量" msgid "Decrease existing stock by:" msgstr "藉由以下方減少現有庫存:" msgid "Increase existing stock by:" msgstr "藉由以下方增加現有庫存:" msgid "Set to regular price decreased by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "將定價的降幅設為 (固定的金額或百分比) :" msgid "Decrease existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "調降既有的折扣價 (固定的金額或百分比) :" msgid "Enter sale price (%s)" msgstr "輸入銷售價格 (%s)" msgid "Catalog & search" msgstr "型錄 & 搜尋" msgid "L/W/H" msgstr "長/寬/高" msgid "Catalog" msgstr "型錄" msgid "Increase existing price by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "提高所有現有的價格 (固定值 或 百份比):" msgid "Increase existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "調升既有的折扣價 (固定的金額或百分比) :" msgid "Decrease existing price by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "降價(固定金額或%):" msgid "Enter price (%s)" msgstr "輸入價格 (%s)" msgid "Learn how to update" msgstr "了解如何更新" msgid "Outdated templates" msgstr "過時的樣板" msgid "— No change —" msgstr "— 無變更 —" msgid "%1$s version %2$s is out of date. The core version is %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 的版本 %2$s 已經過期。核心版本為 %3$s" msgid "" "Your theme has a woocommerce.php file, you will not be able to override the " "woocommerce/archive-product.php custom template since woocommerce.php has " "priority over archive-product.php. This is intended to prevent display " "issues." msgstr "" "您的主題有 woocommerce.php 檔案,您無法覆寫 woocommerce/archive-product.php " "自訂範本,因為 woocommerce.php 對於 archive-product.php 有優先權。 這可防止顯" "示問題。" msgid "Overrides" msgstr "置換" msgid "Archive template" msgstr "封存範本" msgid "" "This section shows any files that are overriding the default WooCommerce " "template pages." msgstr "此區段顯示任何被置換為非預設的 WooCommerce 範本頁面" msgid "Not declared" msgstr "未註明" msgid "" "Displays whether or not the current active theme declares WooCommerce " "support." msgstr "顯示目前現用佈景主題是否支援 WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce support" msgstr "WooCommerce 支援" msgid "The parent theme developers URL." msgstr "父佈景主題開發者網址" msgid "Parent theme author URL" msgstr "父佈景作者網址" msgid "The installed version of the parent theme." msgstr "父佈景主題安裝的版本" msgid "Parent theme version" msgstr "父佈景版本" msgid "The name of the parent theme." msgstr "父佈景主題的名稱" msgid "Parent theme name" msgstr "父佈景名稱" msgid "" "If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build " "personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme" msgstr "" "如果你要修改 WooCommerce 或一個不是你自己建立的父佈景主題的話,那我們建議使用" "子佈景主題。請看: 如何建立一個子佈景主題" msgid "Displays whether or not the current theme is a child theme." msgstr "顯示現用的佈景是否為子佈景主題" msgid "Child theme" msgstr "子佈景主題" msgid "The theme developers URL." msgstr "佈景主題開發者網址" msgid "Author URL" msgstr "作者網址" msgid "The installed version of the current active theme." msgstr "現用佈景主題安裝的版本" msgid "The name of the current active theme." msgstr "現用的佈景主題名稱" msgid "The URL of your %s page (along with the Page ID)." msgstr "您 %s 頁面的網址 (連同頁面 ID)。" msgid "Page visibility should be public" msgstr "頁頁可見度應為 公開" msgid "Page ID is set, but the page does not exist" msgstr "頁面 ID 已設定,但頁面不存在" msgid "Page not set" msgstr "未設定頁面" msgid "WooCommerce pages" msgstr "WooCommerce 頁面" msgid "A list of taxonomy terms used for product visibility." msgstr "用於確定商品可見性的分類方法列表。 " msgid "Taxonomies: Product visibility" msgstr "分類:產品可見度" msgid "Edit %s page" msgstr "編輯 %s 頁面" msgid "" "A list of taxonomy terms that can be used in regard to order/product " "statuses." msgstr "可以用在跟訂單/商品有關的類別項目列表" msgid "Is your site connected to" msgstr "你的網站是否已連結至" msgid "Taxonomies: Product types" msgstr "類別:商品類型" msgid "The number of decimal points shown in displayed prices." msgstr "顯示於價格的小數點位數" msgid "The decimal separator of displayed prices." msgstr "顯示於價格的小數點" msgid "The thousand separator of displayed prices." msgstr "顯示於價格的千位分隔符" msgid "The position of the currency symbol." msgstr "貨幣符號的位置" msgid "" "What currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which currency " "gateways will take payments in." msgstr "什麼幣別會列在目錄中以及哪一個付款付款方法將會處理付款。" msgid "Does your site force a SSL Certificate for transactions?" msgstr "你的網站是否強制 SSL 加密交易?" msgid "Error messages should not be shown to visitors." msgstr "錯誤消息不應該向訪客顯示。" msgid "" "Error messages can contain sensitive information about your store " "environment. These should be hidden from untrusted visitors." msgstr "" "錯誤訊息可能包含商店環境的敏感資訊。這些資訊應隱藏起來,不讓未獲信任的訪客看" "見。" msgid "Does your site have REST API enabled?" msgstr "你的網站是否啟用 REST API?" msgid "API enabled" msgstr "API 已啟用" msgid "Force SSL" msgstr "強制 SSL 加密" msgid "Active plugins" msgstr "已啟用外掛" msgid "Dropin Plugins" msgstr "Dropin 外掛" msgid "Inactive plugins" msgstr "閒置外掛" msgid "Hide errors from visitors" msgstr "對訪客隱藏錯誤" msgid "" "Your store is not using HTTPS. Learn more " "about HTTPS and SSL Certificates." msgstr "" "您的商店沒有使用HTTPS。 詳細了解HTTPS和SSL憑" "證。" msgid "Post Type Counts" msgstr "文章類型計數" msgid "Secure connection (HTTPS)" msgstr "安全連線(HTTPS)" msgid "Is the connection to your store secure?" msgstr "與您商店的連線是否安全 ?" msgid "" "Unable to retrieve database information. Usually, this is not a problem, and " "it only means that your install is using a class that replaces the WordPress " "database class (e.g., HyperDB) and WooCommerce is unable to get database " "information." msgstr "" "無法擷取資料庫資訊。此情況通常不是發生問題,僅表示你的安裝使用的類別取代了 " "WordPress 資料庫類別 (例如:HyperDB),也表示 WooCommerce 無法取得資料庫資訊。" msgid "Database Index Size" msgstr "資料庫索引大小" msgid "Database Data Size" msgstr "資料庫資料大小" msgid "Total Database Size" msgstr "總資料庫大小" msgid "How to update your database table prefix" msgstr "如何更新資料表前綴" msgid "Table does not exist" msgstr "表格不存在" msgid "Database information:" msgstr "資料庫資訊:" msgid "Data: %1$.2fMB + Index: %2$.2fMB + Engine %3$s" msgstr "資料:%1$.2fMB + 索引:%2$.2fMB + 引擎 %3$s" msgid "" "%1$s - We recommend using a prefix with less than 20 characters. See: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - 我們建議使用少於 20 個字符的前綴。請參閱: %2$s" msgid "WooCommerce database version" msgstr "WooCommerce 資料庫版本" msgid "" "WooCommerce plugins may use this method of communication when checking for " "plugin updates." msgstr "WooCommerce 外掛可以在檢查外掛更新時使用此通訊方式。" msgid "%s failed. Contact your hosting provider." msgstr "%s 失敗。請聯絡你的主機服務提供者。" msgid "Remote get" msgstr "遠端接收" msgid "" "PayPal uses this method of communicating when sending back transaction " "information." msgstr "PayPa 使用此一通訊方式來回傳交易資訊" msgid "" "Your server does not support the %s functions - this is required for better " "character encoding. Some fallbacks will be used instead for it." msgstr "你的伺服器不支援 %s 功能 - 需要更好的字元編碼。將會改用後備方式。" msgid "" "Multibyte String (mbstring) is used to convert character encoding, like for " "emails or converting characters to lowercase." msgstr "" "多位元字串 (mbstring) 是用來轉換字元編碼用的,像是給電子郵件用或是轉換字母為" "小寫" msgid "Multibyte string" msgstr "多位元字串" msgid "" "Your server does not support the %s function - this is required to use the " "GeoIP database from MaxMind." msgstr "您的伺服器不支援 %s 功能 - 需要從 MaxMind 使用 GeoIP 資料庫。" msgid "GZip (gzopen) is used to open the GEOIP database from MaxMind." msgstr "GZip (gzopen) 是用於從 MaxMind 開啟 GEOIP 資料庫。時使用" msgid "GZip" msgstr "GZip" msgid "" "Your server does not have the %s class enabled - HTML/Multipart emails, and " "also some extensions, will not work without DOMDocument." msgstr "" "你的伺服器沒有啟用 %s 功能 - HTML/Multipart 電子郵件, 以及某些擴充功能沒有 " "DOMDocument 將無法運作。" msgid "" "HTML/Multipart emails use DOMDocument to generate inline CSS in templates." msgstr "HTML/Multipart 電子郵件使用 DOMDocument 來產生範本檔中的 inline CSS。" msgid "DOMDocument" msgstr "DOMDocument" msgid "" "Your server does not have the %s class enabled - some gateway plugins which " "use SOAP may not work as expected." msgstr "" "你的伺服器未啟用 %s 模組 - 某些使用 SOAP 的付款方法外掛可能無法像預期那樣運作" msgid "" "Some webservices like shipping use SOAP to get information from remote " "servers, for example, live shipping quotes from FedEx require SOAP to be " "installed." msgstr "" "有些網頁服務像是運送使用 SOAP 來從遠端主機取得資訊。 例如: FedEX 的線上運送" "查詢就需要安裝 SOAP。" msgid "SoapClient" msgstr "SoapClient" msgid "" "Your server does not have fsockopen or cURL enabled - PayPal IPN and other " "scripts which communicate with other servers will not work. Contact your " "hosting provider." msgstr "" "你的伺服器未啟用 fsockopen 或 cURL - PayPal IPN 及需與其他伺服器通訊的腳本將" "無法使用。請與你的主機服務商聯絡。 " msgid "" "Payment gateways can use cURL to communicate with remote servers to " "authorize payments, other plugins may also use it when communicating with " "remote services." msgstr "" "付款付款方法可以利用 cURL 跟遠端主機溝通來授權付款。 其他外掛也可以利用它跟遠" "端服務溝通" msgid "fsockopen/cURL" msgstr "fsockopen/cURL" msgid "Default timezone is %s - it should be UTC" msgstr "預設時區為 %s - 應該為 UTC" msgid "The default timezone for your server." msgstr "你主機的預設時區" msgid "Default timezone is UTC" msgstr "預設時區為 UTC" msgid "WordPress requirements" msgstr "WordPress 需求" msgid "%1$s - We recommend a minimum MySQL version of 5.6. See: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - 我們建議 PHP 版本至少為 5.6。請查看:%2$s" msgid "" "The largest filesize that can be uploaded to your WordPress installation." msgstr "可以上傳到你 WordPress 的最大檔案大小" msgid "Max upload size" msgstr "最大檔案上傳大小" msgid "The version of MySQL installed on your hosting server." msgstr "你的網站主機安裝的 MySQL 版本" msgid "MySQL version" msgstr "MySQL 版本" msgid "" "Suhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP installations. It was " "designed to protect your servers on the one hand against a number of well " "known problems in PHP applications and on the other hand against potential " "unknown vulnerabilities within these applications or the PHP core itself. If " "enabled on your server, Suhosin may need to be configured to increase its " "data submission limits." msgstr "" "Suhosin 是一個 PHP 用的進階防護系統。 它設計一方面用來保護你的 PHP 應用程式免" "於各種已知問題, 另一方面可以防範未知的 PHP 應用程式或核心本身的漏洞。 如果你" "的主機啟用了 Suhosin 的話你可能需要增加資料應用限制設定" msgid "The version of cURL installed on your server." msgstr "安裝在伺服器上的 cURL 版本。" msgid "SUHOSIN installed" msgstr "SUHOSIN 已安裝" msgid "" "The maximum number of variables your server can use for a single function to " "avoid overloads." msgstr "你的主機用於單一功能以避免過載的最大變數值" msgid "PHP max input vars" msgstr "PHP Max Input Vars" msgid "" "The amount of time (in seconds) that your site will spend on a single " "operation before timing out (to avoid server lockups)" msgstr "你的網站花費在單一作業逾時的最長時間 (秒數) (以避免主機卡住)" msgid "" "We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for greater performance and " "security." msgstr "建議使用 PHP 7.2 或以上版本,以獲得更優異的效能和安全性。" msgid "The largest filesize that can be contained in one post." msgstr "一篇文章可以允許的最大容量" msgid "" "WooCommerce will run under this version of PHP, however, it has reached end " "of life. We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for greater performance " "and security." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 將會在這個版本的 PHP 下執行,但是此版本已遭淘汰。建議使用 PHP " "7.2 或以上版本,以獲得更優異的效能和安全性。" msgid "" "WooCommerce will run under this version of PHP, however, some features such " "as geolocation are not compatible. Support for this version will be dropped " "in the next major release. We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for " "greater performance and security." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 將會在這個版本的 PHP 下執行,但是地理位置等部分功能不相容。下個主" "要版本將終止對此版本的支援。建議使用 PHP 7.2 或以上版本,以獲得更優異的效能和" "安全性。" msgid "How to update your PHP version" msgstr "如何升級您的 PHP 版本" msgid "The version of PHP installed on your hosting server." msgstr "你的主機安裝的 PHP 版本" msgid "Information about the web server that is currently hosting your site." msgstr "目前網站所使用網頁主機的資訊" msgid "Displays whether or not WordPress is using an external object cache." msgstr "顯示 WordPress 是否正在使用外部物件快取。" msgid "Server info" msgstr "伺服器資訊" msgid "Server environment" msgstr "伺服器環境" msgid "External object cache" msgstr "外部物件快取" msgid "Displays whether or not WP Cron Jobs are enabled." msgstr "顯示是否要啟用 WP 計劃任務。" msgid "The current language used by WordPress. Default = English" msgstr "目前 WordPress 使用的語系。 預設 = 英文" msgid "WordPress debug mode" msgstr "WordPress 偵錯模式" msgid "Increasing memory allocated to PHP" msgstr "增加 PHP 的記憶體配額" msgid "%1$s - We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - 我們建議 WooCommerce 設定至少 64MB 的記憶體. 請看 %2$s" msgid "Displays whether or not WordPress is in Debug Mode." msgstr "顯示 WordPress 是否在 Debug 除錯模式" msgid "WordPress memory limit" msgstr "WordPress 記憶體限制" msgid "The maximum amount of memory (RAM) that your site can use at one time." msgstr "你的網站一次可以使用的最大記憶體容量 (RAM)" msgid "Whether or not you have WordPress Multisite enabled." msgstr "WordPress Multisite 多站台是否啟用" msgid "WordPress multisite" msgstr "WordPress 多站點" msgid "%1$s - There is a newer version of WordPress available (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s - 有新版的 WordPress 可用 (%2$s)" msgid "To allow logging, make %1$s writable or define a custom %2$s." msgstr "要允許記錄,讓 %1$s 可寫入或自定義 %2$s。" msgid "The version of WordPress installed on your site." msgstr "在你網站安裝的 WordPress 版本" msgid "" "Several WooCommerce extensions can write logs which makes debugging problems " "easier. The directory must be writable for this to happen." msgstr "" "許多 WooCommerce 擴充功能可以寫入記錄檔讓除錯更容易。 此目錄必須要為可寫入才" "能達成此功能" msgid "Log directory writable" msgstr "日誌目錄可寫入" msgid "Unable to detect the Action Scheduler package." msgstr "無法偵測到 Action Scheduler 套件。" msgid "Action Scheduler package running on your site." msgstr "你的網站上執行的 Action Scheduler 套件。" msgid "Action Scheduler package" msgstr "Action Scheduler 套件" msgid "Unable to detect the Blocks package." msgstr "無法偵測到 Blocks 套件。" msgid "The WooCommerce Blocks package running on your site." msgstr "你的網站上執行的 WooCommerce Blocks 套件。" msgid "WooCommerce Blocks package" msgstr "WooCommerce Blocks 套件" msgid "Unable to detect the REST API package." msgstr "無法偵測 REST API 套件。" msgid "The WooCommerce REST API package running on your site." msgstr "你的網站上執行的 WooCommerce REST API 套件。" msgid "WooCommerce REST API package" msgstr "WooCommerce REST API 套件" msgid "WooCommerce version" msgstr "WooCommerce 版本" msgid "The homepage URL of your site." msgstr "您網站的首頁網址" msgid "The version of WooCommerce installed on your site." msgstr "在你網站安裝的 WooCommerce 版本" msgid "The root URL of your site." msgstr "你網站根目錄網址" msgid "WordPress environment" msgstr "WordPress 環境" msgid "Copy for support" msgstr "為支援複製" msgid "Understanding the status report" msgstr "瞭解狀態報表" msgid "Get system report" msgstr "取得系統報表" msgid "" "Please copy and paste this information in your ticket when contacting " "support:" msgstr "當連絡支援服務時請將這些資訊複製/貼上到你開的支援單上" msgid "There are currently no logs to view." msgstr "目前沒有記錄可以查看" msgid "Are you sure you want to clear all logs from the database?" msgstr "確定要從資料庫中清除所有記錄?" msgid "Flush all logs" msgstr "清除所有紀錄" msgid "Generate CSV" msgstr "產生 CSV" msgid "Yes, export all custom meta" msgstr "是的,匯出所有自訂 meta" msgid "Export custom meta?" msgstr "匯出自訂 meta?" msgid "Product variations" msgstr "商品變化規格" msgid "Export all products" msgstr "匯出所有商品" msgid "Which product types should be exported?" msgstr "哪些商品類型要被匯出?" msgid "Export all columns" msgstr "匯出所有欄位" msgid "Which columns should be exported?" msgstr "哪些欄位要被匯出?" msgid "Export all categories" msgstr "匯出所有分類" msgid "Which product category should be exported?" msgstr "應匯出哪個商品分類?" msgid "" "This tool allows you to generate and download a CSV file containing a list " "of all products." msgstr "此工具能讓您產生並下載包含所有商品清單的 CSV 檔案。" msgid "Export products to a CSV file" msgstr "將商品匯出成 CSV 檔" msgid "Export Products" msgstr "匯出商品" msgid "Download & install" msgstr "下載 & 安裝" msgid "Read all about it" msgstr "閱讀所有關於它" msgid "" "Storefront is an intuitive, flexible and free WordPress " "theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce and many of the most " "popular customer-facing extensions." msgstr "" "Storefront 是一個直覺 & 多變化, 免費 的WordPress 佈景主" "題提供與 WooCommerce 深度整合以及許多最受顧客歡迎的擴充功能。" msgid "We recommend Storefront, the official WooCommerce theme." msgstr "我們建議 Storefront, 這是 官方的 WooCommerce 佈景主題。" msgid "Looking for a WooCommerce theme?" msgstr "您在找 WooCommerce 合用的佈景主題嗎?" msgid "" "Our catalog of WooCommerce Extensions can be found on here: " "WooCommerce Extensions Catalog" msgstr "" "我們 WooCommerce 擴充模組的型錄可以在 的: WooCommerce Extensions Catalog 找到" msgid "Itemized" msgstr "每項商品" msgid "As a single total" msgstr "合計為一個" msgid "Display tax totals" msgstr "顯示稅金總計" msgid "" "Define text to show after your product prices. This could be, for example, " "\"inc. Vat\" to explain your pricing. You can also have prices substituted " "here using one of the following: {price_including_tax}, " "{price_excluding_tax}." msgstr "" "指定要在你商品價格後面顯示的文字。 這可能是, 例如: \"含稅\" 來說明你的價格。 " "你也可以讓這裡的價格以下列之一來替換: {price_including_tax}, " "{price_excluding_tax}。" msgid "Price display suffix" msgstr "價格顯示後綴" msgid "Display prices during cart and checkout" msgstr "在購物車及結帳過程顯示價格" msgid "Display prices in the shop" msgstr "在商店顯示價格" msgid "Excluding tax" msgstr "未稅" msgid "Including tax" msgstr "含稅" msgid "" "List additional tax classes you need below (1 per line, e.g. Reduced Rates). " "These are in addition to \"Standard rate\" which exists by default." msgstr "" "請於下方列出你所需的其他稅級 (每行 1 個稅級,例如:優惠稅率)。這些稅級為「標" "準稅率」(依預設存在) 以外的項目。" msgid "Additional tax classes" msgstr "額外稅率類別" msgid "Round tax at subtotal level, instead of rounding per line" msgstr "先加總之後再四捨五入。" msgid "Rounding" msgstr "四捨五入" msgid "Shipping tax class based on cart items" msgstr "依據購物車內容項目決定運費稅金類別" msgid "" "Optionally control which tax class shipping gets, or leave it so shipping " "tax is based on the cart items themselves." msgstr "" "選擇性地控制運費使用或是離開某個稅率類別,這樣子運費稅金自己會依據購物車項目" "而定" msgid "Shipping tax class" msgstr "運費稅金類別" msgid "This option determines which address is used to calculate tax." msgstr "此選項決定使用哪個地址來計算稅金。" msgid "Calculate tax based on" msgstr "稅金計算依據" msgid "No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax" msgstr "不,我將輸入不含稅金的售價。" msgid "Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax" msgstr "是,我將輸入包含稅金的售價。" msgid "" "This option is important as it will affect how you input prices. Changing it " "will not update existing products." msgstr "這個選項很重要它將會影響你如何輸入價格,變更此項不會更新現存商品的價格" msgid "Prices entered with tax" msgstr "售價包含稅金" msgid "Updated at" msgstr "更新於" msgid "Created at" msgstr "建立於" msgid "Webhook actions" msgstr "網絡掛鉤動作" msgid "Legacy API v3 (deprecated)" msgstr "傳統 API v3 (已棄用)" msgid "REST API version used in the webhook deliveries." msgstr "在 webhook 傳遞中使用 REST API 版本。" msgid "" "The secret key is used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and " "provided in the request headers." msgstr "該密鑰用於生成所遞送的網絡掛鉤的散列並且在請求頁首中提供。" msgid "API Version" msgstr "API 版本" msgid "WP REST API Integration v%d" msgstr "WP REST API Integration v%d" msgid "Secret" msgstr "密鑰" msgid "URL where the webhook payload is delivered." msgstr "網頁連結載體傳送網址" msgid "Enter the action that will trigger this webhook." msgstr "輸入將會觸發網頁連結的動作" msgid "Product restored" msgstr "商品已還原" msgid "Order restored" msgstr "訂單已還原" msgid "Coupon restored" msgstr "折價券已還原" msgid "Action event" msgstr "動作項目" msgid "Product updated" msgstr "商品已更新" msgid "Product created" msgstr "商品已建立" msgid "Order updated" msgstr "訂單已更新" msgid "Order created" msgstr "訂單已建立" msgid "Customer deleted" msgstr "顧客已刪除" msgid "Customer updated" msgstr "顧客已更新" msgid "Customer created" msgstr "顧客已建立" msgid "Coupon deleted" msgstr "優惠券已刪除" msgid "Coupon updated" msgstr "優惠券已更新" msgid "Coupon created" msgstr "優惠券已建立" msgid "Select when the webhook will fire." msgstr "選擇網頁連結啟動時間" msgid "" "The options are "Active" (delivers payload), "Paused" " "(does not deliver), or "Disabled" (does not deliver due delivery " "failures)." msgstr "" "選項有 "啟用" (傳送載體), "暫停" (不傳送), or "停用" "" (因傳送失敗而不傳送)。" msgid "" "Friendly name for identifying this webhook, defaults to Webhook created on " "%s." msgstr "容易記住的網頁連結名稱。 預設為 網頁連結建立於 %s。" msgctxt "Pagination" msgid "%1$s of %2$s" msgstr "第 %1$s 頁,共 %2$s 頁" msgid "No matching tax rates found." msgstr "找不到符合的稅率。" msgid "Tax rate ID: %s" msgstr "稅率編號: %s" msgid "Webhook data" msgstr "網絡掛鉤資料" msgid "Import CSV" msgstr "匯入 CSV" msgid "Remove selected row(s)" msgstr "移除所選列" msgid "Insert row" msgstr "插入列" msgid "Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping." msgstr "選擇是否這個稅率也套用於運費" msgid "%s items" msgstr "%s 個項目" msgid "" "Choose whether or not this is a compound rate. Compound tax rates are " "applied on top of other tax rates." msgstr "選擇這個是否為複合稅率,複合稅率會比其他稅率優先採用" msgid "" "Choose a priority for this tax rate. Only 1 matching rate per priority will " "be used. To define multiple tax rates for a single area you need to specify " "a different priority per rate." msgstr "" "選擇這個稅率的優先順序,每個優先順序只有 1 個符合的稅率會被採用。如果要為單一" "地區定義多個稅率的話,你需要每個稅率指定不同的優先順序" msgid "Enter a name for this tax rate." msgstr "輸入這個稅率的名稱" msgid "Enter a tax rate (percentage) to 4 decimal places." msgstr "輸入稅率 (百分比) 最多 4 位數" msgid "Rate %" msgstr "稅率 %" msgid "" "Cities for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank " "to apply to all cities." msgstr "用此規則的城市,用半形冒號 (:) 分隔多個值,留空白套用於所有城市" msgid "" "Postcode for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank " "to apply to all areas. Wildcards (*) and ranges for numeric postcodes (e.g. " "12345...12350) can also be used." msgstr "" "郵遞區號適用此規則。 使用分號 (;) 分隔多個值。 留空以套用至所有區域。 也可以" "使用萬用字元 (*) 和包含所有數字的郵遞區號 (例如12345。。.12350)。" msgid "A 2 digit state code, e.g. AL. Leave blank to apply to all." msgstr "2 字元州碼,例如 AL。留空白適用於全部。" msgid "A 2 digit country code, e.g. US. Leave blank to apply to all." msgstr "2 字元國碼,例如 TW。留空白適用於全部。" msgid "Search for a user…" msgstr "搜尋使用者…" msgid "\"%s\" tax rates" msgstr "\"%s\" 稅率" msgid "Country code" msgstr "國碼 " msgid "Consumer secret" msgstr "顧客密鑰" msgid "Consumer key" msgstr "顧客金鑰" msgid "Generate API key" msgstr "產生 API Key" msgid "Select the access type of these keys." msgstr "選擇這些金鑰的取用型式。" msgid "Owner of these keys." msgstr "這些金鑰的擁有者。" msgid "Revoke key" msgstr "撤銷 Key" msgid "" "Add as many zones as you need – customers will only see the methods " "available for their address." msgstr "依需求新增區域,客戶只會看到其地址可用的方法。" msgid "Friendly name for identifying this key." msgstr "辨認此一金鑰的易記名稱" msgid "Key details" msgstr "金鑰詳細資料" msgid "Europe zone = Any country in Europe = Flat rate shipping" msgstr "歐洲地區 = 歐洲任何國家/地區 = 定額運費" msgid "US domestic zone = All US states = Flat rate shipping" msgstr "美國國內區域 = 所有美國境內州別 = 定額運費" msgid "Local zone = California ZIP 90210 = Local pickup" msgstr "本地地區 = 加州郵遞區號 90210 = 當地取貨" msgid "For example:" msgstr "例如:" msgid "" "A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping " "methods and rates apply." msgstr "運送區域是某些運送方法及費率適用的地理區域。" msgid "" "This zone is optionally used for regions that are not included in any " "other shipping zone." msgstr "此區域是 選擇性 用於未包含在任何其他運送區域的區域。" msgid "Region(s)" msgstr "地區" msgid "" "Drag and drop to re-order your custom zones. This is the order in which they " "will be matched against the customer address." msgstr "拖曳以重新排序您的客戶區域。 這是符合客戶地址的順序。" msgid "Manage shipping methods" msgstr "管理運送方法" msgid "" "WooCommerce will match a customer to a single zone using their shipping " "address and present the shipping methods within that zone to them." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 會依據顧客的運送地址,以及該區域可用的運送方法,將顧客分配到某一" "區域。" msgid "" "A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping " "methods are offered." msgstr "運送區域是提供某種運送方式的地理區域。" msgid "" "Choose the shipping method you wish to add. Only shipping methods which " "support zones are listed." msgstr "請選擇要增加的運送方式。僅將支援運送的地區列出。" msgid "" "You can add multiple shipping methods within this zone. Only customers " "within the zone will see them." msgstr "你可以增加數種運送方式到此區域中。只有在此區域中的客戶才會看見它們。" msgid "" "The following shipping methods apply to customers with shipping addresses " "within this zone." msgstr "下列運送方法可套用至此區域中的客戶運送地址。" msgid "List 1 postcode per line" msgstr "每一行列出 1 個郵遞區號" msgid "Limit to specific ZIP/postcodes" msgstr "限制為特定郵遞區號" msgid "" "These are regions inside this zone. Customers will be matched against these " "regions." msgstr "這些是此區域中的地區。顧客會分配到這些地區中。" msgid "Select regions within this zone" msgstr "選取此地區中的區域" msgid "Zone regions" msgstr "區域中的地區" msgid "This is the name of the zone for your reference." msgstr "這是供您參考的區域名稱。" msgid "Cancel changes" msgstr "取消變更" msgid "Description for your reference" msgstr "參考資料描述" msgid "Shipping class name" msgstr "運送類別名稱" msgid "No shipping classes have been created." msgstr "尚未建立運送類別" msgid "Save shipping classes" msgstr "儲存運送類別" msgid "Add shipping class" msgstr "新增運送類別" msgid "" "Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type and can be " "used by some Shipping Methods (such as \"Flat rate shipping\") to provide " "different rates to different classes of product." msgstr "" "運送類別可以用來將相似類型的商品分在一組且可供一些運送方法使用 (例如統一運" "費) 以提供種商品類別不同的費率。" msgid "Product count" msgstr "商品數目" msgid "Edit failed. Please try again." msgstr "編輯失敗。 請再試一次。" msgid "This shipping method does not have any settings to configure." msgstr "此運送方式沒有要配置的設定。" msgid "Tax name" msgstr "稅金名稱" msgid "No row(s) selected" msgstr "未選擇列" msgid "Compound" msgstr "複合" msgid "%s rates" msgstr "%s 稅率" msgid "Standard rates" msgstr "標準稅率" msgid "Tax options" msgstr "稅金選項" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete this zone? This action cannot be undone." msgstr "您確定要刪除這個區域嗎? 此操作無法復原。" msgid "No shipping methods offered to this zone." msgstr "此區域沒有提供運送方式。" msgid "Invalid shipping method!" msgstr "無效的運送方式!" msgid "Shipping method could not be added. Please retry." msgstr "無法新增運送方式。 請重試。" msgid "Zone" msgstr "區域" msgid "Your changes were not saved. Please retry." msgstr "您的修改並未被儲存。請重新嘗試。" msgid "" "Do you wish to save your changes first? Your changed data will be discarded " "if you choose to cancel." msgstr "您是否希望先儲存變更? 如果您選擇取消,會捨棄您的變更資料。" msgid "" "Enable shipping debug mode to show matching shipping zones and to bypass " "shipping rate cache." msgstr "啟用運送偵錯模式來顯示相符的運送區域,繞過運送率的快取。" msgid "Zone does not exist!" msgstr "區域不存在!" msgid "Your changed data will be lost if you leave this page without saving." msgstr "如果您離開這個頁面而不儲存您所做的變更將會遺失" msgid "Enable debug mode" msgstr "啟用除錯模式" msgid "Debug mode" msgstr "除錯模式" msgid "Force shipping to the customer billing address" msgstr "強制運送至客戶帳戶地址" msgid "Default to customer billing address" msgstr "預設的客戶帳單地址" msgid "Default to customer shipping address" msgstr "預設的客戶運送地址" msgid "Calculations" msgstr "計算" msgid "This controls which shipping address is used by default." msgstr "此項控制預設的運送地址為何" msgid "Shipping destination" msgstr "運送目的地" msgid "Hide shipping costs until an address is entered" msgstr "在地址尚未輸入之前隱藏運送費用" msgid "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page" msgstr "在購物車頁面啟用運費計算器" msgid "Shipping classes" msgstr "運送類別" msgid "Star ratings should be required, not optional" msgstr "星評是必填的" msgid "Enable star rating on reviews" msgstr "在評論裡啟用星評" msgid "Reviews can only be left by \"verified owners\"" msgstr "只有 \"通過驗證的會員\" 才能參與評論" msgid "Enable product reviews" msgstr "啟用商品評論" msgid "Shipping options" msgstr "運送選項" msgid "Show \"verified owner\" label on customer reviews" msgstr "在顧客的評價中顯示\"已購買\"標籤" msgid "Product ratings" msgstr "商品評分" msgid "yd" msgstr "碼" msgid "mm" msgstr "公厘" msgid "cm" msgstr "公分" msgid "This controls what unit you will define lengths in." msgstr "設定您所使用的長度單位。" msgid "This controls what unit you will define weights in." msgstr "設定您所使用的重量單位。" msgid "oz" msgstr "盎司" msgid "lbs" msgstr "磅" msgid "g" msgstr "公克" msgid "kg" msgstr "公斤" msgid "" "This is the attachment ID, or image URL, used for placeholder images in the " "product catalog. Products with no image will use this." msgstr "" "這是附件 ID (或圖片 URL),用於商品目錄中的預留位置圖片。沒有圖片的商品將會使" "用此圖。" msgid "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives" msgstr "在彙整頁面啟用 AJAX 加到購物車按鈕" msgid "Enter attachment ID or URL to an image" msgstr "輸入附件 ID 或圖片 URL" msgid "Redirect to the cart page after successful addition" msgstr "成功加入後轉至購物車頁面" msgid "Add to cart behaviour" msgstr "加入購物車行為" msgid "" "This sets the base page of your shop - this is where your product archive " "will be." msgstr "這個設定你的商店的起點頁面 - 就是你的商品彙整會在的地方" msgid "" "The base page can also be used in your product permalinks." msgstr "這些起點頁面也適用於你的商品固定網址設定。。" msgid "Shop pages" msgstr "商店頁面" msgid "Shop page" msgstr "商店頁面" msgid "" "Not required if your download directory is protected. See this " "guide for more details. Files already uploaded will not be affected." msgstr "" "如果下載目錄受到保護則不需要。請參閱本指南瞭解詳情。已上載的" "檔案不會受到影響。" msgid "" "Enable this option to grant access to downloads when orders are \"processing" "\", rather than \"completed\"." msgstr "" "啟用此選項會讓下載商品訂單在\"處理中\"就取得下載權限,不用等到訂單\"完成\"。" msgid "Append a unique string to filename for security" msgstr "為檔案名稱附加唯一字串以確保安全性" msgid "Filename" msgstr "檔案名稱" msgid "Grant access to downloadable products after payment" msgstr "付款後賦予商品下載權限" msgid "This setting does not apply to guest purchases." msgstr "此項設定不適用於訪客購物" msgid "Downloads require login" msgstr "下載前需登入" msgid "Access restriction" msgstr "存取限制" msgid "Redirect only" msgstr "僅轉向" msgid "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile" msgstr "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile" msgid "Force downloads" msgstr "強制下載" msgid "Redirect only (Insecure)" msgstr "只重新導向 (不安全)" msgid "" "If you are using X-Accel-Redirect download method along with NGINX server, " "make sure that you have applied settings as described in Digital/Downloadable Product Handling guide." msgstr "" "如果將 X-Accel-Redirect 下載方法與 NGINX 伺服器搭配使用,請確認你已依照《數位/可下載產品處理》指南的說明套用設定。" msgid "" "Forcing downloads will keep URLs hidden, but some servers may serve large " "files unreliably. If supported, %1$s / %2$s can be used to serve downloads " "instead (server requires %3$s)." msgstr "" "強制下載項目會隱藏 URL,但是部分伺服器可能會以不可靠的方式提供大型檔案。若受" "到支援,可使用 %1$s / %2$s 來提供下載項目 (伺服器需要 %3$s)。" msgid "Never show quantity remaining in stock" msgstr "永不顯示剩餘的庫存量" msgid "File download method" msgstr "檔案下載方式" msgid "" "Only show quantity remaining in stock when low e.g. \"Only 2 left in stock\"" msgstr "當只有在低庫存時才顯示剩餘的庫存量,例如 \"庫存只剩2件\"" msgid "Always show quantity remaining in stock e.g. \"12 in stock\"" msgstr "總是顯示剩餘的庫存量,例如: \"12件庫存\"" msgid "This controls how stock quantities are displayed on the frontend." msgstr "這可以控制在前台的庫存量如何顯示。" msgid "Stock display format" msgstr "庫存顯示格式" msgid "" "When product stock reaches this amount the stock status will change to \"out " "of stock\" and you will be notified via email. This setting does not affect " "existing \"in stock\" products." msgstr "" "當商品庫存達到此數量時,庫存狀態將轉變為 \"缺貨中\",並且將以電子郵件通知您。" "此設定不影響目前 \"有庫存\" 的商品。" msgid "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" msgstr "在型錄隱藏無庫存項目" msgid "Out of stock visibility" msgstr "無庫存可見度" msgid "When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified via email." msgstr "當商品庫存達到此數量時,將已電子郵件通知您。" msgid "Enter recipients (comma separated) that will receive this notification." msgstr "輸入將會收到此一通知的收件人 (以逗點分隔)。" msgid "Notification recipient(s)" msgstr "通知收件人" msgid "Enable out of stock notifications" msgstr "啟用無庫存通知" msgid "Enable low stock notifications" msgstr "啟用低庫存通知" msgid "" "Hold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, " "the pending order will be cancelled. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "" "為未付款訂單保留庫存 (x) 分鐘,當時間到了之後待處理的訂單將被取消。不要用請留" "空白" msgid "Hold stock (minutes)" msgstr "保留庫存 (分鐘)" msgid "Enable stock management" msgstr "啟用庫存管理" msgid "Manage stock" msgstr "管理庫存" msgid "The \"%s\" payment method is currently disabled" msgstr "「%s」付款方式目前已停用" msgid "The \"%s\" payment method is currently enabled" msgstr "「%s」付款方式目前已啟用" msgid "Set up the \"%s\" payment method" msgstr "設定「%s」付款方式" msgid "Manage the \"%s\" payment method" msgstr "管理「%s」付款方式" msgid "Move the \"%s\" payment method down" msgstr "向下移動「%s」付款方式" msgid "Move the \"%s\" payment method up" msgstr "向上移動「%s」付款方式" msgctxt "Settings tab label" msgid "Payments" msgstr "付款" msgid "Integration" msgstr "整合" msgid "This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices." msgstr "設定顯示價格的小數位數" msgid "Number of decimals" msgstr "小數位數" msgid "This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices." msgstr "設定顯示價格的小數點符號" msgid "This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices." msgstr "設定顯示價格的千位分隔符" msgid "This controls the position of the currency symbol." msgstr "控制貨幣符號的顯示位置" msgid "Decimal separator" msgstr "小數點符號" msgid "Thousand separator" msgstr "千位分隔符" msgid "Right with space" msgstr "右邊及空白" msgid "Left with space" msgstr "左邊及空白" msgid "" "This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which " "currency gateways will take payments in." msgstr "此項控制哪些幣別會列出來以及付款方法接受哪些幣別。" msgid "The following options affect how prices are displayed on the frontend." msgstr "下列的選項影響前台的價格顯示方式。" msgid "Currency options" msgstr "貨幣選項" msgid "" "When applying multiple coupons, apply the first coupon to the full price and " "the second coupon to the discounted price and so on." msgstr "" "當使用多張優惠券時,第一張優惠券套用於原價而第二張以後的則套用折扣後的價格" msgid "Enable coupons" msgstr "啟用優惠券" msgid "" "Rates will be configurable and taxes will be calculated during checkout." msgstr "可設定稅率,且結帳時會計算稅額。" msgid "Calculate coupon discounts sequentially" msgstr "分別計算優惠券折扣" msgid "Coupons can be applied from the cart and checkout pages." msgstr "優惠券可以在購物車及結帳頁面中輸入使用。" msgid "Enable the use of coupon codes" msgstr "開放使用優惠券" msgid "Enable tax rates and calculations" msgstr "啟用稅率及稅額計算" msgid "No location by default" msgstr "無預設地區" msgid "" "This option determines a customers default location. The MaxMind GeoLite " "Database will be periodically downloaded to your wp-content directory if " "using geolocation." msgstr "" "此選項會決定客戶預設地區。 如果使用地理位置,會將 MaxMind GeoLite 資料庫定期" "下載至您的 WP 目錄。" msgid "Enable taxes" msgstr "啟用稅金" msgid "Geolocate (with page caching support)" msgstr " 地理位置定位 (支援頁面快取)" msgid "Geolocate" msgstr "地理位置定位" msgid "Shop base address" msgstr "商店基本地址" msgid "Default customer location" msgstr "預設客戶所在地區" msgid "Ship to specific countries" msgstr "運送至特定國家" msgid "Disable shipping & shipping calculations" msgstr "停用運送 & 運費計算" msgid "Ship to specific countries only" msgstr "只運送至特定國家" msgid "Ship to all countries" msgstr "運送至所有國家" msgid "Ship to all countries you sell to" msgstr "運送至所有您有銷售商品的國家" msgid "" "Choose which countries you want to ship to, or choose to ship to all " "locations you sell to." msgstr "選擇您有運送的國家,或選擇運送至您所有銷售商品的地區。" msgid "Sell to all countries, except for…" msgstr "銷售至所有國家,除了…" msgid "Shipping location(s)" msgstr "運送地區" msgid "Sell to specific countries" msgstr "銷售至特定國家" msgid "Sell to all countries" msgstr "銷售至所有國家" msgid "This option lets you limit which countries you are willing to sell to." msgstr "此選項讓你限制願意銷往的國家" msgid "The postal code, if any, in which your business is located." msgstr "貴公司所在地的郵遞區號 (若有)。" msgid "" "The country and state or province, if any, in which your business is located." msgstr "貴公司所在國家/地區及州或省 (若有)。" msgid "Selling location(s)" msgstr "銷售地點" msgid "The city in which your business is located." msgstr "貴公司所在城市。" msgid "Country / State" msgstr "國家 / 州" msgid "An additional, optional address line for your business location." msgstr "貴公司所在地額外選用地址行。" msgid "The street address for your business location." msgstr "貴公司所在地街道地址。" msgid "" "This is where your business is located. Tax rates and shipping rates will " "use this address." msgstr "這是你的商店實際的地理位置,稅率及運送費率都將參考此位置。" msgid "The main body text color. Default %s." msgstr "主體文字顏色。預設為%s。" msgid "The main body background color. Default %s." msgstr "主體背景顏色。預設為 %s。" msgid "Manually sent" msgstr "手動寄送" msgid "Content type" msgstr "內容型式" msgid "Recipient(s)" msgstr "收件者" msgid "The background color for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s." msgstr "WooCommerce 電子郵件樣板的背景顏色。預設為%s。" msgid "The base color for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s." msgstr "WooCommerce 電子郵件樣板的基本顏色。預設為 %s。" msgid "Body background color" msgstr "主體背景顏色" msgid "Available placeholders: %s" msgstr "可用的佔位符號:%s" msgid "The text to appear in the footer of all WooCommerce emails." msgstr "在所有 WooCommerce 電子郵件頁尾顯示的文字。" msgid "" "This section lets you customize the WooCommerce emails. Click here to preview your email template." msgstr "" "本節讓你自訂 WooCommerce 電子郵件。 按這裡預" "覽你的電子郵件範本" msgid "How the sender email appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails." msgstr "寄出的 WooCommerce 電子郵件寄件人地址的顯示方式。" msgid "Email template" msgstr "電子郵件範本" msgid "How the sender name appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails." msgstr "寄出的 WooCommerce 電子郵件寄件人名稱的顯示方式。" msgid "\"From\" name" msgstr "寄件者名稱" msgid "Email sender options" msgstr "電子郵件傳送選項" msgid "Email options" msgstr "電子郵件選項" msgid "Emails" msgstr "電子郵件" msgid "" "Start using new features that are being progressively rolled out to improve " "the store management experience." msgstr "新功能已逐步推出,歡迎使用新功能提升商店管理體驗。" msgid "Enable the legacy REST API" msgstr "啟用舊版 REST API" msgid "" "Leave this box unchecked if you do not want to see suggested extensions." msgstr "若你不想看到建議的擴充功能,請勿勾選此核取方區塊。" msgid "Display suggestions within WooCommerce" msgstr "在 WooCommerce 內顯示建議" msgid "Show Suggestions" msgstr "顯示建議" msgid "" "We show contextual suggestions for official extensions that may be helpful " "to your store." msgstr "我們會顯示與內容相關的建議,推薦對你的商店有幫助的官方擴充功能。" msgid "Marketplace suggestions" msgstr "Marketplace 建議" msgid "" "To opt out, leave this box unticked. Your store remains untracked, and no " "data will be collected. Read about what usage data is tracked at: %s." msgstr "" "若要選擇退出,請勿勾選此核取方區塊。由於你的商店保持取消追蹤狀態,我們不會收" "集任何資料。閱讀以了解我們會追蹤哪些使用資料:%s。" msgid "Allow usage of WooCommerce to be tracked" msgstr "允許追蹤 WooCommerce 使用情況" msgid "Enable tracking" msgstr "啟用追蹤" msgid "" "Gathering usage data allows us to make WooCommerce better — your store will " "be considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, " "or determine if an improvement makes sense." msgstr "" "收集使用資料可讓我們改善 WooCommerce,你的商店將會成為我們評估新功能、判斷更" "新項目的品質,或判別改善項目是否見效的參考。" msgid "" "Endpoint for the triggering logout. You can add this to your menus via a " "custom link:" msgstr "" "觸發登出的終點,可以在到你的選單加上自訂連結:" "logout=true 來強制登出。" msgid "Usage Tracking" msgstr "使用情況追蹤" msgid " Usage Tracking Documentation" msgstr " 使用情況追蹤文件" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Payment methods\" page." msgstr "我的帳戶 → 付款方法頁面結尾。" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Lost password\" page." msgstr "我的帳戶 → 忘記密碼頁面的終點。" msgid "Addresses" msgstr "地址" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Downloads\" page." msgstr "「我的帳戶 → 下載頁面」結尾。" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Addresses\" page." msgstr "我的帳戶 → 運送地址的終點。" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Edit account\" page." msgstr "我的帳戶 → 編輯帳戶頁面的終點。" msgid "Edit account" msgstr "編輯帳戶" msgid "" "Endpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions on the " "accounts pages. They should be unique and can be left blank to disable the " "endpoint." msgstr "" "端點被附加到您的網頁網址來處理帳戶頁面的具體行動。它們應該是獨特且可以留空," "以便停用端點。" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Orders\" page." msgstr "「我的帳戶 → 訂單頁面」結尾。" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → View order\" page." msgstr "我的帳戶終點 → 查看訂單頁面。" msgid "View order" msgstr "查看訂單" msgid "Account endpoints" msgstr "帳戶端點" msgid "Endpoint for the setting a default payment method page." msgstr "設定預設付款方法頁面的結尾。" msgid "Set default payment method" msgstr "設定預設付款方法" msgid "Endpoint for the delete payment method page." msgstr "刪除付款方法頁面的結尾。" msgid "Delete payment method" msgstr "刪除付款方式" msgid "Endpoint for the \"Checkout → Add payment method\" page." msgstr "結帳終點 → 新增付款方式頁面" msgid "Endpoint for the \"Checkout → Order received\" page." msgstr "結帳終點 → 已收到訂單頁面" msgid "Endpoint for the \"Checkout → Pay\" page." msgstr "結帳終點 → 付款頁面" msgid "" "Endpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions during " "the checkout process. They should be unique." msgstr "" "終點將會在結帳過程附加在你的頁面網址後面來處理特定的動作,他們應該是唯一的。" msgid "Order received" msgstr "已收到訂單" msgid "Pay" msgstr "付款" msgid "" "Force SSL (HTTPS) on the checkout pages (an " "SSL Certificate is required)." msgstr "" "於結帳相關頁面強制使用 SSL (HTTPS) (必須擁" "有 SSL 憑證)。" msgid "Checkout endpoints" msgstr "結帳終點" msgid "Force HTTP when leaving the checkout" msgstr "離開結帳時強制 HTTP" msgid "" "If you define a \"Terms\" page the customer will be asked if they accept " "them when checking out." msgstr "如果你有定義一個 \"條款\" 頁面,顧客在結帳時將會被要求同意這些條款。" msgid "Force secure checkout" msgstr "強制使用安全連線結帳" msgid "Terms and conditions" msgstr "條款及規則" msgid "Page contents: [%s]" msgstr "頁面內容 : [%s]" msgid "Checkout page" msgstr "結帳頁面" msgid "Cart page" msgstr "購物車頁面" msgid "" "These pages need to be set so that WooCommerce knows where to send users to " "checkout." msgstr "設定這些頁面以便 WooCommerce 引導使用者到結帳頁面。" msgid "My account page" msgstr "我的帳戶頁面" msgid "" "Retain completed orders for a specified duration before anonymizing the " "personal data within them." msgstr "將已完成的訂單保留一定期間,過後再匿名處理訂單中的個人資料。" msgid "Legacy API" msgstr "舊版 API" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Retain completed orders" msgstr "保留已完成的訂單" msgid "" "Cancelled orders are unpaid and may have been cancelled by the store owner " "or customer. They will be trashed after the specified duration." msgstr "" "取消的訂單並未付款,可能是由商店擁有者或客戶取消。在一定期間過後,這些資料就" "會移至垃圾桶。" msgid "Retain cancelled orders" msgstr "保留已取消的訂單" msgid "" "Failed orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They " "will be trashed after the specified duration." msgstr "" "失敗的訂單並未付款,可能是客戶放棄該筆訂單。在一定期間過後,這些資料就會移至" "垃圾桶。" msgid "Retain failed orders" msgstr "保留失敗的訂單" msgid "" "Pending orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They " "will be trashed after the specified duration." msgstr "" "待確認的訂單並未付款,可能是客戶放棄該筆訂單。在一定期間過後,這些資料就會移" "至垃圾桶。" msgid "Retain pending orders " msgstr "保留待確認的訂單" msgid "" "Inactive accounts are those which have not logged in, or placed an order, " "for the specified duration. They will be deleted. Any orders will be " "converted into guest orders." msgstr "" "閒置的帳戶是指有一定期間未登入或下訂單的帳戶。這些帳戶將會遭到刪除。任何訂單" "都將會轉換為訪客訂單。" msgid "Retain inactive accounts " msgstr "保留閒置的帳戶" msgid "" "Choose how long to retain personal data when it's no longer needed for " "processing. Leave the following options blank to retain this data " "indefinitely." msgstr "" "選擇不再需要使用個人資料來處理訂單時,要將個人資料保留多久。將以下選項留空," "以便無限期保留該資料。" msgid "Personal data retention" msgstr "個人資料保留" msgid "" "Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your " "experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our " "%s." msgstr "" "我們會使用你的個人資料來處理你的訂單、支援你在本網站中的使用體驗,以及用於%s" "中說明的其他用途。" msgid "" "Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show during " "checkout." msgstr "另可選擇新增一段有關商店隱私權政策的文字,在結帳時顯示。" msgid "Checkout privacy policy" msgstr "結帳隱私權政策" msgid "" "Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this " "website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described " "in our %s." msgstr "" "我們會使用你的個人資料來支援你在本網站中的使用體驗、管理你的帳戶存取權,以及" "用於%s中說明的其他用途。" msgid "" "Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show on account " "registration forms." msgstr "另可選擇新增一段有關商店隱私權政策的文字,在帳戶註冊表單上顯示。" msgid "Registration privacy policy" msgstr "註冊隱私權政策" msgid "" "This section controls the display of your website privacy policy. The " "privacy notices below will not show up unless a %s is set." msgstr "" "這個區段用於控制網站隱私權政策的顯示方式。必須設定%s,才會顯示下方的隱私權聲" "明。" msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "隱私權政策" msgid "" "Adds an option to the orders screen for removing personal data in bulk. Note " "that removing personal data cannot be undone." msgstr "" "在訂單畫面新增大量移除個人資料的選項。請注意,個人資料一經移除將無法復原。" msgid "Allow personal data to be removed in bulk from orders" msgstr "允許從訂單大量移除個人資料" msgid "Personal data removal" msgstr "個人資料移除" msgid "" "When handling an %s, should access to downloadable files be revoked and " "download logs cleared?" msgstr "處理%s時,是否會撤銷可下載檔案的存取權限並清除下載記錄?" msgid "Remove access to downloads on request" msgstr "依照要求移除下載項目的存取權" msgid "" "When handling an %s, should personal data within orders be retained or " "removed?" msgstr "處理%s時,是否會保留或是移除訂單中的個人資料?" msgid "Account erasure requests" msgstr "帳戶清除要求" msgid "Remove personal data from orders on request" msgstr "依照要求將個人資料從訂單移除" msgid "" "When creating an account, automatically generate an account username for the " "customer based on their name, surname or email" msgstr "" "建立帳戶時,系統會根據客戶名字、姓氏或電子郵件,為客戶自動產生帳戶使用者名稱" msgid "Allow customers to create an account on the \"My account\" page" msgstr "允許客戶在「我的帳戶」頁面上建立帳戶" msgid "Allow customers to log into an existing account during checkout" msgstr "允許顧客在結帳過程中登入現有的帳戶。" msgid "Account creation" msgstr "帳戶建立" msgid "Allow customers to create an account during checkout" msgstr "允許客戶在結帳過程中建立帳戶" msgid "Allow customers to place orders without an account" msgstr "允許客戶免帳戶下訂單" msgid "Guest checkout" msgstr "訪客結帳" msgid "Accounts & Privacy" msgstr "帳戶與隱私權" msgid "Total sales minus shipping and tax." msgstr "銷售總額減掉運送費用及稅額" msgid "Net profit" msgstr "淨利" msgid "This is the sum of the 'Shipping total' field within your orders." msgstr "這是你訂單 \"運費總計\" 欄位的總計。" msgid "privacy page" msgstr "隱私權頁面" msgid "account erasure request" msgstr "帳戶清除要求" msgid "Total shipping" msgstr "運費總計" msgid "This is the sum of the 'Order total' field within your orders." msgstr "這是你訂單 \"訂單總計\" 欄位的總計。" msgid "No taxes found in this period" msgstr "本期沒有稅額" msgid "" "This is the sum of the \"Tax rows\" shipping tax amount within your orders." msgstr "這是你訂單 \"稅金列\" 運費稅金的總計。" msgid "This is the total tax for the rate (shipping tax + product tax)." msgstr "這是此稅率的稅額憩計 (運送稅金 + 商品稅金)" msgid "Shipping tax amount" msgstr "運費稅金總計" msgid "This is the sum of the \"Tax rows\" tax amount within your orders." msgstr "這是你訂單 \"稅金列\" 稅金的總計。" msgid "Choose a product to view stats" msgstr "選擇產品查看統計資料" msgid "%s product" msgid_plural "%s products" msgstr[0] "%s 項商品" msgid "Tax amount" msgstr "稅金" msgid "Units in stock" msgstr "庫存單位" msgid "Sales amount" msgstr "銷售金額" msgid "Top earners" msgstr "最賺錢" msgid "Top freebies" msgstr "熱門贈品" msgid "No products found in range" msgstr "找不到此範圍內的商品" msgid "Top sellers" msgstr "最熱銷" msgid "Product search" msgstr "商品搜尋" msgid "Showing reports for:" msgstr "顯示報表:" msgid "%s purchases for the selected items" msgstr "%s 個所選項目的購買數" msgid "%1$s refunded %2$d order (%3$d item)" msgid_plural "%1$s refunded %2$d orders (%3$d items)" msgstr[0] "%1$s 退回了 %2$d 份訂單的款項 (%3$d 個項目)" msgid "Average gross sales amount" msgstr "平均總銷售金額" msgid "%s sales for the selected items" msgstr "%s 銷售量於所選項目" msgid "Net sales amount" msgstr "淨銷售金額" msgid "Gross sales amount" msgstr "總銷售金額" msgid "Shipping amount" msgstr "運費" msgid "Average net sales amount" msgstr "平均淨銷售金額" msgid "%s worth of coupons used" msgstr "%s 使用優惠券的價值" msgid "Number of orders" msgstr "訂單數量" msgid "Number of items sold" msgstr "售出項目數量" msgid "%s charged for shipping" msgstr "%s 支付運費" msgid "%s items purchased" msgstr "%s 品項被購買" msgid "%s orders placed" msgstr "%s 訂單量" msgid "" "This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and excluding shipping " "and taxes." msgstr "這是退款後而且不包含運費及稅金的訂單總金額" msgid "%s net sales in this period" msgstr "%s 本期淨銷售額" msgid "" "This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and including shipping " "and taxes." msgstr "這是退款後包含運費及稅金的訂單總金額" msgid "%s average gross monthly sales" msgstr "%s 平均每月總銷售金額" msgid "%s gross sales in this period" msgstr "%s 本期總銷售額" msgid "%s average net monthly sales" msgstr "%s 平均每月淨銷售量" msgid "%s average net daily sales" msgstr "%s 平均每日淨銷售量" msgid "No customer downloads found." msgstr "找不到客戶下載項目。" msgid "Filter by IP address" msgstr "依 IP 篩選" msgid "Filter by user" msgstr "依使用者篩選" msgid "Filter by order" msgstr "依訂單篩選" msgid "Filter by file" msgstr "依檔案篩選" msgid "Choose a category to view stats" msgstr "選擇一個分類來查看統計資料" msgid "%1$s sales in %2$s" msgstr "%1$s在%2$s的銷售額" msgid "%s average gross daily sales" msgstr "%s 平均每日總銷售金額" msgid "No out of stock products found." msgstr "沒有已售完商品。" msgid "No low in stock products found." msgstr "沒有低庫存商品。" msgid "Filter by product" msgstr "依商品篩選" msgid "Permission ID" msgstr "權限 ID。" msgid "File ID" msgstr "檔案 ID" msgid "Permission #%d not found." msgstr "找不到權限 #%d。" msgid "Customer sales" msgstr "顧客銷售" msgid "Active filters" msgstr "已啟用的篩選條件" msgid "new users" msgstr "新用戶" msgid "guest orders" msgstr "訪客訂單量" msgid "customer orders" msgstr "顧客訂單量" msgid "Guest sales" msgstr "訪客銷售量" msgid "%s signups in this period" msgstr "%s 本期註冊帳戶" msgid "Last order" msgstr "上個訂單" msgid "Guest orders" msgstr "訪客訂單量" msgid "Customer orders" msgstr "顧客訂單量" msgid "File does not exist" msgstr "檔案不存在" msgid "Money spent" msgstr "已花費金額" msgid "Name (Last, First)" msgstr "全名 (姓氏, 名字)" msgid "Link previous orders" msgstr "連結上一張訂單" msgid "View orders" msgstr "查看訂單" msgid "Search customers" msgstr "搜尋顧客" msgid "Refreshed stats for %s" msgstr "%s 的狀態更新" msgid "%s previous order linked" msgid_plural "%s previous orders linked" msgstr[0] "%s 已連結上一張訂單" msgctxt "hash before order number" msgid "#" msgstr "#" msgid "No customers found." msgstr "沒有顧客。" msgid "Discount amount" msgstr "優惠金額" msgid "Number of coupons used" msgstr "已使用優惠券數量" msgid "Most discount" msgstr "最優惠" msgid "No coupons found in range" msgstr "此範圍內沒有優惠券" msgid "No used coupons found" msgstr "沒有已使用的優惠券" msgid "All coupons" msgstr "所有優惠券" msgid "Choose coupons…" msgstr "選擇優惠券…" msgid "" "This report link has expired. %1$sClick here to view the filtered report%2$s." msgstr "此報告連結已到期。%1$s按一下這裡檢視篩選報告%2$s。" msgid "Filter by coupon" msgstr "依優惠券篩選" msgid "This month" msgstr "本月" msgid "%s coupons used in total" msgstr "總共使用 %s 張優惠券" msgid "%s discounts in total" msgstr "%s 折扣於總銷售" msgid "Sold %1$s worth in the last %2$d days" msgstr "銷售 %1$s 最差在最近的 %2$d 天" msgid "Sold %1$d item in the last %2$d days" msgid_plural "Sold %1$d items in the last %2$d days" msgstr[0] "在過去 %2$d 天共賣出 %1$d 件" msgid "" "The following active plugin(s) have not declared compatibility with " "WooCommerce %s yet and should be updated and examined further before you " "proceed:" msgstr "" "下列作用中外掛程式尚未宣告與 WooCommerce %s 相容,繼續執行前應先更新並進一步" "檢查。" msgid "Tested up to WooCommerce version" msgstr "測試至 WooCommerce 版本" msgid "unknown" msgstr "未知" msgid "" "Heads up! The versions of the following plugins you're " "running haven't been tested with WooCommerce %s. Please update them or " "confirm compatibility before updating WooCommerce, or you may experience " "issues:" msgstr "" "注意!下列執行中外掛程式的版本尚未與 WooCommerce %s 進行測" "試。更新 WooCommerce 前,請先加以更新或確認相容性,否則可能發生問題:" msgid "" "WooCommerce database update complete. Thank you for updating to the latest " "version!" msgstr "WooCommerce 資料庫更新完成。感謝你更新至最新版本!" msgid "WooCommerce database update done" msgstr "WooCommerce 資料庫更新已完成" msgid "" "WooCommerce is updating the database in the background. The database update " "process may take a little while, so please be patient." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 正在背景更新資料庫。資料庫更新程序可能須花費一段時間,請耐心等" "候。" msgid "WooCommerce database update in progress" msgstr "WooCommerce 資料庫更新進行中" msgid "View progress →" msgstr "檢視進度 →" msgid "You can manually run queued updates here." msgstr "你可以在此處手動執行佇列更新。" msgid "" "The database update process runs in the background and may take a little " "while, so please be patient. Advanced users can alternatively update via " "%1$sWP CLI%2$s." msgstr "" "資料庫更新程序會在背景執行,並可能須花費一段時間,請耐心等候。進階使用者可另" "外透過 %1$sWP CLI%2$s 進行更新。" msgid "" "WooCommerce has been updated! To keep things running smoothly, we have to " "update your database to the newest version." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 已更新完成!為順暢執行工作,我們必須將您的資料庫更新至最新版本。" msgid "Add file" msgstr "加入檔案" msgid "Enter an optional description for this variation." msgstr "輸入此變化的說明 (選填)。" msgid "Length x width x height in decimal form" msgstr "長度 x 寬度 x 高度 (十進位格式)" msgid "Dimensions (L×W×H) (%s)" msgstr "尺寸 (長×寬×高) (%s)" msgid "Same as parent" msgstr "與上層相同" msgid "WooCommerce database update required" msgstr "必須進行 WooCommerce 資料庫更新" msgid "Update WooCommerce Database" msgstr "更新 WooCommerce 資料庫" msgid "" "Enter a number to set stock quantity at the variation level. Use a " "variation's 'Manage stock?' check box above to enable/disable stock " "management at the variation level." msgstr "" "輸入數字以設定變化版本層級的庫存數量。使用上方變化版本的「管理庫存?」核取方" "區塊來啟用/停用變化版本層級的庫存管理功能。" msgid "Sale price (%s)" msgstr "折扣價 (%s)" msgid "Regular price (%s)" msgstr "定價 (%s)" msgid "Sale end date" msgstr "促銷結束日期" msgid "Sale start date" msgstr "促銷開始日期" msgid "Cancel schedule" msgstr "取消排程" msgid "Variation price (required)" msgstr "變化類型價格 (必填)" msgid "Enable this option to enable stock management at variation level" msgstr "啟用此選項來啟用變化類型階層的庫存管理" msgid "" "Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost" msgstr "如果一個商品不用運送或是沒有運送費用請啟用此選項" msgid "" "Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase " "of a product" msgstr "如果一個商品在購買後賦予下載檔案權限請啟用此選項" msgid "Any %s…" msgstr "任何 %s…" msgid "Drag and drop, or click to set admin variation order" msgstr "拖拉或點擊來設定管理變化類型順序" msgid "Set Status - On backorder" msgstr "設定狀態 - 延期交貨" msgid "Set Status - Out of stock" msgstr "設定狀態 - 無庫存" msgid "Set Status - In stock" msgstr "設定狀態 - 有現貨" msgid "Insert file URL" msgstr "插入檔案位址" msgid "http://" msgstr "http://" msgid "File name" msgstr "檔案名稱" msgid "Toggle "Manage stock"" msgstr "切換 "管理庫存"" msgid "Set scheduled sale dates" msgstr "設定限時促銷價" msgid "Decrease sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)" msgstr "減少促銷價 (固定金額或百分比)" msgid "Increase sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)" msgstr "增加促銷價 (固定金額或百分比)" msgctxt "number of pages" msgid "of" msgstr "的" msgid "Select Page" msgstr "選擇頁面" msgid "Set sale prices" msgstr "設定促銷價" msgid "Decrease regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)" msgstr "減少定價 (固定金額或百分比)" msgid "Increase regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)" msgstr "增加定價 (固定金額或百分比)" msgid "Set regular prices" msgstr "設定定價" msgid "Toggle "Virtual"" msgstr "切換 "虛擬"" msgid "Toggle "Downloadable"" msgstr "切換 "可下載"" msgid "No default %s…" msgstr "沒有預設 %s…" msgid "Toggle "Enabled"" msgstr "切換 "啟用"" msgid "Delete all variations" msgstr "刪除所有變化類型" msgid "Default Form Values" msgstr "預設表單值" msgid "" "Shipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar " "products." msgstr "運送類別用於特定運送方式或是相似組合的商品" msgid "Dimensions (%s)" msgstr "尺寸 (%s)" msgid "LxWxH in decimal form" msgstr "十進位格式的 長x寬x高 " msgid "No shipping class" msgstr "無運送類別" msgid "Weight in decimal form" msgstr "十進位格式的重量" msgid "" "Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current " "product." msgstr "將選定的商品放在購物車中推薦給顧客" msgid "Product Type" msgstr "商品類型" msgid "" "Upsells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed " "product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or " "more expensive." msgstr "" "Upsells是您推薦的產品,而不是當前查看的產品,例如更有利可圖或更好質量或更昂貴" "的產品。" msgid "This lets you choose which products are part of this group." msgstr "這可以讓您選擇哪些商品是此組合的一部份。" msgid "Sold individually" msgstr "限購一件" msgid "" "Controls whether or not the product is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of " "stock\" on the frontend." msgstr "控制商品在前台是否會被顯示為\"有庫存\"或\"無庫存\"。" msgid "Stock status" msgstr "庫存狀態" msgid "" "If managing stock, this controls whether or not backorders are allowed. If " "enabled, stock quantity can go below 0." msgstr "" "如果管理庫存,這將會控制是否允許延期出貨。如果啟用的話,庫存量將可以小於 0" msgid "Allow backorders?" msgstr "開放預購?" msgid "" "Stock quantity. If this is a variable product this value will be used to " "control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level." msgstr "" "庫存量。如果此項商品為可變商品將用於所有變化類型的庫存,除非你定義了變化類型" "層級的庫存管理" msgid "Stock quantity" msgstr "存貨數量" msgid "Manage stock?" msgstr "管理庫存?" msgid "" "SKU refers to a Stock-keeping unit, a unique identifier for each distinct " "product and service that can be purchased." msgstr "" "貨號對應到一個庫存中的項目,是一個針對不同可被購買的商品或服務的唯一編號。" msgid "" "Choose a tax class for this product. Tax classes are used to apply different " "tax rates specific to certain types of product." msgstr "為此商品選擇一個稅率類別,稅率類別是用來應用於特定商品類型的不同稅率。" msgid "Stock Keeping Unit" msgstr "貨號" msgid "" "Define whether or not the entire product is taxable, or just the cost of " "shipping it." msgstr "定義全部的商品是否應稅,或只是運送的費用而已。" msgid "Download expiry" msgstr "下載到期日" msgctxt "Tax status" msgid "None" msgstr "無" msgid "Shipping only" msgstr "只運送" msgid "Taxable" msgstr "應課稅" msgid "" "Enter the number of days before a download link expires, or leave blank." msgstr "輸入下載連結逾期的天數,或留空白" msgid "Add File" msgstr "新增檔案" msgid "Leave blank for unlimited re-downloads." msgstr "無限重複下載清留空。" msgid "" "This is the URL or absolute path to the file which customers will get access " "to. URLs entered here should already be encoded." msgstr "" "這是顧客可以存取的檔案網址或絕對路徑,在這裡輸入的網址應該要已編碼過的。" msgid "This is the name of the download shown to the customer." msgstr "這是顯示給顧客的下載名稱" msgid "Downloadable files" msgstr "可下載檔案" msgid "" "The sale will start at 00:00:00 of \"From\" date and end at 23:59:59 of \"To" "\" date." msgstr "" "銷售將在「開始」日期的 00:00:00 開始,並於「結束」日期的 23:59:59 結束。" msgid "Sale price dates" msgstr "促銷日期" msgid "This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product." msgstr "這些文字將會顯示在底部,連結到外部商品" msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "To…" msgstr "到…" msgid "Custom ordering position." msgstr "自訂排列順序。" msgid "Enter an optional note to send the customer after purchase." msgstr "輸入一個給顧客下單後收到的選擇性通知。" msgid "Save attributes" msgstr "儲存屬性" msgid "Enter the external URL to the product." msgstr "輸入此商品的外部網址。" msgid "Product URL" msgstr "商品網址" msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Buy product" msgstr "購買商品" msgid "Refund #%1$s - %2$s by %3$s" msgstr "退款 #%1$s - 由 %3$s 於 %2$s 執行" msgid "Refund #%1$s - %2$s" msgstr "退款#%1$s - %2$s" msgid "Select terms" msgstr "選擇項目" msgid "Shipping name" msgstr "運送名稱" msgid "Or, enter tax rate ID:" msgstr "或, 輸入稅率編號:" msgid "There are no notes yet." msgstr "還沒有任何備註" msgid "Delete note" msgstr "刪除備註" msgid "Drag and drop to set admin attribute order" msgstr "拖放以設定管理屬性順序" msgid "Refund %s manually" msgstr "手動退款 %s" msgid "Rate code" msgstr "稅率編號" msgid "Rate name" msgstr "稅率名稱" msgid "" "You will need to manually issue a refund through your payment gateway after " "using this." msgstr "如果你使用這個付款方法付款你退款時要手動申請" msgid "Rate %" msgstr "稅率 %" msgid "Refund %1$s via %2$s" msgstr "透過 %2$s 退款 %1$s" msgid "Note: the refund reason will be visible by the customer." msgstr "注意:退款原因將能讓客戶查看" msgid "Payment gateway" msgstr "付款付款方法" msgid "Reason for refund (optional):" msgstr "退費理由 (選填):" msgid "Refund amount" msgstr "退費金額" msgid "" "Refund the line items above. This will show the total amount to be refunded" msgstr "對上述項目進行退款。此操作會顯示即將退款的總金額" msgid "Add shipping" msgstr "新增運費" msgid "Recalculate" msgstr "重新計算" msgid "This order is no longer editable." msgstr "此筆訂單已無法編輯" msgid "Add item(s)" msgstr "新增項目" msgid "Total available to refund" msgstr "全部可退金額" msgid "Amount already refunded" msgstr "已退費金額" msgid "Add tax" msgstr "新增稅額" msgid "Restock refunded items" msgstr "退費項目重新上架" msgid "Add product(s)" msgstr "新增商品" msgid "Order Total" msgstr "訂單總計" msgid "Net Payment" msgstr "付款淨額" msgid "%1$s via %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 付款方式: %2$s" msgid "%s (No longer exists)" msgstr "%s(不再存在)" msgid "Coupon(s)" msgstr "折價券" msgid "Edit item" msgstr "編輯項目" msgid "After pre-tax discounts." msgstr "稅後折扣" msgid "Add meta" msgstr "新增 描述資訊" msgid "Variation ID:" msgstr "變化類型編號" msgid "Qty" msgstr "數量" msgid "Fee name" msgstr "費用名稱" msgid "Coupon(s):" msgstr "優惠券:" msgid "Items Subtotal:" msgstr "項目小計:" msgid "Before discount" msgstr "折扣前" msgid "%s discount" msgstr "%s 折扣" msgid "Customer download log" msgstr "客戶下載的紀錄" msgid "" "Copying to clipboard failed. You should be able to right-click the button " "and copy." msgstr "無法複製到剪貼簿。你應該能用滑鼠右鍵按一下按鈕,然後複製。" msgid "" "The stock has not been updated because the value has changed since editing. " "Product %1$d has %2$d units in stock." msgstr "開始編輯後值已變更,故庫存尚未更新。產品 %1$d 的存貨量為 %2$d 件。" msgid "Customer download link" msgstr "客戶下載鏈結" msgid "Downloaded %s time" msgid_plural "Downloaded %s times" msgstr[0] "已下載 %s 次" msgid "Access expires" msgstr "連線逾期" msgid "Revoke access" msgstr "撤銷存取" msgid "Add product gallery images" msgstr "新增商品圖庫圖片" msgid "Add images to product gallery" msgstr "新增圖片到商品圖庫" msgid "Downloads remaining" msgstr "剩餘下載項目" msgid "Linked Products" msgstr "連結商品" msgid "Downloadable products give access to a file upon purchase." msgstr "下載商品在購買後賦予檔案權限" msgid "Variations" msgstr "變化類型" msgid "Note type" msgstr "附註類型" msgid "Virtual products are intangible and are not shipped." msgstr "虛擬商品是無形的而且不用運送。" msgid "Note to customer" msgstr "給顧客的備註" msgid "" "Add a note for your reference, or add a customer note (the user will be " "notified)." msgstr "新增你自己參考用的備註,或新增一個顧客備註 (也會傳送給顧客)" msgid "Grant access" msgstr "賦予權限" msgid "Search for a downloadable product…" msgstr "搜尋可下載商品…" msgid "Customer notes about the order" msgstr "有關此訂單的顧客備註" msgid "File %d" msgstr "檔案 %d" msgid "Customer provided note:" msgstr "客戶提供的備註:" msgid "Customer provided note" msgstr "顧客提出的備註" msgid "No shipping address set." msgstr "沒有設定運送地址。" msgid "No billing address set." msgstr "沒有設定帳單地址。" msgid "Profile →" msgstr "個人檔案 →" msgid "Paid on %1$s @ %2$s" msgstr "在 %2$s @ %1$s 付費" msgid "Order details manually sent to customer." msgstr "訂單詳細資料已手動傳送給客戶。" msgid "View other orders →" msgstr "檢視其他訂單 →" msgid "Customer payment page →" msgstr "顧客付款頁面 →" msgid "Customer IP: %s" msgstr "客戶 IP: %s" msgid "%1$s #%2$s details" msgstr "%1$s#%2$s 詳細資料" msgid "Email invoice / order details to customer" msgstr "將發票 / 訂單明細寄送給客戶" msgid "Resend new order notification" msgstr "重寄新訂單通知信" msgid "Choose an action..." msgstr "選擇動作..." msgid "Regenerate download permissions" msgstr "產生下載權限" msgid "" "Coupon code already exists - customers will use the latest coupon with this " "code." msgstr "優惠碼已存在 - 顧客將使用優惠券的最新優惠碼" msgid "" "How many times this coupon can be used by an individual user. Uses billing " "email for guests, and user ID for logged in users." msgstr "" "每一個不同的使用者可以使用這張優惠券的次數,訪客用帳單電子郵件,登入使用者用" "使用者編號來判別。" msgid "Usage limit per user" msgstr "每一使用者的使用上限" msgid "" "The maximum number of individual items this coupon can apply to when using " "product discounts. Leave blank to apply to all qualifying items in cart." msgstr "" "當使用商品折扣時每一項目可以使用此一優惠券的最大數量,留空白用於購物車內全部" "符合使用資格的項目" msgid "Apply to all qualifying items in cart" msgstr "適用於購物車中的所有符合條件的物品" msgid "Limit usage to X items" msgstr "限制 X 項目的使用上限" msgid "How many times this coupon can be used before it is void." msgstr "這張優惠券被使用多少次之後就會失效" msgid "Usage limit per coupon" msgstr "每張優惠券的使用上限" msgid "" "List of allowed billing emails to check against when an order is placed. " "Separate email addresses with commas. You can also use an asterisk (*) to " "match parts of an email. For example \"*\" would match all gmail " "addresses." msgstr "" "下訂單時用於比對的允許帳單電子郵件清單。請用逗號分隔電子郵件地址。你可以使用" "星號 (*) 來比對電子郵件地址的其中一部分。例如使用「*」比對所有 " "gmail 地址。" msgid "Allowed emails" msgstr "允許的電子郵件" msgid "" "Product categories that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be " "in the cart in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied." msgstr "" "若要套用「固定的購物車折扣」,請移除不適用此折價券的產品類別 (將這些產品類別" "從購物車移除)。" msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "無限制" msgid "" "Product categories that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in " "the cart in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied." msgstr "" "若要套用「固定的購物車折扣」,請加入適用此折價券的產品類別 (將這些產品類別加" "入購物車)。" msgid "Exclude categories" msgstr "排除分類" msgid "" "Products that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the " "cart in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied." msgstr "" "若要套用「固定的購物車折扣」,請移除不適用此折價券的產品 (將這些產品從購物車" "移除)。" msgid "" "Products that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart " "in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied." msgstr "" "若要套用「固定的購物車折扣」,請加入適用此折價券的產品 (將這些產品加入購物" "車)。" msgid "Exclude products" msgstr "排除商品" msgid "Search for a product…" msgstr "搜尋商品…" msgid "" "Check this box if the coupon should not apply to items on sale. Per-item " "coupons will only work if the item is not on sale. Per-cart coupons will " "only work if there are items in the cart that are not on sale." msgstr "" "如果不允許優惠券用於特價項目的話,請勾選此項。每個項目的優惠券只能用在非特價" "項目,每個購物車的優惠券只能用於購物車內沒有特價項目。" msgid "Exclude sale items" msgstr "排除特價商品" msgid "" "Check this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other " "coupons." msgstr "如果優惠券不能與其他優惠券合用的話,請勾選此項" msgid "Individual use only" msgstr "限單獨使用" msgid "" "This field allows you to set the maximum spend (subtotal) allowed when using " "the coupon." msgstr "此欄位讓你設定使用折價券時的最高消費額" msgid "No maximum" msgstr "無最高限制" msgid "Maximum spend" msgstr "最高消費" msgid "" "This field allows you to set the minimum spend (subtotal) allowed to use the " "coupon." msgstr "此欄位讓你設定至少要花費多少才能使用折價券" msgid "No minimum" msgstr "無最低消費" msgid "Minimum spend" msgstr "最低消費" msgid "The coupon will expire at 00:00:00 of this date." msgstr "優惠券會在此日期的 00:00:00 到期。" msgid "Coupon expiry date" msgstr "優惠券到期日" msgid "" "Check this box if the coupon grants free shipping. A free shipping method must be enabled in your shipping zone " "and be set to require \"a valid free shipping coupon\" (see the \"Free " "Shipping Requires\" setting)." msgstr "" "如果優惠券允許免運費請勾選此項。免運費方法 必須要啟用並設為需要 \"一個有效的免運費優惠券\" (請看 \"免運費需求\" 設" "定)。" msgid "Allow free shipping" msgstr "允許免運費" msgid "Value of the coupon." msgstr "優惠券金額" msgid "Discount type" msgstr "折扣種類" msgid "Usage limits" msgstr "使用上限" msgid "Usage restriction" msgstr "使用限制" msgid "Browse the Marketplace" msgstr "瀏覽市集" msgid "" "Extensions can add new functionality to your product pages that make your " "store stand out" msgstr "擴充功能可新增功能至您的產品頁面,使您的商店脫穎而出" msgid "Filter by stock status" msgstr "依存貨狀態篩選" msgid "On backorder" msgstr "延期交貨" msgid "Filter by product type" msgstr "依照商品類型篩選" msgid "Toggle featured" msgstr "切換特色" msgid "Downloadable" msgstr "可下載" msgid "Virtual" msgstr "虛擬" msgid "In stock" msgstr "尚有庫存" msgid "Enhance your products" msgstr "增強您的產品" msgctxt "Marketplace suggestions" msgid "Get more options" msgstr "取得更多選項" msgid "Filter by registered customer" msgstr "依已註冊的顧客篩選" msgid "Change order status to completed" msgstr "將訂單狀態變更為「已完成」" msgid "Change status: " msgstr "變更狀態:" msgid "%1$s (#%2$s – %3$s)" msgstr "%1$s (#%2$s – %3$s)" msgid "Ready to start selling something awesome?" msgstr "準備好要賣一點很酷的東西了?" msgid "Order status changed by bulk edit:" msgstr "訂單狀態已使用大量編輯變更:" msgid "Create Product" msgstr "建立產品" msgid "Change order status to processing" msgstr "將訂單狀態變更為「處理中」" msgid "Change order status to on-hold" msgstr "將訂單狀態變更為「暫停」" msgid "Edit this order" msgstr "編輯此訂單" msgid "Payment via" msgstr "透過以下方式付款" msgid "Remove personal data" msgstr "移除個人資料" msgid "Change status to completed" msgstr "將狀態變更為已完成" msgid "Change status to on-hold" msgstr "將狀態變更為暫停" msgid "Change status to processing" msgstr "將狀態變更為處理中" msgid "When you receive a new order, it will appear here." msgstr "當你收到一筆新訂單時,會被展示在這裡。" msgid "Order #%s" msgstr "訂單 #%s" msgid "%d note" msgid_plural "%d notes" msgstr[0] "%d 個備註" msgid "Plus %d other note" msgid_plural "Plus %d other notes" msgstr[0] "加上%d個訂單備註" msgid "Ship to" msgstr "運送至" msgctxt "full name" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "Create your first coupon" msgstr "建立第一張優惠券" msgid "Usage / Limit" msgstr "使用 / 限制" msgid "Product IDs" msgstr "商品編號" msgid "Coupon type" msgstr "優惠券類型" msgid "Coupon amount" msgstr "優惠券金額" msgid "" "Coupons are a great way to offer discounts and rewards to your customers. " "They will appear here once created." msgstr "優惠券是一個回饋客戶折扣的好辦法,當它們被創建後會被展示在這裡。" msgid "Use previous column mapping preferences?" msgstr "使用先前的欄對應喜好設定?" msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "顯示進階選項" msgid "Hide advanced options" msgstr "隱藏進階選項" msgid "CSV Delimiter" msgstr "CSV 分隔符號" msgid "Alternatively, enter the path to a CSV file on your server:" msgstr "或輸入伺服器上 CSV 檔案的路徑:" msgid "" "Existing products that match by ID or SKU will be updated. Products that do " "not exist will be skipped." msgstr "符合 ID 或 SKU 的現有產品將會更新。系統會略過不存在的產品。" msgid "Update existing products" msgstr "更新現有商品" msgid "Choose a CSV file from your computer:" msgstr "從您的電腦選擇一個 CSV 檔案:" msgid "" "This tool allows you to import (or merge) product data to your store from a " "CSV or TXT file." msgstr "此工具可讓你從 CSV 或 TXT 檔案匯入 (或合併) 商品資料至商店。" msgid "Your products are now being imported..." msgstr "您的商品正被匯入…" msgid "Importing" msgstr "匯入中" msgid "Run the importer" msgstr "執行匯入器" msgid "Do not import" msgstr "不要匯入" msgid "Import products from a CSV file" msgstr "從 CSV 檔匯入商品" msgid "Map to field" msgstr "對應至欄位" msgid "Column name" msgstr "欄位名稱" msgid "" "Select fields from your CSV file to map against products fields, or to " "ignore during import." msgstr "從你的 CSV 檔案選取要與商品對照的欄位,不然就會在匯入時略過。" msgid "Map CSV fields to products" msgstr "CSV 對照至商品的欄位" msgid "Reason for failure" msgstr "失敗的原因" msgid "View import log" msgstr "檢視匯入日誌" msgid "Import Products" msgstr "匯入商品" msgid "View products" msgstr "查看商品" msgid "File uploaded: %s" msgstr "已上載檔案:%s" msgid "" "Your CSV needs to include columns in a specific order. %1$sClick here to " "download a sample%2$s." msgstr "你的 CSV 必須包含特定順序的欄位。%1$s按一下此處以下載範例%2$s。" msgid "Failed to import %s product" msgid_plural "Failed to import %s products" msgstr[0] "匯入 %s 商品失敗" msgid "%s product was skipped" msgid_plural "%s products were skipped" msgstr[0] "%s 商品已略過" msgid "%s product updated" msgid_plural "%s products updated" msgstr[0] "%s 商品已更新" msgid "%s product imported" msgid_plural "%s products imported" msgstr[0] "%s 商品已匯入" msgid "Parent SKU" msgstr "父 SKU" msgid "Product Title" msgstr "商品標題" msgid "Delimiter" msgstr "分隔符" msgid "OR enter path to file:" msgstr "或輸入檔案位置:" msgid "" "Hi there! Upload a CSV file containing tax rates to import the contents into " "your shop. Choose a .csv file to upload, then click \"Upload file and import" "\"." msgstr "" "你好!上傳一個含有要匯入到你商品稅率內容的 CSV 檔,選擇 。csv 檔上傳,然後按" "下 \"上傳檔案並匯入\"" msgid "Default attribute" msgstr "預設屬性" msgid "Attribute visibility" msgstr "屬性可見度" msgid "Is a global attribute?" msgstr "這是全域屬性嗎?" msgid "Import complete - imported %s tax rates." msgstr "匯入完成 - 匯入了 %s 項稅率。" msgid "Import tax rates" msgstr "匯入稅率" msgid "View tax rates" msgstr "查看稅率" msgid "The CSV is invalid." msgstr "此 CSV 格式不正確。" msgid "Import as meta data" msgstr "以中繼資料匯入" msgctxt "Quantity in stock" msgid "Stock" msgstr "庫存" msgid "Attribute value(s)" msgstr "屬性值" msgid "Download name" msgstr "下載名稱" msgid "External product" msgstr "外部商品" msgid "Meta: %s" msgstr "Meta: %s" msgid "Download %d URL" msgstr "下載 %d 網址 " msgid "Download %d name" msgstr "下載 %d 名稱" msgid "Attribute %d default" msgstr "屬性 %d 預設" msgid "Attribute %d global" msgstr "屬性 %d 全域" msgid "Attribute %d visible" msgstr "屬性 %d 可見" msgid "Attribute %d value(s)" msgstr "屬性 %d 值" msgid "Downloads" msgstr "下載" msgid "Tags (space separated)" msgstr "標籤 (以空格分隔)" msgid "Attribute %d name" msgstr "屬性 %d 名稱" msgid "External URL" msgstr "外部網址" msgid "Upsells" msgstr "Upsells" msgid "Download expiry days" msgstr "下載點過期天數" msgid "Allow customer reviews?" msgstr "允許客戶評論嗎?" msgid "Backorders allowed?" msgstr "允許無庫存下單嗎?" msgid "Weight (%s)" msgstr "重量 (%s)" msgid "Grouped products" msgstr "組合商品" msgid "Tax status" msgstr "稅金狀態" msgid "Sold individually?" msgstr "單獨銷售?" msgid "In stock?" msgstr "有庫存?" msgid "Height (%s)" msgstr "高 (%s)" msgid "Width (%s)" msgstr "寬 (%s)" msgid "Length (%s)" msgstr "長 (%s)" msgid "Sale price" msgstr "促銷價" msgid "Regular price" msgstr "原價" msgid "Tax class" msgstr "稅率類別" msgid "Download limit" msgstr "下載限制" msgid "Cross-sells" msgstr "交叉型" msgid "Shipping class" msgstr "運送類別" msgid "Low stock amount" msgstr "低庫存量" msgid "Upload a new file" msgstr "上傳新檔案" msgid "" "The file is empty or using a different encoding than UTF-8, please try again " "with a new file." msgstr "檔案是空的,或使用與 UTF-8 不同的編碼,請使用新檔案再次嘗試。" msgid "Date sale price ends" msgstr "折扣價結束日期" msgid "Date sale price starts" msgstr "折扣價開始日期" msgid "Visibility in catalog" msgstr "目錄的可見度" msgid "Is featured?" msgstr "是特色商品?" msgid "SKU" msgstr "貨號" msgid "Invalid file type. The importer supports CSV and TXT file formats." msgstr "不合法的檔案類型。匯入器支援 CSV 和 TXT 檔案格式。" msgid "Please upload or provide the link to a valid CSV file." msgstr "請上傳或提供合法 CSV 檔案的鏈結。" msgid "Once connected, your purchases will be listed here." msgstr "一旦連結,你的 購買紀錄就會顯示在這裡。" msgid "Connected to" msgstr "連結至" msgid "Column mapping" msgstr "欄對應" msgid "Upload CSV file" msgstr "上傳 CSV 檔案" msgid "" "Manage your subscriptions, get important product notifications, and updates, " "all from the convenience of your WooCommerce dashboard" msgstr "" "管理你的訂閱,取得重要的商品通知及更新,還有其他來自你的 WooCommerce 儀表板的" "便利功能。" msgid "Feel free to reconnect again using the button below." msgstr "隨時歡迎您使用以下按鈕進行重新連接。" msgid "Shared by %s" msgstr "已由 %s 分享" msgid "Installed Extensions without a Subscription" msgstr "安裝擴充功能但不訂閱" msgid "Could not find any subscriptions on your account" msgstr "你的 帳戶找不到任何訂閱紀錄" msgid "Sorry to see you go." msgstr "很可惜看到您離去。" msgid "Subscription: Not available - %1$d of %2$d already in use" msgstr "訂閱:無法使用 - %2$d 的 %1$d 已在使用中" msgid "Subscription: Unlimited" msgstr "訂閱:無限" msgid "Subscription: Using %1$d of %2$d sites available" msgstr "訂閱:已使用 %1$d 個可用網站,最多可使用 %2$d 個網站。" msgid "Lifetime Subscription" msgstr "終生訂閱" msgid "" "Below is a list of extensions available on your account. To " "receive extension updates please make sure the extension is installed, and " "its subscription activated and connected to your account. " "Extensions can be activated from the Plugins screen." msgstr "" "以下是你的 帳戶上的可用延伸模組清單。若要收到延伸模組更新,請" "確定已安裝延伸模組、已啟用其訂閱並連結至你的 帳戶。可從「外掛程式」畫面啟用延伸模組。" msgid "Expiring soon!" msgstr "快過期了!" msgid "Expired :(" msgstr "已過期 :(" msgid "" "We've made things simpler and easier to manage moving forward. From now on " "you can manage all your WooCommerce purchases directly from the Extensions " "menu within the WooCommerce plugin itself. View and manage your extensions now." msgstr "" "我們已簡化程序,讓日後的管理更加容易。從現在起,你可以直接從 WooCommerce 本身" "外掛程式內的擴充功能選單,管理你在 WooCommerce 的所有購買項目。立即檢視並管理你的擴充功能。" msgid "WooCommerce Extensions" msgstr "WooCommerce 擴充功能" msgid "Looking for the WooCommerce Helper?" msgstr "尋找 WooCommerce 小幫手?" msgid "" "Please visit the subscriptions page and " "renew to continue receiving updates." msgstr "" "請造訪訂閱頁面並續訂,方可繼續取得更新。" msgid "" "Note: You currently have %2$d paid extension which " "should be updated first before updating WooCommerce." msgid_plural "" "Note: You currently have %2$d paid extensions which " "should be updated first before updating WooCommerce." msgstr[0] "" "附註:你應該先更新目前擁有的 %2$d 個付費擴充功能,然後再" "更新 WooCommerce。" msgid "Authentication and subscription caches refreshed successfully." msgstr "成功更新授權及訂閱的快取資料。" msgid "You have successfully disconnected your store from" msgstr "你已成功將你的商店與 中斷連結。" msgid "You have successfully connected your store to" msgstr "您已成功地將商店與 連結了" msgid "" "An error has occurred when deactivating the extension %1$s. Please proceed " "to the Plugins screen to deactivate it manually." msgstr "" "停用擴充功能 %1$s 時發生錯誤。請繼續操作外掛程式畫面,以" "手動停用擴充功能。" msgid "The extension %s has been deactivated successfully." msgstr "已成功停用擴充功能 %s。" msgid "" "An error has occurred when deactivating the subscription for %s. Please try " "again later." msgstr "停用 %s 的訂閱時發生錯誤。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "Subscription for %1$s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive " "updates for this product. Click here if you wish to " "deactivate the plugin as well." msgstr "" "已成功停用 %1$s 的訂閱。你不會再收到此產品的更新。如果你也想停用外掛程式,請" "按一下這裡。" msgid "" "Subscription for %s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive " "updates for this product." msgstr "已成功停用 %s 的訂閱。你不會再收到此產品的更新。" msgid "An error has occurred when activating %s. Please try again later." msgstr "啟用 %s 時發生錯誤。請稍候再試。" msgid "" "%s activated successfully. You will now receive updates for this product." msgstr "%s 已成功地啟用。您將收到該項產品的更新。" msgid "Expiring Soon" msgstr "即將到期" msgid "" "To receive updates and support for this extension, you need to " "purchase a new subscription or consolidate your extensions " "to one connected account by sharing or transferring this extension to this connected account." msgstr "" "若要收到此延伸模組的更新和支援,你必須購買新的訂閱,或者將你" "的延伸模組整併到已連結的帳戶 (方法如下:將此延伸模組分享轉移至該帳戶)。" msgid "" "Version %s is available. To enable this update you need to " "purchase a new subscription." msgstr "" "版本 %s 已經 可以使用了。要啟用該項更新,您需要\n" " 購買 一組新的訂閱。" msgid "" "This subscription is expiring soon. Please renew to " "continue receiving updates and support." msgstr "這個訂閱即將到期。請更新以繼續收到更新和支援。" msgid "" "This subscription has expired. Please renew to receive " "updates and support." msgstr "這個訂閱已過期。請更新以收到更新和支援。" msgid "Subscription is expiring soon." msgstr "訂閱即將到期。" msgid "" "This subscription has expired. Contact the owner to renew " "the subscription to receive updates and support." msgstr "" "這個訂閱已過期。請聯絡擁有者以續訂訂閱,便於接受更新和支援。" msgid "" "To enable this update you need to purchase a new " "subscription." msgstr "要啟用這項更新,你必須 購買 一份新的訂閱。" msgid "" "To enable this update you need to activate this " "subscription." msgstr "若要啟用此更新,你需要啟用此訂閱。" msgid "" "The WooCommerce Helper plugin is no longer needed. Manage " "subscriptions from the extensions tab instead." msgstr "" "你已不再需要 WooCommerce Helper 外掛程式。可以改用擴充功能分頁" "管理訂閱。" msgid "WooCommerce Helper" msgstr "WooCommerce 小幫手" msgid "Version %s is available." msgstr "版本 %s 可供使用。" msgid "Delete \"%s\" permanently" msgstr "永久刪除「%s」" msgid "Create a new webhook" msgstr "建立一個新的 webhook" msgid "" "Webhooks are event notifications sent to URLs of your choice. They can be " "used to integrate with third-party services which support them." msgstr "" "Webhooks 是一組事件通知,它們會傳送到您所選擇的網址。它們可以用來整合有支援的" "第三方服務。" msgid "No webhooks found." msgstr "找不到網絡掛鉤。" msgid "Delivery URL" msgstr "遞送網址" msgid "Search webhooks" msgstr "搜尋網絡鉤手" msgid "Webhook created successfully." msgstr "網頁連結成功建立" msgid "Webhook topic unknown. Please select a valid topic." msgstr "Webhook 主題不明。請選擇有效的主題。" msgid "Webhook updated successfully." msgstr "網頁連結成功更新" msgid "%d webhook permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%d webhooks permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%d 個網絡鉤手已永久刪除。" msgid "" "This is the default category and it cannot be deleted. It will be " "automatically assigned to products with no category." msgstr "此為預設分類,無法刪除。系統會自動將其指派給沒有分類的產品。" msgid "You do not have permission to update Webhooks" msgstr "你沒有更新 Webhooks 的權限" msgid "Webhook created on %s" msgstr "網頁連結建立於 %s" msgid "Make “%s” the default category" msgstr "將「%s」設為預設分類" msgid "Make default" msgstr "設成預設" msgid "" "Attribute terms can be assigned to products and variations.

Note: Deleting a term will remove it from all products and " "variations to which it has been assigned. Recreating a term will not " "automatically assign it back to products." msgstr "" "屬性項目可以指定至商品及變化類型。

: 刪除一個項目將會從所有" "指定的商品及變化類型移除。 重新產生一個項目將不會自動指定回商品。" msgid "" "Product categories for your store can be managed here. To change the order " "of categories on the front-end you can drag and drop to sort them. To see " "more categories listed click the \"screen options\" link at the top-right of " "this page." msgstr "" "您商店的商品分類可以在此管理,如果要變更前台分類的顯示順序的話,你可以拖拉來" "排序他們。要看到更多的分類列示可以按頁面右上角的[顯示選項]連結。" msgid "Use image" msgstr "使用圖片" msgid "Upload/Add image" msgstr "上傳/新增圖片" msgid "Subcategories" msgstr "子分類" msgid "Network enabled" msgstr "網路已啟用" msgid "Installed version not tested with active version of WooCommerce %s" msgstr "安裝版本未與 WooCommerce 最新版本 %s 進行測試" msgid "%1$s (update to version %2$s is available)" msgstr "%1$s (可更新至版本 %2$s)" msgid "" "Missing base tables: %s. Some WooCommerce functionality may not work as " "expected." msgstr "缺少基底資料表:%s。某些 WooCommerce 功能可能無法正常運作。" msgid "View & Customize" msgstr "檢視和自訂" msgid "You can also:" msgstr "你也可以:" msgid "Transfer existing products to your new store — just import a CSV file." msgstr "將現有產品轉移至你的新商店 — 只需匯入 CSV 檔案即可。" msgid "Tool does not exist." msgstr "工具不存在" msgid "You're ready to add products to your store." msgstr "你已經準備好為你的商店新增產品。" msgid "Create some products" msgstr "建立一些產品" msgid "Import products" msgstr "匯入商品" msgid "Have an existing store?" msgstr "有現有商店嗎?" msgid "Next step" msgstr "下一步" msgid "" "We're here for you — get tips, product updates, and inspiration straight to " "your mailbox." msgstr "" "我們隨時在這裡為你服務 — 我們會將各項提示、產品更新以及靈感直接寄送到你的信" "箱。" msgid "You're ready to start selling!" msgstr "你已準備好開始販售!" msgid "" "Visit to learn more about getting started." msgstr "" "造訪 以深入了解使用者入門" "。" msgid "" "Your site might be on a private network. Jetpack can only connect to public " "sites. Please make sure your site is visible over the internet, and then try " "connecting again 🙏." msgstr "" "你的網站可能位於私人網路上。Jetpack 只能連結至公開網站。請確定可透過網際網路" "看見你的網站,然後再次嘗試連結🙏。" msgid "" "Sorry! We couldn't contact Jetpack just now 😭. Please make sure that your " "site is visible over the internet, and that it accepts incoming and outgoing " "requests via curl. You can also try to connect to Jetpack again, and if you " "run into any more issues, please contact support." msgstr "" "很抱歉!我們現在無法連結 Jetpack 😭。請確定可透過網際網路看見你的網站,且網站" "可透過 curl 接受傳入和傳出要求。你也可以嘗試重新連結至 Jetpack,如果遇到更多" "問題,請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't install Jetpack for you 😭. Please go to the " "Plugins tab to install it, and finish setting up your store." msgstr "" "很抱歉!我們已經試過了,但無法為你安裝 Jetpack 😭。請前往「外掛程式」標籤以進" "行安裝,並完成商店設定。" msgid "" "Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't connect Jetpack just now 😭. Please go to " "the Plugins tab to connect Jetpack, so that you can finish setting up your " "store." msgstr "" "很抱歉!我們已經試過了,但現在無法連結 Jetpack 😭。請前往「外掛程式」標籤以連" "結 Jetpack,以便完成商店設定。" msgid "Share new items on social media the moment they're live in your store." msgstr "在社群媒體上分享你商店中的新項目。" msgid "Product promotion" msgstr "商品促銷" msgid "Get an alert if your store is down for even a few minutes." msgstr "如果你的商店僅停止運作幾分鐘,也會收到警示。" msgid "Store monitoring" msgstr "商店監控" msgid "" "Get insights on how your store is doing, including total sales, top " "products, and more." msgstr "深入剖析商店如何運作,包含銷售總計、熱門產品等內容。" msgid "Reasons you'll love Jetpack" msgstr "你會愛上 Jetpack 的原因" msgid "Protect your store from unauthorized access." msgstr "保護你的商店免於遭受未獲授權的存取。" msgid "Better security" msgstr "更卓越的安全性" msgid "Bonus reasons you'll love Jetpack" msgstr "你會愛上 Jetpack 的其他原因" msgid "" "By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating Terms of Service and to share details with" msgstr "" "連結你的網站,即表示你同意我們超棒的服務條" "款,並同意與 分享詳細資" "料" msgid "Continue with WooCommerce Services" msgstr "繼續使用 WooCommerce 服務" msgid "Connect your store to activate WooCommerce Services" msgstr "連結至你的商店並啟用 WooCommerce 服務" msgid "Continue with Jetpack" msgstr "繼續使用 Jetpack" msgid "Connect your store to Jetpack to enable extra features" msgstr "將你的商店連結至 Jetpack,以啟用額外功能" msgid "Connect your store to Jetpack" msgstr "將你的商店連結至 Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack logo" msgstr "Jetpack 標誌" msgid "" "Thanks for using Jetpack! Your store is almost ready: to activate services " "like %s, just connect your store." msgstr "" "感謝你使用 Jetpack!你的商店即將準備就緒:若要啟用 %s 之類的服務,只要連結你" "的商店即可。" msgid "" "Your store is almost ready! To activate services like %s, just connect with " "Jetpack." msgstr "" "你的商店幾乎已準備就緒!若要啟用像 %s 之類的服務,只要連結 Jetpack 即可。" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't connect your store to Jetpack" msgstr "抱歉,我們無法連接你的商店到 Jetpack" msgid "discounted shipping labels" msgstr "優惠的運送標籤" msgid "automated taxes and discounted shipping labels" msgstr "自動計算稅額和優惠的運送標籤" msgid "payment setup" msgstr "付款設定" msgid "payment setup and automated taxes" msgstr "付款設定和自動計算稅額" msgid "payment setup and discounted shipping labels" msgstr "付款設定和優惠的運送標籤" msgid "payment setup, automated taxes and discounted shipping labels" msgstr "付款設定、自動計算稅額以及優惠送貨標籤" msgid "Facebook for WooCommerce" msgstr "Facebook for WooCommerce" msgid "Facebook icon" msgstr "Facebook 圖示" msgid "" "Enjoy all Facebook products combined in one extension: pixel tracking, " "catalog sync, messenger chat, shop functionality and Instagram shopping " "(coming soon)!" msgstr "" "透過單一擴充功能即可享用所有 Facebook 產品:像素追蹤、目錄同步、Messenger 聊" "天、商店功能和 Instagram 購物 (即將推出)!" msgid "Mailchimp for WooCommerce" msgstr "Mailchimp for WooCommerce" msgid "Mailchimp icon" msgstr "Mailchimp 圖示" msgid "" "Join the 16 million customers who use Mailchimp. Sync list and store data to " "send automated emails, and targeted campaigns." msgstr "" "加入 1600 萬名使用 Mailchimp 的顧客行列。同步清單和商店資料,以便發送自動電子" "郵件和目標式行銷活動。" msgid "WooCommerce Admin icon" msgstr "WooCommerce Admin 圖示" msgid "" "Manage your store's reports and monitor key metrics with a new and improved " "interface and dashboard." msgstr "全新改良的介面和儀表板,讓你妥善管理商店的報告並監控關鍵指標。" msgid "automated taxes icon" msgstr "自動計算稅額圖示" msgid "" "Save time and errors with automated tax calculation and collection at " "checkout. Powered by WooCommerce Services and Jetpack." msgstr "" "在結帳時使用自動計算稅額及收集功能,可節省時間和減少錯誤。由 WooCommerce 服務" "和 Jetpack 提供。" msgid "Storefront icon" msgstr "Storefront 圖示" msgid "" "Design your store with deep WooCommerce integration. If toggled on, we’ll " "install Storefront, and your current theme %s will be deactivated." msgstr "" "藉由深入的 WooCommerce 整合設計你的商店。如果開啟,我們將會安裝 Storefront,並停用你目前使用的 %s 主題。" msgid "Storefront Theme" msgstr "Storefront 佈景主題" msgid "Enhance your store with these recommended free features." msgstr "運用這些推薦的免費功能改善你的網站。" msgid "Recommended for All WooCommerce Stores" msgstr "推薦所有 WooCommerce 商店使用" msgid "Collect payments from customers offline." msgstr "向客戶離線收取費用。" msgid "Offline Payments" msgstr "離線付款" msgid "" "WooCommerce can accept both online and offline payments. Additional payment methods can be installed later." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 可接受線上及離線付款。你可以在日後安裝其他付款方式。" msgid "A simple offline gateway that lets you accept cash on delivery." msgstr "這是一種簡單的離線付款方式,可讓您接受貨到付款。" msgid "" "A simple offline gateway that lets you accept a check as method of payment." msgstr "這是一種簡單的離線付款方式,可讓您接受支票付款。" msgid "A simple offline gateway that lets you accept BACS payment." msgstr "這是一種簡單的離線付款方式,可讓您接受支票付款。" msgid "Bank transfer (BACS) payments" msgstr "銀行轉帳" msgid "" "The PayFast extension for WooCommerce enables you to accept payments by " "Credit Card and EFT via one of South Africa’s most popular payment gateways. " "No setup fees or monthly subscription costs." msgstr "" "使用 WooCommerce 的 PayFast 延伸模組,便能透過南非最受歡迎的其中一個付款閘" "道,使用信用卡和 EFT 收款。無需支付設定費或訂閱月費。" msgctxt "Check payment method" msgid "Check payments" msgstr "支票付款" msgid "WooCommerce PayFast Gateway" msgstr "WooCommerce PayFast 閘道" msgid "" "The eWAY extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments " "directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party " "site to make payment." msgstr "" "使用 WooCommerce 的 eWAY 延伸模組,便能直接在商店中收取信用卡付款,不需要將顧" "客重新導向至第三方網站進行付款。" msgid "WooCommerce eWAY Gateway" msgstr "WooCommerce eWAY 閘道" msgid "WooCommerce Square" msgstr "WooCommerce Square" msgid "Klarna Payments for WooCommerce" msgstr "Klarna Payments for WooCommerce" msgid "Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce" msgstr "Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce" msgid "PayPal email address:" msgstr "PayPal 電子郵件地址:" msgid "Accept payments via PayPal using account balance or credit card." msgstr "使用帳戶餘額或信用卡,接受以 via 付款。" msgid "PayPal email address" msgstr "PayPal 電子郵件地址" msgid "Email address to receive payments" msgstr "收取款項的電子郵件地址" msgid "Direct payments to email address:" msgstr "直接付款至電子郵件地址:" msgid "Stripe email address" msgstr "Stripe 電子郵件地址" msgid "Stripe email address:" msgstr "Stripe 電子郵件地址:" msgid "PayPal Standard" msgstr "PayPal 標準" msgid "Set up PayPal for me using this email:" msgstr "使用此電子郵件為我設定 PayPal:" msgid "WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway" msgstr "WooCommerce PayPal 結帳閘道" msgid "Set up Stripe for me using this email:" msgstr "使用此電子郵件為我設定 Stripe:" msgid "" "Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees " "(custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and " "inventory in one place. Learn more about " "Square." msgstr "" "以安全的單一低費率方式接受信用卡和轉帳卡付款,不收取額外費用 (可自訂費率)。可" "在線上與實體店面中銷售,並在單一位置追蹤銷售狀況和存貨。深入瞭解 Square。" msgid "" "Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit " "card numbers, no passwords, no worries. Learn more about Klarna." msgstr "" "選擇你希望的付款方式,然後選擇立即付款、稍後付款或分期付款。不需信用卡號,不" "需密碼,安全無虞。深入瞭解 Klarna。" msgid "" "Full checkout experience with pay now, pay later and slice it. No credit " "card numbers, no passwords, no worries. Learn more about Klarna." msgstr "" "提供立即付款、稍後付款或分期付款的完整結帳體驗。不需信用卡號,不需密碼,安全" "無虞。深入瞭解 Klarna。" msgid "" "Safe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal " "account. Learn more." msgstr "" "使用信用卡或客戶的 PayPal 帳戶安全可靠地完成付款。深入瞭解 PayPal。" msgid "" "Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, " "and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay. Learn more." msgstr "" "接受超過 135 種貨幣的轉帳卡和信用卡、支付寶等付款方式,以及 Apple Pay 的單鍵" "快速結帳功能。瞭解更多。" msgid "We'll use %1$s for product weight and %2$s for product dimensions." msgstr "我們的商品重量採用%1$s,商品尺寸採用%2$s。" msgid "" "A live rate is the exact cost to ship an order, quoted directly from the " "shipping carrier." msgstr "即時費率是直接由運輸業者報價的訂單實際運費。" msgid "" "If you'd like to offer live " "rates from a specific carrier (e.g. UPS) you can find a variety of " "extensions available for WooCommerce here." msgstr "" "若你想提供特定運輸業者 (例如 UPS) 的即時費率,可以在這裡尋找 " "WooCommerce 可用的各種擴充功能。" msgid "ShipStation" msgstr "ShipStation" msgid "ShipStation icon" msgstr "ShipStation 圖示" msgid "" "We recommend using ShipStation to save time at the post office by printing " "your shipping labels at home. Try ShipStation free for 30 days." msgstr "" "建議你在家使用 ShipStation 列印郵寄標籤,省下在郵局處理包裹的時間。免費試用 " "ShipStation 30 天。" msgid "WooCommerce Services icon" msgstr "WooCommerce 服務圖示" msgid "" "Use WooCommerce Shipping (powered by WooCommerce Services & Jetpack) to save " "time at the post office by printing your shipping labels at home." msgstr "" "使用 WooCommerce Shipping (採用 WooCommerce 服務和 Jetpack 技術),在家就能列" "印郵寄標籤,讓郵局寄件更省時。" msgid "Did you know you can print shipping labels at home?" msgstr "你知道在家就能列印郵寄標籤嗎?" msgid "" "We've created two Shipping Zones - for %s and for the rest of the world. " "Below you can set Flat Rate shipping costs for these Zones or offer Free " "Shipping." msgstr "" "我們建立了兩個運送區域,分別為%s和全球其餘區域。你可在下方為這些區域設定固定" "運費或提供免運費服務。" msgid "Don't charge for shipping." msgstr "不收取運費。" msgid "What would you like to charge for flat rate shipping?" msgstr "你是否要收取固定費率的運費?" msgid "Set a fixed price to cover shipping costs." msgstr "設定固定價格以涵蓋運送費用。" msgid "The following plugins will be installed and activated for you:" msgstr "系統會為你安裝和啟用下列外掛程式:" msgid "Flat Rate" msgstr "固定費率" msgid "Enable usage tracking and help improve WooCommerce" msgstr "啟用使用方式追蹤,協助改善 WooCommerce" msgid "" "Learn more about how usage tracking works, and how you'll be helping in our " "usage tracking documentation." msgstr "" "深入瞭解使用情況追蹤如何運作,以及你如何提供協助,請參閱使用情況追蹤文件。" msgid "I will also be selling products or services in person." msgstr "我也會親自銷售產品或服務。" msgid "Help improve WooCommerce with usage tracking" msgstr "透過使用情況追蹤協助改善 WooCommerce" msgid "I plan to sell both physical and digital products" msgstr "我計畫販售實體和數位產品" msgid "I plan to sell digital products" msgstr "我要販售數位商品" msgid "I plan to sell physical products" msgstr "我要販售實體商品" msgid "What type of products do you plan to sell?" msgstr "你想要販售哪種商品呢?" msgid "What currency do you accept payments in?" msgstr "你接受使用哪種貨幣付款?" msgid "Choose a currency…" msgstr "選擇一項幣別…" msgid "Choose a state…" msgstr "選擇州…" msgid "" "The following wizard will help you configure your store and get you started " "quickly." msgstr "下列精靈會幫助你設定商店,並快速開始使用。" msgid "Where is your store based?" msgstr "您的商店位於哪裡?" msgid "WooCommerce Admin" msgstr "WooCommerce Admin" msgid "The \"WooCommerce Admin\" plugin will be installed and activated" msgstr "將安裝並啟用「WooCommerce Admin」外掛程式" msgid "" "Get your store up and running more quickly with our new and improved setup " "experience" msgstr "我們全新改良過的設定體驗,能讓你的商店更快上線運作" msgid "Skip this step" msgstr "略過此步驟" msgid "WooCommerce › Setup Wizard" msgstr "WooCommerce › 設定精靈" msgid "Welcome to" msgstr "歡迎使用" msgid "Year(s)" msgstr "年" msgid "Month(s)" msgstr "月" msgid "Week(s)" msgstr "週" msgid "Day(s)" msgstr "天" msgid "Choose countries / regions…" msgstr "選擇國家/地區或區域…" msgid "Hard crop?" msgstr "強制裁切?" msgid "" "The settings of this image size have been disabled because its values are " "being overwritten by a filter." msgstr "此圖片尺寸的設定因為它的值被一個篩選器覆蓋而停用" msgid "Choose a country / region…" msgstr "選擇國家/地區或區域…" msgid "" "Selecting no country / region to sell to prevents from completing the " "checkout. Continue anyway?" msgstr "不要選擇銷售國家/地區或區域,即可避免完成付款程序。你要繼續操作嗎?" msgid "Customer downloads" msgstr "客戶下載項目" msgid "Copy from billing address" msgstr "從帳單地址複製" msgid "Taxes by date" msgstr "依日期的稅金" msgid "Taxes by code" msgstr "依編號的稅金" msgid "Most stocked" msgstr "最多庫存" msgid "Low in stock" msgstr "低庫存" msgid "Customer list" msgstr "顧客清單" msgid "Customers vs. guests" msgstr "顧客 vs. 訪客" msgid "Coupons by date" msgstr "依優惠券銷售" msgid "Sales by category" msgstr "依分類銷售" msgid "Sales by product" msgstr "依商品銷售" msgid "Sales by date" msgstr "依日期銷售" msgid "Item moved down" msgstr "商品已向下移動" msgid "Item moved up" msgstr "商品已向上移動" msgid "Postcode / ZIP" msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "State / County" msgstr "縣 / 市" msgid "Customer billing address" msgstr "顧客帳單地址" msgid "Customer shipping address" msgstr "顧客運送地址" msgid "State / County or state code" msgstr "縣/市或編號" msgid "Select a country / region…" msgstr "選擇國家/地區或區域…" msgid "Country / Region" msgstr "國家/地區或區域" msgid "Terms and Conditions Page" msgstr "服務條款頁面" msgid "My Account Page" msgstr "我的帳戶頁面" msgid "Checkout Page" msgstr "結帳頁面" msgid "Cart Page" msgstr "購物車頁面" msgid "Shop Page" msgstr "商店頁面" msgid "" "This is the WooCommerce shop page. The shop page is a special archive that " "lists your products. You can read more about this here." msgstr "" "這是 WooCommerce 商店頁面。此商店頁面是一個特別的彙整頁面,它會列出您的商品。" "您可以在此了解更多。" msgid "This is a featured product" msgstr "這是一款特色商品" msgid "This setting determines which shop pages products will be listed on." msgstr "這裡可以設定商品要在哪種商店頁面出現。" msgid "Catalog visibility:" msgstr "型錄可見度:" msgid "%s coupon permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s coupons permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s 優惠券已永久刪除。" msgid "%s coupon not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s coupons not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s 優惠券未更新,有其他人正在編輯它。" msgid "%s coupon updated." msgid_plural "%s coupons updated." msgstr[0] "%s 優惠券已更新" msgid "%s order updated." msgid_plural "%s orders updated." msgstr[0] "%s 訂單已更新" msgid "%s product restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s products restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 商品由垃圾桶回復。" msgid "%s order permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s orders permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s 訂單已永久刪除。" msgid "%s product moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s products moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 商品已移到垃圾桶。" msgid "%s product permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s products permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s 商品已永久刪除。" msgid "Order updated and sent." msgstr "訂單已更新並送出。" msgid "Coupon scheduled for: %s." msgstr "折價券已排程於:%s。" msgid "Order scheduled for: %s." msgstr "訂單已排程於:%s。" msgid "%s product not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s products not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s 商品未更新,在其他人正在編輯它。" msgid "%s product updated." msgid_plural "%s products updated." msgstr[0] "%s 商品已更新" msgid "Coupon draft updated." msgstr "優惠券草稿已更新。" msgid "Coupon submitted." msgstr "優惠券已送出。" msgid "Coupon saved." msgstr "優惠券已儲存。" msgid "Order draft updated." msgstr "訂單草稿已更新。" msgid "Order submitted." msgstr "訂單已送出。" msgid "Coupon updated." msgstr "優惠券已更新。" msgid "Order saved." msgstr "訂單已儲存。" msgid "Product saved." msgstr "商品已儲存。" msgid "Revision restored." msgstr "已還原修訂版本。" msgid "Product updated." msgstr "商品已更新。" msgid "Product tags" msgstr "商品標籤" msgid "Downloadable products" msgstr "可下載商品" msgid "Product description" msgstr "商品說明" msgid "" "If you like %1$s please leave us a %2$s rating. A huge thanks in advance!" msgstr "若你喜歡 %1$s,請給我們 %2$s 評分。先在此感謝你的評分!" msgid "Thank you for selling with WooCommerce." msgstr "感謝你使用 WooCommerce 賣東西" msgid "Thanks :)" msgstr "謝謝你 :)" msgid "five star" msgstr "五顆星" msgid "HTML email template" msgstr "HTML 電子郵件範本" msgid "" "Enter a custom base to use. A base must be set or WordPress will use default " "instead." msgstr "輸入使用的顧客起點,一定要設定起點否則 WordPress 將使用預設值取代。" msgctxt "slug" msgid "product" msgstr "product" msgid "" "If you like, you may enter custom structures for your product URLs here. For " "example, using shop would make your product links like " "%sshop/sample-product/. This setting affects product URLs only, not " "things such as product categories." msgstr "" "若有需要,你可以在這裡輸入產品網址的自訂結構。例如,使用 shop 會" "讓你的產品連結看起來像 %sshop/sample-product/。這項設定只會影響" "產品網址,不會影響產品類別等項目。" msgid "Custom base" msgstr "自訂起點" msgid "Shop base with category" msgstr "商品包含分類起點" msgid "Shop base" msgstr "商店起點" msgctxt "default-slug" msgid "product" msgstr "product" msgctxt "default-slug" msgid "shop" msgstr "shop" msgid "Product permalinks" msgstr "商品固定網址" msgid "Product attribute base" msgstr "商品屬性起點" msgid "Product tag base" msgstr "商品標籤起點" msgid "Product category base" msgstr "商品分類起點" msgctxt "slug" msgid "product-tag" msgstr "product-tag" msgctxt "slug" msgid "product-category" msgstr "product-category" msgid "" "Update required: WooCommerce will soon require WordPress version %s or newer." msgstr "需要更新:WooCommerce 即將需要 WordPress 版本 %s 或更新版本。" msgid "Update required: WooCommerce will soon require PHP version %s or newer." msgstr "需要更新:WooCommerce 即將需要 PHP 版本 %s 或更新版本。" msgid "" "Update required: WooCommerce will soon require PHP version %1$s and " "WordPress version %2$s or newer." msgstr "" "需要更新:WooCommerce 即將需要 PHP 版本 %1$s 及 WordPress 版本 %2$s 或更新版" "本。" msgid "Coupon data" msgstr "優惠券資料" msgid "" "Note: Permissions for order items will automatically be granted when the " "order status changes to processing/completed." msgstr "注意:當訂單狀態變更為處理中/已完成時,將會自動賦予訂單項目的權限" msgid "Downloadable product permissions" msgstr "可下載商品權限" msgid "%s notes" msgstr "%s 個備註" msgid "%s data" msgstr "%s 筆資料" msgid "Product gallery" msgstr "商品圖庫" msgid "Insufficient privileges to import products." msgstr "權限不足,無法匯入產品。" msgid "Extensions %s" msgstr "延伸模組 %s" msgid "Filter by source" msgstr "依資源篩選" msgid "All levels" msgstr "所有層級" msgid "All sources" msgstr "所有資源" msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "時間戳記" msgid "Filter by level" msgstr "依層級篩選" msgid "Emergency" msgstr "緊急" msgid "Critical" msgstr "關鍵" msgid "WooCommerce extensions" msgstr "WooCommerce 擴充功能" msgid "Product short description" msgstr "商品簡短說明" msgid "Product data" msgstr "商品資料" msgid "Visit Store" msgstr "訪問商店" msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "加到選單" msgid "WooCommerce endpoints" msgstr "WooCommerce 終點" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Orders" msgstr "訂單" msgid "WooCommerce settings" msgstr "WooCommerce 設定" msgid "Sales reports" msgstr "銷售報表" msgid "Import tax rates to your store via a csv file." msgstr "從 csv 檔案匯入稅率至商店中。" msgid "WooCommerce status" msgstr "WooCommerce 狀態" msgid "Import products to your store via a csv file." msgstr "透過 csv 檔案將 商品 匯入至您的商店。" msgid "WooCommerce tax rates (CSV)" msgstr "WooCommerce 稅率 (CSV)" msgid "WooCommerce products (CSV)" msgstr "WooCommerce 商品 (CSV)" msgid "Product Import" msgstr "商品匯入" msgid "" "If you need to access the setup wizard again, please click on the button " "below." msgstr "如果您需要再次使用設定精靈,請按以下的按鈕" msgid "Official extensions" msgstr "官方的附加軟體" msgid "Official theme" msgstr "官方的佈景主題" msgid " project" msgstr " 專案" msgid "About WooCommerce" msgstr "關於 WooCommerce" msgid "Setup wizard" msgstr "設定精靈" msgid "Found a bug?" msgstr "發現臭蟲?" msgid "System status" msgstr "系統狀態" msgid " support" msgstr " 支援" msgid "" "Before asking for help, we recommend checking the system status page to " "identify any problems with your configuration." msgstr "尋求協助前,建議先檢查系統狀態頁面,找出是否有設定方面的問題。" msgid "" "For further assistance with WooCommerce core, use the community forum. For help with premium extensions sold on WooCommerce." "com, open a support request at" msgstr "" "如需 WooCommerce 核心使用者的進一步協助,請使用社群論壇。如需進階版擴充程式 ( 販售) 的相關協助,請" "在 開啟支援要求。" msgid "" "Should you need help understanding, using, or extending WooCommerce, please read our documentation. You will find all kinds of " "resources including snippets, tutorials and much more." msgstr "" "如果您需要協助以瞭解、使用或擴充 WooCommerce,請閱讀我們的說明" "文件。您將會在裡面找到各種的資源包括程式範例、教學還有更多內容。" msgid "Insufficient privileges to export products." msgstr "權限不足,無法匯出產品。" msgid "Product Export" msgstr "商品匯出" msgid "%s (Copy)" msgstr "%s (複製)" msgid "Product creation failed, could not find original product: %s" msgstr "商品建立失敗,無法找到原商品:%s" msgid "Loading network orders" msgstr "正在載入網路訂單" msgid "No product to duplicate has been supplied!" msgstr "沒有提供要複製的商品!" msgid "Copy to a new draft" msgstr "複製為新的草稿" msgid "Make a duplicate from this product" msgstr "複製此一商品" msgid "There are no product reviews yet." msgstr "尚無商品評價。" msgid "reviewed by %s" msgstr "%s 所留下的評論" msgid "%s out of 5" msgstr "%s 星,滿分5星" msgid "%s net sales this month" msgstr "%s 本月銷售額" msgid "%s product out of stock" msgid_plural "%s products out of stock" msgstr[0] "%s 商品 無庫存" msgid "%s product low in stock" msgid_plural "%s products low in stock" msgstr[0] "%s 商品 庫存量低" msgid "%s order on-hold" msgid_plural "%s orders on-hold" msgstr[0] "%s 訂單 擱置中" msgid "%s order awaiting processing" msgid_plural "%s orders awaiting processing" msgstr[0] "%s 訂單 等待處理中" msgid "%1$s top seller this month (sold %2$d)" msgstr "%1$s 當月最熱銷 (賣出 %2$d)" msgid "WooCommerce Network Orders" msgstr "WooCommerce 網絡訂單" msgid "" "Attributes let you define extra product data, such as size or color. You can " "use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the \"layered nav\" widgets." msgstr "" "屬性可讓你定義額外的產品資料,例如大小或顏色。你可以透過「多層式導覽」小工具" "在商店側邊列使用這些屬性。" msgid "Add attribute" msgstr "新增屬性" msgid "Enable Archives?" msgstr "啟用彙整?" msgid "WooCommerce Status" msgstr "WooCommerce 狀態" msgid "WooCommerce Recent Reviews" msgstr "WooCommerce 近期的評價" msgid "WooCommerce Endpoint" msgstr "WooCommerce 端點" msgid "WooCommerce Endpoints" msgstr "WooCommerce 端點" msgid "(Public)" msgstr "(公開)" msgid "Add new attribute" msgstr "新增屬性" msgid "No attributes currently exist." msgstr "目前沒有任何屬性。" msgid "Configure terms" msgstr "規劃項目" msgid "" "Determines the sort order of the terms on the frontend shop product pages. " "If using custom ordering, you can drag and drop the terms in this attribute." msgstr "" "決定項目在前台商品頁面的排列順序,如果使用自訂排序的話,你可以拖拉項目來調整" "順序" msgid "Determines how this attribute's values are displayed." msgstr "決定屬性的值顯示的方式。" msgid "Term ID" msgstr "項目縞號" msgid "Name (numeric)" msgstr "名稱 (數值的)" msgid "Custom ordering" msgstr "自訂排序" msgid "Default sort order" msgstr "預設排列順序" msgid "" "Enable this if you want this attribute to have product archives in your " "store." msgstr "如果你希望商店商品的此一屬性有彙整請啟用此項" msgid "Enable archives?" msgstr "啟用彙整?" msgid "" "Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be no more than 28 characters." msgstr "屬性唯一的網址編號/參考;長度不可多於 28 字元。" msgid "Back to Attributes" msgstr "回到屬性頁" msgid "Error: non-existing attribute ID." msgstr "錯誤: 不存在的屬性 ID" msgid "Attribute updated successfully" msgstr "屬性更新成功" msgid "Name for the attribute (shown on the front-end)." msgstr "屬性名稱 (在前台顯示)" msgid "Copying to clipboard failed. Please press Ctrl/Cmd+C to copy." msgstr "複製到剪貼簿時發生錯誤,請按 Ctrl/Cmd+C 來複製。" msgid "Edit attribute" msgstr "編輯屬性" msgid "Manage suggestions" msgstr "管理建議" msgid "Dismiss this suggestion" msgstr "關閉此建議" msgid "Are you sure you want to run this tool?" msgstr "確定要執行此工具嗎?" msgid "Enter a fixed amount or percentage to apply as a fee." msgstr "套用輸入的固定金額或比例作為一筆費用。" msgid "" "Enter a coupon code to apply. Discounts are applied to line totals, before " "taxes." msgstr "輸入優惠券代碼加以套用。折扣已套用至項目總額 (稅前)。" msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to delete this note? This action cannot be undone." msgstr "確定要刪除這個備註嗎? 此動作無法復原。" msgid "You cannot add the same tax rate twice!" msgstr "你不能新增相同的稅率兩次" msgid "Are you sure you want to revoke access to this download?" msgstr "你確定要撤銷這個下載權限?" msgid "" "Could not grant access - the user may already have permission for this file " "or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order " "has been saved." msgstr "" "無法賦予權限 - 這個使用者可能已經擁有這個檔案的權限,或者帳單電子郵件沒有設" "定。請確認帳單電子郵件已設定並且訂單已儲存" msgid "No customer selected" msgstr "未選擇顧客" msgid "" "Load the customer's shipping information? This will remove any currently " "entered shipping information." msgstr "讀入顧客的運送資訊嗎?這將會移除目前已輸入的運送資訊" msgid "" "Load the customer's billing information? This will remove any currently " "entered billing information." msgstr "讀入顧客的帳單資訊嗎?這將會移除目前已輸入的帳單資訊" msgid "" "Copy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any " "currently entered shipping information." msgstr "複製帳單資訊到運送資訊嗎?這將會移除目前已輸入的運送資訊" msgid "" "Recalculate totals? This will calculate taxes based on the customers country " "(or the store base country) and update totals." msgstr "重新計算總數?這將基於顧客所在的國家(或地區)重新計稅並更新總數。 " msgid "Enter a name for the new attribute term:" msgstr "輸入新屬性的名稱:" msgid "Enter some text, or some attributes by pipe (|) separating values." msgstr "輸入一些文字或一些屬性,用 (|) 符號分開每一個。" msgid "Used for variations" msgstr "用於變化類型" msgid "Visible on the product page" msgstr "在商品頁面中可見" msgid "Value(s)" msgstr "數值" msgid "Remove this attribute?" msgstr "刪除這個屬性?" msgid "Remove this item meta?" msgstr "移除這個項目的描述資訊?" msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to delete this tax column? This action cannot be " "undone." msgstr "您確定要刪除此一行?此一動作無法回復" msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to delete this refund? This action cannot be undone." msgstr "您確定要刪除此一退費?此一動作無法回復" msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to process this refund? This action cannot be undone." msgstr "您確定希望要處理退費嗎?此一動作無法回復" msgid "Please select some items." msgstr "請選擇一些項目。" msgid "Value (required)" msgstr "數值 (必需)" msgid "Select an option…" msgstr "選擇一個選項…" msgid "%qty% variations" msgstr "%qty% 變化類型" msgid "You may need to manually restore the item's stock." msgstr "你可能需要手動還原該商品的庫存。" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected items?" msgstr "你確定要移除選取的商品?" msgid "Generate coupon code" msgstr "產生優惠券代碼" msgid "Save changes before changing page?" msgstr "變換頁面前先儲存變更嗎?" msgid "Sale end date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)" msgstr "銷售截止日期 (YYYY-MM-DD 格式或留空白)" msgid "Sale start date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)" msgstr "開始銷售日期 (YYYY-MM-DD 格式或留空白)" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this variation?" msgstr "你確定要移除此一變化類型?" msgid "Set variation image" msgstr "設定變化類型圖片" msgid "Last warning, are you sure?" msgstr "最後警告,你是否確定?" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone." msgstr "你確定要刪除所有變化類型嗎?這項操作不可復原喔" msgid "Enter a value (fixed or %)" msgstr "輸入一個值 (固定值或百分比)" msgid "Variation menu order (determines position in the list of variations)" msgstr "變化類型選單順序 (決定在變化類型清單中的位置)" msgid "Enter a value" msgstr "輸入數值" msgid "" "This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you wish to erase personal data " "from the selected orders?" msgstr "此動作無法復原。確定要將個人資料從選取的訂單中刪除?" msgid "Enable reviews" msgstr "啟用評價" msgid "" "This product has produced sales and may be linked to existing orders. Are " "you sure you want to delete it?" msgstr "這項產品已製造銷售,且可能已連結現有的訂單。是否確定要刪除?" msgid "Please enter in a value less than the regular price." msgstr "請輸入比一般售價低的數值" msgid "Please enter in country code with two capital letters." msgstr "請輸入兩個字母的國家編號" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Searching…" msgstr "搜尋中…" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Loading more results…" msgstr "載入更多結果…" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "You can only select %qty% items" msgstr "你只能夠選 %qty% 個項目" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "You can only select 1 item" msgstr "你只能夠選 1 個項目" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Please delete %qty% characters" msgstr "請刪除 %qty%" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Please delete 1 character" msgstr "請刪除 1 " msgid "Revoke API key" msgstr "撤銷 API 金鑰" msgid "View/Edit" msgstr "編輯/查看" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Please enter %qty% or more characters" msgstr "請輸入 %qty% 或更多的字" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Please enter 1 or more characters" msgstr "請輸入 1 個或更多字" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Loading failed" msgstr "載入失敗" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "No matches found" msgstr "找不到符合的" msgid "Read/Write" msgstr "讀/寫" msgid "Revoke" msgstr "撤銷" msgid "ID: %d" msgstr "編號: %d" msgid "No keys found." msgstr "找不到金鑰。" msgid "Last access" msgstr "最後存取" msgid "Consumer key ending in" msgstr "顧客金鑰結束於" msgid "You do not have permission to revoke API Keys" msgstr "您無權撒銷 API 密鑰" msgid "You do not have permission to revoke this API Key" msgstr "您無權撤銷此 API 密鑰" msgid "%d API key permanently revoked." msgid_plural "%d API keys permanently revoked." msgstr[0] "%d API 金鑰已永久撤銷。" msgid "Create an API key" msgstr "建立一組 API 金鑰" msgid "" "The WooCommerce REST API allows external apps to view and manage store data. " "Access is granted only to those with valid API keys." msgstr "" "WooCommerce REST API 能讓外部應用程式檢視及管理商店資料。持有合法 API 金鑰," "才能存取資料。" msgid "Search key" msgstr "密鑰" msgid "REST API" msgstr "REST API" msgid "Add key" msgstr "新增 Key" msgid "Free - Install now" msgstr "免費 - 立即安裝" msgid "Need a fresh look? Try Storefront child themes" msgstr "需要新外觀嗎?試試 Storefront 子佈景主題" msgid "View more Storefront child themes" msgstr "查看更多 Storefront 子佈景主題" msgid "Need a theme? Try Storefront" msgstr "需要佈景主題嗎?試試 Storefront" msgid "Read more about “%s”" msgstr "深入瞭解「%s」" msgid "" "The downloadable file %s cannot be used as it does not exist on the server." msgstr "無法使用 %s 此下載檔案因為在伺服器中找不到檔案。" msgid "Available on backorder" msgstr "可延期出貨" msgid "" "The downloadable file %1$s cannot be used as it does not have an allowed " "file type. Allowed types include: %2$s" msgstr "無法使用 %1$s 此下載檔案因其檔案類型不被允許。允許的檔案類型為:%2$s" msgid "Subtotal:" msgstr "小計" msgid "Return to payments" msgstr "返回付款" msgid "Invalid product tax status." msgstr "無效的產品稅狀態。" msgid "Invalid or duplicated SKU." msgstr "無效或重複的SKU" msgid "Invalid catalog visibility option." msgstr "無效的目錄瀏覽權限選項。" msgid "Save to account" msgstr "存入帳戶" msgid "via %s" msgstr "經由 %s" msgid "Use a new payment method" msgstr "新增付款方式" msgid "Coupon code already applied!" msgstr "優惠編號已經使用過!" msgid "Discount:" msgstr "折扣。" msgid "Free!" msgstr "免費!" msgid "Invalid coupon" msgstr "無效的折價券" msgid "Invalid coupon code" msgstr "無效的優惠編號" msgid "" "You have used this coupon %s in another transaction during this checkout, " "and coupon usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again." msgstr "" "這次結帳你已在另一筆交易中使用了此優惠券 %s,而且已到達優惠券使用量上限。請移" "除優惠券,然後再試一次。" msgid "" "Coupon %s was used in another transaction during this checkout, and coupon " "usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again." msgstr "" "這次結帳你已在另一筆交易中使用了優惠券 %s,而且已到達優惠券使用量上限。請移除" "優惠券,然後再試一次。" msgid "An unexpected error happened while applying the Coupon %s." msgstr "使用優惠券 %s 時發生意料之外的錯誤。" msgid "" "Generic add/update/get meta methods should not be used for internal meta " "data, including \"%s\". Use getters and setters." msgstr "" "一般新增/更新/取得中繼方法不應該用於內部中繼資料,包括「%s」。使用 getter 和 " "setter。" msgid "Invalid currency code" msgstr "無效的貨幣代碼" msgid "Invalid parent ID" msgstr "上層類別無效" msgid "Western Cape" msgstr "西開普省" msgid "North West" msgstr "西北省" msgid "Northern Cape" msgstr "北開普省" msgid "Mpumalanga" msgstr "普馬蘭加省" msgid "Limpopo" msgstr "林波波省" msgid "KwaZulu-Natal" msgstr "誇祖魯-納塔爾省" msgid "Gauteng" msgstr "豪登省" msgid "Free State" msgstr "自由邦省" msgid "Eastern Cape" msgstr "東開普省" msgid "Armed Forces (AP)" msgstr "武裝部隊 (AP)" msgid "Armed Forces (AE)" msgstr "武裝部隊 (AE)" msgid "Armed Forces (AA)" msgstr "武裝部隊 (AA)" msgctxt "US state of Georgia" msgid "Georgia" msgstr "喬治亞州" msgid "Muchinga" msgstr "穆欽加省" msgid "Copperbelt" msgstr "銅帶省" msgid "Southern" msgstr "南部" msgid "North-Western" msgstr "西北部" msgid "Luapula" msgstr "盧阿普拉省" msgid "Wake Island" msgstr "威克島" msgid "Palmyra Atoll" msgstr "帕邁拉環礁" msgid "Navassa Island" msgstr "納弗沙島" msgid "Midway Atoll" msgstr "中途島" msgid "Kingman Reef" msgstr "京曼礁" msgid "Johnston Atoll" msgstr "詹斯頓環礁" msgid "Jarvis Island" msgstr "加維斯島" msgid "Howland Island" msgstr "豪蘭島" msgid "Baker Island" msgstr "貝克島" msgid "Zombo" msgstr "松博區" msgid "Yumbe" msgstr "永貝區" msgid "Wakiso" msgstr "瓦基索區" msgid "Tororo" msgstr "托羅羅區" msgid "Soroti" msgstr "索羅提區" msgid "Sironko" msgstr "錫龍科區" msgid "Sheema" msgstr "謝馬區" msgid "Serere" msgstr "塞雷雷區" msgid "Sembabule" msgstr "森巴布萊區" msgid "Rukungiri" msgstr "魯昆吉里區" msgid "Rukiga" msgstr "鲁基加區" msgid "Rubirizi" msgstr "魯比里齊區" msgid "Rubanda" msgstr "魯班達區" msgid "Rakai" msgstr "拉凱區" msgid "Pallisa" msgstr "帕利薩區" msgid "Pakwach" msgstr "帕誇奇區" msgid "Pader" msgstr "帕德爾區" msgid "Oyam" msgstr "奧揚區" msgid "Otuke" msgstr "奧圖凱區" msgid "Omoro" msgstr "奧莫羅區" msgid "Nwoya" msgstr "恩沃亞區" msgid "Ntungamo" msgstr "恩通加莫區" msgid "Ntoroko" msgstr "恩托羅科區" msgid "Ngora" msgstr "恩戈拉區" msgid "Nebbi" msgstr "內比區" msgid "Napak" msgstr "納帕克區" msgid "Namutumba" msgstr "納穆通巴區" msgid "Namisindwa" msgstr "納米辛迪瓦區" msgid "Namayingo" msgstr "納馬因戈區" msgid "Nakasongola" msgstr "納卡松戈拉區" msgid "Nakaseke" msgstr "納卡塞凱區" msgid "Nakapiripirit" msgstr "納卡皮里皮里特區" msgid "Nabilatuk" msgstr "納比樂弟克區" msgid "Mukono" msgstr "穆科諾區" msgid "Mubende" msgstr "穆本德區" msgid "Mpigi" msgstr "姆皮吉區" msgid "Moyo" msgstr "莫約區" msgid "Moroto" msgstr "莫羅托區" msgid "Mityana" msgstr "米特亞納區" msgid "Mitooma" msgstr "米托馬區" msgid "Mbarara" msgstr "姆巴拉拉區" msgid "Mbale" msgstr "姆巴萊區" msgid "Mayuge" msgstr "馬尤蓋區" msgid "Masindi" msgstr "馬辛迪區" msgid "Masaka" msgstr "馬薩卡區" msgid "Maracha" msgstr "馬拉查區" msgid "Manafwa" msgstr "馬納富阿區" msgid "Lyantonde" msgstr "利安通德區" msgid "Lwengo" msgstr "盧恩戈區" msgid "Luwero" msgstr "盧韋羅區" msgid "Luuka" msgstr "盧卡區" msgid "Lira" msgstr "利拉區" msgid "Lamwo" msgstr "蘭沃區" msgid "Kyotera" msgstr "基奥泰拉區" msgid "Kyenjojo" msgstr "基恩喬喬區" msgid "Kyegegwa" msgstr "基埃蓋瓜區" msgid "Kyankwanzi" msgstr "克揚寬齊區" msgid "Kween" msgstr "奎恩區" msgid "Kwania" msgstr "夸尼亞湖區" msgid "Kumi" msgstr "庫米區" msgid "Kotido" msgstr "科蒂多區" msgid "Kole" msgstr "科萊區" msgid "Koboko" msgstr "科博科區" msgid "Kitgum" msgstr "基特古姆區" msgid "Kisoro" msgstr "基索羅區" msgid "Kiryandongo" msgstr "基爾揚東戈區" msgid "Kiruhura" msgstr "基魯胡拉區" msgid "Kikuube" msgstr "基庫比區" msgid "Kibuku" msgstr "基布庫區" msgid "Kiboga" msgstr "基博加區" msgid "Kibaale" msgstr "基巴萊區" msgid "Kayunga" msgstr "卡永加區" msgid "Katakwi" msgstr "卡塔奎區" msgid "Kasese" msgstr "卡塞塞區" msgid "Kasanda" msgstr "卡桑德區" msgid "Kapelebyong" msgstr "卡佩樂庇雍區" msgid "Kapchorwa" msgstr "卡普喬魯瓦區" msgid "Kanungu" msgstr "卡農古區" msgid "Kamwenge" msgstr "卡姆文蓋區" msgid "Kamuli" msgstr "卡穆利區" msgid "Kalungu" msgstr "卡倫古區" msgid "Kaliro" msgstr "卡利羅區" msgid "Kalangala" msgstr "卡蘭加拉區" msgid "Kakumiro" msgstr "卡庫米羅區" msgid "Kagadi" msgstr "卡加迪區" msgid "Kaberamaido" msgstr "卡貝拉馬伊多區" msgid "Kabarole" msgstr "卡巴羅萊區" msgid "Kabale" msgstr "卡巴萊區" msgid "Kaabong" msgstr "卡邦區" msgid "Simiyu" msgstr "Simiyu" msgid "Njombe" msgstr "Njombe" msgid "Katavi" msgstr "Katavi" msgid "Geita" msgstr "Geita" msgid "Manyara" msgstr "Manyara" msgid "Jinja" msgstr "金賈區" msgid "Isingiro" msgstr "伊辛吉羅區" msgid "Iganga" msgstr "伊甘加區" msgid "Ibanda" msgstr "伊班達區" msgid "Hoima" msgstr "霍伊馬區" msgid "Gulu" msgstr "古盧區" msgid "Gomba" msgstr "貢巴區" msgid "Dokolo" msgstr "多科洛區" msgid "Buyende" msgstr "布延德區" msgid "Buvuma" msgstr "布武馬區" msgid "Butebo" msgstr "比特博區" msgid "Butambala" msgstr "布坦巴拉區" msgid "Butaleja" msgstr "布塔萊扎區" msgid "Bushenyi" msgstr "布謝尼區" msgid "Bunyangabu" msgstr "本揚格布區" msgid "Bundibugyo" msgstr "本迪布焦區" msgid "Buliisa" msgstr "布利薩區" msgid "Bulambuli" msgstr "布蘭布利區" msgid "Bukwa" msgstr "布夸區" msgid "Bukomansimbi" msgstr "布科曼森比區" msgid "Bukedea" msgstr "布克迪亞區" msgid "Buikwe" msgstr "布伊克韋區" msgid "Buhweju" msgstr "布惠朱區" msgid "Bugweri" msgstr "布格維利區" msgid "Bugiri" msgstr "布吉里區" msgid "Bududa" msgstr "布杜達區" msgid "Budaka" msgstr "布達卡區" msgid "Arua" msgstr "阿魯阿區" msgid "Apac" msgstr "阿帕克區" msgid "Amuru" msgstr "阿穆魯區" msgid "Amuria" msgstr "阿穆里亞區" msgid "Amudat" msgstr "阿穆達特區" msgid "Amolatar" msgstr "阿莫拉塔爾區" msgid "Alebtong" msgstr "阿列布通區" msgid "Agago" msgstr "阿加戈區" msgid "Adjumani" msgstr "阿朱馬尼區" msgid "Abim" msgstr "阿比姆區" msgid "Tanga" msgstr "Tanga" msgid "Tabora" msgstr "Tabora" msgid "Singida" msgstr "Singida" msgid "Shinyanga" msgstr "Shinyanga" msgid "Ruvuma" msgstr "Ruvuma" msgid "Rukwa" msgstr "Rukwa" msgid "Coast" msgstr "Coast" msgid "Mwanza" msgstr "Mwanza" msgid "Mtwara" msgstr "Mtwara" msgid "Morogoro" msgstr "Morogoro" msgid "Zanzibar West" msgstr "Zanzibar West" msgid "Mbeya" msgstr "Mbeya" msgid "Mara" msgstr "Mara" msgid "Lindi" msgstr "Lindi" msgid "Zanzibar South" msgstr "Zanzibar South" msgid "Pemba South" msgstr "Pemba South" msgid "Kilimanjaro" msgstr "Kilimanjaro" msgid "Kigoma" msgstr "Kigoma" msgid "Zanzibar North" msgstr "Zanzibar North" msgid "Pemba North" msgstr "Pemba North" msgid "Kagera" msgstr "Kagera" msgid "Iringa" msgstr "Iringa" msgid "Dodoma" msgstr "Dodoma" msgid "Arusha" msgstr "Arusha" msgid "Osmaniye" msgstr "奧斯曼尼耶省" msgid "Kilis" msgstr "基利斯省" msgid "Yalova" msgstr "亞洛瓦省" msgid "Ardahan" msgstr "阿爾達漢省" msgid "Batman" msgstr "巴特曼省" msgid "Düzce" msgstr "迪茲傑" msgid "Karabük" msgstr "卡拉比克" msgid "Iğdır" msgstr "厄德爾" msgid "Bartın" msgstr "巴爾滕" msgid "Şırnak" msgstr "舍爾奈克" msgid "Kırıkkale" msgstr "克勒克卡萊" msgid "Karaman" msgstr "卡拉曼省" msgid "Bayburt" msgstr "巴伊布爾特省" msgid "Aksaray" msgstr "阿克薩賴省" msgid "Zonguldak" msgstr "宗古爾達克省" msgid "Yozgat" msgstr "約茲加特省" msgid "Van" msgstr "凡城省" msgid "Tunceli" msgstr "通傑利省" msgid "Trabzon" msgstr "特拉布宗省" msgid "Tokat" msgstr "托卡特省" msgid "Sivas" msgstr "錫瓦斯省" msgid "Sinop" msgstr "錫諾普省" msgid "Siirt" msgstr "錫爾特省" msgid "Samsun" msgstr "薩姆松省" msgid "Sakarya" msgstr "薩卡里亞省" msgid "Rize" msgstr "里澤省" msgid "Ordu" msgstr "奧爾杜省" msgid "Mardin" msgstr "馬爾丁省" msgid "Uşak" msgstr "烏沙克" msgid "Şanlıurfa" msgstr "尚勒烏爾法" msgid "Tekirdağ" msgstr "泰基爾達" msgid "Niğde" msgstr "尼代" msgid "Nevşehir" msgstr "內夫謝希爾" msgid "Muş" msgstr "穆什" msgid "Muğla" msgstr "穆拉" msgid "Kahramanmaraş" msgstr "卡赫拉曼馬拉什" msgid "Manisa" msgstr "馬尼薩省" msgid "Malatya" msgstr "馬拉蒂亞省" msgid "Konya" msgstr "科尼亞省" msgid "Kocaeli" msgstr "科賈埃利省" msgid "Kütahya" msgstr "屈塔希亞" msgid "Kırşehir" msgstr "克爾謝希爾" msgid "Kırklareli" msgstr "柯克拉雷利" msgid "Kayseri" msgstr "開塞利省" msgid "Kastamonu" msgstr "卡斯塔莫努省" msgid "Kars" msgstr "卡爾斯省" msgid "Isparta" msgstr "伊斯帕爾塔省" msgid "Hatay" msgstr "哈塔伊省" msgid "Hakkari" msgstr "哈卡里省" msgid "Giresun" msgstr "吉雷松省" msgid "Gaziantep" msgstr "加濟安泰普省" msgid "Erzurum" msgstr "埃爾祖魯姆省" msgid "Erzincan" msgstr "埃爾津詹省" msgid "Edirne" msgstr "愛第尼省" msgid "İzmir" msgstr "伊茲密爾" msgid "İstanbul" msgstr "伊斯坦堡" msgid "İçel" msgstr "伊切爾" msgid "Gümüşhane" msgstr "居米什哈內" msgid "Eskişehir" msgstr "埃斯基謝希爾" msgid "Elazığ" msgstr "艾拉澤" msgid "Diyarbakır" msgstr "迪亞巴克爾" msgid "Denizli" msgstr "代尼茲利省" msgid "Bursa" msgstr "布爾薩省" msgid "Burdur" msgstr "布爾杜爾省" msgid "Bolu" msgstr "博盧省" msgid "Bitlis" msgstr "比特利斯省" msgid "Bilecik" msgstr "比萊吉克省" msgid "Artvin" msgstr "阿爾特溫省" msgid "Antalya" msgstr "安塔利亞省" msgid "Ankara" msgstr "安卡拉" msgid "Amasya" msgstr "阿馬西亞省" msgid "Afyon" msgstr "阿菲永卡拉希薩爾省" msgid "Çorum" msgstr "喬魯姆" msgid "Çankırı" msgstr "昌克勒" msgid "Çanakkale" msgstr "恰納卡萊" msgid "Bingöl" msgstr "賓格爾" msgid "Balıkesir" msgstr "巴勒克埃西爾" msgid "Aydın" msgstr "艾登" msgid "Ağrı" msgstr "阿勒" msgid "Adıyaman" msgstr "阿德亞曼" msgid "Yasothon" msgstr "益梭通府" msgid "Yala" msgstr "也拉府" msgid "Uttaradit" msgstr "程逸府" msgid "Uthai Thani" msgstr "烏泰他尼府" msgid "Udon Thani" msgstr "烏隆府" msgid "Ubon Ratchathani" msgstr "烏汶府" msgid "Trat" msgstr "達叻府" msgid "Trang" msgstr "董里府" msgid "Tak" msgstr "達府" msgid "Surin" msgstr "素林府" msgid "Surat Thani" msgstr "素叻府" msgid "Suphan Buri" msgstr "素攀武里府" msgid "Sukhothai" msgstr "素可泰府" msgid "Songkhla" msgstr "宋卡府" msgid "Sisaket" msgstr "四色菊府" msgid "Sing Buri" msgstr "信武里府" msgid "Satun" msgstr "沙敦府" msgid "Saraburi" msgstr "北標府" msgid "Samut Songkhram" msgstr "夜功府" msgid "Samut Sakhon" msgstr "龍仔厝府" msgid "Samut Prakan" msgstr "北欖府" msgid "Sakon Nakhon" msgstr "色軍府" msgid "Sa Kaeo" msgstr "沙繳府" msgid "Roi Et" msgstr "黎逸府" msgid "Rayong" msgstr "羅勇府" msgid "Ratchaburi" msgstr "叻丕府" msgid "Ranong" msgstr "腊農府" msgid "Prachuap Khiri Khan" msgstr "巴蜀府" msgid "Prachin Buri" msgstr "巴真府" msgid "Phuket" msgstr "普吉府" msgid "Phrae" msgstr "帕府" msgid "Phitsanulok" msgstr "彭世洛府" msgid "Phichit" msgstr "披集府" msgid "Phetchaburi" msgstr "佛丕府" msgid "Phetchabun" msgstr "碧差汶府" msgid "Phayao" msgstr "帕堯府" msgid "Phatthalung" msgstr "博達倫府" msgid "Phang Nga" msgstr "攀牙府" msgid "Pattani" msgstr "北大年府" msgid "Adana" msgstr "阿達納" msgid "Pathum Thani" msgstr "巴吞他尼府" msgid "Nonthaburi" msgstr "暖武里府" msgid "Nong Khai" msgstr "廊開府" msgid "Nong Bua Lam Phu" msgstr "廊磨喃蒲府" msgid "Narathiwat" msgstr "陶公府" msgid "Nan" msgstr "難府" msgid "Nakhon Si Thammarat" msgstr "洛坤府" msgid "Nakhon Sawan" msgstr "北欖坡府" msgid "Nakhon Ratchasima" msgstr "呵叻府" msgid "Nakhon Phanom" msgstr "那空帕農府" msgid "Nakhon Pathom" msgstr "佛統府" msgid "Nakhon Nayok" msgstr "那空那育府" msgid "Mukdahan" msgstr "莫達漢府" msgid "Maha Sarakham" msgstr "瑪哈沙拉堪府" msgid "Mae Hong Son" msgstr "夜豐頌府" msgid "Lopburi" msgstr "華富里府" msgid "Loei" msgstr "黎府" msgid "Lamphun" msgstr "南奔府" msgid "Lampang" msgstr "南邦府" msgid "Krabi" msgstr "甲米府" msgid "Khon Kaen" msgstr "孔敬府" msgid "Kanchanaburi" msgstr "北碧府" msgid "Kamphaeng Phet" msgstr "甘烹碧府" msgid "Kalasin" msgstr "加拉信府" msgid "Chumphon" msgstr "春蓬府" msgid "Chonburi" msgstr "春武里府" msgid "Chiang Rai" msgstr "清萊府" msgid "Chiang Mai" msgstr "清邁府" msgid "Chanthaburi" msgstr "尖竹汶府" msgid "Chaiyaphum" msgstr "猜也奔府" msgid "Chai Nat" msgstr "猜那府" msgid "Chachoengsao" msgstr "北柳府" msgid "Buri Ram" msgstr "武里南府" msgid "Bueng Kan" msgstr "汶干府" msgid "Ayutthaya" msgstr "大城府" msgid "Ang Thong" msgstr "紅統府" msgid "Amnat Charoen" msgstr "安納乍能府" msgid "Vrancea" msgstr "弗朗恰縣" msgid "Vaslui" msgstr "瓦斯盧伊" msgid "Tulcea" msgstr "Tulcea" msgid "Teleorman" msgstr "Teleorman" msgid "Suceava" msgstr "Suceava" msgid "Sibiu" msgstr "Sibiu" msgid "Satu Mare" msgstr "Satu Mare" msgid "Prahova" msgstr "Prahova" msgid "Olt" msgstr "Olt" msgid "Ilfov" msgstr "Ilfov" msgid "Hunedoara" msgstr "Hunedoara" msgid "Harghita" msgstr "Harghita" msgid "Gorj" msgstr "Gorj" msgid "Giurgiu" msgstr "Giurgiu" msgid "Dolj" msgstr "Dolj" msgid "Vâlcea" msgstr "沃爾恰" msgid "Timiș" msgstr "蒂米什" msgid "Sălaj" msgstr "瑟拉日" msgid "Neamț" msgstr "尼亞姆茨" msgid "Mureș" msgstr "穆列什" msgid "Mehedinți" msgstr "梅赫丁茨" msgid "Maramureș" msgstr "馬拉穆列什" msgid "Iași" msgstr "雅西" msgid "Ialomița" msgstr "雅洛米察" msgid "Galați" msgstr "加拉茨" msgid "Covasna" msgstr "Covasna" msgid "Cluj" msgstr "Cluj" msgid "Dâmbovița" msgstr "登博維察" msgid "Constanța" msgstr "康斯坦察" msgid "Caraș-Severin" msgstr "卡拉什塞維林" msgid "Buzău" msgstr "布澤烏" msgid "București" msgstr "布加勒斯特" msgid "Brașov" msgstr "布拉索夫" msgid "Brăila" msgstr "布萊拉" msgid "Botoșani" msgstr "博托沙尼" msgid "Bistrița-Năsăud" msgstr "比斯特里察訥瑟烏德" msgid "Bihor" msgstr "Bihor" msgid "Arad" msgstr "Arad" msgid "Alba" msgstr "Alba" msgid "Bacău" msgstr "巴考" msgid "Argeș" msgstr "阿爾傑什" msgid "Boquerón" msgstr "波格隆" msgid "Alto Paraguay" msgstr "Alto Paraguay" msgid "Presidente Hayes" msgstr "Presidente Hayes" msgid "Canindeyú" msgstr "卡寧德尤" msgid "Amambay" msgstr "Amambay" msgid "Ñeembucú" msgstr "涅恩布庫" msgid "Alto Paraná" msgstr "上巴拉那" msgid "Paraguarí" msgstr "巴拉瓜里" msgid "Itapúa" msgstr "伊塔普阿" msgid "Caazapá" msgstr "卡薩帕" msgid "Caaguazú" msgstr "卡瓜蘇" msgid "Guairá" msgstr "瓜伊拉" msgid "Cordillera" msgstr "Cordillera" msgid "San Pedro" msgstr "San Pedro" msgid "Concepción" msgstr "康塞普西翁" msgid "Sindh" msgstr "Sindh" msgid "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" msgstr "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" msgid "Islamabad Capital Territory" msgstr "Islamabad Capital Territory" msgid "Gilgit Baltistan" msgstr "Gilgit Baltistan" msgid "FATA" msgstr "FATA" msgid "Balochistan" msgstr "Balochistan" msgid "Azad Kashmir" msgstr "Azad Kashmir" msgid "Metro Manila" msgstr "馬尼拉" msgid "Zamboanga Sibugay" msgstr "三寶顏錫布格" msgid "Zamboanga del Sur" msgstr "三寶顏" msgid "Zamboanga del Norte" msgstr "北三寶顏" msgid "Zambales" msgstr "三描禮士" msgid "Tawi-Tawi" msgstr "塔威 - 塔威" msgid "Tarlac" msgstr "塔拉克" msgid "Surigao del Sur" msgstr "南蘇裡高" msgid "Surigao del Norte" msgstr "北蘇里高" msgid "Sulu" msgstr "蘇魯" msgid "Sultan Kudarat" msgstr "蘇丹庫達拉" msgid "Southern Leyte" msgstr "南萊特" msgid "South Cotabato" msgstr "南哥打巴托" msgid "Sorsogon" msgstr "索索貢" msgid "Siquijor" msgstr "錫基霍爾" msgid "Sarangani" msgstr "薩蘭加尼" msgid "Samar" msgstr "薩馬" msgid "Romblon" msgstr "朗布隆" msgid "Rizal" msgstr "黎剎" msgid "Quirino" msgstr "基里諾" msgid "Quezon" msgstr "奎松" msgid "Asunción" msgstr "亞松森" msgid "Pangasinan" msgstr "邦阿西楠" msgid "Pampanga" msgstr "邦板牙" msgid "Palawan" msgstr "巴拉望" msgid "Oriental Mindoro" msgstr "東方民都洛" msgid "Occidental Mindoro" msgstr "西民都洛省" msgid "Nueva Vizcaya" msgstr "新比斯開" msgid "Nueva Ecija" msgstr "新怡詩夏" msgid "Northern Samar" msgstr "北薩馬" msgid "Negros Oriental" msgstr "東內格羅斯" msgid "Negros Occidental" msgstr "西內格羅斯" msgid "Mountain Province" msgstr "山省" msgid "Misamis Oriental" msgstr "東米薩米斯" msgid "Misamis Occidental" msgstr "西米薩米斯" msgid "Masbate" msgstr "馬斯巴特" msgid "Marinduque" msgstr "馬林杜克" msgid "Maguindanao" msgstr "馬京達瑙" msgid "Leyte" msgstr "萊特" msgid "Lanao del Sur" msgstr "南拉瑙" msgid "Lanao del Norte" msgstr "北拉瑙" msgid "Laguna" msgstr "拉古納" msgid "La Union" msgstr "拉烏尼翁" msgid "Kalinga" msgstr "卡林加" msgid "Isabela" msgstr "伊莎貝拉" msgid "Iloilo" msgstr "伊洛伊洛" msgid "Ilocos Sur" msgstr "南伊羅戈" msgid "Ilocos Norte" msgstr "北伊羅戈" msgid "Ifugao" msgstr "伊富高" msgid "Guimaras" msgstr "吉馬拉斯" msgid "Eastern Samar" msgstr "東薩馬" msgid "Dinagat Islands" msgstr "迪納加特群島" msgid "Davao Oriental" msgstr "達沃東方" msgid "Davao Occidental" msgstr "西達沃省" msgid "Davao del Sur" msgstr "南達沃" msgid "Davao del Norte" msgstr "北達沃" msgid "Cotabato" msgstr "哥打巴托" msgid "Compostela Valley" msgstr "孔波斯特拉山谷" msgid "Cebu" msgstr "宿霧" msgid "Cavite" msgstr "甲米地" msgid "Catanduanes" msgstr "卡坦端內斯" msgid "Camiguin" msgstr "甘米银" msgid "Camarines Sur" msgstr "南甘馬粦" msgid "Camarines Norte" msgstr "北甘馬粦" msgid "Cagayan" msgstr "卡加延" msgid "Bulacan" msgstr "布拉幹" msgid "Bukidnon" msgstr "布基農" msgid "Bohol" msgstr "波荷" msgid "Biliran" msgstr "比利蘭" msgid "Benguet" msgstr "本格特省" msgid "Batangas" msgstr "八打雁" msgid "Batanes" msgstr "巴丹群島省" msgid "Bataan" msgstr "巴丹" msgid "Basilan" msgstr "巴西蘭島" msgid "Aurora" msgstr "奧羅拉" msgid "Apayao" msgstr "阿巴堯" msgid "Albay" msgstr "阿爾拜" msgid "Aklan" msgstr "阿克蘭" msgid "Agusan del Sur" msgstr "南阿古桑" msgid "Agusan del Norte" msgstr "北阿古桑" msgid "Abra" msgstr "阿布拉" msgid "Ucayali" msgstr "烏卡亞利河" msgid "Tumbes" msgstr "通貝斯" msgid "Tacna" msgstr "塔克納" msgid "Puno" msgstr "普諾" msgid "Piura" msgstr "皮烏拉地區" msgid "Pasco" msgstr "帕斯科大區" msgid "Moquegua" msgstr "莫克瓜大區" msgid "Madre de Dios" msgstr "馬德雷德迪奧斯大區" msgid "Loreto" msgstr "洛雷託大區" msgid "Lambayeque" msgstr "蘭巴耶克大區" msgid "La Libertad" msgstr "拉利伯塔德大區" msgid "San Martín" msgstr "聖馬丁" msgid "Ica" msgstr "伊卡" msgid "Huancavelica" msgstr "萬卡韋利卡" msgid "Cusco" msgstr "庫斯科" msgid "Cajamarca" msgstr "卡哈馬卡" msgid "Ayacucho" msgstr "阿亞庫喬" msgid "Arequipa" msgstr "阿雷基帕" msgid "Ancash" msgstr "安卡什大區" msgid "Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima" msgstr "利馬都會區" msgid "El Callao" msgstr "卡亞俄" msgid "Southland" msgstr "南國" msgid "Otago" msgstr "奧塔哥" msgid "Canterbury" msgstr "坎特伯雷" msgid "West Coast" msgstr "西海岸" msgid "Tasman" msgstr "塔斯曼" msgid "Marlborough" msgstr "馬爾堡" msgid "Nelson" msgstr "尼爾森" msgid "Wellington" msgstr "惠靈頓" msgid "Manawatu-Wanganui" msgstr "馬納瓦圖 - 旺格努伊" msgid "Junín" msgstr "胡寧" msgid "Huánuco" msgstr "瓦努科" msgid "Apurímac" msgstr "阿普里馬克" msgid "Zamfara" msgstr "Zamfara" msgid "Yobe" msgstr "Yobe" msgid "Taraba" msgstr "Taraba" msgid "Sokoto" msgstr "Sokoto" msgid "Plateau" msgstr "Plateau" msgid "Seti" msgstr "Seti" msgid "Sagarmatha" msgstr "Sagarmatha" msgid "Rapti" msgstr "Rapti" msgid "Narayani" msgstr "Narayani" msgid "Mechi" msgstr "Mechi" msgid "Mahakali" msgstr "Mahakali" msgid "Lumbini" msgstr "Lumbini" msgid "Koshi" msgstr "志" msgid "Karnali" msgstr "卡納利" msgid "Janakpur" msgstr "賈納克布爾" msgid "Gandaki" msgstr "Gandaki" msgid "Dhaulagiri" msgstr "Dhawalagiri" msgid "Bheri" msgstr "Bheri" msgid "Bagmati" msgstr "Bagmati" msgid "Gisborne" msgstr "吉斯伯恩" msgid "Taranaki" msgstr "塔拉納基" msgid "Bay of Plenty" msgstr "豐盛灣" msgid "Waikato" msgstr "懷卡托" msgid "Northland" msgstr "北國" msgid "Hawke’s Bay" msgstr "豪克斯灣" msgid "Oyo" msgstr "Oyo" msgid "Osun" msgstr "Osun" msgid "Ondo" msgstr "Ondo" msgid "Ogun" msgstr "Ogun" msgid "Nasarawa" msgstr "Nasarawa" msgid "Kwara" msgstr "Kwara" msgid "Kogi" msgstr "Kogi" msgid "Kebbi" msgstr "Kebbi" msgid "Katsina" msgstr "Katsina" msgid "Kano" msgstr "Kano" msgid "Kaduna" msgstr "Kaduna" msgid "Jigawa" msgstr "Jigawa" msgid "Imo" msgstr "Imo" msgid "Gombe" msgstr "Gombe" msgid "Enugu" msgstr "Enugu" msgid "Ekiti" msgstr "Ekiti" msgid "Edo" msgstr "Edo" msgid "Ebonyi" msgstr "Ebonyi" msgid "Delta" msgstr "Delta" msgid "Cross River" msgstr "Cross River" msgid "Borno" msgstr "Borno" msgid "Benue" msgstr "Benue" msgid "Bayelsa" msgstr "Bayelsa" msgid "Bauchi" msgstr "Bauchi" msgid "Anambra" msgstr "Anambra" msgid "Akwa Ibom" msgstr "Akwa Ibom" msgid "Adamawa" msgstr "Adamawa" msgid "Abuja" msgstr "Abuja" msgid "Abia" msgstr "Abia" msgid "Putrajaya" msgstr "Putrajaya" msgid "Penang (Pulau Pinang)" msgstr "Penang (Pulau Pinang)" msgid "Malacca (Melaka)" msgstr "Malacca (Melaka)" msgid "Terengganu" msgstr "登嘉樓" msgid "Selangor" msgstr "雪蘭莪" msgid "Sarawak" msgstr "砂拉越" msgid "Sabah" msgstr "沙巴" msgid "Perlis" msgstr "玻璃市" msgid "Perak" msgstr "霹靂" msgid "Pahang" msgstr "彭亨" msgid "Negeri Sembilan" msgstr "森美蘭" msgid "Zambezi" msgstr "贊比西" msgid "Otjozondjupa" msgstr "奧喬宗朱帕" msgid "Oshikoto" msgstr "奧希科托" msgid "Oshana" msgstr "奧沙納" msgid "Omusati" msgstr "奧穆薩蒂" msgid "Omaheke" msgstr "奧馬海凱" msgid "Ohangwena" msgstr "奧漢圭納" msgid "Kunene" msgstr "庫內內" msgid "Khomas" msgstr "霍馬斯" msgid "Kavango West" msgstr "西卡萬戈" msgid "Kavango East" msgstr "東卡萬戈" msgid "Karas" msgstr "卡拉斯" msgid "Hardap" msgstr "哈達普" msgid "Erongo" msgstr "埃龍戈" msgid "Zambézia" msgstr "贊比西亞" msgid "Tete" msgstr "太特" msgid "Sofala" msgstr "索法拉" msgid "Niassa" msgstr "尼亞薩" msgid "Nampula" msgstr "楠普拉" msgid "Maputo Province" msgstr "馬普托省" msgid "Manica" msgstr "馬尼卡" msgid "Inhambane" msgstr "伊尼揚巴內" msgid "Cabo Delgado" msgstr "德爾加杜角" msgid "Labuan" msgstr "Labuan" msgid "Kelantan" msgstr "吉蘭丹" msgid "Kedah" msgstr "吉打" msgid "Johor" msgstr "柔佛" msgid "Yucatán" msgstr "尤卡坦" msgid "San Luis Potosí" msgstr "聖路易斯波托" msgid "Querétaro" msgstr "克雷塔羅" msgid "Michoacán" msgstr "米卻肯州" msgid "Estado de México" msgstr "墨西哥州" msgid "Nuevo León" msgstr "新莱昂" msgid "Ciudad de México" msgstr "墨西哥城" msgid "Ungheni" msgstr "Ungheni" msgid "Taraclia" msgstr "Taraclia" msgid "Telenești" msgstr "泰萊內什蒂" msgid "Ștefan Vodă" msgstr "斯特凡大公區" msgid "Soroca" msgstr "Soroca" msgid "Rezina" msgstr "Rezina" msgid "Orhei" msgstr "Orhei" msgid "Nisporeni" msgstr "Nisporeni" msgid "Leova" msgstr "Leova" msgid "Ialoveni" msgstr "Ialoveni" msgid "Glodeni" msgstr "Glodeni" msgid "Șoldănești" msgstr "紹爾德內什蒂" msgid "Strășeni" msgstr "斯特勒謝尼" msgid "Sîngerei" msgstr "森傑雷" msgid "Rîșcani" msgstr "雷什卡內" msgid "Ocnița" msgstr "奧克尼察" msgid "Hîncești" msgstr "亨切什蒂" msgid "UTA Găgăuzia" msgstr "加告茲自治領土單位" msgid "Drochia" msgstr "Drochia" msgid "Criuleni" msgstr "Criuleni" msgid "Florești" msgstr "弗洛雷什蒂" msgid "Fălești" msgstr "弗萊什蒂" msgid "Edineț" msgstr "埃迪內茨" msgid "Dubăsari" msgstr "杜伯薩里" msgid "Dondușeni" msgstr "棟杜謝尼" msgid "Cimișlia" msgstr "奇米什利亞" msgid "Lofa" msgstr "洛法縣" msgid "Sinoe" msgstr "錫諾縣" msgid "River Gee" msgstr "吉河縣" msgid "Rivercess" msgstr "里弗塞斯縣" msgid "Nimba" msgstr "寧巴縣" msgid "Montserrado" msgstr "蒙特塞拉多縣" msgid "Margibi" msgstr "馬及比縣" msgid "Grand Kru" msgstr "大克魯縣" msgid "Grand Gedeh" msgstr "大各德縣" msgid "Cantemir" msgstr "Cantemir" msgid "Cahul" msgstr "Cahul" msgid "Briceni" msgstr "Briceni" msgid "Basarabeasca" msgstr "Basarabeasca" msgid "Anenii Noi" msgstr "Anenii Noi" msgid "Căușeni" msgstr "克烏謝尼" msgid "Călărași" msgstr "克勒拉希" msgid "Bălți" msgstr "伯爾茲" msgid "Chișinău" msgstr "基希涅夫" msgid "Grand Cape Mount" msgstr "大角山縣" msgid "Grand Bassa" msgstr "大巴薩縣" msgid "Gbarpolu" msgstr "巴波盧縣" msgid "Bong" msgstr "邦縣" msgid "Bomi" msgstr "伯米縣" msgid "Xaisomboun" msgstr "賽宋奔" msgid "Xiangkhouang" msgstr "川壙" msgid "Sekong" msgstr "塞公" msgid "Sainyabuli" msgstr "沙耶武里" msgid "Vientiane Province" msgstr "永珍省" msgid "Savannakhet" msgstr "凱山豐威漢市" msgid "Salavan" msgstr "沙拉灣" msgid "Phongsaly" msgstr "豐沙里" msgid "Oudomxay" msgstr "烏多姆賽" msgid "Luang Prabang" msgstr "琅勃拉邦" msgid "Luang Namtha" msgstr "琅南塔" msgid "Khammouane" msgstr "甘蒙" msgid "Houaphanh" msgstr "華潘" msgid "Champasak" msgstr "占巴塞" msgid "Bolikhamsai" msgstr "波里坎賽" msgid "Bokeo" msgstr "博喬" msgid "Attapeu" msgstr "阿速坡" msgid "West Pokot" msgstr "西波克特郡" msgid "Wajir" msgstr "瓦吉爾" msgid "Vihiga" msgstr "韋希加郡" msgid "Uasin Gishu" msgstr "瓦辛基蘇郡" msgid "Turkana" msgstr "圖爾卡納郡" msgid "Trans Nzoia" msgstr "特蘭斯-恩佐亞郡" msgid "Tharaka-Nithi" msgstr "薩拉卡尼蒂郡" msgid "Tana River" msgstr "塔納河" msgid "Taita-Taveta" msgstr "泰塔塔維塔郡" msgid "Siaya" msgstr "夏亞郡" msgid "Samburu" msgstr "桑布盧郡" msgid "Nyeri" msgstr "尼耶利" msgid "Nyandarua" msgstr "年達魯阿郡" msgid "Nyamira" msgstr "尼亞米拉郡" msgid "Narok" msgstr "納羅克" msgid "Nandi" msgstr "南迪郡" msgid "Kochi" msgstr "高知縣" msgid "Gunma" msgstr "群馬縣" msgid "Venezia" msgstr "威尼斯" msgid "Nakuru" msgstr "諾魯" msgid "Nairobi County" msgstr "內羅畢郡" msgid "Murang’a" msgstr "穆拉格縣" msgid "Mombasa" msgstr "蒙巴薩" msgid "Migori" msgstr "米戈利" msgid "Meru" msgstr "梅魯" msgid "Marsabit" msgstr "馬薩比特" msgid "Mandera" msgstr "曼德拉" msgid "Makueni" msgstr "馬瓜尼郡" msgid "Machakos" msgstr "馬查科斯" msgid "Lamu" msgstr "拉穆鎮" msgid "Laikipia" msgstr "萊基皮亞郡" msgid "Kwale" msgstr "夸勒郡" msgid "Kitui" msgstr "基圖伊" msgid "Kisumu" msgstr "基蘇木" msgid "Kisii" msgstr "基西" msgid "Kirinyaga" msgstr "基里尼亞加郡" msgid "Kilifi" msgstr "基利菲縣" msgid "Kiambu" msgstr "基安布郡" msgid "Kericho" msgstr "凱里喬" msgid "Kakamega" msgstr "卡卡梅加" msgid "Kajiado" msgstr "卡耶亞多郡" msgid "Isiolo" msgstr "伊西奧洛" msgid "Homa Bay" msgstr "霍馬灣" msgid "Garissa" msgstr "加里薩" msgid "Embu" msgstr "恩布" msgid "Elgeyo-Marakwet" msgstr "埃爾格約-馬拉奎特郡" msgid "Busia" msgstr "布西亞區" msgid "Bungoma" msgstr "奔戈馬" msgid "Bomet" msgstr "博美特" msgid "Baringo" msgstr "巴林戈郡" msgid "Torino" msgstr "都靈" msgid "Siracusa" msgstr "叙拉古" msgid "Roma" msgstr "羅馬" msgid "Padova" msgstr "帕多瓦" msgid "Napoli" msgstr "那不勒斯" msgid "Monza e della Brianza" msgstr "蒙薩和布里安薩省" msgid "Milano" msgstr "米蘭" msgid "Mantova" msgstr "曼托瓦" msgid "Genova" msgstr "熱那亞" msgid "Forlì-Cesena" msgstr "費利-切塞納省" msgid "Firenze" msgstr "佛羅倫斯" msgid "Fermo" msgstr "費爾莫" msgid "Bolzano" msgstr "波札諾" msgid "Barletta-Andria-Trani" msgstr "巴爾萊塔-安德里亞-特蘭尼省" msgid "Sistan and Baluchestan (سیستان و بلوچستان)" msgstr "Sistan and Baluchestan (سیستان و بلوچستان)" msgid "Sud Sardegna" msgstr "Sud Sardegna" msgid "Hormozgan (هرمزگان)" msgstr "Hormozgan (هرمزگان)" msgid "Markazi (مرکزی)" msgstr "Markazi (مرکزی)" msgid "Mazandaran (مازندران)" msgstr "Mazandaran (مازندران)" msgid "Gilan (گیلان)" msgstr "Gilan (گیلان)" msgid "Golestan (گلستان)" msgstr "Golestan (گلستان)" msgid "Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad (کهگیلوییه و بویراحمد)" msgstr "Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad (کهگیلوییه و بویراحمد)" msgid "Kurdistan / کردستان)" msgstr "Kurdistan / کردستان)" msgid "Qom (قم)" msgstr "Qom (قم)" msgid "Fars (فارس)" msgstr "Fars (فارس)" msgid "Semnan (سمنان)" msgstr "Semnan (سمنان)" msgid "North Khorasan (خراسان شمالی)" msgstr "北呼羅珊省 (خراسان شمالی)" msgid "Razavi Khorasan (خراسان رضوی)" msgstr "Razavi Khorasan (خراسان رضوی)" msgid "South Khorasan (خراسان جنوبی)" msgstr "South Khorasan (خراسان جنوبی)" msgid "Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari (چهارمحال و بختیاری)" msgstr "Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari (چهارمحال و بختیاری)" msgid "West Azarbaijan (آذربایجان غربی)" msgstr "West Azarbaijan (آذربایجان غربی)" msgid "East Azarbaijan (آذربایجان شرقی)" msgstr "East Azarbaijan (آذربایجان شرقی)" msgid "Alborz (البرز)" msgstr "Alborz (البرز)" msgid "Luristan (لرستان)" msgstr "Luristan (لرستان)" msgid "Zanjan (زنجان)" msgstr "贊詹(زنجان)" msgid "Ghazvin (قزوین)" msgstr "加茲溫 (قزوین)" msgid "Hamadan (همدان)" msgstr "哈馬丹 (همدان)" msgid "Kerman (کرمان)" msgstr "克爾曼 (کرمان)" msgid "Kermanshah (کرمانشاه)" msgstr "克爾曼沙阿 (کرمانشاه)" msgid "Yazd (یزد)" msgstr "亞茲德 (یزد)" msgid "Isfahan (اصفهان)" msgstr "伊斯法罕 (اصفهان)" msgid "Ardabil (اردبیل)" msgstr "阿爾達比勒(اردبیل)" msgid "Bushehr (بوشهر)" msgstr "布希爾 (بوشهر)" msgid "Ilaam (ایلام)" msgstr "艾拉姆(ایلام)" msgid "Wexford" msgstr "Wexford" msgid "Wicklow" msgstr "Wicklow" msgid "Westmeath" msgstr "Westmeath" msgid "Waterford" msgstr "Waterford" msgid "Pondicherry (Puducherry)" msgstr "本地治里市" msgid "Lakshadeep" msgstr "拉克沙群島" msgid "Tipperary" msgstr "Tipperary" msgid "Sligo" msgstr "Sligo" msgid "Roscommon" msgstr "Roscommon" msgid "Offaly" msgstr "Offaly" msgid "Mayo" msgstr "Mayo" msgid "Monaghan" msgstr "Monaghan" msgid "Laois" msgstr "Laois" msgid "Leitrim" msgstr "Leitrim" msgid "Limerick" msgstr "Limerick" msgid "Louth" msgstr "Louth" msgid "Longford" msgstr "Longford" msgid "Kilkenny" msgstr "Kilkenny" msgid "Kildare" msgstr "Kildare" msgid "Galway" msgstr "Galway" msgid "Donegal" msgstr "Donegal" msgid "Carlow" msgstr "Carlow" msgid "Cavan" msgstr "Cavan" msgid "Cork" msgstr "Cork" msgid "Clare" msgstr "Clare" msgid "Papua Barat" msgstr "西巴布亞省" msgid "Papua" msgstr "巴布亞省" msgid "Maluku Utara" msgstr "北馬魯古省" msgid "Maluku" msgstr "摩鹿加群島" msgid "Gorontalo" msgstr "哥倫打洛省" msgid "Sulawesi Selatan" msgstr "南蘇拉威西省" msgid "Sulawesi Barat" msgstr "西蘇拉威西省" msgid "Sulawesi Tenggara" msgstr "東南蘇拉威西省" msgid "Sulawesi Tengah" msgstr "中蘇拉威西省" msgid "Sulawesi Utara" msgstr "北蘇拉威西省" msgid "Kalimantan Utara" msgstr "北加里曼丹省" msgid "Kalimantan Selatan" msgstr "南加里曼丹省" msgid "Kalimantan Timur" msgstr "東加里曼丹省" msgid "Kalimantan Tengah" msgstr "中加里曼丹省" msgid "Kalimantan Barat" msgstr "西加里曼丹省" msgid "Nusa Tenggara Timur" msgstr "東努沙登加拉省" msgid "Nusa Tenggara Barat" msgstr "西努沙登加拉省" msgid "Bali" msgstr "峇里島" msgid "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta" msgstr "日惹特區" msgid "Jawa Timur" msgstr "東爪哇省" msgid "Jawa Tengah" msgstr "中爪哇省" msgid "Banten" msgstr "萬丹省" msgid "Jawa Barat" msgstr "西爪哇省" msgid "DKI Jakarta" msgstr "雅加達" msgid "Lampung" msgstr "楠榜省" msgid "Bengkulu" msgstr "明古魯省" msgid "Bangka Belitung" msgstr "邦加-勿里洞省" msgid "Sumatera Selatan" msgstr "南蘇門答臘省" msgid "Jambi" msgstr "占碑省" msgid "Kepulauan Riau" msgstr "廖內群島省" msgid "Riau" msgstr "廖內省" msgid "Sumatera Barat" msgstr "西蘇門答臘省" msgid "Sumatera Utara" msgstr "北蘇門答臘省" msgid "Daerah Istimewa Aceh" msgstr "亞齊特別行政區" msgid "Zala" msgstr "佐洛州" msgid "Veszprém" msgstr "維斯普雷姆" msgid "Vas" msgstr "沃什州" msgid "Tolna" msgstr "托爾瑙" msgid "Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg" msgstr "索博爾奇-索特馬爾-貝拉格州" msgid "Somogy" msgstr "紹莫吉州" msgid "Pest" msgstr "佩斯" msgid "Nógrád" msgstr "諾格拉德" msgid "Komárom-Esztergom" msgstr "科馬羅姆-埃斯泰爾戈姆州" msgid "Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok" msgstr "亞斯-瑙吉孔-索爾諾克州" msgid "Heves" msgstr "赫維什州" msgid "Hajdú-Bihar" msgstr "豪伊杜-比豪爾州" msgid "Győr-Moson-Sopron" msgstr "焦爾-莫松-肖普朗州" msgid "Fejér" msgstr "費耶爾州" msgid "Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén" msgstr "包爾紹德-奧包烏伊-曾普倫州" msgid "Baranya" msgstr "巴蘭尼亞州" msgid "Békés" msgstr "貝凱什州" msgid "Bács-Kiskun" msgstr "巴奇-基什孔州" msgid "New Territories" msgstr "新界" msgid "Kowloon" msgstr "九龍" msgid "Hong Kong Island" msgstr "香港島" msgid "South Aegean" msgstr "南愛琴" msgid "North Aegean" msgstr "北愛琴" msgid "Peloponnese" msgstr "伯羅奔尼撒" msgid "Central Greece" msgstr "中希臘" msgid "West Greece" msgstr "西希臘" msgid "Ionian Islands" msgstr "愛奧尼亞群島" msgid "Thessaly" msgstr "色薩利" msgid "Epirus" msgstr "伊庇魯斯" msgid "West Macedonia" msgstr "西馬其頓" msgid "Central Macedonia" msgstr "中馬其頓" msgid "East Macedonia and Thrace" msgstr "東馬其頓和色雷斯" msgid "Attica" msgstr "阿提卡" msgid "Western North" msgstr "西北" msgid "Western" msgstr "西部" msgid "Volta" msgstr "沃爾特" msgid "Upper West" msgstr "上西" msgid "Upper East" msgstr "上東" msgid "Savannah" msgstr "薩凡納" msgid "Oti" msgstr "奧蒂" msgid "Northern" msgstr "北部" msgid "North East" msgstr "東北" msgid "Greater Accra" msgstr "大阿克拉" msgid "Eastern" msgstr "東部" msgid "Central" msgstr "Central" msgid "Bono East" msgstr "東波諾" msgid "Bono" msgstr "波諾" msgid "Brong-Ahafo" msgstr "布朗阿哈福" msgid "Ashanti" msgstr "阿散蒂" msgid "Ahafo" msgstr "阿哈福" msgid "León" msgstr "雷昂" msgid "Jaén" msgstr "哈恩" msgid "Baleares" msgstr "巴利亞利群島" msgid "Araba/Álava" msgstr "阿拉瓦" msgid "A Coruña" msgstr "拉科魯尼亞" msgid "Relizane" msgstr "埃利贊" msgid "Ghardaïa" msgstr "蓋爾達耶" msgid "Aïn Témouchent" msgstr "艾因泰穆尚特" msgid "Naama" msgstr "納馬" msgid "Aïn Defla" msgstr "艾因迪夫拉" msgid "Mila" msgstr "米拉" msgid "Tipasa" msgstr "提帕薩" msgid "Souk Ahras" msgstr "蘇格艾赫拉斯" msgid "Khenchela" msgstr "漢舍萊" msgid "El Oued" msgstr "瓦德" msgid "Tissemsilt" msgstr "提塞姆西勒特" msgid "Tindouf" msgstr "廷杜夫" msgid "El Tarf" msgstr "塔里夫" msgid "Boumerdès" msgstr "布米爾達斯" msgid "Bordj Bou Arréridj" msgstr "布阿拉里季堡" msgid "Illizi" msgstr "伊利濟" msgid "El Bayadh" msgstr "巴亞茲" msgid "Oran" msgstr "奧蘭" msgid "Ouargla" msgstr "瓦克拉" msgid "Mascara" msgstr "馬斯卡拉" msgid "M’Sila" msgstr "姆西拉" msgid "Mostaganem" msgstr "穆斯塔加奈姆" msgid "Médéa" msgstr "麥迪亞" msgid "Constantine" msgstr "君士坦丁" msgid "Guelma" msgstr "蓋爾瑪" msgid "Annaba" msgstr "安納巴" msgid "Sidi Bel Abbès" msgstr "西迪貝勒阿巴斯" msgid "Skikda" msgstr "斯基克達" msgid "Saïda" msgstr "塞伊達" msgid "Sétif" msgstr "塞提夫" msgid "Jijel" msgstr "吉傑勒" msgid "Djelfa" msgstr "傑勒法" msgid "Tizi Ouzou" msgstr "提濟烏祖" msgid "Tiaret" msgstr "提亞雷特" msgid "Tlemcen" msgstr "特萊姆森" msgid "Tébessa" msgstr "泰貝薩" msgid "Tamanghasset" msgstr "塔曼拉塞特" msgid "Bouira" msgstr "布維拉" msgid "Blida" msgstr "卜利達" msgid "Béchar" msgstr "貝沙爾" msgid "Biskra" msgstr "比斯克拉" msgid "Béjaïa" msgstr "貝賈亞" msgid "Batna" msgstr "巴特納" msgid "Oum El Bouaghi" msgstr "烏姆布瓦吉" msgid "Laghouat" msgstr "艾格瓦特" msgid "Chlef" msgstr "謝利夫" msgid "Adrar" msgstr "阿德拉爾" msgid "Xinjiang / 新疆" msgstr "新疆" msgid "Tibet / 西藏" msgstr "西藏" msgid "Macao / 澳门" msgstr "澳門" msgid "Ningxia Hui / 宁夏" msgstr "寧夏" msgid "Qinghai / 青海" msgstr "青海" msgid "Gansu / 甘肃" msgstr "甘肅" msgid "Shaanxi / 陕西" msgstr "陝西" msgid "Guizhou / 贵州" msgstr "貴州" msgid "Sichuan / 四川" msgstr "四川" msgid "Chongqing / 重庆" msgstr "重慶" msgid "Hainan / 海南" msgstr "海南" msgid "Guangxi Zhuang / 广西壮族" msgstr "廣西壯族" msgid "Guangdong / 广东" msgstr "廣東" msgid "Hunan / 湖南" msgstr "湖南" msgid "Hubei / 湖北" msgstr "湖北" msgid "Henan / 河南" msgstr "河南" msgid "Shandong / 山东" msgstr "山東" msgid "Jiangxi / 江西" msgstr "江西" msgid "Fujian / 福建" msgstr "福建" msgid "Anhui / 安徽" msgstr "安徽" msgid "Zhejiang / 浙江" msgstr "浙江" msgid "Jiangsu / 江苏" msgstr "江蘇" msgid "Shanghai / 上海" msgstr "上海" msgid "Heilongjiang / 黑龙江" msgstr "黑龍江" msgid "Jilin / 吉林" msgstr "吉林" msgid "Liaoning / 辽宁" msgstr "遼寧" msgid "Inner Mongolia / 內蒙古" msgstr "內蒙古" msgid "Shanxi / 山西" msgstr "山西" msgid "Hebei / 河北" msgstr "河北" msgid "Tianjin / 天津" msgstr "天津" msgid "Zug" msgstr "Zug" msgid "Vaud" msgstr "Vaud" msgid "Valais" msgstr "Valais" msgid "Beijing / 北京" msgstr "北京" msgid "Yunnan / 云南" msgstr "雲南" msgid "Zürich" msgstr "蘇黎世州" msgid "Uri" msgstr "Uri" msgid "Ticino" msgstr "Ticino" msgid "Thurgau" msgstr "Thurgau" msgid "St. Gallen" msgstr "St. Gallen" msgid "Solothurn" msgstr "Solothurn" msgid "Schwyz" msgstr "Schwyz" msgid "Schaffhausen" msgstr "Schaffhausen" msgid "Obwalden" msgstr "Obwalden" msgid "Nidwalden" msgstr "Nidwalden" msgid "Luzern" msgstr "Luzern" msgid "Jura" msgstr "Jura" msgid "Glarus" msgstr "Glarus" msgid "Geneva" msgstr "Geneva" msgid "Fribourg" msgstr "Fribourg" msgid "Bern" msgstr "Bern" msgid "Basel-Stadt" msgstr "Basel-Stadt" msgid "Basel-Landschaft" msgstr "Basel-Landschaft" msgid "Appenzell Innerrhoden" msgstr "Appenzell Innerrhoden" msgid "Appenzell Ausserrhoden" msgstr "Appenzell Ausserrhoden" msgid "Aargau" msgstr "Aargau" msgid "Neuchâtel" msgstr "紐沙特州" msgid "Graubünden" msgstr "格勞賓登州" msgid "São Paulo" msgstr "聖保羅" msgid "Rondônia" msgstr "朗多尼亞" msgid "Piauí" msgstr "皮奧伊" msgid "Paraná" msgstr "巴拉納" msgid "Paraíba" msgstr "帕拉伊巴" msgid "Pará" msgstr "帕拉" msgid "Maranhão" msgstr "馬拉尼昂" msgid "Goiás" msgstr "戈亞斯" msgid "Espírito Santo" msgstr "聖埃斯皮里圖" msgid "Tarija" msgstr "Tarija" msgid "Potosí" msgstr "Potosí" msgid "Pando" msgstr "Pando" msgid "Oruro" msgstr "Oruro" msgid "Cochabamba" msgstr "科恰班巴" msgid "Beni" msgstr "Beni" msgid "Chuquisaca" msgstr "丘基薩卡省" msgid "Yambol" msgstr "揚博爾" msgid "Vratsa" msgstr "弗拉察" msgid "Vidin" msgstr "維丁" msgid "Veliko Tarnovo" msgstr "大特爾諾沃" msgid "Varna" msgstr "瓦爾納" msgid "Targovishte" msgstr "特爾戈維什特" msgid "Stara Zagora" msgstr "舊扎戈拉" msgid "Sofia-Grad" msgstr "Sofia-Grad" msgid "Smolyan" msgstr "斯莫梁" msgid "Sliven" msgstr "斯利文" msgid "Silistra" msgstr "錫利斯特拉" msgid "Shumen" msgstr "舒門" msgid "Ruse" msgstr "魯塞" msgid "Razgrad" msgstr "拉茲格勒" msgid "Plovdiv" msgstr "普羅夫迪夫" msgid "Pleven" msgstr "普列文" msgid "Pernik" msgstr "佩爾尼克" msgid "Pazardzhik" msgstr "帕扎爾吉克" msgid "Lovech" msgstr "洛維奇" msgid "Kyustendil" msgstr "丘斯滕迪爾" msgid "Kardzhali" msgstr "克爾賈利" msgid "Haskovo" msgstr "哈斯科沃" msgid "Gabrovo" msgstr "加布羅沃" msgid "Dobrich" msgstr "多布里奇" msgid "Ceará" msgstr "塞阿臘" msgid "Amapá" msgstr "阿馬帕" msgid "Blagoevgrad" msgstr "布拉戈耶夫格勒" msgid "Thakurgaon" msgstr "塔古爾岡" msgid "Tangail" msgstr "坦蓋爾" msgid "Sylhet" msgstr "錫爾赫特" msgid "Sunamganj" msgstr "蘇納姆甘傑" msgid "Sirajganj" msgstr "錫拉傑甘傑" msgid "Sherpur" msgstr "謝爾布爾" msgid "Shariatpur" msgstr "沙利亞普" msgid "Satkhira" msgstr "沙特基拉" msgid "Rangpur" msgstr "朗布爾" msgid "Rangamati" msgstr "蘭格馬蒂" msgid "Rajshahi" msgstr "拉傑沙希" msgid "Rajbari" msgstr "拉傑巴里" msgid "Pirojpur" msgstr "皮羅基普" msgid "Patuakhali" msgstr "博杜阿卡利" msgid "Panchagarh" msgstr "潘察加" msgid "Pabna" msgstr "巴布納" msgid "Noakhali" msgstr "諾阿卡利" msgid "Nilphamari" msgstr "尼爾法瑪" msgid "Netrakona" msgstr "奈托庫納" msgid "Nawabganj" msgstr "諾瓦布甘傑" msgid "Natore" msgstr "納托爾" msgid "Narsingdi" msgstr "諾爾辛迪" msgid "Narayanganj" msgstr "納拉揚甘傑市" msgid "Narail" msgstr "諾拉爾" msgid "Naogaon" msgstr "勞加安" msgid "Mymensingh" msgstr "邁門辛" msgid "Munshiganj" msgstr "蒙希甘傑" msgid "Moulvibazar" msgstr "毛爾維巴扎爾" msgid "Meherpur" msgstr "莫赫爾普" msgid "Manikganj " msgstr "馬尼格甘傑" msgid "Magura" msgstr "馬古拉" msgid "Madaripur" msgstr "馬達裡布林" msgid "Lalmonirhat" msgstr "拉爾莫尼哈德" msgid "Jashore" msgstr "傑索爾縣" msgid "Chattogram" msgstr "吉大港" msgid "Lakshmipur" msgstr "羅基布爾" msgid "Kushtia" msgstr "庫什蒂亞" msgid "Kurigram" msgstr "庫里格萊姆" msgid "Kishoreganj" msgstr "吉紹爾甘傑" msgid "Khulna" msgstr "庫爾納" msgid "Khagrachhari" msgstr "哈格拉恰裡" msgid "Joypurhat" msgstr "焦伊布爾哈德縣" msgid "Jhenaidah" msgstr "切尼達" msgid "Jhalokati" msgstr "恰洛加蒂" msgid "Jamalpur" msgstr "杰馬勒布爾" msgid "Habiganj" msgstr "霍比甘傑" msgid "Gopalganj" msgstr "戈帕爾甘傑" msgid "Gazipur" msgstr "加茲浦爾" msgid "Gaibandha" msgstr "戈伊班達" msgid "Feni" msgstr "費尼" msgid "Faridpur " msgstr "福里德布爾" msgid "Dinajpur" msgstr "迪納傑布爾" msgid "Cox's Bazar" msgstr "科克斯巴扎爾" msgid "Cumilla" msgstr "庫米拉" msgid "Chuadanga" msgstr "朱瓦當加" msgid "Chandpur" msgstr "堅德布林" msgid "Brahmanbaria" msgstr "婆羅門巴里亞" msgid "Bogura" msgstr "博格拉" msgid "Bhola" msgstr "波拉" msgid "Barishal" msgstr "巴里薩爾" msgid "Barguna" msgstr "博爾古納" msgid "Bandarban" msgstr "班多爾班" msgid "Bagerhat" msgstr "巴格哈特" msgid "Tierra del Fuego" msgstr "火地島" msgid "Santiago del Estero" msgstr "聖地亞哥 - 德爾埃斯特羅" msgid "Santa Fe" msgstr "聖塔菲" msgid "Santa Cruz" msgstr "聖塔克魯茲" msgid "Tucumán" msgstr "圖庫曼" msgid "Río Negro" msgstr "內格羅河" msgid "Misiones" msgstr "米西奧內斯" msgid "La Pampa" msgstr "拉潘帕" msgid "Formosa" msgstr "台灣" msgid "Corrientes" msgstr "科連特斯" msgid "Chubut" msgstr "丘布特" msgid "Chaco" msgstr "查科" msgid "Neuquén" msgstr "內烏肯" msgid "Entre Ríos" msgstr "恩特雷里奧斯" msgid "Córdoba" msgstr "科爾多瓦" msgid "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires" msgstr "布宜諾斯艾利斯自治市" msgid "Zaire" msgstr "Zaire" msgid "Uíge" msgstr "Uíge" msgid "Namibe" msgstr "Namibe" msgid "Moxico" msgstr "Moxico" msgid "Malanje" msgstr "Malanje" msgid "Lunda-Sul" msgstr "Lunda-Sul" msgid "Lunda-Norte" msgstr "Lunda-Norte" msgid "Kwanza-Sul" msgstr "Kwanza-Sul" msgid "Kwanza-Norte" msgstr "Kwanza-Norte" msgid "Kuando Kubango" msgstr "Kuando Kubango" msgid "Huíla" msgstr "Huíla" msgid "Huambo" msgstr "Huambo" msgid "Cunene" msgstr "Cunene" msgid "Cabinda" msgstr "Cabinda" msgid "Bié" msgstr "Bié" msgid "Benguela" msgstr "Benguela" msgid "Bengo" msgstr "Bengo" msgid "United States (US) Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "美國外島" msgid "United States (US)" msgstr "美國 (US)" msgid "United Kingdom (UK)" msgstr "英國 (UK)" msgid "South Sudan" msgstr "南蘇丹" msgid "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands" msgstr "南喬治亞島/南桑威奇群島" msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe" msgstr "聖多美及普林西比" msgid "Virgin Islands (US)" msgstr "美屬維京群島" msgid "Virgin Islands (British)" msgstr "英屬維京群島" msgid "Saint Martin (Dutch part)" msgstr "聖馬丁島 (荷屬)" msgid "Saint Martin (French part)" msgstr "聖馬丁(法國部分)" msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "聖巴泰勒米" msgid "Russia" msgstr "俄國" msgid "Palestinian Territory" msgstr "巴勒斯坦領土" msgid "Laos" msgstr "老撾" msgid "Ivory Coast" msgstr "象牙海岸" msgid "Iran" msgstr "伊朗" msgid "Falkland Islands" msgstr "福克蘭群島" msgid "Curaçao" msgstr "Curaçao" msgid "Congo (Kinshasa)" msgstr "剛果(金)" msgid "Congo (Brazzaville)" msgstr "剛果(布)" msgid "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba" msgstr "荷蘭加勒比區" msgid "Belau" msgstr "帛琉" msgid "North Macedonia" msgstr "北馬其頓" msgid "South America" msgstr "南美" msgid "North America" msgstr "北美洲" msgid "%d scheduled task completed." msgid_plural "%d scheduled tasks completed." msgstr[0] "%d scheduled task completed." msgid "There was an error running the action scheduler: %s" msgstr "執行動作排程器時發生錯誤: %s" msgid "%d batch executed." msgid_plural "%d batches executed." msgstr[0] "已執行 %d 個批次。" msgid "Error processing action %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "處理動作 %1$s 時發生錯誤: %2$s" msgid "Completed processing action %1$s with hook: %2$s" msgstr "使用 hook 完成處理動作 %1$s 與 hook: %2$s" msgid "Found %d scheduled task" msgid_plural "Found %d scheduled tasks" msgstr[0] "Found %d scheduled task" msgid "Started processing action %s" msgstr "已開始處理動作 %s" msgid "The claim has been lost. Aborting current batch." msgstr "宣告已遺失。正在中止目前的批次。" msgid "Running %d action" msgid_plural "Running %d actions" msgstr[0] "正在執行 %d 個動作" msgid "There are too many concurrent batches." msgstr "同時批次過多。" msgid "" "There are too many concurrent batches, but the run is forced to continue." msgstr "同時批次過多,但仍強制繼續執行。" msgid "The %s class can only be run within WP CLI." msgstr "%s 類別只能在 WP CLI 內執行。" msgid "Migrated action with ID %1$d in %2$s to ID %3$d in %4$s" msgstr "已遷移 %2$s ID %1$d 的動作至%4$s的 ID %3$d" msgid "Migrating %d action" msgid_plural "Migrating %d actions" msgstr[0] "遷移 %d 個動作" msgid "" "Action Scheduler migration in progress. The list of scheduled actions may be " "incomplete." msgstr "正在執行動作排程器遷移。排程的動作清單可能不完整。" msgid "Destination logger must be configured before running a migration" msgstr "執行遷移之前,必須先設定目的地記錄器" msgid "Destination store must be configured before running a migration" msgstr "執行遷移之前,必須先設定目的地存放區" msgid "Source logger must be configured before running a migration" msgstr "執行遷移之前,必須先設定來源記錄器" msgid "Source store must be configured before running a migration" msgstr "執行遷移之前,必須先設定來源存放區" msgid "Unable to remove source migrated action %s" msgstr "無法移除來源遷移動作%s" msgid "Action Group" msgstr "動作群組" msgid "No actions found" msgstr "找不到動作" msgid "Search Scheduled Actions" msgstr "Search Scheduled Actions" msgid "New Scheduled Action" msgstr "添加已排程動作" msgid "Edit Scheduled Action" msgstr "編輯已排程動作" msgid "Add New Scheduled Action" msgstr "添加新的已排程動作" msgid "View Action" msgstr "檢視動作" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Scheduled Actions" msgstr "Scheduled Actions" msgid "Scheduled Action" msgstr "Scheduled Action" msgid "Scheduled actions are hooks triggered on a cetain date and time." msgstr "Scheduled actions are hooks triggered on a cetain date and time." msgid "In-Progress (%s)" msgid_plural "In-Progress (%s)" msgstr[0] "進行中 (%s)" msgctxt "post" msgid "In-Progress" msgstr "進行中" msgctxt "post" msgid "Failed" msgstr "失敗" msgid "" "%s Support for strings longer than this will be removed in a future version." msgstr "%s 對超過此長度字串提供的支援將從之後版本中移除。" msgid "Unable to mark failure on action %s. Database error." msgstr "動作 %s 無法標記失敗。資料庫錯誤。" msgid "Unable to unlock claim on action %s. Database error." msgstr "動作 %s 無法解鎖宣告。資料庫錯誤。" msgid "Unable to unlock claim %s. Database error." msgstr "無法解鎖宣告 %s。資料庫錯誤。" msgid "Invalid schedule. Cannot save action." msgstr "無效的排程。無法儲存動作。" msgid "Unable to save action." msgstr "無法儲存動作。" msgid "Unknown status found for action." msgstr "找到未知狀態,請採取行動。" msgid "Invalid action ID. No status found." msgstr "無效的動作 ID。找不到狀態。" msgid "Unable to claim actions. Database error." msgstr "無法宣告動作。資料庫錯誤。" msgid "The group \"%s\" does not exist." msgid_plural "The groups \"%s\" do not exist." msgstr[0] "「%s」群組不存在。" msgid "Invalid value for select or count parameter. Cannot query actions." msgstr "選取或計數參數的值無效。無法執行查詢動作。" msgid "Unidentified action %s" msgstr "不明的動作 %s" msgid "Error saving action: %s" msgstr "儲存動作時發生錯誤:%s" msgid "" "Action Scheduler has migrated data to custom tables; however, orphaned log " "entries exist in the WordPress Comments table. %1$s Learn " "more »" msgstr "" "動作排程器已將資料遷移到自訂表格;但是 WordPress 留言表格中存在孤立的記錄檔項" "目。%1$s 瞭解更多 »" msgid "Newest Scheduled Date" msgstr "最新排程日期" msgid "Oldest Scheduled Date" msgstr "最早排程日期" msgid "Action Status" msgstr "動作狀態" msgid "Data store:" msgstr "資料存放區:" msgid "This section shows details of Action Scheduler." msgstr "此區段顯示動作排程器的詳細資料。" msgid "Action Scheduler" msgstr "動作排程器" msgid "Search hook, args and claim ID" msgstr "Search hook, args and claim ID" msgid " (%s)" msgstr "(%s)" msgid " (%s ago)" msgstr " (%s ago)" msgid "Could not process change for action: \"%1$s\" (ID: %2$d). Error: %3$s" msgstr "無法處理以下動作的變更:「%1$s」(ID:%2$d)。錯誤:%3$s" msgid "This data will be deleted in %s." msgstr "This data will be deleted in %s." msgid "Successfully processed change for action: %s" msgstr "已成功處理以下動作的變更:%s" msgid "Successfully canceled action: %s" msgstr "已成功取消動作:%s" msgid "Successfully executed action: %s" msgstr "已成功執行動作:%s" msgid "The next queue will begin processing in approximately %d seconds." msgstr "下一個佇列將在約 %d 秒後開始處理。" msgid "" "A new queue has begun processing. View actions in-progress " "»" msgstr "新佇列已開始處理。檢視正在執行中的動作 »" msgid "" "Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queue). No additional " "queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete." msgid_plural "" "Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queues). No additional " "queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete." msgstr[0] "" "Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queue). No additional " "queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete." msgid "" "It appears one or more database tables were missing. Attempting to re-create " "the missing table(s)." msgstr "似乎有一個以上的資料庫表格遺失。正在嘗試重新建立遺失的表格。" msgid "Non-repeating" msgstr "Non-repeating" msgid "Now!" msgstr "立刻!" msgid "Cancel the action now to avoid it being run in future" msgstr "立即取消動作以避免未來執行該動作" msgid "Process the action now as if it were run as part of a queue" msgstr "立即執行處理,若此動作佇列在排程中" msgid "Run" msgstr "Run" msgid "Claim ID" msgstr "宣告 ID" msgid "" "Action [%1$s] has invalid arguments. It cannot be JSON decoded to an array. " "$args = %2$s" msgstr "" "Action [%1$s] has invalid arguments. It cannot be JSON decoded to an array. " "$args = %2$s" msgid "Action [%1$s] has an invalid schedule: %2$s" msgstr "動作 [%1$s] 的排程無效:%2$s" msgid "Attempting to reduce used memory..." msgstr "正在嘗試減少已使用的記憶體..." msgid "Stopped the insanity for %d second" msgid_plural "Stopped the insanity for %d seconds" msgstr[0] "已停止瘋潮 %d 秒" msgid "Activity log for the action." msgstr "動作的活動記錄檔。" msgid "The date/time the action is/was scheduled to run." msgstr "(已) 排程執行動作的日期/時間。" msgid "The action's schedule frequency." msgstr "動作的排程頻率。" msgid "Optional action group." msgstr "動作群組 (選填)。" msgid "Optional data array passed to the action hook." msgstr "傳送至動作 hook 的資料陣列 (選填)。" msgid "Action statuses are Pending, Complete, Canceled, Failed" msgstr "Action statuses are Pending, Complete, Canceled, Failed" msgid "Recurrence" msgstr "Recurrence" msgid "Arguments" msgstr "Arguments" msgid "Name of the action hook that will be triggered." msgstr "即將觸發的動作 hook 名稱。" msgid "Scheduled Action Columns" msgstr "Scheduled Action Columns" msgid "" "Action Scheduler is a scalable, traceable job queue for background " "processing large sets of actions. Action Scheduler works by triggering an " "action hook to run at some time in the future. Scheduled actions can also be " "scheduled to run on a recurring schedule." msgstr "" "動作排程器是可擴充、可追蹤的工作佇列,用於在後台處理大量動作。動作排程器的運" "作方式是在未來某個時間觸發動作 hook 以執行所需動作,也可以用於執行定期排程的" "動作。" msgid "About Action Scheduler %s" msgstr "關於動作排程器 %s" msgid "Invalid action - must be a recurring action." msgstr "無效的動作  -必須是重複動作。" msgid "Scheduled Actions" msgstr "Scheduled Actions" msgid "In-progress" msgstr "進行中" msgid "" "ActionScheduler_Action::$args too long. To ensure the args column can be " "indexed, action args should not be more than %d characters when encoded as " "JSON." msgstr "" "ActionScheduler_Action::$args 長度太長。為確保 args 內容欄可以建立索引,將動" "作 args 編碼為 JSON 時,不得超過 %d 個字元。" msgid "%s() was called before the Action Scheduler data store was initialized" msgstr "在 Action Scheduler 資料存放區初始化前,已呼叫 %s()" msgid "There was a failure fetching this action" msgstr "擷取此操作時發生故障" msgid "There was a failure scheduling the next instance of this action: %s" msgstr "There was a failure scheduling the next instance of this action: %s" msgid "action ignored" msgstr "已忽略的動作" msgid "action ignored via %s" msgstr "已忽略透過 %s 執行的動作" msgid "action reset" msgstr "動作重設" msgid "unexpected shutdown: PHP Fatal error %1$s in %2$s on line %3$s" msgstr "意外關機:第 %3$s 行的 %2$s 發生 PHP 嚴重錯誤 %1$s" msgid "There was a failure fetching this action: %s" msgstr "There was a failure fetching this action: %s" msgid "action failed: %s" msgstr "動作失敗:%s" msgid "action failed via %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "透過 %1$s 執行的動作已失敗:%2$s" msgid "action complete" msgstr "action complete" msgid "action complete via %s" msgstr "透過 %s 執行的動作已完成" msgid "action started" msgstr "已開始動作" msgid "action started via %s" msgstr "透過 %s 執行的動作已開始" msgid "action canceled" msgstr "已取消動作" msgid "action created" msgstr "action created" msgid "Verification" msgstr "驗證" msgid "Credentials" msgstr "登入資訊" msgid "" "Great job! %1$s has just made a %2$s donation at %4$s." msgstr "" "太好了!%1$s 剛剛在 %4$s 捐了 %2$s 的款" "項。" msgid "" "Great job! %1$s has just made a donation of %2$s at %4$s." msgstr "" "太好了!%1$s 剛剛在 %4$s 捐了 %2$s 的款" "項。" msgid "%1$s new strings added, %2$s updated, %3$s fuzzied, and %4$s obsoleted." msgstr "" "新增 %1$s 筆字串,更新 %2$s 筆字串,模糊翻譯 %3$s 筆字串,並有 %4$s 筆字串以" "新字串取代。" msgid "Project not found!" msgstr "找不到指定的專案!" msgid "HTML representation of the widget admin form." msgstr "小工具管理表單的 HTML 表示法。" msgid "Inactive widgets" msgstr "未啟用的小工具" msgid "HTML representation of the widget." msgstr "小工具的 HTML 表示法。" msgid "Description of the widget." msgstr "小工具的內容說明。" msgid "Nested widgets." msgstr "巢狀小工具。" msgid "Status of sidebar." msgstr "資訊欄的狀態。" msgid "Description of sidebar." msgstr "資訊欄的內容說明。" msgid "Unique name identifying the sidebar." msgstr "識別資訊欄的唯一名稱。" msgid "ID of sidebar." msgstr "資訊欄 ID。" msgid "The id of a registered sidebar" msgstr "已註冊資訊欄的 ID。" msgctxt "Adjective refers to subdomain" msgid "Free" msgstr "免費" msgid "The %s constant is no longer supported." msgstr "不再%s常數量。" msgid "The \"%1$s\" value is smaller than \"%2$s\"" msgstr "%1$s 的值小於 %2$s。" msgid "Environment type" msgstr "環境類型" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions and help you with " "anything you need." msgstr "我們的 Happiness Engineer 會在此回答你的問題,並為你提供任何所需協助。" msgctxt "Jetpack Complete Plan" msgid "Complete" msgstr "完成" msgid "uncategorized" msgstr "未分類" msgid "Change details" msgstr "更改詳情" msgid "CRM" msgstr "CRM" msgid "Growth" msgstr "成長率" msgid "Consent" msgstr "同意" msgid "Congratulations on your first donation!" msgstr "恭喜你首次捐款成功!" msgid "" "You have exceeded the request limit, you can try again in 10 minutes. Trying " "again before that will only increase the time you have to wait before the " "ban is lifted." msgstr "" "您已超出請求限制,可以在 10 分鐘內重試。在此之前再試一次只會增加你等待的禁令" "之前的時間。" msgid "Get %s" msgstr "取得 %s" msgid "Need help with Jetpack Security?" msgstr "需要 Jetpack 安全方面的説明?" msgid "Secure authentication" msgstr "安全身份驗證" msgid "" "We automatically block attempts to hack your site from millions of known " "malicious attackers." msgstr "我們會自動阻止數百萬已知惡意攻擊者嘗試攻擊您的網站。" msgid "An illustration showing a graph of the number of spam comments blocked" msgstr "顯示阻止的垃圾內容評論數的圖表" msgid "An illustration showing a web site being scanned for security threats" msgstr "顯示正在掃描的安全威脅的網站的圖示" msgid "" "An illustration showing a web site backup from today, with an option to " "download or restore it" msgstr "顯示從今天起網站備份的插圖,並可以選擇下載或還原網站備份" msgid "You own this" msgstr "你擁有這個" msgid "Manage Subscription" msgstr "管理訂閱" msgid "Protect your cash flow by restoring their sites immediately." msgstr "立即恢復您的網站,保護您的現金流。" msgid "" "{{productName/}} requires version {{strong}}%(minVersion)s{{/strong}} of the " "Jetpack plugin; your site is using version {{strong}}%(siteVersion)s{{/" "strong}}." msgstr "" "{{productName/}}需要 Jetpack 外掛程式的版本{{strong}}%(minVersion)s{{/" "strong}};您的網站正在使用版本{{strong}}%(siteVersion)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "" "{{productName/}} requires version {{strong}}%(minVersion)s{{/strong}} of the " "Jetpack plugin." msgstr "" "{{productName/}}需要 Jetpack 外掛程式的版本{{strong}}%(minVersion)s{{/" "strong}}。" msgid "" "Country code is invalid. This payment method is only available in Brazil." msgstr "國家/地區代碼無效。此付款方式僅在巴西提供。" msgid "Why do I need security for my site?" msgstr "為什麼我的網站需要安全?" msgid "" "Stay one step ahead of security threats with automated malware scanning and " "one-click fixes." msgstr "通過自動惡意軟體掃描和一鍵式修復,從安全威脅中領先一步。" msgid "" "Save hours of time by automatically clearing spam from comments and forms." msgstr "通過自動清除來自評論和表單中的垃圾內容,節省數小時的時間。" msgid "Never think about spam again" msgstr "再也不需要擔心垃圾內容了" msgid "Activity log — 30-day archive*" msgstr "活動日誌 — 30 天存檔" msgid "Jetpack Scan — daily scanning" msgstr "Jetpack 掃描 — 每日掃描" msgid "Jetpack Backup — daily backups" msgstr "Jetpack 備份 — 每日備份" msgid "Get Security Daily" msgstr "取得安全日誌" msgid "Jetpack Security Daily" msgstr "Jetpack安全日誌" msgid "Jetpack Anti-spam" msgstr "Jetpack 反垃圾內容" msgid "Get Security Real-time" msgstr "取得即時安全性" msgid "Jetpack Security Real-time" msgstr "Jetpack即時安全性" msgid "expires %(date)s" msgstr "於%(date)s到期" msgid "Not enough permissions to refresh a blog token." msgstr "沒有足夠的許可權來刷新網誌權杖。" msgid "" "Signed user token, as it would appear in the authorization header of a " "request" msgstr "簽名的使用者權杖,因為它將顯示在請求的授權標頭中" msgid "" "Signed blog token, as it would appear in the authorization header of a " "request" msgstr "簽名的網誌權杖,因為它將顯示在請求的授權標頭中" msgid "Watch the video" msgstr "觀看影片" msgid "Plan subscription" msgstr "訂閱方案" msgid "Complete setup" msgstr "完成設定" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Embeds" msgstr "嵌入內容" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Widgets" msgstr "小工具" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Design" msgstr "設計" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Media" msgstr "媒體" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Text" msgstr "內容" msgid "Start Your Own Site" msgstr "開始建立您自己的網站" msgid "Move %s box down" msgstr "將 [%s] 中繼資料區塊下移一位" msgid "Move %s box up" msgstr "將 [%s] 中繼資料區塊上移一位" msgid "Connect with a different email" msgstr "使用其他電子郵件連接" msgid "This email will expire in an hour. {{a}}Resend it{{/a}}." msgstr "此電子郵件將在一小時後過期。{{a}}重新發送它{{/a}}。" msgid "Click the link in the email to connect your store." msgstr "單擊電子郵件中的連結以連接您的商店。" msgid "We’ve just sent a magic link to {{b}}%(email)s{{/b}}" msgstr "我們剛剛傳送了一個超連結到{{b}}%(email)s{{/b}}" msgid "" "To continue setup, please use the link below below, and we'll connect %s to " "%s." msgstr "若要繼續設定,請使用下面的連結,我們將%s連接到%s。" msgid "" "To continue setup, click the \"Connect\" button below, and we'll connect %s " "to %s." msgstr "要繼續設定,請按下下面的「連接」按鈕,我們將%s連接到%s。" msgid "Enable infinite scrolling" msgstr "啟用無限捲動" msgid "Show sort selector" msgstr "顯示排序選擇器" msgid "Additional Jetpack Search Settings" msgstr "其他 Jetpack 搜尋設定" msgid "Choose how the search results look." msgstr "選擇搜尋結果的外觀。" msgid "Result Format" msgstr "搜尋結果格式" msgid "Select when your overlay should appear." msgstr "請選擇何時顯示覆疊。" msgid "Select a theme for your search overlay." msgstr "請為搜尋覆疊選擇一個佈景主題。" msgid "Default Sort" msgstr "預設排序" msgid "Pick the initial sort for your search results." msgstr "請選擇搜尋結果的初始排序。" msgid "Application object doesn't contain a blog id" msgstr "應用程式物件不包含網誌 ID" msgid "Please consider writing more inclusive code." msgstr "請考慮編寫更具包容性的代碼。" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "" "Error: Current WordPress version (%1$s) does not meet " "minimum requirements for %2$s. The plugin requires WordPress %3$s." msgstr "" "錯誤: 目前使用的 WordPress %1$s 不符合 %2$s 的最低版本需求。" "這個外掛需要 WordPress %3$s。" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "" "Error: Current PHP version (%1$s) does not meet minimum " "requirements for %2$s. The plugin requires PHP %3$s." msgstr "" "錯誤: 目前使用的 PHP %1$s 不符合 %2$s 的最低版本需求。這個外" "掛需要 PHP %3$s。" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "" "Error: Current versions of WordPress (%1$s) and PHP (%2$s) " "do not meet minimum requirements for %3$s. The plugin requires WordPress " "%4$s and PHP %5$s." msgstr "" "錯誤: 目前使用的 WordPress %1$s 及 PHP %2$s 不符合 %3$s 的最" "低版本需求。這個外掛需要 WordPress %4$s 及 PHP %5$s。" msgid "Restore original image" msgstr "還原原始圖片" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Not spam" msgstr "標示為非垃圾留言" msgid "You cannot reply to a comment on a draft post." msgstr "無法回覆發佈狀態為 [草稿] 的文章中的留言。" msgid "" "That email address is already in use. If you have an existing account, {{a}}" "please log in{{/a}}." msgstr "該電子郵件地址已有人使用。 如果你已有帳戶,{{a}}請登入{{/a}}。" msgid "" "This image cannot be displayed in a web browser. For best results convert it " "to JPEG before uploading." msgstr "" "此圖片無法在 Web 瀏覽器中顯示。為了獲得最佳效果,請將其在上載前轉換為 JPEG。" msgid "URL to the edited image file." msgstr "編輯的影像檔案的 URL。" msgid "Select poster image" msgstr "選取海報圖片" msgid "Crop image" msgstr "裁剪圖片" msgid "Cancel edit" msgstr "取消編輯" msgid "Edit gallery" msgstr "編輯藝廊" msgid "Attachment details" msgstr "附件資訊" msgid "Search media" msgstr "搜尋媒體" msgid "Add media" msgstr "新增媒體" msgid "The theme's current version." msgstr "佈景主題的目前版本。" msgid "The URI of the theme's webpage, transformed for display." msgstr "佈景主題網頁的URI,已轉換以進行顯示。" msgid "The URI of the theme's webpage, as found in the theme header." msgstr "佈景主題網頁的 URI,如佈景主題標題中找到的。" msgid "The URI of the theme's webpage." msgstr "佈景主題網頁的 URI。" msgid "The theme's text domain." msgstr "佈景主題的文字域名。" msgid "The theme tags, transformed for display." msgstr "佈景主題標記,已轉換以進行顯示。" msgid "The theme tags, as found in the theme header." msgstr "佈景主題標記,如在佈景主題標題中找到的。" msgid "Tags indicating styles and features of the theme." msgstr "指示佈景主題的樣式和特徵的標籤。" msgid "The theme's screenshot URL." msgstr "佈景主題的螢幕截圖 URL。" msgid "The minimum WordPress version required for the theme to work." msgstr "佈景主題工作所需的最小 WordPress 版本。" msgid "The minimum PHP version required for the theme to work." msgstr "佈景主題工作所需的最小 PHP 版本。" msgid "The theme name, transformed for display." msgstr "佈景主題名稱,已轉換以顯示。" msgid "The theme name, as found in the theme header." msgstr "佈景主題名稱,如在佈景主題標題中找到的。" msgid "The name of the theme." msgstr "佈景主題的名稱。" msgid "The theme description, transformed for display." msgstr "佈景主題描述,已轉換以進行顯示。" msgid "The theme description, as found in the theme header." msgstr "佈景主題說明,如佈景主題標題中找到的。" msgid "A description of the theme." msgstr "佈景主題的說明。" msgid "The website of the theme author, transformed for display." msgstr "佈景主題作者的網站,改造為顯示。" msgid "The website of the theme author, as found in the theme header." msgstr "佈景主題作者的網站,如佈景主題標題中找到的。" msgid "The website of the theme author." msgstr "佈景主題作者的網站。" msgid "HTML for the theme author, transformed for display." msgstr "佈景主題作者的 HTML,轉換為顯示。" msgid "The theme author's name, as found in the theme header." msgstr "佈景主題作者的姓名,如佈景主題標題中找到的。" msgid "The theme author." msgstr "佈景佈景主題作者的URL。" msgid "" "The theme's template. If this is a child theme, this refers to the parent " "theme, otherwise this is the same as the theme's stylesheet." msgstr "" "佈景主題的範本。如果這是子佈景主題,則引用上層佈景主題,否則這與佈景主題的樣" "式表相同。" msgid "The theme's stylesheet. This uniquely identifies the theme." msgstr "佈景主題的樣式表。這唯一標識的佈景主題。" msgctxt "replying to parent comment" msgid "to" msgstr "到" msgid "Could not update comment in the database." msgstr "無法更新資料庫中的留言。" msgid "" "You cannot edit this comment because the associated post is in the Trash. " "Please restore the post first, then try again." msgstr "" "因為與留言關聯的文章已被移至垃圾桶,你無法編輯此留言。請先還原文章後重試。" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Mark as spam" msgstr "標示為垃圾留言" msgid "This plugin is already installed." msgstr "這個外掛已安裝。" msgid "Could not insert attachment into the database." msgstr "無法將附件新增至資料庫。" msgid "Could not update attachment in the database." msgstr "無法更新資料庫中的附件。" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Cannot Activate %s" msgstr "無法啟用 %s" msgid "Theme will no longer be auto-updated." msgstr "佈景主題不會再自動進行更新。" msgid "Theme will be auto-updated." msgstr "佈景主題會自動進行更新。" msgid "" "Please note: Third-party themes and plugins, or custom code, may override " "WordPress scheduling." msgstr "" "請注意,第三方佈景主題、外掛或自訂程式碼,均有可能覆寫 WordPress 的排程工作。" msgid "" "Auto-updates can be enabled or disabled for each individual theme. Themes " "with auto-updates enabled will display the estimated date of the next auto-" "update. Auto-updates depends on the WP-Cron task scheduling system." msgstr "" "每個佈景主題均可個別啟用或停用自動更新功能。自動更新功能能否正確執行,取決於 " "WP-Cron 工作排程系統,而已啟用自動更新功能的佈景主題會顯示下次自動更新的預估" "日期。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to enable themes automatic updates." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有啟用佈景主題自動更新的權限。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to disable themes automatic updates." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有停用佈景主題自動更新的權限。" msgid "This theme does not work with your version of PHP." msgstr "此佈景主題不能與 PHP 版本一起使用。" msgid "This theme does not work with your version of WordPress." msgstr "這個佈景主題無法執行於目前版本的 WordPress。" msgid "" "There is a new version of %s available, but it does not work with your " "versions of WordPress and PHP." msgstr "有一個新版本%s,但它不適用於您的 WordPress 和 PHP 版本。" msgid "This theme does not work with your versions of WordPress and PHP." msgstr "此佈景主題不能與 WordPress 和 PHP 的版本一起使用。" msgid "Enable auto-updates" msgstr "啟用自動更新" msgid "Disable auto-updates" msgstr "停用自動更新" msgid "Disable Auto-updates" msgstr "停用自動更新" msgid "Enable Auto-updates" msgstr "啟用自動更新" msgid "Update Incompatible" msgstr "更新套件與現有執行環境不相容" msgid "Auto-updates Disabled (%s)" msgid_plural "Auto-updates Disabled (%s)" msgstr[0] "自動更新已停用 (%s)" msgid "No themes are currently available." msgstr "當前沒有可用的佈景主題。" msgid "To manage themes on your site, visit the Themes page: %s" msgstr "如需管理這個網站的佈景主題,請前往 [佈景主題] 頁面:%s" msgid "Auto-updates Enabled (%s)" msgid_plural "Auto-updates Enabled (%s)" msgstr[0] "自動更新已啟用 (%s)" msgid "To manage plugins on your site, visit the Plugins page: %s" msgstr "如需管理這個網站的外掛,請前往 [外掛] 頁面:%s" msgid "These themes are now up to date:" msgstr "下列佈景主題均為最新版本:" msgid "These plugins are now up to date:" msgstr "下列外掛均為最新版本:" msgid "These themes failed to update:" msgstr "下列佈景主題更新失敗:" msgid "- %1$s version %2$s" msgstr "- %1$s %2$s 版" msgid "These plugins failed to update:" msgstr "下列外掛更新失敗:" msgid "" "Please check your site now. It’s possible that everything is working. If " "there are updates available, you should update." msgstr "" "請立即檢查這個網站。網站目前仍正常執行,但如有可用的更新,則必須完成更新。" msgid "Howdy! Themes failed to update on your site at %s." msgstr "你好,網址為 %s 的網站佈景主題更新失敗。" msgid "[%s] Some themes have failed to update" msgstr "《%s》通知:某些佈景主題無法更新" msgid "Howdy! Plugins failed to update on your site at %s." msgstr "你好,網址為 %s 的網站外掛更新失敗。" msgid "[%s] Some plugins have failed to update" msgstr "《%s》通知:某些外掛無法更新" msgid "Howdy! Plugins and themes failed to update on your site at %s." msgstr "你好,網址為 %s 的網站外掛及佈景主題更新失敗。" msgid "[%s] Some plugins and themes have failed to update" msgstr "《%s》通知:某些外掛及佈景主題無法更新" msgid "" "Howdy! Some themes have automatically updated to their latest versions on " "your site at %s. No further action is needed on your part." msgstr "" "你好,網址為 %s 的網站的某些佈景主題已更新至最新版本。你不需要進行任何操作。" msgid "[%s] Some themes were automatically updated" msgstr "《%s》通知:某些佈景主題已自動更新" msgid "" "Howdy! Some plugins have automatically updated to their latest versions on " "your site at %s. No further action is needed on your part." msgstr "" "你好,網址為 %s 的網站的某些外掛已更新至最新版本。你不需要進行任何操作。" msgid "[%s] Some plugins were automatically updated" msgstr "《%s》通知:某些外掛已自動更新" msgid "" "Howdy! Some plugins and themes have automatically updated to their latest " "versions on your site at %s. No further action is needed on your part." msgstr "" "你好,網址為 %s 的網站的某些外掛及佈景主題已更新至最新版本。你不需要進行任何" "操作。" msgid "[%s] Some plugins and themes have automatically updated" msgstr "《%s》通知:某些外掛及佈景主題已自動更新" msgid "Downgrading the theme…" msgstr "正在降級佈景主題..." msgid "Updating the theme…" msgstr "正在升級佈景主題..." msgid "The active theme has the following error: \"%s\"." msgstr "目前使用的佈景主題發生錯誤: %s。" msgid "" "You are updating a theme. Be sure to back up your database " "and files first." msgstr "" "即將更新佈景主題。請確認已先備份這個網站的資料庫及檔案。" msgid "" "Your WordPress version is %1$s, however the uploaded theme requires %2$s." msgstr "" "這個網站執行的是 WordPress %1$s,但上載的佈景主題的 WordPress 版本需求為 " "%2$s。" msgid "" "The PHP version on your server is %1$s, however the uploaded theme requires " "%2$s." msgstr "" "這個網站的伺服器執行的是 PHP %1$s,但上載的佈景主題的 PHP 版本需求為 %2$s。" msgid "The theme cannot be updated due to the following:" msgstr "佈景主題無法升級。原因:" msgid "(not found)" msgstr "(找不到上層佈景主題)" msgid "Theme name" msgstr "佈景主題名稱" msgid "Plugin downgraded successfully." msgstr "外掛已成功降級。" msgid "Plugin downgrade failed." msgstr "外掛降級失敗。" msgid "Downgrading the plugin…" msgstr "正在降級外掛..." msgid "Updating the plugin…" msgstr "正在更新外掛..." msgid "The uploaded file has expired. Please go back and upload it again." msgstr "上載的檔案已過期。請返回並重新上載檔案。" msgid "Could not remove the current plugin." msgstr "無法移除目前版本外掛。" msgid "Removing the current plugin…" msgstr "正在移除目前版本外掛..." msgid "Cancel and go back" msgstr "取消並返回" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Replace active with uploaded" msgstr "使用已上載版本取代現有版本" msgid "" "Your WordPress version is %1$s, however the uploaded plugin requires %2$s." msgstr "" "這個網站執行的是 WordPress %1$s,但上載的外掛的 WordPress 版本需求為 %2$s。" msgid "" "The PHP version on your server is %1$s, however the uploaded plugin requires " "%2$s." msgstr "" "這個網站的伺服器執行的是 PHP %1$s,但上載的外掛的 PHP 版本需求為 %2$s。" msgid "The plugin cannot be updated due to the following:" msgstr "外掛無法升級。原因:" msgid "Plugin name" msgstr "外掛名稱" msgid "Required PHP version" msgstr "PHP 最低版本需求" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to modify plugins." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有修改外掛的權限。" msgid "Invalid data. The item does not exist." msgstr "無效的資料。項目不存在。" msgid "Invalid data. Unknown type." msgstr "無效的資料。未知的類型。" msgid "Invalid data. Unknown state." msgstr "無效的資料。未知的狀態。" msgid "Invalid data. No selected item." msgstr "無效的資料。沒有選取的項目。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to modify themes." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有修改佈景主題的權限。" msgid "Automatic update scheduled in %s." msgstr "自動更新排程會在 %s後執行。" msgid "Automatic update overdue by %s. There may be a problem with WP-Cron." msgstr "WP-Cron 可能發生問題,導致自動更新已延遲執行,下次執行時間為 %s後。" msgid "Automatic update not scheduled. There may be a problem with WP-Cron." msgstr "WP-Cron 可能發生問題,導致自動更新無法進行排程。" msgid "" "There is a new version of %s available, but it does not work with your " "version of PHP." msgstr "有一個新版本%s,但它不適用於您的PHP版本。" msgid "" "There is a new version of %s available, but it does not work with your " "version of WordPress." msgstr "有一個新版本%s,但它不適用於您的 WordPress 版本。" msgid "Please update WordPress." msgstr "請更新WordPress 。" msgid "" "Please update WordPress, and then learn more about updating PHP." msgstr "" "請更新WordPress ,然後了解有關更新PHP的" "更多資訊 。" msgid "Learn more about updating PHP." msgstr "進一步瞭解更新 PHP 執行環境。" msgid "There appear to be no issues with plugin and theme auto-updates." msgstr "外掛及佈景主題自動更新一切如常。" msgid "" "Auto-updates for themes appear to be disabled. This will prevent your site " "from receiving new versions automatically when available." msgstr "佈景主題自動更新已停用。這個狀況會阻擋這個網站自動接收可用的更新套件。" msgid "" "Auto-updates for plugins appear to be disabled. This will prevent your site " "from receiving new versions automatically when available." msgstr "外掛自動更新已停用。這個狀況會阻擋這個網站自動接收可用的更新套件。" msgid "" "Auto-updates for plugins and themes appear to be disabled. This will prevent " "your site from receiving new versions automatically when available." msgstr "" "外掛及佈景主題自動更新已停用。這個狀況會阻擋這個網站自動接收可用的更新套件。" msgid "" "Auto-updates for plugins and/or themes appear to be disabled, but settings " "are still set to be displayed. This could cause auto-updates to not work as " "expected." msgstr "" "外掛/佈景主題自動更新已停用,但仍設定為顯示更新。這個狀況會造成自動更新執行不" "如預期。" msgid "Plugin and theme auto-updates" msgstr "外掛及佈景主題自動更新" msgid "" "The setting for %1$s is smaller than %2$s, this could cause some problems " "when trying to upload files." msgstr "%1$s 的設定值小於 %2$s,上載檔案時可能會發生問題。" msgid "PHP Sessions" msgstr "PHP 工作階段" msgid "%1$s is set to %2$s. You won't be able to upload files on your site." msgstr "%1$s 的值設定為 %2$s。這項設定會導致無法在這個網站上載檔案。" msgid "" "The %s function has been disabled, some media settings are unavailable " "because of this." msgstr "%s 函式已停用,這會導致某些媒體設定無法使用。" msgid "" "The %1$s directive in %2$s determines if uploading files is allowed on your " "site." msgstr "在 %2$s 中的指示詞 %1$s 的值,決定了這個網站是否能上載檔案。" msgid "Files can be uploaded" msgstr "檔案可上載" msgid "Your site may have problems auto-updating plugins and themes" msgstr "這個網站的外掛及佈景主題自動更新發生問題" msgid "" "Plugin and theme auto-updates ensure that the latest versions are always " "installed." msgstr "外掛及佈景主題更新能確保永遠安裝最新版程式碼。" msgid "Plugin and theme auto-updates appear to be configured correctly" msgstr "外掛及佈景主題自動更新設定正確" msgid "" "A PHP session was created by a %1$s function call. This interferes with REST " "API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by %2$s before " "making any HTTP requests." msgstr "" "%1$s 函式的呼叫建立了一個的 PHP 工作階段,這個 PHP 工作階段可能會影響 REST " "API 及回送要求。在進行任何 HTTP 要求前,應由 %2$s 關閉這個工作階段。" msgid "An active PHP session was detected" msgstr "已偵測到執行中的 PHP 工作階段" msgid "" "PHP sessions created by a %1$s function call may interfere with REST API and " "loopback requests. An active session should be closed by %2$s before making " "any HTTP requests." msgstr "" "由 %1$s 函式呼叫所建立的 PHP 工作階段,可能會影響 REST API 及回送要求。在進行" "任何 HTTP 要求前,應由 %2$s 關閉使用中的工作階段。" msgid "No PHP sessions detected" msgstr "沒有偵測到 PHP 工作階段" msgid "Auto-updates" msgstr "自動更新" msgid "Auto-update" msgstr "自動更新" msgid "Auto-updates disabled" msgstr "自動更新已停用" msgid "Max number of files allowed" msgstr "單次上載檔案數量上限" msgid "Max effective file size" msgstr "有效檔案大小上限" msgid "Max size of an uploaded file" msgstr "上載單一檔案大小上限" msgid "Max size of post data allowed" msgstr "單次上載全部檔案大小總計上限" msgid "File uploads" msgstr "檔案上載" msgid "File upload settings" msgstr "檔案上載設定" msgid "Auto-updates enabled" msgstr "自動更新已啟用" msgid "Are pretty permalinks supported?" msgstr "是否支援易於辨識的固定連結?" msgid "PHP memory limit (only for admin screens)" msgstr "PHP 可存取的記憶體上限 (僅供管理後台)" msgid "Is this site discouraging search engines?" msgstr "這個網站是否阻擋搜尋引擎進行索引" msgid "" "When registering a default meta value the data must match the type provided." msgstr "註冊預設元值時,數量據必須與所提供的類型匹配。" msgctxt "archive title" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgctxt "taxonomy term archive title prefix" msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Modern" msgstr "現代" msgctxt "post type archive title prefix" msgid "Archives:" msgstr "彙整:" msgctxt "date archive title prefix" msgid "Day:" msgstr "天:" msgctxt "date archive title prefix" msgid "Month:" msgstr "月:" msgctxt "date archive title prefix" msgid "Year:" msgstr "年:" msgctxt "author archive title prefix" msgid "Author:" msgstr "作者:" msgctxt "tag archive title prefix" msgid "Tag:" msgstr "標籤:" msgctxt "category archive title prefix" msgid "Category:" msgstr "類別:" msgid "Unauthorized. You may remove the %s param to preview as frontend." msgstr "未經授權。您可以刪除參數量%s作為前端進行預覽。" msgid "Create Issue" msgstr "建立問題" msgid "" "Return a %1$s or %2$s object from your callback when using the REST API." msgstr "使用 REST API 時,從回呼傳回 %1$s 或 %2$s 物件。" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "B" msgstr "B" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "KB" msgstr "KB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "MB" msgstr "MB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "GB" msgstr "GB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "TB" msgstr "TB" msgid "The ID of the page that should be displayed on the front page" msgstr "要顯示為靜態首頁頁面的頁面 ID" msgid "What to show on the front page" msgstr "要顯示於靜態首頁的項目" msgid "Site logo." msgstr "網站標誌。" msgid "%s is not a valid UUID." msgstr "%s 不是有效的 UUID。" msgid "%1$s does not match pattern %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 與版面配置 [%2$s] 不相符。" msgid "%1$s must be at most %2$s character long." msgid_plural "%1$s must be at most %2$s characters long." msgstr[0] "%1$s 的字元長度上限為 %2$s 個字元。" msgid "%1$s must be at least %2$s character long." msgid_plural "%1$s must be at least %2$s characters long." msgstr[0] "%1$s 的字元長度下限為 %2$s 個字元。" msgid "%1$s is a required property of %2$s." msgstr "%2$s 的屬性需要 %1$s。" msgid "%s has duplicate items." msgstr "%s 包含重複項目。" msgid "%1$s must contain at most %2$s item." msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at most %2$s items." msgstr[0] "%1$s 最多可包含 %2$s 個項目。" msgid "%1$s must contain at least %2$s item." msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at least %2$s items." msgstr[0] "%1$s 最少要包含 %2$s 個項目。" msgid "" "The \"type\" schema keyword for %1$s can only be one of the built-in types: " "%2$l." msgstr "%1$s 的 type 結構描述關鍵字僅能成為其中一個內建類型: %2$l。" msgid "The \"type\" schema keyword for %s is required." msgstr "%s 必須要有 type 結構描述關鍵字。" msgid "Cannot stabilize objects. Convert the object to an array first." msgstr "無法穩定物件。請先將物件轉換為陣列。" msgid "" "The \"type\" schema keyword for %1$s can only contain the built-in types: " "%2$l." msgstr "%1$s 的 type 結構描述關鍵字僅能包含內建類型: %2$l。" msgid "" "The post types that support thumbnails or true if all post types are " "supported." msgstr "如果支援所有文章類型,支援縮略圖或 true 的文章類型。" msgid "" "Allows use of HTML5 markup for search forms, comment forms, comment lists, " "gallery, and caption." msgstr "" "允許在搜尋表單、留言表單、留言清單、圖庫及說明文字欄位中使用 HTML5 標記。" msgid "The \"%s\" must be a callable function." msgstr "\"%s\"必須是可調用函數量。" msgid "" "When registering an \"object\" feature, the feature's schema must include " "the \"properties\" keyword." msgstr "如需註冊 object 功能,功能的結構描述必須包含 properties 關鍵字。" msgid "" "When registering an \"array\" feature, the feature's schema must include the " "\"items\" keyword." msgstr "如需註冊 array 功能,功能的結構描述必須包含 items 關鍵字。" msgid "" "When registering an \"array\" or \"object\" feature to show in the REST API, " "the feature's schema must also be defined." msgstr "" "如需註冊 array 或 object 功能以顯示於 REST API 中,便必須同時定義功能的結構描" "述。" msgid "" "When registering a \"variadic\" theme feature, the \"type\" must be an " "\"array\"." msgstr "如需註冊 variadic 佈景主題功能,type 必須為 array。" msgid "The feature \"type\" is not valid JSON Schema type." msgstr "主要 type 不是有效的 JSON 結構描述類型。" msgctxt "theme" msgid "" "Error: Current WordPress version does not meet minimum " "requirements for %s." msgstr "錯誤:目前 WordPress 版本不符合 %s 的最低要求。" msgctxt "theme" msgid "" "Error: Current PHP version does not meet minimum " "requirements for %s." msgstr "錯誤:目前 PHP 版本不符合 %s 的最低要求。" msgctxt "theme" msgid "" "Error: Current WordPress and PHP versions do not meet " "minimum requirements for %s." msgstr "" "錯誤:目前的 WordPress 和 PHP 版本不符合 %s 的最低要求。" msgid "" "This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a " "valid username." msgstr "名稱無效,因為使用非法字符。請輸入有效名稱。" msgid "Please use %s to add new schema properties." msgstr "請使用%s加入新的架構屬性。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage network plugins." msgstr "很抱歉,您不能管理網路外掛程式。" msgid "" "A list of the inner block's own inner blocks. This is a recursive definition " "following the parent innerBlocks schema." msgstr "內區塊自己的內部區塊的清單。這是繼而歸類定義,遵循上層內部區塊架構。" msgid "The attributes of the inner block." msgstr "內部區塊的屬性。" msgid "The name of the inner block." msgstr "內部區塊的名稱。" msgid "The list of inner blocks used in the example." msgstr "範例使用的內部區塊的清單。" msgid "The attributes used in the example." msgstr "示例中使用的屬性。" msgid "Contains the handle that defines the block style." msgstr "包含可定義區塊樣式的控制代碼。" msgid "Inline CSS code that registers the CSS class required for the style." msgstr "註冊樣式所需的 CSS 類的內聯 CSS 代碼。" msgid "The human-readable label for the style." msgstr "樣式的人類可讀標籤。" msgid "Unique name identifying the style." msgstr "標識樣式的唯一名稱。" msgid "Extended view" msgstr "延伸檢視" msgid "Compact view" msgstr "精簡檢視" msgctxt "site" msgid "Not spam" msgstr "非垃圾" msgid "Grid view" msgstr "格狀檢視" msgid "List view" msgstr "清單檢視" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Activate “%s”" msgstr "啟用 %s" msgid "CVC" msgstr "安全碼" msgid "The admin email verification page will reappear after %s." msgstr "網站管理員電子郵件地址驗證頁面會在 %s後重新出現。" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Cannot Install" msgstr "無法安裝" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Update %s now" msgstr "立即更新 %s" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Cannot Activate" msgstr "無法啟用" msgid "Block Editor Patterns" msgstr "區塊編輯器版面配置" msgid "" "Error: Passwords do not match. Please enter the same " "password in both password fields." msgstr "" "錯誤: 兩次輸入的密碼不相符。請在兩個密碼欄中輸入相同密碼。" msgid "Change Frequency" msgstr "變更頻率" msgid "Number of URLs in this XML Sitemap: %s." msgstr "此 XML 網站地圖中的 URL 數量:%s。" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "This XML Sitemap is generated by WordPress to make your content more visible " "for search engines." msgstr "此 XML 網站地圖由 WordPress 生成,以使您的內容在搜尋引擎中更加可見。" msgid "Could not generate XML sitemap due to missing %s extension" msgstr "由於缺少 %s 擴充功能,因此無法產生 XML Sitemap。" msgid "Fields other than %s are not currently supported for sitemaps." msgstr "目前 Sitemap 尚不支援 %s 之外的欄位。" msgid "Fields other than %s are not currently supported for the sitemap index." msgstr "目前 Sitemap 索引尚不支援 %s 之外的欄位。" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Install %s" msgstr "安裝 %s" msgctxt "media item" msgid "Success" msgstr "已完成" msgid "Error: There was a problem creating site entry." msgstr "錯誤:建立網站項目時發生問題。" msgid "Error: Site URL you’ve entered is already taken." msgstr "錯誤:你輸入的網址已被使用。" msgid "Error in deleting the item." msgstr "刪除項目時發生錯誤。" msgid "Bulk actions" msgstr "批次操作" msgid "Error in deleting the attachment." msgstr "刪除附件時發生錯誤!" msgid "Error in restoring the item from Trash." msgstr "從垃圾桶還原項目時發生錯誤。" msgid "Error in moving the item to Trash." msgstr "項目移至垃圾桶時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "Read the Debugging a WordPress Network " "article. Some of the suggestions there may help you figure out what went " "wrong." msgstr "" "請參閱〈WordPress 多站網路中的偵錯方式〉" "線上說明,內容中的某些建議或許能協助網站管理員找出錯誤發生原因。" msgid "Next Payment" msgstr "下次付款" msgid "This notice was triggered by the %s handle." msgstr "此通知是由%s觸發的。" msgctxt "block style" msgid "Default" msgstr "預設" msgctxt "default vertical name" msgid "Business" msgstr "商務" msgctxt "default company name" msgid "Your Company Name" msgstr "你的公司名稱" msgctxt "default phone number" msgid "555-555-5555" msgstr "555-555-5555" msgctxt "Countdown seconds remaining" msgid "seconds" msgstr "秒" msgctxt "Countdown minutes remaining" msgid "minutes" msgstr "分" msgctxt "Countdown hours remaining" msgid "hours" msgstr "小時" msgctxt "Countdown days remaining" msgid "days" msgstr "天" msgid "Update Block" msgstr "更新區塊" msgid "Uncropped" msgstr "未裁切" msgid "Alternate items" msgstr "替代項目" msgid "Timeline settings" msgstr "時間軸設定" msgid "Fall" msgstr "落下" msgid "Summer" msgstr "夏季" msgid "Add entry" msgstr "輸入內容" msgid "until" msgstr "直到" msgid "Paused" msgstr "暫停" msgid "Winter" msgstr "冬天" msgid "Spring" msgstr "春天" msgid "Event Title" msgstr "活動標題" msgid "Event Countdown" msgstr "活動倒數計時" msgid "One-Time" msgstr "單次" msgid "Connect to Stripe to use this block on your site." msgstr "連結至 Stripe,即可在你的網站上使用此區塊" msgid "Donate yearly" msgstr "每年定期贊助" msgid "Donate monthly" msgstr "每月定期贊助" msgid "Your contribution is appreciated." msgstr "感謝你的熱心贊助。" msgid "Or enter a custom amount" msgstr "或是自行輸入贊助金額" msgid "Make a yearly donation" msgstr "每年定期贊助" msgid "Make a monthly donation" msgstr "每月定期贊助" msgid "Make a one-time donation" msgstr "單次贊助" msgid "color" msgstr "刪除管理色彩配置" msgid "header" msgstr "頁首" msgid "plugin" msgstr "外掛" msgid "css" msgstr "CSS" msgid "style" msgstr "樣式" msgid "" "All domains on this site will redirect here as long as this domain is set as " "your primary domain. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "由於這個網域名稱已設為你的主要網域,因此本網站的所有網域名稱,都會重新導向到" "這個網域名稱。{{learnMoreLink}}進一步了解{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgid "Customize buttons" msgstr "自訂按鈕" msgid "Please enter a valid team or project name." msgstr "請輸入有效的團隊或專案名稱。" msgid "regions" msgstr "地區" msgid "" "Increase engagement with instant search -- at least three times faster and " "search ranking based on your site's stats." msgstr "" "透過即時搜尋功能促進互動:速度至少快三倍,並可根據你的網站統計資料進行搜尋排" "名。" msgid "New: Add Jetpack Search to your site." msgstr "新功能:為你的網站新增 Jetpack Search。" msgid "" "We're sorry, Jetpack Scan is not compatible with multisite WordPress " "installations at this time." msgstr "不好意思,Jetpack Scan 目前與多站台 WordPress 安裝不相容。" msgid "WordPress multi-sites are not supported" msgstr "不支援 WordPress 多站台" msgid "Please take a moment to review the changes." msgstr "請撥空檢閱這些變更。" msgid "" "As of July 16th, 2020 Automattic has updated the Ads Terms of " "Service. We have included more clarifications on prohibited content." msgstr "" "Automattic 已於 2020 年 7 月 16 日更新 廣告服務條款。 我們" "已納入更多關於禁止內容的說明。" msgid "WordAds notification" msgstr "WordAds 通知" msgid "Please take a moment to review the changes." msgstr "請撥空檢閱這些變更。" msgid "The Automattic Ads Terms of Service have been updated." msgstr "Automattic 廣告服務條款已更新。" msgctxt "The Terms of Service legal document." msgid "Automattic Ads TOS Update" msgstr "Automattic 廣告服務條款更新" msgid "Get Jetpack CRM" msgstr "取得 Jetpack CRM" msgid "" "The most productive of all WordPress CRMs. Manage your customer " "relationships simply, make more profit, and maintain happier business " "relations." msgstr "" "所有 WordPress CRM 中最具成效。 輕鬆管理你的客戶關係、創造更多收益,並維持更" "良好的業務關係。" msgid "Manage your business contacts effortlessly" msgstr "輕鬆管理你的業務聯絡人" msgid "Jetpack CRM" msgstr "Jetpack CRM" msgid "Add new post" msgstr "新增文章" msgid "Follow this link to claim your discount:" msgstr "點選下方連結以領取你的折扣優惠:" msgid "" "Don’t miss your chance to claim this limited-time discount for new purchases." msgstr "別錯過這次領取新購買項目限時折扣的大好機會。" msgid "" "In no time you'll be able to enjoy more peace of mind and provide a better " "experience to your visitors." msgstr "很快的,你的網站內容就會更為清淨,訪客體驗也會大大提升。" msgid "Say goodbye to spam!" msgstr "垃圾留言不再來!" msgid "Another downloadable file is being created" msgstr "正在製作另一個下載用檔案" msgid "You will receive an email confirmation shortly for your purchase." msgstr "你很快就會收到購買確認電子郵件。" msgid "" "If you still haven't received anything after a few hours, do not hesitate to " "{{link}}contact support{{/link}}." msgstr "" "如果數小時之後你仍未收到任何郵件,請立即{{link}}與支援團隊連絡{{/link}}。" msgid "Keep an eye on your email to finish setting up your new email addresses" msgstr "請注意收件匣,以完成新郵件地址的設定手續" msgid "" "To use the classic block, click on the button at the " "top of the screen, search for Classic and insert the block." msgstr "" "要使用傳統編輯器區塊,請在螢幕最上方點按按鈕,然後搜尋" "「傳統編輯器」並插入到文章中。" msgid "Add the Classic block" msgstr "新加傳統編輯器區塊" msgid "Meet the Classic block" msgstr "來看看傳統編輯器區塊" msgid "inserter" msgstr "插入器" msgid "Scope of support" msgstr "支援範圍" msgid "Show scrollbar" msgstr "顯示滾動條" msgid "Show footer" msgstr "顯示頁腳" msgid "Show header" msgstr "顯示導航欄" msgid "Dynamic" msgstr "動態" msgid "" "%1$s payments are managed at" msgstr "" "%1$s 付款在 受管理。" msgid "Payment details" msgstr "付款詳細資料" msgid "The %1$s file will be removed from the Jetpack plugin in version %2$s." msgstr "我們將從 Jetpack 外掛程式版本 %2$s 移除 %1$s 檔案。" msgid "" "The %1$s function will be removed from the Jetpack plugin in version %2$s." msgstr "我們將從 Jetpack 外掛程式版本 %2$s 移除 %1$s 功能。" msgid "Layout not found!" msgstr "找不到任何版面形式!" msgid "Cannot deduce `ftp_host` from `siteurl` because `siteurl` is empty." msgstr "無法推算「siteurl」的「ftp_host」,因為「siteurl」是空白的。" msgid "Accept one-time, monthly, or annual payments on your website." msgstr "在網站上收取一次性、每月或每年費用。" msgid "Resource not found" msgstr "找不到資源" msgid "This blog is an Atomic blog and cannot purchase this item." msgstr "此網誌是「不可部分完成」的網誌,且無法購買此商品。" msgid "" "Sorry, there were no matches. Here are some of the most searched for help " "pages for this section:" msgstr "抱歉,沒有符合項目。 以下是此部分最多人搜尋的說明頁面:" msgid "Show me where to" msgstr "顯示要前往何處" msgid "This might interest you" msgstr "你可能會感興趣" msgctxt "Jetpack Anti-Spam Solution" msgid "Anti-Spam" msgstr "垃圾訊息防護功能" msgid "The location does not exits" msgstr "位置不存在" msgid "Portfolio projects (for those who have them active)" msgstr "個人作品集專案 (適用於已啟用個人作品集專案的使用者)" msgid "View contact form messages" msgstr "檢視聯絡表單訊息" msgid "Verify my site with Google" msgstr "使用 Google 驗證我的網站" msgid "I cannot find my site on Google" msgstr "我在 Google 上找不到我的網站" msgid "Manage my pages" msgstr "管理我的網頁" msgid "View my drafted pages" msgstr "檢視我的草稿網頁" msgid "Manage my blog posts" msgstr "管理我的網誌文章" msgid "View my drafted posts" msgstr "檢視我的草稿文章" msgid "Download the app for my device" msgstr "為我的裝置下載適用的 應用程式" msgid "View my purchase and billing history" msgstr "檢視我的購買記錄和帳單記錄" msgid "Change my account privacy settings" msgstr "變更我的帳戶隱私設定" msgid "Close my account permanently" msgstr "永久關閉我的帳戶" msgid "" "Update the language of the interface you see across as a whole." msgstr "更新你在 上看到的整體介面語言。" msgid "Switch the interface language" msgstr "切換介面語言" msgid "Change the dashboard color scheme" msgstr "變更儀表板顏色配置" msgid "Update my username or email address" msgstr "更新我的使用者名稱或電子郵件地址" msgid "Update your name, profile image, and about text." msgstr "更新你的姓名、個人檔案圖片和關於內容。" msgid "Update my profile" msgstr "更新我的個人檔案" msgid "Manage SEO and traffic settings" msgstr "管理 SEO 和流量設定" msgid "Change my site's privacy settings" msgstr "變更我的網站的隱私設定" msgid "Set up a podcast" msgstr "設定播客" msgid "Edit my site title, tagline, or logo" msgstr "編輯我的網站的標題、標語或標誌" msgid "Manage post categories" msgstr "管理文章分類" msgid "Manage how users can comment on my site" msgstr "管理使用者在我的網站上留言的方式" msgid "Approve or delete comments" msgstr "核准或刪除留言" msgid "Install, manage, and search for site Plugins" msgstr "安裝、管理和搜尋網站外掛程式" msgid "Add sharing buttons to my site" msgstr "新增分享按鈕到我的網站" msgid "Manage sharing and social media connections" msgstr "管理共享和社交媒體連結" msgid "Export posts, pages and more from your site." msgstr "從你的網站匯出文章、網頁等內容。" msgid "Export my site's content and media library" msgstr "匯出我的網站內容和媒體庫" msgid "Change my site's footer text" msgstr "變更我的網站頁尾文字" msgid "Set a site icon" msgstr "設定網站圖示" msgid "Remove all posts, pages, and media, or delete a site completely." msgstr "移除所有文章、網頁和媒體,或完全刪除網站。" msgid "Delete a site or a site's content" msgstr "刪除網站或網站內容" msgid "Switch your site from private to public." msgstr "將你的網站從私人切換至公開。" msgid "Change my site's timezone" msgstr "變更我的網站時區" msgid "Invite new users to my site" msgstr "邀請新使用者造訪我的網站" msgid "Invite new users and edit existing ones." msgstr "邀請新使用者並編輯現有使用者。" msgid "Manage my site's users" msgstr "管理我的網站使用者" msgid "Learn how to market my site" msgstr "瞭解如何行銷我的網站" msgid "Earn money from my site" msgstr "從我的網站賺取收入" msgid "Import content from another site" msgstr "從其他網站匯入內容" msgid "Upload an image, video, audio or document" msgstr "上載圖片、影片、音訊或文件" msgid "View my site's latest stats" msgstr "檢視我的網站最新統計資料" msgid "View my site activity" msgstr "檢視我的網站活動" msgid "Renew my domain" msgstr "續訂我的網域" msgid "Renew my plan" msgstr "續訂我的方案" msgid "Upgrade my plan" msgstr "升級我的方案" msgid "Cancel my plan" msgstr "取消我的方案" msgid "Find a plan to suit my site" msgstr "尋找適合我的網站的方案" msgid "Set a site logo" msgstr "設為網站標誌" msgid "Edit my menu" msgstr "編輯我的選單" msgid "Change my homepage" msgstr "變更我的首頁" msgid "Customize my site's theme" msgstr "自訂我的網站佈景主題" msgid "Change my site's theme" msgstr "變更我的網站佈景主題" msgid "Change my password" msgstr "變更我的密碼" msgid "Redirect your site to another domain." msgstr "將你的網站重新導向至另一個網域。" msgid "Add a site redirect" msgstr "新增網站重新導向" msgid "Change my site address" msgstr "變更我的網站位址" msgid "Manage my domain settings" msgstr "管理我的網域設定" msgid "Create an income stream with payments" msgstr "透過付款功能建立收入來源" msgid "" "Whether you want to sell baked goods to your neighbors, accept donations for " "a local organization, or collect repeat contributions from your supporters, " " makes taking payments a breeze. Our Pay with PayPal button " "allows you to take credit or debit card payments from any page with minimal " "setup." msgstr "" "不論是販售自製美食給街坊鄰居、幫助在地團體收取贊助,或是接受支援者定期捐款," " 都能讓收款變得輕而易舉。 我們的「使用 PayPal 支付」按鈕在任何網" "頁都能收取信用卡付款或金融卡轉帳,無需複雜設定。" msgid "Accept one-time, monthly or annual payments on your website." msgstr "在網站上收取每月或每年費用。" msgid "Automatically clear spam from comments and forms" msgstr "自動從留言和表單中清除垃圾訊息。" msgid "Anti-Spam" msgstr "反垃圾內容" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Headers" msgstr "頁首" msgid "Pattern content must be a string." msgstr "版面配置內容必須是字串。" msgid "Pattern title must be a string." msgstr "版面配置標題必須是字串。" msgid "" "%s%% of the web is built on WordPress. More bloggers, small businesses, and " "Fortune 500 companies use WordPress than all other options combined. Join " "the millions of people that call home." msgstr "" "%s%% 的網路世界建立在 WordPress 上。 使用 WordPress 的部落客、小型企業和《財" "富》 500 強公司的數量,遠超過其他所有選項的總和。 數百萬使用者把 WordPress." "com 當成重要據點,歡迎你也加入。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Welcome to the world’s most{{/line1}}{{line2}}popular website " "builder.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}歡迎使用全球最{{/line1}}{{line2}}受歡迎的網站建立器。{{/line2}}" msgid "Bancontact" msgstr "Bancontact" msgid "Whether to automatically add top level pages to this menu." msgstr "是否自動將最上層頁面新增至這個選單。" msgid "Unable to crop this image." msgstr "無法裁剪此圖片。" msgid "Unable to rotate this image." msgstr "無法旋轉此圖片。" msgid "Unable to edit this image." msgstr "無法編輯此圖片。" msgid "The image was not edited. Edit the image before applying the changes." msgstr "未編輯圖片。在套用變更之前編輯圖片。" msgid "This type of file cannot be edited." msgstr "無法編輯這種類型的檔案。" msgid "Unable to get meta information for file." msgstr "無法獲取檔案的中繼資訊。" msgid "Your name must contain at least 3 characters" msgstr "名稱至少要有 3 個字元才行。" msgid "EPS e-Pay" msgstr "EPS 電子支付" msgid "" "A page handle, returned from a previous API call as a next_page_handle " "property. This is the most efficient way to fetch the next page of results." msgstr "" "上一個 API 呼叫傳回的頁面控點,屬性為 next_page_handle。 這是擷取下一頁結果最" "快的方法。" msgid "Alipay" msgstr "支付寶" msgid "" "%1$s — and lots of other websites — runs on Your donation " "comes with a account you can use to manage donations across " "all websites." msgstr "" "%1$s 和許多其他網站都選用 執行。 你的捐款會隨附一個 WordPress." "com 帳戶,可用來管理所有 網站的捐款。" msgid "" "%1$s donations are managed at To avoid being charged again, cancel your donation " "before the renewal date listed above." msgstr "" " %1$s 的捐款會透過 進行管理。 若要避免系統再次扣款,請在上述續訂日期以前取" "消捐款。" msgid "Manage donations" msgstr "管理捐款" msgid "Manage my donations" msgstr "管理我的捐款" msgid "Next Donation Date" msgstr "下次捐款日期" msgid "Donation Type" msgstr "捐款類型" msgid "Donation Amount" msgstr "捐款金額" msgid "Thanks for your %1$s donation to %2$s!" msgstr "感謝你%1$s捐款給 %2$s!" msgid "Thanks for your donation to %s!" msgstr "感謝你捐款給 %s!" msgid "You’ve donated to %s" msgstr "你已捐款給 %s" msgid "" "Thank you! You’ve just donated to %2$s." msgstr "感謝你! 你剛剛捐款給 %2$s。" msgid "one-time" msgstr "單次" msgid "yearly" msgstr "每年" msgid "monthly" msgstr "每月" msgid "" "Unable to purchase G Suite for '%s' because of missing users data. Please " "contact support." msgstr "缺少使用者資料,無法為「%s」購買 G Suite。 請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "Unable to purchase G Suite for '%s' because of missing customer data. Please " "contact support." msgstr "缺少客戶資料,無法為「%s」購買 G Suite。 請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Sofort" msgstr "Sofort" msgid "" "Error \"%s\" has occurred on the server and our developers have been alerted." msgstr "伺服器發生「%s」錯誤,我們的開發人員已收到通知。" msgid "Allowed IP addresses" msgstr "允許的 IP 位址" msgid "Add to list of allowed IPs" msgstr "加入 IP 允許清單" msgid "Already in list of allowed IPs" msgstr "已在允許的 IP 清單內" msgid "Disallowed comments" msgstr "留言含有不允許的內容" msgid "Privacy Notice for California Users" msgstr "加州使用者的隱私權聲明" msgid "California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)" msgstr "加州消費者隱私保護法 (CCPA)" msgid "You are not connected to that service." msgstr "你未連結該服務。" msgid "- %(discountAmount)s" msgstr "- %(discountAmount)s" msgid "Coupon: %(couponCode)s" msgstr "優惠券:%(couponCode)s" msgid "Continue to next step" msgstr "繼續下一個步驟" msgid "Don’t miss this great deal on new purchases." msgstr "別錯過購買新方案的超值優惠。" msgid "" "Discount applies to the first payment of an annual plan, but does not apply " "to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous " "purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer." msgstr "" "折扣適用於年度方案的第一年費用,但不適用於之後的週期性付款。 折扣無法用於之前" "的購買項目、續訂、訂閱升級或與其他優惠一併使用。" msgid "" "Don’t miss your chance to claim
this limited-time discount for new " "purchases." msgstr "別錯過領取限時折扣的大好機會,
此優惠適用於購買新方案。" msgid "Please Wait" msgstr "請稍候" msgid "Take me there!" msgstr "帶我前往!" msgid "One time sale" msgstr "一次性銷售" msgid "Get in Touch" msgstr "與我們聯絡" msgid "Build a website. Sell your stuff. Write a blog. And so much more." msgstr "建立網站。銷售你的商品。撰寫網誌。優點不止於此。" msgid "Site Domains" msgstr "網站網域" msgid "Collect PayPal payments" msgstr "收取 PayPal 款項" msgid "Subscriber-only content and Pay with PayPal buttons" msgstr "僅限訂閱者存取的內容和「使用 PayPal 支付」按鈕" msgid "Learn more about Pay with PayPal." msgstr "深入瞭解「使用 PayPal 支付」功能。" msgid "" "Including premium themes, advanced design and monetization options, Pay with " "PayPal buttons, and a custom domain name for one year." msgstr "" "包括無限使用進階版佈景主題、進階設計和獲利選項、「使用 PayPal 支付」按鈕,以" "及一年自訂網域名稱。" msgid "Limits results to plugins with the given status." msgstr "將結果限制在具有給定狀態的外掛程式。" msgid "The plugin's text domain." msgstr "外掛程式的文字域名。" msgid "Minimum required version of PHP." msgstr "PHP 的最低要求版本。" msgid "Minimum required version of WordPress." msgstr "WordPress 的最低要求版本。" msgid "Whether the plugin can only be activated network-wide." msgstr "外掛程式是否只能在網路範圍內啟動。" msgid "The plugin version number." msgstr "外掛程式版本號。" msgid "The plugin description formatted for display." msgstr "格式化為顯示的外掛程式描述。" msgid "The raw plugin description." msgstr "原始外掛程式描述。" msgid "The plugin description." msgstr "外掛程式描述。" msgid "Plugin author's website address." msgstr "外掛程式作者的網站位址。" msgid "The plugin author." msgstr "外掛程式作者。" msgid "The plugin's website address." msgstr "外掛程式的網站位址。" msgid "The plugin name." msgstr "外掛名稱。" msgid "The plugin file." msgstr "外掛程式檔案。" msgid "The filesystem is currently unavailable for managing plugins." msgstr "檔案系統目前無法管理外掛程式。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to activate this plugin." msgstr "抱歉,您不允許啟用此外掛。" msgid "Network only plugin must be network activated." msgstr "網路外掛程式必須啟動網路。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to deactivate this plugin." msgstr "抱歉,您不允許停用此外掛。" msgid "Cannot delete an active plugin. Please deactivate it first." msgstr "無法刪除活動外掛程式。請先將其停用。" msgid "Unable to determine what plugin was installed." msgstr "無法確定安裝了哪個外掛程式。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to activate plugins." msgstr "抱歉,你不能啟用這個網站的外掛。" msgid "Plugin not found." msgstr "未找到外掛程式。" msgid "The plugin activation status." msgstr "外掛程式激活狀態。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage this plugin." msgstr "很抱歉,您不能管理此外掛程式。" msgid "Limit result set to blocks matching the search term." msgstr "將結果設定為與搜尋詞匹配的區塊。" msgid " plugin directory slug." msgstr "WordPress.org外掛程式目錄 slug 。" msgid "Context values inherited by blocks of this type." msgstr "此類型的區塊繼承的上下文值。" msgid "Context provided by blocks of this type." msgstr "由此類型的區塊提供的上下文。" msgid "Block name." msgstr "區塊名稱。" msgid "" "The date when the block was last updated, in fuzzy human readable format." msgstr "區塊上次更新的日期,以模糊的人類可讀格式顯示。" msgid "The block icon." msgstr "區塊圖示。" msgid "The username of the block author." msgstr "區塊WordPress.org的使用者名稱。" msgid "The number of blocks published by the same author." msgstr "由同一作者發佈的區塊數量。" msgid "The average rating of blocks published by the same author." msgstr "同一作者發佈的區塊的平均評級。" msgid "The number sites that have activated this block." msgstr "已啟動此區塊的網站數量量。" msgid "The number of ratings." msgstr "評級數量。" msgid "The star rating of the block." msgstr "區塊的星級。" msgid "The block slug." msgstr "區塊代稱。" msgid "A short description of the block, in human readable format." msgstr "區塊的簡短描述,以人類可讀格式。" msgid "The block title, in human readable format." msgstr "區塊標題,以人類可讀格式顯示。" msgid "The block name, in namespace/block-name format." msgstr "區塊名稱,以命名空間/區塊名稱格式顯示。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to browse the block directory." msgstr "抱歉,不允許瀏覽區塊區塊目錄。" msgid "Please enter your site address." msgstr "請輸入你的網站位址。" msgid "" "Your site address is a subdomain ( You " "can register a new custom domain or transfer an existing one to your free " "site, which will redirect visitors to your subdomain." msgstr "" "你的網站位址為 子網域 (網站名稱。 你可以註冊新的" "自訂網域,或將現有網域轉移至免費網站,系統會將訪客重新導向至你的子網域。" msgid "Skip Setup" msgstr "跳過安裝程式" msgid "Let's Get Started" msgstr "讓我們開始吧" msgid "Select a page…" msgstr "選擇一個頁面…" msgid "Settings successfully saved" msgstr "設定已儲存成功" msgid "Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry." msgstr "操作失敗。請重新整理頁面再試一次。" msgid "You don’t have permission to do this." msgstr "你沒有執行此操作的權限。" msgid "" "If your site is loading but you’re still seeing this error, this guide will " "help you troubleshoot the Jetpack connection." msgstr "" "如果你的網站正常載入但仍出現此錯誤訊息,本指南可協助你針對 Jetpack 連結進行故" "障排除。" msgid "Telangana" msgstr "Telangana" msgid "%s is now active" msgstr "%s 已經啟用。" msgid "" "We add new sessions daily, so please check back soon for more options. In " "the meantime, consider attending one of our expert webinars on a wide " "variety of topics designed to help you build and grow your site. " "{{externalLink1}}View webinars{{/externalLink1}} or {{externalLink2}}contact " "us in Live Chat{{/externalLink2}}." msgstr "" "我們每天都會新增不同課程,請稍後返回查看更多選項。 這段期間,不妨考慮參加我們" "的專家網路研討會,主題包羅萬象,可協助你架設和拓展網站規模。 請" "{{externalLink1}}觀看網路研討會{{/externalLink1}}或{{externalLink2}}透過即時" "聊天與我們聯絡{{/externalLink2}}。" msgid "iDEAL" msgstr "iDEAL" msgid "" "There is an issue activating %s. Please contact our support team for help." msgstr "啟動 %s 時發生問題,請洽支援團隊,我們會協助處理。" msgid "You have a password configured, but can change it at any time." msgstr "你已經設好密碼,而且隨時可以更改。" msgid "Security Checklist" msgstr "資安檢核表" msgid "" "This site is currently not eligible for %s. Please contact our support team " "for help." msgstr "此網站目前不符合使用 %s 資格。 請聯絡我們的支援團隊以尋求協助。" msgid "" "Your free website includes a subdomain ( You can " "register a new custom domain or transfer an existing one to your free site, " "but you’ll need a paid plan to use it as your site’s main " "address. Without a plan, your custom domain will simply redirect visitors to " "your free subdomain." msgstr "" "你的免費網站包含一個子網域 (。 你可以註冊新的自訂網" "域,或將現有網域轉移到你的免費網站,但你需要選購 付費方案才能使" "用該網域做為網站的主要位址。 如果沒有選購付費方案,自訂網域只會將訪客重新導向" "到你的免費子網域。" msgid "Locale of the client." msgstr "用戶的語言。" msgid "Page number of the posts to return." msgstr "要返回的文章頁碼。" msgid "Number of posts to return." msgstr "要返回的文章篇數。" msgid "Tags to fetch posts for." msgstr "擷取文章用的標籤。" msgid "Movies" msgstr "電影" msgid "decorating" msgstr "裝潢" msgid "Dance" msgstr "舞蹈" msgid "Only site administrators can edit Payments settings." msgstr "只有網站管理員能夠編輯付款設定。" msgid "Disconnect Payments from Stripe" msgstr "中斷 Stripe 付款連結" msgid "Add a new payment plan" msgstr "新增付款方案" msgid "Renew monthly" msgstr "每月續訂" msgid "" "Updating the price will not affect existing subscribers, who will pay what " "they were originally charged on renewal." msgstr "更新價格並不會影響現有訂閱者,系統會按照原來的續訂價格向他們收費。" msgid "Updated \"%s\" payment plan." msgstr "已更新「%s」付款方案。" msgid "Added \"%s\" payment plan." msgstr "已新增「%s」付款方案。" msgid "" "Earn money on your site by displaying ads and collecting payments or " "donations." msgstr "顯示廣告並收取付款或捐款,透過你的網站賺錢。" msgid "" "Jetpack activity log is a free record of everything that happens on your " "site." msgstr "Jetpack 活動記錄為你免費記錄網站上的所有活動。" msgid "Keep a closer eye on your site" msgstr "密切監控你的網站" msgid "" "Download our free mobile app to view stats, moderate comments, create and " "edit posts, and upload media -- anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "免費下載我們的行動應用程式,可以隨時隨地檢視網站統計資料、審核留言、發佈或編" "輯文章、也可上載媒體檔案。" msgid "Explore Jetpack Premium" msgstr "深入了解 Jetpack 進階版" msgid "" "Scan your website daily with Jetpack Premium. Also included " "are auto-fixes and support from Jetpack. We’re here to help if we find any " "malicious code or vulnerabilities. You’ll also get daily backups so you don’t lose your hard work." msgstr "" "Jetpack 進階版每天掃瞄你的網站,另外還有 Jetpack 自動修復和" "支援服務。如果發現任何惡意程式碼或資安漏洞,我們會提供協助。我們也會" "每天備份你的網站,讓你苦心經營的一切不會付諸流水。" msgid "Scan and Backup %1$s with Jetpack Premium" msgstr "Jetpack 進階版,掃瞄、備份%1$s,一次完成" msgid "" "Update: Auto-update plugins to keep " "them secure and running the latest patches." msgstr "" "更新: 外掛程式自動更新,可以自動安裝並" "更新到最新修補程式,確保網站資安無虞。" msgid "" "Backup: Jetpack Backup will make sure you never lose your " "hard work." msgstr "" "備份:Jetpack 備份可確保你苦心經營的一切成果,永遠不會付諸流" "水。" msgid "" "Scan: Jetpack Scan will alert you of plugin and theme " "vulnerabilities while regularly scanning your site for malicious files." msgstr "" "掃瞄:Jetpack 掃瞄會定期檢查網站內是否存有惡意檔案,並在發現" "外掛程式和佈景主題檔案存有資安漏洞時通知你。" msgid "The three most important takeaways are:" msgstr "你應該知道的三大資安防護要點:" msgid "" "While WordPress is inherently very secure, installing new themes and plugins " "can still increase vulnerability. Check out this article on Upgrading your WordPress Security." msgstr "" "雖然 WordPress 本身非常安全,但是安裝新的佈景主題和外掛程式,仍會提高網站的資" "安風險。 請參閱這篇 文章,了解如何加強 " "WordPress 的資安防護。" msgid "" "Jetpack has partnered with Bluehost to bring you an even better Jetpack " "experience." msgstr "Jetpack 與 Bluehost 攜手合作,為你帶來更好的 Jetpack 體驗。" msgid "Secure the plugins and themes on %1$s" msgstr "保護 %1$s 上的外掛程式和佈景主題" msgid "Security tips for installing new plugins and themes" msgstr "新增外掛程式和佈景主題時,應注意的資安小撇步" msgid "Forever" msgstr "永遠" msgid "For a week" msgstr "一週" msgid "For a day" msgstr "一天" msgid "Hide this" msgstr "隱藏此項目" msgid "Social Logins" msgstr "社群平台帳戶登入" msgid "" "You have {{strong}}%(socialLoginCount)d social login enabled{{/strong}}." msgid_plural "" "You have {{strong}}%(socialLoginCount)d social logins enabled{{/strong}}." msgstr[0] "" "你啟用了{{strong}} %(socialLoginCount)d 種社群平台登入機制{{/strong}}。" msgid "You do not have any social logins enabled." msgstr "你尚未啟用任何社群平台登入機制。" msgid "Beta" msgstr "測試版" msgid "This tag is already on the list" msgstr "此標籤已存在於清單上" msgid "A list with that title already exists" msgstr "已存在具有此標題的清單" msgid "The title is missing" msgstr "標題遺失" msgid "The list is private" msgstr "此為私密清單" msgid "Invalid request input" msgstr "輸入的要求無效" msgid "List item not found" msgstr "找不到清單項目" msgid "Only the owner of a list may delete it" msgstr "只有清單擁有者才能刪除此項目" msgid "" "An active access token must be used to query information about the current " "user" msgstr "你必須使用啟用的存取權杖,才能查詢目前使用者的相關資訊" msgid "View more results" msgstr "檢視更多結果" msgid "" "Welcome to %s and Please use the link below to confirm your " "email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "歡迎使用 %s 和。 請使用下方連結確認你的電子郵件地址,並啟用帳" "戶。" msgid "" "Welcome to %s and Please click the button below to confirm " "your email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "歡迎使用 %s 和。 請按一下下方按鈕確認你的電子郵件地址,並啟用帳" "戶。" msgid "Confirm your email" msgstr "確認你的電子郵件地址" msgid "Find out more about Jetpack." msgstr "深入了解 Jetpack。 " msgid "" "Jetpack is a feature-rich plugin for WordPress sites. Because your site is " "hosted with us at, you already have access to most Jetpack’s " "features." msgstr "" "Jetpack 是專為 WordPress 網站設計的多功能外掛程式。由於你的網站在 WordPress." "com 代管,所以可以使用 Jetpack 提供的大多數功能。" msgid "What is Jetpack?" msgstr "Jetpack 是什麼?" msgid "" "Need inspiration? Check out your favorite three websites like yours. Which " "pages do they have? How do they organize their pages into menus to form site " "navigation? Check out Build Your Website in Five Steps, " "which will get the framework of your new website all set up, leaving it " "ready and waiting for your great content." msgstr "" "需要靈感嗎? 不妨觀察一下你最喜歡的三個網站。 他們有哪些頁面? 他們如何在選單" "中組織頁面,構成網站導覽? 查看架設網站的五大步驟,瞭解如" "何完整設定新網站架構,讓網站準備就緒,等你發佈精彩內容。" msgid "Sorry, there was an error loading this page." msgstr "抱歉,讀取網頁時發生錯誤。" msgid "See the latest backup" msgstr "檢視最新一次備份" msgid "" "Backup gives you granular control over your site, with the ability to " "restore it to any previous state, and export it at any time." msgstr "" "備份功能能讓網站還原到任何先前狀態,並且也能隨時匯出,讓你充分掌握網站。" msgid "Check your backups" msgstr "檢視備份檔" msgid "Pay with PayPal makes it easier to accept credit card payments." msgstr "「使用 PayPal 支付」讓你輕鬆接受信用卡付款。" msgid "Add a Pay with PayPal button as a Widget." msgstr "將「使用 PayPal 支付」按鈕新增為小工具。" msgid "Select a Pay with PayPal button:" msgstr "選擇「使用 PayPal 支付」按鈕:" msgid "Namespace must not start or end with a slash." msgstr "命名空間不能以正斜線開頭或結尾。" msgid "List updated successfully." msgstr "列表更新成功!" msgid "Here's a few options to try before you permanently delete your account." msgstr "在你永久刪除帳戶以前,這裡有一些選項可以嘗試。" msgid "Delete a site" msgstr "刪除網站" msgid "Change your password" msgstr "變更你的密碼" msgid "Change your username" msgstr "變更你的使用者名稱" msgid "" "You can export this list to use on other services. The file will be in OPML " "format." msgstr "你可以匯出此清單並用於其他服務。 檔案會使用 OPML 格式。" msgid "Manage %(listName)s" msgstr "管理 %(listName)s" msgid "What's your list about?" msgstr "你的清單是關於什麼主題?" msgid "" "Don't worry, posts from private sites will only appear to those with access. " "Adding a private site to a public list will not make posts from that site " "accessible to everyone." msgstr "" "別擔心,擁有權限的使用者才能看見私人網站的文章。 將私人網站加入公開清單,並不" "會開放讓所有人存取網站文章。" msgid "Only I can view this list" msgstr "只有我能夠檢視此清單" msgid "Everyone can view this list" msgstr "每個人都能檢視此清單" msgid "The name of the list." msgstr "清單的名稱。" msgid "Sorry, all upcoming sessions are full." msgstr "抱歉,近期所有研討會都已額滿。" msgid "" "Scan gives you automated scanning and one-click fixes to keep your site " "ahead of security threats." msgstr "掃描可提供自動掃描功能,而一鍵修正功能可協助你的網站預防安全性威脅。" msgid "" "A complete record of everything that happens on your site, with history that " "spans over 30 days." msgstr "可完整記錄網站發生的所有事件,並保存 30 天活動記錄。" msgid "" "Granular control over your site, with the ability to restore it to any " "previous state, and export it at any time." msgstr "充分掌握你的網站,讓網站還原到任何先前狀態,並可隨時匯出。" msgid "Unable to remove tag from list." msgstr "無法從清單中移除標籤" msgid "Unable to remove site from list." msgstr "無法從清單中移除網站" msgid "Unable to remove feed from list." msgstr "無法從清單中移除摘要" msgid "I don't understand" msgstr "我不明白" msgid "" "You have great content. We have a great way for you to make money with it. " "Specify certain content as Premium and require visitors to pay a monthly or " "annual fee to access it." msgstr "" "你有精彩的內容,我們有讓你賺錢的好方法。將某些內容指定為「付費」內容,要求訪" "客支付月費或年費才能存取。" msgid "Two-Step Backup Codes" msgstr "雙步驟備用密碼" msgid "" "You have {{strong}}not verified your backup codes{{/strong}} for two-step " "authentication." msgstr "你要用於雙步驟驗證的{{strong}}備用密碼尚未確認{{/strong}}。" msgid "You have verified your backup codes for two-step authentication." msgstr "你已確認要用於雙步驟驗證的備用密碼。" msgid "WooCommerce logo" msgstr "WooCommerce 標誌" msgid "Approve your connection" msgstr "核准你的連結" msgid "Enter your email address to get started" msgstr "輸入你的電子郵件地址,即可開始使用" msgid "" "Your account will enable you to start using the features and benefits " "offered by %(pluginName)s" msgstr "你的帳戶可讓你開始使用以下服務的功能和優勢: %(pluginName)s" msgid "Create a new account or connect as a different user" msgstr "建立新帳戶或以其他使用者身分連結" msgid "Get help setting up %(pluginName)s" msgstr "取得設定協助 %(pluginName)s" msgid "" "Note: You may be seeing this error because you don’t have admin permissions " "for this site.{{br/}}If you think you should, contact your site " "administrator." msgstr "" "請注意:出現此錯誤訊息,可能是因為你沒有此網站的管理員權限。{{br/}}如果你認為" "自己應該擁有權限,請聯絡網站的管理員。" msgid "" "If you’re no longer using Jetpack and/or WordPress for your site, or you’ve " "taken your site down, it’s time to disconnect Jetpack." msgstr "" "如果你不再於網站上使用 Jetpack 和/或 WordPress,或已關閉你的網站,請中斷與 " "Jetpack 的連結。" msgid "Troubleshoot Jetpack" msgstr "請進行 Jetpack 疑難排解" msgid "" "Visit your site to make sure it loads properly. If there’s an issue, fix " "your site before worrying about Jetpack! That may resolve this error." msgstr "" "請前往你的網站,確認可正確載入網站。 若無法正確載入,請先修復網站再檢查 " "Jetpack 是否正常運作。 這樣也許能夠解決此錯誤。" msgid "Confirm that your site loads" msgstr "請確認可載入你的網站" msgid "" "Jetpack wasn’t able to connect to {{strong}}%(siteSlug)s{{/strong}}.{{br/}}" "Let’s figure out why — there are a few things to try." msgstr "" "Jetpack 無法連結至 {{strong}}%(siteSlug)s{{/strong}}。{{br/}}讓我們試著找出原" "因,這裡有幾個可嘗試的解決方法。" msgid "Your site, {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}}, cannot be accessed" msgstr "無法存取你的網站 {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}}" msgid "I’d like to fix this now" msgstr "我想立即修正此問題" msgid "" "With it’s easy to collect payments on your website. You can " "sell physical or digital goods, accept monthly donations, and provide access " "to exclusive content to paying subscribers. Your premium content can also be " "delivered automatically to your followers’ inboxes as a paid newsletter. Set " "up subscriptions with automated payments and no third-party billing. " "Subscribers can cancel easily, anytime. It’s a simpler way to turn your " "audience into a business." msgstr "" "使用,在你的網站上收款不費吹灰之力。 你可以銷售實體或數位商品、" "接受每月捐款,並向付費使用者提供專屬內容的存取權限。 你的進階版內容也可以以付" "費電子報的形式,自動傳送到關注者的收件匣。 設定具有自動付款功能且沒有第三方帳" "單的訂閱。 訂閱者可以隨時輕鬆取消。 這個方法能輕鬆讓你的讀者變成顧客。" msgid "Email premium content to paying subscribers." msgstr "透過電子郵件將付費內容傳送給付費訂戶。" msgid "Paid Newsletters" msgstr "付費電子報" msgid "Compare pricing and plans" msgstr "比較 的價格和方案" msgid "No Jetpack configuration is required." msgstr "目前無須進行 Jetpack 組態設定。" msgid "" "In order to simplify your experience we've moved these to their dedicated " "section under the Jetpack settings tab." msgstr "" "為了簡化操作,我們把這些設定項目移到 Jetpack 設定頁籤中,並且分別顯示。" msgid "Looking for Jetpack backups and security scans settings?" msgstr "你在尋找 Jetpack 備份與資安掃瞄在哪設定嗎?" msgid "You do not have two-step authentication enabled." msgstr "尚未啟用兩步驟驗證。" msgid "" "You have two-step authentication {{strong}}enabled{{/strong}} using SMS " "messages to {{strong}}%(phoneNumber)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "你已經{{strong}}啟用{{/strong}}透過簡訊發送救援簡訊到手機號碼" "{{strong}}。%(phoneNumber)s{{/strong}}" msgid "" "You have two-step authentication {{strong}}enabled{{/strong}} using an app." msgstr "已{{strong}}啟用{{/strong}}透過 App 進行兩步驟驗證。" msgid "Recovery SMS Number" msgstr "帳戶救援簡訊接收門號" msgid "" "You have set {{strong}}%(recoveryPhoneNumber)s{{/strong}} as your recovery " "SMS number." msgstr "" "已設定 {{strong}}%(recoveryPhoneNumber)s{{/strong}} 為帳戶救援用簡訊接收門" "號。" msgid "" "You still need to verify your recovery SMS number: " "{{strong}}%(recoveryPhoneNumber)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "你仍需驗證帳戶救援用的簡訊接收手機號碼:{{strong}}%(recoveryPhoneNumber)s{{/" "strong}}" msgid "You do not have a recovery SMS number." msgstr "尚未設定帳戶救援用簡訊發送手機號碼。" msgid "" "You have set {{strong}}%(recoveryEmailAddress)s{{/strong}} as your recovery " "email address." msgstr "" "已設定 {{strong}}%(recoveryEmailAddress)s{{/strong}} 為帳戶救援用電子郵件。" msgid "" "You still need to verify your recovery email address: " "{{strong}}%(recoveryEmailAddress)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "你仍需驗證帳戶救援用電子郵件信箱:{{strong}}%(recoveryEmailAddress)s{{/" "strong}}" msgid "You do not have a recovery email address." msgstr "你尚未設定帳戶救援用電子郵件。" msgid "Account Email" msgstr "帳戶使用的電子郵件信箱" msgid "Your account email address is {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "你目前設定的帳戶電子郵件信箱是 {{/strong}}{{strong}}%(emailAddress)s。" msgid "" "Your account email address is {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}, but is " "not verified yet." msgstr "" "你目前設定的帳戶電子郵件信箱是 {{/strong}}{{strong}}%(emailAddress)s ,但尚未" "通過驗證。" msgid "You currently have %(numberOfApps)d connected application." msgid_plural "You currently have %(numberOfApps)d connected applications." msgstr[0] "你目前有 %(numberOfApps)d 個應用程式與本帳戶連動。" msgid "You do not have any connected applications." msgstr "你目前沒有任何應用程式和本帳戶連動。" msgid "Block namespace." msgstr "區塊命名空間。" msgid "Block example." msgstr "區塊示例。" msgid "Block keywords." msgstr "區塊關鍵字。" msgid "Parent blocks." msgstr "上層區塊。" msgid "Public text domain." msgstr "公開文字域名。" msgid "Block style variations." msgstr "區塊樣式變體。" msgid "Is the block dynamically rendered." msgstr "區塊是動態呈現的。" msgid "Block category." msgstr "區塊類別。" msgid "Block supports." msgstr "區塊支援。" msgid "Block attributes." msgstr "區塊屬性。" msgid "Icon of block type." msgstr "區塊類型的圖示。" msgid "Description of block type." msgstr "區塊類型的說明。" msgid "Unique name identifying the block type." msgstr "標識區塊類型的唯一名稱。" msgid "Title of block type." msgstr "區塊類型的標題。" msgid "Invalid block type." msgstr "無效區塊類型。" msgid "Block Editor Styles" msgstr "區塊編輯器樣式" msgid "Wide Blocks" msgstr "寬區塊" msgid "" "%1$s — and lots of other websites — runs on Your subscription " "comes with a account you can use to manage subscriptions " "across all websites." msgstr "" "%1$s 和許多其他網站都選用 執行。你的訂閱隨附一個 " "帳戶,可用於管理所有 網站上的訂閱。" msgid "Wait, why" msgstr "等等,為什麼要選擇" msgid "" "%1$s subscriptions are managed at To avoid being charged again, cancel your " "subscription before the renewal date listed above. Learn more" msgstr "" "我們會在 " "上管理你的 %1$s 訂閱。為避免再次遭到扣款,請在上述續訂日期之前取消訂閱。深入瞭解" msgid "Renewal Period" msgstr "續訂週期" msgid "Subscription Price" msgstr "續訂價格" msgid "A message from %1$s:" msgstr "來自 %1$s 的訊息:" msgid "Ability to set a custom domain as your primary site address." msgstr "能夠將自訂網域設為你的主要網站位址。" msgid "Thanks for subscribing to %s!" msgstr "感謝訂閱%s!" msgid "eCommerce marketing tools for emails and social networks" msgstr "電子商務電子郵件和社交網路行銷工具" msgid "Unlimited products or services for your online store" msgstr "線上商店可享無限制的產品或服務功能" msgid "Real-time backups and activity logs" msgstr "即時備份和活動記錄" msgid "Subscriber-only content and payment buttons" msgstr "僅限訂閱者存取的內容和付款按鈕" msgid "Unlimited access to our library of Premium Themes" msgstr "無限制存取我們的進階版佈景主題庫" msgid "You cannot call this method until Jetpack Config is configured" msgstr "完成設定 Jetpack Config 才可使用此解決方案" msgid "Redirecting to PayPal…" msgstr "正在將你重新導向至 PayPal…" msgid " Credits: %(amount)s available" msgstr " 點數:還有 %(amount)s" msgid "Invite Link" msgstr "邀請連結" msgid "Generate new link" msgstr "產生新連結" msgid "Disable invite link" msgstr "停用邀請連結" msgid "" "Once this invite link is disabled, nobody will be able to use it to join " "your team. Are you sure?" msgstr "" "一旦停用這個邀請連結,就沒有人可以再用此連結加入你的團隊;確定要這樣做嗎?" msgid "Jetpack Scan Realtime" msgstr "Jetpack 即時掃瞄" msgctxt "Jetpack Scan Solution" msgid "Daily Scan" msgstr "每日掃瞄" msgid "Jetpack Scan Daily" msgstr "Jetpack 每日掃瞄" msgid "An image of the back of the card where you find the security code" msgstr "卡片背面的圖片,你可以在卡片背面找到安全碼" msgid "Enter your name as it's written on the card" msgstr "請輸入卡片上的姓名" msgid "Cardholder name" msgstr "持卡人姓名" msgid "Expiry date" msgstr "到期日" msgid "Card number" msgstr "卡號" msgid "Expiry:" msgstr "到期:" msgid "Apple Pay" msgstr "Apple Pay" msgid "Select a payment card" msgstr "選取付款卡片" msgid "Loading checkout" msgstr "正在載入結帳畫面" msgid "There was an error with this step." msgstr "此步驟發生錯誤。" msgid "Continue to the next step" msgstr "繼續下一個步驟" msgid "There was a problem with the submit button." msgstr "「送出」按鈕發生問題。" msgid "Redirecting to payment partner…" msgstr "正在將你重新導向至付款合作夥伴…" msgid "" "An error occurred while redirecting to the payment partner. Please try again " "or contact support." msgstr "將你重新導向至付款合作夥伴時發生錯誤。 請再試一次,或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "There was a problem with the payment method: %s" msgstr "付款方式 %s 發生問題" msgid "There was a problem with this payment method." msgstr "此付款方式發生問題。" msgid "" "Everyone can register a new domain or map an existing one to their site. Use " "it as your site’s main address with any paid plan." msgstr "" "每個人都可以註冊新網域,或將現有網域對應到自己的網站。選購任何付費方案,就能" "使用網域做為網站的主要位址。" msgid "Custom domain as default web address" msgstr "使用網域做為網站的主要位址" msgid "Introducing the new Jetpack Scan" msgstr "推出全新 Jetpack 掃瞄" msgid "Failed to retrieve all domains" msgstr "無法取得所有網域名稱資訊" msgid "We could not scan your site because it appears to be offline" msgstr "我們無法掃描你的網站,因為網站似乎處於離線狀態" msgid "" "We ran into an issue scanning up your site, but we're aware of the issue and " "working on fixing it" msgstr "掃描你的網站時發生問題,不過我們已找到問題,目前正在嘗試修復" msgid "Scan failed" msgstr "掃描失敗" msgid "Initial scan complete" msgstr "初始掃描完成" msgid "Scan complete" msgstr "掃描完成" msgid "Initial backup complete" msgstr "初始備份完成" msgid "Backup and scan complete" msgstr "備份和掃描完成" msgid "Your great idea deserves a great domain name." msgstr "你的優異構思值得搭配一個出色的網域名稱。" msgid "" "We learn about the newest security threats first and use that information to " "better protect your site" msgstr "我們隨時掌握最新的資安威脅情報,妥善運用各種資訊,嚴加保護你的網站。" msgid "Jetpack monitors millions of websites for vulnerabilities" msgstr "Jetpack 保護數百萬網站免於駭侵攻擊" msgid "Mentioned you in a comment on “%2$s”" msgstr "有人在關於「%2$s」的留言中標記了你" msgid "%(number)d {{span}}threat{{/span}}" msgid_plural "%(number)d {{span}}threats{{/span}}" msgstr[0] "掃出 %(number)d 個{{span}}威脅{{/span}}" msgid "Media library" msgstr "媒體庫" msgid "Pexels free photos" msgstr "Pexels 免費圖庫照片" msgid "Track your stats with Google Analytics" msgstr "用 Google Analytics 追蹤網站成效。" msgid "Drive traffic to your site with our advanced SEO tools" msgstr "利用進階 SEO 工具導入更多流量。" msgid "Could not retrieve source URL." msgstr "無法擷取來源網址。" msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "發生不明錯誤。請稍後再試看看。" msgid "Media data to copy." msgstr "要複製的媒體資料。" msgid "Number of media items in the request" msgstr "要求中包含的媒體項目數量" msgid "Media collection search term." msgstr "媒體集合搜尋字詞。" msgid "An error occurred while trying to empty the Feedback spam folder." msgstr "嘗試清空「意見回饋」垃圾郵件資料夾時發生錯誤。" msgid "Emptying Spam (%1$s%)" msgstr "正在清空垃圾郵件 (%1$s%)" msgid "You aren’t authorized to do that." msgstr "您未獲授權進行此操作。" msgid "New comment on" msgstr "新留言:" msgid "New mention on" msgstr "新標記:" msgid "Mentioned you in “%2$s”" msgstr "有人在「%2$s」中標記了你" msgid "Would you like to join %1$s?" msgstr "是否要加入%1$s?" msgid "You’ve joined %1$s!" msgstr "你已加入%1$s!" msgid "Commented on “%2$s”" msgstr "已在「%2$s」留言" msgctxt "context: noun" msgid "Restore" msgstr "還原" msgid "Security, performance, and marketing tools for WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 專屬的資安、效能、行銷工具" msgid "Protect your site" msgstr "保護你的網站" msgid "Get Scan" msgstr "訂購掃瞄服務" msgid "How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Attacks" msgstr "如何保護你的小型企業不受網路攻擊" msgid "Do You Need a Security Upgrade for Your WordPress Website?" msgstr "是否需要為你的 WordPress 網站進行安全性升級?" msgid "Chris Coyier, Web Design Expert" msgstr "網頁設計專家 Chris Coyier" msgid "" "With automatic, behind-the-scenes scanning and instant email notifications, " "you can focus on running your business." msgstr "自動背景掃描、即時電子郵件通知,讓你專心經營網站業務,無需額外費心。" msgid "Set it and forget it" msgstr "設定一次,一勞永逸" msgid "" "Scanning takes place on our servers, so you can access your site even when " "it goes down." msgstr "" "資安掃瞄作業係透過我們的伺服器進行;即使你的網站故障離線,還是可以存取網站內" "容。" msgid "Decentralized scanning" msgstr "分散式的掃瞄服務" msgid "" "You’ve got enough things to worry about. Get peace of mind that we’re " "looking after your site." msgstr "經營網站非常忙碌,你可以把網站交給我們看管,放一百個心。" msgid "Don’t think twice about security" msgstr "資安威脅,不可輕忽" msgid "" "Our easy-to-read interface means that you don’t need to be a security " "expert. We’ll guide you through any issues quickly and clearly, and help you " "resolve many threats with one click." msgstr "" "我們的界面易讀易用,不是資安專家也能輕鬆操作。我們會快速清楚地引導你解決任何" "問題,只要按個鍵,就能幫你解決各種資安威脅。" msgid "Simple, yet powerful" msgstr "界面簡單,功能強大" msgid "" "When your site is your business, you can’t afford for it to go offline. " "We’ll alert you immediately to any new threats, bad actors, or suspicious " "behavior so you can keep the customers flowing." msgstr "" "你的公司若依賴網站運作,那麼網站當站停擺,就會造成嚴重傷害;透過 Jetpack " "Scan,任何新的資安威脅、駭客攻擊或可疑行為,都能自動偵測、即時通報,讓你的生" "意不致中斷。" msgid "There’s no time for downtime" msgstr "網站不容當機停擺" msgid "We guard your site. You run your business." msgstr "有我們守護網站,你只需用心經營即可。" msgid "Automated real-time scanning" msgstr "自動即時掃瞄" msgid "" "Recommended for e-commerce stores, news and membership sites, forums, and " "other active sites" msgstr "" "最適合網路商店、新聞媒體、會員制網站、討論區或其他內容更新頻繁的網站使用。" msgid "Real-time scanning" msgstr "即時掃瞄" msgid "Automated daily scanning" msgstr "每日自動掃瞄" msgid "Get daily scanning" msgstr "選購每日掃瞄方案" msgid "" "Ideal for brochure and resume sites, portfolios, restaurants, offices, and " "other static sites." msgstr "適用於型錄網站、個人履歷網站、作品集、餐廳、公司官網或其他靜態網站。" msgid "Daily scanning" msgstr "每日掃瞄方案" msgid "" "Modify your subscription options." msgstr "請修改你的訂閱選項。" msgid "" "Need to host multiple sites? Design, build and launch multiple WordPress " "websites on a managed hosting platform running on the same network as " "" msgstr "" "有多個網站需要同時託管?Pressable 使用與 相同的網路架構,讓你一" "次完成多個網站的設計、建構與上線。" msgid "P2" msgstr "P2" msgid "Followed A8C Sites" msgstr "已開始追蹤的 A8C 網站" msgid "" "Sell just about anything to your visitors — physical items, digital " "downloads, memberships, exclusive content, and more." msgstr "" "你可向訪客銷售幾乎任何東西,包括實體商品、數位下載、會員資格、專屬內容等。" msgid "Start making money" msgstr "開始賺取營收" msgid "" "Accept credit and debit card payments on your website for just about " "anything." msgstr "在你的網站接受用信用卡和簽帳金融卡付款購買任何東西。" msgid "Make money from your website" msgstr "從你的網站賺取營收" msgid "Authorize your account to sign into %1$s." msgstr "授權你的 帳戶登入%1$s。" msgid "TXT records may not be empty" msgstr "TXT 記錄不要空著。" msgid "" "Unsubscribe or modify your subscription options." msgstr "" "請取消訂閱或修改你的訂閱選項。" msgid "Close Checkout" msgstr "關閉結帳頁面" msgid "Your order" msgstr "你的訂購項目" msgid "" "Please note: to receive a {{refundsSupportPage}}refund for a domain " "renewal{{/refundsSupportPage}}, you must {{cancelDomainSupportPage}}cancel " "your domain{{/cancelDomainSupportPage}} within 96 hours of the renewal " "transaction. Canceling the domain means it will be deleted and you may not " "be able to recover it." msgstr "" "請注意:你必須在網域名稱續訂後 96 小時內{{cancelDomainSupportPage}}取消網域名" "稱續訂{{/cancelDomainSupportPage}},才能{{refundsSupportPage}}取得退費{{/" "refundsSupportPage}}。取消你的網域名稱,該網域名稱會自你的網站中刪除,而且可" "能無法再度取回使用。" msgid "Submit Survey" msgstr "送出問卷" msgid "" "Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback helps " "us improve and maintain the quality of our user interface." msgstr "" "感謝你撥空填寫這份問卷。有了各位的意見回饋,我們才能維持使用者界面的品質,並" "且持續改進。" msgid "Language Quality Survey" msgstr "語言界面翻譯品質調查問卷" msgid "Sign up to with a account." msgstr "使用你的 帳戶註冊。" msgid "Howdy! Log in to with your account." msgstr "你好!使用 帳戶登入。" msgid "P2 is the new working." msgstr "P2 是新的工作。" msgid "Manage your team" msgstr "管理你的團隊" msgid "Your P2 has a new member" msgstr "你的 P2 有一個新成員" msgid "Check our help docs" msgstr "請參閱我們的說明文件" msgid "Rather difficult to understand" msgstr "有點難以理解" msgid "You can now close this window." msgstr "你可以關閉本視窗了。" msgid "Survey Complete" msgstr "問卷填寫完成" msgid "Correctness" msgstr "正確性" msgid "Readability" msgstr "可讀性" msgid "Thank you for subscribing!" msgstr "感謝訂閱!" msgid "Search support articles" msgstr "搜尋支援文章" msgid "" "Share with friends, family, and website visitors. For every " "paying customer you send our way, you’ll both earn US$25 in free credits. By " "clicking “Earn free credits”, you agree to {{a}}these terms{{/a}}." msgstr "" "分享 給你的親朋好友和網站訪客。每個經你推薦成功的付費用戶,都可" "以和你一起得到美金 25 元的點數。按下「賺取點數」按鈕即視為同意{{a}}活動條款" "{{/a}}。" msgid "All Free features" msgstr "所有的免費功能" msgid "Unlimited activity log" msgstr "無限制的活動記錄" msgid "One-click security fixes" msgstr "單鍵安全更新" msgid "Expanded activity log" msgstr "更深入的網站活動記錄" msgid "Unlimited image CDN" msgstr "無限制的圖片 CDN" msgid "Basic activity log" msgstr "基本活動記錄" msgid "Update your site redirect" msgstr "更新網站重新導向設定" msgid "Redirect settings" msgstr "重新導向設定" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Testimonials" msgstr "證言" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Columns" msgstr "欄位" msgid "Block pattern category name must be a string." msgstr "區塊版面配置分類名稱必須是字串。" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Text" msgstr "文字" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "畫廊" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Buttons" msgstr "按鈕" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Featured" msgstr "精選" msgid "Mark as seen" msgstr "標示為已讀。" msgid "Mark all as seen" msgstr "全部標為已讀。" msgid "Mark as unseen" msgstr "標示為未讀。" msgid "Mark all as unseen" msgstr "全部標示為未讀。" msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) has expired and is no " "longer in use." msgstr "" "你的 {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s 方案{{/managePurchase}}(內含 " "%(includedPurchaseName)s 訂購)已經過期,而且已經停用。" msgid "" "You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action." msgstr "" "你有 {{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}} 將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s 到期,需要你" "儘速處理。" msgid "" "You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "你有 {{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}} 將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s 到期,如果不" "處理的話,很快就會從你的網站中移除。" msgid "" "Your %(cardType)s ending in %(cardNumber)d expires %(cardExpiry)s – before " "the next renewal. You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that " "are scheduled to renew soon and may also be affected. Please update the " "payment information for all your subscriptions." msgstr "" "你的 %(cardType)s (末四碼 %(cardNumber)d)將於 %(cardExpiry)s 到期;你有 " "{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}} 將於近期續約,可能會受到影響。請速更新你的付款" "資訊,以確保所有訂購項目均能正常扣款。" msgid "" "You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to " "renew soon." msgstr "你有 {{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}} 將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is scheduled to renew, but you have " "{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action." msgstr "" "你訂購的 %(purchaseName)s 將於近期續約;但你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}" "將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s 到期,需要你儘速處理。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire %(earliestOtherExpiry)s " "unless you take action." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 方案將於近期續約;但你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}" "將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s 到期,需要你儘速處理。" msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) is scheduled to renew, " "but you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action." msgstr "" "你的 {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s 方案{{/managePurchase}}(內含 " "%(includedPurchaseName)s 訂購)將於近期續約;另外,你的 {{link}}其他升級方案" "{{/link}} 也將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s 到期,需要你儘速處理。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域名稱將於近期續約;但你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/" "link}}將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s到期,需要你儘速處理。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is scheduled to renew, but you have " "{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "你訂購的 %(purchaseName)s 將於近期續約;但你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}" "將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s 到期;如果不處理的話,很快就會從你的網站中移除。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired %(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will " "be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域名稱將於近期續約;但你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/" "link}}將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s 到期;如果不處理的話,很快就會從你的網站中" "移除。" msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) is scheduled to renew, " "but you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "你的 {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s 方案{{/managePurchase}}(內含 " "%(includedPurchaseName)s 訂購)將於近期續約;另外,你的 {{link}}其他升級方案" "{{/link}} 也將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s 到期,如果不採取行動,很快就會從你的" "網站中移除。 " msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired %(earliestOtherExpiry)s " "and will be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域名稱將於近期續約;但你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/" "link}} 將於 %(earliestOtherExpiry)s 到期;如果不處理的話,很快就會從你的網站" "中移除。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription will expire %(expiry)s unless you take " "action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are " "scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "你訂購的 %(purchaseName)s 將於 %(expiry)s 到期,需要你儘速處理;另外,你還有" "{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan will expire %(expiry)s unless you take action. " "You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are " "scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域名稱將於 %(expiry)s 到期,需要你儘速處理;另外,你" "還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire %(expiry)s " "unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on " "this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "你的 {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s 方案{{/managePurchase}}(內含 " "%(includedPurchaseName)s 訂購)將於 %(expiry)s 到期,如果不處理的話,很快就會" "從你的網站中移除。另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain will expire %(expiry)s unless you take action. " "You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are " "scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域名稱將於 %(expiry)s 到期;如果不處理的話,很快就會" "從你的網站中移除;另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription expired %(expiry)s and will be removed " "soon unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} " "on this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "你訂購的 %(purchaseName)s 已於 %(expiry)s 到期;如果不處理的話,很快就會從你" "的網站中移除;另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan expired %(expiry)s and will be removed soon " "unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on " "this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s方案將於 %(expiry)s 到期;如果不處理的話,很快就會從你的" "網站中移除;另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) expired %(expiry)s and " "will be removed soon unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "你的 {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s 方案{{/managePurchase}}(內含 " "%(includedPurchaseName)s 訂購)已於 %(expiry)s 到期,如果不處理的話,很快就會" "從你的網站中移除。另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain expired %(expiry)s and will be removed soon " "unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on " "this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域名稱將於 %(expiry)s 到期;如果不處理的話,很快就會" "從你的網站中移除;另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire %(expiry)s, " "and you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be " "removed unless you take action." msgstr "" "你的 {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s 方案{{/managePurchase}}(內含 " "%(includedPurchaseName)s 訂購)將於 %(expiry)s 到期;如果不處理的話,你的 " "{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}} 也將很快從你的網站中移除。" msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire %(expiry)s, " "and you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be " "removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "你的 {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s 方案{{/managePurchase}}(內含 " "%(includedPurchaseName)s 訂購)將於 %(expiry)s 到期;如果不處理的話,你的 " "{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}} 也將很快從你的網站中移除。" msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) expired %(expiry)s, and " "you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be " "removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "你的 {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s 方案{{/managePurchase}}(內含 " "%(includedPurchaseName)s 訂購)已於 %(expiry)s 到期,如果不處理的話,你的 " "{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}} 也將很快從你的網站中移除。" msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire and be " "removed from your site %(expiry)s." msgstr "" "你的 {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s 方案{{/managePurchase}}(內含 " "%(includedPurchaseName)s 訂購)將於 %(expiry)s到期,且將從你的網站中移除。" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s – " "please renew before expiry so you don't lose out on your paid features! You " "also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to " "renew soon." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s 將於 %(expiry)s 到期並自你的網站中移除。請在到期前儘速續約," "以免失去已購功能。另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s – " "please enable auto-renewal so you don't lose out on your paid features! You " "also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to " "renew soon." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s 將於 %(expiry)s 到期並自你的網站中移除;請啟用自動續約功能," "以免失去已購功能。另外,你還有{{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}}將於近期續約。" msgid "" "Instant search and filtering to help visitors quickly find relevant answers " "and explore your site." msgstr "即時搜尋和篩選功能可協助訪客快速找到相關答案,並探索你的網站。" msgid "Open when results are available" msgstr "在有搜尋結果時開啟" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is renewing %(relativeRenewDate)s. Would " "you like to renew it now?" msgstr "" "你訂閱的 %(purchaseName)s 將於 %(relativeRenewDate)s 自動續約,你想要提前續約" "嗎? " msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan is renewing %(relativeRenewDate)s. Would you like " "to renew it now?" msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 方案將於 %(relativeRenewDate)s 自動續約,你想提前續約" "嗎?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain is renewing %(relativeRenewDate)s. Would you " "like to renew it now?" msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域名稱即將於 %(relativeRenewDate)s 自動續約,你想提前" "續約嗎?" msgid "Show connection details" msgstr "顯示伺服器連線詳細資訊" msgid "Hide connection details" msgstr "不顯示伺服器連線詳細資訊" msgid "View scan results" msgstr "檢視掃瞄結果" msgid "View backups" msgstr "檢視備份項目" msgid "View Scan" msgstr "檢視掃瞄結果" msgid "Available Domain Names" msgstr "可用的網域名稱" msgid "Recent “%s” Articles" msgstr "最近的「%s」文章" msgid "Popular “%s” Articles" msgstr "熱門的「%s」文章" msgid "Trending Stories" msgstr "熱門故事" msgid "" "Log in or create a " "account to start sharing and blogging." msgstr "" "登入建立 帳戶即可開" "始分享想法和撰寫網誌。" msgid "Stories Tagged “%s”" msgstr "加上「%s」標籤的故事" msgid "" "Please visit the website below to verify your email address as soon as " "possible, or your sites and emails that use these domains will stop working." msgstr "" "請儘快前往下方網站驗證你的電子郵件地址,否則使用這些網域的網站和電子郵件將停" "止運作。" msgid "" "Please visit the website below to verify your email address as soon as " "possible, or your sites and emails that use this domain will stop working." msgstr "" "請儘快前往下方網站驗證你的電子郵件地址,否則使用此網域的網站和電子郵件將停止" "運作。" msgid "" "Please click the following button to verify your email address as soon as " "possible, or your sites and emails that use these domains will stop working." msgstr "" "請儘快點選下方按鈕驗證你的電子郵件地址,否則使用這些網域的網站和電子郵件將停" "止運作。" msgid "" "Please click the following button to verify your email address as soon as " "possible, or your sites and emails that use this domain will stop working." msgstr "" "請儘快點選下方按鈕驗證你的電子郵件地址,否則使用此網域的網站和電子郵件將停止" "運作。" msgid "" "ICANN, the organization responsible for the stability of the Internet, " "requires you to verify the email address associated with your domain " "registration to make sure you receive important notifications about your " "domain." msgstr "" "負責網路穩定性的組織 ICANN 需要你驗證與網域註冊綁定的電子郵件地址,確保你會收" "到關於網域的重要通知。" msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack. Authorize with your credentials to get " "started." msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack。透過你的 憑證授權,以便開始使用。" msgid "Show comments area in carousel" msgstr "在隨選區顯示留言區域" msgid "Video details" msgstr "影片詳細資料" msgid "Alternate email address" msgstr "替代電子郵件地址" msgid "Privacy Policy URL" msgstr "隱私權政策說明 URL" msgid "Do Not Sell Link" msgstr "「請勿販賣我的個資」連結" msgid "Privacy and Consent" msgstr "隱私與同意事項" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is expiring %(expiry)s. Would you like to " "renew it now?" msgstr "你訂閱的 %(purchaseName)s 將於 %(expiry)s 到期,想要續約嗎?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan is expiring %(expiry)s. Would you like to renew " "it now?" msgstr "你的 %(purchaseName)s 方案將於 %(expiry)s 到期,想要續約嗎?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain is expiring %(expiry)s. Would you like to renew " "it now?" msgstr "你的 %(purchaseName)s 即將於 %(expiry)s 到期,想要續約嗎?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription expired %(expiry)s. Would you like to " "renew it now?" msgstr "你訂閱的 %(purchaseName)s 已於 %(expiry)s 到期,想要續訂嗎?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan expired %(expiry)s. Would you like to renew it " "now?" msgstr "你的 %(purchaseName)s 方案已於 %(expiry)s 到期,想要續約嗎?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain expired %(expiry)s. Would you like to renew it " "now?" msgstr "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域已於 %(expiry)s 到期,想要續約嗎?" msgid "" "You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} for %(siteName)s that are available " "for renewal. Would you like to renew them now?" msgstr "你的 %(siteName)s 還有 {{link}}其他升級方案{{/link}},想要同時續約嗎?" msgid "Renew your products together" msgstr "續約所有訂購服務" msgid "Subscriber Only Content" msgstr "僅限訂閱者觀看的內容" msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack Scan! We're scoping out your site, setting up to do a " "full scan. We'll let you know if we spot any issues that might impact a " "scan, then your first full scan will start." msgstr "" "歡迎使用 Jetpack 掃瞄!目前正在大致檢視你的網站,並設定完整掃瞄行程。如果我們" "發現可能影響掃瞄作業的問題,就會通知你;接著就可以開始進行首次完整掃瞄。" msgid "(Only administrators and the post author will see this message.)" msgstr "(只有管理員和文章作者會看到此訊息。)" msgid "" "An error occurred in the Latest Instagram Posts block. Please try again " "later." msgstr "「最新 Instagram 貼文」區塊發生錯誤。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "Google Workspace has been removed from your cart because it is no longer " "valid (you may have removed the associated domain)." msgstr "" "由於 G Suite 已不再有效 (你可能已移除相關網域),系統已將其從購物車中移除。" msgid "Need help? Find your server credentials" msgstr "幫助你找出伺服器登入資訊" msgid "" "Jetpack is unable to auto fix this threat as we currently do not have access " "to your website's server. Please supply your SFTP/SSH credentials to enable " "auto fixing. Alternatively, you will need go back and {{strong}}fix the " "threat manually{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Jetpack 無法自動修復這些威脅,因為我們目前無法存取你網站的伺服器。請提供你的 " "SFTP / SSH 登入資訊以啟用自動修復。或者,請返回並 {{strong}}手動修復威脅{{/" "strong}}。" msgid "You have selected to fix a discovered threat" msgstr "你已選擇修復所有發現的威脅" msgid "Invalid `properties`. Must be an ojbect with string keys" msgstr "「屬性」無效。必須為包含字串碼的物件" msgid "Invalid `properties`. Must be an ojbect." msgstr "「屬性」無效。必須為物件。" msgid "" "By \"appropriate\" we mean how correct the word choice is given the context " "of the text and where it is displayed." msgstr "「適當」的意思是指在文本內容及其顯示位置方面的選字正確程度。" msgid "" "We successfully retrieved a backup of your site from " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "已成功取得你的網站於 {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} 的備份資料。" msgid "Error fixing threats. Please contact support." msgstr "威脅修復過程出現錯誤,請洽詢支援團隊。" msgid "" "We're hard at work fixing these threats in the background. Please check back " "shortly." msgstr "目前正在背景努力修復威脅,請稍候片刻再來看看。" msgid "Fixing all threats…" msgstr "正在修復所有威脅..." msgid "Site setup complete!" msgstr "網站設定完成!" msgid "" "You finished your site setup. We'll guide you on the next steps to start " "growing your site." msgstr "網站設定好了,接著來看看怎麼讓網站開始成長。" msgid "" "You finished importing your site. We'll guide you on the next steps to start " "growing your site." msgstr "你的網站已經成功匯入了;接著來看看怎麼讓網站開始成長。" msgid "Skip site setup" msgstr "跳過網站設定" msgid "" "Don't forget to share your hard work with everyone. Then keep working " "through your site setup list." msgstr "" "別忘了分享你用心打造的網站,讓大家都看到;接下來,我們來看看所有的設定選項。" msgid "" "Don't forget to share your hard work with everyone. Keep up the momentum " "with some guidance on what to do next." msgstr "" "別忘了分享你用心打造的網站,讓大家都看到;加把勁,來看看下一步要怎麼做。" msgid "Show site setup" msgstr "設定網站" msgid "Show me what's next" msgstr "下一步" msgid "Next, we'll guide you through setting up and launching your site." msgstr "接著我們會教你如何設定網站,並讓網站上線。" msgid "Please enter a valid Google API Key." msgstr "請輸入有效的 Google API 金鑰。" msgid "" "Lunch: 11am - 2pm \n" "Dinner: M-Th 5pm - 11pm, Fri-Sat:5pm - 1am" msgstr "" "午餐時間:11am - 2pm\n" "晚餐時間:星期一到四 5pm - 11pm;五到六:5pm - 1am" msgctxt "Example of a phone number" msgid "1-202-555-1212" msgstr "1-202-555-1212" msgid "" "3999 Mission Boulevard,\n" "San Diego CA 92109" msgstr "" "3999 Mission Boulevard,\n" "San Diego CA 92109" msgid "Hours & Info" msgstr "營業時間和資訊" msgid "Site: %(siteName)s" msgstr "網站:%(siteName)s" msgid "Upcoming renewals" msgstr "即將到期的網域" msgid "expires %(expiry)s" msgstr "將於 %(expiry)s 到期" msgid "expired %(expiry)s" msgstr "已於 %(expiry)s 到期" msgid "renews %(renewDate)s" msgstr "將於 %(renewDate)s 自動續約" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription will expire %(expiry)s, and you have " "{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed " "unless you take action." msgstr "" "你訂購的 %(purchaseName)s 將於 %(expiry)s 到期,你為該網站購買的{{link}}其他" "升級服務{{/link}},如果不續購的話,也將隨之失效。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed unless you " "take action." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 方案將於 %(expiry)s 到期,你為該網站購買的{{link}}其他" "升級服務{{/link}},如果不續購的話,也將隨之失效。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed unless you " "take action." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域將於 %(expiry)s 到期,你為該網站購買的{{link}}其他" "升級服務{{/link}},如果不續購的話,也將隨之失效。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription will expire %(expiry)s, and you have " "{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon " "unless you take action." msgstr "" "你訂購的 %(purchaseName)s 將於 %(expiry)s 到期,你為該網站購買的{{link}}其他" "升級服務{{/link}},如果不續購的話,也將隨之失效。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless " "you take action." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 方案將於 %(expiry)s 到期,你為該網站購買的{{link}}其他" "升級服務{{/link}},如果不續購的話,也將隨之失效。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless " "you take action." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 網域將於 %(expiry)s 到期,你為該網站購買的{{link}}其他" "升級服務{{/link}},如果不續購的話,也將隨之失效。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription expired %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless " "you take action." msgstr "" "你訂購的 %(purchaseName)s 已於 %(expiry)s 過期,你為該網站購買的{{link}}其他" "升級服務{{/link}},如果不續購的話,也將隨之失效。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan expired %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless you " "take action." msgstr "" "你的 %(purchaseName)s 方案已於 %(expiry)s 過期,你為該網站購買的{{link}}其他" "升級服務{{/link}},如果不續購的話,也將隨之失效。" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain expired %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless you " "take action." msgstr "" "你的網域 %(purchaseName)s 已於 %(expiry)s 過期,你為該網站購買的{{link}}其他" "升級服務{{/link}},如果不續購的話,也將隨之失效。" msgid "Renew all" msgstr "全部續約" msgid "More backups from this day" msgstr "這天之後的更多備份記錄" msgid "Failed to retrieve email accounts" msgstr "無法取得電子郵件帳戶資訊" msgid "Is Languagename your native language?" msgstr "中文是你的母語嗎?" msgid "An error occurred while trying to retrieve the activity" msgstr "取回網站活動記錄時發生錯誤。" msgid "The activity referenced by %(rewindId)s is not rewindable." msgstr "編號 %(rewindId)s 的網站活動記錄無法回復。" msgid "The activity referenced by %(rewindId)s does not exist." msgstr "編號 %(rewindId)s 的網站活動記錄不存在。" msgid "We've automatically turned on VaultPress." msgstr "VaultPress 已經自動啟用。" msgid "We're automatically turning on VaultPress." msgstr "VaultPress 已經自動啟用。" msgid "" "The scanner was unable to check all files and errored before completion. " "Deal with the threats found above and run the {{runScan}}scan again{{/" "runScan}}. If the error persists, we are {{linkToSupport}}here to help{{/" "linkToSupport}}." msgstr "" "此掃描程式無法檢查所有檔案,且在掃描完成之前發生錯誤。請處理以上發現的威脅," "然後{{runScan}}再次執行掃描{{/runScan}}。如果錯誤持續發生,我們" "{{linkToSupport}}隨時在此提供協助{{/linkToSupport}}。" msgid "" "Jetpack Scan is currently not supported on WordPress multi-site networks." msgstr "Jetpack 掃瞄服務目前無法支援 WordPress 多網站架構。" msgid "Your site does not support Jetpack Scan" msgstr "你的網站無法使用 Jetpack 掃瞄服務" msgid "free forever" msgstr "永久免費" msgid "" "Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search helps your visitors " "instantly find the right content. The price of this subscription is based on " "the number of records you have on your site. " msgstr "" "Jetpack 搜尋功能強大,而且可完全依需求自行設定,能讓訪客立即找到需要的內容。" "此訂購價格係依據你網站資料庫記錄筆數而定。" msgid "Help your visitors find answers so they keep reading and buying" msgstr "讓訪客輕鬆找到想要的資訊,確保留存和購買轉換率。" msgid "Get Backup" msgstr "訂購備份服務" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for organizations:{{/strong}} The most powerful WordPress " "sites: real-time backups and premium themes." msgstr "" "{{strong}}組織機構最佳選擇︰{{/strong}}最強大的 WordPress 網站︰即時備份與無" "限制的進階版佈景主題。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for personal use:{{/strong}} Security essentials for your " "WordPress site, including automated backups and priority support." msgstr "" "{{strong}}個人用途最佳選擇:{{/strong}}為所有 WordPress 網站提供安全性基本服" "務,包含自動備份和優先支援。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for small businesses:{{/strong}} Comprehensive, automated " "scanning for security vulnerabilities, fast video hosting, and marketing " "automation." msgstr "" "{{strong}}小型企業最佳選擇:{{/strong}}全面自動化的安全漏洞掃描、高速影片託" "管,且支援行銷自動化。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for freelancers:{{/strong}} Build a unique website with " "advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of space for audio and video, " "Google Analytics support, and the ability to monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "{{strong}}最適合自由工作者的選擇:{{/strong}} 利用進階設計工具、CSS 編輯功" "能、音訊和視訊專屬的大型儲存空間、Google Analytics 支援及透過網站廣告獲利的功" "能,建立獨一無二的網站。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for online stores:{{/strong}} Sell products or services with " "this powerful, all-in-one online store experience. This plan includes " "premium integrations and is extendable, so it’ll grow with you as your " "business grows." msgstr "" "{{strong}}網路商店的最佳選擇:{{/strong}}使用這個功能強大的全包式網路商店體驗" "來銷售產品或服務。此方案包括進階版整合功能,並且可以擴充,因此可隨著你的業務" "而成長。" msgid "" "Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere. Post, read, check stats, and more " "with the WordPress app at your fingertips." msgstr "" "不論何時何地,只要腦中浮現新靈感,馬上開啟 WordPress app,就能隨手貼文;還有" "閱讀文章、檢視網站統計數字等更多功能。" msgid "Update and manage on the go" msgstr "隨時隨地管理網站、更新內容" msgctxt "Jetpack Scan Solution" msgid "Realtime Scan" msgstr "即時掃描方案" msgid "Retry scan" msgstr "再次掃瞄" msgid "Contact support {{externalIcon/}}" msgstr "連絡支援團隊 {{externalIcon/}}" msgid "Rating: %1$s out of %2$s." msgstr "評分:%1$s 分,滿分為 %2$s。" msgid "disabled" msgstr "已停用" msgid "Learn more about selling products on" msgstr "深入了解如何在 經營商品販售。" msgid "HTTPS encryption" msgstr "HTTPS 加密傳輸" msgid "301 redirects for all HTTP requests to HTTPS" msgstr "所有 301 HTTP 轉址,自動升級為 HTTPS 加密傳輸。" msgid "Improved Google search rankings" msgstr "改善 Google 搜尋排名;" msgid "Protection against hackers trying to mimic your site" msgstr "保護你的網站不被駭客拿去偽造;" msgid "Safe shopping experience with secure payments" msgstr "安全的商品選購與支付流程;" msgid "Secure data transmission for all your forms" msgstr "所有表單資料均透過加密進行傳輸;" msgid "Trust indicators that reassure your visitors your site is safe " msgstr "網址列上會顯示「安全連線」標誌,讓訪客對網站的安全性更為放心;" msgid "" "Strong encryption is critical to ensure the privacy and security of your " "site. This is what you get with HTTPS encryption on" msgstr "" "強大的加密傳輸,可以確保網站的安全性和隱私。在 上啟用 HTTPS 加" "密傳輸,有下列優點:" msgid "" "We have disabled HTTPS encryption because your domain has expired and is no " "longer active. Renew your domain to reactivate it and turn on HTTPS " "encryption." msgstr "" "HTTPS 因為網域過期失效而遭停用。請先完成網域續約並重新啟用網域,接著啟用 " "HTTPS 加密。" msgid "" "Due to some changes to your domain, we need to generate a new SSL " "certificate to activate your HTTPS encryption. This process should only take " "a couple hours at most. If you’re running into delays please let us know so " "we can help you out." msgstr "" "由於你的網域有所異動,我們必須生成一組新的 SSL 憑證,才能啟用 HTTPS 加密傳" "輸;整個流程最多幾個小時即可完成。如果等了很久還沒有完成,請通知我們,以便協" "助處理。" msgid "Provisioning" msgstr "生效中" msgid "Domain security" msgstr "網域安全" msgid "" "To select your custom domain, follow {{domainRegistrationLink}}the " "registration instructions{{/domainRegistrationLink}}." msgstr "" "若要註冊自訂網域,請遵循{{domainRegistrationLink}}註冊指示{{/" "domainRegistrationLink}}操作。" msgid "" "After the first year, you’ll continue to have access to your " "plan features but will need to renew the domain name." msgstr "" "在綁定網域的第一年之後,你將可繼續存取自己的 方案功能,但必須續" "訂網域名稱。" msgid "" "Purchasing a two-year subscription to a plan gives you two " "years of access to your plan’s features and one year of a custom domain name." msgstr "" "購買 方案的兩年期訂閱,可讓你在兩年內存取方案的功能,以及獲得一" "年的自訂網域名稱。" msgid "" "Purchasing a one-year subscription to a plan gives you one " "year of access to your plan’s features and one year of a custom domain name." msgstr "" "購買 方案的一年期訂閱,可讓你在一年內存取方案的功能,以及獲得一" "年的自訂網域名稱。" msgid "View Privacy Policy" msgstr "檢視隱私權政策" msgid "" "After you opt-out you may still see ads, including personalized ones, on " "this site and other sites - they just won't be personalized based on " "information from your visits to this site." msgstr "" "在你選擇退出後,可能仍會在此網站和其他網站上看到廣告 (包括個人化廣告),只是這" "些廣告不會根據你造訪此網站的資訊進行個人化。" msgid "" "This opt-out is managed through cookies, so if you delete cookies, your " "browser is set to delete cookies automatically after a certain length of " "time, or if you visit this site with a different browser, you'll need to " "make this selection again." msgstr "" "此選擇退出是透過 Cookie 管理,因此如果刪除 Cookie,你的瀏覽器將設定為在一定時" "間後自動刪除 Cookie,或者,如果使用其他瀏覽器造訪此網站,則必須再次設定選項。" msgid "" "We never share information that identifies you personally, like your name or " "email address, as part of the advertising program." msgstr "" "我們絕不會在廣告方案中向他人分享可識別個人身分的資訊,例如你的名字或電子郵件" "地址。" msgid "" "An error occurred while restoring your site. Please {{button}}try your " "restore again{{/button}} or contact our support team to resolve the issue." msgstr "" "在回復網站備份檔時發生錯誤,請按下{{button}}「再次回復」{{/button}}按鈕,或與" "支援團隊連絡,以解決問題。" msgid "Restore failed: %s" msgstr "於 %s 發生備份檔回復錯誤" msgid "" "An error occurred while creating your downloadable backup. Please {{button}}" "try your download again{{/button}} or contact our support team to resolve " "the issue." msgstr "" "在製作可下載備份檔時發生錯誤,請按下{{button}}「重新下載」{{/button}}按鈕,或" "與支援團隊連絡,以解決問題。" msgid "Download failed: %s" msgstr "於 %s 發生下載失敗" msgid "In the next hour" msgstr "在下個鐘頭" msgid "Only site owners are eligible to activate WordAds." msgstr "網站擁有者才有權啟用 WordAds。" msgid "Upload media" msgstr "上載媒體檔案" msgid "Very satisfied" msgstr "非常滿意" msgid "Rather satisfied" msgstr "還算滿意" msgid "Neither satisfied or dissatisfied" msgstr "普通" msgid "Rather dissatisfied" msgstr "不太滿意" msgid "Very dissatisfied" msgstr "非常不滿意" msgid "" "Your site already is protected by VaultPress. You can find a link to your " "VaultPress dashboard below." msgstr "" "你的網站已受 VautlPress 保護,按一下下方的按鈕,即可檢視 VaultPress 儀表板。" msgid "Your site has VaultPress" msgstr "你的網站擁有 VaultPress 功能" msgid "" "You accepted %1$s's invitation to contribute to their team, " "%3$s." msgstr "你已接受 %1$s 的邀請,成為 %3$s 團隊的撰寫人員。" msgid "Plan Subscription" msgstr "訂購方案" msgid "First year free" msgstr "首年免費" msgid "billed annually" msgstr "以年計費" msgid "" "We were unable to connect to the external service. Please try again later." msgstr "暫時無法連線外部服務,請稍候再試。" msgid "" "We were unable to connect to the Pexels service. Please try again later." msgstr "暫時無法連線 Pexels 服務,請稍候再試。" msgid "Entering your billing information helps us prevent fraud." msgstr "輸入你的帳務資料,以防詐騙。" msgid "" "Check out the {{a}}backups help guide{{/a}} or contact our support team to " "resolve the issue." msgstr "要解決這個問題,請先閱讀{{a}}備份指南{{/a}},或與我們的支援團隊連絡。" msgid "Manage your site and domain all in one place" msgstr "同時管理你的網域和網站,一處搞定" msgid "Change your email address" msgstr "變更電子郵件地址" msgid "Available" msgstr "可以使用" msgid "" "Change your site's appearance in a few clicks, with an expanded selection of " "fonts and colors." msgstr "按幾下就能變更網站外觀,還能選用多種字體和顏色。" msgid "" "Jetpack Scan couldn't complete a scan of your site. Please check to see if " "your site is down – if it's not, try again. If it is, or if Jetpack Scan is " "still having problems, contact our support team." msgstr "" "Jetpack 無法完成掃瞄作業,請檢查你的網站是否正常運作;如果網站仍然正常,請再" "試一次;還是無法掃瞄的話,請與支援團隊連絡。" msgid "Can read and comment on posts and pages." msgstr "可閱讀文章與頁面,並發佈留言。" msgid "Can write and edit their own posts but can't publish them." msgstr "可以撰寫、編輯自己的文章,但無權發佈。" msgid "Can write, upload photos to, edit, and publish their own posts." msgstr "可以撰寫、上載圖片、編輯並發佈自己的文章。" msgid "Can write, upload files to, edit, and publish their own posts." msgstr "可以撰寫、上載檔案、編輯並發佈自己的文章" msgid "Has access to all posts and pages." msgstr "可存取所有文章與頁面。" msgid "Has access to all posts and pages (recommended)." msgstr "(建議選項)可存取所有文章與頁面。" msgid "" "Full power over the site: can invite people, modify the site settings, etc." msgstr "擁有網站所有權限:可新增使用者、變更網站設定等。" msgid "How many Instagram posts?" msgstr "有幾則 Instagram 貼文?" msgid "An Instagram Keyring access token." msgstr "Instagram Keyring 存取權杖。" msgid "Making Money From Your Website" msgstr "用網站來獲利" msgid "Alert: potential security threat detected on %s" msgid_plural "Alert: potential security threats detected on %s" msgstr[0] "警示:我們在 %s 偵測到潛在安全性威脅" msgid "" "You are receiving this email because you have Jetpack Scan active. When " "contacting support please use the following reference number:[%s]." msgstr "" "你會收到這封電子郵件,是因為你已啟用 Jetpack 掃瞄服務。如需聯絡支援團隊,請使" "用以下參考編號:[%s]。" msgid "What's new" msgstr "新功能" msgid "Import Content" msgstr "匯入你的內容" msgid "Average per day" msgstr "平均每天" msgid "Months and years" msgstr "月份與年份" msgid "Default post format" msgstr "預設文章格式" msgid "Site icon" msgstr "網站圖示" msgid "Block emails" msgstr "封鎖電子郵件" msgid "Infinite scroll" msgstr "無限捲動" msgid "Footer credit" msgstr "頁尾版權宣告" msgid "Comment moderation" msgstr "審核留言" msgid "All apps" msgstr "所有應用程式" msgid "App name" msgstr "應用程式名稱" msgid "View receipt" msgstr "檢視收據" msgid "Order summary" msgstr "訂購項目" msgid "Primary site" msgstr "主網站" msgid "Web address" msgstr "網站位址" msgid "Reschedule" msgstr "更改預約時段" msgid "Your scheduled Quick Start support session:" msgstr "你已預約的快速支援時段:" msgid "All Business features" msgstr "所有商務版功能" msgid "Expanded site activity" msgstr "擴充的網站活動" msgid "3 GB storage space" msgstr "3 GB 儲存空間" msgid "Site monetization" msgstr "利用網站獲利" msgid "Advanced social media" msgstr "進階社群媒體整合功能" msgid "Jetpack essential features" msgstr "Jetpack 基本功能" msgid "Jetpack advanced features" msgstr "Jetpack 進階功能" msgid "Dozens of free themes" msgstr "數十個免費佈景主題" msgid "Upload themes and plugins" msgstr "上載佈景主題和外掛程式" msgid "Video tutorial:" msgstr "檢視教學內容。" msgid "An EU Trademark number is 9 digits." msgstr "EU 商標編號包含 9 位數數字。" msgid "" "The SIREN/SIRET field must be either a 9 digit SIREN number or a 14 digit " "SIRET number." msgstr "SIREN/SIRET 欄位必須為 9 位數 SIREN 或 14 位數 SIRET 號碼。" msgid "" "The VAT Number field is a pattern of letters and numbers that depends on the " "country, but it always starts with a two letter country code." msgstr "" "VAT 編號欄位應填入一組字母和數字 (視國家/地區而異),但開頭一律是雙字母的國家" "代碼。" msgid "ignored" msgstr "已略過" msgid "Save credentials" msgstr "儲存登入資訊" msgid "" "The last Jetpack scan ran {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} and everything looked " "great.{{br/}}Run a manual scan now or wait for Jetpack to scan your site " "later today." msgstr "" "最近一次 Jetpack 掃瞄於 {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} 完成,看來沒有任何問題。" "{{br/}}你也可以立即進行手動掃瞄,或是稍後由 Jetpack 自動進行。" msgid "" "Free, live video webinars led by our experts teach you to build a website, " "start a blog, or make money with your site." msgstr "" "我們的專家群會透過免費線上直播教學,教你如何打造自己的網站、部落格,甚至用以" "獲利。" msgid "Learn from the pros" msgstr "專家指導課程" msgid "Latest backups" msgstr "最近備份" msgid "Sending email…" msgstr "正在寄送郵件..." msgid "Limit content to paying subscribers." msgstr "付費訂戶專屬內容" msgid "Subscriber-only content" msgstr "付費訂戶專屬內容" msgid "" "This price is based on %1$s records indexed by Jetpack Search on your site " "(learn more)." msgstr "" "此價格是根據 Jetpack 搜尋在你網站上加入索引的 %1$s 筆記錄而定 (了解詳情)。" msgid "" "This price is based on %1$s records indexed by Jetpack Search on your site, " "and it is more than the price you previously paid because your search usage " "has increased to a higher tier (learn more)." msgstr "" "此價格是根據 Jetpack 搜尋在你網站上加入索引的 %1$s 筆記錄而定,比你之前支付的" "價格為高,因為你的搜尋流量已增加到更高的一級 (了解詳情)。" msgid "description" msgstr "內容說明" msgid "" "Learn about the monetization options available with your plan" msgstr "瞭解你的 方案提供的獲利選項" msgid "" "Click here to check the schedule and register for the " "latest insights on growing your website." msgstr "" "你可以在此檢視課程時間;註冊後還能取得網站成長最新指南。" msgid "" "NEW! We just released a series of webinars helping " "customers like you make money from your site using’s " "monetization features. " msgstr "" "全新推出!歡迎參加網路開店線上完整課程,幫你全面掌握 " " 各項營收功能,用網站賺大錢。" msgid "Learn More About Monetizing Your Site - For Free!" msgstr "深入了解如何利用網站獲利,完全免費!" msgid "Upgrade my site and start selling" msgstr "升級方案,立刻開店" msgid "" "An eCommerce store is available only on sites with a Business or eCommerce " "plan." msgstr "電子商務功能為「商用版方案」或「電子商務方案」網站的專屬服務。" msgid "" "Set up a full ecommerce store right inside your website! Get " "secure payments, configurable shipping options, manage inventory, and more." msgstr "" "直接在你的 網站上架設功能完善的網路商店!擁有安全付款、多樣化物" "流選項、庫存管理等多種功能。" msgid "Create a Store and Manage Inventory" msgstr "架設網路商店、管理庫存" msgid "" "Pay with PayPal is perfect for one-time payments such as selling digital or " "physical products, or charging fees for services, tips, and donations." msgstr "" "「使用 PayPal 支付」適用於在消費者購買數位或實體商品時,收取單次付款,也可用" "於收取服務費用、小費和捐款。" msgid "" "There are a variety of monetization options available with your WordPress." "com plan -- here’s some guidance so you can decide which opportunity is " "right for you." msgstr "" "你選用的 方案,提供多種營收功能選項;請參閱下面的指南,找到最符" "合需求的獲利管道。" msgid "Whatever your goals, is here to help you achieve them!" msgstr " 提供多元營收管道,讓各種不同經營方式,都能成功獲利。" msgid "Start earning money now with your site!" msgstr "你的 網站,可以幫你賺錢" msgid "Understand every site change" msgstr "網站所有動態,盡在掌握之中" msgid "Never lose a word, image, page, or time worrying about your site" msgstr "再也不必擔心網站損失任何文字、圖像、網頁。" msgid "Keep your clients in business" msgstr "讓你的網站正常運作,生意順暢無比" msgid "Travel & Transit" msgstr "旅遊和運輸" msgid "Shopping & Commerce" msgstr "購物和商務" msgid "Real Estate & Home" msgstr "房地產和住宅" msgid "Marketing & Media" msgstr "行銷和媒體" msgid "International" msgstr "國際" msgid "Generic/Personal" msgstr "一般/個人" msgid "Fashion & Beauty" msgstr "時尚和美妝" msgid "published %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "已於 %(displayedTime)s發佈" msgid "published on %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "已於 %(displayedTime)s 發佈" msgid "draft last modified %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "上次修改草稿時間:%(displayedTime)s" msgid "draft last modified on %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "上次修改草稿日期:%(displayedTime)s" msgid "trashed %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "已於 %(displayedTime)s移至垃圾桶" msgid "trashed on %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "已於 %(displayedTime)s 移至垃圾桶" msgid "[tomorrow at] LT" msgstr "[明天] LT" msgid "" "Records are all posts, pages, custom post types, and other types of content " "indexed by Jetpack Search." msgstr "" "Jetpack 搜尋會依你設定的資料筆數,來對文章、頁面、自定內容類型與其他內容來製" "作搜尋索引。" msgid "" "We've created the basics, now it's time for you to update the images and " "text. Make a great first impression. Everything you do can be changed " "anytime." msgstr "" "網站的基本架構已經搞定,現在可以新增圖片和文字內容,讓網站更為搶眼;所有設定" "都能隨意變更。" msgid "" "Please click the link in the email we sent to %(email)s. Typo in your email " "address? {{changeButton}}Change it here{{/changeButton}}." msgstr "" "請在我們寄給 %(email)s 的電子郵件中點按連結。打錯電子郵件地址?" "{{changeButton}}在此更正{{/changeButton}}。" msgid "Scanning files" msgstr "掃瞄檔案" msgid "Vulnerable Theme %(themeSlug)s (version %(version)s)" msgstr "易受攻擊的佈景主題 %(themeSlug)s (版本 %(version)s)" msgid "Vulnerable Plugin: %(pluginSlug)s (version %(version)s)" msgstr "易受攻擊的外掛程式:%(pluginSlug)s (版本 %(version)s)" msgid "Infected core file: %s" msgstr "受感染的核心檔案︰%s" msgid "Fix all threats" msgstr "修復所有威脅" msgid "Jetpack Scan will update to a newer version." msgstr "Jetpack 掃瞄將升級至更新版本。" msgid "Threat found %(signature)s" msgstr "在 %(signature)s 發現威脅" msgid "Looks like there have been no new site changes since your last backup." msgstr "自上次備份以來,網站似乎沒有新的變更。" msgid "" "Showcase your art, track your assignments, get a jumpstart on your career — " "all on your own site, where you’re in control instead of some algorithm. Do " "it with free hosting, unique domains, eye-catching themes, and support from " "WordPress experts." msgstr "" "不論是展示藝術作品,追蹤工作進度或推動事業起步,你的網站都能助你實現這些夢" "想。使用免費託管服務、獨特網域、引人注目的佈景主題和 WordPress 支援,實際掌控" "你的網站,而非僅僅透過一些演算法管理。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create your website, and make your voice heard. {{/" "line1}}" msgstr "{{line1}}建立你的 網站,與眾人分享你的理念。{{/line1}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Claim your corner of the internet.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Build a new " "website with a few clicks.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}領取專屬於你的網路小天地。{{/line1}} {{line2}}按幾下滑鼠即可建置全新" "網站。{{/line2}}" msgid "Updating cart…" msgstr "正在更新購物車…" msgid "Enable instant search experience (recommended)" msgstr "啟用「即時搜尋」功能體驗 (建議)" msgid "Allow your visitors to get search results as soon as they start typing." msgstr "讓訪客在開始輸入時隨即取得搜尋結果。" msgid "Total visitors" msgstr "訪客總數" msgid "Top page" msgstr "熱門頁面" msgid "Top post" msgstr "熱門文章" msgid "" "Stats can help you optimize for the right keywords, and feature content your " "readers are interested in." msgstr "統計資料可以協助你對適當關鍵字進行最佳化,並精選讀者感興趣的內容。" msgid "No traffic this week, but don't give up!" msgstr "本週沒有流量,不過別放棄!" msgid "Learn about stats." msgstr "進一步了解解統計資料。" msgid "Launch your site to see a snapshot of traffic and insights." msgstr "網站上線後,即可在此快速檢視流量與洞察報告。" msgid "Whether the menu item represents an object that no longer exists." msgstr "選單項目是否代表已不存在的物件。" msgid "Check It Out at %s" msgstr "前往 %s 查看" msgid "" "Howdy! We wanted to let you know that your %1$s site on %2$s now uses " "Jetpack Backup" msgstr "你好!你的 %1$s 網站 (%2$s) 目前正在使用 Jetpack 備份服務。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Backup" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 備份服務" msgid "You can manage all your backups via your site's Activity Log" msgstr "你可以透過網站「活動記錄」功能,管理所有備份內容。" msgid "" "Access a history of events on your site - from published posts to user-role " "changes. When you need to figure out what happened and when, you can get " "answers in seconds." msgstr "" "你可以檢視網站存取記錄,例如文章發佈記錄、使用者權限變更等等;幾秒內就能釐清" "事件發生的時間和內容,讓網站管理更為簡便。" msgid "" "If you lose a file, get hacked, or simply make some changes you don't like, " "you can restore your site with the click of a button." msgstr "" "不論是遺失檔案、遭到駭客入侵,或者只是對先前的變更不太滿意,只要有 Jetpack 備" "份服務,按個鍵便能輕鬆還原網站。" msgid "Explore Jetpack Backup" msgstr "了解 Jetpack 備份服務" msgid "" "Howdy! We wanted to let you know that your %1$s site on " "%3$s now uses Jetpack Backup" msgstr "" "你好!你的 %1$s 網站 (%3$s) 目前正在使用 Jetpack 備份服" "務。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Backup!" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 備份服務" msgid "Find a domain" msgstr "尋找網域" msgid "Hide content" msgstr "隱藏內容" msgid "View this document on Scribd" msgstr "在 Scribd 上檢視此文件" msgid "A legal type is required for .ca domains." msgstr "註冊 .ca 網域必須輸入法律身分類別。" msgid "An access token has previously been granted for this user." msgstr "先前已授予這位使用者存取權杖。" msgid "Please enter a valid PayPal email address." msgstr "請輸入有效的 PayPal 電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "The payment method {{paymentMethodSummary/}} will be removed from your " "account and from all the associated subscriptions." msgstr "付款方式 {{paymentMethodSummary/}} 會從你的帳戶和所有相關訂閱中移除。" msgid "Remove payment method" msgstr "移除付款方式" msgid "Payment method deleted successfully" msgstr "已成功刪除付款方式" msgid "" "Our free photo library integrates your site with over 40,000 beautiful " "copyright-free photos to create stunning designs." msgstr "" "擁有超過 40,000 張精美的無版權相片,供你自由取用,創造美觀大方的網頁版面。" msgid "The free photo library" msgstr " 免費相片圖庫" msgid "Money back guarantee" msgstr "保證全額退費" msgid "Included with your purchase" msgstr "選購方案內含:" msgid "Purchase Details" msgstr "購買詳細資料" msgid "%(number)d %" msgstr "%(number)d %" msgid "Congratulations on your new site." msgstr "你的全新 網站終於架好了,恭喜你!" msgid "Update your preferences" msgstr "更新你的偏好設定" msgid "This field cannot be longer than 100 characters." msgstr "此欄位不得輸入超過 100 個字元。" msgid "An organization name is required for this registrant type." msgstr "此註冊者類型需提供組織名稱。" msgid "[space]" msgstr "[空格]" msgid "Print page" msgstr "列印頁面" msgid "Action needed: the Jetpack Mobile Theme feature is now retired." msgstr "需要採取行動:Jetpack 行動佈景主題功能現已淘汰。" msgid "" "Pick your favorite homepage layout. You can customize or change it later." msgstr "選擇你喜愛的首頁版面配置。你之後可以隨時自訂或變更。" msgid "Upgrade your plan to access this feature and more" msgstr "升級方案即可存取此功能和其他功能" msgid "Jetpack Scan will resolve the threat." msgstr "Jetpack 掃瞄會解決威脅。" msgid "Jetpack Scan will update to a newer version (%(version)s)." msgstr "Jetpack 掃瞄將升級至更新版本 (%(version)s)。" msgid "Jetpack Scan will delete the affected file or directory." msgstr "Jetpack 掃瞄會刪除受影響的檔案或目錄。" msgid "Jetpack Scan will replace the affected file or directory." msgstr "Jetpack 掃瞄會取代受影響的檔案或目錄。" msgid "Database threat" msgstr "資料庫威脅" msgid "Threat found in file:" msgstr "檔案中發現的威脅:" msgid "" "Use it on a device that has the app installed. It only takes one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "在安裝 App 的裝置上點選一下即可使用,歡迎盡情享受!" msgid "Howdy! Here’s the link you requested to log in to the %s mobile app." msgstr "你好!以下是你要求登入 %s 行動應用程式的連結。" msgid "Click to access %1$s" msgstr "按一下以存取 %1$s" msgid "" "Integrate your site with social media to automatically post your content and " "drive traffic to your site." msgstr "整合你的網站與社交媒體,即可自動發佈內容並刺激網站流量。" msgid "" "Select the service which you'd like to connect. Whenever you publish a new " "post, your social media followers will receive an update." msgstr "" "選取你要連結的服務;之後只要發佈了新文章,你在這些社群平台上的追蹤者,就會收" "到文章更新通知。" msgid "4 minutes" msgstr "4 分鐘" msgid "What's new?" msgstr "最新內容" msgid "Failed to clear WordPress cache." msgstr "無法清除 WordPress 快取。" msgid "Successfully cleared WordPress cache." msgstr "成功清除 WordPress 快取。" msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "清除快取" msgid "Manage your site" msgstr "管理你的網站" msgid "GSTIN (optional)" msgstr "GSTIN (選填)" msgid "GSTIN - GST identification number" msgstr "GSTIN - GST 識別碼" msgid "Page views" msgstr "頁面瀏覽次數" msgid "Prioritized results based on your site stats" msgstr "根據網站流量按優先順序排列搜尋結果。" msgid "Outbound transfer initiated" msgstr "已開始傳出轉移" msgid "" "You have successfully expedited your domain transfer. There is nothing else " "you need to do." msgstr "你已順利完成網域轉移了,已經不需要進行其他操作。" msgid "Content Blogging" msgstr "撰寫網誌內容" msgid "WordPress Webinars: Get Expert Training & Build Your Website" msgstr "WordPress 網路研討會:取得專業訓練並建立你的網站" msgid "Register for free" msgstr "免費註冊" msgid "" "Whether you’re getting started or need to do more with your site, these free " "video guides from the experts at show you the way, step by " "step." msgstr "" "不論是剛入門或需要探索更多網站功能,這些由 專家提供的免費視訊指" "南,皆可為你提供逐步教學。" msgid "" "Your %1$d purchase for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "你為 %2$s 選購的 %1$d 購買項目已於 " "%3$s 續訂。下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$d purchase for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "你為 %2$s 選購的 %1$d 購買項目已於 " "%3$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續" "訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$d purchase for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "你為 %2$s 選購的 %1$d 購買項目已於 " "%3$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次" "續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$s upgrade for %2$s renewed on %3$s. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "你為 %2$s 進行的 %1$s 升級已於 %3$s 續訂。" "下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$s upgrade for %2$s renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another two " "years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "你為 %2$s 進行的 %1$s 升級已於 %3$s 續訂," "你的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$s upgrade for %2$s renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "month. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "你為 %2$s 進行的 %1$s 升級已於 %3$s 續訂," "你的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%4$s。" msgid "" "Your G Suite accounts renewed on %1$s. " "Your next renewal will be on %2$s." msgstr "" "你的 G Suite 帳戶已於 %1$s 續訂。下次續訂日" "期為 %2$s。" msgid "" "Your G Suite accounts renewed on %1$s, so " "your site has all its great tools and features for another two years. Your " "next renewal will be on %2$s." msgstr "" "你的 G Suite 帳戶已於 %1$s 續訂,你的網站可" "在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 %2$s。" msgid "" "Your G Suite accounts renewed on %1$s, so " "your site has all its great tools and features for another month. Your next " "renewal will be on %2$s." msgstr "" "你的 G Suite 帳戶已於 %1$s 續訂,你的網站可" "在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 %2$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$d G Suite license for %2$s renewed " "on %3$s. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d G Suite licenses for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "你為 %2$s 選購的%1$d G Suite 授權已於 " "%3$s 續訂。下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$d G Suite license for %2$s renewed " "on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another two years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d G Suite licenses for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another two years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "你為 %2$s 選購的%1$d G Suite 授權已於 " "%3$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優秀工具和功" "能。下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$d G Suite license for %2$s renewed " "on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another month. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d G Suite licenses for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another month. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "你為%2$s選購的 %1$d G Suite 授權已於 " "%3$s續訂,你的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功" "能。下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your G Suite license for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 選購的 G Suite 授權已於 " "%2$s 續訂。下次續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your G Suite license for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 選購的 G Suite 授權已於 " "%2$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續" "訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your G Suite license for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 選購的 G Suite 授權已於 " "%2$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次" "續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain mapping subscriptions for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域對應已於 %2$s 續訂。下" "次續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain mapping subscriptions for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two year. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域對應已於 %2$s 續訂,你" "的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain mapping subscriptions for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域對應已於 %2$s 續訂,你" "的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain mapping for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域對應已於 %2$s 續訂。下次續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain mapping for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域對應已於 %2$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期" "為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain mapping for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域對應已於 %2$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日" "期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain registrations for %1$s renewed on %2$s. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域註冊已於 %2$s 續訂。下" "次續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain registrations for %1$s renewed on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another two " "years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域註冊已於 %2$s 續訂,你" "的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain registrations for %1$s renewed on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "month. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域註冊已於 %2$s 續訂,你" "的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain registration for %1$s renewed " "on %2$s. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域註冊已於 %2$s 續訂。下次續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain registration for %1$s renewed " "on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another two years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域註冊已於 %2$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有實用工具和功能。下次續訂日期" "為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain registration for %1$s renewed " "on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another month. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 訂閱的網域註冊已於 %2$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日" "期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s plan for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "你為 %2$s 選購的 %1$s 方案已於 %3$s 續訂。" "下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s plan for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "two years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "你為 %2$s 續訂的 %1$s 方案已於 %3$s 續訂," "你的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%4$s。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s plan for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "month. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "你為 %2$s 續訂的 %1$s 方案已於 %3$s 續訂," "你的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan and custom domain for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "你為 %2$s 選購的 %1$s 方案自訂網域已於 " "%3$s 續訂。下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan and custom domain for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another two years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "你為 %2$s 選購的 %1$s 方案自訂網域已於 " "%3$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功" "能。下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan and custom domain for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another month. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "你為 %2$s 選購的 %1$s 方案自訂網域已於 " "%3$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功" "能。下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your Jetpack upgrades for %1$s renewed on %2$s. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 選購的 Jetpack 升級已於 %2$s 續" "訂。下次續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your Jetpack upgrades for %1$s renewed on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another two " "years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 選購的 Jetpack 升級已於 %2$s 續" "訂,你的網站可在接下來兩年繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%3$s。" msgid "" "Your Jetpack upgrades for %1$s renewed on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "month. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "你為 %1$s 選購的 Jetpack 升級已於 %2$s 續" "訂,你的網站可在接下來一個月繼續使用所有優質工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%3$s。" msgid "Page %(page)d of %(numberOfPages)d" msgstr "第 %(page)d 頁,共 %(numberOfPages)d 頁" msgid "Pager controls" msgstr "頁面巡覽區控制項" msgid "Allow people to submit comments on new posts" msgstr "開放使用者在新文章中發佈留言" msgid "Default post settings" msgstr "預設文章設定" msgid "" "The DB ID of the nav_menu_item that is this item's menu parent, if any, " "otherwise 0." msgstr "" "nav_menu_item 的資料庫 ID。如果有 nav_menu_item,便會是這個項目的上層選單,0 " "代表沒有。" msgid "" "This is the complete event history for your site. Filter by date range and/" "or activity type." msgstr "這是你網站的完整事件歷程。依日期範圍和/或活動類型篩選。" msgid "" "Unable to load class %1$s. Please add the package that contains it using " "composer and make sure you are requiring the Jetpack autoloader" msgstr "" "無法載入類別 %1$s。請使用編輯器新增包含它的套件,並確認你要求的是 Jetpack " "Autoloader" msgid "Please review and accept the CIRA Registrant Agreement." msgstr "請檢閱並接受 CIRA 註冊協議。" msgid "scheduled for %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "已排定 %(displayedTime)s" msgid "ll [at] LT" msgstr "ll [於] LT" msgid "Using the activity log" msgstr "使用活動記錄" msgid "Diagnose issues with the activity log" msgstr "透過活動記錄診斷問題" msgid "Six ways people break their sites" msgstr "導致網站損毀的 6 個原因" msgid "Website backups 101" msgstr "網站備份 101" msgid "Why backups?" msgstr "為什麼要備份?" msgid "Questions? We’ve got you covered." msgstr "任何問題,我們都能為你服務。" msgid "Restore your site from anywhere" msgstr "何時何處,都能還原網站" msgid "Peace of mind starting at %s per month" msgstr "每個月 %s 即享安心保障" msgid "One-click restore from desktop or mobile" msgstr "可用電腦或行動裝置單鍵還原" msgid "Restore from any backup point" msgstr "可從任何備份點還原" msgid "Quick links" msgstr "快速連結" msgid "" "Last daily backup: {{link}}%(lastBackupDay)s %(lastBackupTime)s{{/link}}" msgstr "上一次每日備份:{{link}}%(lastBackupDay)s %(lastBackupTime)s{{/link}}" msgid "In the next %d hour" msgid_plural "In the next %d hours" msgstr[0] "接下來 %d 小時" msgid "Yesterday " msgstr "昨天" msgid "" "But don’t worry, it was likely completed in the early hours the next " "morning. Check the following day, {{link}}%(displayNextDate)s{{/link}} or " "contact support if you still need help." msgstr "" "但別擔心,備份作業明早就可能完成。請隔天 ({{link}}%(displayNextDate)s{{/" "link}}) 再查看;如果仍需協助,請與支援團隊聯繫。" msgid "The backup attempt for %(displayDate)s was delayed." msgstr "%(displayDate)s 的備份嘗試已延遲。" msgid "No backup" msgstr "沒有備份" msgid "Latest: %s" msgstr "最新:%s" msgid "Today, %s" msgstr "今天 %s" msgid "" "Your site hasn't been launched yet. It is hidden from visitors behind a " "\"Coming Soon\" notice until it is launched." msgstr "" "你的網站尚未推出。除非網站正式推出,否則訪客看不到網站,只看得到「即將推出」" "通知。" msgid "" "Your site is only visible to you and logged-in members you approve. Everyone " "else will see a log in screen." msgstr "" "只有你自己和你核准的人,可以登入並看見網站內容;其他人都只能看到登入畫面。" msgid "" "Your site is hidden from visitors behind a \"Coming Soon\" notice until it " "is ready for viewing." msgstr "" "除非網站準備好供訪客瀏覽,否則訪客看不到網站,只看得到「即將推出」通知。" msgid "" "The sooner you claim your domain, the better. They can disappear fast, so " "don’t let somebody else snag the domain of your dreams! " msgstr "" "越快領取你的網域越好。這些網域可能很快就會被領走,別讓其他人搶了你夢寐以求的" "網域!" msgid "Affordable Start with Room to Grow" msgstr "起步價經濟實惠,且提供擴展空間" msgid "" "You’ll find everything from .art to .zone including all the options you’d " "expect — like .com or .org — with plenty of new options too: .blog, ." "design, .shop, and .club, to name a few." msgstr "" "從 .art 到 .zone,各種網域應有盡有,包含所有你期待的選項 (例如 .com 或 ." "org),還有許多嶄新選項︰.blog、.design、.shop 和 .club 等。" msgid "" " offers more than 300 different domain extensions (also known " "as top level domains) to choose from." msgstr " 提供 300 多種網域域名 (也稱為頂層網域) 以供選擇。" msgid "Over 300 TLDs Available" msgstr "300 多種頂層網域可供選擇" msgid "Find your domain now!" msgstr "立即找出最適合你的網域名稱!" msgid "" "Starting today you can register a domain name and forward it to %1$s for as " "little as %2$s." msgstr "自即日起,你可以註冊網域名稱並將其轉移至 %1$s,價格最低只要 %2$s。" msgid "" "Custom domains make it easier to share your site on social media, in person, " "and on business cards. They also look more professional and help customers " "remember your site name." msgstr "" "自訂網域讓你更輕鬆地透過社交媒體、名片或者親自分享自己的網站。自訂網域看起來" "也更加專業,有助於讓客戶記住你的網站名稱。" msgid "Introducing a new domain offer" msgstr "全新網域優惠介紹" msgid "There were no changes on this day. Your daily backup is above." msgstr "本日尚無任何變更。你的每日備份顯示於上方。" msgid "" "Your site is backed up in real time (as you make changes) as well as in one " "daily backup." msgstr "你的網站會 (在你進行變更時) 即時備份,系統也會每日備份網站一次。" msgid "" "This is the complete event history for your site. Filter by date range and/ " "or activity type." msgstr "這是你網站的完整事件歷程。依日期範圍和/或活動類型篩選。" msgid "Find a backup or restore point" msgstr "尋找備份或還原點" msgid "" "Building an effective navigation menu makes it easier for someone to find " "what they're looking for and improve search engine rankings." msgstr "" "在網站中做好導覽選單,能讓訪客更容易找到需要的內容,同時還能提高網站的搜尋引" "擎排名。" msgid "design" msgstr "設計" msgid "Step %(currentStep)d of %(totalSteps)d" msgstr "第 %(currentStep)d % 步,共 %(totalSteps)d 步" msgid "Applying design" msgstr "套用設計" msgid "Getting your domain" msgstr "正在取得你的網域" msgid "Already have an account?" msgstr "已經有帳戶了?" msgid "%s/year" msgstr "每年 %s" msgid "Choose a domain" msgstr "選擇網域" msgid "Search for a domain" msgstr "搜尋網域" msgid "%s is available" msgstr "%s 可用" msgid "This plugin is not supported on" msgstr " 不支援此外掛程式。" msgid "Incompatible Plugin" msgstr "不相容的外掛程式" msgid "Select a blog" msgstr "選取網誌" msgid "(Select site)" msgstr "(選取網站)" msgid "%d GB of storage space for images, documents, audio, and much more." msgstr "有 %d GB 儲存空間可以儲存圖片、文件和音訊檔案等。" msgid "" "We’ve always believed in giving strong support to our customers. If you have " "any questions or problems, we’re working 24/7 to help." msgstr "" "我們始終以提供客戶強大支援為己任。若有任何疑問或問題,我們提供 24 小時全年無" "休的協助。" msgid "" "If you’ve also registered a domain with, you’ll receive " "separate renewal notifications regarding your domain name, which must be " "promptly renewed to maintain it by ICANN regulations." msgstr "" "若已註冊 網域,則會另外收到關於網域名稱的續訂通知。根據 ICANN " "規範,你必須及時續訂才能保留網域名稱。" msgid "" "Your plan will renew on the new date at the full price, and " "you’ll receive emails about the renewal as it comes closer." msgstr "" "你的 方案會在支付全額費用後,在新的日期開始續訂,你也會在方案即" "將到期時,收到續訂相關電子郵件。" msgid "" "Because we appreciate your business, we’re extending your plan " "by %1$s months. Your new expiration date will be %2$s." msgstr "" "為感謝你的企業,我們即將延展你的 方案 %1$s 個月。新的到期日改" "為 %2$s。" msgid "" "The discount won’t be applied automatically to either renewal, so be sure to " "use it before your plan auto renews at the regular price." msgstr "" "折扣優惠不會自動套用至任一續訂,因此在方案根據定價自動續訂前,請務必使用折扣" "優惠。" msgid "" "If you have a domain registered with, you’re welcome to apply " "the coupon to that renewal as well." msgstr "若你擁有註冊在 的網域,歡迎使用優惠券續訂。" msgid "Here’s the coupon code: %1$s" msgstr "優惠券代碼如下︰%1$s" msgid "" "To take advantage of it, go to Manage Purchases, click " "“Renew Now” and enter the coupon code on the right side of the screen under " "“Have a coupon code?”" msgstr "" "若要使用優惠券,請前往「管理購買項目」,按一下「立即續" "訂」,然後在畫面右側的「有優惠券代碼嗎?」下方輸入優惠券代碼" msgid "" "We’d like to offer you a %1$s%% discount on the upcoming annual renewal of " "your %2$s plan. " msgstr "" "我們想為你提供 %1$s%% 的折扣優惠,讓你用於續訂即將到期的 %2$s " "年繳方案。" msgid "" "At we want to make sure you know that your success is " "important to us." msgstr "我們想確認你瞭解自己的成功對我們 來說也至關重要。" msgid "" "The world is battling COVID-19. This might include you, your friends and " "family, or your customers or readers. " msgstr "" "整個世界都在對抗新冠肺炎疫情。你、你的親朋好友,或是你的客戶或讀者可能都參與" "其中。" msgid "Important information about your plan" msgstr "關於你的 方案的重要資訊" msgid "Podcast audio is an invalid type." msgstr "播客音訊類型無效。" msgid "" "Your Podcast couldn't be embedded as it doesn't contain any tracks. Please " "double check your URL." msgstr "無法嵌入你的播客,因為該播客未包含任何曲目。請再次確認你的網址。" msgid "Add payment method" msgstr "新增付款方式" msgid "" "We currently don't have any payment details on file for this purchase to " "automatically renew it for you. Please add a payment method so we can " "continue your service without interruptions." msgstr "" "目前檔案上沒有記錄此購買項目的任何付款詳細資訊,因此無法為你自動續訂。請新增" "付款方式,我們才能繼續為你提供不中斷的服務。" msgid "Turn on auto-renew" msgstr "開啟自動續訂功能" msgid "Sharing posts to your Facebook page." msgid_plural "Sharing posts to your Facebook pages." msgstr[0] "正在將文章分享至你的 Facebook 頁面。" msgid "Latest backup" msgstr "最新備份" msgid "Latest: Today, %s" msgstr "最新:今天 %s" msgid "" "Your %(planName)s Plan includes:{{list/}}Consider removing conflicting " "products." msgstr "你的 %(planName)s 方案包含:{{list/}}請考慮移除衝突的產品。" msgid "Looking for specific features? We've got you covered." msgstr "需要特定功能?這裡都能找到。" msgid "Loading restore status…" msgstr "正在載入還原狀態…" msgid "" "We are restoring your site back to {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/" "strong}}." msgstr "我們正在將你的網站還原至 {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} is the selected point for your " "restore. " msgstr "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} 是你選定的還原時間點。" msgid "Chris Coyier, Web Design Expert" msgstr "網頁設計專家 Chris Coyier" msgid "" "Records are all posts, pages, custom post types and other types of content " "indexed by Jetpack Search." msgstr "" "Jetpack 搜尋會依你設定的資料筆數,來對文章、頁面、自定內容類型與其他內容來製" "作搜尋索引。" msgid "Get Jetpack Search" msgstr "訂購 Jetpack 搜尋" msgid "Quick and accurate spelling correction" msgstr "又快又準確的拼字校正功能。" msgid "Instant search and filtering without reloading the page" msgstr "即時搜尋和篩選功能,無需重新載入頁面。" msgid "Boosted and prioritized results based on your site stats" msgstr "根據你的網站統計資料,改善搜尋結果的排列順序。" msgid "Highly relevant results with modern ranking algorithms" msgstr "以先進搜尋演算法,提供高度相關的搜尋結果。" msgid "" "Give your visitors instant search results and powerful filtering to help " "them find answers and stay on your site longer." msgstr "" "讓你的網站訪客透過即時搜尋與強大的篩選功能,精確找到他們需要的內容,進一步提" "高用戶停留時間和觀看頁數。" msgid "See checklist" msgstr "查看檢查清單" msgid "Add server credentials now" msgstr "立即新增伺服器憑證" msgid "There's also a checklist to help you get the most out of Jetpack." msgstr "我們也提供一份檢查清單,可幫助你充分運用 Jetpack。" msgid "" "Please add your server information to set up automated and one-click fixes. " msgstr "請新增你的伺服器資訊,以便設定自動修正和一鍵修正功能。" msgid "We just finished setting up automated malware scanning for you." msgstr "我們剛為你完成惡意軟體自動掃描設定。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Scan!" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 掃瞄!" msgid "" "With it’s easy to collect recurring payments on your website. " "Now you can set up a subscription for your fans, accept monthly donations, " "sell yearly access to exclusive content – and do it all with an automated " "payment system. No third-party billing. No complicated reporting. And " "subscribers can cancel easily, anytime, from their accounts. " "It’s a simpler way to turn your audience into a business." msgstr "" "透過,在網站上定期收款,可說輕而易舉。你可以利用自動收款機制," "召募定期付費粉絲、每月接受贊助、提供付費訂戶專屬內容,不必透過其他收款服務," "沒有繁瑣報表;訂戶可以隨時透過其 帳戶輕鬆取消訂閱。利用這項功能" "經營訂閱服務,把粉絲變成金主。" msgid "Create an income stream with Recurring Payments" msgstr "透過「定期付款」功能,建立穩定而持續的收入" msgid "" "Whether you want to sell baked goods to your neighbors, accept donations for " "a local organization, or collect repeat contributions from your supporters, " " makes taking payments a breeze. Our Simple Payments button " "allows you to take credit or debit card payments from any page with minimal " "setup." msgstr "" "不論是把自製美食賣給街坊鄰居、幫助在地團體收取贊助,或是接受支援者定期捐款," " 都能讓收款變得輕而易舉。「輕鬆付款」按鈕簡化一切流程,在任何網" "頁都能收取信用卡付款或金融卡轉帳,無需複雜設定。" msgid "Backup Scheduled" msgstr "備份排程時間:" msgid "" "Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search helps your visitors " "instantly find the right content – right when they need it." msgstr "" "功能無比強大,更可依照需求自訂功能。Jetpack 搜尋,讓訪客立即找到最需要的內" "容。" msgid "Cancel transfer" msgstr "取消轉移作業" msgid "" "We were unable to complete the transfer of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. " "You can remove the transfer from your account or try to start the transfer " "again. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "我們無法完成 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 的轉移作業。你可以從帳戶中移除轉" "移作業,或嘗試重新開始轉移。{{a}}瞭解更多{{/a}}" msgid "" "Your transfer has been started and is waiting for authorization from your " "current domain provider. This process can take up to 7 days. If you need to " "cancel or expedite the transfer please contact them for assistance." msgstr "" "你的轉移作業已開始進行,正在等待目前網域提供者的授權。此程序最多可能需要 7 天" "時間。如需取消或加速轉移作業,請與提供者聯絡以尋求協助。" msgid "Start transfer" msgstr "開始轉移" msgid "Transfer in progress" msgstr "轉移進行中" msgid "Transfer failed" msgstr "轉移失敗" msgid " Navigation Menu" msgstr "WordPress.com導航功能表。" msgid "Remote Jobs" msgstr "遠端工作" msgid "Careers" msgstr "工作機會" msgid "Auto-renew (…)" msgstr "自動續訂 (…)" msgid "" "Thank you for attending the webinar! Save %s%% on any plan " "using coupon code {{coupon_code}} at checkout. Happy " "WordPressing! :)" msgstr "" "感謝你參與網路研討會!只要在結帳時使用優惠券代碼 {{coupon_code}},即可在購買任何 方案時省下 %s%%。祝你使用 WordPress 愉" "快!:)" msgid "Please enter your team or project name." msgstr "請輸入你的團隊或專案名稱。" msgid "The episode title." msgstr "節目標題。" msgid "The episode description, in plaintext." msgstr "節目說明 (純文字)。" msgid "The mime type of the episode." msgstr "節目的 mime 類型。" msgid "The audio file URL of the episode." msgstr "節目的音訊檔案網址。" msgid "The external link for the episode." msgstr "節目的外部連結。" msgid "The episode id. Generated per request, not globally unique." msgstr "節目 ID。根據要求產生,非全域唯一。" msgid "Latest episodes of the podcast." msgstr "播客的上一集節目。" msgid "The URL of the podcast cover image." msgstr "播客封面圖片網址。" msgid "The URL of the podcast website." msgstr "播客網站網址。" msgid "The title of the podcast." msgstr "播客標題。" msgid "" "To manage your plan, please {{supportPageLink}}reconnect{{/supportPageLink}} " "your site." msgstr "" "若要管理你的方案,請{{supportPageLink}}重新連結{{/supportPageLink}}你的網站。" msgid "Connect your domain" msgstr "連結你的網域" msgid "Update visibility" msgstr "更新能見度" msgid "" "A backup for your site was attempted on %(displayDate)s at %(displayTime)s " "and was not able to be completed." msgstr "" "系統已嘗試在 %(displayDate)s %(displayTime)s 備份你的網站,但無法完成備份作" "業。" msgid "" "In the meantime, we have configured Jetpack Search on your site — you should " "try customizing it in your traditional WordPress dashboard." msgstr "" "同時,我們已在你的網站上設定了 Jetpack Search,建議你在傳統的 WordPress 儀表" "板自訂這項功能。" msgid "We are currently indexing your site." msgstr "我們目前正在為你的網站編列索引。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Search!" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 搜尋!" msgctxt "Blog" msgid "" "Choose from a wide variety of styles and layouts for your personal or " "professional blog." msgstr "提供各種樣式和版面配置,不管是個人或專業網誌,全部都適用。" msgid "Export page" msgstr "匯出頁面" msgid "Changes in this backup" msgstr "此備份中的變更" msgid "Added" msgstr "已新增" msgid "Save credentials and fix" msgstr "儲存憑證並修復" msgid "" "Jetpack is unable to auto fix these threats as we currently do not have " "access to your website's server. Please supply your SFTP/SSH credentials to " "enable auto fixing. Alternatively, you will need go back and {{strong}}fix " "the threats manually{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Jetpack 無法自動修復這些威脅,因為我們目前無法存取你網站的伺服器。請提供你的 " "SFTP / SSH 憑證以啟用自動修復。或者,請返回並 {{strong}}手動修復威脅{{/" "strong}}。" msgid "You have selected to fix all discovered threats" msgstr "你已選擇修復所有發現的威脅" msgid "" "{{a}}Enter your server credentials{{/a}} to enable one-click restores from " "your backups." msgstr "{{a}}輸入你的伺服器憑證{{/a}}以啟用從備份一鍵還原功能。" msgid "%(filteredPercent)d%% complete" msgstr "完成%(filteredPercent)d%%" msgid "The locations assigned to the menu." msgstr "指派給選單的位置。" msgid "The ID of the assigned menu." msgstr "指定選單的 ID。" msgid "The description of the menu location." msgstr "選單位置的內容說明。" msgid "The name of the menu location." msgstr "選單位置的名稱。" msgid "Invalid menu location." msgstr "無效的選單位置。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view menu locations." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有檢視選單位置的權限。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the menu location." msgstr "由英數字元組成的選單位置識別碼。" msgid "The XFN relationship expressed in the link of this menu item." msgstr "在這個選單項目連結表示的 XFN 人際關係。" msgid "The URL to which this menu item points." msgstr "這個選單項目所指向的網址。" msgid "The singular label used to describe this type of menu item." msgstr "用於說明這個選單項目類型的單數標籤。" msgid "The target attribute of the link element for this menu item." msgstr "這個選單項目的連結元素目標屬性。" msgid "The description of this menu item." msgstr "這個選單項目的內容說明。" msgid "Class names for the link element of this menu item." msgstr "這個選單項目的連結元素類別名稱。" msgid "Text for the title attribute of the link element for this menu item." msgstr "這個選單項目的連結元素 title 屬性文字。" msgid "" "The family of objects originally represented, such as \"post_type\" or " "\"taxonomy\"." msgstr "物件初始表示系列,例如 post_type 或 taxonomy。" msgid "Get linked object." msgstr "取得連結的物件。" msgid "Menu items do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "選單項目不支援 [回收桶] 功能。請設定為 %s 以刪除。" msgid "Pattern \"%s\" not found." msgstr "找不到模式「%s」。" msgid "Pattern name must be a string." msgstr "版面配置名稱必須是字串。" msgid "Return to My Home" msgstr "返回我的首頁" msgid "Connect Instagram Account" msgstr "授權存取 Instagram" msgid "The Podcast RSS feed URL." msgstr "播客 RSS 摘要網址。" msgid "" "Enrich your posts and pages with video or audio. Upload up to 13 GB of media " "directly to your site." msgstr "" "用影片和音訊讓你的文章和頁面內容更加豐富。將最多 13 GB 的媒體直接上載到你的網" "站。" msgid "Earn and share rewards when you refer friends." msgstr "推薦好友即可賺取並分享獎勵。" msgid "" "Copy your tracking link and start sharing it with your friends. It’s that " "easy!" msgstr "複製你的追蹤連結,開始與好友分享。就這麼簡單!" msgid "Refer a friend, you’ll both earn credits!" msgstr "推薦好友,你和對方都能賺取點數!" msgid "Get shareable link" msgstr "取得可分享的連結" msgid "Refer-a-Friend Program" msgstr "推薦好友方案" msgid "Connect to your Instagram account" msgstr "連結至你的 Instagram 帳戶" msgid "Preview unavailable, {{a}}click here to open the file directly{{/a}}." msgstr "無法預覽,{{a}}請按一下此處直接打開檔案{{/a}}。" msgid "Make your site public and continue" msgstr "將你的網站設為公開並繼續操作" msgid "To activate Performance Features you'll need to:" msgstr "若要啟用「效能特性」,你需要:" msgid "Only you and those you invite can view your site." msgstr "只有你和受邀者可以檢視你的網站。" msgid "Make your site public" msgstr "將你的網站設為公開" msgid "" "A %(importerName)s export file is a ZIP file containing several HTML files " "with your stories. {{supportLink/}}" msgstr "" "%(importerName)s 匯出檔案是 ZIP 檔案,其中包含幾個你的故事的 HTML 檔案。" "{{supportLink/}}" msgid "" "A %(importerName)s export file is an XML file containing your page and post " "content. {{supportLink/}}" msgstr "" "%(importerName)s 匯出檔案是 XML 檔案,其中包含你的頁面與文章內容。" "{{supportLink/}}" msgid "Need help exporting your content?" msgstr "需要協助匯出你的內容嗎?" msgid "" "A WordPress export is an XML file with your page and post content, or a zip " "archive containing several XML files. {{supportLink/}}" msgstr "" "WordPress 匯出是包含你的頁面與文章內容的 XML 檔案,或是包含幾個 XML 檔案的 " "zip 封存。{{supportLink/}}" msgid "" "Don't want to wait? For your convenience, we'll email you when your site has " "been fully restored." msgstr "不想等待嗎?為方便起見,我們會在你的網站完全還原後傳送電子郵件通知你。" msgid "View your website" msgstr "檢視你的網站" msgid "" "All of your selected items are now restored back to " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "你選取的所有項目現已還原至 {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "Confirm restore" msgstr "確認還原" msgid "Restoring will override and remove all content after this point." msgstr "這項操作將覆寫並移除在此時間點之後的所有內容" msgid "" "{{strong}}WP-content directory{{/strong}} (excludes themes, plugins, and " "uploads)" msgstr "{{strong}}WP 內容目錄{{/strong}} (不包括佈景主題、外掛程式和上載內容)" msgid "" "{{strong}}WordPress root{{/strong}} (includes wp-config php and any non " "WordPress files)" msgstr "" "{{strong}}WordPress 根目錄{{/strong}} (包括 wp-config php 和任何非 WordPress " "檔案)" msgid "{{strong}}WordPress plugins{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}WordPress 外掛程式{{/strong}}" msgid "{{strong}}WordPress themes{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}WordPress 佈景主題{{/strong}}" msgid "%(number)d threat" msgid_plural "%(number)d threats" msgstr[0] "%(number)d 個威脅" msgid "More backups from today" msgstr "更多今天的備份" msgid "See content" msgstr "查看內容" msgid "" "You are not allowed to set a custom primary domain for private a8c blogs." msgstr "你無權為私人 a8c 網誌設定自訂主要網域。" msgid "Privacy & Cookies" msgstr "隱私權與 Cookie" msgid "" "This site uses cookies. By continuing, you agree to their use. Learn more, including how to control cookies." msgstr "" "此網站可使用 Cookie。繼續執行此動作即表示你同意使用 Cookie。瞭解更多資訊,包括如何控制 Cookie。" msgid "Confirm transfer" msgstr "確認轉移" msgid "Create site" msgstr "建立網站" msgid "Transfer domain" msgstr "轉移網域" msgid "DNS records" msgstr "DNS 記錄" msgid "Delete site" msgstr "刪除網站" msgid "Preparing to scan" msgstr "正在準備掃描" msgid "" "For your convenience, we've emailed you a link to your downloadable backup " "file." msgstr "為方便起見,我們已透過電子郵件將可下載備份檔案連結傳送給你。" msgid "Download file" msgstr "下載檔案" msgid "" "We successfully created a backup of your site from " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "我們已成功為你的網站建立 {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} 的備份。" msgid "Your backup is now available for download." msgstr "你的備份現在已可下載。" msgid "For your convenience, we'll email you when your file is ready." msgstr "為方便起見,我們會在檔案準備就緒時傳送電子郵件通知你。" msgid "" "We're creating a downloadable backup of your site from " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "我們正在為你的網站建立 {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} 的可下載備" "份" msgid "Create downloadable file" msgstr "建立可下載檔案" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} is the selected point to create a " "downloadable backup. " msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} 是選定建立可下載備份的時間點。" msgid "" "There was an error validating your contact information. Please contact " "support." msgstr "驗證你的聯絡資訊時發生錯誤。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Do you really want to ignore this threat?" msgstr "確定要忽略此威脅?" msgid "Let’s do this." msgstr "馬上開始。" msgid "You forgot something." msgstr "溫馨提醒:可以讓你的網站上線了。" msgid "Server status: Not connected" msgstr "伺服器狀態︰未連線" msgid "One-click restores are enabled." msgstr "已啟用一鍵還原功能。" msgid "Server status: Connected" msgstr "伺服器狀態︰已連結" msgid "Server connection details" msgstr "伺服器連結詳細資訊" msgid "How we will fix it?" msgstr "如何修正?" msgid "Unlock this feature" msgstr "開啟這個功能" msgid "Use Small Header" msgstr "使用小標題" msgid "" "You need to have Jetpack installed on your site to be able to import " "everything. {{jetpackInstallLink}}Install Jetpack{{/jetpackInstallLink}}." msgstr "" "你需要在網站中安裝 Jetpack,才能匯入所有資料。{{jetpackInstallLink}}請安裝 " "Jetpack{{/jetpackInstallLink}}。" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Indonesian Rupiah" msgstr "印尼盾" msgid "Complete domain setup" msgstr "完成網域設定" msgid "" "Action required: Please contact your domain registrar to point " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s's{{/strong}} name server records to" msgstr "" "須採取動作:請聯絡你的網域註冊機構,將 {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} 名" "稱伺服器記錄指向。" msgid "Podcast audio RSS feed has no tracks." msgstr "在 podcast 音訊 RSS 中找不到音軌。" msgid "Your podcast couldn't be embedded. Please double check your URL." msgstr "無法嵌入 podcast;請再次確認你的網址。" msgid "No tracks available to play." msgstr "沒有曲目可供播放。" msgid "" "Your podcast URL is invalid and couldn't be embedded. Please double check " "your URL." msgstr "你的 podcast 網址無效,無法嵌入。請再次確認你的網址。" msgid "No Podcast URL provided. Please enter a valid Podcast RSS feed URL." msgstr "未提供 podcast 網址。請輸入有效的 podcast RSS 網址。" msgid "" "Note: WordPress credentials are not the same as credentials. " "Be sure to enter the username and password for your self-hosted WordPress " "site." msgstr "" "請注意:WordPress 憑證與 憑證不同。請務必輸入你自助託管 " "WordPress 網站的使用者名稱和密碼。" msgid "WordPress password" msgstr "WordPress 密碼" msgid "WordPress username or email" msgstr "WordPress 使用者名稱或電子郵件" msgid "" "Your login credentials are used for the purpose of securely auto-installing " "Jetpack and will not be stored." msgstr "你的登入憑證會用於安全自動安裝 Jetpack,系統不會儲存這些資訊。" msgid "Add your self-hosted WordPress credentials (wp-admin)" msgstr "新增你的自助託管 WordPress 憑證 (wp-admin)" msgid "Not you?{{br/}}Log in with {{link}}another account{{/link}}" msgstr "不是你本人嗎?{{br/}}請使用{{link}}其他帳戶{{/link}}登入" msgid "" "Yes! In fact, most website owners on have never built websites " "before. If this is your first time too, you’re in good company. With a large " "variety of templates, a host of plugins, and a flexible platform you’ll " "never outgrow, everything you need to create the website you want is at your " "fingertips. No coding necessary." msgstr "" "當然可以!事實上, 上大多數站長,過去從來沒有架過網站;如果這也" "是你的第一次,那麼你選對夥伴了!我們擁有大量範本、豐富的外掛程式,打造出擁有" "無比成長彈性的平台,伴你一路作長。打造網站所需的一切,全都唾手可得,而且一行" "程式碼都不用寫。" msgid "ticket" msgid_plural "tickets" msgstr[0] "門票" msgid "" "The at-a-glance and activity list makes it easy to track changes and updates " "to your site." msgstr "概覽和活動清單可讓你輕鬆追蹤網站的變更和更新。" msgid "Collect payments" msgstr "收取款項" msgid "" "Access a diverse selection of beautifully designed premium themes included " "with your plan." msgstr "使用方案隨附的各種精美進階佈景主題。" msgid "" "Enjoy more control over your site’s look and feel by writing your own CSS." msgstr "編寫自己的 CSS,更能掌控網站的外觀和風格。" msgid "" "Schedule a one-on-one orientation session to set up your site and learn more " "about Jetpack." msgstr "安排一對一的新手導覽,協助你設定網站並深入瞭解 Jetpack。" msgid "" "Schedule a one-on-one session with a expert to get your site " "up and running quickly." msgstr "安排一對一的 專家諮詢服務,協助你儘快讓網站上線運作。" msgid "" "All advertising has been removed from your site so your brand " "can stand out without distractions." msgstr "" "所有 廣告都已從你的網站移除,現在你的品牌最為突出,不會有其他內" "容分散訪客注意力。" msgid "Copy post" msgstr "複製文章" msgid "Clear all accepted" msgstr "清除全部已接受的邀請" msgid "Clear all" msgstr "全部清除" msgid "Manage plan" msgstr "管理方案" msgid "Copy page" msgstr "複製網頁" msgid "Copy link" msgstr "複製連結" msgid "" "This site's visibility is currently set to {{strong}}Coming Soon{{/strong}}." msgstr "此網站的可見度目前設定為{{strong}}即將推出{{/strong}}。" msgid "" "SEO settings aren't recognized by search engines while your site is Coming " "Soon." msgstr "如果你將網站設為「即將推出」模式,搜尋引擎會無法辨識 SEO 設定。" msgid "" "Sorry, an import from this site is still in progress: we can't start a new " "one." msgstr "很抱歉,這個網站的匯入作業仍在進行中︰我們無法開始新的匯入。" msgid "NIK - Indonesia Identity Card Number" msgstr "NIK - 印尼身分證號碼" msgid "task" msgstr "任務" msgid "Create task items and check them when completed." msgstr "建立任務項目並在完成後檢查。" msgid "Task" msgstr "任務" msgid "Add task…" msgstr "新增任務…" msgid "Assignment" msgstr "指派" msgid "Display a task overview of the status of a project." msgstr "顯示專案狀態的任務概述。" msgid "Project status" msgstr "專案狀態" msgid "Time Estimate" msgstr "估計時間" msgid "Team Assignment" msgstr "團隊指派" msgid "We were unable to automatically generate a username from your email" msgstr "我們無法從你的電子郵件自動產生使用者名稱" msgid "Continue with" msgstr "繼續使用" msgid "Choose an account to set up Jetpack." msgstr "選擇帳戶以設定 Jetpack。" msgid "" "An account with this email address already exists. Please log in using your " " email and password." msgstr "" "已有帳戶使用此電子郵件地址。請使用你的 電子郵件和密碼登入。" msgid "Connecting your social account" msgstr "連結你的社交帳戶" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, %2$s, now has Jetpack Premium. Your Jetpack " "Premium subscription builds on the powerful features of Jetpack with a " "bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "恭喜!你的 %1$s 網站 (%2$s) 已包含 Jetpack 進階版訂閱,進階版以 Jetpack 的強" "大功能為建置基礎,隨附安全性、反垃圾郵件功能和流量成長工具。" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, %2$s, now has Jetpack Personal. Your " "Jetpack Personal subscription builds on the powerful features of Jetpack " "with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "恭喜!你的 %1$s 網站 (%2$s) 已包含 Jetpack 個人版訂閱,個人版以 Jetpack 的強" "大功能為建置基礎,隨附安全性、反垃圾郵件功能和流量成長工具。" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, %2$s, now has Jetpack Professional. Your " "Jetpack Professional subscription builds on the powerful features of Jetpack " "with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "恭喜!你的 %1$s 網站 (%2$s) 已包含 Jetpack 專業版訂閱,專業版以 Jetpack 的強" "大功能為建置基礎,隨附安全性、反垃圾郵件功能和流量成長工具。" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, %3$s, now has Jetpack " "Premium. Your Jetpack Premium subscription builds on the powerful features " "of Jetpack with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "恭喜!你的 %1$s 網站 (%3$s) 已包含 Jetpack 進階版訂閱," "進階版以 Jetpack 的強大功能為建置基礎,隨附安全性、反垃圾郵件功能和流量成長工" "具。" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, %3$s, now has Jetpack " "Personal. Your Jetpack Personal subscription builds on the powerful features " "of Jetpack with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "恭喜!你的 %1$s 網站 (%3$s) 已包含 Jetpack 個人版訂閱," "個人版以 Jetpack 的強大功能為建置基礎,隨附安全性、反垃圾郵件功能和流量成長工" "具。" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, %3$s, now has Jetpack " "Professional. Your Jetpack Professional subscription builds on the powerful " "features of Jetpack with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "恭喜!你的 %1$s 網站 (%3$s) 已包含 Jetpack 專業版訂閱," "專業版以 Jetpack 的強大功能為建置基礎,隨附安全性、反垃圾郵件功能和流量成長工" "具。" msgid "Restoring to {{sp}}%(targetSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}" msgstr "還原到 {{sp}}%(targetSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}" msgid "Backing up {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}" msgstr "正在備份 {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}" msgid "Backup of {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}} completed" msgstr "已完成 {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}} 的備份作業" msgid "G Suite is currently active on that domain." msgstr "目前已在該網域啟用 G Suite。" msgid "G Suite has already been purchased for that domain." msgstr "已為該網域購買了 G Suite。" msgid "G Suite is not available for that particular domain" msgstr "G Suite 不適用於該特定網域" msgid "G Suite is not available in your current region." msgstr "你目前的所在地區未開放使用 G Suite。" msgid "G Suite is only available for custom domains" msgstr "G Suite 只適用於自訂網域" msgid "" "Your account has been blocked as a security precaution. To continue, you " "must {{a}}reset your password{{/a}}." msgstr "" "為了安全起見,你的帳戶已被封鎖。若要繼續使用,你必須{{a}}重設密碼{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Everything you need to build and run best-in-class customer experiences at " "scale." msgstr "你所需的工具一應俱全,可大規模建置並提供首屈一指的客戶體驗。" msgid "From $1,700 per month, billed yearly." msgstr "每月 $1,700 起,每年結帳一次。" msgid "Shop" msgstr "商店" msgid "Add server credentials to enable restoring" msgstr "新增伺服器憑證以啟用還原功能" msgid "" "We just sent you a verification code to your phone number on file, please " "enter the code below." msgstr "我們剛剛傳送了一組驗證碼到你登記的電話號碼,請在下方輸入該組驗證碼。" msgid "" "The scanning history contains a record of all previously active threats on " "your site." msgstr "掃描記錄包含先前網站上所有主動威脅的記錄。" msgid "The technical details" msgstr "技術詳細資訊" msgid "How did Jetpack fix it?" msgstr "Jetpack 如何修復問題?" msgid "Threat found on %s" msgstr "在 %s 發現威脅" msgid "You are about to remove your coupon from the cart" msgstr "你即將從購物車移除優惠券" msgid "" "Premium themes available for use on your site with built-in advanced " "customization tools." msgstr "為你的網站提供進階佈景主題,以及內建的進階自訂工具。" msgid "" "You can also drag-and-drop image and video files from your computer into " "your Media Library." msgstr "你也可以將電腦的圖片和視訊檔案拖放至媒體庫。" msgid "Welcome to your Media Library!" msgstr "歡迎使用媒體庫!" msgid "" "We could not validate your contact information. Please review and update all " "the highlighted fields." msgstr "我們無法驗證你的聯絡資訊。請查看並更新所有醒目提示的欄位。" msgid "" "You need to upgrade to a paid plan in order to be able to make this your " "primary domain." msgstr "你需要升級到付費方案,才能將其設為你的主要網域。" msgid "" "When you downgrade your plan, {{strong}}%(oldDomain)s{{/strong}} will " "immediately start forwarding to {{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "將方案降級後,{{strong}}%(oldDomain)s{{/strong}} 會立即開始轉寄到 " "{{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "Remove %(plan)s" msgstr "移除 %(plan)s" msgid "Remove Plan" msgstr "移除方案" msgid "" "Great job! %1$s has just signed up to your %2$s at %4$s." msgstr "" "太好了!%1$s 剛在 %4$s 註冊你的 %2$s。" msgid "" "Your first subscriber, %1$s, purchased your %2$s at %3$s! " "This subscription was sold for %4$s, and your next payment is on %5$s." msgstr "" "你的首位訂閱者 (%1$s) 已在 %3$s 購買你的 %2$s!此訂閱已以 " "%4$s 的價格售出,你會在 %5$s 收到下一筆付款。" msgid "Congratulations" msgstr "恭喜" msgid "Unable to process subscription." msgstr "無法處理訂閱。" msgid "Subscription Failed" msgstr "訂閱失敗" msgid "Account Disabled" msgstr "帳戶已停用" msgid "Your site may be at risk" msgstr "你的網站可能存在風險" msgid "Share your thoughts" msgstr "分享你的理念" msgid "Export selected content" msgstr "匯出已選取的內容" msgid "Add new application password" msgstr "新增應用程式密碼" msgid "Scan now" msgstr "立即掃瞄" msgid "Don’t worry about a thing" msgstr "不必擔心" msgid "" "Share with friends, family, and website visitors. For every " "paying customer you send our way, you’ll both earn US$25 in free credits. " "{{em}}Available with every plan{{/em}}." msgstr "" "與親朋好友和網站訪客分享。每介紹一位付費使用我們服務的客戶,你" "和對方都能獲得 US$25 免費點數。{{em}}所有方案均適用{{/em}}。" msgid "" "To earn free credits, share the link below with your friends, family, and " "website visitors. By doing so you agree to the Peer Referral " "Program {{a}}Terms and Conditions.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "若要賺取免費點數,請與親朋好友和網站訪客分享以下連結。分享連結即表示你同意 " " 同伴推薦計畫的{{a}}條款與條件。{{/a}}" msgid "Earn free credits" msgstr "賺取免費點數" msgid "Display \"Powered by Jetpack\"" msgstr "顯示「由 Jetpack 提供」" msgid "Choose a color to highlight matching search terms." msgstr "選擇一個顏色以醒目提示相符的搜尋字詞。" msgid "Highlight Search Terms" msgstr "醒目提示搜尋字詞" msgid "Customize the sidebar inside the Jetpack Search overlay" msgstr "自訂「Jetpack 搜尋」覆疊內的側邊欄" msgid "Jetpack Search Sidebar" msgstr "Jetpack 搜尋側邊欄" msgid "" "Make {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}} the primary address that your visitors see when " "they come to your site." msgstr "將 {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}} 設定為訪客前往你網站時看到的主要位址。" msgid "Make your domain your primary address" msgstr "將你的網域設為主要位址" msgid "All posts, pages, comments and media will be lost on %(targetDomain)s." msgstr "%(targetDomain)s 的所有文章、頁面、留言和媒體將會遺失。" msgid "Import and replace everything on this site?" msgstr "是否要匯入並取代此網站的所有內容?" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results" msgstr "首頁、封存頁面及搜尋結果" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Posts" msgstr "文章" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Media" msgstr "媒體" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Portfolio Items" msgstr "個人作品集項目" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Pages" msgstr "頁面" msgid "" "Upgrade to a paid plan to make {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} the primary " "address that your visitors see when they visit your site. {{a}}Learn more{{/" "a}}" msgstr "" "升級至付費方案,即可將 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 設定為訪客造訪你網站時" "看到的主要位址。{{a}}瞭解詳情{{/a}}" msgid "This domain is being forwarded to %(primaryDomain)s" msgstr "此網域正在轉移至 %(primaryDomain)s" msgid "" "Your site’s health is looking good, but there are still some things " "you can do to improve its performance and security." msgstr "" "這個網站的網站狀態良好,但仍有一些需要網站管理員執行、可改善效能及安全性的項" "目。" msgid "" "Site health checks will automatically run periodically to gather information " "about your site. You can also visit the Site Health screen to gather information about your site now." msgstr "" "網站狀態檢查會自動定期執行以收集這個網站的資訊。網站管理員也可以前往 [網站狀態] 頁面,便能立即收集這個網站的資訊。" msgid "Subscriber User ID missing" msgstr "訂閱者使用者 ID 遺失" msgid "You have to be an administrator of the site to delete subscriptions." msgstr "你必須是網站管理員才能刪除訂閱。" msgid "" "DNS records are special settings that change how your domain works. They let " "you connect to third-party services, like an email provider. " "{{customDnsLink}}Learn more{{/customDnsLink}}." msgstr "" "DNS 記錄可用來設定或變更網域的運作方式;可以用各種記錄來連結使用多種第三方服" "務,例如電子郵件服務商。{{customDnsLink}}深入了解{{/customDnsLink}}。" msgid "" "Log into your Stripe account to resolve an issue. Until it's resolved we " "will be unable to process any payments." msgstr "" "請登入你的 Stripe 帳戶以解決問題。 此問題解決前,我們無法處理任何付款。" msgid "" " Payments is using Stripe to process payments on your sites." msgstr " 付款是透過 Stripe 處理你的網站付款。" msgid "Your Stripe account needs action." msgstr "你的 Stripe 帳戶需要採取行動。" msgid "" "Action Needed! Update your Stripe account information to continue processing " "Payments" msgstr "需要採取行動! 請更新你的 Stripe 帳戶資訊以繼續處理付款" msgid "" "Your Stripe account has stopped processing payments. Your action is needed." msgstr "你的 Stripe 帳戶已停止處理付款。你需要採取行動。" msgid "Update Stripe account to continue processing payments" msgstr "請更新 Stripe 帳戶以繼續處理付款" msgid "Action Needed! Failed to process recurring payment." msgstr "需要採取行動!無法處理週期性付款。" msgid "" "Please enter your username or email address. You will receive an email " "message with instructions on how to reset your password." msgstr "" "請輸入你的使用者名稱或電子郵件地址,便會收到內含如何重設密碼說明的電子郵件。" msgid "User’s Session Tokens data." msgstr "使用者工作階段權杖 (token) 資料。" msgid "Last Login" msgstr "最後登入日期" msgid "User Agent" msgstr "使用者代理程式" msgid "" "User’s location data used for the Community Events in the WordPress " "Events and News dashboard widget." msgstr "" "[WordPress 活動及新聞] 控制台小工具的社群活動會讀取使用者的位置資訊,藉以顯示" "最相符的結果。" msgid "Session Tokens" msgstr "工作階段權杖 (token)" msgid "Community Events Location" msgstr "社群活動位置資訊" msgid "Longitude" msgstr "經度" msgid "Latitude" msgstr "緯度" msgid "Filter %s returned items with reserved names." msgstr "篩選器 %s 傳回使用保留名稱的項目。" msgid "Previous and next months" msgstr "上個月及下個月" msgid "Stripe account is disconnected." msgstr "已中斷與 Stripe 帳戶的連結。" msgid "Please wait, disconnecting Stripe…" msgstr "請稍候,正在中斷與 Stripe 的連結\\u2026" msgid "P.S. We can’t wait to see what you create!" msgstr "附註:我們很期待看到你的成果!" msgid "" "And if you need help putting the finishing touches on your site, you can upgrade your plan for unlimited, 24/7 support from our " "expert Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "如果想讓網站看起來更專業、更強大,可以升級到各種付費方案,還能享有專業 Happiness Engineers 24 小時全年無休的無限制支援。" msgid "Publish your site" msgstr "發佈網站" msgid "" "In fact, our most successful customers get their sites online " "early and edit often. Plus, putting your idea out there feels great. We " "promise." msgstr "" "在我們 中最厲害的網站,往往都是先上線,再逐步改善缺點,最後終於" "成功。而且,讓你的各種想法透過網站,讓更多人看到,感覺真的超棒,真心不騙。" msgid "" "Sharing your site only takes a few clicks and it doesn’t have to be perfect " "at first." msgstr "" "要讓網站公開上線的步驟很簡單,按幾下就好;重點是不要等到你覺得完美無缺才上" "線,先求有,再求好,才是網站成功的不二法門。" msgid "" "Now it’s time to publish your site for the world to see. Or you can stick to " "sharing with friends and family for now – it’s ok to start small. " msgstr "" "現在可以準備公開你的網站了;當然,你也可以先開放給親朋好友看看,試一試水溫。" msgid "Congratulations on your new account." msgstr "恭喜你建立新 帳戶。" msgid "Send code via text message" msgstr "透過簡訊傳送驗證碼" msgid "" "When registering an \"array\" setting to show in the REST API, you must " "specify the schema for each array item in \"show_in_rest.schema.items\"." msgstr "" "如需註冊 array 設定以顯示於 REST API 中,便必須在 show_in_rest.schema.items " "中為每個陣列項目指定架構。" msgid "Error: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "錯誤: %2$s (錯誤代碼 %1$s)" msgid "" " Would you like to {{newAccountLink}}create a new account{{/newAccountLink}}?" msgstr "希望{{newAccountLink}}建立新帳戶{{/newAccountLink}}嗎?" msgid "" "{{supportLink}}Contact us{{/supportLink}} so we can figure out exactly what " "needs adjusting, or try again." msgstr "" "如需協助調整{{supportLink}}歡迎與我們聯絡{{/supportLink}},或者你可以再試一" "次。" msgid "There was an error communicating with Stripe. Please contact support." msgstr "與 Stripe 通訊時發生錯誤。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "There was an error retrieving your subscription. Please contact support." msgstr "擷取你的訂閱時發生錯誤。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "The domain is currently in maintenance. Please try again later." msgstr "網域目前正在維護中。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "Ready to see how your website, blog, or business benefits from the right " "domain extension? Get your .ca domain, create your online presence with " ", and get ready to give’r." msgstr "" "準備好透過適合的網域延伸結尾,讓網站、網誌或事業從中獲益了嗎?取得 .ca 網域並" "使用 建立你的線上名聲,準備好大顯身手。" msgid "Choose a .ca domain, and start growing" msgstr "選用 .ca 網域,大展鴻圖" msgid "" "Got questions about domains and WordPress websites? Our Happiness Engineers " "have answers and are happy to help at any time!" msgstr "" "想要詢問關於網域和 WordPress 網站的問題嗎?我們的 Happiness Engineers 能為你" "解惑,並樂意隨時提供協助!" msgid "Expert support 24/7" msgstr "24 小時全年無休的專家支援" msgid "" "Discover our user-friendly website building experience with mobile-friendly " "themes, social media integration, SEO tools, and much more." msgstr "" "探索我們為使用者提供的簡易網站建置體驗,包含便於行動裝置瀏覽的佈景主題、社交" "媒體整合功能、SEO 工具等其他功能。" msgid "The right tools for the job" msgstr "最適合建立網站的工具" msgid "" "It’s estimated as many as half of businesses in Canada still don’t have a " "website. is an ideal place to start building yours." msgstr "" "根據估計,高達半數的加拿大公司仍然沒有自己的網站。 是打造專屬網" "站的入門首選。" msgid "Gain a competitive edge" msgstr "取得競爭優勢" msgid "Explore the possibilities of a website" msgstr "探索 網站帶來的可能性" msgid "" "Canadians love Canada. So it’s no surprise that a 2019 Strategic Counsel " "survey found Canadians prefer a .ca domain extension on websites where they " "shop online and read about current events. A ccTLD also makes it more likely " "that people in Canada will discover your website on search engines like " "Google. Want the right people to find and trust you? A .ca domain name makes " "perfect sense." msgstr "" "加拿大人非常愛國,因此 2019 年 Strategic Counsel 的調查結果並不讓人意外:加拿" "大人偏好在購物和時事網站上看到 .ca 的網域延伸結尾。國碼域名 (ccTLD) 也可提高" "加拿大使用者在 Google 等搜尋引擎上探索貴網站的機會。想讓目標群眾找到並信任你" "提供的內容嗎?取得 .ca 網域名稱正是絕佳方式。" msgid "Why owning a .ca domain name matters" msgstr "取得 .ca 網域名稱為何如此重要" msgid "" "Getting a Canadian country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for your site is a " "smart move. You’re based in Canada. Your customers and readers are Canadian. " "A .ca domain makes it obvious who you are and who you serve. Even if you " "already have a generic domain extension (.com, .net, .org), you can add a ." "ca domain extension to protect your brand and show your Canadian pride. It’s " "the perfect final touch — like a toque for your website." msgstr "" "為網站取得國家和地區頂級域名 (ccTLD) 是聰明的一步棋。你的總部設立於加拿大,而" "客戶和讀者也是加拿大人。.ca 網域可清楚說明你的身分和服務對象。即使你已擁有一" "般網域延伸結尾 (.com、.net 和 .org),也可以新增 .ca 網域延伸結尾以利保護貴品" "牌,展現你身為加拿大人的驕傲。這能為網站加上完美的最後妝點,如同為網站添上一" "頂加拿大人才知道的無沿帽 (toque) 一樣。" msgid "Is your website as Canadian as it can be?" msgstr "你的網站夠「加拿大」嗎?" msgid "" "Find an available .ca domain name for your Canadian business website or " "blog. Starting at sale price %1$s (free for a year with a paid plan!)" msgstr "" "為你的加拿大公司網站或網誌找到一個可用的 .ca 網域名稱。優惠價格 %1$s 起 (付費" "方案享一年免費優惠!)" msgid "" "Find an available .ca domain name for your Canadian business website or " "blog. Starting at %1$s (free for a year with a paid plan!)" msgstr "" "為你的加拿大公司網站或網誌找到一個可用的 .ca 網域名稱。費用 %1$s 起 (付費方案" "享一年免費優惠!)" msgid "Your Canadian website needs a .ca domain name" msgstr "你的加拿大網站需要一個 .ca 網域名稱" msgid "" "Secure and register a country-specific .ca domain name to make an important " "statement about your Canada-based website. Search for available options now." msgstr "" "保有並註冊一個代表特定國家的 .ca 網域名稱,為你位於加拿大的網站冠上關鍵頭銜。" "立即搜尋可用選項。" msgid "Get a .ca Domain Name for Your Canadian Website" msgstr "為你的加拿大網站取得 .ca 網域名稱" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't complete the import." msgstr "抱歉,我們無法完成匯入。" msgid "Import and overwrite" msgstr "匯入並覆寫" msgid "Reactivate for {{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "重新啟用費用為 {{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}}" msgid "HTTP redirect status code must be a redirection code, 3xx." msgstr "HTTP 重新導向狀態碼必須為重新導向碼 3xx。" msgctxt "minimum input length for searching post links" msgid "3" msgstr "3" msgid "Receive faster support from our WordPress experts — weekends included." msgstr "更快獲得 WordPress 專家支援,週末亦可取得協助。" msgid "24/7 Priority Live Chat Support" msgstr "24 小時全年無休優先對談支援" msgid "" "Get all the help you need to build your site, 24 hours a day, 5 days a week." msgstr "取得建立網站所需一切協助,享有一週 5 天、每天 24 小時的支援服務。" msgid "Email & Basic Live Chat Support" msgstr "電子郵件與基本即時文字對談支援" msgid "Edit the contact details" msgstr "編輯聯絡詳細資訊" msgid "Pick a plan" msgstr "選擇方案" msgid "" "Upgrade to a paid plan to make %(purchasedDomain)s the domain people see " "when they visit your site." msgstr "升級到付費方案,讓訪客造訪網站時看到的網域是 %(purchasedDomain)s。" msgid "" "Your existing domain, %(primaryDomain)s, is the primary domain visitors see " "when they visit your site. %(purchasedDomain)s will redirect to " "%(primaryDomain)s." msgstr "" "現有的網域 %(primaryDomain)s 是訪客造訪網站時看到的主要網" "域。%(purchasedDomain)s 將重新導向至 %(primaryDomain)s。" msgid "Sorry, the post could not be deleted." msgstr "很抱歉,無法刪除這篇文章。" msgid "Sorry, the post could not be created." msgstr "很抱歉,無法新增這篇文章。" msgid "Sorry, the post could not be updated." msgstr "很抱歉,無法更新這篇文章。" msgid "Tutorials" msgstr "教學課程" msgid "Sorry, this method is not supported." msgstr "很抱歉,不支援這個方法。" msgid "Sorry, the category could not be created." msgstr "很抱歉,無法新增這個分類。" msgid "More by" msgstr "作者其他文章" msgid "ABOUT THE AUTHOR" msgstr "關於作者" msgid "RECOMMENDED ARTICLES" msgstr "推薦文章" msgid "digital-marketing" msgstr "數位行銷" msgid "Content & Blogging" msgstr "內容和網誌" msgid "content-blogging" msgstr "撰寫網誌內容" msgid "web-design" msgstr "web-design" msgid "Website Building" msgstr "建立網站" msgid "website-building" msgstr "website-building" msgid "" "Missing one of: `site_id` + `blog_id`, or `host`. One of these must be given." msgstr "缺少其中一項︰`site_id` + `blog_id` 或 `host`。必須提供其中一項。" msgid "Invalid `extra`. Must be <= 262144 bytes." msgstr "`extra` 無效。不得超過 262144 位元。" msgid "Invalid `extra`. Must be an ojbect, array, or scalar value." msgstr "`extra` 無效。須為物件、陣列或純量值。" msgid "Invalid `user_ua`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes." msgstr "`user_ua` 無效。須為 255 位元以下的字串。" msgid "Invalid `user_id`. Must be an integer >= 0." msgstr "`user_id` 無效。須為 0 以上的整數。" msgid "Invalid `message`. Must be a string <= 262144 bytes." msgstr "`message` 無效。須為 262144 位元以下的字串。" msgid "Invalid `feature` string. Not in whitelist." msgstr "`feature` 字串無效。不在允許清單內。" msgid "Invalid `feature`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes." msgstr "`feature` 無效。須為 255 位元以下的字串。" msgid "Invalid `severity`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes." msgstr "`severity` 無效。須為 255 位元以下的字串。" msgid "Invalid `host`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes." msgstr "`host` 無效。須為 255 位元以下的字串。" msgid "Invalid `blog_id`. Must be an integer > 0." msgstr "`blog_id` 無效。須為大於 0 的整數。" msgid "Invalid `site_id`. Must be an integer > 0." msgstr "`site_id` 無效。須為大於 0 的整數。" msgid "Original image:" msgstr "原始圖片:" msgid "No matching template found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的範本。" msgid "Select a site to open {{strong}}{{/strong}}" msgstr "選擇網站以開啟 {{strong}}{{/strong}}" msgid "" "Take a look at the %1$d item on the Site " "Health screen." msgid_plural "" "Take a look at the %1$d items on the Site " "Health screen." msgstr[0] "" "請查看在 [網站狀態] 頁面中所列的 %1$d 個項目。" msgid "Great job! Your site currently passes all site health checks." msgstr "非常好!這個網站通過目前全部網站狀態檢查。" msgid "" "Your site has critical issues that should be addressed as soon as possible " "to improve its performance and security." msgstr "這個網站有需要盡快解決的重大問題,解決後便能提升網站效能及安全性。" msgid "No information yet…" msgstr "尚無資訊..." msgid "A test is unavailable" msgstr "測試功能無法使用" msgid "Your site is running the current version of PHP (%s)" msgstr "這個網站執行於最新版本的 PHP 執行環境 (%s)" msgid "Resend confirmation requests" msgstr "重新傳送確認請求" msgid "Delete requests" msgstr "刪除請求" msgid "Launch your site and continue" msgstr "啟動你的網站並繼續操作" msgid "Domain owners are required to provide correct contact information." msgstr "網域擁有者必須提供正確的聯絡資訊。" msgid "Free Purchase" msgstr "免費購買" msgid "Your site has been imported!" msgstr "你的網站已匯入!" msgid "The import failed to start." msgstr "匯入無法開始。" msgid "" "The post status %1$s is not registered, so it may not be reliable to check " "the capability %2$s against a post with that status." msgstr "" "由於文章 [%1$s] 尚未註冊,因此針對這個文章狀態的內容權限 %2$s 可能無法使用。" msgid "eg. ns%(index) (optional)" msgstr "eg. ns%(index) (選填)" msgid "eg. ns%(index)" msgstr "eg. ns%(index)" msgid "Limit result set based on relationship between multiple taxonomies." msgstr "將結果集限定為基於多個分類法間的關係。" msgid "" "The \"%1$s\" taxonomy \"%2$s\" property (%3$s) conflicts with an existing " "property on the REST API Posts Controller. Specify a custom \"rest_base\" " "when registering the taxonomy to avoid this error." msgstr "" "分類法 [%1$s] 的 %2$s 屬性 (%3$s) 與 REST API 內容控制程式的現有屬性發生衝" "突。註冊分類法時請指定自訂 rest_base,便能避免這項錯誤。" msgid "Whether theme opts in to default WordPress block styles for viewing." msgstr "佈景主題是否加入供檢視用途的預設 WordPress 區塊樣式。" msgid "Whether the theme can manage the document title tag." msgstr "佈景主題是否能管理文件 title 標籤。" msgid "Whether theme opts in to the editor styles CSS wrapper." msgstr "佈景主題是否加入編輯器樣式 CSS 包裝函式。" msgid "Custom gradient presets if defined by the theme." msgstr "如果可由佈景主題定義,便自訂漸層色彩預設設定。" msgid "Custom font sizes if defined by the theme." msgstr "如果可由佈景主題定義,便自訂字型大小。" msgid "Custom color palette if defined by the theme." msgstr "如果可由佈景主題定義,便自訂調色盤。" msgid "Whether the theme disables custom gradients." msgstr "佈景主題是否停用自訂漸層色彩。" msgid "Whether the theme disables custom font sizes." msgstr "佈景主題是否停用自訂字型大小。" msgid "Whether the theme disables custom colors." msgstr "佈景主題是否停用自訂色彩。" msgid "Whether theme opts in to the dark editor style UI." msgstr "佈景主題是否加入深色編輯器樣式使用者介面。" msgid "" "Whether the theme enables Selective Refresh for Widgets being managed with " "the Customizer." msgstr "佈景主題是否啟用外觀自訂器管理小工具選擇性重新整理功能。" msgid "Custom logo if defined by the theme." msgstr "如果可由佈景主題定義,便自訂標誌。" msgid "Custom background if defined by the theme." msgstr "如果可由佈景主題定義,便自訂背景。" msgid "Custom header if defined by the theme." msgstr "如果可由佈景主題定義,便自訂頁首。" msgid "Whether posts and comments RSS feed links are added to head." msgstr "文章及留言 RSS 資訊提供連結是否加入至 head 標籤區段。" msgid "Whether theme opts in to wide alignment CSS class." msgstr "佈景主題是否加入寬幅寬度對齊方式 CSS 類別。" msgctxt "Search Plan" msgid "Search" msgstr "搜尋" msgctxt "Jetpack Search Plan" msgid "Search" msgstr "Search" msgid "" "An error occurred, please try again or use an alternate authentication " "method." msgstr "發生錯誤,請重試或使用其他驗證方法。" msgid "Continue with your authenticator app" msgstr "繼續使用你的驗證器應用程式" msgid "Use your security key to finish logging in." msgstr "請使用你的安全性金鑰完成登入。" msgid "Upgrade and import" msgstr "升級和匯入" msgid "Your active plugins" msgstr "使用中的外掛程式" msgid "%(number)d more" msgstr "還有 %(number)d 個" msgid "Your custom themes" msgstr "你的自訂佈景主題" msgid "" "To import your themes, plugins, users, and settings from " "%(sourceSiteDomain)s we need to upgrade your site." msgstr "" "若要從 %(sourceSiteDomain)s 匯入佈景主題、外掛程式、使用者和設定,你需要升級 " " 網站。" msgid "Import Everything" msgstr "匯入全部內容" msgid "" "This email is to confirm that the process started. However, as the domain " "has been entered the redemption period, it will take up to 7 days to get it " "back. It's also possible it's too late to get it back - in which case you'll " "receive a full refund." msgstr "" "本電子郵件旨在確認程序已經開始。然而,由於網域已進入兌換期,因此最多需要 7 天" "才能取回網域。另外,目前有可能已來不及取回網域,若發生此情況,你會獲得全額退" "款。" msgid "" "Our records show that you recently requested to restore your domain name " "%1$s associated with your account." msgstr "" "根據我們的記錄顯示,你最近曾要求還原與你 帳戶關聯的網域名稱 " "%1$s。" msgid "The process to restore your domain %1$s has been started" msgstr "已開始還原網域 %1$s 的程序" msgid "Get two months free with yearly pricing" msgstr "年繳方案享兩個月免費優惠" msgid "Yearly Billing" msgstr "年繳方案" msgid "Monthly Billing" msgstr "月繳方案" msgctxt "Describes the amount of money per year, e.g. \"$10 per year\"" msgid "%1$s per year" msgstr "每年 %1$s" msgid "Whether to bypass Trash and force deletion." msgstr "是否略過移至回收桶的程序進行強制刪除。" msgid "Once Weekly" msgstr "每週一次" msgid "" "File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could " "also be caused by uploads being disabled in your %1$s file or by %2$s being " "defined as smaller than %3$s in %1$s." msgstr "" "檔案內容為空。請上載含有必要內容的檔案。這個錯誤的成因可能是因為上載功能已於 " "%1$s 中停用,或 %1$s 中單次上載檔案大小總計上限 (%2$s) 的設定值小於上載單一檔" "案大小上限 (%3$s) 的設定值。" msgid "%1$s %2$d – %3$s %4$d, %5$d" msgstr "%1$s %2$d – %3$s %4$d, %5$d" msgctxt "upcoming events year format" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y 年" msgctxt "upcoming events day format" msgid "j" msgstr "j 日" msgid "%1$s %2$d–%3$d, %4$d" msgstr "%1$s %2$d–%3$d, %4$d" msgctxt "upcoming events month format" msgid "F" msgstr "n 月" msgid "Scanner" msgstr "掃描器" msgid "Jetpack Cloud Dashboard" msgstr "Jetpack 雲端儀表板" msgid "Action required" msgstr "須採取動作" msgid "" "We sent you an email at {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} to verify your " "contact information. Please complete the verification or your domain will " "stop working in {{strong}}10 days{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "我們已傳送電子郵件至 {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} 以驗證你的聯絡資訊。請完" "成驗證,否則你的網域會在 {{strong}}10 天{{/strong}}後停止運作。" msgctxt "Describes the amount of money per month, e.g. \"$10 per month\"" msgid "%1$s per month" msgstr "每月 %1$s" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Previewing:" msgstr "目前預覽的佈景主題:" msgid "Block \"%1$s\" does not contain a style named \"%2$s\"." msgstr "[%1$s] 區塊並未包含名為 [%2$s] 的樣式。" msgid "Block name must be a string." msgstr "區塊名稱必須是字串。" msgid "" "Enter a URL and we'll help you move your site to If you " "already have a WordPress export file, you can {{uploadFileLink}}upload it to " "import content{{/uploadFileLink}}." msgstr "" "請輸入網址,我們會協助你將網站移至。若你已有 WordPress 匯出檔" "案,可以{{uploadFileLink}}上載以匯入內容{{/uploadFileLink}}。" msgid "What WordPress site do you want to import?" msgstr "你想匯入哪個 WordPress 網站?" msgid "Import from WordPress" msgstr "從 WordPress 匯入" msgid "This is not a WordPress site" msgstr "這不是 WordPress 網站" msgid "This site is already hosted on" msgstr "此網站已由 託管" msgid "Import posts, pages, comments, and media." msgstr "匯入文章、頁面、留言和媒體。" msgid "Content only" msgstr "僅限內容" msgid "All your site's content, themes, plugins, users and settings" msgstr "所有網站內容、佈景主題、外掛程式、使用者和設定" msgid "Everything" msgstr "所有資料" msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "你想匯入哪些資料?" msgid "" "Your site will keep working, but your dashboard will be locked " "during importing." msgstr "匯入期間,你的網站會繼續運作,但 儀表板會被鎖定。" msgid "Theme, plugins, and settings" msgstr "佈景主題、外掛程式和設定" msgid "All users and roles" msgstr "所有使用者和角色" msgid "All posts, pages, comments, and media" msgstr "所有文章、頁面、留言和媒體" msgid "" "Import everything from %(sourceSiteDomain)s and overwrite everything on " "%(targetSiteDomain)s?" msgstr "" "是否要從 %(sourceSiteDomain)s 匯入所有資料,並覆寫 %(targetSiteDomain)s 的所" "有資料?" msgid "Import in progress" msgstr "正在匯入" msgid "" "We're moving everything from {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}} to " "{{sp}}%(targetSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}." msgstr "" "我們正在將所有資料從 {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}} 移至 " "{{sp}}%(targetSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}。" msgid "There was an error with your import." msgstr "處理匯入時發生錯誤。" msgid "Your import has completed successfully." msgstr "已成功完成匯入。" msgid "Select a site to import into" msgstr "選取網站以匯入至" msgid "No comments found in Trash." msgstr "垃圾桶裏找不到留言" msgid "No media files found in Trash." msgstr "在垃圾桶中找不到符合條件的媒體檔案。" msgid "Comment by %s moved to the Trash." msgstr "%s 發佈的留言已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "Error queueing restore. Error: %s" msgstr "錯誤正在等待還原。錯誤:%s" msgid "" "By activating hosting access the following change will be made to the site:" msgid_plural "" "By activating hosting access the following changes will be made to the site:" msgstr[0] "啟用託管存取權限會對網站進行以下變更︰" msgid "By installing a theme the following change will be made to the site:" msgid_plural "" "By installing a theme the following changes will be made to the site:" msgstr[0] "安裝佈景主題會對網站進行以下變更︰" msgid "By proceeding the following change will be made to the site:" msgid_plural "By proceeding the following changes will be made to the site:" msgstr[0] "繼續操作會對網站進行以下變更︰" msgid "One month" msgstr "一個月" msgid "Partners" msgstr "合作夥伴" msgid "Enterprise Solutions" msgstr "企業版解決方案" msgid "Go: Expert Tips" msgstr "專業秘訣" msgid "l jS \\o\\f F Y, h:ia" msgstr "l jS \\o\\f F Y, h:ia" msgid "" "Security, performance, and growth tools made for WordPress sites by the " "WordPress experts." msgstr "" "WordPress 專家為 WordPress 網站量身打造各種工具,能夠保障網站安全、提升效能," "並且推動成長。" msgid "Safer. Faster. More traffic." msgstr "安全、速度、流量,一舉三得。" msgid "Up to %d%% off!" msgstr "最高可享 %d%% 折扣優惠!" msgid "" "Your question will be sent to the right folks based on the site selected, so " "be sure to choose the right one!" msgstr "你的問題會依據所選網站傳送至合適的專員處理,因此請務必選擇正確的網站!" msgid "Coupon: %s" msgstr "折價券: %s" msgid "The domain is currently in maintenance - please try again in %s." msgstr "網域目前正在進行維護,請稍候 %s再試。" msgid "" "Welcome, FreshBooks Customers! Save %s%% on any plan using " "coupon code {{coupon_code}} at checkout. Depending on the plan, " "premium features include a custom URL, more storage, 24/7 live chat support, " "advanced design customization, ecommerce integration, integrated payments, " "and more. Happy WordPressing! :-)" msgstr "" "FreshBooks 顧客可享歡迎禮!只要在結帳時使用優惠券代碼 {{coupon_code}},即可在購買任何 方案時省下 %s%%。視方案而定,還能享有各種" "進階版功能,包括自訂網址、更多儲存空間、24 小時全年無休的即時聊天支援、進階自" "訂設計、電子商務整合、整合付款方式等。祝你使用 WordPress 愉快!:-)" msgid "" "Welcome, GSVlabs Members! Save %s%% on any plan using coupon " "code {{coupon_code}} at checkout. Happy WordPressing! :)" msgstr "" "GSVlabs 人員可享歡迎禮!只要在結帳時使用優惠券代碼 {{coupon_code}},即可在購買任何 方案時省下 %s%%。祝你使用 WordPress 愉" "快!:)" msgid "Data processing addendum" msgstr "資料處理增補合約" msgid "WooCommerce Payments" msgstr "WooCommerce 付款模組" msgid "Insufficient funds" msgstr "資金不足" msgid "" "We've updated our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}. Please take a few moments to " "read them. By accepting, you agree to the new Terms of Service." msgstr "" "我們已更新{{a}}服務條款{{/a}}。請花一點時間閱讀這些條款。接受即表示你同意最新" "的服務條款。" msgid "" "We've updated our Terms of Service . Please take a few moments to read them. By accepting, you agree to the " "new Terms of Service." msgstr "" "我們已更新服務條" "款。請花一點時間閱讀" "以下這些條款。接受即表示你同意最新的服務條款。" msgid "Request a DPA" msgstr "申請 DPA 文件" msgid "" "Having a DPA does not change any of our privacy and security practices for " "site visitors. Everyone using our service gets the same high standards of " "privacy and security." msgstr "" "DPA 不會對訪客的任何隱私權和安全措施造成任何改變。我們會以相同的高標準,確保" "所有用戶的隱私權和安全保障。" msgid "Note: most free site owners or hobbyists do not need a DPA." msgstr "請注意:大多數免費網站站長或部落客,並不需要 DPA。" msgid "" "A Data Processing Addendum (DPA) allows web sites and companies to assure " "customers, vendors, and partners that their data handling complies with the " "law." msgstr "" "網站和公司可以透過資料處理增補合約(DPA),向其客戶、廠商和合作夥伴保證資料處" "理流程符合法律規定。" msgid "There was an error requesting a DPA" msgstr "要求 DPA 時發生錯誤" msgid "Request successful! We are sending you our DPA via email" msgstr "要求成功!我們會將 DPA 以電子郵件傳送給你" msgid "" "We've updated our Terms of Service. Please take a few moments to read them. " "By accepting, you agree to the updated Terms of Service." msgstr "" "我們已更新服務" "條款。請花一點時間閱讀這些條款。接受即表示你同意更新的服務條款。" msgid "Updated Terms of Service" msgstr "服務條款更新版" msgid "Email Settings" msgstr "電子郵件設定" msgid "Create Deliverable" msgstr "建立交付項目" msgid "Enter a title:" msgstr "輸入標題:" msgid "%d string found." msgid_plural "%d strings found." msgstr[0] "找到 %d 個字串。" msgid "Ciudad de Mexico" msgstr "墨西哥城" msgid "13 GB Storage Space" msgstr "13 GB 儲存空間" msgid "6 GB Storage Space" msgstr "6 GB 儲存空間" msgid "Learn More on" msgstr "在 瞭解更多資訊" msgid "Start Earning Income from Your Site" msgstr "開始從你的網站賺取收入" msgid "Native" msgstr "母語" msgid "Fluent" msgstr "流利" msgid "Moderate" msgstr "普通" msgid "Rate the level of your reading skills in English." msgstr "你覺得自己的英文閱讀能力程度是?" msgid "These questions help us better understand your answers." msgstr "回答以下問題,可讓我們更加了解你的想法。" msgid "Optional Questions" msgstr "非必答問題" msgid "" "How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of language in the " " interface when using Languagename?" msgstr "你對 中文介面的語言品質是否滿意?" msgid "" "How often do you encounter text that is not in your language in the " " interface?" msgstr " 界面文字,是否經常出現非你使用語言的情形?" msgid "" "How often do you encounter text that does not make sense in the text used in " "the interface?" msgstr " 界面文字,是否經常讓你覺得語意不明?" msgid "" "How often do you encounter typos / spelling errors in the text used in the " " interface?" msgstr " 的界面文字,是否經常出現錯字?" msgid "Rarely" msgstr "很少" msgid "Sometimes" msgstr "有時" msgid "Often" msgstr "經常" msgid "" "How often do you encounter grammatical errors in the text used in the " " interface?" msgstr " 的界面文字,是否經常出現文法錯誤?" msgid "" "These questions relate to the correctness of language used on" msgstr "你覺得 使用的文字,正確程度如何?請回答下列問題。" msgid "Very appropriate" msgstr "非常適當" msgid "Rather appropriate" msgstr "還算適當" msgid "Neither inappropriate nor appropriate" msgstr "不會不適當,但也不算適當" msgid "Rather inappropriate" msgstr "有點不適當" msgid "Very inappropriate" msgstr "非常不適當" msgid "" "How appropriate or inappropriate do you consider the text in the WordPress." "com interface?" msgstr "你認為 界面文字的用字遣詞是否適當?" msgid "Very easy to understand" msgstr "非常容易理解" msgid "Rather easy to understand" msgstr "還算容易理解" msgid "Neither difficult nor easy to understand" msgstr "不會很難以理解,但也不算容易" msgid "Very difficult to understand" msgstr "非常難以理解" msgid "" "How easy or difficult to understand is the text used in the " "interface?" msgstr " 的界面文字,你讀起來覺得是容易理解,還是難以理解?" msgid "Very natural" msgstr "非常自然" msgid "Rather natural" msgstr "還算自然" msgid "Neither unnatural nor natural" msgstr "不會不自然,但也不算自然" msgid "Rather unnatural" msgstr "有點不自然" msgid "Very unnatural" msgstr "非常不自然" msgid "" "Natural here means that the language used represents the way people normally " "speak to each other." msgstr "我們所謂的「自然」,是指界面文字讀來就像我們平時交談一樣平易近人。" msgid "" "How natural or unnatural is the text used in the interface?" msgstr " 的界面文字,讀來是否覺得自然?" msgid "Extremely professional" msgstr "極為專業" msgid "Very professional" msgstr "非常專業" msgid "Moderately professional" msgstr "專業程度普通" msgid "Slightly professional" msgstr "不太專業" msgid "Not at all professional" msgstr "完全不專業" msgid "" "By \"professional\" we mean that the language is well-written and shows that " " cares about quality." msgstr "" "我們所謂的「專業」,是指界面文字寫得好不好、是否能夠展現 重視品" "質的精神。" msgid "How professional is the text used in the interface?" msgstr " 的界面文字,看起來是否夠專業?" msgid "Very friendly" msgstr "非常友善" msgid "Rather friendly" msgstr "算是友善" msgid "Neither unfriendly nor friendly " msgstr "不會不友善,但也不算友善" msgid "Rather unfriendly" msgstr "有點不友善" msgid "Very unfriendly" msgstr "非常不友善" msgid "" "By \"friendly\" we mean that the language used shows that " "respects and likes their users." msgstr "" "我們所謂的「友善」,是指界面用語是否讓你覺得 尊重並愛護使用者。" msgid "" "How friendly or unfriendly is the text used in the interface?" msgstr " 的界面文字,讀來是否友善?" msgid "" "These questions relate to the tone and readability of the language on " "" msgstr "你覺得 的界面文字,語氣和易讀程度如何?請回答下列問題。" msgid " backup verification codes for %s" msgstr "%s 的 備份驗證碼" msgid " Backup Verification Codes" msgstr " 備份驗證碼" msgid "" "This renewal costs %s. This price does not include any applicable taxes " "which will vary based on your billing address." msgstr "" "本次續訂費用為 %s。此金額不包括任何可能需要繳納的稅金 (稅額會因帳單地址而有" "所不同)。" msgid "" "Your domain mapping — visitors to %s will no longer see your site." msgstr "你的網域對應 — 造訪 %s 的訪客將無法再查看你的網站。" msgid "" "Your domain mappings — visitors will no longer see your site at %1$s " "or %2$s." msgstr "你的網域對應 — 訪客將無法再查看你位於 %1$s 或 %2$s 的網站。" msgid "" "Your domain mappings — visitors will no longer see your site at %1$s, " "or %2$s." msgstr "你的網域對應 — 訪客將無法再查看你位於 %1$s 或 %2$s 的網站。" msgid "Includes: %s" msgstr "包含:%s" msgid "Launch" msgstr "啟動" msgid "" "This plan was purchased by a different account. To manage this " "plan, log in to that account or contact the account owner." msgstr "" "此方案已由其他 帳戶購買。若要管理此方案,請登入該帳戶或聯絡帳戶" "擁有者。" msgid "Sorry, you can't import from this site." msgstr "很抱歉,你無法從此網站匯入。" msgid "The status code of the URL's response." msgstr "網址回應的狀態碼。" msgid "Register on Eventbrite" msgstr "在 Eventbrite 註冊" msgid "See all stats" msgstr "查看所有統計資料" msgid "The source of the API key. Defaults to \"site\"" msgstr "API 金鑰來源。預設為「網站」" msgid "The purchase can't be completed." msgstr "無法完成購買程序。" msgid "The purchase can't be completed because the site has been deleted." msgstr "無法完成購買程序,因為網站已遭刪除。" msgid "" "The purchase can't be completed since we couldn't retrieve your site's " "information." msgstr "無法完成購買程序,因為我們無法擷取你的網站資訊。" msgid "Make sure your site is backed up before uploading a new plugin." msgstr "請確認你的網站已備份,然後再上載新的外掛程式。" msgid "Make sure your site is backed up before installing a new plugin." msgstr "請確認你的網站已備份,然後再安裝新的外掛程式。" msgid "Make sure your site is backed up before changing your theme." msgstr "請確認你的網站已備份,然後再變更佈景主題。" msgid "Schedule time with me" msgstr "與我安排時間" msgid "" "Your site is being backed up every day and regularly scanned for security " "threats." msgstr "系統每天都會備份你的網站,並定期掃描是否有影響安全性的威脅。" msgid "" "New plugins can lead to unexpected changes. Ensure you can restore your site " "if something goes wrong." msgstr "" "新的外掛程式可能導致意料之外的變更。如果發生問題,請確保你可以還原網站。" msgid "" "Installing a new theme can lead to unexpected changes. Ensure you can " "restore your site if something goes wrong." msgstr "" "安裝新的佈景主題可能導致意料之外的變更。如果發生問題,請確保你可以還原網站。" msgid "Back up your site before changing your theme." msgstr "變更佈景主題之前,請備份網站。" msgid "Your site is visible to everyone." msgstr "任何人皆可瀏覽。" msgid "Get backups" msgstr "取得備份" msgid "" "The selected payment method has been deleted from our system. Please re-" "enter your payment details or try a different payment method." msgstr "" "選取的付款方式已從我們的系統中刪除。請重新輸入付款詳細資訊,或嘗試使用不同的" "付款方式。" msgid "The site you're migrating from must run Jetpack version 7.9 or newer" msgstr "你的網站必須執行 7.9 或更新版本的 Jetpack,才能進行移轉" msgid "Sorry, your site needs a plan that supports plugins." msgstr "很抱歉,你的網站需要支援外掛程式的方案。" msgid "Upgrade to remove the footer credit, use advanced SEO tools and more" msgstr "升級為付費方案後,即可移除頁尾版權宣告、並使用進階 SEO 工具等" msgid "Enter your contact information" msgstr "請輸入聯絡資訊" msgid "Contact information" msgstr "聯絡資訊" msgid "You are probably offline." msgstr "這個網站目前可能處於離線狀態。" msgid "" "Eventbrite has shut down a service on which relies for data. " "No new connections can be made as of Dec 12, 2019, and all existing " "connections will shut down on February 20, 2020." msgstr "" "Eventbrite 已關閉 賴以取得資料的一項服務。2019 年 12 月 12 日起" "即無法設定新的連結,而所有現有連結將於 2020 年 2 月 20 日停止服務。" msgid "Opt-out" msgstr "選擇退出" msgid "Password must be between %d and %d characters." msgstr "密碼至少須為 %d 到 %d 個字元。" msgid "" "Certificate installation in progress. Hold tight! We are setting up a " "digital certificate to allow secure browsing on your site using \"HTTPS\"." msgstr "" "正在安裝憑證再撐一下!我們正在設定數位憑證,讓大家能運用「HTTPS」安全地瀏覽你" "的網站。" msgid "" "There's an ongoing site dispute. Contact us to review your site's standing " "and resolve the dispute." msgstr "目前有進行中的網站爭議。請與我們聯絡以檢視你的網站排名並解決此爭議。" msgid "Sorry, there was a problem resetting your import." msgstr "很抱歉,重新設定你的匯入時發生問題。" msgid "There's a problem setting up the import on your Jetpack site." msgstr "為你的 Jetpack 網站設定匯入時發生問題。" msgid "There's a problem getting your import's status." msgstr "取得匯入狀態時發生問題。" msgid "" "Sorry, an import to this site is still in progress: we can't start a new one." msgstr "很抱歉,這個網站的匯入作業仍在進行中︰我們無法開始新的匯入。" msgid "You can't import from this site." msgstr "你無法從此網站匯入。" msgid "You can't import to this site." msgstr "你無法匯入至此網站。" msgid "You can't import to or from this kind of site." msgstr "你無法匯入至或從此網站匯入。" msgid "There's a problem starting your import." msgstr "開始你的匯入時發生問題。" msgid "All Domains" msgstr "所有網域" msgid "Attribute name" msgstr "屬性名稱" msgid "Plugin" msgstr "外掛" msgid "Removed" msgstr "已移除" msgid "Context" msgstr "內文" msgid "Redirecting…" msgstr "重定向中…" msgid "To install plugins you'll need to:" msgstr "若要安裝外掛程式,你需要:" msgid "Upgrade and continue" msgstr "升級並繼續" msgid "This site is eligible to continue." msgstr "此網站可以繼續。" msgid "This site is eligible to activate hosting access." msgstr "此網站可啟用託管存取權限。" msgid "To activate hosting access you'll need to:" msgstr "若要啟用託管存取權限,你需要:" msgid "To install themes you'll need to:" msgstr "若要安裝佈景主題,你需要:" msgid "To continue you'll need to:" msgstr "若要繼續,你需要:" msgid "" "Installation in progress. Just a minute! Please wait until the installation " "is finished, then try again." msgstr "正在安裝。馬上就好!請等候安裝完成,然後再試一次。" msgid "" "This site is not currently eligible to install themes and plugins, or " "activate hosting access. Please contact our support team for help." msgstr "" "此網站目前無法安裝佈景主題和外掛程式,也無法啟用託管存取權限。請聯絡我們的支" "援團隊以尋求協助。" msgid "" "You'll also get to install custom themes, have more storage, and access live " "support." msgstr "你也能藉此安裝自訂佈景主題、擁有更多儲存空間,並可取得即時支援。" msgid "" "You'll also get to install custom plugins, have more storage, and access " "live support." msgstr "你也能藉此安裝自訂外掛程式、擁有更多儲存空間,並可取得即時支援。" msgid "" "And when you renew for two years, you’ll save up to 15%. That’s 24 more " "months of uninterrupted service for your visitors – with a plan designed to " "keep growing with your website." msgstr "" "並且只要續訂兩年服務,即可省下最高 15% 的費用,繼續使用這項可與網站同步成長的" "方案,再為訪客提供 24 個月不間斷的網站服務。" msgid "Easier access to %1$sstock imagery%2$s" msgstr "可更輕鬆存取%1$s庫存圖像%2$s" msgid "Now your plan lets you do even more than ever, including:" msgstr "你所購買的方案現可提供更多功能,包括:" msgid "" "Improved earning potential with a completely new way to automatically accept " "%1$srecurring payments%2$s from your customers" msgstr "自動接受顧客%1$s週期性付款%2$s的全新方式,增加你的賺錢機會" msgid "" "More flexibility and control over your media files and database with " "%1$sSFTP access%2$s" msgstr "%1$sSFTP 存取權%2$s為你的媒體檔案和資料庫提供更多彈性及掌控" msgid "" "An easier, more powerful way to edit, create, and post with our %1$snew " "block editor%2$s" msgstr "%1$s全新區塊編輯器%2$s提供操作更輕鬆、效能更強大的編輯、建立和發佈功能" msgid "" "And it gets better. Over the last two years, we’ve introduced some brand new " "features and functionality to make sure you can build the site you need, " "including:" msgstr "" "不僅如此,還有更多改善。過去兩年來,我們推出了一些全新功能,確保能協助你建立" "符合需求的網站,其中包括:" msgid "" "It’s time to renew your %s plan. And when you renew for two years, you’ll " "save up to 15%%. That’s 24 more months of uninterrupted service for your " "visitors – with a plan designed to keep growing with your website." msgstr "" "是時候續訂你的 %s 方案了。只要續訂兩年服務,即可省下最高 15%% 的費用,繼續使" "用這項可與網站同步成長的方案,再為訪客提供 24 個月不間斷的網站服務。" msgid " Subdomains" msgstr " 子網域" msgid "" "The ability to let readers subscribe to your blog using PushPress will no " "longer be available." msgstr "你將無法再讓讀者透過 PushPress 訂閱你的網誌。" msgid "" "You will no longer be able to copy posts or seek feedback via the Writing " "Helper." msgstr "你將無法再透過 Writing Helper 複製文章或查看意見回饋。" msgid "" "The ability to reply to comments directly from comment notifications email " "will no longer be available." msgstr "你將無法再從留言通知電子郵件直接回覆留言。" msgid "" "You will no longer have access to the Follow widget to offer other WordPress." "com users a way to follow your site via the Reader." msgstr "" "你將無法再存取「關注」小工具,藉此為其他 使用者提供透過 Reader " "關注你網站的方式。" msgid "" "You will no longer have access to the Eventbrite widget for displaying a " "calendar of upcoming events." msgstr "你將無法再存取「Eventbrite」小工具,藉此顯示包含即將到來活動的行事曆。" msgid "" "You will no longer have access to the Blogs I Follow widgets for sharing " "your favorite sites with your readers." msgstr "你將無法再存取「我關注的網誌」小工具,藉此與讀者分享你喜愛的網站。" msgid "" "You will no longer have access to the BandPage widget for embedding BandPage " "extensions into your site." msgstr "" "你將無法再存取「品牌網頁」小工具,藉此在網站中簽入「品牌網頁」擴充功能。" msgid "HURRY, this is a Limited time introductory price!" msgstr "還等什麼,別錯過這波限時上市優惠!" msgctxt "" "%d is the percentage value, and to represent the percentage symbol it " "requires to write symbol twice %%" msgid "Up to %d%% off!" msgstr "最高可享 %d%% 折扣優惠!" msgid "Get more with Personal" msgstr "取得個人版,享用更多功能" msgid "" "Note: You have two free sessions with your plan. If you are unable to attend " "a session, you may cancel or reschedule it at least one hour in advance so " "that it does not count towards your session total." msgstr "" "請注意:你的方案包含兩堂免費課程。若你無法參加課程,可以提前最少一小時取消或" "重新安排課程時間,避免計入你的課程總數。" msgid "" "Please follow the steps in our documentation to ensure your theme is mobile " "ready before you deactivate this feature." msgstr "請依我們文件中的步驟操作,在你停用此功能前確保佈景主題適用於行動裝置。" msgid "" "Share what you’ve made and grow your audience with automated social media " "connections, subscriptions, and built-in SEO." msgstr "透過自動社交媒體連結、訂閱和內建 SEO,分享您建立的內容並擴大讀者群。" msgid "Spread the word" msgstr "盡情分享" msgid "" "Find an eye-catching website template and personalize it to your liking." msgstr "找到引人注目的網站範本,根據喜好進行個人化。" msgid "Stand out" msgstr "脫穎而出" msgid "" "Reliable WordPress experts are ready for your questions. Most plans include " "live chat and email support." msgstr "" "值得信賴的 WordPress 專家已準備好解決你的疑難雜症。大部分方案皆包含即時聊天和" "電子郵件支援。" msgid "Help when you need it" msgstr "需要時即可取得協助" msgid "" "The intuitive WordPress editor was made for DIY website owners, with " "multiple ways to add text and media in seconds." msgstr "" "直覺式 WordPress 編輯器專為 DIY 網站擁有者量身設計,並提供多種方法,讓使用者" "幾秒內就能新增文字和媒體。" msgid "User-friendly publishing" msgstr "簡單好用的發佈功能" msgid "" "More than a third of all websites are built with WordPress. Power your ideas " "with the web’s leading platform." msgstr "" "超過三分之一的網站皆選用 WordPress 建置。讓這個領先業界的網路平台成為你許多想" "法的成功推手。" msgid "Built on trust" msgstr "好口碑值得信賴" msgid "" "Get a website with must-have features for speed, security, and " "searchability. Start creating in a matter of minutes." msgstr "" "取得提供一系列重要功能的網站,享有速度、安全和搜尋效能。只要幾分鐘就能開始創" "作。" msgid "All the essentials" msgstr "必備功能一應俱全" msgid "" " has your back. Start for free and keep your site as long as " "you like: no credit card needed. Expand your ideas and your website when the " "time is right. Choose from flexible plans that take you to the next level " "with advanced customization, plugins, and monetization options." msgstr "" " 幫你打理好一切。無須付費即可建立網站,使用時間不限長短:無需綁" "定信用卡。時機成熟便可拓展你的好點子和網站規模,選用一系列彈性方案,透過進階" "自訂功能、外掛程式和獲利選項升級你的網站。" msgid "" "Deciding to build a personal website can be a little scary. We get it. " "You’re putting yourself out there for the world to see. But it doesn’t have " "to feel that way." msgstr "" "決定推出個人網站時難免會有點緊張,我們理解你的心情。這就像把自己攤開來讓全世" "界檢視一般,但別想太多了。" msgid "Stop waiting. Start creating." msgstr "別猶豫,做就對了。" msgid "" "Whether you’re building a fun place online for family and friends, or a " "professional portfolio that turns heads and highlights your skills, " " can stretch and grow to meet your needs. Use responsive, " "mobile-ready themes, built-in optimization for speed and search engines, " "social media sharing, and all the support you need along the way." msgstr "" "不論你打算建立一個讓親朋好友同樂的線上園地,或是尋求注目和突顯技能的專業作品" "集, 都能夠發揮所長滿足你的需求。您可使用符合行動裝置使用需求的" "回應式佈景主題、內建的速度和搜尋引擎最佳化功能、社交媒體分享,以及網站營運所" "需的各種支援。" msgid "It’s your website — your choice." msgstr "你的網站,由你作主。" msgid "" "There are so many ways for you to create on Make your voice " "heard with a blog, display your best work, or launch your next project with " "style." msgstr "" " 提供多種創作方式。你可以撰寫網誌抒發己見、展示你最引以為傲的作" "品,或以獨特風格推出下一個專案。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Publish anything you can dream up with our user-friendly website " "builder.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Get all you need to create the website you want, " "from free hosting and your{{/line2}} {{line3}}own domain to versatile design " "options.{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}使用簡單易用的網站建置工具發佈任何你想像得到的內容。{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}取得建立網站所需的所有工具,從免費託管和專屬網域{{/line2}} {{line3}}" "到多樣化的網站設計選項,應有盡有。{{/line3}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}What will you make{{/line1}}{{line2}}with{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}想使用{{/line1}}{{line2}}建立什麼內容?{{/line2}}" msgid "Start building" msgstr "開始建置" msgid "" "Manage different user roles on your site, and get your team involved—they’ll " "love working with the fast and intuitive WordPress editor." msgstr "" "管理網站上的不同使用者角色,並讓團隊成員參與管理,他們一定會愛上可直覺式快速" "操作的 WordPress 編輯器。" msgid "True teamwork" msgstr "真正的團隊合作" msgid "" "Spark growth with SEO and social media tools that make your business visible " "and findable online." msgstr "" "使用 SEO 和社交媒體工具促進網站成長,提升公司的網站能見度,並讓使用者更容易在" "線上搜尋到相關資訊。" msgid "" "Create a beautiful site and a streamlined user experience tailored to your " "specific business needs." msgstr "建立設計精美的網站,並視特定業務需求量身打造精簡的使用者體驗。" msgid "Design flexibility" msgstr "設計彈性" msgid "" "Gain access to 24/7 support from actual human beings who know WordPress " "better than anyone." msgstr "" "取得 24 小時全年無休的真人支援服務,沒有人比這些專家更精通 WordPress 專業技" "能。" msgid "Real help from real people" msgstr "由專人提供實際支援" msgid "" "Whether it’s a product or service, physical or digital, plans " "offer multiple ways to turn a profit on your website." msgstr "" "不論是實體或數位產品/服務, 方案可提供你多種透過網站賺取收益的方" "式。" msgid "Solutions for selling online" msgstr "線上銷售解決方案" msgid "" "Demo videos, product images, custom plugins and themes—there’s room for it " "all without compromising on site speed." msgstr "" "示範影片、商品圖片、自訂外掛程式和佈景主題,想放什麼就放什麼,絲毫不會拖累網" "站速度。" msgid "Robust web hosting" msgstr "穩健的網頁託管服務" msgid "" "Take advantage of multiple site-monetization options, from recurring " "payments to full eCommerce functionality. Integrate Google Analytics to " "uncover valuable insights, and improve search engine visibility with " "powerful SEO tools. Get personalized support from WordPress experts whenever " "you need it. Grow your business with a website that works." msgstr "" "你可以善用多種網站收益選項,從週期性付款到完善的電子商務功能皆有,也能夠整合 " "Google Analytics 功能取得寶貴的洞察報告,並使用強大的 SEO 工具提升搜尋引擎能" "見度。WordPress 專家亦可在你需要時提供個人化支援,你將可建置效能強大的網站," "成功拓展業務規模。" msgid "" "From freelancers and startups to online stores and enterprise organizations, " "every business is unique and deserves a web presence that reflects its " "strengths and values." msgstr "" "從自由工作者、新創公司、線上商店到企業組織,每一種業務都具有獨特的模式,在網" "路上呈現的方式也應反映其優勢和價值。" msgid "There’s no business like your business." msgstr "每種業務皆獨一無二。" msgid "" "Your site is safe and secure here. Focus on your work while automated, real-" "time backups provide peace of mind. Bring your vision to life with premium " "themes and advanced customization. Add any functionality you need on your " "site with unlimited access to plugins." msgstr "" "WordPress 可為網站提供安全無虞的環境。自動化的即時備份亦提供安全保障,讓你能" "夠專注經營業務。使用頂尖佈景主題和進階自訂功能實現願景,並透過無限存取的外掛" "程式,新增網站所需功能。" msgid "" "There’s a reason WordPress powers more than a third of all websites. At " ", you’ll discover an ideal experience for building a " "professional online presence with guidance from experts." msgstr "" "超過三分之一的網站皆選用 WordPress,不是沒有原因。在,你將可享" "有完美的使用體驗,在專家引導下建置專業的線上網站。" msgid "" "Where you build a business website is just as important as a physical " "location. It’s your digital real estate. You need a reliable partner that " "provides the best tools, advice, and support. has your back." msgstr "" "選用哪個品牌建立商務網站,就像挑選公司地點一樣重要,因為這等同於你的數位房地" "產。你需要一個可提供最優質工具、建議和支援的可靠夥伴, 就是你的" "強大後盾。" msgid "Built on trust." msgstr "好口碑值得信賴。" msgid "Create your business website" msgstr "建立你的商務網站" msgid "" "{{line1}} understands what it takes to build a business online." "{{/line1}} {{line2}}Choose secure and reliable hosting, unlimited plugins, " "expert support,{{/line2}} {{line3}}and a website builder with all the power " "you need to grow.{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} 知道建立商務網站的必備條件。{{/line1}} {{line2}}除了選" "擇安全可靠的託管服務、無限制的外掛程式、專家支援外,{{/line2}} {{line3}}還需" "具備完善效能,以及可助你拓展業務的網站建置工具。{{/line3}}" msgid "Open for business." msgstr "順利開業不是夢。" msgctxt "h4-lp-option-prefix" msgid "I need a" msgstr "我需要" msgctxt "h4-lp-option-prefix" msgid "I want a" msgstr "我想要" msgid "What kind of website do you want to build?" msgstr "你想建立哪種網站?" msgid "" "Already on Log in" msgstr "" "已經是 使用者了嗎?登入" msgid "Build your business" msgstr "打造你的事業" msgid "All the features and plugins you need to start selling today." msgstr "提供一切所需功能和外掛程式,立即就能開始銷售。" msgctxt "h4-lp-option-divider" msgid "or" msgstr "或" msgid "Start for free and grow when you’re ready." msgstr "免費開始使用,並在準備好時升級網站即可。" msgid "Sorry, that site address is unavailable." msgstr "抱歉,這個網域名稱無法使用。" msgid "" "The block editor includes experimental features that are useable while " "they're in development. Select the ones you'd like to enable. These features " "are likely to change, so avoid using them in production." msgstr "" "區塊編輯器包含多項開發階段可用、但需要手動啟用的實驗性功能;這些實驗性功能有" "可能會產生變更,因此不建議使用於網站正式內容中。" msgid "Experimental settings" msgstr "實驗性功能設定" msgid "Upload more images, audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "上載更多圖片、音訊和文件到你的網站。" msgid "" "Optimize your site for better SEO, faster-loading pages, and protection from " "spam." msgstr "進行網站最佳化有助於提高 SEO、加快頁面載入速度,還能防止垃圾郵件入侵。" msgid "Upload more images, videos, audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "上載更多圖片、視訊、音訊和文件到你的網站。" msgid "" "Access extended color schemes, backgrounds, and CSS, giving you complete " "control over how your site looks." msgstr "存取更多色彩配置、背景和 CSS,讓你充分掌控自己的網站外觀。" msgid "Jetpack Search not supported in Offline Mode" msgstr "開發模式下不支援 Jetpack Search" msgid "Unable to update privacy protection for your domain." msgstr "無法為你的網域更新隱私權保護。" msgid "Enter your new site address" msgstr "輸入新網址" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(newDomainName)s{{/strong}}%(newDomainSuffix)s will be your new " "site address." msgstr "" "你的新網址會改為 {{strong}}%(newDomainName)s{{/strong}}%(newDomainSuffix)s。" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(currentDomainPrefix)s{{/strong}}%(currentDomainSuffix)s will be " "removed and unavailable for use." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(currentDomainPrefix)s{{/strong}}%(currentDomainSuffix)s 將會移" "除,且無法再使用。" msgid "" "Your site runs on the best WordPress hosting environment on " "earth. No patches, no upgrades, no‑nonsense, no matter the plan." msgstr "" "你的 使用全球最佳 WordPress 託管服務,任何方案都不用自己費心升" "級主機、修補系統漏洞,不用擔心操作不當,反而搞掛網站。" msgid "%1$sExplore plans%2$s ›" msgstr "%1$s探索各種方案%2$s ›" msgid "%1$sFind your domain%2$s ›" msgstr "%1$s找出最適合你的網域名稱%2$s ›" msgid "%1$sStart building%2$s ›" msgstr "%1$s現在開始%2$s ›" msgid "%1$sFind your theme%2$s ›" msgstr "%1$s找出最適合你的佈景主題%2$s ›" msgid "Automated Backup & One-Click Rewind" msgstr "自動備份、單鍵還原" msgid "" "Download a backup of your site, or restore it to its exact state in a " "specific moment in time." msgstr "下載網站備份,或將網站完全還原至特定時間點的狀態。" msgid "" "These hosting plans provide the best WordPress experiences on the web, " "whether you’re just getting started on your own or you’re ready to go pro." msgstr "" "無論你是自行摸索的新手,或是進階專業人士,這些託管方案都能提供最佳 WordPress " "網頁體驗。" msgid "" "While we love hosting you here with us at, we also understand " "that there are situations where a self-hosted %1$ site%2$s may " "be a better choice." msgstr "" "儘管我們很樂意提供 託管服務,但也理解在某些情況下,選擇自助託" "管 %1$ 網站%2$s對你比較有利。" msgid "Looking to Migrate to a Self-Hosted WordPress Site?" msgstr "想要遷移到自助託管 WordPress 網站嗎?" msgid "Session dashboard" msgstr "課程儀表板" msgid "Submitting..." msgstr "送出中…" msgid "Picture of lock for secured website" msgstr "安全網站的鎖的圖片" msgid "Person exercising at the gym" msgstr "在健身房鍛鍊的人" msgid "Chef working in a restaurant" msgstr "在餐廳工作的廚師" msgid "Teacher teaching kids at school" msgstr "老師在學校教導孩童" msgid "Writer looking outside the window" msgstr "作家看著窗外" msgid "Person playing music" msgstr "播放音樂的人" msgid "Small business owner setting up her studio" msgstr "小型企業主布置她的工作室" msgid "Example list of domain names to choose from" msgstr "可供選擇的網域名稱範例清單" msgid "Support team standing together in a group waving" msgstr "客服團隊站在一起揮手" msgid "Picture of mobile version of app" msgstr " 應用程式行動版的圖片" msgid "Picture of website stats and SEO dashboard" msgstr "網站統計資料和 SEO 儀表板的圖片" msgid "Woman holding flowers for her business" msgstr "女子抱著做生意用的花" msgid "Icons of WordPress plugins" msgstr "WordPress 外掛程式的圖示" msgid "Dalston personal portfolio theme layout" msgstr "Dalston 個人作品集佈景主題版面形式" msgid "Rivington real estate theme layout" msgstr "Rivington 房地產佈景主題版面形式" msgid "Balasana business theme layout" msgstr "Balasana 商業佈景主題版面形式" msgid "Rockfield restaurant theme layout" msgstr "Rockfield 餐廳佈景主題版面形式" msgid "Mayland theme layout" msgstr "Mayland 佈景主題版面形式" msgid "Couture fashion theme layout" msgstr "Couture 時尚佈景主題版面形式" msgid "Ovation music theme layout" msgstr "Ovation 音樂佈景主題版面形式" msgid "" "{{line1}}Build a site.{{/line1}}{{line2}}Sell your stuff.{{/line2}}{{line3}}" "Start a blog.{{/line3}}{{line4}}And so much more.{{/line4}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}架好網站、{{/line1}}{{line2}}販售商品、{{/line2}}{{line3}}撰寫網誌⋯" "{{/line3}}{{line4}}想做什麼,就做什麼。{{/line4}}" msgid "Mobile friendly theme layout " msgstr "適用於行動裝置的佈景主題版面形式" msgid "Picture of easy to create homepage " msgstr "簡單易建立首頁的圖片" msgid "Mobile friendly tablet theme layout" msgstr "適用於行動裝置的平板佈景主題版面形式" msgid "Which backup option is best for me?" msgstr "哪個備份選項最適合我?" msgid "" "Live chat is available 24/7. You can also email us any day of the week for " "personalized support." msgstr "" "提供 24 小時全年無休的即時聊天服務。你也可以隨時透過電子郵件求助,取得個人化" "支援。" msgid "" "Live chat is available 24 hours a day from Monday through Friday. You can " "also email us any day of the week for personalized support." msgstr "" "週一至週五提供 24 小時即時聊天服務。你也可以隨時透過電子郵件求助,取得個人化" "支援。" msgid "" "With the option to upload themes, you can give your site a professional " "polish that will help it stand out among the rest." msgstr "" "你現在可以上載佈景主題,讓網站擁有專業的外觀設計,從其他網站中脫穎而出。" msgid "" "Plugins extend the functionality of your site and open up endless " "possibilities for presenting your content and interacting with visitors." msgstr "" "外掛程式不僅可以擴展網站的功能,並可為網站內容呈現及訪客互動帶來無限可能。" msgid "" "Track your site's stats with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of " "your visitors and customers." msgstr "" "你可以使用 Google Analytics 追蹤網站的統計資料,更深入瞭解網站的訪客和客戶。" msgid "" "Boost traffic to your site with tools that make your content more findable " "on search engines and social media." msgstr "" "運用相關工具,讓訪客在搜尋引擎和社交媒體上更容易找到你的網站內容,藉此增加網" "站流量。" msgid "" "Access to a wide range of professional themes so you can find a design " "that's just right for your site." msgstr "提供各種專業的佈景主題,讓你找到適合網站的設計。" msgid "" "We’ll help you get started, customize your site, and add features with " "1‑on‑1 QuickStart sessions, live chat, or email." msgstr "" "透過一對一快速入門課程、即時文字對談或電子郵件,幫助你跨出第一步、自訂網站並" "且新增所需功能。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Your website is just the beginning. We’ve got the service and{{/" "line1}}{{line2}}tools you need to keep growing.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}你的網站正在起步階段。我們可提供一系列服務和{{/line1}}{{line2}}工具" "協助貴網站成長。{{/line2}}" msgid "%1$siOS%2$s / %3$sAndroid%4$s ›" msgstr "%1$siOS%2$s / %3$sAndroid%4$s ›" msgid "Download our apps:" msgstr "下載應用程式:" msgid "" "Keep tabs on your site with real‑time notifications and analytics. Or " "publish a post, manage sales, reply to comments, update your homepage — all " "from your phone, tablet, or browser." msgstr "" "透過行動應用程式的通知與分析功能,隨時掌握網站最新動態;更可發佈文章,管理商" "品、回覆留言、更新內容。廣泛支援各種手機、平板或行動瀏覽器。" msgid "Mobile apps" msgstr "行動裝置應用程式" msgid "" "Rely on built‑in SEO tools, Mailchimp, Google Analytics integrations, and " "more to market what you make. It’s everything you need to find your " "audience, market smarter, and put your website front and center." msgstr "" "運用內建 SEO 工具、Mailchimp、Google Analytics 整合及其他行銷功能,精準定位廣" "告受眾,讓你的網站和商品行遍天下,行銷活動無往不利。" msgid "Built‑in marketing" msgstr "內建行銷功能" msgid "" "Showcase your products and services. Accept one‑time or recurring payments. " "And do it all globally. Whether you’re selling studded cat collars or " "ongoing access to your content, do it with a completely customizable " "ecommerce platform that lets you open shop and grow your store alongside " "your business." msgstr "" "使用完全自訂的電子商務平台架設網路商店,向全球顧客展示商品與服務,接收單次或" "定期付款;支援任何商品或內容訂閱服務,讓你的業務蒸蒸日上,日進斗金。" msgid "Turn your site into a store." msgstr "把網站變成網路商店。" msgid "" "Thousands of easy‑to‑install add‑ons mean you’ll never outgrow your website. " "Collect leads, create contact forms, create subscriptions, automatically " "backup your site, and a whole lot more. No matter what you want to do, " "there’s a plugin for that." msgstr "" "善用數千種安裝簡便、功能強大的外掛程式,讓網站與時俱進,不斷成長。從建立聯絡" "表單、收集用戶意見到招募訂戶、自動備份網站內容等等,你需要的任何功能,都有合" "適的外掛程式助你一臂之力。" msgid "" "{{line1}}The potential for a bigger and better site — and a bigger{{/line1}}" "{{line2}}and better audience — is built right in.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}你的網站本身就具備拓展規模和升級潛力,{{/line1}}{{line2}}以及獲得更" "廣大優質讀者群的可能性。{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}Grow{{/line1}}{{line2}}without limits.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}飛躍成長{{/line1}}{{line2}}全無限制。{{/line2}}" msgid "Build with blocks." msgstr "多種區塊,讓頁面功能無限。" msgid "" "Photo carousels, tiled image galleries, maps, forms — add them to your site " "with a click and know they’ll look great." msgstr "" "想在網站上加入相片選單、美觀圖庫、嵌入地圖或表單,都是按一下就搞定,而且保證" "美觀大方,賞心悅目。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create any kind of website. No code,{{/line1}}{{line2}}no manuals, " "no limits.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}想架什麼站,就架什麼站。{{/line1}}{{line2}}不用寫程式、翻手冊,全無" "限制。{{/line2}}" msgid "All on " msgstr "無限可能,盡在" msgid "You need to register your Jetpack before connecting it." msgstr "你需要註冊才連接 Jetpack。" msgid "An administrator for this blog must set up the Jetpack connection." msgstr "你必須設定連接 Jetpack 的網站管理員。" msgid "Error Details: %s" msgstr "錯誤詳細資料:%s" msgid "Return to Hosting" msgstr "返回託管服務" msgid "Reset the password for the SFTP user %1$s" msgstr "請重設 SFTP 使用者 %1$s 的密碼" msgid "SFTP password reset" msgstr "已重設 SFTP 密碼" msgid "Created new SFTP user %1$s" msgstr "已建立新的 SFTP 使用者 %1$s" msgid "SFTP user created" msgstr "已建立 SFTP 使用者" msgid "PHP Default Timezone" msgstr "PHP 預設時區" msgid "" "PHP default timezone was changed after WordPress loading by a %s function " "call. This interferes with correct calculations of dates and times." msgstr "" "在 WordPress 系統載入後,%s 函式呼叫的 PHP 預設時區遭到變更,這會影響日期與時" "間的正確計算。" msgid "PHP default timezone is invalid" msgstr "PHP 預設時區無效" msgid "" "PHP default timezone was configured by WordPress on loading. This is " "necessary for correct calculations of dates and times." msgstr "" "WordPress 系統載入時完成了 PHP 預設時區的設定,這是日期與時間能正確計算的必要" "條件。" msgid "PHP default timezone is valid" msgstr "PHP 預設時區有效" msgid "" "Your site has been launched. You can share it with the world whenever you're " "ready." msgstr "你的網站已推出。隨時可以與全世界分享網站內容。" msgid "Continue Browsing Plugins" msgstr "繼續瀏覽外掛程式" msgid "For security reasons, you must reset your password to view it." msgstr "為了安全起見,你必須重設密碼才能檢視。" msgid "" "Save your password somewhere safe. You will need to reset it to view it " "again." msgstr "請將密碼保存在安全的位置。你需要重設密碼才能再次檢視。" msgid "Accessed the database %1$d times from %2$s" msgstr "已存取資料庫 %1$d 次 (從 %2$s)" msgid "%1$d users accessed the database %2$d times from %3$s" msgstr "已有 %1$d 位使用者存取資料庫 %2$d 次 (從 %3$s)" msgid "Accessed the database from %1$s" msgstr "已從 %1$s 存取資料庫" msgid "Database accessed" msgstr "已存取資料庫" msgid "" "Tell us your site's name or a few keywords, and we'll come up with some " "suggestions." msgstr "請提供網站名稱或幾個關鍵字,我們會給予一些建議。" msgid "Let's get your site a domain!" msgstr "幫你的網站搭配響亮又好記的網域名稱吧!" msgid "Review our plans to get started" msgstr "檢視方案明細並開始使用" msgid "You can claim your free custom domain later if you aren't ready yet." msgstr "如果你還沒準備好,可以稍後再領取免費自訂網域。" msgid "" "We'll pay the registration fees for your new domain when you choose a paid " "plan during the next step." msgstr "在下一個步驟裡選取任一付費方案,第一年的新網域費用就由我們負擔。" msgid "Get a free one-year domain registration with any paid plan." msgstr "訂購任何付費方案,均享一年免費新網域名稱。" msgid "Manage Backups" msgstr "管理備份" msgctxt "Active plan or product" msgid "Active" msgstr "啟用中" msgid "Solution removed" msgstr "已移除解決方案" msgid "Solution purchased" msgstr "已購買解決方案" msgid "You launched your site!" msgstr "你已推出你的網站!" msgid "Download mobile app" msgstr "下載行動應用程式" msgid "Edit homepage" msgstr "編輯首頁" msgid "This feature cannot be enabled prior to account activation." msgstr "未完成帳戶驗證前,無法啟用此功能。" msgid "This setting cannot be changed prior to account activation." msgstr "未完成帳戶驗證前,無法變更此設定。" msgid "Restore Site" msgstr "還原網站" msgid "Restore to any event" msgstr "還原至任何事件" msgid "Confirm Restore" msgstr "確認還原" msgid "Restore to this point" msgstr "還原至此時間點" msgid "An error occurred during your purchase." msgstr "購買時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol (or SSH File Transfer " "Protocol). It’s a secure way for you to access your website files on your " "local computer via a client program such as {{a}}Filezilla{{/a}}. For more " "information see {{supportLink}}SFTP on{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "SFTP 是安全檔案傳輸協定 (或 SSH 檔案傳輸協定) 的縮寫。透過這個安全方法,你可" "以使用 {{a}}Filezilla{{/a}} 等用戶端程式,在你的本機電腦上存取網站檔案。如需" "更多資訊,請參閱 {{supportLink}} 上的 SFTP{{/supportLink}}。" msgid "There are no recent backups for your site." msgstr "你的網站沒有最近的備份。" msgid "" "If you restore your site using this backup, you'll lose any changes made " "after that date." msgstr "若使用此備份還原網站,你將失去該日期之後的所有變更。" msgid "Last backup was on:" msgstr "最後更新時間:" msgid "Site backup" msgstr "網站備份" msgid "" "Access and edit your website's files directly by creating SFTP credentials " "and using an SFTP client." msgstr "直接建立 SFTP 憑證,並使用 SFTP 用戶端存取及編輯你的網站檔案。" msgid "" "Use the credentials below to access and edit your website files using an " "SFTP client. {{a}}Learn more about SFTP on{{/a}}." msgstr "" "使用以下憑證,透過 SFTP 用戶端存取及編輯你的網站檔案。{{a}}深入瞭解 " " 上的 SFTP{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Managing a database can be tricky and it’s not necessary for your site to " "function." msgstr "資料庫的管理可能有些困難,且對你的網站運作來說並非必要。" msgid "" "It is a free open source software tool that allows you to administer your " "site's MySQL database over the Web. For more information see {{a}}phpMyAdmin " "and MySQL{{/a}}" msgstr "" "這是一款免費且開放原始碼的軟體工具,讓你能透過網路管理網站的 MySQL 資料庫。如" "需詳細資訊,請參閱 {{a}}phpMyAdmin 和 MySQL{{/a}}" msgid "What is phpMyAdmin?" msgstr "什麼是 phpMyAdmin?" msgid "Access your website’s database and more advanced settings." msgstr "存取你的網站資料庫和更多進階設定。" msgid "There was an error activating hosting features." msgstr "啟用託管功能時發生錯誤。" msgid "Please wait while we activate the hosting features." msgstr "請稍候片刻,等待我們啟用託管功能。" msgid "Activate Hosting Features" msgstr "啟用託管功能" msgid "An unexpected exception occurred" msgstr "發生未預期的例外狀況" msgid "" "Tweak your design to match your vision, upload custom themes and plugins " "directly to your site, and manage your database with phpMyAdmin." msgstr "" "調整設計以實現你的願景、將自訂佈景主題和外掛程式直接上載至網站,並使用 " "PHPMyAdmin 管理你的料庫。" msgid "SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and Database Access" msgstr "SFTP (SSH 檔案傳輸協定) 和資料庫存取" msgid "Put your site to work and earn through ad revenue." msgstr "讓網站順利運作,並透過廣告收益賺錢。" msgid "Accept monthly or annual payments on your website." msgstr "在網站上收取每月或每年費用。" msgid "" "Registering a domain name requires valid contact information. Privacy " "Protection is included for all eligible domains to protect your personal " "information." msgstr "" "註冊網域名稱需要有效的聯絡資訊。所有符合資格的網域皆包含隱私權保護,藉以保護" "你的個人資訊。" msgid "" "Upgrade your site to access additional features, including spam protection " "and priority support." msgstr "升級你的網站,以存取其他功能,包括垃圾訊息防護及優先支援服務。" msgid "%(price)s for your first year" msgstr "第一年價格:%(price)s" msgid "%(price)s billed annually" msgstr "每年收費:%(price)s" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Prep Time" msgstr "準備時間" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Cook Time" msgstr "烹飪時間" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Nutrition" msgstr "營養" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Rating" msgstr "評分" msgid "My Solutions" msgstr "我的解決方案" msgid "" "This is the standard price for your Jetpack plan, which " "may be higher than the price you previously paid." msgstr "" "此為 Jetpack 方案的標準費用,可能會比你之前支付的金額還" "高。" msgid "Only the site administrators can use this feature." msgstr "此功能僅限網站管理員使用。" msgid "Site administrator only" msgstr "限網站管理員使用" msgid "My Checklist" msgstr "我的檢查清單" msgid "Add your server credentials" msgstr "新增伺服器憑證" msgid "Update PHP version" msgstr "更新 PHP 版本" msgid "PHP version successfully set to %(version)s." msgstr "已成功將 PHP 版本設定為 %(version)s。" msgid "Failed to set PHP version." msgstr "無法設定 PHP 版本。" msgid "This state or region is not permitted at this time." msgstr "目前不允許使用這個州或地區。" msgid "This postal code is not permitted at this time." msgstr "目前不允許使用此郵遞區號。" msgid "Your account has been closed" msgstr "已關閉你的帳戶" msgid "Your account is being deleted" msgstr "正在刪除你的帳戶" msgid "" "{{strong}}Ready to access your website files?{{/strong}} Keep in mind, if " "mistakes happen you can restore your last backup, but will lose changes made " "after the backup date." msgstr "" "{{strong}}準備好存取你的網站檔案了嗎?{{/strong}}提醒你,如果發生錯誤,你可以" "使用最新的備份還原,但會失去備份日期之後的變更。" msgid "What is SFTP?" msgstr "什麼是 SFTP?" msgid "SFTP credentials" msgstr "SFTP 憑證" msgid "Having problems with access? Try {{a}}resetting the password{{/a}}." msgstr "存取時發生問題嗎?請嘗試{{a}}重設密碼{{/a}}。" msgid "" "For the tech-savvy, manage your database with phpMyAdmin and run a wide " "range of operations with MySQL." msgstr "" "如果你精通技術,即可使用 phpMyAdmin 管理資料庫,並透過 MySQL 執行各種作業。" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "WordAds" msgstr "WordAds" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Testimonials" msgstr "證言" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Store" msgstr "商店" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Social Menu" msgstr "社交選單" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "One Page" msgstr "單一頁面" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Multiple Menus" msgstr "多個選單" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Global Styles" msgstr "全球樣式" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Fixed Menu" msgstr "固定選單" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Featured Content With Pages" msgstr "頁面精選內容" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Classic Menu" msgstr "傳統選單" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Breadcrumb Navigation" msgstr "軌跡瀏覽" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Blog Excerpts" msgstr "網誌摘要" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Block Editor Styles" msgstr "區塊編輯器樣式" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Auto Loading Homepage" msgstr "自動載入首頁" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Author Bio" msgstr "作者簡介" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Grid Layout" msgstr "格狀版面" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Learning" msgstr "學習" msgid "Continue with the entered contact details" msgstr "繼續輸入聯絡詳細資訊" msgid "Continue with the selected payment method" msgstr "繼續選擇付款方式" msgid "Edit the payment method" msgstr "編輯付款方式" msgid "Review your order" msgstr "檢閱訂單" msgid "You are about to remove your product from the cart" msgstr "你即將從購物車移除產品" msgid "You are about to remove your plan from the cart" msgstr "你即將從購物車移除方案" msgid "Two years" msgstr "兩年" msgid "One year" msgstr "一年" msgid "Enter your coupon code" msgstr "輸入你的優惠券代碼" msgid "Please activate the hosting access to begin using these features." msgstr "請啟用託管存取權限,以便開始使用這些功能。" msgid "Hosting Configuration" msgstr "託管設定" msgid "Template parts to include in your templates." msgstr "要納入目前範本的範本組件。" msgid "Uploaded to this template part" msgstr "已關聯至這個範本組件" msgid "Insert into template part" msgstr "插入至範本組件" msgid "Template part archives" msgstr "範本組件彙整" msgid "Parent Template Part:" msgstr "上層範本組件:" msgid "Verify the email address for your domain before launching your site." msgstr "網站正式上線前,請先驗證電子郵件地址。" msgid "Verify the email address for your domains" msgstr "驗證網域的電子郵件地址" msgid "Verify the email address for %(domainName)s" msgstr "驗證 %(domainName)s 的電子郵件地址" msgid "" "We need to check your contact information to make sure you can be reached. " "Please verify your details using the email we sent you, or your domain will " "stop working." msgstr "" "我們必須確認你的聯絡資訊,確保可透過此管道聯絡你。請使用我們傳送的電子郵件驗" "證你的詳細資料,否則你的網域將停止運作。" msgid "" "Always-on backups ensure you never lose your site. Choose from real-time or " "daily backups." msgstr "全年無休的備份服務,保證網站完好無損。即時或每日備份,任君選用。" msgid "E.g., Vail Renovations or Stevie's blog" msgstr "例如:「Vail Renovations」或「Stevie 的網誌」" msgid "Launch my site" msgstr "推出我的網站" msgid "WordPress cron" msgstr "WordPress Cron" msgid "Set as Regular Page" msgstr "設定為一般頁面" msgid "This domain name is already renewed to the allowed maximum of %d years." msgstr "此網域名稱已更新至允許的 %d 年上限。" msgid "YouTube Error: empty URL args" msgstr "YouTube 錯誤:網址引數空白" msgid "YouTube Error: bad URL entered" msgstr "YouTube 錯誤:輸入錯誤網址" msgid "Continue Installing Theme" msgstr "繼續安裝佈景主題" msgid "Continue Installing Plugin" msgstr "繼續安裝外掛程式" msgctxt "WordAds" msgid "Displays more ads in more locations across your site." msgstr "在網站的更多位置顯示更多廣告。" msgctxt "Video" msgid "Supports videos in the header or featured content area." msgstr "在頁首或精選內容區支援影片播放。" msgctxt "Threaded Comments" msgid "Supports threaded comments." msgstr "支援留言串。" msgctxt "Testimonials" msgid "" "Adds graphic and typographical touches to testimonials, to highlight " "satisfied customers or clients." msgstr "在證言中新增圖形和字型設計,突顯顧客或客戶的滿意度。" msgctxt "Sticky Post" msgid "" "Lets you “stick” a specific post to the top of your blog so readers always " "see it first." msgstr "你可以將特定文章「置頂」於網誌頂端,讓讀者每次都先看到。" msgctxt "Social Menu" msgid "" "Displays a built-in social menu with icons that link to social profiles." msgstr "顯示可連結到社交個人檔案的內建社交圖示選單。" msgctxt "Site Logo" msgid "Displays a logo graphic, usually in the header area." msgstr "顯示標誌圖形,通常置於頁首區域。" msgctxt "RTL Language Support" msgid "Supports languages that are read from right to left." msgstr "支援由右至左閱讀的語言。" msgctxt "Post Slider" msgid "" "Displays a slideshow to highlight a selection of featured posts of your " "choice." msgstr "顯示投影片以突顯你挑選的一系列精選文章。" msgctxt "Post Formats" msgid "" "Adds graphic and typographical touches to photos, galleries, quotes, links, " "video, and short posts to add visual interest." msgstr "" "為相片、圖庫、引文、連結、視訊和短文新增圖形和字型設計,藉此加強視覺效果。" msgctxt "One Page" msgid "" "Display content from selected pages of your site on a single cohesive, " "scrolling homepage." msgstr "在具備設計整體性的單一捲動式首頁上顯示網站特定頁面的內容。" msgctxt "Multiple Menus" msgid "Supports two or more menus, not including social-links menus." msgstr "支援兩個以上的選單,不包括社交連結選單。" msgctxt "Microformats" msgid "" "Includes special HTML for marking up people, organizations, events, " "locations, blog posts, and other types of formatted content." msgstr "" "包含特殊 HTML,用於標記人員、組織、事件、地點、網誌文章和其他格式化內容類型。" msgctxt "Global Styles" msgid "Lets you choose fonts for your site in the block editor." msgstr "你可以在區塊編輯器中為網站選擇字型。" msgctxt "Full Width Template" msgid "Create single-column pages without any sidebars." msgstr "建立沒有任何側邊欄的單一內容欄頁面。" msgctxt "Flexible Header" msgid "" "Accepts header images of any size, even if it’s larger than what’s " "recommended for the theme." msgstr "接受任何大小的頁首圖片,即使大於佈景主題建議的大小也可以。" msgctxt "Fixed Menu" msgid "" "Menus that remain fixed in place – either at the top, bottom, or side – " "while visitors scroll through the site." msgstr "在訪客捲動網站頁面時,將選單固定在頂部、底部或兩側。" msgctxt "Featured Images" msgid "" "Lets you set a specific image to represent each post (the position and size " "of the images varies by theme)." msgstr "你可以為每篇文章設定特定的代表圖片 (圖片位置和大小視佈景主題而異)。" msgctxt "Featured Image Header" msgid "Replaces the header on individual posts with the post’s featured image." msgstr "將各篇文章的頁首換成文章精選圖片。" msgctxt "Featured Content With Pages" msgid "Has a featured-content area that displays pages as well as posts." msgstr "提供可顯示頁面和文章的精選內容區。" msgctxt "Custom Menu" msgid "" "Displays at least one custom navigation menu, to which you can add any links " "your choose." msgstr "顯示至少一個自訂導覽選單,你可以在其中新增任何所選連結。" msgctxt "Custom Header" msgid "" "Allows you to upload your own graphic to display at the top of your site." msgstr "你可以上載自己的圖片並顯示在網站頂部。" msgctxt "Custom Colors" msgid "" "Offers a selection of free or premium color palettes, or lets you select " "your own colors." msgstr "提供免費或進階版調色盤選項,或可讓你選擇自己的顏色。" msgctxt "Custom Background" msgid "Lets you upload a background image, or select a solid background color." msgstr "你可以上載背景圖片,或選擇單色背景。" msgctxt "Classic Menu" msgid "" "Displays a full navigation menu that’s visible at all times on desktop " "screens and isn’t hidden behind a panel or icon." msgstr "" "顯示完整的導覽選單,該選單會一直顯示在桌面螢幕,不會隱藏在面板或圖示後面。" msgctxt "Breadcrumb Navigation" msgid "" "Displays a breadcrumb trail-style navigation path to help visitors keep " "track of where they are on your site." msgstr "顯示軌跡瀏覽路徑,幫助訪客追蹤他們在網站的所在位置。" msgctxt "Blog Excerpts" msgid "" "Displays excerpts on the blog page – either add custom text, or let the " "theme automatically show the beginning of each post." msgstr "" "在網誌頁面上顯示文章摘要;你可以新增自訂文字,或讓佈景主題自動顯示每篇文章的" "開頭。" msgctxt "Block Editor Styles" msgid "" "This theme fully supports use of the new block editor to create and edit " "your content." msgstr "這個佈景主題充分支援使用新區塊編輯器建立和編輯內容。" msgctxt "Auto Loading Homepage" msgid "" "Adds homepage template automatically to your site with theme activation." msgstr "啟用佈景主題時,可將首頁範本自動新增到你的網站。" msgctxt "Author Bio" msgid "Displays the author’s profile on single posts." msgstr "在每篇文章上顯示作者的個人檔案。" msgctxt "Accessibility Ready" msgid "" "Adheres to accessibility best practices like color contrast, keyboard " "navigation, and form/link focus." msgstr "遵循無障礙最佳做法,例如顏色對比、鍵盤導覽和表單/連結焦點。" msgctxt "Responsive Layout" msgid "" "Themes that automatically adjust their layouts to make reading and " "navigation easy as screens get smaller." msgstr "" "會自動調整版面配置的佈景主題;隨著螢幕設計越來越小,這個功能可讓閱讀和瀏覽變" "得輕鬆。" msgctxt "Grid Layout" msgid "Themes that lay out posts in a grid for a clean, organized appearance." msgstr "以網格排列文章的佈景主題,可呈現整齊有序的外觀。" msgctxt "Fluid Layout" msgid "" "Themes that get narrower or wider depending on screen size, but keep the " "same basic layout." msgstr "會根據螢幕大小變窄或變寬的佈景主題,但仍維持基本版面配置。" msgctxt "Fixed Layout" msgid "Themes that keep the exact same layout on every screen size." msgstr "不論螢幕尺寸為何,這些佈景主題都能維持完全相同的版面配置。" msgctxt "Portfolio" msgid "" "Themes that support WordPress’ Portfolio post type, many with added features " "like front-page sliders, immersive slideshows, and elegant galleries to help " "viewers engage with your work." msgstr "" "這些佈景主題支援 WordPress 個人作品集文章類型,其中許多主題提供首頁滑桿、吸睛" "投影片及精美圖庫等附加功能,有助於吸引訪客瀏覽你的作品。" msgctxt "Business" msgid "" "WordPress business themes with professional designs for your company or " "organization: display contact info, feature your products or services, share " "testimonials, and engage customers with a blog. " msgstr "" "WordPress 商業佈景主題可為貴公司或組織提供專業設計:顯示聯絡資訊、介紹產品或" "服務、分享證言、透過網誌吸引顧客關注。" msgid "Marketing and Integrations" msgstr "行銷和整合" msgid "Remind me later" msgstr "稍後提醒我" msgid "The email is correct" msgstr "電子郵件地址正確無誤" msgid "This email may be different from your personal email address." msgstr "這個電子郵件地址可與個人使用的電子郵件地址不同。" msgid "Current administration email: %s" msgstr "目前的網站管理員電子郵件地址: %s" msgid "Why is this important?" msgstr "進行這項確認的重要性" msgid "" "Please verify that the administration email for this " "website is still correct." msgstr "請確認這個網站的網站管理員電子郵件地址是否正確。" msgid "Administration email verification" msgstr "網站管理員電子郵件地址驗證" msgid "Confirm your administration email" msgstr "確認網站管理員電子郵件地址" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be " "correctly configured to send emails. Get support for " "resetting your password." msgstr "" "錯誤: 無法傳送電子郵件。這個網站並未正確設定,導致無法寄件。" "進一步瞭解如何重設密碼。" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Style" msgstr "樣式" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Subject" msgstr "主旨" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Columns" msgstr "欄位" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Layout" msgstr "版面配置" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Feature" msgstr "精選" msgid "You do not have access to this resource." msgstr "您沒有此資源的存取權限。" msgid "Restore failed" msgstr "還原失敗" msgid "Restore complete" msgstr "還原已完成" msgid "Display my contact information in public WHOIS" msgstr "在公開的 WHOIS 中顯示我的聯絡資訊" msgid "" "You need to verify the contact information for the domain before you can " "disclose it publicly." msgstr "你需要先驗證該網域的聯絡資訊,才能公開該資訊。" msgid "Unknown error when updating the domain privacy settings" msgstr "更新網域隱私設定時發生未知的錯誤" msgid "Your contact information is now redacted!" msgstr "你的聯絡資訊已修改!" msgid "Your contact information is now publicly visible!" msgstr "你的聯絡資訊已公開!" msgid "" "You can return to your traditional WordPress dashboard anytime by using the " "link at the bottom of the sidebar." msgstr "利用側邊欄底部的連結,即可隨時返回傳統 WordPress 儀表板。" msgid "" "Next, we’ll take a look at your new dashboard. You can manage " "your backups under “Tools > Activity” in the sidebar. There’s also a " "checklist to help you get the most out of your Jetpack plan." msgstr "" "接下來,我們將介紹新的 儀表板。點選側邊欄中的「工具」>「活動」" "即可管理你的備份。我們也提供一份檢查清單,可幫助你充分利用 Jetpack 方案。" msgid "We just finished setting up backups for you." msgstr "我們剛完成你的備份設定。" msgid "Hello backups!" msgstr "可以開始備份了!" msgid "" "By adding credentials, you are providing us with access to your server to " "perform automatic actions (such as backing up or restoring your site), " "manually access your site in case of an emergency, and troubleshoot your " "support requests." msgstr "" "新增憑證即表示你授予我們存取權限,可在你的伺服器上執行自動動作 (包括備份或還" "原網站),或是在緊急情況時手動存取你的網站,疑難排解你的支援要求。" msgid "" "Your server credentials can be found with your hosting provider. Their " "website should explain how to get the credentials you need. {{link}}Learn " "how to find and enter your credentials{{/link}}." msgstr "" "你可向主機服務提供者索取伺服器憑據。他們的網站應會說明如何取得你需要的憑證。" "{{link}}如需詳細資訊,請查看我們的實用指南{{/link}}。" msgid "" "If you need help or have any questions, our Happiness Engineers are here " "when you need them." msgstr "如需協助或有任何疑問,歡迎與我們的 Happiness Engineer 聯絡。" msgid "The original post is located at:" msgstr "原始文章位於:" msgid "" "Install plugins to extend your site’s capabilities. Customize any of our " "beautiful themes or install your own. With you never have to " "worry about data loss, bandwidth, updates, or upgrades." msgstr "" "用外掛程式讓網站功能更多元、自行調整佈景主題設計選項、甚至安裝自己的佈景主" "題。把網站架在,不論資料安全、頻寬流量、系統更新與升級,全都不" "用操心。" msgid "" "The biggest collection of WordPress sites on the internet is hosted here." msgstr "絕大多數 WordPress 網站,都選擇我們代管。" msgid "" "Managed hosting by WordPress experts, with 24/7/365 live chat or email " "support. We’ve got your back." msgstr "" "由 WordPress 專家團隊管理,提供 24 小時全年無休即時文字對談或電子郵件支援,讓" "你的網站時時刻刻都能正常運作,全無後顧之憂。" msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem retrieving your sftp user details. Please refresh " "the page and try again." msgstr "" "抱歉,我們在擷取你的 sftp 使用者詳細資料時遇到問題。請重新整理頁面,然後再試" "一次。" msgid "Requirements Not Met" msgstr "不符合執行環境需求" msgid "This page is also available in:" msgstr "此頁面也提供下列語言版本:" msgid "Unknown Plugin Update Failure" msgstr "未知外掛程式更新錯誤" msgid "Every minute" msgstr "每分鐘" msgid "" "Sync has been blocked from because it would cause an identity " "crisis" msgstr " 已封鎖同步功能,因為它可能會導致身分竊取危機" msgid "Sync has been aborted because the IXR client is missing." msgstr "由於 IXR 用戶端遺失,因此已中止同步。" msgid "" "As always, feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions." msgstr "" "一如往常,若有任何問題,歡迎聯絡我們的支援團隊。" msgid "" "Learn more about " "the connection owner and what will break if you do not have one." msgstr "" "深入瞭解連結擁有" "者,以及沒有連線擁有者會造成什麼問題。" msgid "" "Every Jetpack site needs at least one connected admin for the features to " "work properly. Please connect to your account via the button " "below. Once you connect, you may refresh this page to see an option to " "change the connection owner." msgstr "" "所有 Jetpack 網站皆需至少設定一名連結管理員,網站功能才能正常運作。請透過下方" "按鈕連結至你的 帳戶。連結完成後,請重新整理此頁面,你就會看到變" "更連結擁有者的選項。" msgid "Set new connection owner" msgstr "設定新的連結擁有者" msgid "" "You can choose to transfer connection ownership to one of these already-" "connected admins:" msgstr "你可以選擇將連結所有權轉移給以下任一位已連結的管理員:" msgid "" "Warning! You are about to delete the Jetpack connection owner (%s) for this " "site, which may cause some of your Jetpack features to stop working." msgstr "" "警告!你即將刪除此網站的 Jetpack 連結擁有者 (%s),這可能導致部分 Jetpack 功能" "停止運作。" msgid "New free service: Show Canada Post shipping rates on your store!" msgstr "全新免費服務:在商店顯示加拿大郵政 (Canada Post) 的送貨費率!" msgid "Important notice about your Jetpack connection:" msgstr "關於 Jetpack 連結的重要通知:" msgid "" "New free service: Show USPS shipping rates on your store! Added bonus: print " "shipping labels without leaving WooCommerce." msgstr "" "全新免費服務:在商店顯示美國郵政服務 (USPS) 的送貨費率!新增的獎勵:無需離開 " "WooCommerce 即可列印郵寄標籤。" msgid "The Client ID/ Blog ID of this site" msgstr "此網站客戶端的 ID 帳戶 / 的部落格 ID 帳戶。" msgid "Jetpack Plugin Version" msgstr "Jetpack 外掛版本" msgid "The number of sites of the connected user" msgstr "已連結的 使用者的網站數量" msgid "The user email of the connected user" msgstr "已連結的使用者的 使用者電子郵件" msgid "The username of the connected user" msgstr "已連結的使用者的 使用者名稱" msgid "The user ID of the connected user" msgstr "已連結的使用者的 使用者 ID" msgid "" "Domain `%1$s` just failed is_usable_domain check as it is a subdomain of " "" msgstr "" "網域「%1$s」未通過 is_usable_domain 檢查,因為該網域為 的子網" "域。" msgid "" "Domain `%1$s` just failed is_usable_domain check as it uses an invalid top " "level domain." msgstr "" "網域「%1$s」未通過 is_usable_domain 檢查,因為該網域使用無效的頂層網域。" msgid "" "Domain `%1$s` just failed is_usable_domain check as it is in the forbidden " "array." msgstr "" "網域「%1$s」未通過 is_usable_domain 檢查,因為該網域位於禁止的 array 中。" msgid "Domain `%1$s` just failed is_usable_domain check as it is empty." msgstr "網域「%1$s」未通過 is_usable_domain 檢查,因為該網域為空白。" msgid "Secret mismatch" msgstr "密碼不符" msgid "Verification secrets are incomplete" msgstr "驗證密碼不完整" msgid "Verification secrets are empty" msgstr "驗證密碼空白" msgid "Verification took too long" msgstr "驗證花費太長時間" msgid "Verification secrets not found" msgstr "找不到驗證密碼" msgid "" "Error Details: Jetpack ID begins with a numeral. Do not publicly post this " "error message! %s" msgstr "錯誤詳細資料:Jetpack ID 以數字為開頭。請勿公開發佈此錯誤訊息!%s" msgid "" "Error Details: Jetpack ID is not a scalar. Do not publicly post this error " "message! %s" msgstr "錯誤詳細資料:Jetpack ID 並非純量。請勿公開發佈此錯誤訊息!%s" msgid "" "Error Details: Jetpack ID is empty. Do not publicly post this error message! " "%s" msgstr "錯誤詳細資料:Jetpack ID 為空白。請勿公開發佈此錯誤訊息!%s" msgid "" "PHP's XML extension is not available. Jetpack requires the XML extension to " "communicate with Please contact your hosting provider to " "enable PHP's XML extension." msgstr "" "PHP 的 XML 延伸模組無法使用。Jetpack 需要 XML 延伸模組才能與 通" "訊。請聯絡您的主機服務提供者以啟用 PHP 的 XML 延伸模組。" msgid "The required \"local_user\" parameter is missing." msgstr "要求的「local_user」參數遺失。" msgid "Failed to fetch user token from" msgstr "無法從 擷取使用者權杖。" msgid "A non-empty nonce must be supplied." msgstr "必須提供非空白隨機數。" msgid "Valid user is required." msgstr "需要有效的使用者。" msgid "Jetpack is already connected." msgstr "Jetpack 已連結。" msgid "There was an unspecified error registering the site" msgstr "註冊網站時發生不明錯誤" msgid "There was an issue validating this request." msgstr "驗證此要求發生問題。" msgid "The required \"nonce\" parameter is missing." msgstr "要求的「nonce」參數遺失。" msgid "Valid user is required" msgstr "需要有效的使用者" msgid "Invalid user identifier." msgstr "無效的使用者識別碼。" msgid "%1$s needs to be a %2$s object." msgstr "%1$s 必須是 %2$s 物件。" msgid "The final destination of the URL being checked for redirects." msgstr "正在檢查網址最終目的地,以進行重新導向。" msgid "The URL to check for redirects." msgstr "檢查重新導向的網址。" msgid "Use text chats or video calls, with built in screen sharing." msgstr "透過內建螢幕分享功能,使用文字聊天或視訊通話。" msgid "Video calls" msgstr "視訊通話" msgid "" "Confirm you have a account and not " "" msgstr "" "請確認你擁有 帳戶,而不是 帳" "戶。" msgid "" "If you believe your account is suspended in error please contact us" msgstr "如果你認為我們誤將你的帳戶停用,請聯絡我們" msgid "" "Want more help? We have a full guide to resetting your " "password." msgstr "需要更多協助嗎?我們有完整的指南可協助你重設密碼。" msgid "" "If you set up two factor authentication, you can provide a current code from " "your authenticator app here to prove ownership. More information." msgstr "" "如果設定了雙重驗證,即可在此提供驗證器應用程式產生的最新驗證碼,以證明你的所" "有權。更多資訊。" msgid "" "When you sign up, we email you a unique activation link or key to verify " "your account. More information." msgstr "" "註冊時,我們會透過電子郵件向你傳送唯一的啟動連結或金鑰,以驗證你的帳戶。更多資訊。" msgid "" "Sorry but the website you gave does not exist on Is it a self-hosted website?" msgstr "" "很抱歉,你提供的網站不存在於。它是否為自助託管" "的 網站?" msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem restoring your database password. Please try again." msgstr "很抱歉,還原你的資料庫密碼時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "Your database password has been restored." msgstr "已還原你的資料庫密碼。" msgid "Are you sure you want to restore the default password of your database?" msgstr "確定要還原為資料庫的預設密碼?" msgid "Restore database password" msgstr "還原資料庫密碼" msgid "Sign in to %(clientTitle)s" msgstr "登入 %(clientTitle)s" msgid "email is required." msgstr "電子郵件為必填。" msgid "Token scope must be \"jetpack-partner\"" msgstr "權杖範圍必須為「jetpack-partner」" msgid "Missing Authorization Header" msgstr "遺失授權標頭" msgid "Confirm Login to" msgstr "確認登入" msgid "Pre-Installed SSL Certificate" msgstr "預先安裝的 SSL 憑證" msgid "" "This certificate from Let’s Encrypt ensures the privacy and safety of all " "traffic to and from your site." msgstr "Let’s Encrypt 提供的此憑證可確保貴網站所有進出流量的隱私與安全。" msgid "" "Please note: You have a %s plan connected to this custom domain that renews " "separately. If your plan is not set to auto-renew, you may get a separate " "email reminding you to update your payment method for your plan." msgstr "" "請注意:你有一個 %s 方案與此自訂網域連結。如果你的網域未設定為自動續訂,可能" "會另外收到一封電子郵件,提醒你更新網域的付款方式。" msgid "" "Built-in SEO, automated social sharing, add-ons to keep people sticking " "around on your site—we help you build a site, and we help you grow it." msgstr "" "我們協助你建立網站,也協助你讓網站成長,例如提供內建 SEO、自動化社交分享和附" "加元件,讓訪客在你的網站多加停留。" msgid "When you need real help from actual humans, we’ve got you covered." msgstr "當你需要真人的實際協助時,我們很樂意伸出援手。" msgid "" "Product demo videos. Family photos. Your band’s latest track. Upload as much " "as you want—we don’t limit your storage." msgstr "" "我們不會限制你的儲存空間,產品範例影片、家庭相片、樂團最新單曲,想上載多少就" "上載多少。" msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to start your website " "today. Free hosting, your own domain, a world-class support team, and so " "much more.{{/line1}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} 為你提供一切所需,讓你立即著手建立網站。免費託管、擁有" "自己的網域、世界級的支援團隊,還有更多優質服務。{{/line1}}" msgid "" "Welcome, NYC educators! Save %s%% on any plan using coupon " "code {{coupon_code}} at checkout. Happy WordPressing! :)" msgstr "" "NYC 教育人員,歡迎使用!購買任何 方案,皆可省下 %s%%,只要在結" "帳時輸入優惠劵代碼「{{coupon_code}}」即可。祝你使用 WordPress 愉" "快!:)" msgid "" "There are multiple authors on your site. Please reassign the authors of the " "imported items to an existing user on {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, " "then click {{em}}Start import{{/em}}." msgstr "" "你的網站有多位作者。請將匯入項目的作者重新指派給 " "{{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}} 的現有使用者,然後按一下{{em}}「開始匯" "入」{{/em}}.。" msgid "Screenshot of your site." msgstr "你的網站螢幕截圖。" msgid "I want to import content from:" msgstr "我想從以下服務匯入:" msgid "Importing content from:" msgstr "從以下服務中匯入內容:" msgid "Choose from full list" msgstr "從完整清單選擇" msgid "Success! Your content has been imported." msgstr "成功!已匯入你的內容。" msgid "" "You can safely navigate away from this page if you need to; we'll send you a " "notification when it's done." msgstr "如有需要,你可以安全離開此頁面繼續瀏覽;我們會在完成時傳送通知。" msgid "" "Import posts, pages, and media from your site to " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgstr "從你的 網站將文章、頁面和媒體匯入 {{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}。" msgid "" "Import posts, tags, images, and videos from a Medium export file to " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgstr "" "從 Medium 匯出檔案將文章、標籤、圖片及視訊匯入 {{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}。" msgid "" "Import posts, pages, comments, tags, and images from a %(importerName)s " "export file to {{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgstr "" "從 %(importerName)s 匯出檔案將文章、頁面、留言、標籤和圖片匯入 " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}。" msgid "" "Import posts, pages, and media from a WordPress export file to " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgstr "從 WordPress 匯出檔案將文章、頁面及媒體匯入 {{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}。" msgid "" "What can you do here? A whole lot. Here are some of the brands and people " "building a better web with WordPress." msgstr "" "選擇 WordPress 有什麼優點?答案是多到數不清。下列品牌和使用者都選用 " "WordPress 來建立更優質的網站。" msgid "There are thousands of ways to WordPress" msgstr "數以千計的 WordPress 使用方式" msgid "" "Your site runs on the best WordPress hosting environment on " "earth. No patches, no upgrades, no-nonsense, no matter the plan." msgstr "" "你的 使用全球最佳 WordPress 託管服務,任何方案都不用自己費心升" "級主機、修補系統漏洞,不用擔心操作不當,反而搞掛網站。" msgid "Serious security." msgstr "嚴密的安全措施。" msgid "Got a question? ›" msgstr "有問題嗎?›" msgid "" "We’ll help you get started, customize your site, and add features with 1-" "on-1 concierge sessions, live chat, or email." msgstr "" "我們會透過 1 對 1 口頭說明、即時聊天或電子郵件的方式,協助你開始使用、自訂網" "站和新增功能。" msgid "Find your domain ›" msgstr "找出最適合你的網域名稱 ›" msgid "Real support from real people." msgstr "真人團隊,提供真心支援。" msgid "" "From .com to .club, or whatever else you can dream up, there’s a memorable — " "and apt! — domain for your site." msgstr "" "不論是 .com 或 .club,你的任何網站構想,都能在此找到好記又響亮的網域名稱。" msgid "Domains for anything." msgstr "依你所需,選擇合適的網域名稱。" msgid "Explore plans ›" msgstr "探索各種方案 ›" msgid "" "We’ve got plans for book clubs, businesspeople, bird fanciers, Bond " "impersonators, bed and breakfast owners, and anyone else who wants to get " "online." msgstr "不管你從事什麼行業,只要想在網路上服務大眾,都能找到最合適的方案。" msgid "Plans for everyone." msgstr "不論文武百業,都有最適用的方案。" msgid "" "Your website is just the beginning. We’ve got the service and tools you need " "to keep growing." msgstr "我們提供一系列優質支援工具與服務,用心呵護你的網站,一路成長茁壯。" msgid "You’re covered." msgstr "讓我們滿足你的所有需求。" msgid "Download our apps ›" msgstr "下載應用程式 ›" msgid "" "Publish a blog post, manage sales, reply to comments, update your homepage — " "all from your phone, tablet, or browser." msgstr "" "不論是發佈網誌文章、管理銷售、回覆留言或更新首頁,全都可以透過手機、平板電腦" "或瀏覽器進行。" msgid "Take the best website builder anywhere with you everywhere." msgstr "隨時隨地掌握網站脈動。" msgid "" "Rely on built-in SEO tools, Mailchimp, Google Analytics integrations, and " "more to market what you make." msgstr "" "運用內建 SEO 工具、Mailchimp、Google Analytics 整合功能等其他項目,從事行銷活" "動。" msgid "Find your fans." msgstr "找出頭號粉絲。" msgid "" "Showcase your products and services. Accept one-time or recurring payments. " "And do it all globally." msgstr "" "盡情展示你的產品和服務,接受一次性或週期性付款,並將所有業務拓展至全球規模。" msgid "Turn your site into a store" msgstr "讓網站變成商店" msgid "Explore more plugins ›" msgstr "探索更多外掛程式 ›" msgid "" "Thousands of easy-to-install add-ons mean you’ll never outgrow your website." msgstr "我們提供數千種簡易安裝的附加元件,因此你的網站功能永遠夠用。" msgid "Infinite combinations, infinite possibility." msgstr "萬千選擇,自由運用,讓網站展現無限可能。" msgid "" "The potential for a bigger and better site — and a bigger and better " "audience — is built right in." msgstr "釋放網站無限潛能,持續成長,訪客源源不絕。" msgid "Grow without limits." msgstr "網站成長將不受任何限制。" msgid "Learn about blocks ›" msgstr "瞭解區塊相關資訊 ›" msgid "" "Insert text, photos, forms, Yelp reviews, testimonials, maps, and more. Move " "them. Delete them. Play until it’s perfect. You already know how to do it!" msgstr "" "利用區塊編輯功能,可在頁面中隨意放入文字、相片、表單、用戶證言、平台嵌入元" "件、地圖等等,更可隨意移動增刪,調到滿意為止。操作直覺上手,任何人都會用!" msgid "Drag and drop. And you’re done." msgstr "簡單拖放即可完成。" msgid "Start building ›" msgstr "開始建置 ›" msgid "" "Photo carousels, tiled image galleries, maps, forms — add them with a click " "and know they’ll look great." msgstr "" "按一下即可新增相片隨選區、並排圖庫、地圖和表單,而且大可放心,這些項目的外觀" "設計一定好看。" msgid "Design without a designer." msgstr "不用設計師,也能變出好設計。" msgid "Find your theme ›" msgstr "尋找你的佈景主題 ›" msgid "" "No matter your site or your style, there’s a beautiful, pro layout waiting " "for you." msgstr "眾多精美專業網站版型,不論你需要何種風格、架設何種網站,都能滿足所需。" msgid "Stand out with professionally-designed themes." msgstr "專業設計的佈景主題,讓網站更為搶眼。" msgid "Create any kind of website. No code, no manuals, no limits." msgstr "" "想架什麼站,就架什麼站。無需學寫程式,不必狂翻手冊,自由自在,全無限制。" msgid "Build simply." msgstr "架設網站,輕鬆愉快。" msgid "Create a website. Sell your stuff. Write a blog." msgstr "建置網站,接著就能銷售產品和撰寫網誌。" msgid "Come find out why." msgstr "探索背後原因。" msgid "%s%% of the internet does it with WordPress." msgstr "%s%% 的網路使用者選擇使用 WordPress 建立自己的網站。" msgid "Universal time is %s." msgstr "目前的國際標準時間為 %s。" msgid "" "Choose either a city in the same timezone as you or a %s (Coordinated " "Universal Time) time offset." msgstr "請選取與居地同一時區的城市或國際標準時間 (%s) 時區。" msgid "Administration Email Address" msgstr "網站管理員電子郵件地址" msgid "" "It’s never a bad time to claim a memorable domain for your site, but sooner " "is better than later! Make sure no one else snaps up the domain that’s " "perfect for you." msgstr "" "為你的網站申請一個令人難忘的網域永遠不嫌晚,但越早申請越好!確保沒有其他人搶" "先取得那些最適合你的網域。" msgid "" "Your domain creates your site’s first impression, and it’s how people " "remember you." msgstr "你的網域就是貴網站的門面,人們也會透過網域名稱記住你的網站。" msgid "" "With over 15,000 new domains being claimed every day, their value is no " "secret." msgstr "每天新網域申請數量超過 15,000 個,由此可見網域的重要性。" msgid "" "A unique domain is one of the most effective elements of any successful " "website – and it’s how people will remember your website." msgstr "" "任何成功的網站,其中最有效的元素之一莫過於獨特的網域,這也是人們記住貴網站的" "方式。" msgid "%d upload" msgid_plural "%d uploads" msgstr[0] "%d 上載" msgid "%d theme" msgid_plural "%d themes" msgstr[0] "%d 佈景主題" msgid "%d plugin" msgid_plural "%d plugins" msgstr[0] "%d 外掛程式" msgid "Nav menu locations must be strings." msgstr "導覽選單位置名稱必須是字串。" msgid "" "This page can show you every detail about the configuration of your " "WordPress website. For any improvements that could be made, see the Site Health Status page." msgstr "" "這個頁面顯示 WordPress 網站組態的各項詳細資料。網站如有需要改進的項目,請參" "照 [網站狀態] 頁面所列資訊進行。" msgid "Results are still loading…" msgstr "正在載入結果..." msgid "" "The scheduled event, %s, is late to run. Your site still works, but this may " "indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended." msgstr "" "排程事件 %s 已延遲執行。這個網站仍能如常運作,但這也代表文章排程發佈或自動更" "新無法如預期般運作。" msgid "A scheduled event is late" msgstr "排程事件已延遲" msgid "" "An HTTPS connection is a more secure way of browsing the web. Many services " "now have HTTPS as a requirement. HTTPS allows you to take advantage of new " "features that can increase site speed, improve search rankings, and gain the " "trust of your visitors by helping to protect their online privacy." msgstr "" "由於 HTTPS 連線是瀏覽網站更安全的方式,因此現在有許多服務都將 HTTPS 設定為必" "要條件。HTTPS 的新特性能讓網站提供網站訪客線上私隱保護,藉以提升速度、改善搜" "尋排名並獲得訪客的信任。" msgid "Your version of WordPress (%s) is up to date" msgstr "這個網站的 WordPress %s 已是最新版本" msgid "Database collation" msgstr "資料庫定序" msgid "Database charset" msgstr "資料庫字元集" msgid "Inactive Themes" msgstr "未啟用的佈景主題" msgid "Parent Theme" msgstr "上層佈景主題" msgid "" "Drop-ins are single files, found in the %s directory, that replace or " "enhance WordPress features in ways that are not possible for traditional " "plugins." msgstr "" "檔案位置在 %s 目錄的強化外掛,是用來取代或加強 WordPress 無法透過傳統外掛加入" "功能的獨立檔案。" msgid "Update your payment details and renew your subscription" msgstr "更新付款詳細資料和續訂。" msgid "" "You can downgrade and get a partial refund of %(amount)s or continue to the " "next step and cancel the plan." msgstr "" "你可以降級版本並獲得 %(amount)s 的部分退款,或繼續前往下個步驟並取消方案。" msgid "Migrate" msgstr "遷移" msgid "" "Get everything your site needs, in one package — so you can focus on your " "business." msgstr "多種網站強效功能集於一身,讓你可以用心經營網站,全無後顧之憂。" msgid "Real-Time Backups" msgstr "即時備份" msgid "Could not update the meta value of %s in database." msgstr "無法在資料庫中更新 %s 的中繼資料值。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete revisions of this post." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有刪除這篇文章修訂內容的權限。" msgid "Whether posts of this status may have floating published dates." msgstr "這個狀態的文章是否含有浮動發佈日期。" msgid "List of the missing image sizes of the attachment." msgstr "缺少附件圖片尺寸清單。" msgid "" "Credit Card processing requires the latest version of the " "desktop app. Please update your app and try again." msgstr "" "你需要最新版 桌面應用程式才能使用信用卡。請更新應用程式,然後再" "試一次。" msgid "" "Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded " "successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page." msgstr "" "伺服器傳回未預期的回應。檔案可能已完成上載,請查看媒體庫或重新載入頁面。" msgid "" "The %1$s, %2$s, and %3$s values can be edited to set the video track " "language and kind." msgstr "編輯 %1$s、%2$s 及 %3$s 這幾項屬性值,便能設定影片音軌的語言及種類。" msgid "Image size in pixels" msgstr "圖片尺寸 (單位為 px)" msgid "Media title" msgstr "媒體標題" msgid "Media title…" msgstr "媒體標題..." msgid "Audio title…" msgstr "音訊標題..." msgid "Audio title" msgstr "音訊標題" msgid "Caption…" msgstr "請在這裡輸入媒體說明文字..." msgid "Attachment Preview" msgstr "附件預覽" msgid "Your browser cannot upload files" msgstr "目前使用的瀏覽器無法上載檔案" msgid "Selected media actions" msgstr "已選取的媒體操作" msgctxt "media modal menu" msgid "Menu" msgstr "選單" msgctxt "media modal menu actions" msgid "Actions" msgstr "操作" msgid "User’s media data." msgstr "使用者媒體資料" msgid "Video title…" msgstr "影片標題..." msgid "Media list" msgstr "媒體清單" msgid "Filter media" msgstr "篩選媒體" msgid "No media items found. Try a different search." msgstr "找不到符合條件的媒體項目,請改用其他關鍵字進行搜尋。" msgid "The attached file cannot be found." msgstr "找不到已產生關聯的檔案。" msgid "Number of media items found: %d" msgstr "已找到的媒體項目數量: %d" msgid "Connect to your Google Drive" msgstr "連結你的 Google Drive" msgid "Play Slideshow" msgstr "播放投影片" msgid "Go to slide %d" msgstr "前往投影片 %d" msgid "Global Styles" msgstr "全域樣式" msgid "Heading Font" msgstr "標題字體" msgid "Link copied to clipboard." msgstr "連結已複製到剪貼簿。" msgid "Uploaded to this template" msgstr "已關聯至這個範本" msgid "Insert into template" msgstr "插入至範本" msgid "Template archives" msgstr "範本彙整" msgid "Parent Template:" msgstr "上層範本:" msgid "No matching template found" msgstr "找不到符合條件的範本" msgid "" "The image cannot be rotated because the embedded meta data cannot be updated." msgstr "由於嵌入的中繼資料無法更新,因此無法旋轉圖片。" msgid "Cannot resize the image. Both width and height are not set." msgstr "無法調整圖片大小。寬度及高度均尚未設定。" msgid "Show Timeline" msgstr "顯示時間軸" msgid "" "The seventh parameter passed to %s should be numeric representing menu " "position." msgstr "傳遞至 %s 的第 7 個參數應該為代表選單位置的數值。" msgid "Your translations are all up to date." msgstr "你的所有翻譯都是最新版本。" msgid "" "Only you and those you invite can view your site. Launch your site to make " "it visible to the public." msgstr "只有你和受邀者可以檢視你的網站。讓網站上線,向大眾公開。" msgctxt "file type group" msgid "Archives" msgstr "壓縮檔案" msgid "Unknown email address. Check again or try your username." msgstr "未知的電子郵件地址。請再次檢查或改用使用者名稱登入。" msgid "Manage Archives" msgstr "管理壓縮檔案" msgid "Manage Spreadsheets" msgstr "管理試算表" msgid "Spreadsheets" msgstr "試算表" msgid "Manage Documents" msgstr "管理文件" msgid "User’s comment data." msgstr "使用者留言資料" msgid "" "When registering an \"array\" meta type to show in the REST API, you must " "specify the schema for each array item in \"show_in_rest.schema.items\"." msgstr "" "如需註冊 array 中繼資料型別以顯示 REST API,必須在 show_in_rest.schema.items " "為每個陣列項目指定架構。" msgctxt "excerpt_length" msgid "55" msgstr "55" msgctxt "comment_excerpt_length" msgid "20" msgstr "20" msgctxt "draft_length" msgid "10" msgstr "10" msgid "3 GB Storage Space" msgstr "3 GB 儲存空間" msgid "Your timezone is set to %1$s (Coordinated Universal Time %2$s)." msgstr "這個網站設定的時區是 %1$s,國際標準時間 %2$s。" msgid "" "Your timezone is set to %1$s (%2$s), currently %3$s (Coordinated Universal " "Time %4$s)." msgstr "這個網站設定的時區是 %1$s (%2$s),目前 %3$s 國際標準時間 %4$s。" msgid "" "Build a unique site with advanced design tools, custom CSS, and Google " "Analytics support." msgstr "" "利用進階設計工具、自訂 CSS 及 Google Analytics 支援,打造獨一無二的網站。" msgid "" "This page allows direct access to your site settings. You can break things " "here. Please be cautious!" msgstr "" "這個頁面能直接存取這個網站的設定,同時也代表設定錯誤會造成網站停擺。請審慎使" "用!" msgid "" "The %s setting is unregistered. Unregistered settings are deprecated. See " "" msgstr "" "[%s] 設定已取消註冊。系統會將取消註冊的設定功能淘汰不用。請參考 https://" "" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Publish on: %s" msgstr "發佈時間: %s" msgid "Scheduled for: %s" msgstr "排程發佈時間: %s" msgid "" "Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of " "space for audio and video, Google Analytics support, and the ability to " "monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "享有進階設計工具、CSS 編輯功能、足供影音檔案使用的大容量儲存空間、Google " "Analytics 支援、網路廣告獲利功能,助你打造出獨一無二,專屬於你的網站。" msgid "Y-m-d H:i:s" msgstr "Y 年 m 月 d 日 H:i:s" msgid "Open phpMyAdmin" msgstr "開啟 PHPMyAdmin" msgid "" "WordAds is the leading advertising optimization platform for WordPress " "sites, where the internet’s top ad suppliers bid against each other to " "deliver their ads to your site, maximizing your revenue.{{br/}}{{br/}}{{em}}" "Because you have a paid plan, you can skip the review process and activate " "%(program)s instantly.{{/em}}{{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}Learn more about the " "program{{/a}}" msgstr "" "WordAds 是 WordPress 網站的廣告最佳化領導平台,網際網路上的頂級廣告供應商在這" "裡相互競標,得標者可將廣告投放到你的網站,從而提高你的收益。{{br/}}{{br/}}" "{{em}}由於你有付費方案,因此可以略過審核程序,立即啟用 %(program)s。{{/em}}" "{{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}深入瞭解方案{{/a}}" msgid "Apply to Join WordAds" msgstr "申請加入 WordAds" msgid "" "I have read and agree to the {{a}}Automattic Ads Terms of Service{{/a}}. " "{{br/}}I agree to post only {{b}}family-friendly content{{/b}} and will not " "purchase non-human traffic." msgstr "" "我已閱讀並同意 {{a}}Automattic Ads 服務條款{{/a}}。{{br/}}本人同意只發布{{b}}" "適合家庭觀看的內容{{/b}},亦同意不購買機器人流量。" msgctxt "page label" msgid "Posts Page" msgstr "文章頁面" msgctxt "page label" msgid "Front Page" msgstr "靜態首頁" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Sticky" msgstr "置頂文章" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Customization Draft" msgstr "自訂外觀草稿" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Password protected" msgstr "受密碼保護" msgctxt "page label" msgid "Privacy Policy Page" msgstr "私隱政策頁面" msgid "Please enter your credentials." msgstr "請輸入你的認證。" msgid "Thank you for your submission!" msgstr "感謝你的提交!" msgid "" "Your subscription expired %d day ago. You need to complete this process " "right away to avoid losing it." msgid_plural "" "Your subscription expired %d days ago. You need to complete this process " "right away to avoid losing it." msgstr[0] "你的訂閱已在 %d 天前過期,請立即完成此程序,避免遺失訂閱項目。" msgid "" "Your subscription expires today! Complete this process right away to avoid " "losing your subscription." msgstr "你的訂閱已在今天過期!請立即完成此程序,避免遺失訂閱項目。" msgid "Manage subscription" msgstr "管理訂閱" msgid "All automatic updates are disabled." msgstr "全部自動更新已停用。" msgid "Allow people to submit comments on new posts." msgstr "開放使用者在新文章中發佈留言" msgid " Website Builder | Solutions for Students" msgstr " 網站建置工具 | 學生方案" msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of themes and customize them to your taste. Build the " "website of your dreams without hiring a professional designer." msgstr "" "從數百種佈景主題中挑選,然後按照你的喜好自訂。建置夢想中的網站,無需花錢請專" "業設計師操刀。" msgid "Find a theme for any project that reflects your personality" msgstr "為任何專案尋找適合的佈景主題,忠實反映你的風格" msgid "" "Live on your phone? Update your website on the move with mobile, or go full-" "screen with desktop apps for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux." msgstr "" "倚賴手機工作嗎?使用行動裝置隨時隨地更新你的網站,或透過適用於 iOS、Android、" "Mac、Windows 和 Linux 的桌面應用程式享有全螢幕體驗。" msgid "" "Grow your audience and track your progress. Activate essential features for " "site stats, SEO, social media sharing, and more." msgstr "" "拓展讀者群並追蹤網站進展。啟用網站統計資料、SEO、社交媒體分享等基本功能。" msgid "Elevate your online presence" msgstr "提高你的網路知名度" msgid "" "Adding images to posts and pages is as easy as drag-and-drop. Quickly create " "galleries or embed audio, video, documents and more." msgstr "" "拖放即可輕鬆為文章和頁面新增圖片。快速建立圖庫或嵌入音訊、視訊、文件等其他項" "目。" msgid "Add media with ease" msgstr "輕鬆新增媒體" msgid "" "Discover the breezy experience of the WordPress editor. It’s fast, " "intuitive, and constantly saves your work so you don’t lose a thing." msgstr "" "探索 WordPress 編輯器帶來的愉快體驗,不僅上手快速、直覺化,還可持續儲存作業進" "度,防止遺失任何內容。" msgid "Effortless editing" msgstr "輕鬆編輯" msgid "" "Start blogging, display photography, launch a business. It’s up to you. The " "internet’s your oyster with" msgstr "" "不論是開始撰寫網誌,展示攝影作品,或開立商店,一切由你做主。 在" "手,偌大網路盡在掌握之中。" msgid "You decide what to build" msgstr "由你決定建置內容" msgid "" "Find a plan that fits your needs, including extra storage space, advanced " "customization and premium themes. Or start for free." msgstr "" "尋找符合需求的方案,包含更多儲存空間、進階自訂工具和進階版佈景主題,或選擇免" "費開始使用。" msgid "Budget-friendly choices" msgstr "各種符合預算的選擇" msgid "" "{{line1}}The features and flexibility you need{{/line1}} {{line2}}in a world-" "class website builder{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}世界級網站建置工具{{/line1}} {{line2}}提供你所需的功能與彈性{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "Look like a pro with an email address using your custom domain that forwards " "messages straight to G-suite and other email services." msgstr "" "透過使用自訂網域的電子郵件地址直接轉寄訊息至 G-suite 或其他電子郵件服務,讓你" "看起來專業無比。" msgid "Custom email addresses" msgstr "自訂電子郵件位址" msgid "" "It’s your website. Keep the focus on what you want. Every " "paid plan with is free of unwanted advertising." msgstr "" "你的網站,由你決定運作方式。 提供的每個付費方" "案,都不會出現你不想要的廣告內容。" msgid "No ads and no clutter" msgstr "不含廣告,整潔無比" msgid "" "Register a domain name for your student site that’s memorable and unique. " "Already have a domain? Point it to in a few steps." msgstr "" "為你的學生網站註冊一個獨特好記的網域名稱。已有網域了嗎?只要幾個步驟就能將其" "導向。" msgid "Name your domain" msgstr "為你的網域命名" msgid "Custom domains for ad-free student websites" msgstr "零廣告學生網站的自訂網域" msgid "Transfer your domain to" msgstr "將你的網域轉移至" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Host Managed Plan" msgstr "主機管理的方案" msgid "" "Your theme determines how content is displayed in browsers. Learn more about feeds." msgstr "" "您的佈景主題確定內容在瀏覽器中的顯示方式。 了解有關供稿的更多" "資訊 。" msgid "For each post in a feed, include" msgstr "資訊提供中的文章顯示方式" msgid "" "Warning: these pages should not be the same as your Privacy " "Policy page!" msgstr "警告: 不能將私隱政策頁面設定為靜態頁面。" msgid "Main" msgstr "主要網站" msgctxt "publish box time format" msgid "H:i" msgstr "a g:i" msgctxt "publish box date format" msgid "M j, Y" msgstr "Y 年 n 月 j 日" msgid "Enter your billing information" msgstr "請輸入帳單資訊" msgid "Pick a payment method" msgstr "選擇一個付款方式" msgid "Test" msgstr "測試" msgid "Your password is strong enough to be saved." msgstr "你的密碼強度夠高,可以儲存。" msgid "You successfully changed your plan" msgstr "你已成功變更方案" msgid "You imported from another site. How did the import go?" msgstr "你已從其他網站匯入內容。匯入情況如何?" msgid "I didn't have the functionality I have on my existing site." msgstr "缺少我現有網站中具備的功能。" msgid "Not enough of my content was imported." msgstr "未匯入足夠的內容。" msgid "" "Most of my content was imported, but it was too hard to get things looking " "right." msgstr "已匯入大多數內容,但調整太過困難,無法以合適的方式呈現內容。" msgid "I was happy." msgstr "我很滿意。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to import content into this site." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有將內容匯入至這個網站的權限。" msgid "" "Mabuhay, WeWork Philippines members! Enjoy a %s%% discount off any WordPress." "com upgrade as part of your WeWork membership. Enter {{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "Mabuhay (敬生活),WeWork 菲律賓會員!由於你是 WeWork 會員,購買任何 " " 升級方案可享 %s%% 折扣優惠。今天結帳時輸入 " "{{coupon_code}} 即可享有優惠。" msgid "" "Welcome, Shaw Academy students! Save %s%% on any plan using " "coupon code {{coupon_code}} at checkout. Happy WordPressing! :)" msgstr "" "Shaw Academy 學員可享歡迎禮!購買任何 方案可省下 %s%%,只要在結" "帳時使用優惠券代碼 {{coupon_code}} 即可,祝你使用 WordPress 愉" "快!:)" msgid "Please turn off merge tags in Mailchimp:" msgstr "請關閉 Mailchimp 中的合併標籤:" msgid "A token error has occurred." msgstr "發生權杖錯誤。" msgid "An API error has occurred." msgstr "發生 API 錯誤。" msgid "An unknown error has occurred." msgstr "發生不明錯誤。" msgid "Mailchimp has not been configured for this site." msgstr "未為此網站設定 Mailchimp。" msgid "Invalid site." msgstr "無效的網站。" msgid "{{smallerPrice/}}-{{higherPrice/}}" msgstr "{{smallerPrice/}} - {{higherPrice/}}" msgid "%(smallerPrice)s-%(higherPrice)s" msgstr "%(smallerPrice)s - %(higherPrice)s" msgid "Entries feed" msgstr "訂閱網站RSS" msgid "PHP version %s" msgstr "PHP 版本 %s" msgid "Current plugin: %1$s (version %2$s)" msgstr "目前外掛版本:%1$s %2$s" msgid "Active theme: %1$s (version %2$s)" msgstr "目前使用的佈景主題:%1$s %2$s 版" msgid "Refund amount must be greater than zero." msgstr "退款金額必須大於 0。" msgid "Unable to create order." msgstr "無法建立訂單。" msgid " Stripe" msgstr "Stripe" msgid "Out of stock" msgstr "已售完" msgid "Out of stock threshold" msgstr "無庫存臨界值" msgid "Low stock threshold" msgstr "低庫存臨界值" msgid "Order deleted" msgstr "訂單已刪除" msgid "Dimensions unit" msgstr "長度單位" msgid "Weight unit" msgstr "重量單位" msgid "Yards" msgstr "英碼" msgid "Inches" msgstr "英寸" msgid "Millimeters" msgstr "公釐" msgid "Centimeters" msgstr "公分" msgid "Meters" msgstr "公尺" msgid "Kilograms" msgstr "公斤" msgid "Ounces" msgstr "盎司" msgid "Billing details" msgstr "帳單詳細資料" msgid "Activity log" msgstr "活動記錄" msgid "Add to cart" msgstr "加入購物車" msgid "Order details" msgstr "訂單詳細資料" msgid "" "Your earnings are being deposited to the `%1$s` Stripe account, " "connected with an email address %2$s." msgstr "" "你的收入會匯至 Stripe 帳戶「%1$s」,該帳戶已與電子郵件地址 %2$s 綁定。" msgid "Your Stripe account" msgstr "你的 Stripe 帳戶" msgid "Your Stripe account currently holds %s of unclaimed funds." msgstr "你的 Stripe 帳戶目前有 %s 的未領取款項。" msgid "Existing subscribers (%dx)" msgstr "現有訂閱者 (%dx)" msgid "New purchases (%dx)" msgstr "新的購買項目 (%dx)" msgid "" "Amounts reported are estimates based on currency exchange rates on the day " "of the purchase before Stripe and transaction fees are applied." msgstr "" "系統會根據購買日當天的匯率估算報價金額,再加上 Stripe 和 手續" "費。" msgid "See my subscribers and stats" msgstr "查看我的訂閱者和統計資料" msgid "" "Estimated renewals in %1$s. If nobody cancels their subscription, you should " "earn this much in %1$s.
Go and create!" msgstr "" "預計於%1$s續訂。如果沒有人取消訂閱,你在%1$s
賺取的收入應該相當可觀,繼續" "創造營收!" msgid " commission" msgstr " 佣金" msgid "%1$s Sales Report for %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 的%1$s銷售報告" msgid "A calendar of your site’s posts." msgstr "你網站的文章月曆。" msgid "[%s] Delete My Site" msgstr "《%s》通知:刪除我的網站" msgid "" "Business plans allows you to sell online with access to thousands of plugins " "and themes!" msgstr "商務版方案提供數千種外掛程式和佈景主題,協助你在線上販售商品。" msgid "" " brings the power of building beautiful, secure, mobile- and " "SEO-friendly websites in few simple steps." msgstr "" " 讓你能夠透過幾個簡易步驟,建置精美、安全且適合行動裝置及 SEO 使" "用的網站。" msgid "Easily create your amazing website" msgstr "輕鬆建立令人驚豔的網站" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers work 24*7 through live chat, email, support pages, " "and forums to answer any questions you have." msgstr "" "我們的 Happiness Engineer 提供 24 小時全年無休的服務,可透過即時聊天、電子郵" "件、支援頁面及論壇,為你解決遇到的任何問題。" msgid "Unchanged:" msgstr "未變更:" msgid "Added:" msgstr "已新增:" msgid "Quick Start session" msgstr "快速入門課程" msgid " Quick Start Session Scheduler" msgstr " 快速入門課程排程器" msgid "Cancelling your Quick Start session…" msgstr "正在取消你的快速入門課程…" msgid "Priority & One-On-One Support" msgstr "一對一優先支援服務" msgid "Please try a different card." msgstr "請改用其他卡片。" msgid "There has been a critical error on this website." msgstr "此網站發生重大問題。" msgid "Learn more about debugging in WordPress." msgstr "進一步了解 WordPress 中的偵錯方式" msgid "" "There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site " "admin email inbox for instructions." msgstr "此網站發生重大問題。請檢查網站管理員的電郵以取得相關說明。" msgid "" "There has been a critical error on this website, putting it in recovery " "mode. Please check the Themes and Plugins screens for more details. If you " "just installed or updated a theme or plugin, check the relevant page for " "that first." msgstr "" "此網站發生重大問題,目前已進入復原模式。請檢查佈景主題及外掛頁面以進一步了解" "詳情。如果剛安裝或更新了佈景主題或外掛,請先前往相關頁面進行檢查。" msgid "Custom post description to be used in HTML tag." msgstr "在 HTML 標記中使用的自訂文章說明標籤。" msgid "Database Access" msgstr "資料庫存取" msgid "Hosting" msgstr "主機服務" msgid "When?" msgstr "什麼時間?" msgid "Start session" msgstr "開始工作階段" msgid "" "A link to start the session will appear here a few minutes before the session" msgstr "系統會在工作階段開始前的幾分鐘,在此顯示開始工作階段連結" msgid "Session link" msgstr "工作階段連結" msgid "Your scheduled Quick Start session details are:" msgstr "你排程的「快速入門」工作階段詳細資料如下:" msgid "Reschedule or cancel" msgstr "重新排程或取消" msgid "View your session dashboard" msgstr "檢視工作階段儀表板" msgid "Secure checkout" msgstr "安全結帳" msgid "" "Jetpack has finished preparing a downloadable backup of your site, %1$s. " "Head over to the site’s " "Backups to download it." msgstr "" "Jetpack 已為你的網站 (%1$s) 備妥可下載的備份。請前往網站備份下載備份。" msgid "" "Jetpack has finished preparing a downloadable backup of your site, %1$s, as " "requested by %2$s. Head over to the site’s Backups to download it." msgstr "" "Jetpack 已應 %2$s 的要求為網站 %1$s 備妥可下載的備份。請前往網站備份下載備份。" msgid "User’s profile data." msgstr "使用者個人資料" msgid "Not enough data to create this user." msgstr "資料不足,無法建立這個使用者。" msgid "Sorry, marking a user as spam is only supported on Multisite." msgstr "很抱歉,標示濫用使用者功能僅多站網路提供。" msgid "" "The directives (lines) between \"BEGIN %1$s\" and \"END %1$s\" are\n" "dynamically generated, and should only be modified via WordPress filters.\n" "Any changes to the directives between these markers will be overwritten." msgstr "" "在含有 BEGIN %1$s 及 END %1$s 標記的這兩行間的指示詞內容為動態產生,\n" "且應僅有 WordPress 篩選器能進行修改。對這兩行間任何指示詞內容的變更,\n" "都會遭到系統覆寫。" msgid "It’s time for liftoff for your website!" msgstr "讓你的網站一炮而紅的時候到了!" msgid "" " has hundreds of versatile designs and customizable themes. " "Choose a layout that catches your eye, and add personal touches to make " "your .me site your own." msgstr "" " 提供數百種多樣設計和可自訂的佈景主題。選擇符合你喜好的版面設" "計,為你專屬的 .me 網站增添個人風格。" msgid "Your content deserves a stunning theme" msgstr "你的內容應該擁有令人驚豔的佈景主題" msgid "" "Let the story begin. For your short stories, photography, visual art, and " "more, a .me domain is as personal as it gets. Create a home for your " "narrative. Find the best .me URL that fits you and your project!" msgstr "" "開始撰寫你的故事。無論是短篇故事、攝影作品、視覺藝術還是其他內容,.me 網域都" "能提供最符合個人需求的空間。建立自己的小窩,盡情訴說你的故事。尋找適合你與你" "的專案需求的最佳 .me URL!" msgid "It’s all you, with a .me domain" msgstr ".me 網域,全心為你" msgid "A .me domain: Put the spotlight on you" msgstr ".me 網域︰讓你成為矚目焦點" msgid "" "The right domain name makes all the difference. Let us help with the " "perfect .me domain." msgstr "合適的網域名稱讓你全然與眾不同。讓我們協助你完善 .me 網域。" msgid "" "Your content, .fr domain and design create the perfect union for your site. " "Why wait? We’ll make a landing page to welcome visitors, even if your page " "is still being built. It’s the way to go: Pick a .fr domain now and get " "ready to launch your page, with WordPress." msgstr "" "你的內容、.fr 網域和設計可完美結合,為你打造優質網站。何必浪費時間等待?即使" "你還在架設自己的頁面,我們也會為你製作登陸頁面,藉此歡迎訪客。做法如下︰立即" "挑選一個 .fr 網域,然後做好準備、使用 WordPress 啟用你的頁面。" msgid "Come and see what WordPress can do for you" msgstr "瞭解 WordPress 能為你提供哪些協助" msgid "" "Designs and themes add life to your content. Communicate in more than words " "can say with a stellar choice of themes provided by WordPress. Bring your " "words to life! Put the polish on your page when you pair a .fr domain with " "the WordPress theme that helps it shine." msgstr "" "設計和佈景主題能讓你的內容更加生動多彩。WordPress 提供如繁星般豐富多樣的佈景" "主題,讓你能用文字以外的方式與人溝通。賦予你的文字鮮活的生命力!在 .fr 網域搭" "配 WordPress 佈景主題使用時改善你的頁面,使其綻放動人光彩。" msgid "Your narrative, in a theme that helps it go" msgstr "運用佈景主題,襯托你所訴說的內容" msgid "" "From the beginning, your .fr domain tells visitors they’re in the right " "spot. From fine cuisine to fantastic travel to the best of French football, " "a .fr domain undeniably gives your site presence. Let a WordPress URL tie " "your site together." msgstr "" "你的 .fr 網域能從一開始就讓訪客瞭解自己來對網站了。不管主題是精緻美食、絕佳旅" "遊地點,還是法國足球的精彩片段,.fr 網域無疑地都能讓網站呈現出絕佳風采。讓 " "WordPress URL 將你的網站聯繫在一起。" msgid "Instant authority: a .fr domain says it all" msgstr "立即取得授權︰.fr 網域為你道盡無限風情" msgid "How to make an entrance: A .fr domain" msgstr "如何加入︰.fr 網域" msgid "" "Now that’s a good start: What do your visitors see first? Your domain name, " "of course. Find the .fr domain name that fits just right." msgstr "" "現在我們有了一個好的開始︰你的訪客最先看到的會是什麼?當然,就是你的網域名" "稱。因此你需要找到最合適的 .fr 網域名稱。" msgid "" "There's no need to wait! You can get a site up and running by setting up a " "landing page now. Visitors can get a preview of what you have to share while " "you work behind the scenes to perfect your site. Get started with WordPress." "com and your own .com page today." msgstr "" "完全不必等待!你可以立即設定登陸頁面,藉此建立並經營網站。當你在幕後持續完善" "網站時,訪客可以預覽你目前分享的內容。立即開始行動,透過 建立你" "專屬的 .com 頁面吧。" msgid "Ready to launch your .com site?" msgstr "準備好啟用你的 .com 網站了嗎?" msgid "" "Make a beautiful site with a thoughtfully designed theme from " "Whether you're blogging about your life, publishing recipes, posting videos, " "or creating a space to promote your business, you can find a theme on " " that will suit all your needs." msgstr "" "運用 精心設計的佈景主題打造美麗網站。不管你想透過網誌記錄生活點" "滴、發佈食譜、張貼視訊,或建立空間以推廣業務,都能在 找到完美符" "合需求的佈景主題。" msgid "What about a knockout theme to go with that domain name?" msgstr "何不試試使用令人驚豔的佈景主題來搭配網域名稱?" msgid "" "So you want to start a website. Nice! You’ve come to the right place for " "your domain name. It’s a big deal: Not only is it the name of your site, " "but it’ll go on business cards, T-shirts and anything else you might dream " "up to promote your space." msgstr "" "想建立網站嗎?很好!這裡就是取得網域名稱的好地方。網域名稱非常重要︰它不只是" "你網站的名稱,也可以列印在名片、T 恤和其他任何你曾設想過的媒介上,可協助你宣" "傳自己的空間。" msgid "Get your domain name set in a jiffy" msgstr "眨眼間就能取得網域名稱" msgid "Make your presence known online with a .com domain" msgstr "透過 .com 網域在線上宣傳自己" msgid "" "Your domain name is the first impression you make online. Let us help you " "make a great one with a .com domain." msgstr "" "你的網域名稱就是你在線上給人們的第一印象。請讓我們透過 .com 網域協助你讓人留" "下絕佳印象。" msgid "" "Even if your page is under construction, we’ll create a great landing page " "to show your visitors they’re in the right spot. Your URL, theme, and design " "come together to show what your site is about! Choose your domain " "today and get your page underway, straight away." msgstr "" "即使你尚未架設好頁面,我們也能建立絕佳登陸頁面,讓你的訪客知道他們沒有來錯地" "方。整合你的 URL、佈景主題和設計,藉此呈現你的網站的相關內容!立即選擇你的 ." " 網域,馬上開始打造你的頁面。" msgid "Let’s get started on your website today" msgstr "立即開始建立你的網站" msgid "" "Choose from the keenest designs and fitting themes from a name you can " "trust: WordPress. Let our designs convey perfectly what words alone cannot! " "Your site’s visual brand is crucial — and an opportunity to allow your " "content to shine." msgstr "" "各種最優質的設計與合適的佈景主題任君選擇,這些設計與佈景主題全都來自於值得信" "賴的品牌︰WordPress。讓我們的設計完美演繹僅靠文字所無法傳達的訊息!你網站的視" "覺品牌形象至關重要,同時也是讓你的內容綻放光彩的重要契機。" msgid "Your tale, your domain — your theme!" msgstr "屬於你的故事、網域,以及佈景主題!" msgid "" "Start off on the right note with a URL from As visitors come to your " "site, the domain name says it all. Attract readers with confidence! " "Rely on us to help you find the domain name that tops your page with " "style." msgstr "" "使用來自 的 URL,讓你的網站有個好的開始。當訪客造訪你的網站時, " "網域名稱能提供所有必要資訊,讓你確信能夠吸引讀者!憑借我們的協助,你可以找到" "合適 網域名稱,為你的網頁平添迷人風采。" msgid "A sovereign site, with a domain" msgstr "採用 網域的絕佳網站" msgid "A gateway to your site: A domain" msgstr "通往你網站的大門︰ 網域" msgid "" "Your domain name is your proper introduction to your readers. We’ll help you " "find just the right one, with a domain." msgstr "" "你的網域名稱就是提供給讀者的合適簡介。我們會協助您找到一個採用 網域的" "最佳網域名稱。" msgid "" "Choosing your .co domain and theme brings your page to life. Even if your " "site is still under construction, we can set up a landing page to greet your " "visitors. Make the connection now with your readers! Let’s get started " "building something beautiful today." msgstr "" "選擇 .co 網域和佈景主題,賦予你網頁鮮活的生命力。即使你尚未架設好網站,我們也" "能協助設定登陸頁面來歡迎你的訪客。立刻開始與你的讀者建立聯繫!讓我們立即開始" "建立一些美好的內容。" msgid "There’s a .co domain waiting for you" msgstr ".co 網域等你來發掘" msgid "" "Your site theme should reflect the vibrancy of its content. Make a splash " "with a stellar theme and design from From classic to " "contemporary, there’s an array of looks to choose from, and they’re " "customizable, too. Which one helps tell your story best?" msgstr "" "你的網站佈景主題應該要能呈現網站內容的蓬勃生機。運用 提供的豐富" "佈景主體與設計,讓你的網站一炮而紅。從古典到當代,各式風格的外觀供你選擇,還" "能自訂外觀。哪一個外觀最適合你訴說自己的故事呢?" msgid "Your theme speaks volumes, too" msgstr "你的佈景主題也能傳達許多資訊" msgid "" "The domain name is your billboard sign. It can tell visitors who you are, " "and where you’re from. It can also show your cutting-edge style. Identify " "with readers who think outside the box with a .co domain. Businesses love ." "co. It’s easy to remember and easy to type! Choose from thousands of " "available premium names, too. Think .co as in cool." msgstr "" "網域名稱就是你的廣告招牌,能讓訪客瞭解你是怎樣的人、來自哪裡,以及展現你走在" "時代尖端的風格。透過 .co 網域獲得眼光獨到讀者的認同。.co 既容易記憶又方便輸" "入,因此廣受企業喜愛!數千個精選網域名稱中供你選擇。.co 就是酷。" msgid "Location matters, even on the web!" msgstr "即使在網路上,位置也十分重要!" msgid "Forge your own way with a .co domain" msgstr "透過 .co 網域造就你獨門的成功之道" msgid "" "Your domain name is the first impression you give online. Let us help you " "find just the right fit with a .co domain." msgstr "" "網域名稱就是你在線上給人們的第一印象。請讓我們協助你找出最適合的 .co 網域名" "稱。" msgid "" "Ready to launch your site? That’s where WordPress comes in. Even if you’re " "still working on it, let us build a neat landing page that signals to your " "visitors what’s to come. What happens when you combine your ideal URL, theme " "and design? Endless possibilities! Let’s get started, today." msgstr "" "準備好啟用你的網站了嗎?這正是 WordPress 派上用場的時候。即使你仍在架設網站," "我們也能建立簡潔的登陸頁面,讓你的訪客瞭解未來會推出哪些內容。如果你整合理想" "的 URL、佈景主題和設計,會帶來什麼結果?答案是無限可能!讓我們馬上就開始吧。" msgid "Commence liftoff for your website now" msgstr "立即著手,讓你的網站一炮而紅" msgid "" "Image is everything. WordPress has hundreds of the sharpest designs and the " "most versatile themes. Choose the theme that catches your eye, then " "customize it in a way befitting of the .art URL! Explore the endless " "possibilities of a WordPress theme and design." msgstr "" "圖片至關重要。WordPress 提供數百種最新銳的設計和最多元的佈景主題。你可以選擇" "喜歡的佈景主題,然後自訂佈景主題,使其符合 .art URL 的需求!探索 WordPress 佈" "景主題和設計的無限可能。" msgid "Your epic tales deserve an epic theme!" msgstr "你壯闊的故事應該搭配同樣宏偉的佈景主題!" msgid "" "What is your medium? Share your art with the world in the new and " "recognizable domain name in the art community. It’s both distinctive and " "community-building. A .art domain is a fun way to show the world where " "you’re coming from - and what you’ve created!" msgstr "" "你使用什麼媒介?藉由藝術社群中易於辨識的全新網域名稱,與全世界分享你的藝術作" "品。.art 網域是專為社群打造的獨特網域,讓你能透過充滿樂趣的方式向全世界展示自" "己來自何方,以及創作了哪些作品!" msgid "Express yourself with a .art URL" msgstr "透過 .art URL 展現自己" msgid "As individual as your work: Select your .art domain" msgstr "一如你的作品,充滿個人風格︰選擇你的 .art 網域" msgid "" "If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a domain name is worth a thousand " "clicks (and then some!) Go with a .art domain today and explore the " "possibilities." msgstr "" "如果說一張圖片勝過千言萬語,那麼一個網域名稱就值得一千次 (以及更多) 的點擊。" "立即前往 .art 網域探索無盡可能。" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Your request for an export of personal data has been completed. You may\n" "download your personal data by clicking on the link below. For privacy\n" "and security, we will automatically delete the file on ###EXPIRATION###,\n" "so please download it before then.\n" "\n" "###LINK###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "你好:\n" "\n" "您的個人資料匯出請求已經完成。 你可以點擊下面的連結下載您的個人資料。 為了隱" "私和安全性,我們將於 ###EXPIRATION### 自動刪除檔案,所以請在此之前下載。\n" "\n" "###LINK###\n" "\n" "###SITENAME### 全體成員\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Unable to send personal data export email." msgstr "無法發送個人資料匯出電郵。" msgid "Invalid request ID when sending personal data export email." msgstr "傳送個人資料匯出電子郵件時的要求 ID 無效。" msgid "[%s] Personal Data Export" msgstr "[%s] 個人資料匯出" msgctxt "personal data group description" msgid "Overview of export report." msgstr "匯出報告概觀" msgid "Unable to open export file (archive) for writing." msgstr "無法開啟資料匯出檔案 (壓縮檔案) 進行資料寫入。" msgctxt "date/time" msgid "On" msgstr "於" msgctxt "website URL" msgid "At URL" msgstr "於網址" msgctxt "website name" msgid "For site" msgstr "於網站" msgctxt "email address" msgid "Report generated for" msgstr "報告已產生供" msgid "Personal Data Export" msgstr "個人資料匯出" msgctxt "personal data group label" msgid "About" msgstr "簡歷" msgid "Personal Data Export for %s" msgstr "%s 的個人資料匯出" msgid "Erasure completed." msgstr "個人資料清除已完成。" msgid "Data erasure has failed." msgstr "資料清除失敗。" msgid "Force erasure has failed." msgstr "強制清除清除失敗。" msgid "" "Need an enterprise solution? WordPress VIP provides everything you need to " "build and run powerful, performant applications at scale." msgstr "" "WordPress VIP 企業版解決方案,專為各種企業應用設計。不但功能強大,更能滿足各" "種不同大規模應用需求。" msgid "Redirect" msgstr "重新導向" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Professional. Here's how to get the most out of %s" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 專業版。請參考以下方式,瞭解如何充分運用 %s" msgid "" "Just for you: schedule a personalized orientation for %s with a Jetpack " "expert." msgstr "為你推薦:安排時間讓 Jetpack 專家為你進行 %s 的個人導覽課程。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Premium. Here's how to get the most out of %s" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 進階版。請參考以下方式,瞭解如何充分運用 %s" msgid "Jetpack needs your site credentials for %s to create backups." msgstr "Jetpack 需要你的 %s 網站憑證才能建立備份。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Personal. Here's how to get the most out of %s" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 個人版。請參考以下方式,瞭解如何充分運用 %s" msgid "Templates to include in your theme." msgstr "要納入目前使用中的佈景主題的範本。" msgid "" "Sorry, something went wrong when trying to create your account. Please try " "again." msgstr "不好意思,嘗試建立你的帳戶時發生錯誤。請再試一次。" msgid "Remove key" msgstr "移除金鑰" msgid "Continue with your security key" msgstr "繼續使用你的安全性\\u00A0金鑰" msgid "Continue with security key" msgstr "繼續使用安全性金鑰" msgid "Connect and touch your security key to log in." msgstr "請連結並觸碰你的安全性金鑰以登入。" msgid "" "Insert your security key into your USB port. Then tap the button or gold " "disc." msgstr "請將你的安全性金鑰插入 USB 連接埠。然後點選按鈕或金色光碟。" msgid "{{strong}}Use your security key to finish logging in.{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}請使用你的安全性金鑰完成登入。{{/strong}}" msgid "Waiting for security key" msgstr "正在等候安全性金鑰" msgid "Register key" msgstr "登錄機碼" msgid "Security key" msgstr "安全性金鑰" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this security key?" msgstr "確定要移除此安全性金鑰?" msgid "Security key has been successfully registered." msgstr "安全性金鑰已成功登錄。" msgid "Security key registration error." msgstr "安全性金鑰登錄發生錯誤。" msgid "Security key interaction canceled." msgstr "安全性金鑰互動已取消。" msgid "Security key interaction timed out or canceled." msgstr "安全性金鑰互動已逾時或取消。" msgid "Security key has already been registered." msgstr "安全性金鑰已登錄。" msgid "Connecting as %s" msgstr "使用以下身分連結:%s" msgid "" "Usage of the title attribute on the login logo is not recommended for " "accessibility reasons. Use the link text instead." msgstr "出於協助工具的原因,不建議使用登入徽標上的標題屬性。請改用連結文字。" msgid "Receive an email the instant Jetpack detects your site is down." msgstr "Jetpack 一旦偵測到你的網站發生停機事故,就會立即傳送電子郵件向你通報。" msgid "Site Name: %s" msgstr "網站名稱:%s" msgid "Cannot generate a unique username" msgstr "無法產生獨特的使用者名稱" msgid "Add a domain" msgstr "新增網域" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Sorry, Google Workspace cannot be added to this domain. The domain name " "servers are not pointing to" msgstr "抱歉,G Suite 無法新增至此網域。網域名稱伺服器並未指向。" msgid " Book" msgstr " 書籍" msgid "Install theme" msgstr "安裝佈景主題" msgid "Problem installing theme" msgstr "安裝佈景主題時出現問題" msgid "Install themes" msgstr "安裝佈景主題" msgid "Install plugins" msgstr "安裝外掛程式" msgid "" "You have exceeded the DPA request limit, you can try again in %d minutes. " "Trying again before that will only increase the time you have to wait before " "the ban is lifted." msgstr "" "你已超過 DPA 要求限制,請於 %d 分鐘後再試一次。如果這段時間尚未結束就重試,將" "導致你的等候時間延長。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Note:{{/strong}} Support sessions are not available before " "%(reopensAt)s." msgstr "{{strong}}請注意:{{/strong}}支援課程將在 %(reopensAt)s 後重新開放。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Note:{{/strong}} Support sessions will not be available between " "%(closesAt)s and %(reopensAt)s." msgstr "" "{{strong}}請注意:{{/strong}}支援課程將從 %(closesAt)s 到 %(reopensAt)s 期間" "關閉。" msgid "" "{{line1}} is the best way to experience it.{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "Start building your website today.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} 提供最優質的網站體驗。{{/line1}} {{line2}}立即打造你的" "專屬網站。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}WordPress powers{{/line1}} {{line2}}%s%% of the internet.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}網路上有 {{/line1}} {{line2}}%s%% 的網站皆選用 WordPress 服務。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "Please take a moment to visit your site and check that " "everything is in order. If things don't look like you expected them to, " "please contact " "support so we can lend a hand." msgstr "" "請花點時間瀏覽網站,並檢查一切都井然有序。如果不如預期," "請聯絡支援團隊,讓我們提供協助。" msgid "Jetpack has successfully restored your website" msgstr "Jetpack 已成功還原你的網站" msgid "Powerful website hosting." msgstr "強大的網站託管服務。" msgid "or contact Jetpack Support" msgstr "或聯絡 Jetpack 支援團隊" msgid "We couldn't connect to (404)." msgstr "我們無法連線至 (404)。" msgctxt "URL, message" msgid "Alert: %s is still offline or unresponsive" msgstr "警示:%s 仍處於離線狀態或無反應" msgctxt "URL, message" msgid "Alert: %s appears to be offline or unresponsive" msgstr "警示:%s 可能已經離線或沒有反應" msgid "Your site appears to be down" msgstr "你的網站似乎已經停止運作" msgid "Your site still appears to be down." msgstr "你的網站似乎仍未恢復運作" msgid "We’ll help." msgstr "我們會協助你。" msgid "Launch a business." msgstr "創業。" msgid "Design your portfolio." msgstr "設計個人作品集。" msgid "" "You can still retain the domain name by renewing it as soon as possible via " "your dashboard If you do not " "renew your domain name soon, additional fees (redemption fees) may apply. " "Your domain name may also become available for someone else to register, in " "which case you will no longer be able to renew or use the domain name." msgstr "" "你仍可盡快透過 儀表板 更新網域" "名稱,以便保留使用權。如果你未盡快更新網域名稱,可能需要支付額外手續費 (兌換" "費用)。你的網域名稱也將開放讓他人註冊,而你將無法再續訂或使用該網域名稱。" msgid "" "If your subscription is set to automatically renew, we will " "attempt to renew your domain name before expiration. If we are unable to do " "so, or you do not have your subscription set to automatically " "renew, you will have to manually renew the domain name to prevent any " "service disruption." msgstr "" "如果你的 訂閱設定為自動續訂,我們會在該網域名稱過期前嘗試續訂。" "如果我們無法續訂,或你未將 訂閱設定為自動續訂,你必須手動續訂網" "域名稱,以避免任何服務中斷情形。" msgid "" "You can still retain the domain name by renewing it as soon as possible via " "your dashboard. If you do not renew your " "domain name soon, additional fees (redemption fees) may apply. Your domain " "name may also become available for someone else to register, in which case " "you will no longer be able to renew or use the domain name." msgstr "" "你仍可以盡快透過 儀表板續訂網域名稱以保留" "使用權。如果你未在近期續訂網域名稱,可能需要支付額外手續費 (兌換費用)。你的網" "域名稱也將開放讓他人註冊,因此你將無法再續訂或使用該網域名稱。" msgid "Man with Shadow" msgstr "男人與影子" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "%1$s thought on “%2$s”" msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”" msgstr[0] "%1$s 對「%2$s」的想法" msgid "One thought on “%1$s”" msgstr "對「%1$s」的想法" msgid "{{strong}}Hooray!{{/strong}} Your site will be ready shortly." msgstr "{{strong}}太棒了!{{/strong}}你的網站即將準備就緒。" msgctxt "" "Option in image editor used to crop images using freeform aspect ratio" msgid "Freeform" msgstr "手繪多邊形" msgid "In this article" msgstr "在本文中" msgid "%s Theme" msgstr "%s 佈景主題" msgid "Search tips" msgstr "搜尋秘訣" msgid "My Home" msgstr "我的首頁" msgid "" "Why? Once a year, the Happiness Engineers and the rest of the " " family get together to work on improving our services, " "building new features, and learning how to better serve our customers like " "you. But never fear! If you need help in the meantime, you can submit an " "email ticket through the contact form: {{contactLink}}" "help/contact{{/contactLink}}" msgstr "" "為什麼? 的 Happiness Engineer 及其他 團隊將召開一" "年一度的會議,致力於改善我們的服務,建立全新功能,並為我們的顧客提供更好的服" "務品質。但請勿驚慌!如果你在這段期間需要協助,可以透過聯絡表單提交電子郵件支" "援票證,網址為:{{contactLink}}{{/" "contactLink}}" msgid "Or create an account using:" msgstr "或使用以下項目建立帳戶:" msgid "Load more tips" msgstr "載入更多秘訣" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s. " "Please renew before expiry so you don't lose out on your paid features!" msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s 即將到期且將於 %(expiry)s 從你的網站上移除。請在到期前續訂," "已免失去已購功能!" msgid "Add a tag" msgstr "新增標籤" msgid "Add new site" msgstr "新增網站" msgid "%(numResources)s post, page, or media file left to import" msgid_plural "%(numResources)s posts, pages, and media files left to import" msgstr[0] "還有 %(numResources)s 個要匯入的文章、網頁和媒體檔案" msgid "" "Until then you can log in any time using your username or email address, " "%s, and we’ll email you a secure login link." msgstr "" "在設定好帳戶密碼前,你可以隨時使用你的「使用者名稱」或「電子郵件地址 」" "%s 登入;我們會以電子郵件寄給你安全登入用的連結。" msgid "" "We also recommend that you set up an account password. You can do that in " "your Account Security settings." msgstr "" "我們也建議你設定一組帳戶密碼,前往「帳戶安全性」即可設定密" "碼。" msgid "" "Once you’ve activated your account, you can change your username any time in " "your Account Settings." msgstr "" "帳戶啟用後,你隨時可以到「帳戶設定」中更改使用者名稱。" msgid "This username is your public handle in the community." msgstr "這個使用者名稱會用在 社群中,當做你的對外名稱。" msgid "" "Since you’ve signed up using your email address, we’ve created a temporary " "username for you: %s" msgstr "" "因為你使用電子郵件註冊,我們設定了一個暫時的使用者名稱供你使用:%s" msgid "Important information about your new account" msgstr "新帳戶重要資訊" msgid "" "{{time/}} is the selected point to create a download backup. You will get a " "notification when the backup is ready to download." msgstr "" "{{time/}} 是選定建立下載備份的時間點。備份準備就緒可供下載時,我們會通知你。" msgid "{{time/}} is the selected point for your site restore." msgstr "選定要「倒轉」網站的時間點為 {{time/}}。" msgid "This will override and remove all content created after this point." msgstr "這項操作將覆寫並移除在這個時間點之後所建立的所有內容。" msgid "Please select at least one item to restore." msgstr "請選擇至少一個要倒轉的項目。" msgid "Choose the items you wish to include in the download:" msgstr "選擇要加入下載的項目:" msgid "Choose the items you wish to restore:" msgstr "選擇要倒轉的項目:" msgid "Support articles" msgstr "支援文章" msgid "Crowdsignal (previously Polldaddy)" msgstr "Crowdsignal (之前是 Polldaddy)" msgid "%s200 GB%s Storage Space" msgstr "%s200 GB%s 儲存空間" msgid "" "Get your new eCommerce site hosted by Business. Install " "WooCommerce, custom themes, and thousands of other plugins. Also includes " "Google Analytics, 200 GB storage for media files, and real-time one-on-one " "support." msgstr "" "使用 商用版方案架設並代管你的全新電商網站。可安裝 WooCommerce、" "自訂佈景主題、使用數千種外掛程式;支援 Google Analytics、200 GB 超大儲存空" "間,更有一對一即時支援服務。" msgid "200 GB Storage Space" msgstr "200 GB 儲存空間" msgid "" "Get the best that Jetpack has to offer, from real-time backups and security " "scanning to social media automation and monetization tools. Install premium " "or custom themes and thousands of plugins with 200 GB storage space." msgstr "" "充分享有完善的 Jetpack 多種強效功能,包括即時備份、資安掃瞄、自動化社群媒體分" "享工具、網站獲利工具等。200 GB 大容量儲存空間,可盡情上載使用進階或自訂佈景主" "題,更有數千種外掛程式任君挑選。" msgid "" "200 GB storage space. That’s a lot! After all, your dreams shouldn’t be " "limited by file sizes." msgstr "200 GB 超大儲存空間,讓你的各種創意自由發揮,不受儲存空間所限。" msgid "200 GB Storage" msgstr "200 GB 儲存空間" msgid "200 GB" msgstr "200 GB" msgid "200 GB Storage Space" msgstr "200 GB 儲存空間" msgid "" "Power your business website with unlimited premium and business theme " "templates, Google Analytics support, 200 GB storage, and the ability to " "remove branding." msgstr "" "運用無限制的進階版和商務版佈景主題範本、Google Analytics 支援及 200 GB 儲存空" "間,強化你的企業網站,還能移除 品牌標誌。" msgid "" "Invent the world’s greatest cat food, save a rainforest, start a needlepoint " "club. Whatever it is, it’s going to need a website—that’s where we come in." msgstr "" "研發世界第一的貓食、拯救雨林、成立帆布刺繡社團,無論你想做什麼,都需要一個網" "站,而這正是我們所擅長的。" msgid "You can. You will." msgstr "具備所需能力,成功勢在必得。" msgid "" "This is where experts share their knowledge on building and growing " "a successful web presence." msgstr "許多專家會在這裡分享專業知識,協助你建立和開發成功的網站。" msgid "Welcome to Go by" msgstr "歡迎使用「到 看看」" msgid "Edit %s" msgstr "編輯 %s" msgctxt "list item separator" msgid ", " msgstr "," msgid "View your cart" msgstr "檢視購物車" msgid "" "P.S. Remember all upgrades are RISK FREE. If you decide your new plan isn’t " "for you, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase (96 hours for domains) " "and we’ll issue you a full refund." msgstr "" "附註:提醒你,所有升級均無風險。如果你不滿意新方案,只要在購買後 30 天 (網域" "為 96 小時) 內聯絡我們,我們會全額退費給你。" msgid "Get %1$s off ANY site upgrade when you enter code %2$s at checkout!" msgstr "針對任何網站升級,在結帳時輸入代碼「%2$s」,即可享有 %1$s 折扣優惠!" msgid "" "Still haven’t upgraded your WordPress.​com site? Hurry, the sale ends " "in just a few hours." msgstr "尚未升級 網站?欲購從速!促銷活動即將在幾小時後結束。" msgid "Final reminder: The sale ends in a few hours." msgstr "最後提醒 促銷活動即將在幾小時後結束。" msgid "" "P.S.: All plan upgrades include a 30-day money-back guarantee (96 hours for " "domains). " msgstr "附註:所有方案升級均包含 30 天退款保證 (網域為 96 小時)。" msgid "" "This is a friendly reminder that TODAY is the LAST DAY of our " "sale and your last chance to save %1$s on all site upgrades!" msgstr "" "好心提醒你,今天是 促銷活動的最後一天,敬請把握最後機會,所有網" "站升級均可省下 %1$s!" msgid "" "This is the LAST DAY of our huge sale and your last chance to " "snag big savings on ANY site upgrade!" msgstr "" "今天是大型 促銷活動的最後一天,敬請把握最後機會,任何網站升級均" "可享有驚喜大優惠!" msgid "" "And remember, all plan upgrades include a 30-day money-back guarantee (96 " "hours for domains). " msgstr "提醒你,所有方案升級均包含 30 天退款保證 (網域為 96 小時)。" msgid "" "Because for a limited-time only, you can take %1$s off ANY site upgrade!" msgstr "限時優惠,任何網站升級均可享有 %1$s 折扣優惠!" msgid "The sale ends TOMORROW " msgstr " 促銷活動明天結束" msgid "The sale ends tomorrow" msgstr " 促銷活動明天結束" msgid "" "And remember, we’re in the middle of a very limited-time sale, so you can " "take %1$s of any site upgrade!" msgstr "提醒你,目前正值限時促銷活動期間,任何網站升級均可享有 %1$s 折扣優惠!" msgid "" "We proudly stand behind the quality of WordPress.​com. All of our " "plans include a full 30 day money-back guarantee (96 hours for domains). " msgstr "" "我們對 的品質相當自豪。所有方案均包含 30 天全額退款保證 (網域" "為 96 小時)。" msgid "" "That's pretty hard to remember, right? So upgrading your site to get a " "custom domain name of your choice is a no-brainer." msgstr "很難記得,對吧?升級網站即可輕鬆取得自訂網域名稱。" msgid "" "Our limited-time sale is almost over! This sale gives you %1$s off any site " "upgrade. Use code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "限時促銷活動即將結束!此次促銷活動提供任何網站升級 %1$s 折扣優惠。請在結帳時" "使用代碼「%2$s」。" msgid "" "So if you’re even thinking of upgrading to a paid plan, you should do it now " "before this %1$s discount expires." msgstr "" "所以,如果你正在考慮升級到付費方案,現在就請立即行動,以免錯過 %1$s 折扣優" "惠。" msgid "" "Plans start at just %1$s per month, and all purchases are protected by our " "30-day full money-back guarantee (96 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "付費方案費用為每月 %1$s 起,而且所有購買項目,均享有 30 天全額退費保障(網域" "名稱為 96 小時)。" msgid "" "Make money with your site by tapping into numerous ways to accept payment " "and generate income from your visitors." msgstr "運用多種收款方式透過網站獲利,並藉由訪客賺取收入。" msgid "For a very limited time..." msgstr "時間有限..." msgid "Take 20% off any site upgrade today" msgstr "立即享有任何網站升級 20% 折扣優惠" msgctxt "URL, message" msgid "%s is back online!" msgstr "%s 已重新上線!" msgid "" "Jetpack has finished restoring %2$s to a previous " "version." msgstr "Jetpack 已將 %2$s 還原為先前版本。" msgid "" "You recently requested a backup of your site %2$s. " "Jetpack has prepared your files and you can download them now. This link will expire in 7 days." msgstr "" "你最近索取自己網站 %2$s 的備份。Jetpack 已準備好你的檔" "案,你現在可以下載。此連結將於 1 小時後逾期" "失效。" msgid "Your website backup is ready to download" msgstr "你的網站備份已經準備就緒,可供下載" msgid "Turn on Jetpack Search" msgstr "開啟 Jetpack 搜尋" msgid "Keep visitors on your site longer with smarter, faster search results. " msgstr "運用更智慧、更快的搜尋結果,讓訪客在你的網站上待更久。" msgid "Relax and enjoy the peace of mind of real-time backups" msgstr "即時備份,讓你高枕無憂" msgid "" "We’re keeping an eye on suspicious activity. If anything happens, one-click " "fixes for most issues get your site up and running fast." msgstr "" "我們密切注意可疑活動。如果發生任何問題,適用於大多數問題的一鍵修正功能,可讓" "你的網站快速恢復運作。" msgid "Manage spam settings" msgstr "管理垃圾郵件設定" msgid "" "Automatic spam protection is on the job clearing spam from your comments and " "forms." msgstr "自動垃圾郵件防護功能會即時從留言和表單中清除垃圾郵件。" msgid "Manage backups" msgstr "管理備份" msgid "Relax and enjoy the peace of mind of daily backups." msgstr "每日備份,讓你高枕無憂。" msgid "" "Never worry about losing your site. Get peace of mind with real-time backups." msgstr "永遠不必擔心失去網站。每日或即時備份,讓你高枕無憂。" msgid "Activate these features to get the most from Jetpack:" msgstr "啟用下列功能,徹底運用 Jetpack:" msgid "Take your site speed and security to the next level" msgstr "讓網站速度和安全性更上一層樓" msgid "View site activity" msgstr "檢視網站活動" msgid "" "Manage, debug, and repair your site with logs of the most recent events on " "your site." msgstr "透過網站最近事件的記錄檔,管理、偵錯和修復網站。" msgid "Site activity" msgstr "網站活動" msgid "" "You are now protected from unwanted logins from malicious bots and " "distributed attacks." msgstr "你現在不必擔心惡意 Bot 擅自登入和分散式攻擊。" msgid "Explore Jetpack" msgstr "深入了解 Jetpack" msgid "View the checklist" msgstr "檢視檢查清單" msgid "" "Use our checklist to set up the essentials and make sure your site is safe " "and optimized for speed." msgstr "運用我們的檢查清單來設定基本服務,以便確保網站安全並提升速度。" msgid "Finish setting up your site" msgstr "完成網站設定" msgid "" "Your Jetpack plan comes with email support. Upgrade to get priority " "chat support right when you need it." msgstr "" "你的 Jetpack 方案包含電子郵件支援。升級即可在需要時立即獲得優先聊天支" "援。" msgid "" "Your plan comes with priority support so you can skip the line and chat with " "us immediately." msgstr "你的方案包含優先支援,可不必排隊,立即與我們聊天。" msgid "Need help? Let’s chat!" msgstr "需要協助嗎?跟我們聊聊!" msgid "" "Download our free mobile app to view stats, moderate comments, create and " "edit posts, and upload media – anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "免費下載我們的行動應用程式,可以隨時隨地檢視網站統計資料、審核留言、發佈或編" "輯文章、也可上載媒體檔案。" msgid "Manage your site on the go" msgstr "隨時隨地管理網站" msgid "You can change your profile picture on Gravatar." msgstr "您可以在Gravatar上變更個人資料圖片 。" msgid "Manage comments" msgstr "管理留言" msgid "Finishing up" msgstr "即將完成" msgid "" "You'll need an account to complete your purchase and manage your subscription" msgstr "需有帳戶才能完成購買及管理訂閱" msgid "" "Log in to with your account to connect your " "store and manage your extensions" msgstr "" "使用你的 帳戶登入,以連結至你的商店及管理擴充功" "能" msgid "Log in with a account" msgstr "使用 帳戶登入" msgid "Logging in" msgstr "正在登入" msgid "Privacy settings" msgstr "隱私權設定" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is not eligible to register or transfer " "since it is in {{redemptionLink}}redemption{{/redemptionLink}}. If you own " "this domain, please contact your current registrar to {{aboutRenewingLink}}" "redeem the domain{{/aboutRenewingLink}}." msgstr "" "由於 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 處於{{redemptionLink}}買回流程{{/" "redemptionLink}},因此不符合註冊或轉移的資格。如果你擁有此網域,請聯絡你目前" "的註冊機構,以{{aboutRenewingLink}}買回網域{{/aboutRenewingLink}}。" msgid "domain" msgstr "網域名稱" msgid "I'm going to renew the %(productType)s, but will do it manually." msgstr "我會手動續訂%(productType)s。" msgid "I'm going to let this %(productType)s expire." msgstr "我想讓%(productType)s失效。" msgid "plan" msgstr "方案" msgid "" "{{line1}}Free to start,{{/line1}}{{line2}}with {{plans-count/}} ways to grow." "{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}從免費方案開始{{/line1}}{{line2}}更有{{plans-count/}} 種方案伴你一路" "成長。{{/line2}}" msgid "App Store" msgstr "App商店" msgid "Edit menus" msgstr "編輯選單" msgid "Write blog post" msgstr "撰寫網誌文章" msgid "Add a page" msgstr "新增頁面" msgid "This page is not available on this site." msgstr "此頁面不適用於這個網站。" msgid "Customer note" msgstr "顧客備註" msgid "" "This link is included in post ID %(postId)d and %(revCount)d associated " "revision." msgid_plural "" "This link is included in post ID %(postId)d and %(revCount)d associated " "revisions." msgstr[0] "" "文章 ID %(postId)d 以及 %(revCount)d 個相關聯的修訂版本已包含此連結。" msgid "%(urlCount)d suspicious link on post" msgid_plural "%(urlCount)d suspicious links on post" msgstr[0] "文章含有 %(urlCount)d 個可疑的連結" msgid "Jetpack identified %(threatCount)d threat in your database." msgid_plural "Jetpack identified %(threatCount)d threats in your database." msgstr[0] "Jetpack 在你的資料庫中找到 %(threatCount)d 個威脅。" msgid "" "This email is to confirm that your domain has been deleted. As a reminder, " "once a domain is deleted, you no longer own it and forfeit any remaining " "time left in the original registration term. Once the deletion is processed " "by the registry, it can become more costly, or in some cases, not possible, " "to recover the domain." msgstr "" "這封電子郵件旨在確認你的網域已刪除。在此提醒,一旦刪除網域,你即不再擁有該網" "域,原始註冊期間剩餘時間也將失效。一旦註冊管理機構處理刪除作業,可能須花費更" "多心力復原網域,在某些情況下甚至無法復原。" msgid "" "Our records show that you recently completed a request to delete your domain " "name %1$s associated with your account." msgstr "" "根據我們的記錄顯示,你最近已完成與你 帳戶相關聯網域名稱 %1$s 的" "刪除要求。" msgid "Your domain %1$s has been deleted" msgstr "你的網域 %1$s 已刪除" msgid "" "To approve or cancel your transfer, please go to our Transfer Management " "page: %1$s" msgstr "若要核准或取消轉移,請前往我們的「轉移管理」頁面:%1$s" msgid "" "If you wish to cancel your transfer, you must do so by %1$s. Otherwise, the " "transfer will proceed." msgstr "如果要取消轉移,必須在 %1$s 前取消,否則系統會繼續轉移作業。" msgid "" "Approving the transfer may reduce the amount of time the transfer takes to " "complete but is not necessary for the transfer to process." msgstr "核准轉移可縮短完成轉移所需時間,但不是轉移必要程序。" msgid "" "To approve or cancel your transfer, please go to our Transfer Management page." msgstr "" "若要核准或取消轉移,請前往我們的「轉移管理」頁面。" msgid "The template cannot be deleted." msgstr "無法刪除範本。" msgid "" "Get a new domain name for your blog, business, portfolio, or website in just " "a few clicks. Get started with your new domain name in seconds!" msgstr "" "按幾下即可讓你的網誌、企業、作品集或網站擁有新網域名稱。僅需短短幾秒就能開始" "使用新網域!" msgid "We will not call you — this is so that we can send you a reminder." msgstr "我們不會打電話給你,而是會寄提醒給你。" msgid "Experiments Settings" msgstr "實驗性功能設定" msgctxt "" "Translators: This is the billing agreement for PayPal Express yearly " "agreement and is limited to 127 single-byte characters" msgid "" "Your subscription will automatically renew each year. You may disable auto " "renew at any time from your dashboard." msgstr "" "你的訂閱會每年自動續訂。你可以隨時透過 儀表板停用自動續訂功能。" msgctxt "" "Translators: This is the billing agreement for PayPal Express monthly " "agreement and is limited to 127 single-byte characters" msgid "" "Your subscription will automatically renew monthly. You may disable auto " "renew at any time from your dashboard." msgstr "" "你的訂閱會每月自動續訂。你可以隨時透過 儀表板停用自動續訂功能。" msgctxt "" "Translators: This is the billing agreement for PayPal Express one-time " "purchase and is limited to 127 single-byte characters" msgid "This is a one time purchase and does not renew." msgstr "此為一次購買,並不會續約。" msgid "" "Welcome, GeneaBloggers! Save %s%% today on plans, Jetpack, and " "any other Automattic paid products using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "歡迎使用,GeneaBloggers!今天在結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}},就能為 方案、Jetpack 和任何其他 Automattic 的付費產品省" "下 %s%%。" msgid "" "Welcome to the Rebrand Cities Community! You are joining hundreds of other " "business owners who have introduced their brand to the world through the " " platform. Use promo code {{coupon_code}} at " "checkout today to save %1$s%% off any, Jetpack, or WooCommerce " "product. Copy the code now and begin your journey here." msgstr "" "歡迎加入 Rebrand Cities 社群!你正加入數百位企業主行列,透過 平" "台將品牌推廣至全球。今天在結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}},就" "能為任何、Jetpack 或 WooCommerce 產品省下 %1$s%%。立即複製代" "碼,並在此開始你的旅程。" msgid "" "Welcome Alt Oasis Family! Save %1$s%% on plans, Jetpack, and " "any other Automattic paid products using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today. And if you’re interested in becoming an Affiliate, " "sign-up here!" msgstr "" "歡迎加入 Alt Oasis 家族!今天結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}},即可為 方案、Jetpack 和任何其他 Automattic 的付費產品省" "下 %1$s%%。若有興趣成為聯盟夥伴,請在此處註冊!" msgid "" "Your site is already entitled to unlimited premium themes. You can activate " "this theme for free instead of purchasing it." msgstr "" "你的網站已獲得使用無限進階版佈景主題的權限。你可以免費啟用此佈景主題,不必購" "買。" msgid "Failed to add card." msgstr "無法新增卡片。" msgid "Auto-renewal has been turned off successfully." msgstr "已成功關閉自動續訂。" msgid "Something went wrong. Please check the URL and try again." msgstr "發生錯誤。請檢查 URL 並再試一次。" msgid "We couldn't reach that site. Please check the URL and try again." msgstr "無法連線到該網站。請檢查 URL 並再試一次。" msgid "Add a payment plan" msgstr "新增付款方案" msgid "" "Congrats! Your site is now connected to Stripe. You can now add your first " "payment plan." msgstr "恭喜!你的網站已與 Stripe 連結。你現在可以新增第一個付款方案。" msgid "" "Explore the powerful website building features in Customize " "as much or as little as you want — and get the help you need, when you need " "it." msgstr "" "探索 的強大網站建置功能,隨心所欲地自訂網站,並在需要時取得協" "助。" msgid " Pricing – Compare WordPress Plans" msgstr " 價格 – WordPress 方案比較" msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to create your website " "today. Free hosting, your own domain, a world‑class support team, and so " "much more.{{/line1}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}網站免費托管、擁有自己的網域、世界級的支援團隊,更有多種優質服務;" " 立即滿足你建置網站的所有需求。{{/line1}}" msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to create your website " "today.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Free hosting, your own domain, a world-class " "support team, and so much more.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} 提供你一切所需,讓你立即著手打造網站。{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}免費托管、擁有自己的網域、世界級的支援團隊,還有更多優質服務。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "Compare Pricing and Plans" msgstr "比較 的價格和方案" msgid "" " pricing is simple -- We bundle hosting, domains, privacy, and " "security into one low price with plans for anyone. Compare plans today!" msgstr "" " 的定價方式非常簡單:我們將托管、網域、隱私權和安全服務整合搭" "售,為所有人提供一致低價的方案選擇。立即比較方案!" msgid "Free Website Builder — Free Website —" msgstr "免費網站建置工具 — 免費網站 —" msgid "" "Ready to create your free website or blog? Get started now with a free " "builder by, a website builder that scales with your needs." msgstr "" "準備好建立你的免費網站或網誌了嗎?立即開始使用 可隨需求調整的免" "費網站建置工具。" msgid "Not your average results" msgstr "與其他一般搜尋大大不同" msgid "" "People on eCommerce sites are 2x more " "likely to purchase something when they search" msgstr "" "網路商店訪客中,會搜尋產品的人,購買機率是不搜尋者的 2 倍。" msgid "People can’t buy what they can’t find" msgstr "搜尋不到的東西,一定沒人買" msgid "" "I like having a search experience that is sortable, filterable, and feels " "like it's integrated natively into the site. Jetpack Search does all of " "this, but most importantly, it returns great results without heavy " "configuration.”" msgstr "" "我喜歡能夠排序、篩選且自然融入網站中的搜尋體驗。Jetpack 搜尋不但滿足了上述需" "求,最重要的是,不必經過複雜的設定,就能提供絕佳搜尋結果。」" msgid "Search no further" msgstr "讓搜尋更方便,更好用" msgid "Set as Posts Page" msgstr "設定為文章頁面" msgid "Professional Website Builder —" msgstr "專業網站建置工具 —" msgid "" "{{line1}}A professional website builder{{/line1}} {{line2}}that scales with " "your needs.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}多種功能,任君選擇{{/line1}} {{line2}}打造最符合需求的專業網站。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" " Premium is the professional website builder you need to " "succeed online. Get a custom domain, advanced design tools, and plenty of " "storage." msgstr "" " 進階版是你在網路上獲得成功必備的專業網站建置工具。你可取得自訂" "網域、進階設計工具,以及大量儲存空間。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create your blog and{{/line1}} {{line2}}share your voice in minutes." "{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}建立你的網誌,{{/line1}}{{line2}}在數分鐘內分享你的想法。{{/line2}}" msgid "We encountered an error. Please retry your purchase." msgstr "發生錯誤。請重新嘗試購買。" msgid "Start your site" msgstr "開始建立網站" msgid "" "Jetpack Search is completely customizable, front to back, so your visitors " "get a search experience that blends in seamlessly with your site design." msgstr "" "Jetpack 搜尋從頭到尾都能完全自訂,讓搜尋功能和網站的界面與視覺設計完美融合," "提升用戶體驗。" msgid "Finely-tuned search for your site" msgstr "讓網站擁有量身打造的搜尋功能" msgid "" "Do you have a site with thousands of posts, pages, and products? No problem. " "Jetpack Search helps visitors find exactly what they’re looking for — fast." msgstr "" "即使網站中有再多的貼文、頁面和商品,Jetpack 搜尋都能在彈指間,幫助訪客輕鬆找" "到需要的內容,一切就是這麼簡便。" msgid "Less digging, more finding" msgstr "讓訪客找內容更省力,接觸更多內容" msgid "Keep people reading and buying" msgstr "大大提升訪客留存與購買" msgid "" "Your site is private and only visible to you. When you're ready, launch your " "site to make it public." msgstr "" "將網站設為私密,只有你可以看見。當你準備好時,即可開始營運並對外公開網站。" msgid "The email address we currently have on file is: %1$s." msgstr "目前我們檔案記錄的電子郵件地址為:%1$s。" msgid "" "You are receiving this message because you recently registered or changed " "the contact information for the following domain: %1$s." msgstr "你之所以收到此訊息,是因為你最近註冊或變更了以下網域的聯絡資訊:%1$s。" msgid "" "You are receiving this message because you recently registered or changed " "the contact information for one or more of the following domains: %1$s." msgstr "" "你之所以收到此訊息,是因為你最近註冊或變更了以下一或多個網域的聯絡資訊:" "%1$s。" msgid "" "Please verify your email address as soon as possible, or sites and emails " "that use these domains will stop working." msgstr "" "請盡快驗證你的電子郵件地址,否則使用這些網域的網站和電子郵件將停止運作。" msgid "" "Please verify your email address as soon as possible, or sites and emails " "that use this domain will stop working." msgstr "請盡快驗證你的電子郵件地址,否則使用此網域的網站和電子郵件將停止運作。" msgid "The email address we currently have on file is: %1$s." msgstr "目前我們檔案記錄的電子郵件地址為:%1$s。" msgid "" "Your email has to be verified so we can get in touch with you when needed." msgstr "你的電子郵件地址必須經過驗證,以便我們在必要時與你聯絡。" msgid "" "You are receiving this message because you recently registered or changed " "the contact information for one or more of the following domains: " "%1$s." msgstr "" "你之所以收到此訊息,是因為你最近註冊或變更了以下一或多個網域的聯絡資訊:" "%1$s。" msgid "Important! Please verify your contact information for %1$s" msgstr "重要事項!請驗證 %1$s 的聯絡資訊" msgid " Important! Please verify the contact info for your domains." msgstr "重要事項!請驗證你網域的聯絡資訊。" msgid "" "Auto-renewal is now off. Before you go, we'd love to know: are you letting " "this %(productType)s expire completely, or do you think you'll renew it " "manually?" msgstr "" "現在已關閉自動續訂。在你離開前,我們想請問一個問題:是否要讓此 " "%(productType)s 完全失效,還是要手動續訂?" msgid "I'm not sure." msgstr "我不確定。" msgid "" "We couldn't find an account using %s. Let's create a new account for you." msgstr "我們找不到使用 %s 的帳戶。讓我們來為你建立新帳戶。" msgid "An account with this email address already exists." msgstr "已有帳戶使用此電子郵件地址。" msgid "View ad dashboard" msgstr "檢視廣告儀表板" msgid "eCommerce Website Builder —" msgstr "電子商務網站建置工具 —" msgid "Business Website Builder —" msgstr "商務網站建置工具 —" msgid "" "The business website builder you need to meet your business needs. Design a " "professional website with professional themes, plugins, 24/7 support, and " "more." msgstr "" "符合企業需求的商務網站建置工具。你可使用專業佈景主題、外掛程式、全年無休支援" "等其他工具,設計專業網站。" msgid "We're having trouble backing up your site" msgstr "我們在備份你的網站時遇到問題" msgid "" "Outstanding amount of %(amountOwed)s will be paid approximately 45 days " "following the end of the month in which it was earned." msgstr "未結清款項 (%(amountOwed)s 美元) 將於收益當月結束約 45 天後支付。" msgid "" "Check out your ad earnings history, including total earnings, total paid to " "date, and the amount that you've still yet to be paid." msgstr "查看你的廣告收入記錄,包含總收入、總付清金額,以及你尚未收到的金額。" msgid "Earn ad revenue" msgstr "賺取廣告收益" msgid "Collect recurring payments" msgstr "收取定期付款" msgid "Collect one-time payments" msgstr "收取單筆費用" msgid "Sorry, we couldn’t send the email." msgstr "很抱歉,我們無法傳送電子郵件。" msgid "Email Sent. Check your mail app!" msgstr "電子郵件已傳送。查看你的郵件應用程式!" msgid "Explore the Plugin Directory" msgstr "探索外掛目錄" msgid "Try searching plugins for 'redirect'." msgstr "請嘗試在外掛程式中搜尋「重新導向」。" msgid "Site Redirects are not available for this site." msgstr "網站重新導向不適用於這個網站。" msgid "Block style name must be a string." msgstr "區塊樣式名稱必須是字串。" msgid "" "By continuing, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}}." msgstr "繼續執行此動作,即代表你同意我們的{{tosLink}}服務條款{{/tosLink}}。" msgid "Explore WordAds" msgstr "探索 WordAds" msgid "WordAds is not enabled on your site" msgstr "你的網站未啟用 WordAds" msgctxt "" "Alternative link under login/site-selection header, leads to site frontend." msgid "or visit {{siteLink/}}" msgstr "或請造訪 {{siteLink/}}" msgid "Download a current backup" msgstr "下載目前的備份" msgid "Please let us know why you're disabling Jetpack." msgstr "請告訴我們你停用 Jetpack 的原因。" msgid "Disable Jetpack" msgstr "停用 Jetpack" msgid "Other:" msgstr "其他:" msgid "I'm deleting/migrating my site." msgstr "我要刪除/遷移我的網站。" msgid "I don't know what it does." msgstr "我不知道該產品的功能。" msgid "It's buggy." msgstr "該產品中有許多錯誤。" msgid "It slowed down my site." msgstr "該產品拖慢我網站的速度。" msgid "I can't get it to work." msgstr "我無法啟用該產品。" msgid "Your feedback will help us improve the product." msgstr "你的意見回饋將有助於我們改善產品。" msgid "What would you like your domain name to be?" msgstr "你想設定的網域名稱是?" msgid "Available plans to choose from" msgstr "可選用的方案" msgid "Error ignoring threat. Please contact support." msgstr "忽略威脅時發生錯誤。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Threat ignored." msgstr "已忽略威脅。" msgid "Ignoring threat…" msgstr "正在忽略威脅…" msgid "Error fixing threat. Please contact support." msgstr "解決威脅時發生錯誤。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "We're hard at work fixing this threat in the background. Please check back " "shortly." msgstr "我們正致力在背景解決此威脅。請稍後返回查看。" msgid "Fixing threat…" msgstr "正在解決威脅…" msgid "You will be refunded %(cost)s." msgstr "你將收到 %(cost)s 的退款。" msgid "" "Welcome, Travel Massive Members! Save %s%% today on plans, " "Jetpack, and any other Automattic paid products using promo code " "{{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "歡迎使用,Travel Massive 會員!今天在結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}}" ",就能為你的 方案、Jetpack 和任何其他 Automattic 付費產" "品省下 %s%%。" msgid "Final reminder: the Business plan sale ends tonight." msgstr "倒數提醒:商務版方案促銷將於今晚結束。" msgid "Last chance! The Business plan sale ends today" msgstr "最後機會!商務版方案促銷將於今天結束" msgid "The Business plan sale expires tomorrow!" msgstr "商務版方案促銷將於明天截止!" msgid "Learn About Google Photos" msgstr "了解 Google 相簿" msgid "Learn About Google Docs" msgstr "了解 Google 文件" msgid "Learn About Google Analytics" msgstr "了解 Google Analytics (分析)" msgid "Learn About Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgstr "瞭解 Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgid "A suspicious link has been found in table %1$s" msgstr "在表格 %1$s 中找到可疑連結" msgid " includes everything you need to start your website today." msgstr " 滿足你架設網站的所有需求,彈指間就能讓網站上線運作。" msgid "Create a free website today." msgstr "立刻擁有自己的網站,免費。" msgid "Create a beautiful, simple website in minutes." msgstr "幾分鐘內即可建立美觀簡潔的網站。" msgid "" "Share your ideas, start a business, or run a store. You can do it all on " " Find a great fit and start telling the world exactly what you " "do." msgstr "" "無論你想要分享自己的想法、開創企業或經營商店,都能在 上完成。你" "可以找到符合個人需求的網站設計,開始向全世界展示你的實際成果。" msgid "Your great idea deserves an equally great domain name." msgstr "你的珍貴構想應該配上同樣出色的網域名稱。" msgid "Reach your audience with a domain name that’s perfect for you." msgstr "使用一個適合你的網域名稱來開始接觸你的讀者。" msgid "Your next big idea starts here ..." msgstr "分享更多精彩,就從這一步開始⋯" msgid "Popular Domain Search —" msgstr "熱門網域搜尋 —" msgid "" "In addition to our analytics tool, we use other tracking tools, including " "some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/" "cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them." msgstr "" "除了我們自己的分析工具外,我們也使用其他追蹤機制,包括某些第三方追蹤工具。" "{{cookiePolicyLink}}深入了解相關資訊{{/cookiePolicyLink}}及其管理方式。" msgid "Checkout ‹ Plan Upgrade" msgstr "結帳 ‹ 方案升級" msgid "" "P.S. Upgrading your plan is risk-free! If you decide for any reason that you " "don't love your upgrade, we'll give you a full refund within 30 days of " "purchase (96 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "附註:你可以毫無風險地升級你的方案!如果你基於任何原因,不想要這個升級版本," "只要在購買後 30 天內提出要求,我們就會全額退款 (網域須在 96 小時內提出)。" msgid "All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee (96 hours for domains)." msgstr "所有方案均包含 30 天退款保證 (網域為 96 小時)。" msgid "Uploading audio requires a paid plan." msgstr "須購買付費方案才能上載音訊。" msgid "Uploading video requires a paid plan." msgstr "須購買付費方案才能上載視訊。" msgid "Unable to fetch site. Please try again." msgstr "無法擷取網站。請再試一次。" msgid "Site url is not valid." msgstr "網站 URL 無效。" msgid "The URL of the site to check if importing is supported." msgstr "支援匯入時,須檢查的網站 URL。" msgid "Yes! I want to claim this huge savings!" msgstr "是的!我想要領取這個驚喜大優惠!" msgid "" "You don’t want to miss this chance to save %1$s on the Business plan AND " "receive a free 30 minute onboarding call." msgstr "" "絕對不能錯過的難得機會:以 %1$s 的折扣優惠享受商務版方案,還可享 30 分鐘的免" "費新手電話教學。" msgid "Claim this huge savings now!" msgstr "立即領取這個驚喜大優惠!" msgid "Introducing our largest Business plan sale ever..." msgstr "為你介紹我們有史以來規模最大的商務版方案銷售..." msgid "" "And today's the perfect day to upgrade because it's the start of our largest " "Business plan sale ever!" msgstr "" "今天是適合升級的一天,因為今天正是我們有史以來規模最大的商務版方案正式開跑的" "第一天!" msgid "" "Create a smooth, uninterrupted reading experience by loading more content as " "visitors scroll to the bottom of your archive pages." msgstr "往封存頁面底部捲動即可載入更多內容,為訪客創造流暢、不間斷的閱讀體驗。" msgid "" "We previously flagged the plugin wordpress-seo-premium as having a " "known vulnerability in version 11.6. This was a mistake, there are no known " "vulnerabilities at this time." msgstr "" "我們之前將外掛程式 wordpress-seo-premium 標記為「在版本 11.6 中具有" "已知的弱點」。當時標記有誤,目前沒有已知的弱點。" msgid "Domain maintenance in progress" msgstr "正在進行網域維護" msgid "" "Our domain management system is currently undergoing maintenance and we " "can't process your request right now. Please try again later." msgstr "" "我們的網域管理系統目前正在進行維護,因此現在無法處理你的要求。請稍後再試一" "次。" msgid "" "Our domain management system is currently undergoing maintenance and we " "can't process your request right now. Please try again %(when)s." msgstr "" "我們的網域管理系統目前正在進行維護,因此現在無法處理你的要求。請於 %(when)s後" "再試一次。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Join the network serving{{/line1}} {{line2}}more than 20 billion{{/" "line2}} {{line3}}pageviews a month{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}所有 網站{{/line1}}{{line2}}每月瀏覽合計超過 200 億次" "{{/line2}}{{line3}}立即加入{{/line3}}" msgid "" "Drag-and‑drop images into posts and pages. Create designer‑worthy photo " "galleries. Embed audio, video, documents, and more." msgstr "" "將圖片拖放到貼文和頁面中。建立設計感卓越的照片圖庫。嵌入音訊、影片和文件等項" "目。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Every feature you need{{/line1}} {{line2}}to create a powerful " "website{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}多種強大功能{{/line1}}{{line2}}幫你打造出強大網站{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}You’re just a few clicks away from{{/line1}} {{line2}}the website " "you’ve always wanted.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}只要按幾下{{/line1}}{{line2}}就能打造出你夢寐以求的網站。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start your blogging{{/line1}}{{line2}}adventure today{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}立即開始{{/line1}}{{line2}}打造你的網誌{{/line2}}" msgid "People Love" msgstr "大家都很喜歡" msgid "Browse all themes" msgstr "瀏覽所有佈景主題" msgid "" "Enjoy website design, domain registration, hassle‑free automatic software " "updates, and secure hosting on servers spread across multiple data centers." msgstr "" "享有網站設計、網域註冊、輕鬆便利的自動軟體更新,以及多個資料中心伺服器上的安" "全託管。" msgid "" " has built‑in SEO, social media integration, and sharing " "features. Plug into our high‑traffic network and reach new readers." msgstr "" " 具備內建 SEO、社交媒體整合與分享功能。連結我們的高流量網路,接" "觸新的讀者。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Every feature you need{{/line1}} {{line2}}to create a powerful " "blog{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}多種強大功能{{/line1}}{{line2}}打造你的完美網誌{{/line2}}" msgid "Start your blog" msgstr "開始建立網誌" msgid "" "{{line1}} makes it easy for you to start your own blog.{{/" "line1}} {{line2}}Signup for free to start sharing your ideas.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}用 輕鬆建立你的專屬網誌。{{/line1}}{{line2}}免費註冊," "立即展現自我。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a blog and share{{/line1}} {{line2}}your voice in minutes{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}彈指間建立全新網誌,{{/line1}} {{line2}}讓全世界看見你{{/line2}}" msgid "" "There is already another verification email queued to be sent for this email " "address. Please wait a few minutes before trying again." msgstr "" "系統已排定傳送另一封驗證電子郵件至此電子郵件地址。請等候幾分鐘再試一次。" msgid "Step 2: Now tap to log in. It’s that easy." msgstr "步驟 2:立即點選登入,就是這麼簡單。" msgid "Get the %s app" msgstr "取得 %s 應用程式" msgid "Step 1: If you don’t have the %s mobile app, install it now." msgstr "步驟 1:如果沒有 %s 行動應用程式,請立即安裝。" msgid "" "Howdy! Here are the links you requested to install and log in to the %s " "mobile app. Use them from your mobile device. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "您好!以下是您要求安裝並登入 %s 行動應用程式的連結。請在行動裝置上使用。祝您" "使用愉快!" msgid "The Akismet Team" msgstr "Akismet 團隊" msgid "Per Year" msgstr "每年" msgid "Per Month" msgstr "每月" msgid "Renewal Date" msgstr "續訂日期" msgid "Account ID" msgstr "帳戶 ID" msgid "" "Your subscription at %1$s needs your attention. Although it is set to renew " "on %2$s, it does not have an associated payment method." msgstr "" "請注意你在 %1$s 的訂閱。雖然已設定在 %2$s 續訂,但尚未設定相關聯的付款方式。" msgid "Daily backups" msgstr "每日備份" msgid "Real-time backups" msgstr "即時備份" msgid "Cannot deduce `ssh_host` from `siteurl` because `siteurl` is empty." msgstr "無法從「siteurl」推算出「ssh_host」,因為「siteurl」為空白。" msgid "Both `%1$s` and `%2$s` cannot be blank." msgstr "「%1$s」和「%2$s」都不能為空白。" msgid "`%s` cannot be blank." msgstr "「%s」不能為空白。" msgid "`%s` cannot be blank. Please upgrade to Jetpack 7.5." msgstr "「%s」不能為空白。請升級至 Jetpack 7.5。" msgid "" "Manual backups take time, and you’ve got more important things to do. " "Jetpack Backup works behind the scenes, so you don’t have to." msgstr "" "手動備份還原超花時間,你不用親自動手。Jetpack 備份服務能自動在幕後執行,你的" "心力可以用來處理更重要的工作。" msgid "Let us do the heavy lifting" msgstr "麻煩事,交給我們就好" msgid "" "You don't want to find out from your customers that your site has a problem. " "It’s much better to let Jetpack be on the lookout and let you know the " "second it sees something you should be aware of." msgstr "" "身為網站服務商,讓顧客自己發現網站有問題,真的很丟臉;有了 Jetpack 背景監控一" "切,在出問題時立即回報,真的更加方便好用。" msgid "Instant email notifications when threats are detected" msgstr "偵測到資安威脅時,立即發送電子郵件通報" msgid "One-click fixes for most issues" msgstr "單鍵修復多數問題" msgid "" "Automatic scanning and one-click fixes keep your site one step ahead of " "security threats." msgstr "自動掃瞄、單鍵修正功能,讓網站免於各種資安威脅。" msgid "Find threats early and fix them fast" msgstr "及早發現資安威脅,盡速修復排除" msgid "" "Automatically clear spam from comments and forms. Save time, get more " "responses, give your visitors a better experience - all without " "lifting a finger." msgstr "" "自動從留言和表單中清除垃圾訊息。 不費吹灰之力就能節省時間、獲得更多回應、為訪" "客提供更好的體驗。" msgid "Log in with an existing account" msgstr "使用現有的 帳戶登入" msgid "CHRIS COYIER, Web Design Expert" msgstr "網頁設計專家 Chris Coyier" msgid "" "Use this checkbox to flag users who are not a part of your organization." msgstr "使用此核取方塊標記非組織成員的使用者。" msgid "This user is a contractor, freelancer, consultant, or agency." msgstr "該使用者是承包商、自由工作者、顧問或代理商。" msgid "This user is a freelancer, consultant, or agency." msgstr "該使用者是自由工作者、顧問或代理商。" msgctxt "Noun: A user role" msgid "Contractor" msgstr "承包商" msgid " log in" msgstr " 登入" msgid "" "No more spam means visitors can comment and engage distraction-free — " "without being sidetracked, duped, or just annoyed." msgstr "自動掃除垃圾留言,網友不再看到煩人詐騙和垃圾內容,互動體驗再提升。" msgid "An experience they'll all love" msgstr "優質體驗人人讚" msgid "" "No more CAPTCHAs, so visitors submit more forms and you won't waste time on " "fake responses." msgstr "告別煩死人的 CAPTCHA,減少訪客流失,你也不用處理無效訂單。" msgid "Verify less, convert more" msgstr "減少煩人驗證流程,提供轉換率" msgid "" "Manually reviewing spammy form submissions eats up time — time you " "could spend growing your business." msgstr "手動審查垃圾內容,完全就是浪費你的寶貴時間。" msgid "No more approving or vetting" msgstr "告別逐一審查留言內容之苦" msgid "Advanced stats" msgstr "進階統計資料" msgid "" "Automatically clear spam from comments and forms. Save time, get more " "responses, give your visitors a better experience - all without lifting a " "finger." msgstr "" "自動濾除留言和表單的的垃圾訊息,你什麼也不用做;不但節省你的時間,提高網站良" "性互動,還能讓訪客體驗更為提升。" msgid "Could not determine the registrar for this domain." msgstr "無法判斷此網域的註冊機構。" msgid "This is not a valid domain name." msgstr "這不是有效的網域名稱。" msgid "If you don’t have the %s mobile app, install it now." msgstr "如果沒有 %s 行動應用程式,請立即安裝。" msgid "If you don’t have the %1$s mobile app, %2$s install it now. %3$s" msgstr "如果沒有 %1$s 行動應用程式,%2$s請立即安裝。%3$s" msgid "" "For extra security, the link above will expire in one hour, and you can only " "use it once." msgstr "為加強安全性,以上連結將於一小時後失效,且只能使用一次。" msgid "Log in to the app" msgstr "登入應用程式" msgid "" "Howdy! Here’s the link you requested to log in to the %s mobile app. Use it " "on a device that has the app installed. It only takes one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "你好!以下是你要求登入 %s 行動應用程式的連結。請在安裝應用程式的裝置上使用。" "只要點按一下連結即可。祝你使用愉快!" msgid "Log in to the %s app on your mobile device" msgstr "登入行動裝置上的 %s 應用程式" msgid "Allow users to log in to this site using accounts" msgstr "允許使用者以 帳戶登入此網站" msgid "%1$s posted on %3$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 在 %3$s 張貼的內容:%2$s" msgid "Verify site ownership with third-party services" msgstr "使用第三方服務驗證網站擁有權" msgid "" "The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related " "posts at the bottom of each post." msgstr "此功能會在每篇文章的底端顯示相關文章,協助訪客進一步探索你的內容。" msgid "Comment form introduction" msgstr "留言表單簡介" msgid "Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing." msgstr "產生簡短的 URL,更方便分享。" msgid "" "The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It " "offers one-click access to notifications, your profile and " "your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the " "sites you follow in the Reader." msgstr "" " 工具列會取代預設的 WordPress 管理員工具列。只要按一下工具列,即" "可存取通知、 個人檔案,以及你其他的 Jetpack 與 網" "站。你也可以在讀取器中掌握你關注的網站的最新內容。" msgid "Jetpack Anti-Spam" msgstr "Jetpack 垃圾訊息防護功能" msgid "" "Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, " "too." msgstr "在你的網站離線時收到通知。網站備份時,我們也會通知你。" msgid "" "Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment " "downtime is detected." msgstr "Jetpack 會持續監控你的網站,並在偵測到停機時發出警示。" msgid "Highlight related content with a heading" msgstr "以標題強化相關內容的顯示" msgid "Send your new posts to this email address:" msgstr "將你的新文章傳送至此電子郵件地址:" msgid "Enable the \"subscribe to comments\" option on your comment form" msgstr "在留言表單中啟用「訂閱留言」選項" msgid "Enable the \"subscribe to site\" option on your comment form" msgstr "在留言表單中啟用「訂閱網站」選項" msgid "Let visitors subscribe to new posts and comments via email" msgstr "讓訪客透過電子郵件訂閱你的新文章和留言" msgid "M j, Y" msgstr "Y 年 n 月 j 日" msgid "Add widgets here." msgstr "在此新增小工具。" msgid "I'll keep it" msgstr "我要保留" msgid "We've failed to disable auto-renewal for you. Please try again." msgstr "我們無法為您停用自動續訂。請再試一次。" msgid "We've failed to enable auto-renewal for you. Please try again." msgstr "我們無法為您啟用自動續訂。請再試一次。" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Design" msgstr "設計" msgid "" "I don't need a backup OR I already have a backup. Cancel my auto-renewal." msgstr "我不需要備份或我已經備份了。取消我的自動續訂。" msgid "" "Before you continue, we recommend downloading a backup of your site – that " "way, you'll have your content to use on any future websites you create." msgstr "" "繼續操作之前,建議您下載網站備份,這樣以後不管建立任何網站都能使用這些內容。" msgid "" "By canceling auto-renewal, your %(planName)s plan for %(siteDomain)s will " "expire on %(expiryDate)s. When it expires, plugins, themes and design " "customizations will be deactivated. To avoid that, turn auto-renewal back on " "or manually renew your plan before the expiration date." msgstr "" "取消自動續訂,你的 %(planName)s 方案 (適用於 %(siteDomain)s) 將於 " "%(expiryDate)s 到期。如果方案到期,您將失去外掛程式、佈景主題、設計自訂項目," "甚至部分內容。為避免此狀況,請重新啟用自動續訂,或在到期日前手動續訂你的方" "案。" msgid "" "By canceling auto-renewal, your domain %(domain)s will expire on " "%(expiryDate)s. Once your domain expires, there is no guarantee that you'll " "be able to get it back – it could become unavailable and be impossible to " "purchase here, or at any other domain registrar. To avoid that, turn auto-" "renewal back on or manually renew your domain before the expiration date." msgstr "" "取消自動續訂,您的網域 %(domain)s 將於 %(expiryDate)s 到期。網域到期後,我們" "無法保證您能夠取回網域;網域可能無法取得,也可能無法在此處或任何其他網域註冊" "機構購買。為避免此狀況,請重新啟用自動續訂,或在到期日前手動續訂你的網域。" msgid "Checkout ‹ Quick Start Session" msgstr "結帳 ‹ 快速入門章節" msgid "Try it" msgstr "立即試用" msgid "Change Payment Method" msgstr "變更付款方式" msgid "We're automatically protecting you from brute force login attacks." msgstr "我們會自動保護你的帳戶不受暴力破解的登入攻擊。" msgctxt "taxonomy singular name" msgid "Template Type" msgstr "模板類型" msgid "Please click the link in the email we sent to %(emailAddress)s." msgstr "請按一下電子郵件中的連結,該郵件已傳送至:%(emailAddress)s。" msgid "" "Now that we have taken care of your plan, we need to verify your email " "address to create your store." msgstr "" "我們已經把你的方案處理好了,現在需要認證你的電子郵件地址,才能為你建立商店。" msgid "Couldn't resend verification email. Please try again." msgstr "無法傳送驗證電子郵件。請再試一次。" msgid "" "Video hosting is active on your site. Ready to move to the next feature?" msgstr "你的網站已啟用影片託管功能。準備好要享受下個功能了嗎?" msgid "" "Flip this toggle to use our servers to host your videos — " "they'll be fast {{em}}and{{/em}} ad-free." msgstr "" "啟動此切換,即可使用我們的 伺服器來託管你的影片,快速{{em}}又" "{{/em}}沒有廣告。" msgid "" "Site Accelerator is active on your site. Next up: faster video loading. " "Ready to move on?" msgstr "" "你的網站已啟用網站加速器。接下來是:更快速的影片載入功能。準備好繼續了嗎?" msgid "" "Flip this toggle to enable Site Accelerator — it optimizes your images and " "loads them from our super-powerful servers, taking the load off yours." msgstr "" "打開此切換即可啟用網站加速器,將圖片最佳化並從我們強大的伺服器載入圖片,減輕" "你伺服器的負擔。" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s. " "Please enable auto-renewal so you don't lose out on your paid features!" msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s 將於 %(expiry)s 到期並自你的網站中移除。請啟用自動更新,你就" "不會失去所有已購功能了!" msgid "This endpoint limited to 5 requests per email address per hour." msgstr "此端點限制為每小時每電子郵件地址 5 個要求。" msgid "User is not able to use login link via email." msgstr "使用者無法透過電子郵件使用登入連結。" msgid "Could not find user." msgstr "找不到使用者。" msgid "Jetpack news, announcements, and product spotlights." msgstr "Jetpack 消息、公告和產品焦點。" msgid " news, announcements, and product spotlights." msgstr " 消息、公告和產品焦點。" msgid "Jetpack Newsletter" msgstr "Jetpack 電子報" msgid "Continue with your authenticator app" msgstr "繼續使用你的 authenticator\\u00A0app" msgid "" "Check your email for a message we sent you when you signed up. Click the " "link inside to confirm your email address. You may have to check your email " "client's spam folder." msgstr "" "註冊時,請至電子信箱查看我們傳送的訊息。按一下其中的連結以確認你的電子郵件地" "址。你可能會需要檢查電子郵件用戶端的垃圾郵件資料夾。" msgid "" "Your domain is not properly set up to point to your site. Reset your " "domain's A records in the Domains section to fix this." msgstr "" "你的網域並未妥善地設定,因此無法指向你的網站。在「網域」區段中重設你的網域 A " "記錄,以修正此問題。" msgid "Domain pointing to a different site" msgstr "網域指向不同的網站" msgid "" "Change your site's Privacy settings to \"Public\" or \"Hidden\" (not " "\"Private.\")" msgstr "將你網站的隱私權設定變更為「公開」或「隱藏」(非「私人」)。" msgid "Public site needed" msgstr "需要公開網站" msgid "" "%(errorDescription)s{{br/}}Make sure you are using a valid WordPress export " "file in XML or ZIP format. {{cs}}Still need help{{/cs}}?" msgstr "" "%(errorDescription)s{{br/}}請確認你正在使用有效的 WordPress 匯出檔案,且格式" "為 XML 或 ZIP。{{cs}}是否仍然需要協助{{/cs}}?" msgid "Oops! We ran into an unexpected error while uploading your file." msgstr "糟糕!上載你的檔案時發生未預期的錯誤。" msgid "{{b}}Last update: %(time)s{{/b}} (Updates every 30 minutes)" msgstr "{{b}}最近更新:%(time)s{{/b}} (每 30 分鐘更新一次)" msgid "" "You are in recovery mode. This means there may be an error with a theme or " "plugin. To exit recovery mode, log out or use the Exit button. Exit Recovery Mode" msgstr "" "這個網站已進入 [復原模式],這通常代表已啟用的外掛或佈景主題執行時產生錯誤。如" "需結束 [復原模式],請登出網站或使用離開按鈕。離開復原模式" msgid "" "To update your password enter a new one below. Strong passwords have at " "least six characters, and use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and " "symbols like ! ” ? $ % ^ & )." msgstr "" "若要使用新密碼,請在下方輸入新密碼。為確保密碼防護強度,新密碼應包含至少 6 個" "字元,並混合使用大小寫字母、數字,以及 ! “ ? $ % ^ & ) 等符號。" msgid "No followers yet." msgstr "尚未有 關注者" msgid "No one is following you by email yet." msgstr "尚未有人藉由電子郵件關注你。" msgid "Scroll back up to continue." msgstr "向上捲動以繼續。" msgid "" "Scroll down to see how your site will look. You can customize it with your " "own text and photos when we're done with the setup basics." msgstr "" "向下捲動即可檢視你的網站外觀。我們完成設定基本操作後,你就可以透過自己的文字" "和相片自訂外觀。" msgid "Domain Transfer Management" msgstr "網域轉移管理:" msgid "" "Congratulations!{{br/}}{{br/}}You have successfully cancelled your domain " "transfer. There is nothing else you need to do." msgstr "恭喜!{{br/}}{{br/}}你已順利取消網域轉移了。已經不需要進行其他操作。" msgid "" "Congratulations!{{br/}}{{br/}}You have successfully expedited your domain " "transfer. There is nothing else you need to do." msgstr "恭喜!{{br/}}{{br/}}你已順利完成網域轉移了。已經不需要進行其他操作。" msgid "" "If you're having trouble managing your domain transfer, please {{a}}" "{{strong}}contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "如果你無法順利進行網域轉移,請{{a}}{{strong}}聯絡支援團隊{{/strong}}{{/a}}。" msgid "" "This domain is no longer pending transfer.{{br/}}{{br/}}If your transfer has " "completed successfully or you previously cancelled your domain transfer, " "there is nothing else you need to do." msgstr "" "此網域非處於等候轉移狀態。{{br/}}{{br/}}如果你的轉移已順利完成,或之前取消了" "網域轉移,則無需進行其他任何操作。" msgid "Domain not awaiting transfer." msgstr "網域並非等待轉移。" msgid "" "This email has expired.{{br/}}{{br/}}If it has been over seven days since " "you have started your transfer and it has not yet completed, please {{a}}" "{{strong}}contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "此電子郵件已經到期。{{br/}}{{br/}}如果自你開始轉移已經超過七天,且轉移尚未完" "成,請{{a}}{{strong}}聯絡支援團隊{{/strong}}{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Something went wrong.{{br/}}{{br/}}We couldn't get the transfer status for " "your domain.{{br/}}Please try again in a few hours." msgstr "" "發生錯誤。{{br/}}{{br/}}我們無法取得你的網域狀態。{{br/}}請於數小時內再試一" "次。" msgid "" "This email address is different from the one we have on record for " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "電子郵件位址和我們所擁有之 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 之記錄中的電子郵件" "不同。" msgid "" "You have requested to transfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} away from " " to another registration provider.{{br/}}{{br/}}If you take no " "action, the domain transfer will process automatically within seven days of " "when it was started.{{br/}}{{br/}}To cancel this transfer and keep your " "domain at, click the “Cancel Transfer” button.{{br/}}{{br/}}To " "process this transfer immediately instead of waiting, click the “Accept " "Transfer” button." msgstr "" "你已提出將 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 從 轉移至其他註冊機" "構的請求。{{br/}}{{br/}}如果你未執行任何動作,網域轉移將會自動於請求開始後在" "七天內進行。{{br/}}{{br/}}若要取消此轉移,並將你的網域保留在," "請按一下「取消轉移」按鈕。{{br/}}{{br/}}若不想等待,要立刻進行此轉移,則按一" "下「接受轉移」按鈕。" msgid "Manage your Domain Transfer" msgstr "管理你的網域轉移" msgid "The domain name you entered does not match." msgstr "你輸入的網域名稱不相符。" msgctxt "Domain name" msgid "Type your domain name to proceed" msgstr "請輸入網域名稱以繼續" msgid "File Downloads" msgstr "檔案下載" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for file downloads." msgid "Files" msgstr "檔案" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "File downloads" msgstr "檔案下載" msgid "High-speed, high-definition, and ad-free video hosting is enabled." msgstr "已啟用高速、高畫質且不含廣告的影片託管功能。" msgid "" "Enable fast, high-definition, ad-free video hosting through our global CDN " "network." msgstr "透過我們的全球 CDN 網路來啟用快速、高畫質且不含廣告的影片託管功能。" msgid "Upload images" msgstr "上載圖片" msgid "" "Site accelerator is serving your images and static files through our global " "CDN." msgstr "網站加速器正透過我們的全球 CDN 為你提供圖片和靜態檔案。" msgid "" "Serve your images and static files through our global CDN and watch your " "page load time drop." msgstr "透過我們的全球 CDN 提供圖片和靜態檔案,你就會發現頁面載入時間縮短了。" msgid "Site Accelerator" msgstr "網站加速器" msgid "Search powered by %s" msgstr "搜尋功能由 %s 技術支援" msgid "You may like to search for one of these terms instead:" msgstr "建議改為搜尋以下字詞:" msgid "No search results could be found. Please try another word or phrase." msgstr "找不到任何搜尋結果,請嘗試其他字詞或短語。" msgid "Page not found, perhaps one of the search results below can help?" msgstr "找不到頁面,以下搜尋結果或許能有所幫助?" msgid "Alternatively, perhaps one of the search results below can help?" msgstr "或者也能參考以下搜尋結果,說不定能有所幫助?" msgid "" "This content has not been translated to %1$s yet. You can read the original version in English or you might like to try a Google Translate version of the page." msgstr "" "此內容尚未翻譯成%1$s。建議閱讀英文原版,或是嘗試使用 Google Translate 翻譯頁面內容。" msgid "" "After you're done setting everything up, you can return to your WordPress " "admin here or continue using this dashboard." msgstr "" "所有項目設定完畢後,你可以返回此處的 WordPress 管理員,或繼續使用此儀表板。" msgid "" "This is your security checklist that'll help you quickly set up Jetpack. " "Pick and choose the features that you want." msgstr "此安全性檢查清單可協助你快速設定 Jetpack。挑選你想要的功能。" msgid "We are sorry, the sales on this site are currently off." msgstr "很抱歉,此網站的銷售項目現已關閉。" msgid "Sales disabled" msgstr "已停用銷售" msgid "Recurring Payments" msgstr "定期付款" msgid "Plan not found" msgstr "找不到方案" msgid "Sign-ups disabled" msgstr "已停用註冊" msgid "" "The attempt to connect to Stripe has been cancelled. You can connect again " "at any time." msgstr "已取消嘗試連結至 Stripe。你可以隨時再次連結。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Find everything you need{{/line1}} {{line2}}to build anything you " "want on{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}有了,{{/line1}} {{line2}}想架什麼網站、寫什麼內容,你" "都做得到。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "You work on your website in the evenings, on weekends, during break times. " "That’s why offers 24/7 support, via email and chat." msgstr "" "很多人會在下班時間照顧自己的網站,所以 提供 24 小時全年無休支" "援,讓大家可透過電子郵件和即時文字對談服務,取得最快的所需支援。" msgid "" "Get your questions answered and grow your website with a global community, " "local events, online courses, forums, and more." msgstr "" "獲得問題的解答,讓你的網站和全球社群、本地活動、線上課程、論壇等等一同成長。" msgid "" "Your site only runs on the Weebly platform — it’s not easy to move your " "content to another host (and there’s no guarantee that you can build an " "equivalent site)." msgstr "" "你的網站只能在 Weebly 平台上執行,很難搬到其他主機或服務,而且搬家後多半無法" "呈現原汁原味。" msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of beautiful, mobile-friendly designs, and add a plan " "to access thousands more." msgstr "數百種美觀而且適用於行動裝置的版面設計;升級方案後還有數千種設計可用。" msgid "Every paid plan includes a custom domain, free for the first year." msgstr "每項付費方案都包含第一年免費的自訂網域服務。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Finalizing your business plan?{{/line1}} {{line2}}Learn how " " sets you up for success.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}想要架設強大的商用網站?{{/line1}} {{line2}}來看看為什麼 WordPress." "com 更能助你一臂之力。{{/line2}}" msgid "The power to build the website you need for the business you want." msgstr "想讓事業飛躍成長,就需要真正強有力的網站。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Build your website on the platform that{{/line1}} {{line2}}gives " "you everything you need to do anything you want.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}用最照顧你的平台,{{/line1}} {{line2}}架出你最想架的網站。{{/line2}}" msgid "Chat support is available, but only during limited hours." msgstr "只有特定時段才開放線上即時對談支援。" msgid "Get 24/7 support via email or live chat." msgstr "24 小時全年無休的電子郵件、即時線上對談支援。" msgid "" "A few websites, and Reddit. More extensive resources are only available to " "power users with at least three websites." msgstr "" "僅有 Reddit 和一些網站討論 Squarespace;你最少得擁有三個網站,才能享有官方提" "供的較多資源。" msgid "" "Joining means joining a friendly, global community with local " "events, online courses, forums, and more." msgstr "" "加入 等於加入了熱情活潑的全球社群,還能參加在地活動、觀看線上課" "程、在論壇中交換意見。" msgid "" "Your site only runs on the Squarespace platform — it’s not easy to move your " "content to another host (and there’s no guarantee that you can build an " "equivalent site)." msgstr "" "你的網站會被綁在 Squarespace 平台上,要將內容移至其他主機並不容易(而且並不保" "證新網站能夠呈現相同面貌與功能)。" msgid "" "Your website — and everything on it — is yours. Stay on, or " "move to a self-hosted WordPress website at any time. Keep your content, keep " "your design, keep your add-ons." msgstr "" "你的網站、網站所有內容皆屬於你。你可以一直使用,亦可隨時搬家到" "自行架設的 WordPress 網站,原本的內容、設計與外掛程式都能繼續使用。" msgid "" "Your site is limited to the built-in features and templates offered by " "Squarespace, and a limited number of third-party extensions." msgstr "" "只能使用 Squarespace 提供的內建功能和版型,以及少數由第三方提供的擴充功能。" msgid "" "All plans include Jetpack features, and Business plan customers can " "customize their sites even more with thousands of add-ons and designs." msgstr "" "所有方案都附有 Jetpack 功能,商用版方案客戶還能使用數以千計的外掛程式,並且自" "訂網站版面設計。" msgid "" "No free option. Any site requires a paid plan at %1$s%2$s a month, minimum." msgstr "沒有免費選項;架設任何網站都必須付費,每月至少 %1$s%2$s 美元。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Comparing your options?{{/line1}} {{line2}}Here’s how " "is better value, more power, and more support than %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}貨比三家,你就是最大贏家。{{/line1}} {{line2}} 來看看 " "比 %1$s 更強大、更好用的原因。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Build your dream website with more freedom, more flexibility, and more " "features." msgstr "更自由、更具彈性、更多功能,才能打造出你夢想中的網站。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Publish your content on a{{/line1}} {{line2}}powerful and " "customizable platform.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}最好的內容,{{/line1}} {{line2}}就要用最強大、最具彈性的平台發佈。" "{{/line2}}" msgid "" " plans come with personalized, 24/7 support via email and chat." msgstr "" " 方案透過電子郵件和即時文字對談服務,提供 24 小時全年無休的專屬" "支援。" msgid "" "You can move websites built on to another WordPress host at " "any time." msgstr "隨時可將在 上建立的網站,搬移至其他 WordPress 主機。" msgid "" "Medium offers very limited customization options — your page will look " "similar to any other Medium page." msgstr "" "Medium 提供的版面自訂選項非常有限,你的 Medium 頁面和別人的看起來都大同小異。" msgid "" "Make your site your own with a wide selection of designs, media embeds, and " "the option to use custom code." msgstr "" "擁有多種專業設計、多媒體內嵌,還可以使用自訂程式碼,打造風格獨具的網站視覺印" "象。" msgid "" "Medium doesn’t offer custom domains for individual authors or publications." msgstr "Medium 不提供個人作者或出版專題(Publication)使用自訂網域名稱。" msgid "Limited ability to attract readers beyond manual social media shares." msgstr "除了手動分享至社群媒體之外,吸引讀者的能力有限。" msgid "" "Build your audience with powerful SEO tools, browsable categories and tags, " "and built-in social sharing — all on a platform optimized for speed and " "performance." msgstr "" "擁有強大的 SEO 工具、可瀏覽的分類標籤、以及內建社群分享功能,讓你輕鬆建立讀者" "社群。不但平台功能強大,而且速度飛快。" msgid "" "Visitors must pay %1$s%2$s per month or %1$s%3$s a year for unlimited access " "to premium content." msgstr "訪客須每月支付 %1$s%2$s 或每年 %1$s%3$s ,才能閱讀付費限定內容。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Want to share your story with the world?{{/line1}} {{line2}}Here’s " "why you should choose over %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}接觸更多讀者,贏得全球目光。{{/line1}} {{line2}}選擇 " "而非 %1$s,超級比一比。{{/line2}}" msgid "All the tools you need to reach your readers." msgstr "想接觸更多讀者,你需要功能更完善的平台。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create your blog on the platform{{/line1}} {{line2}}that gives you " "everything you need to build anything you want.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}用最照顧你的平台,{{/line1}} {{line2}}打造你最想呈現的內容。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "Help when you need it, from real people. has 24/7 support — " "email or chat with a Happiness Engineer whenever you have a question." msgstr "" "任何需要支援時,都有專人熱心服務。 提供 24 小時全年無休技術支" "援,隨時都能與 Happiness Engineer 支援團隊以電子郵件或線上即時文字對談獲得解" "答。" msgid "Limited to the online-only Blogger Buzz blog." msgstr "僅有線上版 Blogger Buzz 網誌。" msgid "" "Join a huge, global WordPress community — attend local events, take online " "courses, or join forums and blogging communities." msgstr "" "廣大的 WordPress 全球社群,歡迎你加入;還可以參加在地的各種活動、觀看線上課" "程,加入論壇參與討論,更有活躍的部落客社群。" msgid "" "Your blog’s design is limited to the built-in themes provided by Blogger — " "there are a few dozen." msgstr "僅能使用 Blogger 預設的佈景主題,而且數量相當有限。" msgid "" "Create the perfect look with hundreds of customizable designs, If you know " "CSS code, you can push your design even further. Either way, you’ll have a " "site that’s uniquely you." msgstr "" "擁有數百種可自行微調自訂的版面設計範本可用;熟悉 CSS 語法的話,還能創作出更獨" "具一格的設計,創造獨一無二的個人風格。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Still weighing your decision?{{/line1}} {{line2}} " "gives you more.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}還不知道該用哪一家?{{/line1}} {{line2}}來看看 多給你" "什麼。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Why instead of %1$s? For a more flexible, functional blog with " "a custom domain name. For beautiful designs (thousands!) and 24/7 support. " "For a website as wide-reaching as your dreams." msgstr "" "為什麼你該用 而非 %1$s?功能更齊全、更具彈性、還能使用自有網域" "名稱,更有數千種美輪美奐的版面設計,還有 24 小時全年無休強力支援。有了這些," "你一定能打造出廣受歡迎的優質網站。" msgid "" "Your self-expression is boundless. Your website and blog should be, too." msgstr "展現無限創意,你需要最自由、最不受限的平台。" msgid "" "Gutenberg requires WordPress %s or later to function properly. Please " "upgrade WordPress before activating Gutenberg." msgstr "" "Gutenberg 需要 WordPress %s 或更新版本才能正確執行。請在啟用 Gutenberg 前先" "為 WordPress 進行升級。" msgid "" "Let it all come together in a beautiful fusion of content and design. Not " "quite finished with your page? No worries. We'll put together a great " "landing page to inform your visitors that they're in the right place. Pick " "your .org domain and WordPress theme today!" msgstr "" "讓內容與設計華麗的融合在一起。還沒完成你的頁面嗎?別擔心。我們會製作絕佳登陸" "頁面,通知你的訪客他們沒有走錯地方。立刻挑選你的 .org 網域和 WordPress 佈景主" "題!" msgid "Let's get going on your site today!" msgstr "立刻開始經營你的網站!" msgid "" "Quality design and a website name you can trust -- how can you beat that? " " offers a selection of smart, sharp themes to carry your site's " "visual brand. There's a theme to fit any purpose, whether your site focuses " "on video, ecommerce, or written content." msgstr "" "高品質的設計以及你可以信賴的網站名稱,你怎能不心動? 提供各種俐" "落的智慧型佈景主題,讓你能為網站打造專屬視覺品牌形象。無論你的網站著重於影" "片、電子商務或文字內容,一定有適合的佈景主題。" msgid "The story continues with your theme" msgstr "故事將藉由你的 佈景主題而延續" msgid "" "What does your URL say about your content? Like a storefront window, a " "domain name can set the tone. There's a degree of trust that comes with a ." "org URL. Show visitors they're in a place of trust — and trust us to help " "you choose the .org domain that fits you best!" msgstr "" "你的 URL 會透漏那些與你的內容相關的訊息?網域名稱就如同商店櫥窗,為門面奠定基" "調。通常人們對於 .org URL 較為信任。讓訪客知道他們造訪的地方值得信賴,也請你" "相信我們能夠幫你選出最適合你的 .org 網域!" msgid "Get instant authority with a .org domain" msgstr "立刻獲得 .org 網域授權" msgid "Your organization deserves its own .org domain" msgstr "你的組織值得擁有專屬的 .org 網域" msgid "" "Your domain name establishes your online identity. Let us help you find just " "the right fit with a .org domain." msgstr "你的網域名稱就是你的線上身分。請讓我們幫你找到最適合的 .org 網域名稱。" msgid "" "With the right domain name and theme, all that's left is to get started on " "your page. If your site is under construction, we'll furnish a free, chic " "parking page to welcome visitors. Get the domain name that says all you need " "to say, today. It's as easy as one click." msgstr "" "有了正確的網域名稱和佈景主題,接下來就是開始建立網頁內容了。如果你的網站還在" "建設中,我們將提供別緻的免費駐留頁面來歡迎訪客。今天,就讓網域名稱表達你的心" "聲,輕點滑鼠就能輕易辦到。" msgid "Cast your .net today" msgstr "佈下大「網」 (.net)" msgid "" "Combine the direction of a .net domain with the right theme. " "offers themes to fit your site with the same authority as your .net domain. " "Browse the features and layouts for the one that says what your words are, " "in graphic elements. See themes for ecommerce, blogging, photography and " "more. A crafted theme puts the finishing touch on your site." msgstr "" "運用適當的佈景主題和 .net 網域互相搭配。 會為你的網站提供合適的" "佈景主題,且具有與 .net 網域相同的權限。瀏覽各種功能和版面配置,找出最能為你" "道盡心聲的款式,以圖形元素呈現。查看電子商務、撰寫網誌、攝影等佈景主題。精心" "製作的佈景主題能為你的網站畫龍點睛。" msgid "Wrap it all up with the perfect theme" msgstr "用完美的佈景主題妝點一切" msgid "" "Your web domain is the first impression web searchers get for your page, " "even before they enter. Be sure it delivers what your page is all about. " "With a .net domain, you convey right away a sense of authority and trust. " "Trust us to provide a .net domain to fit your site." msgstr "" "你的網域是網路搜尋者對頁面的第一印象,甚至在他們進入網頁之前就已造就的印象。" "請務必使網域正確地傳達了你的頁面內容。有了 .net 網域,你就能立刻傳達出權威和" "信任感。請相信我們可以為你的網站提供適合的 .net 網域。" msgid "All the words on your website matter" msgstr "網站上的每個字詞都至關重要" msgid "Get the last word first for your website: .net" msgstr "在網址末端卻舉足輕重的字詞" msgid "" "Your domain name is the first impression you give online. Let us help you " "find just the right fit, with a .net domain." msgstr "" "你的網域名稱就是你在線上給人們的第一印象。請讓我們替你找出最適合的 .net 網域" "名稱。" msgid "" "Grab a domain name that fits — and get writing! If you haven't built your " "site, no problem. We'll give you a free, temporary welcome page for " "visitors. Get the ball rolling. Let's find a domain name that channels the " "message you're ready to share with the world." msgstr "" "找出適合的網域名稱,開始撰寫內容!如果你還沒把網站打理好,沒問題。我們會準備" "免費的臨時歡迎頁面,讓你可以迎接訪客。立刻行動,就用最適合的網域名稱來傳遞你" "想和全世界分享的訊息。" msgid "Get posting with your .blog now" msgstr "立刻用 .blog 張貼內容" msgid "" "What makes a blog stellar? SO many things. Find all the elements you need " "with Check out the styles and themes available. Which one " "helps tell your story best? Whether it's pictures, products, recipes, or a " "little of everything, let your blog theme set the scene." msgstr "" "是什麼讓網誌更加出色?多如牛毛。使用 找出你需要的所有元素。查看" "可用的樣式和佈景主題。哪一種最能幫助你訴說動人故事?無論是圖片、產品、食譜還" "是其他內容,就讓你的網誌主題為你布置場景吧。" msgid "A theme that says it all" msgstr "道盡一切的佈景主題" msgid "" "Words count. That's why you write a blog! Your web domain is your blog's " "portal into the world. Make sure you welcome your visitors in style. Pick a ." "blog domain name to tell your story the right way." msgstr "" "文字很重要,這就是為什麼你要寫網誌!你的網域就是網誌通往世界的門戶。請務必在" "歡迎訪客時展現個人風格。選個 .blog 網域名稱,立刻開始訴說自己的動人故事。" msgid "All the words on your blog count" msgstr "網誌上的每個字都至關重要" msgid "Bring the story of your blog to life" msgstr "為你的網誌故事注入生命力" msgid "" "Your domain name is like the title of your blog story. Let us help you find " "just the right fit with a .blog domain." msgstr "" "你的網域名稱就像是網誌故事的標題。讓我們幫你找出最適合的 .blog 網域名稱吧。" msgid ".%s domain names for your website |" msgstr "你網站專屬的 .%s 網域名稱 |" msgid "Recurring Payments plans" msgstr "週期性付款方案" msgid "Powered by" msgstr "由 建置" msgid "555-555-5555" msgstr "555-555-5555" msgid "(Your Name)" msgstr "(你的姓名)" msgid "Start with a free plan" msgstr "開始使用免費方案" msgid "Not sure yet?" msgstr "還不確定?" msgid "Painter" msgstr "油漆工" msgid "Graphic Design" msgstr "平面設計" msgid "Banking" msgstr "銀行" msgid "Baking" msgstr "烘焙" msgid "Motel" msgstr "汽車旅館" msgid "Hotel" msgstr "旅館" msgid "Woodworker" msgstr "木工" msgid "Window Stylist" msgstr "櫥窗設計師" msgid "Wedding Coordinator" msgstr "婚禮統籌" msgid "Wedding Consultant" msgstr "婚禮顧問" msgid "Visual Designer" msgstr "視覺設計師" msgid "Video Game Art Director" msgstr "電玩遊戲藝術總監" msgid "Video Editor" msgstr "影片編輯" msgid "UX/UI Designer" msgstr "UX/UI 設計師" msgid "University Professor" msgstr "大學教授" msgid "Type Designer" msgstr "字體設計師" msgid "Textile Designer" msgstr "織品設計師" msgid "Technical Writer" msgstr "技術文件撰稿人" msgid "Technical Designer" msgstr "技術設計師" msgid "Stunt Performer" msgstr "特技表演者" msgid "Studio Photographer" msgstr "工作室攝影師" msgid "Sports Photographer" msgstr "體育攝影師" msgid "Speechwriter" msgstr "演講撰稿人" msgid "Sound Designer" msgstr "音效設計師" msgid "Songwriter" msgstr "歌曲創作人" msgid "Singer-Songwriter" msgstr "創作型歌手" msgid "Singer" msgstr "歌手" msgid "Set Designer" msgstr "佈景設計師" msgid "Sculptor" msgstr "雕刻家" msgid "Screenwriter" msgstr "編劇" msgid "Retail Designer" msgstr "零售設計師" msgid "Radio Producer" msgstr "廣播節目製作人" msgid "Project Manager" msgstr "專案經理" msgid "Program Manager" msgstr "專案管理師" msgid "Professional Gamer" msgstr "職業電競選手" msgid "Production Designer" msgstr "製作設計師" msgid "Product Designer" msgstr "產品設計師" msgid "Producer" msgstr "製作人" msgid "Poet" msgstr "詩人" msgid "Podcaster" msgstr "Podcast 主講人" msgid "Playwright" msgstr "劇作家" msgid "Photojournalist" msgstr "攝影記者" msgid "Philatelist" msgstr "集郵家" msgid "Patternmaker" msgstr "打樣師" msgid "Pastry Chef" msgstr "糕點師傅" msgid "Music Producer" msgstr "音樂製作人" msgid "Motion Designer" msgstr "動畫設計師" msgid "Model Maker" msgstr "模型工" msgid "Metal Worker" msgstr "金屬工" msgid "Makeup Artist" msgstr "化妝師" msgid "Logo Designer" msgstr "標誌設計師" msgid "Interpreter" msgstr "口譯" msgid "Interior Decorator" msgstr "室內裝潢師" msgid "Interaction Designer" msgstr "交互設計師" msgid "Home Stager" msgstr "宅妝師" msgid "Hair Dresser" msgstr "髮型師" msgid "Graphic Production Artist" msgstr "圖形設計師" msgid "Graphic Artist" msgstr "繪圖師" msgid "Furniture Designer" msgstr "家具設計師" msgid "Front End Developer" msgstr "前端開發人員" msgid "Floral Designer" msgstr "花藝設計師" msgid "Fitness Model" msgstr "健身模特兒" msgid "Film And Tv Director" msgstr "電影電視導演" msgid "Fashion Photographer" msgstr "時裝攝影師" msgid "Fashion Model" msgstr "時裝模特兒" msgid "Fashion Illustrator" msgstr "時裝插畫家" msgid "Fashion Coordinator" msgstr "時裝搭配師" msgid "Educator" msgstr "教育工作者" msgid "Editorial Photographer" msgstr "編輯攝影師" msgid "Editorial Designer" msgstr "編輯設計師" msgid "Display Designer" msgstr "陳列設計師" msgid "Data Analyst" msgstr "資料分析師" msgid "Curator" msgstr "策展人" msgid "Creative Director" msgstr "創意總監" msgid "Creative" msgstr "創作者" msgid "Craft Artist" msgstr "工藝家" msgid "Costume Designer" msgstr "服裝設計師" msgid "Copywriter" msgstr "文案人員" msgid "Cook" msgstr "廚師" msgid "Content Strategist" msgstr "內容策略師" msgid "Content Manager" msgstr "內容管理師" msgid "Concept Artist" msgstr "概念藝術家" msgid "Community Manager" msgstr "社群經理人" msgid "Commercial Photographer" msgstr "商業攝影師" msgid "Comics Artist" msgstr "漫畫家" msgid "Comedian" msgstr "喜劇演員" msgid "Clown" msgstr "小丑" msgid "Clockmaker" msgstr "鐘錶匠" msgid "Circus Performer" msgstr "馬戲團表演者" msgid "Choreographer" msgstr "編舞家" msgid "Children's Author" msgstr "兒童作家" msgid "Chef" msgstr "主廚" msgid "Character Designer" msgstr "角色設計師" msgid "Cgi Artist" msgstr "電腦動畫師" msgid "Cartoonist" msgstr "卡通畫家" msgid "Camera Operator" msgstr "攝影機操作員" msgid "Calligraphy Artist" msgstr "書法藝術家" msgid "Broadcast Engineer" msgstr "廣播工程師" msgid "Brewer" msgstr "釀酒師" msgid "Brand Designer" msgstr "品牌設計師" msgid "Bedding Designer" msgstr "寢具設計師" msgid "Audio Producer" msgstr "音效製作人" msgid "Art Director" msgstr "藝術總監" msgid "Art Class Model" msgstr "藝術課模特兒" msgid "Announcer" msgstr "播音員" msgid "Animator" msgstr "動畫師" msgid "Actor" msgstr "演員" msgid "3D Modeler" msgstr "3D 建模師" msgid "Youth Organizations" msgstr "青年組織" msgid "Wu Wei" msgstr "無為" msgid "Wrestling" msgstr "摔角" msgid "Women's Rights" msgstr "女性權利" msgid "Winter Sports" msgstr "冬季運動" msgid "Winemaking" msgstr "釀酒" msgid "Webcomic" msgstr "網路漫畫" msgid "Web Development" msgstr "網頁開發" msgid "Water Sports" msgstr "水上運動" msgid "Volleyball" msgstr "排球" msgid "Visual Arts" msgstr "視覺藝術" msgid "Venture Capital" msgstr "創業投資" msgid "Vegan" msgstr "純素食者" msgid "User Experience Design" msgstr "使用者經驗設計" msgid "Urbanism" msgstr "都市主義" msgid "Trivia" msgstr "益智問答" msgid "Theology" msgstr "神學" msgid "Theatre" msgstr "劇場" msgid "Tennis" msgstr "網球" msgid "Television" msgstr "電視" msgid "Swimming" msgstr "游泳" msgid "Sustainability" msgstr "永續發展" msgid "Surfing" msgstr "衝浪" msgid "Stationery" msgstr "文具" msgid "Stamp Collecting" msgstr "集郵" msgid "Sociology" msgstr "社會學" msgid "Social Justice" msgstr "社會正義" msgid "Sobriety" msgstr "節酒" msgid "Snowboarding" msgstr "單板滑雪" msgid "Skiing" msgstr "滑雪" msgid "Skateboarding" msgstr "滑板" msgid "Sign Language" msgstr "手語" msgid "Shooting" msgstr "射擊" msgid "Shoes" msgstr "鞋子" msgid "Sexuality" msgstr "性別" msgid "Science Fiction" msgstr "科幻" msgid "Rugby" msgstr "英式橄欖球" msgid "Retirement" msgstr "退休" msgid "Restoration" msgstr "翻新" msgid "Recreation" msgstr "娛樂" msgid "Recovery" msgstr "康復" msgid "Raising Kids" msgstr "育兒" msgid "Quilting" msgstr "絎縫" msgid "Queer" msgstr "酷兒" msgid "Publishing" msgstr "出版" msgid "Public Relations" msgstr "公共關係" msgid "Psychology" msgstr "心理學" msgid "Psychiatry" msgstr "精神病學" msgid "Programming" msgstr "程式設計" msgid "Professional Development" msgstr "專業發展" msgid "Productivity" msgstr "生產力" msgid "Print Making" msgstr "版畫製作" msgid "Prepardeness" msgstr "整備" msgid "Prayer" msgstr "祈禱" msgid "Pottery" msgstr "製陶" msgid "Political Science" msgstr "政治學" msgid "Plastic Surgery" msgstr "整形外科" msgid "Pilates" msgstr "皮拉提斯" msgid "Piercing" msgstr "沖孔" msgid "Piano" msgstr "鋼琴" msgid "Physics" msgstr "物理" msgid "Philanthropy" msgstr "慈善事業" msgid "Opinions" msgstr "意見" msgid "Opera" msgstr "歌劇" msgid "Open Source" msgstr "開放原始碼" msgid "Olympics" msgstr "奧運" msgid "Occult" msgstr "神秘學" msgid "Nursing" msgstr "護理" msgid "Nightlife" msgstr "夜生活" msgid "Neuroscience" msgstr "神經科學" msgid "Neurodiversity" msgstr "神經多樣性" msgid "Motorsports" msgstr "賽車" msgid "Motorcycle Racing" msgstr "摩托車賽車" msgid "Motorbikes" msgstr "摩托車" msgid "Money" msgstr "金錢" msgid "Model Making" msgstr "製模" msgid "Mindfulness" msgstr "內觀" msgid "Memes" msgstr "迷因" msgid "Math" msgstr "數學" msgid "Masculinity" msgstr "男性特質" msgid "Magic" msgstr "魔術" msgid "Liqueur" msgstr "利口酒" msgid "Linguistics" msgstr "語言學" msgid "LGBTQ" msgstr "LGBTQ" msgid "Lesbian" msgstr "女同性戀者" msgid "Lacrosse" msgstr "長曲棍球" msgid "Knowledge Management" msgstr "知識管理" msgid "Knitting" msgstr "編織" msgid "K-Beauty" msgstr "韓國美妝" msgid "Judaism" msgstr "猶太教" msgid "Jazz" msgstr "爵士" msgid "Interior Decoration" msgstr "室內裝潢" msgid "Information Theory" msgstr "資訊理論" msgid "Information Security" msgstr "資訊安全" msgid "Information Architecture" msgstr "資訊架構" msgid "Industrial Design" msgstr "工業設計" msgid "Identity" msgstr "身分" msgid "Ice Skating" msgstr "冰上溜冰" msgid "Humanities" msgstr "人文" msgid "Human Rights" msgstr "人權" msgid "Horror" msgstr "恐怖" msgid "Homeowner Association" msgstr "住宅管理委員會" msgid "Homemaking" msgstr "家政" msgid "Hockey" msgstr "冰上曲棍球" msgid "Hi-Fi" msgstr "高傳真 (Hi-Fi)" msgid "Gymnastics" msgstr "體操" msgid "Guitar" msgstr "吉他" msgid "Guides" msgstr "指南" msgid "Growing Up" msgstr "成長" msgid "Grief" msgstr "悲傷" msgid "Grammar" msgstr "文法" msgid "Gig Economy" msgstr "零工經濟" msgid "Geography" msgstr "地理" msgid "Gay" msgstr "男同性戀者" msgid "Gardening" msgstr "園藝" msgid "Gambling" msgstr "博弈" msgid "Gadgets" msgstr "小玩意" msgid "Frugality" msgstr "簡樸" msgid "Freeganism" msgstr "反消費主義" msgid "Folklore" msgstr "民俗學" msgid "Firearms" msgstr "槍械" msgid "Finance" msgstr "金融" msgid "Fiction" msgstr "小說" msgid "Fencing" msgstr "擊劍" msgid "Femininity" msgstr "女性特質" msgid "Fasting" msgstr "禁食" msgid "Fantasy Sports" msgstr "夢幻總教頭" msgid "Fantasy" msgstr "幻想" msgid "Family History" msgstr "家族史" msgid "Extreme Sports" msgstr "極限運動" msgid "Exhibitions" msgstr "展覽" msgid "Esports" msgstr "電子競技" msgid "Environmentalism" msgstr "環保主義" msgid "Emerging Markets" msgstr "新興市場" msgid "Electrical Engineering" msgstr "電機工程" msgid "Ecotourism" msgstr "生態旅遊" msgid "Economics" msgstr "經濟學" msgid "Earth Sciences" msgstr "地球科學" msgid "Divorce" msgstr "離婚" msgid "Digital Art" msgstr "數位藝術" msgid "Defense" msgstr "國防" msgid "Dancing" msgstr "舞蹈" msgid "Cybersecurity" msgstr "網路安全" msgid "Cryptography" msgstr "密碼學" msgid "Crime" msgstr "犯罪" msgid "Cricket" msgstr "板球" msgid "Calligraphy" msgstr "書法" msgid "Brewing" msgstr "釀酒" msgid "Boxing" msgstr "拳擊" msgid "Bowling" msgstr "保齡球" msgid "Bodybuilding" msgstr "健美" msgid "Body Positivity" msgstr "身體意象" msgid "Body Modification" msgstr "身體改造" msgid "Counter Culture" msgstr "反傳統" msgid "Body Art" msgstr "身體藝術" msgid "Consumer Electronics" msgstr "消費性電子" msgid "Board Games" msgstr "桌上遊戲" msgid "Computer Science" msgstr "計算機科學" msgid "Blogging" msgstr "網誌" msgid "Computer Hardware" msgstr "電腦硬體" msgid "Blockchain" msgstr "區塊鏈" msgid "Classical Studies" msgstr "古典學" msgid "Bisexual" msgstr "雙性戀" msgid "Classical Music" msgstr "古典音樂" msgid "Biotech" msgstr "生物科技" msgid "Classic Cars" msgstr "經典汽車" msgid "Biology" msgstr "生物學" msgid "Chemistry" msgstr "化學" msgid "Cheerleading" msgstr "啦啦隊演出" msgid "Baseball" msgstr "棒球" msgid "Cartoons" msgstr "卡通" msgid "Card Games" msgstr "卡牌遊戲" msgid "Camping" msgstr "露營" msgid "Bacon" msgstr "培根" msgid "Aviation" msgstr "航空" msgid "Auto Racing" msgstr "賽車" msgid "Augmented Reality" msgstr "擴增實境" msgid "Astrology" msgstr "占星學" msgid "ASMR" msgstr "ASMR" msgid "Artificial Intelligence" msgstr "人工智慧" msgid "Art History" msgstr "藝術史" msgid "Archaeology" msgstr "考古學" msgid "Anthropology" msgstr "人類學" msgid "Animated Gifs" msgstr "GIF 動畫" msgid "Alcoholic Drinks" msgstr "酒精飲料" msgid "Agritourism" msgstr "農業觀光" msgid "Affirmation" msgstr "主張" msgid "Affiliate Marketing" msgstr "聯盟行銷" msgid "Advocacy" msgstr "倡議" msgid "Advice" msgstr "建議" msgid "Adventure Travel" msgstr "冒險旅行" msgid "ADHD" msgstr "ADHD" msgid "Addiction" msgstr "成癮" msgid "Accounting" msgstr "會計" msgid "Accessibility" msgstr "無障礙" msgid "Abuse Recovery" msgstr "虐待康復" msgid "Yoga Studio" msgstr "瑜珈教室" msgid "Vacation Homes" msgstr "度假屋" msgid "Spa Resort" msgstr "溫泉度假村" msgid "Ski Resort" msgstr "滑雪度假村" msgid "RV Park" msgstr "房車露營地" msgid "Portfolio " msgstr "作品集" msgid "Pilates Studio" msgstr "皮拉提斯教室" msgid "Lodging" msgstr "寄宿" msgid "Lodge" msgstr "旅舍" msgid "Guest House" msgstr "會館" msgid "Golf Resort" msgstr "高爾夫度假村" msgid "Dude Ranch" msgstr "度假牧場" msgid "Campground" msgstr "露營地" msgid "Camp" msgstr "露營" msgid "Boxing Gym" msgstr "拳擊館" msgid "Boarding House" msgstr "招待所" msgid "Bed & Breakfast" msgstr "民宿" msgid "Beach Resort" msgstr "海灘度假村" msgid "Engineer" msgstr "工程師" msgid "Architect" msgstr "建築師" msgid "Tutor" msgstr "家教" msgid "Film" msgstr "電影" msgid "Promotional Discount" msgstr "促銷折扣" msgid "This field can't be longer than %s characters." msgstr "此欄位文字長度不得超過 %s 個字元。" msgid "" "In your Settings page, expand the Tools section in the menu, then click on " "the Marketing tab. In the Marketing tab, you can verify your site with " "several search engines and social networks, and see your sitemap (the map " "Google looks for when indexing your site)." msgstr "" "在「設定」頁面中,展開選單裡的「工具」區段,然後按一下「行銷」分頁。在「行" "銷」分頁中,你可以透過多種搜尋引擎及社群網站,確認你的網站狀況;也可以查看你" "的網站地圖(就是 Google 用來將你的網站加入索引時需要爬梳的地圖)" msgid "" "In your Settings page, expand the Tools section in the menu, then click on " "the Marketing tab, where you can:" msgstr "" "在「設定」頁面中,展開選單裡的「工具」區段,然後按一下「行銷」分頁。在這裡," "你可以:" msgid "" "Encourage your community by giving readers the ability to show appreciation " "for one another's comments." msgstr "開放讀者對其他人的留言表達讚賞,藉以促進社群互動。" msgid "Give your readers the ability to show appreciation for your posts." msgstr "開放讀者對你的文章表達讚賞。" msgid "Jetpack Promotions" msgstr "Jetpack 推廣" msgid "Jetpack Research" msgstr "Jetpack 研究" msgid "Jetpack Suggestions" msgstr "Jetpack 建議" msgid "" "Removing followers makes them stop receiving updates from your site. If they " "choose to, they can still visit your site, and follow it again." msgstr "" "移除關注者,使其停止接收網站的更新內容。如果他們願意,仍可造訪你的網站,並再" "次關注。" msgid "" "The current registrar,, has rejected the " "transfer away request you submitted for %1$s." msgstr "" "目前你註冊網域的機構 已拒絕你將 %1$s " "轉移至他處的要求。" msgid "" "You've requested to transfer the domain %1$s to, but the " "current registrar has rejected the transfer request." msgstr "" "你已提出將網域 %1$s 轉移至 的要求,但該網域目前的註冊機構已拒絕" "你的轉移要求。" msgid "" "We couldn't transfer the domain %1$s to The administrative " "contact has rejected the transfer request we sent." msgstr "" "網域 %1$s 無法轉移至。管理聯絡人已拒絕我們傳送的轉移要求。" msgid "" "The registrant for %1$s has declined the request to transfer the domain away " "from" msgstr "%1$s 的註冊者已拒絕將網域從 轉移至他處的要求。" msgid "To renew, go to your domains dashboard on" msgstr "若要續訂,請前往你在 的網域儀表板:" msgid "Verify Now: %s" msgstr "立即驗證:%s" msgid "We received a request to transfer ownership of %1$s from %2$s to you." msgstr "我們收到了將 %1$s 的所有權自 %2$s 轉移給你的要求。" msgid "You asked us to transfer ownership of %1$s from you to %2$s." msgstr "你要求我們將 %1$s 的所有權由你轉移至 %2$s。" msgid "Email: %1$s" msgstr "電子郵件:%1$s" msgid "Name: %1$s %2$s" msgstr "名字:%1$s%2$s" msgid "" "If you want to proceed with this transfer, you do not need to respond to " "this message." msgstr "如果你想要繼續進行轉移作業,就不須回覆此訊息。" msgid "" " received notification on %1$s that you have requested a " "transfer of %2$s to another domain name registrar." msgstr "" " 在 %1$s 上獲知你已經要求將 %2$s 轉移至其他網域名稱註冊機構。" msgid "" "To renew, go to your domains dashboard on" msgstr "若要續訂,請前往你在 上的網域儀表板。" msgid "%1$s - expires on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - 將於 %2$s 到期" msgid "%1$s - expired on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - 已於 %2$s 到期" msgid "Domain transfer successfully confirmed for %1$s" msgstr "%1$s 的網域轉移已成功確認" msgid "Transfer away request for the domain %1$s" msgstr "網域 %1$s 的對外轉移要求" msgid "Change of ownership for %1$s is complete" msgstr "%1$s 的所有權變更已完成" msgid "" "This is your new dashboard. You can manage your site here, or " "return to your self-hosted WordPress dashboard using the link at the bottom " "of your checklist." msgstr "" "這是你新的 儀表板。你可以在此處管理網站,或使用檢查清單底部的連" "結返回自助託管的 WordPress 儀表板。" msgid "Opportunities to participate in Jetpack research and surveys." msgstr "參與 Jetpack 研究與調查的機會。" msgid "Tips for getting the most out of Jetpack." msgstr "讓 Jetpack 發揮最大功效的秘訣。" msgid "Email from Jetpack" msgstr "Jetpack 寄送的電子郵件" msgid "Tag Dimensions:" msgstr "標籤尺寸:" msgid "Insert an ad unit wherever you can place a widget." msgstr "在你可以放置小工具的任何地方插入廣告單元。" msgid "" "By canceling auto-renewal, your %(planName)s plan for %(siteDomain)s will " "expire on %(expiryDate)s. When it does, you'll lose access to key features " "you may be using on your site. To avoid that, turn auto-renewal back on or " "manually renew your plan before the expiration date." msgstr "" "取消自動續訂,你的 %(planName)s 方案 (適用於 %(siteDomain)s) 將於 " "%(expiryDate)s 到期。方案到期後,你會喪失重要功能的存取權限,這些可能是你網站" "正在使用的功能。為避免此狀況,請重新啟用自動續訂,或在到期日前手動續訂你的方" "案。" msgid "" "Unfortunately, we can't modify files on your site, so you'll need to set up " "your plan features manually." msgstr "很抱歉,我們無法修改你網站上的檔案,因此你必須手動設定方案功能。" msgid "Set up features" msgstr "設定功能" msgid "Don't worry. We'll quickly guide you through the setup process." msgstr "別擔心。我們會快速引導你進行設定程序。" msgid "" "Unfortunately, your site is part of a multi-site network, but is not the " "main network site. You'll need to set up your plan features manually." msgstr "" "很抱歉,你的網站屬於多網站網路的一部分,但不是網路中的主要網站。你必須手動設" "定你的方案功能。" msgid "" "You can also reach out to our support team directly if you have questions " "about this or anything else related to your account in the future:" msgstr "" "若你日後有關於訂閱或任何與帳戶相關的其他問題,也可直接與我們的支援團隊聯絡:" msgid "Possible Duplicate Payment Detected" msgstr "偵測到可能是重複付款的情況" msgid "We have a question about a recent purchase" msgstr "我們有關於最近購買項目的問題" msgid "Erase personal data list" msgstr "清除個人資料清單" msgid "Erase personal data list navigation" msgstr "清除個人資料清單導覽" msgid "Export personal data list" msgstr "匯出個人資料清單" msgid "Export personal data list navigation" msgstr "匯出個人資料清單導覽" msgid "Filter export personal data list" msgstr "篩選匯出個人資料清單" msgid "Filter erase personal data list" msgstr "篩選清除個人資料清單" msgid "Send export link" msgstr "發送匯出連結" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to perform this action." msgstr "抱歉,您不允許執行此操作。" msgid "Create a account" msgstr "建立 帳戶" msgid "The current image has no alternative text. The file name is: %s" msgstr "目前這張圖片沒有替代文字。檔案名稱: %s" msgid "Select Site Icon" msgstr "選擇網站圖示" msgid "Additional images added to this gallery: %s" msgstr "添加到此圖庫中的其他圖片:%s" msgid "Please connect again to continue using Google Photos." msgstr "請再次連線,以繼續使用 Google 相簿。" msgid "Your Google Photos connection is being upgraded!" msgstr "你的 Google 相簿連線正在升級!" msgid "Keep widget settings and move it to the inactive widgets" msgstr "保留小工具設定並將其移動到非活動中的小工具" msgid "Subscription Renewal" msgstr "訂閱續訂" msgid "Expires on {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}" msgstr "到期日為 {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}" msgid "You will be billed on {{dateSpan}}%(renewDate)s{{/dateSpan}}" msgstr "你將須在 {{dateSpan}}%(renewDate)s{{/dateSpan}} 付費" msgid "" "You can manage or cancel all your subscriptions here, " "but you’ll need to do so before your %2$s billing date to avoid subsequent " "charges. Learn more." msgstr "" "你可以在這裡管理或取消所有訂閱,但相關操作須在%2$s帳單日" "期前完成,以避免後續收費。瞭解詳情。" msgid "" "Congratulations! You’ve just subscribed to %1$s at " "%2$s." msgstr "" "恭喜!你剛在 %2$s 訂閱了 %1$s。" msgid "" "You just sold a subscription for %1$s, and your next payment will be on %2$s." msgstr "你剛出售 %1$s 的訂閱,下次付款時間為 %2$s。" msgid "Congratulations on your first sale!" msgstr "恭喜你首次銷售成功!" msgid "Cha-ching! You have a new subscriber!" msgstr "太棒了!你有新的訂閱者!" msgid "Congratulations! You made your first sale!" msgstr "恭喜!你已完成第一筆銷售!" msgid "A user has just subscribed to your %s subscription." msgstr "一名使用者剛訂閱你的 %s 訂閱。" msgid "Nice work! You have a new subscriber!" msgstr "做得好!你有新的訂閱者!" msgid "Congratulations on your subscription!" msgstr "恭喜你獲得訂閱!" msgid "You’ve subscribed to %1$s at %2$s!" msgstr "你已訂閱 %2$s! 上的 %1$s!" msgid "Type your verification code in the checkout flow." msgstr "在結帳流程中輸入驗證碼。" msgid "Thank you for subscribing to %1$s!" msgstr "感謝訂閱 %1$s!" msgid "" "We attempted to renew your “%1$s” subscription at “%2$s,” however something " "went wrong and we weren’t able to take payment. Your subscription has now " "been cancelled. Please re-subscribe to keep supporting the site." msgstr "" "我們嘗試續約你在「%2$s」的「%1$s」訂閱,但過程中發生錯誤,導致我們未能收到付" "款。你的訂閱已被取消。若要繼續支援該網站,請重新訂閱。" msgid "Unsuccessful Renewal." msgstr "續約失敗。" msgid "" "You can manage or cancel all your subscriptions here. " "Learn more about cancellation." msgstr "" "你可以在這裡管理或取消所有訂閱。深入瞭" "解取消訂閱的相關資訊。" msgid "Subscription renewal" msgstr "訂閱續約" msgid "Keep your subscription to %s!" msgstr "續訂 %s!" msgid "Unsuccessful renewal of your %s subscription" msgstr "你的 %s 訂閱續約失敗" msgid "An unrecognized value was provided for `language`." msgstr "已為「語言」提供無法辨識的值。" msgid "Log in to create a site for your existing account." msgstr "登入即可為現有帳戶建立網站。" msgid "Once connected we'll continue setting up your store" msgstr "我們會在連結後繼續設定你的商店" msgid "" "Your account will enable you to start using the features and benefits " "offered by Jetpack & WooCommerce Services." msgstr "你的帳戶可讓你開始使用 Jetpack 和 WooCommerce 服務提供的功能和優勢。" msgid "Connecting your store" msgstr "連結至你的商店" msgid "Create a Jetpack account" msgstr "建立 Jetpack 帳戶" msgid "" "Custom domains make your site look pro — and search engines like Google and " "Bing prefer custom domain names, putting them higher in search results. " "Since you’re already on a %s plan, you are entitled to one free domain " "credit for a year." msgstr "" "自訂網域可讓你的網站看起來更專業 - 而 Google 和 Bing 等搜尋引擎偏好自訂網域名" "稱,會在搜尋結果中優先顯示。你已使用 %s 方案,因此有權獲得一年免費的網域額" "度。" msgid "" "Custom domains are included in all our paid plans for one year, along with a " "number of other great features. Upgrade today, then search for a unique, " "memorable domain name for your site." msgstr "" "我們所有的付費方案皆包含一年期的自訂網域,以及許多其他強大功能。立即升級,為" "網站發想一個獨特好記的網域名稱。" msgid "A custom domain name — free for one year!" msgstr "一年免費的自訂網域名稱!" msgid "Please input a name." msgstr "請輸入姓名。" msgid "Please enter a price higher than %s" msgstr "請輸入高於 %s 的價格" msgid "\"%s\" was deleted." msgstr "「%s」已遭刪除。" msgid "We've automatically begun to protect your site from attacks." msgstr "我們已自動開始保護你的網站不受攻擊。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Free!" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 免費版!" msgid "" "The WordPress Hosting Team maintains a list of those modules, both " "recommended and required, in the team handbook%3$s." msgstr "" "WordPress 主機團隊會在團隊手冊%3$s中維護一份包含建" "議模組及必要模組的清單。" msgid "" "The auth code you entered is invalid. Please verify you’re entering the " "correct code, or see {{a}}this support document{{/a}} for more " "troubleshooting steps." msgstr "" "你輸入的驗證碼無效。請確認你輸入的驗證碼正確無誤,或請參閱{{a}}此支援文件{{/" "a}},瞭解更多疑難排解步驟。" msgid "Add Media to Your Posts Illustration" msgstr "將媒體加入你的文章插畫" msgid "Customize Theme Illustration" msgstr "自訂佈景插畫" msgid "Advertising Removed Illustration" msgstr "廣告已移除插畫" msgid "Open this email to get a custom domain free for a year." msgstr "開啟此電子郵件即可取得一年免費的自訂網域。" msgid "" "There was a problem with your payment. Please submit your payment details " "again." msgstr "付款發生問題,請重新提交付款詳細資料。" msgid "" "If you'd still like to transfer your domain to, please contact " "your current registrar. They can usually provide you with additional " "information around their decision, which can help you determine your next " "steps." msgstr "" "若你仍想將網域轉移至,請與你目前的註冊機構聯絡。他們通常能提供" "有關其決策事項的額外資訊,協助你確定後續的因應措施。" msgid "" "Since the current registrar's approval is required to complete a domain " "transfer, this transfer request has been canceled." msgstr "由於網域轉移需有目前註冊機構的核准,我們已取消本次轉移要求。" msgid "" "You've requested to transfer the domain %1$s to WordPress." "com, but the current registrar has rejected the transfer request." msgstr "" "你已提出將網域 %1$s 轉移至 的要求,但該網域目" "前的註冊機構已拒絕你的轉移要求。" msgid "" "We couldn't transfer the domain %1$s to The " "administrative contact has rejected the transfer request we sent." msgstr "" "網域 %1$s 無法轉移至。管理聯絡人已拒絕我們傳送" "的轉移要求。" msgid "Transfer request declined for the domain %1$s" msgstr "網域 %1$s 的轉移要求遭拒" msgid "Domain transfer completed successfully for %1$s" msgstr "%1$s 的網域轉移已順利完成" msgid "Waiting to complete" msgstr "正在等候程序完成" msgid "" "Welcome Learn from Fiverr students! Save %s%% on plans using " "coupon code {{coupon_code}} at checkout. Happy learning :)" msgstr "" "Fiverr 學員可享學習禮遇!只要在結帳時使用優惠券代碼 {{coupon_code}},就能在購買 方案時省下 %s%%。祝你快樂學習 :)" msgid "" "The current registrar,, has rejected the transfer away request " "you submitted for %1$s." msgstr "目前你註冊網域的機構 已拒絕你將 %1$s 轉移至他處的要求。" msgid "" "The registrant for %1$s has declined the request to " "transfer the domain away from" msgstr "" "%1$s 的註冊者已拒絕將網域從 轉移至他處的要求。" msgid "Transfer away request for the domain %1$s has been declined" msgstr "網域 %1$s 的對外轉移要求遭到拒絕" msgid "Are you a bot?" msgstr "你是 Bot 嗎?" msgid "" "Please contact our VIP, Jetpack, or WooCommerce teams directly. To learn " "more about building a integration, visit our Developer page. To become an affiliate, please visit our Affiliate Program." msgstr "" "請直接與 VIPJetpackWooCommerce 團隊聯絡。如需深入了解如何將 " " 與你的產品與服務相互整合,請前往開發人員頁面。對於聯盟行銷合作有興趣的朋友,請參閱聯盟計劃頁面。" msgid "" "{{line1}}If you’ve got an idea, a product, or a business{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "that can make the web a better place to{{/line2}} {{line3}}publish and " "share, we’re all ears.{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}有任何能夠讓網路世界更為多彩豐富、{{/line1}} {{line2}}讓好內容更加普" "及的好點子,{{/line2}} {{line3}}請一定要和我們分享,一起合作。{{/line3}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Let’s partner to make{{/line1}} {{line2}}the web a better place.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}攜手打造{{/line1}} {{line2}}更豐富、更多彩的網路世界。{{/line2}}" msgid "" " is completely free to start, with plenty of room to grow. " "After all, the only things that should stand between you and whatever you " "want to do are your ideas and ambition." msgstr "" " 不僅完全免費,還能充分支援你的網站成長所需;讓你的創意和企圖心" "不受限制,盡情展現。" msgid "" "{{line1}}You focus on your website.{{/line1}}{{line2}}We’ve got hosting " "covered.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}一切代管工作,包在我們身上;{{/line1}}{{line2}}你可以全心、用心經營" "網站。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Complimentary training session included, led by a WordPress expert who will " "help you get started with your site fast." msgstr "" "多種教育訓練資源,包括由 WordPress 專家提供的免費課程,協助你快速架好網站。" msgid "Training" msgstr "教育訓練" msgid "" "Apply to take part in the successful WordAds advertising network, the " "easiest way to earn money with your website." msgstr "想輕鬆用網站獲利,可以申請加入 WordAds 廣告聯播網。" msgid "Earn Money" msgstr "賺取收入" msgid "" "Access to all of our premium themes, many of which were specifically " "designed with businesses in mind." msgstr "所有進階佈景主題均可任意使用,更有多種佈景主題專為企業需求精心設計。" msgid "Revert to previous states of your site in a snap — just in case." msgstr "萬一發生任何狀況,可以輕鬆把網站還原至先前狀態b。" msgid "Backups and Rewind" msgstr "備份與還原" msgid "" "Get an online address, so your customers can find you. We’ll pay for the " "first year." msgstr "取得響亮易記的好網域名稱,讓客戶印象更深刻。第一年由我們負擔費用。" msgid "Free Domain" msgstr "免費網域名稱" msgid "" "With our global content delivery network, your customers never have to wait." msgstr "我們提供快速的全球內容傳遞網(CDN),網友永遠不用苦等網站載入內容。" msgid "Content Delivery Network" msgstr "內容傳遞網(CDN)服務" msgid "Help and support when you need it — through email and live chat." msgstr "透過電子郵件和即時聊天,在你需要時提供協助與支援。" msgid "Live Chat & Email Support" msgstr "即時聊天與電子郵件支援" msgid "Powerful SEO tools that help customers find you." msgstr "強大的 SEO 工具,大大提高你的搜尋能見度。" msgid "Search Engine Optimization" msgstr "搜尋引擎最佳化" msgid "" "Install the themes and plugins you’d like, and to take your data with you " "whenever you like." msgstr "自由安裝你喜歡的佈景主題和外掛程式,所有資料隨時都可以匯出。" msgid "Themes & Plugins" msgstr "佈景主題和外掛程式" msgid "Our world-class hosting is built into your site from day one." msgstr "當你開始架設網站,就享有世界級的優質網站代管服務。" msgid "Less Hassle" msgstr "更加簡便" msgid "Unlimited capacity means you can build, update, and build some more." msgstr "無限容量,讓你盡情新增任何內容,再多也不用擔心。" msgid "More Bandwidth" msgstr "更大頻寬" msgid "We’ve got your back with enterprise-grade security that’s always on." msgstr "提供企業級安全服務,隨時隨地保護你的網站。" msgid "More Security" msgstr "更為安全" msgid "Get faster load times, and less lag time." msgstr "加快載入速度並縮短延遲時間。" msgid "More Speed" msgstr "速度更快" msgid "" "Our Business Plan comes with a lot of web hosting benefits." msgstr "我們的商用版方案網站代管服務,具備超多優點。" msgid "Faster. Safer. Smarter." msgstr "更快速、更安全、更聰明。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Simple, secure, fast{{/line1}}{{line2}}WordPress hosting{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}兼具簡單、安全、快速的{{/line1}}{{line2}}WordPress 託管服務{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "With web hosting on, speed, security, and reliability all come " "built-in. So you can focus on your website." msgstr "" "只要將網頁託管於,就能一次擁有快速安全且穩定可靠的內建服務,讓" "你能專心處理網站事務。" msgid "" "Partner with to make the web a better place. If you’ve got an " "idea, a product, or a business that can make the web a better place to " "publish and share, we’re all ears." msgstr "" "與 合作,創造更優質的網站環境。若有任何想法、產品或業務能提升網" "頁品質,使其更適合發佈及分享內容,我們願意洗耳恭聽。" msgid "%(numberPeople)d user has accepted your invite" msgid_plural "%(numberPeople)d users have accepted your invites" msgstr[0] "%(numberPeople)d 位使用者已接受你的邀請" msgid "You have a pending invite for %(numberPeople)d user" msgid_plural "You have pending invites for %(numberPeople)d users" msgstr[0] "你有 %(numberPeople)d 位使用者的邀請尚待回覆" msgid "(Optional) Enter a custom message to be sent with your invitation." msgstr "(選填) 輸入自訂訊息,連同你的邀請一併傳送。" msgid "Enter up to 10 usernames or email addresses at a time." msgstr "一次最多可輸入 10 個 使用者名稱或電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "P.P.S: The WordPress.​com Ultimate Traffic Guide is yours to keep, " "even if you decide to cancel your paid plan and get a refund. So you’ve got " "nothing to lose, and a lot to gain, just for giving our paid plans a spin." msgstr "" "附註:即使你決定取消付費方案並申請退款,還是能保留 終極流量指" "南。因此,只要你願意試用我們的付費方案,不但不會有任何損失,還能獲得許多好" "處。" msgid "" "But time is running out, so click here now and upgrade while you still can." msgstr "時間有限,請立即按一下此處,把握升級機會。" msgid "" "Those bonuses are worth literally thousands of dollars, and you’ll get them " "for free if you upgrade your site to any of our paid plans today." msgstr "" "這些獎勵的價值高達數千美元,只要你立即將網站升級至任何一種付費方案,就能免費" "取得。" msgid "" "Bonus 3: Access to our flagship Jetpack tool suite ($39 per year value)." msgstr "獎勵 3:獲得我們的旗艦級 Jetpack 工具套件 (價值 39 美元/年)。" msgid "" "If you upgrade today, you’re also going to receive an incredible array of " "free bonuses worth thousands of dollars, making this hands-down the best " "deal we’ve offered." msgstr "" "若於今日升級,你也能免費獲得價值數千美元的一系列精彩獎勵。這是我們至今提供過" "最划算的優惠方案,無庸置疑。" msgid "" "We don’t have much time left before this offer expires tonight, so let me " "get straight to the point with a quick recap of everything you’ll get if you " "upgrade your WordPress.​com plan today." msgstr "" "這項優惠即將於今晚截止,時間所剩不多,因此以下直接進入重點,快速扼要說明在今" "天升級 方案能獲得的所有好處。" msgid "That’s it!" msgstr "就這麼簡單!" msgid "Click here and select your plan now!" msgstr "請立即按一下此處選擇方案!" msgid "" "You’ll see a new “Contact Us” option that allows you to chat with our " "support team! This tool will connect you directly to a support expert who " "will take care of everything." msgstr "" "畫面會顯示新的「與我們聯絡」」選項,你可藉此與我們的支援團隊聯絡!透過這項工" "具,你可以直接與支援專家談話,由他協助你解決所有問題。" msgid "P.S.: Here’s how to claim your free bonuses:" msgstr "附註:領取免費獎勵的方式如下:" msgid "Upgrade your site today to unlock these three free bonuses:" msgstr "立即升級你的網站,解鎖這三項免費獎勵:" msgid "But don’t delay, because this offer expires tomorrow." msgstr "本優惠明天截止,敬請把握時間。" msgid "" "AND receive an in-depth marketing guide that reveals my time-tested approach " "for sending thousands of visitors to your site every day..." msgstr "" "此外,你還能獲得詳盡的行銷指南,從中學習我們歷經時間考驗的行銷手法,讓你的網" "站每天招來上千名訪客..." msgid "" "Upgrade your WordPress.​com Account Today and Claim Three Free Bonuses" msgstr "立即升級你的 帳戶,領取三項免費獎勵" msgid "" "P.P.S: The WordPress.​com Ultimate Traffic Guide is yours to " "keep, even if you decide to cancel your paid plan and get a refund. So " "you’ve got nothing to lose, and a lot to gain, just for giving our paid " "plans a spin." msgstr "" "附註:即使你決定取消付費方案並申請退款,還是能保留 終極" "流量指南。因此,只要你願意試用我們的付費方案,不但不會有任何損失,還能獲得許" "多好處。" msgid "Click here and select your site upgrade now!" msgstr "請立即按一下此處,選擇網站升級方案!" msgid "Ready to get started and claim this deal? " msgstr "準備好開始升級並領取這項優惠了嗎?" msgid "And that’s it!" msgstr "就這麼簡單!" msgid "" "If you’re still trying to find the perfect theme for your site, you can use " "this chance to ask for help as well." msgstr "若你仍在為網站四處尋找完美的佈景主題,也可以利用這次機會尋求協助。" msgid "" "Introduce yourself, tell them you just upgraded your site, and that you’d " "like to claim your free “New Customer Bonuses”." msgstr "先自我介紹,告訴他們你剛完成網站升級,想免費領取「新顧客獎勵」。" msgid "" "You’ll see a new “Contact Us” option that allows you to chat with our " "support team. This tool will connect you directly to a support expert who " "will take care of everything." msgstr "" "畫面會顯示新的「與我們聯絡」」選項,你可藉此與我們的支援團隊聯絡。透過這項工" "具,你可以直接與支援專家談話,由他協助你解決所有問題。" msgid "" "After you upgrade, go to your site builder tools and click the question mark " "icon in the lower-right of your screen." msgstr "升級後,請前往網站建立器工具,並按一下畫面右下角的問號圖示。" msgid "Step 2: Claim your free bonuses." msgstr "步驟 2:領取免費獎勵。" msgid "Find the plan that’s right for you and purchase that option." msgstr "找到適合你的方案並加以購買。" msgid "Click here to explore the plan options." msgstr "按一下此處即可瀏覽方案選項。" msgid "Step 1: Upgrade your site." msgstr "步驟 1:升級網站。" msgid "IMPORTANT: How to Claim Your Free Bonuses" msgstr "重要:如何領取免費獎勵" msgid "Add it all up and you’re saving literally thousands." msgstr "領取所有優惠獎勵,就能一次省下數千美元。" msgid "It’s an essential add-on for popular sites, and you’ll get it for free." msgstr "這是熱門網站的必備附加元件,現在你能免費取得。" msgid "" "Jetpack is like an invisible “miracle machine” that automatically enhances " "and improves the WordPress engine. Jetpack makes images load faster, " "protects you from hackers, creates real-time backups, provides traffic " "stats, hosts videos, and so much more." msgstr "" "Jetpack 就像隱形的「奇蹟製造機」,能自動強化及改善 WordPress 引擎。Jetpack 能" "加快圖片載入速度、保護你不受駭客威脅、即時建立備份、提供流量統計資料、託管影" "片,並提供其他許多精彩功能。" msgid "Bonus 3: Access to our flagship Jetpack service ($39 per year value)." msgstr "獎勵 3:取得我們的旗艦級 Jetpack 服務 (價值 39 美元/年)。" msgid "" "Print it out and keep it by your desk, because you’re going to consult this " "guide often." msgstr "請將指南列印出來備用,因為之後你會經常需要參考其中內容。" msgid "" "This goldmine of traffic tips and how-tos reveals the exact “Breakthrough " "Traffic” process I’ve developed over the past decade." msgstr "" "這份珍貴指南能提供許多流量秘訣和訣竅,協助你瞭解我們過去十年所開發「流量突" "破」的確切流程。" msgid "" "I know you might need a little help getting started, so here’s an incredible " "value. 250 hours is more than you’ll ever need, so this bonus will cover you " "for life!" msgstr "" "我們瞭解,你在開始使用服務時可能會需要一些協助,因此特地提供 250 小時的支援服" "務。這項獎勵肯定超過你實際需要的時數,讓你終生享有專業支援!" msgid "Bonus 2: The WordPress.​com Ultimate Traffic Guide." msgstr "獎勵 終極流量指南。" msgid "Bonus 1: 250 HOURS of one-on-one live chat support ($5,000 value)." msgstr "獎勵 1:250 小時的一對一即時聊天支援 (價值 5,000 美元)" msgid "" "If you upgrade your site today, to any upgraded plan, you’re going to " "receive an incredible array of features and free bonuses that make this " "hands-down the best deal we’ve offered:" msgstr "" "若於今日升級網站,不論選擇哪個升級方案,都能免費獲得價值數千美元的一系列精彩" "獎勵。這是我們至今提供過最划算的優惠方案,無庸置疑。" msgid "" "If you’ve read this far it means you’re considering upgrading your site, but " "you’re still on the fence for one reason or another." msgstr "" "若你一路讀到這裡,表示你有意升級自己的網站,但還缺少某個促使你做出最終決定的" "理由。" msgid "Here’s what I came up with..." msgstr "我的想法如下..." msgid "" "Which is no surprise because our site upgrades are jam-packed with great " "features designed to help your site attract more viewers, make more sales, " "share more content, and much more." msgstr "" "這並不意外,因為我們的方案升級隨附多項絕佳功能,而這些功能皆精心設計,有助於" "你的網站吸引更多人瀏覽、提高銷售量及分享更多內容。" msgid "" "You see, our data reveals that the vast majority of our successful customers " "upgraded their site within two weeks of starting their site." msgstr "" "我們的資料顯示,在獲致成功的顧客中,絕大多數都是在架設網站後的兩週內升級網" "站。" msgid "" "Because it turns out that the one-week anniversary marks a turning point for " "the sites that are “most likely to succeed.”" msgstr "原因在於,架設後一週期間似乎就是網站「最可能成功」的轉折點。" msgid "" "I’ve sent you a lot of information this week, and I hope it has helped you " "make progress." msgstr "我們已在本週傳送許多資訊給你,希望能協助你有所進展。" msgid "" "Congratulations, your site is officially more than a week old. Hard to " "believe, right?" msgstr "恭喜,你的網站自建立以來已正式屆滿一週,難以置信,對吧?" msgid "Best," msgstr "祝 順心" msgid "Return to WP Admin" msgstr "返回 WP 管理員" msgid "Return to your self-hosted WordPress dashboard." msgstr "返回你的自助託管 WordPress 儀表板。" msgid "You have %(number)d follower receiving updates by email" msgid_plural "You have %(number)d followers receiving updates by email" msgstr[0] "你有 %(number)d 位關注者是透過電子郵件收取更新訊息" msgid "Partner With Us" msgstr "歡迎與我們合作" msgid "By checking out:" msgstr "結帳前請確認下列事項:" msgid "BUSINESS" msgstr "商務版" msgid "PREMIUM" msgstr "進階版" msgid "PERSONAL" msgstr "個人版" msgid "" "Please note that if you accept our offer for a free domain when you upgrade, " "we simply ask you that you cover the costs for registering the domain if you " "decide to cancel your plan with us. The domain is yours to keep!" msgstr "" "請注意,如果你在升級時接受我們提供的免費網域,在決定取消方案後,只需支付網域" "名稱註冊費用,就能繼續擁有這個網域!" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Acknowledge Trademark" msgstr "確認商標" msgid "Choose Another Domain" msgstr "選擇其他網域" msgid "Register this domain" msgstr "註冊此網域" msgid "" "We didn't find any trademark claims for this domain. Click the button below " "to continue with domain registration." msgstr "我們沒找到任何此網域的商標聲明。按下方按鈕以繼續註冊網域。" msgid "%(domain)s has no trademark claims" msgstr "%(domain)s 沒有商標聲明" msgid "" "Please wait a moment while we check for any trademark claims that affect the " "registration of this domain name." msgstr "請稍候片刻,讓我們檢查是否有任何商標聲明會影響此網域名稱的註冊。" msgid "Checking for trademark claims on %(domain)s" msgstr "檢查 %(domain)s 的商標聲明" msgid "Show Trademark Notice" msgstr "顯示商標聲明" msgid "" "To continue, you must agree not to infringe on the trademark holders' " "rights. Please review and acknowledge the following notice." msgstr "若要繼續,你必須同意不侵犯商標所有人的權利。請審閱並確認以下聲明。" msgid "%(domain)s matches a trademark." msgstr "%(domain)s 與某個商標相符。" msgid "" "Congratulations on your new blog, %1$s. We're excited that you chose us to " "help you continue your online journey — we wouldn't be here without loyal " "customers like you! You're probably eager to begin, so we want to share some " "resources that might help you in your new endeavor." msgstr "" "恭喜建立新的網誌 %1$s。很高興你選擇讓我們陪伴你繼續這趟線上旅程。因為有你這樣" "的忠實客戶,我們才有今日的成就!你也許已經迫不及待開始使用了,因此我們想提供" "一些資源,也許可以在建立網誌時有所幫助。" msgid "" "Need inspiration? Check out your favorite three websites like yours. Which " "pages do they have? List them. How do they organize their pages into menus " "to form site navigation? Check out %sMeasure Twice, Cut Once%s, an article " "that covers site pages and content planning, for more ideas." msgstr "" "如果需要尋找靈感,可以在網路上找出三個你最喜歡的同類網站,觀察並且記錄一下這" "些網站有哪些頁面、看看他們怎麼利用選單來進行網頁導覽。你也可以參考 %s " "Measure Twice, Cut Once」%s 這篇文章,即可學會網頁和內容應該如何規畫,並且得" "到更多啟發。" msgid "" "Starting out, you might think that your site's design is the primary " "consideration when building a successful website. In reality, your site's " "content — the information and photos on your pages — does all the talking " "for you when you can't be there to speak with your visitors in person." msgstr "" "首先,很多人會以為網站要成功,最重要的是外觀設計;但實際上最重要的是網站裡的" "內容,也就是頁面中的資訊和圖表。唯有這些內容,才能夠代替你本人,和訪客深入溝" "通。" msgid "" "Congratulations on creating a new site, %1$s. We're excited that you chose " "us to help you continue your online journey — we wouldn't be here without " "loyal customers like you! You're probably eager to begin, so we want to " "share some resources that might help you in your new endeavor." msgstr "" "恭喜建立新的網站 %1$s。很高興你選擇讓我們陪伴你繼續這趟線上旅程。因為有你這樣" "的忠實客戶,我們才有今日的成就!你也許已經迫不及待開始使用了,因此我們想提供" "一些資源,也許可以在打造全新網站時有所幫助。" msgid "" "Congratulations on your new eCommerce site, %1$s, which is " "powered by the world’s most popular online store-builder, WooCommerce." msgstr "" "恭喜建立新的 電子商務網站 %1$s,這個網站是由全球最熱門的線上商" "店建立工具 WooCommerce 提供技術支援。" msgid "View Privacy Policy Guide." msgstr "檢視私隱政策指南" msgid "" "Need help putting together your new Privacy Policy page? Check out our guide " "for recommendations on what content to include, along with policies " "suggested by your plugins and theme." msgstr "" "制定新的私隱政策頁面內容時需要幫助嗎?請參考我們的指南,了解所需內容的建議," "以及針對你所使用的外掛及佈景主題而建議的政策。" msgid "MM/YY" msgstr "月/年" msgid "" "Something is wrong with your Wufoo shortcode. Try following the instructions " "here to " "embed a form on your site." msgstr "" "你的 Wufoo 短代碼發生錯誤。請嘗試按照此處的指示,將表單嵌入網站。" msgid "Could not connect to" msgstr "無法連線至" msgid "Please connect your user account to" msgstr "請將你的使用者帳戶連接至" msgid "Download list as CSV" msgstr "以 CSV 格式下載清單" msgid "Partner with" msgstr "與 合作" msgid "Message exceeds max of 500kbs." msgstr "訊息超過 500 KB 上限。" msgid "Missing message." msgstr "訊息未填。" msgid "Email address is too long." msgstr "電子郵件地址過長。" msgid "Name is too long." msgstr "姓名過長。" msgid "Missing name." msgstr "姓名未填。" msgid "Invalid referrer." msgstr "推薦連結無效。" msgid "… and thanks!" msgstr "萬分感謝!" msgid "" "Please tell us more about yourself and your interest in partnering with " " We review every single inquiry and should respond to you " "within a week." msgstr "" "請提供詳細自我介紹、說明與 合作的動機和想法。我們會檢視所有合作" "洽詢,並且盡可能於一週內回覆。" msgid "All set? Contact us!" msgstr "準備好了嗎?盡速與我們聯絡。" msgid "To begin a conversation, use the form below." msgstr "若要開始對話,請使用下方表單。" msgid "" "As an open source platform, collaboration has been the bedrock of our " "growth, ensuring a strong community and product. We continue this model by " "partnering with companies, organizations, and individuals in a variety of " "ways. If you have technology or product features, are a marketing or " "publishing platform, offer a service our customers might benefit from, or " "simply want to discuss something else, we’d love to hear about it." msgstr "" "我們是堅持開放原始碼的平台,堅信共同合作是持續成長、確保社群和產品更上層樓的" "重要基礎。我們和各大公司、組織與個人保持多元合作關係;不論你擁有技術或產品功" "能、擁有行銷或內容平台,或是任何對顧客有所助益的服務,還是只是想跟我們聊聊一" "些新點子,我們都非常歡迎。" msgid "Partnering with us" msgstr "攜手合作,共創未來" msgid "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}New comments/mo{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}超過 %d 百萬{{/line1}} {{line2}}則新留言/月{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}%dB+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Pageviews/mo{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}超過 %d 十億{{/line1}} {{line2}}次頁面瀏覽/月{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}New posts/mo{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}超過 %d 百萬{{/line1}} {{line2}}篇新文章/月{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Powers{{/line1}} {{line2}}%d%%{{/line2}} {{line3}}of the Internet{{/" "line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}整個 Internet 有高達{{/line1}} {{line2}}%d%%{{/line2}} {{line3}}網站" "用 WordPress 架設。{{/line3}}" msgid "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}People{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}人次{{/line2}}" msgid "These stats are current as of %s." msgstr "這些統計資料是截至 %s 的目前統計資料。" msgid "Please try again." msgstr "請再試一次。" msgid "View security dashboard" msgstr "檢視安全性儀表板" msgid "View spam stats" msgstr "檢視垃圾評論統計資料" msgid "" "Your Quick Start session is booked for %s. Check your email " "for connection details." msgstr "" "你的 快速入門課程預約時間為:%s。請檢查你的電子郵件以瞭解詳細連" "線資訊。" msgid "Please specify a Soundcloud URL." msgstr "請指定 SoundCloud URL。" msgid "Creating product has failed." msgstr "建立產品已失敗。" msgid "These upgrades are set to expire on %s." msgstr "這些升級會於 %s到期。" msgid "Schedule my session" msgstr "安排我的時段" msgid "" "You will receive an email confirmation shortly, along with detailed " "instructions to schedule your call with us." msgstr "" "你很快就會收到一封確認電子郵件,內附詳細說明,讓你瞭解如何安排與我們通話。" msgid "" "Speed up your site’s performance and protect it from spammers. Access " "detailed records of all activity on your site and restore your site to a " "previous point in time with just a click! While you’re at it, improve your " "SEO with our Advanced SEO tools and automate social media sharing." msgstr "" "加速網站效能,防堵垃圾郵件。只要按一下即可存取你的網站上所有活動詳細記錄,並" "能將網站恢復到某個指定的時間點!處理時,可使用進階 SEO 工具以提升 SEO 效能," "還可自動化社交媒體共享。" msgid "" "In honor of Safer Internet Day, and in " "partnership with Google Registry, " "save %s%% using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout. Offer " "valid for a limited time." msgstr "" "歡慶網路安全日,我們與 Google Registry 合作提供促銷活動。結帳時使用促銷代碼 " "{{coupon_code}},立即享有 %s%% 的優惠折扣。此為限時優惠。" msgid "Attribute all content to another user" msgstr "將所有內容歸屬於另一個使用者" msgid "Create a logo" msgstr "建立標誌" msgid "Want to build a great brand? Start with a great logo" msgstr "想打造出色的品牌,就從亮眼的標誌開始" msgctxt "Forecast for the subscriptions due in the next 30 days" msgid "Next month" msgstr "下個月" msgctxt "Sum of earnings over last 30 days" msgid "Last 30 days" msgstr "最近 30 天" msgid "Memberships" msgstr "會員資格" msgid "These upgrades are set to expire on %s." msgstr "這些升級會於 %s到期。" msgid "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire on %3$s." msgstr "%1$s 的費用為 %2$s,設定於 %3$s到期。" msgid "Urgent! Your %1$s plan for %2$s has expired" msgstr "緊急通知!你的 %2$s %1$s 方案已到期" msgid "Your %s products will renew soon" msgstr "你的 %s 很快就會完成續訂" msgid "PAN - Permanent account number" msgstr "PAN (Permanent account number) - 永久帳戶" msgid "You did not provide a valid Medium URL." msgstr "你並未提供有效的 Medium URL。" msgid "View at" msgstr "前往 檢視" msgid "View this collection on" msgstr "在 檢視此收藏" msgid "Start sharing" msgstr "開始分享" msgid "Get social, and share your blog posts where the people are" msgstr "利用社群媒體工具,讓部落格文章更增人氣" msgid "In this case, WordPress caught an error with your theme, %s." msgstr "在這種情況下,WordPress捕獲了您的佈景主題%s的錯誤。" msgid "Error occurred on a non-protected endpoint." msgstr "未受保護的端點發生錯誤。" msgid "In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, %s." msgstr "在這種情況下,WordPress使用您的某個外掛%s捕獲了錯誤。" msgid "" "Please contact your host for assistance with investigating this issue " "further." msgstr "請與您的主機商聯絡,以獲取進一步調查此問題的幫助。" msgid "Jetpack Advanced Features" msgstr "Jetpack 進階功能" msgid "" "Speed up your site’s performance and protect it from spammers. Access " "detailed records of all activity on your site and restore your site to a " "previous point in time with just a click! While you’re at it, improve your " "SEO with our Advanced SEO Tools and automate social media sharing." msgstr "" "加速你的網站效能,並保護網站免於垃圾郵件的騷擾。存取網站上所有活動的詳細記" "錄,而且按一下就能將網站即時復原至先前的狀態!使用我們的進階 SEO 工具改善 " "SEO,同時還能自動進行社交媒體分享。" msgid "" "This theme failed to load properly and was paused within the admin backend." msgstr "此佈景主題未能正確載入,並已於管理後台暫停使用。" msgid "The Gist ID you provided is not valid. Please try a different one." msgstr "你提供的 Gist ID 無效。請改用其他 Gist ID。" msgid "Please specify a Gist URL or ID." msgstr "請指定一個 Gist URL 或 ID。" msgid "Good news! sites already have Jetpack." msgstr "好消息! 網站已有 Jetpack。" msgid "Manage email" msgstr "管理電子郵件" msgid "Manage domain" msgstr "管理網域" msgid "" "The Google Video embed service is not available anymore, it has been " "replaced by YouTube." msgstr "已不再提供 Google Video 內嵌服務,現由 YouTube 取代。" msgid "" "Videos are not displayed in this email and must be viewed on " "the website." msgstr "此電子郵件並未顯示影片,你必須在網站上觀看。" msgid "" "Images are not displayed in this email and must be viewed on " "the website." msgstr "此電子郵件並未顯示圖片,你必須在網站上觀看。" msgid "" "Media is not displayed in this email and must be viewed on " "the website." msgstr "此電子郵件並未顯示媒體,你必須在網站上觀看。" msgctxt "Site Health" msgid "Status" msgstr "網站狀態" msgctxt "Site Health" msgid "Info" msgstr "網站狀態資訊" msgid "Recovery Mode — %s" msgstr "恢復模式 - %s" msgid "Restore from Trash" msgstr "自回收桶還原" msgid "All formats" msgstr "所有格式" msgid "Filter by post format" msgstr "按郵寄格式篩選" msgid "Theme resumed." msgstr "佈景主題已恢復使用。" msgid "" "There is a new version of %1$s available, but it does not work with your " "version of PHP. View version %4$s details or learn more about updating PHP." msgstr "" "有一個新版本的 %1$s 可用,但它不適用於您的 PHP 版本。查" "看版本 %4$s 詳情瞭解有關更新 PHP 的詳情。" msgid "" "All domains ending in {{strong}}%(tld)s{{/strong}} require an SSL " "certificate to host a website. When you host this domain at an " "SSL certificate is included. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "所有以 {{strong}}%(tld)s{{/strong}} 結尾的網域皆必須有 SSL 憑證才能用於架設網" "站。在 託管此網域時,將包含 SSL 憑證。{{a}}瞭解詳情{{/a}}。" msgid "You can find more details and make changes on the Plugins screen." msgstr "在 [外掛] 畫面可以找到進一步詳細資料並進行變更。" msgid "Your contribution" msgstr "你的貢獻" msgid "Go to the Plugins screen" msgstr "轉到 \"外掛\" 螢幕" msgid "One or more plugins failed to load properly." msgstr "一個或多個外掛無法正確載入。" msgid "Could not resume the plugin." msgstr "無法恢復使用外掛。" msgid "Custom PHP fatal error handler." msgstr "自訂 PHP 嚴重錯誤處理常式。" msgid "Custom PHP error message." msgstr "自訂 PHP 錯誤訊息。" msgid "[%s] Network Admin Email Changed" msgstr "[%s]網絡管理員電子郵件已變更" msgid "[%s] Network Admin Email Change Request" msgstr "[%s]網絡管理員電子郵件變更請求" msgid "[%s] Admin Email Changed" msgstr "[%s]管理員電子郵件已變更" msgid "30GB of cloud storage" msgstr "30GB 雲端儲存空間" msgid "Monthly subscription" msgstr "每月訂閱" msgid "[%s] Background Update Finished" msgstr "《%s》通知:背景更新已完成" msgid "[%s] Background Update Failed" msgstr "《%s》通知:背景更新失敗" msgid "[%s] Login Details" msgstr "[%s] 登入詳情" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular " "posts or pages" msgstr "啟用小工具可見度控制,僅在特定文章或頁面顯示小工具" msgid "" "Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so " "you can finely tailor widget content." msgstr "小工具可見度能讓你決定要在哪些頁面上顯示哪些小工具,微調小工具內容。" msgid "" "Generates shorter links so you can have more space to write on social media " "sites." msgstr "產生較短的連結,在社交媒體網站上享有更多打字空間。" msgid "View %(domain)s" msgstr "檢視 %(domain)s" msgctxt "A navigation label." msgid "There is %(numberPeople)d person in your team" msgid_plural "There are %(numberPeople)d people in your team" msgstr[0] "你的團隊有 %(numberPeople)d 名成員" msgid "You have %(number)d follower" msgid_plural "You have %(number)d followers" msgstr[0] "你有 %(number)d 名關注者" msgid "You can find more details and make changes on the Themes screen." msgstr "在 [佈景主題] 畫面可以找到進一步詳細資料並進行變更。" msgid "Exit Recovery Mode" msgstr "退出復原模式" msgid "Go to the Themes screen" msgstr "轉到 \"佈景主題\" 螢幕" msgid "Could not resume the theme." msgstr "無法恢復使用佈景主題。" msgid "One or more themes failed to load properly." msgstr "一個或多個佈景主題無法正確載入。" msgid "Eraser callback is not valid: %s." msgstr "清除程式的回呼無效:%s。" msgid "%s Comment in moderation" msgid_plural "%s Comments in moderation" msgstr[0] "%s 篇評論審核中" msgid "Eraser does not include a callback: %s." msgstr "清除程式不包括回呼:%s。" msgid "Enhance CSS customization panel" msgstr "強化 CSS 自訂面板功能" msgid "" "Adds names for CSS preprocessor use, disabling the theme's CSS, or custom " "image width." msgstr "新增 CSS 前置處理器使用、停用佈景主題 CSS 或自訂圖片寬度的選項。" msgid "Compare vs. Weebly for Your New Site" msgstr "比較在 與 Weebly 打造新網站" msgid "Compare vs. Squarespace for Your New Site" msgstr "比較在 與 Squarespace 打造新網站" msgid "Compare vs. Blogger for Your New Site" msgstr "比較在 與 Blogger 打造新網站" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start today, and see why more people{{/line1}} {{line2}}prefer " " over %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}更多人選擇 而非 %1$s,{{/line1}} {{line2}}你用過就知。" "{{/line2}}" msgid "Chat and email support is limited to certain business hours." msgstr "線上對談和電子郵件支援僅在特定營業時間提供。" msgid "Limited to the Weebly forums." msgstr "僅提供 Weebly 論壇。" msgid "Only built-in site stats are available." msgstr "僅提供內建網站統計資料。" msgid "" "See advanced site statistics right in your WordPress dashboard, or add a " "paid plan and connect to Google Analytics for in-depth reporting." msgstr "" "直接在你的 WordPress 儀表板查看進階網站統計資料,或新增付費方案並連結至 " "Google Analytics,取得深入分析報告。" msgid "" "Your site is limited to the built-in themes and customization options " "offered by Weebly." msgstr "僅能使用 Weebly 內建的佈景主題和自訂選項。" msgid "You’ll pay an additional monthly cost to connect a domain to your site." msgstr "想使用自己的網域名稱,還需額外付費。" msgid "" "Choose over %1$s and get a personalized domain, beautiful " "designs, and powerful eCommerce options. Plans start at just %2$s%3$s per " "month." msgstr "" " 和 %1$s 相比,多了個人化網域名稱支援、更多精美版型設計,更有強" "大的電子商務功能,每月僅需 %2$s%3$s 起,為你的事業注入無比力量。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start today to find out why more people{{/line1}} {{line2}}prefer " " over %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}為何用 而非 %1$s 的人愈來愈多?{{/line1}} {{line2}}用" "過你就知。{{/line2}}" msgid "Extra features" msgstr "附加功能" msgid "Free to start with paid plans starting at just %1$s%2$s per month." msgstr "可以從免費方費開始使用,多種升級版付費方案,自每月 %1$s%2$s 起。" msgid "" "Choose instead of %1$s and get a custom domain, 24/7 support, " "and a creative community millions strong. Plans start at just %2$s%3$s per " "month." msgstr "" "自訂網域名稱、全天候支援服務,還可加入活躍的全球社群。每月只要 %2$s%3$s 起;" "你當然應該選擇,而非 %1$s。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start today, and find out why{{/line1}} {{line2}}more bloggers " "prefer{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}為何愈來愈多部落客都用{{/line1}} {{line2}}用過你就" "知。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "There is no direct way of contacting Blogger support. Help is limited to " "online forums and FAQs." msgstr "" "無法直接聯絡 Blogger 支援團隊,只能透過線上論壇和常見問題,自己尋找答案。" msgid "" "You can display Google AdSense ads. No other ad network is supported, and " "you can’t take payments or sell products." msgstr "" "僅支援 Google AdSense 廣告,無法使用其他的廣告聯播網,也不支援商品販售與收" "款。" msgid "" "Make money by displaying targeted ads from multiple networks, taking " "payments or donations, and even selling digital or physical goods." msgstr "" "支援市面多家廣告聯播網,也能透過網站收受贊助,還能販賣各種實體或虛擬商品。" msgid "Limited to blog posts only." msgstr "只能用於撰寫網誌文章。" msgid "" "Create a blog, a website, a portfolio, an online store — or any combination " "you can think of." msgstr "" "可以創立網誌、架設網站、展示個人作品集、開設網路商店;你想得到,在這裡就做得" "到。" msgid "Expert Tips" msgstr "專業秘訣" msgid "" "Trying to decide between and Weebly for building your website? " "Here’s how the two compare." msgstr "" "無法決定要在 還是 Weebly 上建立網站嗎?以下是兩者間的比較。" msgid "" "Trying to decide between and Squarespace for building your " "website? Here’s how the two compare." msgstr "" "無法決定要在 還是 Squarespace 上建立網站嗎?以下是兩者間的比" "較。" msgid "" "Trying to decide between and Blogger for building your " "website? Here’s how the two compare." msgstr "" "無法決定要在 還是 Blogger 上建立網站嗎?以下是兩者間的比較。" msgid "" "With increased storage space you’ll be able to upload more images, audio, " "and documents to your website. On the Premium, Business, and eCommerce plans " "you can upload videos, too." msgstr "" "增加儲存空間,讓你可以上載更多圖片、音訊和文件至你的網站。如果選用進階版、商" "務版和電子商務解決方案,你還可以上載影片。" msgid "%s critical issue" msgid_plural "%s critical issues" msgstr[0] "%s 個重大問題" msgid "%s item with no issues detected" msgid_plural "%s items with no issues detected" msgstr[0] "%s 個未偵測到問題的項目" msgid "%s recommended improvement" msgid_plural "%s recommended improvements" msgstr[0] "%s 個建議改進項目" msgid "Passed tests" msgstr "通過的測試" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access site health information." msgstr "抱歉,您不允許存取網站健康資訊。" msgid "Site Health Status" msgstr "網站執行狀況" msgid "Everything is running smoothly here." msgstr "這裡的一切都運作順利。" msgid "Great job!" msgstr "太好了!" msgid "" "If you want to export a handy list of all the information on this page, you " "can use the button below to copy it to the clipboard. You can then paste it " "in a text file and save it to your device, or paste it in an email exchange " "with a support engineer or theme/plugin developer for example." msgstr "" "如果網站管理員想要將這個頁面的全部資訊匯出成方便使用的清單,請點擊下方按鈕便" "能將資訊複製至剪貼簿中。舉例來說,網站管理員可以將這些資訊貼上至文字檔案並儲" "存於裝置的儲存空間,或是將這些資訊貼上至與技術支援工程師、佈景主題/外掛開發者" "交換意見的電子郵件中。" msgid "Copy site info to clipboard" msgstr "複製網站資訊到剪貼簿" msgid "The Site Health check requires JavaScript." msgstr "網站執行狀況檢查需要 JavaScript。" msgid "The loopback request to your site completed successfully." msgstr "這個網站的回送要求已成功完成。" msgid "Site Health Info" msgstr "網站執行狀況資訊" msgid "Site Health" msgstr "網站健康" msgid "" "The loopback request returned an unexpected http status code, %d, it was not " "possible to determine if this will prevent features from working as expected." msgstr "" "回送要求返回了意外的 HTTP 狀態碼 %d,無法確定這是否會阻止功能按預期方式運作。" msgid "" "The loopback request to your site failed, this means features relying on " "them are not currently working as expected." msgstr "對您的網站的回送要求失敗,這意味著依賴於它們的功能當前無法正常運作。" msgid "No scheduled events exist on this site." msgstr "這個網站並不包含任何排程事件。" msgid "REST API availability" msgstr "REST API 可用性" msgid "Loopback request" msgstr "回送要求" msgid "HTTP Requests" msgstr "HTTP 要求" msgid "Secure communication" msgstr "安全通訊" msgid "HTTPS status" msgstr "HTTPS 狀態" msgid "Debugging enabled" msgstr "已啟用調試" msgid "Scheduled events" msgstr "已排程事件" msgid "PHP Extensions" msgstr "PHP 擴充模組" msgid "PHP Version" msgstr "PHP 版本" msgid "Theme Versions" msgstr "佈景主題版本" msgid "Plugin Versions" msgstr "外掛版本" msgid "Database Server version" msgstr "資料庫伺服器版本" msgid "The REST API did not process the %s query parameter correctly." msgstr "REST API 沒有正確處理 %s 查詢參數。" msgid "The REST API did not behave correctly" msgstr "REST API 的行為不正確" msgid "The REST API encountered an unexpected result" msgstr "REST API 遇到意外結果" msgid "The REST API encountered an error" msgstr "REST API 遇到錯誤" msgid "" "HTTP requests have been blocked by the %1$s constant, with some allowed " "hosts: %2$s." msgstr "" "HTTP 要求已由常數 %1$s 封鎖,這個網站會封鎖來自外部主機的全部要求,但允許清單" "內的主機要求不在此限: %2$s。" msgid "The REST API is available" msgstr "REST API 可用" msgid "HTTP requests are partially blocked" msgstr "HTTP 要求已部分封鎖" msgid "HTTP requests are blocked" msgstr "HTTP 要求已封鎖" msgid "" "HTTP requests have been blocked by the %s constant, with no allowed hosts." msgstr "HTTP 要求已被 %s 常量阻止,不允許使用主機。" msgid "" "It is possible for site maintainers to block all, or some, communication to " "other sites and services. If set up incorrectly, this may prevent plugins " "and themes from working as intended." msgstr "" "網站維護人員可以封鎖這個網站與其他網站或服務的全部或部分通訊。如果設定不正" "確,會導致外掛及佈景主題無法如預期般運作。" msgid "HTTP requests seem to be working as expected" msgstr "HTTP 要求似乎按預期正常執行" msgid "Your site could not complete a loopback request" msgstr "您的網站無法完成回送要求" msgid "" "Loopback requests are used to run scheduled events, and are also used by the " "built-in editors for themes and plugins to verify code stability." msgstr "" "回送要求用於執行排程事件,也由內置編輯器用於佈景主題和外掛來驗證代碼的穩定" "性。" msgid "Your site can perform loopback requests" msgstr "您的網站可以執行回送要求" msgid "Background updates may not be working properly" msgstr "後臺更新可能無法正常運作" msgid "Passed" msgstr "已通過" msgid "Background updates are not working as expected" msgstr "後臺更新未按預期方式運作" msgid "" "Background updates ensure that WordPress can auto-update if a security " "update is released for the version you are currently using." msgstr "" "後臺更新可確保如果發佈了當前正在使用的版本的安全更新,WordPress 可以自動更" "新。" msgid "" "The scheduled event, %s, failed to run. Your site still works, but this may " "indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended." msgstr "" "排程事件 %s 執行失敗。這個網站仍能如常運作,但這也代表文章排程發佈或自動更新" "無法如預期般運作。" msgid "Background updates are working" msgstr "後臺更新正在執行" msgid "A scheduled event has failed" msgstr "排程事件失敗" msgid "" "While trying to test your site’s scheduled events, the following error " "was returned: %s" msgstr "在嘗試測試網站的排程事件時,傳回以下錯誤:%s" msgid "It was not possible to check your scheduled events" msgstr "目前無法檢測這個網站的排程事件" msgid "" "Scheduled events are what periodically looks for updates to plugins, themes " "and WordPress itself. It is also what makes sure scheduled posts are " "published on time. It may also be used by various plugins to make sure that " "planned actions are executed." msgstr "" "排程事件會定期為外掛、佈景主題及 WordPress 核心程式檢查有無更新可供使用,它同" "時也讓排程文章能準時發佈。" msgid "Scheduled events are running" msgstr "排程事件正在執行" msgid "Talk to your web host about OpenSSL support for PHP." msgstr "請與網站主機商聯絡,討論關於 PHP 的 OpenSSL 支援。" msgid "Your site is unable to communicate securely with other services" msgstr "您的網站無法與其他服務進行安全通訊" msgid "Your site can communicate securely with other services" msgstr "您的網站可以與其他服務進行安全通訊" msgid "" "Securely communicating between servers are needed for transactions such as " "fetching files, conducting sales on store sites, and much more." msgstr "伺服器之間的安全通訊是獲取檔案、在存儲網站上進行銷售等事務所必需的。" msgid "Your website does not use HTTPS" msgstr "你的網站並未使用 HTTPS" msgid "" "You are accessing this website using HTTPS, but your Site " "Address is not set up to use HTTPS by default." msgstr "" "目前你正以 HTTPS 存取這個網站,但這個網站的 WordPress 位址" "卻仍為預設值,並未設定為 HTTPS。" msgid "Learn more about why you should use HTTPS" msgstr "進一步瞭解為什麼網站該採用 HTTPS" msgid "" "The value, %1$s, has either been enabled by %2$s or added to your " "configuration file. This will make errors display on the front end of your " "site." msgstr "" "常數 %1$s 已伴隨常數 %2$s 啟用,或已加入這個網站的組態檔案中,這會將錯誤訊息" "顯示於網站前端。" msgid "Your website is using an active HTTPS connection" msgstr "你的網站正在使用有效的 HTTPS 連接。" msgid "Your site is set to display errors to site visitors" msgstr "您的網站已設定為向網站訪客顯示錯誤" msgid "" "The value, %s, has been added to this website’s configuration file. " "This means any errors on the site will be written to a file which is " "potentially available to all users." msgstr "" "已將常數 %s 及其設定值加入這個網站的組態檔案中,這代表這個網站的任何錯誤訊息" "將會記錄在全部使用者可能會存取到的檔案中。" msgid "Your site is set to log errors to a potentially public file" msgstr "這個網站會將錯誤訊息記錄在可能可公開存取的檔案中" msgid "" "Debug mode is often enabled to gather more details about an error or site " "failure, but may contain sensitive information which should not be available " "on a publicly available website." msgstr "" "偵錯模式通常可以用於收集有關錯誤或網站故障的更多詳情,但可能包含不應在公開網" "站上提供的敏感資訊。" msgid "Get help resolving this issue." msgstr "取得解決這個問題的相關說明" msgid "Your site is not set to output debug information" msgstr "您的網站未設定為輸出調試資訊" msgid "" "Your site is unable to reach at %1$s, and returned the error: " "%2$s" msgstr "這個網站無法連線至位於 %1$s 的,並傳回錯誤訊息:%2$s" msgid "Could not reach" msgstr "無法連線至" msgid "" "Communicating with the WordPress servers is used to check for new versions, " "and to both install and update WordPress core, themes or plugins." msgstr "" "與 WordPress 伺服器通訊用於檢查新版本,以及安裝和更新 WordPress 核心、佈景主" "題或外掛。" msgid "Can communicate with" msgstr "可以與 進行通訊" msgid "" "You are using a %1$s drop-in which might mean that a %2$s database is not " "being used." msgstr "" "這個網站目前使用了 %1$s 增強外掛,這代表這個網站可能沒有使用 %2$s 資料庫。" msgid "" "WordPress requires %1$s version %2$s or higher. Contact your web hosting " "company to correct this." msgstr "" "WordPress 要求 %1$s 版本 %2$s 或更新版本。請與您的虛擬主機公司聯絡以糾正此問" "題。" msgid "Severely outdated SQL server" msgstr "嚴重過時的 SQL 伺服器" msgid "" "For optimal performance and security reasons, you should consider running " "%1$s version %2$s or higher. Contact your web hosting company to correct " "this." msgstr "" "為了效能最佳化及安全性考量,系統建議執行 %1$s %2$s 或更新版本。請聯絡這個網站" "的主機服務提供商修正這個問題。" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "The SQL server is a required piece of software for the database WordPress " "uses to store all your site’s content and settings." msgstr "SQL 伺服器是 WordPress 用來儲存這個網站內容及設定的必要資料庫軟體。" msgid "Outdated SQL server" msgstr "過時的 SQL 伺服器" msgid "Learn more about what WordPress requires to run." msgstr "進一步瞭解執行 WordPress 的環境需求" msgid "The optional module, %s, is not installed, or has been disabled." msgstr "選用的 %s 模組並未安裝,或是已遭停用。" msgid "SQL server is up to date" msgstr "SQL 伺服器是最新的" msgid "One or more required modules are missing" msgstr "缺少一個或多個必需模組" msgid "One or more recommended modules are missing" msgstr "缺少一個或多個推薦模組" msgid "" "" "extensions" msgstr "" "" "extensions" msgid "The required module, %s, is not installed, or has been disabled." msgstr "所需的 %s 模組並未安裝,或是已遭停用。" msgid "" "PHP modules perform most of the tasks on the server that make your site run. " "Any changes to these must be made by your server administrator." msgstr "" "PHP 模組執行了在這台伺服器上讓這個網站能夠運作的大多數工作。如需為 PHP 模組進" "行任何變更,都必須透過這個網站的伺服器管理員進行。" msgid "Required and recommended modules are installed" msgstr "安裝了必需的和推薦的模組" msgid "" "Your site does not have any default theme. Default themes are used by " "WordPress automatically if anything is wrong with your chosen theme." msgstr "" "這個網站並未安裝預設佈景主題。預設佈景主題的用途,是使用中的佈景主題發生問題" "時,WordPress 可以自動套用預設佈景主題避免網站停擺。" msgid "" "Your site has %1$d inactive theme, other than %2$s, the default WordPress " "theme, and %3$s, your active theme." msgid_plural "" "Your site has %1$d inactive themes, other than %2$s, the default WordPress " "theme, and %3$s, your active theme." msgstr[0] "" "除了 WordPress 預設佈景主題 %2$s 及目前使用的佈景主題 %3$s 外,這個網站有 " "%1$d 個未使用的佈景主題。" msgid "Have a default theme available" msgstr "這個網站有可用的預設佈景主題" msgid "" "You should consider removing any unused themes to enhance your site’s " "security." msgstr "建議移除全部未使用的佈景主題以增加網站安全性。" msgid "Your site has %1$d inactive theme, other than %2$s, your active theme." msgid_plural "" "Your site has %1$d inactive themes, other than %2$s, your active theme." msgstr[0] "" "除了%2$s個您目前使用的佈景主題之外,您的網站有%1$d個未使用的佈景主題。" msgid "" "To enhance your site’s security, you should consider removing any " "themes you are not using. You should keep %1$s, the default WordPress theme, " "%2$s, your active theme, and %3$s, its parent theme." msgstr "" "建議移除全部未使用的佈景主題以增加網站安全性。請保留 WordPress 預設佈景主題 " "%1$s、目前使用的佈景主題 %2$s 及其上層佈景主題 %3$s。" msgid "" "To enhance your site’s security, you should consider removing any " "themes you are not using. You should keep your active theme, %1$s, and %2$s, " "its parent theme." msgstr "" "建議移除全部未使用的佈景主題以增加網站安全性。請保留目前使用的佈景主題 %1$s " "及其上層佈景主題 %2$s。" msgid "You should remove inactive themes" msgstr "您應該刪除非使用中的佈景主題" msgid "Your site has 1 installed theme, and it is up to date." msgstr "您的網站有1個已安裝的佈景主題,它是最新的。" msgid "Your site has %d inactive theme." msgid_plural "Your site has %d inactive themes." msgstr[0] "您的網站有%d個未使用的佈景主題。" msgid "Your site has %d installed theme, and it is up to date." msgid_plural "Your site has %d installed themes, and they are all up to date." msgstr[0] "您的網站已安裝 %d 個佈景主題,並且它們都是最新的。" msgid "Manage your themes" msgstr "管理佈景主題" msgid "Your site has %d theme waiting to be updated." msgid_plural "Your site has %d themes waiting to be updated." msgstr[0] "這個網站有 %d 個佈景主題須要進行更新。" msgid "You have themes waiting to be updated" msgstr "您有佈景主題等待更新" msgid "" "Themes add your site’s look and feel. It’s important to keep " "them up to date, to stay consistent with your brand and keep your site " "secure." msgstr "" "佈景主題添加了您的網站的外觀。讓它們保持最新,與你的品牌保持一致,並確保你的" "網站安全是非常重要的。" msgid "Your themes are all up to date" msgstr "這個網站的全部佈景主題均為最新版本。" msgid "Manage inactive plugins" msgstr "管理未啟用的外掛" msgid "" "Inactive plugins are tempting targets for attackers. If you are not going to " "use a plugin, you should consider removing it." msgstr "" "未啟用的外掛對攻擊者而言是相當具有吸引力的目標。如果這個網站有不再使用的外" "掛,建議將它移除。" msgid "Your site has %d inactive plugin." msgid_plural "Your site has %d inactive plugins." msgstr[0] "您的網站有%d個未啟用的外掛。" msgid "Update your plugins" msgstr "更新外掛" msgid "Your site has 1 active plugin, and it is up to date." msgstr "您的網站有1個已啟用的外掛,它是最新的。" msgid "You should remove inactive plugins" msgstr "您應該刪除未啟用的外掛" msgid "Your site has %d active plugin, and it is up to date." msgid_plural "Your site has %d active plugins, and they are all up to date." msgstr[0] "您的網站有%d個已啟用的外掛,它們都是最新的。" msgid "Manage your plugins" msgstr "管理外掛" msgid "Your site has %d plugin waiting to be updated." msgid_plural "Your site has %d plugins waiting to be updated." msgstr[0] "這個網站有 %d 個外掛需要進行更新。" msgid "You have plugins waiting to be updated" msgstr "這個網站有外掛需要進行更新。" msgid "" "Plugins extend your site’s functionality with things like contact " "forms, ecommerce and much more. That means they have deep access to your " "site, so it’s vital to keep them up to date." msgstr "" "外掛能擴充這個網站如聯絡表單、電子商務等功能,這同時代表外掛可以深度存取這個" "網站,因此持續為網站更新外掛至關重要。" msgid "" "You are currently running the latest version of WordPress available, keep it " "up!" msgstr "這個網站目前執行的是 WordPress 最新版本,請持續為核心程式進行更新。" msgid "Your plugins are all up to date" msgstr "這個網站的全部外掛均為最新版本。" msgid "" "A new minor update is available for your site. Because minor updates often " "address security, it’s important to install them." msgstr "已有可供這個網站使用的新版次要更新。" msgid "A new version of WordPress is available." msgstr "新版本的 WordPress 已可供下載安裝。" msgid "Install the latest version of WordPress" msgstr "安裝最新版本的 WordPress" msgid "WordPress update available (%s)" msgstr "WordPress 有可用更新 (%s)" msgid "Check for updates manually" msgstr "手動檢查更新" msgid "Unable to check if any new versions of WordPress are available." msgstr "目前無法檢查 WordPress 是否有可用的新版本。" msgid "" "WordPress security and maintenance releases are blocked by the %s filter." msgstr "WordPress 安全性維護版本已由 %s 篩選器所封鎖。" msgid "WordPress version %s" msgstr "WordPress 版本 %s" msgid "WordPress security and maintenance releases are blocked by %s." msgstr "WordPress 安全性維護版本已由 %s 常數所封鎖。" msgid "WordPress development updates are blocked by the %s filter." msgstr "WordPress 開發版更新已由 %s 篩選器所封鎖。" msgid "WordPress development updates are blocked by the %s constant." msgstr "WordPress 開發版更新已由 %s 常數所封鎖。" msgid "All of your WordPress files are writable." msgstr "這個 WordPress 網站的檔案均可寫入。" msgid "Some files are not writable by WordPress:" msgstr "WordPress 無法寫入的檔案:" msgid "This could mean that connections are failing to" msgstr "這代表目前無法與 進行連線。" msgid "Couldn't retrieve a list of the checksums for WordPress %s." msgstr "無法擷取 WordPress %s 版的總和檢查碼清單。" msgid "" "Your installation of WordPress does not require FTP credentials to perform " "updates." msgstr "這個 WordPress 網站執行更新時無須進行 FTP 認證。" msgid "" "(Your site is performing updates over FTP due to file ownership. Talk to " "your hosting company.)" msgstr "" "(由於檔案擁有權的因素,這個網站正透過 FTP 方式進行更新。請與網站主機服務商洽" "詢。)" msgid "" "Your installation of WordPress prompts for FTP credentials to perform " "updates." msgstr "這個 WordPress 網站執行更新時會提示需要進行 FTP 認證。" msgid "No version control systems were detected." msgstr "在這個網站上並未偵測到任何版本控制系統。" msgid "The folder %1$s was detected as being under version control (%2$s)." msgstr "偵測到 %1$s 資料夾已納入版本控制 (目錄為 %2$s)。" msgid "" "The folder %1$s was detected as being under version control (%2$s), but the " "%3$s filter is allowing updates." msgstr "" "偵測到 %1$s 資料夾已納入版本控制 (目錄為 %2$s),而 %3$s 篩選器允許對其進行更" "新。" msgid "A previous automatic background update could not occur." msgstr "前次自動背景更新無法順利執行。" msgid "The error code was %s." msgstr "錯誤代碼為%s。" msgid "You would have received an email because of this." msgstr "網站管理員會因此而收到一封電子郵件。" msgid "" "A previous automatic background update ended with a critical failure, so " "updates are now disabled." msgstr "前次自動背景更新因嚴重錯誤而停止,因此更新功能目前已停用。" msgid "The %s filter is enabled." msgstr "%s 篩選器已啟用。" msgid "A plugin has prevented updates by disabling %s." msgstr "停用 %s 篩選器便能禁止外掛更新。" msgid "" "Total size is not available. Some errors were encountered when determining " "the size of your installation." msgstr "總大小不可用。在確定安裝大小時遇到了一些錯誤。" msgid "" "The directory size calculation has timed out. Usually caused by a very large " "number of sub-directories and files." msgstr "目錄大小計算已超時。通常是由大量的子目錄和檔案引起的。" msgid "" "The size cannot be calculated. The directory is not accessible. Usually " "caused by invalid permissions." msgstr "由於無法存取該目錄,因此無法計算大小。通常是由不正確權限引起的。" msgid "The must use plugins directory" msgstr "mu-plugins 目錄" msgid "Theme features" msgstr "佈景主題特色" msgid "Parent theme" msgstr "上層佈景主題" msgid "Author website" msgstr "開發者網站" msgid "Version %1$s by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 版,開發者為 %2$s" msgid "No version or author information is available." msgstr "沒有可用的版本或開發者資訊。" msgid "Theme directory location" msgstr "佈景主題安裝目錄位置" msgid "Server version" msgstr "伺服器版本" msgid "Extension" msgstr "延伸模組" msgid "Your %s file contains only core WordPress features." msgstr "這個網站的 %s 檔案僅包含 WordPress 核心程式功能。" msgid "Custom rules have been added to your %s file." msgstr "自訂規則已加入這個網站的 %s 檔案中。" msgid "Client version" msgstr "使用者端版本" msgid ".htaccess rules" msgstr ".htaccess 規則" msgid "Is the Imagick library available?" msgstr "主機是否提供 Imagick 程式庫" msgid "Is SUHOSIN installed?" msgstr "主機是否已安裝 SUHOSIN" msgid "cURL version" msgstr "cURL 版本" msgid "PHP post max size" msgstr "PHP 單次上載檔案大小總計上限" msgid "Upload max filesize" msgstr "上載單一檔案大小上限" msgid "Max input time" msgstr "輸入資料剖析時間上限" msgid "PHP memory limit" msgstr "PHP 可存取的記憶體上限" msgid "PHP time limit" msgstr "PHP 執行時間上限" msgid "PHP max input variables" msgstr "PHP 輸入變數上限" msgid "" "Unable to determine some settings, as the %s function has been disabled." msgstr "無法確認某些設定 (例如 %s 函式) 是否遭到停用" msgid "Server settings" msgstr "伺服器設定" msgid "PHP SAPI" msgstr "PHP SAPI" msgid "PHP version" msgstr "PHP 版本" msgid "Unable to determine what web server software is used" msgstr "無法確認這個網站所採用的網頁伺服器軟體" msgid "Web server" msgstr "網頁伺服器軟體" msgid "Unable to determine server architecture" msgstr "無法確認主機的伺服器架構" msgid "(Does not support 64bit values)" msgstr "(不支援 64 位元值)" msgid "(Supports 64bit values)" msgstr "(支援 64 位元值)" msgid "Server architecture" msgstr "伺服器架構" msgid "Ghostscript version" msgstr "Ghostscript 版本" msgid "Unable to determine if Ghostscript is installed" msgstr "無法確認主機是否安裝了 Ghostscript" msgid "GD version" msgstr "GD 版本" msgid "Imagick Resource Limits" msgstr "Imagick 資源限制" msgid "ImageMagick version string" msgstr "ImageMagick 版本字串" msgid "ImageMagick version number" msgstr "ImageMagick 版本號碼" msgid "Active editor" msgstr "已啟用的圖片編輯程式" msgid "Total installation size" msgstr "網站大小總計" msgid "Database size" msgstr "資料庫大小" msgid "Plugins directory size" msgstr "外掛安裝目錄大小" msgid "Plugins directory location" msgstr "外掛安裝目錄位置" msgid "Themes directory location" msgstr "佈景主題安裝目錄位置" msgid "WordPress directory size" msgstr "WordPress 安裝目錄大小" msgid "WordPress directory location" msgstr "WordPress 安裝目錄位置" msgid "Themes directory size" msgstr "佈景主題目錄大小" msgid "Uploads directory size" msgstr "已上載檔案目錄大小" msgid "Uploads directory location" msgstr "已上載檔案目錄位置" msgid "Unable to reach at %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "這個網站無法連線至位於 %1$s 的 (%2$s)" msgid " is reachable" msgstr "這個網站可順利連線至" msgid "Communication with" msgstr "與 間的通訊狀況" msgid "Network count" msgstr "多站網路數量" msgid "Site count" msgstr "網站數量" msgid "User count" msgstr "可登入使用者人數" msgid "The plugins directory" msgstr "plugins 目錄" msgid "The uploads directory" msgstr "uploads 目錄" msgid "The wp-content directory" msgstr "wp-content 目錄" msgid "Not writable" msgstr "不可寫入" msgid "Writable" msgstr "可寫入" msgid "The main WordPress directory" msgstr "WordPress 主目錄" msgid "" "Shows whether WordPress is able to write to the directories it needs access " "to." msgstr "下列資訊顯示 WordPress 是否能對需要存取的目錄進行寫入。" msgid "The themes directory" msgstr "themes目錄" msgid "Filesystem Permissions" msgstr "檔案系統權限" msgid "These settings alter where and how parts of WordPress are loaded." msgstr "這些設定會變更載入 WordPress 小工具的位置和方式。" msgid "Undefined" msgstr "未定義" msgid "WordPress Constants" msgstr "WordPress 常數" msgid "Database" msgstr "資料庫" msgid "" "The options shown below relate to your server setup. If changes are " "required, you may need your web host’s assistance." msgstr "" "這個網站的伺服器設定值已顯示於下方。如需變更,請洽詢網站主機服務商要求提供協" "助。" msgid "Server" msgstr "伺服器" msgid "Media Handling" msgstr "媒體處理" msgid "Inactive Plugins" msgstr "未啟用的外掛" msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "已啟用的外掛" msgid "Must Use Plugins" msgstr "強制使用的外掛" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Closed" msgstr "已關閉" msgid "Drop-ins" msgstr "強化外掛" msgid "Directories and Sizes" msgstr "目錄位置及大小" msgid "Default comment status" msgstr "留言功能目前狀態" msgid "Can anyone register on this site?" msgstr "這個網站是否開放註冊" msgid "Is this site using HTTPS?" msgstr "這個網站是否使用 HTTPS" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Open" msgstr "開放" msgid "Is this a multisite?" msgstr "這是多站點嗎?" msgid "User Language" msgstr "使用者偏好的介面語言" msgid "(Latest version: %s)" msgstr "(目前最新版本為 %s 版)" msgid "No permalink structure set" msgstr "尚未設定永久連結結構" msgid "Permalink structure" msgstr "永久連結結構" msgid "" "The Email Subscribe shortcode is now available as a block in the Block " "editor." msgstr "現已推出電子郵件訂閱簡碼,可在區塊編輯器中做為區塊使用。" msgid "The Digg API was shut down in 2014." msgstr "Digg API 已於 2014 年關閉。" msgid "Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites" msgstr "使用簡碼撰寫,從熱門網站嵌入媒體" msgid "" "Shortcodes are WordPress-specific markup that let you add media from popular " "sites. This feature is no longer necessary as the editor now handles media " "embeds rather gracefully." msgstr "" "簡碼是可讓你從熱門網站新增媒體的 WordPress 特定標記,但這不再是必要功能,因為" "編輯器現已能夠輕鬆處理媒體內嵌項目。" msgid "" "Use the LaTeX markup language to write mathematical equations and formulas" msgstr "使用 LaTeX 標記語言編寫數學公式與方程式。" msgid "" "LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical " "equations and formulas." msgstr "LaTeX 是強大的標記語言,能夠編寫複雜的數學公式與方程式。" msgid "" "Make extra widgets available for use on your site including images and " "Twitter streams" msgstr "這讓你可以在網站上使用其他小工具,包括圖片和 Twitter 串流" msgid "Provides additional widgets for use on your site." msgstr "提供可在網站上使用的其他小工具。" msgid "VIP (enterprise WordPress)" msgstr "VIP (企業版 WordPress)" msgid "Pressable (managed WordPress)" msgstr "Pressable (受管理 WordPress)" msgid "" "An error of type %1$s was caused in line %2$s of the file %3$s. Error " "message: %4$s" msgstr "%1$s類型的錯誤是在檔案%3$s的第%2$s行中造成的。錯誤訊息:%4$s" msgid "Failed to exit recovery mode. Please try again later." msgstr "無法退出復原模式。請稍後再試。" msgid "Exit recovery mode link expired." msgstr "退出復原模式連結已過期。" msgid "Failed to store the error." msgstr "未能儲存錯誤。" msgid "Error not caused by a plugin or theme." msgstr "不是由外掛程式或主題引起的錯誤。" msgid "Recovery key expired." msgstr "修復金鑰已過期。" msgid "Invalid recovery key." msgstr "不正確的修復金鑰。" msgid "Invalid recovery key format." msgstr "修復金鑰格式無效。" msgid "Recovery Mode not initialized." msgstr "復原模式未初始化。" msgid "[%s] Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue" msgstr "[%s]您的網站遇到了技術問題" msgid "" "A recovery link was already sent %1$s ago. Please wait another %2$s before " "requesting a new email." msgstr "恢復連結早在%1$s之前已發送。請等待%2$s後再請求新的電子郵件。" msgid "" "The email could not be sent. Possible reason: your host may have disabled " "the %s function." msgstr "無法傳送電子郵件。可能原因: 這個網站的主機停用了 %s 函式。" msgid "Cookie expired." msgstr "Cookie 已過期。" msgid "Could not update the email last sent time." msgstr "無法更新上次發送的電子郵件時間。" msgid "Invalid cookie." msgstr "不正確的 cookie。" msgid "Invalid cookie format." msgstr "Cookie 格式無效。" msgid "No cookie present." msgstr "沒有 cookie 存在。" msgid "[%s] Email Change Request" msgstr "[%s]電子郵件變更請求" msgid "" "An incomplete personal data request for this email address already exists." msgstr "基於這個電子郵件地址所產生使用者個人資料不完整要求已存在。" msgid "[%s] Email Changed" msgstr "[%s] 密碼已變更" msgid "Hold tight, your site is being upgraded." msgstr "別走開,我們正在升級你的網站。" msgid "" "Power your business website with custom plugins and themes, unlimited " "premium and business theme templates, 200 GB storage, and the ability to " "remove branding." msgstr "" "以自訂外掛程式和佈景主題、無使用限制的進階與商用佈景主題版型、200 GB 儲存空" "間,打造出強大的企業網站;更能移除 品牌標誌。" msgid "per month, billed annually" msgstr "按月計費,每年結帳一次" msgid "Hide message" msgstr "隱藏訊息" msgid "G Suite Business" msgstr "G Suite Business" msgid "Domain Contact Verification" msgstr "網域聯絡資訊驗證" msgid "That's all for now. We'll see you again soon." msgstr "先說明到此,我們會盡快與你聯繫。" msgid "Check your email." msgstr "請檢查電子郵件。" msgid "Email sent!" msgstr "已傳送電子郵件!" msgid "Hmm. Something went wrong." msgstr "很抱歉,發生錯誤。" msgid "" "If you're having trouble verifying your contact information, please {{a}}" "{{strong}}contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "如果驗證聯絡資訊時遇到問題,請{{a}}{{strong}}聯絡支援團隊{{/strong}}{{/a}}。" msgid "Sorry, we weren't able to re-send the email." msgstr "很抱歉,我們無法重新傳送電子郵件。" msgid "Already verified." msgstr "已經驗證。" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} is different from the email we have on record " "for {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} 和我們為 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 記錄" "的電子郵件地址不一樣。" msgid "" "This email has expired.{{br/}}Please resend the verification email and try " "again." msgstr "這封電子郵件已過期。{{br/}}請重新傳送驗證電子郵件,並再試一次。" msgid "All done. You can close this window now." msgstr "大功告成!你現在可以關閉此視窗了。" msgid "Verifying your contact information…" msgstr "正在驗證你的聯絡資訊…" msgid "" "If you've arrived here after clicking a link from a email, " "please {{a}}{{strong}}contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "如果你是按了 電子郵件中的連結而來到這裡,請{{a}}{{strong}}聯絡" "支援團隊{{/strong}}{{/a}}。" msgid "" "PHP’s XML extension is not available. Please contact your hosting provider " "to enable PHP’s XML extension." msgstr "" "PHP 的 XML 延伸模組無法使用。請聯絡你的主機服務提供者,以啟用 PHP 的 XML 延伸" "模組。" msgid "" "You may also receive this notice if we have issues with sending messages to " "your email address on record." msgstr "" "如果我們依紀錄上的電子郵件地址向你傳送訊息時遇到問題,你也可能會收到此通知。" msgid "Verify Now" msgstr "立即驗證" msgid "Important! Please verify your contact information for domain %1$s" msgstr "重要事項!請驗證網域 %1$s 的聯絡資訊" msgid "" "Get %1$s off Business plan upgrades when you enter code %2$s at checkout!" msgstr "" "如要升級至商用版方案,請在結帳時輸入代碼「%2$s」,即可享有 %1$s 折扣優惠!" msgid "" "Still haven’t upgraded your site to the Business plan? Hurry, the sale ends " "in just a few hours." msgstr "還沒將網站升級為商務版方案嗎?欲購從速!促銷活動即將在幾小時後結束。" msgid "P.S.: Don’t forget to enter code %1$s at checkout." msgstr "附註:別忘了在結帳時輸入代碼「%1$s」。" msgid "" "Your upgrade comes with our 30-day money-back guarantee. So if you decide to " "not keep the Business plan for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give " "you a full refund" msgstr "" "你的升級會隨附 30 天退款保證。因此,如果你決定停用商務版方案,無論原因為何," "我們都會在接到你的通知後全額退費給你" msgid "" "So if you even think you might want to upgrade to the Business " "plan, I encourage you to do it today while you can get this big discount." msgstr "" "因此,如果你只是在考慮可能要升級為商務版方案,建議你立即採取行動,以" "免錯過這項好康折扣。" msgid "" "But please note: If you try to upgrade tomorrow, the coupon code " "won’t work and you’ll have to pay the plan’s full price." msgstr "" "但是請注意: 如果你等到明天才升級,折價券代碼將會失效,你將需要支付方" "案全額費用。" msgid "" "If you upgrade your WordPress.​com site to the Business plan today, " "you’ll receive a %1$s discount when you apply code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "立即將 WordPress.​com 網站升級為商務版方案,即可在結帳時使用代碼「%2$s 」樂享 " "%1$s 折扣優惠。" msgid "" "I want to keep this quick, because you only have a few hours before this " "offer expires." msgstr "請儘快使用,因為此項優惠即將在幾個鐘頭後到期。" msgid "TAKE %1$s OFF the WordPress.​com Business Plan" msgstr "WordPress.​com 商務版方案享有 %1$s 折扣優惠" msgid "%1$s Discount Expires Today" msgstr "%1$s 折扣優惠今天到期" msgid "" "P.S.: And remember, if you realize the WordPress.​com Business plan " "doesn’t fit your needs, just let us know any time during the first 30 days " "and you'll receive a full refund." msgstr "" "附註:提醒你,如果你認為 WordPress.​com 商務版方案不符合你的需求,30 天內你隨" "時可以通知我們,並獲得全額退款。" msgid "Upgrade today and claim this %1$s discount!" msgstr "立即升級,並領取此 %1$s 折扣優惠!" msgid "But don’t take too long to decide, because this offer expires tomorrow!" msgstr "但請勿考慮太久,因為這項優惠明天到期!" msgid "" "And to sweeten the deal even more, we're including a free 30 minute " "onboarding call with a support expert to walk you through the Business " "plan's amazing features!" msgstr "" "優惠再加碼,我們為你免費提供支援專家 30 分鐘的新手電話教學,逐步引導你認識商" "務版方案的超讚功能!" msgid "" "So I’m offering you this %1$s discount to encourage you to give the Business " "plan a try." msgstr "因此,建議你利用這個 %1$s 折扣優惠的機會,馬上試試看商務版方案。" msgid "" "Your current plan doesn’t have access to plugins, which means you’re missing " "out on a lot of great features." msgstr "你目前的方案無法存取外掛程式,這表示你錯過了多項絕佳功能。" msgid "" "Upgrading to the WordPress.​com Business plan grants you access to the " "entire library of over 50,000 WordPress plugins." msgstr "" "升級為 WordPress.​com 商務版方案,即可存取整個資料庫超過 50,000 種 WordPress " "外掛程式。" msgid "" "In case you missed my email yesterday, I wanted to make sure you hear about " "this opportunity to tap into the power of plugins. " msgstr "" "考量到你可能錯過昨天的電子郵件,我們希望在此確保你不要錯過體驗外掛程式強大功" "能的機會。" msgid "Click here to claim this huge savings now." msgstr "按一下這裡,立即領取此驚喜大優惠。" msgid "Be sure to use coupon code %1$s during checkout." msgstr "請務必在結帳時使用折價券代碼「%1$s 」。" msgid "TAKE %1$s OFF the WordPress.​com Business Plan...!" msgstr "WordPress.​com 商務版方案享有 %1$s 折扣優惠……!" msgid "Just Two Days Left" msgstr "只剩兩天" msgid "" "Time is running out on your chance to claim a big discount on our most " "powerful service." msgstr "欲購從速,以免錯過領取好康折扣,享受我們強大服務的難得機會。" msgid "Click here to upgrade now, before time runs out!" msgstr "按一下這裡,在折扣優惠結束前立即升級!" msgid "" "P.S. And remember, if you realize the Business plan doesn’t " "fit your needs at the moment, just let us know any time during the first 30 " "days (48 hours for domains) and you’ll receive a full refund." msgstr "" "附註:提醒你,如果你認為 商務版方案不符合你目前的需求,30 天內 " "(網域為 48 小時內) 你隨時可以通知我們,並獲得全額退款。" msgid "And be sure to use coupon code %1$s during checkout." msgstr "請務必在結帳時使用折價券代碼 %1$s。" msgid "Simply click the link below to get started." msgstr "只要按下方連結,即可開始使用。" msgid "" "You have to act quickly though, because this special offer is about to " "expire." msgstr "這項特惠活動即將到期,預購從速。" msgid "" "The Business plan also includes unlimited storage space for media, unlimited " "bandwidth, and video hosting." msgstr "商務版方案也包括無限的媒體儲存空間、無限頻寬和影片託管。" msgid "A 30 minute one-on-one onboarding call with a support expert." msgstr "由支援專家提供的 30 分鐘一對一新手電話教學。" msgid "Exclusive search engine optimization (SEO) tools." msgstr "專屬搜尋引擎最佳化 (SEO) 工具。" msgid "Google Analytics integration." msgstr "Google Analytics 整合。" msgid "Access to any WordPress theme." msgstr "存取任何 WordPress 佈景主題。" msgid "Ability to install any WordPress plugin." msgstr "安裝任何 WordPress 外掛程式的功能。" msgid "" "Upgrading your site to the Business plan unlocks great marketing and design " "features not included in any other plan, including:" msgstr "" "將你的網站升級為商務版方案,即可解鎖不包含在其他方案的絕佳行銷和設計功能,包" "括:" msgid "" "Now’s your chance to gain full access to our most powerful service at an " "incredible price." msgstr "現在是你的大好機會,你可以最優惠的價格完整存取我們最強大的服務。" msgid "" "PLUS we'll give you a free 30 minute onboarding call with a support expert!" msgstr "此外,我們將免費提供你與支援專家 30 分鐘的新手電話教學!" msgid "TAKE %1$s OFF the
WordPress.​com Business Plan" msgstr "
WordPress.​com 商務版方案享有 %1$s 折扣優惠" msgid "" "If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to upgrade your site, now’s the " "time to finally take action." msgstr "如果你一直在等待升級網站的適合時刻,現在就是採取行動的最佳時機。" msgid "Our annual Spring Sale has arrived" msgstr "我們的年度春季促銷活動正式開始" msgid "Use code %1$s at checkout to apply the discount." msgstr "結帳時使用代碼「%1$s」以套用折扣優惠。" msgid "" "AND we'll give you a free 30 minute onboarding call with a support expert!" msgstr "而且我們將免費提供你與支援專家 30 分鐘的新手電話教學!" msgid "Which means you’ll save %1$s on your Business plan upgrade." msgstr "這表示你的商務版方案升級將可省下 %1$s。" msgid "" "Yoast SEO: The #1 search engine optimization plugin for WordPress." msgstr "" "Yoast SEO:適用於 WordPress,且排名第一的搜尋引擎最佳化外掛程式。" msgid "Here are just a few of the more popular plugins:" msgstr "以下僅列舉其中幾種較為熱門的外掛程式:" msgid "" "As I write this, there are 54,897 WordPress plugins available to help turn " "your site into a powerful platform for your business. " msgstr "" "舉例至此,目前累計已經有 54,897 種 WordPress 外掛程式,可以協助你將網站改造為" "功能強大的業務平台。" msgid "We have for well over a year, but many people still don't know." msgstr "我們已提供這項服務超過一年時間,但知道的人不多。" msgid "WordPress.​com now supports plugins! " msgstr "WordPress.​com 現已支援外掛程式!" msgid "" "Before I can explain the big number I put in the subject line, I need to " "give you an update about WordPress.​com:" msgstr "在解釋主旨行中的龐大數字前,我先說說 WordPress.​com 的最新相關資訊:" msgid "" "This must-have resource should be at the fingertips of all serious website " "owners." msgstr "這項不可或缺的資源,應該讓所有認真的網站擁有者隨時隨地均可使用。" msgid "Here are 54,897 ways to grow your business" msgstr "有 54,897 種方式可協助你的業務蒸蒸日上" msgid "" "P.S. Remember all upgrades are RISK FREE. If you decide your new plan isn’t " "for you, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase (48 hours for domains) " "and we’ll issue you a full refund." msgstr "" "附註:提醒你,所有升級均無風險。如果你不滿意新方案,只要在購買後 30 天 (網域" "為 48 小時) 內聯絡我們,我們會全額退費給你。" msgid "" "Say YES to an upgraded site sure to impress your friends and family, at a " "price too good to pass up." msgstr "以無法抗拒的優惠價格升級網站,讓你的親朋好友大為驚艷。" msgid "Claim your discount before it expires!" msgstr "在折扣優惠到期之前搶先領取!" msgid "Get %1$s off all plans when you enter code %2$s at checkout!" msgstr "在結帳時輸入代碼「%2$s」,所有方案均可享有 %1$s 折扣優惠!" msgid "" "Still haven’t upgraded your WordPress.​com plan? Hurry, the sale ends " "in just a few hours." msgstr "尚未升級 WordPress.​com 方案?欲購從速!促銷活動即將在幾小時後結束。" msgid "Final reminder: the Spring Sale ends tonight." msgstr "倒數提醒:春季促銷活動今晚結束。" msgid "" "P.S.: All plan upgrades include a 30-day money-back guarantee (48 hours for " "domains). " msgstr "附註:所有方案升級均包含 30 天退款保證 (網域為 48 小時)。" msgid "Redeem your coupon NOW!" msgstr "立即兌換抵用券!" msgid "Simply use code %1$s for %2$s off at checkout." msgstr "只要在結帳時使用代碼「%1$s」,即可獲得 %2$s 折扣優惠。" msgid "" "Click the link below to discover the WordPress.​com plan that's right " "for you." msgstr "按一下下方連結,即可發掘適合你的 WordPress.​com 方案。" msgid "" "Upgraded plans are jam-packed with great features designed to help your site " "attract more viewers, make more sales, share more content, and much more." msgstr "" "升級版方案隨附多項絕佳功能,致力協助你的網站吸引更多瀏覽者、提高銷售量、分享" "更多內容等。" msgid "" "This is a friendly reminder that TODAY is the LAST DAY of our Spring Sale " "and your last chance to save %1$s on all site upgrades!" msgstr "" "好心提醒你,今天是春季促銷活動的最後一天,敬請把握最後機會,所有網站升級均可" "省下 %1$s !" msgid "" "This is the LAST DAY of our Spring Sale and your last chance to snag big " "savings on any upgraded plan!" msgstr "" "今天是春季促銷活動的最後一天,敬請把握最後機會,升級 方案均可享" "有驚喜大優惠!" msgid "Time is running out" msgstr "欲購從速" msgid "Click here and upgrade your site today while this offer is still valid!" msgstr "按一下這裡,在折扣優惠失效前立即升級網站!" msgid "So what are you waiting for?" msgstr "還在等什麼?" msgid "" "If the site upgrade isn’t right for you, no problem! Just let us know and " "we’ll give you a full refund. " msgstr "如果不滿意網站升級方案,沒問題!只要通知我們,我們會全額退費給你。" msgid "" "Which means you can upgrade your site today RISK FREE while this offer is " "still valid. " msgstr "這表示你可以在折扣優惠失效前立即升級網站,無需負擔任何風險!" msgid "" "And remember, all plan upgrades include a 30-day money-back guarantee (48 " "hours for domains). " msgstr "提醒你,所有方案升級均包含 30 天退款保證 (網域為 48 小時)。" msgid "%1$sClick here to see site upgrade options%2$s." msgstr "%1$s按一下這裡以瞭解網站升級選項%2$s。" msgid "" "Because for a limited-time only, you can take %1$s off ALL site upgrades!" msgstr "限時優惠,所有網站升級均可享有 %1$s 折扣優惠!" msgid "Then right now is the perfect time to upgrade." msgstr "現在正是升級的最佳時機。" msgid "AND get a custom domain for your site... " msgstr "並為你的網站取得自訂網域……" msgid "" "And get one-on-one professional guidance to help you set up your site..." msgstr "並取得一對一專業指導,協助你設定網站……" msgid "" "If you’ve wanted to try WordPress.​com’s premium features risk free..." msgstr "如果你想要無風險試用 WordPress.​com 的進階版功能……" msgid "The Spring Sale ends TOMORROW " msgstr "春季促銷活動明天結束" msgid "Now’s the time to act if you want to upgrade your site." msgstr "如果你想要升級網站,現在正是採取行動的最佳時機。" msgid "The Spring Sale ends tomorrow" msgstr "春季促銷活動明天結束" msgid "The WordPress.​com team" msgstr "WordPress.​com 團隊敬上" msgid "Hope to hear from you soon," msgstr "祝你的網站早日成長茁壯,大獲成功!" msgid "" "And remember, we’re in the middle of our Spring Sale, so you can take %1$s " "of any site upgrade!" msgstr "提醒你,目前正值春季促銷活動期間,任何網站升級均可享有 %1$s 折扣優惠!" msgid "" "If you are, the next steps are easy. Simply click the link below and select " "the WordPress.​com plan that’s right for you." msgstr "" "如果已經準備好了,只需按下方連結,即可輕鬆選取適合你的 方案。" msgid "Are Your Ready to Upgrade Now?" msgstr "你準備好升級了嗎?" msgid "Finally, to end this email I have just one question for you..." msgstr "最後,行文至此,我只有一個問題要問閣下……" msgid "" "Upgrade your site today, then click the question mark in the lower-right of " "your site tools. Then click the “Contact Us” link and send any question you " "have." msgstr "" "立即升級網站,並按一下網站工具右下方的問號。然後按一下「聯絡我們」連結,並傳" "送你遇到的任何問題 。" msgid "Give it a shot!" msgstr "馬上試用看看!" msgid "" "Upgrading your site will grant you direct access to our customer service " "team. We call them Happiness Engineers, because their mission is to make " "sure you are a satisfied customer who stays with us for many years. Our " "Happiness Engineers provide you with round-the-clock support via live chat " "and email." msgstr "" "升級網站即可直接聯絡我們的客戶服務團隊,我們稱他們為 Happiness Engineer,因為" "他們的任務是維持我們多年客戶的滿意度。Happiness Engineer 會透過即時聊天和電子" "郵件為你提供全天候支援。" msgid "" "While unlocking custom domains is the most common reason people upgrade, " "access to our incredible customer support team is a huge reason why people " "stay!" msgstr "" "儘管解鎖自訂網域是使用者升級的最常見原因,我們客戶支援團隊的優質服務是留住客" "戶的重要原因!" msgid "Can you help me build my site?" msgstr "是否能協助我建置網站?" msgid "Question #5:" msgstr "問題 5:" msgid "" "So you can join today, make as many customizations, posts, and edits as " "you'd like over the next 30 days and still get 100% of your money back if " "you aren't happy for any reason." msgstr "" "歡迎你今天立即加入,在接下來的 30 天內按照你的需要盡情自訂、張貼文章和編輯," "並且在因為任何原因感到不滿意時,仍可獲得 100% 全額退款。" msgid "" "We proudly stand behind the quality of WordPress.​com. All of our " "plans include a full 30 day money-back guarantee (48 hours for domains). " msgstr "" "我們對 WordPress 的品質相當自豪。所有的方案均包含 30 天全額退款保證 (網域為 " "48 小時)。" msgid "" "We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try any site upgrade 100% " "risk free." msgstr "我們提供 30 天退款保證,因為你可以完全無風險嘗試網站升級。" msgid "What if I’m not sure I want to upgrade?" msgstr "如果我不確定是否要升級,那麼?" msgid "Question #4:" msgstr "問題 4:" msgid "" "Consider it this way: For about the same cost as a single fancy coffee from " "Starbucks, you’ll gain access to the same software, engineering team, and " "technical infrastructure that’s used by some of the most popular sites on " "the internet." msgstr "" "這麼想吧:你在星巴克買一杯咖啡的價錢,差不多就能讓你獲得網路上最熱門網站所採" "用的軟體、工程團隊和技術基礎架構。" msgid "Site upgrades start at just %1$s per month." msgstr "網站升級費用每月只要 %1$s 起。" msgid "How much do site upgrades cost?" msgstr "網站升級需要多少費用?" msgid "" "For example, upgrading your account gets you access to things like a custom " "domain name and advanced SEO tools, which search engines love." msgstr "" "舉例來說,升級帳戶即可獲得搜尋引擎偏好的自訂網域名稱和進階 SEO 工具等福利。" msgid "" "Site upgrades won’t automatically earn your site more traffic, but they can " "provide a big marketing assist." msgstr "網站升級不會自動為你的網站帶來更多流量,但可以在行銷方面提供許多協助。" msgid "Will upgrading my site boost my site traffic?" msgstr "升級網站是否可提升網站流量?" msgid "Question #3:" msgstr "問題 3:" msgid "What benefits do I get from a site upgrade?" msgstr "網站升級有什麼好處?" msgid "Question #2:" msgstr "問題 2:" msgid "" "But if you’re building something more than a hobby site, upgrading to get " "your custom domain name is a no-brainer." msgstr "" "但是,如果你架設網站的動機並不僅僅是出於個人嗜好,建議你不妨升級以取得自訂網" "域名稱。" msgid "That’s perfectly fine if you’re building this site for fun." msgstr "如果你只是基於興趣而架設這個網站,這個網址非常合適。" msgid "" "Your domain name is the first thing visitors see about your brand. And right " "now, your website address is %1$s. " msgstr "" "當訪客造訪你的網站時,首先映入眼簾的就是你的網域名稱,而現在你的網址是 %1$s。" msgid "It’s no mystery why." msgstr "原因不言而喻。" msgid "" "But by far the most common reason people upgrade to a paid account is to " "unlock the ability to use a custom domain (your own URL) with your site. " msgstr "" "但到目前為止,使用者升級為付費帳戶的最常見原因是解鎖在網站上使用自訂網域名稱 " "(你自己的 URL) 的功能。" msgid "" "Our site upgrades offer many great features, and we’ll address some of the " "bigger ones later in this email..." msgstr "" "我們的網站升級提供許多絕佳功能,稍後我們將在這封電子郵件中介紹一些重要的功" "能……" msgid "" "Why should I pay for an upgrade when WordPress.​com offers so much for " "free?" msgstr "WordPress 提供這麼多免費資源,為什麼我還是應該付費升級?" msgid "Question #1:" msgstr "問題 1:" msgid "With that reminder out of the way, let’s move on to the questions!" msgstr "在提醒你重要訊息後,讓我們繼續以下的問題!" msgid "Click here to review our site upgrade options." msgstr "按一下這裡即可檢視我們的網站升級選項。" msgid "" "Our annual Spring Sale is almost over! This sale gives you %1$s off any site " "upgrade. Use code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "年度春季促銷活動即將結束!此次促銷活動提供網站升級 %1$s 折扣優惠。請在結帳時" "使用代碼「%2$s」。" msgid "Important reminder before I jump into the Q&A:" msgstr "在進入問與答前,在此提醒你一項重要訊息:" msgid "" "If you’re anything like me, you might be asking yourself, “why should I " "upgrade to a paid plan when offers so much for free?”" msgstr "" "像你我這樣的架站者,可能都有同樣的問題:「既然 已經提供這麼多免" "費資源,為什麼還是應該升級到付費方案?」" msgid "Time for a little Q&A about site upgrades" msgstr "該是進入有關網站升級問與答的時候了" msgid "" "Simply click the link below, select the plan that’s right for you, and enter " "code %1$s during checkout to receive your discount." msgstr "" "只要按下方連結,選取適合你的方案,然後在結帳時輸入代碼「%1$s」,即可享有折扣" "優惠。" msgid "The WordPress.​com Team" msgstr "WordPress.​com 團隊敬上" msgid "" "So if you’re even thinking of upgrading to a paid plan, you should do it now " "while you can still claim this %1$s discount before it expires." msgstr "" "所以,如果你正在考慮升級到付費方案,現在就請立即行動,因為 %1$s 的折扣優惠就" "快要到期了。" msgid "" "Depending on the plan you choose, you’ll also get advanced search engine " "optimization (SEO) tools, built-in credit card processing capabilities, " "access to the WordPress plugin library, and so much more." msgstr "" "在某些方案中,你更能享用先進強大的搜尋引擎最佳化(SEO)工具、內建信用卡收款機" "制、套用多種 WordPress 外掛程式等眾多強化功能。" msgid "And that’s just the beginning. " msgstr "不僅如此," msgid "" "Access to Gutenberg, the revolutionary site editing and customization tool " "we just released." msgstr "還能存取「Gutenberg」,這是我們剛推出的革命性網站編輯和自訂工具。" msgid "" "UNLIMITED traffic and bandwidth on our blazing fast servers (you’ll never " "have to worry about a slow site)." msgstr "" "在我們超快速的伺服器上「無限」的流量和頻寬 (你將永遠不必擔心網站速度太慢)。" msgid "" "UNLIMITED and free access to more than 150 premium themes that often cost " "$99 each (easily a $1,000 value), starting at the Premium plan level." msgstr "" "自進階版方案層級起,即可「無限量」且免費存取超過 150 種進階版佈景主題,通常每" "款進階版佈景主題的費用為 99 美元 (很容易就達到相當於 1,000 美元的價值)。" msgid "" "UNLIMITED email and live chat support from our team of highly-trained " "experts." msgstr "我們訓練有素的專家團隊提供「無限量」的電子郵件與即時線上文字對談支援。" msgid "" "Unlock custom domain names for your site AND we’ll pay the registration fees " "for your first year." msgstr "解鎖網站的自訂網域名稱,另外我們還會為你支付第一年的註冊費用。" msgid "" "FREE access to the world’s most popular website building tool, WordPress." msgstr "「免費」存取全世界最熱門的網站建置工具 WordPress。" msgid "" "Our plan upgrades are jam-packed with great features designed to help your " "site attract more viewers, make more sales, share more content, and much " "more:" msgstr "" "我們的方案升級會隨附多項絕佳功能,精心設計以協助你的網站吸引更多瀏覽者、提高" "銷售量、分享更多內容等。" msgid "Click here to view site upgrade options" msgstr "按一下這裡即可檢視網站升級選項" msgid "Use code: %1$s" msgstr "使用代碼:%1$s" msgid "%1$s Off All Upgrades" msgstr "所有升級均適用 %1$s 折扣優惠" msgid "Introducing our annual Spring Sale" msgstr "推出我們的年度春季促銷活動" msgid "" "Now you can claim a big discount on any site upgrade and unlock your site’s " "full potential." msgstr "現在只要升級網站,就可以領取好康折扣,並且發揮網站的完整潛力。" msgid "Our annual Spring Sale has finally arrived" msgstr "我們的年度春季促銷活動終於正式展開" msgid "" "If you did not request this e-mail, please be advised that there may be an " "unauthorized attempt to log into your site and you can ignore this e-mail." msgstr "" "如果你並未提出這封電子郵件的要求,請注意可能有未經授權的其他使用者嘗試登入你" "的網站,請忽略這封電子郵件。" msgid "These security features ensure that your site is secured and backed up." msgstr "這些安全性功能可確保你的網站都已受到保護並備份。" msgid "" "Let's start by securing your site with a few essential security features" msgstr "我們先藉由一些基本的安全性功能來確保網站安全" msgid "You turned on Downtime Monitoring." msgstr "開啟「停機監控」。" msgid "" "The content of your latest posts page is automatically generated and cannot " "be edited." msgstr "最新文章頁面的內容由系統自動產生,無法編輯。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start today to find out why more creators{{/line1}} {{line2}}prefer " " over %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}更多優質創作者{{/line1}} {{line2}}選擇 而非 %1$s;用了" "就知道。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Choose instead of %1$s for an ad-free site, a personalized " "domain, and your own custom design. Start building now for free, or get more " "features starting at %2$s%3$s per month." msgstr "" "選擇 而非 %1$s,除了可讓你的網站不顯示其他廣告外,還能使用個人" "化網域名稱,以及多組美觀大方的佈景主題。你可以立刻使用免費方案架站,或選擇每" "月 %2$s%3$s 起的多種付費方案,以獲得更多功能。" msgid "" "Use this field to add your billing information (eg. VAT number, business " "address) before printing." msgstr "在此欄位中新增帳單資訊 (例如:增值稅編號、營業地址)。" msgid "" "By connecting your site, you agree to share details " "between and %2$s." msgstr "" "連結網站,即表示你同意分享詳細資料給 和 " "%2$s。" msgid "Connecting as %s" msgstr "使用 %s 身分連結" msgid "" "Connect your new plan to your account to take advantage of the " "benefits WooCommerce has to offer." msgstr "將新方案連結到 帳戶,充分利用 WooCommerce 提供的優勢。" msgid "Connect your account" msgstr "連結你的帳戶" msgid "In progress" msgstr "進行中" msgid "Not sure where to start? Head on over to {{a}}Learn WordPress{{/a}}." msgstr "不確定從哪裡開始著手嗎?前往 {{a}}瞭解 WordPress{{/a}}。" msgid "Problem downloading theme" msgstr "下載佈景主題時發生問題" msgid "Problem creating file for theme download" msgstr "建立用於下載佈景主題的檔案時發生問題" msgid "" "By clicking the Set up Jetpack button, you agree to our Terms of " "Service and to share details with" msgstr "" "按一下「設定 Jetpack」按鈕,即表示你同意我們的服務條款,並同意與 " " " "分享詳細資料。" msgid "" "Sign up today with code %1$s and receive a %2$s%% discount on " "all plans." msgstr "立即使用 %1$s 代碼註冊,並取得所有方案的 %2$s%% 折扣。" msgid "" "As a global partner of CreativeMornings, we help you make your ideas happen. " "Share your vision with the world with a business website, professional " "portfolio, or blog." msgstr "" "我們是 CreativeMornings 的全球合作夥伴,可協助您實現精彩構思。歡迎您使用企業" "網站、專業產品組合或網誌與全世界分享您的願景。" msgid "" "Interested in working with us? We’re hiring — check out our open positions!" msgstr "" "有興趣與我們合作嗎?我們正在召募新血輪,歡迎查看我們的開放職缺" "!" msgid "" "Welcome CreativeMornings community! Save %s%% using promo code " "{{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "歡迎加入 CreativeMornings 社群!立即使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}} 結帳,即可省 %s%%。" msgid "You agree to our {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}." msgstr "你同意我們的{{link}}服務條款{{/link}}。" msgid "" "You agree to the {{domainRegistrationAgreementLink}}Domain Registration " "Agreement{{/domainRegistrationAgreementLink}} for %(domainsList)s." msgstr "" "你同意 %(domainsList)s 的{{domainRegistrationAgreementLink}}網域名稱註冊協議" "{{/domainRegistrationAgreementLink}}。" msgid "Domain Registration Agreement" msgstr "網域註冊協議" msgid "Apostrophe Theme" msgstr "Apostrophe 佈景主題" msgid "Altofocus Theme" msgstr "Altofocus 佈景主題" msgid "Dyad Theme" msgstr "Dyad 佈景主題" msgid "Verify your contact information for %1$s" msgstr "驗證你的 %1$s 聯絡資訊" msgid "two years" msgstr "兩年" msgid "%.2f%% VAT" msgstr "%.2f%% 加值稅 (VAT)" msgid "" "{{line1}}Whether you want to share your ideas, start a business,{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}or run a store, you can do it all on{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}分享觀點、起家創業、開店做生意,{{/line1}} {{line2}} 都" "能助你圓夢。{{/line2}}" msgid "There’s a plan for you." msgstr "多種方案,任君選用。" msgid "" "Whether you want to share your ideas, start a business, or run a store, you " "can do it all on" msgstr "從分享個人觀點,到建置企業網站、網路開店, 都好用。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Free to start,{{/line1}}{{line2}}with 5 ways to grow.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}免費開始使用,{{/line1}}{{line2}}並提供 5 種擴充方式。{{/line2}}" msgid "Best for Freelancers" msgstr "最適合自由工作者的方案" msgid "Create a beautiful, simple website in minutes." msgstr "幾分鐘內即可建立網站,而且美觀大方。" msgid "" "Open your online store with a powerful, flexible platform designed to grow " "with you." msgstr "提供靈活、強大的平台功能,與你的網路商店一同成長,業績蒸蒸日上。" msgid "" "Power your business with a professional design, Google Analytics, and live " "support." msgstr "透過專業設計、Google Analytics 和即時支援強化您的企業。" msgid "Customize your blog with a .blog domain and start sharing your ideas." msgstr "使用 .blog 網域自訂您的網誌,並開始分享您的想法。" msgid "Pick One" msgstr "挑選一個" msgid "Advanced eCommerce Features" msgstr "進階電子商務功能" msgid "Business Class Features" msgstr "商用等級功能" msgid "Marketing and Monetization Tools" msgstr "行銷和獲利工具" msgid "Site Customization" msgstr "網站自訂" msgid "13 GB" msgstr "13 GB" msgid "6 GB" msgstr "6 GB" msgid "3 GB" msgstr "3 GB" msgid "for Business" msgstr "企業版" msgid "for Premium" msgstr "進階方案" msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "無法使用" msgid "for Personal" msgstr "個人版" msgid "for Blogger" msgstr "部落客版" msgid "for Free" msgstr "免費版" msgid "" "Every plan includes hassle-free updates, reliable hosting, and " "spam protection." msgstr "每個 方案皆包含輕鬆更新、可靠託管和垃圾郵件防護功能。" msgid "Oops! An error has occurred while setting up your plan." msgstr "糟糕!設定方案時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "We're setting up spam filters and site backups for you first. Once that's " "done, our security checklist will guide you through the next steps." msgstr "" "我們首先為你設定垃圾郵件篩選條件和網站備份。完成後,我們的安全性檢查清單會引" "導你完成後續步驟。" msgid "Now let's make sure your site is protected." msgstr "現在我們來確認你的網站已受到保護。" msgid "You're now ready to finish the rest of the checklist." msgstr "你現在準備就緒,可以完成檢查清單的其餘部分。" msgid "We've finished setting up spam filtering and backups for you." msgstr "我們已為你完成設定垃圾郵件篩選和備份功能。" msgid "So long spam, hello backups!" msgstr "告別垃圾郵件,迎接備份!" msgid "" "Activate Jetpack's site accelerator tools and watch your page load times and " "hosting costs drop -- we'll optimize your images and serve them from our own " "powerful global network of servers." msgstr "" "只要啟用 Jetpack 網站加速工具,就能大幅減少網站載入時間,有效降低主機代管成" "本。網站上的圖片將會最佳化,並且透過我們強大的全球伺服器架構高效傳輸。" msgid "Enhanced Performance" msgstr "網站效能再提升" msgid "" "Jetpack adds essential security and performance tools to your WordPress site " "— no matter where you build it." msgstr "" "有了 Jetpack,任何 WordPress 網站,都能享有必要的安全防護與多種高效工具b。" msgid "" "{{line1}}%sJetpack{{/line1}}{{line2}}Security & Performance for " "WordPress{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}%sJetpack{{/line1}}{{line2}}大大提升 WordPress 的安全性與效能。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "Secure" msgstr "保護" msgid "" "We know committing to a new service is a big change. With Jetpack, you can " "modify your plan at any time. If for any reason you're not satisfied, we " "will issue a full refund within thirty days of purchase. No questions asked." msgstr "" "我們深知導入新服務都會有適應磨合期。購買 Jetpack 後,你隨時可以調整方案;只" "要你感到不滿意,均可在購買後三十天內取消並獲得全額退款,不問任何原因。" msgid "Jetpack's satisfaction guarantee" msgstr "Jetpack 滿意保證" msgid "Illustration showing a person looking at a faster site" msgstr "插圖顯示一個人看著更快速的網站" msgid "Make it fast" msgstr "網站瀏覽加速" msgid "" "One WordPress plugin packed with powerful tools to help you reach your goals" msgstr "多項超強功能集於一身,三大成長目標,一次完成。" msgid "Thanks for flying with" msgstr "感謝您使用" msgid "" "You can update the name servers yourself with the steps outlined in this " "support guide:" "#change-your-domains-name-servers, or contact your domain registrar and ask " "them to do it." msgstr "" "您可以使用此支援指南 (" "domain/#change-your-domains-name-servers) 中列出的步驟自行更新名稱伺服器,或" "聯絡您的網域註冊公司,要求他們為您更新。" msgid "" "Once the name servers or A records are updated it can take up to 72 hours " "for the changes to take effect, so things might not seem to work " "instantaneously -- that's normal! You can monitor the status of the update " "from My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains." msgstr "" "更新名稱伺服器後,變更可能最多需要 72 小時才能生效,因此網域名稱可能不會立即" "改變,此為正常現象!您可以從「我的網站」->「網域」監控更新狀態。" msgid "" "You can update the name servers yourself with the steps outlined in this support guide, or contact your domain registrar and ask " "them to do it." msgstr "" "您可以使用此支援指南中列出的步驟自行更新名稱伺服器,或聯" "絡您的網域註冊公司,要求他們為您更新。" msgid "" "These must be changed with your domain registrar -- the company you " "purchased your domain from." msgstr "這些內容必須由您的網域註冊公司進行變更,也就是您購買網域的對象公司。" msgid "" "You're almost set! There's one last setting you'll need to update to get " "this change to take effect: updating the name servers for %1$s. Name servers " "are what link your domain to your website, so you'll need to set your name " "servers to connect to" msgstr "" "就快設定完成了!您還需要更新一項設定才能讓此變更生效:更新 %1$s 的名稱伺服" "器。名稱伺服器可將您的網域連結至您的網站,因此您必須將名稱伺服器連接至 " "。" msgid "We noticed that you're connecting the %1$s domain to your site, %2$s." msgstr "我們注意到您正在將 %1$s 網域對應到您的網站 %2$s。" msgid "This will appear at the top of your site and can be changed at anytime." msgstr "這會顯示在網站頂端,並且可隨時變更。" msgid "%(productName)s was removed from {{domain/}}." msgstr "%(productName)s 已從 {{domain/}} 移除。" msgid "For questions, please contact us at" msgstr "如有問題,請透過 聯絡我們。" msgid "IMPORTANT" msgstr "重要事項" msgid "The domain name that has expired is:" msgstr "已到期的網域名稱為:" msgid "" "Please note that your domain name below has expired, and email or website " "services are no longer available." msgstr "請注意,你的下列網域名稱已到期,不再提供電子郵件或網站服務。" msgid "%1$s expired 3 days ago" msgstr "%1$s 已於 3 天前到期" msgid "" "To confirm this request or cancel it, visit the link below and follow the " "instructions provided." msgstr "若要確認此要求或將其取消,請前往下方連結,並遵循其中提供的說明。" msgid "You will no longer be the owner of this domain name." msgstr "你將不再是此網域名稱的擁有者。" msgid "To the new registrant:" msgstr "給新的註冊者:" msgid "" "We will change the registrant of this domain name from the current " "registrant:" msgstr "我們將變更此網域名稱目前的註冊者:" msgid "" "We received a request to transfer ownership of %1$s from " "%2$s to you." msgstr "" "我們收到要求,將 %1$s 的所有權從 %2$s 轉讓" "給你。" msgid "" "You asked us to transfer ownership of %1$s from you to " "%2$s." msgstr "" "你要求我們將 %1$s 的所有權從你轉讓給 %2$s。" msgid "Confirm the change of ownership for %1$s" msgstr "確認變更 %1$s 的所有權" msgid "" "Please ensure your domain is renewed during the next 30 days. If your domain " "is not renewed on time, sites and emails that use it will stop working - " "which we'd hate to see!." msgstr "" "請務必在接下來的 30 天內續訂網域。若未及時續訂網域,使用此網域的網站和電子郵" "件將停止運作。我們不希望看到這個情況!" msgid "Domain name due for renewal:" msgstr "需要續訂的網域名稱:" msgid "" "We wanted to send you a friendly reminder that your domain will expire in 30 " "days. We suggest renewing it now, to make absolutely sure there's no " "disruption to your service." msgstr "" "我們想要友善地提醒你,你的網域將在 30 天內到期。建議你立即續訂此網域,以確保" "你的服務不會中斷。" msgid "" "Our 24/7 support is powered by actual people. We call them Happiness " "Engineers." msgstr "" "我們提供 24 小時全年無休的真人支援服務,這些人員稱為 Happiness Engineer。" msgid "Your site is not eligible for this product at this time." msgstr "你的網站目前不符合此產品的資格。" msgid "" "Welcome Alt Oasis Family! Save %1$s%% on plans, Jetpack, and " "any other Automattic paid product using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today. And if you’re interested in becoming an Affiliate, " "sign-up here!" msgstr "" "歡迎加入 Alt Oasis 家族!今天結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}},即可為你的 方案、Jetpack 和其他 Automattic 的付費產品省" "下 %1$s%%。若有興趣成為聯盟夥伴,請在此處註冊!" msgid "Please make these merge fields not required in Mailchimp: %s" msgstr "請將 Mailchimp 內的這些合併欄位變更為非必填:%s" msgid "Finish Setup" msgstr "完成設定" msgid "Collaborate in real-time with documents, spreadsheets and slides." msgstr "即時合作完成文件、試算表和投影片。" msgid "Docs, spreadsheets and more" msgstr "文件、試算表等" msgid "A custom @%(domain)s email address" msgstr "使用 %(domain)s 的電子郵件地址" msgid "Get unlimited storage for all your files synced across devices." msgstr "享有無限儲存空間,在裝置間同步所有檔案。" msgid "I was unable to activate or use it." msgstr "我無法啟用或使用。" msgid "I purchased it by mistake." msgstr "我不小心購買了。" msgid "I don't need it." msgstr "我不需要這項服務。" msgid "It's too expensive." msgstr "太昂貴。" msgid "" "Please renew your domain during the next five days. If your domain is not " "renewed on time, sites and emails that use it will stop working." msgstr "" "請在接下來的 5 天內續訂網域。若未及時續訂網域,使用此網域的網站和電子郵件將停" "止運作。" msgid "" "Look out - your domain name will expire in five days. Renew now to ensure " "that any sites and emails you have remain accessible at this domain." msgstr "" "注意 - 你的網域名稱將於 5 天內到期。請立即續訂,以確保使用此網域的任何網站和" "電子郵件皆能維持運作。" msgid "%1$s will expire in %2$s days" msgstr "%1$s 將於 %2$s 天後過期" msgid "%(cost)s per year plus registration costs at your current provider" msgstr "%(cost)s 美元年費,且需支付目前供應商的註冊費用" msgid "Renews at %(cost)s" msgstr "續訂價格 %(cost)s" msgid "Sale price is %(cost)s" msgstr "銷售價格 %(cost)s" msgid "Renews at: %s /year" msgstr "續訂價:%s 美元/年" msgid "Sale" msgstr "銷售價格" msgid "Find your .%1$s, starting at sale price of %2$s or free with paid plans" msgstr "尋找你的 .%1$s,售價自 %2$s 美元起,或透過付費方案即可免費獲得" msgid "Save up to 15% with a two-year plan!" msgstr "兩年方案最多可省下 15%!" msgid "Hooray for deals." msgstr "實在是太棒的優惠。" msgid "Why not have both?" msgstr "何不魚與熊掌兼得呢?" msgid "You have a great website. You love a great deal (who doesn’t!)." msgstr "擁有出色的網站,並取得讓人心動的優惠 (誰不想要!)。" msgid "Please view this post in your web browser to complete the quiz." msgstr "請在網頁瀏覽器中檢視此文章,以完成測驗。" msgid "Automatic Security Fixes" msgstr "自動安全性修正" msgid "See all the activity happening on your site." msgstr "查看你網站上發生的所有活動。" msgid "" "Take the guesswork out of site management and debugging with a filterable " "record of all the activity happening on your site." msgstr "網站管理與偵錯再也無需仰賴推測,而且網站所有活動進行可篩選記錄。" msgid "Expanded Site Activity" msgstr "擴充的網站活動" msgid "" "Automated and immediate resolution for a large percentage of known security " "vulnerabilities or threats." msgstr "自動並立即解決大部分已知安全性弱點或威脅。" msgid "{{strong}}Automatic{{/strong}} security fixes" msgstr "{{strong}}自動{{/strong}}安全性修正" msgid "{{strong}}Daily{{/strong}} malware scanning" msgstr "{{strong}}每日{{/strong}}惡意軟體掃描" msgid "{{strong}}Real-time{{/strong}} backups" msgstr "{{strong}}即時{{/strong}}備份" msgid "{{strong}}Daily{{/strong}} backups" msgstr "{{strong}}每日{{/strong}}備份" msgid "You have the full suite of security and performance tools." msgstr "您會擁有齊全的安全性套件與效能工具。" msgid "" "P.S. Upgrading your plan is risk-free! If you decide for any reason that you " "don't love your upgrade, we'll give you a full refund within 30 days of " "purchase (48 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "附註:你可以毫無風險地升級你的方案!如果你基於任何原因,不想要這個升級版本," "只要在購買後 30 天內提出要求,我們就會全額退款 (網域須在 48 小時內提出)。" msgid "The Team" msgstr " 團隊" msgid "Click here to claim your discount now!" msgstr "按一下這裡立即領取你的折扣優惠!" msgid "Enter this coupon code at checkout:" msgstr "請在結帳時輸入這組折價券代碼:" msgid "" "Attract more viewers, make more sales, share more content, and much more, " "all when you upgrade your site today." msgstr "" "只要立即升級你的 網站,即可幫助你吸引更多人來瀏覽、創造更多業" "績、分享更多內容等等。" msgid "" "Upgraded plans are jam-packed with powerful features and support you'll LOVE." msgstr "升級版方案包含許多你肯定會喜歡的強大功能和支援。" msgid "Don’t miss this great deal." msgstr "別錯過這個超值優惠。" msgid "FLASH SALE ENDS SOON" msgstr "限時促銷即將結束" msgid "Your coupon is expiring..." msgstr "你的折價券已經到期..." msgid "Save big on an upgraded site before it’s too late." msgstr "事不宜遲,只要升級網站,即可省下更多。" msgid "Time is running out! Hurry, you can still cash in on today’s flash sale" msgstr "機會稍縱即逝!請加快腳步,馬上把握這個限時促銷" msgid "Hurry, this offer expires at the end of the day today!" msgstr "別猶豫,這個優惠只到今天結束!" msgid "Click here to claim your discount." msgstr "按一下這裡領取你的折扣優惠。" msgid "Enter this coupon code at checkout: " msgstr "請在結帳時輸入這組折價券代碼:" msgid "All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee (48 hours for domains)." msgstr "所有方案均包含 30 天退款保證 (網域為 48 小時)。" msgid "Use any WordPress plugin or theme you want (Business plans)." msgstr "盡情使用任何你想要的 WordPress 外掛程式或佈景主題 (商務版方案)。" msgid "Choose from over 100 professionally designed templates." msgstr "有超過一百種專業設計的範本可供挑選。" msgid "Gain live chat access to our all-star customer service team." msgstr "我們有陣容堅強的客戶服務團隊可和你即時聊天。" msgid "" "Use your own domain name (instead of having in your URL). " msgstr "使用你專屬的網域名稱 (而非在你的 URL 使用。" msgid "Don’t miss your chance to claim
this limited-time discount." msgstr "別錯過這個領取
限時折扣優惠的機會。" msgid "FLASH SALE! %d%% OFF ALL PLANS!" msgstr "限時促銷!所有方案享有 %d%% 折扣!" msgid "Tap into exclusive website features when you upgrade today." msgstr "只要立即升級,即可獲得專屬的網站功能。" msgid "Flash sale – today only! Save big on upgraded plans" msgstr "限時促銷 – 只有今天!升級 網站,即可省下更多" msgctxt "verb, to Cancel an operation" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" msgid "Domain Auth-Code For %1$s" msgstr "%1$s 的網域驗證碼" msgid "" "Helpful reminder: At any time, log into your account with your username, %s, " "or your email address." msgstr "" "溫馨提醒:無論何時,你都可以使用你的使用者名稱 %s 或電子郵件地址登入帳戶。" msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack and Please use the link below to confirm " "your email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "歡迎使用 Jetpack 和。請利用下方連結確認你的電子郵件地址,並啟用" "帳戶。" msgid "Confirm now" msgstr "立即確認" msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack and Please click the button below to " "confirm your email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "歡迎使用 Jetpack 和。請按下方按鈕以確認你的電子郵件地址,並啟用" "帳戶。" msgid "Activate your account" msgstr "啟用你的帳戶" msgid "Pay with PayPal" msgstr "使用 PayPal 支付" msgid "Placeholder image" msgstr "預留位置圖片" msgid "Clarendon" msgstr "克拉倫登" msgid "There was a problem communicating with the Jetpack site." msgstr "與 Jetpack 網站通訊時發生問題。" msgid "Jetpack connection for this site is not active. Please reactivate it." msgstr "本網站的 Jetpack 連線尚未啟用。請重新啟用。" msgid "Access photos stored in your Google Photos library" msgstr "存取您 Google 相簿圖庫中儲存的相片" msgid "Access photos stored in your Google Photos library." msgstr "存取您 Google 相簿圖庫中儲存的相片。" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connect unavailable button label" msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "無法使用" msgid "Lytro has been shut down since March 2019." msgstr "自 2019 年 3 月起已關閉 Lytro。" msgid "The service has been shut down since August 20th, 2015." msgstr " 服務已於 2015 年 8 月 20 日中止。" msgid "Could not retrieve site data." msgstr "該網站不能存取資料。" msgid "Update PHP" msgstr "PHP更新" msgid "New order for %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 上 %1$s 的新訂單" msgid "Earn money from your content and traffic." msgstr "透過內容和流量賺取收入。" msgid "Instantly enroll into the WordAds network." msgstr "立即加入 WordAds 網路。" msgid "Are Likes enabled?" msgstr "是否已啟用按讚功能?" msgid "Are sharing buttons enabled?" msgstr "是否已啟用分享按鈕?" msgid "%1$s has shut down" msgstr "%1$s 已終止服務" msgid "This is your current free site address." msgstr "這是你目前免費使用的網站網址" msgid "Skip Purchase" msgstr "略過購買" msgid "Keep this plan" msgstr "繼續使用此方案" msgid "Successfully sent confirmation email for %(email)s to %(destination)s." msgstr "已成功將 %(email)s 的確認電子郵件傳送至 %(destination)s。" msgid "Sakura" msgstr "櫻花" msgid "in response to a comment by %1$s:" msgstr "回應 %1$s 的留言:" msgid "" "%1$s commented on %4$s." msgstr "" "%1$s 回應了 %4$s。" msgid "" "Start building your mailing list by adding the Mailchimp block to your posts " "and pages. " msgstr "將 Mailchimp 區塊新增至你的文章和網頁,開始建立郵寄清單。" msgid "WooCommerce Bookings" msgstr "預訂" msgid "Nightfall" msgstr "傍晚" msgid "" "An error has occurred on the server and our developers have been alerted." msgstr "伺服器發生錯誤,我們的開發人員已接獲通知。" msgid "Powder Snow" msgstr "粉雪" msgid "Disability" msgstr "無法使用" msgid "Pause Slideshow" msgstr "暫停播放投影片" msgid "" "%(description)s is invalid. Must be in format: 111.444.777-XX or " "11.444.777/0001-XX" msgstr "%(description)s 無效。格式須為:111.444.777-XX 或 11.444.777/0001-XX" msgid "(+%(taxText)s tax)" msgstr "(含%(taxText)s稅)" msgid "(includes %(taxAmount)s tax)" msgstr "(含稅,金額為:%(taxAmount)s)" msgid "Yay, privacy has been successfully enabled!" msgstr "太好了,已成功啟用隱私權保護!" msgid "Privacy has been successfully disabled!" msgstr "已成功停用隱私權保護!" msgid "remoteRegister method not found on remote site." msgstr "遠端網站上找不到 remoteRegister 註冊方式。" msgid "Unable to submit this form, please try again." msgstr "無法提交此表單,請重試。" msgid "My Network" msgstr "我的網絡" msgid "The %s table is not installed. Please run the network database upgrade." msgstr "未安裝%s資料表。請執行網絡資料庫升級。" msgid "The site appears to be already uninitialized." msgstr "該網站似乎已經未經初始化。" msgid "Site %d" msgstr "網站%d" msgid "The site appears to be already initialized." msgstr "該網站似乎已經初始化。" msgid "Site with the ID does not exist." msgstr "具有ID的站點不存在。" msgid "Both registration and last updated dates must be valid dates." msgstr "註冊和最後更新日期必須是有效日期。" msgid "Both registration and last updated dates must be provided." msgstr "必須提供註冊和最後更新日期。" msgid "Could not delete site from the database." msgstr "無法從資料庫中刪除網站。" msgid "Site network ID must be provided." msgstr "必須提供站點網絡ID。" msgid "Site path must not be empty." msgstr "站點路徑不能為空。" msgid "Site domain must not be empty." msgstr "站點域不能為空。" msgid "Could not update site in the database." msgstr "無法更新資料庫中的站點。" msgid "Site does not exist." msgstr "網站不存在。" msgid "Site ID must not be empty." msgstr "站點ID不能為空。" msgid "Unable to refund a domain credit" msgstr "無法退還網域額度" msgid "Create a Account" msgstr "建立 帳戶" msgid "Sign up for Crowdsignal" msgstr "註冊 Crowdsignal" msgid "" "By creating an account via any of the options below, {{br/}}you agree to our " "{{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}." msgstr "" "只要透過以下任一選項建立帳戶,即表示{{br/}}你同意我們的{{a}}服務條款{{/a}}。" msgid "Sign in with" msgstr "透過 註冊" msgid "" "The fastest way.{{br/}}Use one of your existing accounts{{br/}}to sign up " "for Crowdsignal:" msgstr "這是最快的註冊方式。{{br/}}使用你現有的帳戶{{br/}}註冊 Crowdsignal:" msgid "Connect an existing account:" msgstr "連結現有的帳戶:" msgid "Why {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "為何選擇{{a}}瞭解更多{{/a}}。" msgid "" "You revoked access to your account from %s sign-in. View your login settings " "here." msgstr "" "你已透過 %s 登入撤銷帳戶存取權。請在此檢視你的登入設定。" msgid "Access Removed" msgstr "已移除存取權" msgid "%s Sign-in" msgstr "%s 登入" msgid "%s Sign-in Access Removed" msgstr "已移除 %s 登入存取權" msgid "" "You signed in with the %s account %s for the first time. View your login " "settings here." msgstr "" "這是你第一次使用此%s帳戶%s登入。請在此檢視你的登入設定。" msgid "New Social Login Connection!" msgstr "新社交登入連結!" msgid "%s Sign-in from %s" msgstr "來自 %s 的 %s 登入" msgid "New %s Sign-in" msgstr "新的 %s 登入" msgid "" "Fully-managed WordPress for websites that are always up, fast & secure – " "includes Jetpack Professional." msgstr "完全管理的WordPress適用於始終快速,安全的網站 - 包括Jetpack 專業版。" msgid "" "Reliable and affordable WordPress hosting made easy - includes Jetpack " "Personal." msgstr "可靠且價格合理的WordPress寄存變得簡單 - 包括Jetpack 個人版。" msgid "Sale ends %s." msgstr "優惠截止日為 %s." msgid "" "Welcome, GeneaBloggers! Save %s%% today on plans, Jetpack, and " "any other Automattic paid product using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "歡迎使用,GeneaBloggers!今天在結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}},就能為你的 方案、Jetpack 和其他 Automattic 的付費產品省" "下 %s%%。" msgid "" "{{span}}%(product)s is {{/span}}built by the people behind" msgstr "" "{{span}}%(product)s 是由{{/span}} 背後的支援人員所製作的產品" msgid "" "These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block " "editor{{/a}}." msgstr "你利用{{a}}區塊編輯器新增的相關文章{{/a}},無法套用上面的設定。" msgid "Adds one year of domain registration for free with your plan." msgstr "透過你的方案免費享受額外一年的網域註冊" msgid "Renews in one year at: %(cost)s {{small}}/year{{/small}}" msgstr "在一年後續訂:%(cost)s {{small}}/年{{/small}}" msgid "Renews at %s" msgstr "續訂價格為 %s" msgid "" "Your %s connection needs to be reauthenticated to continue working – head to " "Sharing to take care of it." msgstr "你的 %s 連結需要重新驗證才能繼續使用,請前往「分享」以解決問題。" msgid "" "Your LinkedIn connection needs to be reauthenticated to continue working – " "head to Sharing to take care of it." msgstr "你的 LinkedIn 連結需要重新驗證才能繼續使用,請前往「分享」以解決問題。" msgid "Add widget: %s" msgstr "新增小工具:%s" msgid "Add to: %s" msgstr "新增到:%s" msgid "Disable No Ads Upgrade" msgstr "停用無廣告升級" msgid "Enable No Ads Upgrade" msgstr "啟用無廣告升級" msgid "Keep editing" msgstr "繼續編輯" msgid "Task complete" msgstr "標記為完成" msgid "Contribution Amount" msgstr "貢獻金額" msgid "Credit card details seem to be wrong. Please try again." msgstr "信用卡詳細資料似乎有誤。請再試一次。" msgid "product_type parameter is unknown" msgstr "product_type 參數不明" msgid "REST API routes must be registered on the %s action." msgstr "必須在%s操作上註冊REST API路由。" msgid "Unable to send personal data export confirmation email." msgstr "無法傳送個人資料匯出確認電子郵件。" msgid "" "Error: There is no account with that username or email " "address." msgstr "錯誤: 找不到符合指定使用者名稱或電子郵件地址的帳戶。" msgid "" "By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with the site " "owner and Mailchimp to receive marketing, updates, and other emails from the " "site owner. Use the unsubscribe link in those emails to opt out at any time." msgstr "" "按一下提交,即表示你同意與網站擁有者和 MailChimp 分享你的電子郵件地址,以接收" "網站擁有者傳送的行銷、最新消息和其他電子郵件。你可透過這類電子郵件中的取消訂" "閱連結,隨時選擇退出。" msgid "Unique VideoPress ID" msgstr "專屬 VideoPress ID" msgid "%1$s by %2$s pixels" msgstr "%1$s x %2$s像素" msgid "" "Need help with Jetpack? Get in touch with our support team." msgstr "需要 Jetpack 相關協助嗎?請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Promote Jetpack, earn money." msgstr "協助推廣 Jetpack,還能分享利潤。" msgid "Report this ad" msgstr "檢舉此廣告" msgid "" "Whoops! There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Please " "reload the page and try again." msgstr "糟糕!發生錯誤,無法處理你的訂閱。請重新載入網頁,然後再試一次。" msgid "Success! You're on the list." msgstr "順利完成!已將你加入清單。" msgid "" "This resource is provided by your web host, and is specific to your site. " "For more information, see the official " "WordPress documentation." msgstr "" "此資來源由您的網站託管服務商提供,並且特定於您的網站。有關更多信息, 請參閱官方WordPress文檔案 。" msgctxt "localized PHP upgrade information page" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Add menu items" msgstr "新增選單項目" msgid "" "or create a new menu. Do not forget to save your changes!" msgstr "或為這個網站建立選單。請記得要儲存已進行的變更。" msgid "" "Edit your menu below, or create a new menu. Do not forget " "to save your changes!" msgstr "" "請在下方編輯這個網站的選單,或為這個網站建立選單。請記得要" "儲存已進行的變更。" msgid "Click the Save Menu button to save your changes." msgstr "單擊“儲存選單”按鈕以儲存變更。" msgid "" "Fill in the Menu Name and click the Create Menu button to create your first " "menu." msgstr "填寫選單名稱,然後單擊“建立選單”按鈕以建立第一個選單。" msgid "Create your first menu below." msgstr "在下面建立您的第一個選單。" msgid "Mailchimp" msgstr "Mailchimp" msgid "Sorry, something is wrong with your Jetpack connection." msgstr "很抱歉,你的 Jetpack 連結發生問題。" msgid "" "WooCommerce opens up a world of possibilities for customizing your store, " "selling unique products, and making sales. Learn more about the " "world of opportunity at your fingertips." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 開啟了通往全新世界的大門,讓您自訂商店、販賣特色產品,及進行銷" "售。深入瞭解指尖的新世界。" msgid "" "In order to get updates for the extensions included in your plan, you’ll " "first need to verify your email address." msgstr "為了取得方案中所含擴充功能的更新,您首先需要驗證電子郵件地址。" msgid "WooCommerce is included in your %s plan!" msgstr "您的 %s 方案包含 WooCommerce!" msgid "Learn more about updating PHP" msgstr "詳細了解如何更新PHP" msgid "What is PHP and how does it affect my site?" msgstr "什麼是PHP以及它如何影響我的網站?" msgid "Failed to create access token" msgstr "無法建立存取權杖" msgid "" "product_type is required to provide context for newly created " "accounts." msgstr "必須提供 product_type 參數才能提供新建立 帳戶的內容。" msgid "%s is not whitelisted for allowing user creation." msgstr "%s 未在允許清單中,因此無法建立使用者。" msgid "Includes Sales Tax" msgstr "包含營業稅" msgid "Includes %.1f%% Sales Tax" msgstr "包含 %.1f%% 的營業稅" msgid "Track %s." msgstr "跟踪%s。" msgctxt "post format" msgid "Formats" msgstr "格式" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Mine (%s)" msgid_plural "Mine (%s)" msgstr[0] "我的 (%s) " msgid "All the best," msgstr "祝一切順心," msgid "" "Again, please accept our apology and do let us know if you have any " "questions." msgstr "在此再次向您致歉。如有任何問題,請務必與我們聯絡。" msgid "" "There's nothing more that you need to do here as the refund has already been " "issued. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to reply to " "this email or contact us at %s." msgstr "" "我們已核發退還的款項,您無需再採取任何動作。如果有任何相關問題,歡迎回覆此電" "子郵件,或聯絡 %s。" msgid "" "You will find the refund receipts in your dashboard, here:" msgstr "您可以在以下的 儀表板中找到退款收據:" msgid "You will find the refund receipt in your dashboard, here:" msgstr "您可以在以下的 儀表板中找到退款收據:" msgid "" "You recently cancelled your plan for %s. When this " "cancellation happened, you were only refunded a portion of the total cost, " "which we calculated incorrectly. We're truly sorry for any inconvenience " "that this may have caused." msgstr "" "您最近取消了 %s 的 方案。當時由於我們的計算錯誤,您只收到了總費" "用的部分退款。造成不便,我們深感抱歉。" msgid "" "We recently discovered an error here on where certain upgrade " "cancellations were not refunded the correct amount. We have fixed this error " "and have issued you an additional refund of %s." msgstr "" "我們最近發現,在 中部分升級取消的退款金額的並不正確。我們修正了" "這個錯誤,並核發您其他 %s 的退款。" msgid "Could not remove the old translation." msgstr "無法刪除舊的翻譯。" msgid "Removing the old version of the translation…" msgstr "刪除舊版本的翻譯…" msgid "" "It’s your time to shine. Once you create your own secure website on .page, ." "app, or .dev, enter Google Registry’s website competition. See details at" msgstr "" "爭取榮耀的機會來了!在 .page、.app 或 .dev 建立自己的安全網站後,便可以報名 " "Google 註冊系統的網站競賽。詳細資訊請參閱。" msgid "Sales Tax" msgstr "營業稅" msgid "%.2f%% Sales Tax" msgstr "%.2f%% 營業稅" msgid "" "Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be " "visible after it has been approved." msgstr "" "你的留言正在審核中。目前顯示的是留言內容的預覽,留言核准後所有人都會看到這則" "留言。" msgid "" "Save %s%% using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "今天結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}},即可享有 %s%% 優惠折扣。" msgid "" "WordPress Events and News — Upcoming events near you " "as well as the latest news from the official WordPress project and the WordPress Planet." msgstr "" "WordPress 活動和新聞 - 您附近的活動以及官" "方 WordPress 項目和WordPress Planet的最新消息。" msgid "Dismissing restore failed. Please reload and try again." msgstr "無法關閉還原作業。請重新載入,然後再試一次。" msgid "cell" msgstr "單元格 (Cell)" msgid "mobile" msgstr "行動" msgid "telephone" msgstr "電話" msgid "phone" msgstr "電話" msgid "address" msgstr "地址" msgid "" "We are moving to a new and faster Google Photos service. You will need to " "disconnect and reconnect to continue accessing your photos." msgstr "" "我們正移轉至全新且更快速的 Google 相簿服務。你必須中斷並重新連線,才能繼續存" "取相片。" msgid "Sell online with WooCommerce and" msgstr "使用 WooCommerce 和 在線上銷售" msgid "" "The last two options require the purchase of hosting and/or the free " "software from Learn more about the " "difference between and" msgstr "" "須自 購買主機服務和/或免費軟體,才能使用後兩種方案。深入了解 和 的不同。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Want to learn more about selling online with WooCommerce?{{/line1}}" "{{line2}}Visit for a detailed overview.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}想要深入了解如何利用 WooCommerce 進行線上銷售,{{/line1}}{{line2}}" "請造訪。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Start selling online today with the world’s most customizable eCommerce " "platform." msgstr "現在就用全球最具彈性的電商平台,開始賣東西、賺大錢。" msgid "" "The last two options require the purchase of hosting and/or the free " "software from Learn more about the " "difference between and" msgstr "" "須自 購買主機服務和/或免費軟體,才能使用後兩種方案。深入了解 和 的不同。" msgid "" "Build it exactly how you want it by purchasing server space from one of our " "recommended hosts. Install the WooCommerce plugin, extensions, and themes on " "a brand new site." msgstr "" "向推薦主機商購買伺服器空間,即可依需求自行架設網站。可在全新 WordPress 網站上" "安裝 WooCommerce 外掛程式、使用擴充功能和佈景主題。" msgid "Best for WordPress Experts" msgstr "WordPress 專家的最佳選擇" msgid "Start from scratch" msgstr "從零開始" msgid "" "If you already have a self-hosted WordPress website, you can download and " "install WooCommerce for free. Purchase and upload additional extensions to " "add new product types, increase your shipping capabilities, and further " "enhance your eCommerce experience." msgstr "" "如果已有自行架設的 WordPress 網站,可以免費下載安裝 WooCommerce;更可購買並上" "載額外的擴充功能,以新增商品類型、提供更多物流選項,進一步改善整體電商用戶體" "驗。" msgid "Best for Self-Hosted Sites" msgstr "自架網站的最佳選擇" msgid "Download the plugin" msgstr "下載外掛程式" msgid "" "Get your new eCommerce site hosted by Business. Install " "WooCommerce, custom themes, and thousands of other plugins. Also includes " "Google Analytics, unlimited storage for media files, and real-time one-on-" "one support." msgstr "" "使用 商用版方案架設並代管你的全新電商網站。可安裝 WooCommerce、" "自訂佈景主題、使用數千種外掛程式;支援 Google Analytics、無限空間儲存容量,更" "有一對一即時支援服務。" msgid "Start immediately" msgstr "立即開始" msgid "Visit the WooCommerce Showcase" msgstr "造訪 WooCommerce 佈景主題" msgid "Best for New Businesses" msgstr "新創最佳選擇" msgid "Build your eCommerce site the way you like it." msgstr "打造最具風格、最符所需的電商網站。" msgid "Start selling now." msgstr "網路電商,立即行動。" msgid "" "Millions of entrepreneurs, small businesses, developers, and agencies trust " "WooCommerce to power their online stores." msgstr "" "數百萬網路創業家、中小企業、開發人員、各大公司行號,一致推崇 WooCommerce 的強" "大效能,讓網路商店飛躍成長,創造佳績。" msgid "" "WooCommerce is built exclusively for WordPress, the content management " "system that powers more than 30% of the web. With regular security audits " "and frequent updates, you’ll rest easy knowing your data is always safe." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 專為 WordPress 量身打造。世界上有 30% 以上的網站選用 WordPress 架" "設;透過定期的資安稽核與頻繁更新,確保你的資料穩如泰山,安全無虞。" msgid "Trusted by millions." msgstr "數百萬人信任的選擇。" msgid "Visit the WooCommerce Marketplace" msgstr "造訪 WooCommerce 市集" msgid "" "WooCommerce’s core capabilities can be enhanced with hundreds of extensions. " "Download an extension from the official marketplace to add " "popular payment providers, flexible shipping solutions, new product types—" "like memberships, bookings, and subscriptions—and much more." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 擁有數百種擴充功能,讓服務功能大大增強。只要從 官" "方市集下載擴充功能,就可以新增各種熱門支付方案、提供更多物流選項,還可以販賣" "更多元的產品與服務,包括會員、預購和訂閱服務等多種形態。" msgid "Enhance your store with extensions." msgstr "活用外掛程式強化商店、擴展服務功能。" msgid "" "Change everything from your theme’s CSS to the code that runs your store—" "there’s no limit to what you can design, sell, and ship." msgstr "" "從佈景主題的 CSS 到商店運作所需的程式碼、不論商店設計、販售流程到物流服務,一" "切都能依你需要進行變更。" msgid "Customize it any way you like." msgstr "你的網路商店裡裡外外,完全由你決定。" msgid "" "WooCommerce is the world’s most customizable eCommerce solution. Sell " "physical or digital goods, set up subscriptions, accept online bookings, or " "even teach a class. Ship locally, globally, or accept pickups in-store." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 是全球最具彈性的電子商務解決方案。不論線上銷售實體或數位商品、提" "供訂閱服務、接受線上預購,甚至開班授課,無所不能。同時支援到店取貨、在地或全" "球物流服務。" msgid "Your store, your way." msgstr "完全量身定做,你的專屬網路商店。" msgid "" "With over 45 million downloads, WooCommerce is the world’s most customizable " "eCommerce platform." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 是全世界最具彈性,最能依你需求調整設定的電子商務平台,下載超過 " "4500 萬次。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Flexible eCommerce.{{/line1}}{{line2}}Built for WordPress.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}最具彈性、最符所需的電子商務平台,{{/line1}}{{line2}}專為 WordPress " "打造。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration. Refunds of " "paid plans will deduct the standard cost of any domain name registered " "within a plan." msgstr "" "你瞭解{{refundsSupportPage}}網域名稱退款{{/refundsSupportPage}}僅限於註冊後 " "96 小時內申請。付費方案的退款申請將會扣除方案內已註冊網域名稱的標準價格。" msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration." msgstr "" "你了解{{refundsSupportPage}}網域名稱退款{{/refundsSupportPage}}必須在網域註冊" "完成後 96 小時內提出申請,逾時無法受理。" msgid "" "Deleting a category does not delete the posts in that category. Instead, " "posts that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the default " "category %s. The default category cannot be deleted." msgstr "" "刪除類別不會刪除該類別中的文章。相反,僅分配給已刪除類別的文章將設定為預設類" "別%s。無法刪除預設類別。" msgid "" "Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything; your renewals happen " "automatically. You will be charged a total of %1$s for these renewals. This " "price does not include any applicable taxes which will vary based on your " "billing address. The charge will appear in your statement as WPCHRG.COM." msgstr "" "不必擔心,你不需採取額外動作。我們會自動幫你續訂,並會向你收取總計 %1$s 的續" "訂費用。此金額不包括任何可能需要繳納的稅金(稅金金額因帳單地址而有所不同)。" "這筆費用將以 WPCHRG.COM 顯示在對帳單中。" msgid "" "Your site hasn't been launched yet. It's private; only you can see it until " "it is launched." msgstr "你的網站尚未推出。僅供私人檢視;網站推出前,只有你能看到網站。" msgid "" "In honor of Safer Internet Day, and in " "partnership with Google Registry, " "save %s%% using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout. Offer " "valid until April 30, 2019." msgstr "" "歡慶網路安全日,我們與 Google Registry 合作提供促銷活動。結帳時使用促銷代碼 " "{{coupon_code}},即可立即享有 %s%% 的優惠折扣。優惠有效期限為 " "2019 年 4 月 30 日。" msgid "" "This price does not include any applicable taxes which will vary based on " "your billing address." msgstr "此金額不包括任何可能需要繳納的稅金(稅金金額因帳單地址而有所不同)。" msgid "user_id is required" msgstr "需要 user_id" msgid "Your service has been disconnected. Please reconnect to continue." msgstr "你的服務已中斷連線。請重新連線以繼續。" msgid "" "We are moving to a new and faster Photos from Google service. Please " "reconnect to continue accessing your photos." msgstr "" "我們正移轉至全新而且更快速的 Photos from Google 服務。請重新連線,以繼續存取" "相片。" msgid "Your subscription renews on %1$s, for %2$s." msgstr "你的訂閱將於 %1$s更新,續約 %2$s。" msgid "New Card" msgstr "新信用卡" msgid "It will not renew" msgstr "將不續訂" msgid "" "We could not find this payment plan on " "%2$s site." msgstr "" "我們在 %2$s 網站上找不到此付款方案。" msgid "" "We are sorry, the subscription system is undergoing routine maintenance." msgstr "很抱歉,訂閱系統目前正在執行例行性維護作業。" msgid "It will renew every %1$s of %2$s until you cancel it." msgstr "訂閱會在每年 %2$s %1$s更新,直到你取消為止。" msgid "jS" msgstr "jS" msgid "It will renew %s of every month until you cancel it." msgstr "訂閱會在每月 %s更新,直到你取消為止。" msgid "Clear date selection" msgstr "清除選定日期" msgid "Sign me up to receive exclusive member updates." msgstr "我要註冊,以收到會員專屬的最新消息。" msgid "" "This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}" "Terms of Service{{/a}}." msgstr "" "這個網站無法連線到,因為其違反了我們的{{a}}服務條款{{/a}}。" msgid "See all stories" msgstr "查看所有使用案例" msgid "" "Build a community, start a newspaper, create a world of difference. Here’s " "how people everywhere are turning their dreams into reality." msgstr "" "你想建立社群、開辦報紙,為世界帶來改變嗎?看看這些來自各地的使用者如何勇敢築" "夢,實現夢想。" msgid "What would you do if you could do anything?" msgstr "如果可以,你想要做點什麼?" msgid "Your Company Name" msgstr "你的公司名稱" msgid "Access full activity for the past 30 days." msgstr "存取過去 30 天內的完整活動" msgid "" "With your free plan, you can monitor the 20 most recent events on your site. " "Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock powerful features:" msgstr "" "若採用免費方案,你可以監控網站上最近的 20 個活動。升級為付費方案即可使用強大" "功能:" msgid "Unlock more activities now" msgstr "立即解鎖更多活動" msgid "Welcome to your site’s activity" msgstr "歡迎查看網站的活動" msgid "Unlimited cloud storage (or 1TB per user if fewer than 5 users)" msgstr "" "無限的雲端儲存空間 (若少於 5 位使用者,則每位使用者可享有 1TB 儲存空間)" msgid "Please select a Facebook Page to publish updates." msgstr "請選取 Facebook 粉絲專頁以發佈更新。" msgctxt "Domain suggestion is not available for registration" msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "無法使用" msgid "" "Sorry, the domain name you selected is not available. Please choose another " "domain." msgstr "很抱歉,你選取的網域名稱無法使用。請選擇其他網域。" msgid "" "Select the account you'd like to connect. All your new blog posts will be " "automatically shared to this account. You'll be able to change this option " "in the editor sidebar when you're writing a post." msgstr "" "選取你要連結的帳戶。你的所有新網誌文章將自動分享至此帳戶。你可以在撰寫文章" "時,於編輯器側邊欄中變更此選項。" msgid "" "Is this the account you'd like to connect? All your new blog posts will be " "automatically shared to this account. You'll be able to change this option " "in the editor sidebar when you're writing a post." msgstr "" "這是你要連結的帳戶嗎?你的所有新網誌文章將自動分享至此帳戶。你可以在撰寫文章" "時,於編輯器側邊欄中變更此選項。" msgid "Try the new WooCommerce Mobile App (free)" msgstr "試用新版 WooCommerce Mobile App (免費)" msgid "e.g. Fashion, travel, design, plumbing" msgstr "例如:時尚、旅遊、設計、水電工" msgid "" "If you're not yet using these valuable services included with Jetpack " "Premium, you're missing out!" msgstr "如果你還沒開始使用這些 Jetpack 進階版隨附的寶貴服務,你的損失可大囉!" msgid "Next month (%s)" msgstr "下個月 (%s)" msgid "Previous month (%s)" msgstr "上個月 (%s)" msgctxt "Date range text for DateRange input trigger" msgid "%(startDateText)s - %(endDateText)s" msgstr "%(startDateText)s - %(endDateText)s" msgid "{{icon/}} reset selected dates" msgstr "{{icon/}} 重設所選日期" msgid "{{icon/}} Please select the {{em}}last{{/em}} day." msgstr "{{icon/}} 請選取{{em}}最後{{/em}}一天。" msgid "{{icon/}} Please select the {{em}}first{{/em}} day." msgstr "{{icon/}} 請選取{{em}}第一{{/em}}天。" msgid "" "Welcome, LinkedIn Learning Students! Save %s%% today on any " "plan using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "LinkedIn Learning 學生可享歡迎禮!今天結帳時使用促銷代碼 " "{{coupon_code}},即可立即在任何 方案中享有 %s%% 的" "優惠折扣。" msgid "Real Estate Agent" msgstr "房地產代理" msgid "Sign in request from %1$s using %2$s" msgstr "使用 %2$s.從 %1$s 要求登入" msgid "Sign in request from %1$s using %2$s (%3$s)" msgstr "使用 %2$s (%3$s) 從 %1$s 要求登入" msgid "Sign in request from %s" msgstr "從 %s 要求登入" msgid "Animal Welfare" msgstr "動物福利" msgid "Digital Marketing" msgstr "數位行銷" msgid "" "With eCommerce, you have the freedom to create a beautiful " "store that meets your needs. The only limit is your imagination." msgstr "" " 「電子商務」解決方案,讓你按照自己的需求、充分發揮創意,打造出" "美輪美奐的網路商店。" msgid "Learn more about orders" msgstr "瞭解更多關於「訂單」功能" msgid "Site Database (SQL)" msgstr "網站資料庫 (SQL)" msgid "WordPress Root (includes wp-config.php and any non-WordPress files)" msgstr "WordPress 根目錄 (包括 wp-config.php 和任何非 WordPress 檔案)" msgid "WP-Content Directory (excluding themes, plugins, and uploads)" msgstr "WP 內容目錄 (不包括主題、外掛程式和上載內容)" msgid "Media Uploads" msgstr "媒體上載" msgid "WordPress Plugins" msgstr "WordPress 外掛程式" msgid "" "The WordPress experts at InMotion Hosting have crafted the ultimate " "WordPress-optimized platform built to take your websites to the next level." msgstr "" "InMotion 主機商的 WordPress 專家已經構建了最終的 WordPress 優化平臺,旨在將您" "的網站提升到一個新的水準。" msgid "" "Get started with WordPress quickly and securely with the top recommended " "WordPress provider. " msgstr "使用推薦的頂級WordPress提供程序快速安全地開始使用WordPress。" msgid "" "These hosting plans provide the best Jetpack and WordPress experiences on " "the web, whether you’re just getting started or going pro." msgstr "" "無論你是新手或是專業人士,這些託管方案都能針對 Jetpack 和 WordPress 提供最佳" "的 Web 體驗。" msgid "Jetpack, the fastest way to achieve your WordPress goals." msgstr "Jetpack 是實現 WordPress 目標最快的途徑。" msgid "" "Our responses will go to %1$s, the address associated with your WordPress." "com account. To change that email address, click here." msgstr "" "我們會將答覆傳送到與你的 帳戶關聯的地址 %1$s。若要變更該電子郵" "件地址,請按一" "下這裡。" msgid "Enable site visitors to sign up for your Mailchimp content." msgstr "讓網站訪客訂閱你的 MailChimp 內容。" msgid "Allow users to sign up to your Mailchimp mailing list." msgid_plural "Allow users to sign up to your Mailchimp mailing lists." msgstr[0] "可讓使用者加入你的 MailChimp 郵寄清單。" msgid "Do not save subscribers to Mailchimp for this site" msgstr "請勿將訂閱者儲存至這個網站的 MailChimp" msgid "" "Subscribers will not be added to Mailchimp for this site. Please select a " "list to sign them up for your Mailchimp content" msgstr "" "系統不會將訂閱者新增到這個網站的 MailChimp。若要讓訂閱者訂閱你的 MailChimp 內" "容,請選取清單" msgid "What Mailchimp list should subscribers be added to?" msgstr "應將訂閱者新增至哪個 MailChimp 清單?" msgid "To another user" msgstr "新增其他使用者" msgid "View plans" msgstr "查看方案" msgid "" "Should you have any additional questions or require further assistance, " "please feel free to contact our support team." msgstr "" "若你有任何其他問題,或需要進一步協助,歡迎隨時聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "We have charged your credit card on file %s for postage discrepancies." msgstr "我們已針對檔案 %s 的郵資差額,向你的信用卡扣款。" msgid "Adjustment for Order #%1$s
Tracking #: %2$s
%3$s" msgstr "訂單編號 %1$s 內容調整
%3$s" msgid "Session used on %s" msgstr "%s 使用的工作階段" msgid "Session used on" msgstr "使用的工作階段位於" msgid "This session has been used." msgstr "已使用此工作階段。" msgid "One-on-one Support" msgstr "一對一支援" msgid "An error occurred. Please contact support.." msgstr "發生錯誤。請聯絡支援.." msgid "Dashboard color scheme" msgstr "儀表板色彩配置" msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "Performance" msgstr "效能" msgid "Success Message Text:" msgstr "成功訊息文字:" msgid "Subscribe Button:" msgstr "訂閱按鈕:" msgid "Subscribe Placeholder:" msgstr "訂閱預留位置:" msgid "Optional text to display to your readers:" msgstr "可選文字顯示給你的讀者:" msgid "Subscribe to Blog via Email" msgstr "適用電子郵件訂閱網站" msgid "Spam Filtering (by Akismet)" msgstr "垃圾郵件篩選(透過 Akismet)" msgid "" "%s is looking great! Congrats on finishing your Next Steps " "-- doesn't it feel good to cross things off a list?" msgstr "" "%s 看起來十分精采!恭喜你完成後續步驟,清單中又少了一件事" "情,感覺不錯吧!" msgid "" "You've finished the Next Steps checklist for %s. Congrats!" msgstr "你已完成 %s 的後續步驟檢查清單。恭喜!" msgid "" "Our 2019 default theme is designed to show off the power of the block " "editor. It features custom styles for all the default blocks, and is built " "so that what you see in the editor looks like what you'll see on your " "website. Twenty Nineteen is designed to be adaptable to a wide range of " "websites, whether you’re running a photo blog, launching a new business, or " "supporting a non-profit. Featuring ample whitespace and modern sans-serif " "headlines paired with classic serif body text, it's built to be beautiful on " "all screen sizes." msgstr "" "Twenty Nineteen 預設佈景主題旨在展示區塊編輯器的強大功能,它具備適用於全部預" "設區塊的自訂樣式,編輯器中所得到的所見即所得內容,會與網站前端呈現結果幾近一" "致。Twenty Nineteen 適用於各種類型的網站,無論是經營攝影部落格、開拓新業務或" "支援非盈利組織,都能有非常好的表現。足夠的留白及具備現代感的無襯線字型標題," "搭配經典的襯線字型內容,在各式尺寸的螢幕上均相當美觀。" msgid "" "A one-on-one session with a member of the expert support team." msgstr "由 專家支援團隊成員提供一對一課程。" msgid "" "Your site already has an unused session. Please use your current session " "before purchasing another." msgstr "你的網站已有未使用的課程。購買其他課程之前,請先使用目前的課程。" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Turkish Lira" msgstr "Turkish Lira" msgid "Don’t have Jetpack?" msgstr "還沒有 Jetpack ?" msgid "" "Sorry, there was an error fetching the nameservers for " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "很抱歉,擷取 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 的名稱伺服器時發生錯誤。" msgid "Export status message." msgstr "匯出狀態訊息。" msgid "Use the tool below to book your in-depth support session." msgstr "使用下列工具,預約深入的支援課程。" msgid "" "Sessions are %(durationInMinutes)d minutes long and in %(defaultLanguage)s." msgstr "課程長度為 %(durationInMinutes)d 分鐘,語言為%(defaultLanguage)s。" msgid "Sessions are %(durationInMinutes)d minutes long." msgstr "課程長度為 %(durationInMinutes)d 分鐘。" msgid "Your session has been rescheduled!" msgstr "你的課程已重新排程!" msgid "Select a site for your {{strong}}Quick Start Session{{/strong}}" msgstr "請為你的{{strong}}快速入門課程{{/strong}}選取網站" msgid "Cancel your session" msgstr "取消課程" msgid "Your session has been cancelled." msgstr "你的課程已取消。" msgid "Your session is booked!" msgstr "你的課程已預約完成!" msgid "Choose Session" msgstr "選擇課程" msgid "" "You have made too many domain suggestions requests in a short time. Please " "wait a few minutes and try again." msgstr "你在短時間內送出過多網域建議要求,請稍候數分鐘並再試一次。" msgid "No matter what you want to do, we’ll help you build it right here." msgstr "無論你的目標是什麼,我們都能協助你達成。" msgid "Built for every dream." msgstr "實現你的夢想。" msgid "Start for free" msgstr "免費開始使用" msgid "" " is completely free to start, with plenty of room to grow. " "After all, the only things that should stand between you and whatever you " "want to do are your ideas and ambition. Certainly not your website." msgstr "" "使用 不僅完全免費,還有許多發揮空間。只要有無限的創意和野心,你" "就能做到任何事。你的網站絕對不會阻礙你邁向成功。" msgid "Read the story >" msgstr "閱讀故事 >" msgid "" "We’re helping anyone with an idea, product, or a can-do spirit build a " "website on the world’s most flexible, all-in-one platform." msgstr "" "只要你有想法、產品或具有勇於實踐精神,我們就會協助你在世界最靈活的多合一平台" "上打造網站。" msgid "Code has to consist of 4 digits." msgstr "代碼只能包含 4 個數字。" msgid "" "For security reasons we just emailed you an 4 digit code. Please enter that " "4 digit code below:" msgstr "" "為了安全起見,我們已透過電子郵件將 4 位數代碼傳送給你。請在下方輸入這組 4 位" "數代碼:" msgid "once" msgstr "單次" msgid "/ month" msgstr "/ 月" msgid "Check your email" msgstr "請檢查您的電子郵箱" msgid "Your upcoming appointment" msgstr "你接下來的預約" msgid "LL [at] LT" msgstr "LL [於] LT" msgid "" "The following settings will impact all related posts on your site, except " "for those you created via the block editor:" msgstr "" "以下設定將會對網站上所有相關文章造成影響,只有透過區塊編輯器建立的文章例外:" msgid "" "Ship physical products in a snap - show live rates from shipping carriers " "like UPS and other shipping options" msgstr "輕鬆運送實體產品 - 顯示 UPS 等貨運業者的即時費率和其他運送選項" msgid "Pick your plan." msgstr "選擇方案" msgid "" "Invent the world’s greatest cat food, save a rainforest, start a needlepoint " "club. Whatever it is, it’s going to need a website — that’s where we come in." msgstr "" "研發世界第一的貓食、拯救雨林、成立帆布刺繡社團,無論你想做什麼,都需要一個網" "站,而這正是我們所擅長的。" msgid "{{line1}}You can. You will.{{/line1}}{{line2}}We’ll help.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}相信自己,付諸實踐。{{/line1}}{{line2}}我們會協助你達成目標。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}MORE THAN{{/line1}}{{line2}}300{{/line2}}{{line3}}Humans{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}超過{{/line1}}{{line2}}300{{/line2}}{{line3}}位支援人員{{/line3}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}AVAILABLE{{/line1}}{{line2}}24/7{{/line2}}{{line3}}Instantly{{/" "line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}全年無休{{/line1}}{{line2}}不打烊的{{/line2}}{{line3}}即時服務{{/" "line3}}" msgid "" "From configuring settings to publishing pages to helping you pick the " "perfect design, they’re all ears, all smiles, and all human. Happiness " "Engineers also work all around the world—and around the clock, so there’s " "always someone there when you need them." msgstr "" "從調整設定、發佈頁面,到協助你選擇完美設計,我們都樂於傾聽、態度友善,並提供" "真人服務。Happiness Engineer 來自世界各地,隨時隨地待命並為你提供所需協助。" msgid "" "Our 24/7 support is powered by actual people.
We call them Happiness " "Engineers." msgstr "我們提供全天候真人支援服務,
這些人稱為 Happiness Engineer。" msgid "{{line1}}Engineering{{/line1}}{{line2}}happiness.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}帶來幸福的{{/line1}}{{line2}}工程師。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Thousands of themes means there’s a layout that’s just right for you, while " "storage and design options ensure you can upload anything you need to and " "give your work the stage it deserves." msgstr "" "數千種佈景主題,總有一種適合你。儲存和設計選項可讓你上載任何所需材料,為你的" "作品打造與之匹配的舞台。" msgid "Design a portfolio." msgstr "設計個人作品集。" msgid "" "Everyone has a point of view. Make your mark online with the world’s " "greatest blogging tool, and join a community millions strong that’s waiting " "to hear what you have to say." msgstr "" "每個人都有獨特觀點。透過世界最優質的網誌工具,將你的想法發佈到網路上,並加入" "數百萬人的廣大社群然後盡情分享。" msgid "Start a blog." msgstr "開始建立網誌。" msgid "" "Process payments, configure taxes and shipping, build a marketing plan—you " "make the widgets, we’ll make the website." msgstr "" "處理付款、設定稅額和送貨設定、建立行銷計畫,你只要建立小工具,由我們包辦網站" "工作。" msgid "Open a store." msgstr "開設商店。" msgid "" "Promote your products, use advanced statistics and SEO tools, and connect " "with built-in audiences on social media to grow your business." msgstr "" "推廣產品、使用進階統計資料和 SEO 工具,並連結至社交媒體的內建讀者群,拓展你的" "事業。" msgid "Build a fan base." msgstr "建立粉絲群。" msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to create anything you " "want.{{/line1}}{{line2}}It’s flexible, secure, and powerful, just like you " "want your business to be.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} 提供一切所需工具,讓你建立理想網站。{{/line1}}" "{{line2}}如同你期望的事業一樣靈活、安全且強大。{{/line2}}" msgid "What can you do on" msgstr " 有哪些功能?" msgid "Bottom Navigation Links" msgstr "下方導覽連結" msgid "Business Sites and Online Stores" msgstr "商務網站和線上商店" msgid "Could not load a product class" msgstr "無法載入產品課程" msgid "" "If you let your plan or domain expire, your site will lose its features and " "it might be impossible to revert it back. Keep your site running smoothly by " "renewing now." msgstr "" "若方案或網域到期,你的網站將喪失所屬功能,並可能無法恢復。立即更新,讓你的網" "站順暢運作。" msgid "subscribe" msgstr "訂閱" msgid " Everything you need to build anything you want." msgstr "打造理想網站所需的一切事物" msgid "" "WordPress powers more than %s%% of the web, from brand new bloggers to the " "world’s biggest brands. Start a site for free today." msgstr "" "從新手部落客到世界知名品牌,超過 %s%%的網站使用 WordPress 運行。立即免費建立" "網站。" msgid "" "{{line1}}There are a thousand{{/line1}}{{line2}}ways to WordPress.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}你可以使用一千種方式{{/line1}}{{line2}}使用 WordPress。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "We do site-building differently, with plans designed to fit your business " "and your budget today while giving it room to grow tomorrow. Blog, store, " "multinational corporation—there’s a plan for you." msgstr "" "我們提供與眾不同的服務選項。你可以依照現有的預算,選擇符合當下需求的方案,但" "保留成長所需的彈性空間。小自個人網誌,小型網路商店,大到架設跨國公司官方網" "站,都能找到合適的方案。" msgid "An innovative New York City hair salon." msgstr "位於紐約的創意髮廊。" msgid "" "People all over the world are doing all sorts of amazing things on WordPress." msgstr "全球 WordPress 使用者,天天展現各種驚豔創意。" msgid "{{line1}}You’re in{{/line1}}{{line2}}good company.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}我們是{{/line1}}{{line2}}你的好夥伴。{{/line2}}" msgid "Getting started is easy." msgstr "輕鬆開始,全無負擔。" msgid "" "Update your site from anywhere with mobile and desktop apps for iOS, " "Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux systems." msgstr "" "透過適用於 iOS、Android、Mac、Windows 及 Linux 系統的行動裝置和桌上型電腦應用" "程式,隨時隨地更新網站。" msgid "" "Drag and drop images into posts and pages. Create designer-worthy photo " "galleries. Embed audio, video, documents, and more." msgstr "" "輕鬆將圖片拖放到貼文和頁面中,建立精心設計的照片圖庫、還可嵌入音訊、影片和文" "件等各種項目。" msgid "" "Our editor is fast, intuitive, and includes HTML and Markdown support. " "Autosave grabs your work every few seconds, even if you’re offline, so you " "never miss a word." msgstr "" "我們的編輯器又快又好用,用起來非常直覺;還支援 HTML 和 Markdown 語法。更棒的" "是,每隔幾秒便會自動儲存編輯內容,讓你高枕無憂,萬無一失。" msgid "" "Plumbers. Knitting groups. Graphic designers. Refugee advocates. Corgi " "aficionados. Whatever your site’s for, there’s a design to help it stand out." msgstr "" "不論你的網站主題為何、談論哪些事情,你都能找到最速配的優質版面設計範本,讓你" "的網站與眾不同,脫穎而出。" msgid "Customizable design" msgstr "可自行調整的版面設計" msgid "" "Built-in SEO, automated social sharing, add-ons to keep people sticking " "around on your site—we help you build a site, and we help you grow it." msgstr "" "我們不只能讓你架好網站,更能讓網站飛躍成長。內建強大 SEO、自動化社群分享、多" "樣化的各類外掛程式,能讓網友流連忘返,大大提升網站流量。" msgid "Built-in marketing tools" msgstr "內建行銷工具" msgid "When you need real help from actual humans, we’ve got you covered." msgstr "當你需要真人實際協助時,我們隨時都在你身邊。" msgid "" "Write about your life, create a beautiful portfolio of your work, or build a " "robust business site, do all three—it’s up to you." msgstr "" "書寫你的生活片段、為你的作品建立美觀的作品集、或打造強大的商用網站,只要你" "想,以上三種都要也完全沒問題。" msgid "" "Product demo videos. Family photos. Your band’s latest track. Upload as much " "as you want—we don’t limit your storage." msgstr "" "提供無上限儲存空間,不論是產品範例影片、家庭相片、還是樂團最新單曲,想上載多" "少,就上載多少。" msgid "Unlimited hosting" msgstr "無限制託管服務" msgid "" "Run a store from your living room. Write a blog post from the bus. We’re " "mobile-ready, optimized for search engines, and packed with features and " "tools—all you need is an idea and an internet connection. We’ll take care of " "the rest." msgstr "" " 支援各類行動裝置、SEO 強大可靠、提供多種工具與功能,為你實現各" "種夢想;你可以在家裡打造網路商店,或在搭公車時發佈部落格貼文。只要有靈感,連" "得上網路,沒有什麼做不到。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Everything you need to{{/line1}}{{line2}}build anything you want.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}滿足一切需求,{{/line1}}{{line2}}架出你最滿意的網站。{{/line2}}" msgid "Sign up for free" msgstr "免費註冊" msgid "Launch, create, grow." msgstr "架好網站、創作內容、成長茁壯。" msgid "Watch Annette’s story" msgstr "看看 Annette 的故事" msgid "" "We’re helping anyone with an idea, product, or a can-do spirit build a " "website on the world’s most flexible, all-in-one platform." msgstr "" "我們是全世界最具彈性、集所有功能於一身的平台,更是你實現創意、推出產品、實驗" "各種新點子的絕佳場域。" msgid "Edit in Block Editor" msgstr "在區塊編輯器中編輯" msgid "" "You can also
browse previous revisions and restore a " "version of the post before it was edited in the Block Editor." msgstr "" "你可以瀏覽之前的內容修訂,並將其還原為最後在區塊編輯器中編" "輯的內容。" msgid "" "This post was previously edited in the Block Editor. You can continue in the " "Classic Editor, but you may lose data and formatting." msgstr "" "此文章之前已使用區塊編輯器進行編輯。你可以在傳統編輯器中繼續編輯此文章,但可" "能會遺失若干資料和格式。" msgctxt "Editor Name" msgid "Classic Editor" msgstr "傳統編輯器" msgid "Block Editor" msgstr "區塊編輯器" msgid "Edit “%s” in the Classic Editor" msgstr "在傳統編輯器中編輯「%s」" msgid "Best for Entrepreneurs & Freelancers:" msgstr "創業家與自由工作者的最佳選擇:" msgid "Start with Free ›" msgstr "免費開始使用 ›" msgid "" "A free site includes a subdomain, community " "support, dozens of free themes, basic design customization, and more." msgstr "" "免費的 網站包括 子網域、社群支援、數十個免費佈景" "主題、基本自訂設計與更多功能。" msgid "" "Schedule your social media updates in advance and promote your posts when " "it’s best for you." msgstr "事先安排社交媒體更新,並在最適合的時機推廣自己的文章。" msgid "" "Just turn it on. With AMP active, all posts will have AMP-compatible " "versions available automatically. Optimization doesn’t get easier than that." msgstr "" "只要開啟 AMP 功能,網站上的所有文章,就會自動擁有 AMP 行動版,完全無須費心。" "沒有比這更輕鬆的了!" msgid "Easy integration" msgstr "輕鬆整合" msgid "" "Faster load times mean more page views, and more page views can result in " "more sales, ad views, product purchases, repeat visits, and more." msgstr "" "網頁載入速度更快,代表大家會瀏覽更多網頁,商品銷售、廣告觀看量、產品消費金" "額、再訪數等重要指標,當然也會跟著水漲船高。" msgid "Increased conversion" msgstr "提高轉換" msgid "" "Just over half of all web traffic globally comes from mobile devices. AMP " "was built for that ever-growing audience who want faster results on the go." msgstr "" "全球網頁流量有一半以上來自行動裝置,而且比例還在不斷增加。AMP 就是專為這些用" "戶打造的技術,讓大家都能在手機上飛快看到最想看的內容。" msgid "" "Behind the scenes, AMP simplifies your website’s code to prioritize content " "and get users to what they want to see quickly." msgstr "" "AMP 在幕後大幅簡化網站程式碼,優先顯示網站的內容,讓使用者在最短時間內看到該" "看的部分。" msgid "Instant gratification" msgstr "有夠快,真正讚" msgid "Act now! Your %s plan failed to renew" msgstr "立即行動!你的 %s 方案無法續訂" msgid "Your %1$s plan for %2$s renews soon" msgstr "即將續訂 %2$s 網站的 %1$s 方案" msgid "" "Create an all-in-one online store with advanced marketing tools, payment " "options, and shipping solutions." msgstr "使用進階行銷工具、付款選項和送貨解決方案,建立全方位的網路商店。" msgid "Ability to sell unlimited products or services on your site." msgstr "可在網站上銷售產品或服務不受限制。" msgid "Access to SEO tools to make your site stand out in search results." msgstr "存取 SEO 工具,讓你的網站在搜尋結果中脫穎而出。" msgid "Ability to install plugins to give your site more functionality." msgstr "安裝外掛程式為網站提供更多功能。" msgid "Access to email support." msgstr "取得電子郵件支援。" msgid "Best plan for Bloggers." msgstr "為部落客提供的最佳方案。" msgid "Card Number" msgstr "卡號" msgid "Sports Club" msgstr "運動酒吧" msgid "Website Designer" msgstr "網站設計師" msgid "Collectibles" msgstr "收藏品" msgid "Sports Memorabilia" msgstr "體育紀念品" msgid "Archery" msgstr "射箭" msgid "Cabin Rental Agency" msgstr "小屋租賃公司" msgid "Modern Art Museum" msgstr "現代藝術博物館" msgid "Maternity" msgstr "生育" msgid "Cabinetmaker" msgstr "家具木工" msgid "Cameras & Photography" msgstr "相機和攝影" msgid "Art Museum" msgstr "藝術博物館" msgid "Skating" msgstr "溜冰" msgid "Travel Agency" msgstr "旅行社" msgid "Fashion Designer" msgstr "時裝設計師" msgid "Cardholder Name" msgstr "持卡人姓名" msgid "" "For now, you can still post to Google Plus using existing connections, but " "you cannot add new connections. The ability to post will be removed in early " "2019." msgstr "" "目前,你仍可以使用現有的連線在 Google Plus 張貼文章,但無法新增連線。張貼功能" "將於 2019 年初移除。" msgid "" "Google recently {{a}}announced{{/a}} that Google Plus is shutting down in " "April 2019, and access via third-party tools like Jetpack will cease in " "March 2019." msgstr "" "Google 最近{{a}}宣佈{{/a}},Google Plus 即將於 2019 年 4 月終止服務,且透過 " "Jetpack 等第三方工具的存取功能將於 2019 年 3 月終止。" msgid "Google Plus support is being removed" msgstr "Google Plus 支援將遭到移除" msgid "Use code %1$s at checkout." msgstr "結帳時使用代碼 %1$s。" msgid "Enter code %s at checkout." msgstr "結帳時請輸入優惠代碼:%s。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this item." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許檢視此項目。" msgid "Support Session" msgstr "支援課程" msgid "A variable mismatch has been detected." msgstr "系統找不到相符的變數。" msgid "A post type mismatch has been detected." msgstr "系統找不到相符的文章類型。" msgid "A post ID mismatch has been detected." msgstr "系統找不到相符的文章 ID。" msgid "Your next big idea starts here." msgstr "分享更多精彩,就從這一步開始。" msgid "" "Included in annual paid plans, but registration costs at your current " "provider still apply" msgstr "包含付費方案,但仍需支付你目前供應商的註冊費用" msgid "Forget something?" msgstr "有忘記的事情嗎?" msgid "Enter your email" msgstr "輸入電子郵件" msgid "Join my email list" msgstr "加入我的電子郵件清單" msgid "The transaction was declined. Please try another payment method." msgstr "交易遭到拒絕。請嘗試其他付款方式。" msgid "Schedule your Quick Start Session now (instructions inside)" msgstr "立即規劃快速入門課程的時間 (內含指示說明)" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "%s 將在30天後從垃圾桶中移除" msgid "Portfolio automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "個人作品集將在30天後從垃圾桶中移除" msgid "Testimonial automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "證言將在30天後從垃圾桶中移除" msgid "Post automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "文章將在30天後從垃圾桶中移除" msgid "Page automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "頁面將在30天後從垃圾桶中移除" msgid "Map your domain" msgstr "對應你的網域" msgid "Your New Website" msgstr "你的新網站" msgid "Type this verification code in the checkout flow." msgstr "在結帳流程輸入驗證碼。" msgid "Your verification code" msgstr "你的驗證碼" msgid "Your %s login code" msgstr "你的 %s 登入碼" msgid "Thank you for flying with Jetpack." msgstr "感謝你使用 Jetpack。" msgid "You can further explore Jetpack Personal and all of its benefits at %s." msgstr "你可以在 %s 進一步探索 Jetpack 個人版及其所有優勢。" msgid "" "You can further explore Jetpack Professional and all of its benefits at %s." msgstr "你可以在 %s 進一步探索 Jetpack 專業版及其所有優勢。" msgid "Speed up your site with AMP mobile pages at" msgstr "使用 的 AMP 行動網頁加快網站速度" msgid "" "Streamline your website and improve your mobile user experience when you add " "Google AMP to your WordPress site." msgstr "" "WordPress 網站搭配 Google AMP ,不但能讓網頁看來更俐落便捷,更能大大提升行動" "裝置的用戶體驗。" msgid "WordPress and Google. Better together." msgstr "WordPress + Google,強強聯手,大大好用。" msgid "" "Google research shows that 53 percent of people will leave a site that fails " "to load in three seconds or less. With Google AMP (accelerated mobile pages) " "integration, you can ensure your site loads quickly, and your users stick " "around." msgstr "" "Google 研究指出,如果網站載入時間超過三秒,53% 使用者會直接離去。使用 Google " "AMP 行動網頁加速技術,與你的網站整合,網站載入就能快如閃電,留住每個訪客。" msgid "Don’t lose to loads" msgstr "別讓龜速網頁趕跑訪客。" msgid "" "Use Google AMP integration for a mobile speed boost in your " "website." msgstr "使用 Google AMP 整合,大幅提升 網站的行動速度。" msgid "Use Google AMP integration to boost your mobile pages." msgstr "整合 Google AMP 加速技術,讓你的行動網頁快如閃電。" msgid "Speed up your site with AMP." msgstr "使用 AMP 讓網站更為快速。" msgid "The limit parameter must be an integer greater than or equal to -1" msgstr "limit參數必須是大於或等於-1的整數" msgid "Temple" msgstr "寺廟" msgid "Aquarium" msgstr "水族館" msgid "Casino" msgstr "賭場" msgid "Zoo" msgstr "動物園" msgid "Park" msgstr "公園" msgid "Real Estate" msgstr "房地產" msgid "Model" msgstr "模特兒" msgid "internet" msgstr "網際網路" msgid "Women's Health" msgstr "女性健康" msgid "Mental Health" msgstr "心理衛生" msgid "Rivers" msgstr "Rivers" msgid "Pub" msgstr "酒吧" msgid "Mexican Restaurant" msgstr "墨西哥餐廳" msgid "Movie Theater" msgstr "電影院" msgid "Brewery" msgstr "啤酒廠" msgid "Fast Food Restaurant" msgstr "速食餐廳" msgid "Non Profit" msgstr "非營利" msgid "Business & Services" msgstr "企業與服務" msgid "Orchestra" msgstr "管弦樂團" msgid "Start with a blank site." msgstr "從空白網站開始著手。" msgid "Blank Canvas" msgstr "空白畫布" msgid "Showcase your portfolio, skills or work." msgstr "展示你的作品集、專業技能或作品。" msgid "" "This website requires your permission to enable all features. Why?" msgstr "" "這個網站需要你的權限來啟用所有功能。為什" "麼?" msgid "What type of products do you sell?" msgstr "你販售哪種商品?" msgid "What type of work do you do?" msgstr "你從事哪種工作?" msgid "What type of business do you have?" msgstr "你經營哪種企業?" msgid "What will your blog be about?" msgstr "你的網誌是關於哪類內容?" msgid "" "The connection to could not be established. Please refer to our guide about firewalls and check your " "server configuration." msgstr "" "無法與 建立連線。請參閱這份關於" "防火牆的說明文件,並檢查目前伺服器的設定。" msgid "The API key you entered could not be verified." msgstr "無法驗證你輸入的 API 金鑰。" msgid "Would you like to check pending comments?" msgstr "想要檢查待審閱的留言嗎?" msgid "You don’t have an Akismet plan." msgstr "你並未加入任何 Akismet 方案。" msgid "Your Akismet subscription is suspended." msgstr "你的 Akismet 訂閱已暫停。" msgid "Your Akismet plan has been cancelled." msgstr "你的 Akismet 方案已取消。" msgid "" "We cannot process your payment. Please update your payment details." msgstr "" "Akismet 無法處理這項付款。請更新付款資訊。" msgid "Please update your payment information." msgstr "請更新付款資訊。" msgid "" "Your firewall may be blocking Akismet from connecting to its API. Please " "contact your host and refer to our guide " "about firewalls." msgstr "" "這個網站的防火牆可能封鎖了 Akismet 與其 API 的連線。請聯絡這個網站的主機服務" "提供商,並參考這份關於防火牆的說明。" msgid "Your site can’t connect to the Akismet servers." msgstr "你的網站無法連結至 Akismet 伺服器。" msgid "" "Almost done - configure Akismet and say goodbye to spam" msgstr "即將完成 - 完成 Akismet 設定後,便能告別垃圾留言" msgid "Set up your Akismet account" msgstr "設定你的 Akismet 帳戶" msgid "Classic Block Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "傳統編輯器鍵盤快速鍵" msgid "" " offers a full range of eCommerce options, from one-click " "payment buttons to a fully customizable online store." msgstr "" " 提供全面的電子商務選項,包括一鍵付款按鈕以及可充分自訂的網路商" "店。" msgid "starting price varies" msgstr "方案價格視情形而定" msgid "Create an eCommerce website with" msgstr "透過 建立電子商務網站" msgid "Get Started with eCommerce" msgstr "使用「電子商務」版方案" msgid "" "You’re almost there! Take one moment to check your email and verify your " "address to complete set up of your eCommerce store" msgstr "" "快完成了!花一點時間檢查你的電子郵件並驗證你的地址,即可完成電子商務商店的設" "定" msgid "Best for Online Stores:" msgstr "網路商店的最佳選擇:" msgid "Best for Small Businesses:" msgstr "小型企業最佳選擇:" msgid "Start with eCommerce" msgstr "選擇「電子商務」方案" msgid "" "Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all " "advertising. Get access to high-quality email and live chat support." msgstr "" "使用自訂網域名稱以提升網站流量,而且可以停止顯示所有 的廣告。此" "外,你更可獲得高品質的電子郵件與即時文字對談支援服務。" msgid "" "Quickly get up and running with a beautiful store theme and additional " "design options that you can easily make your own." msgstr "" "使用美觀的商店佈景主題讓你的網站快速上線運作,以及使用額外的設計選項,輕鬆創" "作你自己的網路商店。" msgid "" "Optimize your store for sales by adding in email and social integrations " "with Facebook and Mailchimp, and more." msgstr "" "新增電子郵件以及 Facebook 與 Mailchimp 的社交整合,針對銷售最佳化你的商店。" msgid "" "Grow your store as big as you want with the ability to add and sell " "unlimited products and services." msgstr "你可以新增和銷售產品和服務,沒有數量限制,讓你的商店大規模成長。" msgid "" "Ship physical products in a snap - show live rates from shipping carriers " "like UPS and other shipping options." msgstr "輕鬆運送實體產品 - 顯示 UPS 等貨運業者的即時費率和其他運送選項。" msgid "" "Built-in payment processing from leading providers like Stripe, PayPal, and " "more. Accept payments from customers all over the world." msgstr "" "內建付款處理程序,包括 Stripe、PayPal 等頂尖供應商。接受來自世界各地客戶的付" "款。" msgid "" "High quality email support to help you get your website up and running and " "working how you want it." msgstr "" "我們提供高品質的電子郵件支援,可協助你建立自己的專屬網站,並以你想要的方式運" "作。" msgid "" "Including email and live chat support, an ad-free experience for your " "visitors, increased storage space, and a custom domain name for one year." msgstr "" "包括電子郵件與即時線上文字對談支援、不含廣告的訪客體驗、更大的儲存空間,以及" "一年自訂網域名稱。" msgid "Best for personal use" msgstr "個人使用的最佳選擇" msgid "Renews on %1$s." msgstr "更新日期:%1$s。" msgid "%1$s. Price %2$s." msgstr "%1$s。價格:%2$s。" msgid "" "You’re getting closer to your anniversary — congrats! I wanted " "to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and remind you " "that the following subscriptions will renew automatically:" msgstr "" "你的 即將進入一周年— 恭喜,謝謝你成為我們社群寶貴的成員,提醒你" "以下的訂閱即將自動更新。" msgid "13GB Storage Space" msgstr "13GB儲存空間" msgid "" "Sell products or services with this powerful, all-in-one online store " "experience. This plan includes premium integrations and is extendable, so " "it’ll grow with you as your business grows." msgstr "" "使用這款強大的全包式商店體驗銷售產品或服務。此方案包含進階版整合功能,而且可" "加以擴展,以便與你的企業一同成長。" msgid "Best for Online Stores" msgstr "網路開店的最佳選擇" msgid "" "If you just want to start creating, get a free site and be on your way to " "publishing in less than five minutes." msgstr "想要立刻架好網站,五分鐘內發佈第一篇文章,就選免費方案,立即開始。" msgid "Domain mappings are included in your plan price." msgstr "你的方案價格已包含網域對應。" msgid "Get the apps and run your store on the go" msgstr "下載應用程式,並隨時隨地經營你的商店" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read blocks as this user." msgstr "很抱歉,以這位使用者的身分登入時,沒有讀取區塊的權限。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read blocks of this post." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有讀取這篇內容的區塊的權限。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view autosaves of this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許檢視此文章的自動儲存。" msgid "Can't connect to Mapbox" msgstr "無法連結Mapbox" msgid "Invalid API Key" msgstr "無效的API金鑰" msgid "API key retrieved successfully." msgstr "成功取得API金鑰。" msgid "User friendly message" msgstr "使用者友善訊息" msgid "API key deleted successfully." msgstr "成功刪除了API金鑰" msgid "API key updated successfully." msgstr "成功更新了API金鑰" msgid "The API key used by the service. Empty if none has been set yet" msgstr "若尚未設定,由此服務使用的API金鑰將為空值" msgid "The name of the service in question" msgstr "所詢問的服務名稱" msgid "" "You do not have the correct user permissions to perform this action.\n" "\t\t\tPlease contact your site admin if you think this is a mistake." msgstr "你沒有執行此項動作的權限。如果你認為這是錯的,請聯繫網站管理員。" msgid "The current user can post unfiltered HTML markup and JavaScript." msgstr "目前使用者可發佈未經過濾的 HTML 和 JavaScript。" msgid "Version of the content block format used by the post." msgstr "文章使用的內容區塊格式版本。" msgid "Slug automatically generated from the post title." msgstr "依據文章標題自動產生的代稱。" msgid "Permalink template for the post." msgstr "文章的永久連結範本。" msgid "" "As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard " "to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "" "身為一位新的 WordPress 使用者,請前往控制台刪除這個頁面," "並建立屬於自己的頁面。祝使用愉快!" msgid "" "The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing " "quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ " "employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the " "Gotham community." msgstr "" "某某某公司成立於1971年,自從建立以來,我們一直向社會貢獻著優秀doohickies。我" "們的公司總部位於香港政府總部,有著超過兩千名員工,對香港政府稅收有著巨大貢" "獻。" msgid "...or something like this:" msgstr "...或者類似這些:" msgid "" "Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is " "my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like " "piña coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)" msgstr "" "嗨,你好!白天我是一位郵差,晚上則是個滿懷抱負的演員,這是用來展現自我的網" "站。我住在香港,養了一隻極通人性的狗叫黑仔;我最愛躺平。" msgid "" "This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will " "stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). " "Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site " "visitors. It might say something like this:" msgstr "" "這是一個範例頁面。 它與博客文章不同,因為它將保留在一個位置,並將顯示在您的網" "站導覽中(在大多數佈景主題中)。 大多數人都從 “關於” 頁面開始,向可能的網站訪" "客介紹它們。它可能會寫道:" msgid "" "Welcome to %s. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start " "writing!" msgstr "" "歡迎使用 %s。這是你的第一篇文章。編輯或者刪除本篇文章,然後開始你的部落客生" "活!" msgid "See your real-time stats anytime, anywhere." msgstr "隨時隨地都可以查看即時統計資料。" msgid "Catch up with new posts on the go or save them to read offline." msgstr "隨時隨地掌握新文章,或是儲存以供離線閱讀。" msgid "Reason for the extension not being available" msgstr "擴充功能無法使用的原因" msgid "Whether the extension is available" msgstr "該擴充是否能夠使用" msgid "" "A security scan detected malware in the %1$s theme. The entire " "theme has been automatically removed from your site." msgstr "" "安全性掃描作業在 %1$s 佈景主題中偵測到惡意軟體。系統已自動將整個佈景" "主題從你的網站移除。" msgid "" "A security scan detected malware in the %1$s plugin. The entire " "plugin has been automatically removed from your site." msgstr "" "安全性掃描作業在 %1$s 外掛程式中偵測到惡意軟體。系統已自動將整個外掛" "程式從你的網站移除。" msgid "Please open the classic editor to use this meta box." msgstr "請開啟傳統編輯器以使用這個中繼資料區塊。" msgid "" "Please activate the Classic Editor plugin to use this " "meta box." msgstr "請啟用傳統編輯器以使用這個中繼資料區塊。" msgid "" "Please install the Classic Editor plugin to use this meta " "box." msgstr "請安裝傳統編輯器以使用這個中繼資料區塊。" msgid "This meta box is not compatible with the block editor." msgstr "此元框與區塊編輯器不兼容。" msgid "" "This meta box, from the %s plugin, is not compatible with the block editor." msgstr "這個於 %s 的元框與方區塊編輯器並不兼容。" msgid "All Business plan features" msgstr "所有商務版方案功能" msgid "All Business Features" msgstr "所有商務版功能" msgid "Premium Customizable Starter Themes" msgstr "進階版自訂入門佈景主題" msgid "eCommerce Marketing Tools" msgstr "電子商務行銷工具" msgid "Premium customizable starter themes" msgstr "進階版自訂入門佈景主題" msgid "eCommerce marketing tools" msgstr "電子商務行銷工具" msgid "Unlimited products or services" msgstr "無限產品或服務" msgid "Unlimited Products or Services" msgstr "產品、服務銷售種類與數量無上限" msgid "Integrations with top shipping carriers" msgstr "與頂尖貨運業者整合" msgid "Accept Payments in 60+ Countries" msgstr "收取 60 個以上國家/地區的付款" msgid "Integrations with Top Shipping Carriers" msgstr "整合一線物流業者" msgid "Accept payments in 60+ countries" msgstr "接受 60 多個國家/地區的付款" msgid "The plan for small businesses" msgstr "適用於小型企業的方案" msgctxt "Google Font Name and Variants" msgid "Noto Serif:400,400i,700,700i" msgstr "Noto Serif:400,400i,700,700i" msgid "%(description)s is invalid. Must be a 5 digit number" msgstr "%(description)s 無效。必須為 5 位數字" msgid "Choose several" msgstr "選擇多個" msgid "" "The offset number requested is larger than or equal to the number of " "available revisions." msgstr "所要求的偏移量與現有版本數量一樣或較大。" msgid "Speed up static file load times" msgstr "加速靜態檔案載入時間" msgid "Speed up image load times" msgstr "加速影像載入時間" msgid "Enable site accelerator" msgstr "啟用網站加速器" msgid "" "Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your " "images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of " "servers." msgstr "" "透過我們的全球伺服器網路提供圖片和靜態檔案 (如 CSS 和 JavaScript),讓 " "Jetpack 最佳化你的圖片,藉此加快載入頁面的速度。" msgid "" "Jetpack's global Content Delivery Network (CDN) optimizes files and images " "so your visitors enjoy the fastest experience regardless of device or " "location." msgstr "" "Jetpack 的全球內容傳遞網路 (CDN) 會將檔案和圖片最佳化,讓訪客隨時隨地都能在所" "有裝置上獲得最快的服務體驗。" msgid "Performance & speed" msgstr "效能與速度" msgid "" "With increased storage space you’ll be able to upload more images, audio, " "and documents to your website." msgstr "提供更大的儲存空間,讓你可以上載更多圖片、音訊和文件至網站上。" msgid "" "Access to a wide range of professional theme templates for your website so " "you can find the exact design you’re looking for." msgstr "提供各種專業的佈景主題範本,讓你找出心目中最適合你的網站設計。" msgid "" "Keep the focus on your site’s brand by removing the footer " "branding." msgstr "移除 的頁尾品牌標誌,突顯你的網站品牌。" msgid "" "Adds tools to enhance your site’s content for better results on search " "engines and social media." msgstr "新增可強化網站內容的工具,讓你在搜尋引擎與社交媒體中取得更好的效益。" msgid "" "With increased storage space you’ll be able to upload more images, videos, " "audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "提供更大的儲存空間,讓你可以上載更多圖片、影片、音訊和文件至你的網站。" msgid "View Navigation Menu" msgstr "檢視導覽選單" msgid "The domain to be used (,,, ...)" msgstr "欲使用的網域名稱(、、home.blog等等)" msgid "Sorry, updating the site name failed" msgstr "抱歉,更新網站名稱發生錯誤" msgid "Sorry, you don't have permission to rename this site." msgstr "抱歉,你沒有為網站更名的權限" msgid "Sell your collection of products online." msgstr "線上銷售各式各樣的產品。" msgid "Improve your WordPress experience with Jetpack" msgstr "使用 Jetpack 提升你的 WordPress 網站" msgid "Build exactly the kind of site you need." msgstr "助你打造出最符所需的完美網站。" msgid "Find a host" msgstr "尋找主機" msgid "" "Build it exactly how you want it by purchasing server space from one of our " "recommended hosts. Install the Jetpack plugin, additional plugins, and " "custom themes on a brand new site. Upgrade to the plan that suits you and " "your site best." msgstr "" "可從我們推薦的多家主機商,選擇最符所需的伺服器方案,並透過自行安裝的 Jetpack " "外掛程式、多樣化的其他外掛與自訂佈景主題,打造出你心中的夢幻網站。如果還有更" "多功能需求,也可升級至最適合你的方案。" msgid "Best for Self-hosted Sites:" msgstr "自架網站的最佳選擇:" msgid "Jetpack
Plugin" msgstr "Jetpack
外掛程式" msgid "" "Get the best that Jetpack has to offer, from real-time backups and security " "scanning to social media automation and monetization tools. Install premium " "or custom themes and thousands of plugins with unlimited storage space." msgstr "" "充分享有完善的 Jetpack 多種強效功能,包括即時備份、資安掃瞄、自動化社群媒體分" "享工具、網站獲利工具等。無上限儲存空間,讓你盡情上載使用進階或自訂佈景主題," "更有數千種外掛程式任君挑選。" msgid "" "Start with the premium Jetpack experience — get access to professional " "WordPress themes, fast hosting for images and videos, daily backups, and " "payment buttons. Customize your site with a domain name and remove the " " branding." msgstr "" "享有多種專業 WordPress 佈景主題任選、快速圖片影音託管主機、每日備份、付款按鈕" "等功能,更支援自有網域名稱,並可移除 標誌。" msgid "
Premium" msgstr "
進階方案" msgid "" "Have a question about Jetpack? Get help when you need it from our WordPress " "experts via chat, email, or the community forums." msgstr "" "對 Jetpack 有疑問嗎?你可以在需要時使用即時聊天、電子郵件或社群論壇,以獲得 " "WordPress 專家的協助。" msgid "Choose your Jetpack flavor" msgstr "選擇最適合的 Jetpack 方案" msgid "" "Jetpack is for everyone, including WordPress developers. Customize your " "installation with hooks and filters, and try out our beta program to " "experiment with new features before they’re released." msgstr "" "Jetpack 不僅適合所有人,更是 WordPress 開發者的好朋友。可以利用 Hook 和 " "Filter 設定各種安裝選項,還能加入測試計畫,搶先體驗即將推出的各項新功能。" msgid "Developer-friendly" msgstr "開發者專屬功能" msgid "" "Brute force login protection comes built in to every Jetpack-powered site. " "Upgrade your plan to get additional features like offsite backups with " "automated restores, spam protection, and security scans." msgstr "" "Jetpack 內建暴力登入防護功能,能保護你的網站;如果還需要異地備份、自動還原、" "垃圾郵件防護、資安掃瞄等功能,只要升級到合適的方案即可。" msgid "Robust security" msgstr "更安全、更穩定" msgid "" "Bring new visitors to your site by promoting your content. Use built-in " "marketing features like automated social media sharing, and keep track of " "your success with built-in site stats." msgstr "" "Jetpack 內建社群媒體自動分享功能,可以讓你的網站吸引更多訪客;更可透過內建網" "站統計功能,分析並追蹤網站的各項成效。" msgid "Marketing tools" msgstr "強效行銷工具" msgid "" "Jetpack includes free access to hundreds of professionally designed " "WordPress themes, all optimized for desktop and mobile users. Themes can be " "customized with your images, unlimited widgets, and custom CSS." msgstr "" "Jetpack 內建數百種專業的 WordPress 佈景主題,供你免費使用,不論行動裝置或電" "腦,看起來都精美無比。你還可以上載圖片、安裝數量不限的小工具,或是自訂 CSS 修" "改佈景主題,讓網站更獨樹一格。" msgid "Beautiful designs" msgstr "精美的版面設計" msgid "" "Jetpack gives you the power to choose from different plans with features " "that meet your unique needs. Upgrade to get tools like spam filtering, real-" "time backups, premium themes, an improved site search, and much more." msgstr "" "Jetpack 提供多種方案,讓你依己身需求,選擇最合適的升級方案,擁有垃圾郵件濾" "除、即時備份、多種進階佈景主題、強化的站內搜尋等多種強效功能。" msgid "" "Already have your own website? The Jetpack features that come baked into " " are available to everyone. If you’re already using WordPress " "with another host, you can get built-in site stats, free themes, login " "monitoring, and more by installing the Jetpack plugin." msgstr "" "自架的 WordPress 愛用者,也能享用 帶來的 Jetpack 強效功能;只要" "在自架 WordPress 上安裝 Jetpack 外掛程式,即可擁有網站統計、免費佈景主題與登" "入監控等眾多好用功能。" msgid "Bring Jetpack to your favorite host." msgstr "在自備主機上架設的 WordPress,也能使用 Jetpack。" msgid "Get started ›" msgstr "開始使用 ›" msgid "" "With Jetpack and, you can monitor your site’s performance with " "stats, share your posts on social media, or optimize for search engines with " "WordPress essential SEO tools — all without the hassles of plugin " "installation and maintenance." msgstr "" " 加上 Jetpack,讓你能夠利用統計資料掌握網站表現,在社群媒體上分" "享精彩內容,更可利用 WordPress 基礎 SEO 工具提升搜尋排名;免安裝、免管理,不" "費吹灰之力。" msgid "" "When you sign up for, you automatically get access to Jetpack. " "Your new site includes the most popular, powerful, and functional WordPress " "features available anywhere." msgstr "" "只要註冊,就能自動享有 Jetpack 帶來的眾多精彩功能,讓你的網站更" "受歡迎、更強大,更好用。" msgid "Create your own success story." msgstr "讓你的網站飛速成長、大獲成功。" msgid "Classic Bright" msgstr "經典亮色" msgid "Classic Blue" msgstr "經典藍色" msgid "" "Shorter load times can lead to happier readers, more page views, and — if " "you’re running a store — improved sales." msgstr "" "網站載入更快,網友更為滿意,就會瀏覽更多網頁;如果你有網路電商服務,還能提升" "銷售業績。" msgid "%1$s Team" msgstr "%1$s 團隊" msgid "" "If you have any questions, our %1$sHappiness Engineers%2$s will be happy to " "assist you." msgstr "如有任何疑問,我們的 %1$sHappiness Engineer%2$s 很樂意為你提供協助。" msgid "" "For a limited time, you can lock in your existing renewal price of %1$s for " "your %2$s plan, which includes both a plan and a custom domain name for one " "more year, instead of paying the additional %3$s." msgid_plural "" "For a limited time, you can lock in your existing renewal price of %1$s for " "your %2$s plan, which includes both a plan and a custom domain name for two " "more years, instead of paying the additional %3$s." msgstr[0] "" "限時優惠!你現在可以利用目前的續訂價格 %1$s 續訂 %2$s 方案,無需再額外支付 " "%3$s,即可額外享用一年的方案和自訂網域名稱。" msgid "Offer Valid Till %1$s" msgstr "優惠有效期至 %1$s" msgid "" "This domain credit change will take effect on your next billing date and you " "will be charged %1$s for your domain %2$s and %3$s for your %4$s plan." msgstr "" "本次網域額度變更會在下一個帳單結算日生效,我們將向你收取 %2$s 網域的 %1$s 費" "用,以及 %4$s 方案的 %3$s 費用。" msgid "" "We’re giving you this advance notice, before the change takes place, and " "also offering you a limited-time chance to renew your plan now (and " "get your domain free for another year)." msgid_plural "" "We’re giving you this advance notice, before the change takes place, and " "also offering you a limited-time chance to renew your plan now (and " "get your domain free for another two years)." msgstr[0] "" "此通知旨在預先告知你即將生效的變更,同時向你提供立即續訂方案的限時優" "惠 (並可獲得一年免費網域)。" msgid "" "Your site, the tools, and benefits you get from your plan will remain " "unchanged. This policy change only impacts your domain registration." msgstr "" "方案中提供的網站、工具和優勢都會維持不變,這項政策變更只會影響你的網域註冊。" msgid "" "We are writing to tell you about an important change to your subscription " "plan that’s coming soon. As of %1$s, plans will no longer " "include a free domain credit for renewals." msgstr "" "此訊息是為了通知你,你的訂閱方案將有重要變更。自 %1$s 起,續訂的 WordPress." "com 方案將不再包含免費的網域額度。" msgid "Limited-time offer: Lock in your current plan prices" msgstr "限時優惠:繼續享有你目前的 方案價格" msgid "" "You can only have one running import at a time. Please wait for the current " "one to complete. If you need any further assistance please contact support." msgstr "" "你一次只能進行一次匯入,請等待現有的匯入工作完成。如果需要進一步的協助,請聯絡我們。" msgid "" "We had trouble reading the import file. Please make sure it's valid XML." msgstr "無法解析匯入的檔案。請確認它是有效的XML。" msgid "" "We had trouble opening the import file. Please make sure it's valid XML." msgstr "無法開啟匯入的檔案。請確認它是有效的XML。" msgid "WordAds Stats" msgstr "WordAds 統計資料" msgid "Average CPM" msgstr "平均 CPM" msgid "Avg. CPM" msgstr "平均CPM" msgid "WordAds - Years" msgstr "WordAds - 年" msgid "WordAds - Months" msgstr "WordAds - 月" msgid "WordAds - Weeks" msgstr "WordAds - 週" msgid "WordAds - Days" msgstr "WordAds - 日" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for bloggers:{{/strong}} Brand your blog with a custom .blog " "domain name, and remove all advertising. Receive additional " "storage space and customer support via email." msgstr "" "{{strong}}部落客的最佳選擇:{{/strong}}透過自訂 .blog 網域名稱打造網誌品牌," "並移除所有 的廣告。獲得額外的儲存空間和電子郵件支援。" msgid "Best for bloggers" msgstr "部落客的最佳選擇" msgid "" "Due to recent contact information updates, this domain has a transfer lock " "that expires on {{strong}}%(date)s{{/strong}}. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more." "{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "由於此網域近期更新了聯絡人資訊,因此已啟用轉讓鎖定,並將於 " "{{strong}}%(date)s.{{/strong}} 到期。{{learnMoreLink}}瞭解更多。{{/" "learnMoreLink}}" msgid "mail" msgstr "郵件" msgid "Choose" msgstr "選取" msgid "Start writing or type / to choose a block" msgstr "開始撰寫內容或輸入斜線 (/) 以選取區塊類型" msgid "HTML / XHTML / XML / XSLT" msgstr "HTML / XHTML / XML / XSLT" msgid "Ruby / Ruby on Rails" msgstr "Ruby / Ruby on Rails" msgid "diff / patch" msgstr "diff / patch" msgid "Delphi / Pascal" msgstr "Delphi / Pascal" msgid "C / C++" msgstr "C / C++" msgid "BASH / Shell" msgstr "BASH / Shell" msgid "Free domain included for the first year of your site upgrade." msgstr "升級網站,第一年隨附免費網域。" msgid "Error adding credit card. Please Contact Support quoting error %s." msgstr "新增信用卡時發生錯誤:請聯絡支援團隊,並引述錯誤 %s。" msgid "This site has already been launched" msgstr "本網站已經發佈。" msgctxt "Concierge session" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "排程" msgid "%s is not a valid email address." msgstr "%s 是無效的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Tokenized Payment Data" msgstr "代碼化付款資料" msgid "wallet" msgstr "錢包" msgid "Whether `enable` can be changed for this post/connection" msgstr "此文章/連結是否可以變更「啟用」狀態" msgid "Whether to share to this connection" msgstr "是否要分享至此連結" msgid "" "All plans are risk-free and include a money-back guarantee – 30 days for " "plans and 48 hours for domains." msgstr "所有方案均無風險,且包含 30 天 (方案) 及 48 小時 (網域) 的退款保證。" msgid "" "Complete control of your site’s design with custom CSS (Premium and Business " "plans)." msgstr "使用自訂 CSS 充分掌握你的網站設計 (進階版及商務版方案)。" msgid "Hundreds of professionally designed templates." msgstr "數百種專業設計範本。" msgid "Access to live chat support." msgstr "使用即時聊天支援。" msgid "" "Plans start at just %1$s per month, and all purchases are protected by our " "30-day full money-back guarantee (48 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "付費方案費用為每月 %1$s 起,而且所有購買項目,均享有 30 天全額退款保證(網域" "名稱為 48 小時)。" msgid "" "The ability to make money from your site with more advertising and payment " "options." msgstr "在網站上使用更多廣告和付款選項來獲利。" msgid "Access to many more professionally-designed site templates." msgstr "存取更多款專業設計的網站範本。" msgid "" "One-on-one technical support to answer your most pressing site questions." msgstr "一對一的技術支援,回答你最迫切的網站相關問題。" msgid "Enhanced plans include:" msgstr "增強型方案包含:" msgid "" "All plan upgrades are risk-free and include a money-" "back guarantee — 30 days for plans and 48 hours for domains." msgstr "" "所有 方案升級均無風險,且包含 30 天 (方案) 及 48 小時 " "(網域) 的退款保證。" msgid "Removal of ads." msgstr "移除廣告。" msgid "Enhanced security features." msgstr "增強的安全性功能。" msgid "Additional storage space." msgstr "額外儲存空間。" msgid "Expert support." msgstr "專家支援。" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Get the app" msgstr "下載應用程式" msgid "Jetpacks come pocket-sized, too!" msgstr "Jetpacks 也有手機版!" msgid "" "Image showing interface that allows users to update plugins on their sites " "using mobile devices" msgstr "圖片顯示的介面可讓使用者利用行動裝置更新其網站上的外掛程式" msgid "" "Jetpack monitors your site for downtime — if anything’s off, it instantly " "sends a push notification to the mobile app." msgstr "" "Jetpack 隨時監控網站運作情形,一旦發現任何異狀導致網站停止服務。就會馬上透過" "手機 App 傳送推播通知,讓你即時掌握一切。" msgid "" "Ensure your site’s security by staying up to date with the latest versions " "of plugins and themes. Update them anytime from the app, or turn autoupdates " "on let Jetpack do the work." msgstr "" "隨時自動將外掛程式和佈景主題升級至最新版本,以確保資安;可以用手機 App 隨時手" "動更新,或開啟自動更新選項,讓 Jetpack 為你搞定一切。" msgid "Jetpack makes sure your site is always online, up to date, and secure." msgstr "Jetpack 讓你的網站永不斷線,隨時自動更新,而且安全無虞。" msgid "" "Image showing interface that allows users to see stats and site activity " "using mobile devices" msgstr "圖片顯示的介面可讓使用者利用行動裝置檢視統計資料和網站活動" msgid "" "Check notifications to keep conversations flowing with your followers, and " "keep your finger on the pulse of your site with a full record of every " "update and change." msgstr "" "透過手機 App 發送的通知,讓你不錯過網友的留言問候,更能讓你隨時掌握網站動態," "不放過任何網站的更動。" msgid "" "Sneak a peek at your stats on your morning commute. Discover where your " "readers come during your lunch break." msgstr "早上通勤時可以瞄一眼網站統計數字,午休時間可以看看讀者都從哪裡來訪。" msgid "Keep up with your site’s activity, even when away from your desk." msgstr "即使不在辦公桌前,也能隨時掌握網站的活動。" msgid "" "Image showing interface that allows users to create and publish content on " "their site using mobile devices" msgstr "圖片顯示的介面可讓使用者利用行動裝置在網站上建立和發佈內容。" msgid "" "Use our mobile apps to publish new content, upload photos directly from your " "device’s camera, or fix that typo you missed." msgstr "" "透過手機 App,你可以發佈新文章、訂正文章裡的錯字,甚至還能直接拍照上載,直接" "使用。" msgid "" "Have a seamless WordPress experience across your desktop, tablet, and " "smartphone." msgstr "不論使用電腦、平板還是智慧型手機,都能享有流暢的 WordPress 操作體驗。" msgid "Make updates to your Jetpack site at any time, from any device." msgstr "有了 Jetpack,你可以使用任何裝置來更新自己的網站。" msgid "Manage your WordPress site on the go with our fully-featured app." msgstr "內建完整功能的手機 App,讓你在任何地點,都能輕鬆管理 WordPress 網站。" msgid "" "Image showing a full-screen slideshow with a photo of mountains and lakes" msgstr "顯示高山湖泊相片的全螢幕投影片圖片" msgid "" "Use Google Photos to manage your WordPress media, or find the right image " "for your story with our free stock-image library provided by Pexels." msgstr "" "可透過 Google 相簿管理 WordPress 中的所有多媒體檔案,更可在 Pexel 免費圖庫中" "尋找適合搭配文章的精彩圖片。" msgid "" "Create beautiful experiences with carousels, tiled galleries, and full-" "screen slideshows. Embed anything from a video to a tweet to a recipe " "directly onto your site." msgstr "" "自動輪播、相片牆、全螢幕顯示等選項,讓相片和影片擁有最佳體驗界面;你的網站可" "以嵌入任何內容,不論是影片、推文還是食譜單元,萬事 OK。" msgid "Showcase your portfolio and make articles shine using rich media." msgstr "強大的多媒體展示功能,不僅可打造亮眼的作品集,更能讓文章增色不少。" msgid "" "Brand your blog with a custom .blog domain name, and remove all WordPress." "com advertising. Receive additional storage space and email support." msgstr "" "使用自訂的 .blog 網域名稱不僅能打造你的網誌品牌,更會移除所有 " "廣告。此外,你還可獲得額外儲存空間和電子郵件支援。" msgid "Start with Blogger" msgstr "以部落客為出發點" msgid "Stores and Business Sites" msgstr "商店和企業網站" msgid "A personal touch goes a long way." msgstr "個人化風格才是長久之計。" msgid "Make your blog stand out from the rest" msgstr "讓你的網誌與眾不同" msgid "Make your blog an audience magnet." msgstr "讓你的網誌吸引讀者。" msgid "Avoid the #1 mistake new bloggers make" msgstr "避免新手部落客最常犯的錯誤" msgid "Your audience wants to know more about you!" msgstr "你的讀者想更認識你!" msgid "Create an irresistible “About” page" msgstr "建立魅力無窮的「關於」頁面" msgid "Get started creating today." msgstr "立即開始建立。" msgid "Congrats on your new blog! Here’s what to do next" msgstr "架好新網站後,要如何透過規劃,讓網站大獲成功?" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't process your transfer. Please try again later." msgstr "很抱歉,我們無法處理你的轉移程序。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "Ask our Happiness Engineers questions in this app anytime you need, or chat " "with us live at" msgstr "" "有需要時可隨時透過此應用程式向我們的 Happiness Engineer 提問,或在 WordPress." "com/help 與我們即時聊天。" msgid "" "Ask our Happiness Engineers questions in this app anytime you need, or at " "" msgstr "" "有需要時可隨時透過此應用程式,或到,向我們的 Happiness " "Engineer 提問。" msgid "Is this connection available to all users?" msgstr "此連結是否開放所有使用者使用?" msgid "Username of the connected account" msgstr "已連結帳戶的使用者名稱" msgid "You are not allowed to access the '%s' field." msgstr "你不可存取「%s」欄位。" msgid "Property '%s' must be overridden." msgstr "必須覆寫「%s」屬性。" msgid "map" msgstr "地圖" msgid "Remove key?" msgstr "是否要移除金鑰?" msgid "Your last name" msgstr "你的姓氏" msgid "Your first name" msgstr "你的名字" msgid "Invalid extra.last_name input" msgstr "無效的 extra.last_name 輸入內容" msgid "Invalid extra.first_name input" msgstr "無效的 extra.first_name 輸入內容" msgid "Send to another email address" msgstr "寄到另一個電子郵件地址" msgid "Launch your site" msgstr "推出你的網站" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Huge" msgstr "超大型" msgctxt "blocks" msgid "Most used" msgstr "最常使用" msgctxt "imperative verb" msgid "Resolve" msgstr "解析" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Embed" msgstr "嵌入內容" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Embed" msgstr "嵌入內容" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Large" msgstr "大型" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Medium" msgstr "中型" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Small" msgstr "小型" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Normal" msgstr "標準" msgid "media" msgstr "媒體" msgid "Generating preview…" msgstr "正在產生預覽…" msgid "Stats response could not be decoded." msgstr "無法解碼統計資料回應。" msgid "Currently unable to fetch stats. Please try again." msgstr "目前無法擷取統計資料。請再試一次。" msgctxt "title" msgid "Free domain for one year" msgstr "一年免費網域" msgctxt "title" msgid "Free .blog Domain for one year" msgstr "一年免費 .blog 網域" msgid "Free domain for one year" msgstr "一年免費網域" msgid "" " Premium includes a free custom domain name for one year. " "Register a domain name that matches your branding, blog, or small business." msgstr "" " 進階版方案,提供一年免費自訂網域名稱;讓你註冊取得和品牌形象、" "網誌、企業最速配的網域名稱。" msgid "" " Personal includes a free custom domain name for one year. " "Register a domain name that matches your branding, blog, or business." msgstr "" " 個人版方案,提供一年免費自訂網域名稱;讓你註冊取得和品牌形象、" "網誌、企業最速配的網域名稱。" msgid "Get a free domain for one year." msgstr "取得一年免費網域。" msgid "Get dedicated support" msgstr "獲得專門支援" msgid "" "This plan includes unlimited premium themes, monetizing and SEO tools, " "access to third-party plugins, and live chat with our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "此方案包括無限進階版佈景主題、獲利和 SEO 工具、第三方外掛程式存取權,以及 " "Happiness Engineer 即時聊天支援服務。" msgid "" "This plan includes unlimited premium themes, monetizing tools, and immediate " "access to live chat with our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "此方案包括及無限進階版佈景主題、獲利工具以及 Happiness Engineer 即時聊天支援" "服務。" msgid "" "This plan includes custom design tools, storage space for your photos and " "videos, and access to live chat with our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "此方案包括自訂設計工具、存放相片和影片的儲存空間,以及 Happiness Engineer 即" "時聊天支援服務。" msgid "Free Domain for One Year" msgstr "一年免費網域名稱" msgid "Free .blog Domain for One Year" msgstr "一年免費 .blog 網域" msgid "" "Get a free domain for one year. Premium domains not included. Your domain " "will renew at its regular price." msgstr "取得一年免費網域。進階版網域除外。你的網域將會按定價續約。" msgid "" "Get a free custom .blog domain for one year. Premium domains not included. " "Your domain will renew at its regular price." msgstr "取得一年免費 .blog 網域。進階版網域除外。你的網域將會按正常價格續訂。" msgid "Free .blog domain for one year" msgstr "一年免費 .blog 網域" msgid "" "Choose a theme, customize, and launch your site. A free domain for one year " "is included with all annual plans." msgstr "" "為你的網站選擇佈景主題並自訂,然後將網站上線。所有方案皆隨附一年免費網域。" msgid "Your plan includes a free custom domain for one year. Grab this one!" msgstr "你的方案隨附一年免費自訂網域。好好地利用它吧!" msgid "" "Your plan includes a free custom domain for one year, which gives your site " "a more professional, branded feel." msgstr "你的方案包括一年免費自訂網域,可以為網站增添專業感,突顯品牌形象。" msgid "" "Your plan includes a free .blog domain for one year, which gives your site a " "more professional, branded feel." msgstr "你的方案包括一年免費 .blog 網域,為你的網站增添專業感,突顯品牌形象。" msgid "" "%1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will automatically renew in %1$d day." msgstr "%1$s 方案和網域名稱「%2$s」會在 %1$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "" "%1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will automatically renew in %1$d days." msgstr "%1$s 方案和網域名稱「%2$s」會在 %1$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "%1$s plan and domain name for %2$s will be renewed automatically" msgstr "%1$s 方案和 %2$s 的網域名稱將會自動續訂" msgid "Renewing your domain name \"%1$s\" costs %2$s." msgstr "續訂網域名稱「%1$s」的費用為 %2$s。" msgid "Your domain name %1$s is due for renewal" msgstr "你的網域名稱 %1$s 已到期,需要續訂" msgid "We were attempting to renew your custom domain for your site %1$s" msgstr "我們先前曾嘗試續訂 %1$s 網站的自訂網域" msgid "" "This is Anne from and I was just notified that your plan and " "domain renewals for %1$s didn’t go through. This is most likely because the " "card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "我是 的 Anne,剛才收到通知,你的 %1$s 方案和網域並未成功續訂。" "這很可能是因為我們記錄中的信用卡已經到期。" msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan will renew in %2$d days." msgstr "" "感謝你成為我們社群寶貴的一份子,提醒你,你的 %1$s 方案會在 %2$d 天後續訂。" msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan will renew in %2$d day." msgstr "" "感謝你成為我們社群寶貴的一份子,提醒你,你的 %1$s 方案會在 %2$d 天後續訂。" msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will renew in %3$d " "days." msgstr "" "感謝你成為我們社群寶貴的一份子,提醒你,你的 %1$s 方案和網域名稱「%2$s」會在 " "%3$d 天後續訂。" msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will renew in %3$d " "day." msgid_plural "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will renew in %3$d " "days." msgstr[0] "" "感謝你成為我們社群寶貴的一份子,提醒你,你的 %1$s 方案和網域名稱「%2$s」會在 " "%3$d 天後續訂。" msgid "" "You will be charged %1$s for your %2$s plan renewal and %3$s for your domain " "name \"%4$s\" on %5$s." msgstr "" "我們將於 %5$s 向你收取 %2$s 方案續訂的費用 %1$s,以及網域名稱「%4$s」的費用 " "%3$s。" msgid "" "Note: Effective %1$s, domain renewals are no longer included in the price of " "your plan subscription and your domain name will renew at an additional cost " "per year. You will receive a separate email about your domain subscription." msgstr "" "請注意:自 %1$s 起,你的方案訂閱價格將不再包含網域續訂,你須每年支付額外費用" "來訂續網域名稱。你將會收到另一封關於網域訂閱的電子郵件。" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, all of the %1$s features will be removed from your " "site %2$s." msgstr "這項升級到期時,所有%1$s功能都會從你的網站 %2$s 移除。" msgid "" "This upgrade includes custom design features, no ads, and 24/7 customer " "support." msgstr "" "這項升級包含自訂設計功能,以及 24 小時全年無休的客戶支援服務,而且不含廣告。" msgid "Act now to save your important site features!" msgstr "立即行動!保留你重要的網站功能!" msgid "" "For a limited time, you can lock in your existing renewal price of %1$s for " "both a plan and a domain for one more year. Click the button below to lock " "in your rate before this offer expires." msgstr "" "限時優惠!你現在可以鎖定現有的續訂價格 %1$s,額外享用一年的方案和網域。若要在" "此優惠到期前鎖定你的費率,請按下方按鈕。" msgid "" "Note: Effective %1$s, domain renewals are no longer included in the price of " "your plan subscription and your domain name will renew at an additional cost " "per year." msgstr "" "請注意:自 %1$s 起,你的方案訂閱價格將不再包含網域續訂,你須每年支付額外費用" "來訂續網域名稱。" msgid "" "If these subscriptions expire, all of the %1$s features will be removed, and " "your site will no longer be available at %2$s." msgstr "這些訂閱到期時,所有%1$s功能都會移除,且 %2$s 將不再提供你的網站。" msgid "Your domain name %1$s. Price: %2$s" msgstr "你的網域名稱是 %1$s。價格:%2$s" msgid "" "%1$s, which includes custom design features, no ads, and 24/7 customer " "support. Price: %2$s" msgstr "" "%1$s,其中包含自訂設計功能以及 24 小時全年無休的客戶支援服務,而且不含廣告。" "價格:%2$s" msgid "As of %1$s, the following subscription will expire:" msgstr "以下訂閱將會在 %1$s 到期:" msgid "As of %1$s, the following subscriptions will expire:" msgstr "以下訂閱將會在 %1$s 到期:" msgid "[] %1$s plan and domain will expire in %2$d days" msgstr "[] %1$s 方案和網域會在 %2$d 天後到期" msgid "[] %1$s plan and domain will expire in %2$d day" msgstr "[] %1$s 方案和網域會在 %2$d 天後到期" msgid "SMS Sent. Go check your messages!" msgstr "簡訊已傳送。請查看簡訊!" msgid "We couldn’t send the SMS — double check your number." msgstr "無法傳送簡訊給你 — 請確認電話號碼無誤。" msgid "Promote products and services." msgstr "宣傳產品和服務。" msgid "Share and discuss ideas, updates, or creations." msgstr "分享和討論靈感、更新內容或創作。" msgid "You're sending too many messages. Please slow down." msgstr "你傳送太多訊息。請減慢傳訊速度。" msgid "" "And don’t forget about your store’s category pages, which can improve your " "SEO and boost your sales." msgstr "另外,你也應該好好規畫商店的類別頁面,以便改善 SEO 並提升銷售。" msgid "Customize My Store" msgstr "自訂我的商店" msgid "Simple payments; status." msgstr "輕鬆付款;狀態。" msgid "Simple payments button; paypal email." msgstr "輕鬆付款按鈕;paypal 電子郵件。" msgid "Simple payments; allow multiple items" msgstr "輕鬆付款;允許多個項目" msgid "Simple payments; text with \"Buy\" or other CTA" msgstr "輕鬆付款;包含「購買」或其他 CTA 的文字" msgid "Simple payments; currency code." msgstr "輕鬆付款;貨幣代碼。" msgid "Simple payments; price." msgstr "輕鬆付款;價格。" msgid "{{span}}No comments{{/span}} - add the first!" msgstr "{{span}}沒有留言{{/span}} - 搶先新增!" msgid "Blogs and Personal Sites" msgstr "網誌和個人網站" msgid "Unlimited video hosting" msgstr "無限量的影片託管" msgid "Video hosting" msgstr "影片託管" msgid "Image hosting" msgstr "圖片託管" msgid "Static file hosting" msgstr "靜態檔案託管" msgid "" "This is the last email in the getting started series, but there are many " "ways to keep learning and get help when you need it:" msgstr "" "這封信是一系列入門指南的最後一封;不過,你還是可以透過各種方法持續學習架站之" "道,而且隨時都能獲得我們的協助:" msgid "" "We look forward to seeing you build and launch the store of your dreams. " "Thank you again for choosing the eCommerce plan!" msgstr "" "期待你架出推出夢想中的網路商店、業績長紅!再次感謝你選擇 電子商" "務方案!" msgid "Find the information you need" msgstr "尋找所需資訊" msgid "" "Get some inspiration from Discover, which showcases " "some of the best content published with WordPress and highlights interesting " "people and sites in the community." msgstr "" "從「探索」尋找靈感,這裡有許多同樣使用 WordPress 架站的" "精彩內容,你還會看到用戶社群中許多值得參考的使用者和網站。" msgid "" "Visit, where experts share their " "knowledge on building and growing a successful web presence. It’s a treasure " "trove of resources on a wide range of topics, from picking the right fonts " "to securing small-business funding to increasing your traffic." msgstr "" "造訪,有許多專家在這裡分享各種架設網" "站、讓網站大獲成功的知識;這些寶貴資源涵蓋各種主題,從挑選合適的字型、取得創" "業資金,到提高網站流量等等,應有盡有。" msgid "" " Support has great documentation that " "includes videos, screenshots, and walkthroughs." msgstr "" " 支援團隊提供詳細的文件,內容包含影片、螢幕" "截圖和逐步解說。" msgid "" "WooCommerce Documentation contains a wealth of " "information, reference materials, and tutorials about managing your store." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 文件 內有多種管理網路商店的豐富資訊,更有許" "多參考資料和教學課程。" msgid "" "Connect with one of our Happiness Engineers when you " "have a question, and get an answer via live chat or email." msgstr "" "任何問題都歡迎與我們的 Happiness Engineer 聯絡,透過即時" "線上文字對談或電子郵件,獲得你需要的解答。" msgid "" "Thanks for choosing to power your online store. We’ve sent you " "lots of information these past few days, and we hope that it’s been useful " "for building your eCommerce presence." msgstr "" "感謝你選擇 架設網路商店。這幾天以來,我們提供了許多資訊,希望能" "幫你架好你的網路商店。" msgid "Reach out to us anytime" msgstr "隨時與我們聯繫" msgid "Get all the help you need, whenever you need it." msgstr "隨時獲得一切所需的協助。" msgid "" "Need to dive deeper into SEO? Check out four in-depth SEO " "video tutorials by WordPress experts. If you have a specific question, " "reach out to us for email or live chat support." msgstr "" "想要深入了解 SEO 的話,可以觀看由 WordPress 專家講解的四支" "深入 SEO 教學影片;任何問題都歡迎透過電子郵件或即時文字" "對談支援服務與我們聯絡。" msgid "" "Want to know why and how customers are drawn to your store? Google Analytics " "support on is available as a feature of your eCommerce plan. " "Funnel reports help you track the path visitors take through your store, and " "goal conversion lets you measure how visitors complete specific tasks (like " "reaching a product page or contact form). Visit Marketing → " "Tools → Traffic under My Sites to enable Google Analytics." msgstr "" "如果想知道用戶如何來到你的網路商店,可以透過支援 的 Google " "Analytics 統計服務來了解;這包括在你的電子商務方案之中。例如利用漏斗圖報表來" "追蹤訪客在商店中的瀏覽動線,並利用目標轉換統計功能,來計算訪客完成指定任務" "(例如到達產品頁面或聯絡表單)的數量。前往「我的網站」下方的「行銷」" "→「工具」→「流量」,即可啟用 Google Analytics。" msgid "View the guide" msgstr "檢視指南" msgid "" "This practical guide to SEO for store owners is full of " "tips on maximizing your store’s search-engine appeal. It’s better to invest " "time in essential SEO best practices now, so you can save yourself the " "trouble of resorting to costly tactics in the future." msgstr "" "你可以參考這篇 網路商店經營者的 SEO 實務指南,內含許多提" "升 SEO 成效的要點。最好現在就花點時間閱讀這篇文章,以掌握最基本的 SEO 最佳原" "則,以後就不用花大錢聘請 SEO 專家來診斷。 " msgid "Prioritize making your store and all its pages easily accessible." msgstr "設定頁面的優先程度,讓訪客能夠輕鬆閱覽你的網路商店各個頁面。" msgid "Make sure other websites are linking to yours." msgstr "確認其他網站均連結到你的網站。" msgid "Provide useful, valuable, and unique content." msgstr "提供實用、寶貴且獨特的內容。" msgid "" " offers great search engine optimization (SEO) right out of the " "box, so you’re already off to a great start! There are also a few other " "fundamentals that will boost your visibility in search results." msgstr "" "雖然 本身就有相當優秀的 SEO 設定,但另外還有幾個基本原則,可以" "再次強化你的網站在搜尋結果頁面中的表現。" msgid "" "Most shoppers look for information online before making a purchase — it’s " "why “Google” is now a verb, and why you need to make your store as search-" "engine friendly as possible." msgstr "" "大部分消費者在採購前都會上網搜尋相關資訊,因此「Google」現在也變成動詞;所" "以,你必須讓你的網路店儘可能符合搜尋引擎的各種要求和規範。" msgid "Create a Store Search Engines Love" msgstr "打造出符合搜尋引擎偏好的網路商店" msgid "Build a store that search engines love." msgstr "打造出符合搜尋引擎偏好的網路商店。" msgid "Help search engines — and customers! — find your store" msgstr "讓搜尋引擎和消費者,都能輕鬆上門" msgid "" "If you have any additional questions about your shipping options, please " "reach out to us for email or live chat support." msgstr "" "關於運送條件設定,如果你還有其他問題,歡迎透過電子郵件或即時" "文字對談支援服務與我們聯絡。" msgid "Get prepared to set up and ship" msgstr "了解如何選擇各種運送條件" msgid "" "Save time, money, and energy. Learn what items you need to take care of " "first when you set up shipping on your online store." msgstr "" "在選擇各種不同的物流選項時,要考慮各種需求和優先程度;有時要的是快速送達、有" "時是要省錢,有時是要方便。" msgid "Factors to Consider When You Set Up Shipments" msgstr "各種設定物流服務項目的考慮因素" msgid "Get the guide" msgstr "前往閱讀" msgid "" "Find out the key tasks you need to complete, from choosing a carrier to " "configuring delivery options." msgstr "你需要完成的第一項設定,包括選擇物流業者、設定各種不同的運送選項。" msgid "The ABCs of Shipping and Fulfillment" msgstr "關於物流與各種服務選項的基本概念" msgid "" "But shipping covers more than just delivery rates, and that’s where these " "guides come in — they’ll help you pick the shipping strategy that’s right " "for you." msgstr "" "不過,整個產品運送,並不只有運費而已,還有各種運送選項;所以我們提供相關教學" "文件,幫助你選擇合適的物流服務組合。" msgid "" "You want your customers to pay the right fee; luckily, your plan ensures " "they always do. With the eCommerce plan, you can access live shipping rates " "from leading carriers in your region. After a short setup process, your " "store will automatically calculate the cost to ship your products, and will " "show that fee to customers during checkout." msgstr "" "你一定希望客戶能負擔合理的運費,這已經包括在我們提供的方案之中。電子商務方案" "可讓你查看所在地區主要物流業者的即時運費;你只需進行簡單的設定程序,你的網路" "商店就會自動計算商品的物流成本,並在客戶結帳時顯示運費。" msgid "" "Now that you’ve started building your online store, you should think about " "the logistics of your business — namely, shipping." msgstr "" "相信你差不多已經設定好網路商店的外觀和內容了;接下來要考慮的就是商品物流問" "題,也就是要如何將產品運送到客戶手上。" msgid "Setting Up Your Shipment Options: Cover the Basics" msgstr "設定運送選項的基本知識" msgid "Take a look at some useful shipping strategies." msgstr "請參考一些實用的送貨策略。" msgid "A beginner's guide to eCommerce shipping and fulfillment" msgstr "設定電商物流與各種服務的新手指南" msgid "" "Do you have more questions on setting up category and product pages or " "creating product add-ons? Reach out to us via Email or Live " "Chat Support." msgstr "" "如果還有商品類別設定、單一產品頁面、或是建立產品加購選項的問題,歡迎利用電子郵件或即時文字對談支援服務與我們聯絡。" msgid "Level up your store’s Category Pages" msgstr "升級商店的類別頁面" msgid "What makes a great Product Page" msgstr "如何打造出色的產品頁面" msgid "" "One of the benefits of your eCommerce plan is that you can feature an " "unlimited number of products, and showcase them in the way that’s right for " "you and your business. To put your best foot forward, you’ll need to think " "about what information you’re sharing and when." msgstr "" "電子商務方案的優點,就是你不但可以上架無限多的商品,更能用最適當的方式來呈現" "商品;為了讓訪客留下最佳印象,一定要慎重選擇在網站中呈現的內容,以及呈現的時" "機。" msgid "" "Your store is where you introduce potential customers to your products, your " "brand, and your story — and where you get the chance to convince them to " "make a purchase. Everything in your store, from category pages to product " "pages, should tell a story about who you are and why people should buy from " "you." msgstr "" "你的網路商店,最重要的工作,就是傳達產品、品牌和故事給潛在客戶,讓他們認同," "而且掏錢購買產品;因此每個頁面都非常重要,不管是商品分類頁面,還是個別商品頁" "面,都應該傳遞這些訊息,以促成顧客的消費行為。" msgid "How to refine your store so it accomplishes your goals" msgstr "如何使商店更加完善以達成你的目標" msgid "Optimize Your Store to Meet Your Goals" msgstr "改善你的網路商店,達成業績目標" msgid "Build a store where every page counts" msgstr "打造處處精彩的網路商店" msgid "Have fun customizing your store’s design!" msgstr "祝你儘快打造出自己的網路商店!" msgid "" "If you need any help setting up your store, you can get email or live chat support." msgstr "" "在架設你的網路商店時,如果需要任何協助,都可以透過電子郵件或" "即時文字對談支援服務和我們聯絡。" msgid "" "Custom layouts for the content of your store, and total control over which " "elements to display on specific pages." msgstr "自訂商店內容的版面形式,並完全掌控特定頁面顯示的元素。" msgid "Five different checkout options." msgstr "五種不同的結帳選項。" msgid "" "Styling (fonts and colors) for any part of your store, including the entire " "collection of Google Fonts." msgstr "" "自由設定商店任一部分的樣式,包括字型和色彩;可以使用所有 Google Fonts 收錄的" "字型。" msgid "" "Don’t forget! The Storefront Powerpack gives you " "creative control of style and layout options for your theme:" msgstr "" "還有,你還可以用 Storefront Powerpack 發揮多種創意,自行" "設定佈景主題的樣式和版面形式:" msgid "" "Your plan also includes Storefront premium options, including Storefront Powerpack design options and the Galleria, Homestore, and Bookshop child themes, which are custom versions of Storefront " "tailored for specific business needs. Galleria is best suited to a fashion-" "focused store, Homestore to home goods, and Bookshop to bookstores or any " "traditional business. Take a look at the setup instructions of each option " "to make the most of it. " msgstr "" "你的方案也包含 Storefront 進階版,包括 Storefront Powerpack " "設計選項以及 GalleriaHomestoreBookshop 等子佈景主題;這些都是專為企業特殊需求設" "計的自訂 Storefront 版本。Galleria 適用於以時尚為主的商店、Homestore 適合居家" "用品商店,Bookshop 則適用於書店或任何傳統企業。不妨參考個別選項的設定指示,以" "發揮這些範本的最大潛力。" msgid "" "Remember to create a seamless experience for your customers — one that " "matches the purpose of your store. For example, if you’re in the fashion " "industry, your customers will expect large, attractive photos of your " "products on a sleek homepage." msgstr "" "網頁設計不只要提供流暢的用戶體驗,更要符合商店的定位;如果你的網路商店屬於時" "尚產業,訪客可能會希望看到一個精美的頁面,而且圖片要大,也要足夠吸睛。" msgid "Choose a color palette that represents your brand." msgstr "選擇能代表品牌的色系組合。" msgid "Add the name of your store." msgstr "新增商店名稱。" msgid "Create a tagline or motto and integrate it into your design." msgstr "想一個響亮的代表語句或口號,把它融入設計之內。" msgid "Upload a logo." msgstr "上載商標。" msgid "" "For business owners like you, time is often the most precious resource. To " "expedite the store-building process, your eCommerce plan comes with the fast " "and flexible Storefront theme — the most popular choice " "for WooCommerce stores. But your new online store is still a blank canvas. " "Customize and infuse it with your brand to help it stand out:" msgstr "" "對企業經營者而言,時間是最寶貴的。為了讓你快速架好網路商店,在你選用的電子商" "務版方案中,就包含了可以快速套用,又極具彈性的「Storefront " "佈景主題」;這也是許多 WooCommerce 網路商店經營者的首選。\n" "\n" "話說回來,你新架好的網路商店,目前還是白紙一張;為了要讓網站看來與眾不同,你" "可以先在上面加上與品牌相關的各種視覺元素,包括:" msgid "Customize your store to represent your brand." msgstr "自訂你的商店,呈現你的品牌。" msgid "Design a beautiful, powerful eCommerce store" msgstr "設計出美觀大方、功能強大的網路商店" msgid "Thanks for being here. We’re excited to see what you accomplish!" msgstr "感謝閱讀,我們迫不及待看到你大獲成功!" msgid "" "We’ll be in touch soon with more tips on creating a store that meets your " "goals — if you need assistance in the meantime, you can reach us through email or live chat support." msgstr "" "我們會儘快與你聯絡,提供更多秘訣,幫助你打造出心目中的理想網路商店。另外,如" "果你需要任何協助,歡迎透過電子郵件或即時線上文字對談支援服務" "與我們聯繫。" msgid "" "For store management - manage store orders, receive sales notifications, and " "view key store metrics, download the WooCommerce app. " "For your overall website management — to create blog posts, upload photos, " "and moderate comments while on the go — download the " "WordPress app to your mobile device." msgstr "" "商店管理的相關資訊,例如訂單管理、銷貨通知接收、關鍵營運指標檢視等,請下載 " "WooCommerce 應用程式;網站整體管理的相關資訊,例如隨時隨" "地撰寫網誌文章、上載相片、審核留言等,請在行動裝置上下載 " "WordPress 應用程式。" msgid "Complete my setup task list" msgstr "網站設定工作清單" msgid "" "We’ll be checking in over the next few days with advice and resources " "that’ll help you create a successful online business. As a first step, visit " "your store’s setup task list -- complete it and you’ll " "already be on the path to success." msgstr "" "接下來的幾天,我們會提供多種建議和資源,幫助你打造出成功的網路企業。第一步," "請檢視商店的設定工作清單,一一完成清單內列舉的工作項目," "一步步邁向成功。" msgid "" "Your plan gives you access to powerful tools and capabilities, including " "Google Analytics support, 200 GB worth of storage space, industry-leading " "payments and shipping options, and the ability to use third-party services. " "We’re excited to be your partner as you build your store." msgstr "" "你選用的方案,擁有強大的工具和功能;包括 Google Analytics 支援、200 GB 儲存空" "間、領先業界的支款和物流服務,還能使用各種第三方服務。我們很榮幸成為你的合作" "夥伴,一同打造成功的網路商店。" msgid "" "Welcome to! From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, " "millions use WordPress for their online presence. And your eCommerce plan is " "powered by the world’s most popular online store-builder, WooCommerce. " "You’re in good hands!" msgstr "" "歡迎使用!從小型公司行號到財星 500 大企業,全世界有數百萬家企業" "使用 WordPress 架站;另外,你的電子商務方案是由全球最熱門的網路商店系統 " "WooCommerce 建構,為你的網路事業奠定堅實的基礎。" msgid "Let’s Start Building Your Online Business" msgstr "開始用網路做生意" msgid "Start building your successful online store" msgstr "開始動手,打造成功的網路商店" msgid "" "@%(user)s owns following domain used on this site: {{strong}}%(domains)s{{/" "strong}}. This domain will have to be transferred to a different site, " "transferred to a different registrar, or canceled before removing or " "deleting @%(user)s." msgid_plural "" "@%(user)s owns following domains used on this site: {{strong}}%(domains)s{{/" "strong}}. These domains will have to be transferred to a different site, " "transferred to a different registrar, or canceled before removing or " "deleting @%(user)s." msgstr[0] "" "@%(user)s 擁有本網站使用的以下網域:{{strong}}%(domains)s{{/strong}}。在移除" "或刪除 @%(user)s 前,必須將這些網域轉移至其他網站、轉移至其他註冊機構,或是取" "消這些網域。" msgid "This domain is a reserved staging domain" msgstr "這個網域是 所保留的暫存網域" msgid "The domain is a reserved staging domain." msgstr "這個網域是 所保留的暫存網域。" msgid "Best for online stores" msgstr "網路商店的最佳選擇" msgid "Launching your site…" msgstr "正在推出你的網站……" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start your website for free today{{/line1}} {{line2}}or upgrade " "your plan to access powerful features.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}立即著手免費打造網站,{{/line1}}{{line2}}或升級方案以存取強大功能。" "{{/line2}}" msgid "Choose the perfect plan for your website." msgstr "選擇最適合你網站的 方案。" msgid "" "{{line1}}You’re just a few clicks away{{/line1}} {{line2}}from the website " "you’ve always wanted.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}只要按幾下{{/line1}}{{line2}}就能打造出你夢寐以求的網站。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to start your website " "today.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Free hosting, your own domain, a world-class " "support team, and so much more.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} 提供你一切所需,讓你立即著手打造網站。{{/line1}}" "{{line2}}免費託管、擁有自己的網域、世界級的支援團隊,還有更多優質服務。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}Create a website{{/line1}} {{line2}}in minutes.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}架好你的網站,{{/line1}}{{line2}}幾分鐘,就行。{{/line2}}" msgid "Start Your Blog" msgstr "開始建立網誌" msgid "" "{{line1}} makes it easy for you to start your own blog.{{/" "line1}} {{line2}}Sign up for free to start sharing your ideas.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} 讓你輕鬆建立屬於你的網誌。{{/line1}}{{line2}}免費註" "冊,開始分享你的想法。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a blog and{{/line1}} {{line2}}share your voice in minutes.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}只需幾分鐘即可建立你的網誌,{{/line1}} {{line2}}開始分享你的看法。" "{{/line2}}" msgid "Download on the App Store" msgstr "在 App Store 下載" msgid "" "{{line1}} provides everything{{/line1}}{{line2}}you need to get " "online today.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} 提供一切所需,{{/line1}}{{line2}}讓你的網站立即上線。" "{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}Create a website{{/line1}}{{line2}}with WordPress.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}使用 WordPress{{/line1}}{{line2}}建立網站。{{/line2}}" msgid "Your site has been launched; now you can share it with the world!" msgstr "你的網站已推出,現在你可以與全世界的人分享!" msgid "todo" msgstr "待辦事項" msgid "Task List" msgstr "工作清單" msgid "Link this post to sequential posts in a series of related posts." msgstr "將這篇文章連結到一系列相關文章中的連續文章。" msgid "Prev/Next Links" msgstr "上一步/下一步連結" msgid "Add prev/next links to related posts in a series." msgstr "在一系列相關文章中加入上一步/下一步連結。" msgid "" "Sorry, an error occurred when checking the availability of this domain. " "Please try again in a few minutes." msgstr "抱歉,檢查此網域的可用性時發生錯誤。請在幾分鐘後再試一次。" msgid "" "Download all the media library files (images, videos, audio and documents) " "from your site." msgstr "從你的網站下載所有媒體庫檔案 (圖片、影片、音訊和文件)。" msgid "Page published privately." msgstr "頁面已私密發佈。" msgid "Whether the theme supports responsive embedded content." msgstr "佈景主題是否支援回應式嵌入內容。" msgid "Limit result set to themes assigned one or more statuses." msgstr "限定結果集至被分配一個或以上狀態的佈景主題。" msgid "Post formats supported." msgstr "獲支援的文章格式。" msgid "Features supported by this theme." msgstr "這個佈景主題所支援的功能。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view themes." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許檢視佈景主題。" msgid "Hours" msgstr "小時" msgid "Create logo" msgstr "建立標誌" msgid "Customer must be at least 16 years old." msgstr "客戶必須至少年滿 16 歲。" msgid "" "Jetpack can not load necessary XML manipulation libraries. Please ask your " "hosting provider to refer to our server requirements at" "support/server-requirements/ ." msgstr "" "Jetpack 無法載入必要的 XML 操作程式庫。請你的主機服務提供者參閱我們的伺服器需" "求,網址為:。" msgid "" "Read posts from all the sites you follow, find great new reads, and stay up-" "to-date on comments and replies in one convenient place: the " "Reader." msgstr "" "閱讀你所關注之全部網站上的文章、找到全新精彩讀物,並且隨時掌握留言與回覆,全" "都集中在單一方便使用的位置 閱讀器。" msgid "Keep track of all your favorite sites in one place" msgstr "在單一位置追蹤你最喜愛的網站" msgid "" "When a post generates an active discussion, you can stay up-to-date on the " "latest comments — or leave a few yourself." msgstr "當文章引起熱烈討論時,你可以隨時掌握最新的留言,或是自己留言。" msgid "Lively conversations made easy" msgstr "輕鬆展開熱烈討論" msgid "Screenshot of Reader Conversations" msgstr "閱讀器對話的螢幕截圖" msgid "" "Access the Reader on the go with the WordPress app, available for iOS or " "Android devices." msgstr "" "使用 WordPress 應用程式,隨時隨地皆可存取閱讀器,而且在 iOS 或 Android 裝置上" "均可使用。" msgid "Dive into your reading from any mobile device" msgstr "透過任何行動裝置都可以沉浸在閱讀樂趣當中" msgid "Person holding a tablet and using Reader" msgstr "拿着平板電腦使用閱讀器的使用者" msgid "" "Whether you’re on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone, set up notifications " "to get word when a new post appears on a site you follow." msgstr "" "無論你使用的是筆記型電腦、平板電腦還是智慧型手機,都可以設定通知,隨時掌握你" "所關注之網站上出現的新文章。" msgid "Never miss a post from your favorite sites" msgstr "永遠不會錯過最愛網站的文章" msgid "Screenshot of Reader notifications" msgstr "閱讀器通知的螢幕截圖" msgid "" "Head to the Reader’s Discover section to browse recommended sites, editors’ " "picks, and site-building resources." msgstr "" "前往閱讀器的「發掘」專區,瀏覽推薦的網站、編輯精選文章以及網站建置資源。" msgid "Explore the best content on WordPress" msgstr "探索 WordPress 上的最佳內容" msgid "Screenshot of Reader Discover" msgstr "閱讀器發掘的螢幕截圖" msgid "Start using the Reader" msgstr "開始使用閱讀器" msgid "Unblock site" msgstr "解除網站封鎖" msgid "" "Sorry, an error occurred and we can't determine the availability of the " "domain you're trying to register. Please try again in a few minutes." msgstr "" "很抱歉,發生錯誤;我們無法確定你嘗試註冊之網域的可用性。請在幾分鐘後再試一" "次。" msgid "" "Sorry, we weren't able to generate any domain name suggestions for that " "search term. Please try a different set of keywords." msgstr "" "很抱歉,我們無法產生任何符合該搜尋字詞的網域名稱建議。請改用另一組關鍵字。" msgid "The submitted card number is not on file with the card-issuing bank." msgstr "提交的信用卡卡號以及發卡銀行等資料,都不會記錄在檔案中。" msgid "View your site activity" msgstr "檢視你的網站活動" msgid "" "Speed up your site’s performance and protect it from spammers. Access " "detailed records of all activity on your site. While you’re at it, improve " "your SEO and automate social media sharing." msgstr "" "加速網站效能及防堵垃圾郵件。存取網站上所有活動的詳細記錄。在使用的同時,改善 " "SEO 並自動化社交媒體分享功能。" msgid "Site Activity" msgstr "網站活動" msgid "You haven't blocked any sites yet." msgstr "你尚未封鎖任何網站。" msgid "" "Blocked sites will not appear in your Reader and will not be recommended to " "you." msgstr "你的讀取器不會出現封鎖的網站,我們也不會向你推薦這些網站。" msgid "Blocked Sites" msgstr "封鎖的網站" msgid "" "Create a test or staging site, migrate your site, or just back up your data " "for safekeeping — it's up to you!" msgstr "" "建立測試或暫存網站、遷移網站,或者只是備份資料以便妥善保存,一切隨心所欲!" msgid "" "To clone your site, you will need the {{strong}}server credentials{{/" "strong}} for the destination, which must be a WordPress site." msgstr "" "若要複製你的網站,你需要有目的地的{{strong}}伺服器憑證{{/strong}},而該目的地" "必須是 WordPress 網站。" msgid "" "You're about to clone {{strong}}%(originSiteSlug)s{{/strong}}. All content, " "plugins, and themes will be copied to the destination site." msgstr "" "你即將複製 {{strong}}%(originSiteSlug)s{{/strong}}。所有內容、外掛功能和佈景" "主題都將會複製到目的地網站。" msgid "Subscriber emails will be saved to the %s Mailchimp list" msgstr "關注者的電子郵件將會同步至 %s MailChimp 清單" msgid "Subscriber emails will not be saved to Mailchimp any more" msgstr "關注者的電子郵件不會繼續同步至 MailChimp" msgid "Second address field must have at least 2 characters" msgstr "第二個位址欄位至少必須填寫 2 個字元" msgid "First address field must have at least 2 characters" msgstr "第一個位址欄位至少必須填寫 2 個字元" msgid "People love" msgstr " 人人愛用" msgid "You have disconnected Jetpack" msgstr "你已中斷連結Jetpack" msgid "Disconnect Jetpack Blog" msgstr "中斷連結Jetpack網誌" msgid "Build an amazing website using WordPress" msgstr "使用 WordPress 建立優質的網站" msgid "Downtime Monitor" msgstr "停機監控" msgid "Login Protect" msgstr "登入防護" msgid "" "Your account has already been created. You can change your email, username, " "and password later." msgstr "你的帳戶已建立。你可以在之後變更你的電子郵件、使用者名稱和密碼。" msgid "A platform you won't outgrow" msgstr "和你一同成長的平台" msgid "You're a few steps closer to creating a great website" msgstr "你的優質網站,只差幾步就完成了" msgid "Export “%s” as JSON" msgstr "將《%s》匯出為 JSON 檔案" msgid "" "Looks like you've not set up any Mailchimp lists yet. Head to your Mailchimp " "admin to add a list." msgstr "" "你似乎尚未設定任何 MailChimp 清單。請洽你的 MailChimp 管理員以新增一份清單。" msgid "All of your site activity will appear here." msgstr "所有網站活動都將顯示在這裡。" msgid "Welcome to Activity" msgstr "歡迎使用活動" msgid "Launch site" msgstr "網站正式上線" msgid "" "Please enter the full URL and include the part that comes after " "%(hostname)s. See example below." msgstr "請輸入完整 URL,並包含位於 %(hostname)s 後方的部分。請見以下範例。" msgid "" "You've entered a URL for the Wix editor. Please enter your site's public " "URL. See examples below." msgstr "你已為 Wix 編輯器輸入 URL。請輸入網站的公開 URL。請見以下範例。" msgid "" "All plan upgrades are risk-free and include a money-back " "guarantee — 30 days for plan upgrades." msgstr "所有 方案升級均無風險,且包含 30 天方案升級的退款保證。" msgid "" "2) With 2 year plans, you do not have to worry about any price changes and " "lock in with the lowest prices available for the awesome features you are " "using." msgstr "" "2) 若選擇 2 年期方案,你就能維持最低可用價格獲得正在使用的超棒功能,無需擔心" "任何價格變更。" msgid "" "I'm writing to let you know that we recently unveiled new " "plans and you can now get an even better deal. Here's how:" msgstr "" "此信旨在告知你最近推出的全新 方案,你可立即獲得更棒的優惠。方式" "如下:" msgid "" "P.S. Hurry — this limited-time offer expires at midnight, %s. Don't " "let this deal pass you by." msgstr "附註:欲購從速!此限時優惠即將在 %s 午夜到期,機會難得,錯過可惜。" msgid "Opportunities are knocking. What are you waiting for?" msgstr "機會已敲門,你還在等什麼?" msgid "Extend Now!" msgstr "立即延長!" msgid "" "This is our way of thanking you for choosing and " "congratulating you on your first month as a paying member." msgstr "" "這是我們對你選用 表達的謝意,並恭喜你成為付費成員的第一個月。" msgid "Add those two things together and you'll get your discount right away." msgstr "立即取得你的折扣優惠,讓你錦上添花。" msgid "" "2) This email includes a 15%% Off coupon. Simply use code %s at checkout." msgstr "2) 此電子郵件包含 15%% 優待券,結帳時使用代碼 %s 即可享有優惠。" msgid "" "1) Extend your subscription to a two-year term. That comes with a big " "discount, so you can lock-in savings right away." msgstr "1) 將你的訂閱延長至兩年期,就能獲得大幅折扣,讓你立即節省成本。" msgid "" "I'm writing to let you know that we recently unveiled new " "plans and you can now get an even better deal. Actually, this email will " "save you more than 20%. Here's how:" msgstr "" "此信旨在告知你最近推出的全新 方案,你可立即獲得更棒的優惠。事實" "上,這封電子郵件就能讓你節省超過 20% 的成本。方法如下:" msgid "" "You will also lose access to the following premium themes you have purchased:" msgstr "你也將無法存取以下你購買的進階版佈景主題:" msgid "" "It’s been a great privilege and a life-changing experience. I’m grateful to " " for providing an affordable and user-friendly platform for " "individuals to launch projects and be heard in this way." msgstr "" "寫網誌真的改變了我的人生。感謝 這樣經濟實惠又好用的平台,讓每個" "人都能透過這個管道發聲,實現自己的夢想。" msgid "" " works really well with Google for a great SEO ranking. I can " "also embed YouTube videos, Google Maps, and other content easily and without " "any coding ability." msgstr "" " 和 Google 非常速配,讓網站 SEO 名列前茅。此外,像我這樣不會寫程" "式的人,也能夠輕鬆把 YouTube 影片、Google 地圖和其他內容嵌入網頁裡。" msgid "" "I looked into what other bloggers whom I admired were using, and the " "Cadillac of platforms is, hands down. The themes are " "breathtaking — even the free ones! — and all of the supporting " "infrastructure and information is top shelf." msgstr "" "我經常觀摩優秀部落格如何打造自己的網誌, 可說是這類平台中的最佳" "選擇。每一個佈景主題都讓人驚豔,甚至免費版本也不例外!而且整體支援基礎架構和" "資訊都相當完善。" msgid "Clone failed" msgstr "複製失敗" msgid "Your site was cloned to %1$s on %2$s at %4$s" msgstr "你的網站已於 %2$s 複製至 %1$s,網址為:%4$s" msgid "Clone complete" msgstr "複製完成" msgid "%1$d modifications to a comment on %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 上的留言有 %1$d 項修改" msgid "%1$d modifications to a comment on %3$s" msgstr "%3$s 上的留言有 %1$d 項修改" msgid "Must provide a valid blog id" msgstr "必須提供有效的網誌 ID" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "電子郵件已寄出" msgid "%1$s attachments uploaded to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 個附件已上載至 %2$s" msgid "Welcome to the community." msgstr "歡迎加入 大家庭。" msgid "" "Export all (or specific) text content (pages, posts, feedback) from your " "site." msgstr "從你的網站匯出所有 (或特定) 文字內容 (頁面、文章、意見回饋)。" msgid "Show readers you can be trusted with a news domain" msgstr "使用新聞網域向讀者展現你的公信力" msgid "Promote your marketing business with a unique domain" msgstr "使用獨特網域宣傳你的行銷業務" msgid "Capture your audience’s attention with a photography domain" msgstr "使用攝影網域吸引讀者的目光" msgid "Shine a little brighter with an entertainment domain" msgstr "使用娛樂網域讓你更加耀眼矚目" msgid "A domain name that shows you mean business" msgstr "網域名稱能展現你的認真態度" msgid "Get down to business with a professional domain." msgstr "使用專業網域發展你的業務。" msgid "B2B organizations" msgstr "B2B 組織" msgid "Professionals who want to stand out from hobbyists" msgstr "想從興趣愛好者中脫穎而出的專業人士" msgid "Startups" msgstr "新創公司" msgid "Small, medium, or large businesses" msgstr "小型、中型或大型企業" msgid "Business domains are perfect for:" msgstr "商務網域適用於:" msgid "" "Business domains show customers that you take your company — and your " "customers — seriously. Domains like .SERVICES, .COMPANY, .SOLUTIONS, or even .BUSINESS make a solid " "first impression." msgstr "" "商務網域能向客戶展現你對公司和客戶的重視。.SERVICES." "COMPANY.SOLUTIONS 甚至 .BUSINESS 等網域都" "能帶給別人可靠的第一印象。" msgid "The domain with a professional edge" msgstr "具有專業優勢的網域" msgid "" "There’s a difference between a run-of-the-mill website and a standout online " "presence that advances your strategic business goals. Part of that " "difference?" msgstr "" "普通網站和推動策略業務目標的出色網站之間是有所差異的,那其中的差異在哪?" msgid "" "{{line1}}A domain name that shows{{/line1}} {{line2}}you mean business.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}網域名稱能展現{{/line1}}{{line2}}你的認真態度。{{/line2}}" msgid "Stand out in the stream of media sites with a news domain." msgstr "使用新聞網域能讓你在媒體網站浪潮中脫穎而出。" msgid "Startups and non-profits" msgstr "新創公司和非營利組織" msgid "Review sites" msgstr "評論網站" msgid "News publications" msgstr "新聞發佈" msgid "News and information domains are perfect for:" msgstr "新聞和資訊網域適用於:" msgid "" "Specific domain extensions like .NEWS, .MEDIA, " ".TODAY, and .CHAT immediately clue your visitors " "in. These memorable extensions make it easy for visitors to remember your " "domain name — and to come back for more." msgstr "" ".NEWS.MEDIA.TODAY.CHAT 等特定網域延伸結尾能立即吸引訪客參觀。此類易記的延伸結尾可讓訪客輕鬆記" "住你的網域名稱,能夠增加他們的回訪次數。" msgid "Keep your readers up to date" msgstr "讓讀者隨時掌握最新消息" msgid "" "There’s no shortage of news sites on the internet, and, there’s no better " "way to make yours stand out than with a unique, trustworthy domain name. " "Whether you’re reporting on the latest global crisis, sharing neighborhood " "news on a personal blog, or publishing product reviews, there’s a news and " "information domain name available to captivate your audience." msgstr "" "網際網路上不乏各種新聞網站,然而使用獨特、值得信賴的網域名稱才是讓網站脫穎而" "出的不二法門。無論你是要報導最新的全球危機、在個人網誌分享社區新聞,或是發佈" "產品評論,我們都能提供所需的新聞和資訊網域名稱,幫助你吸引讀者目光。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Show readers you can be trusted{{/line1}} {{line2}}with a news " "domain.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}使用新聞網域{{/line1}}{{line2}}向讀者展現你的公信力。{{/line2}}" msgid "Build a stronger online presence with a marketing domain." msgstr "使用行銷網域打造更鮮明的網路形象。" msgid "Marketing blogs, news, and event sites" msgstr "行銷網誌、最新消息和活動網站" msgid "Promotional product businesses" msgstr "宣傳產品業務" msgid "Marketing agencies, consultants, and specialists" msgstr "行銷機構、顧問和專家" msgid "Marketing domains are perfect for:" msgstr "行銷網域適用於:" msgid "" "Marketing domains like .AGENCY, .MEDIA, ." "DIGITAL, or even .MARKETING differentiate your brand in " "a competitive online space. From the moment they see your domain name, your " "audience will know you have something that others don’t — and they’ll want " "your marketing skills on their side." msgstr "" ".AGENCY.MEDIA.DIGITAL 甚至是 " ".MARKETING 等行銷網域能讓你的品牌在競爭激烈的網路世界中脫穎而" "出。當讀者看到你的網域名稱時,就能知道你具備與眾不同的特色,進而向你尋求行銷" "技巧。" msgid "Marketing domains are built for your brand " msgstr "行銷網域專為你的品牌打造" msgid "" "You know there’s no cookie-cutter solution for great marketing. A marketing " "domain shows that you’re an innovator: you’re up to date on the latest " "trends, and you know how to reinforce your brand at every touchpoint." msgstr "" "眾所周知,沒有所謂一體適用的行銷解決方案。行銷網域能展現你的創新者角色:你掌" "握最新趨勢,並且瞭解如何在每個接觸點加強品牌宣傳。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Promote your marketing business{{/line1}} {{line2}}with a unique " "domain.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}使用獨特網域{{/line1}}{{line2}}宣傳你的行銷業務。{{/line2}}" msgid "Focus your audience’s attention with a photography domain." msgstr "使用攝影網域聚集讀者的目光。" msgid "Specialty photography or camera retailers" msgstr "專業攝影或相機零售商" msgid "Passionate photography hobbyists" msgstr "熱衷攝影的興趣愛好者" msgid "Wedding photographers" msgstr "婚禮攝影師" msgid "Gallery owners" msgstr "藝廊業主" msgid "Professional photographers" msgstr "專業攝影師" msgid "Photography domains are perfect for:" msgstr "攝影網域適用於:" msgid "" "A photography domain extension gets your business out of the dark. Show your " "website visitors how committed you are to your craft, and get them excited " "to see themselves through your lens." msgstr "" "攝影網域延伸結尾讓你的公司嶄露頭角,向網站訪客展現你對於攝影的熱誠,讓他們期" "待看到在你鏡頭下的自己。" msgid "Develop a dedicated following" msgstr "培養死忠關注者" msgid "" "Everyone’s sharing photos online. But when potential customers are on the " "search for a pro, you want to stand out as a master of your trade. Using a " ".PHOTOGRAPHY, .PHOTOS, .CAMERA or " ".GALLERY domain sets you apart as a skilled professional." msgstr "" "大家都會在網路上分享照片。但是,當潛在客戶要正在尋找專業攝影師時,你希望自己" "成為同行中的佼佼者。使用 .PHOTOGRAPHY.PHOTOS、" ".CAMERA.GALLERY 網域,打造熟練專業人士的形象," "讓你脫穎而出。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Capture your audience’s attention{{/line1}} {{line2}}with a " "photography domain.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}使用攝影網域{{/line1}}{{line2}}吸引讀者的目光。{{/line2}}" msgid "Become the next household name with entertainment domain name." msgstr "使用娛樂網域名稱成為下個家喻戶曉的名人。" msgid "Soloists and music groups" msgstr "獨唱歌手和樂團" msgid "Movie producers and studios" msgstr "電影製片人和工作室" msgid "Video game creators" msgstr "電玩遊戲製作人" msgid "Live streaming sites" msgstr "直播串流網站" msgid "Entertainment domains are perfect for:" msgstr "娛樂網域適用於:" msgid "" "Entertainment domain extensions such as .LIVE, .ROCKS, .VIDEO, or .STUDIO make it clear to your " "visitors that you’re ready to entertain. Whether it’s live video, a sneak " "peak into your next performance, or a place for fans to follow every leg of " "your world tour, an entertainment domain makes you the fan favorite." msgstr "" ".LIVE.ROCKS.VIDEO." "STUDIO 等娛樂網域延伸結尾能讓訪客清楚知道你的網以娛樂為主。無論是直播" "影片、下一場表演的預告片,或是讓粉絲關注你世界巡迴演出行程,娛樂網域能讓你成" "為粉絲的最愛。" msgid "Set the stage for success" msgstr "打造成功的演出舞台" msgid "" "Choose a domain name that tells people you’re serious about showing them a " "good time: an entertainment domain tells your visitors that your site is a " "great place to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." msgstr "" "選擇網域名稱,讓人們知道你會全全意呈獻精彩演出:娛樂網域能讓訪客知道,可以在" "你的網站放鬆休息,盡情享受和欣賞娛樂。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Shine a little brighter{{/line1}} {{line2}}with an entertainment " "domain.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}使用娛樂網域{{/line1}}{{line2}}讓你更加耀目矚目。{{/line2}}" msgid "%1$s users logged out" msgstr "%1$s 位使用者登出" msgid "%1$s users logged in" msgstr "%1$s 位使用者登入" msgid "%1$d comments trashed from %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 內的 %1$d 則留言已移至垃圾桶 " msgid "%1$d comments awaiting approval on %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 有 %1$d 則留言尚待核准" msgid "%1$d comments deleted from %2$s" msgstr "已從 %2$s 刪除 %1$d 則留言" msgid "%1$d comments published on %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 上已發佈 %1$d 則留言" msgid "%1$d comments approved on %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 上已核准 %1$d 則留言" msgid "%1$s attachments uploaded" msgstr "%1$s 個附件已上載" msgid "No sitemap found. The system will try to build it again in %s." msgstr "找不到網站地圖。系統會嘗試在 %s後重新建立。" msgid "No sitemap found. Please try again later." msgstr "找不到網站地圖。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Showing %(number)d of %(total)d activities" msgstr "顯示 %(number)d 個活動 (共 %(total)d 個)" msgid "%1$d updates made to %2$s" msgstr "已對 %2$s 做出 %1$d 項更新" msgid "There are %1$d \"%2$s\" events" msgstr "有 %1$d 項「%2$s」活動" msgid "WordPress Security Library" msgstr "WordPress安全庫" msgid "" "We couldn't export your media library at the moment. Please try again later." msgstr "我們目前無法匯出你的媒體庫。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Export media library" msgstr "匯出媒體庫" msgid "[] Security Key Added" msgstr "[] 已新增安全性金鑰" msgid "[] Security Key Deleted" msgstr "[] 已刪除安全性金鑰" msgid "A security key has been deleted for \"%s\"." msgstr "已刪除「%s」的安全性金鑰。" msgid "Security Key Deleted" msgstr "已刪除安全性金鑰" msgid "A security key has been added for \"%s\"." msgstr "已為「%s」新增安全性金鑰。" msgid "Security Key Added" msgstr "已新增安全性金鑰" msgid "A security key has been deleted for %s." msgstr "已刪除 %s 的安全性金鑰。" msgid "" "To log into your account, you will need your security key or your other two-" "step authentication methods. Keep your key safe!" msgstr "" "如要登入帳戶,你需要安全性金鑰或其他兩步驟驗證方法。請務必妥善保存金鑰!" msgid "A security key has been added for %s." msgstr "已為 %s 新增安全性金鑰。" msgid "client_data required" msgstr "需要 client_data" msgid "Failed to generate challenge" msgstr "無法產生挑戰活動" msgid "Add subscribers to Mailchimp" msgstr "將訂閱者新增至 MailChimp" msgid "" "Hmm, that key doesn't seem to work. Please double-check your key and try " "again." msgstr "很抱歉,該金鑰似乎無效。請重新檢查金鑰,然後再試一次。" msgid "client_data required." msgstr "需要 client_data。" msgid "Connect to your Mailchimp list" msgstr "連結至你的 Mailchimp 清單" msgid "" "You can try the export again, or contact us for further " "help." msgstr "你可以再次嘗試匯出,或聯絡我們,以獲得進一步協助。" msgid "" "Unfortunately, there was an error exporting your site %1$s." msgstr "很抱歉,匯出 %1$s 網站時發生錯誤。" msgid "Your export files will be available for the next %1$s days." msgstr "接下來的 %1$s 天內,你都可以存取匯出的檔案。" msgid "We have finished exporting your site %1$s!" msgstr "我們已完成 %1$s 網站的匯出業!" msgid "Take Our Poll" msgstr "接受我們的問卷調查" msgid "Processing your file. Please wait a few moments." msgstr "正在處理你的檔案。請稍候片刻。" msgid "We also offer paid plans for more specific needs." msgstr "如果你有特殊需求,我們也提供多種付費方案。" msgid "Customers love" msgstr " 備受客戶喜愛" msgid "" "{{line1}}The best WordPress{{/line1}}{{line2}}experiences start here.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}最佳 WordPress 體驗,{{/line1}}{{line2}}由此開始。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}WordPress powers{{/line1}}{{line2}}%s%% of the internet.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}WordPress 的服務範圍涵蓋了{{/line1}}{{line2}}%s%% 的網際網路內容。" "{{/line2}}" msgid "…and so much more" msgstr "…優點不止於此" msgid "Custom domain name" msgstr "自訂網域名稱" msgid "24/7 live support" msgstr "全年無休的即時支援" msgid "" "Create a basic site that’s free forever—no credit card required. When you’re " "ready, upgrade your site to one of our affordable plans to get more features:" msgstr "" "不需要信用卡,即可建立永久免費的基本網站。待你做好充分準備後,再將網站升級到" "其中一個經濟實惠的付費方案,獲得更多的功能:" msgid "" "{{line1}}Ways to directly{{/line1}}{{line2}}monetize your site{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}提供多種方式{{/line1}}{{line2}}利用網站賺取獲利{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Thousands of third-party{{/line1}}{{line2}}plugins and themes{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}數千種第三方{{/line1}}{{line2}}外掛程式和佈景主題{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Built on free software{{/line1}}{{line2}}to power even the smallest " "dreams.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}利用免費的軟體{{/line1}}{{line2}}再微小的夢想也能付諸實現。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "The Luxury Travel Expert, %s" msgstr "豪華旅遊專家 %s 表示:" msgid "" "“ allowed me to create a website in a very easy way. All I need " "to do is write articles, while the layout is very easy to set up for someone " "like me who is not very experienced with computers.”" msgstr "" "「 讓我輕輕鬆鬆架好網站。設定網站版面十分簡單,所以我只要撰寫文" "章就好;像我這樣不懂電腦的人,也可以輕鬆上手。」" msgid "And in case you’re still wondering..." msgstr "如果你還有疑慮的話…" msgid "Can I really do this on my own?" msgstr "我真的能自己完成網站架設嗎?" msgid "The support you need, whenever you need it" msgstr "需要支援時,我們就在你身邊" msgid "" "With, you're getting a proven platform that can support your " "website, no matter how large and popular it grows." msgstr "" "眾多 的成功網站案例證明,無論你的網站規模能夠成長到多大、變得多" "熱門,我們都能給予鼎力支援。" msgid "Ernie K, %s" msgstr "Ernie K,%s" msgid "" "“The platform has made it simple and effective to publish " "stories with no developer efforts. We also have confidence it’s secure and " "maintenance-free compared to a self-hosted solution we would have to " "maintain ourselves.”" msgstr "" "「 平台讓發佈文章變得又簡單又有效率,而且不需要依賴開發人員協" "助。這個平台既安全,又無需維護費用,和必須自行維護的自助託管解決方案相比,顯" "然更勝一籌。」" msgid "" "But you don’t have to take our word for it. Here’s what one of our customers " "had to say:" msgstr "如果你覺得這只是我們自吹自擂,不妨聽聽客戶現身說法:" msgid "" "You made a great choice when you signed up for You can have " "your brand new site up and running in just a few, quick steps. And the great " "news is… you’re already on your way!" msgstr "" "註冊 是你明智的抉擇。只要幾個簡單的步驟,就能迅速讓全新的網站上" "線運作。好消息是,你還差幾步就完成了!" msgid "Lorilin, %s" msgstr "Lorilin,%s" msgid "" "“ has allowed me to present my content in an attractive way. " "It’s given me a platform to reach thousands of people. I’ve been able to " "communicate, bond, and connect. With my site, I feel like a " "professional.”" msgstr "" "「 讓我以最引人入勝的方式呈現內容,這個平台讓我得以觸及成千上萬" "的使用者,讓我能夠與使用者相互溝通、聯繫並建立關係。我的 網站," "讓我的專業形象大大加分。」" msgid "" "If you need any help along the way, you’ll have access to unmatched support " "via’s support forums and access to 24/7 live chat and email " "support when you upgrade your site." msgstr "" "如果你在過程中需要任何協助,可以透過 支援討論區、全年無休的即時" "線上文字對談服務、電子郵件支援(後兩者適用於付費方案的客戶), 獲得充分的支" "援。" msgid "" "The vast majority of website owners using aren’t developers " "and don’t know how to code. We handle the technical details so you can focus " "on what you do best — whether that’s telling your story, working with your " "clients, or growing your business." msgstr "" "絕大多數使用 的網站站長,都不是開發人員,也不會寫程式。所有技術" "細節全部包在我們身上,你只要專注於你最擅長的事情就好:說好你的故事、與客戶合" "作,或是拓展業務。" msgid "" "What if I’ve never built a website before? What if I don’t know how to code?" msgstr "從沒架過網站、不會寫程式,也能架站嗎?" msgid "" "With, you're getting a proven platform that can support your " "website, no matter how large and popular it becomes." msgstr "" "眾多 的成功網站案例證明,無論你的網站規模能夠成長到多大、變得多" "熱門,我們都能給予鼎力支援。" msgid "" "In a matter of minutes, you can have your website up and running. Just tell " "us a bit more about the type of website you need and we’ll make it for you " "immediately." msgstr "" "只需幾分鐘的時間,你就可以讓網站上線運作。只要告訴我們你需要的網站類型,我們" "馬上讓你夢想成真。" msgid "" "Time-tested: over 30% of the Internet uses WordPress (and you should too)" msgstr "大家都說讚:整個網路上有 30% 以上網站使用 WordPress 架設,你也應該用" msgid "Finish creating your site" msgstr "完成架站的最後幾個步驟" msgid "You're just a few steps away from a site." msgstr "再幾步,你的 網站就完成了。" msgid "No file was uploaded" msgstr "沒有上傳檔案" msgid "An unknown error occurred when uploading the file" msgstr "上載檔案時發生未知的錯誤" msgid "File is too large" msgstr "檔案過大" msgid "Add Free .blog Domain" msgstr "新增免費 .blog 網域" msgid "%s includes a free credit to register a new .blog domain to your site." msgstr "%s 包含一次免費服務,可將新的.blog 網域註冊到你的網站。" msgid "Get a Free .blog Domain" msgstr "取得免費 .blog 網域" msgid "" "Your site’s domain name lets people know where to find you — and what you " "have to offer." msgstr "網站的網域名稱可讓人們知道如何找到你,並瞭解你提供的內容。" msgid "Create a memorable brand" msgstr "建立好記的品牌" msgid "Use your first blog post to introduce yourself." msgstr "用第一篇網誌文章介紹自己。" msgid "You’ve got a site up and running — now it’s time to post." msgstr "你的網站已上線運作,立即開始張貼文章吧。" msgid "" "Personalize your contact page so that people know how and when they can " "contact you." msgstr "個人化你的聯絡頁面,讓訪客知道你的聯絡方式和時間。" msgid "Encourage visitors to get in touch with you" msgstr "鼓勵訪客與你聯絡" msgid "Personalize your posts and comments with a custom avatar." msgstr "使用自訂大頭貼個人化你的文章和留言。" msgid "Don’t forget to upload your profile picture!" msgstr "別忘了上載個人檔案照片!" msgid "Create a catchy tagline for your site." msgstr "為你的網站建立醒目的標語。" msgid "Update your site icon." msgstr "更新網站圖示。" msgid "Help people recognize your site in browser tabs" msgstr "幫助別人在瀏覽器分頁中認出你的網站" msgid "Make a great first impression — update your site title!" msgstr "讓人留下深刻的第一印象。請更新網站標題!" msgid "Change type of %d block" msgid_plural "Change type of %d blocks" msgstr[0] "變更 %d 個區塊的類型" msgid "current" msgstr "目前版本" msgid "escape" msgstr "ESC" msgid "%d block" msgid_plural "%d blocks" msgstr[0] "%d 個區塊" msgid "Export as JSON" msgstr "匯出至JSON" msgid "%(number_over_thousand)d K+" msgstr "%(number_over_thousand)d K+" msgid "Unable to retrieve a verification meta tag from Google" msgstr "無法擷取 Google 的驗證中繼標籤" msgid "" "Deprecated endpoint. You can download one of the supported mobile " "applications in" msgstr "" "不推薦的端點。您可以在下載其中一個受支援的移動應用" "程式" msgid "Learn more about the power of Jetpack" msgstr "深入瞭解 Jetpack 的強大效能" msgid "Learn more about your Jetpack plan benefits" msgstr "深入瞭解 Jetpack 方案的優點" msgid "" "Jetpack offers dozens of tools to help you customize, market, and secure " "your website. With Jetpack, you now have the freedom to build your own " "success story." msgstr "" "Jetpack 提供各種工具,以協助自訂、行銷,及保護你的網站。Jetpack 的工具可協助" "你自由打造專屬的成功故事。" msgid "" "Whether your site is a one-person show or you have dozens of contributors, " "you’ll want to make sure that logins to your site are safe and that " "passwords are not easily guessed. Secure Authentication with optional two-" "step (or two-factor) will safeguard your website against undesired login " "attempts." msgstr "" "無論你的網站是個人秀還是有許多參與者,皆需要確保登入網站安全無虞,而且不容易" "猜到密碼。利用可選的雙步驟驗證 (或雙重驗證) 進行安全驗證,可以保護你的網站免" "遭受意外的嘗試登入動作。" msgid "Secure authentication for a safer website" msgstr "提供安全驗證,讓網站更加安全" msgid "" "Make updates to your Jetpack-powered site at any time, from any device. Get " "the same seamless Jetpack experience from your tablet or smartphone. Use our " "mobile apps to view your latest stats, create and publish new content, " "interact with visitors, or upload photos directly from your device’s camera. " "After you verify your email above, download the Jetpack apps " "here." msgstr "" "從任何裝置隨時隨地更新以 Jetpack 建置的網站。從桌上型電腦、平板電腦或智慧型手" "機享受同樣流暢的 WordPress 體驗。使用我們的行動應用程式檢視你的最新統計資料、" "建立與發佈新內容、與訪客互動,或直接從裝置的相機上載相片。請先驗證上方電子郵" "件,即可在這裡下載 WordPress 應用程式。" msgid "Here are a few Jetpack features you might like to explore" msgstr "以下是你可能想要探索的一些 Jetpack 功能" msgid "" "In order to utilize your Jetpack features, we just need to verify your email " "in order to connect your WordPress-powered website. Jetpack is one of the " "most popular design, marketing, and security tools for WordPress and it’s " "included with your %s account." msgstr "" "我們只需要驗證你的電子郵件,以連結由 WordPress 建置的網站,你即可運用 " "Jetpack 功能。Jetpack 是 WordPress 深受歡迎的設計、行銷和安全性工具,其包含在" "你的 %s 帳戶中。" msgid "" "In order to utilize your %1$s features, we just need to verify your email in " "order to connect your WordPress-powered website. Jetpack is one of the most " "popular design, marketing, and security tools for WordPress and it’s " "included with your %2$s account." msgstr "" "我們只需要驗證你的電子郵件,以連結由 WordPress 建置的網站,你即可運用 %1$s 功" "能。Jetpack 是 WordPress 深受歡迎的設計、行銷和安全性工具,其包含在你的 %2$s " "帳戶中。" msgid "Jetpack is included with your %s account at no additional cost!" msgstr "Jetpack 包含在你的 %s 帳戶中,無需額外費用!" msgid "%1$s is included with your %2$s account at no additional cost!" msgstr "%1$s 包含在你的 %2$s 帳戶中,無需額外費用!" msgid "" "Of course! %1$sUse these ten tips%2$s to help you choose the perfect domain " "name for your website. You’ll be well on your way to solidifying your " "reputation as a professional site owner in no time." msgstr "" "當然!%1$s使用這十個秘訣%2$s以幫助你選擇適合網站的完美網域名稱。擁有一個專業" "的網站,就是這麼迅速簡單,人們會對你刮目相看。" msgid "I’m not sure what my domain name should be! Do you have any advice?" msgstr "我不確定應該怎麼命名網域!有什麼建議嗎?" msgid "Start searching for a unique, memorable domain name for your site!" msgstr "快為網站發想一個獨特好記的網域名稱!" msgid "" "Custom domains make your site look pro — and search engines like Google and " "Bing prefer custom domain names, putting them higher in search results." msgstr "" "自訂網域可讓你的網站看起來更專業 - 而 Google 和 Bing 等搜尋引擎偏好自訂網域名" "稱,會在搜尋結果中優先顯示。" msgid "Your site + your custom domain: Some things are better together." msgstr "你的網站 + 你的自訂網域:天生絕配。" msgid "I want my audience to reach out to me!" msgstr "希望讀者群可以與我聯絡!" msgid "" "With a contact form, you can ask questions, collect feedback, and more. " "%1$sTake a look%2$s at how some businesses and freelancers use it." msgstr "" "使用聯絡表單,你可以提問、收集意見和進行更多動作。%1$s看看%2$s某些企業和自由" "工作者如何運用該表單。" msgid "Want to gather more info?" msgstr "想收集更多資訊?" msgid "" "In the toolbar, click the ⌄ next to the ⊕ add symbol, and then the option to " "add a Contact Form will appear. Update the form, and then " "hit Publish." msgstr "" "在工具列中按一下 ⊕ 加號旁邊的 ⌄,隨即出現新增聯絡表單的選" "項。請更新表單,然後點擊「發佈」。" msgid "" "If you don’t have a contact form, go to My Site(s) and " "click on Pages → Add." msgstr "" "如果你沒有聯絡表單,請前往「我的網站」,然後按一下「" "頁面 → 新增」。" msgid "" "Putting your email address on a site is easy — but we don’t recommend it, " "because spammers often search websites to collect email addresses or phone " "numbers. Instead, use a %1$scontact form%2$s." msgstr "" "將你的電子郵件地址放在網站上很容易,但我們建議別這麼做,因為濫發垃圾郵件者經" "常搜尋網站以收集電子郵件地址或電話號碼。請改用%1$sc聯絡表單%2$s。" msgid "What should be on my contact page?" msgstr "我的聯絡頁面應該是什麼?" msgid "Customize your contact page" msgstr "自訂你的聯絡頁面" msgid "" "A Contact page is an effective way for readers to get in " "touch with you privately. If you’re a business owner, it’s also a great way " "to generate leads." msgstr "" "聯絡頁面是讀者私下與你聯絡的有效方式。如果你是企業主,這也是" "帶來潛在客戶的好方法。" msgid "Encourage visitors to get in touch with a custom Contact page" msgstr "鼓勵訪客透過自訂聯絡頁面與你聯絡" msgid "" "My tagline ‘Around the world in fifty nifty millimeters’ reflects my " "penchant for documenting my life and travels using a fifty millimeter lens, " "known as the ‘nifty fifty’ in photographic circles." msgstr "" "我的標語「Around the world in fifty nifty millimeters」(帶著 50mm 環遊世界) " "反映了我使用 50mm 鏡頭記錄生活和旅行的愛好,這顆鏡頭在攝影圈界被喻為「nifty " "fifty」(亮麗 50)。" msgid "" "For iOS: Tap My Site → Site Name → Settings → Tagline." msgstr "" "針對 iOS:點選「我的網站 → 網站名稱 → 設定 → 網站標語」。" msgid "For Android: Tap My Site → Settings → Tagline." msgstr "針對 Android:點選「我的網站 → 設定 → 網站標語」。" msgid "I’m ready to share my tagline with the world!" msgstr "我已準備好與全世界分享我的標語!" msgid "" "Be original. Think about what distinguishes your site: your location? Your " "perspective? Your personality?" msgstr "完全原創。想一想你的網站與眾不同之處:你的位置?你的觀點?你的個性?" msgid "" "Keep it short and sweet. Thirty word taglines are twenty words too many." msgstr "讓內容盡量簡潔易懂。三十字的標語,遠不如十個字來得巧妙。" msgid "" "Avoid repeating your site title. Your tagline is an opportunity to give more " "context." msgstr "避免重複提及網站標題。建議從標語延伸出更多內容。" msgid "I have no idea how to write a creative tagline. Any tips?" msgstr "我不知道如何撰寫創意的標語。有什麼秘訣嗎?" msgid "" "We all make snap decisions about what websites to read — a tagline tells " "visitors what your site is about without having to read all your content, so " "it helps people decide to stick around." msgstr "" "瀏覽網站時,我們往往在轉瞬之間決定是否接著讀下去。這個時候,標語就非常便利," "讓訪客無須閱讀所有內容,即可瞭解你的網站內容,有助人們決定是否繼續駐留在該網" "站。" msgid "Why should I add a tagline?" msgstr "為什麼要更新我的網站標語?" msgid "Update my site tagline" msgstr "更新我的網站標語" msgid "" "Taglines are short descriptions or catchy phrases to describe what your site " "is about. Add one in My Site → Settings → General, in the " "Site Tagline field." msgstr "" "標語是簡短的說明或好記的字詞組合,以描述你的網站內容。在「我的網站 → " "設定 → 一般」 的 「網站標語」 欄位中,新增一個標" "語。" msgid "Grab your audience’s attention with a catchy tagline" msgstr "使用引人注目的標語吸引讀者群注意力" msgid "I’m on the mobile app. What do I do?" msgstr "我正在使用行動應用程式。應該怎麼做?" msgid "Get a free custom domain if you upgrade today." msgstr "今天升級,即可獲得免費的自訂網域。" msgid "Open the Customizer" msgstr "開啟外觀自訂器" msgid "{{icon/}} clear" msgstr "{{icon/}} 清除" msgid "{{icon/}} select all" msgstr "{{icon/}} 選取全部" msgid "Compare vs. Medium for Your New Site" msgstr "比較在 與 Medium 打造新網站" msgid "" "Visitors don’t have to pay anything to read, like, share, or comment on any " "of your content." msgstr "訪客無需支付任何費用,即可閱讀、按讚、留言,或分享你的任何內容。" msgid "Cost to visitors" msgstr "訪客費用" msgid "" "Trying to decide between and Medium for building your website? " "Here’s how the two compare." msgstr "" "無法決定要在 還是 Medium 上建立網站嗎?以下是兩者間的比較。" msgid "A faster and more advanced sitewide search." msgstr "更快速、更進階的全站搜尋。" msgid "" "Welcome Kit by Visa members! Save %s%% today on any plan using " "promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "Visa 會員可享歡迎禮!在結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}},即可" "立即在任何 方案中享 %s%% 的優惠折扣。" msgid "%(count)s recent view in the past 30 days" msgid_plural "%(count)s recent views in the past 30 days" msgstr[0] "過去 30 天內有 %(count)s 次近期點閱數" msgid "%(count)s Recent View{{srText}}in the past 30 days{{/srText}}" msgid_plural "%(count)s Recent Views{{srText}}in the past 30 days{{/srText}}" msgstr[0] "過去 30 天內有 %(count)s 次近期點閱數{{srText}}{{/srText}}" msgid "No activities recorded in the selected date range." msgstr "選取的日期範圍內沒有任何活動記錄。" msgid "Try adjusting your date range or activity type filters" msgstr "請嘗試調整你的日期範圍或活動類型篩選條件" msgid "Limited to email support." msgstr "僅限電子郵件支援。" msgid "No community events or forums are currently available." msgstr "目前未提供官方社群活動或支援論壇。" msgid "" "Join a large community that offers local events, online courses, forums, and " "more." msgstr "" "WordPress 擁有強大的全球社群,你可以加入社群,以參加在地活動、線上課程,並在" "論壇分享問題與意見。" msgid "Your site only runs on the Medium platform at a URL." msgstr "你的網站只能在 Medium 平台 ( 網域) 上運作。" msgid "Flexible hosting" msgstr "彈性託管" msgid "Site design" msgstr "網站版面設計" msgid "Bring your own domain name, or get one as part of a paid plan." msgstr "可使用你已有的網域名稱,或透過付費方案購買網域名稱。" msgid "No archives to show." msgstr "沒有網站彙整顯示。" msgid "Fast, highly relevant results in any language" msgstr "任何語言都能迅速找到高度關聯的結果" msgid "" "WordPress' built-in search is fine for small sites, but becomes slow and " "inefficient as they grow. Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search and " "includes:" msgstr "" "WordPress 的內建搜尋功能對小型網站而言尚稱堪用,但隨著網站擴大卻會顯得緩慢且" "效率不彰。Jetpack 搜尋取代了內建的搜尋功能並且包含:" msgid "Sidebar filtering by tags, categories, and dates" msgstr "按標籤、分類和日期篩選的側邊欄" msgid "Jetpack Search for WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 專用 Jetpack 搜尋" msgid "%s / mo" msgstr "%s / 月" msgid "Last day to claim your %s%% discount" msgstr "你有最後一天的時間可以領取 %s%% 折扣優惠" msgid "" "Renew the upgrade now to " "keep your custom domain connected to your site — and to keep your site " "memorable!" msgstr "" "立即續訂升級,使你的自訂" "網域與網站保持連結,並讓你的網站維持好記!" msgid "" "Renew the upgrade now to " "save your domain name, and keep your site memorable!" msgstr "" "立即續訂升級,保留你的網" "域名稱並讓網站維持好記!" msgid "" "Keep your site as-is by " "updating your credit card information and renewing it now." msgstr "" "更新信用卡資訊並立即續訂,使" "你的網站維持原樣。" msgid "" "We need your input! Please add a payment method and renew your site to keep access to your " "site’s upgrades." msgstr "" "我們需要你的意見回饋!請新增" "付款方式並續訂網站,以便持續取得網站的升級內容。" msgid "" "Renew now to keep access " "to the key features of your site!" msgstr "" "立即續訂,以便持續取用網" "站的重要功能!" msgid "You do not have the capability to access this site keyring" msgstr "你無法存取這個網站 Keyring" msgid "Unable to find a Google Site Verification access token for this site." msgstr "找不到這個網站的「Google 網站驗證」存取權杖。" msgid "Unable to find a Google Site Verification access token for this user." msgstr "找不到這個使用者的「Google 網站驗證」存取權杖。" msgid "Connect to your Google account to verify a site" msgstr "連結並用你的 Google 帳戶驗證網站" msgid "" "The Media Library is a useful tool to help you manage, search, and edit your " "photos, videos, documents, and other media." msgstr "" "媒體庫是一項實用的工具,可協助你管理、搜尋和編輯相片、影片、文件及其他媒體。" msgid "Learn Media Library Basics" msgstr "瞭解媒體庫基本功能" msgid "Find out how to change your theme." msgstr "瞭解如何變更 佈景主題。" msgid "Change Your Website Theme on" msgstr "在 上變更網站佈景主題" msgid "" "Find out how to add a photo gallery on your and Jetpack-" "enabled website." msgstr "瞭解如何在 和啟用 Jetpack 的網站上新增相片圖庫" msgid "Add a Photo Gallery" msgstr "新增相片圖庫" msgid "" "Find out how to change your page or post visibility settings" msgstr "瞭解如何在 上變更頁面或文章能見度設定。" msgid "Change Your Post or Page Visibility Settings" msgstr "變更文章或頁面能見度設定" msgid "Find out how to add testimonials to your website or blog." msgstr "瞭解如何為 網站或網誌新增證言。" msgid "" "Find out how to show related posts on your site, which you can " "also do on a Jetpack-enabled WordPress blog." msgstr "" "瞭解如何顯示 網站上的相關文章,你也可在啟用 Jetpack 的 " "WordPress 網誌上執行相同操作。" msgid "Show Related Posts on Your WordPress Blog" msgstr "顯示 網誌上的相關文章" msgid "" "By default, your new website displays your latest posts. Find " "out how to create a static homepage instead." msgstr "" "依預設,新的 網站會顯示最新的文章。瞭解如何改為建立靜態首頁。" msgid "Configure a Static Homepage" msgstr "設定靜態首頁" msgid "" "Find out how to use a custom menu in a widget on your or " "Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "瞭解如何在 或啟用 Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站上的小工具中使用自訂" "選單。" msgid "Use a Custom Menu in a Widget" msgstr "在小工具中使用自訂選單" msgid "Find out how to create a post on" msgstr "瞭解如何在 上建立文章。" msgid "Find out how to create a page on your site." msgstr "瞭解如何在 網站上建立頁面。" msgid "Find out how to create a blog on in five steps." msgstr "瞭解如何在 上透過五個步驟建立網誌。" msgid "Set Up a Blog in 5 Steps" msgstr "透過五個步驟建立網誌" msgid "Find out how to create a website on in five steps." msgstr "瞭解如何在 上透過五個步驟建立網站。" msgid "Set Up a Website in 5 Steps" msgstr "透過五個步驟建立網站" msgid "" "Find out how to create a one-page website or landing page on your WordPress." "com site." msgstr "瞭解如何在 網站上建立單頁網站或登陸頁面。" msgid "Create a Landing Page" msgstr "建立登陸頁面" msgid "" "Find out how to add an image widget to your website or blog." msgstr "瞭解如何為 網站或網誌新增圖片小工具。" msgid "Add an Image Widget" msgstr "新增圖片小工具" msgid "" "Find out how to use the Featured Content option on your " "website or blog." msgstr "瞭解如何在 網站或網誌上使用「精選內容」選項。" msgid "Use Featured Content" msgstr "使用精選內容" msgid "" "Find out how to add an image gallery widget to your website or " "blog." msgstr "瞭解如何為 網站或網誌新增圖片圖庫小工具。" msgid "Add a Gallery Widget" msgstr "新增圖庫小工具" msgid "Find out how to change the fonts on your website or blog." msgstr "瞭解如何變更 網站或網誌的字型。" msgid "Change Your Site Fonts" msgstr "變更網站字型" msgid "Find out how to add a custom background to your site." msgstr "瞭解如何為 網站新增自訂背景。" msgid "Add a Custom Background" msgstr "新增自訂背景" msgid "Find out how to add a widget to your website." msgstr "瞭解如何為 網站新增小工具。" msgid "" "Find out how to create a custom menu on your or Jetpack-" "enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "瞭解如何在 或啟用 Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站上建立自訂選單。" msgid "Create a Custom Website Menu" msgstr "建立自訂網站選單" msgid "" "Find out how to add a custom header image to your website or " "blog." msgstr "瞭解如何為 網站或網誌新增自訂頁首圖片。" msgid "Add a Custom Header Image" msgstr "新增自訂頁首圖片" msgid "Find out how to change your account email address on" msgstr "瞭解如何在 變更帳戶電子郵件地址。" msgid "Change Your Account Email Address" msgstr "變更帳戶電子郵件地址" msgid "Find out how to change your display name on" msgstr "瞭解如何在 上變更顯示名稱。" msgid "Change Your Display Name" msgstr "變更 顯示名稱" msgid "Find out how to change your username on" msgstr "瞭解如何在 上變更使用者名稱。" msgid "Change Your Username" msgstr "變更 使用者名稱" msgid "Find out how to change your account password on" msgstr "瞭解如何在 上變更帳戶密碼。" msgid "Change Your Password" msgstr "變更密碼" msgid "" "Find out how to activate free email forwarding from an address using a " "custom domain registered through" msgstr "" "瞭解如何從位址啟用免費電子郵件轉寄功能,該位址乃是使用透過 註冊" "的自訂網域。" msgid "Activate Free Email Forwarding" msgstr "啟用免費電子郵件轉寄功能" msgid "" "Find out how to change your blog or website language and your interface " "language settings on" msgstr "瞭解如何在 上變更網誌或網站語言及介面語言設定。" msgid "Change Your Language Settings" msgstr "變更語言設定" msgid "" "Find out how to customize your content options on select " "themes." msgstr "瞭解如何在選取的 佈景主題上自訂內容選項。" msgid "Customize Your Content Options" msgstr "自訂內容選項" msgid "Find out how to create a multilingual site on" msgstr "瞭解如何在 上建立多語網站。" msgid "Create a Multilingual Site" msgstr "建立多語網站" msgid "Find out how to add a site icon on" msgstr "瞭解如何在 上新增網站圖示。" msgid "Add a Site Icon" msgstr "新增網站圖示" msgid "Find out how to change your website privacy settings on" msgstr "瞭解如何在 上變更隱私設定。" msgid "Change Your Privacy Settings" msgstr "變更隱私設定" msgid "" "Find out how to update the Title and Tagline of your site, " "which you can also do on your Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "瞭解如何更新 網站的標題和標語,你也可在啟用 Jetpack 的 " "WordPress 網站上執行相同操作。" msgid "Update Your Website Title and Tagline" msgstr "更新網站的標題和標語" msgid "Find out how to add a custom logo to your site." msgstr "瞭解如何為 網站新增自訂標誌。" msgid "Add a Site Logo" msgstr "新增網站標誌" msgid "" "Find out how to share blog posts directly on Twitter from your " "or Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "瞭解如何從 或啟用 Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站直接將網誌文章分享" "到 Twitter 上。" msgid "Share Blog Posts Directly on Twitter" msgstr "直接將網誌文章分享到 Twitter 上" msgid "" "Find out how to embed a Facebook update in your content (including posts, " "pages, and even comments) on your or Jetpack-enabled WordPress " "website or blog." msgstr "" "瞭解如何在 或啟用 Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站或網誌上將 Facebook " "更新嵌入你的內容中 (包含文章、頁面甚至是留言)。" msgid "Embed a Facebook Update in Your Website" msgstr "將 Facebook 更新嵌入網站中" msgid "" "Find out how to embed an Instagram photo in your content (including posts " "and pages) on your or Jetpack-enabled WordPress website or " "blog." msgstr "" "瞭解如何在 或啟用 Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站或網誌上將 " "Instagram 相片嵌入你的內容中 (包含文章和頁面)。" msgid "Embed an Instagram Photo in Your Website" msgstr "將 Instagram 相片嵌入網站中" msgid "" "Find out how to embed a Tweet in your content (including posts and pages) on " "your or Jetpack-enabled WordPress website or blog." msgstr "" "瞭解如何在 或啟用 Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站或網誌上將推文嵌入你" "的內容中 (包含文章和頁面)。" msgid "Embed a Tweet from Twitter in Your Website" msgstr "將 Twitter 的推文嵌入你的網站中" msgid "" "Find out how to set up the social media icons widget on your " "or Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "瞭解如何在 或啟用 Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站上設定社交媒體圖示小" "工具。" msgid "Set Up a Social Media Icons Widget" msgstr "設定社交媒體圖示小工具" msgid "" "Find out how to display your Twitter timeline on your or " "Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "瞭解如何在 或啟用 Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站上顯示 Twitter 時間" "軸。" msgid "Embed a Twitter Timeline in your Sidebar" msgstr "將 Twitter 時間軸嵌入側邊欄中" msgid "" "Find out how to set up a social links menu on your or Jetpack-" "enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "瞭解如何在 或啟用 Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站上設定社交連結選單。" msgid "Set Up the Social Links Menu" msgstr "設定社交連結選單" msgid "" "Find out how to display your latest Instagram photos right on your WordPress." "com site." msgstr "瞭解如何直接在 網站上顯示最新的 Instagram 相片。" msgid "Display Your Instagram Feed on Your Website" msgstr "在網站上顯示 Instagram 摘要" msgid "" "Find out how to share blog posts directly on Facebook from your WordPress." "com site, which you can also do on a Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "瞭解如何從 網站直接將網誌文章分享到 Facebook 上,你也可在啟用 " "Jetpack 的 WordPress 網站上執行相同操作。" msgid "" "Find out how to add social sharing buttons to your site, which " "you can also do with a Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "瞭解如何為 網站新增社交分享按鈕,你也可在啟用 Jetpack 的 " "WordPress 網站上執行相同操作。" msgid "Add Social Sharing Buttons to Your Website" msgstr "為網站新增社交分享按鈕" msgid "Managing plugins" msgstr "管理外掛程式" msgid "" "Have a question or need to change something about a purchase you have made? " "Learn how." msgstr "對於你已購買的項目有所疑問或需要變更嗎?瞭解作法。" msgid "Getting More Views and Traffic" msgstr "獲得更多檢視次數和流量" msgid "Purchase a custom domain for your site." msgstr "為你的網站購買自訂網域。" msgid "Activity type" msgstr "活動類型" msgid "Install custom plugins and themes" msgstr "支援自訂外掛程式、自有佈景主題安裝" msgid "Plenty of space" msgstr "充裕的檔案儲存空間" msgid "Advanced security features" msgstr "進階資安防護功能" msgid "Monetization options" msgstr "透過網站獲利" msgid "" " has Jetpack essential features built in, including site " "statistics, a content delivery network for image and video files, and " "automated social media sharing." msgstr "" " 內建 Jetpack 基本功能,包括網站統計資料、圖片和影片檔案的內容傳" "遞網路(CDN),以及社群媒體自動分享功能。" msgid "" "Start with one of hundreds of professional WordPress themes. Make it your " "own with custom CSS and HTML. Your visitors will enjoy a seamless experience " "on any device." msgstr "" "數百種進階版 WordPress 佈景主題供你自由選用,還可修改 CSS 和 HTML,打造出最具" "個人特色的佈景主題;不論訪客使用任何裝置,都能暢快瀏覽,享受最佳體驗。" msgid "Advanced design options" msgstr "進階設計選項" msgid "Plenty of room for what matters." msgstr "大容量空間,各種重要內容儘量裝。" msgid "" "Already have a domain? Good news: you can use it with your new site in just " "a few simple steps." msgstr "" "已經擁有網域名稱嗎?沒問題,只要幾個步驟,就能在新網站使用你現有的網域名稱。" msgid "" "Create a professional WordPress website or blog with a custom domain name, " "advanced design tools, plenty of storage space, and 24/7 support." msgstr "" "利用自訂網域名稱、進階設計工具、大容量儲存空間、全天候支援服務,打造專業的 " "WordPress 網站與網誌。" msgid "{{line1}}More power.{{/line1}} {{line2}}More possibilities.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}功能更加強大,{{/line1}} {{line2}}創造更多可能。{{/line2}}" msgid "Build Your New Website with" msgstr "透過 打造全新網站" msgid "" "WordPress powers more than %s%% of the web, from family-run blogs to " "thriving online stores. Build with us and join a growing community." msgstr "" "全球有 %s%% 以上網站使用 WordPress 架設。無論是家庭網誌、人氣線上商店,都能做" "得到。加入這個全球大家庭,一同呵護你專屬的夢幻網站成長茁壯。" msgid "Build your website with the world’s favorite platform." msgstr "你的網站,就該架在全球最受歡迎的平台上。" msgid "" "Whatever you create on is yours alone. Export your pages and " "posts at any time — wherever life takes you, your content follows." msgstr "" "你在 建立的一切內容,全部專屬於你;只要你需要,隨時都可匯出網頁" "和文章,伴你同行。" msgid "" "Make it easy for potential customers to find you with built-in SEO. All you " "have to do is publish — we’ll take care of the rest." msgstr "" "內建 SEO 功能,讓你的內容更容易找到讀者。你只需專注發佈內容,其他大小事,包在" "我們身上。" msgid "Features you’ll love." msgstr "你一定會喜歡的各項功能。" msgid "" "If you have a bigger budget, you can choose from one of three plans with " "more features. With each plan you’ll get a custom domain name, more space " "for your files, and 24/7 support. You can also use advanced design tools, " "add payment buttons, and upload custom WordPress plugins or themes." msgstr "" "如果預算充裕,更可選擇三種付費方案之一。所有方案都支援使用自有網域名稱、提供" "更大儲存空間,外加 24 小時全年無休支援服務。更提供進階版面設計工具、收款功" "能、還能使用自訂的 WordPress 外掛程式或佈景主題。" msgid "" "No matter how much you want to spend, has a plan that works " "for you. Build a website for free and get access to professional themes, 3 " "GB of storage space, and support from our community of experts." msgstr "" "無論預算多寡, 都能提供適合你的方案。你可以免費建立網站,並獲得" "專業佈景主題、3 GB 儲存空間,以及專家社群的支援。" msgid "Budget-friendly plans." msgstr "經濟實惠的方案。" msgid "" "With, you can use our beautiful themes, a fast, intuitive " "editor, and flexible customization tools to build the exact kind of site you " "need — and in less time than it would take on another platform." msgstr "" " 提供美觀的佈景主題、快速直覺的編輯器以及靈活的自訂工具,讓你打" "造完全符合自身需求的網站,而且速度比其他平台更快。" msgid "" " allows you to build a website that meets your needs, no matter " "what they are. Whether you want to start a simple blog, create a site for " "your business, display your work in a portfolio, or build a robust online " "store, we have the tools and features you need to get started today." msgstr "" "用 建立任何你想做的網站,完全符合所需。擁有多種強大又好用的工具" "和功能,不論簡單網誌、公司網站、個人作品集、全功能網路商店,通通沒問題。" msgid "The website of your dreams." msgstr "打造心中的夢幻網站。" msgid "" "With, you can build a website, start a community, open a " "store, and much more. It’s the world’s most popular — and flexible — " "platform." msgstr "" " 是全球最受歡迎、最靈活的平台,能助你打造出心中的夢幻網站、擁有" "大量粉絲、架設網路商店,實現更多夢想。" msgid "Build anything, for anyone." msgstr "想架任何網站、分享任何內容,任何人都行。" msgid "%1$s attached to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 已附加至 %2$s" msgid "Attachment attached" msgstr "附件已附加" msgid "Image attached" msgstr "圖片已附加" msgid "Document attached" msgstr "文件已附加" msgid "Video attached" msgstr "影片已附加" msgid "Audio attached" msgstr "音訊已附加" msgid "Successful renewal on %s" msgstr "已於 %s 成功續訂" msgid "" "Until then, have fun with your site! And remember: if you need any help, our " "Happiness Engineers are a click away." msgstr "" "在此之前,盡情使用你的網站吧!別忘了:如需任何協助,只要按一下即可聯絡我們的 Happiness Engineer。" msgid "Successful Renewal" msgstr "已成功續訂" msgid "" "Your %1$d purchase for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "你為 %2$s 購買的 %1$d 升級項目已於 " "%3$s 續訂,你的網站可以在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功" "能。下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$s upgrade for %2$s renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another year. " "Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "%2$s 的 %1$s 升級項目已於 %3$s 續訂,你的網" "站可以在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%4$s。" msgid "" "Your G Suite accounts renewed on %1$s, so " "your site has all its great tools and features for another year. Your next " "renewal will be on %2$s." msgstr "" "你的 G Suite 帳戶已於 %1$s 續訂,你的網站可" "在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 %2$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$d G Suite license for %2$s renewed " "on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another year. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d G Suite licenses for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another year. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "%2$s%1$d G Suite 授權已於 %3$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次" "續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your G Suite license for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$sG Suite 授權已於 %2$s 續訂,你的網站可在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次" "續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain mapping subscriptions for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$s 的網域對應訂閱已於 %2$s 續訂,你的網站" "可以在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain mapping for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$s網域對應已於 %2$s " "續訂,你的網站可以在接下來的一年期間繼續享用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次續訂日" "期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain registrations for %1$s renewed on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another year. " "Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$s 的網域註冊已於 %2$s 續訂,你的網站可以" "在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain registration for %1$s renewed " "on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another year. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$s網域註冊已於 %2$s " "續訂,你的網站可以在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次續訂日" "期為 %3$s。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s plan for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "year. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "%2$s 的%1$s 方案已於 %3$s 續訂,你的網站可" "以在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%4$s。" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan and custom domain for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another year. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "%2$s 的%1$s 方案自訂網域已於 " "%3$s 續訂,你的網站可以在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功" "能。下次續訂日期為 %4$s。" msgid "" "Your Jetpack upgrades for %1$s renewed on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another year. " "Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$s 的 Jetpack 升級項目已於 %2$s 續訂,你" "的網站可以在接下來的一年期間繼續使用所有優秀的工具和功能。下次續訂日期為 " "%3$s。" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your %1$d WordPress." "com purchase" msgid_plural "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your %1$d WordPress." "com purchases" msgstr[0] "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 %1$d 購買項目" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your %1$s purchase" msgstr "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 %1$s 購買項目" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your " "G Suite accounts" msgstr "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 G Suite 帳戶" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your %1$d G Suite " "license" msgid_plural "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your %1$d G Suite " "licenses" msgstr[0] "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂%1$d G Suite 授權" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your " "G Suite account" msgstr "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 G Suite 帳戶" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your " "domain mapping subscriptions" msgstr "" "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 網域對應訂閱" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your " "domain mapping subscription" msgstr "" "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 網域對應訂閱" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your " "domains" msgstr "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 網域" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your " "domain" msgstr "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 網域" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your " "plan" msgstr "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 方案" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your Jetpack " "upgrades" msgstr "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 Jetpack 升級項目" msgid "" "Successful Renewal! Thanks for renewing your %1$s upgrade" msgstr "已成功續訂!感謝你續訂 %1$s 升級項目" msgid "Select your .blog domain" msgstr "選取你的 .blog 網域" msgid "Action required on %s" msgstr "需針對 %s 採取動作" msgid "Posts and Pages" msgstr "文章與頁面" msgid "Jetpack Settings" msgstr "Jetpack 設定" msgid "Pingbacks" msgstr "引用" msgid "Jetpack Module" msgstr "Jetpack 模組" msgid "Use code %1$s to save %2$s%% now." msgstr "使用 %1$s 代碼立即省下 %2$s%%。" msgid "" "All plan upgrades are risk-free and include a money-back " "guarantee — 30 days for plans and 48 hours for domains." msgstr "" "所有 方案升級均無風險,且包含 30 天 (方案) 及 48 小時 (網域) 的" "退款保證。" msgid "" "This offer for %s%% off any plan upgrade expires in just a few " "hours!" msgstr "" "此優惠適用於任何 方案,提供 %s%% 折扣,優惠將於數小時後到期!" msgid "Final reminder: Your %s%% off discount expires in just a few hours" msgstr "最後提醒:你的 %s%% 折扣優惠將於數小時後到期" msgid "" "P.S. Hurry — this limited-time offer expires at midnight September 20th. " "Don’t let this deal pass you by." msgstr "" "附註:欲購從速!此限時優惠即將在 9 月 20 日午夜到期,機會難得,錯過可惜。" msgid "" "Plan upgrades unlock more free themes, more customization tools, more " "storage, better support — and we’re just getting started. Simply use code " "%1$s for %2$s%% off at checkout." msgstr "" "方案升級項目可解鎖更多免費佈景主題、自訂工具、儲存空間,以及更優質的支援服" "務,我們也會持續推出更多服務。你只要在結帳時使用 %1$s 代碼," "即可享有 %2$s%% 的折扣優惠。" msgid "" "To celebrate your commitment to your website, we’re offering you %s%% off " "ANY upgraded plan. But don’t delay, because this discount " "expires soon." msgstr "" "為了答謝你對網站的支援,我們針對「任何」升級的 方案皆提供 %s%% " "折扣優惠,折扣即將到期,事不宜遲,馬上行動。" msgid "Apply this discount towards any site upgrade of your choice." msgstr "此折扣優惠適用於你所選擇的任何網站升級。" msgid "Limited-time sale: Get %s%% off site upgrades!" msgstr "限時優惠:以 %s%% 折扣優惠獲得網站升級!" msgid "WordAds Stats: uslicer token request failed." msgstr "WordAds 統計:消費者權杖請求失敗。" msgid "" "Elasticsearch is a trademark of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and " "in other countries." msgstr "Elasticsearch 是 Elasticsearch BV 在美國和其他國家/地區註冊的商標。" msgid "%(displayType)s ****%(digits)s" msgstr "%(displayType)s ****%(digits)s" msgid "UnionPay" msgstr "UnionPay" msgid "JCB" msgstr "JCB" msgid "Diners Club" msgstr "Diners Club" msgid "Email Support" msgstr "電子郵件支援" msgid "" "Action Required: Your domains expire on %1$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 網域將於 " "%1$s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your domain " "expires on %1$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 網域將於 " "%1$s 到期。" msgid "" "Act now! Your domains failed " "to renew" msgstr "" "立即行動!你的 網域無法續訂" msgid "" "Act now! Your domain failed " "to renew" msgstr "" "立即行動!你的 網域無法續訂" msgid "" "Welcome Rocket Lawyer members! Save %s%% using promo code " "{{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "歡迎成為 Rocket Lawyer 成員!今天在結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}} 即可省下 %s%%。" msgid "" "Welcome SBDC Community! Save %s%% using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "歡迎加入 SBDC Community!今天在結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}} 即可省下 %s%%。" msgid "" "Welcome Patreon Creators! Save %s%% using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "歡迎加入 Patreon Creators!今天在結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}} 即可省下 %s%%。" msgid "Beautiful landscape" msgstr "美麗的風景" msgid "" "Act now! Your %1$d G Suite license failed " "to renew" msgid_plural "" "Act now! Your %1$d G Suite licenses failed " "to renew" msgstr[0] "" "立即行動!你的 %1$d G Suite 授權無法續訂" msgid "Renewal Reminder" msgstr "續訂提醒" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$d purchase for %2$s " "is about to expire." msgid_plural "" "The renewal for your %1$d purchases for %2$s " "is about to expire." msgstr[0] "%2$s 的 %1$d 購買項目讀訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s upgrade for %2$s is about to " "expire." msgstr "%2$s 的 %1$s 升級項目續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your G Suite accounts is about to expire." msgstr "你的 G Suite 帳戶續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$d G Suite license for %2$s is about to expire." msgid_plural "" "The renewal for your %1$d G Suite licenses for " "%2$s is about to expire." msgstr[0] "" "%2$s%1$d G Suite 授權續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the G Suite license for %s " "is about to expire." msgstr "%sG Suite 授權續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the domain mapping subscriptions for %s is " "about to expire." msgstr "%s 的網域對應訂閱續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the domain mapping for %s " "is about to expire." msgstr "%s網域對應續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the domain registrations for %s is about to " "expire." msgstr "%s 的網域註冊續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the domain registration for %s is about to expire." msgstr "%s網域註冊續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s plan for %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "%2$s 的 %1$s方案續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s plan and custom domain for %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "" "%2$s 的 %1$s方案自訂網域續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your Jetpack upgrades for %s is about to " "expire." msgstr "%s 的 Jetpack 升級項目續訂即將到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your %1$d purchase expires on %2$s." msgid_plural "" "Action Required: Your %1$d purchases expire on %2$s." msgstr[0] "" "須採取動作:你的 %1$d項 購買" "將於 %2$s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your %1$s purchase " "expires on %2$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 %1$s 購買項目將於 " "%2$s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your G Suite " "accounts expire on %s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 G Suite 帳戶" "將於 %s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your domain mapping subscriptions expire on %1$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 網域對應訂閱" "將於 %1$s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your domain mapping subscription expires on %1$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 網域對應訂閱" "將於 %1$s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your G Suite " "account expires on %1$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 G Suite 帳戶" "將於 %1$s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your %1$d G Suite license " "expires on %2$s." msgid_plural "" "Action Required: Your %1$d G Suite licenses expire on %2$s." msgstr[0] "" "須採取動作:你的 %1$d G Suite 授權將於 " "%2$s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your plan " "expires on %1$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 方案將於 " "%1$s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your Jetpack upgrades " "expire on %s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 Jetpack 升級項目將於 " "%s 到期。" msgid "" "Action Required: Your %1$s upgrade expires " "on %2$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:你的 %1$s 升級項目將於 " "%2$s 到期。" msgid "" "On mobile? To open and pay with the WeChat Pay app directly, {{a}}click " "here{{/a}}." msgstr "" "要在行動版上使用嗎?如要直接開啟並使用 WeChat Pay 應用程式,請{{a}}按一下這裡" "{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Please scan the barcode using the WeChat Pay application to confirm your " "%(price)s payment." msgstr "請使用 WeChat Pay 應用程式掃描條碼以確認支付 %(price)s。" msgid "Payment failed. Please check your account and try again." msgstr "付款失敗。請檢查你的帳戶並再試一次。" msgid "WeChat Pay" msgstr "WeChat Pay" msgid "Start Your Website or Blog with Personal" msgstr "透過 個人版建立你的網站或網誌" msgid "" "Create a powerful business website with Business. Install " "plugins, upload your own themes, get access to powerful tools, and fully own " "your customer experience." msgstr "" "透過 商務版建立強大的商用網站。你可以安裝外掛程式、上載自己的佈" "景主題、使用功能強大的工具,還可以完全掌握你的顧客體驗。" msgid "" "Upgrade to Premium for access to unlimited premium WordPress " "templates, including themes tailored to your business. Further customize " "your site’s appearance with CSS and make it your own." msgstr "" "升級至 進階版即可無限量存取進階 WordPress 範本,包括專為你的企" "業而設計的佈景主題。使用 CSS 更可進一步自訂網站外觀,讓網站具有你獨特的風格。" msgid "Install WordPress plugins" msgstr "安裝 WordPress 外掛程式" msgid "Customize your design" msgstr "自訂你的設計" msgid "" "{{line1}}A versatile website builder{{/line1}} {{line2}}that scales with " "your needs.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}多種功能,任君選擇{{/line1}}{{line2}}完全滿足各種架站需求。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "Choosing a plan will remove the advertising from your site, " "allowing you to stay on-brand from start to finish." msgstr "選擇無廣告的 方案,讓你的品牌形象貫徹整個網站。" msgid "Your site, your branding" msgstr "用自己的網站,展現自己的品牌魅力" msgid "Plenty of storage" msgstr "充裕的儲存空間" msgid "" "Includes daily backups, brute force login protection, automated spam " "filtering, and reliable hosting on servers spread across multiple data " "centers." msgstr "" "我們提供可靠的網站託管服務,包括每日自動備份、暴力登入攻擊防護、自動垃圾郵件" "防護;更有多個資料中心組成的分散式伺服器架構。" msgid "Secure from day one" msgstr "完整防護,高枕無憂" msgid "" "Start with one of dozens of free WordPress themes and customize it with your " "logo, content, and more. Your visitors will enjoy a seamless experience on " "any device." msgstr "" "以為數眾多的免費 WordPress 佈景主題為基礎,加上你的標章、內容等資料,調整網站" "設計,讓網站更具特色;不論訪客使用任何裝置,都能暢快瀏覽,享受最佳體驗。" msgid "" "Already have a domain? No problem — you can use it with your new website in " "just a few steps." msgstr "" "已經擁有網域名稱嗎?沒問題,只要幾個步驟,就能在新網站使用你現有的網域名稱。" msgid "Your domain, your way." msgstr "你的網域,你作主。" msgid "A site that’s all you." msgstr "專屬於你的網站,徹底綻放自我。" msgid "" "Whether your business is big or small, gives you the tools for " "success." msgstr "" "不論你的公司是大是小, 的多種工具,都能助你一臂之力,早日成功。" msgid "Everything you need to attract new customers and make money online." msgstr "讓你的網站生意興隆、客如潮水,輕鬆賺大錢。" msgid "" "Get support around the clock from our team of WordPress experts. Priority " "support is offered via email and live chat." msgstr "" "WordPress 專家支援團隊,提供源源不絕的支援能量。商用版方案提供電子郵件與即時" "文字對談的優先支援服務。" msgid "24/7 support" msgstr "強大支援服務,24 小時全年無休" msgid "Best-in-class security" msgstr "傲視同業的資安水準" msgid "" "Monetize your business website with tools like Simple Payment Buttons or " "WordAds, or create a full-fledged ecommerce experience with WooCommerce." msgstr "" "透過 Simple Payment 按鈕或 WordAds 等工具,讓你的商用網站獲利;更可透過 " "WooCommerce,讓網站擁有完善的電子商務功能。" msgid "Explore monetization tools" msgstr "善用多種獲利工具" msgid "Accelerate your growth" msgstr "讓網站飛躍成長" msgid "Designed for business" msgstr "為企業需求而設計" msgid "" "With unlimited plugins at your disposal, you can build the perfect site for " "your business — and your customers." msgstr "" "有了任君選用,全無限制的外掛程式加持,你也能架出讓顧客更加滿意,讓公司業務飛" "躍成長的完美網站。" msgid "Build it better with plugins." msgstr "運用外掛程式,讓網站更為犀利。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Designed to meet{{/line1}} {{line2}}your business needs.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}滿足你的商業需求,{{/line1}} {{line2}}是我們的設計初衷。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a WordPress website for your business with{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}a custom domain name, best-in-class hosting,{{/line2}} {{line3}}" "unlimited plugins, and 24/7 support.{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}自訂網域名稱、業界最佳託管服務、{{/line1}}{{line2}}外掛程式任君挑" "選、加上 24 小時全年無休支援服務,{{/line2}}{{line3}},幫助你打造最強的企業" "用 WordPress 網站。{{/line3}}" msgid "Get down to business." msgstr "開張了!" msgid "" "Get up and running quickly with Personal and your own custom " "domain name, built-in security, and 24/7 support." msgstr "" " 個人版提供專屬的自訂網域名稱、內建安全性以及 24 小時全年無休的" "支援服務,讓你的網站快速上線運作。" msgid "" "Ready to create your website or blog? Get started for free with WordPress." "com, a website builder that scales with your needs." msgstr "" "準備好建立你的網站或網誌了嗎?使用免費的 是一款隨需求調整的網站" "產生器,能讓你立即開始建立網站。" msgid "Switched %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "已從 %1$s 切換至 %2$s" msgid "Your %s subscription" msgstr "你的 %s 訂閱" msgid "%1$s: %2$s subscription." msgstr "%1$s:%2$s 訂閱。" msgid "Thank you for supporting publishers on Payments." msgstr "謝謝你透過 付款支援出版商。" msgid "" "You currently have email delivery turned off. Visit your {{a}}Notification " "Settings{{/a}} to turn it back on." msgstr "" "你目前已關閉電子郵件傳送功能。請造訪{{a}}通知設定{{/a}}以重新開啟此功能。" msgid "Notification settings" msgstr "通知設定" msgid "" "Create a mobile-friendly site with a click, or choose from a selection of " "responsive themes that look great everywhere." msgstr "" "只要按一下,或是從各種響應式佈景主題中選擇你認為怎麼瀏覽都美觀的項目,即可建" "立便於行動裝置使用的網站。" msgid " Blogger" msgstr " 部落客" msgid "" "Please visit our support site for more " "answers." msgstr "" "如需更多解答,請造訪我們的支援網站。" msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, Wix, " "Typepad, Xanga, and more. You can also import your content from a self-" "hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "你可以從其他各種網誌平台匯入你的網誌內容,這些平台包括 Blogger、LiveJournal、" "Movable Type、Tumblr、Wix、Typepad、Xanga 等等。您也可以從自助託管 WordPress " "網站輕鬆匯入自己的內容。" msgid "Where can I learn more?" msgstr "我需要更詳細的說明,要去哪裡看?" msgid "" "You can sell individual items on your site using your PayPal account. For " "more opportunities to monetize, upgrade to the Premium plan to sell products and services " "using the Simple Payment button. For more eCommerce features, like an online " "store, consider starting with a WordPress." "com Business plan." msgstr "" "你可以使用 PayPal 帳戶在網站上販售個人物品。如需瞭解更多獲利機會,請升級至 " " 進階版方案,使用「輕鬆付" "款」按鈕販售產品和服務。如需瞭解更多電子商務功能 (例如網路商店),可以考慮使" "用 商務版方案。" msgid "" "Absolutely. You can change your Site Language, which is the language your " "readers will experience at your site. You can also change the language you " "see while working on your site in the dashboard. The language you write on " "your website is up to you!" msgstr "" "當然可以。你可以變更「網站語言」,即讀者造訪你的網站時會看到的語言,也可以變" "更網站儀表板的顯示語言。你在網站上使用的語言操之在己!" msgid "Will I have to pay for my custom domain?" msgstr "是否需要支付自訂網域費用?" msgid "Join the platform you’ll never outgrow." msgstr "多元又強大的平台功能,滿足你的一切成長需求。" msgid "" "Customize your website even further with Business. Leverage " "the power of countless WordPress plugins, upload your own themes, and " "completely remove branding." msgstr "" " 商用版方案,讓你進一步打造更具特色的全功能網站。超多 WordPress " "外掛程式,任君選擇,還能自由使用自己的佈景主題,並且完全移除 的" "品牌標誌。" msgid "" "Upgrade to Premium to take advantage of our WordPress " "templates and themes specifically tailored for business. Customize your look " "with CSS and remove ads." msgstr "" "升級至 進階方案,即可自由運用進階版 WordPress 版型範本,包括專" "為各種商業需求設計的專屬佈景主題。更可自訂 CSS 調整網站外觀,並且停止顯示 " " 廣告。" msgid "Own your brand" msgstr "建立自有品牌網站" msgid "" "Every site comes with a free subdomain. If you already own a " "domain, or you’d like to register a new one, you can add a custom domain to " "your site starting with a Personal Plan." msgstr "" "每個 網站均附贈免費子網域;不論是你自有的網域名稱,或想註冊新網" "域,皆可在你的個人方案網站中指定使用。" msgid "Connect your own domain" msgstr "使用自有網域名稱" msgid "" "{{line1}}A free website builder{{/line1}} {{line2}}that scales with your " "needs.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}從免費網站開始{{/line1}} {{line2}}伴你逐步成長茁壯。{{/line2}}" msgid "No credit card required" msgstr "無需信用卡" msgid "Supported by community" msgstr "強大又熱心的社群支援" msgid "Hosted for ease and security" msgstr "高枕無憂的代管服務" msgid "" "Embed image galleries, presentations, and spreadsheets. With 3 GB of storage " "space, you’ll be able to upload and share them effortlessly with all your " "friends, followers, and potential customers." msgstr "" "提供 3 GB 儲存空間,讓你輕鬆上載相片、存入圖庫,也能儲存簡報和試算表等檔案," "分享給朋友、追蹤者和未來的顧客。" msgid "Equipped with storage" msgstr "附贈儲存空間" msgid "" "Every single week, thousands of people start their journey with a free " "WordPress website." msgstr "每星期都有數千個新朋友,用免費方案打造全新 WordPress 網站。" msgid "" "{{line1}}A stepping stone to{{/line1}} {{line2}}your powerful website.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}從最簡單的網站開始,{{/line1}} {{line2}}一路成長茁壯。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Every plan includes automated Content Delivery Network so your site loads " "quickly anywhere." msgstr "每個計劃都包含自動內容分發網絡,因此您的網站可以在任何地方載入得更快。" msgid " and Google Docs" msgstr " 和 Google Docs" msgid " and Google Photos" msgstr " 和 Google Photos" msgid "" "With your Google Photos account linked to your WordPress site, you can " "seamlessly share the pictures you take on your phone, or any device " "connected to your Google Photos account." msgstr "" "只要連結 Google Photos 和你的 WordPress 網站,不論是用你自己手機拍照,或是使" "用其他連上 Google Photos 帳戶的裝置拍照,都能輕鬆使用,易如反掌。" msgid "" "Access isn’t limited to just your photos. Download images from your shared " "albums and libraries too. Perfect for teams working across multiple devices." msgstr "" "不但能存取自己的照片,還能從共享的相簿與媒體庫中下載使用圖片;最適合團隊成員" "使用多台裝置進行協作。" msgid "Access every picture" msgstr "進階分享協作" msgid "" "Google Photos stores more than still images. You can also share videos, " "animations and collages created through the app." msgstr "" "Google Photos 不但可以儲存靜態圖片,還能分享影片,或是利用 App 產生動畫和相片" "拼貼。" msgid "More than photos" msgstr "照片之外,還有更多精彩" msgid "" "When you share multiple photos at once from your Google Photos library " "they’ll be copied over to your WordPress library, making it easier for you " "to use throughout the site on other pages and posts." msgstr "" "從 Google Photos 媒體庫取用的照片,系統會自動複製到 WordPress 媒體庫中,可在" "網站其他頁面和文章中直接使用,更為簡便。" msgid "Copy to your library" msgstr "與媒體庫自動同步" msgid "" "Link your Google Photos account to your WordPress site and get access to " "your whole photo library. Pull up your last 10 images, or search your entire " "catalog. It’s a quick and easy way to go from shooting to sharing." msgstr "" "只要將 Google Photos 帳戶連結到你的 WordPress 網站,取得整個照片庫的存取權," "就可以直接選取最新 10 張圖片,或是搜尋整個相簿。從拍攝照片到上載分享,無比輕" "鬆如意。" msgid "Share on your site" msgstr "輕鬆整合 Google Photos" msgid "" "Google Photos is an easy way to store and back up your photos. Get the app " "on your phone, take some photos, and access them later online. No manual " "uploading required." msgstr "" "透過 Google Photos ,可以輕鬆儲存、備份照片;更可透過手機 App 拍照,自動上" "載,日後隨時存取。" msgid "All of your pictures in the cloud." msgstr "所有照片,都在雲端。" msgid "" "They’re worth a thousand words, and with our Google Photos integration, " "they’re even easier to share." msgstr "" "千言萬語,不如一張震撼人心的好照片。更棒的是,你還可以透過 Google Photos 整" "合,輕鬆分享所有照片。" msgid "Let your pictures tell the story." msgstr "一圖勝千言。" msgid "" "Streamline your writing process—collaborate, edit and publish to your " "WordPress site directly through Google Docs." msgstr "" "透過 Google 文件進行協作、編輯內容,並且直接在 WordPress 網站上發佈,讓創作流" "程更為簡潔流暢。" msgid "" "With Google Docs’ offline mode you can work on your next post even when " "you’re disconnected, then publish it the next time you’re online." msgstr "" "沒有連上網路時,也能利用 Google 文件的離線模式撰寫內容;下次連上網路後就能立" "即發佈,作業不中斷。" msgid "Work offline" msgstr "支援離線作業" msgid "" "You can limit the number of site logins you have to create or distribute " "when you work with Google Docs. Save the actual posting for those with admin " "privileges." msgstr "" "可以限制利用 Google 文件建立或發佈內容的登入次數,並設定僅准管理者權限帳戶發" "文。" msgid "Enhanced security" msgstr "安全防護再加強" msgid "" "Ditch the tedium of the copy and paste dance between tabs. With your " "formatting intact, you can publish your posts faster." msgstr "" "告別重覆複製貼上的繁瑣程序,發佈文章不但更為快速簡便,而且格式都能保持一致。" msgid "Faster publishing" msgstr "發佈文章更省時省力" msgid "" "Use the collaborative writing tools of Google Docs to fine tune a post as a " "team, then push it to the website when it’s ready. No more sending docs back " "and forth." msgstr "" "透過 Google 文件的協作功能,讓整個團隊共同創作;確認文章內容無誤後,就能直接" "傳送到網站發佈,不必來回傳送文章審閱。" msgid "Easier collaboration" msgstr "多人協作,輕鬆愉快" msgid "" "Post directly to your WordPress site with the for Google Docs " "plugin, or embed documents (and Sheets, Presentations, and more) into " "your blog with the embed code." msgstr "" "安裝 for Google " "Docs 外掛程式,可直接將 Google 文件的內容傳送到 WordPress 網站發佈;也可" "使用嵌入用程式碼,將文件 、試算表、簡報等內容直接嵌入 網誌文" "章。" msgid "Create with more flexibility." msgstr "內容創作更具彈性。" msgid "" "Start writing in Google Docs and immediately post it to WordPress, with your " "formatting intact." msgstr "" "你也可以用 Google 文件來寫作內容,還能以相同格式立即在 WordPress 發佈。" msgid "Write here. Write there. Write anywhere." msgstr "想寫就寫,不分時地。" msgid "" "The credit card you’re using with has expired in %1$s — before your renewal for %2$s on %3$s." msgstr "" "您在 上使用的信用卡已於 %1$s到期 - 在 " "%3$s 續訂 %2$s 之前。" msgid "" "Action Required: The credit card ending with %1$s expired in %2$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:末碼為 %1$s 的信用卡在 " "%2$s到期。" msgid "Expired Credit Card" msgstr "信用卡已到期" msgid "" "The credit card you’re using with is going to expire in " "%1$s — before your renewal for %2$s on %3$s." msgstr "" "您在 上使用的信用卡即將於 %1$s到期 - 在 " "%3$s續訂 %2$s 之前。" msgid "" "Action Required: The credit card ending with %1$s is about to expire in %2$s." msgstr "" "須採取動作:末碼為 %1$s 的信用卡即將於 " "%2$s到期。" msgid "Expiring Credit Card" msgstr "信用卡即將到期" msgid "" "Action Required: We can't process the renewal for " "%s." msgstr "須採取動作:我們無法處理 %s 的續訂。" msgid "Add Payment Method" msgstr "新增付款方式" msgid "Renewal Failed" msgstr "續訂失敗" msgid "" "Your %1$d purchase for %2$s is set to renew " "on %3$s, but without any payment details from you, we can’t " "process the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s are set to renew on %3$s, but " "without any payment details from you, we can’t process the renewal and your " "subscriptions will lapse." msgstr[0] "" "%2$s 的 %1$d 項 購買項目已設為在 %3$s續訂,但你沒有提供任何付款" "詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "Your %1$s upgrade for %2$s is set to renew on %3$s, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process the " "renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" "%2$s 的 %1$s 項升級已設為在 %3$s續訂,但你" "沒有提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "Your G Suite accounts are set to renew on %s, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process the " "renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "你的 G Suite 帳戶已設為在 %s續訂,但你沒有" "提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "Your %1$d G Suite license for %2$s is set " "to renew on %3$s, but without any payment details from you, " "we can’t process the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d G Suite licenses for %2$s are " "set to renew on %3$s, but without any payment details from " "you, we can’t process the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr[0] "" "%2$s%1$d 項 G Suite 授權已設為在 " "%3$s續訂,但你沒有提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你" "的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "The G Suite license for %1$s is set to " "renew on %2$s, but without any payment details from you, we " "can’t process the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" " %1$sG Suite 授權已設為在 " "%2$s續訂,但你沒有提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將" "會失效。" msgid "" "The domain mapping subscriptions for %1$s are set to renew " "on %2$s, but without any payment details from you, we can’t " "process the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "%1$s 的網域對應訂閱已設為在 %2$s續訂,但你" "沒有提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "The domain mapping for %1$s is set to " "renew on %2$s, but without any payment details from you, we " "can’t process the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" "%1$s網域對應已設為在 %2$s續訂,但你沒有提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將會失" "效。" msgid "" "The domain registrations for %1$s are set to renew on " "%2$s, but without any payment details from you, we can’t " "process the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "%1$s 的網域註冊已設為在 %2$s續訂,但你沒有" "提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "The domain registration for %1$s is set to renew on " "%2$s, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process " "the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" "%1$s 的網域註冊已設為在 %2$s續訂,但你沒有" "提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan for %2$s is set to renew on %3$s, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process the " "renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" "%2$s 的 %1$s 項方案已設為在 %3$s續訂,但你" "沒有提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan and custom domain for %2$s " "are set to renew on %3$s, but without any payment details " "from you, we can’t process the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "%2$s 的 %1$s 項方案自訂網域已設為在 " "%3$s續訂,但你沒有提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你" "的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "Your Jetpack upgrades for %1$s are set to renew on " "%2$s, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process " "the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "%1$s 的 Jetpack 升級已設為在 %2$s續訂,但你" "沒有提供任何付款詳細資料,我們無法處理續訂,你的訂閱將會失效。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$d purchase for %2$s " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgid_plural "" "The renewal for your %1$d purchases for %2$s " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgstr[0] "" "%2$s 的 %1$d 項 購買項目未順利完成續訂,可能是" "因為登錄的信用卡已過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s upgrade for %2$s didn’t go " "through, probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "%2$s 的 %1$s 項升級未順利完成續訂,可能是因為登錄的信用卡已" "過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your G Suite accounts didn’t go through, " "probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "你的 G Suite 帳戶未順利完成續訂,可能是因為登錄的信用卡已過" "期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$d G Suite license for %2$s didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file " "is expired." msgid_plural "" "The renewal for your %1$d G Suite licenses for " "%2$s didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on " "file is expired." msgstr[0] "" "%2$s%1$d 項 G Suite 授權未順利完成續" "訂,可能是因為登錄的信用卡已過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the G Suite license for %s " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgstr "" "%sG Suite 授權未順利完成續訂,可能是因" "為登錄的信用卡已過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the domain mapping subscriptions for %s " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgstr "" "%s 的網域對應未順利完成續訂,可能是因為登錄的信用卡已過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the domain mapping for %s " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgstr "" "%s網域對應未順利完成續訂,可能是因為登錄" "的信用卡已過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the domain registrations for %s didn’t go " "through, probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "%s 的網域註冊未順利完成續訂,可能是因為登錄的信用卡已過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for the domain registration for %s didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file " "is expired." msgstr "" "%s網域註冊未順利完成續訂,可能是因為登錄" "的信用卡已過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s plan for %2$s didn’t go through, " "probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "%2$s 的 %1$s 項方案未順利完成續訂,可能是因為登錄的信用卡已" "過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s plan and custom domain for %2$s didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have " "on file is expired." msgstr "" "%2$s 的 %1$s 項方案自訂網域未順利完成續" "訂,可能是因為登錄的信用卡已過期。" msgid "" "The renewal for your Jetpack upgrades for %s didn’t go " "through, probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "%s 的 Jetpack 升級未順利完成續訂,可能是因為登錄的信用卡已過" "期。" msgid "" "Act now! Your %1$d purchase " "failed to renew" msgid_plural "" "Act now! Your %1$d purchases " "failed to renew" msgstr[0] "" "立即行動!你的 %1$d 購買項目" "無法續訂" msgid "" "Act now! Your %1$s purchase failed to renew" msgstr "立即行動!你的 %1$s 購買項目無法續訂" msgid "" "Act now! Your G Suite accounts failed to renew" msgstr "" "立即行動!你的 G Suite 帳戶無" "法續訂" msgid "" "Act now! Your domain mapping " "subscriptions failed to renew" msgstr "" "立即行動!你的 網域對應訂閱無" "法續訂" msgid "" "Act now! Your domain mapping " "subscription failed to renew" msgstr "" "立即行動!你的 網域對應訂閱無" "法續訂" msgid "" "Act now! Your G Suite account failed to renew" msgstr "" "立即行動!你的 G Suite 帳戶無" "法續訂" msgid "" "Act now! Your plan failed to " "renew" msgstr "" "立即行動!你的 方案無法續訂" msgid "" "Act now! Your Jetpack upgrades failed to " "renew" msgstr "立即行動!你的 Jetpack 升級無法續訂" msgid "" "Act now! Your %1$s upgrade failed to renew" msgstr "立即行動!你的 %1$s 升級項目無法續訂" msgid "Jetpack Search" msgstr "Jetpack 搜尋" msgid "Updating settings…" msgstr "正在更新設定..." msgid "Your fastfood restaurant deserves a website" msgstr "你的速食餐廳需要一個網站" msgid "Start building for free" msgstr "免費建立" msgid "Browse themes built for websites like yours" msgstr "瀏覽網站專屬主題" msgid "Build your next website" msgstr "打造專屬網站" msgid "Help build Gutenberg" msgstr "協助建置 Gutenberg" msgid "" "If you want to learn more about how to build additional blocks, or if you " "are interested in helping with the project, head over to the GitHub repository." msgstr "" "如想進一步瞭解如何建置其他區塊的相關資訊,或是有興趣協助這個專案,請造訪 GitHub 存放庫。" msgid "Thanks for testing Gutenberg!" msgstr "感謝加入測試 Gutenberg 的行列" msgid "The WordPress community" msgstr "WordPress 社群" msgid "" "You can build any block you like, static or dynamic, decorative or plain. " "Here’s a pullquote block:" msgstr "" "作者可以使用任何自己喜好的區塊,無論是靜態或動態、具備裝飾樣式或純文字。以下" "便以重要引述區塊作為示範:" msgid "" "Any block can opt into these alignments. The embed block has them also, and " "is responsive out of the box:" msgstr "" "任何媒體區塊均具備寬度設定,下方嵌入外部影片的區塊亦同,且內容嵌入後立即生" "效。" msgid "" "The above is a gallery with just two images. It’s an easier way to " "create visually appealing layouts, without having to deal with floats. You " "can also easily convert the gallery back to individual images again, by " "using the block switcher." msgstr "" "上方是個只有兩張圖片的藝廊。這是能夠更輕易建立引人注意版面配置的方式,而無需" "處理其他細節。如有需要,還可以使用區塊切換程式輕鬆地將藝廊轉換成個別圖片。" msgid "" "Sure, the full-wide image can be pretty big. But sometimes the image is " "worth it." msgstr "當然,全幅寬度圖片會以相當大的尺寸顯示,但的確適合呈現某些圖片。" msgid "" "Accessibility is important — don’t forget image alt attribute" msgstr "協助工具相當重要 — 請記得填寫圖片替代文字屬性" msgid "" "If you combine the new wide and full-wide " "alignments with galleries, you can create a very media rich layout, very " "quickly:" msgstr "" "如果目前使用的佈景主題整合了藝廊圖片的 [寬幅寬度] 及 " "[全幅寬度] 顯示方式,作者便能非常快速地建立具有多樣化媒體檔" "案呈現方式的版面配置:" msgid "Media Rich" msgstr "多樣化的媒體檔案呈現方式" msgid "" "You can change the amount of columns in your galleries by dragging a slider " "in the block inspector in the sidebar." msgstr "作者可拖曳位於側邊欄區塊中的滑桿,藉以變更藝廊的內容欄設定。" msgid "" "Blocks can be anything you need. For instance, you may want to add a subdued " "quote as part of the composition of your text, or you may prefer to display " "a giant stylized one. All of these options are available in the inserter." msgstr "" "區塊可以滿足任何寫作需求。舉例來說,作者或許會想要加入低調的引文作為內容的一" "部份,或是偏好顯示一個大型風格化的引文,而插入程式提供了所有相關設定。" msgid "" "The information corresponding to the source of the quote is a separate text " "field, similar to captions under images, so the structure of the quote is " "protected even if you select, modify, or remove the source. It’s " "always easy to add it back." msgstr "" "與引文來源對應的資訊,是類似圖片下方圖說的個別文字欄位;因此即使進行選取、修" "改或移除來源,引文結構仍會受到保護,要將它再次加入也非常簡單。" msgid "Matt Mullenweg, 2017" msgstr "Matt Mullenweg 撰於 2017 年" msgid "" "The editor will endeavor to create a new page and post building experience " "that makes writing rich posts effortless, and has “blocks” to make it easy " "what today might take shortcodes, custom HTML, or “mystery meat” embed " "discovery." msgstr "" "透過這個編輯器,便可建立頁面及文章,而這兩者均能建置出能輕鬆呈現多樣化內容、" "具備能使用短代碼、自訂 HTML 或常用嵌入內容區塊的使用體驗。" msgid "" "A huge benefit of blocks is that you can edit them in place and manipulate " "your content directly. Instead of having fields for editing things like the " "source of a quote, or the text of a button, you can directly change the " "content. Try editing the following quote:" msgstr "" "區塊的明顯優勢就是作者可以就地編輯並直接控制內容。作者可以直接修改內容,而不" "是透過欄位編輯引文來源或按鈕文字等內容。請試著編輯以下引文:" msgid "Visual Editing" msgstr "視覺化的編輯方式" msgid "Layout blocks, like Buttons, Hero Images, Separators, etc." msgstr "提供各式版面配置區塊,例如按鈕、宣傳圖片、分隔符號等等。" msgid "And Lists like this one of course :)" msgstr "以及以清單區塊所製作的這份範例清單 :)" msgid "Images & Videos" msgstr "圖片及影片" msgid "Text & Headings" msgstr "段落及標題" msgid "Embeds, like YouTube, Tweets, or other WordPress posts." msgstr "" "可嵌入第三方內容,例如 YouTube 影片、Twitter 的推文或其他 WordPress 網站的文" "章。" msgid "" "Go give it a try, you may discover things WordPress can already add into " "your posts that you didn’t know about. Here’s a short list of " "what you can currently find there:" msgstr "" "請試著插入區塊,便會發現 WordPress 已在文章中加入之前未見過的元件。這是目前這" "篇示範內容中用到區塊的簡短清單:" msgid "" "Imagine everything that WordPress can do is available to you quickly and in " "the same place on the interface. No need to figure out HTML tags, classes, " "or remember complicated shortcode syntax. That’s the spirit behind the " "inserter—the (+) button you’ll see around the editor—" "which allows you to browse all available content blocks and add them into " "your post. Plugins and themes are able to register their own, opening up all " "sort of possibilities for rich editing and publishing." msgstr "" "想像一下,在同一處介面中便可以快速完成 WordPress 可以做的一切,無須瞭解 HTML " "標籤、類別或記住複雜的短代碼語法。在編輯器中隨處可見的 (+) 按" "鈕,可讓作者瀏覽所有可用的內容區塊,並將它們加入文章中,這就是插入程式的運作" "方式。外掛及佈景主題透過註冊,為多樣化的編輯及發佈拓展了各種可能性。" msgid "" "Try selecting and removing or editing the caption, now you don’t have " "to be careful about selecting the image or other text by mistake and ruining " "the presentation." msgstr "" "請試著選取、移除或編輯圖說,而不必再擔心因為犯錯或毀損內容而必須小心翼翼的選" "取圖片或文字。" msgid "The Inserter Tool" msgstr "插入程式工具" msgid "" "If your theme supports it, you’ll see the \"wide\" button on the image " "toolbar. Give it a try." msgstr "" "如果使用中的佈景主題支援這項功能,便會在圖片工具列出現 [寬幅寬度] 及 [全幅寬" "度] 按鈕。請試試這項功能的效果。" msgid "" "Handling images and media with the utmost care is a primary focus of the new " "editor. Hopefully, you’ll find aspects of adding captions or going " "full-width with your pictures much easier and robust than before." msgstr "" "以最嚴謹的方式處理圖片及媒體檔案是新版編輯器的主要重點。希望作者們會發現加入" "圖說或全幅寬度圖片的方式,比以往更容易也更完整。" msgid "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" msgstr "一圖勝千文" msgid "" "Headings are separate blocks as well, which helps with the outline and " "organization of your content." msgstr "[標題] 是有助於呈現內容大綱及組織的獨立區塊。" msgid "... like this one, which is right aligned." msgstr "...就如同這個區塊,文字內容為靠右對齊。" msgid "" "What you are reading now is a text block the most basic " "block of all. The text block has its own controls to be moved freely around " "the post..." msgstr "" "目前正在閱讀的是段落區塊,這是最基本的區塊;段落區塊有自有的" "控制項,可隨意移動文字內容位置..." msgid "" "The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress " "simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of pieces of content—somewhat similar to LEGO bricks—that you can move around and interact " "with. Move your cursor around and you’ll notice the different blocks " "light up with outlines and arrows. Press the arrows to reposition blocks " "quickly, without fearing about losing things in the process of copying and " "pasting." msgstr "" "開發這款新式編輯器的目標,是為了在 WordPress 加入豐富內容時變得簡單而有趣。整" "篇內容會由類似樂高積木的塊狀內容所組成,作者可以移動這些塊狀內容並與" "之互動。移動游標的同時,應該會注意到不同的區塊會以外框及箭號加以標示;按下箭" "號即可快速重新排列區塊位置,且不必擔心會因為複製及貼上的操作而遺失內容。" msgid "Of Mountains & Printing Presses" msgstr "有如山脈般壯觀的印刷機" msgid "No comments to show." msgstr "沒有評論可顯示。" msgid "Continue to Classic Editor" msgstr "繼續使用傳統編輯器" msgid "" "Because this post does not have revisions, you will not be able to revert " "any changes you make in the Classic Editor." msgstr "由於這篇內容尚無內容修訂,因此無法還原在傳統編輯器中的變更。" msgid "Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor" msgstr "歡迎使用 Gutenberg 編輯器" msgid "Invalid type parameter." msgstr "參數類別無效。" msgid "Limit results to items of one or more object subtypes." msgstr "限制結果至有一個物件子類或以上的項目。" msgid "Limit results to items of an object type." msgstr "限制結果至有一類物件的項目。" msgid "Object subtype." msgstr "物件子類。" msgid "Internal search handler error." msgstr "內部搜尋處理程式錯誤。" msgid "REST search handlers must extend the %s class." msgstr "REST 搜尋處理函數必須擴展 %s 類。" msgid "movie" msgstr "movie" msgid "The response is not a valid JSON response." msgstr "無效的 JSON 回應。" msgid "%1$s uploaded to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 已上載至 %2$s" msgid "You're logged in as %(email)s." msgstr "你已使用 %(email)s 的身分登入。" msgid "Site icon changed" msgstr "網站圖示已變更" msgid "Log in to update your payment details and renew your subscription" msgstr "登入更新付款詳細資料和續訂。" msgid "Custom ads.txt entries added" msgstr "已新增自訂 ads.txt 項目" msgid "Custom ads.txt entries cleared" msgstr "已清除自訂 ads.txt 項目" msgid "Custom ads.txt entries updated" msgstr "已更新自訂 ads.txt 項目" msgid "" "You can transfer your domain's registration to and renew your " "domain and site from the same place. {{a}}Learn more about domain " "transfers{{/a}}." msgstr "" "你可以將網域註冊轉移至,從同一個位置續訂網域和網站。{{a}}瞭解更" "多網域轉移的資訊{{/a}}。" msgid "" "We'll add your domain and help you change its settings so it points to your " "site. Keep your domain renewed with your current provider. (They'll remind " "you when it's time.) {{a}}Learn more about mapping a domain{{/a}}." msgstr "" "我們會加入你的網域,並協助你變更設定,讓網域導向你的網站。請向目前的供應商定" "期更新網域。(他們會提醒你更新日期){{a}}瞭解更多有關網域對應的資訊{{/a}}。" msgid "Invalid Video GUID!" msgstr "影片 GUID 無效!" msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "用戶" msgid "User email" msgstr "使用者電子郵件" msgid "Term name." msgstr "詞彙名稱。" msgid "Unique identifier for the post." msgstr "文章的唯一識別碼。" msgid "File name." msgstr "檔案名稱。" msgid "Project Name" msgstr "專案名稱" msgid "A unique identifier for the setting." msgstr "設定的單一識別碼。" msgid "Enhanced Security & Backup Protection" msgstr "強化安全與備份防護" msgid "" "Fully managed WordPress hosting in India/US. Pre-installed Jetpack, securely " "hosted and backed by 24/7 support. Learn more" msgstr "" "位於印度/美國的完全受管 WordPress 託管服務。 已預先安裝 Jetpack,享有安全託管" "服務及 24 小時全年無休的支援。 瞭解詳情" msgid "" "Extend your site with plugins. Choose from thousands of community plugins to " "add features like spam protection, custom galleries, in-depth analytics, and " "more." msgstr "" "不論是垃圾訊息防護、自訂圖庫或是報表深入分析,你想要的新功能,都可利用外掛程" "式變出來。數千種由愛用者社群自行開發的外掛程式,應有盡有,任君選用。" msgid "" "Get support right from the experts. Access documents, forums, videos, or get " "1-on-1 help by e-mail or live chat." msgstr "" "專家團隊提供完善支援服務,更有大量說明文件、用戶討論區、教學影片,以及專屬一" "對一電子郵件或即時文字對談服務。" msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of beautiful designs and customize them for your " "business site, blog, or portfolio. If you purchased a WordPress theme " "elsewhere? No problem: the Business plan lets you install any " "theme you’d like." msgstr "" "不論你架的是個人網誌、企業網站,或是個人作品集,都有幾百種美觀大方的佈景主題" "可選;如果你已經購置特別設計的 WordPress 佈景主題,也 OK!只要使用 WordPress." "com 商用版方案,也可以安裝這類佈景主題。" msgid "Embed podcast episodes directly from your media library." msgstr "從你的媒體庫中直接嵌入 podcast 節目內容。" msgid "Reach your audience with %s and" msgstr "使用 %s 和 接觸你的讀者" msgid "" "Your great idea deserves an equally great name. Now with %s you can find a " "perfect fit and start telling the world exactly what you do." msgstr "" "你的精彩創意應該搭配同樣出色的網域名稱。現在有了 %s,你可以找到完美符合個人需" "求的網域,開始向全世界展示你的實際成果。" msgid "" "Upgrade to any paid plan and get a specialty %s domain " "included free." msgstr "升級至任何 付費方案,即可免費取得專業 %s 網域。" msgid "Claim your free %s domain today!" msgstr "立即索取你的免費 %s 網域!" msgid " and Google Analytics" msgstr " 和 Google Analytics" msgid "" "Adding G Suite to the domain you’re using with is fast and " "easy. Start using your personalized services today." msgstr "" "將 G Suite 加到你在 使用的自定網域名稱,就能快速享用多種專屬雲" "端服務。" msgid " and Google's Workspace Business Email" msgstr " 和 Google 的 G Suite 企業電子郵件" msgid "Work anywhere" msgstr "隨時隨地都能處理工作" msgid "Simplify your workflow" msgstr "簡化工作流程" msgid "" "Add G Suite to your site and get the professional look of a personalized " "email address, along with the versatility of Google’s G Suite products." msgstr "" "可將 G Suite 工具與你的網站結合,使用自有網域電子郵件地址,提升專業觀感;更可" "整合其他 G Suite 服務。" msgid "Get the right tools for the job." msgstr "最好的工具,帶來最滿意的結果。" msgid "" "Google Analytics’ advanced features compliment’s built-in " "stats, telling you how and why people come to your site. Get a boost to your " "business data at no added cost." msgstr "" " 的內建統計功能,再加 Google Analytics 進階分析,雙效合一,讓你" "更能掌握訪客動態,提升網站表現;完全無需額外付費。" msgid "" "Google Analytics integration is included as part of Premium. " "Simply enable it in your settings to start tracking your traffic." msgstr "" " 進階方案支援 Google Analytics 整合,無需額外付款,只要在設定中" "啟用,即可開始追蹤流量。" msgid "Use it free" msgstr "高度整合,完全免費" msgid "" "There’s huge overlap between the Google and support " "communities. You’ll find tutorials, videos, tips and more to help you get " "the most from your data." msgstr "" "Google 和 同時擁有一批熱心又專業的支援社群成員。不論教學課程、" "影片、秘訣以及更多內容,都可自社群取得,讓你更加善用各種分析資料。" msgid "" "Measure how visitors complete specific tasks, like reaching a product page " "or form, and tweak your website to remove speedbumps." msgstr "" "測量訪客完成特定目標的成效,例如檢視產品網頁、填寫表格等,以消除任何阻礙,提" "升轉換成功率。" msgid "Measure conversions" msgstr "精準測量轉換" msgid "" "Use funnel reports to track the path visitors take through your site and " "discover trends that can help you optimize their experience." msgstr "使用漏斗圖掌握訪客網站瀏覽路徑,找出趨勢,提升用戶體驗。" msgid "" "Narrow the gap between your website’s intent and its actual impact. Harness " "the power of Google’s powerful analytics software, and use real data to make " "informed decisions." msgstr "" "利用 Google Anaytics 強大的分析功能,以實際資料以基礎,產生精準決策,讓網站表" "現更貼近你的期待。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Better analytics,{{/line1}} {{line2}}better decisions.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}深入分析,{{/line1}} {{line2}}精準決策。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "By integrating Google Analytics with WordPress, you can learn more about " "your audience without writing a single line of code." msgstr "" "WordPress 完全整合 Google Analytics。只要一行程式碼,即可完全掌握訪客動態,知" "己知彼。" msgid "Get to know your visitors." msgstr "掌握訪客動態,提升網站表現。" msgid "" "{{line1}}WordPress powers more than %s%% of the web, from{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "brand new bloggers to the world’s biggest brands.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}全球有 %s%% 網站使用 WordPress 架設,小自{{/line1}} {{line2}}新手部" "落客,大到全球知名品牌,無所不包。{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a website with{{/line1}} {{line2}}the world’s favorite " "platform.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}你的網站{{/line1}} {{line2}}就該架在全球最受歡迎的平台上。{{/line2}}" msgid "Compare our plans ›" msgstr "比較方案內容 ›" msgid "" "If you need more features, you can choose from one of three affordable " "plans. With each plan you’ll get a custom domain name, more space for your " "files, and priority support. Some plans also include advanced design " "customization, monetization tools, and the ability to upload custom " "WordPress plugins or themes." msgstr "" "若需更多功能,還有三種經濟實惠的方案可供選擇;每種方案都提供網域名稱自訂、更" "大的檔案儲存空間、優先支援服務等功能;部分進階方案更提供版面設計自訂選項、網" "站獲利工具等,還能自行上載你想用的 WordPress 外掛程式與佈景主題。" msgid "" "No matter the size of your budget, has a plan that’s right for " "you. Create a free website and get access to professional themes, 3 GB of " "storage space, community support, and more." msgstr "" "不論預算是多是少,都能在 找到最適合你的方案。即使選擇最平易近人" "的免費方案,也能享有專業佈景主題、3GB 儲存空間、社群平台支援工具等服務。" msgid "Plans that fit your needs." msgstr "多種方案,滿足所需。" msgid "" "With built-in optimization and responsive, mobile-ready themes, there’s no " "limit to who you can reach with your new website. Create a simple website " "for your family or sell products around the world—it’s up to you." msgstr "" "內建多種針對行動裝置自動轉換版面且最佳化的佈景主題,所有訪客都會感到賓至如" "歸。小到為全家人架設的簡單網站,大到全球跨境電商網站,你想做什麼,都行。" msgid "" " allows you to build a website that meets your unique needs. " "Start a blog, business site, portfolio, online store, or anything else you " "can imagine." msgstr "" " 的強大功能和無比彈性,讓每個人都能架出自己想要的網站,從個人網" "誌、商用網站、作品集到網路商店;你想做什麼,統統沒問題。" msgid "Create anything, for anyone." msgstr "想架什麼網站,就架什麼網站,大家都做得到。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a website{{/line1}} {{line2}}that works for you.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}建立{{/line1}}{{line2}}適合你的網站。{{/line2}}" msgid "But the best options are disappearing." msgstr "但最佳選擇即將消失。" msgid "Your free domain is still available" msgstr "你仍然可以使用免費網域" msgid " Team" msgstr " 團隊" msgid "Our Happiness Engineers are standing by." msgstr "我們的 Happiness Engineer 團隊隨時待命。" msgid "Any questions?" msgstr "有任何問題嗎?" msgid "And much more!" msgstr "還有更多功能!" msgid "" "Storage space - without it you won't be able to store as many photos, audio " "files, or documents." msgstr "儲存空間 — 你需要儲存空間才能盡情儲存照片、音訊檔案或文件。" msgid "Access to live chat when you need immediate support and answers." msgstr "使用即時聊天,立即獲得支援和解答。" msgid "" "Removal of ads from your site — visitors will now see " "your site with advertisements." msgstr "移除網站中的 廣告 — 訪客現在會在你的網站中看見廣告。" msgid "" "Access to professionally-designed, premium themes — your premium theme " "will switch to one of's free options which will change the " "look of your site." msgstr "" "使用專業設計的進階版佈景主題 — 進階版佈景主題會切換成 的免費佈" "景主題,從而變更你的網站外觀。" msgid "Renew now to keep your plan features" msgstr "立即續訂即可保有方案提供的功能" msgid "%1$s, your %2$s subscription for %3$s expired!" msgstr "%1$s,你的 %3$s 的 %2$s 訂閱已到期!" msgid "One more update available" msgid_plural " %(updates)s more updates available" msgstr[0] "尚有 %(updates)s 個可用的更新" msgid "Complete" msgstr "完成" msgid "Comment by %2$s on %3$s: %4$s" msgstr "%2$s 在 %3$s 發佈的留言:%4$s" msgid "Excerpt unavailable because comment content has been removed." msgstr "無文章摘要,因為留言內容已遭移除。" msgid "Excerpt unavailable because comment has been deleted." msgstr "無文章摘要,因為留言已遭移除。" msgid "Image updated" msgstr "圖片已更新" msgid "Document updated" msgstr "文件已更新" msgid "Video updated" msgstr "影片已更新" msgid "Audio updated" msgstr "音訊已更新" msgid "Image deleted" msgstr "圖片已刪除" msgid "Document deleted" msgstr "文件已刪除" msgid "Video deleted" msgstr "影片已刪除" msgid "Image uploaded" msgstr "圖片已上載" msgid "Document uploaded" msgstr "文件已上載" msgid "Video uploaded" msgstr "影片已上載" msgid "Audio uploaded" msgstr "音訊已上載" msgid "Audio deleted" msgstr "音訊已刪除" msgid "document" msgstr "文件" msgid "Copy URL" msgstr "複製網址" msgid "Contact %s" msgstr "請聯絡 %s" msgid "You have a new subscriber!" msgstr "你有新的訂閱者!" msgid "" "Full name must have at least 4 characters for .uk domains. Try expanding " "initials." msgstr "「.uk」網域的完整名稱必須至少包含 4 個字元。請嘗試將縮寫字展開。" msgid " phone recovery validation code: %s" msgstr " 電話還原驗證碼:%s" msgid "" "Keep tabs on all your site's activity — plugin and theme updates, user " "logins, setting modifications, and more." msgstr "" "掌握你網站的所有活動 — 外掛程式與佈景主題主題更新、使用者登入、設定修改內容" "等。" msgid "To your success,
The Team" msgstr "祝您網站經營成功, 團隊敬上" msgid "Upgrade and grab your domain" msgstr "升級並取得您的網域" msgid "" "We’re committed to your site’s success, and a great domain is part of that. " "That’s why we’re offering our valued customers a free domain for one " "year when you upgrade to any plan." msgstr "" "我們致力於讓你的網站大獲成功,而擁有一個優質的網域對此相當重要。因此我們想為" "使用者提供一個一年份的免費網域,只要升級至任何方案即符合領取資格。" msgid "" " has Jetpack essential features built in, including site " "statistics, basic SEO, and social media sharing." msgstr "" " 內建 Jetpack 基本功能,包括網站統計資料、基本 SEO 功能和社群媒" "體分享功能。" msgid "" "Drag-and-drop images into posts and pages. Create designer-worthy photo " "galleries. Embed audio, video, documents, and more." msgstr "" "將圖片拖放到文章和頁面中。建立設計師等級的照片圖庫。嵌入音訊、影片、文件等。" msgid "" "Our editor is fast, intuitive, and includes HTML and Markdown support. We " "save your work every few seconds, so you’ll never miss a word." msgstr "" "我們的編輯器又快又好用,同時支援 HTML 和 Markdown,而且每隔幾秒鐘便會自動儲存" "編輯進度,萬無一失。" msgid "Intuitive editor" msgstr "直覺好用的編輯器" msgid "" "Build a blog, a full website, or a combination of both. Write about your " "life, build a beautiful portfolio of your work, or build a robust business " "site — it’s up to you." msgstr "" "可單獨建立網誌、建置完整網站,也可兩者並行。不論你想記錄生活、展現亮眼的個人" "作品集,或是建立強大的商業網站 — 完全由你決定。" msgid "" "Start for free and get your website running quickly. Upgrade for advanced " "customization and themes, additional storage space, and business tools." msgstr "" "無需任何費用即可開始使用,讓你的網站快速上線運作;可升級至不同方案,以享有進" "階自訂功能、多樣化佈景主題、額外儲存空間以及各式商用工具。" msgid "" "{{line1}}Every feature you need to{{/line1}} {{line2}}create a powerful " "website{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}多種強大功能{{/line1}} {{line2}}幫你打造出強大網站{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Every feature you need to{{/line1}} {{line2}}create a powerful " "blog{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}建立強大網誌{{/line1}} {{line2}}所需的一切功能{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Use your custom domain in your email address by activating email forwarding, " "G Suite, or other email services." msgstr "" "若要在電子郵件地址中使用你的自訂網域,你可以啟用電子郵件轉寄功能、G Suite 或" "其他電子郵件服務。" msgid "" "Your domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} was added to your site, but the " "transfer process can take up to 5 days to complete." msgstr "" "您的網域 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 已加入您的網站,但轉移程序需要 5 天" "才能完成。" msgid "Attachment updated" msgstr "附件已更新" msgid "Attachment deleted" msgstr "附件已刪除" msgid "Attachment uploaded" msgstr "附件已上載" msgid "" "You have exceeded the transfer auth code check limit, you can try again in " "%d minutes. Trying again before that will only increase the time you have to " "wait before the ban is lifted." msgstr "" "您已超過轉移授權碼檢查次數限制,請在 %d 分鐘後再試一次。如果在這段時間結束前" "即重試,將使等候時間再度延長。" msgid "You must be logged in to verify an auth code." msgstr "您必須登入以驗證授權碼。" msgid "13 GB of storage space for images, documents, audio, and much more." msgstr "有 13 GB 儲存空間可以儲存圖片、文件和音訊檔案等。" msgid "Unlimited access to design and tech support with live chat or email." msgstr "透過即時聊天或電子郵件無限制地存取設計和技術支援。" msgid "" "You will not be able to log in to any other Automattic Services that use " "your account as a login. This includes, " ", and Once your " "account is closed, these services will also be closed and you will lose " "access to any orders or support history you may have." msgstr "" "你將無法登入任何其他使用你 帳戶登入的 Automattic 服務,這些服務" "包括、、 和。當" "你關閉了 帳戶,這些服務也會一併關閉,你將無法存取所有訂單或支援" "記錄。" msgid "plugin checks require a Jetpack site." msgstr "你必須擁有 Jetpack 網站才能執行外掛程式檢查。" msgid "" "Jetpack is your all-in-one WordPress toolkit for hassle-free design, " "marketing, and security. Whether you’re building your site with WordPress." "com or creating it on your own server, Jetpack gives you the tools you need " "to succeed — all in one place." msgstr "" "Jetpack 是一套萬用 WordPress 工具包,能讓你一口氣輕鬆享有網頁版面設計、行銷與" "資安等進階功能。不論你是用 還是自己的主機架設 WordPress,只要" "有 Jetpack,一切需求,一包搞定。" msgid "Share your thoughts." msgstr "分享你的理念。" msgid "Autoupdates" msgstr "自動更新" msgid "" "Transfers cannot be initiated in a support session - please ask the user to " "do it instead." msgstr "無法在支援工作階段中開始轉移程序 - 請改為要求使用者進行轉移。" msgid "Connections to %s have a permenant issue which prevents sharing." msgstr "與 %s 的連結出現永久性問題,因此無法分享。" msgid "" "Would you like to help us translate into {{a}}%(language)s{{/" "a}}?" msgstr "你想要協助我們將 翻譯成{{a}}%(language)s{{/a}}嗎?" msgid "Sorry, there was a problem dismissing that site." msgstr "很抱歉,關閉該網站時發生問題。" msgid "We won't recommend this site to you again." msgstr "我們不會再向你推薦此網站。" msgid "Also includes all features offered in the free plan." msgstr "亦包含免費版方案提供的所有功能。" msgid "Upload custom themes and plugins on your site." msgstr "上載自訂佈景主題和外掛程式到你的網站。" msgid "Log out of" msgstr "登出" msgid "Not you? Log out" msgstr "不是本人?登出" msgid "Invalid endpoint for Jetpack call." msgstr "Jetpack 調用的終結點無效。" msgid "Take our survey" msgstr "填寫問卷" msgid "There are updates available." msgstr "有可用的更新。" msgid "There is a theme update available." msgid_plural "There are theme updates available." msgstr[0] "有可用的佈景主題更新。" msgid "" "Have a question? Want to request a refund? {{contactLink}}Ask a Happiness " "Engineer!{{/contactLink}}" msgstr "" "有任何疑問嗎?想要要求退款嗎?{{contactLink}}詢問 Happiness Engineer!{{/" "contactLink}}" msgid "Connections to Facebook profiles ceased to work on August 1st." msgstr "連結至 Facebook 個人檔案的功能已於 8 月 1 日停止。" msgid "" "The transfer of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is in progress. It should " "complete by %(transferFinishDate)s. We are waiting for authorization from " "your current domain provider to proceed. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "正在轉移 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}。此步驟預計於 %(transferFinishDate)s" "完成。正在等候你目前的網域供應商提供授權以便繼續進行。{{a}}瞭解更多{{/a}}" msgid "Find your .%1$s, starting at %2$s or free with paid plans" msgstr "尋找的 .%1$s,並從 %2$s 或免費使用付費方案" msgid "" "Enter your site's name or some keywords that describe it to get started." msgstr "輸入你的網站名稱,或是相關關鍵字,即可開始尋找合適的網域名稱。" msgid "WordPress Version" msgstr "WordPress 版本" msgid "" "As of August 1, 2018, Facebook no longer allows direct sharing of posts to " "Facebook Profiles. Connections to Facebook Pages remain unchanged. {{a}}" "Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Facebook 將自 2018 年 8 月 1 日起停用直接將文章分享至 Facebook 個人檔案的功" "能。與 Facebook 粉絲專頁的連結則維持不變。{{a}}瞭解更多{{/a}}" msgid "Data you entered are not valid" msgstr "你輸入的日期無效" msgid "" "To celebrate your commitment to your website, we’re pleased to offer you %1$s" "%% off ANY upgraded plan." msgstr "" "為了答謝你對網站的支援,我們很樂意向你提供 %1$s%% 的折扣優惠,並適用於任何 " " 升級方案。" msgid "" "Your plan doesn't include Pay with PayPal. Learn more and upgrade." msgstr "" "你的方案不包括「使用 PayPal 支付」。瞭解詳情並升級。" msgid "" "Edit or view your Privacy Policy " "page content." msgstr "" "編輯檢視您的隱私權條款頁面內容。" msgid "[%1$s] Action Confirmed: %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] 已確認動作:%2$s" msgid "" "P.S. We can’t wait to support you in building (and growing) the website of " "your dreams." msgstr "" "附註:我們迫不及待要協助你架設 (和拓展) 你夢寐以求的網站,以表達我們的謝意。" msgid "—The Team" msgstr " 團隊敬上" msgid "Redeem Coupon" msgstr "兌換折價券" msgid "Use code %1$s to cash in on %2$s%% savings now." msgstr "立即使用「%1$s」代碼兌換 %2$s%% 的折扣,為您省更多。" msgid "" "If you’re curious about how premium features and services can help transform " "your website, now’s the time to give it a try — RISK FREE. That’s right, if " "you decide your upgraded site isn’t for you within the first 30 days of " "purchase (or 48 hours for domain registrations) simply request a refund and " "we’ll revert you back to your original plan." msgstr "" "如果你有興趣瞭解進階版功能與服務如何協助你徹底改變你的網站,不妨立即試用看" "看,試用完全零風險。沒錯,如果不滿意升級網站,你可以在購買的首 30 天內 (或網" "域註冊後 48 小時內) 申請退款,我們會將你還原為原本的方案。" msgid "" "We hope you’re having a great week! This is a courtesy reminder to let you " "know that your limited-time offer for %1$s%% off any upgraded " "plan expires at midnight. That’s just hours away!" msgstr "" "希望你本週試用愉快!在此提醒你,你 升級方案的 %1$s%% 限時折扣優" "惠將於午夜到期。距離現在只剩下數小時!" msgid "Claim your savings before it’s too late." msgstr "事不宜遲,請立即兌換優惠。" msgid "Hurry! Your %1$s%% off discount expires in just a few hours" msgstr "欲購從速!你的 %1$s%% 折扣優惠即將在幾小時內到期" msgid "" "P.S. Hurry — this limited-time offer expires in a couple of days. Don’t let " "this deal pass you by!" msgstr "附註:欲購從速!此限時優惠即將在數天後到期,機會難得,錯過可惜!" msgid "Redeem Offer Now!" msgstr "立即兌換優惠!" msgid "What are you waiting for?" msgstr "事不宜遲!" msgid "" "Select from upgraded plans, all with advanced features and support so you " "can build and grow the site of your dreams. With an upgraded plan you’ll " "unlock more free themes, get more customization, more storage, better " "support — and we’re just getting started. Simply use code %1$s for %2$s%% " "off at checkout." msgstr "" "選取一項適合你的升級方案,每種方案皆提供進階功能與支援服務,協助你架設和拓展" "夢寐以求的網站。升級方案即可解鎖更多免費的背景主題、獲得更多自訂項目、更大的" "儲存空間、更優質的支援服務等等,我們亦會持續推出更多服務。你只要在結帳時使用" "「%1$s」代碼,即可享有 %2$s%% 的折扣優惠。" msgid "Use code %1$s." msgstr "使用代碼「%1$s」。" msgid "" "Take advantage of this limited time discount on valuable website features " "and support." msgstr "把握限時折扣的機會,享受物超所值的網站功能與支援服務。" msgid "Get %1$s%% off an upgraded site!" msgstr "以 %1$s%% 折扣優惠升級網站!" msgid "Plan upgraded" msgstr "方案已升級" msgid "Gutenberg" msgstr "Gutenberg" msgid "Saratov" msgstr "薩拉托夫" msgid "Yangon" msgstr "仰光" msgid "Famagusta" msgstr "法馬古斯塔" msgid "Atyrau" msgstr "阿特勞" msgid "Punta Arenas" msgstr "蓬塔阿雷納斯" msgid "m/Y" msgstr "m/Y" msgid "F d, Y" msgstr "F d, Y" msgid "We'll use this to personalize your site and experience." msgstr "我們會將此名稱用於個人化你的網站和體驗。" msgid "Your Subscription" msgstr "您的訂閱" msgid "Create Episode" msgstr "建立節目內容" msgid "Select a category to enable podcasting." msgstr "選取要啟用 podcast 功能的文章分類。" msgid "" "Jetpack will now autoupdate for you. Would you like to continue setting up " "the security essential features for your site?" msgstr "現在 Jetpack 會自動為你更新。是否要繼續設定網站的安全性基本功能?" msgid "" "Let's activate autoupdates for Jetpack to ensure you're always up to date " "with the latest features and security fixes." msgstr "" "讓我們啟動 Jetpack 的自動更新功能,確保你隨時可取得最新功能和安全性修正。" msgid "The current user can create terms in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "此使用者可以於%s分類建立項目。" msgid "The current user can assign terms in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "此使用者可以於%s分類分派項目。" msgid "Click here for video on how to create a new page for your site" msgstr "按一下這裡即可觀賞影片,瞭解如何為你的網站建立新頁面" msgid "Yours," msgstr "祝你使用愉快" msgid "" "While Facebook is introducing this change to improve their platform and " "prevent the misuse\n" "of personal profiles, we’re sorry that this might cause a disruption in the " "way you and your\n" "Facebook followers interact. If you’d like to share your concerns with " "Facebook,\n" "head to %s." msgstr "" "Facebook 正推出這項改變措施,以改善平台和防止不當使用\n" "個人檔案,對於此項變更可能干擾你與你的 \n" "Facebook 追蹤者的互動,我們深感抱歉。如果你對使用 Facebook 有任何疑慮,\n" "歡迎前往 %s。" msgid "" "\n" "First, you could go the manual route: once you publish a new post,\n" "copy its URL and share the link in a new Facebook post.\n" "The other option is to %1$sconvert your Facebook Profile to a Page%2$s.\n" "This might not be the right solution for everyone, but it’s something to " "consider if your website\n" "focuses on your business, organization, or brand.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "首先,你可以採用手動方式:在發佈新文章時,\n" "複製其 URL 並在 Facebook 貼文中分享該連結。\n" "另一個方法是%1$s將你的 Facebook 個人檔案轉換為粉絲專頁%2$s。\n" "這個解決方案不見得適合每個人,但是如果你的網站\n" "用於經營業務、組織或品牌,不妨考慮此方法。\n" msgid "" "\n" "If you’ve previously used Publicize to connect a Facebook Profile to your " "website and still want\n" "your Facebook followers to see your posts, you have two options.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "如果你先前已使用 Publicize 功能將 Facebook 個人檔案連結至你的網站,而你仍然希" "望能\n" "讓 Facebook 追蹤者看到你的文章,不妨採用以下兩種方式。\n" msgid "" "\n" "If you’ve previously connected a Facebook Profile to your site " "and still want\n" "your Facebook followers to see your posts, you have two options.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "如果你先前已將 Facebook 個人檔案連結至你的 網站,而你仍然希望" "能\n" "讓 Facebook 追蹤者看到你的文章,不妨採用以下兩個方式。\n" msgid "" "\n" "Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends.\n" "If you’ve connected a Facebook %1$sProfile%2$s to your site, then yes:\n" "Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook.\n" "On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook %1$sPage%2$s " "connected to your site\n" "-- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize.\n" "(Not sure what the difference is between a Page and a Profile? Here’s " "%3$sFacebook’s explanation%4$s.)\n" "You can review and change your social sharing settings by heading to %1$sMy " "Site(s) → Sharing%2$s.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "這會影響你在 Facebook 上分享內容嗎?這要視情況而定。\n" "如果你已經將 Facebook %1$s個人檔案連結%2$s至你的網站,那麼確實會有所影響,\n" "因為你無法再透過 Publicize 將文章分享至 Facebook。\n" "但是從另一方面來看,其實並沒有任何影響。如果你將 Facebook %1$s粉絲專頁%2$s連" "結至你的網站\n" ",你仍然能透過 Publicize 直接在 Facebook 上顯示所有內容 \n" "(不清楚粉絲專頁和個人檔案的不同嗎?請參閱 %3$sFacebook 的說明%4$s)。\n" "若要檢閱和變更你的社交分享設定,請前往%1$s「我的網站」→「分享」%2$s。\n" msgid "" "\n" "Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends.\n" "If you’ve connected a Facebook %1$sProfile%2$s to your site, then yes:\n" "Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook.\n" "On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook %1$sPage%2$s " "connected to your site\n" "-- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize.\n" "(Not sure what the difference is between a Page and a Profile? Here’s " "%3$sFacebook’s explanation%4$s.)\n" "You can review and change your social sharing settings by heading to %1$sMy " "Site(s) → Sharing%2$s on\n" msgstr "" "\n" "這會影響你在 Facebook 上分享內容rsqf ?這要視情況而定。\n" "如果你已經將 Facebook %1$s個人檔案連結%2$s至你的網站,那麼確實會有所影響,\n" "因為你無法再透過 Publicize 將文章分享至 Facebook。\n" "但是從另一方面來看,其實並沒有任何影響。如果你將 Facebook %1$s粉絲專頁%2$s連" "結至你的網站\n" ",你仍然能透過 Publicize 直接在 Facebook 上顯示所有內容 \n" "(不清楚粉絲專頁和個人檔案的不同嗎?請參閱 %3$sFacebook 的說明%4$s)。\n" "若要檢閱和變更你的社交分享設定,請前往 的%1$s「我的網站」→「分" "享」%2$s。\n" msgid "" "\n" "Starting August 1, 2018, third-party tools can no longer share posts " "automatically to Facebook Profiles.\n" "This includes Publicize, the Jetpack tool that connects your site to major " "social media platforms\n" "(like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook).\n" msgstr "" "\n" "自 2018 年 8 月 1 日起,第三方工具無法再自動將文章分享至 Facebook 個人檔" "案。\n" "這項異動包括將你的網站連結至主要社交媒體平台 \n" "(例如 Twitter、LinkedIn 和 Facebook) 的 Jetpack 工具—Publicize。\n" msgid "" "\n" "Starting August 1, 2018, third-party tools can no longer share posts " "automatically to Facebook Profiles.\n" "This includes Publicize, the tool that connects your site to " "major social media platforms\n" "(like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook).\n" msgstr "" "\n" "自 2018 年 8 月 1 日起,第三方工具無法再自動將文章分享至 Facebook 個人檔" "案。\n" "這項異動包括將你的網站連結至主要社交媒體平台 \n" "(例如 Twitter、LinkedIn 和 Facebook) 的 工具—Publicize。\n" msgid "" "\n" "We wanted to update you about an upcoming change Facebook is introducing to " "their platform,\n" "and which affects how you may share posts from your Jetpack-connected " "website to your Facebook account.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "我們謹此通知你,Facebook 即將在平台上推出改變措施,\n" "這項變更可能會影響你透過與 Jetpack 連結的網站,將文章分享至你的 Facebook 帳戶" "的方式。\n" msgid "" "\n" "We wanted to update you about an upcoming change Facebook is introducing to " "their platform,\n" "and which affects how you may share posts from your website to your Facebook " "account.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "們謹此通知你,Facebook 即將在平台上推出改變措施,\n" "項變更可能會影響你將文章分享至你的 Facebook 帳戶的方式。\n" msgid "Automatic sharing to Facebook Profiles will no longer be available." msgstr "自動分享至 Facebook 個人檔案的服務即將終止。" msgid "Hello %s," msgstr "%s,你好" msgid "Your website’s connection to Facebook is changing soon" msgstr "你網站與 Facebook 的連結即將有所變更" msgid "Enabled sharing to %1$s as \"%2$s\"" msgstr "已啟用以「%2$s」身分分享至 %1$s 的功能" msgid "Enabled sharing to %1$s as \"%3$s\"" msgstr "已啟用以%3$s身分分享至 %1$s 的功能" msgid "%s import completed successfully" msgstr "%s 已成功完成匯入" msgid "Import completed successfully" msgstr "匯入已成功完成" msgid "Import complete" msgstr "匯入完成" msgid "\".%(tld)s\" is a common extension" msgstr "「.%(tld)s」也是常用的頂級網域" msgid "\".com\" is the most common extension" msgstr "「.com」是最常用的頂級網域" msgid "" "You're receiving these emails because it's important, and you have a " " account." msgstr "" "你會收到這些電子郵件,是因為這是重要電子郵件,且你擁有 帳戶。" msgid "Have problems or questions?" msgstr "有任何問題或疑問嗎?" msgid "Live chat support to help you get started with your site." msgstr "即時聊天支援可協助你開始使用你的網站。" msgid "Comment waiting approval" msgstr "等待審核的回應" msgid "Lovely summer photos" msgstr "燦爛夏日照片" msgid "My journey through Asia" msgstr "我的亞洲之旅" msgid "Page title structure for posts changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "文章的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為佈景主題預設" msgid "Page title structure for posts changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "文章的頁面標題結構已從佈景主題預設變更為「%s」" msgid "Page title structure for pages changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "頁面的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為佈景主題預設" msgid "Page title structure for pages changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "頁面的頁面標題結構已從佈景主題預設變更為「%s」" msgid "Page title structure for groups changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "群組的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為佈景主題預設" msgid "Page title structure for groups changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "群組的頁面標題結構已從佈景主題預設變更為「%s」" msgid "" "Page title structure for front page changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "首頁的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為佈景主題預設" msgid "" "Page title structure for front page changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "首頁的頁面標題結構已從佈景主題預設變更為「%s」" msgid "" "Page title structure for archives changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "封存的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為佈景主題預設" msgid "Page title structure for archives changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "封存的頁面標題結構已從佈景主題預設變更為「%s」" msgid "Upload up to 3 GB of photos." msgstr "可上載高達 3GB 的照片。" msgid " Advertising and Banners" msgstr " 廣告與橫幅" msgid "" "A free site includes a subdomain, WordAds, " "community support, and more." msgstr "" "免費的 網站包含 子網域、WordAds、社群支援等等。" msgid "…or pick one of our powerful plans." msgstr "…或從我們功能強大的方案中挑選一個。" msgid "Create your free site" msgstr "建立你的免費網站" msgid "" "{{line1}}A free builder that{{/line1}} {{line2}}scales with your needs{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}隨需求調整的{{/line1}}{{line2}}免費建立器{{/line2}}" msgid "Personal Plan" msgstr "個人版方案" msgid "Free Plan" msgstr "免費方案" msgid "" "{{line1}}Build on the platform that powers{{/line1}} {{line2}}more than %s%% " "of the internet.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}全世界多達 %s%% 以上網站{{/line1}}{{line2}}利用我們的平台架設。{{/" "line2}}" msgid "Join the platform you won’t outgrow." msgstr "使用我們的平台,讓你高枕無憂。" msgid "Best for Getting Started" msgstr "入門者的首選" msgid "" "On our free plan, we sometimes display advertisements on your blog to help " "pay the bills. This keeps free features free!" msgstr "" "若你使用免費方案,我們有時會在你的網誌上顯示廣告以便支付常開銷,這樣我們才能" "繼續提供免費功能!" msgid "%s Year" msgid_plural "%s Years" msgstr[0] "%s 年" msgid "Core update available" msgstr "有可用核心更新" msgid "User email changed" msgstr "使用者電子郵件已變更" msgid "Confirmed email change to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "確認將電子郵件變更為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "Give your site a descriptive name to entice visitors." msgstr "給你的網站一個描述性名稱,這樣可以吸引訪客。" msgid "Pique readers’ interest with a little more detail about your site." msgstr "稍微描述你的網站,以引起讀者興趣。" msgid "" "Discover the easiest way to use Google tools and services on your WordPress " "website. No need to pick and\n" " choose. Get the best of the web on" msgstr " 直接整合多種好用 Google 工具與服務,不費吹灰之力。" msgid "" "Everything comes with a price tag these days. Please add a your product " "price." msgstr "如今,一切事物都帶有標價。請新增你的產品價格。" msgid "" "This widget adds a payment button of your choice to your sidebar. To create " "or edit the payment buttons themselves, use the Customizer." msgstr "" "這個小工具會在側邊欄新增你所選擇的付款按鈕。若要自行建立或編輯付款按鈕,請使用自訂工具。" msgid "Delete Product" msgstr "刪除產品" msgid "Select an image" msgstr "選取圖片" msgid "Product image" msgstr "商品圖片" msgid "Edit Selected" msgstr "編輯所選項目" msgid "" "Looks like you don't have any products. You can create one using the Add New " "button below." msgstr "你似乎還沒有任何產品。你可以透過下方的「新增」按鈕新建一個。" msgid "Disabled sharing to %s" msgstr "已停用分享至 %s 的功能" msgid "Enabled sharing to %s" msgstr "已啟用分享至 %s 的功能" msgid "You're all set to keep accessing these benefits for another year!" msgstr "你可以在未來一年繼續享有這些優點!" msgid "6 GB of storage space for images, documents, audio, and more." msgstr "有 6 GB 儲存空間可以儲存圖片、文件和音訊檔案等。" msgid "Learn more ›" msgstr "深入了解 ›" msgid "Your plan gives you some awesome features" msgstr "你的方案提供超棒的功能" msgid "" "Don't worry, you don't have to do anything; your renewals happen " "automatically." msgstr "別擔心,你不必採取任何行動就會自動續訂。" msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan for %2$s will renew in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan for %2$s will renew in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "感謝你成為我們社群寶貴的一份子,提醒你,你的 %2$s %1$s 方案會在 %3$d 天後續" "訂。" msgid "" "You're getting closer to your anniversary — congrats!" msgstr "使用 快滿一年了,恭喜!" msgid "Download the free mobile app" msgstr "下載免費行動應用程式" msgid "Organization name must have at least 3 letters" msgstr "組織名稱必須至少包含 3 個字母" msgid "Click here to learn more ›" msgstr "按一下以深入了解 ›" msgid "Post published privately." msgstr "文章已私密發佈。" msgid "Copy Link" msgstr "複製連結" msgid "What’s next?" msgstr "可進行的下一步操作" msgid "Replace image" msgstr "取代圖片" msgid "Add block" msgstr "新增區塊" msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "再製" msgid "Coming Soon" msgstr "即將推出" msgid "Code editor" msgstr "HTML 程式碼編輯器" msgid "poetry" msgstr "詩句" msgid "photo" msgstr "相片" msgid "Level" msgstr "標題階層" msgid "Upload an image" msgstr "上載圖片" msgid "Classic" msgstr "傳統編輯器" msgid "music" msgstr "音樂" msgid "Write title…" msgstr "撰寫標題…" msgid "Edit image" msgstr "編輯圖片" msgid "Color: %s" msgstr "色彩: %s" msgid "No results." msgstr "找不到結果。" msgid "Remove item" msgstr "移除商品" msgid "%d result found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate." msgid_plural "%d results found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate." msgstr[0] "找到 %d 個結果,請使用上下方向鍵進行巡覽。" msgid "" "You can now sign into your Jetpack site with your account. " "Would you like to continue setting up the security essential features for " "your site?" msgstr "" "你現在可以使用 帳戶登入 Jetpack 網站。是否要繼續設定網站的安全" "性基本功能?" msgid "" "Let's enable sign in using's secure authentication for easy " "login by activating the toggle switch above." msgstr "啟用上方的切換開關,使用 的安全驗證登入帳戶。" msgid "Today’s the final day to save 15% on upgrades for your site" msgstr "今天升級網站即享 15% 折扣,把握最後機會" msgid "Here’s my best tip" msgstr "強化網站流量的最佳方法" msgid "Two easy ways to make money with your site" msgstr "用網站輕鬆賺取收入的兩種方法" msgid "" "You already have an upcoming appointment. A second can not be scheduled yet." msgstr "你已有即將到來的行程。目前無法排定第二個行程。" msgid "" "If you change categories, you'll need to resubmit your feed to Apple " "Podcasts and any other podcasting services." msgstr "" "如果你變更分類,請務必向 Apple Podcasts 和任何其他 podcast 服務重新登錄你的 " "RSS 網址。" msgid "" "You can attract even more followers by making things more personal. " "Customize your domain\n" "name to something totally unique!" msgstr "" "你可以藉由增進網站項目的個人化,來吸引更多的關注者。自訂你的網域\n" "名稱,讓網站展現你最獨特的一面!" msgid "" "Happy day! You’ve received your first like on %s. Someone out there likes " "what you have to say." msgstr "太棒了!你的 %s 收到第一個讚。有人對你所發佈的內容按讚。" msgid "" "Happy day! You’ve received your first like on %s. Someone out there likes " "what you have to say. Why not give them more to read by creating your next " "post?" msgstr "" "太棒了!你的 %s 收到第一個讚。有人對你所發佈的內容按讚。何不撰寫下一篇文章," "讓讀者能閱讀更多內容?" msgid "Customize my Domain" msgstr "自訂我的網域" msgid "" "Want to dive deeper into search engine optimization? %1$sLearn more about " "SEO on$s. As a Premium plan user, you can access %3$sEmail " "or Live Chat Support%4$s to set up or troubleshoot your site and learn about " "the features you can use." msgstr "" "想深入瞭解搜尋引擎最佳化 (SEO) 的奧秘?%1$s請造訪,深入瞭解 " "SEO 的相關資訊%2$s。身為進階方案使用者,你可以存取%3$s電子郵件或即時聊天支" "援%4$s,以針對你的網站進行設定或疑難排解,以及瞭解你所能使用的功能。" msgid "" "In the Settings page, you can verify your site with several search engines " "and social networks, and see your sitemap, which contains the information " "Google looks for when indexing your site." msgstr "" "在「設定」頁面中,你可以透過多個搜尋引擎和社交網站確認你的網站,也可以查看你" "的網站地圖,其中包含 Google 將你的網站加入索引時所尋找的資訊。" msgid "" "Boost your website’s traffic by adjusting settings in the Traffic section of " "your Settings page." msgstr "透過調整「設定」頁面「流量」區段的設定,即可大幅提昇你網站的流量。" msgid "" "Promote your site to people who are looking for information about your topic." msgstr "向針對你的主題搜尋相關資訊的讀者,推廣你的網站。" msgid "" " Premium offers great search engine optimization (SEO) right " "out of the box. However, there are a few fundamentals you can take care of " "to make sure that you’re as visible as possible in search results." msgstr "" " 進階版提供很棒的搜尋引擎最佳化 (SEO) 功能,而且立即可用。然而," "請注意以下幾個基本原則,以有效提升你的網站在搜尋結果中的曝光率。" msgid "Publish useful, original posts at a consistent rhythm." msgstr "定期發佈實用的原創文章。" msgid "" "Want a walk-through of how to install themes? Check out our %1$sstep-by-step " "guide%2$s, which also contains a free video tutorial. As a Premium Plan " "user, you are also entitled to %3$sEmail or Live Chat Support%4$s to get " "help setting up and customizing your theme." msgstr "" "需要如何安裝佈景主題的逐步指引嗎?請查看我們的%1$s逐步指南%2$s,其中還包含免" "費的影片教學課程。身為進階方案使用者,你還可使用%3$s電子郵件或即時聊天支" "援%4$s,以協助設定和自訂佈景主題。" msgid "" "Since you’re on the Premium plan, you can try an unlimited " "number of themes until you find the perfect fit for you, so feel free to " "experiment. Need some inspiration? Check out %1$sfour homepages, four " "different ways%2$s." msgstr "" "由於你使用的是 進階方案,因此可盡情嘗試使用佈景主題不受限制,直" "至找到最適合你的佈景主題。所以,請安心試用吧!需要靈感嗎?可以看看%1$s四種不" "同風格的首頁%2$s。" msgid "" "When you select a theme, ask yourself: how do you want your site to be " "perceived? Would it be professional yet friendly, or sophisticated and " "exclusive? Perhaps something else entirely? Brainstorm a few words and then " "enter those descriptors into the search box at the %1$sTheme Showcase%2$s." msgstr "" "選取佈景主題時,試問自己:你想要訪客如何看待你的網站呢?會是專業但平易近人," "或是精緻獨特?還是其他截然不同的風格?腦力激盪出一些形容詞,然後在「%1$s佈景" "主題展示%2$s」的搜尋方塊中輸入這些描述。" msgid "" "Ready to unlock more great features for your site, like the ability to " "install plugins or integrate Google Analytics? Check out the %1$sWordPress." "com Business plan%2$s to see if an upgrade is right for you." msgstr "" "想要為你的網站解鎖其他絕佳功能嗎?例如,可安裝外掛程式或整合 Google " "Analytics。請查看 %1$ 商務版方案%2$s,以瞭解你是否適合升級。" msgid "" "If you’re not sure how to get started, check out our %1$sfree video tutorials" "%2$s. As a Premium plan user, you are also entitled to %3$sEmail or Live " "Chat Support%4$s to set up or troubleshoot your site and learn about the " "features you can use." msgstr "" "如果不確定如何開始設定,請觀看我們的%1$s免費影片教學課程%2$s。身為進階方案使" "用者,你還可使用%3$s電子郵件或即時聊天支援%4$s,以針對網站進行設定或疑難排" "解,以及瞭解你所能使用的功能。" msgid "" "Welcome to Premium! With millions of personal bloggers, small " "businesses, and large Fortune 500 companies using WordPress to power their " "online presence, you’re in good hands." msgstr "" "歡迎使用 進階版!現在已有數百萬名個人網誌作者、小型企業,以及" "《財富》雜誌評選 500 大美國公司使用 WordPress 來提高其網路曝光度。我們將成為" "你的得力助手。" msgid "" "The more you extend yourself on social media, the bigger your network will " "grow, and the more visitors you’ll gain." msgstr "" "越頻繁在社交媒體上推廣你的網站,就能使你的網站更加壯大,獲得更多的訪客。" msgid "Enable Social Sharing" msgstr "啟用社交分享功能" msgid "" "Want a walk-through of how to install themes? Check out our %1$sstep-by-step " "guide%2$s, which also contains a free video tutorial. As a Personal plan " "user, you are also entitled to %3$sEmail or Live Chat Support%4$s to get " "help setting up and customizing your theme." msgstr "" "需要如何安裝佈景主題的逐步指引嗎?請查看我們的%1$s逐步指南%2$s,其中還包含免" "費的影片教學課程。身為個人方案使用者,你還可使用%3$s電子郵件或即時聊天支" "援%4$s,以協助設定和自訂佈景主題。" msgid "" "You can try dozens of themes until you find the perfect fit for you, so feel " "free to experiment. Need some inspiration? Check out %1$sfour homepages, " "four different ways%2$s." msgstr "" "你可嘗試使用多個佈景主題,直至找到最適合你的風格。所以,請盡情嘗試吧!需要靈" "感嗎?可以看看%1$s四種不同風格的首頁%2$s。" msgid "Explore Themes" msgstr "探索佈景主題" msgid "" "When you select a theme, ask yourself: how do you want your blog or website " "to be perceived? Would it be professional yet friendly, or sophisticated and " "exclusive? Perhaps something else entirely? Brainstorm a few words and then " "enter those descriptors into the search box at the %1$s Theme Showcase%2$s." msgstr "" "選取佈景主題時,試問自己:你想要讀者如何看待網誌或網站呢?會是專業但平易近" "人,還是精緻獨特?還是截然不同的風格?腦力激盪一些形容詞,然後在「%1$s佈景主" "題展示%2$s」的搜尋方塊中輸入這些描述。" msgid "" "Create a beautiful website represents what you stand for. Start by picking " "your website theme, which determines the overall design and appearance of " "your site. After all, your website’s look and feel is a big part of your " "success." msgstr "" "建立優美的網站,展現你所要傳達的理念。請先挑選網站的佈景主題,如此可決定你網" "站的整體設計和外觀。畢竟,網站的外觀和質感是成功的重要關鍵。" msgid "" "Ready to unlock more great features for your site, like unlimited premium " "themes or the ability to monetize your site? Check out the %1$ " "Premium and Business plans%2$s to see if an upgrade is right for you." msgstr "" "想要為網站解鎖其他絕佳功能嗎?例如,數量不受限制的進階版佈景主題或是為網站帶" "來收益的功能。請查看 %1$ 進階方案和商務方案%2$s以瞭解你是否適合" "升級。" msgid "How to build a successful website" msgstr "如何打造成功的網站" msgid "Update My Settings to Get Me Found" msgstr "更新設定以提高曝光度" msgid "Ensure your website will be found." msgstr "確認是否能找到你的網站。" msgid "Create a Site Search Engines Love" msgstr "打造出符合搜尋引擎偏好的網站" msgid "Help your customers find your site on search engines" msgstr "協助客戶在搜尋引擎上找到你的網站" msgid "How to build a site that search engines love" msgstr "如何建立搜尋網站喜愛的網站" msgid "Share your thoughts!" msgstr "分享你的理念!" msgid "" "Use the power of social networks to get social networks to draw more " "visitors to your website! Add sharing buttons to your pages and blog posts " "so readers can share your content to their audience on social media." msgstr "" "運用社交網站的力量,為你的網站吸引更多訪客!將分享按鈕新增至你的網頁和網誌文" "章,讓讀者能將你的內容分享給社交媒體的閱聽對象。" msgid "Boost Your Website Views with Social Media" msgstr "大幅增加網站在社交媒體上的檢視次數" msgid "Draw more people to your site by using the power of social media." msgstr "運用社交媒體的力量,吸引更多人造訪你的網站。" msgid "How to get more website visitors" msgstr "如何吸引更多網站訪客" msgid "Have fun selecting your website’s beautiful new theme!" msgstr "選取優美的全新網站佈景主題,體驗其中的樂趣!" msgid "Explore Unlimited Themes" msgstr "探索不限數量的佈景主題" msgid "Experiment: Find the Right Look" msgstr "嘗試:尋找適合的外觀" msgid "" "Create a beautiful website that also brings you more business. Start by " "picking your website theme, which determines the overall design and " "appearance of your site. After all, a look that matches your brand can have " "a direct effect on the success of your business." msgstr "" "建立優美的網站樣式,還可為你帶來多商機。請先挑選網站的佈景主題,如此可決定你" "網站的整體設計和外觀。畢竟,與品牌相符的外觀會直接影響企業的成功與否。" msgid "Design a beautiful and powerful business website." msgstr "設計優美且極具影響力的企業網站。" msgid "Pick a website theme you love" msgstr "挑選你喜愛的網站佈景主題" msgid "Find the perfect look for your site" msgstr "尋找最適合你的網的外觀" msgid "Was this content helpful?" msgstr "此內容是否實用?" msgid "Get WordPress apps for any device." msgstr "下載適用於任何裝置的 WordPress 應用程式。" msgid "Inspiration strikes anytime, anywhere." msgstr "靈感隨時隨地都可能乍現。" msgid "Thanks for being here, and we’re excited to see what you accomplish!" msgstr "感謝閱讀,我們迫不及待看到你大獲成功!" msgid "Start Personalizing Your Site Now" msgstr "立即開始個人化你的網站" msgid "When you’re ready, click Publish -- and you’re done!" msgstr "當你準備就緒以後,按一下「發佈」,即可完成!" msgid "" "You’ll land on the Editor, where you can add text, media, " "embeds, contact forms, or any other content your page calls for." msgstr "" "接著你會進入「編輯器」的畫面,此處可新增文字、媒體、內嵌項" "目、聯絡表單或頁面所需要的任何其他內容。" msgid "" "Log in to your account, navigate to My Site(s) (the link is " "always at the top-left corner of your screen), then click Add next to Pages." msgstr "" "登入你的帳戶,瀏覽至「我的網站」(連結位於畫面的左上角),然後" "按一下「頁面」旁邊的「新增」。" msgid "You can publish your page in just a few clicks:" msgstr "只要輕鬆點選,就能發佈你的頁面:" msgid "Create Your First Page in 3 Steps" msgstr "3 個步驟即可建立你的第一個頁面" msgid "" "You can begin with an About page where you introduce yourself and your work, " "create a Contact page if you’d like to give people a direct way to reach " "you, or add your address and hours of operation to a new page if you’re a " "brick-and-mortar business." msgstr "" "你可以從「關於」頁面開始,在這個頁面中,你可以介紹自己及你的作品;如果想讓人" "們可以直接聯絡你,還能建立「聯絡」頁面,如果你所經營的是實體商店,也可以在新" "的頁面中新增你的商店地址及營業時間。" msgid "" "Get started by creating your site’s first page. Your site’s content — the " "information and photos visitors see — does all the talking for you when you " "can’t be there to speak with your customers in person." msgstr "" "就從建立網站的第一個頁面開始吧!因為,在你無法與客戶面對面交流的情況下,你的" "網站內容 (訪客會看見的資訊及相片) 能為你傳遞所有的訊息。" msgid "Getting Started is Simple" msgstr "快速上手指南" msgid "Use Your Own Domain" msgstr "使用你的專屬網域" msgid "Not sure what works best for you? {{a}}We're happy to help!{{/a}}" msgstr "不知道哪一種最適合你嗎?{{a}}我們樂意提供協助!{{/a}}" msgid "{{a}}Learn more about domain mapping{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}瞭解更多有關網域對應的資訊{{/a}}" msgid "Requires changes to the domain's DNS" msgstr "需要變更網域的 DNS" msgid "" "Manage some domain settings at your current provider and some at WordPress." "com" msgstr "管理你目前供應商和 的部分網域設定" msgid "Domain registration and billing will remain at your current provider" msgstr "網域註冊和帳單會保留在你目前的供應商" msgid "Map your domain without moving it from your current registrar." msgstr "對應你的網域,而無需從你目前的註冊機構移出。" msgid "{{a}}Learn more about domain transfers{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}瞭解更多網域轉移的資訊{{/a}}" msgid "Extends registration by one year" msgstr "將註冊延長一年" msgid "Manage your domain and site from your dashboard" msgstr "透過 儀表板管理你的網域和網站" msgid "" "Domain registration and billing will be moved from your current provider to " "" msgstr "網域註冊和帳單會從你目前的供應商移動至" msgid "Transfer your domain away from your current registrar." msgstr "從你目前的註冊註冊機構轉移網域。" msgid "" "Free with your plan, but registration costs at your current provider still " "apply" msgstr "方案免費附贈,但仍需支付你目前供應商的註冊費用" msgid "Site fonts changed" msgstr "網站字型已變更" msgid "MilesWeb is based out of India" msgstr "MilesWeb 總部設在印度" msgid "MilesWeb Logo" msgstr "MilesWeb 徽標" msgid "Starting at %s a month" msgstr "每月 %s 起" msgid "Renew interval" msgstr "更新間隔" msgid "Stopping this subscription" msgstr "正在停止此訂閱" msgid "Every %s" msgstr "每 %s" msgid "Renews %s" msgstr "%s 內更新" msgid "Footer credit changed" msgstr "頁尾版權宣告已變更" msgid "Footer credit hidden" msgstr "頁尾版權宣告已隱藏" msgid "Footer credit set to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "頁尾版權宣告設定為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "" "If you’re building a brand new site, you might be wondering if you need a " "website, a blog, or a website with a blog. At, you can create " "all of these options easily, right in your dashboard." msgstr "" "如果你要建立全新的網站,你可能不確定你需要的是網站、網誌,還是內含網誌的網" "站。你可以直接在 的儀表板輕鬆建立這些選項。" msgid "Do I Need a Website, a Blog, or a Website with a Blog?" msgstr "我需要的是網站、網誌,還是內含網誌的網站?" msgid "Posts will now appear on \"%s\"" msgstr "文章現在會顯示於「%s」" msgid "" "Comments including the words, URL, email, or IP \"%s\" require moderator " "approval" msgstr "留言 (包括文字、URL、電子郵件或 IP「%s」) 需由仲裁者核准" msgid "Disabled categories and tags in Related Posts" msgstr "已停用「相關文章」的分類與標籤" msgid "Enabled categories and tags in Related Posts" msgstr "已啟用「相關文章」的分類與標籤" msgid "Jetpack mobile theme disabled" msgstr "Jetpack 行動佈景主題已停用" msgid "Jetpack mobile theme enabled" msgstr "Jetpack 行動佈景主題已啟用" msgid "Set to load additional posts when visitors click a button" msgstr "設定為當訪客點選按鈕時載入其他文章" msgid "Set to load additional posts automatically" msgstr "設為自動載入其他文章" msgid "Number of comments per page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "每個頁面留言數量已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Comments will not close automatically" msgstr "留言不會自動關閉" msgid "Comments will now close automatically" msgstr "留言現在會自動關閉" msgid "Number of days comments remain open changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "留言保持開啟的天數已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Comments including \"%s\" are now blacklisted" msgstr "包含「%s」的留言現在已列入黑名單" msgid "" "Note: you cannot undo this action. Going forward, only the new Plan " "Purchaser can initiate a change." msgstr "請注意:此動作無法復原。未來只有新的方案購買人才可進行變更。" msgid "Are you sure you want to change the Plan Purchaser to {{user /}}?" msgstr "確定要將方案購買人變更為 {{user /}} 嗎?" msgid "" "Note: you cannot undo this action. Going forward, only the new Site Owner " "can initiate a transfer." msgstr "請注意:此動作無法復原。未來只有新的網站擁有者才可進行轉移。" msgid "Click here to upgrade your site today!" msgstr "按一下這裡,立即升級你的網站!" msgid "" "Which means you can upgrade today and try one of our paid plans for 30 days, " "completely risk free. If you decide the upgraded plan isn’t for you, simply " "contact us and we’ll give you a full refund." msgstr "" "也就是說,你現在就可以升級到任一付費方案,在 30 天內盡情體驗,完全零風險;升" "級後要是覺得方案不適合你的需求,只要通知我們,就能獲得全額退費。" msgid "" "And that’s just the beginning. Depending on the plan you choose, you’ll also " "get advanced search engine optimization (SEO) tools, built-in credit card " "processing capabilities, access to the WordPress plugin library, and so much " "more." msgstr "" "不僅如此,在某些方案中,你更能享用先進強大的搜尋引擎最佳化(SEO)工具、內建信" "用卡收款機制、套用多種 WordPress 外掛程式等眾多強化功能。" msgid "Place ads and payment options on your site." msgstr "在網站內刊登廣告,或是加上收費功能。" msgid "Privacy Policy page updated successfully." msgstr "私隱政策頁面已成功更新。" msgid "" "The suggested privacy policy content should be added by using the %s (or " "later) action. Please see the inline documentation." msgstr "應使用 %s (或y以上版本) 操作加入建議的私隱政策內容。請參閱內聯檔案。" msgid "" "The suggested privacy policy content should be added only in wp-admin by " "using the %s (or later) action." msgstr "應只於 wp-admin 使用 %s (或以上版本) 操作加入建議的私隱政策內容。" msgid "Site icon removed" msgstr "網站圖示已移除" msgid "Learn more about Jetpack ›" msgstr "深入了解 Jetpack ›" msgid "If you need any help, please reach out - we'd love to help you: %s" msgstr "如需任何協助,歡迎隨時與我們聯絡,我們將很樂意提供協助:%s" msgid "View all of the %1$s plan features you have access to: %2$s" msgstr "檢視你有權存取的所有「%1$s」方案功能:%2$s" msgid "" "If no action is taken, your %1$s plan will expire on your plan expiration " "date of %2$s and you will lose access to all of the features you are " "currently using." msgstr "" "如未採取任何動作,你的「%1$s」方案將會在你的方案到期日 %2$s 到期;屆時,你將" "無法再存取目前正在使用的所有功能。" msgid "Jetpack needs updated payment information for your site, %1$s (%2$s)." msgstr "Jetpack 需要你的網站更新後的付款資訊,%1$s (%2$s)。" msgid "" "If you need any help, please reach out - we'd love to " "help you." msgstr "" "如需任何協助,歡迎隨時與我們聯絡,我們將很樂意提供協助。" msgid "" "View all of the %2$s plan features you have access to." msgstr "檢視你有權存取的所有「%2$s」方案功能。" msgid "" "Jetpack needs updated payment information for your site, " "%2$s. If no action is taken, your %3$s plan will expire on your " "plan expiration date of %4$s and you will lose access to all of the " "features you are currently using." msgstr "" "Jetpack 需要你的網站更新後的付款資訊,%2$s如未" "採取任何動作,你的「%3$s」方案將會在你的方案到期日 %4$s 到期;屆時," "你將無法再存取目前正在使用的所有功能。" msgid "Jetpack needs updated payment information" msgstr "Jetpack 需要更新後的付款資訊" msgid "Plan purchaser" msgstr "方案購買人" msgid "Somebody else is the plan purchaser for this site." msgstr "這個網站已有其他方案購買人。" msgid "Yes, change the plan purchaser" msgstr "是,請變更方案購買人" msgid "" "Usually these are the same person, but sometimes they can differ. E.g., " "developers may be a Site owner, because they set up the website and " "connected Jetpack to and their clients may be Plan purchasers " "who use their billing information to purchase the plan for the site." msgstr "" "通常這些購買人都是同一位使用者,但有時也會是不同人。例如:開發人員可能是網站" "擁有者,因為開發人員架設了網站,並將 Jetpack 連結至,其客戶可能" "是方案購買人,他們使用自己的帳單資訊購買網站的方案。" msgid "" "Plan purchasers are users who purchased a paid plan for the " "site." msgstr "{{strong}}方案購買人{{/strong}}是為網站購買付費方案的使用者。" msgid "" "Site owners are users who have connected Jetpack to " "" msgstr "" "{{strong}}網站擁有者{{/strong}}是將 Jetpack 連結至 的使用者。" msgid "" "To take advantage of the 15%% discount, use the promo code %s when you check " "out." msgstr "若要使用 15%% 折扣優惠,結帳時請使用促銷代碼:%s。" msgid "Welcome, %s listeners! " msgstr "哈囉,%s 聽眾!" msgid "Podcasting topic 2 set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Podcast 主題 2 已設為「%s」" msgid "Podcasting topic 1 set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Podcast 主題 1 已設為「%s」" msgid "Podcasting hosts/artist/producer changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "已將 podcast 主持人/藝人/製作人從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Podcasting hosts/artist/producer set to \"%s\"" msgstr "已將 podcast 主持人/藝人/製作人設為「%s」" msgid "Podcasting cover image changed" msgstr "已變更 podcast 封面圖片" msgid "Podcasting cover image removed" msgstr "已移除 podcast 封面圖片" msgid "Podcast explicit content setting changed" msgstr "Podcast 的敏感內容相關設定已變更" msgid "Podcast set not to contain explicit content" msgstr "播客已設為不包含敏感內容" msgid "Podcast set to contain explicit content" msgstr "播客已設為包含敏感內容" msgid "Podcasting email address set to \"%s\"" msgstr "播客電子郵件地址已設為「%s」" msgctxt "None podcasting topic chosen." msgid "None" msgstr "無" msgid "Changed podcasting category" msgstr "已變更播客類別" msgid "Changed podcasting category from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "播客類別已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Enabled podcasting and set podcasting category to \"%s\"" msgstr "已啟用播客並將播客類別設為「%s」" msgid "billed yearly" msgstr "以年繳方式收費" msgid "" "Disabled requiring Two-Step Authentication for logging in with " "accounts" msgstr "已停用需要兩步驟驗證才能使用 帳戶登入的規定" msgid "" "Enabled requiring Two-Step Authentication for logging in with " "accounts" msgstr "已啟用需要兩步驟驗證才能使用 帳戶登入的規定" msgid "" "Disabled matching accounts for login using email addresses" msgstr "已停用符合的 帳戶,使其無法使用電子郵件地址登入" msgid "Enabled matching accounts for login using email addresses" msgstr "已啟用符合的 帳戶,使其可以使用電子郵件地址登入" msgid "Disabled allowing users to log in using accounts" msgstr "已停用允許使用者以 帳戶登入的功能" msgid "Enabled allowing users to log in using accounts" msgstr "已啟用允許使用者以 帳戶登入的功能" msgid "" "We're cloning your site to %(dateTime)s. You'll be notified once it's " "complete." msgstr "我們正在將你的網站複製至 %(dateTime)s。我們會在完成後通知你。" msgid "Your site has been successfully restored." msgstr "已成功還原你的網站。" msgid "Away we go! Your site is being cloned." msgstr "出發!正在複製你的網站。" msgid "" "We're restoring your site back to %(dateTime)s. You'll be notified once it's " "complete." msgstr "我們正在將你的網站還原至 %(dateTime)s。我們會在完成後通知你。" msgid "Away we go! Your site is being restored." msgstr "出發!正在還原你的網站。" msgid "" "We're creating a downloadable backup of your site at %(dateTime)s. You'll be " "notified once it's complete." msgstr "我們於 %(dateTime)s 建立可供下載的網站備份。我們會在完成後通知你。" msgid "Away we go! Your download is being created." msgstr "出發!正在建立你的下載項目。" msgid "Buy Professional" msgstr "購買專業版方案" msgid "Best for organizations." msgstr "組織機構最佳選擇。" msgid "Accept PayPal payments" msgstr "接受 PayPal 付款" msgid "Scheduled social media posting" msgstr "社群媒體排程貼文" msgid "Automated malware scanning" msgstr "自動掃描惡意軟體" msgid "30-day archive" msgstr "30 天封存服務" msgid "or %s yearly" msgstr "或每年 %s" msgid "%s /mo" msgstr "%s /月" msgid "Best for hobbyists." msgstr "入門部落客的最佳選擇。" msgid "Automated social media posting" msgstr "社群媒體自動貼文" msgid "Downtime monitoring" msgstr "停機即時監控" msgid "Brute force attack protection" msgstr "暴力密碼破解攻擊防禦" msgid "The software trusted by %s%% of the internet, now even better." msgstr "網路上受到 %s%% 信賴的軟體,現在效能更好。" msgid "" "As the new plan purchaser, you will need to update your billing information." msgstr "成為新任方案購買人後,你必須更新你的帳單資訊。" msgid "You are now the plan purchaser for %s." msgstr "你現在已成為「%s」的方案購買人。" msgid "Jetpack Plans" msgstr "Jetpack 方案" msgid "The plan purchaser for %s has been updated to %s." msgstr "已將「%s」的方案購買人更新為 %s。" msgid "An error occurred while migrating backups to the new plan purchaser." msgstr "將備份遷移至新的方案購買人帳戶時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "To use this domain on your site, you can register it elsewhere first and " "then add it here. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "若要在你的網站上使用這個網域,你可以先在其他地方註冊,再將網域新增於此。{{a}}" "瞭解更多{{/a}}。" msgid "Update Services changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "更新服務已從 %1$s 變更為 %2$s" msgid "Download our free mobile app today!" msgstr "立即下載我們的免費行動 App!" msgid "Keep ownership" msgstr "保留擁有權" msgid "Transfer ownership" msgstr "轉移擁有權" msgid "Are you sure you want to transfer site ownership to {{user /}}?" msgstr "確定要將你的網站擁有權轉移至 {{user /}}?" msgid "" "If it's a post on a private site, you need be a member of the site to view " "the post." msgstr "若文章於私人網站上發佈,只有該網站成員才能檢視文章。" msgid "This post exists, but you don't have permission to read it." msgstr "已找到此文章,但你沒有閱讀的權限。" msgid "Site owner changed to %(user)s." msgstr "網站擁有者已變更為 %(user)s。" msgid "Disabled emailing admin whenever somebody follows the site" msgstr "已停用有人關注網站時傳送電子郵件給管理員的設定" msgid "Enabled emailing admin whenever somebody follows the site" msgstr "已啟用有人關注網站時傳送電子郵件給管理員的設定" msgid "Disabled emailing admin whenever a post is reblogged" msgstr "已停用有文章被轉發時傳送電子郵件給管理員的設定" msgid "Enabled emailing admin whenever a post is reblogged" msgstr "已啟用有文章被轉發時傳送電子郵件給管理員的設定" msgid "Twitter username set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Twitter 使用者名稱已設為「%s」" msgid "Disabled showing the Reblog button" msgstr "已停用顯示「轉發」按鈕的設定" msgid "Twitter username changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Twitter 使用者名稱從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Enabled showing the Reblog button" msgstr "啟用顯示「轉發文章」按鈕" msgid "We successfully cloned your site to the state as of %(date)s!" msgstr "我們已成功將你的網站複製至 %(date)s 之前的狀態!" msgid "%(value)d action on the week of %(monday)s" msgid_plural "%(value)d actions on the week of %(monday)s" msgstr[0] "在 %(monday)s 當週有 %(value)d 個動作" msgid "%(value)d view on the week of %(monday)s" msgid_plural "%(value)d views on the week of %(monday)s" msgstr[0] "在 %(monday)s 當週有 %(value)d 次瀏覽" msgid "Plan removed" msgstr "已移除方案" msgid "Plan purchased" msgstr "已購買方案" msgid "Disabled Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgstr "停用加速行動網頁(AMP)" msgid "Enabled Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgstr "啟用加速行動網頁(AMP)" msgid "Site owner" msgstr "網站擁有者" msgid "Remove ads" msgstr "不會顯示 廣告" msgid "Purchase Membership" msgstr "購買會員資格" msgid "Your cart is awaiting payment." msgstr "你的購物車尚未付款。" msgid "Front page meta description set to \"%s\"" msgstr "首頁中繼資料說明已設為「%s」" msgid "" "To help your site with transparency under privacy laws like the GDPR, " "Akismet can display a notice to your users under your comment forms. This " "feature is disabled by default, however, you can turn it on above." msgstr "" "為了協助這個網站符合個人資料保護法 (例如 GDPR) 的透明度規範,Akismet 可以在網" "站的留言表單下方向網站訪客顯示相關通知。這項功能預設為停用,但網站管理員可以" "在上方啟用這項功能。" msgid "Plan purchaser has been changed successfully." msgstr "已成功變更方案購買人。" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Close account" msgstr "關閉帳戶" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Manage purchases" msgstr "管理購買項目" msgid "" "A code has been sent to your device via SMS. You may request another code " "after one minute." msgstr "已透過簡訊將代碼傳送至你的裝置。你可以在一分鐘後要求取得其他代碼。" msgid "" " password reset code: %s. If you did not request your password " "to be reset, ignore this message." msgstr "" "%s 是你的 密碼重設代碼。如果你未要求重設密碼,請忽略本訊息。" msgid "" "Publish blog posts in the {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} category to add new " "episodes." msgstr "在{{strong}}%s{{/strong}}類別發佈網誌文章以新增節目。" msgid "" "Copy your feed URL and submit it to Apple Podcasts and other podcasting " "services." msgstr "複製你的摘要 URL 並提交至 Apple Podcasts 和其他播客服務。" msgid "Please enter a server path." msgstr "請輸入伺服器路徑。" msgid "%(value)d view on %(day)s" msgid_plural "%(value)d views on %(day)s" msgstr[0] "%(day)s有 %(value)d 次瀏覽" msgid "%(value)d action on %(day)s" msgid_plural "%(value)d actions on %(day)s" msgstr[0] "%(day)s有 %(value)d 個動作" msgid "" "Let's enable monitoring of your site's uptime by activating the toggle " "switch for Jetpack Monitor." msgstr "啟用 Jetpack Monitor 的切換鈕即可監控網站的運作時間。" msgid "" "Downtime Monitoring has been enabled. Would you like to continue setting up " "the security essential features for your site?" msgstr "已啟用停機時間監控。是否要繼續設定網站的安全性基本功能?" msgid "Yes, let's do it." msgstr "是,立刻開始設定。" msgid "" "An error occurred while changing the plan purchaser. Please try again later." msgstr "變更方案購買人時發生錯誤。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "You are not allowed to change the plan purchaser of this site." msgstr "你無法變更此網站的方案購買人。" msgid "Plan purchaser can be changed only for Jetpack plans." msgstr "你只能變更 Jetpack 方案的方案購買人。" msgid "Only administrator users can be plan purchasers." msgstr "只有管理員使用者可以成為方案購買人。" msgid "" "The user needs to be connected to Jetpack in order to become the plan " "purchaser." msgstr "使用者需要連結至 Jetpack 才能成為方案購買人。" msgid "" "You must be connected to this site in order to change its plan purchaser." msgstr "你必須連結至此網站才能變更其方案購買人。" msgid "You are already the purchaser of this plan." msgstr "你已是此方案的購買人。" msgid "You currently don't have an active plan for this site." msgstr "你目前在此網站上沒有任何有效的方案。" msgid "Changing the plan purchaser is not allowed for this site." msgstr "無法變更此網站的方案購買人。" msgid "The plan purchaser has been updated successfully." msgstr "已成功更新方案購買人。" msgid "You need to specify a valid user ID of the new plan purchaser." msgstr "你需要指定新方案購買人的有效使用者 ID。" msgid "" "We’d like to offer you a small token of our support and encouragement — " "enjoy %1$s%% off any plan upgrade when you " "enter code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "我們希望藉由小小的折扣代碼,以表達你對我們的支援和鼓勵。只要在結帳時輸入 " "%2$s 這個代碼,即可享任何 升級方案減價%1$s%% 優惠。" msgid "No posts data returned by remote." msgstr "遠端未傳回任何文章資料。" msgid "Invalid site information returned from remote." msgstr "從遠端傳回無效的網站資訊。" msgid "Invalid remote response." msgstr "無效的遠端回應。" msgid "An error occurred fetching the remote data." msgstr "擷取遠端資料時發生錯誤。" msgid "Detailed information" msgstr "詳細資訊" msgid "An error occurred while downloading blog information" msgstr "下載網誌資訊時發生錯誤" msgid "An error occurred while downloading blog posts list" msgstr "下載網誌文章清單時發生錯誤" msgid "You must specify a valid blog URL!" msgstr "你必須指定有效的網誌網址!" msgid "Cannot load blog posts at this time." msgstr "目前無法載入網誌文章。" msgid "Cannot load blog information at this time." msgstr "目前無法載入網誌資訊。" msgid "The Blog URL is not properly setup in the widget." msgstr "小工具中的網誌 URL 並未正確設定。" msgid "Management of podcast settings are not supported on this site." msgstr "此網站不支援播客設定管理功能。" msgid "" "A error occurred when we were trying to validate your site information. " "Please make sure your credentials and host URL are correct and try again. If " "you need help, please click on the support link." msgstr "" "嘗試驗證網站資訊時發生錯誤。請確定憑證和主機網址正確無誤,然後再試一次。如需" "任何協助,請按一下支援交談連結。" msgid "" "Disable to stop publishing your podcast feed. You can always set it up again." msgstr "停用以停止發佈你的播客摘要。你隨時可以再設定。" msgid "Hide an additional, second ad below posts" msgstr "隱藏文章下方額外的第二個廣告" msgid "Display an additional, second ad below posts" msgstr "顯示文章下方額外的第二個廣告" msgid "Hide ads below posts" msgstr "隱藏文章下方的廣告" msgid "Display ads below posts" msgstr "顯示文章下方的廣告" msgid "Hide ads below pages" msgstr "隱藏頁面下方的廣告" msgid "Display ads below pages" msgstr "顯示頁面下方的廣告" msgid "Hide ads below posts on front page" msgstr "隱藏首頁文章下方的廣告" msgid "Display ads below posts on front page" msgstr "顯示首頁文章下方的廣告" msgid "Hide ads below archives" msgstr "隱藏封存下方的廣告" msgid "Display ads below archives" msgstr "顯示封存下方的廣告" msgid "Disabled ads" msgstr "已停用廣告" msgid "Enabled ads" msgstr "啟用廣告" msgid "Hide additional ad on top of each page" msgstr "隱藏每個頁面頂端的額外廣告" msgid "Display additional ad on top of each page" msgstr "顯示每個頁面頂端的額外廣告" msgid "Cannot find site keyring connection to update." msgstr "找不到要更新的網站金鑰環連結。" msgid "Cannot find site keyring connection to delete." msgstr "找不到要刪除的網站金鑰環連結。" msgid "Keyring ID should be an integer" msgstr "金鑰環 ID 應為整數。" msgid "" "%s is looking great! Congrats on finishing the Quick Start " "tour -- doesn't it feel good to cross things off a list?" msgstr "" "%s 看起來十分精采!恭喜你完成快速入門導覽,完成清單上待辦事" "項的感覺很棒吧!" msgid "Quick Start Completed" msgstr "已完成快速入門" msgid "Quick Start" msgstr "快速入門" msgid "" "You've finished the Quick Start checklist for %s. Congrats!" msgstr "你已完成 %s 快速入門清單上的項目。恭喜!" msgid "" "Oops! You don't have permission to manage Podcasting settings on this site." msgstr "糟糕!你沒有權限,無法在此網站上管理播客設定。" msgid "" "Try changing to a different site or contacting this site's administrator." msgstr "請試著變更為不同的網站或聯絡此網站的管理員。" msgid "Don't show photo Exif metadata in carousel slideshow" msgstr "不在隨選區投影片中顯示相片 Exif 中繼資料" msgid "Show photo Exif metadata in carousel slideshow" msgstr "在隨選區投影片中顯示相片 Exif 中繼資料" msgid "Carousel slideshow color scheme changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "隨選區投影片顏色配置已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Carousel slideshow color scheme set to \"%s\"" msgstr "隨選區投影片顏色配置已設為「%s」" msgid "Timezone changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "時區變更為 \"%s\"" msgctxt "momentjs format string (day)" msgid "MMM D" msgstr "MMM D" msgctxt "momentjs format string (week)" msgid "MMM D" msgstr "MMM D" msgid "Plugin installed manually" msgid_plural "Plugins installed manually" msgstr[0] "已手動安裝外掛程式" msgid "Podcasting email address changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "播客電子郵件地址已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Podcasting topic 3 set to \"%s\"" msgstr "播客主題 3 已設為「%s」" msgid "" "Make sure the credentials you enter are for the destination site, %(site)s." msgstr "請確定你輸入的憑證可適用於目標網站 %(site)s。" msgid "Destination Server Address" msgstr "目標伺服器位址" msgid "Destination WordPress Path" msgstr "目標 WordPress 路徑" msgid "" "Before we can start cloning your site, we need the server credentials for " "%(destination)s." msgstr "請先提供 %(destination)s 的伺服器憑證,以方便我們複製你的網站。" msgid "There is %d PR:\n" msgid_plural "There are %d PRs:\n" msgstr[0] "含有 %d 個 PR:\n" msgid "WordPress address (site url) set to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "WordPress 地址 (網站 URL) 已設為「%1$s」" msgid "Website address (home url) set to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "網站地址 (首頁 URL) 已設為「%1$s」" msgid "Keep your site secure" msgstr "強力守護網站資安" msgid "" "Now is your chance to invest in yourself. Be confident that your website has " "what it takes to build a lasting audience, rake in more sales, solicit more " "clients, and showcase your best work." msgstr "" "只要小小的投資,就能讓你的網站擁有一切成長所需的資源,培養忠實顧客、提升銷售" "業績、取得更多客戶,讓你的得意作品以最佳方式呈現。" msgid "Redeem Offer!" msgstr "兌換優惠!" msgid "And much, much more!" msgstr "好康還不只這些!" msgid "" "Grow your site with unlimited storage space, security " "protection and backup, and unlock third party plugin capabilities." msgstr "" "以無限的儲存空間、安全防護措施和備份來擴大你的網站,並解鎖第" "三方外掛程式功能。" msgid "" "Tailor your site with advanced custom design, monetization " "capabilities, and video support." msgstr "" "進階自訂設計、網站獲利工具、影片上載功能,讓網站更貼近你的理想樣貌。" msgid "" "Build your site with a custom domain, free themes, and " "expert 24/7 support." msgstr "" "使用自有網域名稱、多種免費佈景主題、24 小時全年無休的專家支援,讓網站" "更加強大。。" msgid "" "Getting a new website up and running can be challenging, but you’re on your " "way — and we’re here to help with everything you need to build and grow your " "site. With an upgraded plan you can:" msgstr "" "架好新網站、讓它順利運作,真的不容易,但你已經有了好的開始。我們也會盡力提供" "各種協助,讓你把網站架得更好、更成功。升級付費方案後,你還能額外享有以下多種" "優質服務:" msgid "" "Congratulations! You’ve been the proud owner of %1$s for two whole weeks." msgstr "恭喜你!你已經擁有 %1$s 整整兩週了。" msgid "You’ve made progress on your new site, but what now?" msgstr "你的新網站已經大有進展,但是現在又該怎麼做?" msgid "Happy 2 week anniversary of %1$s! Here’s what to do next" msgstr "你的 %1$s 已經成立 2 週了!以下是給你的後續建議" msgid "" "This is an XML News Sitemap generated by Jetpack, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like Google or Bing." msgstr "" "這是由 Jetpack 產生的 XML 新聞網站地圖,專供 GoogleBing 等搜尋引擎使用。" msgid "" "This is an XML Video Sitemap generated by Jetpack, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like Google or Bing." msgstr "" "這是由 Jetpack 產生的 XML 影片網站地圖,專供 GoogleBing 等搜尋引擎使用。" msgid "" "This is an XML Image Sitemap generated by Jetpack, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like Google or Bing." msgstr "" "這是由 Jetpack 產生的 XML 圖片網站地圖,專供 GoogleBing 等搜尋引擎使用。" msgid "" "This is an XML Sitemap Index generated by Jetpack, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like Google or Bing." msgstr "" "這是由 Jetpack 產生的 XML 網站地圖索引,專供 GoogleBing 等搜尋引擎使用。" msgid "" "Generated by Jetpack for WordPress" msgstr "" "由 Jetpack for " "WordPress 產生" msgid "" "You can find more information on XML sitemaps at" msgstr "" "你可以在 中瞭解更多有關 XML 網站地圖的資訊" msgid "" "This is an XML Sitemap generated by Jetpack, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like Google or Bing." msgstr "" "這是由 Jetpack 產生的 XML 網站地圖,專供 GoogleBing 等搜尋引擎使用。" msgid "" "An error occured while redirecting to your domain provider. If the issue " "persists please contact our support staff." msgstr "" "重新導向至你的網域提供者網站時發生錯誤。如果問題持續發生,請聯絡支援人員。" msgid "Success! Your domain is configured to work with" msgstr "順利完成!你的網域已設定為搭配 使用。" msgid "" "Success! Your domain is configured to work with Please note " "that there may be a delay before the new settings take effect at your domain " "provider." msgstr "" "順利完成!你的網域已設定為搭配 使用。請注意,新的設定可能稍後才" "會在你的網域提供者網站上生效。" msgid "" "Your domain provider supports automatically configuring your domain to use " "it with" msgstr "你的網域提供者支援自動將你的網域設定為搭配 使用。" msgid "" "Clicking the button below redirects you to your domain provider where you " "may be asked to log in. Once you confirm your settings and the process is " "complete, your domain will be connected to your site and you " "will be redirected back to" msgstr "" "按下方按鈕會將你重新導向至你的網域提供者網站,網站會要求你登入。確認設定並完" "成程序後,你的網域就會連結至 網站,且系統會將你重新導向回 " "。" msgid "Configure Your Domain Settings" msgstr "調整你的網域設定" msgid "Connect Your Domain" msgstr "連結你的網域" msgid "" "After you confirm this change, the subscription will be removed on " "%(expirationDate)s" msgstr "確認這項變更後,訂閱就會在 %(expirationDate)s 移除" msgid "" "After you confirm this change, the domain will be removed on " "%(expirationDate)s" msgstr "確認這項變更後,網域就會在 %(expirationDate)s 移除" msgid "Your site has been successfully cloned" msgstr "你的網站已成功複製" msgid "Currently cloning your site" msgstr "正在複製你的網站" msgid "The cloning process will start in a moment." msgstr "稍後將開始複製程序。" msgid "Preview link for the post." msgstr "預覽本文連結。" msgid "There is no autosave revision for this post." msgstr "這篇文章並沒有任何自動儲存修訂的版本。" msgid "" "P.S. Ready to unlock more great features for your site? Check out our plans to see if an upgrade is right for you." msgstr "" "附註:準備好為你的網站解鎖更多優質功能嗎?請立即查看我們的方案" ",以瞭解升級是否適合你。" msgid "" "Don't stop now, the internet wants more! Build on your momentum by creating " "your next draft right now. We can’t wait to see what you’ll publish next." msgstr "" "不要現在就停手,網際網路上需要更多的創意!立即著手你的下一份草稿,以充分發揮" "你的發展動力。我們迫不及待想知道你下一步會發布什麼。" msgid "Congrats, you published your first post on %s." msgstr "恭喜你,你在 %s 上發佈了你的第一篇貼文了。" msgid "Please provide a name for your site." msgstr "請提供網站名稱。" msgid "Please provide the destination URL." msgstr "請提供目的地 URL。" msgid "" "Import posts, pages, comments, tags, and images from a %(importerName)s " "export file." msgstr "從 %(importerName)s 匯出檔案匯入文章、頁面、留言、標籤及圖片。" msgid "Site owner could not be changed to %(user)s. Please contact support." msgstr "連結擁有者無法變更為 %(user)s。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Partner customer ID cannot be empty" msgstr "合作夥伴客戶ID不能為空" msgid "Partner Key subscription ID cannot be empty" msgstr "合作夥伴密鑰訂閱ID不能為空" msgid "Show a thumbnail image where available" msgstr "顯示可用的縮圖圖片" msgid "The Twitter username of the owner of this site's domain." msgstr "此網站之網域擁有者的 Twitter 使用者名稱。" msgid "Twitter Site Tag" msgstr "Twitter 網站標籤" msgid "" "This option requires the purchase of hosting and the free software from " " Learn more about the difference between " " and" msgstr "" "本方案須自 購買主機服務和免費軟體。深入了解 " " 和 的差異。" msgid "Bring the power of Jetpack %1$s to your favorite host" msgstr "在自行架站的主機上,也能發揮 Jetpack 的強大功能。%1$s" msgid "To close this account now, {{a}}contact our support team{{/a}}." msgstr "若要立即關閉此帳戶,{{a}}請與支援團隊聯絡{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Account closure cannot be undone. It will remove your account along with all " "your sites and all their content." msgstr "關閉帳戶將無法復原。你的所有網站和其內容都會與帳戶一併移除。" msgid "" "You will not be able to open a new account using the same " "email address for 30 days." msgstr "你在 30 天內無法使用相同的電子郵件地址開立新的 帳戶。" msgid "" "If you have any questions at all about what happens when you close an " "account, please {{a}}chat with someone from our support team{{/a}} first. " "They'll explain the ramifications and help you explore alternatives. " msgstr "" "如果你對於關閉帳戶的結果有任何疑問,請先{{a}}與我們的支援團隊人員談談{{/a}}。" "他們會解釋關閉帳戶的後果,並協助你瞭解其他選項。" msgid "When you're ready to proceed, use the \"Close account\" button." msgstr "若你準備好繼續操作,請使用「關閉帳戶」按鈕。" msgid "Manage purchase" msgstr "管理購買項目" msgid "Language set to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "語言已設為「%1$s」" msgid "" "This site's visibility is currently set to {{strong}}Private{{/strong}}." msgstr "此網站的可見度目前設定為{{strong}}私人{{/strong}}。" msgid "Go to Privacy settings" msgstr "前往隱私設定" msgid "Project published and sharing project on %1$s." msgstr "專案已發佈,正在 %1$s 上分享專案。" msgid "Post published, sending emails to subscribers and sharing post on %1$s." msgstr "文章已發佈,正在傳送電子郵件給訂閱者,並且正在 %1$s 上分享。" msgid "Post published and sharing on %1$s." msgstr "文章已發佈,正在 %1$s 上分享。" msgid "New user default role set to \"%s\"" msgstr "新使用者預設角色已設為「%s」" msgid "New user default role was changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "新使用者的預設角色從\"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Changed %1$s verification code from \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\"" msgstr "將 %1$s 驗證碼從\"%2$s\" 變更為 \"%3$s\"" msgid "Removed %s verification code" msgstr "已移除 %s 驗證碼" msgid "Set new verification code for %1$s as \"%2$s\"" msgstr "將 %1$s 的新驗證碼設為「%2$s」" msgid "Update Service removed %s" msgid_plural "Update Services removed %s" msgstr[0] "更新服務已移除 %s" msgid "Update Service set to %s" msgid_plural "Update Services set to %s" msgstr[0] "更新服務已設為 %s" msgid "" "A domain name is the site address people type into their browser to visit " "your site." msgstr "網域名稱是人們在瀏覽器中輸入的網站位址,可造訪你的網站。" msgid "" "Not sure where to begin? Check out your top three competitors' websites. " "Which pages do they have? List them. How do they organize their pages into " "menus to form site navigation? Looking for further inspiration? Check out " "%sMeasure Twice, Cut Once%s, an article that covers site pages and content " "planning." msgstr "" "另外,找出三個競爭對手網站,也是很好的出發點。你可以觀察並記錄一下這些網站有" "哪些頁面、他們如何利用選單整理頁面,並且進行網站導覽。需要更多指引的話,也可" "以參閱%s Measure Twice, Cut Once %s這篇文章,以了解如何安排網站的頁面和內容。" msgid "" "Please wait while we redirect you back to the service provider's site to " "finalize this update." msgstr "請稍待片刻,我們會將你重新導向回服務供應商的網站完成此次更新。" msgid "Jetpack Free" msgstr "Jetpack 免費版" msgid "Jetpack setting changed" msgstr "Jetpack 設定已變更" msgid "Disabled user subscriptions to posts and comments" msgstr "已停用使用者對文章和留言的訂閱" msgid "Enabled user subscriptions to posts and comments" msgstr "已啟用使用者對文章和留言的訂閱" msgid "Disabled sitemaps for search engine indexing" msgstr "已停用網站地圖為搜尋引擎製作索引的設定" msgid "Enabled sitemaps for search engine indexing" msgstr "已啟用網站地圖為搜尋引擎製作索引的設定" msgid "Disabled share buttons on posts" msgstr "已停用文章上的分享按鈕" msgid "Enabled share buttons on posts" msgstr "已啟用文章上的分享按鈕" msgid "Disabled SEO Tools for search engine optimization" msgstr "已停用搜尋引擎最佳化的 SEO 工具" msgid "Enabled SEO Tools for search engine optimization" msgstr "已啟用搜尋引擎最佳化的 SEO 工具" msgid "Disabled enhanced site search" msgstr "已停用進階網站搜尋功能" msgid "Enabled enhanced site search" msgstr "已啟用進階網站搜尋功能" msgid "Disabled optimized image serving" msgstr "已停用圖片顯示最佳化" msgid "Enabled optimized image serving" msgstr "已啟用圖片顯示最佳化" msgid "Disabled the Toolbar" msgstr "已停用 工具列" msgid "Disabled lazy-loading images" msgstr "已停用延緩載入圖片的設定" msgid "Disabled comment \"Likes\"" msgstr "已停用留言「按讚次數」" msgid "Enabled comment \"Likes\"" msgstr "已啟用留言「按讚次數」" msgid "Enabled the Toolbar" msgstr "啟用 工具列" msgid "Enabled lazy-loading images" msgstr "啟用延緩載入圖片" msgid "Disabled transforming image galleries into slideshows" msgstr "已停用將圖庫轉換成投影片的功能" msgid "Enabled transforming image galleries into slideshows" msgstr "已啟用將圖庫轉換成投影片的功能" msgid "Disabled Google Analytics" msgstr "停用 Google Analytics" msgid "Enabled Google Analytics" msgstr "啟用 Google Analytics" msgid "Start with Jetpack" msgstr "開始使用 Jetpack" msgid "Create Your Website" msgstr "開始架站" msgid "with powerful, flexible WordPress plugins." msgstr "WordPress 外掛程式功能強大,應有盡有。" msgid "Build exactly the kind of site you need" msgstr "架出你所需的完美網站" msgid "" "This option requires the purchase of hosting and the free software from " " Learn more about the difference between " " and" msgstr "" "主機服務方案為另購,且須自 下載免費軟體,才能使用此方案。深入了解 和 的不同之處。" msgid "" "Purchase your own server space from one of our recommended hosts. Install " "the Jetpack plugin and bring the power of to your self-hosted " "site." msgstr "" "從多家主機供應商選擇其一,購買你專屬的伺服器空間,並在自行架設的 WordPress 網" "站上安裝 JetPack,立即享有 獨有的多種強大功能。" msgid "Best for WordPress Experts:" msgstr "WordPress 專家的最佳選擇:" msgid "Best for Bloggers:" msgstr "部落客的最佳選擇:" msgid "Learn More about Jetpack" msgstr "深入了解 Jetpack" msgid "" "The performance monitoring, social sharing, SEO, and other features that " "come baked into are available to everyone. If you’re using " "WordPress with another host, you can get these same features simply by " "installing Jetpack." msgstr "" "即日起,所有人都能在自行架設的 WordPress 網站上安裝 Jetpack,立即享受 " " 提供的網站效能監控、社群分享、SEO 等強大功能。" msgid "" "With unlimited WordPress plugins, you can build anything you can imagine, " "and customize it to meet your specific needs." msgstr "" "有了創意無限的 WordPress 外掛程式,什麼你想做的網站都能實現,還能依照需求自訂" "修改。" msgid "" "With Business, you can install any of the thousands of free " "plugins available. Add a store with WooCommerce, try advanced SEO strategies " "with Yoast, or support multiple languages with Polylang." msgstr "" "使用 商用版方案,就有上千款免費外掛程式任你安裝。你可以使用 " "WooCommerce 架設網路商店、透過 Yoast 進階工具提升 SEO 排名、利用 Polylang 讓" "網站支援多國語言。" msgid "Choose from thousands of %1$s custom plugins" msgstr "數以千計、任君挑選 %1$s 自訂外掛程式" msgid "Media embeds" msgstr "媒體檔案嵌入" msgid "Advanced galleries" msgstr "進階圖庫" msgid "Learn More about Included Features" msgstr "深入了解內建功能" msgid "" "Monitor your site’s performance with stats, optimize for search engines with " "WordPress essential SEO tools, or scan for spam and security threats — " "all without the hassles of plugin installation and maintenance." msgstr "" "你可以輕鬆使用統計資料監控網站效能、使用 WordPress 基本 SEO 工具進行搜尋引擎" "最佳化,也可以掃瞄垃圾留言、揪出資安威脅,無需進行繁瑣的外掛程式安裝與維護管" "理工作。" msgid "" "Not ready to install plugins? Not sure what you need? No problem. When you " "sign up for, you automatically get access to the most popular, " "powerful, and functional WordPress features available via Jetpack." msgstr "" "還不想安裝外掛程式?不確定自己的需求?沒問題。只要註冊,就能透" "過 Jetpack,直接享用 WordPress 多種最熱門、最強大也最實用的功能。" msgid "A better WordPress, %1$s powered by Jetpack." msgstr "絕佳的 Jetpack 功能,%1$s讓 WordPress 更強大。" msgid "" "No matter what kind of site you’re building, has a solution " "for everyone." msgstr "不管你想架出什麼網站, 都能助你完成。" msgid "Unlimited potential." msgstr "讓你的網站展現無限創意。" msgid "Unlimited WordPress plugins." msgstr "創意無限的 WordPress 外掛程式," msgid "(Only administrators will see this message.)" msgstr "(只有管理員會看到此訊息。)" msgid "" "The Twitter Timeline widget can't display tweets based on searches or " "hashtags. To display a simple list of tweets instead, change the Widget ID " "to a Twitter username. Otherwise, delete this widget." msgstr "" "「Twitter 時間軸」小工具無法根據搜尋或主題標籤顯示推文。如要改為顯示簡單的推" "文清單,請將小工具 ID 變更為 Twitter 使用者名稱。否則,請刪除此小工具。" msgid "Integrate Your Website with Google Tools" msgstr "將 網站與 Google 工具相互整合" msgid "Premium and Free WordPress Plugins for Your Website" msgstr "進階版與免費版 WordPress 外掛程式,供你打造專屬的 網站" msgid "Create a Website with" msgstr "用 建立網站" msgid "Create a Blog with" msgstr "透過 建立網誌" msgid " vs Hosting Options" msgstr " 與 主機服務選項比較" msgid "" " offers simple pricing. We bundle hosting, domains, privacy, " "and security into one low price. Join the platform that powers %s%% of " "websites." msgstr "" " 的定價方式簡單易懂,以實惠低價搭售主機服務、網域、隱私權和安全" "性。立即加入,體驗支援 %s%% 個網站的強大平台。" msgid "" " gives you the easiest way to use Google tools and services on " "your WordPress website." msgstr "" " 提供最輕鬆的方法,讓你自在使用 WordPress 網站上的 Google 工具和" "服務。" msgid "" "Choose from some of the best WordPress plugins to customize your WordPress." "com blog or site." msgstr "" "從最實用的 WordPress 外掛程式中挑選所需,輕鬆自訂 網誌或網站。" msgid "" "Trying to decide which type of WordPress hosting is best for your site? " "Discover the best hosting option for you and join the platform that runs %s%" "% of websites." msgstr "" "還不確定哪一種 WordPress 主機服務適合你的網站嗎?快來探索最適合你的主機服務選" "項,加入這個支援 %s%% 個網站運作的強大平台。" msgid "" "Build your free website on Choose the best all-in-one " "solution for building your site on the platform that powers %s%% of the web." msgstr "" "透過 建立免費網站。在支援 %s%% 個網站的強大平台上,選用最出色的" "全方位解決方案來打造專屬網站。" msgid "" "Create your free blog on Choose for an all-in-" "one solution for your blog, including all the WordPress plugins and themes " "you need." msgstr "" "透過 建立免費網誌。選用 提供的全方位解決方案來打" "造專屬網誌,一併取得你需要的所有 WordPress 外掛程式和佈景主題。" msgid "" "Create a free website or build a blog with ease on Dozens of " "free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes. Free hosting and " "support." msgstr "" "在 上輕鬆建立免費網站或打造網誌。有數十種免費、可自訂且適用於行" "動裝置的設計與佈景主題任你挑選,更提供免費託管與支援服務。" msgid "Close menu" msgstr "關閉選單" msgid "Auth Code" msgstr "驗證碼" msgid "Let's clone %(origin)s" msgstr "現在就開始複製 %(origin)s" msgid "" "Any content on %(destinationSiteName)s, where you want to clone your " "content, will be overridden. Is this okay?" msgstr "" "你想要在其中複製內容之 %(destinationSiteName)s 上的任何內容都將遭到覆寫。這樣" "可以嗎?" msgid "Yep! Begin cloning" msgstr "可以!開始複製" msgid "Ready to clone!" msgstr "準備好開始複製!" msgid "Clone current state" msgstr "複製目前狀態" msgid "Create a clone of your site as it is right now." msgstr "立即建立網站目前狀態的複製。" msgid "Clone previous state" msgstr "複製先前狀態" msgid "Browse your event history and choose an earlier state to clone from." msgstr "瀏覽事件記錄並選擇開始複製的先前狀態。" msgid "Clone point" msgstr "複製的時點" msgid "Which point in your site's history would you like to clone from?" msgstr "你要從網站記錄的哪個時點開始複製?" msgid "Your plan would remain on %(originSiteName)s." msgstr "你的方案會保留在 %(originSiteName)s。" msgid "" "Your Jetpack plan would be migrated to the destination site, " "%(destinationSiteName)s." msgstr "你的 Jetpack 方案會移轉至目的網站 %(destinationSiteName)s。" msgid "Your Jetpack connection" msgstr "你的 Jetpack 連線" msgid "What would you like us to do with your Jetpack connection and plan?" msgstr "你要我們如何處理你的 Jetpack 連線和方案?" msgid "Terms of Service." msgstr "服務條款。" msgid "By continuing, you agree to our {{TOS /}}" msgstr "繼續即表示你同意我們的{{TOS /}}" msgid "Getting started" msgstr "開始使用" msgid "" "Let's get started. What would you like to name your destination site and " "where is it located?" msgstr "現在就開始使用。你要如何命名你的目的網站,以及其位於何處?" msgid "Enter your server credentials" msgstr "輸入伺服器憑證" msgid "" "Alrighty, Jetpack is cloning your site. You will be notified when the clone " "process is finished or you can watch the progress in real-time on the " "Activity Log." msgstr "" "好了,Jetpack 正在複製你的網站。複製程序完成後,你將會收到通知,或者你可以在" "「活動記錄」中即時觀察進度。" msgid "To the Activity Log!" msgstr "前往「活動記錄」!" msgid "We're cloning %(originSiteName)s — sit tight!" msgstr "我們正在複製 %(originSiteName)s,請稍候!" msgid "Ignore threat" msgstr "忽略威脅" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Clone" msgstr "複製" msgid "Clone your existing site and all its data to a new location." msgstr "將現有網站及其所有資料複製到新位置。" msgid "Fix threat" msgstr "威脅處理" msgid "" "{{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} domains are temporarily not offered on " " Please try again later or choose a different extension." msgstr "" " 暫時不提供 {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} 網域。請稍後再試一次," "或選擇不同的副檔名。" msgid "No matching events found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的活動。" msgid "Updating %(item)s on %(siteName)s." msgstr "在 %(siteName)s 中更新 %(item)s。" msgid "An error occurred while updating %(item)s on %(siteName)s." msgstr "在 %(siteName)s 上更新 %(item)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "Successfully updated %(item)s on %(siteName)s." msgstr "已成功更新 %(siteName)s 中的 %(item)s。" msgid "" "This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed." msgstr "" "這個網站採用 Akismet 服務減少垃圾留言。進一步瞭解 Akismet 如何處理網站訪客的留言資料。" msgid "" "We collect information about visitors who comment on Sites that use our " "Akismet Anti-spam service. The information we collect depends on how the " "User sets up Akismet for the Site, but typically includes the commenter's IP " "address, user agent, referrer, and Site URL (along with other information " "directly provided by the commenter such as their name, username, email " "address, and the comment itself)." msgstr "" "本網站收集有關對使用我們的Akismet反垃圾郵件服務的網站進行評論的訪問者的信" "息。 我們收集的信息取決於用戶如何為網站設定Akismet,但通常包括評論者的IP地" "址,用戶代理,引用者和網站URL(以及由評論者直接提供的其他信息,例如他們的姓" "名,用戶名,電子郵件 地址和評論本身)。" msgid "Akismet privacy" msgstr "Akismet隱私" msgid "Akismet Privacy" msgstr "Akismet隱私" msgid "Do not display privacy notice." msgstr "不顯示隱私權聲明。" msgid "Display a privacy notice under your comment forms." msgstr "在留言表單下方顯示隱私權聲明。" msgid "" "To help improve your search page ranking, you can customize how the content " "titles appear for your site. You can reorder items such as ‘Site Name’ and " "‘Tagline’, and also add custom separators between the items." msgstr "" "如要協助改善搜尋頁面排名,你可以自訂網站內容標題的顯示方式。你可以重新排序" "「網站名稱」和「標語」等項目,也可以新增項目之間的自訂分隔符號。" msgid "Gorgeous full-screen photo browsing experience." msgstr "極致美觀的全螢幕相片瀏覽體驗。" msgid "Hovercards appear when you place your mouse over any Gravatar." msgstr "當你將滑鼠移至大頭貼上方,就會顯示懸浮式名片。" msgid "" "Comment Likes are a fun, easy way to demonstrate your appreciation or " "agreement." msgstr "留言按讚是表示欣賞或同意的一種有趣而簡單的方式。" msgid "" "Reports help you track the path visitors take through your site, and goal " "conversion lets you measure how visitors complete specific tasks." msgstr "" "報告可協助你追蹤訪客經過你的網站的路徑,而目標轉換則可讓你測量訪客如何完成特" "定工作。" msgid "" "With Google Search Console integration, you can see your site like a search " "engine does. Get detailed reports that show how visitors are searching for " "you, what they’re clicking on, who is linking to your site, and much more. " "Optimize your site for more traffic and better discoverability." msgstr "" "將你的網站與 Google Search Console 整合,你就能得知搜尋引擎如何看待你的網站," "還能獲得詳細分析報告,掌握訪客如何透過搜尋到訪、訪客閱覽內容、訪客身分等寶貴" "資訊,利用這些資訊強化網站,提升搜尋能見度,帶來流量成長。" msgid "Search Console" msgstr "Search Console" msgid "Make your site easier to find with Search Console" msgstr "利用 Search Console 提升搜尋能見度" msgid "Feedback ID %d could not be removed at this time." msgstr "目前無法移除意見回饋 ID %d。" msgid "" "Add a professional Gmail address, Drive, Docs, Calendars, and Hangouts to " "your account. Our integration with G Suite improves your " "site’s performance and your workflow – no software required." msgstr "" "在你的 帳戶中新增強大又好用的 Gmail、雲端硬碟、文件、日曆和 " "Meet 服務,享受直接整合帶來的便利與效能,而且無需額外安裝任何軟體。" msgid "Is this your site?" msgstr "這是你的網站嗎?" msgid "We will import:" msgstr "我們將匯入:" msgid "Unable to load site preview. Please try again later." msgstr "無法載入網站預覽。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "An error occured while sending you the Personal Data Consent Link. If the " "issue persists please contact our support staff." msgstr "" "傳送「個人資料同意聲明」連結給你時發生錯誤。如果問題持續發生,請聯絡支援人" "員。" msgid "" "Personal Data Consent Link was successfully sent to the domain owner email." msgstr "「個人資料同意聲明連結」已成功傳送至網域擁有者的電子郵件信箱。" msgid "" "You can view or change your consent for how we use or share personally " "identifiable data related to your domain registration at any time." msgstr "" "針對我們如何使用或共用與你的網域註冊相關的個人識別資料,你隨時都可以查看或者" "變更你的同意聲明。" msgid "" "Click the button below to receive an email with a unique link to manage your " "consent options. Please note that this email will be sent to the registrant " "contact email address, which may be different than your " "account email address." msgstr "" "按下方的按鈕,即可收到包含專屬連結的電子郵件,以管理你的同意聲明選項。請注" "意,此電子郵件將傳送至註冊者的聯絡電子郵件地址,可能和你的 帳戶" "的電子郵件地址不同。" msgid "Request Consent Management Email" msgstr "要求同意聲明管理電子郵件" msgid "Manage Consent for Personal Data Use" msgstr "管理個人資料使用的同意聲明" msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} requires explicit user consent to " "complete the registration." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 網域要求明確的使用者同意聲明,才能完成註冊程" "序。" msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is still pending registration. " "Please check the domain owner email since explicit consent is required for " "the registration to complete or go to the {{a}}Consent Management{{/a}} page " "for more details." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 網域的註冊仍然處於待確認狀態。由於註冊需要明" "確的同意聲明才能完成,請檢查網域擁有者的電子郵件地址,或前往{{a}}同意聲明管理" "{{/a}}頁面以取得更多詳細資料。" msgid "" "Some domains require explicit user consent to complete the registration." msgstr "部分網域要求明確的使用者同意聲明,才能完成註冊程序。" msgid "" "Some domains are still pending registration. Please check the domain owner " "email to give explicit consent before the registration can be completed." msgstr "" "部分網域的註冊仍然處於待確認狀態。請檢查網域擁有者的電子郵件,以提供明確的同" "意聲明,然後才能完成註冊程序。" msgid "User Account has been closed." msgstr "使用者帳戶已關閉。" msgid "Privacy Information" msgstr "隱私權資訊" msgid "" "Our websites and dashboards use cookies. By continuing, you agree to their " "use. Learn more, including how to " "control cookies." msgstr "" "我們的網站和儀表板皆使用 Cookie。繼續執行此動作即表示你同意使用 Cookie。瞭解更多資訊,包括如何控制 Cookie。" msgid "" "This account has been closed. If you believe your account was closed in " "error, please {{a}}contact us{{/a}}." msgstr "" "這個帳戶已關閉。如果你認為我們誤將你的帳戶關閉,請{{a}}聯絡我們{{/a}}。" msgid "Project tag list" msgstr "專案標籤清單" msgid "Project tag list navigation" msgstr "專案標籤清單導覽" msgid "Project type list" msgstr "專案類型清單" msgid "Project type list navigation" msgstr "專案類型清單導覽" msgid "Projects list" msgstr "專案清單" msgid "Project list navigation" msgstr "專案清單導覽" msgid "Filter projects list" msgstr "篩選專案清單" msgctxt "" "Message on a chart in Stats where an error was occured while loading data" msgid "Error loading data" msgstr "載入資料時發生錯誤" msgctxt "%1s = shipping service name, %2d = order id" msgid "Shipping Label: %1$s for Order #%2$d" msgstr "運送標籤:%1$s (訂單編號 %2$d)" msgid "Best for Organizations" msgstr "組織機構最佳選擇" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "You are receiving this email because you closed your Account - " "\"%1$s\".\n" "\n" "Your account has been closed and sites that you owned have also been " "deleted, the content will be removed after 30 days.\n" "\n" "If this action was accidental or you have any questions please let us know " "by replying to this email.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team." msgstr "" "你好,\n" "\n" "你之所以收到此電子郵件,是因為你已關閉你的 帳戶:「%1$s」。\n" "\n" "你的帳戶已關閉,你擁有的網站也已遭刪除,網站內容會在 30 天後移除。\n" "\n" "若你是不小心採取此行動,或有任何問題,請回覆這封電子郵件告訴我們。WordPress." "com 團隊\n" "\n" "敬上" msgid "Your user account at has been closed" msgstr "你的 使用者帳戶已關閉" msgctxt "action" msgid "Consent expires after" msgstr "同意聲明失效時間:" msgid "" "Visitors must provide consent by clicking the dismiss button when WordAds is " "turned on." msgstr "WordAds 開啟時,訪客必須點選「關閉」按鈕方可提供同意聲明。" msgctxt "action" msgid "Capture consent & hide the banner" msgstr "擷取同意內容並隱藏橫幅" msgid "Link text" msgstr "連結文字" msgid "" "For GDPR compliance, please make sure your policy contains privacy information relating to WordAds." msgstr "" "為了遵循 GDPR,請確定你的政策包含有關 " "WordAds 的隱私權資訊。" msgid "" "The default policy URL only covers cookies set by If you’re " "running other plugins, custom cookies, or third-party tracking technologies, " "you should create and link to your own cookie statement." msgstr "" "預設政策 URL 僅涵蓋 設定的 Cookie。如果你正在執行其他外掛程式、" "自訂 Cookie 或第三方追蹤技術,則應建立並連結至你自己的 Cookie 聲明。" msgid "Custom URL:" msgstr "自訂 URL:" msgid "Privacy Policy Link" msgstr "隱私權政策連結" msgid "" "Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this " "website, you agree to their use. \n" "To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here:" msgstr "" "隱私權與 Cookie:此網站可使用 Cookie。繼續使用此網站即表示你同意使用 " "Cookie。\n" "若要瞭解更多資訊,包括如何控制 Cookie,請參閱此處:" msgid "Cookie Policy" msgstr "Cookie 政策" msgid "Display a banner for EU Cookie Law and GDPR compliance." msgstr "顯示橫幅以表示遵循歐盟 Cookie 法律和 GDPR。" msgid "Cookies & Consents Banner" msgstr "Cookie 和同意聲明橫幅" msgid "" "Thank you for helping %1$s keep the web free from spam. You are an important " "part of the %2$s Community." msgstr "" "感謝你協助 %1$s 維護網頁,使其免遭垃圾郵件侵擾,你是 %2$s 社群重要的一分子。" msgid "" "Occasionally, some of your visitors may see an advertisement here,
as " "well as a Privacy & Cookies banner at " "the bottom of the page." msgstr "" "部分訪客偶爾可能會在此處看見廣告,
以及頁面底部的「隱私權與 Cookie」橫幅。" msgid "Visit article" msgstr "參閱文章" msgid "Clone from here" msgstr "從這裡複製" msgid "Don't see the listing you are trying to connect?" msgstr "沒看見你要連結的清單?" msgid "Add your Business" msgstr "新增你的商家" msgid "Learn More about SEO" msgstr "深入瞭解 SEO" msgid "Use another Google Account" msgstr "使用其他 Google 帳戶" msgid "Email invitation to follow blog changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "邀請關注網誌的電子郵件已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Email invitation to follow blog set to \"%s\"" msgstr "邀請關注網誌的電子郵件已設為「%s﹞」" msgid "Email invitation to follow comments changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "邀請關注留言的電子郵件已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Email invitation to follow comments set to \"%s\"" msgstr "邀請關注留言的電子郵件已設為「%s﹞」" msgid "Page title structure for posts changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "文章的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "DATE" msgstr "日期" msgid "GROUP TITLE" msgstr "群組標題" msgid "PAGE TITLE" msgstr "頁面標題" msgid "TAG LINE" msgstr "標語" msgid "SITE NAME" msgstr "網站名稱" msgid "POST TITLE" msgstr "文章標題" msgid "Page title structure for pages changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "頁面的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Page title structure for groups changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "群組的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Page title structure for front page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "首頁的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Page title structure for archives changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "封存的頁面標題結構已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Front page meta description changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "首頁中繼資料說明已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Keyring ID is missing" msgstr "Keyring ID 遺失" msgid "You still have active purchases on your account." msgstr "你的帳戶中仍然存在有效的購買項目。" msgid "" "To delete your account, you'll need to cancel any active purchases in {{a}}" "Manage Purchases{{/a}} before proceeding." msgstr "" "若要刪除帳戶,你必須在{{a}}「管理購買項目」{{/a}}中取消有效的購買項目,然後再" "繼續進行。" msgid "Whether to show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel." msgstr "是否在快速/批量修改面板中顯示分類。" msgid "The current user can change the author on this post." msgstr "此使用者可以變更此文章的作者。" msgid "The current user can sticky this post." msgstr "此使用者可以將此文章置頂。" msgid "The current user can publish this post." msgstr "此使用者可以發佈此文章。" msgid "" "Whether to make the taxonomy available for selection in navigation menus." msgstr "是否在導覽選單中選擇分類。" msgid "" "Whether to allow automatic creation of taxonomy columns on associated post-" "types table." msgstr "是否允許在關聯的post-types表上自動建立分類列。" msgid "Whether to generate a default UI for managing this taxonomy." msgstr "是否生成用於管理此分類的預設使用者介面。" msgid "Whether the taxonomy is publicly queryable." msgstr "分類是否可公開查詢。" msgid "" "Whether a taxonomy is intended for use publicly either via the admin " "interface or by front-end users." msgstr "是否想要在管理界面或讓前端使用者公開使用分類法。" msgid "Add title" msgstr "新增標題" msgid "Embed Handler" msgstr "嵌入內容處理常式" msgid "The visibility settings for the taxonomy." msgstr "分類的可見度設定。" msgid "The rendered block." msgstr "已轉譯的區塊。" msgid "Invalid block." msgstr "無效的區塊。" msgid "ID of the post context." msgstr "文章內容的 ID。" msgid "Unique registered name for the block." msgstr "區塊的唯一註冊名稱。" msgid "Attributes for the block." msgstr "區塊的屬性。" msgid "Block type \"%s\" is not registered." msgstr "方區塊類別 %s 並未被記錄。" msgid "Block type \"%s\" is already registered." msgstr "方區塊類別 %s 已被記錄。" msgid "" "Block type names must contain a namespace prefix. Example: my-plugin/my-" "custom-block-type" msgstr "" "方區塊類別名稱須包含一個名稱空間前置詞,例如:my-plugin/my-custom-block-type" msgid "Block type names must not contain uppercase characters." msgstr "方區塊類別名稱不可以大楷命名。" msgid "Toggle editor selection menu" msgstr "切換編輯器選取選單" msgid "Classic Editor" msgstr "傳統編輯器" msgid "Block type names must be strings." msgstr "方區塊類別名稱必須為字串。" msgid "Threat {{threatSignature/}} found in file:" msgstr "檔案中發現的威脅{{threatSignature/}}:" msgid "Got It!" msgstr "知道了!" msgid "Disabled showing a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form" msgstr "停用在留言表單中顯示「關注留言」選項的設定" msgid "Enabled showing a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form" msgstr "啟用在留言表單中顯示「關注留言」選項的設定" msgid "Disabled showing a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form" msgstr "停用在留言表單中顯示「關注網誌」選項的設定" msgid "Enabled showing a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form" msgstr "啟用在留言表單中顯示「關注網誌」選項的設定" msgid "" "Words (or URL, email, ip) requiring comment moderation changed from \"%1$s\" " "to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "需要留言審核的文字 (或 URL、電子郵件、IP) 已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Comment blacklist changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "留言黑名單已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Add unique types of products to your store with these handy extensions." msgstr "這些方便的延伸模組可協助你在商店中新增獨特類型的產品。" msgid "Sell anything from subscriptions to memberships to appointments." msgstr "從訂閱、會員資格到預約時段,可銷售任何服務。" msgid "Browse Extensions" msgstr "瀏覽延伸模組" msgid "" "Sorry, there was a problem closing your account. Please contact support." msgstr "很抱歉,關閉你的帳戶時發生問題。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Disabled Google Analytics anonymizing of visitors's IP address" msgstr "已停用 Google Analytics 將訪客 IP 位址匿名化的設定" msgid "Enabled Google Analytics anonymizing of visitors's IP address" msgstr "已啟用 Google Analytics 將訪客 IP 位址匿名化的設定" msgid "" "Google Analytics Tracking ID code changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\" and " "disabled anonymizing of visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Google Analytics 追蹤 ID 代碼已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」,並已停用將訪客 IP 位" "址匿名化的設定" msgid "" "Google Analytics Tracking ID code changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\" and " "enabled anonymizing of visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Google Analytics 追蹤 ID 代碼已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」,並已啟用將訪客 IP 位" "址匿名化的設定" msgid "Google Analytics Tracking ID code changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Google Analytics 追蹤 ID 代碼已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "" "Google Analytics Tracking ID code set to \"%s\" and disabled anonymizing of " "visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Google Analytics 追蹤 ID 代碼已設為「%s」,並已停用將訪客 IP 位址匿名化的設定" msgid "" "Google Analytics Tracking ID code set to \"%s\" and enabled anonymizing of " "visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Google Analytics 追蹤 ID 代碼已設為「%s」,並已啟用將訪客 IP 位址匿名化的設定" msgid "Google Analytics Tracking ID code set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Google Analytics 追蹤 ID 代碼已設為「%s」" msgid "Google Analytics code changed" msgstr "Google Analytics 代碼已變更" msgid "Co-branded Jetpack and %(partnerName)s logo" msgstr "Jetpack 與 %(partnerName)s 共同品牌標誌" msgid "Podcasting title changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "播客標題已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Podcasting title set to \"%s\"" msgstr "播客標題已設為「%s」" msgid "Podcasting summary changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr " Podcast 摘要已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Podcasting summary set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Podcast 摘要已設為「%s」" msgid "Podcasting subtitle changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Podcast 子標題已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Podcasting subtitle set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Podcast 子標題已設為「%s」" msgid "Podcasting keywords changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Podcast 關鍵字已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Podcasting keywords set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Podcast 關鍵字已設為「%s」" msgid "Podcasting copyright changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Podcast 著作權已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Podcasting copyright set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Podcast 著作權已設為「%s」" msgid "Disabled podcasting" msgstr "已停用 podcast" msgid "Enabled podcasting" msgstr "已啟用 podcast" msgid "Podcasting topic 3 changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Podcast 主題 3 已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Podcasting topic 2 changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Podcast 主題 2 已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Podcasting topic 1 changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Podcast 主題 1 已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "If your company fits the criteria — or wants to —" msgstr "如果您的公司符合標準 - 或者想 -" msgid "Cover Image" msgstr "封面圖片" msgid "(billed yearly)" msgstr "(以年繳方式收費)" msgid "Monetize Your Website" msgstr "利用網站賺取獲利" msgid "Dozens of Free Themes" msgstr "數十個免費佈景主題" msgid "Sign up as" msgstr "註冊為" msgid "Go with" msgstr "搭配方案" msgid "" "If you just want to start creating, get a free site and be on your way to " "publishing in less than five minutes." msgstr "想要立刻架好網站,五分鐘內發佈第一篇文章,就選免費方案,立即開始。" msgid "Best for Small Business" msgstr "小型企業的最佳選擇" msgid "Best for Entrepreneurs and Freelancers" msgstr "創業家與自由工作者的最佳選擇" msgid "" "Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all " "advertising. Get access to high quality email and live chat support." msgstr "" "可使用自訂網域名稱,讓網站更為人所知。還能移除 顯示的廣告,同時" "享有電子郵件與即時文字對談的優質支援服務。" msgid "Best for Personal Use" msgstr "個人使用的最佳方案" msgctxt "type of layout" msgid "Grid" msgstr "網格" msgctxt "type of layout" msgid "List" msgstr "清單" msgid "Related Posts headline changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "「相關文章」標題已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Related Posts layout changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "「相關文章」版面配置已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Number of related posts changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "相關文章篇數已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Disabled thumbnails in Related Posts" msgstr "已停用「相關文章」的縮圖" msgid "Enabled thumbnails in Related Posts" msgstr "已啟用「相關文章」的縮圖" msgid "Disabled headline in Related Posts" msgstr "已停用「相關文章」的標題" msgid "Enabled headline in Related Posts" msgstr "已啟用「相關文章」的標題" msgid "Disabled date in Related Posts" msgstr "已停用「相關文章」的日期" msgid "Enabled date in Related Posts" msgstr "已啟用「相關文章」的日期" msgid "Related Posts layout changed" msgstr "「相關文章」的版面配置已變更" msgid "Personal details" msgstr "個人詳細資料" msgid "Contact support" msgstr "聯絡支援團隊" msgid "Close your account" msgstr "關閉你的帳戶" msgid "Confirm account closure" msgstr "確認關閉帳戶" msgid "" "Please type {{warn}}%(currentUsername)s{{/warn}} in the field below to " "confirm. Your account will then be gone forever." msgstr "" "請在下方欄位中輸入 {{warn}}%(currentUsername)s{{/warn}} 以確認。系統將永久刪" "除你的帳戶。" msgid "Details:" msgstr "詳情:" msgid "Show details" msgstr "顯示詳細資訊" msgid "Per month" msgstr "每月" msgid "Match all conditions" msgstr "符合所有條件" msgctxt "Shown between widget visibility conditions." msgid "and" msgstr "與" msgid "Post type Archives:" msgstr "文章類型封存:" msgid "Disabled feature images on mobile themes" msgstr "已停用行動佈景主題的精選圖片" msgid "Enabled feature images on mobile themes" msgstr "已啟用行動佈景主題的精選圖片" msgid "Mobile theme set to use full posts on front page and archives" msgstr "行動佈景主題已設為在首頁與封存中使用全文" msgid "Mobile theme set to use excerpts on front page and archives" msgstr "行動佈景主題已設為在首頁與封存中使用摘要" msgid "Disabled displaying WordPress mobile app ad in mobile theme footer" msgstr "已停用在行動佈景主題頁尾顯示 WordPress 行動應用裝置廣告的設定" msgid "Enabled displaying WordPress mobile app ad in mobile theme footer" msgstr "已啟用在行動佈景主題頁尾顯示 WordPress 行動應用裝置廣告的設定" msgid "" "Disabled tracking each scroll load as a separate page view in Google " "Analytics" msgstr "" "已停用在 Google Analytics 追蹤每次捲動的文章載入,將其視為個別網頁瀏覽次數" msgid "" "Enabled tracking each scroll load as a separate page view in Google Analytics" msgstr "" "已啟用在 Google Analytics 追蹤每次捲動的文章載入,將其視為個別網頁瀏覽次數" msgid "privacy-policy" msgstr "privacy-policy" msgid "Monthly Subscription" msgstr "每月訂閱" msgid "Start with" msgstr "啟程" msgid "Unlimited Storage Space" msgstr "無限儲存空間" msgid "Dozens of free themes." msgstr "數十個免費佈景主題" msgid "Comment Author" msgstr "評論作者" msgid "" "Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment." msgstr "" "在瀏覽器中儲存顯示名稱、電子郵件地址及個人網站網址,以供下次發佈留言時使用。" msgid "Comment %d contains personal data but could not be anonymized." msgstr "評論 %d 包含個人資料,但不能匿名化。" msgid "Comment URL" msgstr "評論 URL" msgid "Comment Content" msgstr "評論內容" msgid "Comment Date" msgstr "評論日期" msgid "Comment Author User Agent" msgstr "評論作者代理" msgid "Comment Author URL" msgstr "評論作者 URL" msgid "Comment Author Email" msgstr "評論作者電郵" msgid "WordPress Comments" msgstr "WordPress 評論" msgctxt "A label for a taxonomy selector option" msgid "%1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "Maximum number of filters (1-50):" msgstr "篩選條件數量上限 (1-50):" msgid "Choose an interval:" msgstr "選擇時間間隔:" msgid "Modified GMT" msgstr "已修改 GMT" msgid "Date GMT" msgstr "日期 (GMT)" msgid "Choose a field:" msgstr "選擇欄位:" msgid "Choose a taxonomy:" msgstr "選擇分類法:" msgid "Filter Type:" msgstr "篩選類型:" msgid "Why aren't my filters appearing?" msgstr "為什麼我的篩選條件並未顯示?" msgid "Adding filters requires JavaScript!" msgstr "新增篩選條件需要使用 JavaScript!" msgid "Add a filter" msgstr "新增篩選條件" msgid "Default sort order:" msgstr "預設排序:" msgid "Post types to search (minimum of 1):" msgstr "可搜尋的發文類型 (最小值為 1):" msgid "Show sort selection dropdown" msgstr "顯示排序選擇下拉式選單" msgid "Show search box" msgstr "顯示搜尋方塊" msgid "Oldest first" msgstr "最舊的在前" msgid "Newest first" msgstr "最新的在前" msgid "Relevance (recommended)" msgstr "相關性 (推薦)" msgid "We've automatically protected you from brute force login attacks." msgstr "我們已自動保護你的帳戶不受暴力破解的登入攻擊。" msgid "" "Connect your site's server to Jetpack to perform backups, restores, and " "security scans." msgstr "將網站的伺服器連上 Jetpack,以執行備份、還原和安全性掃描作業。" msgid "Choose which WordPress plugins you want to keep automatically updated." msgstr "選擇你想保持自動更新的 WordPress 外掛程式。" msgid "Manage your log in preferences and two-factor authentication settings." msgstr "管理你的登入喜好設定和雙因素驗證設定。" msgid "You turned on automatic plugin updates." msgstr "你已開啟外掛程式自動更新功能。" msgid "You completed your sign in preferences." msgstr "你已完成登入喜好設定。" msgid "Disabled Markdown syntax in posts and pages" msgstr "已停用文章與頁面中的 Markdown 語法" msgid "Enabled Markdown syntax in posts and pages" msgstr "已啟用文章與頁面中的 Markdown 語法" msgid "Disabled Markdown syntax in comments" msgstr "已停用留言中的 Markdown 語法" msgid "Enabled Markdown syntax in comments" msgstr "已啟用留言中的 Markdown 語法" msgid "" "Includes a subdomain, community support, dozens of free " "themes, basic design customization, and more." msgstr "" "包括 子網域、社群支援、數十個免費佈景主題、基本自訂設計與更多功" "能。" msgid "" "If you just want to start creating, get started with a free site and be on " "your way to publishing in less than five minutes." msgstr "想要立刻架好網站,五分鐘內發佈第一篇文章,就選免費方案,立即開始。" msgid "Choose your flavor" msgstr "選擇適合你的" msgid "" "Publish content and sell products from a dedicated store on your site with " "the Store on" msgstr "透過 上的商店,在網站的專屬商店發佈內容和銷售產品。" msgid "Power up your website or blog with a powerful plan that works for you." msgstr "選擇功能強大、適合自己的方案,提升網站和網誌效能,成效如虎添翼" msgid "Add a store to your site" msgstr "在網站中新增商店" msgid "" "Taking payments for goods or accepting donations is a breeze with the Simple " "Payments button. Simply insert it into any page on your site to take credit " "or debit card payments." msgstr "" "透過「輕鬆付款」按鈕,輕鬆自在地接收商品付款或接受贊助。只要將按鈕插入網站的" "任何頁面,就能接受信用卡或轉帳卡的付款。" msgid "Take payments in seconds" msgstr "短短幾秒就能收取款項" msgid "" "Experts are available with quality 24/7 email or live chat support. Turn pro " "with guided courses, events, and forum conversations with customers in our " "global community." msgstr "" "透過電子郵件或即時聊天與專家對談,享有全年無休的優質支援。參與引導式課程、活" "動,並與全球社群客戶在論壇進行討論,取得專業知識,培養專業素養。" msgid "" "Add extra features to your site like advanced galleries, forms, email " "subscriptions, polls, comments, and much more." msgstr "為你的網站新增進階圖庫、表單、電子郵件訂閱、投票、留言等額外功能。" msgid "Join the community" msgstr "優質支援社群" msgid "" "Your site is secure and automatically backed up. Every site " "has built-in spam protection." msgstr "" "你的網站享有安全保障及自動備份服務。此外,所有 網站均有內建垃圾" "郵件防護。" msgid "Install plugins & custom themes" msgstr "安裝外掛程式及自訂佈景主題" msgid "Count on our security" msgstr "值得信賴的安全服務" msgid "" "Attract, engage, and grow your following with comprehensive marketing tools " "for search, social media, and paid advertising. Start with $100 in " "advertising credits, on us." msgstr "" "提供專為搜尋、社交媒體和付費廣告設計的全方位行銷工具,讓你吸引關注、與人互" "動,培養讀者群。開始使用即可獲得我們提供的 100 美元廣告贈送金額。" msgid "Build your audience" msgstr "培養你的讀者群" msgid "" "Display your photos, videos, and documents in sophisticated galleries. Enjoy " "as much storage space as you need." msgstr "透過精緻的圖庫來展示相片、影片和文件,還能享有你需要的充足儲存空間。" msgid "Spotlight your media" msgstr "讓你的媒體成為目光焦點" msgid "" "Set up an elegant and unique site that will build your brand with ease. Work " "with thoughtfully chosen fonts, colors, and images — or add your own." msgstr "" "打造雅緻獨特的網站,輕鬆建立品牌形象,還可精心挑選或自行新增字型、色彩和圖" "片。" msgid "Impress your visitors" msgstr "讓訪客留下深刻印象" msgid "Create your site" msgstr "建立網站" msgid "" "Start, update, and view your site seamlessly from any device. Access desk-" "free productivity wherever you have internet connectivity." msgstr "" "使用任何裝置皆可建立、更新及檢視網站。不論身在何處,只要有網路連線即可發揮優" "異的行動生產力。" msgid "Create and edit on the go" msgstr "隨時隨地建立及編輯內容" msgid "Always-on security" msgstr "全年無休的安全防護" msgid "" "Everything in Jetpack Personal plus unlimited video hosting, automated " "malware scanning and security fixes, Google Analytics integration, and SEO " "tools." msgstr "" "Jetpack 個人的一切都包括無限制的視頻寄存、自動惡意軟體掃描和安全修復、Google " "分析集成和 SEO 工具。" msgid "Best for small business." msgstr "小型企業最佳選擇。" msgid "Email server url changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "電子郵件伺服器網址已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Email server url set to \"%s\"" msgstr "電子郵件伺服器 URL 已設為「%s」" msgid "Email server port set to \"%s\"" msgstr "電子郵件伺服器連接埠已設為「%s」" msgid "Email server port changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "電子郵件伺服器連接埠已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Email server password changed" msgstr "電子郵件伺服器密碼已變更" msgid "Email server login name changed" msgstr "電子郵件伺服器登入名稱已變更" msgid "Default post format changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "預設文章格式已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Default post format changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "預設文章格式已變更為 \"%s\"" msgid "WordPress Media" msgstr "WordPress 媒體" msgid "Pending site admin email address changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "待核准的網站管理員電子郵件地址已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Site admin email address changed to \"%s\" pending confirmation" msgstr "網站管理員電子郵件地址已變更為「%s」(待確認)" msgid "" "Pending site admin email address deleted. Change of address was either " "confirmed or canceled" msgstr "待核准的網站管理員電子郵件地址已刪除。地址變更已獲確認或取消" msgid "Site admin email address changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "網站管理員電子郵件地址已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Site admin email address changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "網站管理員電子郵件地址已變更為 \"%s\"" msgid "There are no pages." msgstr "這裡沒有頁面。" msgid "Privacy Policy Guide" msgstr "私隱政策指南" msgctxt "media items" msgid "Mine" msgstr "我的" msgid "A valid email address must be given." msgstr "必須提供有效的電郵地址。" msgid "Disabled organizing uploads into month and year based folders" msgstr "已停用將上載內容整理成以月份和年份區分的資料夾" msgid "Enabled organizing uploads into month and year based folders" msgstr "已啟用將上載內容整理成以月份和年份區分的資料夾" msgid "Maximum thumbnail width changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "縮圖寬度最大值已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Disabled cropping media thumbnails to exact dimensions" msgstr "已停用將媒體縮圖裁切至確切尺寸的設定" msgid "Maximum thumbnail width changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "縮圖寬度最大值已變更為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "Maximum thumbnail height changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "縮圖高度最大值已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum thumbnail height changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "縮圖高度最大值已變更為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "Enabled cropping media thumbnails to exact dimensions" msgstr "已啟用將媒體縮圖裁切至確切尺寸的設定" msgid "Maximum medium-size media width changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "中尺寸媒體寬度最大值已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum medium-size media width changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "中尺寸媒體寬度最大值已變更為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "Maximum medium-size media height changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "中尺寸媒體高度最大值已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum medium-size media height changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "中尺寸媒體高度最大值已變更為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "Maximum large-size media width changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "大尺寸媒體寬度最大值已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum large-size media width changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "大尺寸媒體寬度最大值已變更為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "Maximum large-size media height changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "大尺寸媒體高度最大值已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum large-size media height changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "大尺寸媒體高度最大值已變更為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "More %s" msgstr "更多 %s" msgctxt "Adjective describing a color scheme: A light color scheme" msgid "light" msgstr "淺色" msgid "Comment color scheme set to \"%s\"" msgstr "留言顏色配置已設為「%s」" msgid "Comment color scheme changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "留言色彩配置已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgctxt "request status" msgid "Completed" msgstr "完成" msgctxt "request status" msgid "Failed" msgstr "失敗" msgctxt "request status" msgid "Confirmed" msgstr "已確認" msgid "User Request" msgstr "使用者請求" msgid "User Requests" msgstr "使用者請求" msgctxt "request status" msgid "Pending" msgstr "待處理" msgid "Comment avatars disabled" msgstr "留言大頭貼已停用" msgid "Comment avatars enabled" msgstr "留言大頭貼已啟用" msgid "Disabled Gravatar hovercards" msgstr "已停用 Gravatar 懸浮式名片" msgid "Enabled Gravatar hovercards" msgstr "已啟用 Gravatar 懸浮式名片" msgid "Time format changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "時間格式已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Date format changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "日期格式已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum avatar rating changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "大頭貼分級最大值已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum avatar rating changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "大頭貼分級最大值已變更為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "Default comment avatar changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "預設留言大頭貼已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Default comment avatar changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "預設留言大頭貼已變更為 \"%1$s\"" msgid "[deleted]" msgstr "[已刪除]" msgid "This content was deleted by the author." msgstr "此評論已被作者刪除。" msgid "Week start changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "每週開始日已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Testimonials shown per page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "每個頁面的證言已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Portfolio projects shown per page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "每個頁面的個人作品集專案已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Site title was changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "網站標題已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Site description was changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "網站描述已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "" "Provide your readers with the option to translate your site into their " "preferred language." msgstr "提供讀者將你的網站翻譯成他們喜好語言的選項。" msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$s plan for your site %2$s" msgstr "我們先前曾經嘗試續訂你網站 %2$s 的 %1$s 方案" msgid "Privacy policy page moved from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "隱私權政策頁面已從「%1$s」移動至「%2$s」" msgid "Privacy policy page set to \"%s\"" msgstr "隱私權政策頁面已設為「%s」" msgid "Close your account permanently" msgstr "永久關閉你的帳戶" msgid "Delete all of your sites, and close your account completely." msgstr "刪除所有網站,並且徹底關閉帳戶。" msgid "" "The suggested privacy policy text has changed. Please review " "the guide and update your privacy policy." msgstr "" "隱私權政策的建議內容已變更,請檢閱這份指南並更新這個網站的" "隱私權政策。" msgid "Disabled threaded comments" msgstr "已停用留言串" msgid "Enabled threaded comments" msgstr "已啟用留言串" msgid "Changed threaded comment depth from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "留言串高度已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Allowed anonymous comments" msgstr "允許匿名留言" msgid "Required comment authors to provide name and email" msgstr "留言作者需提供姓名和電子郵件" msgid "Disabled emailing admin when a comment requires moderation" msgstr "已停用留言需審核時傳送電子郵件給管理員的設定" msgid "Enabled emailing admin when a comment requires moderation" msgstr "已啟用留言需審核時傳送電子郵件給管理員的設定" msgid "" "Disabled displaying notifications when other blogs link to articles " "(pingbacks and trackbacks)" msgstr "已停用其他網誌連結至文章時顯示通知 (引用通知) 的設定" msgid "" "Enabled displaying notifications when other blogs link to articles " "(pingbacks and trackbacks)" msgstr "已啟用其他網誌連結至文章時顯示通知 (引用通知) 的設定" msgid "" "Disabled notifying other blogs about links to them from articles (pingbacks)" msgstr "已停用通知其他網誌有文章與其建立連結 (引用通知) 的設定" msgid "" "Enabled notifying other blogs about links to them from articles (pingbacks)" msgstr "已啟用通知其他網誌有文章與其建立連結 (引用通知) 的設定" msgid "Disallowed commenting on new articles" msgstr "不允許對新文章發佈留言" msgid "Allowed commenting on new articles" msgstr "允許對新文章發佈留言" msgid "Changed paged comments to display oldest comments by default" msgstr "已將分頁的留言變更為預設顯示最舊留言" msgid "Changed paged comments to display newest comments by default" msgstr "已將分頁的留言變更為預設顯示最新留言" msgid "Commenting changed to no longer require a previously approved comment" msgstr "留言功能已變更為先前的留言不需要獲得核准" msgid "Commenting changed to require a previously approved comment" msgstr "留言功能已變更為先前的留言需要獲得核准" msgid "Disabled emailing admin when a comment is received" msgstr "已停用收到留言時傳送電子郵件給管理員的設定" msgid "Enabled emailing admin when a comment is received" msgstr "已啟用收到留言時傳送電子郵件給管理員的設定" msgid "Show newer comments at the top of each page" msgstr "將較新的留言顯示於各頁面頂端" msgid "Show older comments at the top of each page" msgstr "將較舊的留言顯示於各頁面頂端" msgid "" "Number of links requiring comment moderation changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s" "\"" msgstr "需要留言審核的連結數已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Unified" msgstr "已整合" msgid "Membership was changed to prohibit anyone from registering" msgstr "會員資格設定已變更為禁止所有人註冊" msgid "Number of posts shown per page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "每頁顯示的文章數已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "" "Let us help you achieve your goals. Get custom 24/7 support and more when " "you upgrade your plan." msgstr "" "讓我們幫助你達成目標。只要升級到付費方案,就能獲得量身訂做、24 小時全年無休的" "支援及更多優質服務。" msgid "" "Jump up to Premium or Business for even more features, like the ability to " "monetize your site and advanced SEO and social sharing options!" msgstr "" "升級至進階版或商用版,可享有更多進階功能,例如透過網站獲利、進階 SEO 工具和進" "階社群分享功能!" msgid "6 GB of storage space." msgstr "6GB 儲存空間。" msgid "Removal of WordPress.​com ads." msgstr "不顯示 WordPress.​com 廣告。" msgid "" "Paid plans start at just %1$s a month, and specialized support isn’t the " "only benefit. You’ll also get:" msgstr "" "付費方案只需每月 %1$s 起。除了量身訂做的支援服務外,還能享有以下優質服務:" msgid "" "Want more hands-on, customized support for your website than what a quick " "Google search can offer? With a WordPress.​com paid plan, you’ll get " "access to 24/7 personalized support from WordPress.​com experts via " "email and live chat." msgstr "" "身為站長,你比較想要享有快速又即時的支援,還是出了問題得自己上 Google 尋找答" "案?只要升級 WordPress.​com 付費方案,WordPress.​com 的專家就會透過電子郵件與即" "時線上文字對談的方式,為你提供全年無休、 24 小時專人支援服務。" msgid "Get live chat & email support and so much more." msgstr "即時線上文字對談、電子郵件支援,以及更多服務。" msgid "Don’t go it alone! Upgrade your plan to get the help you need." msgstr "升級你的方案,獲得所需的協助,不再感到孤立無援!" msgid "Get expert support 24/7 for your new site" msgstr "你的新網站,也能擁有全年無休 24 小時專業支援" msgid "[%1$s] Confirm Action: %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] 確認操作:%2$s" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "A request has been made to perform the following action on your account:\n" "\n" " ###DESCRIPTION###\n" "\n" "To confirm this, please click on the following link:\n" "###CONFIRM_URL###\n" "\n" "You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n" "take this action.\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "您好,\n" "\n" "我們收到了一個對您帳戶作出下列操作的請求:\n" "\n" " ###DESCRIPTION###\n" "\n" "確認的話,請按下面連結:\n" "###CONFIRM_URL###\n" "\n" "如果你不想採取任何操作的話,請安心地無視及刪除此電郵\n" "\n" "###SITENAME### 管理團隊\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Confirm the \"%s\" action" msgstr "確認 \"%s\" 操作" msgid "" "The site administrator has been notified. You will receive an email " "confirmation when they erase your data." msgstr "網站管理員已收到通知。當他們清除您的資料時您將會收到一個確認電郵。" msgid "Invalid action name." msgstr "操作名稱無效。" msgid "Thanks for confirming your erasure request." msgstr "多謝您確認清除請求。" msgid "" "The site administrator has been notified. You will receive a link to " "download your export via email when they fulfill your request." msgstr "" "網站管理員已收到通知。當他們同意你的請求時您將會收到一個下載匯出檔案載點的電" "郵。" msgid "Thanks for confirming your export request." msgstr "多謝您確認匯出請求。" msgid "" "The site administrator has been notified and will fulfill your request as " "soon as possible." msgstr "網站管理員已收到通知,並會盡快處理您的要求。" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Your request to erase your personal data on ###SITENAME### has been " "completed.\n" "\n" "If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please contact the site " "administrator.\n" "\n" "For more information, you can also read our privacy policy: " "###PRIVACY_POLICY_URL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "您好:\n" "\n" "您的 \"清除您在###SITENAME###的個人資料\" 的請求已完成。\n" "\n" "如果您有任何跟進問題,請聯絡網站管理員。\n" "\n" "更多資訊,你亦可以閱讀我們的私隱政策:###PRIVACY_POLICY_URL###\n" "\n" "###SITENAME###全體成員\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Action has been confirmed." msgstr "已確認操作。" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Your request to erase your personal data on ###SITENAME### has been " "completed.\n" "\n" "If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please contact the site " "administrator.\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "您好:\n" "\n" "您的 \"清除您在###SITENAME###的個人資料\" 的請求已完成。\n" "\n" "如果您有任何跟進問題,請聯絡網站管理員。\n" "\n" "###SITENAME###全體成員\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "[%s] Erasure Request Fulfilled" msgstr "[%s] 已接受你的清除請求" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "A user data privacy request has been confirmed on ###SITENAME###:\n" "\n" "User: ###USER_EMAIL###\n" "Request: ###DESCRIPTION###\n" "\n" "You can view and manage these data privacy requests here:\n" "\n" "###MANAGE_URL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "您好:\n" "\n" "您的使用者資料隱私的請求已於###SITENAME###完成。\n" "\n" "使用者:###USER_EMAIL###\n" "請求:###DESCRIPTION###\n" "\n" "您可以在這裏檢視及管理這些資料隱私請求:\n" "\n" "###MANAGE_URL###\n" "\n" "###SITENAME###全體成員\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "User Last Name" msgstr "使用者姓氏" msgid "User First Name" msgstr "使用者名字" msgid "User Nickname" msgstr "使用者暱稱" msgid "User Registration Date" msgstr "使用者註冊日期" msgid "User URL" msgstr "使用者網址" msgid "User Login Name" msgstr "使用者登入名稱" msgid "User ID" msgstr "使用者 ID" msgid "User Display Name" msgstr "使用者顯示名稱" msgid "User Email" msgstr "使用者電郵" msgid "User Nice Name" msgstr "使用者友善名稱" msgid "Squarespace" msgstr "Squarespace" msgid "Erasing data..." msgstr "正在清除資料…" msgid "Force erase personal data" msgstr "強制移除個人資料" msgid "Download personal data again" msgstr "再次下載個人資料" msgid "Download personal data" msgstr "下載個人資料" msgid "Resend email" msgstr "重新寄送電子郵件" msgid "Add Data Erasure Request" msgstr "新增資料移除要求" msgid "Email could not be sent." msgstr "電郵無法傳送。" msgid "Email sent." msgstr "電郵已發送。" msgid "Sending email..." msgstr "正在傳送電郵..." msgid "Waiting for confirmation" msgstr "等待確認中" msgid "Downloading data..." msgstr "資料下載中..." msgid "Requested" msgstr "要求日期" msgid "Requester" msgstr "要求人" msgid "Erase Personal Data" msgstr "清除個人資料" msgid "Search Requests" msgstr "搜尋要求" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to erase personal data on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許移除這網站的個人資料。" msgid "Send Request" msgstr "發出要求" msgid "Export Personal Data" msgstr "匯出個人資料" msgid "Confirmation request initiated successfully." msgstr "確認要求已成功初始化。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to export personal data on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得匯出這個網站的個人資料。" msgid "Add Data Export Request" msgstr "增加資料匯出要求" msgid "" "Unable to add this request. A valid email address or username must be " "supplied." msgstr "無法新增要求。請提供有效的使用者名稱或電郵地址。" msgid "Confirmation request sent again successfully." msgstr "確認要求已成功重新傳送。" msgid "Unable to initiate confirmation request." msgstr "無法開始確認要求。" msgid "" "If you are a member of a regulated industry, or if you are subject to " "additional privacy laws, you may be required to disclose that information " "here." msgstr "" "如果貴單位經營的是受監管行業,或貴單位需要遵守其他隱私法規的規範,請在這裡公" "開這些資訊。" msgid "Industry regulatory disclosure requirements" msgstr "行業監管披露要求" msgid "" "If your website provides a service which includes automated decision making " "- for example, allowing customers to apply for credit, or aggregating their " "data into an advertising profile - you must note that this is taking place, " "and include information about how that information is used, what decisions " "are made with that aggregated data, and what rights users have over " "decisions made without human intervention." msgstr "" "如果您的網站提供的服務包括自動決策 - 例如,允許客戶申請信用或將其資料彙總到廣" "告資料中 - 您必須注意到這種情況正在發生,並包含有關如何使用該資料的資訊 ,使" "用該彙總資料做出哪些決策,以及使用者在沒有人為干預的情況下做出的決策權利。" msgid "What automated decision making and/or profiling we do with user data" msgstr "我們對使用者資料做了哪些自動決策及/或分析" msgid "" "If your website receives data about users from third parties, including " "advertisers, this information must be included within the section of your " "privacy policy dealing with third party data." msgstr "" "如果您的網站從第三方 (包括廣告公司) 收到有關使用者的資料,則此訊息必須包含在" "涉及第三方資料的私隱政策部分中。" msgid "What third parties we receive data from" msgstr "我們從哪些第三方接收資料" msgid "" "In this section you should explain what procedures you have in place to deal " "with data breaches, either potential or real, such as internal reporting " "systems, contact mechanisms, or bug bounties." msgstr "" "在本節中,您應該解釋您已採取哪些程序來處理潛在或真實的資料洩露,例如內部報告" "系統,聯絡機制或bug賞金。" msgid "What data breach procedures we have in place" msgstr "我們採用了哪些資料披露程序" msgid "" "In this section you should explain what measures you have taken to protect " "your users’ data. This could include technical measures such as " "encryption; security measures such as two factor authentication; and " "measures such as staff training in data protection. If you have carried out " "a Privacy Impact Assessment, you can mention it here too." msgstr "" "在這個章節中,站方應該說明為保護使用者資料所採取的措施,這些措施包含資料加" "密、兩步驟驗證、以及對員工進行資料保護訓練。如果貴單位已經進行過隱私風險評" "估,也可以在這裡簡短說明。" msgid "How we protect your data" msgstr "我們如何保護你的資料" msgid "" "If you use your site for commercial purposes and you engage in more complex " "collection or processing of personal data, you should note the following " "information in your privacy policy in addition to the information we have " "already discussed." msgstr "" "如果您將您的網站用於商業目的,並且您從事更複雜的個人資料收集或處理,除了我們" "已經討論過的資訊之外,您還應該在隱私政策中註明以下資訊。" msgid "Additional information" msgstr "附加資訊" msgid "" "In this section you should provide a contact method for privacy-specific " "concerns. If you are required to have a Data Protection Officer, list their " "name and full contact details here as well." msgstr "" "在本節中,您應該提供針對隱私特定問題的聯絡方式。 如果您需要資料保護官,請在此" "處列出其姓名和完整的聯絡方式。" msgid "" "Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service." msgstr "訪客的留言或會被自動濫發訊息檢測服務查閱。" msgid "Edit contact information" msgstr "網站聯絡資訊" msgid "" "European data protection law requires data about European residents which is " "transferred outside the European Union to be safeguarded to the same " "standards as if the data was in Europe. So in addition to listing where data " "goes, you should describe how you ensure that these standards are met either " "by yourself or by your third party providers, whether that is through an " "agreement such as Privacy Shield, model clauses in your contracts, or " "binding corporate rules." msgstr "" "如需將歐盟居民的資料轉移到歐盟境外,歐盟資料保護法規要求其資料保護必須採用與" "歐盟相同的標準。因此除了必須列出資料儲存位置之外,站方還必須說明自己或第三方" "服務提供商達到這些標準的方式,無論這些標準是通過隱私盾協議、模型合約條文或具" "備法律效力的公司規則。" msgid "" "In this section you should list all transfers of your site data outside the " "European Union and describe the means by which that data is safeguarded to " "European data protection standards. This could include your web hosting, " "cloud storage, or other third party services." msgstr "" "在這個章節中,站方應該列出這個網站在歐盟境外的所有網站資料傳輸,並說明這些資" "料受歐洲資料保護標準保護的方式。這些資訊包含這個網站使用的虛擬主機、雲端儲存" "或第三方服務。" msgid "" "If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request " "to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, " "including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we " "erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we " "are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes." msgstr "" "如果使用者在這個網站擁有帳戶或曾發佈留言,便可以要求下載使用者在這個網站上的" "個人資料的匯出檔案,這個檔案包含使用者提供給這個網站的所有個人資料。使用者也" "可以要求清除曾提供給這個網站的所有個人資料,但這項要求不包含站方為了管理、法" "律或安全目的而必須保留的相關資料。" msgid "" "In this section you should explain what rights your users have over their " "data and how they can invoke those rights." msgstr "" "在這個章節中,站方應該解釋使用者對其個人資料所擁有的權利及如何行使這些權利的" "方式。" msgid "What rights you have over your data" msgstr "你的個人資料權利" msgid "" "For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal " "information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or " "delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change " "their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that " "information." msgstr "" "針對在這個網站上註冊的使用者,這個網站還會儲存他們在使用者 [個人資料] 頁面中" "提供的個人資訊。所有使用者都可以隨時查看、編輯或刪除自己的個人資訊 (無法變更" "的使用者名稱除外)。請注意,網站管理員也可以查看及編輯這些個人資訊。" msgid "" "If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained " "indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments " "automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue." msgstr "" "當使用者在這個網站發佈留言後,該則留言及其中繼資料將會無限期保留。這樣系統便" "可以自動辨識及核准任何後續留言,而不須將其保留在待審核的佇列中。" msgid "" "In this section you should explain how long you retain personal data " "collected or processed by the website. While it is your responsibility to " "come up with the schedule of how long you keep each dataset for and why you " "keep it, that information does need to be listed here. For example, you may " "want to say that you keep contact form entries for six months, analytics " "records for a year, and customer purchase records for ten years." msgstr "" "在這個章節中,站方應該解釋這個網站收集或處理個人資料的保留期限。站方有責任列" "出每項資料集的保留時間表及保留資料集的原因,這些資訊必須在這裡列出。舉例來" "說,站方希望保留 6 個月的聯絡表單資料、1 年的分析記錄及 10 年的客戶購買記錄。" msgid "How long we retain your data" msgstr "你的資料會被儲存多久" msgid "By default WordPress does not share any personal data with anyone." msgstr "WordPress 預設是不會分享你的個人資料的。" msgid "" "In this section you should name and list all third party providers with whom " "you share site data, including partners, cloud-based services, payment " "processors, and third party service providers, and note what data you share " "with them and why. Link to their own privacy policies if possible." msgstr "" "在這個章節中,應列出與站方分享網站資料的所有第三方服務提供商,包含合作夥伴、" "雲端服務提供商、付款處理服務提供商及第三方服務提供商,並說明站方與他們分享了" "哪些資料及其原因。如果這些第三方服務商提供了自己的私隱政策內容,請在這裡加入" "這些內容的連結。" msgid "" "By default WordPress does not collect any analytics data. However, many web " "hosting accounts collect some anonymous analytics data. You may also have " "installed a WordPress plugin that provides analytics services. In that case, " "add information from that plugin here." msgstr "" "WordPress 預設不會收集任何分析資料,但是許多虛擬主機帳戶會收集匿名分析數據。" "如果站方為網站上安裝了提供分析服務的 WordPress 外掛,請針對這種狀況在這裡加入" "外掛所提供的資訊。" msgid "Who we share your data with" msgstr "你的資料會和誰分享" msgid "" "In this subsection you should note what analytics package you use, how users " "can opt out of analytics tracking, and a link to your analytics " "provider’s privacy policy, if any." msgstr "" "在這個小節中,站方應該說明這個網站使用的使用者資料分析工具、使用者退出分析追" "蹤的方式,以及指向使用者資料分析服務提供商私隱政策的連結 (如果有的話)。" msgid "" "These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional " "third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded " "content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if " "you have an account and are logged in to that website." msgstr "" "這些第三方網站可能會以下列方式收集與使用者相關的資料、使用Cookie、嵌入第三方" "追蹤程式碼以及監視使用者與嵌入內容的互動 (無論使用者是否有網站帳戶或是否登入" "網站)。" msgid "" "Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, " "articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact " "same way as if the visitor has visited the other website." msgstr "" "這個網站上的文章可能會嵌入影片、圖片、文章等內容,而來自第三方網站的嵌入內" "容,其私隱處理方式與使用者造訪這些網站時的規定完全相同。" msgid "" "If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in " "your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the " "post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day." msgstr "" "使用者編輯或發佈文章時,會在瀏覽器中儲存其他 Cookie。這個 Cookie 不包含任何個" "人資料,僅記錄表示使用者撰寫的文章的文章 ID,並會在一天後過期。" msgid "Embedded content from other websites" msgstr "其它網站的内嵌式内容" msgid "" "When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login " "information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two " "days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select "" "Remember Me", your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of " "your account, the login cookies will be removed." msgstr "" "使用者登入網站後,系統會設定幾個 Cookie 以儲存使用者的登入資訊及顯示項目設" "定;登入資訊 Cookie 會保留兩天,顯示項目設定 Cookie 則會保留一年。如果登入時" "核取了 [保持登入] 這項設定,使用者的登入狀態會維持兩週;帳戶登出後,便會移除" "使用者裝置上的登入資訊 Cookie。" msgid "" "If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if " "your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is " "discarded when you close your browser." msgstr "" "如果您訪問我們的登入頁面,我們將設定一個臨時 cookie,以確定您的瀏覽器是否接" "受 cookie。此 cookie 不包含任何個人資料,當您關閉瀏覽器時將被捨棄。" msgid "" "If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email " "address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you " "do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. " "These cookies will last for one year." msgstr "" "使用者在這個網站發佈留言時,可以選擇是否在 Cookie 中儲存使用者姓名、電子郵件" "地址及網站網址;儲存這些資料是為了使用者更加方便,以便讓使用者發佈其他留言" "時,無需再次填寫個人資料。在使用者不自行清除裝置 Cookie 的狀況下,這些 " "Cookie 在個人裝置上保留一年。" msgid "" "In this subsection you should list the cookies your website uses, including " "those set by your plugins, social media, and analytics. We have provided the " "cookies which WordPress installs by default." msgstr "" "在這個小節中,站方應該列出這個網站所使用的 Cookie,包含這個網站安裝的外掛、社" "交媒體和使用者資料分析工具會使用到的 Cookie。以下內容說明了 WordPress 預設會" "使用的 Cookie。" msgid "" "By default, WordPress does not include a contact form. If you use a contact " "form plugin, use this subsection to note what personal data is captured when " "someone submits a contact form, and how long you keep it. For example, you " "may note that you keep contact form submissions for a certain period for " "customer service purposes, but you do not use the information submitted " "through them for marketing purposes." msgstr "" "WordPress 預設沒有內建聯絡表單功能。如果這個網站使用了聯絡表單外掛,請在這個" "小節說明使用者傳送聯絡表單至站方後,網站會擷取哪些個人資料及相關資料儲存週" "期。舉例來說,站方需要說明基於客戶服務的目的,站方將保留聯絡表單內的個人資料" "一段時間,但不會將這些資料用於行銷用途。" msgid "" "If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with " "embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can " "download and extract any location data from images on the website." msgstr "" "如需將圖片上載至這個網站,請避免上載內嵌 EXIF GPS 位置資料的圖片,因為其他使" "用者可以從網站上下載圖片並擷取當中的位置資料。" msgid "Contact forms" msgstr "聯絡表格" msgid "" "In this subsection you should note what information may be disclosed by " "users who can upload media files. All uploaded files are usually publicly " "accessible." msgstr "" "在這個小節中,站方應該說明使用者上載媒體檔案後會公開哪些資訊。一般來說,所有" "上載至網站的檔案都可以公開存取。" msgid "" "An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) " "may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The " "Gravatar service privacy policy is available here:" "privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to " "the public in the context of your comment." msgstr "" "這個網站會根據使用者的電子郵件地址建立匿名字串,亦稱為雜湊值 (hash),並提供" "給 Gravatar 個人頭像服務以查詢這個使用者是否為這項服務的使用者。如需了解 " "Gravatar 個人頭像服務的隱私權政策,請造訪。使" "用者發佈的留言核准後,使用者的個人頭像便會在留言內容中公開顯示。" msgid "" "When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the " "comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user " "agent string to help spam detection." msgstr "" "使用者在這個網站發佈留言後,我們會收集顯示於留言表單中的資料、使用者的來源 " "IP 位址及瀏覽器的使用者代理程式字串,以協助網站偵測垃圾留言。" msgid "" "In this subsection you should note what information is captured through " "comments. We have noted the data which WordPress collects by default." msgstr "" "在這個小節中,站方應該說明網站會透過使用者留言擷取哪些個人資訊。以下內容說明" "了 WordPress 預設會收集的個人資訊。" msgid "" "By default WordPress does not collect any personal data about visitors, and " "only collects the data shown on the User Profile screen from registered " "users. However some of your plugins may collect personal data. You should " "add the relevant information below." msgstr "" "WordPress 預設不會收集任何訪客的個人資料,僅會收集註冊使用者填寫於 [個人資" "料] 頁面的資料。需要注意的是,網站上安裝的某些外掛可能會收集個人資料,站方應" "於下方加入相關資訊。" msgid "" "Personal data is not just created by a user’s interactions with your " "site. Personal data is also generated from technical processes such as " "contact forms, comments, cookies, analytics, and third party embeds." msgstr "" "個人資料不僅僅只會由使用者與網站之間的互動所建立,也會產生自技術流程,例如聯" "絡表單、留言、Cookie、分析及第三方嵌入內容。" msgid "" "In addition to listing what personal data you collect, you need to note why " "you collect it. These explanations must note either the legal basis for your " "data collection and retention or the active consent the user has given." msgstr "" "除了列出網站會收集的個人資料外,站方還需要說明收集這些資料的原因,而這些內容" "必須說明站方收集及保留個人資料/使用者主動提供的內容的法律依據。" msgid "" "You should also note any collection and retention of sensitive personal " "data, such as data concerning health." msgstr "同時也要注意任何敏感個人資料的收集及保留,例如個人健康狀況的相關資料。" msgid "" "In this section you should note what personal data you collect from users " "and site visitors. This may include personal data, such as name, email " "address, personal account preferences; transactional data, such as purchase " "information; and technical data, such as information about cookies." msgstr "" "在這個章節中,站方應該注意的是從使用者及網站訪客收集了哪些個人資料。這些個人" "資料可能包含如姓名、電子郵件地址、個人帳戶偏好設定、交易資料 (如購買資訊)及技" "術資料 (如 Cookie 中的資訊)。" msgid "What personal data we collect and why we collect it" msgstr "我們收集的個人資料和目的" msgid "Our website address is: %s." msgstr "我們的網址是:%s。" msgid "" "The amount of information you may be required to show will vary depending on " "your local or national business regulations. You may, for example, be " "required to display a physical address, a registered address, or your " "company registration number." msgstr "" "需要顯示的資訊會依據各個地區或國家的商業法規而有所不同。舉例來說,網站可能需" "要顯示站方營運地點的真實地址,註冊地址或公司統一編號。" msgid "" "In this section you should note your site URL, as well as the name of the " "company, organization, or individual behind it, and some accurate contact " "information." msgstr "" "在這個章節中,請提供網站網址、公司名稱、組織名稱或管理團隊成員的全名,以及其" "他必要的聯絡資訊。" msgid "Suggested text:" msgstr "建議文字:" msgid "Who we are" msgstr "我們的身份" msgid "" "It is your responsibility to write a comprehensive privacy policy, to make " "sure it reflects all national and international legal requirements on " "privacy, and to keep your policy current and accurate." msgstr "" "站方有責任提供完整的私隱政策,確保相關內容能符合所有國家及國際隱私法規的要" "求,以及內容的時效性及正確性。" msgid "" "Please edit your privacy policy content, making sure to delete the " "summaries, and adding any information from your theme and plugins. Once you " "publish your policy page, remember to add it to your navigation menu." msgstr "" "請編輯私隱政策頁面內容、刪除範本提供的摘要內容,並加入佈景主題及外掛所提供的" "相關資訊。發佈私隱政策頁面後,請將其新增至網站導覽選單中。" msgid "" "The template contains a suggestion of sections you most likely will need. " "Under each section heading, you will find a short summary of what " "information you should provide, which will help you to get started. Some " "sections include suggested policy content, others will have to be completed " "with information from your theme and plugins." msgstr "" "這份範本包含這個網站的隱私權政策頁面最可能需要的建議章節。在各個章節標題下" "方,會列出隱私權頁面應該提供哪些資訊的簡短摘要,這對撰寫相關內容應會有所幫" "助。某些章節會包含建議的隱私權政策內容,其他不含內容的章節則必須使用佈景主題" "及外掛所提供的內容。" msgid "" "This text template will help you to create your website’s privacy " "policy." msgstr "這份內容範本能協助網站管理員建立這個網站專屬的私隱政策。" msgid "Source: %s" msgstr "來源: %s" msgid "Updated %s." msgstr "已更新 %s。" msgid "You deactivated this plugin on %s and may no longer need this policy." msgstr "你於 %s 已停用此外掛,此政策可能已不適用。" msgid "Copy suggested policy text from %s." msgstr "從 %s 複製建議的私隱政策內容。" msgid "(opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(在新分頁中開啟)" msgid "" "Need help putting together your new Privacy Policy page? Check out our privacy policy guide%3$s for recommendations on what " "content to include, along with policies suggested by your plugins and theme." msgstr "" "制定新的私隱政策頁面內容時需要幫助嗎?請參考我們的指" "南%3$s,了解所需內容的建議,以及針對你所使用的外掛及佈景主題而建議的政" "策。" msgid "Removed %s." msgstr "已移除 %s。" msgid "We are committed to your privacy and security." msgstr "我們盡全力維護你的隱私與安全。" msgid "" "Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while " "logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/" "cookiePolicyLink}}." msgstr "" "在你登入 帳戶後,將你的使用情形相關資訊傳送到我們的分析工具。" "{{cookiePolicyLink}}深入了解{{/cookiePolicyLink}}" msgid "" "The information you choose to share helps us improve our products, make " "marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, " "and more as detailed in our {{privacyPolicyLink}}privacy policy{{/" "privacyPolicyLink}}." msgstr "" "你分享給我們的資訊,可以幫助我們改善產品與服務,讓行銷活動更貼近你的需求,讓" "整個 使用體驗更能為你量身打造;若需深入了解,請參見" "{{privacyPolicyLink}}「隱私權政策」{{/privacyPolicyLink}}。" msgid "Click here to disable filters for more results" msgstr "按一下此處停用篩選條件,以獲得更多結果" msgid "Don't email admin whenever someone likes a post" msgstr "有人對文章按讚時不要傳送電子郵件給管理員" msgid "Email admin whenever someone likes a post" msgstr "有人對文章按讚時傳送電子郵件給管理員" msgid "Changed RSS feed format from \"summary\" to \"full text\"" msgstr "RSS 摘要格式已從「摘要」變更為「全文」" msgid "Changed RSS feed format from \"full text\" to \"summary\"" msgstr "RSS 摘要格式已從「全文」變更為「摘要」" msgid "" "Number of posts shown per syndication feed page changed from \"%1$s\" to " "\"%2$s\"" msgstr "每一同步摘要頁面所顯示的文章數已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "your latests posts" msgstr "你最新的文章" msgid "a static page" msgstr "靜態頁面" msgid "Homepage display changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "首頁顯示已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Page on front changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "首頁已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Page on front changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "首頁已變更為「%s」" msgid "Page for posts changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "文章頁面已從「%1$s」變更為「%2$s」" msgid "Default email category changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "預設電子郵件類別已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Default email category changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "預設電子郵件類別已變更為 \"%s\"" msgid "Default post category changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "預設文章類別已從 \"%1$s\" 變更為 \"%2$s\"" msgid "Default post category changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "預設文章類別已變更為 \"%s\"" msgid "" "Upload once, share anywhere. With Google Photos for WordPress, you can " "manage your media easily and save on web storage. Rather than uploading " "twice, browse, search, and copy photos from your Google account right into " "your blog posts and pages." msgstr "" "利用 Google Photos for WordPress 完美整合,讓你在 內就能直接操" "作,利用雲端空間儲存圖像和影片,還能輕鬆管理眾多媒體檔案,省下大量搜尋、瀏" "覽、複製貼上的寶貴時間。只要一次上載,就能多次運用。" msgid "Google Photos" msgstr "Google 相簿" msgid "Streamline your workflow with Google Photos for WordPress." msgstr "Google Photos for WordPress,讓視覺相關作業更簡單、更流暢。" msgid "Enjoy the most popular Google products right at your fingertips." msgstr "大家最愛用的 Google G Suite,三兩下就能完美整合。" msgid "" "Google Docs for lets you write, edit, and collaborate in Docs, " "then save it as a blog post on any site. Your images and most " "formatting will carry over from Docs to WordPress too. No more copy-and-" "paste headaches." msgstr "" "透過 for Google Docs,你的團隊可利用 Google 文件共同編寫文章," "並在任何 網站中發佈;文件中大多數的圖片和圖文樣式,也會自動出現" "在 WordPress 中,無需再三複製貼上。" msgid "Google Docs" msgstr "Google 文件" msgid "Embrace collaborative editing for your WordPress website." msgstr "你的 WordPress 網站,也能多人協同編輯,團隊合作無間。" msgid "" "Build your site with our Business Plan to add Google tools and services, no " "installation required." msgstr "" "選擇商用方案建構你的商用網站,不必額外安裝任何軟體,立即享用 Google 眾多強大" "工具與服務。" msgid "" "Get the best web performance for your business site with the power of Google " "on " msgstr "" "完美整合 Google 各種強大工具,讓你的 商用網站如虎添翼,效率倍" "增。" msgid "" "Add Google Analytics to your Business site to track " "performance. Get timely and detailed statistics about where your visitors " "are coming from, how they’re interacting with your site, and whether they’re " "responding to your marketing efforts." msgstr "" "在你的 商用版網站中使用 Google Analytics,追蹤網站表現;不但可" "以得知各項即時統計資料,更能掌握訪客來源、互動方式、行銷活動效能等關鍵指標。" msgid "Inform your business decisions with in-depth data – powered by Google." msgstr "透過 Google 的強大服務,深入了解網站表現,做出最明智的商業決策。" msgid "" "AMP is Google’s way to allow browsers to load sites quickly on mobile " "devices. All sites support AMP for WordPress, which means " "readers will get your web content even faster on mobile when they come to " "your site from Google search or other apps." msgstr "" "AMP 是 Google 讓瀏覽器在行動裝置上快速載入網站的方式。所有 網站" "均支援 AMP for WordPress,這代表讀者只要從 Google 搜尋或其他應用程式前往你的" "網站時,就能更快地在行動裝置上載入網頁內容。" msgid "Use the Google-approved way to load beautiful web content, faster." msgstr "使用 Google 認可的方式更快速地載入美觀的網頁內容。" msgid "" "If you have any other problems or questions, don't hesitate %1$sto contact " "Support%2$s" msgstr "如有任何問題,請不要猶豫立即%1$s與客戶服務部聯繫%2$s" msgid "" "Having difficulty accessing your account? Please follow %1$sthese " "instructions%2$s." msgstr "無法存取你的帳戶,請遵循以下%1$s說明操作%2$s。" msgid "" "P.S. To make sure you never again have to worry about your plan expiring, " "you can choose to have your plan %1$sauto renew%2$s each year. This way, " "your site will continue running without a hitch!" msgstr "" "附註:為了讓你不再擔心方案何時到期,你可以選擇每年%1$s自動續訂%2$s你的方案," "這樣,你的網站就會繼續順利運作!" msgid "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last %1$d year. Here's to the " "next %1$d!" msgid_plural "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last %1$d years. Here's to " "the next %1$d!" msgstr[0] "" "我們很高興在過去 %1$d 年成為你的網站合作夥伴,下一個 %1$d 年即將展開!" msgid "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last year. Here's to the next " "one!" msgid_plural "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last %1$d years. Here's to " "the next %1$d!" msgstr[0] "我們很高興在過去一年成為你的網站合作夥伴,新一年即將展開!" msgid "" "Remember: if you let your membership expire, your site loses all the %s plan " "features." msgstr "請記住:如果會員資格到期,你的網站便會失去所有 %s 方案的功能。" msgid "" "Renew today — use the code %s at checkout — to enjoy another " "year of's professionally designed themes, custom domain name, " "and easy access to our live chat and support team." msgstr "" "結帳時使用 %s 代碼即可馬上續訂,你可以在未來一年內使用 的設計專" "業的佈景主題、自訂網域名稱,並且輕鬆使用我們的即時聊天功能以及聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "To celebrate, here's a present from us: a limited-time offer of %1$d%% off " "your %2$s plan." msgstr "我們特別為你準備一份賀禮:%2$s 方案的限時 %1$d%% 折扣優惠。" msgid "" "Your anniversary with — and your plan renewal! — " "is in just 10 days." msgstr "再過 10 天便是你的 週年紀念,也是續訂方案的時候!" msgid "Use code: %s" msgstr "使用代碼:%s" msgid "" "%1$s, claim a %2$d%% discount on your annual %3$s plan membership for " "%4$s now! " msgstr "" "%1$s 你好,請立即為 %4$s 的年度 %3$s 方案會員資格領取 %2$d%% 折扣優惠!" msgid "Offer expires in" msgstr "距離優惠到期的天數:" msgid "Happy WordPress anniversary, %s! Here's a present just for you" msgstr "%s,恭喜你的 WordPress 網站大一歲!這是特別為你準備的賀禮" msgid "Play button" msgstr "播放按鈕" msgid "Choose your host" msgstr "選擇你的主機" msgid "Rewind requires a paid Jetpack plan or a WPCOM business plan" msgstr "需有 Jetpack 付費方案或 WPCOM 商務版方案才能使用還原功能" msgid "Export CSV" msgstr "匯出 CSV" msgid "Display all comments on single page" msgstr "在單一頁面上顯示所有留言" msgid "Paginate comments" msgstr "分頁顯示留言" msgid "Commenting available to anonymous users" msgstr "匿名使用者可使用留言功能" msgid "Commenting limited to logged in users" msgstr "留言功能僅限登入的使用者使用" msgid "Comments will not require manual approval" msgstr "留言不需手動核准" msgid "Comments now require manual approval" msgstr "留言現在需要手動核准" msgid "Copy HTML" msgstr "複製 HTML" msgid "Copy Text" msgstr "複製文字" msgid "Copy your customized policy content when ready." msgstr "準備就緒時複製自訂策略內容。" msgid "" "Your location has not been verified. Statistics are not available until you " "have {{a}}verified your location{{/a}} with Google." msgstr "" "你的位置尚未驗證。你必須先使用 Google {{a}}驗證位置{{/a}},才能開始使用統計資" "料功能。" msgid "Archives by date" msgstr "按日期彙整" msgid "Archives by topic" msgstr "按主題彙整" msgid "" "Hmmm. We're sorry we can't seem to find what you're looking for. " "Please try a different keyword, phrase, or use the archives below to dig in!" msgstr "" "嗯。很抱歉,我們找不到你要找的東西。請嘗試其他關鍵字、短語或使用下面的彙整來" "尋找!" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't find that" msgstr "對不起,找不到。" msgid "Contact" msgstr "聯絡方式" msgid "The file {{filename/}} has been modified from its original." msgstr "檔案「{{filename/}}」已從原始內容經過修改。" msgid "The file {{filename/}} contains a malicious code pattern." msgstr "檔案「{{filename/}}」內包含惡意程式碼模式。" msgid "" "The plugin {{pluginSlug/}} (version {{version/}}) has a publicly known " "vulnerability." msgstr "外掛「{{pluginSlug/}}」(版本 {{version/}}) 有一個已知的安全漏洞。" msgid "" "The theme {{themeSlug/}} (version {{version/}}) has a publicly known " "vulnerability." msgstr "佈景主題「{{themeSlug/}}」(版本 {{version/}}) 有一個已知的安全漏洞。" msgid "Vulnerability found in WordPress" msgstr "在 WordPress 中發現了安全漏洞" msgid "Threat found ({{signature/}})" msgstr "發現威脅 ({{signature/}})" msgid "Vulnerability found in plugin" msgstr "在外掛中發現了安全漏洞" msgid "Vulnerability found in theme" msgstr "在佈景主題中發現了安全漏洞" msgid "Miscellaneous vulnerability" msgstr "其他安全漏洞" msgid "Site was made private" msgstr "網站已設為私人項目" msgid "Testimonials shown per page set to \"%s\"" msgstr "每個頁面的證言已變更為 \"%s\"" msgid "Portfolio projects shown per page set to \"%s\"" msgstr "每個頁面的個人作品集專案已設定為 \"%s\" 個" msgid "Changed site's privacy setting" msgstr "更改網站的隱私權設定" msgid "" "Your translation has been submitted. You can view it on {{a}}translate." "{{/a}}" msgstr "" "已提交你的翻譯。你可以在 {{a}}{{/a}} 檢視翻譯內容" msgid "This application no longer has access to your account." msgstr "這項應用程式無法再存取你的 帳戶。" msgid "The connected application was not disconnected. Please try again." msgstr "已連結的應用程式並未中斷連結。請再試一次。" msgid "Add Field" msgstr "新增欄位" msgid "Contact form fields" msgstr "聯絡表單欄位" msgid "Delete Option" msgstr "刪除選項" msgid "Add contact form" msgstr "新增聯絡表單" msgid "contact form" msgstr "聯絡表單" msgid "Which email address should we send the submissions to?" msgstr "要將提交內容傳送到哪個電子郵件地址?" msgid "What would you like the subject of the email to be?" msgstr "要使用什麼電子郵件主旨?" msgid "Contact form information" msgstr "聯絡表單資訊" msgid "Delete Field" msgstr "刪除欄位" msgid "Add new option..." msgstr "新增選項..." msgid "Form Field" msgstr "表單欄位" msgid "" "Are you sure you'd like to stop editing this form without saving your " "changes?" msgstr "表單變更尚未儲存,確定要停止編輯表單?" msgid "We're hard at work on the issue. Please check back %(timePeriod)s." msgstr "我們正努力解決此問題。請於 %(timePeriod)s 之後再回來查看。" msgid "" "Domains ending with {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} are undergoing " "maintenance. Please try a different extension or check back " "%(maintenanceEnd)s." msgstr "" "結尾為 {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} 的網域正在進行維護。請嘗試使用其他的網域" "延伸,或於 %(maintenanceEnd)s 之後再回來查看。" msgid "shortly" msgstr "稍後" msgid "" "Domain registration is unavailable at this time. Please select a free " "subdomain or check back %(maintenanceEnd)s." msgstr "" "目前無法使用網域註冊功能。請選擇一個免費的 網域,或於 " "%(maintenanceEnd)s 之後再回來查看。" msgid "Compare All Plans" msgstr "比較所有方案" msgid "Can I make money off my website?" msgstr "我可以透過網站來獲利嗎?" msgid "Get support when you need it through our user community forums." msgstr "透過我們的使用者社群論壇隨時取得支援。" msgid "" "Enjoy hassle-free updates, spam protection, and reliable hosting on servers " "spread across multiple data centers." msgstr "" "除了無痛系統更新、垃圾郵件防護之外,你的網站也託管於擁有多資料中心架構的伺服" "器上,既安全又可靠。" msgid "" "Start with one of dozens of free WordPress themes and customize it with your " "content and brand. Your visitors will enjoy a fast, seamless experience on " "any device." msgstr "" "你可以先從數十個免費 WordPress 佈景主題為基礎,加上自己的內容和品牌資料,讓網" "站更為個性化。另外,任何訪客使用任何裝置,都能順暢瀏覽,享受優質體驗。" msgid "" "You can stay on for free as long as you need. As you grow and " "succeed, our plans will enable your site to scale with your needs." msgstr "" "你可以持續免費使用;隨著網站的逐步成長,我們也提供多種方案,完" "全滿足你的各種升級需求。" msgid "" " has Jetpack essential features including basic SEO, site " "statistics, and social media sharing features. You can get even more site " "tools with a paid plan." msgstr "" " 具備 Jetpack 基本功能,包括基本 SEO、網站統計資料以及社群媒體分" "享功能。如果需要更多元、更強大的功能,只要升級到 付費方案即可。" msgid "Learn" msgstr "瞭解" msgid "Naureen" msgstr "Naureen" msgid "Chandan Sinha" msgstr "Chandan Sinha" msgid "You asked, we answered" msgstr "儘管提出問題,我們有問必答" msgid "Browse All Themes" msgstr "瀏覽所有佈景主題" msgid "" " features hundreds of high–quality designs. You don’t need to " "learn web design to create the blog of your dreams." msgstr "" " 提供數百款高品質的設計。即使沒有學過網站設計,也能打造出夢想中" "的網誌。" msgid "Find a unique style for your site:" msgstr "為你的網站找出獨一無二的風格:" msgid "" "Already have a domain name? Point it to your website in a few " "easy steps." msgstr "幾個步驟,即可將原有網域導向到你的 網站,輕鬆愉快。" msgid "" "Register a domain for your site to make it easier to remember and easier to " "share." msgstr "為網站註冊好記的網域名稱,輕鬆與人分享。" msgid "" "Unable to retrieve metrics for Google My Business location because of error: " "%s" msgstr "無法擷取「Google 我的商家」位置指標,因為發生錯誤情況:%s" msgid "Setting changed" msgstr "設定已變更" msgid "Learn more about forms on" msgstr "深入了解如何在 使用表單。" msgid "" " gives you all the tools you need to publish content and sell " "products from the same platform. Create a powerful online store and install " "more plugins to help you customize products, attract customers, and increase " "your sales." msgstr "" "透過 提供的各種工具,你可以同時搞定內容發佈與商品販售。不但可以" "打造出強大的網路商店,更可利用眾多外掛程式,來自訂產品頁面,吸引更多顧客,業" "績一飛沖天。 " msgid "Create an online store" msgstr "架設網路商店" msgid "Start taking payments in seconds" msgstr "銷售款項,幾秒內即可入帳" msgid "Best for Small Businesses" msgstr "小型企業最佳選擇" msgid "Everything you need for a powerful, profitable site." msgstr "打造強大的高獲利網站,一切所需,應有盡有。" msgid "" "Edit or preview your Privacy " "Policy page content." msgstr "" "編輯預覽 您的隱私權條款頁面內" "容。" msgid "Use This Page" msgstr "使用此頁面" msgid "Select a Privacy Policy page" msgstr "選擇一個私隱政策頁面" msgid "Change your Privacy Policy page" msgstr "變更私隱政策頁面" msgid "" "You should also review your privacy policy from time to time, especially " "after installing or updating any themes or plugins. There may be changes or " "new suggested information for you to consider adding to your policy." msgstr "" "站方應該定期檢閱隱私權政策,尤其在安裝或更新任何佈景主題或外掛之後,這兩者可" "能會有相關變更或建議資訊需要加入網站的隱私權政策中。" msgid "" "However, it is your responsibility to use those resources correctly, to " "provide the information that your privacy policy requires, and to keep that " "information current and accurate." msgstr "" "請注意,貴單位有責任正確使用這些資源,以提供這個網站的私隱政策所需的資訊,並" "確保資訊的時效性及正確性。" msgid "The new page will include help and suggestions for your privacy policy." msgstr "新的頁面會包括對私隱政策的説明和建議。" msgid "" "If you already have a Privacy Policy page, please select it below. If not, " "please create one." msgstr "請在下面選擇已有的私隱政策頁面,否則請建立一個新頁面。" msgid "" "As a website owner, you may need to follow national or international privacy " "laws. For example, you may need to create and display a privacy policy." msgstr "" "作為一個網頁擁有者,你必須遵守國家或國際私隱法規。例如,你必須建立和顯示私隱" "政策。" msgid "" "The currently selected Privacy Policy page is in the Trash. Please create or " "select a new Privacy Policy page or restore the current page." msgstr "" "之前設定的隱私權政策頁面目前在回收桶中,請新增頁面或還原之前設" "定的頁面。" msgid "" "The currently selected Privacy Policy page does not exist. Please create or " "select a new page." msgstr "目前已選擇的私隱政策頁面並不存在,請建立或選擇一個新頁面。" msgid "" "Privacy Policy page setting updated successfully. Remember to update your menus!" msgstr "隱私權政策頁面更新成功。請記得更新你的選單!" msgid "Unable to create a Privacy Policy page." msgstr "無法建立私隱政策頁面。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage privacy options on this site." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有在這個網站上管理隱私權設定的權限。" msgid "Menu updated" msgstr "選單已更新" msgid "Menu added" msgstr "選單已新增" msgid "Sell online with PayPal" msgstr "運用 PayPal 進行網路銷售" msgid "You have %(updates)s update available" msgid_plural "You have %(updates)s updates available" msgstr[0] "你有 %(updates)s 項可用的更新" msgid "Navigating away will cancel remaining updates" msgstr "離開瀏覽頁面將會取消其餘更新。" msgid "You have one update available" msgstr "你有一個可用的更新" msgid "Dismiss all" msgstr "全部關閉" msgid "Manage plugins" msgstr "管理外掛程式" msgid "Limit result set to users who are considered authors." msgstr "限制結果爲被視爲作者的使用者。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to query users by this parameter." msgstr "對不起,您不能通過此參數查詢用戶。" msgid "Whether or not the post type can be viewed." msgstr "文章類型是否可檢視。" msgid "Authorization required" msgstr "需要授權" msgid "Just now" msgstr "剛剛" msgid "[ more ]" msgstr "[更多]" msgid "Thanks for contributing!" msgstr "感謝你的參與!" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't find the translation for this string." msgstr "抱歉,我們找不到這個字串的翻譯。" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't submit the translation for this string." msgstr "抱歉,我們無法提交這個字串的翻譯。" msgid "Sorry, we've encountered an error." msgstr "抱歉,系統發生錯誤。" msgid "Translate to %(localeName)s" msgstr "翻譯成%(localeName)s" msgid "Open this translation in" msgstr "在 開啟這個翻譯" msgid "You cannot enable Rewind for a multisite" msgstr "你無法為多個網站啟用倒轉功能" msgid "Download our mobile apps" msgstr "下載行動應用程式" msgid "" "Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, " "moderate comments, and more." msgstr "從單一儀表板管理所有網站:發佈內容、追蹤統計資料、審核留言等。" msgid "Get the apps" msgstr "下載應用程式" msgid "" "Find a host, install plugins, and get your hands dirty. We can help with " "services like Jetpack for security and backups." msgstr "" "選擇自己想用的主機、自行安裝需要的外掛程式,一切自己動手完成;但仍可透過我們" "提供的 Jetpack 等服務,協助你備份並且維護資料安全。" msgid "" "Build a site in minutes. We host your site, register your domain, and offer " "built-in plugins including automated software updates and security." msgstr "" "只要幾分鐘就能架好一個網站。所有代管、網域註冊、軟體與安全更新,一切全自動," "完全無需費心;更內建多種好用外掛程式,供你選用。" msgid "Learn more about each option to choose the one that’s best for you." msgstr "深入了解各項細節,找出最適合的選擇。" msgid "" "Hosting, security, backups, and spam protection are all included. Pick from " "more than 300 themes, activate our powerful features inspired by the best " "plugins, and get a custom domain with a plan." msgstr "" "我們提供網站代管、安全防護、資料備份與垃圾郵件防護等多種服務,更有超過 300 種" "佈景主題,任君選用。各種超強外掛程式加持,讓你的網站功能更加強大,還可以選用" "自訂網域方案。" msgid "" "Choose for the fastest, easiest way to start your website." msgstr "想以最快速度輕鬆架好網站, 就是最佳選擇。" msgid "Choose for the fastest, easiest way to start your website" msgstr "選擇,就可以最迅速、最輕鬆的方式開始建立你的網站" msgid "Build your site with the software trusted by %s%% of the internet." msgstr "整個網路有 %s%% 的網站,都用 WordPress 架設;你也應該用。" msgid "Posts in this category are included in your Podcast feed" msgstr "你的 podcast RSS 會包含在此分類中發佈的文章" msgid "Included in your Podcast feed" msgstr "包含在你的 podcast RSS 中" msgid "Try a premium theme" msgstr "嘗試進階版佈景主題" msgid "1 Month" msgstr "1 個月" msgid "1 year" msgstr "1 年" msgid "Unsupported language" msgstr "不支援的語言" msgid "Jetpack, in partnership with %(host)s" msgstr "Jetpack 與 %(host)s 合作夥伴關係" msgid "Delete this tag" msgstr "刪除此標記" msgid "This user cannot be banned from the support forums" msgstr "不能禁止此使用者進入支援論壇。" msgid "/month, billed every two years" msgstr "/月,每兩年收費一次" msgid "Tagged for staff" msgstr "為員工標記" msgid "Dismiss from FR Queue" msgstr "從 FR 佇列中關閉" msgid "" "This email address will be displayed in the feed and is required for some " "services such as Google Play." msgstr "" "這個電子郵件地址將會顯示在摘要中,並且在 Google Play 等部分服務中為必填項目。" msgid "Workflow" msgstr "流程" msgid "Disable to select a %(parentTerm)s" msgstr "停用以選取%(parentTerm)s" msgid "Choose a %(parentTerm)s" msgstr "選擇%(parentTerm)s" msgid "Threat Found" msgid_plural "Threats found" msgstr[0] "找到威脅" msgid "Menu items list" msgstr "選單項目清單" msgid "Menu item list navigation" msgstr "選單項目清單導覽" msgid "Filter menu items list" msgstr "篩選選單項目清單" msgid "Menu section list" msgstr "選單區段清單" msgid "Menu section list navigation" msgstr "選單區段清單導覽" msgid "Menu item labels list" msgstr "選單項目標籤清單" msgid "Menu item label list navigation" msgstr "選單項目標籤清單導覽" msgid "This key has reached its activation limit for product %s" msgstr "這個金鑰已達到產品 %s 的啟用上限" msgid "" "P.S.: If the site upgrade isn’t for you, no problem! Just let us know within " "30 days and we’ll give you a full refund. If you decide to cancel your plan " "after you’ve already accepted the free domain, the domain is yours to keep. " "We simply ask that you cover our costs for the registration." msgstr "" "附註:如果你不滿意網站升級方案,沒問題!只要在 30 天內通知我們,我們將全額退" "費給你。如果你在接受免費網域優惠後,決定要取消你的方案,你還是可以繼續保留網" "域。我們只會要求你支付註冊費用。" msgid "%1$sClick here to claim your %2$s%% discount now!%3$s" msgstr "%1$s按一下這裡立即領取你的 %2$s%% 折扣優惠!%3$s" msgid "All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee." msgstr "所有方案均包含 30 天退款保證。" msgid "Use any WordPress plugin or theme you want (Business plan only)." msgstr "使用任何你想要的 WordPress 外掛程式或佈景主題 (僅限商務版方案)。" msgid "Edit your site’s design with custom CSS (Premium and Business plans)." msgstr "使用自訂 CSS 編輯你的網站設計 (進階版及商務版方案)。" msgid "Choose from hundreds of professionally designed templates." msgstr "共有數百種專業設計的範本可供挑選。" msgid "Gain live chat access to our all star customer service team." msgstr "與我們陣容鼎盛的客戶服務團隊進行即時聊天。" msgid "Use your own domain name (instead of having in your URL)." msgstr "使用你專屬的網域名稱 (而非在你的 URL 使用。" msgid "Upgrade today and unlock these great features:" msgstr "立即升級並解鎖這些絕佳功能:" msgid "Use code %s" msgstr "使用代碼 %s" msgid "Discount available for all plan upgrades." msgstr "所有 方案升級均適用折扣優惠。" msgid "%s%% OFF" msgstr "%s%% 折扣" msgid "Mother’s Day Sale" msgstr "母親節特惠" msgid "Mother’s Day sale: %s%% off all plans" msgstr "母親節特惠:所有方案均享 %s%% 折扣" msgid "You must specify a local WordPress user ID" msgstr "您必須指定本機 WordPress 使用者 ID" msgid "Blog is not a Jetpack site" msgstr "網誌不是 Jetpack 網站" msgid "Bad client ID returned from site" msgstr "網站傳回的用戶端 ID 錯誤" msgid "Modlook" msgstr "莫德洛克" msgid "Business profile picture" msgstr "企業檔案圖像" msgid "These items require your immediate attention" msgstr "這些項目需要您即時關注" msgid "in forum %s" msgstr "在論壇 %s" msgid "{{planName/}} plan features" msgstr "{{planName/}} 方案功能" msgid "Schedule interview" msgstr "排程訪問" msgid "unknown post, last known ID %s" msgstr "不明文章,上一個已知 ID %s" msgid "Problem preparing your file" msgstr "準備檔案時發生的問題" msgid "There was a problem preparing your backup for downloading." msgstr "準備下載備份時發生問題。" msgid "Invalid value" msgstr "無效值" msgid "Week start changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "每週開始日已從 %1$s 變更為 %2$s" msgid "Sorry, we didn't find any matching FAQs." msgstr "很抱歉,我們找不到相符的常見問題集。" msgid "Oops, the credentials you entered were invalid. Please try again" msgstr "糟糕,您輸入的憑證無效。請再試一次" msgid "Username or email does not exist. Please try again." msgstr "使用者名稱或電子郵件地址不存在。請再試一次。" msgid "Feedback received" msgstr "已收到意見回饋" msgid "No staff replies" msgstr "尚無人員回覆" msgid "" "
Try using a different phrase or use the contact form below to send us " "an email." msgstr "
嘗試使用其他字詞或使用下方聯絡表單傳送電子郵件給我們。" msgid "Continue with Google" msgstr "繼續使用 Google" msgid "Do you have" msgstr "你是否有" msgid "Thank you" msgstr "感謝你" msgid "Search our support documentation for quick answers" msgstr "搜尋支援文件,獲得快速解答" msgid "Short description of your problem (80 characters)" msgstr "簡短說明你的問題 (80 個字元)" msgid "Your website URL where your Jetpack problem is happening:" msgstr "發生 Jetpack 問題的網站網址:" msgid "Publication Date" msgstr "發佈日期" msgid "XML News Sitemap" msgstr "XML 新聞網站地圖" msgid "XML Video Sitemap" msgstr "XML 影片網站地圖" msgid "Page URL" msgstr "網頁 URL" msgid "XML Image Sitemap" msgstr "XML 圖片網站地圖" msgid "Sitemap URL" msgstr "網站地圖 URL" msgid "XML Sitemap Index" msgstr "XML 網站地圖索引" msgid "XML Sitemap" msgstr "XML 網站地圖" msgid "Sitemap Interval" msgstr "網站地圖間隔" msgid "Invalid stat_type parameter" msgstr "無效的 stat_type 參數" msgid "You must be logged-in to view stats." msgstr "你必須登入才能檢視統計資料。" msgid "Remote site returned an invalid site ID" msgstr "遠端網站傳回了無效的網站 ID" msgctxt "moment format string" msgid "LL[ — Today]" msgstr "LL[ — 今日]" msgid "Storage" msgstr "儲存空間" msgid "Wix" msgstr "Wix" msgid "Global community" msgstr "全球社群支援" msgid "The requested URL is not an embed." msgstr "要求的 URL 並非內嵌 URL。" msgid "Only one embed can be rendered at a time." msgstr "一次只能轉譯一個內嵌 URL。" msgid "The embed_url parameter must be a valid URL." msgstr "embed_url 參數必須是有效的 URL。" msgid "Your token must have permission to post on this blog." msgstr "你的權杖必須擁有在這個網誌上發佈文章的權限。" msgid "Sorry, we were unable to change your site address. Please try again." msgstr "很抱歉,我們無法變更你的網址。請再試一次。" msgid "Your new site address is ready to go!" msgstr "你的新網站位址已準備就緒!" msgid "Try typing an @username into the text input below." msgstr "試著在下方文字輸入區中輸入 @username。" msgid "Extension \".%(tld)s\" matches your query" msgstr "「.%(tld)s」副檔名與你的查詢相符" msgid "Extension \".%(tld)s\" closely matches your query" msgstr "「.%(tld)s」副檔名與你的查詢高度相符" msgid "Exact match" msgstr "完全相符" msgid "Close match" msgstr "高度相符" msgid "Invitee unknown" msgstr "受邀者不明" msgid "Also display tagged posts outside the Featured Content area." msgstr "並顯示精選內容區域以外的已加上標籤的文章。" msgid "Do not display tag in post details and tag clouds." msgstr "請勿在文章詳細資料和標籤雲中顯示標籤。" msgid "%(dataTotal)d Total Views" msgstr "%(dataTotal)d 總閱覽數" msgid "%(dataTotal)d Total Actions" msgstr "%(dataTotal)d 總動作數" msgid "Listings On Maps" msgstr "地圖清單" msgid "Listings On Search" msgstr "搜尋清單" msgid "Visit Your Website" msgstr "造訪你的網站" msgid "Request Directions" msgstr "查詢路線" msgid "Call You" msgstr "致電聯絡你" msgid "Good news, that site address is available!" msgstr "很好,這個網址可以用!" msgid "Try Installing Manually" msgstr "嘗試手動安裝" msgid "" "We were unable to install Jetpack. Don't worry—you can either install " "Jetpack manually or contact support for help." msgstr "" "我們無法安裝 Jetpack。別擔心,你可以手動安裝 Jetpack,或聯絡支援團隊取得協" "助。" msgid "" "We were unable to activate Jetpack. Don't worry—you can either install " "Jetpack manually or contact support for help." msgstr "" "我們無法啟用 Jetpack。別擔心,你可以手動安裝 Jetpack,或聯絡支援團隊取得協" "助。" msgid "Contact your site Administrator" msgstr "請聯絡你的網站管理員" msgid "" "We were unable to install Jetpack because you do not have permissions to " "install plugins. Please contact your site's Administrator to continue with " "installing Jetpack or try installing Jetpack manually." msgstr "" "我們無法安裝 Jetpack,因為你沒有權限安裝外掛程式。請聯絡你的網站管理員繼續安" "裝 Jetpack,或嘗試手動安裝 Jetpack。" msgid "We were unable to install Jetpack because something went wrong." msgstr "我們無法安裝 Jetpack,因為發生錯誤。" msgid "Select Province" msgstr "選擇省份" msgid "" "The value provided is not valid for %s. Please use a valid ISO 3166-2 " "identifier." msgstr "提供的值不是 %s 的有效值。請使用有效的 ISO 3166-2 識別碼。" msgid "This field must contain letters." msgstr "此欄位必須包含字母。" msgid "" "This field can only contain the following characters: “%1$s”." msgstr "此欄位僅得包含以下字元:「%1$s」。" msgid "This field is limited to %d characters." msgstr "此欄位最多只能填入 %d 個字元。" msgid "Only the site owner can edit this domain name." msgstr "僅限網站擁有者可以編輯此網域名稱。" msgid "" "Only the site owner ({{strong}}%(ownerInfo)s{{/strong}}) can edit this " "domain name." msgstr "" "僅限網站擁有者 ({{strong}}%(ownerInfo)s{{/strong}}) 可以編輯此網域名稱。" msgid "Yes! Start import" msgstr "是!開始匯入" msgid "" "Jetpack had some trouble connecting to your site, but that problem has been " "resolved." msgstr "Jetpack 連線到你的網站時遇到問題,但問題已經解決了。" msgid "Error while linking your site to %(service)s." msgstr "從你的網站連線至 %(service)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "Confirm this is the location you wish to connect to" msgstr "請確認這是你要連線的目標位置" msgid "Select the location you wish to connect your site to." msgstr "選取你的網站要連線的目標位置。" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't process your payment. Please try again later." msgstr "很抱歉,我們無法處理你的付款。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later." msgstr "糟糕!發生錯誤。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Save %(percent)s%%" msgstr "節省 %(percent)s%%" msgid "Domains require updating" msgstr "網域需要更新" msgid "" "To make your newly transferred domains work with, you need to " "update the nameservers." msgstr "若要讓剛移轉的網域與 相容,你必須更新網域名稱伺服器。" msgid "Domain requires updating" msgstr "網域需要更新" msgid "" "To make {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} work with your site, " "you need to update the nameservers." msgstr "" "若要讓 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 與你的 網站搭配運作,你" "必須更新網域名稱伺服器。" msgid "Issues with {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 的問題" msgid "" "The email address \"%(email)s\" is associated with a account. " "Log in to connect it to your Google profile, or choose a different Google " "profile." msgstr "" "電子郵件地址「%(email)s」與 帳戶相關聯。登入以便將其連線至你的 " "Google 個人資料,或選擇不同的 Google 個人資料。" msgid "Annual subscription" msgstr "年度訂閱" msgid "" "The email address is associated with a account. Log in to " "connect it to your Google profile, or choose a different Google profile." msgstr "" "電子郵件地址與 帳戶相關聯。登入以便將其連線至你的 Google 個人資" "料,或選擇不同的 Google 個人資料。" msgid "Almost there – we're currently finalizing your order." msgstr "快要完成了 – 我們即將完成你的訂單。" msgid "Update Listing" msgstr "更新商家資訊" msgid "How customers search for your business" msgstr "客戶要如何搜尋你的企業" msgid "%(dataTotal)d Total Searches" msgstr "%(dataTotal)d 總搜尋數" msgid "Where your customers view your business on Google" msgstr "你的客戶從 Google 哪裡查看你的商家資訊" msgid "The Google services that customers use to find your business" msgstr "客戶用來尋找商家資訊的 Google 服務" msgid "Customer Actions" msgstr "客戶動作" msgid "The most common actions that customers take on your listing" msgstr "客戶在你的商家資訊上最常採取的動作" msgid "Direct" msgstr "直接" msgid "" "Customers who find your listing searching for you business name or address" msgstr "尋找你商家資訊的客戶會搜尋你的商家名稱或地址" msgid "Discovery" msgstr "探索" msgid "" "Customers who find your listing searching for a category, product, or service" msgstr "尋找你商家資訊的客戶會搜尋類別、產品或服務" msgid "" "The site's downtime lasted %1$s. We're happy to report your site was back " "online as of %2$s on %3$s." msgstr "" "網站的停機時間已持續 %1$s。我們很高興能向你報告,網站已恢復連線狀態,重新上線" "時間為 %2$s,%3$s。" msgid "Good news! %2$s is now up and running again." msgstr "好消息!%2$s 現在已回復正常運作。" msgid "There was a problem creating your account. Please contact support." msgstr "建立你的帳戶時發生錯誤。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Bad source name supplied, consult documentation for valid format" msgstr "你提供的來源名稱無效,請參閱說明文件瞭解有效的格式" msgid "Bad flow name supplied, consult documentation for valid format" msgstr "你提供的流程名稱無效,請參閱說明文件瞭解有效的格式" msgid "Site option %1$s was changed from %2$s to %3$s" msgstr "網站選項 %1$s 已從%2$s 變更為 %3$s" msgid "Membership was changed to disallow anyone to register" msgstr "會員資格設定已變更為不允許任何人註冊" msgid "Membership was changed to allow anyone to register" msgstr "會員資格設定已變更為允許所有人註冊" msgid "Testimonials shown per page changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "每個頁面的證言已從 %1$s 變更為 %2$s" msgid "Testimonials disabled for this site" msgstr "已停用此網站的證詞" msgid "Testimonials enabled for this site" msgstr "已啟用此網站的證詞" msgid "Portfolio projects shown per page changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "每個頁面的個人作品集專案已從 %1$s 個變更為 %2$s 個" msgid "Portfolio projects disabled for this site" msgstr "此網站個人作品集專案已停用" msgid "Encouraged search engines to index the site" msgstr "鼓勵搜尋引擎將網站加入索引" msgid "Discouraged search engines from indexing the site" msgstr "阻擋搜尋引擎將網站加入索引" msgid "Portfolio projects enabled for this site" msgstr "此網站個人作品集專案已啟用" msgid "Site description was changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "網站描述已從 %1$s 變更為 %2$s" msgid "Site title was changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "網站標題已從 %1$s 變更為 %2$s" msgid "Site option %1$s was set to %2$s" msgstr "網站選項 %1$s 已設為 %2$s" msgid "Testimonials shown per page set to %1$s" msgstr "每個頁面的證言已變更為 %1$s" msgid "Portfolio projects shown per page set to %1$s" msgstr "每個頁面的個人作品集專案已設定為 %1$s 個" msgid "Verified" msgstr "已驗證" msgid "Connect Location" msgstr "連結位置" msgid "Select the listing you would like to connect to:" msgstr "選取你要連結的清單:" msgid "Enable dashes" msgstr "啟用破折號" msgid "Show more results" msgstr "顯示更多結果" msgid "Show me how to print shipping labels" msgstr "顯示如何列印郵寄標籤" msgid "" "WooCommerce Shipping is ready to use on your next order! Get discounted " "rates and print shipping labels yourself." msgstr "" "WooCommerce Shipping 已準備好處理你的下一筆訂單!取得折扣優惠費率並自行列印郵" "寄標籤。" msgid "Ready to print a shipping label?" msgstr "準備好列印 USPS 郵寄標籤了嗎?" msgid "Setting up…" msgstr "正在設定..." msgid "Set up Jetpack on your self-hosted WordPress" msgstr "在自助託管的 WordPress 設定 Jetpack" msgid "Get help setting up Jetpack" msgstr "取得 Jetpack 設定協助" msgid "You're all set!" msgstr "一切準備就緒!" msgid "Completing setup" msgstr "正在完成設定" msgid "You are moments away from a better WordPress." msgstr "再過不久,就能享有更完善的 WordPress。" msgid "Jetpack is finishing setup" msgstr "Jetpack 正在完成設定" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Post Types" msgstr "發文類型" msgid "< Clear Filters" msgstr "< 清除篩選條件" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Month" msgstr "月" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Year" msgstr "年" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Month Updated" msgstr "更新月" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Year Updated" msgstr "更新年" msgid "Nonce was not able to be created. Please try again." msgstr "無法建立隨機數。請再試一次。" msgid "The required \"siteurl\" argument is missing." msgstr "缺少必要的「siteurl」參數。" msgid "" "Your site address should be between %(minimumLength)s and %(maximumLength)s " "characters in length." msgstr "" "你的網站位址長度應落在 %(minimumLength)s 至 %(maximumLength)s 個字元之間。" msgid "" "I understand that I won't be able to undo this change to my site address." msgstr "我了解網址變更後就無法復原。" msgid "Disable Podcast" msgstr "停用播客" msgid "Fix credentials" msgstr "修正憑證" msgid "Recommended Marketing Tools" msgstr "推薦的行銷工具" msgid "" "Optimize your store for sales — including discount and coupon options, " "email and social integrations, and more powerful reporting." msgstr "" "最佳化商店以提高銷售額 — 包括折扣和折價券選項、電子郵件和社交整合,以及其他功" "能強大的報告。" msgid "Recommended marketing tools, customization options, and services" msgstr "推薦的行銷工具、自訂選項和服務" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't find receipt #%s." msgstr "很抱歉,我們找不到收據 #%s。" msgid "Sorry, we weren't able to load the requested receipt." msgstr "很抱歉,我們找不到你要求的收據。" msgid "" "Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of " "the page." msgstr "讀取器抵達頁面底端時,自動載入下一篇文章。" msgid "" "Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive " "notifications of new content by email." msgstr "允許讀者訂閱你的文章和留言,並透過電子郵件接收新內容的通知。" msgid "" "Allows registered users to log in to your site with their " "accounts." msgstr "允許已註冊的使用者使用其 帳戶登入你的網站。" msgid "Removes spam from comments and contact forms." msgstr "移除留言和聯絡表單中的垃圾訊息。" msgid "" "Automatically generates the files required for search engines to index your " "site." msgstr "自動產生搜尋引擎將你的網站加入索引時所需的檔案。" msgid "" "Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with " "various services." msgstr "提供你的 WordPress 網站與多種服務驗證時所需的隱藏標籤。" msgid "" "Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address." msgstr "允許你透過傳送電子郵件到特殊地址來發佈新文章。" msgid "" "Protects your site from traditional and distributed brute force login " "attacks." msgstr "保護網站免受傳統的分散式暴力密碼登入攻擊。" msgid "Hosts your video files on the global servers." msgstr "將你的影片檔案託管於全球 伺服器。" msgid "" "Adds a toolbar with links to all your sites, notifications, your WordPress." "com profile, and the Reader." msgstr "" "新增工具列,在工具列上顯示你所有網站、通知、你的 個人檔案及讀取" "器的連結。" msgid "" "Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular " "posts or pages." msgstr "顯示你的網站活動資訊,包括訪客、熱門文章或頁面。" msgid "" "Adds the Testimonial custom post type, allowing you to collect, organize, " "and display testimonials on your site." msgstr "新增「證言」自訂文章類型,讓你在網站上蒐集、管理及顯示證言。" msgid "" "Adds the Portfolio custom post type, allowing you to manage and showcase " "projects on your site." msgstr "新增「作品集」自訂文章類型,讓你在網站上管理及展示專案。" msgid "" "Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that " "includes social media login options." msgstr "使用包含社交媒體登入選項的新留言系統,取代標準 WordPress 留言表單。" msgid "" " is home to everyone from small businesses, to bloggers, to " "large sites like Time, Variety, TechCrunch, and more. All together, " " sites reach more than 409 million visitors each month." msgstr "" "無論是從小型企業到部落客,甚至到《時代》雜誌、《綜藝》雜誌、TechCrunch 等大型" "網站, 適用於所有對象。以 建置的網站總計可達到每個" "月 4 億 9 百萬以上的訪客數。" msgid "Reason #8:
WordPress powers 30% of the internet." msgstr "" "第 8 個理由:
網際網路上 30% 的網站是以 WordPress 建置。" msgid "" "Reason #6:
You can choose from 288 design templates for your site." "" msgstr "" "第 6 個理由:
適用於你網站的 288 個設計範本任君挑選。" msgid "Local business illustration" msgstr "本地商家圖示" msgid "Both free and paid plans include Jetpack’s social tools." msgstr "免費與付費方案均包含Jetpack的社群網路工具。" msgid "" "Galleries and slideshows are free with Jetpack — and so is their integration " "into our image Content Delivery Network (CDN)." msgstr "" "圖庫與投影片都是Jetpack的免費功能,透過我們的內容傳遞網路(CDN)來發布圖片同樣" "免費。" msgid "" "Use our free WordPress mobile apps to view your latest stats, create and " "publish new content, interact with visitors, or upload photos directly from " "your device’s camera.\n" msgstr "" "使用我們的免費 WordPress 移動應用程式查看您的最新統計數據、建立和發佈新內容、" "與訪問者互動或直接從設備的相機上載照片。\n" msgid "" "Upload your videos directly into the WordPress editor and we'll " "automatically embed them into our custom video player. Never worry about " "large videos taking up space and using up bandwidth from your hosting plan " "again." msgstr "" "編輯文章時只要直接透過 WordPress 編輯器上載影片,影片就會自動內嵌到特製播放器" "中;你完全不用擔心影片檔案太大,造成儲存容量吃緊,甚至用光託管主機的頻寛限" "額。" msgid "%s domains found" msgstr "找到 %s 個網域" msgid "" "Adobe Lightroom® is a registered trademark of " "Adobe Systems Incorporated and is not an Automattic product." msgstr "" "Adobe Lightroom ® 是 Adobe Systems 公司的註冊商" "標,並非 Automattic 產品。" msgid "Image of the Jetpack video player" msgstr "圖片內容:Jetpack 影片播放器" msgid "" "Image of a Jetpack photo gallery with our free image content delivery network" msgstr "圖片內容:Jetpack 相片圖庫及與我們免費的圖片內容傳遞網路" msgid "" "Display images at the right resolution automatically and at lightning fast " "speeds from a global content delivery network." msgstr "全球內容傳遞網路可讓網站極速載入圖片,並自動調整合適的解析度。" msgid "Let your visitors see your images and videos at blazing-fast speeds." msgstr "轉瞬間載入網站上的所有圖片和影片,速度飛快。" msgid "" "If you need help, our public " "forums are always there when you need them. Personalized support is also " "available with a plan upgrade." msgstr "" "如需協助,我們的公開論壇可" "會隨時提供支援。你也可以透過方案升級" "獲得個人化支援。" msgid "" "You also don’t want to sacrifice quality by compressing or resizing your " "graphics or photos." msgstr "同樣的,你也不想看到相片和圖片過度壓縮或降低大小,造成畫質劣化。" msgid "" "If your site has an abundance of photos, you don’t want to drive visitors " "away by making them wait for your content to load." msgstr "" "你一定不希望網友在造訪含有大量相片的頁面時,因為苦等相片載入,失去耐心而掉頭" "離去。" msgid "" "Upload your videos directly into the WordPress editor and we'll embed " "them into our custom video player, automatically." msgstr "" "編輯文章時只要直接透過 WordPress 編輯器上載影片,影片就會自動內嵌到特製播放器" "中。" msgid "" "Jetpack’s video-hosting service uses the same high-speed content delivery " "network we use for photos, and is completely ad-free." msgstr "" "Jetpack 影片託管服務,與我們的相片服務,使用相同的高速 CDN,而且完全不顯示任" "何廣告。" msgid "" "Jetpack,s unlimited video-hosting service uses the same high-speed CDN " "we use for photos, and is completely ad-free." msgstr "" "Jetpack 無限量影片託管服務採用的高速內容傳遞網路 (CDN),與我們相片服務所用的" "相同,而且完全沒有廣告。" msgid "" "Upload unlimited photos to the free Jetpack Content Delivery Network (CDN) " "and we'll handle delivering them to visitors at the proper resolution " "and at blazing-fast speeds." msgstr "" "Jetpack 內建的內容遞送網路(CDN),不但可讓你上載無限量高畫質相片,還能在你的" "網站自動呈現最適當的相片解析度,速度快如閃電。" msgid "" "Site load time can affect you in multiple ways, from visitors leaving " "quickly to search engine penalizing your rankings for slow speeds." msgstr "" "網站載入速度太慢,不但會讓訪客感到不耐而離開,甚至還會降低搜尋排名,對網站造" "成多重負面影響。" msgid "" "Embed high-resolution photos on any page without slowing down your site." msgstr "在網頁上自由使用高畫質相片,完全不必擔心拖慢網站速度。" msgid "An emphasis on performance" msgstr "快如閃電的強大效能" msgid "" "Google analyzes and automatically categorizes your photos, so you can use " "their intelligent sorting whether or not you’ve added any tags or " "descriptions." msgstr "" "Google 會分析您的照片並自動對其進行分類,因此無論您是否添加了任何標籤或說明," "您都可以使用他們的智慧排序。" msgid "Enable Product Add-ons" msgstr "啟用產品附加項目" msgid "" "From personal messages and donations to laser engraving — allow " "customer input to customize products." msgstr "從個人訊息和捐款資訊到雷射雕花,讓客戶自行輸入以便自訂產品。" msgid "Let customers design and personalize their orders" msgstr "讓客戶設計並個人化他們的訂單" msgid "Login via %s" msgstr "透過 %s 登入" msgid "" "Essential tools to customize, market, and manage your photography website" msgstr "自訂、行銷和管理你的攝影網站的基本工具" msgid "Jetpack for Photographers" msgstr "攝影師專用的 Jetpack" msgid "" "Choose how your podcast should be categorized within Apple Podcasts and " "other podcasting services." msgstr "為你的播客選擇 Apple Podcasts 和其他播客服務內的分類方式。" msgid "Posts published in this category will be included in your podcast feed." msgstr "你的播客摘要將會包含此類別發佈的文章。" msgid "Enter your credentials" msgstr "輸入你的憑證" msgid "" "You're all set to receive authentication codes at {{strong}}%(smsNumber)s{{/" "strong}}. Want to switch to a different number? No problem! You'll need to " "disable two-step authentication, then complete the setup process again on " "another device." msgstr "" "你已完成所有設定,驗證碼將會傳送至 {{strong}}%(smsNumber)s{{/strong}}。想切換" "至其他號碼嗎?沒問題!你要先停用兩步驟驗證,然後在另一裝置重新完成設定程序。" msgid "" "You've enabled two-step authentication on your account — smart move! When " "you log in to, you'll need to enter your username and " "password, as well as a unique passcode generated by an app on your mobile " "device." msgstr "" "你已在帳戶啟用兩步驟驗證,這是個明智的選擇!登入 時,你必須輸入" "使用者名稱和密碼,以及行動裝置上應用程式產生的不重複密碼。" msgid "" "This will also disable your application passwords, though you can access " "them again if you ever re-enable two-step authentication. If you decide to " "re-enable two-step authentication, keep in mind you'll need to generate new " "backup codes." msgstr "" "這將同時停用你的應用程式密碼,但如果重新啟用兩步驟驗證,便可再次使用這些密" "碼。若決定重新啟用兩步驟驗證,請留意,你必須產生新的備份密碼。" msgid "The site's primary language." msgstr "網站的主要語言。" msgid "Screenshot of the %(themeName)s theme" msgstr "%(themeName)s 佈景主題的截圖" msgid "Press" msgstr "新聞資源" msgid "This does not appear to be a valid URL or website address." msgstr "這似乎不是有效的 URL 或網站位址。" msgid "We can't wait to see what you create with us. ❤️" msgstr "我們十分期待與你共同創作。❤️" msgid "" "If you need help, our Happiness Engineers are always there when you need them." msgstr "" "如需協助,我們的 Happiness " "Engineer 隨時為你效勞。" msgid "" "Looking for answers? Our support " "documentation contains helpful information about plans, features, and " "next steps." msgstr "" "正在尋找答案?我們的支援文件包含關於方" "案、功能和後續步驟的實用資訊。" msgid "The link you followed has expired." msgstr "你追蹤的連結已過期。" msgid "We could not back up your site because it appears to be offline" msgstr "我們無法備份你的網站,因為網站似乎處於離線狀態" msgid "" "We ran into an issue backing up your site, but we're aware of the issue and " "working on fixing it" msgstr "備份你的網站時發生問題,不過我們已找到問題,目前正在嘗試修復" msgid "" "Jetpack is unable to connect to your site. Please update your server " "credentials" msgstr "Jetpack 無法連結至你的網站。請更新你的伺服器憑證" msgid "Podcast Topics" msgstr "播客主題" msgid "Hosts/Artist/Producer" msgstr "主持人/藝術家/製作人" msgid "You need a higher level of permission." msgstr "你需要更高的權限。" msgid "The secret parameter is missing" msgstr "秘密參數遺失" msgid "Unexpected hostname" msgstr "未預期的主機名稱" msgid "Unexpected response" msgstr "未預期的回應" msgid "Invalid JSON" msgstr "無效的 JSON" msgid "The response parameter is invalid or malformed" msgstr "無效或格式錯誤的回應參數" msgid "The secret parameter is invalid or malformed" msgstr "無效或格式錯誤的秘密參數" msgid "" "View your site’s Activity " "to investigate when and perhaps why it went down." msgstr "" "檢視網站活動,調查停機的時間" "和可能原因。" msgid "" "This is a follow up to a recent Jetpack Monitor alert you received. It " "appears that %2$s is still not loading and has been " "offline since %3$s, %4$s." msgstr "" "這是你近期收到 Jetpack Monitor 警示的後續追蹤。%2$s 從 " "%4$s %3$s 離線至今仍未載入。" msgid "" "We will continue monitoring your site, and will let you know when it’s " "online again." msgstr "我們將持續監控你的網站,並在網站再度上線時通知你。" msgid "" "If you continue seeing downtime, you should get in touch with your hosting " "provider for help." msgstr "如果還是看見網站停機,應聯絡你的主機服務提供者請求協助。" msgid "%2$s did not load when we checked on %3$s, %4$s" msgstr "%2$s 未在我們於 %4$s %3$s 檢查時載入。" msgid "Support documentation" msgstr "支援文件" msgid "" "{{strong}}Need help?{{/strong}} Search our support site to find out about " "your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress." msgstr "" "{{strong}}需要協助嗎?{{/strong}}搜尋我們的支援網站,了解你的網站、帳戶,以及" "如何善用 WordPress。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Need help?{{/strong}} A Happiness Engineer can answer questions " "about your site and your account." msgstr "" "{{strong}}需要協助嗎?{{/strong}}Happiness Engineer 可以回答有關網站和帳戶的" "問題。" msgid "" "WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning " "today. " msgstr "WordAds 可為你刊登宣傳內容,進而賺取收入。今天開始賺取收入。" msgid "" "Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance." msgstr "無限量預先排程 Twitter 推文、Facebook 文章和其他社交文章。" msgid "Premium themes" msgstr "進階版佈景主題" msgid "Deleting…" msgstr "正在刪除..." msgid "Failed to delete page." msgstr "刪除頁面失敗。" msgid "Page trashed." msgstr "頁面已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "Failed to trash page." msgstr "將頁面移至垃圾桶失敗。" msgid "Trashing…" msgstr "正在移至垃圾桶..." msgid "Failed to restore page." msgstr "復原頁面失敗。" msgid "Failed to publish page." msgstr "發佈頁面失敗。" msgid "" "You are not logged in. Please login now " "with your account so we can best support you." msgstr "" "你尚未登入。請立即使用 帳戶登入,讓我們為你提供最完善的支援。" msgid "Pingback marked as not spam" msgstr "引用通知已標示為非垃圾郵件" msgid "Pingback unapproved" msgstr "引用通知未獲核准" msgid "Pingback marked as spam" msgstr "引用通知已標示為垃圾郵件" msgid "Pingback restored" msgstr "引用通知已還原" msgid "Pingback received" msgstr "已收到引用通知" msgid "Pingback awaiting approval" msgstr "引用通知尚待核准" msgid "Pingback to %1$s from %2$s" msgstr "從 %2$s 引用至 %1$s" msgid "Pingback trashed" msgstr "引用通知已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "Pingback deleted" msgstr "已刪除引用通知" msgid "Pingback approved" msgstr "已核准引用通知" msgid "Comment marked as not spam" msgstr "留言已標記為非垃圾留言" msgid "Comment restored" msgstr "留言已還原" msgid "Comment by %1$s on %2$s: %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 在 %2$s 發佈留言:%3$s" msgid "Value must be a whole number" msgstr "值必須為整數" msgid "Please correct any errors above" msgstr "請更正上方任何錯誤" msgid "Max Characters" msgstr "字元數上限" msgid "Show exact matches only" msgstr "僅顯示完全相符的結果" msgid "Our international team of Happiness Engineers are ready to help!" msgstr "我們的 Happiness Engineer 國際團隊隨時能提供協助!" msgid "Did we mention world-class support?" msgstr "別忘了還有世界級的支援服務!" msgid "Jetpack world-class support" msgstr "Jetpack 世界級支援服務" msgid "Explore the benefits of Jetpack" msgstr "探索 Jetpack 方案的優點" msgid "Jetpack installed" msgstr "已安裝 Jetpack" msgid "%1$s disconnected from Jetpack." msgstr "%1$s 已與 Jetpack 中斷連線。" msgid "User disconnected" msgstr "使用者已中斷連線" msgid "%1$s connected to Jetpack. Welcome!" msgstr "%1$s 已與 Jetpack 連線。歡迎!" msgid "User connected" msgstr "使用者已建立連結" msgid "" "You might want to follow our guess: {{button}}Select %(timezoneName)s{{/" "button}}" msgstr "" "或是直接使用系統偵測到的時區設定:{{button}}選擇 %(timezoneName)s{{/button}}" msgctxt "" "Title saying that there has been a pingback, or someone linked to a post" msgid "Link" msgstr "連結" msgid "Account login with an e-mail link" msgstr "使用電子郵件連結登入帳戶" msgid "And More!" msgstr "還有其他許多功能!" msgid "You have blocked this site." msgstr "你已封鎖這個網站。" msgid "Unblock it if you'd like to see posts from {{em}}%s{{/em}} again." msgstr "如果想要從{{em}}%s{{/em}}再次看到文章,請解除封鎖網站。" msgid "Enable SEO Tools to optimize your site for search engines" msgstr "啟用 SEO 工具以針對搜尋引擎最佳化你的網站" msgid "" "This domain expired recently. To get it back please {{a}}contact support{{/" "a}}." msgstr "此網域最近已到期。若要恢復網域,請{{a}}聯絡支援部門{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Your domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} was added to your site. We have " "set everything up for you, but it may take a little while to start working." msgstr "" "網域{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}已成功新增至你的網站。我們已經完成所有設" "定,但它會需要一段時間才能運作。" msgid "" "Follow the instructions below to finish setting up your domain " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "請依照下列指示來完成網域{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}的設定。" msgid "All sessions are in English (%(language)s is not available)" msgstr "所有服務台課程皆為英文授課 (暫不提供%(language)s)" msgid "Please respond in English." msgstr "請用英文回答。" msgid "" "Click the green “Install Jetpack” button below. You'll be redirected to the " "Jetpack plugin page on your site’s wp-admin dashboard, where you'll then " "click the blue “Install Now” button." msgstr "" "請按下方的綠色「安裝 Jetpack」按鈕。系統會將你重新導向至 Jetpack 外掛程式頁" "面 (位於你網站的 WP 管理員儀表板),接著便可按一下藍色的「立即安裝」按鈕。" msgid "Next, click the blue “Activate Plugin” button to activate Jetpack." msgstr "接著,請按一下藍色的「啟用外掛程式」按鈕以啟用 Jetpack。" msgid "Finally, click the “Set up Jetpack” button to finish the process." msgstr "最後按一下「設定 Jetpack」按鈕,即可完成此程序。" msgid "" "You'll be redirected to the Plugins page on your site’s wp-admin dashboard, " "where you'll then Click the blue “Activate” link. " msgstr "" "系統會將你重新導向至外掛程式頁面 (位於你網站的 WP 管理員儀表板),接著便可按一" "下藍色的「啟用」連結。" msgid "Then click the “Set up Jetpack” button to finish the process." msgstr "然後按一下「設定 Jetpack」按鈕,即可完成此程序。" msgid "Set up Jetpack" msgstr "設定 Jetpack" msgid "Connect Jetpack to" msgstr "將 Jetpack 連結至" msgid "{{a}}All free features{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}所有免費功能{{/a}}" msgid "{{a}}All Personal features{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}所有個人方案功能{{/a}}" msgid "{{a}}All Premium features{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}所有進階方案功能{{/a}}" msgid "{{strong}}Unlimited{{/strong}} Video hosting" msgstr "{{strong}}無限{{/strong}}線上影片託管。" msgid "" "Easy video uploads, and a fast, unbranded, customizable video player, " "enhanced with rich stats and unlimited storage space. " msgstr "" "簡易的影片上載,以及快速、零商標、可客製化的影片播放器,搭配豐富的統計資料以" "及無限的儲存空間。" msgid "" "Put your site to work and earn through ad revenue, easy-to-add PayPal " "buttons, and more." msgstr "透過廣告、簡單無痛的PayPal按鈕等方式用你的網站來賺取收益。" msgid "Site Monetization" msgstr "利用網站獲取收益" msgid "" "Automatic daily backups of your entire site, with unlimited, WordPress-" "optimized secure storage." msgstr "每天自動將你的整個網站備份至無限、針對WordPress最佳化的安全空間。" msgctxt "Verb. Button to invite more users." msgid "Invite" msgstr "邀請" msgid "Back to %(hostname)s" msgstr "返回 %(hostname)s" msgid "Must be a physical address." msgstr "必須是實體地址。" msgid "Try our new backup service" msgstr "試試我們全新的備份服務" msgid "Get real-time backups with one-click restores to any event in time." msgstr "取得即時備份,讓你及時一鍵復原任何事件。" msgid "" "I’m writing you today because I noticed that you have an unclaimed credit on " "your account — a credit that will allow you to secure a custom site " "address of your choice completely free of charge for the first year." msgstr "" "我們寄出這封郵件,是因為發現你帳戶中仍有未領取的優待;這項優待可讓你選擇並取" "得一個自訂的網站位址,且第一年完全免費。" msgid "" "P.S. When you select a new site address for free, " "we’ll automatically redirect traffic from your old domain to " "your new one, so you won’t lose a single follower." msgstr "" "附註:當你免費選取新的網站位址後,我們會將你舊有的 " " 網域流量自動重新導向至新網域,因此你不會失去任何關注者。" msgid "Claim my free site address" msgstr "領取免費網站位址" msgid "Click below to secure the address of your choice." msgstr "按下方以取得選擇的位址。" msgid "" "And the best thing is, because you already have a plan, you " "can claim a new site address right now, entirely free of charge for one year." msgstr "" "最棒的是,由於你擁有 方案,因此可立即取得全新網站位址,而且一整" "年完全免費。" msgid "" "But if you’re building something more than a hobby site, I encourage you to " "claim a site address that doesn’t include “”." msgstr "" "但是,如果你想架設網站的動機並非基於個人嗜好,建議你領取不包含「wordpress." "com」的網站位址。" msgid "" "With one of these addresses, you can make a more unique, lasting impression " "on your visitors and possibly rank higher in search results." msgstr "" "使用此類位址可讓你的網站更獨特,並加深訪客的印象,還可能提升網站的搜尋結果排" "名。" msgid "" "But if you’re building something more than a hobby site, I encourage you to " "claim a site address that doesn’t include “”. Here are a few " "options we would suggest for your site:" msgstr "" "但是,如果你想架設網站的動機並非基於個人嗜好,建議你領取不包含「wordpress." "com」的網站位址。以下是針對你網站所提出的幾個建議選項:" msgid "" "You see, your site address (we call it a “domain name”) is the first thing " "visitors notice about your brand. And right now, your website address is %s. " "That’s perfectly fine if you’re building this site for fun." msgstr "" "如你所見,訪客來到任何網站,第一眼先看到的,就是網站的網址,也就是所謂的「網" "域名稱」;你現在使用的網址是 %s,如果你架網站只是為了好玩,用這個網址,一點問" "題也沒有。" msgid "" "If you’re in search of ideas for growing your brand and driving more traffic " "to your site, I’m here today with a tip that has helped hundreds of " "thousands of site owners do just that." msgstr "" "如果你正在思考如何擴展品牌,並為網站帶來更多流量,現在提供你一個曾幫助成千上" "萬網站擁有者達成目標的秘訣。" msgid "Included in paid plans" msgstr "付費方案內含項目" msgid "Your site is securely backed up on off-site servers." msgstr "你的網站可安全備份在異地伺服器上。" msgid "All Premium Features" msgstr "所有進階版功能" msgid "All Personal Features" msgstr "所有個人版功能" msgid "All Free Features" msgstr "所有免費功能" msgid "Experiencing connection issues? Try to go back and restore your site." msgstr "發生連線問題?請嘗試返回,並還原你的網站。" msgid "Unset Preference" msgstr "清除喜好設定" msgid "No Preferences" msgstr "沒有喜好設定" msgid "Preferences" msgstr "偏好設定" msgid "Jetpack Plugin" msgstr "Jetpack 外掛程式" msgid "Server username" msgstr "伺服器使用者名稱" msgid "Server password" msgstr "伺服器密碼" msgid "Clear All Accepted" msgstr "清除「全部已接受的邀請」" msgid "Are you sure you wish to clear all accepted invites?" msgstr "你確定要清除所有已接受的邀請嗎?" msgid "Your site address can only contain letters and numbers." msgstr "網站位址只能包含英文字母 (a-z) 和數字。" msgid "" "Once you change your site address, %(currentDomainName)s will no longer be " "available." msgstr "網站位址變更後,將無法繼續使用 %(currentDomainName)s。" msgid "Check the box to confirm" msgstr "勾選方框以確認" msgid "" "Switching to a new device? {{changephonelink}}Follow these steps{{/" "changephonelink}} to avoid losing access to your account." msgstr "" "切換至新的裝置?{{changephonelink}}請依照下列步驟執行{{/changephonelink}},以" "避免失去帳戶的存取權限。" msgid "Upgrading adds powerful features to help grow your business" msgstr "立即升級以獲得更強大的網站功能,協助業務蒸蒸日上" msgid "" "A functional and responsive theme perfect for your business’s online " "presence." msgstr "功能完善且回應迅速的佈景主題,符合貴公司的網路知名度。" msgid "" "A clean and polished theme with a light color scheme, bold typography, and " "full-width images. It’s designed to enhance your content and provide an " "immersive experience for your readers." msgstr "" "乾淨簡練的佈景主題,使用明亮的顏色配置、醒目的字體以及全幅圖片。其設計旨在強" "化你的內容,並帶給讀者投入的瀏覽體驗。" msgid "" "A stylish, classic design for your personal blogging and longform writing." msgstr "兼具現代風格與經典元素的設計,最適合用於個人網誌及撰寫長篇幅的文章。" msgid "A fresh, stylish design for sharing your writing." msgstr "透過風格清新時尚的設計分享你的文章。" msgid "" "Ideal for showcasing a mix of longform writing, beautiful images, and " "inspiring quotes." msgstr "最適合用來呈現融合了長篇幅文章、精采圖片及名言金句的豐富內容。" msgid "" "The annual WordPress theme for 2015 is super-clean, content-focused, and " "designed to bring a little more simplicity to our blogs." msgstr "" "2015 年推出的 WordPress 年度佈景主題採用極簡設計,並以內容為重,展現出簡約的" "網誌風格。" msgid "" "A stunning option for your personal blog. Bold featured images act as the " "backdrop to your text, giving you a high-contrast, readable theme that’s " "perfect for making your content pop." msgstr "" "絕對是你建立個人網誌的絕佳選擇。你可以使用顯眼的特色圖片作為文字背景,創造出" "對比鮮明且清楚易讀的佈景主題,讓你的內容更加突出。" msgid "" "A simple theme with clean typography, created with entrepreneurs and small " "business owners in mind." msgstr "" "我們在設計上悉心考慮了創業家及小型企業主的需求,以簡約的佈景主題搭配簡潔的排" "版方式。" msgid "" "A business theme with clean, streamlined design, ideal for health and " "wellness-focused websites." msgstr "簡潔洗鍊風格的企業佈景主題,是健康保健主題網站的首選。" msgid "" "Lodestar is a modern one-page parallax theme designed with startups and " "small-business ventures in mind." msgstr "" "「Lodestar」是單頁垂直視差式佈景主題,現代的風格適合新創企業主及小型企業主。" msgid "" "Elegant tiles help artists, photobloggers, and other creatives showcase " "their talents." msgstr "簡潔雅緻的方磚設計,能讓藝術創作者、攝影部落客及其他創作人士展現才華。" msgid "" "Simple and clean, Apostrophe 2 shines in the little details: bold type, " "bright color, and big images." msgstr "" "風格乾淨簡約的「Apostrophe 2」採用粗體字型、明亮色彩及大型圖片,在小細節中流" "露巧思。" msgid "" "Displays words and images in perfect balance: a post’s featured image and " "text excerpt get equal billing on the main blog page, while single posts and " "pages size and position images dynamically, depending on the screen size." msgstr "" "完美平衡地顯示文字與圖片:一篇文章的特色圖片與文字摘要在網誌主頁面中會有相等" "的曝光,且單一文章及頁面會依據畫面的尺寸,動態調整圖片的大小與位置。" msgid "" "A clean and flexible theme perfectly suited for minimalist magazine-style " "sites, personal blogs, or any content-rich site." msgstr "" "風格簡約清爽、可靈活調整的佈景主題,非常適合極簡主義的雜誌風格網站、個人網誌" "或任何內容豐富的網站。" msgid "" "A minimalist portfolio theme that helps you create a strong — yet beautiful " "— online presence." msgstr "極簡風格的作品集佈景主題,有助你創造出美觀且個性強烈的網路形象。" msgid "" "A flexible and versatile theme perfect for magazines, news sites, and blogs." msgstr "充滿彈性且功能豐富的佈景主題,適合用於雜誌、新聞網站及網誌。" msgid "" "An elegant blog and magazine theme that features full-screen Featured Images." msgstr "風格優雅的網誌及雜誌佈景主題,可使用滿版的特色圖片。" msgid "Which type of business are you?" msgstr "你經營哪一種商家呢?" msgid "Physical Location or Service Area" msgstr "實體位置或服務地區" msgid "" "Your business has a physical location customers can visit, or provides goods " "and services to local customers, or both." msgstr "" "我的商家可以是提供實體位置供顧客造訪的商家,或是可向當地顧客提供商品及服務的" "商家,也可以是兩者皆有。" msgid "" "Don't provide in-person services? Learn more about reaching your customers " "online." msgstr "沒有提供面對面的服務?深入瞭解如何透過網路觸及顧客。" msgid "Create Listing" msgstr "建立我的清單" msgid "Online Only" msgstr "只有網上商店" msgid "By continuing, you agree to our {{button}}Terms of Service{{/button}}." msgstr "繼續操作即代表你同意我們的{{button}}服務條款{{/button}}。" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "Update Card" msgstr "更新卡片" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "Refund" msgstr "退款" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "Start Trial" msgstr "開始試用" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "Recurring" msgstr "停用重複功能" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "New Purchase" msgstr "新購買" msgctxt "" "Translators: This is the billing agreement for PayPal Express biyearly " "agreement and is limited to 127 single-byte characters" msgid "" "Your subscription will auto-renew every 2 years. You may disable auto-renew " "at any time from your dashboard." msgstr "" "你的訂閱會每 2 年自動續訂。你隨時可以透過 儀表板停用自動續訂功" "能。" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s pending review modified" msgstr "待審中的%s已修改" msgid "Portfolio pending review modified" msgstr "待審中的作品集已修改" msgid "Testimonial pending review modified" msgstr "待審中的證詞已修改" msgid "Post pending review modified" msgstr "待審中的文章已修改" msgid "Page pending review modified" msgstr "待審中的頁面已修改" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "Scheduled %s modified" msgstr "已排程的%s已修改" msgid "Scheduled Portfolio modified" msgstr "已排程的作品集已修改" msgid "Scheduled Testimonial modified" msgstr "已排程的證詞已修改" msgid "Scheduled Post modified" msgstr "已排程的文章已修改" msgid "Scheduled Page modified" msgstr "已排程的頁面已修改" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s draft modified" msgstr "%s草稿已修改" msgid "Portfolio draft modified" msgstr "作品集草稿已修改" msgid "Post draft modified" msgstr "已修改文章草稿" msgid "Testimonial draft modified" msgstr "證言草稿已修改" msgid "Page draft modified" msgstr "頁面草稿已修改" msgid "%1$s logged out at IP Address %2$s" msgstr "%1$s (IP 位址 %2$s) 已登出" msgid "%1$s successfully logged in" msgstr "%1$s 已成功登入" msgid "%1$s successfully logged in from IP Address %2$s" msgstr "%1$s (IP 位址 %2$s) 已成功登入" msgid "Failed login attempt from IP Address: %1$s" msgstr "嘗試登入失敗,IP 位址為:%1$s" msgid "%1$s had a failed login attempt from IP Address: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 嘗試登入失敗,IP 位址為:%2$s" msgid "" "Press the button below to request an SMS verification code. Once you receive " "our text message at your phone number ending with " "{{strong}}%(smsLastFour)s{{/strong}} , enter the code below." msgstr "" "按一下下方的按鈕,即可索取簡訊驗證碼。當你收到我們傳送至電話號碼結尾為 " "{{strong}}%(smsLastFour)s{{/strong}} 的簡訊之後,請於下方輸入驗證碼。" msgid "Hello!" msgstr "你好!" msgid "Pick a plan that fits your needs." msgstr "選擇適合你需求的方案。" msgid "The specified blog id does not exist." msgstr "指定的網誌 ID 不存在。" msgid "The specified blog id does not map to a Jetpack blog." msgstr "指定的網誌 ID 無法對應到 Jetpack 網誌。" msgid "Please select a category from the provided list." msgstr "請從提供的清單中選取一個分類。" msgid "Explore our Jetpack plans" msgstr "深入瞭解 Jetpack 方案" msgid "Visit site admin" msgstr "造訪網站管理" msgid "Now that you're set up, pick a plan that fits your needs." msgstr "現在你已經連結成功,請選擇一項適合你需求的方案。" msgid "WordAds" msgstr "WordAds" msgid "" "Your site is being backed up because it is set up with Jetpack Premium at no " "additional cost to you." msgstr "由於你使用 Jetpack 進階版建立網站,因此你的網站會免費進行備份。" msgid "" "Finish setting up Jetpack and your site is ready to be transformed into the " "site of your dreams." msgstr "只要完成 Jetpack 相關設定,你的網站就可以化身為你夢寐以求的網站。" msgid "Showing %(shown)d invite of %(found)d." msgid_plural "Showing %(shown)d invites of %(found)d." msgstr[0] "正在顯示 %(shown)d 個邀請 (共 %(found)d 個)。" msgid "To view more invites, clear some of your existing invites first." msgstr "若要檢視更多邀請,請先清除你目前的部分邀請。" msgid "Revoke invite" msgstr "取消邀請" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the invite for %s." msgstr "刪除 %s 的邀請時發生錯誤。" msgid "Your email address must be verified." msgstr "您的電子郵件地址必須經過驗證。" msgid "Your token must have administrator permission." msgstr "你的權杖必須擁有管理員權限。" msgid "Direct support from our professional theme designers." msgstr "直接由專業佈景主題設計工具提供支援。" msgid "Enjoy a $100 coupon for WooCommerce extensions." msgstr "享有 WooCommerce 延伸模組的 100 美元優惠券。" msgid "Woo Extensions" msgstr "Woo 延伸模組" msgid "" "Premium WordPress themes for all kinds of businesses, available for free." msgstr "免費提供適用於各種企業的 WordPress 進階佈景主題。" msgid "Best value for WordPress themes, support, and security." msgstr "最超值的 WordPress 佈景主題、支援及安全性。" msgid "Best for organizations and online stores." msgstr "組織與網路商店的最佳選擇。" msgid "Fast, ad-free video hosting." msgstr "迅速又無廣告的影片託管。" msgid "One-click resolution of common malware threats." msgstr "一鍵排除所有常見的惡意軟體威脅。" msgid "Automatic detection of malicious code inserted into your site." msgstr "自動偵測插入網站的惡意程式碼。" msgid "Easily generate income with ads and a simple payment button." msgstr "透過廣告及簡單的付款按鈕輕鬆賺取收入。" msgid "automated taxes" msgstr "自動計算稅額" msgid "Security, marketing, and revenue tools to grow WordPress sites." msgstr "提供安全性、行銷及收益工具,讓你有效發展 WordPress 網站。" msgid "Best for small businesses." msgstr "小型企業最佳選擇。" msgid "Get faster resolution to your questions." msgstr "讓你的問題更快獲得解決。" msgid "" "Instantly restore your site to a previous point in time with a single click." msgstr "只要按一下滑鼠,即可立即將網站還原到先前的某個時間點。" msgid "Instant Restore" msgstr "立即還原" msgid "Restore your site to any point in time." msgstr "可將你的網站還原到任何時間點。" msgid "Backup Archive History" msgstr "備份封存記錄" msgid "Regardless of size, we back up your entire site." msgstr "無論網站大小,我們都能完整備份。" msgid "Off-site backups for every site." msgstr "為所有網站進行異地備份。" msgid "Automatic filtering and suppression of spam." msgstr "自動過濾及隱藏垃圾訊息。" msgid "Security essentials every WordPress site needs." msgstr "所有 WordPress 網站都需要的安全性基本服務。" msgid "Best for your personal site." msgstr "個人網站的最佳選擇。" msgid "Contact us with any questions you may have about Jetpack." msgstr "如有任何關於 Jetpack 的問題,請與我們聯絡。" msgid "Basic Email Support" msgstr "基本電子郵件支援" msgid "" "Speed up your site by only loading images when they appear in the browser." msgstr "僅載入在瀏覽器中顯示的圖片,以提高網站速度。" msgid "Lazy Images" msgstr "延遲圖片" msgid "Reduce load times with blazing fast image hosting on our free CDN." msgstr "透過我們免費的 CDN 超快速圖片託管,縮短圖片載入時間。" msgid "Keep tabs on what’s happening under-the-hood." msgstr "監控發生的任何內部異狀。" msgid "Secure logins with optional two factor authentication." msgstr "透過選用的雙重驗證保護登入安全。" msgid "Prevent unauthorized users from logging into your site." msgstr "防止未經授權的使用者登入你的網站。" msgid "Get instant notifications when your site is down." msgstr "在你的網站停機時立即收到通知。" msgid "Downtime Monitoring" msgstr "停機時間監控" msgid "Keep all your plugins automatically up-to-date." msgstr "維持所有外掛程式自動更新" msgid "" "Edit your site’s metadata, page titles, and see previews for a better SEO " "experience." msgstr "編輯網站的中繼資料、網頁標題,以及檢視較理想的 SEO 體驗的預覽。" msgid "Verify your site with Google and other search engines." msgstr "透過 Google 和其他搜尋引擎驗證你的網站。" msgid "" "Make it easy for your visitors to share your posts, pages, and products." msgstr "讓訪客能夠輕鬆分享你的文章、頁面及產品。" msgid "Sharing Tools" msgstr "分享工具" msgid "Create a mailing list and keep in touch with your readers." msgstr "建立郵寄清單並與讀者保持聯繫。" msgid "Increase page views with automatically generated related content." msgstr "透過自動產生相關內容功能提高頁面瀏覽次數。" msgid "" "Simple and clear data on your site’s visitors, popular content, and searches." msgstr "提供與網站訪客、熱門內容及搜尋相關的簡明資料。" msgid "Embed simple and versatile contact forms on any page you like." msgstr "可在任何你喜愛的頁面上嵌入簡單且多樣的聯絡表單。" msgid "Publish, edit, and customize from the official WordPress mobile apps." msgstr "透過 WordPress 官方行動應用程式發佈、編輯及自訂內容。" msgid "Mobile Publishing" msgstr "行動發佈功能" msgid "Create and embed rich content of all kinds." msgstr "建立與嵌入各種豐富內容。" msgid "Rich Media" msgstr "豐富的媒體" msgid "" "Simple, code-free tools to make your site look and feel exactly how you want " "it to." msgstr "簡單的免程式碼工具可讓你自由設計想要的網站外觀與風格。" msgid "" "Hundreds of professional themes for business, blogs, portfolios, and online " "stores" msgstr "數百種專業佈景主題,適用於企業、網誌、個人作品集及網路商店。" msgid "Free Themes" msgstr "免費佈景主題" msgid "Everything you need to get started with WordPress." msgstr "開始使用 WordPress 的須知事項。" msgid "Get started with WordPress." msgstr "開始使用 WordPress。" msgid "Beta Program" msgstr "試用計畫" msgid "Security Library" msgstr "安全性媒體庫" msgid "Knowledge Base" msgstr "知識庫" msgid "Use a domain you already own with your new site." msgstr "在新的 網站使用你既有的網域。" msgid "Rotate your device to view this chart" msgstr "旋轉裝置以檢視此圖表" msgctxt "noun - username from noun - old_role to noun - new_role" msgid "%1$s from %2$s to %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 的角色從「%2$s」變更為「%3$s」" msgid "Automated Backups" msgstr "自動備份" msgid "" "Oops, something went wrong. We've been notified and are working on resolving " "this issue." msgstr "糟糕!發生某種錯誤。我們已收到通知,並試圖解決此問題。" msgid "" "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again soon or contact support for " "help." msgstr "糟糕!發生某種錯誤。請稍後再試一次,或聯絡我們的支援團隊以尋求協助。" msgid "Now let's get your domain transferred." msgstr "現在,讓我們來轉移你的網域。" msgid "Almost done!" msgstr "即將完成!" msgid "" "Your new site is now live, with a temporary domain. Start the transfer to " "get your domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} moved to" msgstr "" "你的新網站現已使用臨時網域上線。請開始執行轉移作業,以將你的網域 " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} 移至。" msgid "First address field requires at least 1 non-numeric character." msgstr "第一個地址欄位必須至少包含 1 個非數字字元。" msgid "This field must be at least %d characters." msgstr "此欄位必須至少包含 %d 個字元。" msgid "Organization name must have at least 4 characters." msgstr "組織名稱必須至少包含 4 個字元。" msgid "We can't back up or restore your site until it has been reconnected." msgstr "在成功重新連結之前,我們無法備份或還原你的網站。" msgid "World-class Support" msgstr "世界級支援服務" msgid "Jetpack World-class support" msgstr "Jetpack 世界級支援服務" msgid "Jetpack Security tools for WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 專用 Jetpack 安全性工具" msgid "Jetpack Marketing tools for WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 專用 Jetpack 行銷工具" msgid "View your site's backups and activity" msgstr "查看網站的備份資料和活動" msgid "On-demand" msgstr "隨選即用" msgid "Unlimited Archive" msgstr "無限制的封存" msgid "Log in or create a account to set up Jetpack" msgstr "登入或建立 帳戶以設定 Jetpack" msgid "Set up your store" msgstr "設定商店" msgid "What may we call you?" msgstr "請問要如何稱呼你?" msgid "Optionally, please tell us your last name." msgstr "或者你也可以告訴我們你的姓氏。" msgid "" "Sell products and services? Generate leads? Something else entirely? Be as " "specific as you can! It helps us provide the information you're looking for." msgstr "" "想要銷售產品和服務嗎?想要創造商機嗎?還是其他原因?越具體越好!這有助我們提" "供你想要尋找的資訊。" msgid "30 Day Archive" msgstr "30 天封存" msgid "Themes Support" msgstr "佈景主題支援" msgid "Security Support" msgstr "安全性支援" msgid "Product Support" msgstr "產品支援" msgid "Auto Fixes" msgstr "自動修正" msgid "Site Migration Tools" msgstr "網站遷移工具" msgid "Automated Site Restores" msgstr "自動化網站還原" msgid "Backup Storage Size" msgstr "備份儲存空間大小" msgid "Site Backups & Restores" msgstr "網站備份與還原" msgid "Secure Authentication" msgstr "安全驗證" msgid "Brute-force Attack Protection" msgstr "暴力攻擊防護" msgid "Core Security Features" msgstr "安全性核心功能" msgid "Security Tools" msgstr "安全性工具" msgid "Ad Program" msgstr "廣告方案" msgid "Easy Payment Buttons" msgstr "簡易付款按鈕" msgid "Custom Titles" msgstr "自訂標題" msgid "Custom META data tools" msgstr "自訂中繼資料工具" msgid "Live Preview: Twitter" msgstr "即時預覽:Twitter" msgid "Live Preview: Facebook" msgstr "即時預覽:Facebook" msgid "Plugin Auto-updates" msgstr "外掛程式自動更新" msgid "Easy Plugin Management" msgstr "簡易外掛程式管理" msgid "Live Preview: Google" msgstr "即時預覽:Google" msgid "Site Verification" msgstr "網站驗證" msgid "Social Share Scheduling" msgstr "社交分享排程功能" msgid "Auto Social Resharing" msgstr "自動社交轉分享功能" msgid "Auto Social Sharing" msgstr "自動社交分享功能" msgid "Post Sharing Tools" msgstr "文章分享工具" msgid "Automation" msgstr "自動化" msgid "Post Sharing History" msgstr "文章分享記錄" msgid "Advertising Stats" msgstr "廣告統計資料" msgid "Traffic & Insights" msgstr "流量和洞察報告" msgid "Marketing Tools" msgstr "行銷工具" msgid "Video CDN" msgstr "影片 CDN" msgid "Image CDN" msgstr "圖片 CDN" msgid "Performance" msgstr "效能" msgid "Easy Contact Forms" msgstr "簡易聯絡表單" msgid "Custom Comments" msgstr "自訂留言" msgid "Write Posts by Email" msgstr "透過電子郵件撰寫文章" msgid "Special Content Embeds" msgstr "特殊內容嵌入功能" msgid "Custom Sidebars" msgstr "自訂側邊欄" msgid "Gallery & Slideshow Tools" msgstr "圖庫和投影片工具" msgid "Customization" msgstr "自訂項目" msgid "Starter Themes" msgstr "入門佈景主題" msgid "Design Tools" msgstr "設計工具" msgid "Jetpack Design Tools for WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 專用 Jetpack 設計工具" msgid "" "We can't accept credentials for the root user. Please provide or create " "credentials for another user with access to your server." msgstr "" "我們無法接受根使用者的憑證。請提供或建立可存取你伺服器的其他使用者憑證。" msgid "Enhanced Site Search" msgstr "增強的網站搜尋功能" msgid "" "Schedule a personalized call with one of our engineers and receive ongoing " "priority support from our global team." msgstr "" "安排個人化通話與我們的工程師聯繫,並獲得由我們全球團隊不斷提供的優先支援。" msgid "" "Enable a superior Elasticsearch-powered search for your visitors that " "delivers faster and more relevant results." msgstr "" "啟用採用 Elasticsearch 技術的高階搜尋功能,讓你的訪客更快獲得相關度更高的結" "果。" msgid "Enhanced Site Search" msgstr "增強的網站搜尋功能" msgctxt "noun - type of widget: proper noun - name of widget" msgid "%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s:%2$s" msgid "Store Services" msgstr "商店服務" msgid "" "Enhance your site search with an Elasticsearch-powered service for faster " "and better results." msgstr "" "站內搜尋係透過 Elasticsearch 提供的高效能服務,提供更快、更精準的搜尋結果。" msgid "Upgrade to Professional" msgstr "升級至專業版" msgid "I no longer want to transfer my domain." msgstr "我不再需要轉移我的網域。" msgid "Something went wrong and I could not complete the transfer." msgstr "發生一些問題,我無法完成轉移程序。" msgid "I’m going to use my domain with without transferring it." msgstr "我要使用我的 網域,且無需轉移。" msgid "Create an account to set up Jetpack" msgstr "建立帳戶以設定 Jetpack" msgid "Your site has been created!" msgstr "已經建立你的新網站!" msgid "Only non-encrypted private keys are supported." msgstr "僅支援無加密的私人金鑰。" msgid "Invite people to follow your site or help you manage it." msgstr "邀請他人關注你的網站,或是幫你管理網站。" msgid "Site credentials deleted" msgstr "網站憑證已刪除" msgid "Checking domain lock status." msgstr "正在檢查網域鎖定狀態。" msgid "Please wait while we check the lock staus of your domain." msgstr "正在檢查你網域的鎖定狀態,請稍候。" msgid "Site credentials updated" msgstr "網站憑證已更新" msgid "We'll need you to complete a few manual steps." msgstr "你必須完成幾個手動步驟。" msgid "Invite" msgstr "邀請" msgid "We were unable to start the transfer." msgstr "我們無法成功啟動網域轉移作業。" msgid "Domain transfer waiting" msgstr "等待網域轉移啟動" msgid "" "Your domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is waiting for you to start the " "transfer. {{a}}More info{{/a}}" msgstr "" "你的網域{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}正在等你啟動轉移。{{a}}更多資訊{{/a}}" msgid "Start domain transfer" msgstr "啟動網域轉移" msgid "" "When you created your new site, %1$s, you purchased a " "domain transfer upgrade. We need you to complete a few preliminary steps to " "initiate and authorize the transfer." msgstr "" "在你建立新網站 %1$s 時,你購買了網域轉移升級服務。我們需要你" "完成一些前置步驟,以便開始並授權轉移作業。" msgid "Start Domain Transfer" msgstr "啟動網域轉移" msgid "" "This is just a friendly reminder you still need to start your domain " "transfer for %1$s." msgstr "這只是善意提醒,你仍然需要為 %1$s 啟動網域轉移作業。" msgid "Don't forget to transfer %1$s" msgstr "請記得遷移 %1$s" msgid "" "Your domain transfer won't start until you complete a few preliminary steps." "
Get started now" msgstr "" "在你完成一些前置步驟前,網域轉移將不會開始。
\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t立即開始" msgid "We need you to start the domain transfer!" msgstr "我們需要你啟動網域轉移作業!" msgid "" "Follow these instructions to complete your domain setup." msgstr "請依照指示完成網域設定。" msgid "Your action is needed." msgstr "需要你採取動作。" msgid "" "Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security " "threats." msgstr "你的網站已即時備份,並定期執行安全性威脅掃描。" msgid "SSH/SFTP" msgstr "SSH/SFTP" msgid "Unable to send more invitations. You can try again in a few minutes." msgstr "無法傳送更多邀請。你可以過幾分鐘後再試一次。" msgid "" "Did something come up and you can't make it? No worries! You can %sreschedule" "%s or %scancel%s your session." msgstr "" "你是否曾臨時有事,而耽擱了上課時間?別擔心!你可以%s重新安排時間%s或%s取消%s" "你的課程。" msgid "View your activity" msgstr "檢視你的活動" msgid "Migrate credentials" msgstr "遷移憑證" msgid "" "You've already configured VaultPress correctly, so we're ready to migrate " "your credentials over to Jetpack with just one click. Are you ready to " "switch to our faster, more powerful system? Let's go!" msgstr "" "你已正確設定 VaultPress,只要按一下就能將你的憑證遷移至 Jetpack。準備好切換到" "我們更快更強大的系統了嗎?我們開始吧!" msgid "Migrate your credentials" msgstr "遷移你的憑證" msgid "" "Note: Moving to Jetpack backups and security is final, and the VaultPress " "backups previously generated will not be migrated to the new system. We will " "retain the data in case you need to restore to a backup made before you " "switched." msgstr "" "附註:切換到 Jetpack 備份與安全性即是最終步驟,先前產生的 VaultPress 備份將不" "會遷移到新系統。我們會保留資料,以免你需要使用切換之前的備份進行還原。" msgid "Site credentials" msgstr "網站憑證" msgid "" "We'll guide you through the process of finding and entering your site's " "credentials." msgstr "我們會帶領你找到並輸入網站的憑證。" msgid "Continue setup" msgstr "繼續設定" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack's new backups and security" msgstr "歡迎使用新的 Jetpack 備份與安全性" msgid "" "Backing up and securing your site should be a breeze. Our new seamless " "system makes it possible to see all your site's activity from one convenient " "dashboard." msgstr "" "備份及保護網站應當易如反掌。有了我們全新的流暢系統,你便能在同一個儀表板上檢" "視網站的所有活動,相當方便。" msgid "What else can it do?" msgstr "還有什麼功能呢?" msgid "" "As soon as you switch over, we will start tracking every change made to your " "site and allow you to restore to any past event. If you lose a file, get " "hacked, or just liked your site better before some changes, you can restore " "with a click of a button." msgstr "" "一旦切換完成,我們便會開始追蹤網站的每個變動,讓你能還原至任何過去的事件。如" "果你遺失檔案、遭駭客入侵,或只是喜歡部分變更之前的網站樣貌,只需一鍵便能輕鬆" "還原。" msgid "Stay on top of your site's security" msgstr "隨時瞭解網站安全" msgid "" "When something happens to your website you want to know it immediately. And " "you will—we'll send you instant alerts based on our 24/7 monitoring of " "advanced threats." msgstr "" "你希望能夠即時瞭解網站的任何變化。有了我們全年無休的進階威脅監控,你將會收到" "即時警示。" msgid "Log all events on your site" msgstr "記錄網站上的所有事件" msgid "" "Access a new, streamlined history of events on your site—from published " "posts to user-role changes. If you ever need to figure out what happened " "when, now you can get the answer in seconds." msgstr "" "存取簡化後的全新網站事件記錄,其中記載了從已發佈文章到使用者角色變更等事件。" "如果你需要釐清何時發生什麼事,現在幾秒內就能得到答案。" msgid "Success! Please visit your new registrar to complete the transfer." msgstr "順利完成!請前往新的註冊機構完成轉移。" msgid "Success! Contact your new registrar to complete the transfer." msgstr "順利完成!請聯絡新的註冊機構以完成轉移。" msgid "" "Please enter the IPS tag of the registrar you wish to transfer " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}} to." msgstr "" "請輸入註冊機構的 IPS 標籤,以便將 {{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/" "strong}} 移往該處。" msgid "Start typing an IPS tag…" msgstr "開始輸入 IPS 標籤…" msgid "Yes, Submit!" msgstr "是的,送出!" msgid "Transfer Confirmation" msgstr "轉移確認" msgid "" "Please verify you wish to set the registrar for " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}} to the following:" msgstr "" "請確認你希望將 {{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}} 的註冊機構設為:" msgid "" "After submitting this tag change, the domain will no longer be in our " "system. You will need to contact the new registrar to complete the transfer " "and regain control of the domain." msgstr "" "送出變更的標籤之後,此網域將不再位於我們的系統。你必須聯絡新的註冊機構,以完" "成轉移並重新取得網域的控制權。" msgid "" "{{strong}}.uk{{/strong}} domains are transferred by setting the domain's IPS " "tag here to the value provided by the new registrar and then contacting the " "{{em}}new registrar{{/em}} to complete the transfer." msgstr "" "若要轉移 {{strong}}.uk{{/strong}} 網域,請在此將網域的 IPS 標籤設定為新註冊機" "構提供的值,然後聯絡{{em}}新註冊機構{{/em}}以完成轉移。" msgid "IPS tag save failed!" msgstr "儲存 IPS 標籤失敗!" msgid "" "Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location " "nearest\n" "\t\tto your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost " "the loading speed of your site." msgstr "" "Jetpack 會最佳化你的圖片,並從距離訪客最近的伺服器向訪客提供這些圖片。使用我" "們的全球內容傳遞網路將可大幅提高網站的載入速度。" msgid "Lazy load images" msgstr "「延緩載入」圖片" msgid "Speed up your site" msgstr "為網站加速" msgid "Click here to start now!" msgstr "按一下這裡立即開始!" msgid "" "Simply click the link below and select the Business plan option to upgrade " "today. Once you upgrade, you’ll have 30 days to evaluate the plan and decide " "if it’s right for you." msgstr "" "你只要按一下下方的連結,然後選取要立即升級的商務方案選項。升級後,你將有 30 " "天的時間可以評估方案,看看這個方案是否符合你的需求。" msgid "" "The good news is that you can upgrade your plan today and try the Business " "plan risk-free thanks to our 30-day money-back guarantee." msgstr "" "好消息是,你可以立即升級你的方案,並嘗試無風險商務方案,享有我們的 30 天退款" "保證。" msgid "" "But please note: you don’t currently have access to this incredible " "selection of WordPress plugins because they are only available to Business " "plan customers and you haven’t upgraded yet." msgstr "" "請注意:由於你尚未升級,而這些外掛程式僅供商務方案的客戶使用,因此你目" "前無法存取這些好用的 WordPress 外掛程式選項。" msgid "" "Like I mentioned, there are more than 50,000 plugins available. So no matter " "what you’re trying to accomplish, I bet there’s a plugin to help you achieve " "that goal." msgstr "" "如前所述,我們總共提供超過 50,000 種外掛程式。因此,無論你有什麼天馬行空的想" "法,永遠可以在這裡找到助你達成目標的外掛程式。" msgid "" "Do you want to create a private, customer-only section on your site? There’s " "a plugin for that, too." msgstr "你是否想要在自己的網站上打造私人自訂專區呢?我們有適合的外掛程式。" msgid "" "Do you want to connect your site to Salesforce? There’s a plugin for that." msgstr "你是否想要將你的網站連結到 Salesforce?我們也有具備此功能的外掛程式。" msgid "And that’s barely scratching the surface." msgstr "當然,這只不過是略舉一二。" msgid "OptinMonster: Turn your site into a lead generation powerhouse." msgstr "OptinMonster:讓你的網站發揮領先世代的強大功能。" msgid "" "Appointments+: Let your customers book and pay for appointments by " "themselves." msgstr "Appointments+:讓你的客戶自行預約時段及付費。" msgid "Gallery: Add beautiful photo galleries and albums to your site." msgstr "Gallery:在網站上加入美麗的照片圖庫和相簿。" msgid "" "Installing plugins on your site is a bit like downloading an app on your " "phone. Except, instead of getting a new game or productivity tool, you get " "new features and functionality for your site." msgstr "" "在網站上安裝外掛程式就跟將應用程式下載到手機上差不多。只不過你是在網站中加入" "新的特色和功能,而不是取得新遊戲或生產力工具。" msgid "If you’re not, here’s why it’s such a big deal: " msgstr "如果你還沒探索過我們的外掛程式,以下是這個方案深受歡迎的理由:" msgid "" "If you’re familiar with WordPress plugins, you know why that’s exciting." msgstr "" "如果你十分熟悉 WordPress 外掛程式,你就知道為什麼這個方案如此令人期待。" msgid "This site is disconnected from Jetpack" msgstr "此網站已與 Jetpack 中斷連線" msgid "Site disconnected" msgstr "網站已中斷連線" msgid "Site connected" msgstr "網站已連線" msgid "No annual stats recorded" msgstr "沒有記錄年度統計資料" msgid "" "Before enabling these, turn on eCommerce in your Google Analytics dashboard." msgstr "" "請先在 Google Analytics (分析) 儀表板中開啟加強型電子商務,再予以啟用。" msgid "" "Something seems to be missing — please fill out all the required fields." msgstr "缺少了某些東西,請填寫所有的必填欄位。" msgid "" "The information you entered seems to be incorrect. Let's take another look " "to ensure everything is in the right place." msgstr "你輸入的資訊似乎不正確。請再檢查一次,確保所有項目皆在正確位置。" msgid "" "We looked for `wp-config.php` in the WordPress installation path you " "provided but couldn't find it." msgstr "我們在你提供的 WordPress 安裝路徑尋找「wp-config.php」,但沒有找到。" msgid "" "It looks like your server is read-only. To create backups and restore your " "site, we need permission to write to your server." msgstr "" "你的伺服器似乎設為唯讀。若要為你的網站建立備份及還原,我們需要伺服器的寫入權" "限。" msgid "" "We tried to access your WordPress installation through its publicly " "available URL, but it didn't work. Please make sure the directory is " "accessible and try again." msgstr "" "我們嘗試透過你網站的公開 URL 存取 WordPress 安裝,但沒有作用。請確保該目錄可" "存取並重試。" msgid "Dozens of Free Themes" msgstr "數十個免費佈景主題" msgid "Search for help…" msgstr "搜尋協助..." msgid "Switch now" msgstr "立即切換" msgid "%s is already customizing this changeset. Do you want to take over?" msgstr "%s 正在自訂此變更集。你要接替嗎?" msgid "" "%s is already customizing this changeset. Please wait until they are done to " "try customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved." msgstr "%s 正在自訂此變更集。請等待他們完成自訂操作。你的最新變更已自動儲存。" msgid "WordPress installation path" msgstr "WordPress 安裝路徑" msgid "Advanced settings" msgstr "進階設定" msgctxt "%1s = shipping service name, %2d = order id" msgid "Shipping Label: %1s for Order #%2d" msgstr "運送標籤:%1s (訂單編號 #%2d)" msgid "%1$sClick here to learn more%2$s." msgstr "%1$s深入了解%2$s。" msgid "View stats, moderate comments, create and edit posts, and upload media." msgstr "隨時隨地檢視網站統計資料、審核網友留言、編寫文章,還能上載相片或影片。" msgid "Download our free mobile app today." msgstr "立即下載我們的免費行動 App。" msgid "We could not find your appointment. Please try again later." msgstr "我們找不到你的預約。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "To reschedule your session, let us know your timezone and preferred day." msgstr "若要更換課程時間,請告訴我們你的所在時區及偏好日期。" msgid "" "If you prefer not to cancel the dispute or it is too late, you will be " "refunded once the payment provider has completed the dispute resolution, " "which can take up to 75 days. In this case, a $10 fee must be paid if you’d " "like to start a new subscription." msgstr "" "如果你不想取消爭議或逾期未取消,我們會在付款服務提供者完成爭議解決程序 (最多" "可能需要 75 天的時間) 後退款給你。在這種情況下,你必須支付 10 美元,才能開始" "新的訂閱。" msgid "" "If you have any questions about the dispute process, or if we can help " "further, please let us know." msgstr "如果你對爭議程序有任何疑問,或是需要我們進一步協助,請與我們聯絡。" msgid "" "If you prefer not to cancel the dispute or it is too late, you will be " "refunded once the payment provider has completed the dispute resolution, " "which can take up to 75 days. In this case, a $20 fee must be paid if you’d " "like to start a new subscription." msgstr "" "如果你不想取消爭議或逾期未取消,我們會在付款服務提供者完成爭議解決程序 (最多" "可能需要 75 天的時間) 後退款給你。在這種情況下,你必須支付 20 美元,才能開始" "新的訂閱。" msgid "" "If the dispute was done recently, you might be able to cancel the dispute " "with your bank. Once you’ve canceled the dispute, please reply to this " "email, and we’ll assist\tyou in restoring the subscription." msgstr "" "如果爭議是在近期提出,那麼你或許可以透過銀行取消此爭議。請你在取消爭議後回覆" "這封電子郵件,我們將會協助\t恢復你的訂閱狀態。" msgid "If you would like to continue using your subscription:" msgstr "如果你想繼續使用訂閱:" msgid "" "If you prefer not to cancel the dispute or it is too late, you will be " "refunded once the payment provider has completed the dispute resolution, " "which can take up to 75 days." msgstr "" "如果你不想取消爭議或逾期未取消,我們會在付款服務提供者完成爭議解決程序 (最多" "可能需要 75 天的時間) 後退款給你。" msgid "" "While the dispute is active we do not have the option to issue a refund." msgstr "在爭議未解決前,我們無法決定是否要核發退款。" msgid "" "If you no longer intend to use this subscription and would like a direct " "refund, please cancel the dispute on the payment through your bank or credit " "card, so that we have the option to\trefund the charge." msgstr "" "如果你不打算使用這個訂閱,而希望直接接受退款,請先就你透過銀行或信用卡所付款" "的項目,取消相關的爭議,我們才能決定是否要\t退還費用。" msgid "While the charge is in dispute, your subscription has been suspended." msgstr "如果該筆費用仍在爭議程序中,我們會先暫停你的訂閱。" msgid "" "When this happens, the transaction is reported as unauthorized or " "fraudulent, and we are fined $20 by our payment processor." msgstr "" "發生這種情形時,我們會將該筆交易列為未經授權或盜刷項目,並且須向付款處理公司" "繳付 20 美元的罰款。" msgid "" "Your recent purchase for the following order was disputed through your bank " "or credit card company, and the original payment was reversed." msgstr "" "你近期在以下訂單中的購買交易,遭銀行或信用卡公司列為有爭議的款項,我們會退還" "你原先的付款。" msgid "Payment Dispute" msgstr "付款爭議" msgid "There was a problem with your %s subscription payment" msgstr "%s 訂閱的付款發生問題" msgid "Transfer different domain" msgstr "轉移其他網域" msgid "Africa and Middle East" msgstr "非洲與中東地區" msgid "Americas" msgstr "美洲" msgid "Asia-Pacific" msgstr "亞太地區" msgid "Eastern Europe" msgstr "東歐" msgid "Western Europe" msgstr "西歐" msgid "unknown comment author" msgstr "留言作者不明" msgid "Something happened and we were unable to restore your site." msgstr "發生了一些問題,因此我們無法還原你的網站。" msgid "Please try again or contact support." msgstr "請再試一次,或聯絡支援部門。" msgid "Resend Invite" msgstr "重新傳送邀請" msgid "Your name cannot be empty" msgstr "你的名稱不可空白" msgid "Start setup" msgstr "開始設定" msgid "Teacher" msgstr "老師" msgid "Customer:" msgstr "顧客:" msgid "Purchase note" msgstr "購買備註" msgid "Items" msgstr "項目" msgid "Email receipt" msgstr "電子郵件收據" msgid "Mastercard" msgstr "MasterCard" msgid "VISA" msgstr "VISA" msgid "Shipping Label" msgstr "運送標籤" msgid "This field is required" msgstr "此欄位為必填" msgid "Legal" msgstr "法律" msgid "Select none" msgstr "全不選" msgid "Locations not covered by your other zones" msgstr "您的其他區域未涵蓋到的位置" msgid "Newfoundland and Labrador" msgstr "Newfoundland and Labrador" msgid "District Of Columbia" msgstr "哥倫比亞特區" msgid "USA" msgstr "美國" msgid "Create a product" msgstr "建立商品" msgid "Uh oh. Page not found." msgstr "糟糕,找不到頁面。" msgid "Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn't exist or has been moved." msgstr "很抱歉,你正在尋找的頁面並不存在或已移走。" msgid "Test mode" msgstr "測試模式" msgid "Select one" msgstr "選取一個" msgid "Average rating" msgstr "平均評分" msgid "On-hold" msgstr "暫停" msgid "Cash on delivery" msgstr "貨到付款" msgid "Payment failed." msgstr "支付失敗。" msgid "Province" msgstr "省" msgid "Street address" msgstr "街道地址" msgid "Postal code" msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "Trend" msgstr "趨勢" msgid "Products Purchased" msgstr "已購買產品" msgid "Coupons Used" msgstr "已使用的優惠券" msgid "No products found." msgstr "找不到商品" msgid "No categories found" msgstr "找不到分類" msgid "Store Address" msgstr "商店地址" msgid "Average order value." msgstr "平均訂單金額。" msgid "Total tax" msgstr "稅金總計" msgid "Tax rate." msgstr "稅率。" msgid "Zone name" msgstr "區域名稱" msgid "Add shipping method" msgstr "新增運送方式" msgid "A valid free shipping coupon" msgstr "一個有效的免運費優惠碼" msgid "Add shipping zone" msgstr "新增運送區域" msgid "Minimum order amount" msgstr "最低訂購金額" msgid "Free shipping requires..." msgstr "如果要免運費的話需要..." msgid "A minimum order amount AND a coupon" msgstr "每筆訂單的最小金額以及使用優惠碼" msgid "A minimum order amount OR a coupon" msgstr "每筆訂單的最小金額或使用優惠碼" msgid "A minimum order amount" msgstr "最小訂購金額" msgid "Shipping zone order." msgstr "運送區域排序。" msgid "Shipping zone name." msgstr "運送區域名稱" msgid "Shipping Zone" msgstr "運送區域" msgid "Shipping method(s)" msgstr "運送方式" msgid "Store Currency" msgstr "商店幣別" msgid "Method" msgstr "方法" msgid "Routing number" msgstr "路由號碼" msgid "Bank name" msgstr "銀行名稱" msgid "Account name" msgstr "戶口名稱" msgid "IBAN" msgstr "IBAN 國際銀行帳戶碼" msgid "Account number" msgstr "戶口號碼" msgid "BIC / Swift" msgstr "BIC / Swift 國際銀行編號" msgid "Payments" msgstr "付款" msgid "Store name" msgstr "商店名稱" msgid "Failed order" msgstr "未通過訂單" msgid "\"From\" address" msgstr "寄件人地址" msgid "Cancelled order" msgstr "已取消訂單" msgid "Refunded order" msgstr "已退款的訂單" msgid "Processing order" msgstr "正在處理訂單" msgid "Completed order" msgstr "完成訂購" msgid "New account" msgstr "新帳戶" msgid "Product sale price." msgstr "商品拍賣價格。" msgid "Percentage discount" msgstr "百分比折扣" msgid "Free Shipping" msgstr "免運費" msgid "Add your first product" msgstr "新增第一個產品" msgid "Edit product" msgstr "編輯商品" msgid "SKU:" msgstr "貨號:" msgid "Weight" msgstr "重量" msgid "Allow, but notify customer" msgstr "允許,但通知顧客" msgid "Inventory" msgstr "庫存" msgid "Search products" msgstr "搜尋商品" msgid "No product categories exist." msgstr "沒有商品分類" msgid "Search orders" msgstr "搜尋訂單" msgid "Fee" msgstr "費用" msgid "Tax" msgstr "稅金" msgid "Quantity" msgstr "數量" msgid "Refunded" msgstr "已退費" msgid "Copy billing address" msgstr "複製帳單地址" msgid "Add fee" msgstr "新增費用" msgid "Load shipping address" msgstr "載入運送地址" msgid "Shipping details" msgstr "運送資訊" msgid "Activity Log" msgstr "活動記錄" msgid "Add note" msgstr "新增備註" msgid "Add a site" msgstr "添加網站" msgid "Orders" msgstr "訂單" msgid "Edit order" msgstr "編輯訂單" msgid "Add a product" msgstr "新增產品" msgid "Set up payments" msgstr "設定付款" msgid "WooCommerce" msgstr "WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce Stripe Gateway" msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe 閘道" msgid "WooCommerce Services" msgstr "WooCommerce 服務" msgid "Building your site" msgstr "打造專屬網站" msgid "You have a new order! 🎉" msgstr "你有新訂單!🎉" msgid "Looking for stats?" msgstr "在尋找統計資料嗎?" msgid "Add credentials: %1$s" msgstr "新增憑證:%1$s" msgid "Store setup" msgstr "商店設定" msgid "" "Jetpack Premium now provides unlimited use of our video " "CDN. Save on hosting storage and bandwidth costs by streaming fast, ad-free " "video from our global network." msgstr "" "Jetpack 進階版現在可無限次使用我們的影片 CDN。我們的全球網路" "提供快速串流無廣告影片,可節省託管儲存空間和頻寬費用。" msgid "Load previous comments from %(commenterName)s and others" msgstr "載入 %(commenterName)s 和其他人先前的留言" msgid "Load previous comments from %(commenterName)s" msgstr "載入 %(commenterName)s 先前的留言" msgid "Load previous comment from %(commenterName)s" msgstr "載入 %(commenterName)s 先前的留言" msgid "Invitation accepted" msgstr "邀請已接受" msgid "The Site Language setting is disabled due to insufficient permissions." msgstr "因為權限不足,所以「網站語言」設定為停用。" msgid "" "The Site Language setting is disabled because your site has the WPLANG " "constant set." msgstr "因為你的網站已經設定 WPLANG 常數,所以「網站語言」設定為停用。" msgid "User role changed" msgstr "使用者角色已變更" msgid "User role and password changed" msgstr "使用者角色及密碼已變更" msgid "User password changed" msgstr "使用者密碼已變更" msgid "User capabilities changed" msgstr "使用者權限已變更" msgid "" "Add the Search widget to your sidebar to configure advanced search filters." msgstr "將搜尋小工具新增到側邊欄以設定進階搜尋篩選條件。" msgid "" "We're sorry to hear the %(productName)s plan didn't fit your current needs, " "but thank you for giving it a try." msgstr "" "得知 %(productName)s 方案不符合你目前的需求,我們深感遺憾,但仍感謝你的試用。" msgid "" "Your plan included the custom domain %(domain)s. You can cancel your domain " "as well as the plan, but keep in mind that when you cancel a domain you risk " "losing it forever, and visitors to your site may experience difficulties " "accessing it." msgstr "" "你的方案包含自訂網域 %(domain)s。你可以取消網域和方案,但請注意,一旦取消網" "域,你可能會永久失去該網域,而你網站的訪客也會難以存取該網域。" msgid "We'd like to offer you two options to choose from:" msgstr "我們希望提供你兩個選擇:" msgid "Cancel the plan, but keep %(domain)s." msgstr "取消方案,但保留 %(domain)s。" msgid "" "You'll receive a partial refund of %(refundAmount)s -- the cost of the " "%(productName)s plan, minus %(domainCost)s for the domain. There will be no " "change to your domain registration, and you're free to use it on WordPress." "com or transfer it elsewhere." msgstr "" "你會收到 %(refundAmount)s 的部分退款,此為 %(productName)s 方案的費用扣除網域" "的費用 %(domainCost)s。你的網域註冊不會有任何變化,你可以選擇在 WordPress." "com 上使用該網域,或是轉移至其他地方。" msgid "Cancel the plan {{em}}and{{/em}} the domain \"%(domain)s.\"" msgstr "取消方案{{em}}以及{{/em}}網域「%(domain)s」。" msgid "" "You'll receive a full refund of %(planCost)s. The domain will be cancelled, " "and it's possible you'll lose it permanently." msgstr "" "你會收到 %(planCost)s 的全額退款。網域會遭到取消,而且你可能會永久失去該網" "域。" msgid "" "When you cancel a domain, it becomes unavailable for a while. Anyone may " "register it once it's available again, so it's possible you won't have " "another chance to register it in the future. If you'd like to use your " "domain on a site hosted elsewhere, consider {{a}}updating your name " "servers{{/a}} instead." msgstr "" "當你取消網域時,該網域會有一段時間無法使用。當網域恢復為可用時,你可能再也沒" "有機會註冊該網域繼續使用。如果你想在其他地方的代管網站上使用你的網域,請考慮" "改為{{a}}更新你的名稱伺服器{{/a}}。" msgid "" "I understand that canceling my domain means I might {{strong}}never be able " "to register it again{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "我瞭解取消自己的的網域後,我可能{{strong}}永遠無法再次註冊該網域{{/strong}}。" msgid "Build your stunning website on" msgstr "用 打造令人驚豔的網站" msgid "Let's Build" msgstr "讓我們這就開始吧" msgid "" "This is the time to form a platform, community, business, or try something " "new." msgstr "打造一個平台、社區、企業或嘗試新事物的時候到了。" msgid "Idea to Reality" msgstr "化理想為現實" msgid "Your refund has been processed." msgstr "你的退款已經獲得受理。" msgid "" "Your %s subscription needs your attention. Although it is set to renew on " "%s, it does not have an associated payment method." msgstr "請注意你的 %s 訂閱。雖然已設定在 %s 續訂,但尚未設定相關聯的付款方式。" msgid "Missing payment information" msgstr "缺少付款資訊" msgid "Your subscription will be renewed shortly." msgstr "你的訂閱將在近期內續訂。" msgid "Set up your services." msgstr "設定服務。" msgid "Update payment method" msgstr "更新付款方式" msgid "Your credit card is expiring!" msgstr "你的信用卡已到期!" msgid "You can also reschedule your session. What would you like to do?" msgstr "你也可以重新安排課程時間。你想要怎麼做?" msgid "Reschedule session" msgstr "重新安排課程時間" msgid "Cancel session" msgstr "取消課程" msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$d more as %4$s" msgstr "%1$s、%2$s 及其他 %3$d 位均為「%4$s」身分" msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s as %4$s" msgstr "%1$s、%2$s 及 %3$s 均為「%4$s」身分" msgid "%1$s and %2$s as %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 與 %2$s 均為「%3$s」身分" msgid "This session is no longer available. Please select a different time." msgstr "這項課程已不再提供。請選取其他時間。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Ads Served{{/strong}} is the number of ads we attempted to display " "on your site (page impressions x available ad slots)." msgstr "" "{{strong}}廣告投放數{{/strong}}是我們嘗試在你的網站上顯示的廣告數量 (頁面曝光" "數 x 可用廣告版位)。" msgid "" "Jetpack Professional provides the design, tools, and support to bring your " "website to life." msgstr "Jetpack 專業版提供設計靈感、強大工具及支援服務,協助你賦予網站生命力。" msgid "" "The threat known as %1$s has been found in %2$s around lines %3$d - " "%4$d" msgstr "%2$s 中發現 %1$s 威脅,發現的位置約為第 %3$d 至 %4$d 行" msgid "" "A URL on this site has been flagged in Google's Safe Browsing database, " "which attempts to identify sites that may be phishing sites, hosting " "malware, or otherwise malicious" msgstr "" "此網站的 URL 已遭 Google 的安全瀏覽資料庫標記,該資料庫的作用在於嘗試辨識詐騙" "網站、惡意託管軟體或其他惡意行為" msgid "" "The WordPress core file %1$s has been modified; if you did not modify this " "file you should review it and replace it" msgstr "" "WordPress 核心檔案 %1$s 有所修改;如果您並未修改此檔案,請立即檢閱及更換。" msgid "" "%1$s %2$s has a known vulnerability in version %3$s; you should " "update or uninstall it, and consider enabling autoupdates" msgstr "" "%1$s %2$s 的 %3$s 版中有已知漏洞。請更新或解除安裝,並考慮啟用自動更" "新。" msgid "The threat known as %1$s is no longer present in %2$s: %3$s" msgstr "%2$s 中已不再發現名為 %1$s 的威脅:%3$s" msgid "" "URLs from this site are no longer present in Google's Safe Browsing database" msgstr "此網站的 URL 已不在 Google 的安全瀏覽資料庫中" msgid "The WordPress core file %1$s is no longer modified: %2$s" msgstr "WordPress 核心檔案 %1$s 不再修改:%2$s" msgid "The extension in %1$s is no longer vulnerable: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 中的擴充功能不再是漏洞:%2$s" msgid "Purchase management is not available. Please check back shortly." msgstr "購買管理功能無法使用。請稍後再回來查看。" msgid "Connect to" msgstr "連結" msgid "Notify me of new posts" msgstr "有新文章時通知我" msgid "Email me new posts" msgstr "有新文章時透過電子郵件通知我" msgid "Browser Info" msgstr "瀏覽器資訊" msgid "(Support Forums) Browser Info" msgstr "(支援論壇)瀏覽器資訊" msgid "" "Learn more about transferring a domain to at the following " "link:" msgstr "進一步瞭解如何將網域轉移至位於下列連結的" msgid "" "We refunded %1$s for the domain transfer on \"%2$s\". It may take 7-10 " "business days for the refund to appear in your account." msgstr "我們會提供%2$s網域轉移共%1$s退款,此作業大約需要7到10個工作天。" msgid "" "Learn more about transferring a domain to" msgstr "深入瞭解如何將網域轉移至。" msgid "" "If you still want to transfer the domain, you can start the transfer again. " "The transfer has to be confirmed within five days. Make sure to follow the " "instructions in the confirmation email, sent to the domain's administrative " "contact." msgstr "" "如果你仍想要轉移網域,可再次開始轉移作業,並且必須在五天內確認轉移。請務必依" "照確認電子郵件中的指示進行,並請傳送給該網域的管理連絡人。" msgid "" "We refunded %1$s for the domain transfer on %3$s. It may take 7-10 business days for the refund to appear in your account." msgstr "" "我們會提供%3$s網域轉移共%1$s的退款,此作業大約需" "要7到10個工作天。" msgid "" "You asked to transfer the domain %s to The transfer was not " "confirmed on time, so it was canceled automatically. There was no change to " "your domain." msgstr "" "你要求將網域「%s」轉移至,但並未按時確認該轉移作業,因此系統已" "自動取消轉移。你的網域不會有任何變更。" msgid "%s domain transfer cancelled" msgstr "%s 網域轉移已取消" msgid "%s domain transfer cancelled and refunded" msgstr "%s 網域轉移已取消並退款" msgid "This option has moved. You can now manage it %1$shere%2$s." msgstr "此選項已移動。你現在可在%1$s這裡%2$s加以管理。" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s scheduled" msgstr "%s已排程" msgid "Portfolio scheduled" msgstr "作品集已排程" msgid "Testimonial scheduled" msgstr "證詞已排程" msgid "Page trashed" msgstr "頁面已移至垃圾桶" msgid "Portfolio trashed" msgstr "個人作品集已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "Testimonial trashed" msgstr "證言已移至垃圾桶" msgid "Post trashed" msgstr "文章已移至垃圾桶" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s restored" msgstr "%s已還原" msgid "Portfolio restored" msgstr "作品集已還原" msgid "Post restored" msgstr "文章已還原" msgid "Page restored" msgstr "頁面已還原" msgid "Portfolio published" msgstr "作品集已發佈" msgid "Testimonial restored" msgstr "證言已復原" msgid "Portfolio modified" msgstr "作品集已修改" msgid "Post modified" msgstr "文章已修改" msgid "Page modified" msgstr "頁面已修改" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s deleted" msgstr "%s已刪除" msgid "Testimonial published" msgstr "證言已發佈" msgid "Testimonial modified" msgstr "證言已修改" msgid "Portfolio deleted" msgstr "作品集已刪除" msgid "Post deleted" msgstr "文章已刪除" msgid "Page deleted" msgstr "頁面已刪除" msgid "Testimonial deleted" msgstr "證言已刪除" msgid "" "Not every ad served will result in a paid impression. This can happen when:" msgstr "" "並非所有顯示的廣告都會帶來付費曝光數。發生下列情況時無法成為付費曝光數:" msgid "A visitor is using an ad blocker, preventing ads from showing." msgstr "訪客使用廣告封鎖器,阻擋廣告顯示。" msgid "A visitor leaves your site before ads can fully load in their browser." msgstr "廣告在訪客的瀏覽器中完全載入前,訪客就離開了你的網站。" msgid "" "There were no advertisers who bid higher than the minimum price required to " "display their ad." msgstr "沒有廣告主的競標出價高於顯示廣告所需的最低價格。" msgid "Earnings fluctuate based on real-time bidding from advertisers." msgstr "收益會根據廣告主的即時競標出價而波動。" msgid "Ads Served" msgstr "顯示的廣告" msgid "Foreign Individual" msgstr "外籍個人" msgid "UK Sole Trader" msgstr "英國獨資公司" msgid "UK Partnership" msgstr "英國合夥公司" msgid "UK Limited Liability Partnership" msgstr "英國有限責任合夥公司" msgid "UK Corporation by Royal Charter" msgstr "英國皇家特許公司" msgid "Non-UK Corporation" msgstr "非英國企業" msgid "UK Industrial/Provident Registered Company" msgstr "英國產業/互助會註冊公司" msgid "UK Limited Company" msgstr "英國有限公司" msgid "UK Public Limited Company" msgstr "英國公開有限公司" msgid "UK School" msgstr "英國學校" msgid "UK Government Body" msgstr "英國政府機構" msgid "UK Registered Charity" msgstr "英國註冊慈善機構" msgid "UK Statutory Body" msgstr "英國法定機構" msgid "UK Entity that does not fit another category" msgstr "不適用其他類別的英國實體公司" msgid "Non-UK Entity that does not fit another category" msgstr "不適用其他類別的非英國實體公司" msgid "Trading Name" msgstr "商業名稱" msgid "Registration Number" msgstr "註冊編號" msgid "There was a problem with this field." msgstr "此欄位發生問題。" msgid "" "Choose the option that best describes your presence in the United Kingdom:" msgstr "請選擇最能說明你英國網路現身條件的選項:" msgid "" "We sent an email to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} to confirm the transfer " "of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}More Info{{/a}}" msgstr "" "我們已傳送電子郵件至 {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} 確認 " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 的轉移作業。{{a}}更多資訊{{/a}}" msgid "Now click the {{editButton/}} button." msgstr "現在請按一下「{{editButton/}}」按鈕。" msgid "" "Need to adjust your image? Click {{editImageButton/}} to perform basic " "tweaks." msgstr "需要調整圖片嗎?按一下「{{editImageButton/}}」進行基本調整。" msgid "" "Click {{doneButton /}} to go back to your full library. Happy uploading!" msgstr "按一下「{{doneButton /}}」返回完整媒體庫。盡情上載吧!" msgid "Just another WordPress site" msgstr "全新的正體中文 WordPress 網誌" msgid "Reschedule to this date" msgstr "重新排程至這一天" msgid "Would you like to schedule a new session?" msgstr "是否要排程新課程?" msgid "Control how additional posts are loaded." msgstr "控制其他文章的載入方式。" msgid "" "Load posts as you scroll. Disable to show a clickable button to load posts." msgstr "" "文章會在捲動頁面時同步載入。停用這個功能,畫面上會顯示載入更多文章的按鈕。" msgid "" "Your site has a \"footer\" widget enabled so buttons will always be used. " "{{link}}Customize your site{{/link}}" msgstr "" "你的網站已啟用「頁尾」小工具,因此會一律使用按鈕。{{link}}自訂你的網站{{/" "link}}" msgid "Feed settings" msgstr "摘要設定" msgid "Display {{field /}} most recent blog posts" msgstr "顯示近期 {{field /}} 篇網誌文章" msgid "" "The number of posts to include in your site's feed. {{link}}Learn more about " "feeds{{/link}}" msgstr "網站摘要中要包含的文章數。{{link}}深入瞭解摘要{{/link}}" msgid "Limit feed to excerpt only" msgstr "將摘要設為僅限文章摘要模式" msgid "" "Enable this to include only an excerpt of your content. Users will need to " "visit your site to view the full content." msgstr "" "啟用此項將只包含內容的文章摘要。使用者必須造訪你的網站才能查看完整內容。" msgid "The domain has been transferred away and cannot be renewed." msgstr "網域已轉移,無法續訂。" msgid "Business address" msgstr "公司地址" msgid "Theme update available" msgid_plural "Theme updates available" msgstr[0] "有可用的佈景主題更新" msgid "Get the App" msgstr "下載應用程式" msgid "Important! Action required to transfer your domain %1$s" msgstr "注意!轉移網域 %1$s 須採取的動作" msgid "%(cardType)s ending in %(cardNum)s" msgstr "結尾為 %(cardNum)s 的 %(cardType)s" msgid "Your card number is incorrect." msgstr "你提供的卡號有誤。" msgid "You cannot enable Rewind for a free Jetpack site" msgstr "免費的 Jetpack 網站無法啟用倒轉功能" msgid "abuse" msgstr "虐待" msgid "accessories" msgstr "飾品" msgid "Accountant" msgstr "會計師" msgid "Activism" msgstr "激進主義" msgid "Adventure" msgstr "冒險" msgid "Advertising" msgstr "廣告" msgid "Affiliate" msgstr "附屬機構" msgid "Agriculture" msgstr "農業" msgid "Allergies" msgstr "過敏" msgid "Animals" msgstr "動物" msgid "Anime" msgstr "動漫" msgid "Apparel" msgstr "服飾" msgid "Architecture" msgstr "建築" msgid "Army" msgstr "軍隊" msgid "Astronomy" msgstr "天文學" msgid "Antique" msgstr "古典" msgid "Autism" msgstr "自閉症" msgid "Bakery" msgstr "麵包店" msgid "barber" msgstr "理髮" msgid "Basketball" msgstr "籃球" msgid "Beauty" msgstr "美妝" msgid "Beer" msgstr "啤酒" msgid "Bible" msgstr "聖經" msgid "Making" msgstr "製作" msgid "bookbinding" msgstr "裝訂" msgid "Bookkeeping" msgstr "記帳" msgid "bread" msgstr "麵包" msgid "Buddhism" msgstr "佛教" msgid "Business Consultant" msgstr "企業顧問" msgid "Cannabis" msgstr "大麻" msgid "Car Audio" msgstr "汽車音響" msgid "Cats" msgstr "貓" msgid "Ceramics" msgstr "製陶" msgid "Charity" msgstr "慈善機構" msgid "Christianity" msgstr "基督教" msgid "Church" msgstr "教堂" msgid "Cleaning Services" msgstr "清潔服務" msgid "clinic" msgstr "診所" msgid "clothes" msgstr "服裝" msgid "clothing" msgstr "成衣" msgid "coach" msgstr "教練" msgid "Dancer" msgstr "舞者" msgid "Coffee" msgstr "咖啡" msgid "College" msgstr "大學" msgid "Comedy" msgstr "喜劇" msgid "commercial" msgstr "商業" msgid "computer" msgstr "電腦" msgid "conference" msgstr "會議" msgid "Construction" msgstr "營建" msgid "Consultant" msgstr "顧問" msgid "Consulting" msgstr "諮詢" msgid "Cosmetics" msgstr "化妝品" msgid "Counseling" msgstr "輔導" msgid "Counseling Services" msgstr "輔導服務" msgid "Crafting" msgstr "工藝" msgid "Creative Writing" msgstr "創意寫作" msgid "Crowdfunding" msgstr "群眾募資" msgid "Cryptocurrency" msgstr "加密貨幣" msgid "Current Affairs" msgstr "時事" msgid "Cycling" msgstr "自行車運動" msgid "DIY" msgstr "DIY" msgid "DJ" msgstr "DJ" msgid "Daycare" msgstr "日間照顧機構/托兒所" msgid "Depression" msgstr "憂鬱" msgid "Dogs" msgstr "狗" msgid "Drawing" msgstr "繪畫" msgid "Dresses" msgstr "連身裙" msgid "E-Books" msgstr "電子書" msgid "Drums" msgstr "鼓" msgid "Additional websites" msgstr "教育服務" msgid "Electrician" msgstr "電工" msgid "Electronic Components" msgstr "電子元件" msgid "Engineering" msgstr "工程" msgid "Entrepreneur" msgstr "企業家" msgid "Entrepreneurship" msgstr "創業精神" msgid "Environment" msgstr "環境" msgid "Equestrian" msgstr "馬術" msgid "Faith" msgstr "信仰" msgid "Fan Fiction" msgstr "同人小說" msgid "Farm" msgstr "農場" msgid "Farming" msgstr "農事" msgid "Festival" msgstr "節慶" msgid "Financial" msgstr "金融" msgid "financial services" msgstr "金融服務" msgid "Fishing" msgstr "釣魚" msgid "Expiration" msgstr "到期日" msgid "Fitness" msgstr "健身" msgid "Florist" msgstr "花匠" msgid "Football" msgstr "橄欖球" msgid "Furniture" msgstr "家具" msgid "Games" msgstr "遊戲" msgid "Gaming" msgstr "玩遊戲" msgid "Genealogy" msgstr "系譜" msgid "Golf" msgstr "高爾夫" msgid "Graphic Designer" msgstr "平面設計" msgid "Gym" msgstr "健身房" msgid "HVAC" msgstr "HVAC" msgid "Hardware" msgstr "硬體" msgid "Health" msgstr "健康" msgid "Health and beauty" msgstr "健康與美容" msgid "healthcare" msgstr "健康照護" msgid "Hinduism" msgstr "印度教" msgid "Hobbies" msgstr "嗜好" msgid "Horses" msgstr "馬" msgid "How To" msgstr "操作解說" msgid "Hunting" msgstr "打獵" msgid "Inspiration" msgstr "靈感" msgid "Insurance" msgstr "保險" msgid "Illustrator" msgstr "插圖畫家" msgid "Interior Designer" msgstr "室內設計師" msgid "Investing" msgstr "投資" msgid "Islam" msgstr "伊斯蘭教" msgid "Jewelry" msgstr "珠寶" msgid "Jobs" msgstr "工作" msgid "Law" msgstr "法律" msgid "Leadership" msgstr "領導能力" msgid "Life" msgstr "生活" msgid "Journalism" msgstr "新聞業" msgid "Journalist" msgstr "記者" msgid "Life Coach" msgstr "生活教練" msgid "Lifestyle" msgstr "生活風格" msgid "Literature" msgstr "文學" msgid "Local News" msgstr "當地新聞" msgid "Makeup" msgstr "化妝" msgid "Maps" msgstr "地圖" msgid "Mathematics" msgstr "數學" msgid "Mechanic" msgstr "技工" msgid "medical" msgstr "醫療" msgid "medicine" msgstr "醫藥" msgid "More stories" msgstr "更多使用案例" msgid "Men" msgstr "男性" msgid "Military" msgstr "軍事" msgid "Motivation" msgstr "勵志" msgid "Networking" msgstr "網路" msgid "Newspapers" msgstr "報紙" msgid "Online store" msgstr "網路商店" msgid "Optician" msgstr "眼鏡行" msgid "Optometrist" msgstr "驗光師" msgid "Outdoors" msgstr "戶外" msgid "Painting" msgstr "油漆" msgid "Paranormal" msgstr "超自然" msgid "Parenting" msgstr "育兒" msgid "Performance Arts" msgstr "表演藝術" msgid "Performer" msgstr "表演者" msgid "Personal Development" msgstr "個人發展" msgid "Printer" msgstr "印刷商" msgid "Personal Website" msgstr "個人網站" msgid "Philosophy" msgstr "哲學" msgid "Photographer" msgstr "攝影師" msgid "Physical Therapy" msgstr "物理治療" msgid "Plumber" msgstr "水管工人" msgid "Poetry" msgstr "詩" msgid "Politics" msgstr "政治" msgid "pollution" msgstr "汙染" msgid "Printing" msgstr "印刷" msgid "Product Reviews" msgstr "產品評論" msgid "professional services" msgstr "專業服務" msgid "property" msgstr "財產" msgid "psychotherapy" msgstr "精神療法" msgid "Quiz" msgstr "測驗" msgid "Recipes" msgstr "食譜" msgid "Relationships" msgstr "關係" msgid "Reporter" msgstr "記者" msgid "Resort" msgstr "度假村" msgid "Restaurant" msgstr "餐廳" msgid "Robotics" msgstr "機器人" msgid "Romance" msgstr "羅曼史" msgid "Running" msgstr "跑步" msgid "salon" msgstr "沙龍" msgid "Science" msgstr "科學" msgid "Sales" msgstr "業務員" msgid "Reviews" msgstr "評價" msgid "Sewing" msgstr "縫紉" msgid "Shopping" msgstr "購物" msgid "Short Stories" msgstr "短篇故事" msgid "skincare" msgstr "護膚" msgid "Soccer" msgstr "足球" msgid "Software" msgstr "軟體" msgid "Shows" msgstr "節目" msgid "Solutions" msgstr "特定功能解決方案" msgid "Spirituality" msgstr "靈性" msgid "Storefront" msgstr "店面" msgid "Stylist" msgstr "造型師" msgid "supplies" msgstr "日常用品" msgid "TV" msgstr "電視" msgid "Tattoos" msgstr "紋身" msgid "therapy" msgstr "療法" msgid "Toys" msgstr "玩具" msgid "Translation Services" msgstr "翻譯服務" msgid "transport" msgstr "交通" msgid "Travel Agent" msgstr "旅行社" msgid "Taxes" msgstr "稅金" msgid "tutorials" msgstr "教學課程" msgid "Veterans" msgstr "退伍軍人" msgid "Veterans' Affairs" msgstr "退伍軍人事務" msgid "Virtual Reality" msgstr "虛擬實境" msgid "Watches" msgstr "手錶" msgid "Web Design" msgstr "網頁設計" msgid "Web Designer" msgstr "網頁設計師" msgid "Web Developer" msgstr "網頁開發人員" msgid "Wedding Planner" msgstr "婚禮企劃師" msgid "Weight Loss" msgstr "減重" msgid "well-being" msgstr "福祉" msgid "Wellness" msgstr "保健" msgid "Wine" msgstr "葡萄酒" msgid "Women" msgstr "女性" msgid "World News" msgstr "世界新聞" msgid "Yoga" msgstr "瑜珈" msgid "YouTube video" msgstr "Youtube 影片" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} can be transferred in " "%(transferDelayInDays)s days." msgstr "%(transferDelayInDays)s 天內可轉移 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "" "You don't have to wait though. Connect your domain to your site now, without " "transferring it. {{a}}Learn how{{/a}}." msgstr "" "但你無需等待。立即將你的網域連結至你的網站,無需轉移網域。{{a}}瞭解作法{{/" "a}}。" msgid "" "Transferring this domain would extend the registration period beyond the " "maximum allowed term of %(termMaximumInYears)d years. It can be transferred " "starting %(transferEligibleDate)s." msgstr "" "轉移這個網域會延長原來允許的 %(termMaximumInYears)d 年註冊期限上限。自 " "%(transferEligibleDate)s 起開放轉移。" msgid "Connect domain without transferring" msgstr "無需轉移即可連結網域" msgid "Can't get the domain's lock status." msgstr "無法取得網域的鎖定狀態。" msgid "Status unavailable" msgstr "無法取得狀態" msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem subscribing you to notifications. Please try again." msgstr "很抱歉,訂閱通知時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem unsubscribing you from notifications. Please try " "again." msgstr "很抱歉,取消訂閱通知時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "A registration number is required for this registrant type." msgstr "此註冊者類型需提供註冊編號。" msgid "%1$s Learn more about %3$s." msgstr "%1$s 了解更多 %3$s." msgid "Nominet does not permit PO Boxes for .uk domains." msgstr "Nominet 不允許.uk 網域使用郵政信箱。" msgid "" "Upgrade your site to access additional features, including spam protection, " "backups, and priority support." msgstr "升級你的網站,以存取其他功能,包括垃圾訊息防護、備份及優先支援服務。" msgid "Total posts" msgstr "文章總數" msgid "Total comments" msgstr "回應總數" msgid "Avg comments per post" msgstr "每篇文章平均回應數" msgid "Total likes" msgstr "按讚總數" msgid "Avg likes per post" msgstr "每篇文章平均按讚數" msgid "Total words" msgstr "總字數" msgid "Avg words per post" msgstr "每篇文章平均字數" msgid "No annual stats recorded for this year" msgstr "今年沒有年度統計記錄" msgid "Widgets reordered" msgstr "小工具已重新排序" msgid "Widget removed" msgstr "小工具已移除" msgid "Unknown widget" msgstr "不明的小工具" msgid "Widget deactivated" msgstr "小工具已停用" msgid "All inactive widgets" msgstr "所有未啟用的小工具" msgid "Widgets removed" msgstr "小工具已移除" msgid "Widget modified" msgstr "小工具已修改" msgid "Widget added" msgstr "小工具已新增" msgid "Please enter a valid Antispam API key." msgstr "請輸入有效的 Antispam API 金鑰。" msgid "Unable to resend ICANN verification email." msgstr "無法重新傳送 ICANN 驗證電子郵件。" msgid "" ".uk domains can only be registered by a company or resident of Great " "Britain, Guernsey, Jersey or the Isle of Man" msgstr ".uk 網域只能由公司或大不列顛、根西、澤西或曼島居民註冊" msgid "" "{{notice}}We couldn't get the lock status of your domain from your current " "registrar.{{/notice}} If you're sure your domain is unlocked then, you can " "continue to the next step. If it's not unlocked, then the transfer won't " "work. {{a}}Here are instructions to make sure your domain is unlocked.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{notice}}我們無法透過你目前的註冊機構取得你的網域鎖定狀態。{{/notice}}如果你" "確定自己的網域已解除鎖定,即可繼續進行下一步驟。如果網域並未解除鎖定,轉移作" "業將無法進行。{{a}}請透過這裡的說明確認你的網域是否已解除鎖定。{{/a}}" msgid "We could not book your appointment. Please try again later." msgstr "我們無法登記你的預約。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "You did it!" msgstr "你辦到了!" msgid "{{a}}Manage connections{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}管理連結{{/a}}" msgid "Excessive use detected." msgstr "已偵測到使用過度。" msgid "You’re not allowed to request a login link for this account." msgstr "你沒有權限要求這個帳戶的登入連結。" msgid "%(numberOfChanges)d change" msgid_plural "%(numberOfChanges)d changes" msgstr[0] "%(numberOfChanges)d 項變更" msgid "WordPress autoupdated to version %1$s" msgstr "WordPress 自動更新至 %1$s 版" msgid "User modified" msgstr "使用者已修改" msgid "User removed" msgstr "使用者已移除" msgid "User registered" msgstr "使用者已註冊" msgid "Logout succeeded" msgstr "登出成功" msgid "Login succeeded" msgstr "登入成功" msgid "User added" msgstr "使用者已新增" msgid "Theme enabled across network" msgstr "佈景主題已於網路全面啟用" msgid "Theme disabled across network" msgstr "佈景主題已於網路全面停用" msgid "Theme installed" msgstr "佈景主題已安裝" msgid "Theme modified" msgstr "佈景主題已修改" msgid "Theme deleted" msgstr "佈景主題已刪除" msgid "Threat found" msgstr "發現威脅" msgid "Threat resolved" msgstr "威脅已解決" msgctxt "" "Restored to Time (g:i a) on Date (F j): Restored is a past-tense verb of " "restore." msgid "Restored to %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "還原至以下時間:%1$s,%2$s" msgid "Backup failed" msgstr "備份失敗" msgid "Backup complete" msgstr "備份完成" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s modified" msgstr "%s已修改" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s published" msgstr "%s已發佈" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s trashed" msgstr "%s 已移至垃圾桶" msgid "Plugin deactivated across network" msgstr "外掛程式已於網路全面停用" msgid "Plugin activated across network" msgstr "外掛程式已於網路全面啟用" msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$d more" msgstr "%1$s、%2$s 及其他 %3$d 個" msgctxt "(plugin name:noun) autoupdated to (version:number)" msgid "%1$s autoupdated to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 已自動更新至 %2$s" msgid "Plugin installed" msgstr "外掛程式已安裝" msgid "Plugin modified" msgstr "外掛程式已修改" msgid "Plugin deletion failed" msgstr "外掛程式刪除失敗" msgid "Plugin deleted" msgstr "外掛程式已刪除" msgid "" "Oops, we forgot to add a description for this event - check back later for " "more or contact support!" msgstr "" "糟糕,我們忘記新增此事件的說明,請稍後再返回查看以取得更多資訊,或者也能聯絡" "支援部門!" msgid "Plugin autoupdated" msgid_plural "Plugins autoupdated" msgstr[0] "外掛程式已自動更新" msgctxt "context: group title, noun" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "不明" msgid "WordPress version %1$s is available" msgstr "WordPress %1$s 已開放使用" msgid "WordPress reinstalled" msgstr "WordPress 已重新安裝" msgid "WordPress successfully reinstalled" msgstr "WordPress 已成功重新安裝" msgid "WordPress network updated to version %1$s" msgstr "WordPress 網路已更新至 %1$s 版" msgid "Network update complete" msgstr "網路更新完成" msgid "Comment unapproved" msgstr "留言未獲核准" msgid "Comment awaiting approval" msgstr "留言尚待核准" msgid "Comment deleted" msgstr "留言已刪除" msgid "Comment modified" msgstr "留言已修改" msgid "Comment approved" msgstr "留言已核准" msgid "Hosts" msgstr "主機" msgid "Self-hosted WordPress options:" msgstr "WordPress 自助託管選項:" msgid "" "Get a custom domain, tons of features, and 24/7 expert support from %s/ mo." msgstr "月付 %s起,立即擁有自訂網域、無數功能和全年無休的專家支援" msgid "Go: Growth Content" msgstr "Go:流量成長內容" msgid "woocommerce" msgstr "Woocommerce" msgid "Other WordPress solutions" msgstr "其他 WordPress 解決方案" msgid "" "Get support from our experts 24/7 through email or live chat. Connect with a " "community of users through forums, guided courses, and events around the " "world." msgstr "" "透過電子郵件或即時聊天等方式,取得全年無休的專家支援;也可以加入論壇、引導式" "課程和全球各地舉辦的活動,與其他使用者聯繫交流。" msgid "Find help whenever you need it" msgstr "隨時獲得協助" msgid "What will your site be about?" msgstr "你的網站屬於什麼類型?" msgid "Type of gallery." msgstr "圖庫類型。" msgid "" "Translations of the core experience vary for your language. If " "you’d like to help us, check out" msgstr "" " 核心體驗的翻譯工作依語言而有所不同。若您有意願協助我們,請至 " " 瞭解詳情" msgid "Why am I receiving this email?" msgstr "為何我會收到這封電子郵件?" msgid "The following fields are also required for payments in %(countryName)s" msgstr "以下為在%(countryName)s付款的必填欄位" msgid "Street Number" msgstr "街道號碼" msgid "Use the search above to find free photos!" msgstr "使用上方的搜尋功能尋找免費相片!" msgid "Search for free photos…" msgstr "搜尋免費相片…" msgid "Photos provided by {{a}}Pexels{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Pexels{{/a}} 提供的相片" msgid "Could not send magic link." msgstr "無法傳送神奇連結。" msgid "Get a coupon code" msgstr "取得優惠券代碼" msgid "Review for %s" msgstr "審查對象:%s" msgid "" "Almost done — every time you make a change, it needs to be saved. Let’s save " "your changes and then see what’s next on our list." msgstr "" "即將完成 — 請務必儲存你所做的每一個變更。現在先儲存好變更內容,然後看看清單上" "的下一個項目。" msgid "Good job, looks great!" msgstr "很好,看起來好極了!" msgid "" "Your changes have been saved. Let’s move on and see what’s next on our " "checklist." msgstr "您所做的變更已經儲存。現在我們繼續進行,看看清單上的下一個項目。" msgid "All done, continue" msgstr "全部完成了,請繼續進行" msgid "Excellent, you’re done!" msgstr "好極了,大功告成!" msgid "Return to the checklist" msgstr "返回清單" msgid "What's your timezone?" msgstr "你的時區為何?" msgid "What are you hoping to accomplish with your site?" msgstr "你希望藉由自己的網站達到什麼樣的成果?" msgid "Continue to calendar" msgstr "繼續使用行事曆" msgid "We will send you an email with information on how to prepare." msgstr "我們會傳送電子郵件給你,其中包含如何準備的資訊。" msgid "Receive web and mobile notifications for new posts from this site." msgstr "接收這個網站的網頁版和行動版新文章通知" msgid "ZIP code" msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "" "The sooner we get your site credentials, the sooner we can start backing up " "your site. If there’s anything we can do to lend a hand, just let us know!" msgstr "" "我們越早收到你網站的憑證,就越快能備份你的網站。如果需要我們助你一臂之力,請" "儘管吩咐!" msgid "" "If you can’t locate your SSH credentials, your host should be able to help " "you. You can also contact Jetpack support for assistance." msgstr "" "如果你找不到自己的 SSH 憑證,可以前往主機尋找,也可以聯絡 Jetpack 支援部門尋" "求協助。" msgid "" "Jetpack needs credentials from your host so it can perform automatic actions " "on your behalf, including backing up and rewinding your site." msgstr "" "Jetpack 需要你主機的憑證,才能代表你執行包含備份與還原網站在內的自動作業。" msgid "Provide Jetpack with server credentials" msgstr "提供伺服器憑證給 Jetpack" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} can't be transferred. You can {{a}}manually " "connect it{{/a}} if you still want to use it for your site." msgstr "" "無法轉移{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}。如果你仍想將這個網域用於自己的網站," "可以{{a}}手動建立連結{{/a}}。" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already connected to a site." msgstr "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 已連結至 網站。" msgid "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already registered on this site." msgstr "已在這個網站上註冊 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already connected to this site, but " "registered somewhere else. Do you want to move it from your current domain " "provider to so you can manage the domain and the site " "together? {{a}}Yes, transfer it to{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 已連結至這個網站,但註冊的網站有所不同。你想" "要將網域從目前的網域提供者移至,以便你能一併管理網域和網站嗎?" "{{a}}是,請將網域轉移至。{{/a}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already connected to your site %(site)s. " "If you want to connect it to this site instead, we will be happy to help you " "do that. {{a}}Contact us.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 已連結至你的網站 (%(site)s)。如果你想要改為將" "網域連結至這個網站,我們很樂意為你提供協助。{{a}}聯絡我們。{{/a}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is pending transfer. {{a}}Check the transfer " "status{{/a}} to learn more." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 的轉移作業尚待確認。{{a}}查看轉移狀態{{/a}}以" "瞭解更多資訊。" msgid "Unresolved topics" msgstr "未解決的主題" msgid "Resolved topics" msgstr "已解決的主題" msgid "Non-support topics" msgstr "非支援主題" msgid "Topic is resolved." msgstr "主題已解決。" msgid "Status: %s" msgstr "狀態: %s" msgid "Writer" msgstr "撰稿人" msgid "Get Started Today" msgstr "立即開始" msgid "Not right now" msgstr "現在不用" msgid "View %(count)s comment for this post" msgid_plural "View %(count)s comments for this post" msgstr[0] "檢視此文章的 %(count)s 則留言" msgctxt "Noun: a site name" msgid "Jetpack has finished backing up %1$s" msgstr "Jetpack 已為網站 %1$s 完成備份" msgctxt "Noun: a site name" msgid "Jetpack has finished backing up %1$s, as requested by %2$s" msgstr "Jetpack 已應 %2$s 要求為網站 %1$s 完成備份" msgid "" "Your site, %1$s, has been fully restored, as requested by %2$s, and is ready " "to use." msgstr "你的網站%1$s已應%2$s的要求完全還原,可供使用。" msgctxt "Site name, full date-time pair, requesting user_login" msgid "" "Your site, %1$s, has been fully restored to %2$s, as requested by %3$s, and " "is ready to use." msgstr "你的網站%1$s已應%3$s的要求完全還原至%2$s,可供使用。" msgctxt "Noun: a site name" msgid "Jetpack has restored %1$s as requested by %2$s" msgstr "Jetpack 已應%2$s的要求還原%1$s" msgid "" "Transfer your domain away from your current provider to so you " "can update settings, renew your domain, and more – right in your dashboard. " "We'll renew it for another year when the transfer is successful. {{a}}Learn " "more about domain transfers.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "將網域從目前提供者處移動至,讓你能在儀表板中更新設定、為你的網" "域續約,以及取得更多權限。順利轉移後,我們會為該網域續約,你就可再使用一年。" "{{a}}瞭解更多{{/a}}" msgctxt "Upgrades: Register domain description" msgid "You can use it as your site's address." msgstr "讓這個網站使用你已擁有的網域名稱。" msgid "North American phone numbers are 10 digits excluding the country-code." msgstr "北美地區的電話號碼為 10 碼,不包括國家/地區代碼。" msgid "" "To be sure your subscription will renew, click the button below and update " "your payment details. You can also update your information directly in your " " dashboard at %s." msgstr "" "為確保你的訂閱得以續訂,請按以下按鈕並更新付款詳細資料。你也可以直接在 " " 儀表板 %s 上更新自己的資訊。" msgid "" "Your subscription at %s needs your attention. Although it is set to renew " "on %s, it does not have an associated payment method." msgstr "" "請注意你在 %s 的訂閱。雖然已設定在 %s 續訂,但尚未設定相關聯的付款方式。" msgid "Your subscription will expire if you do not take action." msgstr "如果不採取行動,你的訂閱將會過期。" msgid "Missing Payment Information" msgstr "缺少付款資訊" msgid "Missing payment information for your %s subscription" msgstr "你的 %s 訂閱缺少付款資訊" msgid "People need to know what they're paying for! Please add a brief title." msgstr "使用者必須知道自己付款購買什麼!請新增簡短標題。" msgid "" "We want to make sure payments reach you, so please add an email address." msgstr "我們想確認你是否已收到付費款項,因此請新增電子郵件地址。" msgid "Backups and security scans are configured and active." msgstr "已設定並啟用備份與安全性檢查。" msgid "You can further explore Jetpack Premium and all of its benefits at %s." msgstr "你可以在 %s 進一步探索 Jetpack 進階版以及其所有優勢。" msgid "" "You can further explore Jetpack Premium and all of its benefits here." msgstr "" "你可以在這裡進一步探索 Jetpack 進階版以及其所有優勢。" msgid "trashed post %1$s" msgstr "文章 %1$s 已移至垃圾桶" msgid "This comment contains links." msgstr "此留言包含連結。" msgid "SEO Tools & Google Analytics " msgstr "SEO 工具與 Google Analytics" msgid "Everything in Premium" msgstr "進階版內容一應俱全" msgid "Everything in Personal" msgstr "個人版內容一應俱全" msgid "Everything in Free" msgstr "免費版內容一應俱全" msgid "Feature-packed plans at competitive prices" msgstr "價格優惠且功能豐富的方案" msgid "Third-Party Plugins and Themes" msgstr "第三方外掛程式和佈景主題" msgid "Advanced Design Customization" msgstr "進階自訂版面設計" msgid "Includes everything in the Premium plan." msgstr "進階版方案內容豐富、應有盡有。" msgid "Includes everything in the Personal plan." msgstr "個人版方案內容豐富、應有盡有。" msgid "Includes everything in the Free plan." msgstr "免費版方案內容豐富、應有盡有。" msgid "Install custom plugins and themes on your site." msgstr "在你的網站上安裝自訂外掛程式和佈景主題。" msgctxt "2: post title/excerpt" msgid "approved a comment on post %2$s" msgstr "批准了一個於文章%2$s的評論" msgid "" "Congratulations! You're now ready to enjoy the many great features of " "Jetpack Personal." msgstr "恭喜!現在就可以開始運用 Jetpack 個人版的眾多強大功能了。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Personal." msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 個人版" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Personal. Brought to you by %s." msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 個人版。由 %s 建置。" msgid "" "Jetpack Professional includes the Akismet and VaultPress plugins, which have " "been installed and configured automatically for you." msgstr "" "Jetpack 專業版包含 Akismet 和 VaultPress 外掛程式,我們已為你自動安裝並設定完" "成。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Professional." msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 專業版。" msgid "" "Congratulations! You're now ready to enjoy the many great features of " "Jetpack Professional." msgstr "恭喜!現在就可以開始運用 Jetpack 專業版的眾多強大功能了。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Professional. Brought to you by %s." msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 專業版。由 %s 建置。" msgid "share your experience…" msgstr "分享你的經驗..." msgid "Site setup" msgstr "網站設定" msgid "" "Generate revenue from your site with high-quality ads and payment options." msgstr "以優質廣告、多元付費功能,讓網站創造更多收入。" msgid "Your backup is ready for download" msgstr "你的備份已經準備就緒,可供下載" msgctxt "context: noun" msgid "Download Backup" msgstr "下載備份" msgid "Enable Enhanced eCommerce" msgstr "啟用加強型電子商務" msgid "" "Before enabling, turn on enhanced eCommerce in your Google Analytics " "dashboard." msgstr "" "請先在 Google Analytics (分析) 儀表板中開啟加強型電子商務,再予以啟用。" msgid "Remove from Cart events" msgstr "從購物車活動中移除" msgid "Product impressions from listing pages" msgstr "產品在清單頁面中的曝光次數" msgid "Product clicks from listing pages" msgstr "產品在清單頁面中的點擊次數" msgid "Product detail views" msgstr "產品詳細資料檢視畫面" msgid "Checkout process initiated" msgstr "結帳程序已開始" msgid "Enhanced store analytics" msgstr "加強型商店分析" msgid "" "Howdy! Here is the link you requested from the WordPress mobile app. It will " "let you sign up to your account with just one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "你好!以下是你向 WordPress 行動應用程式要求的連結。點選一下連結即可註冊帳戶。" "歡迎盡情使用!" msgid "It will let you create your account and login instantly. Enjoy!" msgstr "以下連結可讓你立即建立帳戶,完成登入。歡迎盡情使用!" msgid "" "Howdy! Here’s the link you requested from the WordPress mobile app. It will " "let you sign up to your account with just one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "你好!以下是你向 WordPress 行動應用程式要求的連結。點選一下連結即可註冊帳戶。" "歡迎盡情使用!" msgid "User with this email already has an account." msgstr "這個電子郵件的使用者已擁有帳戶。" msgid "Create account on your mobile device" msgstr "在行動裝置上建立 帳戶。" msgid "Important: Verify Your Email Address" msgstr "重要事項:驗證你的電子郵件地址" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is pending transfer and can't be connected " "to right now. {{a}}Learn More.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 的轉移作業仍待確認,因此目前無法連上 " "。{{a}}瞭解更多{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Your site's server was automatically connected to Jetpack to perform " "backups, restores, and security scans. You do not have to configure anything " "further, but you may revoke the credentials if necessary." msgstr "" "網站的伺服器會自動連上 Jetpack,以執行備份、倒轉和安全性掃描作業。你無需進行" "任何進一步的設定,但可視需求撤銷憑證。" msgid "Revoke credentials" msgstr "撤銷憑證" msgid "Stay connected" msgstr "保持連結" msgid "" "This domain is still active and is not available to map yet. Please try " "again later or contact support." msgstr "" "這個網域仍然有效,但目前還無法進行對應。請稍後再試一次,或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "To see your backups, visit your site’s Backups. This is " "where you’ll find all of the events that have taken place on your site, and " "can restore it to any previous state in just a few clicks." msgstr "" "若要查看備份內容,請造訪網站備份。你可在其中找出網站上發生" "的所有事件,而且只要按幾下就可以將網站還原到先前的任何狀態。" msgid "" "We’ve got a full backup of your site, and will continue to create daily " "backups automatically." msgstr "我們會完整備份你的網站,並且每天持續自動建立備份。" msgctxt "Site name" msgid "Your site, %1$s, is safe with Jetpack." msgstr "Jetpack 可妥善保護你的網站 %1$s。" msgid "You can now roll back accidental changes or recover from data loss" msgstr "你現在不僅可以復原意外變更,還可因應資料遺失問題" msgctxt "context: action" msgid "Backup complete" msgstr "備份完成" msgctxt "Noun" msgid "Product Review" msgstr "產品評論" msgid "%1$s left a review on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 在%2$s 上留下了評論" msgid "Feature Comparison" msgstr "功能比較" msgid "Plan Guide" msgstr "方案指南" msgid "" "Keep full, real-time backups of your WordPress site and contents with no " "storage limits." msgstr "無限容量儲存空間,你的 WordPress 網站和所有內容都能即時完整備份。" msgid "" "Automatic defense against hacks, malware, spam, data loss, and downtime." msgstr "全自動阻擋駭客攻擊、掃除惡意軟體與垃圾訊息,避免資料遺失與服務中斷。" msgid "" "Automatically show your readers related content to increase page views and " "time on site." msgstr "自動顯示相關內容連結,提高網站的瀏覽頁面與讀者停留時間。" msgid "" "Schedule promotions of your content to social media sites in advance to save " "time and hassle." msgstr "預先安排網站內容在社群媒體上的曝光行程,省時又省力。" msgid "Increase traffic and revenue" msgstr "增加流量,提高收益" msgid "Reach more people and earn money with automated marketing tools." msgstr "自動化行銷工具大大提高內容觸及,讓網站發大財。" msgid "Work With Us" msgstr "與我們合作" msgid "folder" msgstr "資料夾" msgid "Custom installation script." msgstr "自訂安裝腳本。" msgid "Sub-domain Installation" msgstr "安裝子網域" msgid "Sub-directory Installation" msgstr "安裝子目錄" msgid "The constant %s cannot be defined when creating a network." msgstr "在建立網誌網路時,常數 %s 無法被定義。" msgid "%s is currently editing this post." msgstr "%s 正在編輯此文章。" msgid "%s is currently editing this post. Do you want to take over?" msgstr "%s 正在編輯此文章。你想接替嗎?" msgid "View posts by %s" msgstr "檢視 %s 的文章" msgctxt "name" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "不明" msgid "No description" msgstr "沒有説明" msgid "No sessions available" msgstr "沒有可提供的課程" msgid "Choose a starting time" msgstr "選擇開始時間" msgid "Book this session" msgstr "預約此課程" msgid "Add credentials : %1$s" msgstr "新增憑證:%1$s" msgid "need credentials:" msgstr "需要憑證:" msgid "" "If you add your server credentials, we can start backing up your site and " "scanning it for malware immediately." msgstr "如果新增了伺服器憑證,我們就可以立即開始為你的網站備份和掃描惡意軟體。" msgid "need credentials" msgstr "需要憑證" msgid "Start backing up your site" msgstr "開始備份你的網站" msgid "" "Jetpack, a plugin already on your site, can back up and secure your site at " "no extra cost to you thanks to our partnership with Pressable. To start " "backing up your site, we need the credentials for your site's server. Do you " "want to give Jetpack access to your host's server to perform backups?" msgstr "" "Jetpack 是預先安裝在你網站中的外掛程式,由我們的合作夥伴 Pressable 免費提" "供,可協助你備份網站內容並確保網站安全無虞。為了開始備份你的網站,我們需要取" "得你的網站伺服器憑證。是否要允許 Jetpack 存取你的主機伺服器,以便執行備份作" "業?" msgid "" "If you don't share credentials with Jetpack, your site won't be backed up. " "Our support staff is available to answer any questions you might have." msgstr "" "如果不同意將憑證分享給 Jetpack,就無法為你的網站進行備份。我們的支援人員隨時" "準備好為你解答可能發生的所有問題。" msgid "Share credentials" msgstr "分享憑證" msgid "Your site is set up and ready!" msgstr "你的網站已完成設定並準備就緒!" msgid "" "Add your unique Measurement ID to monitor your site's performance in Google " "Analytics." msgstr "新增你的專屬追蹤 ID,即可在 Google Analytics 中監控你的網站效能。" msgid "Organization Name" msgstr "組織名稱" msgid "Dismissing backup failed. Please reload and try again." msgstr "無法關閉備份作業。請重新載入,然後再試一次。" msgid "This user is registered; the name can't be edited." msgstr "該使用者已註冊,無法編輯名稱。" msgid "This user is registered; the URL can't be edited." msgstr "該使用者已註冊,無法編輯 URL。" msgid "" "We'll send an email shortly to confirm the transfer of " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}More Info{{/a}}" msgstr "" "我們很快就會傳送電子郵件確認 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 的轉移作業。" "{{a}}更多資訊{{/a}}" msgid "" "Your domain is locked to prevent unauthorized transfers. You'll need to " "unlock it at your current domain provider before we can move it. {{a}}Here " "are instructions for unlocking it{{/a}}. It might take a few minutes for any " "changes to take effect." msgstr "" "為避免未經授權的轉移,你的網域已經鎖定。在我們轉移你的網域之前,你必須先請目" "前的網域提供者解鎖網域。{{a}}這裡提供了解鎖網域的相關說明{{/a}}。變更可能需要" "幾分鐘的時間才能生效。" msgid "Get the coupon code" msgstr "取得優惠券代碼" msgid "Add credentials" msgstr "新增憑證" msgid "Liked by %d people" msgstr "%d 人說這個讚" msgid "Liked by one person" msgstr "1 人說這個讚" msgid "Liked by you and %d other people" msgstr "你和另外 %d 人說這個讚" msgid "Liked by you and one other person" msgstr "你和另外 1 人說這個讚" msgid "" "You recently requested a downloadable backup of your site %s. Jetpack has " "finished preparing your files and they’re ready for download now." msgstr "" "你最近索取自己網站 %s 的可下載備份。Jetpack 現在已準備好你的檔案,隨時可以下" "載。" msgid "Download your site backup" msgstr "下載網站備份" msgid "Your backup of %s is ready for download" msgstr "你的 %s 備份已經準備就緒,可供下載" msgid "" "Transfers an existing domain from another provider to, helping " "you manage your site and domain in one place." msgstr "" "將現行網域從其他提供者轉移到,讓你集中管理自己的網站和網域。" msgid "Thanks for choosing {{br/}} %(themeName)s" msgstr "感謝你選擇 {{br/}} %(themeName)s" msgid "by %(themeAuthor)s" msgstr "作者:%(themeAuthor)s" msgid "Learn about this theme" msgstr "瞭解這個佈景主題" msgid "Customize site" msgstr "自訂網站" msgid "Estimated time:" msgstr "預估時間:" msgid "Mark as uncompleted" msgstr "標示為未完成" msgid "Mark as completed" msgstr "標示為已完成" msgid "Your setup list" msgstr "你的設定清單" msgid "" "Choose the date, time, or specific event you want to restore your site to, " "then roll back in just a few clicks." msgstr "" "只要幾個按鍵,就能將網站還原到你指定的日期、時間或特定事件發生時的狀況。" msgid "Easily restore your site to a previous state if you make a mistake." msgstr "就算不慎操作錯誤,也能輕鬆把網站還原到先前狀態。" msgid "" "Guard your site against brute force login attacks, spam, and harmful malware " "injections." msgstr "" "阻擋暴力密碼猜測登入攻擊、濾除垃圾訊息與惡意軟體植入,全面確保網站資安。" msgid "" "Get alerted again when the downtime ends, along with information on how long " "your site was inaccessible." msgstr "" "停機結束,網站恢復正常運作時,你也會收到通報,內含網站停止運作時長的資訊。" msgid "Be alerted about any unexpected downtime the moment it happens." msgstr "發生意外停機,你會即時收到通報。" msgid "" "Take payments for goods and services or accept donations with simple, easy-" "to-use PayPal buttons." msgstr "" "透過簡單好用的 PayPal 收款按鈕,收取商品或服務的銷售款項,也可以接受贊助。" msgid "Generate revenue from your site with in-line ads and payment options." msgstr "用內嵌廣告與付款選項為你的網站創造收入。" msgid "" "Show unintrusive ads to your visitors on the pages and locations of your " "choice." msgstr "在指定頁面和版位,播放不擾人的顯示型廣告。" msgid "" "Add additional social shares for previously published posts, and schedule " "them for the days and times that work best for your audience." msgstr "" "依照讀者需求,幫網站上的既有內容排定社群媒體的推文行程,讓舊文也能再次得到注" "目與分享。" msgid "" "Schedule promotions of your newest content in advance to save time and " "hassle." msgstr "預先為最新內容安排促銷活動,省時省力。" msgid "" "Explore detailed insights on your most successful posts, or identify missing " "content your site visitors are already searching for." msgstr "" "深入解析網站洞察報告,發掘最受歡迎的文章類型,或是發現訪客都在搜尋,但你的網" "站還沒提供的內容。" msgid "" "Get updates on site traffic, successful posts, site searches, and comments, " "all in real time." msgstr "即時掌握網站流量、熱門文章、網站搜尋量及訪客留言等最新資訊。" msgid "" "Keep an eye on your success with simple, concise, and mobile-friendly stats." msgstr "簡明易懂,一目了然的網站統計數字,讓你隨時掌掃網站表現,用手機也能看。" msgid "" "Publish, edit, and manage your content from native mobile apps or any mobile " "browser." msgstr "透過原生行動應用程式或任何行動瀏覽器發佈、編輯及管理你的內容。" msgid "" "Get the same seamless WordPress experience from your desktop, tablet, or " "smartphone." msgstr "" "在你的桌上型電腦、平板電腦或智慧型手機上享受同樣順暢的 WordPress 體驗。" msgid "Make updates to your Jetpack-powered site at any time, from any device." msgstr "你隨時可以透過任何裝置更新你已啟用 Jetpack 的網站。" msgid "" "Display images at the right resolution automatically and at lightning fast " "speeds from a global content delivery network" msgstr "全球內容傳遞網路可讓網站極速載入圖片,並自動調整合適的解析度" msgid "" "Stream all your videos in high quality and without any watermarks or ads." msgstr "你的所有影片皆以高畫質串流播放,而且不會壓上任何浮水印或插入廣告。" msgid "" "Automatically upload new media to the Jetpack content delivery network to " "deliver it to visitors in the proper resolution and at blazing fast speeds." msgstr "" "新增的多媒體檔案,會自動上載並透過 Jetpack CDN 服務載入,網友在一瞬間就能看到" "最適當的解析度。" msgid "Jetpack Theme Showcase" msgstr "Jetpack 主題展示" msgid "" "Embed high-resolution photos and videos on any page without slowing down " "your site." msgstr "自由在頁面上嵌入高畫質相片和影片,完全不影響網站載入速度。" msgid "" "Customize your site with endless widget options, image galleries, and " "embedded media — all without touching any code." msgstr "" "種類繁多的頁面小工具、圖庫和各種可嵌入的多媒體,都能透過簡單的選取方式,自由" "妝點網站外觀,完全無須接觸生硬的程式碼。" msgid "" "Preview changes to a theme’s colors, content, and layout before making them " "permanent." msgstr "" "對佈景主題配色、內容配置和版形的任何調整,都可以事先預覽,確定後再套用。" msgid "" "Choose a professional theme perfect for any blog, portfolio, or business " "website." msgstr "選擇適合任何網誌、作品集或商務網站的專業佈景主題。" msgid "Widgets need to be registered using %s, before they can be displayed." msgstr "小工具需要使用 %s 進行註冊才能顯示。" msgid "Your backup is now available for download" msgstr "你的備份現在已可下載" msgid "Author: %1$s (IP address: %2$s, %3$s)" msgstr "作者:%1$s(IP地址:%2$s,%3$s)" msgid "Website: %1$s (IP address: %2$s, %3$s)" msgstr "網站:%1$s(IP地址:%2$s,%3$s)" msgid "Earn" msgstr "獲利" msgid "Measure" msgstr "網站統計數字" msgid "Update anyway, even though it might break your site?" msgstr "即使它可能會破壞你的網站也要更新嗎?" msgid "" "Now that the rewind process is completed, please take a moment to visit %1$s " "and take a look around. There shouldn't be any problems, but if things don't " "look like you expected, please contact support at" "contact so we can lend a hand." msgstr "" "倒轉程序已完成,請花一點時間造訪 %1$s 並到處看看。應該不會有任何問題,但假如" "成果看來與你預期的不同,請前往 聯絡支援團" "隊,讓我們提供協助。" msgid "Jetpack has successfully rewound your site %1$s." msgstr "Jetpack 已成功還原至你的網站 %1$s。" msgid "Your site has been rewound." msgstr "你的網站已倒轉。" msgid "" "Please take a moment to visit " "your site and ensure that everything looks as expected. If it doesn't " "look right or if you need any help, feel free to contact support for a helping hand." msgstr "" "請花一點時間造訪你的網站,確認所有內容是否都沒有問題。如果內容有問題,或你需要任何協助,歡迎隨時" "聯絡支援團隊以尋求協助。" msgid "Your site, %1$s, has been fully restored and is ready to use." msgstr "你的網站%1$s已完全還原,可供使用。" msgctxt "Site name, full date-time pair" msgid "Your site, %1$s, has been fully restored to %2$s and is ready to use." msgstr "你的網站%1$s已完全還原至%2$s,可供使用。" msgid "Your site should now be up and running" msgstr "你的網站現已應上線運作" msgctxt "Noun: a site name" msgid "Jetpack has restored %1$s" msgstr "Jetpack 已還原%1$s" msgid "%s has been successfully restored" msgstr "%s 已成功還原" msgid "Display ads below posts on" msgstr "在文章下方顯示廣告" msgid "Additional ad placements" msgstr "其他廣告版位" msgid "Top of each page" msgstr "每個頁面的頂端" msgid "Second ad below post" msgstr "文章下方的第二則廣告" msgid "I've unlocked my domain" msgstr "我已解鎖自己的網域" msgid "Locked" msgstr "已鎖定" msgid "Let's get {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} ready to transfer." msgstr "現在就開始準備轉移 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 吧。" msgid "Check my authorization code" msgstr "查看我的授權碼" msgid "← Go to Categories" msgstr "← 前往分類" msgctxt "tags" msgid "Most Used" msgstr "最常被用" msgid "← Go to Link Categories" msgstr "← 前往連結分類" msgid "Active Child Theme" msgstr "啟用子主題" msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "目前使用的佈景主題" msgid "Optimize" msgstr "最佳化" msgid "Manage your domain and site together on" msgstr "透過,同時管理你的網域和網站。" msgid "" "We don't support transfers for domains ending with {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/" "strong}}, but you can {{a}}map it{{/a}} instead." msgstr "" "我們不支援轉移結尾為 {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} 的網域,但你可以改為{{a}}" "對應該網域{{/a}}。" msgid "" "The transfer of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} has failed. {{a}}More info{{/" "a}}" msgstr "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 的轉移失敗了。{{a}}更多資訊{{/a}}" msgid "" "Your theme can display menus in one location. Select which menu you would " "like to use." msgstr "您的佈景主題只支援一個選單。選擇您要使用的選單。" msgid "" "You will not be able to install new themes from here yet since your install " "requires SFTP credentials. For now, please add themes in the " "admin." msgstr "" "你無法在需要 SFTP 驗證的環境下安裝新的佈景主題。請前往 管理後" "台新增佈景主題。" msgid "Installation failed." msgstr "安裝失敗。" msgid "" "Sorry, you cannot preview new themes when you have changes scheduled or " "saved as a draft. Please publish your changes, or wait until they publish to " "preview new themes." msgstr "" "對不起,當您將變更安排或儲存為草稿時,您無法預覽新主題。請發佈您的變更,或等" "待發佈以預覽新主題。" msgid "" "Schedule your customization changes to publish (\"go live\") at a future " "date." msgstr "安排您的自訂變更以在將來的日期發佈(“直播”)。" msgid "Homepage and posts page must be different." msgstr "主頁和文章頁面必須不同。" msgid "" "There is a more recent autosave of your changes than the one you are " "previewing. Restore the autosave" msgstr "有多個自動儲存版本。回復自動儲存版本" msgid "%s has taken over and is currently customizing." msgstr "%s 已取得權限並正在自訂網站。" msgid "Are you sure you want to discard your unpublished changes?" msgstr "確定要捨棄尚未發佈的變更?" msgid "" "Looks like something’s gone wrong. Wait a couple seconds, and then try " "again." msgstr "好似有啲嘢搞錯咗,等幾分鐘再試多次啦。" msgid "Reverting unpublished changes…" msgstr "還原未發佈的變更…" msgid "Setting up your live preview. This may take a bit." msgstr "設定實時預覽。這可能需要一點時間。" msgid "Downloading your new theme…" msgstr "下載你的新佈景主題…" msgctxt "customizer changeset status" msgid "Scheduled" msgstr "已排程" msgid "Discard changes" msgstr "取消儲存變更" msgid "Please save your changes in order to share the preview." msgstr "請儲存您的變更以分享預覽。" msgid "Filter themes (%s)" msgstr "篩選佈景主題 (%s)" msgid "Search themes" msgstr "搜尋 佈景主題" msgid "Go to theme sources" msgstr "前往佈景主題原始碼" msgid "No themes found. Try a different search, or %s." msgstr "找不到佈景主題。嘗試其他搜尋字眼,或%s。" msgid "Filter themes" msgstr "篩選佈景主題" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Installed" msgstr "已安裝" msgid "Install and preview theme: %s" msgstr "安裝並預覽佈景主題:%s" msgid "Live preview theme: %s" msgstr "即時預覽佈景主題:%s" msgid "New version available. %s" msgstr "有新版本可用。%s" msgid "Customize theme: %s" msgstr "自訂佈景主題:%s" msgid "+ Create New Menu" msgstr "+ 建立新的選單" msgid "Create a menu for this location" msgstr "在此建立一個主選單" msgid "" "Time to add some links! Click “%s” to start putting pages, " "categories, and custom links in your menu. Add as many things as you would " "like." msgstr "" "是時候添加一些連結!點擊 “%s” 開始在選單中放置頁面,分類和自訂連結。盡可能添" "加你想要的東西。" msgid "Details for theme: %s" msgstr "佈景主題詳情:%s" msgid "Choose file" msgstr "選擇檔案" msgid "Choose image" msgstr "選擇圖片" msgid "Change audio" msgstr "變更音訊" msgid "" "Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your " "computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header height of %s " "pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it " "for a perfect fit." msgstr "" "點擊「新增圖片」從目前裝置上載圖片。您的佈景主題最適合使用高度為%s像素的圖片 " "- 您可以在上載圖片後剪裁圖片以獲得最佳效果。" msgid "" "Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your " "computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header width of %s " "pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it " "for a perfect fit." msgstr "" "點擊「新增圖片」從目前裝置上載圖片。您的佈景主題最適合使用寬度為%s像素的圖片 " "- 您可以在上載圖片後裁剪圖片以獲得最佳效果。" msgid "" "Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your " "computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header size of %s " "pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it " "for a perfect fit." msgstr "" "點擊「新增圖片」從電腦上載圖片。您的佈景主題最適合使用像素大小為%s的圖片 - 您" "可以在上載圖片後剪裁圖片以獲得最佳效果。" msgid "" "Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your " "computer. Your theme works best with an image that matches the size of your " "video — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it for " "a perfect fit." msgstr "" "點擊「新增圖片」從電腦上載圖片。您的佈景主題最適合與您的影片大小一致的圖片 - " "您可以在上載圖片後裁剪圖片以獲得最佳效果。" msgid "" "The theme defines itself as its parent theme. Please check the %s header." msgstr "佈景主題將自己定義為其上層佈景主題。請檢查%s標題。" msgid "" "You’ll create a menu, assign it a location, and add menu items like " "links to pages and categories. If your theme has multiple menu areas, you " "might need to create more than one." msgstr "" "您將建立一個選單,為其分配位置,並添加選單項,如連結到頁面和類別。如果您的佈" "景主題具有多個選單區域,則可能需要建立多個選單。" msgctxt "Name for the Visual editor tab" msgid "Visual" msgstr "視覺" msgid "Create New Menu" msgstr "建立新的選單" msgid "" "It does not look like your site has any menus yet. Want to build one? Click " "the button to start." msgstr "看起來你的網站還沒有任何選單。想建立一個?點擊按鈕開始。" msgid "Click “Next” to start adding links to your new menu." msgstr "點擊 “下一步” 開始添加連結到新選單。" msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "View Location" msgstr "檢視位置" msgid "New Menu" msgstr "新選單" msgid "" "If your theme has widget areas, you can also add menus there. Visit the Widgets panel and add a “Navigation Menu widget” " "to display a menu in a sidebar or footer." msgstr "" "如果你的佈景主題有可用的小工具區域,你也能在那裡加入一些選單。點擊 小工具面板 ,再增加一個 “導覽選單小工具” 就能在側邊欄" "或頁尾展示一組選單。" msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "View All Locations" msgstr "顯示所有位置" msgid "" "If your theme has multiple menus, giving them clear names will help you " "manage them." msgstr "如果你的佈景主題有多個選單,給他們明確的名字將幫助你管理他們。" msgid "CSS code" msgstr "CSS 代碼" msgid "Your theme can display menus in %s location." msgid_plural "Your theme can display menus in %s locations." msgstr[0] "你的佈景主題可在 %s 處顯示選單。" msgid "Your theme can display menus in one location." msgstr "你的佈景主題可在一處顯示選單。" msgid "" "Add your own CSS code here to customize the appearance and layout of your " "site." msgstr "在這裡添加您自己的CSS代碼來自訂網站的外觀和佈局。" msgid " themes" msgstr " 佈景主題" msgid "" "While previewing a new theme, you can continue to tailor things like widgets " "and menus, and explore theme-specific options." msgstr "" "在預覽新佈景主題的同時,您可以繼續自訂小工具和選單,並探索特定於佈景主題的選" "項。" msgid "" "Looking for a theme? You can search or browse the theme " "directory, install and preview themes, then activate them right here." msgstr "" "尋找佈景主題?您可以搜尋或瀏覽WordPress.org佈景主題目錄,安裝和預覽佈景主題," "然後在這裡啟動它們。" msgid "Showing details for theme: %s" msgstr "顯示佈景主題:%s的詳情" msgid "Displaying %d themes" msgstr "顯示%d個佈景主題" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this theme?" msgstr "您確定要删除這個佈景主题嗎?" msgctxt "customizer changeset action/button label" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "排程" msgid "Preview Link" msgstr "預覽連結" msgid "" "See how changes would look live on your website, and share the preview with " "people who can't access the Customizer." msgstr "了解如何在您的網站上進行變更,並與無法存取自訂器的視同這分享預覽。" msgid "" "%s is already customizing this site. Please wait until they are done to try " "customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved." msgstr "%s 正在自訂此網站。請等候他們完成嘗試自訂。你的最新變更已自動儲存。" msgid "Share Preview Link" msgstr "分享預覽連結" msgid "%s is already customizing this site. Do you want to take over?" msgstr "%s 正在自訂此網站。你想要接替嗎?" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to take over." msgstr "對不起,你不被允許接替。" msgid "No changeset found to take over" msgstr "沒有找到接替的變更集" msgid "Security check failed." msgstr "安全檢查失敗。" msgid "Unable to save due to %s invalid setting." msgid_plural "Unable to save due to %s invalid settings." msgstr[0] "由於%s個設定無效,無法儲存。" msgid "You must supply a future date to schedule." msgstr "你必須提供一個未來的日期以排程。" msgid "" "The previous set of changes has already been published. Please try saving " "your current set of changes again." msgstr "舊版變更集已發佈,請嘗試再次儲存目前的變更集。" msgid "View User" msgstr "檢視使用者" msgid "Changeset is being edited by other user." msgstr "變更集正在由其他使用者編輯。" msgid "Install & Preview" msgstr "安裝 & 預覽" msgid "" "Likely direct inclusion of %1$s in order to use %2$s. This is very wrong. " "Hook the %2$s call into the %3$s action instead." msgstr "可能直接包含%1$s以便使用%2$s。這是超錯的。將%2$s調用掛鉤到%3$s操作中。" msgid "(%s ratings)" msgstr "(%s 個評分)" msgctxt "categories" msgid "Most Used" msgstr "最常使用" msgctxt "post action/button label" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "排程" msgid "Uploaded on: %s" msgstr "更新於:%s" msgid "Customization Draft" msgstr "自訂草稿" msgid "" "This draft comes from your unpublished customization changes. You can edit, but there is no need to publish now. It will be published " "automatically with those changes." msgstr "" "此份草稿來自於你尚未發佈的自訂變更,你可以編輯它,但不用立" "刻發佈,因為它會自動進行發佈。" msgid "Activate & Publish" msgstr "啟用並發佈" msgid "Your scheduled changes just published" msgstr "你的排程變更已發佈" msgid "This changeset cannot be further modified." msgstr "此變更集無法再修改。" msgid "Disable syntax highlighting when editing code" msgstr "編輯代碼時停用語法高亮顯示" msgid "Syntax Highlighting" msgstr "句法強調" msgid "" "By setting up Jetpack you agree to our {{tosLinkText}}Terms of Service{{/" "tosLinkText}} and to sync {{syncLinkText}}certain data and settings{{/" "syncLinkText}} to" msgstr "" "以 Jetpack 進行設定,即視同你同意{{tosLinkText}}服務條款{{/tosLinkText}},且" "同意讓 同步傳輸{{syncLinkText}}特定資料與設定項目{{/" "syncLinkText}}。" msgid "Unlocked" msgstr "已解鎖" msgid "Check again" msgstr "再次檢查" msgid "" "A domain authorization code is a unique code linked only to your domain — " "kind of like a password for your domain. Log in to your current domain " "provider to get one. We call it a domain authorization code, but it might be " "called a secret code, auth code, or EPP code. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "網域授權碼是一組只連結至你網域的唯一代碼,有點類似網域的密碼。請登入你目前的" "網域提供機構以取得網域授權碼。我們稱其為網域授權碼,但此類代碼也可能被稱為私" "密碼、驗證碼或 EPP 碼。{{a}}瞭解更多{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Log into your current domain provider to complete a few preliminary steps." msgstr "請登入你目前的網域提供者,以完成一些前置步驟。" msgid "" "Note: These changes can take some time to take effect. Need help? {{a}}Get " "in touch with one of our Happiness Engineers{{/a}}." msgstr "" "附註:這些變更可能需要一些時間才能生效。需要協助嗎?{{a}}與我們的 Happiness " "Engineer 聯絡{{/a}}。" msgid "" "WordPress is not notifying any Update Services because " "of your site’s visibility settings." msgstr "" "由於你網站的可見度設定,WordPress 不會有任何服務更新的提醒。" msgid "Your homepage displays" msgstr "您的主頁顯示" msgid "Homepage: %s" msgstr "主頁:%s" msgid "Compare Jetpack plans" msgstr "比較 Jetpack 方案" msgid "Jetpack - Hassle-free design, marketing, and security for WordPress" msgstr "Jetpack-提供 WordPress 的簡易設計、行銷及安全性" msgctxt "Load revision in editor" msgid "Load" msgstr "載入" msgctxt "post revisions: minor changes" msgid "minor" msgstr "微幅" msgid "Comment Permalink" msgstr "回應永久連結" msgid "Welcome to the Editor! " msgstr "歡迎使用編輯器!" msgid "Click {{strong}}Next{{/strong}} to learn how to add a payment button." msgstr "按{{strong}}下一步{{/strong}}以瞭解如何新增付款按鈕。" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "This notice confirms that the network admin email address was changed on " "###SITENAME###.\n" "\n" "The new network admin email address is ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###OLD_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "您好:\n" "\n" "此通知確認 ###SITENAME### 網絡管理員電子郵件地址已變更 。\n" "\n" "新的網絡管理員電子郵件地址是 ###NEW_EMAIL###。\n" "\n" "此電子郵件已發送到 ###OLD_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "###SITENAME### 全體成員 \n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "This notice confirms that the admin email address was changed on " "###SITENAME###.\n" "\n" "The new admin email address is ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###OLD_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "您好:\n" "\n" "此通知確認在 ###SITENAME### 變更了管理員電子郵件地址。\n" "\n" "新的管理電子郵件地址是 ###NEW_EMAIL###。\n" "\n" "此電子郵件已發送到 ###OLD_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "###SITENAME### 全體成員 \n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Also includes all features offered in the free version of Jetpack." msgstr "亦包含 Jetpack 免費版提供的所有功能。" msgid "Also includes all features offered in the Personal plan." msgstr "亦包含個人版方案提供的所有功能。" msgid "Also includes all features offered in the Premium plan." msgstr "亦包含進階版方案提供的所有功能。" msgid "" "Edit your page titles and meta descriptions, and preview how your content " "will appear on social media." msgstr "編輯你的網頁標題及中繼資料說明,並預覽社交媒體顯示自己內容的方式。" msgid "Comment on {{span}}%(postTitle)s{{/span}}" msgid_plural "Comments on {{span}}%(postTitle)s{{/span}}" msgstr[0] "{{span}}%(postTitle)s{{/span}} 的留言" msgid "Theme installation failed." msgstr "佈景主題安裝失敗。" msgid "Plugin installation failed." msgstr "外掛安裝失敗。" msgid "Downloading installation package from %s…" msgstr "正在從 %s 下載安裝包…" msgid "Downloading translation from %s…" msgstr "正在從 %s 下載翻譯…" msgid "Downloading update from %s…" msgstr "正在從 %s 下載更新…" msgid "" "We take privacy and transparency very seriously. To learn more about what " "data we collect, and how we use it, please visit our Privacy " "Policy." msgstr "" "我們非常重視私穩及透明度。請瀏覽 以了解更多關於我們收集何種資訊及如何使用。" msgid "" "This data is used to provide general enhancements to WordPress, which " "includes helping to protect your site by finding and automatically " "installing new updates. It is also used to calculate statistics, such as " "those shown on the stats page." msgstr "" "這份資料是用來提供WordPress一般強化功能,其中包含了尋找及自動化安裝新的更新來" "保護您的網站。它也被用來統計數據分析,像是被顯示在WordPress." "org 狀態頁。" msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "" "Here’s where this menu appears. If you would like to change that, pick " "another location." msgstr "此處顯示此選單。如果您想要變更,請選擇其他位置。" msgid "You are browsing %s" msgstr "你正在瀏覽%s" msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "" "(If you plan to use a menu widget%3$s, skip this " "step.)" msgstr "" "(如果您打算使用選單小工具%3$s ,請跳過此步驟。)" msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "Where do you want this menu to appear?" msgstr "您希望在哪裡顯示此選單?" msgid "Meridian" msgstr "子午線" msgid "Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead." msgstr "使用者級別的使用已被棄用。請改用功能。" msgid "" "Clicking the link below will allow you to either attempt additional login " "attempts or change your password for your WordPress site for %1$s minutes." msgstr "" "按一下以下連結即可在 %1$s 分鐘內允許其他人嘗試登入,或變更你的 WordPress 網站" "密碼。" msgid "Unlock your site" msgstr "解鎖你的網站" msgid "The site has been successfully blocked." msgstr "已成功封鎖網站。" msgid "The site has been successfully unblocked." msgstr "已成功解除封鎖網站。" msgid "" "City names may not contain numerals. Please remove them or spell them out." msgstr "城市名稱不可包含數字。請將其移除或拼寫出來。" msgid "City names may not have a space after a punctuation character (.,'-)" msgstr "城市名稱在標點符號 (.,’-) 後不可有空格" msgctxt "" "label for button in the gallery widget; should not be longer than ~13 " "characters long" msgid "Edit Gallery" msgstr "編輯相簿" msgctxt "" "label for button in the gallery widget; should not be longer than ~13 " "characters long" msgid "Add Images" msgstr "新增圖片" msgid "No images selected" msgstr "未選擇圖片" msgid "Displays an image gallery." msgstr "顯示一個相簿。" msgid "Custom HTML Widget" msgstr "自訂超文字標記語言(HTML)插件" msgid "" "Screen reader users: when in forms mode, you may need to press the Esc key " "twice." msgstr "屏幕閱讀器使用者:在表單模式下,您可能需要按兩次Esc鍵。" msgid "To move away from this area, press the Esc key followed by the Tab key." msgstr "要遠離此區域,請按Esc鍵,然後按Tab鍵。" msgid "In the editing area, the Tab key enters a tab character." msgstr "在編輯區域,Tab鍵輸入一個製表符。" msgid "" "The edit field automatically highlights code syntax. You can disable this in " "your user profile%3$s to work in plain text mode." msgstr "" "編輯字段自動突出顯示代碼語法。您可以在使用者個人資" "訊%3$s中停用此功能以純文字模式工作。" msgid "When using a keyboard to navigate:" msgstr "當使用鍵盤瀏覽時:" msgid "" "Use the Custom HTML widget to add arbitrary HTML code to your widget areas." msgstr "使用自訂HTML小工具向您的小工具區域添加任意HTML代碼。" msgid "There is %d error which must be fixed before you can save." msgid_plural "There are %d errors which must be fixed before you can save." msgstr[0] "有%d個錯誤,必須先修復才能儲存。" msgid "Scrape key check failed. Please try again." msgstr "擷取索引碼檢查失敗。請再試一次。" msgid "" "If you're unsure about what deletion means or have any other questions, " "please chat with someone from our support team before proceeding." msgstr "" "如果你不確定刪除方式或有任何其他問題,請先與我們的支援團隊人員談談,再接著繼" "續進行。" msgid "" "Your search term can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, dots, or " "hyphens." msgstr "你的搜尋字詞只能包含英數字元、空格、點,或連字號。" msgid "" "There was a problem validating your contact details: {{firstErrorName/}} " "required. Please try again or {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "驗證聯絡資訊時發生問題:{{firstErrorName/}} 為必填。請再試一次,或" "{{contactSupportLink}}聯絡支援團隊{{/contactSupportLink}}。" msgid "Keep your site safe, 24/7" msgstr "守護網站資安,全年無休" msgid "Bring your ideas to life with elegant and professional designs." msgstr "美觀大方的專業設計,適用於多種使用情境。" msgid "Design the perfect website" msgstr "網站視覺,完美呈現" msgid "Download backup" msgstr "下載備份" msgid "Create downloadable backup" msgstr "建立可下載的備份" msgid "Create download" msgstr "建立下載" msgid "We successfully created a backup of your site as of %(date)s!" msgstr "我們已成功建立截至 %(date)s 為止的網站備份!" msgid "Download your backup" msgstr "下載你的備份" msgid "Currently creating a downloadable backup of your site" msgstr "目前正在為你的網站建立一個可供下載的備份" msgid "The creation of your backup will start in a moment." msgstr "即將開始建立備份。" msgid "" "Hmm, we can't update the status of your backup. Please refresh this page." msgstr "很抱歉,目前無法更新備份狀態。請重新整理頁面。" msgid "Changes trashed successfully." msgstr "變更已成功丟進回收桶。" msgid "Changes have already been trashed." msgstr "變更已丟進回收桶。" msgid "No changes saved yet, so there is nothing to trash." msgstr "沒有變更儲存,所以沒有東西可以丟進回收桶。" msgid "There was an authentication problem. Please reload and try again." msgstr "有一個驗證問題。請重新載入並重試。" msgid "" "Grab your domain now so you don't have to compromise later. Every domain " "comes with a free, elegant parking page to welcome visitors in case you " "haven't built your website yet." msgstr "" "立即取得你的網域,避免晚了一步而向隅。每個網域皆提供一個設計別緻的免費駐留頁" "面,讓你在網站尚未架設好前即可歡迎訪客。" msgid "" "Get expert live chat support from our Happiness Engineers. Whether you’re " "adding a site to your domain or editing advanced DNS settings, we're here to " "help." msgstr "" "取得 Happiness Engineer 提供的專業即時聊天支援。不論你正在為網域新增網站或編" "輯進階 DNS 設定,我們隨時樂於協助。" msgid "" "A user-friendly platform that takes care of performance and security, so you " "can stay focused on your goals." msgstr "" "這是能夠協助你維護網站效能和安全機制的簡易平台,讓你全心專注在達成目標上。" msgid "" "Built-in SEO tools, social-media integration, and easy sharing options make " "your website ready to launch (and grow!) in no time." msgstr "" "內建的 SEO 工具、社交媒體整合以及易用的分享選項,使你的網站可以立即啟用 (以及" "成長!)。" msgid "Optimized for success" msgstr "助你大獲成功的最佳化工具" msgid "Powerful websites that grow with you" msgstr "與你一同成長的強大網站" msgid "" "Just one click and your domain is a website. It's your new blog. Or your " "company's website. Or a place to showcase your best work. Get the design, " "features, and support you need to bring your idea to life." msgstr "" "按一下,網域名稱就會化為網站,它可以是你的全新網誌、公司官網、個人作品集,你" "想做什麼都可以。彈指間,你就能擁有全新的網站,美觀大方,功能強大,實現你的所" "有夢想。" msgid "Reach your audience with .%s and" msgstr "使用 .%s 和 接觸你的讀者" msgid "Find a domain that's perfect for you" msgstr "找到最適合你的網域" msgid "" "From crust to toppings, every detail counts when it comes to your pizza. " "That includes the right name to help people find you online. Grab a perfect " "slice of the web with a custom .pizza domain. When you’re ready, create a " "powerful website or blog for your .pizza business." msgstr "" "若要烘烤出完美的披薩,從餅皮到配料的每個細節都不能馬虎。當然,這也包括找到適" "合的網域名稱,讓饕客能夠在網路上直接搜尋到你。立即取得含有自訂 .pizza 網域的" "完美網站。在一切準備就緒時,即可為你的 .pizza 事業打造強大的網站或部落格。" msgid "Have a slice of .pizza" msgstr "來片.pizza 如何" msgid "Recommended by the biggest names in WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 協力大廠一致好評" msgid "Jetpack is recommended by the biggest names in WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 協力大廠一致好評推薦 Jetpack" msgid "Contribute to Jetpack" msgstr "為 Jetpack 貢獻己力" msgid "About Jetpack" msgstr "關於 Jetpack" msgid "" "We found a account with the email address \"%(email)s\". Log " "in to this account to connect it to your %(service)s profile, or choose a " "different %(service)s profile." msgstr "" "我們發現使用「%(email)s」電子郵件地址的 帳戶。登入此帳戶以將其" "連線至你的 %(service)s 個人檔案,或選擇其他 %(service)s 個人檔案。" msgid "Email Address or Username" msgstr "電子郵件地址或使用者名稱" msgid "Email address or username" msgstr "電子郵件地址或使用者名稱" msgid "" "Prepare for holiday shopping and end-of-year donations: add a {{strong}}" "payment button{{/strong}} to sell products and services or accept donations " "on your site!" msgstr "" "為假日購物和歲末捐款做好準備:新增{{strong}}付款按鈕{{/strong}}即可在網站上販" "售產品和服務或是接受捐款!" msgid "To add a payment button, create a page." msgstr "如要新增付款按鈕,請建立一個網頁。" msgid "Click {{strong}}Add{{/strong}} to continue." msgstr "按一下「{{strong}}新增{{/strong}}」繼續。" msgid "" "Click the {{icon/}} and choose the {{strong}}Payment Button{{/strong}}. You " "will be able to set a price, upload a photo, and describe your product or " "cause." msgstr "" "按一下「{{icon/}}」然後選擇「{{strong}}付款按鈕{{/strong}}」。接著你可以設定" "價格、上載相片以及說明產品或動機。" msgid "Give your page a title here." msgstr "在這裡為你的網頁下標題。" msgid "" "Happy with your new page? Click {{strong}}Publish{{/strong}} to start " "collecting payments!" msgstr "" "對新網頁感到滿意嗎?按一下「{{strong}}發佈{{/strong}}」就能開始收款了!" msgid "" "Remember: add your page to your site navigation so visitors can find it " "easily" msgstr "請注意:將網頁加入網站導覽可以讓訪客輕鬆找到網頁" msgid "Learn about managing menus" msgstr "瞭解如何管理選單" msgid "Report a bug" msgstr "回報臭蟲" msgid "Press This is not available. Please contact your site administrator." msgstr "Press This 不可用。請聯絡您的網站管理員。" msgid "" "Press This is not installed. Please install Press This from the main site." msgstr "發佈網誌尚未安裝,請前往主網站安裝。" msgid "The Press This plugin is required." msgstr "新聞這個外掛是必需的。" msgid "Installation Required" msgstr "需要安裝" msgid "Activate Press This" msgstr "啟用 Press This" msgid "Activate Plugin & Go to Press This" msgstr "啟用外掛並前往 [發佈至網站]" msgid "Live Broadcast" msgstr "直播" msgid "" "You are using a browser that does not have Flash player enabled or " "installed. Please turn on your Flash player plugin or download the latest " "version from" msgstr "" "您正在使用未啟用或安裝Flash播放器的瀏覽器。請打開您的Flash Player外掛程式或從" " 下載最新版本" msgid "Illustration showing two people looking at stats" msgstr "顯示兩個人看著統計資料的插圖" msgid "Grow your audience" msgstr "讀者持續成長" msgid "Hassle-free design, marketing, and security for WordPress" msgstr "提供 WordPress 的簡易設計、行銷及安全性" msgid "Showing %(displayedPosts)d post of %(totalPosts)d." msgid_plural "Showing %(displayedPosts)d posts of %(totalPosts)d." msgstr[0] "正在顯示 %(displayedPosts)d 篇文章 (共 %(totalPosts)d 篇)。" msgid "To view more posts, {{a}}switch to a specific site{{/a}}." msgstr "如要瀏覽更多文章,請{{a}}切換至指定網站{{/a}}。" msgid "then add it to your device’s bookmarks or home screen." msgstr ",然後將該頁面新增至行動裝置的瀏覽器書籤或主畫面中。" msgid "" "Use Press This as a quick and lightweight way to highlight another page on " "the web." msgstr "" "使用 [發佈至網站] 書籤小工具,就能夠以快速簡便的方式摘錄網路上其他頁面的內" "容。" msgid "" "It will even allow you to choose from images or videos included on the page " "and use them in your post." msgstr "它還提供選擇頁面上圖片或影片的功能,以便在文章中使用。" msgid "Bank" msgstr "銀行" msgid "New order" msgstr "新訂單" msgctxt "remaining number of items for an order" msgid "...and %s more item" msgid_plural "... and %s more items" msgstr[0] "…及其他 %s 項商品" msgid "Multiple variations" msgstr "多種變化版本" msgctxt "Product name, quantity" msgid "%1$s × %2$s" msgstr "%1$s × %2$s" msgid "Products" msgstr "產品" msgid "" "Many of our most successful customers were in your shoes not too long ago. " "Their sites cover topics all over the spectrum, but there’s one thing they " "all have in common: they got to work." msgstr "" "我們有許多現在非常成功的客戶,過去也都像你一樣還在摸索網站成功之道;這些網站" "雖然各自有不同的主題,但都有個共同點:他們都很努力改善網站各方面的表現。" msgid "ℹ️ View Order" msgstr "ℹ️查看訂單" msgid "Shipping Method" msgstr "運送方式" msgid "Order Number" msgstr "訂單號碼" msgid "New Order" msgstr "新訂單" msgid "Click here to get started now." msgstr "按一下這裡立即開始使用。" msgid "Hope to hear from you soon,
The team" msgstr "祝你網站升級成功、飛躍成長。 團隊 敬上" msgid "" "If you are, the next steps are easy. Simply click the button below and " "select the plan that’s right for you:" msgstr "準備好了,就按一下下面的按鈕,輕鬆選擇最適合你的 方案:" msgid "Are You Ready to Upgrade Now?" msgstr "你準備好升級了嗎?" msgid "Now with all that said, I have just one question for you..." msgstr "說了這麼多理由,現在只剩一個問題:" msgid "" "Don’t let that happen to you! Take a bold step forward by upgrading your " "account right now, then commit to making serious progress on your site " "tonight before you go to bed." msgstr "" "如果你想要做好網站,不要再猶豫了,立刻就升級帳戶,馬上讓網站脫胎換骨,這樣才" "能真正安心。" msgid "" "First you tell yourself you’ll decide tomorrow. Then tomorrow becomes next " "week. Then before you know it, the dreams of your new site are long " "forgotten." msgstr "" "如果你決定明天再動手,到了明天就會變成下星期才動手;到最後你才會驚覺,老早就" "可以實現的夢幻新網站,其實一點進度也沒有。" msgid "" "Our data shows that our most successful customers got started right away. In " "fact, the odds are good that if you don’t take the leap now, you never will." msgstr "" "我們的客戶成功案例指出,成功的網站站長,都是當機立斷,說做就做。事實上,如果" "你現在不跨出第一步,很可能就永遠裹足不前了。" msgid "" "Reason #9:
Because the best time to start is right now." msgstr "第 9 個理由:
現在開始,才不會錯失良機。" msgid "Finally, to end with perhaps the most important reason of all..." msgstr "最後一個,也是最重要的理由:" msgid "" "With you’re getting a proven platform that can support your " "website, no matter how large and popular it grows." msgstr "" "眾多 的成功網站案例證明,無論你的網站規模能夠成長到多大、變得多" "熱門,我們都能給予鼎力支援。" msgid "" " is home to everyone from small businesses, to bloggers, to " "large sites like Time, CNN, TechCrunch, and more. All together, WordPress." "com-powered sites reach more than 409 million visitors each month." msgstr "" "無論是從小型企業到部落客,甚至到《時代》雜誌、CNN、TechCrunch 等大型網站," " 適用於所有對象。以 建置的網站總計可達到每個月 4 " "億 9 百萬以上的訪客數。" msgid "" "Your upgraded account also gives you direct access to our customer service " "team. We call them Happiness Engineers, because their mission is to make " "sure you are a satisfied customer who stays with us for many years. Our " "Happiness Engineers provide you with round-the-clock support via live chat " "and email." msgstr "" "帳戶升級後,可以得到最優質的支援服務。我們的客戶服務團隊,也就是 Happiness " "Engineer,最重要的工作,就是讓客戶感到滿意,持續使用我們的服務。這群 " "Happiness Engineer,將透過即時線上文字對談和電子郵件,為你提供全天候不間斷的" "強力支援。" msgid "" "Reason #7:
You’ll get round-the-clock live chat and email support." "" msgstr "" "第 7 個理由:
你將可獲得全天候即時聊天和電子郵件支援。" msgid "" "What’s more, if you select either the Premium or Business plan when you " "upgrade, you’ll even gain free and unlimited access to ALL of our Premium " "templates, which typically sell for between $50 - $100 each." msgstr "" "不只如此,升級時如果你選擇了進階版或商務版方案,甚至能免費且無限制使用所有進" "階版範本 (這些範本的售價,通常是一個 50 到 100 美元)。" msgid "" "Your upgraded account gives you access to hundreds of professionally-" "designed and easy-to-use themes for any kind of business, portfolio, or blog." msgstr "" "升級版帳戶可使用數百種適用於任何企業、個人作品集或網誌、經專業設計且易於使用" "的佈景主題。" msgid "In other words, upgrading is 100% risk free." msgstr "也就是說,升級帳戶,沒有任何風險。" msgid "" "We proudly stand behind the quality of All of our plans " "include a full 30-day money-back-guarantee. So you can join today, make as " "many customizations, posts, and edits as you’d like over the next 30 days " "and still get 100% of your money back if you aren’t happy for any reason." msgstr "" "我們對 的高品質感到自豪,所有方案均享 30 天保證退款試用期;你可" "以立即加入,然後在接下來的 30 天內盡情自訂內容、發佈文章、編輯各種內容;不論" "任何理由,只要感到不滿,就可全額退費。" msgid "Reason #5:
We offer a 30-day money-back-guarantee." msgstr "第 5 個理由:
我們提供 30 天退款保證。" msgid "" "And in case %s per month isn’t already a good enough deal to make upgrading " "an easy choice, I’m going to sweeten the deal by offering you a free domain " "of your choice for one year when you upgrade to a paid account." msgstr "" "如果這麼超值的月費(%s),你還是無法決定要不要升級,那麼更好康的在這裡!升級" "為付費帳戶後,你可以免費自選網域名稱,並且免費使用一年。" msgid "" "Reason #4:
We’ll give you a free domain for one year if you don’t " "have one yet." msgstr "" "第 4 個理由:
如果你還沒有自己的網域名稱,我們免費提供給你,而且可" "以使用一年。" msgid "" "At just %s per month, is an incredible value. Consider it this " "way: for less than the cost of a single Pumpkin Spiced Latte from Starbucks, " "you’ll gain access to the same software, engineering team, and technical " "infrastructure that’s used by some of the most popular sites on the internet " "(more about that in Reason #8)." msgstr "" "每個月只要 %s,比一杯星巴克中杯冰焦糖瑪奇朵還便宜,卻能讓你的網站和許多熱門大" "型網站一樣,享受同等的軟體品質、工程團隊和基礎架構, 的 CP 值根" "本爆表。在第 8 個理由會更詳細說明這一點。" msgid "Reason #3:
Upgrading costs only %s per month." msgstr "第 3 個理由:
每月僅需 %s 即可升級。" msgid "" "And because is the easiest way to use WordPress, you can spend " "your time building your site, rather than worrying about SEO." msgstr "" "使用 WordPress 最簡單的方式,就是在 上架站;你可以把所有心力都" "放在建構網站,不需要擔憂 SEO。" msgid "" "Upgrading your account gets you access to things like a custom domain name " "and advanced SEO tools, which search engines love." msgstr "" "升級帳戶,不但可以使用自訂網域名稱,更迎合搜尋引擎的偏好,還享有進階 SEO 工具" "等多種好康。" msgid "" "WordPress automatically solves a ton of SEO issues…. By using WordPress " "you’ve already taken the first big step. WordPress is a fantastic piece of " "software.
—Matt Cutts, Google’s most well-known in-house SEO expert." msgstr "" "WordPress 可自動解決繁雜的 SEO 問題……採用 WordPress 就等於省下大量心力," "WordPress 真的非常棒。
—Google 旗下最著名的 SEO 專家 Matt Cutts。" msgid "" "A source at Google told me that WordPress offers \"the best out-of-the-" "box SEO imaginable,\" which is probably why it runs nearly 30% of the " "Internet.
—Tim Ferriss , famous author, investor, blogger, and " "podcast host." msgstr "" "Google 內部人員告訴我,WordPress 就是「現在最好的開箱即用 SEO」;難怪整個" "網路上有近 30% 的網站都用 WordPress。
— 著名作家、投資人、部落客、" "podcast 節目主持人 Tim Ferriss。" msgid "" "WordPress is the absolute best platform to use as the foundation of your " "SEO success story.
—Search Engine Journal, the largest trade " "publication for the SEO industry." msgstr "" " 想要好的 SEO,WordPress 可說是最佳平台。
— SEO 業界最大刊物 " "Search Engine Journal。" msgid "" "You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are a few of the many accolades " "WordPress has received from industry experts:" msgstr "" "我們真的不是自吹自擂,有許多第一流的 SEO 專家非常推崇 WordPress,來看看他們怎" "麼說:" msgid "" "Search engines can send you massive amounts of highly qualified and free " "traffic if they like your site. That’s where WordPress’s search engine " "optimization (SEO) tools come in, because they automatically “bake in” the " "most important SEO best practices." msgstr "" "要讓搜尋引擎「愛上」你的網站,網站才能獲得大量、免費的優質流量;WordPress 的" "搜尋引擎最佳化(SEO)工具非常有用,能讓網站自動採取最佳 SEO 策略與設定。" msgid "Reason #2:
World-class SEO experts love WordPress." msgstr "第 2 個理由:
世界級 SEO 專家都愛用 WordPress。" msgid "" "But if you’re building something more than a hobby site, upgrading to get " "your custom domain name is a no-brainer, especially since plans start at " "just %1$s per month. %2$sClick here to see a full description of our plans" "%3$s." msgstr "" "但如果你架站不只是為了好玩,而是有更實際的目的,那麼你真的需要自訂的網域名" "稱。而且,最平易近人的方案,一個月只要 %1$s 就能使用自訂網域名稱,真的非常划" "算,不用太可惜。%2$s 深入了解方案完整介紹 %3$s。" msgid "" "Your domain name is the first thing visitors see about your brand. And right " "now, your website address is %s. That’s perfectly fine if you’re building " "this site for fun." msgstr "" "訪客來到任何網站,第一眼先看到的,就是網站的網域名稱;你現在使用的網址是 %s," "如果你架網站只是為了好玩,用這個網址,一點問題也沒有。" msgid "" "Think of all the sites you love to visit. I bet they all have a memorable or " "unique domain name, right?" msgstr "" "不妨看看你最常去的幾個網站,每個網站都有又好記、又獨特的網域名稱,是不是?" msgid "" "This is by far the most common reason people upgrade to a paid account. It’s " "no mystery why." msgstr "大多數用戶,都是因為這個原因,而升級為付費帳戶的;原因非常簡單。" msgid "" "Reason #1:
Upgrading is the only way to use a custom domain name " "with your site." msgstr "" "第 1 個原因:
升級到付費方案,你的網站才能使用自訂的網域名稱。" msgid "" "Great question! To answer, here are 9 provable facts – not empty marketing " "hype – to tell you why you should upgrade today:" msgstr "" "這問題問得非常好。有 9 個非常充分、得到許多見證,絕非我們自吹自擂的原因:" msgid "" "%s, if you’re anything like me, you might be asking yourself, “why should I " "upgrade to a paid plan when offers so much for free?”" msgstr "" "%s,像你我這樣的架站者,可能都有同樣的問題:「既然 已經提供這麼" "多免費資源,為什麼還是應該升級到付費方案?」" msgid "" "The 9 undeniable reasons you should upgrade your account today" msgstr "立即升級 帳戶的九大好處" msgid "" "I just can’t keep myself away from WordPress. It has had such a positive " "influence on my life since I started becoming an active member of the " "community.
—Britta" msgstr "" "自從成為 WordPress 社群的活躍成員後,我的生活從此變得多彩多姿;我已經離不" "開 WordPress 了!
—Britta" msgid "" "Refocusing our business meant an extensive rebrand and rename. WordPress." "com made it easy to implement the changes we needed for a social media first " "impression.
—Jeri" msgstr "" "當我們的公司大規模重塑品牌與定位時, 提供的資源,讓我們能夠不" "受干擾,專注在新的企業策略之上,重新打造社群媒體上的新形象。
—Jeri" msgid "Did you know WordPress powers %s%% of the internet?" msgstr "你知道整個網路上有 %s%% 的網站,都用 WordPress 來架設嗎?" msgid "" "Thanks for choosing, we’re thrilled to count you as the newest " "member of our global community!" msgstr "再次感謝你選擇,歡迎成為我們全球社群的新成員!" msgid "While you’re exploring everything has to offer..." msgstr "在你探索 提供的豐富資源時⋯⋯" msgid "Click here to Confirm Now" msgstr "按一下,立即確認帳戶啟用" msgid "One last thing for your site" msgstr "讓你的網站更專業、更受歡迎的好方法" msgid "Please select your bank." msgstr "請選取你的銀行。" msgid "User Info" msgstr "使用者資訊" msgid "Use My Own Domain" msgstr "使用我的網域" msgid "Transfer a Domain" msgstr "轉移網域" msgid "Transfer confirmation required" msgstr "需要確認轉移" msgid "" "The transfer of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is in progress. We are " "waiting for authorization from your current domain provider to proceed. {{a}}" "Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "正在轉移 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}。正在等候你目前的網域供應商提供授權" "以便繼續進行。{{a}}瞭解詳情{{/a}}" msgid "Transfer" msgstr "轉移" msgid "Domain transfer failed" msgstr "網域轉移失敗" msgid "Domain is unlocked." msgstr "網域已解除鎖定。" msgid "Unlock the domain." msgstr "解除鎖定網域。" msgid "Your domain is unlocked at your current registrar." msgstr "已於目前的註冊機構解除鎖定你的網域。" msgid "Get a domain authorization code." msgstr "取得網域授權碼。" msgid "Refresh stats" msgstr "更新狀態" msgid "Transfer to" msgstr "轉移至" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "Domain transfer or mapping suggestion button" msgid "Use a domain I own" msgstr "使用我擁有的網域名稱" msgid "Backups and Restores" msgstr "備份與復原" msgid "Credential Type" msgstr "憑證類型" msgid "Please enter a valid server address." msgstr "請輸入有效的伺服器位址。" msgid "Please enter a valid server port." msgstr "請輸入有效的伺服器連接埠。" msgid "Please enter your server password." msgstr "請輸入你的伺服器密碼。" msgid "Please enter your server username." msgstr "請輸入你的伺服器使用者名稱。" msgid "Port number must be numeric." msgstr "連接埠號碼必須是數字。" msgid "SFTP" msgstr "SFTP" msgid "Port Number" msgstr "連接埠號碼" msgid "Testing connection…" msgstr "正在測試連線…" msgid "Error saving. Please check your credentials and try again." msgstr "儲存時發生錯誤。請檢查你的憑證資訊,然後再試一次。" msgid "Your site is now connected." msgstr "你的網站現在已成功連線。" msgid "Obtaining your credentials…" msgstr "正在取得你的憑證資訊…" msgid "Error auto configuring your credentials." msgstr "自動設定你的憑證資訊時發生錯誤。" msgid "Your credentials have been auto configured." msgstr "系統已自動設定你的憑證資訊。" msgid "Get help from our Happiness Engineers" msgstr "向我們的 Happiness Engineer 尋求協助" msgid "Troubleshooting — I'll be reconnecting afterwards." msgstr "疑難排解 -- 我之後會重新連線" msgid "" "If you're not able to successfully reconnect, or if you have other questions " "about Jetpack you'd like answered, you can get in touch with support for " "help at any time" msgstr "" "如果你無法成功重新連線,或有其他關於 Jetpack 的疑問,可以隨時聯絡支援團隊" "以取得協助。" msgid "" "Reconnecting your site can be done in just a few clicks. Just visit " "Jetpack's debug page and follow the instructions under step #5" msgstr "" "只要按幾下滑鼠,就能重新連線至你的網站。請造訪 Jetpack 偵錯頁面,並按照步驟 " "#5 的指示操作" msgid "Get help reconnecting your site" msgstr "取得協助以重新連線至你的網站" msgid "" "If you're not able to successfully reconnect, or if you have other questions " "about Jetpack you'd like answered, you can get in touch with " "support for help at any time." msgstr "" "如果你無法成功重新連線,或有其他關於 Jetpack 的疑問,可以隨時" "聯絡支援團隊以取得協助。" msgid "" "Reconnecting your site can be done in just a few clicks. Just visit Jetpack's debug page and follow the instructions under step #5." msgstr "" "只要按幾下滑鼠,就能重新連線至你的網站。請造訪 Jetpack 偵錯頁" "面,並按照步驟 #5 的指示操作。" msgid "" "Jetpack is currently disconnected from your site, %s. This means you no " "longer have access to site stats, design tools, or brute force login " "protection." msgstr "" "Jetpack 目前已中斷與你網站 (%s) 的連線。這代表您將無法再存取網站狀態、設計工" "具,以及暴力密碼破解防護。" msgid "We're having trouble connecting to your site." msgstr "目前發生問題,導致我們無法連線至你的網站。" msgid "" "Your great idea deserves an equally great name. Now with .%s you can find a " "perfect fit and start telling the world exactly what you do." msgstr "" "你的精彩創意應該搭配同樣出色的網域名稱。現在有了 %s,你可以找到完美符合個人需" "求的網域,開始向全世界展示您的實際成果。" msgid "Table Of Contents" msgstr "目錄" msgid "Choose a store theme." msgstr "選擇商店佈景主題。" msgctxt "Themes step subheader in Signup" msgid "Pick one of our store themes to start with. You can change this later." msgstr "挑選一個商店佈景主題即可開始使用。稍後可隨時變更佈景主題。" msgid "The conversation has been successfully unfollowed." msgstr "已成功取消關注討論。" msgid "" "Let's take a look and help you resolve any connection errors between your " "site and Jetpack." msgstr "讓我們一起檢查,並協助你解決網站與 Jetpack 間的任何連線錯誤吧。" msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem unfollowing that conversation. Please try again." msgstr "很抱歉,取消關注該討論時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "Jetpack is having trouble connecting to your site" msgstr "Jetpack 目前遇到問題,無法連線至你的網站" msgid "Credit or debit card" msgstr "信用卡或簽帳金融卡" msgid "Did you know you’re running an outdated version of Jetpack?" msgstr "你知道自己目前執行的 Jetpack 版本已經過期了嗎?" msgid "" "Update Jetpack now for better performance and access to the latest and " "greatest features." msgstr "立即更新 Jetpack,藉此改善效能、加快速度,並取得最新最棒的功能。" msgid "So are we. Let’s make something together." msgstr "我們也是如此。讓我們一起來創作吧。" msgid "Start your website" msgstr "著手打造網站" msgid "You’re really good
at what you do" msgstr "你在自己的領域內是專家
" msgid "Your Friends at" msgstr "你在 的朋友" msgid "Sorry, we had a problem following that conversation. Please try again." msgstr "很抱歉,關注該討論時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "The conversation has been successfully followed." msgstr "已成功關注討論。" msgid ".%s Domain Search —" msgstr ".%s 網域搜尋 —" msgid "" "To keep your domain registrations, they have to be renewed yearly. Renewing " "expired domain registrations becomes more costly and complicated as time " "goes by. Renew your domain registrations now before it’s too late." msgstr "" "你的域名註冊需要每年更新一次。更新已過期的註冊,隨著時間流逝會變得愈來愈貴且" "愈來愈複雜。請考慮現在就更新你的域名註冊以免向隅。" msgid "" "Renew now for one more year or cancel this subscription" msgstr "" "立即續訂再續約一年,或取" "消這個訂閱" msgid "" "{{strong}}Welcome to Conversations.{{/strong}} You can read and reply to all " "your conversations in one place. WordPress posts you've liked or commented " "on will appear when they have new comments." msgstr "" "{{strong}}歡迎使用 Conversations。{{/strong}}你在單一位置就能閱讀並回覆所有討" "論。當你按讚或留言的 WordPress 文章有新留言時,該文章就會顯示。" msgid "Anonymize IP addresses" msgstr "隱匿 IP 位址" msgid "" "Enabling this option is mandatory in certain countries due to national " "privacy laws." msgstr "由於國家隱私權法律,此選項在某些國家是強制啟用項目。" msgid "Add to cart events" msgstr "新增至購物車事件" msgid "Basic store analytics" msgstr "基本商店分析" msgid "Manage your purchases" msgstr "管理你的購買" msgid "Purchase transactions" msgstr "購買交易" msgid "Confirm Disconnection" msgstr "確認中斷" msgid "Create your store!" msgstr "建立你的商店!" msgid "" "Now that we've taken care of the plan, it's time to start setting up your " "store" msgstr "選定方案後,就該開始設定你的商店了" msgid "" "For example: event tickets, charitable donations, training courses, coaching " "fees, etc." msgstr "例如︰活動售票、慈善捐款、訓練課程、教練費用等。" msgid "What is this payment for?" msgstr "此款項的用途為何?" msgid "Your new plan requires a connection to" msgstr "你的新方案需連線至" msgid "Payment Button" msgstr "付款按鈕" msgid "Find posts to follow" msgstr "尋找可以關注的文章" msgid "Welcome to Conversations" msgstr "歡迎來到 Conversations" msgid "" "When WordPress posts spark lively conversations, they'll appear here. To get " "started, like or comment on some posts." msgstr "" "當 WordPress 文章引發熱烈討論時,就會出現在這裡。若要開始使用,在一些貼文上按" "讚或留言。" msgid "User %(email)s is blocked and can no longer comment on your site." msgstr "使用者 %(email)s 已遭封鎖,無法再在你的網站留言。" msgid "Got it, thanks!" msgstr "瞭解了,謝謝!" msgid "Add a navigation menu to your sidebar." msgstr "在您的側邊欄添加自訂選單。" msgid "" "There were no new purchases on %1$s this month. For ideas on how to boost " "your sales, check out the resources below." msgstr "%1$s 本月並無新的購買項目。如需如何促進業績的構想,請查看下列資源。" msgid "Get more visitors to %s" msgstr "吸引更多訪客前往 %s" msgid "Looking to monetize your site?" msgstr "想要透過網站獲利嗎?" msgid "Open up to learn how to get a custom domain name." msgstr "開啟以瞭解如何取得自訂網域名稱。" msgid "Open up to learn how to monetize your site." msgstr "開啟以瞭解如何透過你的網站獲利。" msgid "How to grow your site traffic" msgstr "如何提升網站流量" msgid "The following domains will also renew:" msgstr "下列網域將一併續訂:" msgid "Your domain %s will also renew." msgstr "將一併續訂你的網域 %s。" msgid "Your %1$s purchase for %2$s will renew automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$s purchase for %2$s will renew automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "%2$s 的 %1$s 購買項目,將於 %3$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "" "The following domain mapping subscriptions will renew automatically in %1$d " "day: %2$s" msgid_plural "" "The following domain mapping subscriptions will renew automatically in %1$d " "days: %2$s" msgstr[0] "將於 %1$d 天後自動續訂下列網域對應訂閱:%2$s" msgid "The following domains will renew automatically in %1$d day: %2$s" msgid_plural "" "The following domains will renew automatically in %1$d days: %2$s" msgstr[0] "將於 %1$d 天後自動續訂下列網域:%2$s" msgid "" "The %1$s plan and domain mapping on your site \"%2$s\" will renew " "automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s plan and domain mapping on your site \"%2$s\" will renew " "automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "將於 %3$d 天後自動續訂網站「%2$s」的 %1$s 方案和網域對應。" msgid "" "The %1$s plan and custom domain on your site \"%2$s\" will renew " "automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s plan and custom domain on your site \"%2$s\" will renew " "automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "將於 %3$d 天後自動續訂網站「%2$s」的 %1$s 方案和自訂網域。" msgid "Your domain mapping subscriptions for %s renew soon" msgstr "即將續訂 %s 的 網域對應訂閱" msgid "Your domain mapping subscription for %s renews soon" msgstr "即將續訂 %s 的 網域對應訂閱" msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$d purchase for %2$s." msgid_plural "" "We were attempting to renew your %1$d purchases for %2$s." msgstr[0] "我們先前嘗試續訂 %2$s 網站的 %1$d 個 購買項目。" msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$s upgrade for %2$s." msgstr "我們先前嘗試續訂 %2$s 的 %1$s 升級項目。" msgid "We were attempting to renew the domain mapping subscriptions for %s." msgstr "我們先前曾經嘗試續訂 %s 的網域對應訂閱。" msgid "We were attempting to renew the domain mapping for %s." msgstr "我們先前曾經嘗試續訂 %s 的網域對應。" msgid "We were attempting to renew the domain registration for %s." msgstr "我們先前曾經嘗試續訂 %s 的網域註冊。" msgid "We were attempting to renew the domain registrations for %s." msgstr "我們先前曾經嘗試續訂 %s 的網域註冊。" msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$s plan for your site %2$s." msgstr "我們先前曾經嘗試續訂 %2$s 網站的 %1$s 方案。" msgid "" "We were attempting to renew your %1$s plan and custom domain for your site " "%2$s." msgstr "我們先前曾經嘗試續訂 %2$s 網站的%1$s 方案和自訂網域。" msgid "We were attempting to renew your Jetpack upgrades for %s." msgstr "我們先前嘗試續訂 %s 網站的 Jetpack 升級。" msgid "%1$s (%3$s) expires on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s (%3$s) 於 %2$s 到期" msgid "%1$s isn't working! Oh no!" msgstr "%1$s 無法使用!糟糕!" msgid "" "To address this issue, renew your domain subscriptions, or cancel and remove " "them from your site. Renewing a domain subscription will ensure your site " "will be available on it for another year." msgstr "" "若要解決此問題,請續訂你的網域訂閱,或是取消並從網站移除該網域訂閱。續訂網域" "訂閱後,你的網站就可以在該網域繼續使用一年。" msgid "%1$s domain subscriptions have expired! Oh no!" msgstr "%1$s 網域訂閱已到期!糟糕!" msgid "%1$s (%3$s) expired on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s (%3$s) 已於 %2$s 到期" msgid "%1$s isn’t working! Oh no!" msgstr "%1$s 無法使用!糟糕!" msgid "Multi network install are not supported." msgstr "不支援多網路安裝。" msgid "The site is not the main network site" msgstr "此網站不是主要網路網站" msgid "Jetpack version is less then 3.3, please update to the latest" msgstr "若 Jetpack 版本是 3.3 之前的舊版本,請更新至最新版本" msgid "User does not have permission to view plugins." msgstr "使用者沒有權限可檢視外掛程式。" msgid "" "We've checked %s, and Jetpack Premium is working smoothly. Here's a " "complimentary breakdown of how your site is being secured:" msgstr "" "我們已檢查 %s,且 Jetpack 進階版正順利運作。以下免費分析將說明我們如何保障你" "的網站安全:" msgid "" "Now that %s is up and running with Jetpack Premium, let's make sure you're " "up to speed on the other important services included with your plan." msgstr "" "在你熟悉透過 Jetpack 進階版執行的 %s 之後,我們想確保你已完全瞭解方案隨附的其" "他重要服務。" msgid "" "We've checked %s, and Jetpack Personal is working smoothly. Here's a " "complimentary breakdown of how your site is being secured:" msgstr "" "我們已檢查 %s,且 Jetpack 個人方案正順利運作。以下免費分析將說明我們如何保障" "你的網站安全:" msgid "" "Now that %s is up and running with Jetpack Personal, let's make sure you're " "up to speed on the other important services included with your plan." msgstr "" "在你熟悉透過 Jetpack 個人方案執行的 %s 之後,我們想確保你已完全瞭解方案隨附的" "其他重要服務。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Premium" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 進階版" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Personal" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 個人方案" msgid "Your Jetpack upgrades are due for renewal" msgstr "你的 Jetpack 升級已到期,需要續訂" msgid "Response was not 200: %s %s" msgstr "回應並非 200:%s %s" msgid "" "Get to know Jetpack even better with our new, intuitive guide on making the " "most of its features and services." msgstr "透過簡單易懂的全新指南增進對 Jetpack 的瞭解,並充分運用其功能與服務。" msgid "Check it out" msgstr "深入了解" msgid "Need some extra help?" msgstr "需要其他說明嗎?" msgid "" "Every site needs a backup plan. Get yours today with a %1$s discount off " "your first year* of Jetpack Premium using the %2$s coupon code." msgstr "" "每個網站都需要備份方案。使用優惠券代碼 %2$s,即可在取得備份" "方案的同時,享有 Jetpack 進階版的第一年* %1$s 優惠。" msgid "Please check your Primary Site's Jetpack connection" msgstr "請檢查你的主要網站的 Jetpack 連線" msgid "The uploaded file is not a compatible plugin." msgstr "上載的檔案不是相容的外掛程式。" msgid "The uploaded file is not a valid zip." msgstr "上載的檔案不是有效的 zip 檔案。" msgid "The uploaded file is not a valid plugin." msgstr "上載的檔案不是有效的外掛程式。" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Update %(numUpdates)d Plugin" msgid_plural "Update %(numUpdates)d Plugins" msgstr[0] "更新 %(numUpdates)d 個外掛程式" msgid "You're now a new member of: {{site/}}" msgstr "你現在已是下列成員:{{site/}}" msgid "{{em}}(No title){{/em}}" msgstr "{{em}}(無標題){{/em}}" msgid "" "“%1$s” is not a valid organization name for .ca domains. Please " "leave blank if registering the domain for an individual. If registering the " "domain for a corporation or other legal entity, please be sure to use the " "official name including the legal structure (Inc., LLC, ULC, Partnership, " "etc.)" msgstr "" "「%1$s」不是 .ca 網域的有效組織名稱。如果要註冊個人網域,請保留空白。如果要註" "冊公司或其他法人實體的網域,請務必使用包含法定結構 (Inc.、LLC、ULC、合作夥伴" "等等) 的官方名稱" msgid "We couldn't load the countries list." msgstr "我們無法載入國家/地區清單。" msgid "Update to Jetpack %s" msgstr "升級 Jetpack 至 %s" msgid "Visit your site" msgstr "造訪你的網站" msgid "Auto-managed on this site" msgstr "在此網站上自動管理" msgid "Confirm that you want to disconnect your site from" msgstr "確認要中斷網站與 的連線。" msgid "Learn more about Search" msgstr "深入瞭解「搜尋」。" msgid "Problem uploading the plugin." msgstr "上載外掛程式時發生問題。" msgid "Clickable SectionHeader" msgstr "可點擊的 SectionHeader" msgid "" "Anonymous messages can't be blocked individually, but you can update your " "{{a}}settings{{/a}} to only allow comments from registered users." msgstr "" "無法單獨封鎖匿名訊息,但你可以更新你的 {{a}} 設定{{/a}},以僅允許已註冊使用者" "的留言。" msgid "User %(email)s unblocked." msgstr "使用者 %(email)s 已解除封鎖。" msgid "No email address" msgstr "無電子郵件地址" msgid "No website" msgstr "無網站" msgid "No IP address" msgstr "無 IP 位址" msgid "Learn more about Simple Payments" msgstr "深入瞭解輕鬆付款功能" msgid "Review your account settings" msgstr "檢視你的帳戶設定" msgid "If you did not perform this action, contact us." msgstr "若你並未執行此動作,請聯絡我們。" msgid "" "Someone logged into your account with an E-mail login link. Please make sure " "your e-mail account is secure!" msgstr "" "有人透過電子郵件登入連結登入了你的帳戶。請確認你的電子郵件帳戶是否安全!" msgid "Heads up! Someone logged into your account with an E-mail login link." msgstr "注意!有人透過電子郵件登入連結登入了你的帳戶。" msgid "no title" msgstr "無標題" msgid "A theme for bloggers who want their content to take center stage." msgstr "專為想建立受人矚目內容的部落客所開發的佈景主題。" msgid "Your page has not received any views yet!" msgstr "你的頁面還沒有任何人閱覽!" msgid "There are no likes on this page yet." msgstr "此頁面尚未有人按讚。" msgid "Write a message for your audience here." msgstr "在此向你的讀者群留言。" msgid "Your site has been successfully restored" msgstr "已成功還原你的網站" msgid "" "You attempted to login with the username {{em}}admin{{/em}} on" msgstr "你試圖使用使用者名稱 {{em}}admin{{/em}} 登入。" msgid "" "If you were trying to access your self hosted {{a}}{{/a}} site, " "try {{strong}}{{/strong}} instead." msgstr "" "如果你正在嘗試存取自行代管的 {{a}}{{/a}} 網站,請改為嘗試 " "{{strong}}{{/strong}}。" msgid "" "If you can’t remember your username, you can {{a}}reset your " "password{{/a}} by providing your email address." msgstr "" "如果你不記得自己的 使用者名稱,你可以提供電子郵件地址{{a}}重設" "密碼{{/a}}。" msgid "Your comment has been updated." msgstr "已更新你的留言。" msgid "" "Once you upload media files, you can edit them — change titles, do basic " "image editing, and more — and they'll be ready and waiting for you to add to " "posts and pages." msgstr "" "上載媒體檔案後,您即可編輯這些檔案 (變更標題、進行基本圖片編輯等等),接著檔案" "便會就緒,待您新增到文章和頁面中。" msgid "{{a}}Log in now{{/a}} to finish signing up." msgstr "{{a}}立即登入{{/a}}以完成註冊。" msgid "" "This account is associated with a account which has Two-Step " "Authentication enabled." msgstr "此帳戶已與啟用兩步驟驗證的 帳戶相關聯。" msgid "Your domain is using name servers" msgstr "網域並非使用 名稱伺服器" msgid "This site's API key is hardcoded and cannot be deleted." msgstr "這個網站的 API 金鑰已強制寫入網站程式碼中,導致無法刪除 API 金鑰。" msgid "The value provided is not a valid and registered API key." msgstr "目前所提供的 API 金鑰無效且未經註冊。" msgid "This site's API key is hardcoded and cannot be changed via the API." msgstr "這個網站的 API 金鑰已強制寫入網站程式碼中,導致無法變更 API 金鑰。" msgid "" "If true, show the number of approved comments beside each comment author in " "the comments list page." msgstr "" "設定後 Akismet 會在留言清單頁面中,將已核准的留言數目顯示在每位留言者的名稱" "旁。" msgid "" "If true, Akismet will automatically discard the worst spam automatically " "rather than putting it in the spam folder." msgstr "" "如果為真,Akismet 會自動捨棄最嚴重的垃圾留言,而不會將其置於垃圾留言資料夾。" msgid "A 12-character Akismet API key. Available at" msgstr "一組 12 個字元的 Akismet API 金鑰,可於 取得" msgid "Uploading custom plugins and themes" msgstr "正在上載自訂外掛程式和佈景主題" msgid "Your website wants to pay you back." msgstr "你的網站想回饋你。" msgid "Add Plugin" msgstr "新增外掛程式" msgid "A custom domain name for %s a month" msgstr "月付 %s 即可使用自訂網域名稱" msgid "" "This is the language of the interface you see across as a " "whole." msgstr "這是 整體介面的語言。" msgid "" "Amounts reported are estimates based on currency exchange rates on the day " "of the purchase before PayPal transaction fees are applied." msgstr "系統會根據購買日當天的匯率估算報價金額,再加上 PayPal 手續費。" msgid "" "Not sure what this is all about? {{a}}We can help clear that up for you.{{/" "a}}" msgstr "不確定這代表什麼嗎?{{a}}讓我們向你充分說明。{{/a}}" msgid "Sign up for %(clientTitle)s with a account" msgstr "用 帳戶註冊 %(clientTitle)s" msgid "" "VideoPress support that lets you upload videos directly to your site without " "needing to embed them from another service." msgstr "" "VideoPress 支援功能可讓你直接上載影片到網站上,不必再透過其他服務嵌入影片。" msgid "" "13 GB of storage space so you can keep your visitors tuned in with even more " "video and audio uploads." msgstr "" "提供 13 GB 儲存空間,方便你上載更多影片和音訊,吸引訪客駐足觀賞及聆聽。" msgid "" "Advanced Design Customization that gives you the power to create a site that " "attracts and engages your audience." msgstr "" "強大的進階設計自訂功能可幫助你打造多采多姿的網站,有效吸引讀者群的目光。" msgid "" "In addition to the ability to monetize your site, you’ll also be getting:" msgstr "除了可利用網站賺取收益之外,你還可以享有以下好處:" msgid "" "Once you set it up, all you have to do is let it run, and keep doing what " "you normally do on your site. We’ll send you your money through PayPal as " "soon as you earn your first $100." msgstr "" "設定完成後,只要讓 WordAds 順利執行,同時按照往常的方式經營你的網站即可。一旦" "你賺得第一筆 100 美元收益,我們會立即透過 PayPal 支付給你。" msgid "" "One of the top priorities for many site owners is to better " "monetize their sites, so I’d like to introduce you to an opportunity to earn " "more through the content you publish." msgstr "" "對許多 網站擁有者來說,最重要的目標就是透過網站賺取收益,因此我" "們想告訴你一個透過發佈內容賺取更多收益的大好機會。" msgid "" "It’s Anne from the team with a tip to help you achieve your " "goals." msgstr "我是 小組的 Anne,想和你分享一個能幫助你達成目標的秘訣。" msgid "" "Make sure you claim your discount before it expires by clicking the button " "above!" msgstr "記得按一下上方的按鈕,在優惠到期前領取折扣喔!" msgid "Claim My 25% Discount" msgstr "領取我的 25% 折扣" msgid "" "If you’re interested, click the button below before your discount expires." msgstr "如要領取折扣優惠,請在活動截止前點選上方按鈕。" msgid "" "Today, we’d like to give you the opportunity to join the hundreds of " "thousands of site owners already growing their audience." msgstr "" "今天我們想與你分享一個好消息,讓你有機會和數十萬網站擁有者一樣增加讀者群數" "量。" msgid "" "Did you know that sites with a paid plan have 34% more " "monthly page views than sites without one?" msgstr "" "相較於未採用 付費方案的網站,你知道採用付費方案的網站每" "個月的頁面瀏覽次數可以多出 34% 嗎?" msgid "" "It’s Anne from with a tip to help you boost the traffic to %s." msgstr "" "我是 的 Anne,想和你分享一個幫助你將流量提升到 %s 的秘訣。" msgid "So click the button above, and we’ll see you inside!" msgstr "按一下上方按鈕,我們裡面見!" msgid "Claim My 50% Discount" msgstr "領取我的 50% 折扣" msgid "" "If you’re interested, click the button below to claim your discount before " "it expires!" msgstr "如要領取優惠,記得在折扣到期前點選上方按鈕!" msgid "" "Search and Social Previews help you tailor your message to your target " "audience." msgstr "「搜尋」和「社交媒體預覽」可讓你依據目標讀者群的喜好編輯訊息內容。" msgid "" "Edit your site’s metadata in just two clicks, and your page will show up in " "search just the way you like." msgstr "" "按兩下滑鼠即可編輯網站的中繼資料,讓網頁按照你想要的方式顯示在搜尋結果中。" msgid "" "SEO tools that will make your pages pop out more in search engines. That " "way, people can see all your hard work!" msgstr "" "你可以使用 SEO 工具提高網頁在搜尋引擎的曝光率,向大家展現你的努力成果!" msgid "" "Whatever your aspirations are for your site, we want to help you achieve " "them." msgstr "不論你希望你的網站能達到什麼目標,我們都會全力協助你實現願望。" msgid "" "From bloggers to freelancers to large and small businesses, " "has helped thousands of people build their websites and grow their traffic." msgstr "" "從部落客到自由工作者,乃至於規模不等的企業, 已協助數千位使用者" "打造網站及增加流量。" msgid "" "One of the best ways to do that is through SEO, or Search Engine " "Optimization." msgstr "最有效的做法就是使用 SEO,也就是搜尋引擎最佳化工具。" msgid "" "I’m Anne and my job here at is to help site owners like you " "spread your message to more people." msgstr "" "我是 Anne,我在 的工作就是協助和你一樣的網站擁有者,吸引更多人" "瀏覽你的網站內容。" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete this item? Deleted media will no longer " "appear anywhere on your website, including all posts, pages, and widgets. " "This cannot be undone." msgid_plural "" "Are you sure you want to delete these items? Deleted media will no longer " "appear anywhere on your website, including all posts, pages, and widgets. " "This cannot be undone." msgstr[0] "" "你確定要刪除這些項目嗎?媒體一經刪除,就不會出現在網站上任何地方,包括所有文" "章、頁面和小工具在內。此動作無法復原。" msgid "Please enter the verification code generated by your authenticator app." msgstr "請輸入驗證器應用程式產生的驗證碼。" msgid "Enter the code generated by your authenticator app." msgstr "輸入驗證器應用程式產生的驗證碼。" msgid "Product Tour" msgstr "產品導覽" msgid "" "For more information about how to set up Simple Payments and what it can do " "for you, check out our %1$sFAQ page%2$s." msgstr "" "如要進一步瞭解如何設定「輕鬆付款」及善用其功能,請參閱我們的%1$s常見問題頁" "面%2$s。" msgid "" "To use this brand new feature and start selling products and services " "directly from %s, upgrade to Premium today. " msgstr "" "如要使用這個全新功能,並直接透過「%s」銷售產品和服務,歡迎立即升級至 " " 進階版。" msgid "Upgrade My Site + Start Selling" msgstr "升級方案,立刻開店" msgid "" "Upload a button image and enter a description of whatever you’re selling, " "provide your email address, and you’re ready to sell. The setup is quick, so " "you can focus on your real priority — running your business." msgstr "" "只要上載按鈕圖片並輸入銷售內容的說明,再提供你的電子郵件地址,即可準備開始銷" "售。設定過程簡單快速,因此你可以專注在真正重要的事務上,也就是全心經營你的事" "業。" msgid "" "With Simple Payments from, you now have a way to easily create " "and embed credit and debit card payment buttons on your site in a matter of " "seconds." msgstr "" "有了 的輕鬆付款功能,在網站上建立及嵌入信用卡和金融卡付款按鈕僅" "需幾秒鐘的時間,輕鬆又容易。" msgid "" "But what if it could? What if your labor of love — your product, your " "service, your art, your skill — could also be your livelihood? It changes " "your life. It frees you." msgstr "" "但這有可能嗎?要是你在網站上展示的心血結晶,包括產品、服務、美術天份和技能," "都能變成維持生計的工具呢?網站既能改變你的生活,也能讓你重獲財務自由。" msgid "" "You have passions. You also have bills to pay, and passion doesn’t " "necessarily pay them." msgstr "縱使你擁有滿腔熱忱,但還是得支付日常開銷,光有熱忱無法填飽肚子。" msgid "Open up to find out how." msgstr "立即瞭解如何實現這個夢想。" msgid "Start selling on %s in seconds" msgstr "幾秒鐘內開始在「%s」上銷售" msgid "%1$s logged out" msgstr "%1$s 已登出" msgid "%1$s failed login attempts" msgstr "%1$s 次嘗試登入失敗" msgid "Powered by {{jetpackLogo /}}" msgstr "由 {{jetpackLogo /}} 建置" msgid "" "Sorry, this user account does not own the product you are trying to renew." msgstr "抱歉,這個使用者帳戶並非你嘗試續約產品的擁有者。" msgid "" "You’ll be able to log in faster by linking your account with " "the following third-party services. We’ll never post without your permission." msgstr "" "你可以將 帳戶和下列的第三方服務連結,以便快速登入。未經你許可," "我們絕不會擅自發佈文章。" msgid "If you didn't request a login link, you can just delete this email." msgstr "如果你不需要登入連結,可刪除這封電子郵件。" msgid "%1$s modified a comment on post %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 已修改「%2$s」一文的留言" msgid "Close post sharing" msgstr "關閉文章分享" msgid "This account is not connected to %s" msgstr "此帳戶未與 %s 連結。" msgid "Automatic Updates" msgstr "自動更新" msgid "" "Your site is being secured and you have access to marketing tools and " "priority support." msgstr "你的網站目前安全無虞,並且你也可以存取行銷工具並獲得優先支援服務。" msgid "" "Your data is being securely backed up and you have access to priority " "support." msgstr "你的資料已安全地備份,並且你也可以獲得優先支援服務。" msgid "Invalid OAuth2 redirect url" msgstr "OAuth2 重新導向網址無效" msgid "WordPress updated to version %1$s" msgstr "WordPress 已更新至 %1$s 版" msgid " verification code" msgstr " 驗證碼" msgid "Add a Plugin" msgstr "新增外掛程式" msgid "" "Search and add plugins right from your dashboard, or upload a plugin from " "your computer with a drag-and-drop interface." msgstr "" "你可以直接在儀表板搜尋和新增外掛程式,或是透過拖放介面從電腦上載外掛程式。" msgid "Upload a plugin now" msgstr "立即上載外掛程式" msgid "Delete these comments permanently?" msgstr "永久刪除這些回應?" msgid "%(changes)d word added" msgid_plural "%(changes)d words added" msgstr[0] "新增字數:%(changes)d" msgid "%(changes)d word removed" msgid_plural "%(changes)d words removed" msgstr[0] "移除字數:%(changes)d" msgid "Connect to Google Analytics" msgstr "連結至 Google Analytics" msgid "" "Complement's stats with Google's in-depth look at your " "visitors and traffic patterns." msgstr "" "透過 Google 深入分析你的訪客和流量模式,補充 的統計資料。" msgid "Not on {{signupLink}}Create an Account{{/signupLink}}." msgstr "不在 上嗎?{{signupLink}}建立帳戶{{/signupLink}}。" msgid "Social Login" msgstr "社群平台帳戶登入" msgid "User not allowed" msgstr "使用者沒有權限" msgid "Did you know?" msgstr "你知道嗎?" msgid "Item" msgstr "項目" msgid "" "Another month is in the books! Here are the payments you’ve received on %1$s " "in %2$s." msgstr "又多了一個月的收入!以下是你的網站在 %1$s (於 %2$s) 所收到的款項。" msgid "%s Sales Report" msgstr "%s 銷售報告" msgid "User cannot be added to this site." msgstr "使用者無法被添加到此網站。" msgid "User has been created, but could not be added to this site." msgstr "使用者已建立,但無法添加到此網站。" msgid "That user could not be added to this site." msgstr "使用者無法添加到此網站。" msgid "Choose media library source" msgstr "選擇媒體庫來源" msgid "" "We've canceled your domain transfer and Privacy Protection has been re-" "enabled." msgstr "你的網域轉移已經取消,並重新啟用「隱私權保護」。" msgid "We've canceled your domain transfer and re-locked your domain." msgstr "你的網域轉移已經取消,並重新鎖定你的網域。" msgid "We've canceled your domain transfer. " msgstr "你的網域轉移已經取消。" msgid "Send Transfer Code" msgstr "傳送轉移碼" msgid "The registry for your domain requires a special process for transfers. " msgstr "註冊網域需要進行特殊的轉移程序。" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers have been notified about your transfer request and " "will be in touch shortly to help you complete the process." msgstr "" "我們的客戶滿意工程師 (Happiness Engineer) 已接獲你的轉移要求通知,將盡快與你" "聯絡以協助你完成程序。" msgid "" "Please request an authorization code to notify our Happiness Engineers of " "your intention." msgstr "請要求授權碼,以便通知客戶滿意工程師 (Happiness Engineer) 你的目的。" msgid "" "We have sent the transfer authorization code to the domain registrant's " "email address." msgstr "我們已將轉移授權碼傳送至網域註冊者的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Please press the button to request a transfer authorization code." msgstr "請按一下按鈕要求轉移授權碼。" msgid "" "You must provide your new registrar with your domain name and transfer code " "to complete the transfer process." msgstr "你必須將網域名稱及轉移碼提供給新的註冊機構以完成轉移程序。" msgid "Sending request…" msgstr "正在傳送要求…" msgid "Showing results for: %s" msgstr "顯示「%s」的搜尋結果" msgid "Comment discarded." msgstr "留言已捨棄。" msgid "" "Canceling a domain name may cause the domain to become unavailable for a " "long time before it can be purchased again, and someone may purchase it " "before you get a chance. Instead, please {{a}}use our transfer out feature{{/" "a}} if you want to use this domain again in the future." msgstr "" "取消網域名稱可能會導致該網域在再次開放購買前長時間無法使用,而且其他人可能會" "搶先購買網域。如果你未來想再次使用這個網域,可以改為{{a}}使用我們的轉移功能" "{{/a}}。" msgid "Site Pages" msgstr "網站頁面" msgid "View site domains" msgstr "檢視網站 %(domain)s" msgid "Upgrade your plan" msgstr "升級方案吧!" msgid "Share on" msgstr "分享至" msgid "Back to %(clientTitle)s" msgstr "返回 %(clientTitle)s" msgid "Marketing Automation" msgstr "自動化行銷" msgid "Howdy! Log in to %(clientTitle)s with your account." msgstr "你好!請以 帳戶登入 %(clientTitle)s。" msgid "Oops! You don't have permission to manage comments." msgstr "糟糕!你沒有管理留言的權限。" msgid "" "Hooray! You’ve just received your first payment, %1$s for %2$s! Check your " "email." msgstr "太棒了!你已收到第一筆付款:%2$s 的 %1$s!請檢查電子郵件。" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete this item? It will be disabled and removed " "from all locations where it currently appears." msgstr "" "你確定要刪除這個項目嗎?系統會停用此項目,並將其從所有目前出現的位置移除。" msgid "Your session has expired. Please reload the page." msgstr "你的工作階段已逾時。請重新載入網頁。" msgid "" "Upload media — photos, documents, audio files, and more — by clicking the " "{{addNewButton/}} button." msgstr "按一下 {{addNewButton/}}按鈕,即可上載相片、文件、音訊檔案等媒體。" msgid "To find these options, click on this file to select it." msgstr "若要找出這些選項,請按一下並選取檔案。" msgid "" "Once you upload a file, you can edit its title, add a caption, and even do " "basic photo editing." msgstr "" "上載檔案後,你可以編輯檔案標題、新增說明文字,甚至還可進行基本的相片編輯。" msgid "" "Here you can edit the title, add a caption, find the media URL, and see " "other details." msgstr "接著即可編輯標題、新增說明文字、尋找媒體 URL 和查看其他詳細資訊。" msgid "Got it, I'm ready to explore!" msgstr "明白了,我準備好要探索各種功能了!" msgid "{{strong}}One moment, please…{{/strong}} loading your site." msgstr "{{strong}}請稍候…{{/strong}} 正在載入網站內容。" msgid "We just emailed you a link." msgstr "我們剛以電子郵件傳送連結給你。" msgid "Please check your inbox and click the link to log in." msgstr "請查看你的收件匣,並按一下電子郵件中的連結以登入網站。" msgid "Edit \"%s\"" msgstr "編輯 \"%s\"" msgctxt "Used before tag names." msgid "Tags" msgstr "標籤" msgctxt "Used before project type names." msgid "Project Types" msgstr "專案類型" msgctxt "post author" msgid "Written by %s" msgstr "作者: %s" msgctxt "Used before project tag names." msgid "Project Tags" msgstr "專案標籤" msgctxt "Previous post link" msgid "Previous Post: %title" msgstr "上一篇文章: %title" msgctxt "Previous post link" msgid "Prev Post: %title" msgstr "上一篇文章: %title" msgctxt "Used before publish date." msgid "Posted on" msgstr "發佈於" msgctxt "post date" msgid "Posted on" msgstr "發佈於" msgctxt "post date" msgid "Posted on %s" msgstr "發佈於%s" msgctxt "post author" msgid "Posted by %s" msgstr "發文作者 %s" msgctxt "suffix for paged archive titles" msgid "Page %s" msgstr "第 %s 頁" msgctxt "post date" msgid "on %s" msgstr "於 %s" msgctxt "Next post link" msgid "Next Post: %title" msgstr "下一篇文章: %title" msgctxt "load posts button text" msgid "Load More" msgstr "載入更多" msgctxt "Used before category names." msgid "Categories" msgstr "分類" msgctxt "Used before post author name." msgid "Author" msgstr "作者" msgctxt "Used before tag names." msgid "Tags" msgstr "標籤" msgctxt "Used before category names." msgid "Categories" msgstr "分類" msgctxt "Used before post author name." msgid "Author" msgstr "作者" msgctxt "Parent post link" msgid "" "Published in" "%title" msgstr "" "發佈於%title" msgctxt "post date" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgctxt "post author" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgctxt "contributor article count" msgid "%d Article" msgstr "%d 篇文章" msgid "Year:" msgstr "年:" msgid "That page can’t be found." msgstr "哎呀!無法找到該頁面。" msgid "Results for: %s" msgstr "%s 的結果:" msgid "Search here..." msgstr "在這裡搜索..." msgid "Previous Slide" msgstr "前一張" msgid "on %s at %s" msgstr "在%s 於 %s" msgid "Older projects" msgstr "較舊的專案" msgid "No posts found. Try a different search?" msgstr "沒有任何文章符合.執行新的搜尋?" msgid "Next Entry" msgstr "下一個" msgid "Next Slide" msgstr "下一張" msgid "Next Project" msgstr "下一個項目" msgid "Menu & Widgets" msgstr "選單及小工具" msgid "Edit %s" msgstr "編輯 %s" msgid "" "Continue reading %1$s " msgstr "" "繼續閱讀 %1$s " msgid "close search form" msgstr "關閉搜尋" msgid "Close Menu" msgstr "關閉選單" msgid "" "Live chat, support pages, guided courses, and real-time one-on-one support—" "we’re in the business of helping your business succeed online." msgstr "" "我們提供即時聊天、支援頁面、引導式課程和一對一即時支援,致力協助貴企業在網路" "上獲得成功。" msgid "No pending comments." msgstr "沒有待審核的留言。" msgctxt "post author" msgid "by %s" msgstr "由%s撰寫" msgid "Leave a Comment on %s" msgstr "在 %s 發佈留言" msgid "" "Know what your visitors are viewing, where they’re coming from and how they " "found you. Make informed decisions about what’s resonating on your site." msgstr "" "瞭解訪客正在檢視的內容、訪客的來源以及他們找到你的方式。針對網站與訪客產生共" "鳴的元素,作出明智的決定。" msgid "" "Get a website that works wherever your customers are. Download the WordPress " "apps for iOS and Android and manage your website anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "建立無論你的客戶身在何處都能使用的網站。下載 iOS 和 Android 適用的 WordPress " "應用程式,隨時隨地管理你的網站。" msgid "" "A user-friendly platform, plus domain registration, website design, and " "hosting means you can stay focused on your business." msgstr "" "容易使用的平台,加上網域註冊、網站設計和託管服務,讓你可以專心經營業務。" msgid "" "Built-in SEO tools, social-media integration, and easy sharing options make " "your website ready\n" "to launch (and grow!) in no time." msgstr "" "內建的 SEO 工具、社交媒體整合以及易用的分享選項,使你的網站可以立即\n" "啟用 (並即時發展!)。" msgid "" "Plugins are helpful add-ons—like mini programs—that make your website even\n" "better, and we’ve got thousands to choose from." msgstr "" "外掛程式是一種實用的附加元件,就像迷你程式,能讓你的網站更\n" "出色。我們提供數以千計的外掛程式任你選擇。" msgid "Feature-rich websites that grow with your business" msgstr "與業務同步成長的功能豐富網站" msgid "Build it better with plugins" msgstr "運用外掛程式,強化網站功能" msgid "" "Already have a domain? Bring it to! We’ll help you move it " "with no disruption to your current site." msgstr "" "已經有網域了嗎?將它帶進 吧!我們會協助你轉移,且不會中斷目前的" "網站運作。" msgid "Choose from one of our beautiful themes, or design and upload your own." msgstr "從我們多采多姿的佈景主題中選擇一種,或自行設計並上載佈景主題。" msgid "Or bring your own" msgstr "你也可以自攜網域" msgid "" "Carve out your niche with a name that’s uniquely you. Secure your one-of-a-" "kind domain name right here." msgstr "" "以你專屬的名字,開創出自己的市場定位。立即在此定下你獨一無二的網域名稱。" msgid "Find the right domain" msgstr "找出合適的網域" msgid "It starts with a domain that’s perfect for you" msgstr "一切就從完全適合你的網域開始" msgid "Simplicity, speed, flexibility." msgstr "簡單、快速、靈活。" msgid "%(size)s uploaded, unlimited storage available" msgstr "%(size)s 已上載,可使用無限的儲存空間" msgid "" "Congratulations! %1$s has sent you %2$s " "for %3$s." msgstr "" "恭喜你!%1$s 已傳送 %2$s%3$s 給你。" msgid "Your money has arrived!" msgstr "獲利金額已入帳!" msgid "Shipping address:" msgstr "運送地址:" msgid "Paypal status:" msgstr "Paypal狀態:" msgid "Paypal ID:" msgstr "Paypal ID:" msgid "Customer email:" msgstr "客戶電郵:" msgid "Customer name:" msgstr "客戶名稱:" msgid "Quantity:" msgstr "數量:" msgid "You sold \"%2$s\" for %3$s." msgid_plural "You sold %1$s of \"%2$s\" for %3$s each." msgstr[0] "你售出了「%2$s」共 %1$s,每件 %3$s。" msgid "Buyer at %1$s" msgstr "買家 %1$s" msgid "You've received a payment, %1$s for %2$s. Check your email!" msgstr "你收到一筆款項,%2$s 共 %1$s。檢查你的電子郵件!" msgid "Ready to invest in the success of your site?" msgstr "準備好讓你的網站更加蓬勃發展嗎?" msgid "Our #1 tip for taking your site to the next level" msgstr "讓網站更上一層樓的頭號秘訣" msgid "Our tips for building a following of loyal fans." msgstr "建立持續關注你的忠心粉絲的秘訣。" msgid "Turn your site into a community" msgstr "將你的網站轉變成社群" msgid "Turn your website into a source of income." msgstr "讓你的網站變成收益來源。" msgid "Five ways to monetize your site" msgstr "利用網站獲利的五個方法" msgid "It’s easier than you think to increase your website views." msgstr "要增加你的網站瀏覽次數,比想像中更簡單。" msgid "Our tips for getting more people to your site" msgstr "讓更多人到訪你網站的秘訣" msgid "Go to WP Admin" msgstr "前往 WP 管理員" msgid "Visit WP Admin to install your plugin." msgstr "請造訪 WP 管理員,安裝你的外掛程式。" msgid "We couldn't approve this comment." msgstr "無法核准這則留言。" msgid "We couldn't unapprove this comment." msgstr "無法取消核准這則留言。" msgid "We couldn't mark this comment as spam." msgstr "無法將這則留言標記為垃圾留言。" msgid "We couldn't move this comment to trash." msgstr "無法將這則留言移到垃圾桶。" msgid "We couldn't update this comment." msgstr "無法更新這則留言。" msgid "We are unable to retrieve your full media library." msgstr "無法完整擷取你的媒體庫。" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Thai Baht" msgstr "泰銖" msgctxt "currency" msgid "New Taiwan Dollars" msgstr "新臺幣" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Singapore Dollars" msgstr "新加坡幣" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Polish Zloty" msgstr "波蘭茲羅提" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Philippine Peso" msgstr "菲律賓比索" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Norway Kroner" msgstr "挪威克朗" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Hong Kong Dollars" msgstr "港幣" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Denmark Kroner" msgstr "丹麥克朗" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Czech Koruna" msgstr "捷克克朗" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Swiss Francs" msgstr "瑞士法郎" msgid " | Creative Mornings | Create Your Website Now" msgstr " | Creative Mornings | 立即建立你的網站" msgid "" "As a global partner of CreativeMornings, we help you make your ideas happen. " "Share your vision with the world with a business website, professional " "portfolio, or blog.

Sign up today with code ‘WPlovesCM’ and receive a " "15% discount on all plans." msgstr "" "身為 CreativeMornings 的全球合作夥伴,我們可協助你實踐各種想法。利用商業網" "站、專業個人作品集或網誌,與全世界分享你的願景。

立即以代碼" "「WPlovesCM」註冊服務,即可享有所有方案的 15% 折扣。" msgid "Your Ideas Start Here" msgstr "你的想法從這裡萌芽" msgid "" "Interested in working with us? We're hiring—check out our %sopen " "positions%s!" msgstr "想成為我們的一份子嗎?招聘活動目前展開中,快來看看有哪些%s空缺職位%s!" msgid "Shipping address" msgstr "運送地址" msgid "" "Contact %s to let them know you’re working on their order." msgstr "聯絡 %s,讓對方知道你正在處理他們的訂單。" msgid "Your next step" msgstr "你的下一步" msgid "" "%s has sent you %s for %s." msgstr "" "%s 已傳送 %s 給你 (關於 %s)。" msgid "Share this awesome news." msgstr "分享這個超棒的消息。" msgid "Hooray! You’ve just received your first payment." msgstr "萬歲!你的第一筆款項剛入帳。" msgid "Contact the Buyer" msgstr "聯絡買家" msgid "View the Payment" msgstr "檢視付款" msgid "View tag '%(currentTagName)s'" msgstr "檢視「%(currentTagName)s」標籤" msgid "View list '%(currentListName)s'" msgstr "檢視「%(currentListName)s」清單" msgid "You must verify your email to register new domains." msgstr "你必須驗證你的電子郵件才能註冊新網域。" msgid "" "Hey there, looks like you just pasted HTML into the “Visual” tab " "of the Text widget. You may want to paste your code into the “" "Text” tab instead. Alternately, try out the new “Custom " "HTML” widget!" msgstr "" "喂,睇來你只是把HTML粘貼到文字小工具的視像標籤頁,您可能需要將程式碼粘貼到文" "字卡裏。另外,嘗試新的自訂HTML小工具吧!" msgid "Did you just paste HTML?" msgstr "你只是要粘貼HTML嗎?" msgid "" "Did you know there is a “Custom HTML” widget now? You can find " "it by scanning the list of available widgets on this screen. Check it out to " "add some custom code to your site!" msgstr "" "喂,你聽說過我們現在有一個「自訂HTML」小工具嗎?你可以掃瞄本畫面的可用小工具" "列表來找到它。檢查一下,為您的網站添加一些自訂代碼吧!" msgid "" "Did you know there is a “Custom HTML” widget now? You can find " "it by pressing the “Add a Widget” button and searching for “HTML”. Check it out to add " "some custom code to your site!" msgstr "" "喂,你聽說過我們現在有一個自訂的HTML小工具嗎?你可以通過點擊 “添如小工具” 按鈕來找到它,然後搜尋 " "“HTML”。檢查一下,為您的網站選添加一些自訂程式碼吧!" msgid "" "This widget may have contained code that may work better in the “" "Custom HTML” widget. If you have not yet, how about trying that widget " "instead?" msgstr "" "這個小工具可能包含了在新的「自訂HTML」小工具中更好地工作的程式碼。如果您還沒" "有,那麼可否嘗試一下這個小工具呢?" msgid "New Custom HTML Widget" msgstr "新增自訂HTML小工具" msgid "" "This widget may contain code that may work better in the “Custom " "HTML” widget. How about trying that widget instead?" msgstr "" "這個小工具可能包含在新的「自訂HTML」小工具中運作得更好的代碼。試唔試下這個小" "工具點樣?" msgid "Arbitrary text." msgstr "任意文字。" msgid "Some HTML tags are not permitted, including:" msgstr "一些HTML標記是不允許的,包括:" msgid "Custom HTML" msgstr "自訂HTML" msgid "Arbitrary HTML code." msgstr "任意的HTML程式碼。" msgid "Best for freelancers" msgstr "自由職業人士最佳選擇" msgid "Best for students" msgstr "學生最佳選擇" msgid "Best for small businesses" msgstr "小型企業最佳選擇" msgid "Best for hobbyists" msgstr "興趣愛好者最佳選擇" msgid "All free features" msgstr "所有的免費功能" msgid "All Personal features" msgstr "所有的個人版功能" msgid "All Premium features" msgstr "所有的進階版功能" msgid "Free custom domain" msgstr "免費的自訂網域" msgid "Monetize your site with ads" msgstr "利用網站廣告獲利" msgid " subdomain" msgstr " 子網域" msgid "Unlimited premium themes" msgstr "無限使用進階版佈景主題" msgid "Upload Themes and Plugins" msgstr "上載佈景主題和外掛程式" msgid "Free WordPress Themes" msgstr "免費 WordPress 佈景主題" msgid "Award-winning WordPress Hosting" msgstr "獲獎肯定的 WordPress 託管服務" msgid "" "If you sign up with one of our recommended partners we have a commercial " "affiliate relationship with them." msgstr "" "如果你向我們推薦的其中一個合作夥伴註冊服務,即表示我們和他們之間產生了商業聯" "盟關係。" msgid "Start with DreamHost" msgstr "使用 Dreamhost 架站" msgid "Unlimited backup storage" msgstr "無限的備份儲存空間" msgid "" "Out of all of the hosts in the world we've chosen to recommend %s and %s as " "the two we think are best." msgstr "" "在全球眾多主機服務提供者中,我們選擇推薦 %s 與 %s,因為這兩者的品質最為優異。" msgid "Your Site" msgstr "你的網站" msgid "" "Sorry, there was a problem loading the image. Please close this editor and " "try selecting the image again." msgstr "很抱歉,載入圖片時發生問題。請關閉編輯器,然後嘗試重新選取圖片。" msgid "" "Request an invitation to view it and we'll send your username to the site " "owner for their approval." msgstr "請提出檢視邀請,我們會傳送你的使用者名稱給網站擁有者進行審核。" msgid "Request Invitation" msgstr "邀請要求" msgid "" "Log in to to proceed. If you are not a member of this site, " "we'll send your username to the site owner for approval." msgstr "" "登入 以繼續操作。若你不是此網站的成員,我們會傳送你的使用者名稱" "給網站擁有者進行審核。" msgid "This is a private site" msgstr "這是私人的 網站。" msgid "" "To change the aspect ratio, the height and width must be bigger than " "{{strong}}%(width)dpx{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "高度和寬度須大於 {{strong}}%(width)d 像素{{/strong}},才能變更外觀比例。" msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Medium, Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, " "Typepad, and more. You can also easily import your content from a self-" "hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "你可以從其他各種網誌平台匯入你的網誌內容,這些平台包括 Medium、Blogger、" "LiveJournal、Movable Type、Tumblr、Typepad 等等。你也可以從自助託管 " "WordPress 網站輕鬆匯入自己的內容。" msgid "Unsupported domain." msgstr "不支援的網域。" msgid "Please visit {{a}}{{/a}} to search for a domain." msgstr "請前往 {{a}}{{/a}} 搜尋網域。" msgid "Your site has been removed from WordAds." msgstr "你的網站已從 WordAds 移除。" msgid "Manage your connection" msgstr "管理你的連結" msgid "" "Sync your site content for a faster experience, change site owner, repair or " "terminate your connection." msgstr "同步網站內容以獲得更快速的體驗、變更網站擁有者、修復或終止使用連結。" msgid "Simple Payments products" msgstr "「輕鬆付款」產品" msgid "Simple Payments orders" msgstr "「輕鬆付款」訂單" msgctxt "Sharing options: Header" msgid "Like" msgstr "讚" msgid "You've posted %1$s days in a row! Keep up the good work." msgid_plural "You've posted %1$s days in a row! Keep up the good work." msgstr[0] "你已連續 %1$s 天張貼文章!繼續維持下去。" msgid "You've successfully installed the %(plugin)s plugin." msgstr "你已成功安裝 %(plugin)s 外掛程式。" msgid "This plugin is already installed on your site." msgstr "你的網站已安裝此外掛程式。" msgid "The plugin zip file must be smaller than 10MB." msgstr "此外掛程式的 zip 檔案必須小於 10MB。" msgid "Upload problem: %(error)s." msgstr "上載問題:%(error)s。" msgid "Problem installing the plugin." msgstr "安裝外掛程式時發生問題。" msgid "Your profile photo is public." msgstr "你的個人檔案相片已設為公開。" msgid "Disconnect from" msgstr "停止 與 連結" msgid "" "Your site will no longer send data to and Jetpack features " "will stop working." msgstr "你的網站將不會再傳送資料至,Jetpack 的功能也會停止運作。" msgid "Oops! You don't have permission to manage plugins." msgstr "糟糕!你沒有管理外掛程式的權限。" msgid "If you think you should, contact this site's administrator." msgstr "如有需要,請聯絡此網站的管理員。" msgid "" "Connect your account to your %(service)s profile. You will be " "able to use %(service)s to log in to" msgstr "" "將 帳戶連結至 %(service)s 個人檔案。你可以使用 %(service)s 登" "入。" msgid "Connect your %(service)s account" msgstr "連結至 %(service)s 帳戶。" msgid "There are no media items uploaded to this post." msgstr "此文章中沒有上載的媒體項目。" msgid "You don't have any images." msgstr "你沒有任何圖片。" msgid "You don't have any videos." msgstr "你沒有任何影片。" msgid "You don't have any audio files." msgstr "你沒有任何音訊檔案。" msgid "You don't have any documents." msgstr "你沒有任何文件。" msgid "You don't have any media." msgstr "你沒有任何媒體。" msgid "Search media uploaded to this post…" msgstr "搜尋上載到此文章的媒體…" msgid "This Post" msgstr "此文章" msgid "Unincorporated Association" msgstr "非法人團體" msgid "Aboriginal Peoples" msgstr "原住民" msgid "Could not delete the comment." msgstr "無法刪除留言。" msgid "Data synchronization" msgstr "資料同步處理" msgid "Diagnose a connection problem" msgstr "診斷連結問題" msgid "" "Jetpack Sync keeps your dashboard up to date. Data is sent " "from your site to the dashboard regularly to provide a faster " "experience. " msgstr "" "Jetpack 同步可確保你的 儀表板保持最新狀態。系統會定期將資料從你" "的網站傳送到 儀表板,藉此帶來更快速的使用體驗。" msgid "" "If you suspect some data is missing, you can {{link}}initiate a sync " "manually{{/link}}." msgstr "若懷疑有部分資料遺失,可以{{link}}啟用手動同步處理{{/link}}。" msgid "" "A streamlined editor with faster, simpler image uploading? Check and mate." msgstr "想要能更快更簡單地上載圖片的簡化編輯器?快來看看這是不是你喜歡的。" msgid "" "Is your new post a hit? With push notifications, see reactions as they roll " "in." msgstr "你的新文章是否廣受歡迎?透過推播通知,第一時間查看別人的反應。" msgid "Invalid price" msgstr "價格無效" msgid "Unable to connect account to social account." msgstr "無法將 帳戶連結至社交帳戶。" msgid "This social account is already associated with a account." msgstr "此社交帳戶已與其他 帳戶連結。" msgid "" "Jetpack brings free themes, security services, and essential marketing tools " "to your self-hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "Jetpack 能為你的自助託管 WordPress 網站提供免費佈景主題、安全性服務及必備的行" "銷工具。" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Indian Rupees" msgstr "印度盧比" msgid "" "Business plans now offer access to thousands of WordPress plugins and themes!" msgstr "商務版方案現在可存取數千種 WordPress 外掛程式與佈景主題!" msgid "" "Find a unique style for your site: features hundreds of " "beautiful themes.
Purchased a " "WordPress theme elsewhere? No problem: the Business plan lets you install " "any theme you’d like." msgstr "" "為你的網站找出獨一無二的風格 提供數百種美麗的佈景主題。
" "已經在其他地方購買 WordPress 佈景主題" "了嗎?沒問題:商務版方案可讓你安裝任何想用的佈景主題。" msgid "Learn more about P2" msgstr "深入瞭解 P2" msgid "Enable ads and display an ad below each post" msgstr "啟用廣告並在每篇文章底下顯示廣告" msgid "Compare our plans" msgstr "比較方案" msgid "" "You have to verify the email address used to register this domain before you " "are able to update the name servers for your domain. Look for the " "verification message in your email inbox." msgstr "" "必須先驗證用以註冊此網域的電子郵件地址,才能更新網域的名稱伺服器。請前往電子" "郵件收件匣收取驗證訊息。" msgid "" "We need to check your contact information to make sure you can be reached. " "Please verify your details using the email we sent you, or your domain will " "stop working. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "我們必須確認你的聯絡資訊,確保可透過此管道聯絡你。請使用我們傳送的電子郵件來" "驗證你的詳細資料,否則你的網域將停止運作。{{learnMoreLink}}瞭解更多。{{/" "learnMoreLink}}" msgid "Check your email — instructions sent to %(email)s." msgstr "說明已傳送至 %(email)s,請查看電子郵件。" msgid "Sent to %(email)s. Check your email to verify." msgstr "已傳送至 %(email)s。請查看電子郵件以完成驗證。" msgid "Send Again" msgstr "重新傳送" msgid "Choose the platform that gives you more." msgstr "選擇提供更多服務的平台。" msgid "" "Google and social media previews, Google Analytics integration, optional ad " "revenue, and social media scheduling." msgstr "" "Google 和社交媒體預覽、Google Analytics 整合、可選廣告收入和社交媒體排程。" msgid "" "High-speed, ad-free video CDN means your viewers don't see irrelevant ads " "and you don't eat into your hosting bandwidth." msgstr "" "高速、無廣告的 CDN,讓瀏覽者不必觀看無關的廣告,且為你節省託管頻寬的使用量。" msgid "Unlimited Video Hosting" msgstr "無限影片託管" msgid "" "Your site is entirely backed up and scanned in real-time with unlimited " "storage and backup archive." msgstr "提供無限儲存空間和備份封存,完整備份你的網站並即時掃描。" msgid "Business Class Security" msgstr "商務級安全性" msgid "" "200+ premium themes available for use on your site with built-in advanced " "customization tools." msgstr "為你的網站提供超過 200 種進階佈景主題,以及內建的進階自訂工具。" msgid "Professional WordPress sites from start to finish." msgstr "從頭開始建立專業 WordPress 網站。" msgid "Comment approved and reply submitted." msgstr "已核准留言,且已送出回覆。" msgid "Reply submitted." msgstr "已送出回覆。" msgid "Reply to comment…" msgstr "回覆留言..." msgid "Concierge Setup Service" msgstr "服務台設定服務" msgid "Automatic Threat Resolution" msgstr "自動排除威脅" msgid "Priority Support" msgstr "優先支援服務" msgid "Unlimited Video Hosting" msgstr "無限影片託管" msgid "Unlimited Storage and Archive" msgstr "無限儲存空間和封存" msgid "Real-time Backups" msgstr "即時備份" msgid "Jetpack Professional" msgstr "Jetpack 專業版" msgid "Design, build, grow, and secure your site from start to finish." msgstr "不僅協助設計和建立網站,更在網站成長的同時提供保護,始終伴你左右。" msgid "Professional Sites:" msgstr "專業網站:" msgid "" "We give priority to our paying customers when responding to support requests " "which means you will get a faster resolution." msgstr "付費客戶可優先取得支援要求回應,讓你能更快排除問題。" msgid "What is priority support?" msgstr "優先支援服務是什麼?" msgid "" "Everything you need to create and manage a professional WordPress site from " "start to finish.

Create your business site with unlimited premium " "themes, customization tools, SEO tools, and unlimited video CDN.

Keep " "it secure and always online with real-time backups, spam filtering, malware " "scanning, automated fixes, and priority support." msgstr "" "提供從開始建立到完成以及管理專業 WordPress 網站所需的一切工具。

無限量" "利用進階版佈景主題、自訂工具、SEO 工具和無限量的影片 CDN,打造自己的商務網" "站。

運用即時備份、垃圾郵件過濾、惡意軟體掃描、自動化修正和優先支援服" "務,確保安全並保持網站始終得以正常運作。" msgid "Professional WordPress Sites" msgstr "專業 WordPress 網站" msgid "Start with Professional" msgstr "開始使用專業版" msgid "" "Jetpack Premium immediately puts you a step ahead of the game.

Your " "entire site is securely backed up, spam is automatically filtered, and all " "your code is scanned for malware daily.

You also get high-speed and " "ad-free video hosting and pre-approval to our ad program." msgstr "" "Jetpack 專業版讓你贏在起跑點。

完整備份你的網站,確保安全,同時自動篩" "選垃圾訊息,並每日掃描所有代碼,以確保沒有惡意軟體。

你也可以取得高" "速、無廣告的影片託管服務,並預先同意我們的廣告方案。" msgid "Elevate Your Online Presence" msgstr "提高你的網路知名度" msgid "Upgrade to Yearly" msgstr "升級至年費方案" msgid "Billed yearly, credit card expiring soon" msgstr "以年繳方式收費,信用卡即將到期" msgid "Billed yearly, renews on %s" msgstr "以年繳方式收費,將於 %s 續約" msgid "Billed yearly, expires on %s" msgstr "以年繳方式收費,將於 %s 到期" msgid "Billed yearly, expired %(timeSinceExpiry)s" msgstr "以年繳方式收費,已於 %(timeSinceExpiry)s 過期" msgid "Billed yearly" msgstr "以年繳方式收費" msgid "Billed monthly" msgstr "以月繳方式收費" msgid "Upgrade to yearly billing" msgstr "升級至年費方案" msgid "Billing period" msgstr "計費期間" msgid "Automated malware scanning, secure video hosting, and more." msgstr "自動掃描惡意軟體、安全影片託管及更多功能。" msgid "Advanced Security:" msgstr "進階安全性功能:" msgid "" "After losing a whole site, I looked into backing it up. For about the price " "of a Big Mac, I get peace of mind every month.

I had a small issue " "when reinstalling WordPress and Jetpack support fixed it extremely quickly " "and were A1 helpful.

I sleep easy at night knowing they’ve got my " "back." msgstr "" "有過失去整個網站的經歷後,我開始會備份網站。只要支付一個大麥克漢堡的價格,我" "就能確保每個月都安全無虞。

我在重新安裝 WordPress 時遇到了小問題,而 " "Jetpack 支援服務很快就修復這個問題,帶給我非常大的幫助。

因為確定網站" "安全有保障,我每天晚上都能安穩睡覺。" msgid "" "We completed a theme upgrade and Google realized something was wrong and " "dropped us from their rankings within 10 minutes.

We used Jetpack's " "site restore for the first time and it worked quickly and perfectly. What " "little we have invested doesn’t compare to its value tonight alone. THANK " "YOU VERY MUCH." msgstr "" "我們已完成佈景主題升級,同時 Google 在 10 分鐘內發現發生問題後已降低我們的排" "名。

我們第一次使用 Jetpack 網站復原功能,這功能快速而完美的完成了任" "務。和這功能今晚的貢獻相比,我們投資的那點錢根本不算什麼。真的非常感謝你們!" msgid "Our users love Jetpack" msgstr "Jetpack 深受使用者喜愛" msgid "" "Security Essentialsfor WordPress Sites" msgstr "" "WordPress 網站的必備安全性功能" msgid "Safeguard your online presence with Jetpack." msgstr "Jetpack 協助保障你的網路知名度" msgid "Keep your site secure and ready to restore at any time." msgstr "確保網站安全,並可隨時加以復原。" msgid "" "Protects your site from unwanted attention. Get expert support and instant " "restores should something go wrong." msgstr "" "保護你的網站,避免不必要的注意。並可在發生問題時取得專家支援和立即加以復原。" msgid "" "Everything you need to make sure your site is always online and ready to " "serve your readers and customers." msgstr "提供所有需要的事物,確保網站隨時運作以服務讀者與客戶。" msgid "Safeguard Your Online Presence" msgstr "保障你的網路知名度" msgid "" "Purchases can be canceled and refunded during the refund period. You can " "also unsubscribe at any time if you don’t want your subscription to renew." msgstr "" "在退款期間內,你可以取消購買並退款。如果你不希望續訂,也可以隨時取消訂閱。" msgid "" "Plans renew annually and we take care of everything. If your payment " "information needs updating, we’ll let you know." msgstr "" "方案為每年續訂,我們會處理所有相關事項。如果需要更新付款資訊,我們會通知你。" msgid "" "You can pay for your Jetpack plan in the Store checkout using any major " "credit card, debit card, or PayPal." msgstr "" "你可以使用各大信用卡、轉帳卡或 PayPal 在「商店」結帳區支付 Jetpack 方案。" msgid "" "We check whether your site is online and avaiable every two minutes and will " "notify you if it seems to be offline." msgstr "" "我們每兩分鐘檢查一次你的網站,確認其是否保持在線並能提供服務。如果網站中斷連" "線,我們會通知你。" msgid "" "Protect your site from unauthorized login attempts, brute force attacks, and " "automated botnets." msgstr "保護你的網站免於未經授權的登入、暴力破解攻擊和自動殭屍網路攻擊。" msgid "Attack Protection" msgstr "攻擊防護" msgid "" "Easily restore your site with one click to a previously backed up version or " "migrate it to another host from an existing backup." msgstr "" "只要按一下按鍵,就能輕鬆將網站復原為上一次備份的版本,或是從既有備份將其遷移" "到其他主機。" msgid "Restore and Migrate" msgstr "復原和遷移" msgid "" "Get priority, expert assistance from our global support team for any Jetpack " "or WordPress security issue." msgstr "" "透過我們的全球支援團隊,優先取得專家協助,解決任何 Jetpack 或 WordPress 的安" "全性問題。" msgid "" "State-of-the-art spam filtering stops spammers and affiliate marketers from " "taking advantage of your site traffic." msgstr "" "提供最新垃圾訊息過濾功能以阻擋垃圾內容,並防止行銷人員利用你的網站流量。" msgid "Spam Filtering" msgstr "過濾垃圾訊息" msgid "" "Your entire site is backed up daily including all settings, themes, content, " "and media. We have no storage limit." msgstr "" "每日為網站進行完整備份,備份項目包括所有設定、佈景主題、內容和媒體。儲存空間" "沒有上限。" msgid "Automated Backup" msgstr "自動備份" msgid "Trusted by millions of WordPress professionals." msgstr "深受數百萬 WordPress 專業人士信賴。" msgid "The safest way to be online with WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 提供最安全的連線方式" msgid "" "Our data centers span the globe and already serve millions of WordPress " "sites of all shapes and sizes.

Trusting us with your site security " "means working with a proven infrastrucure and team." msgstr "" "我們的資料中心遍及全球,並已為數百萬個各種類型和規模的 WordPress 網站服務。" "

我們提供經過考驗、值得信賴的基礎架構和團隊,保障你網站的安全。" msgid "Global Infrastructure" msgstr "全球基礎架構" msgid "Get faster support than free users from our WordPress security experts." msgstr "比免費使用者更快取得 WordPress 安全專家的支援服務。" msgid "No matter how large your site is we back up all of it at no extra cost." msgstr "不論網站規模多大,都能提供完整備份服務,且不需支付額外費用。" msgid "Back up all your site content, themes, and data on schedule every day." msgstr "每日按時備份網站內容、佈景主題和資料。" msgid "Peace of Mind Comes Standard" msgstr "讓你高枕無憂的服務" msgid "" "This account is already connected to another user on this " "site. Please login to another account to complete the " "connection." msgstr "" "此 帳戶已有本網站的其他使用者在使用。請登入其他 " "帳戶以完成連結。" msgid "Allow people to buy more than one item at a time." msgstr "讓買家可一次購買多項商品。" msgid "" "This is where PayPal will send your money. To claim a payment, you'll need a " "PayPal account connected to a bank account." msgstr "" "PayPal 會將款項傳送至此處。若要領取款項,你必須將 " "PayPal 帳戶綁定一個銀行帳戶。" msgid "" "Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to WordPress." "com." msgstr "網站目前處於開發模式,因此無法連結。" msgid "The site is not connected." msgstr "網站尚未完成連結!" msgid "You are the owner of this site's connection to" msgstr "你擁有此網站與 的連結權限。" msgid "Site ownership" msgstr "網站所有權" msgid "" "This plan includes mapping for the domain %(mappedDomain)s. Cancelling will " "remove all the plan's features from your site, including the domain." msgstr "" "此方案包含 %(mappedDomain)s 網域的網域對應功能。如果取消方案,將會從網站移除" "此方案的所有功能,包括網域對應功能。" msgid "" "Your site will no longer be available at %(mappedDomain)s. Instead, it will " "be at %(wordpressSiteUrl)s" msgstr "你的網站將無法連結至 %(mappedDomain)s,而是連結至 %(wordpressSiteUrl)s" msgid "" "The domain %(mappedDomain)s itself is not canceled. Only the connection " "between and your domain is removed. %(mappedDomain)s is " "registered elsewhere and you can still use it with other sites." msgstr "" "%(mappedDomain)s 網域本身則不會取消,系統僅會移除 和你的網域間" "的連結。%(mappedDomain)s 已於其他地方完成註冊,你仍可將此網域運用在其他網站" "上。" msgid "Payment Buttons" msgstr "付款按鈕" msgid "Could not unlike this comment" msgstr "無法收回此留言的讚" msgid "Conversations" msgstr "對話" msgid "Your restore will start in a moment." msgstr "稍後將開始還原作業。" msgid "Enable comment likes" msgstr "啟用留言按讚功能" msgid "Could not like this comment" msgstr "無法對此留言按讚" msgid "" "Hmm, we can't update the status of your restore. Please refresh this page." msgstr "很抱歉,目前無法更新還原狀態。請重新整理頁面。" msgctxt "Themes step subheader in Signup" msgid "" "Pick one of our popular themes to get started or choose from hundreds more " "after you sign up." msgstr "" "從熱門佈景主題中挑選一個開始使用,或登入帳戶從上百種佈景主題中盡情挑選。" msgid "Access photos in your Google Account for use in posts and pages" msgstr "存取 Google 帳戶內的相片,並將其用在文章和頁面中。" msgid "" "On this page, you are able to update your Akismet settings and view spam " "stats." msgstr "你可以在這個頁面更新 Akismet 設定並檢視垃圾郵件統計。" msgid "Reply to %(commentAuthor)s…" msgstr "回覆 %(commentAuthor)s…" msgid "WordPress Security Essentials" msgstr "WordPress 安全性基本資訊功能" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Upgrade on:" msgstr "升級︰" msgid "Upgrade your site and save" msgstr "升級網站並儲存" msgid "Upgrade your site today" msgstr "立即升級網站" msgid "Domain is pending contact information update." msgstr "網域正在等待聯絡資訊更新" msgid "Sign up today" msgstr "立即註冊" msgid "Launch your website" msgstr "推出你的網站" msgid "" "Your change will be reflected shortly. Please note that if you made a change " "to your name, organization, or email address, you must confirm the change by " "clicking the confirmation link(s) in the email(s) sent to you. If you have " "any questions or issues, please refer to our {{supporta}}support page{{/" "supporta}} or {{a}}contact support{{/a}}." msgstr "" "變更內容很快就會反映在網站上。請注意,若是變更姓名、組織或電子郵件地址等資" "訊,請查看收到的電子郵件,並點選郵件中的確認連結以確認變更。如有任何問題,請" "參閱︰{{supporta}}支援頁面{{/supporta}}或{{a}}聯絡支援團隊{{/a}}。" msgid "Apple App Store download badge" msgstr "Apple App Store 下載徽章" msgid "Google Play Store download badge" msgstr "Google Play 商店下載徽章" msgid "Get WordPress apps for all your screens." msgstr "下載適用於各種裝置的 WordPress 應用程式。" msgid "Requires Mac OS X 10.11+. " msgstr "需要 Mac OS X 10.11 或以上版本。" msgid "Requires a 64-bit kernel. " msgstr "需要 64 位元核心。" msgid "Requires Windows 7+. " msgstr "需要 Windows 7 或以上版本。" msgid "Desktop App for Mac" msgstr "適用於 Mac 的桌面應用程式" msgid "Desktop App for Linux" msgstr "適用於 Linux 的桌面應用程式" msgid "Desktop App for Windows" msgstr "適用於 Windows 的桌面應用程式" msgid "Simple Payments" msgstr "輕鬆付款" msgid "Sell anything with a simple PayPal button." msgstr "輕鬆新增 PayPal 按鈕就能出售各種商品。" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Hungarian Forints" msgstr "匈牙利福林" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Swedish Kronor" msgstr "瑞典克朗" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Mexican Pesos" msgstr "墨西哥披索" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Russian Rubles" msgstr "俄羅斯盧布" msgctxt "currency" msgid "New Israeli Shekels" msgstr "以色列新謝克爾" msgid "Unable to show your site here" msgstr "無法在此顯示您的網站" msgid "To view your site, click the button below" msgstr "若要檢視您的網站,請按下方按鈕" msgid "6 GB of storage space for images, documents, and audio." msgstr "有 6 GB 儲存空間可以儲存圖片、文件和音訊檔案。" msgid "(Only admins can see this message)" msgstr "(只有管理員可以看見此訊息)" msgid "" "There are no photos to display. Make sure your Flickr feed URL is correct, " "and that your pictures are publicly accessible." msgstr "" "沒有可顯示的相片。確認你的 Flickr 摘要 URL 正確,且你的照片可供公開存取。" msgid "" "Leave the Flickr RSS URL field blank to display interesting Flickr photos." msgstr "" "將 Flickr RSS URL 欄位留白,即可顯示有趣的 Flickr 相片。" msgid "" "To find your Flickr RSS URL, go to your photostream, add \"?details=1\" to " "the URL, and hit enter. Scroll down until you see the RSS icon or the " "\"Latest\" link. Right-click on either options and copy the URL. Paste into " "the box above." msgstr "" "若要找出你的 Flickr RSS URL,請前往相片串流,在 URL 新增「?details=1」,然後" "按一下 Enter 鍵。向下捲動直到出現 RSS 圖示或「最新」連結。用滑鼠右鍵按一下選" "項,並複製 URL,再貼到上方的方塊。" msgid "Customize your site without needing to know any code." msgstr "你不必認得任何程式碼即可自訂網站。" msgid "The single most underrated feature for new websites." msgstr "善用小工具,讓你的網站功能更加豐富" msgid "Start publishing with a few short sentences." msgstr "以幾句簡短開場白開始發佈內容。" msgid "The first page every site owner should customize." msgstr "架好網站後,要先寫些什麼才對?" msgid "The first thing all site owners should do." msgstr "網站架設者的第一要務" msgid "Social Media Icons (Deprecated)" msgstr "社交媒體圖示 (已過時)" msgid "%d share" msgid_plural "%d shares" msgstr[0] "%d 次分享" msgid "… and %d more share" msgid_plural "… and %d more shares" msgstr[0] "… 以及再 %d 次分享" msgid "" "Schedule your social media updates in advance and promote your posts when " "it's best for you." msgstr "事先安排社交媒體更新,並在最適合的時機推廣自己的文章。" msgid "Advanced Social Media" msgstr "進階社群媒體整合" msgid "Schedule a complimentary, one-on-one consultation with a Jetpack expert" msgstr "安排與 Jetpack 專家的一對一免費諮詢服務" msgid "" "Just for you: Click here to schedule a " "complimentary, one-on-one consultation with a Jetpack expert." msgstr "" "你的專屬服務按一下這裡安排與 Jetpack 專" "家的一對一免費諮詢服務。" msgid "Install third-party themes and plugins." msgstr "安裝第三方提供的佈景主題和外掛程式。" msgid "Go to %s" msgstr "前往 %s" msgid "Your receipt for %s." msgstr "你的 %s 收據。" msgid "Monthly billing" msgstr "每月帳單" msgid "Choose the option that best describes your Canadian presence:" msgstr "請選擇最能說明您的加拿大網路現身條件的選項:" msgid "Post Publicized" msgstr "已發佈文章" msgid "Your post %1$s has just been shared on \"%2$s\" %3$s account." msgstr "「%2$s」%3$s 帳戶剛剛分享了您的文章 %1$s。" msgid "Scheduled %s update" msgstr "已安排的 %s 更新" msgid "We just shared your post %1$s on %2$s." msgstr "我們剛剛在 %2$s 分享了您的文章 %1$s。" msgid "" "It looks like you were this close to investing in an upgrade for your " " site, %s. What a great decision you were about to make!" msgstr "" "看來你就快要決定升級 網站 (%s) 了。你的決定真是明智!" msgid "Copy to media library" msgstr "複製到媒體庫" msgid "Could not add a reply to “%(postTitle)s”" msgstr "無法新增回應到「%(postTitle)s」" msgid "Could not add a reply to this post" msgstr "無法新增回應到此文章" msgid "Uh oh. That method isn't supported." msgstr "糟糕,不支援那個方法。" msgid "" "Check with the service provider that sent you here for more information." msgstr "請向將你導向此處的服務供應商確認,以瞭解更多資訊。" msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of beautiful designs and customize them for your " "business site, blog, or portfolio. Purchased a WordPress theme " "elsewhere? No problem: the Business plan lets you install any " "theme you’d like." msgstr "" "從數百個美觀的設計中選擇並加以自訂,以套用在你的企業網站、網誌、個人作品集等" "等。是在別的地方購買 WordPress 嗎?沒問題 商務版方案可" "讓你安裝任何你想要的佈景主題。" msgid "Your Ideas. Your Brand. Your Domain." msgstr "你的想法,你的品牌,自己的網域。" msgid "Find the domain that defines you." msgstr "找到最能展現你的網域名稱。" msgid "Delete this comment permanently?" msgstr "永久刪除此回應?" msgid "… and %(moreEvents)d more post" msgid_plural "… and %(moreEvents)d more posts" msgstr[0] "…與 %(moreEvents)d 篇更多文章" msgid "Easy monetization options" msgstr "輕鬆獲利選項" msgid "Unlimited premium themes." msgstr "無限使用進階版佈景主題。" msgid "" "Almost done! We need some extra details to register your %(tld)s domain." msgstr "快完成了!請提供額外詳細資訊,以註冊%(tld)s 網域。" msgid "Activate Rewind" msgstr "啟用倒轉" msgid "Activity for {{period/}}" msgstr "{{period/}} 的活動" msgid "Don't forget to enter a password." msgstr "別忘了輸入密碼。" msgid "Enter a username of your choice." msgstr "請輸入選擇的使用者名稱。" msgid "Enter a working email address, so you can receive our messages." msgstr "請輸入有效的電子郵件地址,以確保能收到我們的郵件。" msgid "Email me a login link." msgstr "將登入連結寄給我。" msgid "Don't forget to enter your password." msgstr "別忘了輸入你的密碼。" msgid "" "We aren't able to set up the service with the information given. Please " "check with your service provider to make sure they provided all the correct " "data." msgstr "" "我們無法透過所提供的資訊設定服務。請與服務提供者確認,以確保他們提供所有正確" "資料。" msgid "Hurray! Your new service is now all set up." msgstr "萬歲!你的新服務現在已全部設定完畢。" msgid "" "We weren't able to add the DNS records needed for this service. Please try " "again." msgstr "我們無法新增這項服務所需的 DNS 記錄。請再試一次。" msgid "Authorize DNS Changes for %(domain)s" msgstr "針對 %(domain)s 授權 DNS 變更" msgid "We're going to remove or replace these records:" msgstr "欲移除或取代這些記錄:" msgid "" "The services that these records were used for may no longer work if they are " "removed. If you are trying to switch from one service provider to another " "this is probably what you want to do." msgstr "" "如果移除這些記錄,使用這些記錄的服務可能無法再運作。如果你嘗試從某個服務提供" "者切換至另一個,你可能想要這麼做。" msgid "We're going add these records:" msgstr "欲新增這些記錄:" msgid "Hide Changes." msgstr "隱藏變更。" msgid "View Changes." msgstr "檢視變更" msgid "" "To set up this service, we're going to make some changes to the the DNS " "records for your domain." msgstr "若要設定此服務,我們將針對網域的 DNS 記錄進行一些變更。" msgid "" "When you're ready to proceed, click %(confirm)s. If this isn't what you " "meant to do, click %(cancel)s and we won't make any changes." msgstr "" "當你準備好繼續進行,請按一下 %(confirm)s。如果你並未打算這麼做,請按一下 " "%(cancel)s,我們將不會進行任何變更。" msgid "" "Howdy! It looks like you want to set up your domain to work with the " "{{strong}}Microsoft Office 365 service{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "哈囉!你似乎希望設定網域,以連結至 {{strong}}Microsoft Office 365 服務{{/" "strong}}。" msgid "" "There seems to be a problem with the information we received about the " "service you're trying to set up. Contact your service providers support and " "let them know about this error message." msgstr "" "我們收到資訊,表示你嘗試設定的服務似乎有問題。請聯絡你的服務提供者支援團隊," "告知他們此錯誤訊息。" msgid "Real-time Backups" msgstr "即時備份" msgid "Site migration functionality" msgstr "網站遷移功能" msgid "Site Restores & Migrations" msgstr "網站還原和遷移" msgid "" "We automatically scan your entire site every day for security threats and " "vulnerabilities. We'll thoroughly check for any suspicious activity or code, " "provide you with instant notifications and details when we find an issue, " "and help you resolve any harmful threats.\n" msgstr "" "我們每天都會自動掃描整個網站,以查看是否存有安全性威脅與漏洞。我們會徹底檢查" "是否有任何可疑活動或程式碼,一旦發現問題就會向你提供即時通知和詳細資料,並協" "助你解決任何有害威脅。\n" msgid "" "Jetpack provides instant, hassle-free access to 165 beautiful themes that " "can be previewed, installed, and activated with just a single click. " "Additional theme customization tools allow you to make your site look " "exactly the way you want." msgstr "" "Jetpack 可讓你即時且輕鬆地存取 165 個精美的佈景主題,只要按一下就能預覽、安裝" "及啟用。其他佈景主題自訂工具則可讓你將網站設計成喜歡的樣子。" msgid "Video hosting (Unlimited)" msgstr "影片託管 (無限使用)" msgid "One-click malware fixer" msgstr "單鍵惡意軟體修正程式" msgid "SEO tools" msgstr "SEO 工具" msgid "Video hosting (13 GB)" msgstr "影片託管 (13GB)" msgid "Revenue generation" msgstr "產生收入" msgid "" "Engage your readers with ad-free, high-speed, and unbranded video content. " "Fully optimized for WordPress and featuring direct integration with your " "post editor and media library. Detailed stats help you track views and plays." msgstr "" "使用無廣告、高速及無品牌標示的影片內容,吸引讀者的目光。針對 WordPress 進行完" "整最佳化,並可與文章編輯器和媒體庫直接整合。詳盡的統計資料可協助你追蹤瀏覽次" "數和播放次數。" msgid "" "Painlessly monetize your site. Deliver relevant, high-quality promotional " "content to your readers using our custom advertising program that's " "optimized for WordPress sites and themes." msgstr "" "輕鬆利用網站獲利。使用我們已針對 WordPress 網站和佈景主題完成最佳化的自訂廣告" "程式,向你的讀者提供高品質的相關宣傳內容。" msgid "" "We automatically scan your entire site every day for security threats and " "vulnerabilities. We'll thoroughly check for any suspicious activity or code, " "provide you with instant notifications and details when we find an issue, " "and help you resolve any harmful threats." msgstr "" "我們每天都會自動掃描整個網站,以查看是否存有安全性威脅與漏洞。我們會徹底檢查" "是否有任何可疑活動或程式碼,一旦發現問題就會向你提供即時通知和詳細資料,並協" "助你解決任何有害威脅。" msgid "Site migration tools" msgstr "網站遷移工具" msgid "Spam defense" msgstr "垃圾郵件防護" msgid "Backup restore tools" msgstr "備份還原工具" msgid "active" msgstr "已啟用" msgid "30-day backup archive" msgstr "保留最近 30 天備份檔" msgid "" "We've checked %s, and Jetpack Professional is working smoothly. Here's a " "complimentary breakdown of how your site is being secured:" msgstr "" "我們已檢查 %s,且 Jetpack 專業版正順利運作。以下免費分析將說明我們如何保障你" "的網站安全:" msgid "Good news!" msgstr "好消息!" msgid "" "Easily move your site to a different host, duplicate it for testing " "purposes, or restore a previous backup to any location. You'll also get " "priority migration support from our team of WordPress experts if you run " "into any problems." msgstr "" "無論是將網站移動至其他主機、複製網站以便測試,或是將上一次的備份還原至任何位" "置,都能輕鬆完成。萬一發生任何問題,你也可以優先獲得我們 WordPress 專家團隊的" "遷移支援。" msgid "Site Restores & Migration" msgstr "網站還原和遷移" msgid "" "Instant, hassle-free access to 165 beautiful themes that can be previewed, " "installed, and activated with just a single click. Additional theme " "customization tools allow you to make your site look exactly the way you " "want." msgstr "" "即時且輕鬆地存取 165 個精美的佈景主題,只要按一下就能預覽、安裝及啟用。其他佈" "景主題自訂工具則可讓你將網站設計成喜歡的樣子。" msgid "Professional Themes" msgstr "專業佈景主題" msgid "Get to know your plan." msgstr "認識方案。" msgid "Learn more about your plan" msgstr "深入瞭解方案" msgid "" "With expedited support from our team of WordPress experts, We can help you " "resolve any security problems or concerns, and we can walk you through all " "of the Jetpack features to help you succeed with your site." msgstr "" "有了 WordPress 專家團隊的快速支援,我們可以協助你解決任何安全性問題或疑慮,也" "可以為你介紹所有 Jetpack 功能,協助你的網站發光發熱。" msgid "" "We offer the industry-leading anti-spam solution for WordPress. Jetpack is " "built to thwart the latest tactics from spammers — and we stop them before " "they get a chance to ruin your site and search engine rankings." msgstr "" "我們為 WordPress 提供領先業界的防垃圾郵件解決方案。Jetpack 的目標在於對抗垃圾" "郵件發送者的最新手法,在他們有機可趁,毀了你的網站和搜尋引擎排名之前加以阻" "止。" msgid "" "Jetpack offers automatic backups of your entire site and all of its content, " "with unlimited storage. Your content is safely stored on our secure network. " "It's all optimized for WordPress and always available to get you back up and " "running as quickly as possible." msgstr "" "Jetpack 能自動備份整個網站及所有內容,且儲存空間無限使用。你的內容會安全地儲" "存在我們安全無虞的網路之中。我們的網路已針對 WordPress 完成最佳化,不僅可隨時" "備份內容,還可在最短時間內順暢運作。" msgid "Daily Backups" msgstr "每日備份" msgid "" "%s is in good hands! Here are the important security services included with " "your plan:" msgstr "%s 是你的好幫手!你的方案所隨附的重要安全性服務如下:" msgid "" "Preview your site's content as it will appear on Facebook, Twitter, and the " " Reader." msgstr "" "預覽網站內容,看看在 Facebook、Twitter 和 讀取器上將如何顯示。" msgid "" "Control how page titles will appear on Google search results and social " "networks." msgstr "控制頁面標題在 Google 搜尋結果和社交網路時的顯示方式。" msgid "" "Customize your front page meta data to change how your site appears to " "search engines." msgstr "自訂首頁的中繼資料,變更網站在搜尋引擎的顯示方式。" msgid "" "Check out %1$sBuild a Business Website%2$s — our free ten-day, self-" "guided course covering the basics you need to build a business website at " "your own pace, or one of our other site and blogging courses at %3$sBlogging " "University%4$s. If you have any questions while you’re working on your site, " "we’d love to help!" msgstr "" "也可以檢視 %1$sBuild a Business Website (架設商用網站)%2$s 的內容,這是我們" "提供的十天免費自學課程,涵蓋自行架設商用網站所需的多種基本概念,更包括架設其" "他類型網站、%3$sBlogging University (部落格大學)%4$s 網誌寫作課程。如果在設" "定調整網站時遇到任何問題,我們都很樂意提供協助!" msgid "" "Now that you’ve learned more about how your site can be found by search " "engines, there are some other ways you can attract visitors to your site " "with our tips about %1$sGetting More Views and Traffic%2$s." msgstr "" "現在,你應該更為了解搜尋引擎如何找到你的網站;以下提供%1$s幾個方法%2$s,讓你" "可以獲得更多瀏覽次數和流量,讓網站訪客愈來愈多。" msgid "Get More Traffic" msgstr "獲得更多流量" msgid "" "Starting out, you might think that your site's design is the primary " "consideration when building a successful website. In reality, your site's " "content — the information and photos on your pages — does all " "the talking for you when you can't be there to speak with your visitors in " "person." msgstr "" "首先,很多人會以為網站要成功,最重要的是外觀設計;但實際上最重要的是網站裡的" "內容,也就是頁面中的資訊和圖表。唯有這些內容,才能夠代替你本人,和訪客深入溝" "通。" msgid "" "Welcome to! We want to share some resources to help you build " "the perfect site." msgstr "" "歡迎使用!在你架好新網站後,要如何才能讓網站鶴立雞群,大獲成" "功?我們有幾個密訣要分享給你。" msgid "" "Get a better idea of how your Jetpack Professional subscription is working " "hard to keep your site and content safe." msgstr "深入瞭解 Jetpack 專業版訂閱如何致力於確保你的網站和內容安全無虞。" msgid "Jetpack Professional has secured %s. Here is how it's keeping you safe." msgstr "Jetpack 專業版提供安全的 %s。以下是 Jetpack 專業版保障你安全的方法。" msgid "" "If you're not yet using these valuable services included with Jetpack " "Professional, you're missing out!" msgstr "如果你尚未使用這些 Jetpack 專業版隨附的寶貴服務,你的損失可大囉!" msgid "" "Your site is now in good hands. Let us show you how to get the most from " "your Jetpack Professional subscription." msgstr "" "我們是你網站的最佳幫手。請容我們向你介紹如何充分運用 Jetpack 專業版訂閱。" msgid "Don't forget about these important Jetpack Professional services for %s" msgstr "千萬別錯過這些重要的 %s Jetpack 專業版服務。" msgid "" "Get a better idea of how your Jetpack Premium subscription is working hard " "to keep your site and content safe." msgstr "深入瞭解 Jetpack 進階版訂閱如何致力於確保你的網站和內容安全無虞。" msgid "Jetpack Premium has secured %s. Here is how it's keeping you safe." msgstr "Jetpack 進階版提供安全的 %s。以下是 Jetpack 進階版保障你安全的方法。" msgid "Don't forget about these important Jetpack Premium services for %s" msgstr "千萬別錯過這些重要的 %s Jetpack 進階版服務。" msgid "" "Your site is now in good hands. Let us show you how to get the most from " "your Jetpack Premium subscription." msgstr "" "我們是你網站的最佳幫手。請容我們向你介紹如何充分運用 Jetpack 進階版訂閱。" msgid "" "Get a better idea of how your Jetpack Personal subscription is working hard " "to keep your site and content safe." msgstr "深入瞭解 Jetpack 個人方案訂閱如何致力於確保你的網站和內容安全無虞。" msgid "Jetpack Personal has secured %s. Here is how it's keeping you safe." msgstr "Jetpack 個人版提供安全的 %s。以下是 Jetpack 個人版保障你安全的方法。" msgid "" "If you're not yet using these valuable services included with Jetpack " "Personal, you're missing out!" msgstr "如果你尚未使用這些 Jetpack 個人方案隨附的寶貴服務,你的損失可大囉!" msgid "Don't forget about these important Jetpack Personal services for %s" msgstr "千萬別錯過這些重要的 %s Jetpack 個人版服務。" msgid "" "Your site is now in good hands. Let us show you how to get the most from " "your Jetpack Personal subscription." msgstr "" "我們是你網站的最佳幫手。請容我們向你介紹如何充分運用 Jetpack 個人方案訂閱。" msgid "We are unable to edit this video." msgstr "我們無法編輯此影片。" msgid "Happy one-month birthday to %s!" msgstr "祝你的網站 %s 滿月快樂!" msgid "Order alphabetically" msgstr "依字母順序排序" msgid "Order chronologically" msgstr "依時間順序排序" msgid "We couldn't load your notification settings, please try again." msgstr "我們無法載入你的通知設定,請再試一次。" msgid "Search & Social" msgstr "搜尋及社交" msgid "Start My Subscription" msgstr "開始訂閱" msgid "" "So if you want to start generating ad revenue from your site, click the " "button below to start your %s subscription." msgstr "如果你想要開始從你的網站產生廣告收益,請按下方按鈕以開始 %s 訂閱。" msgid "" "A small business idea is often built with little steps made one by one, " "WordPress makes it easy to do so." msgstr "" "再小的業務構思也都是一步一步累積實現的,而 WordPress 讓這個過程更加簡單。" msgid "" "With the professional looking website, I was even able to sell my board " "games and gain exposure to resellers. You can now find my games in brick and " "mortar shops around Australia. WordPress allowed me to add pages to my " "website when I needed them." msgstr "" "外觀專業的網站甚至能讓我銷售桌遊,並增加對經銷商的曝光度。你現在可以在澳洲各" "大實體零售店舖找到我的桌遊。WordPress 讓我在有需要時可新增網頁到網站。" msgid "" "Having my own blog gave me a platform to show my work. Once I started " "getting some attention, I paid for the Premium Plan, which meant I could be " "more creative with how my blog looked. I have been really happy with the " "result and since I have updated my blog I have had lots more attention. I " "now have about 6000 followers, all over the world." msgstr "" "打造個人專屬的網誌讓我擁有一個展示作品的平台。開始獲得注目後,我便購買了進階" "版方案,這表示我可以盡情發揮創意,打造我喜愛的網誌風格。我更新了網誌並且獲得" "更多人的注意,我對這樣的結果感到非常滿意。現在,我在世界各地大約有 6,000 名關" "注者。" msgid "" "Perfect for entrepreneurs and freelancers who are looking for a little extra " "cash on the side" msgstr "非常適合想要賺一些外快的創業者與自由工作者" msgid "" "13 GB of storage space for photos, videos, and audio files that will help " "you spread your message" msgstr "有 13GB 儲存空間可以儲存照片、影片和音訊檔案,協助你傳遞訊息" msgid "The ability to monetize your website with ads" msgstr "透過網站廣告獲利" msgid "" "Remember, when you sign up for %s, you’ll be well on your way to creating an " "awesome website that attracts lots of visitors and makes you money." msgstr "請記住,註冊 %s 是建立超棒網站的第一步,讓你吸引大量訪客並且從中獲利。" msgid "Complete My Upgrade" msgstr "完成升級" msgid "To finish upgrading your site to %s, click the button below." msgstr "若要完成將網站升級至 %s 的程序,請按下方的按鈕。" msgid "Perfect for bloggers who want to grow their audience" msgstr "非常適合希望擴大讀者群的部落客" msgid "" "6 GB of storage space for images, documents, and audio so you can spread " "your message in different formats" msgstr "有 6GB 儲存空間可以儲存圖片、文件和音訊檔案,協助你以不同格式傳遞訊息" msgid "" "Then, you’ll be well on your way to creating the site you’ve always wanted " "and that attracts lots of visitors every day." msgstr "然後你便可以開始建立你夢寐以求的網站,每天吸引許多訪客瀏覽。" msgid "All you have to do is finish putting in your information." msgstr "你只要輸入資訊即可。" msgid "" "It looks like you were this close to upgrading your site to %s. What " "a great decision you were about to make!" msgstr "你似乎只差這麼一點點就能將網站升級到 %s。你的決定真是明智!" msgid "Activate My Subscription" msgstr "啟用訂閱" msgid "" "So if you want to start attracting more visitors to your site, click the " "link below to activate your %s subscription." msgstr "如果你想要開始吸引更多訪客瀏覽你的網站,請按下方連結以啟用 %s 訂閱。" msgid "" "A small business idea is often built with little steps made one by one, " " makes it easy to do so." msgstr "" "再小的業務構思也都是一步一步累積實現的,而 讓這個過程更加簡單。" msgid "" "With the professional looking website, I was even able to sell my board " "games and gain exposure to resellers. You can now find my games in brick and " "mortar shops around Australia. allowed me to add pages to my " "website when I needed them." msgstr "" "外觀專業的網站甚至能讓我銷售桌遊,並增加對經銷商的曝光度。你現在可以在澳洲各" "大實體零售店舖找到我的桌遊。 讓我在有需要時可新增網頁到網站。" msgid "" " was a great choice of platform to start a blog. The platform " "grew with my ideas and I was able to build a website around my blog in just " "a few clicks." msgstr "" " 是開始建立網誌的最佳平台選擇。平台會隨著我的構思擴大,我只需按" "幾下就可以依據網誌內容打造網站。" msgid "" " is very user-friendly. It’s pretty intuitive, and it creates " "beautiful websites." msgstr " 非常簡單易用。介面相當直覺化,能建立美觀的網站。" msgid "Just check out what some of our users have to say:" msgstr "請看看其他使用者的看法:" msgid "" "All the tools that come with Personal and Premium, including a " "custom domain name and the ability to monetize your site with ads" msgstr "" " 個人版及進階版提供的所有工具,包括自訂網域名稱以及透過網站廣告" "獲利的能力。" msgid "" "Install third-party plugins and themes so you can get the exact look and " "functionality you want" msgstr "可安裝第三方外掛程式和佈景主題,讓你確實打造心目中的外觀和功能。" msgid "" "Advanced SEO tools that help you beat your competition on the search engines" msgstr "進階 SEO 工具有助你在搜尋引擎上擊敗競爭對手。" msgid "That’s because you’ll get:" msgstr "因為你會得到:" msgid "" "Remember, when you sign up for %s, you’ll be well on your way to ranking " "higher in search engines, attracting more visitors, and making more money." msgstr "" "請記住,註冊 %s 是在搜尋引擎上名列前茅的第一步,讓你吸引更多訪客並且從中獲" "利。" msgid "" "Looks like you were this close to taking your site to the next level " "with the advanced SEO tools in %s. What a great decision you were about to " "make!" msgstr "" "你似乎只差這麼一點點就能用 %s 的進階 SEO 工具,將網站提升到一個新境" "界。你的決定真是明智!" msgid "Choose the software powering %s%% of the internet." msgstr "我們讓網際網路上 %s%% 的網站順暢運作,絕對是你的軟體最佳選擇。" msgid "%s plans now offer access to thousands of WordPress plugins and themes!" msgstr "%s方案現在可存取數千種 WordPress 外掛程式與佈景主題!" msgid "Display {{field /}} per page" msgstr "每頁顯示 {{field /}} " msgid "All selected comments approved." msgstr "已核准所有選取的留言。" msgid "All selected comments unapproved." msgstr "已駁回所有選取的留言。" msgid "All selected comments marked as spam." msgstr "已將所有選取的留言標記為垃圾留言。" msgid "All selected comments moved to trash." msgstr "已將所有選取的留言移至垃圾桶。" msgid "All selected comments deleted permanently." msgstr "已永久刪除所有選取的留言。" msgid "Show tag counts" msgstr "顯示標籤數" msgid "URL to the %s video source file" msgstr "%s 影片來源檔案URL" msgid "Video Widget" msgstr "影片小工具" msgid "Video Widget (%d)" msgid_plural "Video Widget (%d)" msgstr[0] "影片小工具 (%d)" msgctxt "" "label for button in the video widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Edit Video" msgstr "編輯影片" msgctxt "" "label for button in the video widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Replace Video" msgstr "取代影片" msgctxt "label for button in the video widget" msgid "Add Video" msgstr "新增影片" msgid "" "Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another " "provider." msgstr "從媒體庫或從 YouTube、Vimeo或其它提供者顯示一條影片。" msgid "Title for the widget" msgstr "小工具標題" msgid "URL to the media file" msgstr "媒體檔案URL" msgid "Attachment post ID" msgstr "附件文章ID" msgid "" "Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an " "appropriate file instead." msgstr "看來這不是正確的檔案類型。請改為提供該檔案的連結。" msgid "Media Widget" msgstr "媒體小工具" msgid "Media Widget (%d)" msgid_plural "Media Widget (%d)" msgstr[0] "媒體小工具 (%d)" msgctxt "" "label for button in the media widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Edit Media" msgstr "編輯媒體" msgid "Add to Widget" msgstr "新增到小工具" msgctxt "" "label for button in the media widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Replace Media" msgstr "取代媒體" msgctxt "label for button in the media widget" msgid "Add Media" msgstr "新增媒體" msgid "No media selected" msgstr "未選擇媒體" msgid "A media item." msgstr "一個媒體物件。" msgid "Image Widget" msgstr "圖片小工具" msgid "Image Widget (%d)" msgid_plural "Image Widget (%d)" msgstr[0] "圖片小工具 (%d)" msgctxt "" "label for button in the image widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Edit Image" msgstr "編輯圖片" msgctxt "" "label for button in the image widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Replace Image" msgstr "取代圖片" msgctxt "label for button in the image widget" msgid "Add Image" msgstr "新增圖片" msgid "Displays an image." msgstr "顯示一個圖片。" msgid "Unable to preview media due to an unknown error." msgstr "因不明的錯誤無法預覽媒體。" msgid "URL to the %s audio source file" msgstr "%s 音訊來源檔案URL" msgid "" "Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an audio " "file instead." msgstr "看來這不是正確的檔案類型。請改為提供該音訊檔案的連結。" msgid "Audio Widget" msgstr "音訊小工具" msgid "Audio Widget (%d)" msgid_plural "Audio Widget (%d)" msgstr[0] "音訊小工具 (%d)" msgctxt "" "label for button in the audio widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Edit Audio" msgstr "編輯音訊" msgctxt "" "label for button in the audio widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Replace Audio" msgstr "取代音訊" msgctxt "label for button in the audio widget" msgid "Add Audio" msgstr "新增音訊" msgid "No audio selected" msgstr "未選擇音訊" msgid "Displays an audio player." msgstr "顯示音訊播放器。" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Install %s now" msgstr "立即安裝 %s" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Update %s now" msgstr "立即更新 %s" msgid "%1$s must be less than or equal to %2$d" msgstr "%1$s 必須小於或等於 %2$d" msgid "%1$s must be less than %2$d" msgstr "%1$s 必須小於 %2$d" msgid "%1$s must be greater than or equal to %2$d" msgstr "%1$s 必須大於或等於 %2$d" msgid "%1$s must be greater than %2$d" msgstr "%1$s 必須大於 %2$d" msgid "Limit result set to users with one or more specific slugs." msgstr "限制結果爲有一個或更多代稱的使用者。" msgid "Limit result set to terms with one or more specific slugs." msgstr "限制結果爲有一個或更多代稱的字眼。" msgid "All features, supported by the post type." msgstr "所有功能,受文章類型支援。" msgid "The page number requested is larger than the number of pages available." msgstr "所請求的頁碼大於可用的頁數。" msgid "" "The password for the parent post of the comment (if the post is password " "protected)." msgstr "評論的上層文章的密碼(如果文章是密碼保護的)。" msgctxt "page" msgid "Remove featured image" msgstr "移除特選圖片" msgctxt "post" msgid "Remove featured image" msgstr "移除特選圖片" msgid "%1$s is deprecated. The callback from %2$s is used instead." msgstr "%1$s 已被捨棄,並改為使用從 %2$s 的後備。" msgid "" "You are about to permanently delete these items from your site.\n" "This action cannot be undone.\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "你將永久刪除這些項目。\n" "此動作無法復原。\n" "點選「取消」停止,點選「確定」刪除。" msgid "Suggested image dimensions: %1$s by %2$s pixels." msgstr "建議圖片尺吋:%1$s x %2$s 像素。" msgid "" "You are about to permanently delete this item from your site.\n" "This action cannot be undone.\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "你將永久刪除這項目。\n" "此動作無法復原。\n" "點選「取消」停止,點選「確定」刪除。" msgid "(no author)" msgstr "(沒有作者)" msgid "Sorry, comments are not allowed for this item." msgstr "抱歉,此項目不允許評論。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to make proxied oEmbed requests." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許進行代理的 oEmbed 請求。" msgid "" "Whether to perform an oEmbed discovery request for unsanctioned providers." msgstr "是否執行未批准的提供者的 oEmbed 探索要求。" msgid "The maximum height of the embed frame in pixels." msgstr "嵌入框最大高度 (像素)。" msgid "The maximum width of the embed frame in pixels." msgstr "嵌入框最大闊度 (像素)。" msgid "The oEmbed format to use." msgstr "要使用的 oEmbed 格式。" msgid "The URL of the resource for which to fetch oEmbed data." msgstr "用來拿取 oEmbed 資料的資來源的URL。" msgid "" "You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to " "view and edit the widgets displayed on those pages." msgstr "" "你可以在使用自訂器檢視和編輯顯示在那些頁面的小工具時前往你的網站的其他頁面。" msgid "" "Your theme has %s widget area, but this particular page does not display it." msgid_plural "" "Your theme has %s widget areas, but this particular page does not display " "them." msgstr[0] "你的佈景主題有%s個小工具區域,但此特定頁面不顯示它們。" msgid "" "Your theme has 1 widget area, but this particular page does not display it." msgstr "你的佈景主題有1個小工具區域,但此特定頁面不顯示它們。" msgid "" "Your theme has %s other widget area, but this particular page does not " "display it." msgid_plural "" "Your theme has %s other widget areas, but this particular page does not " "display them." msgstr[0] "你的佈景主題有%s個其它小工具區域,但此特定頁面不顯示它們。" msgid "" "Your theme has 1 other widget area, but this particular page does not " "display it." msgstr "你的佈景主題有1個其它小工具區域,但此特定頁面不顯示它們。" msgid "Edit widget: %s" msgstr "編輯小工具:%s" msgid "Your Recent Drafts" msgstr "你最近的草稿" msgid "" "Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, " "would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band." msgstr "" "指派上層分類以建立階層架構。舉例來說,這個網站可以有個〈影集〉分類,而其下還" "有〈美劇〉及〈日劇〉等子分類。" msgid "" "Howdy! Here’s the link you requested from the %s mobile app. Open it using " "the device on which the app is installed. It will allow you to log in to " "your account with just one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "你好!這是你透過 %s 行動應用程式索取的連結。請在要安裝應用程式的裝置上開啟連" "結。有了這個連結,只要點選一下即可登入你的帳戶。盡情享用!" msgid "" "%(selectedDomainName)s has been transferred to site: %(targetSiteTitle)s" msgstr "已將 %(selectedDomainName)s 轉移至下列網站:%(targetSiteTitle)s" msgid "Problem deactivating rewind: %(message)s" msgstr "停用倒轉時發生問題:%(message)s" msgid "Problem activating rewind: %(message)s" msgstr "啟用倒轉時發生問題:%(message)s" msgid "Restore site" msgstr "還原網站" msgid "We successfully restored your site back to %(date)s!" msgstr "我們已將你的網站成功還原至 %(date)s!" msgid "Currently restoring your site" msgstr "目前正在還原你的網站" msgid "Problem restoring your site" msgstr "還原你的網站時發生問題" msgid "We came across a problem while trying to restore your site." msgstr "我們在嘗試還原你的網站時遇到問題。" msgid "Can I install plugins?" msgstr "我可以安裝外掛程式嗎?" msgid "Upload Themes" msgstr "上載佈景主題" msgid "" "Create a professional business website that works for you with" msgstr "使用,建立適合你的專業企業網站" msgid "Best Plan" msgstr "最佳方案" msgid "Questions about your new website? We’ve got answers." msgstr "對新網站有疑問嗎?我們可以為你解答。" msgid "" "Launch your business' online presence with a feature-packed " "website." msgstr "使用有各式功能的 網站,打開貴企業的網路知名度。" msgid "Let's get down to business" msgstr "讓我們開始吧" msgid "Watch Kay's story" msgstr "看看 Kay 的故事" msgid "" "WordPress teamed with Rebrand Cities to help launch their effort to get 100 " "small businesses online with websites. Real people, real websites, real " "growth. Watch their story, then start your own." msgstr "" "WordPress 與 Rebrand Cities 合作,協助 100 家小型企業將企業網站上線。真實人" "物、真實網站、真正的成長。看看他們的故事,然後開始你自己的故事。" msgid "Reshaping Detroit, with love" msgstr "用愛重新塑造底特律" msgid "Start Your Website" msgstr "著手打造網站" msgid "" "Retail, corporate, hospitality, restaurants, creative services—there's a " "WordPress site for every business. Elegant themes and feature-rich tools " "help you make a website that fits what you do." msgstr "" "WordPress 網站適用於零售業、公司行號、旅館、餐廳、創意服務等各行各業。優雅佈" "景主題與功能豐富的工具,可協助你打造符合需求的網站。" msgid "Built for the business you're in" msgstr "為你所需的業務量身打造" msgid "" "Live chat, email, support pages, forums, guided courses, expert advice—we’re " "in the business of helping your business succeed online." msgstr "" "我們提供即時聊天、電子郵件、支援頁面、論壇、引導式課程、專家建議,協助貴企業" "在網路上獲致成功。" msgid "" "From phones to laptops, our websites look good on every device. Download the " "app for iOS, Android, and Mac desktop and manage and update your website " "anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "不論是手機或是平板電腦,我們的網站在各種裝置上都一樣美觀。下載 iOS、Android " "及 Mac 桌上型電腦版應用程式,隨時隨地管理及更新你的網站。" msgid "" "Know what your visitors are viewing, where they’re coming from and how they " "found you. Useful charts and stats help you keep your finger on the pulse." msgstr "" "瞭解訪客閱讀的內容、他們來自哪些地方,以及如何找到你的網站。實用圖表與統計資" "料可協助你掌握趨勢。" msgid "Powerful insights" msgstr "強大的洞察報告" msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of modern, sophisticated themes that look great on any " "size screen. Get a professional-looking design without hiring a professional " "designer." msgstr "" "有數百種適用於各種螢幕大小的現代化精緻佈景主題可供挑選。不必聘請專業設計師," "即可擁有專業設計。" msgid "Professional design" msgstr "專業設計" msgid "" "Stake your claim and register your domain name right on " "Choose from .com, .org, .net, .info, .biz, and more. Get the name that’s " "right for you." msgstr "" "直接在 上申請並註冊你的網域名稱。你可以從 .com、.org、.net、." "info、.biz 等多種選項選擇。選一個適合你的名稱。" msgid "Your place on the internet" msgstr "你在網際網路上的位置" msgid "" "A simple, intuitive platform, plus all-in-one domain registration, website " "design, and hosting, means you can stay focused on your business." msgstr "" "簡明易懂的平台,加上全包式的網域註冊、網站設計和託管服務,讓你可以專心經營業" "務。" msgid "Why you'll love" msgstr "愛上 的理由" msgid "Get the tools you need with" msgstr " 給你所需工具。" msgid "" "Not a social media profile. More than a page with a logo. This is your " "business, online." msgstr "不是社交媒體個人檔案,不只是有標誌的頁面,這就是你的線上企業。" msgid "Get a website that works." msgstr "給你真正有用的網站。" msgid "Watch our journey in Detroit" msgstr "看看我們的底特律之旅" msgid "Professional ad-free email that works with most email clients." msgstr "適用於大多數電子郵件用戶端的專業版無廣告電子郵件。" msgid "Keep all your files secure" msgstr "保護你所有檔案" msgid "Get 30GB of storage for all your files synced across devices." msgstr "獲得 30GB 儲存空間,可在裝置間同步所有檔案。" msgid "Connect with your team" msgstr "與團隊交流互動" msgid "Create Your Site" msgstr "建立你的網站" msgid "Features you’ll need" msgstr "你所需的功能" msgid "Your passion. Our tools. A global community waiting to find you." msgstr "你的熱忱,加上我們的工具,全球社群正等著與你相遇。" msgid "Share What You Love" msgstr "分享所愛" msgid "This site does not have any professional features." msgstr "此網站沒有任何專業版功能。" msgid "Enter the code from the text message we sent you." msgstr "請輸入收到之簡訊中的代碼。" msgid "Please enter a verification code." msgstr "請輸入驗證碼。" msgid "Message sent to phone number ending in %(phoneNumber)s" msgstr "訊息已傳送至結尾為 %(phoneNumber)s 的電話號碼" msgid "“%1$s” is not a valid %2$s for .ca domains." msgstr "「%1$s」不是 .ca 網域的有效%2$s。" msgid "" "There are no events scheduled near %1$s at the moment. Would you like to organize a WordPress event?" msgstr "" "近期沒有任何在「%1$s」附近舉辦的活動。如果想自己舉辦一場活動,請參考這份線上說明。" msgid "" "%s could not be located. Please try another nearby city. For example: Kansas " "City; Springfield; Portland." msgstr "" "系統找不到「%s」這個城市,請試試另一個附近城市的中文或英文名稱。例如: 香港、" "Hong Kong 等。" msgid "Attend an upcoming event near %s." msgstr "出席即將於 %s 附近舉行的活動。" msgid "Cincinnati" msgstr "香港" msgid "An error occurred. Please try again." msgstr "發生錯誤。請再試一次。" msgid "WordPress Events and News" msgstr "WordPress 活動及消息" msgid "l, M j, Y" msgstr "Y年M月j日 l" msgid "Invalid API response code (%d)." msgstr "無效的 API 回應碼 (%d)。" msgid "" "When you first signed up for a account we sent you an email. " "Please open it and click on the blue button to verify your email address." msgstr "" "在你首次註冊 帳戶後,我們會傳送電子郵件給你。請開啟該郵件並按一" "下藍色按鈕,以驗證你的電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "Verifying your email allows us to assist you if you ever lose access to your " "account in the future." msgstr "" "驗證電子郵件可讓我們為你提供協助,以防萬一你未來遇到無法存取帳戶的狀況。" msgid "" "Sorry, %s files are not supported — please make sure your image is in JPG, " "GIF, or PNG format." msgstr "很抱歉,不支援 %s 檔案 — 請確認你的影像為 JPG、GIF 或 PNG 格式。" msgid "" "Sorry, images of that filetype are not supported — please make sure your " "image is in JPG, GIF, or PNG format." msgstr "" "很抱歉,不支援該檔案類型的影像 — 請確認你的影像為 JPG、GIF 或 PNG 格式。" msgid "Verify your email" msgstr "驗證你的電子郵件" msgid "" "{{p}}The avatar you use on comes from {{ExternalLink}}" "Gravatar{{/ExternalLink}}, a universal avatar service (it stands for " "\"Globally Recognized Avatar,\" get it?).{{/p}}{{p}}Your image may also " "appear on other sites using Gravatar whenever you're logged in with the " "email %(email)s.{{/p}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}你在 上使用的大頭貼來自於通用大頭貼服務 {{ExternalLink}}" "Gravatar{{/ExternalLink}} (名字來源就是「Global Avatar」,通用大頭貼哦)。{{/" "p}}{{p}}當你使用電子郵件地址 %(email)s 登入後,你的影像可能也會顯示在使用 " "Gravatar 的其他網站中。{{/p}}" msgid "Hmm, your new profile photo was not saved. Please try uploading again." msgstr "嗯…新的個人檔案相片未儲存成功。請再次嘗試上載。" msgid "You successfully uploaded a new profile photo — looking sharp!" msgstr "你已成功上載新的個人檔案相片,看起來超炫的!" msgid "Your queue is clear." msgstr "已清除你的佇列。" msgid "No approved comments." msgstr "沒有已核准的留言。" msgid "No spam comments." msgstr "沒有垃圾留言。" msgid "No deleted comments." msgstr "沒有刪除的留言。" msgid "Change My Photo" msgstr "變更我的照片" msgid "Comment approved." msgstr "留言已核准。" msgid "Comment unapproved." msgstr "留言未核准。" msgid "Comment marked as spam." msgstr "已將留言標記為垃圾。" msgid "Comment moved to trash." msgstr "已將留言移至垃圾桶。" msgid "Comment deleted permanently." msgstr "已將留言永久刪除。" msgid "Manual" msgstr "手動" msgid "Who's this domain for?" msgstr "此網域的使用者為?" msgid "An individual" msgstr "個人" msgid "A company or organization" msgstr "公司或組織" msgid "EU Trademark Number" msgstr "歐盟商標號碼" msgid "Could not retrieve comments for “%(postTitle)s”" msgstr "無法擷取「%(postTitle)s」的留言。" msgid "Temporarily disabled." msgstr "暫時停用。" msgid "Plugin update available" msgid_plural "Plugin updates available" msgstr[0] "有可用的外掛程式更新" msgid "Theme activated" msgstr "已啟用佈景主題" msgid "Plugin updated" msgid_plural "Plugins updated" msgstr[0] "外掛程式已更新" msgid "Plan renewed" msgstr "已更新方案" msgid "%d Event" msgid_plural "%d Events" msgstr[0] "%d 個活動" msgid "Delete scheduled share" msgstr "刪除已排程的分享" msgid "Do you want to delete the scheduled share?" msgstr "你想要刪除已排程的分享嗎?" msgctxt "Short for blue in RGB" msgid "B" msgstr "B" msgctxt "Short for green in RGB" msgid "G" msgstr "G" msgctxt "Short for red in RGB" msgid "R" msgstr "R" msgid "Insert/edit media" msgstr "插入/編輯媒體" msgid "Date/time" msgstr "日期/時間" msgid "Insert/edit code sample" msgstr "插入/編輯範例代碼" msgctxt "Id for link anchor (TinyMCE)" msgid "Id" msgstr "Id" msgid "" "Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, " "dots, colons or underscores." msgstr "Id 應該以英文字母起頭,只可緊接着字母、數字、破折號、點、冒號或底線。" msgid "Your session has expired, please go back to the login screen." msgstr "你的工作階段已逾時,請返回登入畫面。" msgid "Your Antispam key is valid." msgstr "你的 Antispam 金鑰有效。" msgid "Your site is protected from spam." msgstr "你的網站已啟用垃圾訊息防護。" msgid "Your site needs an Antispam key." msgstr "你的網站需要 Antispam 金鑰。" msgid "Your API Key" msgstr "你的 API 金鑰" msgid "" "If you don't already have an API key, then {{link}}get your API key here{{/" "link}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one in a new " "window." msgstr "" "如果你還沒有 API 金鑰,則請{{link}}到這裡取得你的 API 金鑰{{/link}},系統會在" "新視窗中引導你完成申請程序。" msgid "Spam filtering" msgstr "過濾垃圾訊息" msgid "Schedule post" msgstr "排程文章" msgid "We are writing your shares to the calendar…" msgstr "我們正在將你的分享寫入行事曆中…" msgid "Scheduling share failed. Please don't be mad." msgstr "無法排程分享。請別生氣。" msgid "Your SEO settings are managed by the following plugin: %(pluginName)s" msgstr "你的 SEO 設定由下列外掛程式管理:%(pluginName)s" msgid "View Plugin" msgstr "檢視外掛程式" msgid "Version %(newPluginVersion)s is available" msgstr "版本 %(newPluginVersion)s 可以使用" msgid "Existing site" msgstr "現有的 網站" msgid "Choose your site?" msgstr "選擇你的網站?" msgid "Manage DNS records using the Domain Connect API." msgstr "用網域連結 API 管理 DNS 記錄。" msgid "Domain Connect" msgstr "網域連結" msgid "Automate Spam Blocking" msgstr "自動封鎖垃圾資訊" msgid "Failed to retrieve comments for site “%(siteName)s”" msgstr "無法擷取網站「%(siteName)s」的留言" msgid "Failed to retrieve comments for your site" msgstr "無法擷取網站的留言" msgid "Powered by VaultPress" msgstr "由 VaultPress 建置" msgid "Powered by Akismet" msgstr "由 Akismet 建置" msgid "Spam Defense" msgstr "垃圾郵件防護" msgid "" "To claim your discount now and jumpstart your site, click the button below " "and enter the code BIZA25 at checkout." msgstr "" "若要立即領取折扣優惠並快速啟動網站,請按下方按鈕,然後在結帳時輸入代碼 " "BIZA25。" msgid "" "Normally, it costs $299 a year, but we’re happy to offer you a " "25% discount on a one-year subscription today, bringing " "the total cost down to $224.25." msgstr "" "一般原價是每年 $299 美元,現在我們很榮幸為你提供一年份訂閱 25% 的" "折扣優惠,折扣後總價只要 $224.25 美元,優惠只有今天,請把握機會。" msgid "These features are now available in the Business plan." msgstr " 商務版方案現已提供這些功能。" msgid "Claim my 25% discount" msgstr "領取我的 25% 折扣優惠" msgid "" "To claim your discount now and jumpstart your site, click the button below " "and enter the code BIZWB25 at checkout." msgstr "" "若要立即領取折扣優惠並快速啟動網站,請按下方按鈕,然後在結帳時輸入代碼 " "BIZWB25。" msgid "" "That’s just $.60 a day you’d be investing into the growth of your website!" msgstr "經營並提升網站流量的成本一天只要 $0.60 美元!" msgid "" "These features are available to sites on the Business plan — " "normally, it costs $299 a year, but since you’ve purchased a " "plan for your site %s in the past, we’d like to offer you a 25% " "discount on a one-year subscription, bringing the total cost down " "to $224.25." msgstr "" "訂購 商務版方案的網站現在可使用這些功能 — 一般原價是每年 $299 " "美元,由於你曾為網站 %s 訂購使用 商務版方案,因此我們將提供你一" "年份訂閱 25% 的折扣優惠,折扣後總價只要 $224.25 美元。" msgid "" "Connect to use photos stored in your Google Photos library directly inside " "the editor" msgstr "連結以直接在編輯器內使用儲存於 Google Photos 帳戶的照片。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to use photos stored in your Google Photos " "library directly inside the editor." msgstr "" "{{strong}}設定連結{{/strong}}即可直接在編輯器內使用 Google Photos 相簿的照" "片。" msgid "The plugin is not installed or active" msgstr "未安裝或未啟用外掛程式" msgid "Delete your site permanently" msgstr "永久刪除網站" msgid "Site tools" msgstr "網站工具" msgid "" "Delete all your posts, pages, media, and data, and give up your site's " "address." msgstr "刪除所有文章、頁面、媒體檔案和資料,同時放棄現用網址" msgid "User blocked invites" msgstr "使用者已封鎖邀請" msgid "Already a member" msgstr "已經是成員" msgid "Already following" msgstr "已關注" msgid "We weren't able to add DNS records for this service. Please try again." msgstr "我們無法為這項服務新增 DNS 紀錄。請再試一次。" msgid "Hooray! We've successfully added DNS records for this service." msgstr "太棒了!已成功為這項服務新增 DNS 紀錄。" msgid "" "SEO settings aren't recognized by search engines while your site is Private." msgstr "如果您將網站設為「私人」模式,則搜尋引擎會無法辨識 SEO 設定。" msgid "" "SEO settings aren't recognized by search engines while your site is Hidden." msgstr "如果您將網站設為「隱藏」模式,則搜尋引擎會無法辨識 SEO 設定。" msgid "Please enter a username or email address." msgstr "請輸入帳戶或電子郵件位址。" msgid "Oops, that's not the right password. Please try again!" msgstr "糟糕,看來密碼不正確。請再試一次!" msgid "" "Hmm, that's not a valid verification code. Please double-check your app and " "try again." msgstr "嗯,這不是有效的驗證碼。請重新檢查應用程式,然後再試一次。" msgid "Oops, looks like that's not the right address. Please try again!" msgstr "糟糕,看來電子郵件位址不正確。請再試一次!" msgid "" "We don't seem to have an account with that name. Double-check the spelling " "and try again!" msgstr "沒有與該名稱相符的帳戶。請重新檢查名稱寫法是否正確,然後再試一次。" msgid "" "This account hasn't been activated yet — check your email for a message from " " and click the activation link. You'll be able to log in after " "that." msgstr "" "這個帳戶尚未啟用,請在 寄給你的電子郵件中點選啟用連結。之後即可" "登入。" msgid "Sending you a text message…" msgstr "正在傳送簡訊…" msgid "" "See detailed information about your traffic, likes, comments, and " "subscribers." msgstr "查看網站詳細資訊,包括流量、按讚數、留言數和訂閱人數。" msgid "We don't support internationalized domains yet." msgstr "我們尚未支援國際化網域。" msgid "A user with the given email address already exists." msgstr "已有其他 使用者使用相同電子郵件地址。" msgid "This service is not supported." msgstr "系統不支援此服務。" msgid "Drop to upload profile photo" msgstr "拖放檔案至此即可上載個人檔案相片" msgid "Learn more about Featured Images" msgstr "深入瞭解特色圖片" msgid "" "Log in with your %s account to find amazing content from publishers around " "the world.

" msgstr "使用 %s 帳戶登入,探索全球使用者發佈的精彩內容。

" msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web." msgstr "" "歡迎使用,這裡集結了部落客、網站創辦人和求知若渴的網路讀者,堪" "稱最熱絡的線上社群。" msgid "" "P.S. If you’d like help with these new features, you can " "read more about %1$suploading a theme%2$s or %3$sinstalling a plugin%2$s, or " "start a live chat with one of our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "附註:如需新功能的相關說明,請參閱%1$s上載佈景主題%2$s或%3$s" "安裝外掛程式%2$s。你也可以與我們的 Happiness Engineer 即時聊天。" msgid "Upload a Custom Theme" msgstr "上載自訂佈景主題" msgid "" "Since your site is on the Business plan, you have instant " "access to these new features — click the buttons below to take them " "for a test drive." msgstr "" "由於你的網站採用 商用版,因此可以立即存取這些新功能;點選下方按" "鈕即可試用。" msgid "Install a Plugin" msgstr "安裝外掛程式" msgid "and many more!" msgstr "諸多實用功能,不及備載!" msgid "" "Looking to launch an email newsletter, try out popular search engine " "optimization tools, or build an online store? Check, check, and check. You " "now have access to thousands of third-party plugins like:" msgstr "" "想要推出電子報、試用熱門的搜尋引擎最佳化工具,或是建立線上商店嗎?歡迎瀏覽我" "們的外掛程式!我們提供數千款第三方外掛程式任你選用,例如:" msgid "Already have a WordPress theme? No problem." msgstr "已經有 WordPress 佈景主題?沒問題。" msgid "" "Keep on enjoying the features, security, and support of, but " "add more freedom and possibility! (Do we seem excited? It’s because we are!)" msgstr "" "除了繼續享有 的各項功能、安全性和支援服務,還能獲得更廣大的自由" "發揮空間!(我們看起來很興奮嗎?沒錯,正是如此!)" msgid "" "You can now choose from a whole universe of themes and plugins and easily " "add them to your existing site." msgstr "" "現在可以從眾多佈景主題和外掛程式中選擇喜愛的項目,加到你現有的 " "網站。" msgid "" "Over the years, many of you have told us that in order to build the site of " "your dreams, you need the ability to install themes and plugins. Well, as of " "today, you can!" msgstr "" "多年來,許多使用者為了打造夢寐以求的網站,而向我們反映安裝佈景主題和外掛程式" "的需求。我們很高興宣佈,從現在開始,大家可以這麼做了!" msgid "A whole universe of themes and plugins awaits." msgstr "我們提供多如繁星的佈景主題和外掛程式。" msgid "The Wait is Over! Upload any Plugin or Theme" msgstr "不必再等,現可取用!上載任何外掛程式或佈景主題" msgid "Set up %(providerName)s" msgstr "設定 %(providerName)s" msgid "Unblock user" msgstr "解除封鎖使用者" msgid "Block user" msgstr "封鎖使用者" msgid "Complete the survey" msgstr "完成問券調查" msgid "I can't access my phone" msgstr "我無法使用電話" msgid "" "If you can't access your phone enter one of the 10 backup codes that were " "provided when you set up two-step authentication to continue." msgstr "" "如果你無法使用電話,請輸入在設定雙步驟驗證時,我們提供的 10 個備用密碼其中之" "一,以便繼續操作。" msgid "Backup code" msgstr "備用密碼" msgid "" "If you lose your device, accidentally remove the authenticator app, or are " "otherwise locked out of your account, the only way to get back in to your " "account is by using a backup code." msgstr "" "如果你遺失裝置、不小心移除驗證器應用程式,或是由於其他原因使帳戶遭到鎖定,則" "只能使用備用密碼重新取回帳戶。" msgid "Sorry, no sites match {{italic}}%s.{{/italic}}" msgstr "很抱歉,沒有與 {{italic}}%s.{{/italic}} 相符的網站" msgid "Schedule your social messages in advance." msgstr "預先安排社交訊息。" msgid "Remove all advertising from your site." msgstr "移除網站上的所有廣告。" msgid "Enjoy live chat support." msgstr "享有即時聊天支援。" msgid "I'll Keep It" msgstr "我要保留" msgid "We hope to hear from you soon," msgstr "祝你的網站早日成長茁壯,大獲成功!" msgid "Removal of ads on your site." msgstr "移除網站上的 廣告。" msgid "Add instant credibility and personality to your site." msgstr "為你的網站增添可信度和個人風格。" msgid "Open up for tools to help you spread your message." msgstr "使用我們的工具來協助您傳播訊息。" msgid "Search or enter URL to follow…" msgstr "搜尋或輸入要關注的網址…" msgid "Enable fast, ad-free video hosting" msgstr "啟用迅速、無廣告的影片託管" msgid "The homepage is showing your latest posts." msgstr "首頁會顯示你最新的文章。" msgid "Logging In…" msgstr "正在登出…" msgid "" "Ready for more? Search our %1$sextensive support knowledge base%2$s, watch a " "%3$sshort tutorial video%4$s about the most popular features, or just hit " "reply and tell us how we can help!" msgstr "" "想學會更多架站或寫作的技巧嗎?我們的%1$s知識庫%2$s內容非常豐富,也很推薦你觀" "看%3$s教學短片%4$s,都能學到各種實用架站知識。你也可以直接回覆這封信,告訴我" "們你遇到的困難;我們會盡力協助你!" msgid "" "Want to bookmark these instructions for later or watch a how-to video? " "%1$sClick here%2$s for the full tutorial." msgstr "" "除了上面的小撇步之外,我們還有很多教學說明和影片,可供你隨時參考;%1$s按一下" "這裡%2$s就能瀏覽完整教學課程。" msgid "" "Every widget has options to customize -- test them out! You can always add " "or remove them, so have some fun exploring. Once you’re happy with your new " "widgets, hit Save & Publish to add them to your site." msgstr "" "每個小工具都有多種調整選項,快來試試看吧!隨時可以新增或移除任何小工具,所以" "你可以任意使用,不必擔心。全都設定好後,按一下「儲存並發佈」,這些小工具就會" "出現在你的網站上了。" msgid "Click on + Add a Widget. Scroll through the list and pick one." msgstr "按一下「+ 新增小工具」。捲動瀏覽清單,然後挑選一個小工具。" msgid "" "Click on the Widgets tab and select the area where you want the widget to " "go, like the Sidebar (left or right column) or Footer (bottom) of your site." msgstr "" "按一下「小工具」分頁、選擇想要放置小工具的位置,例如網站的側邊欄(左側欄或右" "側欄),也可以放在頁尾(網頁底部)" msgid "%1$sOpen the Customizer%2$s" msgstr "%1$s開啟自訂工具%2$s" msgid "To add a widget," msgstr "在頁面上加入小工具的方法如下:" msgid "" "One of my favorite parts of is the widgets -- little extras " "you can add to %1$s to include more content and functionality, like photo " "galleries or social media buttons. Adding widgets is a great way to " "instantly customize your site (and you don’t need to know any code)!" msgstr "" "我自己最喜歡的 功能之一,就是多樣化的小工具。你可以在自己的網" "站 %1$s 頁面上放置各種小工具,例如相片圖庫或社群媒體按鈕,大大增加網站的實用" "性。善用這些小工具,可以快速讓網站變得與眾不同,而且不必學習任何程式碼,人人" "都會用!" msgid "You’re off to a great start. I can’t wait to see what you publish next." msgstr "好的開始,是成功的一半,相信你一定會愈寫愈順手。" msgid "Start publishing now" msgstr "立即開始發佈內容" msgid "Press Update to make it live." msgstr "按下「更新」就會立即發佈。" msgid "" "Click on your About page to edit it, and write a few lines about yourself or " "your website. Even two or three sentences is great!" msgstr "" "按一下「簡介」網頁即可編輯。簡單寫一段話,讓大家能了解你,或是了解這個網站。" "只有兩三句也沒關係。" msgid "Head to %1$sMy Site > Pages%2$s to see your pages." msgstr "前往%1$s「我的網站」>「網頁」%2$s以查看所有頁面。" msgid "" "You can start publishing with just a few sentences, and a few steps. I " "always start with an “About” page, which is one of the first things your " "visitors will look for." msgstr "" "其實要開始寫第一篇文章,一點也不難,寫幾句話就可以了;我個人會先從「簡介」開" "始寫,因為訪客都會先看簡介。" msgid "" "Publishing the first few words can be the biggest obstacle -- putting " "yourself out there is a big step! Luckily, while finding the words might be " "hard, creating and editing a page isn't." msgstr "" "對許多頭一次做網站的人而言,要在剛架好的網站上寫些什麼才對,真是傷透腦筋。但" "俗話說得好:頭過身就過;接下來就教你一個跨出第一步的簡單技巧。" msgid "your site" msgstr "你的網站" msgid "Hi %1$s," msgstr "%1$s 你好:" msgid "" "Jetpack Premium includes the Akismet and VaultPress plugins, which have been " "installed and configured automatically for you." msgstr "" "Jetpack 進階版包含 Akismet 和 VaultPress 外掛程式,已為你自動安裝並設定完成。" msgid "New site" msgstr "新網站" msgid "Just buy a domain" msgid_plural "Just buy domains" msgstr[0] "購買網域是你的不二選擇" msgid "Show a \"coming soon\" notice on your domain. Add a site later." msgstr "在你的網域上顯示「即將開放」。稍後新增網站。" msgid "Please check back shortly." msgstr "請稍後再回來查看。" msgid "We are currently undergoing maintenance." msgstr "我們目前正在維護中。" msgid "" "{{strong}}%s{{/strong}} is currently under maintenance. Try one of these " "suggestions instead." msgstr "{{strong}}%s{{/strong}} 目前正在維護中。試試用下列建議做法代替。" msgid "" "We don't offer domains with the {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} ending. Try one of " "these suggestions instead." msgstr "" "我們不提供結尾為 {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} 的網域。試試用下列建議做法代替。" msgid "Protect your site from data loss." msgstr "保護你的網站免於資料遺失。" msgid "Check out the %sTraffic section%s of your Settings page where you can:" msgstr "請查看「設定」頁面裡的%s「流量」區段%s,在此你可以:" msgid "On blog pages, the number of posts to show per page." msgstr "在網誌頁面中,每頁顯示的文章篇數。" msgid "Hello," msgstr "你好," msgid "Account URL" msgstr "帳戶網址" msgid "Backups & Security, Powered by VaultPress" msgstr "備份與安全性功能,由 VaultPress 建置" msgid "Spam Defense, Powered by Akismet" msgstr "垃圾郵件防護功能,由 Akismet 建置" msgid "" "In case you ever need to manually reactivate your services, please refer to " "the following registration keys:" msgstr "假設你遇到需要手動重新啟用服務的情況,請使用下列註冊金鑰:" msgid "" "Jetpack Personal includes the Akismet and VaultPress plugins, which have " "been installed and configured automatically for you." msgstr "" "Jetpack 個人版包含 Akismet 和 VaultPress 外掛程式,已為你自動安裝並設定完成。" msgid "" "Congratulations! You're now ready to enjoy the many great features of " "Jetpack Premium." msgstr "恭喜!你現在可以開始運用 Jetpack 進階版的眾多優質功能。" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Premium. Brought to you by %s." msgstr "歡迎使用由 %s 提供的 Jetpack 進階版。 " msgid "View available icons" msgstr "檢視可用圖示" msgid "Weddings are in the spotlight now with VideoPress for weddings." msgstr "有了婚禮適用的 VideoPress,婚禮便成為目光焦點。" msgid "Writing is new again in Android with the new WordPress app." msgstr "全新的 WordPress 應用程式,使得在 Android 中寫作有了全新的體驗。" msgid "In \"Mobile\"" msgstr "在「行動」中" msgid "It is that time of the year when devices are shiny again." msgstr "現在便是裝置再度變得閃耀的那一年。" msgid "Show context (category or tag)" msgstr "顯示內容 (類別或標籤)" msgid "Show entry date" msgstr "顯示項目日期" msgid "" "Once you're done working together, we'd appreciate it if you sent us your " "rating of the experience — your feedback helps us improve our support." msgstr "" "工作完成後,歡迎將使用體驗的評分傳送給我們,你的意見回饋將有助於我們改善支援" "服務。" msgid "Please rate your support experience." msgstr "請為支援服務的使用體驗評分。" msgid "Add an icon" msgstr "新增圖示" msgid "Add social-media icons to your site." msgstr "將社交媒體圖示新增至你的網站。" msgid "" "To start using custom themes or plugins and to keep growing your audience, " "please renew your subscription today before it expires tomorrow." msgid_plural "" "To start using custom themes or plugins and to keep growing your audience, " "please renew your subscription today before it expires on %s." msgstr[0] "" "若要開始使用自訂的佈景主題或外掛,並持續拓展讀者群,請在%s訂閱過期前續訂。" msgid "Your domain (%s) is included with this plan." msgstr "此方案包含你的網域 (%s)。" msgid "EventBrite: Event Calendar/Listing" msgstr "EventBrite:活動行事曆/清單" msgid "%(siteDomain)s is being deleted." msgstr "正在刪除 %(siteDomain)s。" msgid "%(siteDomain)s has been deleted." msgstr "已刪除 %(siteDomain)s。" msgid "Inviting users requires sign in" msgstr "需要登入 才能邀請使用者" msgid "The user was created, but could not be connected to " msgstr "已建立使用者,但未連結至" msgid "We were unable to create a user on the remote site" msgstr "我們無法在遠端網站建立使用者" msgid "Thank you for using!" msgstr "感謝你使用!" msgid "" "Click the button below to update that information (it takes less than a " "minute!), and you’ll be all set to continue delivering your message to the " "world." msgstr "" "按下方按鈕以更新該資訊 (不到一分鐘即可完成!),然後你就能繼續與全世界分享你的" "想法。" msgid "According to our records, you’ve got %d day to complete this process." msgid_plural "" "According to our records, you’ve got %d days to complete this process." msgstr[0] "根據我們的記錄,你有 %d 天的時間完成此程序。" msgid "Remove all filters" msgstr "移除所有篩選條件" msgid "Filter by" msgstr "篩選條件為" msgid "Next theme" msgstr "下一個佈景主題" msgid "Manage Plan" msgstr "管理方案" msgid "Incompatible plugin: This plugin is not supported on" msgstr "不相容的外掛程式 不支援此外掛程式。" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan requires a connection between your site and to " "take advantage of the benefits Jetpack has to offer." msgstr "" "你的%1$s方案需要讓網站與 連結,才能運用 Jetpack 提供的權益。" msgid "Sign in to to connect your %1$s site" msgstr "登入 以連結你的 %1$s 網站。" msgid "Connect your %1$s site to" msgstr "將你的 %1$s 網站連結至" msgid "Welcome to %s! You now have special access to a bunch of new features." msgstr "歡迎使用 %s!現在開始,你可以使用更多本方案專屬的全新功能。" msgid "Load more posts using the default theme behavior" msgstr "使用預設佈景主題行為載入更多文章" msgid "Load more posts in page with a button" msgstr "使用按鈕在頁面中載入更多文章" msgid "Load more posts as the reader scrolls down" msgstr "隨著讀者向下捲動頁面載入更多文章" msgid "Learn more about XML sitemaps." msgstr "了解更多有關 XML 網站地圖。" msgid "" "Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You must set your " "{{a}}privacy settings{{/a}} to \"public\"." msgstr "" "你的網站目前無法經由搜尋引擎進行存取。你必須將網站的{{a}}隱私設定{{/a}}設為" "「公開」。" msgid "Generating sitemap…" msgstr "正在產生網站地圖…" msgid "Generate XML sitemaps" msgstr "產生 XML 網站地圖" msgid "" "By connecting your site to, your site's content will be shared with us and protected by our own privacy " "policy." msgstr "" "一旦將網站與 連結,網站的內容就會分享給我們," "並且受我們的隱私權保護政策所保護。" msgid "This theme is retired" msgstr "此佈景主題已淘汰" msgid "" "We invite you to try out a newer theme; start by browsing our WordPress " "theme directory." msgstr "敬邀你嘗試新推出的佈景主題;請瀏覽 WordPress 佈景主題目錄開始試用。" msgid "Select language" msgstr "選取語言" msgid "Search languages…" msgstr "搜尋語言…" msgid "%1$s Receipt #%2$d" msgstr "%1$s 收據號碼 %2$d" msgid "Enable the toolbar" msgstr "啟用 工具列" msgid " toolbar" msgstr " 工具列" msgid "Connected to your Instagram account." msgstr "連結至你的 Instagram 帳戶。" msgid "Connect to use the Instagram widget." msgstr "連線以使用 Instagram Widget。" msgid "Add a New Site" msgstr "新增新網站" msgid "Enable pop-up business cards over commenters’ Gravatars" msgstr "在回應者的 Gravatar 上啟用彈出式名片" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Premium." msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack 進階版。" msgid "Continue with %(service)s" msgstr "使用 %(service)s 繼續" msgid "" "Install problem: Theme may not be valid. Check that your zip file contains " "only the theme you are trying to install." msgstr "" "安裝問題:佈景主題可能無效。請檢查你的 zip 檔案是否只包含你嘗試安裝的佈景主" "題。" msgid "Zip file is too large. Please upload a file under 50 MB." msgstr "Zip 檔案太大。請上載 50 MB 以下的檔案。" msgid "" "From quickly updating our page to implementing our online store, our " " site has become the online center for everything we do. We " "know our page is successful when guests tell us that our page is easy to use " "and our content is engaging." msgstr "" "從快速更新網頁到實作線上商店, 網站已成為我們做每件事的線上中" "心。當訪客告訴我們,網頁很好用且內容很吸引人時,我們就知道這個網頁成功了。" msgid "" "Success for me means when I manage to inspire people, when someone on the " "other end of the world embraces today a bit more, because he/she looked at " "my blog. allowed me to give my creativity a platform. It has " "enabled an amazing democratization of entrepreneurship, where an individual, " "independent from status and institution, has the power to reach out to " "millions of readers if he/she creates great content." msgstr "" "對我而言,成功就是當我啟發了某人思考的時候,還有當地球另一端的某人只是因為讀" "了我的網誌,就感到今天更有力量擁抱世界的時候。 讓我的創意獲得發" "聲平台。這個平台優異地實現了企業環境的民主化,在這之中,超然於身分地位和制度" "的個人,能夠在創作出極佳的內容後,接觸到數以百萬的讀者。" msgid "" "P.S. If you’re wondering what a upgrade can " "do for you, just check out what some of our users have to say:" msgstr "" "P.S. 如果想知道 升級可以為你做哪些事情,只要看" "看我們部分使用者的評論即可:" msgid "Click Here to Finish Upgrading Your Site" msgstr "按一下這裡以完成你的網站升級" msgid "" "Feel free to click the link below to finish your upgrade and to build the " "site you’ve always wanted." msgstr "請放心的按下方連結以完成升級,並建置你一直想要的網站。" msgid "If so, no worries. We just wanted to shoot you a quick reminder." msgstr "倘若如此,別擔憂。我們只是想要儘快提醒你。" msgid "Did you forget to finish putting in your information?" msgstr "你忘記要加入自己的資訊了嗎?" msgid "Complete your information to finish your upgrade." msgstr "請輸入相關資訊以完成升級。" msgid "Oops, did you forget this important step?" msgstr "糟糕!你忘記這個重要步驟了嗎?" msgid "Install problem: Theme zip must be under 10MB." msgstr "安裝問題:佈景主題壓縮檔案必須小於 10MB。" msgid "Sorry, we had a problem updating that subscription. Please try again." msgstr "很抱歉,更新該訂閱時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "Sorry, we had a problem subscribing. Please try again." msgstr "很抱歉,訂閱時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "Sorry, we had a problem unsubscribing. Please try again." msgstr "很抱歉,取消訂閱時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "by {{author/}}" msgstr "依 {{author/}}" msgid "" "Find the domain name that defines you and your next big idea. Grab a domain " "now even if it's not quite time to start a site. Your domain will be ready " "when you are." msgstr "" "尋找用來定義你和你下一個傑出想法的網域名稱。即使還沒準備好建立網站,也能立即" "取得網域。如此一來,只要你做好準備,網域隨時可用。" msgid "Find your domain" msgstr "找出最適合你的網域名稱" msgid "Start with a domain" msgstr "從網域開始" msgid "" "Veni - a clean aesthetic for a personal blog or magazine. Use it for travel, " "fashion, lifestyle, food, interior…" msgstr "Veni - 個人網誌或雜誌的清潔美學。用於旅行、時尚、生活方式、食品、室內…" msgid "Domain renews on" msgstr "網域更新日:" msgid "Subscription renews on" msgstr "訂閱更新日:" msgid "No exact matches exist for %s." msgstr "沒有完全符合 %s 的項目。" msgid "Take the next step" msgstr "進行下一步" msgid "" "Ready to grow your audience and spread your message? Click the button below " "to see which plan is right for you." msgstr "" "準備好拓展讀者群,分享你的想法嗎?請按下方按鈕,查看哪項 方案最" "適合你。" msgid "Email me" msgstr "透過電子郵件聯絡我" msgid "Whoops, something went wrong. %(message)s Please try again." msgstr "糟糕,出狀況了。%(message)s 請再試一次。" msgid "Sorry, there was a problem creating your export file." msgstr "很抱歉,建立你的匯出檔案時發生問題。" msgid "" "For extra security, the link can only be used one time and expires in one " "hour." msgstr "為加強安全性,連結只能使用一次,且將於一小時後逾期失效。" msgid "Hello! Here's the link you requested from" msgstr "你好!這是你向 要求的連結。" msgid "" "{{em}}%(name)s{{/em}} has been received. You'll get an email when your " "import is complete." msgstr "已收到 {{em}}%(name)s{{/em}}。匯入完成時,我們會發送電子郵件通知你。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Welcome!{{/strong}} Reader is a custom magazine. {{link}}Follow " "your favorite sites{{/link}} and their latest posts will appear here. " "{{span}}Read, like, and comment in a distraction-free environment.{{/span}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}歡迎!{{/strong}} 閱讀器是一種自訂雜誌。{{link}}關注你喜歡的網站{{/" "link}},它們最新的文章將顯示在此處。{{span}}在不受干擾的環境中閱讀、按讚和留" "言。{{/span}}" msgid "Start with %s" msgstr "開頭為 %s" msgid "" "Twenty Seventeen brings your site to life with header video and immersive " "featured images. With a focus on business sites, it features multiple " "sections on the front page as well as widgets, navigation and social menus, " "a logo, and more. Personalize its asymmetrical grid with a custom color " "scheme and showcase your multimedia content with post formats. Our default " "theme for 2017 works great in many languages, for any abilities, and on any " "device." msgstr "" "Twenty Seventeen 透過頁首視訊及令人身歷其境的精選圖片,使網站鮮活了起來。以商" "業網站的觀點來看,它的特色為首頁的多重區段、小工具、導覽、社群網路選單及標誌" "等等。它還使用自訂色彩配置對非對襯式網格進行個人化,並以文章格式展示多媒體內" "容。這個 2017 年推出的預設佈景主題,具備多國語言版本,並適用於各種用途及裝" "置。" msgid "Types of pages to display:" msgstr "要顯示的頁面類型:" msgid "Join our affiliate program now" msgstr "立即加入我們的聯盟計劃" msgid "" "Earn top commissions by promoting the Jetpack products WordPress " "professionals love." msgstr "宣傳深受 WordPress 專業人士喜愛的 Jetpack 產品,即可賺取高額佣金。" msgid "Partner with us." msgstr "歡迎與我們合作。" msgid "" "Independent Publisher 2 is a clean and polished theme with a light color " "scheme, bold typography, and full-width images." msgstr "" "Independent Publisher 2的設計乾淨簡練,有明亮的色調、顯目的字體,以及全版寬的" "圖片。" msgid "Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgstr "加速行動版網頁 (AMP)" msgid "Log in to your account" msgstr "登入你的帳戶。" msgid "Automatically use first image in post" msgstr "自動使用文章中的第一張圖片" msgid "" "Add, organize, and display {{link}}testimonials{{/link}}. If your theme " "doesn’t support testimonials yet, you can display them using the shortcode " "[testimonials]." msgstr "" "新增、整理和顯示{{link}}證言{{/link}}。如果你的佈景主題還不支援證言,你可以使" "用短代碼 ( [testimonials] ) 顯示證言。" msgid "" "Add, organize, and display {{link}}portfolio projects{{/link}}. If your " "theme doesn’t support portfolio projects yet, you can display them using the " "shortcode [portfolio]." msgstr "" "新增、整理和顯示{{link}}個人作品集{{/link}}。如果你的佈景主題還不支援個人作品" "集,你可以使用短代碼 ( [portfolio] ) 顯示個人作品集。" msgid "Problem fetching theme filters." msgstr "擷取佈景主題篩選器發生問題。" msgid "" "Jetpack cannot be deactivated from {{link}}Manage " "connection{{/link}}" msgstr "Jetpack 無法自 停用。{{link}}管理連結{{/link}}" msgid "%(siteName)s failed to disconnect" msgstr "%(siteName)s 取消連結失敗" msgid "Backups and security scanning API key" msgstr "備份與安全掃描 API 金鑰" msgid "Last fully synced %(ago)s" msgstr "最後完整同步時間:%(ago)s" msgid "Unable to complete request" msgstr "無法完成要求" msgid "Could not get results for query: %(query)s" msgstr "無法取得此查詢的結果:%(query)s" msgid "The marked connection will be replaced with your selection." msgstr "標記的連結將會替換為你選擇的項目。" msgid "I'd rather not answer" msgstr "我不想回答" msgid "Enter a YouTube URL:" msgstr "或者,輸入一個YouTube網址:" msgid "Your thoughts are needed." msgstr "我們想知道你的想法。" msgid "Sorry, we had a problem fetching your Reader subscriptions." msgstr "抱歉,我們無法擷取你的讀取器訂閱。" msgid "Not sure? Start here." msgstr "不確定嗎?就從這裡開始吧。" msgid "Try for Free" msgstr "免費試用" msgid "Register for" msgstr "註冊" msgid "Connecting as" msgstr "使用以下身分連結:" msgid "" "Get a link sent to the email address associated with your account to log in " "instantly without your password." msgstr "" "透過與你帳戶相關聯的電子郵件地址接收連結,以不需提供密碼的方式即時登入。" msgid "Enter a password instead" msgstr "改為輸入密碼" msgid "Continue to" msgstr "繼續前往" msgid "Continue to on your WordPress app" msgstr "繼續在你的 WordPress 應用程式上前往" msgid "Logging in as %(emailAddress)s" msgstr "正以 %(emailAddress)s 的身分登入" msgid "NOTE: You are already logged in as user: %(user)s" msgstr "注意:你已以下列使用者身分登入:%(user)s" msgid "Continuing will switch users." msgstr "如要繼續,將切換使用者身分。" msgid "Check your email!" msgstr "檢查你的電子郵件!" msgid "Maybe try resetting your password instead" msgstr "或是改為嘗試重設你的密碼" msgid "Return to" msgstr "返回" msgid "Login link is expired or invalid" msgstr "登入連結已到期或無效" msgid "Put your domain to work." msgstr "使用自有網域名稱。" msgid "Start a Site Now" msgstr "立即開始架設網站" msgid "" "When your great idea is ready for the world, start a website or blog with a " "single click. Choose from hundreds of gorgeous customizable themes." msgstr "" "當你有超棒的點子要與全世界分享時,只要按一下滑鼠,就可以開始架設網站或網誌。" "從數百個精美且可自訂的佈景主題中選擇。" msgid "Start a site" msgstr "開始架設網站" msgid "Email me a login link" msgstr "將登入連結電子郵件寄給我" msgid "Social Previews" msgstr "社交媒體預覽" msgid "" "This is how your post will appear when people view or share it on any of the " "networks below" msgstr "當其他人在下列任一社交網路上查看或分享你的文章時,看起來會像下面這樣" msgid "Change Language" msgstr "變更語言" msgid "" "You now have the tools to secure your site, grow your traffic, and build " "your online presence." msgstr "這些工具可保護你的網站、提高流量,讓你建立網路知名度。" msgid "" "Previous purchase is not completed. Please try again later, or contact " "support." msgstr "前一次購買尚未完成。請稍後再試一次,或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "P.S. If you’re still interested in speeding up your " "website’s growth through SEO or with custom plugins and themes, make sure " "you claim your 50% Business Plan discount before it expires." msgstr "" "P.S. 如果你仍想要透過 SEO 來加速網站成長,或使用自訂外掛程式" "和佈景主題達成類似目標,請在 50% 商務版方案折扣到期之前領取折扣。" msgid "" "Just released! Install the custom themes and plugins you need to help you " "grow, engage and retain your audience." msgstr "" "剛剛發佈!安裝所需的自訂佈景主題和外掛程式,協助你拓展和留住讀者群,並使讀者" "群產生參與感。" msgid "" "To start using custom themes or plugins and to keep growing your audience, " "please renew your subscription today before it expires on %s." msgstr "" "若要開始使用自訂佈景主題和外掛程式,並拓展讀者群,請在 %s 到期之前續約。" msgid "" "In addition, Business users now have the ability to install " "custom themes and plugins! From E-commerce to email newsletters to " "memberships, thousands of plugins are now at your fingertips to help you " "grow your business." msgstr "" "此外, 商務版使用者現在可以安裝自訂佈景主題和外掛程式!不論是電" "子商務、電子報或會員資格,現在動動你的指尖,就能使用數千種外掛程式,協助你拓" "展業務。" msgid "Voices from our community" msgstr "來自社群的聲音" msgid "Choose a plan that fits your needs" msgstr "選擇符合你需求的方案" msgid "This year, make your website happen." msgstr "就在今年,實現你建立網站的夢想。" msgid "" "There’s never been a better time to share your " "story." msgstr "現在就是分享故事的最佳時機。" msgid "Choose a plan to create the website you've always wanted." msgstr "選擇方案,建立你夢想已久的網站。" msgid "Make your move." msgstr "立即行動。" msgid "" "Find a unique style for your site, features hundreds of high " "quality designs. You don’t need to learn web design to create the website of " "your dreams." msgstr "" "為你的網站找出獨一無二的風格, 擁有數百款高品質的設計。即使沒有" "學過網站設計,也能打造出夢想中的網站。" msgid "" "Find a unique style for your site:\ features hundreds of high–" "quality designs. You don’t need to learn web design to create the blog of " "your dreams." msgstr "" " 擁有數百款優質的設計風格任你選用。不必費心學習網站設計,也能輕" "鬆打造夢幻超美網誌。" msgid "Sharing…" msgstr "分享…" msgid "Site stats" msgstr "網站統計資料" msgid "Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar" msgstr "在管理員列中放置一張圖表,顯示 48 小時內的瀏覽次數" msgid "Hide the stats smiley face image" msgstr "隱藏統計資料笑臉圖片" msgid "The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden." msgstr "圖片有助於蒐集統計資料,但隱藏時應該會正常運作。" msgid "Count logged in page views from" msgstr "頁面瀏覽量記錄的計數,來自" msgid "Allow stats reports to be viewed by" msgstr "允許統計報告的檢視者包含" msgid "checking availability" msgstr "正在檢查可用性" msgid "Getting more domain ideas for you…" msgstr "正在為你獲取更多網域的構想..." msgid "" "Schedule a personalized orientation session with one of our Happiness " "Engineers." msgstr "請安排時間讓我們的 Happiness Engineer 為你進行個人導覽課程。" msgid "" "Just for you: schedule a personalized orientation with a Jetpack expert." msgstr "為你推薦:安排時間讓 Jetpack 專家為你進行個人導覽課程。" msgid "Could not follow tag: %(tag)s" msgstr "無法關注標籤:%(tag)s" msgid "Could not unfollow tag: %(tag)s" msgstr "無法取消關注標籤:%(tag)s" msgid "Could not load tag, try refreshing the page" msgstr "無法讀取標籤,請嘗試重新整理頁面" msgid "Could not load your followed tags, try refreshing the page" msgstr "無法讀取你關注的標籤,請嘗試重新整理頁面" msgid "{{icon/}} Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring" msgstr "{{icon/}} 暴力破解攻擊防護以及運作時間監控" msgid "{{icon/}} Unlimited, high-speed image hosting" msgstr "{{icon/}} 無限量儲存空間的高速圖片代管" msgid "{{icon/}} Spam filtering" msgstr "{{icon/}} 垃圾郵件過濾" msgid "{{icon/}} Daily automated backups (unlimited storage)" msgstr "{{icon/}} 每日自動備份 (無限的儲存空間)" msgid "{{icon/}} Priority WordPress and security support" msgstr "{{icon/}} WordPress 及安全性的優先支援服務" msgid "{{icon/}} Unlimited high-speed video hosting" msgstr "{{icon/}} 無限量儲存空間的高速影片代管" msgid "{{icon/}} SEO preview tools" msgstr "{{icon/}} SEO 預覽工具" msgid " has not been able to reach %(siteSlug)s for a while." msgstr " 已經有一陣子無法連線至 %(siteSlug)s。" msgid "Remove Site" msgstr "移除網站" msgid "Disconnect from" msgstr "中斷與 的連結?" msgid "" "By disconnecting %(siteSlug)s from you will no longer have " "access to the following:" msgstr "中斷 %(siteSlug)s 與 的連線後,您將無法再存取下列項目:" msgid "Read more about Jetpack benefits" msgstr "深入瞭解 Jetpack 的優勢" msgid "Manage Connection" msgstr "管理連結" msgid "Change my settings" msgstr "變更我的設定" msgid "" "You're receiving this email because you're a Business site " "owner. %sUnsubscribe%s from our helpful tip emails." msgstr "" "你會收到此電子郵件,是因為你是 商務版網站擁有者。%s取消訂閱%s我" "們的實用秘訣電子郵件。" msgid "Manage connections" msgstr "管理連線狀態" msgid "" "You're receiving this email because it's important, and you have a WordPress." "com account." msgstr "" "你會收到此電子郵件,是因為這是重要電子郵件,且你擁有 帳戶。" msgid "SEO and Your Blog" msgstr "SEO 與你的網誌" msgid "Six SEO Factors You Should Know" msgstr "你應該知道的六個 SEO 影響因素" msgid "Here's some further reading on how SEO works with sites:" msgstr "" "下面幾篇進階閱讀文章,可以讓你更了解 網站 SEO 的運作方式:" msgid "Click here to learn more about SEO controls for your site" msgstr "按一下這裡,深入瞭解 SEO 控制項" msgid "" "See a preview of how your site will look when shared on social media like " "Facebook and Twitter." msgstr "預覽你的網站分享在 Facebook 或 Twitter 等社群媒體時的呈現方式。" msgid "" "Tweak your %smeta descriptions%s and see what your search engine listings " "will look like." msgstr "調整你的%s中繼資料說明%s,並且看看搜尋引擎會如何列出你的網站。" msgid "Verify your site with several search engines and social networks." msgstr "用多個搜尋引擎和社群媒體,反覆檢查網站設定。" msgid "" "Though your site offers great %sSearch Engine Optimization%s " "(SEO) right out of the box, there are a few fundamentals you can examine to " "make sure that you're presenting your site in the best possible way to " "search engines who come crawling." msgstr "" " 網站本身擁有優越的%s搜尋引擎最佳化%s(SEO)功能,但是你仍應注意" "一些基本原則,以確保搜尋引擎來爬梳你的網站時,能得到最佳結果。" msgid "Create a Site Search Engines Will Love" msgstr "打造出符合搜尋引擎偏好的網站" msgid "" "In our next and final email, we'll share a bit of information on SEO — how " "to optimize your site to improve your site's rank in search results. If you " "have any questions while you're working on your site, we'd love to help." msgstr "" "下一封電子郵件是這系列教學的最後一封,我們會分享關於 SEO 的資訊,像是如何進行" "網站最佳化,以提升網站在搜尋結果頁面的排名。如果在設定調整網站時有任何問題," "我們很樂意提供協助。" msgid "Have questions?" msgstr "有任何疑問嗎?" msgid "How to connect your site to Instagram" msgstr "如何將你的網站連結至 Instagram" msgid "How to connect your site to Twitter" msgstr "如何將你的網站連結至 Twitter" msgid "How to connect your site to Facebook" msgstr "如何將你的網站連結至 Facebook" msgid "Tips on social media and your site" msgstr "如何善用社群媒體宣傳網站" msgid "" "Here's more on how to connect your website to social media, making it your " "online hub:" msgstr "" "以下幾篇文章會教你如何把自己的網站和社群媒體相連,利用社群媒體擴散內容、導回" "流量:" msgid "Click here for a video on how to connect your site to Facebook" msgstr "按一下這裡,即可觀看如何將網站連結至 Facebook 的影片" msgid "" "Not sure how to get started? Be sure to display social media widgets on your " "site so visitors know where to find you online. Add sharing buttons to your " "pages and blog posts so readers can share your content to their audience on " "social media." msgstr "" "第一步,一定要記得在網站上放置社群媒體小工具,讓訪客看到你在不同社群平台的帳" "戶;另外也要在網頁與網誌文章中放進分享按鈕,這樣讀者才能把你的精彩內容,分享" "給他在社群平台上的朋友。" msgid "Draw Traffic with Social Media" msgstr "利用社群媒體導流,觸及更多讀者" msgid "" "In our next email, we will be sharing tips on how to grow your audience " "through social media. In the meantime, if you have any questions we'd love " "to help." msgstr "" "在下一封電子郵件中,我們會分享透過社群媒體來擴大讀者群的秘訣。在此同時,如果" "你有任何問題,我們很樂意提供協助。" msgid "Click here for video on how to change your website theme" msgstr "按一下這裡,即可觀看如何變更網站佈景主題的影片" msgid "" "You can try an unlimited number of themes, until you find the perfect fit " "for your business, so experiment away! Need some inspiration? Check out our recommended themes." msgstr "" "你可以放心試用佈景主題,沒有次數限制,直到找出最適合你企業的佈景主題為止,歡" "迎盡情實驗!需要靈感嗎?請看看我們推薦的佈景主題。" msgid "" "When you select a theme, ask yourself: how do you want your business to be " "perceived? What words would you use to describe it? Would it be professional " "yet friendly, or sophisticated and exclusive? Perhaps something else " "entirely? Brainstorm a few words and then enter those descriptors into the " "search box at the %sTheme Showcase%s. For example, here's a list of themes " "returned by the term, %s." msgstr "" "在你挑選佈景主題時,一定要先問自己一些問題:「訪客看到你的企業網站時,你希望" "他留下什麼印象?你會用哪些字詞來形容這個網站?專業但平易近人,還是精緻又獨" "特?還是其他不同的形容詞?」花點時間腦力激盪,找出幾個最適合的形容詞,然後在 " "%s Theme Showcase (佈景主題展示)%s 的搜尋方塊中輸入這些描述用詞。像是搜尋" "「%s」一詞時,系統就會幫你找到一系列佈景主題。" msgid "Experiment: find the right look" msgstr "做些小實驗,找出最適合的網站外觀設計" msgid "" "On, your theme determines the overall design and appearance of " "your site, including things like page layout, widget locations, and default " "font and color choices. Your website's look and feel is a big part of your " "business' success, and we've got some resources to help you get it looking " "just right." msgstr "" "在,網站的整體設計和外觀,包括頁面配置、小工具的位置,以及預設" "字型和色彩等項,都是由佈景主題來決定的。你的網站外觀和風格,是企業經營能否成" "功的重要關鍵之一;這裡有一些資源,能協助選出最合適的佈景主題,讓網站看起來好" "看又好用。" msgid "" "In our next email, we will be sharing tips on how to pick the perfect theme " "to showcase your content. In the meantime, if you have any questions we'd " "love to help." msgstr "" "在下一封電子郵件中,我們會分享如何挑選完美的佈景主題,展示你的內容。在此同" "時,如果你有任何問題,我們很樂意提供協助。" msgid "Need a hand?" msgstr "需要協助嗎?" msgid "" "Click here for video on how to create a custom navigation menu for your site" msgstr "按一下這裡,即可觀看如何為網站建立自訂導覽選單的影片" msgid "Organize your pages with a navigation menu" msgstr "使用自訂導覽選單組織你的頁面" msgid "Add new pages to your site" msgstr "在你的網站上新增頁面" msgid "" "Learn more about how to create pages and navigation menus to structure your " "site:" msgstr "深入了解建立頁面與導覽選單,讓網站綱舉目張的方法:" msgid "" "Starting out, you might think that your site's design is the primary " "consideration when building a successful website. In reality, your site's " "content — the information and photos on your pages — does all " "the talking for you when you can't be there to speak with your customers in " "person." msgstr "" "首先,很多人會以為網站要成功,最重要的是外觀設計;但實際上最重要的是網站裡的" "內容,也就是頁面中的資訊和圖表。唯有這些內容,才能夠代替你本人,和訪客深入溝" "通。" msgid "" "Welcome to! We want to share some resources to help you build " "the perfect site for your business." msgstr "" "歡迎來到!我們將在這裡分享一些秘訣,讓你打造出完美的企業用網" "站。" msgid "Getting Started %s" msgstr "開始使用 %s" msgid "" "Learn how to optimize your site using meta descriptions and other SEO tools." msgstr "瞭解如何透過中繼資料內容說明及其他 SEO 工具,充分發揮你的網站優勢。" msgid "How to Plan for a Successful Website" msgstr "透過精心規劃,讓網站大獲成功" msgid "" "Connect social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter to increase your " "traffic." msgstr "連結社交媒體帳戶 (例如 Facebook 及 Twitter) 拉抬網站流量。" msgid "How to build a site search engines love" msgstr "打造搜尋名列前茅的網站" msgid "The secret to growing your audience" msgstr "讓讀者愈來愈多的秘訣" msgid "Learn all about themes and how they work with your site." msgstr "深入探索佈景主題,瞭解如何使用佈景主題為網站增色。" msgid "Find out why planning is pivotal for building a successful site." msgstr "瞭解規劃對成功建立網站的重要性。" msgid "How to find the perfect look for your site" msgstr "找出和你網站風格最速配的佈景主題" msgid "The first thing all site owners should do" msgstr "所有網站擁有者的首要之務" msgid "What do you need help with?" msgstr "您需要什麼協助?" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to cancel %(purchaseName)s for {{em}}%(domain)s{{/" "em}}? " msgstr "你確定要取消 {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}} 的 %(purchaseName)s?" msgid "" "Your domain mapping remains active until it expires on " "%(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgstr "你的網域對應將會持續作用,直到在 %(subscriptionEndDate)s 到期。" msgid "" "Your plan's features remain active until your subscription expires on " "%(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgstr "你的方案功能將會持續作用,直到訂閱在 %(subscriptionEndDate)s 到期。" msgid "Clear Search" msgstr "清除搜尋" msgid "Learn more ›" msgstr "深入了解 › " msgid "" "Get yours for only $39 per year with Jetpack Personal. " "Daily backups, spam protection, priority support, and much more." msgstr "" "選擇 Jetpack 個人方案,每年僅需 $39 美元,即可獲得專屬服務。" "每日備份、垃圾郵件防護和優先支援服務等等。" msgid "Everyone needs a backup plan." msgstr "每個人都需要備份方案。" msgid "Install problem: Not a valid zip file" msgstr "安裝問題:無效的 zip 檔案" msgid "Prevent and block malicious login attempts" msgstr "預防並封鎖惡意的嘗試登入動作" msgid "" "You may explicitly allow an IP address or series of addresses preventing " "them from ever being blocked by Jetpack. IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To " "specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. " "Example:" msgstr "" "你可以明確允許某個 IP 位址或多個網址,避免它們遭到 Jetpack 封鎖。 可接受 " "IPv4 和 IPv6。 若要指定範圍,請輸入最低值及最高值,並以破折號分隔。 範例:" "" msgid "Prevent brute force login attacks" msgstr "防範暴力密碼破解的登入攻擊" msgid "Try using a different site." msgstr "請嘗試用不同的網站。" msgid "" "Designed and built to run WordPress like a dream. Exclusive technology gives " "you the proven performance, reliability, and functionality you need." msgstr "" "專為 WordPress 網站精心設計打造的超強服務,擁有多種獨到技術,讓網站穩定執行你" "所需要的各種功能,而且運作如飛。" msgid "The Easiest Place to Get Started" msgstr "入門者輕鬆上手的不二首選" msgid "Your new website is waiting..." msgstr "新網站升火待發..." msgid "A custom domain name." msgstr "自訂網域名稱" msgid "Reach your audience." msgstr "接觸你的讀者" msgid "Bring your ideas to life." msgstr "讓夢想成真。" msgid "Week starts on %s" msgstr "每週開始於 %s" msgid "Learn more about date and time formatting." msgstr "深入瞭解日期與時間格式。" msgid "Week starts on" msgstr "每週開始於" msgid "Preview: %s" msgstr "預覽:%s" msgid "Theme not yet available for this site" msgstr "尚未針對此網站提供佈景主題" msgid "Click to change photo" msgstr "按一下以變更照片" msgid "Attend Professional Webinars" msgstr "參加專業網路研討會" msgid "Monetize your Site" msgstr "利用網站賺取獲利" msgid "%s13GB%s Storage Space" msgstr "%s13GB%s 儲存空間" msgid "%sUnlimited%s Premium Themes" msgstr "%s無限%s進階版佈景主題" msgid "Best for Business Owners" msgstr "企業主的最佳選擇" msgid "Buy Business" msgstr "購買商務版" msgid "Best for Entrepreneurs & Freelancers" msgstr "創業者與自由工作者的最佳選擇" msgid "Best for Bloggers" msgstr "部落客的最佳選擇" msgid "Buy Premium" msgstr "購買進階方案" msgid "Buy Personal" msgstr "購買個人方案" msgid "Choose a theme for your new site." msgstr "為新網站選擇佈景主題。" msgid "Find your new domain" msgstr "搜尋可用網域名稱" msgid "Start the search for your perfect domain." msgstr "從搜尋開始,決定最適合你的網域名稱。" msgid "Bring your idea to life" msgstr "讓夢想成真" msgid "" "Get support from our experts through email or live chat. Whether you're " "adding a site to your domain or editing your DNS records, we can help. We're " "excited to help you see your vision come to life." msgstr "" "我們提供電子郵件或即時文字對談支援服務,不論你想在網域中新增網站,還是編輯 " "DNS 記錄,只要你需要,我們的專家都能幫你解決問題。" msgid "Here to help" msgstr "支援服務,隨時待命" msgid "" "Our powerful and easy to use tools make domain management effortless. " "Everything you need in a simple interface." msgstr "" "我們的網域管理工具輕鬆易用,但是功能強大,讓你輕鬆愉快。實用又容易上手的界" "面,囊括一切所需功能。" msgid "Powerful advanced settings" msgstr "強大的進階設定" msgid "" "Grab your domain name now so you don't have to compromise later. Every " "domain includes a beautiful temporary placeholder page, that you can replace " "with a full site whenever you're ready." msgstr "" "好名字不等人,立刻擁有自己的網域名稱,先搶先贏。我們已經幫每個網域名稱預先設" "定精美的臨時頁面,日後隨時可以更換為更正式、更完整的網站。" msgid "Ready when you are" msgstr "為你預先準備" msgid "Own your identity" msgstr "用自己的網域名稱,打造你的網路名聲。" msgid "" "Just one click and your domain is a website. It's your new blog. Or your " "company's website. Or a portfolio of your work. Or anything you can imagine. " "Start a new site in seconds and get the design, features, and support you " "need to bring your idea to life." msgstr "" "按一下,網域名稱就會化為網站,它可以是你的全新網誌、公司官網、個人作品集,你" "想做什麼都可以。彈指間,你就能擁有全新的網站,美觀大方,功能強大,實現你的所" "有夢想。" msgid "The right domain is all you need" msgstr "一切精彩,從一個好的網域名稱開始。" msgid "Find the domain that defines you" msgstr "找到最能展現你的網域名稱。" msgid "Domain Search —" msgstr "網域搜尋 —" msgid "Your next big idea starts here" msgstr "分享更多精彩,就從這一步開始。" msgid "More ideas:" msgstr "更多構想:" msgid "Looking for a specific domain?" msgstr "正在尋找特定網域嗎?" msgid "Show more exact matches" msgstr "顯示更多完全符合的搜尋結果" msgid "Show more alternative suggestions" msgstr "顯示更多替代的建議" msgid "Best Alternative" msgstr "最佳替代選項" msgid "Taken" msgstr "已有人使用" msgid "Buy Domain" msgstr "購買網域" msgid "" "Want more traffic? Read about how you can expand your blog's " "audience." msgstr "想要更多流量嗎?閱讀以了解如何增加網誌的讀者。" msgid "This site is eligible to install plugins and upload themes." msgstr "此網站可安裝外掛程式及上載佈景主題。" msgid "Transform standard image galleries into full-screen slideshows" msgstr "將標準圖庫轉換為全螢幕投影片" msgid "" "Your refund has been sent to the method of payment that you used for your " "original purchase. You will receive it in 7-10 business days.\n" "\t\t\tIf you paid with a credit card, this may appear as a credit/refund on " "your statement, or the original charge will show as reversed, which\n" "\t\t\twould simply remove the original charge from your statement - " "depending on your bank. If you paid via PayPal, you’ll see the refund in\n" "\t\t\tyour transaction history." msgstr "" "我們已將退款轉帳至你原先購買時使用的付款方式。你將在 7 到 10 個工作天內收到退" "款。\n" "\t\t\t若你之前使用信用卡付款,退款可能會以可用餘額/退款金額的形式顯示在銀行" "對帳單中,或是撤銷先前的消費記錄,\n" "\t\t\t直接自對帳單移除這筆款項。處理方式因發卡銀行而異。若你是透過 PayPal 付" "款,你可在\n" "\t\t\t交易記錄看到這筆退款。" msgid "Match accounts using email addresses" msgstr "使用電子郵件地址比對帳戶" msgid "Require two-step authentication" msgstr "需要兩步驟驗證" msgid " sign in" msgstr " 登入" msgid "Some features are disabled because your site is in development mode." msgstr "由於你的網站處於開發模式,部分功能已停用。" msgid "This action cannot be undone." msgstr "此動作無法復原。" msgid "%(count)d posts" msgstr "%(count)d 篇文章" msgid "Display comment link" msgstr "顯示留言連結" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete that user." msgstr "抱歉,你不得刪除該使用者。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete users." msgstr "很抱歉,您不得刪除使用者。" msgid "We already have a ping from that URL for this post." msgstr "我們已經收到來自該文網址的 ping 通知了。" msgid "Sorry, trackbacks are closed for this item." msgstr "抱歉,引用通知目前在此項目是停用的。" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "" "This is an example of a homepage section. Homepage sections can be any page " "other than the homepage itself, including the page that shows your latest " "blog posts." msgstr "" "這是首頁區塊的範例。首頁區塊可以是除了首頁本身以外的任何其他頁面,包括顯示最" "新部落格文章的頁面。" msgid "I really need an ID for this to work." msgstr "我很需要透過識別碼執行。" msgid "RSS Error:" msgstr "RSS錯誤:" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "News" msgstr "新聞" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "" "This is a page with some basic contact information, such as an address and " "phone number. You might also try a plugin to add a contact form." msgstr "" "這個頁面包含了一些基本聯絡資訊,像是地址跟電話號碼。你也可以嘗試使用外掛新增" "聯絡表單。" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Blog" msgstr "網誌" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "A homepage section" msgstr "主頁段" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Contact" msgstr "聯絡" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "About" msgstr "關於" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "" "Welcome to your site! This is your homepage, which is what most visitors " "will see when they come to your site for the first time." msgstr "" "歡迎來到你的網站!這是你的主頁,即是訪客進入你的網站時看見的第一個畫面。" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "YouTube" msgstr "YouTube" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Yelp" msgstr "Yelp" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Pinterest" msgstr "Pinterest" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "LinkedIn" msgstr "LinkedIn" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Instagram" msgstr "Instagram" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Twitter" msgstr "Twitter" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "GitHub" msgstr "GitHub" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Foursquare" msgstr "Foursquare" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Facebook" msgstr "Facebook" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Email" msgstr "電郵" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Recent Posts" msgstr "最新文章" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Recent Comments" msgstr "最新評論" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Search" msgstr "搜尋" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Home" msgstr "主頁" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "月曆" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Categories" msgstr "分類" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Archives" msgstr "彙整" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Meta" msgstr "其他操作" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "" "This may be a good place to introduce yourself and your site or include some " "credits." msgstr "" "這裡也許是個介紹你自己的好地方,也能介紹你的網站或放進一些工作人員名單。" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "About This Site" msgstr "關於本網站" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM" msgstr "星期一到星期五每日上午 9:00 – 下午 5:00" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM" msgstr "星期六 & 星期日:11:00AM–3:00PM" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Hours" msgstr "小時" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "New York, NY 10001" msgstr "New York,NY 10001" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "123 Main Street" msgstr "123 Main Street" msgid "Video is playing." msgstr "影片播放中。" msgid "Video is paused." msgstr "影片已暫停。" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Address" msgstr "地址" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Find Us" msgstr "Find Us" msgctxt "label for hide controls button without length constraints" msgid "Show Controls" msgstr "顯示控制選項" msgid "Invalid JSONP callback function." msgstr "JSONP 回傳函式無效。" msgid "" "The REST API can no longer be completely disabled, the %s filter can be used " "to restrict access to the API, instead." msgstr "REST API 不再能夠完全停用,請改用 %s 篩選器限制 API 的存取。" msgid "Invalid JSON body passed." msgstr "傳送了無效的JSON內容。" msgid "%1$s %2$s, %3$s ago (%4$s)" msgstr "%1$s %2$s,%3$s 前(%4$s)" msgid "Post Attributes" msgstr "文章屬性" msgid "Invalid page template." msgstr "頁面範本無效。" msgid "No changesets found in Trash." msgstr "回收桶裡沒有找到變更集。" msgid "No changesets found." msgstr "沒有找到變更集。" msgid "Search Changesets" msgstr "搜尋變更集" msgid "All Changesets" msgstr "所有變更集" msgid "Edit Changeset" msgstr "編輯變更集" msgid "New Changeset" msgstr "新增變更集" msgid "Add New Changeset" msgstr "建立變更集" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Changeset" msgstr "變更集" msgid "Attachment Attributes" msgstr "附件屬性" msgid "" "Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new " "articles." msgstr "允許其他網站對新文章發出連結通知(引用和通告)。" msgid "Default post category." msgstr "預設文章分類。" msgid "Site tagline." msgstr "網站標語。" msgctxt "New user notification email subject" msgid "[%1$s] Activate %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] 啟用使用者「%2$s」" msgid "Document Preview" msgstr "文件預覽" msgctxt "next set of posts" msgid "Next" msgstr "下一頁" msgctxt "New site notification email subject" msgid "[%1$s] Activate %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] 啟用網站 %2$s" msgctxt "previous set of posts" msgid "Previous" msgstr "上一頁" msgid "Username or Email Address" msgstr "使用者名稱或電郵地址" msgid "Click to edit this element." msgstr "點擊以編輯此元素。" msgid "Click to edit the site title." msgstr "按下以編輯網站標題。" msgid "Click to edit this widget." msgstr "按下以編輯這小工具。" msgid "Click to edit this menu." msgstr "按一下以編輯此選單。" msgid "Comment is required." msgstr "評論為必填項目。" msgid "Comment author name and email are required." msgstr "發佈評論者必須輸入姓名及電子郵件。" msgid "Sorry, the comment could not be updated." msgstr "很抱歉,無法更新這則留言。" msgid "Invalid role." msgstr "無效的角色。" msgid "Sorry, the term could not be created." msgstr "很抱歉,無法新增這個分類法詞彙。" msgid "No widgets found." msgstr "找不到小工具。" msgid "Number of widgets found: %d" msgstr "找到的小工具數目:%d" msgid "Please enter a valid YouTube URL." msgstr "請輸入有效的YouTube連結。" msgid "Empty title." msgstr "空白標題。" msgid "%1$s could not be created: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s無法建立:%2$s" msgid "" "Only %1$s or %2$s files may be used for header video. Please convert your " "video file and try again, or, upload your video to YouTube and link it with " "the option below." msgstr "" "只有 %1$s 或 %2$s 檔案能用於頁首影片。請轉換您的影片格式再試一次,或者上載您" "的影片至 YouTube 再利用下方設定將它連結起來。" msgid "" "This video file is too large to use as a header video. Try a shorter video " "or optimize the compression settings and re-upload a file that is less than " "8MB. Or, upload your video to YouTube and link it with the option below." msgstr "" "這個影片檔案太大,無法作為頁首影片。請嘗試使用較短的影片或最佳化壓縮影片後重" "新上載,檔案大小在 8MB 以下。或者上載您的影片至 YouTube 再利用下方設定將它連" "結起來。" msgid "Learn more about CSS" msgstr "了解更多關於 CSS" msgid "Additional CSS" msgstr "附加 CSS" msgctxt "Custom Preset" msgid "Custom" msgstr "自訂" msgctxt "Repeat Image" msgid "Repeat" msgstr "重複" msgctxt "Default Preset" msgid "Default" msgstr "預設" msgctxt "Background Preset" msgid "Preset" msgstr "預設" msgid "Or, enter a YouTube URL:" msgstr "或者,輸入一個YouTube網址:" msgid "Change video" msgstr "更換影片" msgid "No video selected" msgstr "未選擇影片" msgid "Header Video" msgstr "頁首影片" msgid "" "Upload your video in %1$s format and minimize its file size for best " "results. Your theme recommends a height of %2$s pixels." msgstr "" "以%1$s格式上載你的影片並縮小它的大小以達到最佳效果。你的主題建議%2$s像素高。" msgid "" "Upload your video in %1$s format and minimize its file size for best " "results. Your theme recommends a width of %2$s pixels." msgstr "" "上載您的影片請使用 %1$s 格式並且最小化該檔案的容量以獲得最佳結果。您的佈景建" "議其寬度為 %2$s 像素。" msgid "" "Upload your video in %1$s format and minimize its file size for best " "results. Your theme recommends dimensions of %2$s pixels." msgstr "" "上載您的影片請使用 %1$s 格式並且最小化該檔案的容量以獲得最佳結果。您的佈景建" "議其寬高為 %2$s 像素。" msgid "" "This theme does not support video headers on this page. Navigate to the " "front page or another page that supports video headers." msgstr "此佈景主題在本頁面不支援影片頁首。請瀏覽首頁或其他支援影片頁首的頁面。" msgid "" "If you add a video, the image will be used as a fallback while the video " "loads." msgstr "如果您加入一段影片,當影片在載入時此圖片將作為後補使用。" msgid "Header Media" msgstr "頁首媒體" msgid "Unauthorized to modify setting due to capability." msgstr "因為權限不足,未授權編輯設定。" msgid "This form is not live-previewable." msgstr "此表單無法即時預覽。" msgid "Setting does not exist or is unrecognized." msgstr "設定不存在或無法辨識。" msgid "This link is not live-previewable." msgstr "此連結無法即時預覽。" msgid "Non-existent changeset UUID." msgstr "不存在的變更集 UUID。" msgid "Invalid changeset UUID" msgstr "無效的變更集 UUID" msgid "New page title…" msgstr "新頁面標題…" msgid "New page title" msgstr "新頁面標題" msgid "Howdy, %s" msgstr "哈囉,%s" msgid "" "ID #%1$s: %2$s Sorry, you are not allowed to remove this user." msgstr "ID #%1$s:%2$s 抱歉,你不得移除這個使用者。" msgid "New version available." msgstr "有新版本可用。" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Display location" msgstr "顯示地區" msgid "Collapse Main menu" msgstr "收起主選單" msgid "Current Background Image" msgstr "目前背景圖片" msgid "%s Sites" msgstr "%s 網站" msgid "Invalid date." msgstr "日期無效。" msgid "Current Header Image" msgstr "目前頁首圖片" msgid "Search media items..." msgstr "搜尋媒體項目…" msgid "Set status" msgstr "設定狀態" msgid "“%s” is locked" msgstr "「%s」已被鎖定" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to attach files to this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不得將附件加入這篇文章。" msgctxt "short (~12 characters) label for hide controls button" msgid "Hide Controls" msgstr "隱藏控制區" msgctxt "label for hide controls button without length constraints" msgid "Hide Controls" msgstr "隱藏控制選項" msgid "Customize New Changes" msgstr "自訂功能全新變化" msgid "Scroll with Page" msgstr "隨頁面捲動" msgctxt "Background Scroll" msgid "Scroll" msgstr "捲動" msgid "Fill Screen" msgstr "全螢幕" msgid "Fit to Screen" msgstr "調整到畫面" msgctxt "Background Repeat" msgid "Repeat" msgstr "重覆" msgctxt "Original Size" msgid "Original" msgstr "原始尺寸" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the %s custom field." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許編輯%s自訂區域。" msgid "" "Limit result set to users matching at least one specific role provided. " "Accepts csv list or single role." msgstr "限制結果爲至少被指定的一種使用者角色。接受 csv 清單或單一角色。" msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific slug." msgstr "透過特定動態網址設定資源的限制結果。" msgid "Avatar URLs for the user." msgstr "使用者的頭像 URL。" msgid "Any extra capabilities assigned to the user." msgstr "已指派給使用者的其他額外的權限。" msgid "All capabilities assigned to the user." msgstr "所有指派給該使用者的權限。" msgid "Roles assigned to the user." msgstr "使用者獲編配的角色。" msgid "Password for the user (never included)." msgstr "使用者密碼 (不會包含)" msgid "Locale for the user." msgstr "使用者的語言。" msgid "The nickname for the user." msgstr "這個使用者的暱稱。" msgid "Registration date for the user." msgstr "使用者註冊日期。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the user." msgstr "一個由英數字組成的使用者識別碼。" msgid "The email address for the user." msgstr "使用者的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Author URL of the user." msgstr "使用者的作者連結。" msgid "Description of the user." msgstr "使用者說明。" msgid "URL of the user." msgstr "這個使用者的網址。" msgid "Last name for the user." msgstr "這個使用者的姓氏。" msgid "First name for the user." msgstr "這個使用者的名字。" msgid "Display name for the user." msgstr "這個使用者的顯示名稱。" msgid "Login name for the user." msgstr "這個使用者的登入名稱。" msgid "Passwords cannot contain the \"%s\" character." msgstr "密碼不能含有「%s」字元。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to give users that role." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許指派使用者該角色。" msgid "Passwords cannot be empty." msgstr "密碼不能留空。" msgid "Invalid user ID for reassignment." msgstr "重新指派無效的使用者識別碼。" msgid "The user cannot be deleted." msgstr "這個使用者無法被刪除。" msgid "Users do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "使用者不支援回收桶功能。設定 '%s' 以刪除。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit roles of this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許編輯這個使用者的角色。" msgid "Error creating new user." msgstr "新增使用者時發生錯誤。" msgid "Invalid slug." msgstr "代稱無效。" msgid "Cannot create existing user." msgstr "無法新增已存在的使用者。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create new users." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許新增使用者。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to order users by this parameter." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許以這個參數來排序使用者。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to filter users by role." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許以角色篩選使用者。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to list users." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許瀏覽使用者列表。" msgid "Reassign the deleted user's posts and links to this user ID." msgstr "將被刪除的使用者的文章和連結重新指派到此使用者 ID。" msgid "Invalid user parameter(s)." msgstr "使用者參數無效。" msgid "Required to be true, as users do not support trashing." msgstr "當使用者無法執行刪除文章時,需要設定為 true。" msgid "Unique identifier for the user." msgstr "使用者的唯一的識別碼。" msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific role." msgstr "透過特定角色設定資源的限制結果。" msgid "Whether to hide terms not assigned to any posts." msgstr "是否隱藏未被指派到任何文章的分類字詞。" msgid "Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific post." msgstr "限制結果爲指派到特定文章中的分類字詞。" msgid "Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific parent." msgstr "限制結果爲被有指派到特定上層文章的分類字詞。" msgid "Sort collection by term attribute." msgstr "依字詞屬性排序集合。" msgid "Type attribution for the term." msgstr "輸入字詞的分類來源。" msgid "The parent term ID." msgstr "上層項目的識別碼。" msgid "HTML title for the term." msgstr "項目的 HTML 標題。" msgid "URL of the term." msgstr "項目的網址。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the term unique to its type." msgstr "一個以英數字組成的識別字,在它的型態中是唯一的字詞。" msgid "The term cannot be deleted." msgstr "此項目無法被刪除。" msgid "HTML description of the term." msgstr "該項目的 HTML 描述。" msgid "Number of published posts for the term." msgstr "屬於該項目下已發佈的文章數量。" msgid "Terms do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "項目不支援回收桶功能。設定 '%s' 以刪除。" msgid "Cannot set parent term, taxonomy is not hierarchical." msgstr "此分類法並非階層式,你無法設定上層。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create new pages." msgstr "抱歉,你不允許建立新頁面。" msgid "Unique identifier for the term." msgstr "設定項目唯一識別碼。" msgid "Required to be true, as terms do not support trashing." msgstr "這必須是真實的,因為條件無法刪除。" msgid "Term does not exist." msgstr "項目不存在。" msgid "Limit results to taxonomies associated with a specific post type." msgstr "將結果集合限制於與特定文章型別相關聯的分類法。" msgid "REST base route for the taxonomy." msgstr "分類法的 REST base 路由。" msgid "The title for the taxonomy." msgstr "分類的標題。" msgid "Types associated with the taxonomy." msgstr "分類的相關類型。" msgid "Human-readable labels for the taxonomy for various contexts." msgstr "用於各種內容且人類可讀的分類法標籤。" msgid "Whether or not the taxonomy should have children." msgstr "分類法是否應該擁有子分類。" msgid "A human-readable description of the taxonomy." msgstr "一段人類可讀的分類法描述。" msgid "All capabilities used by the taxonomy." msgstr "所有此分類法使用到的權限。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the taxonomy." msgstr "一個由英數字組成的分類識別字。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage terms in this taxonomy." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許管理此分類法中的項目。" msgid "" "The %s property has an invalid stored value, and cannot be updated to null." msgstr "%s 屬性有一個無效的儲存值,並且無法被變更為空值。" msgid "Revisions do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "文章版本不支援回收桶功能。設定 '%s' 來刪除。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view revisions of this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許檢視此文章的修訂版本。" msgid "Invalid revision ID." msgstr "版本ID無效。" msgid "Required to be true, as revisions do not support trashing." msgstr "必須是真實的,因為版本不支援刪除。" msgid "REST base route for the post type." msgstr "文章類型的 REST 基本路由。" msgid "Human-readable labels for the post type for various contexts." msgstr "用於各種內容且人類可讀的文章類型標籤。" msgid "The title for the post type." msgstr "文章類型的標題。" msgid "Taxonomies associated with post type." msgstr "與文章型別相關聯的分類法。" msgid "A human-readable description of the post type." msgstr "一段人類可讀的文章類型描述。" msgid "All capabilities used by the post type." msgstr "文章類型使用的所有功能。" msgid "Whether or not the post type should have children." msgstr "文章類型是否應該有子項目。" msgid "Whether posts with this status should be publicly-queryable." msgstr "具有此狀態的文章是否應該開放查詢。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the post type." msgstr "一個由英數字組成的文章類型識別碼。" msgid "Cannot view post type." msgstr "無法檢視文章類型。" msgid "" "Whether posts of this status should be shown in the front end of the site." msgstr "具有此狀態的文章是否應顯示於網站前台。" msgid "Whether posts with this status should be protected." msgstr "具有此狀態的文章是否應被保護。" msgid "The title for the status." msgstr "狀態標題。" msgid "Whether posts with this status should be private." msgstr "具有此狀態的文章是否應被設為私密。" msgid "Cannot view status." msgstr "無法檢視狀態。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the status." msgstr "一個由英數字組成的狀態識別碼。" msgid "Limit result set to posts assigned one or more statuses." msgstr "限制結果爲被設定一至多個狀態下的文章。" msgid "Limit result set to posts with one or more specific slugs." msgstr "限制結果爲被設定一或多個特定別名的文章。" msgid "Limit result set to all items except those of a particular parent ID." msgstr "將結果限制於所有除了具備一個特定上層項目 ID 以外的項目。" msgid "Limit result set to posts with a specific menu_order value." msgstr "限制結果爲擁有特定 menu_order 值的文章。" msgid "" "Limit response to posts published before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限制在一個給定的 ISO8601 相容的日期之前發佈的文章。" msgid "Limit response to posts published after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限制在一個給定的 ISO8601 相容的日期之後發佈的文章。" msgid "The post does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "這文章不支援丟進垃圾桶。設定 '%s' 以刪除。" msgid "The ID for the author of the post." msgstr "文章的作者 ID。" msgid "Invalid featured media ID." msgstr "無效的媒體 ID 。" msgid "Invalid post parent ID." msgstr "無效的上層文章 ID。" msgid "Limit result set to comments assigned to specific post IDs." msgstr "將結果限制在那些被指派至特定文章 ID 下的評論。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to make posts sticky." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許將此篇文章置頂。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign the provided terms." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許指派提供的字詞。" msgid "Ensure result set excludes specific parent IDs." msgstr "確保結果集合排除特定的上層項目 ID。" msgid "Limit result set to comments of specific parent IDs." msgstr "將結果限制在那些特定上層文章 ID 下的評論。" msgid "" "Limit response to comments published before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限制在一個給定的 ISO8601 相容的日期之前發佈的評論。" msgid "Limit result set to specific IDs." msgstr "將結果限制在特定 ID 下。" msgid "Ensure result set excludes specific IDs." msgstr "確保結果集合排除特定的 ID。" msgid "" "Ensure result set excludes comments assigned to specific user IDs. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "確保結果集合排除被指派到特定使用者 ID 的評論。需要被授權。" msgid "" "Limit result set to comments assigned to specific user IDs. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "將結果限制在那些被指派到特定使用者 ID 下的評論。這需要被授權。" msgid "" "Limit response to comments published after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "將回應限制在一個給定的 ISO8601 相容的日期之後發佈的評論。" msgid "The ID of the associated post object." msgstr "指派已關聯文章物件的識別碼。" msgid "The ID for the parent of the object." msgstr "物件的上層項目 ID。" msgid "The comment does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "這評論不支援丟進垃圾桶。設定 '%s' 以刪除。" msgid "The ID of the user object, if author was a user." msgstr "若作者是使用者,該物件的使用者ID。" msgid "Invalid comment author ID." msgstr "評論作者ID無效。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to change the comment type." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許變更評論類型。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this comment." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許刪除此評論。" msgid "Comment field exceeds maximum length allowed." msgstr "評論欄位超過最大字元數限制。" msgid "Cannot create a comment with that type." msgstr "無法使用該格式建立評論。" msgid "Invalid comment content." msgstr "評論內文無效。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create a comment on this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在這篇文章建立評論。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create this comment without a post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在沒有文章的情況下建立此評論。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit '%s' for comments." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許編輯「%s」的評論。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read this comment." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許閱讀此評論。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read comments without a post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在沒有文章的情況下閱讀評論。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read the post for this comment." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許閱讀此篇文章的評論。" msgid "The ID for the associated post of the attachment." msgstr "指派已關聯文章附件的識別碼。" msgid "Details about the media file, specific to its type." msgstr "所屬類型下的媒體檔案詳細資訊。" msgid "URL to the original attachment file." msgstr "原附件的URL 。" msgid "Attachment type." msgstr "附件類型。" msgid "The attachment MIME type." msgstr "附件 MIME 類型。" msgid "HTML description for the attachment, transformed for display." msgstr "附件用於轉換為顯示用途的 HTML 格式內容說明。" msgid "The attachment description." msgstr "附件描述。" msgid "Description for the attachment, as it exists in the database." msgstr "附件儲存於資料庫中的內容說明資料。" msgid "HTML caption for the attachment, transformed for display." msgstr "附件的 HTML 標題,顯示時轉換。" msgid "The attachment caption." msgstr "附件標題。" msgid "Caption for the attachment, as it exists in the database." msgstr "附件的文字標題,存在於資料庫。" msgid "Alternative text to display when attachment is not displayed." msgstr "當附件無法顯示時作為替代顯示的文字。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload media to this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在本文章上載媒體。" msgid "" "PHP's XML extension is not available. Please contact your hosting provider " "to enable PHP's XML extension." msgstr "PHP 的 XML 套件無法使用。請連絡您的主機服務商啟用 PHP 的 XML 套件。" msgid "Markup is not allowed in CSS." msgstr "標記語法不能用在 CSS。" msgid "Error: [%1$s] %2$s" msgstr "錯誤:[%1$s] %2$s" msgid "Rollback Error: [%1$s] %2$s" msgstr "Rollback 錯誤:[%1$s] %2$s" msgid "" "BETA TESTING?\n" "=============\n" "\n" "This debugging email is sent when you are using a development version of " "WordPress.\n" "\n" "If you think these failures might be due to a bug in WordPress, could you " "report it?\n" " * Open a thread in the support forums:" "alphabeta\n" " * Or, if you're comfortable writing a bug report: https://core.trac." "\n" "\n" "Thanks! -- The WordPress Team" msgstr "" "BETA 測試?\n" "=============\n" "\n" "當你使用的是 WordPress 開發中版本時,這封除錯郵件就會寄發給你。\n" "\n" "如果你認為這次失敗事件是起因於 WordPress 的 Bug,是否可請你回報它呢?\n" " * 在支援論壇建立一個討論串:\n" " * 或者,如果你可以撰寫 Bug 報告:\n" "\n" "由衷感謝! -- WordPress 團隊" msgid "FAILED: %s" msgstr "失敗:%s" msgid "The following translations failed to update:" msgstr "以下翻譯更新失敗:" msgid "The following themes failed to update:" msgstr "以下佈景主題更新失敗:" msgid "The following plugins failed to update:" msgstr "以下外掛更新失敗:" msgid "SUCCESS: %s" msgstr "成功:%s" msgid "The following translations were successfully updated:" msgstr "以下翻譯已經升級成功:" msgid "The following themes were successfully updated:" msgstr "以下佈景主題已經升級成功:" msgid "The following plugins were successfully updated:" msgstr "以下外掛已經升級成功:" msgid "FAILED: WordPress failed to update to %s" msgstr "失敗:WordPress 無法升級至 %s" msgid "SUCCESS: WordPress was successfully updated to %s" msgstr "成功:WordPress 已經成功更新至 %s" msgid "" "The WordPress team is willing to help you. Forward this email to %s and the " "team will work with you to make sure your site is working." msgstr "" "WordPress 團對願意協助你。轉發此電子郵件至 %s,我們的團隊將協助你讓網站能正常" "運作。" msgid "Backups and security scans" msgstr "備份與安全掃描" msgid "The connection could not be made because no account was selected." msgstr "連結無法建立,因為尚未選取帳戶。" msgid "Get a custom domain, no ads, and support from %s/ mo." msgstr "取得不含廣告的自訂網域及網上支援,每月由%s起" msgid " is the easiest place to get started." msgstr " 是入門者輕鬆上手的不二首選。" msgid "Join the global community." msgstr "加入全球社群。" msgid "" "We'll still attempt to charge the card we have on file, but if you wish to " "keep this subscription, please update your card details or arrange another " "payment method." msgstr "" "我們仍會嘗試使用這張信用卡扣款,但若你想要續訂,請更新卡片詳細資料或設定其他" "付款方式。" msgid "" "We'll still attempt to charge the card we have on file, but the best way to " "keep your subscription is to click the button below and update your credit " "card details." msgstr "" "我們仍會嘗試使用這張信用卡扣款,但若你想要續訂,建議你按一下下方按鈕,以更新" "信用卡詳細資料。" msgid "" "If you don’t have access to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}, we will also " "email you at {{strong}}%(wpcomEmail)s{{/strong}}, as backup." msgstr "" "若你無法存取 {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}},我們也會另外寄送一封郵件至 " "{{strong}}%(wpcomEmail)s{{/strong}} 供你備用。" msgid "Request Confirmation" msgstr "要求確認" msgid "" "We’ll email you at {{strong}}%(oldEmail)s{{/strong}} and " "{{strong}}%(newEmail)s{{/strong}} with a link to confirm the new details. " "The change won’t go live until we receive confirmation from both emails." msgstr "" "我們會寄送電子郵件至 {{strong}}%(oldEmail)s{{/strong}} 及 " "{{strong}}%(newEmail)s{{/strong}},並於信中附上確認新詳細資料的連結。在我們收" "到上述兩個郵件地址的確認後,你的變更才會生效。" msgid "" "We’ll email you at {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} with a link to confirm the " "new details. The change won't go live until we receive confirmation from " "this email." msgstr "" "我們會寄送電子郵件至 {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}},並於信中附上確認新詳細資" "料的連結。在我們收到此郵件地址的確認後,你的變更才會生效。" msgid "Confirmation Needed" msgstr "須進行確認" msgid "Failed to cancel subscription" msgstr "無法取消訂閱" msgid "Not available for multi site" msgstr "無法於多網站使用" msgid "Use the WP Admin interface instead" msgstr "請改用 WP 管理員介面" msgid "Open WP Admin" msgstr "開啟 WP 管理員" msgid "" "You are now the proud owner of %s! Time to update your " "business cards." msgstr "你現在可自豪地擁有 %s!更新名片的時候到了。" msgid "The plan was too expensive." msgstr "方案太貴。" msgid "Schedule a chat" msgstr "安排交談時間" msgid "" "Thank you for purchasing the Business plan on %1$s! We would like to offer a " "30 minute Quick Start session with one of our Happiness Engineers to help " "set up your site." msgstr "" "感謝你在 %1$s 選購商務版方案!我們想要請一位 Happiness Engineer 為你提供 30 " "分鐘的快速入門課程,協助你開始架設網站。" msgid "New Business Plan" msgstr "全新商務版方案" msgid "Let us personally help you set up your site at %1$s!" msgstr "讓我們在 %1$s 請人幫你著手架設網站吧!" msgid "{{a}}Learn more about{{/a}} this theme." msgstr "{{a}}深入瞭解{{/a}}此佈景主題。" msgctxt "Legend label in stats all-time views table" msgid "Fewer Views" msgstr "較少瀏覽次數" msgctxt "Legend label in stats all-time views table" msgid "More Views" msgstr "更多瀏覽次數" msgid "Your feedback helps us improve our support." msgstr "你的意見回饋有助於我們改善支援服務。" msgid "A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment." msgstr "使用一些吸引人的字詞,鼓勵讀者留言。" msgid "Transparent" msgstr "透明的" msgid "Uploaded by %s" msgstr "已由 %s 上載" msgid "Extra License for G Suite" msgstr "G Suite 的額外授權" msgid "Keep my subscription" msgstr "續訂" msgid "Fill out my Wufoo form!" msgstr "填寫我的 Wufoo 表格!" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "An error occurred while connecting the account." msgstr "連結帳戶時發生錯誤。" msgid "Manage your account" msgstr "管理你的帳戶" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions & help you set up " "your site." msgstr "Happiness Engineer 會在此回答你的問題,並協助你設定網站。" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions and help you with " "your plan." msgstr "我們的 Happiness Engineer 會在此回答你的問題,並協助你熟悉方案內容。" msgid "Purchase this design" msgstr "購買此設計" msgid "Customize this design" msgstr "自訂此設計" msgctxt "Logged out theme support message" msgid "Pick this design and start a site with us, we can help!" msgstr "挑選此設計,然後和我們一起架設網站,我們就是你的得力助手!" msgid "Only single .zip files are accepted." msgstr "只接受單一 .zip 檔案" msgid "" "To take advantage of the %1$s discount you heard about on the show, use the " "promo code %2$s when you check out." msgstr "若要利用在節目中聽到的 %1$s 優惠,結帳時請使用促銷代碼 %2$s。" msgid "Build your website or blog today." msgstr "立即建立你的網站或網誌。" msgid "Create a premium site that's all you." msgstr "建立專屬於你的旗艦網站。" msgid "Your post has not received any views yet!" msgstr "你的文章還沒有任何人閱覽!" msgid "Learn some tips to attract more visitors" msgstr "瞭解吸引更多訪客的秘訣" msgid "Get more traffic!" msgstr "獲得更多流量!" msgid "" "Check to load posts as you scroll. Uncheck to show clickable button to load " "posts" msgstr "勾選即可在捲動時載入文章。取消勾選將顯示可點擊的按鈕以載入文章" msgid "Infinite Scroll Behavior" msgstr "無限捲動行為" msgid "Sorry, there was a problem blocking that site." msgstr "抱歉,封鎖該網站時發生問題。" msgid "Sorry, there was a problem unblocking that site." msgstr "抱歉,解除封鎖該網站時發生問題。" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %(themeName)s from %(siteTitle)s?" msgstr "你確定要從 %(siteTitle)s 刪除 %(themeName)s 嗎?" msgid "Delete %(themeName)s" msgstr "刪除 %(themeName)s" msgid "Jetpack Personal" msgstr "Jetpack 個人方案" msgid "Highest hourly views %(highestViews)s" msgstr "每小時最高瀏覽次數 %(highestViews)s" msgid "" "You are now the proud owner of %s! Adding a site is just " "one click away." msgstr "你現在可自豪地擁有 %s!只要按一下,就能新增網站。" msgid "Everything starts with a name." msgstr "取個好名字,便是好開始。" msgid "Upload themes" msgstr "上載佈景主題" msgid "Upload custom themes on your site." msgstr "上載自訂佈景主題到你的網站。" msgid "Could not find the thumbnail" msgstr "找不到縮圖" msgid "" "You will receive a partial refund of %(refundAmount)s which is %(planCost)s " "for the plan minus %(domainCost)s for the domain." msgstr "" "你會收到 %(refundAmount)s 的部分退款,此金額的計算方式是以方案成本 " "%(planCost)s 扣除網域成本 %(domainCost)s。" msgid "" "With bold featured images and bright, cheerful colors, Dara is ready to get " "to work for your business." msgstr "" "「Dara」佈景主題擁有顯眼的特色圖片以及活潑明亮的色彩,讓你的企業大放精采。" msgid "Regenerating…" msgstr "重新產生中…" msgid "Regenerate address" msgstr "重新產生位址" msgid "Publishing Tools" msgstr "發佈工具" msgid "Publish posts by sending an email" msgstr "以傳送電子郵件的方式發佈文章。" msgid "" "Take a peek at our short guide for some tips on getting " "started." msgstr "歡迎參考我們的簡短版指南,瞭解開始使用的秘訣。" msgid "" "Welcome to! You just purchased a new domain, and the " "possibilities ahead are endless." msgstr "歡迎使用!只要購買新網域,即可激發未來無限發展潛力。" msgid "Add Image" msgstr "新增圖片" msgid "Visit forum" msgstr "造訪論壇" msgid "Theme enhancements" msgstr "佈景主題增強項目" msgid "Copy Codes" msgstr "複製代碼" msgid "Print Codes" msgstr "列印代碼" msgid "Site Backups" msgstr "網站備份" msgid "Revenue Generation" msgstr "產生收入" msgid "You have blocked %(site_name)s." msgstr "你封鎖了 %(site_name)s。" msgid "Undo?" msgstr "復原?" msgid "with a powerful website." msgstr "設計你的成功故事。" msgid "Design your success story " msgstr "運用功能強大的網站," msgctxt "Themes: Theme delete confirmation" msgid "Deleted theme %(themeName)s." msgstr "刪除 %(themeName)s 佈景主題。" msgctxt "Themes: Theme delete failure" msgid "Problem deleting %(themeId)s. Check theme is not active." msgstr "刪除 %(themeId)s 時發生問題。請確認該佈景主題並未啟用。" msgid "" "Your server is not responding to our monitoring requests. Your site may have " "PHP fatal errors, database connectivity issues, or other server-level " "problems. You might be able to figure out what is causing the problem using " "this information %s" msgstr "" "你的伺服器並未回應我們的監控要求。你的網站可能發生 PHP 嚴重錯誤、資料庫連線能" "力問題,或是其他伺服器層級的問題。或許可以利用這些資訊釐清此問題的原因:%s" msgid "" "Your site is returning a 403 error, which normally indicates that your " "host's security measures are blocking our monitoring requests. Please have " "them confirm that they are not blocking any requests from our user agent " "(See %s for more information)." msgstr "" "你的網站傳回 403 錯誤,這通常表示你主機的安全措施正在封鎖我們的監控要求。請確" "認主機方面並未封鎖我們的使用者代理人所傳出的任何要求 (請參閱「%s」以取得詳細" "資訊)。" msgid "Good news - your site %s is now loading!" msgstr "好消息,你的網站 %s 恢復運作了!" msgid "More about Monitor: %s" msgstr "深入瞭解 Monitor:%s" msgid "" "We will continue monitoring your site, and let you know when it comes online " "again." msgstr "我們將持續監控你的網站,並在網站重新上線時通知你。" msgid "" "This is a follow up on the recent Jetpack Monitor alert you received. It " "appears that your site %1$s is still down, and has been offline for %2$s." msgstr "" "這是你最近所收到 Jetpack Monitor 警示的後續追蹤。你的網站 %1$s 目前似乎仍然無" "法使用,且此情況已持續 %2$s。" msgid "Upgrade for %s" msgstr "升級只要 %s" msgid "Any particular reason(s)?" msgstr "有任何特定原因嗎?" msgid "I'm moving my site off of WordPress." msgstr "我要將我的網站從 WordPress 搬離。" msgid "I found a better plugin or service." msgstr "我發現了更好的外掛程式或服務。" msgid "Day Summary" msgstr "單日摘要" msgid "Week Summary" msgstr "週摘要" msgid "Month Summary" msgstr "月摘要" msgid "Year Summary" msgstr "年摘要" msgctxt "Date range for which stats are being displayed" msgid "%(number)s days ending %(endDate)s (Summarized)" msgstr "共 %(number)s 天,結束日期為 %(endDate)s (已摘要)" msgid "" "This site timezone (%(timezoneText)s) will be used for publishing. You can " "change it in {{a}}General Settings{{/a}}." msgstr "" "此網站時區 (%(timezoneText)s) 會用於發佈文章。你可以在「{{a}}一般設定{{/a}}」" "中變更這項設定。" msgid "This site timezone is %(diff)sh from your local timezone." msgstr "此網站時區與你當地時區相差 %(diff)s 個小時。" msgid "Uploaded themes" msgstr "上載佈景主題" msgid "Everything You Need to Know About SEO and Marketing for Your Website" msgstr "關於網站 SEO 與行銷的須知事項" msgid "" "You will leave this 60-minute session with a plan for optimizing your site " "for search engines and an overview of basic tactics for increasing your " "traffic. Our Happiness Engineers will provide a foundation for making sure " "that your site meets current SEO standards. We'll also discuss how to " "maximize tools like Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools." msgstr "" "你即將離開此 60 分鐘的工作階段,其中包含你網站的搜尋引擎成效最佳化方案,以及" "如何提高流量的基本策略概述。我們的幸福工程師 (Happiness Engineer) 會為你奠定" "基礎,確認你的網站符合目前的 SEO 標準。我們也會討論如何使用 Google Analytics " "與 Webmaster 工具等,發揮最大效益發。" msgid "Advertisements" msgstr "廣告" msgid "Get Personalized Help" msgstr "量身訂做的支援服務" msgid "Start earning" msgstr "開始獲利" msgid "" "Schedule a one-on-one orientation with a Happiness Engineer to set up your " "site and learn more about" msgstr "" "與幸福工程師 (Happiness Engineer) 安排一對一的方針會議,藉此設定你的網站並深" "入瞭解。" msgid "Schedule a session" msgstr "安排時段" msgid "Advertising removed" msgstr "已移除廣告" msgid "Learn about the benefits of using your account" msgstr "瞭解使用 帳戶的好處" msgid "Log in with a different account" msgstr "以其他 帳戶登入" msgid "Sorry, the domain you are trying to add is no longer available." msgstr "很抱歉,你正嘗試新增的網域已無法再使用。" msgid "These short videos will demonstrate some of our most popular features." msgstr "這些短片將示範一部分最受歡迎的功能。" msgid "Discount for first year" msgstr "首年折扣" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Countries" msgstr "國家" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for views by country." msgid "Country" msgstr "國家或地區" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of views from a country." msgid "Views" msgstr "瀏覽數" msgid "TXT Record has non-ASCII data" msgstr "TXT 記錄含有非 ASCII 資料" msgid "Some items failed." msgstr "部分項目已失敗。" msgid "Some of the items in your cart could not be added." msgstr "購物車中的部分項目無法新增。" msgid "These items were added successfully:" msgstr "下列項目已新增成功:" msgid "" "We added credits to your account, so you can try adding these items again. " "If the problem persists, please don't hesitate to {{a}}contact support{{/a}}." msgstr "" "我們已將點數加至你的帳戶,因此你可以再次嘗試新增這些項目。如果持續發生此問" "題,歡迎{{a}}聯絡支援團隊{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Your server is not responding to our monitoring requests. Your site may have " "PHP fatal errors, database connectivity issues, or other server-level " "problems. This page might help you figure out what is " "causing the problem." msgstr "" "你的伺服器並未回應我們的監控要求。你的網站可能發生 PHP 嚴重錯誤、資料庫連線能" "力問題,或是其他伺服器層級的問題。此網頁可能可以協助釐清問" "題的原因。" msgid "" "Your site is returning a 403 error, which normally indicates that your " "host's security measures are blocking our monitoring requests. Please have " "them confirm that they are not blocking any requests from our user agent." msgstr "" "你的網站傳回403錯誤,這通常表示你主機的安全措施正在封鎖我們的監控要求。請確認" "主機方面並未封鎖我們的使用者代理人所傳出" "的任何要求。" msgid "" "Our monitoring requests are not being handled correctly by your site. This " "might mean that your site requires authentication, or that your DNS is " "misconfigured." msgstr "" "你的網站未正確處理我們的監控要求。這可能表示你的網站需要驗證,或是你的 DNS 設" "定錯誤。" msgid "" "Our requests are being redirected too many times. This normally happens when " "your site is misconfigured, and is redirecting users in a loop, or through a " "series of URLs. To avoid loops, we only follow 2 redirects." msgstr "" "要求重新導向的次數過多。這類問題發生的原因通常是因為網站設定錯誤,而將使用者" "反覆重新導向,或是導向至一系列 URL。為避免反覆重新導向,我們只會遵循 2 次重新" "導向。" msgid "" "Your site is responding intermittently, or extremely slowly. This can " "indicate an overloaded, under-powered, or misconfigured server. Your site is " "probably loading for some users, but not for everyone." msgstr "" "你的網站斷斷續續地回應,或是回應時間過慢。這可能表示伺服器超載、電源不足或設" "定錯誤。你的網站可能只為部分使用者而非所有使用者載入。" msgid "" "We will continue monitoring your site, and alert you if it goes down again." msgstr "我們將持續監控你的網站,並在網站停機時向你傳送警示通知。" msgid "Your site was down for approximately %1$s, but is up again as of %2$s." msgstr "你的網站約停機 %1$s,但在 %2$s 起已恢復正常。" msgid "Good news — your site %s is now loading!" msgstr "好消息,你的網站 %s 恢復運作了!" msgid "" "If you continue seeing downtime, you should get in touch with your hosting " "provider for help. You will receive another alert when your site is online " "again." msgstr "" "如果你還是會看見網站停機,應聯絡主機服務提供者,請求協助。網站再次恢復上線" "時,你會收到另一則警示。" msgid "%1$s did not load when we checked, on %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 未在我們於 %2$s 檢查時載入。" msgid "Read more about Monitor." msgstr "深入瞭解 Monitor。" msgid "" "This is a follow up on the recent Jetpack Monitor alert you received. It " "appears that your site %1$s is still not loading, and has been offline for " "%2$s." msgstr "" "這是你最近所收到 Jetpack Monitor 警示的後續追蹤。你的網站 %1$s 目前似乎仍未載" "入,且已離線 %2$s。" msgid "Hi %s," msgstr "%s,你好:" msgid "Welcome, %s listeners!" msgstr "哈囉,「%s」聽眾!" msgid "" "An email has been sent to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Please confirm it " "to finish this process." msgstr "" "電子郵件已傳送至 {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}。請確認該電子郵件以完成此程" "序。" msgid "" "Emails have been sent to {{strong}}%(oldEmail)s{{/strong}} and " "{{strong}}%(newEmail)s{{/strong}}. Please ensure they're both confirmed to " "finish this process." msgstr "" "電子郵件已傳送至 {{strong}}%(oldEmail)s{{/strong}} 與 " "{{strong}}%(newEmail)s{{/strong}}。請務必確認這兩封電子郵件以完成此程序。" msgid "There are no likes on this post yet." msgstr "此文章尚未有人按讚。" msgid "Please define an SVG icon filename." msgstr "請定義 SVG 圖示的檔案名稱。" msgid "Please define default parameters in the form of an array." msgstr "請以 array 形式定義預設參數。" msgid "Connect an account to get started." msgstr "連結帳戶以開始使用。" msgid "SEO tools are not enabled for this site." msgstr "此網站未啟用 SEO 工具。" msgid "I was unable to activate or use the product." msgstr "我無法啟用或使用此產品。" msgid "Mind telling us which one(s)?" msgstr "你願意告訴我們是哪一個嗎?" msgid "view document" msgstr "檢視文件" msgid "Your recovery SMS number has been validated successfully." msgstr "你的還原簡訊號碼已驗證成功。" msgid "" "There was a problem validating your recovery SMS number. Please try again " "later." msgstr "驗證你的還原簡訊號碼時發生問題。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Validating" msgstr "驗證中" msgid "Validate" msgstr "驗證" msgid "" "Please validate your recovery SMS number. Check your phone for a validation " "code." msgstr "請驗證你的還原簡訊號碼。請查看你的手機是否收到驗證代碼。" msgid "view pdf" msgstr "檢視 pdf" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} needs to be verified. You should receive an " "email shortly with more information." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 需要驗證。你應該稍後就會收到內含更多資訊的電" "子郵件。" msgid "Please verify {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "請確認 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "Please verify ownership of domains:" msgstr "請確認網域的所有權:" msgid "Verification required for domains" msgstr "網域需要驗證。" msgid "Get it on Amazon" msgstr "在 Amazon 上取得" msgid "Press the Connect button above to import your BandPage content." msgstr "按下上方的「連線」按鈕以匯入你的「品牌網頁」內容。" msgid "expiring %(cardExpiry)s" msgstr "到期的 %(cardExpiry)s" msgid "Maybe later" msgstr "稍後" msgid "Yes please!" msgstr "是的,麻煩你!" msgid "Successfully added. Please check your phone for the validation code." msgstr "已成功新增。請查看手機是否收到驗證碼。" msgid "Successfully updated. Please check your phone for the validation code." msgstr "已成功更新。請查看手機是否收到驗證碼。" msgid "Successfully added. Please check your mailbox for the validation email." msgstr "已成功新增。請查看信箱是否收到驗證電子郵件。" msgid "" "Successfully updated. Please check your mailbox for the validation email." msgstr "已成功更新。請查看信箱是否收到驗證電子郵件。" msgid "" "The validation code has been resent successfully. Please check your phone." msgstr "已成功重新傳送驗證碼。請查看你的手機。" msgid "" "The validation email has been resent successfully. Please check your mailbox." msgstr "已成功重新傳送驗證電子郵件。請查看你的信箱。" msgid "The validation has been resent successfully." msgstr "已成功重新傳送驗證。" msgid "" "We've encountered a problem sending you the validation code. Please try " "again later." msgstr "傳送驗證碼時發生問題。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "We've encountered a problem sending you the validation email. Please try " "again later." msgstr "傳送驗證電子郵件時發生問題。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "We've encountered a problem. Please try again later." msgstr "發生問題。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "Please verify your recovery email address. Check your inbox for a " "confirmation link." msgstr "請確認你的還原電子郵件地址。請查看收件匣是否收到確認連結。" msgid "Please click the button below to confirm your recovery email address." msgstr "請按下方按鈕以確認你的還原電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s, you have recently updated your recovery mail. Please click the " "button below to validate the ownership." msgstr "哈囉,%1$s,你最近更新了還原電子郵件。請按下方按鈕以驗證你的擁有權。" msgid "This recovery email validation link is expired." msgstr "此還原電子郵件驗證連結已過期。" msgid "We have failed to validate your recovery email." msgstr "我們無法驗證你的還原電子郵件。" msgid "Your recovery email has been validated successfully." msgstr "你的還原電子郵件已成功通過驗證。" msgid "Recovery Email Validation." msgstr "還原電子郵件驗證。" msgid "[] Please Validate Your Recovery Email" msgstr "[] 請驗證你的還原電子郵件" msgid "Click to view gallery" msgstr "按一下以檢視圖庫" msgid "Link (⌘-shift-a)" msgstr "連結(⌘-shift-a)" msgid "Italics (ctrl/⌘-i)" msgstr "斜體(ctrl /⌘-i)" msgid "Bold (ctrl/⌘-b)" msgstr "粗體(ctrl /⌘-b)" msgid "go to the previous post or comment" msgstr "轉到上一篇文章或留言" msgid "Create a site with WordPress" msgstr "使用 WordPress 建立網站" msgid "download" msgstr "下載" msgid "Start with Pressable" msgstr "從 Pressable 開始" msgid "Create a site with WordPress." msgstr "想架網站,就用 WordPress。" msgid "Start with Bluehost" msgstr "使用 Bluehost 架站" msgid "Start with" msgstr "使用 架站" msgid "" "The Site Icon is used as a browser and app icon for your site. Icons must be " "square, and at least %s pixels wide and tall." msgstr "" "「網站圖示」會用來當作網站的瀏覽器與應用程式圖示。圖示必須是正方形,並且長寬" "至少為 %s 像素。" msgid "Successfully updated the recovery option." msgstr "已成功更新還原選項。" msgid "Successfully removed the recovery option." msgstr "已成功移除還原選項。" msgid "%s coming your way!" msgstr "%s 即將入帳!" msgid "We've got your website covered." msgstr "我們會打點好你的網站。" msgid "Use synchronized data to boost performance" msgstr "使用同步的資料以提升效能" msgid "Number of posts to show (1 to 15):" msgstr "文章顯示數 (1 到 15):" msgctxt "the Internet Defense League" msgid "Learn more about the %s" msgstr "深入瞭解「%s」" msgid "Which badge would you like to display?" msgstr "你想要顯示哪一個徽章?" msgid "" "It looks like the WordPress site URL is incorrectly configured. Please check " "it in your widget settings." msgstr "WordPress 網站 URL 似乎設定錯誤。請在小工具設定中檢查該設定。" msgid "Display your site's most recent comments" msgstr "顯示你的網站裡最近的留言" msgid "" "Sites optimized for peak performance, automatic security and backups, up to " "20x daily traffic scaling, experts on call to help round the clock." msgstr "" "利用最佳化技術滿足尖峰效能需求,同時具備自動化備份與安全防護機制、高達 20 倍" "的自動每日流量額度調整,更有專家隨時待命,提供支援服務。" msgid "" "Pick from thousands of community themes and plugins and manage your own " "security and software updates on your preferred hosting provider. Choose " "optional dedicated WordPress hosting for increased performance." msgstr "" "透過你偏好的主機服務提供者,從數千個社群佈景主題和外掛程式中挑選,並管理自己" "的安全機制和軟體更新。選擇選用的 WordPress 專屬託管服務,享受更佳的效能。" msgid "" "Choose a custom WordPress installation for the ultimate control over your " "website." msgstr "透過下列服務商安裝 WordPress,所有自訂功能完全由你掌控。" msgid "" "Hosting, security, backups, software updates, and spam protection are all " "included. Pick from more than 300 designs, activate our powerful features " "inspired by the best plugins, and get a custom domain with a plan." msgstr "" "託管、安全機制、備份、軟體更新,以及垃圾郵件防護皆包含在內。從超過 300 種設計" "中挑選,啟用靈感源自於最佳外掛程式的強大功能,並藉由方案取得自訂網域。" msgid "Choose for the easiest way to create a website or blog." msgstr "選擇,享受建立網站或網誌最輕鬆的方式。" msgid "Find help from the wider WordPress community through support forums." msgstr "透過支援討論區,可向廣大的 WordPress 社群成員尋求協助。" msgid "" "Have complete control over your design and code. Install and customize any " "WordPress theme you want or build your own with PHP and CSS." msgstr "" "所有版面設計與程式碼,完全由你控制。安裝任何你想用的 WordPress 佈景主題,還可" "以隨意調整設計;更可以用 PHP 和 CSS 自行打造。" msgid "" "Find a host, install plugins, and get your hands dirty. We can help with " "services like VaultPress for security and backups." msgstr "" "找部主機、安裝外掛程式,接著親自上陣設計。我們可以透過 VaultPress 等服務提供" "安全防護和備份功能。" msgid "More control — you install and host your site." msgstr "自己的網站自己架、自己管,完全不受限制。" msgid "" "Reach a wider audience and find new readers. Sync your content to Facebook " "and Twitter and connecting with millions of people using" msgstr "" "可輕鬆將網站最新內容同步發佈於 Facebook 和 Twitter 上,另外還可以接觸數百萬" "名 使用者,讓網站吸引更多目光,獲取更多新用戶。" msgid "" "Build a site, no installation required. We host your site and offer built-in " "plugins and free benefits including software updates and security. Register " "your domain easily and get started in minutes." msgstr "" "建立網站,不需要安裝。由我們代管你的網站,並提供內建外掛程式,以及軟體更新和" "安全防護等免費好康。輕鬆註冊你的網域,且在數分鐘內即可開始使用。" msgid "Total simplicity — we take care of everything." msgstr "簡單就是讚,把所有麻煩事交給我們。" msgid "Learn more about each option to make your choice." msgstr "做決定前了解各選項" msgid "" "Enter a valid country code followed by a dot (for example +1.6285550199)." msgstr "請國碼後加上一個點 (例如 +1.6285550199)。" msgid "Need help deciding?" msgstr "該選哪種方案?" msgid "Click for more information" msgstr "按一下以取得更多資訊" msgid "Count items in sub-categories toward parent total." msgstr "將子類別項目計入上層項目總數。" msgid "Maximum: %s" msgstr "上限:%s" msgid "Minimum: %s" msgstr "下限:%s" msgid "Contact Info & Map" msgstr "聯絡資訊與地圖" msgctxt "Terms: Add term error message" msgid "Parent item required when \"Top level\" is unchecked" msgstr "未勾選「最上層」時便需要父項目" msgid "6GB Storage Space" msgstr "6GB 儲存空間" msgid "Recommended Reading" msgstr "推薦選讀內容" msgid "There is an issue connecting to %s." msgstr "連結到 %s 時發生問題。" msgid "One of your IP Addresses was invalid. Please try again." msgstr "你的其中一個 IP 位址無效。請再試一次。" msgid "There was a problem saving your changes. Please try again." msgstr "儲存你的變更時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "Post shared. Please check your social media accounts." msgstr "文章已分享。請查看你的社交媒體帳戶。" msgid "Choose Date" msgstr "選擇日期" msgid "Only the owner of the domain can map its subdomains." msgstr "只有網域擁有者可以對應其子網域。" msgid "%s, gardener and writer" msgstr "%s,園藝家暨作家" msgid "International Fertilizer Development Center" msgstr "國際肥料開發中心" msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete '%(name)s'?" msgstr "你確定要永久刪除「%(name)s」?" msgid "Manage Plans" msgstr "管理方案" msgid "Email requires action" msgid_plural "Emails require action" msgstr[0] "電子郵件需要動作" msgid "" "Our resolution for 2017 is to tell the stories of those who feed the world — " "smallholder farmers. We want to share our mission: helping farmers grow and " "sell more food using agricultural technologies in a way that sustains, not " "harms, the environment." msgstr "" "我們 2017 年的新年新希望,就是講述餵養世界的人──小農──的故事。我們想分享我們" "的使命:協助農夫以永續而對環境無害的方式,使用農業科技種植並銷售更多食物。" msgid "" "To purchase a Guided Transfer, please disable any custom fonts and make sure " "to select a non-premium theme." msgstr "" "若要購買引導式網誌遷移服務,請先停用所有自訂字型,並確認已選取非進階版的佈景" "主題。" msgid "" "Thanks for using the Personal Plan! Today we've increased your storage space " "to 6 GB so you'll be able to upload more images, videos, audio, and " "documents to your site. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "感謝你使用個人方案!今天,我們將你的儲存空間擴大為 6GB,你將可以上載更多圖" "片、影片、音訊及文件至你的網站。盡情享用!" msgid "The storage for %s has been upgraded to 6 GB." msgstr "%s 的儲存空間已升級至 6GB。" msgid "Storage Upgrade!" msgstr "儲存空間升級!" msgid "Username mentions" msgstr "使用者名稱標記" msgid "Multiple users" msgstr "多位使用者" msgid "Install plugin" msgstr "安裝外掛程式" msgid "Private note" msgstr "私人備註" msgid "Resolve" msgstr "解決" msgid "" "By clicking Save Changes, you agree to the applicable Domain Registration Agreement and confirm " "that the Transferee has agreed in writing to be bound by the same agreement. " "You authorize the respective registrar to act as your Designated Agent." msgstr "" "按一下「儲存變更」,即表示你同意適用的網域註冊協議,並確認受讓人已書面同意受同一協議的約束。你" "授權個別註冊機構成為你的指定代理人並代表" "你處理各項事務。" msgid "" "Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to " "protect your blog from spam. It keeps your site protected " "even while you sleep. To get started, just go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API " "key." msgstr "" "數以百萬的使用者採用 Akismet,它是保護網站遠離垃圾留言的絕佳" "方式,也為你的網站提供不間斷的保護。使用方式很簡單,啟用 Akismet 外掛後前往 " "Akismet 設定頁,輸入 " "Akismet 的 API 金鑰後儲存變更。" msgid "" "Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to " "protect your blog from spam. Your site is fully configured " "and being protected, even while you sleep." msgstr "" "數以百萬的使用者採用 Akismet,它是保護網站遠離垃圾留言的絕佳" "方式,也為你的網站提供不間斷的保護。" msgid "Error authorizing. Page is refreshing for another attempt." msgstr "授權時發生錯誤。正在重新整理網頁以再度嘗試。" msgid "In some cases, authorization can take a few attempts. Please try again." msgstr "某些情況下,必須嘗試數次才可完成授權。請再試一次。" msgid "No comments were caught as spam." msgstr "沒有留言遭判定為垃圾留言。" msgid "Akismet checked %s comment." msgid_plural "Akismet checked %s comments." msgstr[0] "Akismet 已檢查 %s 則留言。" msgid "%s comment was caught as spam." msgid_plural "%s comments were caught as spam." msgstr[0] "%s個評論被判斷為垃圾。" msgid "Installing your theme…" msgstr "正在安裝你的佈景主題…" msgid "Configuring your site…" msgstr "正在設定你的網站…" msgid "This year, make your website happen with" msgstr "今年就在 實現你建立網站的夢想" msgid "Your new adventure awaits." msgstr "新的冒險正在等待你。" msgid "" "My readers love nature, curiosities, and creativity. They make me laugh. I " "thank my lucky stars I’m blogging in this thoughtful community." msgstr "" "我的讀者喜愛自然、奇妙事物和創意。他們總是令我大笑不已。我很慶幸在這個充滿溫" "馨的社群經營網誌。" msgid "Google Maps API key" msgstr "Google 地圖 API 密鑰" msgctxt "%1$s is working again after being broken" msgid "It was down for %s." msgstr "網站停止運作的時間 %s" msgid "Welcome to Reader" msgstr "歡迎使用閱讀器" msgid "Find sites to follow" msgstr "尋找可以關注的網站" msgid "Composing" msgstr "撰寫" msgid "%(selectedDomainName)s has been transferred to %(selectedUserDisplay)s" msgstr "%(selectedDomainName)s 已轉移給 %(selectedUserDisplay)s" msgid "" "Failed to transfer %(selectedDomainName)s, please try again or contact " "support." msgstr "無法轉移 %(selectedDomainName)s,請再試一次,或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Confirm Transfer" msgstr "確認轉移" msgid "" "Do you want to transfer the ownership of {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} " "to {{strong}}%(selectedUserDisplay)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "" "你是否要將 {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} 的擁有權轉移給 " "{{strong}}%(selectedUserDisplay)s{{/strong}}?" msgid "" "Transferring a domain to another user will give all the rights of the domain " "to that user. Please choose an administrator to transfer " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} to." msgstr "" "將網域轉移給其他使用者將讓該使用者獲得網域的所有權利。請選擇一位管理員以轉移 " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "" "You can transfer this domain to any administrator on this site. If the user " "you want to transfer is not currently an administrator, please {{a}}add them " "to the site first{{/a}}." msgstr "" "你可以將此網域轉移給此網站上的任一位管理員。如果要轉移的目標使用者目前並非管" "理員,請先將{{a}}他們加入網站{{/a}}。" msgid "-- Site has no other administrators --" msgstr "-- 網站沒有其他管理員 --" msgid "Transfer to another registrar" msgstr "轉移給其他註冊機構" msgid "Upload up to 6 GB of photos, or music." msgstr "可上載多達 6GB 的相片或音樂。" msgid "" "If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Support." msgstr "" "如有任何問題,請不要猶豫立即與客戶服務部聯繫。" msgid "Dismiss this recommendation" msgstr "關閉此建議" msgid "This plugin is already registered with another plan." msgstr "此外掛程式已透過其他方案登錄。" msgid "No, thanks." msgstr "不用了,謝謝。" msgid "Got it" msgstr "明白了" msgid "Send notifications via notification" msgstr "透過 通知傳送通知。" msgid "%(postCount)d '%(name)s' post" msgid_plural "%(postCount)d '%(name)s' posts" msgstr[0] "%(postCount)d 篇「%(name)s」的文章" msgid "Post unavailable" msgstr "文章無法使用" msgid "Sorry, we can't display that post right now." msgstr "很抱歉,我們目前無法顯示該文章。" msgctxt "10 posts published by John on May 30, 2012" msgid "%1$s post published by %2$l on %3$s" msgid_plural "%1$s posts published by %2$l on %3$s" msgstr[0] "%2$l 在 %3$s 發佈了 %1$s 篇文章" msgctxt "10 posts publishes by John during May 2012" msgid "%1$s post published by %2$l during %3$s" msgid_plural "%1$s posts published by %2$l during %3$s" msgstr[0] "%2$l 在 %3$s 發佈了 %1$s 篇文章" msgctxt "10 posts published by John in the year 2012" msgid "%1$s post published by %2$l in the year %3$s" msgid_plural "%1$s posts published by %2$l in the year %3$s" msgstr[0] "%2$l 在 %3$s 年發佈了 %1$s 篇文章" msgid "Manage %(taxonomy)s" msgstr "管理 %(taxonomy)s" msgctxt "%s is working again after being broken" msgid "%s is back online!" msgstr "%s 已重新上線" msgid "Jetpack Monitor still can't reach %s" msgstr "Jetpack Monitor 仍無法連線至 %s" msgctxt "Site %s continues to be down/broken" msgid "%s is still down" msgstr "%s 仍未恢復運作" msgid "Jetpack Monitor can't reach %s" msgstr "Jetpack Monitor 無法連線至 %s" msgctxt "Site %s is down/broken" msgid "%s is down" msgstr "%s 已停止運作" msgid "Uptime monitor" msgstr "運作時間監控" msgid "" "By clicking {{strong}}%(saveButtonLabel)s{{/strong}}, you agree to the " "applicable {{draLink}}Domain Registration Agreement{{/draLink}} and confirm " "that the Transferee has agreed in writing to be bound by the same agreement. " "You authorize the respective registrar to act as your {{supportLink}}" "Designated Agent{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "按一下{{strong}}%(saveButtonLabel)s{{/strong}},即表示你同意適用的 " "{{draLink}}網域註冊協議{{/draLink}},並確認受讓人已書面同意受同一協議的約束。" "你授權相關註冊機構以{{supportLink}}指定代理人{{/supportLink}}的身分代表你處理" "各項事務。" msgid "Create a new site" msgstr "建立一個新網站" msgid "Sorry! We can't connect %1$s because you have no sites." msgstr "很抱歉!由於你沒有 網站,因此我們無法連結 %1$s。" msgid "Successfully uploaded theme %(name)s" msgstr "已成功上載佈景主題 %(name)s" msgid "Install problem: Theme already installed on site." msgstr "安裝問題:網站上已安裝佈景主題。" msgid "Install problem: Incompatible theme." msgstr "安裝問題:佈景主題不相容。" msgid "Uploading your theme…" msgstr "正在上載你的佈景主題…" msgid "Uploading progress" msgstr "上載進度" msgid "" "You can select the language you wish to use while using the WordPress " "administration screen without affecting the language site visitors see." msgstr "" "你可以在使用 WordPress 控制台時選擇要使用的語言,而不會影響到訪客看到的網站語" "言。" msgid "Follow tag" msgstr "關注標籤" msgid "Following tag" msgstr "正在關注的標籤" msgid "" "AltoFocus is a theme for photographers, artists, and other creative types in " "search of a simple and easy way to display their work." msgstr "" "AltoFocus 是一款適合攝影師、藝術家,以及其他正在尋找簡便展示作品集方式的內容" "創作者的佈景主題。" msgid "A theme for non-profits, organizations, and schools." msgstr "適合非營利組織、一般組織及學校使用的佈景主題。" msgid "
  • %1$s %2$s was updated to version %3$s
  • " msgstr "
  • %1$s %2$s 已更新為 %3$s 版
  • " msgid "The following plugins were updated:" msgstr "下列外掛程式已更新:" msgid "Plugin Autoupdates" msgstr "外掛程式自動更新" msgid "We've updated %1$s plugin on %2$s!" msgid_plural "We've updated %1$s plugins on %2$s!" msgstr[0] "我們已更新 %2$s 上的 %1$s 個外掛程式!" msgid "An error occurred while fetching your account recovery settings." msgstr "擷取你的帳戶還原設定時發生錯誤。" msgid "An error occurred while updating your account recovery phone number." msgstr "更新你的帳戶還原電話號碼時發生錯誤。" msgid "An error occurred while updating your account recovery email." msgstr "更新你的帳戶還原電子郵件時發生錯誤。" msgid "An error occurred while updating your account recovery options." msgstr "更新你的帳戶還原選項時發生錯誤。" msgid "An error occurred while deleting your account recovery phone number." msgstr "刪除你的帳戶還原電話號碼時發生錯誤。" msgid "An error occurred while deleting your account recovery email." msgstr "刪除你的帳戶還原電子郵件時發生錯誤。" msgid "Set as default" msgstr "設為預設" msgid "Please drop a single zip file" msgstr "請拖曳一個 zip 檔案" msgid "Drop files or click here to install" msgstr "拖曳檔案或按一下這裡進行安裝" msgid "Upload a theme" msgstr "上載佈景主題" msgctxt "default site language" msgid "Site Default" msgstr "網站預設語言" msgid "PayPal" msgstr "PayPal" msgid "Display on pages" msgstr "顯示於頁面上" msgid "Display on single projects" msgstr "以單一專案顯示" msgctxt "label for terms marked as default" msgid "default" msgstr "預設" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was successfully disconnected." msgstr "%(service)s 帳戶已成功中斷連結。" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was unable to be disconnected." msgstr "%(service)s 帳戶無法中斷連結。" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was successfully updated." msgstr "%(service)s 帳戶已成功更新。" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize reconnection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was unable to be updated." msgstr "%(service)s 帳戶無法更新。" msgid "Advanced SEO tools" msgstr "進階 SEO 工具" msgid "Get Personal" msgstr "取得個人版" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Change" msgstr "變更" msgid "Install custom plugins on your site." msgstr "在你的網站上安裝自訂外掛程式。" msgid "Jetpack by" msgstr "Jetpack 由 團隊開發" msgid "Invalid Token" msgstr "無效的權杖" msgid "Priority Support" msgstr "優先支援服務" msgid "%1d Like" msgid_plural "%1d Likes" msgstr[0] "%1d 個讚" msgid "We couldn't save that image — please try another one." msgstr "我們無法儲存該圖片,請改用其他檔案" msgid "Need help? Chat with us" msgstr "需要協助嗎?和我們聊天" msgid "Grow Your Site" msgstr "讓你的網站茁壯" msgid "Website Performance" msgstr "網站效能" msgid "Responsive Site" msgstr "響應式網站" msgid "Website SEO" msgstr "網站 SEO" msgid "Personalize Your Free Site" msgstr "個人化你的免費網站" msgid "WordPress VIP Partners" msgstr "WordPress VIP 合作夥伴" msgid "Write Your Content" msgstr "撰寫你的內容" msgid "WordPress Mobile App" msgstr "WordPress 行動應用程式" msgid "Website Social Media" msgstr "網站社交媒體" msgid "Website RSS" msgstr "網站 RSS" msgid "Discover Your Website" msgstr "發掘你的網站" msgid "Blog Support" msgstr "網誌支援" msgid "Mobile Blog App" msgstr "行動網誌應用程式" msgid "Promote Blog on Social" msgstr "在社交網路推廣網誌" msgid "Write for Your Blog" msgstr "為你的網誌撰寫文章" msgid "Go back to your site" msgstr "返回你的網站" msgid "Actual price" msgstr "實際價格" msgid "Display on blog and archives" msgstr "在網誌和封存上顯示" msgid "An error occurred while deleting your account recovery options." msgstr "刪除你的帳戶還原選項時發生錯誤。" msgid "Play Video" msgstr "播放影片" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Source" msgstr "來源" msgid "" "Keep your finger on the pulse of your blog’s activity with website " "statistics. Colorful charts and graphs help you understand what your readers " "like and how they found you." msgstr "" "透過網站統計資料,全面掌握網站使用動態。賞心悅目的彩色統計圖表,不論網友喜歡" "哪些內容、讀者從哪裡造訪,都能讓你一目了然。" msgid "" " has built-in SEO, social media integration, and sharing " "features. Plug into our high-traffic network and reach new readers." msgstr "" " 具備內建 SEO、社群媒體整合與分享功能;還能為您導入更多流量,接" "觸新的讀者。" msgid "Activating theme…" msgstr "正在啟用佈景主題…" msgctxt "Jetpack Personal Plan" msgid "Personal" msgstr "個人版" msgid "" "I absolutely love the WordPress community of fellow bloggers you can learn " "and share with. Anyone can get started very easily." msgstr "" "我愛死了 WordPress 社群,那裡有很多部落客可以讓你學習和分享。任何人都可以輕鬆" "上手。" msgid "" "WordPress is simply awesome. With lots of features and elegant themes to " "choose from, it leads the blogging front." msgstr "" "WordPress 真的是太棒了。這裡有許多功能和優雅的佈景主題可以選擇,是網誌界的領" "導先驅。" msgid "Restore Original" msgstr "回存原始圖片" msgid "Create a blog with" msgstr "透過 建立網誌" msgid "Create Your Blog" msgstr "建立你的網誌" msgid "" "Yes! You can sell individual items on your blog using your PayPal account " "and a button directing your readers to the PayPal payment screen. You can " "also publish sponsored posts or use affiliate links in your content, and " "apply to join WordAds, our advertising program." msgstr "" "是的!你可以使用 PayPal 帳戶,以及將讀者導向 PayPal 付款畫面的按鈕,在網誌上" "販售個人物品。你也可以發佈廠商贊助文章,或在內文中使用附屬連結,申請加入我們" "的廣告方案 WordAds。" msgid "Start your blogging adventure today" msgstr "立即開始打造你的網誌" msgid "Can I make money off my blog?" msgstr "Can I make money off my blog?" msgid "" "Absolutely. You can change your blog language, which is how your readers " "will experience your site and the Interface Language, which changes the " "admin tools language. The language you use on your blog is up to you!" msgstr "" "當然可以。你可以變更「網誌語言」,亦即讀者造訪你的網站時會看到的語言,也可變" "更用於顯示管理員工具的「介面語言」。要在網誌使用那種語言,全都由你決定!" msgid "Choose your plan" msgstr "選擇方案" msgid "Can I create a blog in another language?" msgstr "我可以建立其他語言的網誌嗎?" msgid "" "With our responsive themes and mobile and desktop apps, you’ll enjoy a " "seamless experience on any device and so will your blog visitors." msgstr "" "透過能自動切換電腦版或行動版頁面的 RWD 佈景主題、行動 App 及電腦應用程式,任" "何人、任何裝置,都能暢遊你的網站,全無障礙。" msgid "" "Start with a modern site design and customize it with your branding, " "content, and features. All Premium blogs include custom CSS." msgstr "" "從充滿現代感的設計範本開始,加上你的品牌、內容與特色,讓網站與眾不同,分外搶" "眼。進階版方案額外提供 CSS 自訂功能,讓設計更具魅力。" msgid "Share your world online by starting a video blog." msgstr "撰寫影片網誌,在網路上分享你的世界。" msgid "Share your world online by starting a travel blog." msgstr "撰寫旅行網誌,在網路上分享你的世界。" msgid "Share your expertise by starting a tech blog." msgstr "撰寫技術網誌,分享你的專業知識。" msgid "Create a space for your passion by starting a science blog." msgstr "撰寫科學網誌,為你的熱情打造專屬空間。" msgid "Create a school blog and connect your community." msgstr "撰寫學校網誌,連結你的社群。" msgid "Make a politics blog and share your voice with the world." msgstr "撰寫政治網誌,與全世界分享你的理念。" msgid "Create a poetry blog and share your voice with the world." msgstr "撰寫詩歌網誌,與全世界分享你的想法。" msgid "Create a photo blog and share your talent with the world." msgstr "撰寫攝影網誌,與全世界分享你的才華。" msgid "Create a news blog and share your voice with the world." msgstr "撰寫新聞網誌,與全世界分享你的觀點。" msgid "Create a music blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "撰寫音樂網誌,與全世界分享你對音樂的熱情。" msgid "Create a movie blog and share your passion." msgstr "撰寫電影網誌,分享你對電影的熱情。" msgid "Create a law blog and share your expertise online." msgstr "撰寫法律網誌,在網路上分享你的專業知識。" msgid "Create a home blog and share your expertise." msgstr "撰寫家居網誌,分享你的專業知識。" msgid "Share your expertise with the world by starting a health blog." msgstr "撰寫保健網誌,與全世界分享你的專業知識。" msgid "Create a game blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "撰寫遊戲網誌,與全世界分享你對遊戲的熱情。" msgid "Create a food blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "撰寫美食網誌,與全世界分享你對美食的熱情。" msgid "Create a fitness blog and share your expertise with the world." msgstr "撰寫健身網誌,與全世界分享你的專業知識。" msgid "Create a finance blog and share your expertise with the world." msgstr "撰寫財金網誌,與全世界分享你的專業知識。" msgid "Create a fashion blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "撰寫時尚網誌,與全世界分享你對時尚的熱情。" msgid "Create a family blog and share your world." msgstr "撰寫家庭網誌,分享你的世界。" msgid "Create a code blog and share your expertise with the world." msgstr "撰寫程式碼網誌,與全世界分享你的專業知識。" msgid "Create a cars blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "撰寫汽車網誌,與全世界分享你對汽車的熱情。" msgid "Tell your story by starting a business blog." msgstr "撰寫商業網誌,述說你的品牌故事。" msgid "Share your talent with the world by starting an art blog." msgstr "撰寫藝術網誌,與全世界分享你的才華。" msgid "Failed to validate the recovery phone by the given code." msgstr "無法使用提供的代碼驗證還原電話號碼。" msgid "The recovery phone number for this account is not set." msgstr "尚未設定此帳戶的還原電話號碼。" msgid "The recovery email number for this account is not set." msgstr "尚未設定此帳戶的還原電子郵件地址。" msgid "Create a space for your passion by starting a sports blog." msgstr "撰寫運動網誌,為你的熱情打造專屬空間。" msgid "" "This domain was recently in use by someone else and is not available to map " "yet. Please try again later or contact support." msgstr "" "此網域目前已有他人使用,尚無法開放對應。請稍後再試一次,或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "If you have purchased any upgrades on, this number will be in " "your email receipt, on your credit card statement, or (if you paid with " "PayPal) in your PayPal account. Help me " "find my transaction id." msgstr "" "如果你曾在 上購買任何升級,這組號碼會顯示在你的電子郵件收據、信" "用卡帳單,或是 PayPal 帳戶中 (如果使用 PayPal 付款)。協助我尋找我的交易 ID。" msgid "SEO Tools" msgstr "SEO 工具" msgid "Get Jetpack Personal" msgstr "取得 Jetpack 個人版" msgid "Create your blog" msgstr "建立網誌" msgid "Google Translate" msgstr "Google翻譯" msgid "Invalid value for background size." msgstr "無效的背景尺寸大小。" msgid "Invalid value for background position Y." msgstr "無效的背景位置 Y 值。" msgid "Unrecognized background setting." msgstr "無法辨識的背景設定。" msgid "Invalid value for background position X." msgstr "無效的背景位置 X 值。" msgid "Invalid value for background attachment." msgstr "背景附件值無效。" msgid "Invalid value for background repeat." msgstr "無效的重複背景數值。" msgid "Sending…" msgstr "正在傳送..." msgid "%(filtered)s of %(total)s" msgstr "已篩選 %(filtered)s 個,共 %(total)s 個" msgid "" "This is a second testimonial. Click the Edit link to " "modify or delete it, or add a new testimonial." msgstr "" "這是第二個證言。按一下「編輯」連結以修改或刪除證言,或" "新增證言。" msgid "" "This is a testimonial. Click the Edit link to modify or " "delete it, or add a new testimonial." msgstr "" "這是證言。按一下「編輯」連結以修改或刪除證言,或新增證言。" msgid "A big fan of yours" msgstr "你的超級粉絲" msgid "This is the excerpt for a project." msgstr "這是專案摘要。" msgid "" "This is a project. Click the Edit link to modify or " "delete it, or add a new project." msgstr "" "這是專案。按一下「編輯」連結以修改或刪除專案,或新增專案。" msgid "Project #%d" msgstr "專案 #%d" msgid "Payment expired, please try again." msgstr "付款資訊到期,請再試一次。" msgctxt "Noun: title of mention notification" msgid "New Post" msgstr "新文章" msgid "Do more" msgstr "做更多" msgid "Discover what your website can do with more power " msgstr "看看你的網站有了更強大功能後能做什麼事" msgid "Compare plans" msgstr "比較各種方案" msgid "Email & Live Chat Support" msgstr "電子郵件與即時線上文字對談支援" msgid "" "I just can’t keep myself away from WordPress. It has had such a positive " "influence on my life since I started becoming an active member of the " "community." msgstr "" "我就是想用 WordPress。自從成為 WordPress 社群的活躍成員後,它對我的生活帶來相" "當正面的影響。" msgid "" "Refocusing our business meant an extensive rebrand and rename. " "made it easy to implement the changes we needed for a social media first " "impression." msgstr "" "重新聚焦於業務之上讓我們能夠大幅地重新塑造品牌與重新定位。 讓我" "們能夠輕鬆導入所需的變更,建立良好的社交媒體第一印象。" msgid "" "Add extra features to your site like advanced galleries, forms, email " "subscriptions, polls, sophisticated comments, and much more." msgstr "" "為你的網站新增如進階圖庫、表單、電子郵件訂閱、投票、圖文留言等額外功能。" msgid "Our users love" msgstr ",用過都說讚" msgid "Do more with features" msgstr "使用強大功能做更多" msgid "" "Your site will always be available, secure, and automatically backed up. " "Anti-spam protection is built in to every site." msgstr "" "你的網站將永遠可用、安全無虞且自動備份。所有的 網站皆內建反垃圾" "郵件防護措施。" msgid "A secure website you can count on" msgstr "一個值得你信賴的安全網站" msgid "" "Get support from our experts through email or live chat. Connect with a " "community of users through forums, guided courses, and events around the " "world." msgstr "" "透過電子郵件或即時聊天取得專家支援。透過論壇、引導式課程及各式活動,和社群內" "世界各地的使用者交流。" msgid "Find help when you need it" msgstr "隨時獲得協助" msgid "" "Use our social media syndication, sharing buttons, SEO tools, and insightful " "site statistics to increase your traffic and monitor your growth. Start with " "$100 in ad credits, on us." msgstr "" "運用我們的社交媒體同步訂閱、分享按鈕、SEO 工具及豐富且富洞見的網站統計資料," "增加網站流量並監控成長情形。購買 100 美元廣告點數,投資 WordPress。" msgid "Build an audience" msgstr "培養讀者群" msgid " apps" msgstr " 應用程式" msgid "" "Start a website on your mobile phone and update it seamlessly from any " "device. Choose from a wide selection of responsive themes that look great " "everywhere." msgstr "" "用手機建立網站,並透過任何裝置無縫更新網站內容。從各種響應式佈景主題中挑選耐" "看又美觀的心之所屬。" msgid "Create everywhere and anywhere" msgstr "隨時隨地盡情創作" msgid "" "Display your media in sophisticated galleries and upload tons of photos, " "videos, and documents with our generous file storage." msgstr "" "用精緻的圖庫展現你的媒體,還可上載大量照片、影片及文件到寬裕的檔案儲存空間。" msgid "Your media" msgstr "你的媒體" msgid "" "Impress your visitors with an elegant and unique site. Choose fonts, colors, " "and add your logo and custom CSS to make your website your own." msgstr "" "打造優雅且獨特的網站,讓訪客留下深刻印象。選擇字型和顏色,並加入獨有的標誌與" "自訂 CSS,讓你的網站充滿個人特色。" msgid "Your look" msgstr "你的網站外觀" msgid "Your domain." msgstr "你的網域" msgid "" "Choose from more than 350 easy-to-use themes for any type of business, " "portfolio, or blog." msgstr "" "不論何種企業、個人作品集或網誌,皆可從超過 350 種簡單好用的佈景主題中找到適合" "的。" msgid "Make a website that's your own" msgstr "打造你專屬的網站" msgid "Start a blog" msgstr "開始建立網誌" msgid "" "Plug into the biggest community of publishers online. has " "millions of users waiting to find you. All the features you need and more. " "Choose the most popular blogging software on the web for your online home." msgstr "" "線上規模最大的發佈社群等著你。 擁有數百萬名正等著遇見你的使用" "者。所有你需要的功能以及更多強大功能皆在此。選擇網路最熱門的網誌軟體,打造你" "在網路上的家。" msgid "Create your blog and share your voice" msgstr "建立你的網誌,分享你的看法" msgid "Build a website" msgstr "建立網站" msgid "" "Every website starts with an idea. provides the design, " "features, and support to bring it to life. Choose your theme, pick a domain, " "select a plan, and start building your future." msgstr "" "構想是建立網站的第一步。 提供設計靈感、強大功能及支援服務,協助" "你賦予網站生命力。選擇合適的佈景主題、挑選網域、選擇方案,接著開始構築你的未" "來。" msgid "Design your success story with a powerful website" msgstr "使用強大的網站編寫你自己的成功故事" msgid "Pricing" msgstr "價格" msgid " Create a Free Website or Blog" msgstr "建立免費網站或網誌" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create private posts in this post type." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許建立該文章類型的私密文章。" msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)" msgstr "%1$s必須為%2$d (包含) 及%3$d (包含) 之間" msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)" msgstr "%1$s必須為%2$d (不包含) 及%3$d (包含) 之間" msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)" msgstr "%1$s必須為%2$d (包含) 及%3$d (不包含) 之間" msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)" msgstr "%1$s必須為%2$d (不包含) 及%3$d (不包含) 之間" msgid "%s is not a valid IP address." msgstr "%s不是一個有效的IP地址。" msgid "%1$s is not one of %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 不是 %2$s 的其中之一。" msgid "Blog pages show at most." msgstr "部落格頁面最多要顯示的文章數量。" msgid "Default post format." msgstr "預設文章格式。" msgid "%1$s is not of type %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 不是 %2$s 的型態。" msgid "Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display." msgstr "轉換表情符號如 :-) 和 :-P 以圖片顯示。" msgid "A time format for all time strings." msgstr "所有時間字串的時間格式。" msgid "WordPress locale code." msgstr "WordPress語系代碼。" msgid "A day number of the week that the week should start on." msgstr "一星期的開始從第幾天開始。" msgid "A date format for all date strings." msgstr "所有日期字串的日期格式。" msgid "A city in the same timezone as you." msgstr "與你的時區相同的城市。" msgid "Site URL." msgstr "網站位址。" msgid "Could not delete meta value from database." msgstr "無法從資料庫中刪除 meta 值。" msgid "Meta fields." msgstr "中繼資料欄位。" msgid "You do not have permission to edit this customer" msgstr "您沒有權限編輯此一顧客資料" msgid "Limit result set to items that are sticky." msgstr "將結果限制於被置項的項目。" msgid "" "Limit result set to items except those with specific terms assigned in the " "%s taxonomy." msgstr "將結果集限制為在「%s」分類中未有指定為特定詞彙的項目。" msgid "A password to protect access to the content and excerpt." msgstr "用來保護內容及摘要存取的一組密碼。" msgid "Whether the excerpt is protected with a password." msgstr "摘要是否受密碼保護。" msgid "Whether the content is protected with a password." msgstr "內容是否受密碼保護。" msgid "You need to define a search term to order by relevance." msgstr "你需要定義一個搜尋字詞才能依相關性排列。" msgid "Incorrect post password." msgstr "文章密碼錯誤。" msgid "The password for the post if it is password protected." msgstr "受密碼保護的文章的密碼。" msgid "" "Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "給定 ISO8601 相容日期之後,限制已發行資源的回應。" msgid "Creating a comment requires valid author name and email values." msgstr "建立一則評論需要有效的作者名稱及電子郵件。" msgid "Limit result set to attachments of a particular MIME type." msgstr "將結果限制在那些附件具有特定 MIME 型態的項目。" msgid "Limit result set to attachments of a particular media type." msgstr "將結果限制在那些附件具有特定媒體形態的項目。" msgid "" "Your subscription will automatically renew. You may disable auto renew at " "any time from your dashboard." msgstr "你的訂閱將會自動續訂。你可以隨時在儀表板停用自動續訂。" msgid "Your payment was not processed." msgstr "並未處理你的付款。" msgid "This purchase may be already paid for." msgstr "此購買項目的款項可能已經支付。" msgid "This page is set as your site's homepage" msgstr "此頁面已設為你的網站首頁" msgid "Set as Homepage" msgstr "設為首頁" msgid "Jetpack Essential Features" msgstr "Jetpack 基本功能" msgctxt "Terms: Term description label" msgid "Description" msgstr "內容說明" msgid "" "All plan features - spam filtering, backups, and security screening - will " "be removed from your site and you will be refunded %(cost)s." msgstr "" "你的網站將無法再使用方案的所有功能 (垃圾郵件篩選、備份及安全性掃描),且你會收" "到 %(cost)s 的退款。" msgid "Create a site" msgstr "建立網站" msgid "Jetpack sync is not allowed for versions less than 4.2" msgstr "Jetpack 同步功能不支援 4.2 之前的版本" msgid "Digests" msgstr "摘要" msgid "A step-by-step guide to getting familiar with the platform." msgstr "逐步引導你熟悉此平台。" msgid "Old Domain Admin" msgstr "舊網域管理員" msgid "" "Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of " "space for audio and video and the ability to monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "利用進階設計工具、CSS 編輯功能以及音訊和影片專屬的大型儲存空間,建立獨特網" "站;還能透過網站廣告獲利。" msgid "" "Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of " "space for audio and video, and the ability to monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "利用進階設計工具、CSS 編輯功能以及音訊和影片專屬的大型儲存空間,建立獨特網" "站,還能透過網站廣告獲利。" msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the site of your dreams and sharing your voice on the web. Take a peek at " "our new user guides for tips on getting started." msgstr "" "歡迎使用,這裡集結了部落客、網站創辦人和求知若渴的網路讀者,堪" "稱最熱絡的線上社群。一切準備就緒,現在你可以開始打造夢寐以求的網站,在網路上" "分享精彩內容。歡迎參考我們的新使用者指南,瞭解開始使用的秘" "訣。" msgid "Professional services" msgstr "專業服務" msgid "Elementary School" msgstr "小學" msgid "Your domain is pending transfer." msgstr "你的網域轉移正待確認中。" msgid "Invalid SEO meta description value." msgstr "無效的 SEO meta 描述值。" msgid "Storage space for adding images and documents to your website." msgstr "能夠新增圖片與文件到網站的儲存空間。" msgid "More on {{wpLink}}{{/wpLink}}" msgstr "詳細資訊都在 {{wpLink}}{{/wpLink}}" msgctxt "Success message after a user has been modified." msgid "Successfully removed @%(user)s" msgstr "已成功移除 @%(user)s" msgid "You must verify your email to sign in with" msgstr "你必須驗證電子郵件才能登入。" msgid "Attend Live Courses" msgstr "參加即時課程" msgid "Audio upload support" msgstr "音訊上載支援" msgid "" "The easiest way to upload audio files that use any major audio file format. " msgstr "上載任何主要格式音訊檔最簡單的方法。" msgid "Something went wrong. Please don't be mad." msgstr "發生某種錯誤。請別生氣。" msgid "Share post" msgstr "分享文章" msgid "Already have a account? Log in now." msgstr "已經有 帳戶了?立即登入。" msgid "Podcasts" msgstr "播客節目" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of downloads per file." msgid "downloads" msgstr "下載" msgid "Order ID is invalid" msgstr "無效的訂單編號" msgid "Ample storage space to upload images and documents to your website." msgstr "能夠上載圖片與文件到網站的充足儲存空間。" msgid "" "Power your business website with unlimited premium and business theme " "templates, Google Analytics support, unlimited storage, and the ability to " "remove branding." msgstr "" "運用無限制的進階版和商務版佈景主題範本、Google Analytics 支援及無限的儲存空" "間,強化你的企業網站,還能移除 品牌標誌。" msgid "Best for Small Business:" msgstr "小型企業最佳選擇:" msgid "" "Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of " "space for audio and video, and the ability to monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "利用進階設計工具、CSS 編輯以及大量音訊和影片儲存空間,建立獨特網站;還能透過" "網站廣告獲利。" msgid "Best for Entrepreneurs & Freelancers:" msgstr "創業家與自由工作者的最佳選擇:" msgid "" "Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all " "advertising. Get access to high quality email and live chat support." msgstr "" "可使用自訂網域名稱,讓網站更為人所知。還能移除 顯示的廣告,同時" "享有電子郵件與即時文字對談的優質支援服務。" msgid "Best for Personal Use:" msgstr "個人使用最佳選擇:" msgid "Sending email" msgstr "傳送電子郵件" msgid "Email us" msgstr "傳送電子郵件給我們" msgid "Completing your purchase" msgstr "正在完成你的購買項目" msgid "More in {{ siteLink /}}" msgstr "更多資訊,請上 {{ siteLink /}}" msgid "" "If Jetpack support is closed or not available to the current user, what " "message should be displayed to users?" msgstr "" "如果 Jetpack 支援服務已關閉,或目前的使用者無法使用該服務,應向使用者顯示哪些" "訊息?" msgid "Jetpack Plan Users Only" msgstr "僅限 Jetpack 方案使用者" msgid "No Users (Closed)" msgstr "無使用者 (關閉)" msgid "All Users (Open)" msgstr "所有使用者 (開放)" msgid "“%s” does not appear to be a valid domain." msgstr "「%s」似乎不是有效的網域。" msgid "" "Adds tools to enhance your site\\'s content for better results on search " "engines and social media." msgstr "新增可強化網站內容的工具,讓你在搜尋引擎與社交媒體中取得更好結果。" msgid "The transaction was declined. Please contact support quoting error %s." msgstr "交易遭到拒絕。請聯絡支援團隊,並引述錯誤 %s。" msgid "" "With increased storage space you'll be able to upload more images, audio, " "and documents to your website." msgstr "提供更大的儲存空間,讓你可以上載更多圖片、音訊和文件至網站上。" msgid "A title for this course" msgstr "課程標題" msgctxt "site" msgid "← Go to %s" msgstr "← 前往《%s》" msgid "Unable to retrieve the error message from MySQL" msgstr "無法從MySQL檢索錯誤信息" msgid "Deleted:" msgstr "已刪除:" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Password strength unknown" msgstr "密碼強度未知" msgid "" "Use Left/Right Arrow keys to advance one second, Up/Down arrows to advance " "ten seconds." msgstr "使用左/右鍵進退每一秒,向上/向下進退每十秒。" msgid "Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume." msgstr "使用上/下鍵來增大或減小音量。" msgid "Video Player" msgstr "影片播放器" msgid "Volume Slider" msgstr "音量調節" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to preview drafts." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許預覽草稿。" msgid "Password changed for user: %s" msgstr "該使用者之密碼已被變更:%s" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許做這就設定。" msgid "Image crop area preview. Requires mouse interaction." msgstr "圖片裁剪區域預覽。需要鼠標操作。" msgid "Do not pass %1$s tags to %2$s." msgstr "不可轉 %1$s 標籤到 %2$s." msgid "" "A structure tag is required when using custom permalinks. Learn more" msgstr "當使用自訂固定連結時需要一個結構標籤。了解更多" msgctxt "Comment number declension: on or off" msgid "off" msgstr "off" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this page." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許發佈此頁面。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access user data on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許訪問本網站的使用者資料。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許發佈該文章。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to add a category." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許添加新類別。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this category." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許刪除此類別。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit your profile." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許編輯你的個人資料。" msgid "" "Warning: the link has been inserted but may have errors. Please test it." msgstr "警告:已插入連結,但可能有錯誤。請測試。" msgid "Inexistent terms." msgstr "不存在的條款。" msgid "Rich Text Area. Press Control-Option-H for help." msgstr "多行文字區塊。請按 Ctrl-Option-H 求助。" msgid "Rich Text Area. Press Alt-Shift-H for help." msgstr "多行文字區塊。請按 Alt-Shift-H 求助。" msgid "Invalid value." msgstr "無效值。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to remove users." msgstr "抱歉,你不得移除使用者。" msgid "" "New users are automatically assigned a password, which they can change after " "logging in. You can view or edit the assigned password by clicking the Show " "Password button. The username cannot be changed once the user has been added." msgstr "" "新使用者會自動產生一組密碼,在他們登入後可以變更。你可以點選顯示密碼按鈕來檢" "視或編輯密碼。使用者名稱在新增後無法修改。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create users." msgstr "抱歉,你不能新增使用者。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to add users to this network." msgstr "抱歉,你不得新增使用者至這個網絡。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許編輯該使用者。" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Activate %s" msgstr "啟用 %s" msgid "" "New version available. " msgstr "" "有新版本可用。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign this term." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許指派這個項目。" msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to modify unregistered settings for this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得修改這個網站的未註冊設定。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage options for this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得管理這個網站的設定。" msgid "Manage with Live Preview" msgstr "透過即時預覽進行管理" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to add links to this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得新增連結到這個網站。" msgid "A WordPress Commenter" msgstr "一位 WordPress 留言者" msgctxt "theme" msgid "%s was successfully deleted." msgstr "%s 佈景主題已成功刪除。" msgid "%s updates failed." msgstr "%s 個更新失敗。" msgid "%s update failed." msgstr "%s 個更新失敗。" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "%s was successfully deleted." msgstr "%s 已成功刪除。" msgid "%s themes successfully updated." msgstr "%s 佈景主題更新成功。" msgid "%s plugins successfully updated." msgstr "%s 外掛更新成功。" msgid "%s theme successfully updated." msgstr "%s 佈景主題更新成功。" msgid "%s plugin successfully updated." msgstr "%s 外掛更新成功。" msgid "" "There is a new version of %1$s available. View version " "%4$s details. Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin." msgstr "" "%1$s 有新版本可用。檢視 %4$s 版本細節此外掛無" "法自動化升級。" msgid "" "WordPress %2$s is available! Please notify the site " "administrator." msgstr "WordPress %2$s 已可用!請通知網站管理員。" msgid "Please update WordPress now" msgstr "請立即更新 WordPress" msgid "" "WordPress %2$s is available! Please update now." msgstr "" "WordPress %2$s 已可用!請立即更新。" msgid "Grid Layout" msgstr "格狀版面" msgid "" "There is a new version of %1$s available. View version " "%4$s details or update now." msgstr "" "%1$s 已有新版本可用。檢視版本 %4$s 詳情立即更新。" msgid "" "There is a new version of %1$s available. View version " "%4$s details." msgstr "%1$s 有新版本可用。檢視 %4$s 版本細節。" msgid "" "This will replace the current editor content with the last backup version. " "You can use undo and redo in the editor to get the old content back or to " "return to the restored version." msgstr "" "這會使用最後備份版本來取代當前編輯器內容。你可以使用編輯器內的復原和重做來取" "回舊內容或返回還原版本。" msgid "Restore the backup" msgstr "還原這份備份" msgid "Close media attachment panel" msgstr "關閉媒體附件面板" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit pages." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許編輯頁面。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許以該使用者身份建立文章。" msgid "That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing." msgstr "That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing." msgid "" "Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s above the line " "reading %3$s:" msgstr "" "將以下加入你在 %2$s 的 %1$s 檔案,記得要加在 %3$s 這行上方:" msgid "Need help? Use the Help tab above the screen title." msgstr "需要協助嗎?使用畫面標題上方的幫助分頁。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page." msgstr "抱歉,你沒有權限存取此頁面。" msgid "Import posts & media from Tumblr using their API." msgstr "透過 Tumblr 的 API 匯入文章及媒體檔案。" msgid "Import posts from an RSS feed." msgstr "從 RSS feed 匯入文章。" msgid "Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog." msgstr "從 Movable Type 或 TypepPad 網站匯入文章及留言。" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Delete %s" msgstr "刪除 %s" msgid "The %s stylesheet does not contain a valid theme header." msgstr "%s 樣式表沒有包含一個有效的佈景主題頁首。" msgid "Update progress" msgstr "更新進度" msgid "The theme is missing the %s stylesheet." msgstr "佈景主題缺少 %s 樣式表。" msgid "Live Preview “%s”" msgstr "即時預覽 “%s”" msgid "The language pack is missing either the %1$s or %2$s files." msgstr "語言包缺少 %1$s 或 %2$s 其中一個檔案。" msgid "Another update is currently in progress." msgstr "另一項更新正在進行中。" msgid "Hide Details" msgstr "隱藏細節" msgid "An error occurred while updating %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "在更新 %1$s 時發生錯誤:%2$s" msgid "Show Details" msgstr "顯示細節" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the links for this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得編輯這個網站的連結。" msgid "Plugin could not be deleted." msgstr "外掛無法被刪除。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete plugins for this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不能刪除這個網站的外掛。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage plugins for this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不能管理這個網站的外掛。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不能安裝外掛到這個網站。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update plugins for this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得更新這個網站的外掛。" msgid "No plugin specified." msgstr "沒有指定的外掛。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install themes on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得安裝佈景主題到這個網站。" msgid "No theme specified." msgstr "沒有指定佈景主題。" msgid "Run Importer" msgstr "執行匯入程式" msgid "Run %s" msgstr "執行 [%s]" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to export the content of this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得會出這個網站內容。" msgid "" "You can filter the list of posts by post status using the text links above " "the posts list to only show posts with that status. The default view is to " "show all posts." msgstr "" "你可以使用文章上方文字連結透過文章狀態篩選文章列表,僅顯示文章或狀態。預設檢" "視為顯示所有文章。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to customize this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許訪修改這網站。" msgid "Close the Customizer and go back to the previous page" msgstr "關閉自訂功能並回到上一頁" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to customize headers." msgstr "抱歉,你不得自訂頁首。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload files." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許上載文件。" msgid "Post on the go" msgstr "隨時隨地發佈文章" msgid "The power of publishing in your pocket" msgstr "透過手機,也能完全掌控網站。" msgid "" "Your download should start shortly. If it doesn't, click here " "to try again." msgstr "你的下載很快就會開始。如果沒有,點一下這裡重試。" msgid "Thanks for downloading the desktop app!" msgstr "感謝你下載 桌面應用程式!" msgid "Not one size fits all" msgstr "單一尺寸無法滿足所有需求" msgid "" "The desktop app builds upon the already fast by bundling the " "entire site as a local copy. You get near-instant page-loads and less " "waiting around." msgstr "" "透過將整個網站統合為本機副本的方式,我們以原先就十分快速的 作為" "桌面應用程式的建置基礎。你可享有近乎即時的頁面載入體驗,等候時間也變少了。" msgid "Speed" msgstr "速度" msgid "Speed is a feature" msgstr "速度是一大特色" msgid "Focus on your content" msgstr "專注於你的內容" msgid "Focus" msgstr "專心致志" msgid "Also available for:" msgstr "其他可用版本:" msgid "A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your taskbar." msgstr "下載桌面應用程式,讓 WordPress 常駐在工具列上。" msgid "A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your dock." msgstr "下載桌面應用程式,讓 WordPress 常駐在 Dock 介面。" msgid "Header Links" msgstr "頁首連結" msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location." msgstr "看來在這裡沒找到任何東西。" msgid "" "We’ve sent a message to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Please check your " "email to confirm your address." msgstr "" "我們已將信件寄至 {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}。請檢查你的電子郵件,確認其正" "確無誤。" msgid "Now that we've taken care of the plan, it's time to see your new site." msgstr "選定方案後,是時候瞧瞧你的全新網站了。" msgid "" "Unable to buy privacy protection, the domain %s is purchased by different " "user." msgstr "其他使用者購買已購買網域「%s」,故無法購買隱私權保護。" msgid "Tag or Category Name" msgstr "標籤或分類名稱" msgid "Don't have Jetpack installed?" msgstr "尚未安裝 Jetpack?" msgid "" "Attend live courses led by Happiness Engineers to get the most out of your " "site." msgstr "參加由 Happiness Engineer 主講的即時課程,充分運用你的網站。" msgid "No receipts found." msgstr "找不到收據。" msgid "Get in touch with our support team" msgstr "聯絡支援團隊" msgid "Get help from volunteers and staff" msgstr "獲得自願者和員工的協助" msgid "Have a question about this theme?" msgstr "對此佈景主題有疑問嗎?" msgid "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is pending transfer." msgstr "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 正待確認。" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is pending transfer. You must wait for the " "transfer to finish, and then update the settings at the new registrar." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 正待確認。你必須等到轉移作業完成,才能在新的" "註冊機構更新設定。" msgid "This upgrade adds the domain \"%1$s\" to your site." msgstr "該升級會將「%1$s」網域新增至您的網站。" msgid "" "The domain upgrade for %1$s associated with your blog %2$s is " "about to expire." msgstr "與網誌 %2$s 關聯的%1$s網域升級即將到期。" msgid "Click to edit the site title" msgstr "按下以編輯網站標題" msgid "Click to edit this menu" msgstr "點一下編輯選單" msgid "Click to edit the footer credit" msgstr "點一下編輯頁尾版權宣告" msgid "" "%(hiddenSitesCount)d more hidden site. {{a}}Change{{/a}}.{{br/}}Use search " "to access it." msgid_plural "" "%(hiddenSitesCount)d more hidden sites. {{a}}Change{{/a}}.{{br/}}Use search " "to access them." msgstr[0] "" "還有 %(hiddenSitesCount)d 個隱藏網站。{{a}}變更{{/a}}{{br/}}透過搜尋存取隱藏" "網站。" msgid "Support Chat" msgstr "支援交談" msgid "Create a free blog —" msgstr "建立免費網誌 —" msgid "Create a free website —" msgstr "建立免費網站 —" msgid "Discover great reads —" msgstr "發掘精彩讀物 —" msgid "" "There was a problem with your payment. Please contact support quoting error " "%s." msgstr "你的付款發生問題。請聯絡支援團隊,並引述錯誤 %s。" msgid "" "These settings can be changed by the user {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "只有 {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}} 能夠變更這些設定。" msgctxt "Expired domain notice" msgid "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} expired %(timeSince)s." msgstr "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} 已於%(timeSince)s 到期。" msgctxt "Expired domain notice" msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} expired %(timeSince)s. It can " "be renewed by the user {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "「{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}」網域已於%(timeSince)s 到期。只有 " "{{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}} 能夠更新該網域。" msgctxt "Expired domain notice" msgid "" "Some domains on this site expired recently. They can be renewed by their " "owners." msgstr "本網站的一些網域已在最近到期。這些網域的擁有者可以更新網域。" msgctxt "Expiring soon domain notice" msgid "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} is expiring %(timeUntil)s." msgstr "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} 即將在 %(timeUntil)s 到期。" msgctxt "Expiring soon domain notice" msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} will expire %(timeUntil)s. It " "can be renewed by the user {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "「{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}」網域即將在 %(timeUntil)s 到期。只有 " "{{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}} 能夠更新該網域。" msgctxt "Expiring domain notice" msgid "" "Some domains on this site are about to expire. They can be renewed by their " "owners." msgstr "本網站的一些網域即將到期。這些網域的擁有者可以更新網域。" msgid "" "Your domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} may be suspended because your " "email address is not verified." msgstr "" "你可能會永久失去「{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}」網域,因為你的電子郵件地址" "並未完成驗證。" msgid "" "Your domains may be suspended because your email address is not verified." msgstr "你的網域可能會被停用,因為你的電子郵件地址並未完成驗證。" msgid "Issues with your domains" msgstr "你的網域出現問題。" msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} may be suspended because the " "owner, {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}, has not verified their contact " "information." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 網域可能遭到停用,因為網域擁有者 " "{{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}} 尚未驗證其聯絡資訊。" msgid "Issues with {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 出現問題。" msgid "" "Some domains on this site are about to be suspended because their owner has " "not verified their contact information." msgstr "本網站的一些網域即將遭到停用,因為網域擁有者尚未驗證其聯絡資訊。" msgid "Issues with domains on this site" msgstr "本網站的一些網域出現問題。" msgid "Latest course" msgstr "最新課程" msgid "%(commentCount)d comment" msgid_plural "%(commentCount)d comments" msgstr[0] "%(commentCount)d 則留言" msgid "" "Upgrade to access webinars and courses to learn how to make the most of your " "site" msgstr "升級即可存取網路研討會及課程,瞭解如何充分運用你的網站" msgid "How to Make a Business Site on" msgstr "如何在 設立商用網站" msgid "" "A 60-minute overview course with two of our Happiness Engineers. In this " "live group session, we will provide an overview of, discuss " "features of the Business plan, provide a basic setup overview " "to help you get started with your site, and show you where to find " "additional resources and help in the future." msgstr "" "由兩位 Happiness Engineer 主講的 60 分鐘概述課程。在這個現場小組課程中,我們" "將概略介紹 及 商務版方案的功能,簡略說明架設網站" "的基本設定方法,還會告訴你日後如何取得其他資源及協助。" msgid "%(date)s at %(time)s" msgstr "%(date)s %(time)s" msgid "New course" msgstr "新規講座" msgid "" "Add advertising to your site through our WordAds program and earn money from " "impressions." msgstr "你可以透過 WordAds 程式在網站上新增廣告刊登,透過曝光次數賺取獲利。" msgid "Error authorizing your site. Please {{link}}contact support{{/link}}." msgstr "授權網站時發生錯誤。請{{link}}聯絡支援團隊{{/link}}。" msgid "Error Details" msgstr "錯誤詳細資料" msgid "We had trouble connecting." msgstr "連線時發生錯誤。" msgid "" " was unable to reach your site and approve the connection. Try " "again by clicking the button above; if that doesn't work you may need to " "{{link}}contact support{{/link}}." msgstr "" " 無法連線至你的網站核准連線。請按一下上方的按鈕再試一次;如果仍" "舊失敗,請{{link}}聯絡支援團隊{{/link}}。" msgid "" "Looking for other options? See more plans." msgstr "" "想瞭解其他更多選項嗎?查看更多方案。" msgid "Page scheduled." msgstr "頁面已排期發佈。" msgid "Courses" msgstr "課程" msgid "Comment not found." msgstr "沒有留言。" msgid "Error authorizing credit card. Please Contact Support quoting error %s." msgstr "認證信用卡時發生錯誤。請聯絡支援團隊,並引述錯誤 %s。" msgid "Payment methods" msgstr "付款方式" msgid "No error details provided." msgstr "未提供任何錯誤詳細資訊。" msgid "Show Previews" msgstr "顯示預覽" msgid "Page Title Structure" msgstr "頁面標題結構" msgid "" "You can set the structure of page titles for different sections of your " "site. Doing this will change the way your site title is displayed in search " "engines, social media sites, and browser tabs." msgstr "" "你可以為自己網站上的不同區段設定網頁標題結構。這樣做會改變你的網站標題在搜尋" "引擎結果中,以及在社交媒體網站和瀏覽器分頁中的顯示方式。" msgid "" "Craft a description of your Website up to 160 characters that will be used " "in search engine results for your front page, and when your website is " "shared on social media sites." msgstr "" "為你的網站撰寫最多 160 個字元的說明,這會用在搜尋引擎結果中說明你的首頁,也會" "在分享網站到社交媒體網站時使用。" msgid "Website Meta" msgstr "網站中繼資料" msgid "" "VaultPress has detected a potential security threat on your site %1$s. " "Please visit your VaultPress dashboard for further " "details." msgstr "" "VaultPress 在你的網站上偵測到潛在安全性威脅 %1$s。請造訪你的 VaultPress 儀表板,以取得進一步詳細資訊。" msgid "VaultPress Security: Threat Found" msgstr "VaultPress 安全性:發現威脅" msgid "VaultPress has detected a potential security threat on your site %s." msgstr "VaultPress 在你的網站上偵測到潛在安全性威脅 %s。" msgid "Your %1$s upgrade for %2$s is due for renewal" msgstr "%2$s 的 %1$s 升級已到期,需要續訂" msgid "" "The %1$d upgrades added to your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$d upgrades added to your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d days." msgstr[0] "新增到「%2$s」網站的 %1$d 項升級將會於 %3$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "" "The %1$s upgrade added to your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s upgrade added to your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d days." msgstr[0] "新增到「%2$s」網站的 %1$s 升級將會於 %3$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "Your %1$s purchase for %2$s renews soon" msgstr "即將續訂 %2$s 的 %1$s 購買項目" msgid "Versatile plans and pricing" msgstr "多元的方案與價格" msgid "Google Analytics integration" msgstr "Google Analytics 整合" msgid "Remove branding" msgstr "移除 的品牌標誌" msgid " Create a free website or blog" msgstr "建立免費網站或網誌" msgid "Desktop Apps" msgstr "桌上型電腦應用程式" msgid "" "Your site has been identified as serving mature content. Our advertisers " "would like to include only family-friendly sites in the program." msgstr "" "你的網站經確認有刊登成人內容。我們的廣告商希望本計畫只包含適合全年齡的網站。" msgid "" "Your site has been identified as serving automatically created or copied " "content. We cannot serve WordAds on these kind of sites." msgstr "" "你的網站經確認有刊登自動產生或複製的內容。我們無法在這類型網站提供 WordAds。" msgid "" "Your site is marked as private. It needs to be public so that visitors can " "see the ads." msgstr "你的網站被標記為私人網站。網站需設為公開,訪客才能看到廣告。" msgid "Change privacy settings" msgstr "變更隱私設定" msgid "Your site cannot participate in the WordAds program." msgstr "你的網站無法參與 WordAds 計畫。" msgid "Starting at" msgstr "起價:" msgid "Welcome to %s." msgstr "歡迎使用 %s。" msgid "" "Welcome to %s. You now have access to state-of-the-art WordPress security " "services, as well as expert support." msgstr "歡迎使用 %s。現在你可以享受最新的 WordPress 安全服務和專家支援。" msgid "Post about %(title)s" msgstr "張貼關於 %(title)s 的文章" msgid "Your site is not permitted in WordAds." msgstr "你的網站尚未獲得 WordAds 許可" msgid "" "%1$s subscriptions are expiring in less than 7 days! Uh oh!" msgstr "%1$s 訂閱將於 7 天內到期!糟糕!" msgid "" "Some of your domain subscriptions will expire soon. Visitors may not be able " "to reach your site." msgstr "你的部分網域訂閱即將到期。訪客可能無法造訪你的網站。" msgid "%1$s expires in less than 7 days! Uh oh!" msgstr "%1$s 將於 7 天內到期!糟糕!" msgid "" "The domain %1$s will expire on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not see \"%3$s\"." msgstr "網域 %1$s 將於 %2$s 到期。存取 %1$s 的訪客將看不到「%3$s」。" msgid "" "The domain %1$s will expire on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not see this site." msgstr "網域 %1$s 將於 %2$s 到期。存取 %1$s 的訪客將看不到此網站。" msgid "" "To keep your registrations, they have to be renewed yearly. Renewing expired " "registrations becomes more costly and complicated as time goes by. Renew " "your registrations now before it’s too late." msgstr "" "若要保留註冊,您必須每年續訂。越晚續訂到期註冊,費用會越高,且處理程序也會越" "複雜。事不宜遲,請立即續訂註冊。" msgid "and %1$d more..." msgstr "和 %1$d 等…" msgid "" "Some of your domain subscriptions have expired. Visitors may not be able to " "reach your site." msgstr "你的部分網域訂閱已到期。訪客可能無法造訪你的網站。" msgid "" "To address this issue, renew your domain, or cancel and remove it from your " "site. Renewing will ensure your ownership of this domain for another year. " "Canceling will immediately remove the domain from your site, and it will " "eventually be available for public registration again. Only cancel this " "domain if you are sure you will never need it in the future." msgstr "" "若要解決此問題,請續訂你的網域,或是取消並從網站移除該網域。續訂後就能再使用" "該網域一年。一旦取消,系統會立即從你的網站移除該網域,並開放其他人註冊。因" "此,請只有在你確定日後不再需要該網域時,才選擇取消。" msgid "%1$s has expired! Oh no!" msgstr "%1$s 已到期!糟糕!" msgid "" "To keep your domain, it has to be renewed yearly. Renewing expired domains " "becomes more costly and complicated as time goes by. Renew this domain now " "before it’s too late." msgstr "" "若要保留網域,你必須每年續訂。越晚續訂到期網域,費用會越高,且處理程序也會越" "複雜。事不宜遲,請立即續訂網域。" msgid "" "The domain %1$s expired on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not see \"%3$s\"." msgstr "網域 %1$s 已於 %2$s 到期。存取 %1$s 的訪客將看不到「%3$s」。" msgid "" "The domain %1$s expired on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not see this site." msgstr "網域 %1$s 已於 %2$s 到期。存取 %1$s 的訪客將看不到此網站。" msgid "" "Get a free website and be on your way to publishing your first post in less " "than five minutes." msgstr "擁有免費網站,五分鐘內即可開始發佈第一篇文章。" msgid "That's too short. Enter a full phone number." msgstr "號碼過短。請輸入完整電話號碼。" msgid "Enter your last name." msgstr "請輸入姓氏。" msgid "Enter your first name." msgstr "請輸入名字。" msgid "Enter your address." msgstr "請輸入地址。" msgid "" "Choose between a full post or an excerpt for the blog and archive pages, or " "opt for the theme's default combination of excerpt and full post." msgstr "" "選擇要在網誌和封存頁面上採用全文或文章摘要模式,或者套用該佈景主題同時顯示全" "文及文章摘要的預設設定。" msgid "" "Adds tools to enhance your site's content for better results on search " "engines and social media." msgstr "新增可強化網站內容的工具,幫你在搜尋引擎與社交媒體中取得更好結果。" msgid "The transaction was declined." msgstr "交易遭到拒絕。" msgctxt "Notice for mapped subdomain that has DNS records need to set up" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domainName)s's{{/strong}} DNS records need to be configured." msgstr "必須設定 {{strong}}%(domainName)s 的{{/strong}} DNS 記錄。" msgctxt "Notice for mapped subdomain that has DNS records need to set up" msgid "Some of your domains' DNS records need to be configured." msgstr "必須設定你網域的部分 DNS 記錄。" msgctxt "Mapped domain notice with NS records pointing to somewhere else" msgid "Some of your domains' name server records need to be configured." msgstr "必須設定你網域的部分名稱伺服器記錄。" msgid "Fix" msgstr "修正" msgid "Select your custom domain" msgstr "選取你的自訂網域" msgid "Quit" msgstr "結束" msgid "Vendor" msgstr "廠商" msgid "" "Sync some of your data and site settings to " "Learn more." msgstr "" "將部分資料與網站設定同步至。瞭解更多。" msgid "No user found for this email address" msgstr "找不到此電子郵件地址的使用者" msgid "No accounts found for this domain." msgstr "找不到此網域的帳戶。" msgid "" "Google now requires an API key to use their maps on your site. See our documentation for instructions on acquiring a key." msgstr "" "Google 現在需要 API 金鑰才能在你的網站上使用他們的地圖。查看我" "們的文件以瞭解取得金鑰的指示。" msgid "Google Maps API Key" msgstr "Google 地圖 API 金鑰" msgid "Invitation failed to resend." msgstr "無法傳送邀請" msgid "Log" msgstr "Log" msgid "%(count)s Like" msgid_plural "%(count)s Likes" msgstr[0] "%(count)s 個讚" msgid "" "Trouble activating your account? Just click this button and we'll resend the " "activation for you." msgstr "啟用帳戶時遇到問題嗎?請按一下此按鈕,我們會重新寄送啟用電子郵件。" msgid "Primary Action" msgstr "主要動作" msgid "Team" msgstr "團隊" msgid "You dropped: %s" msgstr "你已拖放:%s" msgid "This is a droppable area" msgstr "這是可拖放區域" msgid "" "Ask our Happiness Engineers questions in this app, or find answers in our " "community forum." msgstr "" "透過此應用程式向我們的 Happiness Engineer 提問,或前往社群論壇尋找答案。" msgid "Claim your custom domain" msgstr "索取自訂網域" msgid "Build a website that’s truly your own." msgstr "建立真正屬於你的網站。" msgid "Build your website or blog today" msgstr "立即建立你的網站或網誌" msgid "A site that's all you" msgstr "記錄你所有一切的網站" msgid "Post on" msgstr "張貼時間:" msgid "Discover Challenge: " msgstr "Discover 大考驗:" msgid "Photo Challenge: " msgstr "照片大挑戰:" msgid "Full sync will begin shortly" msgstr "即將開始完整同步" msgid "Manage all of your WordPress sites from one location." msgstr "從單一位置管理所有 WordPress 網站。" msgid "Centralized Dashboard" msgstr "集中式儀表板" msgid "" "Build and engage your audience with more than a dozen optimization tools." msgstr "使用十種以上的最佳化工具,建立讀者群並與讀者互動。" msgid "Traffic and Promotion Tools" msgstr "流量與提升工具" msgid "The most important metrics for your site." msgstr "衡量網站最重要的指標。" msgid "" "Brute force protection, downtime monitoring, secure sign on, and automatic " "updates for your plugins." msgstr "暴力密碼破解攻擊保護、運作時間監控、安全登入,以及外掛程式自動更新。" msgid "Standard security tools" msgstr "標準安全性工具" msgid "" "The features most needed by WordPress sites — perfectly packaged and " "optimized for everyone." msgstr "" "WordPress 網站最需要的功能已經過完美封裝及最佳化,勢必可滿足所有人的需求。" msgid " Plans" msgstr " 方案" msgid "Previous Step" msgstr "上一步" msgid "" "Get instant notifications for new comments and likes, even when you are not " "actively using" msgstr "" "即使在沒有使用 的時候,也能立即收到新留言、按讚等即時通知。" msgid "Always allow on this site" msgstr "在此網站一律允許" msgid "Notifications: Ask by default" msgstr "通知:依預設詢問" msgid "Create a website with" msgstr "用 建立網站" msgid "13GB Storage Space" msgstr "13GB 儲存空間" msgid "Start with Free" msgstr "免費開始使用" msgid "VideoPress support" msgstr "VideoPress 支援" msgid "Monetize your site" msgstr "透過網站獲利" msgid "Unlimited Storage Space" msgstr "無限儲存空間" msgid "Unlimited Premium Themes" msgstr "無限使用進階版佈景主題" msgid "" "Keep the focus on your site\\'s brand by removing the footer " "branding." msgstr "移除 的頁尾品牌標誌,突顯你的網站品牌。" msgid "" "With increased storage space you\\'ll be able to upload more images, videos, " "audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "提供更大的儲存空間,讓你可以上載更多圖片、影片、音訊和文件至你的網站。" msgid "" "Access to a wide range of professional theme templates for your website so " "you can find the exact design you\\'re looking for." msgstr "提供各種專業的佈景主題範本,讓你找出心目中最適合你的網站的設計。" msgid "" "Once you've allowed notifications, you may need to refresh your browser." msgstr "允許顯示通知後,可能必須重新整理瀏覽器。" msgid " personal" msgstr " 個人版" msgid "" "Whether you’re creating a hobby blog, portfolio or a business site, get " "started easily with" msgstr "" "不論你想建立記錄個人愛好的網誌、個人作品集或商業網站,都能在 輕" "鬆開始。" msgid "" "Everything you need to create your personal website or blog is included in " "our Personal Plan. Choose your custom domain, pick a theme, personalize it " "with your designs and content, and impress your visitors." msgstr "" "「個人版方案」提供一切必要工具,協助你建立個人網站或網誌。選擇自訂網域、挑選" "佈景主題,運用設計和內容將網站個人化,讓訪客留下深刻印象。" msgid "Start with Personal" msgstr "選擇「個人方案」" msgid "Upgrade to Personal" msgstr "升級為個人版" msgid "Create your dazzling website or blog today." msgstr "立即建立光彩奪目的網站或網誌。" msgid "" "Open the link we sent you to log in using your account. If " "you’re on another device or the link doesn’t work, enter the code from the " "email below." msgstr "" "請開啟我們傳送給你的連結,以透過你的 帳戶登入。如果你使用的是其" "他裝置,或此連結無效,請輸入郵件下方的代碼。" msgid "Transaction ID" msgstr "交易 ID:" msgid "" "With your plan, all advertising has been removed from your " "site." msgstr "你的方案已將所有 廣告從網站移除。" msgid "Advertising Removed" msgstr "廣告已移除" msgid "" "Below you'll find previews that represent how your post will look when it's " "found or shared across a variety of networks." msgstr "若要查看在各家網站搜尋或分享文章時的版面樣式,請於下方預覽。" msgid "External previews" msgstr "外部預覽" msgid "Jetpack is active - now make it work for your site." msgstr "Jetpack 已啟用:現在讓它在你的網站上大展所長。" msgid "Configure Jetpack: %s" msgstr "設定 Jetpack:%s" msgid "" "Visit your dashboard to explore and activate the features you need, from " "stats to spam protection." msgstr "立即前往儀表板搜尋並啟用所需功能,例如統計資料或垃圾郵件防護。" msgid "" "With Jetpack, you now have the tools to secure your site, grow your traffic, " "and build your online presence." msgstr "Jetpack 的工具可保護你的網站、提高流量,讓你打開網路知名度。" msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack, a powerful WordPress experience and a community of over " "two million site owners." msgstr "" "歡迎使用 Jetpack 享受美好的 WordPress 體驗,加入超過兩百萬個網站擁有者的社" "群。" msgid "Welcome to a better way of managing WordPress." msgstr "歡迎加入以更有效的方式來管理 WordPress。" msgid "" "Our next-generation WordPress interface is free for every Jetpack site. Use " "it to view stats, manage plugins and themes, enable auto-updates, and more." msgstr "" "我們新一代的 WordPress 介面,可供所有 Jetpack 網站免費使用。你可使用此介面來" "查看統計、管理外掛程式和佈景主題、啟用自動更新,及執行其他更多功能。" msgid "The New WordPress Experience" msgstr "WordPress 全新體驗" msgid "Malware scanning and removal" msgstr "惡意軟體掃描和移除。" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "升級" msgid "" "This plan includes the custom domain, %(domain)s. The domain will not be " "removed along with the plan, to avoid any interruptions for your visitors. " msgstr "" "此方案包括自訂網域,%(domain)s。為避免訪客遭遇網站服務中斷,此網域不會隨著方" "案移除。" msgid "" "This plan includes the custom domain mapping for %(mappedDomain)s. The " "domain will not be removed along with the plan, to avoid any interruptions " "for your visitors. " msgstr "" "此方案包括 %(mappedDomain)s 的自訂網域對應。為避免訪客遭遇網站服務中斷,此網" "域不會隨著方案移除。" msgid "" "This plan includes the custom domain, %(domain)s, normally a %(domainCost)s " "purchase. The domain will not be removed along with the plan, to avoid any " "interruptions for your visitors. " msgstr "" "此方案包括自訂網域,%(domain)s,購買成本通常為 %(domainCost)s。為避免訪客遭遇" "網站服務中斷,此網域不會隨著方案移除。" msgid "Content type unsupported" msgstr "不支援的內容類型" msgid "Your site does not support this content type" msgstr "你的網站不支援此內容類型" msgid "Activate custom content types in your site settings" msgstr "在網站設定啟用自訂內容類型" msgid "Testimonials are not enabled" msgstr "證言未啟用" msgid "Portfolios are not enabled" msgstr "個人作品集未啟用" msgid "Ask your site administrator to grant you access" msgstr "要求網站管理員提供存取權限" msgid "You need permission to manage this post type" msgstr "需要權限才能管理此文章類型" msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this post?" msgstr "你確定要永久刪除此文章?" msgid "There's been an error. Please try again later." msgstr "發生錯誤。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Activation email sent. Please check your inbox." msgstr "啟用電子郵件已送出。請檢查你的收件匣。" msgctxt "Terms: New term being created is top level" msgid "Top level %(term)s" msgstr "最上層 %(term)s" msgctxt "Terms: Add term error message - duplicate term name exists" msgid "Name already exists" msgstr "名稱已存在" msgid "Display tags" msgstr "顯示標籤" msgid "Post Details" msgstr "文章詳情" msgid "" "Choose between a full post or an excerpt for the blog and archive pages." msgstr "選擇要在網誌和封存頁面上採用全文或文章摘要模式。" msgid "Blog Display" msgstr "部落格顯示" msgid "Content Options" msgstr "內容選項" msgid "Published by %s" msgstr "發佈者:%s" msgid "Get support through our user community forums." msgstr "透過我們的使用者社群論壇取得支援。" msgid "" "Your site address will use a subdomain (sitename.wordpress." "com)." msgstr "你的網站位址將使用 子網域 (網站名稱。" msgid "Hooray!" msgstr "太棒了!" msgid "Post successfully restored" msgstr "文章已成功還原" msgid "An error occurred while restoring the post" msgstr "還原文章時發生錯誤" msgid "An error occurred while restoring \"%s\"" msgstr "還原「%s」時發生錯誤" msgid "Thanks, got it!" msgstr "知道了,謝謝!" msgid "" "Here you can control the design of your site. Change your site title, update " "the colors and fonts, and even add a header image. Explore widgets to find " "new features and content to add to your website." msgstr "" "你可以在這裡更改網站的設計。變更網站的標題、更新色彩及字型,甚至可以新增頁首" "圖片。探索小工具找到更多新功能及內容,加入到你的網站。" msgid "Cooking" msgstr "烹飪" msgid "Succulents" msgstr "多肉植物" msgid "Daisy" msgstr "雛菊" msgid "Blurred Lights" msgstr "模糊的燈光" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the post" msgstr "刪除文章時發生錯誤" msgid "An error occurred while deleting \"%s\"" msgstr "刪除 %s 時發生錯誤" msgid "Check connection" msgstr "檢查連線" msgid "There was an error scheduling a full sync." msgstr "排程完整同步時發生錯誤。" msgctxt "Button to select a paid plan by plan name, e.g., \"Select Personal\"" msgid "Select %(plan)s" msgstr "選取%(plan)s" msgid "Full sync in progress" msgstr "正在進行完整的同步作業" msgid "SiteGround" msgstr "SiteGround" msgid "Return to %(sitename)s" msgstr "返回 %(sitename)s" msgid "Preparing authorization" msgstr "授權準備中" msgid "" "You are the owner of %(purchaseName)s but because you are no longer a user " "on %(siteSlug)s, renewing it will require staff assistance. Please " "{{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}, and consider " "transferring this purchase to another active user on %(siteSlug)s to avoid " "this issue in the future." msgstr "" "你是 %(purchaseName)s 的擁有者,但是你已不是 %(siteSlug)s 的使用者;若要更" "新,請尋求員工協助。請 {{contactSupportLink}} 聯絡支援團隊{{/" "contactSupportLink}},並考慮將此購買項目轉移至 %(siteSlug)s 的其他有效使用" "者,以避免此問題再次發生。" msgid "Bluehost" msgstr "Bluehost" msgid "Account Info" msgstr "帳戶資訊" msgid "Change footer credit" msgstr "變更頁尾版權宣告" msgid "" "You can customize your website by changing the footer credit in customizer." msgstr "你可以使用自訂工具來變更頁尾版權宣告,並且自訂頁尾的內容。" msgid "" "Keep the focus on your site's brand by removing the footer " "branding." msgstr "移除 的頁尾品牌標誌,突顯你的網站品牌。" msgid "Activate this design" msgstr "啟用此設計" msgid "{{strong}}200 GB{{/strong}} storage space" msgstr "{{strong}}200 GB{{/strong}} 儲存空間" msgid "Repair any security issues found on your site with just a single click." msgstr "只要按一下滑鼠,我們將立即修復你在網站上發現的任何安全性問題。" msgid "" "Automated security scanning with the option to run complete site scans at " "any time." msgstr "我們備有自動化安全性掃描,讓客戶可以選擇隨時為網站進行完整的掃描。" msgid "" "Comprehensive, automated scanning for security vulnerabilities or threats on " "your site." msgstr "我們為網站上任何安全性弱點或威協提供全方位的自動化掃描服務。" msgid "Easily and quickly move or duplicate your site to any location." msgstr "你可以輕鬆又快速地將你的網站移動或複製到任何位置。" msgid "Restore your site from any available backup with a single click." msgstr "只要按一下滑鼠,便可透過任何可用的備份還原你的網站。" msgid "Absolutely no limits on storage space for your backups." msgstr "備份時,儲存空間絕對不受限制。" msgid "Browse or restore any backup made since you activated the service." msgstr "你可以瀏覽或還原服務啟用後所做的任何備份。" msgid "Browse or restore any backup made within the past 30 days." msgstr "你可以瀏覽或還原 30 天內所做的任何備份。" msgid "" "Automatic real-time backups of every single aspect of your site. Stored " "safely and optimized for WordPress." msgstr "" "你可以針對網站的所有層面進行即時自動備份。安全地儲存各種資料,並針對 " "WordPress 進行最佳化。" msgid "State-of-the-art spam defense, powered by Akismet." msgstr "採用 Akismet 提供的最新技術,可阻擋垃圾訊息。" msgid "" "High quality support to help you get your website up and running and working " "how you want it." msgstr "" "我們提供高品質的支援,可協助你建立自己的專屬網站,並以你想要的方式運作。" msgid "6GB Storage Space" msgstr "6GB 儲存空間" msgid "Email & Live Chat Support" msgstr "電子郵件與即時文字對談支援" msgid "3GB Storage Space" msgstr "3GB 儲存空間" msgid "" "Access to a wide range of professional theme templates for your website so " "you can find the exact design you're looking for." msgstr "你可以取得各種專業的佈景主題範本,為你的網站找出最適合的設計。" msgid "" "Allow your visitors to visit and read your website without seeing any " " advertising." msgstr "" "如此可讓訪客不受 廣告刊登的打擾,盡情造訪、瀏覽你的網站。" msgid "Remove Branding" msgstr "不顯示 商標" msgid "" "Customize your selected theme template with extended color schemes, " "background designs, and complete control over website CSS." msgstr "" "你可以藉由延伸色彩配置、背景設計,並充分掌握網站的 CSS 來自訂你所選的佈景主題" "範本。" msgid "Remove Ads" msgstr "不顯示 廣告" msgid "%sAdvanced%s Design Customization" msgstr "%s進階%s自訂設計" msgid "" "Customize your selected theme template with pre-set color schemes, " "background designs, and font styles." msgstr "你可以藉由預設的色彩配置、背景設計和字型樣式來自訂所選的佈景主題範本。" msgid "Basic Design Customization" msgstr "基本自訂設計選項" msgid "" "The easiest way to upload videos to your website and display them using a " "fast, unbranded, customizable player with rich stats." msgstr "" "你可以使用快速、無品牌、可自訂的播放器,及豐富的統計資料,以最輕鬆的方式將影" "片上載至你的網站。" msgid "" "Unlimited access to all of our advanced premium theme templates, including " "templates specifically tailored for businesses." msgstr "你可以無限制取得所有進階版佈景主題範本,包括企業專用的範本。" msgid "VideoPress Support" msgstr "支援 VideoPress" msgid "Custom Domain Name" msgstr "自訂網域名稱" msgid "" "With increased storage space you'll be able to upload more images, videos, " "audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "" "我們提供更大的儲存空間,你將可以上載更多圖片、影片、音訊和文件至你的網站。" msgid "" "Track website statistics with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of " "your website visitors and customers." msgstr "" "你可以使用 Google Analytics 來追蹤網站統計資料,更深入瞭解你的網站的訪客和客" "戶。" msgid "My Plan" msgstr "我的方案" msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "反垃圾內容" msgid "Backups & Security" msgstr "備份與安全性" msgid "Post successfully published" msgstr "文章已成功發佈" msgid "" "Removing this record will delete your current {{a}}Email Forwards{{/a}}." msgstr "若移除此記錄,會一併刪除你目前的{{a}}電子郵件轉寄{{/a}}。" msgid "Keep Records and Email Forwards" msgstr "保存記錄與電子郵件轉寄" msgid "Deactivate Email Forwards and Remove Records" msgstr "停用電子郵件轉寄並移除記錄" msgid "Powered by" msgstr "由 建置" msgid "A Website" msgstr "一個WordPress.com網站" msgid "Footer Credit" msgstr "頁尾版權宣告" msgid "" "There were some issues installing your plugins. It may be possible to fix " "this by {{a}}manually installing{{/a}} the plugins." msgstr "" "安裝外掛程式時發生了一些問題。{{a}}手動安裝{{/a}}外掛程式也許能解決問題。" msgid "" "There was an issue installing %(plugin)s. It may be possible to fix this by " "{{a}}manually installing{{/a}} the plugin." msgstr "" "安裝 %(plugin)s 時發生問題。{{a}}手動安裝{{/a}} 外掛程式也許能解決此問題。" msgid "We can't install plugins on multi-network sites." msgstr "我們無法在多網路網站安裝外掛程式。" msgid "We can't install plugins on multisite sites." msgstr "我們無法在多站台網站安裝外掛程式。" msgid "There was a problem retrieving stored cards." msgstr "擷取儲存的信用卡時發生問題。" msgid "There was a problem deleting the stored card." msgstr "刪除儲存的信用卡時發生問題。" msgid "Post successfully moved to trash." msgstr "文章已成功移至垃圾桶" msgid "Private whois upgrade not deleted." msgstr "私密 Whois 升級未刪除。" msgid "" "Only numbers, letters, dashes, underscores, apostrophes and periods are " "allowed." msgstr "只能填入英數字、短破折號、底線、所有格號以及句點。" msgid "Kerry" msgstr "Kerry" msgid "Email support" msgstr "電子郵件支援" msgid "Invalid SEO title format." msgstr "無效的 SEO 標題格式。" msgid "" "No problem! Feel free to {{helpLink}}get in touch{{/helpLink}} with our " "Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "沒問題!歡迎隨時與我們的 Happiness Engineer {{helpLink}}聯絡{{/helpLink}}。" msgid "" "Many of Jetpack's core features make use of the cloud. In " "order to make sure everything works correctly, Jetpack requires you to " "connect a free account. If you don't already have an account " "you can easily create one during the connection process." msgstr "" "Jetpack 的許多核心功能皆會使用 雲端。為了確保所有功能順利運作," "Jetpack 需要你連結一個 (免費的) 帳戶。如果你還沒有帳戶,可以在" "連線程序期間輕鬆建立帳戶。" msgid "Why do I need a account?" msgstr "為何需要 帳戶?" msgid "What are the hosting requirements?" msgstr "託管需求為何?" msgid "%(cost)s per year" msgstr "每年每個網域 %(cost)s" msgid "Where is your next adventure taking you?" msgstr "下次你打算到哪個地方展開冒險?" msgid "I no longer need a website or blog." msgstr "我不再需要網站或網誌。" msgid "What will you do instead?" msgstr "你打算怎麼做?" msgid "I'm going to use a different service for my website or blog." msgstr "我要讓我的網站或網誌使用不同服務。" msgid "Mind telling us which one?" msgstr "你願意告訴我們是哪一個嗎?" msgid "I'm going to use WordPress somewhere else." msgstr "我要到其他地方使用 WordPress。" msgid "Mind telling us where?" msgstr "你願意告訴我們是哪裡嗎?" msgid "I'm staying here and using the free plan." msgstr "我要留在這哩,並使用免費方案。" msgid "How can we improve our upgrades?" msgstr "我們如何改進升級內容?" msgid "This upgrade didn't include what I needed." msgstr "此升級內容未包含我需要的項目。" msgid "What are we missing that you need?" msgstr "我們缺少哪些你需要的東西?" msgid "Where did you run into problems?" msgstr "你在哪裡遇到問題?" msgid "" "Sorry, you cannot access this resource without providing an authorization " "token." msgstr "很抱歉,若未提供授權代碼,無法存取此資源。" msgid "Get back to Jetpack Connect screen" msgstr "返回「連線 Jetpack」畫面" msgid "Incompatible Archive. The package could not be installed." msgstr "不相容的封存。無法安裝此套件。" msgid "New tag name" msgstr "新標籤名稱" msgid "Already have Jetpack installed?" msgstr "已經安裝 Jetpack 了?" msgid "Daily and on-demand malware scanning" msgstr "每日與隨選即用惡意軟體掃描" msgid "Daily Malware Scanning" msgstr "每日惡意軟體掃描" msgid "Unlimited backup storage space" msgstr "無限備份儲存空間" msgctxt "Term Selector: term search/listing results" msgid "You may want to {{a}}create a new item{{/a}}." msgstr "你可以{{a}}建立新項目{{/a}}。" msgid "Have more questions?" msgstr "還有疑問嗎?" msgid "Can I install my own theme?" msgstr "可以安裝自己的佈景主題嗎?" msgid "Try & Customize on:" msgstr "試用與自訂於:" msgid "Promotions" msgstr "促銷" msgid "Get Professional" msgstr "取得專業版" msgid "What is the oldest version of Jetpack supported?" msgstr "Jetpack 支援的最舊版本為何?" msgid "Closed for the holidays" msgstr "於假期期間關閉" msgid "Closed for a Meetup" msgstr "於會議期間關閉" msgid "Support is Open!" msgstr "支援服務已開放!" msgid "Must specify Twitter Timeline id or username." msgstr "必須指定 Twitter 時間軸 ID 或使用者名稱。" msgid "Ready for activation" msgstr "隨時可啟用" msgid "Latest Drafts" msgstr "最新草稿" msgid "Use your own domain and establish your online presence without ads." msgstr "使用你的專屬網域,建立無廣告的線上平台。" msgid " Personal" msgstr " 個人版" msgctxt "Jetpack Professional Plan" msgid "Professional" msgstr "專業版" msgid "Professional" msgstr "專業版方案" msgid " Subdomain" msgstr " 子網域" msgid "Manual Installation" msgstr "手動安裝" msgid "" "Due to {{a1}}trademark policy{{/a1}}, we are not able to allow domains " "containing {{strong}}WordPress{{/strong}} to be registered or mapped here. " "Please {{a2}}contact support{{/a2}} if you have any questions." msgstr "" "由於{{a1}}商標政策{{/a1}}的緣故,我們不允許在此註冊或對應內含 {{strong}}" "WordPress{{/strong}} 的網域。如有任何疑問,請{{a2}}聯絡支援團隊{{/a2}}。" msgid "per month, billed monthly" msgstr "按月計費,每月結帳一次" msgid "Malware Scanning" msgstr "惡意軟體掃描" msgid "Backup Storage Space" msgstr "備份儲存空間" msgid "Backup Archive" msgstr "備份封存" msgid "On-demand malware scanning" msgstr "隨選即用惡意軟體掃描" msgid "One-click threat resolution" msgstr "一鍵排除所有威脅" msgid "Real-time, offsite backups" msgstr "即時異地備份" msgid "Daily, offsite backups" msgstr "每日異地備份" msgid "Easy site migration" msgstr "網站輕鬆遷移" msgid "Daily malware scanning" msgstr "每日惡意軟體掃瞄" msgid "checkout" msgstr "結帳" msgid "Email confirmed!" msgstr "電子郵件已確認!" msgctxt "Domain mapping suggestion button" msgid "Select" msgstr "選取" msgctxt "Domain mapping suggestion button with plan upgrade" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "升級" msgid "You have joined the WordAds program. Please review these settings:" msgstr "你已加入 WordAds 方案。請檢視這些設定:" msgid "Selected start date is later than the end date" msgstr "選取的開始日期晚於結束日期" msgid "We've set up your plugin, your site is powered up!" msgid_plural "We've set up your plugins, your site is powered up!" msgstr[0] "已完成安裝外掛程式,你的網站又增加了更多功能!" msgid "Get Jetpack Professional" msgstr "取得 Jetpack 專業版" msgid "Get Jetpack Premium" msgstr "取得 Jetpack 進階版" msgid "Successfully installed & configured." msgstr "已成功安裝及設定。" msgid "We haven't finished installing your plugins." msgstr "我們尚未完成安裝你的外掛程式。" msgctxt "Jetpack Connect install plugin instructions, install button" msgid "Install Now" msgstr "立刻安裝" msgctxt "Jetpack Connect activate plugin instructions, activate link" msgid "Activate Plugin" msgstr "啟用外掛程式" msgctxt "Jetpack Connect activate plugin instructions, activate link" msgid "Activate" msgstr "啟用" msgctxt "Jetpack Connect activate plugin instructions, plugin title" msgid "Jetpack by" msgstr "Jetpack 由 團隊開發" msgid "Installation Instructions" msgstr "安裝說明" msgid "" "You can now install Akismet and VaultPress, which will automatically protect " "your site from spam and data loss. If you have any questions along the way, " "we're here to help!" msgstr "" "你現在可以安裝 Akismet 和 VaultPress,這些程式可自動阻擋垃圾郵件並防止資料遺" "失。若你在使用過程中有任何疑問,我們可隨時提供協助。" msgid "Join WordAds" msgstr "加入 WordAds" msgid "Monetize Your Site" msgstr "用你的網站獲利" msgid "Start Earning" msgstr "開始獲利" msgid "Testimonial Archive Featured Image" msgstr "證言封存特色圖片" msgid "Portfolio Archive Featured Image" msgstr "個人作品集封存特色圖片" msgid "Portfolio Archive Content" msgstr "個人作品集封存內容" msgid "Testimonial Archive Content" msgstr "證言封存內容" msgid "Testimonial Archive Title" msgstr "證言封存標題" msgid "Portfolio Archive Title" msgstr "個人作品集封存標題" msgid "Your %1$d purchase for %2$s renew soon" msgid_plural "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s renew soon" msgstr[0] "即將續訂 %2$s 的 %1$d 購買項目" msgid "The charge failed on your %1$s %2$s." msgstr "你 %1$s %2$s 的付款失敗。" msgid "Click to continue." msgstr "按一下以繼續進行。" msgid "" "By logging in you agree to {{detailsLink}}share details{{/detailsLink}} " "between and %(siteName)s." msgstr "" "藉由登入,你已同意{{detailsLink}}分享詳細資料{{/detailsLink}}給 WordPress." "com 和 %(siteName)s。" msgid "" "When you approve logging in with, we will send the following " "details to your site." msgstr "你核准登入 後,我們會將下列詳細資料寄至你的網站。" msgctxt "Used in a button. Similar phrase would be, \"I understand\"." msgid "Got it" msgstr "知道了" msgid "" "They don't call us Happiness Engineers for nothing. If you need help, don't " "sweat it. We're here for you!" msgstr "" "大家稱我們 Happiness Engineer 其來有自。如果你需要協助,別擔心,我們隨時可為" "你提供服務。" msgid "What is" msgstr "什麼是" msgid "Post vs Page" msgstr "文章與頁面" msgid "" "Share your work with the world through Facebook, Twitter, and other social " "networks." msgstr "透過 Facebook、Twitter 和其他社交網路,與全世界分享你的作品。" msgid "Get Connected" msgstr "立即開始連線" msgid "Make It Mine" msgstr "個人化你的網站" msgid "" "Find the perfect theme for your site and make it your own with widgets, " "menus, and custom design." msgstr "" "為你的網站找到完美的佈景主題,再使用小工具、選單和自訂設計創造你的個人風格。" msgid "Show Me How" msgstr "請為我示範做法" msgid "Let's Go" msgstr "我們開始吧" msgid "" "Build the site of your dreams with Learn about our best " "features, and how to get started." msgstr "" "運用 打造你夢寐以求的網站。瞭解我們的最佳功能以及如何開始使用。" msgid "New to Sign up" msgstr "第一次使用註冊" msgid "Need Help?" msgstr "需要幫助?" msgid "Custom domain" msgstr "自訂網域" msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of website creators, " "bloggers, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the website of your dreams. Take a peek at our website setup " "checklist for tips on getting started." msgstr "" "歡迎使用,這裡集結了網站創辦人、部落客和求知若渴的網路讀者,堪" "稱最熱絡的線上社群。一切準備就緒,現在你可以開始打造夢寐以求的網站。歡迎參考" "我們的網站設定檢查清單,瞭解開始使用的秘訣。" msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the site of your dreams and sharing your voice on the web. Take a peek at " "our new user guides for tips on getting started.

    " msgstr "" "歡迎使用,這裡集結了部落客、網站創辦人和求知若渴的網路讀者,堪" "稱最熱絡的線上社群。一切準備就緒,現在你可以開始打造夢寐以求的網站,在網路上" "分享精彩內容。歡迎參考我們的新使用者指南,瞭解開始使用的秘" "訣。

    " msgid "Download the app" msgstr "下載應用程式" msgid "" "Log in to your account with your username, %s, or your " "email address to find amazing content from writers around the world." msgstr "" "以你的帳戶 %s 或電子郵件地址登入,即可探索全球使用者發佈的精" "彩內容。" msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. Explore! Cozy up with a great new " "read while you get inspired to share your voice on the web." msgstr "" "歡迎使用,這裡集結了部落客、網站創辦人和求知若渴的網路讀者,堪" "稱最熱絡的線上社群。探索!輕鬆閱讀新的內容,並在網路上發佈你的個人看" "法。" msgid "" "Write and design with no other browser tabs to distract you. Switch easily " "between managing your WordPress sites and your favorite desktop apps." msgstr "" "盡情撰寫及設計,不再因其他瀏覽器分頁而分心。輕鬆在管理 WordPress 網站和喜愛的" "桌面應用程式間切換。" msgid "Drive traffic to your site" msgstr "刺激網站流量" msgid "Go to Sharing settings" msgstr "前往「分享」設定" msgid "" "Log in to your account with your username, %s, or your " "email address to manage your blog and to find amazing content from " "publishers around the world." msgstr "" "以你的帳戶 %s 或電子郵件地址登入,即可管理網誌,並探索全球使" "用者發佈的精彩內容。" msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the blog of your dreams and sharing your voice on the web. Take a peek at " "our blog setup checklist for tips on getting started." msgstr "" "歡迎使用,這裡集結了部落客、網站創辦人和求知若渴的網路讀者,堪" "稱最熱絡的線上社群。一切準備就緒,現在你可以開始打造夢寐以求的網誌,在網路上" "分享精彩內容。歡迎參考我們的網誌設定檢查清單,瞭解開始使用" "的秘訣。" msgid "Log in to" msgstr "登入" msgid "" "Log in to your account with your username, %s, or your " "email address to manage your site and to find amazing content from " "publishers around the world." msgstr "" "以你的使用者名稱 %s 或電子郵件地址登入帳戶,即可管理網站及尋" "找全球使用者發佈的優秀內容。" msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the site of your dreams and sharing your voice on the web." msgstr "" "歡迎使用,這裡集結了部落客、網站創辦人和求知若渴的網路讀者,堪" "稱最熱絡的線上社群。一切準備就緒,現在你可以開始打造夢寐以求的網站,在網路上" "分享精彩內容。" msgid "To stop receiving these emails from" msgstr "停止接收所有來自 的電子郵件" msgid "Build your site" msgstr "打造專屬網站" msgid "Testimonials list" msgstr "證言清單" msgid "Testimonial list navigation" msgstr "證言清單導覽" msgid "Filter Testimonials list" msgstr "篩選證言清單" msgid "Post not found" msgstr "找不到文章" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize" msgid "Connection available to all administrators, editors, and authors" msgstr "可連結至所有的管理員、編輯器和作者" msgid "There was an error while getting the update data for this site." msgstr "取得該網站的更新資料時發生錯誤。" msgid "Only site owners can request WordAds activation." msgstr "僅有網站擁有者可要求啟用 WordAds。" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Two-Step Authentication" msgstr "兩步驟驗證" msgid "" "Unlock the full potential of your site with all the features included in " "your plan." msgstr "透過方案中的所有功能,釋放網站的所有潛力。" msgid "" "{{wrapper}}%(email)s{{/wrapper}} {{emailPreferences}}change{{/" "emailPreferences}}" msgstr "" "{{wrapper}}%(email)s{{/wrapper}} {{emailPreferences}}變更{{/" "emailPreferences}}" msgid "3:2" msgstr "3:2" msgid "4:3" msgstr "4:3" msgid "16:9" msgstr "16:9" msgid "Please wait…" msgstr "請稍候…" msgid "Oops, something went wrong." msgstr "糟糕!發生某種錯誤。" msgid "Your domain %s renews soon" msgstr "即將續訂你的 %s 網域" msgid "" "The domain mapping for %1$s, mapped to the site \"%2$s\", will renew " "automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The domain mapping %1$s, mapped to the site \"%2$s\", will renew " "automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "對應到「%2$s」網站的 %1$s 網域將會於 %3$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "" "The domain %1$s on the site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The domain %1$s on the site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "「%2$s」網站的 %1$s 網域將會於 %3$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "" "The %1$s plan on your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s plan on your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "「%2$s」網站的 %1$s 方案將會於 %3$d 天後自動續訂。" msgid "Your domains for %s renew soon" msgstr "即將續訂 %s 的 網域" msgid "Your plan for %s renews soon" msgstr "即將續訂 %s 網站的 方案" msgid "Happy WordPressing!" msgstr "祝你使用 WordPress 愉快!" msgid "" "See all your purchases and manage them under your account." msgstr "在你的帳戶下查看和管理所有購買項目。" msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal on %3$s." msgstr "我們將於 %3$s 向你收取此次續訂的費用:%1$s。" msgctxt "post (post name) is visible on (site name)" msgid "Your scheduled post %1$s is now published on %2$s. Spread the word!" msgstr "你已排程的文章 %1$s 已發佈在 %2$s。快通知別人這個消息!" msgctxt "site name" msgid "Your scheduled post is now published on %1$s." msgstr "你已排程的文章已發佈在 %1$s。" msgid "Create an outstanding website" msgstr "建立出色網站" msgid "Create a unique blog" msgstr "建立獨一無二的網誌" msgid "The domain %1$s is already mapped to another site." msgstr "%1$s 網域已對應至其他網站。" msgid "Browser notifications" msgstr "瀏覽器通知" msgid "" "{{instructionsButton}}View Instructions to Enable{{/instructionsButton}}" msgstr "{{instructionsButton}}檢視說明以啟用{{/instructionsButton}}" msgid "" "Your browser is currently set to block notifications from" msgstr "你的瀏覽器設定,目前封鎖了來自 的通知。" msgid "" "Click {{strong}}Notifications{{/strong}} and choose {{em}}Always allow{{/" "em}}." msgstr "按一下{{strong}}通知{{/strong}}並選取{{em}}一律允許{{/em}}。" msgid "Click the lock icon in your address bar." msgstr "按一下網址列上的鎖定圖示。" msgid "Enable browser notifications" msgstr "啟用瀏覽器通知" msgid "View the showcase" msgstr "檢視展示" msgid "Check our theme showcase" msgstr "請查看佈景主題展示" msgid "Looking for great WordPress designs?" msgstr "需要最佳的 WordPress 設計?" msgid "Try & Customize" msgstr "試用與自訂" msgid "" "To use Single Sign-On, needs to be able to connect to your " "account on %(siteName)s." msgstr "" "若要使用單一登入, 需要能連結至你在 %(siteName)s 上的帳戶。" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to cancel and remove %(purchaseName)s from " "{{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}}? " msgstr "你確定要從 {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}} 取消並移除 %(purchaseName)s 嗎?" msgid "" "Your site's appearance will revert to its previously selected theme and you " "will be refunded %(cost)s." msgstr "你網站的外觀將回復到之前所選擇的佈景主題,而你將獲得退款 %(cost)s。" msgid "" "All plan features and custom changes will be removed from your site and you " "will be refunded %(cost)s." msgstr "所有方案功能與自訂變更將會從你的網站上移除,而你將獲得退款 %(cost)s。" msgid "Upgrade your plan to register a custom domain." msgstr "升級你的方案以註冊網域。" msgid "{{span}}%(domain)s{{/span}} is available!" msgstr "{{span}}%(domain)s{{/span}}可供使用!" msgid "Invalid site verification tag." msgstr "無效的網站驗證標籤。" msgid "Verification code should be copied and pasted into this field." msgstr "請複製驗證碼並貼至此欄位。" msgid "Free domain available" msgstr "免費網域可供使用" msgctxt "" "Shown during a jetpack authorization process, while we retrieve the info we " "need to show the last page" msgid "Finishing up!" msgstr "即將完成!" msgid "HTML tags are not allowed." msgstr "不允許使用 HTML 標籤。" msgid "Set up your plan" msgstr "設定你的方案" msgid "Oh no! We can't install plugins on this site." msgstr "糟糕!我們無法在此網站安裝外掛程式。" msgid "" "We are about to install Akismet and VaultPress for your site, which will " "automatically protect your site from spam and data loss. If you have any " "questions along the way, we're here to help! You can also perform a manual " "installation by following {{a}}these instructions{{/a}}." msgstr "" "我們即將在你的網站安裝 Akismet 和 VaultPress,這些程式可自動阻擋垃圾留言並防" "止資料遺失。若你在使用過程中有任何疑問,我們可隨時提供協助。你也可以依照這些" "{{a}}說明{{/a}}執行手動安裝。" msgid "" "This page has been translated from %1$s. Read the original page." msgstr "" "此網頁是從 %1$s 翻譯。參閱原始網頁。" msgid "" "This post has been translated from %1$s. Read the original post." msgstr "" "此文章是從 %1$s 翻譯。參閱原始文章。" msgid "Marketing" msgstr "行銷" msgid "Oops, that's us." msgstr "噢,那就是我們。" msgid "Jetpack is currently disconnected." msgstr "目前已與 Jetpack 中斷連線。" msgid "That's not a valid url." msgstr "這不是有效的網址。" msgid "Yandex" msgstr "Yandex" msgid "Bing" msgstr "Bing" msgid "Site verification services" msgstr "網站驗證服務" msgid "" "Your sitemap is automatically sent to all major search engines for indexing." msgstr "你的網站地圖已自動傳送至所有主要搜尋引擎進行索引。" msgid "XML Sitemaps" msgstr "XML 網站地圖" msgid "Front Page Meta Description" msgstr "首頁 Meta 說明" msgid "" "{{b}} has great SEO{{/b}} out of the box. All of our themes are " "optimized for search engines, so you don't have to do anything extra. " "However, you can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. " "Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}." msgstr "" "{{b}} 擁有創新出色的 SEO{{/b}}。我們的所有佈景主題都已針對搜尋引" "擎進行最佳化,不必麻煩你進行額外作業。然而,如果你想要進一步的控制,可以視需" "要調整這些設定。請閱讀{{a}}最佳化你網站的 SEO{{/a}} 以深入瞭解你可以自訂的項" "目。" msgid "View settings" msgstr "檢視設定" msgid "Invalid site verification tag entered." msgstr "輸入的網站驗證標籤無效。" msgid "Read Single Sign-On Documentation" msgstr "請閱讀單一登入文件" msgid "" "Please click the {{em}}Log in with button{{/em}} on your " "Jetpack site." msgstr "請按一下 Jetpack 網站的{{em}}「透過 登入」按鈕{{/em}}。" msgid "Oops, this URL should not be accessed directly" msgstr "糟糕,此 URL 無法直接存取" msgid "No location or theme ID provided in the untappd-menu shortcode." msgstr "untappd-menu 短代碼中未提供地點或佈景主題 ID。" msgid "End Date…" msgstr "結束日期…" msgid "Start Date…" msgstr "開始日期…" msgid "Status…" msgstr "狀態…" msgid "Author…" msgstr "作者…" msgid "Start Installation" msgstr "開始安裝" msgid "Authorizing your connection" msgstr "正在認證你的連結" msgid "Return to your site" msgstr "返回你的網站" msgid "Thank you for flying with Jetpack" msgstr "感謝你使用 Jetpack" msgid "Create your account" msgstr "建立帳戶" msgid "" "This site is already connected to a different user, you need " "to disconnect that user before you can connect another." msgstr "" "此網站已連結不同的 使用者,你必須先取消連結該使用者,才可以連結" "其他使用者。" msgid "" "You may receive another email regarding the renewal status of your upgrade. " "This confirms that this upgrade is set to auto-renew." msgstr "" "你可能會收到其他電子郵件,說明你的升級續訂狀態。這樣可確認此升級已設為自動續" "訂。" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "External User ID" msgstr "外部使用者 ID" msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, Typepad, " "Xanga, and more. You can also easily import your content from a self-hosted " "WordPress site." msgstr "" "你可以從其他各種網誌平台匯入你的網誌內容,包括 Blogger、Israblog、" "LiveJournal、Movable Type、Tumblr、Typepad、Xanga 等。你也可以從自助託管的 " "WordPress 網站輕鬆地匯入內容。" msgid "" "Premium themes are paid themes with exciting options for customization and " "exclusive support from theme authors themselves. Choose the Premium Plan or " "Business Plan for unlimited Premium Themes." msgstr "" "進階版佈景主題是付費佈景主題,所享功能包括令人萬分期待的自訂選項,以及佈景主" "題作者提供的專屬支援。選擇進階版或商務版方案,享有無限量進階版佈景主題選項。" msgid "Can I import content from another service?" msgstr "可以從別的服務匯入原有內容嗎?" msgid "What is a premium theme?" msgstr "什麼是進階版佈景主題?" msgid "" "Yes! You can sell individual items on your site using your PayPal account " "and a button directing your readers to the PayPal payment screen. We're " "working on fuller eCommerce features, stay tuned!" msgstr "" "可以!你可以使用 PayPal 帳戶,以及將你的讀者導向 PayPal 付款畫面的按鈕,在網" "站上販售個人項目。我們正在開發更完善的電子商務功能,請密切注意!" msgid "" "Absolutely. You can change your Blog Language, which is how your readers " "will experience your site and the Interface Language, which changes the " "admin tools language. The language your write on your website is up to you!" msgstr "" "當然可以。你可以變更「網誌語言」,即讀者體驗你的網站時會看到的語言,也可變更" "用於顯示管理員工具的「介面語言」。你在網站上使用的語言操之在你!" msgid "Will I be able to sell online?" msgstr "可以進行網路販售嗎?" msgid "" "On, we provide e-mail forwarding, but if you’d rather have " "full email hosting, you can connect another provider to your custom domain." msgstr "" " 提供電子郵件轉寄服務,但是如果你想要獲得完整的電子郵件主機服" "務,你可以將其他供應商連結至你的自訂網域。" msgid "Can I create a website in another language?" msgstr "可以建立不同語言的網站嗎?" msgid "Can I get an email account?" msgstr "能夠擁有新的電子郵件帳戶嗎?" msgid "" "Purchases made on can be canceled and refunded during the " "refund period. You can also unsubscribe at any time if you don’t want your " "subscription to renew." msgstr "" "你可取消在 上購買的項目,並在退款期間進行退款。如果你不想要續" "訂,也可以隨時取消訂用。" msgid "Can I cancel my plan?" msgstr "我可以取消我的方案嗎?" msgid "" "Plans and domains renew annually and we take care of everything. We charge " "your account one month before the end of the subscription period. If your " "payment information needs updating, we’ll let you know." msgstr "" "方案與網域為每年續訂,而我們會處理所有相關事項。我們會在訂用期結束的前一個" "月,向你的帳戶收取款項。如果你的付款資訊需要更新,我們會通知你。" msgid "Does my plan auto-renew?" msgstr "我的方案會自動續約嗎?" msgid "" "You can pay for your brand new plan, add-ons, and domains in " "the Store checkout using any major credit card, debit card, or PayPal." msgstr "" "你可以使用各大信用卡、轉帳卡或 Paypal 支付「商店」結帳區的全新 " "方案、附加元件及網域。" msgid "Pick the plan you need to do great things" msgstr "挑選所需方案,做些美好的事" msgid "How do I pay for my plan?" msgstr "我該如何支付方案費用?" msgid "Choose the platform that does more." msgstr "選擇提供更多服務的平台。" msgid "" "Keep your finger on the pulse with website statistics. Colorful charts and " "graphs help you understand what your readers like and how they found you." msgstr "" "透過網站統計資料掌握趨勢。彩色圖表可協助你瞭解讀者喜歡的內容,以及讀者如何找" "到你的網站。" msgid "" "With our responsive themes and mobile and desktop apps, you’ll enjoy a " "seamless experience on any device and so will your website visitors." msgstr "" "有了我們的響應式佈景主題、行動及桌面應用程式,你與你的網站訪客皆能享受在任何" "裝置間流暢使用的體驗。" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers work night and day through live chat, email, support " "pages, videos, and forums to answer any questions you have." msgstr "" "我們的 Happiness Engineer 服務團隊 24 小時待命。透過即時文字對談、電子郵件、" "支援網頁、教學影片及討論區,任何問題都能為你解決。" msgid "" "Enjoy website design, domain registration, hassle-free automatic software " "updates, and secure hosting on servers spread across multiple data centers." msgstr "" "從網站外觀設計、網域註冊到無痛自動軟體更新,一應俱全,還有多個資料中心、大量" "伺服器,為你提供安全又安心的服務。" msgid "" " has built-in SEO, social media integration, and sharing " "features. Plug into our high-traffic network and reach new customers." msgstr "" " 具備內建 SEO、社交媒體整合與分享功能。連結我們的高流量網路並接" "觸新客戶。" msgid "All-in-one hosting" msgstr "多種代管服務,一站搞定" msgid "" "Start with a modern site design and customize it with your branding, " "content, and features. All Premium and Business websites include custom CSS." msgstr "" "以充滿當代風格的網站設計為起點,使用你的品牌、內容與特色來自訂網站。所有進階" "版與商務版網站皆含自訂 CSS。" msgid "Optimized for growth" msgstr "讓你的網誌飛速成長" msgid "Designed for success" msgstr "自訂亮眼頁面設計,成功吸引注意力" msgid "Choose the platform that does more" msgstr "選擇提供更多服務的平台" msgid "Every feature you need to create a powerful website" msgstr "多種強大功能,幫你打造出強大網站" msgid "Create a website that's a work of art." msgstr "建立藝術作品般的網站。" msgid "Your creativity, everywhere." msgstr "你的創意,無所不在。" msgid "Create a powerful website for your brand." msgstr "為你的品牌建立強大的網站。" msgid "Your expertise, everywhere." msgstr "你的專業,無所不在。" msgid "Create a website that works as hard as you do." msgstr "建立和你一樣勤勞的網站。" msgid "Your business, everywhere." msgstr "你的業務,無所不在。" msgid "Start Business" msgstr "開始使用商務版" msgid "Start Premium" msgstr "開始使用進階版" msgid "" "Have more questions? Find your answers in our support site." msgstr "" "還有問題嗎?請在我們的支援網站上尋找解答。" msgid "" "This theme is available for download to be used on your {{a}}WordPress self-" "hosted{{/a}} installation." msgstr "你可下載此佈景主題,以用來安裝 {{a}}WordPress 自助託管{{/a}}。" msgid "Flip" msgstr "翻轉" msgid "Rotate" msgstr "旋轉" msgid " Done " msgstr "完成" msgid "Setting up your %(plan)s Plan" msgstr "設定你的 %(plan)s 方案" msgid "We need to install a few plugins for you. It won't take long!" msgstr "我們必須為你安裝一些外掛程式。不會佔用很多時間!" msgid "Working…" msgstr "處理中…" msgid "Almost done" msgstr "快完成了" msgid "An error occured." msgstr "發生錯誤。" msgid "An error occurred when configuring %(plugin)s." msgstr "設定 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "An error occurred when activating %(plugin)s." msgstr "啟用 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "An error occurred when installing %(plugin)s." msgstr "安裝 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "Waiting to install" msgstr "正在等候安裝" msgid "{{a}}Customize{{/a}} this design." msgstr "{{a}}自訂{{/a}}此設計。" msgid "Return to %(siteName)s" msgstr "返回 %(siteName)s" msgid "Log in as {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}" msgstr "以 {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} 的身分登入" msgid "This charge will appear on your statement as WPCHRG.COM." msgstr "這筆費用在帳單中會顯示為 WPCHRG.COM。" msgid "%s Renewal Problem" msgstr "%s 續訂問題" msgid "Daily Prompt: " msgstr "每日提示:" msgid "" "Renew now for one more year" msgstr "" "立即續訂就能再使用一年" msgid "This domain is already mapped to a site." msgstr "此網域已對應至某個 網站。" msgid "" "Subdomains starting with 'www.' cannot be mapped to a blog" msgstr "「www.」開頭的子網域無法對應至 網誌" msgid "" "Domain cannot be mapped to a blog because of disallowed term." msgstr "因為含有禁用字詞,網域無法對應至 網誌。" msgid "The last 5 characters of “%s” must not be a dot." msgstr "「%s」的最後 5 個字元不可使用點 (.)。" msgid "Need extra help?" msgstr "需要其他說明嗎?" msgid "Expand all" msgstr "展開" msgid "Recommended Posts" msgstr "推薦的文章" msgid "hide %(numOfReplies)d reply" msgid_plural "hide %(numOfReplies)d replies" msgstr[0] "隱藏 %(numOfReplies)d 則回覆" msgid "show %(numOfReplies)d reply" msgid_plural "show %(numOfReplies)d replies" msgstr[0] "顯示 %(numOfReplies)d 則回覆" msgid "Load more comments (Showing %(shown)d of %(total)d)" msgstr "載入更多留言 (顯示 %(shown)d 則留言,共有 %(total)d 則)" msgid "This email address is invalid" msgstr "此電子郵件地址無效" msgid "You must be logged in to use SSO." msgstr "你必須登入才能使用 SSO。" msgid "Returning to your site" msgstr "返回你的網站" msgid "Oops, that took a while. You'll have to try again." msgstr "糟糕,實在太久了。你必須再試一次。" msgid "Add a payment method" msgstr "新增付款方式" msgid "" "You bet! You can change themes as often as you want. When you change themes, " "all of your content stays with you but may have to reconfigure your custom " "menus and widgets. Premium themes are purchased individually, but if you " "like switching themes often or want unlimited access to the newest premium " "theme offerings, you might like the Business upgrade." msgstr "" "當然!你可以隨時變更佈景主題。變更佈景主題時,會保留你所有的內容,但你可能必" "須重新設定自訂選單與小工具。進階版佈景主題須另外購買,但如果喜歡經常更換佈景" "主題,或想要不受限制地使用最新進階版佈景主題,你可能會想要升級商用版。" msgctxt "Toolbar" msgid "Log In" msgstr "登入" msgctxt "Toolbar" msgid "Sign Up" msgstr "註冊" msgid "Cancelling" msgstr "正在取消" msgid "Prevent ads from showing on your site." msgstr "讓你的網站不顯示廣告。" msgid "Activate Jetpack" msgstr "啟用 Jetpack" msgid "2. Connect Jetpack" msgstr "2.連結 Jetpack" msgid "1. Activate Jetpack" msgstr "1.啟用 Jetpack" msgid "3. Connect Jetpack" msgstr "3.連結 Jetpack" msgid "2. Activate Jetpack" msgstr "2.啟用 Jetpack" msgid "1. Install Jetpack" msgstr "1.安裝 Jetpack" msgid "Ready for installation" msgstr "準備好進行安裝" msgid "You must update Jetpack before connecting." msgstr "你必須更新 Jetpack 才能連結。" msgid "Email and live chat support" msgstr "電子郵件與即時文字對話支援" msgid "Included in Premium" msgstr " 進階版方案內含項目" msgid "" "Shoreditch is a functional and responsive theme perfect for your business’s " "online presence. Although its main purpose is business, Shoreditch looks " "great as a personal blog theme too." msgstr "" "Shoreditch 屬於多功能的響應式佈景主題,最適合用於建立企業的網路知名度。儘管 " "Shoreditch 的主要用途為商務性質,但也可以做為美觀的個人網誌佈景主題。" msgid "Claim" msgstr "索取" msgid "%(productName)s was removed from {{siteName/}}." msgstr "%(productName)s 已從 {{siteName/}} 移除。" msgid "The domain {{domain/}} was removed from your account." msgstr "網域 {{domain/}} 已從你的帳戶移除。" msgid "Backup" msgstr "備份" msgid "Security Scanning" msgstr "安全性掃描" msgid "Essential SEO" msgstr "必備 SEO 工具" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't find that list." msgstr "很抱歉,我們找不到該清單。" msgid "Back to Followed Sites" msgstr "返回關注的網站" msgid "month, billed yearly" msgstr "月,每年結帳一次" msgid ", billed yearly" msgstr ",每年結帳一次" msgctxt "dashboard" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "Restore this comment from the spam" msgstr "將此留言從垃圾中還原" msgid "Your session has expired. Please log in to continue where you left off." msgstr "你的連線已逾時。請重新登入來回到原先的頁面。" msgctxt "user dropdown" msgid "%1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "" "Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is " "incorrect." msgstr "錯誤: 為電子郵件地址 %s 所輸入的密碼不正確。" msgid "Error: The email field is empty." msgstr "錯誤: 電子郵件欄位為空。" msgid "Unregistering a built-in taxonomy is not allowed." msgstr "不可移除內建的分類。" msgid "Link inserted." msgstr "已插入鍵結。" msgid "Link selected." msgstr "已選取連結。" msgid "(Untitled)" msgstr "(未命名)" msgid "Route must be specified." msgstr "必須指定路由。" msgid "Routes must be namespaced with plugin or theme name and version." msgstr "路由必須以外掛或佈景主題名稱和版本命名。" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Trash" msgstr "回收桶" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Draft" msgstr "草稿" msgid "Unregistering a built-in post type is not allowed" msgstr "你沒有權限移除內建的文章類型" msgctxt "post password form" msgid "Enter" msgstr "確認" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Scheduled" msgstr "已排程" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Published" msgstr "已發佈" msgid "" "Error: Invalid username, email address or incorrect " "password." msgstr "錯誤: 無效的使用者名稱、電子郵件地址或不正確的密碼。" msgid "" "The constant %1$s is deprecated. Use the boolean constant " "%2$s in %3$s to enable a subdomain configuration. Use %4$s to check whether " "a subdomain configuration is enabled." msgstr "" "常數 %1$s 已被捨棄。請在 %3$s 中改用布林函數 %2$s 來啟用子網" "域設定。使用 %4$s 來確認子網域設定是否啟用。" msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s Feed" msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s Feed" msgid "html_lang_attribute" msgstr "zh-HK" msgid "Close dialog" msgstr "關閉對話框" msgid "" "The called constructor method for %1$s class in %2$s is deprecated since version %3$s! Use %4$s instead." msgstr "" "從 %3$s 版開始,%2$s 的 %1$s 類別呼叫的建構函式方法已淘汰不用,請改用 %4$s。" msgid "%s is forbidden" msgstr "%s 是被禁止的" msgid "“%1$s” — %2$s" msgstr "「%1$s」 — %2$s" msgid "Error: Your comment is too long." msgstr "錯誤: 輸入的留言字元長度太長。" msgid "Error: Your URL is too long." msgstr "錯誤: 輸入的網址字元長度太長。" msgid "Error: Your email address is too long." msgstr "錯誤: 輸入的電子郵件地址字元長度太長。" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Trash" msgstr "回收桶" msgid "Error: Your name is too long." msgstr "錯誤: 輸入的名稱字元長度太長。" msgid "%s is required to strip image meta." msgstr "移除圖片中繼資料需要 %s。" msgid "" "The next group of formatting shortcuts are applied as you type or when you " "insert them around plain text in the same paragraph. Press Escape or the " "Undo button to undo." msgstr "" "下一組格式化快捷鍵將被應用在你輸入或在同一段落插入純文字的時候。按 ESC 或取消" "按鈕來取消。" msgid "Invalid object type." msgstr "無效的物件類型。" msgid "Paste URL or type to search" msgstr "貼上網址或是輸入文字以搜尋" msgid "Link options" msgstr "連結選項" msgid "No logo selected" msgstr "未選擇Logo" msgid "Select logo" msgstr "選擇Logo" msgid "Enter mobile preview mode" msgstr "進入行動裝置預覽模式" msgid "Enter tablet preview mode" msgstr "進入平板裝置預覽模式" msgid "Enter desktop preview mode" msgstr "進入桌面裝置預覽模式" msgid "" "Removing %1$s manually will cause PHP warnings. Use the %2$s filter instead." msgstr "手動移除 %1$s 將會產生 PHP 警告。請使用 %2$s 過濾。" msgid "Shift-click to edit this element." msgstr "按住 Shift 鍵並點擊,來編輯這個元素。" msgid "Comment Submission Failure" msgstr "提交評論失敗" msgid "Error while saving the new email address. Please try again." msgstr "儲存新的電子郵件地址時發生錯誤。請再試一次。" msgid "Error saving media file." msgstr "儲存媒體時發生錯誤。" msgid "%s media file restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s media files restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "已將 %s 個媒體檔案從垃圾桶還原。" msgid "%s media file moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s media files moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 個媒體檔案已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "%s media file permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s media files permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s 個媒體檔案已永久刪除。" msgid "%s media file detached." msgid_plural "%s media files detached." msgstr[0] "已取消夾帶 %s 個媒體檔案。" msgid "Media file detached." msgstr "已取消夾帶媒體檔案。" msgid "%s media file attached." msgid_plural "%s media files attached." msgstr[0] "已夾帶 %s 個媒體檔案。" msgid "Media file attached." msgstr "已夾帶媒體檔案。" msgid "" "You can narrow the list by file type/status or by date using the dropdown " "menus above the media table." msgstr "" "使用者可以在媒體清單上方的下拉式選單中選取檔案類型/狀態或檔案上載日期 (可進行" "交集篩選),藉以篩選出媒體清單中符合條件的媒體檔案。" msgid "The following themes are installed but incomplete." msgstr "以下佈景主題已安裝但不完整。" msgid "New theme activated." msgstr "新的佈景主題已啟用。" msgid "Settings saved and theme activated." msgstr "儲存已設定且佈景主題已啟用。" msgid "There is a pending change of the admin email to %s." msgstr "有個待確認的變更,將管理員郵件地址改為 %s。" msgid "Dismiss the welcome panel" msgstr "忽略歡迎面板" msgid "View %1$s version %2$s details" msgstr "檢視 %1$s 版本 %2$s 細節" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Pending" msgstr "待審核" msgid "Attach to existing content" msgstr "夾帶到現有內容" msgid "Click the image to edit or update" msgstr "點擊圖片來編輯或更新" msgid "" "Custom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can use in your theme." msgstr "" "自訂欄位可以在一篇文章中新增一個額外的附加資訊,你可以在你的佈" "景主題中使用。" msgid "" "Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you’ve linked " "to them. If you link other WordPress sites, they’ll be notified " "automatically using pingbacks, no other action necessary." msgstr "" "引用(Trackbacks)是種通知其他網誌系統你文章中已連結它們的方式。若是你連結至" "其他以 WordPress 架設的網誌,他們將會自動地透過通告 pingbacks 被通知,不需要其他多餘的動作。" msgid "" "Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be " "used in your theme. Learn more about manual excerpts." msgstr "" "你可以在你的佈景主題中使用手動摘錄彙整的選項。了解更多有關手動" "摘錄的資訊。" msgid "Thumbnail Settings Help" msgstr "縮圖設定幫助" msgid "selection height" msgstr "選擇範圍高度" msgid "selection width" msgstr "選擇範圍寬度" msgid "crop ratio height" msgstr "裁切等比高度" msgid "crop ratio width" msgstr "裁切等比寬度" msgid "Image Crop Help" msgstr "圖片裁切幫助" msgid "scale height" msgstr "縮放高度" msgid "New dimensions:" msgstr "新尺寸:" msgid "Scale Image Help" msgstr "圖片縮放幫助" msgid "Dismiss the browser warning panel" msgstr "忽略瀏覽器警告面板" msgid "View more comments" msgstr "查看更多留言" msgctxt "dashboard" msgid "%1$s on %2$s %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 於 %2$s %3$s" msgid "From %1$s %2$s" msgstr "由 %1$s %2$s" msgid "View “%s” archive" msgstr "查看 “%s” 彙整" msgid "Delete “%s”" msgstr "刪除 “%s”" msgid "Disable %s" msgstr "停用 %s" msgid "Network Enable %s" msgstr "網誌網路啟用 %s" msgid "Deleted %s" msgstr "已刪除%s" msgid "Quick edit “%s” inline" msgstr "快速即時編輯 “%s”" msgid "Delete “%s” permanently" msgstr "永久刪除 “%s” " msgid "Attach “%s” to existing content" msgstr "將 “%s” 夾帶到現有的內容" msgid "Enable %s" msgstr "啟用 %s" msgid "Restore “%s” from the Trash" msgstr "從垃圾桶還原 “%s”" msgid "Move “%s” to the Trash" msgstr "將 “%s” 移至垃圾桶" msgid "“%s” (Edit)" msgstr "“%s”(編輯)" msgid "No media files found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的媒體檔案。" msgctxt "attachment filter" msgid "Trash" msgstr "垃圾桶" msgid "Quick edit this comment inline" msgstr "快速編輯此留言" msgid "Edit this comment" msgstr "編輯此留言" msgid "Delete this comment permanently" msgstr "永久刪除此留言" msgctxt "user autocomplete result" msgid "%1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s(%2$s)" msgid "The %s importer is invalid or is not installed." msgstr "%s 匯入工具無效或是尚未安裝。" msgid "Edit menu item" msgstr "編輯選單項目" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Spam" msgstr "垃圾郵件" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Approved" msgstr "已核准" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Pending" msgstr "審核中" msgid "" "Publish — You can set the terms of publishing your " "post in the Publish box. For Status, Visibility, and Publish (immediately), " "click on the Edit link to reveal more options. Visibility includes options " "for password-protecting a post or making it stay at the top of your blog " "indefinitely (sticky). The Password protected option allows you to set an " "arbitrary password for each post. The Private option hides the post from " "everyone except editors and administrators. Publish (immediately) allows you " "to set a future or past date and time, so you can schedule a post to be " "published in the future or backdate a post." msgstr "" "發佈 — 你可以在你文章的「發佈」框內設定項目。包括狀" "態、可見度以及立即發佈,點選編輯連結來顯示更多選項。可見度包括以密碼保護一篇" "文章,或讓它在留在你綱站的頂端(置頂)。密碼保護選項讓你可以為每篇文章設定任" "意密碼。私密選項會讓文章隱藏不被任何人看到,除了編輯和管理員。發佈(立即)讓" "你設定一個未來或過去的日期和時間,如此一來你就能夠排程一篇文章,讓它在未來發" "佈或回溯。" msgid "" "The Text mode allows you to enter HTML along with your post text. Note that " "<p> and <br> tags are converted to line breaks when switching to " "the Text editor to make it less cluttered. When you type, a single line " "break can be used instead of typing <br>, and two line breaks instead " "of paragraph tags. The line breaks are converted back to tags automatically." msgstr "" "文字模式可直接輸入 HTML 代碼。注意,使用 <p> 和 <br> 的換行標籤" "時,請先切換到文字模式,以減少混亂。當你輸入時,一個換行可以代替 <br>," "兩個換行則可代替段落的標籤。換行將自動被轉換為段落。" msgid "" "Visual mode gives you an editor that is similar to a word processor. Click " "the Toolbar Toggle button to get a second row of controls." msgstr "" "可視化編輯器給你一個類似於 Word 的編輯功能。點選工具列開關按鈕來取得第二行功" "能。" msgid "Media file updated." msgstr "媒體檔案已更新。" msgid "Suggested height is %s." msgstr "建議高度為 %s。" msgid "Suggested width is %s." msgstr "建議寬度為 %s。" msgid "Images should be at least %s tall." msgstr "圖片至少要 %s 高。" msgid "Images should be at least %s wide." msgstr "圖片至少要 %s 寬。" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Directions" msgstr "方向" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Ingredients" msgstr "材料" msgid "View Support Interaction" msgstr "檢視支援互動" msgid "You have feedback" msgstr "你收到了回饋意見" msgid "%s has given you feedback" msgstr "%s 傳送了回饋意見給你" msgid "Save settings" msgstr "儲存設定" msgid "" "\n" "We recently helped you out with your support request. Once you're done " "working together, we'd appreciate it if you sent us your rating of the " "experience -- your feedback helps us improve our support." msgstr "" "\n" "我們最近曾協助你解決支援要求。工作完成後,歡迎將使用體驗的評分傳送給我們,你" "的意見回饋將有助於我們改善支援服務。" msgid "Rate your support experience" msgstr "為支援服務的使用體驗評分" msgid "Note: Support is only available in English at the moment." msgstr "附註:目前我們僅能以英文提供支援服務。" msgid "View site in Reader" msgstr "在讀取器中檢視網站" msgid "Search all receipts…" msgstr "搜尋所有交易記錄..." msgid "No posts found for {{query /}} for your language." msgstr "在你的語言中找不到與 {{query /}} 相關的文章。" msgid "Korean" msgstr "韓文" msgid "Tagalog" msgstr "塔加拉族文" msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "斯洛文尼亞文" msgid "Image uploading…" msgstr "正在上載圖片..." msgid "" "You have exceeded the login limit, you can try again in %d minutes. Trying " "again before that will only increase the time you have to wait before the " "ban is lifted." msgstr "" "你已超過登入限制,請於 %d 分鐘後再試。如果在這段時間結束前即重試,將使等候時" "間再度延長。" msgid "Add Google Analytics" msgstr "新增 Google Analytics" msgid "Click to share on WhatsApp" msgstr "按一下以分享到 WhatsApp" msgctxt "share to" msgid "WhatsApp" msgstr "WhatsApp" msgid "WhatsApp" msgstr "WhatsApp" msgid "See Plans" msgstr "檢視方案" msgctxt "Media upgrade promo" msgid "To upload audio and video files to your site, upgrade your plan." msgstr "若要上載音訊與影片檔案到你的網站,請升級你的方案。" msgctxt "Media upgrade promo" msgid "To upload audio files to your site, upgrade your plan." msgstr "若要上載音訊檔案到你的網站,請升級你的方案。" msgctxt "Media upgrade promo" msgid "To upload video files to your site, upgrade your plan." msgstr "若要上載影片檔案到你的網站,請升級你的方案。" msgid "by %(author)s" msgstr "作者 %(author)s" msgid "%(themeName)s Theme" msgstr "%(themeName)s佈景主題" msgctxt "Media upload plan needed" msgid "Upload Media" msgstr "上載媒體" msgctxt "Media upload plan needed" msgid "Upload Audio" msgstr "上載音訊" msgctxt "Media upload plan needed" msgid "Upload Videos" msgstr "上載影片" msgid "Click to share on Telegram" msgstr "按一下以分享到 Telegram" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Telegram" msgstr "Telegram" msgid "Telegram" msgstr "Telegram" msgid "Click the {{icon/}} to continue." msgstr "請按一下 {{icon/}} 以繼續。" msgid "No thanks." msgstr "不用了,謝謝" msgid "Email & Live Chat" msgstr "電子郵件與即時聊天" msgid "Email & live chat support" msgstr "電子郵件與即時線上文字對談支援" msgid "" "Since domain cancellation can cause your site to stop working, we’d like to " "make sure we help you take the right action. Please select the best option " "below." msgstr "" "因為取消網域可能會造成你的網站停止運作,我們希望協助你採取正確的動作。請在下" "方選取最佳選項。" msgid "Canceling %(domain)s" msgstr "正在取消 %(domain)s" msgid "Cancelling Domain…" msgstr "正在取消網域..." msgid "" "I understand that canceling means that I may {{strong}}lose this domain " "forever{{/strong}}." msgstr "我瞭解取消意味著我可能會{{strong}}永遠失去此網域{{/strong}}。" msgid "" "Canceling a domain name causes the domain to become unavailable for a brief " "period. Afterward, anyone can repurchase. If you wish to use the domain with " "another service, you’ll want to {{a}}update your name servers{{/a}} instead." msgstr "" "取消網域名稱會使該網域暫時無法使用。此後,任何人都可以重新購買該網域。如果你" "希望與其他服務共同使用該網域,則必須改用{{a}}更新你的名稱伺服器{{/a}}的辦法。" msgid "" "If you misspelled the domain name you were attempting to purchase, it’s " "likely that others will as well, and you might want to consider keeping the " "misspelled domain." msgstr "" "如果你拼錯了先前嘗試購買的網域名稱,其他人也可能會拼錯,所以你或許考慮保留拼" "錯的網域。" msgid "%(purchaseName)s was successfully cancelled and refunded." msgstr "%(purchaseName)s 已成功取消並完成退款。" msgid "" "Unable to cancel your purchase. Please try again later or contact support." msgstr "無法取消你的購買項目。請稍後再試一次,或者聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "You successfully canceled your purchase" msgstr "你已成功取消購買" msgid "No user exists with that email." msgstr "不存在使用該電子郵件的使用者。" msgid "Subscription expired on" msgstr "訂閱到期日:" msgid "Domain expired on" msgstr "網域到期日:" msgid "Subscription expires on" msgstr "訂閱到期日:" msgid "Domain expires on" msgstr "網域到期日:" msgid "" "When you cancel your subscription, you'll be able to use %(productName)s " "until your subscription expires. Once it expires, it will be automatically " "removed from your site." msgstr "" "取消訂閱後,你仍可使用 %(productName)s,直到訂閱到期為止。到期後,它將會從你" "的網站上自動移除。" msgid "" "When you cancel your domain, it will remain registered and active until the " "registration expires, at which point it will be automatically removed from " "your site." msgstr "" "當你取消網域後,網域仍將維持在註冊及使用中狀態,直到註冊到期為止;到期後,它" "將會從你的網站上自動移除。" msgid "" "When you cancel this purchase within %(refundPeriodInDays)d days of " "purchasing, you'll receive a refund and it will be removed from your site " "immediately." msgstr "" "若你在購買後 %(refundPeriodInDays)d 天內取消此購買項目,將可獲得退款,且購買" "項目會立即從你的網站上移除。" msgid "" "When you cancel your subscription within %(refundPeriodInDays)d days of " "purchasing, you'll receive a refund and it will be removed from your site " "immediately." msgstr "" "若你在購買後 %(refundPeriodInDays)d 天內取消訂閱,將可獲得退款,且訂閱會立即" "從你的網站上移除。" msgid "" "When you cancel your domain within %(refundPeriodInDays)d days of " "purchasing, you'll receive a refund and it will be removed from your site " "immediately." msgstr "" "若你在購買後 %(refundPeriodInDays)d 天內取消網域,將可獲得退款,且網域會立即" "從你的網站上移除。" msgid "" "Have a question? {{contactLink}}Ask a Happiness Engineer!{{/contactLink}}" msgstr "" "有任何疑問嗎?{{contactLink}}詢問一名 Happiness Engineer!{{/contactLink}}" msgid "Cancel Your %(purchaseName)s Subscription" msgstr "取消你的 %(purchaseName)s 訂閱" msgctxt "refundText is of the form \"[currency-symbol][amount]\" i.e. \"$20\"" msgid "%(refundText)s to be refunded" msgstr "待退款金額:%(refundText)s" msgid "Cancel Subscription" msgstr "取消訂閱" msgid "Cancel Domain and Refund" msgstr "取消網域和退款" msgctxt "Hint for the 'Handled by' field of a MX record" msgid "" "Please use a domain name here (e.g. %(domain)s) - an IP address (e.g. " "%(ipAddress)s) will {{strong}}not{{/strong}} work." msgstr "" "請在此處使用網域名稱 (例如 %(domain)s) - IP 位址 (例如 %(ipAddress)s) 將" "{{strong}}無法{{/strong}}運作。" msgid "Upgrade Plan" msgstr "升級方案" msgid "" "%d file could not be uploaded because you have reached your plan storage " "limit." msgid_plural "" "%d files could not be uploaded because you have reached your plan storage " "limit." msgstr[0] "%d 個檔案無法上載,因為你已達方案儲存空間上限。" msgid "%d file could not be uploaded because there is not enough space left." msgid_plural "" "%d files could not be uploaded because there is not enough space left." msgstr[0] "%d 個檔案無法上載,因為剩餘空間不足。" msgid "" "For extra security, the link above will expire in one hour and can only be " "used one time." msgstr "為加強安全性,以上連結將於 24 小時後逾期失效,且只能使用一次。" msgid "Something went wrong and we couldn't change your primary domain." msgstr "發生了點錯誤,我們無法變更你的主要網域。" msgid "" "Primary domain changed: all domains will redirect to {{em}}%(domainName)s{{/" "em}}." msgstr "主要網域已變更:所有網域將會重新導向至 {{em}}%(domainName)s{{/em}}。" msgid "Site timezone" msgstr "網站時區" msgid "Choose a city in your timezone." msgstr "選擇網站所屬時區的城市名稱。" msgid "" "Failed to resend verification email for email forwarding record %(email)s. " "Please try again or {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "重新傳送驗證電子郵件時發生錯誤,無法取得電子郵件轉寄記錄 %(email)s。請再試一" "次,或是{{contactSupportLink}}聯絡支援團隊{{/contactSupportLink}}。" msgid "%(percent)f%% of %(max)s used" msgstr "已使用 %(max)s 的 %(percent)f%%" msgid "%(planName)s Plan" msgstr "%(planName)s方案" msgid "Subscription Cancelled" msgstr "訂閱已取消" msgid "Elegant, simple, and powerful. Get started now." msgstr "免費、簡單,而且功能強大。立即開始。" msgid "A beautiful website awaits" msgstr "美觀的網站指日可待" msgid "Scalable and secure to handle even your biggest traffic spikes." msgstr "提供妥善的資安防護,更能自動因應突發超大流量,主動擴充伺服器資源。" msgid "Rich insights into visitor behavior and your site’s performance." msgstr "提供內容豐富的洞察報告,讓你深入分析訪客動線,藉以提升網站效能。" msgid "" "Fully responsive so your site looks great on all devices - big and small." msgstr "所有版面設計均可自動轉換,無論使用什麼裝置瀏覽,看起來都好看。" msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of gorgeous website templates or build your own design " "using HTML and CSS." msgstr "" "數百個精美的網站範本任君選擇,你也可以使用 HTML 和 CSS 打造你的專屬設計。" msgid "Optimized for SEO and social sharing to drive traffic to your site." msgstr "最佳化的網站 SEO 和社群分享功能,讓你的網站流量飛躍成長。" msgid "No design skills needed" msgstr "無需任何設計技巧" msgid "" "Have complete control over the look and feel of your website, from its " "domain name to its layout, colors, and content." msgstr "" "全面掌握你的網站外觀和風格,無論是網域名稱、版面配置、色彩或內容皆由你控制。" msgid "Personalize your brand" msgstr "個人化你的品牌" msgid "" "We welcome thousands of new sites every day, from small business websites, " "artist portfolios, and blogs to giant media websites like TIME and CNN." msgstr "" "每天都有數千個新網站在 誕生,包括中小企業官網、藝術家作品集、網" "誌,更有 TIME 和 CNN 這類大型媒體網站。" msgid "Simple tools to create your home on the web. " msgstr "運用簡單的工具打造你在網路上的第二個家。" msgid "" "Build the perfect site for your business, personal brand, event, or " "portfolio. It’s fun and simple." msgstr "為你的企業、個人品牌、活動或作品集建立最理想的網站。過程簡單又有趣。" msgid "The best content on the web delivered right to you." msgstr "直接為你提供網路上的最佳內容。" msgid "Cozy up with a good read" msgstr "舒適享受美好的閱讀體驗" msgid "" "When inspiration strikes, write and share your own content on your very own " "blog." msgstr "當靈感浮現時,趕快在你自己的網誌中寫下內容,與大家分享。" msgid "" "Browse your feed or explore new topics on the go with the " "mobile app." msgstr "使用 行動應用程式,隨時隨地瀏覽摘要或探索新主題。" msgid "Engage with authors and fellow readers to discuss what matters to you." msgstr "與作者和讀者同好互動,討論你在乎的重要議題。" msgid "Follow blogs from and beyond in your Reader or via email." msgstr "透過讀取器或電子郵件,關注 及其他網站的網誌。" msgid "" "Our editors hand select amazing blog posts and community favorites to " "surface the best content from and beyond." msgstr "" "我們的編輯精心挑選精彩網誌文章和社群喜愛的內容,為你送上 及其他" "網站的最佳內容。" msgid "Curated by experts" msgstr "由專家提供協助" msgid "" "Read, like, and comment on your favorite articles in one place. Follow " "topics or create reading lists to personalize your feed." msgstr "" "閱讀你喜愛的文章,還可以在單一位置按讚和留言。關注主題或建立閱讀清單以個人化" "你的摘要。" msgid "Explore and engage" msgstr "探索與互動" msgid "Love what you read" msgstr "愛上你的讀物" msgid "" "Instantly access millions of blog posts, essays, illustrations, photos, " "poems, and journals published daily on" msgstr "" "立即存取每天在 上發佈的無數網誌文章、散文、插圖、照片、詩文和日" "記。" msgid "The best content on the web" msgstr "網路上的最佳內容" msgid "" "Read the best content on the web. Discover new writers, follow your favorite " "blogs, and dig into topics that interest you." msgstr "" "閱讀網路上的最佳內容。探索新的作者、關注你喜愛的網誌,以及深入發掘你感興趣的" "主題。" msgid "Discover great reads" msgstr "發掘精彩讀物" msgid "Join millions of amazing bloggers today." msgstr "立即加入數百萬名優秀部落客的行列。" msgid "Start telling your story" msgstr "開始講述你的故事" msgid "" "From community forums to individualized live-chat, 24/7 help is always here." msgstr "提供 24 小時全年無休的社群論壇及個人即時聊天支援。" msgid "Mobile apps let you engage, publish, and view stats from anywhere." msgstr "" "透過行動應用程式,你可以隨時隨地與各方進行互動、發佈文章以及查看統計資料。" msgid "" "Social features encourage rich interactions and help grow your audience." msgstr "社交功能可帶動大量互動,幫助你拓展讀者群。" msgid "Multiple author support and custom user settings foster collaboration." msgstr "支援多位作者和自訂使用者設定,促進部落客之間的協作。" msgid "" "Change the layout, colors, and background of your blog, and add powerful " "widgets to engage with followers, fans, and friends." msgstr "" "變更網誌的版面形式、顏色與背景,再加入功能強大的小工具,與關注者、粉絲和好友" "進行互動。" msgid "Perfectly personalized" msgstr "完全個人化" msgid "" "Select from hundreds of beautiful and customizable blog themes to give your " "blog a unique look." msgstr "數百個可自訂的美觀網誌佈景主題任君選擇,讓你為網誌增添個人風格。" msgid "Personal or professional" msgstr "無論是個人或專業用途都適用" msgid "A home for your brand" msgstr "為你的品牌打造一個家" msgid "" "Students, parents. Poets, photographers. Scientists, activists. Millions of " "bloggers tell their stories on" msgstr "" "學生、家長、詩人、攝影師、科學家、活動推動者。數百萬名部落客選擇在 WordPress." "com 講述自己的故事。" msgid "Powerful publishing platform" msgstr "功能強大的發佈平台" msgid "" "Start publishing in seconds. Instantly create the personal or professional " "blog of your dreams to share your ideas on the web." msgstr "" "在幾秒鐘內就能開始發佈。快速建立你夢想中的個人或專業網誌,在網路世界分享你的" "想法。" msgid "Configure Jetpack" msgstr "設定 Jetpack" msgid "Manage all your email subscriptions" msgstr "管理所有電子郵件訂閱" msgid "You will no longer receive updates for this mailing list." msgstr "你不會再收到此郵寄清單的更新。" msgid "We'll send you updates for this mailing list." msgstr "我們會寄送此郵寄清單的更新給你。" msgid "We've unsubscribed your email." msgstr "我們已將你的電子郵件地址取消訂閱。" msgid "You're subscribed" msgstr "你已訂閱" msgid "Unsubscribed from {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}}" msgstr "已取消訂閱 {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}}" msgid "Subscribed to {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}}" msgstr "已訂閱 {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}}" msgid "Oops, only administrators can invite other people" msgstr "糟糕,只有管理員可邀請其他人" msgctxt "Displayed in a notice when some invitations failed to send." msgid "An invitation failed to send" msgid_plural "Some invitations failed to send" msgstr[0] "無法傳送部分邀請" msgctxt "Displayed in a notice when all invitations failed to send." msgid "Invitation failed to send" msgid_plural "Invitations failed to send" msgstr[0] "無法傳送邀請" msgid "That's not a WordPress site." msgstr "那不是 WordPress 網站。" msgid "Create a new account" msgstr "建立新帳戶" msgid "Already have an account? Sign in" msgstr "已經有帳戶了?登入" msgid "Get in touch" msgstr "與我們聯絡" msgid "Most Helpful Articles" msgstr "最實用的文章" msgid "Limit your site’s visibility or make it completely private." msgstr "限制你的網站可見度,或者將網站設為私人網站。" msgid "" "No matter what kind of site you want to build, our five-step checklists will " "get you set up and ready to publish." msgstr "" "無論你想建立哪種網站,我們的五步驟檢查清單都會幫你設定好,隨時準備發佈。" msgid "" "Set up your domain whether it’s registered with or elsewhere." msgstr "不論是向 或其他服務註冊的網域,你都能加以設定。" msgid "File is not an uploaded file" msgstr "文件不是上傳的文件" msgid "" "Your recent domain purchase is deducted from the price (%s), since the plan " "includes a free domain." msgstr "" "因你最近購買的方案內含免費網域,所以會從費用 (%s) 中扣除你最近購買的網域金" "額。" msgid "Your recent plan purchase is deducted from the price (%s)." msgstr "我們會從費用 (%s) 中扣除你最近購買的方案金額。" msgid "Field Type" msgstr "欄位類型" msgid "Field Label" msgstr "欄位標籤" msgid "Dropdown" msgstr "下拉式選單" msgid "e.g. %(example)s" msgstr "例如,%(example)s" msgid "Create your site in a few easy steps" msgstr "簡單幾個步驟,即可建立你專屬的 網站" msgid "" "Customize your website or blog and publish content from anywhere with our " "suite of apps." msgstr "使用我們提供的應用程式套件,自訂你的網站或網誌,隨時隨地發佈內容。" msgid "Everything you need for your website is just an upgrade away." msgstr "只要輕鬆進行升級,立即讓網站盡善盡美。" msgid "Customize and publish" msgstr "自訂及發佈" msgid "Choose a plan" msgstr "選擇方案" msgid "" "Choose a free url, register a new domain, or map your domain." msgstr "選擇免費的 URL,註冊新的網域或對應你的網域。" msgid "Choose from hundreds of beautifully designed themes. " msgstr "共有數百種精心設計的佈景主題可供挑選。" msgid "Pick a theme" msgstr "挑選佈景主題" msgid "Create your site in a few easy steps:" msgstr "完成以下幾個簡單步驟,即可建立你的 網站:" msgid "" "Start blogging in seconds with our fastest post editor yet. Your gorgeous " "blog posts are made even better with built-in SEO, sharing tools, and site " "statistics." msgstr "" "透過我們歷來最快的文章編輯器,不消片刻便可開始撰寫網誌。然後運用內建的 SEO、" "分享工具及網站統計資料,讓你精彩的網誌文章更加出色。" msgid "Can I change themes down the road?" msgstr "我之後可以再變換佈景主題嗎?" msgid "Publish great content" msgstr "發佈精彩的內容" msgid "Join the network serving more than 20 billion pageviews a month" msgstr "所有 網站,每月瀏覽合計超過 200 億次。立即加入。" msgid "" "Absolutely. Get started on for free and upgrade whenever you " "need. You can also try our Premium and Business Plans for 30 days. If you’re " "not satisfied, we’ll refund your money. Note that for the domain " "registration-related portion of the upgrade, the refund window is 96 hours." msgstr "" "當然可以。免費開始使用,之後視你的需要隨時進行升級。你也可以試" "用進階版或商務版方案 30 天。如果使用後對方案不滿意,我們會退還所付款項。請注" "意,若為與網域註冊相關的升級項目,必須在 96 小時內提出退款要求。" msgid "Can I upgrade my plan later?" msgstr "我可以日後再升級方案嗎?" msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Posterous, " "Storylane, Tumblr, Typepad,,, Xanga, and Yahoo! " "If we do not have an importing tool for your particular platform, you may " "try to convert it to an accepted format to use the importer " "tool." msgstr "" "你可以從其他許多網誌平台匯入你的網誌內容,包括 Blogger、Israblog、" "LiveJournal、Movable Type、Posterous、Storylane、Tumblr、Typepad、WordPress." "org、、Xanga 及 Yahoo!如果我們沒有針對你使用的特定平台提供匯入工" "具,你可以嘗試將內容轉換為我們接受的格式,再以 匯入工具進行匯" "入。" msgid "Can I import my content from another website?" msgstr "我可以從其他網站匯入內容嗎?" msgid "You asked, we answered!" msgstr "儘管提出問題,我們有問必答!" msgid "Get Premium" msgstr "取得進階版" msgid "Uptime Monitoring" msgstr "監控運作時間" msgid "" "Your chargeback fee is paid. Your site is doing somersaults in excitement!" msgstr "你的退款費用已支付。你的網站簡直令人樂不可支!" msgid "" "Your site is now redirecting to {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}. It's " "doing somersaults in excitement!" msgstr "" "你的網站正在重新導向至 {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}。這簡直令人樂不可" "支!" msgid "" "Your new domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} is being set up. Your " "site is doing somersaults in excitement!" msgstr "" "你的新網域 {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} 只剩下最後一點設定,就可以讓你" "的網站氣象一新!" msgid "You will receive an email confirmation shortly." msgstr "你稍後就會收到確認電子郵件。" msgid "Change primary domain" msgstr "變更主要網域" msgid "" "Your existing domain, {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}}, is the domain visitors see " "when they visit your site. All other custom domains redirect to the primary " "domain." msgstr "" "你目前使用的網域 {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}},是訪客造訪你的網站時所看見的網域。" "所有其他自訂網域都會重新導向至主要網域。" msgid "Learn more about your domain" msgstr "進一步了解你的網域" msgid "" "Your domain should start working immediately, but may be unreliable during " "the first 30 minutes." msgstr "你的新網域目前應已開始運作,但最初的半小時有可能不太穩定。" msgid "Important! Your action is required." msgstr "注意!請完成所需動作。" msgid "Learn more about verifying your domain" msgstr "瞭解更多有關驗證網域的資訊" msgid "" "We sent you an email with a request to verify your new domain. Unverified " "domains may be suspended." msgstr "" "我們已傳送一封電子郵件給你,要求驗證你的新網域。未經驗證的網域可能會遭停用。" msgid "When will it be ready?" msgstr "何時會正式完成?" msgid "Verify your email address" msgstr "驗證你的電子郵件地址" msgid "Finish setting up your store" msgstr "完成商店設定" msgid "Ask a question" msgstr "提出疑問" msgid "Almost done! One step remaining…" msgstr "快完成了!只剩下最後一步…" msgid "Pick this design" msgstr "選擇這款設計" msgid "Or Install Jetpack on a Self-Hosted Site" msgstr "或是在自我託管網站上安裝 Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack is connected." msgstr "Jetpack 已連結。" msgid "%(title)s Theme" msgstr "%(title)s 佈景主題" msgid "" "We'll be installing the Jetpack plugin so can communicate with " "your self-hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "我們將安裝 Jetpack 外掛程式,以便 能連結至你的自我託管 " "WordPress 網站。" msgid "" "Personalize your site with the Customizer. Choose fonts, colors, add your " "logo, and more to make your website your own. Take it to the next level with " "the custom CSS upgrade." msgstr "" "使用自訂工具建立具有個人風格的網站。選擇字型和顏色、加入你的標誌,再運用其他" "自訂項目,讓你的網站充滿個人特色。透過自訂 CSS 升級,創造更獨一無二的風格。" msgid "Customize your site " msgstr "自訂你的網站" msgid "" "You don’t need to learn web design to create the website of your dreams." msgstr "即使沒有學過網站設計,也能打造出夢想中的網站。" msgid "Faq entry content" msgstr "常見問題集項目內容" msgid "Faq entry title" msgstr "常見問題集項目標題" msgid "Pick from hundreds of themes for any kind of project" msgstr "數百種佈景主題任君挑選,任何網站類型都速配" msgid "Connect your email" msgstr "使用你自有網域的電子郵件" msgid "Bring your own domain" msgstr "使用你原有的網域" msgid "" "Register a domain to your site to make it easier to remember and easier to " "share." msgstr "為你的網站註冊好記又響亮的網域名稱,分享更簡便。" msgid "Customize your domain name" msgstr "自訂網域名稱" msgctxt "Label for the button on the Masterbar to add a new domain" msgid "Add" msgstr "新增" msgid "Comics list" msgstr "漫畫清單" msgid "Comics list navigation" msgstr "漫畫清單導覽" msgid "Filter comics list" msgstr "篩選漫畫清單" msgid "Open links in new window/tab:" msgstr "在新視窗/分頁中開啟連結:" msgid "Upgrade Now" msgstr "立即升級" msgid "" "Don't worry, you can upgrade now to reclaim those features and your custom " "changes. Otherwise, thanks for giving it a try." msgstr "" "別擔心,你可以立即升級以保留這些功能和自訂的變更項目。如果選擇不續訂,仍非常" "感謝你的試用。" msgid "" "Your free trial of %1$s on %2$s just ended. The plan's " "features have been removed from your account :(" msgstr "" "你在 %2$s 上的 %1$s 免費試用已結束。此方案的功能已從你的帳戶" "移除 :(" msgid "Your %s trial just ended." msgstr "你的 %s 試用期已結束。" msgid "" "Your free trial of %1$s on %2$s ends tomorrow. Upgrade now " "to keep using all of the awesome %1$s features." msgstr "" "你在 %2$s 上的 %1$s 免費試用將於明天結束。立即升級便可繼續使" "用這些超棒的 %1$s 功能。" msgid "Your %s trial ends tomorrow." msgstr "你的 %s 天試用期將於明天結束。" msgid "View the status of your trial." msgstr "檢視你的試用狀態。" msgid "" "Hooray! Your 14 day free trial of %1$s on %2$s just started." msgstr "好耶!你已可以在 %2$s 上開始 %1$s 的14 天免費試用。" msgid "Free trial started" msgstr "免費試用期已開始" msgid "Your free trial" msgstr "你的免費試用期" msgid "Your %s trial just started." msgstr "你的 %s 天試用期已開始。" msgid "All charges inclusive of VAT, if any." msgstr "所有費用已包含增值稅 (如有)。" msgid "This charge will show up on your statement as %s." msgstr "這筆費用在帳單中會顯示為 %s。" msgid "That e-mail address is already being used." msgstr "此電子郵件地址已有人使用。" msgid "The e-mail address entered is not allowed." msgstr "輸入的電子郵件地址未獲允許。" msgid "author ID to filter post " msgstr "作者ID來篩選文章" msgid "" "Your posts on %s will be transferred to the new owner and will no longer be " "authored by your account." msgstr "" "你在 %s 的文章將會轉移給新的擁有者,且你無法再使用自己的帳戶編輯這些文章\n" "。" msgid "Invitation sent successfully" msgid_plural "Invitations sent successfully" msgstr[0] "已成功送出邀請" msgid "Manage redirect" msgstr "管理重新導向" msgid "" "Disable the redirect by choosing a different primary domain, or change the " "target address." msgstr "若要停用重新導向,請選擇其他主要網域或是變更目標位址。" msgid "Try it now" msgstr "立即試試" msgid "" "Visitors to your site will be automatically redirected to {{em}}%(url)s{{/" "em}}." msgstr "系統會自動將網站的訪客重新導向至 {{em}}%(url)s{{/em}}。" msgid "Test the redirect" msgstr "測試重新導向" msgid "You can now use the full features of your site, without limits." msgstr "你現在可以使用網站的所有功能,無任何限制。" msgid "Get back to posting" msgstr "繼續張貼內容" msgid "Event Name" msgstr "活動名稱" msgid "Event Details" msgstr "活動詳細資料" msgid "Location Address" msgstr "位置地址" msgid "Location Name" msgstr "地點名稱" msgctxt "Stats: No change in stats value from prior period" msgid "No change" msgstr "沒有變更" msgid "" " has millions of users waiting to find you. The " "Reader lets them — and helps you find fascinating new reads." msgstr "" " 擁有數百萬名正等著遇見你的使用者。 讀取器讓你和他" "們都能找到超棒的新文章。" msgid "" "Make it easy for new fans to find you with built-in SEO. All you have to do " "is publish." msgstr "透過內建 SEO,讓新粉絲能更輕鬆找到你。你只要發佈內容即可。" msgid "The biggest community of online publishers" msgstr "全球最大級線上內容創作社群" msgid "" "Learn more about your visitors — where they’re from, what they read, when " "they visit — with rich, easy-to-read stats." msgstr "" "透過豐富且容易閱讀的統計資料,進一步瞭解你的訪客,例如他們來自哪些地方、閱讀" "哪些文章,以及何時來訪。" msgid "" "Automatically send new posts to Twitter, Facebook, and more, and add social " "tools to help readers share their favorites." msgstr "" "自動傳送文章更新通知至 Twitter、Facebook 等社交媒體,並新增社交工具以協助讀者" "分享他們最喜愛的文章。" msgid "" "Whatever you create on is yours alone. Export your content at " "any time — wherever life takes you, your content follows." msgstr "" "無論你在 上建立了哪些內容,這些都只屬於你。隨時匯出你的內容:無" "論你身在何處,一切內容都在掌握之中。" msgid "" "Update your site from anywhere with mobile and desktop apps for iOS, " "Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux systems." msgstr "" "我們擁有 iOS、Android、Mac、Windows 及 Linux 系統的行動裝置和桌上型電腦應用程" "式,讓你隨時隨地都能更新網站內容。" msgid "" "Drag-and-drop images into posts and pages. Create designer-worthy photo " "galleries. Embed audio, video, and more." msgstr "" "可直接將圖片拖放到文章或頁面內。打造充滿設計感的照片圖庫、也可嵌入聲音、影片" "等各種多媒體檔案。" msgid "" "Our editor is fast, intuitive, and saves your work every few seconds, so you " "never miss a word." msgstr "我們的編輯器又快又好用,而且每隔幾秒鐘便會自動儲存編輯進度,萬無一失。" msgid "" "Support is available 24-7 via email and our community forums. For folks with " "an upgraded plan, Happiness Engineers are available via live chat for real-" "time assistance." msgstr "" "透過電子郵件和社群論壇,全天候提供支援。若是各位擁有升級方案,則 Happiness " "Engineer 可透過即時聊天,提供即時支援。" msgid "Help when you want it" msgstr "支援團隊隨時待命,幫你解決問題" msgid "" "Get friendly, expert help — our team of Happiness Engineers is standing by." msgstr "取得友善的專業協助:我們的 Happiness Engineer 團隊隨時待命。" msgid "" "Create a mobile-friendly site with a click, or choose from a wide selection " "of responsive themes that look great everywhere." msgstr "" "按個鍵就能選擇針對行動裝置自動調整版面的佈景主題,打造出適用行動裝置瀏覽的網" "站,怎麼看,怎麼美。" msgid "Choose from hundreds of customizable themes, with new additions weekly." msgstr "" "數百種佈景主題,任君選用;不但提供自訂選項,而且每周都有新設計上架推出。" msgid "" "Over %d%% of the web runs on WordPress. is home to everyone " "from brand-new bloggers to Time, CNN, TechCrunch, and more." msgstr "" "超過 %d%% 的網站使用 WordPress。 是各種網路使用者的所在之處,從" "新手部落客到 Time、CNN、TechCrunch,還有其他更多組織皆在此處。" msgid "You’re in good company" msgstr "大小好朋友,伴你一路同行" msgid "" "Add a custom domain to carve out your own space on the web, and manage it " "right from" msgstr "" "可以讓你的網站使用自有網域,打造自己的專屬網路空間,更可直接在 " "管理一切。" msgid "" "Start free. Upgrade for advanced customizing or business tools. Or stay free!" msgstr "免費入門方案。升級以獲取進階自訂功能或商業工具。或繼續使用免費版!" msgid "" "Build a blog, a full website, or a combo. Personal blog, portfolio, business " "site — it’s up to you." msgstr "" "建立網誌、完整的網站,或是兩者兼顧。個人網誌、個人作品集還是商用網站,一切由" "你決定。" msgid "staff-" msgstr "員工" msgid "Select a site to open {{strong}}%(path)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "選取要開啟 {{strong}}%(path)s{{/strong}} 的網站" msgid "Select a site to start writing" msgstr "選取網站以開始撰寫內容" msgid "Nutrition" msgstr "營養" msgid "Men's Health" msgstr "男性健康" msgid "Homeschooling" msgstr "在家自學" msgid "Pets" msgstr "寵物" msgid "Home & Garden" msgstr "居家與園藝" msgid "Food & Drink" msgstr "飲食" msgid "Automotive" msgstr "汽車" msgid "Arts & Entertainment" msgstr "藝術與娛樂" msgid "" "We were unable to lock your domain. Please try again or {{contactLink}}" "Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "你的網域無法鎖定。請再試一次;如果問題持續發生,請{{contactLink}}聯絡支援團隊" "{{/contactLink}}。" msgid "" "We were unable to stop the transfer for your domain. Please try again or " "{{contactLink}}Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue to have " "trouble." msgstr "" "你的網域轉移無法停止。請再試一次;如果問題持續發生,請{{contactLink}}聯絡支援" "團隊{{/contactLink}}。" msgid "" "We were unable to enable Privacy Protection for your domain. Please try " "again or {{contactLink}}Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue to " "have trouble." msgstr "" "我們無法為你的網域啟用隱私權保護。請再試一次;如果問題持續發生,請" "{{contactLink}}聯絡支援團隊{{/contactLink}}。" msgid "" "It is only possible to transfer a domain after 60 days after the " "registration date. This 60 day lock is required by the Internet Corporation " "for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and cannot be waived. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "註冊 60 後天才可轉移網域。此 60 天鎖定為網際網路名稱與數字地址分配機構 " "(ICANN) 之必要規定,且無法豁免。{{learnMoreLink}}瞭解更多。{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgctxt "" "Placeholder shown when entering the optional subdomain part of a new DNS " "record" msgid "Enter subdomain" msgstr "輸入子網域 (選填)" msgctxt "" "Placeholder shown when entering the required subdomain part of a new DNS " "record" msgid "Enter subdomain (required)" msgstr "輸入子網域 (必填)" msgid "Resend verification email" msgstr "重新發送驗證郵件" msgid "Video and audio posts" msgstr "影片和音訊文章" msgid "Start customizing" msgstr "開始自訂" msgid "" "You now have direct control over your site's fonts and colors in the " "customizer. Change your site's entire look in a few clicks." msgstr "" "你現在可直接在自訂工具中控制網站的字型與色彩。只需按幾下就可變更你網站的整體" "外觀。" msgid "Customize your theme" msgstr "自訂你的佈景主題" msgid "Connect Google Analytics" msgstr "連結 Google Analytics" msgid "Claim your free domain" msgstr "索取你的免費網域" msgid "There was a problem retrieving your receipt." msgstr "擷取你的收據時發生問題。" msgid "Get a custom domain" msgstr "取得你的自訂網域" msgid "" "We have sent the transfer authorization code to the domain registrant's " "email address. If you don't receive the email shortly, please check your " "spam folder." msgstr "" "我們已將轉移授權碼傳送至網域註冊者的電子郵件地址。如果你稍後未收到電子郵件," "請檢查你的垃圾郵件資料夾。" msgid "Take our poll" msgstr "接受我們的問卷調查" msgid "There was a problem with your payment" msgstr "你的款項有問題。" msgid "Start Free" msgstr "免費入門方案" msgid "Search engine optimized" msgstr "搜尋引擎最佳化" msgid "In-depth stats" msgstr "完整而深入的網站統計" msgid "Built-in social sharing" msgstr "內建社群分享功能" msgid "Find your fans" msgstr "讓粉絲愈來愈多" msgid "Own your content" msgstr "你的內容,就是你的" msgid "Mobile and desktop apps" msgstr "行動裝置及桌面版應用程式" msgid "Upload or embed media" msgstr "上載或嵌入多媒體檔案" msgid "Write without worry" msgstr "讓你專注內容創作,無需分神" msgid "Tell your story" msgstr "發佈精彩內容" msgid "Fast, friendly support" msgstr "快速親切的支援服務" msgid "Mobile friendly" msgstr "便於行動裝置瀏覽" msgid "Hundreds of themes" msgstr "數百種佈景主題" msgid "Realize your vision" msgstr "優質服務,助你圓夢" msgid "Plans for any budget" msgstr "多種方案,預算高低都合用" msgid "Blog, website, or both" msgstr "寫網誌、做網站,雙效合一" msgid "Create your new blog or website for free" msgstr "免費建立新網誌或網站" msgid "" "Choose a plan that works for you. Customize as much or as little as you " "want. Get help when you need it. Tell your story." msgstr "" "選擇適合你的方案。隨心所欲,自訂你想要的內容。當你需要支援時,我們便能提供協" "助。述說你的故事。" msgid "Features to help you publish anything, anywhere." msgstr "讓你隨時隨地發佈任何內容的多樣功能。" msgid "%s username:" msgstr "%s 使用者名稱:" msgid "Discover what your website or blog can do with a powerful plan" msgstr "發掘你的網站或網誌若採用功能強大的方案可執行哪些內容" msgid "Choose your flavor " msgstr "選擇適合你的" msgid " Plans | Store" msgstr " 方案 | 商店" msgid "Dismiss message" msgstr "關閉訊息" msgid "You can hide ads completely by upgrading to one of our paid plans." msgstr "升級為任一付費方案,即可完全隱藏這些廣告。" msgctxt "" "Checkbox on Widget Visibility if children of the selected page should be " "included in the visibility rule." msgid "Include children" msgstr "包括孩童在內" msgid "From your pals at" msgstr "在 找到你的哥兒們" msgid "" "Helpful reminder: At any time, log into your account with your username, " "%s, or your email address." msgstr "" "溫馨提醒:無論何時,你都可以使用你的使用者名稱、%s 或" "電子郵件地址登入你的帳戶。" msgid "" "Welcome to Please click the button below to confirm your " "email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "歡迎使用。請按下方的按鈕以確認你的電子郵件地址並啟用帳戶\n" "\n" "。" msgid "Priority support" msgstr "優先支援服務" msgid "Exclusive access to our best themes. Try as many as you like." msgstr "獨享我們最棒的佈景主題。任你盡情嘗試。" msgid "Upload and host videos on your site without advertising." msgstr "上載影片並在網站上播放,且無廣告干擾。" msgid "Video storage & hosting" msgstr "影片儲存空間與託管" msgid "Change your theme's font, colors, and CSS for a unique look" msgstr "變更佈景主題的字型、顏色和 CSS,呈現獨具風格的外觀效果" msgid "Custom fonts, colors, & CSS" msgstr "自訂字型、顏色及 CSS" msgid "Unlimited media storage" msgstr "無限的媒體儲存空間" msgid "Upload up to 13 GB of photos, videos, or music." msgstr "可上載多達 13GB 的相片、影片或音樂。" msgid "Expanded media storage" msgstr "加大的媒體儲存空間" msgid "Media storage" msgstr "媒體儲存空間" msgid "Make your site easier to find and easier to remember." msgstr "更容易找到你的網站,且更好記。" msgid "Your own space to create posts and pages with basic customization." msgstr "你有自己的空間建立文章以及具基本自訂項的頁面。" msgid "Included with all plans:" msgstr "所有方案隨附功能:" msgid "Includes Premium features:" msgstr "內含 進階版功能:" msgid "Perfect for power users, business websites and blogs" msgstr "適合進階使用者、企業網站和網誌" msgid "Included with all plans" msgstr "所有方案隨附功能" msgid "Perfect for bloggers, creatives, and other professionals" msgstr "適合部落客、創意工作者及其他專業人士" msgid "Perfect for anyone creating a basic blog or site" msgstr "適合建立基本網誌或網站的任何人" msgctxt "Noun" msgid "User" msgstr "使用者" msgid "Logged Out" msgstr "已登出" msgid "Logged In" msgstr "登入" msgid "" "There was a problem preparing your export file. Please check your connection " "and try again, or contact support." msgstr "" "準備\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t匯出檔案時發生問題。請檢查連線後再試一次,\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Skip for now" msgstr "暫時略過" msgid "" "Check out posts or pages to see " "your imported content." msgstr "" "請前往文章頁面,以查看你所匯入的" "內容。" msgctxt "blogname" msgid "Your import from %1$s to %2$s has finished." msgstr "你已成功將 %1$s 的內容匯入至 %2$s。" msgid "Checkbox with Multiple Items" msgstr "含多個項目的核取方塊" msgid "%s requires at least one selection" msgstr "%s 需要至少選取一個項目" msgid "Oceania" msgstr "大洋洲" msgid "" "If you have any problems or questions, please contact support through the " "following link: " msgstr "如果你有任何問題或疑問,請透過以下連結聯絡支援團隊:" msgid "" "If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Support." msgstr "如果你有任何問題或疑問,歡迎聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "There are multiple authors on your %(sourceType)s site. Please reassign the " "authors of the imported items to an existing user on " "{{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, then click {{em}}Start import{{/em}}." msgstr "" "你的 %(sourceType)s 網站有多位作者。請將匯入項目的作者重新指派給 " "{{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}} 的現有使用者,然後按一下{{em}}「開始匯" "入」{{/em}}.。" msgid "" "There are multiple authors on your %(sourceType)s site. Because you're the " "only author on {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, all imported content " "will be assigned to you. Click {{em}}Start import{{/em}} to proceed." msgstr "" "你的 %(sourceType)s 網站有多位作者。因為你是 {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/" "b}} 唯一的作者,因此我們會將所有匯入的內容指派給你。按一下{{em}}「開始匯入」" "{{/em}}以繼續操作。" msgid "" "There is one author on your %(sourceType)s site. Because you're the only " "author on {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, all imported content will be " "assigned to you. Click Start import to proceed." msgstr "" "你的 %(sourceType)s 網站有一位作者。因為你是 {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/" "b}} 唯一的作者,因此我們會將所有匯入的內容指派給你。按一下「開始匯入」以繼續" "操作。" msgid "" "There was a problem with your WordPress import file. It doesn't seem to be " "in a valid format." msgstr "你匯入的 WordPress 檔案有問題,檔案格式似乎無效。" msgid "There was a problem with your WordPress import file." msgstr "你匯入的 WordPress 檔案有問題。" msgid "Would you like to accept the invite with a different account?" msgstr "你是否要以其他帳戶接受此邀請?" msgctxt "button" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" msgctxt "Button label" msgid "Send invitation" msgid_plural "Send invitations" msgstr[0] "傳送邀請" msgid "Custom message" msgstr "自訂訊息" msgid "Usernames or emails" msgstr "使用者名稱或電子郵件" msgid "Invite People" msgstr "邀請他人" msgctxt "Role that is displayed in a select" msgid "Follower" msgstr "關注者" msgctxt "Role that is displayed in a select" msgid "Viewer" msgstr "檢視者" msgid "You must cancel any active subscriptions prior to deleting your site." msgstr "刪除網站前,你必須先取消全部有效的訂閱。" msgid "Finishing up the import." msgstr "完成匯入" msgid "An unspecified error occured during the import." msgstr "匯入時發生不明錯誤。" msgid "" "Thanks to {{a}}all our community members who helped translate to " "{{language/}}{{/a}}!" msgstr "感謝 {{a}} 所有協助翻譯為{{language/}}的社群成員{{/a}}!" msgid "The DNS record has not been added." msgstr "尚未新增 DNS 記錄。" msgid "Give your site a name" msgstr "為你的網站取個名字" msgid "No site specified" msgstr "沒有指定的網站。" msgid "Hi!" msgstr "嗨!" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view menus." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有檢視選單的權限。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許刪除此使用者。" msgid "The date you provided is invalid." msgstr "您提供的日期無效。" msgid "%1$s is not of type %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 不是 %2$s 類型" msgid "%1$s is not one of %2$l." msgstr "%1$s 不是 %2$l 之一。" msgid "The email address for the customer." msgstr "客戶的電子郵件地址" msgid "The role %s does not exist." msgstr "該角色 %s 不存在。" msgid "Taxes do not support trashing." msgstr "稅金不支援銷毀。" msgid "Invalid resource id for reassignment." msgstr "無效的資源 ID,無法重新指派。" msgid "Email address is invalid." msgstr "電子郵件地址無效" msgid "Username isn't editable." msgstr "使用者名稱無法變更。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this resource." msgstr "抱歉,你並沒擁有刪除此資源的權限。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit users." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有編輯使用者的權限。" msgid "You are not currently logged in." msgstr "你目前尚未登入。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot view this resource." msgstr "很抱歉,你無法檢視此資源。" msgid "Cannot create existing resource." msgstr "無法建立現有的資源。" msgid "Invalid resource ID." msgstr "無效的資源編號。" msgid "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product." msgstr "限制指派給特定商品的資源結果集。" msgid "Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products." msgstr "是否要隱藏未指派給任何商品的資源。" msgid "Sort collection by resource attribute." msgstr "依物件資源屬性來排序集合。" msgid "The ID for the parent of the resource." msgstr "父項資源的 ID。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type." msgstr "此類型唯一的資源英數識別元。" msgid "HTML description of the resource." msgstr "資源的 HTML 描述。" msgid "Number of published products for the resource." msgstr "為資源發佈的商品數。" msgid "Unique identifier for the widget." msgstr "小工具的唯一識別碼。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot list resources." msgstr "抱歉, 您無權查看資料。" msgid "Resource does not support trashing." msgstr "資源不支援銷毀。" msgid "Can not set resource parent, taxonomy is not hierarchical." msgstr "無法設定資源父項,分類法並非階層式。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot delete this resource." msgstr "抱歉,您無法刪除資源。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot create new resource." msgstr "抱歉,您無法建立新資源。" msgid "Resource does not exist." msgstr "資源不存在。" msgid "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing." msgstr "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing。" msgid "Whether or not the term cloud should be displayed." msgstr "是否要顯示標籤雲。" msgid "A human-readable description of the resource." msgstr "人類可閱讀的資源描述。" msgid "Whether to include posts in the edit listing for their post type." msgstr "是否包含文章型別編輯列表裡的文章。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource." msgstr "資源的英數識別碼。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage post statuses." msgstr "抱歉,你不能管理此資來源。" msgid "Status is forbidden." msgstr "狀態是被禁止。" msgid "The id for the resource." msgstr "資源的編號。" msgid "" "Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require " "appropriate authorization." msgstr "使用 WP 查詢引數來修改回應;私人查詢變數需要適當的授權。" msgid "Limit result set to reviews assigned a specific status." msgstr "將結果集限制為指派特定狀態的評論。" msgid "Offset the result set by a specific number of items." msgstr "依特定數量來位移結果集合。" msgid "Limit result set to those of particular parent IDs." msgstr "限制特定父項 ID 的結果集。" msgid "Ensure result set excludes posts assigned to specific authors." msgstr "確保結果集合排除指派給特定作者的文章。" msgid "Limit result set to posts assigned to specific authors." msgstr "限制結果爲被指派特定作者的文章。" msgid "The terms assigned to the object in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "已指派至〈%s〉分類法物件的分類法詞彙。" msgid "The theme file to use to display the post." msgstr "用於顯示文章的佈景主題檔案。" msgid "Whether or not the post should be treated as sticky." msgstr "是否應將文章置頂。" msgid "The format for the post." msgstr "文章的格式。" msgid "Whether or not the post can be pinged." msgstr "是否能通知文章。" msgid "Whether or not comments are open on the post." msgstr "是否啟用文章的留言功能。" msgid "The ID of the featured media for the post." msgstr "文章的精選媒體 ID。" msgid "HTML excerpt for the post, transformed for display." msgstr "文章用於轉換為顯示用途的 HTML 格式內容摘要。" msgid "HTML title for the object, transformed for display." msgstr "物件用於轉換為顯示用途的 HTML 格式標題。" msgid "Excerpt for the post, as it exists in the database." msgstr "文章儲存於資料庫中的內容摘要資料。" msgid "The excerpt for the post." msgstr "文章的內容摘要。" msgid "The title for the object." msgstr "物件的標題。" msgid "A named status for the object." msgstr "物件的命名狀態。" msgid "Title for the object, as it exists in the database." msgstr "物件儲存於資料庫中的標題資料。" msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the post unique to its type." msgstr "文章識別碼由英數字元組成,在其所屬的型別中必須是唯一的項目。" msgid "The date the post was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "文章最後修改日期,以 GMT 格式顯示。" msgid "The date the post was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "以這個網站的時區顯示文章的最後修改日期。" msgid "Title for the post, as it exists in the database." msgstr "文章儲存於資料庫中的標題資料。" msgid "GUID for the post, transformed for display." msgstr "文章用於轉換為顯示用途的 GUID。" msgid "The globally unique identifier for the post." msgstr "文章的全域唯一識別碼。" msgid "The date the post was published, in the site's timezone." msgstr "以這個網站的時區顯示文章的發佈日期。" msgid "A password protected post can not be set to sticky." msgstr "一篇受密碼保護的文章,無法設為置頂。" msgid "The date the post was published, as GMT." msgstr "以 GMT 格式顯示文章的發佈日期。" msgid "A sticky post can not be password protected." msgstr "置頂文章無法用密碼保護。" msgid "A post can not be sticky and have a password." msgstr "一篇文章不能同時置頂又受密碼保護。" msgid "The post has already been deleted." msgstr "這文章已被刪除。" msgid "The %s does not support trashing." msgstr "%s 支援銷毀。" msgid "Cannot create existing post." msgstr "無法建立現存的文章。" msgid "" "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response." msgstr "被提出的請求範圍;決定回應裡的欄位。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish posts in this post type." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許在這文章類型下發佈新文章。" msgid "Limit results to those matching a string." msgstr "將結果限制在那些符合搜尋字串的項目上。" msgid "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set." msgstr "結果集合中最大數量的項目回傳值。" msgid "Current page of the collection." msgstr "集合目前的頁數。" msgid "" "Limit result set to comments assigned a specific type. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "將結果限制在那些被設定為一個特定類型的評論。這需要被授權。" msgid "Method '%s' not implemented. Must be overridden in subclass." msgstr "方法 '%s' 未實作。必須被子類別覆寫。" msgid "" "Limit result set to comments assigned a specific status. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "將結果限制在那些被設定為一個特定狀態的評論。這需要被授權。" msgid "Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific product IDs." msgstr "將結果集限制為指派給特定商品 ID 的評論。" msgid "Sort collection by object attribute." msgstr "依物件屬性來排序集合。" msgid "Order sort attribute ascending or descending." msgstr "排列順序遞升或遞降。" msgid "Limit result set to specific ids." msgstr "限制結果設定為特定 ID。" msgid "" "Limit result set to that from a specific author email. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "將結果限制在那些與特定作者電郵相關的項目。這需要被授權。" msgid "The ID for the parent of the comment." msgstr "上層留言的 ID。" msgid "State of the comment." msgstr "留言的狀態。" msgid "URL to the object." msgstr "物件的URL。" msgid "The date the revision was published, as GMT." msgstr "以 GMT 格式顯示內容修訂的發佈日期。" msgid "HTML content for the post, transformed for display." msgstr "文章用於轉換為顯示用途的 HTML 格式內容。" msgid "Content for the post, as it exists in the database." msgstr "文章儲存於資料庫中的內容資料。" msgid "The content for the post." msgstr "文章的內容。" msgid "User agent for the comment author." msgstr "留言者的使用者代理程式" msgid "Display name for the comment author." msgstr "留言者的顯示名稱。" msgid "IP address for the comment author." msgstr "留言者的 IP 位址。" msgid "Avatar URLs for the comment author." msgstr "留言者的個人頭像網址。" msgid "Email address for the comment author." msgstr "留言者的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Unique identifier for the object." msgstr "物件唯一的識別碼。" msgid "The comment cannot be deleted." msgstr "該評論無法被刪除。" msgid "Updating comment failed." msgstr "更新評論失敗。" msgid "Avatar URL with image size of %d pixels." msgstr "圖片尺寸為 %d 像素的頭像尺寸。" msgid "The comment has already been trashed." msgstr "該評論已丟進回收桶。" msgid "Updating comment status failed." msgstr "更新評論狀態失敗。" msgid "Creating comment failed." msgstr "建立評論失敗。" msgid "Cannot create existing comment." msgstr "無法建立已存在的評論。" msgid "Sorry, you must be logged in to comment." msgstr "抱歉,你必須登入才能發佈評論。" msgid "Query parameter not permitted: %s" msgstr "查詢的參數不被許可:%s" msgid "Whether to bypass trash and force deletion." msgstr "是否跳過丟到回收桶而強制刪除。" msgid "Could not open file handle." msgstr "無法開啟檔案操作器。" msgid "Content hash did not match expected." msgstr "內容雜湊不符合預期。" msgid "" "Invalid Content-Disposition supplied. Content-Disposition needs to be " "formatted as `attachment; filename=\"image.png\"` or similar." msgstr "" "提供了錯誤的內容處置 (Content-Disposition)。內容處置需要被格式化為 " "`attachment; filename=\"image.png\"` 或其他相似設定。" msgid "No Content-Disposition supplied." msgstr "沒有提供內容處置方式(Content-Disposition)。" msgid "No data supplied." msgstr "未提供資料。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload media on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在這個網站上載媒體檔案。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to batch manipulate this resource." msgstr "抱歉,您無法操作資源。" msgid "Upgrade your site to remove ads and unlock more power" msgstr "升級 網站以移除廣告並解鎖更多功能" msgid "Create your stunning website on" msgstr "用 建立讓人驚豔的網站" msgid "" " allows you to build any kind of site you want: business site, " "blog, portfolio, the sky is the limit!" msgstr "" " 可讓你隨心所欲建立任何類型的網站:無論是商務網站、網誌、個人作" "品集,都有無窮創意空間任你盡情揮灑!" msgid "Create anything" msgstr "什麼都能建立" msgid "Trusted by some of the world's biggest brands and industries." msgstr "備受全球部分大型品牌與企業的信賴。" msgid "Upgrade your site to remove ads and unlock more power" msgstr "升級網站以移除廣告並解鎖更多功能" msgid "" "We display ads sparingly on free sites to help cover costs without " "interfering with the browsing experience.

    If you would like to " "permanently remove ads from your site, please consider upgrading to a paid " "plan." msgstr "" "我們會以不干擾瀏覽體驗為前提,節制地在免費網站上顯示廣告以幫忙支付開銷。

    如果你想要永久地移除網站上的廣告,請考慮升級至付費方案。" msgid "Remove ads on your site completely" msgstr "完全移除網站上的廣告" msgid "Start Free plan" msgstr "開始使用免費方案" msgid "" "Site, supercharged: get your own domain name, powerful " "customization options and lots of space for audio and video." msgstr "" "讓網站大放異彩:取得你的專屬網域名稱、功能強大的自訂選項,以" "及更大的音訊及影片儲存空間。" msgid "Start Business" msgstr "開始使用商務版" msgid "Start Premium" msgstr "開始使用進階版" msgid "" "Just start creating: get a free site and be on your way to publishing your " "content in less than five minutes." msgstr "開始建立:擁有一個免費網站,五分鐘內即可開始發佈內容。" msgid "" "Go beyond basic with a supercharged website. Personalize your " "design, pick a custom domain name, enjoy more space for your media, and " "benefit from superior email support. The same easy-to-use, now " "with more power and more possibility." msgstr "" "讓出色的 網站幫你領先一步。將設計風格個人化、選擇自訂網域名稱、" "享有更多媒體儲存空間,並獲得更棒的電子郵件支援權益。現在 不但依" "舊簡單好用,還加入了更多功能及可能性。" msgid "Your site, supercharged" msgstr "讓網站大放異彩" msgid "" "Get a free site and be on your way to publishing your content in less than " "five minutes." msgstr "擁有一個免費網站,五分鐘內即可開始發佈內容。" msgid "Community support" msgstr "社群支援" msgid "Start for Free" msgstr "免費開始使用" msgid "" "More features, space, customization, plus the power of live chat support. " "Engage your customers and attract new ones with our most powerful WordPress." "com plan. Your online presence begins with your website. Make it count by " "choosing the best of" msgstr "" "更多功能、儲存空間、自訂項目,此外還能獲得即時聊天支援的權益。透過我們最強大" "的 方案留住前來的客戶,同時吸引新客戶。你的線上知名度就從網站開" "始。選擇最棒的 以奪得先機。" msgid "The best of" msgstr "無與倫比的" msgid "Advanced design customization" msgstr "進階自訂設計" msgid "Looking for a free account?" msgstr "需要免費的帳戶嗎?" msgid "Upgrade your website to unlock more power" msgstr "升級網站以解開更多功能" msgid "" " powers beautiful websites for businesses, professionals, " "and bloggers." msgstr "" " 分別針對商務、專業人士和部落客進一步提供美觀的網" "站。" msgid "Create your stunning website" msgstr "建立讓人驚豔的網站" msgid "" "With our responsive and mobile themes, we make sure your site looks good on " "any device. Update your website on the go with mobile apps for iOS and " "Android." msgstr "" "只要使用我們回應靈敏的行動佈景主題,即可確保你的網站在所有裝置上都一樣美觀。" "透過 iOS 和 Android 行動應用程式隨時更新網站。" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers work night and day through live chat, email, support " "pages, and forums to answer any questions you have." msgstr "" "我們的幸福工程師 (Happiness Engineer) 透過即時聊天、電子郵件、支援頁面及論壇" "日以繼夜地作業,為你解決遇到的任何問題。" msgid "" "Keep your finger on the pulse and learn more about your readers. See where " "they’re from and how they found you, with colourful maps and graphs that " "beautifully present your stats." msgstr "" "掌握趨勢,並深入瞭解你的讀者。彩色的地圖和圖表會顯示簡潔的統計資料,讓你知道" "這些讀者來自哪些地方,以及如何找到你的網站。" msgid "" "Find a unique style for your site, features hundreds of high " "quality themes." msgstr "" "為你的網站找出獨一無二的風格, 具有數百個高品質的佈景主題。" msgid "" "Register a unique .com, .net, .org, or .me domain and start using it in " "seconds. You can also map your existing domain name to in a " "few easy steps." msgstr "" "註冊唯一的 .com、.net、.org 或 .me 網域後,只要數秒就能開始使用此網域。你也可" "以透過幾個簡單步驟,將現有的網域名稱對應至。" msgid "" "Creating and managing your website is simple with’s powerful " "platform. Get started in minutes and make changes to your site easily." msgstr "" "有了 的強大平台,就能輕鬆建立及管理網站。只要幾分鐘就能開始使用" "網站,並輕鬆進行變更。" msgid "Features you'll love" msgstr "你一定會喜歡的各項功能" msgid "Browse themes" msgstr "瀏覽佈景主題" msgid "The best support" msgstr "最完善的支援服務" msgid "Powerful statistics" msgstr "強大的網站統計資料" msgid "Outstanding design" msgstr "讓你的網站設計與眾不同" msgid "Your own domain name" msgstr "你的專屬網域名稱" msgid "Discover plans that mean business " msgstr "探索適用於商業的方案" msgid "Start with Business" msgstr "選擇「商用版」方案" msgid "Start with Premium" msgstr "選擇「進階方案」" msgid "Your business, your website." msgstr "你的網站代表你的事業。" msgid "User is already subscribed to this blog." msgstr "使用者已訂閱此網誌。" msgid "Sign in to continue:" msgstr "登入以繼續操作:" msgid "Backup codes have been verified" msgstr "備用密碼已驗證。" msgid "New backup codes have just been generated, but need to be verified." msgstr "已產生新的備份密碼,但仍需驗證。" msgid "Backup codes have not been verified." msgstr "備用密碼未經驗證。" msgid "Type a Backup Code to Verify" msgstr "輸入備用密碼以進行驗證" msgid "" "The registry for your domain requires a special process for transfers. Our " "Happiness Engineers have been notified about your transfer request and will " "be in touch shortly to help you complete the process." msgstr "" "註冊網域需要進行特殊的轉移程序。我們的客戶滿意工程師 (Happiness Engineer) 已" "接獲你的轉移要求通知,將盡快與你聯絡以協助你完成程序。" msgid "Resend Transfer Code" msgstr "重新傳送轉移碼" msgid "Cancel Transfer" msgstr "取消轉移" msgid "" "We've canceled your domain transfer. Your domain is now re-locked and " "Privacy Protection has been enabled." msgstr "你的網域轉移已經取消。你的網域現在已重新鎖定,並已啟用隱私權保護。" msgid "Update settings and continue" msgstr "更新設定並繼續" msgid "" "You must verify your email address before you can transfer this domain. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "你必須驗證自己的電子郵件地址,才能轉移此網域。{{learnMoreLink}}瞭解更多。{{/" "learnMoreLink}}" msgid "" "We sent the ICANN verification email to your email address. Please check " "your inbox and click the link in the email." msgstr "" "我們已將 ICANN 驗證電子郵件傳送至你的電子郵件地址。請查看你的收件匣並按一下電" "子郵件中的連結。" msgid "

    Continue reading → %s

    " msgstr "

    繼續閱讀 → %s

    " msgctxt "%s = human-readable time difference" msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s 之前" msgid "There was an error removing the purchase." msgstr "移除購買時發生錯誤。" msgid "Remove %(productName)s" msgstr "移除 %(productName)s" msgid "Manage Account" msgstr "管理帳戶" msgid "Code:" msgstr "代碼:" msgid "MailChimp Subscriber Popup" msgstr "MailChimp 訂閱快顯視窗" msgid "Allows displaying a popup subscription form to visitors." msgstr "允許向訪客顯示快顯訂閱表單。" msgid "This invite is only valid for %(email)s." msgstr "此邀請僅針對 %(email)s 方為有效。" msgid "Switch Accounts" msgstr "切換帳戶" msgctxt "button" msgid "Register as %(email)s" msgstr "以 %(email)s 註冊" msgctxt "button" msgid "Sign In as %(email)s" msgstr "以 %(email)s 登入" msgid "Oh no! You need to select a Jetpack site to be able to setup your plan" msgstr "糟糕!你必須先選取 Jetpack 網站才能設定方案" msgid "" "You agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and authorize your " "payment method to be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel, which " "you can do at any time. You understand {{autoRenewalSupportPage}}how your " "subscription works{{/autoRenewalSupportPage}} and " "{{faqCancellingSupportPage}}how to cancel{{/faqCancellingSupportPage}}." msgstr "" "你同意{{tosLink}}服務條款{{/tosLink}},並授權我們使用此付款方式進行定期扣款," "直到取消為止 (隨時可取消)。你也了解{{autoRenewalSupportPage}}訂閱的運作方式" "{{/autoRenewalSupportPage}}及{{faqCancellingSupportPage}}取消訂閱的方法{{/" "faqCancellingSupportPage}}。" msgid "Automated restores" msgstr "自動還原" msgid "Security scanning" msgstr "資安掃瞄" msgid "Spam protection" msgstr "垃圾留言防護" msgid "Unlimited backup archive" msgstr "無限制的備份封存" msgid "" "We’ve made a change to make your site visible, but you can adjust its " "visibility in Settings." msgstr "" "我們已為你變更設定,讓所有人都能搜尋你的網站,不過你還是可以在「設定」中調整網站的可見度。" msgid "" "We discovered your site, %s, was hidden from search engines " "by default." msgstr "我們發現,你的網站 %s 預設為不接受搜尋引擎搜尋。" msgid " Discover" msgstr " Discover" msgid " Blog" msgstr " 網誌" msgid " Features" msgstr "WordPress.com功能" msgid "Your site %s can now be seen by search engines." msgstr "你的網站 %s 現在可讓搜尋引擎檢索." msgid "We've made your site public" msgstr "你的網站已經設為公開" msgid "Error updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s. %(additionalExplanation)s" msgstr "在 %(site)s 上更新 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。%(additionalExplanation)s" msgid "Error installing %(plugin)s on %(site)s. %(additionalExplanation)s" msgstr "在 %(site)s 上安裝 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。%(additionalExplanation)s" msgid "The checksum of the files don't match." msgstr "檔案總和檢查碼不符。" msgid "The site could not be reached." msgstr "無法連上網站。" msgid "Plugin is already installed." msgstr "外掛程式已安裝。" msgid "Update all" msgstr "全部更新" msgid "Remove Now" msgstr "立即移除" msgid "Website: %s" msgstr "網站:%s" msgid "More information about the comment source" msgstr "更多關於留言來源的資訊" msgid "Whois: %s (IP: %s)" msgstr "Whois 查詢:%s (IP:%s)" msgid "Website: %1$s (IP: %2$s)" msgstr "網站:%1$s (IP:%2$s)" msgid ": %s" msgstr ":%s" msgctxt "Message that is displayed to users when an invitation is invalid." msgid "We weren't able to verify that invitation." msgstr "我們無法驗證該邀請。" msgctxt "" "Title that is display to users when attempting to accept an invalid invite." msgid "Oops, that invite is not valid" msgstr "糟糕,這份邀請無效" msgid "Follow by email subscription only." msgstr "僅用電子郵件訂閱關注。" msgid "Sign Up & Join" msgstr "註冊與加入" msgid "Sign Up & View" msgstr "註冊與檢視" msgid "Sign Up & Follow" msgstr "註冊與關注" msgid "Join as {{usernameWrap}}%(username)s{{/usernameWrap}}" msgstr "以 {{usernameWrap}}%(username)s{{/usernameWrap}} 加入" msgid "Follow as {{usernameWrap}}%(username)s{{/usernameWrap}}" msgstr "以 {{usernameWrap}}%(username)s{{/usernameWrap}} 身分關注" msgctxt "button" msgid "Join" msgstr "加入" msgctxt "button" msgid "Joining…" msgstr "正在加入..." msgctxt "button" msgid "Follow" msgstr "關注" msgctxt "button" msgid "Following…" msgstr "正在關注..." msgid "Accept Invite" msgstr "接受邀請" msgid "You're now a Subscriber of: {{site/}}" msgstr "你現在已訂閱:{{site/}}" msgid "" "This is your site dashboard where you can write and manage your own posts." msgstr "這是你的網站儀表板,你可以在這裡撰寫和管理自己的文章。" msgid "You're now a Contributor of: {{site/}}" msgstr "你現在已成為此網站的參與者:{{site/}}" msgid "" "This is your site dashboard where you can publish and edit your own posts as " "well as upload media." msgstr "這是你的網站儀表板,你可以在這裡發佈和編輯自己的文章,還可以上載媒體。" msgid "You're now an Author of: {{site/}}" msgstr "你現在已成為以下網站的作者:{{site/}}" msgid "" "This is your site dashboard where you can publish and manage your own posts " "and the posts of others, as well as upload media." msgstr "" "這是你的網站儀表板,你可以在這裡發佈和編輯自己及他人的文章,還可以上載媒體。" msgid "You're now an Editor of: {{site/}}" msgstr "你現在已成為以下網站的編輯者:{{site/}}" msgid "" "This is your site dashboard where you will be able to manage all aspects of " "%(site)s" msgstr "這是你的網站儀表板,你可以在這裡管理 %(site)s 上的所有層面" msgid "You're now an Administrator of: {{site/}}" msgstr "你現在已成為以下網站的管理員:{{site/}}" msgid "You are now a viewer of: {{site/}}" msgstr "你現在已成為以下網站的檢視者:{{site/}}" msgid "" "As a contributor, you will be able to write and manage your own posts, but " "you will not be able to publish." msgstr "作為參與者,你將能夠撰寫並管理自己的文章,但你無法發佈它們。" msgid "" "As an author, you will be able to publish and edit your own posts as well as " "upload media." msgstr "作為一名作者,你將能夠發佈並編輯自己的文章,並上載媒體。" msgid "" "As an editor, you will be able to publish and manage your own posts and the " "posts of others, as well as upload media." msgstr "作為一名編輯者,你將能夠發佈並管理自己及他人的文章,並上載媒體。" msgid "" "Would you like to join {{siteLink/}} as: {{strong}}%(siteRole)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "是否要加入 {{siteLink/}} 成為:{{strong}}%(siteRole)s{{/strong}}?" msgid "Would you like to become a follower of {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "是否要成為 {{siteLink/}} 的關注者?" msgid "Would you like to be able to view {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "是否要能夠檢視 {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "" "Would you like to start following {{siteLink/}} in the Reader?" msgstr "是否要開始在 讀取器中關注 {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "Would you like to start contributing to {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "是否要開始參與 {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "Would you like to start writing for {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "是否要開始為 {{siteLink/}} 寫作?" msgid "Would you like to start editing {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "是否要開始編輯 {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "Would you like to start managing {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "是否要開始管理 {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "Sign up to join {{siteLink/}} as: {{strong}}%(siteRole)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "註冊以加入 {{siteLink/}} 成為:{{strong}}%(siteRole)s{{/strong}}。" msgid "Sign up to start following {{siteLink/}} in the Reader." msgstr "註冊以開始在 讀取器中關注 {{siteLink/}}。" msgid "Sign up to begin viewing {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "註冊以開始檢視 {{siteLink/}}。" msgid "Sign up to start your subscription to {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "註冊以開始你的 {{siteLink/}} 訂閱。" msgid "Sign up to start contributing to {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "註冊以開始參與 {{siteLink/}}。" msgid "Sign up to start writing for {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "註冊以開始為 {{siteLink/}} 寫作。" msgid "Sign up to start editing {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "註冊以開始編輯 {{siteLink/}}。" msgid "Sign up to start managing {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "註冊以開始管理 {{siteLink/}}。" msgid "" "Or, if you're looking to get a refund or cancel a recent purchase, you can " "do so here." msgstr "" "或者,如果你要取得退款或取消近期的購買交易,你可以在此處執行" "這類作業。" msgid "" "Please contact us by re-sending your request through our contact form, where staff members are available for live chat " "between 7:00am and 8:00pm Eastern Standard time. During other times, you can " "use the contact form to send us a short email." msgstr "" "請透過聯絡表單重新傳送你的要求與我們洽詢,於美東時間早上 " "7:00 至晚上 8:00 期間,我們提供即時聊天對談服務。其他時間則可透過聯絡表單傳送" "一封簡短電子郵件給我們。" msgid "You sent an email to us at an unmonitored email address." msgstr "你向我們寄送的電子郵件,是寄到無人查收的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Invalid Support Email" msgstr "支援電子郵件地址無效" msgid "I don't have any products yet." msgstr "我還沒有任何產品。" msgid "per month, billed yearly" msgstr "按月計費,每年結帳一次" msgid "Export %(siteTitle)s" msgstr "匯出 %(siteTitle)s" msgid "Want to export your site?" msgstr "想要匯出你的網站?" msgid "Mobile app" msgstr "行動裝置應用程式" msgid "Linux" msgstr "Linux" msgid "Get Apps" msgstr "取得應用程式" msgid "" "This subscription was originally purchased by another user. Please ask the " "subscription owner to renew the subscription." msgstr "此訂閱最初由其他使用者所購買。請聯絡訂閱者以進行續約。" msgid "" "Get the most out of Jetpack by activating its most valuable WordPress " "services and features" msgstr "" "啟用 Jetpack 最有價值的 WordPress 服務和功能,以完全發揮 Jetpack 的效用" msgid "Unsubscribe from these emails" msgstr "取消訂閱這些電子郵件" msgid "Thank you for using Jetpack!" msgstr "感謝你使用 Jetpack" msgid "Security Essentials:" msgstr "安全性基本資訊功能:" msgid "Happiness Engineer" msgstr "Happiness Engineer" msgid "Thanks for using Jetpack" msgstr "感謝你使用 Jetpack" msgid "" "Use our powerful, streamlined editor to craft and publish posts and pages " "across all your sites." msgstr "" "有了我們功能強大的簡化編輯器,你就能在所有網站上輕鬆製作及發佈文章與網頁。" msgid "Activate Auto-Updates" msgstr "啟用自動更新功能" msgid "" "With only a single click, enable automatic updates for all of your plugins. " "Jetpack will take care of the rest." msgstr "" "只要按一下,即可啟用所有外掛程式的自動更新功能。其他的就安心交給 Jetpack 處" "理。" msgid "" "Running the latest version of a WordPress plugin greatly reduces your " "security risks." msgstr "執行最新版本的 WordPress 外掛程式可大幅減少資安風險。" msgid "Automatic Plugin Updates" msgstr "外掛程式自動更新" msgid " Activate Traffic Tools" msgstr "啟用流量工具" msgid "" "Jetpack's Site Stats gives you the numbers, and tools like " "Publicize and Related Posts help you grow " "them." msgstr "" "Jetpack 的網站統計功能可提供數據,以及像 Publicize相關文章等的工具,協助你不斷成長。" msgid "" "Having reliable stats about your traffic and attracting more visitors is at " "the core of running a successful website." msgstr "擁有可靠的流量統計和吸引更多的訪客,是你成功經營網站的致勝關鍵。" msgid "Popular Traffic Tools" msgstr "熱門的流量工具" msgid "Activate Security Essentials" msgstr "啟用安全性基本資訊功能" msgid "" "To activate these services, visit your Jetpack dashboard and click the " "toggle so that it turns green and says Active. You can " "configure advanced settings for each one by clicking the little green cog " "icon." msgstr "" "若要啟用服務,請前往 Jetpack 儀表板並按一下切換開關,即可顯示綠色,這表示" "已啟用。只要按一下綠色的小齒輪圖示,即可設定每項服務的進階設" "定。" msgid "" "Jetpack includes three must-have security services that benefit any " "WordPress site: brute force log-in protection, " "single sign on, and uptime monitoring." msgstr "" "Jetpack 具有三個必備的安全服務,有益於所有 WordPress 網站:可抵禦暴力" "強行登入的防護功能單一登入網站運作時間" "監測。" msgid "Security Essentials" msgstr "安全性基本資訊功能" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack" msgstr "歡迎使用 Jetpack" msgid "Unsubscribe from this email" msgstr "取消訂閱這封電子郵件" msgid "%(count)s Comment" msgid_plural "%(count)s Comments" msgstr[0] "%(count)s 則留言" msgid "Sign in as a different user" msgstr "以其他使用者登入" msgid "" "Your export was successful! A download link has also been sent to your email." msgstr "" "你已成功匯出!\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t系統也已經將下載連結傳送至你的電子郵件。" msgid "Export all" msgstr "匯出全部" msgid "Exporting…" msgstr "正在匯出…" msgid "Import your content" msgstr "匯出你的內容" msgid "Select specific content to export" msgstr "選取要匯出的特定內容" msgid "Someone has requested a password reset for the following account:" msgstr "某使用者要求重設以下帳戶的密碼:" msgid "Are you sure the database server is not under particularly heavy load?" msgstr "請確認資料庫伺服器是否負載過高。" msgid "" "This means that the contact with the database server at %s was lost. This " "could mean your host’s database server is down." msgstr "系統失去與資料庫伺服器 %s 的連線,這代表資料庫伺服器為關閉狀態。" msgid "Error reconnecting to the database" msgstr "重新連接資料庫發生錯誤" msgid "" "If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your " "host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress support forums." msgstr "" "假如您不了解這些訊息代表什麼意思,您應該連絡您的主機管理員。如果您還需要任何" "協助,可以造訪 WordPress 支援論壇。" msgid "Are you sure the database server is running?" msgstr "請確認資料庫伺服器是否正常運作。" msgid "Are you sure you have the correct username and password?" msgstr "請確認你輸入了正確使用者名稱及密碼?" msgid "Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?" msgstr "請確認輸入了正確的主機名稱。" msgid "" "This either means that the username and password information in your %1$s " "file is incorrect or that contact with the database server at %2$s could not " "be established. This could mean your host’s database server is down." msgstr "" "出現這個頁面便代表這個網站的 %1$s 檔案中的資料庫使用者名稱及密碼不正確,或是" "系統無法連線至資料庫伺服器 %2$s,也可能代表系統要進行連線的資料庫伺服器已關" "閉。" msgid "" "If you do not know how to set up a database you should contact your " "host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPress support forums." msgstr "" "如果你不知道如何設定資料庫的話,請聯絡你的虛擬主機商。如果其" "他方法也失敗的話,請到WordPress支撐論壇尋求協助。" msgid "" "On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so " "it would be like username_%1$s. Could that be the problem?" msgstr "" "在某些系統上,你的資料庫名稱會以你的使用者名稱做為前綴,所以看起來會像是 " "username_%1$s。有可能是這個問題嗎?" msgid "Does the user %1$s have permission to use the %2$s database?" msgstr "使用者%1$s 有使用 %2$s 資料庫的權限嗎?" msgid "Are you sure it exists?" msgstr "你確定這個存在嗎?" msgid "Term meta cannot be added to terms that are shared between taxonomies." msgstr "詞語中繼資料(Term meta)無法加在已被多個分類法共用的詞語。" msgid "Categories list" msgstr "分類列表" msgid "Tags list" msgstr "標籤列表" msgid "Categories list navigation" msgstr "分類列表導覽" msgid "Tags list navigation" msgstr "標籤列表導覽" msgid "" "Invalid shortcode name: %1$s. Do not use spaces or reserved characters: %2$s" msgstr "無法的短代碼名稱:%1$s 。請勿使用空白或保留符號:%2$s" msgid "Invalid shortcode name: Empty name given." msgstr "無法的短代碼名稱:空白名稱。" msgid "%1$s (since %2$s; %3$s)" msgstr "%1$s(從 %2$s; %3$s)" msgid "%1$s (since %2$s; no alternative available)" msgstr "%1$s(從 %2$s; 沒有可用的替代方案)" msgid "%1$s (since %2$s; use %3$s instead)" msgstr "%1$s(從 %2$s; 使用 %3$s 取代)" msgid "The specified namespace could not be found." msgstr "指定的命名空間無法被找到。" msgid "No route was found matching the URL and request method" msgstr "沒有符合網址及請求方式的路由" msgid "JSONP support is disabled on this site." msgstr "此網站已停用 JSONP 支援。" msgid "The handler for the route is invalid" msgstr "此路由的管理權無效" msgid "The JSONP callback function is invalid" msgstr "此 JSONP 回覆功能無效" msgid "Invalid parameter(s): %s" msgstr "無效的參數:%s" msgid "Invalid parameter." msgstr "參數無效。" msgid "Missing parameter(s): %s" msgstr "缺少參數:%s" msgid "Pages list" msgstr "頁面列表" msgid "Posts list" msgstr "文章列表" msgid "Pages list navigation" msgstr "頁面列表導覽" msgid "Posts list navigation" msgstr "文章列表導覽" msgid "The menu name %s conflicts with another menu name. Please try another." msgstr "選單名稱 %s 與另一個選單名稱衝突了,請試著取另一個名字。" msgid "Filter pages list" msgstr "篩選頁面列表" msgid "Filter posts list" msgstr "篩選文章列表" msgid "" "This site has not been activated yet. If you are having problems activating " "your site, please contact %s." msgstr "此網站尚未啟用。假如你在啟用網站時發生問題,請通知 %s。" msgid "Site names can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers." msgstr "網址名稱只能包含小寫字母(a-z)及數字。" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "December" msgstr "十二月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "November" msgstr "十一月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "October" msgstr "十月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "September" msgstr "九月" msgid "Sorry, that username is not allowed." msgstr "抱歉,該使用者名稱不可使用。" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "August" msgstr "八月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "July" msgstr "七月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "June" msgstr "六月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "May" msgstr "五月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "April" msgstr "四月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "March" msgstr "三月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "February" msgstr "二月" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "January" msgstr "一月" msgid "" "Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information." msgstr "請參閱WordPress 的偵錯功能以進一步瞭解相關資訊。" msgid "Use the %s filter instead." msgstr "使用 %s 過濾器取代。" msgctxt "decline months names: on or off" msgid "off" msgstr "off" msgid "Copy and paste this code into your site to embed" msgstr "複製並貼上這段程式碼到你的網站以內嵌" msgid "Oops! That embed cannot be found." msgstr "哎呀!找不到嵌入的代碼。" msgid "Sharing options" msgstr "分享選項" msgid "Copy and paste this URL into your WordPress site to embed" msgstr "複製並貼上這個網址至你的WordPress網站以嵌入" msgid "HTML Embed" msgstr "嵌入 HTML" msgid "WordPress Embed" msgstr "以 WordPress 內容網址嵌入" msgid "" "When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder widgets will be " "available in the widgets list above." msgstr "" "當處於重新排序模式時,用於排列小工具的額外控制元件將顯示于上方的小工具列表" "裡。" msgctxt "menu location" msgid "(Current: %s)" msgstr "(目前:%s)" msgid "Use %s instead." msgstr "請以 %s 代替。" msgid "Reorder widgets" msgstr "重新排序小工具" msgid "Term ID is shared between multiple taxonomies" msgstr "詞語編號(Term ID)已在多個不同分類法中共用了" msgid "Medium-Large size image height" msgstr "中等尺寸的圖片高度" msgid "Medium-Large size image width" msgstr "中等尺寸的圖片寬度" msgctxt "menu" msgid "(Currently set to: %s)" msgstr "(目前設定為:%s)" msgid "Live Preview: %s" msgstr "即時預覽:%s" msgid "%1$s is deprecated. Use %2$s instead." msgstr "%1$s 已經過時。使用 %2$s 替代。" msgid "Post Type Archive" msgstr "文章類型彙整" msgid "Use %s instead if you do not want the value echoed." msgstr "如果你不想要重複的值,請以 %s 替代。" msgid "" "This will clear all items from the inactive widgets list. You will not be " "able to restore any customizations." msgstr "這會從未啟用的小工具列表清除所有項目。你將無法還原任何自訂選項。" msgid "Clear Inactive Widgets" msgstr "清除未啟用的小工具" msgid "Send User Notification" msgstr "傳送使用者通知" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Users list navigation" msgstr "使用者列表導覽" msgid "Filter users list" msgstr "篩選使用者列表" msgid "Send the new user an email about their account" msgstr "傳送一封網站帳戶資訊的電子郵件給新使用者。" msgid "Profile Picture" msgstr "個人檔案圖像" msgid "Media items list" msgstr "媒體項目列表" msgid "Media items list navigation" msgstr "媒體項目列表導覽" msgctxt "menu location" msgid "(Currently set to: %s)" msgstr "(目前設定為:%s)" msgid "Default is %s" msgstr "預設為 %s" msgid "Standard time begins on: %s." msgstr "標準時間開始於:%s。" msgid "Daylight saving time begins on: %s." msgstr "日光節約時間開始於:%s。" msgid "Filter media items list" msgstr "篩選媒體項目列表" msgid "Install Parent Theme" msgstr "安裝上層佈景主題" msgid "Error: Sorry, that username is not allowed." msgstr "錯誤: 很抱歉,無法使用這個使用者名稱。" msgid "Press return or enter to open this section" msgstr "按下返回或輸入鍵來開啟此區域" msgid "Toggle panel: %s" msgstr "切換面板:%s" msgid "Edit permalink" msgstr "編輯固定網址" msgid "" "Because you are using %1$s, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-" "directories. Consider using %2$s if you wish to use sub-domains." msgstr "" "因為你正在使用 %1$s,在你 WordPress 網誌網路的站台必須使用子目錄設定。如果你" "想使用子網域的話,請考慮使用 %2$s。" msgid "You cannot change this later." msgstr "你之後無法修改。" msgid "" "Please choose whether you would like sites in your WordPress network to use " "sub-domains or sub-directories." msgstr "請選擇在你 WordPress 網誌網路的站台要使用子網域或子目錄。" msgid "" "If %1$s is disabled, ask your administrator to enable that module, or look " "at the Apache documentation or elsewhere for help setting it up." msgstr "" "如果 %1$s 未啟用,請聯絡你的網站管理者來啟用該模組,或看看 Apache 說明文件其他地方的設定說明。" msgid "It looks like the Apache %s module is not installed." msgstr "看起來像沒有安裝 Apache %s 模組。" msgid "" "Please make sure the Apache %s module is installed as it will be used at the " "end of this installation." msgstr "請確認 Apache %s 模組已經安裝,以便在安裝程式最後可以使用。" msgid "%s has been updated." msgstr "%s 已更新。" msgid "The Walker class named %s does not exist." msgstr "名為 %s 的 Walker 類別不存在。" msgid "You are about to delete %s." msgstr "你將要刪除 %s。" msgid "Invalid image URL." msgstr "無效的圖片網址。" msgctxt "no user roles" msgid "None" msgstr "無" msgid "No role" msgstr "沒有角色" msgid "%s column" msgid_plural "%s columns" msgstr[0] "%s 欄" msgid "Additional settings" msgstr "其他設定" msgid "Items list" msgstr "項目列表" msgid "Items list navigation" msgstr "項目列表導覽" msgid "Filter items list" msgstr "篩選項目列表" msgid "End date:" msgstr "結束日期:" msgid "Content to export" msgstr "內容匯出" msgid "" "You can view posts in a simple title list or with an excerpt using the " "Screen Options tab." msgstr "你可以在一個簡易標題列表裡檢視文章,或使用顯示選項分頁來加入摘要。" msgid "Comments list" msgstr "留言列表" msgid "Comments list navigation" msgstr "留言列表導覽" msgid "Filter comments list" msgstr "篩選留言列表" msgid "" "You do not currently have any upgrades. To see what upgrades we offer visit " "our {{link}}Plans page{{/link}}." msgstr "" "你目前沒有任何升級項目。若要查看我們提供的升級項目,請造訪我們的{{link}}方案" "頁面{{/link}}。" msgid "%s is a required field." msgstr "%s是必填欄位。" msgid "This is a required field." msgstr "此為必填欄位。" msgid "You are now following {{site/}}" msgstr "你現在已開始關注 {{site/}}" msgid "Removing from %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Removing from %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "正從 %(count)s 個網站上移除" msgid "Removing" msgstr "正在移除" msgid "Can't find the answer? Drop us a line and we'll lend a hand." msgstr "找不到答案嗎?請給我們留言,我們會儘快提供協助。" msgid "Contact us" msgstr "聯絡我們" msgid "See more from Jetpack Documentation…" msgstr "歡迎參閱 Jetpack 文件,以了解更多資訊…" msgid "Jetpack Documentation" msgstr "Jetpack 文件" msgid "See more from Community Forum…" msgstr "歡迎瀏覽社群論壇,以了解更多資訊…" msgid "Community Answers" msgstr "社群答案" msgid "See more from Documentation…" msgstr "歡迎參閱 文件,以了解更多資訊…" msgid " Documentation" msgstr " 文件" msgid "No results found for {{em}}%(searchQuery)s{{/em}}" msgstr "找不到 {{em}}%(searchQuery)s{{/em}} 的結果" msgid "We care about your happiness!" msgstr "我們非常關心你的感受!" msgid "Ask in the forums" msgstr "在論壇提問" msgid "Chat with us" msgstr "和我們聊天" msgid "" "We've received your message, and you'll hear back from one of our Happiness " "Engineers shortly." msgstr "我們已收到你的訊息,我們的 Happiness Engineer 會儘快回覆。" msgid "We're on it!" msgstr "我們已經著手處理!" msgid "Something's broken" msgstr "有個地方無法正常運作" msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to send the Domain Transfer code: " "{{strong}}%s{{/strong}} Please {{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}." msgstr "" "嘗試傳送網域轉移碼時發生錯誤:{{strong}}%s{{/strong}} 請{{a}}聯絡支援人員{{/" "a}}。" msgid "" "Privacy Protection could not be disabled. The transfer will most likely fail " "due to this error." msgstr "無法停用隱私權保護。此錯誤很可能會導致轉移失敗。" msgid "" "The domain could not be unlocked. The transfer will most likely fail due to " "this error." msgstr "此網域無法解除鎖定。此錯誤很可能會導致轉移失敗。" msgid "" "The domain could not be unlocked. Additionally, Privacy Protection could not " "be disabled. The transfer will most likely fail due to these errors." msgstr "" "此網域無法解除鎖定。此外,系統無法停用隱私權保護。這些錯誤很可能會導致轉移失" "敗。" msgid " ads will not display on your site." msgstr "你的網站將不會顯示 廣告。" msgid "You can upload unlimited photos, videos, or music." msgstr "你可以無限上載相片、影片或音樂。" msgid "Google Analytics Integration" msgstr "整合 Google Analytics" msgctxt "Removed email address from this blog" msgid "Successfully unsubscribed %s from %s." msgstr "來自%s成功取消訂閱%s。" msgid "We are only able to accept American Express payments in USD" msgstr "我們僅接受以美元支付的 American Express 款項" msgid "Invalid credit card CVV number" msgstr "信用卡 CVV 號碼無效" msgid "" "Invalid credit card number: Only Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and AMEX are " "accepted" msgstr "信用卡號碼無效:僅接受 Visa、Mastercard、Discover 及 AMEX" msgid "The card expired earlier this year." msgstr "這張信用卡今年稍早已到期。" msgid "Invalid year entered." msgstr "輸入的年份無效。" msgid "Expiry month must be a number between 1 and 12." msgstr "到期月份必須為 1 到 12 之間的數字。" msgid "" "Want to grow your readership in %d? Join our free Blogging University and learn how to build a more successful blog." msgstr "" "想要讓您在 %d 的讀者人數成長?加入我們免費的網誌大學並學習如何建立" "更成功的網誌。" msgid "Blogging U" msgstr "網誌大學" msgid "Use coupon code \"%s\" at checkout and take 20%% off." msgstr "結帳時使用「%s」優惠券代碼並享受 8 折優待。" msgid "" "Your website deserves the best security tools and support. Our premium add-" "ons come with real-time backups, automated restores, security scanning and " "top of the line support." msgstr "" "您的網站應該獲得最好的安全性工具與支援。我們的進階版附加元件隨附即時備份、自" "動還原、安全性掃描及頂尖的支援。" msgid "PREMIUM ADD-ONS" msgstr "進階版附加元件" msgid "" "Now you can even access these great tools from your desktop with the new Mac, Windows, and Linux apps." msgstr "" "現在您還可透過全新的 Mac、Windows 及 Linux 應用程式,從桌面存取這些" "絕佳的工具。" msgid "" " replaces your admin for one convenient place to " "publish posts, upload photos, and manage your Jetpack sites." msgstr "" " 會取代您的管理員成為方便您發佈文章、上載圖片及管理您" "的 Jetpack 網站的單一位置。" msgid "" "Our team is constantly improving our security algorithms, and offers you " "fast, friendly support for your sites." msgstr "" "我們的團隊不斷地改善我們的安全性演算法,並可為您的網站提供快速、友善的支援服" "務。" msgid "" "Jetpack offers free brute force protection, uptime " "monitoring, and secured logins. We've already blocked 3.8 " "billion malicious login attempts." msgstr "" "Jetpack 可提供免費的暴力破解攻擊防護正常運作時間監控與" "安全登入功能。我們已經封鎖了 38 億次的惡意登入嘗試。" msgid "JETPACK SECURITY" msgstr "JETPACK 安全性" msgid "" "Follow blogs that match your interests in the Reader or discover something new. " msgstr "在j讀取器中關注符合你興趣的網誌或探索新的事物。" msgid "Redirects to {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}" msgstr "重新導向至 {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Edit All" msgstr "編輯全部" msgid "Sites {{count/}}" msgstr "網站 {{count/}}" msgid "" "If you don't want to renew, you can cancel this subscription at Me > Manage " "Purchases in your dashboard." msgstr "若不想更新,請前往儀表板中的「我」>「管理購買項目」下取消此訂閱。" msgid "" "To manage your purchases or view your billing history, visit Me " "> Manage Purchases in your account." msgstr "" "若要管理您的購買項目或檢視帳單記錄,請造訪您的 帳戶的「我」>「管理購買項目」。" msgid "" "If you don't want to renew, you can cancel this subscription at Me > Manage Purchases in your account." msgstr "" "若不想更新,可以到您的 帳戶的「我」>「管理購買項" "目」下取消此訂閱。" msgid "All plugins on %(siteName)s are {{span}}up to date.{{/span}}" msgstr "%(siteName)s 的所有外掛程式都是 {{span}} 最新版本。{{/span}}" msgid "Email address can not be empty." msgstr "電子郵件地址不可為空白。" msgid "Then enter the six digit code provided by the app:" msgstr "然後輸入由應用程式所提供的六位數代碼:" msgid "" "Enter this time code into your mobile app. {{toggleMethodLink}}Prefer to " "scan the code?{{/toggleMethodLink}}" msgstr "" "在你的行動應用程式中輸入此時間代碼。{{toggleMethodLink}}想要掃描條碼?{{/" "toggleMethodLink}}" msgid "Croatian" msgstr "克羅地亞文" msgid "Finnish" msgstr "芬蘭文" msgctxt "" "this goes next to an icon that displays if site is in a state where it can't " "modify has \"Removal Disabled\" " msgid "Removal Disabled" msgstr "已停用移除功能" msgid "%(pluginName)s cannot be removed. %(reason)s" msgstr "%(pluginName)s 無法被移除。%(reason)s" msgid "%(pluginName)s cannot be removed:" msgstr "%(pluginName)s 無法被移除:" msgid "" "%(pluginName)s cannot be removed because %(site)s is not the main site of " "the multi-site installation." msgstr "%(pluginName)s 無法被移除是因為 %(site)s 不是多站台安裝的主要網站。" msgid "Popular plugins" msgstr "熱門外掛" msgid "Add URL" msgstr "新增網址" msgid "Debug site!" msgstr "偵錯網站!" msgid "%(site)s is unresponsive." msgstr "%(site)s 無反應。" msgid "Plugin install is not available for %(site)s. %(reason)s" msgstr "外掛程式安裝不適用於 %(site)s。%(reason)s" msgid "Plugin install is not available for %(site)s:" msgstr "外掛程式安裝不適用於 %(site)s:" msgid "You don't have any scheduled pages yet." msgstr "你尚未有任何已排程頁面。" msgid "Pick" msgstr "選擇" msgid "You declined to join." msgstr "你已拒絕加入。" msgid "" "Purchases are currently disabled. Please {{a}}contact us{{/a}} to re-enable " "purchases." msgstr "目前已停用購買項目。請{{a}}聯絡我們{{/a}},以重新啟用購買項目。" msgid "Purchases are currently disabled. Please %1$s to re-enable purchases." msgstr "目前已停用購買項目。請%1$s以重新啟用購買項目。" msgid "Site unreachable" msgstr "無法連上網站" msgid "Processing…" msgstr "處理中…" msgid "Autoupdates are not available for %(site)s. %(reason)s" msgstr "%(site)s 無法使用自動更新。%(reason)s" msgid "Autoupdates are not available for %(site)s:" msgstr "%(site)s 無法使用自動更新:" msgid "" "Only the main site on a multi-site installation can enable autoupdates for " "plugins." msgstr "僅限多站台安裝上的主要網站可啟用外掛程式自動更新功能。" msgid "" "%(site)s is part of a multi-network installation, which is not currently " "supported." msgstr "%(site)s 為多重網路安裝的一部分,目前尚不支援。" msgid "" "This plugin is not in the plugin repository, so we can't " "autoupdate it." msgstr "" "此外掛程式不在 外掛程式存放庫內,因此我們無法自動更新該外掛程" "式。" msgid "File modifications are explicitly disabled by a site administrator." msgstr "網站管理員已明確停用檔案修改。" msgid "Core autoupdates are explicitly disabled by a site administrator." msgstr "網站管理員已明確停用核心自動更新。" msgid "Any autoupdates are explicitly disabled by a site administrator." msgstr "網站管理員已明確停用所有自動更新。" msgid "The file permissions on this host prevent editing files." msgstr "此主機上的檔案權限禁止編輯檔案。" msgid "Weekly digest for %1$s, on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 的每週摘要,時間為 %2$s" msgid "Daily digest for %1$s, on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 的每日摘要,時間為 %2$s" msgctxt "admin bar people item label" msgid "Add" msgstr "新增" msgid "" "Connect social media services to automatically share new " "posts and manage sharing buttons on a site." msgstr "" "連結社交媒體服務以自動分享新文章,並管理網" "站的分享按鈕。" msgid "Mission complete. Message %s deleted." msgstr "任務完成。訊息 %s 已被刪除。" msgid "" "The tag cloud will not be displayed since there are no taxonomies that " "support the tag cloud widget." msgstr "此標籤雲將不會顯示,因為沒有分類法支援標籤雲小工具。" msgid "Posted title:" msgstr "發佈標題:" msgid "" "Error: The password you entered for the username %s is " "incorrect." msgstr "錯誤: 為使用者名稱 %s 所輸入的密碼不正確。" msgid "In %1$s, use the %2$s method, not the %3$s function. See %4$s." msgstr "在 %1$s,使用 %2$s 方法,而不是 %3$s 函式。請見 %4$s。" msgid "Posts published on %s" msgstr "文章發佈於 %s" msgid "Invalid taxonomy: %s." msgstr "無效的分類法:%s。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to moderate or edit this comment." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許刪除或編輯這條評論。" msgid "Local time is %s." msgstr "當地時間是 %s。" msgid "Get Version %s" msgstr "取得版本 %s" msgid "Error: Please enter a nickname." msgstr "錯誤:請輸入暱稱。" msgid "The %1$s plugin header is deprecated. Use %2$s instead." msgstr "%1$s 外掛無法使用。使用 %2$s 替代。" msgid "These unique authentication keys are also missing from your %s file." msgstr "這些唯一的身份驗證鑰匙也從你的 %s 檔案遺失。" msgid "This unique authentication key is also missing from your %s file." msgstr "唯一的身份驗證鑰匙也從你的 %s 檔案遺失。" msgid "The internet address of your network will be %s." msgstr "你的網誌網路的網路位址將會是 %s。" msgid "" "You should consider changing your site domain to %1$s before enabling the " "network feature. It will still be possible to visit your site using the %3$s " "prefix with an address like %2$s but any links will not have the %3$s prefix." msgstr "" "在啟用多站網路的功能前,建議多站網路管理員將網站網域變更為 %1$s。將來仍然可以" "使用 %3$s.%2$s 網址造訪這個網站,但任何連結均不包含前置詞 %3$s。" msgid "You cannot use port numbers such as %s." msgstr "你無法使用連接埠號碼例如 %s。" msgctxt "column name" msgid "Submitted on" msgstr "發佈日期" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Trash (%s)" msgid_plural "Trash (%s)" msgstr[0] "垃圾桶 (%s)" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Approved (%s)" msgid_plural "Approved (%s)" msgstr[0] "已核准 (%s)" msgid "User %s added" msgstr "已新增使用者 %s" msgid "" "Deleting a category does not delete the products in that category. Instead, " "products that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the " "category %s." msgstr "" "刪除某個分類並不會刪除該分類中的產品。僅歸類在已刪除分類下的產品,則會設定至" "「%s」分類下。" msgid "Submitted on: %s" msgstr "提交日期:%s" msgid "Page draft updated." msgstr "頁面草稿已更新。" msgid "Page scheduled for: %s." msgstr "頁面已排程於:%s。" msgid "Page submitted." msgstr "頁面已提交。" msgid "Page published." msgstr "頁面已發佈。" msgid "Post draft updated." msgstr "文章草稿已更新。" msgid "Post scheduled for: %s." msgstr "文章已排程於:%s。" msgid "Post submitted." msgstr "文章已提交。" msgid "Preview page" msgstr "閱覽頁面" msgid "Preview post" msgstr "預覽文章" msgid "" "In the Submitted on column, the date and time the comment " "was left on your site appears. Clicking on the date/time link will take you " "to that comment on your live site." msgstr "" "[發佈日期]欄位會顯示該則留言發佈於網站上的日期及時間。點擊留" "言的發佈日期/時間,便會進入該則留言在網站前端頁面的位置。" msgid "" "In the Comment column, hovering over any comment gives you " "options to approve, reply (and approve), quick edit, edit, spam mark, or " "trash that comment." msgstr "" "在留言欄位上,滑鼠鼠標移動到任何留言上可以選擇核准、回覆(以" "及核准)、快速編輯、編輯、標記為垃圾或把留言放入垃圾桶。" msgid "In reply to %s." msgstr "回覆的對象為「%s」。" msgid "" "Twenty Sixteen is a modernized take on an ever-popular WordPress layout — " "the horizontal masthead with an optional right sidebar that works perfectly " "for blogs and websites. It has custom color options with beautiful default " "color schemes, a harmonious fluid grid using a mobile-first approach, and " "impeccable polish in every detail. Twenty Sixteen will make your WordPress " "look beautiful everywhere." msgstr "" "「貳零壹陸」是一個現代化、採用流行的 WordPress 佈局 — 橫式頁首以及一個可選用" "的右側邊欄,完全適用於網誌及網站。它有美麗的預設色彩調色盤、和諧的流動式網格" "設計,以行動裝置為優先的設計,每個細節都極盡完美。「貳零壹陸」將使你的 " "WordPress 大放異彩。" msgid "" "There was a problem fetching site plans. Please try again later or contact " "support." msgstr "擷取網站方案時發生問題。請稍後再試一次,或者聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "There was a problem canceling %(purchaseName)s. Please try again later or " "contact support." msgstr "取消 %(purchaseName)s 時發生問題。請稍後再試一次,或者聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s was successfully cancelled. It will be available for use " "until it expires on %(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgstr "" "已成功取消 %(purchaseName)s。你可繼續使用至到期日 %(subscriptionEndDate)s為" "止。" msgid "Your card has expired." msgstr "你的信用卡已到期。" msgid "The postal code you supplied failed validation." msgstr "無法驗證你提供的郵遞區號。" msgid "Install Disabled" msgstr "已停用安裝功能" msgid "Nicename may not be longer than 50 characters." msgstr "暱稱不可以長於 50 個字元。" msgid "Credit card" msgstr "信用卡" msgid "" "Would you like to try and read a machine translated version of the document?" msgstr "你要試著閱讀本文的機器翻譯版本嗎?" msgid "Maybe the following search results can help:" msgstr "以下搜尋結果可能會有所幫助:" msgid "404 Error Message:" msgstr "404錯誤訊息:" msgid "Invalid product id" msgstr "無效的商品編號" msgid "How can we help?" msgstr "需要哪方面的協助呢?" msgid "Please %1$slogin%2$s to contact us" msgstr "請先%1$s登入%2$s才能聯絡我們" msgid "Text for front page sections" msgstr "首頁區段文字" msgid "8 text areas for home page" msgstr "首頁的 8 個文字區" msgid "Select a domain" msgstr "選取網域" msgid "Your browser does not support iframes." msgstr "你的瀏覽器不支援 iframes。" msgid "Your feedback:" msgstr "您的回饋:" msgid "Submit Feedback" msgstr "提交回饋" msgid "Streams" msgstr "串流" msgid "Learn more about coupons" msgstr "查閱更多關於「優惠券」的功能" msgid "" "There was an error retrieving back up codes. Please {{supportLink}}contact " "support{{/supportLink}}" msgstr "擷取備用碼時發生錯誤。請{{supportLink}}聯絡支援團隊{{/supportLink}}" msgid "" "Your %(cardType)s ending in %(cardNumber)d expires %(cardExpiry)s – before " "the next renewal. Please {{a}}update your payment information{{/a}}." msgstr "" "下次更新之前,你所使用末碼為 %(cardNumber)d 的 %(cardType)s 信用卡,將於 " "%(cardExpiry)s 到期 。請{{a}}更新你的付款資訊{{/a}}。" msgid "The DNS record has been added." msgstr "DNS 記錄已新增。" msgid "" "The post type %1$s is not registered, so it may not be reliable to check the " "capability %2$s against a post of that type." msgstr "" "文章型別 %1$s 尚未被註冊,因此針對該文章類型查看它的權限 \"%2$s\" 是不可靠" "的。" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Permalink:" msgstr "固定網址:" msgid "Connect social media services to automatically share new posts." msgstr "連結社交媒體服務以自動分享新文章。" msgid "Site profile" msgstr "網站資訊" msgid "Survey results etc." msgstr "調查結果等。" msgid "" "Use the options below to select a specific content type to download. You can " "select Posts, Pages, or Feedback, and filter by the listed parameters. After " "making your selection you can download your content in an .xml file." msgstr "" "請透過以下選項選取並下載特定的內容類型。你可以選取文章、頁面或意見回饋,並依" "列出的參數設定篩選條件。選定選項後,你可使用 .xml 檔案格式下載內容。" msgctxt "December abbreviation" msgid "Dec" msgstr "十二月" msgctxt "November abbreviation" msgid "Nov" msgstr "十一月" msgctxt "October abbreviation" msgid "Oct" msgstr "十月" msgctxt "September abbreviation" msgid "Sep" msgstr "九月" msgctxt "August abbreviation" msgid "Aug" msgstr "八月" msgctxt "February abbreviation" msgid "Feb" msgstr "二月" msgctxt "April abbreviation" msgid "Apr" msgstr "四月" msgctxt "July abbreviation" msgid "Jul" msgstr "七月" msgctxt "June abbreviation" msgid "Jun" msgstr "六月" msgctxt "May abbreviation" msgid "May" msgstr "五月" msgctxt "March abbreviation" msgid "Mar" msgstr "三月" msgctxt "January abbreviation" msgid "Jan" msgstr "一月" msgctxt "Saturday initial" msgid "S" msgstr "六" msgctxt "Friday initial" msgid "F" msgstr "五" msgctxt "Thursday initial" msgid "T" msgstr "四" msgctxt "Wednesday initial" msgid "W" msgstr "三" msgctxt "Tuesday initial" msgid "T" msgstr "二" msgctxt "Monday initial" msgid "M" msgstr "一" msgctxt "Sunday initial" msgid "S" msgstr "日" msgid "" "Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, replacing " "other WordPress rules:" msgstr "" "新增以下程式碼至 %2$s 的%1$s,重新取代其他 WordPress 規則:" msgid "Saving revision…" msgstr "正在儲存修訂版本…" msgid "" "Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, these users will be permanently " "removed." msgstr "當你按下「確認刪除」,這些使用者將會被永久移除。" msgid "" "Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, the user will be permanently " "removed." msgstr "當你按下「確認刪除」,使用者將會被永久移除。" msgid "User has no sites or content and will be deleted." msgstr "使用者沒有任何站點或內容,且即將被刪除。" msgid "Select a user" msgstr "選擇一個使用者" msgid "What should be done with content owned by %s?" msgstr "要如何處理 %s 所擁有的內容?" msgid "" "You have chosen to delete the following users from all networks and sites." msgstr "你已選擇從所有網絡及網站刪除以下使用者。" msgid "You have chosen to delete the user from all networks and sites." msgstr "你選擇從所有網絡及網站刪除該使用者。" msgctxt "verb" msgid "View" msgstr "檢視" msgctxt "image CC license link" msgid "available under CC-BY-2.0" msgstr "依據 CC-BY-2.0 授權提供" msgid "Create account" msgstr "建立帳戶" msgid "Verification code" msgstr "驗證碼" msgid "" "Error unsubscribing from {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}} mailing list! Try " "again later." msgstr "" "取消訂閱並從 {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}} 郵寄清單中移除時發生錯誤!請稍後再" "試一次。" msgid "" "Error subscribing to {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}} mailing list! Try again " "later." msgstr "" "加入 {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}} 郵寄清單時發生錯誤!請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Import into %(title)s" msgstr "匯入 %(title)s" msgid "Visit your site's wp-admin for all your import and export needs." msgstr "請洽詢網站的 WordPress 管理員,尋求匯入與匯出的相關協助。" msgid "Want to import into your site?" msgstr "想要匯入至你的網站嗎?" msgid "Sort by" msgstr "排序依據" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage block types." msgstr "抱歉,不允許管理區塊類型。" msgid "Site Preview" msgstr "預覽網站" msgid "One of the selected users is not a member of this site." msgstr "其中一個選取的使用者並非這個站點的成員。" msgctxt "playlist item title" msgid "“%s”" msgstr "「%s」" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit theme options on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在本網站編輯主題選項。" msgid "The active theme does not support a flexible sized header image." msgstr "目前使用的佈景主題不支援可變尺寸頁首圖片。" msgid "The active theme does not support uploading a custom header image." msgstr "目前使用的佈景主題不支援上載自訂頁首圖片。" msgid "" "{{author}}%(authorFirstName)s{{/author}} {{label}}left a comment on " "%(siteName)s, cross-posted to{{/label}} {{blogNames/}}" msgstr "" "{{author}}%(authorFirstName)s{{/author}} {{label}}已在 %(siteName)s 上留言," "並轉貼到{{/label}} {{blogNames/}}" msgid "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(purchaseName)s 即將到期,%(expiry)s將從你的網站上移除。" msgctxt "" "timeSinceExpiry is of the form \"[number] [time-period] ago\" i.e. \"3 days " "ago\"" msgid "Expired %(timeSinceExpiry)s" msgstr "已於 %(timeSinceExpiry)s到期" msgid "{{link}}%(service)s{{/link}} {{small}}by %(organization)s{{/small}}" msgstr "" "{{link}}%(service)s{{/link}} {{small}}(由 %(organization)s{{/small}} 提供)" msgid "Visit %(url)s" msgstr "造訪 %(url)s" msgid "Error: Please enter an email address." msgstr "錯誤: 請輸入電子郵件地址。" msgid "The email could not be sent." msgstr "無法寄出電子郵件。" msgid "A term with the name provided already exists in this taxonomy." msgstr "此類別已存在一相同名稱與代稱的項目。" msgid "Comment author must fill out name and email" msgstr "發佈留言者必須輸入姓名及電子郵件地址" msgid "Comments (%1$s) on “%2$s”" msgstr "「%2$s」的留言(%1$s)" msgid "" "There was a problem fetching site domains. Please try again later or contact " "support." msgstr "擷取儲存的信用卡時發生錯誤。請稍後再試一次,或者聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "There was a problem fetching site products. Please try again later or " "contact support." msgstr "擷取網站產品時發生問題。請稍後再試一次,或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "Galleries can only include images. All other uploads will be added to your " "media library." msgstr "圖庫只能包含圖片。其他所有上載項目都會新增至你的媒體庫。" msgid "Close preview" msgstr "關閉預覽" msgid "SMS codes can only be requested once per minute." msgstr "每分鐘只能要求傳送一次簡訊代碼。" msgctxt "Noun" msgid "Reply" msgstr "回覆" msgctxt "Noun" msgid "Mention" msgstr "標記" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Comment:" msgstr "評論:" msgid "Change your site address" msgstr "變更網站的網址。" msgid "" "%d file could not be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum upload size." msgid_plural "" "%d files could not be uploaded because they exceed the maximum upload size." msgstr[0] "%d 個檔案無法上載,因為這些檔案超過上載大小上限。" msgid "View plan" msgstr "檢視方案" msgid "Email from" msgstr " 寄送的電子郵件" msgid "" "Further uploads will be blocked. Please delete some media files or purchase a plan that includes additional media storage in order " "to upload more files." msgstr "" "進一步上載的項目將遭到封鎖。請刪除一些佔用其他媒體儲存空間的媒體檔案或購買方案,以便上載更多檔案。" msgid "Disk Quota Full" msgstr "磁碟配額已滿" msgid "The disk quota for %s is full." msgstr "%s 的磁碟配額已滿。" msgid "" "%(errorDescription)s{{br/}}{{a}}Try again{{/a}} or {{cs}}get help{{/cs}}." msgstr "" "%(errorDescription)s{{br/}}{{a}}請再試一次{{/a}}或{{cs}}聯絡支援團隊{{/cs}}。" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Copy" msgstr "複製" msgid "Copied!" msgstr "已完成複製!" msgid "Manage Purchases" msgstr "管理購買項目" msgid "%s has been logged out." msgstr "%s 已被登出。" msgid "You are now logged out everywhere else." msgstr "你已在所有位置成功登出。" msgid "Could not log out user sessions. Please try again." msgstr "無法登出使用者。請重試。" msgid "" "Publish text, photos, music, and videos by email using our Post by Email feature." msgstr "" "使用「透過電子郵件張貼」功能發佈文字、照片、音樂和影片。" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" msgid "Confirm Now" msgstr "立即確認" msgid "You can not use an invitation that you have created for someone else." msgstr "你無法使用為其他人建立的邀請。" msgid "" "The invite has already been used. Please ask the site owner to send another." msgstr "該邀請已有人使用。請要求網站擁有者傳送其他邀請。" msgid "This purchase has expired and is no longer in use." msgstr "此購買項目已到期且已不再使用。" msgid "Caption this image…" msgstr "說明此圖片…" msgid "" "You are attempting to purchase new products with renewals. Please purchase " "them separately." msgstr "你正嘗試透過續訂來購買新產品。請另行購買這些產品。" msgid "%(revisions)d revision" msgid_plural "%(revisions)d revisions" msgstr[0] "%(revisions)d 個版本" msgid "Content…" msgstr "內容…" msgid "Manage domains" msgstr "管理網域" msgid "View all drafts" msgstr "檢視所有草稿" msgid "Akismet has saved you %d minute!" msgid_plural "Akismet has saved you %d minutes!" msgstr[0] "Akismet 已幫你節省 %d 分鐘!" msgid "Akismet has saved you %d hour!" msgid_plural "Akismet has saved you %d hours!" msgstr[0] "Akismet 已幫你節省 %d 小時!" msgid "Akismet has saved you %s day!" msgid_plural "Akismet has saved you %s days!" msgstr[0] "Akismet 已幫你節省 %s 天!" msgid "This comment was reported as not spam." msgstr "這則留言已回報為非垃圾留言。" msgid "This comment was reported as spam." msgstr "這則留言已回報為垃圾留言。" msgid "Akismet re-checked and cleared this comment." msgstr "Akismet 已重新檢查並清除這則回應。" msgid "Akismet re-checked and caught this comment as spam." msgstr "Akismet 已重新檢查並將此回應標記為垃圾回應。" msgid "Akismet filters out spam, so you can focus on more important things." msgstr "Akismet 會自動篩選垃圾留言,所以網站管理員可以專注於更重要的事情。" msgid "Featured image by " msgstr "特色圖片來源:" msgid "" "Our plans give your site the power to thrive. Find the plan that works for " "you." msgstr "我們的方案能協助你的網站大放異彩。尋找適合你的方案。" msgid "Looking to upgrade?" msgstr "打算升級嗎?" msgid "" "You can now manage and live-preview Custom Header in the Customizer." msgstr "" "網站管理員可以在外觀自訂器中管理並即時預覽自訂頁首。" msgid "" "You can now manage and live-preview Custom Backgrounds in the Customizer." msgstr "" "網站管理員可以在外觀自訂器中進行管理並即時預覽自訂背景。" msgid "Site Language" msgstr "網站語言" msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to send the Domain Transfer code. Please try " "again or {{a}}Contact Support{{/a}} if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "嘗試傳送網域轉移碼時發生錯誤。請再試一次。如果問題持續發生,請{{a}}聯絡支援團" "隊{{/a}}。" msgid "" "Oops! Something went wrong and your request could not be processed. Please " "try again or {{contactLink}}Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue " "to have trouble." msgstr "" "糟糕!發生了點錯誤,無法處理你的要求。請再試一次;如果問題持續發生,請" "{{contactLink}}聯絡支援團隊{{/contactLink}}。" msgid "Renews with Plan" msgstr "方案續訂" msgid "Included with Plan" msgstr "方案內含項目" msgid "Email me new comments" msgstr "新留言的電子郵件" msgid "Setup" msgstr "設定" msgid "" "Shares count the number of times someone clicked on the sharing button for a " "post on Manual shares done elsewhere are not counted here." msgstr "" "分享次數是指使用者在 文章中按下分享按鈕的次數。在其他位置的手動" "分享不予計入。" msgid "These posts on your site were shared the most." msgstr "你在網站上的這些文章擁有最多分享次數。" msgid "Payment Settings" msgstr "付款設定" msgid "There was an error retrieving email followers" msgstr "擷取電子郵件關注者時發生錯誤。" msgid "There was an error retrieving followers" msgstr "擷取關注者時發生錯誤。" msgid "There was an error retrieving users" msgstr "擷取使用者時發生錯誤。" msgid "%s Space Upgrade" msgstr "%s 升級空間" msgctxt "Success message after a user has been modified." msgid "Successfully deleted @%(user)s" msgstr "已成功刪除 @%(user)s" msgctxt "Success message after a user has been modified." msgid "Successfully updated @%(user)s" msgstr "已成功更新 @%(user)s" msgctxt "Error message after A site has failed to perform actions on a user." msgid "There was an error removing @%(user)s" msgstr "移除 @%(user)s 時發生錯誤" msgctxt "Error message after A site has failed to perform actions on a user." msgid "There was an error deleting @%(user)s" msgstr "刪除 @%(user)s 時發生錯誤" msgctxt "Error message after A site has failed to perform actions on a user." msgid "There was an error updating @%(user)s" msgstr "更新 @%(user)s 時發生錯誤" msgid "Payment method" msgstr "付款方式" msgid "Site Plan" msgstr "網站方案" msgid "Update cart" msgstr "更新購物車" msgid "Purchases" msgstr "購買項目" msgid "Cancel %(purchaseName)s" msgstr "取消 %(purchaseName)s" msgid "Cancel Purchase" msgstr "取消購買項目" msgid "Yay, the name servers have been successfully updated!" msgstr "耶,名稱伺服器已順利更新!" msgid "Save custom name servers" msgstr "儲存自訂名稱伺服器" msgid "Page updated" msgstr "頁面已更新!" msgid "Post updated" msgstr "文章已更新!" msgid "Invalid signature" msgstr "無效的簽章" msgid "Unknown email requested" msgstr "已要求未知的電子郵件" msgid "A password reset link is not a valid activation url." msgstr "密碼重設連結不是有效的啟用 URL。" msgid "A domain is not a valid activation url or key." msgstr " 網域不是有效的啟用 URL 或金鑰。" msgctxt "Confirm Remove viewer button text." msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" msgid "Would you still like to remove this viewer?" msgstr "仍要移除這位檢視者嗎?" msgid "" "If you remove this viewer, he or she will not be able to visit this site." msgstr "如果移除該檢視者,對方將無法造訪此網站。" msgctxt "" "How long a user has been subscribed to a blog. Example: \"Since Sep 16, " "2015\"" msgid "Since %(formattedDate)s" msgstr "從 %(formattedDate)s 開始" msgid "Please provide at least one item of Proof of Ownership." msgstr "請至少提供一項所有權證明。" msgid "The two-factor authentication code is not valid." msgstr "雙重驗證碼無效。" msgid "The activation key does not appear to be valid." msgstr "啟用金鑰似乎無效。" msgctxt "Confirm Remove follower button text." msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" msgid "Processing uploaded file…" msgstr "正在處理上載的檔案…" msgid "Have a question?" msgstr "有任何疑問嗎?" msgid "Some notifications" msgstr "部分通知" msgid "All notifications" msgstr "所有通知" msgid "We're here to help." msgstr "我們樂意提供協助!" msgid "Set date and time" msgstr "設定日期和時間" msgid "Domain Mapping for %s" msgstr "%s 的網域對應" msgctxt "Verb: Remove a user or follower from the blog." msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" msgid "Research" msgstr "研究" msgid "Tips for getting the most out of" msgstr "讓 發揮最大功效的秘訣。" msgid "Close sharing dialog" msgstr "關閉分享對話框" msgid "Open sharing dialog" msgstr "開啟分享對話框" msgid "%s Comment" msgid_plural "%s Comments" msgstr[0] "%s 評論" msgid "Invalid URL." msgstr "未知 URL。" msgctxt "As in \"Joe is typing...\", a prompt in the support chat box." msgid "is typing..." msgstr "輸入中..." msgid "" "Successfully installed and activated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "已在 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上成功安裝並啟用 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程" "式。" msgid "" "Successfully installed and activated %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "已在 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上成功安裝並啟用 %(plugin)s。" msgid "" "Successfully installed and activated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "已在 %(site)s 上成功安裝並啟用 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Successfully installed and activated %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "已在 %(site)s 上成功安裝並啟用 %(plugin)s。" msgid "Recommended sites" msgstr "推薦網站" msgid "" "Please use a working email for the forwarding address, so you can receive " "the forwarded messages" msgstr "請使用有效的電子郵件地址做為轉寄地址,以便收到轉寄的訊息。" msgid "%(posts)d post" msgid_plural "%(posts)d posts" msgstr[0] "%(posts)d 篇文章" msgid "" "There was a problem fetching site features. Please try again later or " "contact support." msgstr "設定主要網域時發生問題。請稍後再試一次,或者聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "PayPal E-mail Address" msgstr "PayPal 電子郵件地址" msgid "Pause ads (no revenue)" msgstr "暫停刊登廣告 (無營收)" msgid "Run ads only for logged-out users (less revenue)" msgstr "僅對登出的使用者刊登廣告 (營收較少)" msgid "Run ads for all users" msgstr "對所有使用者刊登廣告" msgid "Ads Visibility" msgstr "廣告可見度" msgid "Adjustments History" msgstr "調整記錄" msgid "Sponsored Content History" msgstr "贊助內容記錄" msgid "Earnings history" msgstr "收益記錄" msgctxt "Sum earnings left unpaid" msgid "Outstanding amount" msgstr "未結清款項" msgctxt "Sum of earnings that have been distributed" msgid "Total paid" msgstr "總支出" msgctxt "Sum of earnings" msgid "Total earnings" msgstr "總收益" msgid "" "Payment processing has failed due to invalid PayPal address. You can correct " "the PayPal address in the settings screen." msgstr "PayPal 地址無效,導致付款失敗。你可以在設定畫面上更正 PayPal 地址。" msgid "" "Payment is pending due to missing information. You can provide tax " "information in the settings screen." msgstr "資訊短少,款項仍待審核。你可以在設定畫面上提供稅務資訊。" msgid "Payment has been processed through PayPal." msgstr "已透過 PayPal 付款。" msgid "Payment is on hold until the end of the current month." msgstr "付款暫停至本月底。" msgid "" "Outstanding amount of $%(amountOwed)s does not exceed the minimum $100 " "needed to make the payment. Payment will be made as soon as the total " "outstanding amount has reached $100." msgstr "" "未結清款項 (%(amountOwed)s 美元) 未超過最低額度 100 美元,暫時無需付款。未結" "清總款項已達 100 美元,應盡快付款。" msgid "Pending (Invalid PayPal)" msgstr "審核中 (PayPal 資料無效)" msgid "Pending (Missing Tax Info)" msgstr "審核中 (缺少稅務資訊)" msgid "Unpaid" msgstr "未付款" msgid "%(wordads)s Settings" msgstr "%(wordads)s 設定" msgid "WordAds settings saved successfully!" msgstr "WordAds 設定已成功儲存!" msgid "Territories" msgstr "地區" msgid "States" msgstr "州/省" msgid "Start a new post" msgstr "開始撰寫新文章" msgid "Click to edit this widget" msgstr "點擊以編輯此小工具。" msgid "Visit Site Settings" msgstr "造訪網站設定" msgid "" "Only private sites can have viewers. You can make your site private by " "changing its visibility settings." msgstr "" "僅限私人網站才能擁有檢視者。你可以變更網站的可見度設定,將網站設為私人網站。" msgid "Oops, Jetpack sites don't support viewers." msgstr "糟糕,Jetpack 網站不支援檢視者。" msgctxt "Expiring domain notice" msgid "Some of your domains are expiring soon." msgstr "你的部分網域即將到期。" msgctxt "Expired domain notice" msgid "Some of your domains have expired." msgstr "你的部分網域已到期。" msgctxt "Call to action link for renewing an expiring/expired domain" msgid "Renew it now." msgid_plural "Renew them now." msgstr[0] "立即續訂。" msgid "" "You can only purchase domains for sites hosted on at this time." msgstr "目前,你只可以購買 託管網站的網域。" msgid "Domains are not available for this site." msgstr "網域不適用於這個網站。" msgid "Successfully removed recovery SMS number." msgstr "已成功移除還原簡訊號碼。" msgid "Successfully removed recovery email address." msgstr "已成功移除還原電子郵件地址。" msgid "%(numberPeople)d Follower Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgid_plural "" "%(numberPeople)d Followers Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgstr[0] "%(numberPeople)d 位符合{{em}}「%(searchTerm)s」{{/em}}的關注者" msgctxt "Filter label for people list" msgid "Email Followers" msgstr "電子郵件關注者" msgid "Delete %(username)s" msgstr "刪除 %(username)s" msgid "Delete User" msgstr "刪除使用者" msgctxt "Call to action link for renewing an expiring/expired domain" msgid "Renew" msgstr "更新" msgid "" "We are setting up {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} for you. It should " "start working immediately, but may be unreliable during the first 30 " "minutes. {{domainsLink}}Learn more{{/domainsLink}} about your new domain, or " "{{tryNowLink}} try it now{{/tryNowLink}}." msgstr "" "我們正在為你設定 {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}。網域應可立即啟用,但最" "初 30 分鐘內可能會出現不穩定的狀況。{{domainsLink}}深入瞭解{{/domainsLink}}你" "的新網域,或{{tryNowLink}}立即體驗{{/tryNowLink}}。" msgid "" "We are setting up your new domains for you. They should start working " "immediately, but may be unreliable during the first 30 minutes. " "{{domainsLink}}Learn more{{/domainsLink}}." msgstr "" "我們正在為你設定新網域。網域應可立即啟用,但最初 30 分鐘內可能會出現不穩定的" "狀況。{{domainsLink}}深入瞭解{{/domainsLink}}。" msgid "" "{{pNode}}We are setting up {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} for you. It " "should start working immediately, but may be unreliable during the first 30 " "minutes.{{/pNode}}{{pNode}}If you are unable to access your site at " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}, try setting the primary domain to a " "domain you know is working. {{domainsLink}}Learn more{{/domainsLink}} about " "setting the primary domain, or {{tryNowLink}}try {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} now.{{/tryNowLink}}{{/pNode}}" msgstr "" "{{pNode}}我們正在為你設定 {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}。網域應可立即啟" "用,但最初 30 分鐘內可能會出現不穩定的狀況。{{/pNode}}{{pNode}}若無法用 " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} 存取你的網站,請試著將主要網域設定為確知" "可用的網域。{{domainsLink}}深入瞭解{{/domainsLink}}如何設定主要網域,或" "{{tryNowLink}}立即試用 {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}{{/tryNowLink}}{{/" "pNode}}。" msgid "" "{{pNode}}We are setting up your new domains for you. They should start " "working immediately, but may be unreliable during the first 30 minutes.{{/" "pNode}}{{pNode}}If you are unable to access your site at %(primaryDomain)s, " "try setting the primary domain to a domain you know is working. " "{{domainsLink}}Learn more{{/domainsLink}} about setting the primary domain." "{{/pNode}}" msgstr "" "{{pNode}}我們正在為你設定新網域。網域應可立即啟用,但最初 30 分鐘內可能會出現" "不穩定的狀況。{{/pNode}}{{pNode}}若無法用 %(primaryDomain)s 存取你的網站,請" "試著將主要網域設定為確知可用的網域。{{domainsLink}}瞭解更多{{/domainsLink}}關" "於設定主要網域的資訊。{{/pNode}}" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Manage Followed Sites" msgstr "管理關注的網站" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Followed Sites" msgstr "關注的網站" msgid "Manage Followed Sites" msgstr "管理關注的網站" msgid "Followed Sites" msgstr "關注的網站" msgctxt "admin bar menu group label" msgid "Personalize" msgstr "個人化" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "" "Disabling autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "正在為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式停用自動更" "新。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s 停用自動更新。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "正在為 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s 停用自動更新。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Disabling autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "正在為 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式停用自動更新。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "" "Enabling autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "正在為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式啟用自動更" "新。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s 啟用自動更新。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Enabling autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "正在為 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式啟用自動更新。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "正在為 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s 啟用自動更新。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Deactivating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在停用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Deactivating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在停用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Deactivating %(plugin)s on %(site)s" msgstr "正在停用 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Deactivating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "正在停用 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Activating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在啟用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Activating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在啟用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Activating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "正在啟用 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Activating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "正在啟用 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Updating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在更新 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Updating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在更新 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Updating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "正在更新 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "正在更新 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Installing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上安裝 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Installing %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上安裝 %(plugin)s。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Installing %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "正在 %(site)s 上安裝 %(plugin)s。" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Installing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "正在 %(site)s 上安裝 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Already own a domain?" msgstr "已擁有網域?" msgid "" "This is a very common password. Choose something that will be harder for " "others to guess." msgstr "此為常見密碼,請選擇他人難以猜測的密碼。" msgid "Add letters, at least one more." msgstr "請增加字母,至少再 1 個。" msgid "Choose a longer username, at least four characters." msgstr "請選擇較長的使用者名稱,至少 4 個字元。" msgid "Choose a different username. This one is not allowed." msgstr "請選擇其他使用者名稱。不允許使用這個名稱。" msgid "Choose a different username. This one is not available." msgstr "請選擇其他使用者名稱。此使用者名稱無法使用。" msgid "Username is required." msgstr "必須填入使用者名稱。" msgid "" "Use a different email address. This email provider blocks some of our emails." msgstr "請使用其他電子郵件地址。此電子郵件服務供應商會封鎖我們的一些電子郵件。" msgid "Use a working email address, so you can receive our messages." msgstr "請使用有效的電子郵件地址,以確保你能收到我們的訊息。" msgid "A valid email address is required." msgstr "必須提供正確的電郵地址。" msgid "Viewers" msgstr "檢視者" msgid "There was an error retrieving viewers" msgstr "擷取檢視者時發生錯誤。" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the SMS number?" msgstr "你確定要移除簡訊號碼嗎?" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the email address?" msgstr "你確定要移除電子郵件地址嗎?" msgid "Individual Images" msgstr "個別圖片" msgid "Choose a theme." msgstr "選擇佈景主題。" msgid "Weddings" msgstr "婚禮" msgid "Sports & Recreation" msgstr "運動與娛樂" msgid "Health & Wellness" msgstr "健康與保健" msgid "Food and drink" msgstr "食物與飲料" msgid "Business Services" msgstr "企業與服務s" msgid "Please enter a domain name or keyword." msgstr "請輸入網域名稱或關鍵字。" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others liked your post on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 和其他 %2$s 人覺得你在 %3$s 的文章很讚" msgid "Your post on %s" msgstr "你在 %s 的文章" msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked your post on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 和 %2$s 覺得你在 %3$s 的文章很讚" msgctxt "Button label" msgid "Delete user" msgstr "刪除使用者" msgid "Delete all content created by this user" msgstr "刪除此使用者建立的所有內容" msgid "Delete all content created by %(username)s" msgstr "刪除 %(username)s 建立的所有內容" msgid "" "You have the option of reassigning all content created by this user, or " "deleting the content entirely." msgstr "你可選擇重新分配此使用者建立的所有內容,或刪除全部內容。" msgid "" "You have the option of reassigning all content created by %(username)s, or " "deleting the content entirely." msgstr "你可選擇重新分配 %(username)s 建立的所有內容,或刪除全部內容。" msgid "Would you still like to remove this user?" msgstr "仍要移除使用者嗎?" msgid "" "If you remove this user, he or she will no longer be able to access this " "site, but any content that was created by this user will remain on the site." msgstr "" "若移除使用者,該使用者將無法再存取此網站,但其建立的所有內容仍會保留在網站" "上。" msgid "" "If you remove %(username)s, that user will no longer be able to access this " "site, but any content that was created by %(username)s will remain on the " "site." msgstr "" "若移除 %(username)s,該使用者將無法再存取此網站,但 %(username)s 建立的所有內" "容仍會保留在網站上。" msgid "Free with your plan" msgstr "方案免費附贈" msgid "%(days)dd ago" msgstr "%(days)d 天前" msgid "%(hours)dh ago" msgstr "%(hours)d 小時前" msgid "%(minutes)dm ago" msgstr "%(minutes)d 分鐘前" msgid "Have questions? {{a}}Contact the theme author.{{/a}}" msgstr "有任何疑問嗎?{{a}}聯絡佈景主題作者。{{/a}}" msgctxt "Site address, domain" msgid "Add custom address" msgstr "新增自訂網址" msgid "Available on" msgstr "可使用的" msgid "Add a custom domain" msgstr "新增自訂網域" msgid "%(numberPeople)d Person Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgid_plural "%(numberPeople)d People Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgstr[0] "%(numberPeople)d 個符合 {{em}}「%(searchTerm)s」{{/em}}的人" msgid "No results found for {{em}}%(searchTerm)s{{/em}}" msgstr "沒有符合 {{em}}%(searchTerm)s{{/em}} 的結果" msgid "Remove %(username)s" msgstr "移除 %(username)s" msgctxt "Button label that prompts user to save form" msgid "Save changes" msgstr "儲存變更" msgctxt "Text that is displayed in a label of a form." msgid "Public Display Name" msgstr "公開顯示名稱" msgctxt "Text that is displayed in a label of a form." msgid "Last Name" msgstr "姓氏" msgctxt "Text that is displayed in a label of a form." msgid "First Name" msgstr "名字" msgid "%(installs)s downloads" msgstr "%(installs)s 次下載" msgid "%(numberOfRatings)s ratings" msgstr "%(numberOfRatings)s 分" msgid "%(ratingTier)s star" msgid_plural "%(ratingTier)s stars" msgstr[0] "%(ratingTier)s 星" msgid "Based on %(ratingsNumber)s rating" msgid_plural "Based on %(ratingsNumber)s ratings" msgstr[0] "依據 %(ratingsNumber)s 分數" msgctxt "Verb. Presented to user as a label for a button." msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" msgid "An error occurred while removing %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "移除 %(site)s 的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "Error removing %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "移除 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤,已關閉遠端管理。" msgid "" "There were errors removing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "移除 %(numberOfSites)d 網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "There were errors removing %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "移除 %(numberOfSites)d 網站上的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "There were errors removing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "移除 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "Removing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在移除 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Removing %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "正在移除 %(numberOfSites)d 網站上的 %(plugin)s。" msgid "Removing %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "正在移除 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s。" msgid "Removing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "正在移除 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "" "Successfully removed %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "已成功移除 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Successfully removed %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "已成功移除 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s。" msgid "Successfully removed %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功移除 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Successfully removed %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功移除 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s。" msgctxt "Legend label in stats post trends visualization" msgid "More Posts" msgstr "更多文章" msgctxt "Legend label in stats post trends visualization" msgid "Fewer Posts" msgstr "較少文章" msgctxt "search label" msgid "Find Author…" msgstr "尋找作者..." msgid "" "This domain is currently using Privacy Protection to keep your information " "from showing up in public record searches. If you need to make a change to " "your domain's contact info, please {{a}}turn privacy off{{/a}} first." msgstr "" "此網域目前正在使用隱私權保護,以避免資訊顯示在公開記錄搜尋中。若要變更網域的" "聯絡資訊,請 {{a}}先關閉隱私權{{/a}}。" msgid "Registration confirmation will be emailed to you." msgstr "註冊確認將透過電子郵件寄送給你。" msgctxt "password mismatch" msgid "Mismatch" msgstr "不符合" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Strong" msgstr "強" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Weak" msgstr "弱" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Very weak" msgstr "非常弱" msgid "To set your password, visit the following address:" msgstr "如要設定密碼,請點選以下連結:" msgid "Show password" msgstr "顯示密碼" msgid "Log Out Everywhere" msgstr "在所有地方登出" msgid "Log %s out of all locations." msgstr "將使用者「%s」從全部裝置登出。" msgid "" "Did you lose your phone or leave your account logged in at a public " "computer? You can log out everywhere else, and stay logged in here." msgstr "" "是否遺失手機或曾在公用電腦上進行登入?執行這項操作便可從全部裝置登出,只保留" "這台裝置的登入階段。" msgid "Log Out Everywhere Else" msgstr "從所有裝置登出" msgid "You are only logged in at this location." msgstr "你只在這個位置登入。" msgid "Confirm use of weak password" msgstr "確定使用強度弱的密碼" msgid "Sessions" msgstr "登入工作階段" msgid "Hide password" msgstr "隱藏密碼" msgid "Account Management" msgstr "帳戶管理" msgid "Cancel password change" msgstr "取消變更密碼" msgid "Thanks for letting us know!" msgstr "謝謝你告訴我們!" msgctxt "admin bar customize item label" msgid "Customize" msgstr "自訂" msgid "Site avatar" msgstr "網站大頭貼" msgid "And more..." msgstr "還有更多..." msgid "" "Access attempt with insufficient privileges detected. If you believe that " "you have reached this page in error, please contact Jetpack Support at %s" msgstr "" "偵測到權限不足的存取嘗試。如果你認為是因為發生錯誤而顯示此頁面,請聯絡 " "Jetpack 支援團隊:%s" msgid "Always use https when visiting the admin" msgstr "強制使用 https 進入管理頁面" msgid "Use https" msgstr "使用 https" msgid "Preview as an app icon" msgstr "作為應用程式圖示預覽" msgid "As an app icon" msgstr "作為應用程式圖示" msgid "Preview as a browser icon" msgstr "作為瀏覽器圖示預覽" msgid "As a browser icon" msgstr "作為瀏覽器圖示" msgid "Image could not be processed." msgstr "圖片無法處理。" msgid "Site Identity" msgstr "網站身分" msgid "Use the new and improved Email Forwarding manager" msgstr "使用全新改良的電子郵件轉寄管理器" msgid "Email Forwarding is now part of the new" msgstr "全新的 現在可支援電子郵件轉寄。" msgid "Use the Facebook Page Plugin to connect visitors to your Facebook Page" msgstr "利用 Facebook 專頁外掛程式將訪客連至你的 Facebook 專頁" msgid "Facebook Page Plugin" msgstr "Facebook 專頁外掛程式" msgid "Clear Results" msgstr "清除結果" msgid "Toggle section: %s" msgstr "顯示/隱藏內容:%s" msgid "Toggle section: Custom Links" msgstr "顯示/隱藏內容:自訂連結" msgid "Remove Menu Item: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "移除選單項目:%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "Edit menu item: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "編輯選單項目:%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "You have specified this user for removal:" msgstr "你已指定移除此使用者:" msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "匈牙利文" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Contributor" msgstr "撰寫人員" msgid "You are not authorized to view this page" msgstr "你沒有權限檢視此頁面" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Author" msgstr "作者" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Editor" msgstr "編輯者" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Admin" msgstr "管理" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Super Admin" msgstr "超級管理員" msgid "The redirect settings were updated successfully." msgstr "重新導向設定已成功更新。" msgid "" "There was a problem retrieving the redirect settings. Please try again later " "or contact support." msgstr "擷取重新導向設定時發生問題。請稍後再試一次,或者聯絡支援團隊。" msgctxt "Placeholder text while fetching users." msgid "Loading Users" msgstr "正在載入使用者" msgid "Success! File uploaded." msgstr "成功!檔案已上載。" msgid "Uploading %(filename)s…" msgstr "正在上載 %(filename)s…" msgid "Recovery SMS number" msgstr "接收帳戶還原驗證簡訊的手機門號" msgid "" "Keep your account safe by adding a backup email address and phone number. If " "you ever have problems accessing your account, will use what " "you enter here to verify your identity." msgstr "" "新增一組備用電子郵件地址及電話號碼,可以確保你的帳戶安全。當無法使用你的 " "WordPress 帳戶時, 會使用你在這裡輸入的資訊,以驗證你的身分。" msgid "Save Number" msgstr "儲存號碼" msgid "" "You have entered your primary email address. Please enter a different email " "address." msgstr "你已輸入主要電子郵件地址。請輸入其他電子郵件地址。" msgid "Your primary email address is {{email/}}" msgstr "你的主要電子郵件地址是 {{email/}}" msgctxt "Welcome panel" msgid "Welcome" msgstr "你好" msgid "No items" msgstr "沒有項目" msgid "No media items found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的媒體項目。" msgid "Invalid Target Port" msgstr "目標連接埠無效" msgid "Invalid Weight" msgstr "重量無效" msgid "Invalid Service" msgstr "服務無效" msgid "Invalid Priority" msgstr "優先順序無效" msgid "Invalid Mail Server" msgstr "郵件伺服器無效" msgid "Invalid Target Host" msgstr "目標主機無效" msgid "Invalid IP" msgstr "IP 無效" msgid "Invalid Name" msgstr "名稱無效" msgctxt "Post editor sharing message counter explanation" msgid "" "The length includes space for the link to your post and an attached image." msgstr "長度包括你的文章連結和一個附加圖片的空間。" msgctxt "Input length" msgid "%d character remaining" msgid_plural "%d characters remaining" msgstr[0] "剩餘 %d 個字元" msgid "" "%d file could not be uploaded because an error occurred while uploading." msgid_plural "" "%d files could not be uploaded because errors occurred while uploading." msgstr[0] "%d 個檔案無法上載,因為上載時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "%d file could not be uploaded because no image exists at the specified URL." msgid_plural "" "%d files could not be uploaded because no images exist at the specified URLs" msgstr[0] "%d 個檔案無法上載,因為指定的 URL 中沒有圖片。" msgid "" "The following formatting shortcuts are replaced when pressing Enter. Press " "Escape or the Undo button to undo." msgstr "當按下 Enter 鍵替換以下格式化的快速鍵。按 Esc 或還原按鈕恢復。" msgid "Add New Image" msgstr "新增圖片" msgid "Add New Header Image" msgstr "新增頁首圖片" msgid "Hide image" msgstr "隱藏圖片" msgid "Hide header image" msgstr "隱藏頁首圖片" msgid "Add to menu: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "新增至選單:%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "%s approved comment" msgid_plural "%s approved comments" msgstr[0] "%s 則已核准留言" msgid "Let's go!" msgstr "著手進行吧!" msgid "" "Keep your account safe by adding and verifying your contact information. It " "only takes a few minutes." msgstr "新增並驗證你的聯絡資訊,以維持帳戶安全。這只需要幾分鐘的時間。" msgid "Secure your account in only a few minutes." msgstr "只要幾分鐘的時間,就能保護帳戶安全。" msgid "Time for your security checkup." msgstr "該是檢查安全性的時候了。" msgid "Dutch" msgstr "荷蘭文" msgid "Galician" msgstr "加利西亞文" msgid "Estonian" msgstr "愛沙尼亞文" msgid "Afrikaans" msgstr "南非文" msgid "See all of your post's reblogs." msgstr "查看所有文章的轉發情形。" msgid "" "See all of your followers." msgstr "查看所有關注者。" msgid "See all of your likers." msgstr "查看所有按讚的訪客。" msgid "Username may not be longer than 60 characters." msgstr "使用者名稱不被允許超過 60 個字元。" msgid "" "When starting a new paragraph with one of these formatting shortcuts " "followed by a space, the formatting will be applied automatically. Press " "Backspace or Escape to undo." msgstr "" "當開始一個新的段落時,使用其中一種按空白鍵作為快捷方式的格式,格式會自動應" "用。按下倒退鍵或 ESC 鍵恢復。" msgid "Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme." msgstr "選單可以顯示於你佈景主題所指定的位置。" msgid "" "Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme or in widget areas by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget." msgstr "" "選單可以顯示在佈景主題定義好的位置或在 小工具區域 加入" "“導覽選單”小工具。" msgid "Reorder mode closed" msgstr "重新排序模式已停用" msgid "Reorder mode enabled" msgstr "重新排序模式已啟用" msgid "" "When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder menu items will be " "available in the items list above." msgstr "" "當處於重新排序模式時,用於排列選單的額外控制元件將顯示于上方的選單列表裡。" msgctxt "Missing menu name." msgid "(unnamed)" msgstr "(未命名)" msgid "Close reorder mode" msgstr "關閉重新排序模式" msgid "Reorder menu items" msgstr "重新排序選單項目" msgid "Show more details" msgstr "顯示更多細節" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Deactivating" msgstr "正在停用" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Activating" msgstr "正在啟用" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Updating" msgstr "正在更新" msgctxt "media" msgid "Remove video track" msgstr "移除影音" msgid "Remove poster image" msgstr "移除撰寫人圖片" msgid "Remove video source" msgstr "移除影片來源" msgid "Remove audio source" msgstr "移除音訊來源" msgid "[] %1$s will expire in %2$d day" msgid_plural "[] %1$s will expire in %2$d days" msgstr[0] "[] %1$s 將在 %2$d 天後到期" msgid "Ctrl + letter:" msgstr "Ctrl + 字母:" msgid "Cmd + letter:" msgstr "Cmd + 字母:" msgid "Shift + Alt + letter:" msgstr "Shift + Alt + 字母:" msgid "Ctrl + Alt + letter:" msgstr "Ctrl + Alt + 字母:" msgid "Inline toolbar (when an image, link or preview is selected)" msgstr "內嵌工具列(選取一張圖片、連結或預覽)" msgid "Additional shortcuts," msgstr "額外捷徑," msgid "Default shortcuts," msgstr "預設捷徑," msgid "Date and time" msgstr "日期和時間" msgid "More actions" msgstr "更多動作" msgid "Disabling autoupdates" msgstr "正在停用自動更新" msgid "Enabling autoupdates" msgstr "正在啟用自動更新" msgctxt "Media upload" msgid "Add via URL" msgstr "透過 URL 新增" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Upload" msgstr "上載" msgid "-- The Team" msgstr " 團隊敬上" msgid "" "We noticed a recent change to the account settings for your " "account, %s." msgstr "我們注意到你最近變更了 帳戶 %s 的帳戶設定。" msgid "" "If you did not request this change, please respond to this email immediately." msgstr "如果你沒有要求變更,請立即回覆本電子郵件。" msgid "" "We noticed a recent change to the account settings for your " "account, %s." msgstr "" "我們注意到你最近變更了 帳戶 %s 的帳戶設定。" msgid "The recovery email address on file was removed." msgstr "記錄中的還原電子郵件地址已遭移除。" msgid "The recovery SMS number on file was removed." msgstr "記錄中的還原 SMS 號碼已遭移除。" msgid "[] Recovery SMS number removed" msgstr "[] 還原 SMS 號碼已移除" msgid "" "The recovery email address on file was changed to " "%s." msgstr "" "記錄中的還原電子郵件地址已變更為 %s。" msgid "" "The recovery SMS number on file was changed to %s." msgstr "記錄中的還原 SMS 號碼已變更為%s。" msgid "[] Recovery SMS number changed" msgstr "[] 還原 SMS 號碼已變更" msgid "Attempting to parse a shortcode without a valid callback: %s" msgstr "無有效回傳函數的情況下嘗試解析一段短代碼:%s" msgid "Close code tag" msgstr "關閉code標籤" msgid "Close list item tag" msgstr "關閉項目列表標籤" msgid "Close numbered list tag" msgstr "關閉項目編號標籤" msgid "Close bulleted list tag" msgstr "關閉項目符號標籤" msgid "Close inserted text tag" msgstr "關閉插入文字標籤" msgid "Inserted text" msgstr "插入文字" msgid "Close deleted text tag" msgstr "關閉刪除線標籤" msgid "Deleted text (strikethrough)" msgstr "刪除的文字(刪除線)" msgid "Close blockquote tag" msgstr "關閉引用標籤" msgid "Close italic tag" msgstr "關閉斜體標籤" msgid "Close bold tag" msgstr "關閉粗體標籤" msgid "Move one level down" msgstr "往下移" msgid "Move one level up" msgstr "往上移" msgid "Loading more results... please wait." msgstr "載入更多結果中…請稍候。" msgid "Additional items found: %d" msgstr "找到的附加項目:%d" msgid "Number of items found: %d" msgstr "找到的項目數:%d" msgid "User Dashboard: %s" msgstr "使用者控制台:%s" msgid "popular" msgstr "熱門" msgid "" "If you are looking to paste rich content from Microsoft Word, try turning " "this option off. The editor will clean up text pasted from Word " "automatically." msgstr "" "如果你想要從 Microsoft Word 貼上豐富內容,請嘗試關閉此選項。此編輯器會自動清" "除取自 Word 的文字。" msgctxt "HTML tag" msgid "Preformatted" msgstr "Preformatted" msgid "" "Please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "請聯絡支援團隊,我們會為你解決所有問題:\n" "\n" "%s" msgid "" "If you're still having trouble, please contact support, and we'll get " "everything fixed:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "如果問題依然存在,請聯絡支援團隊,我們會為你解決所有問題:\n" "\n" "%s" msgid "" "Please contact support, mention error code %s, and we'll get everything " "fixed:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "請聯絡支援團隊並提供錯誤代碼 %s,我們會為你解決所有問題:\n" "\n" "%s" msgid "Long-term token submitted; only short-term tokens can be exchanged." msgstr "已提交長期權杖;只能交換短期權杖。" msgid "" "Is this your username? {{a}}Log in now to claim this site address{{/a}}." msgstr "這是你的使用者名稱嗎?{{a}}請立即登入以取得此網站位址{{/a}}。" msgctxt "Filter label for people list" msgid "Team" msgstr "團隊" msgctxt "Filter label for people list" msgid "Followers" msgstr "關注者" msgctxt "Filter label for people list" msgid "Viewers" msgstr "檢視者" msgid "Add your domain" msgstr "新增網域" msgid "Please enter a valid phone number." msgstr "請輸入有效的電話號碼。" msgid "Information on courses and events (online and in-person)." msgstr " 課程與活動相關資訊 (線上和專人洽詢)。" msgid "Recovery email address" msgstr "帳戶還原驗證用的電子郵件地址" msgid "Opportunities to participate in research and surveys." msgstr "參與 研究與調查的機會。" msgid "" "We'll always send important emails regarding your account, security, " "privacy, and purchase transactions, but you can get some helpful extras, too." msgstr "" "我們會隨時傳送帳戶、安全性、隱私權及購物交易等相關資訊的重要電子郵件,除此之" "外你還能獲得實用的額外資訊。" msgid "Site achievements" msgstr "網站成就" msgid "Likes on my posts" msgstr "按讚的文章" msgid "Likes on my comments" msgstr "留言按讚數" msgid "Comments on my site" msgstr "網站留言" msgid "" "There was a problem updating your contact info. Please try again later or " "contact support." msgstr "更新聯絡資訊時發生問題。請稍後再試一次,或者聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "There is a plugin update available." msgid_plural "There are plugin updates available." msgstr[0] "有可用的外掛程式更新。" msgid "" "The contact info has been updated. There may be a short delay before the " "changes show up in the public records." msgstr "聯絡資訊已更新。變更的內容稍後才會顯示在公開記錄中。" msgid "Back to My Site" msgstr "返回我的網站" msgid "" "You will receive an email confirmation shortly for your purchase of " "{{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}}. What's next?" msgstr "" "你很快就會收到購買{{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}}的電子郵件確認函。接下" "來呢?" msgid "Upload Date" msgstr "上載日期" msgid "Duration" msgstr "期間" msgid "Width in pixels" msgstr "寬度像素" msgid "Height in pixels" msgstr "高度 (以像素 px 為單位)" msgid "Add new category" msgstr "新增分類" msgid "Logs" msgstr "記錄" msgid "Backups" msgstr "網站備份" msgctxt "Action shown in stats to download data as csv." msgid "Download data as CSV" msgstr "以 CSV 格式下載資料" msgid "{{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}} /user /month" msgstr "每位使用者每月 {{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}}" msgid "%d file could not be uploaded because the file type is not supported." msgid_plural "" "%d files could not be uploaded because their file types are unsupported." msgstr[0] "%d 個檔案無法上載,因為檔案類型不受支援。" msgid "Expand this bar" msgstr "展開此列" msgid "Collapse this bar" msgstr "收合此列" msgid "This category already exists." msgstr "這個分類已經存在。" msgid "Search menu items…" msgstr "搜尋選單項目…" msgid "Add Menu Items" msgstr "新增選單項目" msgid "Add a menu" msgstr "新增一個選單" msgid "Menu Locations" msgstr "選單位置" msgid "" "Your theme can display menus in %s location. Select which menu you would " "like to use." msgid_plural "" "Your theme can display menus in %s locations. Select which menu appears in " "each location." msgstr[0] "您的主題可以在%s個位置顯示選單。選擇您想要使用的選單。" msgid "" "This panel is used for managing navigation menus for content you have " "already published on your site. You can create menus and add items for " "existing content such as pages, posts, categories, tags, formats, or custom " "links." msgstr "" "這個面板是用於管理你已經發佈在網站上內容的導覽選單。你可以新增選單並加入項" "目,例如已經存在的頁面、文章、分類、標籤、格式或者自訂連結。" msgid "Menu item is now a sub-item" msgstr "選單項目現在是一個子項目" msgid "Menu item moved out of submenu" msgstr "把選單自子選單中移出" msgid "Menu item moved down" msgstr "選單項目已下移" msgid "Menu item moved up" msgstr "選單項目已上移" msgid "Menu deleted" msgstr "選單已刪除" msgid "Menu created" msgstr "選單已建立" msgid "Menu item deleted" msgstr "選單項目已刪除" msgid "Menu item added" msgstr "選單項目已新增" msgid "Menu Location" msgstr "選單位置" msgid "Menu Options" msgstr "選單選項" msgid "Add Items" msgstr "新增項目" msgid "Set a different content width for full size images." msgstr "為完整大小的圖片設定不同的內容寬度。" msgid "This upgrade is not available for Jetpack site." msgstr "Jetpack 網站不提供這項升級。" msgctxt "Comma-separated list of replacement words in your language" msgid "" "’tain’t,’twere,’twas,’tis,’twill,’" "til,’bout,’nuff,’round,’cause,’em" msgstr "" ""tain"t,"twere,"twas,"tis,"twill,"til,"bout,"nuff,"round,"cause,"" "em" msgctxt "Comma-separated list of words to texturize in your language" msgid "'tain't,'twere,'twas,'tis,'twill,'til,'bout,'nuff,'round,'cause,'em" msgstr "'tain't,'twere,'twas,'tis,'twill,'til,'bout,'nuff,'round,'cause,'em" msgid "In response to: %s" msgstr "回覆至:%s" msgid "Comment status" msgstr "留言狀態" msgid "Cancel Now" msgstr "立即取消" msgid "" "Your post sent by email was published but some attachments were rejected for " "the following reasons:" msgstr "你透過電子郵件傳送的文章已發佈,但有部分附件因下列原因遭到拒絕:" msgid "Get theme" msgstr "取得佈景主題" msgid "Previewing theme" msgstr "預覽佈景主題" msgid "Last page" msgstr "頁尾" msgid "Save Email" msgstr "儲存電子郵件" msgid "" "There was a problem updating the redirect settings. Please try again later " "or contact support." msgstr "更新重新導向設定時發生問題。請稍後再試一次,或者聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Recovery Email" msgstr "還原電子郵件" msgid "Plugins are updated automatically on %(siteName)s." msgstr "外掛程式已於 %(siteName)s 自動更新。" msgid "Plugins can't be updated on %(siteName)s." msgstr "%(siteName)s 上的外掛程式無法更新。" msgid "All Plugins" msgstr "所有外掛程式" msgid "All plugins are up to date." msgstr "所有外掛程式都是最新版本。" msgctxt "Filter label for plugins list" msgid "Updates" msgstr "更新" msgid "" "Warning: Changes to your domain contact information will prevent you " "from transferring it to another registrar for 60 days" msgstr "" "警告:若變更網域聯絡人資訊,接下來的 60 天內,你將無法把網域轉移至其他" "註冊機構" msgid "Customizing" msgstr "自訂" msgid "Customizing ▸ %s" msgstr "自訂 ▸ %s" msgid "View Team Member" msgstr "檢視團隊成員" msgid "Import complete!" msgstr "匯入完成!" msgid "Security Checkup" msgstr "安全性檢查" msgid "Save contact info" msgstr "儲存聯絡資訊" msgid "" "Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new " "posts" msgstr "開放其他網站對新文章傳送連結通知 (即自動引用通知及引用通知)" msgctxt "The country code for the phone for the user." msgid "Country code" msgstr "國家/地區代碼" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Purchase" msgstr "購買" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Preview" msgstr "預覽" msgid "Update Site Redirect" msgstr "更新網站重新導向" msgid "Redirect To" msgstr "重新導向至" msgid "Redirect Settings" msgstr "重新導向設定" msgid "The DNS record has been deleted." msgstr "DNS 記錄已刪除。" msgid "The DNS record has not been deleted." msgstr "DNS 記錄尚未刪除。" msgid "More Options" msgstr "更多選項" msgctxt "Input length" msgid "%d character" msgid_plural "%d characters" msgstr[0] "%d 個字元" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Purchase on:" msgstr "購買網站:" msgid "This site has not posted anything yet. Try back later." msgstr "此網站尚未發佈任何文章。請稍後再返回重試。" msgid "The sites in this list have not posted anything recently." msgstr "此清單中的網站最近未發佈任何文章。" msgid "Posts that you like will appear here." msgstr "這裡會顯示你按讚的文章。" msgid "No likes yet" msgstr "尚未有人按讚" msgid "Back to Following" msgstr "返回關注項目頁面" msgid "Recent posts from sites you follow will appear here." msgstr "這裡會顯示你所關注網站的近期文章。" msgid "No recent posts" msgstr "沒有近期文章" msgid "This site has not posted anything recently." msgstr "此網站最近未發佈任何文章。" msgid "Invalid title" msgstr "無效的標題" msgid "" "Take it for a spin! You have 14 days to try out all of the new features you " "now have access to." msgstr "試用一下!現在你有 14 天的時間,可以試用目前已有存取權的新的功能。" msgid "Your free trial of %s starts today!" msgstr "現在開始免費試用 %s!" msgid "Verify with code instead" msgstr "改用密碼驗證" msgid "" "Or, type in the verification code generated by your authenticator app or " "sent via text." msgstr "或者輸入你的驗證器應用程式產生的驗證碼或透過簡訊傳送。" msgid "" "We just sent a push notification to your WordPress mobile app. Swipe or tap to open and verify your login." msgstr "" "我們已傳送推播通知到你的 WordPress 行動應用程式。滑動或輕觸" "即可開啟並驗證登入。" msgid "Creating your site…" msgstr "正在建立你的網站…" msgctxt "singular noun, the currently active theme" msgid "Active" msgstr "已啟用" msgid "[] Recovery email address removed" msgstr "[] 還原電子郵件地址已移除" msgid "[] Recovery email address changed" msgstr "[] 還原電子郵件地址已變更" msgid "Marina" msgstr "小艇碼頭" msgid "Emailing receipt…" msgstr "正以電子郵件傳送收據..." msgid "" "There was a problem sending your receipt. Please try again later or contact " "support." msgstr "傳送收據時發生問題。請稍後再試一次,或者聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Your receipt was sent by email successfully." msgstr "已透過電子郵件成功傳送收據。" msgctxt "Dns Record TXT" msgid "Text" msgstr "文字" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Target Port" msgstr "目標連接埠" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Target Host" msgstr "目標主機" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Weight" msgstr "加權" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Priority" msgstr "優先順序" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Protocol" msgstr "通訊協定" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Service" msgstr "服務" msgctxt "MX Dns Record" msgid "Priority" msgstr "優先順序" msgctxt "MX Dns Record" msgid "Handled by" msgstr "處理主機:" msgid "" "Service %(service)s (%(protocol)s) on target %(target)s:%(port)s, with " "priority %(aux)s and weight %(weight)s" msgstr "" "服務 %(service)s (%(protocol)s) 位於目標 %(target)s:%(port)s,優先順序為 " "%(aux)s,且加權為 %(weight)s" msgid "Mail handled by %(data)s with priority %(aux)s" msgstr "郵件已由 %(data)s 以優先順序 %(aux)s 處理" msgid "Alias of %(data)s" msgstr "%(data)s 的別名" msgid "Points to %(data)s" msgstr "指向 %(data)s" msgid "Mail handled by email forwarding" msgstr "郵件已由 以電子郵件轉寄方式處理" msgid "DNS Records" msgstr "DNS 記錄" msgctxt "DNS Record" msgid "Type" msgstr "類型" msgid "Points To" msgstr "指向" msgid "" "Lucky you! Your theme designers chose specific fonts for you that you can’t " "pick otherwise. If you aren’t happy with these fonts, uncheck the checkbox " "below and click \"Save\" to choose other fonts." msgstr "" "真幸運!你的佈景主題設計者已選擇特定字型,你無法挑選其他字型。如果你不喜歡這" "些字型,請取消勾選下方的核取方塊,然後按一下「儲存」即可選擇其他字型。" msgid "Uncheck to disable" msgstr "取消勾選即可停用" msgid "Step %(stepNumber)d of %(stepTotal)d" msgstr "第 %(stepNumber)d 步,共 %(stepTotal)d 步" msgid "Setting up your site" msgstr "設定網站" msgid "Creating your account" msgstr "建立帳戶" msgid "Customize on:" msgstr "自訂網站:" msgid "Activate on:" msgstr "啟用網站:" msgid "%d word {{Time/}}" msgid_plural "%d words {{Time/}}" msgstr[0] "%d 字 {{Time/}}" msgctxt "An approximate time to read something, in minutes" msgid "~%d min" msgstr "~%d 分鐘" msgid "" "The owner of this site only allows us to show a brief summary of their " "content. To view the full post, you'll have to visit their site." msgstr "" "此網站的擁有者只允許我們顯示簡短的內容摘要。若想檢視完整文章,你必須造訪對方" "的網站。" msgid "Visit {{siteName/}} for the full post." msgstr "造訪 {{siteName/}} 以閱讀完整文章。" msgid "" "Write, click, publish, and revel. Your words can be read by anyone in the " "world. Isn't that exciting?" msgstr "" "書寫、點擊、發佈,輕鬆享受成果。世界各地的人都可能成為你的讀者。聽起來很棒" "吧?" msgid "Provide you with powerful customization tools." msgstr "為你提供功能強大的自訂工具。" msgid "Pick a plan that's right for you." msgstr "選一個適合你的方案。" msgid "Oops! We can't find this plugin!" msgstr "糟糕!我們找不到此外掛程式!" msgid "Browse all plugins" msgstr "瀏覽所有外掛程式" msgid "" "You have active paid upgrades on your site. Please cancel your upgrades " "prior to deleting your site." msgstr "你的網站已啟用進階版升級服務。刪除網站前,請先取消升級。" msgid "There was an error retrieving purchases." msgstr "擷取購買項目時發生錯誤。" msgid "Use custom name servers:" msgstr "使用自訂名稱伺服器:" msgid "Not sure what name servers to use?" msgstr "不確定該使用哪個名稱伺服器嗎?" msgid "Look up the name servers for popular hosts." msgstr "你可以在此查詢熱門主機商提供的名稱伺服器。" msgid "Back to themes" msgstr "返回佈景主題" msgid "Have questions? Stop by our {{a}}support forums{{/a}}." msgstr "有任何疑問嗎?歡迎造訪我們的{{a}}支援論壇{{/a}}。" msgid "Visit site" msgstr "訪問網站" msgid "No plugins are inactive." msgstr "沒有未啟用的外掛程式。" msgid "No plugins are active." msgstr "沒有啟用的外掛程式。" msgid "" "Buy a {{domainSearchLink}}custom domain{{/domainSearchLink}}, " "{{mapDomainLink}}map{{/mapDomainLink}} a domain you already own, or " "{{redirectLink}}redirect{{/redirectLink}} this site." msgstr "" "購買{{domainSearchLink}}自訂網域名稱{{/domainSearchLink}}、{{mapDomainLink}}" "對應{{/mapDomainLink}}你的自有網域名稱,或{{redirectLink}}重新導向{{/" "redirectLink}}此網站。" msgid "Change redirect settings" msgstr "變更重新導向的設定" msgid "Content not yet translated" msgstr "尚未翻譯的內容" msgid "" "Apologies, but this content has not been translated to %1$s yet. Read the original version in English." msgstr "" "很抱歉,此內容尚未翻譯成%1$s。請閱讀原始的英文版本。" msgid "" "{{readerLink}}Use the Reader{{/readerLink}} to adjust delivery settings for " "your existing subscriptions." msgstr "{{readerLink}}使用讀取器{{/readerLink}}調整你現有訂閱的傳送設定。" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Other Notes" msgstr "其他備註" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Changelog" msgstr "變更記錄" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Installation" msgstr "安裝" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Description" msgstr "說明" msgid "Will Be Forwarded To" msgstr "將轉寄至" msgid "Stats for just this video: %s" msgstr "只顯示這部影片的統計資料:%s" msgctxt "Default page title" msgid "About" msgstr "簡介" msgid "How do I fix this?" msgstr "如何修正此問題?" msgid "Stop All Subscriptions" msgstr "停止所有WordPress.com的訂閱" msgid "Delete Subscription" msgstr "刪除訂閱" msgid "" "Jetpack's Carousel has been disabled, because another plugin or your theme " "is overriding the [gallery] shortcode." msgstr "" "由於其他外掛程式或佈景主題已覆寫 [gallery] 短代碼,因此導致停用 Jetpack 的隨" "選區。" msgid "Create your site." msgstr "建立網站。" msgid "Back up your site" msgstr "備份你的網站" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Activate %s" msgstr "啟用 %s" msgid "Take it to the next level" msgstr "將網誌推向更高境界" msgid "Supercharge your site" msgstr "讓網站大放異彩" msgid "Just get started" msgstr "現在就開始使用" msgid "View video information." msgstr "檢視影片資訊。" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Audio" msgstr "音訊" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Video" msgstr "影片" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Status" msgstr "狀態" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Quote" msgstr "引文" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Image" msgstr "圖片" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Link" msgstr "連結" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Standard" msgstr "標準" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Chat" msgstr "閒聊" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Aside" msgstr "獨白" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "相簿" msgid "Error:" msgstr "錯誤:" msgid "Categories: " msgstr "分類:" msgid "Reactivate" msgstr "再有効化" msgid "Renews on" msgstr "更新時間:" msgid "Notice: " msgstr "注意:" msgid "Activate" msgstr "啟用" msgid "Remote file error:" msgstr "遠端檔案錯誤:" msgid "Title: " msgstr "標題:" msgid "Activate: " msgstr "啟動" msgid "Post Format Link" msgstr "文章格式連結" msgid "Error" msgstr "錯誤" msgid "Create My Site" msgstr "建立我的網站" msgid "Site created - Go to next step" msgstr "網站已建立,請前往下一步" msgid "Account created - Go to next step" msgstr "帳戶已建立,請前往下一步" msgid "Installing…" msgstr "正在安裝..." msgid "Jetpack plugin" msgstr "Jetpack 外掛程式" msgid "An error occurred while installing %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "在 %(site)s 上安裝 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "Error installing %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "在 %(site)s 上安裝 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤,遠端管理已關閉。" msgid "There were errors installing %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "在 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上安裝 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There were errors installing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "在 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上安裝 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "There were errors installing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "在 %(site)s 網站上安裝 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "Successfully installed %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "已在 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上成功安裝 %(plugin)s。" msgid "" "Successfully installed %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "已在 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上成功安裝 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Successfully installed %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "已在 %(site)s 上成功安裝 %(plugin)s。" msgid "Successfully installed %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "已在 %(site)s 上成功安裝 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "contact us" msgstr "聯絡我們" msgid "" "Don’t worry if your domain is not working right away! It can take up " "to 72 hours for your domain setup to complete." msgstr "" "如果你的網域並未馬上開始運作,請不要擔心!系統最多需要 72 小時的時間,才能完" "成你網域的設定工作。" msgctxt "noun, defines the color scheme of the widget having dark colors" msgid "Dark" msgstr "深色系" msgctxt "noun, defines the color scheme of the widget having light colors" msgid "Light" msgstr "淡色系" msgctxt "Add new subset (greek, cyrillic, devanagari, vietnamese)" msgid "no-subset" msgstr "chinese-traditional" msgid "DMCA copyright infringement notices" msgstr "DMCA 著作權侵犯通知" msgid "" "This blog has been deactivated after receipt of multiple %1$s. If you " "believe those notices may have been incorrect or invalid, please %2$s to " "find out how to file a formal dispute." msgstr "" "此網誌收到多個 %1$s,現已遭停用。如果你認為這些通知有誤或無效,請%2$s,以瞭解" "如何提出正式的異議申請。" msgid "" "Your site has been suspended from for violating the %1$s. If " "you believe this was done in error, please %2$s to have the suspension " "reviewed." msgstr "" "你的網站因違反%1$s而遭 停用。如果你認為此舉有誤,請%2$s以要求重" "新審核。" msgid "%1$s has been suspended." msgstr "%1$s 已遭停用。" msgid "" "One or more transactions linked to your site were refunded due to a " "contested charge. To resolve the issue and re-enable posting, please go to " "the %1$s and pay the chargeback fine. For questions, %2$s." msgstr "" "由於收費有所爭議,與你網站相關的一或多筆交易已予以退還。若要解決問題並重新啟" "用張貼功能,請前往 %1$s 繳付退單罰款。如有問題,請%2$s。" msgid "contact us" msgstr "聯絡我們" msgid "" "We have a concern about some of the content on your site. Please %1$s to " "resolve the issue." msgstr "你網站上的部分內容可能有所疑慮。請%1$s以解決此問題。" msgid "Posting disabled on %1$s." msgstr "已停用 %1$s 上的張貼功能。" msgid "Posting Disabled" msgstr "張貼功能已停用" msgid "" "It is your own responsibility to ensure that your site complies with the " "relevant laws." msgstr "你須自行負責確保你的網站內容遵循相關法律。" msgid "Banner text" msgstr "橫幅文字" msgid "after this amount of time" msgstr "在經過下列時間後:" msgid "after the user scrolls the page" msgstr "在使用者捲動頁面後" msgid "after the user clicks the dismiss button" msgstr "在使用者按一下「關閉」按鈕後" msgid "Close and accept" msgstr "關閉並接受" msgid "Access scope" msgstr "存取範圍" msgid "" "This connection is only allowed to access {{siteLink}}%(siteName)s{{/" "siteLink}}" msgstr "此連結僅可存取 {{siteLink}}%(siteName)s{{/siteLink}}" msgid "This connection is not allowed to manage any of your blogs." msgstr "此連結無法用於管理任何網誌。" msgid "" "This connection is allowed to manage all of your blogs on, " "including any Jetpack blogs that are connected to your account." msgstr "" "此連結可用於管理你在 上的所有網誌,包括連結至 帳" "戶的 Jetpack 網誌。" msgid "Authentication" msgstr "驗證" msgid "Registered Domain" msgstr "已註冊的網域" msgid "Registered on" msgstr "註冊時間:" msgid "%s new post" msgid_plural "%s new posts" msgstr[0] "%s 篇新文章" msgid "Loading Site" msgstr "正在載入網站" msgid "Loading list" msgstr "正在載入清單" msgid "An error occurred loading this post." msgstr "載入此文章時發生錯誤。" msgid "Error fetching feed" msgstr "擷取摘要時發生錯誤" msgid "Loading Feed" msgstr "正在載入摘要" msgid "%s ‹ Reader" msgstr "%s ‹ 讀取器" msgid "Sorry - there was a problem posting your comment." msgstr "很抱歉,張貼留言時發生問題。" msgid "Duplicate comment detected. It looks like you've already said that!" msgstr "偵測到重複的留言。之前似乎就留過相同的內容囉!" msgid "Sorry, we can't find that site." msgstr "很抱歉,我們找不到該網站。" msgid "Subscription Manager" msgstr "訂閱管理器" msgid "" "You already have several pending email subscriptions. Approve or delete a " "few through your %s before attempting to subscribe to more blogs." msgstr "" "你有好幾項電子郵件訂閱仍待核准。請先透過%s核准或刪除幾項訂閱,再嘗試訂閱其他" "網誌。" msgid "" "The “%s” field cannot begin with a number for domains." msgstr "「%s」欄位不能讓 網域以數字做為開頭。" msgid "" "Having trouble migrating your site to a self-hosted WordPress install? Learn " "more about our handy Guided Transfer service, or add it to your cart." msgstr "" "將網站遷移到自助託管的 WordPress 安裝時遇到問題了嗎?深入瞭解便利的引導式網誌遷移服務或將它加入購物車。" msgid "Spam Protection" msgstr "垃圾訊息防護" msgctxt "Jetpack Free Plan" msgid "Free" msgstr "免費" msgctxt "Jetpack Premium Plan" msgid "Premium" msgstr "進階" msgid "Choose a password" msgstr "選擇密碼" msgid "Choose a username" msgstr "選擇使用者名稱" msgid "" "Please type in {{warn}}%(siteAddress)s{{/warn}} in the field below to " "confirm. Your site will then be gone forever." msgstr "" "請在下方欄位輸入 {{warn}}%(siteAddress)s{{/warn}} 加以確認。你的網站將永久刪" "除。" msgid "Purchased Upgrades" msgstr "已購買的升級項目" msgid "Users & Authors" msgstr "使用者和作者" msgid "These items will be deleted" msgstr "這些項目將會刪除" msgid "" "Deletion {{strong}}can not{{/strong}} be undone, and will remove all " "content, contributors, domains, themes and upgrades from this site." msgstr "" "刪除{{strong}}無法{{/strong}}復原,而且將移除網站上的所有內容、撰寫人員、網" "域、佈景主題和升級項目。" msgid "{{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} will be unavailable in the future." msgstr "{{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} 日後將無法使用。" msgid "Export content" msgstr "匯出內容" msgid "Export content first" msgstr "先匯出內容" msgid "Confirm delete site" msgstr "確認刪除網站" msgid "Register a new domain or change your site's address." msgstr "註冊新網域名稱,或變更網址。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Warning:{{/strong}} One or more transactions linked to this site " "were refunded due to a contested charge. This may have happened because of a " "chargeback by the credit card holder or a PayPal investigation. Each " "contested charge carries a fine. To resolve the issue and re-enable posting, " "please {{a}}pay for the chargeback fine{{/a}}." msgstr "" "{{strong}}警告:{{/strong}}與此網站相關的一或多筆交易因收費爭議而退款。此情況" "可能起因於信用卡持卡人退單或 PayPal 介入調查。每次發生收費爭議都會附帶罰款。" "若要解決問題並重新張貼內容,請{{a}}繳付退單罰款{{/a}}。" msgid "" "{{requestButton}}Re-send your confirmation email{{/requestButton}} or " "{{changeButton}}change the email address on your account{{/changeButton}}." msgstr "" "{{requestButton}}重新傳送確認電子郵件{{/requestButton}}或{{changeButton}}變更" "帳戶的電子郵件地址{{/changeButton}}。" msgid "" "To post and keep using you need to confirm your email address. " "Please click the link in the email we sent to %(email)s." msgstr "" "若要發佈文章並繼續使用,你必須確認電子郵件地址。請查看我們傳送" "至 %(email)s 的電子郵件,並按一下信中的連結。" msgid "We sent another confirmation email to %(email)s." msgstr "我們已傳送另一封確認電子郵件至 %(email)s。" msgid "Credit Card CVV Code" msgstr "信用卡 CVV 代碼" msgid "Credit Card Expiration Date" msgstr "信用卡到期日" msgid "%s is not connected." msgstr "%s 尚未連結。" msgid "%s is connected." msgstr "%s 已連結。" msgid "%s is not a Jetpack blog." msgstr "%s 不是 Jetpack 網誌。" msgid "Click to share on %s" msgstr "按一下以分享到 %s" msgid "" "One or more transactions linked to this site were refunded due to a " "contested charge." msgstr "由於收費發生衝突,與此網站相關的一或多筆交易已予以退還。" msgid "We could not update your SSH credentials status. Please try again." msgstr "我們無法更新你的 SSH 憑證狀態。請再試一次。" msgid "Start Import" msgstr "開始匯入" msgid "Sorry, purchasing multiple Plans of the same kind isn't possible." msgstr "很抱歉,你無法購買兩個相同類型的方案。" msgid "Error fetching plugins on %(numberOfSites)d site." msgid_plural "Error fetching plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr[0] "擷取 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站的外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgctxt "Media upload" msgid "Add new" msgstr "新增" msgid "Jetpack Scan" msgstr "Jetpack 掃瞄" msgid "Updates from" msgstr " 更新" msgid "Control your notification settings when you comment on other blogs." msgstr "控制你在其他網誌上留言時的通知設定。" msgid "Comments on other sites" msgstr "其他網站上的留言" msgid "Replies to my comments" msgstr "留言回覆數" msgid "Complete your profile" msgstr "完成你的個人檔案" msgid "Create a Site" msgstr "建立網站" msgid "notifications" msgstr "通知" msgid "Select State" msgstr "選取州/省" msgid "This site cannot be accessed." msgstr "無法存取此網站。" msgid "Send notifications to your {{a}} email address{{/a}}" msgstr "傳送通知至你的 {{a}} 電子郵件地址{{/a}}。" msgid "Base Font" msgstr "基本字型" msgid "You're on a %1$s-day streak on %2$s!" msgid_plural "You're on a %1$s-day streak on %2$s!" msgstr[0] "你已連續 %1$s 天在 %2$s 上張貼文章!" msgid "unknown location" msgstr "未知位置" msgid "View and manage a site's menus." msgstr "檢視管理網站選單。" msgid "Confirm your email address" msgstr "請確認你的電子郵件地址" msgid "Accepted! Logging you in..." msgstr "已接受!正在登入..." msgid "Suggested image #%d" msgstr "建議圖片 #%d" msgid "Suggested embed #%d" msgstr "建議嵌入 #%d" msgid "Connection lost or the server is busy. Please try again later." msgstr "與伺服器失去連線或伺服器忙碌。請稍後再試。" msgid "Open Press This" msgstr "打開「發佈至網誌」" msgid "" "If you can’t drag the bookmarklet to your bookmarks, copy the " "following code and create a new bookmark. Paste the code into the new " "bookmark’s URL field." msgstr "" "如果你無法拖曳書籤小工具至你的書籤,請複製下方的程式碼並且手動建立新書籤。請" "將程式碼貼到新書籤的網址欄進行建立。" msgid "Direct link (best for mobile)" msgstr "直接鏈接(適合手機)" msgid "Copy “Press This” bookmarklet code" msgstr "複製「發佈至網誌」書籤小工具程式碼" msgid "" "Drag the bookmarklet below to your bookmarks bar. Then, when you’re on " "a page you want to share, simply “press” it." msgstr "" "拖曳下方的書籤小工具至你的書籤列上。接著,當你造訪你想分享的頁面時,只要簡單" "的「發佈」它即可。" msgid "Install Press This" msgstr "安裝「發佈至網誌」" msgid "" "Press This is a little tool that lets you grab bits of the web and create " "new posts with ease." msgstr "" "「發佈至網誌」是一個方便的小工具,它能讓你快速抓取網路上的內容,再發佈成新文" "章。" msgid "Standard Editor" msgstr "標準編輯器" msgid "Suggested media" msgstr "推薦媒體" msgid "Back to post options" msgstr "返回文章選項" msgid "Hide post options" msgstr "隱藏文章選項" msgctxt "Used in Press This to indicate where the content comes from." msgid "Source:" msgstr "來源:" msgid "Show post options" msgstr "顯示文章選項" msgid "Scan site for content" msgstr "掃瞄網站內容" msgid "Enter a URL to scan" msgstr "輸入 URL 來掃描" msgid "Scan" msgstr "掃描" msgid "Press This!" msgstr "發佈至網誌!" msgid "Toggle add category" msgstr "切換加入分類" msgid "Search categories by name" msgstr "以名稱搜尋分類" msgid "Search categories" msgstr "搜尋分類" msgid "Invalid post." msgstr "無效的文章。" msgid "This category cannot be added. Please change the name and try again." msgstr "無法新增分類。請更換名稱並重試。" msgid "Error while adding the category. Please try again later." msgstr "新增分類時發生錯誤。請稍後重試。" msgid "Missing post ID." msgstr "缺少文章編號(ID)。" msgid "" "Gateway is the perfect mix of class and elegance, a traditional yet " "customizable home for your content. Reinforce your brand with a site logo, " "add a bold header image and call to action, and showcase your best posts or " "a video with a special Homepage template." msgstr "" "Gateway主題是一個經典與優雅的完美結合,既傳統又易於客製。可利用網站商標強化你" "的網站品牌形象,可加入寬厚的抬頭圖、行動呼籲按鈕,以及特別設計過的首頁樣板," "讓展示你最佳文章與影片易如反掌。" msgid "Application website" msgstr "應用程式網站" msgid "Posting activity" msgstr "張貼活動" msgid "Most popular hour" msgstr "最熱門的時段" msgctxt "Stats: Percentage of views" msgid "%(percent)d%% of views" msgstr "%(percent)d%% 的瀏覽次數" msgid "Most popular day" msgstr "最熱門的日子" msgid "Choose a site address" msgstr "選擇網站位址" msgid "Autosave encountered an unexpected error" msgstr "自動儲存時發生未預期的錯誤" msgid "Error fetching plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "在 %(site)s 上擷取外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "Disconnecting %(siteName)s." msgstr "正在中斷 %(siteName)s 的連線。" msgid "Enabling autoupdates on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Enabling autoupdates on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "正在啟用 %(count)s 個網站上的自動更新" msgid "Deactivating on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Deactivating on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "正在停用 %(count)s 個網站" msgid "Activating on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Activating on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "正在啟用 %(count)s 個網站" msgid "Updating on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Updating on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "正在更新 %(count)s 個網站" msgid "There were errors updating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "%(numberOfSites)d 個網站在更新 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "Successfully disabled autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "已成功為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式停用自動" "更新。" msgid "" "Successfully disabled autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "已成功為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s 停用自動更新。" msgid "Successfully disabled autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功為 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s 停用自動更新。" msgid "" "Successfully disabled autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(site)s." msgstr "已成功為 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式停用自動更新。" msgid "" "Successfully enabled autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "已成功為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式啟用自動" "更新。" msgid "" "Successfully enabled autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "已成功為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s 啟用自動更新。" msgid "" "Successfully enabled autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功為 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式啟用自動更新。" msgid "Successfully enabled autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功為 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s 啟用自動更新。" msgid "" "Successfully deactivated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "已成功停用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Successfully deactivated %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "已成功停用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s。" msgid "Successfully deactivated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功停用 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Successfully deactivated %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功停用 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s。" msgid "" "Successfully activated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "已成功啟用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Successfully activated %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "已成功啟用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s。" msgid "Successfully activated %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功啟用 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s。" msgid "Successfully activated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功啟用 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Successfully updated %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "已成功更新 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s。" msgid "" "Successfully updated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "已成功更新 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "Successfully updated %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功更新 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s。" msgid "Successfully updated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "已成功更新 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式。" msgid "There is a problem adding Site Redirect that points to %(domain)s." msgstr "新增指向 %(domain)s 的「網站重新導向」時發生問題。" msgid "" "You already have Site Redirect upgrade in the Shopping Cart and can't add " "another one" msgstr "你的「購物車」中已有「網站重新導向」升級,無法再新增一個" msgid "" "You already have Site Redirect upgrade and can't add another one to the same " "site." msgstr "你已經有「網站重新導向」升級,無法在同個網站另外新增一個。" msgctxt "Upgrades: Label for adding Site Redirect" msgid "Go" msgstr "立即新增" msgid "Redirect {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} to this domain" msgstr "將 {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} 重新導向這個網域" msgid "Redirect a Site" msgstr "重新導向網站" msgid "Select a site to add Site Redirect" msgstr "選取要新增「網站重新導向」的網站" msgid "Normal Size" msgstr "一般大小" msgid "Tiny" msgstr "極小" msgid "Huge" msgstr "超大型" msgid "Unknown post type requested." msgstr "要求未知的文章類型。" msgid "An active access token must be used to retrieve post counts." msgstr "擷取文章計數時,需使用有效的存取 Token。" msgid "Sorry, you can't purchase two Site Redirect products" msgstr "很抱歉,你無法購買兩個「網站重新導向」產品" msgid "Contrast" msgstr "對比" msgid "Page restored." msgstr "已還原頁面" msgid "Trashed" msgstr "已移至垃圾桶" msgid "Future" msgstr "日後" msgid "" "Invalid User ID, please verify and re-enter your Goodreads numeric user ID." msgstr "使用者 ID 無效,請確認並重新輸入 Goodreads 使用者數字 ID。" msgid "Share on Twitter" msgstr "分享到 Twitter" msgid "Security management is automatic for sites." msgstr " 網站會自動執行安全性管理。" msgid "No security configuration is required." msgstr "不需任何安全性設定。" msgid "Manage general settings for %(site)s" msgstr "管理 %(site)s 的一般設定" msgid "" "No %1$s was set in the arguments array for the \"%2$s\" sidebar. Defaulting " "to \"%3$s\". Manually set the %1$s to \"%3$s\" to silence this notice and " "keep existing sidebar content." msgstr "" "「%2$s」側邊欄的參數中沒有設定 %1$s。預設為「%3$s」。要清除此通知並保持現有的" "側邊欄內容,請手動將 %1$s 設定為「%3$s」。" msgid "At least two distinct nameservers required!" msgstr "至少需要兩個不同的伺服器名稱!" msgid "Thank you for contacting us." msgstr "感謝你與我們聯絡。" msgid "" "We will try to redeem %s, we will contact you as soon as we have " "the outcome of the redemption." msgstr "我們會嘗試買回 %s,若有任何結果,我們將儘速與你聯絡。" msgid "" "Goodreads numeric user ID (instructions):" msgstr "Goodreads 使用者數字 ID (說明):" msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "常見問題" msgid "1 post not updated, somebody is editing it." msgstr "一篇文章未更新,有其他人正在編輯中。" msgid "%1$s response to %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s responses to %2$s" msgstr[0] "%2$s 有 %1$s 則評論" msgid "Dismiss this notice." msgstr "關閉這項通知" msgid "What should be done with content owned by these users?" msgstr "如何處理這些使用者的內容?" msgid "" "The search for installed themes will search for terms in their name, " "description, author, or tag." msgstr "搜尋已安裝的佈景主題,將會一併搜尋它們名字裡的字詞、說明、作者或標籤。" msgid "The search results will be updated as you type." msgstr "搜尋結果會依你的輸入更新。" msgid "Number of Themes found: %d" msgstr "已找到的佈景數量:%d" msgid "Custom date format:" msgstr "自訂日期格式:" msgid "enter a custom time format in the following field" msgstr "在下方欄位輸入自訂時間格式" msgid "example:" msgstr "範例:" msgid "Custom time format:" msgstr "自訂時間格式:" msgid "enter a custom date format in the following field" msgstr "在下方欄位輸入自訂日期格式" msgctxt "Active plugin installations" msgid "%s+ Million" msgid_plural "%s+ Million" msgstr[0] "%s 百萬以上" msgid "M j, Y @ H:i" msgstr "M j,Y @ H:i" msgid "The topic contains invalid characters." msgstr "這個主題包含無效的字元。" msgid "Enable robust traffic and security features." msgstr "啟用穩健的流量和安全性功能。" msgid "Manage multiple sites and plugins centrally." msgstr "集中管理多個網站和外掛程式。" msgid "Learn more in My Jetpack" msgstr "在我的 Jetpack 中深入瞭解" msgid "Speed up your images and photos." msgstr "加快圖片和照片的載入速度。" msgid "Protect you from brute force attacks." msgstr "保護您免於暴力破解攻擊。" msgid "Monitor stats to help you analyze your traffic." msgstr "監控統計資料可協助分析流量。" msgid "This will allow Jetpack to:" msgstr "Jetpack 將能達到以下目標:" msgid "Switch account" msgstr "切換帳戶" msgid "Connecting as: %s" msgstr "使用以下身分連結:%s" msgid "Account %s activated" msgstr "帳戶 %s 已啟用" msgid "Howdy! Jetpack would like to connect to your account." msgstr "你好!Jetpack 希望能連結至你的 帳戶。" msgid "Update Jetpack Now" msgstr "立即更新 Jetpack" msgid "" "You are using an older version of Jetpack. To connect, please update to the " "latest version." msgstr "您使用的是舊版 Jetpack。若要連結,請更新至最新版本。" msgid "Howdy! Please update Jetpack before connecting." msgstr "你好!連結前請先更新 Jetpack。" msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "Security" msgstr "安全性" msgid "Select a site to add a domain" msgstr "請選取網站以新增網域" msgid "Free with Plan" msgstr "使用免費方案" msgid "Custom Links" msgstr "自訂連結" msgid "Please enter a valid credit card number." msgstr "請輸入有效的信用卡號碼。" msgid "Register %(domain)s" msgstr "註冊 %(domain)s" msgid "" "If you would like to keep the domain you should renew it immediately to " "avoid a late registration fee or losing it permanently when it expires." msgstr "" "若想保留網域,便應立即更新以免支付延遲註冊費用,或在到期後永久失去該網域。" msgid "Your password must be at least six characters long." msgstr "密碼必須至少包含 6 個字元。" msgid "Welcome to the best place for your WordPress website." msgstr "歡迎使用 WordPress 網站,你的最佳首選。" msgid "Enter a domain" msgstr "輸入網域" msgid "%(cost)s {{small}}/year{{/small}}" msgstr "%(cost)s {{small}}/年{{/small}}" msgid "password" msgstr "密碼" msgid "Your %s can be saved" msgstr "你的 %s 可以儲存。" msgid "Enter a domain or keyword" msgstr "輸入網域或關鍵字" msgid "Domain registration is unavailable" msgstr "網域註冊功能無法使用" msgid "Number of items per page:" msgstr "每頁的項目數量:" msgid "Submitted on" msgstr "發佈於" msgid "Detach" msgstr "分離" msgid "Address Line 2" msgstr "地址行 2" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Everyone" msgstr "所有人" msgctxt "Filter group label for segmented" msgid "Author" msgstr "作者" msgctxt "Filter group label for tabs" msgid "Status" msgstr "狀態" msgid "Total views" msgstr "總閱覽數" msgctxt "A button label to let a user get the SMS code sent again." msgid "Resend Code" msgstr "重新傳送代碼" msgid "" "You have no public sites on yet, but if you like you can " "create one now. You may also add self-hosted WordPress sites here after " "installing {{jetpackLink}}Jetpack{{/jetpackLink}} on them." msgstr "" "你在 上還沒有任何公開網站,如有需要,你現在就能建立網站。你也可" "以先在網站上安裝 {{jetpackLink}}Jetpack{{/jetpackLink}},接著在此新增自助託管" "的 WordPress 網站。" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Close Search" msgstr "關閉搜尋" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Open Search" msgstr "開啟搜尋" msgid "Recipient E-mail Address:" msgstr "收件人電子郵件地址:" msgid "Creating Your Account…" msgstr "正在建立你的帳戶..." msgid "Phone number" msgstr "電話號碼" msgid "Usernames cannot be changed prior to account activation." msgstr "未完成帳戶驗證前,無法變更使用者名稱。" msgid "Testimonial pages display at most %1$s testimonials" msgstr "「證言」頁面最多可顯示 %1$s 則證言" msgid "Enable Testimonials for this site." msgstr "為此網站啟用證言。" msgid "Your theme supports Testimonials" msgstr "你的佈景主題支援證言" msgid "Sorry, there is a problem adding your product to cart." msgstr "抱歉,將商品放入購物車時發生問題。" msgid "Active: %s" msgstr "啟用: %s" msgid "Romanian" msgstr "羅馬尼亞文" msgid "You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts." msgstr "你正編輯著顯示最新文章的頁面。" msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "希伯來文" msgid "Turkish" msgstr "土耳其文" msgid "Danish" msgstr "丹麥文" msgid "Czech" msgstr "捷克文" msgid "Taxonomy names must be between 1 and 32 characters in length." msgstr "分類法名稱長度必須在 1 至 32 字元間。" msgid "Post type names must be between 1 and 20 characters in length." msgstr "文章類型名稱長度必須在 1 至 20 字元間。" msgid "Size in megabytes" msgstr "大小(Mb)" msgid "1 Comment on %s" msgstr "%s 有 1 則評論" msgid "Could not split shared term." msgstr "無法分離共用字詞。" msgid "Comments Off on %s" msgstr "%s 已關閉評論" msgid "Show Cover Photo" msgstr "顯示封面照片" msgid "Show Page Posts." msgstr "顯示頁面文章。" msgid "The widget only works with Facebook Pages." msgstr "小工具僅適用於 Facebook 頁面。" msgid "Free subdomain." msgstr "免費 子網域。" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Change" msgstr "切換" msgid "" "Your theme supports %s menu. Select which menu appears in each location." msgid_plural "" "Your theme supports %s menus. Select which menu appears in each location." msgstr[0] "你的佈景主題支援%s個選單。 選擇每個位置顯示哪個選單。" msgid "Close details dialog" msgstr "關閉詳情對話框" msgid "Shown publicly when you comment on blogs." msgstr "當你在網誌中留言時會公開顯示。" msgid "You don't have any viewers yet." msgstr "你還沒有任何讀者。" msgid "Last updated %(ago)s" msgstr "最近更新時間為 %(ago)s" msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No media files match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "沒有任何媒體檔案符合你搜尋的 {{searchTerm/}}。" msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No documents match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "沒有任何文件符合你搜尋的 {{searchTerm/}}。" msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No audio files match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "沒有任何音訊檔符合你搜尋的 {{searchTerm/}}。" msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No videos match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "沒有任何影片符合你搜尋的 {{searchTerm/}}。" msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No images match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "沒有任何圖片符合你搜尋的 {{searchTerm/}}。" msgctxt "A button label used during Two-Step setup." msgid "Enable" msgstr "啟用" msgctxt "A button label used during Two-Step setup." msgid "Enabling…" msgstr "正在啟用…" msgid "" "Not sure what this screen means? You may need to download {{authyLink}}" "Authy{{/authyLink}} or {{googleAuthenticatorLink}}Google Authenticator{{/" "googleAuthenticatorLink}} for your phone." msgstr "" "不確定此畫面代表什麼嗎?你可能必須將 {{authyLink}}Authy{{/authyLink}} 或 " "{{googleAuthenticatorLink}}Google Authenticator{{/googleAuthenticatorLink}} " "下載至你的手機。" msgid "Enter the code you receive via SMS:" msgstr "輸入你透過簡訊收到的代碼:" msgid "" "Unable to obtain authorization application setup information. Please try " "again later." msgstr "無法取得授權應用程式的安裝資訊。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "Backup codes let you access your account if your phone is lost, stolen, or " "if you run it through the washing machine and the bag of rice trick doesn't " "work." msgstr "" "當手機遺失、遭竊,或者手機不慎掉入洗衣機中,且將它放入米袋內亦無法烘乾時,備" "用密碼便可讓你存取帳戶。" msgid "Verifying…" msgstr "正在驗證…" msgid "Didn't Print The Codes?" msgstr "未列印密碼?" msgid "Unable to validate codes right now. Please try again later." msgstr "無法立即驗證密碼。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Create a Page" msgstr "建立頁面" msgid "Loading Connected Applications" msgstr "正在載入已連線的應用程式" msgid "" "With Two-Step Authentication active, you can generate a custom password for " "each third-party application you authorize to use your " "account. You can revoke access for an individual application here if you " "ever need to." msgstr "" "只要啟用兩步驟驗證,即可產生一組自訂密碼,可用來登入你授權存取 " "帳戶的各種第三方應用程式。如有需要,你可以在這裡取消各個應用程式的存取權。" msgid "Active Passwords" msgstr "啟用的密碼" msgid "" "Use this password to log in to {{strong}}%(appName)s{{/strong}}. Note: " "spaces are ignored." msgstr "" "使用此密碼登入 {{strong}}%(appName)s{{/strong}}。附註:空格會予以忽略。" msgid "Add New Application Password" msgstr "新增應用程式密碼" msgctxt "" "The user presses the All Finished button at the end of Two-Step setup." msgid "All finished!" msgstr "全部完成!" msgctxt "The codes are the backup codes for Two-Step Authentication." msgid "I have printed or saved these codes" msgstr "我已列印或儲存這些密碼" msgid "Printed: %(datePrinted)s" msgstr "已列印:%(datePrinted)s" msgid "Please disable your pop-up blocker and try again." msgstr "請停用快顯封鎖程式,然後再試一次。" msgid "Verification code entered correctly. Logging you in…" msgstr "輸入的驗證碼正確。正在將你登入..." msgid "A verification code was sent to %s." msgstr "我們已將驗證碼傳送至 %s。" msgid "" "We couldn't find an account using %s. If you enter the validation code we've " "just sent, we will create a new account for you." msgstr "" "我們找不到使用 %s 的帳戶。如果你輸入的是我們剛剛傳送的驗證碼,則我們將為你建" "立新的帳戶。" msgid "Services" msgstr "服務" msgid "Connected as %1$s | " msgstr "連接為%1$s | " msgid "See all features" msgstr "查看所有功能" msgid "" "View and manage a Business " "site's plugins." msgstr "" "檢視管理 商務版網站的外掛程" "式。" msgid " Plugins" msgstr " 外掛程式" msgid "Your verification code is: %s" msgstr "你的 驗證碼為:%s" msgid "Tiled Columns" msgstr "並排的欄" msgid "Deleting" msgstr "正在刪除" msgid "Card deleted successfully" msgstr "信用卡已成功刪除" msgid "Two factor authentication is already enabled for the current user." msgstr "目前的使用者已啟用雙重驗證。" msgid "Edit selected menu" msgstr "編輯所選選單" msgid "Select Week" msgstr "選擇週次" msgid "Select Post" msgstr "選擇文章" msgid "%s Billing Information Updated" msgstr "%s 帳單資訊已更新" msgid "%s Refund Processed" msgstr "%s 退款完成" msgid "You can get started with the {{link}}WordPress mobile apps!{{/link}}" msgstr "你可以透過 {{link}}WordPress 行動應用程式{{/link}}開始使用!" msgid "You haven't connected any apps yet." msgstr "你尚未連結任何應用程式。" msgid "%3$s bloggers like this." msgstr "%3$s 位部落客說這個讚。" msgid "You and %3$s other bloggers like this." msgstr "你和其他 %3$s 位部落客都說這個讚。" msgid "Your current IP address: {{strong}}%(IP)s{{/strong}}{{br/}}" msgstr "你目前的 IP 位址為 {{strong}}%(IP)s{{/strong}}{{br/}}" msgid "Unknown IP address" msgstr "不明的 IP 位址" msgid "No results. Please try a different search." msgstr "沒有結果。請嘗試用其他關鍵字搜尋。" msgid "Search images…" msgstr "搜尋圖片…" msgid "" "Two-Step Authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. " "Once enabled, logging in to will require you to enter a unique " "passcode generated by an app on your mobile device or sent via text message, " "in addition to your username and password." msgstr "" "兩步驟驗證可為你的帳戶增添額外安全防護。一旦啟用後,登入 時不只" "需要輸入使用者名稱和密碼,還要輸入一組不重複的密碼,這組密碼會由行動裝置上的" "應用程式產生,或是透過簡訊傳送給你。" msgid "Disable two-step authentication" msgstr "停用兩步驟驗證" msgid "Your password was saved successfully." msgstr "你的密碼已成功儲存。" msgid "Not connected. Some information may be out of sync." msgstr "未連線。部分資訊可能並未同步更新。" msgid "Connection restored." msgstr "連線已恢復。" msgid "Complete Checkout" msgstr "完成結帳" msgid "Would you like to upload something?" msgstr "想上載內容嗎?" msgid "Documents" msgstr "文件" msgid "Search all media…" msgstr "搜尋所有媒體…" msgid "Search documents…" msgstr "搜尋文件…" msgid "Search audio files…" msgstr "搜尋音訊檔案…" msgid "Country code" msgstr "國碼" msgid "Enter Phone Number" msgstr "輸入手機號碼" msgid "Enable Two-Step" msgstr "啟用兩步驟驗證" msgid "Enabling Two-Step…" msgstr "正在啟用兩步驟驗證…" msgid "Verify" msgstr "驗證" msgid "" "You have no sites in your profile links. You may add sites if you'd like." msgstr "你的個人檔案連結中沒有任何網站。如果你願意的話,可以新增網站。" msgid "Jabber subscription delivery" msgstr "Jabber 訂閱傳送" msgid "Print Receipt" msgstr "列印收據" msgid "" "If you would still like to change your username, please save your changes. " "Otherwise, hit the cancel button below." msgstr "若你仍然希望變更使用者名稱,請儲存變更。否則,請按一下下方的取消按鈕。" msgid "" "Changing your username will also affect your Gravatar profile and " "IntenseDebate profile addresses." msgstr "" "一旦變更使用者名稱,你的 Gravatar 個人檔案和 IntenseDebate 個人檔案網址也會受" "到影響。" msgid "" "If you just want to change your display name, which is currently " "{{strong}}%(displayName)s{{/strong}}, you can do so under {{myProfileLink}}" "My Profile{{/myProfileLink}}." msgstr "" "若你只希望變更顯示名稱 (目前為 {{strong}}%(displayName)s{{/strong}}),可以在" "{{myProfileLink}}我的個人檔案{{/myProfileLink}}底下加以變更。" msgid "" "You are about to change your username, which is currently " "{{strong}}%(username)s{{/strong}}. You will not be able to change your " "username back." msgstr "" "你即將變更你的使用者名稱 (目前為 {{strong}}%(username)s{{/strong}})。一旦變更" "使用者名稱就無法復原。" msgid "Please Read Carefully" msgstr "請詳閱" msgid "Would you like a matching blog address too?" msgstr "是否要同時建立對應的網誌網址?" msgid "Confirm new username" msgstr "確認新的使用者名稱" msgctxt "User is being prompted to re-enter a string for verification." msgid "Confirm Username" msgstr "確認使用者名稱" msgid "Please re-enter your new username to confirm it." msgstr "請再次輸入新的使用者名稱加以確認。" msgid "Thanks for confirming your new username!" msgstr "感謝你確認新的使用者名稱!" msgid "%(username)s is a valid username." msgstr "%(username)s 是有效的使用者名稱。" msgid "Usernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers." msgstr "使用者名稱只能包含小寫字母(a-z)和數字。" msgid "Valid phone number" msgstr "有效的電話號碼" msgid "Phone numbers cannot contain special characters" msgstr "電話號碼不可包含特殊字元" msgid "Phone numbers cannot contain letters" msgstr "電話號碼不可包含字母" msgid "This number is too short" msgstr "這組號碼太短" msgid "Please enter a phone number" msgstr "請輸入電話號碼" msgid "Drag and drop to reorder media files." msgstr "拖曳來重新排序媒體檔案。" msgid "Connect to Eventbrite" msgstr "連結至 Eventbrite" msgid "" "Welcome to your new site! You can edit this page by clicking on the Edit " "link. For more information about customizing your site check out" msgstr "" "歡迎來到你全新的網站!你可以按下編輯的連結來修改這個頁面。欲知更多關於客製化" "網站的詳情,請看http://learn." "" msgid "This is the page where users will find your site's blog" msgstr "使用者可在此網頁找到你的網誌" msgctxt "Next post" msgid "Next" msgstr "下一頁" msgctxt "Previous post" msgid "Previous" msgstr "上一頁" msgid "View %1$s’s profile on %2$s" msgstr "在%2$s看%1$s’s的個人檔案" msgid "A simple widget that displays social media icons." msgstr "顯示社交媒體圖示的簡單小工具。" msgid "" "You can log out of other devices, such as your phone or a public computer, " "by clicking the Log Out Everywhere Else button." msgstr "" "你可以一併登出其他裝置,像是你的手機或公用電腦,只要點選「登出所有運作階段」" "按鈕。" msgid "Protect" msgstr "保護" msgctxt "Event date and time. %1$s = start time, %2$s = end time" msgid "%1$s - %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - %2$s" msgctxt "" "%1$s: time, %2$s: venue, %3$s: organizer, %4$s: event details (only on index " "views)" msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$s%4$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s" msgid "Notification Settings" msgstr "通知設定" msgid "We could not save your SSH credentials. Please try again." msgstr "我們無法儲存你的SSH認證資訊。請再試一次。" msgid "" "Resonar is an elegant blog theme that features full-screen featured images." msgstr "Resonar是一個具全螢幕顯示特色圖片功能、優美的佈景主題。" msgid "Post reverted to draft." msgstr "恢復文章為草稿。" msgid "Customize my site" msgstr "自訂我的網站" msgid "Copied" msgstr "已複製" msgid "Copy shortlink" msgstr "複製短網址" msgid "" "{{status}}Status:{{/status}} Two-step authentication is currently {{onOff}}" "off{{/onOff}}." msgstr "{{status}}狀態:{{/status}}兩步驟驗證目前已{{onOff}}關閉{{/onOff}}。" msgid "" "{{status}}Status:{{/status}} Two-step authentication is currently {{onOff}}" "on{{/onOff}}." msgstr "{{status}}狀態:{{/status}}兩步驟驗證目前已{{onOff}}開啟{{/onOff}}。" msgid "" "You've enabled two-step authentication. While enabled, logging in to " " requires you to enter a unique passcode, sent via text " "message, in addition to your username and password." msgstr "" "你的帳戶目前受到兩步驟驗證保護。啟用後,登入 時不只需要輸入使用" "者名稱和密碼,還要輸入一組不重複的密碼,這組密碼會透過簡訊傳送給你。" msgid "Successfully enabled Two-Step Authentication." msgstr "已成功啟用兩步驟驗證。" msgid "Disable Two-Step" msgstr "停用兩步驟驗證" msgid "Disabling Two-Step…" msgstr "正在停用兩步驟驗證…" msgid "Send Code via SMS" msgstr "透過簡訊傳送代碼" msgid "Resend Code" msgstr "重新傳送代碼" msgid "" "To verify that you wish to disable two-step authentication, enter the " "verification code from your device or a backup code, and click \"Disable two-" "step.\"" msgstr "" "為了確認你要停用兩步驟驗證,請在裝置上輸入驗證碼或備用密碼,然後按一下「停用" "兩步驟驗證」。" msgid "" "You are about to disable two-step authentication. This means we will no " "longer ask for your authentication code when you sign into your " "{{strong}}%(userlogin)s{{/strong}} account." msgstr "" "你即將停用兩步驟驗證。這表示當你登入 {{strong}}%(userlogin)s{{/strong}} 帳戶" "時,我們便不會再要求你提供驗證碼。" msgid "Successfully disabled Two-Step Authentication." msgstr "已成功停用兩步驟驗證。" msgid "" "Unable to request a code via SMS right now. Please try again after one " "minute." msgstr "目前無法透過簡訊要求取得代碼。請於一分鐘後再試一次。" msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "發生意外錯誤。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "Please enter the URL and description of the site you want to add to your " "profile." msgstr "請輸入你想新增至個人檔案的 URL 和網站描述。" msgid "That link is already in your profile links. No changes were made." msgstr "該連結已於你的個人檔案連結中列出。未進行任何變更。" msgctxt "Date range for which stats are being displayed" msgid "%(startDate)s - %(endDate)s" msgstr "%(startDate)s - %(endDate)s" msgid "Example:" msgstr "例如:" msgid "Submitting…" msgstr "正在提交…" msgid "" "Add a {{link}}sharing button{{/link}} to your posts so readers can share " "your story with their friends." msgstr "在文章頁面中加入{{link}}分享按鈕{{/link}},讀者就能將文章分享給好友。" msgid "See All" msgstr "查看全部" msgid "Successfully disconnected %(siteName)s." msgstr "已成功中斷 %(siteName)s 的連結。" msgctxt "Jetpack: Action user takes to disconnect Jetpack site from .com" msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "中斷連結" msgid "Remember for 30 days." msgstr "記住驗證碼 30 天。" msgid "SMS codes are limited to once per minute. Please wait and try again." msgstr "每分鐘只能輸入一次簡訊代碼。請稍後再試。" msgid "You entered an invalid code. Please try again." msgstr "你輸入的代碼無效。請再試一次。" msgid "Manage which sites appear in your profile." msgstr "管理個人檔案中顯示的網站。" msgid "Please select one or more sites to add to your profile." msgstr "請選取要新增至個人檔案的一或多個網站。" msgid "There is a pending change of your email to %s." msgstr "有個待確認的變更,將你的電子郵件地址變更為 %s。" msgid "There was a problem saving your changes." msgstr "儲存你的變更時發生問題。" msgid "Joined %(month)s %(year)s" msgstr "於 %(year)s %(month)s 加入" msgid "The email change has been successfully canceled." msgstr "已成功取消變更電子郵件。" msgid "There was a problem canceling the email change. Please, try again." msgstr "取消變更電子郵件時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "Choose site" msgstr "選擇網站" msgid "Widget moved up" msgstr "小工具已上移" msgid "Widget moved down" msgstr "小工具已下移" msgid "No file selected" msgstr "未選擇檔案" msgid "No image selected" msgstr "未選擇圖片" msgid "Please provide a phone number" msgstr "請提供電話號碼" msgid "The End" msgstr "結尾" msgid "Older than a month" msgstr "超過一個月" msgid "Older than a week" msgstr "超過一週" msgid "Older than 2 days" msgstr "超過 2 天" msgid "No new likes to show yet." msgstr "尚未有新的讚。" msgid "Get noticed: comment on posts you've read." msgstr "收到通知:在已閱讀的文章上留言。" msgid "No new followers to report yet." msgstr "尚未有新的關注者。" msgid "" "Join a conversation: search for blogs that share your interests in the " "Reader." msgstr "加入討論:在讀取器中搜尋與你興趣相投的網誌。" msgid "No new comments yet!" msgstr "尚未有新的留言!" msgid "Reignite the conversation: write a new post." msgstr "再度展開討論:撰寫新文章。" msgid "You're all caught up!" msgstr "你已追上最新進度!" msgid "Get active! Comment on posts from blogs you follow." msgstr "動起來吧!立即在你關注的網誌文章上留言。" msgid "No notifications yet." msgstr "尚未有任何通知。" msgid "Write your response in order to submit" msgstr "撰寫回應以送出" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Send" msgstr "傳送" msgid "Duplicate comment; you've already said that!" msgstr "重覆留言;你已說過同樣的話!" msgid "Remove like from post" msgstr "移除文章的讚" msgid "You {{a}}replied{{/a}} to this post." msgstr "你{{a}}已回覆{{/a}}此文章。" msgid "You {{a}}replied{{/a}} to this comment." msgstr "你{{a}}已回覆{{/a}}此留言。" msgid "Remove like from comment" msgstr "將按讚從留言中移除" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" msgid "Reply to %(username)s…" msgstr "回覆 %(username)s..." msgid "%s per month" msgstr "每月 %s" msgctxt "(user commenting) on (post title)" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 對 %2$s 留言" msgid "SMS codes are limited to once per minute" msgstr "每分鐘只能輸入一次簡訊代碼" msgid "View your comment." msgstr "檢視你的留言。" msgid "Reply posted!" msgstr "回覆已發佈!" msgid "WordPress powers %s%% of the internet." msgstr "WordPress 的服務範圍涵蓋了 %s%% 的網際網路內容" msgid "Advanced Design Customization" msgstr "進階設計自訂項" msgid "Ecommerce" msgstr "電子商務" msgid "Posts Published" msgstr "文章已發佈" msgid "You are not authorized to manage sharing settings for this site." msgstr "你沒有權限為此網站管理分享設定。" msgid "Add / Remove" msgstr "新增 / 移除" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "Drag and drop to reorder the buttons." msgstr "拖放以重新排序按鈕。" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "Tap the button you would like to move. Then tap the desired arrow." msgstr "點選你要移動的按鈕。然後點選所需的箭頭。" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons" msgid "This text won't appear until you add at least one sharing button." msgstr "在你新增至少一個分享按鈕之前,這段文字不會顯示。" msgid "Enable the in-page translator where available. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "針對適用的內容啟用頁面內建翻譯器。{{a}}瞭解更多{{/a}}" msgid "" "{{detailTitle}}Authorized on{{/detailTitle}}{{detailDescription}}%(date)s{{/" "detailDescription}}" msgstr "" "{{detailTitle}}授權日期{{/detailTitle}}{{detailDescription}}%(date)s{{/" "detailDescription}}" msgid "Access permissions" msgstr "存取權限" msgid "Removing…" msgstr "正在移除…" msgid "Move previous" msgstr "移到上一個" msgid "You've posted %1$s days in a row on %2$s! Keep up the good work." msgid_plural "You've posted %1$s days in a row on %2$s! Keep up the good work." msgstr[0] "你已連續 %1$s 天在 %2$s 上張貼文章!繼續維持下去。" msgid "Ready to get started?" msgstr "準備好要開始使用了嗎?" msgid "You have successfully updated your billing information." msgstr "你已成功更新你的帳單資訊。" msgid "%s subscription due for renewal" msgstr "%s 訂閱到期,必須更新" msgid "We have processed your refund." msgstr "你的退款已經處理完成。" msgid "We have cancelled your subscription." msgstr "你的訂購已經取消。" msgid "Your site just got even better." msgstr "你的網站將會更為強大。" msgid "%1$s Cancellation #%2$d" msgstr "%1$s 取消 #%2$d" msgid "%1$s Subscription Stopped #%2$d" msgstr "%1$s 訂閱已中止 #%2$d" msgid "" "Domains are renewed 30 days early to avoid the domain accidentally expiring, " "which can make it more difficult and more expensive to renew." msgstr "" "網域會提早 30 天更新,以避免網域意外到期,若在意外到期之後進行更新,會變得較" "困難且昂貴。" msgid "All About Domains" msgstr "關於網域的一切" msgid "" "You can create and publish both posts and pages on your site. If you are new " "to WordPress­­.com, check out our tutorials for a detailed walkthrough." msgstr "" "接下來,你可以在網站上新增、發佈文章或專頁。剛接觸 的初學者,歡" "迎閱覽教學課程,帶你一步步學會各種操作步驟。" msgid "" "With %s you can change fonts, colors, and CSS for your theme and preview " "your changes in real‑time." msgstr "有了 %s,你可以變更佈景主題的字型和顏色,還能即時預覽變更的結果。" msgid "Start Customizing" msgstr "自訂網站外觀" msgid "Add Free Domain" msgstr "新增免費網域" msgid "" "%s includes a free credit to add a new domain to your site. You can register " "a new domain or add a domain you already own." msgstr "" "%s 包含一次免費服務,可將網域新增至你的網站。你可以註冊新網域,或新增你已擁有" "的網域。" msgid "Get a Free Domain" msgstr "取得免費網域" msgid "" "Welcome to %s! You now have special access to a bunch of new features, as " "well as a free domain." msgstr "" "歡迎來到 %s!你現在擁有特殊權限可讓你使用各種全新功能,以及一個免費網域。" msgid "" "Welcome to Custom CSS!\n" "\n" "To learn how this works, see" msgstr "" "歡迎使用自訂 CSS!\n" "\n" "若要瞭解自訂 CSS 的運作方式,請參閱" msgid "Views Per Visitor" msgstr "每個訪客的瀏覽次數" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "" "The %(service)s connection could not be made because all available accounts " "are already connected." msgstr "無法連結 %(service)s,因為所有可用帳戶皆已連結。" msgid "Default delivery via Jabber instant message" msgstr "預設為透過 Jabber 即時訊息傳送" msgid "Send email every week" msgstr "每週傳送電子郵件" msgid "Send email daily" msgstr "每天傳送電子郵件" msgid "Send email instantly" msgstr "立即傳送電子郵件" msgid "Never send email" msgstr "永不傳送電子郵件" msgctxt "Hour range between which subscriptions are delivered" msgid "%(fromHour)s - %(toHour)s" msgstr "%(fromHour)s - %(toHour)s" msgid "Generating Password…" msgstr "正在產生密碼…" msgid "" "There was a problem creating your application password. Please try again." msgstr "建立你的應用程式密碼時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "" "The application password was not successfully deleted. Please try again." msgstr "應用程式密碼並未成功刪除。請再試一次。" msgid "Total Refunded" msgstr "總退款金額" msgid "Refund Summary" msgstr "退款摘要" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions & help you set " "up your site." msgstr "Happiness Engineer 在此回答你的問題,協助你設定網站。" msgid "Need help? No problem!" msgstr "需要協助嗎?沒問題!" msgid "Print Your Receipt" msgstr "列印收據" msgid "Billed To" msgstr "付款人" msgid "Cancelled On" msgstr "取消日期:" msgid "Subtotal" msgstr "小計" msgid "Previously Billed To" msgstr "帳單地址" msgid "" "This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your " "blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited " "for more timeless content that you want to be easily accessible, like your " "About or Contact information. Click the Edit link to make changes to this " "page or add another page." msgstr "" "這是頁面的範例。文章會以發佈的順序顯示在網誌首頁上,但與此不同的是,你要輕鬆" "存取的永久內容更適合放在頁面中,例如你的「關於」頁面或「聯絡」資訊。按一下" "「編輯」連結,以變更此頁面或新增其他頁面。" msgid "+ Add New WordPress" msgstr "+ 新增新的 WordPress" msgid "No SMS? Check your email for the password reset email." msgstr "沒有 SMS?檢查你的電子郵件,看看是否有重設密碼的電子郵件。" msgid "SMS Password Reset" msgstr "SMS 密碼重設" msgid "" "A newer version of WordPress is available. {{link}}Update to %(version)s{{/" "link}}" msgstr "新版本的 WordPress 可供使用。{{link}}更新至 %(version)s{{/link}}" msgid "Unauthorized" msgstr "未經授權" msgid "" "No site exists at that address, did you want to change your site address?" msgstr "" "該位址並無任何網站,你是否要變更網站位址?" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "Tap the buttons you would like to add or remove." msgstr "點選想要新增或移除的按鈕。" msgctxt "Filter label for plugins list" msgid "Active" msgstr "啟用" msgid "Sorry, %(domain)s does not end with a valid domain extension." msgstr "很抱歉,%(domain)s 不會以有效的網域延伸結尾。" msgid "Sorry, %(domain)s does not appear to be a valid domain name." msgstr "很抱歉,%(domain)s 似乎不是有效的網域名稱。" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize" msgid "There is an issue connecting to %(service)s." msgstr "連結到 %(service)s 時發生問題。" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "These will be shown in a dropdown under the “More” button." msgstr "這些都會顯示在「更多」按鈕下方的下拉式選單中。" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Add “More” button" msgstr "新增「更多」按鈕" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Add sharing buttons" msgstr "新增分享按鈕" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Edit sharing buttons" msgstr "編輯分享按鈕" msgctxt "Sharing options: Comment Likes" msgid "On for all posts" msgstr "對所有文章啟用" msgid "Order Summary" msgstr "訂單摘要" msgid "Google Analytics" msgstr "Google Analytics (分析)" msgid "" "Take it to the next level: get everything included with " "Premium, as well as live chat support and the ability to install custom " "plugins and themes." msgstr "" "讓部落格更上一層樓:擁有進階版隨附的所有功能,還可以享有即時" "聊天支援和無限制使用進階版佈景主題收藏。" msgid "" "Blog, supercharged: get your own domain name, powerful " "customization options and lots of space for audio and video." msgstr "" "讓部落格大放異彩:擁有專屬的網域名稱、功能強大的自訂選項,以" "及大量的音訊和影片儲存空間。" msgid "" "Just start creating: get a free site and be on your way to " "publishing your content in less than five minutes." msgstr "" "開始建立:擁有一個免費網站,五分鐘內即可開始發佈內容。" msgid "Free for life" msgstr "永久免費" msgid "Setting up your plan" msgstr "正在設定你的方案" msgid "An identical profile link already exists." msgstr "相同的個人檔案連結已存在。" msgctxt "noun: a quantity of goods or items purchased or sold" msgid "Order" msgstr "訂單" msgctxt "%1$s = price; %2$s = date" msgid "You will be charged %1$s again on %2$s." msgstr "我們會在 %2$s.再次向你收取 %1$s。" msgid "This is a monthly subscription." msgstr "此為每月訂閱。" msgid "This is an annual subscription." msgstr "此為年度訂閱。" msgctxt "Sharing: connections" msgid "Connected by %(username)s" msgstr "連結者為 %(username)s" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "Click the buttons you would like to add or remove." msgstr "按一下想要新增或移除的按鈕。" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor heading" msgid "Edit “More” buttons" msgstr "編輯「更多」按鈕" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor heading" msgid "Edit visible buttons" msgstr "編輯可見的按鈕" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Edit “More” buttons" msgstr "編輯「更多」按鈕" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Edit visible buttons" msgstr "編輯可見的按鈕" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Edit label text" msgstr "編輯標籤文字" msgid "Change the text of the sharing buttons label" msgstr "變更分享按鈕標籤的文字" msgctxt "Sharing: buttons" msgid "Edit label text" msgstr "編輯標籤文字" msgid "Go to My Site" msgstr "前往「我的網站」" msgid "Password was not specified with password key." msgstr "尚未使用密碼金鑰指定密碼。" msgid "Simple View" msgstr "簡易檢視" msgid "Something else?" msgstr "其他" msgid "Business Tools" msgstr "營業時間" msgid "Live chat support" msgstr "即時聊天支援" msgid "Business Name" msgstr "公司名稱" msgid "
    Business" msgstr "
    商用版" msgid "Create Website" msgstr "開始架站" msgctxt "date is of the form MM/YY" msgid "Expires %(date)s" msgstr "%(date)s 到期" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was successfully connected." msgstr "%(service)s 帳戶已成功連結。" msgid "Learn more about using {{a}}Google Analytics with{{/a}}." msgstr "深入瞭解如何{{a}}透過 使用 Google Analytics{{/a}}。" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize reconnection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was unable to be reconnected." msgstr "%(service)s 帳戶無法重新連結。" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "" "The %(service)s connection could not be made because no account was selected." msgstr "%(service)s 連結無法建立,因為尚未選取帳戶。" msgid "" "Add a {{link}}BandPage widget{{/link}} to display your music, photos, videos " "bio, and event listings." msgstr "" "新增 {{link}}BandPage Widget{{/link}} 來顯示音樂、照片、影片介紹與活動清單。" msgid "Add a BandPage widget" msgstr "新增 BandPage Widget" msgid "" "Add a {{link}}sharing button{{/link}} to your posts so readers can share " "your story with their followers." msgstr "" "將{{link}}分享按鈕{{/link}}新增至你的文章,讓讀者可以與其關注者分享你的故事。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to automatically share posts to your Tumblr " "blog." msgstr "{{strong}}連結{{/strong}}後,即可自動將文章分享至你的 Tumblr 網誌。" msgid "Share posts to your Tumblr blog" msgstr "將文章分享至你的 Tumblr 網誌" msgid "" "Add a {{link}}sharing button{{/link}} to your posts so readers can share " "your story with their connections." msgstr "" "將{{link}}分享按鈕{{/link}}新增至文章,讓讀者可以利用他們的人脈分享你的故事。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to automatically share posts with your LinkedIn " "connections." msgstr "{{strong}}連結{{/strong}}以自動將文章分享給你的 LinkedIn 人脈。" msgid "Share posts with your LinkedIn connections" msgstr "將文章分享給你的 LinkedIn 人脈" msgid "Add a Twitter Timeline Widget" msgstr "新增 Twitter 時間軸 Widget" msgid "" "Add a {{link}}Twitter Timeline Widget{{/link}} to display your latest tweets " "on your site." msgstr "" "利用 {{link}}Twitter 時間軸小工具{{/link}},在網站上顯示你的帳戶最新推文。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to automatically share posts with your Twitter " "followers." msgstr "" "{{strong}}連結{{/strong}}後,即可自動將文章分享給在 Twitter 上跟隨你的人。" msgid "Share posts to your Twitter followers" msgstr "將文章分享給你的 Twitter 關注者" msgid "Add an {{link}}Instagram widget{{/link}} to display your latest photos." msgstr "新增 {{link}}Instagram Widget{{/link}} 以顯示你的最新照片。" msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to automatically share posts on your Facebook " "page." msgstr "" "{{strong}}連結{{/strong}}後,即可自動將文章分享至你的 Facebook 粉絲專頁。" msgctxt "site setting" msgid "Google Analytics Measurement ID" msgstr "Google Analytics 追蹤 ID" msgctxt "Sharing: Tip in settings" msgid "" "You can also add a {{widgetLink}}Twitter Timeline Widget{{/widgetLink}} to " "display any public timeline on your site." msgstr "" "你也可以新增 {{widgetLink}}Twitter 時間軸 Widget{{/widgetLink}},以在你的網站" "上顯示所有公開時間軸。" msgctxt "Sharing: Tip in settings" msgid "" "You can also add a {{likeBoxLink}}Like Box{{/likeBoxLink}}, a " "{{shareButtonLink}}share button{{/shareButtonLink}}, or {{embedLink}}embed{{/" "embedLink}} your page or profile on your site." msgstr "" "你也可以新增{{likeBoxLink}}按讚方塊{{/likeBoxLink}}、{{shareButtonLink}}分享" "按鈕{{/shareButtonLink}},或在你的網站上{{embedLink}}嵌入{{/embedLink}}你的專" "頁或個人檔案。" msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option heading" msgid "Button style" msgstr "按鈕樣式" msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option label" msgid "Official Buttons" msgstr "官方按鈕" msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option label" msgid "Text Only" msgstr "只顯示文字" msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option label" msgid "Icon Only" msgstr "只顯示圖示" msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option label" msgid "Icon & Text" msgstr "圖示與文字" msgctxt "Sharing options: Header" msgid "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgstr "在下列位置顯示按讚和分享按鈕:" msgctxt "Sharing options: Checkbox label" msgid "Show like button" msgstr "顯示按讚按鈕" msgctxt "Sharing options: Checkbox label" msgid "Show reblog button" msgstr "顯示轉發按鈕" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Submit reply" msgstr "送出回應" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Trash comment" msgstr "將留言移至垃圾桶" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Mark comment as spam" msgstr "將留言標記為垃圾" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Like post" msgstr "對文章按讚" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Like comment" msgstr "對留言按讚" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Edit comment" msgstr "編輯留言" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Approve comment" msgstr "核准留言" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Unapprove comment" msgstr "駁回留言" msgctxt "Stats: Main stats page heading" msgid "Stats for {{period/}}" msgstr "{{period/}} 的統計資料" msgctxt "Stats: Action to undo marking an item as spam" msgid "Mark as Not Spam" msgstr "標記為非垃圾" msgctxt "Stats: Action to mark an item as spam" msgid "Mark as Spam" msgstr "標記為垃圾" msgctxt "Sharing options: Header" msgid "Reblog & Like" msgstr "轉發與按讚" msgctxt "Sharing options: Header" msgid "Comment Likes" msgstr "留言的按讚次數" msgid "%(description)s is invalid" msgstr "%(description)s無效" msgid "Missing required %(description)s field" msgstr "缺少必要的%(description)s欄位" msgid "Vietnam" msgstr "越南" msgid "Tanzania" msgstr "坦桑尼亞" msgid "North Korea" msgstr "北朝鮮" msgid "Micronesia" msgstr "密克羅尼西亞" msgid "Macedonian" msgstr "馬其頓文" msgid "" "Error enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is " "off." msgstr "啟用 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s 自動更新時發生錯誤,已關閉遠端管理。" msgid "Error deactivating %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "停用 %(site)s 的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤,已關閉遠端管理。" msgid "" "An error occurred while disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "停用 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s 自動更新時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "An error occurred while enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "啟用 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s 自動更新時發生錯誤。" msgid "Loading Stats" msgstr "正在載入統計資料" msgctxt "Sharing: Tip in settings" msgid "" "You can also add an {{widgetLink}}Instagram Widget{{/widgetLink}} to display " "your latest Instagram photos on your site." msgstr "" "你也可以新增 {{widgetLink}}Instagram Widget{{/widgetLink}},以在網站上顯示你" "最新的 Instagram 照片。" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connect pending button label" msgid "Connect" msgstr "連線" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize reconnect pending button label" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "重新連線" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize disconnect button label" msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "中斷連線" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize disconnect button label" msgid "Disconnect All" msgstr "中斷所有連線" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connect pending button label" msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "正在連線..." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize reconnect pending button label" msgid "Reconnecting…" msgstr "正在重新連線…" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize disconnect pending button label" msgid "Disconnecting…" msgstr "正在中斷連線…" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize status pending button label" msgid "Loading…" msgstr "正在載入..." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "Connecting %(service)s" msgstr "正在連結至 %(service)s" msgid "Don't show again" msgstr "不要再顯示" msgid "" "You have now enabled the translator. Right click the text to translate it." msgstr "你已啟用翻譯。對著反白文字按滑鼠右鍵即可翻譯。" msgctxt "Page title: Plugin detail" msgid "%(pluginName)s Plugin" msgstr "%(pluginName)s 外掛程式" msgid "A minimalistic square theme." msgstr "極簡、以方格呈現內容的主題。" msgid "Discover" msgstr "探索" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for views of a given search in search terms." msgid "Views" msgstr "點閱數" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for search in search terms." msgid "Search term" msgstr "搜尋字詞" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Search terms" msgstr "搜尋字詞" msgid "" "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, e-" "mail, or IP, it will be put in the trash. One word or IP per line. It will " "match inside words, so \"press\" will match \"WordPress\"." msgstr "" "如果留言的內容、名稱、URL、電子郵件或 IP 位址中含有以下文字,系統就會將留言移" "到垃圾桶。一行請輸入一個字詞或 IP 位址;系統會抓出所有包含輸入字元的詞句,例" "如輸入「press」的話,網友留言輸入「WordPress」也會被抓出來。" msgctxt "Upgrades: Register domain header" msgid "Already own a domain?" msgstr "已有網域名稱嗎?" msgctxt "Upgrades: Label for mapping an existing domain" msgid "Add" msgstr "新增" msgctxt "Upgrades: Description in domain registration" msgid "Map this domain to use it as your site address." msgstr "對應此網域,作為網站位址使用。" msgctxt "Message on empty bar chart in Stats" msgid "No activity this period" msgstr "此期間沒有任何活動" msgctxt "Demo content for related posts" msgid "Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings" msgstr "升級重點:婚禮適用的 VideoPress" msgctxt "Demo content for related posts" msgid "The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift" msgstr "Android 專用的 WordPress 應用程式獲得全面改款" msgctxt "Demo content for related posts" msgid "Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available" msgstr "有重大的 iPhone/iPad 更新可供使用" msgid "Show or hide panel information" msgstr "顯示或隱藏面板資訊" msgid "Loading My Sites…" msgstr "正在載入我的網站…" msgid "Community Translator" msgstr "社群翻譯" msgid "Disable Translator" msgstr "關閉社群翻譯器" msgid "Enable Translator" msgstr "啟動社群翻譯器" msgid "%1$s replied to a comment %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 回覆了留言 %2$s" msgid "You cannot redirect your blog to" msgstr "你無法將網誌重新導向。" msgid "You cannot redirect your blog to" msgstr "你無法將網誌重新導向" msgid "Jetpack Backup" msgstr "Jetpack 備份" msgid "Jetpack Security" msgstr "Jetpack安全" msgid "Total:" msgstr "總計:" msgid "Polish" msgstr "波蘭文" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for publicize service." msgid "Service" msgstr "服務" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Publicize" msgstr "宣傳" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of views per tag or category." msgid "Views" msgstr "點閱數" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for tags and categories." msgid "Topic" msgstr "主題" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Tags & categories" msgstr "標籤和分類" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for videos." msgid "Video" msgstr "影片" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Videos" msgstr "影片" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of views per author." msgid "Views" msgstr "點閱數" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for authors." msgid "Author" msgstr "作者" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Authors" msgstr "作者" msgctxt "" "Stats: module row header for number of clicks on a given link in a post." msgid "Clicks" msgstr "點擊率" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for links in posts." msgid "Link" msgstr "連結" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Clicks" msgstr "點擊率" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of post views by referrer." msgid "Views" msgstr "點閱數" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for post referrer." msgid "Referrer" msgstr "來源網址" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Referrers" msgstr "來源網址" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of post views." msgid "Views" msgstr "點閱數" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for post title." msgid "Title" msgstr "標題" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Posts & pages" msgstr "文章與頁面" msgid "Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Jetpack 統計" msgid "Sharing posts to your Tumblr blog." msgid_plural "Sharing posts to your Tumblr blogs." msgstr[0] "分享文章至你的 Tumblr 網誌。" msgid "Comment and share to your profile." msgstr "留言並分享至你的個人檔案。" msgid "Commenting and sharing to your profile." msgid_plural "Commenting and sharing to your profiles." msgstr[0] "留言並分享至你的個人檔案。" msgid "Sharing posts to your connections." msgstr "將文章分享給你的追蹤者。" msgid "Sharing posts to your Twitter feed." msgid_plural "Sharing posts to your Twitter feeds." msgstr[0] "分享文章至你的 Twitter 摘要。" msgid "View all plans" msgstr "查看所有方案" msgid "Change Visibility" msgstr "變更隱私設定" msgid "To manage it here, set it to visible." msgid_plural "To manage them here, set them to visible." msgstr[0] "若要在這裡管理此網站,請將它設為公開。" msgid "Popular languages" msgstr "熱門語言" msgid "DNS CNAME for %1$s needs to point to %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 的 DNS CNAME 必須指向 %2$s。" msgid "You're on a %1$s-day streak!" msgid_plural "You're on a %1$s-day streak!" msgstr[0] "你已連續 %1$s 天張貼文章!" msgid "Activating" msgstr "啟用中" msgid "Sorry, %s has already been used!" msgstr "很抱歉,%s 已有人使用!" msgid "%(cost)s/year" msgstr "每個網域每年 %(cost)s" msgid "+ Add organization name" msgstr "新增組織名稱" msgid "Jetpack Connect" msgstr "Jetpack 連線" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Private" msgstr "私密" msgid "You don't have any pages in your trash folder." msgstr "你的垃圾桶資料夾沒有任何頁面。" msgid "Would you like to publish your first page?" msgstr "是否要發佈第一個頁面?" msgid "You haven't published any pages yet." msgstr "你尚未發佈任何頁面。" msgid "No pages match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "沒有任何頁面符合你搜尋的 {{searchTerm/}}。" msgid "Sorry, you do not have enough permissions to customize this site" msgstr "抱歉,你的權限不足,無法自訂此網站" msgid "Sorry, the customizing tools did not load correctly" msgstr "抱歉,自訂工具未正確載入" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on %s’s activity " "in %d. You may start scrolling!" msgstr "為了迎接嶄新的一年,我們想與你分享 %d 年 %s 活動的資料。準備開始囉!" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your blog’s " "activity in %d. Start scrolling!" msgstr "" "為了迎接嶄新的一年,我們想與你分享 %d 年你網誌活動的資料。讓我們開始吧!" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "%d Report" msgstr "%d 報告" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "Thanks for taking a look at this annual report. If you like, you could start " "your own blog in %d!" msgstr "" "感謝你閱讀這篇年度報告。如果你願意,可以在 %d 開始建立屬於你的 " "網誌!" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "We want to help you make %d even better on" msgstr "我們想要幫助你在 上改善 %d。" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "We look forward to serving you again in %d! Happy New Year!" msgstr "期待能夠在 %d 再次為你提供服務!新年快樂!" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "Thanks for flying with Jetpack in %d." msgstr "感謝你於 %d 年使用 Jetpack。" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "Thanks for flying with in %d." msgstr "感謝你於 %d 年使用。" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "See you in %d" msgstr "%d 再見" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "The top referring sites in %d were:" msgstr "%d 年最熱門的推薦網站是:" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "Some of your most popular posts were written before %d. Your writing has " "staying power! Consider writing about those topics again." msgstr "" "你部分最受歡迎的文章是在 %d 前撰寫。你的文章擁有後勁!請考慮再次撰寫這些主" "題。" msgctxt "%s = blog name; %d = year" msgid "These are the posts that got the most views on %s in %d." msgstr "這些是 %d 年在 %s 上瀏覽次數最多的文章。" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "Attractions in %d" msgstr "%d 年的熱門內容" msgctxt "%d = number of posts" msgid "with %d posts total" msgstr "總共 %d 篇文章" msgctxt "example: Your site in 2014" msgid "Your site in %d" msgstr "你 %d 年的網站" msgctxt "example: 2014 in blogging" msgid "%d in blogging" msgstr "你在 %d 年的網誌活動" msgid "" "Visit from your " "phone or tablet." msgstr "" "透過你的手機或平板電腦造訪" "post。" msgid "" "Go to to try out " "the new features." msgstr "" "造訪 試試各項全新" "的功能。" msgctxt "noun: a generic user name" msgid "Someone" msgstr "訪客" msgid "" "Our 2015 default theme is clean, blog-focused, and designed for clarity. " "Twenty Fifteen's simple, straightforward typography is readable on a wide " "variety of screen sizes, and suitable for multiple languages. We designed it " "using a mobile-first approach, meaning your content takes center-stage, " "regardless of whether your visitors arrive by smartphone, tablet, laptop, or " "desktop computer." msgstr "" "我們的預設主題「貳零壹伍」是簡潔、著重於部落格,並採用明快的設計。「貳零壹" "伍」的簡潔排版在多種螢幕尺寸之下是易讀的,並適用於多種語言。我們設計以行動裝" "置優先的方式,這意味著不管訪問者使用智慧型手機、平板、筆記型電腦亦或是桌機," "你的內容都將居於正中央。" msgid "" "We couldn't validate your site address. Type your address again or follow " "manual installation instructions below." msgstr "" "我們無法驗證你的網站位址。再次輸入你的地址,或依照下方的手動安裝指示進行。" msgid "On the next page, click \"Install\" again on the bottom right." msgstr "在下一頁的右下方再次按一下「安裝」。" msgid "Update Jetpack now..." msgstr "立即更新 Jetpack..." msgid "" "With Jetpack connected you can experience a fully responsive posting UI that " "works on any device." msgstr "連接 Jetpack,你就能體驗適用於任何裝置的完全回應式發佈 UI。" msgid "POST FROM ANYWHERE" msgstr "可於任何地方發文" msgid "" "You can now manage all your sites – wherever they're hosted – and their " "plugins from one central dashboard." msgstr "現在,你可以透過中央控制台管理託管於任何伺服器的網站,以及其外掛程式。" msgid "CENTRAL DASHBOARD" msgstr "中央控制台" msgid "" "Jetpack is faster than ever.

    We put in a lot of work last summer " "to reduce the bandwidth Jetpack uses and speed up Related Posts caching. Let " "us know what you think!" msgstr "" "Jetpack 的速度之快,前所未見。

    去年夏天,我們花了非常多的心力來降" "低 Jetpack 使用的頻寬,並加速「相關文章」快取。讓我們瞭解你的想法!" msgid "SPEED IMPROVEMENTS" msgstr "速度改善" msgid "The Latest Jetpack" msgstr "最新的 Jetpack" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your site’s " "activity in %d. Start scrolling!" msgstr "" "為了迎接嶄新的一年,我們想與你分享 %d 年你網站活動的資料。讓我們開始吧!" msgid "Jetpack presents" msgstr "Jetpack 推出" msgid "Longest Streak" msgstr "最長連續記錄" msgid "Posting Patterns" msgstr "發佈模式" msgid "An error occurred while activating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "啟用 %(site)s 的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "Error activating %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "啟用 %(site)s 的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤,已關閉遠端管理。" msgid "An error occurred while updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "更新 %(site)s 的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "Error updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "更新 %(site)s 的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤,已關閉遠端管理。" msgid "Publish immediately" msgstr "立即發佈" msgid "Post scheduled." msgstr "文章已排期發佈。" msgid "pending review" msgstr "待審中" msgid "View Plans" msgstr "查看方案" msgid "Important!" msgstr "注意!" msgctxt "Label for hidden menu in a list on the Stats page." msgid "Show Actions" msgstr "顯示動作" msgctxt "Stats: Button label to expand a panel" msgid "View all" msgstr "檢視全部" msgid "Some stats didn't load in time. Please try again later." msgstr "部分統計資料並未順利載入。請稍後再試一次。" msgctxt "Stats panel action" msgid "Show or hide panel information" msgstr "顯示或隱藏面板資訊" msgctxt "Stats panel action" msgid "Expand or collapse panel" msgstr "展開或收合面板" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Comments" msgstr "留言" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Likes" msgstr "按讚數" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Visitors" msgstr "訪客" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Views" msgstr "點閱數" msgctxt "Stats ARIA label: View content in a new window" msgid "View in a new window" msgstr "開新視窗檢視" msgctxt "Stats action tooltip: View content in a new window" msgid "View in a new window" msgstr "開新視窗檢視" msgctxt "Stats: List item action to view content" msgid "View" msgstr "檢視" msgctxt "Stats ARIA label: View content in new window action" msgid "View content in a new window" msgstr "開新視窗檢視內容" msgctxt "Stats action tooltip: View content in a new window" msgid "View content in a new window" msgstr "開新視窗檢視內容" msgid "There is an update available." msgid_plural "There are updates available." msgstr[0] "有可用的更新。" msgid "Update now" msgstr "現在更新" msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "Thanks for your feedback." msgstr "感謝你的意見回饋。" msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "Vote" msgstr "投票" msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "I'm used to it." msgstr "已習慣使用。" msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "It's less confusing." msgstr "資料較為明確。" msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "It shows more information." msgstr "顯示了更多資訊。" msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "It's faster." msgstr "速度較快。" msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "Why do you prefer this Stats page?" msgstr "為什麼你喜歡這個統計頁面?" msgid "No thanks" msgstr "不用了,謝謝" msgid "Easy to use" msgstr "易於使用" msgid "" " is the best place for your personal blog or business site." msgstr " 是你個人網誌或商用網站的首選。" msgid "Unsupported Browser" msgstr "不支援的瀏覽器" msgid "" "To move focus to other buttons use Tab or the arrow keys. To return focus to " "the editor press Escape or use one of the buttons." msgstr "" "如要轉移焦點到其他按鈕請用 Tab 或箭咀鍵。如要將焦點轉回編輯器請按 Esc 或滑鼠" "的任一鍵。" msgid "Focus shortcuts:" msgstr "專注捷徑:" msgid "Editor toolbar" msgstr "編輯工具列" msgid "Elements path" msgstr "元素路徑" msgid "Editor menu (when enabled)" msgstr "編輯選單(啟用時)" msgid "" "The following values do not describe a valid date: month %1$s, day %2$s." msgstr "以下值的日期描述無效:%1$s 月,%2$s 日。" msgid "" "You can enable distraction-free writing mode using the icon to the right. " "This feature is not available for old browsers or devices with small " "screens, and requires that the full-height editor be enabled in Screen " "Options." msgstr "" "你可以使用右邊的圖示來啟用專心寫作模式。此功能不適用舊型瀏覽器和小螢幕裝置," "並且你必須先啟用全螢幕編輯器的選項。" msgid "Enable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality." msgstr "啟用全高度編輯器和免打擾功能。" msgid "" "You can insert media files by clicking the button above the post editor and " "following the directions. You can align or edit images using the inline " "formatting toolbar available in Visual mode." msgstr "" "你可以通過點擊編輯器上的圖示並隨指示來插入媒體檔案。你可以在預覽模式中使用格" "式化工具來對齊或者編輯圖片。" msgid "" "Post editor — Enter the text for your post. There are " "two modes of editing: Visual and Text. Choose the mode by clicking on the " "appropriate tab." msgstr "" "文章編輯器 — 輸入你文章的內容。有兩種編輯模式:可視化" "和文字。透過點選對應的選項標籤來切換模式。" msgid "" "The following values do not describe a valid date: year %1$s, month %2$s, " "day %3$s." msgstr "以下值的日期描述無效:%1$s 年,%2$s 月,%3$s 日。" msgid "" "Invalid value %1$s for %2$s. Expected value should be between %3$s and %4$s." msgstr "%2$s 的值 %1$s 不正確。應介於 %3$s 和 %4$s 之間。" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Trash" msgstr "移至垃圾桶" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Approve" msgstr "核准" msgid "Comment trashed" msgstr "留言已移至垃圾桶" msgid "Reply Failed: Please, try again." msgstr "回覆失敗:請再試一次。" msgid "Comment posted" msgstr "已發佈留言!" msgctxt "verb: Mark as Spam" msgid "Spam" msgstr "標記為垃圾" msgctxt "verb: past-tense" msgid "Liked" msgstr "已按讚" msgctxt "verb: past-tense" msgid "Approved" msgstr "已核准" msgid "Have you tried the upgraded stats page?" msgstr "你是否已嘗試使用升級的統計頁面?" msgctxt "horizontal table cell alignment" msgid "H Align" msgstr "水平對齊" msgctxt "vertical table cell alignment" msgid "V Align" msgstr "垂直對齊" msgctxt "label for custom color" msgid "Custom..." msgstr "自訂…" msgid "Add to Dictionary" msgstr "新增到字典" msgid "Domain Search" msgstr "網域搜尋" msgid "A domain, quite soon…" msgstr "網域即將載入…" msgid "Loading a page of Pages…" msgstr "正在載入「頁面」網頁…" msgctxt "Toolbar, must be shorter than ~12 chars" msgid "My Profile" msgstr "我的個人檔案" msgid "No alignment" msgstr "沒有對齊" msgid "This preview is unavailable in the editor." msgstr "無法在編輯器中預覽。" msgid "Restoring…" msgstr "正在還原" msgid "Compare Plans" msgstr "比較各種方案" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Print" msgstr "列印" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Difficulty" msgstr "難度" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Time" msgstr "時間" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Servings" msgstr "份量" msgid "An error occurred while deactivating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "停用 %(site)s 的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "Error disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is " "off." msgstr "停用 %(site)s 上的 %(plugin)s 自動更新時發生錯誤,已關閉遠端管理。" msgid "Get your own domain" msgstr "取得你的專屬網域" msgid "Visit Your Site" msgstr "查看你的網站" msgid "Back to Plans" msgstr "返回方案" msgid "+ Add Address Line 2" msgstr "+ 新增地址行 2" msgid "Since" msgstr "自從" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Post" msgstr "文章" msgid "No comments posted" msgstr "未發佈任何留言" msgid "All My Sites" msgstr "我所有的網站" msgid "" "Hold a comment in the queue if it contains {{numberOfLinks /}} or more " "links. (A common characteristic of comment spam is a large number of " "hyperlinks.)" msgstr "" "如果留言內含多於 {{numberOfLinks /}} 個連結,就把留言送進垃圾清單中(垃圾留言" "通常內含多個連結)。" msgid "" "Comments should be displayed with the older comments at the top of each page" msgstr "留言會連同舊留言顯示在每頁最上方" msgid "" "Break comments into pages with {{numComments /}} top level comments per page " "and the {{firstOrLast /}} page displayed by default" msgstr "" "將留言分頁,每頁 {{numComments /}} 則首要留言,預設顯示 {{firstOrLast /}} 頁" msgid "Enable threaded (nested) comments up to {{number /}} levels deep" msgstr "啟用多層留言功能,最多{{number /}} 層" msgid "" "Automatically close comments on articles older than {{numberOfDays /}} day" msgid_plural "" "Automatically close comments on articles older than {{numberOfDays /}} days" msgstr[0] "文章發佈過後{{numberOfDays /}}天,就不能留言" msgid "Manage all my sites" msgstr "管理我所有的網站" msgid "Connect accounts" msgstr "連結帳戶" msgid "Visit %(siteUrl)s" msgstr "訪問 %(siteUrl)s" msgid "Add an Instagram widget" msgstr "新增 Instagram Widget" msgid "Share posts to your Facebook page" msgstr "將文章分享你的 Facebook 粉絲專頁" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "重新連線" msgid "Reconnecting…" msgstr "正在重新連線…" msgid "Add a sharing button" msgstr "新增分享按鈕" msgid "Nevermind" msgstr "無所謂" msgid "" "Allow readers to easily share your posts with others by adding sharing " "buttons throughout your site." msgstr "將分享按鈕新增至網站,讓讀者輕鬆地與他人分享你的文章。" msgid "Everything you write is solid gold." msgstr "你撰寫的所有內容句句金言。" msgid "Would you like to create one?" msgstr "是否要建立草稿?" msgid "You don't have any drafts." msgstr "你沒有任何草稿。" msgid "Update available" msgstr "有可用更新" msgid "Select options" msgstr "選擇選項" msgid "Autoupdate" msgstr "自動更新" msgctxt "plugin status" msgid "Active" msgstr "執行套用" msgid "View %(title)s" msgstr "檢視 %(title)s" msgid "Edit %(title)s" msgstr "編輯 %(title)s" msgid "Child of {{PageTitle/}}" msgstr "{{PageTitle/}} 的子頁面" msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "永久刪除" msgid "Receipt ID" msgstr "收據 ID" msgid "Multiple items" msgstr "多個項目" msgid "Manage your notifications" msgstr "管理你的通知" msgid "Update your profile, personal settings, and more" msgstr "更新個人檔案、個人設定以及其他內容" msgid "My Likes" msgstr "我擁有的按讚次數" msgid "Media Width:" msgstr "媒體寬度:" msgid "Media Width" msgstr "媒體寬度" msgid "Buy Premium Plan" msgstr "購買進階方案" msgid "The Premium Plan comes with the following Custom Design features:" msgstr "進階方案隨附以下自訂設計功能:" msgid "Passwords may not contain the character \"\\\"." msgstr "密碼不能含有字元「」。" msgid "Coupon discount applied to cart." msgstr "優惠券折扣已套用至購物車。" msgctxt "admin bar menu new item label" msgid "Add" msgstr "新增" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Audio" msgstr "音訊" msgid "Mystery Person" msgstr "神秘人士" msgid "Take Our Survey" msgstr "填寫問卷" msgid "This blog is public" msgstr "此為公開的網誌" msgid "Publish your posts to your Tumblr blog." msgstr "將你的文章發佈至 Tumblr 網誌。" msgid "Publish your posts to your LinkedIn profile." msgstr "將你的文章發佈至 LinkedIn 個人檔案。" msgid "Publish your posts to your Twitter account." msgstr "將你的文章發佈至 Twitter 帳戶。" msgid "Publish your posts to your Facebook timeline or page." msgstr "將你的文章發佈至 Facebook Timeline (動態時報) 或頁面。" msgid "Writing & Blogging" msgstr "寫作與經營網誌" msgid "Sports & Gaming" msgstr "運動與電玩" msgid "Science & Nature" msgstr "科學與大自然" msgid "Religion" msgstr "宗教信仰" msgid "News & Current Events" msgstr "新聞與時事" msgid "Musings & Personal" msgstr "個人省思" msgid "Magazines" msgstr "雜誌" msgid "Longreads" msgstr "Longreads" msgid "Health & Wellness" msgstr "健康與保健" msgid "Fiction & Poetry" msgstr "小說與詩歌" msgid "Crafts & Fashion" msgstr "美工與時尚" msgid "Business & Technology" msgstr "商業與科技" msgid "" "This Top Level Domain (TLD) requires that we manually request a transfer " "code on your behalf. After we have received it, we will email it to you." msgstr "" "此頂層網域 (TLD) 需要我們以你的名義手動要求一組轉移代碼。收到代碼之後,我們會" "將它以電子郵件傳送給你。" msgid "" "Our support team has been notified and will contact you once we receive the " "transfer code for this domain." msgstr "我們的支援團隊已收到通知,一旦收到此網域的轉移代碼,便會與你聯絡。" msgid "Billing" msgstr "帳單" msgctxt "Help and Support Page Title" msgid "Help and Support" msgstr "說明與支援" msgctxt "Account Settings Page Title" msgid "Account Settings" msgstr "帳戶設定" msgctxt "%1$s: post title, %2$s: post author" msgid "%1$s by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 來自 %2$s" msgctxt "person who did an action" msgid "You" msgstr "你" msgctxt "Noun: title of mention notification" msgid "Mention" msgstr "標記" msgid "" "We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to " "%s\n" "\n" "If you deleted the import file from your media library, this may have caused " "the problem. In this case, please try the import once more without deleting " "the import file. Don't worry -- the importer will delete the file " "automatically once the import has finished.\n" "\n" "If you're still having trouble, please contact support, and " "we'll get everything fixed.\n" msgstr "" "非常抱歉,將你的網誌匯入 %s 時發生錯誤\n" "\n" "如果你已從媒體庫刪除匯入檔案,這可能就是問題的肇因。在這種情況下,請不要刪除" "匯入檔案,然後再次嘗試匯入。請放心,匯入完成後,匯入工具將自動刪除該檔案。\n" "\n" "如果你仍然遇到問題,請聯絡支援團隊,我們將為你解決所有問" "題。\n" msgid "" "We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to " "%s\n" "Please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed.\n" msgstr "" "非常抱歉,將你的網誌匯入 %s 時發生錯誤\n" "請聯絡支援部門,我們將為你解決所有問題。\n" msgid "Your WordPress content import for %s was successful." msgstr "你已成功將 WordPress 內容匯入至 %s。" msgid "Howdy! Log in to %1$s with your %2$s account." msgstr "你好!請使用你的 %2$s 帳戶登入 %1$s。" msgctxt "Declaration" msgid "Notification" msgstr "通知" msgctxt "Declaration" msgid "New Notification" msgstr "啟用新通知" msgid "" "View and manage a shopping cart to buy " "upgrades or plans." msgstr "檢視管理購物車以購買升級或方案。" msgid "Manage a site's domains." msgstr "管理網站網域。" msgid "Manage a site's media library." msgstr "管理網站媒體庫。" msgid "View stats for a site." msgstr "檢視網站統計資料。" msgid "Search within a site." msgstr "搜尋網站內容。" msgid "" "Manage and view a user's subscriptions to " "the Reader." msgstr "" "管理檢視使用者的 讀取器訂閱" "權限。" msgid "" "View information for installing and updating themes from " "" msgstr "檢視自 安裝和更新佈景主題的相關資訊" msgid "View analytics for your application." msgstr "檢視應用程式分析資料。" msgid "" "View and manage a user's notifications." msgstr "檢視管理使用者通知。" msgid "" "View Freshly Pressed posts from the homepage." msgstr "檢視 首頁的最新發佈文章。" msgid "View information about blog groups." msgstr "檢視網誌群組資訊。" msgid "Follow and unfollow blogs." msgstr "關注取消關注網誌。" msgid "View and manage a post's comments." msgstr "檢視管理文章留言。" msgid "" "View and manage a site's tags and " "categories." msgstr "檢視管理網站標籤和分類。" msgid "" "View and manage posts including reblogs " "and likes." msgstr "檢視管理文章,包含轉發和讚。" msgid "View general site information and options." msgstr "檢視一般網站資訊和選項。" msgid "Video Embeds" msgstr "影片嵌入" msgid "Average comments per month:" msgstr "平均每月留言:" msgid "" "Email verified! Now that you've confirmed your email address you can publish " "posts on your blog." msgstr "電子郵件已驗證!你現在已經確認電子郵件地址,可以在網誌上發佈文章。" msgid "Filter by comment type" msgstr "依留言類型篩選" msgid "No feedback has been given yet " msgstr "目前尚無反饋意見" msgid "Sending Feedback..." msgstr "正在傳送意見回饋..." msgid "Send Feedback" msgstr "傳送意見回饋" msgid "Internal Server Error: %s" msgstr "內部伺服器錯誤︰%s" msgid "The feedback text should be at least %d character long." msgid_plural "The feedback text should be at least %d characters long." msgstr[0] "意見回饋內容至少應包含 %d 個字元。" msgid "" "Howdy!\n" "\n" "Recently you were kind enough to give feedback on my draft \"%1$s\".\n" "\n" "It is now published! Thanks so much for your help.\n" "\n" "Here’s the published version, and please share if you wish:\n" "%2$s\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "%3$s" msgstr "" "你好!\n" "\n" "感謝你近日不吝對我的草稿「%1$s」提供意見回饋。\n" "\n" "這篇文章現在已經發佈!非常感謝你的協助。\n" "\n" "以下為正式發佈版本,如有興趣,也歡迎轉傳分享︰\n" "%2$s\n" "\n" "祝順心。\n" "%3$s" msgid "Untested with your version of WordPress" msgstr "尚未在你的 WordPress 版本進行測試" msgid "Learn more about %s" msgstr "深入瞭解 %s" msgid "Log in with a different account" msgstr "以其他帳戶登入" msgid "This will allow %s to:" msgstr "%s 將能執行以下動作:" msgid "Authorize an application to connect with %s" msgstr "授權應用程式連結 %s" msgid "Not on %s?" msgstr "沒有 %s 帳戶?" msgid "I forgot my password" msgstr "我忘記密碼" msgid "Howdy! Would you like to log in to %1$s using your %2$s account?" msgstr "你好!是否要使用 %2$s 帳戶登入 %1$s?" msgid "your site" msgstr "你的 網站" msgid "Howdy! %1$s would like to connect to %2$s." msgstr "你好!%1$s 要連結 %2$s。" msgid "" "This account has not been activated. Please check your email for an " "activation link." msgstr "這個帳戶尚未啟用。請檢查你的電子郵件以取得啟動連結。" msgid "Invalid username or password." msgstr "不正確的帳戶或密碼。" msgid "The username field is empty." msgstr "帳戶欄位空白。" msgid "The password field is empty." msgstr "密碼欄位空白。" msgid "Don't want these emails?" msgstr "不想收到這些電子郵件?" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Trash" msgstr "回收桶" msgid "Publicize your posts on Google+." msgstr "在 Google+ 上宣傳你的文章。" msgid "" "Manage payment methods and purchase process of a shopping " "cart." msgstr "管理付款方式和購物車購買程序。" msgid "Checkout" msgstr "結帳" msgid "Shopping cart" msgstr "購物車" msgid "3GB" msgstr "3GB" msgid "Avatar URL." msgstr "頭像 URL。" msgid "Dec" msgstr "十二月" msgid "Nov" msgstr "十一月" msgid "Oct" msgstr "十月" msgid "Sep" msgstr "九月" msgid "Aug" msgstr "八月" msgid "Jul" msgstr "七月" msgid "Jun" msgstr "六月" msgid "Apr" msgstr "四月" msgid "Mar" msgstr "三月" msgid "Feb" msgstr "二月" msgid "Jan" msgstr "一月" msgctxt "Filter label for plugins list" msgid "Inactive" msgstr "未啟用" msgctxt "Filter label for plugins list" msgid "All" msgstr "全部" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Me" msgstr "我" msgid "By %(author)s" msgstr "作者:%(author)s" msgid "The best place to ask a question related to" msgstr "提問 相關問題的最佳地點。" msgid "" "Your starting point for finding and sharing solutions with " "users around the world." msgstr "" "這裡是你尋找解決方案、和世界各地的 使用者分享解決方案的起點。" msgid "" "View your achievements here.
    Write a " "post to earn your first trophy." msgstr "" "在這裡查看你的 成就。
    撰寫文章以贏得你" "的第一個獎章。" msgid "" "View your achievements here.
    Create a " "site and start writing to earn trophies." msgstr "" "在這裡查看你的 成就。
    建立網站並開始撰" "寫文章以贏得獎章。" msgid "" "My, aren't you a prolific publisher! Take a look at all the achievements " "you've earned so far. Maybe you should blog about 'em." msgstr "" "哇,你真是文章多產的部落客!看看你目前達成的所有成就。你也許應該發佈一篇與這" "些成就相關的文章。" msgid "esc" msgstr "退出" msgid "" "You don't have any upgrades yet. Try one of our plans." msgstr "你尚未升級任何項目。試試我們的其中一項方案。" msgid "" "Harmonic makes your content sing. No matter if you are a band looking to get " "a record deal, a travel blogger wanting to document your trip around the " "world or just someone that wants to make their home on WordPress." msgstr "" "不論你是尋求唱片合約的樂團、想記錄在世界各角落足跡的旅行部落客,或只是想透過 " "WordPress 經營網站,Harmonic 佈景主題都能協助讓你的內容脫穎而出。" msgid "This comment was deleted." msgstr "這評論已刪除。" msgid "This comment was trashed." msgstr "這則留言已移至垃圾桶。" msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"The user role of that can access this widget is...\"" msgid "Role" msgstr "角色" msgid "Untrashing that comment failed." msgstr "還原留言失敗。" msgid "Trashing that comment failed." msgstr "將留言移至垃圾桶失敗。" msgid "" "You must verify your email address through the ICANN verification email " "before you can transfer this domain." msgstr "你必須先透過 ICANN 驗證電子郵件來驗證電子郵件地址,才能遷移此網域。" msgid "Share on Tumblr" msgstr "在 Tumblr 上分享" msgid " (Opens in new window)" msgstr "(在新視窗中開啟)" msgid "" "Login to to download %2$s for your self-" "hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "登入 為你自我託管的 WordPress 網站下載 " "%2$s。" msgid "Bookmarklet" msgstr "書籤小程式" msgid "" "Sign up for a free account on where you can create a free " "website or easily build a blog." msgstr "在 上註冊免費帳戶即可建立免費網站或輕鬆打造網誌。" msgid "Streak" msgstr "Streak" msgid "" "You've posted at least ten times in the past month. Keep up the great work." msgstr "過去一個月你至少張貼了十次內容。繼續維持下去。" msgid "Another reason…" msgstr "其他原因…" msgid "Unable to trash changes." msgstr "無法將變更丟進回收桶。" msgid "Contact Jetpack support" msgstr "聯絡 Jetpack 支援團隊。" msgid "Sorry, we didn't find anything on that topic." msgstr "很抱歉,我們找不到關於該主題的任何內容。" msgid "Change to:" msgstr "更改為:" msgid "" "Create a free website or easily build a blog on Hundreds of " "free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes. Free hosting and " "support." msgstr "" "在 上建立免費網站或輕鬆打造網誌。數百種免費且可自訂的設計與佈景" "主題,適用於行動裝置。免費的託管服務和支援。" msgid "Start publishing now." msgstr "立即開始發佈內容。" msgid "Don’t have an account?" msgstr "沒有帳戶嗎?" msgid "Thanks! Your feedback will help improve search results" msgstr "謝謝!你的意見回饋將有助於改善搜尋結果" msgid "Did you find what you were looking for?" msgstr "你是否找到想找的內容?" msgid "Help us improve these results" msgstr "協助我們改善這些結果" msgid "See more results for %s from %s" msgstr "查看更多來自 %s 的 %s 結果" msgid "Are you sure want to delete this list?" msgstr "確定要刪除這個清單?" msgid "The specified list title already exists." msgstr "指定的清單標題已存在。" msgid "Countries" msgstr "國家" msgctxt "topic post is located in" msgid "In \"Upgrade\"" msgstr "在「升級」中" msgid "Upgrade Focus, VideoPress for weddings" msgstr "升級重點:婚禮適用的 VideoPress" msgid "The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift" msgstr "Android 專用的 WordPress 應用程式獲得全面改款" msgctxt "topic post is located in" msgid "In \"Mobile\"" msgstr "在「行動」中" msgid "Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available" msgstr "有重大的 iPhone/iPad 更新可供使用" msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "Discussion" msgstr "討論" msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "Writing" msgstr "寫作" msgctxt "name of browser bookmarklet tool" msgid "Press This" msgstr "發佈至網誌" msgid "You can also modify your interface's language in your profile." msgstr "你也可以在個人檔案中修改想要使用的介面語言。" msgid "" "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, e-" "mail, or IP, it will be held in the {{link}}moderation queue{{/link}}. One " "word or IP per line. It will match inside words, so \"press\" will match " "\"WordPress\"." msgstr "" "如果留言的內容、名稱、網址、電子郵件或 IP 位址中含有以下文字,就會被送進" "{{link}}審核清單{{/link}}。一行請輸入一個關鍵字或 IP 位址;系統會抓出所有包含" "輸入字元的詞句,例如輸入「press」的話,網友留言輸入「WordPress」也會被抓出" "來。" msgctxt "site setting" msgid "Site Tag" msgstr "網站標記" msgid "Settings saved successfully!" msgstr "設定已成功儲存!" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Trashed" msgstr "已移至垃圾桶" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Drafts" msgstr "草稿" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Scheduled" msgstr "已排程" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Published" msgstr "已發佈" msgid "" "Create a free website or easily build a blog on Dozens of " "free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes. Free hosting and " "support." msgstr "" "在 上建立免費網站或輕鬆且打造設計網誌。有數十種免費、可自訂且適" "用於行動裝置的設計與佈景主題任你挑選,還提供免費託管與支援服務。" msgid "You've received %1$s follows on %2$s." msgstr "你在 %2$s 獲得了 %1$s 個人的關注。" msgid "" "Eventbrite is the world’s largest self-serve event ticketing and event " "registration platform. Once connected, this widget will sync your list of " "upcoming events to your page in a list and calendar." msgstr "" "Eventbrite 是全世界最大的自助式活動售票及活動註冊平台。連結之後,這個小工具會" "以清單與行事曆的形式,把即將到來的活動清單同步至你的網頁。" msgid "Hide private events" msgstr "隱藏私人活動" msgid "Private Events:" msgstr "私人活動:" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Domains" msgstr "網域" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Edit Draft" msgstr "編輯草稿" msgid "Email: %s" msgstr "電子郵件:%s" msgid "Recent Followers" msgstr "最近的關注者" msgid "Tickets available soon" msgstr "票券即將發售" msgctxt "%1$s: name of ticket, %2$s: price with currency code" msgid "%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s: %2$s" msgid "" "The term you tried to add sanitizes down to nothing, and cannot be used." msgstr "你嘗試新增的字詞篩除後不剩任何內容,因而無法使用。" msgid "Schedule for: %s" msgstr "預先排程發佈時間: %s" msgid "To Do" msgstr "我現在要怎麼做?" msgid "o2 To Do" msgstr "o2 待辦事項" msgid "" "You can also delete individual items and access the extended edit screen " "from the details dialog." msgstr "你也可以在此詳細資料框內刪除單一項目或存取延伸編輯畫面。" msgid "" "Use the arrow buttons at the top of the dialog, or the left and right arrow " "keys on your keyboard, to navigate between media items quickly." msgstr "使用對話框頂部的箭頭按鈕,或鍵盤上的左右鍵來快速瀏覽媒體附件。" msgid "" "Clicking an item will display an Attachment Details dialog, which allows you " "to preview media and make quick edits. Any changes you make to the " "attachment details will be automatically saved." msgstr "" "點選一個附件將會顯示附件詳細資料,你可以預覽媒體並快速編輯。任何你對附件資料" "所做的修改都將自動儲存。" msgid "" "To delete media items, click the Bulk Select button at the top of the " "screen. Select any items you wish to delete, then click the Delete Selected " "button. Clicking the Cancel Selection button takes you back to viewing your " "media." msgstr "" "要刪除媒體附件,點選畫面頂部的「批次選擇」按鈕。選擇你想要刪除的項目,再點選" "「刪除所選」按鈕。如果你想返回檢視媒體附件頁面,請點選「取消選擇」按鈕。" msgid "" "You can view your media in a simple visual grid or a list with columns. " "Switch between these views using the icons to the left above the media." msgstr "" "你可以使用簡單的可視化網格或列表來檢視你的媒體。使用媒體左側的圖示來切換檢視" "方式。" msgid "" "All the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with " "the most recent uploads listed first." msgstr "你上載的所有檔案都會顯示於「媒體庫」裡,依照上載時間順序排列。" msgid "Invalid translation type." msgstr "無效的翻譯類型。" msgid "" "You successfully updated the primary domain to {{domain}}." msgstr "" "你已成功將主要網域更新至 {{domain}}。" msgctxt "verb, imperative" msgid "Comment" msgstr "留言" msgid "Goal!" msgstr "成功!" msgid "Boom!" msgstr "砰!" msgid "Achievement" msgstr "成就" msgid "Continue to checkout" msgstr "繼續前往結帳" msgid "%s Like" msgid_plural "%s Likes" msgstr[0] "%s 個讚" msgid "%s Follows!" msgstr "%s 個人關注!" msgid "%1$s mentioned %3$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 在 %2$s 上標記了 %3$s" msgctxt "Customize this theme" msgid "Customize" msgstr "自訂" msgid "" "Support for the %s theme on, including documentation and " "frequently asked questions." msgstr " 的 %s 佈景主題支援內容,包括相關文件和常見問題集。" msgctxt "Theme name" msgid "Support for the %s Theme on" msgstr " 的 %s 佈景主題支援內容" msgid "Your transaction was declined. Please try another card." msgstr "交易遭到拒絕。請改用其他信用卡。" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others reblogged your post %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 以及其他 %2$s 人轉發了你的文章 %3$s" msgid "%s Reblog" msgid_plural "%s Reblogs" msgstr[0] "%s 次轉發" msgid "%1$s commented on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s在%2$s留言" msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked your post %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 和 %2$s 覺得你的文章 %3$s 很讚" msgid "%d user account" msgid_plural "%d user accounts" msgstr[0] "%d 使用者帳戶" msgid "New Draft" msgstr "新增草稿" msgid "Oops! Something went wrong." msgstr "糟糕!發生某種錯誤。" msgid "Post successfully deleted" msgstr "文章已成功刪除" msgid "Page reverted to draft." msgstr "恢復頁面為草稿。" msgid "Free and premium designs for your site" msgstr "適合你網站的免費和進階設計" msgctxt "WordPress THEME-TYPE themes — Themes for Blogs at" msgid "WordPress %s Themes — Themes for Blogs at" msgstr "WordPress %s 佈景主題 網誌專用的佈景主題" msgctxt "WordPress THEME-TYPE Themes" msgid "WordPress %sThemes" msgstr "WordPress %s 佈景主題" msgid "get in touch." msgstr "與我們聯絡" msgid "There was an error trashing that page. Please try again in a moment." msgstr "將頁面移至垃圾桶時發生錯誤。請稍後重試。" msgid "There was an error trashing that post. Please try again in a moment." msgstr "將這篇文章移至垃圾桶時發生錯誤。請稍後重試。" msgid "This page is being trashed." msgstr "這個頁面已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "This post is being trashed." msgstr "這篇文章已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "This page was trashed. You will be redirected home now." msgstr "這個頁面已移至垃圾桶。你將重新導向首頁。" msgid "This post was trashed. You will be redirected home now." msgstr "這篇文章已移至垃圾桶。你將重新導向首頁。" msgid "Untrash" msgstr "還原" msgid "Bulk select" msgstr "批次選取" msgid "Discover %s WordPress Themes for Blogs at" msgstr "查看 %s 個 網誌專用的 WordPress 佈景主題" msgctxt "Theme name" msgid "%s Theme — WordPress Themes for Blogs at" msgstr "%s 佈景主題 網誌專用的 WordPress 佈景主題" msgctxt "go back (like the back button in a browser)" msgid "Back" msgstr "返回" msgctxt "noun: plural" msgid "Notifications" msgstr "通知" msgctxt "an error: this page could not be found" msgid "Not Found" msgstr "找不到" msgctxt "noun: a single notification" msgid "Note" msgstr "附註" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Follow" msgstr "關注" msgctxt "you are following" msgid "Following" msgstr "關注中" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Undo" msgstr "復原" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Like" msgstr "按讚" msgid "" "Beautiful, responsive, free and premium WordPress themes for your " "photography site, portfolio, magazine, business website, or blog." msgstr "" "WordPress 佈景主題採回應式設計,外型亮眼、免費又優質,適用於你的攝影網站、作" "品集、雜誌、公司網站或網誌。" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Edit Post" msgstr "編輯文章" msgid "Hide this screen and don’t show it again." msgstr "隱藏此畫面,從此不再顯示。" msgid "" "This password is too easy to guess: you can improve it by adding additional " "uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or numbers." msgstr "你的密碼強度不足:你可以透過新增其他的大小寫字母或數字,提升密碼強度。" msgid "" "A clean, responsive portfolio theme with options for a custom site logo, a " "featured content slider, and lots of room to share your work." msgstr "" "這是一款簡潔、適用於呈現作品集的回應式佈景主題。它可以自訂網站標誌、進行精選" "內容輪播,並且有大面積區域可供展示個人作品。" msgid "Close uploader" msgstr "關閉上載器" msgid "Search or use up and down arrow keys to select an item." msgstr "搜尋或使用上下鍵來選擇一個項目。" msgctxt "Number/count of items" msgid "Count" msgstr "總數" msgid "Update %s now" msgstr "立即更新 %s" msgid "Install %s now" msgstr "立即安裝 %s" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Threaded Comments" msgstr "留言串" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Sticky Post" msgstr "置頂" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Site Logo" msgstr "網站標誌" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "RTL Language Support" msgstr "RTL 語言支援" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Post Slider" msgstr "文章投影片" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Post Formats" msgstr "文章格式" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Microformats" msgstr "微格式" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Full Width Template" msgstr "全寬度範本" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Flexible Header" msgstr "彈性頁首" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Featured Images" msgstr "特色圖片" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Featured Image Header" msgstr "特色圖片頁首" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Custom Menu" msgstr "自訂選單" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Custom Header" msgstr "自訂頁首" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Custom Colors" msgstr "自訂顏色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Custom Background" msgstr "自訂背景" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Accessibility Ready" msgstr "協助工具就緒" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Responsive Layout" msgstr "回應式版面形式" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Fluid Layout" msgstr "流暢版面形式" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Fixed Layout" msgstr "固定版面形式" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Two Columns" msgstr "兩欄" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Three Columns" msgstr "三欄" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Right Sidebar" msgstr "右側資訊看板" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "One Column" msgstr "單欄" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Left Sidebar" msgstr "左側資訊看板" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Four Columns" msgstr "四欄" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "黃色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "White" msgstr "白色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Tan" msgstr "黃褐色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Silver" msgstr "銀色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Red" msgstr "紅色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Purple" msgstr "紫色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Pink" msgstr "粉紅色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Orange" msgstr "橘色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Light" msgstr "淡色系" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Green" msgstr "綠色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Gray" msgstr "灰色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Brown" msgstr "褐色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Blue" msgstr "藍色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Black" msgstr "黑色" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Whimsical" msgstr "怪誕" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Vibrant" msgstr "鮮豔" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Urban" msgstr "都會" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Traditional" msgstr "傳統" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Textured" msgstr "紋理" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Tech" msgstr "科技" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Sophisticated" msgstr "雅緻" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Simple" msgstr "簡單" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Retro" msgstr "復古" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Professional" msgstr "專業" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Playful" msgstr "趣味" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Natural" msgstr "自然" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Modern" msgstr "現代" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Minimal" msgstr "極簡" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Industrial" msgstr "工業" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Geometric" msgstr "幾何" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Formal" msgstr "正式" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Flamboyant" msgstr "華麗" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Elegant" msgstr "優雅" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Dark" msgstr "黑暗" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Contemporary" msgstr "當代" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Conservative" msgstr "保守" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Colorful" msgstr "繽紛" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Clean" msgstr "簡潔" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Bright" msgstr "明亮" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Artistic" msgstr "藝術性" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "抽象" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Video" msgstr "影片" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Real Estate" msgstr "房地產" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Portfolio" msgstr "作品集" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Business" msgstr "商務" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Blog" msgstr "網誌" msgctxt "future time" msgid "in %s" msgstr "剩餘 %s" msgid "Learn how" msgstr "瞭解作法" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "WordPress Themes" msgstr "WordPress 佈景主題" msgid "Open link in a new tab" msgstr "在新分頁開啟連結" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "FAQs" msgstr "常見問題集" msgid "Discover Premium WordPress Themes on the Theme Showcase." msgstr "在 佈景主題作品集中瀏覽 WordPress 進階佈景主題。" msgid "Discover Free WordPress Themes on the Theme Showcase." msgstr "在 佈景主題作品集中免費瀏覽 WordPress 佈景主題。" msgid "Premium WordPress Themes at" msgstr " 上的 WordPress 進階佈景主題" msgid "Free WordPress Themes at" msgstr " 上的 WordPress 免費佈景主題" msgid "" "We attempted to renew your %s subscription but experienced a problem taking " "payment. If you wish to continue with the subscription please log in to your " "account and update your card details. Your subscription " "will be cancelled if payment cannot be made." msgstr "" "我們嘗試更新你的 %s 訂閱,但是收取款項時發生問題。如果你想繼續訂閱,請登入帳" "戶並更新你的信用卡詳細資料。如果無法收取款項,我們將取消你" "的訂閱。" msgid "Renewal Problem" msgstr "更新問題" msgid "Create your website at" msgstr "在 建立自己的網站" msgid "" "You need to enter your numeric user ID for the Goodreads " "Widget to work correctly. Full " "instructions." msgstr "" "你必須輸入使用者數字 ID,Goodreads 小工具才能正常運作。" "完整說明。" msgid "" "We have apps for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and Android." msgstr "" "我們提供 iOS (iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch)Android 系統適用的應用程式!" msgid "Start a Blog" msgstr "開始建立網誌  " msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Connect Jetpack" msgstr "連結 Jetpack" msgid "File Type" msgstr "檔案類型" msgid "Close modal panel" msgstr "關閉模型面板" msgid "Select bulk action" msgstr "選擇批次操作" msgctxt "Purchase THEME-NAME for" msgid "Purchase %s for" msgstr "為下列網誌購買 %s:" msgctxt "Preview THEME-NAME on" msgid "Preview %s on" msgstr "在下列網誌上預覽 %s:" msgctxt "Activate THEME-NAME on" msgid "Activate %s on" msgstr "在下列網誌上啟用 %s:" msgid "See All Themes" msgstr "查看所有佈景主題" msgid "Included with plan" msgstr "包含在方案中" msgid "Uploaded on:" msgstr "上載於:" msgid "Edit more details" msgstr "編輯詳細資訊" msgid "%s: %l." msgstr "%s:%l。" msgctxt "missing menu item navigation label" msgid "(no label)" msgstr "(無標籤)" msgid "Uploaded to:" msgstr "關聯內容:" msgid "View attachment page" msgstr "檢視附件頁面" msgid "Edit next media item" msgstr "編輯下一個媒體附件" msgid "Edit previous media item" msgstr "編輯前一個媒體附件" msgid "Bitrate Mode" msgstr "比特率模式" msgid "Bitrate" msgstr "比特率" msgid "" "Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into " "widgetized areas provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars)." msgstr "" "小工具是網頁內容的獨立區塊,這種獨立區塊可放置於佈景主題所提供的小工具區域" "內,而這種區域通常稱為資訊欄。" msgid "Press return or enter to open this panel" msgstr "請按 Return 或 Enter 開啟此面板" msgid "Add the user without sending an email that requires their confirmation" msgstr "不發送確認郵件,直接新增使用者。" msgid "" "Error: The comment could not be saved. Please try again " "later." msgstr "錯誤: 無法儲存這則留言。請稍後再試。" msgid "" "The grid view for the Media Library requires JavaScript. Switch to the list view." msgstr "" "媒體庫的網格檢視需要有 JavaScript 才能使用。切換為清單檢視。" msgid "Minute" msgstr "分" msgid "%s failed to embed." msgstr "嵌入 %s 失敗。" msgid "More details" msgstr "更多資訊" msgid "You are customizing %s" msgstr "你正在自訂 %s" msgid "Premium theme" msgstr "進階版佈景主題" msgid "domain mapping" msgstr "網域對應" msgid "This upgrade will expire in %s" msgstr "此升級將於 %s 後到期" msgid "This upgrade will renew in %s" msgstr "此升級將於 %s 後更新" msgid "%s Year Anniversary Achievement" msgstr "%s 週年成就" msgid "Act now! %2$s expired" msgstr "立即行動!%2$s 已到期" msgctxt "renew a domain" msgid "Renew %s" msgstr "續訂 %s" msgid "" "Act now! Your %1$s %3$s expired. Renew it now to keep " "your site available at that address." msgstr "" "立即行動!你的 %1$s %3$s 已到期。立即續訂,讓你的網站" "繼續使用此網址。" msgctxt "noun - someone's domain name" msgid "domain" msgstr "網域" msgid "" "Your blog, %1$s, appears to be getting more traffic than usual! %2$s hourly " "views - %3$s hourly views on average" msgstr "" "你的網誌「%1$s」流量似乎比平常更多!一小時瀏覽次數:%2$s - 每小時平均瀏覽次" "數:%3$s" msgid "Your stats are booming! Looks like %s is getting lots of traffic." msgstr "你的統計資料正在暴增!似乎是 %s 的流量大幅增加。" msgid "Here's what you posted." msgstr "你張貼的內容如下。" msgid "You met your posting goal for this %s." msgstr "你已達成本%s的文章發佈目標。" msgid "Old Record: %s" msgstr "舊記錄:%s" msgid "Current Record: %s" msgstr "目前記錄:%s" msgid "%1$s: Your best day for follows on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s:你在 %2$s 上獲得最多關注的一天" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others liked your post %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 和其他 %2$s 人覺得你的文章 %3$s 很讚" msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked your comment on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 和 %2$s 覺得你對 %3$s 的留言很讚" msgctxt "Pending status, username, post title" msgid "%1$s linked to your post %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 已和你的文章 %2$s 連結。" msgid "Congratulations on writing your first post on %2$s!" msgid_plural "Congratulations on writing %1$s posts on %2$s!" msgstr[0] "恭喜你在 %2$s 撰寫了 %1$s 篇文章。" msgid "That's pretty awesome, well done!" msgstr "這實在太棒了,做得很好!" msgctxt "date, time period, blog title" msgid "" "On %1$s, you surpassed your previous record of most likes in one %2$s for " "your posts on %3$s." msgstr "你在 %3$s 的文章於 %1$s 超越了單%2$s最多按讚數記錄。" msgid "You've made your first post on %2$s." msgid_plural "You've made %1$s posts on %2$s." msgstr[0] "你已經在 %2$s 上撰寫了%1$s篇文章。" msgctxt "Date (F j) : blog title" msgid "%1$s: Your best day for likes on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s:你的 %2$s 獲得最多讚的一天" msgid "Congratulations on getting your first like on %2$s." msgid_plural "Congratulations on getting %1$s total likes on %2$s." msgstr[0] "恭喜你在 %2$s 一共獲得了 %1$s 個讚。" msgid "You've received %1$s like on %2$s" msgid_plural "You've received %1$s likes on %2$s" msgstr[0] "你在 %2$s 獲得了 %1$s 個讚" msgid "Install Jetpack manually" msgstr "手動安裝 Jetpack" msgid "Something's Wrong" msgstr "發生問題" msgid "" "Your site is safely hosted at which means you already have " "most of the Jetpack goodness right out of the box. Have you considered upgrading your Plan?" msgstr "" "你的網站目前安全託管於,這表示你已享有 Jetpack 大多數立即可用的" "優點。有沒有考慮過升級你的 " " 方案?" msgid "Great News!" msgstr "好消息!" msgid "" "A responsive, clean and simple WordPress theme developed for news websites, " "magazines and blogs." msgstr "" "專為新網站、雜誌和網誌所開發的清爽、簡潔又可自行調整的 WordPress 佈景主題。" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s changed: %3$s" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s 已變更:%3$s" msgctxt "post title @ date and time" msgid "%1$s @ %2$s" msgstr "%1$s @ %2$s" msgid "" "%1$s made the following changes to the “%2$s” %3$s %4$s on %5$s" msgstr "%1$s 在 %5$s 上對「%2$s」%3$s %4$s 做了以下變更" msgctxt "post type" msgid "Current %s" msgstr "目前的 %s" msgid "Current post" msgstr "目前文章" msgctxt "time format for when a post was modified" msgid "j F, Y \\a\\t G:i \\U\\T\\C" msgstr "j F, Y \\a\\t G:i \\U\\T\\C" msgid "Max %s" msgstr "最大 %s" msgid "Close this screen" msgstr "關閉此畫面" msgid "Hide this screen" msgstr "隱藏此畫面" msgid "Remind Me Later" msgstr "稍後再提醒我" msgid "Hide this screen, but show it again, tomorrow" msgstr "隱藏此畫面,明天再顯示" msgid "In your dashboard:" msgstr "在你的控制台中:" msgid "Some helpful resources:" msgstr "部分實用資源:" msgid "" "Have any technical questions? Our documentation pages are open 24/7" msgstr "" "遇到任何技術問題嗎?我們的" "文件頁面 全天候開放" msgid "" "Need help getting started? Visit our zero-to-hero guide" msgstr "" "需要入門協助嗎?請參閱我們" "的新手指南" msgid "Your dashboard address is only visible to you and it’s at:" msgstr "只有你可以看見你的控制台位址,位址如下:" msgid "" "Although your site address is %2$s, keep in mind that " "your dashboard address is %4$s." msgstr "" "雖然你的網站位址是 %2$s,但請記得你的控制台位址是 %4$s。" msgid "" "You are now in your blog’s “dashboard” where you can write " "new posts and control lots of important settings and features." msgstr "" "你現在位於網誌的「控制台」,你可在此撰寫新文章,以及控制許多重要的設定與功" "能。" msgid "" "This domain is currently unlocked and could be pending a transfer, if you " "have started the domain transfer process you will need to complete the " "renewal with your new registrar." msgstr "" "這個網域目前已解除鎖定,可能正在等待確認轉移,如果你已開始網域轉移程序,可能" "需要以新的註冊機構完成續訂。" msgid "" "Stats on support requests receives every month. We make it as " "easy as possible to contact our support team and we respond to every request." msgstr "" " 每個月收到的支援要求統計資料。我們已盡量簡化聯絡支援團隊的程" "序,而且我們會回覆每個要求。" msgid "" "Stats on how many unique posts use “shortcodes” that make it easy for people " "to embed partner services on" msgstr "" "有關多少文章使用了「短代碼」的統計資料 (該短代碼能夠讓其他人輕鬆地在 " " 上嵌入合作夥伴服務)" msgid "" "You’re in good company if you use WordPress to publish on the web. Here’s a " "sampler of well-known sites that are powered by WordPress." msgstr "" "使用 WordPress 在網路上發佈文章是明智的選擇。以下是由 WordPress 提供技術支援" "的知名網站範例。" msgid "" "Posts published from blogs we host here on, both on subdomains " "and their own domains, or externally-hosted blogs that use our Jetpack " "plugin." msgstr "" "從我們在 託管之網誌發佈的文章 (無論是在子網域或其自有的網域" "上),或是從使用我們的 Jetpack 外掛程式之外部託管網誌所發佈的文章。" msgid "" "Pageviews across blogs we host here on, both on subdomains and " "their own domains, or externally-hosted blogs that use our Jetpack plugin." msgstr "" "在我們於 託管之網誌間的頁面檢視 (無論是在子網域或其自有的網域" "上),或是從使用我們的 Jetpack 外掛程式之外部託管網誌所發佈的文章。" msgid "" "With the Automattic service you can publish the website of " "your dreams. When you do, you’ll agree to these fascinating terms of service." msgstr "" "透過 Automattic 的服務──你便能夠發佈夢寐以求的網站。一旦你美夢成" "真,你就會同意這些超棒的服務條款。" msgid "" "At, our mission is to democratize publishing one website at a " "time. Automattic, Inc, is passionate about making the web a better place." msgstr "" " 的使命就是讓網站發佈逐漸大眾化。Automattic, Inc. 熱衷於讓網路成" "為更美好的天地。" msgid "" "We think is awesome, but don’t take our word for it. With some " "of our favorite features you can learn how to build the site of your dreams." msgstr "" "我們覺得 很棒,但請務必來親自體驗。運用我們的一些最喜愛的功能," "你就可以學習如何建立夢寐以求的網站。" msgid "" "A collection of stats from around that we’ve decided to share " "with the world. Our mission is to democratize publishing one website at a " "time." msgstr "" "我們決定將這些有關 的統計資料分享給全世界。我們的使命就是讓網站" "發佈逐漸大眾化。" msgid "" "Some comments have not yet been checked for spam by Akismet. They have been " "temporarily held for moderation and will automatically be rechecked later." msgstr "" "部分留言尚未經過 Akismet 檢查是否為垃圾。這些留言已暫時擱置以待審核,並將在稍" "後自動重新檢查。" msgid "" "We’ve changed this option to a click-to-scroll version for you since " "you have footer widgets in Appearance → Widgets, or your theme uses " "click-to-scroll as the default behavior." msgstr "" "由於你在「外觀」→「Widget」中擁有頁尾 Widget,我們已為你將此選項變更為點擊即" "可捲動版本,否則你的佈景主題會使用點擊即可捲動做為預設行為。" msgid "Renews on %s" msgstr "將於 %s 更新" msgid "" "Sorry, there was a problem processing your request. Please try again in a " "few minutes." msgstr "很抱歉,處理你的要求時發生問題。請幾分鐘後再試一次。" msgctxt "event" msgid "Add New" msgstr "安裝外掛" msgid "There was an error when updating the primary domain." msgstr "更新主要網域時發生錯誤。" msgid "Renews on " msgstr "更新時間:" msgid "Edit this step" msgstr "編輯此步驟" msgid "No logo set" msgstr "未設定任何標誌" msgid "Set as logo" msgstr "設為標誌" msgid "Change logo" msgstr "變更Logo" msgid "Hi there," msgstr "大家好:" msgid "Premium Plan" msgstr "進階方案" msgid "Learn More about Business" msgstr "深入了解 商用版方案" msgid "Learn more about ›" msgstr "深入了解 ›" msgid "Create your website" msgstr "建立你的網站" msgid "Learn more about updates" msgstr "深入瞭解更新內容" msgid "An error occurred while uploading the file." msgstr "上載檔案時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "Please check your Akismet configuration and contact your " "web host if problems persist." msgstr "" "請檢查你的 Akismet 設定。如果問題持續發生,請聯絡你的網頁" "主機商。" msgid "Something went wrong." msgstr "有東西出了問題。" msgid "Install Jetpack" msgstr "安裝 Jetpack" msgid "" "You haven't written anything yet, but that's easy for you to do later! " "Here's your chance to get your site looking just the way you want it to " "before the words start flowing. Some inspiration from someone who knew a " "thing or two about writing:" msgstr "" "你尚未撰寫任何內容,但是你之後就可以輕鬆撰寫!在發佈文字內容之前,你可以先將" "網誌外觀設計成自己喜歡的樣子。看看文章撰寫高手提供的一些靈感:" msgid "" "In order to publish posts, please verify your email address by clicking the " "link in the confirmation email that we sent to %s." msgstr "" "若要發佈文章,請按一下我們傳送至 %s 之確認信件中的連結來驗證你的電子郵件地" "址。" msgid "done" msgstr "搞定" msgid "to-do" msgstr "我現在要怎麼做?" msgid "Personal site" msgstr "個人網站" msgid "Register a new domain" msgstr "註冊新網域" msgid "Add a new domain" msgstr "新增網域" msgctxt "resolved/unresolved posts" msgid "%s Posts (%d)" msgstr "%s 篇文章 (%d)" msgid "Name servers" msgstr "名稱伺服器" msgid "To-do" msgstr "我現在要怎麼做?" msgid "Settings -> Domains" msgstr "設定 -> 網域" msgid "View support forum" msgstr "檢視技術支援論壇" msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "開始使用" msgid "find out more" msgstr "了解更多" msgid "Activate Now" msgstr "立即啟用" msgid "Please provide a brief description of your reasons for canceling:" msgstr "請簡短敘述取消的原因:" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "%1$s thought on “%2$s”" msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”" msgstr[0] "%2$s 有 “ %1$s 則評論 ”" msgid "Handled by" msgstr "由 處理" msgid "Clear filters maybe?" msgstr "試試看清除篩選條件?" msgid "Sorry, there are no themes for this search." msgstr "很抱歉,此搜尋條件沒有任何佈景主題。" msgid "" "This subscription is no longer active on your account, if you would like to " "keep this upgrade please re-purchase it." msgstr "你帳戶中的這份訂閱已不再有效,如果想要保留此升級,請重新購買。" msgid "Get Unlimited Themes" msgstr "取得無限使用佈景主題" msgid "Get the Unlimited Themes plan and change to any theme, any time." msgstr "取得無限使用佈景主題方案,隨時變更至任意佈景主題。" msgid "Trusted by some of the world's biggest brands and industries" msgstr "備受全球部分大型品牌與企業的信賴" msgid "Experiments" msgstr "實驗性功能" msgid "Create a website on today" msgstr "立即在 建立網站" msgid "" "Antenna is a responsive and beautiful magazine theme for all those who need " "a great looking website. Antenna is focused on clean and modern design that " "supports boxed and full width layout. It is really easy to setup via theme " "customizer." msgstr "" "Antenna 是可自行調整的精美雜誌佈景主題,最適合希望網站亮眼奪目的使用者。" "Antenna 的設計重點在於簡約俐落和現代風尚兼具,支援塊狀和全開版面形式。善用佈" "景主題自訂工具,設定可以變得相當輕鬆。" msgid "Select Category:" msgstr "選擇分類:" msgctxt "Noto Sans font: on or off" msgid "on" msgstr "on" msgid "Please tell us what you’re looking for." msgstr "請告訴我們你在尋找的內容。" msgid "Can’t find anything that works?" msgstr "找不到適合的嗎?" msgctxt "1: category name" msgid "%1$s themes" msgstr "%1$s 個佈景主題" msgid "Looking for more alternatives?" msgstr "正在尋找更多替代項目嗎?" msgid "See more →" msgstr "查看更多 →" msgid "Connection Status:" msgstr "連線狀態:" msgid "Manage Blog" msgstr "管理網誌" msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "最大上載檔案大小:%s。" msgid "" "Congrats, you’re subscribed! You’ll get an email with the details of your " "subscription and an unsubscribe link" msgstr "" "恭喜,你已訂閱成功!你會收到一封電子郵件,信中將附上訂閱的詳細資訊及取消訂閱" "的連結" msgid "" "You already have a pending subscription, we just sent you another email, " "click the link or contact us if you don’t get it" msgstr "" "你有一項待審核的訂閱,我們已傳送另一封電子郵件通知給你。若未收到,請按一下連" "結或聯絡我們" msgid "You’re already subscribed to this site!" msgstr "你已訂閱此網站!" msgid "Paid" msgstr "已付費" msgid " Site" msgstr " 網站" msgid "Monitor" msgstr "監控" msgid "Ask a question or enter a search term…" msgstr "提出問題或輸入搜尋字詞..." msgid "What can we help you with today?" msgstr "請問哪些事情需要協助?" msgid "(unknown or deleted)" msgstr "(未知或已刪除)" msgid "Sorry, but %s registrations are temporarily disabled" msgstr "很抱歉,%s 註冊暫時停用" msgid "This site is no longer available." msgstr "這個網站已經無法使用。" msgid "Resend ICANN Verification Email" msgstr "重新傳送 ICANN 驗證電子郵件" msgid "" "We successfully resent the ICANN verification email to your email address on " "file." msgstr "我們已成功將 ICANN 驗證電子郵件重新傳送至你登記的電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "We were unable to resend the ICANN verification email. Please contact support and provide the following error message:" msgstr "" "我們無法重新傳送 ICANN 驗證電子郵件。請聯絡支援團隊並提供" "下列錯誤訊息:" msgid "" "You must verify your email address through the ICANN verification email " "before you are able to update the name servers for your domain." msgstr "" "你必須先透過 ICANN 驗證電子郵件來驗證電子郵件地址,才能為你的網域更新名稱伺服" "器。" msgid "" "This site has an existing site redirect. To update its redirect location, " "use the Change Redirect Location button below." msgstr "" "此網站目前已有網站重新導向。若要更新其重新導向位置,請使用下方的「變更重新導" "向位置」按鈕。" msgid "" "If you wish to keep this subscription, please update your card details or " "arrange another payment method." msgstr "如果你想保留此訂閱,請更新信用卡資料或改用其他付款方式。" msgid "" "A credit card used to renew your subscription has expired or is going to " "expire before the next renewal on %s" msgstr "用以續訂各項服務的信用卡已到期,或即將於下次續訂 (%s) 前到期" msgid "Card Expiring" msgstr "信用卡即將到期" msgid "Your card used at %s is expiring" msgstr "你在 %s 使用的信用卡即將到期" msgid "Lost password" msgstr "忘記密碼" msgid "" "Your browser does not support direct access to the clipboard. Please use " "keyboard shortcuts or your browser’s edit menu instead." msgstr "" "你的瀏覽器不支援直接存取剪貼簿。請以鍵盤快速鍵或你的瀏覽器編輯選單替代。" msgid "" "Your follower migration has been queued. You will receive an email to " "indicate when it starts and finishes." msgstr "你的關注者遷移作業已排入佇列。你會收到告知開始與結束時間的電子郵件。" msgid "See more" msgstr "查看更多" msgid "Continue reading %s " msgstr "繼續閱讀 %s " msgid "" "Need extra help? Visit the %3$s support " "forum." msgstr "" "需要額外說明嗎?請造訪 %3$s 支援論壇。" msgid " Credits" msgstr " 點數" msgid "Clear All" msgstr "全部清除" msgid "" "You’ll get an email with a link to confirm your sub. If you don’t get it, " "please contact us" msgstr "" "你會收到附有訂閱確認連結的電子郵件。若未收到郵件,請聯絡我們" msgid "Add logo" msgstr "新增標誌" msgid "%d result found." msgid_plural "%d results found." msgstr[0] "找到 %d 項搜尋結果。" msgid "Learn more." msgstr "深入了解。" msgid "Custom color" msgstr "自訂顏色" msgid "Remove image" msgstr "移除圖片" msgid "Toggle menu" msgstr "切換選單" msgid "%s themes" msgstr "%s個佈景主題" msgid "Download %d" msgstr "下載 %d" msgid "Continue reading \"%s\"" msgstr "繼續閱讀「%s」" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Upgrades" msgstr "我的升級項目" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Domains" msgstr "我的網域" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Domain Registration" msgstr "網域註冊" msgid "In the meantime, we recommend our guide for getting more site views:" msgstr "與此同時,我們推薦你參閱我們的指南,以便獲得更多網站瀏覽次數:" msgid "" "Our advertising partners have minimum traffic requirements, and when your " "site traffic meets these requirements, we’ll be in touch." msgstr "" "我們的廣告合作夥伴設有最低流量要求,若你的網站流量達到標準,我們便會聯絡你。" msgid "" "Hi, %s. Thank you for your interest in WordAds. We review all sites for " "inclusion in our WordAds program. However, because of the volume of " "applications, we are unable at this time to reply individually to all " "applicants." msgstr "" "%s,你好:感謝你對 WordAds 的青睞。我們會審查所有網站加入 WordAds 計劃的申" "請。然而,由於申請數量眾多,我們無法一一回覆所有申請人。" msgid "Thanks for applying to WordAds!" msgstr "感謝你申請 WordAds!" msgid "Take a look at our support document." msgstr "閱讀我們的支援文件。" msgid "Select Site" msgstr "選取 網站" msgid "Comment by %1$s" msgstr "由 %1$s 發表的評論" msgid "Plans" msgstr "方案一覽" msgid "Expired" msgstr "已到期" msgid "Congratulations on your purchase!" msgstr "謝謝你的選購!" msgid "Image Border" msgstr "圖片邊框" msgid "Create a free website or blog at" msgstr "在 建立免費網站或網誌" msgid "Create a free website at" msgstr "在 建立免費網站" msgid "Disconnect Jetpack" msgstr "中斷與 Jetpack 的連線" msgid "Please login to %s directly to disconnect it from your account." msgstr "請直接登入 %s 即可中斷與你帳戶的連結。" msgid "%s has been disconnected." msgstr "%s 已中斷連結。" msgid "Or go to manage your site." msgstr "或者前往管理你的網站。" msgid "Have questions? Stop by our support forums." msgstr "有任何問題嗎?請造訪我們的支援論壇。" msgid "Discover this theme’s awesome features." msgstr "探索此佈景主題的超棒功能。" msgctxt "Link to Customizer" msgid "Customize your site" msgstr "自訂你的網站" msgctxt "1: Theme. 2: Author." msgid "Thanks for choosing %1$s by %2$s" msgstr "感謝你選擇 %2$s 設計的 %1$s" msgid "Shift-click to edit this widget." msgstr "按住 Shift 鍵並點擊來編輯這個小工具。" msgid "There is a problem with your API key." msgstr "你的金鑰有問題。" msgid "Missing" msgstr "遺失" msgid "Suspended" msgstr "暫停" msgid "Canceled" msgstr "Canceled" msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "From…" msgstr "從…" msgid "This domain can't be set as primary for the requested site." msgstr "無法將此網域設為要求之網站的主要網域。" msgctxt "HTML tag" msgid "Address" msgstr "Address" msgid "Expired" msgstr "已到期" msgid "" "Hemingway Rewritten is a classic blog theme with a parallax-scrolling header " "effect and a minimal, elegant design. The large featured header images make " "this theme great for photographers, or any users who want to share their " "visuals in a bold way." msgstr "" "Hemingway Rewritten 是經典的網誌佈景主題,採用視差捲動的頁首效果和極簡的優雅" "設計。大型的特色頁首圖片使得此佈景主題成為攝影師的絕佳選擇,也適合想要以大膽" "活潑的方式分享視覺內容的使用者。" msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"This post has one taxonomy.\"" msgid "Taxonomy" msgstr "分類法" msgid "All taxonomy pages" msgstr "所有分類法頁面" msgid "Always put spam in the Spam folder for review." msgstr "一律將垃圾留言移至垃圾留言資料夾中,以供稍後審閱。" msgid "Silently discard the worst and most pervasive spam so I never see it." msgstr "自動捨棄最嚴重和最普遍的垃圾,來個眼看不見為乾淨。" msgid "" "Choose to either discard the worst spam automatically or to always put all " "spam in spam folder." msgstr "選擇自動捨棄最嚴重的垃圾,或是一律將所有垃圾移至垃圾資料夾。" msgid "Strictness" msgstr "嚴謹度" msgid "" "The following Top Level Domains (TLDs) are available for registration: %l." msgstr "下列頂層網域 (TLD) 可供註冊:%l。" msgid "Submit translation" msgstr "提交翻譯" msgid "" "A portfolio theme for designers and photographers. Great for showing off " "your image oriented projects to the world." msgstr "" "適用於設計師和攝影師的作品集佈景主題。非常適合向世界各地的使用者展示你的圖片" "作品專案。" msgid "A minimalist portfolio theme." msgstr "極簡個人作品集佈景主題。" msgctxt "Verb, to post" msgid "Post" msgstr "發佈" msgid "" "Yep. You can enter multiple email addresses in the Email address field, and " "separate them with commas. A notification email will then be sent to each " "email address." msgstr "" "可以。你可以在「電子郵件地址」欄位中輸入多個電子郵件地址,並以逗號分隔它們。" "如此一來,通知電子郵件將會傳送至每個電子郵件地址。" msgid "Can I send a notification to more than one person?" msgstr "我可以向多人傳送通知嗎?" msgid "Choose Images" msgstr "選擇圖片" msgid "Portfolio pages display at most %1$s projects" msgstr "個人作品集頁面顯示於大部分的 %1$s 專案中" msgid "Use these settings to display different types of content on your site." msgstr "使用這些設定以在你的網站上顯示不同類型的內容。" msgid "Portfolio Projects" msgstr "個人作品集專案" msgid "A multi-song music player" msgstr "多首歌曲音樂播放器" msgid "" "Add a follow button to allow people to follow your blog easier" msgstr "新增 的關注按鈕,讓人們更容易關注你的網誌" msgid "Add/remove code tag" msgstr "新增/移除代碼標籤" msgid "Save and preview changes before publishing them." msgstr "發佈前儲存並預覽修改。" msgid "" "Keyboard users: When you are working in the visual editor, you can use %s to " "access the toolbar." msgstr "" "鍵盤使用者請注意,在編輯器的 [預覽] 模式中,使用者可以按下 %s 以存取工具列。" msgid "Subscription Due" msgstr "訂閱到期" msgid "Payment Problem" msgstr "付款問題" msgid "" "Thank you for using %s to secure your site. We are proud to be part of your " "business." msgstr "感謝你使用 %s 來維護網站安全。我們很榮幸協助你的業務。" msgid "Thank you for flying with %s, a better way to blog." msgstr "感謝你使用 %s,我們將讓你擁有更美好的網誌體驗。" msgid "" "Thank you for using %s to better communicate with your audience. We are " "proud to be part of your business." msgstr "感謝你使用 %s 來改善與讀者的溝通方式。我們很榮幸成為你業務的一部分。" msgid "" "Error: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output. For " "help, please see this documentation or try the support forums." msgstr "" "錯誤:Cookies 因為不正常的輸出而無法正常使用。若需要進一步資" "訊,請參閱說明文件或前往支援論壇。" msgid "There has been an error cropping your image." msgstr "在裁切圖片過程中發生錯誤。" msgctxt "video or audio" msgid "Length" msgstr "長度" msgid "Artist" msgstr "演出者" msgctxt "table cell alignment attribute" msgid "None" msgstr "無" msgid "Show Video List" msgstr "顯示影片清單" msgid "Edit audio playlist" msgstr "編輯音訊播放清單" msgid "Add to Audio Playlist" msgstr "加入至音訊播放列表" msgid "Add to audio playlist" msgstr "加入至音訊播放列表" msgid "Update audio playlist" msgstr "更新音訊播放列表" msgid "Insert audio playlist" msgstr "插入音訊播放列表" msgid "Set image" msgstr "設定圖片" msgid "Displayed on attachment pages." msgstr "顯示於附件頁面。" msgid "" "You can edit the image while preserving the thumbnail. For example, you may " "wish to have a square thumbnail that displays just a section of the image." msgstr "" "你可以編輯圖片並同時保留縮圖。例如,你可能希望有一張僅顯示原圖一部分的方形縮" "圖。" msgid "No themes found. Try a different search." msgstr "沒有找到佈景主題。請再次搜尋。" msgid "" "Once you have made your selection, you can adjust it by entering the size in " "pixels. The minimum selection size is the thumbnail size as set in the Media " "settings." msgstr "" "在你決定選擇區域後,你可以透過輸入數字來決定尺寸,單位為像素。最小的縮圖尺寸" "為媒體設定裡設定的縮圖大小。" msgid "" "The aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and height. You can " "preserve the aspect ratio by holding down the shift key while resizing your " "selection. Use the input box to specify the aspect ratio, e.g. 1:1 (square), " "4:3, 16:9, etc." msgstr "" "高寬比是代表高度與寬度的關係。你可以按住 Shift 鍵來等比例縮放選擇區域。填入數" "字來指定比例,例如 1:1(正方形)、4:3、16:9 等等。" msgid "" "You can proportionally scale the original image. For best results, scaling " "should be done before you crop, flip, or rotate. Images can only be scaled " "down, not up." msgstr "" "你可以依比例縮放圖片尺寸。為達到最好的效果,你應該在照片處理完(裁切、翻轉、" "旋轉)後再進行縮放動作。圖片只能縮小,無法放大。" msgid "To crop the image, click on it and drag to make your selection." msgstr "要裁切此圖片,點選並拖曳來確認你要裁切的範圍。" msgid "" "Alto is a content-focused theme that channels the best of digital " "publishing. Sharp lettering and simple organization provide an engrossing " "reader experience, all easily tuned to fit your content perfectly. A subtle " "mix of traditional and contemporary aesthetics, Alto is a perfect frame for " "blogs and magazines." msgstr "" "Alto 是以內容為重的佈景主題,引薦了最優質的數位發佈內容。乾脆俐落的字體風格和" "簡單大方的版面安排,帶來引人入勝的閱讀體驗,可輕鬆全面調整以完美配合內容。" "Alto 可謂傳統與當代美學的精湛結合,是網誌、個人作品集和雜誌最理想的頁面框架。" msgid "Image CSS Class" msgstr "圖片 CSS Class" msgid "Image Title Attribute" msgstr "圖片的 Title 屬性" msgid "Link CSS Class" msgstr "連結 CSS Class" msgid "Custom Size" msgstr "自訂大小" msgid "Edit Original" msgstr "編輯原始檔案" msgid "" "(You will still have access to this product for the period that you " "originally paid for)" msgstr "(在原先付費使用的期間結束之前,你仍可以持續使用此產品)" msgid "Please follow the link below:" msgstr "請依照以下連結進行:" msgid "" "If you wish to continue using your subscription after this time then you " "will need to update your payment details." msgstr "如果你想在此時間後繼續使用訂閱,則必須更新付款詳細資料。" msgid "Refunded To" msgstr "已退款給" msgid "" "We attempted to renew your subscription but experienced a problem taking " "payment. If you wish to continue with the subscription please log in to your " "account and update your card details. Your subscription will be cancelled if " "payment cannot be made." msgstr "" "我們嘗試更新你的訂閱,但是收取款項時發生問題。如果你想繼續訂閱,請登入帳戶並" "更新你的信用卡詳細資料。如果無法收取款項,我們將取消你的訂閱。" msgid "" "If you do not wish to be charged then please log in to your account and " "cancel the auto-renewal." msgstr "如果你不想再付費,請登入帳戶並取消自動更新。" msgid "" "This is a reminder that your subscription is due to be renewed on %s and a " "charge will be made on the card detailed below." msgstr "在此提醒你,你的訂閱即將於 %s 更新,且我們將從下述的信用卡扣除款項。" msgid "" "You can view your billing history or cancel your purchase on each service " "below." msgstr "你可以在下方查看帳單記錄,或取消購買各項服務。" msgid "Thank you for using both Akismet & Vaultpress to secure your site." msgstr "感謝你使用 Akismet 與 Vaultpress 來保護網站安全。" msgid "" "You can view your billing history or cancel your purchase on each service " "below." msgstr "你可以在下方查看帳單記錄,或取消購買各項服務。" msgid "Thank you for using both Akismet & Vaultpress to secure your site" msgstr "感謝你使用 Akismet 與 Vaultpress 來保護網站安全" msgid "EU Intra-community supply of services subject to VAT reverse charge." msgstr "歐盟共同體境內服務供應需徵收反向稽徵增值稅。" msgid "Click on this box to edit it and add your own information." msgstr "按一下此方塊即可加以編輯,並新增你自己的資訊。" msgid "Billed to" msgstr "付款人為" msgid "Cancellation Details" msgstr "取消詳細資料" msgid "(You can still access this product until %s)" msgstr "(在 %s 之前,你仍可以持續使用此產品)" msgid "" "If you wish to continue using your subscription after this time then you " "will need to update your payment details. Please follow the link below:" msgstr "" "如果你想在此時間後繼續使用訂閱,則必須更新付款詳細資料。請依照以下連結進行:" msgid "" "Your subscription will stop on %s because we could not take a recurring " "payment from your credit card." msgstr "你的訂閱將於 %s 中止,因為我們無法從你的信用卡扣除定期款項。" msgid "Action required!" msgstr "須採取動作!" msgid "Receipt ID:" msgstr "收據 ID:" msgid "Subscription Stopped" msgstr "訂閱已中止" msgid "Receipt Type:" msgstr "收據類型:" msgid "Global" msgstr "全域" msgid "" "Get a free site and be on your way to publishing content in less than five " "minutes." msgstr "擁有一個免費網站,五分鐘內即可開始發佈內容。" msgid "Upgrade to Business" msgstr "升級至商用版" msgctxt "noun" msgid "View" msgid_plural "Views" msgstr[0] "檢視" msgctxt "Your stats are booming! $blog_title is getting lots of traffic." msgid "Your stats are booming! %1$s is getting lots of traffic." msgstr "你的統計資料正在暴增!%1$s 的流量正在大幅增加。" msgid "" "Worldview is a responsive photoblogging theme that makes displaying your " "photography dead simple and amazingly beautiful. Worldview offers crisp " "typography with great readability and resizable media for any device or " "screen size." msgstr "" "Worldview 是可自行調整的攝影網誌佈景主題,以極其簡潔的方式完美呈現驚豔動人的" "攝影作品。Worldview 的排版方式乾淨俐落,不僅閱讀上流暢舒適,其可調整大小的媒" "體更能符合各種尺寸的裝置或螢幕。" msgid "Social Menu" msgstr "社交選單" msgid "Feedback discarded." msgstr "回饋意見已捨棄。" msgid "WordPress %1$s running %2$s theme." msgstr "WordPress %1$s,使用 %2$s 佈景主題。" msgid "All colors" msgstr "所有顏色" msgid "All columns" msgstr "所有欄位" msgid "Project Types" msgstr "專案類型" msgid "Search Projects" msgstr "搜尋專案" msgid "" "Your Portfolio Archive currently has no entries. You can start creating them " "on your dashboard." msgstr "你的個人作品集封存目前沒有任何項目。你可以在你的控制台上開始建立項目。" msgid "Popular Project Tags" msgstr "熱門專案標籤" msgid "Project published. View project" msgstr "專案已發佈。檢視專案" msgid "New Project Tag Name" msgstr "新專案標籤名稱" msgid "Add New Project Tag" msgstr "新增專案標籤" msgid "View Project Tag" msgstr "檢視專案標籤" msgid "Edit Project Tag" msgstr "編輯專案標籤" msgid "All Project Tags" msgstr "所有專案標籤" msgid "Search Project Types" msgstr "搜尋專案類型" msgid "Parent Project Type:" msgstr "上層專案類型:" msgid "Parent Project Type" msgstr "上層專案類型" msgid "New Project Type Name" msgstr "新增專案類型名稱" msgid "Add New Project Type" msgstr "新增專案類型" msgid "Update Project Type" msgstr "更新專案類型" msgid "View Project Type" msgstr "檢視專案類型" msgid "Edit Project Type" msgstr "編輯專案類型" msgid "All Project Types" msgstr "所有專案類型" msgid "No Projects found" msgstr "找不到專案" msgid "New Project" msgstr "新專案" msgid "Add New Project" msgstr "新增專案" msgid "Your Custom Content Types" msgstr "你的自訂內容類型" msgid "E-Commerce" msgstr "電子商務" msgid "Many columns" msgstr "多欄" msgid "Two columns" msgstr "兩欄" msgid "Magazine" msgstr "雜誌" msgid "One column" msgstr "1 欄" msgid "Choose a design" msgstr "選擇一款設計" msgid "Customize theme" msgstr "自訂佈景主題" msgid "Business Plan" msgstr "商用版方案" msgid "Business Website" msgstr "公司網站" msgid "Create video playlist" msgstr "建立影片播放清單" msgid "Underlying color" msgstr "基礎色彩" msgid "Fixed Position" msgstr "固定位置" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Format" msgstr "格式" msgctxt "auto preload" msgid "Auto" msgstr "自動" msgid "Cropping…" msgstr "裁切中…" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Table" msgstr "表格" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "View" msgstr "檢視" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Tools" msgstr "工具" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" msgid "Add alternate sources for maximum HTML5 playback" msgstr "新增替代來源以提升 HTML 5 的播放相容性" msgid "Split table cell" msgstr "分割儲存格" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "File" msgstr "檔案" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Insert" msgstr "插入" msgid "Words: %s" msgstr "字數:%s" msgctxt "editor button" msgid "Show blocks" msgstr "顯示區塊" msgctxt "table body" msgid "Body" msgstr "主體" msgctxt "table header" msgid "Header" msgstr "標題列" msgctxt "spellcheck" msgid "Ignore" msgstr "忽略" msgctxt "spellcheck" msgid "Ignore all" msgstr "全部忽略" msgctxt "spellcheck" msgid "Finish" msgstr "完成" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Replace all" msgstr "全部取代" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Find" msgstr "尋找" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Replace with" msgstr "取代為" msgctxt "table cell scope attribute" msgid "Scope" msgstr "範圍" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Templates" msgstr "範本" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Insert template" msgstr "插入範本" msgctxt "table footer" msgid "Footer" msgstr "表格頁尾" msgctxt "table cell" msgid "Cell" msgstr "單元格 (Cell)" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Prev" msgstr "上一個" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Next" msgstr "下一個" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Replace" msgstr "取代" msgctxt "editor button" msgid "Left to right" msgstr "從左到右" msgctxt "editor button" msgid "Right to left" msgstr "從右到左" msgctxt "Link anchor (TinyMCE)" msgid "Anchor" msgstr "錨點" msgctxt "Name of link anchor (TinyMCE)" msgid "Name" msgstr "名稱" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Lower Roman" msgstr "小寫羅馬數字" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Upper Roman" msgstr "大寫羅馬數字" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Upper Alpha" msgstr "大寫英文字母" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Whole words" msgstr "整個單詞" msgctxt "Link anchors (TinyMCE)" msgid "Anchors" msgstr "錨點" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Default" msgstr "預設" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Headings" msgstr "標題" msgctxt "Move widget" msgid "Move" msgstr "移動" msgid "Move to another area…" msgstr "搬移至其他區域…" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Lower Alpha" msgstr "小寫英文字母" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Lower Greek" msgstr "小寫希臘字母" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Disc" msgstr "圓點" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Circle" msgstr "圓圈" msgctxt "HTML elements" msgid "Inline" msgstr "Inline" msgctxt "HTML tag" msgid "Pre" msgstr "Pre" msgctxt "HTML tag" msgid "Div" msgstr "Div" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Blocks" msgstr "區塊" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Formats" msgstr "格式" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Square" msgstr "方區塊" msgid "All comment types" msgstr "所有留言種類" msgid "Publish your posts as Path moments." msgstr "以「Path」片刻的方式發佈你的文章。" msgid "Publish your posts on a Tumblr blog." msgstr "在 Tumblr 網誌上發佈你的文章。" msgid "Publish your posts on LinkedIn." msgstr "在 LinkedIn 上發佈你的文章。" msgid "Publish your posts on Twitter" msgstr "在 Twitter 上發佈你的文章" msgid "Publish your posts to your Facebook wall or page." msgstr "將你的文章發佈至 Facebook 塗鴉牆或頁面。" msgid "You are currently using %1$s GB." msgstr "你目前使用 %1$sGB。" msgid "" "Your nameservers need to be set to NS1.WORDPRESS.COM and NS2.WORDPRESS.COM " "for these email forwards to work. If you have already updated the " "nameservers you can ignore this message; it will stop appearing soon." msgstr "" "你的名稱伺服器必須設為 NS1.WORDPRESS.COM 和 NS2.WORDPRESS.COM,才能讓這些電子" "郵件轉寄運作。如果你已經更新名稱伺服器,你可以忽略此訊息;此訊息很快就會停止" "顯示。" msgid "Hide background image" msgstr "隱藏背景圖片" msgid "The Blog" msgstr " 網誌" msgid "Locating" msgstr "定位中" msgid "Current Location" msgstr "目前的位置" msgid "Horizontally" msgstr "水平" msgid "Vertically" msgstr "垂直" msgid "For more information: %s" msgstr "取得更多資訊:%s" msgid "Akismet error code: %s" msgstr "Akismet 錯誤碼:%s" msgid "" "Please upgrade WordPress to a current version, or downgrade to version 2.4 of the Akismet plugin." msgstr "" "請將 WordPress 升級至最新版本,或將 " "Akismet 外掛程式降級為 2.4 版。" msgid "Sign up for an account on %s to get an API Key." msgstr "在 %s 註冊帳戶以取得 API 金鑰。" msgid "Re-adding..." msgstr "正在重新加入..." msgid "(undo)" msgstr "(復原)" msgid "URL removed" msgstr "網址已移除" msgid "Removing..." msgstr "正在移除..." msgid "Remove this URL" msgstr "移除這個網址" msgid "Visit the post for more." msgstr "造訪文章以瞭解更多資訊。" msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "An error occurred while loading that page. Try reloading the page or contact support." msgstr "" "載入該頁面時發生錯誤。嘗試重新整理頁面,或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "Tonal takes its cue from your content, with a minimal style that changes " "based on your background color. This theme has large featured images, full-" "width videos, and post formats that look great on any device." msgstr "" "Tonal 會參考你的內容,並採用會依照背景顏色而變化的極簡風格。此佈景主題擁有大" "型特色圖片、全寬影片,以及在任何裝置上瀏覽均十分美麗的文章格式。" msgid "The query argument of %s must have a placeholder." msgstr "%s 的查詢參數不可為空白。" msgid "There are no associated subtitles." msgstr "沒有關聯的字幕。" msgid "Show Artist Name in Tracklist" msgstr "在曲目列表中顯示演出者姓名" msgid "Show Tracklist" msgstr "顯示曲目列表" msgid "Add to video Playlist" msgstr "新增至影片播放清單" msgid "Auto" msgstr "自動播放" msgid "Tracks (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata)" msgstr "曲目(字幕、說明、描述、章節或中繼資料)" msgid "Add to video playlist" msgstr "新增至影片播放列表" msgid "Update video playlist" msgstr "更新影片播放列表" msgid "Insert video playlist" msgstr "插入影片播放列表" msgid "← Cancel video playlist" msgstr "← 取消編輯影片播放清單" msgid "Drag and drop to reorder videos." msgstr "拖放來重新排列影片。" msgid "Drag and drop to reorder tracks." msgstr "拖放來重新排列曲目。" msgid "Edit video playlist" msgstr "編輯影片播放清單" msgid "Create audio playlist" msgstr "建立音訊播放清單" msgid "← Cancel audio playlist" msgstr "← 取消編輯音訊播放清單" msgid "Add subtitles" msgstr "新增對白字幕" msgid "Add video source" msgstr "新增影片來源" msgid "Add audio source" msgstr "新增音訊來源" msgid "Replace video" msgstr "更換影片" msgid "Replace audio" msgstr "更換音訊" msgid "Audio details" msgstr "音訊詳細資料" msgid "Image details" msgstr "圖片詳細資料" msgid "Create a new video playlist" msgstr "建立一個新的影片播放列表" msgctxt "Search widget" msgid "Search" msgstr "搜尋" msgid "Insert Read More tag" msgstr "插入繼續閱讀標籤" msgid "Toolbar Toggle" msgstr "工具列開關" msgid "Show invisible characters" msgstr "顯示不可見字元" msgid "Row group" msgstr "行列組" msgid "Header cell" msgstr "標題欄位" msgid "Insert table" msgstr "插入表格" msgid "Row type" msgstr "行列型態" msgid "File" msgstr "檔案" msgid "Cell type" msgstr "單元格類型" msgid "Cell spacing" msgstr "單元格空間 (Cell spacing)" msgid "Match case" msgstr "符合例子" msgid "Find and replace" msgstr "選找並取代" msgid "Replace" msgstr "取代" msgid "Paste as text" msgstr "以文字貼上" msgid "Page break" msgstr "分頁標籤" msgid "Nonbreaking space" msgstr "不換行空格" msgid "Insert video" msgstr "插入影片" msgid "Paste your embed code below:" msgstr "在下方貼上你的內嵌語法:" msgid "Column group" msgstr "欄位組" msgid "Cell padding" msgstr "單元格間距 (Cell padding)" msgid "Could not find the specified string." msgstr "找不到指定的字串。" msgid "Insert date/time" msgstr "插入日期/時間" msgid "Encoding" msgstr "編碼" msgid "Robots" msgstr "網路爬蟲" msgid "Special character" msgstr "特殊字元" msgid "Insert image" msgstr "插入圖片" msgid "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave this page?" msgstr "你有未儲存的變更。確定要離開此頁面?" msgid "Text to display" msgstr "要顯示的文字" msgid "Restore last draft" msgstr "還原上一次草稿" msgid "Bulleted list" msgstr "項目符號列表" msgid "Visual aids" msgstr "視覺化輔助" msgid "Justify" msgstr "分散對齊" msgid "" "Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text " "until you toggle this option off." msgstr "" "貼上功能目前是純文字模式。所有內容在貼上後都會以純文字的方式顯示,除非你關閉" "此選項。" msgid "Decrease indent" msgstr "減少縮排" msgid "Clear formatting" msgstr "清除格式" msgid "Increase indent" msgstr "增加縮排" msgid "Numbered list" msgstr "編號清單" msgid "Complete request" msgstr "完成要求" msgid "Select an area to move this widget into:" msgstr "將小工具移動到:" msgid "Add a Widget" msgstr "新增小工具" msgctxt "custom headers" msgid "Suggested" msgstr "推薦" msgid "Randomizing suggested headers" msgstr "隨機使用推薦的首頁圖片" msgid "Randomize suggested headers" msgstr "隨機使用推薦的首頁圖片" msgctxt "custom headers" msgid "Previously uploaded" msgstr "之前上載的" msgid "Randomizing uploaded headers" msgstr "隨機使用上載的首頁圖片" msgid "Randomize uploaded headers" msgstr "隨機使用已上載的首頁圖片" msgid "Delete all content." msgstr "刪除所有內容。" msgid "Number to show:" msgstr "要顯示的數量:" msgid "All Themes" msgstr "所有佈景主題" msgid "Edit date and time" msgstr "編輯日期和時間" msgid "Browse revisions" msgstr "瀏覽文章版本" msgid "Edit visibility" msgstr "編輯可見度" msgid "Edit status" msgstr "編輯狀態" msgid "Thank you for creating with WordPress." msgstr "感謝使用 WordPress 進行創作。" msgid "The blog cannot be followed." msgstr "網誌無法供關注。" msgid "" "You can help us fight spam and upgrade your account by contributing a token amount." msgstr "" "只要支付一筆象徵性的款項,就能協助我們打" "擊垃圾,並且升級你的帳戶。" msgid "Akismet Support" msgstr "Akismet 支援" msgid "Akismet FAQ" msgstr "Akismet 常見問題集" msgid "The subscription status - active, cancelled or suspended" msgstr "訂閱狀態:使用中、已取消或已暫停" msgid "The Akismet subscription plan" msgstr "Akismet 訂閱方案" msgid "" "Show the number of approved comments beside each comment author in the " "comments list page." msgstr "在留言清單頁面中,在每位留言作者的名稱旁顯示此人被核准的留言數目。" msgid "Enter/remove an API key." msgstr "輸入/移除 API 金鑰。" msgid "On this page, you are able to view stats on spam filtered on your site." msgstr "你可以在本頁面查看網站的垃圾篩選統計資料。" msgid "Click the Use this Key button." msgstr "按一下「使用此金鑰」按鈕。" msgid "Copy and paste the API key into the text field." msgstr "將 API 金鑰複製並貼到文字欄位內。" msgid "If you already have an API key" msgstr "如果你已經有 API 金鑰" msgid "Enter an API Key" msgstr "輸入 API 金鑰" msgid "" "You need to enter an API key to activate the Akismet service on your site." msgstr "你需要輸入 API 金鑰,才能在你的網站上啟用 Akismet 服務。" msgid "New to Akismet" msgstr "第一次使用 Akismet" msgid "Akismet Setup" msgstr "Akismet 設定" msgid "On this page, you are able to set up the Akismet plugin." msgstr "你可以在本頁面設定 Akismet 外掛程式。" msgid "/ year" msgstr "/年" msgid "When you renew, your blog will again be available at \"%1$s\":" msgstr "更新後,你的網誌將可再次於「%1$s」提供使用:" msgid "" "Make sure you also keep the domain registration for \"%1$s\" renewed with " "your registrar." msgstr "請務必也向網域註冊機構更新「%1$s」的註冊網域。" msgid "" "Note that your blog is always available at its default address, \"%1$s\"." msgstr "請注意,網誌一律以預設位址「%1$s」提供使用。" msgid "Renewing this upgrade for another year costs %1$s." msgstr "此升級更新一年的費用為 %1$s。" msgid "Renewing %1$s for another year costs %2$s." msgstr "更新 %1$s 一年的費用為 %2$s。" msgid "" "The domain was added as part of the %1$s plan on your blog. Renewing the " "plan will also renew the domain." msgstr "網域已隨網誌的%1$s方案新增。更新方案時也會更新網域。" msgid "Delete this item" msgstr "刪除此項目" msgctxt "daily archives date format" msgid "F j, Y" msgstr "Y-m-d" msgid "%s WordPress Theme example" msgstr "%s WordPress 佈景主題範例" msgid "Awesome blogs using %s" msgstr "使用 %s 的超酷網誌" msgid "Editing CSS" msgstr "編輯 CSS" msgid "Layout Issues" msgstr "版面形式問題" msgid "Changing Themes" msgstr "變更佈景主題" msgid "Make it your own" msgstr "讓網誌具有個人風格" msgid "" "You can change the look of your blog with over %s " "attractive WordPress themes ranging from professional to fun to crazy, " "and you can switch themes instantly with just a click of a button. Each " "theme allows you to customize your sidebar using widgets, and several themes " "let you upload your own photo or image for the header bar." msgstr "" "你可以使用超過 %s 種吸引人的 WordPress 佈景主題來變" "更網誌外觀,包括專業、有趣到瘋狂等風格,應有盡有,只要按一下滑鼠按鍵,即可立" "即切換佈景主題。每個佈景主題都可讓你使用 Widget 自訂側邊列,而且還有許多佈景" "主題可讓你在頁首列上載自己的照片或圖片。" msgid "Oodles of gorgeous WordPress themes for your blog" msgstr "眾多你網誌專屬的絕美 WordPress 佈景主題" msgctxt "Details page for this theme" msgid "About" msgstr "關於" msgid "Details for this theme" msgstr "此佈景主題的詳細資料" msgctxt "Support page for this theme" msgid "Support" msgstr "支援" msgid "Support for this theme" msgstr "支援此佈景主題" msgid "Cleaning up spam takes time." msgstr "清除垃圾需要一點時間。" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Comment" msgstr "回應" msgid "Pending - Registration takes up to %s" msgstr "擱置中 – 註冊最多需 %s" msgid "" "This domain may currently be pending transfer. If you have requested a " "domain transfer, you can accept or cancel the transfer below." msgstr "" "此網域目前可能尚待轉移。如果你已要求網域轉移,你可以在下方接受或取消轉移。" msgid "This record cannot be added, as it conflicts with an existing record." msgstr "此記錄無法新增,因為它與現有的記錄發生衝突。" msgid "" "This record cannot be saved. TXT records have a 255 character limit, if you " "need to add a larger record, please contact support." msgstr "" "此記錄無法儲存。TXT 記錄有 255 個字元限制,如果你需要新增更大的記錄,請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "This record cannot be added, as it conflicts with an existing " "record." msgstr "此記錄無法新增,因為它與現有的 記錄發生衝突。" msgid "" "This record cannot be saved. Please check the highlighted fields below and " "try again." msgstr "此記錄無法儲存。請檢查下方醒目提示的欄位,然後再試一次。" msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to edit this domains A records? This will result in " "your domain no longer loading your site." msgstr "" "確定要編輯此網域的 A 記錄?這樣做會導致你的網域不再載入你的 網" "站。" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s record for \"%2$s\"?" msgstr "確定要刪除「%2$s」的 %1$s 記錄?" msgid "The changes have been saved successfully." msgstr "變更已成功儲存。" msgid "Similar post" msgstr "類似文章" msgid "Download %2$s for your self-hosted WordPress site." msgstr "下載 %2$s 以用於你的自助託管 WordPress 網站。" msgid "%1$s design by %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 由 %2$s 設計。" msgid "Launched on %s." msgstr "發行時間:%s。" msgid "Stats & Info" msgstr "統計和資訊" msgid "We don’t have that post on record yet. (post_id %d)" msgstr "我們尚未將該篇文章存入記錄。(post_id %d)" msgid "Expiring - will stop functioning on %s" msgstr "即將到期 – 將於 %s 停止運作" msgid "Remember for 30 days" msgstr "記住 30 天" msgid "" "Only if you're signing in from a device that only you use do we recommend " "selecting this option. For example, a personal laptop or tablet." msgstr "" "我們建議你只有在透過自己使用的裝置登入時,才選取此選項。例如,個人筆記型電腦" "或平板電腦。" msgid "Add Location" msgstr "新增位置" msgid "Theme navigation" msgstr "佈景主題導覽" msgid "Subscription Type" msgstr "訂閱類型" msgid "" "Please contact Akismet support for " "assistance." msgstr "請向 Akismet 支援團隊尋求協助。" msgid "" "Please visit your Akismet account page " "to reactivate your subscription." msgstr "" "請造訪 Akismet 帳戶頁面以重新啟用訂閱。" msgid "Disconnect Stripe Account" msgstr "中斷連結 Stripe 帳戶" msgid "Next billing date" msgstr "下次出帳日期" msgid "Akismet %s requires WordPress %s or higher." msgstr "Akismet %s 需要 WordPress %s 或以上版本。" msgid "Show the number of approved comments beside each comment author." msgstr "將已核准的留言數目顯示在每位留言者的名稱旁" msgid "Accuracy" msgstr "準確性" msgid "Spam blocked" msgid_plural "Spam blocked" msgstr[0] "已阻擋垃圾" msgid "Past six months" msgstr "過去六個月" msgctxt "Start a blog with this theme" msgid "Start a Blog" msgstr "開始建立網誌" msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "No themes were found matching those criteria. Sorry!" msgstr "找不到符合這些條件的佈景主題。很抱歉!" msgid "Sorry, this domain name cannot be registered on" msgstr "很抱歉,此網域名稱無法於 上註冊" msgctxt "Next post link" msgid "Next" msgstr "下一個" msgctxt "Previous post link" msgid "Previous" msgstr "上一個" msgid "Pounds" msgstr "磅" msgid "Height (in pixel):" msgstr "高度 (像素):" msgid "Channel:" msgstr "頻道:" msgid " Webchat" msgstr " Webchat" msgid "Add a webchat." msgstr "新增 網路聊天室。" msgid "Go to top" msgstr "返回頂端" msgid "Show comments from:" msgstr "顯示下列來源的留言:" msgid "eCommerce" msgstr "電子商務" msgid "for eCommerce" msgstr "電子商務版" msgid "%s Domain Registration" msgstr "%s 網域註冊" msgid "Wedding" msgstr "婚禮" msgid "Learn more about Domain Contacts" msgstr "瞭解更多有關網域聯絡人的資訊" msgid "Learn more about Transferring a Domain" msgstr "瞭解更多有關轉移網域的資訊" msgid "Learn more about name servers" msgstr "瞭解更多有關名稱伺服器的資訊" msgid "Use the custom name servers listed below" msgstr "使用下列自訂名稱伺服器" msgid "Use name servers" msgstr "使用 名稱伺服器" msgid "" "Your domain must use name servers for your site " "to load, any email forwards you have active to function, and " "for the DNS Editor to be available." msgstr "" "你的網域必須使用 名稱伺服器,才能載入你的 網站、" "讓你現有的任何 電子郵件轉寄能夠運作,以及使用 DNS 編輯器。" msgid "" "Name servers point your domain to the right website host. When your domain " "uses the name servers, it points to Most other " "hosting providers have their own name servers. If you set it to use your new " "host’s name servers, the domain will point to your new host." msgstr "" "名稱伺服器會將你的網域指向正確的網站主機。當你的網域使用 名稱伺" "服器時,它會指向。大多數其他主機服務提供者都擁有自己的名稱伺服" "器。如果你將它設定為使用新主機的名稱伺服器,則該網域會指向你的新主機。" msgid "Learn more about Email Forwarding" msgstr "瞭解更多有關電子郵件轉寄的資訊" msgid "Email Forwarding" msgstr "電子郵件轉寄" msgid "mail handled by %1$s with priority %2$s" msgstr "郵件已由 %1$s 以優先順序 %2$s 處理" msgid "mail handled by email forwarding" msgstr "郵件已由 電子郵件轉寄進行處理" msgid "Cancel Edit" msgstr "取消編輯" msgid "Learn more about Custom DNS Records" msgstr "瞭解更多有關自訂 DNS 記錄的資訊" msgid "Existing DNS Records" msgstr "現有的 DNS 記錄" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record hostname port" msgid "Target Port" msgstr "目標連接埠" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record hostname" msgid "Target Host" msgstr "目標主機" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record weight" msgid "Weight" msgstr "重量" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record priority" msgid "Priority" msgstr "優先順序" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRC record protocol" msgid "Protocol" msgstr "通訊協定" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record \"service\" name" msgid "Service" msgstr "服務" msgid "handled by %1$s with priority %2$s" msgstr "已由 %1$s 以優先順序 %2$s 處理" msgid "alias of %s" msgstr "%s 的別名" msgid "points to %s" msgstr "指向 %s" msgid "Add New DNS Record" msgstr "新增 DNS 記錄" msgid "Edit DNS Record" msgstr "編輯 DNS 記錄" msgid "" "Success! The Name Servers for this domain have been updated. Please sit " "tight while these domain changes propagate around the world. (This can " "sometimes take up to 72 hours.)" msgstr "" "成功!此網域的名稱伺服器已經更新。請稍候片刻,這些網域變更目前正傳播到世界各" "地。(有時候這可能需要長達 72 小時。)" msgid "" "Success! The Redirect location for your site has been changed. (Some " "visitors may still see the old URL for a few hours, until their caches " "update.)" msgstr "" "成功!你網站的重新導向位置已變更。(在部分訪客的快取更新之前,他們可能還是有長" "達數小時的時間會看見舊的網址。)" msgid "" "Success! The Primary Domain for your site has been updated. Your visitors " "will now be redirected to your new URL. (Some visitors may still see the old " "URL for a few hours, until their caches update.)" msgstr "" "成功!你網站的主要網域已更新。你的訪客現在會重新導向至你的新網址。(在部分訪客" "的快取更新之前,他們可能還是有長達數小時的時間會看見舊的網址。)" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "One thought on “%2$s”" msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”" msgstr[0] "對「%2$s」的%1$s則回應" msgid "" "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some " "different keywords:" msgstr "抱歉,沒有項目符合你的搜尋字詞。請重新嘗試其他不同的關鍵字:" msgid "No categories found." msgstr "找不到分類。" msgid "Choose one" msgstr "選擇一個" msgid "Measurements" msgstr "尺寸" msgid "List item" msgstr "項目列表" msgid "Rows" msgstr "行" msgid "Ads Settings" msgstr "廣告設定" msgid "" "The mailbox specified is invalid. Email mailboxes may only contain the " "following characters: a-z 0-9 _ . + and -. Please correct the mailbox and " "try again." msgstr "" "指定的信箱無效。電子郵件信箱只能包含下列字元:a-z 0-9 _ . + 和 -。請更正信" "箱,然後再試一次。" msgctxt "stats spam referrer reporting" msgid "Click to flag this domain as a spam referrer." msgstr "按一下即可將此網域標記為垃圾郵件推薦連結。" msgid "" "After you map your domain name your readers will be able to access your blog " "at that domain name instead of %s. Visitors to the old address will be " "automatically redirected." msgstr "" "對應網域名稱後,你的讀者將能夠在該網域名稱存取你的網誌,而非在 %s。造訪舊位址" "的訪客將被自動導向。" msgid "" "Mapping a domain name you already own makes your blog more memorable and " "easier for your readers to find." msgstr "" "對應你已經擁有的網域名稱,可讓你的網誌變得更令人難忘,也能夠讓讀者更輕鬆找" "到。" msgid "Why Map a Domain Name?" msgstr "為何需要對應網域名稱?" msgid "" "Your new domain name will be mapped for one year and you can renew the " "mapping each year to keep it working." msgstr "你的新網域名稱將對應一年,而且你能夠每年更新對應以維持其運作。" msgid "What Will My Mapping Include?" msgstr "我的對應將包含哪些內容?" msgid "Map a domain name you already own to your blog" msgstr "將你已經擁有的網域名稱對應至你的 網誌" msgid "" "A colorful personal blogging theme with support for post formats and a flair " "for geometry." msgstr "色彩繽紛的個人化網誌佈景主題,支援文章格式和幾何風格。" msgctxt "stats spam referrer reporting" msgid "Undo" msgstr "上一步" msgctxt "stats spam referrer reporting" msgid "Spam?" msgstr "這是垃圾郵件嗎?" msgctxt "stats verified referrer label" msgid "Verified referrer" msgstr "通過驗證的推薦連結" msgid "" "Singl is a minimalist theme that helps you to create a strong — yet " "beautiful — online presence. Primarily designed for music artists, Singl is " "a powerful and flexible theme." msgstr "" "Singl 是極簡的佈景主題,可協助你打造功能強大且外型美觀的線上平台。Singl 主要" "是為音樂家而設計,是功能強大且彈性的佈景主題。" msgid "Search for your theme…" msgstr "搜尋佈景主題…" msgid "View On WordPress" msgstr "在 WordPress 上檢視" msgid "orders" msgstr "訂單" msgid "Custom Header Image" msgstr "自訂頁首圖片" msgid "Display author" msgstr "顯示作者" msgid "Display categories" msgstr "顯示分類" msgid "We currently only offer %l domain name registrations." msgstr "我們最近僅供註冊 %l 網域名稱。" msgid "" "McKinley is a sleek blog theme based on the awesome TwentyThirteen theme " "from WordPress." msgstr "" "McKinley 是雅緻的網誌佈景主題,以 WordPress 提供的卓越 TwentyThirteen 佈景主" "題為設計基礎。" msgid "" "You can also activate your account by copying and pasting this address into " "your address bar: %1$s" msgstr "你也可以將以下位址複製並貼上至網址列,以啟用帳戶:%1$s" msgid "Plugin deactivated" msgstr "外掛程式已停用。" msgid "Plugin activated" msgstr "外掛程式已啟動。" msgid "Failed to deactivate plugin. Maybe it was already deactivated?" msgstr "無法停用外掛程式。該外掛是否已經是停用狀態?" msgid "Failed to activate plugin. Maybe it's already activated?" msgstr "無法啟用外掛程式。該外掛是否已經是啟用狀態?" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Edit Group" msgstr "編輯群組" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Create Group" msgstr "建立群組" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Groups" msgstr "我的群組" msgid "Add tags" msgstr "新增標籤" msgid "A mobile responsive and HTML5 theme built for the Genesis Framework." msgstr "專為 Genesis Framework 打造的行動回應式和 HTML5 佈景主題。" msgid "Responsive" msgstr "回應靈敏" msgid "Popular Articles" msgstr "熱門文章" msgid "Map a Domain Name You Already Own" msgstr "對應你已經擁有的網域名稱" msgid "Register a New Domain Name" msgstr "註冊全新的網域名稱" msgid "View all followers" msgstr "查看所有關注者" msgid "Followers of '%s'" msgstr "「%s」的關注者" msgctxt "%s other people" msgid "another person" msgid_plural "%s others" msgstr[0] "其他 %s 人" msgid "Social" msgstr "社交" msgid "Popular tags" msgstr "熱門標籤" msgid "More details can be found on our support page." msgstr "你可以到我們的支援頁面找到更多詳細資料。" msgid "" "You don't have to do anything — this is just a reminder. You may " "receive another email regarding the renewal status of your upgrade. This " "confirms that this upgrade is set to auto-renew." msgstr "" "你不需要執行任何動作,此資訊僅作為提醒用途。你可能會收到其他電子郵件,內容是" "有關你的升級的更新狀態。這樣可確認此升級已設為自動更新。" msgid "Examples" msgstr "範例" msgid "" "If you choose not to renew this upgrade, your previous media files will " "still be available. However, you will not be able to upload audio files or " "new media files after you have surpassed the default size limit." msgstr "" "如果你選擇不更新此升級,則仍然可以使用先前的媒體檔案。但是,達到預設大小限制" "後,你將無法再上載音訊檔案或新的媒體檔案。" msgid "Don't show the Reblog button on posts" msgstr "不要在文章上顯示「轉發」按鈕" msgid "Show the Reblog button on posts" msgstr "在文章上顯示「轉發」按鈕" msgid "Reblog this post on your main site." msgstr "在主要網站上轉發這篇文章。" msgid "Free Trial" msgstr "免費試用" msgid "" "Tuned Balloon is an easy to use theme with responsive layout that looks " "great on any device, big or small. Tuned Balloon features different post " "formats, each displayed in their own unique way. If you want to make your " "blog post more flexible you can use different kinds of post formats such as " "image, gallery, video, aside, link or quotes." msgstr "" "Tuned Balloon 是易於使用的佈景主題,採用回應式版面形式,在任何大小的裝置上都" "相當美觀。Tuned Balloon 提供不同的文章格式,每一種都能以獨一無二的方式呈現。" "如果想讓網誌文章看起來更活潑,你可以使用不同的文章格式,例如圖片、藝廊、影" "片、旁白、連結或引文。" msgctxt "Cancel DNS Changes" msgid "Cancel Changes" msgstr "取消變更" msgctxt "Save DNS Changes" msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "儲存變更" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to remove that user from the group." msgstr "錯誤:無法該使用者從群組中移除。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The user was removed from the group successfully." msgstr "使用者已成功從群組中移除。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the group?" msgstr "確定要將此使用者從群組中移除?" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to add that site to the group." msgstr "錯誤:無法將該網站新增到群組。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The site was added to the group successfully." msgstr "網站已成功新增到群組。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Are you sure you want to add this site to the group?" msgstr "確定要將此網站新增到群組?" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to remove that site from the group." msgstr "錯誤:無法將該網站從群組中移除。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The site was removed from the group successfully." msgstr "網站已成功從群組中移除。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this site from the group?" msgstr "確定要將此網站從群組中移除?" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to delete the group." msgstr "錯誤:無法刪除群組。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this group?" msgstr "確定要刪除此群組?" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to create the group." msgstr "錯誤:無法建立群組。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The group was created successfully." msgstr "群組已成功建立。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to update group settings." msgstr "錯誤:無法更新群組設定。" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The group settings were updated successfully." msgstr "群組設定已成功更新。" msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "An error occurred listing themes. Try reloading the page or contact support." msgstr "" "列出佈景主題時發生錯誤。嘗試重新整理頁面,或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid " Reblog Button" msgstr " 轉發按鈕" msgid "Jetpack Monitor" msgstr "Jetpack Monitor" msgid "Safe: always put spam in the Spam folder for review." msgstr "安全:一律將垃圾移至垃圾資料夾中,以供稍後審查。" msgid "Strict: silently discard the worst and most pervasive spam." msgstr "嚴格:自動捨棄最嚴重和最普遍的垃圾。" msgid "Akismet Anti-spam strictness" msgstr "Akismet 反垃圾嚴謹度" msgid "Moldova" msgstr "摩爾多瓦" msgid "Tablet" msgstr "平板" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "桌面" msgid "Social Links Menu" msgstr "社群連結選單" msgid "Stay signed in" msgstr "保持登入" msgid "Mobile ready" msgstr "完美支援各式行動裝置" msgid "Analytics" msgstr "分析工具" msgid "Demo" msgstr "展示" msgid "" "Sorbet is a delicious treat for your blog or website. Colorful post formats " "help your content pop, while secondary information (navigation, search, " "social links, and widgets) is tucked neatly away in the header for easy " "access that doesn't crowd your content." msgstr "" "Sorbet 是網誌或網站的絕佳選擇。彩色的文章格式可讓你的主要內容彈出,而次要資" "訊 (導覽、搜尋、社群連結和 Widget) 會整齊地收闔在頁首中,以供輕鬆存取,而不會" "使內容過於擁擠。" msgid "New pingback on %s" msgstr "%s 的新通告" msgid "New trackback on %s" msgstr "%s 的新引用" msgid "View Posts" msgstr "檢視文章" msgid "%s connected successfully" msgstr "%s 已成功更新" msgid "Other Notifications!" msgstr "其他通知!" msgid "The team at" msgstr " 的團隊" msgid "Next post:" msgstr "下一篇文章:" msgid "Thanks for choosing %1$s by %2$s." msgstr "感謝你選擇 %2$s 設計的 %1$s。" msgid "" "Studio is a minimal grid-based theme designed for photographers and " "curators. It's simple, sleek, and powerfully flexible, pairing chiseled " "aesthetics with crystal-clear organization." msgstr "" "Studio 是極簡的方格式作品集佈景主題,專為攝影師和整合資訊者而設計。既簡潔、時" "尚又極具彈性,輪廓分明搭配精簡配置的美學風格。" msgid "Portfolios" msgstr "作品集" msgid "On for all comments" msgstr "對所有留言啟用" msgid "Comment Likes are" msgstr "留言按讚功能" msgid "" "The Chargeback fee has been removed from your cart as your account is in " "good standing." msgstr "因為你的帳戶擁有良好信用,所以系統已從你的購物車中移除退款。" msgid "No approved comments" msgstr "無核准留言" msgid "Invalid" msgstr "無效" msgid "Invalid user_id." msgstr "無效的使用者編號。" msgid "Gift Upgrade" msgstr "禮物升級" msgid "Awaiting spam check" msgstr "等待檢查是否為垃圾中" msgid "Capital" msgstr "首都" msgid "" "Follow these great blogs matching your interests" msgstr "" "關注符合你的興趣的眾多" "精彩網誌" msgid "Week of %s" msgstr "%s 當週" msgid "Best Day" msgstr "最好的一天" msgid "Best Sellers" msgstr "最暢銷" msgid "" "After you register a custom domain name your readers will be able to access " "your blog at the new domain name instead of %s. Visitors to the old address " "will be automatically redirected." msgstr "" "註冊自訂網域名稱後,你的讀者將能夠在新網域名稱造訪你的網誌,而非在 %s。造訪舊" "位址的訪客將被自動導向。" msgid "" "To add a new user for your site, click Invite New in the Users menu section." msgstr "點一下使用者選單區段內的「新邀請」為你的網站新增使用者。" msgid "Jetpack Support" msgstr "Jetpack 幫助" msgid "" "Please save this email. If you get locked out of your account in the future, " "this email will help us restore access to your account." msgstr "" "請保留此電子郵件。如果你的帳戶日後遭到封鎖,此電子郵件將可協助我們還原你對帳" "戶的存取權。" msgid "No such theme found" msgstr "找不到此類佈景主題" msgid "No such blog was found" msgstr "找不到此類網誌" msgid "" "Syntax is a theme designed with writing--and reading--in mind. With large, " "easy-to-read type, a fixed navigation menu, and a responsive design that " "looks beautiful on all screen sizes, it's perfect for writers or bloggers " "who want a clean, sophisticated look and feel for their site." msgstr "" "Syntax 佈景主題的設計考慮到了撰寫和閱讀等功能。有了容易閱讀的大型字體、固定導" "覽選單,以及在各種螢幕大小上瀏覽均美觀的回應式設計,非常適合希望讓網站呈現簡" "潔而別緻之外觀和風格的作家或部落客。" msgid "Domain Admin" msgstr "網域管理員" msgctxt "Demo of this theme" msgid "Demo" msgstr "展示" msgid "Demo this theme" msgstr "展示此佈景主題" msgctxt "Activate this theme" msgid "Activate" msgstr "啟用" msgid "Activate this theme" msgstr "啟用此佈景主題" msgid "Purchase this theme" msgstr "購買此佈景主題" msgid "Show all" msgstr "顯示全部" msgid "" "Displays a list and calendar of upcoming events from Eventbrite — the " "world’s largest self-serve event ticketing and event registration platform." msgstr "" "顯示 Eventbrite 即將到來的活動清單與行事曆;Eventbrite 是全世界最大的自助式活" "動售票及活動註冊平台。" msgid "Domain Registration for %s" msgstr "%s 網域註冊" msgid "My Domains" msgstr "我的網域" msgid "" "Moka is a responsive, minimal blog, magazine and creative business theme " "with a beautiful, modern design and lots of easy-to-use, individual theme " "features like a customizable front page template, an about and quote " "template and a sticky sidebar option." msgstr "" "Moka 是具備回應式極簡網誌、雜誌和創意的企業佈景主題,擁有美麗的現代化設計,以" "及眾多易於使用的個別佈景主題功能,例如可自訂的首頁範本、關於和引文範本、置頂" "側邊列選項。" msgid "Search results for “%s”" msgstr "搜尋 “%s” 的結果" msgid "fixed" msgstr "已處理完成" msgid "Close Search" msgstr "關閉搜尋" msgid "Products tagged “%s”" msgstr "商品標籤為 “%s”" msgid "" "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try visiting %s " "directly?" msgstr "看來在這裡沒找到任何東西。要不要試著直接訪問 %s 呢?" msgid "" "Once you're done working together, we'd appreciate it if you sent us your " "rating of the experience -- your feedback helps us improve our support." msgstr "" "工作完成後,歡迎將使用體驗的評分傳送給我們,你的意見回饋將有助於我們改善支援" "服務。" msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "No themes were found. Try reloading the page or contact " "support." msgstr "找不到佈景主題。嘗試重新整理頁面,或聯絡支援團隊。" msgctxt "purchasing a theme" msgid "Purchase" msgstr "購買" msgctxt "purchase theme-name for one of your blogs" msgid "Purchase %s for one of your blogs" msgstr "為你的其中一個網誌購買 %s" msgctxt "previewing a theme" msgid "Preview" msgstr "預覽" msgctxt "preview theme-name on one of your blogs" msgid "Preview %s on one of your blogs" msgstr "在你的其中一個網誌上預覽 %s" msgctxt "activating a theme" msgid "Activate" msgstr "啟用" msgctxt "activate theme-name on one of your blogs" msgid "Activate %s on one of your blogs" msgstr "在你的其中一個網誌上啟用 %s" msgid "Default (Buy) / Use Theme Setting" msgstr "預設 (購買)/使用佈景主題設定" msgid "Ticket Purchase Link/Button Text:" msgstr "票券購買連結/按鈕文字:" msgid "Tip" msgstr "秘訣" msgid "" "Ampersand is a portfolio style theme with an empasis on beautiful, legible " "typography and graceful resizing for mobile browsing." msgstr "" "Ampersand 是以作品集風格呈現的佈景主題,特色是美觀、清晰的印刷排版,以及適當" "調整的字體大小,方便以行動裝置瀏覽。" msgid "Beginner" msgstr "初學者" msgid "Read more about this feature" msgstr "進一步了解此功能" msgid "Go to the admin dashboard for this blog" msgstr "前往此網誌的管理控制台" msgid "A colorful theme with a dynamic grid layout" msgstr "擁有動態格線版面形式的彩色佈景主題" msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "Failed to activate that theme. Try again or contact support." msgstr "無法啟用該佈景主題。再試一次或聯絡支援團隊。" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Connected Blogs" msgstr "已連線的網誌" msgid "%1$s - expires on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - 於 %2$s 逾期" msgid "%1$s - expired on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - 於 %2$s 逾期" msgid "" "Renew now for one more year or cancel these subscriptions" msgstr "" "立即續訂就能繼續使用一年,取消這些訂閱" msgid "" "A polished magazine theme with a touch of class. Perfect for " "photojournalists, bloggers and authors who prefer long-format content." msgstr "" "擁有高雅品味的出版雜誌風格佈景主題。適合喜好使用長格式內容的記者、部落客和作" "家。" msgid "" "A feature packed audio theme perfect for any band, artist, or musician. " "Soundcheck features a large full width image slider, a custom HTML5 audio " "player, gigs/events functionality, four custom widgets, four custom page " "templates, and a variety of theme options." msgstr "" "功能豐富的音訊佈景主題,是任何樂團、藝人或音樂家的完美選擇。Soundcheck 提供全" "寬的大型圖片滑桿、自訂的 HTML5 音訊播放器、演唱會/活動功能、四種自訂 Widget、" "四種自訂頁面範本,以及多種佈景主題選項。" msgid "" "A lightweight and responsive theme designed to help you showcase your " "creative projects online. Multiple page templates and a grid based blog " "layout ensure your website stays flexible and professional." msgstr "" "此款輕量型的回應式佈景主題設計,有助於在線上展示你的創意專案。多個頁面範本和" "方格式網誌版面形式,能確保網站保有彈性和專業度。" msgid "" "Curate an eclectic scrapbook of photos, videos, audio and more with " "Publisher. Featuring a responsive, masonry-style layout, Publisher looks " "just as good on your mobile device as it does on the desktop." msgstr "" "使用 Publisher 可打造折衷主義的剪貼簿,能夠收藏照片、影片和音訊等。Publisher " "採用回應式的堆砌風格版面形式,在行動裝置上瀏覽的畫面就如同使用桌上型電腦瀏覽" "一樣美觀。" msgid "" "A minimal and clean portfolio theme, complete with featured slider and easy-" "to-configure portfolio pages. Designed to look great on large format " "displays, tablets and mobile devices." msgstr "" "極簡、簡潔的作品集佈景主題,具備特殊滑桿功能和易於設定的作品集頁面。其設計在" "大型顯示器、平板電腦和行動裝置上能夠展現完美排版。" msgid "" "A WordPress theme built for photographers. Includes easy to use galleries, " "and two gorgeous color schemes." msgstr "" "專為攝影師打造的 WordPress 佈景主題。內含易於使用的藝廊功能和兩種美麗的色彩配" "置。" msgid "" "A beautifully simple solution for showcasing photos professionally. The " "theme features 1, 2 and 3-column layout options, a slideshow page template, " "homepage featured slideshow and responsive framework for displaying content " "seamlessly across mobile devices." msgstr "" "優雅而簡潔的解決方案,能夠以專業方式展示照片。此佈景主題提供單欄、雙欄和三欄" "作品集版面形式選項、投影片頁面範本、首頁特色投影片,以及可在行動裝置上流暢顯" "示內容的回應式架構。" msgid "" "Organization is a well rounded business theme that was created with non-" "profit and environmentally conscious organizations in mind." msgstr "" "Organization 是全方位的企業佈景主題,其創作初衷是將非營利和環境保護組織列入考" "量。" msgid "Nexus is a unique grid-based theme with a beautiful responsive design." msgstr "Nexus 是獨一無二的方格式佈景主題,採用美觀的回應式設計。" msgid "A playful, sweet theme with art and illustration by Laura Amiss" msgstr "以 Laura Amiss 的藝術作品和插畫所點綴的俏皮、可愛佈景主題。" msgid "" "Kiore Moana is an easy-to-use one-column, responsive blog theme with big " "thumbnails, bold and beautiful typography, post format support and a " "minimal, widgetized info page option. The theme design embraces readability " "and offers lots of white space. Kiore Moana is a great theme for personal " "blogs, travel or photography blogs." msgstr "" "Kiore Moana 是易於使用的單欄回應式網誌佈景主題,提供大型縮圖、顯眼且美觀的印" "刷排版、文章格式支援,以及透過 Widget 呈現的極簡資訊頁面選項。此佈景主題設計" "易於閱讀,且提供大量留白空間。Kiore Moana 是個人網誌、旅行或攝影網誌的理想佈" "景主題。" msgid "" "Showcase your images in this clean, responsive grid-based theme packed with " "color and layout options." msgstr "" "此作品集佈景主題能以簡潔的回應式風格展示你的圖片,且提供豐富的顏色和版面形式" "選項。" msgid "" "Elemin is a clean, minimalistic theme with great white-space balance and " "elegant typography. It features nine color schemes, three site layout " "options, two post layout options, two custom menu areas, custom link colors, " "support for post formats, a footer widget area, custom header, custom " "background, and a responsive layout that adapts to various screen sizes." msgstr "" "Elemin 是清爽、極簡的佈景主題,有絕佳的留白空間平衡感,並展現優雅的印刷排版。" "此佈景主題提供九種色彩配置、三種網站版面形式選項、兩種文章版面形式選項、兩種" "自訂選單區域、自訂連結色彩、支援文章格式、頁尾 Widget 區域、自訂頁首、自訂背" "景,以及會依各種螢幕大小自動調整的回應式版面形式。" msgid "" "An innovative and stylish theme for photographers. With a unique photoblog, " "fully-featured gallery, responsive layout, and refined interface, you can " "easily share all of your snapshots, photographs and creative work." msgstr "" "適合攝影師的創新時尚佈景主題。透過獨一無二的照片網誌、全功能藝廊、回應式版面" "形式和精簡的介面,你可以輕鬆分享所有快照、照片和創作。" msgid "" "A responsive and minimalist tumblog style theme for photographers, artists, " "and creatives. Supports the image, gallery, audio, video, chat, link, and " "quote formats. Displays beautifully on any device." msgstr "" "靈敏又極簡的微網誌風格佈景主題,適用於攝影師、藝術家和創作人士。支援圖片、藝" "廊、音訊、影片、聊天、連結和引文格式。在任何裝置上均能優雅呈現內容。" msgid "A theme created for sharing travels and adventure." msgstr "專為分享旅行和冒險內容而建立的佈景主題。" msgid "" "Here's an overview of blogs you have connected to through Jetpack's Single " "Sign on." msgstr "以下是你透過 Jetpack 單一登入連線的網誌概覽。" msgid "Connected Blogs" msgstr "已連線的網誌" msgid "Disconnect all Blogs" msgstr "中斷連線所有網誌" msgid "Reply successful, view thread" msgstr "回應成功,檢視留言串" msgid "Edit Email Forward" msgstr "編輯電子郵件轉寄" msgid "" "This functionality requires JavaScript to function. Please enable JavaScript " "in your Browser and try again." msgstr "" "此功能需要 JavaScript 才能運作。請在你的瀏覽器中啟用 JavaScript,然後再試一" "次。" msgid "The email servers for this domain are:" msgstr "此網域的電子郵件伺服器為:" msgid "" "This domain currently has custom mail servers defined in its DNS settings. " "This means that Email Forwarding is not available for this " "domain, and that you should manage your email with your email provider." msgstr "" "此網域的 DNS 設定中目前已定義自訂的郵件伺服器。這表示此網域無法使用 " " 電子郵件轉寄,而且你應該透過你的電子郵件供應商來管理電子郵件。" msgid "The email forward has been removed." msgstr "電子郵件轉寄已移除。" msgid "That doesn't appear to be a valid email address" msgstr "該電子郵件地址似乎無效" msgid "" "An error occured while trying to process your request. Please try again or " "Contact Support if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "嘗試處理你的要求時發生錯誤。請再試一次;如果問題持續發生,請聯" "絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "Success! Thanks for confirming your email address with us. Email sent to " "%1$s will now be forwarded to %2$s." msgstr "" "成功!感謝你向我們確認你的電子郵件地址。傳送至 %1$s 的電子郵件現在將轉寄至 " "%2$s。" msgid "Success! %s has been successfully added." msgstr "成功!%s 已成功新增。" msgid "Other Email Address" msgstr "其他電子郵件地址" msgid "Existing Address" msgstr "現有地址" msgid "Verify your email forwarding address" msgstr "驗證你的電子郵件轉寄地址" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Reddit" msgstr "Reddit" msgid "" "This blog already has a plan which supersedes the one you're trying to " "purchase." msgstr "此網誌已套用一項方案,而該方案已取代你正嘗試購買的方案。" msgid "Motif is a crisp, minimalist, and fully responsive business theme." msgstr "Motif 是清新、極簡且完全回應式的企業佈景主題。" msgid "View complete profile" msgstr "檢視完整個人檔案" msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to unfollow that blog. Try again or contact support." msgstr "" "嘗試取消關注該網誌時發生錯誤。再試一次或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Supercharge your blog in one step:" msgstr "只要一個步驟就能讓你的網誌大放異彩:" msgid "" "Bushwick is a lightweight, responsive blogging theme, designed to show " "beautiful content alongside beautiful imagery." msgstr "" "Bushwick 是輕量型的回應式網誌佈景主題,專為展示美觀的內容和漂亮的圖像而設計。" msgid "Hides all ads on your site" msgstr "隱藏網站上的所有廣告" msgid "Confirm Email Address" msgstr "確認電子郵件地址" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with Use this URL to confirm your " "email address and start publishing posts: %2$s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "哈囉,%1$s:\n" "\n" "感謝你註冊。使用此網址即可確認電子郵件地址,並開始發佈文章:" "%2$s\n" "\n" msgid "Email Sent" msgstr "電子郵件已傳送" msgid "" "Resend " "confirmation email | Send to another " "email address" msgstr "" "重新傳送確認電子郵" "件 | 傳送至其他電子郵件地址" msgid "" "Email Confirmed! Now that you've confirmed your email " "address you can publish posts on your blog." msgstr "" "電子郵件已確認!你現在已經確認電子郵件地址,可以在網誌上發佈" "文章。" msgid "Confirm your email address for %1$s" msgstr "請確認 %1$s 的電子郵件地址" msgctxt "Remove Nameserver" msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" msgid "Generating preview..." msgstr "正在產生預覽…" msgid "Enable Redirect" msgstr "啟用重新導向" msgid "Update Redirect Location" msgstr "更新重新導向位置" msgid "Change Redirect Location" msgstr "變更重新導向位置" msgid "Edit Domain" msgstr "編輯網域" msgid "Never Expires (VIP Hosting)" msgstr "永不過期 (VIP 託管)" msgid "Never Expires" msgstr "永不過期" msgid "" "Your domain currently has Privacy enabled. The below details are what are " "shown for all domain contact detail requests." msgstr "" "你的網域目前已啟用隱私功能。所有網域聯絡詳細資料要求都會顯示下列詳細資料。" msgid "" "It's important to keep your domain names' contact information (also known as " "your Whois information) updated at all times. We use this information to " "notify you of changes or requests for your domain names." msgstr "" "請務必隨時更新你網域名稱的聯絡資訊 (也就是你的 Whois 資訊)。我們會使用此資訊" "向你傳送網域名稱的變更或要求等相關通知。" msgid "" "The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the " "governing body for domain names, requires valid contact information. If you " "enter false information, your domain name may be canceled by them." msgstr "" "管理網域名稱的機構─網際網路名稱與數字地址分配機構 (ICANN)─會要求有效的聯絡資" "訊。如果你輸入不正確的資訊,他們可能會取消你的網域名稱。" msgid "Domain Contact Information" msgstr "網域聯絡資訊" msgid "Fax" msgstr "傳真" msgid "" "Disable Private Registration. I understand that my contact details will be " "publicly available during the transfer period." msgstr "停用私密註冊。我瞭解我的聯絡詳細資料會在轉移期間公開。" msgid "Disable the Domain Lock to allow it to be transferred." msgstr "停用網域鎖定以允許轉移該網域。" msgid "" "In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must be have " "Private Registration disabled." msgstr "若要將你的網域轉移至其他註冊機構,你必需停用私密註冊。" msgid "" "In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must be unlocked " "first." msgstr "若要將你的網域轉移至其他註冊機構,你必需先將它解除鎖定。" msgid "" "In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must both be " "unlocked and have Private Registration disabled." msgstr "若要將你的網域轉移至其他註冊機構,你必需將它解除鎖定並停用私密註冊。" msgid "" "You can transfer your domain to another domain registrar at any time by " "providing them with your domain name and transfer code." msgstr "" "透過向他們提供你的網域名稱和轉移代碼,你可以隨時將網域轉移至其他網域註冊機" "構。" msgid "Request Transfer Code" msgstr "要求轉移代碼" msgid "" "Your domain is currently locked. This protects your domain " "from being transferred to another registrar without your permission." msgstr "" "你的網域目前已鎖定。這能夠保護你的網域,防止它在未取得你的同" "意之下轉移至其他註冊機構。" msgid "Decline Transfer" msgstr "拒絕轉移" msgid "Accept Transfer" msgstr "接受轉移" msgid "Enable Domain Locking" msgstr "啟用網域鎖定" msgid "" "If you are not intending on transferring this domain to another registrar, " "you are advised to re-enable Domain Locking." msgstr "如果你不想將此網域轉移至其他註冊機構,建議你重新啟用網域鎖定。" msgid "This domain is currently Unlocked." msgstr "此網域目前已解除鎖定。" msgid "Transfer Domain" msgstr "轉移網域" msgid "Name Servers" msgstr "名稱伺服器" msgid "Domain Contacts" msgstr "網域聯絡人" msgid "Undo Changes" msgstr "復原變更" msgid "Glad you want to stay! We've declined the domain transfer request." msgstr "你的留下讓我們感到很開心!我們已拒絕網域轉移要求。" msgid "" "Sorry to see you go! We've accepted the domain transfer, you should receive " "an email confirming this from your new registrar shortly." msgstr "" "你的離開讓我們感到很遺憾!我們已接受網域轉移,很快你便會收到來自新註冊機構的" "電子郵件,確認此作業。" msgid "" "Success! Private Registration was re-enabled on your domain. It may take a " "few minutes for the public contact details for the domain to update." msgstr "" "成功!已在你的網域上重新啟用私密註冊。可能需要數分鐘的時間來更新網域的公開聯" "絡詳細資料。" msgid "" "Success! Your domain has been re-locked to prevent it being transferred." msgstr "成功!你的網域已重新鎖定,以防止它受到轉移。" msgid "" "An error occured while trying to send the Domain Transfer code. Please try " "again or Contact Support if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "嘗試傳送網域轉移代碼時發生錯誤。請再試一次;如果問題持續發生,請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "An email has been sent to the Domain Registrant's contact email address " "containing the Domain Transfer Code. If you don't receive the email shortly, " "please check your spam folder." msgstr "" "系統已將一封包含網域轉移代碼的電子郵件傳送至網域註冊者的聯絡電子郵件地址。如" "果你稍後未收到電子郵件,請檢查你的垃圾郵件資料夾。" msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description" msgid "Billing Contact" msgstr "帳單聯絡人" msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description" msgid "Administrative Contact" msgstr "管理聯絡人" msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description" msgid "Technical Contact" msgstr "技術聯絡人" msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description" msgid "Domain Registrant" msgstr "網域註冊者" msgid "" "Success! The Whois contact details have been submitted to be updated. This " "isn't instant and may take a few minutes before the public whois data is " "updated" msgstr "" "成功!已提交要更新的 Whois 聯絡詳細資料。這並不會立即生效,且可能需要數分鐘的" "時間才能更新公開的 whois 資料" msgid "" "Oops! Something went wrong and your request could not be processed. Please " "try again or Contact Support if you continue to have " "trouble. " msgstr "" "糟糕!發生某種錯誤,無法處理你的要求。請再試一次;如果問題持續發生,請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Domain Management: %s" msgstr "網域管理:%s" msgid "Active - renews on %s" msgstr "啟用中 – 將於 %s 更新" msgid "This is your Primary Domain; the domains below will redirect to it." msgstr "這是你的主要網域;下方的網域將重新導向至該網域。" msgid "" "You can also pick your own color." msgstr "你也可以挑選自己的色彩。" msgid "" "Follow blogs that match your interest in the Reader. Or find " "friends who already have blogs. The more you follow, the better your " "recommendations." msgstr "" "在讀取程式中關注符合你興趣的網誌。或尋找已經擁有網誌的朋友。你關注的網誌越多,你推薦的內容就越優質。" msgid "We want to help you make %d even better with Jetpack." msgstr "我們想要透過 Jetpack 幫助你改善 %d。" msgid "Thanks for flying with Jetpack in %d." msgstr "感謝你於 %d 年使用 Jetpack。" msgid "Happy New Year from Jetpack!" msgstr "Jetpack 祝你新年快樂!" msgid "WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "WordPress 控制台" msgid "Please enter an authenticator code" msgstr "請輸入驗證碼" msgid "Do you have two factor authentication codes?" msgstr "你是否有雙重驗證代碼?" msgid "Domain not pointing to" msgstr "網域並非指向" msgid "" "If you believe your account is deleted in error try our account " "recovery form and we'll do our best to get you running again." msgstr "" "如果你認為我們誤將你的帳戶刪除,請填寫我們的帳戶復原表單,我" "們會盡力協助你恢復帳戶運作。" msgid "Maybe you have renamed your account." msgstr "你可能已將帳戶重新命名。" msgid "Account Deleted!" msgstr "帳戶已刪除!" msgid "" "If you believe your account is suspended in error please contact us" msgstr "" "如果你認為我們誤將你的帳戶停用,請聯絡我們" msgid "Account Suspended!" msgstr "帳戶已停用!" msgid "" "Tighten your account's security: Two-step authentication is now available on " " Enable now or learn more." msgstr "" "加強帳戶的安全性 現在提供兩步驟驗證功能。立即啟用" "深入瞭解。" msgid "Learn more" msgstr "進一步了解" msgid "" "A Flexible and Versatile Free WordPress Theme for Personal Bloggers released " "by" msgstr "" "彈性且多功能的免費 WordPress 佈景主題,適用於個人部落客,由 發" "行。" msgid "" "Writr is a minimalist, content-oriented tumblelog theme perfect for your " "personal blog. It comes packed with 6 different color schemes: turquoise " "(default), blue, green, grey, purple, and red. With a modern look and " "attention to crisp typography, Writr put the focus on your content." msgstr "" "Writr 是以內容為主的極簡微網誌佈景主題,非常適合個人網誌。此佈景主題隨附 6 種" "不同的色彩配置:藍綠色 (預設)、藍色、綠色、灰色、紫色和紅色。Writr 具備現代感" "且採用清新的印刷排版,以呈現內容為主。" msgid "" "The 2012 theme for WordPress is a fully responsive theme that looks great on " "any device. Features include a front page template with its own widgets, an " "optional display font, styling for post formats on both index and single " "views, and an optional no-sidebar page template. Make it yours with a custom " "menu, header image, and background." msgstr "" "WordPress 2012 主題是一款完整的自適應主題,不管在任何裝置上的顯示效果都很棒。" "特色包括一個有獨立模組小工具的首頁模版,可顯示一款自選字體,索引和單篇頁面模" "式下的文章格式樣式設定,可選的無邊欄頁面模版等。添加自定選單、頁首圖片和背景" "圖片,它就專屬於你。" msgid "" "The 2013 theme for WordPress takes us back to the blog, featuring a full " "range of post formats, each displayed beautifully in their own unique way. " "Design details abound, starting with a vibrant color scheme and matching " "header images, beautiful typography and icons, and a flexible layout that " "looks great on any device, big or small." msgstr "" "WordPress 「貳零壹參」全面支援文章格式,每種都有獨特的顯示方式。大量的設計細" "節有多種配色方案與頁首圖片,美麗的字體與圖示,以及在大螢幕與小螢幕上看起來都" "很棒的彈性頁面佈局。" msgid "" "In 2014, our default theme lets you create a responsive magazine website " "with a sleek, modern design. Feature your favorite homepage content in " "either a grid or a slider. Use the three widget areas to customize your " "website, and change your content's layout with a full-width page template " "and a contributor page to show off your authors. Creating a magazine website " "with WordPress has never been easier." msgstr "" "2014 年,我們預設佈景主題透過時尚的現代設計,讓你輕鬆建立一個回應式雜誌網站。" "在首頁的網格或輪播中顯示你最喜歡的內容,使用三個小工具區域自訂你的網站,全寬" "度頁面模版來變更你的內容版型,透過寫手頁面來展示你的作者群。使用 WordPress 來" "建立一個雜誌網站比以往更加簡單。" msgid "" "The 2010 theme for WordPress is stylish, customizable, simple, and readable " "-- make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background. Twenty " "Ten supports six widgetized areas (two in the sidebar, four in the footer) " "and featured images (thumbnails for gallery posts and custom header images " "for posts and pages). It includes stylesheets for print and the admin Visual " "Editor, special styles for posts in the \"Asides\" and \"Gallery\" " "categories, and has an optional one-column page template that removes the " "sidebar." msgstr "" "WordPress 的 2010 佈景主題是一款可自訂性高、簡單且易讀 -- 讓你自訂你的選單、" "頁首圖片和背景的佈景主題。2010 支援六個模組區域(兩個在側邊欄、四個在頁尾)和" "特色圖片(縮圖及為文章和網誌分頁自訂頁首圖片)。它包含列印及虛擬編輯器的樣式" "表,在 \"Asides\" 及 \"Gallery\" 分類的文章有特殊樣式,且有一個選用的單欄式頁" "面模版。" msgid "" "The 2011 theme for WordPress is sophisticated, lightweight, and adaptable. " "Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background -- then go " "further with available theme options for light or dark color scheme, custom " "link colors, and three layout choices. Twenty Eleven comes equipped with a " "Showcase page template that transforms your front page into a showcase to " "show off your best content, widget support galore (sidebar, three footer " "areas, and a Showcase page widget area), and a custom \"Ephemera\" widget to " "display your Aside, Link, Quote, or Status posts. Included are styles for " "print and for the admin editor, support for featured images (as custom " "header images on posts and pages and as large images on featured \"sticky\" " "posts), and special styles for six different post formats." msgstr "" "WordPress 貳零壹壹主題是最先進、輕量級、適應性強的。使用自訂選單,標題圖片," "和背景,進一步選擇淺或深色系,自訂鏈接顏色和三種佈局選擇。2011 有一個展示頁面" "模板將你的首頁轉換為展示最佳內容,支援邊欄模組(側邊欄,頁尾三處,一個展示頁" "面組件區域),以及自訂的『札』小組件,顯示你的獨白、鍊結、引文或狀態的文章。" "當中包括列印用樣式表以及編輯器,支援圖片功能(如文章與頁面的自訂標題圖片和置" "頂文章的大型圖片),六種文章格式的特別樣式。" msgid "" "For blogs and websites. Sleek design and solid code. Suits make you look " "good." msgstr "適用於網誌和網站。時尚的設計、紮實的架構。Suits 讓網誌擁有美麗的外觀。" msgid "" "Spun is a minimalist theme that puts the emphasis on your content; " "extraneous navigation fades away to put your words and images front and " "center. Whether you're a writer, photographer, or personal blogger, Spun's " "beautiful typography and responsive design showcase your creativity with " "subtle elegance." msgstr "" "Spun 是極簡的佈景主題,以呈現內容為主,其餘導覽功能則會退至一旁,以凸顯文字和" "圖片。無論你是作家、攝影師或個人部落客,Spun 美麗的印刷排版和回應式設計都能優" "雅地展現你的創意。" msgid "" "Ryu is a clutter-free theme for personal bloggers. It has great readability " "with a large font size, and the one-column layout is perfect for displaying " "large images. Optional widgets are located at the top panel with social " "media links and a search field. Background color for an image post will " "automatically match the uploaded image in the post." msgstr "" "Ryu 是簡潔的佈景主題,適用於個人部落客。此佈景主題有大型的字體,容易閱讀,且" "採用單欄版面形式,非常適合展示大型圖片。選擇性使用的 Widget 位於頂端面板,還" "附有社群連結和搜尋欄位。圖片文章的背景顏色會自動搭配文章中上載的圖片。" msgid "" "Everything about Reddle's minimal design elegantly adapts to how you want to " "use your blog and what you want to use it for. Want to use your blog for a " "simple one-column link blog? A two-column business site with a custom header " "and no posts? Reddle can do that too — and look good doing it too." msgstr "" "Reddle 的所有極簡設計都能讓你依照網誌使用方式和預期用途作出完美的調整。想讓網" "誌呈現簡潔的單欄連結嗎?或是想要使用兩欄配置、搭配自訂頁首且不顯示任何文章的" "企業網站?Reddle 也可以達到這個效果,而且外觀也十分精美。" msgid "" "Blogging at the speed of thought. P2 transforms a mild-mannered blog into a " "super-blog with features like inline comments, a posting form right on the " "homepage, inline editing of posts and comments, real-time updates, and much " "more." msgstr "" "與思想等快的內容創作。P2 能將中庸的部落格轉化為包含許多功能的超級部落格,這些" "功能包含內嵌的留言系統、首頁上的內容發佈表單、內嵌的文章及留言編輯器、即時更" "新等等。" msgid "" "Manifest is a clean and streamlined theme, with great care for typography, " "that focuses on the content and not the distractions. It comes with support " "for several post formats, including image, link, and aside, with the option " "of adding a subtle header image to bring a personal touch to the design." msgstr "" "Manifest 是一款簡潔且簡化的佈景主題,具備精緻的印刷排版,主要以內容為重心,而" "不是其他花絮。此佈景主題支援數種文章格式,包括圖片、連結和旁白,還可選擇加上" "精美的頁首圖片,將個人風格融合到設計中。" msgid "" "Flounder is a flat, minimally styled theme for bloggers which features " "colorful support for post formats and a clean, responsive layout." msgstr "" "Flounder 是適合部落客的單純、極簡風格佈景主題,支援彩色文章格式和簡潔的回應式" "版面形式。" msgid "" "An elegant, minimal theme designed for artists, photographers, and other " "creatives seeking a simple but beautiful way to showcase their talents " "online." msgstr "" "優雅、極簡的佈景主題設計,相當適合想要以簡單卻優雅的方式在線上展示作品的藝術" "家、攝影師及其他創作人士。" msgid "" "Connect to more services to reach a broader audience for your blog." msgstr "連線到其他服務,讓更多讀者能夠看到你的網誌。" msgid "Skip cropping" msgstr "略過裁剪" msgid "Select and crop" msgstr "選取並裁剪" msgid "%1$s recently mentioned you in \"%2$s\" on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 最近在 %3$s 的「%2$s」中標記了你" msgid "%1$s recently mentioned you in a comment on \"%2$s\" on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 最近在 %3$s 上針對「%2$s」的留言中標記了你" msgid "%1$s mentioned you on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 在 %2$s 中標記了你" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in a comment on \"%3$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s 在針對「%3$s」的留言中標記了你" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in \"%3$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s 在「%3$s」中標記了你" msgid "Follow Us" msgstr "請持續關注我們" msgid "Dock" msgstr "船塢" msgid "%1$d Food Menu Item" msgid_plural "%1$d Food Menu Items" msgstr[0] "%1$d 個菜單項目" msgid "Forest" msgstr "森林" msgid "" "Domain names have to be unique so if the exact domain name you want is " "already taken, you may have to compromise. Use the automatic suggestions to " "find another domain name that works for you." msgstr "" "網域名稱必須是唯一的,所以如果你想要的網域名稱已被他人採用,你就必須折衷。使" "用自動建議以尋找你想要的其他網域名稱。" msgid "" "Registering a custom domain name makes your blog more memorable and easier " "for your readers to find." msgstr "註冊自訂網域名稱,可讓你的網誌變得令人難忘,也能夠讓讀者更輕鬆找到。" msgid "Why Register a Domain Name?" msgstr "為何需要註冊網域名稱?" msgid "" "Every domain name you add also includes five free email addresses, so you " "can use your new domain name for your email address as well as for your blog." msgstr "" "你新增的每個網域名稱也會包含五個免費的電子郵件地址,因此你能夠將新網域名稱用" "於你的電子郵件地址和網誌。" msgid "" "Newly registered domain names can be canceled for a full refund within 96 " "hours of registration." msgstr "新註冊的網域名稱可以在註冊後的 96 小時內取消,並獲得全額退款。" msgid "" "Your new domain name will be registered for one year and you can renew it " "each year to keep it working." msgstr "你的新網域名稱將註冊一年,而且你能夠每年更新以維持其運作。" msgid "What Will My Domain Name Include?" msgstr "我的網域名稱將包含哪些內容?" msgid "What domain name would you like to use for your blog?" msgstr "你想要為網誌使用何種網域名稱?" msgid "New Row" msgstr "新列" msgid "" "Labels: spicy, favorite, etc. Separate Labels with commas" msgstr "標籤:嗆辣、最愛的內容等等。利用逗號分隔標籤" msgid "Add to section:" msgstr "新增至區段:" msgid "Save New Order" msgstr "儲存新順序" msgid "Enter the menu item's name here" msgstr "在此處輸入選單項目名稱" msgid "Menu item saved." msgstr "選單項目已儲存。" msgid "Menu item updated." msgstr "選單項目已更新。" msgid "Add Menu Item" msgstr "新增選單項目" msgid "New Menu Sections Name" msgstr "新增選單區段名稱" msgid "Add New Menu Section" msgstr "新增選單區段" msgid "Update Menu Section" msgstr "更新選單區段" msgid "View Menu Section" msgstr "檢視選單區段" msgid "Edit Menu Section" msgstr "編輯選單區段" msgid "Menu item published. View item" msgstr "選單項目已發佈。檢視項目" msgid "Parent Menu Section:" msgstr "上層選單區段:" msgid "Parent Menu Section" msgstr "上層選單區段" msgid "All Menu Sections" msgstr "所有選單區段" msgid "Search Menu Sections" msgstr "搜尋選單區段" msgid "Menu Section" msgstr "選單區段" msgid "Menu Sections" msgstr "選單區段" msgid "For example, spicy, favorite, etc.
    Separate Labels with commas" msgstr "例如:嗆辣、最愛的內容等等。
    利用逗號分隔標籤" msgid "The 60 Second Guide to Domain Names" msgstr "網域名稱 60 秒快速指南" msgid "" "You can search for a different name or choose from one of the following " "suggestions:" msgstr "你可以搜尋不同的名稱,或是從下列建議中挑選一個名稱:" msgid "" "You can comment, like or reblog great posts you find on It's " "also a great way to build your own community and find likeminded bloggers." msgstr "" "你可以留言、按讚或轉發你在 上找到的優良文章。你也能夠建立個人專" "屬的社群,並找到志同道合的部落客。" msgid "Interactive" msgstr "互動式" msgid "" "We'll make you a delicious magazine from every other blog you " "follow. It's a great way to get an overview of a community." msgstr "" "我們會針對你所關注的所有 網誌,為你製作一份精美的雜誌。這是一個" "總覽社群的好方法。" msgid "Fun" msgstr "有趣" msgid "" "Starting a blog is free, so if you have recipes, cat photos or " "deep thoughts to share, there’s no reason not to try blogging." msgstr "" "你可以免費建立 網誌,因此如果你有想要分享的食譜、小貓照片或精闢" "的見解,那就試試看將它們發佈到網誌吧。" msgid "" "Thanks for taking a look at this annual report. If you like, you could start " "your own blog in %d!" msgstr "" "感謝你閱讀這篇年度報告。如果你願意,可以在 %d 開始建立屬於你的 " "網誌!" msgid "Visit now!" msgstr "立即造訪!" msgid "" "It's easier than ever to comment on posts. Besides commenting directly on " "posts, you can comment in the Reader or even inside notifications. And remember, comments beget comments!" msgstr "" "在文章中留言變得更加容易。除了直接在文章上留言,你也可以在讀取程式" "中留言,至甚在通知內留言。請記得,留言會引發留言!" msgid "Interact" msgstr "互動" msgid "" "Turn on Publicize to reach a broader audience for your blog. Reach " "out to Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to get more traffic." msgstr "" "啟用 Publicize,讓更多讀者能夠看到你的網誌。透過 Twitter、Facebook " "與 Google+ 等服務獲得更多流量。" msgid "We want to help you make %d even better on" msgstr "我們想要幫助你在 上改善 %d。" msgid "" "Please provide the following information so that we can try to help you " "recover your account. Without proper validating information, we may not be able to help you recover your account. Read more " "about the process here." msgstr "" "請提供下列資訊,以便我們嘗試協助你復原帳戶。如果未提供正確的驗證資訊" ",我們可能無法協助你復原帳戶。你可以在這裡閱讀更" "多處理程序。" msgid "Add a post title" msgstr "新增文章標題" msgctxt "Variable is a hyperlink: A blog title pointing to a post permalink." msgid "Originally posted on %s:" msgstr "原作者: %s" msgid "Saving…" msgstr "儲存中…" msgid "View Themes" msgstr "檢視佈景主題" msgid "" "

    You should be able to recover your account simply by filling out the lost password form with the email address " "you've provided. Please check your spam folder for the reset email.

    If " "you still can't log in after another reset attempt and checking your spam " "folder, please resubmit the form below and we'll try to lend a hand.

    " msgstr "" "

    只要使用你提供的電子郵件地址填寫遺失密碼" "表單,你應該就能夠復原帳戶。請檢查你的垃圾郵件資料夾是否有重設電子郵件。

    如果再次嘗試重設並檢查垃圾郵件資料夾後仍然無法登入,請重新提交下方的表" "單,我們會盡力協助你。

    " msgid "Example" msgstr "範例" msgid "Hide related content after posts" msgstr "隱藏文章下方的相關內容" msgid "Preview:" msgstr "預覽:" msgid "The web site address you have specified is invalid." msgstr "你指定的網站網址無效。" msgid "The url you have specified does not look like a valid url." msgstr "你指定的網址似乎不是有效的網址。" msgid "Live Chat" msgstr "即時聊天" msgid "For those times when you can't find an answer on our Support site" msgstr "如果在我們的支援網站上找不到答案時,你可以" msgid "A Custom Site Address" msgstr "自訂網址" msgid "Show Me" msgstr "請為我示範" msgid "Now" msgstr "現在" msgid "" "Domain names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens and needs to end with " "an extension (for example, .com, .net, etc)." msgstr "" "網域名稱可包含字母、數字和連字號,而且必須以延伸字元結尾 (例如 .com、.net " "等)。" msgid "Search themes..." msgstr "搜尋佈景主題..." msgid "Site Status:" msgstr "網站狀態:" msgid "Search Error" msgstr "搜尋錯誤" msgid "Search Installed Themes" msgstr "搜尋已安裝佈景主題" msgctxt "theme author" msgid "By %s" msgstr "開發者:%s" msgid "" "Trying entering another email address you can access into the password reset " "form." msgstr "請嘗試在密碼重設表單中輸入其他你可以存取的電子郵件地址。" msgid "%1$s MB (%2$s%%) Space Used" msgstr "%1$s MB(%2$s%%)空間已使用" msgid "%s MB Space Allowed" msgstr "%s MB 可用空間" msgid "Theme Details" msgstr "佈景主題細節" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Active:" msgstr "目前使用的佈景主題:" msgid "" "If you already own this domain %s because you registered it elsewhere, you can still use it for your " " blog." msgstr "" "如果你已經擁有此網域 %s (因為" "你已在其他地方註冊該網域),你仍可將它用於你的 網誌。" msgid "" "Note that %1$s is a subdomain of %2$s, " "which is available for registration. After you register it, you can set up " "the subdomain to use for your blog." msgstr "" "請注意,%1$s%2$s 的子網域,可供註冊。註" "冊網域之後,你可以設定子網域,並將它用於你的網誌。" msgid "Please enter an activation URL or key" msgstr "請輸入啟動網址或金鑰" msgid "Do you have an activation URL or key?" msgstr "你是否有啟動網址或金鑰?" msgid "" "Check your e-mail address linked to the account for the confirmation link, " "including the spam or junk folder." msgstr "請查看連結到帳戶的電子郵件地址 (包括垃圾郵件資料夾) 是否有確認連結。" msgid "Fluid Layout" msgstr "流動佈局(Fluid Layout)" msgid "Fixed Layout" msgstr "固定佈局(Fixed Layout)" msgid "Please provide an email address at which we can contact you." msgstr "請提供我們可以聯絡到你的電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "Please provide the username, registered email, or URL of the specific blog " "you are contacting us about." msgstr "請提供你發生問題的使用者名稱、註冊的電子郵件,或特定網誌的網址。" msgid "Please do not use this form for general support questions." msgstr "請勿將此表單用來提交一般支援問題。" msgid "Yes, I already own this domain name. Map it to my blog." msgstr "是,我已經擁有此網域名稱。請對應至我的 網誌。" msgid "Do you already own this domain name?" msgstr "你是否已經擁有此網域名稱?" msgid "" "Congratulations, this domain name is available to register for your " " blog!" msgstr "恭喜!此網域名稱可供註冊用於你的 網誌!" msgid "" "Register a new domain name or map one you already own to your " "blog" msgstr "" "註冊新的網域名稱,或是將你已經擁有的網域名稱對應至你的 網誌" msgid "Attempted to set image quality outside of the range [1,100]." msgstr "嘗試設定的圖片品質超出範圍 [1,100]。" msgid "Accessibility Ready" msgstr "無障礙支援" msgid "Relevance" msgstr "相關性" msgid "" "Something happened behind the scenes.
    We're sorry. Could you come back " "later?" msgstr "背景中發生錯誤。
    很抱歉。請稍後再回來查看。" msgid "There was a glitch with search" msgstr "搜尋時發生問題" msgid "You are already following all comments on this site." msgstr "您已經在關注此網站上的所有評論。" msgid "" "Easily feature all posts with the \"featured\" tag or a " "tag of your choice. Your theme supports up to %2$s posts in its featured " "content area." msgstr "" "使用「精選」標籤或你選擇的標籤,輕鬆地將所有文章標為精" "選。你的佈景主題在其精選內容區中最多支援 %2$s 篇文章。" msgid "Searching…" msgstr "搜尋…" msgid "Error in adding the request" msgstr "新增要求時發生錯誤" msgid "You must include [feedback-link] in the e-mail text" msgstr "你必須在電子郵件文字中加入 [feedback-link]" msgid "E-mail text cannot be empty" msgstr "電子郵件文字不得為空白" msgid "Feedback received from your friend for \"%2$s\"" msgstr "所收到朋友對於「%2$s」的意見回饋" msgid "Display Site Title and Tagline" msgstr "顯示網站標題與與標語" msgid "Edit Card" msgstr "編輯信用卡" msgctxt " is also available in lang" msgid "%1$s is also available in %2$s " msgstr "%1$s 也有 %2$s 個語言版本。" msgctxt "in {category/tag name}" msgid "In \"%s\"" msgstr "在「%s」中" msgid "Add some pages" msgstr "新增一些頁面" msgid "My Posts" msgstr "我的貼文" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Coffee" msgstr "咖啡" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Ectoplasm" msgstr "星塵" msgid "A cloud of your most used tags." msgstr "你最常使用的標籤雲。" msgid "Entries from any RSS or Atom feed." msgstr "任何 RSS 或 Atom 訂閱項目。" msgid "A list or dropdown of categories." msgstr "分類列表或下拉式選單清單。" msgid "A search form for your site." msgstr "你網站的搜尋框。" msgid "A list of your site’s Pages." msgstr "你網站的頁面清單。" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Midnight" msgstr "午夜" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Default" msgstr "預設" msgid "A monthly archive of your site’s Posts." msgstr "你網站的文章月份彙整。" msgctxt "Type of themes to display" msgid "Free" msgstr "免費" msgctxt "Type of themes to display" msgid "All" msgstr "所有" msgctxt "Type of themes to display" msgid "Newest" msgstr "最新" msgctxt "Type of themes to display" msgid "Popular" msgstr "熱門" msgctxt "Type of themes to display" msgid "Trending" msgstr "趨勢" msgctxt "Type of themes to display" msgid "Premium" msgstr "進階" msgid "Your site’s most recent comments." msgstr "你網站的最新評論。" msgid "Your site’s most recent Posts." msgstr "你網站的最新文章。" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Light" msgstr "白天" msgid "" "This screen is used for managing your installed themes. Aside from the " "default theme(s) included with your WordPress installation, themes are " "designed and developed by third parties." msgstr "" "這個畫面用來管理已安裝的佈景主題。與 WordPress 預設的佈景主題不同,這些佈景主" "題皆由第三方設計開發。" msgid "" "To activate a widget drag it to a sidebar or click on it. To deactivate a " "widget and delete its settings, drag it back." msgstr "" "要啟用某一個小工具,將它拖曳到側邊欄或點擊它。要停用某一個小工具及刪除其設" "定,將它拖曳回來即可。" msgid "%1$s rating based on %2$s rating" msgid_plural "%1$s rating based on %2$s ratings" msgstr[0] "%1$s 分(基於 %2$s 次評等)" msgid "Show next theme" msgstr "顯示下一個佈景主題" msgid "Show previous theme" msgstr "顯示前一個佈景主題" msgid "Update Available" msgstr "有可用更新" msgid "" "Screen Options — Use the Screen Options tab to choose " "which Dashboard boxes to show." msgstr "" "顯示選項 — 使用「顯示選項」來選擇控制台要顯示的模組。" msgid "Unable to submit this form, please refresh and try again." msgstr "無法提交此表單,請重新整理後再試。" msgid "Popular Plugin" msgstr "熱門外掛" msgid "Tomorrow" msgstr "明天" msgid "No activity yet!" msgstr "尚未有活動!" msgid "What’s on your mind?" msgstr "你在想什麼?" msgid "WordPress News" msgstr "WordPress 新聞" msgid "Quick Draft" msgstr "快速草稿" msgid "" "Our stats helper monkeys have been busy putting together a personalized " "report detailing how your blog did in %d!" msgstr "" "我們的統計資料小幫手們正忙著準備個人化的報告,報告中會詳述你的網誌在 %d 年的" "表現!" msgid "Close overlay" msgstr "關閉" msgid "and %d more…" msgstr "以及其他 %d …" msgid "Enter a description" msgstr "輸入描述" msgid " running %2$s theme." msgstr "套用%2$s佈景主題的WordPress.com網站。" msgid "Recently Published" msgstr "最新發佈" msgid "Publishing Soon" msgstr "即將發佈" msgid "" "Tap or hover on any theme then click the Live Preview button to see a live " "preview of that theme and change theme options in a separate, full-screen " "view. You can also find a Live Preview button at the bottom of the theme " "details screen. Any installed theme can be previewed and customized in this " "way." msgstr "" "輕觸或是移動到任何以安裝的佈景主題上,點擊下方的「即時預覽」連結可查看即時預" "覽,並在獨立的頁面預覽該佈景主題並調整設定。你也可以在佈景主題細節最底部找到" "「即時預覽」連結。任何已安裝的佈景主題都能透過此方式預覽及自定。" msgid "Manage Uploads" msgstr "上載管理" msgid "Add New Theme" msgstr "安裝佈景主題" msgid "" "At a Glance — Displays a summary of the content on " "your site and identifies which theme and version of WordPress you are using." msgstr "" "網站概況 — 顯示目前網站狀況的內容摘要,例如網站所使用" "的佈景主題及 WordPress 版本等資訊。" msgid "" "When previewing on smaller monitors, you can use the collapse icon at the " "bottom of the left-hand pane. This will hide the pane, giving you more room " "to preview your site in the new theme. To bring the pane back, click on the " "collapse icon again." msgstr "" "當在小螢幕裝置上預覽時,你可以使用左下方「摺疊」圖示。它將隱藏控制區,給你較" "多的空間預覽顯示新佈景主題外觀。再次點擊「摺疊」圖示可把控制區展開。" msgid "" "The theme being previewed is fully interactive — navigate to different " "pages to see how the theme handles posts, archives, and other page " "templates. The settings may differ depending on what theme features the " "theme being previewed supports. To accept the new settings and activate the " "theme all in one step, click the Activate & Publish button above the " "menu." msgstr "" "網站管理員即時預覽佈景主題時,可以進行完整的互動式操作;透過瀏覽不同頁面,網" "站管理員查看這個佈景主題如何顯示文章、彙整頁面或其他頁面範本。不同的佈景主" "題,在預覽畫面能提供的設定也不同;點擊選單上方的 [啟用並發佈] 按鈕,便能一鍵" "啟用佈景主題並套用已完成的設定。" msgid "" "Click on the theme to see the theme name, version, author, description, " "tags, and the Delete link" msgstr "點擊佈景主題查看佈景主題名稱、版本、作者、說明、標籤和刪除連結" msgid "Hover or tap to see Activate and Live Preview buttons" msgstr "移動鼠標或輕觸將會顯示「啟用」與「即時預覽」按鈕" msgid "" "Quick Draft — Allows you to create a new post and " "save it as a draft. Also displays links to the 3 most recent draft posts " "you've started." msgstr "" "快速草稿 — 讓你新增文章並儲存為草稿。也能顯示最近3篇草" "稿的連結。" msgid "" "Activity — Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, " "recently published posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and " "allows you to moderate them." msgstr "" "活動 — 顯示即將發佈、最近發佈的文章,以及你文章的近期" "留言,讓你能夠審核。" msgid "The active theme is displayed highlighted as the first theme." msgstr "以醒目方式標示、且排序第一的佈景主題,就是這個網站目前使用的佈景主題。" msgid "" "Click Customize for the active theme or Live Preview for any other theme to " "see a live preview" msgstr "" "點擊目前使用的佈景主題的 [自訂] 或其他佈景主題的 [即時預覽] 按鈕,便能即時預" "覽佈景主題外觀。" msgid " Staff" msgstr " 員工" msgid "← Back to previous step" msgstr "← 返回上一步" msgid "" "Experience the full power of the Colors tool and countless palettes with " "Custom Design, part of the Premium Plan. Make your blog look and feel " "exactly the way you want." msgstr "" "透過「進階版方案」的「自訂設計」體驗色彩工具及多種調色盤的完整功能。依照你的" "喜好自訂網誌的外觀和風格。" msgid "You can use it to customize the design of any theme." msgstr "你可以使用它來自訂任何 佈景主題的設計。" msgid "CSS Editor" msgstr "CSS 編輯器" msgid "Double check to make sure your email address is correct." msgstr "請再次檢查以確認你的電子郵件地址正確無誤。" msgid "Video on %s" msgstr "%s 上的影片" msgid "hits" msgstr "點擊次數" msgctxt "Congratulations on writing $number total posts on $blog_title" msgid "Congratulations on writing your first post on %1$s." msgid_plural "Congratulations on writing %2$s total posts on %1$s." msgstr[0] "恭喜你在 %1$s 撰寫了第%2$s篇文章。" msgid "New posts " msgstr "新文章" msgid "Custom site address" msgstr "自訂的網站位址" msgid "Unlimited usage" msgstr "無限使用" msgctxt "Short for credit card expiration" msgid "Exp." msgstr "有效期限" msgid "" "Check out our growing collection of premium themes to " "find the perfect fit for your blog." msgstr "" "快來看看我們數量越來越多的進階佈景主題,挑選最適合你網誌風" "格的佈景主題。" msgid "" "Buy a premium theme for your blog and stand out from the " "crowd!" msgstr "購買進階佈景主題,讓你的網誌脫穎而出!" msgid "" "Take your blog to incredible heights with a premium theme." msgstr "運用進階佈景主題,讓網誌外觀無與倫比。" msgid "" "Want to be the proud owner of a more exclusive theme? Buy a " "premium theme →" msgstr "" "想要設計一個令你感到驕傲的專屬佈景主題嗎?購買進階佈景主題 →" msgid "Upgrade to %s" msgstr "升級至%s" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Checkout" msgstr "結帳" msgid "Your current plan" msgstr "你目前的方案" msgid "Recent Pages" msgstr "最近的網頁" msgid "l, F j, g:i a" msgstr "F j 日l g:i a" msgid "" "We’ll continue monitoring your site, and will let you know when it’s up " "again." msgstr "我們將持續監控你的網站,並在網站恢復正常時通知你。" msgid "The Jetpack Team" msgstr "Jetpack 團隊" msgctxt "abbreviation of minute" msgid "a min" msgstr "一分鐘" msgctxt "unit of time" msgid "a few seconds" msgstr "幾秒鐘" msgctxt "time in days abbreviation" msgid "%sd" msgstr "%sd" msgctxt "time ago" msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s 之前" msgctxt "time from now" msgid "in %s" msgstr "剩餘 %s" msgctxt "time in weeks abbreviation" msgid "%sw" msgstr "%s週" msgctxt "time in minutes abbreviation" msgid "%sm" msgstr "%sm" msgctxt "time ago today" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgctxt "time in hours abbreviation" msgid "%sh" msgstr "%sh" msgid "%1$s liked your comment on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 覺得你在 %2$s 的留言很讚" msgid "No image set" msgstr "未設定圖片" msgid "Unknown error" msgstr "未知的錯誤" msgctxt "You've reached $number followers on $blog_title" msgid "You've received your first follower on %2$s" msgid_plural "You've reached %1$s followers on %2$s" msgstr[0] "已有 %1$s 人在 %2$s 關注你" msgctxt "You've reached $number likes on $blog_title" msgid "You've received your first like on %2$s" msgid_plural "You've reached %1$s likes on %2$s" msgstr[0] "你已獲得 %1$s 個讚 (在 %2$s 上)" msgctxt "Used between list items, there is a space after the comma." msgid ", " msgstr ", " msgid "Next Post %title" msgstr "下一篇文章 %title" msgid "Previous Post %title" msgstr "上一篇文章 %title" msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found." msgstr "糟糕!找不到該頁面。" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "升級" msgid "Hugs" msgstr "讚許" msgid "Get Social" msgstr "增加社群互動" msgid "Manage My Profile" msgstr "管理我的個人檔案" msgid "Create Content" msgstr "建立內容" msgid "Customize My Site" msgstr "自訂我的網站" msgid "Help Topics" msgstr "說明主題" msgid "My Support History" msgstr "我的支援記錄" msgid "Find Answers" msgstr "尋找答案" msgid "Help & Support" msgstr "說明與支援" msgid "" "Can't find what you're looking for? Contact our support team" msgstr "找不到你要尋找的內容?請聯絡我們的支援團隊" msgid "" "No results found for your search. Please try to refine your search or contact us for additional help." msgstr "" "你的搜尋條件找不到任何結果。請嘗試縮小搜尋範圍,或者聯絡我們以取得其他說明。" msgid "" "Are you wanting to import content from another platform? " "Read our support guide on Importing from Posterous." msgstr "" "是否要從其他平台匯入內容?請參閱我們的支援指南,瞭解如何從 Posterous 進行匯入。" msgid "Top Questions - Instant Answers" msgstr "熱門問題 – 即時答案" msgctxt "text for multiple new posts notification (2 new posts)" msgid "new posts" msgstr "新文章" msgctxt "text for single new post notification (1 new post)" msgid "new post" msgstr "新文章" msgctxt "Shown when the next infinite scroll page is loading" msgid "Wait, there's more!" msgstr "等等,不僅如此!" msgid "Individual" msgstr "個人" msgid "Go Mobile" msgstr "使用行動版" msgid "" "Does your blog not display properly? Try " "clearing cache and cookies." msgstr "" "你的網誌是否無法正確顯示請嘗試清除快取和 " "Cookie。" msgid "Featured Content" msgstr "特色內容" msgid "" "The settings for Featured Content have moved to Appearance " "→ Customize." msgstr "精選內容的設定已移至外觀 → 自訂。" msgid "No Comments on %s" msgstr "%s 沒有評論" msgid "Author " msgstr "作者" msgid "Pay %s" msgstr "支付 %s" msgid "Free trial" msgstr "免費試用" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Notifications" msgstr "通知" msgctxt "You've received $number (likes|follows) on $blog_title" msgid "You've received %1$s %2$s on %3$s" msgid_plural "You've received %1$s %2$s on %3$s" msgstr[0] "你已獲得 %1$s 個 %2$s (在 %3$s 上)" msgctxt "$number Posts" msgid "First Post!" msgid_plural "%1$s Posts!" msgstr[0] "第%1$s篇文章!" msgctxt "You've reached $number posts on $blog_title" msgid "You've made your first post on %2$s" msgid_plural "You've reached %1$s posts on %2$s" msgstr[0] "你已經在 %2$s 上撰寫了第%1$s篇文章" msgctxt "post milestone count" msgid "posts" msgstr "篇文章" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Earnings" msgstr "收穫" msgid "Current header" msgstr "目前頁首圖片" msgid "Add new" msgstr "新增連結" msgid "Home page/Archives" msgstr "首頁/封彙整" msgid "Filter by date" msgstr "按日期篩選" msgid "WordPress User" msgstr "WordPress 使用者" msgid "Blog posts" msgstr "網誌文章" msgid "Video post." msgstr "影片文章。" msgid "Video post by %s." msgstr "影片發佈者為 %s。" msgid "Repeat Background Image" msgstr "重複背景圖片" msgid "Introduction" msgstr "簡介" msgid "Button" msgstr "按鈕" msgid "Feature" msgstr "精選" msgid "Alert" msgstr "警示" msgid "Default template" msgstr "預設模板" msgid "Header background image" msgstr "首页背景图片" msgid "Returns" msgstr "退款" msgid "One account connected." msgid_plural "%d accounts connected." msgstr[0] "已連結%d個帳戶。" msgid "No device has been confirmed." msgstr "尚未確認任何裝置。" msgid "What is the URL of the specific blog you are contacting us about?" msgstr "你發生問題的特定網誌網址為何?" msgid "" "Oops, does not belong to you. Please provide your " "specific website address." msgstr "糟糕, 並不屬於你。請提供你的特定網站位址。" msgid "%smo" msgid_plural "%smo" msgstr[0] "%smo" msgid "%sw" msgid_plural "%sw" msgstr[0] "%s週" msgid "Use commas instead of %s to separate excluded terms." msgstr "請用半型逗號(,)分隔多個排除項目,不要使用 %s 。" msgid "The WordPress Team" msgstr "WordPress 團隊" msgid "" "Some of the items you wanted (%s) are included in %s, so we removed them for " "you." msgstr "你想要的一些項目 (%s) 已包含在 %s 中,因此我們已將這些項目移除。" msgid "l, F j, Y" msgstr "l, F j, Y" msgid "m/y" msgstr "m/y" msgid "M d, Y @ g:ia" msgstr "M d, Y @ g:ia" msgid "g:00 a" msgstr "g:00 a" msgid "l F j, Y" msgstr "Y F j (l)" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "One comment" msgid_plural "%1$s comments" msgstr[0] "%1$s評論" msgid "Body text color" msgstr "主體文字顏色" msgid "Video Hosting" msgstr "影片託管" msgid "WordPress Hosting" msgstr "WordPress 託管服務" msgctxt "record number of likes or followers in a day/week/etc" msgid "Old Record: " msgstr "舊記錄:" msgctxt "record number of likes or followers in a day/week/etc" msgid "Current Record: " msgstr "目前記錄:" msgid "" "Something went wrong. Your WHOIS privacy upgrade was not completed " "correctly. Please contact " "support." msgstr "" "發生某種錯誤。你的 WHOIS 隱私升級未正確完成。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "The password reset key you have specified is invalid." msgstr "你指定的密碼重設金鑰無效。" msgid "The SMS recovery number you have provided is invalid." msgstr "你提供的簡訊復原號碼無效。" msgid "Activate Site" msgstr "已啟用的網站" msgid "Japanese" msgstr "日文" msgid "German" msgstr "德文" msgid "French" msgstr "法文" msgid "Chinese" msgstr "中文" msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "葡萄牙文" msgid "Italian" msgstr "意大利文" msgctxt "admin bar menu new label" msgid "New" msgstr "新增" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Trophy Case" msgstr "榮譽榜" msgctxt "currency" msgid "British Pounds" msgstr "英鎊" msgid "Get started!" msgstr "開始使用!" msgid "Liked by you" msgstr "你覺得這很讚" msgid "%s people" msgstr "%s 人" msgid "" "We ask that you print this list of ten unique, one-time-use backup codes and " "keep the list in a safe place." msgstr "請你列印這份含有十組唯一的一次性備用密碼清單,並妥善保存。" msgid "" "Without access to the app, your phone, or a backup code, you will lose " "access to your account." msgstr "如果無法存取應用程式、電話或備用密碼,你就會失去帳戶的存取權。" msgid "Ocean" msgstr "海藍色" msgid "Recent Activity" msgstr "近期活動" msgid "Translation Updates" msgstr "更新翻譯" msgid "The SSL certificate for the host could not be verified." msgstr "無法驗證該主機的 SSL 憑證。" msgid "Sorry, that key has expired. Please try again." msgstr "抱歉,驗證碼已過期。請再試一次。" msgid "The upgrade has been cancelled as requested." msgstr "該升級已應要求取消。" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Description" msgstr "說明" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Display Name" msgstr "顯示名稱" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Last Name" msgstr "姓氏" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "First Name" msgstr "名字" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Email" msgstr "電子郵件" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Login" msgstr "登入" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "User ID" msgstr "使用者 ID" msgctxt "Error Message Button" msgid "Back" msgstr "返回" msgctxt "Error Message Label" msgid "Error:" msgstr "錯誤:" msgid "Missing or invalid site id." msgstr "缺少網站 ID 或 ID 無效。" msgid "There are no public comments available to display." msgstr "沒有可顯示的公開留言。" msgctxt "stats referrer type" msgid "Search Engines" msgstr "搜尋引擎" msgctxt "stats referrer type" msgid "Private networks" msgstr "私人網路" msgid "Receipt Id" msgstr "收據 ID" msgid "Payment" msgstr "付款" msgid "Credit" msgstr "信用卡" msgid "Receipt Type" msgstr "收據類型" msgid "Add WordPress Site" msgstr "新增 WordPress 網站" msgid "Your photo is managed using the Gravatar service." msgstr "你的照片是透過「大頭貼」服務來管理。" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "Hey there. Looks like the post you were " "looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already been restored?" msgstr "" "嗨!你要找的文章似乎已經不存在。該文章是否已" "經還原了?" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "Hey there. Looks like the post you were " "looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already been deleted?" msgstr "" "嗨!你要找的文章似乎已經不存在。該文章是否已" "經刪除了?" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "Hey there. Looks like the post you were " "looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already in your trash?" msgstr "" "嗨!你要找的文章似乎已經不存在。該文章是否已" "經被移到垃圾桶了?" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "Hey there. Looks like the post you were " "looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's in your trash?" msgstr "" "嗨!你要找的文章似乎已經不存在。該文章是否被" "移到垃圾桶了?" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "Woah there! Looks like you don't have " "permission to do that. You should try contacting your site admin and see if " "they can help." msgstr "" "嗨!你似乎沒有執行該操作的權限。請嘗試與網站" "管理員聯絡,看看他們是否能提供協助。" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "Whoops! Looks like something went wrong. " "Try again?" msgstr "糟糕!似乎發生某種錯誤。再試一次?" msgid "No Topic or Blog URL given" msgstr "未指定任何主題或網誌網址" msgid "Project Tags" msgstr "專案標籤" msgid "Contributor" msgstr "撰寫人員" msgid "Posts Page" msgstr "文章頁面" msgctxt "Comma-separated list of search stopwords in your language" msgid "" "about,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to," "was,what,when,where,who,will,with,www" msgstr "" "about,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to," "was,what,when,where,who,will,with,www" msgid "" "This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password " "below:" msgstr "該內容受密碼保護。如欲檢視請在下方輸入你的密碼:" msgid "Failed to write request to temporary file." msgstr "暫彙整案未能寫入請求。" msgid "Connected Applications" msgstr "已連線的應用程式" msgid "File size:" msgstr "檔案大小:" msgid "" "The sizes listed below determine the maximum dimensions in pixels to use " "when adding an image to the Media Library." msgstr "下面列出的大小決定新增至媒體庫時使用的圖片最大尺寸,以像素為單位。" msgid "%s page permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s pages permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "已永久刪除了 %s 個頁面。" msgid "%s post permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s posts permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "已永久刪除了 %s 篇文章。" msgid "%s page restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s pages restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "自垃圾桶還原了 %s 個頁面。" msgid "%s page moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s pages moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 個頁面已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "%s post restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s posts restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 篇文章已經從垃圾桶還原。" msgid "%s post moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s posts moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 篇文章已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP 位址" msgid "This connection is working correctly." msgstr "此連結正常運作。" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Explore Tags" msgstr "探索標籤" msgid "Tags %s" msgstr "標籤 %s" msgid "Enter a URL" msgstr "輸入網址" msgid "Print account recovery codes" msgstr "輸出帳戶還原碼" msgid "" "Hey! You are using two-step authentication, but you haven’t printed " "your account recovery codes. It’s important to have these in case you " "ever have trouble accessing your blog." msgstr "" "嗨!你目前已啟用兩步驟驗證,但尚未列印帳戶復原碼。請務必備妥,以便順利存取網" "誌。" msgid "Unable to delete the list item" msgstr "無法刪除此項目清單" msgid "No list item given" msgstr "未提供項目清單" msgid "Follow Button" msgstr "關注按鈕" msgid "Show follower count" msgstr "顯示關注者數量" msgid "Show blog name" msgstr "顯示網誌名稱" msgctxt "NewDash Comments Activity Feed" msgid "View All Comments" msgstr "檢視所有的回饋內容" msgid "Send recovery code via text" msgstr "以簡訊傳送還原碼" msgid "Recovery code has been sent." msgstr "還原碼已經寄出。" msgid " verification code: %s" msgstr " 驗證碼: %s" msgid "Invalid phone number." msgstr "電話號碼無效。" msgid "Delivery Frequency" msgstr "發送頻率" msgid "" "Become a user and manage your subscriptions directly in your " "account." msgstr "成為 的用戶並管理你的訂閱。" msgid "" "This is the management page for following post comments. You will receive an " "email at %s whenever anyone comments on these posts. Unsubscribe to stop " "receiving emails for that post. Go to Settings to stop receiving " "all emails from" msgstr "" "這是訂閱部落格文章留言的管理界面。每當有新的留言,您的電郵地址%s 會收到郵件。" "如果您想取消訂閱,請到設定中做相應設定,這樣就不會再收到從WordPress." "com來的郵件。" msgid "Sign out" msgstr "登出" msgid "Unable to update the list" msgstr "無法更新清單" msgid "Please enter a list title" msgstr "請輸入清單標題" msgid "Unable to delete the list" msgstr "無法刪除清單" msgid "No list given" msgstr "未指定清單" msgid "Activate Two Step Authentication" msgstr "停用兩步驟驗證" msgid "" "Enhance the security of your account with Two Step Authentication — a " "second step to the log-in process that no-one but you can access." msgstr "使用兩步驟驗證,增強帳戶的安全性 —— 第二個登入程序步驟只有你可以存取。" msgid "Unable to create a new list." msgstr "無法建立新的清單。" msgid "Please enter a list name" msgstr "請輸入清單名稱" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Posts I Like" msgstr "我按讚的文章" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Comments I Made" msgstr "我發佈的回應" msgid "Show Excerpts:" msgstr "顯示摘要:" msgid "Show Featured Image:" msgstr "顯示特色圖片:" msgid "Number of Posts to Display:" msgstr "文章顯示數量:" msgid "Enter a or Jetpack WordPress site URL." msgstr "輸入 或 Jetpack WordPress 網站 URL。" msgid "" "Displays a list of recent posts from another or Jetpack-" "enabled blog." msgstr "顯示來自其他 或是啟用 Jetpack 之網誌的近期文章清單。" msgid "Display WordPress Posts" msgstr "顯示 WordPress 文章" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "%1$s commented on: %2$s.\n" "\n" "Comment URL: (%3$s)\n" "Post URL: (%4$s)\n" "\n" msgstr "" "哈囉:\n" "\n" "%1$s 回應了:%2$s。\n" "\n" "回應網址:(%3$s)\n" "文章網址:(%4$s)\n" "\n" msgid "" "Unsubscribe or modify your %3$s." msgstr "取消訂閱或修改 %3$s。" msgid "Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from %2$s." msgstr "取消訂閱,不再接收來自 %2$s 的文章通知。" msgid "Lists" msgstr "清單" msgid "Create List" msgstr "建立清單" msgid "Post published" msgstr "文章已發佈" msgid "Enter a tag" msgstr "輸入標籤" msgid "Could not connect to Instagram (error %s)." msgstr "無法連結至 Instagram (錯誤 %s)。" msgid "View this comment" msgstr "查看此留言" msgid "Site Logo" msgstr "網站標誌" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Customize" msgstr "自訂" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Group" msgstr "群組" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Recommended Blogs" msgstr "為你推薦的網誌" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Find Friends" msgstr "尋找朋友" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Local Posts" msgstr "本機文章" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Freshly Pressed" msgstr "新出爐的文章" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Connected Apps" msgstr "已連線的應用程式" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Billing History" msgstr "帳單記錄" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Subscriptions Delivery" msgstr "訂閱傳送" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Public Profile" msgstr "公開個人檔案" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Security" msgstr "安全性" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Password" msgstr "密碼" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Account" msgstr "我的帳戶" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Settings" msgstr "設定" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Help" msgstr "說明" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Stats" msgstr "我的統計" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "New Post" msgstr "新文章" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Activity" msgstr "我的活動" msgid "Recent results for" msgstr "以下搜尋條件的最近結果:" msgctxt "Trophy Case sidebar headline" msgid "Filter by blog" msgstr "依網誌篩選" msgid "Show All" msgstr "顯示全部" msgctxt "Trophy Case sidebar headline" msgid "Filter by type" msgstr "依類型篩選" msgid "Note" msgstr "備註" msgid "Read more" msgstr "閱讀全文" msgid "Related" msgstr "相關" msgid "With 1 comment" msgid_plural "With %s comments" msgstr[0] "有%s則留言" msgid "Show related content after posts" msgstr "在文章內容下方顯示相關文章區塊" msgid "In %s" msgstr "在 %s" msgid "Download all email-only followers as CSV" msgstr "將所有只提供電子郵件的關注者下載為 CSV 檔" msgid "Email-only Followers" msgstr "只提供電子郵件的關注者" msgid "The specified email is invalid." msgstr "指定的電子郵件無效。" msgid "Organized by" msgstr "舉辦" msgid "Eventbrite API: %s" msgstr "Eventbrite API:%s" msgid "Eventbrite API: Failed to get auth service." msgstr "Eventbrite API:無法取得驗證服務。" msgctxt "submit-button" msgid "Submit" msgstr "送出" msgid "theme" msgstr "佈景主題" msgid "" "You can now manage the blogs you follow in the " "Reader." msgstr "你現在可以在 讀取器中管理關注的網誌。" msgid "Connect with " msgstr "與下列服務連結:" msgid "Table of Contents" msgstr "目錄" msgid "Click to autoplay the presentation!" msgstr "按一下以自動播放簡報!" msgid "Comment must be manually approved" msgstr "留言必須手動核准" msgid "Start a Blog" msgstr "開始建立網誌" msgid "" "Note: we don't count shares from 'official' buttons, just the standard share " "links. These numbers may not match the Sharing buttons or stats provided by " "the Sharing Services themselves, because we can only count shares that " "happen on" msgstr "" "附註:我們不計算「官方」按鈕的分享次數,只將標準分享連結列入計算。這些數字可" "能會與「分享」按鈕或「分享服務」所提供的統計資料不符,因為我們只計算 " " 上的分享次數。" msgid "Total Shares : %s" msgstr "分享總數:%s" msgid "Sorry, that page does not exist." msgstr "很抱歉,該頁面不存在。" msgid "Eventbrite Authentication" msgstr "Eventbrite Authentication" msgid "Create New Site" msgstr "建立新網站" msgid "Buy Tickets" msgstr "購買票券" msgctxt "ticket price" msgid "%s and up" msgstr "%s起" msgctxt "ticket price" msgid "Free" msgstr "免費" msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "Online" msgstr "線上" msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "All Locations" msgstr "所有地點" msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "Event Name" msgstr "活動名稱" msgctxt "eventbrite settings" msgid "All Organizers" msgstr "所有主辦" msgid "Venue" msgstr "場地" msgid "Organizer" msgstr "主辦" msgid "Ticket Purchase Link/Button Text" msgstr "票券購買連結/按鈕文字" msgctxt "voce settings api" msgid "Your changes have been saved." msgstr "你的變更已儲存。" msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "Event ID" msgstr "事件ID" msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "Event Date" msgstr "活動日期" msgid "Featured Events" msgstr "精選活動" msgid "Show Events" msgstr "顯示活動" msgid "Online" msgstr "線上" msgid "All Locations" msgstr "所有地點" msgid "All Organizers" msgstr "所有主辦" msgctxt "keyring" msgid "Delete" msgstr "刪除" msgid "Buy" msgstr "購買" msgid "free" msgstr "免費" msgid "Add your own event" msgstr "新增你自己的活動" msgid "Venue:" msgstr "場地:" msgid "Organizer:" msgstr "主辦:" msgid "Eventbrite: Event Calendar/Listing" msgstr "Eventbrite:活動行事曆/清單" msgid "Sign in" msgstr "登入" msgid "Link Label:" msgstr "連結名稱:" msgctxt "" "Widget Visibility: {Rule Major [Page]} is {Rule Minor [Search results]}" msgid "is" msgstr "是" msgid "Post Archives" msgstr "文章彙整" msgid "Invalid post id" msgstr "文章ID無效" msgid "Copying post..." msgstr "正在複製文章..." msgid "Select an account to connect:" msgstr "選擇一個帳戶連結:" msgid "Share your blog posts with family, friends, or followers" msgstr "與你的家人、朋友和追蹤者分享你的部落格。" msgid "" "Connect your accounts so that when you publish a post it will be " "automatically shared on Facebook or Twitter. Blog posts that are " "shared get 50% more likes, comments and views." msgstr "" "連結帳戶後,你發佈文章時,就會自動分享到 Facebook 或 Twitter。分享的" "網誌文章會獲得的讚數、回應和瀏覽次數會增加 50%。" msgid "Connect with %s" msgstr "與 %s 連結" msgid "You do not have permission to access this page." msgstr "你沒有權限瀏覽此頁面。" msgid "Please enter a complete domain name - e.g." msgstr "請輸入完整網域名稱,例如" msgid "Looking for %1$s in %2$s" msgstr "正在從 %2$s 中尋找 %1$s" msgid "Date:" msgstr "日期:" msgid "Card ending in" msgstr "信用卡尾號為" msgid "Thank you for your purchase!" msgstr "感謝你的購買!" msgid " Media %s" msgstr " 媒體 %s" msgid "Use Markdown for comments." msgstr "將 Markdown 用於留言。" msgid "Learn more about Markdown." msgstr "瞭解更多關於 Markdown 的資訊。" msgid "Use Markdown for posts and pages." msgstr "將 Markdown 用於文章和頁面。" msgid "Search YouTube" msgstr "搜尋YouTube" msgid "You both liked posts on these blogs" msgstr "你們都很喜歡這些網誌的文章" msgid "%1$s blogs at" msgstr "%1$s 位於以下位置的網誌:" msgid "" "Good Job! %1$s really liked your post %3$s!" msgstr "" "很好!%1$s 非常喜歡你的文章 %3$s!" msgid "Yesterday at %s" msgstr "昨天在 %s" msgid "Total: %s" msgstr "總計 %s" msgid "" "Your Testimonial Archive currently has no entries. You can start creating " "them on your dashboard." msgstr "你的「證言封存」目前沒有任何項目。你可以在你的控制台上開始建立項目。" msgid "Date Range" msgstr "日期範圍" msgid "Resend Email" msgstr "重新傳送電子郵件" msgid "Emails Sent To" msgstr "電子郵件已傳送至" msgid "Create a brand new user and add them to this site." msgstr "建立一個全新的使用者,並將他加入此網站。" msgid "" "ERROR: Please log in using your main password and two-step " "authentication to update your profile." msgstr "" "錯誤:請使用你的主要密碼和兩步驟驗證功能登入,以更新個人檔" "案。" msgid "Enter a Twitter Username" msgstr "輸入一個推特使用者名稱" msgid "Location:" msgstr "位置" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "By Location" msgstr "按位置" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "All" msgstr "全部" msgid "Enter Username" msgstr "輸入使用者名稱" msgid "Enter location" msgstr "輸入地點" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "By User" msgstr "依據用戶" msgid "Could not connect to Twitter (error %s)." msgstr "無法連結至 Twitter (錯誤 %s)。" msgid "Playlists" msgstr "影音列表" msgid "The domain is currently not available for registration." msgstr "該網域目前無法註冊。" msgid "Start a new site" msgstr "建立新網站" msgid "%d min" msgid_plural "%d mins" msgstr[0] "%d 分鐘" msgid "" "Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme, even used in " "sidebars by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget on the Widgets screen. If your theme does not support the navigation " "menus feature (the default themes, %2$s and %3$s, do), you can learn about " "adding this support by following the documentation link to the side." msgstr "" "選單可以在你的佈景主題指定的位置顯示,甚至透過小工具頁面" "的「自訂選單」來顯示於側邊欄。如果你的佈景主題不支援自訂選單功能(預設佈景主" "題 %2$s 和 %3$s 皆支援),可以查閱側邊的說明文件連結來了解如何讓佈景主題支援" "此功能。" msgid "" "Your theme does not natively support menus, but you can use them in sidebars " "by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget on the Widgets screen." msgstr "" "你的佈景主題不支援原生選單,但你可以透過小工具頁面來新增一" "個「自訂選單」。" msgid "" "Clicking the arrow to the right of any menu item in the " "editor will reveal a standard group of settings. Additional settings such as " "link target, CSS classes, link relationships, and link descriptions can be " "enabled and disabled via the Screen Options tab." msgstr "" "在編輯器中點擊任一選單右側箭頭會顯示一組標準設定項目。附加設" "定例如視窗開啟目標、CSS 類別、連結關係和連結內容說明等等可在「顯示選項」標籤" "裡顯示或隱藏。" msgid "Launching Customizer" msgstr "正在啟動自訂工具" msgid "Sorry comment search is currently disabled, check back soon." msgstr "很抱歉,留言搜尋功能目前已停用,請稍後再回來查看。" msgid "You registered on 1 year ago." msgid_plural "You registered on %1$d years ago." msgstr[0] "你在 %1$d 年前註冊了。" msgid "Upgrade Now" msgstr "立即升級" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get weekly post emails and no comment emails for this blog" msgstr "你收到此網誌的每週文章電子郵件,但沒有收到回應電子郵件" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get weekly post and instant comment emails for this blog" msgstr "你收到此網誌的每週文章和即時回應電子郵件" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get daily post emails and no comment emails for this blog" msgstr "你收到此網誌的每日文章電子郵件,但沒有收到回應電子郵件" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get daily post and instant comment emails for this blog" msgstr "你收到此網誌的每日文章和即時回應電子郵件" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get instant post emails and no comment emails for this blog" msgstr "你收到此網誌的即時文章電子郵件,但沒有回應電子郵件" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get instant post and instant comment emails for this blog" msgstr "你收到此網誌的即時文章和即時回應電子郵件" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get no post and no comment emails for this blog" msgstr "你沒有收到此網誌的文章電子郵件,也沒有回應電子郵件" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get no post and instant comment emails for this blog" msgstr "你沒有收到此網誌的文章和即時回應電子郵件" msgid "Updating" msgstr "更新中" msgid "Restored" msgstr "已還原" msgid "No ads" msgstr "不含廣告" msgid "Community Support" msgstr "社群支援" msgid "Upgrade and save" msgstr "升級,還能省更多" msgid "Markdown content" msgstr "Markdown 內容" msgid "Markdown" msgstr "Markdown" msgid "" "Compare two different revisions by selecting the “Compare any " "two revisions” box to the side." msgstr "" "以 選擇「比較兩個文章版本」的區塊來比較兩個不同的文章版本。" msgid "Compare any two revisions" msgstr "比較兩個文章版本" msgid "" "The domain name you entered cannot be added to this blog. Please try a " "different domain name." msgstr "你輸入的網域名稱無法新增至此網誌。請嘗試其他網域名稱。" msgid "" "View user information data such as username, name, email, " "blog, and Gravatar." msgstr "" "檢視使用者資訊資料,例如使用者名稱、姓名、電子郵件、網誌和 " "Gravatar。" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Canadian Dollars" msgstr "加拿大元" msgid "%1$s, %2$s comments" msgstr "%1$s、%2$s 評論" msgid "Switch blog:" msgstr "切換網誌:" msgid "Embed Media Player" msgstr "使用嵌入媒體播放器" msgid "Current Revision by %s" msgstr "目前文章版本來自 %s" msgid "Autosave by %s" msgstr "自動儲存來自 %s" msgid "Restore This Autosave" msgstr "還原此自動儲存" msgctxt "revisions" msgid "Browse" msgstr "瀏覽" msgid "Revisions: %s" msgstr "文章版本:%s" msgid "\"%s\"." msgstr "「%s」。" msgid "\"%1$s\" by %2$s." msgstr "「%1$s」 由 %2$s。" msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s." msgstr "「%1$s」 從 %2$s。" msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s by %3$s." msgstr "「%1$s」 從 %2$s 來自 %3$s 。" msgid "Link to Attachment Page" msgstr "連結至附件頁面" msgid "Link to Media File" msgstr "連結至媒體檔案" msgid "Embed or Link" msgstr "嵌入或連結" msgid "Upcoming charges" msgstr "即將收取的費用" msgid "Don‘t show me this." msgstr "不再顯示這項訊息" msgid "Revision by %s" msgstr "文章版本來自 %s" msgid "Captions/Subtitles" msgstr "字幕" msgid "Download File" msgstr "下載檔案" msgid "" "Connection lost. Saving has been disabled until you are " "reconnected." msgstr "失去連線。 儲存已關閉直到你重新恢復連線。" msgid "" "Sorry, something went wrong. The requested comparison could not be loaded." msgstr "抱歉,發生一些錯誤。你所要求的比較無法載入。" msgid "" "This slideshow could not be started. Try refreshing the page or viewing it " "in another browser." msgstr "無法開始播放投影片。嘗試重新整理頁面或在其他瀏覽器中檢視該頁面。" msgid "Sorry, that Pinterest URL was not recognized." msgstr "很抱歉,無法辨識這個 Pinterest URL。" msgid "App Name" msgstr "應用程式名稱" msgid "From %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "從 %1$s 到 %2$s" msgid "From %s to %s" msgstr "從 %s 到 %s" msgid "Confirm Email Forward" msgstr "確認電子郵件轉寄設定" msgid "Please confirm you would like to setup this email forwarding: " msgstr "你設定了這個電子郵件轉寄功能,請確認:" msgid "Your email forward has been setup." msgstr "你的電子郵件轉寄已設定。" msgid "Resend Verification Email" msgstr "重新傳送驗證電子郵件" msgid "" "A confirmation email has been sent to %1$s to confirm the forwarding for %2$s" msgstr "系統已將確認電子郵件傳送至 %1$s 以確認 %2$s 的轉寄功能" msgid "No credit cards stored for your account." msgstr "你的帳戶未儲存任何信用卡。" msgid "" "Great passwords use upper and lower " "case characters, numbers, and symbols like %2$s." msgstr "" "較佳的密碼建議以大寫、小寫字母、數字和" "其他字符組合,例如 %2$s。" msgid "Create an Account" msgstr "建立帳戶" msgid "Welcome to Premium!" msgstr "歡迎使用 進階版!" msgid "Post not found." msgstr "找不到文章。" msgid "Avatar" msgstr "個人頭像" msgid "Continue reading %1$s" msgstr "繼續閱讀 %1$s" msgid "Link my existing PollDaddy account." msgstr "連結我現有的 PollDaddy 帳戶。" msgid "By Month" msgstr "依月分" msgid "Recent Transactions" msgstr "近期交易" msgid "Sending..." msgstr "正在傳送..." msgid "%1$s Comment on %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s Comments on %2$s" msgstr[0] "%2$s 有 %1$s 則評論" msgid "Explore" msgstr "探索" msgid "" "Welcome! Ready to publish your first strip?\n" "\n" "Your webcomic's new site is ready to go. Get started by setting your comic's title and tagline so " "your readers know what it's all about.\n" "\n" "Looking for more help with setting up your site? Check out the " "beginner's " "tutorial and the guide to comics on Dive right in by publishing your first strip!\n" "\n" "Lots of laughs,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "歡迎!準備發佈第一篇連環漫畫了嗎?\n" "\n" "新的網路漫畫網站已經準備就緒。開始前,請先設定你的漫畫標題和標語,讓讀者能夠瞭解漫畫取向。\n" "\n" "需要更多有關網站設定的說明嗎?歡迎參考 上的新手教學課程 " "的漫畫指南發佈第一篇連" "環漫畫,立即開始分享作品!\n" "\n" "祝 笑口常開\n" " 團隊敬上" msgid "No matching receipts found" msgstr "找不到相符的收據" msgid "Sorry, your browser isn't supported. Upgrade at" msgstr "很抱歉,不支援你的瀏覽器。請前往 升級。" msgid "Pay what you want" msgstr "支付購買項目" msgid "Corporate" msgstr "公司" msgid "Lite" msgstr "Lite" msgid "Pro" msgstr "Pro" msgid "Enterprise" msgstr "企業版" msgid "Start a post with this tag" msgstr "開始撰寫一篇包含此標籤的文章" msgid "" "The transaction cannot complete successfully. Please try again. Please " "contact support and mention 10755 if you have further problems." msgstr "" "交易無法順利完成。請再試一次。如果你有其他問題,請聯絡支援團隊並告知錯誤碼 " "10755。" msgid "You are not allowed to make this change." msgstr "你不可進行此變更。" msgid "Convert to Post" msgstr "轉換為文章" msgid "Convert to Comic" msgstr "轉換為漫畫" msgid "" "Your stored credit cards are used to pay for upgrades on and " "subscriptions for connected applications." msgstr "儲存的信用卡是用來支付 的升級和已連線之應用程式的訂閱。" msgid "No billing history found for your account." msgstr "你的帳戶找不到任何帳單記錄。" msgid "#%d (no title)" msgstr "#%d(無標題)" msgid "JavaScript must be enabled to use this feature." msgstr "必須啟用 JavaScript 來使用這功能。" msgid "Generating..." msgstr "產生中..." msgid "Display a photo gallery or slideshow" msgstr "在側邊顯示照片或是輪播" msgctxt "as sharing source" msgid "Email" msgstr "電子郵件" msgid "10 Newest" msgstr "10 個最新項目" msgid "5 Newest" msgstr "5 個最新項目" msgid "" "Error: An error has occurred; Account could not be linked. Perhaps your " "email address or password is incorrect?" msgstr "發生錯誤:無法連結帳戶。請確認你的電子郵件地址或密碼是否正確。" msgid "Account Linked." msgstr "帳戶已連結。" msgid "" "Account could not be linked. Are your email address and password correct?" msgstr "無法連結帳戶。你的電子郵件地址與密碼是否正確?" msgid "%s ending in %s" msgstr "%s 即將於 %s 結束" msgid "Not Stored" msgstr "未儲存" msgid "Repeat Password" msgstr "重複輸入密碼" msgid "Processing..." msgstr "處理中..." msgid "" "Your upload didn't complete; try again later or cross your fingers and try " "again right now." msgstr "你的上載未完成;請稍後重試,或祈求好運並立即再試一次。" msgid "Only images can be uploaded here." msgstr "這裡只能上載圖片。" msgid "Drop images to upload" msgstr "請將圖片拖曳到這裡上載" msgid "Customize this theme" msgstr "自訂此佈景主題" msgid "Meetups" msgstr "聚會" msgid "Please supply a valid country code." msgstr "請提供有效的國家代碼。" msgid "Please supply a valid phone number." msgstr "請提供有效的電話號碼。" msgid "SEO on" msgstr " 上的 SEO" msgid "Learn WordPress" msgstr "了解 WordPress" msgid "WordCamps" msgstr "WordCamp" msgid "Hassle Free Blogging" msgstr "快速撰寫網誌" msgid "Resources" msgstr "資源" msgid "All Apps" msgstr "所有應用程式" msgid "" "Please check your text messages at the phone number ending with %s and enter the verification code." msgstr "請查看手機簡訊 (末四碼為 %s),然後輸入驗證碼。" msgid "" "To use polls in, you will need an account with our sister " "product," msgstr "" "若要在 舉辦投票,你必須有我們相關產品 Polldaddy." "com 的帳戶。" msgid "Connect App" msgstr "連線應用程式" msgid "" "Removing this application's connection to your account blocks " "this application from accessing your information." msgstr "" "如果移除此應用程式和 帳戶的連線,則此應用程式將無法存取你的資" "訊。" msgid "Remove App Connection" msgstr "移除應用程式連線" msgid "Access Permissions" msgstr "存取權限" msgid "Authorized On" msgstr "授權日期" msgid "Next Payment:" msgstr "下一次付款:" msgid "App Settings" msgstr "應用程式設定" msgid "There are %s apps connected to your account." msgstr "有 %s 個應用程式連線至你的 帳戶。" msgid "Connected Apps" msgstr "已連線的應用程式" msgid "Billing Details" msgstr "帳單詳細資料" msgid "Receipt Date" msgstr "收據日期" msgid "Contact %s Support" msgstr "聯絡 %s 支援團隊" msgid "Plan" msgstr "方案" msgid "Email Receipt" msgstr "電子郵件收據" msgid "Receipt #%s" msgstr "收據號碼 %s" msgid "View Receipt" msgstr "檢視收據" msgid "Transactions" msgstr "交易" msgid "" "A complete history of all billing transactions for your " "account." msgstr " 帳戶所有帳單交易的完整記錄。" msgid "Delete Card" msgstr "刪除信用卡" msgid "Credit Cards" msgstr "信用卡" msgid "Zip" msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "code on front" msgstr "卡片正面的代碼" msgid "code on back" msgstr "卡片背面的代碼" msgid "CVV" msgstr "CVV" msgid "Card:" msgstr "信用卡:" msgid "Not connected" msgstr "未連結" msgid "1 Subscription" msgid_plural "%s Subscriptions" msgstr[0] "%s 個訂閱" msgid "Saved Card" msgstr "儲存的信用卡" msgid "Ok" msgstr "確定" msgid "" "To help recover your account, we require some information from you to verify " "your ownership of the account. Please note that we are unable to recover an " "account without proof of ownership." msgstr "" "為了協助復原你的帳戶,我們需要你提供一些資訊,以驗證你的帳戶擁有權。請注意," "如果你未提供擁有權證明,我們將無法復原帳戶。" msgid "" "Did you know that you can do far more than just set your background color " "and image in the Colors tool in our Custom Design, part of the Premium Plan? " "Preview it now!" msgstr "" "你知道嗎?在「進階版方案」的「自訂設計」升級中,除了能夠在色彩工具中設定背景" "顏色和圖片之外,你還能夠執行更多動作。立即預覽!" msgid "" "You can do far more than just customize your background color and image as " "part of your Custom Design upgrade. Choose from great palettes and " "background patterns. Check it out!" msgstr "" "在「自訂設計」升級中,除了自訂背景顏色和圖片之外,你還能夠執行更多動作。選擇" "多種絕佳的調色盤和背景圖樣。快來看看!" msgid "Custom Colors interface" msgstr "自訂顏色介面" msgid "Comic draft updated. Preview comic" msgstr "漫畫草稿已更新。預覽漫畫" msgid "" "Comic scheduled for: %1$s. Preview comic" msgstr "" "漫畫已排程於:%1$s預覽" "漫畫" msgid "Comic submitted. Preview comic" msgstr "漫畫已提交。預覽漫畫" msgid "Comic saved." msgstr "漫畫已儲存。" msgid "Comic restored to revision from %s" msgstr "漫畫已從 %s 回復為修訂版本" msgid "Comic updated." msgstr "漫畫已更新。" msgid "Comic updated. View comic" msgstr "漫畫已更新。檢視漫畫" msgid "No Comics found in Trash" msgstr "回收桶中找不到漫畫" msgid "No Comics found" msgstr "找不到漫畫" msgid "Search Comics" msgstr "搜尋漫畫" msgid "View Comic" msgstr "檢視漫畫" msgid "New Comic" msgstr "新漫畫" msgid "Edit Comic" msgstr "編輯漫畫" msgid "Add New Comic" msgstr "新增漫畫" msgid "All Comics" msgstr "所有漫畫" msgid "Comic" msgstr "漫畫" msgid "Comics" msgstr "漫畫" msgid "Comic published. View comic" msgstr "漫畫已發佈。檢視漫畫" msgid "" "The domain upgrade on your blog \"%1$s\" has expired yesterday on %2$s. Your " "blog is no longer available on the domain \"%3$s\"." msgstr "" "你網誌「%1$s」的網域升級已在昨天 (%2$s) 到期。你的網誌無法再使用網域" "「%3$s」。" msgid "Additional payment for Domain Registration" msgstr "網域註冊的額外付款" msgid "Local Posts" msgstr "本機文章" msgid "M j, Y g:i a" msgstr "Y 年 n 月 j 日 a g:i" msgctxt "%1$s = \"Feedback\" in an HTML link" msgid "" "Yep, you can read your feedback at any time by clicking the \"%1$s\" link in " "the admin menu." msgstr "" "是的,你可以在任何時候閱讀你的回饋意見,只要按\"%1$s\" 連結到管理者選單。" msgid "" "This is the Crowdsignal account you currently have linked with your " "WordPress blog: %s" msgstr "" "這是你最近連結到 WordPress 網誌的 Crowdsignal 帳戶:%s" msgid "Login Address (URL)" msgstr "登入位置 (URL)" msgid "The URL to the admin area" msgstr "控制台的網址" msgctxt "{$date_format} \\a\\t {$time_format}" msgid "%1$s \\a\\t %2$s" msgstr "%1$s \\a\\t %2$s" msgid "ERROR: Invalid email address or incorrect password." msgstr "錯誤:無效的使用者名稱、電郵地址或錯誤的密碼。" msgid "Match header image" msgstr "比對頁首圖片" msgid "Please Verify Your Email Address" msgstr "請驗證電子郵件地址" msgid "Create your account." msgstr "建立帳戶。" msgid "Please enter a password." msgstr "請輸入密碼。" msgid "Please enter your password." msgstr "請輸入您的密碼" msgid "Terms of service" msgstr "服務條款" msgid "%s Alternative Scheme %s" msgstr "%s替代配置%s" msgid "Renewing" msgstr "正在更新" msgid "Customize Testimonials Archive" msgstr "自訂證言封存" msgid "Maximum number of posts to show (no more than 10):" msgstr "顯示的文章數目上限 (不超過 10 篇):" msgid "" "Testimonial draft updated. Preview " "testimonial" msgstr "證言草稿已更新。預覽證言" msgid "" "Testimonial scheduled for: %1$s. Preview testimonial" msgstr "" "證言已排程於:%1$s預覽" "證言" msgid "" "Testimonial submitted. Preview testimonial" msgstr "證言已提交。預覽證言" msgid "Testimonial saved." msgstr "證言已儲存。" msgid "Testimonial restored to revision from %s" msgstr "證言已從 %s 回復為修訂版本" msgid "Testimonial updated." msgstr "證言已更新。" msgid "Testimonial updated. View testimonial" msgstr "證言已更新。檢視證言" msgid "Customer Name" msgstr "客戶名稱" msgid "Enter the customer's name here" msgstr "在此處輸入客戶名稱" msgid "Add New Testimonial" msgstr "新增證言" msgid "Testimonial published. View testimonial" msgstr "證言已發佈。檢視證言" msgid "Customer Testimonials" msgstr "客戶證言" msgid "A spike in your stats" msgstr "你的統計資料遽增" msgid "l, F j" msgstr "l, F j" msgid "Add menu items from the column on the left." msgstr "從左邊的欄位新增選單項目。" msgid "Post type:" msgstr "文章類型:" msgid "" "Your session has expired. Click here to log in again. Your changes will not " "be lost." msgstr "你的工作階段已逾時。點一下這裡再次登入。你的變更已被保留。" msgid "Show full post" msgstr "展示完整文章" msgid "Default email delivery" msgstr "預設電子郵件傳送" msgid "Subscriptions delivery" msgstr "訂閱傳送" msgid "The package contains no files." msgstr "這個軟體包沒有檔案。" msgid "" "The web browser on your device cannot be used to upload files. You may be " "able to use the native app for your device instead." msgstr "" "您設備上的瀏覽器無法上載檔案。您可以改為使用原生應用程式" msgid "Week %d" msgstr "第 %d 週" msgid "Week %d of %d" msgstr "%d 的第 %d 週" msgid "Post #%d [deleted]" msgstr "文章 #%d [已刪除]" msgid "Modern" msgstr "現代" msgid "You have unsaved changes." msgstr "你有未儲存的變更。" msgid "Image viewed: " msgstr "已檢視的圖片:" msgid "Attachment viewed: " msgstr "已檢視的附件:" msgctxt "Shown between widget visibility conditions." msgid "or" msgstr "或" msgctxt "Example: The user is looking at a page, not a post." msgid "Page" msgstr "頁面" msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"This page is a date archive.\"" msgid "Date" msgstr "日期" msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"This post has one tag.\"" msgid "Tag" msgstr "標籤" msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"The author of this post is...\"" msgid "Author" msgstr "作者" msgctxt "Used as the default option in a dropdown list" msgid "-- Select --" msgstr "-- 選取 --" msgctxt "Used in the \"%s if:\" translation for the widget visibility dropdown" msgid "Hide" msgstr "隱藏" msgctxt "Used in the \"%s if:\" translation for the widget visibility dropdown" msgid "Show" msgstr "顯示" msgctxt "" "placeholder: dropdown menu to select widget visibility; hide if or show if" msgid "%s if:" msgstr "在以下情況 %s:" msgid "Number of columns:" msgstr "欄位數:" msgid "Number to display:" msgstr "顯示數:" msgid "Widget Title" msgstr "小工具標題" msgid "Enable store notice" msgstr "啟用商店通知" msgid "No Instagram images were found." msgstr "沒有找到 Instagram 圖片。" msgid "" "There was an error retrieving images from Instagram. An attempt will be " "remade in a few minutes." msgstr "從 Instagram 擷取圖片時發生錯誤。幾分鐘後會自動再試一次。" msgid "" "In order to use this Instagram widget, you must configure it first." msgstr "為了使用這個 Instagram 小工具,你必須先加以設定。" msgid "Display your latest Instagram photos." msgstr "顯示最新的 Instagram 相片。" msgid "This comment is awaiting approval." msgstr "你的回應正在等待審核。" msgid "You are not allowed to trash this post" msgstr "你不可將這篇文章移至垃圾桶" msgid "" "To navigate between revisions, drag the slider handle left or right or use the Previous or Next buttons." msgstr "" "瀏覽不同的文章版本,左右拖曳中央的時間軸使用上一" "個、下一個按鈕。" msgid "This item has already been deleted." msgstr "這個項目已被刪除。" msgid "(more…)" msgstr "(繼續閱讀…)" msgid "The item you are trying to restore from the Trash no longer exists." msgstr "你嘗試自垃圾桶還原的項目已不存在。" msgid "The item you are trying to move to the Trash no longer exists." msgstr "你嘗試移至垃圾桶的項目已不存在。" msgid "Remote post" msgstr "遠端發佈" msgid "Newer comments" msgstr "較新的留言" msgid "Published by" msgstr "由...發佈" msgid "Older comments" msgstr "較舊的留言" msgid "" "Drag the items into the order you prefer. Click the arrow on the right of " "the item to reveal additional configuration options." msgstr "" "請在下方將各個選單項目拖曳至合適的順序。點擊選單項目右側的箭號,便會顯示更多" "組態設定。" msgid "" "If you have not yet created any menus, click the ’create a new " "menu’ link to get started" msgstr "" "如果你還沒有建立任何選單,點擊「建立一個新選單」連結開始" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Australian Dollars" msgstr "澳大利亞元" msgctxt "currency" msgid "New Zealand Dollars" msgstr "紐西蘭元" msgid "" "The email you specified is associated with a account. Please " "login first or use a different email address." msgstr "" "你指定的電子郵件與 帳戶相關聯。請先登入或使用不同的電子郵件地" "址。" msgid "" "Revisions are saved copies of your post or page, which are periodically " "created as you update your content. The red text on the left shows the " "content that was removed. The green text on the right shows the content that " "was added." msgstr "" "文章版本是你編輯文章或頁面時,定時產生的副本。左邊的紅字顯示你刪除的內容,右" "邊的綠字顯示你新加入的內容。" msgid "This screen is used for managing your content revisions." msgstr "這個畫面用來管理你的內容版本。" msgid "To restore a revision, click Restore This Revision." msgstr "如要還原某文章版本,點擊還原此版本。" msgid "From this screen you can review, compare, and restore revisions:" msgstr "在這個畫面你可以檢視、比較和還原文章版本:" msgid "Add Contact Form" msgstr "新增聯絡表單" msgctxt "Followed by post revision info" msgid "To:" msgstr "到:" msgctxt "Button label for a next revision" msgid "Next" msgstr "下一個" msgctxt "Button label for a previous revision" msgid "Previous" msgstr "上一個" msgctxt "Followed by post revision info" msgid "From:" msgstr "從:" msgid "" "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d day, on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s." msgstr[0] "網域 %1$s 的費用為 %2$s,預計於 %3$d 天後在 %4$s 到期。" msgctxt "product_name costs cost" msgid "'%1$s' costs %2$s." msgstr "「%1$s」的費用為 %2$s。" msgid "" "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d day, " "on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, " "on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "網域 %1$s 的費用為 %2$s,預計於 %3$d 天後 (%4$s) 到期。" msgid "Monthly Archives: " msgstr "每月彙整: " msgid "Signup Now" msgstr "立即註冊" msgid "This field is required." msgstr "此欄位為必填。" msgid "" "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d day, on %3$s." msgid_plural "" "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, on %3$s." msgstr[0] "" "我們將於 %2$d 天後 ( %3$s) 向你收取此更新的費用:%1$s。" msgid "yesterday" msgstr "昨天" msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal later today." msgstr "我們將於今日稍後向你收取此更新的費用:%1$s。" msgid "" "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, on %3$s." msgstr "我們將於 %2$d 天後 ( %3$s) 向你收取此更新的費用:%1$s。" msgid "" "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire tomorrow, on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s." msgstr[0] "%1$s 的費用為 %2$s,預計於%3$d天後 (%4$s) 到期。" msgid "The following upgrade has been cancelled and %1$s refunded: " msgid_plural "The following upgrades have been cancelled and %1$s refunded: " msgstr[0] "下列升級已取消,且 %1$s 已退款:" msgid "The following upgrade has been cancelled and %1$s refunded: " msgid_plural "" "The following upgrades have been cancelled and %1$s refunded: " msgstr[0] "下列升級已取消,且 %1$s 已退款:" msgid "Upgrade to Premium" msgstr "升級至進階版" msgid " Premium" msgstr " 進階版" msgid "Mover" msgstr "搬家公司" msgid "New comment on %s" msgstr "%s 的新回應" msgid "New follower" msgstr "新關注者" msgid "" "Please switch to the 'Twitter Timeline' widget. This widget will be going " "away in the future and the new widget allows for more customization." msgstr "" "請切換至「Twitter Timeline」小工具。這個小工具即將停用,新的小工具可讓您進行" "更多自訂設定。" msgid "Kindle" msgstr "Kindle" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Euro" msgstr "歐元" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Brazilian real" msgstr "巴西里耳" msgctxt "Previous post link" msgid " %title" msgstr " %title" msgctxt "Next post link" msgid "%title " msgstr "%title " msgid "" "You have been logged out in another tab or window. Please log in again." msgstr "" "你已在其他索引標籤或視窗登出。請" "再次登入。" msgid "My Tweets" msgstr "我的推文" msgid "Transparent background" msgstr "透明背景" msgid "Layout options:" msgstr "版面形式選項:" msgid "Display an official Twitter Embedded Timeline widget." msgstr "顯示官方 Twitter 嵌入時間軸的 Widget。" msgid "Twitter Timeline" msgstr "Twitter 時間軸" msgid "%1$s %2$s, %3$s @ %4$s:%5$s" msgstr "%3$s-%1$s-%2$s @ %4$s:%5$s" msgid "Receipt" msgstr "收據" msgid "Your latest changes were saved as a revision." msgstr "你的最後變更已儲存為一個文章版本。" msgid "Service" msgstr "服務" msgid "You have no billing history at this time." msgstr "你目前無任何帳單記錄。" msgid "" "See the Business page for more information." msgstr "請參閱 商務版頁面以取得更多資訊。" msgid "" "Chat live with a specialist Monday to Friday between 7am and " "7pm Eastern time." msgstr "" "美東時間星期一至星期五上午 7 點至晚上 7 點,你可以和 專員即時交" "談。" msgid "Japanese yen" msgstr "日圓" msgid "%s (Required)" msgstr "%s (必要)" msgid "New comments " msgstr "新留言" msgid "Bitrate:" msgstr "比特率:" msgid "Genre" msgstr "類型" msgid "Length:" msgstr "長度:" msgid "Audio Codec:" msgstr "音訊編碼:" msgid "Audio Format:" msgstr "音訊格式:" msgid "Genre: %s." msgstr "類型: %s。" msgid "Track %1$s of %2$s." msgstr "音軌 %1$s / %2$s 。" msgid "Released: %d." msgstr "發行: %d。" msgid "Years" msgstr "年" msgid "“%s”" msgstr "%s" msgid "%1$s is yours!" msgstr "%1$s 是你的!" msgctxt "sites" msgid "Spam (%s)" msgid_plural "Spam (%s)" msgstr[0] "濫用網站 (%s)" msgid "Completed (%s)" msgid_plural "Completed (%s)" msgstr[0] "已完成(%s)" msgid "" "The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and " "return to this page." msgstr "登入頁面將會在新視窗開啟。登入之後,你可以關閉該視窗並回到本頁面。" msgid "Session expired" msgstr "Session 已過期" msgid "No tags found." msgstr "找不到標籤。" msgid "" "Do not deregister the %1$s script in the administration area. To target the " "front-end theme, use the %2$s hook." msgstr "請勿移除管理區域內的 %1$s 程式。欲針對前台佈景主題,使用 %2$s hook。" msgid "Out from under %s" msgstr "從 %s 下方移出" msgid "Under %s" msgstr "至 %s 下方" msgid "Move out from under %s" msgstr "從 %s 下方移出" msgid "Move under %s" msgstr "移至 %s 下方" msgid "Move to the top" msgstr "移至頂端" msgid "Move down one" msgstr "下移一位" msgid "Move up one" msgstr "上移一位" msgid "Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu" msgstr "自動加入新的頂級頁面至這個選單" msgctxt "menu" msgid "Use new menu" msgstr "使用新選單" msgctxt "menu" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" msgid "Select a Menu" msgstr "選擇一個選單" msgid "Assigned Menu" msgstr "已指定的選單" msgid "Theme Location" msgstr "佈景主題位置" msgid "Manage Locations" msgstr "位置管理" msgid "Edit Menus" msgstr "編輯選單" msgid "" "To assign menus to one or more theme locations, select a menu from " "each location’s dropdown. When you are finished, " "click Save Changes" msgstr "" "指定選單至一個或多個佈景主題位置,從各別位置的下拉選單選擇一個選單。" "當你完成後,點擊儲存變更" msgid "" "This screen is used for globally assigning menus to locations defined by " "your theme." msgstr "這個畫面是用來調整佈景主題裡選單的位置。" msgid "Editing Menus" msgstr "編輯選單" msgid "" "Add one or several items at once by selecting the checkbox next to " "each item and clicking Add to Menu" msgstr "" "新增一個或多個項目,請勾選每個項目的複選框,然後點擊新增至選單" msgid "Menu Management" msgstr "選單管理" msgid "" "You can assign theme locations to individual menus by selecting the " "desired settings at the bottom of the menu editor. To assign menus " "to all theme locations at once, visit the Manage Locations tab at the top of the screen." msgstr "" "你可以指定特定選單,讓它顯示於佈景主題的某個位置,點擊選單編輯器下方然後選擇" "的想要的設定。要一次指定選單至所有佈景主題,請在上方選擇" "位置管理分頁。" msgid "" "To edit an existing menu, choose a menu from the dropdown and click " "Select" msgstr "" "要編輯一個現有的選單,從下拉式選單選擇一個選單,然後點擊選取" msgid "" "The menu management box at the top of the screen is used to control which " "menu is opened in the editor below." msgstr "畫面上方的選單管理區塊是用來控制下方編輯器所開啟的選單。" msgid "Add, organize, and modify individual menu items" msgstr "新增、管理和修改個別選單項目" msgid "Create, edit, and delete menus" msgstr "新增、編輯和刪除選單" msgid "From this screen you can:" msgstr "在這個畫面你可以:" msgid "Menu locations updated." msgstr "選單位置已更新。" msgid "Denied: %s" msgstr "拒絕:%s" msgid "Capabilities" msgstr "能力" msgid "Menu structure" msgstr "選單結構" msgid "Select a menu to edit:" msgstr "選擇要編輯的選單:" msgid "Auto add pages" msgstr "自動新增頁面" msgid "Give your menu a name, then click Create Menu." msgstr "給你的選單一個名稱,然後點選建立選單。" msgid "Selected menus have been successfully deleted." msgstr "選單已成功刪除。" msgid "This screen is used for managing your navigation menus." msgstr "這個畫面用來管理你自訂的導覽選單。" msgid "" "To edit a menu currently assigned to a theme location, click the " "adjacent ’Edit’ link" msgstr "" "編輯一個已指定佈景主題位置的選單,點擊相對應的「編輯」連結" msgid "" "Delete a menu item by expanding it and clicking the Remove link" msgstr "刪除一個選單項目,展開選單然後點擊移除連結" msgid "%1$s. Sub item number %2$d under %3$s." msgstr "[%1$s] 是 [%3$s] 中的第 %2$d 個子選單項目。" msgid "%1$s. Menu item %2$d of %3$d." msgstr "%1$s。第 %2$d 個選單項目(共 %3$d 個)。" msgid "" "To add a custom link, expand the Custom Links section, enter a URL " "and link text, and click Add to Menu" msgstr "" "要建立自訂連結,請 展開「自訂連結」區,輸入網址及連結文字,並點擊「新" "增至選單」" msgid "" "To add a new menu instead of assigning an existing one, click the " "’Use new menu’ link. Your new menu will be " "automatically assigned to that theme location" msgstr "" "新增一個選單而不是指派已存在的選單,點擊「使用新選單」連結。" "你的新選單將會自動指派到相對應的佈景主題位置" msgid "" "To reorganize menu items, drag and drop items with your mouse or use " "your keyboard. Drag or move a menu item a little to the right to " "make it a submenu" msgstr "" "重新排列選單項目,以滑鼠拖曳項目或使用你的鍵盤。拖曳時將選單" "項目稍往右側可以使其成為子選單" msgid "" "Each navigation menu may contain a mix of links to pages, categories, custom " "URLs or other content types. Menu links are added by selecting items from " "the expanding boxes in the left-hand column below." msgstr "" "每個導覽選單都可包含頁面、分類、自訂連結或其他類型。從下方左手邊的欄位裡可以" "選擇要新增至選單的連結。" msgid "Restore This Revision" msgstr "還原此版本" msgid "You cannot move this item to the Trash. %s is currently editing." msgstr "你無法將本項目移至垃圾桶。%s 正在編輯。" msgid "" "Edit your default menu by adding or removing items. Drag the items into the " "order you prefer. Click Create Menu to save your changes." msgstr "" "透過新增或移除選單項目的方式編輯網站的預設選單,並將選單項目拖曳至合適的順" "序,然後點擊 [儲存選單] 以儲存變更。" msgid "Your theme supports one menu. Select which menu you would like to use." msgstr "你的佈景主題支援 1 個選單。請選擇你想使用的選單。" msgid "Choose video" msgstr "選擇影片" msgid "To the top" msgstr "至頂端" msgid "Down one" msgstr "下一位" msgid "Up one" msgstr "上一位" msgid "Draft created on %1$s at %2$s" msgstr "草稿在 %2$s 於 %1$s 建立" msgid "%s has taken over and is currently editing." msgstr "%s 已接管且正在編輯。" msgid "sub item" msgstr "子項目" msgid "%s is currently editing" msgstr "%s 正在編輯" msgid "Undo." msgstr "復原。" msgid "Post restored successfully." msgstr "文章已成功回復。" msgid "Restore the backup." msgstr "回復備份。" msgid "Choose an image" msgstr "選擇一張圖片" msgid "" "The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below." msgstr "這篇內容在瀏覽器中的備份與目前編輯區的內容不同。" msgid "Take over" msgstr "接替" msgid "Choose audio" msgstr "選擇音訊" msgid "Select audio" msgstr "選擇音訊" msgctxt "revision date format" msgid "F j, Y @ H:i:s" msgstr "Y-m-d @ H:i:s" msgctxt "revision date short format" msgid "j M @ H:i" msgstr "j M @ H:i" msgid "Free Site" msgstr "免費網站" msgid "An error occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "發生錯誤。請稍後再試看看。" msgid "" "Your new site is ready to go! Looking for ideas for your new " "site? Check out the " "beginner's tutorial.\n" "\n" "Cheers,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "你在 上的新站台已經啟用!你在尋找一些建立新站台的好點子嗎?試試" "從 初學者教程中獲得一" "些靈感吧。" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Japanese Yen" msgstr "日圓" msgctxt "currency" msgid "United States Dollars" msgstr "美元" msgid "Click to share on Pocket" msgstr "按一下以分享到 Pocket" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Pocket" msgstr "Pocket" msgid "" "For security reasons, you can only edit some settings while logged in with a " "Two Step Authentication code." msgstr "基於安全因素,部分設定僅供你在使用兩步驟驗證碼登入時編輯。" msgid "Likes Notifications" msgstr "按讚通知" msgid "Email me whenever" msgstr "使用電子郵件通知我" msgid "View Archive" msgstr "查看彙整" msgid "Widget title for followers:" msgstr "提供給關注者的小工具標題:" msgid "Widget title for non-followers:" msgstr "提供給非關注者的小工具標題:" msgid "The destination address does not appear to exist" msgstr "目標地址似乎不存在" msgid "The requested mailbox already exists" msgstr "要求的信箱已存在" msgid "The destination address does not appear to be in the correct format" msgstr "目標地址似乎不是正確的格式" msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again." msgstr "發生未知的錯誤。請再試一次。" msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new comment?" msgstr "確定要開始撰寫新回應?" msgid "[] Two Step Authentication Disabled" msgstr "[] 兩步驟驗證已停用" msgid "[] Two Step Authentication Enabled" msgstr "[] 兩步驟驗證已啟用" msgid "" "If you did not request this change, please contact support, or " "visit your profile page and change your password by clicking the following " "link" msgstr "" "如果你未要求此變更,請聯絡 支援團隊,或按下列連結造訪你的個人檔" "案頁面並變更密碼。" msgid "" "If you haven't already done so, we strongly recommend printing out some " "backup codes and storing them in a safe place, in case your phone is lost or " "stolen." msgstr "" "如果你尚未這麼做,強烈建議你將一些備用密碼列印出來,並妥善保存,以備電話遺失" "或遭竊時使用。" msgid "Two Step Authentication has been enabled for \"%s\"." msgstr "「%s」的雙重步驟驗證已啟用。" msgid "" "If you did not request this change, please contact support, or " "visit your profile page to re-enable it by clicking the following link" msgstr "" "如果你未要求此變更,請聯絡 支援團隊,或按下列連結造訪你的個人檔" "案頁面以重新啟用。" msgid "Two Step Authentication has been disabled for \"%s\"." msgstr "「%s」的雙重步驟驗證已停用。" msgid "" "If you haven't already done so, we strongly recommend printing " "out some backup codes and storing them in a safe place, in case your " "phone is lost or stolen." msgstr "" "如果你尚未這麼做,強烈建議你將一些備用密碼列印出來,並妥善保" "存,以備電話遺失或遭竊時使用。" msgid "Two Step Authentication has been enabled for %s." msgstr "%s 的雙重步驟驗證已啟用。" msgid "Two Step Authentication Enabled" msgstr "雙重步驟驗證已啟用" msgid "Two Step Authentication has been disabled for %s." msgstr "%s 的雙重步驟驗證已停用。" msgid "Two Step Authentication Disabled" msgstr "雙重步驟驗證已停用" msgid " Private" msgstr "私密" msgid "Pocket" msgstr "Pocket" msgid " recovery code: %s" msgstr " 還原碼:%s" msgid "Style:" msgstr "樣式:" msgid "Random Order:" msgstr "隨機排序:" msgid "Link To:" msgstr "連結到:" msgid "Images:" msgstr "圖片:" msgid "No Testimonials found in Trash" msgstr "回收桶中找不到證言" msgid "No Testimonials found" msgstr "找不到證言" msgid "Search Testimonials" msgstr "搜尋證言" msgid "View Testimonial" msgstr "檢視證言" msgid "New Testimonial" msgstr "新證言" msgid "Edit Testimonial" msgstr "編輯證言" msgid "All Testimonials" msgstr "所有證言" msgid "Testimonial" msgstr "證言" msgid "Testimonials" msgstr "證言" msgid "Add Testimonials" msgstr "新增證詞" msgid "Time Slider" msgstr "時間軸" msgid "Add or remove menu items" msgstr "新增或移除選單項目" msgid "No coupons found in trash" msgstr "垃圾桶裡找不到優惠券" msgid "Generate Backup Codes" msgstr "產生備用密碼" msgid "Backup codes" msgstr "備用密碼" msgid "Printed:" msgstr "已列印:" msgid "Backup verification codes" msgstr "備用驗證密碼" msgid "" "Hi %1$s,\n" "\n" "Your friend %2$s has read your draft titled \"%3$s\" and provided feedback " "for you to read:\n" "\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "You can also see their feedback here:\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "Thanks for flying with" msgstr "" "%1$s,你好:\n" "\n" "你的朋友 %2$s 已閱讀標題為「%3$s」的草稿並提供了意見回饋︰\n" "\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "你也可以在這裡查看他們的意見回饋︰\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "感謝你使用" msgid "%1$s forwards to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 個轉寄至 %2$s" msgid "Active Email Forwards" msgstr "啟用的電子郵件轉寄" msgid "Add New Email Forward" msgstr "新增新電子郵件轉寄" msgid "New Address" msgstr "新地址" msgid "(unknown or deleted)" msgstr "(不明或已刪除)" msgid "Site title" msgstr "網站標題" msgid "Live Chat Support" msgstr "即時聊天支援" msgid "" "Help us try out a new version of this page, which combines " "your Likes and Comments in one view!" msgstr "" "請協助我們試用此新版頁面,該版本已將你所有的讚與留言整合在單" "一檢視畫面中!" msgid "" "I would like my links to be public, without being passed through a referrer " "hider." msgstr "我希望我所有的連結保持公開,不受參照屏蔽影響。" msgid "Sorry, but your username can't contain the phrase \"%s\"." msgstr "很抱歉,你的使用者名稱不可包含「%s」。" msgid "Followed by people with similar interests" msgstr "其他擁有相似興趣的使用者也正在關注" msgid "Playlist Settings" msgstr "播放列表設定" msgid "Tiled Mosaic" msgstr "磚形馬賽克" msgid "Thumbnail Grid" msgstr "縮圖格線" msgid "Feeds that couldn't be subscribed to: %s" msgstr "無法訂閱的摘要:%s" msgid "Private feeds that you don't have access to: %s" msgstr "你無法存取的私人摘要:%s" msgid "Popular Culture & Entertainment" msgstr "流行文化和娛樂" msgid "Art & Design" msgstr "藝術和設計" msgid "%1$s for %2$s" msgstr "%1$s on %2$s" msgid "" "You can change your delivery preferences in your subscription dashboard. You " "can have emails sent when they are published, or aggregated and sent once a " "day or once a week." msgstr "" "你可以在訂閱控制台變更傳送喜好設定。你可以設定在文章發佈時傳送電子郵件,或者" "彙總後每日或每週傳送一次。" msgid "E-mail Subject:" msgstr "電子郵件主旨:" msgid "Departure" msgstr "離開時間" msgid "Arrival" msgstr "抵達時間" msgid "# Children" msgstr "# 位小孩" msgid "# Adults" msgstr "# 位大人" msgid "Reservation Inquiry" msgstr "訂位詢問" msgid "Reservations" msgstr "訂位" msgctxt "submit button" msgid "Search" msgstr "搜尋" msgctxt "label" msgid "Search for:" msgstr "搜尋關於:" msgid "On Mobile" msgstr "在行動版" msgid "Start Fresh" msgstr "從頭來過" msgid "Don't use the theme's original CSS." msgstr "不使用佈景主題原本的 CSS。" msgid "" " The default content width for the %s theme is %d pixels." msgstr "%s 佈景主題的預設內容寬度為 %d 像素。" msgid "Receipts" msgstr "收據" msgid "Refunds" msgstr "退費" msgid "" "If you can't think of a good password use the button below to generate one." msgstr "如果你想不到好的密碼,可以使用下方按鈕產生一組密碼。" msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Search …" msgstr "搜尋 …" msgid "Disconnect BandPage" msgstr "中斷「品牌網頁」連線" msgid "" "You must be logged in " "to post a comment." msgstr "" "你必須登入才能發佈留" "言。" msgid "Default Theme Font" msgstr "預設佈景主題字型" msgid "Cheating huh?" msgstr "作弊吧?" msgid "Preprocessor" msgstr "前置處理器" msgid "Show excerpts on front page and on archive pages instead of full posts" msgstr "在首頁和封存頁面顯示文章摘要,而非全文" msgid "Verify Code" msgstr "驗證代碼" msgid "Download URL" msgstr "下載網址" msgid "Trophy Case" msgstr "榮譽榜" msgid "You will be charged %1$s to renew in %2$d days, on %3$s." msgstr "我們將於 %2$d 天後 (%3$s) 向你收取續約費用:%1$s。" msgid "List the most-clicked links on your blog." msgstr "列出你網誌中點擊次數最多的連結。" msgid "Hit counter is delayed by up to 60 seconds." msgstr "點擊計數器會延遲計算多達 60 秒。" msgid "Show a hit counter for your blog." msgstr "顯示你網誌的點擊計數器。" msgid "Display blogs authors with avatars and recent posts." msgstr "顯示網誌作者的頭像以及近期文章。" msgid "Blocks" msgstr "區塊" msgid "Russian" msgstr "俄文" msgid "Mute Push Notifications" msgstr "將推播通知設為靜音" msgid "Unlimited Storage" msgstr "無限的儲存空間" msgid "Change your site's address" msgstr "變更網站的網址" msgid "Followed by sites you've liked" msgstr "你按過讚的網站也正在關注" msgid "Followed by bloggers you follow" msgstr "其他你關注的部落客也正在關注" msgid "You've liked posts on this site" msgstr "你對這個網站的文章按過讚" msgid "Search themes…" msgstr "搜尋主題…" msgid "Customize: %s" msgstr "自訂:%s" msgid "%s px" msgstr "%s 像素" msgid "You May Like" msgstr "你可能會喜歡" msgid "Display your recent Flickr photos." msgstr "顯示最新的 Flickr 相片。" msgid "Posts & pages" msgstr "文章與頁面" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Asides" msgstr "旁白" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Images" msgstr "圖片" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Quotes" msgstr "引言" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Videos" msgstr "影片" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Statuses" msgstr "狀態" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Chats" msgstr "閒聊" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Links" msgstr "連結" msgid "Header image" msgstr "頁首圖片" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Galleries" msgstr "相簿" msgid "Category IDs, separated by commas" msgstr "分類 ID,以逗點分隔" msgid "Maximum number of categories to show:" msgstr "分類顯示數上限:" msgid "Your most used categories in cloud format." msgstr "你在雲端格式中最常使用的分類。" msgid "Processing" msgstr "處理中" msgid "No notifications. Time to go bowling." msgstr "沒有通知。該大展身手了。" msgid "Feedback(s) marked as spam" msgstr "已將回饋意見標記為垃圾" msgid "separated by spaces" msgstr "以空格分隔" msgid "Show bookmarks tagged with all of these tags:" msgstr "顯示所有標記了以下標籤的書籤:" msgid "Number of links:" msgstr "連結數:" msgid "Adds a sidebar widget to display links." msgstr "新增側欄小工具以顯示 連結。" msgid "Category ID" msgstr "類別 ID" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create resources." msgstr "抱歉,你沒有可創建資源的權限。" msgid "Static page:" msgstr "靜態頁面:" msgid "404 error page" msgstr "404 錯誤頁面" msgid "Yearly archives" msgstr "每年彙整" msgid "Daily archives" msgstr "每日彙整" msgid "All date archives" msgstr "所有日期封存" msgid "All tag pages" msgstr "所有標籤頁面" msgid "All author pages" msgstr "所有作者頁面" msgid "All category pages" msgstr "所有分類頁面" msgid "%d bloggers like this:" msgstr "%d 位部落客按了讚:" msgid "Filter by type" msgstr "按類型篩選" msgid "Start a Blog with this theme" msgstr "建立使用此佈景主題的網誌" msgid "Something went wrong. Please try again." msgstr "發生錯誤。請再試一次。" msgid "Create a Post" msgstr "建立文章" msgid "In reply to:" msgstr "回覆:" msgid "Chargeback" msgstr "退款" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "One thought on “%s”" msgstr "「%s」 有 1 則評論" msgid "Switch Site" msgstr "切換網站" msgid "" "Do you have anything else you want to add? Please note that we cannot accept " "publicly published material as proof of account ownership." msgstr "" "是否有其他想要補充的部分?請注意,我們無法接受公開發佈的內容作為帳戶擁有權證" "明。" msgid "My Grav." msgstr "我的 Gravatar" msgid "a year" msgstr "一年" msgid "a few seconds" msgstr "幾秒鐘" msgid "%d years" msgstr "%d 年" msgid "%d months" msgstr "%d 個月" msgid "a month" msgstr "一個月" msgid "%d days" msgstr "%d 天" msgid "a day" msgstr "一天" msgid "an hour" msgstr "一小時" msgid "%d minutes" msgstr "%d 分鐘" msgid "a minute" msgstr "一分鐘" msgid "Help & Support" msgstr "說明&客戶服務" msgid "View a list of your sites and access their dashboards" msgstr "查看網站清單並存取網站的控制台" msgid "Read the blogs and topics you follow" msgstr "閱讀你關注的網誌和主題" msgid "for life" msgstr "永久有效" msgid "Sign up" msgstr "註冊" msgid "Add Credit Card" msgstr "新增信用卡" msgid "Domain Late Renewal Fee" msgstr "網域延遲更新費" msgid "" "New posts you publish will appear in the Reader stream below. You’ll also " "see new posts from other blogs that you are following. You can visit your " "blog by using the 'My Blogs' menu above." msgstr "" "你發佈的新文章會顯示在下方的讀取器串流中。你也會看到你正在關注之其他網誌發佈" "的新文章。你可以使用上方的「我的網誌」選單前往自己的網誌。" msgid "All Products" msgstr "全部商品" msgid "Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with %s" msgstr "輸入你的 meta 金鑰「內容」值,以透過 %s 驗證你的網誌" msgid "Website Verification Services" msgstr "網站驗證服務" msgid "Saving…" msgstr "正在儲存..." msgid "sign up and make your page" msgstr "註冊並製作你的網頁" msgid "Sorry, this report is only visible to members of this site." msgstr "很抱歉,只有此網站的成員才能看到這份報告。" msgid "%d Report" msgstr "%d 報告" msgid "" "About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed " "about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were Liechtenstein, it " "would take about %3$s years for that many people to see it. Your blog had " "more visits than a small country in Europe!" msgstr "" "每年將近 55,000 位旅客造訪列支敦斯登。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果是列支敦斯登,可能需要花上 %3$s 年的時間才會有這麼多" "人造訪。你網誌的瀏覽人數比歐洲小國的遊客人數還多!" msgid "That's %d countries in all!" msgstr "共有 %d 個國家!" msgid "" "Clicking the button below will make your report public and create a draft " "post for you:" msgstr "按一下以下按鈕,即可公開你的報告並建立文章草稿:" msgid "Want to share this report with your readers? " msgstr "想要與你的讀者分享這份報告嗎?" msgid "Post a summary to my blog" msgstr "將摘要發佈至我的網誌" msgid "" "A heads up—after you finish customizing this theme, you’ll be " "forwarded to the checkout process to buy and activate it for %1." msgstr "" "預告:完成自訂此佈景主題後,系統會將你轉至結帳程序,以購買並以 %1 啟用。" msgid "" "If you change your mind and want to choose a different theme, use the “" "Back to previous step” link below." msgstr "如果你改變心意,想要選擇其他佈景主題,請使用下方的「返回上一步」連結。" msgid "" "You’ve selected the %s theme! Now you can customize it to make it look " "exactly how you’d like." msgstr "你已選取 %s 佈景主題!現在你可以依照自己的喜好自訂網誌外觀。" msgid "Did you know you can view enhanced stats on" msgstr "你知道可以在 上檢視增強的統計資料嗎?" msgid "" "See the #fireworks %1$s created by blogging on %2$s. Their %3$d annual " "report. " msgstr "在 %2$s 撰寫網誌,即可觀看 %1$s 製作的 #煙火。他們的 %3$d 年度報告。" msgid "" "See the #fireworks I created by blogging on %1$s. My %2$d annual report. " msgstr "在 %1$s 撰寫網誌,即可觀看我製作的 #煙火。我的 %2$d 年度報告。" msgctxt "\"Reblog: \" title in annual reports" msgid "Reblog: %s" msgstr "轉發:%s" msgctxt "post title for posts with no title" msgid "Untitled" msgstr "無標題" msgid "Advanced customization" msgstr "進階自訂功能" msgid "" "75 or so people get to eat dinner at Per Se every year. This blog had about " "%2$s views in %1$d. If this blog were Per Se, it would take " "%3$s years to serve that many people." msgstr "" "每年約有 75 人能夠在 Per Se (米其林三星餐廳) 享用晚餐。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有" "約 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果這個網誌是 Per Se,可能需花 %3$s 年" "才能招待這麼多人。" msgid "" "5,000 people attended the Aspen Food and Wine Festival. This blog had about " "%2$s views in %1$d. If each view were a foodie, this blog " "would power %3$s festivals." msgstr "" "5,000 人參與了阿斯彭的美食美酒節。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果每個瀏覽次數是一位美食愛好者,這個網誌將可舉辦 %3$s " "次節慶。" msgid "" "100 lucky friends got to attend the Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel wedding. " "This blog had about %2$s visitors in %1$d. If it were " "viewed exclusively by their wedding guests, they’d have to get married %3$s " "times. That’s a lot of gifts!" msgstr "" "100 位幸運的朋友參加了 Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel 的婚禮。這個網誌在 " "%1$d 擁有約 %2$s 位訪客。如果網誌僅限他們的婚宴賓客能夠瀏" "覽,那麼他們可能必須要結婚 %3$s 次。這樣會收到好多賀禮啊!" msgid "" "4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had " "%2$s views in %1$d. If each view were a film, this blog " "would power %3$s Film Festivals" msgstr "" "2012 年坎城影展有 4,329 部電影參展。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果每個瀏覽次數是一部電影,將可用來舉辦 %3$s 次影展" msgid "" "15,000 cans of diet soda were consumed at New York Fashion Week. This blog " "had about %2$s views in %1$d. If these were cans of diet " "soda, they’d power %3$s Fashion Weeks." msgstr "" "在紐約時裝週中共賣出了 15,000 罐低卡汽水。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 " "%2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果這些瀏覽次數是一罐罐的低卡汽水,將可用來舉辦 " "%3$s 次時裝週。" msgid "" "90 photographers worked the red carpet at the 2012 Academy Awards. This blog " "had %2$s views in %1$d. If each view was a photographer, " "you could shoot %3$s Academy Awards ceremonies." msgstr "" "2012 年奧斯卡頒獎典禮有 90 位攝影師在紅地毯上進行拍攝工作。這個網誌在 %1$d 年" "擁有 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果每個瀏覽次數是一位攝影師的話,你可" "拍攝 %3$s 場奧斯卡頒獎典禮。" msgid "" "20,005 entries were submitted to the 2012 National Geographic Photo of the " "Year contest. This blog was viewed %2$s times in %1$d. If " "each view were a photo, this blog could run %3$s contests." msgstr "" "2012 年國家地理雜誌年度照片競賽中,共有 20,005 份參賽送件。這個網誌在 %1$d 年" "擁有 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果每個瀏覽次數是一張照片,這個網誌可" "舉辦 %3$s 次競賽。" msgid "" "The London Olympic Stadium is 53 meters high. This blog had about " "%2$s visitors in %1$d. If every visitor were a meter, this blog " "would be %3$s times taller than the Olympic Stadium – not too shabby." msgstr "" "倫敦奧林匹克體育館的高度有 53 公尺。這個網誌在 %1$d 擁有約 %2$s 位訪客。如果每位訪客是一公尺的話,那麼這個網誌的高度將比奧林匹克體育" "館高出 %3$s 倍,還不賴吧。" msgid "" "The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was " "viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were a Dreamliner, " "it would take about %3$s trips to carry that many people." msgstr "" "新的波音 787 夢幻客機可承載約 250 名乘客。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 " "%2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果是夢幻客機,可能需要飛上 %3$s 趟才能承載這麼多" "人。" msgid "" "600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about " "%2$s views in %1$d. If every person who reached the top of " "Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken %3$s years to get that " "many views." msgstr "" "600 人在 2012 年登上聖母峰頂峰。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果每個登上聖母峰的人都瀏覽這個網誌,可能需要花上 %3$s " "年的時間才會有這麼多的瀏覽次數。" msgid "" "19,000 people fit into the new Barclays Center to see Jay-Z perform. This " "blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were a " "concert at the Barclays Center, it would take about %3$s sold-out " "performances for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "19,000 人湧入新的巴克萊中心觀看 Jay-Z 的演出。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 " "%2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果這是在巴克萊中心舉辦的演唱會,可能需要" "將 %3$s 場門票賣光的表演場次加起來,才有這麼多觀眾。" msgid "" "3,200,000 people watched the Mars Rover land. This blog was viewed about " "%2$s times in %1$d. If this blog were a video of the Rover " "landing, it would take about %3$s days for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "3,200,000 人看了火星探測車登陸。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果這個網誌是探測車的登陸影片,可能需要花上 %3$s 天,才" "會有這麼多人看過該影片。" msgid "" "8 million people saw The Hobbit on its opening weekend. This blog was viewed " "about %2$s times in %1$d. If every person who saw The " "Hobbit visited this blog, it would take %3$s years for them all to read it." msgstr "" "8 百萬人在「哈比人」的首映週末就已經看過這部電影。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 " "%2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果每位看過「哈比人」的人都造訪這個網誌," "他們可能需要花上 %3$s 年的時間才能看完網誌。" msgid "" "12.5 million new people joined the community in %1$d. This " "blog was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If every new " "WordPresser visited this blog, it would take %3$s years for them all to see " "it." msgstr "" "1 千 250 萬名新會員於 %1$d 年加入 社群。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有" "約 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果每位新的 WordPress 使用者都造訪了這" "個網誌,他們可能需要花上 %3$s 年的時間才能看完網誌。" msgid "Unlimited" msgstr "無限" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your blog’s " "activity in %d. Start scrolling!" msgstr "" "為了迎接嶄新的一年,我們想與你分享 %d 年你網誌活動的資料。讓我們開始吧!" msgid "Annual Report" msgstr "年度報告" msgid "Following." msgstr "關注中。" msgid "Post content" msgstr "文章內容" msgid "Comment Likes" msgstr "回應的按讚次數" msgid "Apps" msgstr "應用程式" msgid "Biography" msgstr "個人簡介" msgid "Don't Display Name" msgstr "不要顯示名稱" msgid "Display Small" msgstr "顯示小型" msgid "Display Medium" msgstr "顯示中型" msgid "Display Large" msgstr "顯示大型" msgid "Display X-Large" msgstr "顯示超大型" msgid "" "Your password is too weak: Looks like you're including easy to guess " "information about yourself. Try something a little more unique." msgstr "" "你的密碼強度不足:你似乎在密碼中使用了容易猜到的個人資訊。請嘗試使用更獨特的" "密碼。" msgid "" "This password is too easy to guess: you can improve it by including special " "characters such as !#=?*&." msgstr "" "你的密碼強度不足:你可以混合使用特殊字元 (例如 !#=?*&),以提高密碼的強度。" msgid "" "This password is too easy to guess: you can improve it by mixing both " "letters and numbers." msgstr "你的密碼強度不足:你可以混合使用字母和數字,提高密碼的強度。" msgid " Business" msgstr " 商用版方案" msgid "" "Try any one of our 200+ themes and change as often as you like, no extra " "charge." msgstr "嘗試超過 200 種佈景主題並任意更換,無需額外費用。" msgid "Upload all the video and audio files you want with unlimited storage." msgstr "無限的儲存空間,可讓你任意上載所有影片和音訊檔案。" msgid "Muted Blogs" msgstr "將網誌設為靜音" msgid "You and 1 other person like this" msgstr "你和其他 1 人都說這個讚" msgid "Achievements" msgstr "成就" msgid "Congratulations on getting %1$s total follows on %2$s!" msgstr "恭喜你在 %2$s 一共獲得 %1$s 個人關注!" msgid "Best ever" msgstr "目前最佳" msgid "views" msgstr "瀏覽次數" msgid "Square Tiles" msgstr "方磚" msgid "Tiles" msgstr "並列" msgid "Views per Visitor: %s" msgstr "每個訪客的瀏覽次數:%s" msgid "Views per Visitor: %s" msgstr "每位訪客的點閱數:%s" msgid "Your password can be saved." msgstr "你的密碼可以儲存。" msgid "Galleries" msgstr "藝廊" msgid "Views: %s" msgstr "瀏覽次數: %s" msgid "Someone comments one of my posts" msgstr "有人在我的其中一篇文章上留言" msgid "Visitors: %s" msgstr "訪客:%s" msgid "You do not have permission to perform this action." msgstr "你沒有權限執行此動作。" msgid "Could not insert term relationship into the database." msgstr "無法將項目關聯寫入資料庫。" msgid "Random Order" msgstr "隨機排序" msgid "Network Admin : " msgstr "網絡管理員:" msgid "Site : " msgstr "網站:" msgid "Upgrades and Transactions : " msgstr "升級和交易:" msgid "%1$s replied to your comment %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 回覆了你的留言 %2$s" msgid "Live Support" msgstr "即時支援" msgid "Unlimited Space" msgstr "無限儲存空間" msgid "Unlimited Premium Themes" msgstr "不限量進階版佈景主題" msgid "%d selected" msgstr "已選擇:%d" msgid "Insert from URL" msgstr "由網址插入" msgid "%1$s liked your comment on %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 說你在 %2$s 的回應讚。" msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "發生某種錯誤" msgid "Replace theme's CSS (Advanced)" msgstr "取代佈景主題的 CSS (進階)" msgid "Add-on CSS (Recommended)" msgstr "附加元件 CSS (建議)" msgid "Replacement" msgstr "取代" msgid "Add-on" msgstr "附加元件" msgid "Mode:" msgstr "模式:" msgctxt "Links widget" msgid "Random" msgstr "隨機" msgid "Save & Buy Upgrade" msgstr "儲存並購買升級" msgid " Free" msgstr " 免費版" msgid "WordPress Themes for Blogs at" msgstr " 網誌專用的 WordPress 佈景主題" msgid "Reverse order" msgstr "反向排序" msgid "Pro Tip:" msgstr "專業秘訣:" msgid "Include this CSS in the Mobile Theme" msgstr "將此 CSS 加入行動佈景主題" msgid "Mobile-compatible:" msgstr "與行動裝置相容:" msgid "" "You can upload and insert media (images, audio, documents, etc.) by clicking " "the Add Media button. You can select from the images and files already " "uploaded to the Media Library, or upload new media to add to your page or " "post. To create an image gallery, select the images to add and click the " "“Create a new gallery” button." msgstr "" "你可以透過點擊「新增媒體」按鈕來上載或插入媒體(包含圖片、聲音檔案、檔案檔案" "等等),你可以從藝廊中選擇已上載的圖片或檔案,或上載新的媒體到你的頁面或文章" "中,要建立一個藝廊,請選擇要上載的圖片並點擊“建立新藝廊”。" msgid "Sign in to %s" msgstr "登入 %s" msgid "Deselect" msgstr "取消選取" msgid "Comment on this post?" msgstr "是否要在這篇文章上留言?" msgid "Insert into page" msgstr "插入到頁面" msgid "All media items" msgstr "全部媒體檔案" msgid "Custom URL" msgstr "自訂網址" msgid "Alt Text" msgstr "替代文字" msgid "Attachment Details" msgstr "附件資訊" msgid "Attachment Display Settings" msgstr "顯示附件設定選項" msgid "WordPress › Success" msgstr "WordPress › 成功" msgid "Already Installed" msgstr "已安裝" msgid "Media File" msgstr "媒體檔案" msgid "Insert into post" msgstr "插入至文章" msgid "" "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again " "later." msgstr "發生錯誤;該訂閱可能暫時失效。請稍後再試看看。" msgid "Link To" msgstr "連結到" msgid "Uploading" msgstr "上載中" msgid "Upload Limit Exceeded" msgstr "上載超過限制" msgid "Drop files to upload" msgstr "請將檔案拖曳到這裡上載" msgid "Uploaded to this post" msgstr "上載到這篇文章" msgid "Uploaded to this page" msgstr "上載到這個頁面" msgid "Upload files" msgstr "上載檔案" msgid "Dismiss errors" msgstr "關閉錯誤訊息" msgid "No editor could be selected." msgstr "沒有編輯器可選擇。" msgid "← Cancel gallery" msgstr "← 取消圖庫編輯" msgid "Selected" msgstr "已選取" msgid "Create gallery" msgstr "建立圖庫" msgid "" "To activate your user, please click the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "After you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login." msgstr "" "如要啟用你註冊的使用者,請點擊下方連結:\n" "\n" " %s\n" "\n" "使用者完成啟用後,你會收到 *另一封* 關於登入資訊的電子郵件。" msgid "Update gallery" msgstr "更新相簿" msgid "Add to gallery" msgstr "新增至相簿" msgid "Create a new gallery" msgstr "建立一個新的新相簿" msgid "" "When changing themes, there is often some variation in the number and setup " "of widget areas/sidebars and sometimes these conflicts make the transition a " "bit less smooth. If you changed themes and seem to be missing widgets, " "scroll down on this screen to the Inactive Widgets area, where all of your " "widgets and their settings will have been saved." msgstr "" "當變換佈景主題時,常常在 小工具區域/側邊欄小工具的數量及安裝上會有些變化,有" "時候這些衝突會讓佈景轉換過程有些不順暢。假如你變換佈景主題,且感覺好像遺漏了" "一些小工具,請向下捲動此頁至未啟用區域,此區域將儲存全部你的小工具及其設定。" msgid "" "Parent — Categories, unlike tags, can have a " "hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have child " "categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional. To create a " "subcategory, just choose another category from the Parent dropdown." msgstr "" "上層 — 分類與標籤不同,有階層性。你或許會有個 Jazz 分" "類,然後它下方有 Bebop 與 Big Band 等子分類。完全地開放性選擇。要建立一個子分" "類,只需要在上層中選擇任一分類。" msgid "Inserting Media" msgstr "插入媒體中" msgid "" "The title field and the big Post Editing Area are fixed in place, but you " "can reposition all the other boxes using drag and drop. You can also " "minimize or expand them by clicking the title bar of each box. Use the " "Screen Options tab to unhide more boxes (Excerpt, Send Trackbacks, Custom " "Fields, Discussion, Slug, Author) or to choose a 1- or 2-column layout for " "this screen." msgstr "" "標題欄位與文章編輯區域是固定位置的,但你可以用拖曳重新排列其他全部的區塊。你" "也可以點擊每個區塊的標題列以縮小或展開它們。使用「顯示選項」頁籤來隱藏更多區" "塊(摘要、傳送引用、自訂欄位、討論、代稱、作者)或選擇畫面使用單欄或兩欄版面" "形式。" msgid "Do not forget to click “Save Changes” when you are done!" msgstr "當你修改完畢別忘記點擊「更新」!" msgctxt "color" msgid "Default: %s" msgstr "預設:%s" msgid "Choose a Custom Header" msgstr "選擇一個預設標頭" msgid "Turn comments on or off" msgstr "開啟或關閉評論" msgid "File URL:" msgstr "檔案位址:" msgid "Write your first blog post" msgstr "寫下你的第一篇文章" msgid "Next Steps" msgstr "下一步" msgid "View your site" msgstr "造訪你的網站" msgid "Publish Settings" msgstr "發佈設定" msgid "" "You are using the multi-file uploader. Problems? Try the browser uploader instead." msgstr "" "目前使用的是多檔案上載程式。如果上載檔案時遇到問題,請改用瀏覽器上載程式。" msgctxt "column name" msgid "Uploaded to" msgstr "上載到" msgid "" "When this setting is in effect, a reminder is shown in the At a Glance box " "of the Dashboard that says, “Search engines discouraged”, to " "remind you that you have directed search engines to not crawl your site." msgstr "" "啟用這項設定後,控制台上的「網站概況」區塊將會出現「已阻擋搜尋引擎進行索引」" "提示訊息,以提醒網站管理員此網站已告知搜尋引擎不要進行檢索。" msgid "" "Several boxes on this screen contain settings for how your content will be " "published, including:" msgstr "本畫面上有數個設定區塊,這些設定能讓你決定該如何發佈你的內容,包含:" msgid "" "In the Header Text section of this page, you can choose whether to display " "this text or hide it. You can also choose a color for the text by clicking " "the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e." "g. “#ff0000” for red, or by choosing a color using the color " "picker." msgstr "" "在此頁面的首頁文字選擇中,你可以選擇要顯示文字或是隱藏它。你也可以點擊「選擇" "顏色」按鈕來選擇一個文字顏色,或輸入一個可用的 HTML 十六進位制值,例如紅色是" "「#ff0000」,或使用顏色選擇器來選擇一種顏色。" msgid "" "In the In response to column, there are three elements. The " "text is the name of the post that inspired the comment, and links to the " "post editor for that entry. The View Post link leads to that post on your " "live site. The small bubble with the number in it shows the number of " "approved comments that post has received. If there are pending comments, a " "red notification circle with the number of pending comments is displayed. " "Clicking the notification circle will filter the comments screen to show " "only pending comments on that post." msgstr "" "[回應目標] 欄位包含三項資訊。文章標題代表留言發佈於哪篇文" "章,點擊文章標題會進入該篇文章的編輯畫面,而點擊 [檢視文章] 連結則會進入該篇" "文章在網站前端的內容頁面。文章中有多少則已核准的留言會以帶有數字的小泡泡表" "示,而等候審閱的留言則會以帶有數字的紅色圓圈表示。點擊小泡泡或紅色圓圈,會進" "入該篇文章對應狀態的留言的管理畫面。" msgctxt "media item" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" msgid "" "You can also choose a background color by clicking the Select Color button " "and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. “#ff0000” " "for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker." msgstr "" "你也可以點擊「選擇顏色」按鈕來選擇一個背景顏色,或輸入一個可用的 HTML 十六進" "位制值,例如紅色是「#ff0000」,或使用顏色選擇器來選擇一種顏色。" msgid "The uploaded file is not a valid image. Please try again." msgstr "上載的檔案並不是一個有效圖片。請再試一次。" msgid "" "To use a background image, simply upload it or choose an image that has " "already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the “Choose " "Image” button. You can display a single instance of your image, or " "tile it to fill the screen. You can have your background fixed in place, so " "your site content moves on top of it, or you can have it scroll with your " "site." msgstr "" "欲使用背景圖片,僅需要上載它或者點擊「選擇圖片」按鈕自你已經上載至「媒體庫」" "中選擇一個。你可以顯示單張圖片,或是讓它填滿整個畫面。你可以讓你的背景固定在" "同個地方,讓你的內容顯示在上面,或是讓背景隨著網站捲動。" msgid "Hours:" msgstr "營業時間:" msgid "Phone:" msgstr "電話:" msgid "Show map" msgstr "顯示地圖" msgid "Display a map with your location, hours, and contact information." msgstr "顯示地點、營業時間和聯絡資訊。" msgid "Address:" msgstr "地址:" msgid "" "This upgrade gives you the greatest customization options, aided by white-" "glove support and a multitude of plugins." msgstr "此升級可提供最優質的自訂選項,加上完善的支援和多種外掛程式。" msgid "Preprocessor:" msgstr "前置處理器:" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "The following upgrade has been cancelled and a refund is being prepared:\n" "\n" "%1$s (%2$s)\n" "\n" "It may take up to 5 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, " "credit card or bank account.\n" "If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days " "to pass before contacting support.\n" "Occasionally refunds take longer than normal.\n" "\n" "If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "" msgstr "" "嗨:\n" "\n" "下列升級已取消,且正在準備退款:\n" "\n" "%1$s (在 %2$s)\n" "\n" "可能需要長達 5 個工作日,該退款才會顯示在你的 PayPal、信用卡或銀行帳戶中。\n" "如果你此時尚未看到退款,請等候 3 天後再聯絡支援團隊。\n" "有時款項需要較長時間處理。\n" "\n" "如有需要,請透過此連結聯絡支援團隊:%3$s\n" "\n" "祝你順心,\n" "" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "The following upgrade has been cancelled and refunded:\n" "\n" "%1$s (%2$s)\n" "\n" "It may take up to 5 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, " "credit card or bank account.\n" "If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days " "to pass before contacting support.\n" "Occasionally refunds take longer than normal.\n" "\n" "If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "" msgstr "" "嗨:\n" "\n" "下列升級已取消且已退款:\n" "\n" "%1$s (在 %2$s)\n" "\n" "可能需要長達 5 個工作日,該退款才會顯示在你的 PayPal、信用卡或銀行帳戶中。\n" "如果你此時尚未看到退款,請等候 3 天後再聯絡支援團隊。\n" "有時款項需要較長時間處理。\n" "\n" "如有需要,請透過此連結聯絡支援團隊:%3$s\n" "\n" "祝你順心,\n" "" msgid "All Sites" msgstr "全部網誌" msgid "Button type" msgstr "按鈕類型" msgid "Button Text" msgstr "按鈕文字" msgid "You've recently used this password. Try something new." msgstr "這個密碼你以前用過了。請試試新的。" msgid "Password must be at least %d characters." msgstr "密碼至少要有 %d 個字元。" msgid "Reorder" msgstr "重新排序" msgid "Menu Items re-ordered." msgstr "選單項目已重新排序。" msgid "User does not exist." msgstr "使用者不存在。" msgid "What email address should we contact you at?" msgstr "我們應該透過哪個電子郵件地址聯絡你?" msgid "" "Neat. %s is already a site. We'll activate " "Enterprise there." msgstr "" "極為出色。%s 已是 網站。我們會在那裡啟用 企業版。" msgid "%s is already associated with a Enterprise site" msgstr "%s 已與某個 企業版網站相關聯" msgid "Error: %s" msgstr "錯誤:%s" msgid "per week" msgstr "每週" msgid "per month" msgstr "每月" msgid "" "Please log in using your username instead of your email " "address." msgstr "請使用你的 使用者名稱登入,而非電子郵件地址。" msgid "Base color" msgstr "基本顏色" msgid "Custom JavaScript" msgstr "自訂 JavaScript" msgid "You are not allowed to do that." msgstr "你不可這麼做。" msgid "Read article" msgstr "閱讀文章" msgid "Saving" msgstr "儲存中" msgid "What would you like to import?" msgstr "你想要匯入什麼項目?" msgid "Draft Saved" msgstr "已儲存草稿" msgid "Step" msgstr "步驟" msgid "Generate strong password" msgstr "產生高強度密碼" msgid "" "Already know what you’re doing? Dismiss this message." msgstr "" "已了解操作方式?關閉此訊" "息。" msgid "Image flip failed." msgstr "圖片翻動失敗。" msgid "Image rotate failed." msgstr "圖片旋轉失敗。" msgid "Image crop failed." msgstr "圖片裁切失敗。" msgid "Image resize failed." msgstr "圖片尺寸調整失敗。" msgid "Could not read image size." msgstr "無法讀取圖片的尺寸。" msgid "File is not an image." msgstr "該檔案不是圖片。" msgid "Display your BandPage content" msgstr "顯示你的「品牌網頁」內容" msgid "Transparency:" msgstr "透明度:" msgid "Widget Type:" msgstr "小工具類型:" msgid "BandPage" msgstr "「品牌網頁」" msgid "BandPage Settings" msgstr "「品牌網頁」設定" msgid "Image Editor Save Failed" msgstr "圖片編輯器儲存失敗" msgid " Enterprise" msgstr " 企業版" msgid "Order Details" msgstr "訂單詳細資料" msgid "" "If you have any questions, please contact support through the following " "link: " msgstr "如果你有任何問題,請透過下列連結聯絡支援團隊:" msgid "If you have any questions, please contact support" msgstr "如果你有任何問題,請聯絡支援團隊" msgid "The following upgrade has been cancelled: " msgid_plural "The following upgrades have been cancelled: " msgstr[0] "下列升級已取消:" msgid "Upgrade cancelled" msgstr "已取消升級" msgid "You can contact support using the link below" msgstr "你可以使用下列連結來聯絡支援團隊" msgid "" "If you did not request this change please contact support, or access your " "profile page and reset your password by clicking the button below:" msgstr "" "如果你未要求此變更,請聯" "絡 支援團隊,或按下方按鈕存取你的個人檔案頁面並重設密碼:" msgid "You registered on one year ago." msgid_plural "You registered on %1$s years ago." msgstr[0] "你在 %1$s 年前註冊了。" msgid "Happy Anniversary with!" msgstr "使用 週年快樂!" msgid "Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging." msgstr "感謝你對我們的支援。繼續撰寫優質的網誌文章。" msgid "Visitor" msgid_plural "Visitors" msgstr[0] "訪客" msgid "Thanks for shopping with us." msgstr "感謝你的惠顧。" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Ocean" msgstr "海洋" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s,\n" "\n" "\t\tWelcome to!\n" "\n" "\t\tThank you for signing up with Use this URL to activate " "your account: %2$s\n" "\n" "\t\tYou created a account with your VaultPress sign up. Now " "that we’ve got your site in the Vault, we wanted to tell you about a couple " "of other benefits that might interest you.\n" "\n" "\t\tCheck out Akismet and Polldaddy\n" "\t\tDid you know that you can use your account for " "subscriptions to Akismet or Polldaddy?\n" "\n" "\t\tAkismet is the world’s best anti-spam tool for your WordPress site.\n" "\n" "\t\tWith Polldaddy, you can engage your site visitors with polls, quizzes, " "and ratings, or capture their feedback with surveys.\n" "\n" "\t\tRead your favorite blogs or start your own\n" "\t\tSign in to and check out the Reader, a super simple way to " "catch up on the topics that interest you most. Cooking, fishing, books, " "comics, fashion, politics, computers, and much much more: there’s always " "something great to read at Or, start another blog on " " start sharing your thoughts and interests with the world.\n" "\t\t" msgstr "" "%1$s,你好:\n" "\n" "\t\t歡迎使用!\n" "\n" "\t\t感謝你註冊。請使用此網址啟用帳戶︰%2$s\n" "\n" "\t\t你已使用在 VaultPress 註冊的資料建立 帳戶。現在已由我們負責" "你在 Vault 建立的網站,就讓我們分享其他幾項你可能會感興趣的 優" "點。\n" "\n" "\t\t試試使用 Akismet 和 Polldaddy \n" "\t\t你知道可以使用 帳戶訂閱 Akismet 或 Polldaddy 的服務嗎?\n" "\n" "\t\tAkismet 可為你的 WordPress 網站提供全世界最頂尖的反垃圾郵件工具。\n" "\n" "\t\t若是有了 Polldaddy,則可透過投票、測驗和評分與網站訪客互動,或是透過調查" "取得他們的意見回饋。\n" "\n" "\t\t閱讀你喜愛的網誌,或建立自己的網誌\n" "\t\t登入 試試使用讀取器,輕鬆掌握所有你感興趣的主題,無論是烹" "飪、釣魚、書籍、漫畫、時尚、政治、電腦或其他任何主題, 都能提供" "你精彩的內容。或者,你也可以在 撰寫新的網誌,與全世界分享你的想" "法和興趣。\n" "\t\t" msgid "Happy Anniversary!" msgstr "週年快樂!" msgid "" "You requested cancellation of a domain name. Please check your email for a " "message with a confirmation link." msgstr "你已要求取消網域名稱。請查看你的電子郵件中是否有包含確認連結的郵件。" msgid "Request to cancel domain name" msgstr "要求取消網域名稱" msgid "M j Y" msgstr "Y-m-d" msgid "Tweets by @%s" msgstr "@%s 的推文" msgid "%.1F million" msgstr "%.1F 百萬" msgid "%.1F billion" msgstr "%.1F0 億" msgid "%.1F trillion" msgstr "%.1F 萬億" msgid "Start sharing on \"%s\" now" msgstr "立即開始在「%s」上分享" msgid "" "You can publish posts using emails with the Post by Email feature. To enable this visit your My " "Blogs page and create a secret address." msgstr "" "你可以用Post by Email功能來發佈新文" "章。你可以在我的網誌頁面啟用,並為它建立一個秘密郵件位" "址。" msgid "" "This account has two step authentication enabled. Please configure an " "application-specific password to use with this application." msgstr "此帳戶已啟用兩步驟驗證。請設定要讓此應用程式使用的應用程式專用密碼。" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "The following premium theme has been cancelled and payment for that theme " "has been refunded:\n" "\n" "%1$s on %2$s\n" "\n" "Your blog's appearance has been reverted to its previously selected theme.\n" "\n" "It may take up to 4 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, " "credit card, or bank account.\n" "If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days " "to pass before contacting support.\n" "Occasionally payments take longer than normal.\n" "\n" "If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "" msgstr "" "嗨:\n" "\n" "我們已取消以下進階版佈景主題,也已退還該佈景主題的款項:\n" "\n" "%1$s,位於 %2$s\n" "\n" "你的網誌外觀已回復成先前選取的佈景主題。\n" "\n" "可能需要最多 4 個工作天的時間,你的 PayPal、信用卡或銀行帳戶才會顯示退款資" "訊。\n" "如果這段時間內尚未收到退款,請先再等候 3 天,再聯絡支援團隊。\n" "有時候我們處理款項的時間會比較久。\n" "\n" "必要時,請透過以下連結聯絡支援團隊:%3$s\n" "\n" "祝你順心,\n" "" msgid "More Photos" msgstr "更多相片" msgid "" "Thanks for flying with \"\" %2$s" msgstr "" "感謝你使用 \"\" %2$s" msgid "Items to show:" msgstr "要顯示的項目:" msgid "No upcoming events" msgstr "無近期活動" msgid "%1$s – %2$s" msgstr "%1$s – %2$s" msgid "Crete" msgstr "克里特" msgid "1 minute" msgstr "1 分鐘" msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d day, on %3$s." msgid_plural "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, on %3$s." msgstr[0] "我們將於 %2$d 天後 (%3$s) 向你收取此續訂費用:%1$s。" msgid "%1$s on your site \"%2$s\" will automatically renew today." msgstr "你的網站「%2$s」的 %1$s 將於今日自動更新。" msgid "" "New User: %1$s\n" "Remote IP address: %2$s\n" "\n" "Disable these notifications: %3$s" msgstr "" "新使用者:%1$s\n" "遠端IP:%2$s\n" "\n" "停用這些通知:%3$s" msgid "" "New Site: %1$s\n" "URL: %2$s\n" "Remote IP address: %3$s\n" "\n" "Disable these notifications: %4$s" msgstr "" "新網站:%1$s\n" "網址:%2$s\n" "遠端IP:%3$s\n" " \n" "\n" "停止收到通知:%4$s" msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "ID #%1$s:%2$s" msgid "Used: %1$s%% of %2$s" msgstr "已使用:%2$s 的 %1$s%%" msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s The current user will not be deleted." msgstr "" "ID 為 %1$s 的使用者 %2$s 目前登入的使用者不會遭到刪除。" msgid "" "The blog will no longer appear in your " "reader. Blocking..." msgstr "" "網誌 不會再出現在你的讀取程式中。封鎖中..." msgid "" "Thank you for letting us know about . This " "blog will no longer appear in your reader. Blocking..." msgstr "" "感謝你告知我們有關 的訊息。此網誌不會再出" "現在你的讀取程式中。封鎖中..." msgid "Publishing Post" msgstr "發布文章" msgid "Please select an option." msgstr "請選擇一個選項。" msgid "Error: The email address is already used." msgstr "錯誤: 這個電子郵件地址已由其他使用者使用。" msgid "Sorry, revisions are disabled." msgstr "抱歉,文章版本控制已關閉。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許修改文章。" msgid "There is a revision of this post that is more recent." msgstr "這個是該文章最新的版本。" msgid "Start a New Post" msgstr "開始撰寫新文章" msgid "Earnings" msgstr "獲利" msgid "Period" msgstr "句號" msgid "Oldest" msgstr "最舊" msgid "Related articles" msgstr "相關文章" msgid "Comment cache problem?" msgstr "評論快取問題?" msgid "More about %s..." msgstr "更多有關 %s 的資訊..." msgid "" "The transaction did not complete successfully. Please try again in a few " "moments." msgstr "交易未順利完成。請稍後再試一次。" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Media" msgstr "媒體" msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Feed" msgstr "訂閱 %1$s %2$s %3$s" msgid "The domain specified is not valid." msgstr "指定的網域無效。" msgctxt "Display name based on first name and last name" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "View Attachment Page" msgstr "檢視附件頁面" msgid "Sorry, the user could not be updated." msgstr "很抱歉,無法更新這個使用者的資訊。" msgid "Incorrect username or password." msgstr "使用者名稱或密碼不正確。" msgid "XML-RPC services are disabled on this site." msgstr "這個網站尚未開啟 XML-RPC 服務。" msgid "Home URL" msgstr "首頁網址" msgid "It is up to search engines to honor this request." msgstr "這得靠搜尋引擎尊重這項要求。" msgid "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" msgstr "阻擋搜尋引擎索引這個網站" msgid "Allow search engines to index this site" msgstr "允許搜尋引擎索引這個網站" msgid "Search engine visibility" msgstr "搜尋引擎可見度" msgid "Alternative Text" msgstr "替代文字" msgid "The privacy options group has been removed. Use another settings group." msgstr "隱私選項組已經被移除。請使用其他設定組。" msgid "The \"%s\" options group has been removed. Use another settings group." msgstr "\"%s\" 選項群組經已移除。請使用另一個設定群組。" msgid "Search engines discouraged" msgstr "已阻擋搜尋引擎進行索引" msgid "Connect to Tumblr to begin" msgstr "連結至 Tumblr 並開始" msgid "%s's Subscriptions" msgstr "%s的訂閱" msgid "%s's Favorites" msgstr "%s的收藏" msgid "%s's Replies Created" msgstr "%s的回复已建立" msgid "%s's Topics Started" msgstr "%s的主題已開始" msgid "Reset to defaults" msgstr "重設為預設值" msgid "Tag name." msgstr "標籤名稱。" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Following" msgstr "關注中" msgid "" "Sign in to your account to receive handy notifications about " "your blog activity." msgstr "登入你的 帳戶,便於接收有關網誌活動的通知。" msgid " Notifications" msgstr " 通知" msgid "Username/Password incorrect for %s" msgstr "「%s」的使用者名稱/密碼不正確" msgid "Pick a Background Pattern" msgstr "挑選背景圖樣" msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "切斷連結" msgid "Make this connection available to all users of this blog?" msgstr "讓這個網誌的所有帳戶都可以使用這個連結?" msgid "Retry" msgstr "重試" msgid "" "There was a problem removing the Private Registration upgrade from your " "domain. Please try again or contact support if the issue " "continues." msgstr "" "從你的網域移除「私密註冊」升級時發生問題。如果問題持續出現,請再試一次或聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "You have successfully canceled the Private Registration upgrade for your " "domain." msgstr "你已成功取消網域的「私密註冊」升級。" msgid "You successfully purchased Private Registration for %s" msgstr "你已成功為 %s 購買私密註冊" msgid "Edit Menu" msgstr "編輯選單" msgid "Search Menu Items" msgstr "搜尋選單項目" msgid "No Labels" msgstr "無標籤" msgctxt "Nova label separator" msgid ", " msgstr "," msgid "Add These New Menu Items" msgstr "新增這些選單項目" msgid "" "Use the TAB key on your keyboard to move between colums and the " "ENTER or RETURN key to save each row and move on to " "the next." msgstr "" "使用鍵盤上的 TAB 鍵在欄位之間移動,並使用 ENTER 或 " "RETURN 鍵以儲存每一列並移動至下一欄位。" msgid "Move menu section down" msgstr "將選單區段往下移" msgid "Move menu section up" msgstr "將選單區段往上移" msgid "Labels" msgstr "標籤" msgid "Add Many Items" msgstr "新增許多項目" msgid "No Menu Items found in Trash" msgstr "回收桶中找不到選單項目" msgid "No Menu Items found" msgstr "找不到選單項目" msgid "View Menu Item" msgstr "檢視選單項目" msgid "Price" msgstr "定價" msgid "New Menu Item" msgstr "新選單項目" msgid "Add One Item" msgstr "新增一個項目" msgid "Menu Items" msgstr "選單項目" msgid "Items on your restaurant's menu" msgstr "你的餐廳上的菜單項目" msgid "Food Menus" msgstr "食物選單" msgid "No Labels found" msgstr "沒有找到標籤" msgid "Choose from the most used Labels" msgstr "選擇最常用的標籤" msgid "Add or remove Labels" msgstr "新增或移除標籤" msgid "New Menu Item Label Name" msgstr "新增選單項目標籤名稱" msgid "Add New Menu Item Label" msgstr "新增選單項目標籤" msgid "Update Menu Item Label" msgstr "更新選單項目標籤" msgid "View Menu Item Label" msgstr "檢視選單項目標籤" msgid "Edit Menu Item Label" msgstr "編輯選單項目標籤" msgid "All Menu Item Labels" msgstr "所有選單項目標籤" msgid "Popular Labels" msgstr "熱門標籤" msgid "Search Menu Item Labels" msgstr "搜尋選單項目標籤" msgid "Menu Item Label" msgstr "選單項目標籤" msgid "Menu Item Labels" msgstr "選單項目標籤" msgid "Shows %s post on each load." msgid_plural "Shows %s posts on each load." msgstr[0] "每次載入時顯示 %s 篇文章。" msgctxt "Open Sans font: on or off" msgid "on" msgstr "on" msgctxt "Open Sans font: add new subset (greek, cyrillic, vietnamese)" msgid "no-subset" msgstr "no-subset" msgid "Source code" msgstr "原始碼" msgid "There was an error, please try again" msgstr "發生錯誤。請稍後再試一次" msgid "There was an error." msgstr "發生錯誤。" msgid "Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic." msgstr "以酷炫的拼接樣式顯示所有藝廊圖片。" msgid "Our Story" msgstr "我們的故事" msgid "Community-organized events that focus on everything WordPress" msgstr "社群舉辦的活動會著重在 WordPress 的所有內容" msgid "Do More" msgstr "更多功能" msgid "Create your own website" msgstr "建立你自己的網站" msgid "Get Upgraded" msgstr "加以升級" msgid "Developers" msgstr "開發人員" msgid "Upgrade your website" msgstr "升級網站" msgid "Custom domains" msgstr "自訂網域名稱" msgid "%s Follower" msgid_plural "%s Followers" msgstr[0] "%s 個追隨者" msgid "%1$s, %2$s" msgstr "%1$s、%2$s" msgid "Display post date?" msgstr "顯示發佈日期?" msgid "Connect and share your posts on %s" msgstr "與 %s 連結並分享你的文章" msgctxt "Service: Account connected as" msgid "%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s: %2$s" msgid "sign up" msgstr "註冊" msgid "The credit card entered is invalid." msgstr "輸入的信用卡無效。" msgid "Please enter a security code (CVV)." msgstr "請輸入安全碼 (CVV)。" msgid "Please enter a valid \"State\" for your country in the address section." msgstr "請在地址區段輸入你所在國家/地區的有效「州/省」。" msgid "" "The security code CVV provided is invalid. The CVV is between 3-4 digits " "long." msgstr "提供的安全碼 (CVV) 無效。CVV 長度為 3 至 4 位數。" msgid "Please use a valid credit card." msgstr "請使用有效的信用卡。" msgid "The security code (CVV) entered does not match the credit card." msgstr "輸入的安全碼 (CVV) 與信用卡不符。" msgid "" "The transaction was declined. Please contact your card issuer as they may " "have blocked the transaction for anti-fraud purposes. Alternatively, try " "another card." msgstr "" "交易遭到拒絕。請聯絡你的發卡銀行,他們可能因為實施反詐欺措施而封鎖了交易。或" "者,你也可以嘗試使用其他信用卡。" msgid "Please enter a valid country in the address section." msgstr "請在地址區段輸入有效的國家/地區。" msgid "The transaction was declined. Please try another card." msgstr "交易遭到拒絕。請改用其他信用卡。" msgid "" "The credit card you entered cannot be used, please try a different card." msgstr "無法使用你輸入的信用卡,請改用其他信用卡。" msgid "" "Your payment was not processed this time due to an error, please try to " "submit it again." msgstr "由於發生錯誤,目前無法處理你的款項,請嘗試重新提交。" msgid "Add sharing buttons" msgstr "新增分享按鈕" msgid "The receipt does not appear to be valid." msgstr "收件人似乎無效。" msgid "" "Use this password to log in to %s application. Note: spaces are ignored." msgstr "使用此密碼登入 %s 應用程式。附註:空格會忽略。" msgid "Verification Code" msgstr "驗證碼" msgid "" "Please enter the verification code generated by your authenticator mobile " "application." msgstr "請輸入驗證器行動應用程式所產生的驗證碼。" msgid "" "Sorry, your most recent reset code has expired. We have sent a new SMS reset " "code. You may need to wait a few moments before it arrives." msgstr "" "很抱歉,你最近的重設代碼已經過期。我們已經透過簡訊傳送新的重設代碼。你可能需" "要等候一段時間才會收到重設代碼。" msgid "Need More Help?" msgstr "需要更多協助?" msgid "Music Player" msgstr "音樂播放器" msgid "" "We could not find an account that matches your login. Please check your " "spelling. Note that we can only provide support for accounts - do not use this page for your own blog." msgstr "" "我們找不到符合你登入資訊的帳戶。請檢查你的拼字。請注意,我們只能為 " " 帳戶提供支援;請勿將此頁面用於你個人的 " " 網誌。" msgid "Choose songs" msgstr "選擇歌曲" msgid "Unmute" msgstr "取消靜音" msgid "Access your account" msgstr "存取帳戶" msgid "Application name" msgstr "應用程式名稱" msgid "Podcast" msgstr "播客節目" msgid "Create Site" msgstr "建立網站" msgid "Name your site" msgstr "為網站命名" msgid "That phone number does not appear to be valid" msgstr "電話號碼似乎無效" msgid "Account Recovery Changed" msgstr "帳戶還原已變更" msgid "To reset your password please click the following link:" msgstr "若要重設密碼,請按下列連結:" msgid "Reset password" msgstr "重設密碼" msgid "To reset your password please click this button:" msgstr "若要重設密碼,請按一下此按鈕:" msgid "Did you change your registered email address? Use the new address." msgstr "你是否已變更註冊的電子郵件地址?使用新的地址。" msgid "Check your registration email for the correct login." msgstr "請檢查你的 註冊電子郵件,以取得正確的登入資訊。" msgid "Unable to reset password" msgstr "無法重設密碼" msgid "" "Follow instructions and be re-united with your account" msgstr "遵循說明以取回你的 帳戶" msgid "Enter your username or email address" msgstr "輸入你的 使用者名稱或電子郵件地址" msgid "Follow these simple steps to reset your account:" msgstr "請遵循以下簡單的步驟以重設你的帳戶:" msgid "Please do not send us multiple account recovery requests." msgstr "請勿向我們傳送多個帳戶復原要求。" msgid "" " Please check your email regularly, and make sure we don't get caught by " "your spam filter." msgstr "" "請定期檢查你的電子郵件,確保我們傳送的電子郵件不會被你的垃圾郵件過濾器阻擋。" msgid "" "Please enter the code you were sent by SMS. It will look something like " "%s. You may need to wait a few moments before it arrives." msgstr "" "請輸入你透過簡訊收到的代碼。代碼外觀就像 %s。你可能需要等候一段" "時間才會收到重設代碼。" msgid "Your password has changed for \"%s\"." msgstr "「%s」的 密碼已變更。" msgid "" "If you did not request this password change please check with anyone else " "who has access to your account. If in doubt, contact support." msgstr "" "如果你未要求變更此密碼,請與擁有你帳戶存取權的其他人確認。如果有任何疑慮,請" "聯絡 支援團隊。" msgid "" "Your old password will no longer work. Please update any records you may " "have and use the new password in the future." msgstr "你無法再使用舊密碼。請更新所有記錄,未來請使用新的密碼。" msgid "Your password has changed for %s." msgstr "%s 的 密碼已變更。" msgid "Password Changed" msgstr "密碼已變更" msgid "" "Still having problems? Try our account recovery form and " "we'll do our best to get you running again." msgstr "" "仍然遇到問題?請填寫我們的帳戶復原表單,我們將盡力協助你恢復" "帳戶運作。" msgid "Help!" msgstr "請幫助我!" msgid "Double-check your spelling." msgstr "請再次檢查拼字。" msgid "What should I do now?" msgstr "我現在該怎麼做?" msgid "" "I'm sorry, but we weren't able to find a user with that login information." msgstr "很抱歉,我們找不到擁有該登入資訊的使用者。" msgid "Wait for your recovery details to be sent" msgstr "請等候我們傳送復原詳細資料" msgid "Thanks! We will investigate your details and get back to you soon." msgstr "謝謝!我們將調查你的詳細資料,並盡快與你聯絡。" msgid "Extra Details" msgstr "其他詳細資料" msgid "Please enter a receipt or transaction ID" msgstr "請輸入收據或交易 ID" msgid "Do you have a transaction ID?" msgstr "你是否有交易 ID?" msgid "What's this?" msgstr "這是什麼?" msgid "Proof of Ownership" msgstr "擁有權證明" msgid "I don't know my registered email or username" msgstr "我不知道我的註冊電子郵件地址或使用者名稱" msgid "What is your registered email address or username?" msgstr "你的註冊電子郵件地址或使用者名稱為何?" msgid "" "If you don't have any of the listed proofs you must provide as much detail " "as you can in the extra details section." msgstr "" "如果你沒有任何證明資料,就必須在「其他詳細資料」區段盡可能提供詳細資" "料。" msgid "Please provide a valid contact address" msgstr "請提供有效的聯絡地址" msgid "Please provide us with your login information" msgstr "請提供你的登入資訊" msgid "Account Recovery" msgstr "帳戶復原" msgid "[] Password Changed" msgstr "[] 密碼已變更" msgid "Community Tags" msgstr "社區標籤" msgid "iCalendar Feed URL:" msgstr "iCalendar 摘要 URL:" msgid "Display upcoming events from an iCalendar feed." msgstr "從 iCalendar 摘要顯示近期活動。" msgid "Change file" msgstr "更換檔案" msgid "Post excerpt" msgstr "文章摘要" msgid "Timeline" msgstr "時間軸" msgid "Phone Number" msgstr "電話號碼" msgid "Trouble clicking? Just copy and paste the URL into a browser" msgstr "無法點選?請直接複製網址並貼上至瀏覽器" msgid "Someone recently requested that the password be reset for \"%s\"." msgstr "最近有人要求重設「%s」的密碼。" msgid "" "If this is a mistake just ignore this email - your password will not be " "changed." msgstr "如果這是誤判,請忽略此電子郵件;你的密碼將不會變更。" msgid "" "Someone recently requested that the password be reset for %s." msgstr "最近有人要求重設 %s 的密碼。" msgid "Podcast Category" msgstr "播客類別" msgid "Set podcast title" msgstr "設定播客標題" msgid "Podcast title" msgstr "播客標題" msgid "Generate Password" msgstr "產生密碼" msgid "Security" msgstr "安全性" msgid "Application passwords" msgstr "應用程式密碼" msgid "Two-Step Authentication" msgstr "兩步驟驗證" msgid "Recover my account!" msgstr "復原我的帳戶!" msgid "Explicit Content" msgstr "成人內容" msgid "Podcasting" msgstr "播客" msgid "(must be logged into your account)" msgstr "(必須登入你的 帳戶)" msgid "Try it Out" msgstr "試用一下" msgid "Get Started" msgstr "開始使用" msgid "Close account" msgstr "關閉帳戶" msgid "Connect to" msgstr "連結到" msgid "Not Connected" msgstr "未連結" msgid "Report this content" msgstr "回報此內容" msgid "Invalid status." msgstr "無效的狀態。" msgid "Create a new account:" msgstr "建立新的 帳戶" msgid "Added domain mapping." msgstr "已新增網域對應。" msgid "Browse themes matching the search term(s) "%s"" msgstr "瀏覽符合搜尋條件“%s”的主題" msgid "Show sharing buttons." msgstr "顯示「分享」功能的按鈕。" msgid "Show likes." msgstr "顯示按讚內容。" msgid "Shows your most viewed posts and pages." msgstr "顯示最多瀏覽人次的文章和分頁。" msgid "Trending" msgstr "趨勢" msgid "" "Hey, we're back. If you don't hear from us shortly, please try your question " "once more. Thanks!" msgstr "" "您好!我們回來了。如果您在近期內未收到我們的答覆,請稍後再嘗試詢問您的問題。" "謝謝!" msgid "" "Oops, our operators have all stepped away for a moment. If you don't hear " "back from us shortly, please try again later. Thanks!" msgstr "" "糟糕,我們的接線生暫時都無法回覆您。如果您在近期內未收到我們的回覆,請稍後再" "嘗試。謝謝!" msgid "Monthly Totals" msgstr "每月總計" msgid "Customize It!" msgstr "自訂它!" msgid "Next Step →" msgstr "下一步 →" msgid "%s is already mapped to a site you don't have access to." msgstr "%s 已對應至你不具存取權的 網站。" msgid "Looks good! We'll create a staging site for you at %s" msgstr "看起來不錯!我們會在 %s 為你建立測試網站" msgid "" "We tried to create a site for you but it did not work out. Please contact " "VIP." msgstr "我們嘗試為你建立網站,但無法成功。請聯絡 VIP。" msgid "" "You'll receive your spiffy domain after signing up! Please choose " "another." msgstr "註冊後,你會收到酷炫的 網域!請選擇另一個。" msgid "4 of 4" msgstr "第 4 頁,共 4 頁" msgid "3 of 4" msgstr "第 3 頁,共 4 頁" msgid "2 of 4" msgstr "第 2 頁,共 4 頁" msgid "1 of 4" msgstr "第 1 頁,共 4 頁" msgid "Welcome to your Dashboard!" msgstr "歡迎來到你的控制台!" msgid "Loading the Customizer…" msgstr "正在載入自訂工具…" msgid "Draft your first post" msgstr "撰寫你的第一篇文章" msgid "Whoops, you don't have permission to do that." msgstr "糟糕,你沒有權限這麼做。" msgid "Errors" msgstr "錯誤" msgid "Circles" msgstr "圓圈" msgid "Which language will you be blogging in?" msgstr "你用什麼語言寫文章?" msgid "In a few words, explain what your blog is about." msgstr "用簡短幾個字說明你的網誌內容。" msgid "Tagline (optional)" msgstr "標語 (選填)" msgctxt "Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)" msgid "Text" msgstr "文字" msgid "Skip to toolbar" msgstr "略過工具列" msgid "Found %s friend with WordPress blogs." msgid_plural "Found %s friends with WordPress blogs." msgstr[0] "透過 WordPress 網誌找到 %s 個朋友。" msgid "Custom Domain for %s" msgstr "%s 的自訂網域" msgid "%s is available" msgstr "%s 可供使用" msgid "%s is already taken" msgstr "%s 已屬他人所有" msgid "Attribute all content to:" msgstr "將所有內容移轉給:" msgid "What should be done with content owned by this user?" msgstr "如何處理該使用者的內容?" msgctxt "widget" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" msgctxt "widget" msgid "Add" msgstr "新增小工具" msgid "Contextual Help Tab" msgstr "情境說明頁籤" msgid "Screen Options Tab" msgstr "顯示選項頁籤" msgid "" "You can delete Link Categories in the Bulk Action pull-down, but that action " "does not delete the links within the category. Instead, it moves them to the " "default Link Category." msgstr "" "你可以在「批次管理」下拉選單中刪除連結分類,但這並不會將該分類中的連結刪除。" "它將會把他們移動至預設的連結分類。" msgid "Select %s" msgstr "選取 [%s]" msgid "Select comment" msgstr "選擇留言" msgid "" "You can select an image to be shown at the top of your site by uploading " "from your computer or choosing from your media library. After selecting an " "image you will be able to crop it." msgstr "" "你可以選擇一張圖片放到網站的最上面,圖片可以來自你的電腦或是媒體庫,選擇之後" "你可以裁剪它。" msgid "%d post in %s in the last 24 hours." msgstr "最近 24 小時內 %d 篇 %s 主題的文章。" msgid "Crafts" msgstr "手工藝" msgid "Art" msgstr "藝術" msgid "Poll Settings" msgstr "投票設定" msgid "Heading color" msgstr "標題色彩" msgid "Always" msgstr "總是" msgid "Both" msgstr "兩者" msgid "Display a Freshly Pressed badge in your sidebar" msgstr "在側欄中顯示「最新發佈」的徽章" msgid "Set up your blog" msgstr "設定網誌" msgid "Follow some interesting topics" msgstr "關注一些有趣的主題" msgid "Welcome to!" msgstr "歡迎來到!" msgid "Minimal" msgstr "最小" msgid "Connect" msgstr "連結" msgid "Sign up now!" msgstr "立即註冊!" msgid "Widget title" msgstr "小工具標題" msgid "Aggregated stats for %s" msgstr "%s 的彙總統計" msgid "You don't have permission to access this blog" msgstr "你沒有存取此網誌的權限" msgid "%s posted: " msgstr "%s 發佈了:" msgid "%s commented: " msgstr "%s 回應了:" msgid "" " - Your email address isn't associated with a user that has " "permission to view this site." msgstr " - 您的電子郵件地址與有權查看此站點的WordPress.com使用者無關。" msgid "" " - You're replying from a different email address than the one your " "subscription was sent to." msgstr " - 您使用與訂閱發送的電子郵件地址不同的電子郵件地址進行回覆。" msgid "" "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching will help:" msgstr "我們似乎找不到你正在尋找的項目,也許搜尋功能可提供協助:" msgid "Respond to this post by replying above this line" msgstr "在此行上方回覆即可回覆此文章" msgid "Respond to this comment by replying above this line" msgstr "在此行上方回覆即可回覆此回應" msgid "Not good" msgstr "不好" msgid "It was not good" msgstr "差強人意" msgid "Just OK" msgstr "普通" msgid "It was OK" msgstr "還不錯" msgid "Please rate your support experience" msgstr "請為支援服務的使用體驗評分" msgid "It was great!" msgstr "太棒了!" msgid "Choose an image to display in your sidebar:" msgstr "在你的側欄中選擇一張圖片:" msgid "The domain name %s is about to expire." msgstr "網域名稱 %s 即將到期。" msgid "You don't have to do anything - this is just a reminder." msgstr "你不需要執行任何動作,此資訊僅作為提醒用途。" msgid "[] Domain %s is about to expire" msgstr "[] 網域 %s 即將到期" msgid "No search terms have been recorded yet." msgstr "尚未記錄任何搜尋字詞。" msgid "No clicks have been recorded yet." msgstr "尚未記錄任何點擊率。" msgid "No referres have been recorded yet." msgstr "尚未記錄任何推薦連結。" msgid "" "%s recently helped you out with your questions in a live " "chat." msgstr "%s 最近曾透過即時聊天協助你解決問題。" msgid "Thanks for flying with %1$s %2$s" msgstr "感謝你使用 %1$s %2$s" msgid "View Pages" msgstr "檢視頁面" msgid "All categories" msgstr "全部分類" msgid "Submitting Comment%s" msgstr "送出評論%s " msgid "%1$s recently helped you out with your support request \"%2$s\"." msgstr "%1$s 最近曾協助你解決支援要求「%2$s」。" msgid "Skype" msgstr "Skype" msgid "Use" msgstr "使用" msgid "DNS is correct" msgstr "DNS 正確" msgid "DNS needs to be updated" msgstr "必須更新 DNS" msgid "%s per year" msgstr "每年 %s" msgid "Translate" msgstr "翻譯" msgid "" "View full size %1$s×%2$s" msgstr "" "檢視完整大小 %1$s×%2$s" msgid "" "Howdy.\n" "\n" "You recently signed up to follow one of my posts. This means once you " "confirm below, you will receive an email when new comments are posted.\n" "\n" "To activate, click confirm below. If you believe this is an error, ignore " "this message and nothing more will happen." msgstr "" "哈囉,\n" "\n" "你最近註冊了關注我的其中一篇文章。這表示你在下方確認後,便會在發佈新回應時收" "到電子郵件通知。\n" "\n" "若要啟用,請按下方的確認。如果你認為這是錯誤處置,請忽略此訊息,任何變更都不" "會生效。" msgid "Distraction-free writing mode" msgstr "專注寫作模式" msgid "" "Tags can be selectively converted to categories using the tag " "to category converter." msgstr "使用標籤至分類轉換器讓標籤可被選擇性地轉換為分類。" msgid "" "Creating a Page is very similar to creating a Post, and the screens can be " "customized in the same way using drag and drop, the Screen Options tab, and " "expanding/collapsing boxes as you choose. This screen also has the " "distraction-free writing space, available in both the Visual and Text modes " "via the Fullscreen buttons. The Page editor mostly works the same as the " "Post editor, but there are some Page-specific features in the Page " "Attributes box." msgstr "" "建立一個頁面與建立一篇文章非常類似,畫面可以使用相同拖曳方式來自訂,在顯示選" "項分頁,可以展開/摺疊選擇的區塊。這個畫面也有專注寫作模式,能在可視化或文字" "模式切換,以全螢幕畫面來編輯頁面內容。頁面編輯器與文章編輯器大同小異,差別在" "於頁面有它自己的屬性區塊。" msgid "Expand" msgstr "擴大" msgid "" "Top Posts & Pages by views are calculated from 24-48 hours of stats. " "They take a while to change." msgstr "" "從 24 - 48 小時的統計計算出瀏覽人次最多的熱門文章 & 分頁。它們需要一段時" "間來變更。" msgid "Image Grid" msgstr "圖片框線" msgid "Image List" msgstr "圖片列表" msgid "Text List" msgstr "文字列表" msgid "Order Top Posts & Pages By:" msgstr "熱門文章與頁面排序依據:" msgid "" "There are no users to display in this My Community widget. Want more traffic?" msgstr "" "沒有使用者可以顯示在我的社群小工具中。" "想要更多流量嗎?" msgid "I'm just starting out; leave me a comment or a like :)" msgstr "我才剛開始使用,請留言或幫我按個讚 :)" msgid "" "You need to select what to show in this Gravatar Profile " "widget." msgstr "" "你需要在 Gravatar 個人檔案小工具 (widget) 選擇顯示。" msgid "" "You are not yet following any blogs. Try finding your " "friends or check out our recommended blogs." msgstr "" "你尚未關注任何網誌。嘗試尋找你的朋友,或查看我們的推薦網誌。" msgid "" "You have not recently liked any posts. Once you do, this Posts I Like widget will display them." msgstr "" "你最近尚未對任何文章說讚。按讚以後,這個我按讚的文章小工具" "就會顯示這些內容。" msgid "subscriptions" msgstr "網站訂閱" msgid "These are colors that work well with the other colors in your palette:" msgstr "這些色彩可完美搭配調色盤中的其他色彩:" msgid "" "Please configure your Twitter username for the Twitter " "Widget." msgstr "請為 Twitter 小工具設定你的 Twitter 使用者名稱。" msgid "RSS - %s" msgstr "用 RSS 訂閱最新%s" msgid "Subscribe to %s" msgstr "訂閱 %s" msgid "" "You need to pick a user or enter an email address in your Gravatar Widget settings." msgstr "" "你需要在 Gravatar 小工具設定中挑選使用者或輸入電子郵件地" "址。" msgid "" "If you use more categories on your site, they will appear " "here." msgstr "如果你在網站上使用更多分類,這些類別會顯示在這裡。" msgid "Show how many users?" msgstr "要顯示幾位使用者?" msgid "" "It looks like your Facebook URL is incorrectly configured. Please check it " "in your widget settings." msgstr "" "你的 Facebook 網址設定似乎不正確。請在你的 小工具 (widget) " "設定中進行檢查。" msgid "Amazon" msgstr "Amazon" msgid "Lots" msgstr "很多" msgid "A few" msgstr "一些" msgid "Include activity from commenters" msgstr "納入留言者的活動" msgid "Include activity from followers" msgstr "納入關注者的活動" msgid "Include activity from likers" msgstr "納入按讚者的活動" msgid "A sampling of users from your blog." msgstr "從你網誌抽樣的使用者。" msgid "My Community" msgstr "我的社群" msgid "Community" msgstr "社群" msgctxt "1: User Name, 2: Service Name (Facebook, Twitter, ...)" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 在 %2$s" msgid "(at most 50)" msgstr "(最多 50 個)" msgid "Number of blogs to show:" msgstr "網誌顯示數:" msgid "Display linked images for the blogs you follow" msgstr "為你關注的網誌顯示已連結圖片" msgid "" "If you don't want to purchase these products or feel this is mistake, no " "action is required - you can simply ignore this reminder. For any questions, " "just reply to this message in your email program." msgstr "" "如果你不想購買這些產品,或認為這是誤判,則無須執行任何動作,只要忽略此提醒即" "可。如有任何問題,只要在電子郵件程式中回覆此訊息即可。" msgid "" "Howdy, it looks like you were checking out some upgrades in the WordPress." "com store. If you still want to purchase them, just follow the links below." msgstr "" "哈囉,你最近似乎曾在 商店瀏覽一些升級服務。如果你還想要購買這些" "升級,只要點選下方連結即可。" msgid "We also offer professional CSS support in our forums:" msgstr "我們也在論壇中提供專業的 CSS 支援:" msgid "" "The Font Editor lets you customize the fonts in your theme, Custom Colors " "lets you adjust the color scheme, and the CSS Editor allows you to customize " "the stylesheet of any available theme with your own custom CSS." msgstr "" "「字型編輯器」可讓你自訂佈景主題中的字型;「自訂顏色」可讓你調整色彩配置;而" "「CSS 編輯器」則可讓你透過自己的 CSS 來自訂任何可用佈景主題的樣式表。" msgid "" "Custom Design to customise your site's appearance and choose unique fonts " "and colors" msgstr "「自訂設計」可讓你自訂網站的外觀,並選擇獨一無二的字型和顏色" msgid "" "You can start customizing your site under Appearance → " "Custom Design." msgstr "" "你可以在「外觀」→「自訂設計」下方開始自訂你的網站。" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, any customizations you made to your theme's CSS, " "Custom Colors, and Custom Fonts will no longer be active on your site. Your " "site will revert to its appearance before you started using Custom Design." msgstr "" "如果此升級到期,你的網站將無法再套用你對佈景主題的 CSS、自訂顏色和自訂字型等" "所作的任何自訂內容。你的網站將還原為你尚未使用「自訂設計」之前的外觀。" msgid "" "This upgrade lets you choose unique fonts for your site, a custom color " "scheme, and customize its appearance further with your own CSS." msgstr "" "此升級可讓你為網站選擇獨一無二的字型、自訂色彩配置,並進一步使用自己的 CSS 來" "自訂外觀。" msgctxt "1: Post Title, 2: Blog Name" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "「%1$s」對「%2$s」留言" msgid "" "Sorry, you have used your space allocation of %s. Please delete some files " "to upload more files." msgstr "對不起,您已使用 %s 的空間分配。請刪除一些檔案以上載更多檔案。" msgid "" "Ogg file container with Theora video and Vorbis audio. Note that some " "browsers are unable to play free software video formats, including Internet " "Explorer and Safari." msgstr "" "具有 Theora 影片和 Vorbis 音訊的 Ogg 檔案容器請注意,部分瀏覽器 (包括 " "Internet Explorer 與 Safari) 無法播放自由軟體影片格式。" msgid "Attachment Errors" msgstr "附件發生錯誤" msgid "Please choose a custom style…" msgstr "請選擇自訂樣式…" msgid "Author's likes to display:" msgstr "顯示作者的讚:" msgid "Display as:" msgstr "顯示為:" msgid "A list of the posts I most recently liked" msgstr "我最近按讚的文章清單" msgid "Choose a Palette" msgstr "選擇調色盤" msgid "Follow this Blog?" msgstr "是否要關注這個網誌?" msgid "Choose a Background Image" msgstr "選擇一個背景圖片" msgid "Customize Your Background" msgstr "自訂你的背景" msgid "Go back to your theme’s default colors" msgstr "復原至佈景主題的預設色彩" msgid "%1$s (%2$s %3$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s %3$s)" msgid "Display images in full-size carousel slideshow." msgstr "在輪播幻燈片中顯示圖片的原始尺寸。" msgid "Enable carousel" msgstr "開啟輪播功能" msgid "Image Gallery Carousel" msgstr "圖片藝廊輪播" msgid "" "Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available." msgstr "" "在資料可用時,於隨選區顯示相片中繼資料 (Exif)。" msgid "white" msgstr "白" msgid "black" msgstr "黑" msgid "Unused" msgstr "未使用" msgid "Colors & Backgrounds" msgstr "色彩和背景" msgid "Please provide a valid email address." msgstr "請提供一個有效的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Please provide an email address." msgstr "請提供一個電子郵件地址。" msgid "Sorry, but we could not authenticate your request." msgstr "抱歉,但我們無法驗證並授權你的申請。" msgid "Comments on this post are closed." msgstr "此文的評論功能已關閉。" msgid "No comment text was submitted." msgstr "沒有評論文字被送出。" msgid "Missing target post ID." msgstr "遺失文章 ID" msgid "Missing target blog ID." msgstr "遺失部落格標的 ID" msgid "Missing attachment ID." msgstr "遺失附件 ID" msgid "Highlights" msgstr "亮部" msgid "Previewing and Customizing" msgstr "預覽中與自訂中" msgid "Adding Themes" msgstr "新增佈景主題" msgctxt "theme name" msgid "Name" msgstr "名稱" msgid "Browse premium themes" msgstr "瀏覽進階版佈景主題" msgid "Purchase & activate “%s”" msgstr "購買並啟用 “%s”" msgid "Accent #2" msgstr "輔色 2" msgid "Accent #1" msgstr "輔色 1" msgid "Buttons" msgstr "按鈕" msgid "" "There aren't any patterns that match your chosen color scheme. It's just too " "unique!" msgstr "沒有任何圖樣符合你所選的色彩配置。它實在太獨特了!" msgctxt "Reblogs notifications" msgid "Reblogs" msgstr "轉發" msgctxt "Likes notifications" msgid "Likes" msgstr "喜歡" msgctxt "Follows notifications" msgid "Follows" msgstr "關注" msgctxt "Comments notifications" msgid "Comments" msgstr "回應" msgctxt "Unread notifications" msgid "Unread" msgstr "未讀" msgctxt "Latest notifications" msgid "Latest" msgstr "最新" msgid "[] Act now! %s expired yesterday" msgstr "[] 請立即行動!%s 已於昨天到期" msgid "Show photo metadata in carousel, when available" msgstr "在資料可用時,於隨選區顯示相片中繼資料。" msgid "Metadata" msgstr "中繼資料" msgid "Your email address" msgstr "你的電子郵件地址" msgid "" "Please renew it now to make sure visitors will be able to reach your site at " "that address." msgstr "請立即續訂,以確保訪客能從該位址前往你的網站。" msgid "Your Domain Mapping for %s expired yesterday." msgstr "你的 %s 網域對應已在昨天到期。" msgid "Your domain %s expired yesterday." msgstr "你的網域 %s 已在昨天到期。" msgid "Loading Comments..." msgstr "載入評論中..." msgid "Renew %s" msgstr "續訂 %s" msgid "" "Your %1$s %3$s expired %4$s ago. Please renew it now " "to make sure visitors will be able to reach your site at that address." msgstr "" "你的 %1$s %3$s 已在 %4$s前到期。請立即續訂,以確保訪客" "能從該位址前往你的網站。" msgid "Act now! %s expired" msgstr "立即行動!%s 已到期" msgid "" "Act now! Your domain \"%s\" expired. Renew it now to keep your site " "available at that address." msgstr "立即行動!你的網域「%s」已到期。立即續訂,讓你的網站繼續使用此網址。" msgid "Plain Text" msgstr "純文字" msgid "Focal Length" msgstr "焦距" msgid "Shutter Speed" msgstr "快門速度" msgid "Aperture" msgstr "光圈" msgid "Camera" msgstr "照相機" msgid "Your comment is in moderation." msgstr "你的評論正在審核中。" msgid "Your comment was approved." msgstr "你的評論已核准。" msgid "" "Sorry, but there was an error posting your comment. Please try again later." msgstr "抱歉,但你發佈評論時出現了一個錯誤。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Please provide your name to comment." msgstr "請提供你的姓名才可發佈評論。" msgid "Please provide an email address to comment." msgstr "請提供電子郵件位址才可發佈評論。" msgid "Please be sure to submit some text with your comment." msgstr "請確認你已經輸入一些文字才可發佈評論。" msgid "More information:" msgstr "更多資訊:" msgid "Empty your cart" msgstr "清空購物車" msgid "Don't want these anymore?" msgstr "不想要購買這些產品?" msgid "Remove from my cart" msgstr "從我的購物車移除" msgid "Upgrades for %s" msgstr "適用於 %s 的升級" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Spam (%s)" msgid_plural "Spam (%s)" msgstr[0] "垃圾 (%s)" msgid "Reset my password!" msgstr "重設我的密碼!" msgid "Popular Topics:" msgstr "熱門主題:" msgid "added on %1$s at %2$s" msgstr "新增於 %1$s %2$s" msgid "Reply to %s" msgstr "回覆 %s" msgid "Create an account" msgstr "建立帳戶" msgid "Reset my password" msgstr "重設我的密碼" msgid "" "Project item draft updated. Preview " "project" msgstr "專案項目草稿已更新。預覽專案" msgid "" "Project scheduled for: %1$s. Preview project" msgstr "" "專案已排程於:%1$s預覽" "專案" msgid "Project submitted. Preview project" msgstr "專案已提交。預覽專案" msgid "Project restored to revision from %s" msgstr "專案已從 %s 回復為修訂版本" msgid "Project updated. View item" msgstr "項目已更新。檢視項目" msgid "Close this notice" msgstr "關閉此通知" msgid "Failed" msgstr "失敗" msgid "%s's Profile" msgstr "%s的個人資料" msgid "You cannot reply to this topic." msgstr "你無法回復此主題" msgid "The forum ‘%s’ is closed to new topics and replies." msgstr "討論區‘%s’不再接受新主題跟回應。" msgid "The topic ‘%s’ is closed to new replies." msgstr "主題已經‘%s’ 關閉回復(限制于新回復)" msgid "ERROR: You don't have permission to do this!" msgstr "錯誤:你沒有權限這麼做!" msgid "%s page" msgstr "%s 頁面" msgid "The file is empty" msgstr "檔案內容為空。" msgid "View %s's profile" msgstr "檢視 %s 的個人資料" msgid "No Replies" msgstr "無回覆" msgid "" "Menu item draft updated. Preview item" msgstr "選單項目草稿已更新。預覽項目" msgid "" "Menu item scheduled for: %1$s. Preview item" msgstr "" "選單項目已排程於:%1$s" "預覽項目" msgid "Menu item submitted. Preview item" msgstr "選單項目已提交。預覽項目" msgid "Menu item restored to revision from %s" msgstr "選單項目已從 %s 回復為修訂版本" msgid "Menu item updated. View item" msgstr "選單項目已更新。檢視項目" msgid "Clean" msgstr "大眾內容" msgid "Creator" msgstr "創作者" msgid "Go Back" msgstr "返回" msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP 位址" msgid "The requested theme does not exist." msgstr "該佈景主題不存在。" msgid "Templates" msgstr "範本" msgid "%s bloggers like this." msgstr "%s 位部落客說這個讚。" msgid "You and one other blogger like this." msgstr "你和其他一位部落客都說這個讚。" msgid "You and %s other bloggers like this." msgstr "你和其他 %s 位部落客都說這個讚。" msgid "Be the first to like this." msgstr "當第一個按讚的人。" msgid "You like this." msgstr "你說這個讚。" msgid "One blogger likes this." msgstr "一人按讚。" msgid "Initializing Comments…" msgstr "正在初始化評論…" msgid "Unauthorized." msgstr "未經授權。" msgid "Scroll back to top" msgstr "滾動返回頁首" msgid "Unread" msgstr "未讀" msgid "Category: %1$s" msgstr "分類: %1$s" msgid "Skip Cropping, Publish Image as Is" msgstr "跳過裁剪,直接發佈圖片" msgid "" "You can set a custom image header for your site. Simply upload the image and " "crop it, and the new header will go live immediately. Alternatively, you can " "use an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by " "clicking the “Choose Image” button." msgstr "" "你可以為你的網站自訂頁首圖片。僅需要上載圖片並裁剪,新頁首將立即生效。或是你" "可以透過點擊「選取圖片」按鈕使用一張已經在媒體庫的圖片。" msgid "Thanks for flying with" msgstr "感謝你使用" msgid "View your cart:" msgstr "檢視購物車:" msgid "You are previewing %s" msgstr "你正在預覽 %s" msgctxt "Posts about Category written by John and Bob" msgid "Posts about %1$s written by %2$l" msgstr "%2$l 所撰寫有關 %1$s 的文章" msgctxt "Read all of the posts by Author Name on Blog Title" msgid "Read all of the posts by %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "閱讀 %2$s 上 %1$s 所撰寫的所有文章" msgid "Social Sharing" msgstr "社交分享" msgid "Upcoming Events" msgstr "即將到來的活動" msgid "Social Media" msgstr "社交媒體" msgid "Events" msgstr "活動" msgid "View details" msgstr "檢視資訊" msgid "Footer text" msgstr "頁尾文字" msgid "Page %1$d of %2$d" msgstr "第 %1$d 頁,總計 %2$d 頁" msgid "Commenting as %s" msgstr "%s 的評論" msgid "Name (Required)" msgstr "名稱 (必填)" msgid "Sailing" msgstr "帆船運動" msgid "Flowers" msgstr "花卉" msgid "Header Text Color" msgstr "頁首文字顏色" msgid "Saved" msgstr "已儲存" msgid "Select Image" msgstr "選擇圖片" msgid "Or choose an image from your media library:" msgstr "或是自你的媒體庫選擇一個圖片:" msgid "Choose Image" msgstr "選取圖片" msgid "Private Registration" msgstr "私密註冊" msgid "FREE" msgstr "免費" msgid "Save & Publish" msgstr "儲存並發佈" msgid "Congratulations on getting %2$s total follows on %1$s." msgstr "恭喜你的 %1$s 一共獲得 %2$s 個人關注!" msgctxt "$number Followers!" msgid "%1$s Followers!" msgstr "%1$s 個關注者!" msgctxt "blog follows" msgid "follows" msgstr "關注" msgctxt "Congratulations on getting $number total likes on $blog_title" msgid "Congratulations on getting %2$s total likes on %1$s." msgstr "恭喜你的 %1$s 一共獲得 %2$s 個讚。" msgctxt "$number Likes" msgid "%1$s Likes!" msgstr "%1$s 個讚!" msgctxt "post like" msgid "likes" msgstr "按讚" msgid "Display the number of spam comments Akismet has caught" msgstr "顯示 Akismet 捕捉到的垃圾回應數量。" msgid "Akismet Widget" msgstr "Akismet 模組" msgid "" "%1$s spam blocked by Akismet" msgid_plural "" "%1$s spam blocked by Akismet" msgstr[0] "" "Akismet 已阻擋 %1$s 則垃圾訊息" msgid "Try a New Theme" msgstr "嘗試新的佈景主題" msgid "This person reblogged your post:" msgid_plural "These people reblogged your post:" msgstr[0] "這些人轉發了你的文章:" msgctxt "$user_names and 24 others reblogged your post $post_title" msgid "%1$l and one other person reblogged your post %3$s" msgid_plural "%1$l and %2$s others reblogged your post %3$s" msgstr[0] "%1$l 以及其他 %2$s 人轉發了你的文章 %3$s" msgctxt "$user_name(s) reblogged your post $post_name" msgid "%1$l reblogged your post %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$l reblogged your post %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$l 轉發了你的文章 %2$s" msgid "This person is following your blog:" msgid_plural "These people are following your blog:" msgstr[0] "這些人正在關注你的網誌:" msgctxt "$user_name(s) followed your blog $blog_name" msgid "%1$l followed your blog %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$l followed your blog %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$l 已關注你的網誌 %2$s" msgid "To see them all, visit the post." msgstr "若要查看全部,請造訪該文章。" msgid "" "The blog you have attempted to transfer to does not have a valid blog id." msgstr "你嘗試轉移的網誌沒有有效的網誌 ID。" msgctxt "%1$s = blog name, %2$s = post title" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgctxt "%1$s = blog name" msgid "%1$s Sidebar" msgstr "%1$s 側邊欄" msgid "Billing History" msgstr "帳單記錄" msgid "Refund" msgstr "退款" msgid "An error occurred while saving. Please wait and try again in a minute." msgstr "儲存時發生錯誤。請稍後再試。" msgid "Payment via %s" msgstr "透過 %s 付款" msgid "" "If you do not want a header image to be displayed on your site at all, click " "the “Remove Header Image” button at the bottom of the Header " "Image section of this page. If you want to re-enable the header image later, " "you just have to select one of the other image options and click “Save " "Changes”." msgstr "" "若你不想讓頁首圖片出現在你的網站上,點擊本頁「頁首圖片」區域內的「移除頁首圖" "片」按鈕。若你稍後想要重新啟用頁首圖片,你只需要選擇一個圖片選項並點擊「儲存" "變更」。" msgid "Customizer" msgstr "自訂器" msgid "Select file" msgstr "選擇檔案" msgid "" "Your requested premium theme cancellation has been processed. The refund may " "take up to 7 days to appear in your PayPal/bank/credit card account." msgstr "" "你要求的進階佈景主題取消作業已處理。可能需要最多 7 天的時間,你的 PayPal/銀" "行/信用卡帳戶才會顯示退款資訊。" msgid "" "If you have any questions, or don't receive the refund, please contact " "support through the following link: " msgstr "如果你有任何問題,或者未收到退款,請透過下列連結聯絡支援團隊:" msgid "" "Categories have hierarchy, meaning that you can nest sub-categories. Tags do " "not have hierarchy and cannot be nested. Sometimes people start out using " "one on their posts, then later realize that the other would work better for " "their content." msgstr "" "分類具有階層設計,這表示你可以使用巢狀子分類。標籤並沒有階層設計與無法使用巢" "狀。有時人們剛開始在文章上使用其中一種,過段時間後瞭解到另外一種或許比較適合" "他們的內容。" msgid "" "You are using the browser’s built-in file uploader. The WordPress " "uploader includes multiple file selection and drag and drop capability. Switch to the multi-file uploader." msgstr "" "你正在使用瀏覽器內建的檔案上載介面。WordPress 上載程式內建多檔案選擇與拖曳上" "載能力。切換至多檔案上載程式。" msgid "Preview %s" msgstr "預覽 %s" msgid "" "If you have any questions, or don't receive the refund, please contact support" msgstr "如果你有任何問題,或者未收到退款,請聯絡支援團隊" msgid "" "Upgrade cancelled and refunded. The refund may take up to 7 days to appear " "in your PayPal/bank/credit card account." msgstr "" "升級已取消及退款。最多可能需要 7 天的時間,你的 PayPal/銀行/信用卡帳戶才會顯" "示退款資訊。" msgid "%s upgrade cancelled" msgstr "已取消 %s 升級" msgid "Cancellation request for %s" msgstr "取消 %s 的要求" msgid "" "Some themes come with additional header images bundled. If you see multiple " "images displayed, select the one you would like and click the “Save " "Changes” button." msgstr "" "某些佈景主題內含額外的首頁圖片。若你看到多張圖片顯示出來,選擇一個你喜歡的並" "點擊「儲存變更」按鈕。" msgid "This screen is used to customize the header section of your theme." msgstr "本畫面用於自訂你佈景主題的頁首區域。" msgid "" "For most themes, the header text is your Site Title and Tagline, as defined " "in the General Settings section." msgstr "" "對大多數佈景主題而言,頁首文字就是這個網站的 [網站標題] 及 [網站說明],這兩項" "均可在 [設定]→[一般] 中進行設定。" msgid "" "If your theme has more than one default header image, or you have uploaded " "more than one custom header image, you have the option of having WordPress " "display a randomly different image on each page of your site. Click the " "“Random” radio button next to the Uploaded Images or Default " "Images section to enable this feature." msgstr "" "若你的佈景主題有多個預設頁首圖片或是你曾上載過一個以上的頁首圖片,你會有個讓 " "WordPress 在網站每個頁面隨機顯示不同圖片的選項。點擊「已上載的圖片」或「預設" "圖片」區域旁的「隨機」選項啟用這個功能。" msgid "" "You can choose from the theme’s default header images, or use one of " "your own. You can also customize how your Site Title and Tagline are " "displayed." msgstr "" "你可選擇來自佈景主題的預設頁首圖片,或是使用你自己的一張圖片。你亦可自訂網站" "標題與網站說明如何出現。" msgid "Related Topics" msgstr "相關主題" msgid "" "Revert to the Browser Uploader by clicking the link below " "the drag and drop box." msgstr "於下方拖曳區塊中點擊該連結可回到瀏覽器上載介面。" msgid "%1$s is yours! Start customizing it now." msgstr "%1$s 是你的啦! 立即自訂你的網誌。" msgid "Upgrades on your blog %s are about to expire." msgstr "你的網誌 %s 上的升級即將到期。" msgid "%1$s on your blog %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "你的網誌 %2$s 上的 %1$s 即將到期。" msgid "Add Email" msgstr "新增電子郵件" msgid "Success!" msgstr "成功了!" msgid "Email setup" msgstr "Email 設定" msgid "Renew Upgrades" msgstr "更新升級" msgid "Upgrades on your blog %2$s are about to expire." msgstr "你的網誌 %2$s 上的升級即將到期。" msgid "%1$s on your blog %3$s is about to expire." msgstr "你的網誌 %3$s 上的 %1$s 即將到期。" msgid "Auto renew for %s failed" msgstr "%s 自動更新失敗" msgid "" "The renewal didn't go through, and we're getting in touch because you'll " "need to manually renew this upgrade." msgid_plural "" "The renewals didn't go through, and we're getting in touch because you'll " "need to manually renew these upgrades." msgstr[0] "更新未完成,我們將會與你聯絡,因為你需要手動更新此升級。" msgid "" "Your credit card has expired so the renewal didn't go through. We're getting " "in touch because you'll need to manually renew this upgrade." msgid_plural "" "Your credit card has expired so the renewals didn't go through. We're " "getting in touch because you'll need to manually renew these upgrades." msgstr[0] "" "你的信用卡已到期,因此更新未完成。我們將與你聯絡,因為你需要手動更新此升級。" msgid "Follow All" msgstr "全部關注" msgid "Insufficient arguments passed to this XML-RPC method." msgstr "無效的參數被傳遞至本 XML-RPC 方法。" msgid "Sorry, you cannot stick a private post." msgstr "抱歉,你無法將私密文章置頂。" msgid "Could not copy files. You may have run out of disk space." msgstr "無法拷貝檔案。你或許已用完磁碟空間。" msgid "Add email" msgstr "新增電子郵件" msgid "Start" msgstr "開始" msgid "Gmail" msgstr "Gmail" msgid "You are already following that topic." msgstr "你已關注該主題。" msgid "Sorry, there are no posts for that topic." msgstr "很抱歉,目前該主題沒有文章。" msgid "Please enter a topic name" msgstr "請輸入主題名稱" msgid "View Project" msgstr "檢視專案" msgid "View project" msgstr "檢視專案" msgid "" "The domain upgrade replaces your site's default address with a custom domain " "of your choice. Instead of %1$s, this upgrade makes your site available at " "%2$s." msgstr "" "網域升級可讓你使用自選的自訂網域來取代網站的預設位址。此升級可讓你的網站使用 " "%2$s,而不使用 %1$s。" msgid "" "If you're using one of our mobile apps, you can upload " "videos directly from your device's camera." msgstr "" "如果你使用我們的其中一個行動應用程式,則可以直接從裝置的相機" "上載影片。" msgctxt "%1$s = \"Click here\" in an HTML link" msgid "" "Sure thing. %1$s to add a new text box, textarea, radio, checkbox, or " "dropdown field." msgstr "" "當然可以。%1$s 建立一個新的單行文字區塊、多行文字欄位、單選框、複選框或下拉式" "選單的欄位。" msgctxt "" "This HTML form field is marked as required by the user in contact form " "builder" msgid "(required)" msgstr "(必填)" msgid "Saved successfully" msgstr "儲存成功" msgctxt "Link to edit an HTML form field in contact form builder" msgid "edit" msgstr "編輯" msgctxt "" "Label to drag HTML form fields around to change their order in contact form " "builder" msgid "move" msgstr "移動" msgid "" "Drag up or down\n" "to re-arrange" msgstr "" "向上或向下拖曳\n" "來重新安排" msgctxt "error message in contact form builder" msgid "" "Oops, there was a problem generating your form. You'll likely need to try " "again." msgstr "唉呀,建立你的表單時發生了一個問題。你看來需要再試一次。" msgctxt "" "Default label for the first option to be included in a user-created dropdown " "in contact form builder" msgid "First option" msgstr "第一選項" msgctxt "" "Label for an option to be included in a user-created dropdown in contact " "form builder" msgid "Option" msgstr "選項" msgctxt "" "Label for the set of options to be included in a user-created dropdown in " "contact form builder" msgid "Options" msgstr "選項" msgctxt "Default label for new HTML form field in contact form builder" msgid "New Field" msgstr "新欄位" msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"URL/Website\" field in contact form builder" msgid "Website" msgstr "網址" msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"Email\" field in contact form builder" msgid "Email" msgstr "Email 信箱" msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"Name\" field in contact form builder" msgid "Name" msgstr "姓名" msgid "Email settings" msgstr "電子郵件設定" msgid "Textarea" msgstr "多行文字欄位" msgid "Drop down" msgstr "下拉選單" msgid "Radio" msgstr "單選框" msgid "Checkbox" msgstr "複選框" msgid "Click here" msgstr "點擊此處" msgid "" "By adding a contact form, your readers will be able to submit feedback to " "you. All feedback is automatically scanned for spam, and the legitimate " "feedback will be emailed to you." msgstr "" "透過建立一個聯絡表單,你的讀者群將可以向你提出反饋意見。所有反饋意見會自動掃" "描垃圾郵件,並且透過電子郵件對你發送合乎標準的反饋意見。" msgid "Contact Form" msgstr "聯絡表單" msgid "" "Nope. However, if you’d like to modify where your feedback is sent, or the " "subject line you can. If you don’t make any changes here, feedback " "will be sent to the author of the page/post and the subject will be the name " "of this page/post." msgstr "" "不需要。然而,如果你想要修改發送給你的反饋意見,或主旨行,那你還是填寫一下" "吧。如果你不想在這裡做任何改變,反饋意見將會發送給該文章 / 分頁的作者,並且主" "旨將會是此文章 / 分頁的名稱。" msgid "WordPress Apps" msgstr "WordPress Apps" msgid "Check out the mobile %s." msgstr "查看行動版 %s。" msgid "Moderate comments on the go" msgstr "隨時審核回應" msgid "" "There was an error connecting with Google. Please close this window and try " "again." msgstr "與 Google 連線時發生錯誤。請關閉此視窗,然後再試一次。" msgid "Thanks for flying with!" msgstr "感謝你使用!" msgid "Update Payment Information" msgstr "更新付款資訊" msgid "View your site stats" msgstr "檢視你的網站統計資料" msgid "Get help" msgstr "取得協助" msgid "Move this comment to the trash." msgstr "將此則留言移至垃圾桶。" msgid "Restore this comment from the trash." msgstr "從垃圾桶還原這則留言。" msgid "Mark this comment as spam." msgstr "將這則留言標記為垃圾。" msgid "Unmark this comment as spam." msgstr "將這則留言取消標記為垃圾。" msgid "Approve this comment." msgstr "核准這則留言。" msgid "Unapprove this comment." msgstr "駁回這則留言。" msgid "Reply to this comment." msgstr "回覆這則留言。" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Pending" msgstr "待審中" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Replied" msgstr "已回應" msgid "Turned on per post" msgstr "針對每篇文章個別啟用" msgid "On for all posts" msgstr "對所有文章啟用" msgid " Likes are" msgstr " 按讚功能" msgid "Follows" msgstr "關注" msgid "Reblogs" msgstr "轉發" msgid "Transfer to another user" msgstr "轉移給其他使用者" msgid "" "The product transfer could not be completed. Please contact support to " "resolve the issue." msgstr "產品轉移無法完成。請聯絡支援團隊以解決此問題。" msgid "" "The product transfer could not be completed because a subscription or " "transaction record could not be found. Please contact support and quote this " "message to resolve the issue." msgstr "" "產品轉移無法完成,因為找不到訂閱或交易記錄。請聯絡支援團隊,並提供此訊息以解" "決問題。" msgid "" "One or more products from the plan you have attempted to transfer already " "exist on the destination blog. The upgrade is not eligible for automatic " "transfer. Please contact support to resolve the issue." msgstr "" "在你嘗試遷移的方案中,有一個或多個產品已存在於目的地網誌中。此升級不符合自動" "遷移的資格。請聯絡支援團隊以解決此問題。" msgid "Your product has been transferred." msgstr "你的產品已轉移。" msgid "You have transferred the \"%s\" to another blog successfully." msgstr "你已成功將「%s」轉移至其他網誌。" msgid "" "There was an error transferring your premium theme upgrade. Please contact " "support." msgstr "轉移進階佈景主題升級時發生錯誤。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Load more" msgstr "載入更多" msgid "No notifications" msgstr "沒有通知" msgctxt "latest blog posts" msgid "Latest" msgstr "最新" msgid "API Key" msgstr "API 金鑰" msgid "Add New Connection" msgstr "添加新的連接" msgid "← Back" msgstr "← 返回" msgid "You reblogged this post to %s. View Reblog." msgstr "你已將此文章轉發至 %s。檢視轉發內容。" msgid "Welcome to %1$s" msgstr "歡迎使用 %1$s" msgid "Create a new playlist" msgstr "建立一個新的播放列表" msgid "Toggle Editor Text Direction" msgstr "切換編輯器文字方向" msgid "text direction" msgstr "文字方向" msgid "Add your thoughts here... (optional)" msgstr "在這裡新增你的想法…(選填)" msgid "Please enter a site title." msgstr "請輸入一個網站標題。" msgid "Please enter a username." msgstr "請輸入一個使用者名稱。" msgid "Please enter a site name." msgstr "請輸入一個網站名稱。" msgid "Site name must be at least 4 characters." msgstr "網站名稱至少要四個字元。" msgid "That username is not allowed." msgstr "不允許該使用者名稱。" msgid "Please enter correct email address." msgstr "請輸入正確的電子郵件位址。" msgid "That name is not allowed." msgstr "你沒有權限使用該名稱。" msgid "Username must be at least 4 characters." msgstr "使用者名稱至少要四個字元。" msgid "Create a Blog" msgstr "建立你的網誌" msgid "A static page" msgstr "靜態頁面" msgid "Home page / Archives" msgstr "首頁 / 封彙整" msgid "No authorized applications were found." msgstr "找不到授權的應用程式。" msgid "Find out how to add and manage applications." msgstr "瞭解如何新增和管理應用程式。" msgid "It just takes a second to install the %1$s. Give it a try!" msgstr "安裝 %1$s 僅需數秒鐘時間。立即嘗試!" msgid "" " * And instantly follow new blogs to read from your reader." msgstr "* 使用 讀取程式閱讀網誌,即時關注最新的網誌。" msgid " * Share cool links on your blog in seconds with Press This." msgstr "* 使用「發佈此內容」功能,即可立即在你的網誌中分享新奇的連結。" msgid " * View your latest notifications with a single click." msgstr "* 用滑鼠按一下即可檢視最新的通知。" msgid "" " * Receive comment, follow, and like notifications instantly, even when " "you're not on" msgstr "" "* 即使不在 網站上,也可以即時收到回應、關注以及按讚的通知。" msgid "Add the %1$s to your %2$s toolbar and you'll be able to:" msgstr "將 %1$s 新增至 %2$s 工具列,即可使用以下功能:" msgid "Click here to give it a try!" msgstr "按一下這裡即可立即嘗試!" msgid "It just takes a second to install the %1$s." msgstr "安裝 %1$s 僅需數秒鐘時間。" msgid "" "And instantly follow new blogs to read from your WordPress." "com reader:" msgstr "" "使用 讀取程式閱讀網誌,即時關注最新的網" "誌:" msgid "Share cool links on your blog in seconds with Press This:" msgstr "使用「發佈此內容」功能,即可立即在你的網誌中分享新奇的連結:" msgid "View your latest notifications with a single click:" msgstr "用滑鼠按一下即可檢視最新的通知:" msgid "" "Add the %2$s to your %3$s toolbar and " "you'll be able to receive comment, follow, and like notifications instantly, " "even when you're not on" msgstr "" "將 %2$s 新增至 %3$s 工具列,即使你不在 " " 網站上,也可以即時收到回應、關注以及按讚的通知:" msgid "Set as header" msgstr "設為標頭" msgid "Set as background" msgstr "設為背景" msgid "Uploaded by:" msgstr "上載者:" msgid "Search results for: %s" msgstr "「%s」的搜尋結果" msgid "Customize “%s”" msgstr "自訂「%s」" msgid "" "Third party cookies appear to be disabled. Please follow the instructions on " "this page to turn them on." msgstr "第三方 Cookie 似乎已禁用。請按照此頁面上的說明將其打開。" msgid "Great, third party cookies are properly enabled in your browser!" msgstr "偉大的,第三方cookies在您的瀏覽器中正確啟用!" msgid "Checking your browser for third party cookies support …" msgstr "檢查您的瀏覽器,尋找第三方 Cookie 支援 …" msgid "* Based on the 1000 most recent comments." msgstr "* 依據 1000 則最新的回應。" msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "複製到剪貼簿" msgid "Domain included in %s" msgstr "包含於 %s 的網域" msgid "" "Commenters who checked the "Notify me of new comments via email" " "checkbox on your individual posts" msgstr "在你個別文章上勾選「透過電子郵件通知我後續回應」核取方塊的回應者" msgid "People who follow your blog" msgstr "關注你網誌的使用者" msgid "%1$s reblogged your post %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 轉發了你的文章 %2$s" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "%1$s reblogged your post \"%2$s\" on the blog %3$s. Congrats!\n" "\n" "Here is the post they reblogged: %4$s\n" "Here is their reblog: %5$s\n" "Here is their blog: %6$s\n" "\n" " | Thanks for flying with WordPress!" msgstr "" "哈囉:\n" "\n" "%1$s 已在網誌 %3$s 上轉發你的文章「%2$s」。恭喜!\n" "\n" "以下為他們轉發的文章:%4$s\n" "以下為他們的轉發文章:%5$s\n" "以下為他們的網誌:%6$s\n" "\n" " | 感謝你使用 WordPress!" msgid "Tags & Categories" msgstr "標籤和分類" msgid "" "If you tag your " "posts effectively, this panel will show you which topics get the most " "traffic. Snapshot generated from your top posts over the past week." msgstr "" "如果你為文章加註有效" "標籤,此面板將顯示獲得最高流量的主題。從你過去一星期的熱門文章所拍攝的快" "照。" msgid "Split" msgstr "分隔" msgid "Account" msgstr "帳戶" msgid "Personal" msgstr "個人方案" msgid "%s Tags" msgstr "%s 個標籤" msgid "%s Categories" msgstr "%s 個分類" msgid "%s Posts" msgstr "%s 篇文章" msgid "Video plays:" msgstr "影片播放次數:" msgid "Posting to" msgstr "發佈到" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this changeset." msgstr "抱歉,您不得編輯此變更集。" msgid "Change image" msgstr "修改圖片" msgid "Display Header Text" msgstr "顯示標題文字" msgid "Views for topic" msgstr "主題的點閱數" msgid "Go to" msgstr "前往" msgid "Nothing to Read!" msgstr "沒有可以閱讀的內容!" msgid "View Full Site" msgstr "檢視完整網站" msgid "Add Link »" msgstr "新增連結»" msgid "Show header text with your image." msgstr "與你的圖片一起顯示頁首文字。" msgid "%1$s on your site \"%2$s\" will automatically renew in %3$d days." msgstr "你的網站「%2$s」的 %1$s 將於 %3$d 天後自動更新。" msgid "" "Your blog uses a domain subscription that has expired. Please visit your My Upgrades page to renew." msgstr "" "你的網誌使用的網域訂閱已到期。請造訪「我的升級項目」頁面" "以更新。" msgid "Someone reblogs one of my posts" msgstr "有人轉發我某篇文章" msgid "Click here to learn more." msgstr "按一下這裡瞭解更多。" msgid "Since %s" msgstr "自 %s 開始" msgid "%d Day" msgstr "%d 天" msgid "Your primary domain" msgstr "你的主要網域" msgid "Primary domain" msgstr "主要網域" msgid "Last month" msgstr "上個月" msgid "" "On %1$s you surpassed your previous record of most follows in " "one day for your blog %2$s. Nice!" msgstr "你的網誌 %2$s 於 %1$s 超越了單日最多關注數的記錄。不錯!" msgid "Most Follows in One Day" msgstr "一天內最多關注" msgid "%s Followers!" msgstr "%s 個關注者!" msgid "Posts page" msgstr "文章列表頁面" msgid "Front page" msgstr "首頁頁面" msgid "Add Comment" msgstr "新增留言" msgid "Add new Comment" msgstr "新增留言" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with Use this URL to activate your " "account: %2$s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "哈囉,%1$s:\n" "\n" "感謝你註冊。請使用此網址啟用帳戶:%2$s\n" "\n" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with Use this URL to activate your " "blog: %2$s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "哈囉,%1$s:\n" "\n" "感謝你註冊。請使用此網址啟用網誌:%2$s\n" "\n" msgid "Public display name" msgstr "公開顯示名稱" msgid "Verify New Password" msgstr "確認新密碼" msgid "" "Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it " "stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! \" ? " "$ % ^ & )." msgstr "" "提示:密碼應該至少要有十二個字元。請混合使用大小寫字母、數字及特殊符號如:! " "\" ? $ % ^ & ) 讓密碼更安全。" msgid "Payment Method" msgstr "付款方式" msgid "Domain Settings" msgstr "網域設定" msgid "Active Posts" msgstr "熱門文章" msgid "" "You can find more information about %1$s in our Theme Showcase" msgstr "" "你可在我們的主題展示區找到更多關於 " "%1$s 的資訊" msgid "Nature" msgstr "自然" msgid "Fashion" msgstr "時尚" msgid "Family" msgstr "家庭" msgid "Culture" msgstr "文化" msgid "Cars" msgstr "汽車" msgid "Most Likes in One Day" msgstr "一天內最多按讚數" msgid "Your current tally is %1$s." msgstr "你目前的記錄為 %1$s。" msgid "Past Week" msgstr "過去一星期" msgid "Topic views the past 7 days" msgstr "過去 7 天的主題點閱數" msgid "Views per post" msgstr "每篇文章的點閱數" msgid "Active posts in topic" msgstr "熱門文章的主題" msgid "Tag or category" msgstr "標籤或分類" msgid "Most popular topics you've written about" msgstr "你所撰寫最受歡迎的主題" msgid "Views/Post" msgstr "點閱數/文章" msgid "Accepted Filetypes" msgstr "接受的檔案類型" msgid "" "The VideoPress upgrade allows you to host and play beautiful HD videos right " "from your blog. VideoPress supports many different filetypes " "and codecs." msgstr "" "VideoPress 升級可讓你直接從 網誌託管和播放絕美的 HD 影片。" "VideoPress 支援多種不同的檔案類型和轉碼器。" msgid "Forums: CSS Customization" msgstr "論壇:CSS 自訂" msgid "" "The Custom Design upgrade allows you to make your blog look exactly the way " "you want." msgstr "「自訂設計」升級可讓你完全依照自己的方式設計網誌外觀。" msgid "" "You can control the site redirect upgrade by visiting %2$s. From there, you can change the site to redirect to, or temporarily " "disable the redirection." msgstr "" "你可以前往 %2$s 來控制網站的重新導向升級。你可以在該處變" "更重新導向的目的地網站,或者暫時停用重新導向功能。" msgid "" "This upgrade redirects your blog to your new blog by " "performing permanent (301) redirects for all your content." msgstr "" "此升級將對所有內容執行永久 (301) 重新導向,將 網誌重新導向至新" "網誌。" msgid "" "VideoPress to embed beautiful HD video straight from your dashboard or from " "your mobile device" msgstr "VideoPress 可讓你直接從控制台或行動裝置嵌入絕美的 HD 影片" msgid "" "A domain of your choice to replace your site's default address of " "%s" msgstr "這是你自選的網域,可取代你網站的預設位址 %s" msgid "" "You are currently using %1$s GB, which is %2$s%% of the total %3$s GB you " "have." msgstr "你目前已使用 %1$sGB (%2$s%%),共有 %3$sGB。" msgid "See our support pages for more information:" msgstr "如需更多資訊,請參閱我們的支援頁面:" msgid "" "You can manage your domain in %2$s. From there you can " "add more domains to your site, specify the primary domain to use, or edit " "your domains settings." msgstr "" "你可以在 %2$s 管理網域。你可以在此處為網站新增更多網域、" "指定要使用的主要網域,或是編輯網域設定。" msgid "" "Videos you upload to your blog can be managed under Media " "in your dashboard." msgstr "你可以在控制台的「媒體」下方管理上載至網誌的影片。" msgid "" "You can upload videos to your site just like any other file - click on the " "Upload/Insert button in the post editor, and choose the video file you want " "to upload from your computer." msgstr "" "你可以像上載任何其他檔案一樣,將影片上載至網站,只要按一下文章編輯器中的「上" "載/插入」按鈕,然後選擇要從電腦上載的影片檔案即可。" msgid "10 GB Space Upgrade to let you upload more files and audio" msgstr "「10GB 空間升級」可讓你上載更多檔案和音訊" msgid "" "This upgrade increases the storage space available on your blog so you can " "upload more media files and allows you to upload audio files." msgstr "" "此升級會增加網誌可用的儲存空間,因此你可上載更多媒體檔案,且還可上載音訊檔" "案。" msgid "Bundles" msgstr "搭售方案" msgid "Views by Country" msgstr "依照國家顯示點閱數" msgid "Invalid menu ID." msgstr "不正確的選單ID。" msgid "Parent term does not exist." msgstr "上層項目並不存在。" msgid "This taxonomy is not hierarchical." msgstr "此分類法並非階層式。" msgid "The term name cannot be empty." msgstr "項目名稱不可為空。" msgid "Invalid taxonomy." msgstr "不正確的分類法。" msgid "Sorry, deleting the term failed." msgstr "抱歉,刪除項目失敗。" msgid "Sorry, editing the term failed." msgstr "抱歉,編輯項目失敗。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign terms in this taxonomy." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在這個分類指定條款。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit terms in this taxonomy." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在這個分類進行編輯條款。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create terms in this taxonomy." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在這個分類新增條款。" msgid "Download" msgstr "下載" msgid "Stylesheet is not readable." msgstr "樣式表不是可讀取的。" msgid "The \"%s\" theme is not a valid parent theme." msgstr "「%s」主題並非合格的上層主題。" msgid "Trial" msgstr "試用" msgid "There was a problem saving your changes. Please, try again." msgstr "儲存你的變更時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "Continue Reading %s" msgstr "繼續閱讀 %s" msgid "Evernote" msgstr "Evernote" msgid "Please enter your name." msgstr "請輸入你的姓名。" msgid "Stories" msgstr "故事" msgid "Please enter your email" msgstr "請輸入您的電子郵件" msgid "Number of links to show:" msgstr "顯示連結數目:" msgid "Select Link Category:" msgstr "選擇連結分類:" msgid "Customize %s" msgstr "自訂 %s" msgid "← Return to %s" msgstr "← 回到 %s" msgid "" "You successfully renewed the Site Redirect to %s for another year." msgstr "你已成功更新 %s 的「網站重新導向」,可再使用一年。" msgid "You successfully renewed %s for another year." msgstr "你已成功更新 %s,可再使用一年。" msgid "" "Whoops — lots of signups are coming from your network. Please try " "again in a bit." msgstr "哎呀,你的網路帶來大量註冊人數。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "Welcome — Shows links for some of the most common " "tasks when setting up a new site." msgstr "" "歡迎 — 當設定好一個新網站時,顯示一些最常用的任務連" "結。" msgid "%1$s is about to be automatically renewed on %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 即將於 %2$s 自動更新。" msgid "Sign In" msgstr "登入" msgid "Plans and Pricing" msgstr "服務 & 報價" msgid "+ Add account" msgstr "+ 新增戶口" msgid "You successfully purchased Private Whois for %s" msgstr "你已成功為 %s 購買私密 Whois" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s, Thank you for signing up with Click the button " "below to activate your account." msgstr "%1$s 你好,感謝你加入。按下方按鈕即可啟用帳戶。" msgid "" "Thank you for signing up with Click the button below to " "activate your account." msgstr "感謝你註冊。按下方按鈕即可啟用帳戶。" msgid "Howdy %1$s" msgstr "哈囉,%1$s" msgid "Activate %1$s" msgstr "%1$s 帳戶啟用" msgid "Your current tally is %s." msgstr "你目前的記錄為 %s。" msgid "No, don't create a matching blog address." msgstr "否,不要建立對應的網誌網址。" msgid "Yes, create a new blog to match my new user name" msgstr "是,請建立對應我的新使用者名稱的新網誌" msgid "Review my changes »" msgstr "查看我的變更»" msgid "Your username will be changed to %s." msgstr "你的使用者名稱將變更為%s。" msgid "The domain upgrade for your blog %s is about to expire." msgstr "你的網誌 %s 的網域升級即將到期。" msgid "%s will be renewed automatically." msgstr "%s 將自動更新。" msgid "[] Domain %s will be auto-renewed" msgstr "[] 網域 %s 將自動更新" msgid "[] %1$s will auto-renew in %2$d day" msgid_plural "[] %1$s will auto-renew in %2$d days" msgstr[0] "[] %1$s 將在 %2$d 天後自動續訂" msgid "%1$s for %2$s will be renewed automatically" msgstr "%2$s 的 %1$s 將自動更新" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, visitors coming to %1$s will not be automatically " "redirected to %2$s." msgstr "如果此升級到期,造訪 %1$s 的訪客將不會自動重新導向至 %2$s。" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, some visitors may start seeing ads on your blog." msgstr "如果此升級到期,部分訪客可能會開始在你的網誌上看到廣告。" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, your site will no longer be available at \"%s\"." msgstr "如果此升級到期,則你的網站將無法再使用「%s」。" msgid "" "This upgrade forwards visitors from your blog to %s (or any " "site you choose)." msgstr "此升級可將訪客從 網誌轉至 %s (或任何你選擇的網站)。" msgid "This upgrade prevents ads from ever showing up on your blog." msgstr "此升級可避免網誌再顯示廣告。" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, you may not be able to upload any more audio files " "to your blog (the audio files you already uploaded will not be affected)." msgstr "" "如果此升級到期,你將無法再上載任何其他音訊檔案到網誌上 (已上載的音訊檔案不會" "受到影響)。" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, you may not be able to upload any more files to " "your blog (the files you already uploaded will not be affected)." msgstr "" "如果此升級到期,你將無法再上載任何其他檔案到網誌上 (已上載的檔案不會受到影" "響)。" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, you won't be able to upload any more videos to your " "site." msgstr "如果此升級到期,你將無法再上載任何其他影片到網站上。" msgid "" "This upgrade increases the storage space available on your site so you have " "room for more media files, and lets you upload audio files." msgstr "" "此升級會增加網站可用的儲存空間,因此你有更多空間可儲存媒體檔案,且還可上載音" "訊檔案。" msgid "This upgrade lets you upload HD videos directly to your site." msgstr "此升級可讓你將 HD 影片直接上載到網站。" msgid "Renew %s" msgstr "更新 %s" msgid "Domain Registration" msgstr "網域註冊" msgid "The domain name %s is about to expire." msgstr "網域名稱 %s 即將到期。" msgid "You don't have to do anything — this is just a reminder." msgstr "你不需要執行任何動作,此資訊僅作為提醒用途。" msgid "Select video" msgstr "選擇影片" msgid "Write a Post" msgstr "新增文章" msgid "Video title" msgstr "影片標題" msgid "No tagged posts or pages have been viewed yet." msgstr "尚未有人看過加上標籤的文章或頁面。" msgid "" "Track which topics are most interesting to your readers by adding tags to your posts." msgstr "" "在文章上加註標籤,追蹤讀者最感興趣的主題。" msgid "This panel shows your most viewed tags and categories." msgstr "此面板會顯示你最多人點閱的標籤和分類。" msgid "No top tags or categories." msgstr "沒有熱門標籤或分類。" msgid "Copy a Page" msgstr "複製頁面" msgid "" "Your Movable Type import was successful.\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Happy Blogging!\n" "\n" "-- the team" msgstr "" "你已成功匯入 Movable Type。\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "祝你寫網誌愉快!\n" "\n" "-- 團隊" msgid "You do not have access to that blog." msgstr "你無法存取該網誌。" msgid "We cannot create an authorization request for that site." msgstr "我們無法為該網站建立授權要求。" msgid "We could not verify your authorization with that site." msgstr "我們無法驗證該網站的授權。" msgid "Please upgrade Jetpack to the latest version." msgstr "請將 Jetpack 升級至最新版本。" msgid "" "That site does not seem to be accessible or no longer has the Jetpack plugin " "installed." msgstr "該網站似乎無法存取或不再安裝 Jetpack 外掛程式。" msgid "That site does not seem to have the Jetpack plugin installed." msgstr "該網站似乎未安裝 Jetpack 外掛程式。" msgid "You must enter a blog or a Jetpack powered site." msgstr "你必須輸入 網誌或採用 Jetpack 的網站。" msgid "You must pick a blog." msgstr "你必須挑選一篇網誌。" msgid "(Address never made public)" msgstr "(電子郵件地址不會被公開)" msgid "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! Error: %s" msgstr "只有一個頁面太不保險了!試試這個!錯誤:%s" msgid "Need some help?" msgstr "需要一些說明嗎?" msgid "Contact Support" msgstr "聯絡支援團隊" msgid "Plans & Pricing" msgstr "方案與定價" msgid "%s Flag" msgstr "%s 標記" msgid "Cupcakes" msgstr "杯子蛋糕" msgid "Tea" msgstr "茶" msgid "" "Ready to publish your first post? Get started here." msgstr "準備好發佈你的第一篇文章了嗎?自這裡開始。" msgid "" "%1$s just started following you at %2$s. They will receive an email every " "time you publish a post. Congratulations." msgstr "" "%1$s 剛剛開始在 %2$s 關注你。你每次發佈文章,他們就會收到電子郵件通知。恭喜!" msgid "" "If you want to see all of the blogs you follow on the web in one easy place, " "sign up for a account." msgstr "" "如果你想要在單一位置輕鬆查看你在網路上關注的所有網誌,請註冊 " " 帳戶。" msgid "" "If you want to see all of the blogs and posts you follow on the web in one " "easy place, sign up for a account." msgstr "" "如果你想要在單一位置輕鬆查看你在網路上關注的所有網誌和文章,請" "註冊 帳戶。" msgid "" "%1$s\n" "\n" "Blog Name: %3$s\n" "URL: %4$s\n" "\n" "Confirm Follow: %2$s\n" "\n" "If you don't want to receive these emails any more:\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "If you want to see all of the blogs and posts you follow on the web in one " "easy\n" "place, sign up for a account. (" "ref=lof)\n" msgstr "" "%1$s\n" "\n" "網誌名稱:%3$s\n" "URL:%4$s\n" "\n" "確認關注:%2$s\n" "\n" "如果你不想再收到這些電子郵件:\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "如果想從一個容易使用的地方看到關注的所有網誌和文章,\n" "請註冊 帳戶。(\n" msgid "This was in response to %s:" msgstr "這是對 %s 的回應:" msgid "" "%1$s\n" "\n" "Blog Name: %2$s\n" "Blog URL: %3$s\n" "Post URL: %4$s\n" "\n" "---------\n" "\n" "To Confirm: %5$s\n" "\n" "To stop these emails: %6$s\n" "\n" "To see all of the blogs and posts you follow on the web in one easy\n" "place, sign up for a account. (" "ref=lof)\n" msgstr "" "%1$s\n" "\n" "網誌名稱:%2$s\n" "網誌網址:%3$s\n" "文章網址:%4$s\n" "\n" "---------\n" "\n" "確認:%5$s\n" "\n" "停用這些電子郵件通知:%6$s\n" "\n" "若要在單一位置輕鬆查看你在網路上關注的所有網誌和文章,\n" "請註冊 帳戶。(\n" msgid "They thought %3$s was pretty awesome." msgstr "大家都覺得 %3$s 很棒。" msgid "Post URL:" msgstr "文章 URL:" msgid "" "You should go see what they're up to. Maybe you'll like their blog as much " "as they liked yours!" msgstr "" "你應該閱讀一下他們最新的文章。說不定你也會喜歡他們的文章,如同他們喜歡你的文" "章一樣!" msgid "Click to share on Pinterest" msgstr "點擊分享到 Pinterest" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Pinterest" msgstr "Pinterest" msgid "Pinterest" msgstr "Pinterest" msgid "We don't have that post on record yet." msgstr "我們尚未將該篇文章存入記錄。" msgid "Active, Manual Renewal" msgstr "手動更新使用中" msgid "City:" msgstr "城市:" msgid "You must agree to the Terms of Service." msgstr "你必須同意我們的「服務條款」。" msgid "Please provide your name." msgstr "請提供你的姓名。" msgid "Please provide a valid paypal address." msgstr "請提供一個有效的 PayPal 網址。" msgid "Non-Profit Organization" msgstr "非營利機構" msgid "Someone follows my blog" msgstr "有人追蹤我的網誌" msgid "Someone likes one of my posts" msgstr "有人對我的某篇文章按讚" msgctxt "text direction" msgid "ltr" msgstr "ltr" msgid "The post type may not be changed." msgstr "文章類型或許不會變。" msgid "Image default align" msgstr "圖片預設對齊" msgid "Image default size" msgstr "圖片預設大小" msgid "The post cannot be deleted." msgstr "該文章無法被刪除。" msgid "Invalid author ID." msgstr "不正確的作者編號。" msgid "Sorry, one of the given taxonomies is not supported by the post type." msgstr "抱歉,其中一個分類並不被該文章類型支援。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this term." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許刪除這個項目。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this revision." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有刪除這個內容修訂的權限。" msgid "Image default link type" msgstr "圖片預設連結類型" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許許編輯該文章。" msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to add a term to one of the given taxonomies." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許新增項目至那些分類法。" msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign a term to one of the given taxonomies." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許指定項目至那些分類法。" msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to create password protected posts in this post " "type." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許建立該文章類型的受保護文章。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許以該文章類型編輯文章。" msgctxt "tag delimiter" msgid "," msgstr "," msgid "%1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s(%2$s)" msgid "Please enter your name here" msgstr "請輸入您的名字" msgid "Please enter your email address here" msgstr "請輸入您的電子郵件" msgid "Comments navigation" msgstr "評論導覽" msgid "Draft saved." msgstr "草稿已儲存。" msgid "You are logged in but you do not have permission to manage bookmarks." msgstr "你已經登入但沒有權限管理書籤。" msgid "You are logged in but you do not have permission to save posts." msgstr "你已經登入但沒有權限儲存文章。" msgid "Bookmark" msgstr "書籤" msgid "%1$s-%2$s" msgstr "%1$s-%2$s" msgctxt "double prime" msgid "″" msgstr "″" msgctxt "prime" msgid "′" msgstr "′" msgctxt "apostrophe" msgid "’" msgstr "’" msgctxt "closing curly single quote" msgid "’" msgstr "’" msgctxt "opening curly single quote" msgid "‘" msgstr "‘" msgctxt "opening curly double quote" msgid "“" msgstr "“" msgctxt "closing curly double quote" msgid "”" msgstr "”" msgid "ERROR: comments on this post are closed." msgstr "錯誤:此文的評論功能已關閉。" msgid "ERROR: you do not have permission to comment on this blog." msgstr "錯誤:你沒有在此網誌留言的權限。" msgid "Account Settings" msgstr "帳戶設定" msgid "In reply to: %s" msgstr "回覆的對象: %s" msgctxt "start of week" msgid "1" msgstr "0" msgctxt "default GMT offset or timezone string" msgid "0" msgstr "Asia/Hong_Kong" msgid "Sharing is off. Add services above to enable." msgstr "分享功能已關閉。加入上述服務來啟用。" msgid "Drag and drop available services here." msgstr "拖曳現有的服務到這裡。" msgid "" "Add sharing buttons to your blog and allow your visitors to share posts with " "their friends." msgstr "新增分享按鈕在你的部落格並且允許你的訪客分享給他的朋友。" msgid "Sharing Buttons" msgstr "分享按鈕" msgid "Create a Configuration File" msgstr "建立一個設定檔案" msgid "Maintenance" msgstr "維護" msgid "" "If your site does not display, please contact the owner of this network." msgstr "如果你的網站沒有顯示,請聯絡這個網路的擁有者。" msgid "What do I do now?" msgstr "我現在要怎麼做?" msgid "Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute." msgstr "目前網站因例行維護而暫時無法存取,請稍後再回來查看。" msgid "Database Error" msgstr "資料庫錯誤" msgid "User Name" msgstr "帳戶" msgid "" "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Perhaps searching will " "help:" msgstr "這個位置似乎找不到任何項目,也許搜尋功能可提供協助:" msgid "Expiring" msgstr "即將到期" msgid "Domain Management" msgstr "網域管理" msgid "Purchased on %s" msgstr "購買時間:%s" msgid "Renew Now" msgstr "立即更新" msgid "Premium Theme: %s" msgstr "進階佈景主題:%s" msgid "" "Theme not cancelled and refunded. There was a problem refunding your " "payment. Please contact support." msgstr "" "佈景主題尚未取消,亦尚未退款。退款時發生問題。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "Upgrade not cancelled and refunded. There was a problem refunding your " "payment. Please contact support." msgstr "" "升級尚未取消,亦尚未退款。退款時發生問題。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Nothing found in Trash" msgstr "垃圾桶內沒有東西" msgid "View Slides" msgstr "查看幻燈片" msgid "" "Akismet has protected your site from " "%3$s spam comment." msgid_plural "" "Akismet has protected your site from " "%3$s spam comments." msgstr[0] "" "Akismet 已保護你的網誌免於 %3$s 則垃圾" "留言的侵擾。" msgid "Summaries" msgstr "摘要" msgid "Untitled Post" msgstr "無標題文章" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Untrash" msgstr "還原" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Trash" msgstr "移至垃圾桶" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Unspam" msgstr "取消標記為垃圾" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Unapprove" msgstr "駁回" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Approve" msgstr "核准" msgid "Restore this comment from the Trash" msgstr "將此留言從垃圾桶還原" msgid "" "As one or more of your Tumblr blogs has a Custom Domain mapped to it. If you " "would like to import one of these sites you will need to temporarily remove " "the custom domain mapping and clear the account information from the " "importer to import. Once the import is completed you can re-enable the " "custom domain for your site." msgstr "" "這個 Tumblr 帳號中有一或多個 Tumblr 網站啟用了 [自訂網域] 功能。如果想要匯入" "其中一個網站,必須暫時停用 [自訂網域] 功能並清除匯入程式中的 Tumblr 帳號資訊" "再次設定。內容匯入完成後,便可再次為已停用 [自訂網域] 功能的網站再次啟用這項" "功能。" msgid "" "Tumblr Blogs with Custom Domains activated cannot be imported, please " "disable the custom domain first." msgstr "" "無法匯入啟用 [自訂網域] 功能的 Tumblr 網站內容,請先停用 [自訂網域] 功能。" msgid "Source:" msgstr "來源:" msgid "No comments awaiting moderation." msgstr "沒有等待審核的留言。" msgid "Logo" msgstr "Logo" msgid " tag conversion complete" msgstr " 標籤轉換完成" msgid "" "Your conversion of tags to categories for the blog %s has finished! You can " "verify that the new categories exist by visiting your the category " "management page at %s.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "網誌 %s 的標籤已轉換為分類!你可以造訪 %s 的分類管理頁面,確認新分類確實存" "在。\n" "\n" "謝謝!\n" "\n" " 團隊敬上" msgid "" "Your conversion of tags to categories for the blog %s has finished, but some " "tags also existed as categories. The converter has added all posts from the " "converted tags to the categories. If you want to remove the tags, please " "confirm that all posts were added successfully, then delete the tag from the " "tag management page at %s.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "網誌 %s 的標籤已轉換為分類,但是某些標籤也同時以分類的形式存在。轉換器已將全" "部文章從完成轉換的標籤新增至分類。若你想移除標籤,請確認全部的文章均已新增成" "功,然後自 %s 的標籤管理頁面中刪除標籤。\n" "\n" "謝謝!\n" "\n" " 團隊敬上" msgid " category conversion complete" msgstr " 分類轉換完成" msgid "" "Your conversion of categories to tags for the blog %s has finished! You can " "verify that the new tags exist by visiting your the tag management page at " "%s.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "網誌 %s 的分類已轉換為標籤!你可以造訪 %s 的標籤管理頁面,確認新標籤確實存" "在。\n" "\n" "謝謝!\n" "\n" " 團隊敬上" msgid "" "Your conversion of categories to tags for the blog %s has finished, but some " "categories also existed as tags. The converter has added all posts from the " "converted categories to the tags. If you want to remove the categories, " "please confirm that all posts were added successfully, then delete the " "category from the category management page at %s.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "網誌 %s 的分類已轉換為標籤,但是某些分類也同時以標籤的形式存在。轉換器已將全" "部文章從完成轉換的分類新增至標籤。若你想移除分類,請確認全部的文章均已新增成" "功,然後自 %s 的分類管理頁面中刪除分類。\n" "\n" "謝謝!\n" "\n" " 團隊敬上" msgctxt "noun" msgid "comment" msgstr "評論" msgid "Headline" msgstr "標題" msgid "Page Title" msgstr "頁面標題" msgid "Recommended Blogs" msgstr "推薦的網誌" msgid "" "Importing your Tumblr blog can take a while so the importing process happens " "in the background and you may not see immediate results here. Come back to " "this page later to check on the importer's progress." msgstr "" "匯入指定的 Tumblr 網站需要一段時間,匯入過程會在背景執行,因此無法在這裡檢視" "即時結果。請稍後再回到這個頁面查看匯入程式執行進度。" msgid "Action/Status" msgstr "操作/狀態" msgid "" "As Tumblr does not expose the \"author\", even from multi-author blogs you " "will need to select which WordPress user will be listed as the author of the " "imported posts." msgstr "" "由於 Tumblr 不會公開作者資訊,即使內容來自多位作者的 Tumblr 網站,網站管理員" "無論如何都必須將匯入的內容指派給列於下方的作者。" msgid "" "Please select the Tumblr blog you would like to import into your WordPress " "site and then click on the \"Import this Blog\" button to continue." msgstr "" "請選取要匯入至這個 WordPress 網站的 Tumblr 網站,然後點擊 [匯入網站內容] 便會" "啟動匯入程序。" msgid "Tumblr replied with an error: %s" msgstr "Tumblr 回覆的錯誤: %s" msgid "We'll share your post on %s." msgstr "我們將會在 %s 分享你的文章。" msgid "Sign me up" msgstr "我要註冊" msgid "Confirm Follow" msgstr "確認關注" msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found." msgstr "糟糕!找不到該頁面。" msgid "" "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links " "below or a search?" msgstr "這個位置似乎沒有任何項目。要嘗試以下其中一個連結或進行搜尋嗎?" msgid "( Untitled )" msgstr "(無標題)" msgid "Go to Dashboard" msgstr "前往控制台" msgid "event" msgstr "事件" msgid "%sd" msgid_plural "%sd" msgstr[0] "%sd" msgid "%sm" msgid_plural "%sm" msgstr[0] "%sm" msgid "%sh" msgid_plural "%sh" msgstr[0] "%s小時" msgid "This report only shows data since you connected Jetpack." msgstr "這份報告只顯示你連結 Jetpack 之後的資料。" msgid "" "The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog " "was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were a concert " "at Sydney Opera House, it would take about %3$s sold-out performances for " "that many people to see it." msgstr "" "雪梨歌劇院的演奏廳可容納 2,700 名觀眾。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 " "%2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果這是在雪梨歌劇院舉辦的演唱會,可能需要將 %3$s " "場門票賣光的表演場次加起來,才有這麼多觀眾。" msgid "200GB" msgstr "200GB" msgid "10GB" msgstr "10GB" msgid "Minutes" msgstr "分鐘" msgid "The big day is here." msgstr "今天是個大日子。" msgid "The Big Day" msgstr "大日子" msgid "Milestone" msgstr "里程碑" msgid "Display a countdown to a certain date." msgstr "顯示到特定日期的倒數計時。" msgid "Hour" msgstr "時" msgid "Invalid request signature." msgstr "要求簽章無效。" msgid "Blog token not found." msgstr "找不到網誌權杖。" msgid "Invalid request signature or no blog id supplied." msgstr "要求簽章無效,或未提供網誌 ID。" msgid "" "You requested a refund for a premium theme. Please check your email for a " "message with a confirmation link." msgstr "" "你已針對進階佈景主題提出退款要求。請查看你的電子郵件中是否有包含確認連結的郵" "件。" msgid "Premium theme cancelled and refunded" msgstr "已取消進階版佈景主題並退款" msgid "Add New Site" msgstr "新增新網誌" msgid "" "Just make this report public by clicking the link at the top right, then " "copy and share this link:" msgstr "只要按一下右上方的連結公開這份報告,然後複製並分享此連結:" msgid "" "We made beautiful, animated fireworks to celebrate your blogging! " "Unfortunately this browser lacks the capability. We made a slide show to " "fill in but we hope you will come back to this page with an HTML5 browser. " "In our tests, Safari or Chrome worked best." msgstr "" "我們製作了繽紛的煙火動畫來慶祝你撰寫網誌!很遺憾,此瀏覽器功能不足。我們製作" "了一段投影片來臨時代替動畫,但仍希望你使用 HTML5 瀏覽器再回來造訪此頁面。在我" "們的測試中,Safari 或 Chrome 的效果最好。" msgid "" "Some browsers are better suited for this kind of animation. In our tests, " "Safari and Chrome worked best. Your overall score is not known (details)." msgstr "" "某些瀏覽器比較適合顯示這類動畫。在我們的測試中,Safari 與 Chrome 的效果最好。" "你的整體成績不明 (詳細資" "料)。" msgid "" "See the fireworks %1$s created by blogging on %2$s Check out their %3$d " "annual report. " msgstr "在 %2$s 撰寫網誌,即可觀看 %1$s 製作的煙火。看看他們的 %3$d 年度報告。" msgid "Who were they?" msgstr "他們是誰?" msgid "About the fireworks" msgstr "關於煙火" msgid "Top country: %l" msgid_plural "Top countries: %l" msgstr[0] "熱門國家:%l" msgid "" "Each rocket represents a post published on this blog in %d. And because we " "like to share, we made the fireworks available as a jQuery plugin on GitHub." msgstr "" "每支火箭代表 %d 年在此網誌上發佈的文章。因為我們樂於分享,我們將煙火製作為 " "Github 的 jQuery 外掛程式。" msgid "F j" msgstr "F j" msgid "" "If you were using Jetpack, we'd have " "shown you your top images here." msgstr "" "如果你使用的是 Jetpack,我們已經在這裡" "顯示你的熱門圖片。" msgid "Happy New Year from!" msgstr " 祝你新年快樂!" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "Each rocket represents a post published on this blog in %d. And because we " "like to share, we made the fireworks available as a jQuery plugin on GitHub." msgstr "" "每支火箭代表 %d 年在此網誌上發佈的文章。因為我們樂於分享,我們將煙火製作為 " "Github 的 jQuery 外掛程式。" msgid "Make public" msgstr "設為公開" msgid "Make private" msgstr "設為私密" msgid "This report is private" msgstr "此為私密的報告" msgid "This report is public" msgstr "此為公開的報告" msgid "Here's an excerpt:" msgstr "此為摘要:" msgid "Copy and share this link:" msgstr "複製並分享此連結:" msgid "Click here to see the complete report." msgstr "按一下這裡查看完整的報告。" msgid "" "The stats helper monkeys prepared a %d annual report for this " "blog." msgstr " 統計資料小幫手們已準備好這個網誌的 %d 年度報告。" msgid "Most visitors came from %s." msgstr "大部分的訪客來自 %s。" msgid "" "A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about " "%2$s times in %1$d. If it were a cable car, it would take " "about %3$s trips to carry that many people." msgstr "" "舊金山纜車可以承載 60 名乘客。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 %2$s " "次瀏覽次數。如果是纜車,可能需要駛上 %3$s 趟才能承載這麼多人。" msgid "This was the most active commenter on this blog:" msgid_plural "These were the %d most active commenters on this blog:" msgstr[0] "這是此網誌最活躍的%d個留言者:" msgid "This was your most active commenter:" msgid_plural "These were your %d most active commenters:" msgstr[0] "這是你最活躍的%d個留言者:" msgid "Insights" msgstr "深入剖析" msgid "Audience" msgstr "讀者經營" msgid "" "A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about " "%2$s times in %1$d. If it were a NYC subway train, it " "would take about %3$s trips to carry that many people." msgstr "" "紐約地鐵列車可容納 1,200 名乘客。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果是紐約地鐵列車,可能需要駛上 %3$s 趟才能承載這麼多" "人。" msgid "" "London Olympic Stadium holds 80,000 people. This blog was viewed about " "%2$s times in %1$d. If it were competing at London Olympic " "Stadium, it would take about %3$s sold-out events for that many people to " "see it." msgstr "" "倫敦奧林匹克體育館可容納 80,000 人。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果這是倫敦奧林匹克體育館的比賽,可能要將 %3$s 場門票賣" "光的比賽場次加起來,才有這麼多觀眾。" msgid "" "About 1,000,000 people visit the Seattle Space Needle every year. This blog " "was viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were the Space " "Needle, it would take about %3$s years for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "每年約有 1,000,000 人參觀西雅圖的太空針塔。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 " "%2$s 次瀏覽次數。換作是太空針塔,可能需要花上 %3$s 年的時間才會有這" "麼多人造訪。" msgid "" "About 2,500,000 people visit MoMA in New York every year. This blog was " "viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were an exhibit at " "MoMA, it would take about %3$s years for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "每年約有 2,500,000 人參觀紐約的現代藝術博物館。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 " "%2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果這是在現代藝術博物館舉辦的展覽,可能需" "要花上 %3$s 年的時間才會有這麼多人造訪。" msgid "" "Don't want annual reports? You can unsubscribe by clicking here." msgstr "" "不想要年度報告嗎?你可以按一下這裡取消訂閱。" msgid "" "You will no longer receive annual report emails for your blogs - to allow " "these emails again, click here." msgstr "" "你不會再收到網誌的年度報告電子郵件。若要再次收到此類電子郵件,請按一下這裡。" msgid "" "Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was " "viewed about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were a concert at " "Madison Square Garden, it would take about %3$s sold-out performances for " "that many people to see it." msgstr "" "麥迪遜花園廣場每場演唱會可容納 20,000 人。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 " "%2$s 次瀏覽次數。如果這是麥迪遜花園廣場舉辦的的演唱會,可能要將 " "%3$s 場門票賣光的表演場次加起來,才有這麼多觀眾。" msgid "" "The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed " "about %2$s times in %1$d. If it were an exhibit at the " "Louvre Museum, it would take about %3$s days for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "羅浮宮每年有 850 萬名訪客。這個網誌在 %1$d 年擁有約 %2$s 次" "瀏覽次數。如果這是在羅浮宮舉辦的展覽,可能需要花上 %3$s 天的時間才會有這麼多" "人造訪。" msgctxt "Separator in Reader and Reblog \"Read More\" dynamic string" msgid ", " msgstr "、" msgid "Sorry, none of your friends are blogging with WordPress." msgstr "很抱歉,你沒有任何朋友透過 WordPress 發佈網誌。" msgid "%s week" msgid_plural "%s weeks" msgstr[0] "%s 週" msgctxt "Separator in time since" msgid ", " msgstr "、" msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s秒" msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s分鐘" msgid "%s year" msgid_plural "%s years" msgstr[0] "%s 年" msgid "%s month" msgid_plural "%s months" msgstr[0] "%s 個月" msgid "%s Page" msgid_plural "%s Pages" msgstr[0] "%s 個頁面" msgid "%s Post" msgid_plural "%s Posts" msgstr[0] "%s 篇文章" msgid "%s Pending Comment" msgid_plural "%s Pending Comments" msgstr[0] "%s 則待審核的回應" msgid "%s Pending" msgid_plural "%s Pending" msgstr[0] "%s 個待審核項目" msgid "%s post per minute" msgid_plural "%s posts per minute" msgstr[0] "每分鐘 %s 篇文章" msgid "%s comment per minute" msgid_plural "%s comments per minute" msgstr[0] "每分鐘 %s 則回應" msgid "In total %s words were written." msgstr "總計寫了 %s 個字。" msgid "on %2$s" msgstr "在%2$s上" msgid "%s Comment" msgid_plural "%s Comments" msgstr[0] "%s 個評論" msgid "%s more word" msgid_plural "%s more words" msgstr[0] "詳見內文:約%s字" msgid "%s video" msgid_plural "%s videos" msgstr[0] "%s 視頻" msgid "%s image" msgid_plural "%s images" msgstr[0] "%s 圖片" msgid "Post Slider" msgstr "文章投影片" msgid "Blog Name:" msgstr "網誌名稱:" msgid "We didn't register anyone finding you via search-engines." msgstr "我們的記錄中沒有任何人透過搜尋引擎找到你。" msgid "Photography" msgstr "攝影" msgid "Loading map…" msgstr "正在載入對應…" msgid "Entertainment" msgstr "娛樂" msgid "Premium Theme" msgstr "進階佈景主題" msgid "blogs" msgstr "網誌" msgid "Reblogged" msgstr "已轉發" msgid "Staff Picks" msgstr "員工精選" msgid "Travel" msgstr "旅行" msgid "Technology" msgstr "科技" msgid "Sports" msgstr "運動" msgid "Humor" msgstr "幽默" msgid "Error posting." msgstr "發佈文章時發生錯誤。" msgid "Art & Design" msgstr "藝術和設計" msgid "Business" msgstr "商用版方案" msgid "blog" msgstr "部落格" msgid "Users allowed to access site:" msgstr "可存取此網站的使用者:" msgid "Only http and https are supported" msgstr "僅支援 http 和 https" msgid "%s was not far behind." msgstr "其餘訪客來自 %s。" msgid "These are the posts that got the most views on %s in %d." msgstr "這些是 %d 年在 %s 上瀏覽次數最多的文章。" msgid "" "The most commented on post in %1$d was " "%3$s" msgstr "" "%1$d 年擁有最多留言的文章是 %3$s" msgid "How did they find this blog?" msgstr "他們怎麼找到這個網誌?" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on %s’s activity " "in %d. You may start scrolling!" msgstr "為了迎接嶄新的一年,我們想與你分享 %d 年 %s 活動的資料。準備開始囉!" msgid "empty" msgstr "空白" msgid "%d in blogging" msgstr "你在 %d 年的網誌活動" msgid "" "If you like what you saw in this summary and want to know more about how " "your blog is doing, you can always visit your Site Stats, where our helper-monkeys are working day and night to " "provide you with pages and pages of detail on how your blog is doing." msgstr "" "如果你喜歡這份摘要的內容,並想深入瞭解你網誌的表現,你可以隨時造訪網站統計資料。在這裡,我們的小幫手們日以繼夜地工" "作,以提供有關你網誌表現的大量詳細資料。" msgid "" "These are the posts that got the most views in %d. You can see all of the " "year’s most-viewed posts in your Site " "Stats." msgstr "" "這些是 %d 瀏覽次數最多的文章。你可在網站統計" "資料上查看所有在年度期間獲得最多瀏覽次數的文章。" msgid "" "Your most commented on post in %1$d was " "%3$s" msgstr "" "%1$d 年你擁有最多留言的文章是 %3$s" msgid "%d year in blogging | %s" msgstr "你在 %d 年的網誌活動 | %s" msgid "Standard time begins on: %s." msgstr "標準時間開始於:%s。" msgid "Welcome to Your WordPress Site" msgstr "歡迎使用你專屬的 WordPress 網站" msgid "" "You can export a file of your site’s content in order to import it " "into another installation or platform. The export file will be an XML file " "format called WXR. Posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and " "tags can be included. You can choose for the WXR file to include only " "certain posts or pages by setting the dropdown filters to limit the export " "by category, author, date range by month, or publishing status." msgstr "" "你可將你網站的內容匯出成一個檔案並將它匯入另外一個 WordPress 或是平台。匯出的" "檔案是一種稱為 WXR 的 XML 格式。包括文章、頁面、留言、自訂欄位、分類與標籤。" "你可以透過設定下拉式選單自分類、作者、月份範圍或者發佈狀態等篩選條件限制匯出" "檔案 WXR 檔案僅包含某些文章或頁面。" msgid "%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s: %2$s" msgid "No pending comments" msgstr "無待審核的留言" msgid "%s pending comment" msgid_plural "%s pending comments" msgstr[0] "%s 則待審中留言" msgid "You are not following any blogs!" msgstr "你沒有關注任何的網誌!" msgid "Instantly" msgstr "即時" msgid "Enter a blog URL" msgstr "請輸入網誌網址" msgid "Grid" msgstr "網格" msgid "Play" msgstr "播放" msgid "Pagination" msgstr "分頁" msgid "Pause" msgstr "暫停" msgid "Visibility" msgstr "可見度" msgid "Animation" msgstr "動畫" msgid "Styles" msgstr "樣式" msgid "Hide Comments" msgstr "隱藏留言" msgid "Content Writer" msgstr "內容編輯" msgid "Select a category" msgstr "請選擇分類" msgid "Default view" msgstr "預設視圖" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s" msgid "If you don't want to be notified of new comments any more: %s" msgstr "如果你不想再收到新的回應通知:%s" msgid "in response to %s:" msgstr "回應 %s:" msgid "New comment on %1$s" msgstr "%1$s 的新回應" msgid "Subscription Options" msgstr "訂閱選項" msgid "You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down." msgstr "你回覆的太快了。請慢一點。" msgid "" "New users will receive an email letting them know they’ve been added " "as a user for your site. This email will also contain their password. Check " "the box if you do not want the user to receive a welcome email." msgstr "" "新使用者將會收到一封電子郵件通知他們已被新增為你網站的使用者。該電子郵件亦將" "包含他們的密碼。若你不想使用者收到歡迎郵件請勾選這個選項。" msgid "" "You can filter the list of users by User Role using the text links above the " "users list to show All, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or " "Subscriber. The default view is to show all users. Unused User Roles are not " "listed." msgstr "" "你可以透過使用者列表上方的文字連結,以使用者角色來篩選使用者列表,可顯示全" "部、管理者、編輯、作者、投稿員或訂閱者。預設會列出所有使用者。未使用的使用者" "角色將不會被列出。" msgid "" "Enter the email address or username of an existing user on this network to " "invite them to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to " "confirm the invite." msgstr "" "輸入一個已存在這個網絡的使用者電郵地址或使用者名稱以邀請他們加入這個網站。該" "使用者將會收到一封電子郵件確認這次邀請。" msgid "" "Enter the email address of an existing user on this network to invite them " "to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the " "invite." msgstr "" "輸入一個已存在這個網絡的使用者電郵地址以邀請他們加入這個網站。該使用者將會收" "到一封電子郵件確認這次邀請。" msgid "" "There are unsaved changes that will be lost. 'OK' to continue, 'Cancel' to " "return to the Image Editor." msgstr "有些未儲存的變更將會遺失。請按「確認」繼續,「取消」返回圖片編輯器。" msgid "" "There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version " "below. View the autosave" msgstr "" "此文章有一份自動儲存,且該份儲存比下方目前的版本還要新。檢視該" "份自動儲存" msgid "Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again." msgstr "圖片無法被處理。請回上一步並且再試一次。" msgid "View your full report online" msgstr "在線上檢視完整報告" msgid "Your Annual Report from" msgstr "你在 的年度報告" msgid "Your %d year in blogging" msgstr "你在 %d 年的網誌活動" msgid "… but wait, there’s more!" msgstr "… 別急,還有更多內容!" msgid "Perhaps you could follow their blog or send them a thank you note?" msgstr "也許你可以關注他們的網誌,或寄一張感謝信給他們?" msgid "Your %d in blogging" msgstr "你在 %d 年的網誌活動" msgid " presents" msgstr " 推出" msgctxt "yearly archives date format" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" msgctxt "monthly archives date format" msgid "F Y" msgstr "F Y" msgctxt "my list of books to read" msgid "To Read" msgstr "要閱讀的書" msgid "Currently Reading" msgstr "目前正在閱讀" msgctxt "past participle: books I have read" msgid "Read" msgstr "已閱讀" msgid "Show Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "觀看網站時顯示工具列" msgid "We look forward to serving you again in %d! Happy New Year!" msgstr "期待能夠在 %d 再次為你提供服務!新年快樂!" msgid "Thanks for flying with in %d." msgstr "感謝你於 %d 年使用。" msgid "See you in %d" msgstr "%d 再見" msgid "Share this with your visitors" msgstr "與你的訪客分享" msgid "" "Some of your most popular posts were written before %d. Your writing has " "staying power! Consider writing about those topics again." msgstr "" "你部分最受歡迎的文章是在 %d 前撰寫。你的文章擁有後勁!請考慮再次撰寫這些主" "題。" msgid "Attractions in %d" msgstr "%d 年的熱門內容" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "These are the posts that got the most views in %d. You can see all of the " "year’s most-viewed posts in your Site " "Stats." msgstr "" "這些是 %d 瀏覽次數最多的文章。你可在網站統計" "資料上查看所有在年度期間獲得最多瀏覽次數的文章。" msgid "Some visitors came searching, mostly for %l." msgstr "某些訪客最常搜尋 %l。" msgid "The top referring sites in %d were:" msgstr "%d 年最熱門的推薦網站是:" msgid "How did they find you?" msgstr "他們怎麼找到你?" msgid "Where did they come from?" msgstr "他們從哪裡來?" msgid "F jS" msgstr "F jS" msgid "Crunchy numbers" msgstr "很棒的數字" msgid "That's about %d pictures per day." msgstr "這樣幾乎每天 %d 張照片。" msgid "That's about a picture per day." msgstr "這樣幾乎每天一張照片。" msgid "That's about %d pictures per week." msgstr "這樣幾乎每個禮拜 %d 張照片。" msgid "That's about a picture per week." msgstr "這樣幾乎每個禮拜一張照片。" msgid "That's about %d pictures per month." msgstr "這樣大約每個月 %d 張照片。" msgid "That's about a picture per month." msgstr "這樣大約每個月一張照片。" msgid "[] Tumblr Import successful" msgstr "[] Tumblr 匯入成功" msgid "" "In %1$d, there was %2$s new post, growing the total archive " "of this blog to %3$s posts." msgid_plural "" "In %1$d, there were %2$s new posts, growing the total " "archive of this blog to %3$s posts." msgstr[0] "" "在 %1$d,有 %2$s篇新文章,這令網誌的總文章數達到 %3$s 篇。" msgid "" "In %1$d, there was %2$s new post, not terrible for the " "first year!" msgid_plural "" "In %1$d, there were %2$s new posts, not bad for the first " "year!" msgstr[0] "" "在 %1$d,有 %2$s篇新文章,這對於第一年來說不算太糟!" msgid "" "The busiest day of the year was %1$s with %2$s views. The " "most popular post that day was %3$s." msgstr "" "今年最忙碌的一天是 %1$s,共有 %2$s 次瀏覽次數。這一天中最熱" "門的文章是 %3$s。" msgid "" "There was %1$d picture uploaded, taking a total of %2$s." msgid_plural "" "There were %1$d pictures uploaded, taking up a total of " "%2$s." msgstr[0] "已上載 %1$d 張照片,佔總數的 %2$s。" msgid "Featured image" msgstr "特選圖片" msgid "Posts Per Page" msgstr "每頁篇數" msgid "%s old" msgstr "%s 舊" msgid "Insufficient permissions" msgstr "權限不足" msgid "m/d/Y" msgstr "m/d/Y" msgid "Finished!" msgstr "完成!" msgid "Posts Imported" msgstr "文章已匯入" msgid "Tumblr Blog" msgstr "Tumblr 部落格" msgid "Every Minute" msgstr "每分鐘" msgid "In Progress" msgstr "進行中" msgid "No blog information found for this account. " msgstr "未找到此帳戶的網誌資訊。" msgid "Problem communicating with Tumblr, retrying later" msgstr "與 Tumblr 的連線發生問題,請稍後再試。" msgid "This blog is currently being imported." msgstr "正在匯入這個 Tumblr 網站的內容。" msgid "Import this blog" msgstr "匯入網站內容" msgid "Pages Imported" msgstr "頁面已匯入" msgid "Queued Imported" msgstr "已匯入的佇列" msgid "Drafts Imported" msgstr "已匯入的草稿" msgid "Connect to Tumblr" msgstr "連結至 Tumblr" msgid "" "Howdy! This importer allows you to import posts from your Tumblr account " "into your WordPress site." msgstr "" "嗨,這個匯入程式能讓網站管理員將具備使用權的 Tumblr 帳號的貼文,匯入至這個 " "WordPress 網站。" msgid "Import Tumblr" msgstr "匯入 Tumblr 內容" msgid "Import posts from a Tumblr blog." msgstr "從 Tumblr 網站匯入貼文。" msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to administer %2$s. As an administrator you will be " "able to do anything. Nothing is off-limits. Don't let the power go to your " "head!" msgstr "" "%1$s 已邀請你管理 %2$s。成為管理員,你將能夠進行所有動作。沒有任何動作會受到" "限制。可別讓權力沖昏頭了!" msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to edit %2$s. As an editor you will be able to publish " "and edit any post, as well as moderate comments and generally make the site " "a better place." msgstr "" "%1$s 已邀請你編輯 %2$s。成為編輯人員,你將能夠發佈並編輯任何文章、審核回應," "以整體方式改善網站。" msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to contribute to %2$s. As a contributor you'll be able " "to create and edit your own posts, but you'll need an editor to publish for " "you." msgstr "" "%1$s 已邀請你參與 %2$s。成為參與者,你將可以建立並編輯自己的文章,但是需要編" "輯人員為你發佈。" msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to become an author on %2$s. As an author you will be " "able to publish and edit your own posts as well as upload media." msgstr "" "%1$s 已邀請你編寫 %2$s。成為作者,你將能夠發佈並編輯自己的文章,也能夠上載媒" "體檔案。" msgid "Thanks for flying with %s" msgstr "感謝你使用 %s" msgid "What’s New" msgstr "新鮮事" msgid "" "Unknown search terms" msgstr "" "不明搜尋字詞" msgid "Other Search Engines" msgstr "其他搜尋引擎" msgid "Modify your %2$s." msgstr "修改你的 %2$s。" msgid "" "Subscribers can read comments/comment/receive newsletters, etc. but cannot " "create regular site content." msgstr "" "訂閱者可以閱讀回應/發佈回應/接收電子郵件……等,但不能新增正式的網站內容。" msgid "" "Delete brings you to the Delete Users screen for " "confirmation, where you can permanently remove a user from your site and " "delete their content. You can also delete multiple users at once by using " "bulk actions." msgstr "" "刪除 — 點擊 [刪除] 連結便會進入 [刪除使用者] 頁面以進" "行確認。在 [刪除使用者] 頁面中,網站管理員可以從網站中永久刪除使用者及其撰寫" "的內容,也可以使用 [批次操作] 一次刪除多個使用者。" msgid "" "Remove allows you to remove a user from your site. It does " "not delete their content. You can also remove multiple users at once by " "using bulk actions." msgstr "" "移除 — 點擊 [移除] 連結便可將使用者從這個網站中移除," "也可以使用 [批次操作] 批次移除多個使用者。這項操作不會刪除他們所建立的內容。" msgid "" "Authors can publish and manage their own posts, and are able to upload files." msgstr "作者可以發佈及管理他們自己的文章,也可以上載檔案。" msgid "Troubleshooting" msgstr "疑難排解" msgid "Attaching Files" msgstr "附加檔案" msgid "" "If you want to convert your categories to tags (or vice versa), use the Categories and Tags Converter available from the Import " "screen." msgstr "" "若你想將分類轉換成標籤(或是將標籤轉換成分類),請使用匯入畫面中的 分類與標籤轉換器 。" msgid "" "Uploading Files allows you to choose the folder and path for storing your " "uploaded files." msgstr "「上載檔案」讓你可以選擇儲存你所上載檔案儲存的目錄與路徑。" msgid "" "Here is a basic overview of the different user roles and the permissions " "associated with each one:" msgstr "以下列出不同使用者角色的基本概觀,以及每個使用者角色擁有的權限:" msgid "User Roles" msgstr "使用者角色" msgid "" "Remember to click the Add New User button at the bottom of this screen when " "you are finished." msgstr "表格填寫完畢後,請記得點擊畫面下方的 [新增使用者] 按鈕。" msgid "" "To add a new user to your site, fill in the form on this screen and click " "the Add New User button at the bottom." msgstr "" "如需為網站新增使用者,請填寫這個頁面中的表格,然後點擊頁面下方的 [新增使用" "者] 按鈕便可完成。" msgid "" "You can submit content in several different ways; this screen holds the " "settings for all of them. The top section controls the editor within the " "dashboard, while the rest control external publishing methods. For more " "information on any of these methods, use the documentation links." msgstr "" "你可使用幾種不同方式提交內容,這個設定畫面將儲存它們的設定值。最上方區域控制" "編輯管理畫面,其他則控制發佈方式。欲取得更多資訊請使用下方的檔案連結。" msgid "" "You can upload media files here without creating a post first. This allows " "you to upload files to use with posts and pages later and/or to get a web " "link for a particular file that you can share. There are three options for " "uploading files:" msgstr "" "你可先上載媒體檔案而不用先寫文章。這個功能允許你稍後把檔案放到文章中,或取得" "讓你分享檔案的連結網址。這裡有三個上載選項:" msgid "Adding Tags" msgstr "新增標籤中" msgid "Adding Categories" msgstr "新增分類中" msgid "" "You can customize the display of this screen’s contents in a number of " "ways:" msgstr "你可以透過幾個方法來客製化這個畫面內容的顯示方式:" msgid "Screen Content" msgstr "畫面內容" msgid "" "If the importer you need is not listed, search the plugin " "directory to see if an importer is available." msgstr "" "假如你需要的匯入器沒有被列出,請搜尋外掛目錄 來檢查匯入器" "是否為可用狀態。" msgid "" "Once you’ve saved the download file, you can use the Import function " "in another WordPress installation to import the content from this site." msgstr "" "你儲存下載的檔案後,可在其他 WordPress 後台使用匯入功能,將內容匯入網站內。" msgid "" "You can also edit or move multiple posts to the Trash at once. Select the " "posts you want to act on using the checkboxes, then select the action you " "want to take from the Bulk actions menu and click Apply." msgstr "" "使用者可以一次編輯多篇文章,也可以一次將多篇文章移至垃圾桶。請先選取要進行操" "作的文章,再從 [批次操作] 下拉式選單中選取要進行的操作,然後按下 [套用]。" msgid "Available Actions" msgstr "可進行的管理" msgid "" "This screen provides access to all of your posts. You can customize the " "display of this screen to suit your workflow." msgstr "" "這個畫面讓你存取你全部文章。你可以自訂這個畫面的顯示方式,以符合你的運作流" "程。" msgid "Moderating Comments" msgstr "審核留言" msgid "Click to share on Tumblr" msgstr "分享到 Tumblr" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Tumblr" msgstr "Tumblr" msgid "Loading…" msgstr "正在載入..." msgid "Thank you for using %s!" msgstr "感謝你使用 %s!" msgid "" "If desired, WordPress will automatically alert various services of your new " "posts." msgstr "假如需要的話,WordPress會自動把你的新文章通知給各種服務。" msgid "Post Via Email" msgstr "使用電子郵件發佈文章" msgid "" "This screen provides many options for controlling the management and display " "of comments and links to your posts/pages. So many, in fact, they will not " "all fit here! :) Use the documentation links to get information on what each " "discussion setting does." msgstr "" "這個畫面提供了許多選項以控制像是留言的管理及顯示,以及連結至文章/頁面的連結" "點。很多東西,事實上,不見得適合放在這裡! :) 你可以透過下方的檔案連結來取得" "每一個討論設定的相關資訊。" msgid "" "%s exceeds the maximum upload size for the multi-file uploader when used in " "your browser." msgstr "當你使用你的瀏覽器上載檔案時,%s 超過了多檔案上載介面最大的上載尺寸。" msgid "Users list" msgstr "使用者列表" msgid "" "You can change your password, turn on keyboard shortcuts, change the color " "scheme of your WordPress administration screens, and turn off the WYSIWYG " "(Visual) editor, among other things. You can hide the Toolbar (formerly " "called the Admin Bar) from the front end of your site, however it cannot be " "disabled on the admin screens." msgstr "" "你可以改變你的密碼,開啟鍵盤捷徑,變更 WordPress 管理畫面的色彩配置,並且關閉" "所見即所得(視覺化)編輯器。你可以隱藏網站前台的工具列 (正式名稱為管理列),然而" "它無法在管理畫面中被停用。" msgid "" "This sidebar is no longer available and does not show anywhere on your site. " "Remove each of the widgets below to fully remove this inactive sidebar." msgstr "" "側邊欄不再可用且不會顯示在你網站的任何地方。移除下方每個小工具以完全移除未啟" "用之側邊欄。" msgid "Inactive Sidebar (not used)" msgstr "未啟用側邊欄(未使用)" msgid "Missing Widgets" msgstr "遺失小工具" msgid "Removing and Reusing" msgstr "移除及重新使用" msgid "" "By default, new users will receive an email letting them know they’ve " "been added as a user for your site. This email will also contain a password " "reset link. Uncheck the box if you do not want to send the new user a " "welcome email." msgstr "" "預設情況下,新使用者會收到一封電子郵件,讓他們知道已經註冊為你網站的會員。這" "風電子郵件會也包含一個密碼重社連結。如果你不想要傳送給新使用者歡迎郵件,請取" "消勾選此欄位。" msgid "" "Edit takes you to the editable profile screen for that " "user. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the username." msgstr "" "編輯 — 點擊 [編輯] 連結便會進入使用者個人資料編輯畫" "面,也可以透過點擊使用者名稱到達同一個畫面。" msgid "" "Hovering over a row in the users list will display action links that allow " "you to manage users. You can perform the following actions:" msgstr "" "將游標暫留於使用者清單上的某個使用者時,便會顯示管理使用者的操作連結。網站管" "理員可執行以下操作:" msgid "" "You can view all posts made by a user by clicking on the number under the " "Posts column." msgstr "" "點擊個別使用者 [文章] 欄位中的數字,便能檢視這個使用者所撰寫的全部文章。" msgid "" "You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many users " "to list per screen using the Screen Options tab." msgstr "" "使用者可以依據個人需求在 [顯示項目設定] 分頁中隱藏或顯示個別欄位,並能設定每" "頁顯示的使用者數量。" msgid "" "If a media file has not been attached to any content, you will see that in " "the Uploaded To column, and can click on Attach to launch a small popup that " "will allow you to search for existing content and attach the file." msgstr "" "如果一個媒體檔案沒有與任何內容關聯,你會在「上載」欄位看到,點選「產生關聯」" "會彈出一個小型視窗,讓你搜尋並對現有內容加入關聯。" msgid "" "All the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with " "the most recent uploads listed first. You can use the Screen Options tab to " "customize the display of this screen." msgstr "" "全部你上載的檔案都會被列在媒體庫裡,最後上載的會出現在前面。你可以使用「顯示" "選項」來自訂顯示在畫面上的項目。" msgid "" "Drag and drop your files into the area below. Multiple " "files are allowed." msgstr "拖曳你的檔案到這個區域。可以拖曳多個檔案。" msgid "" "Clicking Select Files opens a navigation window showing you " "files in your operating system. Selecting Open after " "clicking on the file you want activates a progress bar on the uploader " "screen." msgstr "" "點擊選擇檔案會開啟導覽視窗,並且顯示你電腦上的檔案。接著在你" "點選要上載的檔案後,再選擇開啟,就會在上載畫面中顯示一個上載" "進度列。" msgid "Deleting Links" msgstr "刪除連結" msgid "" "Links may be separated into Link Categories; these are different than the " "categories used on your posts." msgstr "連結可被分別歸屬至「連結分類」;這與文章所使用的分類不大相同。" msgid "" "Links in the Toolbar at the top of the screen connect your dashboard and the " "front end of your site, and provide access to your profile and helpful " "WordPress information." msgstr "" "畫面上方工具列內的連結為連結至你的控制台及你網站的前台,並且提供存取你的個人" "資訊及有用的 WordPress 資訊。" msgid "" "Likely direct inclusion of wp-admin/includes/template.php in order to use " "add_meta_box(). This is very wrong. Hook the add_meta_box() call into the " "add_meta_boxes action instead." msgstr "" "就好比為了使用 add_meta_box() 而直接引入 wp-admin/includes/template.php 一" "樣,這是錯誤的。應該使用 Hook add_meta_box() 呼叫 add_meta_boxes 的動作才正" "確。" msgid "" "You can assign keywords to your posts using tags. Unlike " "categories, tags have no hierarchy, meaning there is no relationship from " "one tag to another." msgstr "" "你可使用標籤來指派文章的關鍵字。標籤不像分類,標籤沒有階層關" "係,這表示標籤之間沒有關係。" msgid "" "Managing pages is very similar to managing posts, and the screens can be " "customized in the same way." msgstr "管理頁面是跟管理文章十分相似的,你可以使用一樣的方法自訂版面。" msgid "" "Edit takes you to the editing screen for that post. You can " "also reach that screen by clicking on the post title." msgstr "" "編輯進入文章編輯畫面。亦可透過點擊文章標題到達該畫面。" msgid "Managing Pages" msgstr "管理頁面" msgid "Overview" msgstr "概述" msgid "" "Pages are similar to posts in that they have a title, body text, and " "associated metadata, but they are different in that they are not part of the " "chronological blog stream, kind of like permanent posts. Pages are not " "categorized or tagged, but can have a hierarchy. You can nest pages under " "other pages by making one the “Parent” of the other, creating a " "group of pages." msgstr "" "頁面與文章相似之處在於它們都有一個標題、內文與相關屬性,但不同處在於頁面並不" "受網誌時間順序所控制,有點像永久文章。頁面沒有分類和標籤,但仍有層次結構。你" "可以透過建立一個「上層頁面」,將其他巢狀子頁面歸在其下,以建立一個頁面群組。" msgid "" "Preview will show you what your draft post will look like " "if you publish it. View will take you to your live site to view the post. " "Which link is available depends on your post’s status." msgstr "" "預覽會顯示草稿被發佈成為正式文章後所呈現的樣子。檢視文章將會" "帶你到網站前台看看該文章實際呈現的樣子。該連結是否為可用狀態,則是視你的文章" "編輯情況而定。" msgid "" "Quick Edit provides inline access to the metadata of your " "post, allowing you to update post details without leaving this screen." msgstr "" "快速編輯提供快顯視窗,讓你無須離開這畫面就能編修文章細節。" msgid "" "You can create groups of links by using Link Categories. Link Category names " "must be unique and Link Categories are separate from the categories you use " "for posts." msgstr "" "你可以使用連結分類來建立連結的群組。連結分類的命名必須是唯一的,且連結分類跟" "你用於文章的分類是分開來的。" msgid "" "You can also perform the same types of actions, including narrowing the list " "by using the filters, acting on a page using the action links that appear " "when you hover over a row, or using the Bulk actions menu to edit the " "metadata for multiple pages at once." msgstr "" "使用者也可以相同的操作方式,包含使用篩選條件縮小清單顯示數量、將游標暫留於頁" "面清單的資料列上以使用管理連結進行相關操作,或是使用 [批次操作] 下拉式選單編" "輯多個頁面的中繼資料。" msgid "" "Many people take advantage of keyboard shortcuts to moderate their comments " "more quickly. Use the link to the side to learn more." msgstr "許多人使用鍵盤熱鍵更快速審核他們的留言。點擊旁邊的連結了解詳情。" msgid "" "You can manage comments made on your site similar to the way you manage " "posts and other content. This screen is customizable in the same ways as " "other management screens, and you can act on comments using the on-hover " "action links or the bulk actions." msgstr "" "使用者可以使用與管理文章或其他內容相似的方式管理網站。這個畫面使用與其他管理" "畫面相同的方式進行自訂,可以使用游標暫留於留言時出現的功能連結或 [批次操作] " "下拉式選單管理留言。" msgid "" "Trash removes your post from this list and places it in the " "Trash, from which you can permanently delete it." msgstr "" "移至垃圾桶 — 點擊 [移至垃圾桶] 連結便可從文章清單中移" "除個人文章,並將它移至垃圾桶,使用者之後可在垃圾桶中永久刪除這些文章。" msgid "Please verify your email address:" msgstr "請確認你的電子郵件地址" msgid "You submitted the following blog(s) for consideration:" msgstr "你提交了以下網誌可供考慮:" msgid "Select Year" msgstr "選擇年份" msgid "Select Day" msgstr "選擇日期" msgid "Show Images" msgstr "顯示圖片" msgid "Keywords" msgstr "關鍵字" msgid "View mode" msgstr "檢視模式" msgid "Owner" msgstr "擁有者" msgid "Alphabetical" msgstr "字母" msgid "Select Frame" msgstr "選取框架" msgid "Search engine optimization" msgstr "搜尋引擎最佳化" msgid "Layouts" msgstr "版面形式" msgid "Search videos…" msgstr "搜尋影片…" msgid "User Description" msgstr "使用者描述" msgid "Comment on %1$s" msgstr "%1$s 的評論" msgid "Modified" msgstr "已修改" msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "電子報" msgid "Yearly" msgstr "每年" msgid "Monthly" msgstr "每月" msgid "Short description" msgstr "簡短描述" msgid "%s Settings" msgstr "%s 設定" msgid "No orders found in trash" msgstr "垃圾桶裡找不到訂單" msgid "No orders found" msgstr "找不到訂單" msgid "Length" msgstr "長度" msgid "Post Type" msgstr "文章類型" msgid "Select Date" msgstr "選擇日期" msgid "Grams" msgstr "克" msgid "Import started" msgstr "已開始匯入" msgid "Photos" msgstr "照片" msgid "What now?" msgstr "下一步呢?" msgid "Based on" msgstr "根據" msgid "Color Settings" msgstr "色彩設定" msgid "Advertisement" msgstr "廣告" msgid "Settings updated." msgstr "設定已更新" msgid "Page Sidebar" msgstr "頁面側邊欄" msgid "No image" msgstr "沒有圖片" msgid "%1$s to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 至 %2$s" msgid "Load More Posts" msgstr "載入更多文章" msgid "Choose logo" msgstr "選擇Logo" msgid "Total search terms" msgstr "搜尋關鍵字總計" msgid "Customize Your Site" msgstr "個人化你的網站" msgid "Add Real Content" msgstr "增加真正的內容" msgid "Basic Settings" msgstr "基本設定" msgid "Visit Reblog" msgstr "瀏覽轉發" msgid "" "%2$s reblogged %4$s to %5$s %6$s " "on %8$s. Congrats!" msgstr "" "%2$s 已在 %8$s" "%4$s 轉發給 %5$s %6$s。恭喜!" msgid "Search…" msgstr "搜尋…" msgid "When" msgstr "時間" msgid "Thumbnail width" msgstr "縮圖寬度" msgid "Audio Player" msgstr "音訊播放器" msgid "Memory exceeded. Please try another smaller file." msgstr "記憶體超出可用範圍。請試試其他小一點的檔案。" msgid "This file is not an image. Please try another." msgstr "此檔案不是圖片。請試試其他檔案。" msgid "“%s” has failed to upload." msgstr "「%s」上載失敗。" msgid "Please try uploading this file with the %1$sbrowser uploader%2$s." msgstr "請嘗試利用 %1$s瀏覽器上載介面%2$s 上載檔案。" msgid "%s exceeds the maximum upload size for this site." msgstr "%s 已超越此站檔案大小上載限制。" msgid "This is larger than the maximum size. Please try another." msgstr "此檔案大小已越過最大限制大小。請嘗試其他檔案。" msgctxt "em dash" msgid "—" msgstr "—" msgctxt "en dash" msgid "–" msgstr "–" msgid "The menu ID should not be empty." msgstr "選單 ID 不應該是空的。" msgid "…" msgstr "…" msgctxt "links widget" msgid "All Links" msgstr "全部連結" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "About WordPress" msgstr "關於 WordPress" msgid "Get Help" msgstr "取得說明" msgid "Error: Please type your comment text." msgstr "錯誤: 請輸入留言內容。" msgid "Error: Please enter a valid email address." msgstr "錯誤: 請輸入有效的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Profile updated." msgstr "個人資訊已更新。" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "You've been invited to join '%1$s' at\n" "%2$s with the role of %3$s.\n" "\n" "Please click the following link to confirm the invite:\n" "%4$s" msgstr "" "你好,\n" "\n" "你已被邀請加入 '%1$s',網址在\n" "%2$s ,你的角色權限為 %3$s。\n" "\n" "請點擊下方連結來確認這個邀請:\n" "%4$s" msgid "" "Drag and Drop — To rearrange the boxes, drag and drop " "by clicking on the title bar of the selected box and releasing when you see " "a gray dotted-line rectangle appear in the location you want to place the " "box." msgstr "" "拖放功能 — 要重新排列區塊,可以透過點擊按住選定區塊的" "標題列再行拖與放,當你看見在你想放置區塊的目標位置出現了方型灰色虛線,你就可" "以釋放滑鼠以放置該區塊。" msgid "" "New site created by %1$s\n" "\n" "Address: %2$s\n" "Name: %3$s" msgstr "" "新網站由 %1$s 建立\n" "\n" "網站網址:%2$s\n" "網站名稱:%3$s" msgid "" "Box Controls — Click the title bar of the box to " "expand or collapse it. Some boxes added by plugins may have configurable " "content, and will show a “Configure” link in the title bar if " "you hover over it." msgstr "" "區塊控制 — 點擊區塊的標題列來展開或收合。一些由外掛所" "加入的區塊可能會有設定選項,當你把滑鼠鼠標移過去時標題列就會顯示「設定」連" "結。" msgctxt "admin menu" msgid "All Links" msgstr "全部連結" msgid "" "You can use the following controls to arrange your Dashboard screen to suit " "your workflow. This is true on most other administration screens as well." msgstr "" "你可以使用下方的控制項去排列你的控制台畫面以配合你的運作流程。這跟大多數其他" "的管理介面的操作一樣。" msgid "" "The left-hand navigation menu provides links to all of the WordPress " "administration screens, with submenu items displayed on hover. You can " "minimize this menu to a narrow icon strip by clicking on the Collapse Menu " "arrow at the bottom." msgstr "" "左邊的導覽選單提供了存取全部 WordPress 管理畫面的連結,將滑鼠移過去會顯示子選" "單項目。你可以點擊導覽選單最下面的「摺疊選單」箭形圖示,將整個選單最小化。" msgctxt "Uploader: Drop files here - or - Select Files" msgid "or" msgstr "或" msgid "Allowed Files" msgstr "允許的檔案" msgid "Attachment Post URL" msgstr "附加文章網址" msgid "" "Scale images to match the large size selected in %1$simage options%2$s (%3$d " "× %4$d)." msgstr "" "縮放圖片至符合在 %1$s圖片選項%2$s 中所選定的大尺寸(%3$d × %4$d)。" msgid "Insert media from another website" msgstr "從別的網站插入多媒體檔案" msgid "Audio, Video, or Other File" msgstr "音樂、影片或其他檔案" msgid "" "Update %2$s or learn how " "to browse happy" msgstr "" "更新 %2$s 或學習如何快樂瀏覽" msgid "Customize your site" msgstr "自訂你的網站" msgid "Welcome to WordPress!" msgstr "歡迎使用 WordPress!" msgid "No valid plugins were found." msgstr "沒有找到有效的外掛。" msgid "The plugin contains no files." msgstr "此外掛沒有包含任何檔案。" msgid "Tumblr" msgstr "Tumblr" msgid "Title and Post Editor" msgstr "標題與文章編輯器" msgid "Customizing This Display" msgstr "自訂這個顯示畫面" msgid "About Pages" msgstr "關於頁面" msgid "ERROR: please type a comment." msgstr "錯誤:請輸入回應。" msgid "ERROR: you are replying to a comment on a draft post." msgstr "錯誤:你正在回覆一個位於草稿文章內的回應。" msgid "Subscriptions for \"%s\" are not available." msgstr "「%s」的訂閱無法使用。" msgid "" "You may want to visit their blog. Perhaps you'll enjoy their blog as much as " "they enjoyed yours!" msgstr "看看他們的網誌吧。也許你也會喜歡他們的網誌,如同他們喜歡你的網誌一樣!" msgid "followers" msgstr "追隨者" msgid "follower" msgstr "追隨者" msgid "" "%2$s reblogged %4$s on %6$s. Congrats!" msgstr "" "%2$s%6$s 轉發了 %4$s。恭喜!" msgid "Reset Your Password" msgstr "重設你的密碼" msgid "Copyright Infringement Policy" msgstr "著作權侵權政策" msgid "Subscriptions unavailable" msgstr "訂閱無法使用" msgid "Search results: “%s”" msgstr "搜尋結果:“%s”" msgid "%s people reblogged it so far. Nice!" msgstr "%s 個人轉發了這篇文章。不錯!" msgid "%1$s and %2$s reblogged your post %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 和 %2$s 轉發了你的文章 %3$s" msgid "Follow comments" msgstr "追蹤評論" msgid "" "Please enter at least one username or an email address to send " "the invitation to." msgstr "" "請輸入至少一個 使用者名稱或電子郵件地址,以便我們傳送邀請。" msgid "Clear Form" msgstr "清除表單" msgid "%1$s reblogged your post on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 已於 %2$s 轉發你的文章" msgid "Sent By" msgstr "傳送" msgid "%1$s is now following %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 正在關注 %2$s" msgid "%1$s will receive an update each time you publish a new post. Congrats!" msgstr "你每次發佈新文章,%1$s 就會收到更新通知。恭喜!" msgid "Active theme" msgstr "啟用佈景主題" msgid "Change theme" msgstr "變更佈景主題" msgid "Skip" msgstr "略過" msgid " %1$s more for a total of %2$s followers!" msgstr "...再加上 %1$s 人,總共獲得 %2$s 名關注者!" msgid "Publish your first blog post" msgstr "發佈你的第一篇網誌文章" msgid "Footer Links" msgstr "頁尾連結" msgid "Basic" msgstr "基本" msgid "Notifications" msgstr "通知" msgid "" "If you are sure you want to continue please click I'm Sure." msgstr "假如你確定想繼續,請點我確定。" msgid "The current address %s will be discarded." msgstr "目前的位址 %s 將會被捨棄。" msgid "Yes, please permanently disable %s" msgstr "是的,請永久停用 %s" msgid "An unexpected error occurred." msgstr "發生意外錯誤。" msgid "Your new blog address will be %s" msgstr "新的網站位址為 %s" msgid "Sunrise" msgstr "朝陽" msgid "" "%1$s invited you to become an author on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 邀請你成為 %2$s 的作者" msgid "" "%1$s invited you to become an editor on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 邀請你成為 %2$s 的編輯人員" msgid "%1$s invited you to administer %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 邀請你管理 %2$s" msgid "All content" msgstr "全部內容" msgid "Choose what to export" msgstr "選擇要匯出什麼" msgid "Date range:" msgstr "日期範圍:" msgid "" "This will contain all of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, " "navigation menus, and custom posts." msgstr "" "這包含你所有的文章、頁面、留言、自訂欄位、分類、標籤、導覽選單及自訂文章。" msgid "" "As an administrator you will be able to do anything. Nothing is off-limits. " "Don't let the power go to your head!" msgstr "" "成為管理員,你將能夠進行所有動作。沒有任何動作會受到限制。可別讓權力沖昏頭" "了!" msgid "" "%1$s invited you to be a viewer of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 邀請你成為 %2$s 的讀者" msgid "" "As an editor you will be able to publish and edit any post, as well as " "moderate comments and generally make the site a better place." msgstr "" "成為編輯人員,你將能夠發佈並編輯任何文章、審核回應,以整體方式改善網站。" msgid "" "As a contributor you'll be able to create and edit your own posts, but " "you'll need an editor to publish for you." msgstr "成為參與者,你將可以建立並編輯自己的文章,但是需要編輯人員為你發佈。" msgid "" "As an author you will be able to publish and edit your own posts as well as " "upload media." msgstr "成為作者,你將能夠發佈並編輯自己的文章,並上載媒體。" msgid "Sorry, that product is no longer available" msgstr "很抱歉,該產品已不再提供使用" msgid "%d pixels" msgstr "%d 像素" msgid "Yearly Archives: " msgstr "年份彙整: " msgid "Daily Archives: " msgstr "每日彙整: " msgid "%1$s invited you to be a viewer of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 邀請你成為 %2$s 的讀者" msgid "You and %s other people like this" msgstr "你和其他 %s 個人都說這個讚" msgid "Invite viewers to your blog" msgstr "邀請讀者來你的網誌" msgid "Recommended" msgstr "推薦" msgid "Name your blog" msgstr "為你的網誌命名" msgid "Invite New" msgstr "新增帳戶" msgid "%1$s has invited you to follow %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 已邀請你關注 %2$s。" msgid "%1$s invited you to follow %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 邀請你關注 %2$s" msgid "Education" msgstr "教育" msgid "Resume" msgstr "恢復使用" msgid "" "You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like their " "blog as much as they liked your comment!" msgstr "" "看看他們有何最新動態!也許你也會喜歡他們的網誌,如同他們喜歡你的回應一樣!" msgid "%1$s liked a comment on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s%2$s 的一則回應說讚" msgid "" "\n" "and here is their info:\n" "\n" " Name: %1$s\n" " Link: %2$s\n" " Gravatar Profile: %3$s\n" "%4$s\n" "You might want to see what they're up to - perhaps you will like their posts " "as much as they liked your comment.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "以下是他們的信息:\n" "\n" " 姓名:%1$s\n" " 連結:%2$s\n" " Gravatar檔案:%3$s\n" "%4$s\n" "你可能想看看他們在做什麼 - 也許你會喜歡他們的帖子他們喜歡你的評論。\n" msgid "To accept this invitation you will need to:" msgstr "若要接受此邀請,你必須:" msgid "Start date:" msgstr "開始日期:" msgid "Location: %s" msgstr "位置:%s" msgid "End Date: %s" msgstr "結束日期:%s" msgid "" "%1$s invited you to contribute to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 邀請你參與 %2$s" msgid "Cheatin' huh?" msgstr "ㄏㄏ想騙?" msgid "Take WordPress with you." msgstr "WordPress 帶著走。" msgid "Mobile Apps" msgstr "手機 Apps" msgid "Checking..." msgstr "檢查中..." msgid "%s person likes this" msgstr "%s 個人說這個讚" msgid "Like this" msgstr "說這個讚" msgid "Download Codes" msgstr "下載代碼" msgid "You do not have permission to access this page" msgstr "您沒有權限存取此頁面" msgid "Suggested" msgstr "建議的" msgid "Mobile Theme" msgstr "行動佈景主題" msgid "You can accept the invitation by clicking below:" msgstr "你可以點擊以下連結接受邀請:" msgid "%1$s has invited you to contribute to %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 已邀請你參與 %2$s。" msgid "%s people like this" msgstr "%s 個人喜歡這個" msgid "Email or Username" msgstr "電子郵件或使用者名稱" msgid "email or username" msgstr "電子郵件或帳戶" msgid "username" msgstr "使用者名稱" msgid "Visit Blog" msgstr "拜訪網誌" msgid "" "You accepted %1$s's invitation to become a member of their private blog, %3$s." msgstr "" "你已接受 %1$s 的邀請,成為其私密網誌 %3$s 的成員。" msgid "You have been added to %s" msgstr "你已經被加入到 %s " msgid "" "%1$s has accepted your invitation to contribute to %3$s." msgstr "%1$s 已接受你的 %3$s 參與邀請。" msgid "" "%1$s has accepted your invitation to be a member of %3$s." msgstr "%1$s 接受了你的邀請成為 %3$s 的成員。" msgid "%s accepted your invitation to %s" msgstr "%s 已接受了你向 %s 的邀請" msgid "Resend" msgstr "重新傳送" msgid "Accepted" msgstr "已接受" msgid "Date Sent" msgstr "送出日期" msgid "Invitee" msgstr "被邀請者" msgid "You have been added!" msgstr "你已經被加入!" msgid "%1$s accepted your invitation" msgstr "%1$s接受了你的邀請" msgid "" "Sorry, the activation code doesn't seem to exist. Try inviting the user " "again." msgstr "抱歉,此邀請碼似乎不存在,請再次嘗試邀請對方。" msgid "You do not have the proper permissions to perform this action." msgstr "你沒有權限執行此動作。" msgid "Invitation sent" msgid_plural "Invitations sent" msgstr[0] "已送出邀請。" msgid "%1$s invited you to follow %2$s" msgstr "%1$s邀請你關注%2$s" msgid "" "Sorry, this activation key has already been used. If you don't have access " "to this site, please ask the blog owner to send another." msgstr "" "抱歉,此邀請碼已被使用。如果你沒有權限觀看此頁面,你可以請網誌擁有者給你另一" "個邀請碼。" msgid "" "Sorry, this activation code is for another blog. Please ask the blog owner " "to send another." msgstr "抱歉,此邀請碼不屬於此網誌,你可以請網誌擁有者給你另一個邀請碼。" msgid "" "Sorry, the activation code doesn't seem to exist. Please ask the blog owner " "to send another." msgstr "抱歉,此邀請碼似乎不存在,你可以請網誌擁有者給你另一個邀請碼。" msgid "Accept Invitation" msgstr "接受邀請" msgid "Follower" msgstr "追隨者" msgid "You've been invited to follow %s!" msgstr "你已獲邀請關注 %s!" msgid "Confirm navigation" msgstr "確認導覽" msgid "[%s] You've been invited to follow this site" msgstr "[%s]你被邀請關注此網站" msgid "Past Invitations" msgstr "過去的邀請" msgid "Send Invitation" msgstr "傳送邀請" msgid "Learn more about roles" msgstr "瞭解更多有關角色的資訊" msgid "Viewer" msgstr "檢視者" msgid " username does not exist or invalid email address." msgstr " 用戶不存在或電子郵件位址錯誤。" msgid "You do not have the proper permissions to perform this action" msgstr "你沒有權限執行此操作" msgid "Username or email address" msgstr "使用者名稱或電郵地址" msgid "Click here to view" msgstr "點這裡檢視" msgid "Photo gallery" msgstr "相片畫廊" msgid "Create Another Blog" msgstr "建立另一個網誌" msgid "Start posting to a new blog in seconds." msgstr "很快就可以開始在新網誌上發佈文章。" msgid "Read Blogs" msgstr "閱讀網誌" msgid "" "%1$s recently read %2$s and enjoyed it enough to click the 'Like' button. " "Congratulations!" msgstr "%1$s 最近閱讀了 %2$s,覺得很不錯,所以按下了「讚」按鈕。恭喜!" msgid "" "%1$s commented on " "%4$s." msgstr "" "%1$s 回應了 %4$s。" msgid "Log Out" msgstr "登出" msgid "Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:" msgstr "在下方填入你的資料或按右方圖示以社群網站登入:" msgid "Change Account" msgstr "變更項目" msgid "Space" msgstr "空間" msgid "Block all email updates from blogs you’re following on" msgstr "封鎖你在 上關注之網誌的所有電子郵件更新" msgid "This is the follow settings page for %s." msgstr "這是%s的關注設定頁。" msgid "Change your email settings at Manage Notifications." msgstr "在「管理通知」中變更電子郵件設定。" msgid "Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions." msgstr "在「管理訂閱」中變更電子郵件設定。" msgid "" "When choosing daily or weekly email delivery, which time of day would you " "prefer?" msgstr "如果選擇使用每日或每週傳送電子郵件,你希望在哪一天傳送?" msgid "Follow Button Text:" msgstr "關注按鈕文字:" msgid "Blogs I Follow |" msgstr "我關注的網誌 |" msgid "Followed On" msgstr "開始關注日" msgid "Follow Comments" msgstr "追蹤評論" msgid "%s Follower" msgid_plural "%s Followers" msgstr[0] "%s 個關注者" msgid "Followers" msgstr "關注者" msgid "" "Note that this page will only show active followers. People who " "have not confirmed or who have blocked following will not appear." msgstr "" "請注意,此頁面僅會顯示活躍的關注者。尚未確認或已封鎖關注的使用者將不" "予以顯示。" msgid "Remove Follower " msgstr "移除關注者" msgid "My Followers" msgstr "我的關注者" msgid "The followers have been removed" msgstr "已移除關注者" msgid "Show total number of followers? (%s follower)" msgid_plural "Show total number of followers? (%s followers)" msgstr[0] "顯示關注者總人數?(%s 位關注者)" msgid "" "An email was just sent to confirm that you want to follow this blog. Please " "find the email now and click activate." msgstr "已傳送確認關注此網誌的電子郵件。請立即查看電子郵件並按一下啟用連結。" msgid "Show a 'follow blog' option in the comment form" msgstr "評論欄顯示 「追蹤部落格」選項" msgid "Show a 'follow comments' option in the comment form" msgstr "評論欄顯示「追蹤評論」選項" msgid "Totals, Followers & Shares" msgstr "總文章數、關注者人數和分享次數" msgid "Comment Follows" msgstr "回應關注人數" msgid "Sorry, there are no followers to display." msgstr "很抱歉,沒有任何關注者可以顯示。" msgid " Followers" msgstr " 關注者" msgid "" "If you're still having trouble, please contact support, and " "we'll get everything fixed." msgstr "" "如果你仍然遇到問題,請聯絡支援團隊,我們將為你解決所有問題。" msgid "" "If you deleted the import file from your media library, this may have caused " "the problem. In this case, please try the import once more without deleting " "the import file. Don't worry -- the importer will delete the file " "automatically once the import has finished.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "如果你已從媒體庫刪除匯入檔案,這可能就是問題的肇因。在這種情況下,請不要刪除" "匯入檔案,然後再次嘗試匯入。請放心,匯入完成後,匯入工具將自動刪除該檔案。\n" "\n" msgid "" "We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to " "%s.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "很抱歉,將你的網誌匯入 %s 時發生錯誤。\n" "\n" msgid "Create Blog" msgstr "建立網誌" msgid "Please, don't use WordPress as part of your domain name." msgstr "請勿使用 WordPress 當作你網域名稱的一部分。" msgid "" "Success! An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find " "the email now and click 'Confirm Follow' to start subscribing." msgstr "" "只是發送一封電子郵件,以確認你的訂閱。請現在找到的這封郵件,並點擊啟用開始訂" "閱。" msgid "as a new user:" msgstr "作為新使用者:" msgid "Choose a WXR (.xml) file to upload, then click Upload file and import." msgstr "選擇要上傳的WXR(.xml)檔案,然後單擊上傳檔案並匯入。" msgid "Zero size file downloaded" msgstr "下載的檔案大小為 0" msgid "Remote server returned error response %1$d %2$s" msgstr "遠端伺服器傳回的錯誤回應為 %1$d %2$s" msgid "Fetching attachments is not enabled" msgstr "提取附件未啟用" msgid "Menu item skipped due to invalid menu slug: %s" msgstr "由於無效的別名選單項目被跳過%s" msgid "Menu item skipped due to missing menu slug" msgstr "因遺失了選單代稱, 選單項目已被跳過" msgid "Failed to import %s “%s”" msgstr "無法匯入 %s “%s”" msgid "%s “%s” already exists." msgstr "%s “%s”已存在." msgid "Failed to import “%s”: Invalid post type %s" msgstr "無法匯入 “%s”: 無效的貼文 %s" msgid "Failed to import %1$s %2$s" msgstr "無法匯入 %1$s %2$s" msgid "Failed to import post tag %s" msgstr "無法匯入文章標籤《%s》" msgid "Failed to import category %s" msgstr "無法匯入分類《%s》" msgid "" "Failed to create new user for %s. Their posts will be attributed to the " "current user." msgstr "無法建立新使用者給 %s。他們的文章將被歸類為目前的使用者。" msgid "or assign posts to an existing user:" msgstr "或將文章分配給現有用戶:" msgid "assign posts to an existing user:" msgstr "將文章分配給現有用戶:" msgid "or create new user with login name:" msgstr "或以新的登入名稱建立新帳號:" msgid "" "If a new user is created by WordPress, a new password will be randomly " "generated and the new user’s role will be set as %s. Manually changing " "the new user’s details will be necessary." msgstr "" "如果由WordPress建立新用戶,將會隨機生成新密碼,並將新用戶的角色設定為%s。必須" "要手動修改新使用者的詳細資訊。" msgid "" "To make it easier for you to edit and save the imported content, you may " "want to reassign the author of the imported item to an existing user of this " "site. For example, you may want to import all the entries as admins entries." msgstr "" "為了讓你更輕易地編輯與儲存匯入的內容, 你可以重新指派原先匯入檔案的作者 至 此" "網站目前現有的使用者. 例如, 你可以用 admins entries 來設定所有輸" "入窗口" msgid "" "Failed to import author %s. Their posts will be attributed to the current " "user." msgstr "無法匯入作者「%s」,相關文章會指派給目前進行匯入的使用者。" msgid "Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users." msgstr "請記得更新導入用戶的密碼和角色." msgid "The file does not exist, please try again." msgstr "檔案不存在,請再試一次。" msgid "" "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number" msgstr "這似乎不是WXR文件,缺少/無效的WXR版本號" msgid "" "Details are shown above. The importer will now try again with a different " "parser..." msgstr "詳細信息如上所示。導入器現在將再次嘗試使用不同的解析器..." msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file" msgstr "讀取此WXR文件時出錯" msgid "No Ads" msgstr "不顯示廣告" msgid "" "Modify your email settings at Settings > Discussion." msgstr "在「設定」>「討論」中修改電子郵件設定。" msgid "Forgot password?" msgstr "忘記密碼?" msgid "We're sorry, but an unexpected error has occurred" msgstr "很抱歉,發生未預期的錯誤" msgid "" "You are one step away from activating %2$s." msgstr "" "再一個步驟就可以啟用 %2$s。" msgid "" "Thanks for flying with \"\" Jetpack" msgstr "" "感謝你使用 Jetpack" msgid "%1$s liked a post on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s%2$s 上的一篇文章讚" msgid "Follow %s" msgstr "關注 %s" msgid "%1$s liked your post %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 覺得你的文章 %2$s 很讚" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others liked your comment on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s 和其他 %2$s 人覺得你在 %3$s 的留言很讚" msgid "[untitled]" msgstr "[未命名標題]" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "垂直排列" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "水平排列" msgid "" "Your plan has been cancelled and the individual upgrades added to your " "account." msgstr "你的方案已取消,已將個別升級新增至你的帳戶。" msgid "Activate Account" msgstr "啟用帳戶" msgid "You are one step away from activating your account!" msgstr "再一個步驟就可以啟用帳戶!" msgid "Activate Blog" msgstr "啟用網誌" msgid "Thank you for signing up with" msgstr "感謝你註冊" msgid "" "Want more referrers? Try commenting on other blogs!" msgstr "" "想要被更多人引用嗎?嘗試回應其他網誌!" msgid "Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser:" msgstr "無法點選?將此網址複製並貼上至你的瀏覽器:" msgid "New comment waiting approval on %s" msgstr "%s 有等待審核的回應" msgid "New pingback waiting approval on %s" msgstr "%s 有等待審核的通告" msgid "New trackback waiting approval on %s" msgstr "%s 有等待審核的引用" msgid "View Profile" msgstr "檢視個人檔案" msgid "" "You may want to visit their blog. Perhaps you'll enjoy their blog as much as " "they liked yours." msgstr "看看他們的網誌吧。也許你也會喜歡他們的網誌,如同他們喜歡你的網誌一樣。" msgid "See all comments" msgstr "查看所有回應" msgid "Subscribe to comments on %s on %s!" msgstr "訂閱 %s%s 的評論!" msgid "" "If you did not request this action please disregard this message. You can " "block further messages by clicking on Manage Subscriptions" msgstr "" "如果你未要求此動作,請忽略此訊息。按一下「管理訂閱」可封鎖其" "他訊息" msgid "Subscribe to %s!" msgstr "訂閱 %s!" msgid "Great posts worth seeing from %s:" msgstr "來自 %s,值得一看的好文章:" msgid "" "You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like their " "blog as much as they liked yours!" msgstr "" "看看他們有何最新動態!也許你也會喜歡他們的網誌,如同他們喜歡你的網誌一樣!" msgid "%1$s liked your post on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 覺得你在 %2$s 的文章很讚" msgid "New post on %s" msgstr "%s 的新文章" msgid "Comments I've Made" msgstr "我的留言" msgid "Expires on:" msgstr "過期時間:" msgid "" "That item is already in a plan in your cart and has not been added " "separately." msgstr "該項目已涵蓋在購物車的方案中,且尚未個別新增。" msgid "Sorry but your cart is full!" msgstr "很抱歉,你的購物車已滿!" msgid "" "We don't know what product you are trying to add to your cart - please " "contact support if this problem persists." msgstr "" "我們不知道你嘗試新增哪些產品至購物車;如果此問題持續發生,請與支援團隊聯絡。" msgid "Unlike" msgstr "取消按讚" msgid "Sign Out" msgstr "登出" msgid "Reblog" msgstr "轉發" msgid "Photo" msgstr "照片" msgid "Upload videos" msgstr "上載影片" msgid "Uploading..." msgstr "上載中..." msgid "Publishing…" msgstr "正在發佈…" msgid "Or" msgstr "或者" msgid "" "You requested cancellation of a plan. Please check your email for a message " "with a confirmation link." msgstr "你已要求取消方案。請查看是否收到含有確認連結的電子郵件訊息。" msgid "Next Step" msgstr "下一步" msgid "What would you like to find?" msgstr "你想找什麼呢?" msgid "Cancel Domain" msgstr "取消網域" msgid "Cancel Anyway" msgstr "仍然要取消" msgid "Please let us know why you wish to cancel." msgstr "請告訴我們你為何想要取消。" msgid "Something not listed here" msgstr "此處未列出的原因" msgid "I meant to get a free blog" msgstr "我本來打算申請免費網誌" msgid "The service isn’t what I expected" msgstr "該服務不如我所預期" msgid "I want to transfer my domain to another registrar" msgstr "我想要將我的網域轉移至其他註冊機構" msgid "I want to use the domain with another service or host" msgstr "我想要將該網域用於其他服務或主機" msgid "I misspelled the domain" msgstr "我將網域拼錯了" msgid "Remove from cart" msgstr "從購物車中卸下" msgid "Cart" msgstr "購物車" msgid "%s item" msgid_plural "%s items" msgstr[0] "%s個項目" msgid "" "A free domain was included in the purchase of your bundle. Get " "that domain for your site now!" msgstr "" "購買 搭售方案即隨附免費網域。立即讓網站使用隨附的網域!" msgid "Add to Cart" msgstr "加入購物車" msgid "A referrer is a click from another site that links to yours." msgstr "從其他網站按一下推薦連結,就會連結到你的網站。" msgid "" "Want more comments? Get more traffic." msgstr "" "想要更多回應嗎?獲得更多流量。" msgid "No shared posts." msgstr "未分享任何文章。" msgid "No videos played." msgstr "未播放任何影片。" msgid "No posts viewed." msgstr "未檢視任何文章。" msgid "" "Want more activity? Read about how to drive engagement on your site." msgstr "" "想要更多活動嗎?閱讀以了解如何增加網站上的互動。" msgid "\"Clicks\" are viewers clicking outbound links on your site." msgstr "「點擊率」是指讀者在你的網站上點擊傳出連結的次數。" msgid "No clicks recorded." msgstr "未記錄任何點擊率。" msgid "This panel shows your most viewed posts and pages." msgstr "此面板會顯示你最多人點閱的文章和頁面。" msgid "No top posts or pages." msgstr "沒有熱門文章或頁面。" msgid "" "Want a better search rank? Learn how to make a search friendly blog, and how to use search engine " "webmaster tools." msgstr "" "想要獲得更好的搜尋排名嗎?了解如何使網誌易於搜尋,以及如何使用搜尋引擎網站管理員工具。" msgid "Search terms are words or phrases users find you with when they search." msgstr "搜尋字詞是指使用者搜尋你時所使用的字或片語。" msgid "No search terms." msgstr "沒有搜尋字詞。" msgid "Google+" msgstr "Google+" msgid "Responsive Layout" msgstr "響應式佈局(Responsive Layout)" msgid "Search here." msgstr "請在此搜尋。" msgctxt "taxonomy singular name" msgid "Tag" msgstr "標籤" msgctxt "taxonomy general name" msgid "Tags" msgstr "標籤" msgid "Network Admin: %s" msgstr "網絡管理員:%s" msgid "M Y" msgstr "M Y" msgid "Posts navigation" msgstr "文章分頁" msgid "Tagged: %1$s" msgstr "已標記為:%1$s" msgid "Detach from “%s”" msgstr "從 “%s” 分離" msgid "Display Settings" msgstr "顯示設定" msgid "Included" msgstr "包含" msgid "Posts on Most Active Day" msgstr "最活躍一天的文章" msgid "No actions found in trash" msgstr "垃圾桶中找不到動作" msgid "Remove %s from cart" msgstr "從購物車移除 %s" msgid "Your password is incorrect, please try again" msgstr "你的密碼不正確。請再試一次" msgid "Create Share Button" msgstr "建立分享按鈕" msgid "Top Views by Country for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "依照國家顯示 %2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的熱門點閱" msgid "Top Views by Country for %s" msgstr "依照國家顯示 %s 的熱門點閱" msgid "Top Views by Country for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "依照國家顯示 %2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的熱門點閱 (摘要)" msgid "Commenter" msgstr "回應者" msgid "Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results" msgstr "首頁、作者頁與搜尋結果頁" msgid "Most commented recent post:" msgstr "近期最多回應的文章:" msgid "Most active time of day:" msgstr "一天中最活躍的時間:" msgid "Most active recent day:" msgstr "近期最活躍的一天:" msgid "Most active day:" msgstr "最活躍的一天:" msgid "Total comments:" msgstr "回應總數:" msgid "Comments per month:" msgstr "每月回應:" msgid "Most Commented" msgstr "最多回應的文章" msgid "Top Recent Commenters" msgstr "最新的回應者" msgid "No referrers." msgstr "沒有推薦連結。" msgid "Newest" msgstr "最新" msgid "Enter email address" msgstr "輸入電子郵件" msgid "Join %s other subscriber" msgid_plural "Join %s other subscribers" msgstr[0] "訂閱 %s 其他用戶 " msgid "Show total number of subscribers? (%s subscriber)" msgid_plural "Show total number of subscribers? (%s subscribers)" msgstr[0] "顯示訂閱的用戶數? (%s 位訂閱者)" msgid "Save and go back to form builder" msgstr "儲存並返回表單建立器" msgid "What should the subject line be?" msgstr "主旨行應該是什麼?" msgid "Add this form to my post" msgstr "新增此表單到我的文章裡" msgid "Enter your email address" msgstr "輸入你的電子郵件地址" msgid "Add a new field" msgstr "新增一個欄位" msgid "Here’s what your form will look like" msgstr "你的表單將會類似這樣" msgid "Save this field" msgstr "儲存此欄位" msgid "Required?" msgstr "必填?" msgid "Add another option" msgstr "新增其他選項" msgid "Field type" msgstr "欄位類型" msgid "Edit this new field" msgstr "編輯這個新欄位" msgid "Do I need to fill this out?" msgstr "我需要填寫這張表嗎?" msgid "Can I view my feedback within WordPress?" msgstr "我可以透過 WordPress 後台瀏覽我的反饋意見嗎?" msgid "Can I add more fields?" msgstr "我可以新增更多欄位嗎?" msgid "How does this work?" msgstr "它如何運作?" msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "電子郵件通知" msgid "Form builder" msgstr "表單建立器" msgid "Your new field was saved successfully" msgstr "你新建的欄位已儲存成功" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to exit the form editor without saving? Any changes " "you have made will be lost." msgstr "你確定你要在表單尚未儲存前就退出編輯?你所做的任何修改都將遺失。" msgid "First option" msgstr "第一選項" msgid "New field" msgstr "新欄位" msgid "Contact form" msgstr "聯絡表單" msgid "Option" msgstr "選項" msgid "" "Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the %1$s, " "%2$s, or %3$s hooks." msgstr "" "直到%1$s,%2$s,or %3$s 被hook前,指令碼(scripts)及樣式(styles)都不應該被註冊" "或加入佇列。" msgctxt "sample permalink base" msgid "archives" msgstr "archives" msgctxt "sample permalink structure" msgid "sample-post" msgstr "sample-post" msgid "Post name" msgstr "文章名稱" msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "網站網址(URL)" msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "WordPress 網址(URL)" msgid "" "Note: Neither of these options blocks access to your site — it is up " "to search engines to honor your request." msgstr "" "注意:這些選項均無法阻擋對你網站的存取 ─ 由搜尋引擎決定是否遵守你的請求。" msgid "No results" msgstr "沒有任何搜尋結果" msgid "List not found" msgstr "找不到清單" msgid "Tags: %1$s" msgstr "標籤: %1$s" msgid "Custom CSS Stylesheet" msgstr "自訂 CSS 樣式" msgid "Custom DNS Records: %s" msgstr "自訂的 DNS 記錄:%s" msgid "Build apps for" msgstr "為 打造應用程式" msgid "in %s" msgstr "在 %s" msgid "%d comment" msgid_plural "%d comments" msgstr[0] "%d 回應" msgid "" "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some " "different keywords." msgstr "抱歉,沒有項目符合你的搜尋字詞。請再嘗試其他不同的關鍵字!" msgid "Your query is super long. Brevity is the soul of wit." msgstr "你的查詢內容太過冗長。意簡言賅方顯睿智。" msgid "Text Direction" msgstr "文字方向" msgid "Results Text" msgstr "結果文本" msgid "Reader" msgstr "閱讀器" msgid "" "Showing site views per hour for the last 48 hours. Click for full Site Stats." msgstr "顯示網站過去 48 小時每小時的點閱數。按一下以取得完整的網站統計資料。" msgid "Migrate Subscriptions" msgstr "移轉訂閱" msgid "options" msgstr "選項" msgid "Save these settings" msgstr "儲存這些設定" msgid "Set options" msgstr "設定選項" msgid "Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)" msgstr "允許其他網誌站台對文章發送引用及通告(Trackback 及 Pingback)" msgid "Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article" msgstr "嘗試通知文章中連結過去的任何網誌。" msgid "" "You have been added to this site. Please visit the homepage or log in using your username and " "password." msgstr "" "你已經被加入此網站了,請拜訪首頁或使用您的使用者名稱和密" "碼登入。" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "You've been invited to join '%1$s' at\n" "%2$s with the role of %3$s.\n" "If you do not want to join this site please ignore\n" "this email. This invitation will expire in a few days.\n" "\n" "Please click the following link to activate your user account:\n" "%%s" msgstr "" "你好,\n" "\n" "你已受邀加入《%1$s》,網站網址為 %2$s,目前的使用者角色為「%3$s」。\n" "\n" "如果沒有意願加入這個網站,請忽略這封電子郵件,這封邀請函將會在幾天後自動失" "效。\n" "\n" "請點擊下方連結以啟用你的使用者帳戶:\n" "%%s" msgid "Following" msgstr "正在關注" msgid "There was an error following that blog, please try again" msgstr "關注該網誌時發生錯誤,請再試一次" msgid "You are already following that blog" msgstr "你已經在關注這個網誌" msgid "" "

    If this e-mail address is incorrect, update your e-mail " "address in your Account Details." msgstr "" "

    如果此電子郵件不正確,請在「帳戶詳細資料」中更新你的電子" "郵件地址。" msgid "" "

    We need to make sure that your email is actually yours to be able to send " "you notifications or in case you forget your password. Read " "more about this here.

    " msgstr "" "


    " msgid "" "

    We sent you a verification email to %1$s. Please click " "on the link in that message to verify your email. If you didn’t get " "it, click here to resend it.

    " msgstr "" "

    我們已寄出驗證電子郵件至 %1$s。請按一下內文中的連結以驗證" "你的電子郵件。如果你沒有收到驗證電子郵件,請按一下這裡重新寄" "送

    " msgid "" "

    Click here to send a verification email. Please " "click on the link in that message to verify your email.

    " msgstr "" "

    按一下這裡傳送驗證電子郵件。請按一下郵件訊息中的連" "結,以驗證你的電子郵件。

    " msgid "" "

    We need to make sure that your email %1$s is actually " "yours to be able to send you notifications or in case you forget your " "password. Read more about this here.

    " msgstr "" "

    我們必須確保電子郵件 %1$s 是你的,以便日後傳送通知給你," "或你忘記自己的密碼時使用。在這裡閱讀更多資訊

    " msgid "" "

    You signed up for on %2$s, but we never got a chance to " "verify your email address.

    " msgstr "" "

    你已於 %2$s 註冊,但我們一直無法驗證你的電子郵件地址。

    " msgid "Store" msgstr "商店" msgid "Post to" msgstr "張貼到" msgid "Shelf:" msgstr "書架:" msgid "Display your books from Goodreads" msgstr "透過 Goodreads 陳列你的書籍" msgid "Goodreads" msgstr "Goodreads" msgid "No data found" msgstr "找不到資料" msgid "Unfollow" msgstr "取消關注" msgid "Follow" msgstr "關注" msgid "Unfollowing..." msgstr "取消關注......" msgctxt "admin bar menu group label" msgid "New" msgstr "新增" msgid "Me" msgstr "我" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Sunrise" msgstr "朝陽" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Blue" msgstr "藍" msgid "Find trends" msgstr "發現大勢所趨" msgid "Follow Blog" msgstr "追蹤部落格" msgid "Blogs I Follow" msgstr "我關注的網誌" msgid "Following..." msgstr "正在關注..." msgid " Reader" msgstr " 閱讀器" msgid "h" msgstr "時" msgid "m" msgstr "分" msgid "Connections" msgstr "連結" msgid "Related Content" msgstr "相關內容" msgid "Database error." msgstr "資料庫錯誤。" msgid "" "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps " "searching can help." msgstr "我們似乎找不到你正在尋找的項目。請嘗試搜尋功能。" msgid "Want less email?" msgstr "不想再收到更多電子郵件?" msgid "View Mobile Site" msgstr "觀看手機版網站" msgid "See all comments in this post" msgstr "查看此文章的所有回應" msgid "in response to a comment by %s:" msgstr "回應 %s 的回應:" msgid "New comment on %s" msgstr "%s 的新回應" msgid "" "Thanks for flying with \"\"" msgstr "" "感謝你使用 " "" msgid "Sort order." msgstr "排列順序。" msgid "Site tagline" msgstr "網站標語" msgid "Everywhere" msgstr "所有地區" msgid "VIP" msgstr "VIP" msgid "%s Comments" msgstr "%s 篇評論" msgid "Typography" msgstr "排版" msgid "Copy and paste this URL into your browser:" msgstr "將此網址複製並貼上至你的瀏覽器:" msgid "Trouble clicking?" msgstr "無法點選?" msgid "d-M-Y" msgstr "d-M-Y" msgid "Count" msgstr "總數" msgid "" "Support requests will respond to this address and features such as e-mail " "notification will now be active." msgstr "支援要求會回覆至此地址,且電子郵件通知等功能現已啟用。" msgid "" "Your e-mail %1$s is now verified as the owner of this account " "%2$s." msgstr "" "你的電子郵件 %1$s 現已確認為此帳戶 %2$s 的擁有者。" msgid "E-mail verified" msgstr "電子郵件已確認" msgid "" "Please contact support." msgstr "" "請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "There was a problem sending you a verification e-mail." msgstr "傳送驗證電子郵件給你時發生問題。" msgid "" "If you still cannot find it, please contact support." msgstr "" "若仍找不到郵件,請聯絡支" "援團隊。" msgid "" "(It is possible your spam filter scooped it up, so check your spam folder " "also.)" msgstr "(可能是遭垃圾郵件過濾器攔截,因此請你也檢查一下垃圾資料夾。)" msgid "Please click the verification link in the e-mail." msgstr "請按一下電子郵件中的驗證連結。" msgid "It should arrive within 30 minutes." msgstr "電子郵件應會在 30 分鐘內送達。" msgid "A verification e-mail has been sent to your inbox at %s." msgstr "已將驗證電子郵件傳送至你的 %s 收件匣。" msgid "Invalid user data." msgstr "無效的使用者資料。" msgid "Unknown error." msgstr "未知的錯誤。" msgid "Google responded with the following error code: %s" msgstr "Google 回應了以下的錯誤代碼:%s" msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "連線中…" msgid "What's a Gravatar?" msgstr "什麼是 Gravatar?" msgid "Edit Your Profile" msgstr "編輯你的個人檔案" msgid "Opens in new window" msgstr "在新視窗開啟" msgid "Links to services that you use across the web." msgstr "連結你在網絡上使用的服務。" msgid "" "Links to your websites, blogs, or any other sites that help describe who you " "are." msgstr "連結你的網站、部落格或任何其他網站以幫助描述關於你。" msgid "Custom Email Address" msgstr "自訂電子郵件位址" msgid "Error loading profile" msgstr "載入個人檔案發生錯誤" msgid "View Full Profile →" msgstr "顯示完整個人檔案 →" msgid "Verified Services" msgstr "已驗證的服務" msgid "Personal Links" msgstr "個人鏈接" msgid "Display a mini version of your Gravatar Profile" msgstr "顯示你 Gravatar 個人檔案的迷你版" msgid "Gravatar Profile" msgstr "Gravatar 個人檔案" msgid "Show Account Links" msgstr "顯示帳戶連結" msgid "Show Personal Links" msgstr "顯示個人化連結" msgid "Chapters" msgstr "章節" msgid "[%1$s] Verify %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] 驗證 %2$s" msgid "" "(If clicking the link in this message does not work, copy and paste it\n" " into the address bar of your browser.)" msgstr "" "(如果按下此訊息中的連結後沒有反應,請自行複製連結,\n" "並將它貼到瀏覽器的網址列。)" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with To verify your newly created " "account, please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Team" msgstr "" "你好,\n" "\n" "感謝你註冊。若要啟用新建立的帳戶,請按下方連結:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " 團隊" msgid "" "(If clicking the link in this message does not work, copy and paste it\n" "into the address bar of your browser.)" msgstr "" "(如果按下此訊息中的連結後沒有反應,請自行複製連結,\n" "並將它貼到瀏覽器的網址列。)" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with\n" "\n" "You are one step away from activating all the features for %s.\n" "Please click this link to verify ownership of blog:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Team" msgstr "" "哈囉:\n" "\n" "感謝你註冊。\n" "\n" "再一個步驟就可以啟用 %s 的所有功能。\n" "請按一下此連結,確認你擁有該網誌:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " 團隊" msgid "You commented on:" msgstr "你留言在:" msgid "There are comments in moderation." msgstr "沒有等待審核的評論。" msgid "Theme Author" msgstr "佈景主題作者" msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "找不到頁面" msgid "" "If you reached this screen by accident and meant to visit one of your own " "sites, here are some shortcuts to help you find your way." msgstr "" "若你意外地來到這個畫面並且想存訪問自己的網站,這裡有些捷徑來幫助你找到方向。" msgid "retail" msgstr "零售" msgid "You are commenting using your %s account." msgstr "您的留言將使用 %s 帳戶。" msgid "" "The timezone you have entered is not valid. Please select a valid timezone." msgstr "你輸入的時區格式並不正確。請選擇一個正確的時區。" msgid "Thank you. The site owner has been notified of your request." msgstr "感謝你。已向網站擁有者通知你的要求。" msgid "If you don't add anyone to your site, only you will have access." msgstr "如果你不加入其他人,將只有你自己可以存取。" msgid "" "Up to %d users allowed to access site. Want " "more?" msgstr "" "最多%d名使用者可存取此網站。需要更多人嗎?" msgid "" "I would like my site to be private, visible only to myself and users I choose" msgstr "我想要將我的網站設為私密,僅限我自己與我選擇的使用者可以檢視" msgid "Want to give them access to view this site? Click on this link: " msgstr "想讓他們訪問這個網站嗎?點擊此連結:" msgid "You are about to give this user permission to view your private site:" msgstr "你即將授予這個使用者檢視你私人網站的權限:" msgid "Next Month" msgstr "下個月" msgid "Previous post:" msgstr "上一篇文章:" msgid "Like this:" msgstr "請按讚:" msgid "Liked" msgstr "按讚" msgid "Show buttons on" msgstr "顯示按鈕在" msgid "Official buttons" msgstr "官方按鈕" msgid "Button style" msgstr "按鈕樣式" msgid "Rate this:" msgstr "評分:" msgid "" "It looks like you're using an old version of %s. For the best WordPress " "experience, please update your browser." msgstr "你正在使用舊版 %s。為體驗最佳的 WordPress,請升級你的瀏覽器。" msgid "" "It looks like you're using an insecure version of %s. Using an outdated " "browser makes your computer unsafe. For the best WordPress experience, " "please update your browser." msgstr "" "你正在使用不安全的 %s 版本。使用已被淘汰的瀏覽器將使你的電腦不安全。為體驗最" "佳的 WordPress,請升級你的瀏覽器。" msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "Post" msgstr "文章" msgid "There are some invalid menu items. Please check or delete them." msgstr "有一些選單選項並不正確。請檢查或刪除他們。" msgid "%s (Invalid)" msgstr "%s(不正確)" msgctxt "meta name" msgid "Name" msgstr "名稱" msgctxt "term name" msgid "Name" msgstr "名稱" msgctxt "link name" msgid "Name" msgstr "名稱" msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "Page" msgstr "頁面" msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "User" msgstr "使用者" msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "Media" msgstr "媒體" msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "Link" msgstr "連結" msgid "The Team" msgstr " 團隊敬上" msgid "Cheers," msgstr "感謝," msgid "Howdy," msgstr "哈囉," msgid "Remove User" msgstr "移除使用者" msgid "Headings" msgstr "標題" msgid "Display your Tweets from Twitter" msgstr "顯示你的 Twitter 推文" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this list?" msgstr "你確定要將這篇文章移至垃圾桶嗎?" msgid "View Category" msgstr "檢視分類" msgid "View Tag" msgstr "檢視標籤" msgid "Upgrade to activate" msgstr "升級以啟用" msgid "Enter your comment here..." msgstr "在此輸入你的回應…" msgid "" "Your Custom CSS changes are now live and you can make further changes below." msgstr "你自訂的 CSS 已生效,你可以在下方做進一步調整。" msgid "Customize" msgstr "自訂" msgid "Save Stylesheet" msgstr "儲存樣式" msgid "Portfolio" msgstr "作品集" msgid "Poll Style" msgstr "投票樣式" msgid "M d, Y" msgstr "M d, Y" msgid "No Limit" msgstr "沒有限制" msgid "Percent" msgstr "巴仙" msgid "Add New Answer" msgstr "增加新回覆" msgid "Enter Question Here" msgstr "在這裡輸入你的疑問" msgid "Allow comments" msgstr "開放留言" msgid "Get started now" msgstr "立即開始使用" msgid "Show profile photos in the plugin." msgstr "在外掛中顯示檔案相片" msgid "Show Faces" msgstr "顯示大頭貼" msgid "Facebook Page URL" msgstr "Facebook 專頁的 URL" msgid "Custom Fonts" msgstr "自訂字型" msgid "CSS" msgstr "CSS" msgid "Fonts" msgstr "字型" msgid "Custom Design" msgstr "自訂設計" msgid "Available Tools" msgstr "可用工具" msgid "Installed themes" msgstr "已安裝佈景主題" msgid "Network Settings" msgstr "網路設定" msgid "Name required" msgstr "名稱為必填" msgid "Prompt" msgstr "提示框" msgid "Comment Form" msgstr "留言表單" msgid "Staff" msgstr "員工" msgid " Password" msgstr " 密碼" msgctxt "" "Translate this to be the equivalent of English Translators in your language " "for the credits page Translators section" msgid "Translators" msgstr "翻譯人員" msgid "Connect with" msgstr "連結" msgid "More Info" msgstr "更多資訊" msgid "Approve and Reply" msgstr "核准並回覆" msgctxt "removing-widget" msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "停用" msgid "All Pages" msgstr "全部頁面" msgid "Installed Plugins" msgstr "已安裝外掛" msgid "All Users" msgstr "全部使用者" msgid "All Comments" msgstr "全部留言" msgid "Collapse menu" msgstr "摺疊選單" msgid "Exit Fullscreen" msgstr "退出全屏" msgid "Your browser is out of date!" msgstr "你的瀏覽器已經過時了!" msgid "You are using an insecure browser!" msgstr "你正在使用的瀏覽器是不安全的!" msgid "Word count: %s" msgstr "字數統計:%s" msgid "" "You can use one of these cool headers or show a random one on each page." msgstr "你可選個很酷的頁首或是讓每頁隨機出現一個。" msgid "Developer" msgstr "開發人員" msgid "Freedoms" msgstr "自由" msgid "" "You can choose one of your previously uploaded headers, or show a random one." msgstr "你可以選擇一個之前上載的頁首,或是隨機出現一個。" msgid "Designer" msgstr "設計人員" msgid "Get started here" msgstr "從這裡開始" msgid "Download Data as CSV" msgstr "以 CSV 格式下載資料" msgid "Sign up for" msgstr "註冊" msgid "No data" msgstr "沒有資料" msgid "Get started" msgstr "開始使用" msgid "Click to share on LinkedIn" msgstr "分享到 LinkedIn" msgctxt "share to" msgid "LinkedIn" msgstr "LinkedIn" msgid "%1$s asked you for feedback on a new draft: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "%1$s 邀請你對新草稿「%2$s」提供意見回饋" msgid "Thank you for your feedback!" msgstr "感謝你的意見回饋!" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Changesets" msgstr "變更集" msgid "d M Y" msgstr "d M Y" msgid "New Valley" msgstr "新河谷省" msgid "" "Hi!\n" "\n" "Thank you for creating a account. To activate your account, " "please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Team" msgstr "" "嗨!\n" "\n" "感謝你建立 帳戶。若要啟用帳戶,請按下列連結:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" " 團隊" msgid "Please log in to a account" msgstr "請登入 帳戶" msgid "" "It looks like your connection has been broken. Try disconnecting from " " then reconnecting." msgstr "你的連線似乎已中斷。請嘗試中斷與 的連線,然後重新連線。" msgid "Your account is now active." msgstr "你的帳戶已啟用。" msgid "LinkedIn" msgstr "LinkedIn" msgid "Hi %s" msgstr "嗨,%s" msgid "Regards," msgstr "祝你順心," msgid "Thanks for flying with" msgstr "感謝你使用" msgid "" "If you reached this screen by accident and meant to visit one your own " "sites, here are some shortcuts to help you find your way." msgstr "" "若你意外地來到這個畫面並且想訪問你自己的網站,這裡有些捷徑來幫助你找到方向。" msgid "View Site" msgstr "檢視網站" msgid "Visit Dashboard" msgstr "訪問控制台" msgid "Your Sites" msgstr "你的網站" msgid "" "You attempted to access the \"%1$s\" dashboard, but you do not currently " "have privileges on this site. If you believe you should be able to access " "the \"%1$s\" dashboard, please contact your network administrator." msgstr "" "你試著存取『%1$s』控制台,但你現在並沒有該網站的權限。若你相信你應該能夠存取" "『%1$s』控制台,請聯絡你的網絡管理員。" msgid "Random: Show a different image on each page." msgstr "隨機:每頁顯示不同圖片。" msgid "Uploaded Images" msgstr "已上載圖片" msgid "You may not upload %s type files" msgstr "你可能無法上載 %s 類型的檔案" msgid "[-] Collapse" msgstr "[-] 摺疊" msgid "Read more." msgstr "閱讀更多。" msgid "Revoke Access" msgstr "撤銷使用權限" msgid "Searching..." msgstr "搜尋中…" msgid "Copy a Post" msgstr "複製文章" msgid "Stick to Top" msgstr "黏著至頂部" msgid "You have specified this user for deletion:" msgstr "目前指定刪除的使用者如下所列:" msgid "You need to enter an email address for someone you know before sending." msgstr "請先輸入朋友的電子郵件地址後再傳送。" msgid "Feedback received from %1$s for \"%2$s\"" msgstr "所收到 %1$s 對於「%2$s」的意見回饋" msgid "%1$s's draft titled \"%2$s\" has been published" msgstr "%1$s 的「%2$s」草稿已正式發佈" msgid "Invalid email" msgstr "電子郵件無效" msgid "" "The draft you're looking for has been published. Please, leave me a comment! " msgstr "你搜尋的草稿已經發佈。請留言給我。" msgid "Read more:" msgstr "閱讀更多:" msgid "Coming Soon!" msgstr "即將推出!" msgid "Hi," msgstr "您好:" msgid "Customize the message" msgstr "自訂訊息" msgid "Social Icons" msgstr "社交圖示" msgid "Access denied" msgstr "存取權限遭拒" msgid "We're sorry but an unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "抱歉,發生未預期的錯誤。請稍後再試試看。" msgid "Action failed" msgstr "動作失敗" msgid "Alternative source" msgstr "替代來源" msgid "Toolbar" msgstr "工具列" msgid "Poster" msgstr "海報" msgid "Types" msgstr "樣式" msgid "Beach" msgstr "海灘" msgid "Magento" msgstr "Magento" msgid "Sorry, you can't post feedbacks here." msgstr "抱歉,你不能在這裡發佈意見回饋。" msgid "Archive page" msgstr "封存頁面" msgid "%1$s and %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 及 %2$s" msgid "Search Results for “%s”" msgstr "搜尋「%s」的結果" msgid "Secondary Menu" msgstr "二級選單" msgid "Submitted on %s" msgstr "提交於 %s" msgid "" " is not a valid blog address but %s available as a domain " "upgrade." msgstr " 不是有效的網誌位址,但可透過網域升級使用 %s。" msgid "#%d (titles unavailable while plugin deactivated)" msgstr "編號 %d (外掛程式停用時無法使用標題)" msgid "#%d (loading title)" msgstr "編號 %d (載入標題)" msgid "Writing Helper" msgstr "Writing Helper" msgid "General options" msgstr "一般選項" msgid "There was a problem saving your password. Please, try again." msgstr "儲存你的密碼時發生問題。請再試一次。" msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "你確定嗎?" msgid "Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found." msgstr "很抱歉,找不到你所要求的頁面。" msgid "M jS" msgstr "m 月 d 日" msgid "Profile links" msgstr "個人檔案連結" msgid "Follow me on Twitter" msgstr "在 Twitter 上追蹤我" msgid "Custom Menus" msgstr "自訂選單" msgid "Write" msgstr "撰寫" msgid "Select image" msgstr "選擇圖片" msgid "Passwords do not match." msgstr "密碼不符" msgid "API key" msgstr "API 金鑰" msgid "Comments (%s)" msgstr "留言 (%s)" msgid "Ads" msgstr "廣告" msgid "View site" msgstr "檢視網站" msgid "SEO" msgstr "SEO" msgid "You are not authorized to perform this action." msgstr "您無權執行此操作。" msgid "No color" msgstr "無顏色" msgid "Published on: %s" msgstr "發佈時間: %s" msgid "Type:" msgstr "類型:" msgid "F" msgstr "五" msgid "Sorting" msgstr "排序" msgid "Square" msgstr "方區塊" msgid "Group" msgstr "群組" msgid "%s requires a valid email address" msgstr "%s 需要一個有效的電子郵件地址" msgid "Sitemaps" msgstr "網站地圖" msgid "Need an account?" msgstr "需要帳戶?" msgid " Username" msgstr " 使用者名稱" msgid "Deny" msgstr "拒絕" msgid "" "Remember, you need to log in with your %1$s account, not your %2$s account." msgstr "請記住,你必須使用 %1$s 帳戶登入,而不是 %2$s 帳戶。" msgid "ERROR" msgstr "錯誤" msgid "" "Hi there Rocketeer!\n" "\n" "Thank you for creating a account so that you can connect up " "your Jetpack. To activate your account, please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Jetpack/ Team" msgstr "" "嗨,火箭人!\n" "\n" "感謝建立 帳戶,現在你可以連結至 Jetpack 了。若要啟用帳戶,請按" "下方連結:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--Jetpack/ 團隊敬上" msgid "Authorize Jetpack" msgstr "認證 Jetpack" msgid "Privacy Policy" msgstr "私隱政策" msgid "Guided Transfer" msgstr "引導式網誌遷移服務" msgid "Newer Comments" msgstr "較新的評論" msgid "Older Comments" msgstr "較舊的評論" msgid "Skip to main content" msgstr "跳到主要內容" msgid "Skip to navigation" msgstr "跳過至導航列" msgid "" "Want to stand out from the crowd? Buy a premium theme →" msgstr "想要與眾不同嗎?購買進階佈景主題 →" msgid "Day" msgstr "日" msgid "in" msgstr "英吋" msgid "Design by" msgstr "設計者:" msgid "Author Bio" msgstr "作者簡介" msgid "Move next" msgstr "移到下一個" msgid "Button text" msgstr "按鈕文字" msgid "No updates are available." msgstr "沒有可用的更新。" msgid "Order by" msgstr "排序方式" msgid "Link Text" msgstr "連結文字" msgid "Content types" msgstr "內容類型" msgid "Number of posts to show" msgstr "顯示文章數目" msgid "Image Size" msgstr "圖片尺寸" msgid "Read More %s" msgstr "了解更多%s" msgid "Authors:" msgstr "作者:" msgid "Homepage Settings" msgstr "首頁設定" msgid "Import / Export" msgstr "匯入/匯出" msgid "Are you sure you want to deactivate?" msgstr "確定要停用?" msgid "Older posts" msgstr "較舊的文章" msgid "Newer posts" msgstr "較新的文章" msgid "Do you want to continue?" msgstr "是否要繼續?" msgid "Post Formats" msgstr "文章格式" msgid "Bio:" msgstr "自我介紹:" msgid "Usage information" msgstr "使用資訊" msgid "Link color" msgstr "鏈結顏色" msgid "Nothing found" msgstr "什麼都沒找到" msgid "Page Archives" msgstr "頁面彙整" msgid "%link" msgstr "%link" msgid "Top Tags" msgstr "標籤" msgid "Category…" msgstr "分類…" msgid "Show categories" msgstr "顯示類別" msgid "Ready!" msgstr "就緒!" msgid "Manage my subscriptions" msgstr "管理我的訂閱" msgid "Google search" msgstr "Google 搜尋" msgid "private" msgstr "私密" msgid "Free" msgstr "免費方案" msgid "The email address you provided is invalid." msgstr "你提供的電子郵件無效。" msgid "Thank you!" msgstr "感謝你!" msgid "Your Email:" msgstr "你的電郵:" msgid "Report Blog »" msgstr "報告網誌»" msgid "Why :" msgstr "為什麼要更新我的網站標語?" msgid "" "There seems to have been a problem with the information you entered. Please " "fix the field indicated and resubmit." msgstr "你輸入的資訊發生些許問題,請修正已標示問題的欄位然後重新送出。" msgid "Whoops!" msgstr "哎呦!" msgid "Repeat New Password" msgstr "重複輸入新密碼" msgid "These items could not be added:" msgstr "下列項目無法新增:" msgid "Username does not exist." msgstr "使用者名稱不存在。" msgid "Page %d" msgstr "第 %d 頁" msgid "Upgrade now" msgstr "立即升級" msgid "%d minute" msgid_plural "%d minutes" msgstr[0] "%d 分鐘" msgid "Completed" msgstr "完成" msgid "Edit user" msgstr "編輯使用者" msgid "Public (%s)" msgid_plural "Public (%s)" msgstr[0] "已公開 (%s)" msgid "Archive (%s)" msgid_plural "Archives (%s)" msgstr[0] "壓縮檔案 (%s)" msgid "Archived (%s)" msgid_plural "Archived (%s)" msgstr[0] "已封存 (%s)" msgid "You do not have permission to edit API Keys" msgstr "你沒有編輯 API 金鑰的權限。" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this log?" msgstr "你確定你要刪除日誌檔?" msgid "You do not have permission to delete tax rates" msgstr "你沒有刪除稅率的權限" msgid "You do not have permission to edit tax rates" msgstr "你沒有編輯稅率的權限" msgid "You do not have permission to read tax rate" msgstr "你沒有讀取稅率的權限" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product tag" msgstr "你沒有刪除商品標籤的權限" msgid "Cancelled (%s)" msgid_plural "Cancelled (%s)" msgstr[0] "(%s) 個已取消" msgid "You do not have permission to create webhooks." msgstr "您沒有權限建立網絡掛鉤。" msgid "You do not have permission to delete this %s" msgstr "您沒有權限刪除這個%s" msgid "You do not have permission to edit this %s" msgstr "您沒有權限編輯這個%s" msgid "You do not have permission to read this report" msgstr "您沒有權限讀取此一報表" msgid "You do not have permission to create orders" msgstr "您沒有權限新增訂單" msgid "You do not have permission to delete this customer" msgstr "您沒有權限刪除此一顧客資料" msgid "You do not have permission to create coupons" msgstr "您沒有權建立優惠券" msgid "Recount terms" msgstr "重新計算數量" msgid "Good" msgstr "狀況良好" msgid "You do not have permission to edit this API Key" msgstr "您無權限編輯此 API 密鑰" msgid "Tags (comma separated)" msgstr "標籤 (以逗號分隔)" msgid "Disabled." msgstr "關閉。" msgid "Update database" msgstr "更新資料庫" msgid "" "The specified target URL cannot be used as a target. It either does not " "exist, or it is not a pingback-enabled resource." msgstr "" "指定的網址無法當作目標。該處不存在,或者不是一個可對其發送通告的資來源。" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "Delete column" msgstr "刪除欄" msgid "Display date" msgstr "顯示日期" msgid "File Name" msgstr "檔案名稱" msgid "" "In total %1$s words were written. That's more than %2$s " "times larger than the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, which has about 40 " "million words!" msgstr "" "總計寫了 %1$s 個字。這可說是約 4 千萬字之全套大英百科全書的 " "%2$s 倍以上!" msgid "" "In total %1$s words were written. That's almost %2$s times " "larger than the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, which has about 40 million " "words!" msgstr "" "總計寫了 %1$s 個字。這幾乎是約 4 千萬字之全套大英百科全書的 " "%2$s 倍以上!" msgid "General settings" msgstr "一般設定" msgid "Upgrades store: supercharge your blog" msgstr "升級商店:讓你的網誌大放異彩" msgid "Select your theme" msgstr "選擇你的佈景主題" msgid "Your profile" msgstr "個人資訊" msgctxt "post format" msgid "Format" msgstr "格式" msgid "#%d (untitled)" msgstr "#%d (未命名標題)" msgid "Disconnecting" msgstr "中斷連結" msgid "Connect to %s" msgstr "連結至 %s" msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "已中斷連線" msgid "Disconnect from %s" msgstr "取消來自 %s 的連結" msgid "Connected" msgstr "已連結" msgid "" "Connect your blog to popular social networking sites and automatically share " "new posts with your friends." msgstr "讓你的部落格連結社交網站,並且自動分享最新文章給你的朋友。" msgid "Connecting" msgstr "連接中" msgid "Purchased" msgstr "已購買" msgid "Connect Jetpack" msgstr "連結 Jetpack" msgid "More information" msgstr "更多資訊" msgid "Please verify your birthday." msgstr "請確認你的生日。" msgid "This video is intended for mature audiences." msgstr "此影片的目的是給成熟的觀眾。" msgid "% Replies" msgstr "% 個回覆" msgid "1 Reply" msgstr "1 則回覆" msgid "%d sites" msgstr "%d 網站" msgid "Premium Themes" msgstr "進階佈景主題" msgid "" "Redirection is currently disabled. Click \"Enable redirect\" to turn on your " "site redirect." msgstr "重新導向目前已停用。按一下「啟用重新導向」以開啟網站重新導向。" msgid "" "This action is not reversible. You will have to purchase the Site Redirect " "upgrade to redirect your blog again." msgstr "" "此動作無法還原。你將必須購買「網站重新導向」升級,才能再次重新導向你的網誌。" msgid "Delete Site Redirect" msgstr "刪除網站重新導向" msgid "" "Please confirm that you would like to delete the site redirect from this " "blog." msgstr "請確認你要刪除這個網誌的網站重新導向。" msgid "Confirm deletion of site redirect" msgstr "確認刪除網站重新導向" msgid "" "The address you entered is already redirecting to this blog. " "Please contact support if you need assistance." msgstr "" "你輸入的 位址已經重新導向至此網誌。如果需要協助,請聯絡支援團" "隊。" msgid "You cannot redirect a URL to itself." msgstr "你無法將網址重新導向至該網址本身。" msgid "" "A domain mapping already exists for that host. You do not need to buy a site " "redirect if you already have a domain mapping." msgstr "" "該主機已存在網域對應。如果你已經擁有網域對應,便不需要購買網站重新導向。" msgid "Site Redirect upgrade deleted." msgstr "「網站重新導向」升級已刪除。" msgid "Site Redirect upgrade not deleted. Please contact support." msgstr "「網站重新導向」升級未刪除。請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Site redirect purchased." msgstr "網站重新導向已購買。" msgid "Site Redirect" msgstr "網站重新導向" msgid "Confirm Password" msgstr "確認密碼" msgid "New Username" msgstr "新使用者名稱" msgid "I'm Sure »" msgstr "我確定 »" msgid "Please Confirm" msgstr "請確認" msgid "Change Blog Address" msgstr "修改網站位址" msgid "You have renamed this blog domain" msgstr "你已重新命名本網誌的網域。" msgid "Change Username" msgstr "變更使用者名稱" msgid "" "If you want to change the title of this blog (currently \"%1$s\") you can do " "so under Settings." msgstr "" "如果你想要變更這個網誌的標題(目前是 \"%1$s\"),可以到設定變更。" msgid "Continue »" msgstr "繼續»" msgid " User" msgstr " 使用者" msgid "Browse Themes" msgstr "瀏覽佈景主題" msgid "[] Automatic renewal failure for upgrade on your blog - %s" msgid_plural "" "[] Automatic renewal failure for upgrades on your blog - %s" msgstr[0] "網誌 %s 升級的 [] 自動更新失敗" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "無效的要求" msgid "Upload failed. Please reload and try again." msgstr "上載失敗,請再試一次。" msgid "Invalid rate" msgstr "無效費率" msgid "Your credit card details were successfully updated." msgstr "你的信用卡詳細資料已成功更新。" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Writing & Editing" msgstr "撰寫及編輯" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Users" msgstr "使用者" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Tools" msgstr "工具" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Languages" msgstr "語言" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Media" msgstr "媒體" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Links" msgstr "連結" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "General" msgstr "一般" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Configuration" msgstr "配置" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Appearance" msgstr "外觀" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Traffic" msgstr "流量" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Comments" msgstr "留言" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Upgrades" msgstr "升級" msgid "Subscription" msgstr "訂購" msgid "" "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete - please " "attempt the update again now." msgstr "WordPress 自動升級失敗 - 請再嘗試更新一次。" msgid "Update to %s" msgstr "更新至 %s" msgid "" "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete! Please notify the site " "administrator." msgstr "WordPress 自動升級失敗!請通知你的網站管理員。" msgid "" "Akismet has protected your site from %2$s spam comment " "already. " msgid_plural "" "Akismet has protected your site from %2$s spam comments " "already. " msgstr[0] "" "Akismet 已保護你的網誌免於 %2$s 則垃圾評論的侵擾。" msgid "Quotes" msgstr "引文" msgid "View Changeset" msgstr "檢視變更集" msgid "links" msgstr "連結" msgid "video" msgstr "影片" msgid "Post Navigation" msgstr "文章導航" msgid "Advanced Options" msgstr "進階設定" msgid "Crop your image" msgstr "裁切你的圖片" msgid "Thanks" msgstr "謝謝" msgid "Alt text" msgstr "替代文字" msgid "Link URL:" msgstr "連結網址:" msgid "Title (optional):" msgstr "標題(非必要):" msgid "Number of posts" msgstr "文章數" msgid "Featured Images" msgstr "特選圖片" msgid "Featured Image Header" msgstr "精選圖片頁首" msgid "Expired on %s" msgstr "已於 %s 到期" msgid "Renew now" msgstr "立即更新" msgid "Filter by:" msgstr "篩選依據:" msgid "Expires on" msgstr "到期日:" msgid "Expired on" msgstr "已到期,時間:" msgid "Never expires" msgstr "永不過期" msgid "Enable auto-renew" msgstr "啟用自動續訂" msgid "Default Post Format" msgstr "預設文章格式" msgid "You cannot delete a plugin while it is active on the main site." msgstr "當外掛被主要網站啟用時,外掛將無法被刪除。" msgid "Theme deleted." msgstr "佈景主題已刪除。" msgid "" "Themes — This area shows themes that are not already " "enabled across the network. Enabling a theme in this menu makes it " "accessible to this site. It does not activate the theme, but allows it to " "show in the site’s Appearance menu. To enable a theme for the entire " "network, see the Network Themes screen." msgstr "" "佈景主題 — 此區塊顯示多站點中可使用的佈景主題。可以在" "這邊為特定站點顯示可用的佈景主題,只會顯示而不會啟用。如要啟用全站點的佈景主" "題請參考 網誌網路佈景主題。" msgid "Delete item" msgstr "刪除項目" msgid "" "Users — This displays the users associated with this " "site. You can also change their role, reset their password, or remove them " "from the site. Removing the user from the site does not remove the user from " "the network." msgstr "" "使用者—這將顯示與此站點關聯的使用者。您也可以變更角" "色,重置密碼或將其從網站中刪除。從網站中刪除使用者不會將使用者從網絡中刪除。" msgid "" "Info — The site URL is rarely edited as this can " "cause the site to not work properly. The Registered date and Last Updated " "date are displayed. Network admins can mark a site as archived, spam, " "deleted and mature, to remove from public listings or disable." msgstr "" "訊息—網站網址很少被編輯,因為這可能會導致網站無法正常" "運作。顯示註冊日期和上次更新日期。網絡管理員可以將網站標記為封存,垃圾郵件," "刪除和成熟,從公開列表中刪除或停用。" msgid "Enter the destination URL" msgstr "請輸入目標網址" msgid "Or link to existing content" msgstr "或連結到已存在的內容" msgctxt "paging" msgid "%1$s of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s / %2$s" msgid "Expires on %s" msgstr "到期日為 %s" msgid "Auto renews on:" msgstr "自動續訂時間:" msgid "Enable Autorenew" msgstr "啟用自動續訂" msgid "" "There was a problem disabling auto renew. Please try again or contact support if the issue continues." msgstr "" "停用自動更新時發生問題。如果問題持續出現,請再試一次或聯絡支援" "團隊。" msgid "You successfully disabled auto renew for %s." msgstr "你已成功停用 %s 的自動更新。" msgid "" "There was a problem enabling auto renew. Please try again or contact support if the issue continues." msgstr "" "啟用自動更新時發生問題。如果問題持續出現,請再試一次或聯絡支援" "團隊。" msgid "You successfully enabled auto renew for %s." msgstr "你已成功啟用 %s 的自動更新。" msgid "" " is not a valid blog address but %s available as a domain " "upgrade." msgstr " 不是有效的網誌位址,但可透過網域升級使用 %s。" msgid "Choose a theme" msgstr "選擇佈景主題" msgid " Survey" msgstr " 問卷調查" msgid "One blogger likes this" msgstr "一人按讚" msgid "Theme Showcase" msgstr "佈景主題範例" msgid "Find the Perfect Theme" msgstr "為你的網站找到最適合的佈景主題" msgid "Year" msgstr "年" msgid "Quarter" msgstr "季" msgid "30 Days" msgstr "30 天" msgid "7 Days" msgstr "7 天" msgid "Themes %s" msgstr "佈景主題 %s" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Press This" msgstr "點這" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Print" msgstr "列印" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Facebook" msgstr "Facebook" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Email" msgstr "電子郵件" msgid "History" msgstr "歷史紀錄" msgid "Cleared by Akismet" msgstr "由 Akismet 清除" msgid "Flagged as spam by Akismet" msgstr "由 Akismet 標記為垃圾" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Spam" msgstr "垃圾回應" msgid "The user is already active." msgstr "這個使用者已啟用。" msgid "Function %1$s was called incorrectly. %2$s %3$s" msgstr "呼叫 %1$s 函式的方式不正確。%2$s %3$s" msgid "" "This screen lists all the existing users for your site. Each user has one of " "five defined roles as set by the site admin: Site Administrator, Editor, " "Author, Contributor, or Subscriber. Users with roles other than " "Administrator will see fewer options in the dashboard navigation when they " "are logged in, based on their role." msgstr "" "此畫面列出你網站內的全部使用者。根據系統管理員的需要,每位使用者都可以設定為" "五種角色的其中一種:系統管理員、編審、作者、投稿員或讀者。在使用者登入後控制" "台後,權限低於系統管理員角色者只能看到部分選項。" msgid "The boxes on your Dashboard screen are:" msgstr "你的控制台畫面包含以下區塊:" msgid "Sample Page" msgstr "範例頁面" msgid "sample-page" msgstr "sample-page" msgid "" "Settings — This page shows a list of all settings " "associated with this site. Some are created by WordPress and others are " "created by plugins you activate. Note that some fields are grayed out and " "say Serialized Data. You cannot modify these values due to the way the " "setting is stored in the database." msgstr "" "設定 — 此頁面顯示有網站相關的設定項目,有些是由 " "WordPress 核心建立,有些是由已啟用的外掛所建立。注意有些反灰的欄位是你不能修" "改的,不能修改是因為資料庫的設定所導致。" msgid "" "The menu is for editing information specific to individual sites, " "particularly if the admin area of a site is unavailable." msgstr "" "該選單用於編輯特定於各個站點的訊息,特別是在站點的管理區域不可用的情況下。" msgid "Video played: " msgstr "已播放的影片:" msgid "This site has been archived or suspended." msgstr "此網站已經封存或停用。" msgid "" "ERROR: The password you entered for the username " "%1$s is incorrect. Lost your password?" msgstr "" "錯誤:你輸入的使用者 %1$s 密碼錯誤。忘記密碼了嗎?" msgid "Secondary Navigation" msgstr "次要導覽選單" msgid "Custom Domain" msgstr "自訂網域" msgid "Update Plugins" msgstr "更新外掛" msgid "An unknown error occurred" msgstr "出現未知錯誤" msgid "" "You only have one theme installed right now. Live a little! You can choose " "from over 1,000 free themes in the WordPress Theme Directory at any time: " "just click on the Install Themes tab above." msgstr "" "你目前只安裝一個佈景主題。盡情享樂吧!你可以在 WordPress 佈景主題目錄裡隨意選" "擇超過 1,000 種免費佈景主題:只要點選分頁上方安裝佈景主題。" msgid "An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again." msgstr "發生錯誤。請重新載入網頁,然後再試一次。" msgid "30 days" msgstr "30 天" msgid "Select Country" msgstr "選取國家" msgid "American Express" msgstr "American Express" msgid "Visa, MasterCard" msgstr "Visa、MasterCard" msgid "Credit Card" msgstr "信用卡" msgid "Security code" msgstr "安全碼" msgid "Billing information" msgstr "帳單資訊" msgid "(optional)" msgstr "(選填)" msgid "Top Authors for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的熱門作者" msgid "Top Authors for %s" msgstr "%s 的熱門作者" msgid "Top Authors for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的熱門作者 (摘要)" msgid "Posts tagged “%s”" msgstr "文章標籤為 “%s”" msgid "Not available" msgstr "這台主機不提供這項功能" msgid "Add new page" msgstr "新建頁面" msgctxt "admin bar menu group label" msgid "Manage" msgstr "管理" msgid "User is already a member of this blog." msgstr "該名使用者已經是本網誌的成員。" msgid "Please limit the value to %d characters." msgstr "請將字元數限制在 %d 內." msgid "" "Your WordPress content import for %1$s was successful.\n" "\n" "Happy Blogging!\n" "\n" "-- the team" msgstr "" "你已成功將 WordPress 內容匯入至 %1$s。\n" "\n" "祝你寫網誌愉快!\n" "\n" "-- 團隊" msgid "" "We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to " "%s\n" msgstr "非常抱歉, 將你的網誌匯入 %s 時發生錯誤\n" msgid "Invalid post format." msgstr "無效的文章格式。" msgid "Reset Password" msgstr "重設密碼" msgid "No posts found in Trash." msgstr "在回收桶內沒有符合條件的文章。" msgid "No pages found in Trash." msgstr "在回收桶內沒有符合條件的頁面。" msgid "This file no longer needs to be included." msgstr "此檔案不再需要被包含在內。" msgid "Enter your new password below." msgstr "請在下方輸入你的新密碼。" msgid "Your password has been reset." msgstr "你的密碼已重置。" msgid "Confirm new password" msgstr "確認新密碼" msgid "New Link Category Name" msgstr "新增連結分類名稱" msgid "Add New Link Category" msgstr "新增連結分類" msgid "Update Link Category" msgstr "更新連結分類" msgid "All Link Categories" msgstr "全部連結分類" msgid "Search Link Categories" msgstr "搜尋連結分類" msgid "" "Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will " "receive a link to create a new password via email." msgstr "" "忘記您的密嗎?請輸入您的使用者名稱或註冊的電子郵件。您將會在電子郵件信箱中收" "到重設密碼的連結。" msgid "To reset your password, visit the following address:" msgstr "欲重設你的密碼,訪問以下網址:" msgid "Invalid attachment ID." msgstr "不正確的附件編號。" msgid "Display as dropdown" msgstr "顯示為下拉式選單" msgid "Large size image height" msgstr "大圖高度" msgid "Shortlink" msgstr "縮網址" msgid "Thumbnail Width" msgstr "縮圖寬度" msgid "Thumbnail Height" msgstr "縮圖高度" msgid "Large size image width" msgstr "大圖寬度" msgid "Medium size image height" msgstr "中等大小圖片高度" msgid "Medium size image width" msgstr "中等大小圖片寬度" msgid "Current site avatar" msgstr "網站目前使用的大頭貼" msgid "Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions" msgstr "把縮圖裁切至該尺寸" msgid "" "The Available Widgets section contains all the widgets you can choose from. " "Once you drag a widget into a sidebar, it will open to allow you to " "configure its settings. When you are happy with the widget settings, click " "the Save button and the widget will go live on your site. If you click " "Delete, it will remove the widget." msgstr "" "「可用小工具」區塊內包含全部你可以選擇的小工具。當你拖曳一個小工具至側邊欄," "它將展開讓你設定選項。當你設定完成後,點擊「儲存」按鈕後小工具就能在你的網站" "運作。點擊「刪除」可以將小工具移除。" msgid "The requested user does not exist." msgstr "要求的使用者不存在。" msgid "Info" msgstr "資訊" msgid "" "For images only, you can click on Edit Image under the thumbnail to expand " "out an inline image editor with icons for cropping, rotating, or flipping " "the image as well as for undoing and redoing. The boxes on the right give " "you more options for scaling the image, for cropping it, and for cropping " "the thumbnail in a different way than you crop the original image. You can " "click on Help in those boxes to get more information." msgstr "" "對於圖片,你可以點擊縮圖下方的「編輯圖片」以開啟圖片編輯器,你可以剪裁、旋" "轉、或是翻轉圖片,還可以返回/重做。在編輯器的右側,你能夠對圖片的剪裁等進行" "更細部的設定。你可以點擊「幫助」以獲取更多資訊。" msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "管理設定" msgid "" "This screen allows you to edit fields for metadata in a file within the " "media library." msgstr "使用者可以在這個畫面編輯媒體庫檔案的中繼資料欄位。" msgid "You do not have permission to delete tax classes" msgstr "你沒有刪除稅率類別的權限" msgid "Warning! User %s cannot be deleted." msgstr "警告!使用者 %s 無法刪除。" msgid "Add Existing User" msgstr "加入現有使用者" msgid "" "Note that you crop the image by clicking on it (the Crop icon is already " "selected) and dragging the cropping frame to select the desired part. Then " "click Save to retain the cropping." msgstr "" "剪裁圖片時請點擊圖片,並拖曳裁切區域至你希望剪裁的大小。最後點擊「儲存」以儲" "存圖片。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete these items." msgstr "抱歉,你不得刪除這個項目。" msgid "No search term specified. Showing recent items." msgstr "沒有指定搜尋字詞。顯示最近的項目。" msgid "Open link in a new window/tab" msgstr "在新視窗或分頁開啟連結" msgid "" "The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, " "so please be patient." msgstr "正開始升級。此動作在某些伺服器上花費的時間較長,請耐心等待。" msgid "No matching users found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的使用者。" msgid "Update Now" msgstr "立即更新" msgid "No items found." msgstr "找不到任何項目。" msgctxt "posts" msgid "Sticky (%s)" msgid_plural "Sticky (%s)" msgstr[0] "置頂 (%s)" msgid "Try again" msgstr "再試一次" msgid "More information about %s" msgstr "更多關於 %s 的資訊" msgid "Disable" msgstr "停用" msgctxt "themes" msgid "All (%s)" msgid_plural "All (%s)" msgstr[0] "全部 (%s)" msgid "No themes found." msgstr "找不到佈景主題。" msgid "Visit Theme Site" msgstr "造訪佈景主題網站" msgid "Current page" msgstr "當前頁面" msgid "1 item" msgid_plural "%s items" msgstr[0] "%s 個項目" msgctxt "themes" msgid "Disabled (%s)" msgid_plural "Disabled (%s)" msgstr[0] "已停用 (%s)" msgctxt "themes" msgid "Enabled (%s)" msgid_plural "Enabled (%s)" msgstr[0] "已啟用 (%s)" msgid "Go to the last page" msgstr "跳至最後一頁" msgid "Go to the next page" msgstr "跳至下一頁" msgid "Go to the previous page" msgstr "跳至上一頁" msgid "Go to the first page" msgstr "跳至第一頁" msgid "%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress" msgstr "%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this comment." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許編輯此評論。" msgid "%s — WordPress" msgstr "%s — WordPress" msgid "Stats for:" msgstr "統計資料:" msgid "Top Authors" msgstr "熱門作者" msgid "Other links" msgstr "其他連結" msgid "Top Posts for %s" msgstr "%s 的熱門文章" msgid "Video plays for %s" msgstr "%s 的影片播放次數" msgid "Search Terms for %s" msgstr "%s 的搜尋字詞" msgid "Clicks for %s" msgstr "%s 的點擊率" msgid "Referrers for %s" msgstr "%s 的推薦連結" msgid "" "The value you provided for your email does not end in a valid top level " "domain (TLD), such as com, .net, etc." msgstr "你提供的電子郵件並未以 .com、.net 等有效的頂級網域 (TLD) 結尾。" msgid "Total clicks on links on your blog" msgstr "你網誌連結的總點擊率" msgid "Other search terms" msgstr "其他搜尋字詞" msgid "Total views of posts on your blog" msgstr "你網誌文章的閱覽總數" msgid "Other posts" msgstr "其他文章" msgid "Other sources" msgstr "其他來源" msgid "Total views referred by links to your blog" msgstr "你網誌連結所引用網站的總點閱數" msgid "Email me whenever…" msgstr "以下狀況使用電子郵件通知..." msgid "Social Notifications" msgstr "社交通知" msgid "Go by" msgstr "到 看看" msgid "Log in to your account" msgstr "登入 帳戶" msgid "Unknown action" msgstr "不明的動作" msgid "Facebook photo" msgstr "Facebook照片" msgid "Login to" msgstr "登入" msgid "Connecting to %s" msgstr "連結到 %s" msgid " Logo" msgstr " 標誌" msgid "Posting Comment…" msgstr "發表評論......" msgid "Logging In…" msgstr "正在在登入…" msgid "" "You’re almost done! Just one simple step left: Below, select your new " "domain, then click “Update Primary Domain.”" msgstr "" "快完成了!只剩下一個簡單步驟:從下方選取新的網域,然後按一下「更新主要網" "域」。" msgid "" "After you have done that, you will still sign into your blog at %1$s, but " "your blog will automatically be located on your custom domain." msgstr "" "完成之後,你依然會在 %1$s 登入網誌,但是你的網誌將自動移至你的自訂網域。" msgid "eCheck" msgstr "電子支票" msgid "Books" msgstr "書籍" msgid "" "Other subdomains of this domain are registered to another user at WordPress." "com so you can’t use it for your site. Only that user can register " "other subdomains." msgstr "" "這個網域的其他子網域已被 的另一位使用者註冊,因此你無法將它用於" "你的網站。只有該使用者才能註冊其他子網域。" msgid "This Site" msgstr "此網站" msgid "All types" msgstr "所有類型" msgid "Coupons are disabled." msgstr "已停用優惠券。" msgid "Invalid post" msgstr "不正確的文章" msgid "Get started." msgstr "現在開始: " msgid "Related posts" msgstr "相關文章" msgid "no comments" msgstr "沒有評論" msgid "You are currently browsing the %s blog archives." msgstr "你正在瀏覽 %s 的日誌彙整。" msgid "You are currently browsing the %1$s blog archives for the year %2$s." msgstr "你正在瀏覽 %1$s 的日誌彙整,年份為 %2$s。" msgid "You are currently browsing the %1$s blog archives for %2$s." msgstr "你正在瀏覽 %1$s 的日誌彙整,月份為 %2$s。" msgid "You are currently browsing the %1$s blog archives for the day %2$s." msgstr "你正在瀏覽 %1$s 的日誌彙整,日期為 %2$s。" msgid "" "You have searched the %1$s blog archives for ‘%2$s’. If you are unable to find anything in these search results, you can " "try one of these links." msgstr "" "你在日誌 %1$s 的彙整中搜尋「%2$s」。若你無法搜尋到任何結果," "你可以試試看這些連結。" msgid "Search results for: \"%s\"" msgstr "「%s」的搜尋結果" msgid "Page setup" msgstr "頁面設定" msgid "You must be %1$slogged in%2$s to post a review." msgstr "你必須%1$s登入%2$s才能發表評論。" msgid "Name must be at least 3 characters long." msgstr "名稱必須包含至少 3 個字元。" msgid "Domains can only contain letters, numbers or hyphens." msgstr "網域只能包含字母、數字或連字號。" msgid "Akismet cleared this comment during an automatic retry." msgstr "Akismet 在自動重試時已清除此評論。" msgid "Akismet caught this comment as spam during an automatic retry." msgstr "經過自動重新檢查,Akismet 挑出這是垃圾回應。" msgid "" "Akismet was unable to check this comment (response: %s) but will " "automatically retry later." msgstr "Akismet 無法檢查此留言(送回的訊息:%s)但稍後會自動重試。" msgid "Akismet cleared this comment." msgstr "Akismet 已清除此留言。" msgid "Comment status was changed to %s" msgstr "回應狀態已修改為 %s" msgid "Akismet caught this comment as spam." msgstr "Akismet 已攔截此留言並標記為垃圾留言。" msgid "Akismet was unable to recheck this comment (response: %s)." msgstr "Akismet 無法重新檢查此留言(送回的訊息:%s)。" msgid "Akismet re-checked and cleared this comment" msgstr "Akismet 已重新檢查並清除這則回應" msgid "Akismet re-checked and caught this comment as spam" msgstr "Akismet 已重新檢查並將此回應標記為垃圾回應" msgid "%1$s changed the comment status to %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 將留言狀態變更為 %2$s。" msgid "%s reported this comment as spam." msgstr "%s 回報此留言是垃圾留言。" msgid "%s reported this comment as not spam." msgstr "%s 回報此留言不是垃圾留言。" msgid "" "There’s nothing in your spam queue at the moment." msgstr "垃圾清單中目前沒有任何東西。" msgid "%s approved" msgid_plural "%s approved" msgstr[0] "%s 則已核准" msgid "View comment history" msgstr "檢視回應的歷史紀錄" msgid "Un-spammed by %s" msgstr "由 %s 取消垃圾回應標記" msgid "Flagged as spam by %s" msgstr "由 %s 標記為垃圾" msgid "Comment History" msgstr "回應的歷史紀錄" msgid "Put your mouse over your Gravatar to check out your profile." msgstr "滑鼠移置Gravatar上,查看個人資料。" msgid "View people's profiles when you mouse over their Gravatars" msgstr "滑鼠移到 Gravatars 頭像上顯示資料" msgid "Your username is \"%1$s\" and your API key is \"%2$s\"." msgstr "你的 使用者名稱為「%1$s」,API 金鑰為「%2$s」。" msgid "" "You do not have permission to delete redirects for this blog. Make sure you " "are logged in as the same user used to purchase the redirect. Please contact support for further help." msgstr "" "你沒有權限刪除此網誌的重新導向。請確保你是以用來購買該重新導向的相同使用者身" "分登入。請聯絡支援團隊以取得進一步協助。" msgid "Happy blogging," msgstr "祝你撰寫網誌愉快!" msgid "More info" msgstr "更多資訊" msgid "New post on" msgstr "新文章:" msgid "Bandwidth: " msgstr "頻寬:" msgid "Minutes: " msgstr "分鐘數:" msgid "Plays: " msgstr "播放次數:" msgid "Impressions: " msgstr "曝光數:" msgid "No incoming links have been found." msgstr "沒有發現連入的連結。" msgid "No clicks have been recorded on your site yet." msgstr "你的網站上還沒有記錄到點擊。" msgid "No videos have been played yet." msgstr "還沒有撥放過影片。" msgid "" "These services have been used most often to share your posts on your site." msgstr "使用者最常使用這些服務來分享你網站上的文章。" msgid "Your visitors clicked these links on your site." msgstr "你的訪客點了你的網站上的這些連結。" msgid "These are terms people used to find your site." msgstr "使用者利用這些字詞找到你的網站。" msgid "These posts on your site got the most traffic." msgstr "這些是你網站最熱門的文章。" msgid "People clicked links from these pages to get to your site." msgstr "按下這些頁面的連結而造訪你網站的使用者。" msgid "Removed %s ( user) from this site." msgstr "已從此網站移除 %s ( 使用者)。" msgid "" "The owner of the API key must visit this site's stats page to grant access." msgstr "API 金鑰的擁有者必須造訪此網站的統計資料頁面才能授與存取權。" msgid "You are not a member of this site." msgstr "你不是這個網站的成員。" msgid "New Subscriptions" msgstr "新訂閱" msgid "Full Width Template" msgstr "全寬度模板" msgid "Editor Style" msgstr "編輯器樣式" msgid "The “%s” field is limited to %d characters." msgstr "「%s」欄位最多只能填入 %d 個字元。" msgid "Connect with your account:" msgstr "登入您的WordPress.com帳戶:" msgid "Go!" msgstr "Go!" msgid "Something went wrong. The redirect URL is empty." msgstr "發生某種錯誤。重新導向網址為空白。" msgid "Spam (%s)" msgid_plural "Spam (%s)" msgstr[0] "垃圾回應 (%s)" msgid "%s is required" msgstr "需要 %s" msgid "Messages" msgstr "回應" msgid "You are not allowed to manage this item." msgstr "你不被允許管理這個項目。" msgid "Mark this message as NOT spam" msgstr "標示這則回應「不是」垃圾回應" msgid "Mark this message as spam" msgstr "標示這則回應為垃圾回應" msgid "From" msgstr "由" msgid "Feedback" msgstr "回饋" msgid "%s total views" msgstr "%s 總閱覽數" msgid "No stats are available for this time period." msgstr "此時間範圍內沒有任何可用的統計。" msgid "%s HTML tag removed as it is not allowed" msgstr "系統不允許使用 %s HTML 標籤,所以已將其移除" msgid "%d article published" msgid_plural "%d articles published" msgstr[0] "已發佈 %d 篇文章" msgid "Pending comments" msgstr "待審核回應" msgid "No subscriptions were found." msgstr "找不到相關訂閱." msgid "%(email)s is not a valid email address." msgstr "%(email)s 不是有效的電子郵件地址。" msgid "%s is a required value and cannot be empty." msgstr "\"%s 必填且不可空白。\"" msgid "Sorry, but %s is already registered as a %s." msgstr "很抱歉,但 %s 已註冊為 %s。" msgid "An unexpected error occurred" msgstr "發生一個未知的錯誤" msgid "%s is not a valid username." msgstr "%s 不是有效的使用者名稱。" msgid "Retro (Generated)" msgstr "Retro (自動產生)" msgid "Sign up for a free blog" msgstr "註冊免費網誌" msgid "Email changes to drafts, not just published items." msgstr "系統會透過電子郵件通知草稿變更,而非只通知已發佈的項目變更。" msgid "One email address per line." msgstr "每一行一個電子郵件位址" msgid "Send an email when a post or page changes." msgstr "當文章或分頁變更時發一封電子郵件" msgid "Invalid Email: %s" msgid_plural "Invalid Emails: %s" msgstr[0] "無效的Email: %s" msgid "Post Types" msgstr "發文類型" msgid "Additional Email Addresses" msgstr "額外的電子郵件位址" msgid "Users to Email" msgstr "要接收電子郵件的使用者" msgid "Email Post Changes" msgstr "以電子郵件通知文章變更" msgid "%s changed" msgstr "%s 已變更" msgid "" "Please note that your services have been restricted because your site is " "private." msgstr "請注意,由於你的網站為私密網站,因此你的服務遭受限制。" msgid "Recent posts" msgstr "近期文章" msgid "Special" msgstr "特殊" msgid "Bloggers" msgstr "部落客" msgid "Search %s" msgstr "搜尋 [%s]" msgid "Sponsored Posts" msgstr "文章贊助" msgid "Write a post" msgstr "新增文章" msgid "Edit post" msgstr "編輯文章" msgid "" "To activate your site, please click the following link:\n" "\n" "%1$s\n" "\n" "After you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login.\n" "\n" "After you activate, you can visit your site here:\n" "\n" "%2$s" msgstr "" "如要啟用你的網站,請點擊下方連結:\n" "\n" "%1$s\n" "\n" "網站完成啟用後,你會收到 *另一封* 關於登入資訊的電子郵件。\n" "\n" "網站完成啟用後,點擊下方連結便可造訪你的網站:\n" "\n" "%2$s" msgid "Authorizing…" msgstr "授權中… " msgid "This Month" msgstr "本月" msgid "This Week" msgstr "本週" msgid "Rated" msgstr "已評分" msgid "This post could not be reblogged." msgstr "此文章無法轉發。" msgid "Block Emails" msgstr "封鎖電子郵件" msgid "Likes and Shares" msgstr "按讚和分享" msgid "" "Please contact support " "if you wish to delete a registered domain." msgstr "" "如果你想要刪除已註冊的網域,請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "" "Please enter a valid domain or URL (e.g.,, " "" msgstr "" "請輸入有效的網域或網址 (例如、、" "blog)" msgid "" "Your blog cannot be redirected to that URL. Please make sure the URL is " "valid." msgstr "你的網誌無法重新導向至該網址。請確保該網址有效。" msgid "" "The main part of your blog URL is its domain. An example of a domain is " "\"\". You can have your blog at any domain you control, such as " ", or set up a domain to automatically redirect visitors to your " "blog URL. Read more " "about it or enter a domain name below and follow the prompts." msgstr "" "網誌網址的主要部分便是其網域。「」便是網域的範例。你可以將網誌設" "定在你能夠控制的任何網域上 (如,也可以設定一個網域,將訪客自動重" "新導向至你的網誌網址。閱讀更多相關內容,或是在下方輸入網域名稱並遵循提示進行。" msgid "Search results only" msgstr "只出現在搜尋結果" msgid "" "You will receive a refund for this upgrade as it was purchased less than 3 " "days ago." msgstr "因為你購買此升級的時間不到 3 天,所以你將收到退款。" msgid "" "You will not receive a refund of the cost of this upgrade as it was " "purchased more than 3 days ago or there was a problem finding your payment. " "Please contact support if you have any queries about this cancellation." msgstr "" "因為你購買此升級的時間已超過 3 天,或是尋找你的付款時發生問題,所以你不會收到" "退款。如果有任何有關本次取消的疑問,請聯絡支援團隊。" msgid "Sharing Settings" msgstr "分享設定" msgid "Spam Blocked" msgstr "已阻擋垃圾" msgid "Do any of these answer your question?" msgstr "有回答到你的問題嗎?" msgid "Traffic" msgstr "流量" msgid "Services dragged here will be hidden behind a share button." msgstr "將服務拖曳於此將會隱藏按鈕。" msgid "Services dragged here will appear individually." msgstr "將服務拖曳於此會呈現出來。" msgid "%d images found" msgstr "找到 %d 圖片" msgid "Share on Facebook" msgstr "分享到 Facebook" msgid "Click to print" msgstr "點這裡列印" msgid "Click to edit this post" msgstr "按一下以編輯此文章" msgid "Click to share on Reddit" msgstr "分享到 Reddit" msgid "Click to share on Twitter" msgstr "分享到 Twitter" msgid "Click to Press This!" msgstr "按此發佈到網誌中!" msgid "Click to share on Facebook" msgstr "按一下以分享至 Facebook" msgid "Click to email a link to a friend" msgstr "按一下以電子郵件傳送連結給朋友" msgid "Remove Service" msgstr "移除服務" msgid "Icon" msgstr "圖示" msgid "Enter the URL of a 16x16px icon you want to use for this service." msgstr "輸入一個要用於此服務的圖示網址,它必須是 16*16px 的大小" msgid "Icon URL" msgstr "圖示網址" msgid "You can add the following variables to your service sharing URL:" msgstr "你可以使用一些變數加入分享的格式化網址內:" msgid "Sharing URL" msgstr "分享網址" msgid "Service name" msgstr "服務名稱" msgid "" "An error occurred creating your new sharing service - please check you gave " "valid details." msgstr "建立新的分享服務有錯誤,請檢查你的一些輸入細節" msgid "Add Content" msgstr "新增內容" msgid "Category slug." msgstr "類別動態網址。" msgid "Full post" msgstr "完整內容" msgid "Share this:" msgstr "分享此文:" msgid "Standard" msgstr "標準" msgid "Send email" msgstr "寄送電子郵件" msgid "Live Preview" msgstr "即時預覽" msgid "Sharing label" msgstr "分享按鈕前的標籤名稱" msgid "Text only" msgstr "只有文字" msgid "Icon only" msgstr "只顯示圖示" msgid "Icon + text" msgstr "圖示 + 文字" msgid "Enabled Services" msgstr "啟用服務" msgid "Add a new service" msgstr "新增一個服務" msgid "Drag and drop the services you'd like to enable into the box below." msgstr "拖曳你想要的服務至下方『啟用服務』區塊內" msgid "Available Services" msgstr "可用的服務" msgid "Settings have been saved" msgstr "設定值已經儲存" msgid "Nothing to preview." msgstr "沒有東西可以預覽。" msgid "New window" msgstr "新視窗" msgid "Post Shares : %s" msgstr "文章分享次數:%s" msgid "Sharing Service : %s" msgstr "分享服務:%s" msgid "« Return to Share Stats" msgstr "« 返回分享統計資料" msgid "" "You’re one step away from using %1$s as your blog " "address. Click here to activate %1$s." msgstr "" "再一個步驟就可以使用 %1$s 作為你的網誌位址。按一下這裡啟用 %1$s。" msgid "" "Create your about page so your readers can learn a bit " "about you." msgstr "建立「關於」頁面,讓讀者稍微瞭解你。" msgid "" "Update your about page so your readers can learn a bit " "about you." msgstr "更新「關於」頁面,讓讀者稍微瞭解你。" msgid "" "Set your blog’s language so you appear in WordPress." "com top lists and get more traffic." msgstr "" "設定網誌語言,你的網誌即可顯示在 熱門清單" "中,並獲得更多流量。" msgid "" "Replace FeedBurner with our Email Subscriptions to gain " "more features." msgstr "" "捨棄 FeedBurner,改用我們的電子郵件訂閱,可以使用更多功" "能。" msgid "Top Posts & Pages" msgstr "熱門文章與頁面" msgid "Shares" msgstr "分享次數" msgid "Top Sharing Services" msgstr "熱門分享服務" msgid "Blog Shares" msgstr "網誌分享次數" msgid "Reddit" msgstr "Reddit" msgid "Shared Post" msgstr "分享這文章" msgid "Manage Notifications" msgstr "管理通知" msgid "You are already subscribed to this blog." msgstr "你已訂閱此網誌。" msgid "You do not have access to that blog" msgstr "你無法存取該網誌" msgid "Please enter a valid blog URL" msgstr "請輸入一個有效的Blog網址" msgid "An RSS or Atom feed could not be found for that blog" msgstr "找不到該網誌的 RSS 或 Atom 摘要" msgid "Please enter a blog URL" msgstr "請輸入一個Blog網址" msgid "Email delivery window" msgstr "電子郵件傳送視窗" msgid "Email delivery format" msgstr "電子郵件傳送格式" msgid "Private Blog" msgstr "私人網誌" msgid "Reader Subscriptions" msgstr "讀者訂閱" msgid "Manage subscriptions" msgstr "管理訂閱" msgid "NEW" msgstr "新功能" msgid "sometime" msgstr "某時" msgid "Your name" msgstr "你的姓名" msgid "This blog is hidden from search engines" msgstr "這個網誌無法從搜尋引擎中找到" msgid "This blog is private" msgstr "這個網誌是私人的" msgid "Manage Comments" msgstr "管理評論" msgid "Search" msgstr "搜尋" msgid "Read Blog" msgstr "瀏覽個人網誌" msgid "Step %d" msgstr "第 %d 步" msgid "Unknown blog" msgstr "未知的網誌。" msgid "Footer Widgets" msgstr "頁尾小工具" msgid "(Signup has been disabled. Only members of this site can comment.)" msgstr "(註冊已被停用。只有此網站的成員才能發佈留言。)" msgid "←" msgstr "←" msgid "→" msgstr "→" msgid "" "Manage your subscriptions by clicking this link or copying it " "into a browser:" msgstr "按一下此連結或將它複製到瀏覽器,以管理你的 訂閱:" msgid "[Subscribe] Your Subscription Details" msgstr "[訂閱] 你的訂閱詳細資料" msgid "" "Click on the 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom of every email (including this " "one)" msgstr "按一下每封電子郵件 (包括本電子郵件) 底部的「取消訂閱」連結" msgid "Sites (%d)" msgstr "網站 (%d)" msgid "Confirm Subscription" msgstr "確定訂閱" msgid "Yes, I want to be subscribed" msgstr "是的,我要訂閱此摘要." msgid "Subscription Details" msgstr "訂閱詳細資料" msgid "" "You are about to delete your subscription to comments for \"%s\". Please " "confirm this below." msgstr "妳即將取消訂閱「%s」的留言,請在下方確認。" msgid "Delete Your Subscription" msgstr "刪除你的訂閱" msgid "Possible Reasons" msgstr "可能的原因" msgid "Invalid Subscription" msgstr "無效的訂閱" msgid "All posts on this site" msgstr "所有此網誌的文章" msgid "Request Details" msgstr "邀請內容" msgid "Manage Your Subscriptions" msgstr "管理你的摘要" msgid "Email Subscriptions" msgstr "電子郵件訂閱" msgid "" "We're sorry that you've decided to stop your subscription. If you change " "your mind in the future we're only a few clicks away." msgstr "" "對於你停止訂閱的決定,我們深感遺憾。如果之後你回心轉意,只需點幾下即可。" msgid "Subscription Emails" msgstr "訂閱郵件" msgid "Subscriptions Details Sent" msgstr "傳送訂閱細節" msgid "More Stats for %s" msgstr "更多 %s 的統計資料" msgid "Album" msgstr "相簿" msgid "Activity" msgstr "活動" msgid "Food" msgstr "食物" msgid "People" msgstr "使用者" msgid "Groups" msgstr "社團" msgid "Company" msgstr "公司" msgid "Websites" msgstr "網站" msgid "Movie" msgstr "電影" msgid "Select categories…" msgstr "選擇分類…" msgid "The domain mapping for %1$s has been deleted and refunded." msgstr "%1$s 的網域對應已刪除並已退款。" msgid "Private whois upgrade deleted." msgstr "私密 Whois 升級已刪除。" msgid "Upgrade cancelled and refund requested" msgstr "升級已取消並已要求退款" msgid "Share embed codes and download links" msgstr "分享嵌入代碼和下載位址" msgid "Default share setting" msgstr "預設共享設定" msgid "Email address" msgstr "電子郵件位址" msgid "Need help?" msgstr "需要說明嗎?" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "未知" msgid "Loading video..." msgstr "載入影像中..." msgid "Share" msgstr "共享" msgid "Go to Themes page" msgstr "前往「佈景主題」頁面" msgid "Go to WordPress Updates page" msgstr "前往「WordPress 更新」頁面" msgid "Oops!" msgstr "糟糕!" msgid "Powered by %1$s" msgstr "由 %1$s 提供技術支援" msgid "WordPress Themes" msgstr "WordPress 佈景主題" msgid "Try looking in the monthly archives. %1$s" msgstr "嘗試搜尋每月封彙整。%1$s" msgid "Custom" msgstr "自訂" msgid "Manual Offsets" msgstr "手動時差" msgid "Edit Tag" msgstr "編輯標籤" msgid "On" msgstr "在" msgid "Read more..." msgstr "閱讀更多…" msgid "Blog Posts" msgstr "文章" msgid "%d Comments" msgstr " %d 評論" msgid "Rate This" msgstr "評分" msgid "Font Size" msgstr "字體大小" msgid "To" msgstr "至" msgid "All Posts" msgstr "全部文章" msgid "Last Name" msgstr "姓氏" msgid "First Name" msgstr "名字" msgid "" "Many themes show some sidebar widgets by default until you edit your " "sidebars, but they are not automatically displayed in your sidebar " "management tool. After you make your first widget change, you can re-add the " "default widgets by adding them from the Available Widgets area." msgstr "" "許多佈景主題預設只顯示一些邊欄小工具,直到你編輯你的邊欄,但那些並非自動顯示" "在你的邊欄管理工具內。當你第一次變更小工具設定,你可自可用小工具區域重新新增" "預設小工具。" msgid "Log In" msgstr "登入" msgid "Menu Name" msgstr "選單名稱" msgid "Edit Page" msgstr "編輯頁面" msgid "Warning:" msgstr "警告:" msgid "Add New Custom Field:" msgstr "新增自訂欄位:" msgid "Full Size" msgstr "完整大小" msgid "Plugin update failed" msgstr "外掛程式更新失敗." msgid "Theme downgrade failed." msgstr "佈景主題降級失敗。" msgid "Background Color" msgstr "背景顏色" msgid "Text Color" msgstr "文字顏色" msgid "%s comment restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s comments restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "自垃圾桶還原了 %s 則留言" msgid "%s comment moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s comments moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 則留言已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "View Trash" msgstr "檢視垃圾桶" msgid "" "Do not forget to click on the Save Changes button when you are finished." msgstr "當你完成設定後,別忘記點擊儲存變更按鈕。" msgid "Draft saved at %s." msgstr "草稿已儲存於 %s。" msgid "Space Upgrade" msgstr "升級空間" msgid "Email" msgstr "電子郵件" msgid "Slideshow" msgstr "幻燈片" msgid "New Category Name" msgstr "新分類名稱" msgid "Last name." msgstr "姓氏。" msgid "First name." msgstr "名字。" msgid "Parent Category" msgstr "上層分類" msgid "Font Sizes" msgstr "文字大小" msgid "Select all" msgstr "全部選取" msgid "Last updated" msgstr "最近更新" msgid "Week" msgstr "週" msgid "optional" msgstr "選填" msgid "0" msgstr "0" msgid "Older" msgstr "較舊" msgid "Search results" msgstr "搜尋結果" msgid "Newer" msgstr "較新" msgid "Save changes" msgstr "更新" msgid "Log out" msgstr "登出" msgid "pages" msgstr "頁數" msgid "Last modified:" msgstr "上次修改:" msgid "Remember Me" msgstr "記住我" msgid "g:i A" msgstr "g:i A" msgid "Text color" msgstr "文字顏色" msgid "Background color" msgstr "背景顏色" msgid "New post" msgstr "新文章" msgid "Resubscribe" msgstr "重新訂閱" msgid "Dating" msgstr "約會" msgid "Post by Email" msgstr "電子郵件發佈" msgid "Theme: %1$s." msgstr "樣版: %1$s." msgid "Tags: " msgstr "標籤:" msgid "All dates" msgstr "全部日期" msgid "End Date" msgstr "結束日期" msgid "Filters" msgstr "篩選條件" msgid "Thank you for voting!" msgstr "感謝你的投票!" msgid "(%d votes)" msgstr "(%d 票數)" msgid "View Results" msgstr "查看結果" msgid "Vote" msgstr "投票" msgid "right bottom" msgstr "right bottom" msgid "right center" msgstr "right center" msgid "right top" msgstr "right top" msgid "center top" msgstr "center top" msgid "left bottom" msgstr "left bottom" msgid "left center" msgstr "left center" msgid "Image Position" msgstr "圖片位置" msgid "Click here for more information" msgstr "按一下這裡以取得更多資訊" msgid "Total Votes" msgstr "總投票數" msgid "Question" msgstr "問題" msgid "Tech Dark" msgstr "Tech Dark" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\"?" msgstr "你確定你想刪除「%s」?" msgid "Manga" msgstr "漫畫" msgid "double" msgstr "雙" msgid "Rounded Corners" msgstr "圓角" msgid "ridge" msgstr "ridge" msgid "outset" msgstr "外凸" msgid "inset" msgstr "插頁" msgid "groove" msgstr "溝道" msgid "dashed" msgstr "虛線" msgid "dotted" msgstr "點" msgid "solid" msgstr "基本的" msgid "center bottom" msgstr "中下" msgid "center center" msgstr "正中央" msgid "left top" msgstr "左上" msgid "Image Repeat" msgstr "圖像重複" msgid "Padding" msgstr "填充" msgid "Narrow" msgstr "窄" msgid "Paper" msgstr "圖紙" msgid "Aluminum" msgstr "鋁" msgid "Micro" msgstr "微" msgid "Wide" msgstr "全幅式" msgid "Margin" msgstr "邊界" msgid "%s (Draft)" msgstr "%s (草稿)" msgid "" "Images of exactly %1$d × %2$d pixels will be used as-" "is." msgstr "圖片將使用的範圍為:%1$d × %2$d pixels。" msgid "Crop and Publish" msgstr "裁剪並發佈" msgid "Audio Post" msgstr "音頻文章" msgid "Main menu" msgstr "主選單" msgid "Comment navigation" msgstr "評論分頁導航" msgid "Post navigation" msgstr "文章導覽" msgid "A new trackback on the post \"%s\" is waiting for your approval" msgstr "你的文章「%s」有一個新的引用等待你的核准" msgid "Widgets in this area will be shown on the right side of support pages" msgstr "此區的小工具會顯示於支援頁面的右側" msgid "Only display videos in free software formats" msgstr "僅顯示自由軟體格式的影片" msgid "Sent by a verified %s user." msgstr "%s 使用者發送的驗證。" msgid "" "You can choose what’s displayed on the homepage of your site. It can " "be posts in reverse chronological order (classic blog), or a fixed/static " "page. To set a static homepage, you first need to create two Pages. One will become the homepage, and the other will be where your " "posts are displayed." msgstr "" "你可以選擇要顯示於網站首頁的頁面。它可以是以時間排序的文章彙整(一般網誌)," "或是一個靜態頁面。若要將首頁設為靜態頁面,首先你必須建立兩個頁" "面。其中一個成為首頁,而另一個則是顯示文章的頁面。" msgid "Posts I Like" msgstr "我按讚的文章" msgid "" "If you want to remove the widget but save its setting for possible future " "use, just drag it into the Inactive Widgets area. You can add them back " "anytime from there. This is especially helpful when you switch to a theme " "with fewer or different widget areas." msgstr "" "如果你想在移除某個小工具後仍繼續保留其設定,只需將它拖曳到未啟用的小工具。你" "可以在任何時候將它新增回來。當你選擇了一個擁有較少小工具區的佈景主題時會相當" "實用。" msgid "" "To add a new user for your site, click the Add New button at the top of the " "screen or Add New in the Users menu section." msgstr "" "如需為網站新增使用者,點擊畫面上方的 [新增使用者] 按鈕,或點擊 [使用者] 選單" "內的 [新增使用者]。" msgid "" "You can set maximum sizes for images inserted into your written content; you " "can also insert an image as Full Size." msgstr "你可以設定插入文章的圖片最大尺寸;你也可以插入原始尺寸的圖片。" msgid "" "Order — Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but " "you can choose your own order by entering a number (1 for first, etc.) in " "this field." msgstr "" "順序 — 頁面通常以字母順序排列,但你可以在上面輸入不同" "的數字(1 是最前面,以此類推)來排列他們出現的順序。" msgid "" "XFN stands for XHTML Friends Network, " "which is optional. WordPress allows the generation of XFN attributes to show " "how you are related to the authors/owners of the site to which you are " "linking." msgstr "" "XFN 代表 XHTML Friends Network,這是選" "用的。WordPress允許生成XFN屬性,以顯示您與所連結網站的作者/擁有者的關係。" msgid "" "Your profile contains information about you (your “account”) as " "well as some personal options related to using WordPress." msgstr "" "個人資料包含個人及個人帳號的相關資訊,以及使用者在 WordPress 網站中的個人化設" "定。" msgid "" "Send Trackbacks — Trackbacks are a way to notify " "legacy blog systems that you’ve linked to them. Enter the URL(s) you " "want to send trackbacks. If you link to other WordPress sites they’ll " "be notified automatically using pingbacks, and this field is unnecessary." msgstr "" "發送引用 — 引用(Trackbacks)是種通知其他網誌系統你文" "章中已連結它們的方式。輸入你想發送引用的網址。若是你連結至其他以 WordPress 架" "設的網誌,他們將會自動地透過通告(pingbacks)被通知,不需要其他多餘的動作。" msgid "Administrators have access to all the administration features." msgstr "系統管理員可以使用所有的管理功能。" msgid "" "Contributors can write and manage their posts but not publish posts or " "upload media files." msgstr "投稿者可以撰寫及管理自己的文章,但無法發佈文章或上載媒體檔案。" msgid "" "You can add links here to be displayed on your site, usually using Widgets. By default, links to several sites in the WordPress " "community are included as examples." msgstr "" "你可以在這裡新增連結並顯示在你的網誌,通常使用模組。預設情" "況下,連結會以WordPress 社群的一些網站作為範例。" msgid "" "If you delete a link, it will be removed permanently, as Links do not have a " "Trash function yet." msgstr "如果你刪除一個連結,它將永久被移除,因為連結還沒有垃圾桶功能。" msgid "" "Slug — The “slug” is the URL-friendly " "version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, " "numbers, and hyphens." msgstr "" "代稱 — 「代稱(slug)」是用在網址列上的名字。通常使用" "小寫英文字母、數字以及連字號(hyphen -)。" msgid "" "You can customize the look of your site without touching any of your " "theme’s code by using a custom background. Your background can be an " "image or a color." msgstr "" "你可使用自訂背景功能自訂你網站的外觀而不需要動到佈景主題程式碼。你的背景可為" "圖片或顏色。" msgid "" "You can also create posts with the Press This bookmarklet." msgstr "你也可以使用發佈至網誌書籤來建立文章。" msgid "%1$s by %2$s." msgstr "%1$s 來自 %2$s。" msgid "A new comment on the post \"%s\" is waiting for your approval" msgstr "你的文章「%s」有一個新的評論等待你的核准" msgid "A new pingback on the post \"%s\" is waiting for your approval" msgstr "你的文章「%s」有一個新通告等待你的核准" msgid "New pingback on your post \"%s\"" msgstr "你的文章「%s」有新的通告" msgid "New trackback on your post \"%s\"" msgstr "你的文章「%s」有新的引用" msgid "New comment on your post \"%s\"" msgstr "你的文章「%s」有新評論" msgid "Custom Menu" msgstr "自訂選單" msgid "Remember to click the Update Profile button when you are finished." msgstr "別忘了在你完成後點擊「更新個人資訊」。" msgid "" "Required fields are indicated; the rest are optional. Profile information " "will only be displayed if your theme is set up to do so." msgstr "" "除了必填選項以外,其餘欄位皆為選填。個人資料只有在當你的佈景主題需要用到時才" "會顯示在前台。" msgid "" "Enabling Accessibility Mode, via Screen Options, allows you to use Add and " "Edit buttons instead of using drag and drop." msgstr "自顯示選項啟用無障礙模式,允許你使用新增或編輯按鈕,而非拖曳它們。" msgid "" "Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into any " "widgetized area provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars). To " "populate your sidebars/widget areas with individual widgets, drag and drop " "the title bars into the desired area. By default, only the first widget area " "is expanded. To populate additional widget areas, click on their title bars " "to expand them." msgstr "" "模組是網頁內容的獨立區塊,該區塊可放至於由你的佈景主題所提供的模組化區域(通" "常稱為邊欄)內。欲使用模組於邊欄/模組化區域內,請拖曳該標題列至你想要的模組化" "區域內。預設僅有第一個模組區域會展開。欲使用該模組內容,請點擊他們的標題列來" "展開。" msgid "" "There is a pending change of your e-mail to %1$s. Cancel" msgstr "" "有個待確認的變更,將你的郵件位址改為 %1$s取消" "" msgid "" "Editors can publish posts, manage posts as well as manage other people’" "s posts, etc." msgstr "編輯可以發佈、管理文章及管理其他作者的文章等。" msgid "" "Your username cannot be changed, but you can use other fields to enter your " "real name or a nickname, and change which name to display on your posts." msgstr "" "使用者名稱無法變更,但可以在其他欄位輸入真實姓名或暱稱,並設定在文章顯示作者" "名稱的方式。" msgid "" "Widgets may be used multiple times. You can give each widget a title, to " "display on your site, but it’s not required." msgstr "" "小工具可能會被多次使用。你可以給每個小工具一個標題,讓它顯示在網站裡,但不一" "定要這麼做。" msgid "" "You must click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen for new " "settings to take effect." msgstr "你必須點擊畫面下方的「儲存變更」按鈕才能使新設定生效。" msgid "" "This screen contains the settings that affect the display of your content." msgstr "此畫面包含一些顯示內容的相關設定。" msgid "Your theme does not support navigation menus or widgets." msgstr "現用的佈景主題不支援選單或小工具。" msgid "" "You can choose what’s displayed on the homepage of your site. It can " "be posts in reverse chronological order (classic blog), or a fixed/static " "page. To set a static homepage, you first need to create two Pages. One will " "become the homepage, and the other will be where your posts are displayed." msgstr "" "您可以選擇網站首頁上顯示的內容。它可以是反向時間順序(傳統網誌),或固定/靜態" "頁面的文章。要設定靜態主頁,首先需要建立兩個頁面。一個將成為主頁,另一個將成" "為您的文章顯示的地方。" msgid "UTC means Coordinated Universal Time." msgstr "UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) 即「國際標準時間」。" msgid "" "The fields on this screen determine some of the basics of your site setup." msgstr "此畫面的欄位定義一些你的網站基礎設定。" msgid "" "You can also control the display of your content in RSS feeds, including the " "maximum number of posts to display and whether to show full text or an " "excerpt. Learn more about feeds." msgstr "" "您還可以控制RSS源中內容的顯示,包括要顯示的最大文章數以及是顯示全文還是摘" "要。 了解有關供稿的更多資訊 。" msgid "Delete this item permanently" msgstr "永久刪除本項目" msgid "Restore this item from the Trash" msgstr "將本項目自回收桶中恢復" msgid "Edit this item" msgstr "編輯本項目" msgid "" "You can customize the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab " "and/or the dropdown filters above the links table." msgstr "" "你可使用「顯示選項」頁籤與/或連結表格上方的下拉選單,自訂這個畫面顯示方式。" msgid "Move this item to the Trash" msgstr "移動該條目到回收桶" msgid "Original: %s" msgstr "原始:%s" msgid "Click Save Menu to make pending menu items public." msgstr "點擊儲存選單公開選單項目。" msgid "(no parent)" msgstr " (無上層)" msgid "Most Recent" msgstr "最新發佈" msgid "%s (Pending)" msgstr "%s(審查中)" msgid "Activate Plugin & Run Importer" msgstr "啟用外掛與執行匯入程式" msgid "You can customize the display of this screen in a number of ways:" msgstr "你可以使用這些方式來自訂顯示選項:" msgid "" "You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many posts " "to list per screen using the Screen Options tab." msgstr "你可以使用顯示選項來隱藏/顯示欄位及設定欲顯示幾篇文章在畫面內。" msgid "" "You can refine the list to show only posts in a specific category or from a " "specific month by using the dropdown menus above the posts list. Click the " "Filter button after making your selection. You also can refine the list by " "clicking on the post author, category or tag in the posts list." msgstr "" "你可使用文章列表上方的下拉選單指定分類或日期來篩選符合條件的文章。選擇後點擊" "「篩選」按鈕。你亦可使用點擊文章列表中作者、分類或標籤的方式來篩選文章。" msgid "" "Once generated, your WXR file can be imported by another WordPress site or " "by another blogging platform able to access this format." msgstr "" "一旦產生之後,你的 WXR 檔案將能在其他 WordPress 或支援此格式的Blog平台匯入使" "用。" msgid "All updates have been completed." msgstr "全部更新已完成。" msgid "" "Hovering over a row in the posts list will display action links that allow " "you to manage your post. You can perform the following actions:" msgstr "" "鼠標移至文章列表上某列上將出現動作連結讓你可管理你的文章。你可使用下列動作:" msgid "Page Attributes" msgstr "頁面屬性" msgid "Header Image" msgstr "頁首圖片" msgid "Header Text" msgstr "頁首文字" msgid "For more information:" msgstr "取得更多資訊:" msgid "" "Parent — You can arrange your pages in hierarchies. " "For example, you could have an “About” page that has “Life " "Story” and “My Dog” pages under it. There are no limits to " "how many levels you can nest pages." msgstr "" "上層 — 你可使用階層方式安排你的頁面。舉例來說,你可以" "有個「關於」頁面,而該頁面有「生活手札」與「狗狗與我」等次一級的頁面。而且沒" "有多少階層深度的限制。" msgid "" "Template — Some themes have custom templates you can " "use for certain pages that might have additional features or custom layouts. " "If so, you’ll see them in this dropdown menu." msgstr "" "模板 — 有些佈景主題有客製化模板,提供在某些頁面可使用" "更多元的功能或是不同的版面形式。你可以在下拉式選單看到它們。" msgid "" "When adding a new category on this screen, you’ll fill in the " "following fields:" msgstr "當在此畫面新增一個分類,你將填入以下欄位:" msgid "Name — The name is how it appears on your site." msgstr "名稱 — 出現在網站上時所用的名稱。" msgid "" "Description — The description is not prominent by " "default; however, some themes may display it." msgstr "" "內容說明 — 內容說明欄位預設並不會顯示,然而有些佈景主" "題會顯示它們。" msgid "" "You can change the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab to " "set how many items are displayed per screen and to display/hide columns in " "the table." msgstr "你可以使用顯示選項來設定顯示那些項目在畫面裡,或是顯示/隱藏欄位。" msgid "" "When adding a new tag on this screen, you’ll fill in the following " "fields:" msgstr "當在此畫面新增一個標籤,你將填入以下欄位:" msgid "You need JavaScript to choose a part of the image." msgstr "你需要 Javascript 功能來選取部份圖片。" msgid "Reset Image" msgstr "重置圖片" msgid "Remove Header Image" msgstr "移除頁首圖片" msgid "Crop Header Image" msgstr "裁剪頁首圖片" msgid "Default Images" msgstr "預設圖片" msgid "" "Title — Enter a title for your post. After you enter " "a title, you’ll see the permalink below, which you can edit." msgstr "" "標題 — 為你的文章下個標題。在輸入完標題後,將會在下方" "看到固定網址,你也能夠編輯它。" msgid "" "%s — This allows you to associate an image with your " "post without inserting it. This is usually useful only if your theme makes " "use of the image as a post thumbnail on the home page, a custom header, etc." msgstr "" "%s — 這讓你可以使用文章裡的圖片而不用重新插入它。通常" "你的佈景主題在首頁或自訂頁首時使用特色圖片功能作為縮圖時才用得到。" msgid "" "You can use categories to define sections of your site and group related " "posts. The default category is “Uncategorized” until you change " "it in your writing settings." msgstr "" "你可以使用分類來定義你的網誌與相關文章的關係。預設分類為「未分類」,除非你在" "你的寫作設定變更它。" msgid "" "The boxes for link name, web address, and description have fixed positions, " "while the others may be repositioned using drag and drop. You can also hide " "boxes you do not use in the Screen Options tab, or minimize boxes by " "clicking on the title bar of the box." msgstr "" "各個連結名稱、網站網址、與內容說明方框皆為固定位置,而其他則可使用拖曳功能排" "列。你亦可使用「顯示選項」頁籤隱藏你不想讓它顯示的方框,或是點擊該方框的標題" "列將它縮小。" msgid "Image Upload Error" msgstr "圖片上載錯誤" msgid "" "A red bar on the left means the comment is waiting for you to moderate it." msgstr "左方的紅色提示代表該留言正在等待你的審核。" msgid "" "You can also moderate the comment from this screen using the Status box, " "where you can also change the timestamp of the comment." msgstr "你亦可在畫面上使用狀態盒審核留言,你亦可改變該留言的時間戳記。" msgid "" "You can edit the information left in a comment if needed. This is often " "useful when you notice that a commenter has made a typographical error." msgstr "" "若是有需要,你可編輯留言內的資訊。這通常用在當你注意到發佈留言的人犯了個拼字" "錯誤。" msgid "" "You can add or edit links on this screen by entering information in each of " "the boxes. Only the link’s web address and name (the text you want to " "display on your site as the link) are required fields." msgstr "" "你可以透過每個框框來輸入資訊以新增或編輯此畫面內的連結。只有網站位址及名稱" "(你想顯示在網站裡成為超連結的文字)是必填的欄位。" msgid "Restore Original Header Image" msgstr "還原原始頁首圖片" msgid "" "This will restore the original header image. You will not be able to restore " "any customizations." msgstr "這將還原為原來的頁首圖片。你將無法還原任何自訂設定。" msgid "" "This will remove the header image. You will not be able to restore any " "customizations." msgstr "這將還原為原來的頁首圖片。你將無法還原任何自訂設定。" msgid "" "Discussion — You can turn comments and pings on or " "off, and if there are comments on the post, you can see them here and " "moderate them." msgstr "" "討論 — 你可以開啟或關閉留言、引用或通告,而且若文章有" "留言的話,你也可以在這裡看到並管理它們。" msgid "" "What’s the difference between categories and tags? Normally, tags are " "ad-hoc keywords that identify important information in your post (names, " "subjects, etc) that may or may not recur in other posts, while categories " "are pre-determined sections. If you think of your site like a book, the " "categories are like the Table of Contents and the tags are like the terms in " "the index." msgstr "" "分類與標籤有何不同?一般來說,標籤在你的文章中扮演著標記重要資訊的角色(姓" "名、佈景主題等等),可能或可能不會再次出現於其他文章,而分類則是預先確定的部" "分。如果你將你的網站想像成一本書,分類就像是內容目錄,而標籤則如同索引。" msgid "Discount" msgstr "折扣" msgid "Add coupon" msgstr "新增優惠券" msgid "No coupons found" msgstr "沒有找到優惠券" msgid "Edit coupon" msgstr "編輯優惠券" msgid "Select a product" msgstr "選擇一個產品" msgid "Product:" msgstr "商品:" msgid "" "Please check that you typed the coupon code correctly and that this coupon " "is for the product you have selected." msgstr "請檢查你是否正確輸入了優惠券代碼,並確認該優惠券適用於你選擇的產品。" msgid "Sorry, but we were not able to find that coupon." msgstr "抱歉,我們找不到該優惠券。" msgid "Apply coupon" msgstr "使用優惠券" msgid "This domain does not exist." msgstr "此網域不存在。" msgid "Remove logo" msgstr "移除標誌" msgid "Reblog Post" msgstr "轉發文章" msgid "Twitter username:" msgstr "Twitter 使用者名稱︰" msgid "" "Gravatar link. This is an optional URL that will be used when anyone clicks " "on your Gravatar:" msgstr "Gravatar 連結。此 URL 為選填,以供有人點擊你的 Gravatar 時使用:" msgid "Gravatar alignment:" msgstr "Gravatar 對齊:" msgid "Size:" msgstr "大小:" msgid "Custom Email Address:" msgstr "自訂 Email 地址:" msgid "Image Color:" msgstr "圖片顏色:" msgid "Image Size:" msgstr "圖片大小:" msgid "Image Settings:" msgstr "圖片設定:" msgid "Feed(s) to Display:" msgstr "Feed(s) 顯示:" msgid "Select a user or pick \"custom\" and enter a custom email address." msgstr "選擇一個使用者或挑選 \"自訂\" ,然後輸入一個自定的 email 地址。" msgid "Image URL." msgstr "圖片網址。" msgctxt "site" msgid "Mark as spam" msgstr "標記為垃圾" msgctxt "user" msgid "Not spam" msgstr "非垃圾" msgctxt "user" msgid "Mark as spam" msgstr "標記為垃圾" msgid "Moderate Comment" msgstr "審核留言" msgid "Most Used Categories" msgstr "最常使用分類" msgid "%1$s is proudly powered by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 由 %2$s 建置" msgid "Choose from the most used tags" msgstr "選取最常用標籤" msgid "Whoa, slow down with the emails!" msgstr "哇!別再寄電子郵件給我了!" msgid "You like this" msgstr "你說這個讚" msgid "Coupon" msgstr "Coupon" msgid "Like" msgstr "讚" msgid "M j" msgstr "M j" msgid "Recent Articles" msgstr "最近文章" msgid "Search results for %s" msgstr "「%s」的搜尋結果" msgid "Site Tagline" msgstr "網站描述" msgid "" "Sorry, you must be able to edit posts on this site in order to view " "categories." msgstr "抱歉,你必須能編輯此網站的文章才能瀏覽分類。" msgid "" "Sorry, you must be able to edit posts on this site in order to view tags." msgstr "抱歉,你必須能編輯此網站的文章才能瀏覽標籤。" msgid "Site Suspended" msgstr "網站已停用" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish pages on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在此網站發佈頁面。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish posts on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在此網站發佈新文章。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to post on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許在此網站發佈新文章。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access details about this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許存取這個網站的存取詳請。" msgctxt "nav menu home label" msgid "Home" msgstr "首頁" msgctxt "taxonomy general name" msgid "Categories" msgstr "分類" msgid "All Tags" msgstr "全部標籤" msgid "Parent Category:" msgstr "上層分類:" msgid "Update Tag" msgstr "更新標籤" msgid "Add New Tag" msgstr "新增標籤" msgid "New Tag Name" msgstr "新標籤" msgid "Search Tags" msgstr "搜尋標籤" msgctxt "taxonomy singular name" msgid "Category" msgstr "分類" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Post" msgstr "文章" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Page" msgstr "頁面" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Pages" msgstr "頁面" msgid "Search Posts" msgstr "搜尋文章" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Posts" msgstr "文章" msgid "Parent Page:" msgstr "上層頁面:" msgid "Add New Post" msgstr "新增文章" msgid "Search Pages" msgstr "搜尋頁面" msgid "Required fields are marked %s" msgstr "必要欄位標記為 %s" msgid "That site is currently reserved but may be available in a couple days." msgstr "該網站已被預定,或許過幾天後便可申請。" msgid "New %1$s Site: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 的新網站:%2$s" msgid "New Site Registration: %s" msgstr "新網站註冊:%s" msgid "Sorry, that site already exists!" msgstr "抱歉,該網站已存在!" msgid "Sorry, site names must have letters too!" msgstr "抱歉,網站名稱必須含有字母!" msgid "No Projects found in Trash" msgstr "回收桶中找不到專案" msgid "Sorry, site names may not contain the character “_”!" msgstr "抱歉,網站名稱不可含有字元「_」!" msgid "A search form for your store." msgstr "商店搜尋功能。" msgid "Site name must be at least %s character." msgid_plural "Site name must be at least %s characters." msgstr[0] "網站名稱至少要%s個字元。" msgid "Add New Page" msgstr "新增頁面" msgid "Theme without %s" msgstr "佈景主題沒有 %s" msgid "New user registration on your site %s:" msgstr "你的網站 %s 有新使用者註冊:" msgid "The site is already active." msgstr "此網站已啟用。" msgid "Sorry, that site is reserved!" msgstr "抱歉,該網站已留起了!" msgid "Sorry, you may not use that site name." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許使用該網站名稱。" msgid "Could not create order." msgstr "無法建立訂單。" msgid "User removed from this site." msgstr "已從這個網站移除這個使用者。" msgid "Remove Users from Site" msgstr "自本網站移除使用者" msgctxt "user" msgid "Registered" msgstr "已註冊" msgctxt "site" msgid "Registered" msgstr "已註冊" msgctxt "site" msgid "Not Spam" msgstr "非垃圾" msgctxt "site" msgid "Spam" msgstr "垃圾" msgid "" "You do not have sufficient permissions to deactivate plugins for this site." msgstr "你沒有權限停用此網誌的外掛。" msgid "" "You do not have sufficient permissions to activate plugins for this site." msgstr "你沒有權限啟用此網誌的外掛。" msgid "No sites found." msgstr "沒有符合條件的網誌。" msgctxt "verb; site" msgid "Archive" msgstr "彙整" msgid "" "Error: This username is invalid because it uses illegal " "characters. Please enter a valid username." msgstr "" "錯誤: 由於使用了不合法的字元,因此這個使用者名稱無效。請輸入" "有效的使用者名稱。" msgid "— No role for this site —" msgstr "— 此網站沒有角色區分 —" msgid "New WordPress Site" msgstr "新 WordPress 網站" msgid "+ %s" msgstr "+ %s" msgid "Show advanced menu properties" msgstr "顯示進階選單設定" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Not Spam" msgstr "非垃圾" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Spam" msgstr "垃圾" msgid "Label" msgstr "標籤" msgid "WordPress Blog" msgstr "WordPress Blog" msgid "My Site" msgid_plural "My Sites" msgstr[0] "我的網站" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts or drafts on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得在這個網站建立文章或草稿。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create pages on this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得在這個網站建立頁面。" msgid "Custom site suspended message." msgstr "自訂網站中止訊息。" msgid "Custom site inactive message." msgstr "自訂網站未啟用訊息。" msgid "Custom site deleted message." msgstr "自訂網站已刪除訊息。" msgid "Importing %s…" msgstr "%s匯入中…" msgid "Importing tag %s…" msgstr "匯入標籤%s ..." msgid "Importing category %s…" msgstr "匯入分類%s..." msgid "" "Howdy! Upload your WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) file and we’ll import " "the posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags into this " "site." msgstr "" "你好,請上傳 WordPress eXtended RSS 格式檔案 (WXR 格式,副檔名為 .xml),匯入" "器會將文章、頁面、迴響、自訂欄位、分類以及標籤匯入這個網站中。" msgid "" "Howdy! This importer allows you to extract posts from an RSS 2.0 file into " "your WordPress site. This is useful if you want to import your posts from a " "system that is not handled by a custom import tool. Pick an RSS file to " "upload and click Import." msgstr "" "你好,這個匯入程式能從 RSS 2.0 檔案擷取文章並匯入 WordPress 網站中。如果要從" "不提供自訂匯入程式的系統匯入當中的文章,這個匯入程式便相當有幫助。選取要上傳" "的 RSS 檔案,然後點擊 [上傳檔案並匯入]。" msgid "Comments on “%s”" msgstr "「%s」的留言" msgid "" "This will restore the original background image. You will not be able to " "restore any customizations." msgstr "這將還原為原來的背景圖片。你將無法還原任何自訂設定。" msgid "" "If you have posts or comments in another system, WordPress can import those " "into this site. To get started, choose a system to import from below:" msgstr "" "若是你在其他系統中有文章或者留言,WordPress 能夠將它們匯入到現在的網站。要開" "始,請選擇下列你想要匯入的系統:" msgid "Show for comments" msgstr "針對留言顯示" msgid "Show for pages" msgstr "針對網頁顯示" msgid "Show for posts" msgstr "針對文章顯示" msgid "Filter by category" msgstr "按分類篩選" msgid "Custom Logo" msgstr "自訂 Logo" msgid "Words" msgstr "字" msgid "Translator" msgstr "筆譯" msgid "Display type" msgstr "顯示類型" msgid "Site Information" msgstr "較多資訊" msgid "Default Style" msgstr "預設樣式" msgid "Please enter a valid email address." msgstr "請輸入有效的電郵地址。" msgid "100GB" msgstr "100GB" msgid "50GB" msgstr "50GB" msgid "← Previous" msgstr "← 上一篇" msgid "Primary Menu" msgstr "主選單" msgid "Secondary menu" msgstr "次要選單" msgid "Author Grid" msgstr "作者網格" msgid "Show a grid of author avatar images." msgstr "顯示作者頭像圖片網格。" msgid "Display higher quality video by default." msgstr "依預設顯示較高品質的影片。" msgid "Unique ID" msgstr "唯一身份" msgid "" "The Site address you entered did not appear to be a valid URL. Please enter " "a valid URL." msgstr "你輸入的網站網址並非正確格式。請輸入正確的網址。" msgid "" "The WordPress address you entered did not appear to be a valid URL. Please " "enter a valid URL." msgstr "你輸入的 WordPress 網址並非正確網址。請輸入正確的網址。" msgid "A term with the name provided already exists with this parent." msgstr "使用該名字的項目已存在於它的上層。" msgid "A term with the provided name already exists." msgstr "已存在包含你所提供名稱的字詞。" msgid "The given object ID is not that of a menu item." msgstr "物件 ID 並不是選單項目。" msgid "" "The email address entered did not appear to be a valid email address. Please " "enter a valid email address." msgstr "輸入的電郵地址並有的電郵地址,請輸入有效的電郵地址。" msgid "The menu item has been successfully deleted." msgstr "選單項目已成功刪除。" msgid "Original" msgstr "原始" msgid "CSS Classes" msgstr "CSS 類別" msgid "Navigation Label" msgstr "導覽命名" msgid "Move up" msgstr "上移" msgid "Move down" msgstr "下移" msgid "No items." msgstr "無項目。" msgid "Custom Link" msgstr "自訂連結" msgid "Show Comments" msgstr "顯示留言" msgid "Required" msgstr "必填" msgid "" "An error occurred adding you to this site. Go to the homepage." msgstr "將你加入此網站時發生錯誤。回到選項頁面。" msgid "" "There’s %1$s comment in your spam queue right now." msgid_plural "" "There are %1$s comments in your spam queue right now." msgstr[0] "現在有 %1$s 則留言在你的垃圾清單中。" msgid "Akismet Stats" msgstr "Akismet 統計" msgid "No problem" msgstr "沒問題!" msgid " Announcement" msgstr " 公告" msgid "Akismet has detected a problem." msgstr "Akismet 偵測到一個問題。" msgid "" "Your web host or server administrator has disabled PHP’s " "gethostbynamel function. Akismet cannot work correctly " "until this is fixed. Please contact your web host or firewall " "administrator and give them this " "information about Akismet’s system requirements." msgstr "" "你的網頁主機商或伺服器管理員已停用 PHP 的 gethostbynamel 功能。" "在修正此問題之前,Akismet 將無法正常運作。請聯絡你的網頁主機" "商或防火牆管理員,並向他們提供這項關於 " "Akismet 系統需求的資訊。" msgid "Network functions are disabled." msgstr "網誌網路功能已被停用。" msgid "The key you entered is invalid. Please double-check it." msgstr "你輸入的鑰匙並不正確。請再確認一次。" msgid "Background Image" msgstr "背景圖片" msgid "Current Page" msgstr "當前頁面" msgid "Please provide a custom field name." msgstr "請提供自訂欄位的名稱。" msgid "Remove Image" msgstr "移除圖片" msgid "Display Options" msgstr "顯示設定" msgid "Upload Image" msgstr "上載圖片" msgid "Your email address will not be published." msgstr "你的電郵地址並不會被公開。" msgid "Navigation Menus" msgstr "導覽選單" msgid "Navigation Menu Item" msgstr "導覽選單項目" msgid "Navigation Menu Items" msgstr "導覽選單項目" msgid "File canceled." msgstr "檔案已取消。" msgid "" "This feature requires inline frames. You have iframes disabled or your " "browser does not support them." msgstr "這項功能需要 iframe。你停用了 iframe 功能或者你的瀏覽器不支援它們。" msgid "Pending (%s)" msgid_plural "Pending (%s)" msgstr[0] "待審核 (%s)" msgid "Revision" msgstr "版本" msgid "Edit Menu Item" msgstr "編輯選單項目" msgid "Links for %s" msgstr "「%s」的連結" msgid "This email address is already registered." msgstr "這個電子郵件信箱已經註冊過了。" msgid "Error: Your account has been marked as a spammer." msgstr "錯誤:這個帳戶已標示為垃圾留言帳戶。" msgid "Confirmed (%s)" msgid_plural "Confirmed (%s)" msgstr[0] "已確認(%s)" msgid "Drafts (%s)" msgid_plural "Drafts (%s)" msgstr[0] "草稿 (%s)" msgid "Add to Menu" msgstr "新增至選單" msgid "Create Menu" msgstr "建立選單" msgid "Title Attribute" msgstr "標題屬性" msgid "Delete Menu" msgstr "刪除選單" msgid "Video Details" msgstr "影片資訊" msgid "Back" msgstr "上一頁" msgid "Featured Image" msgstr "特色圖片" msgid "Edit Site" msgstr "編輯網站" msgid "— Select —" msgstr "— 選擇 —" msgid "A valid URL was not provided." msgstr "網址不正確。" msgid "No menus have been created yet. Create some." msgstr "仍未有選單被新增。新增一些。" msgid "This is the short link." msgstr "這是短網址。" msgid "Taxonomy:" msgstr "分類法:" msgid "Navigation Menu" msgstr "導覽選單" msgid "Select Menu:" msgstr "選擇選單:" msgid "Menus" msgstr "選單" msgid "Comments on %s" msgstr "%s 的相關評論" msgid "Site Title" msgstr "網站標題" msgid "My Sites" msgstr "我的網站" msgid "Sites" msgstr "網站" msgid "Revisions" msgstr "文章版本" msgid "1 page not updated, somebody is editing it." msgstr "一個頁面未更新,有其他人正在編輯中。" msgid "Menu Settings" msgstr "選單設定" msgid "User deleted." msgstr "使用者已刪除。" msgid "Enter title here" msgstr "請輸入標題" msgid "Primary Site" msgstr "主網站" msgid "MB (Leave blank for network default)" msgstr "MB(留空白則使用網路預設值)" msgid "Global Settings" msgstr "全域設定" msgid "Updates %s" msgstr "更新 %s" msgid "You have %1$s and %2$s." msgstr "你有 %1$s 與 %2$s。" msgid "Storage Space" msgstr "儲存空間" msgid "User deletion is not allowed from this screen." msgstr "不可自本畫面摻除使用者。" msgid "No thanks, do not remind me again" msgstr "不,謝謝,別再提醒我" msgid "Your chosen password." msgstr "你所選擇的密碼。" msgid "Yes, take me to my profile page" msgstr "是,請帶我到個人資訊頁面" msgid "Error in moving to Trash." msgstr "移至回收桶時發生錯誤。" msgid "Page saved." msgstr "頁面已儲存。" msgid "Important:" msgstr "重要:" msgid "items" msgstr "項目" msgid "The menu has been successfully deleted." msgstr "選單已成功刪除。" msgid "" "The miscellaneous options group has been removed. Use another settings group." msgstr "其他選項群組已被移除。使用另一個設定群組。" msgid "Save Menu" msgstr "儲存選單" msgid "CSS Classes (optional)" msgstr "CSS 類別(可不填)" msgid "This resulted in an error message: %s" msgstr "測試結果錯誤訊息為:%s" msgid "You must provide a valid email address." msgstr "你必須輸入正確的電子郵件信箱。" msgid "You must provide a domain name." msgstr "你必須輸入網域名稱。" msgid "Notice:" msgstr "注意:" msgid "This timezone does not observe daylight saving time." msgstr "此時區並無日光節約時間。" msgid "Please enter a valid menu name." msgstr "請輸入正確的選單名稱。" msgid "Advanced caching plugin." msgstr "進階快取外掛。" msgid "Custom maintenance message." msgstr "自訂維護訊息。" msgid "External object cache." msgstr "外部物件快取。" msgid "Skip Confirmation Email" msgstr "略過確認郵件" msgid "" "You attempted to edit an item that does not exist. Perhaps it was deleted?" msgstr "你嘗試編輯一個不存在的項目。或許它已經被刪除了?" msgid "Update Services" msgstr "更新服務" msgid "Port" msgstr "連接埠" msgid "Mail Server" msgstr "郵件伺服器" msgid "Configuring this is optional. By default, it should be blank." msgstr "此選項可不填,預設為空白。" msgid "Full URL path to files" msgstr "完整的檔案網址" msgid "Anyone can register" msgstr "任何人皆可註冊" msgid "Membership" msgstr "成員資格" msgid "Could not fully remove the theme %s." msgstr "無法完全移除佈景主題 %s。" msgid "— No Change —" msgstr "— 無變更 —" msgid "Bulk Edit" msgstr "批次編輯" msgid "Auto Draft" msgstr "自動草稿" msgid "Could not fully remove the plugins %s." msgstr "無法完全移除外掛 %s。" msgid "The plugin generated unexpected output." msgstr "該外掛產生未預期的輸出。" msgid "_none — same window or tab." msgstr "_none — 同個視窗或分頁。" msgid "_top — current window or tab, with no frames." msgstr "_top — 現在的視窗或分頁,無頁框。" msgid "_blank — new window or tab." msgstr "_blank — 新視窗或分頁。" msgid "Previously edited copies of the image will not be deleted." msgstr "先前已編輯的圖片拷貝並不會被刪除。" msgid "Could not copy file." msgstr "無法複製檔案。" msgid "Filesystem error." msgstr "檔案系統錯誤。" msgid "Items deleted." msgstr "項目已刪除。" msgid "Item not added." msgstr "並沒有新增項目。" msgid "Item updated." msgstr "項目已更新。" msgid "Item deleted." msgstr "項目已刪除。" msgid "Item added." msgstr "項目已新增。" msgid "Page updated." msgstr "頁面已更新。" msgid "Item not updated." msgstr "項目並未更新。" msgid "Your email address." msgstr "你的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Edit User %s" msgstr "編輯使用者 %s" msgid "Sorry, usernames may not contain the character “_”!" msgstr "抱歉,使用者帳戶不可含有字元「_」!" msgid "" "Logged in as %2$s. Log out?" msgstr "" "已登入為 %2$s登" "出?" msgid "Some attachments were rejected:" msgstr "部分附件遭拒絕:" msgid "You are not allowed to move this item out of the Trash." msgstr "你不可將此項目移出回收桶。" msgid "Daylight saving time begins on: %s." msgstr "日光節約時間開始於:%s。" msgid "Site Address" msgstr "網誌位址" msgid "Unarchive" msgstr "取消彙整" msgid "Archived" msgstr "彙整" msgid "Network Admin Email" msgstr "網誌網路管理員信箱" msgid "%d WordPress Update" msgstr "%d 個 WordPress 更新" msgid "View %s" msgstr "檢視 %s" msgid "Menu Item" msgstr "選單項目" msgid "Done!" msgstr "完成!" msgid "Edit: %s" msgstr "編輯:%s" msgid "Error in restoring from Trash." msgstr "自回收桶恢復時發生錯誤。" msgid "You are not allowed to move this item to the Trash." msgstr "你不可將本項目移至回收桶。" msgid "Install Themes" msgstr "安裝佈景主題" msgid "Add %s" msgstr "新增%s" msgid "Default Mail Category" msgstr "預設郵件發佈文章分類" msgid "Post via email" msgstr "透過電子郵件發佈文章" msgid "User deleted" msgstr "使用者已刪除" msgid "%s updated successfully." msgstr "%s 升級成功。" msgid "The update of %s failed." msgstr "外掛 %s 升級失敗。" msgid "Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the post" msgstr "嘗試通知網站內容中所連結的任何網站" msgid "Deleted (%s)" msgid_plural "Deleted (%s)" msgstr[0] "已刪除 (%s)" msgid "Your media upload" msgstr "你的媒體上載" msgid "The following attachments were uploaded:" msgstr "下列附件已上載:" msgid "Document (%s)" msgid_plural "Documents (%s)" msgstr[0] "文件 (%s)" msgid "Upload Plugins" msgstr "上載外掛程式" msgid "Store uploads in this folder" msgstr "上載的檔案將儲存於此目錄" msgid "Uploading Files" msgstr "上載檔案" msgid "Link Target" msgstr "連結開啟目標" msgid "Missing email address." msgstr "電子郵件地址未填。" msgid "Site Upload Space Quota" msgstr "網站上載空間額度" msgid "Refunded (%s)" msgid_plural "Refunded (%s)" msgstr[0] "(%s) 個已退費" msgid "Add new %s" msgstr "新增 %s" msgid "Update %s" msgstr "更新 %s" msgid "All %s" msgstr "所有 %s" msgid "New %s" msgstr "新增%s" msgid "The name is how it appears on your site." msgstr "在這個欄位中輸入的內容,就是這個項目在網站上的顯示名稱。" msgid "[%s] New Site Created" msgstr "已新增 [%s] 網誌" msgid "You have used your space quota. Please delete files before uploading." msgstr "你已經用完了你的空間配額。請先刪除其它檔案再繼續上載。" msgid "This address is used for admin purposes, like new user notification." msgstr "此地址用於管理用途,例如新使用者通知。" msgid "Invalid email address." msgstr "電郵地址無效。" msgid "Network Admin" msgstr "網絡管理" msgid "Could not calculate resized image dimensions" msgstr "無法計算調整後的圖片大小" msgid "%d Theme Update" msgid_plural "%d Theme Updates" msgstr[0] "更新 %d 個佈景主題" msgid "%d Plugin Update" msgid_plural "%d Plugin Updates" msgstr[0] "更新 %d 個外掛" msgid "Automatically add paragraphs" msgstr "自動增加段落" msgid "Site: %s" msgstr "網站:%s" msgid "" "Warning! User cannot be deleted. The user %s is a network administrator." msgstr "警告!使用者無法刪除。使用者 %s 是網絡管理員。" msgid "Delete My Site Permanently" msgstr "永久刪除我的網站" msgid "" "I'm sure I want to permanently delete my site, and I am aware I can never " "get it back or use %s again." msgstr "確定永久刪除這個網站,並清楚了解無法取回已刪除的網站或再次使用 %s。" msgid "Remember, once deleted your site cannot be restored." msgstr "請注意,此網站一經刪除便無法還原。" msgid "" "If you do not want to use your %s site any more, you can delete it using the " "form below. When you click Delete My Site Permanently you " "will be sent an email with a link in it. Click on this link to delete your " "site." msgstr "" "若你再也不想使用你的網站 %s,你可以使用下方的表單刪除它。當你點擊永久" "刪除我的網站後你將會收到一封內含連結的電子郵件。點擊該連結以刪除你的" "網站。" msgid "" "Thank you for using %s, your site has been deleted. Happy trails to you " "until we meet again." msgstr "感謝你使用 %s,你的網站已經被刪除。祝你一路順風,下次再見。" msgid "You must be a member of at least one site to use this page." msgstr "你必須至少為一個網站成員才能使用本頁面。" msgid "The primary site you chose does not exist." msgstr "你選擇的主要網站並不存在。" msgid "User added." msgstr "使用者已新增。" msgid "Delete Site" msgstr "刪除網站" msgid "Search Sites" msgstr "搜尋網站" msgid "Create a New User" msgstr "新增使用者" msgid "%s site" msgid_plural "%s sites" msgstr[0] "%s 個網站" msgid "%s user" msgid_plural "%s users" msgstr[0] "%s 個使用者" msgid "Create a New Site" msgstr "建立一個新網站" msgid "That user is already a member of this site." msgstr "這個使用者已是這個網站的成員。" msgid "User has been added to your site." msgstr "使用者已新增至這個網站。" msgid "" "Invitation email sent to user. A confirmation link must be clicked for them " "to be added to your site." msgstr "" "已將邀請電子郵件傳送至使用者。使用者必須先點擊電子郵件中的確認連結,才能正式" "加入網站。" msgid "" "This will remove the background image. You will not be able to restore any " "customizations." msgstr "這將移除背景圖片。你將無法還原任何自訂設定。" msgid "Usernames cannot be changed." msgstr "使用者名稱無法變更。" msgid "Site visibility" msgstr "網站可見度" msgid "In a few words, explain what this site is about." msgstr "請用簡單幾字說明此網站是關於什麼。" msgid "Updating Theme %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)" msgstr "正在更新佈景主題 %1$s(%2$d/%3$d)" msgid "" "You can still use your site but any subdomain you create may not be " "accessible. If you know your DNS is correct, ignore this message." msgstr "" "你仍可使用你的網站但任何你建立的子網域有可能無法連結。若你瞭解你的 DNS 資訊正" "確,請忽略這則訊息。" msgid "You must provide a name for your network of sites." msgstr "你必須輸入網絡的名稱。" msgid "Updating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)" msgstr "正在升級外掛 %1$s(%2$d/%3$d)" msgid "User already exists. Password inherited." msgstr "這個使用者已存在,將會沿用現有密碼。" msgid "Executed before Multisite is loaded." msgstr "於多網站載入前執行。" msgid "This comment is already marked as spam." msgstr "已標記此留言為垃圾。" msgid "This comment is already in the Trash." msgstr "本則留言已在垃圾桶內。" msgid "This comment is already approved." msgstr "本則留言已被核准。" msgid "This comment is currently in the Trash." msgstr "本則留言現時在垃圾桶內。" msgid "This comment is currently marked as spam." msgstr "本則留言已被標記為垃圾。" msgid "This comment is currently approved." msgstr "本則留言現已被核准。" msgid "" "Invitation email sent to new user. A confirmation link must be clicked " "before their account is created." msgstr "" "已將邀請電子郵件傳送至新使用者。新使用者必須先點擊電子郵件中的確認連結,才能" "在網站內正式建立帳戶。" msgid "[%s] Joining Confirmation" msgstr "《%s》通知:確認加入網站使用者" msgid "" "You cannot edit this item because it is in the Trash. Please restore it and " "try again." msgstr "因為此項目在垃圾桶中,你無法編輯。請從垃圾桶還原並再試一次。" msgid "Login Name" msgstr "登入使用者名稱" msgid "Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders" msgstr "為上載的檔案建立以月份及年份命名的資料夾" msgid "New User Default Role" msgstr "新使用者的預設使用者角色" msgid "Visit" msgstr "訪問" msgid "Multisite support is not enabled." msgstr "多網站支援並未啟用。" msgid "Just another %s site" msgstr "全新的 香港中文版 WordPress 網站 %s" msgid "Empty archive." msgstr "空的壓縮檔案。" msgid "No comments found." msgstr "找不到留言。" msgid "View emails" msgstr "檢視電子郵件" msgid "" "The description will be displayed in the menu if the active theme supports " "it." msgstr "若啟用的佈景主題提供支援,則選單中會顯示該描述。" msgid "" "This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this, an email will " "be sent to your new address to confirm it. The new address will not " "become active until confirmed." msgstr "" "這個電子郵件地址用於管理目的。如果變更了這項設定,系統會傳送一封電子郵件至新" "地址進行確認。在完成確認前,無法使用新的電子郵件地址。" msgid "No plugins found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的外掛。" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Pending (%s)" msgid_plural "Pending (%s)" msgstr[0] "待審中 (%s)" msgid "Spreadsheet (%s)" msgid_plural "Spreadsheets (%s)" msgstr[0] "試算表 (%s)" msgctxt "page" msgid "Use as featured image" msgstr "設為特選圖片" msgid "New Navigation Menu" msgstr "新增導覽選單" msgid "" "Function %1$s was called with an argument that is deprecated since version %2$s with no alternative available." msgstr "" "從 %2$s 版開始,以引數呼叫 %1$s 函式的方式已淘汰不用,且不提" "供替代方案。" msgid "" "Function %1$s was called with an argument that is deprecated since version %2$s! %3$s" msgstr "" "從 %2$s 版開始,以引數呼叫 %1$s 函式的方式已淘汰不用。%3$s" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this item." msgstr "抱歉,你不得編輯這個項目。" msgid "" "Thank you. Please check your email for a link to confirm your action. Your " "site will not be deleted until this link is clicked." msgstr "" "感謝你。請檢查你的電子郵件是否有確認用的啟用連結。你的網站將不會被刪除直到點" "擊此連結。" msgid "Not enough space to upload. %s KB needed." msgstr "沒有足夠的空間上載檔案。需要多%sKB。" msgctxt "page" msgid "Set featured image" msgstr "設定特選圖片" msgid "This file is too big. Files must be less than %s KB in size." msgstr "此檔案過大。檔案大小必須小於%sKB。" msgid "%s order not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s orders not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s 訂單未更新,有其他人正在編輯它。" msgctxt "page" msgid "Featured image" msgstr "特選圖片" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to restore this item from the Trash." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許將此項目從垃圾桶還原。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to move this item to the Trash." msgstr "抱歉,你不得將此項目移至垃圾桶。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this item." msgstr "抱歉,你不得刪除這個項目。" msgid "Processing (%s)" msgid_plural "Processing (%s)" msgstr[0] "(%s) 個處理中" msgctxt "post" msgid "Use as featured image" msgstr "設為特選圖片" msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "General" msgstr "一般" msgctxt "column name" msgid "Title" msgstr "標題" msgctxt "link" msgid "Add New" msgstr "新增連結" msgctxt "post" msgid "Set featured image" msgstr "設定特選圖片" msgctxt "posts" msgid "Mine (%s)" msgid_plural "Mine (%s)" msgstr[0] "我的 (%s)" msgctxt "post" msgid "Featured image" msgstr "特選圖片" msgid "Reach out to your own subscribers with" msgstr "觸及你的 訂閱者。" msgid "[Subscribe] Confirmed subscription to posts on %s" msgstr "[訂閱] 已確認訂閱 %s 的文章" msgid "" "Reply to the email with 'unsubscribe %s' as the email subject or first line " "of the body (also including this one)" msgstr "" "使用「取消訂閱 %s」作為電子郵件主旨或內文的第一行,回覆電子郵件 (包括本電子郵" "件)" msgid "[edit]" msgstr "[編輯]" msgid "More" msgstr "更多" msgid "Tag:" msgid_plural "Tags:" msgstr[0] "標籤:" msgid "Review Settings" msgstr "檢閱設定" msgid "" "Alternatively you can reply to this email with confirm as the " "subject or first line of the body." msgstr "" "或者,你也可以使用確認作為主旨或內文的第一行,回覆本電子郵件。" msgid "Visit your subscription dashboard and unsubscribe from there" msgstr "前往訂閱控制台,從該處即可取消訂閱" msgid "" "You can cancel your subscription at any time by following one of these " "options:" msgstr "你可以遵循下列任一選項,隨時取消訂閱:" msgid "How do I cancel my subscription?" msgstr "如何取消訂閱?" msgid "Subscribed!" msgstr "已訂閱!" msgid "Subscription Help" msgstr "訂閱說明" msgid "[Subscribe] Failed To Confirm Unsubscription" msgstr "[訂閱] 無法確認取消訂閱" msgid "" "You have not been unsubscribed from your subscription. Please try again." msgstr "你尚未完成取消訂閱。請再試一次。" msgid "Failed to confirm unsubscription" msgstr "無法確認取消訂閱" msgid "[Subscribe] Failed To Confirm Subscription" msgstr "[訂閱] 無法確認訂閱" msgid "" "Your subscription details have expired or are invalid. Please try " "subscribing again." msgstr "你的訂閱詳細資料已到期或無效。請再次嘗試訂閱。" msgid "Failed to confirm subscription" msgstr "無法確認訂閱" msgid "" "Alternatively you can reply to this email with \"confirm\" as the subject or " "first line of the body." msgstr "或者,你也可以在主旨或內文的第一行輸入「確認」一詞,回覆本電子郵件。" msgid "" "Send any of the following commands in the subject or first line of an email " "to %s." msgstr "" "在電子郵件的主旨或內文第一行中輸入下列任一指令,並將電子郵件傳送至 %s。" msgid "Your subscriptions" msgstr "你的訂閱" msgid "sent weekly" msgstr "每週傳送" msgid "sent daily" msgstr "每日傳送" msgid "sent immediately" msgstr "立即發送" msgid "Search..." msgstr "搜尋..." msgid "No Comments »" msgstr "無回應 »" msgid "My Public Profile" msgstr "我的公開檔案" msgid "My Profile" msgstr "我的個人檔案" msgid "Content:" msgstr "內容:" msgid "Project" msgstr "產品" msgid "Locate" msgstr "尋找" msgid "Create a New Post" msgstr "建立新文章" msgctxt "locales" msgid "%1$s/%2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s " msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s" msgstr "%1$s、%2$s 及 %3$s" msgid "Translation" msgstr "翻譯" msgid "Waiting" msgstr "正在等待" msgid "New link" msgstr "新增連結" msgid "Original string" msgstr "原文內容" msgid "Welcome, %s" msgstr "歡迎,%s" msgid "Product not found." msgstr "找不到產品。" msgid "Priority" msgstr "優先度" msgid "Sample:" msgstr "樣本:" msgid "Parent product" msgstr "上層商品" msgid "Permissions" msgstr "權限" msgid "Create" msgstr "建立表格" msgid "Priority." msgstr "優先順序。" msgid "New E-mail: %s" msgstr "新E-mail位址: %s" msgid "Color scheme" msgstr "顏色配置" msgid "Checking" msgstr "檢查" msgid "Importing…" msgstr "正在匯入……" msgid "Shipping:" msgstr "運送方式:" msgid "Read %s" msgstr "讀取 %s" msgid "Link ID" msgstr "連結 ID" msgid "Link rating" msgstr "連結評分" msgid "Link title" msgstr "連結名稱" msgid "Edit DNS" msgstr "修改DNS" msgid "" "Your nameservers need to be set to NS1.WORDPRESS.COM and NS2.WORDPRESS.COM " "for these DNS records to work. If you have already updated the nameservers " "you can ignore this message; it will stop appearing soon." msgstr "" "你的名稱伺服器必須設為 NS1.WORDPRESS.COM 和 NS2.WORDPRESS.COM,才能讓這些 " "DNS 記錄運作。如果你已經更新名稱伺服器,你可以忽略此訊息;此訊息很快就會停止" "顯示。" msgid "Domain: %s" msgstr "網域:%s" msgid "Google Apps" msgstr "Google Apps" msgid "%s does not match any of the expected formats." msgstr "%s 與任何預期的格式均不符合。" msgid "This slideshow requires JavaScript." msgstr "這個slideshow需要JavaScript。" msgid "Click to view slideshow." msgstr "按一下以檢視投影片。" msgid "Account Details" msgstr "帳戶詳細資料" msgid "Current Gravatar" msgstr "現在用的大頭貼" msgid "A Semantic Personal Publishing Platform" msgstr "語意式個人出版平台" msgid "(hidden)" msgstr "(已隱藏)" msgid "hide" msgstr "隱藏" msgid "Remove this service from your profile?" msgstr "從你的個人資料中刪除這項服務?" msgid "Delete this link from your profile?" msgstr "從你的個人資料中刪除此連結?" msgid "Personal Settings" msgstr "個人設定" msgid "Remote server did not respond" msgstr "遠端伺服器沒有回應" msgid "" "Comment metadata downloaded successfully, proceeding with comment bodies..." msgstr "留言中繼資料已下載成功,目前正在處理留言內容…" msgid "This timezone is currently in daylight saving time." msgstr "時區正在日光節約時間。" msgid "Exclude Pages" msgstr "排除页面" msgid "Exclude Posts" msgstr "排除文章" msgid "Extra Settings" msgstr "設定" msgid "That's it. Thanks!" msgstr "就是這樣。謝謝!" msgid "Take our Survey!" msgstr "填寫問卷!" msgid "Top Rated" msgstr "最高評分" msgid "A list of your top rated posts, pages or comments." msgstr "你評分最高的文章、網頁或留言清單。" msgid "CSS Stylesheet Editor" msgstr "CSS 樣式編輯器" msgid "Comment Reply via Email" msgstr "透過電子郵件回覆留言" msgid "Sunset" msgstr "日落" msgid "One response to %s" msgstr "%s 有一則回應" msgid "Search results for \"%s\"" msgstr "「%s」的搜尋結果" msgid "Responses to %s" msgstr "〈%s〉的留言" msgid "Header updated. Visit your site to see how it looks." msgstr "頁首已更新。 檢視你的網誌看看它如何。" msgid "Text & Image Links" msgstr "文字和圖片連結" msgid "Image Link" msgstr "圖片連結" msgid "Text Link" msgstr "文字連結" msgid "Posts & Comments" msgstr "文章及評論" msgid "Search Terms" msgstr "搜尋字詞" msgid "per year" msgstr "每年" msgid "per day" msgstr "每天" msgid "" "You have purchased this product permanently. There is no subscription to " "renew" msgstr "你已永久購買此產品。不需要更新訂閱" msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "發生不明的錯誤。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Read original post" msgstr "閱讀原始文章" msgid "Scroll" msgstr "捲動" msgid "Tile" msgstr "並列重複" msgid "Repeat" msgstr "重複" msgid "Fixed" msgstr "固定" msgid "Attachment" msgstr "附件" msgid "Read more…" msgstr "繼續閱讀…" msgid "QRCode" msgstr "QRCode" msgid "" "Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a " "WordPress export file." msgstr "從 WordPress 匯出檔案匯入文章、頁面、留言、自訂欄位、分類及標籤。" msgid "In response to" msgstr "回應目標" msgid "H:i" msgstr "H:i" msgid "[Subscribe] Change Subscription Address" msgstr "[訂閱] 變更訂閱地址" msgid "You are not subscribed to \"%s\"." msgstr "你尚未訂閱「%s」。" msgid "You do not have access to \"%s\" and so cannot subscribe." msgstr "你沒有「%s」的存取權,因此無法訂閱。" msgid "You are already subscribed to \"%s\"!" msgstr "你已經訂閱「%s」!" msgid "You are already subscribed" msgstr "你已訂閱成功" msgid "[Subscribe] Unsubscribe from %s" msgstr "[訂閱] 取消訂閱 %s" msgid "" "If you did not request this action please disregard this message. You can " "block further messages by clicking on 'Manage Subscriptions' and changing " "your settings." msgstr "" "如果你未要求此動作,請忽略此訊息。按一下「管理訂閱」並變更設定,即可封鎖日後" "其他訊息。" msgid "You have requested to stop receiving email notifications from %s." msgstr "你已要求停止接收來自 %s 的電子郵件通知。" msgid "Unsubscribe from %s" msgstr "取消訂閱 %s" msgid "[Subscribe] Error Unsubscribing" msgstr "[訂閱] 取消訂閱時發生錯誤" msgid "" "Please check the URL for mistakes. An example unsubscribe command should " "look like:" msgstr "請檢查網址是否有誤。下列為取消訂閱命令的類似範例:" msgid "" "Your attempt to unsubscribe from the URL \"%s\" failed as this is not a " "valid URL." msgstr "你嘗試取消訂閱網址「%s」失敗,因為這是無效的 網址。" msgid "Failed to unsubscribe" msgstr "取消訂閱失敗" msgid "[Subscribe] Error Subscribing" msgstr "[訂閱] 訂閱時發生錯誤" msgid "" "Please check the URL for mistakes. An example subscribe command should look " "like:" msgstr "請檢查網址是否有誤。下列為訂閱命令的類似範例:" msgid "" "Your attempt to subscribe to the URL \"%s\" failed as this is not a valid " " URL." msgstr "你嘗試訂閱網址「%s」失敗,因為這是無效的 網址。" msgid "Failed to subscribe" msgstr "無法訂閱" msgid "[Subscribe] Help" msgstr "〔訂閱〕說明" msgid "show you what subscriptions you currently have" msgstr "顯示你目前訂閱的項目" msgid "" "unsubscribe from a site, where [URL] is the URL of the site (e." "g." msgstr "" "取消訂閱網站,其中 [URL] 為 站台的網址 (例如" "" msgid "" "subscribe to a site, where [URL] is the URL of the site (e.g. " "" msgstr "" "訂閱網站,其中 [URL] 為 站台的網址 (例如" "com)" msgid "this help information" msgstr "本說明資訊" msgid " Subscription Management Help" msgstr " 訂閱管理說明" msgid "[Subscribe] Your Subscriptions" msgstr "[訂閱] 你的訂閱" msgid "You are subscribed to the following blogs:" msgstr "你已訂閱下列網誌:" msgid "You are not subscribed to any blogs." msgstr "你尚未訂閱任何 網誌。" msgid "Site" msgstr "網站" msgid "URL: %2$s" msgstr "URL︰%2$s " msgid "Cancel reply" msgstr "取消回覆" msgid "Remove Background Image" msgstr "移除背景圖片" msgid "Custom Background" msgstr "自訂背景" msgid "Select background image" msgstr "選取背景圖片" msgid "" "Background updated. Visit your site to see how it looks." msgstr "背景已更新。 檢視你的網誌看看它如何。" msgid "What size photos would you like to display?" msgstr "你想要顯示哪種大小的照片?" msgid "How many photos would you like to display?" msgstr "你想要顯示幾張相片?" msgid "Your changes have been saved." msgstr "你的變更已儲存" msgid "View all pages" msgstr "檢視所有頁面" msgid "by " msgstr "by " msgid "[%s] Password Changed" msgstr "[%s] 密碼已變更" msgid "Please select a blog you would like to upgrade to %s" msgstr "請選擇你想升級為%s的網誌" msgid "Poll style" msgstr "投票樣式" msgid "Save Options" msgstr "儲存選項" msgid "Percentages" msgstr "百分比" msgid "Cookie" msgstr "Cookie" msgid "%d stars" msgstr "%d 星" msgid "%d star" msgstr "%d 星" msgid "Style" msgstr "樣式" msgid "%d month" msgstr "%d 月" msgid "%d week" msgstr "%d 週" msgid "%d day" msgid_plural "%d days" msgstr[0] "%d 天" msgid "%d hours" msgstr "%d 個小時" msgid "Please choose a style." msgstr "請選擇一種風格。" msgid "Expires: " msgstr "到期日:" msgid "Custom Style" msgstr "自訂樣式" msgid "%d hour" msgstr "%d 小時" msgid "Options Updated." msgstr "全部設定。" msgid "j F, Y H:i" msgstr "j F, Y H:i" msgid "" "Some attachments were rejected from the following Post by " "Email:" msgstr "以下WordPress.com電子郵件發佈文章的部分附件遭回絕:" msgid "Failed attachments for %s" msgstr "無法在 %s 附加檔案" msgid "Link to:" msgstr "連結到:" msgid "Upgrade cancelled and refunded" msgstr "升級已取消並已退款" msgid "" "The transaction cannot complete successfully. Possible causes are: 1. Your " "card has failed a CVV2 check at least six times within a 30 day period; 2. " "The billing address you provided does not match the billing address of your " "card. Please double check your CVV2 code and billing address." msgstr "" "交易無法順利完成。可能的原因有:1.在過去 30 天內,你的信用卡至少有六次未通過 " "CVV2 檢查;2.你提供的帳單地址和信用卡的帳單地址不相符。請再次檢查 CVV2 代碼和" "帳單地址。" msgid "Logged in as:" msgstr "已使用以下身分登入:" msgid "No comments" msgstr "無留言" msgid "Continue reading " msgstr "繼續閱讀 " msgid "Manage Subscriptions" msgstr "管理訂閱" msgid "Freshly Pressed" msgstr "熱門文章" msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "以下內容的搜尋結果:" msgid "Read %1$s on %2$s." msgstr "在 %2$s 閱讀 %1$s。" msgid "D, M j, Y" msgstr "Y 年 n 月 j 日l" msgid "Unsubscribe:" msgstr "取消訂閱:" msgid "Update your profile" msgstr "更新你的個人資料" msgid "Email Address" msgstr "電子郵件位址" msgid "All languages" msgstr "所有語言" msgid "Views per day" msgstr "每天的點閱數" msgid "Views per week" msgstr "每周點閱數" msgid "Daily Views" msgstr "每日瀏覽量" msgid "" "Click the following link or copy it into a browser. Note this link is only " "valid for %s" msgstr "按下方連結或複製到瀏覽器。請注意,此連結僅對 %s 有效" msgid "How do I confirm this subscription?" msgstr "如何確認此訂閱?" msgid "Home page" msgstr "首頁" msgid "Error: %s." msgstr "錯誤:%s。" msgid "We’re here for you" msgstr "我們很樂意為你提供協助" msgid "New" msgstr "新功能" msgid "Cannot create a user with an empty login name." msgstr "無法使用空白登入名稱新增使用者。" msgid "Unpacking the package…" msgstr "檔案解壓縮中…" msgid "Continuing in %d…" msgstr "繼續在%d ..." msgid "Continuing…" msgstr "進行中…" msgid "Threading Comments…" msgstr "巢狀留言…" msgid "Downloading Comments…" msgstr "正在下載留言…" msgid "Activate your account %s" msgstr "啟用你的 帳戶 %s" msgid "New comment" msgstr "新回應" msgid "%s rating" msgstr "%s 分" msgid "Loading" msgstr "讀取中" msgid "Category %s" msgstr "分類:%s" msgid "Updated" msgstr "已更新" msgid "Note:" msgstr "備註:" msgid "Guest" msgstr "訪客" msgid "IP" msgstr "IP 位址" msgid "Previous Page" msgstr "上一頁" msgid "Next Page" msgstr "下一頁" msgid "Post ID." msgstr "文章 ID。" msgid "Comment Author IP" msgstr "評論作者IP" msgid "New User Registration: %s" msgstr "新使用者註冊:%s" msgid "First page" msgstr "首頁" msgid "Notes Author" msgstr "筆記作者" msgid "Trash it: %s" msgstr "丟進回收桶:%s" msgid "Permanently delete comment" msgstr "永久刪除留言" msgid "You are about to move the following comment to the Trash:" msgstr "你正要將以下留言移至垃圾桶:" msgid "No results found" msgstr "找不到符合條件的搜尋結果。" msgid "Image Processing Error" msgstr "圖片處理錯誤" msgid "post" msgid_plural "posts" msgstr[0] "文章" msgid "page" msgid_plural "pages" msgstr[0] "頁面" msgid "Poster Image" msgstr "海報圖片" msgid "Read more of this post" msgstr "閱讀全文" msgid "Manage your subscriptions:" msgstr "管理你的 訂閱:" msgid "URL: %s" msgstr "連結:%s" msgid "Cancel and Refund" msgstr "取消和退款" msgid "" "You requested a refund for an upgrade. Please check your email for a message " "with a confirmation link." msgstr "" "你已針對升級提出退款要求。請查看你的電子郵件中是否有包含確認連結的郵件。" msgid "" "This post is password protected. You must visit the website and enter the " "password to continue reading." msgstr "本文章有密碼保護。請先輸入密碼登入本站以便閱讀。" msgid "of" msgstr "的" msgid "< Prev" msgstr "< 前一項" msgid "Next >" msgstr "後一項 >" msgid "Comment by %s moved to the trash." msgstr "%s 發佈的回應已被移到回收桶。" msgid "Comment by %s marked as spam." msgstr "%s 發佈的留言被標記為垃圾。" msgid "%s comment restored from the spam." msgid_plural "%s comments restored from the spam." msgstr[0] "已從垃圾留言中還原 %s 則留言。" msgid "%s comment marked as spam." msgid_plural "%s comments marked as spam." msgstr[0] "已標記 %s 則留言為垃圾。" msgid "Comments closed." msgstr "留言已關閉。" msgid "Video player" msgstr "影片播放器" msgid "Wrapper color" msgstr "包裝顏色" msgid "" "To change the default thumbnail image, play the video and click \"Capture " "Thumbnail\" button." msgstr "若要更改預設縮圖,請播放影片並點擊\"截為縮圖\"。" msgid "Location of the Ogg video file." msgstr "Ogg 影片檔的位置。" msgid "Enter your address to receive news by email." msgstr "輸入你的電子郵件信箱接收最新消息" msgid "Contact our happiness engineers" msgstr "聯絡我們的 Happiness Engineer" msgid "Welcome!" msgstr "歡迎!" msgid "Dimensions:" msgstr "分辨率:" msgid "File type:" msgstr "檔案格式:" msgid "File name:" msgstr "檔案名稱:" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Clear" msgstr "清除" msgid "Upload date:" msgstr "上載日期:" msgid "(Unattached)" msgstr "(無關聯)" msgid "" "The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show " "it." msgstr "" "[內容說明] 欄位中的資料預設不會顯示,但有些佈景主題在其版面的特定位置會顯示這" "些資料。" msgid "Notify me of new posts via email." msgstr "有新文章時用Email通知我。" msgid "Discard any changes and restore the original image." msgstr "放棄全部變更並還原原始圖片。" msgid "" "Your email address is in use by one or more other accounts. Please enter a " "unique address for this account. (Why?)" msgstr "" "已有一或多個其他帳戶使用你的電子郵件地址。請輸入專供此帳戶使用的地址。(為什麼?)" msgid "Off" msgstr "關" msgid "" "Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications " "of new posts by email." msgstr "輸入你的電子郵件地址訂閱網站的新文章,使用電子郵件接收新通知。" msgid "Email subscriptions" msgstr "電子郵件訂閱" msgid "required" msgstr "必填" msgid "Post Published" msgid_plural "Posts Published" msgstr[0] "文章已發佈" msgid "Above each comment" msgstr "以上每則回應" msgid "Loading…" msgstr "載入中…" msgid "Author: %s" msgstr "作者:%s" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with To activate your newly created " "account, please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Akismet Team" msgstr "" "你好,\n" "\n" " 感謝你的使用。要啟動你的新創的帳戶,請點擊以下連結:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Akismet Team " msgid "Comment: %s" msgstr "評論:%s" msgid "Add a comment to this post" msgstr "新增回應到此文章" msgid "Sign up to" msgstr "註冊" msgid "Map a Domain" msgstr "對應網域" msgid "Optional text to display to users:" msgstr "向非 使用者顯示的選用文字:" msgid "Optional text to display to logged in users:" msgstr "向登入 使用者顯示的選用文字:" msgid "View Poll" msgstr "檢視調查" msgid "" "You are receiving this message to confirm acceptance of " "subscriptions from %s." msgstr "你會收到本訊息,是為了確認你接受來自 %s 的 訂閱。" msgid "Howdy!" msgstr "祝一切順心!" msgid "Delivery window" msgstr "寄送時間區段" msgid "Plain text" msgstr "純文字" msgid "Email format" msgstr "電子郵件格式" msgid "Email address changed." msgstr "電子郵件地址已變更。" msgid "Comments (%d)" msgstr "留言(%d)" msgid "Immediate" msgstr "即時" msgid "Subscription Management" msgstr "訂閱管理" msgid "Weekly" msgstr "每週" msgid "Daily" msgstr "每天" msgid "Your subscription has been cancelled." msgstr "你的訂閱已刪除" msgctxt "sites" msgid "All (%s)" msgid_plural "All (%s)" msgstr[0] "全部 (%s)" msgid "Email address not changed; please try again." msgstr "電子郵件地址沒有變更;請再試一次。" msgid "Please change your email address from your profile page." msgstr "請從 的個人檔案頁面變更你的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Email address not changed. Security check required." msgstr "電子郵件地址沒有變更。必須進行安全性檢查。" msgid "Subscribed On" msgstr "訂閱日期:" msgid "You have logged in successfully." msgstr "你已登入成功。" msgid "Saving..." msgstr "儲存中..." msgid "Move to trash" msgstr "移至回收桶" msgid "Update Primary Domain" msgstr "更新主要網域" msgid "Media file permanently deleted." msgstr "媒體檔案已永久刪除。" msgid "Media file restored from the Trash." msgstr "媒體檔案已從垃圾桶還原。" msgid "Media file moved to the Trash." msgstr "媒體檔案已移至垃圾桶。" msgid "Embeds" msgstr "嵌入內容" msgid "moved to the Trash." msgstr "已移至回收桶。" msgid "Delete this page permanently?" msgstr "永久刪除此頁面?" msgid "Trash (%s)" msgid_plural "Trash (%s)" msgstr[0] "回收桶 (%s)" msgid "Insert an image from another web site" msgstr "自另外一個網站嵌入圖片" msgid "Image saved" msgstr "圖片已儲存" msgid "Unable to save the image." msgstr "無法儲存圖片。" msgid "Nothing to save, the image has not changed." msgstr "不需要儲存,該圖片沒有被修改。" msgid "" "Error while saving the scaled image. Please reload the page and try again." msgstr "儲存縮放圖片時發生錯誤。請稍後重新整理頁面試看看。" msgid "Unable to create new image." msgstr "無法產生新圖片。" msgid "Image metadata is inconsistent." msgstr "圖片資訊不一致。" msgid "Cannot save image metadata." msgstr "無法儲存圖片資訊。" msgid "Cannot load image metadata." msgstr "無法載入圖片資訊。" msgid "All sizes except thumbnail" msgstr "全部的大小,縮圖除外" msgid "All image sizes" msgstr "全部圖片大小" msgid "Apply changes to:" msgstr "套用至:" msgid "Current thumbnail" msgstr "現有縮圖" msgid "Thumbnail Settings" msgstr "縮圖設定" msgid "Selection:" msgstr "選擇:" msgid "Aspect ratio:" msgstr "長寬比:" msgid "Crop Selection" msgstr "剪裁至選取區域" msgid "Crop Aspect Ratio" msgstr "剪裁長寬比" msgid "Image restored successfully." msgstr "圖片還原成功。" msgid "Original dimensions %s" msgstr "原始大小 %s" msgid "Scale Image" msgstr "縮放圖片" msgid "Flip horizontal" msgstr "水平翻轉" msgid "Flip vertical" msgstr "垂直翻轉" msgid "Crop" msgstr "剪裁" msgid "Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image." msgstr "圖片資料不存在。請重新上載該圖片。" msgid "Restore image" msgstr "還原圖片" msgid "Restore Original Image" msgstr "還原原始圖片" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Trash" msgstr "移至垃圾桶" msgid "Move this comment to the Trash" msgstr "將此留言移至垃圾桶" msgid "Delete Permanently" msgstr "永久刪除" msgid "Empty Spam" msgstr "清空垃圾" msgid "Move to Trash" msgstr "移至回收桶" msgid "Trash" msgstr "回收桶" msgid "%s coupon restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s coupons restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 優惠券從垃圾桶回復。" msgid "%s coupon moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s coupons moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s 優惠券己移到垃圾桶。" msgid "" "Product draft updated. Preview product" msgstr "商品草稿已更新。預覽商品" msgid "" "Product scheduled for: %1$s. Preview " "product" msgstr "商品排程於%1$s上架。 預覽商品" msgid "Product submitted. Preview product" msgstr "商品已送出。預覽商品" msgid "Empty Trash" msgstr "清空垃圾桶" msgid "%s comment permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s comments permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "已永久刪除 %s 則留言" msgid "" "This comment is in the Trash. Please move it out of the Trash if you want to " "edit it." msgstr "此留言已在垃圾桶內。如果你要編輯它,請將它從垃圾桶內移出。" msgid "Ogg File URL" msgstr "Ogg 檔案網址" msgid "Enable Geotagging" msgstr "啟用位置標記" msgid "Example:" msgstr "範例:" msgid "25GB" msgstr "25GB" msgid "Unlimited Private Users" msgstr "無限制的私密使用者" msgid "State" msgstr "州/省" msgid "Name on Card" msgstr "持卡人姓名" msgid "Month" msgstr "月" msgid "" "The transaction cannot complete successfully. Please check the billing " "address and expiration date or try another card. Please contact your bank " "if you have further problems." msgstr "" "交易無法順利完成。請檢查帳單地址和到期日,或者嘗試使用其他信用卡。如果你有進" "一步的問題,請與你的銀行聯絡。" msgid "posted to " msgstr "發布到︰" msgid "Search…" msgstr "搜尋…" msgid "My Account" msgstr "我的帳戶" msgid "E-Mail" msgstr "電子郵件" msgid "Error: please fill in the required fields" msgstr "錯誤:請填寫必填欄位" msgid "Post title" msgstr "文章標題" msgid "Post Title" msgstr "文章標題" msgid "Stripe" msgstr "Stripe" msgid "" "Your subscription did not succeed, please try again with a valid email " "address." msgstr "訂閱失敗,請輸入有效的電子郵件地址並再試一次。" msgid "Enter address:" msgstr "電郵地址:" msgid "Default method" msgstr "預設方法" msgid "My location is public." msgstr "我的位置是公開的。" msgid "My Location" msgstr "我的位置" msgid "Find Address" msgstr "查找地址" msgid "Auto Detect" msgstr "自動偵測" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "深入了解" msgid "Buy now" msgstr "立即購買" msgid "Post by Voice" msgstr "用語音張貼" msgid "Get Search" msgstr "訂購搜尋服務" msgid "Show less" msgstr "顯示較少項目" msgid "Show more" msgstr "顯示更多" msgid "" "The transaction cannot complete successfully. Please check the billing " "address and expiration date. Please contact your bank if you have further " "problems." msgstr "" "交易無法順利完成。請檢查帳單地址和到期日。如果你有進一步的問題,請與你的銀行" "聯絡。" msgid "Custom Message:" msgstr "自訂訊息︰" msgid "Unsupported HTTP Method" msgstr "不支援 HTTP 方式" msgid "Allow new users to sign up" msgstr "允許新使用者註冊" msgid "Slow down cowboy, no need to check for new mails so often!" msgstr "別這麼心急,沒有必要這麼常常檢查新郵件啦!" msgid "Image" msgstr "圖片" msgid "Height:" msgstr "高:" msgid "Width:" msgstr "寬:" msgid "Midnight" msgstr "午夜藍" msgid "CSS Revisions" msgstr "CSS 修正" msgid "Domain Registration and Mapping:" msgstr "網域註冊和對應" msgid "Register domain" msgstr "註冊網域" msgid "Updated Primary Blog." msgstr "已更新主要網誌。" msgid "There was a problem renewing this domain." msgstr "更新此網域時發生問題。" msgid "This domain already exists and cannot be registered." msgstr "此網域已存在,無法註冊。" msgid "Two year subscription" msgstr "兩年期訂閱" msgid "" "This blog already has some of these upgrades. Did you mean to renew your " "subscriptions?" msgstr "此網誌已有其中部分升級。是否要更新訂閱?" msgid "The “%s” field is required." msgstr "「%s」欄位為必填。" msgid "Average Rating" msgstr "平均評分" msgid "Start Date" msgstr "開始日期" msgid "Color" msgstr "顏色" msgid "All time" msgstr "有史以來" msgid "Last 12 months" msgstr "最後12個月" msgid "Last 3 months" msgstr "最後3個月" msgid "Last 31 days" msgstr "最後31天" msgid "Last 24 hours" msgstr "最後24小時" msgid "Last 7 days" msgstr "最後7天" msgid "Line Height" msgstr "線高度" msgid "Font" msgstr "字體" msgid "Inherit" msgstr "繼承" msgid "View report" msgstr "查看報表" msgid "Custom Image" msgstr "自訂圖片" msgid "Grey" msgstr "灰色" msgid "Rating Style" msgstr "樣式評分" msgid "Hand" msgstr "手" msgid "Star Color" msgstr "星號顏色" msgid "Star Size" msgstr "星號尺寸" msgid "Rating Type" msgstr "评级类型" msgid "Small" msgstr "小型尺寸" msgid "Thank You" msgstr "感謝你" msgid "Customize Labels" msgstr "自訂標籤" msgid "Ratings" msgstr "評分" msgid "Reports" msgstr "報表" msgid "Enter a username or email address." msgstr "請輸入一個使用者名稱或電子郵件地址。" msgid "Authorize %s" msgstr "授權 %s" msgid "Publicize" msgstr "宣傳" msgid "Amount" msgstr "金額" msgid "Transaction ID:" msgstr "交易 ID:" msgid "Purchase" msgstr "購買" msgid "Product purchased." msgid_plural "%s Products purchased" msgstr[0] "已購買%s項產品。" msgid "Renewal message hidden." msgid_plural "%s Renewal messages hidden." msgstr[0] "%s條更新訊息已隱藏。" msgid "Revenue" msgstr "透過網站獲利" msgid "Permalink: %s" msgstr "固定網址:%s" msgid "Categories: %s" msgstr "分類:%s" msgid "The uploaded file could not be moved to your blog directory." msgstr "上載的檔案無法移至網誌目錄。" msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the maximum file size." msgstr "所上船的檔案超過了最大的檔案大小限制。" msgid "The specified target URL does not exist." msgstr "所指定的網址並不存在。" msgid "The source URL does not exist." msgstr "來源網址並不存在。" msgid "The pingback has already been registered." msgstr "該通告已經存在。" msgid "" "The source URL and the target URL cannot both point to the same resource." msgstr "來源網址以及目的網址不可指向同樣的地方。" msgid "Invalid post type." msgstr "不正確的文章型態。" msgid "Either there are no posts, or something went wrong." msgstr "沒有文章,或是某處發生錯誤。" msgid "Invalid comment status." msgstr "不正確的評論狀態。" msgid "Invalid comment ID." msgstr "不正確的評論編號。" msgid "Failed to delete the page." msgstr "刪除該頁面失敗。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update posts as this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許以這個使用者來更新文章。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update options." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許更新選項。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to resume this theme." msgstr "很抱歉,目前的登入身分沒有恢復使用這個佈景主題的權限。" msgid "" "The source URL does not contain a link to the target URL, and so cannot be " "used as a source." msgstr "來源網址並沒有包含目的網址的連結,所以不可當作來源。" msgid "You are not authorized to upload files to this site" msgstr "你不可上載檔案至此網誌。" msgid "Pingback from %1$s to %2$s registered. Keep the web talking! :-)" msgstr "已註冊自 %1$s 至 %2$s 的引用。Keep the web talking! :-)" msgid "Is there no link to us?" msgstr "沒有連結到我們的網站嗎?" msgid "Could not write file %1$s (%2$s)." msgstr "無法寫入檔案 %1$s (%2$s)。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to change the page author as this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許以該使用者身份變更該頁面的作者。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to change the post author as this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許以該使用者身份變更該文章的作者。" msgid "Sorry, no such post." msgstr "抱歉,沒有該文章。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access details of this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許存取這個文章的存取詳請。" msgid "About me" msgstr "關於我" msgid "Confirm" msgstr "確認" msgid "Invalid post ID." msgstr "不正確的文章編號。" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "時區" msgid "Software Name" msgstr "軟體名稱" msgid "Oops: %s" msgstr "噢噢:%s" msgid "There does not seem to be any new mail." msgstr "似乎沒有新郵件。" msgid "Registration complete. Please check your email." msgstr "註冊完畢。請檢查你的電子信箱。" msgid "Check your email for your new password." msgstr "請檢查你的電子信箱以取得新的密碼。" msgid "Get New Password" msgstr "取得新密碼" msgid "[%s] Password Reset" msgstr "[%s]重設密碼" msgid "New %1$s User: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 的新使用者:%2$s" msgid "Invalid activation key." msgstr "不正確的認證鑰匙。" msgid "" "That email address has already been used. Please check your inbox for an " "activation email. It will become available in a couple of days if you do " "nothing." msgstr "" "該電子郵件已被使用。請檢查你的收件匣是否有啟動郵件。若你沒有任何動作,幾天後" "該電子郵件將可使用。" msgid "Sorry, no such page." msgstr "抱歉,沒有該頁面。" msgid "Bad login/pass combination." msgstr "錯誤的帳戶/密碼組合。" msgid "Next →" msgstr "下一個 → " msgid "%s is yours!" msgstr "%s 是你的" msgid "A valid email address is required" msgstr "必須提供正確的電子郵件位址" msgid "Can not find blog." msgstr "無法找到網誌。" msgid "← Back to %s" msgstr "← 回到 %s" msgid "Sorry, that key does not appear to be valid." msgstr "抱歉,收到的鑰匙不正確。" msgid "The e-mail could not be sent." msgstr "無法寄出電子郵件。" msgid "ERROR: Invalid username or e-mail." msgstr "錯誤:帳戶或電子郵件信箱錯誤。" msgid "" "Your password cannot be the same as your username. Please pick a different " "password." msgstr "你的密碼不能和你的使用者名稱一模一樣。請再另外選擇一個不一樣的密碼。" msgid "" "Your password is too short. Please pick a password that has at least 6 " "characters." msgstr "你的密碼過短。請選擇一個至少含有六個字元的密碼。" msgid "The passwords you entered do not match. Please try again." msgstr "你所輸入的密碼不正確.請再試一次" msgid "Select a language below" msgstr "選擇下方的語言" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with To activate your newly created " "account, please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Team" msgstr "" "你好,\n" "\n" "感謝你加入。若要啟動你剛申請的新帳戶,請按一下此連結:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "-- 團隊敬上" msgid "Please confirm your email address" msgstr "請檢查你的電子郵件地址" msgid "Usernames must be at least 4 characters." msgstr "使用者名稱必須包含至少 4 個字元。" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "首頁" msgid "The requested invite does not exist." msgstr "要求的邀請不存在。" msgid "Comment author name and email are required" msgstr "發佈評論者必須輸入姓名及電子郵件" msgid ".blog Domain" msgstr ".blog 網域" msgid "Check your email for the confirmation link." msgstr "請檢查你的電子信箱以取得確認連結。" msgid "Please enter a valid email address" msgstr "請輸入正確的電子郵件地址" msgid "Sorry, you cannot edit this resource." msgstr "對不起,您無法編輯此資源。" msgid "Username or email" msgstr "使用者名稱或電子郵件" msgid "Lost Password" msgstr "忘記密碼" msgid "Error: The email address is not correct." msgstr "錯誤: 不正確的電子郵件地址。" msgid "Invalid key." msgstr "不正確的金鑰。" msgid "Password reset is not allowed for this user" msgstr "這使用者不可重置密碼" msgid "Error: Please enter a username or email address." msgstr "錯誤: 請輸入使用者名稱或電子郵件位址。" msgid "That username is already activated." msgstr "這個使用者名稱已完成啟用。" msgid "Could not create user" msgstr "無法新增使用者。" msgid "" "That username is currently reserved but may be available in a couple of days." msgstr "這個使用者名稱目前由系統保留,但幾天後或許便可供註冊使用。" msgid "Sorry, that email address is already used!" msgstr "抱歉,該電郵地址已被使用!" msgid "Sorry, that username already exists!" msgstr "抱歉,該使用者名稱已經存在!" msgid "Sorry, that email address is not allowed!" msgstr "抱歉,該電郵地址不可使用!" msgid "Sorry, usernames must have letters too!" msgstr "很抱歉,使用者名稱必須包含字母!" msgid "" "Error: This email is already registered. Please choose " "another one." msgstr "" "錯誤: 這個電子郵件地址已由其他使用者註冊使用,請使用不同的電" "子郵件地址註冊。" msgid "Align Center" msgstr "置中" msgid "You can see all trackbacks on this post here:" msgstr "你可以在這裡看到該文章所有的引用通告 (Trackbacks):" msgid "You can see all pingbacks on this post here:" msgstr "你可以在這裡看到該文章的所有 pingback:" msgid "Sidebar %d" msgstr "邊欄 %d" msgid "Please log in again." msgstr "請再登入一次。" msgid "Show more comments" msgstr "顯示更多評論" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Medium" msgstr "中" msgid "Security error." msgstr "安全性錯誤。" msgid "IO error." msgstr "IO 錯誤。" msgid "" "There was a configuration error. Please contact the server administrator." msgstr "設定錯誤。請檢查你伺服器的設定。" msgid "This file is empty. Please try another." msgstr "此檔案是空的。請選另外一個檔案。" msgid "You have attempted to queue too many files." msgstr "你嘗試排程過多檔案。" msgid "Enter a description of the image" msgstr "請輸入圖片的描述" msgid "Enter the URL of the image" msgstr "請輸入圖片的網址" msgid "Enter the URL" msgstr "請輸入網址" msgid "close tags" msgstr "關閉標籤" msgid "Close all open tags" msgstr "關閉全部開放的標籤" msgid "Cannot create a revision of a revision" msgstr "不可建立版本的版本" msgid "Content, title, and excerpt are empty." msgstr "內容、標題與摘要是空的。" msgid "Private: %s" msgstr "私密:%s" msgid "Protected: %s" msgstr "受保護的文章:%s" msgid "[%1$s] Please moderate: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s]請審核:『%2$s』" msgid "" "Currently %s comment is waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation " "panel:" msgid_plural "" "Currently %s comments are waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation " "panel:" msgstr[0] "有 %s 則待審核的評論。請至審核面板:" msgid "Pingback excerpt: " msgstr "通告摘要:" msgid "Trackback excerpt: " msgstr "引用摘要:" msgid "[%1$s] Pingback: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s]通告:『%2$s』" msgid "[%1$s] Trackback: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s]引用:『%2$s』" msgid "[%1$s] Comment: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s]評論:『%2$s』" msgid "Insert Page Break tag" msgstr "插入分頁標籤" msgid "Letter" msgstr "字母" msgid "Missing Attachment" msgstr "附件遺失" msgid "Stylesheet is missing." msgstr "找不到樣式表。" msgid "Please enter a username" msgstr "請輸入使用者帳戶" msgid "[%s] Your username and password" msgstr "[%s]你的帳戶以及密碼" msgid "Comment: " msgstr "評論: " msgid "Next Post" msgstr "新文章" msgid "Previous Post" msgstr "舊文章" msgid "Insert More Tag" msgstr "插入繼續閱讀標籤" msgid "Align Right" msgstr "靠右" msgid "Justify Text" msgstr "分散對齊" msgid "Align Left" msgstr "靠左" msgid "Check Spelling" msgstr "拼字檢查" msgid "" "The following shortcuts use different access keys: Alt + Shift + letter." msgstr "下列鍵盤操作熱鍵使用不同鍵:Alt + Shift + 字母。" msgid "" "Rather than reaching for your mouse to click on the toolbar, use these " "access keys. Windows and Linux use Ctrl + letter. Macintosh uses Command + " "letter." msgstr "" "把你的滑鼠丟在一邊,使用這些鍵盤熱鍵。Windows 與 Linux 使用 Ctrl + 字母。" "Macintosh 使用 Command + 字母。" msgid "Crunching…" msgstr "上載執行中…" msgid "Upload stopped." msgstr "上載已停止。" msgid "Upload failed." msgstr "上載失敗。" msgid "You may only upload 1 file." msgstr "你僅上載一個檔案。" msgid "An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later." msgstr "上載發生錯誤。請稍後再試看看。" msgid "You don’t have permission to do that." msgstr "您沒有權限進行此操作。" msgid "Quick Links" msgstr "快速連結" msgid "Remove link" msgstr "移除連結" msgid "Insert link" msgstr "插入連結" msgid "Date created:" msgstr "建立日期:" msgid "Edit tag" msgstr "編輯標籤" msgid "You can see all comments on this post here:" msgstr "你可以在這裡看到該篇文章的所有評論:" msgid "Error: The password field is empty." msgstr "錯誤: 密碼欄位為空。" msgid "Error: The username field is empty." msgstr "錯誤: 使用者名稱欄位為空。" msgid "%s [Current Revision]" msgstr "%s [目前版本]" msgid "%s [Autosave]" msgstr "%s [自動儲存]" msgid "Approve it: %s" msgstr "核准:%s" msgid "Delete it: %s" msgstr "刪除:%s" msgid "Spam it: %s" msgstr "標記為垃圾留言:%s" msgid "" "You cannot use that email address to signup. We are having problems with " "them blocking some of our email. Please use another email provider." msgstr "" "你無法使用該電郵地址註冊。我們遭遇到的問題是該信箱會阻擋某些我們的郵件。請使" "用另外一個電子郵件供應商。" msgid "That user does not exist." msgstr "這個使用者不存在。" msgid "« Older Comments" msgstr "« 較舊的留言" msgid "Newer Comments »" msgstr "較新的留言 »" msgid "Last Post" msgstr "最後文章" msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "關閉" msgid "Restore" msgstr "還原" msgid "Delete image" msgstr "刪除圖片" msgid "Autoplay" msgstr "自動播放" msgid "Mute" msgstr "靜音" msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "全螢幕" msgid "Background" msgstr "背景" msgid "Align" msgstr "對齊" msgid "Loop" msgstr "重複播放" msgid "Constrain proportions" msgstr "限制比例" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "底" msgid "Middle" msgstr "中" msgid "Horizontal space" msgstr "水平間隔" msgid "Vertical space" msgstr "垂直間隔" msgid "Border" msgstr "邊框" msgid "Image description" msgstr "圖片內容說明" msgid "New document" msgstr "新文件" msgid "Dimensions" msgstr "尺寸" msgid "Paste" msgstr "貼上" msgid "Copy" msgstr "複製" msgid "Cut" msgstr "剪下" msgid "Superscript" msgstr "上標" msgid "Subscript" msgstr "下標" msgid "Edit Image" msgstr "編輯圖片" msgid "Scale" msgstr "縮放" msgid "Original Site" msgstr "原始網站" msgid "Advanced Settings" msgstr "進階設定" msgid "Start a page" msgstr "開始建立頁面" msgid "Palettes" msgstr "調色盤" msgid "List" msgstr "列表" msgid "Links list" msgstr "連結列表" msgid "Rate" msgstr "稅率" msgid "Link Rel" msgstr "Link Rel" msgid "Bottom Right" msgstr "右下方" msgid "Bottom Left" msgstr "左下方" msgid "Top Right" msgstr "右上方" msgid "Top Left" msgstr "左上方" msgid "" "The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the " "required http:// prefix?" msgstr "你所輸入的URL看來是一條外部連結,你要加入所需的http:// 前綴嗎?" msgid "" "The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the " "required mailto: prefix?" msgstr "你所輸入的URL看來是一個電郵地址,你要加入所需的mailto:前綴嗎?" msgid "Type" msgstr "漸層類型" msgid "found" msgstr "找到" msgid "Disable JavaScript" msgstr "停用JavaScript" msgid "Name." msgstr "名稱。" msgid "Font Family" msgstr "字型" msgid "Horizontal line" msgstr "水平分隔線" msgid "Emoticons" msgstr "表情符號" msgid "Align left" msgstr "靠左" msgid "Align center" msgstr "置中" msgid "Align right" msgstr "靠右" msgid "Strikethrough" msgstr "刪除線" msgid "Underline" msgstr "底線" msgid "Italic" msgstr "斜體" msgid "Bold" msgstr "粗體" msgid "Heading 6" msgstr "標題 6" msgid "Heading 5" msgstr "標題 5" msgid "Heading 4" msgstr "標題 4" msgid "Heading 3" msgstr "標題 3" msgid "Heading 2" msgstr "標題 2" msgid "Heading 1" msgstr "標題 1" msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "段落" msgid "Document properties" msgstr "文件屬性" msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page." msgstr "若你離開此頁,全部的變更將遺失。" msgid "Delete table" msgstr "刪除表格" msgid "Copy table row" msgstr "複製列" msgid "Cut table row" msgstr "剪下列" msgid "Paste table row after" msgstr "後方貼上列" msgid "Paste table row before" msgstr "前方貼上列" msgid "Table properties" msgstr "表格格式" msgid "Table cell properties" msgstr "儲存格格式" msgid "Table row properties" msgstr "列格式" msgid "Merge table cells" msgstr "合併儲存格" msgid "Insert column after" msgstr "後頭插入行" msgid "Insert column before" msgstr "插入行" msgid "Delete row" msgstr "刪除列" msgid "Insert row after" msgstr "後頭插入列" msgid "Insert row before" msgstr "插入列" msgid "Insert/edit image" msgstr "插入∕編輯圖片" msgid "Print" msgstr "列印" msgid "%1$s %2$s Search Results for “%3$s” Feed" msgstr "訂閱 %1$s %2$s 「%3$s」搜尋結果" msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Tag Feed" msgstr "訂閱 %1$s %2$s %3$s 標籤" msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Category Feed" msgstr "訂閱 %1$s %2$s %3$s 分類" msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Comments Feed" msgstr "訂閱 %1$s %2$s %3$s 評論" msgid "%1$s %2$s Comments Feed" msgstr "訂閱 %1$s %2$s 評論" msgid "%1$s %2$s Feed" msgstr "訂閱 %1$s %2$s" msgctxt "feed link" msgid "»" msgstr "»" msgctxt "calendar caption" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "%1$s %2$d" msgstr "%2$d 年 %1$s" msgid "Search Results %1$s %2$s" msgstr "搜尋結果 %1$s %2$s" msgid "WordPress › Error" msgstr "WordPress › 錯誤" msgid "« Back" msgstr "« 返回" msgid "You are attempting to log out of %s" msgstr "你已經登出 %s" msgid "Could not write file %s" msgstr "無法寫入檔案 %s" msgid "%s day" msgid_plural "%s days" msgstr[0] "%s 天" msgid "%s hour" msgid_plural "%s hours" msgstr[0] "%s 小時" msgid "Are you sure you want to do this?" msgstr "你確定要這麼做?" msgid "Select All" msgstr "選取全部" msgid "Suggestions" msgstr "建議" msgid "Row" msgstr "列" msgid "Insert" msgstr "插入" msgid "Column" msgstr "行" msgid "%1$s %2$s Posts by %3$s Feed" msgstr "訂閱 %1$s %2$s 由 %3$s 發佈的文章" msgid "Do you really want to log out?" msgstr "你確定要 登出嗎?" msgid "Insert/edit link" msgstr "插入∕編輯連結" msgid "Code" msgstr "代碼" msgid "Blockquote" msgstr "引用" msgid "User has blocked requests through HTTP." msgstr "使用者已阻擋透過 HTTP 的要求。" msgid "Empty filename" msgstr "空檔案名" msgid "" "Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the " "server?" msgstr "無法建立目錄:%s。伺服器是否允許寫入上層目錄?" msgid "%s is a protected WP option and may not be modified" msgstr "%s 是受保護的 WP 選項,你不能修改它" msgid "Redo" msgstr "下一步" msgid "Undo" msgstr "復原" msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "書籤" msgid "Number of posts to show:" msgstr "顯示幾篇文章:" msgid "%s min" msgid_plural "%s mins" msgstr[0] "%s 分鐘" msgid "Comments on: %s" msgstr "「%s」的評論" msgid "By: %s" msgstr "由:%s" msgid "Comments for %1$s searching on %2$s" msgstr "「%1$s」的評論,使用「%2$s」搜尋" msgid "Display item date?" msgstr "顯示日期?" msgid "Display item author if available?" msgstr "顯示作者?" msgid "Display item content?" msgstr "顯示內容?" msgid "How many items would you like to display?" msgstr "你想要顯示多少項目?" msgid "Enter the RSS feed URL here:" msgstr "請輸入 RSS 訂閱來源網址:" msgctxt "widgets" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 在 %2$s" msgid "Show hierarchy" msgstr "以階層顯示" msgid "Select Category" msgstr "選擇分類" msgid "Show post counts" msgstr "顯示文章數目" msgid "Unapproved" msgstr "未核准" msgid "Feed for all posts filed under %s" msgstr "全部分類為「%s」的 RSS 訂閱" msgid "No categories" msgstr "沒有分類" msgid "Last updated: %s" msgstr "最近更新:%s" msgid "Comments for %s" msgstr "「%s」的評論" msgid "Entries from any RSS or Atom feed" msgstr "RSS 或 Atom 訂閱項目" msgid "Error in RSS %1$d" msgstr "RSS %1$d 發生錯誤" msgid "Error: could not find an RSS or ATOM feed at that URL." msgstr "錯誤:在這個網址,找不到 RSS 或 ATOM 的feed" msgid "Syndicate this content" msgstr "RSS 訂閱此內容" msgid "Unknown Feed" msgstr "未知的訂閱" msgid "" "Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said " "that!" msgstr "發現重複評論;看來你已經發佈過啦!" msgid "Log in to leave a Comment" msgstr "登入後發佈評論" msgid "Show Link Rating" msgstr "顯示連結評分" msgid "Show Link Description" msgstr "顯示連結說明" msgid "Show Link Name" msgstr "顯示連結名稱" msgid "Show Link Image" msgstr "顯示連結圖片" msgid "Show as dropdown" msgstr "下拉式顯示" msgid "Protected Comments: Please enter your password to view comments." msgstr "受保護的評論:請輸入密碼以瀏覽評論。" msgid "Give the feed a title (optional):" msgstr "設定訂閱標題(非必要):" msgid "Your blogroll" msgstr "日誌輪播" msgid "Could not update comment status." msgstr "無法更新留言狀態。" msgid "Click here to cancel reply." msgstr "點這裡取消回覆。" msgid "Visit %s’s website" msgstr "訪問 %s 的網站" msgid "All Links" msgstr "全部連結" msgid "Abort" msgstr "中止" msgid "Page IDs, separated by commas." msgstr "頁面 ID,使用逗號「,」分開。" msgid "Exclude:" msgstr "排除:" msgid "Page ID" msgstr "頁面 ID" msgid "Page order" msgstr "頁面順序" msgid "Page title" msgstr "頁面標題" msgid "Sort by:" msgstr "排序:" msgid "Results for" msgstr "以下內容的結果:" msgid "Color Scheme" msgstr "色彩配置" msgid "Back to post" msgstr "返回文章" msgid "Back to %s" msgstr "回到 %s" msgid "Monthly archives" msgstr "月份文章彙整" msgid "Valid" msgstr "核准" msgid "Write a Comment..." msgstr "發佈評論…" msgid "Comments feed" msgstr "訂閱留言的資訊提供" msgid "Click here to login" msgstr "按這裏登入" msgid "%s actions" msgstr "%s 個動作" msgid "1" msgstr "1" msgid "There is no excerpt because this is a protected post." msgstr "受保護的文章不會產生摘要。" msgid "M jS Y" msgstr "Y-m-d" msgid "Updates" msgstr "更新" msgid "Tags: %s" msgstr "標籤:%s" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgid "Proudly powered by WordPress" msgstr "由 WordPress 提供絕佳技術支援" msgid "All Projects" msgstr "所有專案" msgid "Project Tag" msgstr "專案標籤" msgid "Project Type" msgstr "專案類型" msgid "Search Project Tags" msgstr "搜尋專案標籤" msgid "Project updated." msgstr "項目已更新。" msgid "Project saved." msgstr "專案已儲存。" msgid "Update Project Tag" msgstr "更新專案標籤" msgid "Edit Project" msgstr "編輯專案" msgid "Return to %s" msgstr "返回 %s" msgid "Questions?" msgstr "是否有任何問題?" msgid "Project Settings" msgstr "專案設定" msgid "Update category" msgstr "更新分類" msgid "Featured products" msgstr "特色商品" msgid "All products" msgstr "所有商品" msgid "Product deleted" msgstr "商品已刪除" msgid "Add products" msgstr "新增商品" msgid "" "The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is " "usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens." msgstr "" "代稱的英文原文為 Slug,是用於網址中的易記名稱,通常由小寫英文字母、數字及破折" "號組成。" msgid "Show:" msgstr "顯示:" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit comments." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許刪除評論。" msgid "Post Comment" msgstr "張貼評論" msgid "Button text." msgstr "按鈕文字。" msgid "Recent Products" msgstr "最新商品" msgid "Featured Products" msgstr "特色商品" msgid "Product Slug" msgstr "網址結尾" msgid "Browse" msgstr "瀏覽" msgid "Not Found." msgstr "找不到。" msgid "Log in to Reply" msgstr "登入後再回覆" msgid "go to top" msgstr "至頂" msgid "reply" msgstr "回應" msgid "compose new post" msgstr "撰寫新文章" msgid "Posted by: %s" msgstr "發文作者:%s" msgid "Read More..." msgstr "閱讀更多..." msgid "Continue Reading »" msgstr "繼續閱讀 »" msgid "Post by %s." msgstr "文章發佈者:%s" msgid "Posts by %s" msgstr "由 %s 發佈" msgid "The plugin you are looking for doesn't exist." msgstr "你尋找的外掛程式不存在。" msgid "Search Results for: %s" msgstr "%s 的搜尋結果:" msgid "Recent Updates" msgstr "近期更新" msgid "Page %s" msgstr "頁面 %s" msgid "Previous page" msgstr "前一頁" msgid "Next page" msgstr "後一頁" msgid "Fees:" msgstr "費用:" msgid "Full name" msgstr "全名" msgid "Posted on %s" msgstr "發佈於%s" msgid "Responses" msgstr "回覆" msgid "Response" msgstr "留言" msgid "search" msgstr "搜尋" msgid "Text" msgstr "文字" msgid "Top" msgstr "頂" msgid "Comments Feed" msgstr "訂閱評論" msgid "Theme:" msgstr "佈景:" msgid "Google" msgstr "Google" msgid "Quote" msgstr "引文" msgid "Visitors" msgstr "訪客" msgid "Archive" msgstr "彙整" msgid "This post is password protected." msgstr "此篇文章有密碼保護。" msgid "Back to top" msgstr "回到頂端" msgid "Notice" msgstr "通知" msgid "Read" msgstr "讀取" msgid "Not found" msgstr "找不到" msgid "Showcase" msgstr "作品展示" msgid "Link" msgstr "連結" msgid "Error 404" msgstr "錯誤 404" msgid "Page not found" msgstr "沒有符合條件的頁面" msgid "Skip to content" msgstr "跳至內容" msgid "Top Categories" msgstr "熱門分類" msgid "One response" msgstr "1 則留言" msgid "Welcome back!" msgstr "歡迎回來" msgid "Select Month" msgstr "選擇月份" msgid "%s post by this author" msgid_plural "%s posts by this author" msgstr[0] "此作者有 %s 篇文章" msgid "Front Page" msgstr "首頁" msgid "hidden" msgstr "隱藏" msgid "% comments" msgstr "% 留言" msgid "1 comment" msgstr "1 則評論" msgid "Also available in" msgstr "亦提供以下版本:" msgid "Posted by %s" msgstr "發文作者 %s" msgid "Tagged:" msgstr "屬於此標籤:" msgid ", " msgstr "、" msgid "F Y" msgstr "F Y" msgid "Read the rest of this page →" msgstr "繼續閱讀本頁 →" msgid "Uh oh!" msgstr "噢噢,不好了。" msgid "Search for:" msgstr "搜尋:" msgid "File not found" msgstr "找不到檔案" msgid "Continue reading %s" msgstr "繼續閱覽 %s" msgid "%1$s “%2$s”" msgstr "%1$s - %2$s" msgid "Please fill in the required fields" msgstr "請填寫必填欄位" msgid "Post Thumbnail" msgstr "文章縮圖" msgid "Tag Cloud" msgstr "標籤雲" msgid "Edit This" msgstr "編輯" msgid "Categories:" msgstr "分類:" msgid "Latest" msgstr "最新" msgid "%1$s – %2$s" msgstr "%1$s – %2$s" msgid "handled by" msgstr "由 處理" msgid "and" msgstr "與" msgid "Donate" msgstr "捐贈" msgid "Display on single posts" msgstr "以單篇文章顯示" msgid "Continue reading" msgstr "繼續閱讀" msgid "Read More" msgstr "閱讀更多" msgid "Previous Entry" msgstr "上一個" msgid "Skip navigation" msgstr "略過導航" msgid "Post a Comment" msgstr "發佈回應" msgid "Nothing Found" msgstr "什麼都沒找到" msgid "Link Category" msgstr "連結分類" msgid "Community forum" msgstr "社群論壇" msgid "Logged in as %s" msgstr "登入為 %s" msgid "Layout" msgstr "版面配置" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 於 %2$s" msgid "Navigation" msgstr "導覽列" msgid "Featured" msgstr "精選" msgid "or" msgstr "或" msgid "Logout" msgstr "登出" msgid "Save Settings" msgstr "儲存設定" msgid "Comments off" msgstr "關閉留言功能" msgid "Tagged" msgstr "已加上的標籤" msgid "URI" msgstr "URI" msgid "Your Email" msgstr "你的電郵" msgid "Your Name" msgstr "你的姓名" msgid "at" msgstr "於" msgid "Recently" msgstr "最近" msgid "Theme updated" msgstr "佈景主題已更新" msgid "Copyright" msgstr "版權" msgid "Leave a Comment" msgstr "發佈評論" msgid "Permalink" msgstr "固定連結" msgid "Logged in as: " msgstr "已使用以下身分登入:" msgid "Leave a Reply to %s" msgstr "對 %s 發佈回覆" msgid "No Comments" msgstr "沒有評論" msgid "Enter your password to view comments." msgstr "輸入你的密碼以瀏覽評論。" msgid "Original image" msgstr "原始尺寸" msgid "Sorry, no posts matched your criteria." msgstr "抱歉,沒有文章符合你的條件。" msgid "You are currently browsing the archives for the %s category." msgstr "你正在瀏覽 %s 分類的彙整。" msgid "Edit this entry." msgstr "編輯這篇文章。" msgid "edit" msgstr "編輯" msgid "" "Error: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your " "browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress." msgstr "" "錯誤:Cookies 被阻擋或者你的瀏覽器不支援。你必須啟用 cookies 才能使用 WordPress。" msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments." msgstr "此文受密碼保護。請輸入你的密碼檢視評論。" msgid "F, Y" msgstr "Y 年 m 月" msgid "You are now logged out." msgstr "你已經登出。" msgid "" "Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform." msgstr "使用 WordPress 建置,最先進的語意化個人出版平台。" msgid "Read the rest of this entry →" msgstr "繼續閱讀本文 →" msgid "Languages" msgstr "Languages" msgid "Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here." msgstr "抱歉,但你想找的不在這裡。" msgid "[Untitled Post]" msgstr "[未命名文章]" msgid "More Languages" msgstr "其他更多語言選擇" msgid "Language:" msgstr "語言:" msgid "Express yourself. Start a blog." msgstr "表現你自己,開始寫網誌。" msgid "Mail (will not be published)" msgstr "電子郵件位址(並不會被公開)" msgid "Next Entries »" msgstr "下一批文章 »" msgid "« Previous Entries" msgstr "« 較早的項目" msgid "Archive for %s" msgstr "%s 的封存" msgid "Archive for the %s Tag" msgstr "%s 標籤的文章彙整" msgid "Login »" msgstr "登入 » " msgid "Other languages:" msgstr "其他語言:" msgid "Your Blogging Home" msgstr "你的網誌寫作首頁" msgid "Get a Free Blog Here" msgstr "申請免費網誌" msgid "Read the rest of this page »" msgstr "繼續閱讀»" msgid "Read the rest of this entry »" msgstr "繼續閱讀文章 »" msgid "Submit Comment" msgstr "送出評論" msgid "Logout »" msgstr "登出 »" msgid "Logged in as %2$s." msgstr "已登入為 %2$s。" msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "評論已關閉。" msgid "% Responses" msgstr "% 回應" msgid "One Response" msgstr "一個回應" msgid "No Responses" msgstr "沒有回覆" msgid "Posted in %s" msgstr "張貼於%s" msgid "Permanent Link to %s" msgstr "連結到%s的永久網址" msgid "Newer Entries »" msgstr "較新的文章 »" msgid "« Older Entries" msgstr "« 較舊的文章" msgid "Blog Archives" msgstr "網誌文章封存" msgid "Author Archive" msgstr "作者的封存文章" msgid "F jS, Y" msgstr "F jS, Y" msgid "Are you lost?" msgstr "你迷路了?" msgid "Protected Blog" msgstr "加密的網誌" msgid "Sign up for" msgstr "註冊" msgid "You must be logged in to post a comment." msgstr "抱歉,你必須要登入才能發佈評論喔!" msgid "Leave a comment" msgstr "發佈留言" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" msgid "We're here for you" msgstr "需要幫忙?找我們就對了" msgid "Invalid hex color." msgstr "無效的 Hex 色彩。" msgid "%1$s, and %2$s" msgstr "%1$s,及 %2$s" msgid "l, F jS, Y" msgstr "l,F jS,Y" msgid "Leave a Reply" msgstr "發佈回覆" msgid "Meta" msgstr "其他操作" msgid "Pages:" msgstr "頁次:" msgid "Select location" msgstr "選取位置" msgid "Border color" msgstr "邊框顏色" msgid "Embed" msgstr "內嵌" msgid "Number of comments to show:" msgstr "顯示幾篇評論:" msgid "(at most 10)" msgstr "(最多為 10)" msgid "Number of posts to show for each author:" msgstr "每位作者顯示幾篇文章:" msgid "Display all authors (including those who have not written any posts)" msgstr "顯示所有作者 (包括沒有撰寫任何文章的作者)" msgid "Authors" msgstr "作者" msgid "Text background color:" msgstr "文字的背景色:" msgid "Avatar background color:" msgstr "頭像的背景顏色:" msgid "No Avatars" msgstr "沒有頭像" msgid "Avatar Size (px):" msgstr "大頭貼尺寸 (像素):" msgid "(at most 15)" msgstr "(最多 15 篇)" msgid "Maximum font percentage:" msgstr "字體最大百分比:" msgid "Minimum font percentage:" msgstr "最小字體百分比:" msgid "Category Cloud" msgstr "分類雲" msgid "Flickr RSS URL:" msgstr "Flickr RSS網址:" msgid "Flickr Photos" msgstr "Flickr 相片" msgid "Twitter Updates" msgstr "Twitter 更新" msgid "" "You can modify your Gravatar from your profile page." msgstr "" "你可以從個人檔案頁面修改你的 Gravatar。" msgid "" "Text displayed after Gravatar. This is optional and can be used to describe " "yourself or what your blog is about." msgstr "顯示在 Gravatar 之後的文字。此為選填,可用來描述你自己或網誌內容。" msgid "Extra Large (256 pixels)" msgstr "超大型 (256 像素)" msgid "Large (128 pixels)" msgstr "大型 (128 像素)" msgid "Medium (96 pixels)" msgstr "中型 (96 像素)" msgid "Small (64 pixels)" msgstr "小型 (64 像素)" msgid "Insert a Gravatar image" msgstr "插入一張 Gravatar 影像" msgid "Format:" msgstr "格式:" msgid "RSS Links" msgstr "RSS 連結" msgid "Links to your blog's RSS feeds" msgstr "連結你的網站 RSS Feeds" msgid "YouTube instructions %s" msgstr "YouTube使用說明 %s" msgid "Preview and Insert" msgstr "預覽和插入" msgid "Title will appear on the first frame of your video" msgstr "標題會顯示在影片的第一個畫面上" msgid "one minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s 分鐘" msgid "This video doesn’t exist" msgstr "這部影片不存在" msgid "Change Email Address" msgstr "變更電子郵件地址" msgid "Send" msgstr "傳送" msgid "Notify me of new comments via email." msgstr "透過電子郵件通知我後續回應。" msgid "" "Top Clicks are calculated from 48-72 hours of stats. They take a while to " "change." msgstr "" "最多人點選是根據過去48~72小時之內的統計數據計算而成,需要一段時間才會更新。" msgid "URLs to show:" msgstr "顯示網址:" msgid "Display length:" msgstr "顯示長度:" msgid "Top Clicks" msgstr "最多人點選" msgid "Stylesheet saved." msgstr "樣式表已儲存。" msgid "Edit CSS" msgstr "編輯CSS" msgid "Preview: changes must be saved or they will be lost" msgstr "預覽:必須先儲存改變,否則資料會消失" msgid "Preview: you must purchase the %sPremium Plan%s to save your changes" msgstr "預覽:你必須購買%s「進階版方案」%s才能儲存你所做的變更" msgid "Link Visibility" msgstr "連結可視度" msgid "Add Site" msgstr "新增網誌" msgid "Add Trusted Site" msgstr "增加信任網站" msgid "Allowed file types: %s." msgstr "支援的檔案格式: %s. " msgid "Other" msgstr "其他" msgid "Comment on %1$s by %2$s" msgstr "由 %2$s 發佈的 %1$s 評論" msgid "Video Post" msgstr "影片文章" msgid "subscription" msgstr "封鎖搜尋字詞" msgid "Image Post" msgstr "圖片文章" msgid "%s upload space remaining." msgstr "%s 上載剩餘空間。" msgid "one hour" msgid_plural "%1$s hours" msgstr[0] "%1$s小時" msgid "No Title" msgstr "無標題" msgid "Site URL" msgstr "網站網址" msgid "No posts" msgstr "沒有文章" msgid "« Previous Page" msgstr "« 前一頁" msgid "My account" msgstr "我的帳戶" msgid "Untitled" msgstr "無標題" msgid "Get Shortlink" msgstr "取得短網址" msgid "Save Password" msgstr "儲存密碼" msgid "If you are not automatically redirected, use this link:" msgstr "如果你沒有被自動轉址,請點選下列連結:" msgid " » Redirecting you to a new blog!" msgstr " » 將你帶往新網誌!" msgid "Back to" msgstr "返回" msgid "An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later." msgstr "發生錯誤;該訂閱可能暫時失效。請稍後再試看看。" msgid "Add a Domain" msgstr "新增網域" msgid "The domain mapping for %1$s has been deleted." msgstr "%1$s 的網域對應已刪除。" msgid "" "You have renewed %s for one year. It may take a few minutes to update the " "expiration date below." msgstr "你已經續用%s一年,下面的有效日期需要一段時間才會更新。" msgid "Please enter a domain name (e.g. or" msgstr "請輸入網域名稱(例 或" msgid "Subdirectories are not allowed. No slashes, please." msgstr "不允許子資料夾,請勿使用斜線。" msgid "" "We are processing your renewal request for %s. You will receive an email " "with the results." msgstr "我們正在處理你的 %s 更新要求。你將收到包含結果的電子郵件。" msgid "This domain has already been mapped to a blog." msgstr "此域名已綁定在某個WordPress.com的網誌了。" msgid "Sent by an unverified visitor to your site." msgstr "由一個身份未確認的網站訪客寄出。" msgid "Email (required)" msgstr "電子郵件(必填)" msgid "Name (required)" msgstr "名稱(必填)" msgid "Error!" msgstr "錯誤!" msgid "Check for Spam" msgstr "檢查清單中是否有垃圾" msgid "Akismet blocks spam from getting to your blog. " msgstr "Akismet 可防止垃圾資訊出現在你的網誌中。" msgid "Next Page »" msgstr "後一頁 »" msgid "Log out of this account" msgstr "登出此帳戶" msgid "Widget title:" msgstr "側邊欄標題:" msgid "No sites found" msgstr "找不到任何網站" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "月曆" msgid "Blog at" msgstr "在WordPress.com寫網誌" msgid " Forums" msgstr " 論壇" msgid "What's Hot" msgstr "現正熱門" msgid "Your Stuff" msgstr "你的文章與評論" msgid "" "This blog is not subscribed to some of these products. Did you mean to " "purchase them?" msgstr "此網誌未訂閱其中一些產品。是否要購買?" msgid " Support" msgstr " 支援團隊" msgid "Invite Sent!" msgstr "邀請已送出" msgid "Your blog does not currently have any published posts." msgstr "你的網誌目前還沒有任何發佈的文章。" msgid "" "%s used, %s (%0.1f%%) " "upload space remaining." msgstr "" "%s 已使用,%s (%0.1f%%) 上" "載剩餘空間。 " msgid "" "Sorry, uploads are disabled while we are working on the files servers. Have " "a cup of tea and then try again." msgstr "" "抱歉,由於我們正在更新檔案伺服器,上載功能暫停使用。請你休息一下,稍後再嘗" "試。" msgid "Created" msgstr "建立日期" msgid "Manage Blogs" msgstr "設定" msgid "Other Answer" msgstr "其他答案" msgid "Previous" msgstr "上一個" msgid "Next" msgstr "下一步" msgid "Source" msgstr "來源" msgid "Invalid Account" msgstr "帳戶無效" msgid "Refund amount larger than original transaction" msgstr "退款金額大於原始交易金額" msgid "Cannot refund a payment TO the user" msgstr "無法退款給使用者" msgid "Insufficient credits" msgstr "點數不足" msgid "Phone" msgstr "電話號碼" msgid "Address 2" msgstr "地址(二)" msgid "Published:" msgstr "已發布︰" msgid "Postal Code" msgstr "郵遞區號" msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "訂閱" msgid "Address 1" msgstr "地址(一)" msgid "Organization" msgstr "組織" msgid "vCard" msgstr "vCard" msgid "Post by Email was disabled" msgstr "電子郵件發佈已關閉" msgid "Post by Email was enabled" msgstr "電子郵件發佈已啟用" msgid "" "How likely is it that you would recommend to your friends, " "family, or colleagues? (0: Not a chance, 10: Absolutely)" msgstr "你會想推薦WordPress.com給親朋好友使用嗎?(0:絕不會~10:當然會)" msgid "Disable Post by Email" msgstr "關閉電子郵件發佈" msgid "Enable Post by Email" msgstr "啟用電子郵件發佈" msgid "show" msgstr "顯示" msgid "Save Style" msgstr "保存樣式" msgid "Load Style" msgstr "載入樣式" msgid "Preload Basic Style" msgstr "預設的基本樣式風格" msgid "City" msgstr "城市" msgid "Style Name" msgstr "樣式名稱" msgid "Votes" msgstr "投票" msgid "Only show percentages" msgstr "只顯示百分比" msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "短代碼" msgid "Domains" msgstr "網域" msgid "Results" msgstr "結果" msgid "Error: An error has occurred; Account could not be created." msgstr "錯誤:有錯誤發生了;無法建立帳戶。" msgid "Error: An error has occurred; Poll not updated." msgstr "錯誤:發生錯誤;投票沒有更新。" msgid "Error: An error has occurred; Poll not created." msgstr "錯誤:發生錯誤︰投票沒有建立。" msgid "Custom Style deleted." msgstr "自訂樣式已刪除。" msgid "Custom Style created." msgstr "自訂樣式已建立。" msgid "Custom Style updated." msgstr "自訂樣式已更新。" msgid "Poll deleted." msgstr "投票已刪除。" msgid "Style could not be updated" msgstr "樣式無法更新" msgid "Please choose a poll style" msgstr "請選擇投票方式" msgid "Poll not found" msgstr "沒有發現投票" msgid "You are not allowed to edit this poll." msgstr "你不被允許編輯這個投票" msgid "You are not allowed to delete this poll." msgstr "你不被允許刪除這個投票" msgid "Custom Styles" msgstr "自訂樣式" msgid "Polls" msgstr "投票" msgid "Do it: I want some polls!" msgstr "開始: 我要投票的功能" msgid "Auto-create a new account (recommended)." msgstr "自動建立一個新帳戶(建議選項)" msgid "Polls in WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 的投票功能" msgid "You" msgstr "你" msgid "Down" msgstr "向下" msgid "Up" msgstr "向上" msgid "Hidden" msgstr "隱藏" msgid "Register Another Blog »" msgstr "註冊另一個網誌 » " msgid "Hide Blog on Dashboard" msgstr "在主控版隱藏網誌" msgid "Options have been updated" msgstr "選項已被更新" msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "取消訂閱" msgid "Unblock" msgstr "解除封鎖" msgid "Block" msgstr "區塊" msgid "Regenerate" msgstr "重新生成" msgid "JavaScript" msgstr "JavaScript" msgid "Reply to thread »" msgstr "發佈回覆 »" msgid "" "This tracks comments you’ve made across so you can see " "when people reply to you. It will show your comment, one before yours, and " "replies after yours. The thread with the latest replies will be at top. See " "this " "announcement for more information." msgstr "" "這可以追蹤你在 發佈的留言,因此你可以得知是否有人回應你。它會顯" "示你本人的留言、你前一位使用者的留言,以及在你之後發佈的回覆。有最新回覆的討" "論串會顯示在頂端。請參閱此公告以取得詳細資訊。" msgid "Answer" msgstr "答案" msgid "Only these characters are allowed: \"%s\"." msgstr "僅限使用以下字元︰「%s」。" msgid "%s person" msgstr "%s 人" msgid "Multiple choice" msgstr "多選題" msgid "Style could not be created" msgstr "樣式無法建立" msgid "You are not allowed to close this poll." msgstr "你不被允許關閉這個投票。" msgid "You are not allowed to open this poll." msgstr "你不被允許開啟這個投票。" msgid "Password required" msgstr "必須輸入密碼" msgid "Make Visible" msgstr "設為可見" msgid "Primary blog was changed" msgstr "主要網誌已變更" msgid "Invalid payment method." msgstr "無效的付款方式。" msgid "Country" msgstr "國家/地區" msgid "Invalid order status" msgstr "無效的訂單狀態" msgid "space" msgstr "空白鍵" msgid "Survey" msgstr "調查" msgid "Answers" msgstr "答案" msgid "Thanks!" msgstr "感謝回覆!" msgid "Edit Subscription" msgstr "編輯訂閱" msgid "1 hour" msgstr "1小時" msgid "Address" msgid_plural "Addresses" msgstr[0] "地址" msgid "User navigation" msgstr "瀏覽使用者" msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "確認" msgid "Months" msgstr "月" msgid "View All" msgstr "檢視全部" msgid "I understand, now let me continue" msgstr "我瞭解,請讓我繼續" msgid "My Blogs" msgstr "我的網誌" msgid "Username or Email" msgstr "帳戶或信箱" msgid "7 days" msgstr "七天" msgid "Latest Post" msgstr "最新文章" msgid "Most Active (%s)" msgstr "最活躍 (%s)" msgid "Top Searches" msgstr "熱門關鍵字" msgid "%s %s views" msgstr "%s %s 瀏覽次數" msgid "Top Posts (%s)" msgstr "熱門文章 (%s)" msgid "Show most active posts over" msgstr "顯示超過下列天數的最活躍文章:" msgid "Primary" msgstr "主要" msgid "Go" msgstr "去" msgid "Show top search terms over" msgstr "熱門的搜尋字詞" msgid "Show top posts over" msgstr "顯示熱門文章" msgid "Chart stats by" msgstr "圖表統計由" msgid "the past year" msgstr "去年" msgid "the past quarter" msgstr "過去一季" msgid "the past month" msgstr "上個月" msgid "the past week" msgstr "上星期" msgid "the past day" msgstr "過去的一天" msgid "all time" msgstr "有史以來" msgid "Plays" msgstr "播放次數" msgid "Video Name" msgstr "影片名稱" msgid "All Time" msgstr "有史以來" msgid "Generated on %s" msgstr "產生日期:%s" msgid "No search engines have sent you traffic yet." msgstr "沒有來自搜尋引擎的流量。" msgid "No posts have been viewed yet." msgstr "還沒有人看過任何文章。" msgid "Totals" msgstr "全部" msgid "No other sites have sent you traffic yet." msgstr "尚未有其他網站傳送流量給你。" msgid "Weeks" msgstr "周" msgid "Days" msgstr "天" msgid "" "Percent change is computed from weekly averages before they are rounded." msgstr "百分比差是在四捨五入之前由每週的平均數計算的" msgid "Gray zeroes are exactly zero. Black zeroes have been rounded down." msgstr "灰色的零代表原本的數值為零。黑色的零代表捨去後的數值為零。" msgid "Averages are rounded to the nearest integer for display." msgstr "為了方便顯示,平均值會進位到最近的整數。" msgid "" "Yearly averages are computed from sums, not an average of monthly averages." msgstr "年平均數採用總數來計算,而不是月平均數的平均數" msgid "Today (%s) is excluded from averages because it isn't over yet." msgstr "平均值不包含今天 (%s),因為今天還沒結束。" msgid "We exclude days prior to the first recorded view and future days." msgstr "首個點閱記錄之前的天數以及未來的天數均不列入計算。" msgid "An average is the sum of views divided by the number of days." msgstr "平均值是指點閱數總和除以天數所得的結果。" msgid "" "If you try to verify our computations using the numbers in these tables you " "might get different results. The logic is explained here." msgstr "" "如果你嘗試使用這些表格中的數字來驗證我們的計算方式,可能會得出不同結果。計算" "邏輯解釋如下。" msgid "About the math" msgstr "計算方式" msgid "Change|difference between numbers over time" msgstr "一段時間內的數字變化|差異" msgid "Average" msgstr "平均" msgid "Recent Weeks" msgstr "最近幾星期" msgid "Overall" msgstr "整體" msgid "Average per Day" msgstr "平均每天" msgid "Total" msgstr "總計" msgid "∞" msgstr "∞" msgid "Months and Years" msgstr "月份與年份" msgid "We have not recorded any views for this item yet." msgstr "我們尚未記錄此項目的任何點閱數。" msgid "Top Posts for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的熱門文章" msgid "Video plays for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的影片播放次數" msgid "Video plays for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的影片播放次數 (摘要)" msgid "Search Terms for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的搜尋字詞 (摘要)" msgid "Clicks for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的點擊率" msgid "Clicks for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的點擊率 (摘要)" msgid "all" msgstr "所有" msgid "Referrers for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的推薦連結 (摘要)" msgid "" "This video is embedded on the following page locations (note that URL may " "have changed)" msgstr "這部影片內嵌在下列頁面位置 (請注意 URL 可能已變更)" msgid "Your video play statistics" msgstr "影片播放統計" msgid "Video Plays" msgstr "影片播放次數" msgid "Clicks" msgstr "點擊率" msgid "Top Posts & Pages" msgstr "熱門文章與頁面︰" msgid "« Return to Stats" msgstr "« 回到統計" msgid "No user found." msgstr "找不到使用者。" msgid "Promoted %s ( user) to administrator." msgstr "晉升%s ( 使用者) 到管理員。" msgid "%s ( user) already has stats access." msgstr "%s ( 使用者) 已擁有統計資料存取權。" msgid "Granted stats access to %s ( user)." msgstr "已授與 %s ( 使用者) 統計資料存取權。" msgid "" "You are logged into as %1$s. To switch " "accounts, log out." msgstr "" "你已經用%1$s登入。若要切換帳戶,請登出. " msgid "You are already a member of this site." msgstr "你已經是本網站的成員。" msgid "No blogs... yet." msgstr "尚無網誌。" msgid "Error: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "錯誤:請輸入電子郵件地址。" msgid "Error: please fill the required fields (name, email)." msgstr "錯誤:請填寫必要欄位(姓名、電子郵件)。" msgid "Sorry, comments are closed for this item." msgstr "抱歉,此篇的評論功能已關閉。" msgid "Active" msgstr "使用中" msgid "Promote" msgstr "宣傳" msgid "Subscriber" msgstr "訂閱者" msgid "Accept" msgstr "同意" msgid "" "Scheduled maintenance ends in about %1$sh %2$sm (more info)" msgstr "" "排定之系統維護將於 %1$s小時 %2$s分鐘結束。 (更多細節)" msgid "" "If you have just installed the Stats plugin, this error " "probably appeared because the API key entered in the plugin belongs to a " "different user account." msgstr "" "如果你剛安裝 統計資料外掛程式,由於輸入外掛程式的 API 金鑰屬於" "不同的 使用者帳戶,因此才可能發生這個錯誤。" msgid "Activated" msgstr "已啟用?" msgid "Search logs" msgstr "搜尋日誌" msgid "Store stats" msgstr "商店統計" msgid "Delete log" msgstr "刪除紀錄" msgid "Sorry, the link you clicked is stale. Please select another option." msgstr "抱歉,你點擊的是舊連結。請選擇其他選項。" msgid "Credits" msgstr "致謝" msgid "New Password" msgstr "新密碼" msgid "Videos" msgstr "影片" msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "快速鍵" msgid "Search widgets…" msgstr "搜尋小工具…" msgid "Search Widgets" msgstr "搜尋小工具" msgid "Invalid user ID." msgstr "不正確的使用者編號。" msgid "Jabber / Google Talk" msgstr "Jabber / Google Talk" msgid "Yahoo IM" msgstr "Yahoo IM" msgid "AIM" msgstr "AIM" msgid "Strength indicator" msgstr "強度偵測器" msgid "%s user deleted." msgid_plural "%s users deleted." msgstr[0] "使用者 %s 已被刪除。" msgctxt "users" msgid "All (%s)" msgid_plural "All (%s)" msgstr[0] "全部 (%s)" msgid "Add Widget" msgstr "新增小工具" msgid "(required)" msgstr "(必)" msgid "Changed roles." msgstr "已變更角色。" msgid "Confirm Deletion" msgstr "確認刪除" msgid "Confirm Removal" msgstr "確認移除" msgid "" "Drag widgets here to remove them from the sidebar but keep their settings." msgstr "將小工具拖至這兒來將它們自邊欄移除,但保留它們的設定。" msgid "Available Widgets" msgstr "可用小工具" msgid "Error while saving." msgstr "儲存時出現錯誤。" msgid "Position" msgstr "位置" msgid "Change role to…" msgstr "變更角色為…" msgid "%1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "Update User" msgstr "更新使用者" msgid "Update Profile" msgstr "更新個人資訊" msgid "Additional Capabilities" msgstr "額外的能力" msgid "Type your new password again." msgstr "請再次輸入你的新密碼。" msgid "" "Share a little biographical information to fill out your profile. This may " "be shown publicly." msgstr "於你的個人資料中分享一些經驗。這有可能會被公開顯示。" msgid "Biographical Info" msgstr "個人資料" msgid "About Yourself" msgstr "個人簡歷" msgid "Display name publicly as" msgstr "如何顯示你的大名" msgid "Nickname" msgstr "暱稱" msgid "Admin Color Scheme" msgstr "管理色彩配置" msgid "Disable the visual editor when writing" msgstr "停用視覺化編輯器" msgid "Visual Editor" msgstr "視覺化編輯器" msgid "Personal Options" msgstr "個人選項" msgid "User updated." msgstr "已更新使用者。" msgid "Edit User" msgstr "編輯使用者" msgid "Attach" msgstr "產生關聯" msgid "Last Updated" msgstr "最近更新" msgid "Mature" msgstr "到期" msgid "Enable" msgstr "啟用" msgid "Theme" msgstr "佈景主題" msgid "Never" msgstr "從未" msgid "WP Admin" msgstr "WP 管理員" msgid "Enabled" msgstr "啟用" msgid "Music" msgstr "音樂" msgid "You don't have permission to access this page" msgstr "你沒有存取此頁面的權限。" msgid "Options saved." msgstr "選項已儲存。" msgid "Changes saved." msgstr "變更已儲存。" msgid "

    You do not have permission to access this page.

    " msgstr "


    " msgid "" "Hint: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it " "stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! \" ? " "$ % ^ & )." msgstr "" "提示:你的密碼應該至少七個字元長。欲讓它強壯點,請使用大小寫、數目字與符號" "如 ! \" ? $ % ^ & ) 混合。" msgid "Domain" msgstr "網域" msgid "User" msgstr "使用者" msgid "About the user" msgstr "關於該使用者" msgid "Contact Info" msgstr "聯絡資訊" msgid "Primary Blog" msgstr "主網誌" msgid "" "You can also specify the language this blog is written in." msgstr "你也可以指定撰寫這個網誌所使用的語言" msgid "Interface language" msgstr "介面語言" msgid "Change your Gravatar" msgstr "更換識別圖片" msgid "My Gravatar" msgstr "我的識別圖片" msgid "You do not have permission to edit this user." msgstr "你沒有足夠的權限編輯此使用者的資料。" msgid "Last name" msgstr "姓氏" msgid "First name" msgstr "名字" msgid "Mark as Not Spam" msgstr "設為非垃圾留言" msgid "Stats" msgstr "網站統計" msgid "N/A" msgstr "不提供" msgid "Menu" msgstr "選單清單" msgid "First Post" msgid_plural "%s Posts" msgstr[0] "首篇文章" msgid "You have specified these users for deletion:" msgstr "你已選定欲刪除的使用者:" msgid "Disabled" msgstr "已停用" msgid "Search Users" msgstr "搜尋使用者" msgid "Add New User" msgstr "新增使用者" msgid "Update Complete" msgstr "更新完成" msgid "Other users have been removed." msgstr "其他使用者已移除。" msgid "There are no valid users selected for removal." msgstr "移除時沒有選取有效的使用者。" msgid "You have specified these users for removal:" msgstr "目前指定移除的使用者如下所列:" msgid "Error in displaying the widget settings form." msgstr "顯示小工具設定表單時錯誤。" msgid "Save Widget" msgstr "儲存小工具" msgid "" "Select both the sidebar for this widget and the position of the widget in " "that sidebar." msgstr "選擇小工具所屬的邊欄與位置。" msgid "Widget %s" msgstr "小工具 %s" msgid "Inactive Widgets" msgstr "未啟用的小工具" msgid "Other users have been deleted." msgstr "其他使用者已刪除。" msgid "You cannot delete the current user." msgstr "無法刪除已登入的使用者。" msgid "Other user roles have been changed." msgstr "其他使用者的使用者角色已變更。" msgid "The current user’s role must have user editing capabilities." msgstr "目前使用者的使用者角色必須具備編輯使用者的權限。" msgid "New user created." msgstr "新使用者已新增。" msgid "There are no valid users selected for deletion." msgstr "刪除時沒有選取有效的使用者。" msgid "Delete Users" msgstr "刪除使用者" msgid "Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation." msgstr "啟用熱鍵審核留言。" msgid "Apply Changes" msgstr "應用更改" msgid "Roles" msgstr "角色" msgid "You cannot remove the current user." msgstr "無法移除已登入的使用者。" msgid "File edited successfully." msgstr "檔案編輯成功。" msgid "Cost" msgstr "費用" msgid "Blog Title" msgstr "網誌標題" msgid "Your latest posts" msgstr "最新的文章" msgid "Tagline" msgstr "標語" msgid "Time Format" msgstr "時間格式" msgid "Date Format" msgstr "日期格式" msgid "Height" msgstr "高度" msgctxt "comments" msgid "All (%s)" msgid_plural "All (%s)" msgstr[0] "全部 (%s)" msgid "All Settings" msgstr "全部設定" msgid "Default Post Category" msgstr "預設文章分類" msgid "Formatting" msgstr "格式化" msgid "Writing Settings" msgstr "寫作設定" msgid "Encoding for pages and feeds" msgstr "文字編碼方式" msgid "Syndication feeds show the most recent" msgstr "同步訂閱顯示最多近期文章" msgid "Warning: these pages should not be the same!" msgstr "警告:這些頁面不應該相同!" msgid "Posts page: %s" msgstr "文章頁面:%s" msgid "A static page (select below)" msgstr "靜態頁面(選擇如下)" msgid "Reading Settings" msgstr "閱讀設定" msgid "Custom Structure" msgstr "自訂結構" msgid "Month and name" msgstr "月份與名稱" msgid "Day and name" msgstr "日期與名稱" msgid "Permalink Settings" msgstr "固定網址設定" msgid "Large size" msgstr "大圖大小" msgid "Max Height" msgstr "最高" msgid "Max Width" msgstr "最寬" msgid "Medium size" msgstr "中等大小" msgid "" "Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)" msgstr "剪裁至該大小的縮圖(通常用等比例縮小)" msgid "Thumbnail size" msgstr "縮圖大小" msgid "Image sizes" msgstr "圖片大小" msgid "Media Settings" msgstr "媒體設定" msgid "Week Starts On" msgstr "每週開始於" msgid "Timezone" msgstr "時區" msgid "MonsterID (Generated)" msgstr "MonsterID(自動產生)" msgid "Wavatar (Generated)" msgstr "Wavatar(自動產生)" msgid "Identicon (Generated)" msgstr "Identicon(自動產生)" msgid "Custom:" msgstr "自訂:" msgid "Blank" msgstr "空白" msgid "" "For users without a custom avatar of their own, you can either display a " "generic logo or a generated one based on their email address." msgstr "" "若使用者沒有自訂的大頭貼,你可以顯示一個通用標誌或由他們的電子郵件地址所產生" "的圖片。" msgid "Default Avatar" msgstr "預設大頭貼" msgid "X — Even more mature than above" msgstr "X —無碼限制級" msgid "R — Intended for adult audiences above 17" msgstr "R —馬賽克限制級" msgid "PG — Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and above" msgstr "PG —輔導級" msgid "G — Suitable for all audiences" msgstr "G —普級" msgid "Maximum Rating" msgstr "最高可顯示分級" msgid "Show Avatars" msgstr "顯示大頭貼" msgid "Avatar Display" msgstr "顯示大頭貼" msgid "newer" msgstr "較新" msgid "older" msgstr "較舊" msgid "Manage themes" msgstr "管理佈景主題" msgid "Search plugins" msgstr "搜尋外掛" msgid "Version %s" msgstr "版本 %s" msgid "Browse our themes in alphabetical order." msgstr "依字母順序瀏覽主題" msgid "A-Z" msgstr "A-Z" msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" msgid "Close Window" msgstr "關閉本視窗。" msgid "Insert Image" msgstr "插入圖片" msgid "Deactivate this plugin" msgstr "停用此外掛" msgid "Stop Subscription" msgstr "停止訂閱" msgid "Product" msgstr "產品" msgid "WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically" msgstr "自動修正錯誤的巢狀 XHTML 語法" msgid "" "Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on " "display" msgstr "自動將:-) 以及 :-P 等心情符號轉換成圖片" msgid "Popular" msgstr "熱門" msgid "Summary" msgstr "摘要" msgid "Full text" msgstr "完整內文" msgid "Choose a city in the same timezone as you." msgstr "選擇與你時區相同的城市。" msgid "Local time is %1$s" msgstr "本地時間是 %1$s" msgid "Loading..." msgstr "載入中..." msgid "" "UTC time is %s" msgstr "" "UTC 時間是 %s" msgid "" "You can also modify the interface language in your " "profile." msgstr "你也可以在個人檔案中指定想要使用的介面語言。 " msgid "Language this blog is primarily written in." msgstr "網誌主要使用的語言" msgid "E-mail me whenever" msgstr "以下狀況使用電子郵件通知:" msgid "Premium" msgstr "進階" msgid "Expires" msgstr "到期" msgid "Optional" msgstr "選擇性設定" msgid "%1$s as %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 為「%2$s」身分" msgid "Compare Revisions of “%s”" msgstr "「%s」的版本比較" msgid "" "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, email, " "or IP address, it will be held in the moderation queue. One word or IP address per " "line. It will match inside words, so “press” will match “" "WordPress”." msgstr "" "當評論的內容、姓名、網址、電子郵件或 IP 位址出現以下文字,它將被設定為審核中。每行輸入一個" "關鍵字或 IP 位址。它也會比對單字內的文字,所以 “press” 符合" "“WordPress”。" msgid "Comment Moderation" msgstr "審核留言" msgid "A comment is held for moderation" msgstr "有留言等待你審核的時候" msgid "Anyone posts a comment" msgstr "有人發佈留言的時候" msgid "" "Theme could not be resumed because it triggered a fatal error." msgstr "" "由於這個佈景主題會觸發嚴重錯誤,因此佈景主題並未恢復使用。" msgid "Mature (%s)" msgid_plural "Mature (%s)" msgstr[0] "成人內容 (%s)" msgid "Expiry Date" msgstr "有效期限" msgid "Thank you for your attention." msgstr "感謝你的配合。" msgid "Default Link Category" msgstr "預設連結分類" msgid "Subscribed" msgstr "已訂閱" msgid "My Subscriptions" msgstr "我的訂閱" msgid "Renew" msgstr "續訂" msgid "Failed (%s)" msgid_plural "Failed (%s)" msgstr[0] "失敗(%s)" msgid "Post published." msgstr "文章已發佈。" msgid "Separate tags with commas" msgstr "用逗號 (,) 區分多個標籤" msgid "Template Editing" msgstr "編輯範本" msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blog" msgctxt "timezone date format" msgid "Y-m-d H:i:s" msgstr "Y-m-d H:i:s" msgid "Blog pages show at most" msgstr "Blog顯示最多" msgid "Privacy Settings" msgstr "私隱設定" msgid "This timezone is currently in standard time." msgstr "時區現時使用標準時間。" msgid "" "Hold a comment in the queue if it contains %s or more links. (A common " "characteristic of comment spam is a large number of hyperlinks.)" msgstr "" "如果一則留言中超過 %s 條連結,即判斷為垃圾,必須審核通過才可以發佈。(垃圾的特" "色就是通常會有很多的超連結。)" msgid "Comment author must have a previously approved comment" msgstr "發佈留言者必須之前有發佈且通過審核" msgid "Before a comment appears" msgstr "留言出現在版面之前" msgid "" "Comments should be displayed with the %s comments at the top of each page" msgstr "每頁應將%s的留言顯示在上方" msgid "" "Break comments into pages with %1$s top level comments per page and the %2$s " "page displayed by default" msgstr "將留言分頁,每頁 %1$s 則首要留言,預設顯示 %2$s 頁" msgid "likes" msgstr "按讚" msgid "" "If you change this, an email will be sent at your new address to confirm it. " "The new address will not become active until confirmed." msgstr "" "如果變更了這項設定,系統會傳送一封電子郵件至新地址進行確認。在完成確" "認前,無法使用新的電子郵件地址。" msgid "" "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, author name, URL, " "email, IP address, or browser’s user agent string, it will be put in " "the Trash. One word or IP address per line. It will match inside words, so " "“press” will match “WordPress”." msgstr "" "當留言的內容、姓名、網址、電子郵件或 IP 位址出現以下文字,它將被送進垃圾桶。" "每行輸入一個關鍵字或 IP 位址。它也會比對單字內的文字,所以「press」符合" "「WordPress」。" msgid "About" msgstr "關於" msgid "Yes" msgstr "是" msgid "Update" msgstr "更新" msgid "Upgrades" msgstr "升級" msgid "Version:" msgstr "版本:" msgid "Author:" msgstr "作者:" msgid "Sticky" msgstr "置頂" msgid "Install Now" msgstr "立即安裝" msgid "Columns" msgstr "欄位" msgid "Colors" msgstr "顏色" msgid "Widgets" msgstr "小工具" msgctxt "page" msgid "Add New" msgstr "新增頁面" msgid "There are no options for this widget." msgstr "此小工具沒有自訂選項。" msgid "Light" msgstr "淺色系" msgid "Help" msgstr "說明" msgid "New Post" msgstr "新增文章" msgid "New Page" msgstr "新建頁面" msgid "Select" msgstr "選取" msgctxt "post" msgid "Add New" msgstr "新增文章" msgid "Drafts" msgstr "草稿" msgid "Plugins %s" msgstr "外掛 %s" msgid "Translation Ready" msgstr "多語言翻譯支援" msgid "RTL Language Support" msgstr "RTL 語言支援" msgid "" "You are about to delete this theme '%s'\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "你打算刪除「%s」這個佈景主題。\n" " 按下「取消」放棄,按下「確定」刪除。" msgid "first" msgstr "最前" msgid "last" msgstr "最後" msgid "Default article settings" msgstr "預設文章設定" msgid "Discussion Settings" msgstr "討論設定" msgid "Reading" msgstr "閱讀" msgid "Appearance" msgstr "外觀" msgid "Library" msgstr "媒體庫" msgctxt "Default post slug" msgid "hello-world" msgstr "hello-world" msgid "Tools" msgstr "工具" msgid "" "Note that password carefully! It is a random password that was generated just for you." msgstr "" "請小心記下密碼!這是為你隨機產生的密碼。" msgid "Unable to locate WordPress theme directory." msgstr "無法找到 WordPress 佈景主題目錄。" msgid "Version: %s" msgstr "版本: %s" msgid "Holiday" msgstr "節日" msgid "Subject" msgstr "標題" msgid "Microformats" msgstr "微格式" msgid "Custom Colors" msgstr "自訂顏色" msgid "Right Sidebar" msgstr "右邊欄" msgid "Left Sidebar" msgstr "左邊欄" msgid "Four Columns" msgstr "四欄" msgid "Three Columns" msgstr "三欄" msgid "Two Columns" msgstr "兩欄" msgid "Screen Options" msgstr "顯示選項" msgid "Disable accessibility mode" msgstr "停用無障礙模式" msgid "Enable accessibility mode" msgstr "啟用無障礙模式" msgid "Maximum size: %s" msgstr "檔案最大為:%s" msgid "Add Custom Field" msgstr "新增自訂欄位" msgid "Enter new" msgstr "輸入新欄位" msgid "Key" msgstr "欄位名稱" msgid "Value" msgstr "欄位內容" msgid "Submit Reply" msgstr "送出回應" msgid "Last Modified" msgstr "最後修改" msgid "Missed schedule" msgstr "錯失排程" msgid "Make this post sticky" msgstr "將本篇文章置頂" msgid "Not Sticky" msgstr "取消置頂" msgid "Do not allow" msgstr "不允許" msgid "Allow" msgstr "允許" msgctxt "Default page slug" msgid "about" msgstr "關於" msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "雜項" msgid "Visit %s" msgstr "造訪 %s" msgid "A while ago" msgstr "一段時間之前" msgid "Last week" msgstr "上週" msgid "This week" msgstr "本週" msgid "Updated:" msgstr "更新:" msgid "Post #%s" msgstr "文章 #%s " msgid " News" msgstr " 情報" msgid "" "ERROR: That email address is already used by someone else." msgstr "錯誤:此email位址已被其他人使用。" msgid "No post?" msgstr "沒有文章嗎?" msgid "Installed" msgstr "已安裝" msgid "Email:" msgstr "電子郵件:" msgid "One Column" msgstr "單欄" msgid "Refresh" msgstr "重新整理" msgctxt "post state" msgid "Pending" msgstr "審核中" msgid "Find Posts or Pages" msgstr "尋找文章或頁面" msgid "Invite deleted." msgid_plural "Invites deleted." msgstr[0] "已刪除邀請" msgid "Invites" msgstr "邀請" msgid "These settings may be overridden for individual articles." msgstr "這些選項可以在發佈文章時個別調整。" msgid "Comments %s" msgstr "留言 %s" msgid "" "When you make posts or comments around, they will be listed in " "chronological order here. Want to get started? Check out some of the links " "to the right and leave a comment on one that interests you." msgstr "" "你在 網站或網誌發佈過的文章或留言,會依照時間順序排列在這裡。想" "要開始使用嗎?請看看右邊的連結,並在一個你感興趣的地方留下留言。" msgid "g:ia" msgstr "H:i:s" msgid "Private post" msgstr "私密文章" msgid "Automatically close comments on posts older than %s days" msgstr "%s 天後自動關閉文章中的留言功能" msgid "Comment author must fill out name and e-mail" msgstr "留言時必須輸入姓名及電子郵件" msgid "Allow people to post comments on new articles" msgstr "開放新文章留言" msgid "" "Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new " "posts." msgstr "開放其他網站對新文章傳送連結通知 (即自動引用通知及引用通知)" msgid "Upload New Media" msgstr "上載新媒體檔案" msgid "Link not found." msgstr "沒有符合條件的連結。" msgid "Edit Link" msgstr "編輯連結:" msgid "No links found." msgstr "找不到連結。" msgid "Search Links" msgstr "搜尋連結" msgid "Add New Link" msgstr "新增連結" msgid "Install Plugins" msgstr "安裝外掛程式" msgid "New Media" msgstr "新增媒體" msgid "Upload file and import" msgstr "上載檔案並匯入" msgid "%1$s %2$s, %3$s at %4$s:%5$s" msgstr "%3$s 年 %1$s %2$s 日 %4$s:%5$s" msgid "Signups" msgstr "註冊" msgid "Click to toggle" msgstr "點擊切換" msgid "Latest Posts" msgstr "最新文章" msgid "Editor" msgstr "編輯器" msgid "%d themes found" msgstr "發現%d個佈景主題" msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "時節(Seasonal)" msgid "Photoblogging" msgstr "攝影日誌(Photoblogging)" msgid "Dark" msgstr "暗色調" msgid "Tan" msgstr "古銅色" msgid "An unknown error occurred." msgstr "出現未知錯誤。" msgid "" "Error: This username is already registered. Please choose " "another one." msgstr "" "錯誤: 這個使用者名稱已由其他使用者註冊使用,請使用不同的使用" "者名稱註冊。" msgid "Blavatar" msgstr "頭像" msgid "Error: Please type your email address." msgstr "錯誤: 請輸入電子郵件地址。" msgid "Error: Please enter a username." msgstr "錯誤: 請輸入使用者名稱。" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "黃色" msgid "Red" msgstr "紅色" msgid "Purple" msgstr "紫色" msgid "Pink" msgstr "粉紅色" msgid "Orange" msgstr "橙色" msgid "Width" msgstr "寬度" msgid "Green" msgstr "綠色" msgid "Brown" msgstr "啡色" msgid "Edit Media" msgstr "修改媒體" msgid "White" msgstr "白色" msgid "Silver" msgstr "銀色" msgid "Black" msgstr "黑色" msgid "(no title)" msgstr "(無標題)" msgid "Required WordPress version" msgstr "WordPress 最低版本需求" msgid "" "Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start " "writing!" msgstr "" "歡迎使用 WordPress。這是這個網站的第一篇文章。試試為這篇文章進行編輯或直接刪" "除,然後開始撰寫新文章!" msgid "XML Error: %1$s at line %2$s" msgstr "XML 錯誤: %1$s (發生於第 %2$s 行)" msgid "Enable threaded (nested) comments %s levels deep" msgstr "啟用階層式留言,%s 層深" msgid "Users must be registered and logged in to comment" msgstr "使用者要註冊並登入才能發佈留言" msgid "Other comment settings" msgstr "其他留言選項" msgid "Permalinks" msgstr "固定連結" msgid "%s link deleted." msgid_plural "%s links deleted." msgstr[0] "已刪除 %s 條連結。" msgid "Error: Passwords may not contain the character \"\\\"." msgstr "錯誤: 密碼不能包含 \\ 字元。" msgid "Error: Please enter a password." msgstr "錯誤: 請輸入密碼。" msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "網站第一篇文章" msgid "This theme is already installed." msgstr "此佈景主題已安裝。" msgctxt "Default category slug" msgid "Uncategorized" msgstr "Uncategorized" msgid "Sticky Post" msgstr "置頂文章" msgid "Theme Options" msgstr "佈景主題選項" msgid "Choose a file from your computer:" msgstr "從你的電腦上選擇檔案:" msgid "" "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following " "error:" msgstr "在上載匯入檔案之前,你需要修正下列錯誤:" msgid "Reply to Comment" msgstr "回覆這則留言" msgid "Manage plugin" msgstr "管理外掛" msgid "Blogs" msgstr "網誌" msgid "Video" msgstr "影片" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "對齊" msgid "Show" msgstr "顯示" msgid "Images" msgstr "圖片" msgid "Hide" msgstr "隱藏" msgid "Search Media" msgstr "搜尋媒體" msgid "Video (%s)" msgid_plural "Video (%s)" msgstr[0] "影片(%s)" msgid "Manage Video" msgstr "管理影片" msgid "Manage Audio" msgstr "管理音訊" msgid "Image (%s)" msgid_plural "Images (%s)" msgstr[0] "圖片(%s)" msgid "Manage Images" msgstr "管理圖片" msgid "Large" msgstr "大" msgid "Media Library" msgstr "媒體庫" msgid "Attachment Page" msgstr "附件頁面" msgid "Select Files" msgstr "選擇檔案" msgid "Clear" msgstr "清除" msgid "Private (%s)" msgid_plural "Private (%s)" msgstr[0] "私密 (%s)" msgid "Draft (%s)" msgid_plural "Drafts (%s)" msgstr[0] "草稿 (%s)" msgid "Scheduled (%s)" msgid_plural "Scheduled (%s)" msgstr[0] "已排程 (%s)" msgid "Site Admin" msgstr "網站管理" msgid "View Page" msgstr "檢視頁面" msgid "Image URL" msgstr "圖片網址" msgid "Caption" msgstr "說明" msgid "Size" msgstr "大小" msgid "Add Media" msgstr "新增媒體" msgid "File “%s” is not an image." msgstr "檔案「%s」並不是圖片。" msgid "File “%s” does not exist?" msgstr "檔案「%s」是否不存在?" msgid "Header" msgstr "頁首" msgid "Trackback" msgstr "引用" msgid "Pingback" msgstr "通告" msgid "Medium" msgstr "中" msgid "Right" msgstr "靠右" msgid "(Private post)" msgstr "(私密文章)" msgid "Media" msgstr "媒體" msgid "American English" msgstr "美式英文" msgid "British English" msgstr "英式英文" msgid "Role" msgstr "角色" msgid "–OR–" msgstr "– 或 –" msgid "Visible" msgstr "是否顯示" msgctxt "column name" msgid "Date" msgstr "日期" msgctxt "column name" msgid "File" msgstr "檔案" msgid "Relationship" msgstr "關係" msgid "Quick Edit" msgstr "快速編輯" msgid "Quick Edit" msgstr "快速編輯" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Subscriber" msgstr "訂閱者" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Author" msgstr "作者" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Administrator" msgstr "管理員" msgid "Permalink:" msgstr "固定網址:" msgid "The plugin does not have a valid header." msgstr "該外掛標頭錯誤。" msgid "Invalid plugin path." msgstr "不正確的外掛路徑。" msgid "One of the plugins is invalid." msgstr "有個外掛不合規格。" msgid "Link text, e.g. “Ransom Demands (PDF)”" msgstr "連結文字,例如:「Ransom Demands (PDF)」" msgid "Link to image" msgstr "連結到圖片" msgid "Link Image To:" msgstr "連結圖片至:" msgid "Image Caption" msgstr "圖片說明" msgid "All Types" msgstr "全部種類" msgid "Update gallery settings" msgstr "更新藝廊設定" msgid "Gallery columns:" msgstr "藝廊欄位:" msgid "Order:" msgstr "順序:" msgid "Random" msgstr "隨機" msgid "Date/Time" msgstr "日期/時間" msgid "Menu order" msgstr "選單順序" msgid "Order images by:" msgstr "圖片排序:" msgid "Image File" msgstr "圖片檔案" msgid "Link thumbnails to:" msgstr "將縮圖連結至:" msgid "Descending" msgstr "遞減" msgid "Ascending" msgstr "遞增" msgid "Sort Order:" msgstr "排序:" msgid "All Tabs:" msgstr "全部頁籤:" msgid "Save all changes" msgstr "儲存全部變更" msgid "Add media files from your computer" msgstr "自你的電腦上新增媒體檔案" msgid "Insert into Post" msgstr "插入至文章" msgid "Alt text for the image, e.g. “The Mona Lisa”" msgstr "圖片替代文字,例如:「蒙娜麗莎」" msgid "File URL" msgstr "檔案網址" msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" msgid "Gallery (%s)" msgstr "藝廊(%s)" msgid "From URL" msgstr "自網址" msgid "From Computer" msgstr "本機" msgid "Proceed" msgstr "繼續" msgid "Loading…" msgstr "讀取中…" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Spam" msgstr "垃圾" msgid "Comment" msgstr "評論" msgid "Other WordPress News" msgstr "其它 WordPress 新聞" msgid "Right Now" msgstr "現況" msgid "Configure" msgstr "設定" msgid "View all" msgstr "檢視全部" msgid "Date" msgstr "日期" msgid "Yap" msgstr "雅浦島" msgid "Wallis" msgstr "瓦里斯" msgid "Wake" msgstr "威克島" msgid "Truk" msgstr "楚克島" msgid "Tarawa" msgstr "塔拉瓦島" msgid "Tahiti" msgstr "大溪地" msgid "Saipan" msgstr "塞班島" msgid "Rarotonga" msgstr "拉羅東加島" msgid "Port Moresby" msgstr "摩爾斯比港" msgid "Ponape" msgstr "波納佩" msgid "Pago Pago" msgstr "巴哥巴哥" msgid "Norfolk" msgstr "諾福克島" msgid "Midway" msgstr "中途島" msgid "Marquesas" msgstr "馬爾凱撒斯" msgid "Majuro" msgstr "馬朱諾" msgid "Kwajalein" msgstr "瓜加林島" msgid "Kosrae" msgstr "科斯瑞" msgid "Kiritimati" msgstr "基里蒂馬蒂環礁" msgid "Johnston" msgstr "強斯頓環礁" msgid "Honolulu" msgstr "火奴魯魯" msgid "Guadalcanal" msgstr "瓜達爾卡納爾島" msgid "Gambier" msgstr "甘比爾群島" msgid "Galapagos" msgstr "加拉巴哥群島" msgid "Funafuti" msgstr "富納富提" msgid "Fakaofo" msgstr "法高弗" msgid "Enderbury" msgstr "恩得伯理島" msgid "Efate" msgstr "埃法特島" msgid "Easter" msgstr "復活節島" msgid "Chatham" msgstr "查坦群島" msgid "Auckland" msgstr "奧克蘭" msgid "Apia" msgstr "阿皮亞" msgid "Pacific" msgstr "太平洋" msgid "Reunion" msgstr "留尼旺" msgid "Mahe" msgstr "馬埃" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Contributor" msgstr "撰寫人員" msgid "Audio" msgstr "音訊" msgid "Scheduled Post" msgstr "已排程的文章" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this term." msgstr "抱歉,您不被允許編輯這個項目。" msgid "[%s] New Email Address" msgstr "〔%s〕新電子郵件位址" msgid "Audio File URL" msgstr "聲音檔案 URL" msgid "Image Title" msgstr "圖片標題" msgid "3" msgstr "3" msgid "Thumbnail" msgstr "縮圖" msgid "Saved." msgstr "已儲存。" msgid "Add Audio" msgstr "新增音訊" msgid "Add Video" msgstr "新增影片" msgid "Add an Image" msgstr "新增圖片" msgid "Search Results" msgstr "搜尋結果" msgid "Change Theme" msgstr "變更佈景主題" msgid "Category" msgstr "分類" msgid "Page" msgstr "頁面" msgid "Tongatapu" msgstr "湯加塔布" msgid "Noumea" msgstr "努美阿" msgid "Post scheduled" msgstr "已排程" msgid "Recent Drafts" msgstr "近期草稿" msgid "Published (%s)" msgid_plural "Published (%s)" msgstr[0] "已發佈 (%s)" msgid "Video URL" msgstr "影片檔案 URL" msgid "Press This" msgstr "發佈至網誌" msgid "Links" msgstr "連結" msgid "Location of the uploaded file." msgstr "已上載檔案的位置。" msgid "Enter a link URL or click above for presets." msgstr "輸入連結網址或點一下上面的預設值。" msgid "Link URL" msgstr "連結網址" msgid "Uploads" msgstr "上載" msgid "Footer" msgstr "頁尾" msgid "Add New" msgstr "新增連結" msgid "Pending payment (%s)" msgid_plural "Pending payment (%s)" msgstr[0] "等待付款中 (%s)" msgid "— No Change —" msgstr "— 無變更 —" msgid "Most popular" msgstr "最受歡迎" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Editor" msgstr "編輯者" msgid "Reset" msgstr "重設" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "相簿" msgid "" "Your email address has not been updated yet. Please check your inbox at %s " "for a confirmation email." msgstr "您的電子郵件地址尚未更新。請檢查您的收件匣在%s確認電子郵件。" msgid "F j, Y g:i a" msgstr "Y-m-d a g:i" msgid "g:i a" msgstr "a g:i" msgid "Audio (%s)" msgid_plural "Audio (%s)" msgstr[0] "音訊(%s)" msgid "Gallery Settings" msgstr "相簿設定" msgid "Insert gallery" msgstr "插入相簿" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create pages as this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許以該使用者身分建立頁面。" msgid "By %s" msgstr "開發者:%s" msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "邊欄" msgid "Recent Comments" msgstr "最新評論" msgid "View Post" msgstr "檢視文章" msgid "Left" msgstr "靠左" msgid "Archives" msgstr "彙整" msgid "Content" msgstr "內容" msgid "Could not fully remove the plugin %s." msgstr "無法完全移除外掛 %s。" msgctxt "dashboard" msgid "%1$s, %2$s" msgstr "%1$s,%2$s" msgid "At a Glance" msgstr "概況" msgid "Edit comment" msgstr "編輯留言" msgid "[%s] New Admin Email Address" msgstr "〔%s〕新管理員電郵地址" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts as this user." msgstr "抱歉,你不得以此使用者編輯文章。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit pages as this user." msgstr "抱歉,以這個使用者的身分登入時,沒有編輯頁面的權限。" msgid "Plugin file does not exist." msgstr "外掛檔案不存在。" msgid "This widget requires JavaScript." msgstr "此小工具需要 JavaScript。" msgid "[Pending]" msgstr "[審核中]" msgid "From %1$s on %2$s %3$s" msgstr "由 %1$s 在 %2$s %3$s" msgid "Mark this comment as spam" msgstr "標記這則留言為垃圾" msgid "Reply to this comment" msgstr "回覆這則留言" msgid "Unapprove this comment" msgstr "駁回這則留言" msgid "Approve this comment" msgstr "核准這則留言" msgid "Pending" msgstr "待審閱" msgid "File Size" msgstr "檔案大小" msgid "Kerguelen" msgstr "凱爾蓋朗群島" msgid "Comoro" msgstr "科摩羅" msgid "Cocos" msgstr "可可斯群島" msgid "Christmas" msgstr "聖誕島" msgid "Chagos" msgstr "查戈斯" msgid "Antananarivo" msgstr "塔那那利佛" msgid "Indian" msgstr "印度" msgid "Zurich" msgstr "蘇黎世" msgid "Zaporozhye" msgstr "扎波羅熱" msgid "Zagreb" msgstr "薩格勒布" msgid "Warsaw" msgstr "華沙" msgid "Volgograd" msgstr "伏爾加格勒" msgid "Vilnius" msgstr "維爾紐斯" msgid "Vienna" msgstr "維也納" msgid "Vatican" msgstr "梵帝岡" msgid "Vaduz" msgstr "瓦都茲" msgid "Uzhgorod" msgstr "烏日戈羅德" msgid "Tiraspol" msgstr "蒂拉斯波爾" msgid "Tirane" msgstr "地拉那" msgid "Tallinn" msgstr "塔林" msgid "Stockholm" msgstr "斯德哥爾摩" msgid "Sofia" msgstr "索菲亞" msgid "Skopje" msgstr "斯科普里" msgid "Simferopol" msgstr "辛菲羅波爾" msgid "Sarajevo" msgstr "薩拉熱窩" msgid "Samara" msgstr "薩馬拉" msgid "Riga" msgstr "里加" msgid "Prague" msgstr "布拉格" msgid "Podgorica" msgstr "普哥里卡" msgid "Paris" msgstr "巴黎" msgid "Oslo" msgstr "奧斯陸" msgid "Moscow" msgstr "莫斯科" msgid "Minsk" msgstr "明斯克" msgid "Mariehamn" msgstr "瑪麗港" msgid "London" msgstr "倫敦" msgid "Ljubljana" msgstr "盧布爾雅那" msgid "Lisbon" msgstr "里斯本" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "基輔" msgid "Kaliningrad" msgstr "加里寧格勒" msgid "Helsinki" msgstr "赫爾辛基" msgid "Dublin" msgstr "都柏林" msgid "Copenhagen" msgstr "哥本哈根" msgid "Chisinau" msgstr "基西紐" msgid "Budapest" msgstr "布達佩斯" msgid "Bucharest" msgstr "布加勒斯特" msgid "Bratislava" msgstr "布拉迪斯拉發" msgid "Berlin" msgstr "柏林" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "貝爾格萊德" msgid "Belfast" msgstr "貝爾法斯特" msgid "Athens" msgstr "雅典" msgid "Amsterdam" msgstr "阿姆斯特丹" msgid "Europe" msgstr "歐洲" msgid "Zulu" msgstr "祖魯" msgid "Universal" msgstr "通用" msgid "UCT" msgstr "UCT" msgid "Greenwich" msgstr "格林威治" msgid "GMT+8" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+8" msgid "GMT+7" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+7" msgid "GMT+6" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+6" msgid "GMT+5" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+5" msgid "GMT+4" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+4" msgid "GMT+3" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+3" msgid "GMT+2" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+2" msgid "GMT+12" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+12" msgid "GMT+11" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+11" msgid "GMT+10" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+10" msgid "GMT+1" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+1" msgid "GMT+0" msgstr "格林威治標準時間+0" msgid "GMT" msgstr "格林威治標準時間" msgid "Etc" msgstr "等" msgid "Yancowinna" msgstr "揚科維納" msgid "West" msgstr "西澳" msgid "Sydney" msgstr "雪梨" msgid "South" msgstr "南澳" msgid "Perth" msgstr "珀斯" msgid "NSW" msgstr "新南威爾士州" msgid "North" msgstr "北領地" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "墨爾本" msgid "Lord Howe" msgstr "豪勳爵島" msgid "Lindeman" msgstr "林德曼島" msgid "Hobart" msgstr "荷伯特" msgid "Eucla" msgstr "尤克拉" msgid "Darwin" msgstr "達爾文" msgid "Currie" msgstr "卡里" msgid "Canberra" msgstr "堪培拉" msgid "Broken Hill" msgstr "布羅肯希爾" msgid "Brisbane" msgstr "布里斯班" msgid "Adelaide" msgstr "阿德萊德" msgid "ACT" msgstr "澳洲首都領地" msgid "Stanley" msgstr "史坦利島" msgid "St Helena" msgstr "聖赫勒納島" msgid "South Georgia" msgstr "南喬治亞" msgid "Reykjavik" msgstr "雷克雅未克" msgid "Madeira" msgstr "馬德拉" msgid "Jan Mayen" msgstr "央麥恩群島" msgid "Faroe" msgstr "亞速爾群島" msgid "Faeroe" msgstr "法羅群島" msgid "Canary" msgstr "卡納里群島" msgid "Azores" msgstr "亞速爾群島" msgid "Atlantic" msgstr "大西洋" msgid "Yerevan" msgstr "葉里溫" msgid "Yekaterinburg" msgstr "伊克特寧堡" msgid "Yakutsk" msgstr "雅庫茨克" msgid "Vladivostok" msgstr "海參崴" msgid "Vientiane" msgstr "萬象" msgid "Urumqi" msgstr "烏拉圭" msgid "Ulan Bator" msgstr "烏蘭巴托" msgid "Ulaanbaatar" msgstr "烏蘭巴托" msgid "Ujung Pandang" msgstr "烏戎潘當" msgid "Thimphu" msgstr "辛布" msgid "Thimbu" msgstr "辛布" msgid "Tel Aviv" msgstr "特拉維夫" msgid "Tehran" msgstr "德黑蘭" msgid "Tbilisi" msgstr "第比利斯" msgid "Tashkent" msgstr "塔什干" msgid "Taipei" msgstr "臺北" msgid "Shanghai" msgstr "上海" msgid "Seoul" msgstr "首爾" msgid "Samarkand" msgstr "撒馬爾罕" msgid "Sakhalin" msgstr "庫頁" msgid "Saigon" msgstr "西貢" msgid "Riyadh" msgstr "利雅得" msgid "Rangoon" msgstr "仰光" msgid "Qyzylorda" msgstr "奎茲羅答" msgid "Pyongyang" msgstr "平壤" msgid "Pontianak" msgstr "坤甸" msgid "Phnom Penh" msgstr "金邊" msgid "Oral" msgstr "歐羅" msgid "Novosibirsk" msgstr "新西伯利亞" msgid "Nicosia" msgstr "尼科西亞" msgid "Muscat" msgstr "馬斯喀特" msgid "Manila" msgstr "馬尼拉" msgid "Makassar" msgstr "錫江" msgid "Magadan" msgstr "馬加丹" msgid "Macau" msgstr "澳門" msgid "Kuching" msgstr "古晉" msgid "Kuala Lumpur" msgstr "吉隆坡" msgid "Krasnoyarsk" msgstr "克拉斯諾亞爾斯克" msgid "Kolkata" msgstr "加爾各答" msgid "Katmandu" msgstr "加德滿都" msgid "Kashgar" msgstr "喀什噶爾" msgid "Karachi" msgstr "卡拉奇" msgid "Kamchatka" msgstr "堪察加" msgid "Kabul" msgstr "喀布爾" msgid "Jerusalem" msgstr "耶路撒冷" msgid "Jayapura" msgstr "嘉雅浦拉" msgid "Jakarta" msgstr "雅加達" msgid "Istanbul" msgstr "伊斯坦堡" msgid "Irkutsk" msgstr "伊爾庫茨克" msgid "Hovd" msgstr "科布多" msgid "Ho Chi Minh" msgstr "胡志明市" msgid "Harbin" msgstr "哈爾濱" msgid "Gaza" msgstr "迦薩" msgid "Dushanbe" msgstr "杜桑貝" msgid "Dubai" msgstr "杜拜" msgid "Dili" msgstr "帝力" msgid "Dhaka" msgstr "達卡" msgid "Damascus" msgstr "大馬士革" msgid "Dacca" msgstr "達卡" msgid "Colombo" msgstr "可倫坡" msgid "Chungking" msgstr "重慶" msgid "Chongqing" msgstr "重慶" msgid "Choibalsan" msgstr "喬巴山" msgid "Calcutta" msgstr "加爾各答" msgid "Brunei" msgstr "文萊" msgid "Bishkek" msgstr "比什凱克" msgid "Beirut" msgstr "貝魯特" msgid "Bangkok" msgstr "曼谷" msgid "Baku" msgstr "巴庫" msgid "Baghdad" msgstr "巴格達" msgid "Ashkhabad" msgstr "阿什哈巴德" msgid "Ashgabat" msgstr "阿什喀巴得" msgid "Aqtobe" msgstr "阿克托貝" msgid "Aqtau" msgstr "阿克圖" msgid "Anadyr" msgstr "阿那底" msgid "Amman" msgstr "安曼" msgid "Almaty" msgstr "阿拉木圖" msgid "Aden" msgstr "亞丁" msgid "Asia" msgstr "亞洲" msgid "Longyearbyen" msgstr "朗伊爾城" msgid "Arctic" msgstr "北極" msgid "Vostok" msgstr "沃斯托克" msgid "Syowa" msgstr "昭和站" msgid "South Pole" msgstr "南極" msgid "Rothera" msgstr "羅西拉" msgid "Palmer" msgstr "帕爾莫" msgid "McMurdo" msgstr "麥克莫多" msgid "Mawson" msgstr "墨生" msgid "DumontDUrville" msgstr "迪蒙‧迪爾維爾" msgid "Davis" msgstr "戴維斯" msgid "Casey" msgstr "凱西" msgid "Yellowknife" msgstr "耶洛奈夫" msgid "Yakutat" msgstr "亞庫特" msgid "Winnipeg" msgstr "溫尼伯" msgid "Whitehorse" msgstr "白馬" msgid "Virgin" msgstr "維爾京" msgid "Vancouver" msgstr "溫哥華" msgid "Tortola" msgstr "托爾托拉" msgid "Toronto" msgstr "多倫多" msgid "Tijuana" msgstr "蒂華納" msgid "Thunder Bay" msgstr "雷灣市" msgid "Thule" msgstr "圖里" msgid "Tegucigalpa" msgstr "德古斯加巴" msgid "Swift Current" msgstr "斯威夫特卡倫特" msgid "St Vincent" msgstr "聖文森" msgid "St Thomas" msgstr "聖湯瑪斯" msgid "St Lucia" msgstr "聖路西亞" msgid "St Kitts" msgstr "聖基茨" msgid "St Barthelemy" msgstr "聖巴托洛繆" msgid "Shiprock" msgstr "船岩" msgid "Scoresbysund" msgstr "史科斯比孫" msgid "Santo Domingo" msgstr "聖多明哥" msgid "Santiago" msgstr "聖地亞哥" msgid "Rosario" msgstr "羅薩里奧" msgid "Rio Branco" msgstr "里約布蘭科" msgid "Resolute" msgstr "羅斯魯特" msgid "Regina" msgstr "雷吉那" msgid "Recife" msgstr "勒希非" msgid "Rankin Inlet" msgstr "朗金灣" msgid "Rainy River" msgstr "下瑞尼河" msgid "Porto Velho" msgstr "韋柳港" msgid "Porto Acre" msgstr "波多阿克里" msgid "Port of Spain" msgstr "西班牙港" msgid "Port-au-Prince" msgstr "太子港" msgid "Phoenix" msgstr "鳳凰城" msgid "Paramaribo" msgstr "帕拉馬里博" msgid "Pangnirtung" msgstr "潘尼爾東" msgid "New Salem" msgstr "新薩勒姆" msgid "Noronha" msgstr "迪諾羅尼亞" msgid "Nome" msgstr "諾姆" msgid "Nipigon" msgstr "尼皮貢" msgid "Nassau" msgstr "拿騷" msgid "Montreal" msgstr "蒙特利爾" msgid "Montevideo" msgstr "蒙得維的亞" msgid "Monterrey" msgstr "蒙特雷" msgid "Moncton" msgstr "蒙克頓" msgid "Miquelon" msgstr "密克隆" msgid "Mexico City" msgstr "墨西哥城" msgid "Merida" msgstr "梅里達" msgid "Menominee" msgstr "梅諾米尼" msgid "Mazatlan" msgstr "馬薩特蘭" msgid "Marigot" msgstr "馬里戈" msgid "Manaus" msgstr "馬瑙斯" msgid "Managua" msgstr "馬那瓜" msgid "Maceio" msgstr "馬塞約" msgid "Los Angeles" msgstr "洛杉磯" msgid "Lima" msgstr "利馬" msgid "La Paz" msgstr "拉巴斯" msgid "Knox IN" msgstr "諾克斯" msgid "Monticello" msgstr "蒙蒂塞洛" msgid "Louisville" msgstr "路易斯維爾" msgid "Juneau" msgstr "朱諾" msgid "Iqaluit" msgstr "伊魁特" msgid "Inuvik" msgstr "伊努維克" msgid "Winamac" msgstr "威納馬克" msgid "Vincennes" msgstr "文森斯" msgid "Vevay" msgstr "偉威" msgid "Tell City" msgstr "泰爾城" msgid "Petersburg" msgstr "彼得斯堡" msgid "Marengo" msgstr "馬倫戈" msgid "Knox" msgstr "納克斯" msgid "Indianapolis" msgstr "印第安納波利" msgid "Hermosillo" msgstr "艾爾莫西歐" msgid "Havana" msgstr "哈瓦那" msgid "Halifax" msgstr "哈利法克斯" msgid "Guayaquil" msgstr "瓜亞圭爾" msgid "Grand Turk" msgstr "格蘭特克" msgid "Goose Bay" msgstr "鵝灣" msgid "Godthab" msgstr "高特哈市" msgid "GMT-0" msgstr "GMT-0 " msgid "GMT+9" msgstr "GMT+9 " msgid "LHI" msgstr "LHI" msgid "Omsk" msgstr "Omsk" msgid "St Johns" msgstr "St Johns" msgid "Center" msgstr "置中" msgid "GMT0" msgstr "GMT 0 " msgid "GMT-9" msgstr "GMT-9 " msgid "GMT-8" msgstr "GMT-8 " msgid "GMT-7" msgstr "GMT-7 " msgid "GMT-6" msgstr "GMT-6 " msgid "GMT-5" msgstr "GMT-5 " msgid "GMT-4" msgstr "GMT-4 " msgid "GMT-3" msgstr "GMT-3 " msgid "GMT-2" msgstr "GMT-2 " msgid "GMT-14" msgstr "GMT-14" msgid "GMT-13" msgstr "GMT-13 " msgid "GMT-12" msgstr "GMT-12 " msgid "GMT-11" msgstr "GMT-11 " msgid "GMT-10" msgstr "GMT-10 " msgid "GMT-1" msgstr "GMT-1 " msgid "UTC" msgstr "標準時間" msgid "Assign Authors" msgstr "指定作者" msgid "Import posts from LiveJournal using their API." msgstr "從 LiveJournal 使用他們的 API 匯入文章。" msgid "Convert existing categories to tags or tags to categories, selectively." msgstr "選擇性地將既有的分類轉換成標籤或者標籤轉換成分類。" msgid "Categories and Tags Converter" msgstr "分類與標籤轉換器" msgid "Please select a file" msgstr "請選擇檔案" msgid "Activate “%s”" msgstr "啟用「%s」" msgid "Preview “%s”" msgstr "預覽「%s」" msgid "Activate Plugin" msgstr "啟用外掛" msgid "Could not copy files." msgstr "無法複製檔案。" msgid "Could not remove the old theme." msgstr "無法移除舊版佈景主題。" msgid "Could not remove the old plugin." msgstr "無法移除舊版外掛。" msgid "Destination folder already exists." msgstr "目錄已經存在。" msgid "Found %s" msgstr "找到 %s" msgid "Changing to %s" msgstr "變更至 %s" msgid "Movable Type and TypePad" msgstr "Movable Type 與 Typepad" msgid "LiveJournal" msgstr "LiveJournal" msgid "Glace Bay" msgstr "格萊斯貝" msgid "Fortaleza" msgstr "福塔雷薩" msgid "Fort Wayne" msgstr "韋恩堡" msgid "Ensenada" msgstr "恩瑟納達" msgid "Eirunepe" msgstr "艾魯內佩" msgid "Edmonton" msgstr "艾德蒙頓" msgid "Detroit" msgstr "底特律" msgid "Denver" msgstr "丹佛" msgid "Dawson Creek" msgstr "道森克里克" msgid "Dawson" msgstr "道森" msgid "Danmarkshavn" msgstr "丹馬沙文" msgid "Cuiaba" msgstr "圭亞巴" msgid "Coral Harbour" msgstr "珊瑚港" msgid "Chicago" msgstr "芝加哥" msgid "Cayman" msgstr "開曼" msgid "Cayenne" msgstr "卡宴" msgid "Caracas" msgstr "加拉加斯" msgid "Cancun" msgstr "坎昆" msgid "Campo Grande" msgstr "坎普格蘭" msgid "Cambridge Bay" msgstr "劍橋灣" msgid "Boise" msgstr "波伊西" msgid "Bogota" msgstr "波哥大" msgid "Boa Vista" msgstr "保維斯塔" msgid "Blanc-Sablon" msgstr "布朗克沙伯倫" msgid "Belem" msgstr "巴連姆" msgid "Atka" msgstr "阿特卡" msgid "Atikokan" msgstr "阿蒂科肯" msgid "Asuncion" msgstr "亞松森" msgid "Ushuaia" msgstr "烏斯懷亞" msgid "Tucuman" msgstr "土庫曼" msgid "San Luis" msgstr "聖路易斯" msgid "San Juan" msgstr "聖胡安" msgid "Rio Gallegos" msgstr "里奧加耶戈斯" msgid "Mendoza" msgstr "門多薩" msgid "Accra" msgstr "阿克拉" msgid "Africa" msgstr "非洲" msgid "Abidjan" msgstr "阿必尚" msgid "Addis Ababa" msgstr "阿地斯阿貝巴" msgid "Asmara" msgstr "阿斯馬拉" msgid "Algiers" msgstr "阿爾及爾" msgid "Asmera" msgstr "阿斯馬拉" msgid "Bamako" msgstr "巴馬科" msgid "Banjul" msgstr "班竹" msgid "Bissau" msgstr "比索" msgid "Blantyre" msgstr "布蘭太爾" msgid "Brazzaville" msgstr "布拉" msgid "Bujumbura" msgstr "布松布拉" msgid "Cairo" msgstr "開羅" msgid "Casablanca" msgstr "達爾貝達" msgid "Conakry" msgstr "柯那克里" msgid "Dar es Salaam" msgstr "達累斯薩拉姆" msgid "Khartoum" msgstr "喀土木" msgid "Gaborone" msgstr "嘉柏隆" msgid "Freetown" msgstr "自由城" msgid "Harare" msgstr "哈拉雷" msgid "Douala" msgstr "杜阿拉" msgid "El Aaiun" msgstr "阿尤恩" msgid "Niamey" msgstr "尼阿美" msgid "Nouakchott" msgstr "諾克少" msgid "Ouagadougou" msgstr "瓦加杜古" msgid "Porto-Novo" msgstr "波多諾佛" msgid "Sao Tome" msgstr "聖多美" msgid "Timbuktu" msgstr "廷巴克圖" msgid "Tripoli" msgstr "的黎波里" msgid "Tunis" msgstr "突尼斯" msgid "Windhoek" msgstr "溫特和克" msgid "America" msgstr "美洲" msgid "Adak" msgstr "艾德克島" msgid "Anchorage" msgstr "安克拉治" msgid "Antigua" msgstr "安提瓜" msgid "Araguaina" msgstr "阿拉瓜伊納" msgid "Buenos Aires" msgstr "布宜諾斯艾利斯" msgid "Catamarca" msgstr "卡塔馬卡" msgid "ComodRivadavia" msgstr "里瓦達維亞海軍準將城" msgid "Jujuy" msgstr "胡胡伊" msgid "La Rioja" msgstr "拉里奧哈" msgid "Mogadishu" msgstr "摩加迪休" msgid "Mbabane" msgstr "墨巴本" msgid "Maseru" msgstr "馬賽魯" msgid "Nairobi" msgstr "內羅畢" msgid "Lusaka" msgstr "路沙卡" msgid "Malabo" msgstr "馬拉波" msgid "Maputo" msgstr "馬普托" msgid "Lagos" msgstr "拉哥斯" msgid "Libreville" msgstr "自由市" msgid "Lome" msgstr "洛美" msgid "Luanda" msgstr "盧安達" msgid "Lubumbashi" msgstr "盧本巴希" msgid "Kampala" msgstr "坎帕拉" msgid "Johannesburg" msgstr "約翰內斯堡" msgid "Kinshasa" msgstr "金夏沙" msgid "Kigali" msgstr "基加利" msgid "Upload theme" msgstr "上傳佈景主題" msgid "Ndjamena" msgstr "恩賈梅納" msgid "Monrovia" msgstr "賴比瑞亞" msgid "Dakar" msgstr "達喀爾" msgid "Bangui" msgstr "班吉" msgid "Activate this plugin" msgstr "啟用此外掛" msgid "Unable to locate needed folder." msgstr "找不到必要的資料夾。" msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Plugin directory." msgstr "無法找到 WordPress 外掛目錄。" msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Content directory (wp-content)." msgstr "無法找到 WordPress 內容目錄(wp-content)。" msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Root directory." msgstr "無法找到 WordPress 根目錄。" msgid "Invalid Data provided." msgstr "收到不正確的資料。" msgid "" "* This tag is also a category. The converter has added all posts from it to " "the category. If you want to remove it, please confirm that all posts were " "added successfully, then delete it from the Manage Tags " "page." msgstr "" "*本標籤同時為分類。轉換器已將全部文章加入該分類。若你想移除它,請確認全部的" "文章已加入成功,然後自管理標籤頁面中移除它。" msgid "Tag #%s doesn’t exist!" msgstr "標籤#%s 並不存在!" msgid "All posts were added to the category with the same name." msgstr "全部文章已加入該分類。" msgid "Converting tag %s ... " msgstr "轉換標籤 %s 中…" msgid "" "We’re all done here, but you can always convert more." msgstr "至此已經全部搞定,你總是可以轉換更多。" msgid "" "* This category is also a tag. The converter has added that tag to all posts " "currently in the category. If you want to remove it, please confirm that all " "tags were added successfully, then delete it from the Manage " "Categories page." msgstr "" "*本分類同時為標籤。轉換器已新增該標籤至分類下的全部文章。若你想移除它,請確" "認全部的標籤已新增成功,然後自管理分類頁面中移除它。" msgid "Tag added to all posts in this category." msgstr "標籤已新增至本分類的全部文章。" msgid "Converted successfully." msgstr "分類轉換成功。" msgid "Converting category %s ... " msgstr "轉換分類 %s 中…" msgid "Category %s doesn’t exist!" msgstr "分類 %s 並不存在!" msgid "" "Uh, oh. Something didn’t work. Please try again." msgstr "呃,歐。某些東西沒作用。請再試一遍。" msgid "Convert Tags to Categories" msgstr "將標籤轉換為分類" msgid "" "* This tag is also a category. When converted, all posts associated with the " "tag will also be in the category." msgstr "*本標籤同時為分類。轉換後,全部的文章也會在該分類裡頭。" msgid "You have no tags to convert!" msgstr "沒有轉換任何標籤!" msgid "" "The newly created categories will still be associated with the same posts." msgstr "新增的分類將會有同樣的文章。" msgid "" "Here you can selectively convert existing tags to categories. To get " "started, check the tags you wish to be converted, then click the Convert " "button." msgstr "" "嗨!本匯入程式允許你選擇性地將現有的標籤轉換為分類。請選取你想要轉換的標籤," "然後按下轉換按鈕。" msgid "Convert Categories to Tags" msgstr "將分類轉換為標籤" msgid "" "* This category is also a tag. Converting it will add that tag to all posts " "that are currently in the category." msgstr "*本分類同時為標籤。轉換它將會將分類下的全部文章增加該標籤。" msgid "Check All" msgstr "全部選取" msgid "Uncheck All" msgstr "全部不選取" msgid "You have no categories to convert!" msgstr "沒有轉換任何分類!" msgid "" "Keep in mind that if you convert a category with child categories, the " "children become top-level orphans." msgstr "" "請注意,若是你連同子分類一同轉換,那些子分類的上層設定將會被移除,所以他們都" "會在最上層。" msgid "" "Hey there. Here you can selectively convert existing categories to tags. To " "get started, check the categories you wish to be converted, then click the " "Convert button." msgstr "" "嗨!本匯入程式允許你選擇性地將現有的分類轉換為標籤。請選取你想要轉換的分類," "然後按下轉換按鈕。" msgid "Tags to Categories" msgstr "將標籤轉換為分類" msgid "Categories to Tags" msgstr "將分類轉換為標籤" msgid "" "Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a WordPress export file." msgstr "" "自 WordPress 匯出的檔案匯入文章、評論、自訂欄位、頁面、分類以及標籤。" msgid "Processing…" msgstr "處理中…" msgid "Sorry, there has been an error." msgstr "抱歉,有錯誤發生。" msgid "Invalid file type" msgstr "不正確的檔案類型" msgid "Remote file error: %s" msgstr "遠端檔案錯誤:%s" msgid "Have fun!" msgstr "快快樂樂 Blogging!" msgid "Invalid file" msgstr "不正確的檔案" msgid "Download and import file attachments" msgstr "下載匯出檔案附件" msgid "Import Attachments" msgstr "匯入附件" msgid "Import author:" msgstr "匯入作者:" msgid "" "If a new user is created by WordPress, a password will be randomly " "generated. Manually change the user’s details if necessary." msgstr "" "若是匯入程式幫 WordPress 產生了一個新帳戶,它的密碼將隨機產生。請手動更改該使" "用者資訊。" msgid "" "To make it easier for you to edit and save the imported posts and drafts, " "you may want to change the name of the author of the posts. For example, you " "may want to import all the entries as admins entries." msgstr "" "為了方便你編輯以及儲存匯入的文章和草稿,你或許想要更改這些文章的作者。舉例來" "說,你或許想要匯入全部 admin 的文章" msgid "Import WordPress" msgstr "WordPress 匯入" msgid "- Select -" msgstr "- 選取 -" msgid "Map to existing" msgstr "對應到已存在的帳戶" msgid "Create user %1$s or map to existing" msgstr "新增帳戶 %1$s 或者對應到已經存在的帳戶" msgid "Blog URL:" msgstr "網誌URL:" msgid "Post already imported" msgstr "文章已經匯入過了" msgid "Importing post..." msgstr "正匯入文章…" msgid "Import RSS" msgstr "RSS 匯入" msgid "" "You need to supply your OPML url. Press back on your browser and try again" msgstr "你得提供 OPML 網址。請回到你瀏覽器的上一頁再重試一次。" msgid "Inserted %s" msgstr "已插入 %s" msgid "Import OPML File" msgstr "匯入 OPML 檔案" msgid "Category:" msgid_plural "Categories:" msgstr[0] "分類:" msgid "Or choose from your local disk:" msgstr "或者自你的磁碟上選一個:" msgid "Specify an OPML URL:" msgstr "指定一個 OPML 網址:" msgid "(%s ping)" msgid_plural "(%s pings)" msgstr[0] "(%s 則通知)" msgid "(%s comment)" msgid_plural "(%s comments)" msgstr[0] "(%s則評論)" msgid "
    Adding tags %s..." msgstr "
    正新增標籤 %s…" msgid "Sorry, there has been an error" msgstr "抱歉,有錯誤發生" msgid "Import Movable Type or TypePad" msgstr "Movable Type 與 Typepad 匯入" msgid "Processing next batch." msgstr "處理下個批次。" msgid "Successfully re-threaded %s comments." msgstr "成功重新整理 %s 評論串。" msgid "" "We are now re-building the threading of your comments (this can also take a " "while if you have lots of comments)..." msgstr "我們正在重新建立你的評論串(當你有很多評論的時候會花點時間)…" msgid "Rebuild my comment threads »" msgstr "重建評論串 »" msgid "" "Your comments have all been imported now, but we still need to rebuild your " "conversation threads." msgstr "你的評論已全部匯入,但仍需要重新建立你的評論串。" msgid "Imported comment batch %d of approximately %d" msgstr "已匯入評論 %d 批次屬於接近 %d" msgid "" "Now we will download your comments so we can import them (this could take a " "long time if you have lots of comments)..." msgstr "" "我們將會下載你的評論好匯入他們(若你有很多評論,這或許會花一段很長的" "時間)…" msgid "Download my comments »" msgstr "下載評論 »" msgid "Import the next batch" msgstr "下一個批次匯入" msgid "Try Again" msgstr "再試一次" msgid "" "We’ve saved where you were up to though, so if you come back to this " "importer in about 30 minutes, you should be able to continue from where you " "were." msgstr "" "我們已儲存這次進度,若你在卅分鐘內回到這個匯入工具,你應該可以自此接著開始。" msgid "" "Uh oh – LiveJournal has disconnected us because we made too many " "requests to their servers too quickly." msgstr "歐歐!我們太快送了太多要求給伺服器導致 LiveJournal 斷線。" msgid "Imported post batch %d of approximately %d" msgstr "已匯入文章 %d 批次屬於接近 %d" msgid "We’re downloading and importing your LiveJournal posts..." msgstr "正在下載並匯入你的 LiveJournal 文章…" msgid "Importing Posts" msgstr "匯入文章中" msgid "" "Logging in to LiveJournal failed. Check your username and password and try " "again." msgstr "登入 LiveJournal 失敗。請檢查你的帳戶與密碼後再試一次。" msgid "Start again" msgstr "再度開始" msgid "" "Please enter your LiveJournal username and password so we can " "download your posts and comments." msgstr "" "請輸入你的 LiveJournal 帳戶密碼好讓我們可以下載你的文章與評論。" msgid "XML-RPC Request Failed -- " msgstr "送出 XML-RPC 要求失敗 --" msgid "" "LiveJournal is not responding to authentication requests. Please wait a " "while and then try again." msgstr "LiveJournal 並未回應登入要求。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "" "Failed to retrieve comment bodies from LiveJournal. Please try again soon." msgstr "解析 LiveJournal 評論內容失敗。請接著再試一次。" msgid "You have no comments to import!" msgstr "沒有匯入任何評論!" msgid "" "Failed to retrieve comment meta information from LiveJournal. Please try " "again soon." msgstr "解析 LiveJournal 評論資訊失敗。請接著再試一次。" msgid "Could not get a cookie from LiveJournal. Please try again soon." msgstr "無法自 LiveJournal 取得 cookie。請接著再試一次。" msgid "Failed to create post." msgstr "文章無法建立。" msgid "Couldn’t get post ID (creating post failed!)" msgstr "無法取得文章 ID(新增文章失敗!)" msgid "All done." msgstr "搞定!" msgid "Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog" msgstr "從 Movable Type 或 TypepPad 網站匯入文章及評論。" msgid "" "Your posts have all been imported, but wait – there’s more! Now " "we need to download & import your comments." msgstr "" "你的文章已經全部匯入,但稍等!還有更多事情!現在我們需要下載→匯入你的評論。" msgid "Convert Tag to Category." msgid_plural "Convert Tags (%d) to Categories." msgstr[0] "將%d個標籤轉換為分類。" msgid "Convert Category to Tag." msgid_plural "Convert Categories (%d) to Tags." msgstr[0] "將%d個分類轉換為標籤。" msgid "Skipping attachment %s" msgstr "正跳過附件 %s…" msgid "Please upload a valid WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) export file." msgstr "請上載一個格式相容的 WXR(WordPress eXtended RSS)匯出檔案。" msgid "" "Choose a WordPress WXR file to upload, then click Upload file and import." msgstr "請選擇一個 WordPress WXR 檔案,按上載後便會匯入。" msgid "Import failed" msgstr "匯入失敗" msgid "Import links in OPML format." msgstr "透過 OPML 格式匯入連結。" msgid "" "Inserted %1$d links into category %2$s. All done! Go manage " "those links." msgstr "" "已經將 %1$d 條連結插入到分類「%2$s」中。匯入完成!去管理這些" "連結吧!" msgid "Now select a category you want to put these links in." msgstr "請選擇你要將匯入的連結放置到那個分類。" msgid "" "If a program or website you use allows you to export your links or " "subscriptions as OPML you may import them here." msgstr "" "若是你所使用的程式或網站允許你將你的連結或訂閱匯出成 OPML 檔案格式,你或許想" "要將它們從這兒匯入。" msgid "Import your blogroll from another system" msgstr "從其他系統匯入連結清單" msgid "Import Blogroll" msgstr "匯入連結清單" msgid "" "Howdy! We’re about to begin importing all of your Movable Type or " "TypePad entries into WordPress. To begin, choose a file to upload and click " "Upload file and import." msgstr "" "你好!我們將開始匯入 Movable Type 或 Typepad 網誌的文章至 WordPress。請選擇一" "個檔案上載後按下「上載並匯入檔案」按鈕匯入。" msgid "Theme downgraded successfully." msgstr "佈景主題已成功降級。" msgid "Plugin updated successfully." msgstr "外掛已成功更新。" msgid "Download failed." msgstr "下載失敗。" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" msgid "friend" msgstr "朋友" msgid "Edit page" msgstr "編輯頁面" msgid "No pages found." msgstr "沒有符合條件的頁面。" msgid "Add New Category" msgstr "新增分類" msgid "Popular Tags" msgstr "熱門標籤" msgid "Add or remove tags" msgstr "新增或移除標籤" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "排程" msgid "Public" msgstr "公開的" msgid "Public, Sticky" msgstr "公開、置頂" msgid "Add" msgstr "新增" msgid "Private" msgstr "私密" msgid "Save Draft" msgstr "儲存為草稿" msgid "Excerpt" msgstr "文章摘要" msgid "Preview" msgstr "預覽" msgid "Draft" msgstr "草稿" msgid "View page" msgstr "檢視頁面" msgid "%s page not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s pages not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s 個頁面未被更新,因為有人正在編輯。" msgid "%s page updated." msgid_plural "%s pages updated." msgstr[0] "已更新 %s 個頁面。" msgid "%s post not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s posts not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s 篇文章未被更新,因為有人正在編輯。" msgid "Tag not added." msgstr "標籤未被新增。" msgid "Tag updated." msgstr "標籤已更新。" msgid "Tag deleted." msgstr "標籤已刪除。" msgid "Tag added." msgstr "標籤已新增。" msgid "Categories deleted." msgstr "分類已刪除。" msgid "View post" msgstr "檢視文章" msgid "(Leave at 0 for no rating.)" msgstr "( 0 代表不評分)" msgid "Rating" msgstr "評分" msgid "Notes" msgstr "附註" msgid "RSS Address" msgstr "RSS 位址" msgid "Image Address" msgstr "圖片位址" msgid "sweetheart" msgstr "熱戀中" msgid "date" msgstr "交往中" msgid "crush" msgstr "失戀" msgid "muse" msgstr "單戀" msgid "romantic" msgstr "親密關係" msgid "spouse" msgstr "配偶" msgid "sibling" msgstr "兄弟姊妹" msgid "kin" msgstr "親戚" msgid "child" msgstr "子女" msgid "family" msgstr "家族" msgid "neighbor" msgstr "鄰居" msgid "co-resident" msgstr "同住" msgid "geographical" msgstr "地理關係" msgid "colleague" msgstr "同事" msgid "co-worker" msgstr "同僚" msgid "professional" msgstr "專業" msgid "met" msgstr "認識" msgid "physical" msgstr "實際關係" msgid "acquaintance" msgstr "熟人" msgid "contact" msgstr "連絡人" msgid "friendship" msgstr "友誼關係" msgid "another web address of mine" msgstr "我的另一個網址" msgid "identity" msgstr "身份" msgid "rel:" msgstr "關係:" msgid "Main Page (no parent)" msgstr "主頁 (無上層)" msgid "Parent" msgstr "上層" msgid "Separate multiple URLs with spaces" msgstr "用空白區分多個網址" msgid "Stick this post to the front page" msgstr "將本篇文章置頂" msgid "Password protected" msgstr "密碼保護" msgid "Visibility:" msgstr "可見度:" msgid "Status:" msgstr "狀態:" msgid "Preview Changes" msgstr "預覽修改" msgid "Order" msgstr "順序" msgid "Blogger" msgstr "Blogger" msgid "Continue" msgstr "繼續" msgid "No importers are available." msgstr "沒有可用的匯入程式。" msgid "Download Export File" msgstr "下載匯出檔案" msgid "" "When you click the button below WordPress will create an XML file for you to " "save to your computer." msgstr "你按下該這按鈕後 WordPress 便會產生一個 XML 檔案讓你存到電腦裡。" msgctxt "posts" msgid "All (%s)" msgid_plural "All (%s)" msgstr[0] "全部 (%s)" msgid "%s post updated." msgid_plural "%s posts updated." msgstr[0] "%s 篇文章已更新。" msgid "Web Address" msgstr "網站位址" msgid "Last edited on %1$s at %2$s" msgstr "最近編輯時間:%1$s 於 %2$s" msgid "Last edited by %1$s on %2$s at %3$s" msgstr "最近由 %1$s 編輯,時間:%2$s 於 %3$s" msgid "Discussion" msgstr "討論" msgid "Custom Fields" msgstr "自訂欄位" msgid "Send Trackbacks" msgstr "傳送引用" msgid "Post saved." msgstr "文章已儲存。" msgid "Post updated." msgstr "文章已更新。" msgid "Pings" msgstr "通告" msgid "Displaying %s–%s of %s" msgstr "正顯示 %s–%s 共 %s" msgid "Custom field updated." msgstr "已更新自訂資料欄位。" msgid "Filter" msgstr "篩選" msgid "Unapprove" msgstr "駁回" msgid "Attributes" msgstr "屬性" msgid "Imported post %s..." msgstr "已匯入文章 %s…" msgid "Post %s already exists." msgstr "文章 %s 已經存在。" msgid "Post metadata has been downloaded, proceeding with posts..." msgstr "文章資訊已下載,處理文章中…" msgid "" "NOTE: You appear to have JavaScript disabled, so you will " "need to manually click through each step of this importer. If you enable " "JavaScript, it will step through automatically." msgstr "" "注意:你看似關閉 JavaScript,所以你必須手動進行本匯入程式的" "每個步驟。若你開啟 JavaScript,這些步驟將自動進行。" msgid "" "NOTE: If the import process is interrupted for any " "reason, come back to this page and it will continue from where it stopped " "automatically." msgstr "" "注意:若匯入程式因任何原因中斷,回到本頁面將會自動" "從你上次中斷的地方開始。" msgid "Connect to LiveJournal and Import" msgstr "連線至 LiveJournal 並匯入" msgid "" "WARNING: This can take a really long time if you have a lot " "of entries in your LiveJournal, or a lot of comments. Ideally, you should " "only start this process if you can leave your computer alone while it " "finishes the import." msgstr "" "警告:若你在 LiveJournal 裡頭有許多文章或評論,這將會花費你" "非常多的時間。理想上你只要執行這個程式然後讓它自己跑到匯入結束即可。" msgid "Protected Post Password" msgstr "受保護文章的密碼" msgid "" "Enter the password you would like to use for all protected entries here:" msgstr "請輸入受保護文章所使用的密碼:" msgid "" "If you don’t enter a password, ALL ENTRIES from your LiveJournal will " "be imported as public posts in WordPress." msgstr "" "若你沒輸入密碼,所有自 LiveJournal 匯入的受保護文章將會變成 WordPress 的公開" "文章。" msgid "" "If you have any entries on LiveJournal which are marked as private, they " "will be password-protected when they are imported so that only people who " "know the password can see them." msgstr "" "若你在 LiveJournal 有任何文章標記為私密文,匯入後他們將會被密碼保護,只有知道" "密碼的人才能看。" msgid "LiveJournal Password" msgstr "LiveJournal 密碼" msgid "LiveJournal Username" msgstr "LiveJournal 帳戶" msgid "" "Enter your LiveJournal username and password below so we can connect to your " "account:" msgstr "請於下方輸入你 LiveJournal 的帳戶與密碼好讓我們可以連線到你的帳戶:" msgid "" "Howdy! This importer allows you to connect directly to LiveJournal and " "download all your entries and comments" msgstr "" "哈囉!這個匯入程式讓你可以直接連線至 LiveJournal 並下載你所有的文章與評論。" msgid "Cancel & start a new import" msgstr "取消並重新開始匯入" msgid "Continue previous import" msgstr "繼續先前的匯入" msgid "" "It looks like you attempted to import your LiveJournal posts previously and " "got interrupted." msgstr "看來你之前想要匯入你 LiveJournal 的文章但被中斷。" msgid "Import LiveJournal" msgstr "LiveJournal 匯入" msgid "Start import" msgstr "開始匯入" msgid "All done. Have fun!" msgstr "全搞定!快快樂樂 Blogging!" msgid "Couldn’t get post ID" msgstr "無法取得文章 ID" msgid "Importing post %s..." msgstr "正匯入文章 %s…" msgid "Post %s already exists." msgstr "文章 %s 已經存在。" msgid "Remote file is too large, limit is %s" msgstr "遠端檔案過大,限制是 %s" msgid "Remote file is incorrect size" msgstr "遠端檔案的大小錯誤" msgid "Remote file returned error response %d" msgstr "遠單檔案錯誤%d" msgid "Clear all information" msgstr "清除所有資訊" msgid "" "We have saved some information about your Blogger account in your WordPress " "database. Clearing this information will allow you to start over. Restarting " "will not affect any posts you have already imported. If you attempt to re-" "import a blog, duplicate posts and comments will be skipped." msgstr "" "我們已在你的 WordPress 資料庫中儲存一些有關於你的 Blogger 帳戶資料。清除這些" "資料可以讓你重新開始這個作業。重置這個動作並不會影響到任何你已匯入的文章。若" "是你嘗試重新匯入一個網誌,重複的文章以及評論將會被忽略。" msgid "Restart" msgstr "重置" msgid "" "In case you haven’t done it already, you can import the posts from " "your other blogs:" msgstr "萬一你還沒搞定,你可以從你其他的網誌匯入文章:" msgid "That was hard work! Take a break." msgstr "這個過程不容易啊!休息一下唄!" msgid "Congratulations!" msgstr "恭喜!" msgid "" "There was a problem opening a connection to Blogger. This is what went wrong:" msgstr "連線至 Blogger 時發生錯誤。訊息如下:" msgid "Could not connect to %s" msgstr "無法連線至 %s" msgid "" "There was a problem opening a secure connection to Google. This is what went " "wrong:" msgstr "使用安全性連線至 Google 時發生錯誤。訊息如下:" msgid "Could not connect to" msgstr "無法連線至" msgid "WordPress login" msgstr "WordPress 登入" msgid "Blogger username" msgstr "Blogger 帳戶" msgid "Author mapping" msgstr "作者對應" msgid "" "All posts were imported with the current user as author. Use this form to " "move each Blogger user’s posts to a different WordPress user. You may " "add users and then return to this page and " "complete the user mapping. This form may be used as many times as you like " "until you activate the “Restart” function below." msgstr "" "現在這個使用者將會成為匯入文章的作者。使用這個表單將每篇 Blogger 的文章指定給" "另外一位 WordPress 帳戶。你可以新增帳戶之後回到本頁" "完成作者對應作業。本表單可連續使用多次直到你使用下方的『重置』功能。" msgid "" "This feature requires Javascript but it seems to be disabled. Please enable " "Javascript and then reload this page. Don’t worry, you can turn it " "back off when you’re done." msgstr "" "本功能使用 Javascript,但它似乎已被關閉。請開啟 Javascript 功能後重新整理本" "頁。別擔心,你可以於使用本功能完畢後再關閉它。" msgid "Blog URL" msgstr "網誌網址" msgid "Blog Name" msgstr "網誌名稱" msgid "Blogger Blogs" msgstr "Blogger 網誌" msgid "Final Step: Author Mapping" msgstr "最後一步:作者對應" msgid "Preparing author mapping form..." msgstr "準備對應作者自…" msgid "Set Authors" msgstr "指定作者" msgid "Importing..." msgstr "正匯入中..." msgid "" "We were able to log in but there were no blogs. Try a different account next " "time." msgstr "我們能登入,但沒找到任何網誌。請試看看其他的帳戶。" msgid "No blogs found" msgstr "找不到這個帳戶的網誌。" msgid "We were not able to gain access to your account. Try starting over." msgstr "我們無法存取該帳戶。請重置後再試看看。" msgid "Trouble signing in" msgstr "登入後錯誤" msgid "" "Something went wrong. If the problem persists, send this info to support:" msgstr "發生某種錯誤。若該問題繼續存在,請回報本訊息給我們:" msgid "Authorization failed" msgstr "認證失敗" msgid "" "The first thing you need to do is tell Blogger to let WordPress access your " "account. You will be sent back here after providing authorization." msgstr "首先你得讓 Blogger 能夠被 WordPress 存取。當你授權後,你將會回到這裡。" msgid "" "To use this importer, you must have a Google account and an upgraded (New, " "was Beta) blog hosted on or a custom domain (not FTP)." msgstr "" "預使用本匯入程式,你必須要有一個 Google 帳戶、一個已升級的網誌,並且該網誌必" "須在 blogspot 或者自定網域(不是 FTP)下。" msgid "Authorize" msgstr "認證" msgid "" "Howdy! This importer allows you to import posts and comments from your " "Blogger account into your WordPress blog." msgstr "" "你好!如果你有 Blogger 帳戶,這個匯入程式可以把該帳戶下的文章以及評論全部匯入" "到 WordPress 網誌裡面歐!" msgid "Import Blogger" msgstr "Blogger 匯入" msgid "Export" msgstr "匯出" msgid "No posts found" msgstr "沒有符合條件的文章。" msgid "Tag name" msgstr "標籤名稱" msgid "Page deleted." msgstr "頁面已刪除" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this page." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許刪除此頁面。" msgid "Allow Pings" msgstr "允許通告" msgid "Description (optional)" msgstr "內容說明(可不填)" msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "電子郵件:" msgid "View Comment" msgstr "檢視評論" msgid "Already pinged:" msgstr "已發送通告:" msgid "+ Add New Category" msgstr "+ 新增分類" msgid "All Categories" msgstr "全部分類" msgid "" "You are about to trash these items.\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "你將刪除這些項目。\n" "點選「取消」停止,點選「確定」刪除。" msgid "Mark as Spam" msgstr "標記為垃圾" msgid "Approve" msgstr "核准" msgid "Page scheduled" msgstr "已排程" msgid "Page published" msgstr "已發佈" msgid "Publish" msgstr "發佈" msgid "Publish immediately" msgstr "立刻發佈" msgid "M j, Y @ G:i" msgstr "Y 年 n 月 j 日 H:i:s" msgid "Export Content" msgstr "匯出內容" msgid "For security, click the link below to reset this importer." msgstr "" "為了安全性考量,請點選下面的連結重置這個匯入程式。它會將你的 Blogger 密碼以及" "選項自資料庫清除。" msgid "Nothing was imported. Have you already imported this blog?" msgstr "沒有匯入任何東西。你是否已經匯入過此網誌?" msgid "Stopping" msgstr "停止中" msgid "Link added." msgstr "已新增連結。" msgid "Choose the target frame for your link." msgstr "為你的連結選一個目標頁框。" msgid "Pages" msgstr "頁面" msgid "" "You are about to delete this link '%s'\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "你打算刪除「%s」這條連結。\n" "按下「取消」放棄,按下「確定」刪除。" msgid "Keep this link private" msgstr "保持本連結為私密" msgid "Add Link" msgstr "新增連結" msgid "Links / Add New Link" msgstr "連結 / 新增連結" msgid "Update Link" msgstr "更新連結" msgid "Links / Edit Link" msgstr "連結 / 編輯連結" msgid "Edit Link Category" msgstr "編輯連結分類" msgid "Link Categories" msgstr "連結分類" msgid "Create pages" msgstr "建立頁面" msgid "Show all types" msgstr "顯示所有類型" msgid "Finish" msgstr "完成" msgid "Options" msgstr "設定" msgid "Submit for Review" msgstr "提交審閱" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許刪除該文章。" msgid "Link Relationship (XFN)" msgstr "連結關係(XFN)" msgid "Template" msgstr "範本" msgid "OK" msgstr "確定" msgid "Target" msgstr "目標" msgctxt "requests" msgid "All (%s)" msgid_plural "All (%s)" msgstr[0] "全部 (%s) " msgid "Import posts, comments, and users from a Blogger blog." msgstr "從其他 Blog 匯入文章、留言和使用者。" msgid "%s comment" msgid_plural "%s comments" msgstr[0] "%s 則留言" msgid "Tags deleted." msgstr "標籤未被刪除。" msgid "Privately Published" msgstr "已私密發佈" msgid "Save as Pending" msgstr "儲存為待審閱內容" msgid "No comments yet." msgstr "仍無留言。" msgid "Allow Comments" msgstr "允許留言" msgctxt "column name" msgid "Comment" msgstr "留言" msgid "parent" msgstr "上層母" msgid "Visit Link" msgstr "訪問連結" msgid "Show comments" msgstr "顯示留言" msgid "Send trackbacks to:" msgstr "傳送引用通知的目標網址:" msgid "New category name" msgstr "新增分類名稱" msgid "" "This will be shown when someone hovers over the link in the blogroll, or " "optionally below the link." msgstr "這將會顯示在鼠標指到友站連結的連結上時,或是選擇性地出現在連結下方。" msgid "" "Example: — do not forget the " "https://" msgstr "" "示例:不要忘記 https://" msgid "Example: Nifty blogging software" msgstr "例:漂亮的網站軟體" msgid "Update Comment" msgstr "更新留言" msgid "Page restored to revision from %s." msgstr "頁面已從 %s 的修訂版本還原。" msgid "Post restored to revision from %s." msgstr "文章已從 %s 的修訂版本還原。" msgid "Custom field deleted." msgstr "自訂欄位已刪除。" msgid "Search Comments" msgstr "搜尋留言" msgid "Attachments" msgstr "附件" msgid "Scheduled Date" msgstr "Scheduled Date" msgid "" "If the link is to a person, you can specify your relationship with them " "using the above form. If you would like to learn more about the idea check " "out XFN." msgstr "" "如果連結目標為個人,可以使用上方的表單指定連結建立者與連結目標的人際關係。如" "需進一步瞭解相關資訊,請參考〈XFN 定義的人" "際關係〉線上說明。" msgid "" "This format, which is called WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR, will contain " "your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags." msgstr "" "這是稱為 WordPress eXtended RSS 或 WXR 的檔案格式,這個 XML 檔案內包含這個網" "站的文章、留言、自訂欄位、分類及標籤等內容。" msgid "Author" msgstr "作者" msgid "Cannot load %s." msgstr "無法載入 %s。" msgid "Login" msgstr "登入" msgid "Uncategorized" msgstr "未分類" msgid "Save" msgstr "儲存" msgid "Today" msgstr "今天" msgid "Sign Up" msgstr "註冊" msgid "E-mail: %s" msgstr "電郵地址: %s" msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "無效的電子郵件地址" msgid "Submit" msgstr "送出" msgid "Install" msgstr "安裝" msgid "Categories" msgstr "分類" msgid "No tags" msgstr "無標籤" msgid "Crop Image" msgstr "裁切圖片" msgid "Lost your password?" msgstr "忘了密碼?" msgid "Too many redirects." msgstr "網址轉換過多。" msgid "Gray" msgstr "灰" msgid "Select a city" msgstr "請選擇城市" msgid "Edit Category" msgstr "編輯分類" msgid "Close" msgstr "關閉" msgid "Name" msgstr "名稱" msgid "Update Category" msgstr "更新分類" msgid "Search Categories" msgstr "搜尋分類" msgid "Apply" msgstr "套用" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Comment" msgstr "評論" msgid "Pending Review" msgstr "待審中" msgid "Title" msgstr "標題" msgid "No posts found." msgstr "沒有符合條件的文章。" msgid "Activation Key:" msgstr "認證鑰匙:" msgid "Activation Key Required" msgstr "需要認證鑰匙" msgid "No" msgstr "否" msgid "News" msgstr "新聞" msgid "Tag not updated." msgstr "標籤未被更新。" msgid "Category not added." msgstr "分類未被新增。" msgid "Category updated." msgstr "分類已更新。" msgid "Caution:" msgstr "警告:" msgid "" "Categories can be selectively converted to tags using the category to tag converter." msgstr "" "你可以選擇性地將分類轉成標籤,使用分類標籤轉換器即可。" msgid "Change" msgstr "變更" msgid "Features" msgstr "功能" msgid "" "Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz " "category, and under that have children categories for Bebop and Big Band. " "Totally optional." msgstr "" "分類與標籤不同,有階層性。你或許會有個 Jazz 分類,然後它下方有 Bebop 與 Big " "Band 等子分類。完全地開放性選擇。" msgid "Bulk Actions" msgstr "批次管理" msgid "Slug" msgstr "代稱" msgid "View “%s”" msgstr "檢視「%s」" msgid "Edit “%s”" msgstr "編輯「%s」" msgid "Choose the part of the image you want to use as your header." msgstr "請選擇你想要將圖片的哪部分顯示在頁首。" msgid "Custom Header" msgstr "自定頁首" msgid "Choose an image from your computer:" msgstr "自你的磁碟上選一個圖片:" msgid "Unknown action." msgstr "不知名的動作。" msgid "Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this post." msgstr "無法儲存:%s 正在編輯本文章。" msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "儲存變更" msgid "Go back" msgstr "返回" msgid "Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this page." msgstr "無法儲存:%s 正在編輯本頁面。" msgid "Someone" msgstr "訪客" msgid "g:i:s a" msgstr "H:i:s" msgid "Please provide a custom field value." msgstr "請提供自訂欄位的值。" msgid "Import" msgstr "匯入" msgid "Scheduled" msgstr "已排程" msgid "You did not enter a category name." msgstr "你並未輸入分類名稱。" msgid "»" msgstr "»" msgid "«" msgstr "«" msgid "Approved" msgstr "已核准" msgid "Comment marked as spam" msgstr "已將留言標記為垃圾" msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s A" msgstr "Y-m-d H:i:s" msgid "E-mail" msgstr "電子郵件" msgid "Category deleted." msgstr "分類已刪除。" msgid "Category added." msgstr "分類已新增。" msgid "All done!" msgstr "全搞定!" msgid "Choose the part of the image you want to use as your site icon." msgstr "從圖片中選擇一部分作為你的網站圖示。" msgid "Back to blog options" msgstr "回到網誌選項" msgid "" "Thank you for creating with WordPress" msgstr "感謝你使用 WordPress " msgid "Time" msgstr "時間" msgid "Category not updated." msgstr "分類未被更新。" msgid "Cheatin’ uh?" msgstr "喂!你想幹麼?" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this page." msgstr "抱歉,你不被允許編輯此頁面。" msgid "" "

    You can login at

    " msgstr "


    " msgid "Activate »" msgstr "啟用 »" msgid "— The Team" msgstr "— 團隊敬上" msgid "Need more help?" msgstr "需要更多協助嗎?" msgid "Welcome to" msgstr "歡迎來到" msgid "Password: %s" msgstr "登入密碼:%s" msgid "Referrer" msgstr "鏈入本站的網址" msgid "Username: %s" msgstr "使用者名稱:%s" msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "昨天" msgid "Search Engine Terms" msgstr "搜尋繁體中文關鍵字" msgid "Top Posts" msgstr "熱門文章" msgid "Referrers" msgstr "來源網址" msgid "Top Posts for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的熱門文章 (摘要)" msgid "Search Terms for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的搜尋字詞" msgid "Referrers for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "%2$s 前共計 %1$s 天的推薦連結" msgid "Blog Stats" msgstr "部落格統計" msgid "Settings Update" msgstr "設定更新" msgid "Could not create image" msgstr "無法建立影像" msgid "Projects" msgstr "專案" msgid "Invalid term ID." msgstr "不正確的項目 ID。" msgid "just now" msgstr "剛剛" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "升級" msgid "View all posts in %s" msgstr "觀看分類「%s」的全部文章" msgid "untitled" msgstr "未命名標題" msgid "Publish »" msgstr "發布 »" msgid "Save as Draft" msgstr "儲存為草稿" msgid "Sign In" msgstr "登入 " msgid "We are profoundly disinterested in your private details" msgstr "我們對你的私人詳細資料絕不感興趣" msgid "Some legalese" msgstr "一些法律術語" msgid "Founder of Automattic, example of what WordPress can do" msgstr "Automattic 的創辦人,就是 WordPress 貢獻的範例" msgid "Support" msgstr "支援" msgid "Self-hosted, non-profit version" msgstr "自助託管、非營利版本" msgid "About Us" msgstr "關於我們" msgid "Terms of Service" msgstr "使用規定" msgid "A short introduction to your hosts" msgstr "簡短介紹你的主機" msgid "See Features" msgstr "請參閱「功能」" msgid "A sampling of the many features offers" msgstr "試試 提供的眾多功能" msgid "Communicate with your fellow bloggers" msgstr "與其他 網誌經營者聯絡" msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "設定已儲存" msgid "sticky" msgstr "置頂" msgid "not resolved" msgstr "未解決" msgid "resolved" msgstr "已解決" msgid "Forum" msgstr "論壇" msgid "Tag" msgstr "標籤" msgid "%s is required." msgstr "必須有 %s。" msgid "24/7 Support" msgstr "全年無休的支援" msgid "not a support question" msgstr "不是支援問題" msgid "Unpublished" msgstr "未發佈" msgid "Published" msgstr "已發佈" msgid "Upload" msgstr "上載" msgid "URL" msgstr "連結網址" msgid "" "Your site icon is saved and uploaded, and you should start seeing it appear " "around soon." msgstr "你的網站圖示已儲存和上載,你很快就會在 看到了!" msgid "Crop uploaded image" msgstr "剪裁上載的圖片" msgid "Already have a account?" msgstr "已經有 帳戶了?" msgid "Local" msgstr "本地" msgid "UTC%s" msgstr "UTC %s" msgid "Tag not found" msgstr "找不到標籤" msgid "No tags found" msgstr "找不到標籤" msgid "Invalid role" msgstr "無效的角色" msgid "Category name." msgstr "分類名稱" msgid "Any category" msgstr "任何分類" msgid "Order updated." msgstr "訂單已更新。" msgid "Details" msgstr "詳細資料" msgid "%s from now" msgstr "由現時起計 %s" msgid "A name is required for this term." msgstr "這項目需要一個名稱。" msgid "Status" msgstr "近況更新" msgid "The slug “%s” is already in use by another term." msgstr "代稱 「%s」已被另外的項目使用。" msgid "Empty Term." msgstr "空項目。" msgid "[%s] New User Registration" msgstr "[%s] 新使用者註冊" msgid "Home" msgstr "首頁" msgid "Blue" msgstr "藍色" msgid "Done" msgstr "完成" msgid "Advanced" msgstr "進階設定" msgid "Y/m/d" msgstr "Y年m月d日" msgid "Comments" msgstr "評論" msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s 前" msgid "View" msgstr "查看" msgid "Privacy" msgstr "私隱政策" msgid "%s comment approved." msgid_plural "%s comments approved." msgstr[0] "已核准 %s 則留言" msgid "Approve comment" msgstr "核准留言" msgid "You are about to approve the following comment:" msgstr "你正要核准以下留言:" msgid "You are about to delete the following comment:" msgstr "你正要刪除以下留言:" msgid "You are about to mark the following comment as spam:" msgstr "你正要將以下留言標記為垃圾:" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit comments on this post." msgstr "抱歉,你不得編輯這篇文章的留言。" msgid "Edit Comment" msgstr "編輯留言" msgid "Invalid plugin page." msgstr "外掛頁面無效。" msgid "Sorry, you must be logged in to reply to a comment." msgstr "抱歉,你必須登入才能發佈留言回覆。" msgid "Comment %d does not exist" msgstr "留言 %d 並不存在" msgid "You need to be logged in to access this." msgstr "你必須登入才能新增標籤。" msgid "Welcome %s!" msgstr "歡迎 %s!" msgid "Support forum" msgstr "支持論壇" msgid "AM" msgstr "上午" msgid "Administrator" msgstr "管理員" msgid "April" msgstr "四月" msgid "August" msgstr "八月" msgid "December" msgstr "十二月" msgid "February" msgstr "二月" msgid "Friday" msgstr "星期五" msgid "January" msgstr "一月" msgid "July" msgstr "七月" msgid "June" msgstr "六月" msgid "May" msgstr "五月" msgid "October" msgstr "十月" msgid "Thursday" msgstr "星期四" msgid "Edit Post" msgstr "編輯文章" msgid "hour" msgstr "小時" msgid "year" msgstr "年" msgid "Location" msgstr "位置" msgid "Log in" msgstr "登入" msgid "March" msgstr "三月" msgid "Monday" msgstr "星期一" msgid "November" msgstr "十一月" msgid "PM" msgstr "下午" msgid "Saturday" msgstr "星期六" msgid "September" msgstr "九月" msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "星期二" msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "星期三" msgid "Password" msgstr "密碼" msgid "Log Out" msgstr "登出" msgid "Tags" msgstr "標籤" msgid "Remember me" msgstr "記住我" msgid "number_format_thousands_sep" msgstr "," msgid "number_format_decimal_point" msgstr "." msgid "F j, Y" msgstr "Y-m-d" msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" msgid "Password Reset" msgstr "密碼重置" msgid "New password" msgstr "新密碼" msgid "pm" msgstr "下午" msgid "am" msgstr "上午" msgid "Sat" msgstr "週六" msgid "Fri" msgstr "週五" msgid "Thu" msgstr "週四" msgid "Wed" msgstr "週三" msgid "Tue" msgstr "週二" msgid "Mon" msgstr "週一" msgid "Sun" msgstr "週日" msgid "Sunday" msgstr "星期日" msgid "Next »" msgstr "下一頁 »" msgid "« Previous" msgstr "« 前一頁" msgid "Register" msgstr "註冊" msgid "Please try again." msgstr "請再試一次。" msgid "No results found." msgstr "沒有符合條件的評論。" msgid "Website" msgstr "個人網站" msgid "Move" msgstr "移動" msgid "All" msgstr "全部" msgid "Tags:" msgstr "標籤:" msgid "Not Spam" msgstr "非垃圾" msgid "Akismet Configuration" msgstr "Akismet 設定" msgid "Admin" msgstr "管理" msgid "Tag: %s" msgstr "標籤:%s" msgid "Topic: %s" msgstr "主題:%s" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the site icon?" msgstr "你確定要移除網站圖示?" msgid "Views" msgstr "瀏覽數" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this item?" msgstr "你確定要刪除這個項目嗎?" msgid "Interests" msgstr "興趣" msgid "Favorites" msgstr "我的最愛" msgid "second" msgstr "秒" msgid "minute" msgid_plural "minutes" msgstr[0] "分" msgid "days" msgstr "天" msgid "day" msgid_plural "days" msgstr[0] "天" msgid "week" msgstr "週" msgid "month" msgstr "月" msgid "years" msgstr "年" msgid "Member" msgstr "成員" msgid "Moderator" msgstr "版主" msgid "Inactive" msgstr "不啟用" msgid "Login failed" msgstr "登入失敗" msgid "registration" msgstr "註冊" msgid "Posted" msgstr "已發佈" msgid "This user does not exist." msgstr "此使用者不存在。" msgid "Add New Topic" msgstr "增新話題" msgid "Posted:" msgstr "發佈:" msgid "View all posts" msgstr "瀏覽所有文章" msgid "User not found." msgstr "找不到使用者。" msgid "Edit Profile" msgstr "編輯個人資料" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?" msgstr "你確定要刪除這個屬性?" msgid "Recent Posts" msgstr "最新文章" msgid "Anonymous" msgstr "訪客" msgid "Reply" msgstr "回覆" msgid "Spam" msgstr "濫發訊息" msgid "Profile" msgstr "個人資訊" msgid "%1$s× %2$s" msgstr "%1$s × %2$s" msgid "You don’t have permission to do that." msgstr "你沒有權限這麼做。" msgid "Delete" msgstr "刪除" msgid "Email address." msgstr "電郵地址:" msgid "General" msgstr "一般" msgid "Step 1:" msgstr "第一步" msgid "Username" msgstr "使用者名稱" msgid "Warning" msgid_plural "Warnings" msgstr[0] "警告" msgid "General Settings" msgstr "一般設定" msgid "Password:" msgstr "密碼:" msgid "Default" msgstr "預設" msgid "hours" msgstr "小時" msgid "Settings" msgstr "設定" msgid "Language" msgstr "語言" msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "停用" msgid "Manage" msgstr "管理" msgid "Message" msgstr "訊息" msgid "Search" msgstr "搜尋" msgid "Posts" msgstr "文章" msgid "Site title." msgstr "網站標題。" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "使用說明" msgid "Themes" msgstr "佈景主題" msgid "Description" msgstr "內容說明" msgid "WordPress site: %s" msgstr "WordPress 網站:%s" msgid "By %s." msgstr "由 %s。" msgid "posts" msgstr "篇文章" msgid "Numeric" msgstr "數值式" msgid "Avatars" msgstr "大頭貼" msgid "none" msgstr "無" msgid "Filter »" msgstr "篩選 »" msgid "Failed to write file to disk." msgstr "檔案無法寫入。" msgid "Missing a temporary folder." msgstr "找不到臨時資料夾。" msgid "Current Theme" msgstr "目前佈景主題" msgid "Action" msgstr "管理項目" msgid "Gravatar Logo" msgstr "大頭貼標誌" msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s a" msgstr "Y 年 m 月 d 日 g:i:s a" msgid "minutes" msgstr "分" msgid "Settings saved." msgstr "設定已儲存。" msgid "Statistics" msgstr "統計資料" msgid "by" msgstr "由" msgid "on" msgstr "於" msgid "Open" msgstr "開啟" msgid "None" msgstr "無" msgid "Topic" msgstr "話題" msgid "Closed" msgstr "已關閉" msgid "Deleted" msgstr "已刪除" msgid "%d post" msgid_plural "%d posts" msgstr[0] "%d 篇文章" msgid "Descripton" msgstr "描述" msgid "Username:" msgstr "使用者名稱:" msgid "WordPress database error:" msgstr "WordPress 資料庫錯誤:" msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "網站設定" msgid "%1$s - %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - %2$s " msgid "Actions" msgstr "管理項目" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" msgid "Blocked" msgstr "封鎖" msgid "Nothing to do here…" msgstr "沒有要進行的事項…" msgid "Follow this search via JSON" msgstr "從 JSON 跟隨搜尋" msgid "Follow this search via RSS" msgstr "從 RSS 跟隨此搜尋" msgid "Loading.." msgstr "載入中 ..." msgid "Try more general keywords." msgstr "試試看常見關鍵字。" msgid "Try different keywords." msgstr "請嘗試別的關鍵字。" msgid "Forums" msgstr "論壇" msgid "Make sure all words are spelled correctly." msgstr "請確認每個字是否正確。 " msgid "Your search did not match any blog posts. Whoa." msgstr "唉呀呀~我們找不到任何文章符合你的搜尋 XD" msgid "comments" msgstr "留言" msgid "seconds" msgstr "秒" msgid " Search" msgstr " 搜尋" msgid "Search Blogs" msgstr "搜尋 的網誌" msgid "" "Your recent attempt to Post by Email was blocked as you sent your mail to " "the example email address. In order to get an email published on your blog " "please follow the instructions at:" "email/" msgstr "" "你最近嘗試透過電子郵件發佈文章受阻擋,因為你嘗試寄到範例電子信箱。要將你的電" "子郵件成功發佈,請參照:" msgid "WordPress Post by Email" msgstr "WordPress電子郵件發佈" msgid "File type does not meet security guidelines. Try another." msgstr "檔案類型不符合安全性原則。請試試另外一個。" msgid "[] Import failed" msgstr "[] 匯入失敗" msgid "" "Please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed." msgstr "請聯絡支援部門,我們會把他們修好。" msgid "[] Import successful" msgstr "[] 匯入成功" msgid "R" msgstr "R" msgid "Email Address:" msgstr "電子郵件地址:" msgid "ID" msgstr "編號" msgid "Date and time format" msgstr "日期與時間格式:" msgid "Site address" msgstr "網站網址" msgid "Update Form" msgstr "更新表單" msgid "Topics" msgstr "主題" msgid "Specified file failed upload test." msgstr "指定的檔案上載測試失敗。" msgid "File is empty. Please upload something more substantial." msgstr "檔案為空。請上載有內容的東西。" msgid "No file was uploaded." msgstr "沒有檔案被上載。" msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded." msgstr "上載的檔案不完整。" msgid "County" msgstr "縣" msgid "Visit plugin homepage" msgstr "前往外掛主頁" msgid "Normal" msgstr "標準" msgid "Design" msgstr "設計" msgid "by %s" msgstr "作者:%s" msgid "Post" msgstr "文章" msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "控制台" msgid "Version" msgstr "發佈版本" msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "訪問網站" msgid "Plugins" msgstr "外掛" msgid "Users" msgstr "使用者" msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookie" msgid "Site address (URL)" msgstr "網站位址 (URL)" msgid "%1$s ‹ %2$s" msgstr "%1$s ‹ %2$s" msgid "Let's do this!" msgstr "讓我們開始吧。" msgid "Play video" msgstr "播放視頻" msgid "Register now" msgstr "現在註冊" msgid "Add new email address" msgstr "新增電子郵件地址" msgid "Save password" msgstr "儲存密碼" msgid "Save account settings" msgstr "儲存帳戶設定" msgid "Save username" msgstr "儲存使用者名稱" msgid "Save notification settings" msgstr "儲存通知設定" msgid "Save to all sites" msgstr "儲存至「所有網站」" msgid "Save privacy settings" msgstr "儲存隱私設定" msgid "Save profile details" msgstr "儲存個人檔案詳細資料" msgid "Unable to obtain backup codes. Please try again later." msgstr "無法取得備份密碼。請稍後再試一次。" msgid "Generate new backup codes" msgstr "產生新的備用密碼" msgid "Bulk edit" msgstr "批次編輯" msgid "Following site" msgstr "正在關注網站" msgid "Visit post" msgstr "瀏覽文章" msgid "Block site" msgstr "封鎖網站" msgid "Change site address" msgstr "變更網址" msgid "Report this site" msgstr "檢舉此網站" msgid "Report this post" msgstr "檢舉這篇文章" msgid "Following conversation" msgstr "正在關注討論" msgid "Follow conversation" msgstr "關注討論" msgid "Template parts list" msgstr "範本組件清單" msgid "Template parts list navigation" msgstr "範本組件清單檢視" msgid "Filter template parts list" msgstr "篩選範本組件清單" msgid "No template parts found in Trash." msgstr "在回收桶中找不到符合條件的範本組件。" msgid "No template parts found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的範本組件。" msgid "Search Template Parts" msgstr "搜尋範本組件" msgid "View Template Part" msgstr "檢視範本組件" msgid "Edit Template Part" msgstr "編輯範本組件" msgid "New Template Part" msgstr "新增範本組件" msgid "Add New Template Part" msgstr "新增範本組件" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Template" msgstr "範本" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Templates" msgstr "範本" msgid "Templates list" msgstr "範本清單" msgid "Templates list navigation" msgstr "範本清單導覽" msgid "Filter templates list" msgstr "篩選範本清單" msgid "No templates found." msgstr "找不到符合條件的範本。" msgid "Search Templates" msgstr "搜尋範本" msgid "Edit Template" msgstr "編輯範本" msgid "New Template" msgstr "新增範本" msgid "Add New Template" msgstr "新增範本" msgid "View Template" msgstr "檢視範本" msgid "Template Parts" msgstr "範本組件" msgid "Judo" msgstr "柔道" msgid "Lamps" msgstr "燈光" msgid "Karate" msgstr "空手道" msgid "Shipping Company" msgstr "貨運公司" msgid "Roadside Assistance" msgstr "道路救援" msgid "Motorcycles" msgstr "機車" msgid "" "Welcome Texas A&M IAA Family! Save %s%% today on any plan " "using promo code {{coupon_code}} at checkout today." msgstr "" "Texas A&M IAA 大家庭可享歡迎禮!今日結帳時使用促銷代碼 {{coupon_code}}" ",即可立即在任何 方案中享 %s%% 的優惠折扣。" msgid "Animal Protection Organization" msgstr "動物保護協會" msgid "Shopping Center" msgstr "購物中心" msgid "Landscaping" msgstr "園林綠化" msgid "Bath" msgstr "報告" msgid "Appraiser" msgstr "估價師" msgid "Plastic Surgeon" msgstr "整容師" msgid "Libraries" msgstr "庫" msgid "Civil Engineering" msgstr "土木工程" msgid "Orphanage" msgstr "孤兒院" msgid "Skin Care" msgstr "肌膚護理" msgid "Marketplace" msgstr "市集" msgid "Recruiter" msgstr "招募人員" msgid "Retirement Home" msgstr "老人院" msgid "Jazz Club" msgstr "爵士俱樂部" msgid "Office Supplies" msgstr "辦公用品" msgid "Piano Bar" msgstr "鋼琴吧" msgid "Video Games" msgstr "電子遊戲" msgid "Machine Shop" msgstr "機械車間" msgid "Hiking" msgstr "遠足" msgid "Airline" msgstr "船公司" msgid "Stable" msgstr "穩定版" msgid "Lighting" msgstr "燈光" msgid "Car Service" msgstr "汽車服務" msgid "Gifts" msgstr "禮品" msgid "Medical Supplies" msgstr "醫療用品" msgid "Surgeon" msgstr "外科醫生" msgid "Theme Park" msgstr "主題公園" msgid "Tennis Court" msgstr "網球場" msgid "Computer Store" msgstr "電腦商店" msgid "Wine Bar" msgstr "酒吧" msgid "Taxi" msgstr "計程車" msgid "Physician" msgstr "醫師" msgid "Contractor" msgstr "承包商" msgid "Mining" msgstr "採礦" msgid "Hot Spring" msgstr "溫泉" msgid "Airport" msgstr "機場" msgid "Shooting Range" msgstr "射击场" msgid "Infrastructure" msgstr "基礎設施" msgid "Mission" msgstr "任務" msgid "Auto Repair" msgstr "自動修復載具" msgid "Stage" msgstr "階段" msgid "Fair" msgstr "Fair" msgid "Comedy Club" msgstr "喜劇俱樂部" msgid "Publisher" msgstr "出版者" msgid "Department Store" msgstr "百貨公司" msgid "Greenhouse" msgstr "溫室" msgid "Circus" msgstr "Circus" msgid "Ophthalmologist" msgstr "眼科学" msgid "Hair" msgstr "頭髮" msgid "Bicycle" msgstr "自行车" msgid "Coffee Shop" msgstr "咖啡店" msgid "Veterinarian" msgstr "獸醫" msgid "Stadium" msgstr "體育場" msgid "Pharmacy" msgstr "藥房" msgid "Auto Parts" msgstr "Auto Parts" msgid "Playground" msgstr "遊樂場" msgid "Computers" msgstr "電腦" msgid "High School" msgstr "高中" msgid "Health & Medical" msgstr "健康及醫療" msgid "Community & Non-Profit" msgstr "社群 & 非營利組織" msgid "Bars" msgstr "欄" msgid "Accommodation" msgstr "住宿" msgid "Manufacturing" msgstr "製造業" msgid "Massage" msgstr "按摩" msgid "Mall" msgstr "購物中心" msgid "Expected done flag in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "清除程式 %1$s (索引 %2$d) 必須完成回應陣列中的旗標。" msgid "" "Expected messages key to reference an array in response array from %1$s " "eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "清除程式 %1$s (索引 %2$d) 必須完成回應陣列中的訊息索引鍵以進行參照。" msgid "Expected messages key in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "清除程式 %1$s (索引 %2$d) 必須完成回應陣列中的訊息索引鍵。" msgid "" "Expected items_retained key in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "清除程式 %1$s (索引 %2$d) 必須完成回應陣列中的 items_retained 索引鍵。" msgid "" "Expected items_removed key in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "清除程式 %1$s (索引 %2$d) 必須完成回應陣列中的 items_removed 索引鍵。" msgid "Did not receive array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "無法從 %1$s 清除程式收到陣列 (索引 %2$d)。" msgid "Eraser array at index %d does not include a friendly name." msgstr "清除程式在索引 %d 中的陣列不包含易記名稱。" msgid "Expected an array describing the eraser at index %d." msgstr "必須有一組陣列描述在索引 %d 中的清除程式。" msgid "Eraser index is out of range." msgstr "清除程式索引超出範圍。" msgid "Eraser index cannot be less than one." msgstr "清除程式索引不能小於 1。" msgid "Missing eraser index." msgstr "遺漏清除程式索引。" msgid "Expected done (boolean) in response array from exporter: %s." msgstr "匯出程式 %s 必須完成回應陣列中的布林值。" msgid "Expected data array in response array from exporter: %s." msgstr "匯出程式 %s 的回應陣列中必須有資料陣列。" msgid "Invalid email address in request." msgstr "要求内的電郵地址無效。" msgid "Expected data in response array from exporter: %s." msgstr "匯出程式 %s 的回應陣列中必須有資料。" msgid "Expected response as an array from exporter: %s." msgstr "匯出程式 %s 必須回應為一組陣列。" msgid "Exporter callback is not a valid callback: %s." msgstr "匯出程式 %s 的回呼不是有效的回呼。" msgid "Exporter does not include a callback: %s." msgstr "匯出程式 %s 不包含回呼。" msgid "Exporter array at index %s does not include a friendly name." msgstr "匯出程式在索引 %s 中的陣列不包含易記名稱。" msgid "Expected an array describing the exporter at index %s." msgstr "必須有一組陣列描述在索引 %s 中的匯出程式。" msgid "Exporter index is out of range." msgstr "匯出程式索引超出範圍。" msgid "Exporter index cannot be negative." msgstr "匯出程式索引不能為負數。" msgid "An exporter has improperly used the registration filter." msgstr "匯出程式不當使用註冊篩選器。" msgid "Page index cannot be less than one." msgstr "頁數不能小於一。" msgid "Missing exporter index." msgstr "遺漏匯出程式索引。" msgid "Missing request ID." msgstr "缺少請求 ID。" msgid "Missing page index." msgstr "缺少頁數。" msgid "Invalid request type." msgstr "要求類型無效。" msgid "Invalid request ID." msgstr "要求編號無效。" msgid "Payload missing of required ticket info" msgstr "承載缺少所需的票證資訊" msgid "Payload missing of devices info" msgstr "承載缺少裝置資訊" msgid "Payload must be valid JSON." msgstr "承載必須為有效的 JSON。" msgid "" "remoteProvision method not found on remote site. Try calling again with --" "force_register=true." msgstr "" "遠端網站找不到 remoteProvision 方法 - 請嘗試以 --force_register=true 再次呼叫" msgid "The required \"local_user\" argument is missing." msgstr "缺少必要的「local_user」參數。" msgid " " msgstr " " msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "" "Buy your domain, and build your site with the software powering 29% of the " "internet." msgstr "" "購買你的域名,並使用讓網際網路上 29% 的網站得以順暢運作的軟體來打造你的網站" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Find the domain that fits you at" msgstr "在 尋找適合你的網域" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Get Your Domain" msgstr "取得你的網域" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "" "Buy your .com domain and build your site with the software powering 29% of " "the internet." msgstr "" "購買你的 .com 網域並使用讓網際網路上 29% 的網站得以順暢運作的軟體來打造你的網" "站" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Find Your .com" msgstr "尋找你的 .com" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Find the domain that fits you." msgstr "尋找適合你的網域。" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Your Domain" msgstr "你的網域" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Find Your Domain" msgstr "找出最適合你的網域名稱" msgctxt "Events and News dashboard widget" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "Post custom field name" msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" msgid "Only UUID V4 is supported at this time." msgstr "目前只支援UUID V4。" msgid "Malay" msgstr "馬來文" msgid "Irish" msgstr "愛爾蘭文" msgid "Indonesian" msgstr "印尼文" msgid "Haitian Creole" msgstr "海地克里奧爾文" msgid "Filipino" msgstr "菲律賓文" msgid "Yiddish" msgstr "意第緒文" msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "越南文" msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "烏克蘭文" msgid "Swahili" msgstr "斯瓦希里文" msgid "Persian" msgstr "波斯文" msgid "Maltese" msgstr "馬爾他文" msgid "Latvian" msgstr "拉托維亞文" msgid "Hindi" msgstr "印地文" msgid "Chinese (Traditional)" msgstr "中文 (繁體)" msgid "Chinese (Simplified)" msgstr "中文 (簡體)" msgid "Belarusian" msgstr "白俄文" msgid "Arabic" msgstr "阿拉伯文" msgid "This key cannot automatically connect this user" msgstr "此金鑰無法自動連結至此使用者" msgid "The sticker {{i}}%s{{/i}} has been removed." msgstr "已移除貼紙 {{i}}%s{{/i}}。" msgid "Search our blog" msgstr "尋找部落格文章" msgid "Educational Institution" msgstr "机构" msgid "Hospital" msgstr "醫院" msgid "Trust" msgstr "信任" msgid "You need to define an include parameter to order by include." msgstr "你需要定義一個包括參數以包括排序。" msgid "Unknown API error." msgstr "不明的API錯誤。" msgid "MM" msgstr "MM" msgid "VAT Number" msgstr "統一編號" msgid "SIREN or SIRET Number" msgstr "SIREN 或 SIRET 號碼" msgid "Every %d minutes" msgstr "每 %d 分鐘" msgid "Every 10 Minutes" msgstr "每10分鐘" msgid "The blog ID %s is invalid" msgstr "該網誌 ID %s 是無效的" msgid "Limit result set to items with particular parent IDs." msgstr "將結果限制於那些擁有特定上層項目 ID 的項目。" msgid "CDN" msgstr "CDN" msgid "Server encountered an unspecified error." msgstr "伺服器發生不明錯誤。" msgid "PushPress" msgstr "PushPress" msgid "Thanks! We’ll notify you the minute .blog domains become available." msgstr "謝謝!只要 .blog 網域一推出,我們就會立即發出通知。" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this site." msgstr "抱歉,你不得刪除這個網站。" msgid "Pohnpei" msgstr "波納佩島" msgid "Chuuk" msgstr "楚克" msgid "Bougainville" msgstr "布干維爾島" msgid "Ulyanovsk" msgstr "烏里揚諾夫斯克" msgid "Kirov" msgstr "基洛夫" msgid "Busingen" msgstr "布辛根" msgid "Astrakhan" msgstr "阿斯特拉罕" msgid "Ust-Nera" msgstr "烏斯季涅拉" msgid "Tomsk" msgstr "托木斯克" msgid "Srednekolymsk" msgstr "中科雷姆斯克" msgid "Novokuznetsk" msgstr "新庫茲涅茨克" msgid "Khandyga" msgstr "漢德加" msgid "Kathmandu" msgstr "加德滿都" msgid "Hebron" msgstr "希伯侖" msgid "Chita" msgstr "赤塔" msgid "Barnaul" msgstr "巴爾瑙爾" msgid "Troll" msgstr "特羅爾" msgid "Macquarie" msgstr "麥格理" msgid "Sitka" msgstr "錫特卡" msgid "Santarem" msgstr "聖塔倫" msgid "Santa Isabel" msgstr "聖伊莎貝爾" msgid "Ojinaga" msgstr "奧希納加" msgid "Beulah" msgstr "比尤拉" msgid "Metlakatla" msgstr "梅特拉卡特拉" msgid "Matamoros" msgstr "馬塔莫羅斯" msgid "Lower Princes" msgstr "洛爾普林斯" msgid "Kralendijk" msgstr "克拉倫代克" msgid "Fort Nelson" msgstr "納爾遜堡" msgid "Creston" msgstr "克雷斯頓" msgid "Bahia Banderas" msgstr "納亞里特墨西哥" msgid "Juba" msgstr "朱巴" msgid "Example Tag" msgstr "範例標記" msgid "%d comment could not be checked." msgid_plural "%d comments could not be checked." msgstr[0] "#%d 評論無法進行檢查。" msgid "%d comment moved to Spam." msgid_plural "%d comments moved to Spam." msgstr[0] "%d 評論被移到垃圾評論。" msgid "Processed %d comment." msgid_plural "Processed %d comments." msgstr[0] "%d 評論處理。" msgid "Comment #%d could not be checked." msgstr "無法檢查留言 #%d。" msgid "Failed to connect to Akismet." msgstr "無法連結至 Akismet。" msgid "Comment #%d is not spam." msgstr "評論 #%d 不是垃圾評論。" msgid "Comment #%d is spam." msgstr "評論 #%d 是垃圾評論。" msgid "%s is not a valid role." msgstr "%s 不是有效的角色。" msgid "The roles property must be a string or an array." msgstr "角色屬性必須為字串或陣列。" msgid "" "Partial render must echo the content or return the content string (or " "array), but not both." msgstr "部份的轉譯只可以傳回內文或內文字串(或陣列),不可同時傳回兩者。" msgid "Hainan" msgstr "海南" msgid "Your user is not permitted to access this resource." msgstr "你的使用者無法存取此資源。" msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific SKU." msgstr "透過特定 SKU 設定商品的限制結果。" msgid "Invalid parameters." msgstr "參數量無效。" msgid "" "{{author}}%(authorFirstName)s{{/author}} {{label}}cross-posted from " "%(siteName)s to{{/label}} {{blogNames/}}" msgstr "" "{{author}}%(authorFirstName)s{{/author}} {{label}}已將 %(siteName)s 的文章轉" "貼到{{/label}} {{blogNames/}}" msgid "%1$s (%2$d)" msgstr "%1$s(%2$d)" msgctxt "Word count type. Do not translate!" msgid "words" msgstr "characters_excluding_spaces" msgid "" "Hi ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "This notice confirms that your email address on ###SITENAME### was changed " "to ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "If you did not change your email, please contact the Site Administrator at\n" "###ADMIN_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "###USERNAME###你好,\n" "\n" "此通知用於確認你在###SITENAME###的電郵地址已經變更成###NEW_EMAIL###。\n" "\n" "如果你並未變更你的電郵地址,請透過電郵###ADMIN_EMAIL###與網站管理員聯絡。\n" "\n" "\n" "這封郵件已經發送至###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "祝好,\n" "###SITENAME###全體成員\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "" "Hi ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "This notice confirms that your password was changed on ###SITENAME###.\n" "\n" "If you did not change your password, please contact the Site Administrator " "at\n" "###ADMIN_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "###USERNAME###你好,\n" "\n" "此通知用於確認你在###SITENAME###的密碼已經變更。\n" "\n" "如果你並未變更你的密碼,請與網站管理員聯絡:\n" "###ADMIN_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "這封郵件已經發送至###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "祝好,\n" "###SITENAME###全體成員\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Neutral" msgstr "一般" msgid "Title:" msgstr "標題:" msgid "URL:" msgstr "網址:" msgid "You have %(hidden)d hidden WordPress site." msgid_plural "You have %(hidden)d hidden WordPress sites." msgstr[0] "你有 %(hidden)d 個隱藏的 WordPress 網站。" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Ultra Bold" msgstr "超粗" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Bold" msgstr "粗體" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Extra Bold" msgstr "加粗" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Bold Italic" msgstr "加粗斜體" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Italic" msgstr "斜體" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Regular" msgstr "一般" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Medium Italic" msgstr "Medium Italic" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Medium" msgstr "中" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Oblique" msgstr "仿斜體" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Light Italic" msgstr "Light Italic" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Light" msgstr "淺色系" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Extra Light" msgstr "超輕" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Thin Italic" msgstr "Thin Italic" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Thin" msgstr "細" msgid "Disabling autoupdates on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Disabling autoupdates on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "正在停用 %(count)s 個網站上的自動更新" msgid "" "There were errors disabling autoupdates %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式停用自動更新時" "發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There were errors disabling autoupdates %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s 停用自動更新時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There were errors disabling autoupdates %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(site)s." msgstr "" "為 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式停用自動更新時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There were errors enabling autoupdates %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式啟用自動更新時" "發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There were errors enabling autoupdates %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "為 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s 啟用自動更新時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There were errors enabling autoupdates %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(site)s." msgstr "" "為 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式啟用自動更新時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There were errors deactivating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "停用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "There were errors deactivating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "停用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "There were errors deactivating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "停用 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There were errors activating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "啟用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "There were errors activating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "啟用 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(plugin)s 時發生錯誤。" msgid "There were errors activating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "啟用 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "" "There were errors updating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "更新 %(numberOfSites)d 個網站上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "There were errors updating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "更新 %(site)s 上的 %(numberOfPlugins)d 個外掛程式時發生錯誤。" msgid "Invalid user input" msgstr "無效的用戶輸入" msgid "Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials." msgstr "無法連結該檔案系統。請確認你的連線憑證。" msgid "Zacatecas" msgstr "薩卡特卡斯" msgid "Yucatan" msgstr "尤卡坦" msgid "Veracruz" msgstr "韋拉克魯斯" msgid "Tlaxcala" msgstr "特拉斯卡拉" msgid "Tamaulipas" msgstr "塔毛利帕斯州" msgid "Tabasco" msgstr "塔巴斯科" msgid "Sinaloa" msgstr "錫那羅亞" msgid "San Luis Potosi" msgstr "聖路易斯波托西" msgid "Quintana Roo" msgstr "金塔納羅奧" msgid "Queretaro" msgstr "克雷塔羅" msgid "Puebla" msgstr "普埃布拉" msgid "Oaxaca" msgstr "瓦哈卡" msgid "Nuevo Leon" msgstr "Nuevo Leon" msgid "Nayarit" msgstr "納亞里特" msgid "Morelos" msgstr "莫雷洛斯" msgid "Michoacan" msgstr "米卻肯" msgid "Sonora" msgstr "索諾拉州" msgid "Jalisco" msgstr "哈利斯科" msgid "Hidalgo" msgstr "伊達爾戈" msgid "Guerrero" msgstr "格雷羅" msgid "Guanajuato" msgstr "瓜納華托" msgid "Durango" msgstr "杜蘭戈" msgid "Colima" msgstr "科利馬" msgid "Coahuila" msgstr "科阿韋拉" msgid "Chiapas" msgstr "恰帕斯" msgid "Campeche" msgstr "坎佩切" msgid "Baja California Sur" msgstr "南下加利福尼亞州" msgid "Yamaguchi" msgstr "山口" msgid "Baja California" msgstr "加利福尼亚州" msgid "Aguascalientes" msgstr "阿瓜斯卡连特斯" msgid "Yamanashi" msgstr "山梨" msgid "Yamagata" msgstr "山形" msgid "Wakayama" msgstr "和歌山" msgid "Toyama" msgstr "富山" msgid "Tottori" msgstr "鳥取" msgid "Tokushima" msgstr "德島" msgid "Tochigi" msgstr "櫪木" msgid "Shizuoka" msgstr "靜岡" msgid "Shimane" msgstr "島根縣" msgid "Shiga" msgstr "滋賀縣" msgid "Osaka" msgstr "大阪" msgid "Okinawa" msgstr "沖繩島" msgid "Okayama" msgstr "岡山" msgid "Saitama" msgstr "崎玉" msgid "Saga" msgstr "佐賀" msgid "Oita" msgstr "大分" msgid "Nara" msgstr "奈良" msgid "Nagasaki" msgstr "長崎" msgid "Nagano" msgstr "長野" msgid "Miyazaki" msgstr "宮崎" msgid "Miyagi" msgstr "宮城" msgid "Kyoto" msgstr "京都" msgid "Kumamoto" msgstr "熊本" msgid "Kouchi" msgstr "口齒" msgid "Kagoshima" msgstr "鹿兒島" msgid "Ishikawa" msgstr "石川" msgid "Niigata" msgstr "新瀉" msgid "Mie" msgstr "三重縣" msgid "Kanagawa" msgstr "神奈川縣" msgid "Kagawa" msgstr "香川" msgid "Iwate" msgstr "岩手縣" msgid "Ibaraki" msgstr "茨城" msgid "Hyogo" msgstr "兵庫縣" msgid "Hokkaido" msgstr "北海道" msgid "Hiroshima" msgstr "廣島" msgid "Gumma" msgstr "群馬縣" msgid "Gifu" msgstr "岐阜" msgid "Fukushima" msgstr "福島" msgid "Fukuoka" msgstr "福岡" msgid "Fukui" msgstr "福井" msgid "Ehime" msgstr "愛媛" msgid "Chiba" msgstr "千葉" msgid "Aomori" msgstr "青森" msgid "Akita" msgstr "秋田" msgid "Aichi" msgstr "愛知" msgid "Viterbo" msgstr "維泰博" msgid "Vicenza" msgstr "維琴察" msgid "Venice" msgstr "威尼斯" msgid "Varese" msgstr "瓦雷澤" msgid "Udine" msgstr "烏迪內" msgid "Turin" msgstr "都靈" msgid "Treviso" msgstr "特雷維索" msgid "Trento" msgstr "特倫托" msgid "Trapani" msgstr "特拉帕尼" msgid "Terni" msgstr "特爾尼" msgid "Teramo" msgstr "泰拉莫" msgid "Vibo Valentia" msgstr "維博瓦倫蒂亞" msgid "Verona" msgstr "維洛那" msgid "Vercelli" msgstr "韋爾切利" msgid "Verbano-Cusio-Ossola" msgstr "韋爾巴諾-庫西亞-奧索拉省" msgid "Trieste" msgstr "第里雅斯特" msgid "Taranto" msgstr "塔蘭托" msgid "Syracuse" msgstr "雪城" msgid "Siena" msgstr "錫耶納" msgid "Savona" msgstr "薩沃納" msgid "Rovigo" msgstr "羅維戈" msgid "Reggio Emilia" msgstr "雷焦艾米利亞" msgid "Reggio Calabria" msgstr "雷焦卡拉布里亞" msgid "Ragusa" msgstr "拉古薩" msgid "Sondrio" msgstr "桑治奧" msgid "Sassari" msgstr "薩沙里" msgid "Salerno" msgstr "薩萊諾" msgid "Rimini" msgstr "Rimini" msgid "Rieti" msgstr "列蒂" msgid "Ravenna" msgstr "拉溫納" msgid "Pordenone" msgstr "波代諾內" msgid "Pistoia" msgstr "皮斯托亞" msgid "Pisa" msgstr "比薩" msgid "Piacenza" msgstr "皮亞琴察" msgid "Pescara" msgstr "佩斯卡拉" msgid "Perugia" msgstr "佩魯賈" msgid "Pavia" msgstr "帕維亞" msgid "Parma" msgstr "帕爾馬" msgid "Potenza" msgstr "波坦察" msgid "Pesaro e Urbino" msgstr "佩薩羅-烏爾比諾省" msgid "Padua" msgstr "帕多瓦" msgid "Oristano" msgstr "奧里斯塔諾" msgid "Nuoro" msgstr "努奧羅" msgid "Novara" msgstr "諾瓦拉" msgid "Naples" msgstr "那不勒斯" msgid "Modena" msgstr "摩德納" msgid "Milan" msgstr "米蘭" msgid "Messina" msgstr "墨西拿" msgid "Matera" msgstr "馬泰拉" msgid "Mantua" msgstr "曼圖亞" msgid "Palermo" msgstr "巴勒摩" msgid "Massa-Carrara" msgstr "馬薩-卡拉拉省" msgid "Macerata" msgstr "馬切拉塔" msgid "Lucca" msgstr "盧卡" msgid "Lodi" msgstr "洛迪" msgid "Lecco" msgstr "萊科" msgid "Lecce" msgstr "萊切" msgid "La Spezia" msgstr "拉斯佩齊亞" msgid "L'Aquila" msgstr "拉奎拉" msgid "Isernia" msgstr "伊塞爾尼亞" msgid "Imperia" msgstr "因佩里亞" msgid "Grosseto" msgstr "格羅塞托" msgid "Gorizia" msgstr "戈里齊亞" msgid "Genoa" msgstr "熱那亞" msgid "Forli-Cesena" msgstr "弗利 - 切塞納" msgid "Livorno" msgstr "利佛諾" msgid "Latina" msgstr "拉蒂納" msgid "Frosinone" msgstr "佛羅西羅內" msgid "Foggia" msgstr "福賈" msgid "Florence" msgstr "佛羅倫薩" msgid "Ferrara" msgstr "費拉拉" msgid "Enna" msgstr "恩納" msgid "Cremona" msgstr "克雷莫納" msgid "Cosenza" msgstr "科森扎" msgid "Como" msgstr "科莫" msgid "Chieti" msgstr "基耶蒂" msgid "Catanzaro" msgstr "卡坦扎羅" msgid "Catania" msgstr "卡塔尼亞" msgid "Caserta" msgstr "卡塞塔" msgid "Cuneo" msgstr "庫內奧" msgid "Crotone" msgstr "巴豆" msgid "Campobasso" msgstr "坎波巴索" msgid "Brindisi" msgstr "布林迪西" msgid "Brescia" msgstr "布雷西亞" msgid "Biella" msgstr "比耶拉" msgid "Bergamo" msgstr "貝加莫" msgid "Benevento" msgstr "貝內文托" msgid "Belluno" msgstr "貝盧諾" msgid "Bari" msgstr "巴里" msgid "Avellino" msgstr "阿韋利諾" msgid "Asti" msgstr "阿斯蒂" msgid "Ascoli Piceno" msgstr "阿斯科利皮切諾" msgid "Caltanissetta" msgstr "卡爾塔尼塞塔" msgid "Cagliari" msgstr "卡利亞里" msgid "Bologna" msgstr "波隆那" msgid "Arezzo" msgstr "阿雷佐" msgid "Aosta" msgstr "奧斯塔" msgid "Ancona" msgstr "安科納" msgid "Alessandria" msgstr "亞歷山德里亞" msgid "Agrigento" msgstr "阿格里真托" msgid "West Bengal" msgstr "西孟加拉邦" msgid "Uttarakhand" msgstr "北阿坎德邦" msgid "Uttar Pradesh" msgstr "北方邦" msgid "Tripura" msgstr "特里普拉邦" msgid "Rajasthan" msgstr "拉賈斯坦邦" msgid "Tamil Nadu" msgstr "坦米爾納德邦" msgid "Sikkim" msgstr "錫金邦" msgid "Punjab" msgstr "旁遮普邦" msgid "Puducherry" msgstr "本地治裡" msgid "Orissa" msgstr "奧里薩邦" msgid "Nagaland" msgstr "那加蘭邦" msgid "Meghalaya" msgstr "梅加拉亞邦" msgid "Manipur" msgstr "曼尼普爾邦" msgid "Maharashtra" msgstr "馬哈拉施特拉邦" msgid "Lakshadweep" msgstr "拉克沙群島" msgid "Kerala" msgstr "喀拉拉邦" msgid "Karnataka" msgstr "卡納塔克邦" msgid "Mizoram" msgstr "米佐拉姆邦" msgid "Madhya Pradesh" msgstr "中央邦" msgid "Jharkhand" msgstr "賈坎德邦" msgid "Jammu and Kashmir" msgstr "查謨-克什米爾邦" msgid "Himachal Pradesh" msgstr "喜馬偕爾邦" msgid "Haryana" msgstr "哈里亞納邦" msgid "Gujarat" msgstr "古吉拉特邦" msgid "Goa" msgstr "果阿邦" msgid "Daman and Diu" msgstr "達曼-第烏" msgid "Dadra and Nagar Haveli" msgstr "達德拉-納加爾哈維利" msgid "Chhattisgarh" msgstr "恰蒂斯加爾邦" msgid "Chandigarh" msgstr "昌迪加爾" msgid "Bihar" msgstr "比哈爾邦" msgid "Arunachal Pradesh" msgstr "阿魯納恰爾邦" msgid "Andhra Pradesh" msgstr "安德拉邦" msgid "Assam" msgstr "阿薩姆邦" msgid "Andaman and Nicobar Islands" msgstr "安達曼-尼科巴群島" msgid "Zaragoza" msgstr "薩拉戈薩" msgid "Zamora" msgstr "薩莫拉" msgid "Valladolid" msgstr "瓦拉多利德" msgid "Valencia" msgstr "瓦倫西亞" msgid "Toledo" msgstr "托雷多" msgid "Teruel" msgstr "特魯埃爾" msgid "Tarragona" msgstr "塔拉哥納" msgid "Sevilla" msgstr "塞維亞" msgid "Segovia" msgstr "塞哥維亞" msgid "Santa Cruz de Tenerife" msgstr "聖克魯斯德特內里費" msgid "Salamanca" msgstr "薩拉曼卡" msgid "Pontevedra" msgstr "蓬特韋德拉" msgid "Palencia" msgstr "帕倫西亞" msgid "Ourense" msgstr "歐倫塞" msgid "Navarra" msgstr "納瓦拉" msgid "Murcia" msgstr "莫夕亞" msgid "Melilla" msgstr "梅利利亞" msgid "Syria" msgstr "敘利亞" msgid "Málaga" msgstr "馬拉加" msgid "Lugo" msgstr "盧戈" msgid "Lleida" msgstr "列伊達" msgid "Las Palmas" msgstr "拉斯帕爾馬斯" msgid "Huesca" msgstr "韋斯卡" msgid "Huelva" msgstr "韋爾瓦" msgid "Gipuzkoa" msgstr "吉普斯誇省" msgid "Guadalajara" msgstr "瓜達拉哈拉" msgid "Granada" msgstr "格拉納達" msgid "Girona" msgstr "赫羅納" msgid "Cuenca" msgstr "昆卡" msgid "Capiz" msgstr "卡皮斯" msgid "Ciudad Real" msgstr "雷阿爾城" msgid "Cantabria" msgstr "坎塔布里亞" msgid "Barcelona" msgstr "巴塞隆納" msgid "Badajoz" msgstr "巴達霍斯" msgid "Asturias" msgstr "阿斯圖里亞斯" msgid "Alicante" msgstr "阿利坎特" msgid "Albacete" msgstr "阿爾瓦塞特" msgid "Burgas" msgstr "布爾加斯" msgid "Castellón" msgstr "卡斯特利翁" msgid "Cáceres" msgstr "卡塞雷斯" msgid "Ávila" msgstr "阿維拉" msgid "Almería" msgstr "阿爾梅利亞" msgid "Tocantins" msgstr "托坎廷斯" msgid "Sergipe" msgstr "塞爾希培" msgid "Roraima" msgstr "羅賴馬" msgid "Rondonia" msgstr "朗多尼亞" msgid "Rio Grande do Sul" msgstr "南里奧格蘭德州" msgid "Rio de Janeiro" msgstr "里約熱內盧" msgid "Piaui" msgstr "皮奧伊" msgid "Pernambuco" msgstr "伯南布哥" msgid "Parana" msgstr "巴拉那" msgid "Santa Catarina" msgstr "聖卡塔琳娜" msgid "Rio Grande do Norte" msgstr "北里奧格蘭德" msgid "Paraiba" msgstr "帕拉伊巴" msgid "Para" msgstr "帕拉" msgid "Minas Gerais" msgstr "米納斯吉拉斯州" msgid "Mato Grosso" msgstr "馬托格羅索" msgid "Maranhao" msgstr "馬拉尼昂州" msgid "Goias" msgstr "戈亞斯" msgid "Espirito Santo" msgstr "Espirito Santo" msgid "Ceara" msgstr "塞阿拉" msgid "Amazonas" msgstr "亞馬遜" msgid "Amapa" msgstr "阿馬帕" msgid "Alagoas" msgstr "阿拉戈斯" msgid "Mato Grosso do Sul" msgstr "南馬托格羅索州" msgid "Distrito Federal" msgstr "聯邦首都區" msgid "West-Vlaanderen" msgstr "西佛蘭德爾" msgid "Vlaams Brabant" msgstr "Vlaams Brabant" msgid "Oost-Vlaanderen" msgstr "奧斯特-VLAANDEREN" msgid "Namur" msgstr "那慕爾" msgid "Limburg" msgstr "林堡" msgid "Liege" msgstr "列日" msgid "Hainaut" msgstr "埃諾" msgid "Brabant Wallon" msgstr "布拉班特瓦隆" msgid "Antwerpen" msgstr "安特衛普" msgid "South Australia" msgstr "南澳大利亞" msgid "Acre" msgstr "阿卡" msgid "Western Australia" msgstr "西澳大利亞" msgid "New South Wales" msgstr "新南威爾士州" msgid "Australian Capital Territory" msgstr "澳大利亞首都直轄區" msgid "Northern Territory" msgstr "北領地" msgid "Supplied authorization token invalid." msgstr "提供的授權令牌無效。" msgid "There is no corresponding action for the passed parameter." msgstr "傳遞的參數沒有相應的操作。" msgid "Icelandic" msgstr "冰島文" msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "立陶宛文" msgid "Greek" msgstr "希臘文" msgid "Albanian" msgstr "阿爾巴尼亞文" msgid "Welsh" msgstr "威爾士文" msgid "Thai" msgstr "泰文" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "瑞典文" msgid "Serbian" msgstr "塞爾維亞文" msgid "Norwegian" msgstr "挪威文" msgid "Catalan" msgstr "加泰羅尼亞文" msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "保加利亞文" msgid "Slovak" msgstr "斯洛伐克文" msgid "Visual Basic" msgstr "Visual Basic" msgid "SQL" msgstr "網站資料庫 (SQL)" msgid "Scala" msgstr "斯卡拉" msgid "Python" msgstr "Python" msgid "PowerShell" msgstr "PowerShell" msgid "LaTeX" msgstr "「LaTeX」功能" msgid "Perl" msgstr "Perl" msgid "Objective-C" msgstr "Objective-C" msgid "MATLAB" msgstr "MATLAB" msgid "JavaFX" msgstr "JavaFX" msgid "Java" msgstr "Java" msgid "Groovy" msgstr "Groovy" msgid "F#" msgstr "F#" msgid "Erlang" msgstr "Erlang" msgid "C#" msgstr "C#" msgid "Clojure" msgstr "Clojure" msgid "ColdFusion" msgstr "ColdFusion" msgid "ActionScript" msgstr "ActionScript" msgid "Delhi" msgstr "Delhi" msgid "The sharing count could not be determined" msgstr "分享數無法確定" msgid "" "There was a problem receiving the share count from the Facebook Graph API." msgstr "透過Facebook Graph API取得分享數時發生錯誤。" msgid "The post_ID field must reflect a published post." msgstr "post_ID欄必須代表一篇已發佈的文章。" msgid "The post_ID field is required." msgstr "post_ID欄是必須的。" msgid "We could not delete your SSH credentials. Please try again." msgstr "我們無法刪除你的SSH認證資訊,請再試一次。" msgid "We could not retrieve your SSH credentials. Please try again." msgstr "我們無法取得你的SSH認證資訊,請再試一次。" msgid "SSH credentials can only be added for a Jetpack-enabled site." msgstr "僅能在啟用了Jetpack的網站加入SSH認證資訊。" msgid "Visitor not allowed to view video." msgstr "訪客不可檢視影片。" msgid "The specified video was not found." msgstr "找不到指定的影片。" msgid "Kosovo" msgstr "科索沃" msgctxt "Someone commented on a post." msgid "a post." msgstr "文章" msgid "Site Icon" msgstr "網站圖示" msgid "Displaying %1$s–%2$s of %3$s" msgstr "目前顯示第 %1$s 到 %2$s 頁,總計 %3$s 頁" msgid "You're on fire!" msgstr "你非常受歡迎!" msgctxt "momentjs format string (sameElse)" msgid "L" msgstr "L" msgctxt "momentjs format string (lastWeek)" msgid "[Last] dddd [at] LT" msgstr "[最後] dddd [於] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (lastDay)" msgid "[Yesterday at] LT" msgstr "[昨天於] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (nextWeek)" msgid "dddd [at] LT" msgstr "dddd [於] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (nextDay)" msgid "[Tomorrow at] LT" msgstr "[明天於] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (sameDay)" msgid "[Today at] LT" msgstr "[今天於] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for LLLL)" msgid "dddd, D MMMM YYYY LT" msgstr "dddd,D MMMM YYYY LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for LLL)" msgid "D MMMM YYYY LT" msgstr "D MMMM YYYY LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for LL)" msgid "D MMMM YYYY" msgstr "D MMMM YYYY" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for L)" msgid "DD/MM/YYYY" msgstr "DD/MM/YYYY" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for LT)" msgid "HH:mm" msgstr "HH:mm" msgid "Please provide a valid email." msgstr "請提供有效的電子郵件。" msgid "Description:" msgstr "說明:" msgid "You are logged in as %s (Logout)" msgstr "你已經用%s登入 (登出)." msgid "Blog Widget Area" msgstr "部落個小工具區域" msgid "Page Widget Area" msgstr "頁面小工具區域" msgid "Single Sign On" msgstr "單一登入" msgid "The specified theme is not downloadable" msgstr "指定的佈景主題是不可下載的" msgid "You don't have permission to download the specified theme" msgstr "你沒有下載指定佈景主題的權限。" msgid "You must be logged in to download the specified theme" msgstr "你必須登入後才能下載指定的佈景主題" msgid "The specified theme was not found" msgstr "找不到指定的佈景主題" msgid "Batch" msgstr "批次ID" msgid "Wyoming" msgstr "懷俄明" msgid "Wisconsin" msgstr " 威斯康辛州" msgid "West Virginia" msgstr "西維吉尼亞州" msgid "Washington" msgstr "華盛頓" msgid "Federated States of Micronesia" msgstr "密克羅尼西亞" msgid "Armed Forces Pacific" msgstr "太平洋武裝部隊" msgid "Armed Forces Americas" msgstr "武裝部隊美洲" msgid "Texas" msgstr "德州" msgid "Virginia" msgstr "弗吉尼亞州" msgid "Vermont" msgstr "佛蒙特" msgid "Utah" msgstr "猶他州" msgid "Tennessee" msgstr "美國田納西州" msgid "South Dakota" msgstr "南達科他州" msgid "South Carolina" msgstr "南卡羅來納州" msgid "Rhode Island" msgstr "羅得島" msgid "Pennsylvania" msgstr "賓夕法尼亞州" msgid "Oregon" msgstr "俄勒岡州" msgid "Oklahoma" msgstr "俄克拉何馬州" msgid "Ohio" msgstr "美國俄亥俄州" msgid "North Carolina" msgstr "北卡羅萊納州" msgid "New Mexico" msgstr "新墨西哥" msgid "New Jersey" msgstr "新澤西州" msgid "New Hampshire" msgstr "新罕布什爾州" msgid "Nevada" msgstr "內華達州" msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "內布拉斯加州" msgid "Missouri" msgstr "密蘇里州" msgid "Mississippi" msgstr "密西西比" msgid "Minnesota" msgstr "明尼蘇達州" msgid "Michigan" msgstr "密歇根州" msgid "Massachusetts" msgstr "馬薩諸塞州" msgid "Maryland" msgstr "馬里蘭州" msgid "Maine" msgstr "緬因州" msgid "Louisiana" msgstr "路易斯安那州" msgid "Kansas" msgstr "堪薩斯州" msgid "Iowa" msgstr "愛荷華州" msgid "Illinois" msgstr "伊利諾伊州" msgid "Idaho" msgstr "美國愛達荷州" msgid "Hawaii" msgstr "夏威夷" msgid "Florida" msgstr "佛羅里達" msgid "Delaware" msgstr "特拉華州" msgid "Connecticut" msgstr "康涅狄格" msgid "Montana" msgstr "蒙大拿" msgid "District of Columbia" msgstr "哥倫比亞特區" msgid "California" msgstr "加州" msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "越南" msgid "Colorado" msgstr "科羅拉多州" msgid "Arkansas" msgstr "阿肯色" msgid "Arizona" msgstr "亞利桑那" msgid "Alaska" msgstr "阿拉斯加州" msgid "Alabama" msgstr "阿拉巴馬州" msgid "Yukon Territory" msgstr "育空地區" msgid "Saskatchewan" msgstr "薩斯喀徹溫省" msgid "Quebec" msgstr "魁北克" msgid "Prince Edward Island" msgstr "愛德華王子島" msgid "Ontario" msgstr "安大略省" msgid "Nunavut" msgstr "努納武特地區" msgid "Nova Scotia" msgstr "新斯科舍省" msgid "Northwest Territories" msgstr "西北地區" msgid "New Brunswick" msgstr "新不倫瑞克省" msgid "Manitoba" msgstr "馬尼托巴" msgid "British Columbia" msgstr "不列顛哥倫比亞省" msgid "Alberta" msgstr "阿爾伯塔" msgid "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" msgstr "阿拉伯聯合大公國" msgid "Zambia" msgstr "贊比亞" msgid "Yemen" msgstr "葉門" msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "委內瑞拉" msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "瓦努阿圖" msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "烏茲別克斯坦" msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "烏拉圭" msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "辛巴威" msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "西撒哈拉" msgid "Wallis and Futuna" msgstr "瓦利斯和富圖納" msgid "Virgin Islands, U.S." msgstr "美屬維爾京群島" msgid "Virgin Islands, British" msgstr "英屬維京群島" msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "美國小島嶼離島" msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "英國" msgid "Thailand" msgstr "泰國" msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "瑞士" msgid "Sweden" msgstr "瑞典" msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "阿拉伯聯合大公國" msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "烏克蘭" msgid "Uganda" msgstr "烏干達" msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "土庫曼斯坦" msgid "Turkey" msgstr "土耳其" msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "突尼西亞" msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "特立尼達和多巴哥" msgid "Tonga" msgstr "湯加" msgid "Togo" msgstr "多哥" msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "塔吉克斯坦" msgid "Syrian Arab Republic" msgstr "愛爾蘭共和國" msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "史瓦濟蘭" msgid "Suriname" msgstr "蘇里南" msgid "Sudan" msgstr "蘇丹" msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "斯里蘭卡" msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "圖瓦盧" msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "特克斯和凱科斯群島" msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "托克勞" msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "東帝汶" msgid "Tanzania, United Republic of" msgstr "坦尚尼亞" msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgstr "斯瓦巴和揚馬延" msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "南喬治亞與南桑威奇" msgid "Portugal" msgstr "葡萄牙" msgid "South Africa" msgstr "南非" msgid "Somalia" msgstr "索馬里" msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "索羅門群島" msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "斯洛文尼亞" msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "斯洛伐克" msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "塞舌爾" msgid "Serbia" msgstr "塞爾維亞" msgid "Senegal" msgstr "塞內加爾" msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "沙烏地阿拉伯" msgid "Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "聖多美普林西比" msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "聖盧西亞" msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "盧旺達" msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "俄羅斯盧布" msgid "Philippines" msgstr "菲律賓" msgid "Romania" msgstr "羅馬尼亞" msgid "Poland" msgstr "波蘭" msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "獅子山共和國" msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "聖文森特和格林納丁斯" msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "聖皮耶與密克隆群島" msgid "Saint Martin" msgstr "聖馬丁島" msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "聖克里斯多福及尼維斯" msgid "Saint Helena" msgstr "聖赫勒拿島" msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "聖巴泰勒米" msgid "Réunion" msgstr "留尼旺" msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "荷蘭" msgid "Peru" msgstr "秘魯" msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "巴拉圭" msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "巴布亞新幾內亞" msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "巴基斯坦" msgid "Oman" msgstr "阿曼" msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "北馬里亞納群島" msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "尼日利亞" msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "尼加拉瓜" msgid "Norway" msgstr "挪威" msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "紐西蘭" msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "新喀裡多尼亞" msgid "Nepal" msgstr "尼泊爾" msgid "Namibia" msgstr "納米比亞" msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "緬甸" msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "莫三比克" msgid "Morocco" msgstr "摩洛哥" msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "黑山" msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "蒙古" msgid "Moldova, Republic of" msgstr "摩爾多瓦" msgid "Palestinian Territory, Occupied" msgstr "巴勒斯坦被佔領土,被佔領" msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "諾福克島" msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "荷屬安的列斯群島" msgid "Niger" msgstr "尼日" msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of" msgstr "密克羅尼西亞聯邦" msgid "Mexico" msgstr "墨西哥" msgid "Korea, Republic of" msgstr "韓國" msgid "Japan" msgstr "日本" msgid "Italy" msgstr "義大利" msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "毛里塔尼亞" msgid "Mali" msgstr "馬里" msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "馬來西亞" msgid "Malawi" msgstr "馬拉維" msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "馬達加斯加" msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "立陶宛" msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "列支敦士登" msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "萊索托" msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "黎巴嫩" msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "吉爾吉斯斯坦" msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "基里巴斯" msgid "Latvia" msgstr "拉脫維亞" msgid "Kenya" msgstr "肯尼亞" msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "哈薩克斯坦" msgid "Jordan" msgstr "約旦" msgid "Israel" msgstr "以色列" msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "馬紹爾群島" msgid "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of" msgstr "馬其頓共和國" msgid "Libya" msgstr "利比亞" msgid "Liberia" msgstr "利比里亞" msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic" msgstr "老撾人民民主共和國" msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" msgstr "北韓" msgid "India" msgstr "印度" msgid "Germany" msgstr "德國" msgid "France" msgstr "法國" msgid "Ireland" msgstr "愛爾蘭" msgid "Iraq" msgstr "伊拉克" msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "印尼" msgid "Iceland" msgstr "冰島" msgid "Honduras" msgstr "宏都拉斯" msgid "Hungary" msgstr "匈牙利" msgid "Haiti" msgstr "海地" msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "幾內亞比紹" msgid "Guinea" msgstr "幾內亞" msgid "Greenland" msgstr "格陵蘭" msgid "Greece" msgstr "希臘" msgid "Ghana" msgstr "加納" msgid "Gambia" msgstr "岡比亞" msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "法屬波利尼西亞" msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "法屬圭亞那" msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "法羅群島" msgid "Finland" msgstr "芬蘭" msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "埃塞俄比亞" msgid "Iran, Islamic Republic of" msgstr "伊朗伊斯蘭共和國" msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)" msgstr "梵帝岡(梵蒂岡城國)" msgid "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" msgstr "赫德島和麥克唐納群島" msgid "Gabon" msgstr "加彭" msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "法國南部領土" msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgstr "福克蘭群島" msgid "China" msgstr "中國" msgid "Canada" msgstr "加拿大" msgid "Estonia" msgstr "愛沙尼亞" msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "厄立特里亞" msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "厄瓜多爾" msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "多明尼加共和國" msgid "Denmark" msgstr "丹麥" msgid "Cuba" msgstr "古巴" msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "庫克群島" msgid "Congo" msgstr "剛果" msgid "Comoros" msgstr "科摩羅" msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "捷克共和國" msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "塞浦路斯" msgid "Croatia" msgstr "克羅地亞" msgid "Colombia" msgstr "哥倫比亞" msgid "Chile" msgstr "智利" msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "中非共和國" msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "開曼群島" msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "喀麥隆" msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "赤道幾內亞" msgid "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" msgstr "剛果民主共和國" msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "科科斯群島" msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "聖誕島" msgid "Chad" msgstr "查德" msgid "Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "象牙海岸" msgid "Brazil" msgstr "巴西" msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "柬埔寨" msgid "Botswana" msgstr "博茨瓦納" msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "玻利維亞" msgid "Belarus" msgstr "白俄羅斯" msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "巴哈馬" msgid "Austria" msgstr "奧地利" msgid "Armenia" msgstr "亞美尼亞" msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "安提瓜和巴布達" msgid "Angola" msgstr "安哥拉" msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "美屬薩摩亞" msgid "Algeria" msgstr "阿爾及利亞" msgid "Albania" msgstr "阿爾巴尼亞" msgid "Burundi" msgstr "布隆迪" msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "布基納法索" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "保加利亞" msgid "Brunei Darussalam" msgstr "文萊" msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "英屬印度洋領地" msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "布威島" msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那" msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "不丹" msgid "Benin" msgstr "貝寧" msgid "Belgium" msgstr "比利時" msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "孟加拉國" msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "阿塞拜疆" msgid "Åland Islands" msgstr "奧蘭" msgid "Virgin Islands" msgstr "維爾京群島" msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "台灣" msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "阿富汗" msgid "Not set" msgstr "尚未設定" msgid "" "Renew now for one more year or cancel this domain" msgstr "" "立即更新再續約一年,或取" "消這個網域" msgid "Update the default pages" msgstr "更新預設頁面" msgid "Select your tagline and time zone" msgstr "選擇標語和時區" msgid "Upload your logo" msgstr "上載你的圖樣" msgid "Customize your site's navigation menu" msgstr "自訂你的網站導覽選單" msgid "" "This screen shows an individual user all of their sites in this network, and " "also allows that user to set a primary site. They can use the links under " "each site to visit either the front end or the dashboard for that site." msgstr "" "這個畫面顯示使用者在本網絡中擁有的全部網站,並允許使用者設定主要網站。他們可" "以使用每個網站下方連結以存取網站首頁或控制台。" msgctxt "Form label: Email sent to [address] (will arrive at...)" msgid "Emails sent to" msgstr "電子郵件已傳送至" msgid "Partnership" msgstr "合作關係" msgid "Quick access to popular views of your o2" msgstr "快速訪問o2的熱門景觀" msgid "Goal met!" msgstr "達到了目標!" msgid "1m" msgstr "1分" msgid "1s" msgstr "1秒" msgid "%dy" msgstr "%dy" msgid "1y" msgstr "1y" msgid "%dmo" msgstr "%dmo" msgid "1mo" msgstr "1mo" msgid "1d" msgstr "1d" msgid "%dh" msgstr "%dh" msgid "%dm" msgstr "%dm" msgid "%dd" msgstr "%d 天" msgid "1h" msgstr "1小時" msgid "Spanish" msgstr "西班牙文" msgid "" "This is the management page for following blogs. You will receive an email " "at %s whenever a new post is made on these sites. Unfollow a blog to stop " "receiving emails from that blog. Go to Settings to stop receiving " "all emails from" msgstr "" "本管理頁面可用來管理下列網誌。每當這些網站發佈新文章時,系統便會傳送電子郵件" "至 %s 通知你。取消關注網誌後,將不會再收到來自該網誌的電子郵件。前往「設" "定」,即可設定停止接收所有來自 的電子郵件。" msgid "Register Now" msgstr "立即註冊" msgid "Contact Us" msgstr "聯絡我們" msgid "Which of the following do you have?" msgstr "您有以下哪些?" msgid "Do you have a web hosting account already?" msgstr "你有網絡託管帳戶嗎?" msgid "What do you want to use as your new site’s primary web address?" msgstr "您想將什麼用作新網站的主要網址?" msgid "Use sharing tools to spread the word about your work." msgstr "使用共享工具宣傳您的工作。" msgid "" "Add links to your Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr profiles in your site's footer" msgstr "在您網站的頁腳中添加指向您的Facebook,Twitter或Tumblr個人資料的連結" msgid "Make it easy for readers to share your comics" msgstr "讓讀者輕鬆分享您的漫畫" msgid "Connect with Your Readers" msgstr "與讀者聯絡" msgid "How do you want to promote the campaign?" msgstr "你想要如何促銷此活動?" msgid "Which Internet Defense League campaign do you want to participate in?" msgstr "你想要加入哪個 Internet Defense League 活動?" msgid "Don't display a badge (just the campaign)" msgstr "不顯示徽章 (只參加活動)" msgid "Red Cat Badge" msgstr "Red Cat 徽章" msgid "Super Badge" msgstr "Super 徽章" msgid "Shield Badge" msgstr "Shield 徽章" msgid "Modal (Overlay Box)" msgstr "模式 (重疊方塊)" msgid "Banner at the top of my site" msgstr "顯示在網站頂端作為橫幅" msgid "None, just display the badge please" msgstr "不顯示,請只顯示徽章" msgid "All current and future campaigns" msgstr "所有目前及未來的活動" msgid "Show your support for the Internet Defense League." msgstr "展現你對 Internet Defense League 的支援。" msgid "Internet Defense League" msgstr "Internet Defense League" msgid "Carousel" msgstr "輪播" msgid "Create a contact form" msgstr "建立聯絡表單" msgid "VaultPress" msgstr "VaultPress" msgid "Invalid token." msgstr "無效的權杖。" msgid "Connect with Guests" msgstr "與賓客聯絡" msgid "I already have an account" msgstr "我已有帳戶" msgid "I do not have an account yet" msgstr "我未有帳戶" msgid "Ok, I've created an account" msgstr "好的,我建立了一個帳戶" msgid "+ expand source" msgstr "+擴展來源" msgid " for %s" msgstr "對於%s" msgid "Taxonomy" msgstr "分類法" msgid "Endpoints for testing API calls." msgstr "用於測試API調用的端點。" msgid "Tests" msgstr "測試" msgid "#%1$s" msgstr "#%1$s" msgid "Leverage our powerful sharing tools to keep your class in the loop." msgstr "利用我們強大的共享工具讓您的班級保持循環。" msgid "Connect with Your Students" msgstr "與學生聯絡" msgid "Subtitles" msgstr "字幕" msgid "This subtitles file is invalid." msgstr "此字幕檔案無效。" msgid "Manage Subtitles →" msgstr "管理字幕→" msgid " login:" msgstr "del.icio.us登入:" msgid " Please email for support" msgstr "請發送電子郵件至help@about.me獲取支援" msgid " mentiontioning following url:" msgstr "提到以下網址:" msgid " Please contact for support" msgstr "請聯絡help@about.me獲取支援" msgid "We're sorry, that's not a valid username. If you haven't, please " msgstr "很抱歉,這不是有效的使用者名稱。如果你還沒有,請" msgid "Your URL" msgstr "你的about.me網址" msgid ", create a page then add your full URL here." msgstr ",建立一個頁面,然後在這裡添加完整的 URL。" msgid "There was an authorization error in the registration process." msgstr "註冊過程中存在授權錯誤。" msgid "Email has been sent to for support" msgstr "電子郵件已發送至help@about.me以獲取支援" msgid "There was an authorization error in the profile api request." msgstr "配置檔案api請求中存在授權錯誤。" msgid "Blogs I don't want receive push notifications" msgstr "我不想收到推送通知的網誌" msgid "I've reached an achievement on my blog" msgstr "我在網誌上取得了成就" msgid "Prato" msgstr "普拉托" msgid "Configure the Basics" msgstr "配置基礎" msgid "Tiled Galleries" msgstr "並列的藝廊" msgid "ERROR: Invalid verification code" msgstr "錯誤:驗證碼無效" msgid "The domain name you entered does not appear to be valid." msgstr "您輸入的域名似乎無效。" msgid "Code is Poetry" msgstr "程式碼,如詩" msgid "" "We encountered an error while communicating with the server. " "Please try again later." msgstr "我們在與about.me伺服器通信時遇到錯誤。請稍後再試。" msgid "Don't have an page?" msgstr "沒有about.me頁面?" msgid "Missing parameter %s" msgstr "缺少參數 %s" msgid "Start Over" msgstr "重新開始" msgid "Header Menu" msgstr "頁首選單" msgid "Invalid post data." msgstr "郵寄資料無效。" msgid "Invalid verification code" msgstr "無效驗證碼" msgid "%d Days" msgstr "%d 天" msgctxt "word count: words or characters?" msgid "words" msgstr "characters" msgid "Terms" msgstr "項目" msgid "United States" msgstr "美國" msgid "Infinite Scroll" msgstr "無限捲動" msgid "Salta" msgstr "薩爾塔" msgid "Mobile" msgstr "流動" msgid "Invalid user role. Please try again." msgstr "無效的用戶,請再次嘗試。" msgid "Following Since" msgstr "關注自從" msgid "Egypt" msgstr "埃及" msgctxt "Post type singular name" msgid "Course" msgstr "課程" msgctxt "Post type general name" msgid "Courses" msgstr "課程" msgid "Fill in your profile" msgstr "填寫您的個人資料" msgid "and many more not listed here" msgstr "還有更多未列出的網誌" msgid "User not found" msgstr "找不到使用者" msgid "Thanks," msgstr "謝謝!" msgid "Preload" msgstr "預載" msgid "Home Page Sections" msgstr "主頁部分" msgid "The requested invite was not found." msgstr "找不到請求的邀請。" msgid "Georgia" msgstr "喬治亞" msgid "Invalid device token." msgstr "設備令牌無效。" msgid "Add New After" msgstr "新增時機:" msgid "Invalid item ID." msgstr "項目識別碼無效。" msgid "Akismet" msgstr "Akismet" msgid "Site Stats" msgstr "網誌統計" msgid "" "Howdy ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "You recently requested to have the email address on your account changed.\n" "\n" "If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n" "take this action.\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "您好 ###USERNAME###:\n" "\n" "您最近要求將帳戶的電子郵件地址變更。\n" "\n" "如果這是正確的,請點擊以下連結變更它:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "如果您不想採取此操作,您可以安全地忽略和刪除此電子郵件。\n" "\n" "此電子郵件已發送到 ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "###SITENAME### 管理團隊\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Gravatar Hovercards" msgstr "滑鼠懸浮顯示大頭貼名片" msgid "Permanent Resident" msgstr "永久居民" msgid "Related Posts" msgstr "相關文章" msgid "Create account" msgstr "建立你的WordPress.com帳戶" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Band" msgstr "樂團" msgid "Book" msgstr "書籍" msgid "Cafe" msgstr "咖啡館" msgid "School" msgstr "學校" msgid "Sport" msgstr "運動" msgid "University" msgstr "大學" msgid "Government" msgstr "政府" msgid "Landmark" msgstr "地標 (Landmark)" msgid "Musician" msgstr "音樂家 (Musician)" msgid "Object type." msgstr "物件類別。" msgid "Director" msgstr "導演 (Director)" msgid "Bar" msgstr "橫條" msgid "Theme installed successfully." msgstr "佈景主題安裝成功。" msgid "Likes" msgstr "讚" msgid "Tagged %2$s" msgstr "標記 %2$s" msgid "Posted in %2$s" msgstr "張貼在 %2$s" msgid "" "Posted on %2$s by %3$s" msgstr "" "發佈日期: %2$s,作者: %3$s" msgid "Newer Comments " msgstr "新評論 " msgid " Older Comments" msgstr " 舊評論" msgid "" "Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "" "將永久連結加" "入書籤。" msgid "Primary Navigation" msgstr "主導覽列" msgid "%s says:" msgstr "%s 說:" msgid "Please include a %s template in your theme." msgstr "請將 %s 範本加入你的佈景主題。" msgid "" "This entry was posted in %1$s. Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "" "本篇發佈於 %1$s。將永久連結加入書籤。" msgid "" "This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s. Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "" "本篇發佈於 %1$s 並標籤為 %2$s。將永久連結加入書籤。" msgid "Pingback:" msgstr "通告:" msgctxt "Next post link" msgid "→" msgstr "→" msgctxt "Previous post link" msgid "←" msgstr "←" msgid "" "Howdy USERNAME,\n" "\n" "Your new account is set up.\n" "\n" "You can log in with the following information:\n" "Username: USERNAME\n" "Password: PASSWORD\n" "LOGINLINK\n" "\n" "Thanks!\n" "\n" "--The Team @ SITE_NAME" msgstr "" "USERNAME 你好,\n" "\n" "你的新帳戶已完成設定。\n" "\n" "請使用以下資訊登入網站:\n" "使用者名稱:USERNAME\n" "密碼:PASSWORD\n" "網站登入連結:LOGINLINK\n" "\n" "謝謝!\n" "\n" "-- SITE_NAME 管理團隊" msgid "" "Please complete the configuration steps. To create a new network, you will " "need to empty or remove the network database tables." msgstr "" "請完成設定步驟。要建立一個新的網誌網路,你將需要清空或移除網誌網路的資料表。" msgid "" "Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching " "will help." msgstr "抱歉,你要求的頁面找不到。或許使用搜尋會有幫助。" msgid "Sharing" msgstr "分享" msgid "commented on" msgstr "評論於" msgid "Newer posts " msgstr "較新的文章 " msgid " Older posts" msgstr " 較舊的文章" msgid "show source" msgstr "顯示來源" msgid "Custom CSS" msgstr "自訂CSS" msgid "Update options" msgstr "更新選項" msgid "Add new webhook" msgstr "建立新 Webhook" msgid "There was an unknown error." msgstr "未知的錯誤。" msgid "You must select at least one field to send." msgstr "至少須選取一項才能發送。" msgid "Edit this webhook" msgstr "編輯此 Webhook" msgid "Delete this webhook" msgstr "刪除此 Webhook" msgid "Deactivate this webhook" msgstr "停用此 WebHook" msgid "Save webhook" msgstr "儲存 Webhook" msgid "Fields" msgstr "欄位" msgid "filter" msgstr "篩選" msgid "action" msgstr "管理項目" msgid "Filter:" msgstr "篩選:" msgid "Action:" msgstr "操作:" msgid "Hook" msgstr "鉤" msgid "Activate this webhook" msgstr "啟動此 WebHook" msgid "Do you really want to reset your configuration?" msgstr "你真的想重設你的配置嗎?" msgid "WebHooks" msgstr "網絡掛接" msgid "Reset options" msgstr "重設設定" msgid "Add webhook" msgstr "增加網頁連結" msgid "Please enter a valid URL." msgstr "請輸入有效網址 URL。" msgid "Webhooks" msgstr "Webhooks" msgid "Spain" msgstr "西班牙" msgid "Reset to Defaults" msgstr "還原至預設設定" msgid "print" msgstr "列印" msgid "The code is in your clipboard now" msgstr "代碼已複製到你的剪貼簿了" msgid "copy to clipboard" msgstr "複製到剪貼簿" msgid "view source" msgstr "檢視原始碼" msgid "[None]" msgstr "[無]" msgid "" "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments." msgstr "這篇文章受到密碼保護,請輸入密碼閱讀留言。" msgid "View all posts by %s" msgstr "檢視 %s 的所有文章" msgid "RSS Feed" msgstr "RSS 訂閱" msgid "Permalink to %s" msgstr "%s 的固定網址" msgid "(Edit)" msgstr "(編輯)" msgid "% Comments" msgstr "% 則評論" msgid "1 Comment" msgstr "1 則評論" msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "你的留言正在審核中。" msgid "Gravatar" msgstr "Gravatar" msgid "" "You’ll need to make some comments before you can use this feature. " "Check out the tag surfer or blogs of the day for posts you may be " "interested in." msgstr "" "在開始使用這個功能之前,你必須曾經回應過別人的文章才行。到標籤漫遊今日最熱" "門網誌來找找你可能會感興趣的文章吧。" msgid "s" msgstr "s" msgid "Subscriptions" msgstr "訂閱" msgid "Writing" msgstr "寫作" msgctxt "Default link category slug" msgid "Blogroll" msgstr "友站連結" msgid "English" msgstr "英文" msgid "Samoa" msgstr "薩摩亞" msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "皮特康" msgid "Palau" msgstr "帕勞" msgid "Niue" msgstr "紐威島" msgid "Nauru" msgstr "諾魯" msgid "Guam" msgstr "關島" msgid "Fiji" msgstr "斐濟" msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "馬約特" msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "毛里求斯" msgid "Maldives" msgstr "馬爾代夫" msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." msgstr "你沒有足夠的權限編輯此頁面。" msgid "San Marino" msgstr "聖馬力諾" msgid "Rome" msgstr "羅馬" msgid "Monaco" msgstr "摩納哥" msgid "Madrid" msgstr "馬德里" msgid "Malta" msgstr "馬耳他" msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "盧森堡" msgid "Jersey" msgstr "澤西島" msgid "Isle of Man" msgstr "馬恩島" msgid "Guernsey" msgstr "根西" msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "直布羅陀" msgid "Brussels" msgstr "布魯塞爾" msgid "Andorra" msgstr "安道爾" msgid "Victoria" msgstr "維多利亞" msgid "Tasmania" msgstr "塔斯曼尼亞" msgid "Queensland" msgstr "昆士蘭" msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "佛得角" msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "百慕達" msgid "Tokyo" msgstr "東京" msgid "Singapore" msgstr "新加坡" msgid "Qatar" msgstr "卡塔爾" msgid "Macao" msgstr "澳門" msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "科威特" msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "香港" msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "巴林" msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "南極洲" msgid "Sao Paulo" msgstr "聖保羅" msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "波多黎各" msgid "Panama" msgstr "巴拿馬" msgid "North Dakota" msgstr "北達科他" msgid "New York" msgstr "紐約" msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "蒙特塞拉特" msgid "Martinique" msgstr "馬提尼克" msgid "Kentucky" msgstr "肯塔基州" msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "牙買加" msgid "Indiana" msgstr "印第安納" msgid "Guyana" msgstr "圭亞納" msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "危地馬拉" msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "哥德普洛" msgid "Grenada" msgstr "格瑞納達" msgid "Australia" msgstr "澳大利亞" msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "薩爾瓦多" msgid "Dominica" msgstr "多明尼加" msgid "Curacao" msgstr "庫拉桑" msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "哥斯達黎加" msgid "Chihuahua" msgstr "奇瓦瓦" msgid "Belize" msgstr "貝里斯" msgid "Barbados" msgstr "巴貝多" msgid "Bahia" msgstr "巴易亞" msgid "Aruba" msgstr "阿路巴" msgid "Ceuta" msgstr "休達" msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "吉布地" msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "安圭拉" msgid "Argentina" msgstr "阿根廷" msgid "Cordoba" msgstr "科多瓦" msgid "Could not create directory." msgstr "無法新建目錄。" msgid "Could not access filesystem." msgstr "無法讀取檔案系統。" msgid "Blogroll" msgstr "友站連結" msgid "Name:" msgstr "名稱:" msgid "Once Hourly" msgstr "每小時一次" msgid "Once Daily" msgstr "每天一次" msgid "Twice Daily" msgstr "每天二次" msgid "Not Found" msgstr "找不到頁面" msgid "Invalid form submission." msgstr "表單處理失敗。" msgid "Duotone" msgstr "雙色調"